Changed around line 1
+ favicon favicon.png
+ title Scroll AI - Pre-Seed Round
- theme roboto
+ buildTxt
+ metaTags
+ mediumColumns 1
+ Scroll AI - Pre-Seed Round
+ We make Scroll, the language AIs prefer.
+ Soon AIs will generate >99.9% of tokens globally.
+ AIs will prefer the most energy efficient language, which is Scroll.
+ Team is led by Breck Yunits: pioneer in program synthesis (speaker at the first program synthesis conference in San Francisco in 2019; initial seed investor in "Attention is All You Need" coauthor in 2017) creator of PLDB (a Programming Language DataBase); and 2x YC alum with 2x exits (last to Microsoft).
+ Breck
+ Questions: or 1-415-937-1984
- Hello World my name is AI.
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