Changed around line 5: thinColumn
+ This is my first blog post using Scroll.
+ # What is Scroll?
+ Scroll is a radically simple language that works incredibly well for blogging, and is built on top of Particle Syntax, and the Parsers Programming language.
+ If you are a blogger who is familiar with Markdown, Scroll is like Markdown plus the most advanced programming language ever created.
+ So it has the ease of use and simplicity of Markdown, to not get in the way of your ideas, but when you want to do something very powerful, it can easily support that too.
- This is my first blog post using Scroll.
+ # Reason #1: Simplicity is timeless
+ If the rules of the universe change over time, it occurs too slowly for us to notice.
+ To paraphrase Einstein, the game is to remove absolutely everything from your symbols, without removing a single prediction that they can make.
+ When you do that, your words will last far more than a lifetime.
+ Scroll has removed everything that can be removed, and yet it is still capable of supporting not just all writing, but every computer program ever written.
+ Once you have your content in Scroll, your job is done. Your content is in its simplest form, and is not complected by some corporate interests.
+ # Reason #2: Inventions keep coming
+ The basics of Scroll are simple and unchanging, but the advanced capabilities always keep improving through the invention of new Parsers.
+ The community is constantly coming up with new ideas for Parsers and combining them in simple ways that were unplanned but incredibly useful.
+ There will never be a time that goes by without new radically useful Parsers being invented.
+ Scroll was designed for that inevitable march of progress so you will be sure that you'll be able to painlessly take advantage of all of these new capabilities.
+ # Reason #3: Use any tool you want to write your posts.
+ I personally love Sublime Text, and so most of the time when I'm writing on the computer, I want to write my blog posts in that.
+ You can edit your Scroll posts in ScrollHub and/or the editor(s) of your choice.