Changed around line 34: scientist Henry Cavendish
+ id Davisson-Germer
+ year 1927
+ scientist Davisson and Germer
+ impactScore 87
+ equipment Electron diffraction apparatus
+ outcome Proved wave nature of electrons
+ id Photoelectric
+ year 1905
+ scientist Heinrich Hertz
+ impactScore 94
+ equipment Ultraviolet light source
+ outcome Demonstrated quantum nature of light
+ id Rutherford Gold Foil
+ year 1909
+ scientist Ernest Rutherford
+ impactScore 96
+ equipment Gold foil, alpha particles
+ outcome Discovered atomic nucleus
+ id Fizeau-Foucault
+ year 1850
+ scientist Fizeau and Foucault
+ impactScore 84
+ equipment Rotating mirror apparatus
+ outcome First accurate measurement of light speed
+ id Franck-Hertz
+ year 1914
+ scientist Franck and Hertz
+ impactScore 88
+ equipment Mercury vapor tube
+ outcome Proved quantum energy levels
+ id Pound-Rebka
+ year 1959
+ scientist Pound and Rebka
+ impactScore 86
+ equipment Gamma ray spectrometer
+ outcome Verified gravitational time dilation
+ id Wu Experiment
+ year 1956
+ scientist Chien-Shiung Wu
+ impactScore 89
+ equipment Cobalt-60 decay setup
+ outcome Proved parity violation
+ id Bell Test
+ year 1972
+ scientist John Clauser
+ impactScore 93
+ equipment Entangled photon source
+ outcome Verified quantum entanglement
+ id Galileo Ball Drop
+ year 1589
+ scientist Galileo Galilei
+ impactScore 92
+ equipment Leaning Tower of Pisa
+ outcome Proved objects fall at same rate
+ id Cosmic Microwave
+ year 1964
+ scientist Penzias and Wilson
+ impactScore 97
+ equipment Horn antenna
+ outcome Discovered cosmic background radiation
+ id Cathode Ray
+ year 1897
+ scientist J.J. Thomson
+ impactScore 91
+ equipment Cathode ray tube
+ outcome Discovered electron
+ id Hafele-Keating
+ year 1971
+ scientist Hafele and Keating
+ impactScore 85
+ equipment Atomic clocks
+ outcome Proved time dilation effect
+ id Eötvös
+ year 1908
+ scientist Roland Eötvös
+ impactScore 83
+ equipment Torsion balance
+ outcome Verified equivalence principle
+ id Aspect
+ year 1982
+ scientist Alain Aspect
+ impactScore 90
+ equipment Photon detectors
+ outcome Tested Bell inequalities
+ id Compton
+ year 1923
+ scientist Arthur Compton
+ impactScore 89
+ equipment X-ray scattering setup
+ outcome Proved particle nature of photons