Changed around line 21: Here’s what I think now that I didn’t understand back in the day. Say someon
- My point is growing up math was probably my favorite subject. Calculus amazed me. I really thought math was eventually going to explain everything to me about the world. But then it started getting much more specific and I stopped seeing math in everyday life. With calculus I saw derivatives in everything from the acceleration of a car to the temperature drop at night. But a few years of multivariables calculus and linear algebra and stuff later and I stopped getting a sense that math could really answer the big questions about the world.
+ My point is growing up math was probably my favorite subject. Calculus amazed me. I really thought math was eventually going to explain everything to me about the world. But then it started getting much more specific and I stopped seeing math in everyday life. With calculus I saw derivatives in everything from the acceleration of a car to the temperature drop at night. But a few years of multivariable calculus and linear algebra and stuff later and I stopped getting a sense that math could really answer the big questions about the world.
- P.S. I know this is probably a naivve look at complex math topics, but I’m 1% sure that I’m totally correct and all those smart mathematicians are wrong.
+ P.S. I know this is probably a naive look at complex math topics, but I’m 1% sure that I’m totally correct and all those smart mathematicians are wrong.