
Learning How to Program Part I

while ($brecks_programming_skills < ā€˜greatā€™) { write_learning_how_to_program_series(); }

August 28, 2007 ā€” I thought today Iā€™d write my first post on programming. I have always been very passionate about computers, but to be honest my programming skills are embarrassingly weak. Mainly itā€™s because I havenā€™t spent any time developing them. Although I wrote my first webpage in 1996, it wasnā€™t until 2002 at Duke that I wrote my first computer program.

Until I took Computer Science 6 that fall semester in 2002, computers were still pretty much a mystery to me. Luckily that class was a complete eye-opener and advanced me light-years ahead to where I wanted to be. Well, almost advanced me light years ahead. Unfortunately for my programming skills, I spent the next four years enjoying life and learning about non-digital things.

Then during a trip to San Francisco in November of 2006, a number of friends, after discussing my career goals, strongly encouraged me to learn the technical stuff(thanks for the solid advice yaā€™ll, particularly Mareza). So I heeded their advice, and rather than enjoy my Friday afternoons during my Senior Spring Semester I learned how to count in binary, construct logic gates, and draw circuit diagrams in my first electrical engineering class. It wasnā€™t anything advanced, but it reignited my deep passion for the digital world.

Itā€™s funny, now that Iā€™m out of school, I finally have time to learn. I couldnā€™t be more excited to have graduated college and to have stumbled into such a great opportunity with SeeMeWin. Now I have all day to program and learn new things with a terrific team of smart engineers.

Besides learning on the job, Iā€™m trying to spend time in new areas that normally I wouldnā€™t approach. Today for instance, I needed a break from the daily PHP grind today so I downloaded Eclipse(hadnā€™t used that since CompSci6) and started reacquainting myself with C++ and the whole ā€œnot-interpretted-at-run-time & statically typedā€ thing. Not a huge fan of C++ I must say. I know programs in C++ would execute faster, would probably be necessary in order to scale a high traffic site(unless servers could just be added), and there are a whole ton of cool libraries that can be used, but can someone tell me if thereā€™s a good reason to spend much time learning something like C++? It seems between PHP, Python, JavaScript, and Flash, I can pretty much create everything I would need to create. And with the price of equipment falling, and the interpreters of these languages getting more optimized themselves, is there a good reason to learn C++ well? I know Iā€™m probably wrong, so Iā€™d like to defer to some people with more knowledge than I.

So after brashly deciding C++ was outdated, I opted instead to fiddle with Ruby. So far, Iā€™m pretty impressed. Stay tuned as I expect to write my first side project with Rails sometime within the next month or two.



Note: I imported this post from my original Wordpress blog.

Original post

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