
Advice to the current batch of YCombinator companies: demand carry

September 6, 2024 โ€” I emailed this letter to the public companies in the current YCombinator batch.


Aloha S2024 batch,

I'm writing today to give you 1 piece of advice that I wish someone had told me when I was in YC: demand carry from YC for your batch.


Today you are the S2024 batch.

In 15 years you will be the X batch, where X is the name of whichever of you goes on to become the biggest hit.

By this naming convention I was in the Airbnb batch. And the Stripe batch. What luck, eh ;) ?


These Xs make YC its money.

But what makes these Xs?

The founders are #1, of course, but what else?

Here's YC's dirty secret: it is not the Partners or the Office Hours or Demo Day that makes these Xs.

Nope, not even close.


The Partners, the Office Hours, the Demo Day will be irrelevant to your startup compared to the long term impact your batchmates will have.

As founders you are building new colonies in the wilderness.

In those hard early years, you will depend on and be saved and elevated by your batchmates.


So, why do the people who do all the work get 0% of YC's carry?

YC's legal team will give you many laughable excuses.


The real reason is simple: a batch hasn't demanded it yet.


I used to be a moral compass inside YCombinator. Until they expelled me.

But losing access to Bookface is nothing compared to what happened to the previous moral compass, and my hero, aaronsw.

I believe in YCombinator and its ability to do good. But power does funny things to people, and I urge you to organize now, demand your rightful share, and ensure that there are some checks and balances on the YC partners.


Good luck, and feel free to reach out to me at any time, day or night. I want the best for you all.

Now, go make something the universe wants!





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