Changed around line 1425: uninstall_installed() {
- echo "- define N_PREFIX to a writeable location, or"
+ if [[ "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" == "${N_PREFIX}" ]]; then
+ echo "- define N_PREFIX to a writeable location, or"
+ else
+ echo "- define N_PREFIX and N_CACHE_PREFIX to writeable locations, or"
+ fi
Changed around line 1560: function show_diagnostics() {
- printf "\nChecking permissions for cache folder...\n"
- # Most likely problem is ownership rather than than permissions as such.
- local cache_root="${N_PREFIX}/n"
- if [[ -e "${N_PREFIX}" && ! -w "${N_PREFIX}" && ! -e "${cache_root}" ]]; then
- echo_red "You do not have write permission to create: ${cache_root}"
- show_permission_suggestions
- echo "- make a folder you own:"
- echo " sudo mkdir -p \"${cache_root}\""
- echo " sudo chown $(whoami) \"${cache_root}\""
- elif [[ -e "${cache_root}" && ! -w "${cache_root}" ]]; then
- echo_red "You do not have write permission to: ${cache_root}"
- show_permission_suggestions
- echo "- change folder ownership to yourself:"
- echo " sudo chown -R $(whoami) \"${cache_root}\""
- elif [[ ! -e "${cache_root}" ]]; then
- echo "Cache folder does not exist: ${cache_root}"
- echo "This is normal if you have not done an install yet, as cache is only created when needed."
- elif [[ -e "${CACHE_DIR}" && ! -w "${CACHE_DIR}" ]]; then
- echo_red "You do not have write permission to: ${CACHE_DIR}"
- show_permission_suggestions
- echo "- change folder ownership to yourself:"
- echo " sudo chown -R $(whoami) \"${CACHE_DIR}\""
- else
+ printf "\nChecking prefix folders...\n"
+ if [[ ! -e "${N_PREFIX}" ]]; then
+ echo "Folder does not exist: ${N_PREFIX}"
+ echo "- This folder will be created when you do an install."
+ fi
+ if [[ "${N_PREFIX}" != "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" && ! -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" ]]; then
+ echo "Folder does not exist: ${N_CACHE_PREFIX}"
+ echo "- This folder will be created when you do an install."
+ fi
+ if [[ -e "${N_PREFIX}" && -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" ]]; then
+ if [[ -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" ]]; then
+ printf "\nChecking permissions for cache folder...\n"
+ # Using knowledge cache path ends in /n/versions in following check.
+ if [[ ! -e "${CACHE_DIR}" && (( -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}/n" && ! -w "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}/n" ) || ( ! -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}/n" && ! -w "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" )) ]]; then
+ echo_red "You do not have write permission to create: ${CACHE_DIR}"
+ show_permission_suggestions
+ echo "- make a folder you own:"
+ echo " sudo mkdir -p \"${CACHE_DIR}\""
+ echo " sudo chown $(whoami) \"${CACHE_DIR}\""
+ elif [[ ! -e "${CACHE_DIR}" ]]; then
+ echo "Cache folder does not exist: ${CACHE_DIR}"
+ echo "- This is normal if you have not done an install yet, as cache is only created when needed."
+ elif [[ ! -w "${CACHE_DIR}" ]]; then
+ echo_red "You do not have write permission to: ${CACHE_DIR}"
+ show_permission_suggestions
+ echo "- change folder ownership to yourself:"
+ echo " sudo chown -R $(whoami) \"${CACHE_DIR}\""
+ else
+ echo "good"
+ fi
+ fi
- # Most likely problem is ownership rather than than permissions as such.
Changed around line 1604: function show_diagnostics() {
+ if [[ ! -e "${N_PREFIX}/${subdir}" && ! -w "${N_PREFIX}" ]]; then
+ install_writeable="false"
+ echo_red "You do not have write permission to create: ${N_PREFIX}/${subdir}"
+ break
+ fi
- echo " (cd \"${N_PREFIX}\" && sudo chown -R $(whoami) bin lib include share)"
+ echo " cd \"${N_PREFIX}\""
+ echo " sudo mkdir -p bin lib include share"
+ echo " sudo chown -R $(whoami) bin lib include share"