Changed around line 1
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"learn", "left", "leg", "lesson", "letter", "library", "licked", "light", "like", "listening to music", "little", "live", "living room", "London", "long", "longer", "look for", "look up", "lost", "lot", "lots of", "loud", "love", "lovely", "lower", "lunch", "magazine", "make a snowman", "man", "map", "March", "maths book", "May", "meet", "metre", "mice", "Mid-Autumn Festival", "milk", "mine", "Monday", "monkey", "moon", "mooncake", "more", "Moscow", "mother", "mountain", "mouse", "mouth", "move", "Mrs", "Ms", "mud", "mule", "mum", "Munich", "museum", "music class", "music room", "must", "national", "National Day", "nature", "near", "need", "new", "New York", "next", "next to", "next week", "nice", "nine", "nineteen", "no", "no problem", "noise", "noodles", "nose", "notebook", "nothing", "November", "now", "nurse", "o'clock", "October", "of course", "off", "often", "OK", "old", "older", "on", "on foot", "one", "onion", "open", "or", "orange", "other", "our", "ours", "outside", "over", 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+ let lastWord = '';
+ let isPlayerTurn = true;
+ document.getElementById('submit-word').addEventListener('click', function() {
+ const userWord = document.getElementById('word-input').value.toLowerCase();
+ if (isValidWord(userWord)) {
+ lastWord = userWord;
+ document.getElementById('word-display').textContent = `Last word: ${lastWord}`;
+ document.getElementById('result').textContent = '';
+ isPlayerTurn = false;
+ setTimeout(computerTurn, 1000);
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById('result').textContent = 'Invalid word or not in the list!';
+ }
+ document.getElementById('word-input').value = '';
+ });
+ function isValidWord(word) {
+ if (!wordList.includes(word)) return false;
+ if (lastWord && word[0] !== lastWord[lastWord.length - 1]) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function computerTurn() {
+ const possibleWords = wordList.filter(word => word[0] === lastWord[lastWord.length - 1]);
+ if (possibleWords.length > 0) {
+ const computerWord = possibleWords[Math.floor(Math.random() * possibleWords.length)];
+ lastWord = computerWord;
+ document.getElementById('word-display').textContent = `Last word: ${lastWord}`;
+ isPlayerTurn = true;
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById('result').textContent = 'Computer cannot find a word. You win!';
+ }
+ }