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MLscript - Programming language MLscript ======== MLscript is a programming language created in 2020 by Luyu Cheng and Lionel Parreaux. 2020 Luyu Cheng Lionel Parreaux #1624 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A step towards rethinking pattern matching to make it more powerful and natural to use. - Tags: programming language - MLscript is developed on GitHub - Early development of MLscript happened in HKUST - ML and OCaml and Haskell and Standard ML and Scala and Rust influenced the design of MLscript - MLscript is written in Scala, Standard ML, TypeScript, Markdown, JSON, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Nix, YAML, Make - First announcement of MLscript type List[A] = Cons[A] | Nil class Cons[out A](head: A, tail: List[A]) { fun map: (A -> 'B) -> List['B] map(f) = Cons of f(head), } module Nil { fun map(f) = Nil } fun (::) cons(x, xs) = Cons(x, xs) fun show(xs) = let rec go(xs) = if xs is Cons(h, Nil) then String(h) Cons(h, t) then join(String(h), ", ", go(t)) Nil then "" join("[", go(xs), "]") let xs = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil show(xs) show( of x => succ(x)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/21/2024 283 1.4
Metalang99 - Programming language Metalang99 ========== Metalang99 is a programming language created in 2021 by Lewis Pearson. 2021 Lewis Pearson #854 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Metalang99: A functional language for C99 preprocessor metaprogramming - Tags: programming language - Metalang99 is developed on GitHub and has 840 stars - Early development of Metalang99 happened in - Metalang99 is written in C, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, Markdown, CMake, Tex, YAML, Python, Make - Read more about Metalang99 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/19/2024 162 0.8
Clojure - Programming language Clojure ======= Clojure is an open source programming language created in 2007 by Rich Hickey. 2007 Rich Hickey #27 on PLDB 17 Years Old 82k Repos git clone Clojure ( , like "closure") is a dialect of the Lisp programming language. Clojure is a general-purpose programming language with an emphasis on functional programming. It runs on the Java virtual machine and the Common Language Runtime. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - Clojure is developed on GitHub and has 10,392 stars - Watch the history of the Clojure repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 82,125 Clojure repos on GitHub - Early development of Clojure happened in Cognitect - Clojure is written in Java, Clojure, Markdown, YAML, HTML, XML, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14k users using Clojure in 26k repos on GitHub - Check out the 378 Clojure meetup groups on - There are 29,258 members in the Clojure subreddit - There are 1,655 Project Euler users using Clojure - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Clojure programmers reported a median salary of $95,000. 2% of respondents reported using Clojure. 1,552 programmers reported using Clojure, and 2,413 said they wanted to use it - Explore Clojure snippets on Rosetta Code - Clojure ranks #42 in the TIOBE Index - Clojure Ubuntu package Clojure Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Clojure - Clojure LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Clojure - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Clojure - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Clojure - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Clojure - Clojure appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Clojure on exercism. - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Clojure:, - There is a central package repository for Clojure - Events page for Clojure Events page for Clojure - has 355 matches for "clojure engineer". - was registered in 2005 - See also: (20 related languages) JVM, C#, Common Lisp, Erlang, Haskell, Mathematica, ML, Prolog, Scheme, Java, Racket, Ruby, Elixir, Lisp, Apache Maven, S-expressions, CSP, ActionScript, Python, Unicode - Read more about Clojure on the web: 1. 1. - 22 PLDB concepts link to Clojure: Ace Editor, Clojure, ClojureScript, datascript, Felix, femtolisp, fleck, Flow9, F*, hasklig, Insitux, Jank, Julia, Linux, Lux, mal, multiaddr, Opal, OpenCV, Pan, Pygments, wah (println "Hello, world!") (println "Hello World") ; Hello world in Clojure (defn hello [] (println "Hello world!")) (hello) (defn rand "Returns a random floating point number between 0 (inclusive) and n (default 1) (exclusive)." ([] (scm* [n] (random-real))) ([n] (* (rand) n))) ;; A typical entry point of a Clojure program: ;; `-main` function (defn -main ; name [& args] ; (variable) parameters (println "Hello, World!")) ; body Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example (println "Hello, World!") Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example ; -?\d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example ; -?\d+\.\d+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example ; 0x-?[abcdef\d]+ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (comment A comment ) Token (comment ) row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Dynamic Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example ; ; (defmacro and "Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right. If a form returns logical false (nil or false), and returns that value and doesn't evaluate any of the other expressions, otherwise it returns the value of the last expr. (and) returns true." {:added "1.0"} ([] true) ([x] x) ([x & next] `(let [and# ~x] (if and# (and ~@next) and#)))) Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example (load "fun") (load "files/fun") (load-file "./files/fun.clj") (defproject project-a :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"] [project-b "0.1.0"]]) (require '[clojure.string :as string]) (use '[clojure.string :only [split]]) (import 'java.util.Date) (java.util.Date.) (require 'clojure.contrib.def 'clojure.contrib.except 'clojure.contrib.sql) (require '(clojure.contrib def except sql)) Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Partial Application FeatureLink ../features/hasPartialApplication.html Supported ✓ Example (defn fun-full [x y] (+ x y)) (fun-full 2 3) (def fun-half (partial fun-full 2)) (fun-half 3) Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/17/2024 913 4.6
ClojureScript - Programming language ClojureScript ============= ClojureScript is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Rich Hickey. 2011 Rich Hickey #73 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Clojure to JS compiler - Tags: programming language - ClojureScript is developed on GitHub and has 9,204 stars - Early development of ClojureScript happened in - ClojureScript compiles to JavaScript - ClojureScript is written in ClojureScript, Clojure, JavaScript, Bourne shell, HTML, Markdown, Bash, YAML, XML, CSS, PowerShell, JSON, SVG - First announcement of ClojureScript - There are 2,985 members in the ClojureScript subreddit - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ClojureScript - was registered in 2011 - 5 PLDB concepts link to ClojureScript: ClojureScript, datascript, mal, Pygments, Reason (println "Hello, world!") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Dynamic Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/17/2024 278 1.4
Move - Contract language Move ==== Move is a contract language created in 2022 by Sam Blackshear. 2022 Sam Blackshear #2477 on PLDB 2 Years Old A blockchain-agnostic language offering significant advancements in security and productivity. Move drastically reduces the Web3 learning curve and enables a developer experience of unprecedented ease. On a computer, everything is just bits and bytes and can be freely copied. You want a language that gives you the necessary abstractions around ownership and scarcity, just like in the physical world. You want those basic safety guarantees. That's what Move does and why we created a new language. These things are hard to recreate in other languages, including existing smart contract languages, and we wanted to design the entire language around providing these primitives so programmers can write code safely and efficiently and not have to reinvent the wheel every time they want to write some code. - Tags: contractLanguage - Early development of Move happened in Mysten Labs module satoshi_flip::house_data { use sui::balance::{Self, Balance}; use sui::sui::SUI; use sui::coin::{Self, Coin}; use sui::package::{Self}; // Error codes const ECallerNotHouse: u64 = 0; const EInsufficientBalance: u64 = 1; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/17/2024 260 1.3
Sui - Crypto protocol Sui === Sui is a crypto protocol created in 2022 by Evan Cheng. 2022 Evan Cheng #4704 on PLDB 2 Years Old - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/17/2024 94 0.5
Concepts Sitemap 10/16/2024 32012 160.1
COBOL - Programming language COBOL ===== COBOL, aka COmmon Business Oriented Language, is a programming language created in 1959 by Howard Bromberg and Norman Discount and Vernon Reeves and Jean E. Sammet and William Selden and Gertrude Tierney and Grace Hopper. 1959 Howard Bromberg Norman Discount Vernon Reeves Jean E. Sammet William Selden Gertrude Tierney Grace Hopper #37 on PLDB 65 Years Old 3k Repos COBOL (, an acronym for common business-oriented language) is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use. It is imperative, procedural and, since 2002, object-oriented. COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,411 COBOL repos on GitHub - Early development of COBOL happened in Conference/Committee on Data Systems Languages - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 628 users using COBOL in 667 repos on GitHub - Check out the 4 COBOL meetup groups on - There are 2,605 members in the COBOL subreddit - There are 39 Project Euler users using COBOL - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey COBOL programmers reported a median salary of $52,340. 1% of respondents reported using COBOL. 437 programmers reported using COBOL, and 309 said they wanted to use it - Explore COBOL snippets on Rosetta Code - COBOL on HOPL COBOL on HOPL - COBOL ranks #25 in the TIOBE Index - COBOL Ubuntu package COBOL Ubuntu package - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting COBOL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for COBOL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for COBOL - COBOL appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn COBOL on exercism. - has 838 matches for "cobol developer". - See also: (16 related languages) COMTRAN, Eiffel, FLOW-MATIC, Smalltalk, PL/I, Programming Language for Business, ALGOL 58, Fully Automated Compiling Technique, Algol, Unicode, XML, Unix, Visual Basic .NET, UTF-8, JCL, Pascal - 5 PLDB concepts link to COBOL: Ace Editor, cloc, Particles, Pygments, typecobol IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. MAIN. PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISPLAY "Hello, world!". STOP RUN. identification division. program-id. cobol. procedure division. main. display 'Hello World.' end-display. stop run. * Hello World in COBOL ***************************** IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MAIN SECTION. DISPLAY "Hello World!" STOP RUN. **************************** program-id. hello. procedure division. display "Hello, World!". stop run. 19.52.48 JOB 3 $HASP100 COBUCLG ON READER1 COBOL BASE TEST 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEF677I WARNING MESSAGE(S) FOR JOB COBUCLG ISSUED 19.52.48 JOB 3 $HASP373 COBUCLG STARTED - INIT 1 - CLASS A - SYS BSP1 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEC130I SYSPUNCH DD STATEMENT MISSING 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEC130I SYSLIB DD STATEMENT MISSING 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEC130I SYSPUNCH DD STATEMENT MISSING 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEFACTRT - Stepname Procstep Program Retcode 19.52.48 JOB 3 COBUCLG BASETEST COB IKFCBL00 RC= 0000 19.52.48 JOB 3 COBUCLG BASETEST LKED IEWL RC= 0000 19.52.48 JOB 3 +HELLO, WORLD 19.52.48 JOB 3 COBUCLG BASETEST GO PGM=*.DD RC= 0000 19.52.48 JOB 3 $HASP395 COBUCLG ENDED ACCEPT ACCESS ADD ADDRESS ADVANCING AFTER ALL ALPHABET ALPHABETIC ALPHABETIC-LOWER ALPHABETIC-UPPER ALPHANUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC-EDITED ALSO ALTER ALTERNATE AND ANY APPLY ARE AREA AREAS ASCENDING ASSIGN AT AUTHOR BASIS BEFORE BEGINNING BINARY BLANK BLOCK BOTTOM BY CALL CANCEL CBL CD CF CH CHARACTER CHARACTERS CLASS CLASS-ID CLOCK-UNITS CLOSE COBOL CODE CODE-SET COLLATING COLUMN COM-REG COMMA COMMON COMMUNICATION COMP COMP-1 COMP-2 COMP-3 COMP-4 COMP-5 COMPUTATIONAL COMPUTATIONAL-1 COMPUTATIONAL-2 COMPUTATIONAL-3 COMPUTATIONAL-4 COMPUTATIONAL-5 COMPUTE CONFIGURATION CONTAINS CONTENT CONTINUE CONTROL CONTROLS CONVERTING COPY CORR CORRESPONDING COUNT CURRENCY DATA DATE-COMPILED DATE-WRITTEN DAY DAY-OF-WEEK DBCS DE DEBUG-CONTENTS DEBUG-ITEM DEBUG-LINE DEBUG-NAME DEBUG-SUB-1 DEBUG-SUB-2 DEBUG-SUB-3 DEBUGGING DECIMAL-POINT DECLARATIVES DELETE DELIMITED DELIMITER DEPENDING DESCENDING DESTINATION DETAIL DISPLAY DISPLAY-1 DIVIDE DIVISION DOWN DUPLICATES DYNAMIC EGCS EGI EJECT ELSE EMI ENABLE END END-ADD END-CALL END-COMPUTE END-DELETE END-DIVIDE END-EVALUATE END-IF END-INVOKE END-MULTIPLY END-OF-PAGE END-PERFORM END-READ END-RECEIVE END-RETURN END-REWRITE END-SEARCH END-START END-STRING END-SUBTRACT END-UNSTRING END-WRITE ENDING ENTER ENTRY ENVIRONMENT EOP EQUAL ERROR ESI EVALUATE EVERY EXCEPTION EXIT EXTEND EXTERNAL FALSE FD FILE FILE-CONTROL FILLER FINAL FIRST FOOTING FOR FROM FUNCTION GENERATE GIVING GLOBAL GO GOBACK GREATER GROUP HEADING HIGH-VALUE HIGH-VALUES I-O I-O-CONTROL ID IDENTIFICATION IF IN INDEX INDEXED INDICATE INHERITS INITIAL INITIALIZE INITIATE INPUT INPUT-OUTPUT INSERT INSPECT INSTALLATION INTO INVALID INVOKE IS JUST JUSTIFIED KANJI KEY LABEL LAST LEADING LEFT LENGTH LESS LIMIT LIMITS LINAGE LINAGE-COUNTER LINE LINE-COUNTER LINES LINKAGE LOCAL-STORAGE LOCK LOW-VALUE LOW-VALUES MEMORY MERGE MESSAGE METACLASS METHOD METHOD-ID MODE MODULES MORE-LABELS MOVE MULTIPLE MULTIPLY NATIVE NATIVE_BINARY NEGATIVE NEXT NO NOT NULL NULLS NUMBER NUMERIC NUMERIC-EDITED OBJECT OBJECT-COMPUTER OCCURS OF OFF OMITTED ON OPEN OPTIONAL OR ORDER ORGANIZATION OTHER OUTPUT OVERFLOW OVERRIDE PACKED-DECIMAL PADDING PAGE PAGE-COUNTER PASSWORD PERFORM PF PH PIC PICTURE PLUS POINTER POSITION POSITIVE PRINTING PROCEDURE PROCEDURE-POINTER PROCEDURES PROCEED PROCESSING PROGRAM PROGRAM-ID PURGE QUEUE QUOTE QUOTES RANDOM RD READ READY RECEIVE RECORD RECORDING RECORDS RECURSIVE REDEFINES REEL REFERENCE REFERENCES RELATIVE RELEASE RELOAD REMAINDER REMOVAL RENAMES REPLACE REPLACING REPORT REPORTING REPORTS REPOSITORY RERUN RESERVE RESET RETURN RETURN-CODE RETURNING REVERSED REWIND REWRITE RF RH RIGHT ROUNDED RUN SAME SD SEARCH SECTION SECURITY SEGMENT SEGMENT-LIMIT SELECT SELF SEND SENTENCE SEPARATE SEQUENCE SEQUENTIAL SERVICE SET SHIFT-IN SHIFT-OUT SIGN SIZE SKIP1 SKIP2 SKIP3 SORT SORT-CONTROL SORT-CORE-SIZE SORT-FILE-SIZE SORT-MERGE SORT-MESSAGE SORT-MODE-SIZE SORT-RETURN SOURCE SOURCE-COMPUTER SPACE SPACES SPECIAL-NAMES STANDARD STANDARD-1 STANDARD-2 START STATUS STOP STRING SUB-QUEUE-1 SUB-QUEUE-2 SUB-QUEUE-3 SUBTRACT SUM SUPER SUPPRESS SYMBOLIC SYNC SYNCHRONIZED TABLE TALLY TALLYING TAPE TERMINAL TERMINATE TEST TEXT THAN THEN THROUGH THRU TIME TIMES TITLE TO TOP TRACE TRAILING TRUE TYPE UNIT UNSTRING UNTIL UP UPON USAGE USE USING VALUE VALUES VARYING WHEN WHEN-COMPILED WITH WORDS WORKING-STORAGE WRITE WRITE-ONLY ZERO ZEROES ZEROS Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example DISPLAY "Hello, World!". Token row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token DISPLAY row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example MOVE ABC to XYZ *> This is a comment. Token *> row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/16/2024 1327 6.6
05AB1E - Esoteric programming language 05AB1E ====== 05AB1E is an esoteric programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1213 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A concise stack-based golfing language - Tags: esoteric programming language - 05AB1E is developed on GitHub and has 755 stars - 05AB1E is written in Elixir, Markdown, YAML PUSH 4 PUSH 5 MULTIPLY "Hello World Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
1.pak - Programming language 1.pak ===== 1.pak is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4711 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of 1.pak happened in Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto - 1.pak on HOPL 1.pak on HOPL - Read more about 1.pak on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
11ty - Static site generator 11ty ==== 11ty is a static site generator created in 2017 by Zach Leatherman. 2017 Zach Leatherman #317 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. - Tags: static site generator - 11ty is developed on GitHub and has 16,669 stars - 11ty is written in JavaScript, Markdown, Liquid, JSON, YAML, HTML, SCSS, TypeScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
IBM 1620 - Assembly language IBM 1620 ======== IBM 1620 is an assembly language created in 1959. 1959 #1915 on PLDB 65 Years Old The IBM 1620 was announced by IBM on October 21, 1959, and marketed as an inexpensive "scientific computer". After a total production of about two thousand machines, it was withdrawn on November 19, 1970. Modified versions of the 1620 were used as the CPU of the IBM 1710 and IBM 1720 Industrial Process Control Systems (making it the first digital computer considered reliable enough for real-time process control of factory equipment). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of IBM 1620 happened in IBM - See also: (3 related languages) Unicode, Assembly language, Fortran C F 8 4 2 1 1 0 1 0  – Record Mark (right most end of record, prints as a double dagger symbol, ‡) 1 1 0 0  – Numeric Blank (blank for punched card output formatting) 1 1 1 1  – Group Mark (right most end of a group of records for disk I/O) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
1C Enterprise Script - Programming language 1C Enterprise Script ==================== 1C Enterprise Script is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1006 on PLDB 22 Years Old 39k Repos The 1C:Enterprise platform allows for business oriented application development. The software allows work in thick, thin and web clients.[21] It also supports creating mobile applications for Android and iOS in the same environment using the 1C programming language - Tags: programming language - There are at least 38,669 1C Enterprise Script repos on GitHub - Early development of 1C Enterprise Script happened in 1C Company - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 250 users using 1C Enterprise Script in 274 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for 1C Enterprise Script - Read more about 1C Enterprise Script on the web: 1. 1. Message("Hello World"); Каталог = ОбъединитьПути(ТекущийКаталог(), "libs\oscript-library\src"); Загрузчик_Оригинал_ИмяФайла = ОбъединитьПути(Каталог, "package-loader.os"); Файлы = НайтиФайлы(Каталог, , Ложь); Для Каждого ВыбФайл Из Файлы Цикл Если ВыбФайл.ЭтоФайл() Тогда Продолжить; КонецЕсли; Загрузчик_ИмяФайла = ОбъединитьПути(ВыбФайл.ПолноеИмя, "package-loader.os"); Загрузчик_Файл = Новый Файл(Загрузчик_ИмяФайла); Если Загрузчик_Файл.Существует() Тогда Продолжить; КонецЕсли; КопироватьФайл(Загрузчик_Оригинал_ИмяФайла, Загрузчик_ИмяФайла); КонецЦикла; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Message Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
2-pak - Programming language 2-pak ===== 2-pak is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3799 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of 2-pak happened in Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto - 2-pak on HOPL 2-pak on HOPL - Read more about 2-pak on the web: 1. 1. coroutine FRUIT_GEN() begin strin g FRUIT ; FRUIT :- 'CHERRY1 ; detach ; whil e tru e do case FRUIT of 'CHERRY1 : FRUIT := 'LEMON1 ; 'LEMON': FRUIT := 'ORANGE? ; 'ORANGE1 : FRUIT :- 'APPLE' ; 'APPLE': FRUIT :- 'CHERRY' ; end ; detach ; end ; end ; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
20-GATE - Programming language 20-GATE ======= 20-GATE is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #4521 on PLDB 63 Years Old The Bendix G-20 computer was introduced in 1961 by the Bendix Corporation, Computer Division, Los Angeles, California. The G-20 followed the highly successful G-15 vacuum tube computer. Bendix sold its computer division to Control Data Corporation in 1963, effectively terminating the G-20.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of 20-GATE happened in Bendix Corporation - 20-GATE on HOPL 20-GATE on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Algol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
2lisp - Programming language 2lisp ===== 2lisp is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4901 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of 2lisp happened in MIT - Read more about 2lisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
2OBJ - Programming language 2OBJ ==== 2OBJ is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4712 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of 2OBJ happened in Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford - 2OBJ on HOPL 2OBJ on HOPL - Read more about 2OBJ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
3-LISP - Programming language 3-LISP ====== 3-LISP is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4713 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of 3-LISP happened in Xerox PARC - 3-LISP on HOPL 3-LISP on HOPL - Read more about 3-LISP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
3APL - Programming language 3APL ==== 3APL is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3195 on PLDB 26 Years Old An Abstract Agent Programming Language or Artificial Autonomous Agents Programming Language or 3APL (pronounced triple-A-P-L) is an experimental tool and programming language for the development, implementation and testing of multiple cognitive agents using the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) approach.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of 3APL happened in Computer science Department, Utrecht University - 3APL on HOPL 3APL on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Java, Prolog, Strips - Read more about 3APL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. PLANBASE { SetStatus(started); } PR-RULES { goTo(R) <- location(R,X,Y) AND NOT at(X,Y) | { NowAt(X,Y); } clean(R) <- location(R,X,Y) AND at(X,Y) | { Clean(R); } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
3D Logo - Programming language 3D Logo ======= 3D Logo is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3313 on PLDB 38 Years Old “3D Logo” for the Apple IIGS, which supports 3D drawing by rotating the turtle into or out of the screen - Tags: programming language - Early development of 3D Logo happened in Apple - 3D Logo on HOPL 3D Logo on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Logo - Read more about 3D Logo on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
3DComposer - Programming language 3DComposer ========== 3DComposer is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4714 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of 3DComposer happened in University of Auckland - 3DComposer on HOPL 3DComposer on HOPL - Read more about 3DComposer on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
3DS - Binary data format 3DS === 3DS is a binary data format created in 1990. 1990 #2223 on PLDB 34 Years Old 3DS is one of the file formats used by the Autodesk 3ds Max 3D modeling, animation and rendering software. It was the native file format of the old Autodesk 3D Studio DOS (releases 1 to 4), which was popular until its successor (3D Studio MAX 1.0) replaced it in April 1996. Having been around since 1990 (when the first version of 3D Studio DOS was launched), it has grown to become a de facto industry standard for transferring models between 3D programs, or for storing models for 3D resource catalogs (along with OBJ, which is more frequently used as a model archiving file format).While the 3DS format aims to provide an import/export format, retaining only essential geometry, texture and lighting data, the related MAX format (now superseded by the PRJ format) also contains extra information specific to Autodesk 3ds Max, to allow a scene to be completely saved/loaded.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of 3DS happened in Autodesk - See also: (2 related languages) ASCII, Wavefront Object 0x4D4D // Main Chunk ├─ 0x0002 // M3D Version ├─ 0x3D3D // 3D Editor Chunk │ ├─ 0x4000 // Object Block │ │ ├─ 0x4100 // Triangular Mesh │ │ │ ├─ 0x4110 // Vertices List │ │ │ ├─ 0x4120 // Faces Description │ │ │ │ ├─ 0x4130 // Faces Material │ │ │ │ └─ 0x4150 // Smoothing Group List │ │ │ ├─ 0x4140 // Mapping Coordinates List │ │ │ └─ 0x4160 // Local Coordinates System │ │ ├─ 0x4600 // Light │ │ │ └─ 0x4610 // Spotlight │ │ └─ 0x4700 // Camera │ └─ 0xAFFF // Material Block │ ├─ 0xA000 // Material Name │ ├─ 0xA010 // Ambient Color │ ├─ 0xA020 // Diffuse Color │ ├─ 0xA030 // Specular Color │ ├─ 0xA200 // Texture Map 1 │ ├─ 0xA230 // Bump Map │ └─ 0xA220 // Reflection Map │ │ /* Sub Chunks For Each Map */ │ ├─ 0xA300 // Mapping Filename │ └─ 0xA351 // Mapping Parameters └─ 0xB000 // Keyframer Chunk ├─ 0xB002 // Mesh Information Block ├─ 0xB007 // Spot Light Information Block └─ 0xB008 // Frames (Start and End) ├─ 0xB010 // Object Name ├─ 0xB013 // Object Pivot Point ├─ 0xB020 // Position Track ├─ 0xB021 // Rotation Track ├─ 0xB022 // Scale Track └─ 0xB030 // Hierarchy Position Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 376 1.9
3D Manufacturing Format - Xml format 3D Manufacturing Format ======================= 3D Manufacturing Format, aka 3D Manufacturing Format, is a xml format created in 2015. 2015 #1675 on PLDB 9 Years Old 3D Manufacturing Format or 3MF is a file format developed and published by the 3MF Consortium. 3MF is an XML-based data format designed for using additive manufacturing, including information about materials, colors, and other information that cannot be represented in the STL format. As of today, CAD software related companies such as Autodesk, Dassault Systems and Netfabb are part of the 3MF Consortium. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat, cad - Early development of 3D Manufacturing Format happened in 3MF Consortium - See also: (1 related languages) XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
3RIP - Programming language 3RIP ==== 3RIP is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4715 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of 3RIP happened in KTH Royal Institute of Technology - 3RIP on HOPL 3RIP on HOPL - Read more about 3RIP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
4G - Standard 4G == 4G is a standard created in 2013. 2013 #2834 on PLDB 11 Years Old 4G is the fourth generation of broadband cellular network technology, succeeding 3G. A 4G system must provide capabilities defined by ITU in IMT Advanced. Potential and current applications include amended mobile web access, IP telephony, gaming services, high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, and 3D television. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
4th Dimension - Programming language 4th Dimension ============= 4th Dimension is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2568 on PLDB 37 Years Old 365 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 365 4th Dimension repos on GitHub - Early development of 4th Dimension happened in 4D SAS - 4th Dimension on HOPL 4th Dimension on HOPL - Read more about 4th Dimension on the web: 1. 1. OPEN WINDOW (10;45;500;330;0;"Hello Window") While (True) MESSAGE ("Hello World") End while Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
51forth - Programming language 51forth ======= 51forth is an open source programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3222 on PLDB 44 Years Old 51-FORTH is an implementation of the Forth programming language for the Intel 8051 microcontroller. It was created in 1989 by Scott Gehmlich of IDACOM Electronics (which was acquired by Hewlett-Packard in 1990), and sent to Giovanni Moretti of Massey University, from whom it was propagated widely. The original package is available from many archive sites, along with several other implementations of Forth. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of 51forth happened in IDACOM Electronics or Hewlett-Packard - 51forth on HOPL 51forth on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Assembly language, Forth Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
6gunz - Programming language 6gunz ===== 6gunz is a programming language created in 2018 by Matthew Steel. 2018 Matthew Steel #1868 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language, spreadsheet - Early development of 6gunz happened in - Read more about 6gunz on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to 6gunz: Explorer HackerNews discussions of 6gunz =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: 6gunz – spreadsheet / programming language / microservices framework||07/16/2018|9|5 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
8th - Programming language 8th === 8th is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2694 on PLDB 10 Years Old 8th is an innovative, secure, cross-platform, robust, and fun concatenative programming language for mobile, desktop, server, and embedded application development. - Tags: programming language - Early development of 8th happened in Aaron High-Tech, Ltd - Learn 8th on exercism. - was registered in 2014 "Hello World\n" . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
A-0 system - Compiler A-0 system ========== A-0 system is a compiler created in 1951. 1951 #1797 on PLDB 73 Years Old The A-0 system (Arithmetic Language version 0), written by Grace Murray Hopper in 1951 and 1952 for the UNIVAC I, was an early compiler related tool developed for electronic computers. The A-0 functioned more as a loader or linker than the modern notion of a compiler. A program was specified as a sequence of subroutines and arguments. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - Early development of A-0 system happened in Remington Rand - A-0 system on HOPL A-0 system on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) ARITH-MATIC, MATH-MATIC, FLOW-MATIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
A# - Programming language A# == A# is an open source programming language created in 2004 by Dr. Martin C. Carlisle and Lt Col Ricky Sward and Maj Jeff Humphries. 2004 Dr. Martin C. Carlisle Lt Col Ricky Sward Maj Jeff Humphries #1505 on PLDB 20 Years Old A# is a port of the Ada programming language to the Microsoft .NET platform. A# is freely distributed by the Department of Computer Science at the United States Air Force Academy as a service to the Ada community under the terms of the GNU General Public License. AdaCore has taken over this development, and announced "GNAT for .NET", which is a fully supported .NET product with all of the features of A# and more.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of A# happened in AdaCore and United States Air Force Academy - See also: (1 related languages) Ada Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 250 1.3
A51 Assembly - Assembly language A51 Assembly ============ A51 Assembly is an assembly language created in 1988. 1988 #3800 on PLDB 36 Years Old The A51 and A251 assembler translate programs you write in assembly language into executable machine instructions. You may use the A51 assembler to assemble programs for the 8051 family of microcontrollers. - Tags: assembly language - Read more about A51 Assembly on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Avionics Architecture Design Language - Programming language Avionics Architecture Design Language ===================================== Avionics Architecture Design Language, aka Avionics Architecture Design Language, is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #2131 on PLDB 21 Years Old The Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) is an architecture description language standardized by SAE. AADL was first developed in the field of avionics, and was known formerly as the Avionics Architecture Description Language.The Architecture Analysis & Design Language is derived from MetaH, an architecture description language made by the Advanced Technology Center of Honeywell. AADL is used to model the software and hardware architecture of an embedded, real-time system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Avionics Architecture Design Language happened in Carnegie Mellon - Avionics Architecture Design Language on HOPL Avionics Architecture Design Language on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) UML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
Advanced Authoring Format - Binary data format Advanced Authoring Format ========================= Advanced Authoring Format is a binary data format created in 2002. 2002 #3642 on PLDB 22 Years Old The Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) is a file format for professional cross-platform data interchange, designed for the video post-production and authoring environment. It was created by the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA), and is now being standardized through the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Advanced Authoring Format happened in Advanced Media Workflow Association Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
AArch64 - Assembly language AArch64 ======= AArch64 is an assembly language created in 2011. 2011 #3801 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of AArch64 happened in Acorn Computers - Read more about AArch64 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
Aardappel - Programming language Aardappel ========= Aardappel is a programming language created in 1997 by Wouter Van Oortmerssen. 1997 Wouter Van Oortmerssen #3802 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aardappel happened in University of Southampton - Aardappel on HOPL Aardappel on HOPL - Read more about Aardappel on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Aardvark - Programming language Aardvark ======== Aardvark is an open source programming language created in 2020 by Hg0428 and JustCoding123 and CompilingCoder and TheBoys619 and PlasDev and ZDev1. 2020 Hg0428 JustCoding123 CompilingCoder TheBoys619 PlasDev ZDev1 #1337 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Aardvark was originally designed in Python as an interpretter. This encompassed all releases up to 1.0. Then, in 2021 and 2022, other implementations started emerging, written in language such as Go and C++. In 2022, however, Aardvark underwent the 1.0 redesign. The language was redesigned from the ground up and re-implemented with a new, but temporary Python interpretter. Now, in 2023, the team is building the final compiler. This compiler is written in Aardvark itself and compiles to LLVM. It has the goal of being faster than C while easier than Python. It was designed for beginners and pros alike. The documentation is avaialiable here: It includes many tutorials and articles. - Tags: programming language - Aardvark is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of Aardvark happened in discord - Aardvark is written in Python, Markdown, Bourne shell, TOML, PowerShell, JSON stdout.write("Hello World!\n") Language features ====================================================== row Feature hasSelfOrThisWord FeatureLink ../features/hasSelfOrThisWord.html Supported ✓ Example You can name it whatever you like. Token row Feature hasReservedWords FeatureLink ../features/hasReservedWords.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Sets FeatureLink ../features/hasSets.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Prefix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPrefixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Postfix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPostfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example This functionality is included in switch statements. Token row Feature Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Null FeatureLink ../features/hasNull.html Supported ✓ Example `null` Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Manual Memory Management FeatureLink ../features/hasManualMemoryManagement.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example ++ and -- Token row Feature Implicit Arguments FeatureLink ../features/hasImplicitArguments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasIfs FeatureLink ../features/hasIfs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasIfElses FeatureLink ../features/hasIfElses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example `16_fa7` would evaluate as a hexadecimal number Token row Feature hasGlobalScope FeatureLink ../features/hasGlobalScope.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasForLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasFnArguments FeatureLink ../features/hasFnArguments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature First-Class Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFirstClassFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Has throw, try, and catch Token row Feature Dynamic Properties FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicProperties.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example `static` keyword Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasContinue FeatureLink ../features/hasContinue.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasBreak FeatureLink ../features/hasBreak.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example `2_101` would evaluate as a binary number. Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Anonymous Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasAnonymousFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Labels FeatureLink ../features/hasLabels.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 850 4.3
Abacus - Computing machine Abacus ====== Abacus is a computing machine created in -2700. -2700 #4685 on PLDB 4724 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
ABAL - Programming language ABAL ==== ABAL is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4716 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABAL happened in Auburn University - ABAL on HOPL ABAL on HOPL - Read more about ABAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ABAP - Programming language ABAP ==== ABAP, aka Advanced Business Application Programming, is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #135 on PLDB 41 Years Old 4k Repos ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming, originally Allgemeiner Berichts-Aufbereitungs-Prozessor, German for "general report creation processor") is a high-level programming language created by the German software company SAP SE. It is currently positioned, alongside Java, as the language for programming the SAP Application Server, which is part of the NetWeaver platform for building business applications.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 4,488 ABAP repos on GitHub - Early development of ABAP happened in SAP - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 387 users using ABAP in 450 repos on GitHub - There are 47 Project Euler users using ABAP - Explore ABAP snippets on Rosetta Code - ABAP ranks #40 in the TIOBE Index - Monaco package for syntax highlighting ABAP - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ABAP - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ABAP - Learn ABAP on exercism. - Events page for ABAP Events page for ABAP - has 283 matches for "abap developer". - See also: (9 related languages) Objective-C, COBOL, SQL, Java, Unix, Solaris, Linux, IBM System z, Eclipse - 1 PLDB concepts link to ABAP: Ace Editor REPORT ZHELLO_WORLD. START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: 'Hello World'. */** * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2012 René van Mil * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS CL_CSV_PARSER DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class cl_csv_parser definition public inheriting from cl_object final create public . public section. *"* public components of class CL_CSV_PARSER *"* do not include other source files here!!! type-pools abap . methods constructor importing !delegate type ref to if_csv_parser_delegate !csvstring type string !separator type c !skip_first_line type abap_bool . methods parse raising cx_csv_parse_error . protected section. *"* protected components of class CL_CSV_PARSER *"* do not include other source files here!!! private section. *"* private components of class CL_CSV_PARSER *"* do not include other source files here!!! constants _textindicator type c value '"'. "#EC NOTEXT data _delegate type ref to if_csv_parser_delegate . data _csvstring type string . data _separator type c . type-pools abap . data _skip_first_line type abap_bool . methods _lines returning value(returning) type stringtab . methods _parse_line importing !line type string returning value(returning) type stringtab raising cx_csv_parse_error . endclass. "CL_CSV_PARSER DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS CL_CSV_PARSER IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class cl_csv_parser implementation. * <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method CL_CSV_PARSER->CONSTRUCTOR * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] DELEGATE TYPE REF TO IF_CSV_PARSER_DELEGATE * | [--->] CSVSTRING TYPE STRING * | [--->] SEPARATOR TYPE C * | [--->] SKIP_FIRST_LINE TYPE ABAP_BOOL * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE> method constructor. super->constructor( ). _delegate = delegate. _csvstring = csvstring. _separator = separator. _skip_first_line = skip_first_line. endmethod. "constructor * <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method CL_CSV_PARSER->PARSE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [!CX!] CX_CSV_PARSE_ERROR * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE> method parse. data msg type string. if _csvstring is initial. message e002(csv) into msg. raise exception type cx_csv_parse_error exporting message = msg. endif. " Get the lines data is_first_line type abap_bool value abap_true. data lines type standard table of string. lines = _lines( ). field-symbols <line> type string. loop at lines assigning <line>. " Should we skip the first line? if _skip_first_line = abap_true and is_first_line = abap_true. is_first_line = abap_false. continue. endif. " Parse the line data values type standard table of string. values = _parse_line( <line> ). " Send values to delegate _delegate->values_found( values ). endloop. endmethod. "parse * <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Private Method CL_CSV_PARSER->_LINES * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [<-()] RETURNING TYPE STRINGTAB * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE> method _lines. split _csvstring at cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf into table returning. endmethod. "_lines * <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Private Method CL_CSV_PARSER->_PARSE_LINE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] LINE TYPE STRING * | [<-()] RETURNING TYPE STRINGTAB * | [!CX!] CX_CSV_PARSE_ERROR * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE> method _parse_line. data msg type string. data csvvalue type string. data csvvalues type standard table of string. data char type c. data pos type i value 0. data len type i. len = strlen( line ). while pos < len. char = line+pos(1). if char <> _separator. if char = _textindicator. data text_ended type abap_bool. text_ended = abap_false. while text_ended = abap_false. pos = pos + 1. if pos < len. char = line+pos(1). if char = _textindicator. text_ended = abap_true. else. if char is initial. " Space concatenate csvvalue ` ` into csvvalue. else. concatenate csvvalue char into csvvalue. endif. endif. else. " Reached the end of the line while inside a text value " This indicates an error in the CSV formatting text_ended = abap_true. message e003(csv) into msg. raise exception type cx_csv_parse_error exporting message = msg. endif. endwhile. " Check if next character is a separator, otherwise the CSV formatting is incorrect data nextpos type i. nextpos = pos + 1. if nextpos < len and line+nextpos(1) <> _separator. message e003(csv) into msg. raise exception type cx_csv_parse_error exporting message = msg. endif. else. if char is initial. " Space concatenate csvvalue ` ` into csvvalue. else. concatenate csvvalue char into csvvalue. endif. endif. else. append csvvalue to csvvalues. clear csvvalue. endif. pos = pos + 1. endwhile. append csvvalue to csvvalues. " Don't forget the last value returning = csvvalues. endmethod. "_parse_line endclass. "CL_CSV_PARSER IMPLEMENTATION * First define structured type TYPES: BEGIN OF t_vbrk, VBELN TYPE VBRK-VBELN, ZUONR TYPE VBRK-ZUONR, END OF t_vbrk. * Now define internal table of our defined type t_vbrk DATA : gt_vbrk TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_vbrk, gt_vbrk_2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_vbrk. "easy to define more tables * If needed, define structure (line of internal table) * Definition with type or with reference to internal table: DATA : gs_vbrk TYPE t_vbrk, gs_vbrk2 LIKE LINE OF gt_vbrk2. * You can also define table type if needed TYPES tt_vbrk TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_vbrk. abap-source abbreviated abstract accept accepting according activation actual add add-corresponding adjacent after alias aliases align all allocate alpha analysis analyzer and append appendage appending application archive area arithmetic as ascending aspect assert assign assigned assigning association asynchronous at attributes authority authority-check avg back background backup backward badi base before begin between big binary bintohex bit black blank blanks blob block blocks blue bound boundaries bounds boxed break-point buffer by bypassing byte byte-order call calling case cast casting catch center centered chain chain-input chain-request change changing channels character char-to-hex check checkbox ci_ circular class class-coding class-data class-events class-methods class-pool cleanup clear client clob clock close coalesce code coding col_background col_group col_heading col_key col_negative col_normal col_positive col_total collect color column columns comment comments commit common communication comparing component components compression compute concat concat_with_space concatenate cond condense condition connect connection constants context contexts continue control controls conv conversion convert copies copy corresponding country cover cpi create creating critical currency currency_conversion current cursor cursor-selection customer customer-function dangerous data database datainfo dataset date dats_add_days dats_add_months dats_days_between dats_is_valid daylight dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy ddmmyy deallocate decimal_shift decimals declarations deep default deferred define defining definition delete deleting demand department descending describe destination detail dialog directory disconnect display display-mode distinct divide divide-corresponding division do dummy duplicate duplicates duration during dynamic dynpro edit editor-call else elseif empty enabled enabling encoding end endat endcase endcatch endchain endclass enddo endenhancement end-enhancement-section endexec endform endfunction endian endif ending endinterface end-lines endloop endmethod endmodule end-of-definition end-of-editing end-of-file end-of-page end-of-selection endon endprovide endselect end-test-injection end-test-seam endtry endwhile endwith engineering enhancement enhancement-point enhancements enhancement-section entries entry enum environment equiv errormessage errors escaping event events exact except exception exceptions exception-table exclude excluding exec execute exists exit exit-command expand expanding expiration explicit exponent export exporting extend extended extension extract fail fetch field field-groups fields field-symbol field-symbols file filter filters filter-table final find first first-line fixed-point fkeq fkge flush font for form format forward found frame frames free friends from function functionality function-pool further gaps generate get giving gkeq gkge global grant green group groups handle handler harmless hashed having hdb header headers heading head-lines help-id help-request hextobin hide high hint hold hotspot icon id identification identifier ids if ignore ignoring immediately implementation implementations implemented implicit import importing in inactive incl include includes including increment index index-line infotypes inheriting init initial initialization inner inout input insert instance instances instr intensified interface interface-pool interfaces internal intervals into inverse inverted-date is iso job join keep keeping kernel key keys keywords kind language last late layout leading leave left left-justified leftplus leftspace legacy length let level levels like line lines line-count linefeed line-selection line-size list listbox list-processing little llang load load-of-program lob local locale locator logfile logical log-point long loop low lower lpad lpi ltrim mail main major-id mapping margin mark mask match matchcode max maximum medium members memory mesh message message-id messages messaging method methods min minimum minor-id mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy mmddyy mode modif modifier modify module move move-corresponding multiply multiply-corresponding name nametab native nested nesting new new-line new-page new-section next no no-display no-extension no-gap no-gaps no-grouping no-heading no-scrolling no-sign no-title no-topofpage no-zero node nodes non-unicode non-unique not null number object objects obligatory occurrence occurrences occurs of off offset ole on only open option optional options or order other others out outer output output-length overflow overlay pack package pad padding page pages parameter parameters parameter-table part partially pattern percentage perform performing person pf1 pf10 pf11 pf12 pf13 pf14 pf15 pf2 pf3 pf4 pf5 pf6 pf7 pf8 pf9 pf-status pink places pool pos_high pos_low position pragmas precompiled preferred preserving primary print print-control priority private procedure process program property protected provide public push pushbutton put queue-only quickinfo radiobutton raise raising range ranges read reader read-only receive received receiver receiving red redefinition reduce reduced ref reference refresh regex reject remote renaming replace replacement replacing report request requested reserve reset resolution respecting responsible result results resumable resume retry return returncode returning returns right right-justified rightplus rightspace risk rmc_communication_failure rmc_invalid_status rmc_system_failure role rollback rows rpad rtrim run sap sap-spool saving scale_preserving scale_preserving_scientific scan scientific scientific_with_leading_zero scroll scroll-boundary scrolling search secondary seconds section select selection selections selection-screen selection-set selection-sets selection-table select-options send separate separated set shared shift short shortdump-id sign_as_postfix single size skip skipping smart some sort sortable sorted source specified split spool spots sql sqlscript stable stamp standard starting start-of-editing start-of-selection state statement statements static statics statusinfo step-loop stop structure structures style subkey submatches submit subroutine subscreen subtract subtract-corresponding suffix sum summary summing supplied supply suppress switch switchstates symbol syncpoints syntax syntax-check syntax-trace system-call system-exceptions system-exit tab tabbed table tables tableview tabstrip target task tasks test testing test-injection test-seam text textpool then throw time times timestamp timezone tims_is_valid title titlebar title-lines to tokenization tokens top-lines top-of-page trace-file trace-table trailing transaction transfer transformation translate transporting trmac truncate truncation try tstmp_add_seconds tstmp_current_utctimestamp tstmp_is_valid tstmp_seconds_between type type-pool type-pools types uline unassign under unicode union unique unit_conversion unix unpack until unwind up update upper user user-command using utf-8 valid value value-request values vary varying verification-message version via view visible wait warning when whenever where while width window windows with with-heading without with-title word work write writer xml xsd yellow yes yymmdd zero zone abap_system_timezone abap_user_timezone access action adabas adjust_numbers allow_precision_loss allowed amdp applicationuser as_geo_json as400 associations balance behavior breakup bulk cds cds_client check_before_save child clients corr corr_spearman cross cycles datn_add_days datn_add_months datn_days_between dats_from_datn dats_tims_to_tstmp dats_to_datn db2 db6 ddl dense_rank depth deterministic discarding entities entity error failed finalize first_value fltp_to_dec following fractional full graph grouping hierarchy hierarchy_ancestors hierarchy_ancestors_aggregate hierarchy_descendants hierarchy_descendants_aggregate hierarchy_siblings incremental indicators lag last_value lead leaves like_regexpr link locale_sap lock locks many mapped matched measures median mssqlnt multiple nodetype ntile nulls occurrences_regexpr one operations oracle orphans over parent parents partition pcre period pfcg_mapping preceding privileged product projection rank redirected replace_regexpr reported response responses root row row_number sap_system_date save schema session sets shortdump siblings spantree start stddev string_agg subtotal sybase tims_from_timn tims_to_timn to_blob to_clob total trace-entry tstmp_to_dats tstmp_to_dst tstmp_to_tims tstmpl_from_utcl tstmpl_to_utcl unbounded utcl_add_seconds utcl_current utcl_seconds_between uuid var verbatim Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example * [0-9]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment Token * row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2427 12.1
Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems - Programming language Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems ========================================= Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3798 on PLDB 40 Years Old Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems (ATLAS) is a MILSPEC language for automatic testing of avionics equipment. It is a high-level computer language and can be used on any computer whose supporting software can translate it into the appropriate low-level instructions.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems happened in ARINC ... 010200 APPLY, AC SIGNAL, VOLTAGE-PP 7.5V, FREQ 3 KHZ, CNX HI=P1-1 $ ... 010300 VERIFY, (VOLTAGE-AV INTO ‘VAVG’), AC SIGNAL, VOLTAGE-PP RANGE 64V TO 1V, SAMPLE-WIDTH 10MSEC, SYNC-VOLTAGE 2 MAX 5, SYNC-NEG-SLOPE, MAX-TIME 0.5, GO-TO-STEP 400 IF GO, LL 0.5 UL 50, CNX HI=P2-4 LO=P2-5, SYNC HI=P2-8 LO=P2-5 $ ... Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
ABC 80 - Programming language ABC 80 ====== ABC 80 is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3771 on PLDB 46 Years Old The ABC 80 (Advanced BASIC Computer 80) was a personal computer engineered by the Swedish corporation Dataindustrier AB (DIAB) and manufactured by Luxor in Motala, Sweden in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was introduced on the market in August 1978. The ABC 80 was based on an earlier modular computer system from the same company and built around a Z80 and 16 KB of ROM containing a fast semi-compiling BASIC interpreter. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABC 80 happened in Dataindustrier AB - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
ABC ALGOL - Programming language ABC ALGOL ========= ABC ALGOL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3803 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABC ALGOL happened in University of Amsterdam - ABC ALGOL on HOPL ABC ALGOL on HOPL - Read more about ABC ALGOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
ABC - Programming language ABC === ABC is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #582 on PLDB 44 Years Old ABC is an imperative general-purpose programming language and programming environment developed at CWI, Netherlands by Leo Geurts, Lambert Meertens, and Steven Pemberton. It is interactive, structured, high-level, and intended to be used instead of BASIC, Pascal, or AWK. It is not meant to be a systems-programming language but is intended for teaching or prototyping. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABC happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica - ABC on HOPL ABC on HOPL - ABC appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (9 related languages) SETL, ALGOL 68, Python, BASIC, Pascal, awk, C, Unix, ISBN WRITE "Hello, world!" / WRITE "Hello World" \ Hello world in ABC WRITE "Hello, World!" / HOW TO RETURN words document: PUT {} IN collection FOR line IN document: FOR word IN split line: IF word collection: INSERT word IN collection RETURN collection Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WRITE row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
ABCL/c+ - Programming language ABCL/c+ ======= ABCL/c+ is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4717 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABCL/c+ happened in Keio University and Waseda University - ABCL/c+ on HOPL ABCL/c+ on HOPL - Read more about ABCL/c+ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
ABCL/f - Programming language ABCL/f ====== ABCL/f is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4718 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABCL/f happened in University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of Technology - ABCL/f on HOPL ABCL/f on HOPL - Read more about ABCL/f on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Armed Bear Common Lisp - Programming language Armed Bear Common Lisp ====================== Armed Bear Common Lisp, aka Armed Bear Common Lisp, is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1218 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Armed Bear Common Lisp (ABCL) is a full implementation of the Common Lisp language featuring both an interpreter and a compiler, running in the JVM. Originally started to be a scripting language for the J editor, it now supports JSR-223 (Java scripting API): it can be a scripting engine in any Java application. Additionally, it can be used to implement (parts of) the application using Java to Lisp integration APIs. - Tags: programming language - Armed Bear Common Lisp is developed on GitHub and has 287 stars - Armed Bear Common Lisp is written in Lisp, Java, Markdown, Bash, Tex, XML, Diff, HTML, YAML, Bourne shell, reStructuredText, Dockerfile, Korn shell, Make, awk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
Actor-Based Concurrent Language - Programming language Actor-Based Concurrent Language =============================== Actor-Based Concurrent Language, aka Actor-Based Concurrent Language, is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2935 on PLDB 38 Years Old Actor-Based Concurrent Language (ABCL) is a family of programming languages, developed in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Actor-Based Concurrent Language happened in University of Tokyo - Actor-Based Concurrent Language on HOPL Actor-Based Concurrent Language on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Common Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
ABC++ - Programming language ABC++ ===== ABC++ is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4719 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABC++ happened in IBM - ABC++ on HOPL ABC++ on HOPL - Read more about ABC++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
ABEL - Programming language ABEL ==== ABEL is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3804 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABEL happened in Telemark College and University of Oslo - ABEL on HOPL ABEL on HOPL - Read more about ABEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
ABLE - Programming language ABLE ==== ABLE is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3805 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABLE happened in University of Utah - ABLE on HOPL ABLE on HOPL - Read more about ABLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Augmented Backus-Naur Form - Grammar language Augmented Backus-Naur Form ========================== Augmented Backus-Naur Form, aka Augmented Backus-Naur Form, is a grammar language created in 2008. 2008 #780 on PLDB 16 Years Old 1 Repos In computer science, augmented Backus–Naur form (ABNF) is a metalanguage based on Backus–Naur form (BNF), but consisting of its own syntax and derivation rules. The motive principle for ABNF is to describe a formal system of a language to be used as a bidirectional communications protocol. It is defined by Internet Standard 68 ("STD 68", type case sic), which as of December 2010 is RFC 5234, and it often serves as the definition language for IETF communication protocols. Read more on Wikipedia...–Naur_form Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - There are at least 1 Augmented Backus-Naur Form repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for Augmented Backus-Naur Form - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Augmented Backus-Naur Form - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Augmented Backus-Naur Form - See also: (1 related languages) Regular Expressions ; Source: ; License: MIT ;; This is an attempt to define TOML in ABNF according to the grammar defined ;; in RFC 4234 ( ;; TOML toml = expression *( newline expression ) expression = ( ws / ws comment / ws keyval ws [ comment ] / ws table ws [ comment ] ) ;; Newline newline = ( %x0A / ; LF %x0D.0A ; CRLF ) newlines = 1*newline ;; Whitespace ws = *( %x20 / ; Space %x09 ; Horizontal tab ) ;; Comment comment-start-symbol = %x23 ; # non-eol = %x09 / %x20-10FFFF comment = comment-start-symbol *non-eol ;; Key-Value pairs keyval-sep = ws %x3D ws ; = keyval = key keyval-sep val key = unquoted-key / quoted-key unquoted-key = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / %x2D / %x5F ) ; A-Z / a-z / 0-9 / - / _ quoted-key = quotation-mark 1*basic-char quotation-mark ; See Basic Strings val = integer / float / string / boolean / date-time / array / inline-table ;; Table table = std-table / array-table ;; Standard Table std-table-open = %x5B ws ; [ Left square bracket std-table-close = ws %x5D ; ] Right square bracket table-key-sep = ws %x2E ws ; . Period std-table = std-table-open key *( table-key-sep key) std-table-close ;; Array Table array-table-open = %x5B.5B ws ; [[ Double left square bracket array-table-close = ws %x5D.5D ; ]] Double right square bracket array-table = array-table-open key *( table-key-sep key) array-table-close ;; Integer integer = [ minus / plus ] int minus = %x2D ; - plus = %x2B ; + digit1-9 = %x31-39 ; 1-9 underscore = %x5F ; _ int = DIGIT / digit1-9 1*( DIGIT / underscore DIGIT ) ;; Float float = integer ( frac / frac exp / exp ) zero-prefixable-int = DIGIT *( DIGIT / underscore DIGIT ) frac = decimal-point zero-prefixable-int decimal-point = %x2E ; . exp = e integer e = %x65 / %x45 ; e E ;; String string = basic-string / ml-basic-string / literal-string / ml-literal-string ;; Basic String basic-string = quotation-mark *basic-char quotation-mark quotation-mark = %x22 ; " basic-char = basic-unescaped / escaped escaped = escape ( %x22 / ; " quotation mark U+0022 %x5C / ; \ reverse solidus U+005C %x2F / ; / solidus U+002F %x62 / ; b backspace U+0008 %x66 / ; f form feed U+000C %x6E / ; n line feed U+000A %x72 / ; r carriage return U+000D %x74 / ; t tab U+0009 %x75 4HEXDIG / ; uXXXX U+XXXX %x55 8HEXDIG ) ; UXXXXXXXX U+XXXXXXXX basic-unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF escape = %x5C ; \ ;; Multiline Basic String ml-basic-string-delim = quotation-mark quotation-mark quotation-mark ml-basic-string = ml-basic-string-delim ml-basic-body ml-basic-string-delim ml-basic-body = *( ml-basic-char / newline / ( escape newline )) ml-basic-char = ml-basic-unescaped / escaped ml-basic-unescaped = %x20-5B / %x5D-10FFFF ;; Literal String literal-string = apostraphe *literal-char apostraphe apostraphe = %x27 ; ' Apostrophe literal-char = %x09 / %x20-26 / %x28-10FFFF ;; Multiline Literal String ml-literal-string-delim = apostraphe apostraphe apostraphe ml-literal-string = ml-literal-string-delim ml-literal-body ml-literal-string-delim ml-literal-body = *( ml-literal-char / newline ) ml-literal-char = %x09 / %x20-10FFFF ;; Boolean boolean = true / false true = %x74.72.75.65 ; true false = %x66.61.6C.73.65 ; false ;; Datetime (as defined in RFC 3339) date-fullyear = 4DIGIT date-month = 2DIGIT ; 01-12 date-mday = 2DIGIT ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on month/year time-hour = 2DIGIT ; 00-23 time-minute = 2DIGIT ; 00-59 time-second = 2DIGIT ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on leap second rules time-secfrac = "." 1*DIGIT time-numoffset = ( "+" / "-" ) time-hour ":" time-minute time-offset = "Z" / time-numoffset partial-time = time-hour ":" time-minute ":" time-second [time-secfrac] full-date = date-fullyear "-" date-month "-" date-mday full-time = partial-time time-offset date-time = full-date "T" full-time ;; Array array-open = %x5B ws ; [ array-close = ws %x5D ; ] array = array-open array-values array-close array-values = [ val [ array-sep ] [ ( comment newlines) / newlines ] / val array-sep [ ( comment newlines) / newlines ] array-values ] array-sep = ws %x2C ws ; , Comma ;; Inline Table inline-table-open = %x7B ws ; { inline-table-close = ws %x7D ; } inline-table-sep = ws %x2C ws ; , Comma inline-table = inline-table-open inline-table-keyvals inline-table-close inline-table-keyvals = [ inline-table-keyvals-non-empty ] inline-table-keyvals-non-empty = key keyval-sep val / key keyval-sep val inline-table-sep inline-table-keyvals-non-empty ;; Built-in ABNF terms, reproduced here for clarity ; ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z ; DIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9 ; HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" postal-address = name-part street zip-part name-part = *(personal-part SP) last-name [SP suffix] CRLF name-part =/ personal-part CRLF personal-part = first-name / (initial ".") first-name = *ALPHA initial = ALPHA last-name = *ALPHA suffix = ("Jr." / "Sr." / 1*("I" / "V" / "X")) street = [apt SP] house-num SP street-name CRLF apt = 1*4DIGIT house-num = 1*8(DIGIT / ALPHA) street-name = 1*VCHAR zip-part = town-name "," SP state 1*2SP zip-code CRLF town-name = 1*(ALPHA / SP) state = 2ALPHA zip-code = 5DIGIT ["-" 4DIGIT] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1134 5.7
abs - Programming language abs === abs is a programming language created in 2018 by Alessandro Nadalin. 2018 Alessandro Nadalin #830 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone ABS is a programming language that works best when you're scripting on your terminal. It tries to combine the elegance of languages such as Python, or Ruby with the convenience of Bash. - Tags: programming language - abs is developed on GitHub and has 512 stars - abs is written in JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, Go, Bourne shell, JSON, YAML, Stylus, Make, Dockerfile, SVG, CSS - was registered in 2018 r = $(curl "" -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'Accept-Language: en' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed); if !r.ok { echo("Could not fetch game data. Bummer!") exit(1) } doc = r.json() arena = city = echo("The game was played at the %s in %s", arena, city) highlight = doc.basicGameData.nugget.text if highlight.len() { echo("The press said: \"%s\"", highlight) } # The game was played at the TD Garden in Boston # The press said: "Thomas scores 19 of 44 points in 4th quarter" HackerNews discussions of abs ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments The ABS programming language||12/25/2018|6|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 356 1.8
ABSET - Programming language ABSET ===== ABSET is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #2532 on PLDB 55 Years Old ABSET was an early declarative programming language from the University of Aberdeen.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ABSET happened in University of Aberdeen - ABSET on HOPL ABSET on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Abstract State Machine Language - Programming language Abstract State Machine Language =============================== Abstract State Machine Language is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2914 on PLDB 23 Years Old Abstract State Machine Language (AsmL) is a programming language based on the Abstract State Machines formal method and developed by Microsoft. AsmL is a functional language (which are commonly used in academic research).XASM is an open source implementation of the language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Abstract State Machine Language happened in Microsoft - Abstract State Machine Language on HOPL Abstract State Machine Language on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Abstracto - Programming language Abstracto ========= Abstracto is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4720 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Abstracto happened in Center for Mathematics and Computer Science-Amsterdam - Abstracto on HOPL Abstracto on HOPL - Read more about Abstracto on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
ABSYS - Programming language ABSYS ===== ABSYS is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #3774 on PLDB 58 Years Old Absys was an early declarative programming language from the University of Aberdeen. It anticipated a number of features of Prolog such as negation as failure, aggregation operators, the central role of backtracking and constraint solving. Absys was the first implementation of a logic programming language.The name Absys was chosen as an abbreviation for Aberdeen System.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ABSYS on HOPL ABSYS on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Prolog, ABSET - Read more about ABSYS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
AC Toolbox - Programming language AC Toolbox ========== AC Toolbox is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4721 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AC Toolbox happened in Institute of Sonology - AC Toolbox on HOPL AC Toolbox on HOPL - Read more about AC Toolbox on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
ACCENT - Programming language ACCENT ====== ACCENT is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3314 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACCENT happened in Caseware - ACCENT on HOPL ACCENT on HOPL - Read more about ACCENT on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Ace Editor - Editor Ace Editor ========== Ace Editor is an editor created in 2010 by Fabian Jakobs. 2010 Fabian Jakobs #243 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Ace is an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript. It matches the features and performance of native editors such as Sublime, Vim and TextMate. It can be easily embedded in any web page and JavaScript application. Ace is maintained as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and is the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) project. - Tags: editor - Ace Editor is developed on GitHub and has 26,584 stars - Early development of Ace Editor happened in Mozilla and Cloud9 - Ace Editor is written in JavaScript, JSON, XML, HTML, YAML, Markdown, TypeScript, CSS, SVG, Pug, Assembly language, Bourne shell, Tex, Make, SQL, AsciiDoc, reStructuredText, RobotFramework, Kotlin, Liquid, JSP, Objective-C, HCL, Scala, Blade, PowerShell, GraphQL, HAML, Velocity Template Language, Stylus, Forth, Diff, Rust, C++, Nix, Raku, Tcl, Sass, COBOL, Pascal, Groovy, EJS, Slim, Ruby, ActionScript, Java, AutoHotkey, VHDL, Twig, Crystal, Go, Gherkin, FORTRAN 77, Elixir, ERB, EEX, ABAP, TOML, Lua, Lisp, Less, Scheme, QML, Logtalk, odin, JSON5, Clojure, Vala, R, Dockerfile, CoffeeScript, SCSS, Perl, Haxe, Erlang, Protocol Buffers, PHP, Swift, Python, Julia, GLSL, Nim, OCaml, Haskell, Elm, Dart, JSX, Smarty, Pig Latin, Razor, Handlebars, Zig, XQuery, Ada, Ini, F#, C#, ColdFusion - See also: (4 related languages) CodeMirror, Monaco Editor, highlight.js, Pygments - 2 PLDB concepts link to Ace Editor: Prism, Pygments Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
ACL - Programming language ACL === ACL is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4722 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACL happened in University of British Columbia - ACL on HOPL ACL on HOPL - Read more about ACL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
ACL2 - Programming language ACL2 ==== ACL2, aka A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp, is an open source programming language created in 1990 by Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore. 1990 Robert S. Boyer J Strother Moore #1076 on PLDB 34 Years Old ACL2 (A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp) is a software system consisting of a programming language, an extensible theory in a first-order logic, and an automated theorem prover. ACL2 is designed to support automated reasoning in inductive logical theories, mostly for the purpose of software and hardware verification. The input language and implementation of ACL2 are built on Common Lisp. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACL2 happened in University of Texas at Austin - Explore ACL2 snippets on Rosetta Code - ACL2 on HOPL ACL2 on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Common Lisp, AXIOM Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 252 1.3
Acme - Programming language Acme ==== Acme is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2241 on PLDB 30 Years Old Acme is a simple, generic software architecture description language (ADL) that can be used as a common interchange format for architecture design tools and/or as a foundation for developing new architectural design and analysis tools. This site provides an introduction to Acme along with a collection of useful Acme software and technical information. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Acme happened in Carnegie Mellon and USC - Acme on HOPL Acme on HOPL System simple_cs = { Component client = { Port send-request; }; Component server = { Port receive-request; }; Connector rpc = { Roels { caller, callee}}; Attachments { client.send-request to rpc.caller; server.receive-request to rpc.callee; } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Acore - Programming language Acore ===== Acore is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4723 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Acore happened in MIT - Acore on HOPL Acore on HOPL - Read more about Acore on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Acorn Atom - Programming language Acorn Atom ========== Acorn Atom is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3729 on PLDB 44 Years Old The Acorn Atom is a home computer made by Acorn Computers Ltd from 1980 to 1982, when it was replaced by the BBC Micro. The Micro began life as an upgrade to the Atom, originally known as the Proton. The Atom was a progression of the MOS Technology 6502-based machines that the company had been making from 1979. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Acorn Atom happened in Acorn Computers - See also: (3 related languages) BASIC, Assembly language, BBC BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
acorn-lang - Programming language acorn-lang ========== acorn-lang is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Jonathan Goodwin. 2015 Jonathan Goodwin #2645 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Acorn Virtual Machine - Tags: programming language - acorn-lang is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - acorn-lang is written in C++, XML, CMake, C, Make, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
ACORN - Programming language ACORN ===== ACORN is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4724 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACORN happened in Mobil Research and Developneat Corp - ACORN on HOPL ACORN on HOPL - Read more about ACORN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Acornsoft Logo - Programming language Acornsoft Logo ============== Acornsoft Logo is an open source programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3780 on PLDB 39 Years Old Acornsoft Logo is a commercial implementation of the Logo programming language for the 8-bit BBC Micro and Acorn Electron computers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Acornsoft Logo happened in BBN - See also: (1 related languages) Logo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
ACOS - Programming language ACOS ==== ACOS is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4725 on PLDB 36 Years Old The GBBS-Pro system was based on the ACOS compiler and language. ACOS was a BASIC-like language wherein the modem handling routines had replaced some of the other basic functions. Arrays (for instance) were unheard of in ACOS and so it was necessary to find other ways to work around these limitations (i.e. files replaced arrays). - Tags: programming language - ACOS on HOPL ACOS on HOPL - Read more about ACOS on the web: 1.!search/acos$20prodos/comp.sys.apple2/zTd13D23D0s/phJgdUqHPBgJ 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
ACSI-Matic - Programming language ACSI-Matic ========== ACSI-Matic is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4726 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACSI-Matic happened in University of Pennsylvania and Radio Corporation of America - ACSI-Matic on HOPL ACSI-Matic on HOPL - Read more about ACSI-Matic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
ACSL - Programming language ACSL ==== ACSL is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4727 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACSL happened in Institut de Biologie Théorique - ACSL on HOPL ACSL on HOPL - Read more about ACSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
ACT-III - Programming language ACT-III ======= ACT-III is a programming language created in 1956. 1956 #1532 on PLDB 68 Years Old The LGP-30, standing for Librascope General Purpose and then Librascope General Precision, was an early off-the-shelf computer. It was manufactured by the Librascope company of Glendale, California (a division of General Precision Inc.), and sold and serviced by the Royal Precision Electronic Computer Company, a joint venture with the Royal McBee division of the Royal Typewriter Company. The LGP-30 was first manufactured in 1956 with a retail price of $47,000—equivalent to about $423,000 in 2017.The LGP-30 was commonly referred to as a desk computer. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACT-III happened in Librascope company - ACT-III on HOPL ACT-III on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 60, ISBN s1'dim'a'500'm'500'q'500'' index'j'j+1'j-1'' daprt'e'n't'e'r' 'd'a't'a''cr'' rdxit's35'' s2'iread'm'1''iread'q'1''iread'd''iread'n'' 1';'j'' 0'flo'd';'d.'' s3'sqrt'd.';'sqrd.'' 1'unflo'sqrd.'i/'10';'sqrd'' 2010'print'sqrd.''2000'iprt'sqrd''cr''cr'' burrrp, clunk, burrrp, clunk, clunk, clunk, burrrp, clunk, burrrp, clunk, clunk, clunk, burrrp, clunk, burrrp, clunk, clunk, clunk, burrrp, clunk, burrrp, clunk, clunk, clunk, burrrp, clunk, burrrp, clunk, clunk, clunk, burrrp, clunk, burrrp, clunk, clunk, clunk. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 402 2
ACT ONE - Programming language ACT ONE ======= ACT ONE is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4728 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ACT ONE happened in Technical University of Berlin - ACT ONE on HOPL ACT ONE on HOPL - Read more about ACT ONE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Actalk - Programming language Actalk ====== Actalk is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4729 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Actalk happened in Pierre and Marie Curie University - Actalk on HOPL Actalk on HOPL - Read more about Actalk on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Action Code Script - Programming language Action Code Script ================== Action Code Script is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #1781 on PLDB 20 Years Old Action Code Script (ACS) is a scripting language used in video games such as HeXen and some modern Doom source ports, such as ZDoom. It is syntactically similar to C, but less flexible. As its name implies, most of the core logic for script functionality comes in the form of "scripts", which are traditionally identified with a numerical value. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Action Code Script happened in id Software - See also: (2 related languages) C, QuakeC 1 // Similar to C's stdio.h, ACS has its own library of basic functions 2 #include "zcommon.acs" 3 4 script 1 ENTER 5 { 6 print(s:"Hello World!"); 7 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 261 1.3
Action! - Programming language Action! ======= Action! is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #1169 on PLDB 41 Years Old Action! is a procedural programming language similar to ALGOL 68 that is intended to produce high-performance programs for the Atari 8-bit family. The language was written by Clinton Parker and distributed on ROM cartridge by Optimized Systems Software starting in 1983. Action! was used to develop at least two commercial products—the Homepak productivity suite and Games Computers Play client program—and numerous programs in ANALOG Computing and Antic magazines. Read more on Wikipedia...!_(programming_language) Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Action! happened in Optimized Systems Software - See also: (3 related languages) Optimized Systems Software, ALGOL 68, Atari BASIC BYTE RTCLOK=20, ; addr of sys timer SDMCTL=559 ; DMA control BYTE ARRAY FLAGS(8190) CARD COUNT,I,K,PRIME,TIME PROC SIEVE() SDMCTL=0 ; shut off Antic RTCLOK=0 ; only one timer needed COUNT=0 ; init count FOR I=0 TO 8190 ; and flags DO FLAGS(I)='T ; "'T" is a compiler-provided constant for True OD FOR I=0 TO 8190 ; and flags DO IF FLAGS(I)='T THEN PRIME=I+I+3 K=I+PRIME WHILE K<=8190 DO FLAGS(K)='F ; "'F" is a compiler-provided constant for False K==+PRIME OD COUNT==+1 FI OD TIME=RTCLOK ; get timer reading SDMCTL=34 ; restore screen PRINTF("%E %U PRIMES IN",COUNT) PRINTF("%E %U JIFFIES",TIME) RETURN Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINTF row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 397 2
ActionScript - Programming language ActionScript ============ ActionScript is a programming language created in 1998 by Gary Grossman. 1998 Gary Grossman #142 on PLDB 26 Years Old 25k Repos 438 184 ActionScript is an object-oriented programming language originally developed by Macromedia Inc. (later acquired by Adobe Systems). It is a derivation of HyperTalk, the scripting language for HyperCard. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 24,615 ActionScript repos on GitHub - Early development of ActionScript happened in Macromedia - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7k users using ActionScript in 9k repos on GitHub - Explore ActionScript snippets on Rosetta Code - ActionScript appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ActionScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ActionScript - has 88 matches for "ActionScript developer". - See also: (11 related languages) JavaScript, Java, Haxe, HyperTalk, HyperCard, iOS, Android, JSON, OpenGL, XML, MXML - 6 PLDB concepts link to ActionScript: Ace Editor, Haxe, JFlex, LinearML, MonkeyX, Pygments package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.TextField; public class actionscript extends Sprite { private var hello:TextField = new TextField(); public function actionscript(){ hello.text = "Hello World"; addChild(hello); } } } package mypackage { public class Hello { /* Let's say hello! * This is just a test script for Linguist's Actionscript detection. */ public function sayHello():void { trace("Hello, world"); } } } private function getNeighbours(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Array{ var _local3:Array = -(((null - !NULL!) % ~(undefined))); var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; for (;//unresolved jump , _arg2 < 8;_local4++) { _local5 = (_arg1 + int(!NULL!)); _local6 = (_arg2 + int(!NULL!)); if (true){ _arg1 = (((//unresolved nextvalue or nextname << !NULL!) + !NULL!) << undefined); _arg1 = (!(!NULL!) ^ !NULL!); (!NULL! instanceof !NULL!); var _local1 = (((!NULL! as !NULL!) + !NULL!) == this); if (!(!NULL! == !NULL!)){ -((true << !NULL!)).push(Cell(cells[_local5][_local6])); } } if (!true){ (_local6 < 0); (_local6 < 0); (_local5 < 0); } } return (_local3); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token trace row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 507 2.5
Active Language I - Programming language Active Language I ================= Active Language I is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4730 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Active Language I happened in University of California - Active Language I on HOPL Active Language I on HOPL - Read more about Active Language I on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Active-U-Datalog - Programming language Active-U-Datalog ================ Active-U-Datalog is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4731 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Active-U-Datalog happened in University of Milano and University of Pisa - Active-U-Datalog on HOPL Active-U-Datalog on HOPL - Read more about Active-U-Datalog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
ActiveVFP - Programming language ActiveVFP ========= ActiveVFP is an open source programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1822 on PLDB 23 Years Old ActiveVFP (also known as AVFP) is a server-side scripting framework designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages. Similar to PHP, but using the native Visual Foxpro (VFP) language and database (or other databases like Microsoft SQL and MySQL), ActiveVFP can also be used in Model-View-Controller (MVC) web applications as well as RESTful API. ActiveVFP is completely free and open source and does not require the purchase of Microsoft Visual FoxPro or any additional software. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ActiveVFP happened in VFP Community - See also: (5 related languages) PHP, Visual FoxPro, MySQL, REST, HTML * customers.prg -Customers Controller * * bypasses Main.prg and .AVFP script code * DEFINE CLASS customersController AS restController * PROCEDURE openData SELECT 0 USE (THIS.homeFolder + "customers.dbf") ALIAS customers ENDPROC PROCEDURE infoAction && GET RETURN "homeFolder: <b>" + THIS.homeFolder + "</b>" ENDPROC PROCEDURE getAction && GET<id> LOCAL cCustId cCustId = THIS.Params[1] THIS.openData() SELECT CUSTOMERS LOCATE FOR custId = cCustId IF FOUND() LOCAL cJSON **USE mydbf &&test error *quick and dirty JSON cJSON = [{"custId":"] + RTRIM(custId) + [","custName":"] + RTRIM(custName) + [",] + ; ["custStat":"] + RTRIM(custStat) + ["}] RETURN cJSON ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE listAction && GET LOCAL cHTML cHTML = "" *oEmp=newOBJECT('schedbizobj','c:\avfp5.61Demo\prg\utiltest2.prg') SET PROC to substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'prg\AVFPutilities' ADDITIVE && Make sure you use ADDITIVE or bad things happen! THIS.openData() SELECT CUSTOMERS cHTML= oHTML.mergescript(FILETOSTR(substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'viewtest.avfp')) RETURN cHTML ENDPROC PROCEDURE helloworld && custom method (&& GET LOCAL cHTML cHTML = "" *USE mydbf *SET PROC to substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'prg\AVFPutilities' ADDITIVE && Make sure you use ADDITIVE or bad things happen! cHTML= oHTML.mergescript(FILETOSTR(substr(oProp.AppStartPath,1,AT([\],oProp.AppStartPath,2))+'hello.avfp')) RETURN cHTML ENDPROC PROCEDURE getemployees && custom method (&& GET<id> oJSON=NEWOBJECT('json','json.prg') SET PATH TO oProp.AppStartPath+'data\AVFPdemo41\' select e.emp_id as id, e.first_Name as firstName, e.last_Name as lastName, e.title as title, [images/Emps/]+e.picture as picture,count(r.emp_id) as reportCount ; from employee e left join employee r on VAL(r.reports_to) = VAL(e.emp_id) ; INTO Cursor SearchResults; group by e.last_Name,e.emp_id, e.first_Name,e.title, e.picture ; order by e.last_Name,e.first_Name oJSON.keyforcursors="items" * send JSON data and properties back oResponse.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8" oResponse.Write(oJSON.stringify('SearchResults')) oResponse.Flush lcHTMLout=[] ENDPROC ************************************************************************ ENDDEFINE Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment Token * row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 633 3.2
ActivityPub - Protocol ActivityPub =========== ActivityPub is an open source protocol created in 2018 by Christine Lemmer-Webber and Jessica Tallon and Erin Shepherd and Amy Guy and Evan Prodromou. 2018 Christine Lemmer-Webber Jessica Tallon Erin Shepherd Amy Guy Evan Prodromou #453 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the protocol ActivityPub. ActivityPub is an open, decentralized social networking protocol based on's ActivityPump protoco - Tags: protocol - ActivityPub is developed on GitHub and has 1,167 stars - Early development of ActivityPub happened in W3C - ActivityPub is written in Markdown, HTML, SVG, JSON - Read more about ActivityPub on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to ActivityPub: Farcaster Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
Actor - Programming language Actor ===== Actor is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4518 on PLDB 36 Years Old The Actor programming language was invented by Charles Duff of The Whitewater Group in 1988. It was an offshoot of some object-oriented extensions to the Forth language he had been working on. Actor would be categorized as a pure object-oriented language in the style of Smalltalk. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Actor happened in The Whitewater Group Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Actors - Programming language Actors ====== Actors is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #3806 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Actors happened in MIT - Actors on HOPL Actors on HOPL - Read more about Actors on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Actus - Programming language Actus ===== Actus is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4732 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Actus happened in The Queen's University of Belfast - Actus on HOPL Actus on HOPL - Read more about Actus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Ad-hoc - Programming language Ad-hoc ====== Ad-hoc is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2348 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Ad-hoc is an experimental programming language currently supporting the following features: first-class functions, immutability, lambda terms, recursion, closures, strict and non-strict evaluation, lexical and dynamic scopes, and deep binding. - Tags: programming language - Ad-hoc is developed on GitHub and has 10 stars - Ad-hoc is written in C, Vim script, Yacc, Lex, Markdown, Expect, M4, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Ada 95 - Programming language Ada 95 ====== Ada 95 is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4733 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ada 95 happened in Intermetrics - Ada 95 on HOPL Ada 95 on HOPL - Read more about Ada 95 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Ada 9X - Programming language Ada 9X ====== Ada 9X is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4734 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ada 9X happened in Vrije Universiteit - Ada 9X on HOPL Ada 9X on HOPL - Read more about Ada 9X on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Ada/TL - Programming language Ada/TL ====== Ada/TL is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4735 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ada/TL happened in Kansas State University - Ada/TL on HOPL Ada/TL on HOPL - Read more about Ada/TL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Ada - Programming language Ada === Ada is a programming language created in 1980 by Jean Ichbiah. 1980 Jean Ichbiah #49 on PLDB 44 Years Old 5k Repos Ada is a structured, statically typed, imperative, wide-spectrum, and object-oriented high-level computer programming language, extended from Pascal and other languages. It has built-in language support for design-by-contract, extremely strong typing, explicit concurrency, offering tasks, synchronous message passing, protected objects, and non-determinism. Ada improves code safety and maintainability by using the compiler to find errors in favor of runtime errors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 4,785 Ada repos on GitHub - Early development of Ada happened in CII Honeywell Bull - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Ada in 2k repos on GitHub - There are 8,055 members in the Ada subreddit - There are 129 Project Euler users using Ada - Explore Ada snippets on Rosetta Code - Ada is supported by the GDB - Ada on HOPL Ada on HOPL - Ada ranks #28 in the TIOBE Index - Ada Ubuntu package Ada Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Ada - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ada - Ada appears in the Quine Relay project - has 2,184 matches for "ada developer". - was registered in 1998 - See also: (22 related languages) Apache Spark, Ravenscar profile, ALGOL 68, Pascal, Smalltalk, Java, Eiffel, Chapel, Nim, PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL, Ruby, Rust, Seed7, SQL/PSM, VHDL, Unicode, Lisp, SETL, Algol, ALGOL 60, APSE - 13 PLDB concepts link to Ada: Ace Editor, Bazel, Eiffel, Felix, GAP, GCC, High Level Assembly, mal, POV-Ray SDL, Pygments, Racket, Snowball, Spark -- This pragma will remove the warning produced by the default -- CE filename and the procedure name differing, -- see : pragma Source_File_Name (Square, Body_File_Name => "example.adb"); -- Type your code here, or load an example. function Square(num : Integer) return Integer is begin return num**2; end Square; -- Ada 2012 also provides Expression Functions -- ( -- as a short hand for functions whose body consists of a -- single return statement. However they cannot be used as a -- compilation unit. -- function Square(num : Integer) return Integer is (num**2); with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Hello, world!"); end Main; with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Hello_World is use Ada.Text_IO; begin Put_line ("Hello World"); end Hello_World; -- Hello World in Ada with Text_IO; procedure Hello_World is begin Text_IO.Put_Line("Hello World!"); end Hello_World; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Traffic is type Airplane_ID is range 1..10; -- 10 airplanes task type Airplane (ID: Airplane_ID); -- task representing airplanes, with ID as initialisation parameter type Airplane_Access is access Airplane; -- reference type to Airplane protected type Runway is -- the shared runway (protected to allow concurrent access) entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Airplane_ID); -- all entries are guaranteed mutually exclusive entry Cleared_Runway (ID: Airplane_ID); entry Wait_For_Clear; private Clear: Boolean := True; -- protected private data - generally more than just a flag... end Runway; type Runway_Access is access all Runway; -- the air traffic controller task takes requests for takeoff and landing task type Controller (My_Runway: Runway_Access) is -- task entries for synchronous message passing entry Request_Takeoff (ID: in Airplane_ID; Takeoff: out Runway_Access); entry Request_Approach(ID: in Airplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access); end Controller; -- allocation of instances Runway1 : aliased Runway; -- instantiate a runway Controller1: Controller (Runway1'Access); -- and a controller to manage it ------ the implementations of the above types ------ protected body Runway is entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Airplane_ID) when Clear is -- the entry guard - calling tasks are blocked until the condition is true begin Clear := False; Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) & " on runway "); end; entry Cleared_Runway (ID: Airplane_ID) when not Clear is begin Clear := True; Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) & " cleared runway "); end; entry Wait_For_Clear when Clear is begin null; -- no need to do anything here - a task can only enter if "Clear" is true end; end Runway; task body Controller is begin loop My_Runway.Wait_For_Clear; -- wait until runway is available (blocking call) select -- wait for two types of requests (whichever is runnable first) when Request_Approach'count = 0 => -- guard statement - only accept if there are no tasks queuing on Request_Approach accept Request_Takeoff (ID: in Airplane_ID; Takeoff: out Runway_Access) do -- start of synchronized part My_Runway.Assign_Aircraft (ID); -- reserve runway (potentially blocking call if protected object busy or entry guard false) Takeoff := My_Runway; -- assign "out" parameter value to tell airplane which runway end Request_Takeoff; -- end of the synchronised part or accept Request_Approach (ID: in Airplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access) do My_Runway.Assign_Aircraft (ID); Approach := My_Runway; end Request_Approach; or -- terminate if no tasks left who could call terminate; end select; end loop; end; task body Airplane is Rwy : Runway_Access; begin Controller1.Request_Takeoff (ID, Rwy); -- This call blocks until Controller task accepts and completes the accept block Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) & " taking off..."); delay 2.0; Rwy.Cleared_Runway (ID); -- call will not block as "Clear" in Rwy is now false and no other tasks should be inside protected object delay 5.0; -- fly around a bit... loop select -- try to request a runway Controller1.Request_Approach (ID, Rwy); -- this is a blocking call - will run on controller reaching accept block and return on completion exit; -- if call returned we're clear for landing - leave select block and proceed... or delay 3.0; -- timeout - if no answer in 3 seconds, do something else (everything in following block) Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) & " in holding pattern"); -- simply print a message end select; end loop; delay 4.0; -- do landing approach... Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) & " touched down!"); Rwy.Cleared_Runway (ID); -- notify runway that we're done here. end; New_Airplane: Airplane_Access; begin for I in Airplane_ID'Range loop -- create a few airplane tasks New_Airplane := new Airplane (I); -- will start running directly after creation delay 4.0; end loop; end Traffic; abort else new return abs elsif not reverse abstract end null accept entry select access exception of separate aliased exit or some all others subtype and for out synchronized array function overriding at tagged generic package task begin goto pragma terminate body private then if procedure type case in protected constant interface until is raise use declare range delay limited record when delta loop rem while digits renames with do mod requeue xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9_]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9_]+\.[0-9_]* Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9_]+#[0-9a-f_\.]+# Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Text_IO.Put_Line row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example with Gnat.Io; use Gnat.Io; procedure Numbers is Score: Integer; F: Float := 1.0; begin Score := 3 + 2#1011#; Put(score); New_Line; Score := Score + 1_000_000; Put(Score); New_Line; end Numbers; Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Generics FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerics.html Supported ✓ Example generic Max_Size : Natural; -- a generic formal value type Element_Type is private; -- a generic formal type; accepts any nonlimited type package Stacks is type Size_Type is range 0 .. Max_Size; type Stack is limited private; procedure Create (S : out Stack; Initial_Size : in Size_Type := Max_Size); procedure Push (Into : in out Stack; Element : in Element_Type); procedure Pop (From : in out Stack; Element : out Element_Type); Overflow : exception; Underflow : exception; private subtype Index_Type is Size_Type range 1 .. Max_Size; type Vector is array (Index_Type range ) of Element_Type; type Stack (Allocated_Size : Size_Type := 0) is record Top : Index_Type; Storage : Vector (1 .. Allocated_Size); end record; end Stacks; Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1563 7.8
ADABTPL - Programming language ADABTPL ======= ADABTPL is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4736 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ADABTPL happened in University of Massachusetts and University of Texas - ADABTPL on HOPL ADABTPL on HOPL - Read more about ADABTPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Adagio - Programming language Adagio ====== Adagio is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #4737 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Adagio happened in Carnegie Mellon - Adagio on HOPL Adagio on HOPL - Read more about Adagio on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
adam-standard - Standard adam-standard ============= adam-standard is a standard created in 2009. 2009 #4738 on PLDB 15 Years Old ADaM defines dataset and metadata standards that support: efficient generation, replication, and review of clinical trial statistical analyses, and traceability among analysis results, analysis data, and data represented in the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM).​ - Tags: standard - Early development of adam-standard happened in Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium - Read more about adam-standard on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
ADAM - Programming language ADAM ==== ADAM is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3315 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ADAM happened in The MITRE Corporation - ADAM on HOPL ADAM on HOPL - Read more about ADAM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
adamant - Programming language adamant ======= adamant is a programming language created in 2018 by Jeff Walker. 2018 Jeff Walker #1932 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A compiler for the Adamant language - Tags: programming language - adamant is developed on GitHub and has 24 stars - adamant is written in C#, Markdown, XML, C - was registered in 2015 HackerNews discussions of adamant ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Dreaming of a Parser Generator for Language Design||03/07/2019|117|61 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Adaplex - Programming language Adaplex ======= Adaplex is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4739 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Adaplex happened in Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione - Adaplex on HOPL Adaplex on HOPL - Read more about Adaplex on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Address - Programming language Address ======= Address is a programming language created in 1955 by Kateryna Lohvynivna Yushchenko. 1955 Kateryna Lohvynivna Yushchenko #4530 on PLDB 69 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Address happened in USSR Academy of Sciences or National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Adenine - Programming language Adenine ======= Adenine is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4583 on PLDB 25 Years Old Haystack was a project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to research and develop several applications around personal information management and the Semantic Web. The most notable of those applications is the Haystack client, a research personal information manager (PIM) and one of the first to be based on semantic desktop technologies. The Haystack client is published as open source software under the BSD license. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Adenine happened in MIT - See also: (3 related languages) RDF, Python, Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Adept - Programming language Adept ===== Adept is a programming language created in 2018 by Isaac Shelton. 2018 Isaac Shelton #1362 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A blazing fast language for general purpose programming. - Tags: programming language - Adept is developed on GitHub and has 119 stars - Early development of Adept happened in - Adept is written in C, Ring, Markdown, CMake, Python, Bourne shell, YAML, JSON /* For values that use ownership-based memory management (e.g. String, List, Grid) we must transfer ownership if we want to keep them alive for longer than their owner's scope */ import basics func main { everyone <String> List = getEveryoneAttending() each fullname String in everyone { print("=> " + fullname) } } func getEveryoneAttending() <String> List { everyone <String> List person1 String = getFullnameReturnImmediately("Alice", "Golden") person2 String = getFullnameStoreAndThenLaterReturn("Bob", "Johnson") // Commit ownership of strings held by 'person1' and 'person2' // to be managed by the list everyone.add(person1.commit()) everyone.add(person2.commit()) // Commit ownership of the list to the caller return everyone.commit() } func getFullnameReturnImmediately(firstname, lastname String) String { // '.commit()' is not necessary here return firstname + " " + lastname } func getFullnameStoreAndThenLaterReturn(firstname, lastname String) String { fullname String = firstname + " " + lastname // Ownership of the result is held by 'fullname', // so we must transfer ownership to the caller in order // to keep it alive after this function returns // '.commit()' is necessary here return fullname.commit() } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 328 1.6
ADES II - Programming language ADES II ======= ADES II is a programming language created in 1955. 1955 #4740 on PLDB 69 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ADES II happened in U.S Naval Ordnance Laboratory - ADES II on HOPL ADES II on HOPL - Read more about ADES II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
ADES - Programming language ADES ==== ADES is a programming language created in 1955. 1955 #3807 on PLDB 69 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ADES happened in U.S Naval Ordnance Laboratory - ADES on HOPL ADES on HOPL - Read more about ADES on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Aditi - Programming language Aditi ===== Aditi is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4741 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aditi happened in University of Melbourne - Aditi on HOPL Aditi on HOPL - Read more about Aditi on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ADLIB - Programming language ADLIB ===== ADLIB is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3808 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ADLIB is a superset of Pascal - Early development of ADLIB happened in Standford - ADLIB on HOPL ADLIB on HOPL - Read more about ADLIB on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Adobe Font Metrics - Application Adobe Font Metrics ================== Adobe Font Metrics is an application created in 1987. 1987 #2042 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Adobe Font Metrics happened in Adobe - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Adobe Font Metrics - Read more about Adobe Font Metrics on the web: 1. 1. StartFontMetrics 2.0 Comment Generated by FontForge 20170719 Comment Creation Date: Sun Jul 23 23:14:02 2017 FontName Greek_Lambda_Character-Regular FullName Greek_Lambda_Character Regular FamilyName Greek_Lambda_Character Weight Regular Notice (NONE. NADA. PUBLIC DOMAIN, BOI) ItalicAngle 0 IsFixedPitch false UnderlinePosition -175 UnderlineThickness 90 Version 020.017 EncodingScheme ISO10646-1 FontBBox 33 -177 566 760 StartCharMetrics 5 C 13 ; WX 602 ; N uni000D ; B 0 0 0 0 ; C 32 ; WX 602 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ; C -1 ; WX 602 ; N lambda ; B 33 0 566 760 ; C -1 ; WX 602 ; N .notdef ; B 50 -177 551 706 ; C -1 ; WX 0 ; N NULL ; B 0 0 0 0 ; EndCharMetrics EndFontMetrics Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
ADS-B - Standard ADS-B ===== ADS-B is a standard created in 2006. 2006 #4686 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: standard Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Advanced Continuous Simulation Language - Programming language Advanced Continuous Simulation Language ======================================= Advanced Continuous Simulation Language is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3758 on PLDB 57 Years Old The Advanced Continuous Simulation Language, or ACSL (pronounced "axle"), is a computer language designed for modeling and evaluating the performance of continuous systems described by time-dependent, nonlinear differential equations. Like SIMCOS and TUTSIM, ACSL is a dialect of the Continuous System Simulation Language (CSSL), originally designed by the Simulation Councils Inc (SCI) in 1967 in an attempt to unify the continuous simulations field.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, simulation - Early development of Advanced Continuous Simulation Language happened in Simulation Councils - Advanced Continuous Simulation Language on HOPL Advanced Continuous Simulation Language on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Fortran Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
Advice Taker - Programming language Advice Taker ============ Advice Taker is a programming language created in 1958 by John McCarthy. 1958 John McCarthy #3269 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Advice Taker happened in Stanford University - Advice Taker on HOPL Advice Taker on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
AED - Programming language AED === AED is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4742 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AED happened in SofTech - AED on HOPL AED on HOPL - Read more about AED on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
AEPL - Programming language AEPL ==== AEPL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4743 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AEPL happened in University of California and New York University - AEPL on HOPL AEPL on HOPL - Read more about AEPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
AESOP - Programming language AESOP ===== AESOP is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4744 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AESOP happened in The MITRE Corporation - AESOP on HOPL AESOP on HOPL - Read more about AESOP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Afnix - Programming language Afnix ===== Afnix is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3081 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Afnix on HOPL Afnix on HOPL - Read more about Afnix on the web: 1. 1. println "Hello, world!" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
AFS - Filesystem AFS === AFS, aka Andrew File System, is a filesystem created in 1982. 1982 #4531 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: filesystem - Early development of AFS happened in Carnegie Mellon Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
Agda - Programming language Agda ==== Agda is an open source programming language created in 2007 by Ulf Norell and Catarina Coquand. 2007 Ulf Norell Catarina Coquand #246 on PLDB 17 Years Old 2k Repos Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language originally developed by Ulf Norell at Chalmers University of Technology with implementation described in his PhD thesis. The current version of Agda was originally known as Agda 2. The original Agda system was developed at Chalmers by Catarina Coquand in 1999. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,120 Agda repos on GitHub - Early development of Agda happened in Chalmers University of Technology - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 143 users using Agda in 207 repos on GitHub - Explore Agda snippets on Rosetta Code - Agda on HOPL Agda on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Agda - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Agda - See also: (7 related languages) Coq, Epigram, Haskell, Idris, Emacs, Unicode, JavaScript - 4 PLDB concepts link to Agda: cloc, datafun, Obsidian, Pygments module agda where open import IO main = run (putStrLn "Hello World") module NatCat where open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality -- If you can show that a relation only ever has one inhabitant -- you get the category laws for free module EasyCategory (obj : Set) (_⟶_ : obj → obj → Set) (_∘_ : ∀ {x y z} → x ⟶ y → y ⟶ z → x ⟶ z) (id : ∀ x → x ⟶ x) (single-inhabitant : (x y : obj) (r s : x ⟶ y) → r ≡ s) where idʳ : ∀ x y (r : x ⟶ y) → r ∘ id y ≡ r idʳ x y r = single-inhabitant x y (r ∘ id y) r idˡ : ∀ x y (r : x ⟶ y) → id x ∘ r ≡ r idˡ x y r = single-inhabitant x y (id x ∘ r) r ∘-assoc : ∀ w x y z (r : w ⟶ x) (s : x ⟶ y) (t : y ⟶ z) → (r ∘ s) ∘ t ≡ r ∘ (s ∘ t) ∘-assoc w x y z r s t = single-inhabitant w z ((r ∘ s) ∘ t) (r ∘ (s ∘ t)) open import Data.Nat same : (x y : ℕ) (r s : x ≤ y) → r ≡ s same .0 y z≤n z≤n = refl same .(suc m) .(suc n) (s≤s {m} {n} r) (s≤s s) = cong s≤s (same m n r s) ≤-trans : ∀ x y z → x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z ≤-trans .0 y z z≤n s = z≤n ≤-trans .(suc m) .(suc n) .(suc n₁) (s≤s {m} {n} r) (s≤s {.n} {n₁} s) = s≤s (≤-trans m n n₁ r s) ≤-refl : ∀ x → x ≤ x ≤-refl zero = z≤n ≤-refl (suc x) = s≤s (≤-refl x) module Nat-EasyCategory = EasyCategory ℕ _≤_ (λ {x}{y}{z} → ≤-trans x y z) ≤-refl same data _≤_ : ℕ → ℕ → Set where z≤n : {n : ℕ} → zero ≤ n s≤s : {n m : ℕ} → n ≤ m → suc n ≤ suc m Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- \d+[eE][+-]?\d+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[xX][\da-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token putStrLn row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Typed Holes FeatureLink ../features/hasTypedHoles.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 686 3.4
Agent-K - Programming language Agent-K ======= Agent-K is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4745 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Agent-K happened in University of Aberdeen - Agent-K on HOPL Agent-K on HOPL - Read more about Agent-K on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
AgentSpeak - Programming language AgentSpeak ========== AgentSpeak is a programming language created in 1994 by Anand Rao. 1994 Anand Rao #2407 on PLDB 30 Years Old AgentSpeak is an agent-oriented programming language. It is based on logic programming and the BDI architecture for (cognitive) autonomous agents. The language was originally called AgentSpeak(L), but became more popular as AgentSpeak, a term that is also used to refer to the variants of the original language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AgentSpeak happened in Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and University of Massachusetts Amherst - AgentSpeak on HOPL AgentSpeak on HOPL - Read more about AgentSpeak on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
AGL - Programming language AGL === AGL is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4746 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AGL happened in SOFREMI - AGL on HOPL AGL on HOPL - Read more about AGL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Agora - Programming language Agora ===== Agora is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2955 on PLDB 31 Years Old Agora is a reflective, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language that is based exclusively on message passing and not delegation. Agora was intended to show that even subject to that limit, it is possible to build a full object-oriented language that features inheritance, cloning and reflective operators.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Agora happened in Vrije Universiteit - Agora on HOPL Agora on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Java Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Adventure Game Studio Script - Programming language Adventure Game Studio Script ============================ Adventure Game Studio Script is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1088 on PLDB 23 Years Old 128 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 128 Adventure Game Studio Script repos on GitHub - Early development of Adventure Game Studio Script happened in Adventure Game Studio - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 631 users using Adventure Game Studio Script in 674 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Adventure Game Studio Script function hDoor_Look() { Display("It's quite a large, ominous looking door."); } // Main header script - this will be included into every script in // the game (local and global). Do not place functions here; rather, // place import definitions and #define names here to be used by all // scripts. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
Aheui - Esoteric programming language Aheui ===== Aheui is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2012. 2012 #1164 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Industrial-strength implementaiton of Aheui written in RPython with JIT - Tags: esoteric programming language - Aheui is developed on GitHub and has 57 stars - Aheui is written in Python, Markdown, YAML, Make, Ini - Aheui is written with the native language of Korean - Aheui on Esolang Aheui on Esolang - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Aheui - Aheui appears in the Quine Relay project 밤밣따빠밣밟따뿌 빠맣파빨받밤뚜뭏 돋밬탕빠맣붏두붇 볻뫃박발뚷투뭏붖 뫃도뫃희멓뭏뭏붘 뫃봌토범더벌뿌뚜 뽑뽀멓멓더벓뻐뚠 뽀덩벐멓뻐덕더벅 밤밣따빠밣밟따뿌 빠맣파빨받밤뚜뭏 돋밬탕빠맣붏두붇 볻뫃박발뚷투뭏붖 뫃도뫃희멓뭏뭏붘 뫃봌토범더벌뿌뚜 뽑뽀멓멓더벓뻐뚠 뽀덩벐멓뻐덕더벅 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
AIDA - Programming language AIDA ==== AIDA is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4747 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AIDA happened in IP Sharp AG - AIDA on HOPL AIDA on HOPL - Read more about AIDA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
AIDS - Programming language AIDS ==== AIDS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3809 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AIDS happened in New York University - AIDS on HOPL AIDS on HOPL - Read more about AIDS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
AIL - Intermediate representation language AIL === AIL, aka angr Intermediate Language, is an intermediate representation language created in 2016. 2016 #1744 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone AIL: The angr Intermediate Language. - Tags: intermediate representation language - AIL is developed on GitHub and has 27 stars - Early development of AIL happened in University of California and Arizona State University - AIL is written in Python, YAML, reStructuredText, TOML, Make, Markdown - Read more about AIL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Aime - Programming language Aime ==== Aime is a programming language created in 2013 by Ciprian Niculescu. 2013 Ciprian Niculescu #2695 on PLDB 11 Years Old aime is an imperative procedural programming language, with a C inspired syntax. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aime happened in integer median3(integer a, integer b, integer c) { integer m; if (a < b) { if (b < c) { m = b; } else { if (a < c) { m = c; } else { m = a; } } } else { if (a < c) { m = a; } else { if (b < c) { m = c; } else { m = b; } } } return m; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
AIML - Data notation AIML ==== AIML, aka Artificial Intelligence Markup Language, is a data notation created in 2001. 2001 #1646 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone - Tags: dataNotation - AIML is developed on GitHub and has 17 stars - Early development of AIML happened in - AIML is written in Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
AIMMS - Programming language AIMMS ===== AIMMS, aka Advanced Interactive Multidimensional Modeling System, is a programming language created in 1993 by Johannes J. Bisschop and Marcel Roelofs. 1993 Johannes J. Bisschop Marcel Roelofs #1345 on PLDB 31 Years Old AIMMS is a prescriptive analytics software company with offices in the Netherlands, United States, China and Singapore. AIMMS has two main product offerings that provide modeling and optimization capabilities across a variety of industries. The AIMMS Prescriptive Analytics Platform is a tool for those with an Operations Research or Analytics background. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AIMMS happened in AIMMS B.V. or Paragon Decision Technology B.V. - AIMMS on HOPL AIMMS on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Algebraic modeling language, XML - Read more about AIMMS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
AIR - Intermediate representation language AIR === AIR, aka Assembly Intermediate Representation, is an intermediate representation language created in 2016. 2016 #2696 on PLDB 8 Years Old Bare Bones Backend / Assembly Intermediate Representation. The B3 compiler comprises two intermediate representations: a higher-level SSA-based representation called B3 IR and a lower-level representation that focuses of machine details, like registers. This lower-level form is called Air (Assembly Intermediate Representation). - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of AIR happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Airtable - Application Airtable ======== Airtable is an application created in 2012. 2012 #1682 on PLDB 12 Years Old Airtable is a cloud collaboration service headquartered in San Francisco. It was founded in 2012 by Howie Liu, Andrew Ofstad, and Emmett Nicholas. Airtable is a spreadsheet-database hybrid, with the features of a database but applied to a spreadsheet. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application, spreadsheet - Early development of Airtable happened in Formagrid, Inc. - was registered in 2003 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Alternate Instruction Set - Instruction set architecture Alternate Instruction Set ========================= Alternate Instruction Set is an instruction set architecture created in 2001. 2001 #3618 on PLDB 23 Years Old The Alternate Instruction Set (AIS) is a second 32-bit instruction set architecture found in some x86 CPUs made by VIA Technologies. On these VIA C3 processors, the second hidden processor mode is accessed by executing the x86 instruction ALTINST (0F 3F). If AIS mode has been enabled, the processor will perform a JMP EAX and begin executing AIS instructions at the address of the EAX register. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of Alternate Instruction Set happened in VIA Technologies, Inc - See also: (2 related languages) MMX instruction set, Netwide Assembler - Read more about Alternate Instruction Set on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Ait - Programming language Ait === Ait is a programming language created in 2016 by Stian Veum Møllersen. 2016 Stian Veum Møllersen #2236 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A Concatenative Language for Creative Programming - Tags: programming language - Ait is developed on GitHub and has 45 stars - Ait is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, CSON - First announcement of Ait Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Aith - Programming language Aith ==== Aith is a programming language created in 2020 by Superstar64. 2020 Superstar64 #1507 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Aith is a perfomant systems programming language with am empathises on type systems. As of now Aith is very early stages and very little is implemented. - Tags: programming language - Aith is developed on GitHub and has 61 stars - Early development of Aith happened in - Aith is written in Haskell, Tex, Make, Markdown, Python, XML module :: inline runtimeCall = \f => \x => f (x); module combinators = { inline flip = \f => \x => \y => f !y !x; inline compose = \f => \g => \x => f !(g !x); inline readerPure = \x => \r => x; inline readerBind = \m => \f => \r => f !(m !r) !r; inline readerMap = \f => \m => readerBind !m !(compose !readerPure !f); }; module systemf = { inline ignored <B : type> : <A : type> B -> B; inline ignored <B : type> = <A : type> \(x : B) => x; inline idSysF = <A : type> \x : A => x; inline runIdSysF = \f { |< f : <A : type> A -> A >| }; inline id = runIdSysF !idSysF; type natural = <A : type> A -> (A -> A) -> A; inline zero<> : natural; inline zero = <A : type> \z : A => \inc : A -> A => z; inline inc<> : natural -> natural; inline inc = \n => <A : type> \z : A => \inc : A -> A => inc !(|< n : natural >| !z !inc); inline one<> : natural; inline one = inc !zero; inline two<> : natural; inline two = inc !one; }; module varSub = { inline sub<R : pretype<pointer, unrestricted>, A : region, B : region >= A, C:type> : R in A -> R in B -> C -[linear]> C; inline sub = \a => \b => \x => x; inline cycle = \a => \b => \c { sub !a !b !( sub !b !c !( sub !c !a !( \x => x ) ) ) }; }; module default = { add = function(x,y) { x + y }; ambigous = function(x) { inline y = 1; x }; }; module unit = { idUnit = function () { () }; }; module boolean = { inline yes = true; branch = function(b) { if b { 1 } else { 2 } }; complex = function(b) { if (if (b) { true } else {false} ) { 1 } else { if yes { 2 } else { 4 } } }; not = function(b) { !b }; inBounds = function(x1, x2, x3) { x1 <= x2 & x2 < x3 }; }; module pair = { fst = function(x, y) => x; snd = function(x, y) => y; pattern = function (pair) { (fst(pair), snd(pair)) }; }; module ptr = { derefTriple = function(x) { ***x }; deref <RA : region, RB : region >= RA, T : pretype<pointer, unrestricted>> : function (T* @ RA) => T uses RB; deref <RA : region, RB : region >= RA, T : pretype<pointer, unrestricted>> = function (x) { *x }; write<A:region, B:region >= A> : function(int* @ A) => () uses B; write<A:region, B:region >= A> = function(x :: int* @ A) { *x = (1 :: int) }; writeTriple = function(x) { ***x = 1 }; swap = function(x,y) { let xp = *x; *x = (*y); *y = xp; () }; }; module number = { type point = (int, int, int); dotProduct <R : region> : function(point, point) => int uses R; dotProduct = function((x1,y1,z1), (x2, y2, z2)) { (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + z1 * z2) }; mid <R : region> : function(uint, uint) => uint uses R; mid <R : region> = function(x,y) { (x + y) / 2 }; inline divGen = function(x,y) { (x + y - 1) / y }; div = divGen; lessEqual = function(x,y) { x <= y }; factorial<R : region> : function(ulong) => ulong uses R; factorial<R : region> = function(x) { if (x == 0) { 1 } else { x * factorial (x - 1) } }; }; module fptr = { call = function(f) { f (1) }; callUnit <R : region> : function(function*(uint) => () uses R) => () uses R; callUnit <R : region> = function(f) { f (2) }; }; module recurse = { explode<L : multiplicity, R:region, A:pretype<pointer, L>> : function() => A uses R; explode<L : multiplicity, R:region, A:pretype<pointer, L>> = function() { explode () }; }; module world = { inline putchar<A:region> : function*(int) => int uses io in A; inline putchar<A:region> = extern "putchar"; putPtr<A:region >= io> : function(int* @ A) => int uses A; putPtr = function(ptr) { putchar (*ptr) }; }; module arrays = { inline get = \x => \i { * &* &x[i] }; inline set = \x => \i => \a { * &* &x[i] = a }; swap = function(a, b, i) { let tmp = get !a !i; set !a !i !(get !b !i); set !b !i !tmp; () }; memcpyPtr = function(dst, src, i) { loop (let (dst, src, i) = (dst, src, i)) { if(i != 0) { * &* dst = (* &* src); continue (&dst[1], &src[1], i - 1) } else { break () } } }; }; module sort = { inline get = /arrays/get; inline set = /arrays/set; insert<R : region> : function(int[] @ R, unsigned integer(native)) => () uses R; insert<R : region> = function(array, index) { loop (let (array, index) = (array,index)) { if (index > 0 & get !array !index < get !array !(index - 1) ) { let tmp = get !array !index; set !array !index !(get !array !(index - 1)); set !array !(index - 1) !tmp; continue (array, index - 1) } else { break () } } }; sort <R : region> : function(int[] @ R, unsigned integer(native)) => () uses R; sort <R : region> = function(array, length) { if (length > 1) { sort(array, length - 1); insert(array, length - 1) } else { () } }; }; module borrowed = { increment <R : region> : function(unique int*) => unique int* uses R; increment <R : region> = function(p :: unique int*) { let ((), p) = borrow p as <A : region >= R>(x :: int* @ A) { *x = (*x + 1) }; p }; }; module partial = { inline auto = \x => x; inline semi<A : type> = \x : A => x; inline scoped<A : type> : A -> A; inline scoped = \x : A => x; inline manual<A : type> : A -> A; inline manual<A : type> = \x => x; }; module import = { inline id = \x => x; module b = { inline const = \y => /import/id; }; }; module levity = { idPolyPair<A : pretype<struct(pointer, 32bit word) ,linear>> = function(x :: A) { x }; idPolyUnion<A : pretype<union(pointer, 32bit word) ,linear>> = function(x :: A) { x }; useId = function(ptr) { idPolyPair(ptr, 0) }; }; module sum = { triangular = function(start, end) { loop (let (i, total) = (start, 0)) { if (i <= end) { continue (i + 1, total + i) } else { break (total) } } }; }; module newtype = { wrapper num : pretype<32bit word, unrestricted>; wrapper num = int; makeNum = function() { wrap 1 :: num }; wrapper linked : pretype<pointer, unrestricted>; wrapper linked = linked2* @ io; type linked2 = linked; read = function (x) { *unwrap (x :: linked) }; }; as bool borrow boxed break byte capacity continue copy else existence extern false function if in inline int integer invariant io kind let linear long loop module multiarg multiplicity native opaque pointer pretype region representation short signed signedness size step struct subtypable transparent true type ubyte uint ulong union unique unrestricted unsigned unwrap used uses ushort word wrap wrapper Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1255 6.3
AKL - Programming language AKL === AKL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4748 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AKL happened in Swedish Institute of Computer Science - AKL on HOPL AKL on HOPL - Read more about AKL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
AL - Programming language AL == AL is a programming language created in 2016 by Microsoft. 2016 Microsoft #1536 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Home of the Dynamics 365 Business Central AL Language extension for Visual Studio Code. Used to track issues regarding the latest version of the AL compiler and developer tools available in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace or as part of the AL Developer Preview builds for Dynamics 365 Business Central. - Tags: programming language - AL is developed on GitHub and has 722 stars - Early development of AL happened in Microsoft - AL is written in Perl, JSON, Markdown, JavaScript, XML, PowerShell, YAML, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
ALADIN - Programming language ALADIN ====== ALADIN is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4749 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALADIN happened in University of Grenoble - ALADIN on HOPL ALADIN on HOPL - Read more about ALADIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Alambik - Programming language Alambik ======= Alambik is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #4750 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alambik happened in Alambik Limited - Alambik on HOPL Alambik on HOPL - Read more about Alambik on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
alan - Programming language alan ==== alan is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2994 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of alan happened in Kjerner 'Reasons': collection { } 'Users': collection { 'Name': text 'Active': stategroup @default: 'Yes' ( 'Yes' -> { } 'No' -> { 'Reason': text -> ?^ .^ .'Reasons' } ) } 'Active Users':= integer 'n' = count .'Users'?'Active'|'Yes' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
ALBA - Programming language ALBA ==== ALBA is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4751 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALBA happened in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Campus de Montegancedo - ALBA on HOPL ALBA on HOPL - Read more about ALBA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
albatross - Programming language albatross ========= albatross is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2995 on PLDB 9 Years Old Albatross is A Programming Language with Static Verification: You can develop programs and algorithms and prove them to be correct in Albatross - Tags: programming language use alba.base.boolean end all (a:BOOLEAN) require a ensure a end HackerNews discussions of albatross =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Albatross – A Programming Language with Static Verification||08/10/2015|15|7 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
ALCOR - Programming language ALCOR ===== ALCOR is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #3781 on PLDB 65 Years Old For the cryonics organization, see Alcor Life Extension Foundation. ALCOR is a radar tracking station in Roi-Namur island in the north part of the Kwajalein atoll in the Marshall Islands.ALCOR is an early computer language definition created by the ALCOR Group, a consortium of universities, research institutions and manufacturers in Europe and the United States which was founded in 1959 and which had 60 members in 1966. The group had the aim of a common compiler specification for a subset of ALGOL 60 after the ALGOL meeting in Copenhagen in 1958.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALCOR happened in ALCOR Group - ALCOR on HOPL ALCOR on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ALGOL 60 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
Aldat - Programming language Aldat ===== Aldat is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4752 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aldat happened in McGill University - Aldat on HOPL Aldat on HOPL - Read more about Aldat on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ALDES - Programming language ALDES ===== ALDES is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4753 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALDES happened in Universität Tübingen - ALDES on HOPL ALDES on HOPL - Read more about ALDES on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Aldor - Programming language Aldor ===== Aldor is an open source programming language created in 1990 by Richard Dimick Jenks and Barry Trager and Stephen Watt and James Davenport and Robert Sutor and Scott Morrison. 1990 Richard Dimick Jenks Barry Trager Stephen Watt James Davenport Robert Sutor Scott Morrison #1212 on PLDB 34 Years Old Aldor is a programming language. It is the successor of A# as the extension language of the Axiom computer algebra system. Aldor combines imperative, functional, and object-oriented features. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aldor happened in Western University - Aldor on HOPL Aldor on HOPL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Aldor - was registered in 2000 - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Solaris, Pascal, Haskell, Python #include "aldor" #include "aldorio" import from Integer, String; bob(n: Integer): String == { b: String := " bottle"; if n ~= 1 then b := b + "s"; b + " of beer"; } main(): () == { n: Integer := 99; otw: String := " on the wall"; -- refrain while n > 0 repeat { stdout << n << bob(n) << otw << ", " << n << bob(n) << "." << newline; stdout << "Take one down and pass it around, "; n := n - 1; if n > 0 then stdout << n; else stdout << "no more"; stdout << bob(n) << otw << "." << newline; stdout << newline; } -- last verse stdout << "No more" << bob(n) << otw << ", no more" << bob(n) << "." << newline; stdout << "Go to the store and buy some more, "; n: Integer := 99; stdout << n << bob(n) << otw << "." << newline; } main(); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 500 2.5
Aldwych - Programming language Aldwych ======= Aldwych is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4754 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aldwych happened in Queen Mary College and Westfield College - Aldwych on HOPL Aldwych on HOPL - Read more about Aldwych on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
a Lisp Environment - Programming language a Lisp Environment ================== a Lisp Environment, aka a Lisp Environment, is a programming language created in 2019 by Thomas Bradford. 2019 Thomas Bradford #1415 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Ale is a Lisp Environment for Go applications - Tags: programming language - a Lisp Environment is developed on GitHub and has 167 stars - a Lisp Environment is written in Go, Markdown, YAML, Make - was registered in 2019 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
ALEC - Programming language ALEC ==== ALEC is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4755 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALEC happened in University of Manchester - ALEC on HOPL ALEC on HOPL - Read more about ALEC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ALEF - Programming language ALEF ==== ALEF is a programming language created in 1992 by Phil Winterbottom. 1992 Phil Winterbottom #1523 on PLDB 32 Years Old Alef is a discontinued concurrent programming language, designed as part of the Plan 9 operating system by Phil Winterbottom of Bell Labs. It implemented the channel-based concurrency model of Newsqueak in a compiled, C-like language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALEF happened in Bell Labs - ALEF on HOPL ALEF on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) C, Newsqueak, Limbo, Rust, Go, CSP (int, byte*, byte) func() { return (10, "hello", ’c’); } void main() { int a; byte* str; byte c; (a, str, c) = func(); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
ALEPH - Programming language ALEPH ===== ALEPH is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4902 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ALEPH on HOPL ALEPH on HOPL - Read more about ALEPH on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Algebraic Logic Functional - Programming language Algebraic Logic Functional ========================== Algebraic Logic Functional, aka Algebraic Logic Functional, is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #1878 on PLDB 34 Years Old Algebraic Logic Functional programming language, also known as ALF, is a programming language which combines functional and logic programming techniques. Its foundation is Horn clause logic with equality which consists of predicates and Horn clauses for logic programming, and functions and equations for functional programming. ALF was designed to be genuine integration of both programming paradigms, and thus any functional expression can be used in a goal literal and arbitrary predicates can occur in conditions of equations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Algebraic Logic Functional happened in Carnegie Mellon and University of Kiel - Algebraic Logic Functional on HOPL Algebraic Logic Functional on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) C, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
alfred - Programming language alfred ====== alfred is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #2803 on PLDB 52 Years Old alfred is an application launcher and productivity application for macOS. Alfred is free, though an optional paid upgrade ('Powerpack') is available. Using a keyboard shortcut chosen by the user, Alfred provides a quick way to find and launch applications and files on the Mac or to search the web both with predefined keywords for often-used sites such as, IMDb, Wikipedia and many others, with the ability to add users' custom searches for the sites most applicable to them.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - alfred on HOPL alfred on HOPL - Read more about alfred on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
Algae - Programming language Algae ===== Algae is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2840 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Algae happened in Boeing - Explore Algae snippets on Rosetta Code - Algae on HOPL Algae on HOPL - Read more about Algae on the web: 1. 1. printf("Hello World\n"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Algebraic Compiler - Programming language Algebraic Compiler ================== Algebraic Compiler is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #4756 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Algebraic Compiler happened in Computer Usage Company, Inc - Algebraic Compiler on HOPL Algebraic Compiler on HOPL - Read more about Algebraic Compiler on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Algebraic modeling language - Programming language Algebraic modeling language =========================== Algebraic modeling language is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2679 on PLDB 44 Years Old Algebraic modeling languages (AML) are high-level computer programming languages for describing and solving high complexity problems for large scale mathematical computation (i.e. large scale optimization type problems). One particular advantage of some algebraic modeling languages like AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS,MathProg, Mosel, and OPL is the similarity of their syntax to the mathematical notation of optimization problems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Algebraic modeling language happened in IBM - Algebraic modeling language on HOPL Algebraic modeling language on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
ALGEM - Programming language ALGEM ===== ALGEM is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4757 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGEM happened in University of Toronto - ALGEM on HOPL ALGEM on HOPL - Read more about ALGEM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ALGERNON - Programming language ALGERNON ======== ALGERNON is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4758 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGERNON happened in University of Oregon and University of Texas at Austin - ALGERNON on HOPL ALGERNON on HOPL - Read more about ALGERNON on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
ALGO - Programming language ALGO ==== ALGO is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #2429 on PLDB 66 Years Old ALGO is an algebraic programming language developed between 1959 and 1961 for the Bendix G-15 computer. ALGO was one of several programming languages inspired by the Preliminary Report on the Language written in Zürich in 1958. This report underwent several modifications before becoming the Revised Report on which most ALGOL implementations are based. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGO happened in Bendix Corporation - See also: (3 related languages) ALGOL 60, NELIAC, ALGOL 58 1 TITLE TRABB PARDO-KNUTH ALGORITHM 2 SUBSCript I,J 3 DATA A(11) 4 FORMAt FI(2DT), FLARGE(3D) 5 PROCEDURE F(T=Z) 6 BEGIN 7 Z=SQRT(ABS(T))+5*T^3 8 END 9 FOR I=0(1)10 10 A[I]=KEYBD 11 FOR J=0(1)10 BEGIN 12 I=J-10 13 F(A[I]=Y) 14 PRINT(FI)=I 15 IF Y > 400 16 GO TO LARGE 17 PRINT(FL)=Y 18 GO TO NEXT 19 LARGE: PRINT(FLARGE)=999 20 NEXT: CARR(1) END 21 2END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
algobox - Programming language algobox ======= algobox is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #3621 on PLDB 13 Years Old algobox is an easy-to-use pedagogical software for initiation to algorithms, distributed under the GNU/GPL license. It is available for free for Linux, macOS and Windows platforms and can even run on a simple USB key. Using an algorithmic language in French and a simple and ergonomic graphical user interface, this software makes it easy to design and test algorithms that may be encountered in secondary school mathematics education.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Read more about algobox on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
ALGOL 58 - Programming language ALGOL 58 ======== ALGOL 58 is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #2150 on PLDB 66 Years Old ALGOL 58, originally known as IAL, is one of the family of ALGOL computer programming languages. It was an early compromise design soon superseded by ALGOL 60. According to John Backus "The Zurich ACM-GAMM Conference had two principal motives in proposing the IAL: (a) To provide a means of communicating numerical methods and other procedures between people, and (b) To provide a means of realizing a stated process on a variety of machines..." ALGOL 58 introduced the fundamental notion of the compound statement, but it was restricted to control flow only, and it was not tied to identifier scope in the way that Algol 60's blocks were.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGOL 58 happened in Association for Computing Machinery and Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik - ALGOL 58 on HOPL ALGOL 58 on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) Algol, ALGOL 60, ACT-III, JOVIAL, NELIAC, ALGO, Ada, Michigan Algorithm Decoder - 1 PLDB concepts link to ALGOL 58: BALGOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
ALGOL 60 - Programming language ALGOL 60 ======== ALGOL 60 is a programming language created in 1960 by John Backus and Friedrich L. Bauer and Julien Green and Charles Katz and John McCarthy and Peter Naur and Alan Perlis and Heinz Rutishauser and Klaus Samelson and Adriaan van Wijngaarden and Bernard Vauquois and Joseph Henry Wegstein and Michael Woodger. 1960 John Backus Friedrich L. Bauer Julien Green Charles Katz John McCarthy Peter Naur Alan Perlis Heinz Rutishauser Klaus Samelson Adriaan van Wijngaarden Bernard Vauquois Joseph Henry Wegstein Michael Woodger #316 on PLDB 64 Years Old ALGOL 60 (short for Algorithmic Language 1960) is a member of the ALGOL family of computer programming languages. It followed on from ALGOL 58 which had introduced code blocks and the begin and end pairs for delimiting them. ALGOL 60 was the first language implementing nested function definitions with lexical scope. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGOL 60 happened in International Federation for Information Processing - ALGOL 60 on HOPL ALGOL 60 on HOPL - See also: (28 related languages) ALGOL 58, Simula, CPL, Pascal, Ada, C, Algol, CPL, BCPL, B, ALGOL W, ALGOL 68, COBOL, Scheme, Lisp, SMIL, ACT-III, Elliott ALGOL, Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language, NEWP, ALGOL N, Atlas Autocode, CORAL, Edinburgh IMP, ISWIM, JOVIAL, NELIAC, S-algol - 6 PLDB concepts link to ALGOL 60: ALGOL W, Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language, Modula, Oberon, Pascal, Simula procedure Absmax(a) Size:(n, m) Result:(y) Subscripts:(i, k); value n, m; array a; integer n, m, i, k; real y; comment The absolute greatest element of the matrix a, of size n by m, is transferred to y, and the subscripts of this element to i and k; begin integer p, q; y := 0; i := k := 1; for p := 1 step 1 until n do for q := 1 step 1 until m do if abs(a[p, q]) > y then begin y := abs(a[p, q]); i := p; k := q end end Absmax BEGIN FILE F(KIND=REMOTE); EBCDIC ARRAY E[0:11]; REPLACE E BY "HELLO WORLD"; WRITE(F, *, E); END. 'PROGRAM' (HELLO) 'BEGIN' 'COMMENT' OPEN QUOTE IS '(', CLOSE IS ')', PRINTABLE SPACE HAS TO BE WRITTEN AS % BECAUSE SPACES ARE IGNORED; WRITE TEXT('('HELLO%WORLD')'); 'END' 'FINISH' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WRITE row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 642 3.2
ALGOL 68-R - Programming language ALGOL 68-R ========== ALGOL 68-R is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3196 on PLDB 54 Years Old ALGOL 68-R was the first implementation of the Algorithmic language ALGOL 68. In December 1968 the report on the Algorithmic language ALGOL 68 was published. On 20–24 July 1970 a working conference was arranged by the IFIP to discuss the problems of implementation of the language, a small team from the Royal Radar Establishment attended to present their compiler, written by I.F. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGOL 68-R happened in Royal Radar Establishment - ALGOL 68-R on HOPL ALGOL 68-R on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 68, Punched tape - Read more about ALGOL 68-R on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. [1 : 120] CHAR buff; INT unitnumber; STRUCT (BITS typemode, reply, INT count, REF CHAR address) control area := (8r47400014,0,120,buff[1]); ...; CODE 0,6/unitnumber; 157,6/typemode OF control area EDOC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 250 1.3
ALGOL 68-RT - Programming language ALGOL 68-RT =========== ALGOL 68-RT is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4903 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ALGOL 68-RT on HOPL ALGOL 68-RT on HOPL - Read more about ALGOL 68-RT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
ALGOL 68 - Programming language ALGOL 68 ======== ALGOL 68 is a programming language created in 1968 by Adriaan van Wijngaarden and Barry J. Mailloux and John E. L. Peck and Cornelis H. A. Koster. 1968 Adriaan van Wijngaarden Barry J. Mailloux John E. L. Peck Cornelis H. A. Koster #613 on PLDB 56 Years Old ALGOL 68 (short for Algorithmic Language 1968) is an imperative computer programming language that was conceived as a successor to the ALGOL 60 programming language, designed with the goal of a much wider scope of application and more rigorously defined syntax and semantics. The contributions of ALGOL 68 to the field of computer science have been deep, wide ranging and enduring, although many of these contributions were only publicly identified when they had reappeared in subsequently developed programming languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGOL 68 happened in International Federation for Information Processing - ALGOL 68 on HOPL ALGOL 68 on HOPL - See also: (36 related languages) ALGOL 68-R, FLACC, ALGOL 60, C, Bourne shell, Bash, Python, Seed7, Mary, S3, S-algol, Pascal, Unix, Perl, Lisp, Unicode, BCPL, Algol, ASCII, Java, JOVIAL, Simula, CORAL, PEARL, RTL/2, HAL/S, Fortran, COBOL, CMS-2, BLISS, ALGOL W, SPARC, Solaris, Multics, ALGOL N, Ada - 1 PLDB concepts link to ALGOL 68: Mary begin print(("Hello World",newline)) end proc test = (real a, b) :... ... test (x plus 1, x); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example .PR POINT .PR .PR UPPER .PR .PR RES .PR 'pr' quote 'pr' Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 405 2
ALGOL-E - Programming language ALGOL-E ======= ALGOL-E is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4759 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGOL-E happened in Naval Postgraduate School - ALGOL-E on HOPL ALGOL-E on HOPL - Read more about ALGOL-E on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
ALGOL N - Programming language ALGOL N ======= ALGOL N is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4586 on PLDB 57 Years Old ALGOL N is the name of a successor to ALGOL 60 designed in Japan with the aim of being as powerful as ALGOL 68 but as simple as ALGOL 60. The language was proposed by Nobuo Yoneda. Algol N tried to use extensibility in order to solve the problem that programming language designers faced when trying to make an inextensible language for everything or having to make many languages, one for each domain. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ALGOL N on HOPL ALGOL N on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 60, ALGOL 68 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
ALGOL W - Programming language ALGOL W ======= ALGOL W is a programming language created in 1966 by Niklaus Wirth and Tony Hoare. 1966 Niklaus Wirth Tony Hoare #1110 on PLDB 58 Years Old ALGOL W is a programming language. It is based on a proposal for ALGOL X by Niklaus Wirth and Tony Hoare as a successor to ALGOL 60 in IFIP Working Group 2.1. When the committee decided that the proposal was not a sufficient advance over ALGOL 60, the proposal was published as A contribution to the development of ALGOL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGOL W happened in Stanford University - ALGOL 60 influenced the design of ALGOL W - ALGOL W on HOPL ALGOL W on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) ALGOL 60, Pascal, Modula-2 begin write( "Hello World" ) end. RECORD PERSON ( STRING(20) NAME; INTEGER AGE; LOGICAL MALE; REFERENCE(PERSON) FATHER, MOTHER, YOUNGESTOFFSPRING, ELDERSIBLING ); REFERENCE(PERSON) PROCEDURE YOUNGESTUNCLE (REFERENCE(PERSON) R); BEGIN REFERENCE(PERSON) P, M; P := YOUNGESTOFFSPRING(FATHER(FATHER(R))); WHILE (P ¬= NULL) AND (¬ MALE(P)) OR (P = FATHER(R)) DO P := ELDERSIBLING(P); M := YOUNGESTOFFSPRING(MOTHER(MOTHER(R))); WHILE (M ¬= NULL) AND (¬ MALE(M)) DO M := ELDERSIBLING(M); IF P = NULL THEN M ELSE IF M = NULL THEN P ELSE IF AGE(P) < AGE(M) THEN P ELSE M END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 345 1.7
ALGOL X - Programming language ALGOL X ======= ALGOL X is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4532 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGOL X happened in International Federation for Information Processing - ALGOL X on HOPL ALGOL X on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
Algol - Programming language Algol ===== Algol is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #513 on PLDB 66 Years Old ALGOL (short for Algorithmic Language) is a family of imperative computer programming languages, originally developed in the mid-1950s, which greatly influenced many other languages and was the standard method for algorithm description used by the ACM in textbooks and academic sources for more than thirty years. In the sense that the syntax of most modern languages is "Algol-like", it was arguably the most influential of the four high-level programming languages among which it was roughly contemporary: FORTRAN, Lisp, and COBOL. It was designed to avoid some of the perceived problems with FORTRAN and eventually gave rise to many other programming languages, including PL/I, Simula, BCPL, B, Pascal, and C. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Algol happened in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Explore Algol snippets on Rosetta Code - Algol on HOPL Algol on HOPL - Algol appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (29 related languages) PL/I, Simula, BCPL, B, Pascal, C, Lisp, COBOL, ALGOL 58, ALGOL 60, ALGOL 68, ALGOL W, Scheme, ML, Elliott ALGOL, JOVIAL, Ada, ACT-III, S-algol, Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language, NEWP, ASCII, ALCOR, Unicode, Atlas Autocode, CORAL, Edinburgh IMP, ISWIM, NELIAC print(("Hello, world!",new line)) 'BEGIN' WRITE TEXT('('HELLO%WORLD')'); 'END' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 324 1.6
ALGY - Programming language ALGY ==== ALGY is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #4760 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALGY happened in Philco Corporation - ALGY on HOPL ALGY on HOPL - Read more about ALGY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Alice - Programming language Alice ===== Alice is an open source programming language created in 2000. 2000 #1209 on PLDB 24 Years Old Alice ML is a programming language designed by the Programming Systems Laboratory at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. It is a dialect of Standard ML, augmented with support for lazy evaluation, concurrency (multithreading and distributed computing via remote procedure calls) and constraint programming.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alice happened in Saarland University - See also: (4 related languages) ML, Oz, Standard ML, Haskell "dlroW olleH"d&O`@ fun fib 0 = 0 | fib 1 = 1 | fib n = spawn fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
ALJABR - Programming language ALJABR ====== ALJABR is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4904 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ALJABR on HOPL ALJABR on HOPL - Read more about ALJABR on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Allegro Common Lisp - Programming language Allegro Common Lisp =================== Allegro Common Lisp is a programming language created in 1986 by John Foderaro. 1986 John Foderaro #1857 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language, lisp - Early development of Allegro Common Lisp happened in Franz Inc - 1 PLDB concepts link to Allegro Common Lisp: SubL (defun foo (x) (loop for y in-sequence x collect (1+ y))) (foo '(1 2 3)) => (2 3 4) (foo #(1 2 3)) => (2 3 4) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
ALLO - Programming language ALLO ==== ALLO is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4761 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALLO happened in The Research Institute for Informatics - ALLO on HOPL ALLO on HOPL - Read more about ALLO on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Alloy - Programming language Alloy ===== Alloy is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #678 on PLDB 27 Years Old 759 Repos In computer science and software engineering, Alloy is a declarative specification language for expressing complex structural constraints and behavior in a software system. Alloy provides a simple structural modeling tool based on first-order logic. Alloy is targeted at the creation of micro-models that can then be automatically checked for correctness. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 759 Alloy repos on GitHub - Early development of Alloy happened in MIT - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 84 users using Alloy in 90 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Alloy - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Alloy - was registered in 2017 - See also: (1 related languages) Z notation // A file system object in the file system sig FSObject { parent: lone Dir } // A directory in the file system sig Dir extends FSObject { contents: set FSObject } // A file in the file system sig File extends FSObject { } // A directory is the parent of its contents fact { all d: Dir, o: d.contents | o.parent = d } // All file system objects are either files or directories fact { File + Dir = FSObject } // There exists a root one sig Root extends Dir { } { no parent } // File system is connected fact { FSObject in Root.*contents } // The contents path is acyclic assert acyclic { no d: Dir | d in d.^contents } // Now check it for a scope of 5 check acyclic for 5 // File system has one root assert oneRoot { one d: Dir | no d.parent } // Now check it for a scope of 5 check oneRoot for 5 // Every fs object is in at most one directory assert oneLocation { all o: FSObject | lone d: Dir | o in d.contents } // Now check it for a scope of 5 check oneLocation for 5 module examples/systems/file_system /* * Model of a generic file system. */ abstract sig Object {} sig Name {} sig File extends Object {} { some d: Dir | this in d.entries.contents } sig Dir extends Object { entries: set DirEntry, parent: lone Dir } { parent = this.~@contents.~@entries all e1, e2 : entries | = => e1 = e2 this !in this.^@parent this != Root => Root in this.^@parent } one sig Root extends Dir {} { no parent } lone sig Cur extends Dir {} sig DirEntry { name: Name, contents: Object } { one this.~entries } /** * all directories besides root have one parent */ pred OneParent_buggyVersion { all d: Dir - Root | one d.parent } /** * all directories besides root have one parent */ pred OneParent_correctVersion { all d: Dir - Root | (one d.parent && one contents.d) } /** * Only files may be linked (that is, have more than one entry) * That is, all directories are the contents of at most one directory entry */ pred NoDirAliases { all o: Dir | lone o.~contents } check { OneParent_buggyVersion => NoDirAliases } for 5 expect 1 check { OneParent_correctVersion => NoDirAliases } for 5 expect 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 612 3.1
Alma-0 - Programming language Alma-0 ====== Alma-0 is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2911 on PLDB 27 Years Old Alma-0 is a multi-paradigm computer programming language. This language is an augmented version of the imperative Modula-2 language with logic-programming features and convenient backtracking capability. It is small, strongly typed, and combines constraint programming, a limited number of features inspired by logic programming and supports imperative paradigms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alma-0 happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica - See also: (1 related languages) Modula-2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Alma - Programming language Alma ==== Alma is a programming language created in 2014 by Carl Mäsak. 2014 Carl Mäsak #1182 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Alma is a small language created as a testbed for Raku macros. - Tags: programming language - Alma is developed on GitHub and has 137 stars - Early development of Alma happened in - Alma is written in Raku, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, HTML, D, YAML macro swap(a, b) { return quasi { my t = {{{a}}}; {{{a}}} = {{{b}}}; {{{b}}} = t; }; } func gcd(a, b) { if b { return gcd(b, a % b); } return a.abs(); } my bigger = +prompt("Enter the bigger integer: "); my smaller = +prompt("Enter the smaller integer: "); if bigger < smaller { swap(bigger, smaller); } say(); say("Greatest common denominator: ", gcd(bigger, smaller)); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Alma-O - Programming language Alma-O ====== Alma-O is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4762 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alma-O happened in Università di Roma and University of Amsterdam - Alma-O on HOPL Alma-O on HOPL - Read more about Alma-O on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Alma - Programming language Alma ==== Alma is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3810 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alma happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and University of Amsterdam and Universit`a di Udine - Alma on HOPL Alma on HOPL - Read more about Alma on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
ALMIR - Programming language ALMIR ===== ALMIR is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4763 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALMIR happened in Poltava National Technical University - ALMIR on HOPL ALMIR on HOPL - Read more about ALMIR on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Almquist shell - Programming language Almquist shell ============== Almquist shell is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3254 on PLDB 35 Years Old Almquist shell (also known as A Shell, ash and sh) is a lightweight Unix shell originally written by Kenneth Almquist in the late 1980s. Initially a clone of the System V.4 variant of the Bourne shell, it replaced the original Bourne shell in the BSD versions of Unix released in the early 1990s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Almquist shell happened in Internet Ulm or Neu-Ulm eV - See also: (5 related languages) C, Bourne shell, Bash, FreeBSD, Korn shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
ALOHAnet - Protocol ALOHAnet ======== ALOHAnet, aka Additive Links On-line Hawaii Area, is a protocol created in 1971 by Norman Abramson and Franklin F. Kuo. 1971 Norman Abramson Franklin F. Kuo #3218 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of ALOHAnet happened in University of Hawaii - 1 PLDB concepts link to ALOHAnet: Ethernet Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Alonzo - Programming language Alonzo ====== Alonzo is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4764 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alonzo happened in The MITRE Corporation - Alonzo on HOPL Alonzo on HOPL - Read more about Alonzo on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Alpaca - Programming language Alpaca ====== Alpaca is a programming language created in 2016 by Jeremy Pierre. 2016 Jeremy Pierre #472 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Functional programming inspired by ML for the Erlang VM - Tags: programming language - Alpaca is developed on GitHub and has 1,439 stars - Early development of Alpaca happened in - Alpaca compiles to BEAM Bytecode - Alpaca is written in Erlang, Markdown, YAML, Make, Bourne shell - Read more about Alpaca on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Alpaca: Gleam module simple_example -- a basic top-level function: let add2 x = x + 2 let something_with_let_bindings x = -- a function: let adder a b = a + b in -- a variable (immutable): let x_plus_2 = adder x 2 in add2 x -- a polymorphic ADT: type messages 'x = 'x | Fetch pid 'x {- A function that can be spawned to receive `messages int` messages, that increments its state by received integers and can be queried for its state. -} let will_be_a_process x = receive with i -> will_be_a_process (x + i) | Fetch sender -> let sent = send x sender in will_be_a_process x let start_a_process init = spawn will_be_a_process init Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
ALPAK - Programming language ALPAK ===== ALPAK is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3316 on PLDB 61 Years Old This is the first of two papers on the ALPAK system for nonnumerical algebra on a digital computer. This paper is concerned with polynomials in several variables and truncated power series with polynomial coefficients. The second paper will discuss rational functions of several variables, truncated, power series with rational-function coefficients, and syste7ns of linear equations with rational-function coefficients. The ALPAK system has been programmed within the BE-S YS-4 monitor system on the IBM 7090 computer, but the language and concepts are machine independent. - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALPAK happened in Nokia Bell Labs - ALPAK on HOPL ALPAK on HOPL - Read more about ALPAK on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
Alpha - Programming language Alpha ===== Alpha is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #2386 on PLDB 53 Years Old The Alpha language was the original database language proposed by Edgar F. Codd, the inventor of the relational database approach. It was defined in Codd's 1971 paper "A Data Base Sublanguage Founded on the Relational Calculus". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alpha happened in Technological University Dublin and University College Dublin - See also: (2 related languages) QUEL, SQL - Read more about Alpha on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
AlphaBasic - Programming language AlphaBasic ========== AlphaBasic is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4594 on PLDB 48 Years Old AlphaBASIC is a computer programming language created by Alpha Microsystems in 1976. The language was written by Alpha Microsystems employees Paul Edelstein, Dick Wilcox and Bob Courier.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AlphaBasic happened in Alpha Microsystems - See also: (1 related languages) Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
AlphaPop - Programming language AlphaPop ======== AlphaPop is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4765 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AlphaPop happened in University of Edinburgh - AlphaPop on HOPL AlphaPop on HOPL - Read more about AlphaPop on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Alphard - Programming language Alphard ======= Alphard is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3792 on PLDB 50 Years Old Alphard is a Pascal-like programming language for data abstraction and verification, proposed and designed by William A. Wulf, Ralph L. London, and Mary Shaw. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Alphard happened in Carnegie Mellon and USC and Carnegie Mellon - See also: (2 related languages) Pascal, Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
AlpHard - Programming language AlpHard ======= AlpHard is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3811 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AlpHard happened in Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires and Colorado State University and CNET or France telecom - AlpHard on HOPL AlpHard on HOPL - Read more about AlpHard on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Alpine Abuild - Programming language Alpine Abuild ============= Alpine Abuild is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #1273 on PLDB 18 Years Old 99 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 99 Alpine Abuild repos on GitHub - Early development of Alpine Abuild happened in alpinelinux - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Alpine Abuild - Read more about Alpine Abuild on the web: 1. 1. # Contributor: Natanael Copa <> # Maintainer: Natanael Copa <> pkgname=abuild pkgver=2.27.0 _ver=${pkgver%_git*} pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Script to build Alpine Packages" url="" arch="all" license="GPL2" depends="fakeroot sudo pax-utils openssl apk-tools>=2.0.7-r1 libc-utils attr tar pkgconf patch" if [ "$CBUILD" = "$CHOST" ]; then depends="$depends curl" fi makedepends_build="pkgconfig" makedepends_host="openssl-dev" makedepends="$makedepends_host $makedepends_build" install="$pkgname.pre-install $pkgname.pre-upgrade" subpackages="apkbuild-cpan:cpan apkbuild-gem-resolver:gems" options="suid" pkggroups="abuild" source="$_ver.tar.xz " _builddir="$srcdir/$pkgname-$_ver" prepare() { cd "$_builddir" for i in $source; do case $i in *.patch) msg "Applying $i" patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/$i || return 1 ;; esac done sed -i -e "/^CHOST=/s/=.*/=$CHOST/" abuild.conf } build() { cd "$_builddir" make || return 1 } package() { cd "$_builddir" make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" || return 1 install -m 644 abuild.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/abuild.conf || return 1 install -d -m 775 -g abuild "$pkgdir"/var/cache/distfiles || return 1 } cpan() { pkgdesc="Script to generate perl APKBUILD from CPAN" depends="perl perl-libwww perl-json" arch="noarch" mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/apkbuild-cpan "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/ } gems() { pkgdesc="APKBUILD dependency resolver for RubyGems" depends="ruby ruby-augeas" arch="noarch" mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/apkbuild-gem-resolver "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/ } md5sums="c67e4c971c54b4d550e16db3ba331f96 abuild-2.27.0.tar.xz" sha256sums="c8db017e3dd168edb20ceeb91971535cf66b8c95f29d3288f88ac755bffc60e5 abuild-2.27.0.tar.xz" sha512sums="98e1da4e47f3ab68700b3bc992c83e103f770f3196e433788ee74145f57cd33e5239c87f0a7a15f7266840d5bad893fc8c0d4c826d663df53deaee2678c56984 abuild-2.27.0.tar.xz" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 515 2.6
ALPS - Programming language ALPS ==== ALPS is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4766 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALPS happened in Ohio State University - ALPS on HOPL ALPS on HOPL - Read more about ALPS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ALTAC - Programming language ALTAC ===== ALTAC is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4767 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ALTAC on HOPL ALTAC on HOPL - Read more about ALTAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Altair BASIC - Programming language Altair BASIC ============ Altair BASIC is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3210 on PLDB 49 Years Old Altair BASIC is a discontinued interpreter for the BASIC programming language that ran on the MITS Altair 8800 and subsequent S-100 bus computers. It was Microsoft's first product (as Micro-Soft), distributed by MITS under a contract. Altair BASIC was the start of the Microsoft BASIC product range.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Altair BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (3 related languages) Assembly language, Microsoft BASIC, Punched tape Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Altibase - Database Altibase ======== Altibase is a database created in 1999. 1999 #4768 on PLDB 25 Years Old Hybrid relational and in-memory database management system - Tags: database - Early development of Altibase happened in Altibase Corp. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
ALTRAN - Programming language ALTRAN ====== ALTRAN is a programming language created in 1968 by W. Stanley Brown. 1968 W. Stanley Brown #2082 on PLDB 56 Years Old ALTRAN was a FORTRAN extension providing rational algebra, developed by W.S. Brown, at Bell Labs around 1968.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ALTRAN happened in Bell Labs - ALTRAN on HOPL ALTRAN on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Alumina - Programming language Alumina ======= Alumina is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #1221 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A general purpose programming language - Tags: programming language - Alumina is developed on GitHub and has 163 stars - Rust influenced the design of Alumina - Alumina compiles to C - Alumina is written in Rust, Markdown, JSON, YAML, JavaScript, TOML, Python, SVG, CSS, Make, Dockerfile, C, Bourne shell, XML - Read more about Alumina on the web: 1. 1. fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
amalthea - Programming language amalthea ======== amalthea is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4905 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - amalthea on HOPL amalthea on HOPL - Read more about amalthea on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
Amanda - Programming language Amanda ====== Amanda is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4769 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Amanda on HOPL Amanda on HOPL - Read more about Amanda on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Amazon DynamoDB - Database Amazon DynamoDB =============== Amazon DynamoDB is a database created in 2012. 2012 #4770 on PLDB 12 Years Old Proprietary NoSQL cloud-based database management system - Tags: database - Early development of Amazon DynamoDB happened in Amazon Web Services Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
Amazon RDS - Database Amazon RDS ========== Amazon RDS is a database created in 2009. 2009 #4771 on PLDB 15 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) as a service - Tags: database - Early development of Amazon RDS happened in Amazon Web Services Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
Amber - Programming language Amber ===== Amber is a programming language created in 1984 by Luca Cardelli. 1984 Luca Cardelli #3082 on PLDB 40 Years Old The Amber machine is a stack machine designed as an intermediate language for compiling higher-order languages. The current version is specialized for the Amber language. The machine supports a set of basic and structured data types, functional closures, signals, bitmap graphics, persistent objects and meta-level execution. The latter is needed as the Amber compiler is entirely written in Amber (above the Amber machine level) and needs to switch level when executing a program it has just compiled. A set of implementation strategies are admissible for this machine, including byte-code interpretation, threaded code interpretation and compilation to native code. The current implementation is based on a byte-code interpreter and a one-space compacting collector, and runs on a Macintosh. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Amber happened in Bell Labs - Amber on HOPL Amber on HOPL - Read more about Amber on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 252 1.3
Amber - Programming language Amber ===== Amber is a programming language created in 2022 by PhoenixHimself. 2022 PhoenixHimself #496 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Programming language that compiles to Bash. It's a high level programming language that makes it easy to create shell scripts. It's particularly well suited for cloud services. - Tags: programming language - Amber is developed on GitHub and has 3,700 stars - JavaScript influenced the design of Amber - Amber compiles to Bash - Amber is written in Rust, Bourne shell, Markdown, TOML, YAML // Define variables let name = "John" let age = 30 // Display a greeting echo "Hello, my name is {name}" // Perform conditional checks if age < 18 { echo "I'm not an adult yet" } else { echo "I'm an adult" } // Loop through an array let fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"] echo "My favorite fruits are:" loop fruit in fruits { echo fruit } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
AmbientTalk - Programming language AmbientTalk =========== AmbientTalk is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #1761 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AmbientTalk happened in Vrije Universiteit - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for AmbientTalk when: ChatService discovered: { |chatService| when: chatService<-login(roomID, username) becomes: { |chatRoom| chatRoom<-chat("hello world"); // async message send whenever: chatRoom disconnected: { system.println("you're offline"); }; whenever: chatRoom reconnected: { system.println("you're online again"); }; }; }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
AMBIT/G - Programming language AMBIT/G ======= AMBIT/G is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4772 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMBIT/G happened in Massachusetts Computer Associates - AMBIT/G on HOPL AMBIT/G on HOPL - Read more about AMBIT/G on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
AMBIT/L - Programming language AMBIT/L ======= AMBIT/L is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4773 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMBIT/L happened in Massachusetts Computer Assoicates - AMBIT/L on HOPL AMBIT/L on HOPL - Read more about AMBIT/L on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
AMBIT - Programming language AMBIT ===== AMBIT is a programming language created in 1964 by Carlos Christensen. 1964 Carlos Christensen #3212 on PLDB 60 Years Old AMBIT is a historical programming language that was introduced by Carlos Christensen of Massachusetts Computer Associates in 1964 for symbolic computation. The language was influenced by ALGOL 60 and is an early example of a pattern matching language for manipulation of strings (a more popular example from the same time is SNOBOL). The acronym AMBIT stands for "Algebraic Manipulation by Identity Translation", but has also claimed "Acronym May Be Ignored Totally". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMBIT happened in Massachusetts Computer Associates - AMBIT on HOPL AMBIT on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 60, SNOBOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
AMBUSH - Programming language AMBUSH ====== AMBUSH is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #3812 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMBUSH happened in Applied Data Research, Inc - AMBUSH on HOPL AMBUSH on HOPL - Read more about AMBUSH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Amiga E - Programming language Amiga E ======= Amiga E is a programming language created in 1993 by Wouter Van Oortmerssen. 1993 Wouter Van Oortmerssen #1314 on PLDB 31 Years Old Amiga E, or very often simply E, is a programming language created by Wouter van Oortmerssen on the Amiga. He has since moved on to develop the SHEEP programming language for the new AmigaDE platform and the CryScript language (also known as DOG) used during the development of the video game Far Cry.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Amiga E happened in Amiga - Amiga E on HOPL Amiga E on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) E, C PROC main() IS WriteF('Hello World\n') Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WriteF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
Amigas - Programming language Amigas ====== Amigas is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3772 on PLDB 35 Years Old This article deals with programming languages used in the Amiga line of computers, running the AmigaOS operating system and its derivatives AROS and MorphOS. It is a split of the main article Amiga software. See also related articles Amiga productivity software, Amiga music software, Amiga Internet and communications software and Amiga support and maintenance software for other information regarding software that runs on Amiga.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Amigas happened in Amiga - See also: (22 related languages) GFA BASIC, BlitzBasic, PureBasic, Aztec C, Free Pascal, Forth, Logo, Oberon, Perl, Ruby, Amiga E, Python, REBOL, ARexx, Scheme, SCM, Modula-2, Java, ML, MetaComCo, VRML, Visual Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
AmigaBASIC - Programming language AmigaBASIC ========== AmigaBASIC is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3765 on PLDB 39 Years Old AmigaBASIC was an interpreted BASIC programming language implementation for the Amiga, designed and written by Microsoft. AmigaBASIC shipped with AmigaOS versions 1.1 to 1.3. It succeeded MetaComCo's ABasiC, which was included in AmigaOS 1.0 and 1.1, and was superseded by ARexx, a REXX-style scripting language, from AmigaOS version 2.0 onwards.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AmigaBASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (9 related languages) BASIC, MetaComCo, ARexx, Rexx, Assembly language, AMOS, BlitzBasic, GFA BASIC, True BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
AMOS - Programming language AMOS ==== AMOS is an open source programming language created in 1990. 1990 #1310 on PLDB 34 Years Old AMOS BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language implemented on the Amiga computer. AMOS BASIC was published by Europress Software and originally written by François Lionet with Constantin Sotiropoulos.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMOS happened in Europress - See also: (4 related languages) STOS BASIC, BASIC, BlitzBasic, ARexx Print "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
Ampère's Circuital Equation - Equation Ampère's Circuital Equation =========================== Ampère's Circuital Equation is an equation created in 1961. 1961 #4649 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
AMPL - Programming language AMPL ==== AMPL, aka A Mathematical Programming Language, is an open source programming language created in 1985 by Robert Fourer and David Gay and Brian Kernighan. 1985 Robert Fourer David Gay Brian Kernighan #266 on PLDB 39 Years Old 6k Repos A Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL) is an algebraic modeling language to describe and solve high-complexity problems for large-scale mathematical computing (i.e., large-scale optimization and scheduling-type problems). It was developed by Robert Fourer, David Gay, and Brian Kernighan at Bell Laboratories. AMPL supports dozens of solvers, both open source and commercial software, including CBC, CPLEX, FortMP, Gurobi, MINOS, IPOPT, SNOPT, KNITRO, and LGO. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 5,570 AMPL repos on GitHub - Early development of AMPL happened in AMPL Optimization LLC - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 806 users using AMPL in 852 repos on GitHub - Explore AMPL snippets on Rosetta Code - AMPL on HOPL AMPL on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for AMPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for AMPL - Events page for AMPL Events page for AMPL - has 3 matches for "ampl developer". - was registered in 1995 - See also: (8 related languages) Linux, Unix, awk, C, Algebraic modeling language, NL, XML, Microsoft Excel - 3 PLDB concepts link to AMPL: mpl, MPS Format, rason set PROD; # products param rate {PROD} > 0; # tons produced per hour param avail >= 0; # hours available in week param profit {PROD}; # profit per ton param market {PROD} >= 0; # limit on tons sold in week var Make {p in PROD} >= 0, <= market[p]; # tons produced maximize Total_Profit: sum {p in PROD} profit[p] * Make[p]; # Objective: total profits from all products subject to Time: sum {p in PROD} (1/rate[p]) * Make[p] <= avail; # Constraint: total of hours used by all # products may not exceed hours available # A toy knapsack problem from the LocalSolver docs written in AMPL. set I; param Value{I}; param Weight{I}; param KnapsackBound; var Take{I} binary; maximize TotalValue: sum{i in I} Take[i] * Value[i]; s.t. WeightLimit: sum{i in I} Take[i] * Weight[i] <= KnapsackBound; data; param: I: Weight Value := 0 10 1 1 60 10 2 30 15 3 40 40 4 30 60 5 20 90 6 20 100 7 2 15; param KnapsackBound := 102; set Plants; set Markets; # Capacity of plant p in cases param Capacity{p in Plants}; # Demand at market m in cases param Demand{m in Markets}; # Distance in thousands of miles param Distance{Plants, Markets}; # Freight in dollars per case per thousand miles param Freight; # Transport cost in thousands of dollars per case param TransportCost{p in Plants, m in Markets} := Freight * Distance[p, m] / 1000; # Shipment quantities in cases var shipment{Plants, Markets} >= 0; # Total transportation costs in thousands of dollars minimize cost: sum{p in Plants, m in Markets} TransportCost[p, m] * shipment[p, m]; # Observe supply limit at plant p s.t. supply{p in Plants}: sum{m in Markets} shipment[p, m] <= Capacity[p]; # Satisfy demand at market m s.t. demand{m in Markets}: sum{p in Plants} shipment[p, m] >= Demand[m]; data; set Plants := seattle san-diego; set Markets := new-york chicago topeka; param Capacity := seattle 350 san-diego 600; param Demand := new-york 325 chicago 300 topeka 275; param Distance : new-york chicago topeka := seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8 san-diego 2.5 1.8 1.4; param Freight := 90; Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \d+([eE][+-]?\d+)? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # (\d+\.(?!\.)\d*|\.(?!.)\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)? Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 789 3.9
AMPPL-I - Programming language AMPPL-I ======= AMPPL-I is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4774 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMPPL-I happened in State University of New York - AMPPL-I on HOPL AMPPL-I on HOPL - Read more about AMPPL-I on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
AMPPL-II - Programming language AMPPL-II ======== AMPPL-II is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4775 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMPPL-II happened in State University of New York - AMPPL-II on HOPL AMPPL-II on HOPL - Read more about AMPPL-II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
AMPRNet - Protocol AMPRNet ======= AMPRNet is a protocol created in 1978 by Phil Karn and Brian Kantor. 1978 Phil Karn Brian Kantor #2516 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of AMPRNet happened in University of Minnesota - Read more about AMPRNet on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - Protocol Advanced Message Queuing Protocol ================================= Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, aka Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, is a protocol created in 2003. 2003 #1856 on PLDB 21 Years Old The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security. AMQP mandates the behavior of the messaging provider and client to the extent that implementations from different vendors are interoperable, in the same way as SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Advanced Message Queuing Protocol happened in JPMorgan Chase - See also: (2 related languages) TLS, Erlang Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
AMTRAN 70 - Programming language AMTRAN 70 ========= AMTRAN 70 is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4906 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - AMTRAN 70 on HOPL AMTRAN 70 on HOPL - Read more about AMTRAN 70 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
AMTRAN - Programming language AMTRAN ====== AMTRAN is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #3083 on PLDB 58 Years Old As a programming language, AMTRAN is designed to satisfy two objectives: the reduction of programming cost and effort by at least an order of magnitude, and the provision of a semiautomatic numerical analytical problem solving system. It resembles a blend of FORTRAN and ALGOL but possesses certain additional features. These include the following. - Tags: programming language - Early development of AMTRAN happened in NASA and University of Georgia and Northrop Space Laboratories - AMTRAN on HOPL AMTRAN on HOPL - Read more about AMTRAN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Amulet - Programming language Amulet ====== Amulet is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4776 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Amulet happened in Carnegie Mellon - Amulet on HOPL Amulet on HOPL - Read more about Amulet on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ana - Programming language ana === ana is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2148 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - ana is developed on GitHub and has 138 stars - ana is written in C, Python, Bourne shell, Make, JSON, YAML, Yacc, Markdown, Lex, Vim script HackerNews discussions of ana ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Ana-lang: C, PHP, Python inspired scripting language||08/18/2018|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
Analytical engine - Computing machine Analytical engine ================= Analytical engine is a computing machine created in 1837. 1837 #3303 on PLDB 187 Years Old The Analytical Engine was a proposed mechanical general-purpose computer designed by English mathematician and computer pioneer Charles Babbage. It was first described in 1837 as the successor to Babbage's difference engine, a design for a mechanical computer. The Analytical Engine incorporated an arithmetic logic unit, control flow in the form of conditional branching and loops, and integrated memory, making it the first design for a general-purpose computer that could be described in modern terms as Turing-complete. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: computingMachine - See also: (2 related languages) Assembly language, Punched tape Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
And/Or - Programming language And/Or ====== And/Or is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3813 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of And/Or happened in IBM - And/Or on HOPL And/Or on HOPL - Read more about And/Or on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Andante - Programming language Andante ======= Andante is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3814 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Andante happened in MIT and Terje Dahl - Andante on HOPL Andante on HOPL - Read more about Andante on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Andorra-I - Programming language Andorra-I ========= Andorra-I is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3815 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Andorra-I happened in Universidade do Porto and SRI and University of Bristol - Andorra-I on HOPL Andorra-I on HOPL - Read more about Andorra-I on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Andorra - Programming language Andorra ======= Andorra is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4777 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Andorra on HOPL Andorra on HOPL - Read more about Andorra on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Android - Operating system Android ======= Android is an open source operating system created in 2008 by Andy Rubin and Rich Miner and Nick Sears and Chris White. 2008 Andy Rubin Rich Miner Nick Sears Chris White #158 on PLDB 16 Years Old Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. In addition, Google has further developed Android TV for televisions, Android Auto for cars, and Wear OS for wrist watches, each with a specialized user interface. Variants of Android are also used on game consoles, digital cameras, PCs and other electronics. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: operating system - Early development of Android happened in Android Inc. and Google - Check out the 2,707 Android meetup groups on - was registered in 1997 - See also: (11 related languages) Java, C, ARM, X86, Linux, Go, Kotlin, Eclipse, MIPS architecture, iOS, Java Bytecode package com.example.helloworld; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TextView; public class HelloWorld extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText("Hello World"); setContentView(tv); } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 321 1.6
Angelscript - Programming language Angelscript =========== Angelscript is a programming language created in 2003 by Andreas Jönsson. 2003 Andreas Jönsson #592 on PLDB 21 Years Old 1k Repos AngelScript is a game-oriented interpreted compiled scripting language. AngelScript features static typing, object handles (similar to C++ pointers but garbage collected via reference counting), object-orientation, single inheritance, multiple inheritance with interfaces. Allows operators to be registered and overloaded. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,140 Angelscript repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 275 users using Angelscript in 286 repos on GitHub - Explore Angelscript snippets on Rosetta Code - Angelscript appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Angelscript - See also: (1 related languages) Eclipse void main() { print("Hello World\n"); } // Hello world in AngelScript void main() { print("Hello world\n"); } /* * This is a sample script. */ #include "BotManagerInterface.acs" BotManager::BotManager g_BotManager( @CreateDumbBot ); CConCommand@ m_pAddBot; void PluginInit() { g_BotManager.PluginInit(); @m_pAddBot = @CConCommand( "addbot", "Adds a new bot with the given name", @AddBotCallback ); } void AddBotCallback( const CCommand@ args ) { if( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { g_Game.AlertMessage( at_console, "Usage: addbot <name>" ); return; } BotManager::BaseBot@ pBot = g_BotManager.CreateBot( args[ 1 ] ); if( pBot !is null ) { g_Game.AlertMessage( at_console, "Created bot " + args[ 1 ] + "\n" ); } else { g_Game.AlertMessage( at_console, "Could not create bot\n" ); } } final class DumbBot : BotManager::BaseBot { DumbBot( CBasePlayer@ pPlayer ) { super( pPlayer ); } void Think() { BotManager::BaseBot::Think(); // If the bot is dead and can be respawned, send a button press if( Player.pev.deadflag >= DEAD_RESPAWNABLE ) { Player.pev.button |= IN_ATTACK; } else Player.pev.button &= ~IN_ATTACK; KeyValueBuffer@ pInfoBuffer = g_EngineFuncs.GetInfoKeyBuffer( Player.edict() ); pInfoBuffer.SetValue( "topcolor", Math.RandomLong( 0, 255 ) ); pInfoBuffer.SetValue( "bottomcolor", Math.RandomLong( 0, 255 ) ); if( Math.RandomLong( 0, 100 ) > 10 ) Player.pev.button |= IN_ATTACK; else Player.pev.button &= ~IN_ATTACK; for( uint uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < 3; ++uiIndex ) { m_vecVelocity[ uiIndex ] = Math.RandomLong( -50, 50 ); } } } BotManager::BaseBot@ CreateDumbBot( CBasePlayer@ pPlayer ) { return @DumbBot( pPlayer ); } and abstract* auto bool break case cast class const continue default do double else enum false final* float for from* funcdef get* if import in inout int interface int8 int16 int32 int64 is mixin namespace not null or out override* private protected return set* shared* super* switch this* true typedef uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 void while xor * ** / % + - = > ( ) == != ? : = += -= *= /= %= **= ++ -- & , { } ; | ^ ~ > >>> &= |= ^= >= >>>= . && || ! [ ] ^^ @ !is :: 123456789 123.123e123 123.123e123f 0x1234FEDC 0d123987 0o1276 0b1010 'abc' "abc" """heredoc""" _Abc123 // /* */ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 624 3.1
angr - Decompiler angr ==== angr is a decompiler created in 2015. 2015 #2996 on PLDB 9 Years Old angr is an open-source binary analysis platform for Python. It combines both static and dynamic symbolic ("concolic") analysis, providing tools to solve a variety of tasks. - Tags: decompiler - Early development of angr happened in University of California Santa Barbara and Arizona State University - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
ANNA - Programming language ANNA ==== ANNA is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3317 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ANNA happened in University of Oslo and Universität Bremen and Stanford University - ANNA on HOPL ANNA on HOPL - Read more about ANNA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
ANS MUMPS - Programming language ANS MUMPS ========= ANS MUMPS is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3816 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ANS MUMPS happened in Veterans Administration - ANS MUMPS on HOPL ANS MUMPS on HOPL - Read more about ANS MUMPS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
ANSI BASIC - Programming language ANSI BASIC ========== ANSI BASIC is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3817 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ANSI BASIC happened in Dartmouth College - ANSI BASIC on HOPL ANSI BASIC on HOPL - Read more about ANSI BASIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Ant Build System - Application Ant Build System ================ Ant Build System is an application created in 2000. 2000 #1263 on PLDB 24 Years Old Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks. - Tags: application - Early development of Ant Build System happened in Apache Software Foundation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ant Build System - Read more about Ant Build System on the web: 1. 1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <project name="WebBuild"> <!-- generate timestamps --> <tstamp /> <!-- Debugging Macro --> <import file="echopath.xml" /> <!-- JS build files macro --> <import file="rhinoscript.xml" /> <!-- Component Build Files --> <import file="setup.xml" /> <import file="clean.xml" /> <import file="copy.xml" /> <import file="file.transform.xml" /> <import file="" /> <import file="rename.xml" /> <import file="js.xml" /> <import file="css.xml" /> <import file="img.xml" /> <import file="png8.xml" /> <import file="yui.xml" /> <import file="cdn.xml" /> <import file="datauri.xml" /> <import file="devlive.xml" /> <!-- This dirname is the only complete path we know for sure, everything builds off of it --> <dirname property="" file="${ant.file.WebBuild}" /> <!-- get name for newly built folder --> <basename property="" file="${basedir}" /> <!-- read global properties file --> <property file="${}\" /> <!-- Build Directories --> <property name="" location="${}/js" /> <!-- App Directories --> <property name="" location="${dir.result}/${}" /> <property name="" location="${dir.temp}/${}" /> <property name="" location="${}/${dir.files}" /> <!-- Files --> <property name="mapping.js" location="${}/${mapping.file.js}" /> <property name="mapping.css" location="${}/${mapping.file.css}" /> <property name="mapping.img" location="${}/${mapping.file.img}" /> <property name="mapping.swf" location="${}/${mapping.file.swf}" /> <property name="mapping.fonts" location="${}/${mapping.file.fonts}" /> <!-- Tool Directories --> <property name="dir.bin" location="${}/Bin" /> <property name="dir.jar" location="${dir.bin}/jar" /> <!-- Tool Files --> <property name="tools.compressor" location="${dir.jar}/${tools.file.compressor}" /> <property name="tools.cssembed" location="${dir.jar}/${tools.file.cssembed}" /> <property name="tools.filetransform" location="${dir.jar}/${tools.file.filetransform}" /> <property name="tools.optipng" location="${dir.bin}/${tools.file.optipng}" /> <property name="tools.jpegtran" location="${dir.bin}/${tools.file.jpegtran}" /> <!-- BUILD TARGETS --> <!-- low level utility build targets --> <!-- Build the tools --> <target name="" depends="-define.filetransform, -define.cssembed, -define.yuicompressor, -define.jsclasspath" /> <!-- set up filesystem properties --> <target name="-setup" depends="-setup.mode, -setup.conditions, -setup.js, -setup.css, -setup.swf, -setup.img, -setup.fonts, -setup.yui" /> <!-- utility-ish targets --> <target name="copy" depends="clean, tools, -copy" /> <target name="tools" depends="" /> <target name="finalize" depends="copy, -finalize" /> <target name="-prepare" depends="copy, -setup" /> <!-- individual component build targets (empty descriptions are to make sure they show in "ant -p") --> <target name="devlive" depends="-prepare, -devlive" description="" /> <target name="js" depends="-prepare, -js" description="" /> <target name="css" depends="-prepare, -css" description="" /> <target name="rename" depends="-prepare, -rename" description="" /> <target name="yui" depends="-prepare, rename, -yui" description="" /> <target name="cdn" depends="-prepare, -cdn" description="" /> <!-- high level build targets (Excluding of images is on purpose here, it's slow) --> <target name="core" depends="devlive, js, css, cdn, rename, yui, -js.inline" description="Core build work" /> <target name="prod" depends="core, finalize" description="Full Production Build" /> <!-- debug target --> <target name="debug" depends="-setup"> <echoproperties/> </target> </project> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1047 5.2
Ante - Esoteric programming language Ante ==== Ante is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2013 by Michael Dvorkin. 2013 Michael Dvorkin #1537 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Esoteric programming language where all you've got is a deck of cards - Tags: esoteric programming language - Ante is developed on GitHub and has 49 stars - Ante is written in Swift, Rust, Go, Ruby - Ante on Esolang Ante on Esolang Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Ante - Programming language Ante ==== Ante is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Jake Fecher. 2015 Jake Fecher #381 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Ante is a compiled systems language focusing on providing extreme extensibility through the use of a compile-time API. Using such an API, compiler extensions can be created within the program itself, allowing for the addition of a garbage collector, ownership system, type system changes, etc. - Tags: programming language - Ante is developed on GitHub and has 1,881 stars - Ante is written in Rust, Nix, TOML, Markdown, YAML, JSON, Dockerfile - was registered in 2018 print "Hello, world!" 9♦8♥J♦A♦2♣3♥7♠J♦A♦7♦J♦J♦A♦3♦J♦5♥6♦4♥J♥A♥6♠6♠J♥A♦8♦J♦A♦8♠J♦A♦3♦J♦A♦6♠J♦A♦8♠J♦A♥3♦2♠J♥A♥2♣6♠J♥ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
antha - Programming language antha ===== antha is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2997 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of antha happened in Synthace - was registered in 2014 HackerNews discussions of antha =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Antha – A high-level language for biology||12/05/2014|70|10 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
ANTLR - Grammar language ANTLR ===== ANTLR is an open source grammar language created in 1992 by Terence Parr. 1992 Terence Parr #122 on PLDB 32 Years Old 1k Repos In computer-based language recognition, ANTLR (pronounced Antler), or Another Tool For Language Recognition, is a parser generator that uses LL(*) for parsing. ANTLR is the successor to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set (PCCTS), first developed in 1989, and is under active development. Its maintainer is Professor Terence Parr of the University of San Francisco.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - There are at least 1,415 ANTLR repos on GitHub - Early development of ANTLR happened in University of San Francisco - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using ANTLR in 3k repos on GitHub - Explore ANTLR snippets on Rosetta Code - ANTLR on HOPL ANTLR on HOPL - ANTLR grammar for ANTLR - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ANTLR - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ANTLR - has 7 matches for "antlr engineer". - was registered in 1997 - See also: (18 related languages) Java, ActionScript, C, C#, JavaScript, Objective-C, Perl, Python, Ruby, Standard ML, Swift, Go, Groovy, Jython, Processing, Coco/R, JavaCC, PEG - 5 PLDB concepts link to ANTLR: lllpg, Megaparsec, Parsers, Particles, Scroll /** Taken from "The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference" by Terence Parr */ // Derived from grammar JSON; json : value ; obj : '{' pair (',' pair)* '}' | '{' '}' ; pair : STRING ':' value ; arr : '[' value (',' value)* ']' | '[' ']' ; value : STRING | NUMBER | obj | arr | 'true' | 'false' | 'null' ; STRING : '"' (ESC | SAFECODEPOINT)* '"' ; fragment ESC : '\\' (["\\/bfnrt] | UNICODE) ; fragment UNICODE : 'u' HEX HEX HEX HEX ; fragment HEX : [0-9a-fA-F] ; fragment SAFECODEPOINT : ~ ["\\\u0000-\u001F] ; NUMBER : '-'? INT ('.' [0-9] +)? EXP? ; fragment INT : '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ; // no leading zeros fragment EXP : [Ee] [+\-]? INT ; // \- since - means "range" inside [...] WS : [ \t\n\r] + -> skip ; TextReader reader; // (...) Fill TextReader with character SumLexer lexer = new SumLexer(reader); SumParser parser = new SumParser(lexer); parser.expression(); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 512 2.6
Apache Cassandra - Database Apache Cassandra ================ Apache Cassandra is a database created in 2008. 2008 #1455 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: database - Early development of Apache Cassandra happened in Facebook and Apache Software Foundation - There are 2,453 members in the Apache Cassandra subreddit Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
Apache Derby - Database Apache Derby ============ Apache Derby is a database created in 2004. 2004 #4778 on PLDB 20 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of Apache Derby happened in Apache Software Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
Apache Hbase - Application Apache Hbase ============ Apache Hbase is an application created in 2008. 2008 #433 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone HBase is an open-source non-relational distributed database modeled after Google's Bigtable and written in Java. It is developed as part of Apache Software Foundation's Apache Hadoop project and runs on top of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) or Alluxio, providing Bigtable-like capabilities for Hadoop.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Apache Hbase is developed on GitHub and has 5,173 stars - Early development of Apache Hbase happened in - Apache Hbase is written in Java, Ruby, Protocol Buffers, AsciiDoc, Bourne shell, XML, JSP, Python, HTML, JavaScript, Markdown, CSS, C++, Dockerfile, Perl, YAML, PHP, SVG, XSLT, Velocity Template Language, Thrift, Bash, CSV, XSD, C, Puppet, Make, CMake - has 65 matches for "hbase developer". - See also: (7 related languages) Java, Linux, JSON, SQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, PostgreSQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
Apache Phoenix - Database Apache Phoenix ============== Apache Phoenix is a database created in 2014. 2014 #4779 on PLDB 10 Years Old Distributed SQL query engine for Apache HBase - Tags: database - Early development of Apache Phoenix happened in Apache Software Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
Velocity - Template language Velocity ======== Velocity is an open source template language created in 2003. 2003 #741 on PLDB 21 Years Old Apache Velocity is a Java-based template engine that provides a template language to reference objects defined in Java code. It aims to ensure clean separation between the presentation tier and business tiers in a Web application (the model–view–controller design pattern). Velocity is an open source software project hosted by the Apache Software Foundation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Early development of Velocity happened in Apache Software Foundation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Velocity - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Velocity - See also: (7 related languages) Java, HTML, SQL, PostScript, XML, JSP, Thymeleaf <HTML> <!-- Hello World in Velocity --> <BODY> #set( $foo = "Hello World" ) $foo </BODY> </HTML> <html> <body> Hello Velocity World! </body> </html> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 239 1.2
APACHE - Programming language APACHE ====== APACHE is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #3318 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APACHE happened in EURATOM Computation Center - APACHE on HOPL APACHE on HOPL - Read more about APACHE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ApacheConf - Application ApacheConf ========== ApacheConf is an application created in 1995. 1995 #1170 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of ApacheConf happened in Apache Software Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 55k users using ApacheConf in 69k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ApacheConf - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ApacheConf - Read more about ApacheConf on the web: 1. 1. ####################### # HOSTNAME ###################### <VirtualHost> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot "/var/www/HOSTNAME" ServerName HOSTNAME <Directory "/var/www/HOSTNAME"> Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all DirectoryIndex index.php </Directory> </VirtualHost> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
APAR - Programming language APAR ==== APAR is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #3818 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APAR happened in Sandia Corporation - APAR on HOPL APAR on HOPL - Read more about APAR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
APAREL - Programming language APAREL ====== APAREL is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #3819 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APAREL happened in RAND - APAREL on HOPL APAREL on HOPL - Read more about APAREL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
APE100 - Programming language APE100 ====== APE100 is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4510 on PLDB 29 Years Old APE100 was a family of SIMD supercomputers developed by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) in Italy between 1989 and 1994. The systems were developed to study the structure of elementary particles by means of lattice gauge theories, especially quantum chromodynamics. APE ("ah-pei"), an acronym for Array Processor Experiment, was the collective name of several generations of massively parallel supercomputers since 1984, optimized for theoretical physics simulations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of APE100 happened in Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
ApeScript - Programming language ApeScript ========= ApeScript is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4675 on PLDB 29 Years Old ApeScript is an interpreted procedural dynamic-typed language. It was developed for the Noble Ape Simulation through mid-2005 by Tom Barbalet. ApeScript was designed with the following specifications; simple language, stable memory footprint, minimal crashes, and, small code size.ApeScript is defined in the Noble Ape Simulation manual. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language function( being ){ number_b = 942 ; which_function = 2 ; offset_function = 15 ; which_function = 30 ; which_function = 151 ; run( which_function ){ run( actual_three ){ number_a = 932 ; number_a = 19572 ; number_a = 19699 ; } } number_result = 19699 ; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Apex - Programming language Apex ==== Apex is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #690 on PLDB 17 Years Old 23k Repos Apex is a proprietary programming language provided by the platform to developers similar to Java and C#. It is a strongly typed, object-oriented, case-insensitive programming language, following a dot-notation and curly-brackets syntax. Apex can be used to execute programmed functions during most processes on the platform including custom buttons and links, event handlers on record insertion, update, or deletion, via scheduling, or via the custom controllers of Visualforce pages. Due to the multitenant nature of the platform, the language has strictly imposed governor limitations[61] to guard against any code monopolizing shared resources. Salesforce provides a series of asynchronous processing methods for Apex to allow developers to produce longer running and more complex Apex code. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 22,719 Apex repos on GitHub - Early development of Apex happened in Salesforce - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 537 users using Apex in 778 repos on GitHub - First announcement of Apex - Explore Apex snippets on Rosetta Code - Apex ranks #43 in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for Apex - Apex LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Apex - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Apex - Read more about Apex on the web: 1. 1. global with sharing class HelloWorld { global static void main() { System.debug('Hello World'); } } public class GeoUtils { // generate a KML string given a page reference, call getContent() // then cleanup the output. public static string generateFromContent(PageReference pr) { string ret = ''; try { ret = (string) pr.getContent().toString(); ret = ret.replaceAll('"','\'' ); // get content produces quote chars \" ret = ret.replaceAll( '&','&amp;');// we need to escape these in the node value } catch (exception e ) { system.debug( 'ERROR '+e); } ret = ret.replaceAll('\n',' '); // must use ALL since many new line may get ret = ret.replaceAll('\r',' '); // get these also! // system.debug( ret); // dump the KML return ret ; } public static Map<String, String> geo_response = new Map<String, String>{'200'=>'G_GEO_SUCCESS', '400'=>'G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST', '500'=>'G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR', '601'=>'G_GEO_MISSING_ADDRESS', '602'=>'G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS', '603'=>'G_GEO_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS', '604'=>'G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS', '610'=>'G_GEO_BAD_KEY', '620'=>'G_GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES' }; public static string accountAddressString ( account acct ) { // form an address string given an account object string adr = acct.billingstreet + ',' + acct.billingcity + ',' + acct.billingstate; if ( acct.billingpostalcode != null ) adr += ',' + acct.billingpostalcode; if ( acct.billingcountry != null ) adr += ',' + acct.billingcountry; adr = adr.replaceAll('\"', '' ); adr = adr.replaceAll('\'', '' ); adr = adr.replaceAll( '\n', ' ' ); adr = adr.replaceAll( '\r', ' ' ); system.debug( adr ); return adr; } public static testmethod void t1() { PageReference pageRef = Page.kmlPreviewTemplate; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); system.assert ( GeoUtils.generateFromContent( pageRef ) != null ); Account a = new Account( name='foo', billingstreet='main', billingcity='springfield',billingstate='il', billingpostalcode='9',billingcountry='us'); insert a; system.assertEquals( 'main,springfield,il,9,us',accountAddressString( a) ); } } abstract ABSTRACT Abstract activate ACTIVATE Activate and AND And any ANY Any array ARRAY Array as AS As asc ASC Asc assert ASSERT Assert autonomous AUTONOMOUS Autonomous begin BEGIN Begin bigdecimal BIGDECIMAL Bigdecimal blob BLOB Blob boolean BOOLEAN Boolean break BREAK Break bulk BULK Bulk by BY By case CASE Case cast CAST Cast catch CATCH Catch char CHAR Char class CLASS Class collect COLLECT Collect commit COMMIT Commit const CONST Const continue CONTINUE Continue convertcurrency CONVERTCURRENCY Convertcurrency decimal DECIMAL Decimal default DEFAULT Default delete DELETE Delete desc DESC Desc do DO Do double DOUBLE Double else ELSE Else end END End enum ENUM Enum exception EXCEPTION Exception exit EXIT Exit export EXPORT Export extends EXTENDS Extends false FALSE False final FINAL Final finally FINALLY Finally float FLOAT Float for FOR For from FROM From future FUTURE Future get GET Get global GLOBAL Global goto GOTO Goto group GROUP Group having HAVING Having hint HINT Hint if IF If implements IMPLEMENTS Implements import IMPORT Import in IN In inner INNER Inner insert INSERT Insert instanceof INSTANCEOF Instanceof int INT Int interface INTERFACE Interface into INTO Into join JOIN Join last_90_days LAST_90_DAYS Last_90_days last_month LAST_MONTH Last_month last_n_days LAST_N_DAYS Last_n_days last_week LAST_WEEK Last_week like LIKE Like limit LIMIT Limit list LIST List long LONG Long loop LOOP Loop map MAP Map merge MERGE Merge native NATIVE Native new NEW New next_90_days NEXT_90_DAYS Next_90_days next_month NEXT_MONTH Next_month next_n_days NEXT_N_DAYS Next_n_days next_week NEXT_WEEK Next_week not NOT Not null NULL Null nulls NULLS Nulls number NUMBER Number object OBJECT Object of OF Of on ON On or OR Or outer OUTER Outer override OVERRIDE Override package PACKAGE Package parallel PARALLEL Parallel pragma PRAGMA Pragma private PRIVATE Private protected PROTECTED Protected public PUBLIC Public retrieve RETRIEVE Retrieve return RETURN Return returning RETURNING Returning rollback ROLLBACK Rollback savepoint SAVEPOINT Savepoint search SEARCH Search select SELECT Select set SET Set short SHORT Short sort SORT Sort stat STAT Stat static STATIC Static strictfp STRICTFP Strictfp super SUPER Super switch SWITCH Switch synchronized SYNCHRONIZED Synchronized system SYSTEM System testmethod TESTMETHOD Testmethod then THEN Then this THIS This this_month THIS_MONTH This_month this_week THIS_WEEK This_week throw THROW Throw throws THROWS Throws today TODAY Today tolabel TOLABEL Tolabel tomorrow TOMORROW Tomorrow transaction TRANSACTION Transaction transient TRANSIENT Transient trigger TRIGGER Trigger true TRUE True try TRY Try type TYPE Type undelete UNDELETE Undelete update UPDATE Update upsert UPSERT Upsert using USING Using virtual VIRTUAL Virtual void VOID Void volatile VOLATILE Volatile webservice WEBSERVICE Webservice when WHEN When where WHERE Where while WHILE While yesterday YESTERDAY Yesterday Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token ' row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1214 6.1
API Blueprint - Programming language API Blueprint ============= API Blueprint is an open source programming language created in 2013. 2013 #186 on PLDB 11 Years Old 14k Repos git clone API Blueprint - Tags: programming language - API Blueprint is developed on GitHub and has 8,631 stars - There are at least 14,496 API Blueprint repos on GitHub - Early development of API Blueprint happened in API Blueprint - API Blueprint is written in Markdown - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 698 users using API Blueprint in 810 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for API Blueprint - was registered in 2013 FORMAT: 1A # The Simplest API This is one of the simplest APIs written in the **API Blueprint**. One plain resource combined with a method and that's it! We will explain what is going on in the next installment - [Resource and Actions]( **Note:** As we progress through the examples, do not also forget to view the [Raw]( code to see what is really going on in the API Blueprint, as opposed to just seeing the output of the Github Markdown parser. Also please keep in mind that every single example in this course is a **real API Blueprint** and as such you can **parse** it with the [API Blueprint parser]( or one of its [bindings]( ## API Blueprint + [This: Raw API Blueprint]( + [Next: Resource and Actions]( # GET /message + Response 200 (text/plain) Hello World! Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 384 1.9
APL-GPSS - Programming language APL-GPSS ======== APL-GPSS is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3319 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APL-GPSS happened in Institute for Theoretical Biology - APL-GPSS on HOPL APL-GPSS on HOPL - Read more about APL-GPSS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
APL/HP - Programming language APL/HP ====== APL/HP is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3320 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APL/HP happened in C.A.READ & ASSOCIATES PTY LIMITED - APL/HP on HOPL APL/HP on HOPL - Read more about APL/HP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
APL/Z80 - Programming language APL/Z80 ======= APL/Z80 is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3820 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APL/Z80 happened in Trinity University and Vanguard Systems Corporation - APL/Z80 on HOPL APL/Z80 on HOPL - Read more about APL/Z80 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
APL - Programming language APL === APL, aka A Programming Language, is a programming language created in 1964 by Kenneth E. Iverson. 1964 Kenneth E. Iverson #96 on PLDB 60 Years Old 416 Repos APL (named after the book A Programming Language) is a programming language developed in the 1960s by Kenneth E. Iverson. Its central datatype is the multidimensional array. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - There are at least 416 APL repos on GitHub - Early development of APL happened in Harvard University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 87 users using APL in 95 repos on GitHub - There are 2,478 Project Euler users using APL - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey APL programmers reported a median salary of $75,631. 1% of respondents reported using APL. 536 programmers reported using APL, and 568 said they wanted to use it - Explore APL snippets on Rosetta Code - APL on HOPL APL on HOPL - APL appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting APL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for APL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for APL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for APL - See also: (33 related languages) APLX, J, Go, K, MATLAB, Nial, Polymorphic Programming Language, Q, S, SAC, Speakeasy, Wolfram Language, IBM 1620, BASIC, MUSIC/SP, Unix, ISBN, ASCII, COBOL, Java, Linux, Ruby, R, Unicode, C, Fortran, C#, CIL, Microsoft Excel, GNU Octave, Scilab, LYaPAS, RPL - 10 PLDB concepts link to APL: april, BQN, cloc, co-dfns, Futhark, Goal, Klong, Particles, Pygments, U 'Hello, world!' ⎕←'Hello World' ⍝ Hello World in APL ⎕←\'Hello World\' #!/usr/local/bin/apl --script NEWLINE ← ⎕UCS 10 HEADERS ← 'Content-Type: text/plain', NEWLINE HEADERS ⍝ ⎕←HEADERS ⍝ ⍕⎕TS )OFF txt←'<html><body><p>This is <em>emphasized</em> text.</p></body></html>' ⎕←{⍵/⍨~{⍵∨≠\⍵}⍵∊'<>'}txt Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example foo←f∘g Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ⍝ A comment Token ⍝ row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 482 2.4
APL2 - Programming language APL2 ==== APL2 is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3321 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APL2 happened in Monash University - APL2 on HOPL APL2 on HOPL - Read more about APL2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
aplette - Programming language aplette ======= aplette is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #3654 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone This is a new take on an old language: APL. The goal is to pare APL down to its elegant essence. This version of APL is oriented toward scripting within a Unix-style computing environment. - Tags: programming language - aplette is developed on GitHub and has 87 stars - aplette is written in C, Make, Bourne shell, Yacc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
APLGOL-2 - Programming language APLGOL-2 ======== APLGOL-2 is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3821 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APLGOL-2 happened in IBM - APLGOL-2 on HOPL APLGOL-2 on HOPL - Read more about APLGOL-2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
APLGOL - Programming language APLGOL ====== APLGOL is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3822 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APLGOL happened in IBM - APLGOL on HOPL APLGOL on HOPL - Read more about APLGOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
APLO - Programming language APLO ==== APLO is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4907 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - APLO on HOPL APLO on HOPL - Read more about APLO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
A+ - Programming language A+ == A+ is an open source programming language created in 1988 by Arthur Whitney. 1988 Arthur Whitney #1078 on PLDB 36 Years Old A+ is an array programming language descendent from the programming language A, which in turn was created to replace APL in 1988. Arthur Whitney developed the A portion of A+, while other developers at Morgan Stanley extended it, adding a graphical user interface and other language features. A+ is a high-level, interactive, interpreted language, designed for numerically intensive applications, especially those found in financial applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of A+ happened in Morgan Stanley - A+ on HOPL A+ on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) APL, K, Unix, Linux, J 'Hello, world!' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
A++ - Programming language A++ === A++ is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #1250 on PLDB 28 Years Old A++ stands for abstraction plus reference plus synthesis which is used as a name for the minimalistic programming language that is built on ARS. ARS is an abstraction from the Lambda Calculus, taking its three basic operations, and giving them a more general meaning, thus providing a foundation for the three major programming paradigms: functional programming, object-oriented programming and imperative programming. ARS Based Programming is used as a name for programming which consists mainly of applying patterns derived from ARS to programming in any language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of A++ happened in Bull's Software-Haus - See also: (1 related languages) ISBN (print "Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
APLX - Programming language APLX ==== APLX is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3759 on PLDB 39 Years Old APLX is a cross-platform dialect of the programming language APL, created by British company MicroAPL, Ltd. APLX is intended for uses such as financial planning, market research, statistics, management information, and various kinds of scientific and engineering work. APLX is based on IBM's APL2, but includes several extensions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of APLX happened in MicroAPL, Ltd - See also: (3 related languages) APL, Linux, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
AGC - Assembly language AGC === AGC, aka Apollo Guidance Computer, is an assembly language created in 1966. 1966 #361 on PLDB 58 Years Old 210 Repos The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) was a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo Command Module (CM) and Lunar Module (LM). The AGC provided computation and electronic interfaces for guidance, navigation, and control of the spacecraft. The AGC has a 16-bit word length, with 15 data bits and one parity bit. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - There are at least 210 AGC repos on GitHub - Early development of AGC happened in MIT Instrumentation Laboratory and Charles Stark Draper Laboratory and Raytheon - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for AGC - See also: (2 related languages) SI, Assembly language SWCHSET STORE NOMTPI INTLOOP DLOAD DAD TTPI NOMTPI STCALL TDEC1 PRECSET CALL S33/34.1 BZE EXIT SWCHCLR TC ALARM OCT 611 CAF V05N09 TC BANKCALL CADR GOFLASH TC GOTOPOOH TC P34/P74A # PROCEED TC -7 # V32 # Copyright: Public domain. # Filename: BURN_BABY_BURN--MASTER_IGNITION_ROUTINE.agc # Purpose: Part of the source code for Luminary 1A build 099. # It is part of the source code for the Lunar Module's (LM) # Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), for Apollo 11. # Assembler: yaYUL # Contact: Ron Burkey <>. # Website: # Pages: 731-751 # Mod history: 2009-05-19 RSB Adapted from the corresponding # Luminary131 file, using page # images from Luminary 1A. # 2009-06-07 RSB Corrected 3 typos. # 2009-07-23 RSB Added Onno's notes on the naming # of this function, which he got from # Don Eyles. # # This source code has been transcribed or otherwise adapted from # digitized images of a hardcopy from the MIT Museum. The digitization # was performed by Paul Fjeld, and arranged for by Deborah Douglas of # the Museum. Many thanks to both. The images (with suitable reduction # in storage size and consequent reduction in image quality as well) are # available online at If for some reason you # find that the images are illegible, contact me at # about getting access to the (much) higher-quality images which Paul # actually created. # # Notations on the hardcopy document read, in part: # # Assemble revision 001 of AGC program LMY99 by NASA 2021112-61 # 16:27 JULY 14, 1969 # Page 731 ## At the get-together of the AGC developers celebrating the 40th anniversary ## of the first moonwalk, Don Eyles (one of the authors of this routine along ## with Peter Adler) has related to us a little interesting history behind the ## naming of the routine.<br> ## <br> ## It traces back to 1965 and the Los Angeles riots, and was inspired ## by disc jockey extraordinaire and radio station owner Magnificent Montague. ## Magnificent Montague used the phrase "Burn, baby! BURN!" when spinning the ## hottest new records. Magnificent Montague was the charismatic voice of ## soul music in Chicago, New York, and Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 598 3
APOSTLE - Programming language APOSTLE ======= APOSTLE is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3823 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APOSTLE happened in Defence Research Agency - APOSTLE on HOPL APOSTLE on HOPL - Read more about APOSTLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
appcode-editor - Editor appcode-editor ============== appcode-editor is an editor created in 2016. 2016 #5025 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
APPL/A - Programming language APPL/A ====== APPL/A is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3824 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APPL/A happened in University of Massachusetts and University of Colorado - APPL/A on HOPL APPL/A on HOPL - Read more about APPL/A on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Apple I - Computing machine Apple I ======= Apple I is a computing machine created in 1976. 1976 #4533 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of Apple I happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Apple BASIC - Programming language Apple BASIC =========== Apple BASIC is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #2956 on PLDB 46 Years Old Integer BASIC, written by Steve Wozniak, is the BASIC interpreter of the Apple I and original Apple II computers. Originally available on cassette, then included in ROM on the original Apple II computer at release in 1977, it was the first version of BASIC used by many early home computer owners.Integer BASIC was phased out in favor of Applesoft BASIC starting with the Apple II Plus in 1979. This was a licensed but modified version of Microsoft BASIC, which included the floating point support missing in Integer BASIC.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Apple BASIC happened in Apple - See also: (6 related languages) HP Time-Shared BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Altair BASIC, Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
Apple ProDOS - Operating system Apple ProDOS ============ Apple ProDOS is an operating system created in 1983. 1983 #3237 on PLDB 41 Years Old ProDOS is the name of two similar operating systems for the Apple II series of personal computers. The original ProDOS, renamed ProDOS 8 in version 1.2, is the last official operating system usable by all 8-bit Apple II series computers, and was distributed from 1983 to 1993. The other, ProDOS 16, was a stop-gap solution for the 16-bit Apple IIGS that was replaced by GS/OS within two years.ProDOS was marketed by Apple as meaning Professional Disk Operating System, and became the most popular operating system for the Apple II series of computers 10 months after its release in January 1983.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: operating system - Early development of Apple ProDOS happened in Apple - See also: (4 related languages) Integer BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, UCSD Pascal, FAT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
Applescript - Programming language Applescript =========== Applescript is an open source programming language created in 1993. 1993 #290 on PLDB 31 Years Old 3k Repos AppleScript is a scripting language created by Apple Inc. and built into the Classic Mac OS since System 7 and into all versions of macOS. The term "AppleScript" may refer to the scripting system itself, to an individual script written in the AppleScript language, or to the language itself.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,425 Applescript repos on GitHub - Early development of Applescript happened in Apple - HyperTalk influenced the design of Applescript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using Applescript in 4k repos on GitHub - Explore Applescript snippets on Rosetta Code - Applescript on HOPL Applescript on HOPL - Applescript appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Applescript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Applescript - has 6 matches for "applescript developer". - See also: (10 related languages) HyperTalk, Rexx, HyperCard, iOS, XPath, JavaScript, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl display dialog "Hello World" -- "Hello World" in AppleScript: display dialog "Hello World" (* Get User Name This script uses UI element scripting to get the name for the current user. If "Enable access for assistive devices" is not checked, this script will open the Universal Access System Preference and ask the user to check the checkbox. Copyright 2007 Apple Inc. You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without restriction. This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having made changes. If you're going to redistribute the code, we require that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample code, but that you've made changes. *) tell application "System Preferences" activate set current pane to pane "" end tell tell application "System Events" if UI elements enabled then tell tab group 1 of window "Accounts" of process "System Preferences" click radio button 1 delay 2 get value of text field 1 end tell else tell application "System Preferences" activate set current pane to pane "" display dialog "UI element scripting is not enabled. Check \"Enable access for assistive devices\"" end tell end if end tell tell application "Finder" set anyNumber to my (random number from 5 to 50) end tell Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- [-+]?\d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- [-+]?(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(E[-+][0-9]+)? Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token display dialog row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 643 3.2
Applesoft BASIC - Programming language Applesoft BASIC =============== Applesoft BASIC is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #1282 on PLDB 45 Years Old Applesoft BASIC is a dialect of Microsoft BASIC, developed by Marc McDonald and Ric Weiland, supplied with the Apple II series of computers. It supersedes Integer BASIC and is the BASIC in ROM in all Apple II series computers after the original Apple II model. It is also referred to as FP BASIC (from "floating point") because of the Apple DOS command used to invoke it, instead of INT for Integer BASIC. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Applesoft BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (7 related languages) Microsoft BASIC, Integer BASIC, MacBASIC, C, Scheme, Java, Chinese BASIC 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
APPLOG - Programming language APPLOG ====== APPLOG is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3825 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APPLOG happened in Hebrew University - APPLOG on HOPL APPLOG on HOPL - Read more about APPLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
april - Programming language april ===== april is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2119 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone The APL programming language (a subset thereof) compiling to Common Lisp. - Tags: programming language - april is developed on GitHub and has 593 stars - april is written in Lisp, Markdown, APL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
APROL - Programming language APROL ===== APROL is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3826 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of APROL happened in Trinity University and IBM - APROL on HOPL APROL on HOPL - Read more about APROL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
APSE - Programming language APSE ==== APSE is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2974 on PLDB 44 Years Old APSE standing for Ada Programming Support Environment was a specification for a programming environment to support software development in the Ada programming language. This represented the second stage of the U.S. military Ada project; once the language was implemented, it was felt necessary to specify and implement a standard set of tools, hence the APSE. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of APSE happened in U.S. military Ada project - APSE on HOPL APSE on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Ada, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
APT Debian - Package manager APT Debian ========== APT Debian is an open source package manager created in 1998. 1998 #2032 on PLDB 26 Years Old Advanced Package Tool, or APT, is a free-software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian, Ubuntu, and related Linux distributions. APT simplifies the process of managing software on Unix-like computer systems by automating the retrieval, configuration and installation of software packages, either from precompiled files or by compiling source code.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: packageManager - Early development of APT Debian happened in The Debian Project Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Automatically Programmed Tool - Programming language Automatically Programmed Tool ============================= Automatically Programmed Tool, aka Automatically Programmed Tool, is a programming language created in 1956. 1956 #1253 on PLDB 68 Years Old APT or Automatically Programmed Tool is a high-level computer programming language most commonly used to generate instructions for numerically controlled machine tools. Douglas T. Ross is considered by many to be the father of APT: as head of the newly created Computer Applications Group of the Servomechanisms Laboratory at MIT in 1956, he led its technical effort. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Automatically Programmed Tool happened in MIT - Automatically Programmed Tool on HOPL Automatically Programmed Tool on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) G-code PARTNO / APT-1 CLPRNT UNITS / MM NOPOST CUTTER / 20.0 $ GEOMETRY DEFINITION SETPT = POINT / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 STRTPT = POINT / 70,70,0 P1 = POINT / 50, 50, 0 P2 = POINT / 20, -20, 0 C1 = CIRCLE / CENTER, P2, RADIUS, 30 P3 = POINT / -50, -50, 0 P5 = POINT / -30, 30, 0 C2 = CIRCLE / CENTER, P5, RADIUS, 20 P4 = POINT / 50, -20, 0 L1 = LINE / P1, P4 L2 = LINE / P3, PERPTO, L1 L3 = LINE / P3, PARLEL, L1 L4 = LINE / P1, PERPTO, L1 PLAN1 = PLANE / P1, P2, P3 PLAN2 = PLANE / PARLEL, PLAN1, ZSMALL, 16 $ MOTION COMMANDS SPINDL / 3000, CW FEDRAT / 100, 0 FROM / STRTPT GO/TO, L1, TO, PLAN2, TO, L4 TLLFT, GOFWD / L1, TANTO, C1 GOFWD / C1, TANTO, L2 GOFWD / L2, PAST, L3 GORGT / L3, TANTO, C2 GOFWD / C2, TANTO, L4 GOFWD / L4, PAST, L1 NOPS GOTO / STRTPT FINI Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 332 1.7
F - Programming language F = F is a programming language created in 2006 by Stevan Apter. 2006 Stevan Apter #2242 on PLDB 18 Years Old F is a pure functional concatenative language originally designed as an extension of False. F contains the list-operations of K3 and the dip combinator of Joy. Floating-point and symbolic datatypes are supported. One-time assignment is enforced in syntax. A theory of function-valence and -charge is outlined. F also contains a general continuation primitive $, and the pattern sublanguage of XY. G is a variant of F in which the K3 adverbs are implemented as primitives. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of F happened in - False and Joy and K influenced the design of F [1 2 3][[4 5 6] 7 8]+ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
aQasm - Assembly language aQasm ===== aQasm, aka Atos Quantum Assembly, is an assembly language created in 2017. 2017 #3322 on PLDB 7 Years Old aQasm can be executed as of today on a quantum simulator but also on quantum accelerators or physical quantum computers as soon as they are developed. - Tags: assembly language - Early development of aQasm happened in Atos - First announcement of aQasm Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
AQL - Programming language AQL === AQL is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3827 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AQL happened in IBM - AQL on HOPL AQL on HOPL - Read more about AQL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Aquarius Prolog - Programming language Aquarius Prolog =============== Aquarius Prolog is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3828 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aquarius Prolog happened in DEC and USC - Aquarius Prolog on HOPL Aquarius Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Aquarius Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Hindu-Arabic numeral system - Numeral system Hindu-Arabic numeral system =========================== Hindu-Arabic numeral system is a numeral system created in 825. 825 #2945 on PLDB 1199 Years Old The Hindu–Arabic numeral system or Indo-Arabic numeral system (also called the Arabic numeral system or Hindu numeral system) is a positional decimal numeral system, and is the most common system for the symbolic representation of numbers in the world. It was invented between the 1st and 4th centuries by Indian mathematicians. The system was adopted in Arabic mathematics by the 9th century. Read more on Wikipedia...–Arabic_numeral_system Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: numeralSystem Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
ARABLAN - Programming language ARABLAN ======= ARABLAN is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3829 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ARABLAN happened in University of Bahrain - ARABLAN on HOPL ARABLAN on HOPL - Read more about ARABLAN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
ArangoDB - Database ArangoDB ======== ArangoDB is a database created in 2011. 2011 #4780 on PLDB 13 Years Old Multi-model NoSQL database management system - Tags: database - Early development of ArangoDB happened in ArangoDB GmbH Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
arbortext-command-language - Programming language arbortext-command-language ========================== arbortext-command-language is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #5018 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about arbortext-command-language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Arc Assembly - Assembly language Arc Assembly ============ Arc Assembly is an assembly language created in 1947 by Kathleen Booth. 1947 Kathleen Booth #3084 on PLDB 77 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of Arc Assembly happened in Birkbeck College - Read more about Arc Assembly on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
ARC processor - Instruction set architecture ARC processor ============= ARC processor is an instruction set architecture created in 1995. 1995 #2926 on PLDB 29 Years Old ARC (Argonaut RISC Core) embedded processors are a family of 32-bit CPUs originally designed by ARC International. They are widely used in SoC devices for storage, home, mobile, automotive, and Internet of Things applications. ARC processors have been licensed by more than 200 organizations and are shipped in more than 1.5 billion products per year. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of ARC processor happened in ARC International PLC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Arc - Programming language Arc === Arc is a programming language created in 2001 by Paul Graham and Robert Morris. 2001 Paul Graham Robert Morris #510 on PLDB 23 Years Old 236 Repos Arc is a dialect of the Lisp programming language developed by Paul Graham and Robert Morris.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - There are at least 236 Arc repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 417 users using Arc in 467 repos on GitHub - Explore Arc snippets on Rosetta Code - Arc on HOPL Arc on HOPL - Arc appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (21 related languages) Lisp, Racket, S-expressions, Scheme, JavaScript, Java, C, Interlisp, Lisp Machine Lisp, Common Lisp, T, Emacs Lisp, AutoLISP, ISLISP, OpenLisp, PicoLisp, EuLisp, NewLisp, Clojure, LFE, Bel - 1 PLDB concepts link to Arc: Bel (prn "Hello World") (defop said req (aform [onlink "click here" (pr "you said: " (arg _ "foo"))] (input "foo") (submit))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example ; ; We know enough now to start writing macros. Macros are basically ; functions that generate code. Of course, generating code is easy; ; just call list. ; ; arc> (list '+ 1 2) ; (+ 1 2) ; ; What macros offer is a way of getting code generated this way into ; your programs. Here's a (rather stupid) macro definition: ; ; arc> (mac foo () ; (list '+ 1 2)) ; *** redefining foo ; #3(tagged mac #) ; ; Notice that a macro definition looks exactly like a function ; definition, but with def replaced by mac. ; ; What this macro says is that whenever the expression (foo) occurs ; in your code, it shouldn't be evaluated in the normal way like a ; function call. Instead it should be replaced by the result of ; evaluating the body of the macro definition, (list '+ 1 2). ; This is called the "expansion" of the macro call. Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token prn Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 439 2.2
ARCHI - Programming language ARCHI ===== ARCHI is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3830 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ARCHI happened in Vanderbilt University and Institute for Defense Analysis - ARCHI on HOPL ARCHI on HOPL - Read more about ARCHI on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
ArchieML - Data notation ArchieML ======== ArchieML is a data notation created in 2015. 2015 #2096 on PLDB 9 Years Old ArchieML (or "AML") was created at The New York Times to make it easier to write and edit structured text on deadline that could be rendered in web pages, or more specifically, rendered in interactive graphics. - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of ArchieML happened in The New York Times [days] * Sunday note: holiday! * Monday * Tuesday Whitespace is still fine around the '*' * Wednesday * Thursday Friday! * Friday * Saturday [] [+books] kicker: Books you should read score: ★★★★★!!! title: Wuthering Heights author: Emily Brontë title: Middlemarch author: George Eliot score: ★★★★☆ [] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example AML ignores all whitespace not within a value. We believe this makes it easier for non-programmers to use, and is essential for use in environments with non-monospaced fonts, like in Google Documents. Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
Arctic - Programming language Arctic ====== Arctic is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3323 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Arctic happened in Carnegie Mellon - Arctic on HOPL Arctic on HOPL - Read more about Arctic on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Arden syntax - Data notation Arden syntax ============ Arden syntax is a data notation created in 1992. 1992 #1766 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Arden syntax happened in Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and IBM maintenance: title: To check the diastolic blood pressure of the patient;; mlmname: Hypotension;; arden: version 2.7;; version: 1.00;; institution: Latrobe University Bundoora;; author: Lakshmi Devineni;; specialist: ;; date: 2013-06-02;; validation: testing;; library: purpose: check if the diastolic blood pressure of the patient is within limits;; explanation: This MLM is an example for reading data and writing a message;; keywords: hypotension; categorization;; citations: ;; links:;; knowledge: type: data_driven;; data: /* read the diastolic blood pressure */ diastolic_blood_pressure := read last {diastolic blood pressure}; /* the value in braces is specific to your runtime environment */ /* If the height is lower than height_threshold, output a message */ diastolic_pressure_threshold := 60; stdout_dest := destination {stdout}; ;; evoke: null_event;; logic: if (diastolic_blood_pressure is not number) then conclude false; endif; if (diastolic_blood_pressure >= diastolic_pressure_threshold) then conclude true; else conclude false; endif; ;; action: write "Your Diastolic Blood Pressure is too low (hypotension)" at stdout_dest; ;; resources: default: de ;; language: en 'msg' : "The normal range from 60 to 90"; ;; language: de 'msg' : "Der Normalbereich von 60 bis 90"; ;; end: Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 325 1.6
Arduino Programming Language - Programming language Arduino Programming Language ============================ Arduino Programming Language is a programming language created in 2005 by Massimo Banzi and David Cuartielles and Tom Igoe and Gianluca Martino and David Mellis. 2005 Massimo Banzi David Cuartielles Tom Igoe Gianluca Martino David Mellis #109 on PLDB 19 Years Old Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical and digital world. Its products are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General Public License (GPL), permitting the manufacture of Arduino boards and software distribution by anyone. Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form or as do-it-yourself (DIY) kits. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Arduino Programming Language happened in Arduino - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 16k users using Arduino Programming Language in 20k repos on GitHub - There are 514,177 members in the Arduino Programming Language subreddit - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Arduino Programming Language - has 598 matches for "arduino developer". - See also: (9 related languages) Atmel AVR, X86, C, Processing, BASIC Stamp, ARM, Java, Linux, IA-32 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Hello World"); } void loop() { } #define LED_PIN 13 // Pin number attached to LED. void setup() { pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Configure pin 13 to be a digital output. } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the LED. delay(1000); // Wait 1 second (1000 milliseconds). digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the LED. delay(1000); // Wait 1 second. } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Serial.println row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 434 2.2
arend - Programming language arend ===== arend is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2697 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of arend happened in JetBrains HackerNews discussions of arend =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Arend: Theorem Prover Based on Homotopy Type Theory by JetBrains||08/06/2019|309|114 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
aretext - Editor aretext ======= aretext is an open source editor created in 2020 by Will Daly. 2020 Will Daly #803 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Minimalist text editor with vim-compatible key bindings. - Tags: editor - aretext is developed on GitHub and has 248 stars - Early development of aretext happened in - aretext is written in Go, Markdown, YAML, JSON, Bourne shell, Make, XML, HTML, Python, C, Rust - Read more about aretext on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
ARexx - Programming language ARexx ===== ARexx is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #1291 on PLDB 37 Years Old ARexx is an implementation of the Rexx language for the Amiga, written in 1987 by William S. Hawes, with a number of Amiga-specific features beyond standard REXX facilities. Like most REXX implementations, ARexx is an interpreted language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ARexx on HOPL ARexx on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Tex, Rexx /* Alarm.rexx */ ARG event IF event = 0 THEN EXIT IF event = 1 THEN SAY "Program has ended unexpectedly" IF event = 2 THEN SAY "Program has finished its job" IF event = 3 THEN SAY "Cannot find data in selected directory" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
arezzo-notation - Musical notation arezzo-notation =============== arezzo-notation is a musical notation created in 1033. 1033 #3831 on PLDB 991 Years Old The stave of 4 lines is usually attributed to an Italian Benedictine Monk called Guido of Arezzo (approx. 991-1033). In "Micrologus" a treatise on music notation, he also used the initial letters of a hymn to define musical pitches. These letters were ut, re mi, fa, sol, la. In most countries "Ut" became "Do" and centuries later with the addition of "ti" the system came to be called the sol-fa notation which was taught in many schools. - Tags: musicalNotation - Early development of arezzo-notation happened in Italian Benedictine Monastery - Read more about arezzo-notation on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
Argdown - Text markup language Argdown ======= Argdown is a text markup language created in 2014. 2014 #530 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone a simple syntax for complex argumentation - Tags: text markup language - Argdown is developed on GitHub and has 860 stars - Early development of Argdown happened in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Argdown is written in TypeScript, Markdown, JSON, JavaScript, SVG, CSS, HTML, XML, Bourne shell, Stylus, PowerShell - was registered in 2018 # Welcome to Argdown! [Intro]: Argdown is a simple syntax for defining argumentative structures, inspired by Markdown. + Writing a *pro & contra list* in Argdown is as simple as writing a twitter message (actually we are right in the middle of one). + But you can also **logically reconstruct** more complex dialectical relations between arguments or dive into the details of their premise-conclusion structures. + Finally, you can export Argdown as a graph and create **argument maps** of whole debates. This Argdown document only demonstrates the basic syntax elements. The argument map produced is a "bogus debate". To read a reconstruction of a *real* debate, select one of the **example debates** by moving your mouse to the *"Examples"* button on the upper left, above the text editor. ## Argdown Basics This is a normal statement with __bold__ and _italic_ text, a #tag and a [link]( [Statement 1]: Another statement (after a blank line), this time with a title defined in square brackets. We can use the title to refer to this statement later or mention it in other statements. #(Another tag) [Statement 2]: Let's do that now: The previous statement was @[Statement 1]. + <Argument title>: Statements can be supported by __arguments__. Arguments are defined by using angle brackets. #tag - <Another argument>: This arguments attacks @[Statement 2]. #tag - <Yet another argument>: Arguments can also be supported or attacked. #yet-another-tag <!-- By the way, this is a multiline comment. --> We can also do that the other way around: [Intro] -> <Argument 1> Headings can be used to group arguments and statements together. In the map these groups are visualized as grey boxes. Tags are visualized by the colors of the arguments and statements in the map. ### Argument reconstructions So far, we have ignored the internal structure of arguments. Arguments consist of premises from which conclusions are inferred. We can precisely define this premise-conclusion structure with Argdown: <Argument 1> (1) First premise (this is is a normal statement and you can do everything with it, we have done with the statements above). (2) [Statement 2]: We have already defined a statement with this title. Argdown allows you to add multiple statements to the same "equivalence class" by giving them the same title. The statements will then be treated as logically equivalent. -- Some inference rule (Some additional info: 1,2) -- (3) And now the conclusion -> Outgoing relations of the conclusion, are also interpreted as outgoing relations of the whole argument. +> <Yet another argument> <!-- The second relation is only "sketched", because it does not declare which premise of @<Argument 2> is supported. (At this point this is not possible, as we have not yet reconstructed @<Argument 2>) --> -> [Statement 1] We can also link to headings: [Back to top](#heading-welcome-to-argdown) Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 680 3.4
Argon - Programming language Argon ===== Argon is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #4908 on PLDB 2 Years Old Argon - an interpreted multi-paradigm programming language - Tags: programming language - Read more about Argon on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 104 0.5
Argos - Programming language Argos ===== Argos is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3324 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Argos happened in Verimag - Argos on HOPL Argos on HOPL - Read more about Argos on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Argus - Programming language Argus ===== Argus is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #2371 on PLDB 42 Years Old Argus is a programming language created at MIT by Barbara Liskov between 1982 and 1988, in collaboration with Maurice Herlihy, Paul Johnson, Robert Scheifler, and William Weihl. It is an extension of the CLU language, and utilizes most of the same syntax and semantics. Argus was designed to support the creation of distributed programs, by encapsulating related procedures within objects called guardians, and by supporting atomic operations called actions.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Argus happened in MIT - Argus on HOPL Argus on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) CLU Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
ARITH-MATIC - Programming language ARITH-MATIC =========== ARITH-MATIC is a programming language created in 1954. 1954 #2936 on PLDB 70 Years Old You may have been looking for arithmetic, a branch of mathematics.ARITH-MATIC is an extension of Grace Hopper's A-2 programming language, developed around 1955. ARITH-MATIC was originally known as A-3, but was renamed by the marketing department of Remington Rand UNIVAC.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ARITH-MATIC happened in Remington Rand - ARITH-MATIC on HOPL ARITH-MATIC on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Arjuna - Programming language Arjuna ====== Arjuna is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3832 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Arjuna happened in University of Newcastle - Arjuna on HOPL Arjuna on HOPL - Read more about Arjuna on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Ark - Programming language Ark === Ark is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1226 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A compiled systems programming language written in Go using the LLVM framework - Tags: programming language - Ark is developed on GitHub and has 676 stars - Ark is written in TOML, Go, Markdown, Make, YAML, Bourne shell // binding to printf [c] func printf(fmt: ^u8, ...); pub func main(argc: int, argv: ^^u8) -> int { // accessed via the C module C::printf(c"Running %s\n", ^argv); // mutable i, type inferred mut i := 0; for i < 5 { C::printf(c"%d\n", i); i += 1; } return 0; } HackerNews discussions of Ark ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A programming language I've been working on called Ark||01/05/2016|15|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
ARK - Programming language ARK === ARK is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3833 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ARK happened in University of Glasgow - ARK on HOPL ARK on HOPL - Read more about ARK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ArkScript - Programming language ArkScript ========= ArkScript is an open source programming language created in 2019 by Alexandre Plateau and Pierre Pharel and Natendrtfm. 2019 Alexandre Plateau Pierre Pharel Natendrtfm #423 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone ArkScript is a small, fast, functional and scripting language for C++ projects - Tags: programming language - ArkScript is developed on GitHub and has 578 stars - Early development of ArkScript happened in Alexandre Plateau - ArkScript is written in C++, Markdown, YAML, JSON, CSV, CMake, Bash, Python, Bourne shell, SVG, XML, Dockerfile (import std.random) (import std.Math) (let number (mod (math:abs (random)) 10000)) (let game (fun () { (let impl (fun (tries) { (let guess (toNumber (input "Input a numeric value: "))) (if (< guess number) { (print "It's more than " guess) (impl (+ tries 1))} (if (= guess number) { (print "You found it!") tries } { (print "It's less than " guess) (impl (+ tries 1))}))})) (let tries (impl 0)) (print "You won in " tries " tries.")})) (game) (print "Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example (import std.List) (import std.Math :max) Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token HackerNews discussions of ArkScript =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: ArkScript, a small and fast language for scripting video games||03/26/2020|101|42 Show HN: An Online Playground for ArkScript||06/16/2024|1|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 411 2.1
ARM Templates - Json format ARM Templates ============= ARM Templates is a json format created in 2017. 2017 #3261 on PLDB 7 Years Old Azure Resource Manager templates are JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files that define the infrastructure and configuration for your project. - Tags: jsonFormat - Early development of ARM Templates happened in Microsoft - Read more about ARM Templates on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to ARM Templates: Bicep "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.Azure.Extensions", "type": "CustomScript", "typeHandlerVersion": "2.0", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "settings": { "fileUris": [ "[concat(variables('template').assets, '/lamp-app/')]" ] }, "protectedSettings": { "commandToExecute": "[concat('sh ', parameters('mySqlPassword'))]" } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
ARM - Assembly language ARM === ARM, aka Acorn RISC Machine, is an assembly language created in 1985 by Sophie Wilson and Steve Furber. 1985 Sophie Wilson Steve Furber #93 on PLDB 39 Years Old ARM, originally Acorn RISC Machine, later Advanced RISC Machine, is a family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) architectures for computer processors, configured for various environments. British company ARM Holdings develops the architecture and licenses it to other companies, who design their own products that implement one of those architectures‍—‌including systems-on-chips (SoC) and systems-on-modules (SoM) that incorporate memory, interfaces, radios, etc. It also designs cores that implement this instruction set and licenses these designs to a number of companies that incorporate those core designs into their own products. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of ARM happened in Acorn Computers - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for ARM - has 6,588 matches for "arm architecture developer". - See also: (17 related languages) X86, Java Bytecode, BBC BASIC, Verilog, C, Assembly language, Java, C#, Perl, Python, MMX instruction set, JavaScript, Android, Unix, iOS, FreeBSD, Linux - 1 PLDB concepts link to ARM: B3 IR .text .globl main main: mov r7, #4 mov r0, #1 ldr r1, =message mov r2, #14 swi 0 mov r7, #1 mov r0, #0 swi 0 .data message: .string "Hello, world!\n" ; if (r0 == r1) CMP r0, r1 ITE EQ ; ARM: no code ... Thumb: IT instruction ; then r0 = r2; MOVEQ r0, r2 ; ARM: conditional; Thumb: condition via ITE 'T' (then) ; else r0 = r3; MOVNE r0, r3 ; ARM: conditional; Thumb: condition via ITE 'E' (else) ; recall that the Thumb MOV instruction has no bits to encode "EQ" or "NE" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 418 2.1
Armani - Programming language Armani ====== Armani is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3834 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Armani happened in Wright Laboratory and Aeronautical Systems Center and Air Force Materiel Command, USAF and Advanced Research Projects Agency - Armani on HOPL Armani on HOPL - Read more about Armani on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Arquero - Dataflow grammar Arquero ======= Arquero is a dataflow grammar created in 2020 by Jeffrey Heer. 2020 Jeffrey Heer #1126 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Query processing and transformation of array-backed data tables. - Tags: dataflow grammar, library - Arquero is developed on GitHub and has 1,234 stars - Arquero is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, SVG, CSV, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
arret - Programming language arret ===== arret is a programming language created in 2017 by Ryan Cumming. 2017 Ryan Cumming #2438 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Pure functional Lisp implemented in Rust - Tags: programming language - arret is developed on GitHub and has 205 stars - arret is written in Rust, JSON, TOML, TypeScript, Bourne shell, YAML, Dockerfile, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Apache Arrow - Binary data format Apache Arrow ============ Apache Arrow is a binary data format created in 2016 by Wes McKinney. 2016 Wes McKinney #236 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. It specifies a standardized language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations on modern hardware. It also provides computational libraries and zero-copy streaming messaging and interprocess communication. Languages currently supported include C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Apache Arrow is developed on GitHub and has 14,009 stars - Early development of Apache Arrow happened in Apache Software Foundation - Apache Arrow is written in Java, C++, Go, Ruby, C#, MATLAB, Python, TypeScript, reStructuredText, R, Bourne shell, YAML, JSON, CMake, Markdown, Dockerfile, Assembly language, Cython, Swift, JavaScript, C, SVG, XML, CSV, Meson, Diff, Make, Protocol Buffers, Vala, HTML, Lua, TOML, CSS, Lisp, Thrift, Objective C++, Bash, awk, SQL, sed - 1 PLDB concepts link to Apache Arrow: MPS Format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
arrow - Programming language arrow ===== arrow is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #4781 on PLDB 9 Years Old A Modern Reversible Programming Language. Reversible programming languages are those whose programs can be run backwards as well as forwards. This condition impacts even the most basic constructs, such as =, if and while. I discuss Janus, the first imperative reversible programming language, and its limitations. I then introduce Arrow, a reversible language with modern features, including functions. - Tags: programming language - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for arrow - Read more about arrow on the web: 1.!etd.send_file?accession=oberlin1443226400 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
ARTA - Programming language ARTA ==== ARTA is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4909 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ARTA on HOPL ARTA on HOPL - Read more about ARTA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
ARTSPEAK - Programming language ARTSPEAK ======== ARTSPEAK is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3835 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ARTSPEAK happened in Boston University - ARTSPEAK on HOPL ARTSPEAK on HOPL - Read more about ARTSPEAK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Arturo - Programming language Arturo ====== Arturo is a programming language created in 2019 by Yanis Zafirópulos. 2019 Yanis Zafirópulos #2998 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2019 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
arvelie-format - Time format arvelie-format ============== arvelie-format is a time format created in 2017. 2017 #2449 on PLDB 7 Years Old The Arvelie Calendar has 26 months of 14 days each. Each month has 2 weeks of 7 days, and each month's name is one of the 26 letters of the alphabet. The 365th day of the year is the Year Day(+01), preceded by the Leap Day(+02) on leap years. - Tags: timeFormat - Early development of arvelie-format happened in 02A01 2002-01-01 01D07 2001-02-18 13B12 2013-01-26 02E07 2002-03-04 24C01 2024-01-29 03+01 2003-12-31 22D12 2022-02-23 19U07 Today Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
ASCII Armor - Text encoding format ASCII Armor =========== ASCII Armor is a text encoding format created in 2007. 2007 #3325 on PLDB 17 Years Old OpenPGP provides the service of converting the raw 8-bit binary octet stream to a stream of printable ASCII characters, called Radix-64 encoding or ASCII Armor. - Tags: textEncodingFormat - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ASCII Armor - See also: (1 related languages) Base64 - Read more about ASCII Armor on the web: 1. 1. -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: OpenPrivacy 0.99 yDgBO22WxBHv7O8X7O/jygAEzol56iUKiXmV+XmpCtmpqQUKiQrFqclFqUDBovzS vBSFjNSiVHsuAA== =njUN -----END PGP MESSAGE----- Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
ASCII - Character encoding ASCII ===== ASCII, aka American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding created in 1963. 1963 #748 on PLDB 61 Years Old ASCII ( ( listen) ASS-kee), abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, although they support many additional characters. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: characterEncoding - Early development of ASCII happened in American National Standards Institute - See also: (10 related languages) Punched tape, C, vi, Multics, Unix, FTP, UTF-8, Unicode, Java, Perl - 1 PLDB concepts link to ASCII: Plain text !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
AsciiDoc - Text markup language AsciiDoc ======== AsciiDoc is an open source text markup language created in 2002 by Stuart Rackham. 2002 Stuart Rackham #602 on PLDB 22 Years Old 21 Repos AsciiDoc is a human-readable document format, semantically equivalent to DocBook XML, but using plain-text mark-up conventions. AsciiDoc documents can be created using any text editor and read “as-is”, or rendered to HTML or any other format supported by a DocBook tool-chain, i.e. PDF, TeX, Unix manpages, e-books, slide presentations, etc.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 21 AsciiDoc repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for AsciiDoc - See also: (7 related languages) Python, Ruby, XML, HTML, Tex, Unix, Java - 23 PLDB concepts link to AsciiDoc: Ace Editor, Apache Hbase, Bucklescript, Caramel, Ceylon, cloc, crmsh, glush, Golo, Gradle, Kakoune, Kotlin, Ninja, Oxyl, partiql, ramen, Rust, SpiderBasic, tridash, Txt2tags, XL, xodio, YAMP Hello, world! AsciiDoc Home Page ================== Title ----- Example Articles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3 = My Article J. Smith[Wikipedia] is an on-line encyclopaedia, available in English and *many* other languages. == Software You can install 'package-name' using the `gem` command: gem install package-name == Hardware Metals commonly used include: * copper * tin * lead Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
AsciiDots - Esoteric programming language AsciiDots ========= AsciiDots is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2017 by Aaron Janse. 2017 Aaron Janse #414 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Esolang inspired by ASCII art - Tags: esoteric programming language - AsciiDots is developed on GitHub and has 1,110 stars - AsciiDots is written in Markdown, Python, HTML, JavaScript, Nix, YAML, CSS, SCSS, Dockerfile, Bourne shell, reStructuredText - Explore AsciiDots snippets on Rosetta Code - AsciiDots on Esolang AsciiDots on Esolang /-& `` This is where the program ends! | \-\ /-\ | | | /-/ | \-\ \---/ | | \-. `` Here's where the program starts .-TEMPLATEquot;Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " HackerNews discussions of AsciiDots =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: AsciiDots – a 2D esoteric language inspired by circuits||08/07/2017|148|33 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
AsciiMath - Text markup language AsciiMath ========= AsciiMath is a text markup language created in 2014 by Peter Krautzberger. 2014 Peter Krautzberger #847 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone AsciiMath is an easy-to-write markup language for mathematics. - Tags: text markup language - AsciiMath is developed on GitHub and has 956 stars - AsciiMath is written in HTML, JavaScript, Markdown, PHP - See also: (1 related languages) LaTeX sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
ASDF - Programming language ASDF ==== ASDF is a programming language created in 2015 by Perry Greenfield and Michael Droettboom and Erik M. Bray. 2015 Perry Greenfield Michael Droettboom Erik M. Bray #1082 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) is a next generation interchange format for scientific data - Tags: programming language - ASDF is developed on GitHub and has 512 stars - Early development of ASDF happened in Space Telescope Science Institute - ASDF is written in JSON, Python, reStructuredText, YAML, Diff, Markdown, Ini, TOML, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
ASF+SDF - Programming language ASF+SDF ======= ASF+SDF is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3836 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ASF+SDF happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and Software Improvement Group and Utrecht University - ASF+SDF on HOPL ASF+SDF on HOPL - Read more about ASF+SDF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
ASHMEDAI - Programming language ASHMEDAI ======== ASHMEDAI is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3326 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ASHMEDAI happened in Carnegie Mellon and University of Pittsburgh - ASHMEDAI on HOPL ASHMEDAI on HOPL - Read more about ASHMEDAI on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
ASIC - Programming language ASIC ==== ASIC is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3656 on PLDB 32 Years Old ASIC is a programming language, a BASIC dialect and shareware compiler for DOS systems. Written by Dave Visti of 80/20 Software, it achieved brief popularity in the 1990s as one of the few BASIC compilers legally available for download from BBSes. However, ASIC understood only a small subset of the BASIC language, with most versions having little or no support for logical operators, control structures, and floating-point arithmetic. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ASIC happened in 80/20 Software - See also: (3 related languages) Microsoft Macro Assembler, BASIC, GW-BASIC REM 10 a=2 L10: A@ = 2 REM 20 b=a^10 2: Syntax error REM 30 PRINT b REM 30 PRINT b 3: Syntax error Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Asm.js - Intermediate representation language Asm.js ====== Asm.js is an intermediate representation language created in 2013. 2013 #1647 on PLDB 11 Years Old asm.js is an intermediate programming language designed to allow computer software written in languages such as C to be run as web applications while maintaining performance characteristics considerably better than standard JavaScript, the typical language used for such applications. asm.js consists of a strict subset of JavaScript, into which code written in statically-typed languages with manual memory management (such as C) is translated by a source-to-source compiler such as Emscripten (based on LLVM). Performance is improved by limiting language features to those amenable to ahead-of-time optimization and other performance improvements. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of Asm.js happened in Mozilla - was registered in 2012 - See also: (13 related languages) JavaScript, LLVM IR, Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby, OpenGL, Vim, SQLite, Gnuplot, Unity, Godot, WebAssembly function strlen(ptr) { ptr = ptr|0; var curr = 0; curr = ptr; while (MEM8[curr]|0 != 0) { curr = (curr + 1)|0; } return (curr - ptr)|0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
ASN.1 - Interface design language ASN.1 ===== ASN.1 is an interface design language created in 1984. 1984 #788 on PLDB 40 Years Old 0 Repos Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is an interface description language for defining data structures that can be serialized and deserialized in a standard, cross-platform way. It's broadly used in telecommunications and computer networking, and especially in cryptography. Protocol developers define data structures in ASN.1 modules, which are generally a section of a broader standards document written in the ASN.1 language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: interface design language - There are at least 0 ASN.1 repos on GitHub - Early development of ASN.1 happened in International Telecommunication Union and International Electrotechnical Commission - ASN.1 on HOPL ASN.1 on HOPL - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting ASN.1 - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ASN.1 - See also: (5 related languages) Protocol Buffers, Thrift, ASCII, JSON, XML FooProtocol DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN FooQuestion ::= SEQUENCE { trackingNumber INTEGER, question IA5String } FooAnswer ::= SEQUENCE { questionNumber INTEGER, answer BOOLEAN } END MyShopPurchaseOrders DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN PurchaseOrder ::= SEQUENCE { dateOfOrder DATE, customer CustomerInfo, items ListOfItems } CustomerInfo ::= SEQUENCE { companyName VisibleString (SIZE (3..50)), billingAddress Address, contactPhone NumericString (SIZE (7..12)) } Address::= SEQUENCE { street VisibleString (SIZE (5 .. 50)) OPTIONAL, city VisibleString (SIZE (2..30)), state VisibleString (SIZE(2) ^ FROM ("A".."Z")), zipCode NumericString (SIZE(5 | 9)) } ListOfItems ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..100)) OF Item Item ::= SEQUENCE { itemCode INTEGER (1..99999), color VisibleString ("Black" | "Blue" | "Brown"), power INTEGER (110 | 220), deliveryTime INTEGER (8..12 | 14..19), quantity INTEGER (1..1000), unitPrice REAL (1.00 .. 9999.00), isTaxable BOOLEAN } END <FooQuestion> <trackingNumber>5</trackingNumber> <question>Anybody there?</question> </FooQuestion> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 369 1.8
ASP.NET - Programming language ASP.NET ======= ASP.NET is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2194 on PLDB 22 Years Old 22k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 21,976 ASP.NET repos on GitHub - Early development of ASP.NET happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 463 users using ASP.NET in 543 repos on GitHub - 5 PLDB concepts link to ASP.NET: cloc, Eiffel, Git, jsil-compiler, Pygments Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
ASP - Template language ASP === ASP, aka Active Server Pages, is an open source template language created in 1996. 1996 #194 on PLDB 28 Years Old 48k Repos Active Server Pages (ASP), later known as Classic ASP or ASP Classic, is Microsoft's first server-side script engine for dynamically generated web pages. ASP.NET, first released in January 2002, has superseded ASP.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - There are at least 47,971 ASP repos on GitHub - Early development of ASP happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23k users using ASP in 33k repos on GitHub - Explore ASP snippets on Rosetta Code - ASP on HOPL ASP on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ASP - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ASP - has 9,630 matches for "ASP developer". - See also: (6 related languages) VBScript, JScript, HTML, C#, JSP, PHP - 1 PLDB concepts link to ASP: ASP.NET <%@ Language= "VBScript" %> <% Response.Write("Hello World") %> <% On Error Resume Next Response.Write 1 / 0 ' Division by zero If Err.Number <> 0 Then Response.Write "Error Code: " & Server.HTMLEncode(Err.Number) & "<br />" Response.Write "Error Source: " & Server.HTMLEncode(Err.Source) & "<br />" Response.Write "Error Description: " & Server.HTMLEncode(Err.Description) & "<br />" Err.Clear End If %> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Response.Write Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 347 1.7
AspectC++ - Programming language AspectC++ ========= AspectC++ is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2999 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2001 #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl; return 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
AspectJ - Programming language AspectJ ======= AspectJ is an open source programming language created in 2001 by Eric Bodden. 2001 Eric Bodden #398 on PLDB 23 Years Old 671 Repos AspectJ is an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) extension created at PARC for the Java programming language. It is available in Eclipse Foundation open-source projects, both stand-alone and integrated into Eclipse. AspectJ has become a widely used de facto standard for AOP by emphasizing simplicity and usability for end users. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 671 AspectJ repos on GitHub - Early development of AspectJ happened in Eclipse Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 734 users using AspectJ in 793 repos on GitHub - Explore AspectJ snippets on Rosetta Code - AspectJ on HOPL AspectJ on HOPL - AspectJ appears in the TIOBE Index - AspectJ Ubuntu package AspectJ Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for AspectJ - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for AspectJ - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for AspectJ - AspectJ appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (4 related languages) Java, Eclipse, Emacs, ISBN public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); } } System.out.println("Hello World"); package com.blogspot.miguelinlas3.aspectj.cache; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint; import com.blogspot.miguelinlas3.aspectj.cache.marker.Cacheable; /** * This simple aspect simulates the behaviour of a very simple cache * * @author migue * */ public aspect CacheAspect { public pointcut cache(Cacheable cacheable): execution(@Cacheable * * (..)) && @annotation(cacheable); Object around(Cacheable cacheable): cache(cacheable){ String evaluatedKey = this.evaluateKey(cacheable.scriptKey(), thisJoinPoint); if(cache.containsKey(evaluatedKey)){ System.out.println("Cache hit for key " + evaluatedKey); return this.cache.get(evaluatedKey); } System.out.println("Cache miss for key " + evaluatedKey); Object value = proceed(cacheable); cache.put(evaluatedKey, value); return value; } protected String evaluateKey(String key, JoinPoint joinPoint) { // TODO add some smart staff to allow simple scripting in @Cacheable annotation return key; } protected Map<String, Object> cache = new WeakHashMap<String, Object>(); } pointcut set() : execution(* set*(..) ) && this(Point); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01][01_]*[lL]? Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0|[1-9][0-9_]*[lL]? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9][0-9_]*\.([0-9][0-9_]*)?|\.[0-9][0-9_]*)([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]?|[0-9][eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]?|[0-9]([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]|0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\.?|([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)?\.[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)[pP][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*[lL]? Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[0-7_]+[lL]? Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.out.println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 659 3.3
ASPEN - Programming language ASPEN ===== ASPEN is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3837 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ASPEN happened in University of Illinois - ASPEN on HOPL ASPEN on HOPL - Read more about ASPEN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ASPOL - Programming language ASPOL ===== ASPOL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3838 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ASPOL happened in Apple - ASPOL on HOPL ASPOL on HOPL - Read more about ASPOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Assembly language - Assembly language Assembly language ================= Assembly language is an assembly language created in 1960. 1960 #97 on PLDB 64 Years Old 109k Repos An assembly (or assembler) language, often abbreviated asm, is any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong correspondence between the program's statements and the architecture's machine code instructions.Each assembly language is specific to a particular computer architecture and operating system. In contrast, most high-level programming languages are generally portable across multiple architectures but require interpreting or compiling. Assembly language may also be called symbolic machine code.Assembly language usually has one statement per machine instruction, but assembler directives, macros and symbolic labels of program and memory locations are often also supported. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - There are at least 109,158 Assembly language repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 33k users using Assembly language in 48k repos on GitHub - There are 14,763 members in the Assembly language subreddit - There are 223 Project Euler users using Assembly language - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Assembly language programmers reported a median salary of $55,211. 6% of respondents reported using Assembly language. 4,632 programmers reported using Assembly language, and 3,578 said they wanted to use it - Assembly language ranks #8 in the TIOBE Index - has 1,329 matches for "assembly language developer". - See also: (19 related languages) X86, Fortran, Algol, Lisp, GNU Assembler, x86 Assembly, Punched tape, IA-32, AUTOCODER, PL/I, COBOL, C, Unix, Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language, Turbo Pascal, Visual Basic, Pascal, High Level Assembly, WebAssembly - 93 PLDB concepts link to Assembly language: Ace Editor, Apache Arrow, Bash, Battlestar, Bazel, beef-lang, binaryen, Bio, BlitzMax, Boomerang Decompiler, Chapel, cloc, co2, CSpydr, Cwerg, Dasm, DragonBASIC, eC, Eiffel, ELENA, Emscripten, Erlang, Factor, FFmpeg, Flow9, F*, GAP, Gforth, GHC, Go, Gradle, Halide, Hare, HHVM, H++, J, JAL compiler, Janet, Java, juicy, Julia, Kefir, ko, Kubernetes, Kuin, l2, lambda-zero, Linux, lobster, LWJGL, m3db, mal, ΜC++, MicroPython, Minilang, MongoDB, Mudlle, Nim, Node.js, odin, oil, ooc, OpenCV, Oxyl, Pawn, PAWN, PHP, PostgreSQL, POV-Ray SDL, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Qore, r3, r4, Racket, raptorjit, React Native, Ruby, Rust, stoneknifeforth, Swift, tao3d, tbox-lib, Tiny C Compiler, ugBASIC, V, v8, Virgil, VLC, Volt, Wonkey, Zig infiniteLoop: jmp main main: jmp infiniteLoop include \masm32\include\ ; use the Masm32 library .code demomain: REPEAT 20 switch rv(nrandom, 9) ; generate a number between 0 and 8 mov ecx, 7 case 0 print "case 0" case ecx ; in contrast to most other programming languages, print "case 7" ; the Masm32 switch allows "variable cases" case 1 .. 3 .if eax==1 print "case 1" .elseif eax==2 print "case 2" .else print "cases 1 to 3: other" .endif case 4, 6, 8 print "cases 4, 6 or 8" default mov ebx, 19 ; print 20 stars .Repeat print "*" dec ebx .Until Sign? ; loop until the sign flag is set endsw print chr$(13, 10) ENDM exit end demomain Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 586 2.9
AssemblyScript - Programming language AssemblyScript ============== AssemblyScript is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #371 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A TypeScript-like language for WebAssembly. - Tags: programming language - AssemblyScript is developed on GitHub and has 16,642 stars - Early development of AssemblyScript happened in The AssemblyScript Project - TypeScript influenced the design of AssemblyScript - AssemblyScript is written in TypeScript, WebAssembly, JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, HTML, SVG, XML - was registered in 2017 /** Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number. */ export function fib(n: i32): i32 { var a = 0, b = 1 if (n > 0) { while (--n) { let t = a + b a = b b = t } return b } return a } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
associons - Programming language associons ========= associons is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3839 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of associons happened in Eindhoven University of Technology - associons on HOPL associons on HOPL - Read more about associons on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Asspegique - Programming language Asspegique ========== Asspegique is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3840 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Asspegique happened in University of Paris - Asspegique on HOPL Asspegique on HOPL - Read more about Asspegique on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Astatine - Programming language Astatine ======== Astatine is a programming language created in 2022 by Spydr06. 2022 Spydr06 #2177 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Astatine is a is a mid-level, statically typed, procedural programming language with some functional components. - Tags: programming language - Astatine is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Early development of Astatine happened in - Astatine is written in Haskell, C, Markdown, Make module Main where import * from IO -- prints 'Hello, World' to stdout main :: (args [String]) -> Int32 = do IO::puts("Hello, World") 0 end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
Asterisk - Application Asterisk ======== Asterisk is an open source application created in 1999. 1999 #956 on PLDB 25 Years Old Asterisk is a software implementation of a telephone private branch exchange (PBX); it allows attached telephones to make calls to one another, and to connect to other telephone services, such as the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. Its name comes from the asterisk symbol "*". Asterisk is released with a dual license model, using the GNU General Public License (GPL) as a free software license and a proprietary software license to permit licensees to distribute proprietary, unpublished system components. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Asterisk happened in Sangoma Technologies Corporation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Asterisk - See also: (4 related languages) C, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris ;; Hello world in Asterisk exten => s,1,NoOp(Hello World) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
asterius-compiler - Compiler asterius-compiler ================= asterius-compiler is a compiler created in 2017 by Shao Cheng. 2017 Shao Cheng #1243 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone DEPRECATED in favor of ghc wasm backend, see - Tags: compiler - asterius-compiler is developed on GitHub and has 1,978 stars - Early development of asterius-compiler happened in Tweag I/O - asterius-compiler is written in Haskell, JavaScript, Markdown, C, Nix, JSON, YAML, starlark, SVG, HTML, Python, XML, TOML, Bazel, Bourne shell, Diff Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
ASTLOG - Programming language ASTLOG ====== ASTLOG is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3841 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ASTLOG happened in Microsoft - ASTLOG on HOPL ASTLOG on HOPL - Read more about ASTLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
astro - Programming language astro ===== astro is an open source programming language created in 2016. 2016 #773 on PLDB 8 Years Old 5k Repos git clone A fun safe language for rapid prototyping and high performance applications - Tags: programming language - astro is developed on GitHub and has 747 stars - There are at least 4,515 astro repos on GitHub - astro is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4 users using astro in 4 repos on GitHub - Explore astro snippets on Rosetta Code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
astroml - Library astroml ======= astroml is an open source library created in 2012 by Jacob Vanderplas. 2012 Jacob Vanderplas #588 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Machine learning, statistics, and data mining for astronomy and astrophysics - Tags: library - astroml is developed on GitHub and has 1,032 stars - Early development of astroml happened in Google - astroml is written in Python, reStructuredText, Make, HTML, YAML, Ini, TOML - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Asymptote - Application Asymptote ========= Asymptote is an open source application created in 2004 by Andy Hammerlindl and John C. Bowman and Tom Prince. 2004 Andy Hammerlindl John C. Bowman Tom Prince #952 on PLDB 20 Years Old Asymptote is a descriptive vector graphics language — developed by Andy Hammerlindl, John C. Bowman (University of Alberta), and Tom Prince — which provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. Asymptote runs on all major platforms (Unix, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Asymptote happened in University of Alberta - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23 users using Asymptote in 25 repos on GitHub - Explore Asymptote snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Asymptote - See also: (7 related languages) Unix, LaTeX, PostScript, PDF, SVG, Tex, Python write("Hello, world!"); import graph; import settings; outformat="pdf"; size(300,300); // Function. real[] x1 = {-1.5,0}; real[] y1 = {0,0}; real[] x2 = {0,1.5}; real[] y2 = {1,1}; draw(graph(x1,y1),red+2); draw(graph(x2,y2),red+2); draw((0,0)--(0,1),red+1.5+linetype("4 4")); fill( circle((0,1),0.035), red); filldraw( circle((0,0),0.03), white, red+1.5); // Axes. xaxis( Label("$xTEMPLATEquot;), Ticks(new real[]{-1,-0.5,0.5,1}), Arrow); yaxis( Label("$yTEMPLATEquot;), Ticks(new real[]{0.5,1}), Arrow, ymin=-0.18, ymax=1.25); // Origin. labelx("$OTEMPLATEquot;,0,SW); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 361 1.8
Atari BASIC - Programming language Atari BASIC =========== Atari BASIC is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #2966 on PLDB 41 Years Old Atari BASIC is an interpreter for the BASIC programming language that shipped with the Atari 8-bit family of 6502-based home computers. Unlike most 8-bit BASICs, Atari BASIC is not a derivative of Microsoft BASIC, and differs in significant ways. It includes keywords for Atari-specific features and lacks support for string arrays, for example. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Atari BASIC happened in Shepardson Microsystems - See also: (10 related languages) Atari Microsoft BASIC, Atari ST BASIC, BASIC Programming, Microsoft BASIC, BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, BASIC-PLUS, HP Time-Shared BASIC, Optimized Systems Software, Turbo-Basic XL - 1 PLDB concepts link to Atari BASIC: Turbo-Basic XL 10 REM Opens the cassette device on channel 1 for reading in BASIC 20 OPEN #1,4,0,"C:MYPROG.DAT" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
Atari Microsoft BASIC - Programming language Atari Microsoft BASIC ===================== Atari Microsoft BASIC is an open source programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3736 on PLDB 43 Years Old The Atari Microsoft BASIC and Atari Microsoft BASIC II variants of the BASIC programming language were ROM cartridge or floppy disk packaged versions of the Microsoft BASIC dialect ported to the Atari 8-bit machines. Atari originally licensed Microsoft BASIC for use in their 8-bit computers, but were unable to fit it in an 8 KB ROM cartridge, the largest cartridge size available at the time. They outsourced to another company, Shepardson Microsystems Inc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Atari Microsoft BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (4 related languages) Atari BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Turbo-Basic XL, Optimized Systems Software Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
Atari ST BASIC - Programming language Atari ST BASIC ============== Atari ST BASIC is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3745 on PLDB 39 Years Old Atari ST BASIC (or ST Basic) was the first dialect of BASIC that was produced for the Atari ST line of computers. It was bundled with all new STs in the early years of the ST's lifespan, and quickly became the standard BASIC for that platform. However, many users disliked it, and improved dialects of BASIC quickly came out to replace it.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Atari ST BASIC happened in MetaComCo - See also: (6 related languages) MetaComCo, BASIC, AmigaBASIC, GFA BASIC, STOS BASIC, ISBN function not yet done System error #%N, please restart Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Atlas Autocode - Programming language Atlas Autocode ============== Atlas Autocode is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #2901 on PLDB 59 Years Old Atlas Autocode (AA) was a programming language developed around 1965 at Manchester University. A variant of the ALGOL programming language, it was developed by Tony Brooker and Derrick Morris for the Atlas Computer. ("Autocode" was basically an early term for "programming language"; different autocodes could be totally different).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Atlas Autocode happened in University of Manchester - Atlas Autocode on HOPL Atlas Autocode on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Algol, Edinburgh IMP, Compiler-Compiler, Autocode Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
ATLAS Transformation Language - Programming language ATLAS Transformation Language ============================= ATLAS Transformation Language is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #1896 on PLDB 19 Years Old ATL (ATLAS Transformation Language) is a model transformation language and toolkit developed and maintained by OBEO and AtlanMod. It was initiated by the AtlanMod team (previously called ATLAS Group). In the field of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), ATL provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set of source models. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ATLAS Transformation Language happened in Eclipse Foundation rule TreeNodeRoot2RootElement { from rt : MMTree!Node (rt.isTreeNodeRoot()) to lstRt : MMElementList!RootElement ( name <-, elements <- elmLst ), elmLst : distinct MMElementList!CommonElement foreach(leaf in rt.getAllChildren())( name <- ) } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
Atmel AVR - Programming language Atmel AVR ========= Atmel AVR is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #2838 on PLDB 28 Years Old AVR is a family of microcontrollers developed since 1996 by Atmel, acquired by Microchip Technology in 2016. These are modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC single-chip microcontrollers. AVR was one of the first microcontroller families to use on-chip flash memory for program storage, as opposed to one-time programmable ROM, EPROM, or EEPROM used by other microcontrollers at the time. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Atmel AVR happened in Norwegian Institute of Technology - See also: (10 related languages) Arduino Programming Language, ARM, Atmel AVR instruction set, C, PIC microcontroller, Linux, FreeBSD, Assembly language, VHDL, Verilog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
ATOL - Programming language ATOL ==== ATOL is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3842 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ATOL happened in University of Birmingham - ATOL on HOPL ATOL on HOPL - Read more about ATOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Atom - Editor Atom ==== Atom is an editor created in 2014. 2014 #4534 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of Atom happened in GitHub Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 85 0.4
Atom - Programming language Atom ==== Atom is an open source programming language created in 2007 by Thomas Hawkins. 2007 Thomas Hawkins #2372 on PLDB 17 Years Old Atom is a domain-specific language (DSL) in Haskell, for designing real-time embedded software.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) Haskell, Bluespec, Verilog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Atomese - Programming language Atomese ======= Atomese is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1816 on PLDB 17 Years Old Atomese was originally intended to be a language for knowledge representation (KR): that is, a way of encoding facts and hypothesis, in a machine-readable way, such that the knowledge can be manipulated, data-mined, reasoned with. This language subset was vaguely inspired by Prolog and Datalog. More correctly, it was constructed by layering concepts from mathematical logic onto a graph database: representing logical, symbolic statements as graphs. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Atomese happened in OpenCog Foundation - Read more about Atomese on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. (define find-animals (BindLink ;; The variable to be bound (VariableNode "$var") ;; The pattern to be searched for (InheritanceLink (VariableNode "$var") (ConceptNode "animal") ) ;; The value to be returned. (VariableNode "$var") ) ) ;; Run the above pattern (cog-bind find-animals) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 261 1.3
atomo - Programming language atomo ===== atomo is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #4597 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2022 HackerNews discussions of atomo =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Atomo, the programmer's programmable programming language||11/13/2010|162|34 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Atomos - Programming language Atomos ====== Atomos is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #3327 on PLDB 18 Years Old Atomos is the first programming language with implicit transactions, strong atomicity, and a scalable multiprocessor implementation. Atomos is derived from Java, but replaces its synchronization and conditional waiting constructs with simpler transactional alternatives. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Atomos happened in Stanford University - Read more about Atomos on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
atomspace - Application atomspace ========= atomspace is an application created in 2008. 2008 #1094 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone The OpenCog (hyper-)graph database and graph rewriting system - Tags: application - atomspace is developed on GitHub and has 803 stars - Early development of atomspace happened in OpenCog Foundation - atomspace is written in Scheme, C++, CMake, Markdown, XML, Python, Haskell, Cython, Bourne shell, YAML, OCaml, SVG, Tex, SQL, CSV, Ini, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
AT Protocol - Protocol AT Protocol =========== AT Protocol, aka Authenticated Transfer Protocol, is a protocol created in 2022. 2022 #736 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A generic federated protocol for building open social media applications. - Tags: protocol, microblogging - AT Protocol is developed on GitHub and has 5,797 stars - AT Protocol is written in TypeScript, JSON, Markdown, JavaScript, YAML, Handlebars, Dockerfile, Protocol Buffers, Bourne shell, CSS, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
ATS - Programming language ATS === ATS, aka Applied Type System, is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Hongwei Xi. 2013 Hongwei Xi #465 on PLDB 11 Years Old 217 Repos ATS (Applied Type System) is a programming language designed to unify programming with formal specification. ATS has support for combining theorem proving with practical programming through the use of advanced type systems. A past version of The Computer Language Benchmarks Game has demonstrated that the performance of ATS is comparable to that of the C and C++ programming languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 217 ATS repos on GitHub - Early development of ATS happened in Boston University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 26 users using ATS in 46 repos on GitHub - Explore ATS snippets on Rosetta Code - Monaco package for syntax highlighting ATS - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ATS - was registered in 2007 - See also: (4 related languages) DML, ML, OCaml, C val _ = print ("Hello, world!\n") implement main0 () = () // Hello world in ATS implement main () = begin print ("Hello, world!"); print_newline () end (* ****** ****** *) // // HX-2013-11 // // Implementing a variant of // the problem of Dining Philosophers // (* ****** ****** *) // #include "share/atspre_define.hats" #include "share/atspre_staload.hats" // (* ****** ****** *) staload "{$LIBATSHWXI}/teaching/mythread/SATS/mythread.sats" (* ****** ****** *) local // #include "{$LIBATSHWXI}/teaching/mythread/DATS/mythread.dats" // in (* in of [local] *) // // HX: it is intentionally left to be empty // end // end of [local] (* ****** ****** *) local // #include "{$LIBATSHWXI}/teaching/mythread/DATS/mythread_posix.dats" // in (* in of [local] *) // // HX: it is intentionally left to be empty // end // end of [local] (* ****** ****** *) (* end of [DiningPhil2_thread.dats] *) #define BUFLEN 10 var !p_buf with pf_buf = @[byte][BUFLEN](0) // pf_buf = @[byte][BUFLEN](0) @ p_buf[14] abstype abst0ype absprop absview absvtype absviewtype absvt0ype absviewt0ype as and assume begin classdec datasort datatype dataprop dataview datavtype dataviewtype do end extern extype extvar exception fn fnx fun prfn prfun praxi castfn if then else ifcase in infix infixl infixr prefix postfix implmnt implement primplmnt primplement import let local macdef macrodef nonfix symelim symintr overload of op rec sif scase sortdef sta stacst stadef static staload dynload try tkindef typedef propdef viewdef vtypedef viewtypedef prval var prvar when where with withtype withprop withview withvtype withviewtype Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 531 2.7
Attic numerals - Numeral system Attic numerals ============== Attic numerals is a numeral system created in -600. -600 #4687 on PLDB 2624 Years Old - Tags: numeralSystem Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
attoparsec - Library attoparsec ========== attoparsec is a library created in 2010. 2010 #962 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone attoparsec is a fast Haskell parser combinator library, aimed particularly at dealing efficiently with network protocols and complicated text/binary file formats. - Tags: library - attoparsec is developed on GitHub and has 513 stars - Early development of attoparsec happened in - attoparsec is written in Haskell, JSON, Markdown, Make, YAML, C - See also: (1 related languages) Megaparsec Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
atx - Text markup language atx === atx is a text markup language created in 2002 by Aaron Swartz. 2002 Aaron Swartz #2946 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of atx happened in - Read more about atx on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to atx: Markdown Emphasis (italics): I _love_ candy! Strong (bold): *This is a draft!* Code (monospaced): Use the |frobnitz| module. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
aubit-4gl - Programming language aubit-4gl ========= aubit-4gl is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4598 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of aubit-4gl happened in Aubit Computing Limited Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
Augeas - Programming language Augeas ====== Augeas is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1346 on PLDB 17 Years Old 68 Repos Augeas is a free software configuration-management library, written in the C programming language. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Augeas uses programs called lenses (in reference to the Harmony Project) to map a filesystem to an XML tree which can then be parsed using an XPath syntax, using a bidirectional transformation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 68 Augeas repos on GitHub - Early development of Augeas happened in Red Hat - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 265 users using Augeas in 293 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Augeas - was registered in 2008 - See also: (12 related languages) C, XML, XPath, Python, Ruby, OCaml, Perl, Haskell, Java, PHP, Tcl, Puppet Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
Augment - Programming language Augment ======= Augment is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #2043 on PLDB 50 Years Old Augment or augmentation may refer to:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Augment happened in University of Wisconsin-Madison and Boeing - Augment on HOPL Augment on HOPL - Read more about Augment on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
AUI - Programming language AUI === AUI is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2237 on PLDB 22 Years Old AUI may stand for: Ethernet's Attachment Unit Interface, a 15-pin D-connector The constructed language aUI (language) The National Rail code for Ardlui railway station, United Kingdom Associated Universities, Inc., the corporation that operates the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Amiga User International, a monthly magazine dedicated to the Amiga computer Al Akhawayn University, a university located in Ifrane, Morocco Adaptive user interface Audible user interface, for blind people to use digital devices Attentive user interface. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AUI happened in University of Saskatchewan and Queen's University - AUI on HOPL AUI on HOPL - Read more about AUI on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
AUR - Package manager AUR === AUR, aka Archlinux User Repository, is a package manager created in 2015. 2015 #3669 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Read more about AUR on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Aurora - Programming language Aurora ====== Aurora is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3328 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aurora happened in IQSOFT or ZKI Intelligent Software Ltd - Aurora on HOPL Aurora on HOPL - Read more about Aurora on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Austral - Programming language Austral ======= Austral is a programming language created in 2018 by Fernando Borretti. 2018 Fernando Borretti #677 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Austral is a new systems programming language. You can think of it as Rust: The Good Parts or a modernized, stripped-down Ada. It features a strong static type system, linear types, capability-based security, and strong modularity. - Tags: programming language - Austral is developed on GitHub and has 1,101 stars - Early development of Austral happened in - Austral is written in Markdown, OCaml, Make, JSON, TypeScript, Python, Vim script, Nix, YAML, Bourne shell, C, Lisp - Read more about Austral on the web: 1. 1. let db: Db := connect("localhost"); close(db); -- The below is tuple destructuring notation. let { first as db1: Db, second: Rows } := query(db, "SELECT ..."); close(db); -- error: `db` consumed again. -- another error: `db1` never consumed. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
AUTASIM - Programming language AUTASIM ======= AUTASIM is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3843 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AUTASIM happened in General Research Corporation - AUTASIM on HOPL AUTASIM on HOPL - Read more about AUTASIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
AUTOCAD - Application AUTOCAD ======= AUTOCAD is an application created in 1982. 1982 #1680 on PLDB 42 Years Old AutoCAD is a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application. Developed and marketed by Autodesk, AutoCAD was first released in December 1982 as a desktop app running on microcomputers with internal graphics controllers. Before AutoCAD was introduced, most commercial CAD programs ran on mainframe computers or minicomputers, with each CAD operator (user) working at a separate graphics terminal. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application, cad - Early development of AUTOCAD happened in Autodesk - AUTOCAD on HOPL AUTOCAD on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) iOS, Android, .dwg, Unix, AutoLISP, VBA Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Autocode - Programming language Autocode ======== Autocode is a programming language created in 1954. 1954 #2398 on PLDB 70 Years Old Autocode is the name of a family of "simplified coding systems", later called programming languages, devised in the 1950s and 1960s for a series of digital computers at the Universities of Manchester, Cambridge and London. Autocode was a generic term; the autocodes for different machines were not necessarily closely related as are, for example, the different versions of the single language FORTRAN. Today the term is used to refer to the family of early languages descended from the Manchester Mark 1 autocoder systems, which were generally similar. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Autocode happened in University of Manchester and University of Cambridge and University of London - Autocode on HOPL Autocode on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) AUTOCODER, COBOL, Fortran, Dartmouth BASIC, Algol, Atlas Autocode, CPL, BCPL, B, C 1 n1 = 1 vn1 = I reads input into v[n[1]] n1 = n1 + 1 j1,11 ≥ n1 jumps to 1 if n[1] ≤ 11 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 252 1.3
AUTOCODER II - Assembly language AUTOCODER II ============ AUTOCODER II is an assembly language created in 1958. 1958 #4782 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of AUTOCODER II happened in IBM - AUTOCODER II on HOPL AUTOCODER II on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
AUTOCODER III - Assembly language AUTOCODER III ============= AUTOCODER III is an assembly language created in 1958. 1958 #4783 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of AUTOCODER III happened in IBM - AUTOCODER III on HOPL AUTOCODER III on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
AUTOCODER - Assembly language AUTOCODER ========= AUTOCODER is an assembly language created in 1955. 1955 #2321 on PLDB 69 Years Old Autocoder was the name given to certain assemblers for a number of IBM computers of the 1950s and 1960s. The first Autocoders appear to have been the earliest assemblers to provide a macro facility.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of AUTOCODER happened in IBM - AUTOCODER on HOPL AUTOCODER on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Autocode, Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
Autoconf - Config format Autoconf ======== Autoconf is a config format created in 1991. 1991 #2660 on PLDB 33 Years Old GNU Autoconf is a tool for producing configure scripts for building, installing, and packaging software on computer systems where a Bourne shell is available. - Tags: configFormat - Early development of Autoconf happened in GNU Project - 1 PLDB concepts link to Autoconf: PkgConfig Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
AUTODRAFT - Programming language AUTODRAFT ========= AUTODRAFT is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3844 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AUTODRAFT happened in North American Aviation and IBM - AUTODRAFT on HOPL AUTODRAFT on HOPL - Read more about AUTODRAFT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
AUTOGRP - Programming language AUTOGRP ======= AUTOGRP is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3845 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AUTOGRP happened in Yale University - AUTOGRP on HOPL AUTOGRP on HOPL - Read more about AUTOGRP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
AutoHotkey - Programming language AutoHotkey ========== AutoHotkey is an open source programming language created in 2003. 2003 #157 on PLDB 21 Years Old 15k Repos AutoHotkey is a free, open-source custom scripting language for Microsoft Windows, initially aimed at providing easy keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, fast macro-creation and software automation that allows users of most levels of computer skill to automate repetitive tasks in any Windows application. User interfaces can easily be extended or modified by AutoHotkey (for example, overriding the default Windows control key commands with their Emacs equivalents). The AutoHotkey installation includes its own extensive help file with an always updated web-based version.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 14,623 AutoHotkey repos on GitHub - Early development of AutoHotkey happened in AutoHotkey Foundation LLC - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using AutoHotkey in 1k repos on GitHub - There are 28 Project Euler users using AutoHotkey - Explore AutoHotkey snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey - was registered in 2003 - See also: (12 related languages) Emacs, C, Microsoft Excel, AutoIt, Visual Basic .NET, C#, Lua, Lisp, VBScript, JScript, KiXtart, Winbatch - 4 PLDB concepts link to AutoHotkey: Ace Editor, BQN, DRAKON, Pygments MsgBox, Hello World ; Hello World in AutoHotkey Msgbox Hello, World! MsgBox, Hello`, World! ^+w::last := CopyUser() ; Ctrl+Shift+w ^+e::edit := CopyUser() ; Ctrl+Shift+e CopyUser() { Clipboard = StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, wiki/ StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, w/index.php?title= StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, Special:Contributions&target= StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, User: StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, &action=edit StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, _, %A_Space%, All Return, Clipboard } ; Ctrl+Shift+r ^+r::Send revert edits by [[Special:Contributions/%edit%|%edit%]] to last version by %last% Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example ; \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example ; (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example ; 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example ; 0\d+ Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 482 2.4
AutoIt - Programming language AutoIt ====== AutoIt is an open source programming language created in 1999 by Jonathan Bennett. 1999 Jonathan Bennett #335 on PLDB 25 Years Old 5k Repos AutoIt is a freeware automation language for Microsoft Windows. In its earliest release, the software was primarily intended to create automation scripts (sometimes called macros) for Microsoft Windows programs but has since grown to include enhancements in both programming language design and overall functionality. While the scripting language in AutoIt 1 and 2 was statement-driven, designed primarily for simulating user interaction, from version 3 onwards the AutoIt syntax is similar to that found in the BASIC family of languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 4,732 AutoIt repos on GitHub - Early development of AutoIt happened in AutoIt Consulting Ltd - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 561 users using AutoIt in 650 repos on GitHub - There are 12 Project Euler users using AutoIt - Explore AutoIt snippets on Rosetta Code - AutoIt appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for AutoIt - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for AutoIt - See also: (9 related languages) BASIC, TCP, UDP, AutoHotkey, KiXtart, ThinBasic, Visual Basic, Winbatch, Expect MsgBox(0, "Message Box", "Hello World") ; Find Average by JohnOne, modified by czardas #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> _Example() ; Run the example. Func _Example() ; Display an input box and ask the user to enter some numbers separated by commas. Local $sInput = InputBox("Find Average", "Enter some numbers separated by commas: 1,2,42,100,3") ; If an error occurred then exit the script. If @error Then Exit ; Populate an array with the user's input. Local $aSplit = StringSplit($sInput, ",") ; Pass the array to the function _Find_Average() and then check for errors. Local $fAverage = _Find_Average($aSplit) If @error Then Exit ; Display the result in a message box. MsgBox($MB_OK, "Find Average", "Result: " & $fAverage) EndFunc ;==>_Example Func _Find_Average($aArray) ; If the input is not of the correct type (an array), then return an error along with the details. If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, VarGetType($aArray)) ; More detailed checks are possible, but for brevity just one is performed here. ; Declare a variable to store the sum of the numbers. Local $iArraySum = 0 ; Loop through the array. For $i = 1 To $aArray[0] ; Increment the sum by the number in each array element. $iArraySum += Number($aArray[$i]) Next ; Return the average rounded to 2 decimal places. Return Round($iArraySum / $aArray[0], 2) EndFunc ;==>_Find_Average #include-once #include #endregion #forcedef #forceref #region and byref case continueloop dim do else elseif endfunc endif endselect exit exitloop for func global if local next not or return select step then to until wend while exit Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example ; \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example ; (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example ; 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example ; 0\d+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token MsgBox row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 694 3.5
AutoLISP - Programming language AutoLISP ======== AutoLISP is a programming language created in 1986 by David Betz. 1986 David Betz #775 on PLDB 38 Years Old AutoLISP is a dialect of the LISP programming language built specifically for use with the full version of AutoCAD and its derivatives, which include AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Architecture and AutoCAD Mechanical. Neither the application programming interface nor the interpreter to execute AutoLISP code are included in the AutoCAD LT product line.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp, cad - Early development of AutoLISP happened in Autodesk and Basis Software - Explore AutoLISP snippets on Rosetta Code - AutoLISP on HOPL AutoLISP on HOPL - AutoLISP appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (18 related languages) AUTOCAD, VBA, Lisp, Interlisp, Lisp Machine Lisp, Scheme, Common Lisp, T, Emacs Lisp, ISLISP, OpenLisp, PicoLisp, EuLisp, NewLisp, Racket, Clojure, Arc, LFE (alert "Hello World") 1 (defun c:pointlabel ( / pnt ) 2 (if (setq pnt (getpoint "\nSpecify point: ")) 3 (progn 4 (entmake 5 (list 6 '(0 . "POINT") 7 (cons 10 (trans pnt 1 0)) 8 ) 9 ) 10 (entmake 11 (list 12 '(0 . "TEXT") 13 (cons 10 (trans (cons (+ (car pnt) 0.6) (cdr pnt)) 1 0)) 14 (cons 40 (getvar 'textsize)) 15 (cons 1 (strcat "X:" (rtos (car pnt)) " Y:" (rtos (cadr pnt)))) 16 ) 17 ) 18 ) 19 ) 20 (princ) 21 ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 331 1.7
AUTOLOFT - Programming language AUTOLOFT ======== AUTOLOFT is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #3329 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AUTOLOFT happened in North American Aviation - AUTOLOFT on HOPL AUTOLOFT on HOPL - Read more about AUTOLOFT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
AUTOMAST - Programming language AUTOMAST ======== AUTOMAST is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #3846 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AUTOMAST happened in Washington University - AUTOMAST on HOPL AUTOMAST on HOPL - Read more about AUTOMAST on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Automator - Programming language Automator ========= Automator is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #3330 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Automator happened in Apple - Automator appears in the TIOBE Index - Read more about Automator on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
AUTOmatic PROgramming of Machine Tools - Programming language AUTOmatic PROgramming of Machine Tools ====================================== AUTOmatic PROgramming of Machine Tools is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #3331 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of AUTOmatic PROgramming of Machine Tools happened in IBM and United Aircraft Corporation - AUTOmatic PROgramming of Machine Tools on HOPL AUTOmatic PROgramming of Machine Tools on HOPL - Read more about AUTOmatic PROgramming of Machine Tools on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Avail - Programming language Avail ===== Avail is a programming language created in 2010 by Mark van Gulik and Todd L. Smith. 2010 Mark van Gulik Todd L. Smith #1401 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Avail is a multi-paradigmatic general purpose programming language whose feature set emphasizes support for articulate programming. - Tags: programming language - Avail is developed on GitHub and has 53 stars - Early development of Avail happened in The Avail Foundation, LLC - Avail is written in Kotlin, SVG, XML, JSON, CSS, Gradle, JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, Bash, Bourne shell, Java, JSON5 Public method "Play Wump the Wumpus with reader_with reporter_" is [ reader : []→string, writer : [string]→⊤ | /* Set up the game's I/O. */ Wump the Wumpus reader := reader; Wump the Wumpus reporter := writer; /* Create a new game. All references to game objects within the block are * implicitly understood as relative to this new game. */ newGame ::= a game of Wump the Wumpus; Use newGame as the implied game and do [ Welcome; Look around, having just entered; Until the game is over, do [ Give the agent a turn; Give the first swarm a turn; Give the second swarm a turn; Give the wumpus a turn; ]; If the agent is alive then [ If the wumpus is dead then [Report victory;] else [Report cowardice;]; ] else [Report defeat;]; Goodbye; ]; ] : ⊤; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 302 1.5
Avalon/Common LISP - Programming language Avalon/Common LISP ================== Avalon/Common LISP is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3847 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Avalon/Common LISP happened in Carnegie Mellon - Avalon/Common LISP on HOPL Avalon/Common LISP on HOPL - Read more about Avalon/Common LISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Averest - Programming language Averest ======= Averest is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #3760 on PLDB 19 Years Old Averest is a synchronous programming language and set of tools to specify, verify, and implement reactive systems. It includes a compiler for synchronous programs, a symbolic model checker, and a tool for hardware/software synthesis. It can be used to model and verify finite and infinite state systems, at varied abstraction levels. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Averest happened in Technical University of Kaiserslautern - See also: (1 related languages) Esterel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
AviSynth - Editor AviSynth ======== AviSynth is an open source editor created in 2000 by Ben Rudiak-Gould and Edwin van Eggelen and Klaus Post and Richard Berg and Ian Brabham. 2000 Ben Rudiak-Gould Edwin van Eggelen Klaus Post Richard Berg Ian Brabham #349 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone Avisynth is a scripting language and a collection of filters for simple (and not so simple!) non-linear video editing tasks. It frameserves video to applications - Tags: editor - AviSynth is developed on GitHub and has 935 stars - Early development of AviSynth happened in - AviSynth is written in reStructuredText, C++, HTML, CMake, SVG, Make, YAML, C, Markdown, Python, PowerShell - There is a central package repository for AviSynth filename="somefile.avi" logfile="output.txt" path="P:\ath\To\Files\" lumathresh=80 imageprefix="prefix_" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 263 1.3
Atmel AVR instruction set - Instruction set architecture Atmel AVR instruction set ========================= Atmel AVR instruction set is an instruction set architecture created in 1996. 1996 #1846 on PLDB 28 Years Old The Atmel AVR instruction set is the machine language for the Atmel AVR, a modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC single chip microcontroller which was developed by Atmel in 1996. The AVR was one of the first microcontroller families to use on-chip flash memory for program storage.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of Atmel AVR instruction set happened in Atmel - See also: (1 related languages) Atmel AVR Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
avro - Interface design language avro ==== avro is an interface design language created in 2012. 2012 #2450 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: interface design language - Early development of avro happened in Apache Software Foundation - See also: (2 related languages) Protocol Buffers, Thrift {"namespace": "example.avro", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
awk - Programming language awk === awk, aka Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan, is a programming language created in 1977 by Alfred Aho and Peter J. Weinberger and Brian Kernighan. 1977 Alfred Aho Peter J. Weinberger Brian Kernighan #61 on PLDB 47 Years Old 3k Repos AWK is a programming language designed for text processing and typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool. It is a standard feature of most Unix-like operating systems. The AWK language is a data-driven scripting language consisting of a set of actions to be taken against streams of textual data – either run directly on files or used as part of a pipeline – for purposes of extracting or transforming text, such as producing formatted reports. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Interview with the creators of awk: 1. 1. - There are at least 2,552 awk repos on GitHub - Early development of awk happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14k users using awk in 21k repos on GitHub - There are 1,929 members in the awk subreddit - There are 14 Project Euler users using awk - Explore awk snippets on Rosetta Code - awk on HOPL awk on HOPL - awk ranks #37 in the TIOBE Index - awk Ubuntu package awk Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for awk - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for awk - awk appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn awk on exercism. - has 7 matches for "awk engineer". - See also: (14 related languages) C, SNOBOL, Bourne shell, Tcl, AMPL, Perl, Lua, Regular Expressions, Unix, sed, FreeBSD, Solaris, Java, ISBN - 44 PLDB concepts link to awk: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Apache Arrow, Bash, bawk, beef-lang, Chapel, Civet, crmsh, Eiffel, ELFE, FFmpeg, FLEX, Flow9, Gforth, Go, groff, HHVM, Incipit, Java, kona, ktye/k, latino, Lil, Linux, mal, Manim, MongoDB, NGS, Node.js, Noweb, PHP, GNU Poke, POV-Ray SDL, Prism, Pygments, Ragel, Revolution, Ruby, Slony, Semantic Patch Language, Swift, V, Wonkey, XL BEGIN { print "Hello, world!" } # awk -f awk.awk BEGIN { print "Hello World" } # Hello world in AWK BEGIN { print "Hello World!" } #!/bin/awk -f BEGIN { # It is not possible to define output file names here because # FILENAME is not define in the BEGIN section n = ""; printf "Generating data files ..."; network_max_bandwidth_in_byte = 10000000; network_max_packet_per_second = 1000000; last3 = 0; last4 = 0; last5 = 0; last6 = 0; } { if ($1 ~ /Average/) { # Skip the Average values n = ""; next; } if ($2 ~ /all/) { # This is the cpu info print $3 > FILENAME".cpu.user.dat"; # print $4 > FILENAME".cpu.nice.dat"; print $5 > FILENAME".cpu.system.dat"; # print $6 > FILENAME".cpu.iowait.dat"; print $7 > FILENAME".cpu.idle.dat"; print 100-$7 > FILENAME".cpu.busy.dat"; } if ($2 ~ /eth0/) { # This is the eth0 network info if ($3 > network_max_packet_per_second) print last3 > FILENAME".net.rxpck.dat"; # Total number of packets received per second. else { last3 = $3; print $3 > FILENAME".net.rxpck.dat"; # Total number of packets received per second. } if ($4 > network_max_packet_per_second) print last4 > FILENAME".net.txpck.dat"; # Total number of packets transmitted per second. else { last4 = $4; print $4 > FILENAME".net.txpck.dat"; # Total number of packets transmitted per second. } if ($5 > network_max_bandwidth_in_byte) print last5 > FILENAME".net.rxbyt.dat"; # Total number of bytes received per second. else { last5 = $5; print $5 > FILENAME".net.rxbyt.dat"; # Total number of bytes received per second. } if ($6 > network_max_bandwidth_in_byte) print last6 > FILENAME".net.txbyt.dat"; # Total number of bytes transmitted per second. else { last6 = $6; print $6 > FILENAME".net.txbyt.dat"; # Total number of bytes transmitted per second. } # print $7 > FILENAME".net.rxcmp.dat"; # Number of compressed packets received per second (for cslip etc.). # print $8 > FILENAME".net.txcmp.dat"; # Number of compressed packets transmitted per second. # print $9 > FILENAME".net.rxmcst.dat"; # Number of multicast packets received per second. } # Detect which is the next info to be parsed if ($2 ~ /proc|cswch|tps|kbmemfree|totsck/) { n = $2; } # Only get lines with numbers (real data !) if ($2 ~ /[0-9]/) { if (n == "proc/s") { # This is the proc/s info print $2 > FILENAME".proc.dat"; # n = ""; } if (n == "cswch/s") { # This is the context switches per second info print $2 > FILENAME".ctxsw.dat"; # n = ""; } if (n == "tps") { # This is the disk info print $2 > FILENAME".disk.tps.dat"; # total transfers per second print $3 > FILENAME".disk.rtps.dat"; # read requests per second print $4 > FILENAME".disk.wtps.dat"; # write requests per second print $5 > FILENAME".disk.brdps.dat"; # block reads per second print $6 > FILENAME".disk.bwrps.dat"; # block writes per second # n = ""; } if (n == "kbmemfree") { # This is the mem info print $2 > FILENAME".mem.kbmemfree.dat"; # Amount of free memory available in kilobytes. print $3 > FILENAME".mem.kbmemused.dat"; # Amount of used memory in kilobytes. This does not take into account memory used by the kernel itself. print $4 > FILENAME".mem.memused.dat"; # Percentage of used memory. # It appears the kbmemshrd has been removed from the sysstat output - ntolia # print $X > FILENAME".mem.kbmemshrd.dat"; # Amount of memory shared by the system in kilobytes. Always zero with 2.4 kernels. # print $5 > FILENAME".mem.kbbuffers.dat"; # Amount of memory used as buffers by the kernel in kilobytes. print $6 > FILENAME".mem.kbcached.dat"; # Amount of memory used to cache data by the kernel in kilobytes. # print $7 > FILENAME".mem.kbswpfree.dat"; # Amount of free swap space in kilobytes. # print $8 > FILENAME".mem.kbswpused.dat"; # Amount of used swap space in kilobytes. print $9 > FILENAME".mem.swpused.dat"; # Percentage of used swap space. # n = ""; } if (n == "totsck") { # This is the socket info print $2 > FILENAME".sock.totsck.dat"; # Total number of used sockets. print $3 > FILENAME".sock.tcpsck.dat"; # Number of TCP sockets currently in use. # print $4 > FILENAME".sock.udpsck.dat"; # Number of UDP sockets currently in use. # print $5 > FILENAME".sock.rawsck.dat"; # Number of RAW sockets currently in use. # print $6 > FILENAME".sock.ip-frag.dat"; # Number of IP fragments currently in use. # n = ""; } } } END { print " '" FILENAME "' done."; } BEGIN { pattern = ARGV[1] for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) # remove first argument ARGV[i] = ARGV[i + 1] ARGC-- if (ARGC == 1) { # the pattern was the only thing, so force read from standard input (used by book) ARGC = 2 ARGV[1] = "-" } } $0 ~ pattern { print FILENAME ":" $0 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # [0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1411 7.1
awl - Programming language awl === awl is a programming language created in 2014 by Zaven Muradyan. 2014 Zaven Muradyan #2125 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Experimental Lispy mini-language - Tags: programming language - awl is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of awl happened in Zaven Muradyan - awl is written in C, JavaScript, Markdown, CSS, Make, HTML, Bash HackerNews discussions of awl ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Awl, a toy Lisp language written in C and transpiled to JavaScript||08/13/2014|8|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
AWS - Cloud service AWS === AWS, aka Amazon Web Services, is a cloud service created in 2006. 2006 #276 on PLDB 18 Years Old Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies and governments, on a paid subscription basis with a free-tier option available for 12 months. The technology allows subscribers to have at their disposal a full-fledged virtual cluster of computers, available all the time, through the Internet. AWS's version of virtual computers have most of the attributes of a real computer including hardware (CPU(s) & GPU(s) for processing, local/RAM memory, hard-disk/SSD storage); a choice of operating systems; networking; and pre-loaded application software such as web servers, databases, CRM, etc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: cloud service - Early development of AWS happened in Amazon - Check out the 887 AWS meetup groups on - See also: (7 related languages) LOGIN, Microsoft Azure, Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Android, Google Cloud Platform Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
axcess - Programming language axcess ====== axcess is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4784 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of axcess happened in AMX Corporation - Read more about axcess on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
Axiom - Programming language Axiom ===== Axiom is an open source programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2369 on PLDB 32 Years Old Axiom is a free, general-purpose computer algebra system. It consists of an interpreter environment, a compiler and a library, which defines a strongly typed, mathematically (mostly) correct type hierarchy.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (5 related languages) Fortran, Coq, ACL2, Emacs, Aldor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
AXIOM - Programming language AXIOM ===== AXIOM is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #776 on PLDB 32 Years Old An axiom or postulate is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments. The word comes from the Greek axíōma (ἀξίωμα) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident.'The term has subtle differences in definition when used in the context of different fields of study. As defined in classic philosophy, an axiom is a statement that is so evident or well-established, that it is accepted without controversy or question. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of AXIOM happened in IBM - Explore AXIOM snippets on Rosetta Code - AXIOM on HOPL AXIOM on HOPL - Read more about AXIOM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
axt-format - Text data format axt-format ========== axt-format is a text data format created in 2004. 2004 #2841 on PLDB 20 Years Old axt alignment files are produced from Blastz, an alignment tool available from Webb Miller's lab at Penn State University. The axtNet and axtChain alignments are produced by processing the alignment files with additional utilities written by Jim Kent at UCSC. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of axt-format happened in Penn State University - Read more about axt-format on the web: 1. 1. 0 chr19 3001012 3001075 chr11 70568380 70568443 - 3500 TCAGCTCATAAATCACCTCCTGCCACAAGCCTGGCCTGGTCCCAGGAGAGTGTCCAGGCTCAGA TCTGTTCATAAACCACCTGCCATGACAAGCCTGGCCTGTTCCCAAGACAATGTCCAGGCTCAGA Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Aztec C - Programming language Aztec C ======= Aztec C is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3732 on PLDB 44 Years Old Aztec C is a C compiler for MS-DOS, Apple II DOS 3.3 and ProDOS, Commodore 64, early Macintosh, CP/M-80, Amiga, and Atari ST.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Aztec C happened in Manx Software Systems - See also: (1 related languages) C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Microsoft Azure - Cloud service Microsoft Azure =============== Microsoft Azure is an open source cloud service created in 2010. 2010 #284 on PLDB 14 Years Old Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure) is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. It provides software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service and infrastructure as a service and supports many different programming languages, tools and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems. Azure was announced in October 2008 and released on February 1, 2010 as "Windows Azure" before being renamed "Microsoft Azure" on March 25, 2014.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: cloud service - Early development of Microsoft Azure happened in Microsoft - Check out the 386 Microsoft Azure meetup groups on - See also: (13 related languages) Linux, PHP, Python, FTP, Mercurial, JSON, Redis, REST, XML, Visual Studio, Eclipse, AWS, Google Cloud Platform Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
B-LINE - Programming language B-LINE ====== B-LINE is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3848 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of B-LINE happened in Bell Telephone - B-LINE on HOPL B-LINE on HOPL - Read more about B-LINE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
B - Programming language B = B is a programming language created in 1969 by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. 1969 Ken Thompson Dennis Ritchie #451 on PLDB 55 Years Old B is a programming language developed at Bell Labs circa 1969. It is the work of Ken Thompson with Dennis Ritchie. B was derived from BCPL, and its name may be a contraction of BCPL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of B happened in Bell Labs - Explore B snippets on Rosetta Code - B on HOPL B on HOPL - See also: (9 related languages) ABC, BCPL, PL/I, C, Multics, ALGOL 58, Unix, TMG, Yacc main() { putchar ('Hell'); putchar ('o Wo'); putchar ('rld'); putchar ('*n'); } /* The following function will print a non-negative number, n, to the base b, where 2<=b<=10. This routine uses the fact that in the ASCII character set, the digits 0 to 9 have sequential code values. */ printn(n, b) { extrn putchar; auto a; if (a = n / b) /* assignment, not test for equality */ printn(a, b); /* recursive */ putchar(n % b + '0'); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token putchar row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 338 1.7
B3 IR - Intermediate representation language B3 IR ===== B3 IR is an intermediate representation language created in 2016. 2016 #3000 on PLDB 8 Years Old B3 IR is a C-like SSA representation of a procedure. A procedure has a root block at which it starts execution when it is invoked. A procedure does not have to terminate, but if it does, then it can be either due to a Return, which gracefully returns some value, or by a side-exit at designated instructions. B3 gives the client a lot of flexibility to implement many different kinds of side-exits. B3 is designed to represent procedures for the purpose of transforming them. Knowing what transformations are legal requires knowing what a procedure does. A transformation is valid if it does not change the observable behavior of a procedure. This document tells you what B3 procedures do by telling you what each construct in B3 IR does. - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of B3 IR happened in Apple - B3 IR compiles to x86-64 or ARM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
B32 Business Basic - Programming language B32 Business Basic ================== B32 Business Basic is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3793 on PLDB 38 Years Old B32 Business Basic was a competitor to Data General Business Basic written by Murray Haszard in 1986. It ran on the Data General Eclipse MV line of computers initially, and was ported to Unix in 1989 and to DOS in 1991. B32 Software was the company that developed and supported B32 Business Basic, with the original site in Auckland, New Zealand supplemented by a sales and support centre in Blue Ash, Ohio. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of B32 Business Basic happened in B32 Software - See also: (2 related languages) Data General Business Basic, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
B4Tran - Programming language B4Tran ====== B4Tran is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3849 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of B4Tran happened in University of California - B4Tran on HOPL B4Tran on HOPL - Read more about B4Tran on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BABEL - Programming language BABEL ===== BABEL is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3085 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BABEL happened in University of Münster and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Explore BABEL snippets on Rosetta Code - BABEL on HOPL BABEL on HOPL - Read more about BABEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Baby modula-3 - Programming language Baby modula-3 ============= Baby modula-3 is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4522 on PLDB 31 Years Old Baby Modula-3 is a functional programming sublanguage of Modula-3 (safe subset) programming language based on ideals invented by Martín Abadi. It is an object oriented language for studying programming language design; one part of it is implicitly prototype-oriented programming language, and the other is explicitly statically typed designed for studying computer science type theories. It has been checked as a formal language of metaprogramming systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Baby modula-3 happened in DEC - See also: (3 related languages) Modula-3, Ada, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Babylonian numerals - Numeral system Babylonian numerals =================== Babylonian numerals is a numeral system created in -2000. -2000 #2987 on PLDB 4024 Years Old Babylonian numerals were written in cuneiform, using a wedge-tipped reed stylus to make a mark on a soft clay tablet which would be exposed in the sun to harden to create a permanent record. The Babylonians, who were famous for their astronomical observations and calculations (aided by their invention of the abacus), used a sexagesimal (base-60) positional numeral system inherited from either the Sumerian or the Eblaite civilizations. Neither of the predecessors was a positional system (having a convention for which ‘end’ of the numeral represented the units).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: numeralSystem Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
BACK - Programming language BACK ==== BACK is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3332 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BACK happened in Technical University of Berlin - BACK on HOPL BACK on HOPL - Read more about BACK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
badlanguage - Programming language badlanguage =========== badlanguage is a programming language created in 2017 by Martin Capodici. 2017 Martin Capodici #2139 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A lisp-looking language with interpreter and compiler to JS - Tags: programming language - badlanguage is developed on GitHub and has 28 stars - Early development of badlanguage happened in Martin Capodici - badlanguage is written in Haskell, MATLAB, JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON HackerNews discussions of badlanguage ===================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Bad Language: A lisp-looking language with interpreter and JS compiler||04/25/2018|6|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
bag-format - Binary data format bag-format ========== bag-format is a binary data format created in 2010. 2010 #2097 on PLDB 14 Years Old A bag is a file format in ROS for storing ROS message data. Bags -- so named because of their .bag extension -- have an important role in ROS, and a variety of tools have been written to allow you to store, process, analyze, and visualize them. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of bag-format happened in Open Robotics - Read more about bag-format on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Balanced ternary - Notation Balanced ternary ================ Balanced ternary is a notation created in 1544. 1544 #3653 on PLDB 480 Years Old Balanced ternary is a non-standard positional numeral system (a balanced form), used in some early computers and useful in the solution of balance puzzles. It is a ternary (base 3) number system in which the digits have the values –1, 0, and 1, in contrast to the standard (unbalanced) ternary system, in which digits have values 0, 1 and 2. Balanced ternary can represent all integers without using a separate minus sign; the value of the leading non-zero digit of a number has the sign of the number itself. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
BALG - Programming language BALG ==== BALG is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3850 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BALG happened in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - BALG on HOPL BALG on HOPL - Read more about BALG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
BALGOL - Programming language BALGOL ====== BALGOL is a programming language created in 1959 by Bob Barton. 1959 Bob Barton #2026 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BALGOL happened in Burroughs - ALGOL 58 and Fortran influenced the design of BALGOL - Read more about BALGOL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. INTEGER I..., J..., K..., L..., M..., N...$ BOOLEAN KEEP, LAST$ REAL MAT..., JOULES$ REAL OTHERWISE$ FUNCTION TORADS(DEGREES) = DEGREES . 3.1415926/180$ FUNCTION PYTHAGOREAN(A, B) = SQRT(A*2 + B*2)$ FOR I = 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, (13, 7, 99), 101, (103, 1, 125)$ A(I) = I$ UNTIL A > 125 OR OUTTAHERE$ BEGIN OUTTAHERE = A EQL 77$ A = A + 3 END$ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example EITHER IF A > B$ FWD = 1$ OTHERWISE$ FWD = 0$ Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example ALPHA = BETA = GAMMA = 2DELTA + 1$ Token row Feature Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example ALPHA + BETA / GAMMA Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example FUNCTION TORADS(DEGREES) = DEGREES . 3.1415926/180$ Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example ARRAY MONTHDAYS(12) = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)$ Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 328 1.6
BaLinda Lisp - Programming language BaLinda Lisp ============ BaLinda Lisp is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3851 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BaLinda Lisp happened in National University of Singapore - BaLinda Lisp on HOPL BaLinda Lisp on HOPL - Read more about BaLinda Lisp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
ballerina-central-pm - Package manager ballerina-central-pm ==================== ballerina-central-pm is a package manager created in 2015. 2015 #1619 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of ballerina-central-pm happened in WSO2 - There is a central package repository for ballerina-central-pm Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
Ballerina - Programming language Ballerina ========= Ballerina is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Sanjiva Weerawarana and James Clark and Sameera Jayasoma and Hasitha Aravinda and Srinath Perera and Frank Leymann. 2015 Sanjiva Weerawarana James Clark Sameera Jayasoma Hasitha Aravinda Srinath Perera Frank Leymann #145 on PLDB 9 Years Old 1k Repos git clone Ballerina is a compiled, type-safe, concurrent programming language targeting microservice development and integration.It is an open source project started in 2015 by architects from WSO2 as code-based alternative to the configuration-based integration tools such as EAI, ESB, and workflow products.Ballerina has various constructs geared toward cloud-native development including support for modern data formats and protocols, reliability, distributed transactions, APIs, and event streams.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Ballerina is developed on GitHub and has 3,556 stars - There are at least 1,483 Ballerina repos on GitHub - Early development of Ballerina happened in WSO2 - Ballerina is written in Java, JSON, TOML, Markdown, Gradle, XML, YAML, mustache, HTML, SQL, CSV, JavaScript, SVG, Bash, Bourne shell, CSS, Groovy, DTD, Handlebars - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 21 users using Ballerina in 22 repos on GitHub - Ballerina LSP implementation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ballerina - Learn Ballerina on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Ballerina - was registered in 2017 - See also: (3 related languages) Java, Go, Rust import ballerina/io; public function main() { io:println("Hello World"); } import ballerina.lang.system; function main (string[] args) { system:println("Hello, World!"); } // The simplest hello world REST API // To run it: // ballerina run demo.bal // To invoke: // curl localhost:9090/hello/hi import ballerina/http; service<http:Service> hello bind {port:9090} { hi (endpoint caller, http:Request request) { http:Response res; res.setTextPayload("Hello World!\n"); _ = caller->respond(res); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token io:println row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import ballerina/http; import ballerina/io; Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 529 2.6
BALM - Programming language BALM ==== BALM is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #3852 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BALM happened in New York University - BALM on HOPL BALM on HOPL - Read more about BALM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BALSA - Programming language BALSA ===== BALSA is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3853 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BALSA happened in University of Manchester - BALSA on HOPL BALSA on HOPL - Read more about BALSA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
baltazar - Programming language baltazar ======== baltazar is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3086 on PLDB 31 Years Old Czech visual educational language, for MS-DOS only, created by author of Baltík - Tags: programming language - Early development of baltazar happened in SGP Systems - baltazar is written with the native language of Czech - Read more about baltazar on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Baltík - Programming language Baltík ====== Baltík is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3333 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Baltík happened in SGP Systems - Baltík is written with the native language of Czech - Read more about Baltík on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Binary Alignment Map - Binary data format Binary Alignment Map ==================== Binary Alignment Map is a binary data format created in 2009. 2009 #2038 on PLDB 15 Years Old Binary Alignment Map (BAM) is the comprehensive raw data of genome sequencing; it consists of the lossless, compressed binary representation of the Sequence Alignment Map.BAM is the compressed binary representation of SAM (Sequence Alignment Map). BAM is in compressed BGZF format.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Binary Alignment Map happened in Samtools - See also: (3 related languages) FASTQ, SAM file format, CRAM file format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
bamboo - Programming language bamboo ====== bamboo is a programming language created in 2016 by Yoichi Hirai. 2016 Yoichi Hirai #1349 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Bamboo is a programming language for Ethereum contracts. - Tags: programming language - bamboo is developed on GitHub and has 324 stars - bamboo is written in OCaml, Markdown, JSON, Tex, YAML, Bourne shell, Make, JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
BANCStar - Programming language BANCStar ======== BANCStar is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3766 on PLDB 28 Years Old BANCStar is a specialist computer programming language for financial applications. The language is an internal language for the National Financial Computer Services, Inc (later Broadway & Seymour) BANCStar application, which is software to automate the operations of a bank branch.The language is a fixed format four integer command language NFCS internally referred to as "Screen Code". It resembles an esoteric programming language; so much so that it has sometimes been mistaken for a joke language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BANCStar happened in National Financial Computer Services 8607,,,1 11547,15475,22002,22002 1316,1629,1,1649 3001,1316,3,30078 11528,22052,22002,22002 9301,0,1528,1528 31568,10001,800,107 8560,,,1568 8550,210,, 3001,,, 3100,1316,3,30089 11547,15475,22002,22002 3001,1316,3,30089 3001,1317,3,10000 8400,,, 8550,700,801, 3001,,, 9301,0,522,522 3000,1284,3,10001 8500,,3, 8500,,5, 1547,,1,-2301 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
BARE - Interface design language BARE ==== BARE is an interface design language created in 2020. 2020 #2243 on PLDB 4 Years Old BARE is a simple binary representation for structured application data. - Tags: interface design language - Early development of BARE happened in Internet Engineering Task Force - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for BARE - was registered in 2020 type PublicKey data[128] type Time str # ISO 8601 type Department enum { ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMER_SERVICE DEVELOPMENT # Reserved for the CEO JSMITH = 99 } type Address list<str>[4] # street, city, state, country type Customer struct { name: str email: str address: Address orders: list<struct { orderId: i64 quantity: i32 }> metadata: map<str><data> } type Employee struct { name: str email: str address: Address department: Department hireDate: Time publicKey: optional<PublicKey> metadata: map<str><data> } type TerminatedEmployee void type Person union {Customer | Employee | TerminatedEmployee} type enum u8 u16 u32 u64 uint i8 i16 i32 i64 int f32 f64 bool void data string optional map Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
Barrel - Programming language Barrel ====== Barrel is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3334 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Barrel happened in GTS Computer Systems Inc and University of Alabama - Barrel on HOPL Barrel on HOPL - Read more about Barrel on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Bartok - Programming language Bartok ====== Bartok is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3854 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bartok happened in Microsoft - Bartok on HOPL Bartok on HOPL - Read more about Bartok on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Base32 - Text encoding format Base32 ====== Base32 is a text encoding format created in 2002 by Douglas Crockford. 2002 Douglas Crockford #4599 on PLDB 22 Years Old Base 32 is a textual 32-symbol notation for expressing numbers in a form that can be conveniently and accurately transmitted between humans and computer systems. It can be used for out of band communication of public keys. - Tags: textEncodingFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Base64 - Text encoding format Base64 ====== Base64 is a text encoding format created in 1987. 1987 #1525 on PLDB 37 Years Old In computer science, Base64 is a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The term Base64 originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding. Each Base64 digit represents exactly 6 bits of data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textEncodingFormat - Early development of Base64 happened in RSA Laboratories - 2 PLDB concepts link to Base64: ASCII Armor, multibase Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
BASEBALL - Programming language BASEBALL ======== BASEBALL is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #3335 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASEBALL happened in MIT - BASEBALL on HOPL BASEBALL on HOPL - Read more about BASEBALL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
BASEL - Programming language BASEL ===== BASEL is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3855 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASEL happened in ADR or Computer Associates - BASEL on HOPL BASEL on HOPL - Read more about BASEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Bash - Programming language Bash ==== Bash is an open source programming language created in 1989 by Brian Fox. 1989 Brian Fox #19 on PLDB 35 Years Old 2m Repos git clone Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been distributed widely as the default login shell for most Linux distributions and Apple's macOS (formerly OS X). A version is also available for Windows 10. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,579,442 Bash repos on GitHub - Early development of Bash happened in GNU Project - Bash is written in C, Bourne shell, M4, Bash, HTML, Make, Yacc, Perl, Assembly language, sed, Tex, Markdown, awk - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 358k users using Bash in 640k repos on GitHub - There are 54,171 members in the Bash subreddit - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Bash programmers reported a median salary of $71,340. 27% of respondents reported using Bash. 22,385 programmers reported using Bash, and 14,043 said they wanted to use it - Bash on HOPL Bash on HOPL - Bash appears in the TIOBE Index - Bash Ubuntu package Bash Ubuntu package - Bash LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Bash - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Bash - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Bash - Bash appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Bash on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Bash - There is a central package repository for Bash - has 4,774 matches for "bash developer". - See also: (12 related languages) C, Gettext Catalog, Bourne shell, LOGIN, Linux, Almquist shell, Android, Regular Expressions, Perl, awk, Unix, Emacs - 220 PLDB concepts link to Bash: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Amber, Apache Hbase, ArkScript, Apache Arrow, Avail, awl, Ballerina, Bash, Bazel, BeBasic, Blacklight, blz, bpkg-pm, Bucardo, Bython, Caramel, Ceylon, Chapel, Civet, Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures, clash, cloc, ClojureScript, codecept, Coq, Cortex, cosh, CouchDB, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, CSpydr, cuneiform, Dafny, datafun, dex, dgraph, dllup, DRAKON, dreamlisp, dub-pm, Embedded Crystal, Eiffel, elegance, ELENA, ELFE, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, erg, Erlang, F Prime, Fardlang, fay, Felix, firrtl, fleck, Flow, Flow9, flownote, fp, F*, Gforth, GHC, Git, Go, Gun, gura, Gwion, Halide, hamdown, HAML, harlan, Hera, HHVM, highlight.js, Hjson, Homa, Homebrew, Horse64, huginn, hurl, Idio, Idris, Impala, invokator, Ioke, Iterm2, JAL compiler, Jank, jasmine, Java, Jedi, Jekyll, Jelly, Jemplate, JFlex, jq, JSONScript, Jsonnet, jsparagus, k-framework, KamilaLisp, Kefir, Kotlin, Kubernetes, l2, Ladybird, lambda-zero, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, Lean, LinearML, Links, Linux, LiteScript, little, lobster, Luna, m3db, mal, manool, Mastodon, MathJSON, mermaid, mgmt, MiniZinc, Mirah, MongoDB, MonkeyX, Mu, mun-lang, Nadesiko, NetLogo, Nextflow, nianiolang, Nim, Nit, Node.js, Not Quite C, Obsidian, ohm, oil, ooc, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, Oxyl, Pan, Pandas, PHP, Pomsky, Pony, popr, PostgreSQL, preforth, Prism, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Racket, ramen, Reason, Redis, reflex-framework, Revolution, Rholang, Riff, rosie, Ruby, Rust, Rye, Scikit-learn, score, sentient, setlx, Simple Binary Encoding, skip, skulpt, Slash, Slony, Smali, Semantic Patch Language, Spatial, SQRL, stoneknifeforth, sugartex, SWI Prolog, Swift, tao3d, TensorFlow, TestML, Textadept, tibet, tiledb, U, ultralisp-pm, Uno, V, v8, Vale, Vcpkg, Virgil, Vue, vyper, Wart, Wasp, Wonkey, Wyvern, Xidoc, XL, xxl, Zephir, zlang echo "Hello, world!" #!/bin/sh echo "Hello World" #!/bin/sh echo "sh" cd "$SOMEWHERE" && ./do_something || echo "An error occurred" >&2 if then do else elif while until for in esac fi fin fil done exit set unset export function Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example echo "Hello, World!" Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example source ./ Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example FOO="bar" Token = row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example echo "Hello World" Token echo row Feature Pipes FeatureLink ../features/hasPipes.html Supported ✓ Example echo "Hello world" > output.txt Token row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example cat ✓ Example PLDB=80766866 Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported ✓ Example STR="Hello World!" echo $STR Token row Feature Sets FeatureLink ../features/hasSets.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 924 4.6
BASIC-11 - Programming language BASIC-11 ======== BASIC-11 is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4511 on PLDB 48 Years Old BASIC-11 was a dialect of the basic language for PDP-11 operating systems such as RSX-11, RT-11, TSX and TSX-Plus. It was a classic BASIC in that it used line numbers, supported line number editing, and classic function syntax. It provided extended support for user-defined functions, external sequential disk files, and linking with assembler language modules for device support and operating system interfaces.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIC-11 happened in DEC - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Basic-256 - Programming language Basic-256 ========= Basic-256 is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1583 on PLDB 17 Years Old Basic-256 is a project to learn the basics of computer programming. The project started in 2007 inspired by the article “Why Johnny can't code” by David Brin. Its main focus is to provide a simple and comprehensive environment for middle/high school students to learn the basics of computer programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Basic-256 happened in Shawnee State University - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC Print "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
BASIC A+ - Programming language BASIC A+ ======== BASIC A+ is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3761 on PLDB 41 Years Old BASIC A+ was developed by Optimized Systems Software of Cupertino, California, United States, to provide the Atari 8-bit family with an extended BASIC compatible with, but faster than, the simpler ROM-based Atari BASIC. While Atari BASIC came on an 8 KB ROM cartridge, BASIC A+ was delivered on floppy disk and took 15 KB of the computer's RAM, leaving 23 KB available for user programs in a 48 KB Atari 800. BASIC A+ was offered at a price of US$80.00 in 1983, including the products OS/A+ and EASMD (Editor/Assembler), and being an extension of Atari BASIC, came with a supplement to the latter's reference manual as its documentation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIC A+ happened in Optimized Systems Software - See also: (3 related languages) Optimized Systems Software, Atari BASIC, Turbo-Basic XL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
BASIC-E - Programming language BASIC-E ======= BASIC-E is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3243 on PLDB 48 Years Old CBASIC is a compiled version of the BASIC programming language written for the CP/M operating system by Gordon Eubanks in 1976–1977. It is an enhanced version of BASIC-E.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIC-E happened in Gordon Eubanks - BASIC-E on HOPL BASIC-E on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) PL/M, BASIC, MBASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Basic PDP-1 Lisp - Programming language Basic PDP-1 Lisp ================ Basic PDP-1 Lisp is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3856 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Basic PDP-1 Lisp happened in DEC - Basic PDP-1 Lisp on HOPL Basic PDP-1 Lisp on HOPL - Read more about Basic PDP-1 Lisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
BASIC-PLUS - Programming language BASIC-PLUS ========== BASIC-PLUS is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #2799 on PLDB 49 Years Old BASIC-PLUS was an extended dialect of the BASIC programming language developed by DEC (DEC) for use on its RSTS/E time-sharing operating system for the PDP-11 series of 16-bit minicomputers in the early 1970s through the 1980s. BASIC-PLUS is based very closely on the original Dartmouth BASIC, although it added a number of new structures. In turn, BASIC-PLUS was the version that the original Microsoft BASIC was patterned.The language was later rewritten as a true compiler as BASIC-Plus-2, and was ported to the VAX-11 platform as that machine's native BASIC implementation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIC-PLUS happened in DEC - BASIC-PLUS on HOPL BASIC-PLUS on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, Dartmouth BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, HP BASIC for OpenVMS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
BASIC Programming - Programming language BASIC Programming ================= BASIC Programming is a programming language created in 1979 by Warren Robinett. 1979 Warren Robinett #2375 on PLDB 45 Years Old BASIC Programming (Model# CX2620) is an Atari 2600 cartridge that teaches simple computer programming. It was released in 1979 and was one of only a few non-gaming cartridges designed for the console. The programming language is similar to dialects of BASIC. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIC Programming happened in Atari - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, Family BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
BASIC Stamp - Programming language BASIC Stamp =========== BASIC Stamp is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3268 on PLDB 34 Years Old The BASIC Stamp is a microcontroller with a small, specialized BASIC interpreter (PBASIC) built into ROM. It is made by Parallax, Inc. and has been popular with electronics hobbyists since the early 1990s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIC Stamp happened in Parallax Inc - See also: (5 related languages) PBASIC, BASIC, Java, Parallax Propeller, Arduino Programming Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
BASIC - Programming language BASIC ===== BASIC, aka Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, is a programming language created in 1964 by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. 1964 John G. Kemeny Thomas E. Kurtz #151 on PLDB 60 Years Old 829 Repos BASIC (an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a family of general-purpose, high-level programming languages whose design philosophy emphasizes ease of use. In 1964, John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 829 BASIC repos on GitHub - Early development of BASIC happened in Dartmouth College - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 61 users using BASIC in 66 repos on GitHub - There are 1,336 Project Euler users using BASIC - Explore BASIC snippets on Rosetta Code - BASIC on HOPL BASIC on HOPL - BASIC appears in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for BASIC - See also: (55 related languages) Atari BASIC, Dartmouth BASIC, Apple BASIC, Sinclair BASIC, Commodore BASIC, BBC BASIC, TI-BASIC, Casio BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Liberty BASIC, Visual Basic, FreeBASIC, PowerBASIC, Gambas, ALGOL 60, Fortran, JOSS, COMAL, Visual Basic .NET, GRASS, AutoIt, AutoHotkey, BASIC-PLUS, HP Time-Shared BASIC, Pick operating system, MSX BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Li-Chen Wang, Altair BASIC, MBASIC, IBM BASICA, QBasic, Pascal, Turbo Basic, AmigaBASIC, C, Microsoft Excel, VBScript, C#, Java, QB64, RapidQ, PureBasic, Xojo, True BASIC, Microsoft Small Basic, QuickBASIC, GW-BASIC, LotusScript, VBA, Chipmunk Basic, HP BASIC for OpenVMS, SuperBASIC, StarOffice Basic, Forth PRINT "Hello, world!" 10 PRINT "Hello World" 20 END 10 REM Hello World in BASIC 20 PRINT "Hello World!" Public Class StarsProgram Public Shared Sub Main() Dim UserName, Answer, stars As String, NumStars As Integer Console.Write("What is your name: ") UserName = Console.ReadLine() Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", UserName) Do Console.Write("How many stars do you want: ") NumStars = CInt(Console.ReadLine()) stars = New String("*", NumStars) Console.WriteLine(stars) Do Console.Write("Do you want more stars? ") Answer = Console.ReadLine() Loop Until Answer <> "" Answer = Answer.Substring(0, 1) Loop While Answer.ToUpper() = "Y" Console.WriteLine("Goodbye {0}", UserName) End Sub End Class Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example REM A comment Token REM row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported ✓ Example 10 REM This BASIC program shows the use of the PRINT and GOTO Statements. 15 REM It fills the screen with the phrase "HELLO" 20 PRINT "HELLO" 30 GOTO 20 Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example REM This BASIC program shows the use of the PRINT and GOTO Statements. Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 623 3.1
BASIC09 - Programming language BASIC09 ======= BASIC09 is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4578 on PLDB 46 Years Old BASIC09 is a structured BASIC programming language dialect developed by Microware and Motorola for the then-new Motorola 6809 CPU and released in 1980.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIC09 happened in Motorola - See also: (2 related languages) UCSD Pascal, Microsoft BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Basic4android - Programming language Basic4android ============= Basic4android is an open source programming language created in 2011. 2011 #2394 on PLDB 13 Years Old Basic4Android (currently known as B4A) is a rapid application development tool for native Android applications, developed and marketed by Anywhere Software Ltd. B4A is an alternative to programming with Java.B4A includes a visual designer that simplifies the process of building user interfaces that target phones and tablets with different screen sizes. Compiled programs can be tested in AVD Manager emulators or on real Android devices using Android Debug Bridge and B4A Bridge. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Basic4android happened in Anywhere Software - See also: (4 related languages) Android, Java, Visual Basic, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Basic4GL - Programming language Basic4GL ======== Basic4GL is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3197 on PLDB 22 Years Old Basic4GL (B4GL; from Basic for openGL) is an interpreted, open source version of the BASIC programming language which features support for 3D computer graphics using OpenGL. While being interpreted, it is also able to compile programs on top of the virtual machine to produce standalone executable programs. It uses a syntax similar to traditional dialects of BASIC and features an IDE and a very thorough and comprehensive debugger. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Basic4GL happened in Tom Mulgrew - See also: (11 related languages) Linux, QuickBASIC, BASIC, OpenGL, QBasic, GFA BASIC, C, GLBasic, DarkBASIC, FreeBASIC, ThinBasic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
Basic4ppc - Programming language Basic4ppc ========= Basic4ppc is a programming language created in 2005 by Erel Uziel. 2005 Erel Uziel #2902 on PLDB 19 Years Old Basic4ppc (pronounced "Basic for PPC") is a programming language for Pocket PC handheld computers running Windows Mobile operating system, by Anywhere Software. The language is based on a BASIC-like syntax, taking advantage of Microsoft's .NET technology, to allow additional libraries, graphical user interface design of windows forms, rapid application development (RAD), and .NET framework compatible compilation. The language implements a unique way of adding objects to a program without being object-oriented. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Basic4ppc happened in Anywhere Software - See also: (3 related languages) Visual Basic, BASIC, XML Sub App_Start numA = "Five " numB = "5" numC = 6 SUM1 = numA & numB 'remark: = "Five 5" SUM2 = numB + numC 'remark: = 11 End Sub Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
BASICODE - Programming language BASICODE ======== BASICODE is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3746 on PLDB 44 Years Old BASICODE was a computer project intended to create a unified standard for the BASIC programming language. BASIC was available on many popular home computers, but there were countless variants that were mostly incompatible with each other. The project was initiated in 1980 by Hobbyscoop, a radio program of the Dutch broadcasting organisation Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASICODE happened in Nederlandse Omroep Stichting - See also: (7 related languages) BASIC, Acorn Atom, Pascal, Java, PDF, ASCII, ISBN minimodem --rx 1200 -q -S 1200 -M 2400 --stopbits 2 -f basicode.wav Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
BasicX - Programming language BasicX ====== BasicX is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4512 on PLDB 26 Years Old BasicX is a free programming language designed specifically for NetMedia's BX-24 microcontroller and based on the BASIC programming language. It is used in the design of robotics projects such as the Robodyssey Systems Mouse robot.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BasicX happened in NetMedia Inc - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
BASIL - Programming language BASIL ===== BASIL is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3857 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BASIL happened in University of Washington - BASIL on HOPL BASIL on HOPL - Read more about BASIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Basis Codec - Binary data format Basis Codec =========== Basis Codec is a binary data format created in 2019. 2019 #825 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Basis Universal GPU Texture and Texture Video Compression Reference Codec - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Basis Codec is developed on GitHub and has 2,625 stars - Early development of Basis Codec happened in BinomialLLC - Basis Codec is written in C++, JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, Bourne shell, XML, CMake, C, JSON, OpenCL, Python, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Batari Basic - Programming language Batari Basic ============ Batari Basic is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #3244 on PLDB 17 Years Old An Atari 2600 homebrew (short for Atari 2600 homebrew game, where homebrew is synonymous with hobbyist-developed) is a video game designed for the Atari 2600 by an independent developer following the discontinuation of the console in 1992. The first 2600 homebrew was written in 1995, and since then over 100 titles have been released. There is an active community of Atari 2600 developers—the largest among classic video game homebrew communities.The majority of homebrew games are unlicensed clones of arcade games, personal computer games, and games from other consoles, but there are also ROM hacks and some original titles. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Batari Basic happened in Atari - See also: (3 related languages) Assembly language, BASIC, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Batchfile - Programming language Batchfile ========= Batchfile is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #214 on PLDB 39 Years Old 72k Repos A batch file is a kind of script file in DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the command-line interpreter, stored in a plain text file. A batch file may contain any command the interpreter accepts interactively and use constructs that enable conditional branching and looping within the batch file, such as IF, FOR, and GOTO labels. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 72,380 Batchfile repos on GitHub - Early development of Batchfile happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 76k users using Batchfile in 98k repos on GitHub - There are 9 Project Euler users using Batchfile - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Batchfile - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Batchfile - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Batchfile - Learn Batchfile on exercism. - See also: (13 related languages) JCL, Linux, Microsoft Notepad, Unicode, KiXtart, VBScript, JScript, PowerShell, Unix, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP echo "Hello, world!" @echo off echo Hello World C:\>set /p ="Message 1"<nul >data.txt C:\>set /p ="Message 2"<nul >>data.txt C:\>set /p ="Message 3"<nul >>data.txt C:\>type data.txt Message 1Message 2Message 3 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported ✓ Example :: this would create an endless loop :myLabel goto myLabel Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example REM A comment :: Another type of comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example REM A comment Token REM row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 394 2
Bato - Programming language Bato ==== Bato is a programming language created in 2016 by Joel Bryan Juliano. 2016 Joel Bryan Juliano #1098 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A general-purpose scripting language in Filipino dialect - Tags: programming language - Bato is developed on GitHub and has 329 stars - Bato is written in Ruby - Read more about Bato on the web: 1. 1. ang gumawaNgID mag_print "------------------------------------------" magbigay_daan mag_print "------------------------------------------" wakas Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Battlestar - Programming language Battlestar ========== Battlestar is a programming language created in 2014 by Alexander Rødseth. 2014 Alexander Rødseth #1270 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone :dizzy: A different take on Assembly, with the goal of creating tiny executables. - Tags: programming language - Battlestar is developed on GitHub and has 79 stars - Early development of Battlestar happened in Arch Linux - Battlestar is written in Make, Go, Markdown, Bourne shell, Python, Assembly language, C const message = "Hello, world!\n" fun main syscall(1, 1, message, len(message)) end #!/usr/bin/bts const hello = "Hello World\n" print(hello) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
bawk - Programming language bawk ==== bawk is a programming language created in 1994 by Bob Brodt. 1994 Bob Brodt #3087 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - bawk is a superset of awk - Early development of bawk happened in Columbia University - bawk on HOPL bawk on HOPL - Read more about bawk on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
Bayer Expressions - Data notation Bayer Expressions ================= Bayer Expressions is a data notation created in 2018 by Dave Bayer. 2018 Dave Bayer #3262 on PLDB 6 Years Old An alternative notation for S-Expressions that uses fewer parentheses. As described by the creator: Indentation implies parentheses. A pipe "|" opens a parenthesis that auto-closes at the end of that line or at the next ")". A dollar "$" opens a parenthesis that auto-closes when the indentation recovers. The result has a lighter, more poetic look than any language I know, and the parentheses that are left actually matter, so I pay attention to them. - Tags: dataNotation - See also: (2 related languages) S-expressions, I-expressions - Read more about Bayer Expressions on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Bayer Expressions: S-expressions define | edge? g e let $ es | edges g e2 | reverse e or (member e es) (member e2 es) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
Bayes' Equation - Equation Bayes' Equation =============== Bayes' Equation is an equation created in 1763 by Thomas Bayes. 1763 Thomas Bayes #4535 on PLDB 261 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
baysick - Esoteric programming language baysick ======= baysick is an esoteric programming language created in 2009 by Michael Fogus. 2009 Michael Fogus #954 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone An embedded Insane-specific Language for Scala implementing the BASIC programming language - Tags: esoteric programming language - baysick is developed on GitHub and has 246 stars - Early development of baysick happened in Cognitect - baysick is written in Scala, Markdown object SquareRoot extends Baysick { def main(args:Array[String]) = { 10 PRINT "Enter a number" 20 INPUT 'n 30 PRINT "Square root of " % "'n is " % SQRT('n) 40 END RUN } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Bazel - Application Bazel ===== Bazel is an application created in 2015 by Han-Wen Nienhuys. 2015 Han-Wen Nienhuys #111 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone In software development, Bazel is a free software tool that allows for the automation of building and testing of software. The company Google uses the build tool Blaze internally and released an open-sourced part of the Blaze tool as Bazel, named as an anagram of Blaze. Bazel was first released in March 2015 and achieved beta status by September 2015.Similar to build tools like Make, Apache Ant, or Apache Maven, Bazel builds software applications from source code using a set of rules. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Bazel is developed on GitHub and has 22,782 stars - Early development of Bazel happened in Google - Bazel is written in Java, Bazel, Bourne shell, Markdown, starlark, C++, Protocol Buffers, Python, YAML, HTML, SVG, XML, C, Gradle, Velocity Template Language, Bash, Make, Ada, C#, CSS, Diff, PowerShell, JavaScript, Pascal, JSON, reStructuredText, Ini, Objective-C, Assembly language, CMake, Perl, SAS, M4, Objective C++ - was registered in 2016 - 21 PLDB concepts link to Bazel: asterius-compiler, Bazel, Cap'n Proto, Carbon, Chapel, Claro, cloc, Closure Templates, FlatBuffers, HHVM, JFlex, Jsonnet, MongoDB, Node.js, OpenComal, Please Build, PyTorch, starlark, TensorFlow, v8, YARA Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 303 1.5
BBC BASIC - Programming language BBC BASIC ========= BBC BASIC is an open source programming language created in 1981 by Sophie Wilson. 1981 Sophie Wilson #988 on PLDB 43 Years Old BBC BASIC is a programming language, developed in 1981 as a native programming language for the MOS Technology 6502 based Acorn BBC Micro home/personal computer. It is a version of the BASIC programming language adapted for a UK computer literacy project of the BBC. It was written mainly by Sophie Wilson. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BBC BASIC happened in BBC Micro - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for BBC BASIC - See also: (7 related languages) BASIC, BCPL, Acorn Atom, COMAL, ARM, Assembly language, C PRINT "Hello World" IF INSTR(REPORT$,"VI") THEN PRINT "BASIC64" ELSE PRINT "BASIC" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
BBCode - Text markup language BBCode ====== BBCode is a text markup language created in 1998. 1998 #1503 on PLDB 26 Years Old BBCode or Bulletin Board Code is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards and on sites based on MediaWiki. The available tags are usually indicated by square brackets ([ ]) surrounding a keyword, and they are parsed by the message board system before being translated into a markup language that web browsers understand—usually HTML or XHTML.BBCode was introduced in 1998 by the messageboard software Ultimate Bulletin Board (UBB) implemented in Perl. In 2000 BBCode was used in phpBB—an internet forum system written in PHP and also XMB forum. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of BBCode happened in Coalson LLC - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for BBCode - See also: (4 related languages) MediaWiki, HTML, PHP, Regular Expressions [table] [tr] [td]table cell 1[/td] [td]table cell 2[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]table cell 3[/td] [td]table cell 4[/td] [/tr] [/table] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
BBj - Programming language BBj === BBj is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2529 on PLDB 23 Years Old BASIS created the newest version of BBx®, the sixth generation, using Java technology. Business BASIC on Java, registered as BBj®, gives application developers the necessary tools to create modern, 21st century e-commerce and enterprise solutions - Tags: programming language - Early development of BBj happened in BASIS International Ltd. - See also: (1 related languages) BBx - 1 PLDB concepts link to BBj: BBx Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
BBN-LISP - Programming language BBN-LISP ======== BBN-LISP is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3270 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BBN-LISP happened in BBN - BBN-LISP on HOPL BBN-LISP on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
BBx - Programming language BBx === BBx is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #2235 on PLDB 39 Years Old In 1985, BASIS released their first generation of Business BASIC to extend the functionality of Business BASIC and aptly named it BBx® (Business BASIC eXtended). Successive generations of BASIS technology continue to enhance the Business BASIC language. A fifth generation product delivers BASIS' first GUI deployment, followed by the sixth generation that introduces modern graphical application development tools for Business BASIC. Coupling these tools with a powerful database management system enable developers to create comprehensive and tightly integrated business applications that are reliable, scalable, cost-effective, and platform independent. Computer programs and associated documentation providing tools and programming language to enable software developers to create and prepare business, internet, and applications software Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire extinguishing apparatus. - Tags: programming language - Early development of BBx happened in BASIS International Ltd. - See also: (1 related languages) BBj - Read more about BBx on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to BBx: BBj Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 303 1.5
BC NELIAC - Programming language BC NELIAC ========= BC NELIAC is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #3858 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BC NELIAC happened in University of California Berkeley - BC NELIAC on HOPL BC NELIAC on HOPL - Read more about BC NELIAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
basic calculator - Programming language basic calculator ================ basic calculator, aka basic calculator, is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #620 on PLDB 49 Years Old bc, for basic calculator (often referred to as bench calculator), is "an arbitrary-precision calculator language" with syntax similar to the C programming language. bc is typically used as either a mathematical scripting language or as an interactive mathematical shell. A typical interactive usage is typing the command bc on a Unix command prompt and entering a mathematical expression, such as (1 + 3) * 2, whereupon 8 will be output. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of basic calculator happened in Bell Labs - Explore basic calculator snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for basic calculator - See also: (6 related languages) C, Unix, Dc, Reverse Polish notation, Yacc, Bash - 1 PLDB concepts link to basic calculator: Idio "Hello, world! " "Hello World" $ result=$(echo "scale=2; 5 * 7 /3;" | bc) $ echo $result 11.66 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
BCPL - Programming language BCPL ==== BCPL, aka Basic Combined Programming Language, is a programming language created in 1966 by Martin Richards. 1966 Martin Richards #393 on PLDB 58 Years Old BCPL ("Basic Combined Programming Language"; or 'Before C Programming Language' (a common humorous backronym) ) is a procedural, imperative, and structured computer programming language. Originally intended for writing compilers for other languages, BCPL is no longer in common use. However, its influence is still felt because a stripped down and syntactically changed version of BCPL, called B, was the language on which the C programming language was based. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BCPL happened in University of Cambridge - Explore BCPL snippets on Rosetta Code - BCPL on HOPL BCPL on HOPL - BCPL appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (8 related languages) CPL, B, C, Go, Pascal, Java, Fortran, CPL GET "LIBHDR" LET START() = VALOF $( FOR I = 1 TO 5 DO WRITEF("%N! = %I4*N", I, FACT(I)) RESULTIS 0 $) AND FACT(N) = N = 0 -> 1, N * FACT(N - 1) GET "LIBHDR" LET START() BE $( WRITES("Hello World*N") $) // Hello world in BCLP GET "libhdr" LET start() = VALOF $( writes("Hello world*N") RESULTIS 0 $) GET "LIBHDR" GLOBAL $( COUNT: 200 ALL: 201 $) LET TRY(LD, ROW, RD) BE TEST ROW = ALL THEN COUNT := COUNT + 1 ELSE $( LET POSS = ALL & ~(LD | ROW | RD) UNTIL POSS = 0 DO $( LET P = POSS & -POSS POSS := POSS - P TRY(LD + P << 1, ROW + P, RD + P >> 1) $) $) LET START() = VALOF $( ALL := 1 FOR I = 1 TO 12 DO $( COUNT := 0 TRY(0, 0, 0) WRITEF("%I2-QUEENS PROBLEM HAS %I5 SOLUTIONS*N", I, COUNT) ALL := 2 * ALL + 1 $) RESULTIS 0 $) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WRITES row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 446 2.2
BCX - Programming language BCX === BCX is a programming language created in 1999 by Kevin Diggins and Robert Wishlaw. 1999 Kevin Diggins Robert Wishlaw #2915 on PLDB 25 Years Old BCX is a free software programming development application originally created in 1999 by Kevin Diggins. BCX converts BASIC source code to C/C++ source code which can then be compiled using any one of a number of available Microsoft Win32 C/C++ compilers. For many years, most implementations of BASIC shared a nagging drawback - the programs that users created performed slower than similar programs that were created using C/C++. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BCX happened in - See also: (1 related languages) C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
BDL - Programming language BDL === BDL is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3859 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BDL happened in Hewlett-Packard - BDL on HOPL BDL on HOPL - Read more about BDL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
beads-lang - Programming language beads-lang ========== beads-lang is a programming language created in 2016 by Edward de Jong. 2016 Edward de Jong #1817 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of beads-lang happened in Edward de Jong - was registered in 2016 - Read more about beads-lang on the web: 1. 1. beads level 1 program calculator // flutter version available at: on github, look for: flutter-calculator-demo // article: const C_OP = #3E424D // keycap fill for an operator like C C_DIGIT = #6E6E6E // keycap fill for a digit C_ARITH = #1A4C6E // keycap fill for arithmetic buttons // warning: you must use the same unicode math chars in case statements later in arithmetic() KEYCAPS = [ 'C', '±', '%', '÷', // tried \u207A\u2215\u208B instead of ± but it is ugly '1', '2', '3', 'x', '4', '5', '6', '−', // \u2212 is the minus sign '7', '8', '9', '+', '', '0', '.', '='] // '⌫' is U+232B, for future undo key KEYCOLORS = [C_OP, C_OP, C_OP, C_ARITH, C_DIGIT, C_DIGIT, C_DIGIT, C_ARITH, C_DIGIT, C_DIGIT, C_DIGIT, C_ARITH, C_DIGIT, C_DIGIT, C_DIGIT, C_ARITH, C_OP, C_DIGIT, C_OP, C_ARITH] SPACING = 3 // points between each cell HAIR = "\u2009" // a thin space 200A is even thinner record a_term ss : str // the string containing the contents of the term op : str // the operator in keycap string form '+', '-'... record a_state terms : array of a_term termx : num // which term we are on chain_op : str // chain operator char for repeated = presses chain_val: num // chain value to repeat fresh : yesno // if this is Y, then next digit will clear existing value var g : a_state calc main_init g.terms[1].ss = "" g.termx = 1 g.fresh = Y vert slice main_draw var cellsize = if > then else var result_v = cellsize*2 // need to enhance compiler so that expressions don't get converted var keys_v = cellsize*5 var keys_maxh = min(, cellsize*8) // don't go wider than 8 squares wide (double) draw_rect(, fill:#121F30) skip 10 al add result_v px d_result add keys_v px d_keys(keys_maxh) skip 10 al draw d_result draw_rect(, fill:#0D161F) // build the string out of the active terms var s : str = "" loop array:g.terms index:i g.terms[i].ss &=> s if g.terms[i].op <> U HAIR & g.terms[i].op & HAIR &=> s // append the operator if (s == "") s = "0" // when nothing is entered into our expression, call it zero draw_str(, s,*0.5, just:RIGHT, indent:20 pt, color:WHITE) horz slice d_keys( totwidth -- max width we allow for the grid, might be all of the space ) // in landscape mode, we don't want the key grid to get too wide, looks bad skip 10 al add totwidth px d_keygrid skip 10 al table d_keygrid horz slice skip SPACING pt loop reps:4 add 10 al skip SPACING pt vert slice skip SPACING pt loop reps:5 add 10 al skip SPACING pt // inside grid cell draw function, b has properties, cell_seq, cell:a_xy, nrows, ncols cell draw_rect(, fill:KEYCOLORS[b.cell_seq], corner:6 pt) draw_str(, KEYCAPS[b.cell_seq],, color:WHITE) track EV_TAP // respond to the command case b.cell_seq | 1 // clear do_clear | 2 // plusminus - change the sign of the current term sign_change(g.termx) | 3 // percent - divide the current term by 100 do_percent | 4, 8, 12, 16 // arithmetic operations do_arith(KEYCAPS[b.cell_seq]) | 17 // future feature - backspace nop // do_backspace | 19 // period do_period | 20 // equals do_equals else // must be a digit add_digit(KEYCAPS[b.cell_seq]) // calc do_backspace // log "backspace" // reserved for future undo functionality // this will test ability to read code and extend it calc do_percent // if the current term is empty do nothing // apple's calculator takes the sequence 900+% and makes it 900^2 which is nutty if g.terms[g.termx].ss <> "" if g.termx > 1 // when we have two terms, like 300 + 20% we take 20% of the first term and replace g.terms[g.termx].ss = to_str(eval(g.termx)*eval(g.termx-1)/100) else // we only have 1 term, so just divide it by 100 g.terms[g.termx].ss = to_str(eval(g.termx)/100) g.fresh = Y calc eval ( termx -- term index to evaluate ) : num // convert a term to a floating point number var ss : str = g.terms[termx].ss if ss == "" return 0 return to_num(ss) calc do_clear // clear the current term to blank. // if the user has entered 123+, there is an empty current term will do nothing g.terms[g.termx].ss = "" calc sign_change( tx -- term index ) var old : str = g.terms[tx].ss if old == "" // we have no operand yet in the current term, so // either ignore it or change previous operand's sign // this is what apple's calculator does if tx > 1 sign_change(tx-1) // change previous operand's sign. kinda weird really. elif str_begins(old, "-") g.terms[tx].ss = str_subset(old, from:2) // strip the minus else g.terms[tx].ss = '-' & old // prepend a minus calc do_period // ignore attempts to add more than one period var list : array of num str_find(g.terms[g.termx].ss, ".", list) if tree_count(list) == 0 add_digit(".") // no period yet, so append one calc do_equals var val = eval(1) // start with the first term by itself var val2 // if there is no second or later term use the chain operator and value if tree_count(g.terms) < 2 // use repeat if we have one if g.chain_op <> U val = arithmetic(g.chain_op, val, g.chain_val) else // two or more terms to process loop from:1 index:tx while:g.terms[tx+1].ss <> "" and g.terms[tx].op <> U val2 = eval(tx+1) // remember the last operator we used as our chaining value g.chain_op = g.terms[tx].op g.chain_val = val2 val = arithmetic(g.chain_op, val, val2) // calculation done, convert the value back as if we entered it trunc g.terms // zap the array g.terms[1].ss = to_str(val) // replace our value g.termx = 1 g.fresh = Y calc arithmetic( operand : str -- operation like "+", must match keycap term1 : num term2 : num ) : num -- resulting value var result case operand // note: these operators must match the keycaps | '+' term1 + term2 => result | '−' term1 - term2 => result | 'x' term1 * term2 => result | '÷' term1 / term2 => result else result = ERR return result calc add_digit( digit : str // digit to append to current term ) // if we are starting fresh, then erase what was there before // we also replace the previous string if it was a leading zero if g.fresh or g.terms[g.termx].ss == "0" g.terms[g.termx].ss = "" // clear whatever was there digit &=> g.terms[g.termx].ss g.fresh = N calc do_arith( operand : str // '+', etc ) if g.terms[g.termx].ss == "" // we have no term, so treat that as replacing the previously entered operation // and if this is the very beginning and we have no prior operation, ignore it if g.termx == 1 // starting with a plus on an empty term is ignored return // multiple operators in a row, rewrite the previous operator g.terms[g.termx-1].op = operand else // we did have a term, advance to the next term g.terms[g.termx].op = operand inc g.termx g.terms[g.termx].ss = "" // empty term Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1464 7.3
beagle - Programming language beagle ====== beagle is a programming language created in 2019 by Alex Couch. 2019 Alex Couch #3622 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The old official source code for the beagle programming language. New repo here: - Tags: programming language - beagle is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Read more about beagle on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
BEAM Bytecode - Bytecode format BEAM Bytecode ============= BEAM Bytecode is a bytecode format created in 2017. 2017 #4682 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: bytecode format - Early development of BEAM Bytecode happened in Péter Gömöri - Read more about BEAM Bytecode on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to BEAM Bytecode: Alpaca Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
BEAM Erlang virtual machine - Virtual machine BEAM Erlang virtual machine =========================== BEAM Erlang virtual machine, aka Bogdan's Erlang Abstract Machine, is a virtual machine created in 2011 by Bogumil Hausman. 2011 Bogumil Hausman #1679 on PLDB 13 Years Old BEAM is the virtual machine at the core of the Erlang Open Telecom Platform (OTP). BEAM is part of the Erlang Run-Time System (ERTS), which compiles Erlang and Elixir source code into bytecode, which is then executed on the BEAM. BEAM bytecode files have the .beam file extension.Originally BEAM was short for Bogdan's Erlang Abstract Machine, named after Bogumil "Bogdan" Hausman, who wrote the original version, but the name may also be referred to as Björn's Erlang Abstract Machine, after Björn Gustavsson, who wrote and maintains the current version. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: virtual machine - Early development of BEAM Erlang virtual machine happened in Ericsson - Read more about BEAM Erlang virtual machine on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
BeanShell - Programming language BeanShell ========= BeanShell is an open source programming language created in 1999. 1999 #840 on PLDB 25 Years Old BeanShell is a Java-like scripting language, invented by Patrick Niemeyer. It runs in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and uses a variation of the Java syntax, in addition to scripting commands and syntax.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BeanShell happened in Java Community Process - was registered in 1999 - See also: (4 related languages) Java, JVM, JavaScript, Perl print("Hello, world!"); print ("Hello World"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Beatnik - Esoteric programming language Beatnik ======= Beatnik is an esoteric programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4785 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - Beatnik on Esolang Beatnik on Esolang Soars, larkspurs, rains. Indistinctness. Mario snarl (nurses, natures, rules...) sensuously retries goal. Agribusinesses' costs par lain ropes (mopes) autos' cores. Tuner ambitiousness. Flit. Dour entombment. Legals' saner kinking lapse. Nests glint. Dread, tied futures, dourer usual tumor grunts alter atonal garb tries shouldered coins. Taste a vast lustiness. Stile stuns gad subgroup gram lanes. Draftee insurer road: cuckold blunt, strut sunnier. Rely enure pantheism: arty gain groups (genies, pan) titters, tattles, nears. Bluffer tapes? Idle diatom stooge! Feted antes anklets ague? Remit goiter gout! Doubtless teared toed alohas will dull gangs' aerials' tails' sluices; Gusset ends! Gawkier halo! Enter abstruse rested loser beer guy louts. Curtain roams lasso weir lupus stunt. Truant bears animate talon. Entire torte originally timer. Redo stilt gobs. Utter centaurs; Urgent stars; Usurers (dilute); Noses; Bones; Brig sonar graders; Utensil silts; Lazies. Fret arson veterinary rows. Atlas grunted: "Pates, slues, sulfuric manor liaising tines, trailers, rep... unfair! Instant snots!" Sled rested until eatery fail. Ergs fortitude Indent spotter Euros enter egg. Curious tenures. Torus cutlasses. Sarong torso earns cruel lags it reeled. Engineer: "Erase handbag -- unite ratification!" oaring oaten donkeys unsold, surer rapid saltest tags BUTTERED TIBIA LUGS REWIRING TOILETS anion festers raring edit epilogues. DIRGE ROTOR. linnet oaring. GORE BOOTIES. Ironed goon lists tallest sublets -- Riots, Raucous onset. Ignobly, runners' diet anguishes sunrise loner. Erode mob, slier switcher! Loaners stilt drudge pearl atoll, risking hats' ends. Rebind sitters. Toga epistles -- crud lard. (Pager purse dons souls.) glob title a curio hired rites shed suds lade grease strut arctic revs toad unless idlers rind stilt region land GERMICIDES SULTANA GUTS gill siting leans nice spurs tests gloves roused asp Holes! Moles! (Sores!) Hygienists! Scars! (Asses!) Smells spell rares. Cubs instant sing in parse goodies. Rosin. Unhelpful sisal acres. Slope told. MALENESS PASTA LAB. "Infirmary vine," rang illiterates (beans). Rosin sours, insults truss abalones, nailed rules, helical atlases. Dear remodeling stings mar rents. Sunless shiner orb (silly idol.) Clarity disses senna. Vagabonds sauted; sloes performed gelds. Alter post radial lip sectioning gums. Saint Towellings. Larger aeons telephone stolid char, pal! Boats Dean forsook, rosters, tunas, terrariums -- united, traced. Nude pagoda careens. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 461 2.3
beautiful-report-language - Programming language beautiful-report-language ========================= beautiful-report-language is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3001 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about beautiful-report-language on the web: 1. 1. [(define myname "Bruce") (define my "Bruce's")] <pre> This is [my] web page. [myname myname myname myname] [my] favorite person is [[your name here]. [my] favorite number is [(brl-random 2)]. </pre> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
BeBasic - Programming language BeBasic ======= BeBasic is a programming language created in 2009 by BBK. 2009 BBK #1803 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone BeBasic Virtual Machine - Tags: programming language - BeBasic is developed on GitHub and has 16 stars - Early development of BeBasic happened in polymer-china - BeBasic is written in Java, Go, Gradle, JavaScript, Markdown, Bash, YAML, JSON ; ____________________ ; \______ \______ \___ _______ ; | | _/| | _/\ \/ / \ ; | | \| | \ \ / Y Y \ ; |______ /|______ / \_/|__|_| / ; \/ \/ \/ JMP CODE DATA STR CHAR "Hello, BBvm",0 CODE: OUT 1, STR EXIT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
Browser Extensible Data Format - Text data format Browser Extensible Data Format ============================== Browser Extensible Data Format, aka Browser Extensible Data, is a text data format created in 2004. 2004 #2842 on PLDB 20 Years Old BED (Browser Extensible Data) format provides a flexible way to define the data lines that are displayed in an annotation track. BED lines have three required fields and nine additional optional fields. The number of fields per line must be consistent throughout any single set of data in an annotation track. The order of the optional fields is binding: lower-numbered fields must always be populated if higher-numbered fields are used. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Browser Extensible Data Format happened in University of California Santa Cruz - Read more about Browser Extensible Data Format on the web: 1. 1. track name=pairedReads description="Clone Paired Reads" useScore=1 chr22 1000 5000 cloneA 960 + 1000 5000 0 2 567,488, 0,3512 chr22 2000 6000 cloneB 900 - 2000 6000 0 2 433,399, 0,3601 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
BEDSOCS - Programming language BEDSOCS ======= BEDSOCS is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3860 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BEDSOCS happened in IBM and Motorola - BEDSOCS on HOPL BEDSOCS on HOPL - Read more about BEDSOCS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
bee - Programming language bee === bee is a programming language created in 2019 by Elucian Moise. 2019 Elucian Moise #984 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Bee Language - Tags: programming language - bee is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of bee happened in Sage-Code - bee is written in SVG, HTML, XML, JavaScript, Markdown, YAML - There are 1,273 members in the bee subreddit Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
BeeBasic - Programming language BeeBasic ======== BeeBasic is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #4910 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - BeeBasic on HOPL BeeBasic on HOPL - Read more about BeeBasic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
BEEF - Programming language BEEF ==== BEEF is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #3336 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BEEF happened in Westinghouse Electric Corporation - BEEF on HOPL BEEF on HOPL - Read more about BEEF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
beef-lang - Programming language beef-lang ========= beef-lang is a programming language created in 2019 by Brian Fiete. 2019 Brian Fiete #271 on PLDB 5 Years Old 137 Repos git clone Beef Programming Language - Tags: programming language - beef-lang is developed on GitHub and has 2,458 stars - There are at least 137 beef-lang repos on GitHub - Early development of beef-lang happened in beefytech - beef-lang is written in C, C++, XML, TOML, Make, Bourne shell, Assembly language, M4, Python, HTML, CMake, C#, Expect, GLSL, Brainfuck, Smalltalk, Perl, Markdown, WebAssembly, SAS, awk, Tex, Yacc, CSS, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3 users using beef-lang in 3 repos on GitHub - was registered in 2018 - Read more about beef-lang on the web: 1. 1. using System; namespace HelloWorld { class Program { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); } } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Console.WriteLine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
BEFLIX - Programming language BEFLIX ====== BEFLIX is a programming language created in 1963 by Ken Knowlton. 1963 Ken Knowlton #1972 on PLDB 61 Years Old BEFLIX is the name of the first embedded domain-specific language for computer animation, invented by Ken Knowlton at Bell Labs in 1963. The name derives from a combination of Bell Flicks. Ken Knowlton used BEFLIX to create animated films for educational and engineering purposes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BEFLIX happened in Bell Labs - BEFLIX on HOPL BEFLIX on HOPL IFANY (B,R,10)(B,A,C)(A,E,7)T(A,T,B)(A,U,2)(A,W,3)LOC5 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Befunge - Esoteric programming language Befunge ======= Befunge is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Chris Pressey. 1993 Chris Pressey #514 on PLDB 31 Years Old 1 Repos Befunge is a stack-based, reflective, esoteric programming language. It differs from conventional languages in that programs are arranged on a two-dimensional grid. "Arrow" instructions direct the control flow to the left, right, up or down, and loops are constructed by sending the control flow in a cycle. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - There are at least 1 Befunge repos on GitHub - Early development of Befunge happened in Cat's Eye Technologies - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7 users using Befunge in 7 repos on GitHub - There are 10 Project Euler users using Befunge - Explore Befunge snippets on Rosetta Code - Befunge on HOPL Befunge on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Befunge - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Befunge - Befunge appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (8 related languages) Forth, INTERCAL, ASCII, Brainfuck, Lisp, Python, Whitespace, Malbolge 64+"!dlrow ,olleH">:#,_@ >"dlroW olleH",,,,,,,,,,,@ v Hello World in Befunge >"dlroW olleH",,,,,,,,,,,@ >25*"!dlrow ,olleH":v v:,_@ > ^ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 313 1.6
BML - Xml format BML === BML, aka Behavior Markup Language, is a xml format created in 2007. 2007 #2698 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of BML happened in Communicative Machines <bml> <speech id=”s1” type=”application/ssml+xml”> <text>This is an <mark name=”wb3”> example</text> </speech> <head id=”h1” type=”NOD” stroke=”s1:start”/> <gesture id=”g1” stroke=”s1:wb3” relax=”s1:end” type=”BEAT”> <description level=”1” type=”MURML”>... </description> </gesture> <gaze id=”z1” target=”PERSON1” stroke=”g1:stroke-0.1”/> <body id=”p1” posture=”RELAXED” start=”after(s1:end)”/> <cadia:operate target=”SWITCH1” stroke=”p1:ready”/> </bml> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Biological Expression Language - Text data format Biological Expression Language ============================== Biological Expression Language, aka Biological Expression Language, is a text data format created in 2003. 2003 #2244 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Biological Expression Language happened in - was registered in 2011 - Read more about Biological Expression Language on the web: 1. 1. r(HGNC:CFTR, var("r.1653_1655delcuu")) r(REF:"NM_000492.3", var("r.1653_1655delcuu")) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Bel - Programming language Bel === Bel is a programming language created in 2019 by Paul Graham. 2019 Paul Graham #1438 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) Arc - 1 PLDB concepts link to Bel: Arc ; Bel in Bel. 9 October 2019, 9:14 GMT (def no (x) (id x nil)) (def atom (x) (no (id (type x) 'pair))) (def all (f xs) (if (no xs) t (f (car xs)) (all f (cdr xs)) nil)) (def some (f xs) (if (no xs) nil (f (car xs)) xs (some f (cdr xs)))) (def reduce (f xs) (if (no (cdr xs)) (car xs) (f (car xs) (reduce f (cdr xs))))) (def cons args (reduce join args)) (def append args (if (no (cdr args)) (car args) (no (car args)) (apply append (cdr args)) (cons (car (car args)) (apply append (cdr (car args)) (cdr args))))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example ; A macro is essentially a function that generates code. I would have ; liked the first example of a macro to be something simpler, but fn ; is the one we need first. So I'll introduce macros using a simpler ; macro that isn't part of Bel, then explain fn. ; Here is a very simple macro: (mac nilwith (x) (list 'cons nil x)) Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example (\h \e \l \l \o) ; can also be represented as "hello" Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example ; The symbol nil represents falsity as well as the empty list. ; The symbol t is the default representation for truth, but any object other than nil also counts as true. Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example (fn (x) (+ x 1)) Token row Feature Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example (+ 1 2) Token row Feature Streams FeatureLink ../features/hasStreams.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example ; here is a list of a, b, and c: (a . (b . (c . nil))) ; can be written as (a b c) Token row Feature Characters FeatureLink ../features/hasCharacters.html Supported ✓ Example \p ; Characters that aren't letters may have longer names. For example the bell character, after which Bel is named, is \bel Token row Feature hasSymbols FeatureLink ../features/hasSymbols.html Supported ✓ Example foo Token row Feature Pairs FeatureLink ../features/hasPairs.html Supported ✓ Example (foo . bar) Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token prn row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 532 2.7
Bend - Programming language Bend ==== Bend is a programming language created in 2023 by Victor Taelin. 2023 Victor Taelin #659 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone A massively parallel, high-level programming language - Tags: programming language - Bend is developed on GitHub and has 16,930 stars - Bend is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML, YAML, JSON # Defines the function Sum with two parameters: start and target def Sum(start, target): if start == target: # If the value of start is the same as target, returns start. return start else: # If start is not equal to target, recursively call Sum with # start incremented by 1, and add the result to start. return start + Sum(start + 1, target) def main(): # This translates to (1 + (2 + (3 + (...... + (999999 + 1000000))))) # Note that this will overflow the maximum value of a number in Bend return Sum(1, 1_000_000) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
BER - Programming language BER === BER is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4911 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - BER on HOPL BER on HOPL - Read more about BER on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Berkeley DB - Library Berkeley DB =========== Berkeley DB is a library created in 1994. 1994 #2086 on PLDB 30 Years Old Berkeley DB (BDB) is a software library intended to provide a high-performance embedded database for key/value data. Berkeley DB is written in C with API bindings for C++, C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, Tcl, and many other programming languages. BDB stores arbitrary key/data pairs as byte arrays, and supports multiple data items for a single key. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of Berkeley DB happened in Sleepycat Software and Oracle - Berkeley DB is written in C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Berkeley DB - Library Berkeley DB =========== Berkeley DB is a library created in 1991. 1991 #3337 on PLDB 33 Years Old The Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is an embedded database system that can be used in applications requiring high-performance concurrent storage and retrieval of key/value pairs. The software is distributed as a library that can be linked directly into an application. It provides a variety of programmatic interfaces, including callable APIs for C, C++, Perl, Tcl and Java. Users may download Berkeley DB from Sleepycat Software’s Web site, at - Tags: library - Early development of Berkeley DB happened in Sleepycat Software - Read more about Berkeley DB on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
Berry - Programming language Berry ===== Berry is a programming language created in 2018 by 官文亮. 2018 官文亮 #804 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Berry is a ultra-lightweight dynamically typed embedded scripting language. It is designed for lower-performance embedded devices. The Berry interpreter-core's code size is less than 40KiB and can run on less than 4KiB heap (on ARM Cortex M4 CPU, Thumb ISA and ARMCC compiler). - Tags: programming language - Berry is developed on GitHub and has 790 stars - Early development of Berry happened in - Berry is written in C, reStructuredText, Python, JSON, Markdown, Make, YAML, CMake, XML, Bourne shell def fib(x) if (x <= 1) return x end return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2) end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
BESYS - Programming language BESYS ===== BESYS is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #3861 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BESYS happened in R.E. Drummond - BESYS on HOPL BESYS on HOPL - Read more about BESYS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Beta BASIC - Programming language Beta BASIC ========== Beta BASIC is an open source programming language created in 1983. 1983 #2957 on PLDB 41 Years Old Beta BASIC is a BASIC interpreter for the Sinclair Research ZX Spectrum microcomputer, written by Dr Andy Wright in 1983 and sold by his one-man software house BetaSoft. BetaSoft also produced a regular newsletter/magazine, BetaNews. Originally it started as a BASIC toolkit but over time it grew into a full replacement.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Beta BASIC happened in BetaSoft - See also: (3 related languages) Sinclair BASIC, BBC BASIC, Sam Coupé Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
BETA Project - Grammar language BETA Project ============ BETA Project is a grammar language created in 1961. 1961 #3338 on PLDB 63 Years Old The promising 'BETA project'' in Novosibirsk primarily designed by Dr. A. P. Ershov, M. Shvartsman, A. A. Baehrs was intended to produce compilers from language descriptions almost automatically, and it had Algol 68, PL/I and Simula 67 as its first objectives - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of BETA Project happened in USSR Academy of Information Sciences - Read more about BETA Project on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Beta-Prolog - Programming language Beta-Prolog =========== Beta-Prolog is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3862 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Beta-Prolog happened in Kyushu Institute of Technology - Beta-Prolog on HOPL Beta-Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Beta-Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
BETA - Programming language BETA ==== BETA is a programming language created in 1983 by Bent Bruun Kristensen and Ole Lehrmann Madsen and Birger Møller-Pedersen and Kristen Nygaard. 1983 Bent Bruun Kristensen Ole Lehrmann Madsen Birger Møller-Pedersen Kristen Nygaard #916 on PLDB 41 Years Old BETA is a pure object-oriented language originating within the "Scandinavian School" in object-orientation where the first object-oriented language Simula was developed. Among its notable features, it introduced nested classes, and unified classes with procedures into so called patterns.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BETA happened in Scandinavian School of object- orientation - Explore BETA snippets on Rosetta Code - BETA on HOPL BETA on HOPL - BETA appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (2 related languages) Simula, Eiffel ORIGIN '~beta/basiclib/betaenv' -- program: Descriptor -- (* Hello World in BETA *) (# do 'Hello World' -> putLine #) { *** Hello World in BETA ***} (# do 'Hello World!'->putLine #) max: (# x, y, z: @integer enter (x, y) do (if x >= y // True then x -> z else y -> z if) exit z #) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 358 1.8
BGRAF2 - Programming language BGRAF2 ====== BGRAF2 is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3863 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BGRAF2 happened in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Hebrew University - BGRAF2 on HOPL BGRAF2 on HOPL - Read more about BGRAF2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
BHSL - Programming language BHSL ==== BHSL is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #3864 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BHSL happened in Electronic Associates Inc - BHSL on HOPL BHSL on HOPL - Read more about BHSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BibTeX - Application BibTeX ====== BibTeX is an application created in 1985. 1985 #663 on PLDB 39 Years Old BibTeX is reference management software for formatting lists of references. The BibTeX tool is typically used together with the LaTeX document preparation system. Within the typesetting system, its name is styled as B I B T E X {\displaystyle {\mathrm {B{\scriptstyle {IB}}\!T\!_{\displaystyle E}\!X} }} . Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of BibTeX happened in The TeX Users Group - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for BibTeX - See also: (9 related languages) LaTeX, Tex, URL, Common Lisp, Unicode, Scribe, HTML, Emacs, PDF @inproceedings{Gousi13, author = {Gousios, Georgios}, title = {The GHTorrent dataset and tool suite}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories}, series = {MSR '13}, year = {2013}, isbn = {978-1-4673-2936-1}, location = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, pages = {233--236}, numpages = {4}, url = {}, acmid = {2487132}, publisher = {IEEE Press}, address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA}, } %Hello world in BibTex ENTRY{author}{}{} FUNCTION {} { "Hello World!" write$ newline$ } READ EXECUTE {} @Book{abramowitz+stegun, author = "Milton {Abramowitz} and Irene A. {Stegun}", title = "Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables", publisher = "Dover", year = 1964, address = "New York City", edition = "ninth Dover printing, tenth GPO printing" } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 300 1.5
Bicep - Json format Bicep ===== Bicep is a json format created in 2020 by Anthony Martin. 2020 Anthony Martin #217 on PLDB 4 Years Old 3k Repos git clone Bicep is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for deploying Azure resources declaratively. - Tags: jsonFormat - Bicep is developed on GitHub and has 3,181 stars - There are at least 2,562 Bicep repos on GitHub - Early development of Bicep happened in Microsoft - Bicep compiles to ARM Templates - Bicep is written in C#, JSON, TypeScript, SVG, XML, HTML, Markdown, YAML, JavaScript, PowerShell, Bourne shell, CSS - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 13 users using Bicep in 17 repos on GitHub - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Bicep - Read more about Bicep on the web: 1. 1. @minLength(3) @maxLength(11) param storagePrefix string param storageSKU string = 'Standard_LRS' param location string = resourceGroup().location var uniqueStorageName = '${storagePrefix}${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}' resource stg 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2019-04-01' = { name: uniqueStorageName location: location sku: { name: storageSKU } kind: 'StorageV2' properties: { supportsHttpsTrafficOnly: true } } module webModule './webApp.bicep' = { name: 'webDeploy' params: { skuName: 'S1' location: location } } output storageEndpoint object = targetScope resource module param var output for in if existing Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 340 1.7
Biferno - Programming language Biferno ======= Biferno is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3865 on PLDB 21 Years Old Biferno is a new generation object-oriented Web scripting language that allows developers the rapid implementation of dynamic Web applications and of sites that offer a high degree of user interactivity. - Tags: programming language - Explore Biferno snippets on Rosetta Code - Biferno on HOPL Biferno on HOPL - Read more about Biferno on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
Bigloo - Programming language Bigloo ====== Bigloo is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3866 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bigloo happened in National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology and Inria - Bigloo on HOPL Bigloo on HOPL - Read more about Bigloo on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
BIGMAC - Programming language BIGMAC ====== BIGMAC is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3867 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BIGMAC happened in University of Colorado - BIGMAC on HOPL BIGMAC on HOPL - Read more about BIGMAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
bigWig format - Binary data format bigWig format ============= bigWig format is a binary data format created in 2009. 2009 #3339 on PLDB 15 Years Old The bigWig format is the recommended format for almost all graphing track needs. The bigWig format is useful for dense, continuous data that will be displayed in the Genome Browser as a graph. BigWig files are created from wiggle (wig) type files using the program wigToBigWig. bigWig files are indexed binary files. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of bigWig format happened in University of California Santa Cruz - Read more about bigWig format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Bigwig Programming Language - Programming language Bigwig Programming Language =========================== Bigwig Programming Language is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4680 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 84 0.4
BIGWIG - Programming language BIGWIG ====== BIGWIG is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3868 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BIGWIG happened in Danish National Research Foundation or Aarhus University - BIGWIG on HOPL BIGWIG on HOPL - Read more about BIGWIG on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Binary Equation - Equation Binary Equation =============== Binary Equation is an equation created in 1689 by Gottfried Leibniz. 1689 Gottfried Leibniz #3340 on PLDB 335 Years Old - Tags: equation - Early development of Binary Equation happened in New York University and Hebrew University - Read more about Binary Equation on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Binary Ninja - Decompiler Binary Ninja ============ Binary Ninja is a decompiler created in 2015. 2015 #3002 on PLDB 9 Years Old Binary Ninja is an interactive disassembler, decompiler, and binary analysis platform for reverse engineers, malware analysts, vulnerability researchers, and software developers that runs on Windows, macOS, Linux. - Tags: decompiler - Early development of Binary Ninja happened in Vector 35 - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Binary notation - Notation Binary notation =============== Binary notation is a notation created in 1689 by Gottfried Leibniz. 1689 Gottfried Leibniz #548 on PLDB 335 Years Old [Image Omitted] A photo of Binary notation. A binary code represents text, computer processor instructions, or any other data using a two-symbol system. The two-symbol system used is often "0" and "1" from the binary number system. The binary code assigns a pattern of binary digits, also known as bits, to each character, instruction, etc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Read more about Binary notation on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Binary notation on the web: 1. 1. 100101 = [ ( 1 ) × 2^5 ] + [ ( 0 ) × 2^4 ] + [ ( 0 ) × 2^3 ] + [ ( 1 ) × 2^2 ] + [ ( 0 ) × 2^1 ] + [ ( 1 ) × 2^0 ] 100101 = [ 1 × 32 ] + [ 0 × 16 ] + [ 0 × 8 ] + [ 1 × 4 ] + [ 0 × 2 ] + [ 1 × 1 ] 100101 = 37 HackerNews discussions of Binary notation ========================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments How I See Numbers||03/03/2022|300|194 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
binaryen - Compiler binaryen ======== binaryen is a compiler created in 2015 by Alon Zakai. 2015 Alon Zakai #897 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Optimizer and compiler/toolchain library for WebAssembly - Tags: compiler - binaryen is developed on GitHub and has 7,314 stars - Early development of binaryen happened in WebAssembly - binaryen is written in WebAssembly, C++, JavaScript, Python, C, CMake, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, Pascal, Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
BIND - Application BIND ==== BIND is an application created in 2000. 2000 #2798 on PLDB 24 Years Old BIND (), or named (pronounced name-dee, short for name daemon: ), is the most widely used Domain Name System (DNS) software on the Internet. | On Unix-like operating systems it is the de facto standard. It performs both of the main DNS server roles - acting as an authoritative name server for one or more specific domains, and acting as a recursive resolver for the DNS system generally. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of BIND happened in Internet Systems Consortium Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Bio - Programming language Bio === Bio is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #1155 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A Lisp dialect written in Zig - Tags: programming language - Bio is developed on GitHub and has 166 stars - Scheme influenced the design of Bio - Bio is written in C, Markdown, Lisp, Zig, C++, Make, CMake, Assembly language, M4, YAML, Bourne shell Language features ====================================================== row Feature Destructuring FeatureLink ../features/hasDestructuring.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
Bioconductor - Package manager Bioconductor ============ Bioconductor is a package manager created in 2001. 2001 #1232 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Bioconductor happened in Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - was registered in 2001 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 96 0.5
BIOMOD - Programming language BIOMOD ====== BIOMOD is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3869 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BIOMOD happened in RAND - BIOMOD on HOPL BIOMOD on HOPL - Read more about BIOMOD on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
bioscript - Programming language bioscript ========= bioscript is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2412 on PLDB 5 Years Old This paper introduces BioScript, a domain-specific language (DSL) for programmable biochemistry which executes on emerging microfluidic platforms. The goal of this research is to provide a simple, intuitive, and type-safe DSL that is accessible to life science practitioners. The novel feature of the language is its syntax, which aims to optimize human readability; the technical contributions of the paper include the BioScript type system and relevant portions of its compiler. The type system ensures that certain types of errors, specific to biochemistry, do not occur, including the interaction of chemicals that may be unsafe. The compiler includes novel optimizations that place biochemical operations to execute concurrently on a spatial 2D array platform on the granularity of a control flow graph, as opposed to individual basic blocks. Results are obtained using both a cycle-accurate microfluidic simulator and a software interface to a real-world platform. - Tags: programming language, chemistry, biology - Early development of bioscript happened in University of California Riverside - Read more about bioscript on the web: 1. 1. /* Initialization Omitted */ 2 mixture = mix 10 uL of water with 3 10 uL of blood for 10 s 4 heat mixture at 100 C for 10 s Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 322 1.6
BIOSSIM - Programming language BIOSSIM ======= BIOSSIM is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3870 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BIOSSIM happened in University of Pennsylvania - BIOSSIM on HOPL BIOSSIM on HOPL - Read more about BIOSSIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BIPLAN - Programming language BIPLAN ====== BIPLAN is a programming language created in 2017 by Giovanni Blu Mitolo. 2017 Giovanni Blu Mitolo #4600 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
BIRD - Programming language BIRD ==== BIRD is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #3088 on PLDB 3 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BIRD happened in CZ.NIC - Explore BIRD snippets on Rosetta Code - BIRD on HOPL BIRD on HOPL - Read more about BIRD on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Birkbeck Assembly - Assembly language Birkbeck Assembly ================= Birkbeck Assembly is an assembly language created in 1947 by Kathleen Booth. 1947 Kathleen Booth #3341 on PLDB 77 Years Old Kathleen Booth née Britten (1922 –) wrote the first assembly language and designed the assembler and autocode for the first computer systems at Birkbeck College, University of London. - Tags: assembly language - Early development of Birkbeck Assembly happened in Birkbeck College - Read more about Birkbeck Assembly on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Bison - Grammar language Bison ===== Bison is an open source grammar language created in 1985 by Robert Corbett. 1985 Robert Corbett #363 on PLDB 39 Years Old 196 Repos GNU bison, commonly known as Bison, is a parser generator that is part of the GNU Project. Bison reads a specification of a context-free language, warns about any parsing ambiguities, and generates a parser (either in C, C++, or Java) which reads sequences of tokens and decides whether the sequence conforms to the syntax specified by the grammar. Bison by default generates LALR parsers but can also create GLR parsers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - There are at least 196 Bison repos on GitHub - Early development of Bison happened in GNU Project - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Bison in 4k repos on GitHub - Bison on HOPL Bison on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Bison - See also: (12 related languages) C, M4, Java, Yacc, Ruby, PHP, Go, Bash, LilyPond, PostgreSQL, MySQL, GNU Octave - Read more about Bison on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Bison: Lemon /* Reverse Polish Notation calculator. */ %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int yylex (void); void yyerror (char const *); %} %define api.value.type {double} %token NUM %% /* Grammar rules and actions follow. */ # Makefile FILES = Lexer.c Parser.c Expression.c main.c CC = g++ CFLAGS = -g -ansi test: $(FILES) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FILES) -o test Lexer.c: Lexer.l flex Lexer.l Parser.c: Parser.y Lexer.c bison Parser.y clean: rm -f *.o *~ Lexer.c Lexer.h Parser.c Parser.h test Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 411 2.1
Bison++ - Grammar language Bison++ ======= Bison++ is a grammar language created in 1998. 1998 #4786 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Bison++ on HOPL Bison++ on HOPL - Read more about Bison++ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Bistro - Programming language Bistro ====== Bistro is a programming language created in 1999 by Nikolas S. Boyd. 1999 Nikolas S. Boyd #2132 on PLDB 25 Years Old Bistro is a variation of Smalltalk that integrates the best features of Smalltalk and Java. Bistro Smalltalk is an experimental programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine, or JVM. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bistro happened in University of California Berkeley - Bistro on HOPL Bistro on HOPL - Read more about Bistro on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Bit array - Data structure Bit array ========= Bit array is a data structure created in 2004. 2004 #4688 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: dataStructure Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 81 0.4
BitBake - Programming language BitBake ======= BitBake is an open source programming language created in 2004. 2004 #888 on PLDB 20 Years Old 3k Repos BitBake is a make-like build tool with the special focus of distributions and packages for embedded Linux cross compilation, although it is not limited to that. It is inspired by Portage, which is the package management system used by the Gentoo Linux distribution. BitBake existed for some time in the OpenEmbedded project until it was separated out into a standalone, maintained, distribution-independent tool. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,285 BitBake repos on GitHub - Early development of BitBake happened in Yocto Project - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 667 users using BitBake in 1k repos on GitHub - See also: (3 related languages) Python, Linux, Subversion require require ${PN}.inc do_install_append() { # for modules which are still using syncqt and call qtPrepareTool(QMAKE_SYNCQT, syncqt) # e.g. qt3d, qtwayland ln -sf ${D}${OE_QMAKE_PATH_QT_BINS}/syncqt } QT_MODULE_BRANCH = "release" # v5.2.1 + 168 commits SRCREV = "08cbbde61778276ccdda73d89fd64d02c623779f" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 289 1.4
BitC - Programming language BitC ==== BitC is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #4885 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Bitcoin - Crypto protocol Bitcoin ======= Bitcoin is a crypto protocol created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto #4650 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
Bitsy - Application Bitsy ===== Bitsy is an application created in 2016 by Adam Le Doux. 2016 Adam Le Doux #894 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A little engine for little games, worlds, and stories. - Tags: application - Bitsy is developed on GitHub and has 822 stars - Bitsy is written in SVG, JavaScript, Markdown, CSS, JSON, XML, HTML, YAML, TypeScript - See also: (1 related languages) Twine - 1 PLDB concepts link to Bitsy: Decker Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
BitTorrent - Protocol BitTorrent ========== BitTorrent is a protocol created in 2001 by Bram Cohen. 2001 Bram Cohen #4536 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: protocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
Bizubee - Programming language Bizubee ======= Bizubee is a programming language created in 2015 by Gabe and Gabe. 2015 Gabe Gabe #1750 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone This is the bizubee command line tool. For other bizubee tools and libraries check out - Tags: programming language - Bizubee is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Early development of Bizubee happened in - Bizubee is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
bjou - Programming language bjou ==== bjou is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3003 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of bjou happened in kammerdienerb - was registered in 2019 HackerNews discussions of bjou ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Self Hosting a Million-Lines-per-Second Parser||07/11/2019|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Bla - Programming language Bla === Bla is a programming language created in 1994 by Wouter Van Oortmerssen. 1994 Wouter Van Oortmerssen #2098 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bla happened in University of Amsterdam map(f,[]) = [] map(f,[h|t]) = [f(h)|map(f,t)] qsort([],_) = [] qsort([h|t],lt) = append(qsort(filter(lambda(x) = lt(x,h),t),lt), [h|qsort(filter(lambda(x) = not lt(x,h),t),lt)]) stack[T]() = self where d = [] isempty() = d=[] push(x:T) do d:=[x|d] pop():T = d | [] -> nil -- raise stack_empty | [h|t] -> h do d:=t Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
BlackCoffee - Programming language BlackCoffee =========== BlackCoffee is a programming language created in 2014 by Frank van Viegen. 2014 Frank van Viegen #1063 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone CoffeeScript + hygienic macros - Tags: programming language - BlackCoffee is developed on GitHub and has 105 stars - Early development of BlackCoffee happened in Paiq BV - BlackCoffee is written in CoffeeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Markdown, JSON macro Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Blacklight - Programming language Blacklight ========== Blacklight is a programming language created in 2015 by Anthony M. Cook. 2015 Anthony M. Cook #1485 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone blacklight is a general-pupose multithreading concatenative stack-based programming language with first-class queues and objects with delegation. - Tags: programming language - Blacklight is developed on GitHub and has 45 stars - Early development of Blacklight happened in - Blacklight is written in Go, Bash, Markdown, YAML, JSON, PowerShell newq newq ;; create send and receive queues [ [ deq ;; will block if the queue is empty n-to-cv rot swap enq ;; convert number into a cv (string) and send back swap ;; reorder queues so we can loop without confusion ] loop ;; using loop since it goes forever ] work ;; start new thread and swap the queues swap ;; bring send queue to top 1 enq 2 enq 3 enq 4 enq ;; send some numbers to be converted 0 [ 1 add ] [ 1000 eq ] until drop ;; give the main thread busywork swap q-to-v ;; get contents of receive Q as V print ;; display contents of V Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 254 1.3
Blade - Programming language Blade ===== Blade is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #3871 on PLDB 2 Years Old Blade Programming Language v0.0.73 - Tags: programming language - Early development of Blade happened in Mcfriends Limited - Read more about Blade on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Blade - Template language Blade ===== Blade is a template language created in 2011. 2011 #949 on PLDB 13 Years Old 41k Repos - Tags: template language - There are at least 41,201 Blade repos on GitHub - Early development of Blade happened in Laravel - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 324 users using Blade in 372 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Blade - 2 PLDB concepts link to Blade: Ace Editor, cloc <!-- Stored in resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php --> <html> <head> <title>App Name - @yield('title')</title> </head> <body> @section('sidebar') This is the master sidebar. @show <div class="container"> @yield('content') </div> </body> </html> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>@yield('title', 'We love GitHub')</title> @stack('scripts') @stack('styles') </head> <body> @include('partials.nav') @yield('content') <ul> @foreach($foo as $bar) <li>{{ $bar }}</li> @endforeach </ul> {!! $raw_content !!} </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
BLAKE - Hash function BLAKE ===== BLAKE is a hash function created in 2012. 2012 #2889 on PLDB 12 Years Old BLAKE is a cryptographic hash function based on Dan Bernstein's ChaCha stream cipher, but a permuted copy of the input block, XORed with round constants, is added before each ChaCha round. Like SHA-2, there are two variants differing in the word size. ChaCha operates on a 4×4 array of words. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of BLAKE happened in UBS AG and Cyberjaya and Stuttgart Technology University of Applied Sciences and Kudelski Security Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
blank - Esoteric programming language blank ===== blank is an esoteric programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4601 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language HackerNews discussions of blank =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Blank – A stack-based programming language I wrote 21 years ago||04/11/2018|73|11 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BLAZE 2 - Programming language BLAZE 2 ======= BLAZE 2 is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3872 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BLAZE 2 happened in Purdue University and NASA - BLAZE 2 on HOPL BLAZE 2 on HOPL - Read more about BLAZE 2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
BLAZE - Programming language BLAZE ===== BLAZE is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3873 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BLAZE happened in Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering and Purdue University - BLAZE on HOPL BLAZE on HOPL - Read more about BLAZE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
BlazeX - Programming language BlazeX ====== BlazeX is a programming language created in 2020 by RoMeAh. 2020 RoMeAh #1902 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone AOT compiled object oriented programming language - Tags: programming language - BlazeX is developed on GitHub and has 48 stars - Early development of BlazeX happened in Blazify - BlazeX is written in Rust, TOML, C, Markdown, YAML, Make, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Binary Lambda Calculus - Esoteric programming language Binary Lambda Calculus ====================== Binary Lambda Calculus is an esoteric programming language created in 2004 by John Tromp. 2004 John Tromp #2128 on PLDB 20 Years Old Binary lambda calculus (BLC) is a minimal, pure functional programming language invented by John Tromp in 2004,[1] based on a binary encoding of the untyped lambda calculus in De Bruijn index notation. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Binary Lambda Calculus happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica - Binary Lambda Calculus on Esolang Binary Lambda Calculus on Esolang - 1 PLDB concepts link to Binary Lambda Calculus: Bruijn 001010100100100001100101011011000110110001101111001011000010 000001110111011011110111001001101100011001000010000100001010 Hello World Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Blech - Programming language Blech ===== Blech is a programming language created in 2019 by Franz-Josef Grosch. 2019 Franz-Josef Grosch #1330 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Blech is a synchronous programming language for embedded, reactive, realtime-critical software. It allows writing reactive subprograms and combining them both sequentially and concurrently. Blech compiles to clean C, which may be integrated into existing projects or simulation frameworks. The name Blech ironically describes embedded hardware. It expresses that Blech programs can run directly on the Blech of pretty much any embedded device. - Tags: programming language - Blech is developed on GitHub and has 64 stars - Blech compiles to C - Blech is written in JSON, F#, XML, C, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell - First announcement of Blech struct Display var hundredth: int32 var seconds: int32 var minutes: int32 end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Blender - Application Blender ======= Blender is an application created in 1998. 1998 #1364 on PLDB 26 Years Old Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, interactive 3D applications and video games. Blender's features include 3D modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing, raster graphics editing, rigging and skinning, fluid and smoke simulation, particle simulation, soft body simulation, sculpting, animating, match moving, rendering, motion graphics, video editing and compositing. While current versions also feature an integrated game engine, the upcoming 2.8 release will remove it.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Blender happened in Blender Foundation import Blender from Blender import Scene, Text3d text = Text3d.New("Text") text.setText("Hello World") Scene.GetCurrent() Blender.Redraw() Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
BLISS - Programming language BLISS ===== BLISS is a programming language created in 1969 by William Wulf. 1969 William Wulf #1132 on PLDB 55 Years Old BLISS is a system programming language developed at Carnegie Mellon by W. A. Wulf, D. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BLISS happened in Carnegie Mellon - BLISS on HOPL BLISS on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) MIPS architecture, IA-32, Algol, C, DOI - Read more about BLISS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. MODULE E1 (MAIN = CTRL) = BEGIN FORWARD ROUTINE CTRL, STEP; ROUTINE CTRL = !+ ! This routine inputs a value, operates on it, and ! then outputs the result. !- BEGIN EXTERNAL ROUTINE GETNUM, ! Input a number from terminal PUTNUM; ! Output a number to terminal LOCAL X, ! Storage for input value Y; ! Storage for output value GETNUM(X); Y = STEP(.X); PUTNUM(.Y) END; ROUTINE STEP(A) = !+ ! This routine adds 1 to the given value. !- (.A+1); END ELUDOM Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token ! row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 283 1.4
Blitz3D - Programming language Blitz3D ======= Blitz3D is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1666 on PLDB 23 Years Old Blitz BASIC refers to the programming language dialect that was interpreted by the first Blitz compilers, devised by New Zealand-based developer Mark Sibly. Being derived from BASIC, Blitz syntax was designed to be easy to pick up for beginners first learning to program. The languages are game-programming oriented but are often found general-purpose enough to be used for most types of application. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Blitz3D happened in Blitz Research - See also: (10 related languages) BASIC, Linux, Monkey, OpenGL, ASCII, Lua, Unicode, C#, PureBasic, iOS ;Blitz3D Hello World demo by MANIAK_dobrii Print "Hello World" WaitKey End AppTitle = "Binary Clock" Graphics 145,85 secondtimer = CreateTimer(2) Repeat Hour = CurrentTime()[..2].ToInt() Minute = CurrentTime()[4..6].ToInt() Second = CurrentTime()[6..].ToInt() If Hour >= 12 Then PM = 1 If Hour > 12 Then Hour = Hour - 12 If Hour = 0 Then Hour = 12 'should do this otherwise the PM dot will be 'Left up once the clock rolls past midnight! Cls SetColor(0,255,0) 'make the text green For the PM part If PM = 1 Then DrawText "PM",5,5 'set the text colour back To white For the rest SetColor(255,255,255) For bit=0 Until 6 xpos=20*(6-bit) binaryMask=2^bit 'do hours If (bit<4) If (hour & binaryMask) DrawText "1",xpos,5 Else DrawText "0",xpos,5 EndIf EndIf 'do the minutes If (minute & binaryMask) DrawText "1", xpos,25 Else DrawText "0", xpos,25 EndIf 'do the seconds If (second & binaryMask) DrawText "1",xpos,45 Else DrawText "0",xpos,45 EndIf Next 'make the text red For the decimal time SetColor(255,0,0) DrawText "Decimal: " + CurrentTime(),5,65 'set the text back To white For the rest SetColor(255,255,255) Flip 'will wait half a second WaitTimer(secondTimer) If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then Exit Forever Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 457 2.3
BlitzBasic - Programming language BlitzBasic ========== BlitzBasic is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #647 on PLDB 24 Years Old 595 Repos Blitz BASIC refers to the programming language dialect that was interpreted by the first Blitz compilers, devised by New Zealand-based developer Mark Sibly. Being derived from BASIC, Blitz syntax was designed to be easy to pick up for beginners first learning to program. The languages are game-programming oriented but are often found general-purpose enough to be used for most types of application. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 595 BlitzBasic repos on GitHub - Early development of BlitzBasic happened in Blitz Research - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 417 users using BlitzBasic in 492 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for BlitzBasic - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for BlitzBasic - See also: (10 related languages) BASIC, Linux, Monkey, OpenGL, ASCII, Lua, Unicode, C#, PureBasic, iOS Local i, start, result Local s.Sum3Obj = New Sum3Obj For i = 1 To 100000 s = New Sum3Obj result = Handle Before s Delete s Next start = MilliSecs() For i = 1 To 1000000 result = Sum3_(MakeSum3Obj(i, i, i)) Next start = MilliSecs() - start Print start start = MilliSecs() For i = 1 To 1000000 result = Sum3(i, i, i) Next start = MilliSecs() - start Print start WaitKey End Function Sum3(a, b, c) Return a + b + c End Function Type Sum3Obj Field isActive Field a, b, c End Type Function MakeSum3Obj(a, b, c) Local s.Sum3Obj = Last Sum3Obj If s\isActive Then s = New Sum3Obj s\isActive = True s\a = a s\b = b s\c = c Restore label Read foo Return Handle(s) End Function .label Data (10 + 2), 12, 14 : Function Sum3_(a_) Local a.Sum3Obj = Object.Sum3Obj a_ Local return_ = a\a + a\b + a\c Insert a Before First Sum3Obj :: a\isActive = False Return return_ End Function ;~IDEal Editor Parameters: ;~C#Blitz3D AppTitle = "Binary Clock" Graphics 145,85 secondtimer = CreateTimer(2) Repeat Hour = CurrentTime()[..2].ToInt() Minute = CurrentTime()[4..6].ToInt() Second = CurrentTime()[6..].ToInt() If Hour >= 12 Then PM = 1 If Hour > 12 Then Hour = Hour - 12 If Hour = 0 Then Hour = 12 'should do this otherwise the PM dot will be 'Left up once the clock rolls past midnight! Cls SetColor(0,255,0) 'make the text green For the PM part If PM = 1 Then DrawText "PM",5,5 'set the text colour back To white For the rest SetColor(255,255,255) For bit=0 Until 6 xpos=20*(6-bit) binaryMask=2^bit 'do hours If (bit<4) If (hour & binaryMask) DrawText "1",xpos,5 Else DrawText "0",xpos,5 EndIf EndIf 'do the minutes If (minute & binaryMask) DrawText "1", xpos,25 Else DrawText "0", xpos,25 EndIf 'do the seconds If (second & binaryMask) DrawText "1",xpos,45 Else DrawText "0",xpos,45 EndIf Next 'make the text red For the decimal time SetColor(255,0,0) DrawText "Decimal: " + CurrentTime(),5,65 'set the text back To white For the rest SetColor(255,255,255) Flip 'will wait half a second WaitTimer(secondTimer) If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then Exit Forever Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 696 3.5
BlitzMax - Programming language BlitzMax ======== BlitzMax is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #535 on PLDB 10 Years Old 219 Repos git clone BlitzMax - Tags: programming language - BlitzMax is developed on GitHub and has 151 stars - There are at least 219 BlitzMax repos on GitHub - Early development of BlitzMax happened in Blitz Research - BlitzMax is written in C, C++, Lua, Assembly language, Objective-C, HTML, Make, XML, CSS, Bourne shell, Objective C++, CMake, Ini, WebAssembly, Perl - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 46 users using BlitzMax in 52 repos on GitHub - Explore BlitzMax snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for BlitzMax - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for BlitzMax SuperStrict Framework Brl.StandardIO Type TMyType Field property:int Function A:int(param:int) 'do nothing End Function Method B:int(param:int) 'do nothing End Method End Type Global my:TMyType = new TMyType ?Win32 my.A() my.B() ?Linux my.B() my.A() ? Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 308 1.5
BlitzPlus - Programming language BlitzPlus ========= BlitzPlus is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #4523 on PLDB 21 Years Old Blitz BASIC refers to the programming language dialect that was interpreted by the first Blitz compilers, devised by New Zealand-based developer Mark Sibly. Being derived from BASIC, Blitz syntax was designed to be easy to pick up for beginners first learning to program. The languages are game-programming oriented but are often found general-purpose enough to be used for most types of application. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BlitzPlus happened in Blitz Research - See also: (10 related languages) BASIC, Linux, Monkey, OpenGL, ASCII, Lua, Unicode, C#, PureBasic, iOS AppTitle = "Binary Clock" Graphics 145,85 secondtimer = CreateTimer(2) Repeat Hour = CurrentTime()[..2].ToInt() Minute = CurrentTime()[4..6].ToInt() Second = CurrentTime()[6..].ToInt() If Hour >= 12 Then PM = 1 If Hour > 12 Then Hour = Hour - 12 If Hour = 0 Then Hour = 12 'should do this otherwise the PM dot will be 'Left up once the clock rolls past midnight! Cls SetColor(0,255,0) 'make the text green For the PM part If PM = 1 Then DrawText "PM",5,5 'set the text colour back To white For the rest SetColor(255,255,255) For bit=0 Until 6 xpos=20*(6-bit) binaryMask=2^bit 'do hours If (bit<4) If (hour & binaryMask) DrawText "1",xpos,5 Else DrawText "0",xpos,5 EndIf EndIf 'do the minutes If (minute & binaryMask) DrawText "1", xpos,25 Else DrawText "0", xpos,25 EndIf 'do the seconds If (second & binaryMask) DrawText "1",xpos,45 Else DrawText "0",xpos,45 EndIf Next 'make the text red For the decimal time SetColor(255,0,0) DrawText "Decimal: " + CurrentTime(),5,65 'set the text back To white For the rest SetColor(255,255,255) Flip 'will wait half a second WaitTimer(secondTimer) If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then Exit Forever Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 418 2.1
Blockly - Library Blockly ======= Blockly is a library created in 2011. 2011 #2199 on PLDB 13 Years Old Blockly is a client-side JavaScript library for creating visual block programming languages and editors. It is a project of Google and is open-source under the Apache 2.0 License. It typically runs in a web browser, and visually resembles Scratch. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of Blockly happened in Google and MIT - See also: (9 related languages) JavaScript, Scratch, Python, PHP, Dart, WebGL, SVG, Android, iOS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
blockml - Text markup language blockml ======= blockml is a text markup language created in 2014. 2014 #1599 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone BlockML is a lightweight markup language for scientific documents. - Tags: text markup language - blockml is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of blockml happened in Aww Apps - blockml is written in CSS, Objective-C, XML, JSON, Markdown, SCSS, JavaScript, C, HTML, SVG, Bourne shell /* ____ __ __ __ _____ / __ )/ /___ _____/ /__/ |/ / / / __ / / __ \/ ___/ //_/ /|_/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / /__/ ,< / / / / /___ /_____/_/\____/\___/_/|_/_/ /_/_____/ */ head[ title[Recap of John McCarthy's Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I] h3[Judith Lindemann] h5[Berlin, 25 December 2013] ] h1[Preface] This text is originated as an exercise for an university course about scientific writing at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin. The assignment was to choose a computer science paper, reproduce the key ideas in own words, and add some own thoughts about that topic as conclusion. I have selected the classical paper "b[Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I]" by John McCarthy from 1960 (id[LISP]), because it permits a fascinating look into the history of programming languages and is the origin of many concepts that are still relevant today. This text is also influenced by Paul Graham's article "b[Roots of Lisp]" from 2002 (id[ROOTS]) about that McCarthy paper. I follow Paul Graham's approach to provide code examples in actual LISP code instead of m-expressions, and I assume that c[quote] and c[cond] are elementary functions. toc[Contents] sec[Introduction][ The paper (id[LISP]) describes a dynamic typed and functional programming language called LISP. The name LISP is an abbreviation for b[LIS]t b[P]rocessor, which is a very suitable name, because the whole syntax is completely based on a simple list notation for code and data. LISP was developed in 1958, two years before the paper was published. The main purpose for the development was the lack of appropriate programming languages for artificial intelligence applications. At this time FORTRAN was the dominant high level programming language, but it was developed for numeric calculations and engineering tasks and therefore no good fit for AI problems. LISP was influenced by IPL (Information Processing Language), which was an experimental programming language from 1957 (see id[IPL]). IPL was dedicated to AI research, but also inappropriate because it was an assembly language. Some of the IPL concepts that LISP had adopted and heavily improved were: list-processing, higher-order functions, recursion and computation with symbols. Some other concepts were new, for example: conditional control flow, garbage collection, lazy evaluation, and dynamic typing. At first, we will learn something about the mathematical concepts behind LISP. Then, we will see that the early LISP had only two simple data types. After that, we will define 5-7 elementary functions and we will use them as building blocks to create our own functions. Then, we will see how the memory management works. At the end, we will look, how LISP was doing in the past 55 years and how LISP is doing today. ]/* Introduction */ sec[Mathematical concepts][ sec[Propositional expressions][ Propositional expressions are expressions whose values are either c[T] "true" or c[F] "false". These expressions are often combined by connectives like c[∧] "and", c[∨] "or" and c[¬] "not". Typical examples are: math[$x < y$ $(x < y) \land (b = c)$] ]/* Propositional Expressions */ sec[Conditional expressions][ The notation of conditional expressions was a new concept, developed by McCarthy in 1960. It is the ancestor of the "if...then...else" condition, who is part of nearly every programming language nowadays. Conditional expressions allow a recursive definition of functions in a convenient way. A conditional expression has the form: math[$(p_1 \rightarrow e_1,\cdots,p_n \rightarrow e_n)$] The b[p]’s are propositional expressions that are true or false. The b[e]’s could be any kind of expression. One could read "if b[p]sub[1] then b[e]sub[1], else if b[p] sub[2] then b[e]sub[2], ..., else if b[p]sub[n] then b[e]sub[n]" or "b[p]sub[1] yields b[e]sub[1], ..., b[p]sub[n] yields b[e]sub[n]". The b[p]’s get evaluate from left to right. When the first true b[p] is found, then the conditional expressions returns the b[e] that belongs to the b[p]. math[$(1 < 2 \rightarrow 4, 1 > 2 \rightarrow 3) = 4$ $(2 < 1 \rightarrow 4, 2 > 1 \rightarrow 3, 2 > 1 \rightarrow 2) = 3$ $(2 < 1 \rightarrow 4, T \rightarrow 3) = 3$ $(2 < 1 \rightarrow {0 \over 0}, T \rightarrow 3) = 3$] The whole conditional expressions is undefined: ol[ - if all b[p]'s are false, - if an undefined b[p] occurs before a true b[p] occurs - or if the b[e] that belongs to the first true b[p] is undefined it self ] math[$(2 < 1 \rightarrow 3, 4 < 1 \rightarrow 4) \mbox{ is undefined}$ $({0 \over 0} < 1 \rightarrow 3, 1 < 4 \rightarrow 4) \mbox{ is undefined}$ $(2 < 1 \rightarrow 3, T \rightarrow {0 \over 0} )\mbox{ is undefined}$] ][COND]/* Conditional expressions */ sec[Recursive function definitions][ With the help of conditional expressions it is easy to define recursive functions. The factorial of a non-negative integer b[n] could be described as follows: math[$n! = (n = 0 \rightarrow 1, T \rightarrow n \cdot(n - 1)!)$] The evaluation of 0! returns 1. The evaluation of 2! looks as follows: math[\\begin{eqnarray*} 2! &=& (2 = 0 \\rightarrow 1, T \\rightarrow 2 \\cdot (2 - 1)!)\\\\ &=& 2 \\cdot 1!\\\\ &=& 2 \\cdot (1 = 0 \\rightarrow 1 T \\rightarrow \\cdot (1 - 1)!)\\\\ &=& 2 \\cdot 1 \\cdot 0!\\\\ &=& 2 \\cdot 1 \\cdot (0 = 0 \\rightarrow 1, T \\rightarrow 0\\cdot(0-1)!)\\\\ &=&2\\cdot1\\cdot1\\\\ &=&2 \\end{eqnarray*}] ]/* Recursive function definitions */ sec[Lambda calculus][ The Lambda calculus is a formal notation, which is used in LISP to generate new functions and to use functions as arguments. It was introduced by Alonzo Church in 1941 (see id[ LAMBDA]). Church distinguishes between forms and functions. An expression like im[$y^2 + x$] is a form. An expression like im[$f(3, 4)$ ] a function. im[$y^2 + x$] is not a function because the expression im[$y^2 + x(3, 4)$] does not determine and could turn into 19 or 13. The problem is that the order, in which the arguments 3 and 4 are inserted into the form, is undefined. To convert a form into a function we can write: is $2.50 for the first one, and $2.00 for each additional one math[$\lambda((x_1, \cdots, x_n),\cal E)$] im[$\cal E$] is a form and im[$x_1, \cdots, x_n$] are the ordered parameters for im[$\cal E$]. The λ-expression is a function because the variables in im[$\cal E$] can be substituted with arguments in the order of the parameter list im[$x_1, \cdots, x_n$]. We say that the variables of a λ-expression are bounded. The example from above looks now like this: math[$\lambda((x,y),y^2 +x)$] And with arguments like this: math[$\lambda((x,y),y^2 +x)(3,4) = 19$] If we want to define a recursive function like math[${\rm sqrt}(a,x,\epsilon) = (|x^2 - a| < \epsilon \rightarrow x, T \rightarrow {\rm sqrt}(a, {1 \over 2}(x + {a \over x}),\epsilon))$] in lambda notation math[${\rm sqrt} = \lambda((a,x,\epsilon),(|x^2 - a| < \epsilon \rightarrow x, T\rightarrow {\rm sqrt} (a,{1 \over 2}(x + {a \over x}), \epsilon))),$] we found that these definition is inadequate, because the right-hand side im[$sqrt$] can not serve as an expression for the whole function. Remember, a function would look like im[$sqrt(a,x,ε)$]. In order to define recursive λ-expressions, we must introduce a new notation. math[$label(f,\cal E)$] b[f] can be seen as the function name. The occurrence of b[f] within im[$\cal E$] will be evaluated to the label-expression as if b[f] is a parameter of the function. math[$label(sqrt, \lambda((a,x,\epsilon),(| x^2 - a| < \epsilon \rightarrow x, T \rightarrow {\rm sqrt} (a, {1 \over 2}(x + {a \over x}),\epsilon))))$] ][LAMBDACALCULUS]/* Lambda calculus */ ]/* Mathematical concepts behind Lisp */ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token HackerNews discussions of blockml ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: BlockML – A markup language for scientific documents||05/05/2014|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1602 8
bloom - Programming language bloom ===== bloom is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #1020 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Prototype Bud runtime (Bloom Under Development) - Tags: programming language - bloom is developed on GitHub and has 854 stars - Early development of bloom happened in University of California Berkeley - bloom is written in Ruby, Markdown, YAML - was registered in 2010 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
BLOOMS - Programming language BLOOMS ====== BLOOMS is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3874 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BLOOMS happened in University of Rome and University of Siena - BLOOMS on HOPL BLOOMS on HOPL - Read more about BLOOMS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
BlooP - Esoteric programming language BlooP ===== BlooP is an esoteric programming language created in 1979. 1979 #1042 on PLDB 45 Years Old BlooP and FlooP are simple programming languages designed by Douglas Hofstadter to illustrate a point in his book Gödel, Escher, Bach. BlooP is a non-Turing-complete programming language whose main control flow structure is a bounded loop (i.e. recursion is not permitted). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of BlooP happened in Fluid Analogies Research Group - Explore BlooP snippets on Rosetta Code - BlooP on HOPL BlooP on HOPL DEFINE PROCEDURE ''HELLO-WORLD'' [N]: BLOCK 0: BEGIN PRINT['Hello World'] BLOCK 0: END. HELLO-WORLD[1]; DEFINE PROCEDURE ''ACKERMANN'' [M, N]: BLOCK 0: BEGIN CELL(0) ⇐ M; OUTPUT ⇐ N; CELL(1) ⇐ 0; MU-LOOP: BLOCK 1: BEGIN IF CELL(0) = 0, THEN: BLOCK 2: BEGIN OUTPUT ⇐ OUTPUT + 1; IF CELL(1) = 0, THEN: ABORT LOOP 1; CELL(0) ⇐ TOP [CELL(1)]; CELL(1) ⇐ POP [CELL(1)]; QUIT BLOCK 1; BLOCK 2: END IF OUTPUT = 0, THEN: BLOCK 3: BEGIN OUTPUT ⇐ 1; CELL(0) ⇐ MINUS [CELL(0), 1]; QUIT BLOCK 1; BLOCK 3: END OUTPUT ⇐ MINUS [OUTPUT, 1]; CELL(1) ⇐ PUSH [MINUS [CELL(0), 1], CELL(1)]; BLOCK 1: END; BLOCK 0: END. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 319 1.6
Blox - Programming language Blox ==== Blox is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #3661 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Blox programming language - Tags: programming language - Blox is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Blox is written in C, Markdown, Yacc, Lex, Make, Bourne shell print(1+2*3/4) print(3.0-1.5) print(1 > 0) print(1 < 0) print(1 >= 0) print(1 <= 0) print(1 == 0) print(1 != 0) print(not TRUE and FALSE or TRUE) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Blue - Programming language Blue ==== Blue is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #2620 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Blue happened in IBM - Blue on HOPL Blue on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
blue - Programming language blue ==== blue is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2843 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of blue happened in IBM - blue on HOPL blue on HOPL - Read more about blue on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Blueprints - Visual programming language Blueprints ========== Blueprints is a visual programming language created in 2014. 2014 #3004 on PLDB 10 Years Old Blueprints is the visual scripting system inside Unreal Engine 4 and is a fast way to start prototyping your game. - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of Blueprints happened in Epic Games Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Bluespec - Programming language Bluespec ======== Bluespec is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #869 on PLDB 24 Years Old 275 Repos Bluespec, Inc. is a semiconductor tool design company co-founded by Prof. Arvind of MIT in June 2003. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 275 Bluespec repos on GitHub - Early development of Bluespec happened in Bluespec, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 32 users using Bluespec in 51 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Bluespec - See also: (2 related languages) Haskell, SystemVerilog package TbTL; import TL::*; interface Lamp; method Bool changed; method Action show_offs; method Action show_ons; method Action reset; endinterface module mkLamp#(String name, Bool lamp)(Lamp); Reg#(Bool) prev <- mkReg(False); method changed = (prev != lamp); method Action show_offs; if (prev && !lamp) $write (name + " off, "); endmethod method Action show_ons; if (!prev && lamp) $write (name + " on, "); endmethod method Action reset; prev <= lamp; endmethod endmodule (* synthesize *) module mkTest(); let dut <- sysTL; Reg#(Bit#(16)) ctr <- mkReg(0); Reg#(Bool) carN <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) carS <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) carE <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) carW <- mkReg(False); Lamp lamps[12]; lamps[0] <- mkLamp("0: NS red ", dut.lampRedNS); lamps[1] <- mkLamp("1: NS amber", dut.lampAmberNS); lamps[2] <- mkLamp("2: NS green", dut.lampGreenNS); lamps[3] <- mkLamp("3: E red ", dut.lampRedE); lamps[4] <- mkLamp("4: E amber", dut.lampAmberE); lamps[5] <- mkLamp("5: E green", dut.lampGreenE); lamps[6] <- mkLamp("6: W red ", dut.lampRedW); lamps[7] <- mkLamp("7: W amber", dut.lampAmberW); lamps[8] <- mkLamp("8: W green", dut.lampGreenW); lamps[9] <- mkLamp("9: Ped red ", dut.lampRedPed); lamps[10] <- mkLamp("10: Ped amber", dut.lampAmberPed); lamps[11] <- mkLamp("11: Ped green", dut.lampGreenPed); rule start (ctr == 0); $dumpvars; endrule rule detect_cars; dut.set_car_state_N(carN); dut.set_car_state_S(carS); dut.set_car_state_E(carE); dut.set_car_state_W(carW); endrule rule go; ctr <= ctr + 1; if (ctr == 5000) carN <= True; if (ctr == 6500) carN <= False; if (ctr == 12_000) dut.ped_button_push; endrule rule stop (ctr > 32768); $display("TESTS FINISHED"); $finish(0); endrule function do_offs(l) = l.show_offs; function do_ons(l) = l.show_ons; function do_reset(l) = l.reset; function do_it(f); action for (Integer i=0; i<12; i=i+1) f(lamps[i]); endaction endfunction function any_changes(); Bool b = False; for (Integer i=0; i<12; i=i+1) b = b || lamps[i].changed; return b; endfunction rule show (any_changes()); do_it(do_offs); do_it(do_ons); do_it(do_reset); $display("(at time %d)", $time); endrule endmodule endpackage Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 591 3
blur-markup-language - Text markup language blur-markup-language ==================== blur-markup-language is a text markup language created in 2017 by Andrew Yoon. 2017 Andrew Yoon #1804 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Write text that changes! - Tags: text markup language - blur-markup-language is developed on GitHub and has 26 stars - Early development of blur-markup-language happened in - blur-markup-language is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, HTML, YAML - was registered in 2018 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
blz - Programming language blz === blz is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1688 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone An open source programming language - Tags: programming language - blz is developed on GitHub and has 23 stars - blz is written in Java, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, Python, XML, YAML, Dockerfile, CSV, Bash import Lists :main # Print cubes of even numbers evens = range(1000).filter!(x -> x % 2 == 0) print(!(x -> x ** 3) end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
BMD - Programming language BMD === BMD is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #3342 on PLDB 63 Years Old Biomedical Computer Programs for Data Description and Statistical Analyses - Tags: programming language - Early development of BMD happened in University of California Los Angeles - BMD on HOPL BMD on HOPL - Read more about BMD on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
bml - Data notation bml === bml is a data notation created in 2014. 2014 #3875 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: dataNotation - Read more about bml on the web: 1. 1. server path: /core/www/ host: port: 80 service: true proxy host: port: 8080 authentication: plain description :Primary web-facing server :Provides commerce-related functionality server ... proxy host="" port="8080" authentication: plain Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
BMP file format - Binary data format BMP file format =============== BMP file format is a binary data format created in 2000. 2000 #2368 on PLDB 24 Years Old The BMP file format, also known as bitmap image file or device independent bitmap (DIB) file format or simply a bitmap, is a raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images, independently of the display device (such as a graphics adapter), especially on Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems. The BMP file format is capable of storing two-dimensional digital images both monochrome and color, in various color depths, and optionally with data compression, alpha channels, and color profiles. The Windows Metafile (WMF) specification covers the BMP file format. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of BMP file format happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
BNF - Grammar language BNF === BNF, aka Backus–Naur Form, is a grammar language created in 1956 by John Backus and Peter Naur. 1956 John Backus Peter Naur #646 on PLDB 68 Years Old In computer science, Backus–Naur form or Backus normal form (BNF) is a notation technique for context-free grammars, often used to describe the syntax of languages used in computing, such as computer programming languages, document formats, instruction sets and communication protocols. They are applied wherever exact descriptions of languages are needed: for instance, in official language specifications, in manuals, and in textbooks on programming language theory. Many extensions and variants of the original Backus–Naur notation are used; some are exactly defined, including extended Backus–Naur form (EBNF) and augmented Backus–Naur form (ABNF).. Read more on Wikipedia...–Naur_form Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of BNF happened in IBM - BNF on HOPL BNF on HOPL - ANTLR grammar for BNF - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for BNF - See also: (18 related languages) ALGOL 58, Algol, ALGOL 60, Compiler-Compiler, Yacc, SYMBOL, ASCII, Regular Expressions, PL/I, PEG, ANTLR, Java, Haskell, Coco/R, GOLD, Bison, XPL, ISBN - 1 PLDB concepts link to BNF: Parsers <syntax> ::= <rule> | <rule> <syntax> <rule> ::= <opt-whitespace> "<" <rule-name> ">" <opt-whitespace> "::=" <opt-whitespace> <expression> <line-end> <opt-whitespace> ::= " " <opt-whitespace> | "" <expression> ::= <list> | <list> <opt-whitespace> "|" <opt-whitespace> <expression> <line-end> ::= <opt-whitespace> <EOL> | <line-end> <line-end> <list> ::= <term> | <term> <opt-whitespace> <list> <term> ::= <literal> | "<" <rule-name> ">" <literal> ::= '"' <text1> '"' | "'" <text2> "'" <text1> ::= "" | <character1> <text1> <text2> ::= "" | <character2> <text2> <character> ::= <letter> | <digit> | <symbol> <letter> ::= "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" <digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" <symbol> ::= "|" | " " | "-" | "!" | "#" | "TEMPLATEquot; | "%" | "&" | "(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | "-" | "." | "/" | ":" | ";" | ">" | "=" | "<" | "?" | "@" | "[" | "\" | "]" | "^" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "}" | "~" <character1> ::= <character> | "'" <character2> ::= <character> | '"' <rule-name> ::= <letter> | <rule-name> <rule-char> <rule-char> ::= <letter> | <digit> | "-" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 783 3.9
boa - Minilanguage boa === boa is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #1976 on PLDB 11 Years Old object-oriented, eager, first-class functions, dynamic types, extensible objects - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of boa happened in University of Ljubljana - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for boa - Read more about boa on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Bob - Programming language Bob === Bob is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3876 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Bob on HOPL Bob on HOPL - Read more about Bob on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
bog - Programming language bog === bog is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #623 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Small, strongly typed, embeddable language. - Tags: programming language - bog is developed on GitHub and has 531 stars - Early development of bog happened in - bog is written in Zig, Markdown, C, YAML let {print} = import "" let world = "world" print(f"hello {world}!") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported ✓ Example let {print} = import "" let foo = fn() print("foo started") let bar_frame = async bar() print("in foo") let bar_res = await bar_frame print("foo finished") return bar_res let bar = fn() print("bar started") suspend print("bar resumed") suspend print("bar finished") return 1 print("main started") let foo_frame = async foo() print("in main") let res = await foo_frame print("main finished:", res) Token row Feature hasForLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForLoops.html Supported ✓ Example let mut sum = 0 for let c in "hellö wörld" match c "h" => sum += 1 "e" => sum += 2 "l" => sum += 3 "ö" => sum += 4 "w" => sum += 5 "d" => sum += 6 Token row Feature hasTryCatch FeatureLink ../features/hasTryCatch.html Supported ✓ Example let foo = fn(arg) try fails_on_1(arg) fails_on_2(arg) fails_on_3(arg) catch let err return err return 99 Token row Feature Destructuring FeatureLink ../features/hasDestructuring.html Supported ✓ Example let add = fn ((a,b)) a + b let tuplify = fn (a,b) (a,b) return add(tuplify(1,2)) # 3 Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example let {print} = import "" Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "pldb" Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example let pldb = "pldb" Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 373 1.9
BOIL - Programming language BOIL ==== BOIL is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3877 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BOIL happened in netEstate GmbH - BOIL on HOPL BOIL on HOPL - Read more about BOIL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Bolin - Programming language Bolin ===== Bolin is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #3878 on PLDB 2 Years Old Bolin - A compiler friends and I wrote - Tags: programming language - Read more about Bolin on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
BOLT - Programming language BOLT ==== BOLT is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3089 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BOLT happened in American Microsystems, Inc - BOLT on HOPL BOLT on HOPL - Read more about BOLT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Bon - Programming language Bon === Bon is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #2949 on PLDB 57 Years Old Bon was a programming language created by Ken Thompson while he worked on the MULTICS operating system. Bon was named either after Thompson's wife Bonnie or else, after "a religion whose rituals involve the murmuring of magic formulas" (a reference to the Tibetan native religion Bön). - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bon happened in Bell Labs - Read more about Bon on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Boo - Programming language Boo === Boo is an open source programming language created in 2003 by Rodrigo B. De Oliveira. 2003 Rodrigo B. De Oliveira #370 on PLDB 21 Years Old 232 Repos Boo is an object-oriented, statically typed, general-purpose programming language that seeks to make use of the Common Language Infrastructure's support for Unicode, internationalization, and web applications, while using a Python-inspired syntax and a special focus on language and compiler extensibility. Some features of note include type inference, generators, multimethods, optional duck typing, macros, true closures, currying, and first-class functions. Boo was one of the three scripting languages for the Unity game engine (Unity Technologies employed De Oliveira), until it was dropped in 2014 due to small userbase. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 232 Boo repos on GitHub - Early development of Boo happened in The Boo Programming Language - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 208 users using Boo in 241 repos on GitHub - There are 23 Project Euler users using Boo - Explore Boo snippets on Rosetta Code - Boo appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Boo - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Boo - See also: (10 related languages) C#, Python, Genie, Vala, Unicode, Unity, Fantom, Groovy, Nemerle, REBOL print "Hello, world!" print "Hello World" # Hello World in Boo print "Hello World" def fib(): a, b = 0L, 1L # The 'L's make the numbers double word length (typically 64 bits) while true: yield b a, b = b, a + b # Print the first 5 numbers in the series: for index as int, element in zip(range(5), fib()): print("${index+1}: ${element}") Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([fF][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0x[a-fA-F0-9]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0\d+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 506 2.5
Boogie - Programming language Boogie ====== Boogie is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1883 on PLDB 16 Years Old 21 Repos The Boogie IVL (intermediate verification language) is a simple language designed for verification which was originally created by Microsoft Research. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 21 Boogie repos on GitHub - Early development of Boogie happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4 users using Boogie in 4 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Boogie // Variable a is a nested map that maps // integers to a map that maps 32-bit wide bitvectors // to booleans. var a:[int][bv32]bool; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Boomerang Decompiler - Decompiler Boomerang Decompiler ==================== Boomerang Decompiler is a decompiler created in 2002. 2002 #1483 on PLDB 22 Years Old git clone Boomerang Decompiler - Fighting the code-rot :) - Tags: decompiler - Boomerang Decompiler is developed on GitHub and has 369 stars - Early development of Boomerang Decompiler happened in Queensland University of Technology - Boomerang Decompiler is written in C++, C, CMake, Assembly language, Markdown, Haskell, Qt, YAML, Bourne shell, sed, Yacc, Python, Lex, FORTRAN 77, PowerShell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Boost C++ libraries - Library Boost C++ libraries =================== Boost C++ libraries is a library created in 1998. 1998 #2804 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: library - Early development of Boost C++ libraries happened in - was registered in 1998 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
Booster - Programming language Booster ======= Booster is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3879 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Booster happened in TN0 Institute of Applied Computer Science and Delft University of Technology - Booster on HOPL Booster on HOPL - Read more about Booster on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Borneo - Programming language Borneo ====== Borneo is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3880 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Borneo happened in University of California Berkeley - Borneo on HOPL Borneo on HOPL - Read more about Borneo on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Boron - Programming language Boron ===== Boron is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Karl Robillard. 2009 Karl Robillard #1504 on PLDB 15 Years Old Boron is a scripting language similar to REBOL. The interpreter is a C library which may be copied under the terms of the LGPLv3. - Tags: programming language - REBOL influenced the design of Boron Language features ====================================================== row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" {He said "That looks good!"} Token " { } {{ }} row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example {{ Line 1 Line 2 }} Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print probe row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example my-list: [1 two 3.0 "four"] Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example catch [throw 22 print "You'll never see this."] if error? try [read %does_not_exist] [print "File not found"] Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example write %helloworld.txt "Hello, world!^/" Token row Feature Shebang FeatureLink ../features/canDoShebang.html Supported ✓ Example #!/usr/bin/env boron Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 316 1.6
bosque - Programming language bosque ====== bosque is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #634 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine assisted rapid and reliable software development lifecycle. - Tags: programming language - bosque is developed on GitHub and has 5,254 stars - Early development of bosque happened in Microsoft - bosque is written in TypeScript, Markdown, JSON, C++, JavaScript, SVG, Elm, YAML namespace NSMain; entrypoint function main(): String { return "Hello World"; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Bossam Rule Language - Query language Bossam Rule Language ==================== Bossam Rule Language is a query language created in 2004. 2004 #3343 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Bossam Rule Language happened in Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute - See also: (2 related languages) OWL, RDF - Read more about Bossam Rule Language on the web: 1. 1. prefix family =; namespace =; rule r1 is if family:isFatherOf(?x,?y) and family:isBrotherOf(?z,? then family:isUncleOf(?z,?y); fact f1 is family:isFatherOf(John,Bob); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
Bounce - Programming language Bounce ====== Bounce is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #1929 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Visual Programming System For Esp8266 running NodeMCU - Tags: programming language - Bounce is developed on GitHub and has 55 stars - Early development of Bounce happened in - Bounce is written in CSS, JavaScript, SCSS, Less, Markdown, Lua, SVG, HTML, YAML, XML, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Bounce - Programming language Bounce ====== Bounce is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3881 on PLDB 30 Years Old Bounce is a real time visual data flow programming language, designed to create interactive graphical simulations, and to filter and control midi, serial, ethernet, and other devices. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bounce happened in Levity Systems - Bounce on HOPL Bounce on HOPL - Read more about Bounce on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
Bourne shell - Programming language Bourne shell ============ Bourne shell is a programming language created in 1977 by Stephen Bourne. 1977 Stephen Bourne #244 on PLDB 47 Years Old The Bourne shell (sh) is a shell, or command-line interpreter, for computer operating systems. The Bourne shell was the default shell for Version 7 Unix. Most Unix-like systems continue to have /bin/sh—which will be the Bourne shell, or a symbolic link or hard link to a compatible shell—even when other shells are used by most users. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bourne shell happened in Bell Telephone - There are 85 Project Euler users using Bourne shell - Bourne shell on HOPL Bourne shell on HOPL - Bourne shell appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) Unix, ALGOL 68, C, Almquist shell, Bash, Rc, Linux - 581 PLDB concepts link to Bourne shell: Aardvark, Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, Adept, Alma, Alpaca, Alumina, Amber, ana, Apache Hbase, aplette, aretext, Argdown, Ark, ArkScript, arret, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, asterius-compiler, atomspace, AT Protocol, Austral, Avail, Ballerina, bamboo, Bash, Basis Codec, Battlestar, Bazel, beef-lang, Berry, Bicep, binaryen, Bio, Blech, BlitzMax, blockml, Blox, blz, Boomerang Decompiler, bpkg-pm, Bruijn, Bucardo, Bucklescript, C2, C3, Calc4, Calcit, Calypso, candor, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, carp, carth, Catala, Céu, Ceylon, chaiscript, Chapel, chevrotain, chibicc, CHICKEN, Chika, chrysaLisp, circle-lang, cityhash-hash-function, Civet, Claro, clash, clay, Click, cloc, Clojure, ClojureScript, co2, codecept, CoffeeKup, CokeScript, comby, CWL,, Coq, cor, Cortex, CouchDB, Crema, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, CSpydr, CSVw, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, D3.js, Dafny, Dale, Dasel, Dasm, dat-protocol, datafun, datascript, DDP, dedukti, Dern, dexvis, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, dllup, Dogescript, dplyr, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, dub-pm, duro, dyvil, Easybuild, eC, Embedded Crystal, Edina, eff, egel, Eiffel, Elixir, Elm, Elvish, elymas, Emojicode, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, erg, Erlang, Euphoria, EYG, F Prime, FaCT, Factor, Fancy, Fardlang, fay, fe, Felix, femtolisp, Fennel, fetlang, FFmpeg, firrtl, fish, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, fleck, FLEX, Flix, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, flua, fork-lang, Forsp, Frege, F*, Futhark, G-Portugol, GamerLanguage, GAP, GN, Gforth, GHC, Git, Gleam, Glicol, GLMS, gluon, Go, gogs-editor, Golo, Gradle, gravity, grid-notation, gridstudio-editor, groff, Gun, gura, Gwion, Hackett, hacspec, hakaru, HAL Format, Halide, hamler, Hare, harlan, hasklig, haste, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, HCL, Hera, HHVM, hobbes, Homa, Homebrew, Hook, htmx, huginn, hurl, Hush, HuwCode, HyPhy, I, Ibis, icarus, Idris, Imba, ImHex, Impala, ink, inko, invokator, ircis, Iterm2, Invisible XML, J, Jakt, JAL compiler, Janet, Jank, jasmine, Java, jayfor, Jemplate, JFlex, Jinja, jinx, jonprl, jq, JSON Query Language, JQuery, jsil-compiler, JSLT, JSON-LD, json->url, Jsonnet, jsparagus, Jule, Julia, juniper, juvix, k-framework, kai, kaitai, Kakoune, KaTeX, Kefir, Keras, kerf, kitlang, Knight, ko, Koka, kona, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, lambda-zero, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, Lawvere, ldpl, Lean, lem-editor, leo-editor, Lesma, lift, Ligo, Lil, LinearML, Links, Linux, LiteScript, little, lobster, Lodash, Luna, Lux, LWJGL, m3db, mages, mal, Mangle, Manim, manool, Mapgen, Markus, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Matplotlib, Melody, mermaid, Metalang99, Mewl, MewMew, mgmt, ΜC++, micro-editor, micro-mitten, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, Minilang, Mirah, mirth, mlpolyr, mochi, Moirai, Mojo, Monaco Editor, MongoDB, MonkeyX, MoonScript, mountain, moya, Mu, Mudlle, mun-lang, mycroft, myia, mys, mythryl, Nadesiko, NCAR Command Language, Nearley, neeilang, Neko, nesC, NestedText, NetLogo, neut, never, newclay, NewLisp, Nextflow, NGS, nianiolang, Nim, Ninja, Nit, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, noms-db, Noweb, Not Quite C, Numba, Nushell, ObjectScript, Observable Framework, Obsidian, oden, odin, ohm, oil, OK, Om, onnx, ooc, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, OpenNN, OpenComal, OpenCV, OpenRC runscript, Openverse, orca-pl, orca, Oxyl, P*, P, Pact, Pandas, partiql, PCRE, penrose, Perl, PgBouncer, Pharen, Phel, PHP, Plaid, plam, Please Build, GNU Poke, polyglot-compiler, popr, Porffor, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, Prettier, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche-c, psyche, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, QOIR, Qore, Quint, Racket, Ragel, rainbow, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, ramen, RapidBatch, React Native, Reason, Recfiles, Red, Redis, redprl, reforth, Reia, Ren-C, RetDec, Revolution, rhine, Rholang, RicScript, RMarkdown, Roc, rosie, Roslyn compiler, Rouge, roy, ru, Ruby, Rust, SandDance, SATySFi, Savi, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, SciPy, score, Scryer Prolog, Seq, Serious, setlx, shill, shiv, shml, sile, silk, sill, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slony, Smali, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Solidity, souper, SourcePawn, Spatial, SpiderBasic, spry, squiggle, Squire, starlark, Stencil, stoneknifeforth, Streem, Sugar, Superjson, svgbob, SWI Prolog, Swift, swizzle, SymPy, tablam, Taichi, tamgu, Tao, tao3d, tbox-lib, tea, TensorFlow, Terra, Textadept, tht, tibet, tiledb, Tiny C Compiler, Typed Lua, tldr, tldraw, TMTP, Toi, topshell, tornado, TreeSheets, Triton, truck, Truth, txtzyme, TypeScript, UCG, UCL, ultralisp-pm, Umka, Uno, UrWeb, V, v8, Vale, Vale, Vcpkg, vega-editor-app, Vega, Veryl, video, Vimwiki, Virgil, VLC, VSXu, vyper, Vyxal, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wasp, Wax, Wing, WLambda, Wonkey, Worst, Wren, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, xodio, xsv-app, Ecstasy, Xtext, xxl, Yakou Lang, YAMP, YANG, YARA, Yet Another Scripting Language, YAWL, yeti, Yes It Is, Z-flat, Zephir, Zig, zl, zolang, Zot, zz Language features ====================================================== row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Shebang FeatureLink ../features/canDoShebang.html Supported ✓ Example #!/bin/sh -x Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 937 4.7
Boxer - Programming language Boxer ===== Boxer is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3882 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Boxer happened in National Science Foundation and DARPA - Boxer on HOPL Boxer on HOPL - Read more about Boxer on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Boxx - Programming language Boxx ==== Boxx is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4886 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
BPEL - Xml format BPEL ==== BPEL, aka Business Process Execution Language, is a xml format created in 2001. 2001 #1281 on PLDB 23 Years Old The Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL), commonly known as BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), is an OASIS standard executable language for specifying actions within business processes with web services. Processes in BPEL export and import information by using web service interfaces exclusively.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of BPEL happened in OASIS - See also: (5 related languages) BPML, WSDL, XPath, BPMN, YAWL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
bpkg-pm - Package manager bpkg-pm ======= bpkg-pm is a package manager created in 2017 by Joseph Werle. 2017 Joseph Werle #570 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Lightweight bash package manager - Tags: packageManager - bpkg-pm is developed on GitHub and has 1,888 stars - Early development of bpkg-pm happened in The bpkg Team - bpkg-pm is written in Bourne shell, Markdown, JSON, Make, YAML, Bash - was registered in 2017 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
BPL - Programming language BPL === BPL is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3883 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BPL happened in Heriot-Watt University - BPL on HOPL BPL on HOPL - Read more about BPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BPMN - Visual programming language BPMN ==== BPMN, aka Business Process Model and Notation, is a visual programming language created in 2004. 2004 #806 on PLDB 20 Years Old Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a graphical representation for specifying business processes in a business process model. Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) developed BPMN, which has been maintained by the Object Management Group since the two organizations merged in 2005. Version 2.0 of BPMN was released in January 2011, at which point the name was adapted to Business Process Model and Notation as execution semantics were also introduced alongside the notational and diagramming elements.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of BPMN happened in Business Process Management Initiative and Object Management Group - See also: (4 related languages) UML, BPEL, XML, YAWL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Basic Petri Net Programming Notation - Programming language Basic Petri Net Programming Notation ==================================== Basic Petri Net Programming Notation is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3884 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Basic Petri Net Programming Notation happened in Universit/it Hildesheim and Newcastle University - Basic Petri Net Programming Notation on HOPL Basic Petri Net Programming Notation on HOPL - Read more about Basic Petri Net Programming Notation on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
BQN - Programming language BQN === BQN, aka Big Questions Notation, is a programming language created in 2020 by Marshall Lochbaum. 2020 Marshall Lochbaum #419 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone An APL-like programming language. Self-hosted! - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - BQN is developed on GitHub and has 867 stars - Early development of BQN happened in - APL influenced the design of BQN - BQN is written in BQN, HTML, Markdown, Vim script, JavaScript, XML, AutoHotkey, CSS, SVG - Explore BQN snippets on Rosetta Code - 1 PLDB concepts link to BQN: BQN #! /usr/bin/env bqn # Case conversion utilities case ← { diff ← -´ "Aa" Lower ⇐ -⟜diff Upper ⇐ Lower⁼ } hw ← <˘ 2‿∘ ⥊ "helloworld" hw case.Upper⌾(⊑¨)↩ •Out hw ↩ ∾ ⥊⍉ [hw, ", "‿"!"] # Hello, World! # Split at spaces and repeated characters Split ← { !1==𝕩 ⋄ (!2=•Type)¨𝕩 Proc ← { · 𝕊 ' ': spl⇐1 ; # Space: break and delete it prev Fn cur: ⟨spl,str⟩⇐ spl←0 ⋄ str←⟨cur⟩ # Include and don't break... { prev=cur ? spl+↩1 ; @ } # except at equal characters } GV‿GS ← {𝕏¨}¨ ⟨ {⟨s⇐str⟩:s;""} {𝕩.spl} ⟩ r ← Proc{»𝔽¨⊢} 𝕩 (∾¨ GV ⊔˜ ·+`GS) r } •Show Split hw # ⟨ "Hel" "lo," "World!" ⟩ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
brackets-editor - Editor brackets-editor =============== brackets-editor is an editor created in 2012. 2012 #5026 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Brain-Flak - Esoteric programming language Brain-Flak ========== Brain-Flak is an esoteric programming language created in 2016 by DJMcMayhem. 2016 DJMcMayhem #1492 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A minimalist esolang - Tags: esoteric programming language - Brain-Flak is developed on GitHub and has 86 stars - Early development of Brain-Flak happened in - Brain-Flak is written in Ruby, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Brainfuck - Esoteric programming language Brainfuck ========= Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller. 1993 Urban Müller #92 on PLDB 31 Years Old 2k Repos Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller, and notable for its extreme minimalism. The language consists of only eight simple commands and an instruction pointer. While it is fully Turing-complete, it is not intended for practical use, but to challenge and amuse programmers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - There are at least 1,631 Brainfuck repos on GitHub - Early development of Brainfuck happened in Sentience Politics - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 790 users using Brainfuck in 832 repos on GitHub - Brainfuck Ubuntu package Brainfuck Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Brainfuck - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Brainfuck - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Brainfuck - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Brainfuck - Brainfuck appears in the Quine Relay project - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Brainfuck - See also: (2 related languages) ASCII, C - 9 PLDB concepts link to Brainfuck: beef-lang, cloc, CSpydr, DDP, HyPhy, Nit, Porffor, Pygments, semicolon ++++++++ [ >++++ [ >++ >+++ >+++ >+ <<<<- ] >+ >+ >- >>+ [<] <- ] >>. >---. +++++++..+++. >>. <-. <. +++.------.--------. >>+. >++. -[------->+<]>-.-[->+++++<]>++.+++++++..+++.[--->+<]>-----.---[->+++<]>.-[--->+<]>---.+++.------.--------. Hello World in Brainfuck ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++ ..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+. // Hello World ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++. -,+[ Read first character and start outer character reading loop -[ Skip forward if character is 0 >>++++[>++++++++<-] Set up divisor (32) for division loop (MEMORY LAYOUT: dividend copy remainder divisor quotient zero zero) <+<-[ Set up dividend (x minus 1) and enter division loop >+>+>-[>>>] Increase copy and remainder / reduce divisor / Normal case: skip forward <[[>+<-]>>+>] Special case: move remainder back to divisor and increase quotient <<<<<- Decrement dividend ] End division loop ]>>>[-]+ End skip loop; zero former divisor and reuse space for a flag >--[-[<->+++[-]]]<[ Zero that flag unless quotient was 2 or 3; zero quotient; check flag ++++++++++++<[ If flag then set up divisor (13) for second division loop (MEMORY LAYOUT: zero copy dividend divisor remainder quotient zero zero) >-[>+>>] Reduce divisor; Normal case: increase remainder >[+[<+>-]>+>>] Special case: increase remainder / move it back to divisor / increase quotient <<<<<- Decrease dividend ] End division loop >>[<+>-] Add remainder back to divisor to get a useful 13 >[ Skip forward if quotient was 0 -[ Decrement quotient and skip forward if quotient was 1 -<<[-]>> Zero quotient and divisor if quotient was 2 ]<<[<<->>-]>> Zero divisor and subtract 13 from copy if quotient was 1 ]<<[<<+>>-] Zero divisor and add 13 to copy if quotient was 0 ] End outer skip loop (jump to here if ((character minus 1)/32) was not 2 or 3) <[-] Clear remainder from first division if second division was skipped <.[-] Output ROT13ed character from copy and clear it <-,+ Read next character ] End character reading loop Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 662 3.3
Breccia - Text markup language Breccia ======= Breccia is a text markup language created in 2019 by Michael Allan. 2019 Michael Allan #2074 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Lightweight markup for point-form outlining and drafting. (mirror) - Tags: text markup language - Breccia is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of Breccia happened in reluk - Breccia is written in Markdown Definition of terms for project Breccia : see also @ - A containment operator. : see `^^containment clauseimportOnly Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
BridgeTalk - Programming language BridgeTalk ========== BridgeTalk is a programming language created in 1987 by Jeffrey G. Bonar and Blaise W. Liffick. 1987 Jeffrey G. Bonar Blaise W. Liffick #2844 on PLDB 37 Years Old A Visual Programming Language for Novices - Tags: programming language - Early development of BridgeTalk happened in Defense Technical Information Center - BridgeTalk on HOPL BridgeTalk on HOPL - Read more about BridgeTalk on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
BrightScript - Programming language BrightScript ============ BrightScript is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3005 on PLDB 16 Years Old BrightScript is a powerful scripting language for building media and networked applications for embedded devices. This language features integrated support for a lightweight library of BrightScript objects, which are used to expose the API of the platform (device) that is running BrightScript. The BrightScript language connects generalized script functionality with underlying components for networking, media playback, UI screens, and interactive interfaces; BrightScript is optimized for generating user-friendly applications with minimal programmer effort. Now part of Roku. - Tags: programming language - Early development of BrightScript happened in Atlassian REM REM The game of Snake REM demonstrates BrightScript programming concepts REM June 22, 2008 REM REM Every BrightScript program must have a single Main() REM Sub Main() game_board=newGameBoard() While true game_board.SetSnake(newSnake(game_board.StartX(), game_board.StartY())) game_board.Draw() game_board.EventLoop() if game_board.GameOver() then ExitWhile End While End Sub Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
Brisk - Programming language Brisk ===== Brisk is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3885 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Brisk happened in University of Bristol - Brisk on HOPL Brisk on HOPL - Read more about Brisk on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BRL - Programming language BRL === BRL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3670 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BRL happened in MIT - BRL on HOPL BRL on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Bro - Programming language Bro === Bro, aka Big Red One, is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #864 on PLDB 30 Years Old 1k Repos Bro's domain-specific scripting language enables site-specific monitoring policies. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,383 Bro repos on GitHub - Early development of Bro happened in Lawrence Berkeley National Lab - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 122 users using Bro in 149 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Bro - was registered in 2002 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Broccoli - Programming language Broccoli ======== Broccoli is a programming language created in 2020 by CoconutMacaroon. 2020 CoconutMacaroon #2427 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A simple programming language based on the board game Robot Turtles (Kickstarter edition) - Tags: programming language - Broccoli is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of Broccoli happened in - Broccoli is written in CMake, C, XML, Make, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Broccoli - Esoteric programming language Broccoli ======== Broccoli is an esoteric programming language created in 2022 by Mathieu CAROFF. 2022 Mathieu CAROFF #2224 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Interpreter for the concatenative programming language Broccoli - Tags: esoteric programming language - Broccoli is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of Broccoli happened in IMT Atlantique - Broccoli is written in TypeScript, HTML, JSON, Markdown, YAML, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Broccoli - Programming language Broccoli ======== Broccoli is a programming language created in 2008 by Fogus. 2008 Fogus #2604 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone An interpreter for the broccoli 0.0.x language: - Tags: programming language - Broccoli is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Early development of Broccoli happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
brooks-programming-language - Programming language brooks-programming-language =========================== brooks-programming-language is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #4787 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of brooks-programming-language happened in Brandenburg University of Technology - Read more about brooks-programming-language on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
BrouHaHa - Programming language BrouHaHa ======== BrouHaHa is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3886 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BrouHaHa happened in Queen Mary College - BrouHaHa on HOPL BrouHaHa on HOPL - Read more about BrouHaHa on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
BRUIN - Programming language BRUIN ===== BRUIN, aka Brown University Interactive Language, is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #2630 on PLDB 56 Years Old Brown University Interactive Language (BRUIN) was an introductory programming language developed at Brown University in the late 1960s. It operated in the IBM 360, and was similar to PL/1. The abstract of R. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BRUIN happened in Brown University - BRUIN on HOPL BRUIN on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) JOSS, DOI Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Bruijn - Programming language Bruijn ====== Bruijn is a programming language created in 2022 by Marvin Borner. 2022 Marvin Borner #1802 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Functional programming language based on pure de Bruijn indexed lambda calculus. Lambdas all the way down. No primitive functions. - Tags: programming language, lisp - Bruijn compiles to Binary Lambda Calculus - Bruijn is written in Markdown, Haskell, Bourne shell, CSS, YAML, JavaScript, Vim script, Python, HTML, XML - First announcement of Bruijn pow [index (iterate (mul 0) (+1))] …**… pow :test ((+2) ** (+3) =? (+8)) (true) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
bscript-interpreter - Interpreter bscript-interpreter =================== bscript-interpreter is an interpreter created in 1999. 1999 #4602 on PLDB 25 Years Old BScript is a (yet another) BASIC interpreter. - Tags: interpreter Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 87 0.4
BScript - Programming language BScript ======= BScript is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4603 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - BScript on HOPL BScript on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
BSML - Programming language BSML ==== BSML is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3887 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BSML happened in University of Orléans and Huawei Technologies - BSML on HOPL BSML on HOPL - Read more about BSML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
BSP - Programming language BSP === BSP is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3888 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BSP happened in Queen's University and University of Oxford - BSP on HOPL BSP on HOPL - Read more about BSP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Bucardo - Application Bucardo ======= Bucardo is an open source application created in 2009 by Jon Jensen. 2009 Jon Jensen #562 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Bucardo is an asynchronous PostgreSQL replication system, allowing for multi-source, multi-target operations. Bucardo is a replication system for Postgres that supports any number of sources and targets (aka masters and slaves). It is asynchronous and trigger based. - Tags: application - Bucardo is developed on GitHub and has 733 stars - Early development of Bucardo happened in - Bucardo is written in Perl, HTML, YAML, Bourne shell, Bash, Diff - See also: (4 related languages) PostgreSQL, SQL, PL/pgSQL, Perl - Read more about Bucardo on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Bucklescript - Programming language Bucklescript ============ Bucklescript is a programming language created in 2010 by Evan Martin. 2010 Evan Martin #601 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone The compiler for ReScript. - Tags: programming language - Bucklescript is developed on GitHub and has 6,621 stars - Early development of Bucklescript happened in ReScript Association - Bucklescript is written in Rescript, JavaScript, OCaml, TypeScript, JSON, C++, Markdown, Bourne shell, Python, YAML, AsciiDoc, C, CSS, Make, XSLT, Lisp, Vim script, HTML, SVG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
BuddyScript - Programming language BuddyScript =========== BuddyScript is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1663 on PLDB 22 Years Old BuddyScript is a domain-specific language originally developed by ActiveBuddy. The main purpose of the language is to be able to process natural language queries and return results in natural language form. It was the core language for the SmarterChild and Windows Live Agents which were IM/Web based robots. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BuddyScript happened in ActiveBuddy - See also: (1 related languages) Python =AnythingPerfect - Hello World # Hello World in BuddyScript + =AnythingPerfect - Hello, world! Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
BUGSYS - Programming language BUGSYS ====== BUGSYS is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3889 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BUGSYS happened in National Biomedical Research Foundation - BUGSYS on HOPL BUGSYS on HOPL - Read more about BUGSYS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
BullFrog - Esoteric programming language BullFrog ======== BullFrog is an esoteric programming language created in 2005. 2005 #4912 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - BullFrog on HOPL BullFrog on HOPL - BullFrog on Esolang BullFrog on Esolang Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
Bun - Virtual machine Bun === Bun is a virtual machine created in 2021 by Jarred Sumner. 2021 Jarred Sumner #201 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Bundle, transpile, install and run JavaScript & TypeScript projects — all in Bun. Bun is a new JavaScript runtime with a native bundler, transpiler, task runner and npm client built-in. - Tags: virtual machine - Bun is developed on GitHub and has 72,307 stars - Bun is written in TOML, JavaScript, Dockerfile - was registered in 2021 - See also: (2 related languages) Deno, v8 - Read more about Bun on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
BUSH - Programming language BUSH ==== BUSH is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2699 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of BUSH happened in PegaSoft - BUSH on HOPL BUSH on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Business application language - Programming language Business application language ============================= Business application language is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3223 on PLDB 50 Years Old Business Application Language (BAL) refers to one of many offshoots of the BASIC language and should not be confused with IBM's well-established Basic assembly language. Business Application Language was originally defined by Honeywell in 1973 and the major diffusion was in their system '80-'90 in Europe with the work of French firm Prologue S.A. that used BAL for programming on their proprietary Operative System (Prologue). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Business application language happened in Honeywell - Business application language on HOPL Business application language on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
Business Basic - Programming language Business Basic ============== Business Basic is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #2238 on PLDB 54 Years Old Business Basic is a category of variants of the BASIC computer programming language which were specialised for business use on minicomputers in the 1970s and 1980s. Business Basics added indexed file access methods to the normal set of BASIC commands, and were optimised for other input/output access, especially display terminal control. The two major families of Business Basic are MAI Basic Four and Data General Business Basic. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Business Basic happened in MAI Systems - See also: (11 related languages) BASIC, MAI Basic Four, Data General Business Basic, Unix, Linux, AlphaBasic, B32 Business Basic, Rexon, Dartmouth BASIC, True BASIC, ProvideX Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Business Object Notation - Notation Business Object Notation ======================== Business Object Notation is a notation created in 1989. 1989 #2629 on PLDB 35 Years Old In software engineering, Business Object Notation (BON) is a method and graphical notation for high-level object-oriented analysis and design. The method was developed 1989–93 by Jean-Marc Nerson and Kim Waldén as a means of extending the higher-level concepts of the Eiffel programming language. It claims to be much simpler than its competition - the UML - but it didn't enjoy its commercial success.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of Business Object Notation happened in Eiffel Software - See also: (2 related languages) Eiffel, UML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
BPML - Programming language BPML ==== BPML is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3651 on PLDB 22 Years Old Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is an XML-based language for business process modeling. It was maintained by the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) until June 2005 when BPMI and OMG (Object Management Group) announced the merger of their respective Business Process Management (BPM) activities to form the Business Modeling and Integration Domain Task Force (BMI DTF)[1]. It is deprecated since 2008. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of BPML happened in Business Modeling and Integration Domain Task Force - See also: (4 related languages) XML, UML, BPEL, BPMN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
business-rule-language - Programming language business-rule-language ====================== business-rule-language is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #3671 on PLDB 12 Years Old Business Rule Language (BRL) allows IF/THEN testing on certain information available when the rules execute. Your own cancel message can be included within the rules you create by using special message variables. BRL is a non-procedural, high-level application development language that allows you to develop sophisticated programs with less effort than conventional programming languages. BRL rules consist of three parts: the rule name, which serves as a comment or description, and is not syntactically necessary to the rule; a supporting condition (antecedent) or procedure statement; and a conclusion. - Tags: programming language - Read more about business-rule-language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
Butterfly Common LISP - Programming language Butterfly Common LISP ===================== Butterfly Common LISP is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3890 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Butterfly Common LISP happened in MIT - Butterfly Common LISP on HOPL Butterfly Common LISP on HOPL - Read more about Butterfly Common LISP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
buzz - Programming language buzz ==== buzz is an open source programming language created in 2021 by Benoit Giannangeli. 2021 Benoit Giannangeli #523 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the programming language buzz. A small/lightweight typed scripting language (in development) - Tags: programming language - buzz is developed on GitHub and has 1,168 stars - Early development of buzz happened in - Lua influenced the design of buzz - buzz is written in Zig, Lua, Markdown, JSON, YAML, Dart, TypeScript, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
bx - Programming language bx == bx is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3672 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of bx happened in Commodore-Amiga - bx on HOPL bx on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
bytecode-modeling-language - Bytecode format bytecode-modeling-language ========================== bytecode-modeling-language is a bytecode format created in 2008. 2008 #4604 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: bytecode format - Early development of bytecode-modeling-language happened in Inria and University of Warsaw Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
ByteLisp - Programming language ByteLisp ======== ByteLisp is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3891 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ByteLisp happened in Xerox PARC - ByteLisp on HOPL ByteLisp on HOPL - Read more about ByteLisp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Bython - Programming language Bython ====== Bython is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #809 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Python with braces. Because python is awesome, but whitespace is awful. - Tags: programming language - Bython is developed on GitHub and has 1,762 stars - Bython is written in Python, Markdown, Make, Bash def print_message(num_of_times) { for i in range(num_of_times) { print("Bython is awesome!"); } } if __name__ == "__main__" { print_message(10); } print("Hello, world!") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
Bywater BASIC - Programming language Bywater BASIC ============= Bywater BASIC is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3245 on PLDB 32 Years Old This is an alphabetical list of BASIC dialects—interpreted and compiled variants of the BASIC programming language. Each dialect's platform(s), i.e., the computer models and operating systems, are given in parentheses along with any other significant information.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Bywater BASIC happened in Memorial University of Newfoundland - See also: (149 related languages) BASIC, MetaComCo, ABC 80, AlphaBasic, Altair BASIC, AmigaBASIC, BlitzBasic, STOS BASIC, Apple BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, Commodore BASIC, ASIC, BASIC Programming, Atari BASIC, Atari Microsoft BASIC, Atmel AVR, Acorn Atom, AutoIt, B32 Business Basic, Unix, Linux, Seed7, GW-BASIC, MBASIC, BASIC A+, Optimized Systems Software, IBM BASICA, Basic4GL, BASIC-11, Basic-256, BASIC-E, HP BASIC for OpenVMS, BASIC-PLUS, Rocky Mountain BASIC, BASIC09, BASICODE, Visual Basic, Batari Basic, BBC BASIC, C, Business Basic, BCX, Beta BASIC, Sinclair BASIC, Blitz3D, BlitzPlus, OpenGL, Reverse Polish notation, Tiny BASIC, Bywater BASIC, CA-Realizer, Casio BASIC, CBASIC, Chinese BASIC, Chipmunk Basic, Color BASIC, TRS-80 Color Computer, Microsoft BASIC, Creative Basic, DarkBASIC, Dartmouth BASIC, Data General Business Basic, FreeBASIC, QuickBASIC, FutureBASIC, Galaksija BASIC, Gambas, GFA BASIC, GLBasic, Graphics BASIC, PIC microcontroller, High Tech BASIC, HP Time-Shared BASIC, WinWrap Basic, MUSIC/SP, Integer BASIC, Liberty BASIC, Locomotive BASIC, LotusScript, iOS, MacBASIC, MAI Basic Four, Mallard BASIC, MapBasic, Microsoft Macro Assembler, Microsoft Small Basic, Monkey, Morfik, MSX BASIC, Processor Technology, NorthStar BASIC, X86, NS Basic, OPL, OWBasic, Parrot BASIC, Parrot, PBASIC, BASIC Stamp, Phoenix Object Basic, Pick operating system, PowerBASIC, ProvideX, PureBasic, QB64, QBasic, RapidQ, Solaris, SPARC, Android, Xojo, Run BASIC, Sam Coupé, SBASIC, ScriptBasic, SdlBasic, WxBasic, Simons' BASIC, SmallBASIC, Southampton BASIC System, IBM Rational SQABasic, StarOffice Basic, SuperBASIC, Arduino Programming Language, THEOS, ThinBasic, TI-BASIC, Tiger-BASIC, True BASIC, Turbo Basic, Turbo-Basic XL, Tymshare SuperBasic, UBASIC, UniVerse, VBScript, ASP, Batchfile, Vilnius BASIC, Haskell, Visual Basic .NET, VBA, Visual Test, Watcom, XBLite, Yabasic, ZBasic, Algol, COMAL, Euphoria - Read more about Bywater BASIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 424 2.1
C-- - Programming language C-- === C-- is a programming language created in 1997 by Simon Peyton Jones. 1997 Simon Peyton Jones #731 on PLDB 27 Years Old C-- (pronounced cee minus minus) is a C-like programming language. Its creators, functional programming researchers Simon Peyton Jones and Norman Ramsey, designed it to be generated mainly by compilers for very high-level languages rather than written by human programmers. Unlike many other intermediate languages, its representation is plain ASCII text, not bytecode or another binary format.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of C-- happened in Tufts University - C-- on HOPL C-- on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) C, ASCII, Assembly language, Modula-3, BCPL, LLVM IR target byteorder little; import puts; export main; section "data"{ s:bits8[] "Hello World\0"; } foreign "C" main(){ foreign "C" puts("address"s); foreign "C" return(0); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
C/AL - Programming language C/AL ==== C/AL is a programming language created in 1987 by Michael Nielsen. 1987 Michael Nielsen #1576 on PLDB 37 Years Old C/AL (Client/server Application Language) is the programming language used within C/SIDE the Client/Server Integrated Development Environment in Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Formerly known as Navision Attain). C/AL is a Database specific programming language, and is primarily used for retrieving, inserting and modifying records in a Navision database. C/AL resembles the Pascal language on which it is based. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of C/AL happened in Microsoft - See also: (1 related languages) Pascal Item.RESET; Item.SETRANGE("Blocked",TRUE); IF Item.FINDSET THEN REPEAT IF Item."Profit %" < 20 THEN BEGIN Item."Profit %" := 20; Item.MODIFY(TRUE); END; UNTIL Item.NEXT = 0; Item.MODIFYALL("Blocked",FALSE); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
C^3 - Programming language C^3 === C^3 is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3673 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
C flat - Programming language C flat ====== C flat is a programming language created in 1991 by Bill McKeeman. 1991 Bill McKeeman #3090 on PLDB 33 Years Old C♭: a low-level subset of C. Journal of C Language Translation, 3(3):214–226, December 1991. - Tags: programming language - Early development of C flat happened in DEC - C flat on HOPL C flat on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
C∀ - Programming language C∀ == C∀, aka C-for-all, is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2245 on PLDB 6 Years Old C∀ (C-for-all) is an open-source project extending ISO C with modern safety and productivity features, while still ensuring backwards compatibility with C and its programmers. C∀ is designed to have an orthogonal feature-set based closely on the C programming paradigm (non-object-oriented) and these features can be added incrementally to an existing C code-base allowing programmers to learn C∀ on an as-needed basis. In many ways, C∀ is to C as Scala is to Java, providing a research vehicle for new typing and control-flow capabilities on top of a highly popular programming language allowing immediate dissemination. - Tags: programming language - Early development of C∀ happened in University of Waterloo and Huawei - Read more about C∀ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
C Header Files - Header lang C Header Files ============== C Header Files is a header lang created in 1972. 1972 #3344 on PLDB 52 Years Old A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions (see Macros) to be shared between several source files. You request the use of a header file in your program by including it, with the C preprocessing directive ‘#include’. - Tags: headerLang - See also: (1 related languages) C - Read more about C Header Files on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
C shell - Programming language C shell ======= C shell is an open source programming language created in 1978. 1978 #740 on PLDB 46 Years Old The C shell (csh or the improved version, tcsh) is a Unix shell created by Bill Joy while he was a graduate student at University of California Berkeley in the late 1970s. It has been widely distributed, beginning with the 2BSD release of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) that Joy began distributing in 1978. Other early contributors to the ideas or the code were Michael Ubell, Eric Allman, Mike O'Brien and Jim Kulp. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of C shell happened in University of California Berkeley - C shell appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) C, Linux, Bourne shell, ALGOL 68, Unicode, grep, Bash - 14 PLDB concepts link to C shell: Chapel, Eiffel, Fardlang, Git, Iterm2, Java, NCAR Command Language, Noweb, opam-pm, Pygments, Python, Racket, Semantic Patch Language, Sugar #!/bin/csh echo "Hello World" # Always creates an empty file if ( ! -e myfile ) echo mytext > myfile Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 323 1.6
c-smile - Programming language c-smile ======= c-smile is a programming language created in 2002 by Andrew Fedoniouk. 2002 Andrew Fedoniouk #2700 on PLDB 22 Years Old C-SMILE is a scripting language, which inherits it's syntax and structure from C, C++, Java(tm) and JavaScript. On hypothetical "axis of programming languages" it resides somewhere between Java(tm) and JavaScript. In the same way as in JavaScript, all variables are typeless and as in Java it is mandatory to declare variables before usage. C-SMILE has a compiler, a virtual machine running bytecodes, and a C/C++ extensible runtime. C-SMILE is intended to run in standalone or embedded mode. - Tags: programming language - Early development of c-smile happened in terra informatica and deeptown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
c-talk - Programming language c-talk ====== c-talk is a programming language created in 1999 by Konstantin Knizhnik. 1999 Konstantin Knizhnik #2701 on PLDB 25 Years Old C-Talk is interpreted scripting language with C-like syntax and dynamic type checking. Variables in C-Talk have no type. So there is no compile time type checking in C-Talk, all checking is performed at runtime. To preserve reference integrity, explicit memory deallocation is prohibited in C-Talk, unused objects are automatically deallocated by garbage collector. - Tags: programming language - Early development of c-talk happened in Moscow State Industrial University CtkObject myPrimitive(int nArgs, CtkObject* args) { char* s; ctk_integer i; ctk_real r; CtkObject o; ctkParseArguments(nArgs, args, "siro", &s, &i, &r, &o); ... } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
C - Programming language C = C is an open source programming language created in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie. 1972 Dennis Ritchie #2 on PLDB 52 Years Old 2m Repos C (, as in the letter c) is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. By design, C provides constructs that map efficiently to typical machine instructions, and therefore it has found lasting use in applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language, including operating systems, as well as various application software for computers ranging from supercomputers to embedded systems. C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs, and used to re-implement the Unix operating system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,160,271 C repos on GitHub - Early development of C happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 178k users using C in 293k repos on GitHub - Check out the 204 C meetup groups on - There are 127,013 members in the C subreddit - There are 46,028 Project Euler users using C - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey C programmers reported a median salary of $53,184. 21% of respondents reported using C. 17,329 programmers reported using C, and 9,702 said they wanted to use it - Explore C snippets on Rosetta Code - C is supported by the GDB - C on HOPL C on HOPL - C ranks #2 in the TIOBE Index - C Ubuntu package C Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for C - Monaco package for syntax highlighting C - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for C - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for C - C appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn C on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for C - has 23,567 matches for "c engineer". - See also: (42 related languages) Cyclone, UPC, Split-C, CIL, B, BCPL, CPL, ALGOL 68, Assembly language, PL/I, AMPL, awk, C--, C#, Objective-C, D, Go, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Limbo, LPC, Perl, PHP, Pike, Processing, Python, Rust, Seed7, Vala, Verilog, Unix, Algol, Swift, Multics, Unicode, Fortran, Pascal, Mathematica, MATLAB, Ch computer programming, Smalltalk - Read more about C on the web: 1. 1. - 409 PLDB concepts link to C: acorn-lang, Ad-hoc, adamant, Adept, Alumina, ana, Apache Hbase, aplette, aretext, Apache Arrow, Astatine, asterius-compiler, atomspace, attoparsec, Austral, AviSynth, awl, Bash, Basis Codec, Battlestar, Bazel, beef-lang, Berkeley DB, Berry, binaryen, Bio, BlazeX, Blech, BlitzMax, blockml, Blox, bog, Boomerang Decompiler, Broccoli, Bucklescript, C Header Files, C2, C3, candor, Candy, Caramel, Carbon, carp, Catala, Chapel, checked-c, chibicc, CHICKEN, chrysaLisp, clash, clay, Click, clike, cloc, co-dfns, Cognate, comby, Cone, Coq, CouchDB, C++, Crap, Crema, Cryptol, Crystal, CSpydr, Curly, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, cytosol, Dasm, DDP, Deno, Dern, dex, dexvis, Differential Datalog, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, dub-pm, duro, eC, Embedded Crystal, ed, egel, Eiffel, Em, Emojicode, Emscripten, Encore, Erlang, Euphoria, EverParse3D, ex, F Prime, FaCT, Factor, Fancy, Fardlang, fe, Felix, femtolisp, fetlang, FFmpeg, Filebench WML, firrtl, fish, FLEX, Flow, Flow9, flua, fork-lang, Forsp, Frost, F*, Futhark, GAP, GCC, Gforth, GHC, Git, GLMS, GNU Linear Programming Kit, Go, Gradle, gravity, groff, gura, Gwion, hacspec, HAL Format, Halide, hashlink, haste, Haxe, HHVM, Hina, Homa, Hook, hr-code, hurl, HVM2, HyPhy, I, Ibuki CL, icarus, Idio, Idris, ImHex, Impala, invokator, Iterm2, J, JAL compiler, Janet, Java, jedlang, Jelly, jq, Jsonnet, Jule, Julia, juvix, k-framework, kai, Kamby, Kefir, kitten, ko, Koka, kona, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kuc, Kuin, kumir, Kuroko, l2, lambda-zero, latino, Lax, Lean, Lemon, Lemon, lever, Lil, Lily, LinearML, Linux, LiteScript, lmdb, lobster, loci, Low*, LuaJIT, Luna, LWJGL, mal, manool, Markus, Matplotlib, Mercury, Metalang99, MicroBlocks, microl, MicroPython, Minilang, MiniZinc, mirth, mlpolyr, Mojo, MongoDB, MonkeyX, MoonScript, mountain, Mu, Mudlle, muon, mys, mythryl, NCAR Command Language, Neko, Nelua, nesC, neut, never, NewLisp, ngn/k, NGS, nianiolang, Nim, Ninja, Nit, Node.js, Noweb, Not Quite C, Numba, NumPy, Nymph, Objective-C, ObjectScript, odin, oil, ooc, oopsilon, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, OpenNN, OpenComal, OpenCV, OpenRC runscript, orca-pl, owen-lang, Oxyl, P, Pact, Pandas, Pawn, PAWN, PCrap, PCRE, Pegasus, Perl, PgBouncer, PHP, Pikchr, Please Build, GNU Poke, Pony, popr, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, Pragtical, PRQL, psyche-c, psyche, Pycket, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, QOIR, quaint-lang, Racket, Rakudo, ralph, ramen, RapidBatch, raptorjit, Recfiles, Red, Redis, reflex-framework, reforth, Ren-C, RetDec, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, Riff, Roc, rosie, Ruby, Rust, Rye, Savi, Scikit-learn, SciPy, score, SectorC, setlx, shill, shiv, sile, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, Simplicity, skip, skulpt, Slash, Slony, Smali, SmallBASIC, SMC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, solid, Solidity, Sophie, souper, SourcePawn, Spatial, Speedie, spiral, Sprite Operating System, SQLite, Squire, Squirrel, stoneknifeforth, Streem, Subleq, Sugar, SWI Prolog, Swift, swizzle, t-lang, Taichi, tamgu, tao3d, tbox-lib, TensorFlow, Terra, Textadept, Tick C, Tierra, tiledb, Tiny C Compiler, titan, Toi, tornado, Toy, TreeSheets, tridash, Triton, tuplemarkup, txtzyme, UCL, ugBASIC, Umka, UrWeb, V, v8, Vala, Vale, Vale, Vcpkg, Virgil, VLC, Volt, VSXu, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wax, whack, Wing, woe, Wonkey, Wren, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xidoc, Xoc, xodio, Ecstasy, xxl, Yacc, YARA, Yet Another Scripting Language, yeti, Z-flat, Zephir, Zig, zl, Zuo, zz // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; } #include <stdio.h> main() { printf("Hello World\n"); } #ifndef HELLO_H #define HELLO_H void hello(); #endif #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); } C gets credit for the // comments, starting in 1972, but that's not really accurate. BCPL -- which begat B which begat C -- had // comments but they were not included in C until C99. C++ (which isn't included in their top 30 languages) brought back // comments from BCPL sometime between 1979 and 1985 (the first public release of cfront). Many C compilers included // comments as an extension prior to C99 but those were inspired by C++ auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example #include Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example switch(expression) { case true : break; default : // break; } Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Variadic Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasVariadicFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example double average(int count, ...) { // } Token row Feature Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasOperators.html Supported ✓ Example 1 + 1; Token row Feature Manual Memory Management FeatureLink ../features/hasManualMemoryManagement.html Supported ✓ Example #include #include int main(void) { int *poin = malloc(4); free(poin); } Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example // // #define min(X, Y) ((X) ✓ Example int pldb = 80766866; Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example // If a header file is included within , the preprocessor will search a predetermined directory path to locate the header file. If the header file is enclosed in "", the preprocessor will look for the header file in the same directory as the source file. #include #include "stdio.h" Token row Feature Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitTypeCasting.html Supported ✓ Example double da = 3.3; double db = 3.3; double dc = 3.4; int result = (int)da + (int)db + (int)dc; //result == 9 Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example #include #define height 10 #ifdef #endif #if #else #ifndef #undef #pragma Token row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported ✓ Example // C/C++ program to check if a number is // even or not using goto statement #include using namespace std; // function to check even or not void checkEvenOrNot(int num) { if (num % 2 == 0) goto even; // jump to even else goto odd; // jump to odd even: cout ✓ Example struct account { int account_number; char *first_name; char *last_name; float balance; }; Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Explicit Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example #include // Define a public function double foo(int count) { double sum = 0.0; // Sum all the values bar(1) to bar(count) for (int i = 1; i ✓ Example // Declare an external function extern double bar(double x); Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example int i = 4; /* bit pattern equivalent is binary 100 */ int j = i ✓ Example #include int i, a[10]; for (i = 0; i ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example int *ptr; Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example #include int main(void) { printf("%d", 1 ? 1 : 0); } Token row Feature Characters FeatureLink ../features/hasCharacters.html Supported ✓ Example char character = 'P'; Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported ✓ Example enum Gender { Male, Female, }; Token row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Templates FeatureLink ../features/hasTemplates.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1897 9.5
C2 - Programming language C2 == C2 is a programming language created in 2012 by Bas van den Berg. 2012 Bas van den Berg #309 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone the c2 programming language - Tags: programming language - C2 is developed on GitHub and has 687 stars - C2 is written in C++, Pascal, CMake, YAML, Bourne shell, Markdown, C, Vim script - was registered in 2012 - See also: (2 related languages) C, C3 - 1 PLDB concepts link to C2: C3 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Unary Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasUnaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Union Types FeatureLink ../features/hasUnionTypes.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Structs FeatureLink ../features/hasStructs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasContinue FeatureLink ../features/hasContinue.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasBreak FeatureLink ../features/hasBreak.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasBuiltInRegex FeatureLink ../features/hasBuiltInRegex.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasBlobs FeatureLink ../features/hasBlobs.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 379 1.9
C3 - Programming language C3 == C3 is an open source programming language created in 2019 by Christoffer Lernö. 2019 Christoffer Lernö #154 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone C3 is a programming language that builds on the syntax and semantics of the C language, with the goal of evolving it while still retaining familiarity for C programmers. - Tags: programming language - C3 is developed on GitHub and has 1,665 stars - Early development of C3 happened in The C3 Language Project - C2 and C influenced the design of C3 - C3 is written in C, Markdown, JSON, YAML, Python, Yacc, CMake, C++, Lex, Bourne shell, Dockerfile, Make - Explore C3 snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2019 - Read more about C3 on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to C3: C2 module stack <Type>; // Above: the parameterized type is applied to the entire module. import std::mem; struct Stack { usize capacity; usize size; Type* elems; } // The type methods offers dot syntax calls, // so this function can either be called // Stack.push(&my_stack, ...) or // my_stack.push(...) fn void Stack.push(Stack* this, Type element) { if (this.capacity == this.size) { this.capacity *= 2; this.elems = mem::realloc(this.elems, $sizeof(Type) * this.capacity); } this.elems[this.size++] = element; } fn Type Stack.pop(Stack* this) { assert(this.size > 0); return this.elems[--this.size]; } fn bool Stack.empty(Stack* this) { return !this.size; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature hasReservedWords FeatureLink ../features/hasReservedWords.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example switch(expression) { case 1: do_something(); case 2: if (x > 0) nextcase 1; // Jump to 1 nextcase; // Jump to the next case. default: foo(); } Token row Feature Structs FeatureLink ../features/hasStructs.html Supported ✓ Example struct Test { int x; float y; String z; } Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example String s = "hello"; String t = `I say "hello"`; Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example int foo = x ? 1 : 0; Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example while (int x = foo(); x > 0) { sum += x; } Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example a = b; Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Variadic Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasVariadicFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example fn void foo_typed(int x, int... arg) { ... } fn void foo_untyped(int x, ...arg) ... foo_typed(1, 2, 3); foo_untyped(1, "hello", 1.2); Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example module my_module::submodule; ... Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example fn int IntList.get(IntList* this, int idx) @operator([]) { return this.vals[idx]; } ... IntList x = ... foo(x[1]); Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example String s = `this string is multiline`; Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* Multiline comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Methods FeatureLink ../features/hasMethods.html Supported ✓ Example fn int Foo.get_value(Foo* this) { return this.value; } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import std::io; Token row Feature hasForEachLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForEachLoops.html Supported ✓ Example foreach (x : list) { foo(x); } Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example macro square(x) { return x * x; } Token row Feature Union Types FeatureLink ../features/hasUnionTypes.html Supported ✓ Example union Foo { int x; float f; struct { char[2] z; } } Token row Feature Single-Type Arrays FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleTypeArrays.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Unary Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasUnaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported ✓ Example enum TestEnum : int { FOO, BAR, BAZ } Token row Feature Doc comments FeatureLink ../features/hasDocComments.html Supported ✓ Example /** * @param [in] foo "The foo value" * @return "the toal foo count" **/ Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example const FOO = 123; const void* BAR = null; Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Default Parameters Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDefaultParameters.html Supported ✓ Example fn void test(int x = 10) { ... } Token row Feature Assert Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasAssertStatements.html Supported ✓ Example assert(a > 0, "Expected a positive number"); $assert(Foo.sizeof == 8, "Foo sizecheck at compile time failed"); Token row Feature Manual Memory Management FeatureLink ../features/hasManualMemoryManagement.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example i++; --j; Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example int x = 314159; Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported ✓ Example import std::io; ... io::printf("%d", i); Token row Feature Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitTypeCasting.html Supported ✓ Example double d = 3.3; int x = (int)d; Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example 0b110011 Token row Feature Null FeatureLink ../features/hasNull.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lazy Evaluation FeatureLink ../features/hasLazyEvaluation.html Supported ✓ Example fn void print(String s) { io::printfn("Said: %s", s); } macro @foo(bool run, #lazy) { if (run) #lazy; } // Only "Said: Hello" is printed: @foo(false, print("Bye")); @foo(true, print("Hello")); Token row Feature Labels FeatureLink ../features/hasLabels.html Supported ✓ Example while FOO: (x > 0) { for (int i = 0; i i) break FOO; } } Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Implicit Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasImplicitTypeConversions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasIfElses FeatureLink ../features/hasIfElses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasIfs FeatureLink ../features/hasIfs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasForLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasEscapeCharacters FeatureLink ../features/hasEscapeCharacters.html Supported ✓ Example "\e\n\r" Token row Feature hasContinue FeatureLink ../features/hasContinue.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasBreak FeatureLink ../features/hasBreak.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasBoundedCheckedArrays FeatureLink ../features/hasBoundedCheckedArrays.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasArraySlicingSyntax FeatureLink ../features/hasArraySlicingSyntax.html Supported ✓ Example int[] slice1 = array[0..5]; // start..end int[] slice2 = array[0:6]; // start:length Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example 0o177 Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example int i = b ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment /* Another comment */ Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasUserDefinedOperators FeatureLink ../features/hasUserDefinedOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Unicode Identifers FeatureLink ../features/hasUnicodeIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Abstract Types FeatureLink ../features/hasAbstractTypes.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature S-Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasSExpressions.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pipes FeatureLink ../features/hasPipes.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Magic Getters and Setters FeatureLink ../features/hasMagicGettersAndSetters.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Dynamic Properties FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicProperties.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Duck Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDuckTyping.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasBuiltInRegex FeatureLink ../features/hasBuiltInRegex.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1517 7.6
CA-Realizer - Programming language CA-Realizer =========== CA-Realizer is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4496 on PLDB 32 Years Old CA-Realizer was a BASIC-language software development product originally developed by Within Technologies, but first commercially released by Computer Associates, as CA-Realizer 1.0 in 1992. Several versions were released, that provided a version of the BASIC programming language, a Rapid application development tool, including forms building and some powerful built-in components, that was comparable to, and competitive with Microsoft Visual Basic, in its early days. It offered some functionality (like a fairly useful spreadsheet) and cross-platform capability. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CA-Realizer happened in Within Technologies - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, Visual Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
CA-Telon - Programming language CA-Telon ======== CA-Telon is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3737 on PLDB 43 Years Old TELON, later renamed CA-TELON, is one of the first commercially successful application generators for building business applications.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CA-Telon happened in CA Technologies - See also: (4 related languages) Cullinet, COBOL, PL/I, Synon Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
ca65 Assembly - Assembly language ca65 Assembly ============= ca65 Assembly is an assembly language created in 1998. 1998 #2184 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of ca65 Assembly happened in MU software development - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ca65 Assembly - Read more about ca65 Assembly on the web: 1. 1. Label: ; A label and a comment lda #$20 ; A 6502 instruction plus comment L1: ldx #$20 ; Same with label L2: .byte "Hello world" ; Label plus control command mymac $20 ; Macro expansion MySym = 3*L1 ; Symbol definition MaSym = Label ; Another symbol Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
CABAL - Programming language CABAL ===== CABAL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3892 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CABAL happened in Trinity College, Cambridge and University of Bath - CABAL on HOPL CABAL on HOPL - Read more about CABAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Caché Basic - Query language Caché Basic =========== Caché Basic is a query language created in 1997. 1997 #2054 on PLDB 27 Years Old Caché is a high-performance object database with several built-in general-purpose programming languages. It supports multiple processes and provides concurrency control. Each process has direct, efficient access to the data. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Caché Basic happened in InterSystems - Read more about Caché Basic on the web: 1. 1. ' RightTriangle compute area and hypotenuse of a right triangle ' this routine contains examples of Cache Basic features */ Sub Run() println "Compute the area and hypotenuse of a right triangle" println "given the lengths of its two sides." println println "First, choose a unit of measurement. " input "(i)nches, (f)eet, (m)iles, " _ , "(c)entimeters, m(e)ters, (k)ilometers: ", units println ' translate units to a full word select case left(units, 1) case "i" units = "inches" case "f" units = "feet" case "m" units = "miles" case "c" units = "centimeters" case "e" units = "meters" case "k" units = "kilometers" case else units = "units" end select do println input "Length of side 1: ", side1 if (side1) = "" then exit do loop while IsNegative( side1 ) if (side1 = "") then exit sub do println input "Length of side 2: ", side2 if (side2) = "" then exit do loop while IsNegative( side2 ) if (side2 = "") then exit sub Compute(units, side1, side2) end sub public function IsNegative(ByVal num As %String) As %Boolean ' is num negative? ' check in range "1" through "9" if (num < chr(49)) or (num > chr(57)) then print " Enter a positive number." return True else print " Accepted." return False end if end function private function Compute(ByVal units As %String, _ ByVal A As %Integer, _ ByVal B As %Integer) ' compute and display area and hypotenuse area = round((( A * B ) / 2), 2) hypot = round(sqr(( A ^ 2 ) + ( B ^ 2 )), 2) println : println println "The area of this triangle is ", area, " square ", units, "." println println "The hypotenuse is ", hypot, " ", units, "." end function Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 537 2.7
Caché ObjectScript - Programming language Caché ObjectScript ================== Caché ObjectScript is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1191 on PLDB 27 Years Old Caché ObjectScript is a part of the Caché database system sold by InterSystems. The language is a functional superset of the ANSI-standard MUMPS programming language. Since Caché is at its core a MUMPS implementation, it can run ANSI MUMPS routines with no change. Read more on Wikipedia...é_ObjectScript Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Caché ObjectScript is a superset of MUMPS - Early development of Caché ObjectScript happened in InterSystems - Caché ObjectScript on HOPL Caché ObjectScript on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) MUMPS, SQL HelloWorld ; Write "Hello World" Quit Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Write Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
Cactus - Programming language Cactus ====== Cactus is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3893 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cactus happened in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Ionian University - Cactus on HOPL Cactus on HOPL - Read more about Cactus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Cadence SKILL - Programming language Cadence SKILL ============= Cadence SKILL is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #1590 on PLDB 34 Years Old SKILL is a Lisp dialect used as a scripting language and PCell (parameterized cells) description language used in many EDA software suites by Cadence Design Systems. It was originally put forth in an IEEE paper in 1990.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cadence SKILL happened in Cadence Design Systems - See also: (3 related languages) Scheme, Common Lisp, Lisp - Read more about Cadence SKILL on the web: 1. 1. - 4 PLDB concepts link to Cadence SKILL: Eiffel, HHVM, jsil-compiler, Roslyn compiler Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
cado-systems-technical-information - Programming language cado-systems-technical-information ================================== cado-systems-technical-information is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4788 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of cado-systems-technical-information happened in CADO Systems - Read more about cado-systems-technical-information on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
CafeObj - Programming language CafeObj ======= CafeObj is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3345 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CafeObj happened in Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Explore CafeObj snippets on Rosetta Code - CafeObj on HOPL CafeObj on HOPL - Read more about CafeObj on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Caffeine - Programming language Caffeine ======== Caffeine is a programming language created in 2012 by Roman I. Kuzmin. 2012 Roman I. Kuzmin #1669 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Caffeine extends CoffeeScript. - Tags: programming language - Caffeine is developed on GitHub and has 22 stars - Early development of Caffeine happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
CAGES - Programming language CAGES ===== CAGES is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3894 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CAGES happened in University of North Carolina - CAGES on HOPL CAGES on HOPL - Read more about CAGES on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
CAISYS - Programming language CAISYS ====== CAISYS is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3895 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CAISYS happened in University of Texas - CAISYS on HOPL CAISYS on HOPL - Read more about CAISYS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
CAJOLE - Programming language CAJOLE ====== CAJOLE is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3896 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CAJOLE happened in Westfield College - CAJOLE on HOPL CAJOLE on HOPL - Read more about CAJOLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
CAL Actor Language - Programming language CAL Actor Language ================== CAL Actor Language is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2937 on PLDB 23 Years Old CAL (the Cal Actor Language) is a high-level programming language for writing (dataflow) actors, which are stateful operators that transform input streams of data objects (tokens) into output streams. CAL has been compiled to a variety of target platforms, including single-core processors, multicore processors, and programmable hardware. It has been used in several application areas, including video and processing, compression and cryptography. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CAL Actor Language happened in University of California Berkeley - Read more about CAL Actor Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
calc_var - Minilanguage calc_var ======== calc_var is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #3006 on PLDB 11 Years Old integer arithmetic +, -, *, /, variables - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of calc_var happened in University of Ljubljana - Read more about calc_var on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 104 0.5
calc - Minilanguage calc ==== calc is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #2702 on PLDB 11 Years Old integer arithmetic +, -, *, / - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of calc happened in University of Ljubljana - Read more about calc on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 103 0.5
Calc4 - Programming language Calc4 ===== Calc4 is a programming language created in 2018 by Yuya Watari. 2018 Yuya Watari #2050 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Calc4 is a programming language where everything in its code is an operator. - Tags: programming language - Calc4 is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Early development of Calc4 happened in - Calc4 is written in C++, CMake, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell [fib2|x, a, b|x ? ((x-1) ? ((x-1) {fib2} (a+b) {fib2}a) ? a) ? b] 38{fib2}1{fib2}0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Calcit - Programming language Calcit ====== Calcit is a programming language created in 2021 by tí yè. 2021 tí yè #1518 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Indentation-based ClojureScript dialect in Rust and compiling to JavaScript ES Modules - Tags: programming language, lisp - Calcit is developed on GitHub and has 109 stars - Calcit compiles to JavaScript - Calcit is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, YAML, JSON, Bourne shell, JavaScript tag-match shape (:circle base radius) $ println "Circle with radius:" radius (:rect base width height) $ println "Rect with height:" height _ $ println "Unknown shape" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
Cali-Lang - Programming language Cali-Lang ========= Cali-Lang is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2193 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Cali is an object oriented interpreted programming language written in Java. It is an efficiency (glue) language that is loosely typed. Cali has it's own standard library but anyone can create external Java modules to extend Cali. In fact, the entire standard library was written by wrapping Java code. - Tags: programming language - Cali-Lang is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of Cali-Lang happened in - Cali-Lang is written in Java, XML, Markdown include console; include net.rpc; include rpcDemoObj; // Include demo object. class rpcDemoServer : rpcServer { public main(args) { rd = new rpcDemoServer(); console .println('Starting up rpcDemoServer on localhost:9090') .println('Hit ctrl-c to kill the server.') .println('Waiting for calls ...\n') ; rd.start(); } cart = []; public rpcDemoServer() { this // Hosted methods .add('addToCart') .add('getCart') ; } public addToCart(object Item) { if(Item instanceof 'rpcDemoObj') { console.println("Adding item '" + Item.getModelName() + "' to cart."); this.cart @= Item; return true; } else { throw "Unexpected object found."; } } public getCart() { console.println('Returning shopping cart.'); return this.cart; } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 282 1.4
Caltech Intermediate Form - Programming language Caltech Intermediate Form ========================= Caltech Intermediate Form is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2916 on PLDB 44 Years Old Caltech Intermediate Form (CIF) is a file format for describing integrated circuits. CIF provides a limited set of graphics primitives that are useful for describing the two-dimensional shapes on the different layers of a chip. The format allows hierarchical description, which makes the representation concise. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Caltech Intermediate Form happened in California Institute of Technology - Caltech Intermediate Form on HOPL Caltech Intermediate Form on HOPL cifFile ::= (blank* command? semi)* endCommand blank* command ::= primCommand | defDeleteCommand | defStartCommand semi (blank* primCommand? semi)* defFinishCommand primCommand ::= polygonCommand | boxCommand | roundFlashCommand | wireCommand | layerCommand | callCommand | userExtensionCommand | commentCommand polygonCommand ::= "P" path boxCommand ::= "B" integer sep integer sep point (sep point)? roundFlashCommand ::= "R" integer sep point wireCommand ::= "W" integer sep path layerCommand ::= "L" blank* shortname defStartCommand ::= "D" blank* "S" integer (sep integer sep integer)? defFinishCommand ::= "D" blank* "F" defDeleteCommand ::= "D" blank* "D" integer callCommand ::= "C" integer transformation userExtensionCommand ::= digit userText commentCommand ::= "(" commentText ")" endCommand ::= "E" transformation ::= (blank* ("T" point |"M" blank* "X" |"M" blank* "Y" |"R" point)*)* path ::= point (sep point)* point ::= sInteger sep sInteger sInteger ::= sep* "-"? integerD integer ::= sep* integerD integerD ::= digit+ shortname ::= c c? c? c? c ::= digit | upperChar userText ::= userChar* commentText ::= commentChar* | commentText "(" commentText ")" commentText semi ::= blank* ";" blank* sep ::= upperChar | blank digit ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9" upperChar ::= "A" | "B" | ... | "Z" blank ::= any ASCII character except digit, upperChar, "-", "(", ")", or ";" userChar ::= any ASCII character except ";" commentChar ::= any ASCII character except "(" or ")" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 404 2
Calypso - Programming language Calypso ======= Calypso is a programming language created in 2020 by ThePuzzlemaker. 2020 ThePuzzlemaker #1834 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Calypso is a mostly imperative language with some functional influences that is focused on flexibility and simplicity. - Tags: programming language - Calypso is developed on GitHub and has 65 stars - Early development of Calypso happened in teamisotope - Calypso is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, Python, YAML, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
Content Assembly Mechanism - Xml format Content Assembly Mechanism ========================== Content Assembly Mechanism is a xml format created in 2002. 2002 #2554 on PLDB 22 Years Old Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) is an XML-based standard for creating and managing information exchanges that are interoperable and deterministic descriptions of machine-processable information content flows into and out of XML structures. CAM is a product of the OASIS Content Assembly Technical Committee. The CAM approach aligns with the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) approach and assists with producing Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Content Assembly Mechanism happened in OASIS Content Assembly Technical Committee <CAM CAMlevel="1" version="1.1"> <Header/> <AssemblyStructure/> <BusinessUseContext/> <Extension/> <!-- Optional, repeatable --> </CAM> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
CAMAC - Programming language CAMAC ===== CAMAC is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3897 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CAMAC happened in University of Illinois Chicago - CAMAC on HOPL CAMAC on HOPL - Read more about CAMAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Cambridge Algebra System - Programming language Cambridge Algebra System ======================== Cambridge Algebra System is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #2664 on PLDB 51 Years Old Cambridge Algebra System (CAMAL) is a computer algebra system written in Cambridge University by David Barton, Steve Bourne, and John Fitch. It was initially used for computations in celestial mechanics and general relativity. The foundation code was written in Titan computer assembler,. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cambridge Algebra System happened in Cambridge University - Cambridge Algebra System on HOPL Cambridge Algebra System on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Assembly language, BCPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
CAMIL - Programming language CAMIL ===== CAMIL is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3898 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CAMIL happened in McDonnell Douglas Automation Company - CAMIL on HOPL CAMIL on HOPL - Read more about CAMIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Caml - Programming language Caml ==== Caml, aka Categorical abstract machine language, is a programming language created in 1985 by Gérard Huet and Guy Cousineau and Ascánder Suárez and Pierre Weis and Michel Mauny. 1985 Gérard Huet Guy Cousineau Ascánder Suárez Pierre Weis Michel Mauny #622 on PLDB 39 Years Old Caml (originally an acronym for Categorical abstract machine language) is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language which is a dialect of the ML programming language family. Caml was developed in France at INRIA and ENS. Like many descendants of ML, Caml is statically typed, strictly evaluated, and uses automatic memory management. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Caml happened in Inria - Explore Caml snippets on Rosetta Code - Caml on HOPL Caml on HOPL - Caml appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) OCaml, ML, F#, Lisp, C, Standard ML, OCaml print_endline "Hello World";; # haar [1; 2; 3; 4; -4; -3; -2; -1];; - : int list = [0; 20; 4; 4; -1; -1; -1; -1] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print_endline Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 333 1.7
candor - Programming language candor ====== candor is a programming language created in 2012 by Fedor Indutny. 2012 Fedor Indutny #1138 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Experimental VM for a `Candor` language - Tags: programming language - candor is developed on GitHub and has 176 stars - Early development of candor happened in - candor is written in Python, C++, Markdown, Lisp, Make, YAML, Bourne shell, C HackerNews discussions of candor ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Candor programing language - simplified JS||10/30/2012|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Candy Codes - Bar code format Candy Codes =========== Candy Codes is a bar code format created in 2022. 2022 #3899 on PLDB 2 Years Old CandyCodes: simple universally unique edible identifiers for confirming the authenticity of pharmaceuticals. A 3-D UID format. - Tags: barCodeFormat - Early development of Candy Codes happened in University of California Riverside - Read more about Candy Codes on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Candy - Programming language Candy ===== Candy is a programming language created in 2020 by Jonas Wanke and Marcel Garus. 2020 Jonas Wanke Marcel Garus #1059 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone 🍭 A sweet, functional programming language that is robust, minimalistic, and expressive. - Tags: programming language - Candy is developed on GitHub and has 314 stars - Early development of Candy happened in - Candy is written in Rust, Markdown, YAML, TOML, JSON, TypeScript, C, Python, Dart, Nix, Make type = use "..Type" is value := value Struct hasKey struct key := needs (is struct) ✨.structHasKey struct key getUnwrap struct key := needs (is struct) needs (hasKey struct key) ✨.structGet struct key getKeys struct := needs (is struct) ✨.structGetKeys struct Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Cane - Musical notation Cane ==== Cane is a musical notation created in 2022 by Jack Clarke. 2022 Jack Clarke #1787 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A small MIDI sequencer DSL designed around vectors and euclidean rhythms - Tags: musicalNotation - Cane is developed on GitHub and has 76 stars - Early development of Cane happened in Hopson Community - Cane is written in Markdown, C++, Make, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
CaPSL - Programming language CaPSL ===== CaPSL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3246 on PLDB 35 Years Old CaPSL is a printer command language/page description language used by early Canon printers including the LBP-8III series and supported on (at least) LBP-8IV printers. This language was discontinued, with later Canon printers implementing PCL. It was also called LIPS or LIPS4. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CaPSL happened in Canon - Read more about CaPSL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Cantor - Programming language Cantor ====== Cantor is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3900 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cantor happened in California Institute of Technology - Cantor on HOPL Cantor on HOPL - Read more about Cantor on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Cap'n Proto - Interface design language Cap'n Proto =========== Cap'n Proto is an open source interface design language created in 2013 by Kenton Varda. 2013 Kenton Varda #172 on PLDB 11 Years Old 135k Repos git clone Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system - core tools and C++ library - Tags: interface design language - Cap'n Proto is developed on GitHub and has 11,435 stars - There are at least 134,567 Cap'n Proto repos on GitHub - Early development of Cap'n Proto happened in Cap'n Proto - Cap'n Proto is written in C++, Markdown, Bourne shell, CMake, HTML, starlark, YAML, M4, JSON, Protocol Buffers, CSS, Python, XML, Make, JavaScript, SVG, Bazel, Lisp - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 557 users using Cap'n Proto in 690 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Cap'n Proto - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Cap'n Proto - was registered in 2013 - See also: (1 related languages) Protocol Buffers Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 255 1.3
Common Authentication Protocol Specification Language - Programming language Common Authentication Protocol Specification Language ===================================================== Common Authentication Protocol Specification Language is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3901 on PLDB 28 Years Old a high-level language to support security analysis of cryptographic authentication and key distribution protocols. It is translated to CIL, an intermediate language expressing state transitions with term-rewriting rules. Connectors are being written to adapt CIL to supply input to different security analysis tools, including PVS for inductive verification and Maude for model-checking. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Common Authentication Protocol Specification Language happened in SRI - Read more about Common Authentication Protocol Specification Language on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Capsule - Programming language Capsule ======= Capsule is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3902 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Capsule happened in Temple University - Capsule on HOPL Capsule on HOPL - Read more about Capsule on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
capybara - Library capybara ======== capybara is an open source library created in 2009 by Jonas Nicklas and Kevin Fitzpatrick. 2009 Jonas Nicklas Kevin Fitzpatrick #468 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Acceptance test framework for web applications - Tags: library - capybara is developed on GitHub and has 10,000 stars - Early development of capybara happened in teamcapybara - capybara is written in Ruby, ERB, JavaScript, YAML, Markdown, Gherkin, CSV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Caramel - Programming language Caramel ======= Caramel is a programming language created in 2020 by Leandro Ostera. 2020 Leandro Ostera #1011 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone :candy: a functional language for building type-safe, scalable, and maintainable applications - Tags: programming language - Caramel is developed on GitHub and has 1,050 stars - Early development of Caramel happened in - Caramel is written in OCaml, Markdown, HTML, Erlang, TypeScript, Vim script, YAML, Lisp, Make, C, JavaScript, AsciiDoc, Bourne shell, Reason, CSS, JSON, Diff, Python, Handlebars, XML, Tex, Bash, TOML, SVG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Carbon - Programming language Carbon ====== Carbon is a programming language created in 2020 by Chandler Carruth and Jon Ross-Perkins. 2020 Chandler Carruth Jon Ross-Perkins #286 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README) - Tags: programming language - Carbon is developed on GitHub and has 32,258 stars - Early development of Carbon happened in Google - Carbon is written in Markdown, C++, Bazel, Python, YAML, starlark, Bourne shell, JSON, SVG, Diff, JavaScript, Vim script, Dockerfile, XML, Protocol Buffers, C, Scheme, HTML, Yacc, Lua, Lex, Make, TOML - Read more about Carbon on the web: 1. 1. package Sorting api; fn Partition[T:! Comparable & Movable](s: Slice(T)) -> i64 { var i: i64 = -1; for (e: T in s) { if (e <= s.Last()) { ++i; Swap(&s[i], &e); } } return i; } fn QuickSort[T:! Comparable & Movable](s: Slice(T)) { if (s.Size() <= 1) { return; } let p: i64 = Partition(s); QuickSort(s[:p - 1])); QuickSort(s[p + 1:])); } package sample api; fn Square(x: i32) -> i32 { return x * x; } fn Main() -> i32 { return Square(12); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 287 1.4
carp - Programming language carp ==== carp is an open source programming language created in 2016 by Erik Svedäng. 2016 Erik Svedäng #213 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications. - Tags: programming language, lisp - carp is developed on GitHub and has 5,489 stars - Early development of carp happened in - carp is written in Haskell, Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML, CSS, Python, Nix, PowerShell, SVG, C, Lisp ;; Hello world in Carp (println "hello world") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
Carpet - Programming language Carpet ====== Carpet is a programming language created in 1997 by Giandomenico Spezzano and Domenico Talia. 1997 Giandomenico Spezzano Domenico Talia #2413 on PLDB 27 Years Old This paper describes CARPET, a high-level programming language based on the cellular automata model. CARPET is a programming language designed to support the development of parallel high performance software. It exploits the computing power of a highly parallel computer releasing a user from using explicit parallel constructs. A CARPET implementation has been used for programming cellular algorithms in the CAMEL parallel environment. By CARPET a user might write programs to describe the actions of thousands of simple active agents interacting locally, then the CAMEL environment allows a user to observe the global complex evolution that arises from their parallel execution and their local interactions. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Carpet happened in University of Calabria - Carpet on HOPL Carpet on HOPL - Read more about Carpet on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Carpet on the web: 1. 1. cadef { dimension 2; radius 1; state (short which, rand, gas); neighbor Margolus[9]([1,0]East,[1,1]SE,[0,1]South,[-1,1]SO, [-1,0]West,[-1,-1]NW,[0,-1]North,[1,-1] NE,[1,0] East); } int i; short temp, temprand; { if((cell_which == 0 && step %2 == 1)||(cell_which == 3 && step % 2 == 0)) { temprand = 0; for(i=0; i < 3; i++) temprand = temprand + Margolus_rand[i]; temprand = temprand + cell_rand; if (temprand % 2 == 1) update(cell_gas, South_gas); else update(cell_gas, East_gas); } else if((cell_which == 1 && step % 2 == 1)||(cell_which == 2 && step % 2 == 0)) { temprand = 0; for(i=2; i < 5; i++) temprand = temprand + Margolus_rand[i]; temprand = temprand + cell_rand; if (temprand % 2 == 1) update(cell_gas, West_gas); else update(cell_gas, South_gas); } else if((cell_which == 3 && step %2 == 1)||(cell_which == 0 && step % 2 == 0)) { temprand = 0; for(i=4; i < 7; i++) temprand = temprand + Margolus_rand[i]; temprand = temprand + cell_rand; if (temprand % 2 == 1) update(cell_gas, North_gas); else update(cell_gas, West_gas); } else { temprand = 0; for (i=6; i < 9; i++) temprand= temprand + Margolus_rand[i]; temprand = temprand + cell_rand; if (temprand % 2 == 1) update(cell_gas, East_gas); else update(cell_gas, North_gas); } temp = (cell_rand + East_rand + North_rand + West_rand + South_rand ) % 2 up Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 481 2.4
carth - Programming language carth ===== carth is a programming language created in 2018 by Johan Johansson. 2018 Johan Johansson #1399 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Purely functional programming with lisp-syntax. Less infix, more parens! - Tags: programming language - carth is developed on GitHub and has 22 stars - carth is written in Haskell, YAML, Rust, Bourne shell, TOML, Scheme, Markdown, Make, Dockerfile ;; Note that many of these functions are/will be in the standard ;; library in some shape or form. We just include them all in the same ;; file here to show off more of the syntax and features. ;; ~start~ is the programs entrypoint (define (start _) (fizzbuzz unit)) (define (fizzbuzz _) (for (range 1 100) (comp display fizzbuzz'))) (define (fizzbuzz' n) (match (Pair (divisible? n 3) (divisible? n 5)) (case (Pair false false) (my-show-int n)) (case (Pair true false) "Fizz") (case (Pair false true) "Buzz") (case (Pair true true) "Fizzbuzz"))) (define my-show-int (fun-match (case 1 "one") (case 2 "two") (case n (show-int n)))) ;; Apply an action to each element in an iterator (define (for xs f) (match (next xs) (case None unit) (case (Some (Pair x xs')) (seq (f x) (for xs' f))))) ;; Iterator over the closed range $[a, b]$ (define (range a b) (Iter (Lazy (if (> a b) (fun _ None) (fun _ (Some (Pair a (range (+ a 1) b)))))))) ;; Advances an iterator, returning the next value and the rest of the ;; iterator (define (next (Iter it)) (lively it)) ;; An iterator / non-strict list (type (Iter a) (Iter (Lazy (Maybe (Pair a (Iter a)))))) (define (lively (Lazy f)) (f unit)) ;; A lazy, or rather a non-strict value (type (Lazy a) (Lazy (Fun Unit a))) (type (Maybe a) None (Some a)) (define (seq a b) b) ;; Function composition (define (comp f g a) (f (g a))) (define (divisible? n m) (= (rem n m) 0)) (define (display s) (display-inline (str-append s "\n"))) ;;; Currying wrappers (define (rem a b) (rem-int (Pair a b))) (define (= a b) (eq-int (Pair a b))) (define (> a b) (gt-int (Pair a b))) (define (+ a b) (add-int (Pair a b))) (define (str-append s1 s2) (-str-append (Pair s1 s2))) ;;; External functions defined in the foreign-core library (extern show-int (Fun Int Str)) (extern eq-int (Fun (Pair Int Int) Bool)) (extern gt-int (Fun (Pair Int Int) Bool)) (extern rem-int (Fun (Pair Int Int) Int)) (extern add-int (Fun (Pair Int Int) Int)) (extern display-inline (Fun Str Unit)) (extern -str-append (Fun (Pair Str Str) Str)) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 568 2.8
CartoCSS - Programming language CartoCSS ======== CartoCSS is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #1007 on PLDB 14 Years Old 477 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 477 CartoCSS repos on GitHub - Early development of CartoCSS happened in Mapbox - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 289 users using CartoCSS in 341 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CartoCSS - Read more about CartoCSS on the web: 1. 1. @marina-text: #576ddf; // also swimming_pool @wetland-text: darken(#017fff, 10%); /* Also for marsh */ @mud-text: darken(#aea397, 20%); @shop-icon: #ac39ac; @transportation-icon: #0092da; @transportation-text: #0066ff; @airtransport: #8461C4; @landcover-font-size: 10; @landcover-font-size-big: 12; @landcover-font-size-bigger: 15; @landcover-wrap-width-size: 25; @landcover-wrap-width-size-big: 35; @landcover-wrap-width-size-bigger: 45; @landcover-face-name: @oblique-fonts; @standard-wrap-width: 30; .points { [feature = 'tourism_alpine_hut'][zoom >= 13] { point-file: url('symbols/alpinehut.p.16.png'); point-placement: interior; } [feature = 'amenity_shelter'][zoom >= 16] { point-file: url('symbols/shelter2.p.16.png'); point-placement: interior; } [feature = 'amenity_atm'][zoom >= 17] { point-file: url('symbols/atm2.p.16.png'); point-placement: interior; } [feature = 'amenity_bank'][zoom >= 17] { point-file: url('symbols/bank2.p.16.png'); point-placement: interior; } [feature = 'amenity_bar'][zoom >= 17] { point-file: url('symbols/bar.p.20.png'); point-placement: interior; } [feature = 'amenity_bicycle_rental'][zoom >= 17] { point-file: url('symbols/rental_bicycle.p.20.png'); point-placement: interior; } [feature = 'highway_bus_stop'] { [zoom >= 16] { marker-file: url('symbols/square.svg'); marker-fill: @transportation-icon; marker-placement: interior; marker-width: 6; } [zoom >= 17] { marker-file: url('symbols/bus_stop.p.12.png'); marker-width: 12; } } [feature = 'amenity_bus_station'][zoom >= 16] { point-file: url('symbols/bus_station.n.16.png'); point-placement: interior; } [feature = 'highway_traffic_signals'][zoom >= 17] { marker-file: url('symbols/traffic_light.svg'); marker-fill: #0a0a0a; marker-placement: interior; } [feature = 'amenity_cafe'][zoom >= 17] { point-file: url('symbols/cafe.p.1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 478 2.4
Casio BASIC - Programming language Casio BASIC =========== Casio BASIC is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #1866 on PLDB 18 Years Old Casio BASIC is a programming language used in the Casio calculators such as the Classpad, fx-9860G Series, and CFX graphing calculators. The language is a linear structured, BASIC-based programming language. It was devised to allow users to program in commonly performed calculations, such as the Pythagorean theorem and complex trigonometric calculations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Casio BASIC happened in Casio Computer Co., Ltd - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
CASSANDRE - Programming language CASSANDRE ========= CASSANDRE is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3903 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CASSANDRE happened in Université Grenoble Alpes - CASSANDRE on HOPL CASSANDRE on HOPL - Read more about CASSANDRE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
cat - Programming language cat === cat is a programming language created in 2016 by Christopher Diggins. 2016 Christopher Diggins #1018 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Cat is a higher-order stack-oriented language. - Tags: programming language - cat is developed on GitHub and has 246 stars - cat is written in JavaScript, GLSL, C#, JSON, Markdown, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, XML, SVG, YAML - Read more about cat on the web: 1. 1. 1 1 + eq 2 ["As I expected!"] ["I need to be repaired!"] if 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 33 10 Hello World Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
Catala - Programming language Catala ====== Catala is a programming language created in 2019 by Denis Merigoux. 2019 Denis Merigoux #652 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Programming language for literate programming law specification - Tags: programming language - Catala is developed on GitHub and has 1,951 stars - Early development of Catala happened in - Catala is written in OCaml, Markdown, Nix, JSON, Bourne shell, SVG, Tex, Python, TOML, XML, CSON, C, Make, Vim script, JavaScript, Rescript, R, YAML, Lisp, Dockerfile - was registered in 2020 scope QualifiedEmployeeDiscount : definition qualified_employee_discount under condition is_property consequence equals if employee_discount >$ customer_price ×$ gross_profit_percentage then customer_price ×$ gross_profit_percentage else employee_discount Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Catalysis - Programming language Catalysis ========= Catalysis is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3904 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Catalysis happened in Platinum Technology Inc - Catalysis on HOPL Catalysis on HOPL - Read more about Catalysis on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
categorical-query-language - Query language categorical-query-language ========================== categorical-query-language is a query language created in 2019. 2019 #1406 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Categorical Query Language IDE - Tags: queryLanguage - categorical-query-language is developed on GitHub and has 297 stars - Early development of categorical-query-language happened in and - categorical-query-language is written in Java, Markdown, SQL, XML, CSS, HTML, YAML - was registered in 2012 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Cayenne - Programming language Cayenne ======= Cayenne is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2387 on PLDB 26 Years Old Cayenne is a dependently typed functional programming language created by Lennart Augustsson in 1998, making it one of the earliest dependently type programming language (as opposed to proof assistant or logical framework). A notable design decision is that the language allows unbounded recursive functions to be used on the type level, making type checking undecidable. Most dependently typed proof assistants and later dependently typed languages such as Agda included a termination checker to prevent the type checker from looping, while the contemporary Dependent ML restricted the expressivity of the type-level language to maintain decidability. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cayenne happened in Chalmers University of Technology - Cayenne on HOPL Cayenne on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Agda, DML, Haskell PrintfType :: String -> # PrintfType (Nil) = String PrintfType ('%':('d':cs)) = Int -> PrintfType cs PrintfType ('%':('s':cs)) = String -> PrintfType cs PrintfType ('%':( _ :cs)) = PrintfType cs PrintfType ( _ :cs) = PrintfType cs aux :: (fmt::String) -> String -> PrintfType fmt aux (Nil) out = out aux ('%':('d':cs)) out = \ (i::Int) -> aux cs (out ++ show i) aux ('%':('s':cs)) out = \ (s::String) -> aux cs (out ++ s) aux ('%':( c :cs)) out = aux cs (out ++ c : Nil) aux (c:cs) out = aux cs (out ++ c : Nil) printf :: (fmt::String) -> PrintfType fmt printf fmt = aux fmt Nil Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 335 1.7
CAYLEY - Programming language CAYLEY ====== CAYLEY is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3905 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CAYLEY happened in University of Sydney - CAYLEY on HOPL CAYLEY on HOPL - Read more about CAYLEY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
CBASIC - Programming language CBASIC ====== CBASIC is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3733 on PLDB 42 Years Old CBASIC is a compiled version of the BASIC programming language written for the CP/M operating system by Gordon Eubanks in 1976–1977. It is an enhanced version of BASIC-E.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CBASIC happened in Naval Postgraduate School - See also: (3 related languages) PL/M, BASIC, MBASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
CBOR - Binary data format CBOR ==== CBOR is a binary data format created in 2013. 2013 #1779 on PLDB 11 Years Old CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) is a binary data serialization format loosely based on JSON. Like JSON it allows the transmission of data objects that contain name–value pairs, but in a more concise manner. This increases processing and transfer speeds at the cost of human-readability. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of CBOR happened in Technologie-Zentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik and ICANN - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
CCal - Programming language CCal ==== CCal is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3906 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CCal happened in The College of William and Mary and Tartan Laboratories and University of Pittsburgh - CCal on HOPL CCal on HOPL - Read more about CCal on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Continuity of Care Document - Xml format Continuity of Care Document =========================== Continuity of Care Document is a xml format created in 2008. 2008 #3078 on PLDB 16 Years Old The Continuity of Care Document (CCD) specification is an XML-based markup standard intended to specify the encoding, structure, and semantics of a patient summary clinical document for exchange.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Continuity of Care Document happened in Health Level Seven International Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
CCEL - Programming language CCEL ==== CCEL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3907 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CCEL happened in Brown University - CCEL on HOPL CCEL on HOPL - Read more about CCEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Continuity of Care Record - Xml format Continuity of Care Record ========================= Continuity of Care Record is a xml format created in 2007. 2007 #3643 on PLDB 17 Years Old Continuity of Care Record (CCR) is a health record standard specification developed jointly by ASTM International, the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS), the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and other health informatics vendors.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Continuity of Care Record happened in ASTM International and Massachusetts Medical Society and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society and American Academy of Family Physicians and American Academy of Pediatrics Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
CCS - Programming language CCS === CCS is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3091 on PLDB 25 Years Old CCS is a proprietary scripting language for executing sequences of command-line interface (CLI) commands on NetMRI-supported network devices, to perform job automation tasks. If you know Cisco IOS, writing CCS scripts is relatively straightforward. - Tags: programming language - Early development of CCS happened in Infoblox Inc - Read more about CCS on the web: 1. 1. Script-Filter: $Vendor eq "Cisco" and $sysDescr like /IOS/ and $Version like /^1[2-9]/ and $Type in ['Router', 'Switch-Router']] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Clinical Document Architecture - Xml format Clinical Document Architecture ============================== Clinical Document Architecture is a xml format created in 1996. 1996 #3206 on PLDB 28 Years Old The HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) is an XML-based markup standard intended to specify the encoding, structure and semantics of clinical documents for exchange. In November 2000, HL7 published Release 1.0. The organization published Release 2.0 with its "2005 Normative Edition.". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Clinical Document Architecture happened in Health Level Seven International Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
CBOR data definition language - Interface design language CBOR data definition language ============================= CBOR data definition language, aka CBOR data definition language, is an interface design language created in 2017. 2017 #2120 on PLDB 7 Years Old Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and JSON Data Structures - Tags: interface design language - Early development of CBOR data definition language happened in Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie SIT and Technologie-Zentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for CBOR data definition language - Read more about CBOR data definition language on the web: 1. 1. pii = ( age: int, name: tstr, employer: tstr, ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
C'Dent - Intermediate representation language C'Dent ====== C'Dent is an intermediate representation language created in 2010 by Ingy döt Net. 2010 Ingy döt Net #3674 on PLDB 14 Years Old When you write a module in C'Dent, you can use it in a dozen different programming languages. For instance, you could write a module in Python and use it in JavaScript, or you could write a module in JavaScript and use it in Perl 6, Ruby or Java. C'Dent has multiple input syntaxes. These syntaxes are strict subsets of common and popular object-oriented programming languages. The current implementation of C'Dent supports Python, JavaScript and Perl 6 inputs. Perl and Ruby will be added soon. C'Dent parses and analyzes the input into a well defined tree structure that is is known as C'Dent. The C'Dent format can be trivially serialized to disk as YAML or XML. - Tags: intermediate representation language %TAG !,2010: --- !AST has: - !Module has: - !Comment line: 1 type: doc val: 'This is World class :) ' - !Comment line: 4 type: blank val: ' ' - !Class has: - !Method has: - !Println args: - !String val: Hello, world line: 7 line: 6 name: greet line: 5 name: World line: 1 name: Module Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
Common Data Format - Binary data format Common Data Format ================== Common Data Format, aka Common Data Format, is a binary data format created in 1985. 1985 #2293 on PLDB 39 Years Old Common Data Format (CDF) is a library and toolkit that was developed by the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) at NASA starting in 1985. The software is an interface for the storage and manipulation of multi-dimensional data sets.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Common Data Format happened in NASA - See also: (1 related languages) Hierarchical Data Format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
CDL - Programming language CDL === CDL is a programming language created in 1995 by Christian Hochberger. 1995 Christian Hochberger #3263 on PLDB 29 Years Old A Language for Cellular Processing. Our goal is to describe complex cellular automata in a concise and readable way. - Tags: programming language - Early development of CDL happened in Technische Universität Darmstadt - Read more about CDL on the web: 1.\_107 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to CDL: CDL++ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
CDL++ - Programming language CDL++ ===== CDL++ is a programming language created in 1999 by Christian Hochberger. 1999 Christian Hochberger #3092 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CDL++ happened in Technische Universität Darmstadt - CDL++ on HOPL CDL++ on HOPL - Read more about CDL++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
CECIL - Programming language CECIL ===== CECIL is a programming language created in 1992 by Craig Chambers. 1992 Craig Chambers #1858 on PLDB 32 Years Old Cecil is a pure object-oriented programming language that was developed by Craig Chambers at the University of Washington in 1992 to be part of the Vortex project there. Cecil has many similarities to other object-oriented languages, most notably Objective-C, Modula-3, and Self. The main goals of the project were extensibility, orthogonality, efficiency, and ease-of-use. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CECIL happened in University of Washington - Explore CECIL snippets on Rosetta Code - CECIL on HOPL CECIL on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Objective-C, Modula-3, Self, Cesil Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Cedar Fortran - Programming language Cedar Fortran ============= Cedar Fortran is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3908 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cedar Fortran happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Cedar Fortran on HOPL Cedar Fortran on HOPL - Read more about Cedar Fortran on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Cedar - Programming language Cedar ===== Cedar is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3909 on PLDB 41 Years Old The Cedar language is a programming language derived from Mesa, which in turn is derived from Pascal. It is meant to be used for a wide variety of programming tasks, ranging from low level systems software to large applications. In addition to the sequential control constructs, static type checking and structured types of Pascal, and the modules, exception handling, and concurrency control constructs of Mesa, Cedar also has garbage collection, dynamic types, and a limited form of type parameterization. - Tags: programming language - Cedar is a superset of Mesa - Early development of Cedar happened in Xerox PARC - Read more about Cedar on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
CEEMAC - Programming language CEEMAC ====== CEEMAC is a programming language created in 1980 by Brooke Boering. 1980 Brooke Boering #3224 on PLDB 44 Years Old CEEMAC is a programming language developed in the 1980s for the Apple II family of computers. It was authored by Brooke Boering and published by Vagabondo Enterprises,CEEMAC was designed to be a visual composition language in which the programmer designed dynamic "scores" by programatically controlling color, shape, sound and movement. Additionally, a programmer could then "perform" their score through use of the Apple II keyboard or paddle input devices to introduce additional variation.CEEMAC syntax loosely resembled a combination of BASIC and Pascal and include control commands such as GOTO, GOSUB, DO, AGAIN, FOR, SKIP, EXIT and loop control structures such as IF/WHILE and TIL/UNLESS. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CEEMAC happened in Vagabondo Enterprises - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, Pascal SCORE: KT :FIRE ORGAN KEY T SPEED [0,0] : - BUT 0 0 CLEAR [0,0] XY1 = $80;$80 : MAIN LOOP F :FORGND SYMMETRY 0-3 VC = RND3 ORA 3 : SAVE FORGND ROTATION VD = ROTEZ :FORGND COLOR COLOR = NXTCOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
CELIP - Programming language CELIP ===== CELIP is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3910 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CELIP happened in University of Duisburg-Essen - CELIP on HOPL CELIP on HOPL - Read more about CELIP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Cell - Programming language Cell ==== Cell is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #961 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Cell is a very high-level embeddable language. Cell's data model combines a staple of functional programming, algebraic data types, with relations and other ideas from relational databases. - Tags: programming language - Cell is developed on GitHub and has 113 stars - Early development of Cell happened in - Cell is written in Markdown - was registered in 2017 type AddUser = add_user( id: UserId, username: String, signup_date: Date, first_name: String, last_name: String, date_of_birth: Date? ); OnlineForum.AddUser { id =; // Inserting the new user id and setting all the mandatory attributes insert user(id), username(id, self.username), first_name(id, self.first_name), last_name(id, self.last_name), signup_date(id, self.signup_date); // Setting the date_of_birth attribute, if available insert date_of_birth(id, self.date_of_birth) if self.date_of_birth?; } reactive Thermostat { input: temperature: Float; output: on: Bool; state: // When the system is initialized, on is true if // and only if the current temperature exceeds 28°C on: Bool = temperature > 28.0; rules: // Switching on the air conditioner when // the temperature exceeds 28°C on = true when temperature > 28.0; // Switching it off when it falls below 24°C on = false when temperature < 24.0; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 334 1.7
CELLSIM - Programming language CELLSIM ======= CELLSIM is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3911 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CELLSIM happened in Industrial Engineering Department - CELLSIM on HOPL CELLSIM on HOPL - Read more about CELLSIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Celsius WebScript - Programming language Celsius WebScript ================= Celsius WebScript is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #4913 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Celsius WebScript on HOPL Celsius WebScript on HOPL - Read more about Celsius WebScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Ceprol - Programming language Ceprol ====== Ceprol is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3912 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ceprol happened in Technical University of Braunschweig - Ceprol on HOPL Ceprol on HOPL - Read more about Ceprol on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Cesil - Programming language Cesil ===== Cesil is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #1899 on PLDB 50 Years Old Cesil, or Computer Education in Schools Instruction Language, was a programming language designed to introduce pupils in British schools to Assembly language. It is a low level language containing a total of fourteen instructions: Load value - place the immediate value or the contents of the variable named in the accumulator. Store variable - place the contents of the accumulator in the variable. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cesil happened in International Computers Limited - See also: (1 related languages) Assembly language PRINT "Hello World" HALT % * LOAD 0 LOOP STORE TOTAL IN JINEG DONE ADD TOTAL JUMP LOOP DONE PRINT "The total is: " LOAD TOTAL OUT LINE HALT % 1 2 3 -1 [Output of above program running...] The total is: 6 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
Céu - Programming language Céu === Céu is a programming language created in 2011 by Francisco Sant'Anna. 2011'Anna Francisco Sant'Anna #1792 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Céu is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of Céu happened in Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - Céu is written in Kotlin, Markdown, Gradle, Vim script, Make, Bourne shell - was registered in 2012 - Read more about Céu on the web: 1. 1. input int KEY; par/or do every 1s do _printf("Hello World!\n"); end with await KEY; end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token _printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Ceylon - Programming language Ceylon ====== Ceylon is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Gavin King. 2011 Gavin King #291 on PLDB 13 Years Old 336 Repos git clone Ceylon is an object-oriented, strongly statically typed programming language with an emphasis on immutability, created by Red Hat. Ceylon programs run on the Java virtual machine (JVM), and can be compiled to JavaScript. The language design focuses on source code readability, predictability, toolability, modularity, and metaprogrammability. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Ceylon is developed on GitHub and has 396 stars - There are at least 336 Ceylon repos on GitHub - Early development of Ceylon happened in Red Hat - Ceylon is written in Java, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, Bourne shell, Gradle, Markdown, HTML, Groovy, CSS, DTD, JSON, Ini, Bash, Make, AsciiDoc, Perl, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 85 users using Ceylon in 167 repos on GitHub - There are 8 Project Euler users using Ceylon - Explore Ceylon snippets on Rosetta Code - Ceylon appears in the TIOBE Index - Ceylon LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Ceylon - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ceylon - was registered in 2011 - See also: (11 related languages) JVM, JavaScript, Java, Scala, Smalltalk, ML, Lisp, Apache Maven, TypeScript, Dart, Fantom shared void run() { print("Hello, world!"); } shared void hello() { print("Hello World"); } // Hello world in Ceylon print("Hello, World!"); "Test function for Ceylon" by ("Enrique") shared void test() { print("test"); } "Test class for Ceylon" shared class Test(name) satisfies Comparable<Test> { shared String name; shared actual String string = "Test ``name``."; shared actual Comparison compare(Test other) { return name<=>; } } /* The classic Hello World program */ shared void run() { print("Hello, World!"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // \$([01]{4})(_[01]{4})+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d{1,3}(_\d{3})+[kMGTP]? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // \d{1,3}(_\d{3})+\.\d{1,3}(_\d{3})+[kMGTPmunpf]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // #([0-9a-fA-F]{4})(_[0-9a-fA-F]{4})+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 572 2.9
CFEngine - Application CFEngine ======== CFEngine is an open source application created in 1993. 1993 #1013 on PLDB 31 Years Old CFEngine is an open source configuration management system, written by Mark Burgess. Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and maintenance of large-scale computer systems, including the unified management of servers, desktops, consumer and industrial devices, embedded networked devices, mobile smartphones, and tablet computers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of CFEngine happened in Oslo University - was registered in 2001 - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Solaris, Puppet #!/var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent --no-lock body common control { bundlesequence => { "hello_world" }; } bundle agent hello_world { reports: any:: "Hello World!"; } body common control { bundlesequence => { "run" }; } bundle agent run { reports: cfengine:: "Hello World"; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
CFML - Programming language CFML ==== CFML, aka ColdFusion Markup Language, is a programming language created in 1995 by Jeremy Allaire. 1995 Jeremy Allaire #638 on PLDB 29 Years Old ColdFusion Markup Language, more commonly known as CFML, is a scripting language for web development that runs on the JVM, the .NET framework, and Google App Engine. Multiple commercial and open source implementations of CFML engines are available, including Adobe ColdFusion, Lucee, New Atlanta BlueDragon (who makes both a Java-based and a .NET-based version), Railo, and Open BlueDragon as well as other CFML server engines.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CFML happened in Adobe and Lucee Association and New Atlanta and openBD and The Railo Company - CFML on HOPL CFML on HOPL - CFML appears in the TIOBE Index - Learn CFML on exercism. - See also: (7 related languages) ColdFusion, Java, CFScript, JavaScript, XML, JSP, SOAP - 1 PLDB concepts link to CFML: ColdFusion Components <cfset person = CreateObject("component", "Person") /> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example component { // properties property name="cheeseName"; // constructor function Cheese init( required string cheeseName ) { variables.cheeseName = arguments.cheeseName; return this; } } Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 283 1.4
CFScript - Programming language CFScript ======== CFScript is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2544 on PLDB 25 Years Old CFScript is an extension of CFML on the ColdFusion platform. CFScript resembles JavaScript. Some ColdFusion developers prefer it since it has less visual and typographical overhead than ordinary CFML.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) CFML, JavaScript, HTML x = 0; do { x = x+1; WriteOutput(x); } while (x LTE 0); // Outputs: 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Cg - Shading language Cg == Cg, aka C for Graphics, is a shading language created in 2003. 2003 #585 on PLDB 21 Years Old Cg (short for C for Graphics) is a high-level shading language developed by Nvidia in close collaboration with Microsoft for programming vertex and pixel shaders. Cg is based on the C programming language and although they share the same syntax, some features of C were modified and new data types were added to make Cg more suitable for programming graphics processing units. This language is only suitable for GPU programming and is not a general programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: shadingLanguage - Early development of Cg happened in Nvidia - Cg on HOPL Cg on HOPL - Cg appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (3 related languages) C, OpenGL, Unity - Read more about Cg on the web: 1. 1. // input vertex struct VertIn { float4 pos : POSITION; float4 color : COLOR0; }; // output vertex struct VertOut { float4 pos : POSITION; float4 color : COLOR0; }; // vertex shader main entry VertOut main(VertIn IN, uniform float4x4 modelViewProj) { VertOut OUT; OUT.pos = mul(modelViewProj, IN.pos); // calculate output coords OUT.color = IN.color; // copy input color to output OUT.color.z = 1.0f; // blue component of color = 1.0f return OUT; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 329 1.6
CGOL - Programming language CGOL ==== CGOL is a programming language created in 1973 by Vaughan Ronald Pratt. 1973 Vaughan Ronald Pratt #1973 on PLDB 51 Years Old CGOL (pronounced "see goll") is an alternative syntax featuring an extensible algebraic notation for the Lisp programming language. It was designed for MACLISP by Vaughan Pratt and subsequently ported to Common Lisp.The notation of CGOL is a traditional infix notation, in the style of ALGOL, rather than Lisp's traditional, uniformly-parenthesized prefix notation syntax. The CGOL parser is based on Pratt's design for top-down operator precedence parsing, sometimes informally referred to as a "Pratt parser". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CGOL happened in University of California Berkeley - CGOL on HOPL CGOL on HOPL - Read more about CGOL on the web: 1. 1. for i in 1 to n do for k in 1 to n do (ac := 0; for j in 1 to n do ac := ac + a(i,j)*b(j,k); c(i,k) := ac) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 276 1.4
Ch computer programming - Programming language Ch computer programming ======================= Ch computer programming is an open source programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1317 on PLDB 23 Years Old Ch is a proprietary cross-platform C and C++ interpreter and scripting language environment, originally designed by Harry H. Cheng as a scripting language for beginners to learn mathematics, computing, numerical analysis (numeric methods), and programming in C/C++. Ch is now developed and marketed by SoftIntegration, Inc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ch computer programming happened in SoftIntegration, Inc - was registered in 1998 - See also: (8 related languages) C, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, X86, SPARC, LabVIEW G, Pike Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
chain-format - Text data format chain-format ============ chain-format is a text data format created in 2013. 2013 #3093 on PLDB 11 Years Old The chain format describes a pairwise alignment that allow gaps in both sequences simultaneously. Each set of chain alignments starts with a header line, contains one or more alignment data lines, and terminates with a blank line. The format is deliberately quite dense. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of chain-format happened in University of California Santa Cruz - Read more about chain-format on the web: 1. 1. chain 4900 chrY 58368225 + 25985403 25985638 chr5 151006098 - 43257292 43257528 1 9 1 0 10 0 5 61 4 0 16 0 4 42 3 0 16 0 8 14 1 0 3 7 0 48 chain 4900 chrY 58368225 + 25985406 25985566 chr5 151006098 - 43549808 43549970 2 16 0 2 60 4 0 10 0 4 70 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
CHAIN - Programming language CHAIN ===== CHAIN is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3626 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CHAIN happened in Datapoint Corporation - Read more about CHAIN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 103 0.5
Conway chained arrow notation - Notation Conway chained arrow notation ============================= Conway chained arrow notation is a notation created in 1996 by John Conway. 1996 John Conway #1600 on PLDB 28 Years Old Conway chained arrow notation, created by mathematician John Horton Conway, is a means of expressing certain extremely large numbers. It is simply a finite sequence of positive integers separated by rightward arrows, e.g. 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 6 {\displaystyle 2\to 3\to 4\to 5\to 6} . Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of Conway chained arrow notation happened in University of Cambridge - See also: (1 related languages) Up-arrow notation 3->3->2 = 7,625,597,484,987 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
chaiscript - Programming language chaiscript ========== chaiscript is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #386 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Embedded Scripting Language Designed for C++ - Tags: programming language - chaiscript is developed on GitHub and has 2,912 stars - Early development of chaiscript happened in - chaiscript is written in C++, Markdown, YAML, CMake, Bourne shell, Ruby, SVG, PHP, Pascal, JSON - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for chaiscript - was registered in 2009 #include <chaiscript/chaiscript.hpp> std::string helloWorld(const std::string &t_name) { return "Hello " + t_name + "!"; } int main() { chaiscript::ChaiScript chai; chai.add(chaiscript::fun(&helloWorld), "helloWorld"); chai.eval(R"( puts(helloWorld("Bob")); )"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
CHAMP - Programming language CHAMP ===== CHAMP is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3913 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CHAMP happened in University of Virginia - CHAMP on HOPL CHAMP on HOPL - Read more about CHAMP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
chaos-lang - Programming language chaos-lang ========== chaos-lang is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #3007 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of chaos-lang happened in - was registered in 2019 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Chapel - Programming language Chapel ====== Chapel is an open source programming language created in 2004 by David Callahan and Hans Zima and Brad Chamberlain and John Plevyak. 2004 David Callahan Hans Zima Brad Chamberlain John Plevyak #66 on PLDB 20 Years Old 212 Repos git clone Chapel, the Cascade High Productivity Language, is a parallel programming language developed by Cray. It is being developed as part of the Cray Cascade project, a participant in DARPA's High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program, which had the goal of increasing supercomputer productivity by the year 2010. It is being developed as an open source project, under version 2 of the Apache license.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Chapel is developed on GitHub and has 1,758 stars - There are at least 212 Chapel repos on GitHub - Early development of Chapel happened in Cray - Chapel is written in Chapel, C++, C, reStructuredText, Assembly language, Python, Bash, CMake, Bourne shell, Make, HTML, M4, XML, TOML, Markdown, Perl, JSON, Tex, C shell, OCaml, YAML, Pascal, JavaScript, CSS, SVG, Vim script, C#, Dockerfile, Diff, Lisp, LLVM IR, Protocol Buffers, Ini, Fortran 90, Objective-C, FORTRAN 77, DTD, Lex, Bazel, Ruby, Jupyter Notebook, CUDA, PHP, TypeScript, Rust, CSV, Yacc, D, Haskell, Nix, Cython, Go, Java, awk, XSLT, Julia, sed - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 50 users using Chapel in 55 repos on GitHub - There are 12,989 members in the Chapel subreddit - There are 11 Project Euler users using Chapel - Explore Chapel snippets on Rosetta Code - Chapel on HOPL Chapel on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Chapel - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Chapel - Events page for Chapel Events page for Chapel - has 1 matches for "chapel developer". - was registered in 2014 - See also: (9 related languages) Ada, C#, C, Fortran, Java, Fortress, UPC, X10, ISBN - Read more about Chapel on the web: 1. 1. - 3 PLDB concepts link to Chapel: Chapel, cloc, Pygments writeln("Hello World"); writeln("Hello, world!"); // print 'Hello, world!' to the console _ align atomic begin break by class cobegin coforall config const continue delete dmapped do domain else enum export extern for forall if in index inline inout iter label let local module new nil on otherwise out param proc record reduce ref return scan select serial single sparse subdomain sync then type union use var when where while yield zip Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?i? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[oO][0-7]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token writeln row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 739 3.7
chappe-code - Notation chappe-code =========== chappe-code is a notation created in 1792. 1792 #4914 on PLDB 232 Years Old An optical telegraph notation. - Tags: notation - Read more about chappe-code on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Charcoal - Esoteric programming language Charcoal ======== Charcoal is an esoteric programming language created in 2016 by somebody1234. 2016 somebody1234 #1491 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A concise language for sketching ASCII art. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Charcoal is developed on GitHub and has 209 stars - Early development of Charcoal happened in - Charcoal is written in Python, OpenCL, YAML, Markdown, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Charity - Programming language Charity ======= Charity is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #1127 on PLDB 32 Years Old 11 Repos Charity is an experimental purely functional programming language, developed at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Robin Cockett. Based on ideas by Hagino Tatsuya, it is completely grounded in category theory. Disregarding interactions with the outside world, all Charity programs are guaranteed to terminate or stay productive. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 11 Charity repos on GitHub - Early development of Charity happened in University of Calgary - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7 users using Charity in 10 repos on GitHub - Charity on HOPL Charity on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Linux, ML % % Some very badly written Charity % data LA(A) -> D = ss: A -> D | ff: -> D. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 257 1.3
charly - Programming language charly ====== charly is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3008 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of charly happened in Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences HackerNews discussions of charly ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Charly programming language||04/11/2017|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
CHARM++ - Programming language CHARM++ ======= CHARM++ is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3914 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CHARM++ happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - CHARM++ on HOPL CHARM++ on HOPL - Read more about CHARM++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Charrette Ada - Programming language Charrette Ada ============= Charrette Ada is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3915 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Charrette Ada happened in Carnegie Mellon - Charrette Ada on HOPL Charrette Ada on HOPL - Read more about Charrette Ada on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
chartio-app - Application chartio-app =========== chartio-app is an application created in 2010. 2010 #2703 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of chartio-app happened in chart-io - was registered in 2010 - Read more about chartio-app on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
CHARYBDIS - Programming language CHARYBDIS ========= CHARYBDIS is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3916 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CHARYBDIS happened in The MITRE Corporation - CHARYBDIS on HOPL CHARYBDIS on HOPL - Read more about CHARYBDIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
chatterbot - Library chatterbot ========== chatterbot is an open source library created in 2014 by Gunther Cox. 2014 Gunther Cox #301 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots - Tags: library - chatterbot is developed on GitHub and has 13,975 stars - Early development of chatterbot happened in salvius - chatterbot is written in Python, reStructuredText, SVG, HTML, YAML, JavaScript, CSS, Markdown, Ini, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
checked-c - Programming language checked-c ========= checked-c is a programming language created in 2015 by David Tarditi. 2015 David Tarditi #571 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Checked C is an extension to C that lets programmers write C code that is guaranteed by the compiler to be type-safe. The goal is to let people easily make their existing C code type-safe and eliminate entire classes of errors. Checked C does not address use-after-free errors. This repo has a wiki for Checked C, sample code, the specification, and test code. - Tags: programming language - checked-c is developed on GitHub and has 3,196 stars - Early development of checked-c happened in Microsoft - checked-c is written in C, Tex, Markdown, Make, R, CMake, CSV - Read more about checked-c on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
checkout - Assembly language checkout ======== checkout is an assembly language created in 2011. 2011 #3917 on PLDB 13 Years Old It is designed to be lower-level than assembler or even machine code, by matching the way modern processors work more closely than machine language does (machine code matches the way processors used to work decades ago, rather than the way they work nowadays). Thus, it makes operations like memory transfers (which take up the most time on a modern processor) explicit; this leads to the language's name, as memory needs to be "checked out" via copy or move instructions in order to be able to use it. The secondary effect of this is that efficient code tends to be shorter and simpler than inefficient code, although it can sometimes be harder to see how it works. - Tags: assembly language - Early development of checkout happened in - Read more about checkout on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
CheetahTemplate - Template language CheetahTemplate =============== CheetahTemplate is an open source template language created in 2001. 2001 #2207 on PLDB 23 Years Old Cheetah (or CheetahTemplate) is a template engine that uses the Python programming language. It can be used standalone or combined with other tools and frameworks. It is often used for server-side scripting and dynamic web content by generating HTML, but can also be used to generate source code. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Early development of CheetahTemplate happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for CheetahTemplate - See also: (3 related languages) Python, HTML, Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
chef - Esoteric programming language chef ==== chef is an esoteric programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2246 on PLDB 22 Years Old Chef is a programming language in which programs look like recipes. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of chef happened in - Read more about chef on the web: 1. 1. Hello World Souffle. This recipe prints the immortal words "Hello world!", in a basically brute force way. It also makes a lot of food for one person. Ingredients. 72 g haricot beans 101 eggs 108 g lard 111 cups oil 32 zucchinis 119 ml water 114 g red salmon 100 g dijon mustard 33 potatoes Method. Put potatoes into the mixing bowl. Put dijon mustard into the mixing bowl. Put lard into the mixing bowl. Put red salmon into the mixing bowl. Put oil into the mixing bowl. Put water into the mixing bowl. Put zucchinis into the mixing bowl. Put oil into the mixing bowl. Put lard into the mixing bowl. Put lard into the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Put haricot beans into the mixing bowl. Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. Serves 1. Hello World Cake with Chocolate Sauce. Ingredients. 33 g chocolate chips 100 g butter 54 ml double cream 2 pinches baking powder 114 g sugar 111 ml beaten eggs 119 g flour 32 g cocoa powder 0 g cake mixture Cooking time: 25 minutes. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Method. Put chocolate chips into the mixing bowl. Put butter into the mixing bowl. Put sugar into the mixing bowl. Put beaten eggs into the mixing bowl. Put flour into the mixing bowl. Put baking powder into the mixing bowl. Put cocoa powder into the mixing bowl. Stir the mixing bowl for 1 minute. Combine double cream into the mixing bowl. Stir the mixing bowl for 4 minutes. Liquefy the contents of the mixing bowl. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. bake the cake mixture. Wait until baked. Serve with chocolate sauce. Chocolate Sauce. Ingredients. 111 g sugar 108 ml hot water 108 ml heated double cream 101 g dark chocolate 72 g milk chocolate Method. Clean the mixing bowl. Put sugar into the mixing bowl. Put hot water into the mixing bowl. Put heated double cream into the mixing bowl. dissolve the sugar. agitate the sugar until dissolved. Liquefy the dark chocolate. Put dark chocolate into the mixing bowl. Liquefy the milk chocolate. Put milk chocolate into the mixing bowl. Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 513 2.6
ChemTrains - Programming language ChemTrains ========== ChemTrains is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3918 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ChemTrains happened in U S WEST Advanced Technologies, Inc and University of Colorado - ChemTrains on HOPL ChemTrains on HOPL - Read more about ChemTrains on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Cheri - Instruction set architecture Cheri ===== Cheri, aka Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions, is an instruction set architecture created in 2010. 2010 #3009 on PLDB 14 Years Old CHERI extends conventional hardware Instruction-Set Architectures (ISAs) with new architectural features to enable fine-grained memory protection and highly scalable software compartmentalization. - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of Cheri happened in University of Cambridge Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
chevrotain - Library chevrotain ========== chevrotain is an open source library created in 2015. 2015 #603 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript - Tags: library - chevrotain is developed on GitHub and has 2,450 stars - Early development of chevrotain happened in SAP - chevrotain is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, HTML, YAML, Bourne shell, CSS, JSON5, CSV "use strict" /** * An Example of implementing a CSV Grammar with Chevrotain. * * Based on: * * Note that this is a pure grammar without any actions (either embedded or via a CST Visitor). */ const { createToken, Lexer, Parser, EMPTY_ALT } = require("chevrotain") // ----------------- lexer ----------------- const Text = createToken({ name: "Text", pattern: /[^,\n\r"]+/ }) const Comma = createToken({ name: "Comma", pattern: /,/ }) const NewLine = createToken({ name: "NewLine", pattern: /\r?\n/ }) const String = createToken({ name: "String", pattern: /"(?:""|[^"])*"/ }) const allTokens = [Text, String, Comma, NewLine] const CsvLexer = new Lexer(allTokens) // Parser class CsvParser extends Parser { constructor() { super(allTokens) // not mandatory, using $ (or any other sign) to reduce verbosity const $ = this $.RULE("csvFile", () => { $.SUBRULE($.hdr) $.AT_LEAST_ONE(() => { $.SUBRULE2($.row) }) }) $.RULE("hdr", () => { $.SUBRULE($.row) }) $.RULE("row", () => { $.SUBRULE($.field) $.MANY(() => { $.CONSUME(Comma) $.SUBRULE2($.field) }) $.CONSUME(NewLine) }) $.RULE("field", () => { $.OR([ { ALT: () => $.CONSUME(Text) }, { ALT: () => $.CONSUME(String) }, { ALT: EMPTY_ALT("empty field") } ]) }) // very important to call this after all the rules have been defined. // otherwise the parser may not work correctly as it will lack information // derived during the self analysis phase. this.performSelfAnalysis() } } // wrapping it all together // reuse the same parser instance. const parser = new CsvParser([]) module.exports = function(text) { // 1. Tokenize the input. const lexResult = CsvLexer.tokenize(text) // 2. Set the Parser's input parser.input = lexResult.tokens // 3. invoke the desired parser rule const cst = parser.csvFile() return { cst: cst, lexResult: lexResult, parseErrors: parser.errors } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 390 1.9
chibicc - Compiler chibicc ======= chibicc is a compiler created in 2019 by Rui Ueyama. 2019 Rui Ueyama #695 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A Small C Compiler. - Tags: compiler - chibicc is developed on GitHub and has 9,226 stars - Early development of chibicc happened in - chibicc is written in C, Bourne shell, Markdown, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
chicken-lang - Esoteric programming language chicken-lang ============ chicken-lang is an esoteric programming language created in 2013. 2013 #4697 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language HackerNews discussions of chicken-lang ====================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Chicken chicken chicken – chicken chicken programming language||07/01/2013|147|71 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
CHICKEN - Programming language CHICKEN ======= CHICKEN is an open source programming language created in 2000 by Felix Winkelmann. 2000 Felix Winkelmann #762 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone Chicken (stylized as CHICKEN) is a programming language, specifically a compiler and interpreter which implement a dialect of the programming language Scheme, and which compiles Scheme source code to standard C. It is mostly R5RS compliant and offers many extensions to the standard. The newer R7RS standard is supported through an extension library. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, compiler - CHICKEN is an implementation of Scheme - Early development of CHICKEN happened in The Chicken Team - CHICKEN is written in Scheme, Bourne shell, C, Lisp, Tex, Make, Tcl, CSS, HTML - CHICKEN on HOPL CHICKEN on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) Scheme, Linux, iOS, Android, Stalin - 1 PLDB concepts link to CHICKEN: Queue A glimpse of CHICKEN ;;; hello-world.scm (print "Hello, world!") ;;; Running it interpreted: $ csi -s hello-world.scm Hello, world! ;;; Compiling and running the executable binary: $ csc hello-world.scm $ ./hello-world Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 272 1.4
Chicon - Programming language Chicon ====== Chicon is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4789 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Chicon on HOPL Chicon on HOPL - Read more about Chicon on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Chika - Programming language Chika ===== Chika is a programming language created in 2019 by Patrick. 2019 Patrick #2178 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone S-expression programming language with VM targeting both PC and Arduino. - Tags: programming language - Chika is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of Chika happened in - Chika is written in C++, Markdown, SVG, Bourne shell, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
CHILL - Programming language CHILL ===== CHILL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #1704 on PLDB 44 Years Old In computing, CHILL (an acronym for CCITT High Level Language) is a procedural programming language designed for use in telecommunication switches (the hardware used inside telephone exchanges). The language is still used for legacy systems in some telecommunication companies and for signal box programming. The CHILL language is similar in size and complexity to the original Ada language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CHILL happened in ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector - CHILL on HOPL CHILL on HOPL - CHILL appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (4 related languages) COBOL, Ada, PLEX, Erlang Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Chimera - Programming language Chimera ======= Chimera is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3346 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Chimera happened in Università di Genova and Università di Milano and University of Twente - Chimera on HOPL Chimera on HOPL - Read more about Chimera on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Chinese BASIC - Programming language Chinese BASIC ============= Chinese BASIC is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3722 on PLDB 44 Years Old Chinese BASIC (Chinese: 中文培基; pinyin: Zhōngwén Péijī) is the name given to several Chinese-localized versions of the BASIC programming language in the early 1980s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Chinese BASIC happened in Acer and others - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, Applesoft BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
CHIP-8 - Programming language CHIP-8 ====== CHIP-8 is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #1700 on PLDB 54 Years Old CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language, developed by Joseph Weisbecker. It was initially used on the COSMAC VIP and Telmac 1800 8-bit microcomputers in the mid-1970s. CHIP-8 programs are run on a CHIP-8 virtual machine. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CHIP-8 happened in RCA Corporation - CHIP-8 on HOPL CHIP-8 on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Verilog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
CHIP - Programming language CHIP ==== CHIP is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #2988 on PLDB 39 Years Old CHIP (Constraint Handling in Prolog) is a constraint logic programming language developed by M. Dincbas and alias in 1985 at ECRC, initially using a Prolog language interface. CHIP V5 is the version developed and marketed by COSYTEC in Paris since 1993 with Prolog, using C, C++, or Prolog language interfaces. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CHIP happened in European Computer-Industry Research Centre - CHIP on HOPL CHIP on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Prolog, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
Chipmunk Basic - Programming language Chipmunk Basic ============== Chipmunk Basic is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2385 on PLDB 35 Years Old Chipmunk Basic is a freeware version of the BASIC programming language maintained by developer Ron Nicholson. Chipmunk basic was originally developed for the Apple Macintosh and has been ported to Linux and Windows. The "windowed" Macintosh version includes a wide variety of graphics drawing commands. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) Linux, Pascal - Read more about Chipmunk Basic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
chirp - Visual programming language chirp ===== chirp is a visual programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3675 on PLDB 16 Years Old Chirp is a Scratch modification made by Jens, who was at the time a member of the Scratch Team. It was the precursor to BYOB and adds a number of new features to Scratch, while remaining fully compatible - Tags: visual programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
chisel - Hardware description language chisel ====== chisel is a hardware description language created in 2015. 2015 #533 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Chisel: A Modern Hardware Design Language - Tags: hardwareDescriptionLanguage - chisel is developed on GitHub and has 3,854 stars - Early development of chisel happened in University of California Berkeley - chisel is written in Scala, Markdown, YAML, Scheme, SVG, JavaScript, JSON, Python, Make, CSS, C++, Nix, Dockerfile, XML - was registered in 2016 - Read more about chisel on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
chocolatey-pm - Package manager chocolatey-pm ============= chocolatey-pm is a package manager created in 2011. 2011 #3010 on PLDB 13 Years Old Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows (like apt-get or yum but for Windows). - Tags: packageManager - Early development of chocolatey-pm happened in Chocolatey Software - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Chomski - Programming language Chomski ======= Chomski is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #4572 on PLDB 17 Years Old chomski virtual machine (named after the noted linguist Noam Chomsky) and pp (the pattern parser) refer to both a command line computer language and utility (interpreter for that language) which can be used to parse and transform text patterns. The utility reads input files character by character (sequentially), applying the operation which has been specified via the command line or a pp script, and then outputs the line. It was developed from 2006 as a Unix and Windows utility, and is available today for Windows and Linux systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (5 related languages) sed, Unix, grep, Unicode, C cat inputFileName | chomski -s '[-n]{plus;} <>{count;print;}' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Chrome - Programming language Chrome ====== Chrome is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3794 on PLDB 16 Years Old Oxygene (formerly known as Chrome) is a programming language developed by RemObjects Software for Microsoft's Common Language Infrastructure, the Java Platform and Cocoa. Oxygene is Object Pascal-based, but also has influences from C#, Eiffel, Java, F# and other languages. Compared to the now deprecated Delphi.NET, Oxygene does not emphasize total backward compatibility, but is designed to be a "reinvention" of the language, be a good citizen on the managed development platforms, and leverage all the features and technologies provided by the .NET and Java runtimes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Chrome happened in RemObjects Software - See also: (9 related languages) WebAssembly, Object Pascal, C#, Eiffel, Java, F#, Delphi, Swift, Free Pascal Type: System.Int32 -> a = 23, b = 15 -> a = 15, b = 23 Type: System.String -> a = abc, b = def -> a = def, b = abc Type: System.Double -> a = 1,1, b = 1,2 -> a = 1,2, b = 1,1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
Chronolog - Programming language Chronolog ========= Chronolog is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3919 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Chronolog happened in University of New South Wales - Chronolog on HOPL Chronolog on HOPL - Read more about Chronolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
ChronologMC - Programming language ChronologMC =========== ChronologMC is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3920 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ChronologMC happened in Macquarie University - ChronologMC on HOPL ChronologMC on HOPL - Read more about ChronologMC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ChronologZ - Programming language ChronologZ ========== ChronologZ is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3921 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ChronologZ happened in Macquarie University and University of Victoria and University of New Brunswick - ChronologZ on HOPL ChronologZ on HOPL - Read more about ChronologZ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
chrysaLisp - Programming language chrysaLisp ========== chrysaLisp is a programming language created in 2015 by Chris Hinsley. 2015 Chris Hinsley #913 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries, C-Script compiler, Lisp interpreter and more... - Tags: programming language - chrysaLisp is developed on GitHub and has 1,608 stars - Early development of chrysaLisp happened in Tao Group - chrysaLisp is written in Markdown, Lisp, Pascal, SVG, PowerShell, Bourne shell, C++, C, PHP, Make ;imports (import 'sys/ (import 'class/ (import 'gui/ (structure 'event 0 (byte 'win_close 'win_min 'win_max 'win_button)) (ui-tree window (create-window (+ window_flag_close window_flag_min window_flag_max)) nil (ui-element _ (create-flow) ('flow_flags (logior flow_flag_down flow_flag_fillw flow_flag_lasth)) (ui-element display (create-label) ('text "0" 'color argb_white 'flow_flags flow_flag_align_hright 'font (create-font "fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf" 24))) (ui-element _ (create-grid) ('grid_width 4 'grid_height 4 'color toolbar_col 'font (create-font "fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf" 42)) (each (lambda (text) (component-connect (ui-element _ (create-button) ('text (if (eql text "C") "AC" text))) event_win_button)) "789/456*123-0=C+")))) (gui-add (apply view-change (cat (list window 920 48) (view-pref-size (window-set-title (window-connect-close (window-connect-min (window-connect-max window event_win_max) event_win_min) event_win_close) "Calculator"))))) (defun do_lastop () (cond ((eql lastop "+") (setq accum (+ accum num))) ((eql lastop "-") (setq accum (- accum num))) ((eql lastop "*") (setq accum (* accum num))) ((eql lastop "/") (if (/= num 0) (setq accum (/ accum num))))) accum) (defq id t accum 0 value 0 num 0 lastop nil) (while id (cond ((>= (setq id (get-long (defq msg (mail-read (task-mailbox))) ev_msg_target_id)) event_win_button) (defq op (get (view-find-id window (get-long msg ev_msg_action_source_id)) 'text)) (cond ((eql op "AC") (setq accum 0 value 0 num 0 lastop nil)) ((find op "=+-/*") (if lastop (setq value (do_lastop)) (setq value num accum num)) (setq lastop op num 0)) (t (cond ((= num 0) (unless (eql op "0")) (setq num (to-num op))) (t (setq num (to-num (cat (str num) op))))) (setq value num))) (set display 'text (str value)) (view-dirty (view-layout display))) ((= id event_win_close) ;close button (setq id nil)) ((= id event_win_min) ;min button (bind '(x y _ _) (view-get-bounds window)) (bind '(w h) (view-pref-size window)) (view-change-dirty window x y w h)) ((= id event_win_max) ;max button (bind '(x y _ _) (view-get-bounds window)) (view-change-dirty window x y 512 512)) (t (view-event window msg)))) (view-hide window) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 532 2.7
Ch - Programming language Ch == Ch is a programming language created in 2003 by Ge Wang. 2003 Ge Wang #611 on PLDB 21 Years Old 571 Repos ChucK is a concurrent, strongly timed audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance, which runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and iOS. It is designed to favor readability and flexibility for the programmer over other considerations such as raw performance. It natively supports deterministic concurrency and multiple, simultaneous, dynamic control rates. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 571 Ch repos on GitHub - Early development of Ch happened in chuck team - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 85 users using Ch in 95 repos on GitHub - Explore Ch snippets on Rosetta Code - Ch appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ch - See also: (2 related languages) Linux, iOS // our signal graph (patch) SinOsc f => dac; // set gain .3 => f.gain; // an array of pitch classes (in half steps) [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10 ] @=> int hi[]; // infinite loop while( true ) { // choose a note, shift registers, convert to frequency Std.mtof( 65 + Std.rand2(0,1) * 43 + hi[Std.rand2(0,hi.cap()-1)] ) => f.freq; // advance time by 120 ms 120::ms => now; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 333 1.7
Ciao - Programming language Ciao ==== Ciao is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #1778 on PLDB 40 Years Old Ciao is a general-purpose programming language which supports logic, constraint, functional, higher-order, and object-oriented programming styles. Its main design objectives are high expressive power, extensibility, safety, reliability, and efficient execution.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ciao happened in IMDEA Software Institute and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and University of Texas and Microelectronics and Technology Corporation - Ciao on HOPL Ciao on HOPL - was registered in 2013 - See also: (4 related languages) Unix, Prolog, C, Java HackerNews discussions of Ciao ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Ciao – Logic, constraint, functional, higher-order, and object-oriented language||03/27/2015|82|6 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Ciel - Programming language Ciel ==== Ciel is a programming language created in 2010 by Ron Garret. 2010 Ron Garret #1553 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Ciel is a lisp-like language implemented in C++. What Clojure is to Java, Ciel is designed to be to C++. - Tags: programming language - Ciel is developed on GitHub and has 74 stars - Early development of Ciel happened in - Ciel is written in C++, Make (set lambda fn) (set def set) (def vector (lambda x x)) (vector 1 2 3) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Crystallographic Information File - Text data format Crystallographic Information File ================================= Crystallographic Information File is a text data format created in 1991. 1991 #2437 on PLDB 33 Years Old Crystallographic Information File (CIF) is a standard text file format for representing crystallographic information, promulgated by the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). CIF was developed by the IUCr Working Party on Crystallographic Information in an effort sponsored by the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Data and the IUCr Commission on Journals. The file format was initially published by Hall, Allen, and Brown and has since been revised, most recently version 1.1. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Crystallographic Information File happened in International Union of Crystallography - Read more about Crystallographic Information File on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Cigale - Programming language Cigale ====== Cigale is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4915 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Cigale on HOPL Cigale on HOPL - Read more about Cigale on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
CIL - Programming language CIL === CIL, aka Common Intermediate Language, is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #395 on PLDB 24 Years Old Common Intermediate Language (CIL, pronounced either sil or kil), formerly called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), is the lowest-level human-readable programming language defined by the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification and is used by the .NET Framework and Mono. Languages which target a CLI-compatible runtime environment compile to CIL, which is assembled into an object code that has a bytecode-style format. CIL is an object-oriented assembly language, and is entirely stack-based. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CIL happened in Microsoft - CIL appears in the TIOBE Index - has 0 matches for "cil developer". - See also: (6 related languages) Assembly CLI, Assembly language, C#, X86, Java Bytecode, Visual Basic .NET .assembly Hello {} .assembly extern mscorlib {} .method static void Main() { .entrypoint .maxstack 1 ldstr "Hello, world!" call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string) ret } .assembly main {} .class Main { .method static void Main() cil managed { .entrypoint ldstr "Hello, world!" call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string) ret } } // ilasm .assembly HelloWorld {} .method public static void Main() cil managed { .entrypoint .maxstack 1 ldstr "Hello World" call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string) ret } .method assembly static void modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvCdecl) test_pointer_operations(int32 param) cil managed { .vtentry 1 : 1 // Code size 44 (0x2c) .maxstack 2 .locals ([0] int32* ptr, [1] valuetype A* V_1, [2] valuetype A* a, [3] int32 k) // k = 0; IL_0000: ldc.i4.0 IL_0001: stloc.3 // ptr = &k; IL_0002: ldloca.s k // load local's address instruction IL_0004: stloc.0 // *ptr = 1; IL_0005: ldloc.0 IL_0006: ldc.i4.1 IL_0007: stind.i4 // indirection instruction // ptr = &param IL_0008: ldarga.s param // load parameter's address instruction IL_000a: stloc.0 // *ptr = 2 IL_000b: ldloc.0 IL_000c: ldc.i4.2 IL_000d: stind.i4 // a = new A; IL_000e: ldloca.s a IL_0010: call valuetype A* modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvThiscall) 'A.{ctor}'(valuetype A* modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsConst) modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsConst)) IL_0015: pop // ptra = &a; IL_0016: ldloca.s a IL_0018: stloc.1 // ptra->meth(); IL_0019: ldloc.1 IL_001a: dup IL_001b: ldind.i4 // reading the VMT for virtual call IL_001c: ldind.i4 IL_001d: calli unmanaged stdcall void modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvStdcall)(native int) IL_0022: ret } // end of method 'Global Functions'::test_pointer_operations Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 552 2.8
CIL - Programming language CIL === CIL is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #689 on PLDB 30 Years Old 1 Repos Cilk, Cilk++ and Cilk Plus are general-purpose programming languages designed for multithreaded parallel computing. They are based on the C and C++ programming languages, which they extend with constructs to express parallel loops and the fork–join idiom. Originally developed in the 1990s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the group of Charles E. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1 CIL repos on GitHub - Early development of CIL happened in Intel - Explore CIL snippets on Rosetta Code - CIL on HOPL CIL on HOPL - CIL appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 1999 - See also: (4 related languages) C, OpenCL, NESL, UPC // y ← α x + y void axpy(int n, float alpha, const float *x, float *y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { y[i] += alpha * x[i]; } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 275 1.4
cimfast - Programming language cimfast ======= cimfast is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3347 on PLDB 33 Years Old CIMfast was an event driven language for "computer integrated manufacturing", developed in the early 1990's. It was high level language used to control BaseStar. BaseStar was a software library for manufacturing support (basically it was messaging middleware, nothing specific for any kind of industry), developed and sold by DEC. It had C API. CIMfast was language intended to replace the need for low level C. CIMfast controlled manufacturing line was deployed by Fiat. - Tags: programming language - Early development of cimfast happened in DEC - Read more about cimfast on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
CIMS PL/I - Programming language CIMS PL/I ========= CIMS PL/I is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3922 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CIMS PL/I happened in Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - CIMS PL/I on HOPL CIMS PL/I on HOPL - Read more about CIMS PL/I on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
CIR - Intermediate representation language CIR === CIR, aka Clang IR, is an intermediate representation language created in 2020. 2020 #255 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Clang IR (CIR) is a new IR for Clang. - Tags: intermediate representation language - CIR is developed on GitHub and has 157 stars - Early development of CIR happened in Engineering at Meta - See also: (1 related languages) LLVM IR - Read more about CIR on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to CIR: SIL // Read from local variable, address in %0. %1 = cir.load %0 : !cir.ptr<i32>, i32 // Load address from memory at address %0. %3 is used by at least one // operation that dereferences a pointer. %3 = cir.load deref %0 : cir.ptr <!cir.ptr<i32>> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
circa - Programming language circa ===== circa is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #3011 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of circa happened in - was registered in 2020 HackerNews discussions of circa =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Circa is a programming language for live coding, in development||04/19/2012|116|32 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
CIRCAL - Programming language CIRCAL ====== CIRCAL is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3923 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CIRCAL happened in University of Edinburgh - CIRCAL on HOPL CIRCAL on HOPL - Read more about CIRCAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
circle-lang - Programming language circle-lang =========== circle-lang is a programming language created in 2019 by Sean Baxter. 2019 Sean Baxter #637 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The C++ Automation Language - Tags: programming language - circle-lang is developed on GitHub and has 2,292 stars - Early development of circle-lang happened in - circle-lang is written in C++, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, CUDA, CSV, Lua - was registered in 2019 - Read more about circle-lang on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Cirru - Data notation Cirru ===== Cirru is a data notation created in 2012 by tí yè. 2012 tí yè #895 on PLDB 12 Years Old 346 Repos Cirru Project helps people code in syntax tree. It offers a tree editor and a text syntax. - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 346 Cirru repos on GitHub - Early development of Cirru happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 266 users using Cirru in 288 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Cirru - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Cirru - Read more about Cirru on the web: 1. 1. set a add number 1 number 2 require ./ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example print + 1 2 , 11 Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Cish - Programming language Cish ==== Cish is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #2912 on PLDB 2 Years Old Cish - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cish happened in - Read more about Cish on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Cish: SuperForth Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Ć - Programming language Ć = Ć is a programming language created in 2011 by Piotr Fusik. 2011 Piotr Fusik #687 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Ć programming language. Translated automatically to C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift, TypeScript and OpenCL C. - Tags: programming language - Ć is developed on GitHub and has 1,727 stars - Early development of Ć happened in - Ć is written in JSON, Markdown, Make, C#, C++, JavaScript, YAML, XML, Vim script, Java, TypeScript, Perl, SVG public class HelloCi { public static string GetMessage() { return "Hello, world!"; } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Citrine - Programming language Citrine ======= Citrine is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1992 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Citrine happened in - was registered in 2014 - Read more about Citrine on the web: 1. 1. salut := 'Bună țară!'. salut țară: 'România'. scrie: salut. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
cityhash-hash-function - Hash function cityhash-hash-function ====================== cityhash-hash-function is a hash function created in 2011. 2011 #1286 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Automatically exported from - Tags: hashFunction - cityhash-hash-function is developed on GitHub and has 1,081 stars - Early development of cityhash-hash-function happened in Google - cityhash-hash-function is written in Bourne shell, M4, C++, Make - Read more about cityhash-hash-function on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Civet - Programming language Civet ===== Civet is a programming language created in 2022 by Daniel X Moore. 2022 Daniel X Moore #506 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A TypeScript superset that favors more types and less typing - Tags: programming language - Civet is developed on GitHub and has 1,342 stars - Civet is a superset of TypeScript - CoffeeScript and Elm and LiveScript and Flow and Haskell and Perl and Python and Ruby and Crystal and Bash influenced the design of Civet - Civet compiles to TypeScript or JavaScript - Civet is written in JSON, TypeScript, Markdown, JavaScript, SVG, CoffeeScript, Bourne shell, YAML, CSS, HTML, awk, Bash, TOML switch x 0 console.log("zero") /^\s+$/ console.log("whitespace") [{type: "text", content},] console.log("leading text", content) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
cixl - Programming language cixl ==== cixl is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4605 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - cixl is developed on GitHub HackerNews discussions of cixl ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Cixl – a minimal, decently typed scripting language||01/03/2018|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
cK - Programming language cK == cK is a programming language created in 2003 by Stevan Apter. 2003 Stevan Apter #2247 on PLDB 21 Years Old cK is a Joy-style concatenative syntactic overlay for the K programming language. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of cK happened in - Joy and K influenced the design of cK 10 20 30 [[`x`y`z] x y + z -] let Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
CL-I - Programming language CL-I ==== CL-I is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3924 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CL-I happened in Technical Operations Incorporated - CL-I on HOPL CL-I on HOPL - Read more about CL-I on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
CLAIRE - Programming language CLAIRE ====== CLAIRE is an open source programming language created in 2004 by Yves Caseau. 2004 Yves Caseau #1584 on PLDB 20 Years Old Claire is a high-level functional and object-oriented programming language with rule processing abilities. It was designed by Yves Caseau at Bouygues' e-Lab research laboratory, and received its final definition in 2004. Claire provides: a simple object system with parametric classes and methods polymorphic and parametric functional programming production rules triggered by events versioned snapshots of the state of the whole system, or any part, supporting rollback and easy exploration of search spaces explicit relations between entities; for example, two entities might be declared inverses of one another first-class sets with convenient syntax for set-based programming an expressive set-based type system allowing both second-order static and dynamic typingClaire's reference implementation, consisting of an interpreter and compiler, was fully open-sourced with the release of version 3.3.46 in February 2009. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLAIRE happened in Bouygues' e-Lab research laboratory - CLAIRE on HOPL CLAIRE on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Smalltalk, SETL, OPS5, Lisp, ML, C, Java, OCaml, Scala, F# fib(n:integer) : integer -> (if (n < 2) 1 else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 306 1.5
Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures - Programming language Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures ========================================== Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures, aka Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures, is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1609 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures - Tags: programming language - Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures is developed on GitHub and has 71 stars - Early development of Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures happened in - Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures is written in Lisp, Bash (map [+ _ 1] '(1 2 3)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
CLANGER - Programming language CLANGER ======= CLANGER is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3925 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLANGER happened in University of Cambridge - CLANGER on HOPL CLANGER on HOPL - Read more about CLANGER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Clarion - Programming language Clarion ======= Clarion is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #706 on PLDB 38 Years Old 223 Repos Clarion is a commercial, 4GL, multi-paradigm, programming language and Integrated Development Environment from SoftVelocity used to program database applications. It is compatible with ISAM, SQL and ADO data access methods, reads and writes several flat file desktop database formats including ASCII, CSV, DOS (Binary), FoxPro, Clipper, dBase, and some relational databases via ODBC, MS SQL Server, Sybase SQL Anywhere and Oracle through the use of accelerated native database drivers, and XML, Clarion can be used to output to HTML, XML, plaintext, and PDF, among others. The Clarion Development Environment (IDE) sits on top of the Clarion Programming Language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 223 Clarion repos on GitHub - Early development of Clarion happened in Jensen & Partners International and Clarion International and SoftVelocity - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 252 users using Clarion in 278 repos on GitHub - Explore Clarion snippets on Rosetta Code - Clarion on HOPL Clarion on HOPL - Clarion appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Clarion - was registered in 2000 - See also: (9 related languages) SQL, ASCII, CSV, FoxPRO, DBase, XML, HTML, PDF, Turbo Pascal !Hello World in Clarion PROGRAM MAP END CODE MESSAGE('Hello World!') RETURN PROGRAM MAP END CODE MESSAGE('Hello World!') RETURN PROGRAM MAP END CODE MESSAGE('Hello World!','Clarion') RETURN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 325 1.6
clarity - Contract language clarity ======= clarity is a contract language created in 2019. 2019 #1308 on PLDB 5 Years Old 84 Repos git clone Overview of the Clarity language for smart contracts - Tags: contractLanguage - clarity is developed on GitHub and has 166 stars - There are at least 84 clarity repos on GitHub - Early development of clarity happened in - clarity is written in Markdown HackerNews discussions of clarity ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Clarity language for predictable smart contracts||06/28/2019|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Claro - Programming language Claro ===== Claro is a programming language created in 2021 by Jason Steving. 2021 Jason Steving #992 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Claro Lang - Tags: programming language - Claro is developed on GitHub and has 138 stars - Early development of Claro happened in - Claro is written in Bazel, Java, Markdown, starlark, TypeScript, JSON, JavaScript, CSS, Protocol Buffers, HTML, YAML, Bourne shell, Diff, Vim script, TOML, Dockerfile - was registered in 2020 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Clascal - Programming language Clascal ======= Clascal is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3926 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Clascal happened in Apple - Clascal on HOPL Clascal on HOPL - Read more about Clascal on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
clash - Programming language clash ===== clash is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #802 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Haskell to VHDL/Verilog/SystemVerilog compiler - Tags: programming language - clash is developed on GitHub and has 1,404 stars - Early development of clash happened in Haskell Foundation - clash is written in Haskell, YAML, XML, SVG, Markdown, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, C, Nix, Python, Tcl, JSON, Dockerfile, Bash, Make, PowerShell, Ini, CSS - was registered in 2015 HackerNews discussions of clash =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments CλaSH – From Haskell to Hardware||05/09/2015|158|55 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
CLASS - Programming language CLASS ===== CLASS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3094 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLASS happened in Air Force Logistics Command - CLASS on HOPL CLASS on HOPL - Read more about CLASS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Classic-Ada - Programming language Classic-Ada =========== Classic-Ada is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3927 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Classic-Ada happened in Naval Postgraduate School and Brazilian Navy - Classic-Ada on HOPL Classic-Ada on HOPL - Read more about Classic-Ada on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
ClassiC - Programming language ClassiC ======= ClassiC is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3348 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ClassiC happened in Coventry University - ClassiC on HOPL ClassiC on HOPL - Read more about ClassiC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Clausal Language - Programming language Clausal Language ================ Clausal Language is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2248 on PLDB 27 Years Old CL (Clausal Language) is a declarative programming language with the look and feel of a modern functional programming language. CL identifies the domain of symbolic expressions of LISP with the domain of natural numbers. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Clausal Language happened in Comenius University Bratislava - Clausal Language on HOPL Clausal Language on HOPL - Read more about Clausal Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
clay - Programming language clay ==== clay is a programming language created in 2010 by KS Sreeram and Joe Groff. 2010 KS Sreeram Joe Groff #555 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone The Clay programming language - Tags: programming language - clay is developed on GitHub and has 402 stars - Early development of clay happened in - clay is written in C++, Make, XML, Python, CMake, C, Java, Markdown, Vim script, Go, Bourne shell, CSS, SVG, Lisp - There are 5 Project Euler users using clay - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for clay - Read more about clay on the web: 1. 1. import printer.(println); factorial1(n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return n*factorial1(n-1); } factorial2(n) { var p = 1; again : if (n == 0) return p; p *: n; n -: 1; goto again; } factorial3(n) { var p = 1; while (true) { if (n == 0) break; p *: n; n -: 1; } return p; } factorial4(n) { var p = 1; for (i in range(n)) p *: i+1; return p; } main() { var n = 7; n -: 1; var f = factorial4(n); println("factorial(", n, ") = ", f); return 0; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 339 1.7
Clean - Programming language Clean ===== Clean is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #342 on PLDB 37 Years Old 206 Repos Clean is a general-purpose purely functional computer programming language. For much of the language's active development history it was called Concurrent Clean, but this was dropped at some point.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 206 Clean repos on GitHub - Early development of Clean happened in Radboud University Nijmegen - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 231 users using Clean in 263 repos on GitHub - Explore Clean snippets on Rosetta Code - Clean on HOPL Clean on HOPL - Clean appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Clean - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Clean - See also: (7 related languages) Miranda, Haskell, C, Solaris, Linux, Fibonacci, Prolog - 2 PLDB concepts link to Clean: cloc, Pygments module example import StdInt square :: Int -> Int square n = n * n Start :: Int Start = square 3 module main import StdEnv Start world #(console, world) = stdio world #console = fwrites "Hello, world!\n" console #(ok, world) = fclose console world = world module hello Start :: {#Char} Start = "Hello World" // Hello World in Clean module hello Start :: String Start = "Hello World!\n" definition module GenMap import StdGeneric generic gMap a b :: .a -> .b derive gMap c, UNIT, PAIR, EITHER, CONS, FIELD, OBJECT, {}, {!} derive gMap [], (,), (,,), (,,,), (,,,,), (,,,,,), (,,,,,,), (,,,,,,,) (^) infixr 8 :: Int Int -> Int (^) x 0 = 1 (^) x n = x * x ^ (n-1) case ccall class code code inline derive export foreign generic if in infix infixl infixr instance let of otherwise special stdcall where with Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 414 2.1
cleanlang - Programming language cleanlang ========= cleanlang is a programming language created in 2017 by Santosh Rajan. 2017 Santosh Rajan #2704 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of cleanlang happened in HackerNews discussions of cleanlang =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: `cleanlang` a clean compile to JavaScript language||07/12/2017|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
CLEAR - Programming language CLEAR ===== CLEAR is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3349 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLEAR happened in University of Edinburgh - CLEAR on HOPL CLEAR on HOPL - Read more about CLEAR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Clear Language for Expressing Orders - Programming language Clear Language for Expressing Orders ==================================== Clear Language for Expressing Orders, aka Clear Language for Expressing Orders, is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3928 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Clear Language for Expressing Orders happened in English Electric LEO Co - Clear Language for Expressing Orders on HOPL Clear Language for Expressing Orders on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
CLeogo - Programming language CLeogo ====== CLeogo is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3929 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLeogo happened in University of Canterbury and Christchurch School of Medicine - CLeogo on HOPL CLeogo on HOPL - Read more about CLeogo on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
CLEOPATRA - Programming language CLEOPATRA ========= CLEOPATRA is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3930 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLEOPATRA happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - CLEOPATRA on HOPL CLEOPATRA on HOPL - Read more about CLEOPATRA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Assembly CLI - Library Assembly CLI ============ Assembly CLI is a library created in 2005. 2005 #1998 on PLDB 19 Years Old Defined by Microsoft for use in recent versions of Windows, an assembly in the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is a compiled code library used for deployment, versioning, and security. There are two types: process assemblies (EXE) and library assemblies (DLL). A process assembly represents a process that will use classes defined in library assemblies. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of Assembly CLI happened in Microsoft - See also: (4 related languages) CIL, Visual Studio, FAT, New Technology File System .method private hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed { .entrypoint .custom instance void [mscorlib]System.STAThreadAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) // Code size 11 (0xb) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldstr "Hello World" IL_0005: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string) IL_000a: ret } // end of method Class1::Main Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Click - Programming language Click ===== Click is an open source programming language created in 1999. 1999 #319 on PLDB 25 Years Old 39 Repos git clone The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis - Tags: programming language - Click is developed on GitHub and has 733 stars - There are at least 39 Click repos on GitHub - Early development of Click happened in MIT - Click is written in C++, C, Perl, Bourne shell, Make, Java, M4, Diff, YAML, Tex, Markdown, Dockerfile, Vim script, XSLT, Yacc, DTD, XML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 115 users using Click in 127 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Click rates :: AvailableRates elementclass sr2 { $sr2_ip, $sr2_nm, $wireless_mac, $gateway, $probes| arp :: ARPTable(); lt :: LinkTable(IP $sr2_ip); gw :: SR2GatewaySelector(ETHTYPE 0x062c, IP $sr2_ip, ETH $wireless_mac, LT lt, ARP arp, PERIOD 15, GW $gateway); gw -> SR2SetChecksum -> [0] output; set_gw :: SR2SetGateway(SEL gw); es :: SR2ETTStat(ETHTYPE 0x0641, ETH $wireless_mac, IP $sr2_ip, PERIOD 30000, TAU 300000, ARP arp, PROBES $probes, ETT metric, RT rates); metric :: SR2ETTMetric(LT lt); forwarder :: SR2Forwarder(ETHTYPE 0x0643, IP $sr2_ip, ETH $wireless_mac, ARP arp, LT lt); querier :: SR2Querier(ETH $wireless_mac, SR forwarder, LT lt, ROUTE_DAMPENING true, TIME_BEFORE_SWITCH 5, DEBUG true); query_forwarder :: SR2MetricFlood(ETHTYPE 0x0644, IP $sr2_ip, ETH $wireless_mac, LT lt, ARP arp, DEBUG false); query_responder :: SR2QueryResponder(ETHTYPE 0x0645, IP $sr2_ip, ETH $wireless_mac, LT lt, ARP arp, DEBUG true); query_responder -> SR2SetChecksum -> [0] output; query_forwarder -> SR2SetChecksum -> SR2Print(forwarding) -> [0] output; query_forwarder [1] -> query_responder; data_ck :: SR2SetChecksum() input [1] -> host_cl :: IPClassifier(dst net $sr2_ip mask $sr2_nm, -) -> querier -> data_ck; host_cl [1] -> [0] set_gw [0] -> querier; forwarder[0] -> dt ::DecIPTTL -> data_ck -> [2] output; dt[1] -> Print(ttl-error) -> ICMPError($sr2_ip, timeexceeded, 0) -> querier; // queries querier [1] -> [1] query_forwarder; es -> SetTimestamp() -> [1] output; forwarder[1] //ip packets to me -> SR2StripHeader() -> CheckIPHeader() -> from_gw_cl :: IPClassifier(src net $sr2_ip mask $sr2_nm, -) -> [3] output; from_gw_cl [1] -> [1] set_gw [1] -> [3] output; input [0] -> ncl :: Classifier( 12/0643 , //sr2_forwarder 12/0644 , //sr2 12/0645 , //replies 12/0641 , //sr2_es 12/062c , //sr2_gw ); ncl[0] -> SR2CheckHeader() -> [0] forwarder; ncl[1] -> SR2CheckHeader() -> PrintSR(query) -> query_forwarder ncl[2] -> SR2CheckHeader() -> query_responder; ncl[3] -> es; ncl[4] -> SR2CheckHeader() -> gw; } Idle -> s :: sr2(,, 00:00:00:00:00:01, false, "12 60 12 1500") -> Discard; Idle -> [1] s; s[1] -> Discard; s[2] -> Discard; s[3] -> Discard; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 545 2.7
clickpath - Query language clickpath ========= clickpath is a query language created in 2011. 2011 #4698 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage HackerNews discussions of clickpath =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Clickpath query language||12/14/2011|25|8 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
clike - Programming language clike ===== clike is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1570 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A simple C-like language compiler with an extensible syntax and typed macros support - Tags: programming language - clike is developed on GitHub and has 128 stars - Early development of clike happened in - clike is written in C, Perl, Tex, Make, C++, Python, Markdown, C# - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting clike Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
clion-editor - Editor clion-editor ============ clion-editor is an editor created in 2015. 2015 #5027 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Clipper - Programming language Clipper ======= Clipper is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #591 on PLDB 39 Years Old Clipper is an xBase compiler, which is a computer programming language, that is used to create software programs that originally operated primarily under MS-DOS. Although it is a powerful general-purpose programming language, it was primarily used to create database/business programs.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Clipper happened in Nantucket Corporation - Explore Clipper snippets on Rosetta Code - Clipper on HOPL Clipper on HOPL - Clipper appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (11 related languages) xBase, C, Visual Objects, Visual Basic, Delphi, XBase++, Linux, Unix, Visual FoxPro, SQL, DBase ? "Hello World" // Hello World in Clipper ? "Hello World" USE Customer SHARED NEW clear @ 1, 0 SAY "CustNum" GET Customer->CustNum PICT "999999" VALID Customer->CustNum > 0 @ 3, 0 SAY "Contact" GET Customer->Contact VALID !empty(Customer->Contact) @ 4, 0 SAY "Address" GET Customer->Address READ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 304 1.5
CLIPS - Programming language CLIPS ===== CLIPS, aka C Language Integrated Production System, is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #482 on PLDB 39 Years Old 2k Repos CLIPS is a public domain software tool for building expert systems. The name is an acronym for "C Language Integrated Production System." The syntax and name was inspired by Charles Forgy's OPS ("Official Production System," although there was nothing really official about it). The first versions of CLIPS were developed starting in 1985 at NASA-Johnson Space Center (as an alternative for existing system ART*Inference) until the mid-1990s when the development group's responsibilities ceased to focus on expert system technology. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,638 CLIPS repos on GitHub - Early development of CLIPS happened in NASA - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 901 users using CLIPS in 991 repos on GitHub - Explore CLIPS snippets on Rosetta Code - CLIPS on HOPL CLIPS on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CLIPS - was registered in 2016 - See also: (5 related languages) OPS5, C, Lisp, Java, ISBN (deftemplate car_problem (slot name) (slot status)) (deffacts trouble_shooting (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) (car_problem (name headlights) (status work))) (defrule rule1 (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) => (assert (car_problem (name starter) (status faulty)))) (defrule hw (f ?x) => (printout t ?x crlf)) (assert (f "Hello World")) (run) ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ####################### ;;; DEFTEMPLATES & DEFFACTS ;;; ####################### (deftemplate possible (slot row) (slot column) (slot value) (slot group) (slot id)) (deftemplate impossible (slot id) (slot value) (slot priority) (slot reason)) (deftemplate technique-employed (slot reason) (slot priority)) (deftemplate technique (slot name) (slot priority)) (deffacts startup (phase grid-values)) (deftemplate size-value (slot size) (slot value)) (deffacts values (size-value (size 1) (value 1)) (size-value (size 2) (value 2)) (size-value (size 2) (value 3)) (size-value (size 2) (value 4)) (size-value (size 3) (value 5)) (size-value (size 3) (value 6)) (size-value (size 3) (value 7)) (size-value (size 3) (value 8)) (size-value (size 3) (value 9)) (size-value (size 4) (value 10)) (size-value (size 4) (value 11)) (size-value (size 4) (value 12)) (size-value (size 4) (value 13)) (size-value (size 4) (value 14)) (size-value (size 4) (value 15)) (size-value (size 4) (value 16)) (size-value (size 5) (value 17)) (size-value (size 5) (value 18)) (size-value (size 5) (value 19)) (size-value (size 5) (value 20)) (size-value (size 5) (value 21)) (size-value (size 5) (value 22)) (size-value (size 5) (value 23)) (size-value (size 5) (value 24)) (size-value (size 5) (value 25))) ;;; ########### ;;; SETUP RULES ;;; ########### ;;; *********** ;;; stress-test ;;; *********** (defrule stress-test (declare (salience 10)) (phase match) (stress-test) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last)&:(< ?p ?next)))) => (assert (priority ?next))) ;;; ***************** ;;; enable-techniques ;;; ***************** (defrule enable-techniques (declare (salience 10)) (phase match) (size ?) (not (possible (value any))) => (assert (priority 1))) ;;; ********** ;;; expand-any ;;; ********** (defrule expand-any (declare (salience 10)) (phase expand-any) ?f <- (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value any) (group ?g) (id ?id)) (not (possible (value any) (id ?id2&:(< ?id2 ?id)))) (size ?s) (size-value (size ?as&:(<= ?as ?s)) (value ?v)) (not (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v))) (not (and (size-value (value ?v2&:(< ?v2 ?v))) (not (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v2))))) => (assert (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v) (group ?g) (id ?id)))) ;;; ***************** ;;; position-expanded ;;; ***************** (defrule position-expanded (declare (salience 10)) (phase expand-any) ?f <- (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value any) (group ?g) (id ?id)) (size ?s) (not (and (size-value (size ?as&:(<= ?as ?s)) (value ?v)) (not (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v))))) => (retract ?f)) ;;; ########### ;;; PHASE RULES ;;; ########### ;;; *************** ;;; expand-any-done ;;; *************** (defrule expand-any-done (declare (salience 10)) ?f <- (phase expand-any) (not (possible (value any))) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase initial-output)) (assert (print-position 1 1))) ;;; *********** ;;; begin-match ;;; *********** (defrule begin-match (declare (salience -20)) ?f <- (phase initial-output) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase match))) ;;; ***************** ;;; begin-elimination ;;; ***************** (defrule begin-elimination (declare (salience -20)) ?f <- (phase match) (not (not (impossible))) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase elimination))) ;;; ************* ;;; next-priority ;;; ************* (defrule next-priority (declare (salience -20)) (phase match) (not (impossible)) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last)&:(< ?p ?next)))) => (assert (priority ?next))) ;;; ************ ;;; begin-output ;;; ************ (defrule begin-output (declare (salience -20)) ?f <- (phase match) (not (impossible)) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last)))) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase final-output)) (assert (print-position 1 1))) (deftemplate car_problem (slot name) (slot status)) (deffacts trouble_shooting (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) (car_problem (name headlights) (status work))) (defrule rule1 (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) => (assert (car_problem (name starter) (status faulty)))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 CLIPS ===== CLIPS, aka C Language Integrated Production System, is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #482 on PLDB 39 Years Old 2k Repos CLIPS is a public domain software tool for building expert systems. The name is an acronym for "C Language Integrated Production System." The syntax and name was inspired by Charles Forgy's OPS ("Official Production System," although there was nothing really official about it). The first versions of CLIPS were developed starting in 1985 at NASA-Johnson Space Center (as an alternative for existing system ART*Inference) until the mid-1990s when the development group's responsibilities ceased to focus on expert system technology. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,638 CLIPS repos on GitHub - Early development of CLIPS happened in NASA - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 901 users using CLIPS in 991 repos on GitHub - Explore CLIPS snippets on Rosetta Code - CLIPS on HOPL CLIPS on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CLIPS - was registered in 2016 - See also: (5 related languages) OPS5, C, Lisp, Java, ISBN (deftemplate car_problem (slot name) (slot status)) (deffacts trouble_shooting (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) (car_problem (name headlights) (status work))) (defrule rule1 (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) => (assert (car_problem (name starter) (status faulty)))) (defrule hw (f ?x) => (printout t ?x crlf)) (assert (f "Hello World")) (run) ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ####################### ;;; DEFTEMPLATES & DEFFACTS ;;; ####################### (deftemplate possible (slot row) (slot column) (slot value) (slot group) (slot id)) (deftemplate impossible (slot id) (slot value) (slot priority) (slot reason)) (deftemplate technique-employed (slot reason) (slot priority)) (deftemplate technique (slot name) (slot priority)) (deffacts startup (phase grid-values)) (deftemplate size-value (slot size) (slot value)) (deffacts values (size-value (size 1) (value 1)) (size-value (size 2) (value 2)) (size-value (size 2) (value 3)) (size-value (size 2) (value 4)) (size-value (size 3) (value 5)) (size-value (size 3) (value 6)) (size-value (size 3) (value 7)) (size-value (size 3) (value 8)) (size-value (size 3) (value 9)) (size-value (size 4) (value 10)) (size-value (size 4) (value 11)) (size-value (size 4) (value 12)) (size-value (size 4) (value 13)) (size-value (size 4) (value 14)) (size-value (size 4) (value 15)) (size-value (size 4) (value 16)) (size-value (size 5) (value 17)) (size-value (size 5) (value 18)) (size-value (size 5) (value 19)) (size-value (size 5) (value 20)) (size-value (size 5) (value 21)) (size-value (size 5) (value 22)) (size-value (size 5) (value 23)) (size-value (size 5) (value 24)) (size-value (size 5) (value 25))) ;;; ########### ;;; SETUP RULES ;;; ########### ;;; *********** ;;; stress-test ;;; *********** (defrule stress-test (declare (salience 10)) (phase match) (stress-test) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last)&:(< ?p ?next)))) => (assert (priority ?next))) ;;; ***************** ;;; enable-techniques ;;; ***************** (defrule enable-techniques (declare (salience 10)) (phase match) (size ?) (not (possible (value any))) => (assert (priority 1))) ;;; ********** ;;; expand-any ;;; ********** (defrule expand-any (declare (salience 10)) (phase expand-any) ?f <- (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value any) (group ?g) (id ?id)) (not (possible (value any) (id ?id2&:(< ?id2 ?id)))) (size ?s) (size-value (size ?as&:(<= ?as ?s)) (value ?v)) (not (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v))) (not (and (size-value (value ?v2&:(< ?v2 ?v))) (not (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v2))))) => (assert (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v) (group ?g) (id ?id)))) ;;; ***************** ;;; position-expanded ;;; ***************** (defrule position-expanded (declare (salience 10)) (phase expand-any) ?f <- (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value any) (group ?g) (id ?id)) (size ?s) (not (and (size-value (size ?as&:(<= ?as ?s)) (value ?v)) (not (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v))))) => (retract ?f)) ;;; ########### ;;; PHASE RULES ;;; ########### ;;; *************** ;;; expand-any-done ;;; *************** (defrule expand-any-done (declare (salience 10)) ?f <- (phase expand-any) (not (possible (value any))) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase initial-output)) (assert (print-position 1 1))) ;;; *********** ;;; begin-match ;;; *********** (defrule begin-match (declare (salience -20)) ?f <- (phase initial-output) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase match))) ;;; ***************** ;;; begin-elimination ;;; ***************** (defrule begin-elimination (declare (salience -20)) ?f <- (phase match) (not (not (impossible))) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase elimination))) ;;; ************* ;;; next-priority ;;; ************* (defrule next-priority (declare (salience -20)) (phase match) (not (impossible)) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last)&:(< ?p ?next)))) => (assert (priority ?next))) ;;; ************ ;;; begin-output ;;; ************ (defrule begin-output (declare (salience -20)) ?f <- (phase match) (not (impossible)) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last)))) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase final-output)) (assert (print-position 1 1))) (deftemplate car_problem (slot name) (slot status)) (deffacts trouble_shooting (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) (car_problem (name headlights) (status work))) (defrule rule1 (car_problem (name ignition_key) (status on)) (car_problem (name engine) (status wont_start)) => (assert (car_problem (name starter) (status faulty)))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token S & DEFFACTS ;;; ####################### (deftemplate possible (slot row) (slot column) (slot value) (slot group) (slot id)) (deftemplate impossible (slot id) (slot value) (slot priority) (slot reason)) (deftemplate technique-employed (slot reason) (slot priority)) (deftemplate technique (slot name) (slot priority)) (deffacts startup (phase grid-values)) (deftemplate size-value (slot size) (slot value)) (deffacts values (size-value (size 1) (value 1)) (size-value (size 2) (value 2)) (size-value (size 2) (value 3)) (size-value (size 2) (value 4)) (size-value (size 3) (value 5)) (size-value (size 3) (value 6)) (size-value (size 3) (value 7)) (size-value (size 3) (value 8)) (size-value (size 3) (value 9)) (size-value (size 4) (value 10)) (size-value (size 4) (value 11)) (size-value (size 4) (value 12)) (size-value (size 4) (value 13)) (size-value (size 4) (value 14)) (size-value (size 4) (value 15)) (size-value (size 4) (value 16)) (size-value (size 5) (value 17)) (size-value (size 5) (value 18)) (size-value (size 5) (value 19)) (size-value (size 5) (value 20)) (size-value (size 5) (value 21)) (size-value (size 5) (value 22)) (size-value (size 5) (value 23)) (size-value (size 5) (value 24)) (size-value (size 5) (value 25))) ;;; ########### ;;; SETUP RULES ;;; ########### ;;; *********** ;;; stress-test ;;; *********** (defrule stress-test (declare (salience 10)) (phase match) (stress-test) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last)&:( (assert (priority ?next))) ;;; ***************** ;;; enable-techniques ;;; ***************** (defrule enable-techniques (declare (salience 10)) (phase match) (size ?) (not (possible (value any))) => (assert (priority 1))) ;;; ********** ;;; expand-any ;;; ********** (defrule expand-any (declare (salience 10)) (phase expand-any) ?f (assert (possible (row ?r) (column ?c) (value ?v) (group ?g) (id ?id)))) ;;; ***************** ;;; position-expanded ;;; ***************** (defrule position-expanded (declare (salience 10)) (phase expand-any) ?f (retract ?f)) ;;; ########### ;;; PHASE RULES ;;; ########### ;;; *************** ;;; expand-any-done ;;; *************** (defrule expand-any-done (declare (salience 10)) ?f (retract ?f) (assert (phase initial-output)) (assert (print-position 1 1))) ;;; *********** ;;; begin-match ;;; *********** (defrule begin-match (declare (salience -20)) ?f (retract ?f) (assert (phase match))) ;;; ***************** ;;; begin-elimination ;;; ***************** (defrule begin-elimination (declare (salience -20)) ?f (retract ?f) (assert (phase elimination))) ;;; ************* ;;; next-priority ;;; ************* (defrule next-priority (declare (salience -20)) (phase match) (not (impossible)) (priority ?last) (not (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last))) (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?p&:(> ?p ?last)&:( (assert (priority ?next))) ;;; ************ ;;; begin-output ;;; ************ (defrule begin-output (declare (salience -20)) ?f ?p ?last))) (not (technique (priority ?next&:(> ?next ?last)))) => (retract ?f) (assert (phase final-output)) (assert (print-position 1 1))) 10/15/2024 2433 12.2
CLISP - Programming language CLISP ===== CLISP is an open source programming language created in 1973. 1973 #1096 on PLDB 51 Years Old In computing, CLISP is an implementation of the programming language Common Lisp originally developed by Bruno Haible and Michael Stoll for the Atari ST. Today it supports the Unix and Microsoft Windows operating systems. CLISP includes an interpreter, a bytecode compiler, debugger, socket interface, high-level foreign language interface, strong internationalization support, and two object systems: Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) and metaobject protocol (MOP). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLISP happened in Xerox PARC - CLISP on HOPL CLISP on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Common Lisp, Unix, C - Read more about CLISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. (write-line "Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write-line Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
CLIST - Programming language CLIST ===== CLIST is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #1128 on PLDB 34 Years Old CLIST (Command List) (pronounced "C-List") is a procedural programming language for TSO in MVS systems. It originated in OS/360 Release 20 and has assumed a secondary role since the availability of Rexx in TSO/E Version 2. The term CLIST is also used for command lists written by users of NetView.In its basic form, a CLIST program (or "CLIST" for short) can take the form of a simple list of commands to be executed in strict sequence (like a DOS batch file (*.bat) file). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLIST happened in IBM - CLIST on HOPL CLIST on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) Batchfile, COBOL, PL/I, JCL, Rexx 1 /********************************************************************/ 2 /* MULTI-LINGUAL "HELLO WORLD" PROGRAM. */ 3 /* */ 4 /* THIS CLIST, STORED AS USERID.TSO.CLIST(TEST), CAN BE INVOKED */ 5 /* FROM THE ISPF COMMAND LINE AS SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLE: */ 6 /* */ 7 /* COMMAND ===> TSO TEST SPANISH */ 8 /* */ 9 /********************************************************************/ 10 PROC 1 LANGUAGE 11 IF &LANGUAGE = SPANISH THEN + 12 WRITE HOLA, MUNDO 13 ELSE IF &LANGUAGE = FRENCH THEN + 14 WRITE BONJOUR, MONDE 15 ELSE + 16 WRITE HELLO, WORLD 17 EXIT Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 339 1.7
CLiX markup - Xml format CLiX markup =========== CLiX markup is a xml format created in 1998. 1998 #1933 on PLDB 26 Years Old Constraint Language in XML (CLiX) used to constrain the content of XML documents. It is based on first order logic and XPath, and its purpose is to enable the specification of constraints on the structure and content of XML documents. CLiX constraints can be used both to constraint documents internally and to execute inter-document checks between a number of documents. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of CLiX markup happened in University College London - Read more about CLiX markup on the web: 1. 1. <forall var="dates" in="//fpml:calculationPeriodDates> <less op1="$dates/fpml:effectiveDate/fpml:unadjustedDate" op2="$dates/fpml:terminationDate/fpml:unadjustedDate"/> </forall> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
cloc - Command line application cloc ==== cloc, aka Count Lines Of Code, is a command line application created in 2006 by Al Danial. 2006 Al Danial #541 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages. - Tags: command line application - cloc is developed on GitHub and has 19,025 stars - Early development of cloc happened in - cloc is written in YAML, C++, Perl, C, Java, Python, Bourne shell, Pascal, Fortran 90, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Make, Assembly language, Go, Haskell, Puppet, XML, Markdown, R, CSV, Dockerfile, MATLAB, JSON, SQL, COBOL, Lua, Forth, Tex, Idris, Prolog, Smalltalk, Visual Basic, SCSS, ASP.NET, mustache, PHP, Mathematica, GraphQL, XSLT, Razor, Logos, IDL, FORTRAN 77, Julia, Elm, Logtalk, CMake, Racket, SVG, DIET, Rescript, Zig, Ruby, hoon, Imba, Thrift, Bash, Xtend, odin, Lean, Scheme, MXML, HAML, Swift, RAML, Clean, SaltStack, Meson, JCL, Fennel, Nix, Nim, HCL, Metal, Raku, Ring, Agda, RobotFramework, EJS, AsciiDoc, Information Processing Language, WebAssembly, GLSL, Squirrel, Gherkin, Umka, Bazel, Scala, Objective-C, LFE, Lisp, Haxe, Brainfuck, TOML, Stata, JSON5, Blade, Smarty, Jupyter Notebook, Gleam, Tree and Tabular Combined Notation, Solidity, PL/M, IGOR Pro, Brightscript, Mojo, Gradle, Pig Latin, F#, Embedded Crystal, Velocity Template Language, SugarSS, starlark, reStructuredText, Slim, Vala, Svelte, Mako, Kotlin, FXML, Ini, Elixir, Chapel, plantuml, PL/I, Reason, APL, Dhall, Tcl, OCaml, LLVM IR, Groovy, ColdFusion, xBase, XQuery, MUMPS, FOCUS - Read more about cloc on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 322 1.6
cloe - Programming language cloe ==== cloe is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #3676 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of cloe happened in - was registered in 2018 HackerNews discussions of cloe ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Cloe programming language||05/10/2018|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
clojars-pm - Package manager clojars-pm ========== clojars-pm is a package manager created in 2009. 2009 #2451 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of clojars-pm happened in - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
CLOS - Programming language CLOS ==== CLOS is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #1879 on PLDB 36 Years Old The Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) is the facility for object-oriented programming which is part of ANSI Common Lisp. CLOS is a powerful dynamic object system which differs radically from the OOP facilities found in more static languages such as C++ or Java. CLOS was inspired by earlier Lisp object systems such as MIT Flavors and CommonLoops, although it is more general than either. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - CLOS on HOPL CLOS on HOPL - See also: (11 related languages) Common Lisp, Java, CommonLoops, EuLisp, Emacs Lisp, Flavors, Interlisp, Dylan, Guile, ISLISP, Cadence SKILL ; declare the common argument structure prototype (defgeneric f (x y)) ; define an implementation for (f integer t), where t matches all types (defmethod f ((x integer) y) 1) (f 1 2.0) => 1 ; define an implementation for (f integer real) (defmethod f ((x integer) (y real)) 2) (f 1 2.0) => 2 ; dispatch changed at runtime Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
Closure Templates - Template language Closure Templates ================= Closure Templates is an open source template language created in 2009. 2009 #427 on PLDB 15 Years Old 424k Repos git clone A client- and server-side templating system that helps you dynamically build reusable HTML and UI elements - Tags: template language - Closure Templates is developed on GitHub and has 635 stars - There are at least 424,389 Closure Templates repos on GitHub - Early development of Closure Templates happened in Google - Closure Templates is written in Java, starlark, Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, Protocol Buffers, Python, XML, TypeScript, JSON, Bazel, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 18 users using Closure Templates in 25 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Closure Templates /** * Says hello to the world. */ {template .helloWorld} Hello world! {/template} {namespace Exmaple} /** * Example */ {template .foo} {@param count: string} {@param? name: int} {if isNonnull($name)} <h1>{$name}</h1> {/if} <div class="content"> {switch count} {case 0} {call Empty.view} {param count: $count /} {/call} {default} <h2>Wow, so many!</h2> {/switch} </div> {/template} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 287 1.4
Cloud Firestore Security Rules - Application Cloud Firestore Security Rules ============================== Cloud Firestore Security Rules is an application created in 2017. 2017 #1762 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Cloud Firestore Security Rules happened in Google - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Cloud Firestore Security Rules - Read more about Cloud Firestore Security Rules on the web: 1. 1. service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /activities/{activity} { allow create: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(incomingData().authorId) && isValidActivity(incomingData()) && hasAllowedActivityFieldsForCreate(incomingData()); allow read, delete: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(existingData().authorId); allow update: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(existingData().authorId) && isValidActivity(incomingData()) && hasAllowedActivityFieldsForUpdate(incomingData()); } match /skills/{skill} { allow create: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(incomingData().authorId) && isValidSkill(incomingData()) && hasAllowedSkillFieldsForCreate(incomingData()); allow read, delete: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(existingData().authorId); allow update: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(existingData().authorId) && isValidSkill(incomingData()) && hasAllowedSkillFieldsForUpdate(incomingData()); } match /activities-skills/{activitySkill} { allow create: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(incomingData().authorId) && isValidActivitySkill(incomingData()) && hasAllowedActivitySkillFieldsForCreate(incomingData()); allow read, delete: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(existingData().authorId); allow update: if isSignedIn() && isOwner(existingData().authorId) && isValidActivitySkill(incomingData()) && hasAllowedActivitySkillFieldsForUpdate(incomingData()); } /// Functions /// function isSignedIn() { return request.auth != null; } function isOwner(userId) { return request.auth.uid == userId; } function existingData() { return; } function incomingData() { return; } function isValidActivity(activity) { return activity.title is string && activity.title.size() > 3 && activity.title.size() < 250 && activity.summary is string && (activity.audienceCountMin is int || activity.audienceCountMin == null) && (activity.audienceCountMax is int || activity.audienceCountMax == null) && (activity.audienceAgeMin is int || activity.audienceAgeMin == null) && (activity.audienceAgeMax is int || activity.audienceAgeMax == null) && is timestamp; } function hasAllowedActivityFieldsForUpdate(activity) { return activity.keys().size() == 9 && activity.keys().hasAll(['authorId', 'title', 'summary', 'audienceCountMin', 'audienceCountMax', 'audienceAgeMin', 'audienceAgeMax', 'lastUpdateDate']); } function hasAllowedActivityFieldsForCreate(activity) { return activity.keys().size() == 8 && activity.keys().hasAll(['authorId', 'title', 'summary', 'audienceCountMin', 'audienceCountMax', 'audienceAgeMin', 'audienceAgeMax', 'lastUpdateDate']); } function isValidSkill(skill) { return skill.title is string && skill.title.size() > 3 && skill.title.size() < 250 && skill.summary is string && is timestamp; } function hasAllowedSkillFieldsForUpdate(skill) { return skill.keys().size() == 5 && skill.keys().hasAll(['authorId', 'title', 'summary', 'lastUpdateDate']); } function hasAllowedSkillFieldsForCreate(skill) { return skill.keys().size() == 4 && skill.keys().hasAll(['authorId', 'title', 'summary', 'lastUpdateDate']); } function isValidActivitySkill(activitySkill) { return activitySkill.skillId is string && activitySkill.activityId is string; } function hasAllowedActivitySkillFieldsForUpdate(activitySkill) { return activitySkill.keys().size() == 4 && activitySkill.keys().hasAll(['authorId', 'skillId', 'activityId']); } function hasAllowedActivitySkillFieldsForCreate(activitySkill) { return activitySkill.keys().size() == 3 && activitySkill.keys().hasAll(['authorId', 'skillId', 'activityId']); } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 586 2.9
CLOVER - Programming language CLOVER ====== CLOVER is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3931 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLOVER happened in University College London - CLOVER on HOPL CLOVER on HOPL - Read more about CLOVER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
clox - Programming language clox ==== clox is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #3666 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Crafting Interpreters (clox) - Tags: programming language - clox is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of clox happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
CLP* - Programming language CLP* ==== CLP* is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3932 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLP* happened in Brandeis University - CLP* on HOPL CLP* on HOPL - Read more about CLP* on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
CLPR - Programming language CLPR ==== CLPR is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2035 on PLDB 38 Years Old CLP(R) is a declarative programming language. It stands for constraint logic programming (Real) where real refers to the real numbers. It can be considered and is generally implemented as a superset or add-on package for a Prolog implementation.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - CLPR is a superset of Prolog - Early development of CLPR happened in Monash University - CLPR on HOPL CLPR on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Prolog 3*X + 4*Y - 2*Z = 8, X - 5*Y + Z = 10, 2*X + 3*Y -Z = 20. 3*X + 4*Y - 2*Z = 8, X - 5*Y + Z = 10, 2*X + 3*Y -Z = 20. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
CLU - Programming language CLU === CLU is a programming language created in 1975 by Barbara Liskov. 1975 Barbara Liskov #816 on PLDB 49 Years Old CLU is a programming language created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) by Barbara Liskov and her students between 1974 and 1975. While it did not find extensive use, it introduced many features that are used widely now, and is seen as a step in the development of object-oriented programming (OOP). Key contributions include abstract data types, call-by-sharing, iterators, multiple return values (a form of parallel assignment), type-safe parameterized types, and type-safe variant types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLU happened in MIT - CLU on HOPL CLU on HOPL - CLU appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (17 related languages) SPARC, ALGOL 60, Lisp, Simula, Ada, Argus, Lua, Ruby, Sather, Swift, Algol, ML, CPL, Java, Python, C#, Perl start_up = proc () po: stream := stream$primary_output () stream$putl (po, "Hello World") end start_up complex_number = cluster is add, subtract, multiply, ... rep = record [ real_part: real, imag_part: real ] add = proc ... end add; subtract = proc ... end subtract; multiply = proc ... end multiply; ... end complex_number; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token stream$putl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 307 1.5
CLX - Programming language CLX === CLX is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #2631 on PLDB 39 Years Old The acronym CLX can refer to a number of things: 160 in Roman numerals Cargolux, an airline using the ICAO code CLX CLX (Common Lisp), a Common Lisp computer library CLX Communications, a telecommunications and cloud communications platform as a service company, based in Stockholm, Sweden Component Library for Cross Platform (CLX), a cross-platform visual component-based framework. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CLX happened in - CLX on HOPL CLX on HOPL - Read more about CLX on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
CMake - Application CMake ===== CMake is an open source application created in 2000. 2000 #90 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone CMake is cross-platform free and open-source software for managing the build process of software using a compiler-independent method. It supports directory hierarchies and applications that depend on multiple libraries. It is used in conjunction with native build environments such as make, Apple's Xcode, and Microsoft Visual Studio. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - CMake on GitLab CMake on GitLab - Early development of CMake happened in Kitware, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 39k users using CMake in 56k repos on GitHub - Explore CMake snippets on Rosetta Code - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting CMake - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for CMake - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CMake - was registered in 2001 - See also: (16 related languages) C, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Linux, Ninja, Unix, Falcon, KiCad Legacy Layout, LLVM IR, MySQL, MariaDB, Qt, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, ROOT, Meson, QMake - Read more about CMake on the web: 1. 1. - 170 PLDB concepts link to CMake: acorn-lang, Adept, Apache Hbase, ArkScript, Apache Arrow, atomspace, AviSynth, Basis Codec, Bazel, beef-lang, Berry, binaryen, Bio, BlitzMax, Boomerang Decompiler, Broccoli, C2, C3, Calc4, Cap'n Proto, chaiscript, Chapel, checked-c, clay, cloc, Cone, Croc, curv, Cwerg, Dale, Dern, egel, Eiffel, ELENA, emerald-lang, Emojicode, Emscripten, F Prime, Fardlang, Fern, fish, FlatBuffers, Flow9, flua, ForthScript, Frost, GAP, Git, GLMS, GraphIt, gravity, gura, Halide, hashlink, Haxe Library Manager, HHVM, hobbes, Homa, Homebrew, Hook, huginn, HuwCode, HyPhy, Ibis, Idris, ImHex, Impala, invokator, ircis, Jakt, Jank, jeebox, jinx, Jsonnet, Koka, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, kumir, Ladybird, latino, Lax, ldpl, Lean, Lesma, lift, Lily, Linux, lobster, loci, Metalang99, MewMew, MicroPython, mimium, MiniZinc, Mojo, MongoDB, MonkeyX, mun-lang, neeilang, Neko, never, NGS, Ninja, Node.js, Nuua, ObjectScript, Om, onnx, ooc, oopsilon, Opal, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, P, Pawn, PAWN, PCRE, Pony, POV-Ray SDL, psyche-c, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Qore, Racket, React Native, Redis, RetDec, rhine, Rholang, RicScript, Roslyn compiler, Rust, score, Seq, sile, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, skip, Solidity, Sophie, souper, Squirrel, SWI Prolog, Swift, t2b, Taichi, tamgu, TensorFlow, Terra, Textadept, tiledb, TreeSheets, Triton, UCL, Uno, Vale, Vcpkg, verona, VLC, VSXu, WebAssembly, whack, Wonkey, Xgboost, XGBoost, Yet Another Scripting Language, Z-flat, Zig project(default) add_compile_options(-Werror -Wall -Wextra -g) add_executable(output.s example.cpp) message("Hello, world!") message("Hello World") # Hello World in CMake message(STATUS "Hello World!") cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) enable_testing() set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE debug) include_directories("/usr/local/include") find_library(ssl_LIBRARY NAMES ssl PATHS "/usr/local/lib") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "ver.c" "ver.h" COMMAND ./ add_executable(foo foo.c bar.c baz.c ver.c) target_link_libraries(foo ${ssl_LIBRARY}) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 555 2.8
CMIX - Programming language CMIX ==== CMIX is a programming language created in 1980 by Paul Lansky. 1980 Paul Lansky #3095 on PLDB 44 Years Old CMIX is a computer music "language" designed to create and manipulate soundfiles, or files containing raw binary data which can be converted into sound on a computer equipped with an appropriate digital-to-analog convertor. It is somewhat similar to CSOUND and CMUSIC (two other popular software synthesis and signal-processing computer music packages). All three of these languages are in one way or another derived from the work done by Max Matthews and others at Bell Laboratories in the late 1950's and 1960's. - Tags: programming language - Early development of CMIX happened in Princeton University - CMIX on HOPL CMIX on HOPL - Read more about CMIX on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
CMN - Programming language CMN === CMN is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3933 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CMN happened in - CMN on HOPL CMN on HOPL - Read more about CMN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
CMS-2 - Programming language CMS-2 ===== CMS-2 is a programming language created in 1968 by Vincent Cecil Secades and David Clark Rummler. 1968 Vincent Cecil Secades David Clark Rummler #1501 on PLDB 56 Years Old CMS-2 is an embedded systems programming language used by the United States Navy. It was an early attempt to develop a standardized high-level computer programming language intended to improve code portability and reusability. CMS-2 was developed primarily for the US Navy’s tactical data systems (NTDS).CMS-2 was developed by RAND Corporation in the early 1970s and stands for "Compiler Monitor System". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CMS-2 happened in Naval Postgraduate School - CMS-2 on HOPL CMS-2 on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Fortran, JOVIAL, PL/I, Ada - Read more about CMS-2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 261 1.3
EXEC - Programming language EXEC ==== EXEC is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #1945 on PLDB 58 Years Old CMS EXEC, or EXEC, is an interpreted, command procedure control, computer scripting language used by the CMS EXEC Processor supplied with the IBM Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System (VM/CMS) operating system. EXEC was written in 1966 by Stuart Madnick at MIT on the model of CTSS RUNCOM. He originally called this processor COMMAND, and it was later renamed EXEC. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of EXEC happened in IBM - EXEC on HOPL EXEC on HOPL - EXEC appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (2 related languages) EXEC 2, Rexx * The following code issues CMS commands to set * the "blip" character to asterisk and request * the "short" format for system ready messages. &CONTROL OFF SET BLIP * SET RDYMSG SMSG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
CMS Pipelines - Programming language CMS Pipelines ============= CMS Pipelines is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2208 on PLDB 38 Years Old CMS Pipelines implements the pipeline concept under the VM/CMS operating system. The programs in a pipeline operate on a sequential stream of records. A program writes records that are read by the next program in the pipeline. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CMS Pipelines happened in IBM - Read more about CMS Pipelines on the web: 1. 1. PIPE (end ?) < input txt | a: locate /Hello/ | insert / World!/ after | i: faninany | > newfile txt a ? a: | xlate upper | i: Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
CMU Common Lisp - Programming language CMU Common Lisp =============== CMU Common Lisp is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2355 on PLDB 44 Years Old CMUCL is a free Common Lisp implementation, originally developed at Carnegie Mellon. CMUCL runs on most Unix-like platforms, including Linux and BSD; there is an experimental Windows port as well. Steel Bank Common Lisp is derived from CMUCL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CMU Common Lisp happened in CMUCL Project Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
co-dfns - Programming language co-dfns ======= co-dfns is a programming language created in 2012 by Aaron Hsu. 2012 Aaron Hsu #778 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone High-performance, Reliable, and Parallel APL - Tags: programming language - co-dfns is developed on GitHub and has 691 stars - Early development of co-dfns happened in - co-dfns is written in APL, C, Markdown, YAML - Read more about co-dfns on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
co2 - Programming language co2 === co2 is a programming language created in 2016 by Dave Griffiths. 2016 Dave Griffiths #1746 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Lispy language for creating NES / Famicom software - Tags: programming language - co2 is developed on GitHub and has 175 stars - Early development of co2 happened in - co2 is written in Scheme, Assembly language, Bourne shell, Python, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
COBLOC - Programming language COBLOC ====== COBLOC is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3934 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COBLOC happened in University of Wisconsin - COBLOC on HOPL COBLOC on HOPL - Read more about COBLOC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Cobol.NET - Programming language Cobol.NET ========= Cobol.NET is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3012 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cobol.NET happened in Fujitsu - Cobol.NET on HOPL Cobol.NET on HOPL - Read more about Cobol.NET on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
CobolScript - Programming language CobolScript =========== CobolScript is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2015 on PLDB 25 Years Old CobolScript is a programming language created by Matthew Dean and Charles Schereda of Deskware in 1999. The language was intended to provide web-enabled COBOL, and was targeted at businesses using legacy software written in that language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CobolScript happened in Deskware - See also: (1 related languages) COBOL DISPLAY `Content-type: text/html `. DISPLAY LINEFEED. DISPLAY `<HTML><BODY>`. DISPLAY `<CENTER>Hello World</CENTER>`. DISPLAY `</BODY></HTML>`. GOBACK. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token DISPLAY Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
Cobra - Programming language Cobra ===== Cobra is an open source programming language created in 2006 by Charles Esterbrook. 2006 Charles Esterbrook #605 on PLDB 18 Years Old Cobra is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. Cobra is designed by Charles Esterbrook, and runs on the Microsoft .NET and Mono platforms. It is strongly influenced by Python, C#, Eiffel, Objective-C, and other programming languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cobra happened in Cobra Language LLC - There are 11 Project Euler users using Cobra - Explore Cobra snippets on Rosetta Code - Cobra appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2008 - See also: (4 related languages) Python, Eiffel, C#, Objective-C class Hello def main print 'Hello World' """Hello world in Cobra""" class Hello def main print 'Hello, world.' class Person var _name as String var _age as int cue init(name as String, age as int) _name, _age = name, age def toString as String is override return 'My name is [_name] and I am [_age] years old' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 302 1.5
Coco/R - Grammar language Coco/R ====== Coco/R is an open source grammar language created in 1990. 1990 #1578 on PLDB 34 Years Old Coco/R is a compiler generator that takes an L-attributed Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) grammar of a source language and generates a scanner and a parser for that language. The scanner works as a deterministic finite automaton. It supports Unicode characters in UTF-8 encoding and can be made case-sensitive or case-insensitive. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Coco/R happened in Johannes Kepler University - See also: (13 related languages) Unicode, UTF-8, Java, C#, Pascal, Modula-2, Modula-3, CodeGear Delphi, Python, Ruby, Eclipse, ANTLR, JavaCC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Coco - Programming language Coco ==== Coco is a programming language created in 2010 by Satoshi Murakami. 2010 Satoshi Murakami #901 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Unfancy CoffeeScript - Tags: programming language - Coco is developed on GitHub and has 499 stars - Early development of Coco happened in - Coco compiles to JavaScript - Coco is written in JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, JSON, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
cocoapods-pm - Package manager cocoapods-pm ============ cocoapods-pm is a package manager created in 2011. 2011 #2452 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of cocoapods-pm happened in - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
Coconut - Programming language Coconut ======= Coconut is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #188 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming. - Tags: programming language - Coconut is developed on GitHub and has 4,012 stars - Early development of Coconut happened in - Coconut compiles to Python - Coconut is written in Python, YAML, Markdown, JSON, Make, reStructuredText, TOML - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Coconut - was registered in 2016 - Read more about Coconut on the web: 1. 1. print("Hello, world!") "Hello World" |> print Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Algebraic Data Type FeatureLink ../features/hasAlgebraicTypes.html Supported ✓ Example data Empty() data Leaf(n) data Node(l, r) def size(Empty()) = 0 addpattern def size(Leaf(n)) = 1 addpattern def size(Node(l, r)) = size(l) + size(r) Token row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example (f..g..h)(x, y, z) Token row Feature Destructuring FeatureLink ../features/hasDestructuring.html Supported ✓ Example {"list": [0] + rest} = {"list": [0, 1, 2, 3]} Token row Feature Anonymous Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasAnonymousFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example x -> x ** 2 Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example 5 `mod` 3 == 2 Token row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example match [head] + tail in [0, 1, 2, 3]: print(head, tail) Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 323 1.6
Coda web development software - Editor Coda web development software ============================= Coda web development software is an editor created in 2007. 2007 #2424 on PLDB 17 Years Old Coda is a commercial and proprietary web development application for macOS, developed by Panic. It was first released on April 23, 2007 and won the 2007 Apple Design Award for Best User Experience. Coda version 2.0 was released on 24 May 2012, along with an iPad version called Diet Coda. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Coda web development software happened in Panic Inc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
code-blocks-editor - Editor code-blocks-editor ================== code-blocks-editor is an editor created in 2005. 2005 #5028 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
codecept - Library codecept ======== codecept is an open source library created in 2015. 2015 #431 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Supercharged End 2 End Testing Framework for NodeJS - Tags: library - codecept is developed on GitHub and has 4,078 stars - Early development of codecept happened in - codecept is written in JavaScript, mustache, PHP, Markdown, JSON, YAML, Gherkin, TypeScript, Bourne shell, HTML, Dockerfile, Bash - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
codeflow - Programming language codeflow ======== codeflow is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2200 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Codeflow runtime engine - Tags: programming language - codeflow is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of codeflow happened in - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
CodeGear Delphi - Programming language CodeGear Delphi =============== CodeGear Delphi is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3767 on PLDB 29 Years Old Delphi is an integrated development environment (IDE) for rapid application development of desktop, mobile, web, and console software, developed by Embarcadero Technologies. It is also an event-driven language. Delphi's compilers use their own Object Pascal dialect of Pascal and generate native code for Microsoft Windows, macOS (IA-32 only), iOS, Android and Linux (x64 only). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CodeGear Delphi happened in Borland Software Corporation and Embarcadero Technologies - See also: (16 related languages) Object Pascal, Pascal, IA-32, iOS, Android, Linux, Turbo Pascal, Assembly language, Java, UML, XML, CIL, PHP, Visual Basic, Oxygene, Free Pascal procedure TForm1.ShowSomethingOnCreate; begin Label1.Text := 'Hello World!'; end; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
codelite-editor - Editor codelite-editor =============== codelite-editor is an editor created in 2006. 2006 #5029 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
CodeMirror - Editor CodeMirror ========== CodeMirror is an open source editor created in 2007 by Marijn Haverbeke. 2007 Marijn Haverbeke #195 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone CodeMirror is a JavaScript component that provides a code editor in the browser. It has a rich programming API and a focus on extensibility.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - CodeMirror is developed on GitHub and has 5,557 stars - Early development of CodeMirror happened in - CodeMirror is written in JavaScript, YAML, JSON, Markdown, TypeScript, HTML - was registered in 2010 - See also: (4 related languages) JavaScript, vi, Emacs, Monaco Editor - 5 PLDB concepts link to CodeMirror: Ace Editor, highlight.js, Monaco Editor, Prism, Pygments Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
CodeQL - Query language CodeQL ====== CodeQL is a query language created in 2018 by Pavel Avgustinov. 2018 Pavel Avgustinov #394 on PLDB 6 Years Old 4k Repos git clone CodeQL let's you query code as if it were data. - Tags: queryLanguage - CodeQL is developed on GitHub and has 7,389 stars - There are at least 3,559 CodeQL repos on GitHub - Early development of CodeQL happened in GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23 users using CodeQL in 25 repos on GitHub - Read more about CodeQL on the web: 1. 1. from DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink, UnsafeDeserializationConfig conf where conf.hasFlowPath(source, sink) select sink.getNode().(UnsafeDeserializationSink).getMethodAccess(), source, sink, "Unsafe deserialization of $@.", source.getNode(), "user input" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
CODIL - Programming language CODIL ===== CODIL is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3935 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CODIL happened in International Computers Limited - CODIL on HOPL CODIL on HOPL - Read more about CODIL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Common Object File Format - Binary executable format Common Object File Format ========================= Common Object File Format, aka Common Object File Format, is a binary executable format created in 1983. 1983 #1836 on PLDB 41 Years Old The Common Object File Format (COFF) is a format for executable, object code, and shared library computer files used on Unix systems. It was introduced in Unix System V, replaced the previously used a.out format, and formed the basis for extended specifications such as XCOFF and ECOFF, before being largely replaced by ELF, introduced with SVR4. COFF and its variants continue to be used on some Unix-like systems, on Microsoft Windows, in EFI environments and in some embedded development systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binary executable format - Early development of Common Object File Format happened in AT&T - See also: (3 related languages) Unix, Extensible Linking Format, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
COFFEE Cinema 4D - Programming language COFFEE Cinema 4D ================ COFFEE Cinema 4D is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3198 on PLDB 32 Years Old COFFEE (often written as "C.O.F.F.E.E") is a computer scripting language that forms part of CINEMA 4D, a proprietary 3D graphics application. Although presented as an acronym the letters of the word COFFEE do not appear to stand for anything, but are rather a comic reference to Java, a considerably more famous computer language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of COFFEE Cinema 4D happened in Maxon - See also: (2 related languages) Perl, JavaScript - Read more about COFFEE Cinema 4D on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
CoffeeKup - Template language CoffeeKup ========= CoffeeKup is a template language created in 2010 by Maurice Machado. 2010 Maurice Machado #1026 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Markup as CoffeeScript. - Tags: template language - CoffeeKup is developed on GitHub and has 1,264 stars - CoffeeKup is written in CoffeeScript, HTML, Markdown, JavaScript, Bourne shell, CSS, JSON - 1 PLDB concepts link to CoffeeKup: Jedi doctype 5 html -> head -> meta charset: 'utf-8' title "#{@title or 'Untitled'} | A completely plausible website" meta(name: 'description', content: @description) if @description? link rel: 'stylesheet', href: '/css/app.css' style ''' body {font-family: sans-serif} header, nav, section, footer {display: block} ''' script src: '/js/jquery.js' coffeescript -> $(document).ready -> alert 'Alerts suck!' body -> header -> h1 @title or 'Untitled' nav -> ul -> (li -> a href: '/', -> 'Home') unless @path is '/' li -> a href: '/chunky', -> 'Bacon!' switch @user.role when 'owner', 'admin' li -> a href: '/admin', -> 'Secret Stuff' when 'vip' li -> a href: '/vip', -> 'Exclusive Stuff' else li -> a href: '/commoners', -> 'Just Stuff' div '#myid.myclass.anotherclass', style: 'position: fixed', -> p 'Divitis kills! Inline styling too.' section -> # A helper function you built and included. breadcrumb separator: '>', clickable: yes h2 "Let's count to 10:" p i for i in [1..10] # Another hypothetical helper. form_to @post, -> textbox '#title', label: 'Title:' textbox '#author', label: 'Author:' submit 'Save' footer -> # CoffeeScript comments. Not visible in the output document. comment 'HTML comments.' p 'Bye!' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 401 2
coffeepp - Programming language coffeepp ======== coffeepp is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3677 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of coffeepp happened in HackerNews discussions of coffeepp ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Coffee++, idea for a language that compiles into C++||07/21/2017|23|16 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
CoffeeScript - Programming language CoffeeScript ============ CoffeeScript is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Jeremy Ashkenas. 2009 Jeremy Ashkenas #28 on PLDB 15 Years Old 65k Repos git clone CoffeeScript is a programming language that transcompiles to JavaScript. It adds syntactic sugar inspired by Ruby, Python and Haskell in an effort to enhance JavaScript's brevity and readability. Specific additional features include list comprehension and pattern matching. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - CoffeeScript is developed on GitHub and has 16,466 stars - There are at least 64,590 CoffeeScript repos on GitHub - Early development of CoffeeScript happened in - CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript - CoffeeScript is written in Markdown, CoffeeScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSON, SVG, YAML, XML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 45k users using CoffeeScript in 69k repos on GitHub - Explore CoffeeScript snippets on Rosetta Code - CoffeeScript appears in the TIOBE Index - CoffeeScript Ubuntu package CoffeeScript Ubuntu package - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting CoffeeScript - Monaco package for syntax highlighting CoffeeScript - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript - CoffeeScript appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn CoffeeScript on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for CoffeeScript - was registered in 2009 - See also: (17 related languages) Haskell, JavaScript, Perl, Python, Ruby, YAML, LiveScript, Ruby on Rails, JQuery, Apache Maven, Java, Markdown, Elm, Haxe, Dart, Opa, TypeScript - 33 PLDB concepts link to CoffeeScript: Ace Editor, BlackCoffee, Civet, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript,, CSON, daonode, dexvis, Eiffel, EmberScript, fjs, Fold, grid-notation, Hera, HHVM, IcedCoffeeScript, Jedi, Jekyll, kode, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, mal, mochajs, Node.js, Pug, Pygments, Statsplorer, Taijilang, taxa, TestML, ToffeeScript, U console.log "Hello, world!" alert "Hello World" // Hello world in CoffeeScript alert "Hello, World!" console.log "Hello, World!" author = "Wittgenstein" quote = "A picture is a fact. -- #{ author }" sentence = "#{ 22 / 7 } is a decent approximation of π" and or is isnt not on yes @ no off true false null this new delete typeof in instanceof return throw break continue debugger if else switch for while do try catch finally class extends super undefined then unless until loop of by when Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example console.log "Hello, World!" Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # [0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ### A comment ### Token ### row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.log row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 702 3.5
CogMap - Programming language CogMap ====== CogMap is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3936 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CogMap happened in University of Cambridge - CogMap on HOPL CogMap on HOPL - Read more about CogMap on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Cognate - Programming language Cognate ======= Cognate is a programming language created in 2020 by Finn Barber. 2020 Finn Barber #1193 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A human readable quasi-concatenative programming language. Cognate is a small, dynamic, concatenative language for functional programming. Cognate aims to express complex programs in a simple and readable way through its unique syntax, which emphasises embedding comments into statements. This makes programs very readable and helps a programmer better express their intentions. - Tags: programming language - Cognate is developed on GitHub and has 233 stars - Cognate compiles to C - Cognate is written in YAML, C, Lex, Yacc, Markdown, Make - First announcement of Cognate ~~ Prime numbers in Cognate Def Factor (Zero? Modulo Swap); Def Primes ( Let U is upper bound; initially List (); For Range 2 to U ( Let P is potential prime; Let Found be list of found primes; Let To-check be Take-while (<= Sqrt P) Found; When All (Not Factor of P) To-check ( Append P ) to Found ) ); Print Primes up to 1000; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
COGO - Programming language COGO ==== COGO is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #4790 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COGO happened in IBM - COGO on HOPL COGO on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
coherence - Programming language coherence ========= coherence is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3678 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2020 HackerNews discussions of coherence =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Coherence Language: an experimental continuation of Subtext||04/25/2009|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Coherent Parallel C - Programming language Coherent Parallel C =================== Coherent Parallel C is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3937 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Coherent Parallel C happened in California Institute of Technology - Coherent Parallel C on HOPL Coherent Parallel C on HOPL - Read more about Coherent Parallel C on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
coi-protocol - Protocol coi-protocol ============ coi-protocol is a protocol created in 2019. 2019 #4699 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: protocol - was registered in 2019 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 87 0.4
CokeScript - Programming language CokeScript ========== CokeScript is a programming language created in 2015 by Batiste Bieler. 2015 Batiste Bieler #1733 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone CokeScript is a whitespace sensitive language that compile to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - CokeScript is developed on GitHub and has 42 stars - Early development of CokeScript happened in - CokeScript is written in JavaScript, CSS, Markdown, HTML, XML, JSON, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
COL - Programming language COL === COL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3350 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COL happened in I.N.R.I.A - COL on HOPL COL on HOPL - Read more about COL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
ColaScript - Programming language ColaScript ========== ColaScript is a programming language created in 2012 by Dan Onoshko. 2012 Dan Onoshko #1541 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone translator / parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit - Tags: programming language - ColaScript is developed on GitHub and has 26 stars - Early development of ColaScript happened in TrigenSoftware - ColaScript compiles to JavaScript - ColaScript is written in JavaScript, JSON, HTML, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
COLASL - Programming language COLASL ====== COLASL is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #3938 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COLASL happened in University of California Los Angeles - COLASL on HOPL COLASL on HOPL - Read more about COLASL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
COLD-K - Programming language COLD-K ====== COLD-K is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3939 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COLD-K happened in Philips Research Laboratories - COLD-K on HOPL COLD-K on HOPL - Read more about COLD-K on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
ColdFusion Components - Xml format ColdFusion Components ===================== ColdFusion Components is a xml format created in 1995. 1995 #2845 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of ColdFusion Components happened in Adobe - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ColdFusion Components - See also: (2 related languages) CFML, ColdFusion - Read more about ColdFusion Components on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="allemployees" access="public" output="false" returntype="query"> <cfset var getNames=""> <cfquery name="getNames" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT * FROM Employee </cfquery> </cffunction> <cffunction name="namesalarycontract" access="public" output="false" returntype="query"> <cfset var EmpList=""> <cfquery name="EmpList" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT Firstname, Lastname, Salary, Contract FROM Employee </cfquery> </cffunction> <cffunction name="fullname" access="public" output="false" returntype="query"> <cfset var engquery=""> <cfquery name="engquery" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT FirstName || ' ' || LastName AS FullName FROM Employee </cfquery> </cffunction> <cffunction name="bydept" access="public" output="false" returntype="query"> <cfset var deptquery=""> <cfquery name="deptquery" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT Dept_ID, FirstName || ' ' || LastName AS FullName FROM Employee ORDER BY Dept_ID </cfquery> </cffunction> <cffunction name="employeebyURLID" access="public" output="false" returntype="query"> <cfset var GetRecordtoUpdate=""> <cfquery name="GetRecordtoUpdate" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID = #URL.Emp_ID# </cfquery> </cffunction> <cffunction name="deleteemployee" access="public" output="false" returntype="void"> <cfset var DeleteEmployee=""> <cfquery name="DeleteEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples"> DELETE FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID# </cfquery> </cffunction> <cffunction name="distinctlocs"access="public" output="false" returntype="query"> <cfset var GetDepartments=""> <cfquery name="GetDepartments" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT DISTINCT Location FROM Departmt </cfquery> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 513 2.6
ColdFusion - Programming language ColdFusion ========== ColdFusion is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Joseph J. Allaire. 1995 Joseph J. Allaire #164 on PLDB 29 Years Old 21k Repos Adobe ColdFusion is a commercial rapid web application development platform created by J. J. Allaire in 1995. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 20,756 ColdFusion repos on GitHub - Early development of ColdFusion happened in Adobe - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using ColdFusion in 2k repos on GitHub - Check out the 22 ColdFusion meetup groups on - There are 10 Project Euler users using ColdFusion - Explore ColdFusion snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ColdFusion - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ColdFusion - There is a central package repository for ColdFusion - See also: (23 related languages) Java, HTML, CFML, ASP, JSP, PHP, JavaScript, CFScript, SOAP, PDF, SMTP, FTP, XML, XPath, Solaris, Microsoft Excel, Linux, Eclipse, WSDL, JSON, Jython, Groovy, JRuby - 4 PLDB concepts link to ColdFusion: Ace Editor, cloc, ColdFusion Components, Pygments <cfset message = "Hello World"> <cfoutput> #message#</cfoutput> <!---Hello world in ColdFusion---> <cfset message = "Hello World"> <cfoutput> #message#</cfoutput> <!--- cfcomment ---> <!--- nested <!--- cfcomment ---> ---> <!--- multi-line nested <!--- cfcomment ---> ---> <!-- html comment --> <html> <head> <title>Date Functions</title> </head> <body> <cfset RightNow = Now()> <cfoutput> #RightNow#<br /> #DateFormat(RightNow)#<br /> #DateFormat(RightNow,"mm/dd/yy")#<br /> #TimeFormat(RightNow)#<br /> #TimeFormat(RightNow,"hh:mm tt")#<br /> #IsDate(RightNow)#<br /> #IsDate("January 31, 2007")#<br /> #IsDate("foo")#<br /> #DaysInMonth(RightNow)# </cfoutput> <cfset x="x"> <cfset y="y"> <cfset z="z"> <cfoutput group="x"> #x# <cfoutput>#y#</cfoutput> #z# </cfoutput> </body> </html> <cfset person = "Paul"> <cfset greeting = "Hello #person#"> <cfset greeting = "Hello" & " world!"> <cfset a = 5> <cfset b = 10> <cfset c = a^b> <cfset c = a MOD b> <cfset c = a / b> <cfset c = a * b> <cfset c = a + b> <cfset c = a - b> <!--- <!-- another <!--- nested --> ---> comment ---> http://path/to/components/Component.cfc?method=search&query=your+query&mode=strict Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token cfoutput row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 588 2.9
COLLADA - Application COLLADA ======= COLLADA is an application created in 2004. 2004 #1390 on PLDB 20 Years Old COLLADA (COLLAborative Design Activity) is an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications. It is managed by the nonprofit technology consortium, the Khronos Group, and has been adopted by ISO as a publicly available specification, ISO/PAS 17506.COLLADA defines an open standard XML schema for exchanging digital assets among various graphics software applications that might otherwise store their assets in incompatible file formats. COLLADA documents that describe digital assets are XML files, usually identified with a .dae (digital asset exchange) filename extension.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of COLLADA happened in Sony and Khronos Group - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for COLLADA - See also: (11 related languages) XML, Delphi, KML, Godot, Unity, Maple, Python, Objective-C, JavaScript, WebGL, VRML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
Color BASIC - Programming language Color BASIC =========== Color BASIC is a programming language created in 1980 by Bill Gates. 1980 Bill Gates #2883 on PLDB 44 Years Old Color BASIC is the implementation of Microsoft BASIC that is included in the ROM of the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computers manufactured between 1980 and 1991. BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a high level language with simple syntax that makes it easy for novices to write simple programs. Color BASIC is interpreted, that is, decoded as it is run. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Color BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (6 related languages) TRS-80 Color Computer, Microsoft BASIC, BASIC, C, Assembly language, ASCII FOR {num} = {number} TO {number} [STEP {number}] ... NEXT (num) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
ColorForth - Programming language ColorForth ========== ColorForth is a programming language created in 1992 by Charles H. Moore. 1992 Charles H. Moore #1931 on PLDB 32 Years Old colorForth is a programming language from the Forth language's original designer, Charles H. Moore, developed in the 1990s. There was an earlier predecessor called 386 OK which appeared for sale at Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group (SVFIG) meetings in 1992.An idiosyncratic programming environment, the colors simplify Forth's semantics, speed compiling, and are said to aid Moore's own poor eyesight: colorForth uses different colors in its source code (replacing some of the punctuation in standard Forth) to determine how different words are treated. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ColorForth happened in - 1 PLDB concepts link to ColorForth: Interleaved Notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
COMAL - Programming language COMAL ===== COMAL is a programming language created in 1973 by Børge R. Christensen and Benedict Løfstedt. 1973 Børge R. Christensen Benedict Løfstedt #1676 on PLDB 51 Years Old COMAL (Common Algorithmic Language) is a computer programming language developed in Denmark by Benedict Løfstedt and Børge R. Christensen in 1973. COMAL was one of the few structured programming languages that was available for and comfortably usable on 8-bit home computers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore COMAL snippets on Rosetta Code - COMAL on HOPL COMAL on HOPL - COMAL appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (8 related languages) BASIC, Pascal, Logo, ISBN, BBC BASIC, Unix, DOI, Action! 10 PAGE 20 FOR number:= 1 TO 10 DO 30 PRINT "HELLO, WORLD!" 40 NEXT or ENDFOR (Unicomal) 50 END " " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
Combined Log Format - Text data format Combined Log Format =================== Combined Log Format is a text data format created in 2002. 2002 #2846 on PLDB 22 Years Old Common Log Format plus referrer and user agent columns. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Combined Log Format happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Read more about Combined Log Format on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - Administrator [17/Sep/2021:13:51:27 -0400] "GET /invoke/pub.flow/getTransportInfo" 200 2502 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
comby - Grammar language comby ===== comby is a grammar language created in 2019 by Rijnard van Tonder. 2019 Rijnard van Tonder #547 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A code rewrite tool for structural search and replace that supports ~every language. - Tags: grammarLanguage - comby is developed on GitHub and has 2,344 stars - Early development of comby happened in - comby is written in OCaml, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, C, TOML, Dockerfile, Diff, Go, Make, YAML - was registered in 2019 if (:[_] && :[height] :[_]) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
COMFY - Programming language COMFY ===== COMFY is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3940 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COMFY happened in ̃hbaker1/home.html - COMFY on HOPL COMFY on HOPL - Read more about COMFY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
COMIT - Programming language COMIT ===== COMIT is a programming language created in 1957 by Victor Yngve. 1957 Victor Yngve #1569 on PLDB 67 Years Old COMIT was the first string processing language (compare SNOBOL, TRAC, and Perl), developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers by Dr. Victor Yngve and collaborators at MIT from 1957 to 1965. Yngve created the language for supporting computerized research in the field of linguistics, and more specifically, the area of machine translation for natural language processing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of COMIT happened in University of Chicago and MIT - COMIT on HOPL COMIT on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) SNOBOL, Perl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
comm - Minilanguage comm ==== comm is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #2705 on PLDB 11 Years Old A procedural language with integer arithmetic, local variables, conditional statements, while loops and print, compiled to simple machine code. - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of comm happened in University of Ljubljana - Read more about comm on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
COMMEN - Programming language COMMEN ====== COMMEN is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3351 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COMMEN happened in Leo J. Cohen Associates - COMMEN on HOPL COMMEN on HOPL - Read more about COMMEN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about COMMEN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Commodore BASIC - Programming language Commodore BASIC =============== Commodore BASIC is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #2814 on PLDB 47 Years Old Commodore BASIC, also known as PET BASIC, is the dialect of the BASIC programming language used in Commodore International's 8-bit home computer line, stretching from the PET of 1977 to the C128 of 1985. The core was based on 6502 Microsoft BASIC, and as such it shares many characteristics with other 6502 BASICs of the time, such as Applesoft BASIC. Commodore licensed BASIC from Microsoft on a "pay once, no royalties" basis after Jack Tramiel turned down Bill Gates' offer of a $3 per unit fee, stating, "I'm already married," and would pay no more than $25,000 for a perpetual license.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Commodore BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (5 related languages) BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, Simons' BASIC, Graphics BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
Common Lisp - Programming language Common Lisp =========== Common Lisp is a programming language created in 1984 by Scott Fahlman and Richard P. Gabriel and David A. Moon and Kent Pitman and Guy Steele and Dan Weinreb. 1984 Scott Fahlman Richard P. Gabriel David A. Moon Kent Pitman Guy Steele Dan Weinreb #166 on PLDB 40 Years Old 24k Repos Common Lisp (CL) is a dialect of the Lisp programming language, published in ANSI standard document ANSI INCITS 226-1994 (R2004) (formerly X3.226-1994 (R1999)). The Common Lisp HyperSpec, a hyperlinked HTML version, has been derived from the ANSI Common Lisp standard. The Common Lisp language was developed as a standardized and improved successor of Maclisp. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - Interview with the creators of Common Lisp: 1. 1. - There are at least 24,262 Common Lisp repos on GitHub - Early development of Common Lisp happened in American National Standards Institute - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using Common Lisp in 6k repos on GitHub - Common Lisp on HOPL Common Lisp on HOPL - Common Lisp appears in the TIOBE Index - Common Lisp Ubuntu package Common Lisp Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Common Lisp - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Common Lisp - Common Lisp appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Common Lisp on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Common Lisp - has 24 matches for ""common lisp"". - was registered in 2003 - See also: (38 related languages) Lisp, CLISP, LispWorks, Lisp Machine Lisp, Scheme, Interlisp, Clojure, Dylan, Emacs Lisp, EuLisp, ISLISP, Julia, R, Cadence SKILL, Spice Lisp, S-expressions, ASCII, Unicode, C, Pascal, Java, AutoLISP, ALGOL 68, Ada, Perl, Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, X86, Corman Common Lisp, Maxima, ACL2, POPLOG, Pop-11, Prolog, Standard ML, Emacs - 1 PLDB concepts link to Common Lisp: Flare (format t "Hello, world!") (defun hello-world () (format t "Hello World~%")) (hello-world) (DEFUN HELLO () (PRINT 'HELLO)) CL-USER > (available-shells) (#P"/bin/bash" #P"/bin/csh" #P"/bin/ksh" #P"/bin/sh" #P"/bin/tcsh" #P"/bin/zsh") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example (defmethod collide-with ((x asteroid) (y asteroid)) ;; deal with asteroid hitting asteroid ) (defmethod collide-with ((x asteroid) (y spaceship)) ;; deal with asteroid hitting spaceship ) (defmethod collide-with ((x spaceship) (y asteroid)) ;; deal with spaceship hitting asteroid ) (defmethod collide-with ((x spaceship) (y spaceship)) ;; deal with spaceship hitting spaceship ) Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example ; (defclass Person () ()) (defmethod frobnicate ((p Person) record spreadsheet) (format t "~a ~a ~a~&" (type-of p) (type-of record) (type-of spreadsheet))) (defclass Asteroid () ()) (defmethod frobnicate ((a Asteroid) velocity size) ; do stuff ) ; At runtime these 2 would be routed to respective methods: (frobnicate a-person his-record big-spreadsheet) (frobnicate an-asteroid very-fast pretty-small) Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 721 3.6
Common Log Format - Text data format Common Log Format ================= Common Log Format is a text data format created in 1995. 1995 #3219 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Common Log Format happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - 1 PLDB concepts link to Common Log Format: Combined Log Format user-identifier frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
CWL - Programming language CWL === CWL is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Luka Stojanovic. 2014 Luka Stojanovic #356 on PLDB 10 Years Old 464 Repos git clone The Common Workflow Language (CWL) is a specification for describing analysis workflows and tools in a way that makes them portable and scalable across a variety of software and hardware environments, from workstations to cluster, cloud, and high performance computing (HPC) environments. CWL is designed to meet the needs of data-intensive science, such as Bioinformatics, Medical Imaging, Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry. - Tags: programming language - CWL is developed on GitHub and has 326 stars - There are at least 464 CWL repos on GitHub - Early development of CWL happened in - CWL is written in Python, YAML, Markdown, JSON, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, JavaScript, Make, Ini, Dockerfile, TOML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 57 users using CWL in 75 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CWL - was registered in 2015 - Read more about CWL on the web: 1. 1. #!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner # Originally from # # Released under the MIT License: # # Converted to CWL v1.0 syntax using # # and polished by Michael R. Crusoe <> # All modifications also released under the MIT License cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool doc: Trunk scores in ENCODE bed6+4 files hints: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: dukegcb/workflow-utils inputs: peaks: type: File sep: type: string default: \t outputs: trunked_scores_peaks: type: stdout baseCommand: awk arguments: - -F $(inputs.sep) - BEGIN{OFS=FS}$5>1000{$5=1000}{print} - $(inputs.peaks.path) stdout: $(inputs.peaks.nameroot).trunked_scores$(inputs.peaks.nameext) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 429 2.1
CommonLoops - Programming language CommonLoops =========== CommonLoops is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2632 on PLDB 38 Years Old CommonLoops (the Common Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System; an acronym reminiscent of the earlier Lisp OO system "Loops" for the Interlisp-D system) is an early programming language which extended Common Lisp to include Object-oriented programming functionality and is a dynamic object system which differs from the OOP facilities found in static languages such as C++ or Java. Like New Flavors, CommonLoops supported multiple inheritance, generic functions and method combination. CommonLoops also supported multi-methods and made use of metaobjects. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CommonLoops happened in Hewlett-Packard - CommonLoops on HOPL CommonLoops on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Common Lisp, Java, CLOS - Read more about CommonLoops on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
commonmark - Text markup language commonmark ========== commonmark is a text markup language created in 2014 by John MacFarlane. 2014 John MacFarlane #407 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown - Tags: text markup language - commonmark is developed on GitHub and has 4,855 stars - Early development of commonmark happened in and github and University of California Berkeley - commonmark is written in Python, Markdown, JavaScript, Lua, HTML, DTD, Make, JSON, YAML - was registered in 2014 - 1 PLDB concepts link to commonmark: Djot Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Compact Application Solution Language - Programming language Compact Application Solution Language ===================================== Compact Application Solution Language is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3247 on PLDB 27 Years Old Compact Application Solution Language (CASL) is a programming language used to create computer programs for Palm OS, and Microsoft Windows desktops, laptops, and Pocket PCs with Windows Mobile. It is published by WAGWARE Systems, Inc., and Brainyware, LLC. As a language, CASL is similar to Pascal or Visual Basic with object-oriented programming features. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Compact Application Solution Language happened in WAGWARE Systems Inc and Brainyware LLC - See also: (2 related languages) Pascal, Visual Basic - Read more about Compact Application Solution Language on the web: 1.!search/compact-application-solution-language/alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000/OD4BEk8Axls/klFwJw8NXXgJ 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
Compiler-Compiler - Programming language Compiler-Compiler ================= Compiler-Compiler is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #2361 on PLDB 61 Years Old In computer science, a compiler-compiler or compiler generator is a programming tool that creates a parser, interpreter, or compiler from some form of formal description of a programming language and machine. The input may be a text file containing the grammar written in BNF or EBNF that defines the syntax of a programming language, and whose generated output is some source code of the parser for the programming language, although other definitions exist. Usually, the resulting source code will have to be extended upon before a complete compiler emerges.A metacompiler is a software development tool used chiefly in the construction of compilers, translators, and interpreters for other programming languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Compiler-Compiler on HOPL Compiler-Compiler on HOPL - See also: (14 related languages) ANTLR, BASIC, ALGOL 60, Atlas Autocode, Coco/R, Bison, JavaCC, LISP 2, Lisp, Yacc, XPL, PEG, DOI, ISBN - Read more about Compiler-Compiler on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. expr_gen(ADD[expr_gen(x),expr_gen(y)]) => <AR + (x*16)+y;> releasereg(y); return x; (SUB[expr_gen(x),expr_gen(y)])=> <SR + (x*16)+y;> releasereg(y); return x; (MUL[expr_gen(x),expr_gen(y)])=> . . . (x)=> r1 = getreg(); load(r1, x); return r1; ... Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 309 1.5
Compiler Description Language - Grammar language Compiler Description Language ============================= Compiler Description Language is a grammar language created in 1971 by Cornelis H. A. Koster. 1971 Cornelis H. A. Koster #4537 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 104 0.5
Complex-Prolog - Programming language Complex-Prolog ============== Complex-Prolog is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3941 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Complex-Prolog happened in Società Italiana per l'Esercizio delle Telecomunicazioni - Complex-Prolog on HOPL Complex-Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Complex-Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
COMPONENT PASCAL - Programming language COMPONENT PASCAL ================ COMPONENT PASCAL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #967 on PLDB 27 Years Old 13k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 13,387 COMPONENT PASCAL repos on GitHub - COMPONENT PASCAL is a superset of Oberon-2 - Early development of COMPONENT PASCAL happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 128 users using COMPONENT PASCAL in 132 repos on GitHub - There are 8 Project Euler users using COMPONENT PASCAL - COMPONENT PASCAL on HOPL COMPONENT PASCAL on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for COMPONENT PASCAL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for COMPONENT PASCAL MODULE ObxFact; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = "" issues = "" **) IMPORT Stores, Models, TextModels, TextControllers, Integers; PROCEDURE Read(r: TextModels.Reader; VAR x: Integers.Integer); VAR i, len, beg: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; buf: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; BEGIN r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot & (ch <= " ") DO r.ReadChar(ch) END; ASSERT(~r.eot & (((ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9")) OR (ch = "-"))); beg := r.Pos() - 1; len := 0; REPEAT INC(len); r.ReadChar(ch) UNTIL r.eot OR (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9"); NEW(buf, len + 1); i := 0; r.SetPos(beg); REPEAT r.ReadChar(buf[i]); INC(i) UNTIL i = len; buf[i] := 0X; Integers.ConvertFromString(buf^, x) END Read; PROCEDURE Write(w: TextModels.Writer; x: Integers.Integer); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Integers.Sign(x) < 0 THEN w.WriteChar("-") END; i := Integers.Digits10Of(x); IF i # 0 THEN REPEAT DEC(i); w.WriteChar(Integers.ThisDigit10(x, i)) UNTIL i = 0 ELSE w.WriteChar("0") END END Write; PROCEDURE Compute*; VAR beg, end, i, n: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; s: Stores.Operation; r: TextModels.Reader; w: TextModels.Writer; attr: TextModels.Attributes; c: TextControllers.Controller; x: Integers.Integer; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); r := c.text.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(beg); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot & (beg < end) & (ch <= " ") DO r.ReadChar(ch); INC(beg) END; IF ~r.eot & (beg < end) THEN r.ReadPrev; Read(r, x); end := r.Pos(); r.ReadPrev; attr :=r.attr; IF (Integers.Sign(x) > 0) & (Integers.Compare(x, Integers.Long(MAX(LONGINT))) <= 0) THEN n := SHORT(Integers.Short(x)); i := 2; x := Integers.Long(1); WHILE i <= n DO x := Integers.Product(x, Integers.Long(i)); INC(i) END; Models.BeginScript(c.text, "computation", s); c.text.Delete(beg, end); w := c.text.NewWriter(NIL); w.SetPos(beg); w.SetAttr(attr); Write(w, x); Models.EndScript(c.text, s) END END END END Compute; END ObxFact. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 597 3
Computer Compiler - Programming language Computer Compiler ================= Computer Compiler is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #3942 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Computer Compiler happened in University of Illinois - Computer Compiler on HOPL Computer Compiler on HOPL - Read more about Computer Compiler on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
COMPUTEST - Programming language COMPUTEST ========= COMPUTEST is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3352 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COMPUTEST happened in University of California San Francisco - COMPUTEST on HOPL COMPUTEST on HOPL - Read more about COMPUTEST on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
COMSKEE - Programming language COMSKEE ======= COMSKEE is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3943 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COMSKEE happened in electronic language research Innovative information infrastructure - COMSKEE on HOPL COMSKEE on HOPL - Read more about COMSKEE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
COMSL - Programming language COMSL ===== COMSL is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3944 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COMSL happened in Communications Satellite Corporation - COMSL on HOPL COMSL on HOPL - Read more about COMSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
COMSOL Script - Programming language COMSOL Script ============= COMSOL Script is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2605 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COMSOL Script happened in COMSOL Inc - Read more about COMSOL Script on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
CONA - Programming language CONA ==== CONA is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4791 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - CONA on HOPL CONA on HOPL - Read more about CONA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Conan Center - Package manager Conan Center ============ Conan Center is a package manager created in 2016. 2016 #2706 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Conan Center happened in JFrog Ltd Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
Conan - Package manager Conan ===== Conan is a package manager created in 2015. 2015 #480 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Conan, the C / C++ Package Manager for Developers - Tags: packageManager - Conan is developed on GitHub and has 8,031 stars - Early development of Conan happened in - Conan is written in Python, Markdown, YAML, SVG, XML, Dockerfile, TOML, Ini - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
ConC - Programming language ConC ==== ConC is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3945 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ConC happened in University of Texas and University of California Berkeley - ConC on HOPL ConC on HOPL - Read more about ConC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
concept-script - Notation concept-script ============== concept-script is a notation created in 1879 by Gottlob Frege. 1879 Gottlob Frege #4792 on PLDB 145 Years Old Frege initiated an ambitious program to use a precise notation which would help in the rigorous development of mathematics. Although his efforts were almost entirely focused on the natural numbers, he discussed possible applications to geometry, analysis, mechanics, physics of motion, and philosophy. The precise notation of Frege was introduced in Concept Script (Begriffschrift) in 1879. This was a two-dimensional notation whose powers he compared to a microscope. The framework in which he set up his Concept Script was quite simple -- we live in a world of objects and concepts, and we deal with statements about these in a manner subject to the laws of logic. Thus Frege had only one model in mind, the real world. Let us refer to this as the absolute universe. From this he was going to distill the numbers and their properties. The absolute universe approach to mathematics via logic was dominant until 1930 -- we see it in the work of Whitehead and Russell (1910-1913). His formal system with two-dimensional notation had the universal quantifier, negation, implication, predicates of several variables, axioms for logic, and rules of inference. The explicit universal quantifier, predicates of several variables and the rules of inference were new to formal systems! - Tags: notation - Read more about concept-script on the web: 1.,the%20rigorous%20development%20of%20mathematics.&text=His%20formal%20system%20with%20two,logic%2C%20and%20rules%20of%20inference. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 344 1.7
Conceptual - Programming language Conceptual ========== Conceptual is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2039 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The Conceptual language aims to completely separate all features and quirks of programming and bring them to the realm of concepts, bridging machines and minds. This language is not a goal in itself, but a platform for the future; understanding this future allows to put its features into their proper context. - Tags: programming language - Conceptual is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of Conceptual happened in - Conceptual is written in Tex, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML concept ( map txt '(examples F): Returns examples of usage of a function, in `(… (CodeString BecomesString) …)` format. (examples): Returns all available examples in a (… (Name … (CodeString BecomesString) …) …) format.' call (_jsEval "function(f) { if (_isArray(f)) return error if (f === undefined) { // Accumulate all examples (from parse.ctx). const result = [map] parse.ctx.forEach((v,k) => { if (k[0] === '_') return const r = _getDataOverride(v, examples) if (r !== undefined) result.push(v, r) }) return result } else return _checkOverride(f, examples, f) }" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
Concert/C - Programming language Concert/C ========= Concert/C is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3946 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Concert/C happened in IBM - Concert/C on HOPL Concert/C on HOPL - Read more about Concert/C on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Concise Encoding - Data notation Concise Encoding ================ Concise Encoding is a data notation created in 2018 by Karl Stenerud. 2018 Karl Stenerud #674 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Concise Encoding gives you ease and efficiency with its 1:1 compatible text and binary formats. - Tags: dataNotation - Concise Encoding is developed on GitHub and has 257 stars - Early development of Concise Encoding happened in - Concise Encoding is written in Markdown, SVG, JSON - was registered in 2019 c1 { "boolean" = true "binary int" = -0b10001011 "octal int" = 0o644 "decimal int" = -10000000 "hex int" = 0xfffe0001 "very long int" = 100000000000000000000000000000000000009 "decimal float" = -14.125 "hex float" = 0x5.1ec4p+20 "very long flt" = 4.957234990634579394723460546348e+100000 "not-a-number" = nan "infinity" = inf "neg infinity" = -inf } c1 { "string" = "Strings support escape sequences: \n \t \+1f415." "url" = @"" "email" = @"" } c1 { "uuid" = f1ce4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 "date" = 2019-07-01 "time" = 18:04:00.948/Europe/Prague "timestamp" = 2010-07-15/13:28:15.415942344 "null" = null "media" = |m application/x-sh 23 21 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 0a 0a 65 63 68 6f 20 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 0a| } c1 { "list" = [1 2.5 "a string"] "map" = {"one"=1 2="two" "today"=2020-09-10} "bytes" = |u8x 01 ff de ad be ef| "int16 array" = |i16 7374 17466 -9957| "uint16 hex" = |u16x 91fe 443a 9c15| "float32 array" = |f32 1.5e10 -8.31e-12| } c1 [ @vehicle<"make" "model" "drive" "sunroof"> @vehicle("Ford" "Explorer" "4wd" true ) @vehicle("Toyota" "Corolla" "fwd" false ) @vehicle("Honda" "Civic" "fwd" false ) ] c1 [ { "make" = "Ford" "model" = "Explorer" "drive" = "4wd" "sunroof" = true } { "make" = "Toyota" "model" = "Corolla" "drive" = "fwd" "sunroof" = false } { "make" = "Honda" "model" = "Civic" "drive" = "fwd" "sunroof" = false } ] c1 // // The tree: // // 2 // / \ // 5 7 // / /|\ // 9 6 1 2 // / / \ // 4 8 5 // (2 (7 2 1 (6 5 8 ) ) (5 (9 4 ) ) ) c1 // // The weighted graph: // // b // /|\ // 4 1 1 // / | \ // a-3-c-4-d // { "vertices" = [ &a:{} &b:{} &c:{} &d:{} ] "edges" = [ @($a {"weight"=4 "direction"="both"} $b) @($a {"weight"=3 "direction"="both"} $c) @($b {"weight"=1 "direction"="both"} $c) @($b {"weight"=1 "direction"="both"} $d) @($c {"weight"=4 "direction"="both"} $d) ] } c1 { // Entire map will be referenced later as $id1 "marked object" = &id1:{ "recursive" = $id1 } "ref1" = $id1 "ref2" = $id1 // Reference pointing to part of another document. "outside ref" = TEMPLATEquot;" } c1 { // Custom types are user-defined, with user-supplied codecs. "custom text" = |c "cplx(2.94+3i)"| "custom binary" = |c 01 f6 28 3c 40 00 00 40 40| } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 750 3.8
concordance - Programming language concordance =========== concordance is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #5019 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about concordance on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
CONCUR - Programming language CONCUR ====== CONCUR is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3947 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CONCUR happened in Oberlin College - CONCUR on HOPL CONCUR on HOPL - Read more about CONCUR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
concurnas - Programming language concurnas ========= concurnas is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #1818 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of concurnas happened in - was registered in 2018 - Read more about concurnas on the web: 1. 1. def gcd(x int, y int){//greatest common divisor of two integers while(y){ (x, y) = (y, x mod y) } x } calc1 = gcd(8, 20)!//run this calculation in a isolate calc2 = gcd(6, 45)!//run this calculation in a separate isolate calc3 = calc1 if calc1 > calc2 else calc2 //^^^ wait for the results of calc1 and calc2 before assigning calc3 System.out.println("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.out.println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
ConCurr - Programming language ConCurr ======= ConCurr is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4793 on PLDB 45 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Early development of ConCurr happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
Concurrent C++ - Programming language Concurrent C++ ============== Concurrent C++ is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3353 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Concurrent C++ happened in Bell Labs - Concurrent C++ on HOPL Concurrent C++ on HOPL - Read more about Concurrent C++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Concurrent METATEM - Programming language Concurrent METATEM ================== Concurrent METATEM is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2665 on PLDB 31 Years Old Concurrent MetateM is a multi-agent language in which each agent is programmed using a set of (augmented) temporal logic specifications of the behaviour it should exhibit. These specifications are executed directly to generate the behaviour of the agent. As a result, there is no risk of invalidating the logic as with systems where logical specification must first be translated to a lower-level implementation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Concurrent METATEM happened in Manchester Metropolitan University - Concurrent METATEM on HOPL Concurrent METATEM on HOPL - Read more about Concurrent METATEM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
Concurrent ML - Programming language Concurrent ML ============= Concurrent ML is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2786 on PLDB 31 Years Old Concurrent ML (CML) is a concurrent extension of the Standard ML programming language characterized by its ability to allow programmers to create composable communication abstractions that are first class rather than built into the language. The design of CML and its primitive operations have been adopted in several other programming languages such as GNU Guile, Racket, and Manticore.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Concurrent ML happened in Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Language features ====================================================== row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Concurrent Pascal - Programming language Concurrent Pascal ================= Concurrent Pascal is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3948 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Concurrent Pascal happened in Stony Brook University and University of Texas - Concurrent Pascal on HOPL Concurrent Pascal on HOPL - Read more about Concurrent Pascal on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Concurrent Prolog - Programming language Concurrent Prolog ================= Concurrent Prolog is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3354 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Concurrent Prolog happened in crai-supermercati - Concurrent Prolog on HOPL Concurrent Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Concurrent Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Cone - Programming language Cone ==== Cone is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Jonathan Goodwin. 2017 Jonathan Goodwin #782 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Acorn2's passion is the 3D web and his Pegasus3D browser, and the web is powered by languages. His Cone language powers the 3D web. Cone is statically-typed, and uses LLVM to generate native efficient executables. Cone will also be a test bed for implementing gradual memory management. His previous work, Acorn is a dynamic language with some of the same features. - Tags: programming language - Cone is developed on GitHub and has 517 stars - Early development of Cone happened in - Cone is written in C, Markdown, XML, CMake Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
Confluence - Text markup language Confluence ========== Confluence is a text markup language created in 2004. 2004 #1338 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Confluence happened in Atlassian - There are 1,232 members in the Confluence subreddit Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
conGolog - Programming language conGolog ======== conGolog is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3949 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of conGolog happened in York University and University of Toronto - conGolog on HOPL conGolog on HOPL - Read more about conGolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
CONLAN - Programming language CONLAN ====== CONLAN is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3355 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CONLAN happened in Bell Northern Research and Sperry Univac and Office of Naval Research and IRIA and Busdesministerium fur Forschungund Technologie and Siemens and Fujitsu - CONLAN on HOPL CONLAN on HOPL - Read more about CONLAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about CONLAN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
CoNLL-U - Application CoNLL-U ======= CoNLL-U is an application created in 2014. 2014 #1763 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of CoNLL-U happened in - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CoNLL-U - Read more about CoNLL-U on the web: 1. 1. # newdoc id = weblog-blogspot.com_zentelligence_20040423000200_ENG_20040423_000200 # sent_id = weblog-blogspot.com_zentelligence_20040423000200_ENG_20040423_000200-0001 # text = What if Google Morphed Into GoogleOS? 1 What what PRON WP PronType=Int 0 root 0:root _ 2 if if SCONJ IN _ 4 mark 4:mark _ 3 Google Google PROPN NNP Number=Sing 4 nsubj 4:nsubj _ 4 Morphed morph VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 1 advcl 1:advcl _ 5 Into into ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 6 GoogleOS GoogleOS PROPN NNP Number=Sing 4 obl 4:obl SpaceAfter=No 7 ? ? PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _ # sent_id = weblog-blogspot.com_zentelligence_20040423000200_ENG_20040423_000200-0002 # text = What if Google expanded on its search-engine (and now e-mail) wares into a full-fledged operating system? 1 What what PRON WP PronType=Int 0 root 0:root _ 2 if if SCONJ IN _ 4 mark 4:mark _ 3 Google Google PROPN NNP Number=Sing 4 nsubj 4:nsubj _ 4 expanded expand VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 1 advcl 1:advcl _ 5 on on ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 6 its its PRON PRP$ Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 15 nmod:poss 15:nmod:poss _ 7 search search NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 compound 9:compound SpaceAfter=No 8 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 9 punct 9:punct SpaceAfter=No 9 engine engine NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 compound 15:compound _ 10 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 9 punct 9:punct SpaceAfter=No 11 and and CCONJ CC _ 13 cc 13:cc _ 12 now now ADV RB _ 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 13 e-mail e-mail NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 conj 9:conj SpaceAfter=No 14 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 15 punct 15:punct _ 15 wares wares NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 obl 4:obl _ 16 into into ADP IN _ 22 case 22:case _ 17 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 22 det 22:det _ 18 full full ADV RB _ 20 advmod 20:advmod SpaceAfter=No 19 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 20 punct 20:punct SpaceAfter=No 20 fledged fledged ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 22 amod 22:amod _ 21 operating operating NOUN NN Number=Sing 22 compound 22:compound _ 22 system system NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 obl 4:obl SpaceAfter=No 23 ? ? PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _ # sent_id = weblog-blogspot.com_zentelligence_20040423000200_ENG_20040423_000200-0003 # text = [via Microsoft Watch from Mary Jo Foley ] 1 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 4 punct 4:punct SpaceAfter=No 2 via via ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case _ 3 Microsoft Microsoft PROPN NNP Number=Sing 4 compound 4:compound _ 4 Watch Watch PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 root 0:root _ 5 from from ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 6 Mary Mary PROPN NNP Number=Sing 4 nmod 4:nmod _ 7 Jo Jo PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 flat 6:flat _ 8 Foley Foley PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 flat 6:flat _ 9 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 4 punct 4:punct _ # newdoc id = weblog-blogspot.com_marketview_20050511222700_ENG_20050511_222700 # sent_id = weblog-blogspot.com_marketview_20050511222700_ENG_20050511_222700-0001 # text = (And, by the way, is anybody else just a little nostalgic for the days when that was a good thing?) 1 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 14 punct 14:punct SpaceAfter=No 2 And and CCONJ CC _ 14 cc 14:cc SpaceAfter=No 3 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 4 by by ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det _ 6 way way NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 obl 14:obl SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 8 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 14 cop 14:cop _ 9 anybody anybody PRON NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj 14:nsubj _ 10 else else ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod _ 11 just just ADV RB _ 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 12 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 13 det 13:det _ 13 little little ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 14 obl:npmod 14:obl:npmod _ 14 nostalgic nostalgic NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root _ 15 for for ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 16 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det _ 17 days day NOUN NNS Number=Plur 14 nmod 14:nmod _ 18 when when ADV WRB PronType=Rel 23 advmod 23:advmod _ 19 that that PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 23 nsubj 23:nsubj _ 20 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 23 cop 23:cop _ 21 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 23 det 23:det _ 22 good good ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 23 amod 23:amod _ 23 thing thing NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 acl:relcl 17:acl:relcl SpaceAfter=No 24 ? ? PUNCT . _ 14 punct 14:punct SpaceAfter=No 25 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 14 punct 14:punct _ # sent_id = weblog-blogspot.com_marketview_20050511222700_ENG_20050511_222700-0002 # text = This BuzzMachine post argues that Google's rush toward ubiquity might backfire -- which we've all heard before, but it's particularly well-put in this post. 1 This this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 3 det 3:det _ 2 BuzzMachine BuzzMachine PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 compound 3:compound _ 3 post post NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nsubj 4:nsubj _ 4 argues argue VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 5 that that SCONJ IN _ 12 mark 12:mark _ 6 Google Google PROPN NNP Number=Sing 8 nmod:poss 8:nmod:poss SpaceAfter=No 7 's 's PART POS _ 6 case 6:case _ 8 rush rush NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj 12:nsubj _ 9 toward toward ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 10 ubiquity ubiquity NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod _ 11 might might AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 12 aux 12:aux _ 12 backfire backfire VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 4 ccomp 4:ccomp _ 13 -- -- PUNCT , _ 12 punct 12:punct _ 14 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 18 obj 18:obj _ 15 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 18 nsubj 18:nsubj SpaceAfter=No 16 've have AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 18 aux 18:aux _ 17 all all ADV RB _ 18 advmod 18:advmod _ 18 heard hear VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 12 acl:relcl 12:acl:relcl _ 19 before before ADV RB _ 18 advmod 18:advmod SpaceAfter=No 20 , , PUNCT , _ 27 punct 27:punct _ 21 but but CCONJ CC _ 27 cc 27:cc _ 22 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 27 nsubj:pass 27:nsubj:pass SpaceAfter=No 23 's be VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 27 aux:pass 27:aux:pass _ 24 particularly particularly ADV RB _ 27 advmod 27:advmod _ 25 well well ADV RB Degree=Pos 27 advmod 27:advmod SpaceAfter=No 26 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 27 punct 27:punct SpaceAfter=No 27 put put VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 4 conj 4:conj _ 28 in in ADP IN _ 30 case 30:case _ 29 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 30 det 30:det _ 30 post post NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 obl 27:obl SpaceAfter=No 31 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _ # sent_id = weblog-blogspot.com_marketview_20050511222700_ENG_20050511_222700-0003 # text = Google is a nice search engine. 1 Google Google PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 nsubj 6:nsubj _ 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 6 cop 6:cop _ 3 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det _ 4 nice nice ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 6 amod 6:amod _ 5 search search NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 compound 6:compound _ 6 engine engine NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root SpaceAfter=No 7 . . PUNCT . _ 6 punct 6:punct _ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1524 7.6
ConMan - Programming language ConMan ====== ConMan is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3950 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ConMan happened in Silicon Graphics, Inc - ConMan on HOPL ConMan on HOPL - Read more about ConMan on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Connection Machine LISP - Programming language Connection Machine LISP ======================= Connection Machine LISP is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3951 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Connection Machine LISP happened in Thinking Machines Corporation - Connection Machine LISP on HOPL Connection Machine LISP on HOPL - Read more about Connection Machine LISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Connection Machine - Programming language Connection Machine ================== Connection Machine is a programming language created in 1990 by Danny Hillis. 1990 Danny Hillis #1827 on PLDB 34 Years Old A Connection Machine (CM) is a member of a series of massively parallel supercomputers that grew out of doctoral research on alternatives to the traditional von Neumann architecture of computers by Danny Hillis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the early 1980s. Starting with CM-1, the machines were intended originally for applications in artificial intelligence and symbolic processing, but later versions found greater success in the field of computational science.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Connection Machine happened in MIT - Connection Machine on HOPL Connection Machine on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Lisp, Common Lisp, SPARC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
CONNIVER - Programming language CONNIVER ======== CONNIVER is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3952 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CONNIVER happened in MIT - CONNIVER on HOPL CONNIVER on HOPL - Read more about CONNIVER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
CONSIM - Programming language CONSIM ====== CONSIM is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3356 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CONSIM happened in Texas A&M University and University of Utah - CONSIM on HOPL CONSIM on HOPL - Read more about CONSIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about CONSIM on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
ConstraintLisp - Programming language ConstraintLisp ============== ConstraintLisp is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3953 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ConstraintLisp happened in National Computer Board - ConstraintLisp on HOPL ConstraintLisp on HOPL - Read more about ConstraintLisp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
CONSTRAINTS - Programming language CONSTRAINTS =========== CONSTRAINTS is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3357 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CONSTRAINTS happened in MIT - CONSTRAINTS on HOPL CONSTRAINTS on HOPL - Read more about CONSTRAINTS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Consul - Programming language Consul ====== Consul is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3954 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Consul happened in University of Rochester - Consul on HOPL Consul on HOPL - Read more about Consul on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Context Diff - Diff format Context Diff ============ Context Diff is a diff format created in 1981. 1981 #4683 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: diffFormat - Early development of Context Diff happened in University of California Berkeley - Read more about Context Diff on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Context Diff: Diff *** /path/to/original timestamp --- /path/to/new timestamp *************** *** 1,3 **** --- 1,9 ---- + This is an important + notice! It should + therefore be located at + the beginning of this + document! + This part of the document has stayed the same from version to *************** *** 8,20 **** compress the size of the changes. - This paragraph contains - text that is outdated. - It will be deleted in the - near future. It is important to spell ! check this dokument. On the other hand, a misspelled word isn't the end of the world. --- 14,21 ---- compress the size of the changes. It is important to spell ! check this document. On the other hand, a misspelled word isn't the end of the world. *************** *** 22,24 **** --- 23,29 ---- this paragraph needs to be changed. Things can be added after it. + + This paragraph contains + important new additions + to this document. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 259 1.3 - Programming language ================ is a programming language created in 2011 by Tim Disney. 2011 Tim Disney #1064 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Contracts for CoffeeScript - Tags: programming language - is developed on GitHub and has 216 stars - Early development of happened in - compiles to JavaScript - is written in CoffeeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Markdown, Bourne shell, ERB, Ruby, JSON, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
CONTRANS - Programming language CONTRANS ======== CONTRANS is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3955 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CONTRANS happened in Walter Johnson High School - CONTRANS on HOPL CONTRANS on HOPL - Read more about CONTRANS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
converge - Programming language converge ======== converge is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #2707 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of converge happened in King's College London - was registered in 2004 import Sys func main(): Sys::println("Hello world!") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
CONVERT - Programming language CONVERT ======= CONVERT is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #1897 on PLDB 58 Years Old Conversion or convert may refer to:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CONVERT happened in Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - CONVERT on HOPL CONVERT on HOPL - Read more about CONVERT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
cooC - Programming language cooC ==== cooC is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3096 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - cooC is a superset of Objective-C - Early development of cooC happened in Toshiba - cooC on HOPL cooC on HOPL - Read more about cooC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Classroom Object Oriented Language - Programming language Classroom Object Oriented Language ================================== Classroom Object Oriented Language, aka Classroom Object Oriented Language, is a programming language created in 1996 by Alexander Aiken. 1996 Alexander Aiken #658 on PLDB 28 Years Old 102 Repos Cool, an acronym for Classroom Object Oriented Language, is a computer programming language designed by Alexander Aiken for use in an undergraduate compiler course project. While small enough for a one term project, Cool still has many of the features of modern programming languages, including objects, automatic memory management, strong static typing and simple reflection. The reference Cool compiler is written in C++, built fully on the public domain tools. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 102 Classroom Object Oriented Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Classroom Object Oriented Language happened in Stanford University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 56 users using Classroom Object Oriented Language in 57 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Classroom Object Oriented Language - See also: (7 related languages) CLIPS, Sather, Java, ML, Pascal, OCaml, MIPS architecture class Main inherits IO { main(): Object { out_string("Hello World.\n") }; }; (* This simple example of a list class is adapted from an example in the Cool distribution. *) class List { isNil() : Bool { true }; head() : Int { { abort(); 0; } }; tail() : List { { abort(); self; } }; cons(i : Int) : List { (new Cons).init(i, self) }; }; class Cons inherits List { car : Int; -- The element in this list cell cdr : List; -- The rest of the list isNil() : Bool { false }; head() : Int { car }; tail() : List { cdr }; init(i : Int, rest : List) : List { { car <- i; cdr <- rest; self; } }; }; class Main inherits IO { main(): Object {{ out_string("Enter an integer greater-than or equal-to 0: "); let input: Int <- in_int() in if input < 0 then out_string("ERROR: Number must be greater-than or equal-to 0\n") else { out_string("The factorial of ").out_int(input); out_string(" is ").out_int(factorial(input)); out_string("\n"); } fi; }}; factorial(num: Int): Int { if num = 0 then 1 else num * factorial(num - 1) fi }; }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token out_string row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 504 2.5
Matrix Market Coordinate Format - Text data format Matrix Market Coordinate Format =============================== Matrix Market Coordinate Format is a text data format created in 1996. 1996 #2285 on PLDB 28 Years Old The Matrix Market exchange formats are a set of human readable, ASCII-based file formats designed to facilitate the exchange of matrix data. The file formats were designed and adopted for the Matrix Market, a NIST repository for test data for use in comparative studies of algorithms for numerical linear algebra.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Matrix Market Coordinate Format happened in National Institute of Standards and Technology - See also: (2 related languages) ASCII, Harwell-Boeing file format 1 0 0 6 0 0 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 .015 0 0å 0 250.5 0 -280 33.32 0 0 0 0 12 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
COPAS - Programming language COPAS ===== COPAS is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3956 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COPAS happened in University of Sheffield - COPAS on HOPL COPAS on HOPL - Read more about COPAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
COPE - Programming language COPE ==== COPE is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3097 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COPE happened in University of Adelaide - COPE on HOPL COPE on HOPL - Read more about COPE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Copilot - Programming language Copilot ======= Copilot is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #3013 on PLDB 3 Years Old Copilot is a realtime programming language and Runtime Verification framework. It allows users to write concise programs in a simple but powerful way using a stream-based approach. Programs can be interpreted for testing, or translated C99 code to be incorporated in a project, or as a standalone application. The C99 backend ensures us that the output is constant in memory and time, making it suitable for systems with hard realtime requirements. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Copilot happened in NASA and -- Raw temperature from sensor, range -50.0C to 100.0C. temp :: Stream Word8 temp = extern "temperature" Nothing -- Transform the temperature to Celsius. ctemp :: Stream Float ctemp = (unsafeCast temp) * (150.0 / 255.0) - 50.0 -- Bind two triggers with a 3.0C hysteresis. spec = do trigger "heaton" (ctemp < 18.0) [arg ctemp] trigger "heatoff" (ctemp > 21.0) [arg ctemp] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
Coq - Programming language Coq === Coq is an open source programming language created in 1989 by Thierry Coquand. 1989 Thierry Coquand #68 on PLDB 35 Years Old 5k Repos git clone In computer science, Coq is an interactive theorem prover. It allows the expression of mathematical assertions, mechanically checks proofs of these assertions, helps to find formal proofs, and extracts a certified program from the constructive proof of its formal specification. Coq works within the theory of the calculus of inductive constructions, a derivative of the calculus of constructions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Coq is developed on GitHub and has 4,738 stars - There are at least 5,206 Coq repos on GitHub - Early development of Coq happened in Inria - Coq is written in Coq, OCaml, Bourne shell, reStructuredText, Markdown, Nix, Python, Tex, CSS, YAML, Make, HTML, C, XML, JavaScript, Bash, Dockerfile, CSV, Lisp, Diff - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 793 users using Coq in 1k repos on GitHub - There are 2,066 members in the Coq subreddit - Explore Coq snippets on Rosetta Code - Coq on HOPL Coq on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Coq - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Coq - See also: (5 related languages) OCaml, Agda, Idris, C, Isabelle - 8 PLDB concepts link to Coq: Coq, F*, hacspec, Ligo, Pygments, Simplicity, UrWeb, V Require Import FunctionNinjas.All. Require Import ListString.All. Require Import Computation. Import C.Notations. Definition error (message : LString.t) : C.t := do_call! Command.ShowError message in ret. Definition main : C.t := call! card_is_valid := Command.AskCard in if card_is_valid then call! pin := Command.AskPIN in match pin with | None => error @@ LString.s "No PIN given." | Some pin => call! pin_is_valid := Command.CheckPIN pin in if pin_is_valid then call! ask_amount := Command.AskAmount in match ask_amount with | None => error @@ LString.s "No amount given." | Some amount => call! amount_is_valid := Command.CheckAmount amount in if amount_is_valid then call! card_is_given := Command.GiveCard in if card_is_given then call! amount_is_given := Command.GiveAmount amount in if amount_is_given then ret else error @@ LString.s "Cannot give you the amount. Please contact your bank." else error @@ LString.s "Cannot give you back the card. Please contact your bank." else error @@ LString.s "Invalid amount." end else error @@ LString.s "Invalid PIN." end else error @@ LString.s "Invalid card.". Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Dependent types FeatureLink ../features/hasDependentTypes.html Supported ✓ Example (* *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* a comment *) Token (* *) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 574 2.9
cor - Programming language cor === cor is an open source programming language created in 2016 by Yosbel Marin. 2016 Yosbel Marin #1195 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Straightforward language for the Web. - Tags: programming language - cor is developed on GitHub and has 54 stars - Early development of cor happened in - cor compiles to JavaScript - cor is written in JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, CSS, JSON, Yacc, Lex, YAML, SVG, Bourne shell func main() console.log("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.log HackerNews discussions of cor ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Cor - the language of the web||11/12/2015|4|7 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
CORAL 64 - Programming language CORAL 64 ======== CORAL 64 is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3957 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CORAL 64 happened in Royal Radar Establishment - CORAL 64 on HOPL CORAL 64 on HOPL - Read more about CORAL 64 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Coral - Programming language Coral ===== Coral is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3679 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Coral happened in University of California Riverside and University of Arizona Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
CORAL - Programming language CORAL ===== CORAL, aka Computer On-line Real-time Applications Language, is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #1449 on PLDB 60 Years Old CORAL (Computer On-line Real-time Applications Language) is a programming language originally developed in 1964 at the Royal Radar Establishment (RRE), Malvern, UK, as a subset of JOVIAL. Coral 66 was subsequently developed by I. F. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CORAL happened in Royal Radar Establishment - CORAL on HOPL CORAL on HOPL - See also: (11 related languages) Algol, JOVIAL, ALGOL 60, Fortran, Pascal, Edinburgh IMP, SPARC, Solaris, Linux, Ada, BCPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Coral++ - Programming language Coral++ ======= Coral++ is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3958 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Coral++ happened in University of Wisconsin and AT&T Bell Labs - Coral++ on HOPL Coral++ on HOPL - Read more about Coral++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
CorbaScript - Programming language CorbaScript =========== CorbaScript is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3248 on PLDB 26 Years Old CorbaScript is an object-oriented scripting language designed for use with CORBA.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CorbaScript happened in - Read more about CorbaScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
CORC - Programming language CORC ==== CORC is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3959 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CORC happened in IBM - CORC on HOPL CORC on HOPL - Read more about CORC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
CorelScript - Programming language CorelScript =========== CorelScript is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2708 on PLDB 30 Years Old CorelSCRIPT is a dialect of Basic that serves as the macro extension language for many products from Corel Corp, including their line of graphics products. While the syntax of CorelSCRIPT is nearly identical to that of Microsoft's Visual Basic, it is distinguished by the large number of built-in functions that it provides for the end-user. In versions of CorelDraw 6.0 and later, for example, essentially every function the drawing tool can perform is available to the CorelSCRIPT programmer. Also, Corel tools can compile scripts to speed execution; this capability is somewhat unusual for an application macro language. Like the Visual Basic language systems it resembles, CorelSCRIPT is compatible with MS-Windows OLE automation facility, allowing a CorelSCRIPT program to invoke and control any OLE-capable Windows application. CorelSCRIPT is a commercial product available only with Corel Corporation products. Meager information about the language is available on the WWW. - Tags: programming language - Early development of CorelScript happened in Corel Corporation - CorelScript on HOPL CorelScript on HOPL - Read more about CorelScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 274 1.4
corescript - Programming language corescript ========== corescript is a programming language created in 2018 by Stephan Bruny. 2018 Stephan Bruny #2214 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A dynamically typed, functional-first, object-oriented, concurrent, general-purpose, embeddable scipting and programming language (for dotnet core 2.0). - Tags: programming language - corescript is developed on GitHub and has 18 stars - Early development of corescript happened in - corescript is written in Markdown, F#, JSON, XML HackerNews discussions of corescript ==================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: CoreScript – a scripting language for dotnet core||02/20/2018|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Corman Common Lisp - Programming language Corman Common Lisp ================== Corman Common Lisp is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Scott Fahlman and Richard P. Gabriel and David A. Moon and Kent Pitman and Guy Steele and Dan Weinreb and Roger Corman. 1995 Scott Fahlman Richard P. Gabriel David A. Moon Kent Pitman Guy Steele Dan Weinreb Roger Corman #2163 on PLDB 29 Years Old Corman Common Lisp is a commercial implementation of the Common Lisp programming language featuring support for the Windows operating system.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Corman Common Lisp happened in Corman Technologies - See also: (1 related languages) Common Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
Cornell University Programming Language - Programming language Cornell University Programming Language ======================================= Cornell University Programming Language is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #2917 on PLDB 57 Years Old Cornell University Programming Language (also called CUPL) is a procedural computer programming language developed at Cornell University in the late 1960s. CUPL was based on an earlier Cornell-developed programming language, CORC. It was used to teach introductory computer programming classes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cornell University Programming Language happened in Cornell University - Cornell University Programming Language on HOPL Cornell University Programming Language on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) BASIC, PL/I, PL/C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Cortex - Programming language Cortex ====== Cortex is a programming language created in 2019 by Arno Gourdol. 2019 Arno Gourdol #1336 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Cortex is a programming language for scientific computing built on the Cortex Compute Engine. - Tags: programming language - Cortex is developed on GitHub and has 346 stars - Cortex is written in TypeScript, Markdown, JSON, JavaScript, Bourne shell, HTML, CSS, Bash, YAML Simplify(2 + 3x^3 + 2x^2 + x^3 + 1) // ➔ 4x^3 + 2x^2 + 3 x = 2^11 - 1 "\(x) is a \(Domain(x))" // ➔ "2047 is a PrimeNumber" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
CorVision - Programming language CorVision ========= CorVision is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2975 on PLDB 38 Years Old CorVision is a fourth generation programming tool (4GL) currently owned by Attunity, Inc. CorVision was developed by Cortex Corporation for the VAX/VMS ISAM environment. Although Cortex beta tested CorVision-10 which was generated for PCs but CorVision itself stayed anchored on VMS. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CorVision happened in Cortex Corporation - See also: (6 related languages) Inform, Unix, Visual Basic, Java, SQL, DIGITAL Command Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
cosh - Programming language cosh ==== cosh is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #1383 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Concatenative command-line shell - Tags: programming language - cosh is developed on GitHub and has 131 stars - Early development of cosh happened in - cosh is written in Rust, Markdown, YAML, Perl, XML, TOML, Make, JSON - See also: (1 related languages) Bash lsr; [test m] grep; [f<; [data m] grep] map Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
CosmicOS - Programming language CosmicOS ======== CosmicOS is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3960 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CosmicOS happened in MIT - CosmicOS on HOPL CosmicOS on HOPL - Read more about CosmicOS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
COSMO - Programming language COSMO ===== COSMO is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3961 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of COSMO happened in Charles University - COSMO on HOPL COSMO on HOPL - Read more about COSMO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Cosmos - Programming language Cosmos ====== Cosmos is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #3962 on PLDB 2 Years Old Cosmos 0.2 - now with Pure Arithmetics - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cosmos happened in - Read more about Cosmos on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Cotton - Programming language Cotton ====== Cotton is a programming language created in 2021 by Mado Nanika. 2021 Mado Nanika #2073 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A programming language - Tags: programming language - Cotton is developed on GitHub and has 69 stars - Early development of Cotton happened in - Cotton is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Couchbase Mobile - Database Couchbase Mobile ================ Couchbase Mobile is a database created in 2010. 2010 #4794 on PLDB 14 Years Old NoSQL document-oriented database management system for mobile devices - Tags: database - Early development of Couchbase Mobile happened in Couchbase Inc. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
Couchbase - Database Couchbase ========= Couchbase is a database created in 2011. 2011 #4795 on PLDB 13 Years Old NoSQL document-oriented database management system - Tags: database - Early development of Couchbase happened in Couchbase Inc. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
CouchDB - Application CouchDB ======= CouchDB is an open source application created in 2005. 2005 #221 on PLDB 19 Years Old git clone Apache CouchDB is an open-source document-oriented NoSQL database, implemented in Erlang. CouchDB uses multiple formats and protocols to store, transfer, and process its data. It uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using MapReduce, and HTTP for an API.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - CouchDB is developed on GitHub and has 6,124 stars - Early development of CouchDB happened in - CouchDB is written in Erlang, reStructuredText, Elixir, Java, Markdown, Python, Bourne shell, C, JavaScript, Ini, Make, C++, HTML, YAML, JSON, SVG, Groovy, Gradle, Diff, CSS, Bash, Ruby, PowerShell, Dockerfile - There are 1,000 members in the CouchDB subreddit - has 13 matches for "couchdb developer". - See also: (10 related languages) C, JavaScript, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, JSON, Nginx, SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
Coulomb's Equation - Equation Coulomb's Equation ================== Coulomb's Equation is an equation created in 1785. 1785 #4651 on PLDB 239 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
COWSEL - Programming language COWSEL ====== COWSEL is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #2533 on PLDB 60 Years Old COWSEL (COntrolled Working SpacE Language) is a programming language designed between 1964 and 1966 by Robin Popplestone. It was based on an RPN form of Lisp combined with some ideas from CPL. COWSEL was initially implemented on a Ferranti Pegasus computer at the University of Leeds and on a Stantec Zebra at the Bradford Institute of Technology; later, Rod Burstall implemented it on an Elliot 4120 at the University of Edinburgh. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of COWSEL happened in University of Edinburgh - COWSEL on HOPL COWSEL on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) CPL, Lisp, POP-2, Reverse Polish notation, Pop-11, POPLOG function member lambda x y comment Is x a member of list y; define y atom then *0 end y hd x equal then *1 end y tl -> y repeat up Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
CP - Programming language CP == CP is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2847 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CP happened in Carnegie Mellon - CP on HOPL CP on HOPL - Read more about CP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. THATSCPLUSCODENONOTCPLUSPLUSCPLUS{includ =iostrea; usin namespac st> in mai()|cou == ^^Hello World^^ == en>retur -1>? Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
cpan-pm - Package manager cpan-pm ======= cpan-pm is a package manager created in 1995. 1995 #2453 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of cpan-pm happened in - was registered in 1998 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
cperl - Programming language cperl ===== cperl is a programming language created in 2017 by Reini Urban. 2017 Reini Urban #818 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone cperl is a better variant of Perl 5 with many Perl 6 based features and improvements, but without breaking compatibility. CPAN works. It is a "perl 11", 5 + 6 = 11. - Tags: programming language - cperl is developed on GitHub and has 142 stars - Early development of cperl happened in - was registered in 2021 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
CPL - Programming language CPL === CPL, aka Combined Programming Language, is a programming language created in 1963 by Christopher Strachey. 1963 Christopher Strachey #1003 on PLDB 61 Years Old CPL (Combined Programming Language) is a multi-paradigm programming language, that was developed in the early 1960s. It is an early ancestor of the C language via the BCPL and B languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CPL happened in University of Cambridge and University of London - CPL on HOPL CPL on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) ALGOL 60, BCPL, POP-2, B, C Max(Items, ValueFunction) = value of § (Best, BestVal) = (NIL, -∞) while Items do § (Item, Val) = (Head(Items), ValueFunction(Head(Items))) if Val > BestVal then (Best, BestVal) := (Item, Val) Items := Rest(Items) §⃒ result is Best §⃒ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
CPLEX - Application CPLEX ===== CPLEX is an open source application created in 1988 by Robert Bixby. 1988 Robert Bixby #2071 on PLDB 36 Years Old CPLEX is an optimization software package that solves linear programming, mixed integer programming, and quadratic programming problems. It is widely used in industry for solving large-scale optimization problems. - Tags: application - Early development of CPLEX happened in IBM - 1 PLDB concepts link to CPLEX: LP Format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
C++ - Programming language C++ === C++ is an open source programming language created in 1985 by Bjarne Stroustrup. 1985 Bjarne Stroustrup #5 on PLDB 39 Years Old 2m Repos C++ ( pronounced cee plus plus) is a general-purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing facilities for low-level memory manipulation. It was designed with a bias toward system programming and embedded, resource-constrained and large systems, with performance, efficiency and flexibility of use as its design highlights. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,161,625 C++ repos on GitHub - C++ is a superset of C - Early development of C++ happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 171k users using C++ in 278k repos on GitHub - Check out the 204 C++ meetup groups on - There are 220,359 members in the C++ subreddit - There are 46,028 Project Euler users using C++ - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey C++ programmers reported a median salary of $54,049. 24% of respondents reported using C++. 20,057 programmers reported using C++, and 15,249 said they wanted to use it - C++ is supported by the GDB - C++ on HOPL C++ on HOPL - C++ ranks #4 in the TIOBE Index - C++ Ubuntu package C++ Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for C++ - Monaco package for syntax highlighting C++ - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for C++ - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for C++ - C++ appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn C++ on exercism. - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for C++:, - Annual Reports for C++ Annual Reports for C++ - Events page for C++ Events page for C++ - has 22,237 matches for "c++ engineer". - was registered in 2012 - See also: (21 related languages) Ada, ALGOL 68, C, CLU, ML, Simula, Python, C#, Chapel, D, Java, Lua, Perl, PHP, Rust, Nim, SQL, BCPL, Unix, Assembly language, Regular Expressions - 289 PLDB concepts link to C++: Ace Editor, acorn-lang, Apache Hbase, Arduino Programming Language, ArkScript, Apache Arrow, atomspace, AviSynth, Basis Codec, Bazel, beef-lang, binaryen, Bio, BlitzMax, Boomerang Decompiler, bosque, Bucklescript, C2, C3, Calc4, candor, Cane, Cap'n Proto, Carbon, chaiscript, Chapel, Chika, chisel, chrysaLisp, Ciel, circle-lang, Ć, cityhash-hash-function, clay, Click, clike, cloc, CouchDB, Crema, Croc, Crystal, CSpydr, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, Dale, Dashrep, dex, dplyr, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, duro, eC, Embedded Crystal, egel, Eiffel, ELENA, ELFE, emerald-lang, Emojicode, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, Erlang, EYG, F Prime, Factor, Fardlang, Felix, Fern, fetlang, FFmpeg, Filebench WML, firrtl, fish, Flare, FlatBuffers, FLEX, Flow, Flow9, flua, ForthScript, G-Portugol, GAP, GCC, GNU Data Language, GN, GHC, Go, Gradle, GraphIt, gravity, groff, gura, HAL Format, Halide, harlan, hashlink, Haxe, HHVM, High Level Assembly, hobbes, Homa, H++, huginn, HuwCode, HyPhy, Ibis, ImHex, Impala, invokator, ircis, Iterm2, J, Jakt, Jank, Java, jeebox, jinx, jq, jsil-compiler, Jsonnet, Jule, Julia, Kakoune, kerf, Koka, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, Kuin, kumir, Ladybird, Lax, ldpl, Lean, Lesma, lift, Linux, lobster, loci, Luna, LWJGL, mal, manool, Markus, Matplotlib, MewMew, ΜC++, mdl, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, mimium, Minecraft, MiniZinc, MongoDB, MonkeyX, Mu, mun-lang, mys, neeilang, Nim, Ninja, Node.js, Numba, Nuua, ObjectScript, odin, oil, Om, onnx, ooc, oopsilon, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, orca, P*, Particles, Pawn, PAWN, Pep8, phorth, PHP, Please Build, Pony, PostgreSQL, POV-Ray SDL, PRQL, psyche-c, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, QOIR, Qore, Qt, Racket, Ragel, Rakudo, ramen, RapidBatch, Rapira, raptorjit, React Native, Real-Time Concurrent C, Redis, RetDec, Revolution, rhine, Rholang, RicScript, RigC, Ripple, ROOT, Roslyn compiler, Ruby, Rust, Savi, Scikit-learn, SciPy, score, Seq, sham, sile, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, skip, SmallBASIC, SMC, Semantic Patch Language, Solidity, souper, SourcePawn, Spatial, Speedie, spiral, Squirrel, stacklang, Stan, Subleq, Swallow, Swift, t2b, Taichi, tamgu, tao3d, tbox-lib, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, Textadept, tiledb, Toy, TreeSheets, Triton, tuplemarkup, txtzyme, UCL, Uno, V, v8, Vale, Vcpkg, vdscript, verona, Virgil, VLC, VSXu, Wart, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wax, whack, Wing, winxed, Wonkey, Xgboost, XGBoost, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, Yacas, YARA, Yet Another Scripting Language, Z-flat, z2, Zeta, Zig, zl, Zot // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl; return 0; } #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; } // Hello World in C++ (pre-ISO) #include <iostream.h> main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0; } #include <cstdint> namespace Gui { } 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <vector> 3 #include <stdexcept> 4 5 int main() { 6 try { 7 std::vector<int> vec{3, 4, 3, 1}; 8 int i{}; // Throws an exception, std::out_of_range (indexing for vec is from 0-3 not 1-4) 9 } 10 // An exception handler, catches std::out_of_range, which is thrown by 11 catch (std::out_of_range &e) { 12 std::cerr << "Accessing a non-existent element: " << e.what() << '\n'; 13 } 14 // To catch any other standard library exceptions (they derive from std::exception) 15 catch (std::exception &e) { 16 std::cerr << "Exception thrown: " << e.what() << '\n'; 17 } 18 // Catch any unrecognised exceptions (i.e. those which don't derive from std::exception) 19 catch (...) { 20 std::cerr << "Some fatal error\n"; 21 } 22 } #define #defined #elif #else #endif #error #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #line #pragma #undef alignas alignof and and_eq asm atomic_cancel atomic_commit atomic_noexcept auto bitand bitor bool break case catch char char16_t char32_t class compl concept const constexpr const_cast continue decltype default delete do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit export extern false final float for friend goto if inline int import long module mutable namespace new noexcept not not_eq nullptr operator or or_eq override private protected public register reinterpret_cast requires return short signed sizeof static static_assert static_cast struct switch synchronized template this thread_local throw transaction_safe transaction_safe_dynamic true try typedef typeid typename union unsigned using virtual void volatile wchar_t while xor xor_eq Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example #include Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Virtual function FeatureLink ../features/hasVirtualFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example class Animal { public: // Intentionally not virtual: void Move(void) { std::cout ✓ Example template Vector& Vector::operator+=(const Vector& rhs) { for (int i = 0; i ✓ Example #include Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported ✓ Example #include using namespace std; // Variable created inside namespace namespace first { int val = 500; } // Global variable int val = 100; // Ways to do it: namespace ns_name { declarations } inline namespace ns_name { declarations } namespace { declarations } ns_name::name using namespace ns_name; using ns_name::name; namespace name = qualified-namespace ; namespace ns_name::inline(since C++20)(optional) name { declarations } Token row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example // volume of a cube int volume(const int s) { return s*s*s; } // volume of a cylinder double volume(const double r, const int h) { return 3.1415926*r*r*static_cast(h); } Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported ✓ Example std::vector items; items.push_back(5); // Append integer value '5' to vector 'items'. items.push_back(2); // Append integer value '2' to vector 'items'. items.push_back(9); // Append integer value '9' to vector 'items'. for (auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { // Iterate through 'items'. std::cout ✓ Example class Foobar { public: Foobar(double r = 1.0, double alpha = 0.0) // Constructor, parameters with default values. : x_(r * cos(alpha)) // ✓ Example Token row Feature Partial Application FeatureLink ../features/hasPartialApplication.html Supported ✓ Example // // bind example #include // std::cout #include // std::bind // a function: (also works with function object: std::divides my_divide;) double my_divide (double x, double y) {return x/y;} struct MyPair { double a,b; double multiply() {return a*b;} }; int main () { using namespace std::placeholders; // adds visibility of _1, _2, _3,... // binding functions: auto fn_five = std::bind (my_divide,10,2); // returns 10/2 std::cout (my_divide,_1,_2); // returns int(x/y) std::cout X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1529 7.6
cql - Programming language cql === cql is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2556 on PLDB 26 Years Old As an abbreviation, CQL can refer to: Chess Query Language, a query language for interrogating chess databases Contextual Query Language (or common query language), for information retrieval Cassandra Query Language, for Apache Cassandra Classora Query Language, for Classora Knowledge Base CIM Query Language, a query language for the Common Information Model (CIM) standard from the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Cypher Query Language a declarative graph query language that allows for expressive and efficient querying and updating of a property graph.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of cql happened in Bell Labs - cql on HOPL cql on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Cypher Query Language - Read more about cql on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
CQLF - Programming language CQLF ==== CQLF is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3963 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CQLF happened in Computer Corporation of America - CQLF on HOPL CQLF on HOPL - Read more about CQLF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
CQL++ - Programming language CQL++ ===== CQL++ is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3964 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CQL++ happened in Bell Labs - CQL++ on HOPL CQL++ on HOPL - Read more about CQL++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
crack - Programming language crack ===== crack is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #3014 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of crack happened in HackerNews discussions of crack =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Crack Programming Language||07/01/2016|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
CRAM file format - Binary data format CRAM file format ================ CRAM file format is a binary data format created in 2011. 2011 #2179 on PLDB 13 Years Old CRAM is a compressed columnar file format for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence, initially devised by Markus Hsi-Yang Fritz et al.CRAM was designed to be an efficient reference-based alternative to the Sequence Alignment Map (SAM) and Binary Alignment Map (BAM) file formats. It optionally uses a genomic reference to describe differences between the aligned sequence fragments and the reference sequence, reducing storage costs. Additionally each column in the SAM format is separated into its own blocks, improving compression ratio. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of CRAM file format happened in Global Alliance for Genomics and Health - See also: (5 related languages) SAM file format, Binary Alignment Map, Python, Java, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
cran-pm - Package manager cran-pm ======= cran-pm is a package manager created in 1993. 1993 #2454 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of cran-pm happened in Vienna University of Economics and Business - Read more about cran-pm on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Cranelift - Intermediate representation language Cranelift ========= Cranelift is an intermediate representation language created in 2016 by Jakob Olesen. 2016 Jakob Olesen #835 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Cranelift code generator - Tags: intermediate representation language - Cranelift is developed on GitHub and has 2,482 stars - Early development of Cranelift happened in - Cranelift is written in Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Crap - Programming language Crap ==== Crap, aka Concise RegEx-Aware Preprocessor, is a programming language created in 2018 by Henry Kroll III. 2018 Henry Kroll III #1499 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone crap stands for concise, regex-aware preprocessor, it turns simplified crap code, python or lua-like pseudocode into c11 - Tags: programming language - Crap is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of Crap happened in - Crap is written in C - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Crap #if 0 crap $0 | tcc -run -; exit 0 #endif #include <stdio.h> #define M 3 #define N 4 main // defined length [M][N] is computable int test_image[M][N]= {{1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}, {9,10,11,12}}, // undefined length *i is not *i, j for i in test_image // computable length for j in i[:N] // undefined length, add [:N] printf "%i%s", j, j_index==N-1?"\n":", " Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // The same as c Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // The same as c Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // The same as c Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // The same as c Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example // Similar to python or lua Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // The same as c Token // Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 351 1.8
crates-pm - Package manager crates-pm ========= crates-pm is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #2455 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of crates-pm happened in - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
Creative Basic - Programming language Creative Basic ============== Creative Basic is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #2666 on PLDB 16 Years Old Creative Basic (CB) is a third-generation event-driven programming language for Windows, with an integrated development environment (IDE). Current version executables are interpreted and require no runtime libraries be installed on the end-user's computer. A planned future version will have compiled executables. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language def w:WINDOW def wstyle:INT wstyle = @SIZE|@MINBOX|@MAXBOX WINDOW w,50,50,800,600,wstyle,0,"Window Title",main SETWINDOWCOLOR w,RGB(0,0,90) CONTROL w,"B,Exit,(800-80)/2, 500, 80, 40, 0, 1" WAITUNTIL w = 0 END SUB main SELECT @CLASS case @IDCLOSEWINDOW closewindow w ' clicking the Exit button ... case @IDCONTROL select @CONTROLID case 1 closewindow w endselect endselect RETURN Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
Crema - Programming language Crema ===== Crema is a programming language created in 2014 by Jacob Torrey and Jared Wright. 2014 Jacob Torrey Jared Wright #1351 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Crema is a LLVM front-end that aims to specifically execute in sub-Turing Complete space. Designed to be simple to learn, and practical for the majority of programming tasks needed, Crema can restrict the computational complexity of the program to the minimum needed to improve security. - Tags: programming language - Crema is developed on GitHub and has 64 stars - Early development of Crema happened in Assured Information Security, Inc. - Crema is written in C++, Bourne shell, C, Yacc, Lex, Make, Markdown def int binarySearch(int values[], int searchTarget){ int upperBound = list_length(values) - 1 # Upper index of seach region int lowerBound = 0 # Lower index of seach region int delta = list_length(values) # Distance between upperBound and lowerBound int middleValueIndex = 0 # Mid-point index between upper and lower bounds int middleValue = 0 # Value at the mid-point index int foundIndex = -1 # The index of the target number after finding foreach(values as value){ # Check middle value to see if it matches target number middleValueIndex = ((upperBound + lowerBound) / 2) middleValue = values[middleValueIndex] if(middleValue == searchTarget){ foundIndex = middleValueIndex break } #Re-adjust the lower and upper bounds for next itteration if(middleValue >= searchTarget){ upperBound = middleValueIndex - 1 }else{ lowerBound = middleValueIndex + 1 } delta = upperBound - lowerBound } return foundIndex } as bool break char def double else eq extern false foreach ge gt if int le lt neq return sdef string struct true uint void Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 338 1.7
Creole - Text markup language Creole ====== Creole is a text markup language created in 2007. 2007 #1150 on PLDB 17 Years Old 0 Repos Creole is a lightweight markup language, aimed at being a common markup language for wikis, enabling and simplifying the transfer of content between different wiki engines.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 0 Creole repos on GitHub - Early development of Creole happened in International Symposium on Wikis - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Creole - See also: (3 related languages) XML, MediaWiki, TiddlyWiki * Bullet list * Second item ** Sub item # Numbered list # Second item ## Sub item = Creole Creole is a Creole-to-HTML converter for Creole, the lightweight markup language ( Github uses this converter to render *.creole files. Project page on github: * Travis-CI: * RDOC: * == INSTALLATION {{{ gem install creole }}} == SYNOPSIS {{{ require 'creole' html = Creole.creolize('== Creole text') }}} == BUGS If you found a bug, please report it at the Creole project's tracker on GitHub: == AUTHORS * Lars Christensen (larsch) * Daniel Mendler (minad) == LICENSE Creole is Copyright (c) 2008 - 2013 Lars Christensen, Daniel Mendler. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the README file of the Ruby distribution. |= |= table |= header | | a | table | row | | b | table | row | Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 305 1.5
crmsh - Programming language crmsh ===== crmsh is a programming language created in 2008 by Dejan Muhamedagic. 2008 Dejan Muhamedagic #884 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone crmsh is a cluster management shell for the Pacemaker High Availability stack. - Tags: programming language - crmsh is developed on GitHub and has 127 stars - Early development of crmsh happened in - crmsh is written in Python, YAML, AsciiDoc, Gherkin, XML, Expect, Bourne shell, Markdown, CSS, Bash, Make, awk, Vim script, Ini, SVG, M4, Dockerfile, JSON - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for crmsh Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Croc - Programming language Croc ==== Croc is a programming language created in 2006 by Jarrett Billingsley. 2006 Jarrett Billingsley #656 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone The MiniD (has been renamed Croc) programming language is a small, lightweight, extension language in the vein of Lua or Squirrel, but designed to be used mainly with the D programming language. It supports both object-oriented and imperative programming paradigms, as well as some simple functional aspects. Distributed under the licence of zlib/libpng, MiniD is free software.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Croc is developed on GitHub and has 75 stars - Early development of Croc happened in - Croc is written in C++, XML, CMake, Markdown, HTML, CSS, Python, Vim script - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Croc - See also: (8 related languages) D, Lua, Squirrel, Python, Io, JavaScript, C, MiniD - 1 PLDB concepts link to Croc: MiniD module samples.interfaces class Method { _name _numParams this(name: string, numParams: int) { :_name = name :_numParams = numParams } function name() = :_name function implements(f: function) = f.numParams() == :_numParams function toString() = "{} ({} params)".format(:_name, :_numParams) } class Interface { _name _methods _implementors this(name: string, methods: array) { if(!methods.all(\m -> m as Method)) throw TypeError("All methods must be Methods") :_name = name :_methods = methods.dup() :_implementors = {} } function implement(T: class) { foreach(m; :_methods) { local name = if(!hasMethod(T, name) || !m.implements(T.(name))) throw TypeError("Class {} does not implement method '{}' from {}".format(nameOf(T), m, :_name)) } :_implementors[T] = true } function opCall(val: instance) { if(superOf(val) not in :_implementors) :implement(superOf(val)) return true } } function implements(T: class, vararg) { for(i; 0 .. #vararg) { local p = vararg[i] if(!(p as Interface)) throw TypeError("All varargs must be Interfaces") p.implement(T) } return T } local IStream = Interface("IStream", [ Method("read", 3) Method("write", 3) Method("seek", 2) ]) class DerpStream { function read(m, offset, size) {} function write(m, offset, size) {} function seek(offset, whence) {} } function streamSomething(s: @IStream) { writeln("yay!") } function main() { local d = DerpStream() streamSomething(d) } function first(x: array|string) = x[0] writeln(first([1, 2, 3])) // prints 1 writeln(first("hello")) // prints h writeln(first(45)) // error, invalid parameter type 'int' Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01][01_]* Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9][0-9_]*)(?![.eE]) Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9][0-9_]*)(?=[.eE])(\.[0-9][0-9_]*)?([eE][+\-]?[0-9_]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]* Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 600 3
Croma - Programming language Croma ===== Croma is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #3292 on PLDB 19 Years Old Croma may refer to: Croma (programming language), a dialect of the Lisp programming language Cromā, an Indian retailer of consumer electronics Giulio Croma (died 1632), an Italian painter Fiat Croma, a car Italian for an eighth note in music. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Croma happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
crush - Programming language crush ===== crush is a programming language created in 2020 by Axel Liljencrantz. 2020 Axel Liljencrantz #680 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Crush is an attempt to make a traditional command line shell that is also a modern programming language. It has the features one would expect from a modern programming language like a type system, closures and lexical scoping, but with a syntax geared toward both batch and interactive shell usage. - Tags: programming language - crush is developed on GitHub and has 1,832 stars - Early development of crush happened in - crush is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML, JSON, CSV, Protocol Buffers - See also: (1 related languages) PowerShell - Read more about crush on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
Cryptol - Programming language Cryptol ======= Cryptol is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Adam C. Foltzer. 2014 Adam C. Foltzer #310 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Cryptol is a domain specific programming language for cryptography developed by the Portland, Oregon based software development firm, Galois, Inc.. The language was originally developed for use by the United States National Security Agency. The language is also used by private firms that provide information technology systems, such as the American company Rockwell Collins provides to aerospace and defense contractors in the United States.The programming language is used for all aspects of developing and using cryptography, such as the design and implementation of new ciphers and the verification of existing cryptographic algorithms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Cryptol is developed on GitHub and has 1,124 stars - Early development of Cryptol happened in Galois,Inc - Cryptol is written in Haskell, Tex, Python, Markdown, reStructuredText, JavaScript, HTML, Make, YAML, Bourne shell, C, CSS, Dockerfile, Perl, SVG, Yacc, Logos, Vim script, Bash, TOML, Diff, Ini, XML, PowerShell - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Cryptol - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Cryptol :set ascii=on "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 368 1.8
Crystal - Programming language Crystal ======= Crystal is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Ary Borenszweig and Juan Wajnerman and Brian Cardiff. 2014 Ary Borenszweig Juan Wajnerman Brian Cardiff #53 on PLDB 10 Years Old 8k Repos git clone In computer software programming languages, Crystal is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, designed and developed by Ary Borenszweig and Juan Wajnerman and more than 200 contributors. With syntax inspired by the language Ruby, it is a compiled language with static type-checking, but specifying the types of variables or method arguments is generally unneeded. Types are resolved by an advanced global type inference algorithm. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Crystal is developed on GitHub and has 19,260 stars - Watch the history of the Crystal repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 7,522 Crystal repos on GitHub - Early development of Crystal happened in - Crystal is written in Crystal, Embedded Crystal, YAML, Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, PowerShell, Bourne shell, CSS, C, SVG, Make, XML, Python, JSON, Z shell, Bash, C++, Nix, Ini - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 767 users using Crystal in 1k repos on GitHub - There are 4,118 members in the Crystal subreddit - There are 14 Project Euler users using Crystal - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Crystal programmers reported a median salary of $72,400. 1% of respondents reported using Crystal. 466 programmers reported using Crystal, and 790 said they wanted to use it - Explore Crystal snippets on Rosetta Code - Crystal ranks #24 in the TIOBE Index - Crystal LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Crystal - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Crystal - Learn Crystal on exercism. - was registered in 2013 - See also: (10 related languages) IA-32, FreeBSD, Ruby, C, Rust, Go, C#, Python, LLVM IR, CSP - 8 PLDB concepts link to Crystal: Ace Editor, Civet, Crystal, Embedded Crystal, mal, Pegasus, Pygments, Savi # Type your code here, or load an example. # compile with --prelude=empty fun square(num : Int32) : Int32 num &* num end puts "Hello, world!" puts "Hello World" # Hello world in Crystal puts "Hello World" #!/usr/bin/env bin/crystal --run require "../../spec_helper" describe "Type inference: declare var" do it "types declare var" do assert_type("a :: Int32") { int32 } end it "types declare var and reads it" do assert_type("a :: Int32; a") { int32 } end it "types declare var and changes its type" do assert_type("a :: Int32; while 1 == 2; a = 'a'; end; a") { union_of(int32, char) } end it "declares instance var which appears in initialize" do result = assert_type(" class Foo @x :: Int32 end") { types["Foo"] } mod = result.program foo = mod.types["Foo"] as NonGenericClassType foo.instance_vars["@x"].type.should eq(mod.int32) end it "declares instance var of generic class" do result = assert_type(" class Foo(T) @x :: T end Foo(Int32).new") do foo = types["Foo"] as GenericClassType foo_i32 = foo.instantiate([int32] of Type | ASTNode) foo_i32.lookup_instance_var("@x").type.should eq(int32) foo_i32 end end it "declares instance var of generic class after reopen" do result = assert_type(" class Foo(T) end f = Foo(Int32).new class Foo(T) @x :: T end f") do foo = types["Foo"] as GenericClassType foo_i32 = foo.instantiate([int32] of Type | ASTNode) foo_i32.lookup_instance_var("@x").type.should eq(int32) foo_i32 end end it "declares an instance variable in initialize" do assert_type(" class Foo def initialize @x :: Int32 end def x @x end end ") { int32 } end end channel = Channel(Int32).new spawn do puts "Before first send" channel.send(1) puts "Before second send" channel.send(2) end puts "Before first receive" value = channel.receive puts value # => 1 puts "Before second receive" value = channel.receive puts value # => 2 abstract do if nil? self unless alias else in of sizeof until as elsif include out struct when as? end instance_sizeof pointerof super while asm ensure is_a? private then with begin enum lib protected true yield break extend macro require type case false module rescue typeof class for next return uninitialized def fun nil select union Language features ====================================================== row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example require "../../spec_helper" Token require row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token puts row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 992 5
CS-Script - Programming language CS-Script ========= CS-Script is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #2835 on PLDB 20 Years Old CS-Script ( is a CLR (Common Language Runtime) based scripting system which uses ECMA-compliant C# as a programming language. CS-Script currently targets Microsoft implementation of CLR (.NET 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0) and with full support for Mono. CS-Script as well as a few other .NET languages (e.g. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CS-Script happened in - See also: (2 related languages) Boo, Visual Studio Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
CodeStudAssembler - Assembly language CodeStudAssembler ================= CodeStudAssembler is an assembly language created in 2017. 2017 #3264 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of CodeStudAssembler happened in - Read more about CodeStudAssembler on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to CodeStudAssembler: v8torque test al,0x1 jz not_string movq rbx,[rax-0x1] cmpb [rbx+0xb],0x80 jnc not_string movq rax,[rax+0xf] retl not_string: movq rax,[r13-0x60] retl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
C# - Programming language C# == C# is an open source programming language created in 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg. 2000 Anders Hejlsberg #16 on PLDB 24 Years Old 2m Repos C# (pronounced as see sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2006). C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,161,625 C# repos on GitHub - Early development of C# happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 83k users using C# in 133k repos on GitHub - Check out the 802 C# meetup groups on - There are 202,070 members in the C# subreddit - There are 14,113 Project Euler users using C# - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey C# programmers reported a median salary of $58,368. 28% of respondents reported using C#. 22,984 programmers reported using C#, and 17,999 said they wanted to use it - C# on HOPL C# on HOPL - C# ranks #5 in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for C# - C# LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting C# - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for C# - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for C# - Learn C# on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for C# - There is a central package repository for C# - has 19,747 matches for "c# developer". - See also: (34 related languages) Spec Sharp, Eiffel, Java, Modula-3, Object Pascal, ML, Visual Basic, Icon, Haskell, Rust, J#, F#, Chapel, Crystal, D, Dart, Hack, Kotlin, Monkey, Nemerle, Oxygene, Swift, Vala, Unity, C, Turbo Pascal, Smalltalk, LINQ, A#, Ada, CIL, Fortran, Visual Studio, Morfik - 66 PLDB concepts link to C#: Ace Editor, adamant, Apache Arrow, Bazel, beef-lang, Bicep, cat, Chapel, Ć, clike, cloc, Dafny, Deno, DRAKON, ecsharp, Eiffel, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, Flow9, GAP, groff, HHVM, ImHex, ink, invokator, Ioke, jinx, Jison, jsil-compiler, Koka, mages, mal, manhood, MarkovJunior, Mond, MonkeyX, moya, muon, Nemerle, Node.js, OpenCV, P, Particles, plang, Pomsky, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, PRQL, Pygments, Racket, rant, Ripple, Roslyn compiler, Scoop, Simple Binary Encoding, Snowball, SourcePawn, Script.NET, TensorFlow, typecobol, Uno, V, Vale, Violent ES, Wax, Wonkey class Program { static int Square(int num) => num * num; } class main { static void Main(string[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); } } System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); using System; namespace MongoDB.Serialization.Descriptors { internal class BsonPropertyValue { public bool IsDictionary { get; private set; } public Type Type { get; private set; } public object Value { get; private set; } public BsonPropertyValue(Type type, object value, bool isDictionary) { Type = type; Value = value; IsDictionary = isDictionary; } } } using System.Windows.Forms; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { MessageBox.Show("Hello, World!"); System.Console.WriteLine("Is almost the same argument!"); } } abstract add alias as ascending async await base bool break byte case catch char checked class const continue decimal default delegate descending do double dynamic else enum event explicit extern false finally fixed float for foreach from get global goto group if implicit in int interface internal into is join let lock long namespace new null object operator orderby out override params partial private protected public readonly record ref remove return sbyte sealed select set short sizeof stackalloc static string struct switch this throw true try typeof uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort using value var virtual void volatile where while yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example // Call example: // var c = Compose(f, g); // // Func g = _ => ... // Func f = _ => ... Func Compose(Func f, Func g) => _ => f(g(_)); Token row Feature Default Parameters Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDefaultParameters.html Supported ✓ Example public void ExampleMethod(string optionalstr = "default string") {} Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Dispose Blocks Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDisposeBlocks.html Supported ✓ Example using (Resource resource = GetResource()) { // Perform actions with the resource. ... } Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example // In C#, namespaces are the semi-equivalent of Java's packages. namespace com.test { class Test {} } Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported ✓ Example namespace MyNamespace; class MyClass { public void MyMethod() { System.Console.WriteLine("Creating my namespace"); } } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example using static System.Console; using static System.Math; class Program { static void Main() { WriteLine(Sqrt(3*3 + 4*4)); } } Token row Feature Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitTypeCasting.html Supported ✓ Example Animal animal = new Cat(); Bulldog b = (Bulldog) animal; // if (animal is Bulldog), stat.type(animal) is Bulldog, else an exception b = animal as Bulldog; // if (animal is Bulldog), b = (Bulldog) animal, else b = null animal = null; b = animal as Bulldog; // b == null Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example #define MAX_CLIENTS 200 int array[MAX_CLIENTS]; #if PRODUCTION //code #elif DEVELOPMENT //code #else //code #endif Token row Feature Generators FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerators.html Supported ✓ Example // Method that takes an iterable input (possibly an array) // and returns all even numbers. public static IEnumerable GetEven(IEnumerable numbers) { foreach (int i in numbers) { if ((i % 2) == 0) { yield return i; } } } Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example public class MyClass { private int a; private string b; // Constructor public MyClass() : this(42, "string") { } // Overloading a constructor public MyClass(int a, string b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } } // Code somewhere // Instantiating an object with the constructor above MyClass c = new MyClass(42, "string"); Token row Feature Generics FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerics.html Supported ✓ Example // Declare the generic class. public class GenericList { public void Add(T input) { } } class TestGenericList { private class ExampleClass { } static void Main() { // Declare a list of type int. GenericList list1 = new GenericList(); list1.Add(1); // Declare a list of type string. GenericList list2 = new GenericList(); list2.Add(""); // Declare a list of type ExampleClass. GenericList list3 = new GenericList(); list3.Add(new ExampleClass()); } } Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example // Pointers supported only under certain conditions. // Get 16 bytes of memory from the process's unmanaged memory IntPtr pointer = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(16); Token row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported ✓ Example public async Task FindPageSize(Uri uri) { byte[] data = await new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri); return data.Length; } Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Console.WriteLine("This is C#"); Token Console.WriteLine row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example int pldb = 80766866; Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example int pldb = 80766866; Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1370 6.8
CSL - Programming language CSL === CSL is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #2848 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CSL happened in IBM and Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd - CSL on HOPL CSL on HOPL - Read more about CSL on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
CSMP - Programming language CSMP ==== CSMP is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3965 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CSMP happened in Wageningen Agricultural University - CSMP on HOPL CSMP on HOPL - Read more about CSMP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
CSON - Data notation CSON ==== CSON, aka CoffeeScript Object Notation, is an open source data notation created in 2011 by Benjamin Lupton. 2011 Benjamin Lupton #242 on PLDB 13 Years Old 16 Repos git clone CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects. - Tags: dataNotation - CSON is developed on GitHub and has 1,334 stars - There are at least 16 CSON repos on GitHub - Early development of CSON happened in - CSON is written in JSON, CSON, CoffeeScript, Markdown, YAML, JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using CSON in 2 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CSON - 10 PLDB concepts link to CSON: Ait, Catala, CSON, Factor, Flow9, fork-lang, invokator, ko, Koka, mirth {'Hello': 'World'} 'menu': [ { 'label': 'Packages' 'submenu': [ 'label': 'Wercker Status' 'submenu': [ { 'label': 'Check now!', 'command': 'wercker-status:checknow' } ] ] } ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
Csound - Programming language Csound ====== Csound is an open source programming language created in 1985. 1985 #549 on PLDB 39 Years Old 50 Repos Csound is a computer programming language for sound, also known as a sound compiler or an audio programming language, or more precisely, an audio DSL. It is called Csound because it is written in C, as opposed to some of its predecessors. It is free software, available under the LGPL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 50 Csound repos on GitHub - Early development of Csound happened in MIT - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 57 users using Csound in 65 repos on GitHub - Csound on HOPL Csound on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Csound - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Csound - was registered in 2008 - See also: (10 related languages) C, SAOL, Python, Java, Lisp, Tcl, Haskell, Bison, Max, Emacs sr = 44100 kr = 44100 ksmps = 1 nchnls = 2 ; pvanal -n 512 -w 8 allglass1-L.wav allglass1-L.pvc ; pvanal -n 512 -w 8 allglass1-R.wav allglass1-R.pvc instr 1 ktime line 0, p3, 17.5018 arL pvoc ktime, 1, "allglass1-L.pvc" arR pvoc ktime, 1, "allglass1-R.pvc" out arL, arR endin <CsoundSynthesizer> <CsOptions> csound -W -d -o tone.wav </CsOptions> <CsInstruments> sr = 96000 ; Sample rate. kr = 9600 ; Control signal rate. ksmps = 10 ; Samples per control signal. nchnls = 1 ; Number of output channels. instr 1 a1 oscil p4, p5, 1 ; Oscillator: p4 and p5 are the arguments from the score, 1 is the table number. out a1 ; Output. endin </CsInstruments> <CsScore> f1 0 8192 10 1 ; Table containing a sine wave. Built-in generator 10 produces a sum of sinusoids, here only one. i1 0 1 20000 1000 ; Play one second of one kHz at amplitude 20000. e </CsScore> </CsoundSynthesizer> Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 451 2.3
CSP-OZ-DC - Programming language CSP-OZ-DC ========= CSP-OZ-DC is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3966 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CSP-OZ-DC happened in University of Oldenbury - CSP-OZ-DC on HOPL CSP-OZ-DC on HOPL - Read more about CSP-OZ-DC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
CSP-OZ - Programming language CSP-OZ ====== CSP-OZ is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3967 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CSP-OZ happened in University of Oldenburg - CSP-OZ on HOPL CSP-OZ on HOPL - Read more about CSP-OZ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
CSP - Programming language CSP === CSP, aka Communicating Sequential Processes, is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #509 on PLDB 46 Years Old In computer science, communicating sequential processes (CSP) is a formal language for describing patterns of interaction in concurrent systems. It is a member of the family of mathematical theories of concurrency known as process algebras, or process calculi, based on message passing via channels. CSP was highly influential in the design of the occam programming language, and also influenced the design of programming languages such as Limbo, RaftLib, Go, Crystal, and Clojure's core.async. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CSP happened in Oxford University - CSP on HOPL CSP on HOPL - Monaco package for syntax highlighting CSP - See also: (6 related languages) Occam, Limbo, Go, Crystal, Clojure, Ada COPY = *[c:character; west?c → east!c] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
CSpydr - Programming language CSpydr ====== CSpydr is a programming language created in 2021 by Spydr06. 2021 Spydr06 #1465 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A static typed low-level compiled programming language inspired by Rust and C - Tags: programming language - CSpydr is developed on GitHub and has 83 stars - Early development of CSpydr happened in - CSpydr is written in C, Markdown, Bourne shell, Make, JSON, SVG, Lua, Bash, Vim script, C++, Assembly language, TOML, Brainfuck # fibonacci.csp import "io.csp"; fn fib(n: i32): i32 { let a = 0; let b = 0; for 0 .. n { a + b |> (a = b, b = $); } <- a; } fn main(): i32 { let n = 10; std::io::printf("fib(%i) = %i\n", n, fib(n)); <- 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
CSS Doodle - Programming language CSS Doodle ========== CSS Doodle is a programming language created in 2017 by Yuan Chuan. 2017 Yuan Chuan #633 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone 🎨 A web component for drawing patterns with CSS. - Tags: programming language - CSS Doodle is developed on GitHub and has 5,568 stars - Early development of CSS Doodle happened in - CSS Doodle is written in JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON, Make @grid: 14 / 80%; @random { border-left: 1px solid #5d81bc; } @random { border-top: 1px solid #5d81bc; } @random(.25) { background: linear-gradient( @p(#fff, tan, #5d81bc), @lp ) 50% / @r(60%) @lr no-repeat; } @random { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #fff); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
CSS - Stylesheet language CSS === CSS, aka Cascading Style Sheets, is an open source stylesheet language created in 1996 by Håkon Wium Lie. 1996 Håkon Wium Lie #7 on PLDB 28 Years Old 4m Repos Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering in speech, or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: stylesheetLanguage - There are at least 4,446,834 CSS repos on GitHub - Early development of CSS happened in CERN - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 506k users using CSS in 809k repos on GitHub - Check out the 963 CSS meetup groups on - ANTLR grammar for CSS - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting CSS - Monaco package for syntax highlighting CSS - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for CSS - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CSS - has 16,898 matches for "css developer". - See also: (6 related languages) HTML, JavaScript, WebGL, XML, SVG, XPath - Read more about CSS on the web: 1. 1. - 401 PLDB concepts link to CSS: abs, Ace Editor, AL, Alumina, Apache Hbase, Argdown, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, AT Protocol, Avail, awl, Ballerina, Bazel, beef-lang, Bicep, Bitsy, BlackCoffee, BlitzMax, blockml, Bounce, BQN, Broccoli, Bruijn, Bucklescript, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, carp, cat, categorical-query-language, Ceylon, Chapel, chatterbot, chevrotain, CHICKEN, chisel, Civet, Claro, clash, clay, ClojureScript, Coco, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, CokeScript,, Coq, cor, Cortex, CouchDB, crmsh, Croc, Cryptol, Crystal, CSVw, curv, Cyber, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, daonode, Deno, dex, dexvis, Dhall, Differential Datalog, djangoql, Djot, DragonBASIC, duro, Embedded Crystal, edgedb, Eiffel, EJS, ELENA, Elm, Elvish, Emojicode, Emscripten, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, Eve, EYG, Factor, Fancy, Fardlang, Felix, FFmpeg, fish, FlatBuffers, Flatline, Flix, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flua, FLUX, Frost, fructure-editor, Frundis, Futhark, FutureScript, GAP, Gforth, GHC, Git, Gleam, Glicol, gluon, Go, Goal, gogs-editor, Golo, Gradle, gravity, gridstudio-editor, groff, Gun, gura, Hackett, hakaru, Halide, hasklig, Haxe Library Manager, Hazel, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, Hjson, hrqr, htmx, huginn, hurl, Hy, Hyperscript, Ibis, IcedCoffeeScript, Idris, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, inko, invokator, Ioke, Iterm2, Invisible XML, JAL compiler, jasmine, Java, Jeeves, Jekyll, Jet, JFlex, jinx, Jison, jq, JQuery, jsil-compiler, Jsonnet, Julia, juvix, k-framework, KaTeX, Kefir, Koka, Kotlin, ktye/k, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, JSON Lines, leo-editor, Lesma, lever, lift, Ligo, Links, Linux, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, lobster, loci, Logica, Language Server Index Format, LuaJIT, Lucid, Luna, m3db, mal, manhood, Manim, Margin, Marko, Markwhen, Mask, Mastodon, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, MDX, Melody, mermaid, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, Minilang, MiniZinc, Mirah, MLscript, mochajs, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, MonkeyX, monte, moya, Mu, mun-lang, myia, mys, mythryl, Nadesiko, Nearley, NestedText, NetLogo, neut, NewLisp, Nextflow, NGS, Nim, Ninja, Nit, nlpl, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, nomnoml, Numba, ObjectScript, Observable Framework, Observable Plot, Obsidian, oden, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, Om, onnx, Opa, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, P*, p4p, packagist-pm, Pact, Pandas, Parsers, Particles, Pawn, PAWN, PEG.js, penrose, pinto, Plaid, plang, Please Build, Podlite, GNU Poke, polyglot-compiler, popr, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, Pug, PureScript, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, Qore, Quaint, Quint, Racket, rainbow, ramen, rant, RapidBatch, raptorjit, Recfiles, Red, Redis, redprl, RicScript, RMarkdown, RobotFramework, Roc, Rockstar, rosie, roy, Ruby, Rust, Rye, SandDance, SATySFi, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, SciPy, scribble, Scroll, sentient, Serious, shadama, shml, Sibilant, Simoji, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slony, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowman, Solid, Solidity, SourcePawn, Speedie, SpiderBasic, SQRL, stacklang, Statsplorer, strat, stringbean, Subleq, SugarSS, Svelte, Swift, Swym, SymPy, tablam, Tabloid, taf, Taijilang, tampio, tangledown, Terra, Textadept, tht, tibet, tiledb, tldr, tldraw, ToffeeScript, ToonTalk, tornado, Tosh, Twine, twtxt, txtzyme, U, Uiua, UrWeb, V, v8, vega-editor-app, Vega, Vimwiki, visdown, VLC, VSXu, Vue, Vyxal, WebAssembly, Wasp, 文言文編程語言, Wing, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xidoc, XL, Xtext, YASnippet, YAWL, yeti, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Zephir body::before { content: "Hello World"; } /* Hello World in CSS */ body:before { content: "Hello World"; } /*! * Bootstrap v2.3.1 * * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 * * * Designed and built with all the love in the world @twitter by @mdo and @fat. */ .clearfix{*zoom:1;}.clearfix:before,.clearfix:after{display:table;content:"";line-height:0;} .clearfix:after{clear:both;} .hide-text{font:0/0 a;color:transparent;text-shadow:none;background-color:transparent;border:0;} .input-block-level{display:block;width:100%;min-height:30px;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;} article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block;} audio,canvas,video{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1;} audio:not([controls]){display:none;} html{font-size:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;} a:focus{outline:thin dotted #333;outline:5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;outline-offset:-2px;} a:hover,a:active{outline:0;} sub,sup{position:relative;font-size:75%;line-height:0;vertical-align:baseline;} sup{top:-0.5em;} sub{bottom:-0.25em;} img{max-width:100%;width:auto\9;height:auto;vertical-align:middle;border:0;-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;} #map_canvas img,.google-maps img{max-width:none;} button,input,select,textarea{margin:0;font-size:100%;vertical-align:middle;} button,input{*overflow:visible;line-height:normal;} button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{padding:0;border:0;} button,html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer;} label,select,button,input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],input[type="radio"],input[type="checkbox"]{cursor:pointer;} input[type="search"]{-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-appearance:textfield;} input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration,input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button{-webkit-appearance:none;} textarea{overflow: body { overflow: hidden; background: #000000; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* This is a single-line comment */ p { color: red; } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example @import 'custom.css'; Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1322 6.6
CSSA - Programming language CSSA ==== CSSA is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3968 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CSSA happened in University of Bonn - CSSA on HOPL CSSA on HOPL - Read more about CSSA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
CST - Programming language CST === CST is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3358 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CST happened in MIT - CST on HOPL CST on HOPL - Read more about CST on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
CSV - Data notation CSV === CSV, aka comma-separated values, is an open source data notation created in 1972. 1972 #873 on PLDB 52 Years Old 9 Repos In computing, a comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 9 CSV repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for CSV - See also: (11 related languages) TSV, ASCII, Unicode, UTF-8, Fortran, HTML, XML, Microsoft Excel, Unix, Emacs, awk - 116 PLDB concepts link to CSV: Apache Hbase, ArkScript, Arquero, Apache Arrow, atomspace, Ballerina, blz, capybara, Chapel, checked-c, chevrotain, circle-lang, cloc, Coq, crush, CSV++, CSVw, D3.js, dat-protocol, dexvis, dplyr, ecsharp, edgedb, Eiffel, Enso, Esoteric Reaction, EYG, F Prime, Factor, Fardlang, FlowchartFun, F*, GAP, Go, Goal, Gradle, GraphIt, gura, HHVM, htmx, HuwCode, idyll, Impala, Java, Jeeves, Jekyll, KGL, ko, Kotlin, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kumir, Linux, Logica, Luna, Mastodon, mathics, Matplotlib, Megaparsec, mermaid, MicroPython, Mindsdb, MongoDB, moya, multiaddr, multibase, multicodec, NCAR Command Language, NestedText, NetLogo, Nextflow, Nim, Node.js, Nushell, Observable Framework, Observable Plot, Obsidian, Ohayo, OpenNN, Openverse, Pact, Pandas, partiql, PHP, pipelines, plang, PostgreSQL, PowerShell, PRQL, PyTorch, r3, Rakudo, ramen, Red, RMarkdown, rosie, Roslyn compiler, Ruby, Rye, Scikit-learn, Scroll, setlx, SmallBASIC, Spatial, Statsplorer, SWI Prolog, tao3d, TensorFlow, tornado, typecobol, Vega, visdown, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xtext, YANG Year,Make,Model,Length 1997,Ford,E350,2.34 2000,Mercury,Cougar,2.38 Year;Make;Model;Length 1997;Ford;E350;2,34 2000;Mercury;Cougar;2,38 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 337 1.7
CSV++ - Data notation CSV++ ===== CSV++ is a data notation created in 2016. 2016 #4916 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: dataNotation - See also: (1 related languages) CSV - Read more about CSV++ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
CSVw - Data validation language CSVw ==== CSVw, aka CSV on the Web, is a data validation language created in 2014 by Ivan Herman. 2014 Ivan Herman #1044 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone The CSV on the Web Working Group has developed standard ways to express useful metadata about CSV files and other kinds of tabular data. - Tags: dataValidationLanguage - CSVw is developed on GitHub and has 162 stars - Early development of CSVw happened in CSV on the Web Working Group and CSV on the Web Community Group - CSVw is written in JSON, CSV, HTML, Markdown, JavaScript, Bourne shell, SVG, XML, Ruby, HAML, CSS, Python, YAML - Read more about CSVw on the web: 1. 1. { "@context": "", "url": "countries.csv", "tableSchema": { "aboutUrl": "{code}", "columns": [{ "titles": "country", "name": "code" },{ "titles": "country group" },{ "titles": "name (en)", "lang": "en" },{ "titles": "name (fr)", "lang": "fr" },{ "titles": "name (de)", "lang": "de" },{ "titles": "latitude", "datatype": "number" },{ "titles": "longitude", "datatype": "number" }] } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
cT - Programming language cT == cT is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3098 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of cT happened in Carnegie Mellon - cT on HOPL cT on HOPL - Read more about cT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ctalk-lang - Programming language ctalk-lang ========== ctalk-lang is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2414 on PLDB 35 Years Old The CTalk programming language: a strategic evolution of APL - Tags: programming language - Early development of ctalk-lang happened in École des Mines de Saint-Étienne - Read more about ctalk-lang on the web: 1. 1. // When working with the CTalk interpreter, // every result is printed 2+3; // = 5 2*3+5*10; // = 56 // Variables are implicitely declared when // they are used for the first time a=2; b=3; a+b; // = 2 // = 3 // = 5 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
ctalk - Programming language ctalk ===== ctalk is a programming language created in 2006 by Robert Kiesling. 2006 Robert Kiesling #3015 on PLDB 18 Years Old Ctalk is a compact object oriented language that works closely with C. That means you can use Ctalk for GUI, network, client-server, and systems programs as well as traditional object oriented simulations. - Tags: programming language - Early development of ctalk happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
ctan-pm - Package manager ctan-pm ======= ctan-pm is a package manager created in 1998. 1998 #2456 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of ctan-pm happened in - was registered in 1998 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
ctr - Programming language ctr === ctr is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2709 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ctr happened in - was registered in 2018 HackerNews discussions of ctr ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Ctr – The CSS Framework||06/02/2017|5|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Steinberg Cubase - Application Steinberg Cubase ================ Steinberg Cubase is an application created in 1989. 1989 #4538 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Steinberg Cubase happened in Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
CUBE - Programming language CUBE ==== CUBE is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3359 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CUBE happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - CUBE on HOPL CUBE on HOPL - Read more about CUBE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
CUDA - Programming language CUDA ==== CUDA, aka Compute Unified Device Architecture, is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #39 on PLDB 17 Years Old 18k Repos CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by Nvidia. It allows software developers and software engineers to use a CUDA-enabled graphics processing unit (GPU) for general purpose processing – an approach termed GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units). The CUDA platform is a software layer that gives direct access to the GPU's virtual instruction set and parallel computational elements, for the execution of compute kernels. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 18,135 CUDA repos on GitHub - Early development of CUDA happened in Nvidia - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using CUDA in 4k repos on GitHub - Check out the 32 CUDA meetup groups on - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for CUDA - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for CUDA - has 483 matches for "cuda engineer". - See also: (18 related languages) Linux, C, Fortran, OpenGL, OpenCL, LLVM IR, Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, Lua, Haskell, R, MATLAB, IDL, Mathematica, Common Lisp, F# - 16 PLDB concepts link to CUDA: Chapel, circle-lang, Factor, FFmpeg, Futhark, HVM2, Numba, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Pygments, PyTorch, spiral, Taichi, Xgboost, XGBoost #include <stdio.h> __global__ void hello_world(){ printf("Hello World\n"); } int main() { hello_world<<<1,1>>>(); return 0; } // Hello world in CUDA #include <stdio.h> const int N = 16; const int blocksize = 16; __global__ void hello(char *a, int *b) { a[threadIdx.x] += b[threadIdx.x]; } int main() { char a[N] = "Hello \0\0\0\0\0\0"; int b[N] = {15, 10, 6, 0, -11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; char *ad; int *bd; const int csize = N*sizeof(char); const int isize = N*sizeof(int); printf("%s", a); cudaMalloc( (void**)&ad, csize ); cudaMalloc( (void**)&bd, isize ); cudaMemcpy( ad, a, csize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy( bd, b, isize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); dim3 dimBlock( blocksize, 1 ); dim3 dimGrid( 1, 1 ); hello<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(ad, bd); cudaMemcpy( a, ad, csize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ); cudaFree( ad ); cudaFree( bd ); printf("%s\n", a); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #include <stdio.h> #include <cuda_runtime.h> /** * CUDA Kernel Device code * * Computes the vector addition of A and B into C. The 3 vectors have the same * number of elements numElements. */ __global__ void vectorAdd(const float *A, const float *B, float *C, int numElements) { int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; if (i < numElements) { C[i] = A[i] + B[i]; } } /** * Host main routine */ int main(void) { // Error code to check return values for CUDA calls cudaError_t err = cudaSuccess; // Launch the Vector Add CUDA Kernel int threadsPerBlock = 256; int blocksPerGrid =(numElements + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; vectorAdd<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock>>>(d_A, d_B, d_C, numElements); err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to launch vectorAdd kernel (error code %s)!\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Reset the device and exit err = cudaDeviceReset(); return 0; } import numpy from pycublas import CUBLASMatrix A = CUBLASMatrix( numpy.mat([[1,2,3]],[[4,5,6]],numpy.float32) ) B = CUBLASMatrix( numpy.mat([[2,3]],[4,5],[[6,7]],numpy.float32) ) C = A*B print C.np_mat() Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example printf("Hello, World!\n"); Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 713 3.6
CueCat - Bar code format CueCat ====== CueCat is a bar code format created in 2000. 2000 #4689 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: barCodeFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Cue - Data notation Cue === Cue is a data notation created in 2018 by Marcel van Lohuizen. 2018 Marcel van Lohuizen #306 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone CUE has moved to - Tags: dataNotation - Cue is developed on GitHub and has 3,090 stars - Early development of Cue happened in - Cue is written in Go, YAML, Protocol Buffers, JSON, Markdown, Dockerfile - was registered in 2018 #Spec: { kind: string name: { first: !="" // must be specified and non-empty middle?: !="" // optional, but must be non-empty when specified last: !="" } // The minimum must be strictly smaller than the maximum and vice versa. minimum?: int & <maximum maximum?: int & >minimum } // A spec is of type #Spec spec: #Spec spec: { knid: "Homo Sapiens" // error, misspelled field name: first: "Jane" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 262 1.3
Culler-Fried System - Programming language Culler-Fried System =================== Culler-Fried System is a programming language created in 1961 by Glenn Culler and Burton Fried. 1961 Glenn Culler Burton Fried #3360 on PLDB 63 Years Old System for interactive mathematics by Glen Culler and Burton Fried of Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Culler-Fried System happened in Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc - Culler-Fried System on HOPL Culler-Fried System on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Cullinet - Programming language Cullinet ======== Cullinet is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3723 on PLDB 56 Years Old Cullinet was a software company whose products included the database management system IDMS and the integrated software package Goldengate. In 1989, the company was bought by Computer Associates. Cullinet was headquartered at 400 Blue Hill Drive in Westwood, Massachusetts.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cullinet happened in Cullinane Corporation - See also: (6 related languages) MARK IV, Model 204, PowerBuilder, Linux, COBOL, RPG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
cuneiform - Programming language cuneiform ========= cuneiform is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #953 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Cuneiform distributed programming language - Tags: programming language - cuneiform is developed on GitHub and has 230 stars - Early development of cuneiform happened in BiobankCloud - cuneiform is written in Erlang, YAML, Markdown, Dockerfile, Bash - was registered in 2015 def greet() -> <out : Str> in Bash *{ out="Hello World" }* ( greet()|out ); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " HackerNews discussions of cuneiform =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Cuneiform – A Functional Workflow Language||02/03/2016|39|10 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
CUPID - Programming language CUPID ===== CUPID is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3361 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CUPID happened in University of California Berkeley - CUPID on HOPL CUPID on HOPL - Read more about CUPID on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about CUPID on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
CuPit-2 - Programming language CuPit-2 ======= CuPit-2 is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3969 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CuPit-2 happened in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - CuPit-2 on HOPL CuPit-2 on HOPL - Read more about CuPit-2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Curl - Programming language Curl ==== Curl is a programming language created in 1998 by Steve Ward and led by Daniel Stenberg. 1998 Steve Ward Daniel Stenberg #484 on PLDB 26 Years Old Curl is a reflective object-oriented programming language for interactive web applications whose goal is to provide a smoother transition between formatting and programming. It makes it possible to embed complex objects in simple documents without needing to switch between programming languages or development platforms. The Curl implementation initially consisted of just an interpreter, but a compiler was added later. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Curl happened in Curl, Inc and Sumisho Computer Systems Corp and SCSK Corporation - Curl on HOPL Curl on HOPL - Curl appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 1997 - See also: (8 related languages) Linux, HTML, JavaScript, Lisp, Java, C#, CSS, Groovy - 1 PLDB concepts link to Curl: hurl {poem || wraps entire poem {stanza || first verse here in any language } {stanza || another verse here in any language } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
Curly - Programming language Curly ===== Curly is a programming language created in 2021 by jenra. 2021 jenra #2068 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone The Curly programming language (now in Rust!) - Tags: programming language - Curly is developed on GitHub and has 30 stars - Early development of Curly happened in - Curly is written in Rust, Markdown, C, Java, TOML, Python, Haskell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Curry - Programming language Curry ===== Curry is a programming language created in 1990 by Michael Hanus and Sergio Antoy. 1990 Michael Hanus Sergio Antoy #807 on PLDB 34 Years Old 4 Repos Curry is an experimental functional logic programming language, based on the Haskell language. It merges elements of functional and logic programming, including constraint programming integration. It is nearly a superset of Haskell, lacking support mostly for overloading using type classes, which some implementations provide anyway as a language extension, such as the Münster Curry Compiler.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 4 Curry repos on GitHub - Early development of Curry happened in University of Kiel - Haskell influenced the design of Curry - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using Curry in 1 repos on GitHub - Explore Curry snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (4 related languages) C, Haskell, Prolog, Haskell main :: IO () main = putStrLn "Hello, world!" -- "Hello World" demo for the Tcl/Tk library import Tk main = runWidget "Hello" (TkCol [] [TkLabel [TkText "Hello World"], TkButton tkExit [TkText "Stop"]]) insert x ys = x : ys insert x (y:ys) = y : insert x ys Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 315 1.6
curv - Programming language curv ==== curv is a programming language created in 2016 by Doug Moen. 2016 Doug Moen #752 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Curv is a programming language for creating art using mathematics. It’s a 2D and 3D geometric modelling tool that supports full colour, animation and 3D printing. - Tags: programming language - curv is developed on GitHub and has 1,134 stars - Early development of curv happened in - curv is written in C++, Markdown, reStructuredText, Python, XML, CMake, CSS, Bourne shell, Make, GLSL, M4, YAML, HTML, C, JavaScript, PowerShell - was registered in 2018 - Read more about curv on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
cuscus - Programming language cuscus ====== cuscus is a programming language created in 2019 by Mariana Marasoiu and Detlef Nauck and Alan F. Blackwell. 2019 Mariana Marasoiu Detlef Nauck Alan F. Blackwell #3362 on PLDB 5 Years Old We present Cuscus, a tool for data visualisation that is informed by ethnographic fieldwork across different professional sectors. Cuscus allows end-users to create novel visualisations by defining visual properties in a spreadsheet. We also report on user studies in the contexts of data journalism and business analytics, and discuss further extensions to this new interaction paradigm. - Tags: programming language - Early development of cuscus happened in University of Cambridge and Applied Research - Read more about cuscus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures - Schema Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures ======================================================= Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures, aka Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures, is a schema created in 1968. 1968 #2000 on PLDB 56 Years Old A CUSIP is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. The CUSIP was adopted as an American National Standard under Accredited Standards X9.6. The CUSIP system is owned by the American Bankers Association and is operated by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: schema - Early development of Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures happened in Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures algorithm Cusip-Check-Digit(cusip) is Input: an 8-character CUSIP sum := 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ 8 do c := the ith character of cusip if c is a digit then v := numeric value of the digit c else if c is a letter then p := ordinal position of c in the alphabet (A=1, B=2...) v := p + 9 else if c = "*" then v := 36 else if c = "@" then v := 37 else if c = "#" then v := 38 end if if i is even then v := v × 2 end if sum := sum + int ( v div 10 ) + v mod 10 repeat return (10 - (sum mod 10)) mod 10 end function Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 298 1.5
CVL - Programming language CVL === CVL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4796 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CVL happened in Carnegie Mellon - CVL on HOPL CVL on HOPL - Read more about CVL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
CWEB - Text markup language CWEB ==== CWEB is an open source text markup language created in 1987 by Donald Knuth. 1987 Donald Knuth #1068 on PLDB 37 Years Old 425 Repos CWEB is a computer programming system created by Donald Knuth and Silvio Levy as a follow-up to Knuth's WEB literate programming system, using the C programming language (and to a lesser extent the C++ and Java programming languages) instead of Pascal. Like WEB, it consists of two primary programs: CTANGLE, which produces compilable C code from the source texts, and CWEAVE, which produces nicely-formatted printable documentation using TeX.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 425 CWEB repos on GitHub - Early development of CWEB happened in Stanford University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 53 users using CWEB in 53 repos on GitHub - CWEB on HOPL CWEB on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Tex, C, Java, Pascal - 1 PLDB concepts link to CWEB: Noweb \datethis @*Intro. This program generates clauses for the transition relation from time $t$ to time $t+1$ in Conway's Game of Life, assuming that all of the potentially live cells at time $t$ belong to a pattern that's specified in |stdin|. The pattern is defined by one or more lines representing rows of cells, where each line has `\..' in a cell that's guaranteed to be dead at time~$t$, otherwise it has `\.*'. The time is specified separately as a command-line parameter. The Boolean variable for cell $(x,y)$ at time $t$ is named by its so-called ``xty code,'' namely by the decimal value of~$x$, followed by a code letter for~$t$, followed by the decimal value of~$y$. For example, if $x=10$ and $y=11$ and $t=0$, the variable that indicates liveness of the cell is \.{10a11}; and the corresponding variable for $t=1$ is \.{10b11}. Up to 19 auxiliary variables are used together with each xty code, in order to construct clauses that define the successor state. The names of these variables are obtained by appending one of the following two-character combinations to the xty code: \.{A2}, \.{A3}, \.{A4}, \.{B1}, \.{B2}, \.{B3}, \.{B4}, \.{C1}, \.{C2}, \.{C3}, \.{C4}, \.{D1}, \.{D2}, \.{E1}, \.{E2}, \.{F1}, \.{F2}, \.{G1}, \.{G2}. These variables are derived from the Bailleux--Boufkhad method of encoding cardinality constraints: The auxiliary variable \.{A$k$} stands for the condition ``at least $k$ of the eight neighbors are alive.'' Similarly, \.{B$k$} stands for ``at least $k$ of the first four neighbors are alive,'' and \.{C$k$} accounts for the other four neighbors. Codes \.D, \.E, \.F, and~\.G refer to pairs of neighbors. Thus, for instance, \.{10a11C2} means that at least two of the last four neighbors of cell $(10,11)$ are alive. Those auxiliary variables receive values by means of up to 77 clauses per cell. For example, if $u$ and~$v$ are the neighbors of cell~$z$ that correspond to a pairing of type~\.D, there are six clauses $\bar u d_1,\quad \bar v d_1,\quad % This file is part of CWEB. % This program by Silvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth % is based on a program by Knuth. % It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, express or implied. % Version 3.64 --- January 2002 % Copyright (C) 1987,1990,1993,2000 Silvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth % Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this % document provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice % are preserved on all copies. % Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this % document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the % entire resulting derived work is given a different name and distributed % under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 724 3.6
Cwerg - Programming language Cwerg ===== Cwerg is a programming language created in 2019 by Robert Muth. 2019 Robert Muth #832 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The best C-like language that can be implemented in 10kLOC. - Tags: programming language - Cwerg is developed on GitHub and has 436 stars - Cwerg is written in Python, C++, Assembly language, C, Markdown, Make, WebAssembly, YAML, JavaScript, SVG, CMake, Bourne shell module: import fmt fun main(argc s32, argv ^^u8) s32: fmt::print#("hello world\n") return 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example fun main(argc s32, argv ^^u8) s32: -- initialized to false let! board = [DIM][DIM]bool{} let n = Solve(&!board, 0) fmt::print#(n, "\n") return 0 Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import fmt Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example global N uint = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token -- row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
cx - Programming language cx == cx is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3016 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of cx happened in - was registered in 2021 HackerNews discussions of cx ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Cx programming language: digital hardware design for developers||01/20/2015|106|47 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Cyber - Programming language Cyber ===== Cyber is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #469 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Cyber is a new language for fast, efficient, and concurrent scripting. - Tags: programming language - Cyber is developed on GitHub and has 1,142 stars - Cyber is written in Zig, C, Markdown, JavaScript, Lua, YAML, Python, CSS, Java, JSON, PHP, Ruby, Vim script, C++, XML, Perl, HTML, Bourne shell, WebAssembly, Go, Rust import m 'math' worlds = ['World', '世界', 'दुनिया'] worlds.append(m.random()) for worlds each w: print 'Hello, {w}!' func fib(n int) int: coyield if n < 2: return n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) count = 0 -- Counts iterations. fiber = coinit fib(30) while fiber.status() != #done: res = coresume fiber count += 1 print '{res} {count}' Language features ====================================================== row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example while fiber.status() != #done: res = coresume fiber count += 1 Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example count = 0 Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- Counts iterations. Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example count = 0 Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example print '{res} {count}' Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example func fib(n int) int: coyield if n ✓ Example Token row Feature hasForEachLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForEachLoops.html Supported ✓ Example for worlds each w: print 'Hello, {w}!' Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'World' Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import m 'math' Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 336 1.7
CYBIL - Programming language CYBIL ===== CYBIL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2633 on PLDB 44 Years Old Cybil (short for the Cyber Implementation Language of the Control Data Network Operating System) was a Pascal-like language developed at Control Data Corporation. Cybil was used as the implementation language for the NOS/VE operating system on the CDC Cyber series and was also used to write the eOS operating system for the ETA10 supercomputer in the 1980s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CYBIL happened in Control Data Corporation - CYBIL on HOPL CYBIL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
CYCL - Programming language CYCL ==== CYCL is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #1493 on PLDB 36 Years Old CycL in computer science and artificial intelligence is an ontology language used by Doug Lenat's Cyc artificial intelligence project. Ramanathan V. Guha was instrumental in the design of early versions of the language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of CYCL happened in Cycorp, Inc - CYCL on HOPL CYCL on HOPL - Read more about CYCL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. (#$relationAllExists #$biologicalMother #$ChordataPhylum #$FemaleAnimal) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Cyclone - Programming language Cyclone ======= Cyclone is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1061 on PLDB 23 Years Old The Cyclone programming language is intended to be a safe dialect of the C language. Cyclone is designed to avoid buffer overflows and other vulnerabilities that are possible in C programs, without losing the power and convenience of C as a tool for system programming. Cyclone development was started as a joint project of AT&T Labs Research and Greg Morrisett's group at Cornell in 2001. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Cyclone happened in AT&T - Cyclone on HOPL Cyclone on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) C, Rust, ML #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } char *itoa(int i) { char buf[20], *z; sprintf(buf,"%d",i); z = buf; return z; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
Cycript - Programming language Cycript ======= Cycript is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #925 on PLDB 16 Years Old 70 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 70 Cycript repos on GitHub - Early development of Cycript happened in SaurikIT, LLC - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 49 users using Cycript in 66 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Cycript - was registered in 2009 - Read more about Cycript on the web: 1. 1. (function(utils) { // Load C functions declared in utils.loadFuncs var shouldLoadCFuncs = true; // Expose the C functions to cycript's global scope var shouldExposeCFuncs = true; // Expose C constants to cycript's global scope var shouldExposeConsts = true; // Expose functions defined here to cycript's global scope var shouldExposeFuncs = true; // Which functions to expose var funcsToExpose = ["exec", "include", "sizeof", "logify", "apply", "str2voidPtr", "voidPtr2str", "double2voidPtr", "voidPtr2double", "isMemoryReadable", "isObject", "makeStruct"]; // C functions that utils.loadFuncs loads var CFuncsDeclarations = [ // <stdlib.h> "void *calloc(size_t num, size_t size)", // <string.h> "char *strcpy(char *restrict dst, const char *restrict src)", "char *strdup(const char *s1)", "void* memset(void* dest, int ch, size_t count)", // <stdio.h> "FILE *fopen(const char *, const char *)", "int fclose(FILE *)", "size_t fread(void *restrict, size_t, size_t, FILE *restrict)", "size_t fwrite(const void *restrict, size_t, size_t, FILE *restrict)", // <mach.h> "mach_port_t mach_task_self()", "kern_return_t task_for_pid(mach_port_name_t target_tport, int pid, mach_port_name_t *tn)", "kern_return_t mach_vm_protect(vm_map_t target_task, mach_vm_address_t address, mach_vm_size_t size, boolean_t set_maximum, vm_prot_t new_protection)", "kern_return_t mach_vm_write(vm_map_t target_task, mach_vm_address_t address, vm_offset_t data, mach_msg_type_number_t dataCnt)", "kern_return_t mach_vm_read(vm_map_t target_task, mach_vm_address_t address, mach_vm_size_t size, vm_offset_t *data, mach_msg_type_number_t *dataCnt)", ]; /* Replacement for eval that can handle @encode etc. Usage: cy# utils.exec("@encode(void *(int, char))") @encode(void*(int,char)) */ utils.exec = function(str) { var mkdir = @encode(int (const char *, int))(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "mkdir")); var tempnam = @encode(char *(const char *, const char *))(dlsym(R Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 483 2.4
Cymbal - Programming language Cymbal ====== Cymbal is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4917 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Cymbal on HOPL Cymbal on HOPL - Read more about Cymbal on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Cypher Query Language - Query language Cypher Query Language ===================== Cypher Query Language is a query language created in 2011. 2011 #716 on PLDB 13 Years Old Cypher is a declarative graph query language that allows for expressive and efficient querying and updating of a property graph. Cypher is a relatively simple but still very powerful language. Very complicated database queries can easily be expressed through Cypher. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Cypher Query Language happened in Neo4j - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Cypher Query Language - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Cypher Query Language - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Cypher Query Language - See also: (2 related languages) SQL, SPARQL MATCH (start:Content)-[:RELATED_CONTENT]->(content:Content) WHERE content.source = 'user' OPTIONAL MATCH (content)-[r]-() DELETE r, content ALL AND AS ASC ASCENDING BY CALL CASE CONTAINS CREATE DELETE DESC DESCENDING DETACH DISTINCT ELSE END ENDS EXISTS IN IS LIMIT MANDATORY MATCH MERGE NOT ON ON OPTIONAL OR ORDER REMOVE RETURN SET SKIP STARTS THEN UNION UNWIND WHEN WHERE WITH XOR YIELD Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
CypherText - Programming language CypherText ========== CypherText is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3970 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of CypherText happened in The Cyphernetics Corporation - CypherText on HOPL CypherText on HOPL - Read more about CypherText on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Cython - Programming language Cython ====== Cython is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #162 on PLDB 17 Years Old 698 Repos Cython is a superset of the Python programming language, designed to give C-like performance with code which is mostly written in Python. Cython is a compiled language that generates CPython extension modules. These extension modules can then be loaded and used by regular Python code using the import statement. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 698 Cython repos on GitHub - Cython is a superset of Python - Early development of Cython happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 528 users using Cython in 580 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Cython - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Cython - See also: (9 related languages) Python, C, Linux, Pyrex, Sage, XML, SciPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn - 14 PLDB concepts link to Cython: Apache Arrow, atomspace, Chapel, edgedb, Fardlang, HHVM, Horse64, Impala, Pandas, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Sqlalchemy, TensorFlow, tornado In [1]: %load_ext Cython In [2]: %%cython ...: def f(n): ...: a = 0 ...: for i in range(n): ...: a += i ...: return a ...: ...: cpdef g(int n): ...: cdef int a = 0, i ...: for i in range(n): ...: a += i ...: return a ...: In [3]: %timeit f(1000000) 42.7 ms ± 783 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each) In [4]: %timeit g(1000000) 74 µs ± 16.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 362 1.8
cytosol - Programming language cytosol ======= cytosol is a programming language created in 2020 by tiatomee. 2020 tiatomee #3192 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A programming language somewhat resembling cellular processes. - Tags: programming language - cytosol is developed on GitHub and has 34 stars - cytosol is written in Rust, TOML, YAML, Markdown, C, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
D data language specification - Query language D data language specification ============================= D data language specification is a query language created in 1994. 1994 #3310 on PLDB 30 Years Old D is a set of prescriptions for what Christopher J. Date and Hugh Darwen believe a relational database management system ought to be like. It is proposed in their paper The Third Manifesto, first published in 1994 and elaborated on in several books since then.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of D data language specification happened in IBM - See also: (1 related languages) C# Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
D - Programming language D = D is a programming language created in 2001 by Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu. 2001 Walter Bright Andrei Alexandrescu #56 on PLDB 23 Years Old 13k Repos The D programming language is an object-oriented, imperative, multi-paradigm system programming language created by Walter Bright of Digital Mars and released in 2001. Bright was joined in the design and development effort in 2007 by Andrei Alexandrescu. Though it originated as a re-engineering of C++, D is a distinct language, having redesigned some core C++ features while also taking inspiration from other languages, notably Java, Python, Ruby, C#, and Eiffel. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 13,224 D repos on GitHub - Early development of D happened in Digital Mars - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 6k users using D in 7k repos on GitHub - Check out the 7 D meetup groups on - There are 243 Project Euler users using D - Explore D snippets on Rosetta Code - D is supported by the GDB - D on HOPL D on HOPL - D ranks #26 in the TIOBE Index - D Ubuntu package D Ubuntu package - D LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting D - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for D - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for D - D appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn D on exercism. - There is a central package repository for D - was registered in 2010 - See also: (23 related languages) FreeBSD, Linux, C, C#, Eiffel, Java, Python, MiniD, Vala, Swift, Genie, Ruby, Assembly language, LLVM IR, CIL, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Emacs, Vim, TextMate, Visual Studio Code, GDB, UTF-8 - 27 PLDB concepts link to D: Alma, Chapel, DRAKON, dub-pm, Encore, Erlang, Flow9, GCC, GHC, invokator, Iode, Java, Julia, mal, MongoDB, MonkeyX, Open Shading Language, Perl, PHP, Pony, PostgreSQL, Pygments, Python, Ruby, Rust, Swift, Volt // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("Hello, world!"); } // Hello World in D import std.stdio; void main() { writefln("Hello World!"); } unittest { } 1 import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.string; 2 3 void main() 4 { 5 dstring[][dstring] signs2words; 6 7 foreach(dchar[] w; lines(File("words.txt"))) 8 { 9 w = w.chomp().toLower(); 10 immutable key = w.dup.sort().release().idup; 11 signs2words[key] ~= w.idup; 12 } 13 14 foreach(words; signs2words) 15 if(words.length > 1) 16 writefln(words.join(" ")); 17 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[Bb][01_]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // (0|[1-9][0-9_]*)([LUu]|Lu|LU|uL|UL)? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F_]*\.[0-9a-fA-F_]+|[0-9a-fA-F_]+)[pP][+\-]?[0-9_]+[fFL]?[i]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F_]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[0-7_]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /+ A comment +/ Token /+ +/ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Templates FeatureLink ../features/hasTemplates.html Supported ✓ Example template TCopy(T) { void copy(out T to, T from) { to = from; } } int i; TCopy!(int).copy(i, 3); Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 761 3.8
D2 - Text markup language D2 == D2, aka Declarative Diagramming, is a text markup language created in 1995. 1995 #2249 on PLDB 29 Years Old D2 is a domain-specific language (DSL) that stands for Declarative Diagramming. Declarative, as in, you write in text what you want diagrammed, we generate it. - Tags: text markup language - Early development of D2 happened in Terrastruct, Inc - See also: (1 related languages) DOT - Read more about D2 on the web: 1. 1. aws: { load_balancer -> api api -> db } gcloud: { auth -> db } gcloud -> aws explanation: |md # Why do we use AWS? - It has more uptime than GCloud - We have free credits | { near: aws } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
D3.js - Library D3.js ===== D3.js is an open source library created in 2010 by Mike Bostock. 2010 Mike Bostock #216 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone D3.js (or just D3 for Data-Driven Documents) is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers. It makes use of the widely implemented SVG, HTML5, and CSS standards. It is the successor to the earlier Protovis framework. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - D3.js is developed on GitHub and has 108,187 stars - Early development of D3.js happened in - D3.js is written in Markdown, JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, YAML, CSV, Bourne shell, CSS, SVG - was registered in 2011 - See also: (10 related languages) JavaScript, SVG, CSS, ActionScript, HTML, JSON, CSV, GeoJSON, JQuery, Observable // Data var countriesData = [ { name:"Ireland", income:53000, life: 78, pop:6378, color: "black"}, { name:"Norway", income:73000, life: 87, pop:5084, color: "blue" }, { name:"Tanzania", income:27000, life: 50, pop:3407, color: "grey" } ]; // Create SVG container var svg ="#hook").append("svg") .attr("width", 120) .attr("height", 120) .style("background-color", "#D0D0D0"); // Create SVG elements from data svg.selectAll("circle") // create virtual circle template .data(countriesData) // bind data .enter() // for each row in data... .append("circle") // bind circle & data row such that... .attr("id", function(d) { return }) // set the circle's id according to the country name .attr("cx", function(d) { return d.income / 1000 }) // set the circle's horizontal position according to income .attr("cy", function(d) { return }) // set the circle's vertical position according to life expectancy .attr("r", function(d) { return d.pop / 1000 *2 }) // set the circle's radius according to country's population .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.color }); // set the circle's color according to country's color Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 436 2.2
D4 - Programming language D4 == D4 is an open source programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2545 on PLDB 23 Years Old Dataphor is an open-source truly-relational database management system (RDBMS) and its accompanying user interface technologies, which together are designed to provide highly declarative software application development. The Dataphor Server has its own storage engine or it can be a virtual, or federated, DBMS, meaning that it can utilize other database engines for storage. Dataphor has been praised for its adherence to relational principles, more closely so than any SQL product.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of D4 happened in Softwise Inc - See also: (4 related languages) C#, SQL, Pascal, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
D4 - Query language D4 == D4 is a query language created in 2001. 2001 #4918 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about D4 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
DAD - Programming language DAD === DAD is a programming language created in 2015 by Scott Ambler and Mark Lines. 2015 Scott Ambler Mark Lines #2517 on PLDB 9 Years Old Disciplined agile delivery (DAD) is the software development portion of the Disciplined Agile Toolkit. DAD enables teams to make simplified process decisions around incremental and iterative solution delivery. DAD builds on the many practices espoused by advocates of agile software development, including scrum, agile modeling, lean software development, and others.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Read more about DAD on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
Dafny - Programming language Dafny ===== Dafny is an open source programming language created in 2009 by K. Rustan M. Leino. 2009 K. Rustan M. Leino #212 on PLDB 15 Years Old 157 Repos git clone Dafny is an imperative compiled language that targets C# and supports formal specification through preconditions, postconditions, loop invariants and loop variants. The language combines ideas primarily from the Functional and Imperative paradigms, and includes limited support for Object-Oriented Programming. Features include generic classes, dynamic allocation, inductive datatypes and a variation of separation logic known as implicit dynamic frames for reasoning about side effects. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Dafny is developed on GitHub and has 2,853 stars - There are at least 157 Dafny repos on GitHub - Early development of Dafny happened in Microsoft - Dafny is written in C#, Markdown, Java, YAML, F#, TOML, Python, Go, XML, HTML, Make, Bash, JavaScript, Tex, Bourne shell, Gradle, CSS, JSON, Rust, Diff, SVG - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using Dafny in 1 repos on GitHub - Explore Dafny snippets on Rosetta Code - Dafny Ubuntu package Dafny Ubuntu package - Dafny appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (5 related languages) C#, Spec Sharp, Apache Spark, Idris, Agda method Main() { print "Hello, world!\n"; } // Hello world in Dafny method Main() { print "Hello, World!\n"; } datatype List = Nil | Link(data:int,next:List) function sum(l:List): int { match l case Nil => 0 case Link(d,n) => d + sum(n) } predicate isNatList(l:List) { match l case Nil => true case Link(d,n) => d >= 0 && isNatList(n) } ghost method NatSumLemma(l:List, n:int) requires isNatList(l) && n == sum(l) ensures n >= 0 { match l case Nil => // Discharged Automatically case Link(data,next) => { // Apply Inductive Hypothesis NatSumLemma(next,sum(next)); // Check what known by Dafny assert data >= 0; } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 464 2.3
DAG - Programming language DAG === DAG is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3971 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DAG happened in Bell Labs - DAG on HOPL DAG on HOPL - Read more about DAG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Daisy Systems - Programming language Daisy Systems ============= Daisy Systems is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3647 on PLDB 41 Years Old Daisy Systems Corporation incorporated in 1981 in Mountain View, California, was a computer-aided engineering, company, a pioneer in the electronic design automation (EDA) industry. It was a manufacturer of computer hardware and software for EDA, including schematic capture, logic simulation, parameter extraction and other tools for printed circuit board design and semiconductor chip layout. In mid-1980s, it had a subsidiary in Germany, Daisy Systems GmbH and one in Israel. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Daisy Systems happened in Daisy Systems Corporation - See also: (2 related languages) Unix, VHDL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Dak - Programming language Dak === Dak is a programming language created in 2022 by Naitik Shah. 2022 Naitik Shah #1292 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Dak is a Lisp like language that transpiles to JavaScript. - Tags: programming language - Dak is developed on GitHub and has 92 stars - Early development of Dak happened in - Dak compiles to JavaScript - Dak is written in JavaScript, YAML, CSS, Markdown, JSON, TOML, SVG ; Functions are varied and colorful. ; Simple function: (fn add [a b] (+ a b)) (prn (add 40 1)) ; Async function: (fn@ add-promises [a b] (+ @a @b)) (prn @(add-promises (Promise.resolve 40) (Promise.resolve 2))) ; Generator function: (fn* powers [n count] (let [current 1] (for [i 0 count] (yield (*= current n))))) (for-of [v (powers 2 5)] (prn v)) ; Async generator function: (fn@* foo [a b] (yield (inc @a)) (yield (inc @b))) (for@ [v (foo (Promise.resolve 41) (Promise.resolve -43))] (prn v)) ; Exported function: (fn ^:export plus [a b] (+ a b)) ; Exported default function: (fn ^:export ^:default [a b] (- a b)) ; Declaration syntax: (fn ^:decl TheClass [a] (set this.answer a)) (prn (TheClass. 42)) ; Explicit return is available: (fn until [a] (while true (if (= (++ a) 42) (return :boom)))) (prn :returned (until 40)) ; Yield & Yield* are available: (fn* it [a] (yield (++ a)) (yield* [(++ a) (++ a)])) (for-of [v (it 39)] (prn "it:" v)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 304 1.5
Dale - Programming language Dale ==== Dale is a programming language created in 2013 by tomhrr. 2013 tomhrr #470 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Lisp-flavoured C - Tags: programming language - Dale is developed on GitHub and has 1,024 stars - Dale is written in DIET, Perl, C++, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, CMake, Vim script, Dockerfile Language features ====================================================== row Feature References FeatureLink ../features/hasReferences.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Manual Memory Management FeatureLink ../features/hasManualMemoryManagement.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
dalvik-bytecode - Bytecode format dalvik-bytecode =============== dalvik-bytecode is a bytecode format created in 2008. 2008 #4797 on PLDB 16 Years Old Dalvik bytecode format is still used as a distribution format, but no longer at runtime in newer Android versions - Tags: bytecode format - Read more about dalvik-bytecode on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
DAML+OIL - Programming language DAML+OIL ======== DAML+OIL is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2958 on PLDB 23 Years Old DAML+OIL is a successor language to DAML and OIL that combines features of both. In turn, it was superseded by Web Ontology Language (OWL). DAML stands for DARPA Agent Markup Language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DAML+OIL happened in DARPA - DAML+OIL on HOPL DAML+OIL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) OWL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
DARPA Agent Markup Language - Xml format DARPA Agent Markup Language =========================== DARPA Agent Markup Language, aka DARPA Agent Markup Language, is a xml format created in 1999. 1999 #2061 on PLDB 25 Years Old The DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) was the name of a US funding program at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) started in 1999 by then-Program Manager James Hendler, and later run by Murray Burke, Mark Greaves and Michael Pagels. The program focused on the creation of machine-readable representations for the Web. One of the Investigators working on the program was Tim Berners-Lee and to a great degree through his influence, working with the program managers, the effort worked to create technologies and demonstrations for what is now called the Semantic Web and this in turn led to the growth of Knowledge Graph technology. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of DARPA Agent Markup Language happened in DARPA - DARPA Agent Markup Language on HOPL DARPA Agent Markup Language on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
DAMN - Programming language DAMN ==== DAMN is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3363 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DAMN happened in University of Michigan - DAMN on HOPL DAMN on HOPL - Read more about DAMN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
daonode - Programming language daonode ======= daonode is a programming language created in 2011 by Simeon Chaos. 2011 Simeon Chaos #1870 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone functional logic solver and compiler - Tags: programming language - daonode is developed on GitHub and has 26 stars - Early development of daonode happened in - daonode is written in CoffeeScript, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, CSS, JSON, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
DAP-Algol - Programming language DAP-Algol ========= DAP-Algol is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3972 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DAP-Algol happened in University of Liverpool - DAP-Algol on HOPL DAP-Algol on HOPL - Read more about DAP-Algol on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
DAP FORTRAN - Programming language DAP FORTRAN =========== DAP FORTRAN is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #2690 on PLDB 49 Years Old DAP FORTRAN was an extension of the non IO parts of FORTRAN with constructs that supported parallel computing for the ICL Distributed Array Processor (DAP). The DAP had a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) architecture with 64x64 single bit processors. DAP FORTRAN had the following major features: It had matrix and vector operations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DAP FORTRAN happened in International Computers Limited - DAP FORTRAN on HOPL DAP FORTRAN on HOPL C Multiply vector by matrix REAL M(,), V(), R() R = SUM(M*MATR(A)) C Converge to a Laplace potential in an area REAL P(,), OLD_P(,) LOGICAL INSIDE(,) DO 1 K = 1, ITERATIONS OLD_P = P P(INSIDE) = 0.25*(P(,+)+P(,-)+P(+,)+P(-,)) IF (MAX(ABS(P-OLD_P)) .LT. EPS) RETURN 1 CONTINUE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
Daplex - Programming language Daplex ====== Daplex is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4497 on PLDB 45 Years Old Daplex is a computer language introduced in 1981 by David Shipman of the Computer Corporation of America. Daplex was designed for creating distributed database systems and can be used as a global query language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Daplex happened in Computer Corporation of America Type EMPLOYEE is entity Name: string SSN: integer ADDRESS: string SALARY: Float end entity; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Darcs Advanced Revision Control System - Version control application Darcs Advanced Revision Control System ====================================== Darcs Advanced Revision Control System, aka Darcs Advanced Revision Control System, is a version control application created in 2003 by David Roundy. 2003 David Roundy #1469 on PLDB 21 Years Old Darcs is a free and open source, cross-platform version control system, like git, mercurial or svn but with a very different approach: focus on changes rather than snapshots. Darcs offers a freer way of working, and a simpler user interface. Darcs does not require a central server, and works perfectly in offline mode. - Tags: versionControlApplication - Early development of Darcs Advanced Revision Control System happened in - Darcs Advanced Revision Control System is written in Haskell - There are 0 members in the Darcs Advanced Revision Control System subreddit - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Darcs Advanced Revision Control System Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
DarkBASIC - Programming language DarkBASIC ========= DarkBASIC is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #1906 on PLDB 24 Years Old The Game Creators Ltd (formerly Dark Basic Software Limited) is a British software house based in Macclesfield, England, which specialises in software for video game development. The company was established in March 1999 through a partnership between programmers Lee Bamber and Richard Vanner.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DarkBASIC happened in - DarkBASIC on HOPL DarkBASIC on HOPL - Read more about DarkBASIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
darklang - Programming language darklang ======== darklang is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2710 on PLDB 5 Years Old A language built for deployless backends - Tags: programming language - Early development of darklang happened in - was registered in 2017 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Typed Holes FeatureLink ../features/hasTypedHoles.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
dart-pm - Package manager dart-pm ======= dart-pm is a package manager created in 2011. 2011 #2711 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of dart-pm happened in Google Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Dart - Programming language Dart ==== Dart is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Lars Bak. 2011 Lars Bak #38 on PLDB 13 Years Old 738k Repos Dart is a general-purpose programming language originally developed by Google and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-408). It is used to build web, server and mobile applications, and for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It is open-source software under a permissive free software license (modified BSD license). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 737,948 Dart repos on GitHub - Early development of Dart happened in Google - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Dart in 6k repos on GitHub - There are 35,109 members in the Dart subreddit - There are 54 Project Euler users using Dart - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Dart programmers reported a median salary of $32,986. 6% of respondents reported using Dart. 4,965 programmers reported using Dart, and 7,018 said they wanted to use it - Explore Dart snippets on Rosetta Code - Dart ranks #22 in the TIOBE Index - Dart LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Dart - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Dart - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Dart - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Dart - Learn Dart on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Dart - has 208 matches for "dart developer". - was registered in 2011 - See also: (24 related languages) C#, Erlang, JavaScript, Smalltalk, Strongtalk, C, Android, iOS, Eclipse, Linux, Sublime Text, Emacs, Vim, Visual Studio Code, Algol, Ruby, Self, CoffeeScript, Elm, Fantom, Go, Haxe, Opa, TypeScript - 9 PLDB concepts link to Dart: Ace Editor, buzz, Candy, FlatBuffers, mal, pointless, Pygments, SMC, Wren // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } int main(List<String> args) { return square(int.fromEnvironment("input")); } void main() { print('Hello, world!'); } main() { print('Hello World'); } // Hello world in Dart main() { print('Hello world!'); } import 'dart:math' as math; class Point { num x, y; Point(this.x, this.y); num distanceTo(Point other) { var dx = x - other.x; var dy = y - other.y; return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } } void main() { var p = new Point(2, 3); var q = new Point(3, 4); print('distance from p to q = ${p.distanceTo(q)}'); } // Import the math library to get access to the sqrt function. import 'dart:math' as math; // Create a class for Point. class Point { // Final variables cannot be changed once they are assigned. // Create two instance variables. final num x, y; // A constructor, with syntactic sugar for setting instance variables. Point(this.x, this.y); // A named constructor with an initializer list. Point.origin() : x = 0, y = 0; // A method. num distanceTo(Point other) { var dx = x - other.x; var dy = y - other.y; return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } // Example of Operator Overloading Point operator +(Point other) => new Point(x + other.x, y + other.y); } // All Dart programs start with main(). void main() { // Instantiate point objects. var p1 = new Point(10, 10); var p2 = new Point.origin(); var distance = p1.distanceTo(p2); print(distance); } abstract as assert async await break case catch class const continue covariant default deferred do dynamic else enum export extends external factory false final finally for get if implements import in is library new null operator part rethrow return set static super switch sync this throw true try typedef var void while with yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example print('Hello, World!'); Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import 'file-system.dart'; import 'dart:math' as math; Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // Hi /* Assume address is not null. */ Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 936 4.7
DartCVL - Programming language DartCVL ======= DartCVL is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3973 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DartCVL happened in Dartmouth College - DartCVL on HOPL DartCVL on HOPL - Read more about DartCVL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Dartmouth BASIC - Programming language Dartmouth BASIC =============== Dartmouth BASIC is a programming language created in 1964 by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. 1964 John G. Kemeny Thomas E. Kurtz #2009 on PLDB 60 Years Old Dartmouth BASIC is the original version of the BASIC programming language. It is so named because it was designed and implemented at Dartmouth College by John Kemény and Thomas Kurtz. It was developed as part of the Dartmouth Time Sharing System (DTSS) and was one of the first programming languages intended to be used interactively. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dartmouth BASIC happened in Dartmouth College - Dartmouth BASIC on HOPL Dartmouth BASIC on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Algol, BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, True BASIC, ACT-III, ALGOL 60, ASCII, HP Time-Shared BASIC, BASIC-PLUS, Altair BASIC 5 LET S = 0 10 MAT INPUT V 20 LET N = NUM 30 IF N = 0 THEN 99 40 FOR I = 1 TO N 45 LET S = S + V(I) 50 NEXT I 60 PRINT S/N 70 GO TO 5 99 END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
DAS - Programming language DAS === DAS is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #3099 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DAS happened in Martin Company - DAS on HOPL DAS on HOPL - Read more about DAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Dasel - Query language Dasel ===== Dasel, aka DAta SELector, is a query language created in 2020 by Tom Wright. 2020 Tom Wright #619 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A tool to query and modify data structures using selectors. - Tags: queryLanguage, library - Dasel is developed on GitHub and has 6,817 stars - Dasel is written in Go, YAML, JSON, Markdown, XML, Bourne shell, Python, Dockerfile - See also: (1 related languages) jq echo '{"name": "Tom"}' | dasel -r json 'name' "Tom" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Dashrep - Programming language Dashrep ======= Dashrep is a programming language created in 2011 by Richard Fobes. 2011 Richard Fobes #2051 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Dashrep™, the text-manipulation programming language that is powerful and fast, yet simple - Tags: programming language - Dashrep is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Early development of Dashrep happened in - Dashrep is written in Perl, HTML, C++, YAML, XML animal-type: dolphin ---- characteristic-for-dolphin: talkative ---- start-here: The animal-type is characteristic-for fenambee animal-type amenn no-space . ---- Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Distributed Application Specification Language - Programming language Distributed Application Specification Language ============================================== Distributed Application Specification Language, aka Distributed Application Specification Language, is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2114 on PLDB 25 Years Old The DASL Programming Language (Distributed Application Specification Language) is a high-level, strongly typed programming language originally developed at Sun Microsystems Laboratories between 1999 and 2003 as part of the Ace Project. The goals of the project were to enable rapid development of web-based applications based on Sun's J2EE architecture, and to eliminate the steep learning curve of platform-specific details. DASL defines an application as a domain model with one or more logical presentation models, where a logical presentation model consists of a choreography of the domain model objects described in a set of forms with attached actions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Distributed Application Specification Language happened in Sun Microsystems Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Dasm - Assembly language Dasm ==== Dasm is an assembly language created in 1988. 1988 #1142 on PLDB 36 Years Old git clone Macro assembler with support for several 8-bit microprocessors - Tags: assembly language - Dasm is developed on GitHub and has 208 stars - Early development of Dasm happened in - Dasm is written in Assembly language, C, Tex, Make, Bourne shell, Python, YAML, Dockerfile - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Dasm Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
dat-protocol - Protocol dat-protocol ============ dat-protocol is a protocol created in 2013 by Max Ogden. 2013 Max Ogden #486 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone :floppy_disk: peer-to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line - Tags: protocol - dat-protocol is developed on GitHub and has 8,236 stars - Early development of dat-protocol happened in - dat-protocol is written in JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON, Bourne shell, CSV - was registered in 2019 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
Data Access Language - Programming language Data Access Language ==================== Data Access Language is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3768 on PLDB 34 Years Old Data Access Language, or simply DAL, was a SQL-like language and application programming interface released by Apple Computer in 1990 to provide unified client/server access to database management systems. It was known for poor performance and high costs, something Apple did little to address over its short lifetime, before it was sold off in 1994. DAL is used as the native SQL dialect of the PrimeBase SQL server, as well as the now-defunct Butler SQL.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Data Access Language happened in Apple - See also: (5 related languages) SQL, Unix, PL/SQL, Transact-SQL, HyperCard Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Data General Business Basic - Programming language Data General Business Basic =========================== Data General Business Basic is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3782 on PLDB 54 Years Old Data General Business Basic was a BASIC interpreter (based on MAI Basic Four's version) developed by Data General for their Nova minicomputer in the 1970s, and later ported to the Data General Eclipse MV and AViiON computers. Most business applications for the Nova were developed in Business Basic. Business Basic was an integer-only language inspired by COBOL, and contained powerful string-handling functions and the ability to manipulate indexed files very quickly. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Data General Business Basic happened in Data General Corporation - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, COBOL, B32 Business Basic, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
DATA-TEXT - Programming language DATA-TEXT ========= DATA-TEXT is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3974 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DATA-TEXT happened in Harvard University - DATA-TEXT on HOPL DATA-TEXT on HOPL - Read more about DATA-TEXT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
DATABUS - Programming language DATABUS ======= DATABUS is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #1903 on PLDB 52 Years Old Programming Language for Business or PL/B is a business-oriented programming language originally called DATABUS and designed by Datapoint in 1972[2] as an alternative to COBOL because Datapoint's 8-bit computers could not fit COBOL into their limited memory, and because COBOL did not at the time have facilities to deal with Datapoint's built-in keyboard and screen.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DATABUS happened in Datapoint Corporation - DATABUS on HOPL DATABUS on HOPL - Read more about DATABUS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Dataflex - Programming language Dataflex ======== Dataflex is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #1807 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dataflex happened in Data Access Worldwide - Dataflex on HOPL Dataflex on HOPL - Read more about Dataflex on the web: 1. 1. /tela Hello World /* clearscreen page tela Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
datafun - Programming language datafun ======= datafun is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Michael Arntzenius. 2015 Michael Arntzenius #999 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone It's a simple, pure, and total functional language that generalizes Datalog. Datafun's superpower is that it can concisely and declaratively express and compute fixed points of monotone maps on semilattices. - Tags: programming language - datafun is developed on GitHub and has 384 stars - Early development of datafun happened in University of Birmingham - datafun is written in Tex, OCaml, Agda, Racket, Make, Markdown, Haskell, Bash, Bourne shell, Python, Rust, JSON, TOML - Read more about datafun on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
Datalisp - Programming language Datalisp ======== Datalisp is a programming language created in 2020 by ilmu. 2020 ilmu #4606 on PLDB 4 Years Old Canonical S-expressions and logic programming for metaprogramming. - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Datalog - Programming language Datalog ======= Datalog is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #399 on PLDB 47 Years Old Datalog is a declarative logic programming language that syntactically is a subset of Prolog. It is often used as a query language for deductive databases. In recent years, Datalog has found new application in data integration, information extraction, networking, program analysis, security, and cloud computing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Datalog happened in University of Maryland - Explore Datalog snippets on Rosetta Code - Datalog on HOPL Datalog on HOPL - See also: (15 related languages) Prolog, Java, OWL, C, Python, Ruby, Lua, Clojure, Racket, Tcl, Haskell, .QL, RDF, SPARQL, Datomic - Read more about Datalog on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. - 2 PLDB concepts link to Datalog: Datomic, Yedalog parent(john, douglas). % store some data parent(john, douglas)? % run a query ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y). ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z),ancestor(Z,Y). Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
DATAN - Programming language DATAN ===== DATAN is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #3975 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DATAN happened in Boeing - DATAN on HOPL DATAN on HOPL - Read more about DATAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Data Package - Json format Data Package ============ Data Package is a json format created in 2007 by Paul Walsh and Rufus Pollock. 2007 Paul Walsh Rufus Pollock #3976 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: jsonFormat - Early development of Data Package happened in Open Knowledge Foundation - Read more about Data Package on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language - Programming language Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language ===================================== Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #2634 on PLDB 42 Years Old DASL (Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language) was a programming language and compiler proprietary to Datapoint. Primarily influenced by Pascal with some C touches, it was created in the early 1980s by Gene Hughes. The compiler output was assembly language, which was typically processed through a peep-hole optimizer before the assembler and linker. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language happened in Datapoint Corporation - See also: (3 related languages) Pascal, C, Assembly language - Read more about Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
datascript - Query language datascript ========== datascript is a query language created in 2014. 2014 #358 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS - Tags: queryLanguage - datascript is developed on GitHub and has 5,432 stars - Early development of datascript happened in - datascript is written in Bourne shell, Clojure, JavaScript, Markdown, ClojureScript, HTML, YAML, SVG, JSON - 1 PLDB concepts link to datascript: Project Mentat (require '[datascript.core :as d]) ;; Implicit join, multi-valued attribute (let [schema {:aka {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}} conn (d/create-conn schema)] (d/transact! conn [ { :db/id -1 :name "Maksim" :age 45 :aka ["Max Otto von Stierlitz", "Jack Ryan"] } ]) (d/q '[ :find ?n ?a :where [?e :aka "Max Otto von Stierlitz"] [?e :name ?n] [?e :age ?a] ] @conn)) ;; => #{ ["Maksim" 45] } ;; Destructuring, function call, predicate call, query over collection Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 261 1.3
DATATRIEVE - Query language DATATRIEVE ========== DATATRIEVE is a query language created in 1970. 1970 #2557 on PLDB 54 Years Old DATATRIEVE is a database query and report writer tool from Hewlett-Packard. It runs on the OpenVMS operating system, as well as several PDP-11 operating systems. DATATRIEVE's command structure is nearly plain English, and it is an early example of a Fourth Generation Language (4GL). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of DATATRIEVE happened in DEC - DATATRIEVE on HOPL DATATRIEVE on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
DataWeave - Programming language DataWeave ========= DataWeave is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1385 on PLDB 10 Years Old 1k Repos DataWeave is the MuleSoft expression language for accessing and transforming data received through a Mule app. DataWeave is tightly integrated with Mule runtime, which runs the scripts and expressions in your Mule app. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,326 DataWeave repos on GitHub - Early development of DataWeave happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9 users using DataWeave in 9 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for DataWeave - Read more about DataWeave on the web: 1. 1. %dw 2.0 var number = 1234 fun foo(func,name="Mariano") = func(name) input payload application/test arg="value" output application/json --- { foo: "bar" } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
datev - Programming language datev ===== datev is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Markus Voelter and Sergej Koˇsˇcejev. 2017 Markus Voelter Sergej Koˇsˇcejev #1884 on PLDB 7 Years Old A Domain-Specific Language for Payroll Calculations - Tags: programming language - Early development of datev happened in DATEV eG - datev is written in MPS, kernel - Read more about datev on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Datomic - Query language Datomic ======= Datomic is a query language created in 2012. 2012 #2317 on PLDB 12 Years Old Datomic's query and rules system is an extended form of Datalog. Datalog is a deductive query system, typically consisting of: A database of facts; A set of rules for deriving new facts from existing facts; a query processor that, given some partial specification of a fact or rule: finds all matching facts. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Datomic happened in Cognitect - See also: (2 related languages) EDN, Datalog - 2 PLDB concepts link to Datomic: Datalog, Project Mentat [:find ?e :where [?e :age 42]] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Davinci Resolve - Application Davinci Resolve =============== Davinci Resolve is an open source application created in 2004. 2004 #4539 on PLDB 20 Years Old DaVinci Resolve is a proprietary color grading, color correction, visual effects, and audio post-production video editing application for macOS, Windows, and Linux, developed by Blackmagic Design. - Tags: application Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
DAX - Query language DAX === DAX, aka Data analysis expressions, is a query language created in 2009. 2009 #707 on PLDB 15 Years Old Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is the native formula and query language for Microsoft PowerPivot, Power BI Desktop and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) Tabular models. DAX includes some of the functions that are used in Excel formulas with additional functions that are designed to work with relational data and perform dynamic aggregation. It is, in part, an evolution of the Multidimensional Expression (MDX) language developed by Microsoft for Analysis Services multidimensional models (often called cubes) combined with Excel formula functions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of DAX happened in Microsoft - Monaco package for syntax highlighting DAX - See also: (1 related languages) Microsoft Excel EVALUATE ( FILTER ( 'DimProduct', [SafetyStockLevel] < 200 ) ) ORDER BY [EnglishProductName] ASC VAR RETURN NOT EVALUATE DATATABLE ORDER BY START AT DEFINE MEASURE ASC DESC IN BOOLEAN DOUBLE INTEGER DATETIME CURRENCY STRING Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
DBase - Application DBase ===== DBase is an open source application created in 1979. 1979 #820 on PLDB 45 Years Old dBase (also stylized dBASE) was one of the first database management systems for microcomputers, and the most successful in its day. The dBase system includes the core database engine, a query system, a forms engine, and a programming language that ties all of these components together. dBase's underlying file format, the .dbf file, is widely used in applications needing a simple format to store structured data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of DBase happened in dBase, LLC - was registered in 1995 - See also: (11 related languages) C, Clipper, FoxPRO, xBase, SQL, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System, Assembly language, Shapefile, Microsoft Excel, Emacs, Visual FoxPro ? "Hello World" i = 2 myMacro = "i + 10" i = &myMacro * comment: i now has the value 12 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
dbml - Text markup language dbml ==== dbml is a text markup language created in 2019. 2019 #3680 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: text markup language Table users { id integer username varchar role varchar created_at timestamp } Table posts { id integer [primary key] title varchar body text [note: 'Content of the post'] user_id integer status post_status created_at timestamp } Enum post_status { draft published private [note: 'visible via URL only'] } HackerNews discussions of dbml ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: DBML – simple DSL language to document database schemas||09/02/2019|57|16 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Dc - Programming language Dc == Dc, aka desk calculator, is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #907 on PLDB 46 Years Old dc (desk calculator) is a cross-platform reverse-polish calculator which supports arbitrary-precision arithmetic. It is one of the oldest Unix utilities, predating even the invention of the C programming language. Like other utilities of that vintage, it has a powerful set of features but terse syntax. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dc happened in Bell Labs - Explore Dc snippets on Rosetta Code - Dc on HOPL Dc on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Reverse Polish notation, Unix, C [Hello, world!] p [Hello World ]n #!/usr/bin/perl my ($g,$e,$m) = map { "\U$_" } @ARGV; die "$0 gen exp mod\n" unless $m; print `echo $g $e $m | dc -e ' # Hex input and output 16dio # Read m, e and g from stdin on one line ?SmSeSg # Function z: return g * top of stack [lg*]sz # Function Q: remove the top of the stack and return 1 [sb1q]sQ # Function X(e): recursively compute g^e % m # It is the same as Sm^Lm%, but handles arbitrarily large exponents. # Stack at entry: e # Stack at exit: g^e % m # Since e may be very large, this uses the property that g^e % m == # if( e == 0 ) # return 1 # x = (g^(e/2)) ^ 2 # if( e % 2 == 1 ) # x *= g # return x % [ d 0=Q # return 1 if e==0 (otherwise, stack: e) d 2% Sa # Store e%2 in a (stack: e) 2/ # compute e/2 lXx # call X(e/2) d* # compute X(e/2)^2 La1=z # multiply by g if e%2==1 lm % # compute (g^e) % m ] SX le # Load e from the register lXx # compute g^e % m p # Print the result '`; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 426 2.1
Data Communications ALGOL - Programming language Data Communications ALGOL ========================= Data Communications ALGOL is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3100 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Data Communications ALGOL happened in Burroughs Corporation - Data Communications ALGOL on HOPL Data Communications ALGOL on HOPL - Read more about Data Communications ALGOL on the web: 1. 1. BEGIN ARRAY DCREC [0:0]; MESSAGE BUSTER; QUEUE PRIMARY; INTEGER I1; POINTER P1; ALLOCATE (BUSTER, 8); BUSTER [0] := 0; I1 := DCWRITE (BUSTER, PRIMARY); %Initialize Primary Queue ALLOCATE (BUSTER, 9); BUSTER [0] := 0 & 4 [47:8] & 1 [31:1] & 1 [30:1] & 1 [29:1] & 1 [28:1] & 1 [27:1] & 1 [26:1] & 1 [25:1] & 472 [22:23]; I1 := DCWRITE (BUSTER); %Station Inquiry RESIZE (DCREC, SIZE (BUSTER) + 10, DISCARD); REPLACE P1:DCREC [1] BY POINTER (BUSTER [1], 8) FOR (SIZE (BUSTER) - 1) * 6; WHILE MYSELF.TASKVALUE = 0 DO DISPLAY ("HELLO WORLD"); %Duh END. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 247 1.2
Data Catalog Vocabulary - Schema Data Catalog Vocabulary ======================= Data Catalog Vocabulary is a schema created in 2014. 2014 #3777 on PLDB 10 Years Old Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. By using DCAT to describe datasets in catalogs, publishers increase discoverability and enable applications to consume metadata from multiple catalogs. It enables decentralized publishing of catalogs and facilitates federated dataset search across catalogs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: schema Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
DDA - Programming language DDA === DDA is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #1926 on PLDB 45 Years Old DDA may refer to: Dda (DNA-dependent ATPase), a DNA helicase Delhi Development Authority, the planning agency for Delhi, India Demand-driven acquisition, a model of library collection development Digital differential analyzer, a digital implementation of a differential analyzer Digital differential analyzer (graphics algorithm), a method of drawing lines on a computer screen Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Australian legislation Disability Discrimination Act 1995, UK legislation Discontinuous Deformation Analysis, an analysis procedure used in physics and engineering Discrete dipole approximation, method for computing scattering of radiation by particles of arbitrary shape Division on Dynamical Astronomy, a branch of the American Astronomical Society Doha Development Agenda of the World Trade Organization Dual Dynamic Acceleration, an Intel technology for increasing single-threaded performance on multi-core processors Dutch Dakota Association, a Dutch organisation dedicated to preserving and operating classic aircraft Dynamic difficulty adjustment or dynamic game difficulty balancing, a method of automatically adjusting video game difficulty based on player ability. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DDA happened in Bell Labs - DDA on HOPL DDA on HOPL - Read more about DDA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 286 1.4
DDF - Data notation DDF === DDF is a data notation created in 2016. 2016 #4798 on PLDB 8 Years Old DDF is a data model for collaborative harmonization of multidimensional statistics. - Tags: dataNotation - Read more about DDF on the web: 1. 1. ddf--datapoints--population--by--geo--year.csv ddf--datapoints--gdp--gdp_per_cap--by--geo--year--gender.csv ddf--datapoints--population--by--geo-usa-swe--year.csv ddf--datapoints--population--by--geo--year-2000.csv ddf--datapoints--population--by--geo-ukr--year-2001.csv Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
ddfql - Query language ddfql ===== ddfql is a query language created in 2016. 2016 #2569 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of ddfql happened in - Read more about ddfql on the web: 1. 1. { "select": { "key": ["geo", "year"], "value": [ "population", "life_expectancy", "gdp_per_cap", "gov_type" ] }, "from": "datapoints", "where": { "$or": [ { // implicit $and "geo": "$geo", "year": { "$eq": 2015 }, }, { "population": { "$gt": 100000 } }, { "gdp_per_cap": { "$gt": 1000 } }, { "$and": [ // explicit $and { "$and": [ { "geo": “$geo” } ], // redundant and { "gdp_per_cap": { "$gt": 400, "$lt": 500 } }, { "life_expectancy": { "$gt": 30, "$lt": 70 } } ]} ] }, "order_by": ["life_expectancy", "population"], "join": { "$geo": { key: "geo", where: { "is--country": true, "latitude": { "$lte": 0 }, } } }, "language": "en" } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 289 1.4
DDML - Xml format DDML ==== DDML, aka Document Definition Markup Language, is a xml format created in 1999. 1999 #2607 on PLDB 25 Years Old Document Definition Markup Language (DDML) is an XML schema language proposed in 1999 by various contributors from the xml-dev electronic mailing list. It was published only as a W3C Note, not a Recommendation, and never found favor with developers. DDML began as XSchema, a reformulation of XML DTDs as full XML documents, so that elements and attributes, rather than declarations, could be used to describe a schema. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of DDML happened in <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE "DocumentDef"> <DocumentDef FileExtension="ddm" prefix=""> <ElementDecl Name="DocumentDef" Root="Recommended"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> <Choice Frequency="ZeroOrMore"> <Ref Element="ElementDecl"/> <Ref Element="Model"/> <Ref Element="AttDef"/> <Ref Element="AttGroup"/> <Ref Element="Notation"/> <Ref Element="UnparsedEntity"/> <Ref Element="Enumeration"/> <Ref Element="DocumentDef"/> </Choice> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="xmlns" Required="Yes" AttValue=""/> <AttDef Name="DDML" prefix="xmlns" Required="Yes" AttValue=""/> <AttDef Name="ns"/> <AttDef Name="ElementNS"/> <AttDef Name="prefix" Type="Nmtoken"/> <AttDef Name="Version" Required="Yes" AttValue="1.0"/> <AttDef Name="MimeType" AttValue="application/xml"/> <AttDef Name="FileExtension" AttValue="xml"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="ElementDecl"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="Model"/> <Ref Element="AttGroup" Frequency="Optional"/> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="Name" Type="Nmtoken" Required="Yes"/> <AttDef Name="ns"/> <AttDef Name="prefix" Type="Nmtoken"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> <AttDef Name="Root" Type="Enumerated" AttValue="Possible"> <Enumeration> <EnumerationValue Value="Recommended"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Possible"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Unlikely"/> </Enumeration> </AttDef> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Model"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> <Choice> <Ref Element="Ref"/> <Ref Element="Choice"/> <Ref Element="Seq"/> <Ref Element="Empty"/> <Ref Element="Any"/> <Ref Element="PCData"/> <Ref Element="Mixed"/> </Choice> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Empty"> <Model> <Empty/> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Any"> <Model> <Empty/> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="PCData"> <Model> <Empty/> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Ref"> <Model> <Empty/> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="Element" Type="Nmtoken" Required="Yes"/> <AttDef Name="ElementNS"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> <AttDef Name="Frequency" Type="Enumerated" AttValue="Required"> <Enumeration> <EnumerationValue Value="Required"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Optional"/> <EnumerationValue Value="ZeroOrMore"/> <EnumerationValue Value="OneOrMore"/> </Enumeration> </AttDef> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Mixed"> <Model> <Ref Element="Ref" Frequency="OneOrMore"/> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="ElementNS"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> <AttDef Name="Frequency" Type="Enumerated" Required="Yes" AttValue="ZeroOrMore"> <Enumeration> <EnumerationValue Value="ZeroOrMore"/> </Enumeration> </AttDef> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Choice"> <Model> <Seq> <Choice> <Ref Element="Seq"/> <Ref Element="Ref"/> <Ref Element="Model"/> </Choice> <Choice Frequency="OneOrMore"> <Ref Element="Seq"/> <Ref Element="Ref"/> <Ref Element="Model"/> </Choice> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="ElementNS"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> <AttDef Name="Frequency" Type="Enumerated" AttValue="Required"> <Enumeration> <EnumerationValue Value="Required"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Optional"/> <EnumerationValue Value="ZeroOrMore"/> <EnumerationValue Value="OneOrMore"/> </Enumeration> </AttDef> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Seq"> <Model> <Seq> <Choice> <Ref Element="Choice"/> <Ref Element="Ref"/> <Ref Element="Model"/> </Choice> <Choice Frequency="OneOrMore"> <Ref Element="Choice"/> <Ref Element="Ref"/> <Ref Element="Model"/> </Choice> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="ElementNS"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> <AttDef Name="Frequency" Type="Enumerated" AttValue="Required"> <Enumeration> <EnumerationValue Value="Required"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Optional"/> <EnumerationValue Value="ZeroOrMore"/> <EnumerationValue Value="OneOrMore"/> </Enumeration> </AttDef> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="AttGroup"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> <Choice Frequency="ZeroOrMore"> <Ref Element="AttDef"/> <Ref Element="AttGroup"/> </Choice> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="ns"/> <AttDef Name="prefix" Type="Nmtoken"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="AttDef"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="Enumeration" Frequency="Optional"/> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="Name" Type="Nmtoken" Required="Yes"/> <AttDef Name="ns"/> <AttDef Name="prefix" Type="Nmtoken"/> <AttDef Name="Type" Type="Enumerated" AttValue="CData"> <Enumeration> <EnumerationValue Value="CData"/> <EnumerationValue Value="ID"/> <EnumerationValue Value="IDRef"/> <EnumerationValue Value="IDRefs"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Entity"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Entities"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Nmtoken"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Nmtokens"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Notation"/> <EnumerationValue Value="Enumerated"/> </Enumeration> </AttDef> <AttDef Name="Required" Type="Enumeration" AttValue="No"> <Enumeration> <EnumerationValue Value="Yes"/> <EnumerationValue Value="No"/> </Enumeration> </AttDef> <AttDef Name="AttValue"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Enumeration"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequen cy="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="EnumerationValue" Frequency="OneOrMore"/> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="EnumerationValue"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="Value" Required="Yes"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Notation"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="Name" Type="Nmtoken" Required="Yes"/> <AttDef Name="PubidLiteral"/> <AttDef Name="SystemLiteral"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="UnparsedEntity"> <Model> <Seq> <Ref Element="Doc" Frequency="Optional"/> <Ref Element="More" Frequency="Optional"/> </Seq> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="Name" Type="Nmtoken" Required="Yes"/> <AttDef Name="SystemLiteral" Required="Yes"/> <AttDef Name="PubidLiteral"/> <AttDef Name="Notation" Type="Nmtoken" Required="Yes"/> <AttDef Name="id" Type="ID"/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="Doc" prefix="DDML"> <Model> <!-- The struct model from IBTWSH goes here. Defining IBTWSH in DDML is left as an exercise to the reader. ; --> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="xmlns" Required="Yes" AttValue=""/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> <ElementDecl Name="More" prefix="DDML"> <Model> <Any/> </Model> <AttGroup> <AttDef Name="xmlns" AttValue=""/> </AttGroup> </ElementDecl> </DocumentDef> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2115 10.6
DDP - Programming language DDP === DDP is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #1461 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone The German Programming Language - Tags: programming language - DDP is developed on GitHub and has 137 stars - DDP is written in Go, C, Markdown, Make, YAML, JSON, Bourne shell, Brainfuck - Read more about DDP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
De Bruijn index - Notation De Bruijn index =============== De Bruijn index is a notation created in 1972 by Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn. 1972 Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn #1699 on PLDB 52 Years Old In mathematical logic, the de Bruijn index is a tool invented by the Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn for representing terms of lambda calculus without naming the bound variables. Terms written using these indices are invariant with respect to α-conversion, so the check for α-equivalence is the same as that for syntactic equality. Each de Bruijn index is a natural number that represents an occurrence of a variable in a λ-term, and denotes the number of binders that are in scope between that occurrence and its corresponding binder. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of De Bruijn index happened in Technical University Eindhoven - Read more about De Bruijn index on the web: 1. 1. λ λ λ 3 1 (2 1) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
DEACON - Programming language DEACON ====== DEACON is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #3977 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DEACON happened in General Electric - DEACON on HOPL DEACON on HOPL - Read more about DEACON on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Deadfish - Esoteric programming language Deadfish ======== Deadfish is an esoteric programming language created in 2007 by Jonathan Todd Skinner. 2007 Jonathan Todd Skinner #3101 on PLDB 17 Years Old Deadfish is a very odd interpreted programming language created by Jonathan Todd Skinner. It was released under public domain and was originally programmed in C, but has since been ported to many other programming languages (see below). - Tags: esoteric programming language - Deadfish on Esolang Deadfish on Esolang - Read more about Deadfish on the web: 1. 1. iiisdsiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiooiiio dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddoddddddddddddo dddddddddddddddddddddsddoddddddddoiiioddddddoddddddddo dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Deb file format - Binary data format Deb file format =============== Deb file format is a binary data format created in 2003. 2003 #2839 on PLDB 21 Years Old deb is the format, as well as extension of the software package format for the Linux distribution Debian and its derivatives.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Deb file format happened in The Debian Project Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
DEBL - Programming language DEBL ==== DEBL is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3978 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DEBL happened in Kansas State University - DEBL on HOPL DEBL on HOPL - Read more about DEBL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
DeBuMa - Programming language DeBuMa ====== DeBuMa is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3979 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DeBuMa happened in Parc Scientifique Georges Besse II and Electronique Serge Dassault ESD - DeBuMa on HOPL DeBuMa on HOPL - Read more about DeBuMa on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
dec64 - Numeral system dec64 ===== dec64 is a numeral system created in 2009. 2009 #3681 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: numeralSystem - Early development of dec64 happened in - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
Decision Model & Notation - Notation Decision Model & Notation ========================= Decision Model & Notation is a notation created in 2015. 2015 #4799 on PLDB 9 Years Old Decision Model and Notation (DMN) is an industry standard for modeling and executing decisions that are determined by business rules. - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
Decker - Programming language Decker ====== Decker is a programming language created in 2022 by John Earnest. 2022 John Earnest #2250 on PLDB 2 Years Old Decker is a multimedia platform for creating and sharing interactive documents, with sound, images, hypertext, and scripted behavior. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Decker happened in - HyperCard and Twine and Bitsy influenced the design of Decker on click do display.text: 3*display.text end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
DECLARE - Programming language DECLARE ======= DECLARE is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3364 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DECLARE happened in University of Cambridge - DECLARE on HOPL DECLARE on HOPL - Read more about DECLARE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
dedukti - Programming language dedukti ======= dedukti is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #890 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Implementation of the λΠ-calculus modulo rewriting - Tags: programming language - dedukti is developed on GitHub and has 193 stars - Early development of dedukti happened in - dedukti is written in OCaml, Bourne shell, Markdown, Make, Lisp, XML, YAML, Vim script, Python Nat: Type. zero: Nat. succ: Nat -> Nat. def plus: Nat -> Nat -> Nat. [ n ] plus zero n --> n [ n ] plus n zero --> n [ n, m ] plus (succ n) m --> succ (plus n m) [ n, m ] plus n (succ m) --> succ (plus n m). Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (; A comment ;) Token (; ;) row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (; A comment ;) Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
Deesel - Programming language Deesel ====== Deesel is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #4681 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Deesel is a superset of Java Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Definite clause grammar - Grammar language Definite clause grammar ======================= Definite clause grammar is a grammar language created in 1980. 1980 #4652 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage sentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase. noun_phrase --> det, noun. verb_phrase --> verb, noun_phrase. det --> [the]. det --> [a]. noun --> [cat]. noun --> [bat]. verb --> [eats]. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
DEL - Programming language DEL === DEL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #3365 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DEL happened in Stanford University and IBM - DEL on HOPL DEL on HOPL - Read more about DEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Delirium - Programming language Delirium ======== Delirium is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3980 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Delirium happened in University of California Berkeley - Delirium on HOPL Delirium on HOPL - Read more about Delirium on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Delphi - Programming language Delphi ====== Delphi is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Anders Hejlsberg. 1995 Anders Hejlsberg #133 on PLDB 29 Years Old Embarcadero Delphi is an integrated development environment (IDE) for desktop, mobile, web, and console applications. It's also an event driven language. Delphi's compilers use their own Object Pascal dialect of Pascal and generate native code for several platforms: Windows (x86 and x64), OS X (32-bit only), iOS (32 and 64-bit), Android and Linux (64-bit Intel). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Delphi happened in Idera, Inc. - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 213 users using Delphi in 240 repos on GitHub - Check out the 24 Delphi meetup groups on - There are 3,238 members in the Delphi subreddit - There are 481 Project Euler users using Delphi - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Delphi programmers reported a median salary of $46,704. 2% of respondents reported using Delphi. 1,731 programmers reported using Delphi, and 975 said they wanted to use it - Explore Delphi snippets on Rosetta Code - Delphi on HOPL Delphi on HOPL - Delphi ranks #9 in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Delphi - Events page for Delphi Events page for Delphi - has 181 matches for "delphi engineer". - See also: (18 related languages) Object Pascal, Pascal, IA-32, iOS, Android, Linux, Mercurial, Turbo Pascal, X86, Assembly language, Java, UML, XML, CIL, PHP, Visual Basic, Oxygene, Free Pascal - Read more about Delphi on the web: 1. 1. program HelloWorld; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} begin WriteLn('Hello World'); end. // Hello World in Delphi Program Hello_World; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} Begin WriteLn('Hello World'); End. procedure TForm1.ShowSomethingOnCreate; begin Label1.Text := 'Hello World!'; end; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example { A comment } Token { } row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WriteLn row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 479 2.4
Delta Prolog - Programming language Delta Prolog ============ Delta Prolog is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3981 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Delta Prolog happened in Institut national de la recherche scientifique and Instituto Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias - Delta Prolog on HOPL Delta Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Delta Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
DEM - Programming language DEM === DEM is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3982 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - DEM on HOPL DEM on HOPL - Read more about DEM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
DEMETER - Programming language DEMETER ======= DEMETER is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3366 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DEMETER happened in Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - DEMETER on HOPL DEMETER on HOPL - Read more about DEMETER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
DEMOS - Programming language DEMOS ===== DEMOS is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #2028 on PLDB 46 Years Old DEMOS (Dialogovaya Edinaya Mobilnaya Operatsionnaya Sistema: Russian: Диалоговая Единая Мобильная Операционная Система, ДЕМОС, lit. 'Interactive Unified Portable Operating System') was a Unix-like operating system developed in the Soviet Union. It was derived from BSD.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DEMOS happened in University of Calgary - DEMOS on HOPL DEMOS on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) Unix, FreeBSD, iOS, Linux, Android, Solaris - Read more about DEMOS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Dendral - Application Dendral ======= Dendral is an application created in 1965 by Edward Feigenbaum and Bruce G. Buchanan and Joshua Lederberg and Carl Djerassi. 1965 Edward Feigenbaum Bruce G. Buchanan Joshua Lederberg Carl Djerassi #2518 on PLDB 59 Years Old Considered the first expert system because it automated the decision-making process and problem-solving behavior of organic chemists - Tags: application - Early development of Dendral happened in Stanford University - Dendral is written in Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Deno - Compiler Deno ==== Deno is a compiler created in 2018 by Ryan Dahl. 2018 Ryan Dahl #86 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. - Tags: compiler - Deno is developed on GitHub and has 93,520 stars - Watch the history of the Deno repo visualized with Gource - Early development of Deno happened in Deno Land Inc - Deno is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Rust, JSON, Markdown, TOML, JSX, YAML, Jupyter Notebook, Lua, CSS, C, IDL, C#, XML, PowerShell, Dockerfile, SVG - There are 8,226 members in the Deno subreddit - was registered in 2018 - See also: (2 related languages) JavaScript, TypeScript - 1 PLDB concepts link to Deno: Bun // Imports `serve` from the remote Deno standard library, using URL. import { serve } from ""; // `serve` function returns an asynchronous iterator, yielding a stream of requests for await (const req of serve({ port: 8000 })) { req.respond({ body: "Hello, World!\n" }); } console.log("Hello World"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.log row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
DML - Programming language DML === DML is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2918 on PLDB 19 Years Old Dependent ML is an experimental functional programming language proposed by Hongwei Xi (Xi 2007) and Frank Pfenning. Dependent ML extends ML by a restricted notion of dependent types: types may be dependent on static indices of type Nat (natural numbers). Dependent ML employs a constraint theorem prover to decide a strong equational theory over the index expressions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DML happened in Boston University and Carnegie Mellon - DML on HOPL DML on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ATS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Dern - Programming language Dern ==== Dern is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1626 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone A platform independent programming language in standard C99. It is a dialect of Lisp with influences from Scheme, Emacs Lisp and C. Runs in Amiga, Haiku, Plan9, Unix, Windows and almost anything between. - Tags: programming language - Dern is developed on GitHub and has 23 stars - Early development of Dern happened in - Dern is written in C, Bourne shell, Tcl, YAML, Make, HTML, Python, Markdown, Expect, Lisp, Vim script, CMake HackerNews discussions of Dern ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Octaspire Dern – Programming language||04/09/2017|47|15 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Descartes - Programming language Descartes ========= Descartes is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3367 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Descartes happened in Carnegie Mellon - Descartes on HOPL Descartes on HOPL - Read more about Descartes on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Descript - Programming language Descript ======== Descript is an open source programming language created in 2018 by Jakob Hain. 2018 Jakob Hain #2457 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Descript happened in Purdue University - Read more about Descript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
DESCRIPTRAN - Programming language DESCRIPTRAN =========== DESCRIPTRAN is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3983 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DESCRIPTRAN happened in Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory - DESCRIPTRAN on HOPL DESCRIPTRAN on HOPL - Read more about DESCRIPTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
desktop - Application desktop ======= desktop is an application created in 2008. 2008 #1386 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of desktop happened in Arch Linux - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for desktop - Read more about desktop on the web: 1. 1. [Desktop Entry] # The type as listed above Type=Application # The version of the desktop entry specification to which this file complies Version=1.0 # The name of the application Name=jMemorize # A comment which can/will be used as a tooltip Comment=Flash card based learning tool # The path to the folder in which the executable is run Path=/opt/jmemorise # The executable of the application, possibly with arguments. Exec=jmemorize # The name of the icon that will be used to display this entry Icon=jmemorize # Describes whether this application needs to be run in a terminal or not Terminal=false # Describes the categories in which this entry should be shown Categories=Education;Languages;Java; # [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Foo Viewer Comment=The best viewer for Foo objects available! TryExec=fooview Exec=fooview %F Icon=fooview MimeType=image/x-foo; Actions=Gallery;Create; [Desktop Action Gallery] Exec=fooview --gallery Name=Browse Gallery [Desktop Action Create] Exec=fooview --create-new Name=Create a new Foo! Icon=fooview-new Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 290 1.4
Desmos - Programming language Desmos ====== Desmos is a programming language created in 2011 by Eli Luberoff. 2011 Eli Luberoff #594 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Desmos happened in Desmos Studio, PBC - There are 8,897 members in the Desmos subreddit - See also: (1 related languages) LaTeX Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
DETAB/65 - Programming language DETAB/65 ======== DETAB/65 is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3984 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DETAB/65 happened in General Electric - DETAB/65 on HOPL DETAB/65 on HOPL - Read more about DETAB/65 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
DETAB-X - Programming language DETAB-X ======= DETAB-X is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3368 on PLDB 64 Years Old An Improved Business-Oriented Computer Language - Tags: programming language - Early development of DETAB-X happened in RAND - DETAB-X on HOPL DETAB-X on HOPL - Read more about DETAB-X on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
DETAP - Programming language DETAP ===== DETAP is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3985 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DETAP happened in Harris Trust And Savings Bank - DETAP on HOPL DETAP on HOPL - Read more about DETAP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Deva - Programming language Deva ==== Deva is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3986 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Deva happened in Berlin Institute of Technology - Deva on HOPL Deva on HOPL - Read more about Deva on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Device independent file format - Binary data format Device independent file format ============================== Device independent file format is a binary data format created in 1982 by David R. Fuchs and Donald Knuth. 1982 David R. Fuchs Donald Knuth #3271 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Device independent file format happened in Stanford University Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Devicetree - Data notation Devicetree ========== Devicetree is a data notation created in 2009. 2009 #2712 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Devicetree happened in Linaro Limited - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Devicetree - was registered in 2009 soc { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; serial@4600 { compatible = "ns16550"; reg = <0x4600 0x100>; clock-frequency = <0>; interrupts = <0xA 0x8>; interrupt-parent = <&ipic>; }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
DEVIL - Programming language DEVIL ===== DEVIL is an open source programming language created in 2000. 2000 #1809 on PLDB 24 Years Old Developer's Image Library or DevIL started by Denton Woods, is a cross-platform image library which aims to provide a common API for different image file formats. It consists of three parts: the main library (IL), the utility library (ILU) and the utility toolkit (ILUT), mirroring the corresponding parts of OpenGL (although the OpenGL Utility Toolkit is not part of the OpenGL specification).It was originally called OpenIL; the name was changed at a request from Silicon Graphics, Inc.DevIL currently supports 43 file formats for reading and 17 for writing; among those with read-write support are BMP, DDS, JPEG, PCX, PNG, raw, TGA, and TIFF. The actual supported formats depend on compilation settings, in particular, external libraries like libjpeg and libpng.On June 9, 2010, Woods announced that he had submitted a request to change the licensing terms from the GNU LGPL to a BSD license. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DEVIL happened in University of Electronic Science and Technology and CoreTek Systems, Inc - DEVIL on HOPL DEVIL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) OpenGL - Read more about DEVIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 294 1.5
dex - Programming language dex === dex is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #681 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Research language for array processing in the Haskell/ML family - Tags: programming language - dex is developed on GitHub and has 1,565 stars - Early development of dex happened in Google - dex is written in Haskell, Python, Julia, YAML, Markdown, Bash, C++, Nix, C, Lisp, TypeScript, Make, CSS, HTML, TOML, XML :p x = 1. -- let binding y = (z = 2.; z + 1.) -- let binding of a nested let expression .. -- escaped cosmetic line break x + y -- body of let expression Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Dexterity - Programming language Dexterity ========= Dexterity is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #2891 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dexterity happened in Great Plains Software and Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
dexvis - Application dexvis ====== dexvis is an application created in 2012 by Patrick Martin. 2012 Patrick Martin #650 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Dex : The Data Explorer -- A data visualization tool written in Java/Groovy/JavaFX capable of powerful ETL and publishing web visualizations. - Tags: application - dexvis is developed on GitHub and has 1,318 stars - Early development of dexvis happened in - dexvis is written in JavaScript, HTML, Groovy, CSS, Java, CSV, Markdown, JSON, PHP, CoffeeScript, XML, SQL, Bourne shell, YAML, SVG, Make, C, Dockerfile, R, Ruby - was registered in 2016 - Read more about dexvis on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
DFL - Programming language DFL === DFL is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3987 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DFL happened in Indian Institute of Science and State University of New York and Case Western Reserve University - DFL on HOPL DFL on HOPL - Read more about DFL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
dfns - Programming language dfns ==== dfns is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2713 on PLDB 10 Years Old The dfns language is a functionally oriented, lexically scoped dialect of APL. - Tags: programming language - Early development of dfns happened in Dyalog Ltd - Read more about dfns on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
dgraph - Application dgraph ====== dgraph is an application created in 2015. 2015 #425 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone The high-performance database for modern applications - Tags: application - dgraph is developed on GitHub and has 20,213 stars - Early development of dgraph happened in - dgraph is written in Go, YAML, GraphQL, HCL, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, Make, XML, Dockerfile, JavaScript, Tex, Ruby, Bash, Protocol Buffers, Python - See also: (1 related languages) GraphQL+- Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Dhall - Data notation Dhall ===== Dhall is a data notation created in 2017. 2017 #131 on PLDB 7 Years Old 817 Repos git clone Maintainable configuration files - Tags: dataNotation - Dhall is developed on GitHub and has 4,185 stars - There are at least 817 Dhall repos on GitHub - Early development of Dhall happened in - Dhall is written in Dhall, Markdown, Nix, Haskell, SVG, Bourne shell, HTML, Diff, JSON, CSS, Python, JavaScript, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 46 users using Dhall in 60 repos on GitHub - 6 PLDB concepts link to Dhall: cloc, Dhall, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, mal, PureScript -- ./company.dhall let Prelude = sha256:eb693342eb769f782174157eba9b5924cf8ac6793897fc36a31ccbd6f56dafe2 let companyName = "Example Dot Com" let User = { name : Text, account : Text, age : Natural } let users : List User = [ { name = "John Doe", account = "john", age = 23 } , { name = "Jane Smith", account = "jane", age = 29 } , { name = "William Allen", account = "bill", age = 41 } ] let toEmail = \(user : User) -> "${user.account}" let Bio = { name : Text, age : Natural } let toBio = \(user : User) -> user.(Bio) let companySize = Prelude.List.length User users let greetingPage = '' <html> <title>Welcome to ${companyName}!</title> <body> <p>Welcome to our humble company of ${Natural/show companySize} people!</p> </body> </html> '' in { emails = User Text toEmail users , bios = User Bio toBio users , greetingPage = greetingPage } { output = "Hello, world!" } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 376 1.9
DIAGRAM - Programming language DIAGRAM ======= DIAGRAM is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #777 on PLDB 44 Years Old A diagram is a symbolic representation of information according to some visualization technique. Diagrams have been used since ancient times, but became more prevalent during the Enlightenment. Sometimes, the technique uses a three-dimensional visualization which is then projected onto a two-dimensional surface. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DIAGRAM happened in SRI - DIAGRAM on HOPL DIAGRAM on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) UML, DRAKON, Ladder Logic - Read more about DIAGRAM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
DIALOG - Programming language DIALOG ====== DIALOG is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #3369 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DIALOG happened in Johns Hopkins University - DIALOG on HOPL DIALOG on HOPL - Read more about DIALOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
DIAMAG - Programming language DIAMAG ====== DIAMAG is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #3988 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DIAMAG happened in Institut de Mathématiques Appliquées - DIAMAG on HOPL DIAMAG on HOPL - Read more about DIAMAG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
DIANA - Intermediate representation language DIANA ===== DIANA, aka Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada, is an intermediate representation language created in 1980. 1980 #2356 on PLDB 44 Years Old DIANA, the Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada, is an intermediate language used to represent the semantics of an Ada program. It was originally designed as an interface between the front end (syntactic analysis) and middle (semantic analysis) of the compiler on the one hand and the back end (code generation and optimization) on the other. It is also used as an internal representation by other language tools. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: intermediate representation language - DIANA on HOPL DIANA on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Ada, PL/SQL, IDL specification language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language - Programming language Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language ============================================== Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language, aka Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language, is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #1823 on PLDB 54 Years Old DiBOL or Digital's Business Oriented Language is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative programming language, designed for use in Management Information Systems (MIS) software development. It has a syntax similar to FORTRAN and BASIC, along with BCD arithmetic. It shares the COBOL program structure of data and procedure divisions.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language happened in DEC - Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language on HOPL Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language on HOPL - Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (3 related languages) BASIC, Fortran, COBOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
DICE - Programming language DICE ==== DICE is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3370 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DICE happened in MIT - DICE on HOPL DICE on HOPL - Read more about DICE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
DIET - Programming language DIET ==== DIET is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #2899 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DIET happened in University of Toronto and Toronto General Hospital - DIET on HOPL DIET on HOPL - Read more about DIET on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 2 PLDB concepts link to DIET: cloc, Dale Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Diff - Unix application Diff ==== Diff is an open source unix application created in 1974. 1974 #258 on PLDB 50 Years Old In computing, the diff utility is a data comparison tool that calculates and displays the differences between two files. Unlike edit distance notions used for other purposes, diff is line-oriented rather than character-oriented, but it is like Levenshtein distance in that it tries to determine the smallest set of deletions and insertions to create one file from the other. The diff command displays the changes made in a standard format, such that both humans and machines can understand the changes and apply them: given one file and the changes, the other file can be created. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: unixApplication - Early development of Diff happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 477 users using Diff in 561 repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Diff - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Diff - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Diff - See also: (15 related languages) Unix, grep, Emacs, Regular Expressions, C, Bourne shell, Fortran, Modula-2, Lisp, ISBN, DOI, ed script, patch, Context Diff, Unified Diff - 86 PLDB concepts link to Diff: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Ace Editor, Apache Arrow, ASDF, asterius-compiler, Bazel, Bucardo, Caramel, Carbon, Chapel, Claro, Click, comby, Coq, CouchDB, Cryptol, Dafny, Dhall, Eiffel, Erlang, Fardlang, Fennel, FlatBuffers, Flow, Flow9, Gforth, Git, groff, haste, Haxe, HHVM, hobbes, Homebrew, ImHex, Impala, Java, Julia, Kefir, Kotlin, Ladybird, lobster, mal, Mastodon, mermaid, MicroPython, Minilang, MongoDB, NCAR Command Language, Nit, Node.js, oil, Opa, OpenCV, Perl, PHP, Please Build, PogoScript, polyglot-compiler, POV-Ray SDL, Python, PyTorch, Racket, Reason, Revolution, Roslyn compiler, Ruby, Rust, SciPy, sile, Simplicity, Slony, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, Spatial, TensorFlow, Terra, Textadept, tiledb, tldraw, TypeScript, Vcpkg, vega-editor-app, VLC, wasmer, Wing, yeti diff --git a/lib/linguist.rb b/lib/linguist.rb index d472341..8ad9ffb 100644 --- a/lib/linguist.rb +++ b/lib/linguist.rb --- /path/to/original timestamp +++ /path/to/new timestamp @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +This is an important +notice! It should +therefore be located at +the beginning of this +document! + This part of the document has stayed the same from version to @@ -5,16 +11,10 @@ be shown if it doesn't change. Otherwise, that would not be helping to -compress the size of the -changes. - -This paragraph contains -text that is outdated. -It will be deleted in the -near future. +compress anything. It is important to spell -check this dokument. On +check this document. On the other hand, a misspelled word isn't the end of the world. @@ -22,3 +22,7 @@ this paragraph needs to be changed. Things can be added after it. + +This paragraph contains +important new additions +to this document. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 527 2.6
Differential Datalog - Programming language Differential Datalog ==================== Differential Datalog is an open source programming language created in 2018 by Leonid Ryzhyk. 2018 Leonid Ryzhyk #503 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone DDlog is a programming language for incremental computation. It is well suited for writing programs that continuously update their output in response to input changes. A DDlog programmer does not write incremental algorithms; instead they specify the desired input-output mapping in a declarative manner. - Tags: programming language - Differential Datalog is developed on GitHub and has 1,353 stars - Early development of Differential Datalog happened in VMware, Inc - Differential Datalog is written in Java, Rust, Haskell, Bourne shell, Markdown, TOML, JSON5, Tex, Go, JSON, Python, YAML, Make, C, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Nix, TypeScript, reStructuredText, CSS, Dockerfile, Vim script - Read more about Differential Datalog on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
DIGITAL Command Language - Programming language DIGITAL Command Language ======================== DIGITAL Command Language is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1727 on PLDB 27 Years Old 4k Repos DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) is the standard command language adopted by most of the operating systems (OSs) that were sold by the former DEC (which was acquired by Compaq, which was in turn acquired by Hewlett-Packard). DCL had its roots in the IAS, TOPS-20, and RT-11 OSs and was implemented as a standard across most of Digital's OSs, notably RSX-11, but took its most powerful form in the OpenVMS OS. Written when the programming language Fortran was in heavy use, DCL is a scripting language supporting several datatypes, including strings, integers, bit arrays, arrays and booleans, but not floating point numbers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,602 DIGITAL Command Language repos on GitHub - Early development of DIGITAL Command Language happened in DEC - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using DIGITAL Command Language in 4k repos on GitHub - See also: (4 related languages) PowerShell, Fortran, Unix, ISBN $! Compiling with VAXC is said to work, but it requires the usual cruft $! (vaxcrtl and all), and to avoid hair we don't supply said cruft here. $ CC/DECC/PREFIX=all VMSBACKUP.C/DEFINE=(HAVE_MT_IOCTLS=0,HAVE_UNIXIO_H=1) $ CC/DECC/PREFIX=all DCLMAIN.C $! Probably we don't want match as it probably doesn't implement VMS-style $! matching, but I haven't looking into the issues yet. $ CC/DECC/PREFIX=all match $ LINK/exe=VMSBACKUP.EXE - vmsbackup.obj,dclmain.obj,match.obj,sys$input/opt identification="VMSBACKUP4.1.1" $ i = 1 $ variable'i' = "blue" $ i = 2 $ variable'i' = "green" $ j = 1 $ color = variable'j' $ rainbow'color' = "red" $ color = variable'i' $ rainbow'color' = "yellow" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 395 2
DIGRAF - Programming language DIGRAF ====== DIGRAF is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3989 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DIGRAF happened in University of Colorado - DIGRAF on HOPL DIGRAF on HOPL - Read more about DIGRAF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Dink Smallwood - Programming language Dink Smallwood ============== Dink Smallwood is a programming language created in 1998 by Seth Robinson. 1998 Seth Robinson #2010 on PLDB 26 Years Old Dink Smallwood is an action role-playing video game, developed by Robinson Technologies, at the time consisting of Seth Robinson, Justin Martin, and Greg Smith. It was first released in 1998 before being released as freeware on October 17, 1999. Mitch Brink composed several of the game's music tracks, while others are MIDI forms of classical music, such as Debussy's "Reverie". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dink Smallwood happened in Robinson Technologies - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Android, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
DinnerBell - Programming language DinnerBell ========== DinnerBell is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4919 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - DinnerBell on HOPL DinnerBell on HOPL - Read more about DinnerBell on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
DINO - Programming language DINO ==== DINO is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3371 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DINO happened in University of Colorado - DINO on HOPL DINO on HOPL - Read more about DINO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
dio - Programming language dio === dio is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #3682 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2020 - Read more about dio on the web: 1. 1. for v in [5, 8, 32, 9, 14] { //itoa is defined as itoa(u64 val) u8[23] puts(itoa(v)) } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Dipe-R - Programming language Dipe-R ====== Dipe-R is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3990 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dipe-R happened in Maastricht University - Dipe-R on HOPL Dipe-R on HOPL - Read more about Dipe-R on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Diplans - Programming language Diplans ======= Diplans is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3991 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Diplans happened in Coordination Technology, Inc - Diplans on HOPL Diplans on HOPL - Read more about Diplans on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
DISC - Programming language DISC ==== DISC is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3372 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DISC happened in University of Naples Federico II - DISC on HOPL DISC on HOPL - Read more about DISC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
DISPEL - Programming language DISPEL ====== DISPEL is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3992 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DISPEL happened in Hewlett-Packard - DISPEL on HOPL DISPEL on HOPL - Read more about DISPEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
DisplayPort - Standard DisplayPort =========== DisplayPort is a standard created in 2006. 2006 #2598 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: standard - Early development of DisplayPort happened in VESA Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 85 0.4
Distributed Processes - Programming language Distributed Processes ===================== Distributed Processes is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3993 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Distributed Processes happened in USC - Distributed Processes on HOPL Distributed Processes on HOPL - Read more about Distributed Processes on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Distributed Smalltalk - Programming language Distributed Smalltalk ===================== Distributed Smalltalk is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4920 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Distributed Smalltalk on HOPL Distributed Smalltalk on HOPL - Read more about Distributed Smalltalk on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
DITRAN - Programming language DITRAN ====== DITRAN is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3994 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DITRAN happened in University of Wisconsin - DITRAN on HOPL DITRAN on HOPL - Read more about DITRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
DITROFF/FFORTID - Programming language DITROFF/FFORTID =============== DITROFF/FFORTID is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3995 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DITROFF/FFORTID happened in Technion - DITROFF/FFORTID on HOPL DITROFF/FFORTID on HOPL - Read more about DITROFF/FFORTID on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
DITROFF - Programming language DITROFF ======= DITROFF is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3996 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DITROFF happened in University of California Los Angeles and Hebrew University - DITROFF on HOPL DITROFF on HOPL - Read more about DITROFF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Dixy - Data notation Dixy ==== Dixy is a data notation created in 2017. 2017 #2683 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Data format based on dictionaries - Tags: dataNotation - Dixy is developed on GitHub and has 29 stars - Early development of Dixy happened in - Dixy is written in XML, Swift, Markdown, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Django - Library Django ====== Django is an open source library created in 2005. 2005 #665 on PLDB 19 Years Old Django ( JANG-goh) is a free and open-source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template (MVT) architectural pattern. It is maintained by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), an independent organization established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Django's primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of Django happened in Django Software Foundation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Django - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Django - See also: (16 related languages) Python, Regular Expressions, HTML, XML, JSON, Nginx, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Jython, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Erlang, ISBN from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request): return HttpResponse("Hello World") Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
djangoql - Programming language djangoql ======== djangoql is a programming language created in 2017 by Denis Stebunov. 2017 Denis Stebunov #1143 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Advanced search language for Django - Tags: programming language - djangoql is developed on GitHub and has 969 stars - Early development of djangoql happened in - djangoql is written in Python, JavaScript, SVG, HTML, CSS, reStructuredText, YAML, JSON HackerNews discussions of djangoql ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: DjangoQL – Advanced search language for Django||04/06/2017|8|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Djot - Text markup language Djot ==== Djot is an open source text markup language created in 2022 by John MacFarlane. 2022 John MacFarlane #341 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A light markup language - Tags: text markup language - Djot is developed on GitHub and has 1,631 stars - Early development of Djot happened in - commonmark influenced the design of Djot - Djot is written in Markdown, HTML, Vim script, Make, CSS, Lua, YAML - Read more about Djot on the web: 1. 1. _italic_ *bold* `code` H~2~O 20^th^ {=highlighted=} {+underlined+} {-strikethrough-} importOnly p = mv` $`E = K + U` Start a new paragraph with a blank line. > A blockquote {% look like this and can span multiple lines %} # Horizontal lines: *** --- Verbatim blocks: ``` $ tree . ├── aa │ └── foo.txt ├── bb │ └── bar.txt └── c.png ``` ```myLang func say-hello(nm) { print("hello ${nm}!"); } ``` Links: <> [read more]( [read this too][foo bar] [one more link][] ![beautiful skyline](clouds.jpg) ![coastal shores][shore] ![lush forests][] [shore]: the-beach.jpg [lush forests]: pines.jpg # Tables | Name | Size | Color | | --- | --- | --- | | lime | small | green | | orange | medium | orange | | grapefruit | large | yellow or pink | Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
DomainKeys Identified Mail - Standard DomainKeys Identified Mail ========================== DomainKeys Identified Mail is a standard created in 2004. 2004 #2431 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: standard - Early development of DomainKeys Identified Mail happened in Mutual Internet Practices Association - Read more about DomainKeys Identified Mail on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
dllup - Text markup language dllup ===== dllup is a text markup language created in 2015 by Daniel Lawrence Lu. 2015 Daniel Lawrence Lu #1863 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone my markup language - Tags: text markup language - dllup is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of dllup happened in - dllup is written in Python, SCSS, HTML, Vim script, Tex, Bash, Bourne shell, Markdown === # Introduction **dllup** is a lightweight markup language... HackerNews discussions of dllup =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Dllup markup language – Lightweight markup for mathy blogs||03/13/2015|2|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
DLP - Programming language DLP === DLP is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3373 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DLP happened in Brandeis University - DLP on HOPL DLP on HOPL - Read more about DLP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
dlvm - Intermediate representation language dlvm ==== dlvm is an intermediate representation language created in 2017 by Chris Lattner. 2017 Chris Lattner #600 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Modern Compiler Infrastructure for Deep Learning Systems - Tags: intermediate representation language - dlvm is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of dlvm happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Purdue University - was registered in 2022 - Read more about dlvm on the web: 1. 1. // Dimension-erased functions are flexible because input shapes are dynamic. // They may be slower and less optimized than their shape-specialized counterparts. // f(x, w, b) = dot(x, w) + pad(b, at: 0) func @f: (<_ x _ x f32>, <_ x _ x f32>, <_ x f32>) -> <_ x _ x f32> { 'entry(%x: <_ x _ x f32>, %w: <_ x _ x f32>, %b: <_ x f32>): %0.0 = dot %x: <_ x _ x f32>, %w: <_ x _ x f32> %0.1 = padShape %b: <_ x f32> at 0 %0.2 = add %0.0: <_ x _ x f32>, %0.1: <1 x _ x f32> return %0.2: <_ x _ x f32> } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 341 1.7
DM-1 - Programming language DM-1 ==== DM-1 is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4800 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - DM-1 on HOPL DM-1 on HOPL - Read more about DM-1 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
DM - Programming language DM == DM is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #823 on PLDB 30 Years Old 2k Repos DM is a programming language for the creation of multi-user worlds. By `world' I mean a virtual multi-media environment where people assume personae through which they interact with one another and computer-controlled objects. This could take the form of a competitive game, a role-playing adventure, a discussion board, or something we haven't even imagined. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,108 DM repos on GitHub - Early development of DM happened in BYOND Software - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 338 users using DM in 394 repos on GitHub - Explore DM snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for DM - Read more about DM on the web: 1. 1. mob verb smile() world << "[usr] grins." giggle() world << "[usr] giggles." cry() world << "[usr] cries \his heart out." // This is a single line comment. /* This is a multi-line comment */ // Pre-processor keywords #define PI 3.1415 #if PI == 4 #define G 5 #elif PI == 3 #define I 6 #else #define K 7 #endif var/GlobalCounter = 0 var/const/CONST_VARIABLE = 2 var/list/MyList = list("anything", 1, new /datum/entity) var/list/EmptyList[99] // creates a list of 99 null entries var/list/NullList = null /* Entity Class */ /datum/entity var/name = "Entity" var/number = 0 /datum/entity/proc/myFunction() world.log << "Entity has called myFunction" /datum/entity/New() number = GlobalCounter++ /* Unit Class, Extends from Entity */ /datum/entity/unit name = "Unit" /datum/entity/unit/New() ..() // calls the parent's proc; equal to super() and base() in other languages number = rand(1, 99) /datum/entity/unit/myFunction() world.log << "Unit has overriden and called myFunction" // Global Function /proc/ReverseList(var/list/input) var/list/output = list() for(var/i = input.len; i >= 1; i--) // IMPORTANT: List Arrays count from 1. output += input[i] // "+= x" is ".Add(x)" return output // Bitflags /proc/DoStuff() var/bitflag = 0 bitflag |= 8 return bitflag /proc/DoOtherStuff() var/bitflag = 65535 // 16 bits is the maximum amount bitflag &= ~8 return bitflag // Logic /proc/DoNothing() var/pi = PI if(pi == 4) world.log << "PI is 4" else if(pi == CONST_VARIABLE) world.log << "PI is [CONST_VARIABLE]!" else world.log << "PI is approximety [pi]" #undef PI // Undefine PI Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 544 2.7
DMAP - Programming language DMAP ==== DMAP is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3997 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DMAP happened in PRC Information Sciences Company - DMAP on HOPL DMAP on HOPL - Read more about DMAP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
DML - Programming language DML === DML is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2294 on PLDB 32 Years Old DML may refer to: Demonstrated Master Logistician, a certification bestowed by the International Society of Logistics (SOLE) Data manipulation language, a family of computer languages used by computer programs or database users to retrieve, insert, delete and update data in a database Dimensional Markup language, is an XML format definition tailored to the needs of dimensional results for discrete manufacturing Devonport Management Limited, owner of Her Majesty's Naval Base Devonport Dragon Models Limited, a Hong Kong-based company that manufactures plastic model assembly kits Dennis Miller Live, an HBO television talk-comedy show with Dennis Miller Distributed mode loudspeaker, a speaker technology developed by Cambridge-based company called NXT Definitive Media Library, in ITIL Service Transition Doctor of Modern Languages, an academic degree focusing on multiple modern languages and cultures. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DML happened in Linköping University - DML on HOPL DML on HOPL - Read more about DML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 261 1.3
DNA - Programming language DNA === DNA is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3374 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DNA happened in University of Wisconsin - DNA on HOPL DNA on HOPL - Read more about DNA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
DNS - Protocol DNS === DNS, aka Domain Name System, is a protocol created in 1985 by Paul Mockapetris. 1985 Paul Mockapetris #726 on PLDB 39 Years Old The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. Most prominently, it translates more readily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for locating and identifying computer services and devices with the underlying network protocols. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of DNS happened in SRI - 2 PLDB concepts link to DNS: DNS over HTTPS, GNS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Docker - Application Docker ====== Docker is an application created in 2013. 2013 #1850 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Docker happened in Docker, Inc. - There are 0 members in the Docker subreddit - was registered in 2012 - See also: (1 related languages) Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
Dockerfile - Programming language Dockerfile ========== Dockerfile is an open source programming language created in 2013. 2013 #539 on PLDB 11 Years Old 340k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 339,978 Dockerfile repos on GitHub - Early development of Dockerfile happened in Docker, Inc. - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 20k users using Dockerfile in 26k repos on GitHub - Dockerfile LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Dockerfile - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Dockerfile - 207 PLDB concepts link to Dockerfile: Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, Alumina, Ante, Apache Hbase, ArkScript, arret, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, AT Protocol, blz, Bun, C3, Carbon, carth, Catala, Chapel, chisel, Claro, clash, Click, cloc, codecept, comby, CWL, Conan, Coq, CouchDB, crmsh, Cryptol, Cue, cuneiform, Dale, Dasel, Dasm, Deno, dexvis, dgraph, Differential Datalog, Docker, Dogescript, dub-pm, Eiffel, Elm, Elvish, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, Eve, EYG, FaCT, fish, FlatBuffers, Flow, Flow9, flownote, F*, Gforth, gintonic, Gleam, Go, gogs-editor, Golo, gridstudio-editor, Gun, h, hacspec, hamler, HHVM, highlight.js, hobbes, Homebrew, hurl, Hush, Hy, Ibis, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, inko, invokator, Jakt, Jekyll, jq, Jsonnet, Jule, Julia, juvix, k-framework, KaTeX, ko, Koka, Kotlin, Kubernetes, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, ldpl, lem-editor, Lesma, lift, Ligo, Lucid, Luna, m3db, mal, Manim, Markwhen, Mastodon, Mech, mermaid, Mesh Spreadsheet, mgmt, mimium, Mindsdb, mochi, Mojo, MongoDB, Nadesiko, neut, Nextflow, ngn/k, NGS, Nit, Node.js, noisecraft, noms-db, Nushell, oden, oil, Opa, opam-pm, OpenCV, Openverse, orange, orca, Oxyl, Pandas, Phel, PHP, Please Build, Pony, PowerShell, preforth, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Racket, Red, RetDec, Rholang, RicScript, Roc, Roslyn compiler, rpscript, Ruby, Rust, Rye, Savi, score, Scryer Prolog, SDMS, Seq, sile, skip, Slab, Semantic Patch Language, Solidity, souper, SQRL, Streem, SymPy, tea, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, Textile, tibet, tiledb, tldraw, tornado, Triton, TypeScript, ultralisp-pm, unseemly, V, Vale, Vale, Vcpkg, Vimwiki, vyper, wasmer, Wasp, Wing, Xgboost, XGBoost, xodio, Ecstasy, Xtext, YAMP, Yes It Is, Zephir # This file describes the standard way to build Docker, using docker docker-version 0.4.2 from ubuntu:12.04 maintainer Solomon Hykes <> # Build dependencies run apt-get install -y -q curl run apt-get install -y -q git # Install Go run curl -s | tar -v -C /usr/local -xz env PATH /usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin env GOPATH /go env CGO_ENABLED 0 run cd /tmp && echo 'package main' > t.go && go test -a -i -v # Download dependencies run REV=27435c699; git clone http://$PKG /go/src/$PKG && cd /go/src/$PKG && git checkout -f $REV run REV=708054d61e5; git clone http://$PKG /go/src/$PKG && cd /go/src/$PKG && git checkout -f $REV run REV=9b36453141c; git clone http://$PKG /go/src/$PKG && cd /go/src/$PKG && git checkout -f $REV # Run dependencies run apt-get install -y iptables # lxc requires updating ubuntu sources run echo 'deb precise main universe' > /etc/apt/sources.list run apt-get update run apt-get install -y lxc run apt-get install -y aufs-tools # Upload docker source add . /go/src/ # Build the binary run cd /go/src/ && go install -ldflags "-X main.GITCOMMIT '??' -d -w" env PATH /usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin cmd ["docker"] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 718 3.6
docopt - Programming language docopt ====== docopt is a programming language created in 2012 by Vladimir Keleshev. 2012 Vladimir Keleshev #405 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Command-line interface description language - Tags: programming language - docopt is developed on GitHub and has 7,910 stars - Early development of docopt happened in - docopt is written in Python, reStructuredText, Ini, YAML - was registered in 2012 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
DOE Macsyma - Programming language DOE Macsyma =========== DOE Macsyma is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3998 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DOE Macsyma happened in Paradigm Associates, Inc - DOE Macsyma on HOPL DOE Macsyma on HOPL - Read more about DOE Macsyma on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
The Dog Programming Language - Programming language The Dog Programming Language ============================ The Dog Programming Language is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #2458 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of The Dog Programming Language happened in MIT - Read more about The Dog Programming Language on the web: 1. 1. Day 1 Awake food Recipe "Hello World" Bowl food Eat food Outside Walk Poop food Run Inside Sleep EndOf Day 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Dogescript - Programming language Dogescript ========== Dogescript is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Zach Bruggeman. 2013 Zach Bruggeman #323 on PLDB 11 Years Old 35 Repos git clone wow so syntax very doge much future - Tags: programming language - Dogescript is developed on GitHub and has 1,341 stars - There are at least 35 Dogescript repos on GitHub - Early development of Dogescript happened in - Dogescript is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, Dockerfile, HTML, YAML, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 22 users using Dogescript in 26 repos on GitHub quiet wow such language very syntax github recognized wow loud such language much friendly rly friendly is true plz console.loge with 'such friend, very inclusive' but plz console.loge with 'no love for doge' wow wow module.exports is language plz console.loge with "Hello, world!" shh such hello dogescript very next-gen wow difficulty plz console.loge with "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.loge Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
DNS over HTTPS - Protocol DNS over HTTPS ============== DNS over HTTPS is a protocol created in 2018. 2018 #1535 on PLDB 6 Years Old DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a protocol for performing remote Domain Name System (DNS) resolution via the HTTPS protocol. A goal of the method is to increase user privacy and security by preventing eavesdropping and manipulation of DNS data by man-in-the-middle attacks by using the HTTPS protocol to encrypt the data between the DoH client and the DoH-based DNS resolver. Encryption by itself does not protect privacy, encryption is simply a method to obfuscate the data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of DNS over HTTPS happened in Google and Mozilla - See also: (1 related languages) DNS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
DOI - Schema DOI === DOI, aka Digital Object Identifier, is a schema created in 2000. 2000 #369 on PLDB 24 Years Old The DOI system provides a technical and social infrastructure for the registration and use of persistent interoperable identifiers, called DOIs, for use on digital networks. - Tags: schema - Early development of DOI happened in ISO - was registered in 1999 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Dojo - Programming language Dojo ==== Dojo is an open source programming language created in 2005 by Alex Russal. 2005 Alex Russal #587 on PLDB 19 Years Old git clone Dojo 1 - the Dojo 1 toolkit core library. - Tags: programming language - Dojo is developed on GitHub and has 1,549 stars - Early development of Dojo happened in - Dojo compiles to JavaScript - Dojo is written in JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
DokuWiki - Wiki markup DokuWiki ======== DokuWiki is a wiki markup created in 2004. 2004 #935 on PLDB 20 Years Old DokuWiki is a wiki application licensed under GPLv2 and written in the PHP programming language. It works on plain text files and thus does not need a database. Its syntax is similar to the one used by MediaWiki.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: wikiMarkup - Early development of DokuWiki happened in - was registered in 2005 - 1 PLDB concepts link to DokuWiki: Txt2tags DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these. Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Dolittle - Programming language Dolittle ======== Dolittle is a programming language created in 1952. 1952 #1815 on PLDB 72 Years Old Dolittle (Japanese ドリトル doritoru) is a programming language developed at the Osaka Electro-Communication University . Unlike the majority of programming languages it uses keywords based on Japanese and written in Japanese script. It is named after the character Dr Dolittle. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dolittle happened in Osaka Electro-Communication University - Dolittle is written with the native language of Japanese - See also: (3 related languages) Logo, Arduino Programming Language, Java かめ太=タートル!作る。 カメ=タートル! 作る。 時計=タイマー! 作る 0.1秒 間隔 500回 回数。 時計! 「かめ太! 10 歩く」 実行。 左=ボタン!”左”作る。 左:動作=「かめ太! 20 左回り」。 右=ボタン!”右”作る。 右:動作=「かめ太! 10 右回り」。 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
$ - Programming language $ = $ is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3375 on PLDB 41 Years Old The $ language is the simplest form of functional programming, consisting as it does in the iterative application of a simple substitution rule on well-formed strings of the language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of $ happened in Prime Computer, Inc. - $ on HOPL $ on HOPL - Read more about $ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
DOLPHIN - Programming language DOLPHIN ======= DOLPHIN is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3999 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DOLPHIN happened in Lancaster University - DOLPHIN on HOPL DOLPHIN on HOPL - Read more about DOLPHIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
domino - Programming language domino ====== domino is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3683 on PLDB 35 Years Old A packet transaction is a block of code written in an imperative language called Domino. - Tags: programming language - Early development of domino happened in MIT and University of Washington and Barefoot Networks and Microsoft and Stanford University Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
DOML - Data notation DOML ==== DOML, aka Data Oriented Markup Language, is a data notation created in 2017. 2017 #2382 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone The specification document for DOML - Tags: dataNotation - DOML is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of DOML happened in - DOML is written in Markdown # Version 0.3 // Construct a new Color Test = Color() { RGB = 255, 64, 128, } // Constructors do exist // the parameter names are purely for your own merit, they will check if its possible however (will be possible on most systems) TheSame = Color::Normalized(r: 1, g: 0.25, b: 0.5) { Name = "Bob" } // You can also just declare an object without scoping it Other = Color() Other.Name = "X" // You can declare random other values MyValue = 2 // You can also edit the original Test at any point EITHER by doing Test.R = 50 // Or by doing Test.{ G = 128 } // You can declare arrays like ArrayObject = []Color { ::Normalized(0.95, 0.55, 0.22){ Name = "Other", // Trailing commas are always allowed }, // You can still do an empty construction ::() { RGB = 50, 25, 125, }, // And thus you can leave out the ::() { RGB = 50, 25, 125, }, } // You can also copy objects by doing NewObj = Other // Or can do something like NewObj.Name = ArrayObject[0].Name // You can also declare arrays inside object definitions MyTags = Tags() { // Note: all have to be of the same type SetTags = ["Hello", "Other", "bits", "bobs", "kick"] Name = MyTags.GetTags[0] // And indexing them works like you would think } // You can declare dictionaries like // Dictionaries within objects can also be created similarly MyDictionary = [String : Color] { { "Bob" : Color::Normalized(0.5, 1.2, 3.5) { Name = "Bob's Color" } }, } // No need to keep classes around in this example # Deinit all Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 378 1.9
DOODLE - Programming language DOODLE ====== DOODLE is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #1430 on PLDB 32 Years Old A doodle is a drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be composed of random and abstract lines, generally without ever lifting the drawing device from the paper, in which case it is usually called a "scribble". Doodling and scribbling are most often associated with young children and toddlers, because their lack of hand–eye coordination and lower mental development often make it very difficult for any young child to keep their coloring attempts within the line art of the subject. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DOODLE happened in University of Toronto - DOODLE on HOPL DOODLE on HOPL - Read more about DOODLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
DOPL - Programming language DOPL ==== DOPL is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3376 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DOPL happened in University of Western Australia - DOPL on HOPL DOPL on HOPL - Read more about DOPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about DOPL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Dot Product Equation - Equation Dot Product Equation ==================== Dot Product Equation is an equation created in 1773 by Joseph-Louis Lagrange. 1773 Joseph-Louis Lagrange #4540 on PLDB 251 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
.QL - Programming language .QL === .QL is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #2360 on PLDB 17 Years Old .QL (pronounced "dot-cue-el") is an object-oriented query language used to retrieve data from relational database management systems. It is reminiscent of the standard query language SQL and the object-oriented programming language Java. .QL is an object-oriented variant of a logical query language called Datalog. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of .QL happened in Semmle Inc - See also: (3 related languages) Datalog, SQL, Java 1 from Class c, int numOfMethods 2 where numOfMethods = count(Method m| m.getDeclaringType()=c 3 and m.hasModifier("public")) 4 and numOfMethods > 10 5 select c.getPackage(), c, numOfMethods Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
DOT - Diagram lang DOT === DOT is a diagram lang created in 2007 by Emden R. Gansner and Eleftherios Koutsofios and Stephen North. 2007 Emden R. Gansner Eleftherios Koutsofios Stephen North #190 on PLDB 17 Years Old 28k Repos DOT is a plain text graph description language. DOT graphs are typically files with the file extension gv or dot. The extension gv is preferred to avoid confusion with the extension dot used by early (pre-2007) versions of Microsoft Word. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: diagramLang - There are at least 27,831 DOT repos on GitHub - Early development of DOT happened in AT&T - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 67 users using DOT in 68 repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for DOT - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for DOT - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for DOT - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for DOT - See also: (6 related languages) JavaScript, Java, Python, Google Cloud Platform, ActionScript, SVG - Read more about DOT on the web: 1. 1. - 7 PLDB concepts link to DOT: D2, FCL, FlowchartFun, Flowgorithm, Finite State Language, Mscgen, Workfl // The graph name and the semicolons are optional graph graphname { a -- b -- c; b -- d; } /* Huffman Tree DOT graph. DOT Reference : Timestamp : 1415989074 Phrase : 'OH GOD WHY IS LINGUIST SO ANAL ABOUT THIS STUFF' Generated on */ digraph G { edge [label=0]; graph [ranksep=0]; T [shape=record, label="{{T|4}|000}"]; S [shape=record, label="{{S|5}|001}"]; SPACE [shape=record, label="{{SPACE|9}|01}"]; A [shape=record, label="{{A|3}|1000}"]; H [shape=record, label="{{H|3}|1001}"]; U [shape=record, label="{{U|3}|1010}"]; L [shape=record, label="{{L|2}|10110}"]; N [shape=record, label="{{N|2}|10111}"]; I [shape=record, label="{{I|4}|1100}"]; O [shape=record, label="{{O|4}|1101}"]; G [shape=record, label="{{G|2}|11100}"]; F [shape=record, label="{{F|2}|11101}"]; GF [label=4]; W [shape=record, label="{{W|1}|111100}"]; Y [shape=record, label="{{Y|1}|111101}"]; B [shape=record, label="{{B|1}|111110}"]; D [shape=record, label="{{D|1}|111111}"]; BD [label=2]; WYBD [label=4]; GFWYBD [label=8]; 47 -> 18 -> 9 -> T; 29 -> 13 -> 6 -> A; 7 -> U; 4 -> L; 16 -> 8 -> I; GFWYBD -> GF -> G; WYBD -> 2 -> W; BD -> B;9 -> S [label=1]; 18 -> SPACE [label=1]; 6 -> H [label=1]; 13 -> 7 -> 4 -> N [label=1]; 8 -> O [label=1]; GF -> F [label=1]; 2 -> Y [label=1]; 47 -> 29 -> 16 -> GFWYBD -> WYBD -> BD -> D [label=1]; } digraph g { node [shape=plaintext]; A1 -> B1; A2 -> B2; A3 -> B3; A1 -> A2 [label=f]; A2 -> A3 [label=g]; B2 -> B3 [label="g'"]; B1 -> B3 [label="(g o f)'" tailport=s headport=s]; { rank=same; A1 A2 A3 } { rank=same; B1 B2 B3 } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 707 3.5
DOWL - Programming language DOWL ==== DOWL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4000 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DOWL happened in University of Karlsruhe - DOWL on HOPL DOWL on HOPL - Read more about DOWL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
dplyr - Dataflow grammar dplyr ===== dplyr is a dataflow grammar created in 2012 by Hadley Wickham. 2012 Hadley Wickham #458 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone dplyr is a grammar of data manipulation, providing a consistent set of verbs that help you solve the most common data manipulation challenges: mutate() adds new variables that are functions of existing variables. select() picks variables based on their names. filter() picks cases based on their values. summarise() reduces multiple values down to a single summary. arrange() changes the ordering of the rows. - Tags: dataflow grammar, library - dplyr is developed on GitHub and has 4,714 stars - dplyr is written in R, Markdown, C++, SVG, YAML, Bourne shell, CSV - See also: (1 related languages) tidyverse - 2 PLDB concepts link to dplyr: Scroll, tidyverse Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
D++ - Programming language D++ === D++ is a programming language created in 1999 by Daniel Smith. 1999 Daniel Smith #2459 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of D++ happened in - Read more about D++ on the web: 1. 1. continue do else endif exit_do exit_for exit_function for function if loop newvar next return step then to until var while Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
DPRL - Programming language DPRL ==== DPRL is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4001 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DPRL happened in MIT - DPRL on HOPL DPRL on HOPL - Read more about DPRL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Draco - Programming language Draco ===== Draco is a programming language created in 1987 by Chris Gray. 1987 Chris Gray #1495 on PLDB 37 Years Old Draco was a shareware programming language created by Chris Gray. First developed for CP/M sytems, Amiga version followed in 1987.Although Draco, a blend of Pascal and C, was well suited for general purpose programming, its uniqueness as a language was its main weak point. Gray used Draco for the Amiga to create a port of Peter Langston's game Empire.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Draco happened in - Draco on HOPL Draco on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Pascal, C proc main()void: writeln("Hello World"); corp; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token writeln Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
draconian - Programming language draconian ========= draconian is a programming language created in 2021 by Hextanium. 2021 Hextanium #3667 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A crisp language focused on making code equally easy to both read and type. - Tags: programming language - draconian is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
DragonBASIC - Programming language DragonBASIC =========== DragonBASIC is a programming language created in 2003 by Ulrich Hecht. 2003 Ulrich Hecht #1653 on PLDB 21 Years Old git clone Dragon BASIC compiler for Game Boy Advance - Tags: programming language - DragonBASIC is developed on GitHub and has 40 stars - Early development of DragonBASIC happened in - DragonBASIC is written in HTML, C, C++, Forth, FORTRAN 77, Assembly language, Make, Bourne shell, Markdown, CSS, Python - Read more about DragonBASIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
DRAGOON - Programming language DRAGOON ======= DRAGOON is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2714 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DRAGOON happened in TXT S.p.A - DRAGOON on HOPL DRAGOON on HOPL - Read more about DRAGOON on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
DRAKON - Programming language DRAKON ====== DRAKON is a programming language created in 1996 by Stepan Mitkin. 1996 Stepan Mitkin #692 on PLDB 28 Years Old git clone DRAKON is an algorithmic visual programming language developed within the Buran space project following ergonomic design principles. The language provides a uniform way to represent flowcharts of any complexity that are easy to read and understand. The DRAKON Editor, which was released in September 2011, is an implementation of the language available in the public domain. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - DRAKON is developed on GitHub and has 344 stars - Early development of DRAKON happened in Soviet space program - DRAKON is written in Tcl, C, C#, AutoHotkey, Bash, Erlang, Bourne shell, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Python, Java, Lua, C++, SQL, Objective-C, Go, D, Markdown - was registered in 2015 - See also: (16 related languages) UML, Perl, Tcl, Linux, C, C#, D, Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Processing, Python, Verilog, ISBN The word "наглядность" (pronounced approximately as "naa-glya-dno-st-th") refers to a quality of concept or idea being easy to imagine and understand, and may be translated as "clarity" as well. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 282 1.4
dreamlisp - Programming language dreamlisp ========= dreamlisp is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3623 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone DreamLisp Programming Language Interpreter - Tags: programming language - dreamlisp is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - dreamlisp is written in Objective-C, XML, Markdown, Bash, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Dribble - Programming language Dribble ======= Dribble is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3377 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Dribble happened in Utrecht University and University of Liverpool - Dribble on HOPL Dribble on HOPL - Read more about Dribble on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
DRL - Programming language DRL === DRL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4002 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DRL happened in University of Malaga - DRL on HOPL DRL on HOPL - Read more about DRL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
DROL - Programming language DROL ==== DROL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4003 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DROL happened in Keio University - DROL on HOPL DROL on HOPL - Read more about DROL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Drupal - Application Drupal ====== Drupal is an open source application created in 2000 by Dries Buytaert. 2000 Dries Buytaert #357 on PLDB 24 Years Old Drupal is a free and open source content-management framework written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Drupal provides a back-end framework for at least 2.3% of all web sites worldwide – ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites. Systems also use Drupal for knowledge management and for business collaboration. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Drupal happened in Drupal community - was registered in 2001 - See also: (6 related languages) PHP, Gettext Catalog, Twig, HTML, WordPress, MySQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
Dimensional Script - Notation Dimensional Script ================== Dimensional Script, aka Dimensional Script, is a notation created in 2012. 2012 #2715 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: notation - Early development of Dimensional Script happened in - was registered in 2012 - Read more about Dimensional Script on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Document Structure Description - Xml format Document Structure Description ============================== Document Structure Description is a xml format created in 2000. 2000 #2164 on PLDB 24 Years Old Document Structure Description, or DSD, is a schema language for XML, that is, a language for describing valid XML documents. It's an alternative to DTD or the W3C XML Schema. An example of DSD in its simplest form: This says that element named "foo" in the XML namespace "" may have two attributes, named "first" and "second". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Document Structure Description happened in AT&T and QinetiQ - Read more about Document Structure Description on the web: 1. 1. <dsd xmlns="[permanent dead link]" xmlns:my=""> <if><element name="my:foo"/> <declare> <attribute name="first"/> <attribute name="second"/> <contents> <element name="my:bar"/> </contents> </declare> </if> <if><element name="my:bar"/> <declare> <contents> </contents> </declare> </if> </dsd> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 287 1.4
DSL/90 - Programming language DSL/90 ====== DSL/90 is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4004 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DSL/90 happened in IBM - DSL/90 on HOPL DSL/90 on HOPL - Read more about DSL/90 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
dslx - Programming language dslx ==== dslx is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #2415 on PLDB 4 Years Old DSLX is a domain specific, functional language to build hardware that can also run effectively as host software. The DSL targets the XLS compiler (by conversion to XLS IR) to enable flows for FPGAs and ASICs (note that other frontends will become available in the future). DSLX mimics Rust, while being an immutable expression-based dataflow DSL with hardware-oriented features; e.g. arbitrary bitwidths, entirely fixed size objects, fully analyzeable call graph, etc. To avoid arbitrary new syntax/semantics choices the DSL mimics Rust where it is reasonably possible; for example, integer conversions all follow the same semantics as Rust. - Tags: programming language - Early development of dslx happened in Google - Read more about dslx on the web: 1. 1. fn cast_to_array(x: u6) -> u2[3] { x as u2[3] } fn cast_from_array(a: u2[3]) -> u6 { a as u6 } fn concat_arrays(a: u2[3], b: u2[3]) -> u2[6] { a ++ b } test cast_to_array { let a_value: u6 = u6:0b011011; let a: u2[3] = cast_to_array(a_value); let a_array = u2[3]:[1, 2, 3]; let _ = assert_eq(a, a_array); // Note: converting back from array to bits gives the original value. let _ = assert_eq(a_value, cast_from_array(a)); let b_value: u6 = u6:0b111001; let b_array: u2[3] = u2[3]:[3, 2, 1]; let b: u2[3] = cast_to_array(b_value); let _ = assert_eq(b, b_array); let _ = assert_eq(b_value, cast_from_array(b)); // Concatenation of bits is analogous to concatenation of their converted // arrays. That is: // // convert(concat(a, b)) == concat(convert(a), convert(b)) let concat_value: u12 = a_value ++ b_value; let concat_array: u2[6] = concat_value as u2[6]; let _ = assert_eq(concat_array, concat_arrays(a_array, b_array)); // Show a few classic "endianness" example using 8-bit array values. let x = u32:0xdeadbeef; let _ = assert_eq(x as u8[4], u8[4]:[0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef]); let y = u16:0xbeef; let _ = assert_eq(y as u8[2], u8[2]:[0xbe, 0xef]); () } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 436 2.2
dss - Programming language dss === dss is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4607 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2021 HackerNews discussions of dss ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments DSS – Deterministic StyleSheets||07/15/2018|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
dsym - Binary data format dsym ==== dsym is a binary data format created in 2011. 2011 #4005 on PLDB 13 Years Old On Apple platforms, debug symbols are optionally emitted during the build process as dSYM file(s). Apple uses the term "symbolicate" to refer to the replacement of addresses in diagnostic files with human readable values. If you are distributing your app via the App Store, or conducting a beta test using Test Flight, you will be given the option of including the dSYM file when uploading your archive to iTunes Connect. In the submission dialog, check “Include app symbols for your application…”. Uploading your dSYM file is necessary to receive crash reports collected from TestFlight users and customers who have opted to share diagnostic data. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of dsym happened in Apple - Read more about dsym on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
DTD - Grammar language DTD === DTD, aka document type definition, is a grammar language created in 1996. 1996 #581 on PLDB 28 Years Old A document type definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for an SGML-family markup language (SGML, XML, HTML). A Document Type Definition (DTD) defines the legal building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal elements and attributes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of DTD happened in ISO - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for DTD - See also: (2 related languages) XML, HTML - 23 PLDB concepts link to DTD: Ballerina, Ceylon, Chapel, Click, commonmark, Eiffel, Emscripten, Erlang, Factor, Gradle, HHVM, Java, mythryl, NetLogo, OpenNN, PHP, Pygments, Python, relax, SmallBASIC, Trex, VLC, xduce <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE people_list [ <!ELEMENT people_list (person*)> <!ELEMENT person (name, birthdate?, gender?, socialsecuritynumber?)> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT birthdate (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT gender (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT socialsecuritynumber (#PCDATA)> ]> <people_list> <person> <name>Fred Bloggs</name> <birthdate>2008-11-27</birthdate> <gender>Male</gender> </person> </people_list> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
DTrace - Programming language DTrace ====== DTrace is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #299 on PLDB 19 Years Old 534 Repos DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework created by Sun Microsystems for troubleshooting kernel and application problems on production systems in real time. Originally developed for Solaris, it has since been released under the free Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) and has been ported to several other Unix-like systems. DTrace can be used to get a global overview of a running system, such as the amount of memory, CPU time, filesystem and network resources used by the active processes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 534 DTrace repos on GitHub - Early development of DTrace happened in Sun Microsystems - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using DTrace in 2k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for DTrace - was registered in 2010 - See also: (15 related languages) Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux, C, Assembly language, Java, Erlang, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, MySQL, PostgreSQL - 2 PLDB concepts link to DTrace: Iterm2, Pony # Syscall count by syscall dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[probefunc] = count(); }' # Syscall count by process dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[pid,execname] = count(); }' #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs BEGIN { printf("Hello World"); exit(0); } /* * This software is in the public domain. * * $Id: counts.d 10510 2005-08-15 01:46:19Z kateturner $ */ #pragma D option quiet self int tottime; BEGIN { tottime = timestamp; } php$target:::function-entry @counts[copyinstr(arg0)] = count(); } END { printf("Total time: %dus\n", (timestamp - tottime) / 1000); printf("# calls by function:\n"); printa("%-40s %@d\n", @counts); } # New processes with arguments dtrace -n 'proc:::exec-success { trace(curpsinfo->pr_psargs); }' # Files opened by process dtrace -n 'syscall::open*:entry { printf("%s %s",execname,copyinstr(arg0)); }' # Syscall count by program dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[execname] = count(); }' # Syscall count by syscall dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[probefunc] = count(); }' # Syscall count by process dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[pid,execname] = count(); }' # Disk size by process dtrace -n 'io:::start { printf("%d %s %d",pid,execname,args[0]->b_bcount); }' # Pages paged in by process dtrace -n 'vminfo:::pgpgin { @pg[execname] = sum(arg0); }' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 526 2.6
TypeScript Type Declarations - Header lang TypeScript Type Declarations ============================ TypeScript Type Declarations is a header lang created in 2012. 2012 #2849 on PLDB 12 Years Old TypeScript .d.ts files are declaration files that contain only type information. These files don't produce .js outputs; they are only used for typechecking. - Tags: headerLang - Early development of TypeScript Type Declarations happened in Microsoft - See also: (1 related languages) TypeScript - Read more about TypeScript Type Declarations on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
DUAL - Programming language DUAL ==== DUAL is a programming language created in 1953. 1953 #3378 on PLDB 71 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DUAL happened in Los Alamos National Laboratory - DUAL on HOPL DUAL on HOPL - Read more about DUAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
dub-pm - Package manager dub-pm ====== dub-pm is a package manager created in 2012 by Sönke Ludwig. 2012 Sönke Ludwig #569 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Package and build management system for D - Tags: packageManager - dub-pm is developed on GitHub and has 666 stars - Early development of dub-pm happened in - dub-pm is written in D, Bourne shell, JSON, YAML, Markdown, XML, Bash, C, Dockerfile - Read more about dub-pm on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
DUEL - Programming language DUEL ==== DUEL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3102 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DUEL happened in Princeton University - DUEL on HOPL DUEL on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for DUEL - Read more about DUEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
duro - Query language duro ==== duro is a query language created in 2003. 2003 #2157 on PLDB 21 Years Old git clone Relational Database Management System - Tags: queryLanguage - duro is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Early development of duro happened in - duro is written in C, Bourne shell, Java, HTML, Tcl, XML, Ini, Yacc, Lex, Make, C++, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Durra - Programming language Durra ===== Durra is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4006 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Durra happened in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Durra on HOPL Durra on HOPL - Read more about Durra on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Digital Visual Interface - Standard Digital Visual Interface ======================== Digital Visual Interface is a standard created in 1999. 1999 #2647 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: standard - Early development of Digital Visual Interface happened in Digital Display Working Group Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
.dwg - Binary data format .dwg ==== .dwg is a binary data format created in 1982. 1982 #1895 on PLDB 42 Years Old DWG (from drawing) is a proprietary binary file format used for storing two- and three- dimensional design data and metadata. It is the native format for several CAD packages including DraftSight, AutoCAD, IntelliCAD (and its variants), Caddie and Open Design Alliance compliant applications. In addition, DWG is supported non-natively by many other CAD applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat, cad - Early development of .dwg happened in Autodesk and Open Design Alliance and others - See also: (2 related languages) AUTOCAD, AutoCAD DXF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
AutoCAD DXF - Application AutoCAD DXF =========== AutoCAD DXF is an application created in 1982. 1982 #1928 on PLDB 42 Years Old AutoCAD DXF (Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format) is a CAD data file format developed by Autodesk for enabling data interoperability between AutoCAD and other programs. DXF was originally introduced in December 1982 as part of AutoCAD 1.0, and was intended to provide an exact representation of the data in the AutoCAD native file format, DWG (Drawing), for which Autodesk for many years did not publish specifications. Because of this, correct imports of DXF files have been difficult. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application, cad - Early development of AutoCAD DXF happened in Autodesk - See also: (3 related languages) AUTOCAD, .dwg, ASCII Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
Dylan - Programming language Dylan ===== Dylan is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #406 on PLDB 32 Years Old 150 Repos Dylan is a multi-paradigm programming language that includes support for functional and object-oriented programming, and is dynamic and reflective while providing a programming model designed to support efficient machine code generation, including fine-grained control over dynamic and static behaviors. It was created in the early 1990s by a group led by Apple Computer. A concise and thorough overview of the language may be found in the Dylan Reference Manual. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 150 Dylan repos on GitHub - Early development of Dylan happened in Apple - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 67 users using Dylan in 112 repos on GitHub - Explore Dylan snippets on Rosetta Code - Dylan on HOPL Dylan on HOPL - Dylan appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Dylan - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Dylan - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Dylan - was registered in 2004 - See also: (10 related languages) Algol, Scheme, EuLisp, Lasso, Python, Ruby, Common Lisp, Unix, Java, Smalltalk Module: main define function main (name :: <string>, arguments :: <vector>) format-out("Hello, world!\n"); exit-application(0); end function main; main(application-name(), application-arguments()); define method main (#rest args) princ("Hello World"); end; main(); module: hello-world author: Homer copyright: (c) 1994 Homer version: 1.0 // Hello World in DYLAN define method main (#rest args) princ("Hello world!"); end; main(); define method turn-blue (w :: <window>) w.color := $blue; end method; local in end below until from then for use case elseif else by cleanup finally when begin above select let if otherwise signal afterwards unless while define rename create to export Language features ====================================================== row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example define macro table { table(?table-class:expression, ?table-contents) } => { let ht = make(?table-class); ?table-contents; ht; } { table(?rest:*) } => { table(, ?rest); } table-contents: { } => { } { ?key:expression => ?value:expression, ... } => { ht[?key] := ?value; ... } end macro table Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 527 2.6
dynamo-pm - Package manager dynamo-pm ========= dynamo-pm is a package manager created in 2013. 2013 #2251 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of dynamo-pm happened in Autodesk - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
Dynamo - Visual programming language Dynamo ====== Dynamo is an open source visual programming language created in 2011 by Ian Keough. 2011 Ian Keough #474 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Open Source Graphical Programming for Design - Tags: visual programming language - Dynamo is developed on GitHub and has 1,678 stars - Early development of Dynamo happened in - There is a central package repository for Dynamo - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
DYNAMO - Programming language DYNAMO ====== DYNAMO is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #2153 on PLDB 65 Years Old DYNAMO (DYNAmic MOdels) is a discontinued a simulation language and accompanying graphical notation developed within the system dynamics analytical framework. It was originally for industrial dynamics but was soon extended to other applications, including population and resource studies and urban planning.DYNAMO was initially developed under the direction of Jay Wright Forrester in the late 1950s, by Dr. Phyllis Fox, Alexander L. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of DYNAMO happened in MIT and IBM - DYNAMO on HOPL DYNAMO on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Assembly language, ISBN, DOI Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
DYSTAL - Programming language DYSTAL ====== DYSTAL is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4007 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of DYSTAL happened in Brown University - DYSTAL on HOPL DYSTAL on HOPL - Read more about DYSTAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
dyvil - Programming language dyvil ===== dyvil is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1187 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Dyvil is a multi-paradigm, general purpose programming language that is based on Java and the JVM. It is a compiled, statically and strongly typed language that supports object-oriented, functional and imperative programming styles. The language features many high-level constructs as well as an extensible and expressive syntax, making it highly useful for both rapid and safe prototyping, and the creation of domain-specific languages. - Tags: programming language - dyvil is developed on GitHub and has 60 stars - Early development of dyvil happened in - dyvil is written in Java, Gradle, Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML class Dyvil { static func main(args: [String]) = print 'Hello World' } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
E - Programming language E = E is an open source programming language created in 1997 by Mark S. Miller. 1997 Mark S. Miller #559 on PLDB 27 Years Old 354 Repos E is an object-oriented programming language for secure distributed computing, created by Mark S. Miller, Dan Bornstein, and others at Electric Communities in 1997. E is mainly descended from the concurrent language Joule and from Original-E, a set of extensions to Java for secure distributed programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 354 E repos on GitHub - Early development of E happened in Combex, Inc. - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 291 users using E in 304 repos on GitHub - Explore E snippets on Rosetta Code - E on HOPL E on HOPL - was registered in 1998 - See also: (5 related languages) GNU E, Joule, Java, Python, Pascal def factorial(n :int) :int { if (n == 1) { return 1 } else if (n > 0) { return n * factorial(n-1) } else { throw("invalid argument to factorial: "+n) } } # E snippet from # when (tempVow) -> { #...use tempVow } catch prob { #.... report problem } finally { #....log event } println("Hello World") def makeMint(name) :any { def [sealer, unsealer] := makeBrandPair(name) def mint { to makePurse(var balance :(int >= 0)) :any { def decr(amount :(0..balance)) :void { balance -= amount } def purse { to getBalance() :int { return balance } to sprout() :any { return mint.makePurse(0) } to getDecr() :any { return sealer.seal(decr) } to deposit(amount :int, src) :void { unsealer.unseal(src.getDecr())(amount) balance += amount } } return purse } } return mint } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 418 2.1
Eagle - Application Eagle ===== Eagle is an application created in 1988. 1988 #1016 on PLDB 36 Years Old EAGLE is a scriptable electronic design automation (EDA) application with schematic capture, printed circuit board (PCB) layout, auto-router and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) features. EAGLE stands for Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor (German: Einfach Anzuwendender Grafischer Layout-Editor) and is developed by CadSoft Computer GmbH. The company was acquired by Autodesk Inc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Eagle happened in Autodesk - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Eagle in 2k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Eagle - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, PostScript, XML, Arduino Programming Language, KiCad Legacy Layout <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE eagle SYSTEM "eagle.dtd"> <eagle version="6.3"> <drawing> <settings> <setting alwaysvectorfont="no"/> <setting verticaltext="up"/> </settings> <grid distance="10" unitdist="mil" unit="mil" style="lines" multiple="1" display="no" altdistance="0.025" altunitdist="inch" altunit="inch"/> <layers> <layer number="1" name="Top" color="4" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="2" name="Route2" color="1" fill="3" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="3" name="Route3" color="4" fill="3" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="4" name="Route4" color="1" fill="4" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="5" name="Route5" color="4" fill="4" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="6" name="Route6" color="1" fill="8" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="7" name="Route7" color="4" fill="8" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="8" name="Route8" color="1" fill="2" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="9" name="Route9" color="4" fill="2" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="10" name="Route10" color="1" fill="7" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="11" name="Route11" color="4" fill="7" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="12" name="Route12" color="1" fill="5" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="13" name="Route13" color="4" fill="5" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="14" name="Route14" color="1" fill="6" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="15" name="Route15" color="4" fill="6" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="16" name="Bottom" color="1" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="17" name="Pads" color="2" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="18" name="Vias" color="2" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="19" name="Unrouted" color="6" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="20" name="Dimension" color="15" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="21" name="tPlace" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" act Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 849 4.2
Earl Grey - Programming language Earl Grey ========= Earl Grey is a programming language created in 2014 by Olivier Breuleux. 2014 Olivier Breuleux #642 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Programming language compiling to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - Earl Grey is developed on GitHub and has 467 stars - Early development of Earl Grey happened in - Earl Grey compiles to JavaScript - Earl Grey is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Earl Grey count-words(text) = counts = new Map() words = text.split(R"\W+") words each word -> current-count = counts.get(word) or 0 counts.set(word, current-count + 1) consume(counts.entries()).sort(compare) where compare({w1, c1}, {w2, c2}) = c2 - c1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token HackerNews discussions of Earl Grey =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: The Earl Grey language – pattern matching, macros, compiles to JS||08/07/2014|5|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
oK - Programming language oK == oK is a programming language created in 2015 by John Earnest. 2015 John Earnest #2252 on PLDB 9 Years Old An open-source interpreter for the K5 programming language. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of oK happened in - K influenced the design of oK mean:{(+/x)%#x} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
EAS-E - Programming language EAS-E ===== EAS-E is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4008 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EAS-E happened in Baruch College - EAS-E on HOPL EAS-E on HOPL - Read more about EAS-E on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Ease - Programming language Ease ==== Ease is a programming language created in 1991 by Steven Ericsson-Zenith. 1991 Steven Ericsson-Zenith #1909 on PLDB 33 Years Old Ease is a general purpose parallel programming language. It is designed by Steven Ericsson-Zenith, a researcher at Yale University, the Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering in Silicon Valley, California, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, and the Pierre and Marie Curie University, the science department of the Sorbonne.The book Process Interaction Models is the Ease language specification. Ease combines the process constructs of communicating sequential processes (CSP) with logically shared data structures called contexts. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ease happened in Yale University and École des Mines de Paris - Université PSL and Pierre and Marie Curie University and The Sorbonne - Ease on HOPL Ease on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) CSP, Occam Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
EASL - Programming language EASL ==== EASL is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4009 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EASL happened in Aerospace Corporation - EASL on HOPL EASL on HOPL - Read more about EASL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
EASY ENGLISH - Programming language EASY ENGLISH ============ EASY ENGLISH is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4010 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EASY ENGLISH happened in University of Pennsylvania - EASY ENGLISH on HOPL EASY ENGLISH on HOPL - Read more about EASY ENGLISH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Easy Programming Language - Programming language Easy Programming Language ========================= Easy Programming Language is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #2299 on PLDB 20 Years Old Easy Programming Language (EPL, Chinese: 易语言) is a Chinese programming language, featuring a full Chinese environment. Its community may be the largest of all non-English-based programming languages. EPL is somewhat popular in China, considering the difficulties of adopting English for most Chinese speakers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Easy Programming Language happened in The Easy Programming Language Company Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
Easybuild - Application Easybuild ========= Easybuild is an open source application created in 2014 by Kenneth Hoste. 2014 Kenneth Hoste #577 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way. - Tags: application - Easybuild is developed on GitHub and has 457 stars - Early development of Easybuild happened in - Easybuild is written in YAML, Bourne shell, Python, reStructuredText, Markdown - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Easybuild # not really (there's an EB_bzip2 easyblock), but fine for use in unit tests easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' name = 'bzip2' version = '1.0.6' homepage = '' description = """bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor. It typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best available techniques (the PPM family of statistical compressors), whilst being around twice as fast at compression and six times faster at decompression.""" toolchain = {'name': 'GCC', 'version': '4.9.2'} toolchainopts = {'pic': True} sources = [SOURCE_TAR_GZ] source_urls = [''] builddependencies = [('gzip', '1.6')] moduleclass = 'tools' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 293 1.5
EasyLanguage - Programming language EasyLanguage ============ EasyLanguage is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #2787 on PLDB 29 Years Old EasyLanguage is a proprietary programming language that was developed by TradeStation and built into its electronic trading platform. It is used to create custom indicators for financial charts and also to create algorithmic trading strategies for the markets. External DLL's can be referenced using EasyLanguage which greatly extends its functionality. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of EasyLanguage happened in TradeStation Group, Inc - See also: (1 related languages) Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
Easytrieve - Programming language Easytrieve ========== Easytrieve is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #1407 on PLDB 55 Years Old Easytrieve is a Report generator product of CA Technologies. Easytrieve Classic and Easytrieve Plus are two available versions of this programming languages primarily designed to generate reports and are used by large corporations operating in mainframe (z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE), UNIX, Linux, and Microsoft Windows environments. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Easytrieve happened in CA Technologies - Easytrieve on HOPL Easytrieve on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Easytrieve - See also: (2 related languages) Unix, Linux FILE PERSNL FB(150 1800) } LIBRARY DEFINITION NAME 17 8 A PERSNR 9 5 N ABTL 98 3 N SUMME 94 4 P 2 JOB INPUT PERSNL NAME SUM-PERS } ACTIVITY DEFINITION PRINT PAYRPT REPORT PAYRPT LINESIZE 80 TITLE 01 'PERSONALREPORT BEISPIEL1' LINE 01 ABTL NAME PERSNR SUMME Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 269 1.3
EBCDIC - Character encoding EBCDIC ====== EBCDIC, aka Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, is a character encoding created in 1963. 1963 #4541 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: characterEncoding - Early development of EBCDIC happened in IBM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
ebg - Programming language ebg === ebg is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4801 on PLDB 25 Years Old EBG is a lazy, higher order functional programming language with a Hindley-Milner type system, modules, separate compilation, algebraic types, pattern matching, and an interface to Java based on the ob ject-oriented model of program execution. - Tags: programming language - Read more about ebg on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
EBNF - Grammar language EBNF ==== EBNF, aka extended Backus-Naur form, is a grammar language created in 1977 by Niklaus Wirth. 1977 Niklaus Wirth #434 on PLDB 47 Years Old 0 Repos In computer science, extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF) is a family of metasyntax notations, any of which can be used to express a context-free grammar. EBNF is used to make a formal description of a formal language which can be a computer programming language. They are extensions of the basic Backus–Naur form (BNF) metasyntax notation. Read more on Wikipedia...–Naur_form Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - There are at least 0 EBNF repos on GitHub - EBNF on HOPL EBNF on HOPL - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting EBNF - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for EBNF - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for EBNF - See also: (3 related languages) Pascal, XML, Regular Expressions - 1 PLDB concepts link to EBNF: Parsers (* Source: License: ISC *) digit_without_zero = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ; digit = "0" | digit_without_zero ; positive = digit_without_zero , { digit } ; natural = "0" | positive ; real = [ "-" ] , digit , [ "." , { digit } ] ; function application = list( symbol, { expression } ); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 329 1.6
eC - Programming language eC == eC, aka Ecere C, is an open source programming language created in 2004 by Jérôme Jacovella-St-Louis. 2004 Jérôme Jacovella-St-Louis #345 on PLDB 20 Years Old 139 Repos git clone eC (Ecere C) is an object-oriented programming language, defined as a super-set of the C language. eC was initially developed as part of the Ecere Cross-platform Software Development Kit project. The goals of the language are to provide object-oriented constructs, reflection, properties and dynamic modules on top of the C language while maintaining C compatibility and optimal native performance.eC currently relies on GCC or Clang to perform the final steps of compilation, using C as an intermediate language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - eC is developed on GitHub and has 353 stars - There are at least 139 eC repos on GitHub - Early development of eC happened in Ecere Corporation - eC is written in C, Make, SVG, Assembly language, Python, M4, C++, XML, Bourne shell, Expect, GLSL, Yacc, Markdown, YAML, Objective-C, Java, Tex, Lex, Perl, HTML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 894 users using eC in 920 repos on GitHub - Explore eC snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for eC - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for eC - was registered in 2014 - See also: (8 related languages) C, Python, LLVM IR, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, JavaScript, WebAssembly class Main : Application { void Main() { PrintLn("Hello, world!"); } } class HelloWorldApp : Application { void Main() { PrintLn("Hello World"); } } import "ide" class Designer : DesignerBase { ~Designer() { if(GetActiveDesigner() == this) { SetActiveDesigner(null); } if(classDesigner) delete classDesigner; } // *** DesignerBase Implementation *** void ModifyCode() { codeEditor.ModifyCode(); } void UpdateProperties() { codeEditor.DesignerModifiedObject(); } void CodeAddObject(Instance instance, ObjectInfo * object) { codeEditor.AddObject(instance, object); } void SheetAddObject(ObjectInfo object) { codeEditor.sheet.AddObject(object,, typeData, true); //className, true); } void AddToolBoxClass(Class _class) { ((IDEWorkSpace)master).toolBox.AddControl(_class); } void AddDefaultMethod(Instance instance, Instance classInstance) { Class _class = instance._class; Method defaultMethod = null; for( ; _class; _class = _class.base) { Method method; int minID = MAXINT; for(method = (Method)_class.methods.first; method; method = (Method)((BTNode)method).next) { if(method.type == virtualMethod) { if(!method.dataType) method.dataType = ProcessTypeString(method.dataTypeString, false); if(method.vid < minID && (instance == classInstance || (method.dataType.thisClass && eClass_IsDerived(classInstance._class, method.dataType.thisClass.registered)))) { defaultMethod = method; minID = method.vid; } } } if(defaultMethod) break; } codeEditor.AddMethod(defaultMethod); } bool ObjectContainsCode(ObjectInfo object) { // Confirmation if control contains code if(object.instCode) { MembersInit members; if(object.instCode.members) { for(members = object.instCode.members->first; members; members = { if(members.type == methodMembersInit) { //if(!Code_IsFunctionEmpty(members.function)) { return true; } } } } } return false; } void DeleteObject(ObjectInfo object) { if(codeEditor) codeEditor.DeleteObject(object); } void RenameObject(ObjectInfo object, const char * name) { if(object && (name || !object.classDefinition)) codeEditor.RenameObject(object, name); } bool FindObject(Instance * object, const char * string) { ObjectInfo classObject; for(classObject = codeEditor.classes.first; classObject; classObject = { ObjectInfo check; if( && !strcmp(string, { *object = classObject.instance; break; } for(check = classObject.instances.first; check; check = { if( && !strcmp(string, { *object = check.instance; break; } } if(check) return true; } return false; } void SelectObjectFromDesigner(ObjectInfo object) { codeEditor.SelectObjectFromDesigner(object); } borderStyle = sizable; isActiveClient = true; hasVertScroll = true; hasHorzScroll = true; hasClose = true; hasMaximize = true; hasMinimize = true; text = TEMPLATEquot;Designer"; menu = Menu { }; anchor = Anchor { left = 300, right = 150, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; ToolBox toolBox; CodeEditor codeEditor; Menu fileMenu { menu, TEMPLATEquot;File", f }; MenuItem fileSaveItem { fileMenu, TEMPLATEquot;Save", s, ctrlS; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { return codeEditor.MenuFileSave(selection, mods); } }; MenuItem fileSaveAsItem { fileMenu, TEMPLATEquot;Save As...", a; bool NotifySelect(MenuItem selection, Modifiers mods) { return codeEditor.MenuFileSaveAs(selection, mods); } }; bool debugClosing; bool OnClose(bool parentClosing) { if(!parentClosing) { if(codeEditor && codeEditor.inUseDebug && !debugClosing) { debugClosing = true; closing = false; if(CloseConfirmation(false)) { visible = false; if(modifiedDocument) OnFileModified({ modified = true }, null); } debugClosing = false; return false; } if(codeEditor && !codeEditor.closing && !debugClosing) { if(!codeEditor.visible) { if(!codeEditor.Destroy(0)) return false; else codeEditor = null; } else { visible = false; return false; } } } return true; } bool OnActivate(bool active, Window previous, bool * goOnWithActivation, bool direct) { if(active) { codeEditor.EnsureUpToDate(); codeEditor.fixCaret = true; /* if(classDesigner) classDesigner.Activate(); */ } return true; } bool OnKeyHit(Key key, unichar ch) { return codeEditor.sheet.OnKeyHit(key, ch); } watch(modifiedDocument) { fileSaveItem.disabled = !modifiedDocument && codeEditor.fileName; }; // *** METHODS ACCESSED FROM PROPERTY SHEET/TOOLBOX/CODE EDITOR *** void Reset() { if(classDesigner) { classDesigner.Reset(); classDesigner.SelectObject(null, null); classDesigner.Destroy(0); delete classDesigner; } } void FillToolBox() { if(this && classDesigner) classDesigner.ListToolBoxClasses(this); } void SelectObject(ObjectInfo object, Instance instance) { ClassDesignerBase classDesigner = this.classDesigner; #ifdef _DEBUG if(instance && instance._class.module.application != codeEditor.privateModule) printf("warning: SelectObject: instance._class.module.application != codeEditor.privateModule\n"); #endif if(!classDesigner || !instance || classDesigner._class != (Class)eInstance_GetDesigner(instance)) { if(classDesigner) { classDesigner.SelectObject(null, null); classDesigner.Destroy(0); classDesigner = null; delete this.classDesigner; } if(instance) { this.classDesigner = classDesigner = eInstance_New(eInstance_GetDesigner(instance)); incref classDesigner; //if(!classDesigner.parent) { classDesigner.parent = this; classDesigner.anchor = Anchor { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }; } classDesigner.Create(); } } // Call class editor SelectObject if(classDesigner) classDesigner.SelectObject(object, instance); } void AddObject() { // Call class editor AddObject if(classDesigner) classDesigner.AddObject(); if(visible) Activate(); else codeEditor.Activate(); } void CreateObject(Instance instance, ObjectInfo object, bool isClass, Instance iclass) { subclass(ClassDesignerBase) designerClass = eInstance_GetDesigner(instance); // Call class editor CreateObject if(designerClass) designerClass.CreateObject(this, instance, object, isClass, iclass); } void ::PostCreateObject(Instance instance, ObjectInfo object, bool isClass, Instance iclass) { subclass(ClassDesignerBase) designerClass = eInstance_GetDesigner(instance); // Call class editor PostCreateObject if(designerClass) designerClass.PostCreateObject(instance, object, isClass, iclass); } void ::DroppedObject(Instance instance, ObjectInfo object, bool isClass, Instance iclass) { subclass(ClassDesignerBase) designerClass = eInstance_GetDesigner(instance); // Call class editor PostCreateObject if(designerClass) designerClass.DroppedObject(instance, object, isClass, iclass); } void PrepareTestObject(Instance instance) { subclass(ClassDesignerBase) designerClass = eInstance_GetDesigner(instance); if(designerClass) designerClass.PrepareTestObject(this, instance); } void ::DestroyObject(Instance instance) { subclass(ClassDesignerBase) designerClass = eInstance_GetDesigner(instance); if(designerClass) designerClass.DestroyObject(instance); } void ::FixProperty(Property prop, Instance instance) { subclass(ClassDesignerBase) designerClass = eInstance_GetDesigner(instance); if(designerClass) designerClass.FixProperty(prop, instance); } } import "ecere" class HelloForm : Window { caption = "My First eC Application"; borderStyle = sizable; clientSize = { 304, 162 }; hasClose = true; Label label { this, position = { 10, 10 }, font = { "Arial", 30 }, caption = "Hello, World!!" }; }; HelloForm hello { }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PrintLn row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1214 6.1
ECL - Programming language ECL === ECL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #314 on PLDB 24 Years Old 234 Repos git clone ECL is a declarative, data centric programming language designed in 2000 to allow a team of programmers to process big data across a high performance computing cluster without the programmer being involved in many of the lower level, imperative decisions.. Read more on Wikipedia...,_data-centric_programming_language_for_Big_Data Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ECL is developed on GitHub and has 569 stars - There are at least 234 ECL repos on GitHub - Early development of ECL happened in LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 25 users using ECL in 25 repos on GitHub - Explore ECL snippets on Rosetta Code - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting ECL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ECL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ECL - was registered in 2010 - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Prolog, Pascal, SQL, Clarion /* * Multi-line comment */ #option ('slidingJoins', true); namesRecord := RECORD string20 surname; string10 forename; integer2 age; integer2 dadAge; integer2 mumAge; END; namesRecord2 := record string10 extra; namesRecord; end; namesTable := dataset('x',namesRecord,FLAT); namesTable2 := dataset('y',namesRecord2,FLAT); integer2 aveAgeL(namesRecord l) := (l.dadAge+l.mumAge)/2; integer2 aveAgeR(namesRecord2 r) := (r.dadAge+r.mumAge)/2; // Standard join on a function of left and right output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, aveAgeL(left) = aveAgeR(right))); //Several simple examples of sliding join syntax output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, left.age >= right.age - 10 and left.age <= right.age +10)); output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, left.age between right.age - 10 and right.age +10)); output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, left.age between right.age + 10 and right.age +30)); output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, left.age between (right.age + 20) - 10 and (right.age +20) + 10)); output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, aveAgeL(left) between aveAgeR(right)+10 and aveAgeR(right)+40)); //Same, but on strings. Also includes age to ensure sort is done by non-sliding before sliding. output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, left.surname between right.surname[1..10]+'AAAAAAAAAA' and right.surname[1..10]+'ZZZZZZZZZZ' and left.age=right.age)); output(join(namesTable, namesTable2, left.surname between right.surname[1..10]+'AAAAAAAAAA' and right.surname[1..10]+'ZZZZZZZZZZ' and left.age=right.age,all)); //This should not generate a self join output(join(namesTable, namesTable, left.age between right.age - 10 and right.age +10)); D := DATASET([{'ECL'},{'Declarative'},{'Data'},{'Centric'},{'Programming'},{'Language'}],{STRING Value;}); Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 555 2.8
Eclectic CSP - Programming language Eclectic CSP ============ Eclectic CSP is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4011 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Eclectic CSP happened in University of Oxford - Eclectic CSP on HOPL Eclectic CSP on HOPL - Read more about Eclectic CSP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Eclipse Command Language - Programming language Eclipse Command Language ======================== Eclipse Command Language is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #858 on PLDB 16 Years Old 0 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 Eclipse Command Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Eclipse Command Language happened in Eclipse Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 24 users using Eclipse Command Language in 24 repos on GitHub - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Eclipse Command Language - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Eclipse Command Language - Read more about Eclipse Command Language on the web: 1. 1. :- lib(ic). /** * Question 1.11 * vabs(?Val, ?AbsVal) */ vabs(Val, AbsVal):- AbsVal #> 0, ( Val #= AbsVal ; Val #= -AbsVal ), labeling([Val, AbsVal]). /** * vabsIC(?Val, ?AbsVal) */ vabsIC(Val, AbsVal):- AbsVal #> 0, Val #= AbsVal or Val #= -AbsVal, labeling([Val, AbsVal]). /** * Question 1.12 */ % X #:: -10..10, vabs(X, Y). % X #:: -10..10, vabsIC(X, Y). /** * Question 1.13 * faitListe(?ListVar, ?Taille, +Min, +Max) */ faitListe([], 0, _, _):-!. faitListe([First|Rest], Taille, Min, Max):- First #:: Min..Max, Taille1 #= Taille - 1, faitListe(Rest, Taille1, Min, Max). /** * Question 1.14 * suite(?ListVar) */ suite([Xi, Xi1, Xi2]):- checkRelation(Xi, Xi1, Xi2). suite([Xi, Xi1, Xi2|Rest]):- checkRelation(Xi, Xi1, Xi2), suite([Xi1, Xi2|Rest]). /** * checkRelation(?Xi, ?Xi1, ?Xi2) */ checkRelation(Xi, Xi1, Xi2):- vabs(Xi1, VabsXi1), Xi2 #= VabsXi1 - Xi. /** * Question 1.15 * checkPeriode(+ListVar). */ % TODO Any better solution? checkPeriode(ListVar):- length(ListVar, Length), Length < 10. checkPeriode([X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10|Rest]):- X1 =:= X10, checkPeriode([X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10|Rest]). % faitListe(ListVar, 18, -9, 9), suite(ListVar), checkPeriode(ListVar). => 99 solutions /** * Tests */ /* vabs(5, 5). => Yes vabs(5, -5). => No vabs(-5, 5). => Yes vabs(X, 5). vabs(X, AbsX). vabsIC(5, 5). => Yes vabsIC(5, -5). => No vabsIC(-5, 5). => Yes vabsIC(X, 5). vabsIC(X, AbsX). faitListe(ListVar, 5, 1, 3). => 243 solutions faitListe([_, _, _, _, _], Taille, 1, 3). => Taille = 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! faitListe(ListVar, 18, -9, 9), suite(ListVar). => 99 solutions */ __compressed__ after all and any as atmost before beginc best between case cluster compressed compression const counter csv default descend embed encoding encrypt end endc endembed endmacro enum escape except exclusive expire export extend fail few fileposition first flat forward from full function functionmacro group grouped heading hole ifblock import in inner interface internal joined keep keyed last left limit linkcounted literal little_endian load local locale lookup lzw macro many maxcount maxlength min skew module mofn multiple named namespace nocase noroot noscan nosort not noxpath of onfail only opt or outer overwrite packed partition penalty physicallength pipe prefetch quote record repeat retry return right right1 right2 rows rowset scan scope self separator service shared skew skip smart soapaction sql stable store terminator thor threshold timelimit timeout token transform trim type unicodeorder unordered unsorted unstable update use validate virtual whole width wild within wnotrim xml xpath Language features ====================================================== row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 637 3.2
Eclipse - Editor Eclipse ======= Eclipse is an open source editor created in 2001. 2001 #1307 on PLDB 23 Years Old Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming, and is the most widely used Java IDE. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages via plug-ins, including Ada, ABAP, C, C++, C#, COBOL, D, Fortran, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia, Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Rust, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Scheme, and Erlang. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Eclipse happened in Eclipse Foundation - See also: (38 related languages) C, Java, Linux, Solaris, Ada, ABAP, C#, COBOL, D, Fortran, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia, Lasso, Lua, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rust, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Scheme, Erlang, LaTeX, Mathematica, Smalltalk, Visual Studio, UML, SysML, BPMN, Android, JQuery, Vala Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 247 1.2
eco-editor - Editor eco-editor ========== eco-editor is an editor created in 2012. 2012 #1444 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Eco is a prototype editor for editing composed languages. It is not feature complete, it is not intended for production, and it does have bugs. Eco is distributed under a BSD/MIT license. - Tags: editor - eco-editor is developed on GitHub and has 55 stars - Early development of eco-editor happened in - eco-editor is written in Python, JSON, Qt, Markdown, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Ecological Metadata Language - Xml format Ecological Metadata Language ============================ Ecological Metadata Language is a xml format created in 1997. 1997 #2169 on PLDB 27 Years Old Ecological Metadata Language (EML) is a metadata standard developed by and for the ecology discipline. It is based on prior work done by the Ecological Society of America and others, including the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity. EML is a set of XML schema documents that allow for the structural expression of metadata. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Ecological Metadata Language happened in Ecological Society of America and Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity - Read more about Ecological Metadata Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Embedded Crystal - Template language Embedded Crystal ================ Embedded Crystal is a template language created in 2016. 2016 #100 on PLDB 8 Years Old 287 Repos git clone Embedded Crystal (ECR) is a template language for embedding Crystal code into other text, that includes but is not limited to HTML. The template is read and transformed at compile time and then embedded into the binary. - Tags: template language - Embedded Crystal is developed on GitHub and has 19,260 stars - There are at least 287 Embedded Crystal repos on GitHub - Early development of Embedded Crystal happened in Manas Technology Solutions - Embedded Crystal is written in Crystal, Embedded Crystal, YAML, Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, PowerShell, Bourne shell, CSS, C, SVG, Make, XML, Python, JSON, Z shell, Bash, C++, Nix, Ini - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Embedded Crystal - Read more about Embedded Crystal on the web: 1. 1. - 4 PLDB concepts link to Embedded Crystal: cloc, Crystal, Embedded Crystal, Pegasus # greeting.ecr <%- if @name -%> Greeting, <%= @name %>! <%- else -%> Greeting! <%- end -%> #=> Greeting! <% if @name %> Greeting, <%= @name %>! <% else %> Greeting! <% end %> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 304 1.5
ecsharp - Programming language ecsharp ======= ecsharp is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1315 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Home of LoycCore, the LES language of Loyc trees, the Enhanced C# parser, the LeMP macro preprocessor, and the LLLPG parser generator. - Tags: programming language - ecsharp is developed on GitHub and has 173 stars - Early development of ecsharp happened in - ecsharp is written in C#, XML, HTML, Markdown, YAML, CSV, XSD - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
ECT - Programming language ECT === ECT is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4012 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ECT happened in McMaster University and IP Computer Consultants - ECT on HOPL ECT on HOPL - Read more about ECT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
ed - Editor ed == ed is an editor created in 1973 by Ken Thompson. 1973 Ken Thompson #2319 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of ed happened in Bell Labs - QED influenced the design of ed - ed is written in C - 2 PLDB concepts link to ed: ed script, ex Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Eden - Programming language Eden ==== Eden is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3103 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Eden happened in Philipps-Universit at Marburg and Universidad Computense de Madrid - Eden on HOPL Eden on HOPL - Read more about Eden on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Edge Side Includes - Programming language Edge Side Includes ================== Edge Side Includes is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2981 on PLDB 23 Years Old Edge Side Includes or ESI is a small markup language for edge level dynamic web content assembly. The purpose of ESI is to tackle the problem of web infrastructure scaling. It is an application of edge computing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Edge Side Includes happened in Akamai and Art Technology Group and BEA Systems and Digital Island and FatWire Software and Vignette Corporation - See also: (2 related languages) XML, SSI <esi:include src="" alt="" onerror="continue"/> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
edgedb - Database edgedb ====== edgedb is a database created in 2017. 2017 #872 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A graph-relational database with declarative schema, built-in migration system, and a next-generation query language - Tags: database - edgedb is developed on GitHub and has 12,835 stars - Early development of edgedb happened in - edgedb is written in Python, reStructuredText, Rust, Cython, YAML, HCL, Markdown, SVG, TOML, JavaScript, Make, CSS, CSV - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
edgelisp - Programming language edgelisp ======== edgelisp is a programming language created in 2008 by Manuel Simoni. 2008 Manuel Simoni #1671 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone A Lisp->JavaScript compiler - Tags: programming language - edgelisp is developed on GitHub and has 123 stars - Early development of edgelisp happened in - edgelisp is written in JavaScript, Lisp, HTML, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
edgeql - Query language edgeql ====== edgeql is a query language created in 2017. 2017 #2460 on PLDB 7 Years Old EdgeQL is the primary language of EdgeDB. It is used to define, mutate, and query data. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of edgeql happened in EdgeDB Inc - Read more about edgeql on the web: 1. 1. SELECT User FILTER = 'John'; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Đ - Programming language Đ = Đ is a programming language created in 2019 by Compl Yue. 2019 Compl Yue #1595 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Edh is a dynamically & strongly typed, procedural (thus imperative), value-oriented (i.e. immutable first, yet with non-traditional Object constructs), interpreted programming language, that parasitic on GHC and heavily relying on the Haskell implementation of Software Transactional Memory for unified intuition of concurrency and data-consistency. - Tags: programming language - Đ is developed on GitHub and has 28 stars - Early development of Đ happened in - Đ is written in Haskell, Markdown, Python, JSON, JavaScript, YAML method satExample() or ({generator _ () for x1 from [true, false] do for x2 from [true, false] do # ... for xN from [true, false] do yield formula ( x1, x2, # ..., xn ) }) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Edina - Programming language Edina ===== Edina is a programming language created in 2022 by Cerus. 2022 Cerus #2133 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone First look at Edina, a simple Forth-like compiled language - Tags: programming language - Edina is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - Early development of Edina happened in - Edina is written in Java, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell - Read more about Edina on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Edinburgh IMP - Programming language Edinburgh IMP ============= Edinburgh IMP is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2938 on PLDB 22 Years Old Edinburgh IMP is a development of ATLAS Autocode, initially developed around 1966-1969 at Edinburgh University, Scotland. IMP was a general-purpose programming language which was used heavily for systems programming. Expressively, IMP is extremely similar to Algol and includes all the Algol-style block structure, reserved keywords, and datatypes such as arrays and records. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Edinburgh IMP happened in University of Edinburgh - See also: (2 related languages) Algol, IMP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Edinburgh LCF - Programming language Edinburgh LCF ============= Edinburgh LCF is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4013 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Edinburgh LCF happened in Polish Academy of Sciences - Edinburgh LCF on HOPL Edinburgh LCF on HOPL - Read more about Edinburgh LCF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Edison - Programming language Edison ====== Edison is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3379 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Edison happened in Institut de Recherche Polytechnique - Edison on HOPL Edison on HOPL - Read more about Edison on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Edje Data Collection - Json format Edje Data Collection ==================== Edje Data Collection is a json format created in 2010. 2010 #1101 on PLDB 14 Years Old 31k Repos An Edje Data Collection, it's a plain text file (normally identified with the .edc extension), consisting of instructions for the Edje Compiler. - Tags: jsonFormat - There are at least 30,865 Edje Data Collection repos on GitHub - Early development of Edje Data Collection happened in Enlightenment development team - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Edje Data Collection - Read more about Edje Data Collection on the web: 1. 1. // /* overlay to default to make theme easier on the eyes, less effects */ #ifndef BG_COLOR #define BG_COLOR 48 48 48 255 #endif #ifndef BG_COLOR_TRANSLUCENT #define BG_COLOR_TRANSLUCENT 48 48 48 200 #endif #ifndef BELL_OVERLAY_COLOR #define BELL_OVERLAY_COLOR 220 220 220 16 #endif collections { group { name: "terminology/background"; #ifndef INHERIT_PROVIDE_OWN_COLORS color_classes { #include "" } #endif images { image: "bg_bevel.png" COMP; image: "bg_shine.png" COMP; image: "bg_glint.png" COMP; image: "bg_led_base.png" COMP; image: "bg_led.png" COMP; image: "bg_led_strobe.png" COMP; image: "pm_shadow.png" COMP; image: "pm_overlay.png" COMP; image: "pm_fill.png" COMP; image: "tab_bg_l0.png" COMP; image: "tab_bg_l1.png" COMP; image: "tab_bg_r0.png" COMP; image: "tab_bg_r1.png" COMP; image: "tab_shad_l0.png" COMP; image: "tab_shad_l1.png" COMP; image: "tab_shad_r0.png" COMP; image: "tab_shad_r1.png" COMP; } sounds { sample { name: "bell" LOSSY 64; source: "bell.wav"; } } script { public message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) { new r, g, b, a, v; if ((type != MSG_INT) || (id != 1)) return; v = (getarg(2) * 255) / 100; custom_state(PART:"base", "default", 0.0); get_state_val(PART:"base", STATE_COLOR, r, g, b, a); set_state_val(PART:"base", STATE_COLOR, r, g, b, v); set_state(PART:"base", "custom", 0.0); custom_state(PART:"fade", "default", 0.0); get_state_val(PART:"fade", STATE_COLOR, r, g, b, a); set_state_val(PART:"fade", STATE_COLOR, r, g, b, v); set_state(PART:"fade", "custom", 0.0); } } pa Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 482 2.4
EDN - Data notation EDN === EDN, aka Extensible Data Notation, is an open source data notation created in 2012. 2012 #180 on PLDB 12 Years Old 0 Repos git clone Extensible Data Notation - Tags: dataNotation - EDN is developed on GitHub and has 2,581 stars - There are at least 0 EDN repos on GitHub - Early development of EDN happened in - EDN is written in Markdown - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for EDN - 1 PLDB concepts link to EDN: Datomic {:a 1, "foo" :bar, [1 2 3] four} [{:db/id #db/id [db.part/db] :db/ident :object/name :db/doc "Name of a Solar System object." :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/index true :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/db] :db/ident :object/meanRadius :db/doc "Mean radius of an object." :db/index true :db/valueType :db.type/double :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/db] :db/ident :data/source :db/doc "Source of the data in a transaction." :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/index true :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}] [{:db/id #db/id [db.part/tx] :db/doc "Solar system objects bigger than Pluto."} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/tx] :data/source ""} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Sun" :object/meanRadius 696000.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Jupiter" :object/meanRadius 69911.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Saturn" :object/meanRadius 58232.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Uranus" :object/meanRadius 25362.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Neptune" :object/meanRadius 24622.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Earth" :object/meanRadius 6371.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Venus" :object/meanRadius 6051.8} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Mars" :object/meanRadius 3390.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Ganymede" :object/meanRadius 2631.2} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Titan" :object/meanRadius 2576.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Mercury" :object/meanRadius 2439.7} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Callisto" :object/meanRadius 2410.3} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Io" :object/meanRadius 1821.5} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Moon" :object/meanRadius 1737.1} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Europa" :object/meanRadius 1561.0} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Triton" :object/meanRadius 1353.4} {:db/id #db/id [db.part/user] :object/name "Eris" :object/meanRadius 1163.0}] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Sets FeatureLink ../features/hasSets.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasMaps.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 676 3.4
EDSAC Initial Orders - Assembly language EDSAC Initial Orders ==================== EDSAC Initial Orders is an assembly language created in 1948 by David Wheeler and Maurice Wilkes and Stanley Gill. 1948 David Wheeler Maurice Wilkes Stanley Gill #3380 on PLDB 76 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of EDSAC Initial Orders happened in University of Cambridge - EDSAC Initial Orders on HOPL EDSAC Initial Orders on HOPL - Read more about EDSAC Initial Orders on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
ed script - Diff format ed script ========= ed script is a diff format created in 1973. 1973 #4684 on PLDB 51 Years Old diff can produce commands that direct the ed text editor to change the first file into the second file. These are often called "ed scripts". - Tags: diffFormat - See also: (1 related languages) ed - 1 PLDB concepts link to ed script: Diff a ed is the standard Unix text editor. This is line number two. . 2i . ,l Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
EDSIM - Programming language EDSIM ===== EDSIM is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4014 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EDSIM happened in Leicester Polytechnic - EDSIM on HOPL EDSIM on HOPL - Read more about EDSIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
EDUCE* - Programming language EDUCE* ====== EDUCE* is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4015 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EDUCE* happened in European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH - EDUCE* on HOPL EDUCE* on HOPL - Read more about EDUCE* on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
EDUCE - Programming language EDUCE ===== EDUCE is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3381 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EDUCE happened in European Computer-Industry Research Centre GmbH - EDUCE on HOPL EDUCE on HOPL - Read more about EDUCE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
EEX - Template language EEX === EEX is a template language created in 2012. 2012 #1029 on PLDB 12 Years Old 34 Repos EEx stands for Embedded Elixir. It allows you to embed Elixir code inside a string in a robust way. - Tags: template language - There are at least 34 EEX repos on GitHub - Early development of EEX happened in Elixir Team - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for EEX - Read more about EEX on the web: 1. 1. - 2 PLDB concepts link to EEX: Ace Editor, Elixir <%= if true do %> It is obviously true <% else %> This will never appear <% end %> <h1>Listing Books</h1> <table> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Summary</th> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> <%= for book <- @books do %> <tr> <%# comment %> <td><%= book.title %></td> <td><%= book.content %></td> <td><%= link "Show", to: book_path(@conn, :show, book) %></td> <td><%= link "Edit", to: book_path(@conn, :edit, book) %></td> <td><%= link "Delete", to: book_path(@conn, :delete, book), method: :delete, data: [confirm: "Are you sure?"] %></td> </tr> <% end %> </table> <br /> <%= link "New book", to: book_path(@conn, :new) %> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 339 1.7
eff - Programming language eff === eff is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #1196 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A functional programming language based on algebraic effect handlers - Tags: programming language - eff is developed on GitHub and has 854 stars - Early development of eff happened in University of Ljubljana - eff is written in OCaml, XML, SVG, HTML, Markdown, MATLAB, YAML, Bourne shell, Lisp, JavaScript, Python, Make - was registered in 2012 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Effekt - Programming language Effekt ====== Effekt is a programming language created in 2020 by Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser. 2020 Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser #1030 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A language with lexical effect handlers and lightweight effect polymorphism. - Tags: programming language - Effekt is developed on GitHub and has 310 stars - Early development of Effekt happened in Universität Tübingen - Effekt is written in Scala def eager[R] { p: R / { Flip, Fail, Error } } = try { Success(p()) } with Flip { () => resume(true) match { case Failure(msg) => resume(false) case Success(res) => Success(res) case ParseError(msg) => ParseError(msg) } } with Fail { (msg) => Failure(msg) } with Error { (msg) => ParseError(msg) } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
EFL - Programming language EFL === EFL is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3104 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - EFL is a superset of RATFOR - Early development of EFL happened in Bell Labs - EFL on HOPL EFL on HOPL - Read more about EFL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
egel - Interpreter egel ==== egel is an open source interpreter created in 2016. 2016 #1166 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Egel An interpreter for eager untyped combinator rewriting implemented in C++. - Tags: interpreter - egel is developed on GitHub and has 80 stars - Early development of egel happened in - egel is written in C, Bourne shell, M4, Markdown, C++, Make, CMake, SVG, Python, YAML, Vim script, Tex, Pascal, HTML, Protocol Buffers - Explore egel snippets on Rosetta Code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Egison - Programming language Egison ====== Egison is a programming language created in 2013 by Satoshi Egi. 2013 Satoshi Egi #609 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone The Egison Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Egison is developed on GitHub and has 905 stars - Early development of Egison happened in University of Tokyo - Egison is written in Haskell, reStructuredText, Markdown, YAML, Lisp, Python, Make -- Extract all twin primes from the infinite list of prime numbers with pattern matching! def twinPrimes := matchAll primes as list integer with | _ ++ $p :: #(p + 2) :: _ -> (p, p + 2) as integer list matchAll multiset set with Language features ====================================================== row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
EGL - Programming language EGL === EGL, aka Enterprise Generation Language, is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1087 on PLDB 16 Years Old EGL (Enterprise Generation Language), originally developed by IBM and now available as the EDT (EGL Development Tools) Open Source project under the Eclipse Public License (EPL), is a programming technology designed to meet the challenges of modern, multi-platform application development by providing a common language and programming model across languages, frameworks, and runtime platforms. The language borrows concepts familiar to anyone using statically typed languages like Java, COBOL, C, etc. However, it borrows the concept of stereotype from Unified Modeling Language (UML) that is not typically found in statically typed programming languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of EGL happened in IBM - Explore EGL snippets on Rosetta Code - EGL on HOPL EGL on HOPL - EGL appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (10 related languages) Java, COBOL, C, UML, JavaScript, JVM, Linux, IBM System z, SOAP, RPG program HelloWorld function main() SysLib.writeStdout("Hello World"); end end 1 package com.mycompany.ui; 2 3 import; 4 import; 5 import dojo.widgets.DojoGrid; 6 import dojo.widgets.DojoGridColumn; 7 8 handler EmployeeView type RUIhandler { initialUI = [ grid ], 9 onConstructionFunction = start, 10 cssFile = "main.css" } 11 12 grid DojoGrid { behaviors = [ ], headerBehaviors = [ ], columns = [ 13 new DojoGridColumn { displayName = "First Name", name = "FIRSTNAME" }, 14 new DojoGridColumn { displayName = "Last Name", name = "LASTNAME" }, 15 new DojoGridColumn { displayName = "Salary", name = "SALARY" } 16 ] }; 17 18 function start() 19 svc EmployeeService { }; 20 call svc.getEmployees () returning to displayEmployees; 21 end 22 23 function displayEmployees(retResult Employee [ ] in) 24 = retResult as any [ ]; 25 end 26 27 end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token SysLib.writeStdout Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 402 2
EGS4 - Programming language EGS4 ==== EGS4 is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4016 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EGS4 happened in The National Research Council Canada - EGS4 on HOPL EGS4 on HOPL - Read more about EGS4 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Eiffel - Programming language Eiffel ====== Eiffel is a programming language created in 1986 by Bertrand Meyer. 1986 Bertrand Meyer #175 on PLDB 38 Years Old 913 Repos git clone Eiffel is an object-oriented programming language designed by Bertrand Meyer (an object-orientation proponent and author of Object-Oriented Software Construction) and Eiffel Software. Meyer conceived the language in 1985 with the goal of increasing the reliability of commercial software development; the first version becoming available in 1986. In 2005, Eiffel became an ISO-standardized language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Eiffel is developed on GitHub and has 49 stars - There are at least 913 Eiffel repos on GitHub - Early development of Eiffel happened in Eiffel Software - Eiffel is written in XML, C, Markdown, HTML, SVG, Bourne shell, Perl, Smarty, C++, SCSS, CSS, XSLT, C#, SQL, JavaScript, JSON, Make, Ini, XSD, M4, Lex, Python, CMake, Yacc, PHP, IDL, Assembly language, Bash, Cadence SKILL, Ada, Objective-C, sed, Pascal, YAML, CSV, ASP.NET, Diff, awk, MATLAB, Ring, Tex, Logos, Java, DTD, C shell, Nemerle, CoffeeScript, XHTML, Dockerfile, XML Metadata Interchange, R, Scheme, SAS - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 653 users using Eiffel in 721 repos on GitHub - Explore Eiffel snippets on Rosetta Code - Eiffel on HOPL Eiffel on HOPL - Eiffel appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Eiffel - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Eiffel - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Eiffel - was registered in 2001 - See also: (22 related languages) FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Ada, Simula, Z notation, C#, D, Java, Lisaac, Racket, Ruby, Sather, Scala, Algol, Pascal, Visual Studio, ISBN, Smalltalk, C, CIL, Java Bytecode - Read more about Eiffel on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Eiffel: Flare indexing "Hello World in Eiffel , from" class HELLO creation run feature run is local io : BASIC_IO; do !!io; io.put_string("Hello World"); io.put_newline end; -- run end; -- class HELLO note "Hello World in Eiffel" class HELLO create run feature run do print ("Hello World!%N") end end note description: "Git checkout command." author: "Olivier Ligot" class GIT_CHECKOUT_COMMAND inherit GIT_COMMAND create make, make_master feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_branch: STRING) -- Checkout the branch `a_branch'. do initialize arguments.force_last (a_branch) branch := a_branch ensure branch_set: branch = a_branch end make_master -- Checkout the master branch. do make ("master") end feature -- Access branch: STRING -- Branch to checkout name: STRING = "checkout" -- Git subcommand name end class HELLO_WORLD create make feature make do print ("Hello, world!") end end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[bB][01]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- ([0-9]+\.[0-9]*)|([0-9]*\.[0-9]+) Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[cC][0-7]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 721 3.6
EJS - Template language EJS === EJS is an open source template language created in 2010 by Tj Holowaychuk. 2010 Tj Holowaychuk #144 on PLDB 14 Years Old 93k Repos git clone Embedded JavaScript templates for node - Tags: template language - EJS is developed on GitHub and has 4,469 stars - There are at least 92,857 EJS repos on GitHub - Early development of EJS happened in - EJS is written in EJS, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, Make, JSON, YAML, CSS - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 560 users using EJS in 614 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for EJS - 10 PLDB concepts link to EJS: Ace Editor, cloc, EJS, exkited, Kotlin, Mathpix Markdown, skulpt, Snowman, SQRL, Wyvern <% if (user) { %> <h2><%= %></h2> <% } %> <% include parts/depend %> <div class="row"> <% if (user.primaryAccount == "teacher") { %> <% include teacher/sidebar %> <% include teacher/dashboard %> <% } else if (user.primaryAccount == "student") { %> <% include student/sidebar %> <% include student/dashboard %> <% } else { %> <center><h2>There seems to be a problem</h2></center> <% } %> </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
EL1 - Programming language EL1 === EL1 is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4017 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EL1 happened in Harvard University - EL1 on HOPL EL1 on HOPL - Read more about EL1 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ELAN - Programming language ELAN ==== ELAN is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #2016 on PLDB 50 Years Old ELAN is an educational programming language for learning and teaching systematic programming. It was developed in 1974 by C.H.A. Koster and a group at the Technical University of Berlin as an alternative to BASIC in teaching, and approved for use in secondary schools in Germany by the "Arbeitskreis Schulsprache". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ELAN happened in Technical University of Berlin - Explore ELAN snippets on Rosetta Code - ELAN on HOPL ELAN on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 68, BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
Elasticsearch Query DSL - Query language Elasticsearch Query DSL ======================= Elasticsearch Query DSL is a query language created in 2010. 2010 #4802 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Elasticsearch Query DSL happened in Elasticsearch B.V - Read more about Elasticsearch Query DSL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Election Markup Language - Xml format Election Markup Language ======================== Election Markup Language is a xml format created in 2001. 2001 #1667 on PLDB 23 Years Old Election Markup Language (EML) is an XML-based standard to support end to end management of election processes.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Election Markup Language happened in Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards - See also: (1 related languages) XML - Read more about Election Markup Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Electre - Programming language Electre ======= Electre is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3105 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Electre happened in Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes - Electre on HOPL Electre on HOPL - Read more about Electre on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Electre on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
elegance - Programming language elegance ======== elegance is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Nathan Merrill. 2017 Nathan Merrill #2080 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Elegance Objected oriented language aiming for high type-safety and readability. - Tags: programming language - elegance is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of elegance happened in - elegance is written in Java, XML, Gradle, Bash, Markdown, Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
Elegant - Programming language Elegant ======= Elegant is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3382 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Elegant happened in Philips Research Laboratories - Elegant on HOPL Elegant on HOPL - Read more about Elegant on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ELENA - Programming language ELENA ===== ELENA is a programming language created in 2013 by Aleksey Rakov. 2013 Aleksey Rakov #787 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone ELENA is a general-purpose language with late binding. It is multi-paradigm, combining features of functional and object-oriented programming. Rich set of tools are provided to deal with message dispatching : multi-methods, message qualifying, generic message handlers, run-time interfaces - Tags: programming language - ELENA is developed on GitHub and has 234 stars - Early development of ELENA happened in ELENA Language Project - ELENA is written in Lex, C++, HTML, XML, Assembly language, Markdown, Bash, YAML, CSS, Make, CMake, HLSL, Python, JavaScript - Read more about ELENA on the web: 1. 1. public program [ console writeLine("Hello World"). ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token writeLine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
Elephant 2000 - Programming language Elephant 2000 ============= Elephant 2000 is a programming language created in 1989 by John McCarthy. 1989 John McCarthy #4803 on PLDB 35 Years Old A Programming Language Based on Speech Acts. Elephant 2000 is a vehicle for some ideas about programming language features. We expect these features to be valuable in writing and verifying programs that interact with people (e.g. transaction processing) or interact with programs belonging to other organizations (e.g. electronic data interchange). - Tags: programming language - First announcement of Elephant 2000 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Extensible Linking Format - Binary executable format Extensible Linking Format ========================= Extensible Linking Format, aka Extensible Linking Format, is a binary executable format created in 1999. 1999 #1190 on PLDB 25 Years Old In computing, the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF, formerly named Extensible Linking Format), is a common standard file format for executable files, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps. First published in the specification for the application binary interface (ABI) of the Unix operating system version named System V Release 4 (SVR4), and later in the Tool Interface Standard, it was quickly accepted among different vendors of Unix systems. In 1999, it was chosen as the standard binary file format for Unix and Unix-like systems on x86 processors by the 86open project. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binary executable format - Early development of Extensible Linking Format happened in Unix System Laboratories - See also: (16 related languages) Unix, X86, ASCII, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, SPARC, MIPS architecture, PowerPC, ARM, RISC-V, Common Object File Format, Preferred Executable Format, Android, Atmel AVR, IA-32 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
ELFE - Programming language ELFE ==== ELFE is a programming language created in 2003 by Christophe de Dinechin. 2003 Christophe de Dinechin #1393 on PLDB 21 Years Old git clone ELFE is a very simple and small programming language specifcally designed for everyday programming, notably for the Internet of Things. - Tags: programming language - ELFE is developed on GitHub and has 92 stars - Early development of ELFE happened in - ELFE is written in C++, Bash, YAML, Make, Markdown, awk invoke "", last_temperature := temperature every 1s, check_temperature temperature check_temperature T:real -> writeln "Measuring temperature ", T, " from process ", process_id if abs(T - last_temperature) >= 1.0 then reply temperature_changed T, last_temperature last_temperature := T temperature_changed new_temp, last_temp -> writeln "Temperature changed from ", last_temp, " to ", new_temp Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
Elixir - Programming language Elixir ====== Elixir is an open source programming language created in 2011 by José Valim. 2011 José Valim #29 on PLDB 13 Years Old 89k Repos git clone Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). Elixir builds on top of Erlang and shares the same abstractions for building distributed, fault-tolerant applications. Elixir also provides a productive tooling and an extensible design. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Elixir is developed on GitHub and has 24,093 stars - Watch the history of the Elixir repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 89,242 Elixir repos on GitHub - Early development of Elixir happened in Plataformatec - Elixir is written in Elixir, Markdown, Erlang, YAML, Bourne shell, EEX, Make, PowerShell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5k users using Elixir in 7k repos on GitHub - Check out the 211 Elixir meetup groups on - There are 23,468 members in the Elixir subreddit - There are 173 Project Euler users using Elixir - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Elixir programmers reported a median salary of $80,077. 2% of respondents reported using Elixir. 1,438 programmers reported using Elixir, and 3,374 said they wanted to use it - Explore Elixir snippets on Rosetta Code - Elixir appears in the TIOBE Index - Elixir Ubuntu package Elixir Ubuntu package - Elixir LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Elixir - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Elixir - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Elixir - Elixir appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Elixir on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Elixir - There is a central package repository for Elixir - has 214 matches for "elixir developer". - See also: (6 related languages) Erlang, Ruby, Clojure, LFE, Unicode, UTF-8 - 14 PLDB concepts link to Elixir: 05AB1E, Ace Editor, cloc, CouchDB, Elixir, Erlang, Euphoria, EYG, Felix, Gleam, Macchiato, mal, PRQL, Pygments IO.puts("Hello, world!") #!/usr/bin/env elixir IO.puts "Hello World" # Hello world in Elixir defmodule HelloWorld do IO.puts "Hello, World!" end %{"cowboy": {:hex, :cowboy, "1.0.0"}, "cowlib": {:hex, :cowlib, "1.0.1"}, "hackney": {:hex, :hackney, "0.14.3"}, "hound": {:hex, :hound, "0.6.0"}, "httpoison": {:hex, :httpoison, "0.5.0"}, "idna": {:hex, :idna, "1.0.1"}, "phoenix": {:hex, :phoenix, "0.10.0"}, "plug": {:hex, :plug, "0.11.1"}, "poison": {:hex, :poison, "1.3.1"}, "ranch": {:hex, :ranch, "1.0.0"}} task = Task.async fn -> perform_complex_action() end other_time_consuming_action() Task.await task after and catch do else end false fn in nil not or rescue true when Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example IO.puts "Hello, World!" Token row Feature Unicode Identifers FeatureLink ../features/hasUnicodeIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example δ = 0.00001 Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example raise "oops, something went wrong" Token row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example def fib(0), do: 1 def fib(1), do: 1 def fib(n) when n >= 2, do: fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) Token row Feature Runtime Guards FeatureLink ../features/hasRunTimeGuards.html Supported ✓ Example def abs(number) when number > 0, do: number def abs(number), do: -number Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example template = """ This is the first line. This is the second line. This is the third line. """ Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example seven = 3 + 4 Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example 1.23e45 Token row Feature Anonymous Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasAnonymousFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example fn -> IO.puts("hello world") end Token row Feature Pipes FeatureLink ../features/hasPipes.html Supported ✓ Example "Elixir" |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.frequencies() Token row Feature Streams FeatureLink ../features/hasStreams.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example # defmodule Example do defmacro macro_inspect(value) do IO.inspect(value) value end def fun_inspect(value) do IO.inspect(value) value end end Token row Feature Polymorphism FeatureLink ../features/hasPolymorphism.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Range Operator FeatureLink ../features/hasRangeOperators.html Supported ✓ Example 1..3 Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasMaps.html Supported ✓ Example %{key: "value"} Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example # 0b[01]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \d(_?\d)* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # \d(_?\d)*\.\d(_?\d)*([eE][-+]?\d(_?\d)*)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0x[\da-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0o[0-7]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example ~r/integer: \d+/ Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token IO.puts row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example send(pid, :ping) Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Default Parameters Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDefaultParameters.html Supported ✓ Example def multiply(a, b \\ 1) do a * b end Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example if true do IO.puts("Hello world") end Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example name = "John" Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example # Alias the module so it can be called as Bar instead of Foo.Bar alias Foo.Bar, as: Bar # Require the module in order to use its macros require Foo # Import functions from Foo so they can be called without the `Foo.` prefix import Foo # Invokes the custom code defined in Foo as an extension point use Foo Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example File.write!("helloworld.txt", "Hello, world!\n") Token row Feature Shebang FeatureLink ../features/canDoShebang.html Supported ✓ Example #!/usr/bin/env elixir Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleDispatch.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1289 6.4
ELLA - Programming language ELLA ==== ELLA is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #2919 on PLDB 45 Years Old ELLA is a Hardware description language and support toolset. Developed by the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment during the 1980s and 1990s. Includes tools to perform: design transformation symbolic simulations formal verificationELLA is a winner of the 1989 Queen's Award for Technological Achievement.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ELLA happened in Royal Signals and Radar Establishment - ELLA on HOPL ELLA on HOPL MAC ZIP = ([INT n]TYPE t: vector1 vector2) -> [n][2]t: [INT k = 1..n](vector1[k], vector2[k]). MAC TRANSPOSE = ([INT n][INT m]TYPE t: matrix) -> [m][n]t: [INT i = 1..m] [INT j = 1..n] matrix[j][i]. MAC INNER_PRODUCT{FN * = [2]TYPE t -> TYPE s, FN + = [2]s -> s} = ([INT n][2]t: vector) -> s: IF n = 1 THEN *vector[1] ELSE *vector[1] + INNER_PRODUCT {*,+} vector[2..n] FI. MAC MATRIX_MULT {FN * = [2]TYPE t->TYPE s, FN + = [2]s->s} = ([INT n][INT m]t: matrix1, [m][INT p]t: matrix2) -> [n][p]s: BEGIN LET transposed_matrix2 = TRANSPOSE matrix2. OUTPUT [INT i = 1..n][INT j = 1..p] INNER_PRODUCT{*,+}ZIP(matrix1[i],transposed_matrix2[j]) END. TYPE element = NEW elt/(1..20), product = NEW prd/(1..1200). FN PLUS = (product: integer1 integer2) -> product: ARITH integer1 + integer2. FN MULT = (element: integer1 integer2) -> product: ARITH integer1 * integer2. FN MULT_234 = ([2][3]element:matrix1, [3][4]element:matrix2) -> [2][4]product: MATRIX_MULT{MULT,PLUS}(matrix1, matrix2). FN TEST = () -> [2][4]product: ( LET m1 = ((elt/2, elt/1, elt/1), (elt/3, elt/6, elt/9)), m2 = ((elt/6, elt/1, elt/3, elt/4), (elt/9, elt/2, elt/8, elt/3), (elt/6, elt/4, elt/1, elt/2)). OUTPUT MULT_234 (m1, m2) ). COM test: just displaysignal MOC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 397 2
Ellie - Programming language Ellie ===== Ellie is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4018 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ellie happened in University of Copenhagen - Ellie on HOPL Ellie on HOPL - Read more about Ellie on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Elliott ALGOL - Programming language Elliott ALGOL ============= Elliott ALGOL is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #3795 on PLDB 62 Years Old Elliott ALGOL was an ALGOL 60 compiler for the Elliott 803 computer. It was implemented by Tony Hoare and others. It differed slightly from the reference version of Algol, particularly in the supported character set. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Elliott ALGOL happened in Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd - See also: (1 related languages) ALGOL 60 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
ELLPACK - Programming language ELLPACK ======= ELLPACK is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4019 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ELLPACK happened in Purdue University - ELLPACK on HOPL ELLPACK on HOPL - Read more about ELLPACK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Elm Packages - Package manager Elm Packages ============ Elm Packages is a package manager created in 2012. 2012 #2716 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Elm Packages happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
Elm - Programming language Elm === Elm is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Evan Czaplicki. 2012 Evan Czaplicki #57 on PLDB 12 Years Old 20k Repos git clone Elm is a domain-specific programming language for declaratively creating web browser-based graphical user interfaces. Elm is purely functional, and is developed with emphasis on usability, performance, and robustness. It advertises "no runtime exceptions in practice," made possible by the Elm compiler's static type checking.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Elm is developed on GitHub and has 7,484 stars - There are at least 19,905 Elm repos on GitHub - Early development of Elm happened in - Elm compiles to JavaScript - Elm is written in Haskell, Markdown, JSON, Elm, Bourne shell, YAML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, Python, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Elm in 3k repos on GitHub - There are 4 Project Euler users using Elm - Explore Elm snippets on Rosetta Code - Elm appears in the TIOBE Index - Elm LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Elm - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Elm - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Elm - Learn Elm on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Elm - has 127 matches for "elm engineer". - was registered in 2011 - See also: (7 related languages) Haskell, Standard ML, OCaml, F#, Vue, JavaScript, TypeScript - 9 PLDB concepts link to Elm: Ace Editor, bosque, Civet, cloc, Elm, mal, Pygments, Reason, Scrapscript module Main exposing (..) output : String output = "Hello, world!" import Html exposing (text) main = text "Hello World" -- Hello world in Elm import Text main = Text.plainText "Hello, world!" main = asText (qsort [3,9,1,8,5,4,7]) qsort lst = case lst of x:xs -> qsort (filter ((>=)x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort (filter ((<)x) xs) [] -> [] {--------------------- QuickSort works as follows: - Choose a pivot element which be placed in the "middle" of the sorted list. In our case we are choosing the first element as the pivot. - Gather all of the elements less than the pivot (the first filter). We know that these must come before our pivot element in the sorted list. Note: ((>=)x) === (\y -> (>=) x y) === (\y -> x >= y) - Gather all of the elements greater than the pivot (the second filter). We know that these must come after our pivot element in the sorted list. - Run `qsort` on the lesser elements, producing a sorted list that contains only elements less than the pivot. Put these before the pivot. - Run `qsort` on the greater elements, producing a sorted list. Put these after the pivot. Note that choosing a bad pivot can have bad effects. Take a sorted list with N elements. The pivot will always be the lowest member, meaning that it does not divide the list very evenly. The list of lessers has 0 elements and the list of greaters has N-1 elemens. This means qsort will be called N times, each call looking through the entire list. This means, in the worst case, QuickSort will make N^2 comparisons. ----------------------} -- This is a single line comment {- This is a multi-line comment. It can span multiple lines. -} {- It is possible to {- nest -} multi-line comments -} -- Here we define a value named ''greeting''. The type is inferred as a String. greeting = "Hello World!" -- It is best to add type annotations to top-level declarations. hello : String hello = "Hi there." -- Functions are declared the same way, with arguments following the function name. add x y = x + y -- Again, it is best to add type annotations. hypotenuse : Float -> Float -> Float hypotenuse a b = sqrt (a^2 + b^2) -- Functions are also curried; here we've curried the multiplication -- infix operator with a `2` multiplyBy2 : number -> number multiplyBy2 = (*) 2 -- If-expressions are used to branch on values absoluteValue : number -> number absoluteValue number = if number < 0 then negate number else number -- Records are used to hold values with named fields book : { title : String, author : String, pages : Int } book = { title = "Steppenwolf" , author = "Hesse" , pages = 237 } -- Record access is done with `.` title : String title = book.title -- Record access `.` can also be used as a function author : String author = .author book -- We can create entirely new types with the `type` keyword. -- The following value represents a binary tree. type Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) -- It is possible to inspect these types with case-expressions. depth : Tree a -> Int depth tree = case tree of Empty -> 0 Node value left right -> 1 + max (depth left) (depth right) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- _?\d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- _?\d+\.(?=\d+) Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example {- A comment -} Token {- -} row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 982 4.9
ELMOL - Programming language ELMOL ===== ELMOL is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4020 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ELMOL happened in St. Olaf College - ELMOL on HOPL ELMOL on HOPL - Read more about ELMOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Emacs Lisp Package Archive - Package manager Emacs Lisp Package Archive ========================== Emacs Lisp Package Archive is a package manager created in 2016. 2016 #2461 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Emacs Lisp Package Archive happened in Free Software Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
Elpi - Programming language Elpi ==== Elpi is a programming language created in 2014 by Enrico Tassi. 2014 Enrico Tassi #1205 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Embeddable Lambda Prolog Interpreter - Tags: programming language - Elpi is developed on GitHub and has 277 stars - Early development of Elpi happened in - Elpi is written in Standard ML, OCaml, JSON, Markdown, Make, reStructuredText, YAML, Python, TypeScript, Tex - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Elpi Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Elvish - Programming language Elvish ====== Elvish is a programming language created in 2013 by Qi Xiao. 2013 Qi Xiao #311 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Elvish is an expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell, combined into one seamless package. It runs on Linux, BSDs, macOS and Windows. - Tags: programming language - Elvish is developed on GitHub and has 5,542 stars - Early development of Elvish happened in - Elvish is written in Go, Markdown, HTML, JSON, YAML, Bourne shell, CSS, TOML, JavaScript, Python, Make, XML, TypeScript, SVG, Dockerfile - was registered in 2018 if $true { echo good } else { echo bad } echo "Hello, world!" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
elymas - Programming language elymas ====== elymas is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #1708 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A programming language I can like. Unholy and full of magic. - Tags: programming language - elymas is developed on GitHub and has 193 stars - Early development of elymas happened in quuxLogic Solutions GmbH - elymas is written in Markdown, Perl, Make, XML, Vim script, YAML, Bourne shell, SVG HackerNews discussions of elymas ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Self-hosted stack-based programming language||06/28/2015|86|23 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Em - Text markup language Em == Em, aka Easy Markup, is a text markup language created in 2020. 2020 #2448 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Easy Markup is a lightweight markup language. - Tags: text markup language - Em is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of Em happened in - Em is written in C, Lex, HTML, Markdown This is an optional HTML title. .p This is a paragraph. .p This is a paragraph. It ends here. .p This is a paragraph. It ends here. .l This is a list item. This is a list item. This is a list item. .p This is a paragraph. #This word is italic. .p This is a paragraph. @This word is bold. .p This is a paragraph. #{These words} are italic. .p This is a paragraph. @{These words} are bold. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
Emacs - Editor Emacs ===== Emacs is an open source editor created in 1976 by Guy Steele and Dave Moon. 1976 Guy Steele Dave Moon #404 on PLDB 48 Years Old Emacs is a family of text editors that are characterized by their extensibility. The manual for the most widely used variant, GNU Emacs, describes it as "the extensible, customizable, self-documenting, real-time display editor". Development of the first Emacs began in the mid-1970s, and work on its direct descendant, GNU Emacs, continues actively as of 2018. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Emacs happened in Free Software Foundation - There are 60,293 members in the Emacs subreddit - There is a central package repository for Emacs - See also: (25 related languages) Lisp, C, Org, TECO, vi, Unix, Java, Emacs Lisp, Linux, Rust, Ruby, Lua, Common Lisp, SWI Prolog, Spice Lisp, LispWorks, Haskell, Eclipse, Sublime Text, LaTeX, Ghostscript, Perl, Python, Vim, ISBN - Read more about Emacs on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Emacs: GNU Emacs Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
Emacs Lisp - Programming language Emacs Lisp ========== Emacs Lisp is an open source programming language created in 1985 by Richard Stallman. 1985 Richard Stallman #268 on PLDB 39 Years Old 1k Repos Emacs Lisp is a dialect of the Lisp programming language used as a scripting language by Emacs (a text editor family most commonly associated with GNU Emacs and XEmacs). It is used for implementing most of the editing functionality built into Emacs, the remainder being written in C (as is the Lisp interpreter itself). Emacs Lisp is also referred to as Elisp, although there is also an older, unrelated Lisp dialect with that name. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - There are at least 1,305 Emacs Lisp repos on GitHub - Early development of Emacs Lisp happened in GNU Project - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 13k users using Emacs Lisp in 17k repos on GitHub - Emacs Lisp on HOPL Emacs Lisp on HOPL - Emacs Lisp appears in the TIOBE Index - Emacs Lisp Ubuntu package Emacs Lisp Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Emacs Lisp - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Emacs Lisp - Emacs Lisp appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Emacs Lisp on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Emacs Lisp - See also: (8 related languages) Lisp, Common Lisp, Emacs, C, Unix, Bourne shell, Perl, Scheme (message "Hello World") (print "Dude!") (defun switch-to-next-window-in-split () (set-window-buffer (next-window) (other-buffer))) (advice-add 'split-window-vertically :before #'switch-to-next-window-in-split) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 427 2.1
emberjs-framework - Framework emberjs-framework ================= emberjs-framework is a framework created in 2011 by Yehuda Katz. 2011 Yehuda Katz #347 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications - Tags: framework - emberjs-framework is developed on GitHub and has 22,462 stars - Early development of emberjs-framework happened in - emberjs-framework is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, YAML, HTML, Handlebars - emberjs-framework LSP implementation - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
EmberScript - Programming language EmberScript =========== EmberScript is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Michael Ficarra and Gordon L. Hempton. 2012 Michael Ficarra Gordon L. Hempton #653 on PLDB 12 Years Old 206 Repos git clone Ember-infused CoffeeScript - Tags: programming language - EmberScript is developed on GitHub and has 357 stars - There are at least 206 EmberScript repos on GitHub - Early development of EmberScript happened in - EmberScript is written in JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Make, JSON, Markdown, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 417 users using EmberScript in 459 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for EmberScript - was registered in 2012 class App.FromNowView extends Ember.View tagName: 'time' template: Ember.Handlebars.compile '{{view.output}}' output: ~> return moment(@value).fromNow() didInsertElement: -> @tick() tick: -> f = -> @notifyPropertyChange 'output' @tick() nextTick =, f, 1000) @set 'nextTick', nextTick willDestroyElement: -> nextTick = @nextTick nextTick Ember.Handlebars.helper 'fromNow', App.FromNowView Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 263 1.3
emerald-lang - Programming language emerald-lang ============ emerald-lang is a programming language created in 2019 by Zach Perkitny. 2019 Zach Perkitny #1934 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Emerald is an object oriented language that uses prototypal based inheritance. - Tags: programming language - emerald-lang is developed on GitHub and has 22 stars - Early development of emerald-lang happened in - emerald-lang is written in C++, Markdown, CMake, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Emerald - Programming language Emerald ======= Emerald is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2570 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Emerald happened in University of Washington and DEC and University of Arizona and Copenhagen University - Emerald on HOPL Emerald on HOPL - Read more about Emerald on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. const main <- object mainProgram initially stdout.putString["Hello World\n"] end initially end mainProgram Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token stdout.putString Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
emesh - Esoteric programming language emesh ===== emesh is an esoteric programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2383 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Toy programming language written in javascript - Tags: esoteric programming language - emesh is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of emesh happened in - emesh is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON HackerNews discussions of emesh =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: I have written a toy language in JavaScript||11/12/2014|10|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
emfatic - Programming language emfatic ======= emfatic is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #2717 on PLDB 20 Years Old Emfatic is a language designed to represent EMF Ecore models in a textual form. - Tags: programming language - Early development of emfatic happened in Eclipse Foundation package test; datatype D1 : int; package P { datatype D2 : int; } class C { attr D1 d1; attr P.D2 d2; attr ecore.EString s1; attr String s2; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Emily - Operating system Emily ===== Emily is an operating system created in 1970 by Wilfred J. Hansen. 1970 Wilfred J. Hansen #4021 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: operating system - Early development of Emily happened in Argonne National Laboratory - First announcement of Emily Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
EMMA - Programming language EMMA ==== EMMA is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3383 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EMMA happened in University of Vienna - EMMA on HOPL EMMA on HOPL - Read more about EMMA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Emojicode - Programming language Emojicode ========= Emojicode is an open source programming language created in 2016 by Theo Weidmann. 2016 Theo Weidmann #278 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone 😀😜🔂 World’s only programming language that’s bursting with emojis - Tags: programming language - Emojicode is developed on GitHub and has 3,244 stars - Early development of Emojicode happened in - Emojicode is written in HTML, JavaScript, C++, CMake, CSS, Markdown, C, Python, Bourne shell, YAML - Explore Emojicode snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2015 🏁 🍇 😀 🔤Hello, world!🔤❗️ 🍉 🏁 🍇 😀 🔤Hello World🔤❗️ 🍉 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
emoticon - Esoteric programming language emoticon ======== emoticon is an esoteric programming language created in 2004. 2004 #2850 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of emoticon happened in - emoticon on Esolang emoticon on Esolang Hello World :Q S::P :P Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
empirical - Programming language empirical ========= empirical is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2718 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of empirical happened in Empirical Software Solutions, LLC - was registered in 2018 HackerNews discussions of empirical =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Empirical – a language for time-series analysis||05/21/2019|111|29 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Emscripten - Compiler Emscripten ========== Emscripten is a compiler created in 2010 by Alon Zakai. 2010 Alon Zakai #517 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Emscripten: An LLVM-to-WebAssembly Compiler - Tags: compiler - Emscripten is developed on GitHub and has 25,442 stars - Emscripten compiles to WebAssembly - Emscripten is written in C, C++, JavaScript, Python, CMake, Make, reStructuredText, HTML, Bourne shell, M4, OpenCL, Markdown, JSON, Pascal, XML, HLSL, Visual Basic, Assembly language, YAML, TypeScript, CSS, SVG, Nix, Lua, IDL, PowerShell, Tex, Qt, DTD, Ini, LLVM IR, Bash Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
emu - Programming language emu === emu is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3684 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of emu happened in HackerNews discussions of emu ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Emu – language for numerical computing embedded in Rust||05/28/2019|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Enchilada - Programming language Enchilada ========= Enchilada is a programming language created in 2006 by Robbert van Dalen. 2006 Robbert van Dalen #2571 on PLDB 18 Years Old Enchilada is a research project that takes one central idea to the extreme: Information cannot be destroyed. - Tags: programming language - Read more about Enchilada on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 10 ~ 0 [+] {f={b={s=[b] s f * |}}} {e==e} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Encore - Programming language Encore ====== Encore is a programming language created in 2014 by Stephan Brandauer and Elias Castegren and Dave Clarke. 2014 Stephan Brandauer Elias Castegren Dave Clarke #1612 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone The Encore compiler. - Tags: programming language - Encore is developed on GitHub and has 43 stars - Early development of Encore happened in Uppsala University - Encore is written in C, Haskell, Markdown, C++, Lua, Make, Bourne shell, XML, Lisp, Bash, D, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
Energy Systems Language - Notation Energy Systems Language ======================= Energy Systems Language is a notation created in 1950. 1950 #2600 on PLDB 74 Years Old The Energy Systems Language, also referred to as Energese, Energy Circuit Language, or Generic Systems Symbols, was developed by the ecologist Howard T. Odum and colleagues in the 1950s during studies of the tropical forests funded by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. They are used to compose energy flow diagrams in the field of systems ecology.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of Energy Systems Language happened in United States Atomic Energy Commission Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Energy Momentum Equation - Equation Energy Momentum Equation ======================== Energy Momentum Equation is an equation created in 1928 by Paul Dirac. 1928 Paul Dirac #3272 on PLDB 96 Years Old - Tags: equation - See also: (1 related languages) Mass Energy Equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
english-programming-language - Programming language english-programming-language ============================ english-programming-language is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4804 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of english-programming-language happened in Microdata Corporation - Read more about english-programming-language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
eno - Programming language eno === eno is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #3017 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of eno happened in - was registered in 2018 HackerNews discussions of eno ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Eno notation language||08/16/2018|89|32 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
enso - Programming language enso ==== enso is a programming language created in 2011 by Alex Loh. 2011 Alex Loh #2462 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of enso happened in University of Texas at Austin - was registered in 2011 HackerNews discussions of enso ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Enso Programming Model||05/04/2011|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Enso - Programming language Enso ==== Enso is a programming language created in 2015 by Wojciech Danilo. 2015 Wojciech Danilo #208 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Enso is an award-winning interactive programming language with dual visual and textual representations. - Tags: programming language - Enso is developed on GitHub and has 7,319 stars - Early development of Enso happened in - Enso is written in Java, Scala, TypeScript, Rust, Markdown, YAML, SVG, JSON, CSV, TOML, JavaScript, Python, XML, Bourne shell, CSS, HTML, Haskell, Dockerfile, C++, Nix, Make, PowerShell, Bash - was registered in 2001 - See also: (1 related languages) Luna - 1 PLDB concepts link to Enso: Luna Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Enterprise Mashup Markup Language - Programming language Enterprise Mashup Markup Language ================================= Enterprise Mashup Markup Language is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3783 on PLDB 23 Years Old EMML, or Enterprise Mashup Markup Language, is an XML markup language for creating enterprise mashups, which are software applications that consume and mash data from variety of sources, often performing logical or mathematical operations as well as presenting data. Mashed data produced by enterprise mashups are presented in graphical user interfaces as mashlets, widgets, or gadgets. EMML can also be considered a declarative mashup domain-specific language (DSL). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Enterprise Mashup Markup Language happened in JackBe Corporation - See also: (9 related languages) XML, Eclipse, JSON, JavaScript, JRuby, Groovy, XQuery, HTML, XPath <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ var r = new String(result) var ar = r.split("="); auth = ar[ar.length-1]; auth = auth.slice(0, -1) ]]> </script> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
Entropy - Esoteric programming language Entropy ======= Entropy is an esoteric programming language created in 2021 by Daniel Temkin. 2021 Daniel Temkin #2463 on PLDB 3 Years Old Entropy is a language where data decays the more it's used. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Entropy happened in - was registered in 2021 Program MyNamespace MyProgram [ print "Hello, world!\n"; ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
envoy-app - Application envoy-app ========= envoy-app is an application created in 2017. 2017 #3685 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of envoy-app happened in - was registered in 2017 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
Epigram - Programming language Epigram ======= Epigram is an open source programming language created in 2004 by Conor McBride. 2004 Conor McBride #1153 on PLDB 20 Years Old Epigram is a functional programming language with dependent types. Epigram also refers to the IDE usually packaged with the language. Epigram's type system is strong enough to express program specifications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Epigram happened in University of London - Explore Epigram snippets on Rosetta Code - Epigram on HOPL Epigram on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) Linux, Agda, Idris, Coq, Haskell, DML - Read more about Epigram on the web: 1. 1. plus x y <= rec x { plus x y <= case x { plus zero y => y plus (suc x) y => suc (plus x y) } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Dependent types FeatureLink ../features/hasDependentTypes.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 247 1.2
EPILOG - Programming language EPILOG ====== EPILOG is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #4022 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EPILOG happened in University of Porto - EPILOG on HOPL EPILOG on HOPL - Read more about EPILOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
epsilon - Programming language epsilon ======= epsilon is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #1885 on PLDB 57 Years Old EOL is an imperative programming language for creating, querying and modifying EMF models. You can think of it as a mixture of Javascript and OCL, combining the best of both worlds. As such, it provides all the usual imperative features found in Javascript (e.g. statement sequencing, variables, for and while loops, if branches etc.) and all the nice features of OCL such as those handy collection querying functions. - Tags: programming language - Early development of epsilon happened in Eclipse Foundation var m : new Model; = "m"; // Create five packages for (i in{ var package : Package = new Package; = "p" + i; package.package = m; // Create three classes in each package for (j in { var class : Class = new Class; = "c" + i + "" + j; class.isAbstract = false; class.package = package; } } // Assign random supertypes to the classes created for (c in Class.allInstances) { c.extends = Class.allInstances.random(); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
EPUB - Application EPUB ==== EPUB is an application created in 2007. 2007 #3220 on PLDB 17 Years Old EPUB is an e-book file format that uses the ".epub" file extension - Tags: application - 1 PLDB concepts link to EPUB: Frundis Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
EqL - Programming language EqL === EqL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4921 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - EqL on HOPL EqL on HOPL - Read more about EqL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
EQLog - Programming language EQLog ===== EQLog is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4023 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EQLog happened in SRI - EQLog on HOPL EQLog on HOPL - Read more about EQLog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
eqn - Text markup language eqn === eqn is a text markup language created in 1974. 1974 #2816 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of eqn happened in Bell Labs - See also: (3 related languages) Troff, Tex, LaTeX sum from { k = 1 } to N { k sup 2 } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
EQS - Programming language EQS === EQS is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3384 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EQS happened in MIT - EQS on HOPL EQS on HOPL - Read more about EQS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
EQUATE - Programming language EQUATE ====== EQUATE is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4024 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EQUATE happened in Cornell University - EQUATE on HOPL EQUATE on HOPL - Read more about EQUATE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ERB - Template language ERB === ERB is a template language created in 2004. 2004 #673 on PLDB 20 Years Old 276 Repos eRuby (Embedded Ruby) is a templating system that embeds Ruby into a text document. It is often used to embed Ruby code in an HTML document, similar to ASP, JSP and PHP. The templating system of eRuby combines the ruby code and the plain text to provide flow control and variable substitution, thus making it easy to maintain.The View module of the rails is responsible to display the response or output on a browser. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - There are at least 276 ERB repos on GitHub - Early development of ERB happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ERB - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ERB - See also: (11 related languages) HTML, ASP, JSP, PHP, Ruby on Rails, XML, Perl, Java, Linux, HAML, RDoc - 12 PLDB concepts link to ERB: Ace Editor, capybara,, HAML, Homebrew, jasmine, Jekyll, Mastodon, Plaid, Ruby, Slim, ToffeeScript <ul> <% 4.times do %> <li>list item</li> <% end %> </ul> <% provide(:title, @header) %> <% present @users do |user_presenter| %> <div class="row key-header"> <h1><%= @header %></h1> </div> <div class='row'> <div class='small-12 columns'> <%= will_paginate %> </div> </div> <div class="row key-table"> <div class="small-12 columns"> <div class="row key-table-row"> <div class="small-2 columns">Name</div> <div class="small-3 columns">Email</div> <div class="small-1 columns">Chords</div> <div class="small-1 columns">Keys</div> <div class="small-1 columns">Tunings</div> <div class="small-1 columns">Credits</div> <div class="small-1 columns">Prem?</div> <div class="small-2 columns">Since?</div> </div> <% if @users == [] %> <div class="row key-table-row"> <div class="small-4 small-centered columns">No Users</div> </div> <% else %> <%= render @users %> <% end %> </div> </div> <div class='row'> <div class='small-12 columns'> <%= will_paginate %> </div> </div> <% end %> class ERBExample attr_accessor:variable1 # using bind to access class variables def render() renderer.result(binding) end def initialize(variable1) @variable1 = variable1 end # Expose private binding() method. def get_binding binding() end end example = renderer = puts output = renderer.result(example.get_binding) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 576 2.9
erg - Programming language erg === erg is a programming language created in 2022 by Shunsuke Shibayama. 2022 Shunsuke Shibayama #625 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone erg: A Python-compatible statically typed language written in Rust - Tags: programming language - erg is developed on GitHub and has 2,625 stars - Early development of erg happened in - erg is written in Markdown, Rust, Python, TOML, YAML, Nix, SVG, Bourne shell, TypeScript, Bash - Read more about erg on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Erlang - Programming language Erlang ====== Erlang is an open source programming language created in 1986 by Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding and Mike Williams. 1986 Joe Armstrong Robert Virding Mike Williams #30 on PLDB 38 Years Old 29k Repos git clone Erlang ( ER-lang) is a general-purpose, concurrent, functional programming language, as well as a garbage-collected runtime system. The term Erlang is used interchangeably with Erlang/OTP, or OTP, which consists of the Erlang runtime system, a number of ready-to-use components mainly written in Erlang, and a set of design principles for Erlang programs. The Erlang runtime system is known for its designs that are well suited for systems with the following characteristics: Distributed Fault-tolerant Soft real-time, Highly available, non-stop applications Hot swapping, where code can be changed without stopping a system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Erlang is developed on GitHub and has 11,203 stars - There are at least 28,645 Erlang repos on GitHub - Early development of Erlang happened in Ericsson - Erlang is written in Erlang, C, Markdown, Make, JSON, Bourne shell, C++, XML, Java, Elixir, XSD, Assembly language, Python, HTML, SQL, Perl, Lisp, D, M4, YAML, sed, Bash, Dockerfile, Ini, DTD, CSS, JavaScript, Diff, SVG, XSLT, plantuml - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9k users using Erlang in 15k repos on GitHub - Check out the 306 Erlang meetup groups on - There are 9,057 members in the Erlang subreddit - There are 618 Project Euler users using Erlang - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Erlang programmers reported a median salary of $80,077. 1% of respondents reported using Erlang. 651 programmers reported using Erlang, and 1,379 said they wanted to use it - Explore Erlang snippets on Rosetta Code - Erlang on HOPL Erlang on HOPL - Erlang ranks #49 in the TIOBE Index - Erlang Ubuntu package Erlang Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Erlang - Erlang LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Erlang - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Erlang - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Erlang - Erlang appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Erlang on exercism. - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Erlang:, - There is a central package repository for Erlang - has 183 matches for "erlang engineer". - was registered in 1998 - See also: (17 related languages) Prolog, Smalltalk, PLEX, F#, Clojure, Rust, Scala, Opa, Elixir, Dart, Oz, Java, ASCII, Occam, CSP, LFE, Lisp - 14 PLDB concepts link to Erlang: Ace Editor, Alpaca, Caramel, CouchDB, cuneiform, DRAKON, Elixir, Erlang, Gleam, hamler, mal, Pygments, Reia, Sophia -module(square). -export([square/1]). square(A) -> A*A. -module(main). -export([main/0]). main() -> io:fwrite("Hello, world!\n"). -module(erlang_hw). -export([start/0]). start() -> io:format("Hello World~n"). %% Hello World in Erlang -module(hello). -export([hello/0]). hello() -> io:format("Hello World!~n", []). #!/usr/bin/env escript -export([main/1]). main([]) -> io:format("Hello, World!~n"). %% Second version -module(counter). -export([start/0, codeswitch/1]). start() -> loop(0). loop(Sum) -> receive {increment, Count} -> loop(Sum+Count); reset -> loop(0); {counter, Pid} -> Pid ! {counter, Sum}, loop(Sum); code_switch -> ?MODULE:codeswitch(Sum) end. codeswitch(Sum) -> loop(Sum). after and andalso begin bnot bor bsl bsr bxor case catch cond div end fun if let not of or orelse receive rem try when xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example io:format("Hello, World!~n"). Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example % [+-]?(?:[2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])#[0-9a-zA-Z]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example % [+-]?\d+.\d+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token io:format row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example -define(Const, Replacement). -define(Func(Var1,...,VarN), Replacement). Token row Feature hasExports FeatureLink ../features/hasExports.html Supported ✓ Example -export([start/0, codeswitch/1]). Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example -include("my_records.hrl"). -include("incdir/my_records.hrl"). -include("/home/user/proj/my_records.hrl"). -include("$PROJ_ROOT/my_records.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example -define(TIMEOUT, 200). ... call(Request) -> server:call(refserver, Request, ?TIMEOUT). -undef(Macro). Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Shebang FeatureLink ../features/canDoShebang.html Supported ✓ Example #!/usr/bin/env escript Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 958 4.8
ERROL - Programming language ERROL ===== ERROL is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4025 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ERROL happened in Technion - ERROL on HOPL ERROL on HOPL - Read more about ERROL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
ESC/P - Programming language ESC/P ===== ESC/P is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2410 on PLDB 32 Years Old ESC/P, short for Epson Standard Code for Printers and sometimes styled Escape/P, is a printer control language developed by Epson to control computer printers. It was mainly used in dot matrix printers and some inkjet printers, and is still widely used in many receipt printers. During the era of dot matrix printers, it was also used by other manufacturers (e.g., NEC), sometimes in modified form. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ESC/P happened in Seiko Epson Corporation - ESC/P on HOPL ESC/P on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) PostScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Escapade - Programming language Escapade ======== Escapade is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3627 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Escapade happened in - Read more about Escapade on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
eskew - Programming language eskew ===== eskew is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2677 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A stack inspired language made for RacketCon 2019 - Tags: programming language - eskew is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of eskew happened in - eskew is written in Markdown, Racket HackerNews discussions of eskew =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Eskew – stack inspired language for RacketCon 2019||07/15/2019|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
Esoteric Reaction - Esoteric programming language Esoteric Reaction ================= Esoteric Reaction is an esoteric programming language created in 2020. 2020 #2678 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Esolang using chemical "formulas" as code - Tags: esoteric programming language - Esoteric Reaction is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of Esoteric Reaction happened in - Esoteric Reaction is written in Rust, Markdown, CSV, JSON, Python, TOML <code> ::= <equation> | <equation> <code> <equation> ::= <reagent> <rhs> | <COMMENT> | <reagent> <rhs> <COMMENT> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
ESP - Programming language ESP === ESP is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4805 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ESP on HOPL ESP on HOPL - Read more about ESP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language - Programming language Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language =========================================== Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language, aka Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language, is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #1557 on PLDB 57 Years Old This article is about the programming language. For the university, see Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral.ESPOL (short for Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language) was a superset of ALGOL 60 that provided capabilities of what would later be known as Mohols, machine oriented high order languages, such as interrupting a processor on a multiprocessor system (the Burroughs large systems were multiprocessor processor systems). ESPOL was used to write the MCP (Master Control Program) on Burroughs computer systems from the B5000 to the B6700. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language is a superset of ALGOL 60 - Early development of Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language happened in Burroughs Corporation - Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language on HOPL Executive Systems Problem Oriented Language on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 60, NEWP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
Esterel - Programming language Esterel ======= Esterel is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #1472 on PLDB 44 Years Old Esterel is a synchronous programming language for the development of complex reactive systems. The imperative programming style of Esterel allows the simple expression of parallelism and preemption. As a consequence, it is well suited for control-dominated model designs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Esterel happened in Ecole des Mines de Paris and Inria - Esterel on HOPL Esterel on HOPL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Esterel - See also: (3 related languages) C, VHDL, Verilog module ABRO: input A, B, R; output O; loop [ await A || await B ]; emit O each R end module Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
eta - Programming language eta === eta is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2719 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of eta happened in - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of eta ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Eta – A powerful language for building scalable systems on the JVM||01/11/2017|282|161 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
ETC - Programming language ETC === ETC is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #3106 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ETC happened in Bell Labs - ETC on HOPL ETC on HOPL - Read more about ETC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Ethereum Virtual Machine - Virtual machine Ethereum Virtual Machine ======================== Ethereum Virtual Machine is a virtual machine created in 2015. 2015 #4026 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: virtual machine - Early development of Ethereum Virtual Machine happened in Ethereum Foundation - Read more about Ethereum Virtual Machine on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Ethereum - Crypto protocol Ethereum ======== Ethereum is a crypto protocol created in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin. 2015 Vitalik Buterin #4653 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
Ethernet - Protocol Ethernet ======== Ethernet is a protocol created in 1973 by Robert Metcalfe. 1973 Robert Metcalfe #2349 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of Ethernet happened in Xerox PARC - ALOHAnet influenced the design of Ethernet - 1 PLDB concepts link to Ethernet: FlowNet Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Etoys - Programming language Etoys ===== Etoys is an open source programming language created in 1996 by Alan Kay. 1996 Alan Kay #1605 on PLDB 28 Years Old Etoys is a child-friendly computer environment and object-oriented prototype-based programming language for use in education. Etoys is a media-rich authoring environment with a scripted object model for many different objects that runs on different platforms and is free and open source.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Etoys happened in Disney - Etoys appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (8 related languages) Squeak, Logo, Smalltalk, HyperCard, StarLogo, Scratch, Lisp, Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
Etruscan numerals - Numeral system Etruscan numerals ================= Etruscan numerals is a numeral system created in -700. -700 #4654 on PLDB 2724 Years Old - Tags: numeralSystem - Early development of Etruscan numerals happened in Ancient Greeks Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
Etude - Programming language Etude ===== Etude is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4027 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Etude happened in MIT - Etude on HOPL Etude on HOPL - Read more about Etude on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
euboea - Programming language euboea ====== euboea is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4574 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Euboea is blazingly fast and small programming language compiled JIT to Machine code. - Tags: programming language - euboea is developed on GitHub and has 44 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
Euclid - Programming language Euclid ====== Euclid is a programming language created in 1970 by Butler Lampson. 1970 Butler Lampson #2062 on PLDB 54 Years Old Euclid is an imperative programming language for writing verifiable programs. It was designed by Butler Lampson and associates at the Xerox PARC lab in the mid-1970s. The implementation was led by Ric Holt at the University of Toronto and James Cordy was the principal programmer for the first implementation of the compiler. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Euclid happened in Xerox PARC and University of Toronto - Euclid on HOPL Euclid on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Pascal, Mesa, Turing Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Euclidean geometry - Notation Euclidean geometry ================== Euclidean geometry is a notation created in -300. -300 #2897 on PLDB 2324 Years Old Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to Alexandrian Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his textbook on geometry: the Elements. Euclid's method consists in assuming a small set of intuitively appealing axioms, and deducing many other propositions (theorems) from these. Although many of Euclid's results had been stated by earlier mathematicians, Euclid was the first to show how these propositions could fit into a comprehensive deductive and logical system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Euler - Programming language Euler ===== Euler is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #1917 on PLDB 59 Years Old Euler is a programming language created by Niklaus Wirth and Helmut Weber, conceived as an extension and generalization of ALGOL 60. The designers' goal was to create a language: which was simpler, and yet more flexible, than ALGOL 60 that was a useful programming language processed with reasonable efficiency that can be defined with rigorous formalityAvailable sources indicate that Euler was operational by 1965.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Euler happened in Stanford University and ETH Zurich - Explore Euler snippets on Rosetta Code - Euler on HOPL Euler on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ALGOL 60 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Euler's Equation - Equation Euler's Equation ================ Euler's Equation is an equation created in 1748 by Leonhard Euler. 1748 Leonhard Euler #4542 on PLDB 276 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
EuLisp - Programming language EuLisp ====== EuLisp is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #1398 on PLDB 39 Years Old EuLisp is a statically and dynamically scoped Lisp dialect developed by a loose formation of industrial and academic Lisp users and developers from around Europe. The standardizers intended to create a new Lisp "less encumbered by the past" (compared to Common Lisp), and not so minimalist as Scheme. Another objective was to integrate the object-oriented programming paradigm well. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of EuLisp happened in - EuLisp on HOPL EuLisp on HOPL - See also: (22 related languages) Lisp, Linux, Common Lisp, Scheme, T, Standard ML, Haskell, Dylan, ISLISP, Interlisp, Lisp Machine Lisp, Le-Lisp, Emacs Lisp, AutoLISP, OpenLisp, PicoLisp, NewLisp, Racket, Guile, Clojure, Arc, LFE (defmodule hanoi (syntax (syntax-0) import (level-0) export (hanoi)) ;;;------------------------------------------------- ;;; Tower definition ;;;------------------------------------------------- (defconstant *max-tower-height* 10) (defclass <tower> () ((id reader: tower-id keyword: id:) (blocks accessor: tower-blocks))) (defun build-tower (x n) (labels ((loop (i res) (if (= i 0) res (loop (- i 1) (cons i res))))) ((setter tower-blocks) x (loop n ())) x)) (defmethod generic-print ((x <tower>) (s <stream>)) (sformat s "#<tower ~a: ~a>" (tower-id x) (tower-blocks x))) ;;;------------------------------------------------- ;;; Access to tower blocks ;;;------------------------------------------------- (defgeneric push (x y)) (defmethod push ((x <tower>) (y <fpi>)) (let ((blocks (tower-blocks x))) (if (or (null? blocks) (< y (car blocks))) ((setter tower-blocks) x (cons y blocks)) (error <condition> (fmt "cannot push block of size ~a on tower ~a" y x))))) (defgeneric pop (x)) (defmethod pop ((x <tower>)) (let ((blocks (tower-blocks x))) (if blocks (progn ((setter tower-blocks) x (cdr blocks)) (car blocks)) (error <condition> (fmt "cannot pop block from empty tower ~a" x))))) ;;;------------------------------------------------- ;;; Move n blocks from tower x1 to tower x2 using x3 as buffer ;;;------------------------------------------------- (defgeneric move (n x1 x2 x3)) (defmethod move ((n <fpi>) (x1 <tower>) (x2 <tower>) (x3 <tower>)) (if (= n 1) (progn (push x2 (pop x1)) (print x1 nl x2 nl x3 nl nl)) (progn (move (- n 1) x1 x3 x2) (move 1 x1 x2 x3) (move (- n 1) x3 x2 x1)))) ;;;------------------------------------------------- ;;; Initialize and run the 'Towers of Hanoi' ;;;------------------------------------------------- (defun hanoi () (let ((x1 (make <tower> id: 0)) (x2 (make <tower> id: 1)) (x3 (make <tower> id: 2))) (build-tower x1 *max-tower-height*) (build-tower x2 0) (build-tower x3 0) (print x1 nl x2 nl x3 nl nl) (move *max-tower-height* x1 x2 x3))) (hanoi) ;;;------------------------------------------------- ) ;; End of module hanoi ;;;------------------------------------------------- Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 576 2.9
EUMEL - Programming language EUMEL ===== EUMEL is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #2959 on PLDB 45 Years Old EUMEL (pronounced oimel for Extendable Multi User Microprocessor ELAN System and also known as L2 for Liedtke 2) is an operating system which began as a run-time environment for the ELAN programming language. It was created in 1979 by Jochen Liedtke at the University of Bielefeld. EUMEL initially ran on the 8-bit Z80 processor, and was later ported to many different architectures. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of EUMEL happened in Bielefeld University - EUMEL on HOPL EUMEL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ELAN, PowerPC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Euphoria - Programming language Euphoria ======== Euphoria, aka End User Programming Hierarchial Objects for Robust Interpreted Applications, is an open source programming language created in 1993 by Jeremy Cowgar and Robert Craig and Matt Lewis and Derek Parnell. 1993 Jeremy Cowgar Robert Craig Matt Lewis Derek Parnell #574 on PLDB 31 Years Old 75 Repos git clone Euphoria is a programming language originally created by Robert Craig of Rapid Deployment Software in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Initially developed (though not publicly released) on the Atari ST, the first commercial release was for the 16-bit DOS platform and was proprietary. In 2006, with the release of version 3, Euphoria became open-source software. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Euphoria is developed on GitHub and has 86 stars - There are at least 75 Euphoria repos on GitHub - Early development of Euphoria happened in Rapid Deployment Software - Euphoria is written in Elixir, C, Bourne shell, Make, WebAssembly, HTML, JSON, JavaScript, CSS, YAML, Markdown, Tex, Prolog, XML, Lex, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 46 users using Euphoria in 47 repos on GitHub - There are 8 Project Euler users using Euphoria - Explore Euphoria snippets on Rosetta Code - Euphoria on HOPL Euphoria on HOPL - Euphoria appears in the TIOBE Index - Learn Euphoria on exercism. - was registered in 2007 - See also: (9 related languages) Linux, FreeBSD, C, BASIC, ASCII, Lua, Python, REBOL, Ruby puts(1, "Hello, world!\n") puts(1, "Hello World") -- Hello World in Euphoria puts(1, "Hello World!\n") global function replace_item( object old, object new, sequence group ) integer pos -- Code begins -- pos = find( old, group ) if pos > 0 then group[pos] = new end if return group end function Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token puts row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 469 2.3
Eurisko - Programming language Eurisko ======= Eurisko is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #1867 on PLDB 46 Years Old Eurisko (Gr., I discover) is a discovery system written by Douglas Lenat in RLL-1, a representation language itself written in the Lisp programming language. A sequel to Automated Mathematician, it consists of heuristics, i.e. rules of thumb, including heuristics describing how to use and change its own heuristics. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Eurisko happened in Stanford University - Eurisko on HOPL Eurisko on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) DOI, ISBN - Read more about Eurisko on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Eva - Programming language Eva === Eva is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3385 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Eva happened in Faculté des Sciences et Technologies l'Université de Lille - Eva on HOPL Eva on HOPL - Read more about Eva on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Eve - Programming language Eve === Eve is an open source programming language created in 2016. 2016 #230 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Better tools for thought - Tags: programming language - Eve is developed on GitHub and has 7,153 stars - Early development of Eve happened in - Eve is written in TypeScript, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, HTML, YAML, Dockerfile - was registered in 2014 // People older than 30 [#person age > 30] // The same as above [#person age] age > 30 // Also the same as above people = [#person] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
EverParse3D - Interface design language EverParse3D =========== EverParse3D is an interface design language created in 2022 by Nikhil Swamy and Tahina Ramananandro and Aseem Rastogi and Irina Spiridonova and Haobin Ni and Dmitry Malloy and Juan Vazquez and Michael Tang and Omar Cardona and Arti Gupta. 2022 Nikhil Swamy Tahina Ramananandro Aseem Rastogi Irina Spiridonova Haobin Ni Dmitry Malloy Juan Vazquez Michael Tang Omar Cardona Arti Gupta #2572 on PLDB 2 Years Old Addressing this need, we present EverParse3D, a parser generator for binary message formats that yields performant C code backed by fully automated formal proofs of memory safety, arithmetic safety, functional correctness, and even double-fetch freedom to prevent certain kinds of time-of check/time-of-use errors. This allows systems developers to specify their message formats declaratively and to integrate correct-by-construction C code into their applications, eliminating several classes of bugs. EverParse3D has been in use in the Windows kernel for the past year. Applied primarily to the Hyper-V network virtualization stack, the formats of nearly 100 different messages spanning four protocols have been specified in EverParse3D and the resulting formally proven parsers have replaced prior handwritten code. - Tags: interface design language - Early development of EverParse3D happened in Microsoft - EverParse3D compiles to C - See also: (2 related languages) Protocol Buffers, FlatBuffers - Read more about EverParse3D on the web: 1. 1. typedef struct _OrderedPair { UINT32 fst; UINT32 snd { fst <= snd }; } OrderedPair; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 410 2
ex - Editor ex == ex is an editor created in 1978 by Bill Joy. 1978 Bill Joy #2350 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of ex happened in Queen Mary College - ed influenced the design of ex - ex is written in C - 1 PLDB concepts link to ex: vi Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
EXAPT - Programming language EXAPT ===== EXAPT is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4806 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EXAPT happened in Technical Universities of Berlin and Aachen AEG and Siemens - EXAPT on HOPL EXAPT on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
EXEC 2 - Programming language EXEC 2 ====== EXEC 2 is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #1974 on PLDB 54 Years Old EXEC 2 is an interpreted, command procedure control, computer scripting language used by the EXEC 2 Processor supplied with the IBM Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) operating system.EXEC 2 is similar to EXEC with the following enhancements: There is no 8-byte restriction on token length. Statements can be up to 255 characters long. EXEC 2 can issue commands to subcommand environments as well as CMS and CP. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of EXEC 2 happened in IBM - EXEC 2 on HOPL EXEC 2 on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) EXEC, Rexx - Read more about EXEC 2 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
Executable JSON - Programming language Executable JSON =============== Executable JSON is a programming language created in 2013 by Todd Davies. 2013 Todd Davies #2720 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Executable JSON happened in [ {"x":9}, {"y":3}, ["print The value of x is: $x"], ["print The value of x is: $y"], ["print Now lets add x and y"], ["add $z $x $y"], ["print The answer is: $z"], ["print Now lets subtract y from x"], ["sub $z $x $y"], ["print The answer is: $z"], ["print Now lets divide x by y"], ["div $z $x $y"], ["print The answer is: $z"], ["print Now lets multiply x by y"], ["mul $z $x $y"], ["print The answer is: $z"], {"myMethod": { "params": [ "p1", "p2" ], "body": [ {"nestedMethod": { "params": [ "p1" ], "body": [ ["print Methods can be nested, and arguments can be trickled down."], ["print The result was: $p1"] ] } }, ["print You passed me: $p1 and $p2"], ["print Lets add them and pass the result into another method!"], ["add $p2 $p1 $p2"], ["!nestedMethod $p2"] ] } }, ["!myMethod $x $y"] ] HackerNews discussions of Executable JSON ========================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A programming language with a JSON parsable syntax||11/26/2013|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 338 1.7
EXEL - Programming language EXEL ==== EXEL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3386 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EXEL happened in Sorbonne University Pierre and Marie Curie Campus and Thomson-CSF - EXEL on HOPL EXEL on HOPL - Read more about EXEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
ExFAT - Filesystem ExFAT ===== ExFAT is a filesystem created in 2006. 2006 #1772 on PLDB 18 Years Old exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) is a Microsoft file system introduced in 2006 and optimized for flash memory such as USB flash drives and SD cards. It is proprietary and Microsoft owns patents on several elements of its design.exFAT can be used where NTFS is not a feasible solution (due to data-structure overhead), but a greater file-size limit than the standard FAT32 file system (i.e. 4 GiB) is required. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of ExFAT happened in Microsoft - See also: (5 related languages) New Technology File System, Linux, FAT, FreeBSD, Android Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
exkited - Template language exkited ======= exkited is a template language created in 2018 by Brandon Barber. 2018 Brandon Barber #1942 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A minimalistic templating language that lets you generate markup with JavaScript. - Tags: template language - exkited is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Early development of exkited happened in - exkited is written in JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, EJS - was registered in 2020 <html> <div class="title"> <@ return data.title @> // A 'data' object may be passed rendering. </div> <@ let result = ''; for(let x=0;x<10;x++) { for(let i=0;i<4;i++) { for(let j=0;j<4;j++){ result += `<div>@{i+j}</div>`; } } } return result; @> <div class="average-price"> <@ return data.prices.reduce((accum, val) => accum += val) / data.prices.length; @> </div> <div class="day-of-week"> <@ switch(data.dayIdx) { case 0: return 'Sunday'; case 1: return 'Monday'; case 2: return 'Tuesday'; case 3: return 'Wednesday'; case 4: return 'Thursday'; case 5: return 'Friday'; case 6: return 'Saturday'; } @> </div> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 300 1.5
Expect - Programming language Expect ====== Expect is an open source programming language created in 1990. 1990 #293 on PLDB 34 Years Old Expect, an extension to the Tcl scripting language written by Don Libes, is a program to automate interactions with programs that expose a text terminal interface. Expect was originally written in 1990 for Unix systems, but has since become available for Microsoft Windows and other systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Expect happened in - Expect on HOPL Expect on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) Tcl, Unix, Regular Expressions, Python, Ruby, Perl - 16 PLDB concepts link to Expect: Ad-hoc, beef-lang, crmsh, Dern, eC, Flow, HHVM, icarus, invokator, Java, MicroPython, oil, GNU Poke, Racket, skip, Wonkey # Assume $remote_server, $my_user_id, $my_password, and $my_command were read in earlier # in the script. # Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt. spawn telnet $remote_server expect "username:" # Send the username, and then wait for a password prompt. send "$my_user_id\r" expect "password:" # Send the password, and then wait for a shell prompt. send "$my_password\r" expect "%" # Send the prebuilt command, and then wait for another shell prompt. send "$my_command\r" expect "%" # Capture the results of the command into a variable. This can be displayed, or written to disk. set results $expect_out(buffer) # Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character. send "exit\r" expect eof #timeout is a predefined variable in expect which by default is set to 10 sec #spawn_id is another default variable in expect. #It is good practice to close spawn_id handle created by spawn command set timeout 60 spawn ssh $user@machine while {1} { expect { eof {break} "The authenticity of host" {send "yes\r"} "password:" {send "$password\r"} "*\]" {send "exit\r"} } } wait close $spawn_id Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 448 2.2
EXPLAN - Programming language EXPLAN ====== EXPLAN is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3387 on PLDB 30 Years Old A programming language for complex visual stimuli presentation. - Tags: programming language - Early development of EXPLAN happened in Datitalia Processing - EXPLAN on HOPL EXPLAN on HOPL - Read more about EXPLAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
EXPLOR - Programming language EXPLOR ====== EXPLOR is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3388 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EXPLOR happened in Bell Labs and University of California Santa Cruz - Fortran influenced the design of EXPLOR - EXPLOR on HOPL EXPLOR on HOPL - Read more about EXPLOR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Explorer - Visual programming language Explorer ======== Explorer is an open source visual programming language created in 2020 by Hannah Ritchie and Breck Yunits and Shahid Ahmad. 2020 Hannah Ritchie Breck Yunits Shahid Ahmad #2055 on PLDB 4 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Explorer. Programs are encoded as TSVs so are easy to read+write from a spreadsheet IDE, code, or plain text editor. - Tags: visual programming language, spreadsheet - Early development of Explorer happened in Our World In Data - TreeSheets influenced the design of Explorer - See also: (1 related languages) 6gunz - Read more about Explorer on the web: 1. 1. selection Canada~India title Population of different countries subtitle How many people live in each country? type DiscreteBar hasMapTab true hideControls true ySlugs Population table Country Population Year MapleleafsInFlag Canada 32000000 2020 1 India 1000000000 2020 0 France 50000000 2020 0 columns slug type name notes Country EntityName Country Unreviewed Population Numeric Population Unreviewed Year Year Year Unreviewed MapleleafsInFlag Numeric MapleleafsInFlag Unreviewed Language features ====================================================== row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 276 1.4
EXPRESS - Data notation EXPRESS ======= EXPRESS is a data notation created in 2004. 2004 #1062 on PLDB 20 Years Old EXPRESS is a standard data modeling language for product data. EXPRESS is formalized in the ISO Standard for the Exchange of Product model STEP (ISO 10303), and standardized as ISO 10303-11.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of EXPRESS happened in ISO SCHEMA Family; ENTITY Person ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF (Male, Female)); name: STRING; mother: OPTIONAL Female; father: OPTIONAL Male; END_ENTITY; ENTITY Female SUBTYPE OF (Person); END_ENTITY; ENTITY Male SUBTYPE of (Person); END_ENTITY; END_SCHEMA; const express = require('express') const app = express() app.get('/', (_, res) => res.send("Hello World")) app.listen(8080) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
expresso - Programming language expresso ======== expresso is a programming language created in 2012 by Tim Williams. 2012 Tim Williams #1249 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A simple expressions language with polymorphic extensible row types. - Tags: programming language - expresso is developed on GitHub and has 301 stars - Early development of expresso happened in - expresso is written in Haskell, Logos, Markdown, Nix, YAML let sqmag = {x, y} -> x*x + y*y Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
Extended file system - Filesystem Extended file system ==================== Extended file system is a filesystem created in 1992. 1992 #1828 on PLDB 32 Years Old The extended file system, or ext, was implemented in April 1992 as the first file system created specifically for the Linux kernel. It has metadata structure inspired by the traditional Unix File System (UFS) and was designed by Rémy Card to overcome certain limitations of the MINIX file system. It was the first implementation that used the virtual file system (VFS), for which support was added in the Linux kernel in version 0.96c, and it could handle file systems up to 2 gigabytes (GB) in size.ext was the first in the series of extended file systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of Extended file system happened in Linux Foundation - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Ext2 - Filesystem Ext2 ==== Ext2 is a filesystem created in 1993. 1993 #1697 on PLDB 31 Years Old The ext2 or second extended file system is a file system for the Linux kernel. It was initially designed by Rémy Card as a replacement for the extended file system (ext). Having been designed according to the same principles as the Berkeley Fast File System from BSD, it was the first commercial-grade filesystem for Linux.The canonical implementation of ext2 is the "ext2fs" filesystem driver in the Linux kernel. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of Ext2 happened in Linux Foundation - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, Extended file system, Ext3, Ext4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Ext3 - Filesystem Ext3 ==== Ext3 is a filesystem created in 2001. 2001 #2034 on PLDB 23 Years Old ext3, or third extended filesystem, is a journaled file system that is commonly used by the Linux kernel. It used to be the default file system for many popular Linux distributions. Stephen Tweedie first revealed that he was working on extending ext2 in Journaling the Linux ext2fs Filesystem in a 1998 paper, and later in a February 1999 kernel mailing list posting. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of Ext3 happened in Linux Foundation - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Ext2, Ext4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Ext4 - Filesystem Ext4 ==== Ext4 is an open source filesystem created in 2008. 2008 #1480 on PLDB 16 Years Old The ext4 or fourth extended filesystem is a journaling file system for Linux, developed as the successor to ext3.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of Ext4 happened in Linux Foundation - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, FreeBSD, Ext3, Ext2, Android Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Extempore - Programming language Extempore ========= Extempore is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #2721 on PLDB 13 Years Old Extempore is a programming language and runtime environment designed to support cyberphysical programming, where a human programmer operates as an active agent in the world. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Extempore happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Extempore Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Extended ML - Programming language Extended ML =========== Extended ML is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #2635 on PLDB 39 Years Old Extended ML is a wide-spectrum language covering both specification and implementation and based on the ML programming language. It extends the syntax of ML to include axioms, which need not be executable but can rigorously specify the behavior of the program. With this addition the language can be used for stepwise refinement, proceeding gradually from an initial formal specification to eventually yield an executable Standard ML program. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Extended ML happened in University of Edinburgh - Extended ML on HOPL Extended ML on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Standard ML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Extended Pascal - Programming language Extended Pascal =============== Extended Pascal is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3389 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Extended Pascal is a superset of Pascal - Early development of Extended Pascal happened in North Carolina State University - Extended Pascal on HOPL Extended Pascal on HOPL - Read more about Extended Pascal on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Extensible Embeddable Language - Programming language Extensible Embeddable Language ============================== Extensible Embeddable Language is an open source programming language created in 2005 by David Olofson. 2005 David Olofson #2608 on PLDB 19 Years Old The Extensible Embeddable Language (EEL) is a scripting and programming language in development by David Olofson. EEL is intended for scripting in realtime systems with cycle rates in the kHz range, such as musical synthesizers and industrial control systems, but also aspires to be usable as a platform independent general purpose programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Extensible Embeddable Language happened in - See also: (3 related languages) Lua, C, Pascal export function main<args> { print("Recursion test 1:\n"); procedure recurse(arg) { print("arg = ", arg, "\n"); if arg recurse(arg - 1); } recurse(10); print("Recursion test 2; Mutual Recursion:\n"); procedure mrecurse2(arg); procedure mrecurse1(arg) { print("arg = ", arg, "\n"); if arg mrecurse2(arg); } procedure mrecurse2(arg) { mrecurse1(arg - 1); }; mrecurse1(10); print("Recursion test 2; Mutual Recursion with Function Reference:\n"); procedure mrrecurse1(arg, fn) { print("arg = ", arg, "\n"); if arg fn(arg, fn); } local mrr2 = procedure (arg, fn) { mrrecurse1(arg - 1, fn); }; mrrecurse1(10, mrr2); print(Recursion tests done.\n); return 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 302 1.5
EXTRAN - Programming language EXTRAN ====== EXTRAN is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4807 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - EXTRAN on HOPL EXTRAN on HOPL - Read more about EXTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
EYG - Programming language EYG === EYG, aka Eat Your Greens, is a programming language created in 2021 by Peter Saxton. 2021 Peter Saxton #1179 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Experiments in building "better" languages and tools; for some measure of better. - Tags: programming language - EYG is developed on GitHub and has 138 stars - EYG is written in Gleam, Go, Markdown, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, Elixir, TOML, YAML, Dockerfile, CSS, CSV, C++, Bourne shell let message = "Hello, World!" let greet = message -> perform Alert(message) greet(message) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
EZ - Programming language EZ == EZ is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3107 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of EZ happened in Princeton University - EZ on HOPL EZ on HOPL - Read more about EZ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Ezhil - Programming language Ezhil ===== Ezhil is an open source programming language created in 2007 by Muthu Annamalai. 2007 Muthu Annamalai #1008 on PLDB 17 Years Old Ezhil, in Tamil language script (எழில்), is a compact, open source, interpreted, programming language, originally designed to enable native-Tamil speaking students, K-12 age-group to learn computer programming, and enable learning numeracy and computing, outside of linguistic expertise in predominately English language-based computer systems. In the Ezhil programming language, Tamil keywords and language-grammar are chosen to easily enable the native Tamil speaker write programs in the Ezhil system. Ezhil allows easy representation of computer program closer to the Tamil language logical constructs equivalent to the conditional, branch and loop statements in modern English based programming languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ezhil happened in Google - Explore Ezhil snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Ezhil - was registered in 2021 - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, Logo, BASIC, Python பதிப்பி "வணக்கம், உலகமே!" # Hello world in Ezhil பதிப்பி "வணக்கம்!" பதிப்பி "உலகே வணக்கம்" பதிப்பி "******* நன்றி!. *******" exit() நிரல்பாகம் yin(radius, color1, color2) #turtle_width(3) turtle_color("black") turtle_fill(True) turtle_circle(radius/2., 180) turtle_circle(radius, 180) turtle_left(180) turtle_circle( -1*radius/2.0 , 180 ) turtle_color(color1) turtle_fill(True) turtle_color(color2) turtle_left(90) turtle_up() turtle_forward(radius*0.375) turtle_right(90) turtle_down() turtle_circle(radius*0.125) turtle_left(90) turtle_fill(False) turtle_up() turtle_backward(radius*0.375) turtle_down() turtle_left(90) முடி நிரல்பாகம் main() #turtle_reset() yin(200, "white", "black") yin(200, "black", "white") turtle_ht() pause( "Done! Hit enter to quit", 5) முடி main() Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 397 2
F Prime - Library F Prime ======= F Prime is a library created in 2017 by Timothy Canham. 2017 Timothy Canham #471 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone F' - A flight software and embedded systems framework - Tags: library - F Prime is developed on GitHub and has 9,984 stars - Early development of F Prime happened in - F Prime is written in C++, CMake, Markdown, XML, Python, YAML, JSON, Bash, Ini, Bourne shell, reStructuredText, C, HTML, plantuml, XSLT, SVG, CSV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
F-Script - Programming language F-Script ======== F-Script is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Philippe Mougin. 2009 Philippe Mougin #946 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone F-Script is an object-oriented scripting programming language for Apple's macOS operating system developed by Philippe Mougin. F-Script is an interactive language based on Smalltalk, using macOS's native Cocoa API.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - F-Script is developed on GitHub and has 118 stars - Early development of F-Script happened in - F-Script is written in Objective-C, XML - F-Script on HOPL F-Script on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) X86, Smalltalk, APL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
F# - Programming language F# == F# is an open source programming language created in 2005 by Don Syme. 2005 Don Syme #67 on PLDB 19 Years Old F# (pronounced F sharp) is a strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming methods. F# is most often used as a cross-platform Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) language, but it can also generate JavaScript and graphics processing unit (GPU) code. F# is developed by the F# Software Foundation, Microsoft and open contributors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of F# happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using F# in 6k repos on GitHub - Check out the 128 F# meetup groups on - There are 1,245 Project Euler users using F# - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey F# programmers reported a median salary of $81,037. 1% of respondents reported using F#. 804 programmers reported using F#, and 2,157 said they wanted to use it - F# on HOPL F# on HOPL - F# appears in the TIOBE Index - F# Ubuntu package F# Ubuntu package - Monaco package for syntax highlighting F# - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for F# - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for F# - F# appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn F# on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for F# - There is a central package repository for F# - Read more about F# on the web: 1. 1. - 19 PLDB concepts link to F#: Ace Editor, Blech, cloc, corescript, Dafny, F*, Gforth, jsil-compiler, juniper, mal, preforth, Pygments, r3, reforth, Roslyn compiler, spiral, tao3d, Vale, Wonkey module Program let square num = num * num printfn "Hello, world!" printfn "Hello World" (* Hello World in F# *) printf "Hello World!\n" module Sample open System type Foo = { Bar : string } type Baz = interface end let Sample1(xs : int list) : string = xs |> (fun x -> string x) |> String.concat "," /// A simple prime number detector let isPrime (n:int) = let bound = int (sqrt (float n)) seq {2 .. bound} |> Seq.forall (fun x -> n % x <> 0) // We are using async workflows let primeAsync n = async { return (n, isPrime n) } /// Return primes between m and n using multiple threads let primes m n = seq {m .. n} |> primeAsync |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously |> Array.filter snd |> fst // Run a test primes 1000000 1002000 |> Array.iter (printfn "%d") abstract and atomic as assert asr base begin break checked component const constraint constructor continue class default delegate do done downcast downto elif else end exception eager event external extern false finally for fun function fixed functor global if in include inherit inline interface internal land lor lsl lsr lxor lazy let match member mod module mutable namespace method mixin new not null of open or object override private parallel process protected pure public rec return static sealed struct sig then to true tailcall trait try type upcast use val void virtual volatile when while with yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01][01_]*[uU]?[yslLn]? Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d[\d_]*[uU]?[yslLnQRZINGmM]? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // -?\d[\d_]*(.[\d_]*)?([eE][+\-]?\d[\d_]*)[fFmM]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*[uU]?[yslLn]?[fF]? Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[oO][0-7][0-7_]*[uU]?[yslLn]? Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printfn row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported ✓ Example // [] type N = kg m/sec^2 let force1 = 5.0 let force2 = 5.0 force1 = force2 // true Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported ✓ Example namespace Widgets type MyWidget1 = member this.WidgetName = "Widget1" module WidgetsModule = let widgetName = "Widget2" Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example open module-or-namespace-name open System.IO open List open Seq Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example #if VERSION1 let function1 x y = printfn "x: %d y: %d" x y x + 2 * y #else let function1 x y = printfn "x: %d y: %d" x y x - 2*y #endif // Line directives as source maps can be used when compiling to F#: #line 25 "C:\\Projects\\MyProject\\MyProject\\Script1" Token row Feature Doc comments FeatureLink ../features/hasDocComments.html Supported ✓ Example /// Adds 2 numbers let rec add x y = x + y Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1048 5.2
F - Programming language F = F is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #963 on PLDB 28 Years Old F is a modular, compiled, numeric programming language, designed for scientific programming and scientific computation. F was developed as a modern Fortran, thus making it a subset of Fortran 95. It combines both numerical and data abstraction features from these languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of F happened in The Fortran Company - Explore F snippets on Rosetta Code - F on HOPL F on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) F#, F*, Fortran program hello print *, "Hello World" end program hello program main ! Insert code here end program main Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Fable - Programming language Fable ===== Fable is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #1657 on PLDB 12 Years Old Fable is a compiler that brings F# into the JavaScript ecosystem - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fable happened in - was registered in 2012 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Fable: Reason type Face = | Ace | King | Queen | Jack | Number of int type Color = | Spades | Hearts | Diamonds | Clubs type Card = | Face * Color let aceOfHearts = Ace, Hearts let tenOfSpades = (Number 10), Spades match card with | Ace, Hearts -> printfn "Ace Of Hearts!" | _, Hearts -> printfn "A lovely heart" | (Number 10), Spades -> printfn "10 of Spades" | _, (Diamonds|Clubs) -> printfn "Diamonds or clubs" // Warning: // Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. // For example, the value '(_,Spades)' may indicate // a case not covered by the pattern(s). Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printfn row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 260 1.3
Fable - Programming language Fable ===== Fable is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3390 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fable happened in Stanford University - Fable on HOPL Fable on HOPL - Read more about Fable on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
FAC - Programming language FAC === FAC is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4028 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FAC happened in GTE Laboratories - FAC on HOPL FAC on HOPL - Read more about FAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Facelets - Template language Facelets ======== Facelets is a template language created in 2005. 2005 #2141 on PLDB 19 Years Old In computing, Facelets is an open-source Web template system under the Apache license and the default view handler technology (aka view declaration language) for JavaServer Faces (JSF). The language requires valid input XML documents to work. Facelets supports all of the JSF UI components and focuses completely on building the JSF component tree, reflecting the view for a JSF application. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Early development of Facelets happened in - See also: (3 related languages) Java, XML, JSP <ui:composition xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:cc=""> <cc:interface/> <cc:implementation> <h:outputText value="&amp;nbsp;" escape="false"/> </cc:implementation> </ui:composition> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
FaCT - Programming language FaCT ==== FaCT is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Deian Stefan. 2017 Deian Stefan #910 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone FaCT is a domain-specific language that aids you in writing constant-time code for cryptographic routines that need to be free from timing side channels. This is the compiler for the Flexible and Constant Time cryptographic programming language. Real-world cryptographic code is often written in a subset of C intended to execute in constant-time, thereby avoiding timing side channel vulnerabilities. This C subset eschews structured programming as we know it: if-statements, looping constructs, and procedural abstractions can leak timing information when handling sensitive data. The resulting obfuscation has led to subtle bugs, even in widely-used high-profile libraries like OpenSSL. To address the challenge of writing constant-time cryptographic code, we present FaCT, a crypto DSL that provides high-level but safe language constructs. The FaCT compiler uses a secrecy type system to automatically transform potentially timing-sensitive high-level code into low-level, constant-time LLVM bitcode. We develop the language and type system, formalize the constant-time transformation, and present an empirical evaluation that uses FaCT to implement core crypto routines from several open-source projects including OpenSSL, libsodium, and curve25519-donna. Our evaluation shows that FaCT's design makes it possible to write \emph{readable}, high-level cryptographic code, with \emph{efficient}, \emph{constant-time} behavior. - Tags: programming language - FaCT is developed on GitHub and has 191 stars - Early development of FaCT happened in University of California San Diego and Stanford University and PI for Security and Privacy and Inria and IMDEA Software Institute - FaCT is written in OCaml, C, Bourne shell, Markdown, Make, Dockerfile - Read more about FaCT on the web: 1. 1. void swap_conditional(secret mut uint64[5] a, secret mut uint64[5] b, secret uint64 swapi) { if (swapi == 1) { for (uint32 i from 0 to 5) { secret uint64 x = a[i]; a[i] = b[i]; b[i] = x; } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 417 2.1
Fully Automated Compiling Technique - Programming language Fully Automated Compiling Technique =================================== Fully Automated Compiling Technique, aka Fully Automated Compiling Technique, is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #1782 on PLDB 65 Years Old FACT is an early discontinued computer programming language, created by the Datamatic Division of Minneapolis Honeywell for its model 800 series business computers in 1959. FACT was an acronym for "Fully Automated Compiling Technique". It was an influence on the design of the COBOL programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fully Automated Compiling Technique happened in Computer Sciences Corporation and Honeywell - Fully Automated Compiling Technique on HOPL Fully Automated Compiling Technique on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) COBOL L 1 PAGE-HEADING BATCH NO. ^ IN ERROR PAGE ^ L 2 COLUMN-HEADING EMP.NO. HOURS EMP.NO. HOURS EMP.NO. HOURS EMP.NO. HOURS EMP.NO. HOURS EMP.NO. HOURS EMP.NO. HOURS EMP.NO. HOURS L 3 ERROR-LINE ^ .^ ^ .^ ^ .^ ^ .^ ^ .^ ^ .^ ^ .^ ^ .^ L 4 BOND-HEADING BOND ORDERS EMP. NO. NAME DATE BOND PAGE ^ L 5 BONDORDER-LINE ^ ^ ^- ^- ^ . ^ L 6 DEL-HEADING TERMINATIONS EMP. NO. DATE NAME BOND CR. TOTALS.. GROSS TAX FICA INSUR RET PAGE ^ L 7 DELETIONS-LINE ^ ^- ^- ^ ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ L 8 ERROR-HEADING ERRORS... EMP. NO. DATE TYPE PAGE ^ L 9 ERROR-LINE ^ ^- ^- ^ ^ L 10 TITLE-LINE PLACE CHECK FORM IN PRINTER L 12 1PAYLINE ^ ^/ ^/ ^ .^ ^/ ^/ ^ L 13 2PAYLINE . ^ . ^ . ^ .^ . ^ L 14 3PAYLINE ^ $****. ^ . ^ . ^ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 302 1.5
Factor - Programming language Factor ====== Factor is an open source programming language created in 2003 by Slava Pestov. 2003 Slava Pestov #150 on PLDB 21 Years Old 201 Repos git clone Factor is a stack-oriented programming language created by Slava Pestov. Factor is dynamically typed and has automatic memory management, as well as powerful metaprogramming features. The language has a single implementation featuring a self-hosted optimizing compiler and an interactive development environment. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Factor is developed on GitHub and has 1,602 stars - There are at least 201 Factor repos on GitHub - Early development of Factor happened in - Factor is written in XML, C++, Lisp, C, HTML, CSS, GLSL, Vim script, CSV, JavaScript, Markdown, CSON, Assembly language, JSON, Bourne shell, SQL, CUDA, YAML, reStructuredText, Smalltalk, SVG, Perl, Make, DTD, Objective C++, Lua, Nix, Ruby, Rust - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 110 users using Factor in 111 repos on GitHub - There are 50 Project Euler users using Factor - Explore Factor snippets on Rosetta Code - Factor appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Factor - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Factor - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Factor - was registered in 2005 - See also: (17 related languages) Linux, Joy, Forth, Lisp, Self, Java, Scheme, C, Java Bytecode, Reverse Polish notation, XML, OpenGL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Objective-C, Fortran, Smalltalk - Read more about Factor on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Factor: Interleaved Notation IN: main USE: io "Hello, world!" print USING: io ; "Hello World" print : make-html ( string -- xml ) dup <XML <html> <head><title><-></title></head> <body><h1><-></h1></body> </html> XML> ; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 473 2.4
FAD - Programming language FAD === FAD is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4029 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FAD happened in Inria and IBM - FAD on HOPL FAD on HOPL - Read more about FAD on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Falcon - Programming language Falcon ====== Falcon is a programming language created in 2003 by Giancarlo Niccolai. 2003 Giancarlo Niccolai #718 on PLDB 21 Years Old Falcon is an open source, multi-paradigm programming language. Design and implementation is led by Giancarlo Niccolai, a native of Bologna, Italy and Information Technology graduate from Pistoia. Falcon translates computer source code to virtual machine instructions for evaluation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Falcon happened in - Explore Falcon snippets on Rosetta Code - Falcon on HOPL Falcon on HOPL - Falcon appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2005 - See also: (15 related languages) Perl, Lua, Smalltalk, PHP, Lisp, Python, Ruby, Unicode, XML, PostgreSQL, SQLite, JSON, Regular Expressions, Linux, Solaris #!/usr/bin/env falcon > "Hello World" // Hello World in Falcon > "Hello World!" directive lang=fr_FR // uses 5 characters ISO language code > i"Bonjour à tout le monde!" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 295 1.5
False - Programming language False ===== False is a programming language created in 1993 by Wouter Van Oortmerssen. 1993 Wouter Van Oortmerssen #1706 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of False happened in - Explore False snippets on Rosetta Code - 1 PLDB concepts link to False: F { writes all prime numbers between 0 and 100 } 99 9[1-$][$@$@$@$@/*=[1-$[%1-$@]?0[$.' ,]?]?]# "Hello, world!" "Hello World " Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Family BASIC - Programming language Family BASIC ============ Family BASIC is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3077 on PLDB 40 Years Old Family BASIC or Famicom BASIC is the consumer product for programming Nintendo's Family Computer video game console of Japan. Family BASIC was launched on June 21, 1984 to consumers in Japan by Nintendo, in cooperation with Hudson Soft and Sharp Corporation. A second version titled Family BASIC V3 was released on February 21, 1985, with greater memory and new features.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Family BASIC happened in Nintendo Co., Ltd and Sharp Corporation and Hudson Soft Co., Ltd - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, Microsoft BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
Fancy - Programming language Fancy ===== Fancy is an open source programming language created in 2010. 2010 #477 on PLDB 14 Years Old 27 Repos git clone Fancy is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language inspired by Smalltalk, Ruby, Io and Erlang that runs on the Rubinius VM. - Tags: programming language - Fancy is developed on GitHub and has 262 stars - There are at least 27 Fancy repos on GitHub - Early development of Fancy happened in - Fancy is written in Ruby, JavaScript, Bourne shell, Yacc, Lex, Markdown, CSS, C, HTML, Lisp, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 108 users using Fancy in 113 repos on GitHub - Explore Fancy snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Fancy - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Fancy - was registered in 2010 "Hello World" println Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
Fantom - Programming language Fantom ====== Fantom is an open source programming language created in 2005. 2005 #495 on PLDB 19 Years Old 176 Repos Fantom is a general purpose object-oriented programming language created by Brian and Andy Frank that runs on the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), JavaScript, and the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) (.NET support is considered "prototype" status). Its primary design goal is to provide a standard library API that abstracts away the question of whether the code will ultimately run on the JRE or CLR. Like C# and Java, Fantom uses a curly brace syntax. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 176 Fantom repos on GitHub - Early development of Fantom happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 36 users using Fantom in 38 repos on GitHub - Explore Fantom snippets on Rosetta Code - Fantom appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Fantom - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Fantom - was registered in 2003 - See also: (11 related languages) C#, Java, Scala, Ruby, Erlang, JavaScript, Boo, Ceylon, Gosu, Groovy, Kotlin // Hello from Fantom! class HelloWorld { static Void main() { echo("Hello World") } } /* * Author: Robert Koeninger * License: WTFPL ( */ mixin Expr { abstract Obj? eval() } class Constant : Expr { Obj? value new make(Obj? value) { this.value = value } override Obj? eval() { value } } enum class Op { plus, minus } class Infix : Expr { Op op Expr left Expr right new make(Op op, Expr left, Expr right) { this.op = op this.left = left this.right = right } override Obj? eval() { switch (op) { case return (Int)left.eval() + (Int)right.eval() case Op.minus: return (Int)left.eval() - (Int)right.eval() default: throw Err("undefined Op") } } } // Hello from Fantom! class HelloWorld { static Void main() { echo("Hello, World!") } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 452 2.3
FORTRAN assembly program - Assembly language FORTRAN assembly program ======================== FORTRAN assembly program, aka FORTRAN assembly program, is an assembly language created in 1959. 1959 #3108 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of FORTRAN assembly program happened in IBM - FORTRAN assembly program on HOPL FORTRAN assembly program on HOPL - Read more about FORTRAN assembly program on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
FAR - Programming language FAR === FAR is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3391 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FAR happened in Oregon State University and Hewlett-Packard - FAR on HOPL FAR on HOPL - Read more about FAR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Faraday's Induction Equation - Equation Faraday's Induction Equation ============================ Faraday's Induction Equation is an equation created in 1831. 1831 #4655 on PLDB 193 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 84 0.4
Farcaster - Protocol Farcaster ========= Farcaster is a protocol created in 2021 by Dan Romero and Varun Srinivasan. 2021 Dan Romero Varun Srinivasan #744 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Farcaster is a decentralized social network built on top of Ethereum. The Layer 1 blockchain manages user identities, while a Layer 2 network propagates updates between users. It offers: Secure, memorable, and human-readable user identifiers like @alice. Real-time settlement and propagation of changes between users. Decentralized access to all data on the network at reasonable costs. - Tags: protocol, microblogging - Farcaster is developed on GitHub and has 1,913 stars - Early development of Farcaster happened in - ActivityPub and Secure Scuttlebutt influenced the design of Farcaster - Farcaster is written in Markdown, YAML, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Fardlang - Esoteric programming language Fardlang ======== Fardlang is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2022 by CompilingCoder and JustCoding123 and zplusfour and Hg0428. 2022 CompilingCoder JustCoding123 zplusfour Hg0428 #2058 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone - Tags: esoteric programming language - Fardlang is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Early development of Fardlang happened in - Fardlang is written in Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, Cython, HTML, reStructuredText, C, CSV, C++, YAML, Markdown, CSS, CMake, Pascal, Diff, C shell, Bourne shell, TOML, Nix, Bash # hehe fard dis is a fardy comment math = 3 fards? math == 3 fard "equals" farded Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Fast Fourier Transform Equation - Equation Fast Fourier Transform Equation =============================== Fast Fourier Transform Equation is an equation created in 1965. 1965 #4690 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 84 0.4
FASTA - Text data format FASTA ===== FASTA is a text data format created in 2004. 2004 #1471 on PLDB 20 Years Old In bioinformatics, FASTA format is a text-based format for representing either nucleotide sequences or peptide sequences, in which nucleotides or amino acids are represented using single-letter codes. The format also allows for sequence names and comments to precede the sequences. The format originates from the FASTA software package, but has now become a standard in the field of bioinformatics.The simplicity of FASTA format makes it easy to manipulate and parse sequences using text-processing tools and scripting languages like the R programming language, Python, Ruby, and Perl.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of FASTA happened in National Center for Biotechnology Information and University of Virginia - ANTLR grammar for FASTA - See also: (6 related languages) ASCII, FASTQ, R, Python, Ruby, Perl >SEQUENCE_1 MTEITAAMVKELRESTGAGMMDCKNALSETNGDFDKAVQLLREKGLGKAAKKADRLAAEG LVSVKVSDDFTIAAMRPSYLSYEDLDMTFVENEYKALVAELEKENEERRRLKDPNKPEHK IPQFASRKQLSDAILKEAEEKIKEELKAQGKPEKIWDNIIPGKMNSFIADNSQLDSKLTL MGQFYVMDDKKTVEQVIAEKEKEFGGKIKIVEFICFEVGEGLEKKTEDFAAEVAAQL >SEQUENCE_2 SATVSEINSETDFVAKNDQFIALTKDTTAHIQSNSLQSVEELHSSTINGVKFEEYLKSQI ATIGENLVVRRFATLKAGANGVVNGYIHTNGRVGVVIAAACDSAEVASKSRDLLRQICMH Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
FASTQ - Text data format FASTQ ===== FASTQ is a text data format created in 2000. 2000 #1482 on PLDB 24 Years Old FASTQ format is a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) and its corresponding quality scores. Both the sequence letter and quality score are each encoded with a single ASCII character for brevity. It was originally developed at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute to bundle a FASTA formatted sequence and its quality data, but has recently become the de facto standard for storing the output of high-throughput sequencing instruments such as the Illumina Genome Analyzer.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of FASTQ happened in Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute - See also: (2 related languages) ASCII, FASTA @SEQ_ID GATTTGGGGTTCAAAGCAGTATCGATCAAATAGTAAATCCATTTGTTCAACTCACAGTTT + !''*((((***+))%%%++)(%%%%).1***-+*''))**55CCF>>>>>>CCCCCCC65 sed -e 'n;n;n;y/!"#$%&'\''()*+,-.\/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL/▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▂▂▂▂▃▃▃▃▃▄▄▄▄▄▅▅▅▅▅▆▆▆▆▆▇▇▇▇▇██████/' myfile.fastq # add -i to save the result to the same input file Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
FastTrack Scripting Host - Programming language FastTrack Scripting Host ======================== FastTrack Scripting Host is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #4498 on PLDB 18 Years Old FastTrack Automation Studio (formerly known as FastTrack Scripting Host) – often referred to as just FastTrack – is a scripting language for Windows IT System Administrators. The product’s goal is to handle any kind of scripting that might be required to automate processes with Microsoft Windows networks. The web site of the product is located at Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FastTrack Scripting Host happened in FastTrack Software - See also: (4 related languages) LOGIN, C#, PowerShell, VBScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
FAT - Filesystem FAT === FAT, aka File Allocation Table, is a filesystem created in 1977. 1977 #911 on PLDB 47 Years Old File Allocation Table (FAT) is a computer file system architecture and a family of industry-standard file systems utilizing it. The FAT file system is a continuing standard which borrows source code from the original, legacy file system and proves to be simple and robust. It offers useful performance even in lightweight implementations, but cannot deliver the same performance, reliability and scalability as some modern file systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of FAT happened in Microsoft and IBM and NCR Corporation and Seattle Computer Products and Compaq Computer Corporation and Digital Research and Novell and Caldera - See also: (10 related languages) ExFAT, New Technology File System, Linux, FreeBSD, Ext4, ASCII, x86 Assembly, Rexx, Java, Android Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
FAUST - Programming language FAUST ===== FAUST is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1238 on PLDB 22 Years Old 199 Repos FAUST (Functional AUdio STream) is a domain-specific purely functional programming language for implementing signal processing algorithms in the form of libraries, audio plug-ins, or standalone applications. A FAUST program denotes a signal processor: a mathematical function that is applied to some input signal and then fed out.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 199 FAUST repos on GitHub - Early development of FAUST happened in Centre national de création musicale - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 21 users using FAUST in 22 repos on GitHub - Explore FAUST snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Unix, C, Max, Haskell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Fawlty - Programming language Fawlty ====== Fawlty is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2464 on PLDB 18 Years Old Fawlty Language is an IDL8 (Interactive Data Language) compatible compiler. Fawlty Language is a closed source, but freely usable IDL clone for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fawlty happened in Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc - Read more about Fawlty on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
fay - Programming language fay === fay is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Chris Done. 2012 Chris Done #519 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A proper subset of Haskell that compiles to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - fay is developed on GitHub and has 1,284 stars - Early development of fay happened in - fay compiles to JavaScript - fay is written in Haskell, Rescript, HTML, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, Bash, JSON, XML {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} module Hello where import FFI data Event alert :: String -> Fay () alert = ffi "alert(%1)" setBodyHtml :: String -> Fay () setBodyHtml = ffi "document.body.innerHTML = %1" addWindowEvent :: String -> (Event -> Fay ()) -> Fay () addWindowEvent = ffi "window.addEventListener(%1, %2)" greet :: Event -> Fay () greet event = do putStrLn "The document has loaded" setBodyHtml "Hello HTML!" main :: Fay () main = do putStrLn "Hello Console!" alert "Hello Alert!" addWindowEvent "load" greet Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
FCL - Programming language FCL === FCL, aka Flow chart language, is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2519 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FCL happened in Copenhagen University and Technical University of Denmark and DIKU and Computer Resources International A/S - See also: (1 related languages) DOT (n) (init) init: x1 = 1 x2 = 1 fib: x1 = x1 + x2 t = x1 x1 = x2 x2 = t n = -(n 1) if >(n 2) then fib else exit exit: return x2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
FCPU - Programming language FCPU ==== FCPU is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4030 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FCPU happened in Saab-Scania AB - FCPU on HOPL FCPU on HOPL - Read more about FCPU on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
fe - Programming language fe == fe is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1294 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A tiny, embeddable language implemented in ANSI C - Tags: programming language - fe is developed on GitHub and has 1,300 stars - Early development of fe happened in - fe is written in Markdown, C, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Friendly Enough Expression Language - Query language Friendly Enough Expression Language =================================== Friendly Enough Expression Language, aka Friendly Enough Expression Language, is a query language created in 2015. 2015 #2573 on PLDB 9 Years Old FEEL defines a syntax for expressing conditions that input data should be evaluated against - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Friendly Enough Expression Language happened in Camunda - Read more about Friendly Enough Expression Language on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Felix - Programming language Felix ===== Felix is a programming language created in 2001 by John Skaller. 2001 John Skaller #353 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone The Felix Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Felix is developed on GitHub and has 799 stars - Early development of Felix happened in - Felix is written in OCaml, reStructuredText, Python, C, C++, Make, HTML, Tex, Bourne shell, Elixir, SVG, Markdown, Haskell, YAML, Vim script, XML, Scala, Java, Perl, Ada, CSS, Pascal, Lisp, M4, XHTML, Clojure, Objective-C, Bash, Nix - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Felix - Read more about Felix on the web: 1. 1. #import <flx.flxh> fun abs_div(a:int, b:int when b!=0) expect result >=0 => abs(a/b) ; print (abs_div(2,4)); print "\n"; println$ "Hello World"; _ _deref all as assert attempt call callback case caseno cclass code compound ctypes do done downto elif else endattempt endcase endif endmatch enum except exceptions expect finally for forall forget fork functor goto ident if incomplete inherit instance interface jump lambda loop match module namespace new noexpand nonterm obj of open parse raise regexp reglex regmatch rename return the then to type typecase typedef typematch typeof upto when whilst with yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[Bb][01_]+([tTsSiIlLvV]|ll|LL|([iIuU])(8|16|32|64))? Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // (0|[1-9][0-9_]*)([tTsSiIlLvV]|ll|LL|([iIuU])(8|16|32|64))? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F_]*\.[0-9a-fA-F_]+|[0-9a-fA-F_]+)[pP][+\-]?[0-9_]+[lLfFdD]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F_]+([tTsSiIlLvV]|ll|LL|([iIuU])(8|16|32|64))? Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[0-7_]+([tTsSiIlLvV]|ll|LL|([iIuU])(8|16|32|64))? Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example match x with | Some x => println$ x; | None => println "NONE"; endmatch; Token row Feature Polymorphism FeatureLink ../features/hasPolymorphism.html Supported ✓ Example // overloads fun f (x:double) => x +42.1; fun f (x:int) => x + 1; fun f (x:string) => x + "!"; Token row Feature Generics FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerics.html Supported ✓ Example // generics fun g (x) => f (f x); println$ g 1, g "hello"; println$ _map f (1,"hello",2.0); Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example var x = 1; &x X Example Token HackerNews discussions of Felix =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Felix - a fast scripting language||01/04/2013|107|83 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 595 3
femtolisp - Programming language femtolisp ========= femtolisp is a programming language created in 2008 by Jeff Bezanson. 2008 Jeff Bezanson #1077 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone a lightweight, robust, scheme-like lisp implementation - Tags: programming language - femtolisp is developed on GitHub and has 1,564 stars - Early development of femtolisp happened in Julia Computing Inc - femtolisp is written in C, Lisp, Scheme, Make, Clojure, Markdown, Bourne shell - Read more about femtolisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
Forsyth-Edwards Notation - Notation Forsyth-Edwards Notation ======================== Forsyth-Edwards Notation is a notation created in 1883. 1883 #2909 on PLDB 141 Years Old Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN) is a standard notation for describing a particular board position of a chess game. The purpose of FEN is to provide all the necessary information to restart a game from a particular position. FEN is based on a system developed by Scottish newspaper journalist David Forsyth. Read more on Wikipedia...–Edwards_Notation Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Fenix Project - Programming language Fenix Project ============= Fenix Project is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #3747 on PLDB 18 Years Old Fenix Project is the codename for a GNU project to create a free compiler for a scripting language derived from the one created by Hammer Technologies for the game development suite DIV Games Studio. However, several features have been added which make it incompatible with most games programmed with DIV Games Studio.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fenix Project happened in Hammer Technologies - See also: (1 related languages) Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Fennel - Programming language Fennel ====== Fennel is a programming language created in 2016 by Calvin Rose. 2016 Calvin Rose #129 on PLDB 8 Years Old 207 Repos git clone Lua Lisp Language - Tags: programming language - Fennel is developed on GitHub and has 2,369 stars - There are at least 207 Fennel repos on GitHub - Early development of Fennel happened in - Fennel is written in Fennel, Markdown, Lua, YAML, Make, Diff, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12 users using Fennel in 12 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Fennel - was registered in 2018 - 5 PLDB concepts link to Fennel: cloc, Fennel, funl, mal, Pygments ;; Sample: read the state of the keyboard and move the player accordingly (local dirs {:up [0 -1] :down [0 1] :left [-1 0] :right [1 0]}) (each [key delta (pairs dirs)] (when (love.keyboard.isDown key) (let [[dx dy] delta [px py] player x (+ px (* dx player.speed dt)) y (+ py (* dy player.speed dt))] (: world :move player x y)))) (print "Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example ; -?\d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example ; -?\d+\.\d+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 342 1.7
Ferite - Programming language Ferite ====== Ferite is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #2365 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Explore Ferite snippets on Rosetta Code uses "console"; Console.println( "Hello World" ); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Console.println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Fern - Programming language Fern ==== Fern is a programming language created in 2022 by Spencer Comin. 2022 Spencer Comin #2655 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A toy programming language built with LLVM and Prolog - Tags: programming language - Fern is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of Fern happened in - Fern is written in Prolog, C++, Markdown, CMake, Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
ferret - Programming language ferret ====== ferret is a programming language created in 2017 by Nurullah Akkaya. 2017 Nurullah Akkaya #686 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Ferret is a free software lisp implementation for real time embedded control systems. - Tags: programming language - ferret is developed on GitHub and has 1,068 stars - Early development of ferret happened in Near East University - ferret is written in YAML, Make, Markdown - was registered in 2017 ;;; lazy-sum.clj (defn positive-numbers ([] (positive-numbers 1)) ([n] (cons n (lazy-seq (positive-numbers (inc n)))))) (println (->> (positive-numbers) (take 5) (apply +))) HackerNews discussions of ferret ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Ferret – A free software Clojure implementation||08/07/2017|266|79 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
fetlang - Esoteric programming language fetlang ======= fetlang is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2017. 2017 #631 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A nsfw esolang. - Tags: esoteric programming language - fetlang is developed on GitHub and has 1,486 stars - Early development of fetlang happened in - fetlang is written in C++, Markdown, C, JSON, Python, YAML, Meson, Bourne shell Make slave scream "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Feynman diagram - Notation Feynman diagram =============== Feynman diagram is a notation created in 1948. 1948 #4691 on PLDB 76 Years Old - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
FFmpeg - Application FFmpeg ====== FFmpeg is an application created in 2000 by Fabrice Bellard and Bobby Bingham. 2000 Fabrice Bellard Bobby Bingham #795 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone Mirror of - Tags: application - FFmpeg is developed on GitHub and has 44,064 stars - FFmpeg is written in C, Assembly language, Make, Bourne shell, OpenCL, XML, CUDA, Perl, Objective-C, Markdown, C++, CSS, Python, XSD, Metal, awk, Ruby, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources - Standard Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources ========================================== Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources is a standard created in 2011. 2011 #2002 on PLDB 13 Years Old Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR, pronounced "fire") is a draft standard describing data formats and elements (known as "resources") and an application programming interface (API) for exchanging electronic health records. The standard was created by the Health Level Seven International (HL7) health-care standards organization. FHIR builds on previous data format standards from HL7, like HL7 version 2.x and HL7 version 3.x. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard - Early development of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources happened in Health Level Seven International Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Liber Abaci - Notation Liber Abaci =========== Liber Abaci is a notation created in 1202. 1202 #4656 on PLDB 822 Years Old The Arabic numeral system as presented in Liber Abaci. - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Fibonacci - Programming language Fibonacci ========= Fibonacci is a programming language created in 1991 by Antonio Albano and Giorgio Ghelli and and Renzo Orsini. 1991 Antonio Albano Giorgio Ghelli and Renzo Orsini #2056 on PLDB 33 Years Old Fibonacci is an object-oriented database programming language characterized by static and strong typing, and by new mechanisms for modeling databases in terms of objects with roles, classes, and associations. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fibonacci happened in Università di Pisa - Fibonacci on HOPL Fibonacci on HOPL - Read more about Fibonacci on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Fibonacci on the web: 1. 1. let john = role Person private let address = var ("Darwin road, 123 - London") ;5 methods Name = "John Daniels"; BirthYear = 1967; Age = currentYear() - me.BirthYear; Address = at (address); modAddress (newAddress: String) = if stringLength(newAddress) <= 0 then failwith "incorrect address" else address := newAddress Introduce = "My name is " & me.Name & "and I was born in " ~ intToString(me.BirthYear); end; Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* query examples *) Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 320 1.6
Fickle - Programming language Fickle ====== Fickle is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4031 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fickle happened in Università di Genova and Imperial College and Universit`a di Torino and Universit`a del Piemonte Orientale - Fickle on HOPL Fickle on HOPL - Read more about Fickle on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
FIGlet Font - Application FIGlet Font =========== FIGlet Font is an application created in 1991. 1991 #1764 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of FIGlet Font happened in - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for FIGlet Font - Read more about FIGlet Font on the web: 1. 1. flf2a$ 6 5 76 15 14 1 16271 39 Ivrit (Hebrew) Unicode font assembled by John Cowan <> Latin chars from Standard by G. Chappell & Ian Chai Hebrew chars from Jerusalem by Gedaliah Friedenberg <> Use "ilhebrew.flc" for Hebrew keyboard mapping Use "ushebrew.flc" for U.S.-style keyboard mapping ("febrew" script) Use "8859-8.flc" for ISO 8859-8 text Or use UTF-8 WARNING! FIGfonts aren't bidirectional; this is strictly right-to-left (by default) even for the Latin characters. figlet release 2.2 -- November 1996 Modified by Paul Burton <> 12/96 to include new parameter supported by FIGlet and FIGWin. May also be slightly modified for better use of new full-width/kern/smush alternatives, but default output is NOT changed. $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@@ _ @ | |@ | |@ |_|@ (_)@ @@ _ _ @ ( | )@ V V @ $ @ $ @ @@ _ _ @ _| || |_ @ |_ .. _|@ |_ _|@ |_||_| @ @@ _ @ | | @ / __)@ \__ \@ ( /@ |_| @@ _ __@ (_)/ /@ / / @ / /_ @ /_/(_)@ @@ ___ @ ( _ ) @ / _ \/\@ | (_> <@ \___/\/@ @@ _ @ ( )@ |/ @ $ @ $ @ @@ __@ / /@ | | @ | | @ | | @ \_\@@ __ @ \ \ @ | |@ | |@ | |@ /_/ @@ @ __/\__@ \ /@ /_ _\@ \/ @ @@ @ _ @ _| |_ @ |_ _|@ |_| @ @@ @ @ @ _ @ ( )@ |/ @@ @ @ _____ @ |_____|@ $ @ @@ @ @ @ _ @ (_)@ @@ __@ / /@ / / @ / / @ /_/ @ @@ ___ @ / _ \ @ | | | |@ | |_| |@ \___/ @ @@ _ @ / |@ | |@ | |@ |_|@ @@ ____ @ |___ \ @ __) |@ / __/ @ |_____|@ @@ _____ @ |___ / @ |_ \ @ ___) |@ |____/ @ @@ _ _ @ | || | @ | || |_ @ |__ _|@ |_| @ @@ ____ @ | ___| @ |___ \ @ ___) |@ |____/ @ @@ __ @ / /_ @ | '_ \ @ | (_) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 353 1.8
Filebench WML - Programming language Filebench WML ============= Filebench WML is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Vasily Tarasov. 2011 Vasily Tarasov #526 on PLDB 13 Years Old 566 Repos git clone Filebench is a file system and storage benchmark that can generate a large variety of workloads. Unlike typical benchmarks it is extremely flexible and allows to specify application's I/O behavior using its extensive Workload Model Language (WML). - Tags: programming language - Filebench WML is developed on GitHub and has 339 stars - There are at least 566 Filebench WML repos on GitHub - Early development of Filebench WML happened in - Filebench WML is written in FORTRAN 77, C, Make, C++, Yacc, M4, Lex - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 16 users using Filebench WML in 19 repos on GitHub - Read more about Filebench WML on the web: 1. 1. # # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # set $dir=/tmp set $nfiles=1000 set $meandirwidth=20 set $meanfilesize=16k set $iosize=1m set $nthreads=1 set mode quit firstdone define fileset name=bigfileset,path=$dir,size=$meanfilesize,entries=$nfiles,dirwidth=$meandirwidth,prealloc=100,paralloc define fileset name=destfiles,path=$dir,size=$meanfilesize,entries=$nfiles,dirwidth=$meandirwidth define process name=filereader,instances=1 { thread name=filereaderthread,memsize=10m,instances=$nthreads { flowop openfile name=openfile1,filesetname=bigfileset,fd=1 flowop readwholefile name=readfile1,fd=1,iosize=$iosize flowop createfile name=createfile2,filesetname=destfiles,fd=2 flowop writewholefile name=writefile2,fd=2,srcfd=1,iosize=$iosize flowop closefile name=closefile1,fd=1 flowop closefile name=closefile2,fd=2 } } echo "Copyfiles Version 3.0 personality successfully loaded" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 523 2.6
Filecoin - Crypto protocol Filecoin ======== Filecoin is a crypto protocol created in 2020 by Juan Benet. 2020 Juan Benet #2805 on PLDB 4 Years Old Filecoin is a decentralized storage network designed to store humanity's most important information. - Tags: cryptoProtocol - InterPlanetary File System influenced the design of Filecoin Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
filetab-d - Programming language filetab-d ========= filetab-d is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4032 on PLDB 46 Years Old Variant of Filetab for x86 and PDP-11. A decision based language which was unusual in that it consisted predominantly of matrices. Users included developers writing insurance software at a company in Manchester. - Tags: programming language - Early development of filetab-d happened in National Computing Centre - Read more about filetab-d on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
FILETAB - Programming language FILETAB ======= FILETAB is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #2976 on PLDB 58 Years Old Filetab is a decision table-based computer programming language widely used in business in the 1960s and 1970s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FILETAB happened in National Computing Centre - FILETAB on HOPL FILETAB on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Filterscript - Programming language Filterscript ============ Filterscript is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #4033 on PLDB 12 Years Old 0 Repos A subset of RenderScript - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 Filterscript repos on GitHub #pragma version(1) #pragma rs java_package_name(foo) int __attribute__((kernel)) root(uint32_t ain) { return 0; } void __attribute__((kernel)) in_only(uint32_t ain) { } int __attribute__((kernel)) out_only() { return 0; } int __attribute__((kernel)) everything(uint32_t ain, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { return 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Firebase Realtime Database - Database Firebase Realtime Database ========================== Firebase Realtime Database is a database created in 2011. 2011 #4808 on PLDB 13 Years Old Cloud-hosted real-time document-oriented database - Tags: database - Early development of Firebase Realtime Database happened in Google Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
Firefox - Web browser Firefox ======= Firefox is a web browser created in 2004. 2004 #4527 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: webBrowser Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 79 0.4
firrtl - Intermediate representation language firrtl ====== firrtl is an intermediate representation language created in 2015. 2015 #1135 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL - Tags: intermediate representation language - firrtl is developed on GitHub and has 707 stars - Early development of firrtl happened in - firrtl is written in Scala, YAML, Bourne shell, Python, Markdown, Bash, Protocol Buffers, Scheme, SVG, C++, JSON, Make, LLVM IR, XML, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
fish - Programming language fish ==== fish, aka friendly interactive shell, is an open source programming language created in 2005 by Axel Liljencrantz and Thorsten Ball. 2005 Axel Liljencrantz Thorsten Ball #108 on PLDB 19 Years Old 0 Repos git clone The friendly interactive shell (fish) is a Unix shell that attempts to be more interactive and user-friendly than those with a longer history (i.e. most other Unix shells) or those formulated as function-compatible replacements for the aforementioned (e.g. zsh, the Falstad shell). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - fish is developed on GitHub and has 25,228 stars - There are at least 0 fish repos on GitHub - Early development of fish happened in - fish is written in Rust, reStructuredText, Python, Bourne shell, Dockerfile, CMake, YAML, HTML, Markdown, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Make, C++, C, Objective-C, TOML - Explore fish snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for fish - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for fish - has 1 matches for "fish developer". - was registered in 2010 - See also: (2 related languages) Bash, Z shell echo "Hello, world!" #!/usr/bin/env fish echo "Hello World" function eval -S -d "Evaluate parameters as a command" # If we are in an interactive shell, eval should enable full # job control since it should behave like the real code was # executed. If we don't do this, commands that expect to be # used interactively, like less, wont work using eval. set -l mode if status --is-interactive-job-control set mode interactive else if status --is-full-job-control set mode full else set mode none end end if status --is-interactive status --job-control full end echo "begin; $argv ;end eval2_inner <&3 3<&-" | . 3<&0 set -l res $status status --job-control $mode return $res end string replace --regex '.*?\.(.*)' '$1' a.b.c #b.c string replace --regex '.*\.(.*)' '$1' a.b.c #c string replace --regex '(.*)\..*' '$1' a.b.c #a.b string replace --regex '(.*?)\..*' '$1' a.b.c #a Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 524 2.6
><> - Esoteric programming language > === > is an esoteric programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2851 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of > happened in - > on Esolang > on Esolang "Hello, world!"r\ o;!?l< "Hello World"r\ o;!?l< Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
fizz - Programming language fizz ==== fizz is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1819 on PLDB 7 Years Old fizz is an experimental language and runtime environment for the exploration of cognitive architectures and combined Machine Learning (ML) and Machine Reasoning (MR) solutions. It is based primarily on symbolic programming and fuzzy formal logic and it features a distributed (as in heterogeneous computer cluster), concurrent, asynchronous and responsive inference engine. - Tags: programming language - Early development of fizz happened in - was registered in 2017 // Code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is.tree { // test if a term is a valid binary tree (nil)^ :- true; (n(_,_,:l,:r))^ :- #is.tree(:l), #is.tree(:r); (_) :- false; } btr.length { // how many nodes is there on a binary tree (nil,0)^ :- true; (n(_,_,:l,:r),:n) :- #btr.length(:l,:l.n), #btr.length(:r,:r.n), sum(:l.n,:r.n,1,:n); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 261 1.3
Fjölnir - Programming language Fjölnir ======= Fjölnir is a programming language created in 1986 by Snorri Agnarsson. 1986 Snorri Agnarsson #1450 on PLDB 38 Years Old Fjölnir (also Fjolnir or Fjoelnir) is a programming language developed by professor Snorri Agnarsson of computer science at Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland) that was mostly used in the 1980s. The source files usually have the extension fjo or sma.. Read more on Wikipedia...ölnir_(programming_language) Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fjölnir happened in University of Iceland ;; Hello world in Fjölnir "hello" < main { main -> stef(;) stofn skrifastreng(;"Hello, world!"), stofnlok } * "GRUNNUR" ; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
fjs - Programming language fjs === fjs is a programming language created in 2013 by Mark Hahn. 2013 Mark Hahn #1910 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone FORTH-like language for Javascript / Node - Tags: programming language - fjs is developed on GitHub and has 50 stars - Early development of fjs happened in - fjs is written in JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Markdown HackerNews discussions of fjs ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A new language that merges FORTH and Javascript||06/02/2013|10|4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
FL - Programming language FL == FL, aka Function Level, is a programming language created in 1989 by John Backus. 1989 John Backus #1490 on PLDB 35 Years Old FL (short for Function Level) is a functional programming language created at the IBM Almaden Research Center by John Backus, John Williams, and Edward Wimmers in the 1980s and documented in a report from 1989. FL was designed as a successor of Backus' earlier FP language, providing specific support for what Backus termed function-level programming. FL is a dynamically typed strict functional programming language with throw and catch exception semantics much like in ML. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FL happened in IBM - FL on HOPL FL on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) FP, J, ML, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
FLACC - Programming language FLACC ===== FLACC is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3225 on PLDB 47 Years Old FLACC is an implementation of the ALGOL 68 programming language. Chris Thomson and Colin Broughton founded Chion Corporation which developed and marketed FLACC (Full Language Algol 68 Checkout Compiler). This compiler and run-time system conformed exactly to the Revised Report, ran on IBM 370 and compatible mainframes, and included debugging features derived from WATFIV. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FLACC happened in Chion Corporation - FLACC on HOPL FLACC on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 68, WATFIV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
flagship - Programming language flagship ======== flagship is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1820 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of flagship happened in multisoft Datentechnik ** File: hello1.prg // your first program ? "Hello world!" // similar to printf("\nHello world!") wait // wait for user prompt before closing the application ** File: hello2.prg // your second application set color to "W+/B" // set color white on blue @ 5,10 TO 9,30 // draw box @ 7,12 SAY "hello world" // print text on given coordinates key = inkey(5) // wait for key press within 5 seconds ** File: dbf1.prg // handles available/creates new database #include "fspreset.fh" // converts all file names to lower case PARAMETER par1 // accepts command-line parameters dbname := IF(EMPTY(par1), "mydbf1", par1) // set default if required IF .NOT. FILE(dbname + ".dbf") // database available? DBCREATE(dbname, {{"Name", "C", 25, 0}, ; // not yet, so {"Address", "C", 30, 0}, ; // create a new {"Born", "D", 8, 0}, ; // database, here {"Note", "M", 10, 0}} ) // with 4 fields ENDIF USE (dbname) SHARED // open the given database or mydbf1.dbf IF !USED() // check the success ? "sorry, cannot open", dbname QUIT // abort the execution ENDIF BROWSE () // browse/edit QUIT // exit back to command line Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 340 1.7
flame-ir - Intermediate representation language flame-ir ======== flame-ir is an intermediate representation language created in 2015. 2015 #1707 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone An intermediate representation (IR) in static single assignment (SSA) form. This type of IR is favored by state-of-the-art optimizing compilers such as LLVM and GCC. Flame IR is designed from the ground up with the express intent of making it as suitable as possible for a wide range of optimizations and analyses. Flame is a collection of C# libraries for building tools that read, analyze, optimize and write managed languages. - Tags: intermediate representation language - flame-ir is developed on GitHub and has 52 stars - Early development of flame-ir happened in McGill University - flame-ir is written in C#, XML, Markdown, YAML, Make, JSON, Python, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
FLANG - Programming language FLANG ===== FLANG is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2520 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FLANG happened in - FLANG on HOPL FLANG on HOPL - Read more about FLANG on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Flapjax - Programming language Flapjax ======= Flapjax is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2542 on PLDB 18 Years Old Flapjax is a programming language built on JavaScript. It provides a spreadsheet-like reactive programming, dataflow computing style, termed functional reactive programming, making it easy to create reactive web pages without the burden of callbacks and potentially inconsistent mutation. Flapjax can be viewed in two ways: either as a library, for use in regular JavaScript programs, or as a new language that the compiler converts into generic JavaScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Flapjax happened in Brown University - was registered in 2006 - See also: (2 related languages) JavaScript, Haskell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Flare - Programming language Flare ===== Flare is a programming language created in 2001 by Dmitriy Myshkin and Eliezer Yudkowsky and Mike Li and Michael Baj and Richard Walker. 2001 Dmitriy Myshkin Eliezer Yudkowsky Mike Li Michael Baj Richard Walker #2722 on PLDB 23 Years Old Flare is a proposal for the first "annotative" programming language. In dialects of LISP, both the program and the program data are represented as lists. In Flare, the program, program data, and ideally the program state, are all represented as well-formed XML. Because XML is annotative (additional sub-elements can be easily added to any parent element without destroying the structural integrity of existing data) and extensible (new sub-element types can be easily created), these properties are shared by Flare objects and Flare programs. This fundamental idiom enables a wide variety of new patterns, and should enable significantly greater modularity, cleanness, ease of adaptation, and so on. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Flare happened in Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence - XML and Python and Java and C++ and Eiffel and Common Lisp and Scheme and Perl and Haskell influenced the design of Flare <human> <name>Bob</name> <hands>2</hands> <legs>2</legs> <age>35.23</age> </human> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 333 1.7
FlatBuffers - Interface design language FlatBuffers =========== FlatBuffers is an interface design language created in 2014. 2014 #508 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library - Tags: interface design language - FlatBuffers is developed on GitHub and has 22,629 stars - Early development of FlatBuffers happened in Google - FlatBuffers is written in TypeScript, Rust, Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, C#, Swift, Kotlin, Markdown, Go, Lua, PHP, Nim, Bourne shell, JSON, Dart, YAML, Dockerfile, starlark, CMake, XML, Gradle, TOML, Bazel, Protocol Buffers, HTML, Diff, CSS, Ruby, Make - 2 PLDB concepts link to FlatBuffers: EverParse3D, flexbuffers Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
Flatline - Programming language Flatline ======== Flatline is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1322 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Flatline is a lispy language for the specification of values to be extracted or generated from an input dataset, using a finite sliding window of input rows. - Tags: programming language - Flatline is developed on GitHub and has 26 stars - Early development of Flatline happened in BigML Inc - Flatline is written in Python, reStructuredText, JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, Make, Jupyter Notebook, CSS - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Flatline (if (missing? "00000") (random-value "000000") (f "000000")) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Flavors - Programming language Flavors ======= Flavors is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2151 on PLDB 44 Years Old Flavors, an early object-oriented extension to Lisp developed by Howard Cannon at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for the Lisp machine and its programming language Lisp Machine Lisp, was the first programming language to include mixins. Symbolics used it for its Lisp machines, and eventually developed it into New Flavors; both the original and new Flavors were message passing OO models. It was hugely influential in the development of the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS).Implementations of Flavors are also available for Common Lisp.New Flavors replaced message sending with calling generic functions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Flavors happened in MIT - Flavors on HOPL Flavors on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Lisp Machine Lisp, Common Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
fleck - Programming language fleck ===== fleck is a programming language created in 2019 by Chris McCormick. 2019 Chris McCormick #1140 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A LISP that runs wherever Bash is - Tags: programming language - fleck is developed on GitHub and has 497 stars - Early development of fleck happened in - fleck is written in Clojure, SVG, Bourne shell, Bash, Markdown, Make, HTML, YAML (println "Hello world!") Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
FLENG++ - Programming language FLENG++ ======= FLENG++ is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4034 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FLENG++ happened in University of Tokyo - FLENG++ on HOPL FLENG++ on HOPL - Read more about FLENG++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Flex language - Programming language Flex language ============= Flex language is a programming language created in 1967 by Alan Kay. 1967 Alan Kay #2332 on PLDB 57 Years Old In computing, the FLEX language was developed by Alan Kay in the late 1960s while exploring ideas that would later evolve into the Smalltalk programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Flex language happened in University of Utah - See also: (1 related languages) Smalltalk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
FLEX - Grammar language FLEX ==== FLEX is an open source grammar language created in 1987 by Vern Paxson. 1987 Vern Paxson #240 on PLDB 37 Years Old git clone Flex (fast lexical analyzer generator) is a free and open-source software alternative to lex. It is a computer program that generates lexical analyzers (also known as "scanners" or "lexers"). It is frequently used as the lex implementation together with Berkeley Yacc parser generator on BSD-derived operating systems (as both lex and yacc are part of POSIX), or together with GNU bison (a version of yacc) in *BSD ports and in Linux distributions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - FLEX is developed on GitHub and has 3,518 stars - Early development of FLEX happened in University of California Berkeley - FLEX is written in Lex, C, Bourne shell, Make, Yacc, LLVM IR, M4, Markdown, YAML, Perl, awk, C++, IDL - FLEX on HOPL FLEX on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) Bison, Yacc, C, RATFOR, PL/0 - Read more about FLEX on the web: 1. 1. %{ #include <stdio.h> %} %% %% int yywrap() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 1; } int main() { yylex(); return 0; } %{ #include "" %} digit [0-9] letter [a-zA-Z] %% "+" { return PLUS; } "-" { return MINUS; } "*" { return TIMES; } "/" { return SLASH; } "(" { return LPAREN; } ")" { return RPAREN; } ";" { return SEMICOLON; } "," { return COMMA; } "." { return PERIOD; } ":=" { return BECOMES; } "=" { return EQL; } "<>" { return NEQ; } "<" { return LSS; } ">" { return GTR; } "<=" { return LEQ; } ">=" { return GEQ; } "begin" { return BEGINSYM; } "call" { return CALLSYM; } "const" { return CONSTSYM; } "do" { return DOSYM; } "end" { return ENDSYM; } "if" { return IFSYM; } "odd" { return ODDSYM; } "procedure" { return PROCSYM; } "then" { return THENSYM; } "var" { return VARSYM; } "while" { return WHILESYM; } {letter}({letter}|{digit})* { = strdup(yytext); return IDENT; } {digit}+ { yylval.num = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; } [ \t\n\r] /* skip whitespace */ . { printf("Unknown character [%c]\n",yytext[0]); return UNKNOWN; } %% int yywrap(void){return 1;} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 464 2.3
flexbuffers - Interface design language flexbuffers =========== flexbuffers is an interface design language created in 2014. 2014 #3392 on PLDB 10 Years Old A schemaless binary encoding. This is a binary format that can be used in conjunction with FlatBuffers (by storing a part of a buffer in FlexBuffers format), or also as its own independent serialization format. - Tags: interface design language - Early development of flexbuffers happened in Google - See also: (1 related languages) FlatBuffers - Read more about flexbuffers on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
FleXML - Programming language FleXML ====== FleXML is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4499 on PLDB 23 Years Old FleXML is an XML transformation language originally developed by Kristofer Rose. It allows a programmer to specify actions in C programming language or C++, and associate those actions with element definitions in an XML DTD. It is similar in philosophy to Yacc and the Lex programming tool in that it is a syntax-directed driver; one could establish the analogies Yacc:LR(1) grammar::Lex:Regular grammar::FleXML::XML. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FleXML happened in École normale supérieure de Lyon - See also: (4 related languages) C, Yacc, XML, Perl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
FLIC - Programming language FLIC ==== FLIC is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3393 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FLIC happened in University College London - FLIC on HOPL FLIC on HOPL - Read more about FLIC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Flix - Programming language Flix ==== Flix is a programming language created in 2016 by Magnus Madsen. 2016 Magnus Madsen #860 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The Flix Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Flix is developed on GitHub and has 2,107 stars - Early development of Flix happened in - Flix is written in Scala, Java, Markdown, YAML, TOML, CSS, Bourne shell, Gradle, JavaScript, SVG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
floorplan - Programming language floorplan ========= floorplan is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4035 on PLDB 5 Years Old In this paper we introduce Floorplan, a declarative language for specifying memory layouts at a high level. Constraints formerly implemented by describing how to compute locations are, in Floorplan, defined declaratively using explicit layout constructs. - Tags: programming language - Early development of floorplan happened in Tufts University - Read more about floorplan on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Flora - Programming language Flora ===== Flora is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4036 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Flora happened in National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology - Flora on HOPL Flora on HOPL - Read more about Flora on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Floral - Programming language Floral ====== Floral is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #4700 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Floral is developed on GitHub Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
FloScript - Programming language FloScript ========= FloScript is a programming language created in 2013 by Samuel Smith. 2013 Samuel Smith #859 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Automated Reasoning Engine and Flow Based Programming Framework - Tags: programming language - FloScript is developed on GitHub and has 153 stars - Early development of FloScript happened in ProSapien LLC - FloScript is written in Python, Markdown - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for FloScript Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
FLOW-MATIC - Programming language FLOW-MATIC ========== FLOW-MATIC is a programming language created in 1955 by Grace Hopper. 1955 Grace Hopper #1555 on PLDB 69 Years Old FLOW-MATIC, originally known as B-0 (Business Language version 0), was the first English-like data processing language. It was developed for the UNIVAC I at Remington Rand under Grace Hopper during the period from 1955 until 1959. It had a strong influence on the development of COBOL.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FLOW-MATIC happened in Remington Rand - FLOW-MATIC on HOPL FLOW-MATIC on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) ARITH-MATIC, MATH-MATIC, COBOL (0) INPUT INVENTORY FILE-A PRICE FILE-B ; OUTPUT PRICED-INV FILE-C UNPRICED-INV FILE-D ; HSP D . (1) COMPARE PRODUCT-NO (A) WITH PRODUCT-NO (B) ; IF GREATER GO TO OPERATION 10 ; IF EQUAL GO TO OPERATION 5 ; OTHERWISE GO TO OPERATION 2 . (2) TRANSFER A TO D . (3) WRITE-ITEM D . (4) JUMP TO OPERATION 8 . (5) TRANSFER A TO C . (6) MOVE UNIT-PRICE (B) TO UNIT-PRICE (C) . (7) WRITE-ITEM C . (8) READ-ITEM A ; IF END OF DATA GO TO OPERATION 14 . (9) JUMP TO OPERATION 1 . (10) READ-ITEM B ; IF END OF DATA GO TO OPERATION 12 . (11) JUMP TO OPERATION 1 . (12) SET OPERATION 9 TO GO TO OPERATION 2 . (13) JUMP TO OPERATION 2 . (14) TEST PRODUCT-NO (B) AGAINST ; IF EQUAL GO TO OPERATION 16 ; OTHERWISE GO TO OPERATION 15 . (15) REWIND B . (16) CLOSE-OUT FILES C ; D . (17) STOP . (END) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 349 1.7
Flow - Programming language Flow ==== Flow is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #127 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Javascript with static type checking. - Tags: programming language - Flow is developed on GitHub and has 22,082 stars - Early development of Flow happened in Facebook - Flow is written in JavaScript, JSON, OCaml, Expect, Bourne shell, Diff, Markdown, C, CSS, Make, C++, Dockerfile, SVG, JSX, YAML, Bash, PowerShell, Python - was registered in 2002 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Flow: Civet // @flow function square(n: number): number { return n * n; } square("2"); // Error! Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Flow9 - Programming language Flow9 ===== Flow9 is a programming language created in 2010 by Dmitry Solomennikov. 2010 Dmitry Solomennikov #417 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone The flow programming language, a safe, functional strongly-typed programming language - Tags: programming language - Flow9 is developed on GitHub and has 563 stars - Early development of Flow9 happened in - Flow9 is written in C, C++, Haxe, Nim, JavaScript, Bourne shell, XML, Java, Markdown, Objective-C, HTML, JSON, Python, C#, TypeScript, Make, CSS, Bash, Objective C++, D, GLSL, YAML, WebAssembly, Qt, M4, Lisp, Clojure, Ruby, Assembly language, Dockerfile, CMake, CSON, Smalltalk, PHP, OCaml, awk, Ini, Gradle, Vim script, Tex, SAS, XAML, SVG, Swift, Perl, Diff - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Flow9 - was registered in 2017 - Read more about Flow9 on the web: 1. 1. import runtime; main() { println("Hello world"); } import require export forbid native if else cast unsafe switch default Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import runtime; Token import row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 319 1.6
FlowchartFun - Diagram lang FlowchartFun ============ FlowchartFun is a diagram lang created in 2021 by Rob Gordon. 2021 Rob Gordon #253 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone is a lightweight application to generate flowcharts and diagrams from text. - Tags: diagramLang - FlowchartFun is developed on GitHub and has 3,106 stars - Early development of FlowchartFun happened in - FlowchartFun is written in TypeScript, CSS, SVG, JSON, JavaScript, YAML, Markdown, HTML, XML, CSV, Bourne shell - See also: (1 related languages) DOT - 1 PLDB concepts link to FlowchartFun: Workfl Node A goes to: Node B and: Node C goes back to: (Node A) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Node A goes to: Node B Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
Flowcode - Programming language Flowcode ======== Flowcode is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2601 on PLDB 22 Years Old Flowcode is a Microsoft Windows-based development environment commercially produced by Matrix TSL for programming embedded devices based on PIC, AVR (including Arduino) and ARM technologies using graphical programming styles (such as flowcharts) and imperative programming styles (through C and Pseudocode). It is currently in its eighth revision. Flowcode is dedicated to simplifying complex functionality such as Bluetooth, Mobile Phones Communications, USB communications etc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Flowcode happened in Matrix Technology Solutions Ltd - See also: (5 related languages) PIC microcontroller, Atmel AVR, Arduino Programming Language, C, Blockly Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Flowgorithm - Visual programming language Flowgorithm =========== Flowgorithm is a visual programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1129 on PLDB 10 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Flowgorithm. Flowgorithm is a free beginner's programming language that is based on simple graphical flowcharts. - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of Flowgorithm happened in - There are 220 members in the Flowgorithm subreddit - was registered in 2014 - See also: (2 related languages) DOT, Scratch - 2 PLDB concepts link to Flowgorithm: LARP, Visual Logic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
flowlog - Programming language flowlog ======= flowlog is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #3394 on PLDB 10 Years Old We present Flowlog, a tierless language for programming SDN controllers. In contrast to languages with different abstractions for each program tier---the control-plane, data-plane, and controller state---Flowlog provides a unified abstraction for all three tiers. Flowlog is reminiscent of both SQL and rule-based languages such as Cisco IOS and JunOS; unlike these network configuration languages, Flowlog supports programming with mutable state. We intentionally limit Flowlog’s expressivity to enable built-in verification and proactive compilation despite the integration of controller state. To compensate for its limited expressive power, Flowlog enables the reuse of external libraries through callouts. Flowlog proactively compiles essentially all forwarding behavior to switch tables. For rules that maintain controller state or generate fresh packets, the compiler instructs switches to send the minimum amount of necessary traffic to the controller. Given that Flowlog programs can be stateful, this process is non-trivial. We have successfully used Flowlog to implement real network applications. We also compile Flowlog programs to Alloy, a popular verification tool. With this we have verified several properties, including program-correctness properties that are topology-independent, and have found bugs in our own programs. - Tags: programming language - Early development of flowlog happened in Brown University - Read more about flowlog on the web: 1. 1. TABLE stolen(switchid ); REMOTE TABLE get_time(int ); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 307 1.5
FlowNet - Protocol FlowNet ======= FlowNet is a protocol created in 1993 by Erann Gat and Mike Ciholas. 1993 Erann Gat Mike Ciholas #3109 on PLDB 31 Years Old Ethernet alternative. Like ATM, FlowNet is a switched network based on fixed-size cells. Unlike ATM, FlowNet cells are large--800 bytes instead of 53. This allows room for a 14-byte Ethernet header plus an additional QoS extension. The QoS extension header is 18 bytes, making the full FlowNet header 32 bytes long. The remaining 768 bytes (=256+512) are data payload. FlowNet interoperates with Ethernet through a simple bridge device. - Tags: protocol - Early development of FlowNet happened in - See also: (1 related languages) Ethernet - Read more about FlowNet on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
flownote - Programming language flownote ======== flownote is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2143 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone FlowNote lets developers create, organize, and reason about event-oriented applications with a simple flow-based language. - Tags: programming language - flownote is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of flownote happened in - flownote is written in JavaScript, Markdown, XML, JSON, Bourne shell, Bash, Dockerfile, HTML, SCSS, YAML HackerNews discussions of flownote ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Preview of FlowNote, a language for flow-based paradigms||03/20/2019|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
flua - Programming language flua ==== flua is a programming language created in 2012 by Eduard Urbach. 2012 Eduard Urbach #1835 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone :gem: Programming language abstracting existing ones. - Tags: programming language - flua is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Early development of flua happened in - flua is written in C++, Python, Qt, Make, C, GLSL, HTML, CSS, Markdown, Ini, CMake, Bourne shell HackerNews discussions of flua ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Flua programming language in development (Alpha)||07/06/2012|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Flutter - Framework Flutter ======= Flutter is a framework created in 2017. 2017 #1826 on PLDB 7 Years Old Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - Early development of Flutter happened in Google import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; void main() { runApp( Text( 'Hello World', textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, ), ); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
flux-lang - Programming language flux-lang ========= flux-lang is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2723 on PLDB 18 Years Old A Language for Programming High-Performance Servers - Tags: programming language - Early development of flux-lang happened in University of Massachusetts Amherst - Read more about flux-lang on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
FLUX - Programming language FLUX ==== FLUX is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Paul O’Shannessy. 2014 Paul O’Shannessy #148 on PLDB 10 Years Old 187 Repos git clone Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces - Tags: programming language - FLUX is developed on GitHub and has 17,382 stars - There are at least 187 FLUX repos on GitHub - Early development of FLUX happened in - FLUX is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, SVG, CSS, HTML, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 792 users using FLUX in 853 repos on GitHub // concrete node signatures Listen () => (int socket); ReadRequest (int socket) => (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request); CheckCache (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request) => (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request); // omitted for space: // ReadInFromDisk, StoreInCache Compress (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request, __u8 *rgb_data) => (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request); Write (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request) => (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request); Complete (int socket, bool close, image_tag *request) => (); // source node source Listen => Image; // abstract node Image = ReadRequest -> CheckCache -> Handler -> Write -> Complete; // predicate type & dispatch typedef hit TestInCache; Handler:[_, _, hit] = ; Handler:[_, _, _] = ReadInFromDisk -> Compress -> StoreInCache; // error handler handle error ReadInFromDisk => FourOhFor; // atomicity constraints atomic CheckCache:{cache}; atomic StoreInCache:{cache}; atomic Complete:{cache}; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 343 1.7
FM broadcasting - Standard FM broadcasting =============== FM broadcasting is a standard created in 1950. 1950 #2908 on PLDB 74 Years Old FM broadcasting is a method of radio broadcasting using frequency modulation (FM) technology. Invented in 1933 by American engineer Edwin Armstrong, wide-band FM is used worldwide to provide high-fidelity sound over broadcast radio. FM broadcasting is capable of better sound quality than AM broadcasting (under normal listening conditions), the chief competing radio broadcasting technology, so it is used for most music broadcasts. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
fmj - Programming language fmj === fmj is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3018 on PLDB 21 Years Old Full Metal Jacket is very different from other programming languages. It's intrinsically parallel, with no flow of control, and has no variables. Programs are composed almost entirely with the mouse rather than keyboard, and type inference and other checks take place while you edit your program. There are a few other visual dataflow languages out there, but Full Metal Jacket is simpler than them, and has a cleaner design. Full Metal Jacket is general-purpose, though it might in due course find a niche. Some adjustment will be needed by programmers who are most comfortable with imperative programming languages, such as Java or C. To master dataflow, they will have to change they way they think. They should regard this as a worthwhile challenge which will make them better programmers. Functional programmers might have a slightly easier time. - Tags: programming language - Early development of fmj happened in - Read more about fmj on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 247 1.2
FML - Programming language FML === FML, aka Function Manipulation Language, is a programming language created in 2012 by Joe Groff. 2012 Joe Groff #2027 on PLDB 12 Years Old fml is an optimizing, function-oriented, array programming language. Unlike other array programming languages, it aims to have a less symbol-heavy but still concise syntax, and non-strict semantics that allow for high-level optimization. Note that fml is not: meant for serious use always faster than systems languages like C/C++/etc. always more expressive than general-purpose languages like Python, Javascript, etc. suitable for cryptography, real-time, or low-level applications that require fine control of time and space complexity - Tags: programming language - Early development of FML happened in - Read more about FML on the web: 1. 1. pad = x flip[stitch] 0, stitch 0, flip[cat] 0, cat 0 life = pad, neighborhoods[3 3], [ravel, [sum in?: [x @ 4, + 3; 3]]]/2 [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] replicate[life]-times[5] ### [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0] ### Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ### A comment ### Token ### row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example # Directives are special lines that have syntax and semantics of their own. Directives all start with a name of the form .foo; new directives may be added by future versions of the language. .import math.constants area = x * math.constants.Pi, ^ 2 .from math.constants import Pi, E area = x sq, * Pi polar = a * [E ^ [b * 0+j1]] Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # This is a line comment ### This is a block comment ### Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 459 2.3
Fuzzy Markup Language - Xml format Fuzzy Markup Language ===================== Fuzzy Markup Language, aka Fuzzy Markup Language, is a xml format created in 2004. 2004 #2362 on PLDB 20 Years Old Fuzzy Markup Language (FML) is a specific purpose markup language based on XML, used for describing the structure and behavior of a fuzzy system independently of the hardware architecture devoted to host and run it.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Fuzzy Markup Language happened in University of Salerno - See also: (1 related languages) XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> ........ <xs:complexType name="KnowledgeBaseType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element name="FuzzyVariable" type="FuzzyVariableType"/> <xs:element name="TSKVariable" type="TSKVariableType"/> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="FuzzyVariableType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="FuzzyTerm" type="FuzzyTermType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="defuzzifier" default="COG"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="MM|COG|COA|WA|Custom"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="accumulation" default="MAX"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="MAX|SUM"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="scale" type="xs:string" /> <xs:attribute name="domainleft" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="domainright" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="defaultValue" type="xs:float" default="0"/> <xs:attribute name="type" default="input"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="input|output"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="FuzzyTermType"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="RightLinearShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="LeftLinearShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="PIShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="TriangularShape" type="ThreeParamType"/> <xs:element name="GaussianShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="RightGaussianShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="LeftGaussianShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="TrapezoidShape" type="FourParamType"/> <xs:element name="SingletonShape" type="OneParamType"/> <xs:element name="RectangularShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="ZShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="SShape" type="TwoParamType"/> <xs:element name="UserShape" type="UserShapeType"/> </xs:choice> <xs:complexType name="TwoParamType"> <xs:attribute name="Param1" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="Param2" type="xs:float" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ThreeParamType"> <xs:attribute name="Param1" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="Param2" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="Param3" type="xs:float" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="FourParamType"> <xs:attribute name="Param1" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="Param2" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="Param3" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="Param4" type="xs:float" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="UserShapeType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Point" type="PointType" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="PointType"> <xs:attribute name="x" type="xs:float" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="y" type="xs:float" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="RuleBaseType"> <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="activationMethod" default="MIN"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="PROD|MIN"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="andMethod" default="MIN"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="PROD|MIN"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="orMethod" default="MAX"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="PROBOR|MAX"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="type" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="TSK|Tsk|tsk|Mamdani|mamdani"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="MamdaniRuleBaseType"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="RuleBaseType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Rule" type="MamdaniFuzzyRuleType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="AntecedentType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Clause" type="ClauseType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="MamdaniConsequentType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Clause" type="ClauseType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ClauseType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Variable"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/> <xs:pattern value="(([A-Z])|([a-z]))+([A-Z]|[a-z]|[0-9])*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Term" type="xs:string"> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="modifier" use="optional"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="above|below|extremely|intensify|more_or_less|norm|not|plus|slightly|somewhat|very"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> .......... </xs:schema> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1447 7.2
fo - Programming language fo == fo is a programming language created in 2018 by Alex Browne. 2018 Alex Browne #1136 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone An experimental language which adds functional programming features to Go. - Tags: programming language - fo is developed on GitHub and has 1,236 stars - Early development of fo happened in - fo is written in Go, Markdown, Logos HackerNews discussions of fo ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Fo: An experimental language which adds generics on top of Go||06/12/2018|165|124 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
FOAF - Xml format FOAF ==== FOAF is a xml format created in 2007. 2007 #2817 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of FOAF happened in - Read more about FOAF on the web: 1. 1. @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . <#JW> a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "James Wales" ; foaf:mbox <> ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:nick "Jimbo" ; foaf:depiction <> ; foaf:interest <> ; foaf:knows [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Angela Beesley" ] . <> rdfs:label "Wikimedia" . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language - Programming language Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language ====================================================== Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language, aka Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language, is a programming language created in 1968 by Richard Merrill. 1968 Richard Merrill #1160 on PLDB 56 Years Old FOCAL is an interpreted programming language resembling JOSS. The name is an acronym for Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language. Largely the creation of Richard Merrill, FOCAL was initially written for and had its largest impact on the DEC's (DEC's) PDP-8 computers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language happened in DEC - Explore Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language snippets on Rosetta Code - Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language on HOPL Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) JOSS, BASIC, MUMPS TYPE "HELLO WORLD" , ! FOCAL15 V6B *01.10 ASK "IN WHAT YEAR WERE YOU BORN?", YEAR *01.20 SET YEAROFFOCAL=YEAR-1969+1 *01.30 IF (YEAROFFOCAL) 02.10,02.10,01.40 *01.40 TYPE "YOU WERE BORN IN THE YEAR ",YEAROFFOCAL," OF FOCAL!",! *01.50 GOTO 01.10 *02.10 TYPE "YOU ARE TOO OLD FOR FOCAL, POPS",! *02.20 GOTO 01.10 *GO IN WHAT YEAR WERE YOU BORN?:1969 YOU WERE BORN IN THE YEAR 1.0000 OF FOCAL IN WHAT YEAR WERE YOU BORN?:1950 YOU ARE TOO OLD FOR FOCAL, POPS IN WHAT YEAR WERE YOU BORN?: Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 364 1.8
FOCUS - Programming language FOCUS ===== FOCUS is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1207 on PLDB 27 Years Old FOCUS is a fourth-generation programming language (4GL) computer programming language and development environment that is used to build database queries. Produced by Information Builders Inc., it was originally developed for data handling and analysis on the IBM mainframe. Subsequently versions for minicomputers and such as the VAX and other platforms were implemented. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FOCUS happened in Information Builders Inc - FOCUS on HOPL FOCUS on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Mathematica, SQL, RPG - 1 PLDB concepts link to FOCUS: cloc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
File Oriented Interpretive Language - Programming language File Oriented Interpretive Language =================================== File Oriented Interpretive Language, aka File Oriented Interpretive Language, is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #2303 on PLDB 57 Years Old FOIL was the name for two different programming languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of File Oriented Interpretive Language happened in University of Michigan - File Oriented Interpretive Language on HOPL File Oriented Interpretive Language on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) PILOT, BASIC, ABC, Forth :START COUNT=0 TY Enter the number of times you want to repeat the statement: ACCEPT MAX=NUMBER.(1) :LOOP TY This loop has run #COUNT times it will terminate when it runs #MAX times IF COUNT<MAX, COUNT=COUNT+1 GO TO :LOOP TY Do you want to do this again? ACCEPT IF 'yes', GO TO START IF 'no' GO TO FINISH :FINISH TY Goodbye! STOP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
Fold - Json format Fold ==== Fold is a json format created in 2016 by Erik Demaine and Jason S. Ku and Robert J. Lang. 2016 Erik Demaine Jason S. Ku Robert J. Lang #1188 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone FOLD file format for origami models, crease patterns, etc. - Tags: jsonFormat - Fold is developed on GitHub and has 304 stars - Fold is written in CoffeeScript, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML, JSON - First announcement of Fold { "file_spec": 1.1, "file_creator": "fold-convert --flat-fold", "file_classes": [ "singleModel" ], "frame_classes": [ "foldedForm" ], "vertices_coords": [ [0,0], [1,0], [0,0], [0,1] ], "edges_vertices": [ [0,1], [1,2], [2,3], [3,0], [3,1] ], "edges_assignment": [ "B", "B", "B", "B", "V" ], "edges_foldAngle": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 180 ], "cpedit:page": {"xMin":0,"yMin":0,"xMax":1,"yMax":1}, "file_title": "diagonal", "vertices_edges": [ [0,3], [1,4,0], [1,2], [3,4,2] ], "faces_vertices": [ [0,1,3], [1,2,3] ], "faces_edges": [ [0,4,3], [1,2,4] ], "edges_faces": [ [0,null], [1,null], [1,null], [0,null], [1,0] ], "faces_flatFoldTransform": [ [[1,0,0],[0,1,0]], [[0,-1,1],[-1,0,1]] ], "faces_flatFoldOrientation": [ 1, -1 ], "vertices_flatUnfoldCoords": [ [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1] ] } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 345 1.7
foogol - Programming language foogol ====== foogol is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4037 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of foogol happened in - foogol on HOPL foogol on HOPL - Read more about foogol on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
FORAL LP - Programming language FORAL LP ======== FORAL LP is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4038 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORAL LP happened in IBM - FORAL LP on HOPL FORAL LP on HOPL - Read more about FORAL LP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
FORAL - Programming language FORAL ===== FORAL is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4039 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORAL happened in IBM - FORAL on HOPL FORAL on HOPL - Read more about FORAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
FORALL - Programming language FORALL ====== FORALL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4040 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORALL happened in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - FORALL on HOPL FORALL on HOPL - Read more about FORALL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
forest-database - Application forest-database =============== forest-database is an application created in 2011. 2011 #4041 on PLDB 13 Years Old A filestore is a structured collection of data files housed in a conventional hierarchical file system. Many applications use filestores as a poor-man’s database, and the correct execution of these applications requires that the collection of files, directories, and symbolic links stored on disk satisfy a variety of precise invariants. Moreover, all of these structures must have acceptable ownership, permission, and timestamp attributes. Unfortunately, current programming languages do not provide support for documenting assumptions about filestores, detecting errors, or safely loading from and storing to them. This paper describes the design, implementation, and semantics of Forest, a novel domain-specific language for describing filestores. The language uses a type-based metaphor to specify the expected structure, attributes, and invariants of filestores. Forest generates loading and storing functions that make it easy to connect data on disk to an isomorphic representation in memory that can be manipulated as if it were any other data structure. Forest also generates metadata that describes the degree to which the structures on the disk conform to the specification, making error detection easy. Hence, in a nutshell, Forest extends the rigorous discipline of typed programming languages and many of their benefits to the untyped world of file systems. We have implemented Forest as an embedded domain-specific language in Haskell. In addition to generating infrastructure for reading, writing and checking file systems, our implementation generates a type class instances that make it easy to build generic tools that operate over arbitrary filestores. We illustrate the utility of this infrastructure by building a file system visualizer, a file access checker, a generic query interface, description-directed variants of several standard UNIX shell tools and (circularly) a simple Forest description inference engine. Finally, we formalize a core fragment of Forest in a semantics inspired by classical tree logics and prove round-tripping laws showing that the loading and storing functions behave sensibly. - Tags: application - Early development of forest-database happened in Princeton University - Read more about forest-database on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 425 2.1
forest-lang - Programming language forest-lang =========== forest-lang is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1713 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A multi-syntax functional programming language that compiles to WebAssembly. - Tags: programming language - forest-lang is developed on GitHub and has 620 stars - Early development of forest-lang happened in - forest-lang is written in Haskell, Nix, YAML, Ruby, Markdown, HTML, SVG, JavaScript, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
ForgeBox - Package manager ForgeBox ======== ForgeBox is a package manager created in 2015. 2015 #2724 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of ForgeBox happened in Ortus Solutions, Corp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
fork-lang - Programming language fork-lang ========= fork-lang is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1788 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A simple, self hosted, low level programming language. - Tags: programming language - fork-lang is developed on GitHub and has 75 stars - Early development of fork-lang happened in - fork-lang is written in Bourne shell, Markdown, Make, C, JSON, CSON, XML HackerNews discussions of fork-lang =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Fork, a toy self-hosting language and compiler that compiles to C||10/06/2018|58|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
FORK - Programming language FORK ==== FORK is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3395 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORK happened in Universität des Saarlandes and Universitat Trier - FORK on HOPL FORK on HOPL - Read more about FORK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Fork95 - Programming language Fork95 ====== Fork95 is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4042 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fork95 happened in Universitat Trier - Fork95 on HOPL Fork95 on HOPL - Read more about Fork95 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
FORMAC - Programming language FORMAC ====== FORMAC is a programming language created in 1993 by Jean E. Sammet. 1993 Jean E. Sammet #2326 on PLDB 31 Years Old FORMAC, acronym of FORmula MAnipulation Compiler, was an early computer algebra system based on FORTRAN. It was developed by Jean E. Sammet. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORMAC happened in IBM - FORMAC on HOPL FORMAC on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
formality - Programming language formality ========= formality is a programming language created in 2019 by Victor Maia. 2019 Victor Maia #1898 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Standard library for the Formality language - Tags: programming language - formality is developed on GitHub and has 18 stars - Early development of formality happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Formatted Table - Data notation Formatted Table =============== Formatted Table is a data notation created in 1990. 1990 #3396 on PLDB 34 Years Old 0 Repos A simple plain text format for storing tabular data. - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 0 Formatted Table repos on GitHub Weekly SST data starts week centered on 3Jan1990 Nino1+2 Nino3 Nino34 Nino4 Week SST SSTA SST SSTA SST SSTA SST SSTA 03JAN1990 23.4-0.4 25.1-0.3 26.6 0.0 28.6 0.3 10JAN1990 23.4-0.8 25.2-0.3 26.6 0.1 28.6 0.3 17JAN1990 24.2-0.3 25.3-0.3 26.5-0.1 28.6 0.3 24JAN1990 24.4-0.5 25.5-0.4 26.5-0.1 28.4 0.2 ACCEPTABLE LEFT PRIMERS 1-based # self self hair- qual- # sequence start ln N GC% Tm any_th end_th pin lity 0 tgctagctaggcgatgctag 411 20 0 55.00 60.028 23.16 23.16 38.59 0.028 1 actgatacgcgatgctagct 476 20 0 50.00 59.957 17.69 1.35 0.00 0.043 2 gatcgatgctagctaggcga 405 20 0 55.00 60.100 16.30 16.30 0.00 0.100 3 tcgatcgatgctagctaggc 403 20 0 55.00 60.100 18.63 8.45 0.00 0.100 4 tagctgatcgatcgtagcgg 565 20 0 55.00 60.101 25.02 17.36 0.00 0.101 5 gctgactgatcgatcgatgc 113 20 0 55.00 59.826 24.08 17.09 35.21 0.174 6 tatcatctctgcgcgatcga 361 20 0 50.00 59.747 22.07 1.72 38.48 0.253 7 agctaggcgatgctagctag 415 20 0 55.00 59.742 17.46 17.46 41.54 0.258 8 ctagctaggcgatgctagct 413 20 0 55.00 59.742 18.68 17.35 43.53 0.258 9 ggcgatctagctagctgact 583 20 0 55.00 59.671 17.44 7.44 37.58 0.329 10 tcgatgctagctaggcgatg 407 20 0 55.00 60.382 14.03 0.00 0.00 0.382 11 gctgatcgatcgatgctagc 398 20 0 55.00 59.618 25.97 24.79 35.21 0.382 12 gctagctgatcgatcgatgc 394 20 0 55.00 59.618 24.08 21.09 35.21 0.382 13 atcatctctgcgcgatcgat 362 20 0 50.00 60.382 22.07 5.02 38.48 0.382 14 gactgatacgcgatgctagc 475 20 0 55.00 59.551 8.61 8.61 0.00 0.449 15 atcgatgctagctaggcgat 406 20 0 50.00 59.452 18.43 18.43 0.00 0.548 16 gctagctgactgatacgcga 468 20 0 55.00 60.589 16.29 0.00 0.00 0.589 17 agctagctgactgatacgcg 467 20 0 55.00 60.590 17.99 3.89 0.00 0.590 18 atgctagctaggcgatgcta 410 20 0 50.00 59.375 10.59 8.91 0.00 0.625 19 ctatcatctctgcgcgatcg 360 20 0 55.00 59.347 12.19 12.19 39.07 0.653 20 gatgctagctaggcgatgct 409 20 0 55.00 60.668 7.01 7.53 0.00 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 566 2.8
Forml - Programming language Forml ===== Forml is a programming language created in 2011 by Andrew Stein. 2011 Andrew Stein #1494 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone A contemporary programming language for the discriminating programmer, intended to approximate the safety of Haskell and the expressiveness of Ruby. Should such an approximation turn out to exist. - Tags: programming language - Forml is developed on GitHub and has 76 stars - Early development of Forml happened in hello_world = do `console.log("Hello World")` -- Calls to Javascript always return type `JS a` x <- `Math.sqrt(9)` -- `x` is inferred to be the unrestricted type `a` let z = x + 1 -- `x` is now restricted to type `Num` return (z + 1) -- type of `hello_world` is inferred to be `JS Num` 8 == do! hello_world >>= λx = `x + 3` Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
FORMS/3 - Programming language FORMS/3 ======= FORMS/3 is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4043 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORMS/3 happened in Oregon State University and Hewlett-Packard and Oregon Institute of Technology - FORMS/3 on HOPL FORMS/3 on HOPL - Read more about FORMS/3 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Formula language - Programming language Formula language ================ Formula language is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #1562 on PLDB 35 Years Old The Formula language is a scripting language used by Lotus Notes. It is often referred to as @Formula language (pronounced at-formula) because many language elements start with the @-character. Here is an example of a selection formula: SELECT @NoteId = "NT0050D26" It was created by Ray Ozzie during the early development of Lotus Notes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Formula language happened in IBM - See also: (3 related languages) Icon, Lisp, LotusScript - Read more about Formula language on the web: 1. 1. FIELD NewDate:=@Today FIELD OldDate:=@DeleteField; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Forsp - Programming language Forsp ===== Forsp is a programming language created in 2024 by Anthony Bonkoski. 2024 Anthony Bonkoski #1610 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone Forsp: A Forth+Lisp Hybrid Lambda Calculus Language - Tags: programming language - Forsp is developed on GitHub and has 122 stars - Forsp is written in GLSL, Bourne shell, C, Markdown ( ; ... SNIP ... Assuming "Y" and "if" are defined previously ($g (^g Y)) $rec ; syntax sugar for applying the Y-Combinator ($self $n (^n 1 - self ^n *) 1 0 ^n eq if ) rec $factorial 5 factorial print ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Forte 4GL - Programming language Forte 4GL ========= Forte 4GL is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3734 on PLDB 30 Years Old Forté 4GL was a proprietary application server that was developed by Forté Software and used for developing scalable, highly available, enterprise applications.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Forte 4GL happened in Forté Inc - See also: (1 related languages) Java begin ... raise UsageException(); ... exception when e : UsageException do task.ErrMgr.Clear(); ... else ... raise; end; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Forth - Programming language Forth ===== Forth is a programming language created in 1970 by Charles H. Moore. 1970 Charles H. Moore #85 on PLDB 54 Years Old 2k Repos Forth is an imperative stack-based computer programming language and environment originally designed by Charles "Chuck" Moore. Language features include structured programming, reflection (the ability to modify the program structure during program execution), concatenative programming (functions are composed with juxtaposition) and extensibility (the programmer can create new commands). Although not an acronym, the language's name is sometimes spelled with all capital letters as FORTH, following the customary usage during its earlier years. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,537 Forth repos on GitHub - Early development of Forth happened in National Radio Astronomy Observatory - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Forth in 2k repos on GitHub - There are 0 members in the Forth subreddit - There are 63 Project Euler users using Forth - Explore Forth snippets on Rosetta Code - Forth on HOPL Forth on HOPL - Forth appears in the TIOBE Index - Forth Ubuntu package Forth Ubuntu package - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Forth - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Forth - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Forth - Forth appears in the Quine Relay project - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Forth:, - There is a central package repository for Forth - has 0 matches for "forth developer". - See also: (15 related languages) Lisp, APL, Factor, PostScript, RPL, REBOL, Reverse Polish notation, FreeBSD, C, Linux, Unix, Atmel AVR, TI MSP430, ASCII, Joy - 14 PLDB concepts link to Forth: Ace Editor, cloc, DragonBASIC, Frege, Gforth, groff, mal, Particles, phorth, preforth, Pygments, r3, reforth, skip ." Hello, world!" CR .( Hello World) ' Hello world in Forth ." Hello World" CR : HELLO ( -- ) ." Hello Forth (fth)!" ; HELLO hex create AKey 61 c, 8A c, 63 c, D2 c, FB c, : test cr 0 DO rc4_byte . LOOP cr ; AKey 5 rc4_init 2C F9 4C EE DC 5 test \ output should be: F1 38 29 C9 DE Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example \ (\#|%|&|\-|\+)?[0-9]+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example \ (\$[0-9A-F]+) Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token . row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example \ A comment Token \ row Feature Postfix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPostfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example \ Multiplies 25 and 10 and then adds 50 to result 25 10 * 50 + Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 558 2.8
forthnet-pm - Package manager forthnet-pm =========== forthnet-pm is a package manager created in 2010. 2010 #2725 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of forthnet-pm happened in Wodni & Pelc GmbH - was registered in 2010 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
ForthScript - Programming language ForthScript =========== ForthScript is a programming language created in 2020 by Yuriy Zamyatin. 2020 Yuriy Zamyatin #2426 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Forthscript programming language interpreter - Tags: programming language - ForthScript is developed on GitHub and has 16 stars - Early development of ForthScript happened in - ForthScript is written in C++, JSON, Python, YAML, Markdown, CMake Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
FORTRAN 77 - Programming language FORTRAN 77 ========== FORTRAN 77 is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3080 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORTRAN 77 happened in Amoco Research Center - FORTRAN 77 on HOPL FORTRAN 77 on HOPL - Read more about FORTRAN 77 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 12 PLDB concepts link to FORTRAN 77: Ace Editor, Boomerang Decompiler, Chapel, cloc, DragonBASIC, Filebench WML, Fortran 90, GAP, NCAR Command Language, OpenNN, Pygments, SciPy Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Fortran 8x - Programming language Fortran 8x ========== Fortran 8x is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4044 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fortran 8x happened in McDonnell Douglas Corporation - Fortran 8x on HOPL Fortran 8x on HOPL - Read more about Fortran 8x on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Fortran 90 - Programming language Fortran 90 ========== Fortran 90 is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2539 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Fortran 90 is a superset of FORTRAN 77 - Early development of Fortran 90 happened in University of Liverpool - Fortran 90 on HOPL Fortran 90 on HOPL - Read more about Fortran 90 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 7 PLDB concepts link to Fortran 90: Chapel, cloc, Go, NCAR Command Language, Node.js, Pygments, SciPy Language features ====================================================== row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example type real_list_t real :: sample_data(100) type (real_list_t), pointer :: next => null () end type type (real_list_t), target :: my_real_list type (real_list_t), pointer :: real_list_temp real_list_temp => my_real_list do read (1,iostat=ioerr) real_list_temp%sample_data if (ioerr /= 0) exit allocate (real_list_temp%next) real_list_temp => real_list_temp%next end do Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
FORTRAN CEP - Programming language FORTRAN CEP =========== FORTRAN CEP is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4045 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORTRAN CEP happened in Università di Pisa - FORTRAN CEP on HOPL FORTRAN CEP on HOPL - Read more about FORTRAN CEP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Fortran D - Programming language Fortran D ========= Fortran D is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4046 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fortran D happened in Center for Research on Parallel Computation - Fortran D on HOPL Fortran D on HOPL - Read more about Fortran D on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
FORTRAN II - Programming language FORTRAN II ========== FORTRAN II is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #4047 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORTRAN II happened in University of California Riverside - FORTRAN II on HOPL FORTRAN II on HOPL - Read more about FORTRAN II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
FORTRAN III - Programming language FORTRAN III =========== FORTRAN III is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #4048 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORTRAN III happened in IBM - FORTRAN III on HOPL FORTRAN III on HOPL - Read more about FORTRAN III on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
FORTRAN IV - Programming language FORTRAN IV ========== FORTRAN IV is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #4049 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORTRAN IV happened in IBM - FORTRAN IV on HOPL FORTRAN IV on HOPL - Read more about FORTRAN IV on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Fortran M - Programming language Fortran M ========= Fortran M is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4050 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fortran M happened in Argonne National Laboratory - Fortran M on HOPL Fortran M on HOPL - Read more about Fortran M on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Fortran - Programming language Fortran ======= Fortran is a programming language created in 1957 by John Backus. 1957 John Backus #50 on PLDB 67 Years Old 29k Repos Fortran (; formerly FORTRAN, derived from Formula Translation) is a general-purpose, imperative programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing. Originally developed by IBM in the 1950s for scientific and engineering applications, Fortran came to dominate this area of programming early on and has been in continuous use for over half a century in computationally intensive areas such as numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational physics, crystallography and computational chemistry. It is a popular language for high-performance computing and is used for programs that benchmark and rank the world's fastest supercomputers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, physics, chemistry, biology, arrayLang - There are at least 29,127 Fortran repos on GitHub - Early development of Fortran happened in IBM - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Fortran in 3k repos on GitHub - There are 6,269 members in the Fortran subreddit - There are 464 Project Euler users using Fortran - Explore Fortran snippets on Rosetta Code - Fortran is supported by the GDB - Fortran on HOPL Fortran on HOPL - Fortran ranks #32 in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for Fortran - Fortran LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Fortran - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Fortran - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Fortran - Learn Fortran on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Fortran - has 447 matches for "fortran engineer". - See also: (23 related languages) Speedcoding, ALGOL 58, BASIC, C, Chapel, CMS-2, PL/I, PACT I, MUMPS, RATFOR, Assembly language, Laning and Zierler system, IBM 1620, UCSD Pascal, WATFIV, ASCII, Modula-2, Ada, Mortran, Ratfiv, JCL, SIMSCRIPT, F - Read more about Fortran on the web: 1. 1. - 5 PLDB concepts link to Fortran: BALGOL, EXPLOR, GCC, ICETRAN, Particles ! Type your code here, or load an example. real function square(x) implicit none real, intent(in) :: x square = x * x return end function square PROGRAM hello PRINT *, "Hello, world!" END PROGRAM hello print *,'Hello World' end C Hello World in Fortran PROGRAM HELLO WRITE (*,100) STOP 100 FORMAT (' Hello World! ' /) END ! Codes/HYCOM/hycom/ATLb2.00/src_2.0.01_22_one/ real onemu, twomu data onemu/0.0098/ data twomu/1./ data threemu/0.e9/ end program average ! Read in some numbers and take the average ! As written, if there are no data points, an average of zero is returned ! While this may not be desired behavior, it keeps this example simple implicit none real, dimension(:), allocatable :: points integer :: number_of_points real :: average_points=0., positive_average=0., negative_average=0. write (*,*) "Input number of points to average:" read (*,*) number_of_points allocate (points(number_of_points)) write (*,*) "Enter the points to average:" read (*,*) points ! Take the average by summing points and dividing by number_of_points if (number_of_points > 0) average_points = sum(points) / number_of_points ! Now form average over positive and negative points only if (count(points > 0.) > 0) then positive_average = sum(points, points > 0.) / count(points > 0.) end if if (count(points < 0.) > 0) then negative_average = sum(points, points < 0.) / count(points < 0.) end if deallocate (points) ! Print result to terminal write (*,'(a,g12.4)') 'Average = ', average_points write (*,'(a,g12.4)') 'Average of positive points = ', positive_average write (*,'(a,g12.4)') 'Average of negative points = ', negative_average end program average ACCESS ACTION ADVANCE ALLOCATABLE ALLOCATE ASSIGN ASSIGNMENT BACKSPACE BLANK BLOCK CALL CASE CHARACTER CLOSE COMMON COMPLEX CONTAINS CONTINUE CYCLE DATA DEALLOCATE DEFAULT DELIM DIMENSION DIRECT DO DOUBLE ELSE ELSEWHERE END ENDFILE ENTRY EOR EQUIVALENCE ERR EXIST EXIT EXTERNAL FILE FMT FORM FORMAT FORMATTED FUNCTION GO IF IMPLICIT IN INOUT INQUIRE INTEGER INTENT INTERFACE INTRINSIC IOLENGTH 10STAT KIND LEN LOGICAL MODULE NAME NAMED NAMELIST NEXTREC NML NONE NULLIFY NUMBER ONLY OPEN OPENED OPERATOR OPTIONAL OUT PAD PARAMETER PAUSE POINTER POSITION PRECISION PRINT PRIVATE PROCEDURE PROGRAM PUBLIC READ READWRITE REAL REC RECl RECURSIVE RESULT RETURN REWIND SAVE SELECT SEQUENCE SEQUENTIAL SIZE STAT STATUS STOP SUBROUTINE TARGET THEN TO TYPE UNFORMATTED UNIT USE WHERE WHILE WRITE Language features ====================================================== row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example C A comment Token ! row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example module constants implicit none real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926536 real, parameter :: e = 2.7182818285 contains subroutine show_consts() print*, "Pi = ", pi print*, "e = ", e end subroutine show_consts end module constants program module_example use constants implicit none real :: x, ePowerx, area, radius x = 2.0 radius = 7.0 ePowerx = e ** x area = pi * radius**2 call show_consts() print*, "e raised to the power of 2.0 = ", ePowerx print*, "Area of a circle with radius 7.0 = ", area end program module_exampl Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example C Hello World in Fortran PROGRAM HELLO WRITE (*,100) STOP 100 FORMAT (' Hello World! ' /) END Token print row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example x = 2.0 y = x + X Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example C C Lines that begin with 'C' (in the first or 'comment' column) are comments C Token row Feature hasReservedWords FeatureLink ../features/hasReservedWords.html Supported X Example C Keywords are specifically NOT reserved words. Token row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1094 5.5
FORTRANSIT - Programming language FORTRANSIT ========== FORTRANSIT is a programming language created in 1956. 1956 #3397 on PLDB 68 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FORTRANSIT happened in IBM - FORTRANSIT on HOPL FORTRANSIT on HOPL - Read more about FORTRANSIT on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Fortress - Programming language Fortress ======== Fortress is an open source programming language created in 2004. 2004 #811 on PLDB 20 Years Old Fortress is a discontinued experimental programming language for high-performance computing, created by Sun Microsystems with funding from DARPA's High Productivity Computing Systems project. One of the language designers was Guy L. Steele Jr., whose previous work includes Scheme, Common Lisp, and Java.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fortress happened in Sun Labs - Explore Fortress snippets on Rosetta Code - Fortress on HOPL Fortress on HOPL - Fortress appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (14 related languages) Fortran, Scala, Haskell, Scheme, Common Lisp, Java, Unicode, Standard ML, ASCII, Emacs, LaTeX, X10, Chapel, SISAL (* Hello World in Fortress *) export Executable run(args) = print "Hello, world!" component hello export Executable run() = println(“Hello, World!”) end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 256 1.3
Fossil - Version control application Fossil ====== Fossil is an open source version control application created in 2006 by Dwayne Richard Hipp. 2006 Dwayne Richard Hipp #1402 on PLDB 18 Years Old Fossil is a distributed version control system, bug tracking system and wiki software server for use in software development created by D. Richard Hipp.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: versionControlApplication - Early development of Fossil happened in - was registered in 2008 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
foundry - Programming language foundry ======= foundry is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #2465 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of foundry happened in Federal University of Technology - Read more about foundry on the web: 1. 1. HackerNews discussions of foundry ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Foundry||07/11/2013|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
fox - Programming language fox === fox is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3019 on PLDB 7 Years Old Fox is an ever-evolving experiment in declarativeness that strives to one day settle on a consistent syntax. - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2021 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
FoxPRO - Programming language FoxPRO ====== FoxPRO is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #566 on PLDB 32 Years Old FoxPro was a text-based procedurally oriented programming language and database management system (DBMS), and it is also an object-oriented programming language, originally published by Fox Software and later by Microsoft, for MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX. The final published release of FoxPro was 2.6. Development continued under the Visual FoxPro label, which in turn was discontinued in 2007. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FoxPRO happened in Fox Software - FoxPRO on HOPL FoxPRO on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for FoxPRO - See also: (4 related languages) Visual FoxPro, DBase, Linux, FreeBSD ? "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
FP - Programming language FP == FP, aka Functional Programming, is a programming language created in 1977 by John Backus. 1977 John Backus #1208 on PLDB 47 Years Old FP (short for function programming) is a programming language created by John Backus to support the function-level programming paradigm. This allows eliminating named variables. The language was introduced in Backus's 1977 Turing Award lecture, "Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style?", subtitled "a functional style and its algebra of programs." The paper sparked interest in functional programming research, eventually leading to modern functional languages, and not the function-level paradigm Backus had hoped. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FP happened in IBM - Explore FP snippets on Rosetta Code - FP on HOPL FP on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) APL, FL, Haskell, J insert-left \f where \f:〈x〉 = x and \f:〈x1,x2,...,xn〉 = f:〈\f:〈x1,...,xn-1〉,xn〉 and \f:〈 〉 = unit f Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 247 1.2
FP2 - Programming language FP2 === FP2 is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4051 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FP2 happened in Instituto Politécnico Nacional de Grenoble - FP2 on HOPL FP2 on HOPL - Read more about FP2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
fp - Programming language fp == fp, aka Functional Programming, is a programming language created in 2022 by Joona Piirainen. 2022 Joona Piirainen #1161 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A small, weird and unpractical programming language. - Tags: programming language - fp is developed on GitHub and has 102 stars - Early development of fp happened in - fp is written in GLSL, Haskell, YAML, Bash, Nix, Markdown, TOML - Read more about fp on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example /+∘α(bu + 1): Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
FpgaC - Programming language FpgaC ===== FpgaC is an open source programming language created in 1996. 1996 #2989 on PLDB 28 Years Old FpgaC is a compiler for a subset of the C programming language, which produces digital circuits that will execute the compiled programs. The circuits may use FPGAs or CPLDs as the target processor for reconfigurable computing, or even ASICs for dedicated applications. FpgaC's goal is to be an efficient High Level Language (HLL) for reconfigurable computing, rather than a Hardware Description Language (HDL) for building efficient custom hardware circuits.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FpgaC happened in University of Toronto - See also: (1 related languages) Handel-C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Functional PHP Preprocessor - Programming language Functional PHP Preprocessor =========================== Functional PHP Preprocessor is a programming language created in 2018 by Sascha-Oliver Prolic. 2018 Sascha-Oliver Prolic #947 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Functional PHP Preprocessor - Generate Immutable Data Types - Tags: programming language - Functional PHP Preprocessor is developed on GitHub and has 285 stars - Early development of Functional PHP Preprocessor happened in - Functional PHP Preprocessor is written in PHP, Markdown, YAML, JSON namespace use data bool string float int enum uuid guid event command Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
FRACTRAN - Esoteric programming language FRACTRAN ======== FRACTRAN is an esoteric programming language created in 1996 by John Conway. 1996 John Conway #1224 on PLDB 28 Years Old FRACTRAN is a Turing-complete esoteric programming language invented by the mathematician John Conway. A FRACTRAN program is an ordered list of positive fractions together with an initial positive integer input n. The program is run by updating the integer n as follows: for the first fraction f in the list for which nf is an integer, replace n by nf repeat this rule until no fraction in the list produces an integer when multiplied by n, then halt. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of FRACTRAN happened in University of Cambridge - FRACTRAN on Esolang FRACTRAN on Esolang - Read more about FRACTRAN on the web: 1. 1. 17/65, 133/34, 17/19, 23/17, 2233/69, 23/29, 31/23, 74/341, 31/37, 41/31, 129/287, 41/43, 13/41, 1/13, 1/3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 257 1.3
frame - Programming language frame ===== frame is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #2466 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of frame happened in - was registered in 2013 HackerNews discussions of frame =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Frame Machine Languages – DSLs for Software Modeling||10/07/2015|17|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Framework office suite - Programming language Framework office suite ====================== Framework office suite is an open source programming language created in 1983. 1983 #2307 on PLDB 41 Years Old Framework, launched in 1984, was the first office suite to run on the PC 8086 with the MS-DOS operating system. ValDocs, an even earlier integrated suite, actually comparable to the original Macintosh of 1984 and Apple Lisa of 1982 was produced by Epson, a complete integrated work station based on the previous Zilog Z80 processor and CP/M operating system with GUI and "WYSIWYG" typography on the monitor and printing. Framework offered all this however in the first all-in-one package to run on any PC platform. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Framework office suite happened in Forefront Corporation - Framework office suite on HOPL Framework office suite on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) Assembly language, C, Lisp, DBase, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
FRAN - Programming language FRAN ==== FRAN is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3398 on PLDB 27 Years Old Dialect of Haskell for interactive programming of animation. - Tags: programming language - Early development of FRAN happened in Microsoft and Yale University - FRAN on HOPL FRAN on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Frank - Programming language Frank ===== Frank is a programming language created in 2017 by Sam Lindley and Conor McBride and Craig McLaughlin and Lukas Convent. 2017 Sam Lindley Conor McBride Craig McLaughlin Lukas Convent #1269 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Frank compiler - Tags: programming language - Frank is developed on GitHub and has 272 stars - Early development of Frank happened in - Frank is written in Haskell, Markdown, Python, YAML, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
FRANK - Programming language FRANK ===== FRANK is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3399 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of FRANK happened in University of Manitoba - FRANK on HOPL FRANK on HOPL - Read more about FRANK on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Free Pascal - Programming language Free Pascal =========== Free Pascal is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1456 on PLDB 27 Years Old Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) is a compiler for the closely related programming language dialects, Pascal and Object Pascal. It is free software released under the GNU General Public License, with exception clauses that allow for static linking against its runtime libraries and packages for any purpose in combination with any other software license. It supports its own Object Pascal dialect as well as the dialects of several other Pascal family compilers to a certain extent, including those of Turbo Pascal, Delphi, and some historical Macintosh compilers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Free Pascal happened in - See also: (22 related languages) Object Pascal, Assembly language, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Delphi, Objective-C, Linux, PowerPC, ARM, SPARC, X86, iOS, Extensible Linking Format, FreeBSD, Solaris, Android, Atmel AVR, JVM, MIPS architecture, Information Presentation Facility, Visual Studio Code, Morfik Language features ====================================================== row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
FreeBASIC - Programming language FreeBASIC ========= FreeBASIC is a programming language created in 2004 by Andre Victor. 2004 Andre Victor #784 on PLDB 20 Years Old 535 Repos FreeBASIC is a multiplatform, free/open source (GPL) BASIC compiler for Microsoft Windows, protected-mode MS-DOS (DOS extender), Linux, FreeBSD and Xbox. The Xbox version is no longer maintained.According to its official Web site, FreeBASIC provides syntax compatibility with programs originally written in Microsoft QuickBASIC (QB). Unlike QuickBASIC, however, FreeBASIC is a command line only compiler, unless users manually install an external integrated development environment (IDE) of their choice. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 535 FreeBASIC repos on GitHub - Early development of FreeBASIC happened in The FreeBASIC Development Team - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 41 users using FreeBASIC in 41 repos on GitHub - Explore FreeBASIC snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (6 related languages) FreeBSD, Linux, QuickBASIC, C, BASIC, OpenGL Dim As Vector Ptr player = New Vector() *player = Type<Vector>(100, 100) Print player->getX Print player->getY Delete player Sleep 'Prevents the program window from closing instantly Language features ====================================================== row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 313 1.6
FreeBSD - Operating system FreeBSD ======= FreeBSD is an operating system created in 1993. 1993 #2397 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: operating system - Early development of FreeBSD happened in The FreeBSD Project Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Freefem - Programming language Freefem ======= Freefem is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #2253 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Freefem happened in Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie and Université Paris City - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Freefem - was registered in 2000 nuEdge N rfind endl ARGV bordermeasure BoundaryEdge precision fixed mpiBAND ndof mpiLAND mpiBXOR mpiLOR showbase qf1pE nt z qfnbpE InternalEdge P qf1pTlump n false m imax nuTriangle version qfV2 true length qf1pElump adj nv ndofK volume x mpiMIN UMFPACK qfV5 sum binary showpos qf4pE searchMethod mpiCommWorld area qf2pT4P1 lenEdge quantile CG min default noshowpos qf2pE y Crout notaregion find nTonEdge max tellp whoinElement re FILE qf5pT measure qf5pE scientific mpisize qf9pT cout im qfV1 qf3pE mpirank imin label hTriangle pi qf2pT diag qf1pT l1 mpiPROD LU qf7pT unused flush edgeOrientation mpiSUM good mpiLXOR linfty mpiMAX sparsesolver ffind l2 region mpiUndefined mpiAnySource be append qfV1lump verbosity Cholesky LINE GMRES setw noshowbase cin nbe Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
FreeMarker - Template language FreeMarker ========== FreeMarker is an open source template language created in 2000. 2000 #957 on PLDB 24 Years Old 6k Repos FreeMarker is a free Java-based template engine, originally focusing on dynamic web page generation with MVC software architecture. However, it is a general purpose template engine, with no dependency on servlets or HTTP or HTML, and is thus often used for generating source code, configuration files or e-mails.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - There are at least 5,703 FreeMarker repos on GitHub - Early development of FreeMarker happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using FreeMarker in 4k repos on GitHub - Monaco package for syntax highlighting FreeMarker - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for FreeMarker - See also: (5 related languages) Java, HTML, JSP, Velocity, Thymeleaf <#ftl strip_text=true /> <#macro page title> <!doctype html> <html lang="${.lang}"> <head> <title>${title}</title> <@metaTags /> </head> <body> <#nested /> <@footer /> </body> </html> </#macro> <#--- Default meta tags --> <#macro metaTags> <#compress> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> </#compress> </#macro> <#macro footer> <p>This page is using FreeMarker v${.version}</p> </#macro> <html> <body> <p>Hello Joe! You have the following messages: <p><b>Tim:</b> Please don't forget to bring the conference papers!</p> <p><b>Cindy:</b> Can you give me a visit this afternoon?</p> <p><b>Richard:</b> Don't forget the papers this time!</p> </p> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 445 2.2
Frege - Programming language Frege ===== Frege is an open source programming language created in 2011. 2011 #204 on PLDB 13 Years Old 223 Repos git clone Frege is a non-strict, purely functional programming language for the Java virtual machine in the spirit of Haskell. It is considered a Haskell dialect or simply "a" Haskell for the Java virtual machine. Frege has a strong static type system with type inference. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Frege is developed on GitHub and has 3,628 stars - There are at least 223 Frege repos on GitHub - Early development of Frege happened in - Frege is written in Forth, Java, Tex, Perl, SVG, Markdown, Make, Yacc, Bourne shell, HTML, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 142 users using Frege in 160 repos on GitHub - There are 3 Project Euler users using Frege - Explore Frege snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Frege - See also: (7 related languages) Haskell, JVM, Java, Java Bytecode, Linux, Unix, Eclipse {-- This program displays the current time on stdandard output every other second. -} module examples.CommandLineClock where data Date = native java.util.Date where native new :: () -> IO (MutableIO Date) -- new Date() native toString :: Mutable s Date -> ST s String -- d.toString() --- 'IO' action to give us the current time as 'String' current :: IO String current = do d <- () d.toString {- "java.lang.Thread.sleep" takes a "long" and returns nothing, but may throw an InterruptedException. This is without doubt an IO action. public static void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException Encoded in Frege: - argument type long Long - result void () - does IO IO () - throws ... throws .... -} -- .... defined in -- native sleep java.lang.Thread.sleep :: Long -> IO () throws InterruptedException main args = forever do current >>= print print "\r" stdout.flush Thread.sleep 999 {-- This program displays the current time on standard output every other second. -} module examples.CommandLineClock where data Date = native java.util.Date where native new :: () -> IO (MutableIO Date) -- new Date() native toString :: Mutable s Date -> ST s String -- d.toString() --- 'IO' action to give us the current time as 'String' current :: IO String current = do d <- () -- reads system timer, hence IO d.toString main args = forever do current >>= print -- print formatted date print "\r" -- followed by carriage return stdout.flush -- make sure it's shown Thread.sleep 999L -- wait 0.999 seconds Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example {- A comment -} Token {- -} row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 562 2.8
Frenetic - Programming language Frenetic ======== Frenetic is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #3400 on PLDB 13 Years Old Frenetic: a network programming language - Tags: programming language - Early development of Frenetic happened in Cornell University and Princeton University - Read more about Frenetic on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Fresco - Programming language Fresco ====== Fresco is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3401 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Fresco happened in Microsoft - Fresco on HOPL Fresco on HOPL - Read more about Fresco on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Frink - Programming language Frink ===== Frink is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1173 on PLDB 23 Years Old Frink is a computer programming language. It is, according to creator of the language, "designed to make physical calculations simple, to help ensure that answers come out right, and to make a tool that's really useful in the real world. It tracks units of measure (feet, meters, kilograms, watts, etc.) through all calculations, allowing you to mix units of measure transparently, and helps you easily verify that your answers make sense.". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Frink happened in - There are 14 Project Euler users using Frink - Explore Frink snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2014 - See also: (2 related languages) JVM, Java println["Hello World"] // Hello World in Frink println["Hello World!"] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported ✓ Example 10 feet 12 feet 8 feet -> gallons Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 297 1.5
Frost - Programming language Frost ===== Frost is a programming language created in 2017 by Ethan Nicholas. 2017 Ethan Nicholas #1508 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Frost is a powerful, general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language - Tags: programming language - Frost is developed on GitHub and has 37 stars - Early development of Frost happened in - Frost is written in Markdown, CSS, C, XSLT, JavaScript, CMake, HTML - was registered in 2019 ======================================================== Simple version of the Unix `head` utility. Reads a file and outputs the first `count` lines from it to the standard output stream. @param path the file to read @param count the number of lines to display ======================================================== method head(path:File, count:Int) { try { path.lines()[..count].apply(Console.printLine) } fail(error) { abort(error.message) } } method abort(msg:String) { Console.printLine(msg) System.exit(1) } method main(args:ListView<String>) { if args.count != 3 { abort("usage: head <path> <count>") } def count := args[2].asInt if count == null { abort("error: '\{args[2]}' is not an integer") } head(File(args[1]), count) } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Console.printLine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
frtime - Programming language frtime ====== frtime is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3686 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of frtime happened in Brown University - Read more about frtime on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
fructure-editor - Programming language fructure-editor =============== fructure-editor is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1511 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone a structured interaction engine 🗜️ ⚗️ - Tags: programming language - fructure-editor is developed on GitHub and has 448 stars - Early development of fructure-editor happened in - fructure-editor is written in Racket, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Frundis - Text markup language Frundis ======= Frundis is a text markup language created in 2016 by Yon Fernández de Retana. 2016 Yon Fernández de Retana #2234 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The frundis language is a semantic markup language with a simplified roff-like syntax, originally intended for supporting authoring of novels, but it can be used for more varied stuff. It relies on the exporting capabilities of the tool frundis to LaTeX, XHTML, EPUB (2 and 3), markdown and groff mom. Only LaTeX, XHTML and EPUB output formats are considered complete and mature. - Tags: text markup language - Frundis compiles to LaTeX or XHTML or EPUB or Markdown or groff - Frundis is written in HTML, Go, Tex, Markdown, XHTML, XML, Vim script, Perl, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Finite State Language - Programming language Finite State Language ===================== Finite State Language is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2121 on PLDB 8 Years Old Finite State Language, or FSL (pronounced "fossil,") is a programming language to make complex Finite State Machines easy to create and maintain. Finite State Machines can help make your code simpler, easier to test, more provable, and easier to reason about. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Finite State Language happened in - See also: (1 related languages) DOT - Read more about Finite State Language on the web: 1. 1. machine_name: "Traffic light"; flow: down; arrange [Green Yellow]; Off 'Enable' -> Red; Red 'Next' => Green 'Next' => Yellow 'Next' => Red; [Red Yellow Green] ~> Off; // visual styling state Red : { background-color: pink; corners: rounded; }; state Yellow : { background-color: lightyellow; corners: rounded; }; state Green : { background-color: lightgreen; corners: rounded; }; state Off : { background-color : steelblue; text-color : white; shape : octagon; linestyle : dashed; }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 272 1.4
F* - Programming language F* == F* is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #125 on PLDB 10 Years Old 250 Repos git clone F* (pronounced F star) is a functional programming language inspired by ML and aimed at program verification. Its type system includes dependent types, monadic effects, and refinement types. This allows expressing precise specifications for programs, including functional correctness and security properties. Read more on Wikipedia...*_(programming_language) Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - F* is developed on GitHub and has 2,659 stars - There are at least 250 F* repos on GitHub - Early development of F* happened in Microsoft - F* is written in OCaml, Make, Bourne shell, Markdown, F#, Python, C, Dockerfile, JSON, XML, Assembly language, Nix, YAML, Bash, Clojure, Coq, SVG, Haskell, CSV, Lisp - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 28 users using F* in 31 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for F* - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for F* - was registered in 2014 - See also: (7 related languages) Linux, F#, OCaml, Standard ML, ML, C, JavaScript - 2 PLDB concepts link to F*: Low*, Vale module Hello let main = FStar.IO.print_string "Hello World\n" abstract attributes noeq unopteq andbegin by default effect else end ensures exception exists false forall fun function if in include inline inline_for_extraction irreducible logic match module mutable new new_effect noextract of open opaque private range_of reifiable reify reflectable requires set_range_of sub_effect synth then total true try type unfold unfoldable val when with not Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token FStar.IO.print_string Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 421 2.1
FTP - Protocol FTP === FTP, aka File Transfer Protocol, is a protocol created in 1971. 1971 #475 on PLDB 53 Years Old The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server. FTP users may authenticate themselves with a clear-text sign-in protocol, normally in the form of a username and password, but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of FTP happened in MIT - There are 471 members in the FTP subreddit - See also: (8 related languages) HTTP, SMTP, TLS, TCP, UDP, Unix, Linux, ASCII - 1 PLDB concepts link to FTP: NCSA Mosaic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Fun - Programming language Fun === Fun is a programming language created in 2010 by Marcus Westin. 2010 Marcus Westin #1361 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone A programming language for the realtime web. - Tags: programming language - Fun is developed on GitHub and has 174 stars - Early development of Fun happened in // Fun code let user = Session.User let myTasks = Query({ type: "task", owner: }) <h1>"Hello " ", these are your tasks matey:"</h1> for (task in myTasks) { <div class="task" + (task.urgent ? " urgent")> <input data=task.title /> if (task.completed) { <span class="status">"Completed!"</span> } else { <button clickHandler=markComplete(task)/>"Mark as completed"</button> } </div> } let markComplete = handler(task) { task.completed = true } <h3>"Create a new task"</h3> <input data=Local.newTaskTitle /> <button clickHandler=createNewTask /> let createNewTask = handler() { let title = Local.newTaskTitle Local.newTaskTitle = "" Global.create({ owner:, type: "task", title: title }) } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 269 1.3
Function block diagram - Programming language Function block diagram ====================== Function block diagram is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3253 on PLDB 23 Years Old The Function Block Diagram (FBD) is a graphical language for programmable logic controller design, that can describe the function between input variables and output variables. A function is described as a set of elementary blocks. Input and output variables are connected to blocks by connection lines. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
funl - Programming language funl ==== funl is a programming language created in 2020 by Anssi Halmeaho. 2020 Anssi Halmeaho #1831 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone FunL programming language - Tags: programming language - funl is developed on GitHub and has 23 stars - Early development of funl happened in - funl is written in Fennel, Go, Markdown, Make - Read more about funl on the web: 1. 1. ns main main = func() 'this is return value' end endns Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Futhark - Programming language Futhark ======= Futhark is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Troels Henriksen and Cosmin Oancea and Martin Elsman. 2013 Troels Henriksen Cosmin Oancea Martin Elsman #237 on PLDB 11 Years Old 92 Repos git clone Futhark, a high-performance parallel functional array language targeting GPUs. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Futhark is developed on GitHub and has 2,358 stars - There are at least 92 Futhark repos on GitHub - Early development of Futhark happened in University of Copenhagen - APL influenced the design of Futhark - Futhark is written in Haskell, reStructuredText, Markdown, Bourne shell, Python, C, YAML, Nix, Make, JavaScript, JSON, OpenCL, CSS, XML, TOML, Yacc, Logos, CUDA, SVG, Tex - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 0 users using Futhark in 107 repos on GitHub - Explore Futhark snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Futhark - was registered in 2016 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 307 1.5
FutureBASIC - Programming language FutureBASIC =========== FutureBASIC is an open source programming language created in 1992. 1992 #1545 on PLDB 32 Years Old FutureBasic is a free BASIC compiler for Apple Inc.'s Macintosh. It consists of an integrated development environment (IDE), editor, project manager, etc. for both PowerPC and Intel microprocessors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FutureBASIC happened in Brilor Software - Explore FutureBASIC snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (6 related languages) BASIC, PowerPC, C, ZBasic, Pascal, Applescript BeginCFunction // Simple C function to add two integers long simple_add( long a, long b ) { long sum; sum = a + b; return (sum); } endC // Define C function so FB can see it toolbox fn simple_add ( long a, long b ) = long // Create little program to add 2 + 2 with the C function window 1 print fn simple_add ( 2, 2 ) do HandleEvents until ( gFBQuit ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
FutureScript - Programming language FutureScript ============ FutureScript is a programming language created in 2015 by Zhenzhen Zhan. 2015 Zhenzhen Zhan #1775 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A future-style language. - Tags: programming language - FutureScript is developed on GitHub and has 43 stars - Early development of FutureScript happened in - FutureScript is written in JavaScript, JSON, XHTML, XML, Markdown, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Fuzuli - Programming language Fuzuli ====== Fuzuli is a programming language created in 2012 by Mehmet Hakan Satman. 2012 Mehmet Hakan Satman #2004 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Fuzuli has a syntax similar to Lisp but it is not intended to be an other Lisp clone. It has got several properties inhereted from Algol family and others. For example; syntax of while and foreach statements were directly derived from C++ and R, respectively. Some string manipulation functions share the same names and definitions from Visual Basic. Math and IO libraries are like C++ standard library and MySql library uses libmysql directly. - Tags: programming language - Fuzuli is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of Fuzuli happened in Istanbul University - Fuzuli is written in Java, YAML, Markdown (require "/usr/lib/fuzuli/nfl/") (function euclidean (params x y) (block (def dist FLOAT)(let dist 0.0) (def i INTEGER) (for (let i 0) (< i (length x)) (inc i) (let dist (+ dist (pow (- (nth x i) (nth y i)) 2))) ) (return dist) ) ) (def x LIST) (def y LIST) (let x (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) (let y (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11)) (let dist (euclidean x y)) (print dist "\n") Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 292 1.5
FuzzyCLIPS - Knowledge base FuzzyCLIPS ========== FuzzyCLIPS is a knowledge base created in 1995. 1995 #2440 on PLDB 29 Years Old FuzzyCLIPS is a fuzzy logic extension of the CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) expert system shell from NASA. It was developed by the Integrated Reasoning Group of the Institute for Information Technology of the National Research Council of Canada and has been widely distributed for a number of years. It enhances CLIPS by providing a fuzzy reasoning capability that is fully integrated with CLIPS facts and inference engine allowing one to represent and manipulate fuzzy facts and rules. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: knowledgeBase - Early development of FuzzyCLIPS happened in National Research Council of Canada - Read more about FuzzyCLIPS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
FX-87 - Programming language FX-87 ===== FX-87 is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2609 on PLDB 37 Years Old FX-87 is a polymorphic typed functional language based on a system for static program analysis in which every expression has two static properties: a type and an effect. In a study done by MIT, FX-87 yields similar performance results as functional languages on programs that do not contain side effects (Fibonacci, Factorial). FX-87 did yield a great performance increase when matching DNA sequences.KFX is the kernel language of FX-87. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FX-87 happened in MIT - FX-87 on HOPL FX-87 on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Fibonacci Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
FXML - Xml format FXML ==== FXML is a xml format created in 2011. 2011 #2298 on PLDB 13 Years Old FXML is an XML-based user interface markup language created by Oracle Corporation for defining the user interface of a JavaFX application.It provides a convenient alternative to constructing such graphs in procedural code, and is ideally suited to defining the user interface of a JavaFX application, since the hierarchical structure of an XML document closely parallels the structure of the JavaFX scene graph. However anything that is created or implemented in FXML can be expressed using JavaFX directly.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of FXML happened in Oracle - See also: (1 related languages) XML - 2 PLDB concepts link to FXML: cloc, Jet <?import javafx.scene.control.Label?> <Label text="Hello, World!"/> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
FXScript - Programming language FXScript ======== FXScript is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4513 on PLDB 22 Years Old FXScript is a scripting language for Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Express. FXBuilder is the scripting utility in which users are able to modify existing FCP FXScripts or program completely new ones. For example, to scale an image, only two lines are necessary to scale an image from its full size to half size: scale(Region, CenterOfScale, 0.5, 0.5); blitrect(ImageBuffer, OrigRegion, Destination-Buffer, Region); First the region, which might be a rectangle, is scaled by the statement scale and its parameters. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of FXScript happened in Apple scale(Region, CenterOfScale, 0.5, 0.5); blitrect(ImageBuffer, OrigRegion, Destination-Buffer, Region); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
g-2 - Programming language g-2 === g-2 is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4052 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of g-2 happened in Northern Anzona University - g-2 on HOPL g-2 on HOPL - Read more about g-2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
G-code - Programming language G-code ====== G-code is a programming language created in 1950. 1950 #515 on PLDB 74 Years Old 4k Repos G-code (also RS-274), which has many variants, is the common name for the most widely used numerical control (NC) programming language. It is used mainly in computer-aided manufacturing to control automated machine tools. G-code is sometimes called G programming language, not to be confused with LabVIEW's G programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 4,457 G-code repos on GitHub - Early development of G-code happened in MIT - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 106 users using G-code in 107 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for G-code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for G-code - See also: (6 related languages) Gerber Image, LabVIEW G, Punched tape, HTML, CSS, Automatically Programmed Tool G28 X0 Y0 G1 X55 Y5 F2000 G1 Y180 G1 X180 G1 Y5 G1 X55 G1 Y180 G1 X180 G1 Y5 G1 X55 M0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
g-expressions - Programming language g-expressions ============= g-expressions is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #2852 on PLDB 12 Years Old The GNU Guix project invented G-Expressions to make it easier to "stage" data or code, in the form of S-Expressions, for later manipulation or evaluation. They are similar to S-Expressions, hence the name, but they provide useful code staging features beyond what can be easily accomplished with just "quasiquote" and "unquote". A high-level object (such as a Guix package) can be included in a G-Expression; the transitive dependencies of that high-level object will then be automatically carried along with the G-Expression. When the G-Expression is converted to an S-Expression and stored on disk for later manipulation or evaluation, the high-level object will be automatically "lowered" to an appropriate representation (such as the package's output path) via a "compiler". Compared to direct manipulation of S-Expressions, G-Expressions can provide a simpler and more intuitive way to stage data or code. - Tags: programming language - Early development of g-expressions happened in - Read more about g-expressions on the web: 1. 1. (define build-exp #~(begin (mkdir #$output) (chdir #$output) (symlink (string-append #$coreutils "/bin/ls") "list-files"))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 283 1.4
g-fu - Programming language g-fu ==== g-fu is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1467 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Lisp 2 Go - Tags: programming language - g-fu is developed on GitHub and has 240 stars - Early development of g-fu happened in - g-fu is written in Go, Markdown, Python, SVG, YAML - Explore g-fu snippets on Rosetta Code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
G-Portugol - Programming language G-Portugol ========== G-Portugol is an open source programming language created in 2005 by Thiago Silva. 2005 Thiago Silva #1756 on PLDB 19 Years Old git clone G-Portugol - compilador e interpretador - Fork do SourceForge - - Tags: programming language - G-Portugol is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of G-Portugol happened in - G-Portugol is written in C++, Make, Bourne shell, M4, Markdown - G-Portugol Ubuntu package G-Portugol Ubuntu package - G-Portugol appears in the Quine Relay project - Read more about G-Portugol on the web: 1. 1. algoritmo OlaMundo; início imprima("Olá, Mundo!"); fim Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
GAEA - Programming language GAEA ==== GAEA is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4809 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - GAEA is a superset of Prolog - GAEA on HOPL GAEA on HOPL - Read more about GAEA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
Gaiman - Programming language Gaiman ====== Gaiman is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #4053 on PLDB 2 Years Old First 1.0.0 beta version of Gaiman programming language - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gaiman happened in - Read more about Gaiman on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Galaksija BASIC - Programming language Galaksija BASIC =============== Galaksija BASIC is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4500 on PLDB 41 Years Old Galaksija BASIC was the BASIC interpreter of the Galaksija build-it-yourself home computer from Yugoslavia. While being partially based on code taken from TRS-80 Level 1 BASIC, which the creator believed to have been a Microsoft BASIC, the extensive modifications of Galaksija BASIC—such as to include rudimentary array support, video generation code (as the CPU itself did it in absence of dedicated video circuitry) and generally improvements to the programming language—is said to have left not much more than flow-control and floating point code remaining from the original. The core implementation of the interpreter was fully contained in the 4 KiB ROM "A" or "1". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Galaksija BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (3 related languages) BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, ASCII Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
Galileo - Programming language Galileo ======= Galileo is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3402 on PLDB 41 Years Old Galileo is a conceptual language for database applications in which the persistence of values is an orthogonal property, i.e., values of any type are persistent as long as they are accessible from the top level environment. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Galileo happened in Università di Pisa - Galileo on HOPL Galileo on HOPL - Read more about Galileo on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Gambas - Programming language Gambas ====== Gambas is an open source programming language created in 1999 by Benoît Minisini. 1999 Benoît Minisini #1066 on PLDB 25 Years Old Gambas is the name of an object-oriented dialect of the BASIC programming language, as well as the integrated development environment that accompanies it. Designed to run on Linux and other Unix-like computer operating systems, its name is a recursive acronym for Gambas Almost Means Basic. Gambas is also the word for prawns in the Spanish, French, and Portuguese languages, from which the project's logos are derived.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gambas happened in - Explore Gambas snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (10 related languages) Linux, FreeBSD, Visual Basic, Java, BASIC, Qt, OpenGL, Perl, Python, Visual Basic .NET Print "Hello, world!" Private Sub Test(X As Float) As Float Dim Mu As Float = 10.0 Dim Pu, Su As Float Dim I, J, N As Integer Dim aPoly As New Float[100] N = 500000 For I = 0 To N - 1 For J = 0 To 99 Mu = (Mu + 2.0) / 2.0 aPoly[J] = Mu Next Su = 0.0 For J = 0 To 99 Su = X * Su + aPoly[J] Next Pu += Su Next Return Pu End Public Sub Main() Dim I as Integer For I = 1 To 10 Print Test(0.2) Next End Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 341 1.7
Game Maker Language - Programming language Game Maker Language =================== Game Maker Language is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #878 on PLDB 25 Years Old 278 Repos The language historically tries to accommodate different programming backgrounds and styles - BASIC/Lua style "and" / "or" keywords can be used interchangeably with C-style "&&" / "||" operators; parentheses around conditions in if-statements and loops can be omitted; semicolons are largely optional[26] (insertion happens at the end of statement; compile error is raised in case of ambiguity). The language's default mode of operation on native platforms is via a stack machine; it can also be source-to-source compiled to C++ via LLVM for higher performance.[27] On HTML5, GML is source-to-source compiled to JavaScript with optimizations and minification applied in non-debug builds. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 278 Game Maker Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Game Maker Language happened in YoYo Games Ltd - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 394 users using Game Maker Language in 430 repos on GitHub - There are 2 Project Euler users using Game Maker Language - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Game Maker Language - Read more about Game Maker Language on the web: 1. 1. // Hello World in GML (Game Maker Language) draw_text(10,10,"Hello World") screen_refresh() keyboard_wait() /*************************************************** Builds and sends the actual piwik tracking request Copyright (c) 2015 John Hatch Licenced under the MIT licence: ***************************************************/ // Source - //Build argument map var args = ds_map_create(); //----- // Populate GET arguments to Piwik HTTP API // See full HTTP API reference at //----- //Required args ds_map_add(args, "idsite", string(_Piwik_idsite)); ds_map_add(args, "rec", "1"); ds_map_add(args, "url", _piwikUrlEncode(_Piwik_baseurl + "/" + room_get_name(room))); ds_map_add(args, "apiv", "1"); ds_map_add(args, "_id", _piwikUrlEncode(_Piwik_id)); ds_map_add(args, "rand", _piwikUrlEncode( string(round(random(999999999)+game_id)) )); //ds_map_add(args, "new_visit", "0"); //Pass local time to API var ctz = date_get_timezone(); date_set_timezone(timezone_local); var now = date_current_datetime(); ds_map_add(args, "h", _piwikUrlEncode(string(date_get_hour(now)))); ds_map_add(args, "m", _piwikUrlEncode(string(date_get_minute(now)))); ds_map_add(args, "s", _piwikUrlEncode(string(date_get_second(now)))); date_set_timezone(ctz); // Add any other arguments passed to script in the form "param=value" to the http arg map //----- var arg_keyval; for (var i=0; i<argument_count; i++) { arg_keyval = _piwikStringExplode(argument[i],'='); ds_map_add(args, arg_keyval[0], _piwikUrlEncode(string(arg_keyval[1]))); } //Build argument string var argstring = ""; var prevkey = ds_map_find_first(args); argstring += (prevkey + "=" + args[? prevkey] + "&"); repeat (ds_map_size(args)-1) { prevkey = ds_map_find_next(args, prevkey); argstring += (prevkey + "=" + args[? prevkey] + "&"); } ds_map_destroy(args); //Append query string to ds_list of requests to be sent at End Step. ds_list_add(_PIWIK_REQS, "?" + argstring); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 623 3.1
Game Oriented Assembly Lisp - Programming language Game Oriented Assembly Lisp =========================== Game Oriented Assembly Lisp is a programming language created in 1993 by Andy Gavin. 1993 Andy Gavin #2078 on PLDB 31 Years Old Game Oriented Assembly Lisp (or GOAL) is a video game programming language developed by Andy Gavin and the Jak and Daxter team at Naughty Dog. It was written using Allegro Common Lisp and used in the development of the entire Jak and Daxter series of games. Syntactically GOAL resembles Scheme, though with many idiosyncratic features such as classes, inheritance, and virtual functions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Game Oriented Assembly Lisp happened in Naughty Dog, LLC - Game Oriented Assembly Lisp on HOPL Game Oriented Assembly Lisp on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Scheme Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
GAME - Programming language GAME ==== GAME is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #719 on PLDB 47 Years Old A game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports or games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire, or some video games). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GAME happened in University of Toronto - GAME on HOPL GAME on HOPL - Read more about GAME on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
GameMonkey Script - Programming language GameMonkey Script ================= GameMonkey Script is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2373 on PLDB 22 Years Old GameMonkey Script is a small, cross-platform scripting language designed for embedding into games. GameMonkey bears many similarities to Lua, except the syntax is more similar to that of C.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GameMonkey Script happened in Auran Development PTY LTD - See also: (1 related languages) C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
GamerLanguage - Programming language GamerLanguage ============= GamerLanguage is a programming language created in 2021 by Dilan Nair. 2021 Dilan Nair #2435 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone An esoteric joke programming language for gamers. - Tags: programming language - GamerLanguage is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of GamerLanguage happened in - GamerLanguage is written in Java, Markdown, XML, Ruby, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
GAML - Programming language GAML ==== GAML is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #2185 on PLDB 33 Years Old 331 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 331 GAML repos on GitHub - Early development of GAML happened in Inria - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2 users using GAML in 3 repos on GitHub - GAML on HOPL GAML on HOPL - Read more about GAML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. model GAML global { init { write("Hello World"); } } experiment GAML {} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
GAMS - Programming language GAMS ==== GAMS is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #1925 on PLDB 36 Years Old The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. It consists of a language compiler and a stable of integrated high-performance solvers. GAMS is tailored for complex, large scale modeling applications, and allows you to build large maintainable models that can be adapted quickly to new situations. GAMS is specifically designed for modeling linear, nonlinear and mixed integer optimization problems. - Tags: programming language - Early development of GAMS happened in GAMS Development Corp - There are 3 Project Euler users using GAMS - GAMS on HOPL GAMS on HOPL - Read more about GAMS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 4 PLDB concepts link to GAMS: mpl, MPS Format, Optimization Programming Language, rason Sets i canning plants / Seattle, San-Diego / j markets / New-York, Chicago, Topeka / ; Parameters a(i) capacity of plant i in cases / Seattle 350 San-Diego 600 / b(j) demand at market j in cases / New-York 325 Chicago 300 Topeka 275 / ; Table d(i,j) distance in thousands of miles New-York Chicago Topeka Seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8 San-Diego 2.5 1.8 1.4 ; Scalar f freight in dollars per case per thousand miles /90/ ; Parameter c(i,j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case ; c(i,j) = f * d(i,j) / 1000 ; Variables x(i,j) shipment quantities in cases z total transportation costs in thousands of dollars ; Positive variables x ; Equations cost define objective function supply(i) observe supply limit at plant i demand(j) satisfy demand at market j ; cost .. z =e= sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j)) ; supply(i) .. sum(j, x(i,j)) =l= a(i) ; demand(j) .. sum(i, x(i,j)) =g= b(j) ; Model transport /all/ ; Solve transport using LP minimizing z ; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 387 1.9
GAP - Programming language GAP === GAP, aka Groups, Algorithms and Programming, is an open source programming language created in 1986 by gap. 1986 gap #281 on PLDB 38 Years Old 4k Repos git clone GAP (Groups, Algorithms and Programming) is a computer algebra system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - GAP is developed on GitHub and has 781 stars - There are at least 3,760 GAP repos on GitHub - Early development of GAP happened in RWTH Aachen University - GAP is written in C, Assembly language, GDScript, XML, Bourne shell, M4, C++, Make, Markdown, Perl, Tex, Ada, C#, YAML, Python, HTML, Pascal, CMake, Vim script, JavaScript, Yacc, Lisp, Lex, SAS, FORTRAN 77, CSS, Ruby, CSV, Ini - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using GAP in 4k repos on GitHub - There are 33 Project Euler users using GAP - Explore GAP snippets on Rosetta Code - GAP on HOPL GAP on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for GAP - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for GAP - was registered in 2000 - See also: (3 related languages) C, Unix, Sage Print("Hello, world!\n"); gap> START_TEST("Test of factor groups and natural homomorphisms"); gap> G:=HeisenbergPcpGroup(2); Pcp-group with orders [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] gap> H:=Subgroup(G,[G.2,G.3,G.4,G.5]); gap> K:=G/H; gap> NaturalHomomorphism(K); gap> A:=Subgroup(H, [G.3]); Pcp-group with orders [ 0 ] gap> B:=Subgroup(Subgroup(G,[G.1,G.4,G.5]), [G.4]); Pcp-group with orders [ 0 ] gap> Normalizer(A,B); Pcp-group with orders [ 0 ] gap> # The following used to trigger the error "arguments must have a common parent group" gap> Normalizer(B,A); Pcp-group with orders [ 0 ] gap> STOP_TEST( "factor.tst", 10000000); gap> G:=SmallGroup(8,1); # Set G to be a group of order 8. <pc group of size 8 with 3 generators> gap> i:=IsomorphismPermGroup(G); # Find an isomorphism from G to a group of permutations <action isomorphism> gap> Image(i,G); # The image of G under I - these are the generators of im G. Group([ (1,5,3,7,2,6,4,8), (1,3,2,4)(5,7,6,8), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8) ]) gap> Elements(Image(i,G)); # All the elements of im G. [ (), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), (1,3,2,4)(5,7,6,8), (1,4,2,3)(5,8,6,7), (1,5,3,7,2,6,4,8), (1,6,3,8,2,5,4,7), (1,7,4,5,2,8,3,6), (1,8,4,6,2,7,3,5) ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 604 3
Gargoyle - Programming language Gargoyle ======== Gargoyle is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #4054 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gargoyle happened in Norwegian Defence Research Establishment - Gargoyle on HOPL Gargoyle on HOPL - Read more about Gargoyle on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
GARP - Programming language GARP ==== GARP is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2333 on PLDB 36 Years Old The term or acronym GARP can refer to: Generic Attribute Registration Protocol, a communications protocol Genetic Algorithm for Rule Set Production, to determine ecological niches Global Atmospheric Research Programme, 1967-1982 Gratuitous Address Resolution ProtocolOr it could refer to the following fictional works or characters: Monkey D. Garp, a character in the Japanese anime One Piece The World According to Garp, a 1978 novel by John Irving The World According to Garp (film), a 1982 film based on Irving's novel. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GARP happened in University of Illinois and Columbia University - GARP on HOPL GARP on HOPL - Read more about GARP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
GNU Assembler - Compiler GNU Assembler ============= GNU Assembler is an open source compiler created in 1986. 1986 #1137 on PLDB 38 Years Old The GNU Assembler, commonly known as gas or simply as, its executable name, is the assembler used by the GNU Project. It is the default back-end of GCC. It is used to assemble the GNU operating system and the Linux kernel, and various other software. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - Early development of GNU Assembler happened in GNU Project - First announcement of GNU Assembler - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting GNU Assembler - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for GNU Assembler - See also: (8 related languages) C, Unix, PowerPC, MIPS architecture, ARM, Linux, IA-32, X86 .global _start .text _start: movl $4, %eax movl $1, %ebx movl $msg, %ecx movl $len, %edx int $0x80 movl $1, %eax movl $0, %ebx int $0x80 .data msg: .ascii "Hello, world!\n" len = . - msg Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
GASP II - Programming language GASP II ======= GASP II is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4055 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GASP II happened in Purdue University - GASP II on HOPL GASP II on HOPL - Read more about GASP II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
General Activity Simulation Program - Programming language General Activity Simulation Program =================================== General Activity Simulation Program, aka General Activity Simulation Program, is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #2521 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language, simulation - Early development of General Activity Simulation Program happened in RAND - General Activity Simulation Program on HOPL General Activity Simulation Program on HOPL - Read more about General Activity Simulation Program on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
GAT - Programming language GAT === GAT is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4056 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GAT happened in University of Michigan - GAT on HOPL GAT on HOPL - Read more about GAT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Gauche Scheme implementation - Programming language Gauche Scheme implementation ============================ Gauche Scheme implementation is an open source programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2165 on PLDB 26 Years Old Gauche is an R7RS Scheme implementation. It is designed for scripting in a production environment. It is intended to allow programmers and system administrators to write scripts in support of daily operations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gauche Scheme implementation happened in - See also: (3 related languages) Scheme, CLOS, Guile - Read more about Gauche Scheme implementation on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Gauss Flux Formula - Equation Gauss Flux Formula ================== Gauss Flux Formula is an equation created in 1773. 1773 #4657 on PLDB 251 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
Gauss Magnetism Formula - Equation Gauss Magnetism Formula ======================= Gauss Magnetism Formula is an equation created in 1773. 1773 #4658 on PLDB 251 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
GaussFit - Programming language GaussFit ======== GaussFit is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4057 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GaussFit happened in University of Texas - GaussFit on HOPL GaussFit on HOPL - Read more about GaussFit on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
GCC Machine Description - Programming language GCC Machine Description ======================= GCC Machine Description is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1102 on PLDB 23 Years Old 1k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,027 GCC Machine Description repos on GitHub - Early development of GCC Machine Description happened in University of Arizona - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 856 users using GCC Machine Description in 878 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for GCC Machine Description - Read more about GCC Machine Description on the web: 1. 1. ;;- Machine description for the PDP-10. ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Lars Brinkhoff. ;; Contributed by Lars Brinkhoff <>, funded by XKL, LLC. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Index ;; Front Page ;; Index ;; Constraints for Immediate Operands ;; To-do List ;; Instruction Wish-List ;; Attributes ;; length, skip, reorg_type ;; Unspec Usage ;; UNSPEC_ADJSP, UNSPEC_ADJBP, UNSPEC_ADDRESS, UNSPEC_FFO, UNSPEC_SUBBP, ;; VUNSPEC_BLT, VUNSPEC_FSC, VUNSPEC_XBLT, VUNSPEC_MOVSLJ, VUNSPEC_MOVST ;; Constants ;; RIGHT_HALF, LEFT_HALF, SIGNBIT, SP_REGNUM ;; Optimizations ;; Data Movement ;; LDB, ILDB, (LDBI), LDBE, ILDBE, (LDBEI), DPB, IDPB, (DPBI), ;; HRR, HRL, HLR, HLL, HRRM, HRLM, HLRM, HLLM, ;; HRRZ, HRLZ, HLRZ, HLLZ, HRRE, HRLE, HLRE, HLLE, ;; SETZM, SETOM, ;; MOVE, MOVEI, MOVSI, HRLOI, HRROI, MOVEM, ;; MOVS, EXCH, SETZB, ;; DMOVE, DMOVEM, ;; BLT, XBLT, (MOVSLJ), (MOVST), (CMPS) ;; Conditional Data Movement ;; SKIPL, SKIPE, SKIPLE, SKIPGE, SKIPN, SKIPG, ;; TDZA ;; Integer Arithmetic ;; AOS, SOS, ;; ADD, ADDI, ADDM, ADDB, DADD, ;; SUB, SUBI, SUBM, SUBB, DSUB, ;; IMUL, IMULI, IMULM, IMULB, MUL, MULI, MULM, MULB, DMUL, ;; IDIV, IDIVI, IDIVM, DIV, DIVI, DIVM, DDIV, ;; UIDIV, UIDIVI, UIDIVM, UIMOD, UIMODI, UIMODM, ;; MOVN, MOVNM, MOVNS, MOVNI, DMOVN, DMOVNM, ;; MOVM, MOVMM, MOVMS, ;; FFS ;; Integer Conversions ;; ANDI, HRRZ, SEXT, HRRE, ANDI, HRR ;; Shifting and Rotating ;; LSH, LSHC, ASH, ASHC, ROT, ROTC ;; Logical Operations ;; AND, ANDI, ANDM, ANDB, TLZ, ANDCMI, ;; ANDCA, ANDCAI, ANDCAM, ANDCAB, ANDCBI, ;; ANDCM, ANDCMM, ANDCMB, ;; XOR, XORI, XORM, XORB, TLC, EQVI, ;; IOR, IORI, IORM, IORB, TLO, ORCMI, ;; ANDCB, ANDCBM, ANDCBB, ;; EQV, EQVM, EQVB, ;; SETCA, SETCAM, SETCAB, ;; SETCM, SETCMM, SETCMB, ;; ORCA, ORCAI, ORCAM, ORCAB, ORCBI, ;; ORCM, ORCMM, ORCMB, ;; ORCB, ORCBM, ORCBB ;; Floating-point Arithmetic ;; FADR, FADRI, FADRM, FADRB, DFAD, GFAD, ;; FSBR, FSBRI, FSBRM, FSBRB, DFSB, Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 436 2.2
GCC - Compiler GCC === GCC, aka GNU Compiler Collection, is an open source compiler created in 1987 by Richard Stallman. 1987 Richard Stallman #1575 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: compiler - Early development of GCC happened in Free Software Foundation - GCC is written in C, C++ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
GCLA II - Programming language GCLA II ======= GCLA II is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4058 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GCLA II happened in Swedish Institute of Computer Science - GCLA II on HOPL GCLA II on HOPL - Read more about GCLA II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
GCP - Programming language GCP === GCP is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4059 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GCP happened in Swedish Institute of Computer Science - GCP on HOPL GCP on HOPL - Read more about GCP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Google Data Protcol - Protocol Google Data Protcol =================== Google Data Protcol is a protocol created in 2007. 2007 #1964 on PLDB 17 Years Old GData (Google Data Protocol) provides a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the Internet, designed by Google. GData combines common XML-based syndication formats (Atom and RSS) with a feed-publishing system based on the Atom Publishing Protocol, plus some extensions for handling queries. It relies on XML or JSON as a data format. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Google Data Protcol happened in Google - Read more about Google Data Protcol on the web: 1.!forum/google-help-dataapi 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
GDB - Application GDB === GDB is an open source application created in 1986. 1986 #629 on PLDB 38 Years Old The GNU Debugger (GDB) is a portable debugger that runs on many Unix-like systems and works for many programming languages, including Ada, C, C++, Objective-C, Free Pascal, Fortran, Java and partially others.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of GDB happened in GNU Project - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using GDB in 3k repos on GitHub - GDB Ubuntu package GDB Ubuntu package - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for GDB - GDB appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (18 related languages) C, Ada, Objective-C, Free Pascal, Fortran, Java, ARM, Atmel AVR, X86, MIPS architecture, PowerPC, SPARC, ARC processor, Python, Guile, FreeBSD, Vim, Linux p "Hello, world!" # # MicropendousX LPC17xx Development Board # # # # Connect to a debugger controlling a LPC17xx # and download firmware. # # Start your OpenOCD gdb server before running # this script with: arm-none-eabi-gdb -x gdb_lpc17xx_program.gdb # # Note the 'monitor' command just passes its # arguments to OpenOCD # # This file is released under the MIT License # # Connect to OpenOCD gdb server target remote localhost:3333 # reset the LPC17xx IC with the OpenOCD reset command monitor reset # the following are OpenOCD commands as in OpenOCD_program.script # which will download a hex file into your LPC17xx monitor halt monitor sleep 200 monitor wait_halt monitor flash probe 0 monitor flash info 0 monitor flash write_image erase unlock USBtoSerial.hex monitor sleep 200 monitor reset run monitor exit quit GNU gdb (GDB) Fedora ( Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: <>... Reading symbols from /path/example...done. (gdb) run Starting program: /path/example size of a = 21 [Inferior 1 (process 14290) exited normally] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 450 2.3
GNU Data Language - Interface design language GNU Data Language ================= GNU Data Language, aka GNU Data Language, is an open source interface design language created in 2004 by Marc Schellens. 2004 Marc Schellens #1259 on PLDB 20 Years Old The GNU Data Language (GDL) is a free alternative to IDL (Interactive Data Language). Together with its library routines, GDL is developed to serve as a tool for data analysis and visualization in such disciplines as astronomy, geosciences, and medical imaging. GDL is licensed under the GPL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: interface design language - Early development of GNU Data Language happened in - GNU Data Language is written in C++ - See also: (13 related languages) Linux, Solaris, IDL, GNU Octave, NCAR Command Language, Perl Data Language, R, Scilab, SciPy, Yorick, Hierarchical Data Format, PostScript, Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
GDPL - Programming language GDPL ==== GDPL is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4060 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GDPL happened in University of Kansas - GDPL on HOPL GDPL on HOPL - Read more about GDPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
GDScript - Programming language GDScript ======== GDScript is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #604 on PLDB 16 Years Old 39k Repos GDScript is a high level, dynamically typed programming language used to create content. It uses a syntax similar to Python (blocks are indent-based and many keywords are similar). Its goal is to be optimized for and tightly integrated with Godot Engine, allowing great flexibility for content creation and integration. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 39,447 GDScript repos on GitHub - Early development of GDScript happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 513 users using GDScript in 681 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for GDScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for GDScript - Read more about GDScript on the web: 1. 1. - 2 PLDB concepts link to GDScript: GAP, Pygments # A file is a class! # Inheritance extends BaseClass # Member Variables var a = 5 var s = "Hello" var arr = [1, 2, 3] var dict = {"key": "value", 2:3} # Constants const ANSWER = 42 const THE_NAME = "Charly" extends Node2D func _ready(): print("Hello World") # Taken from # a file is a class! # inheritance extends BaseClass # member variables var a = 5 var s = "Hello" var arr = [1, 2, 3] var dict = {"key":"value", 2:3} # constants const answer = 42 const thename = "Charly" # built-in vector types var v2 = Vector2(1, 2) var v3 = Vector3(1, 2, 3) # function func some_function(param1, param2): var local_var = 5 if param1 < local_var: print(param1) elif param2 > 5: print(param2) else: print("fail!") for i in range(20): print(i) while(param2 != 0): param2 -= 1 var local_var2 = param1+3 return local_var2 # subclass class Something: var a = 10 # constructor func _init(): print("constructed!") var lv = print(lv.a) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \d+j? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?j? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 494 2.5
Geany - Editor Geany ===== Geany is an editor created in 2005 by Enrico Tröger. 2005 Enrico Tröger #1486 on PLDB 19 Years Old Geany (IPA:ʒeːniː) is a lightweight GUI text editor using Scintilla and GTK, including basic IDE features. It is designed to have short load times, with limited dependency on separate packages or external libraries on Linux. It has been ported to a wide range of operating systems, such as BSD, Linux, macOS, Solaris and Windows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Geany happened in - was registered in 2008 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
Gecko - Browser engine Gecko ===== Gecko is a browser engine created in 1997. 1997 #4543 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: browserEngine - Early development of Gecko happened in Netscape Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Gedanken - Programming language Gedanken ======== Gedanken is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4061 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gedanken happened in Argonne National Laboratory - Gedanken on HOPL Gedanken on HOPL - Read more about Gedanken on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
gedit-editor - Editor gedit-editor ============ gedit-editor is an editor created in 1999. 1999 #4922 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of gedit-editor happened in GNOME Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Generic Expression Language - Text markup language Generic Expression Language =========================== Generic Expression Language, aka Generic Expression Language, is a text markup language created in 2008. 2008 #2853 on PLDB 16 Years Old Generic Expression Language (Gel) is a rich generic syntax that embodies many of the common syntactic conventions for operators, grouping and lists in widely-used languages. Prefix/infix operators are disambiguated by white-space, so that documents which violate common white-space conventions will not necessarily parse correctly with Gel. With some character replacements and adjusting for mismatch in operator precedence, Gel can extract meaningful structure from typical files in many languages, including Java, CSS, Smalltalk, and ANTLR grammars. This evaluation shows the expressive power of Gel, not that Gel can be used as a parser for existing languages. Gel is intended to serve as a generic language for creating composable domainspecific languages. - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Generic Expression Language happened in University of Texas at Austin - Read more about Generic Expression Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
Gellish - Text markup language Gellish ======= Gellish is a text markup language created in 2005. 2005 #1904 on PLDB 19 Years Old Gellish is a formal language that is natural language independent, although its concepts have 'names' and definitions in various natural languages. Any natural language variant, such as Gellish Formal English is a controlled natural language. Information and knowledge can be expressed in such a way that it is computer-interpretable, as well as system-independent and natural language independent. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Gellish happened in Shell Internationale Petroleum and Shell Global Solutions International and International Standardization Organization - See also: (3 related languages) RDF, XML, OWL - a UID of the fact that is expressed on this row in the table - a UID of the intention with which the fact is communicated or stored (e.g. as a statement, a query, etc.) - a UID of a left-hand object - a UID of a relation type - a UID of a right-hand object - a UID of a unit of measure (optional) - a string that forms a description (textual definition) of the left hand object. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 257 1.3
Gello Expression Language - Programming language Gello Expression Language ========================= Gello Expression Language is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3738 on PLDB 23 Years Old The GELLO Expression Language was started in 2001 and introduced in 2002; in 2005, GELLO was adopted as an international standard by Health Level Seven International and ANSI for a decision support language. GELLO Release 2 was completed and approved by ANSI in June 2010. The GELLO specifications have been developed in coordination with the HL7 Clinical Decision Support TC (CDSTC)GELLO is a class-based object-oriented programming language and a relative of the Object Constraint Language (OCL). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gello Expression Language happened in American National Standards Institute Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
GEM - Programming language GEM === GEM is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3403 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GEM happened in Stanford University - GEM on HOPL GEM on HOPL - Read more about GEM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
General-purpose macro processor - Grammar language General-purpose macro processor =============================== General-purpose macro processor is a grammar language created in 1995. 1995 #2007 on PLDB 29 Years Old A general-purpose macro processor or general purpose preprocessor is a macro processor that is not tied to or integrated with a particular language or piece of software. A macro processor is a program that copies a stream of text from one place to another, making a systematic set of replacements as it does so. Macro processors are often embedded in other programs, such as assemblers and compilers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of General-purpose macro processor happened in gema -match -p 'Title\:*\n=$0@end' foo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
gemini-protocol - Protocol gemini-protocol =============== gemini-protocol is a protocol created in 2020. 2020 #3020 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of gemini-protocol happened in - Read more about gemini-protocol on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Gemini - Protocol Gemini ====== Gemini is a protocol created in 2019. 2019 #2929 on PLDB 5 Years Old Gemini is an application-level client-server internet protocol for the distribution of arbitrary files, with some special consideration for serving a lightweight hypertext format which facilitates linking between hosted files. - Tags: protocol - Gopher influenced the design of Gemini - 1 PLDB concepts link to Gemini: SUSN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
GAMS - Programming language GAMS ==== GAMS is an open source programming language created in 1963. 1963 #981 on PLDB 61 Years Old 810 Repos The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical optimization. GAMS is designed for modeling and solving linear, nonlinear, and mixed-integer optimization problems. The system is tailored for complex, large-scale modeling applications and allows the user to build large maintainable models that can be adapted to new situations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 810 GAMS repos on GitHub - Early development of GAMS happened in GAMS Development Corporation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 43 users using GAMS in 49 repos on GitHub - See also: (1 related languages) Algebraic modeling language *Basic example of transport model from GAMS model library $Title A Transportation Problem (TRNSPORT,SEQ=1) $Ontext This problem finds a least cost shipping schedule that meets requirements at markets and supplies at factories. Dantzig, G B, Chapter 3.3. In Linear Programming and Extensions. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1963. This formulation is described in detail in: Rosenthal, R E, Chapter 2: A GAMS Tutorial. In GAMS: A User's Guide. The Scientific Press, Redwood City, California, 1988. The line numbers will not match those in the book because of these comments. $Offtext Sets i canning plants / seattle, san-diego / j markets / new-york, chicago, topeka / ; Parameters a(i) capacity of plant i in cases / seattle 350 san-diego 600 / b(j) demand at market j in cases / new-york 325 chicago 300 topeka 275 / ; Table d(i,j) distance in thousands of miles new-york chicago topeka seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8 san-diego 2.5 1.8 1.4 ; Scalar f freight in dollars per case per thousand miles /90/ ; Parameter c(i,j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case ; c(i,j) = f * d(i,j) / 1000 ; Variables x(i,j) shipment quantities in cases z total transportation costs in thousands of dollars ; Positive Variable x ; Equations cost define objective function supply(i) observe supply limit at plant i demand(j) satisfy demand at market j ; cost .. z =e= sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j)) ; supply(i) .. sum(j, x(i,j)) =l= a(i) ; demand(j) .. sum(i, x(i,j)) =g= b(j) ; Model transport /all/ ; Solve transport using lp minimizing z ; Display x.l, x.m ; $ontext #user model library stuff Main topic Basic GAMS Featured item 1 Trnsport model Featured item 2 Featured item 3 Featured item 4 Description Basic example of transport model from GAMS model library $offtext Sets i canning plants / seattle, san-diego / j markets / new-york, Chicago, topeka / ; Parameters a(i) capacity of plant i in cases / seattle 350 san-diego 600 / b(j) demand at market j in cases / new-york 325 Chicago 300 topeka 275 / ; Table d(i,j) distance in thousands of miles new-york Chicago topeka seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8 san-diego 2.5 1.8 1.4 ; Scalar f freight in dollars per case per thousand miles /90/ ; Parameter c(i,j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case ; c(i,j) = f * d(i,j) / 1000 ; Variables x(i,j) shipment quantities in cases z total transportation costs in thousands of dollars ; Positive Variable x ; Equations cost define objective function supply(i) observe supply limit at plant i demand(j) satisfy demand at market j ; cost .. z =e= sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j)) ; supply(i) .. sum(j, x(i,j)) =l= a(i) ; demand(j) .. sum(i, x(i,j)) =g= b(j) ; Model transport /all/ ; Solve transport using lp minimizing z ; Display x.l, x.m ; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 698 3.5
GN - Application GN == GN is an open source application created in 2015. 2015 #920 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone GN, a meta-build system that generates Ninja build files - Tags: application - GN is developed on GitHub and has 77 stars - Early development of GN happened in - GN is written in C++, Python, Markdown, JSON, XML, Bourne shell, Vim script, YAML, Lisp, Make, Objective C++ - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for GN # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/toolchain/toolchain.gni") declare_args() { # Indicates if the build should use the Chrome-specific plugins for enforcing # coding guidelines, etc. Only used when compiling with Clang. clang_use_chrome_plugins = is_clang && !is_nacl && !use_xcode_clang clang_base_path = "//third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts" } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Generic Haskell - Programming language Generic Haskell =============== Generic Haskell is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3404 on PLDB 24 Years Old Since datatypes often change and new datatypes are introduced, we have developed Generic HASKELL which supports generic definitions to save the programmer from (re)writing instances of generic functions. Generic HASKELL extends the functional programming language Haskell [5] with, among other things, a construct for defining type-indexed values with kind-indexed types, based on recent work by Hinze [2]. These values can be specialised to all Haskell datatypes, facilitating wider application of generic programming than provided by earlier systems such as PolyP - Tags: programming language - Early development of Generic Haskell happened in Uppsala University and Utrecht University and University of Oxford - Generic Haskell on HOPL Generic Haskell on HOPL - Read more about Generic Haskell on the web: 1.'s_guide_version_099_-_Amber_release 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
GCC GENERIC - Intermediate representation language GCC GENERIC =========== GCC GENERIC is an intermediate representation language created in 2003. 2003 #3405 on PLDB 21 Years Old The purpose of GENERIC is simply to provide a language-independent way of representing an entire function in trees. To this end, it was necessary to add a few new tree codes to the backend, but most everything was already there. If you can say it with the codes in gcc/tree.def, it’s GENERIC. - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of GCC GENERIC happened in Red Hat - Read more about GCC GENERIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Genero Business Development Language - Programming language Genero Business Development Language ==================================== Genero Business Development Language is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #2854 on PLDB 14 Years Old 52 Repos Genero Business Development Language (BDL) is a program language designed to write an interactive database application. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 52 Genero Business Development Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Genero Business Development Language happened in Four Js Development Tools Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2 users using Genero Business Development Language in 14 repos on GitHub - Read more about Genero Business Development Language on the web: 1. 1. OPTIONS SHORT CIRCUIT IMPORT FGL cust_data SCHEMA stores PRIVATE CONSTANT c_title = "Customer data form" PUBLIC TYPE t_cust RECORD LIKE customer.* PRIVATE DEFINE cust_arr DYNAMIC ARRAY OF t_cust MAIN ... END MAIN DIALOG cust_dlg() INPUT BY NAME cust_rec.* ... END INPUT END DIALOG FUNCTION cust_display() ... END FUNCTION FUNCTION cust_input() ... END FUNCTION REPORT cust_rep(row) ... END REPORT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
GeneXus - Programming language GeneXus ======= GeneXus is an open source programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2643 on PLDB 36 Years Old GeneXus is a Cross-Platform, knowledge representation-based, development tool, mainly oriented to enterprise-class applications for Web applications, smart devices and the Microsoft Windows platform. A developer describes an application in a high-level, mostly declarative language, from which native code is generated for multiple environments. It includes a normalization module, which creates and maintains an optimal database structure based on the user views of the reality described in a declarative (rule-based) language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GeneXus happened in ARTech Consultores SRL - See also: (10 related languages) Prolog, COBOL, Java, Objective-C, RPG, Ruby, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, PostgreSQL, MySQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Genie - Programming language Genie ===== Genie is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Jamie McCracken. 2008 Jamie McCracken #739 on PLDB 16 Years Old 21 Repos Genie is a modern, general-purpose high-level programming language in active development since 2008. It was designed as an alternative, simpler and cleaner dialect for the Vala compiler, while preserving the same functionality of the Vala language. Genie uses the same compiler and libraries as Vala; the two can indeed be used alongside each other. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 21 Genie repos on GitHub - Early development of Genie happened in GNOME Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 17 users using Genie in 17 repos on GitHub - Explore Genie snippets on Rosetta Code - Genie on HOPL Genie on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) Python, Boo, D, Object Pascal, Vala, Java, C init print( "Hello, World!" ) [indent=2] init print "Hello World" class Sample def run() stdout.printf("Hello, world!\n") init var sample = new Sample() Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 315 1.6
GEL Genius - Programming language GEL Genius ========== GEL Genius is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1313 on PLDB 27 Years Old Genius (also known as the Genius Math Tool) is a free open-source numerical computing environment and programming language, similar in some aspects to MATLAB, GNU Octave, Mathematica and Maple. Genius is aimed at mathematical experimentation rather than computationally intensive tasks. It is also very useful as just a calculator. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GEL Genius happened in GNOME Foundation - GEL Genius Ubuntu package GEL Genius Ubuntu package - GEL Genius appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (18 related languages) Linux, MATLAB, GNU Octave, Mathematica, Maple, Chapel, Fortress, Julia, Maxima, R, Sage, Scilab, X10, LabVIEW G, Mathcad, Wolfram Mathematica, Speakeasy, VisSim function f(x) = ( if x <= 1 then 1 else (f(x-1)*x) ) print("Hello, world!") function f(x) = ( if x <= 1 then 1 else (f(x-1)*x) ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 239 1.2
Genshi Text - Programming language Genshi Text =========== Genshi Text is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #3021 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Genshi Text happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Genshi Text Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Genshi - Template language Genshi ====== Genshi is a template language created in 2006. 2006 #1946 on PLDB 18 Years Old 30 Repos Genshi is a template engine for XML-based vocabularies written in Python. Genshi is used to easily insert generated output into XML-based languages, usually HTML, and reuse elements between documents. Genshi's syntax is based on Kid, but its architecture is different. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - There are at least 30 Genshi repos on GitHub - Early development of Genshi happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 101 users using Genshi in 115 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Genshi - See also: (4 related languages) XML, Python, HTML, Kid templating language <html xmlns="" xmlns:py=""> <body> <p py:content="2 + 2">This will be replaced with 4</p> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
GENSTAT - Application GENSTAT ======= GENSTAT is an application created in 1968. 1968 #3273 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of GENSTAT happened in Rothamsted Research - GENSTAT on HOPL GENSTAT on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
gentee - Programming language gentee ====== gentee is a programming language created in 2018 by Alexey Krivonogov. 2018 Alexey Krivonogov #980 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Script programming language for automation. It uses VM and compiler written in Go (Golang). - Tags: programming language - gentee is developed on GitHub and has 132 stars - Early development of gentee happened in - gentee is written in Go, Vim script, Markdown, Make, YAML - was registered in 2001 #!/usr/local/bin/gentee # stdin = 1024\n384\n0 // Copyright 2019 Alexey Krivonogov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. func gcd( int left right ) int { if right == 0 : return left return gcd( right, left % right ) } run { str input int left right Println("This program finds the greatest common divisor by the Euclidean Algorithm.") while true { left = int( ReadString( "Enter the first number ( enter 0 to exit ): ")) if left == 0 : break right = int( ReadString( "Enter the second number: ")) Println("GCD = \{ gcd( left, right )}") } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 295 1.5
Gentoo Ebuild - Programming language Gentoo Ebuild ============= Gentoo Ebuild is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #817 on PLDB 25 Years Old 1k Repos An ebuild is a specialized bash script which automates compilation and installation procedures for software packages. The format was created by the Gentoo Linux project for use in its Portage software management system. Each version of an application or package in the Portage repository has a specific ebuild script written for it. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,476 Gentoo Ebuild repos on GitHub - Early development of Gentoo Ebuild happened in Gentoo Foundation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Gentoo Ebuild - See also: (1 related languages) Bash - Read more about Gentoo Ebuild on the web: 1. 1. Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 DESCRIPTION="A classical example to use when starting on something new" HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI="" LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 318 1.6
GENTRAN 90 - Programming language GENTRAN 90 ========== GENTRAN 90 is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4062 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GENTRAN 90 happened in University of Twente - GENTRAN 90 on HOPL GENTRAN 90 on HOPL - Read more about GENTRAN 90 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
GENTRAN - Programming language GENTRAN ======= GENTRAN is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4063 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GENTRAN happened in Twente University of Technology - GENTRAN on HOPL GENTRAN on HOPL - Read more about GENTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Geography Markup Language - Xml format Geography Markup Language ========================= Geography Markup Language is a xml format created in 2000. 2000 #2136 on PLDB 24 Years Old The Geography Markup Language (GML) is the XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. Key to GML's utility is its ability to integrate all forms of geographic information, including not only conventional "vector" or discrete objects, but coverages (see also GMLJP2) and sensor data.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Geography Markup Language happened in Open Geospatial Consortium - See also: (3 related languages) XML, RDF, KML <PhotoCollection xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" MyGoodPhotos.xsd"> <items> <Item> <name>Lynn Valley</name> <description>A shot of the falls from the suspension bridge</description> <where>North Vancouver</where> <position> <gml:Point srsDimension="2" srsName=""> <gml:pos>49.40 -123.26</gml:pos> </gml:Point> </position> </Item> </items> </PhotoCollection> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 317 1.6
GeoGebra - Application GeoGebra ======== GeoGebra is an application created in 2001 by Markus Hohenwarter. 2001 Markus Hohenwarter #2180 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of GeoGebra happened in University of Salzburg - There are 9 Project Euler users using GeoGebra - was registered in 2006 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
GeoJSON - Json format GeoJSON ======= GeoJSON is a json format created in 2008. 2008 #1092 on PLDB 16 Years Old GeoJSON is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes. It is based on JSON, the JavaScript Object Notation. The features include points (therefore addresses and locations), line strings (therefore streets, highways and boundaries), polygons (countries, provinces, tracts of land), and multi-part collections of these types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: jsonFormat - Early development of GeoJSON happened in Planet Labs and Mapbox and Hobu Inc and Cadcorp - was registered in 2007 - See also: (2 related languages) JSON, Julia - Read more about GeoJSON on the web: 1. 1. { "type":"Topology", "transform":{ "scale": [1,1], "translate": [0,0] }, "objects":{ "two-squares":{ "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries":[ {"type": "Polygon", "arcs":[[0,1]],"properties": {"name": "Left_Polygon" }}, {"type": "Polygon", "arcs":[[2,-1]],"properties": {"name": "Right_Polygon" }} ] }, "one-line": { "type":"GeometryCollection", "geometries":[ {"type": "LineString", "arcs": [3],"properties":{"name":"Under_LineString"}} ] }, "two-places":{ "type":"GeometryCollection", "geometries":[ {"type":"Point","coordinates":[0,0],"properties":{"name":"Origine_Point"}}, {"type":"Point","coordinates":[0,-1],"properties":{"name":"Under_Point"}} ] } }, "arcs": [ [[1,2],[0,-2]], [[1,0],[-1,0],[0,2],[1,0]], [[1,2],[1,0],[0,-2],[-1,0]], [[0,-1],[2,0]] ] } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 378 1.9
GEORGE - Programming language GEORGE ====== GEORGE is a programming language created in 1957. 1957 #2209 on PLDB 67 Years Old GEORGE is a programming language invented by Charles Leonard Hamblin in 1957.It was designed around a push-down pop-up stack for arithmetic operations, and employed reverse Polish notation. The language included loops, subroutines, conditionals, vectors, and matrices. Algebraic expressions were written in reverse Polish notation; thus, a + b {\displaystyle a+b} was written a b +, and similarly for the other arithmetic operations of subtraction, multiplication, and division. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GEORGE happened in University of New South Wales - Explore GEORGE snippets on Rosetta Code - GEORGE on HOPL GEORGE on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Reverse Polish notation 1, 10 R1 (a) 1, 10 rep (j) j | a dup * j | (a) ; ] 1, 10 P1 (a) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Gerald - Programming language Gerald ====== Gerald is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3406 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gerald happened in University of Stirling - Gerald on HOPL Gerald on HOPL - Read more about Gerald on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Gerber Image - Application Gerber Image ============ Gerber Image is an application created in 1980. 1980 #1288 on PLDB 44 Years Old The Gerber format is an open ASCII vector format for 2D binary images. It is the de facto standard used by printed circuit board (PCB) industry software to describe the printed circuit board images: copper layers, solder mask, legend, etc.Gerber is used in PCB fabrication data. PCBs are designed on a specialized electronic design automation (EDA) or a computer-aided design (CAD) system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application, cad - Early development of Gerber Image happened in Ucamco - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Gerber Image - See also: (1 related languages) ASCII G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Top* %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW (2016-07-14 BZR 6980)-product) date Sunday, 23 April 2017 'PMt' 23:49:01* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* %ADD10C,0.150000*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* M02* D11* X1785250Y2173980D02* X1796650Y2177730D01* X1785250Y2181480D01* X1796650Y2184580D01* D12* X3421095Y1407208D03* X1785250Y2173980D03* M02* Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
Gerbil Scheme - Programming language Gerbil Scheme ============= Gerbil Scheme is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #841 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Gerbil Scheme - Tags: programming language, lisp - Gerbil Scheme is developed on GitHub and has 1,139 stars - Early development of Gerbil Scheme happened in Language features ====================================================== row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
GERMINAL - Programming language GERMINAL ======== GERMINAL is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4064 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GERMINAL happened in Centre d'Études et de Recherches Fiscales - GERMINAL on HOPL GERMINAL on HOPL - Read more about GERMINAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
GETlang - Query language GETlang ======= GETlang is a query language created in 2024 by Matthew Fysh. 2024 Matthew Fysh #1991 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone ✨ A query language for the web 🌐 - Tags: queryLanguage - GETlang is developed on GitHub and has 19 stars - GETlang is written in TypeScript, JSON, YAML, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Gettext Catalog - Text markup language Gettext Catalog =============== Gettext Catalog is an open source text markup language created in 1990. 1990 #724 on PLDB 34 Years Old 63k Repos In computing, gettext is an internationalization and localization (i18n) system commonly used for writing multilingual programs on Unix-like computer operating systems. The most commonly used implementation of gettext is GNU gettext, released by the GNU Project in 1995.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 62,782 Gettext Catalog repos on GitHub - Early development of Gettext Catalog happened in Free Software Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 509 users using Gettext Catalog in 650 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Gettext Catalog - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Gettext Catalog - See also: (8 related languages) C, Emacs, Unix, C#, Perl, PHP, Python, Scala - Read more about Gettext Catalog on the web: 1. 1. #: src/name.c:36 msgid "My name is %s.\n" msgstr "Je m'appelle %s.\n" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
GFA BASIC - Programming language GFA BASIC ========= GFA BASIC is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1414 on PLDB 38 Years Old GFA BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language, by Frank Ostrowski. The name is derived from the company ("GFA Systemtechnik GmbH"), which distributed the software. In the mid-1980s to the 1990s it enjoyed popularity as an advanced BASIC dialect, but has been mostly superseded by several other programming languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GFA BASIC happened in GFA Systemtechnik GmbH - GFA BASIC on HOPL GFA BASIC on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, Atari ST BASIC, ASCII, Visual Basic PRINT "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
General feature format - Text data format General feature format ====================== General feature format is a text data format created in 2006. 2006 #2395 on PLDB 18 Years Old The general feature format (gene-finding format, generic feature format, GFF) is a file format used for describing genes and other features of DNA, RNA and protein sequences. The filename extension associated with such files is .GFF and the content type associated with them is text/x-gff3. There are two versions of the GFF file format in general use: General Feature Format Version 2.2 especially in its GTF variant Generic Feature Format Version 3 (Sequence Ontology Project)Servers that generate this format: Clients that use this format:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of General feature format happened in Sanger Centre and Sequence Ontology - See also: (1 related languages) VCF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
gfoo - Programming language gfoo ==== gfoo is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #2927 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone a Go scripting language - Tags: programming language - gfoo is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - Early development of gfoo happened in - gfoo is written in Go, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Gforth - Programming language Gforth ====== Gforth is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #1104 on PLDB 32 Years Old git clone Gforth is a free and portable implementation of the Forth programming language for Unix-like systems, Microsoft Windows, and other operating systems. A primary goal of Gforth is to adhere to the ANS Forth standard. Gforth is free software as part of the GNU Project.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Gforth is an implementation of Forth - Early development of Gforth happened in - Gforth is written in Forth, F#, C, Bourne shell, Make, Bash, Tex, Assembly language, YAML, Markdown, Python, sed, Dockerfile, Java, Scheme, XML, awk, M4, Vim script, Yacc, Lex, Lisp, Pascal, Diff, CSS, JavaScript, PowerBuilder Language features ====================================================== row Feature Postfix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPostfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
Google File System - Filesystem Google File System ================== Google File System, aka Google File System, is an open source filesystem created in 2003. 2003 #1316 on PLDB 21 Years Old Google File System (GFS or GoogleFS) is a proprietary distributed file system developed by Google to provide efficient, reliable access to data using large clusters of commodity hardware. A new version of Google File System code named Colossus was released in 2010.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of Google File System happened in Google Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
ggplot2 - Library ggplot2 ======= ggplot2 is a library created in 2007 by Hadley Wickham and Winston Chang. 2007 Hadley Wickham Winston Chang #1067 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone ggplot2 is an open-source data visualization package for the statistical programming language R. - Tags: library - ggplot2 is developed on GitHub and has 6,407 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
GHC - Compiler GHC === GHC, aka Glasgow Haskell Compiler, is a compiler created in 1992 by Kevin Hammond. 1992 Kevin Hammond #561 on PLDB 32 Years Old git clone - Tags: compiler - GHC on GitLab GHC on GitLab - GHC is an implementation of Haskell - Early development of GHC happened in University of Glasgow - GHC is written in Haskell, C, Make, HTML, reStructuredText, M4, Markdown, JavaScript, Python, Bourne shell, JSON, Tex, Bash, YAML, Assembly language, CSS, XML, Nix, C++, SVG, TypeScript, Logos, Yacc, Objective-C, Pascal, Racket, D, Perl, Objective C++, Haxe, Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Gherkin - Programming language Gherkin ======= Gherkin is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #610 on PLDB 16 Years Old 8k Repos Executable specifications - Tags: programming language - There are at least 7,787 Gherkin repos on GitHub - Early development of Gherkin happened in SmartBear Software - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using Gherkin in 5k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Gherkin - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Gherkin - Read more about Gherkin on the web: 1. 1. - 12 PLDB concepts link to Gherkin: Ace Editor, capybara, cloc, codecept, crmsh, Gradle, hamdown, Jekyll, Linux, multiaddr, Pygments, ramen Feature: Guess the word # The first example has two steps Scenario: Maker starts a game When the Maker starts a game Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join # The second example has three steps Scenario: Breaker joins a game Given the Maker has started a game with the word "silky" When the Breaker joins the Maker's game Then the Breaker must guess a word with 5 characters Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
Ghidra - Decompiler Ghidra ====== Ghidra is a decompiler created in 2019. 2019 #3022 on PLDB 5 Years Old A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA's Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission - Tags: decompiler - Early development of Ghidra happened in National Security Agency - was registered in 2019 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Ghostscript - Programming language Ghostscript =========== Ghostscript is an open source programming language created in 1988. 1988 #1603 on PLDB 36 Years Old Ghostscript is a suite of software based on an interpreter for Adobe Systems' PostScript and Portable Document Format (PDF) page description languages. Its main purposes are the rasterization or rendering of such page description language files, for the display or printing of document pages, and the conversion between PostScript and PDF files.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ghostscript happened in Artifex Software - Ghostscript on HOPL Ghostscript on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) C, PostScript, PDF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
GIF - Binary data format GIF === GIF is a binary data format created in 1987. 1987 #1635 on PLDB 37 Years Old The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF JIF or GHIF), is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite on June 15, 1987. It has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability between many applications and operating systems. The format supports up to 8 bits per pixel for each image, allowing a single image to reference its own palette of up to 256 different colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of GIF happened in CompuServe Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
GCC GIMPLE - Intermediate representation language GCC GIMPLE ========== GCC GIMPLE is an intermediate representation language created in 2003. 2003 #4065 on PLDB 21 Years Old GCC is a widely used compiler infrastructure that supports a variety of input languages, e.g., C, C++, Fortran, Java, and Ada, and over 30 different target machine architectures. GCC translates each of its front-end languages into a language-independent intermediate representation, called GIMPLE, which then gets translated to machine code for one of GCC’s many target architectures. A subset of GENERIC. - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of GCC GIMPLE happened in GNU Project - Read more about GCC GIMPLE on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
gintonic - Query language gintonic ======== gintonic is a query language created in 2018 by Christian Budde Christensen. 2018 Christian Budde Christensen #1939 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A declarative transformation language for GraphQL 🍸 - Tags: queryLanguage - gintonic is developed on GitHub and has 27 stars - Early development of gintonic happened in - gintonic is written in OCaml, JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, GraphQL, YAML, Dockerfile, SVG HackerNews discussions of gintonic ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Gintonic – A declarative transformation language for GraphQL||12/17/2018|4|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Giotto - Programming language Giotto ====== Giotto is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3110 on PLDB 23 Years Old Giotto provides a programming abstraction for hard real-time applications that exhibit time-periodic and multimodal behavior, as in automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing control. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Giotto happened in University of California Berkeley - Giotto on HOPL Giotto on HOPL - Read more about Giotto on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Gist - Programming language Gist ==== Gist is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #2126 on PLDB 47 Years Old In computing, GiST or Generalized Search Tree, is a data structure and API that can be used to build a variety of disk-based search trees. GiST is a generalization of the B+ tree, providing a concurrent and recoverable height-balanced search tree infrastructure without making any assumptions about the type of data being stored, or the queries being serviced. GiST can be used to easily implement a range of well-known indexes, including B+ trees, R-trees, hB-trees, RD-trees, and many others; it also allows for easy development of specialized indexes for new data types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gist happened in Information Sciences Institute - Gist on HOPL Gist on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) PostgreSQL - Read more about Gist on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
git-config - Application git-config ========== git-config is an application created in 2005. 2005 #2726 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of git-config happened in Software Freedom Conservancy # Core variables [core] ; Don't trust file modes filemode = false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Git - Version control application Git === Git, aka global information tracker, is an open source version control application created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds and led by Junio Hamano. 2005 Linus Torvalds Junio Hamano #77 on PLDB 19 Years Old git clone Git () is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development, but it can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files. As a distributed revision control system it is aimed at speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: versionControlApplication - Git is developed on GitHub and has 51,231 stars - Watch the history of the Git repo visualized with Gource - Early development of Git happened in - Git is written in Bourne shell, C, Perl, Tcl, Diff, Make, Markdown, ASP.NET, YAML, JavaScript, XSLT, Go, Python, Bash, M4, CSS, XML, Lisp, CMake, Z shell, C shell, Ruby, Rescript - Check out the 102 Git meetup groups on - was registered in 2008 - See also: (10 related languages) C, Perl, Tcl, Python, Linux, IA-32, Mercurial, HTTP, FTP, Subversion - 1 PLDB concepts link to Git: Sourcetree The name "git" was given by Linus Torvalds when he wrote the very first version. He described the tool as "the stupid content tracker" and the name as (depending on your way): - random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a mispronunciation of "get" may or may not be relevant. - stupid. contemptible and despicable. simple. Take your pick from the dictionary of slang. - "global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room. - "goddamn idiotic truckload of shit": when it breaks Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 426 2.1
gitignore - Config format gitignore ========= gitignore is a config format created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds. 2005 Linus Torvalds #4810 on PLDB 19 Years Old A simple application specific language used to tell git which files to ignore. - Tags: configFormat .DS_Store node_modules/ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
GKS - Programming language GKS === GKS is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4066 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GKS happened in University of Michigan - GKS on HOPL GKS on HOPL - Read more about GKS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
GLBasic - Programming language GLBasic ======= GLBasic is an open source programming language created in 2003. 2003 #1768 on PLDB 21 Years Old GLBasic is a commercial BASIC programming language that can compile to various platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, as well as some handheld devices. The language is designed to be simple and intuitive.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GLBasic happened in Dream Design Entertainment Software - Explore GLBasic snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2003 - See also: (8 related languages) BASIC, Linux, C, OpenGL, iOS, Android, SdlBasic, Fenix Project FUNCTION add: v AS Tvec INC self.x, v.x INC self.y, v.y INC self.z, v.z END FUNCTION END TYPE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Gleam - Programming language Gleam ===== Gleam is a programming language created in 2016 by Louis Pilfold. 2016 Louis Pilfold #70 on PLDB 8 Years Old 104 Repos git clone Gleam is a statically typed functional programming language for building scalable concurrent systems. It compiles to Erlang and has straightforward interop with other BEAM languages such as Erlang, Elixir and LFE. - Tags: programming language - Gleam is developed on GitHub and has 16,825 stars - There are at least 104 Gleam repos on GitHub - Early development of Gleam happened in - Alpaca influenced the design of Gleam - Gleam compiles to Erlang or JavaScript - Gleam is written in Rust, Gleam, TOML, Markdown, JavaScript, Dockerfile, Erlang, Make, YAML, Bourne shell, CSS, HTML, Elixir, PowerShell, JSON, TypeScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2 users using Gleam in 2 repos on GitHub - There are 2,600 members in the Gleam subreddit - Learn Gleam on exercism. - was registered in 2019 - Read more about Gleam on the web: 1. 1. - 3 PLDB concepts link to Gleam: cloc, EYG, Gleam import gleam/io pub fn main() { io.println("hello, friend!") } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Decorators FeatureLink ../features/hasDecorators.html Supported ✓ Example @deprecated("Use new_function instead") fn old_function() { Nil } Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example let is_awesome = True Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example let pi = 3.14159 Token row Feature Union Types FeatureLink ../features/hasUnionTypes.html Supported ✓ Example type IntOrFloat { AnInt(Int) AFloat(Float) } fn int_or_float(x: IntOrFloat) { case x { AnInt(1) -> "It's an integer: 1" AFloat(1.0) -> "It's a float: 1.0" } } Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example // Gleam’s file is a module and named by the file name (and its directory path). Since there is no special syntax to create a module, there can be only one module in a file. // in file main.gleam import wibble // if wibble was in a folder called `lib` the import would be `lib/wibble` pub fn main() { wibble.identity(1) } Token row Feature Type Aliases FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeAliases.html Supported ✓ Example pub type Headers = List(#(String, String)) let headers: Headers = [#("Content-Type", "application/json")] Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example let age = 30 Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // This is a line comment in Gleam Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // This is a single-line comment // Gleam doesn't have multi-line comments // Gleam has /// and //// comments which are used for attaching documentation to code. /// is used for documenting types and functions, and should be placed immediately before the type or function it is documenting. //// is used for documenting modules, and should be placed at the top of the module. Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example io.println("Hello world") Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import gleam/io import unix/cat as kitty import animal/cat.{Cat, stroke} Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example // Gleam uses curly braces for blocks, not indentation Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 641 3.2
Glicol - Musical notation Glicol ====== Glicol is a musical notation created in 2020 by Qichao Lan. 2020 Qichao Lan #564 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Graph-oriented live coding language and music/audio DSP library written in Rust - Tags: musicalNotation - Glicol is developed on GitHub and has 2,145 stars - Early development of Glicol happened in University of Oslo - Glicol is written in Rust, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, TOML, YAML, CSS, HTML, Bourne shell - was registered in 2021 ~gate: speed 2.0 >> seq 60 _60 _~a 48; ~a: choose 48 48 48 72 0 0 0 ~amp: ~gate >> envperc 0.001 0.1; ~pit: ~gate >> mul ##Math.pow(2, (60-69)/12) * 440# // mix js to get 261.63 ~lead: saw ~pit >> mul ~amp >> lpf ~mod 5.0 >> meta ` output =|x|x*0.1); output ` // rhai script, same as "mul 0.1" ~mod: sin 0.2 >> mul 1300 >> add 1500; out: ~lead >> add ~drum >> plate 0.1 // optinal semicolon ~drum: speed 4.0 >> seq 60 >> sp \808bd; // live drag and drop your sample ^^^ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
GLIDE - Programming language GLIDE ===== GLIDE is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4067 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GLIDE happened in Carnegie Mellon - GLIDE on HOPL GLIDE on HOPL - Read more about GLIDE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Glish - Programming language Glish ===== Glish is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3407 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Glish happened in The National Radio Astronomy Observatory - Glish on HOPL Glish on HOPL - Read more about Glish on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Glisp - Visual programming language Glisp ===== Glisp is a visual programming language created in 2020 by Baku Hashiomoto. 2020 Baku Hashiomoto #893 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Glisp. Glisp is a Lisp-based design tool that combines generative approaches with traditional design methods, empowering artists to discover new forms of expression. - Tags: visual programming language, lisp - Glisp is developed on GitHub and has 1,101 stars - Glisp is written in TypeScript, Markdown, JavaScript, Stylus, HTML, JSON, YAML (style (fill "blue") (circle [6 -152.1659] 140.0047)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
glitch-editor - Editor glitch-editor ============= glitch-editor is an editor created in 2017. 2017 #3023 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of glitch-editor happened in Glitch, Inc - was registered in 1997 - Read more about glitch-editor on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
GLMS - Programming language GLMS ==== GLMS, aka Generalized Linear Model Script, is a programming language created in 2022 by Sebastian Karlsson. 2022 Sebastian Karlsson #1703 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Generalized Linear Model Script - Tags: programming language - GLMS is developed on GitHub and has 40 stars - Early development of GLMS happened in - GLMS is written in C, Markdown, CMake, GLSL, Bourne shell, JSON number w = 640; number h = 480; image img = image.make(w, h); img.shade((vec3 uv, vec3 fragCoord, vec3 resolution) => { vec3 center = resolution * 0.5; number d = abs(distance(fragCoord, center)); number g = 255 * (d < TAU * 6.0 * (1.0 + random())); vec3 color = mix(vec3(0.1, 0.3, 0.9), vec3(1), g); return vec4(, 1.0); });"test.png"); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
GLOSS - Programming language GLOSS ===== GLOSS is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #3408 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GLOSS happened in University of Washington - GLOSS on HOPL GLOSS on HOPL - Read more about GLOSS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
GNU Linear Programming Kit - Library GNU Linear Programming Kit ========================== GNU Linear Programming Kit, aka GNU Linear Programming Kit, is a library created in 2000. 2000 #2727 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: library - Early development of GNU Linear Programming Kit happened in - GNU Linear Programming Kit is written in C - See also: (1 related languages) rason Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
GLSL - Shading language GLSL ==== GLSL is a shading language created in 1992. 1992 #329 on PLDB 32 Years Old 12k Repos OpenGL Shading Language (abbreviated: GLSL), is a high-level shading language with a syntax based on the C programming language. It was created by the OpenGL ARB (OpenGL Architecture Review Board) to give developers more direct control of the graphics pipeline without having to use ARB assembly language or hardware-specific languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: shadingLanguage - There are at least 11,778 GLSL repos on GitHub - Early development of GLSL happened in OpenGL Architecture Review Board - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12k users using GLSL in 14k repos on GitHub - Explore GLSL snippets on Rosetta Code - GLSL appears in the TIOBE Index - GLSL LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for GLSL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for GLSL - See also: (8 related languages) OpenGL, C, Linux, JavaScript, Delphi, Java, WebGL, Cg - 30 PLDB concepts link to GLSL: Ace Editor, beef-lang, cat, cloc, curv, eC, Factor, Flow9, flua, Forsp, fp, GLMS, ImHex, lever, LWJGL, Manim, MonkeyX, odin, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, PHP, Pygments, PyTorch, r3, SpiderBasic, Taichi, V, VLC, VSXu, Wonkey varying vec4 v_color; void main() { gl_FragColor = v_color; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 345 1.7
GLU - Programming language GLU === GLU is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4068 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GLU happened in SRI - GLU on HOPL GLU on HOPL - Read more about GLU on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Glue-Nail - Programming language Glue-Nail ========= Glue-Nail is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4069 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Glue-Nail happened in University of Waterloo and University of Toronto and University of Cape Town - Glue-Nail on HOPL Glue-Nail on HOPL - Read more about Glue-Nail on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
gluon - Programming language gluon ===== gluon is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #821 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A static, type inferred and embeddable language written in Rust. - Tags: programming language - gluon is developed on GitHub and has 3,168 stars - Early development of gluon happened in - gluon is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML, Bourne shell, YAML, HTML, CSS - was registered in 2018 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
glush - Grammar language glush ===== glush is a grammar language created in 2019 by Magnus Holm. 2019 Magnus Holm #1997 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A parser toolkit - Tags: grammarLanguage - glush is developed on GitHub and has 95 stars - Early development of glush happened in - glush is written in Ruby, AsciiDoc, Python, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format - Application Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format ================================ Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format is an application created in 1988. 1988 #1573 on PLDB 36 Years Old The Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) by Adobe is a file format for storing bitmap fonts. The content takes the form of a text file intended to be human- and computer-readable. BDF is typically used in Unix X Window environments. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format happened in Adobe - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format - See also: (3 related languages) Unix, Unicode, ASCII STARTFONT 2.1 COMMENT Copyright (c) 2011, Aaron Christianson COMMENT licenced under the OFL 1.1 COMMENT 1 FONT -aaron-bitbuntu-medium-r-normal--10-100-72-72-C-90-iSO8859-1 SIZE 10 72 72 FONTBOUNDINGBOX 7 11 0 -2 STARTPROPERTIES 25 FONTNAME_REGISTRY "" FOUNDRY "aaron" FAMILY_NAME "bitbuntu" WEIGHT_NAME "medium" SLANT "r" SETWIDTH_NAME "normal" ADD_STYLE_NAME "" PIXEL_SIZE 10 POINT_SIZE 100 RESOLUTION_X 72 RESOLUTION_Y 72 SPACING "C" AVERAGE_WIDTH 90 CHARSET_REGISTRY "iSO8859" CHARSET_ENCODING "1" COPYRIGHT "CC, Aaron Christianson" FACE_NAME "bitbuntu" WEIGHT 10 X_HEIGHT 6 QUAD_WIDTH 6 _ORIGINAL_FONT_NAME "bitbuntu" _GBDFED_INFO "Edited with gbdfed 1.6." DEFAULT_CHAR 63 FONT_DESCENT 2 FONT_ASCENT 8 ENDPROPERTIES CHARS 190 STARTCHAR char32 ENCODING 32 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 0 0 0 0 BITMAP ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char33 ENCODING 33 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 1 6 3 0 BITMAP 80 80 80 80 00 80 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char34 ENCODING 34 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 3 2 2 5 BITMAP A0 A0 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char35 ENCODING 35 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 5 5 1 1 BITMAP 50 F8 50 F8 50 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char36 ENCODING 36 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 5 7 1 -1 BITMAP 20 78 80 70 08 F0 20 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char37 ENCODING 37 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 5 6 1 0 BITMAP C0 D8 30 60 D8 18 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char38 ENCODING 38 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 5 7 1 0 BITMAP 30 40 40 68 90 90 68 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char39 ENCODING 39 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 1 2 2 5 BITMAP 80 80 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char40 ENCODING 40 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 2 8 2 -1 BITMAP 40 80 80 80 80 80 80 40 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char41 ENCODING 41 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 2 8 2 -1 BITMAP 80 40 40 40 40 40 40 80 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char42 ENCODING 42 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 5 5 1 1 BITMAP 20 A8 70 A8 20 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char43 ENCODING 43 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 5 5 1 0 BITMAP 20 20 F8 20 20 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR char44 ENCODING 44 SWIDTH 600 0 DWIDTH 6 0 BBX 2 3 2 -1 BITMAP 40 C0 80 ENDCHAR STARTCHAR ch STARTFONT 2.1 FONT -gnu-unifont-medium-r-normal--16-160-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1 SIZE 16 75 75 FONTBOUNDINGBOX 16 16 0 -2 STARTPROPERTIES 2 FONT_ASCENT 14 FONT_DESCENT 2 ENDPROPERTIES CHARS 1 STARTCHAR U+0041 ENCODING 65 SWIDTH 500 0 DWIDTH 8 0 BBX 8 16 0 -2 BITMAP 00 00 00 00 18 24 24 42 42 7E 42 42 42 42 00 00 ENDCHAR ENDFONT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 654 3.3
Glyph - Programming language Glyph ===== Glyph is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1264 on PLDB 17 Years Old 115 Repos Glyph2 is the scripting language for Pointwise. It is an extension to the tcl programming language that allows access to the commands and entities of the Pointwise application. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 115 Glyph repos on GitHub - Early development of Glyph happened in Cadence Design Systems - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 10 users using Glyph in 11 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Glyph - Read more about Glyph on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Gnome Basic - Programming language Gnome Basic =========== Gnome Basic is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3687 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gnome Basic happened in Ximian - Read more about Gnome Basic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
GNS - Protocol GNS === GNS, aka GNU Name System, is a protocol created in 2018. 2018 #2254 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of GNS happened in GNUnet e.V. - See also: (1 related languages) DNS - Read more about GNS on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
GNU E - Programming language GNU E ===== GNU E is an open source programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3199 on PLDB 33 Years Old GNU E is an extension of C++ designed for writing software systems to support persistent applications. It was designed as part of the Exodus project.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GNU E happened in University of Wisconsin - See also: (1 related languages) E Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
GNU Emacs - Editor GNU Emacs ========= GNU Emacs is an open source editor created in 1985 by Richard Stallman. 1985 Richard Stallman #3274 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: editor - See also: (1 related languages) Emacs Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 103 0.5
gnu-rtl - Intermediate representation language gnu-rtl ======= gnu-rtl is an intermediate representation language created in 1987. 1987 #3409 on PLDB 37 Years Old In GCC, RTL is generated from the GIMPLE representation, transformed by various passes in the GCC 'middle-end', and then converted to assembly language. - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of gnu-rtl happened in Free Software Foundation - Read more about gnu-rtl on the web: 1. 1. (set (reg:SI 140) (plus:SI (reg:SI 138) (reg:SI 139))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Gnuplot - Programming language Gnuplot ======= Gnuplot is an open source programming language created in 1986. 1986 #454 on PLDB 38 Years Old 2k Repos gnuplot is a command-line program that can generate two- and three-dimensional plots of functions, data, and data fits. It is frequently used for publication-quality graphics as well as in education. The program runs on all major computers and operating systems (Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows, macOS, and others). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,276 Gnuplot repos on GitHub - Early development of Gnuplot happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Gnuplot in 3k repos on GitHub - Explore Gnuplot snippets on Rosetta Code - Gnuplot Ubuntu package Gnuplot Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Gnuplot - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Gnuplot - Gnuplot appears in the Quine Relay project - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Gnuplot - was registered in 2002 - See also: (20 related languages) C, Linux, Unix, SVG, LaTeX, Lua, Maxima, GNU Octave, Perl, Perl Data Language, Python, Sage, Julia, Java, Ruby, Ch computer programming, Haskell, Smalltalk, Squeak, Matplotlib print "Hello, world!" #!/usr/bin/env gnuplot reset set terminal png set output 'rates100.png' set xlabel "A2A price" set ylabel "Response Rate" #set xr [0:5] #set yr [0:6] plot 'rates100.dat' pt 7 notitle set title "Some Math Functions" set xrange [-10:10] set yrange [-2:2] set zeroaxis plot (x/4)**2, sin(x), 1/x Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 353 1.8
Go! - Programming language Go! === Go! is a programming language created in 2003 by Francis McCabe and Keith Clark. 2003 Francis McCabe Keith Clark #1543 on PLDB 21 Years Old Go! is an agent-based programming language in the tradition of logic-based programming languages like Prolog. It was introduced in a 2003 paper by Francis McCabe and Keith Clark.. Read more on Wikipedia...!_(programming_language) Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Go! happened in Imperial College and Fujitsu Sex ::= male | female. person <~ {dayOfBirth:[] => day. age:[] => integer. sex:[] => Sex. name:[] => string. home:[] => string. lives:[string]{}}. person:[string, day, Sex, string] $= person. person(Nm, Born, Sx, Hm)..{ dayOfBirth() => Born. age() => yearsBetween(now(), Born). sex() => Sx. name() => Nm. home() => Hm. lives(Pl) :- Pl = home(). yearsBetween:[integer, day] => integer. yearsBetween(...) => .. }. newPerson:[string, day, Sex, string] => person. newPerson(Nm, Born, Sx, Hm) => $person(Nm, Born, Sx, Hm). Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 245 1.2
Go - Programming language Go == Go is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Rob Pike and Ken Thompson and Robert Griesemer. 2009 Rob Pike Ken Thompson Robert Griesemer #11 on PLDB 15 Years Old 1m Repos git clone Go (often referred to as golang) is a programming language created at Google in 2009 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It is a compiled, statically typed language in the tradition of Algol and C, with garbage collection, limited structural typing, memory safety features and CSP-style concurrent programming features added. The compiler and other language tools originally developed by Google are all free and open source.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Go is developed on GitHub and has 121,611 stars - Watch the history of the Go repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 1,083,789 Go repos on GitHub - Early development of Go happened in Google - Go is written in Go, Assembly language, C, Markdown, JSON, Bash, HTML, Bourne shell, JavaScript, Perl, YAML, Make, CSS, Logos, Dockerfile, C++, Fortran 90, CSV, Python, Objective-C, awk, MATLAB - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 45k users using Go in 91k repos on GitHub - Check out the 315 Go meetup groups on - There are 1,768 Project Euler users using Go - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Go programmers reported a median salary of $75,669. 9% of respondents reported using Go. 7,879 programmers reported using Go, and 15,788 said they wanted to use it - Explore Go snippets on Rosetta Code - Go is supported by the GDB - Go ranks #14 in the TIOBE Index - Go Ubuntu package Go Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Go - Go LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Go - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Go - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Go - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Go - Go appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Go on exercism. - PLDB has 4 Jupyter Kernels for Go:,,, - has 1,284 matches for "go engineer". - See also: (33 related languages) Assembly language, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, ALEF, APL, BCPL, C, CSP, Limbo, Modula, Newsqueak, Oberon, Occam, Pascal, Python, Smalltalk, Crystal, Algol, Unix, Java, UTF-8, C#, Rust, Erlang, Chapel, CIL, MongoDB, Standard ML, COBOL, Fortran, Scala, Dart - 82 PLDB concepts link to Go: abs, Ace Editor, a Lisp Environment, Ante, aretext, Ark, Apache Arrow, Battlestar, BeBasic, Blacklight, Chapel, clay, cloc, comby, Cue, Cyber, Dafny, Dasel, DDP, dgraph, Differential Datalog, DRAKON, Elvish, EYG, FlatBuffers, fo, Frundis, funl, g-fu, GCC, gentee, gfoo, Git, Go, Goal, gogs-editor, gridstudio-editor, h, HCL, Hera, HHVM, HuJSON, ink-lang, ivy, jayfor, JSON Query Language, JSON with Comments, Jule, ko, ktye/k, Kubernetes, m3db, mal, Mangle, mgmt, micro-editor, multiaddr, Nit, Nomad, noms-db, Observable Framework, oden, OK, orange, Pipefish, Please Build, PROMETHEUS, Pygments, QOIR, Rye, Simple Binary Encoding, Slope, SMC, Snowball, Tawa, TensorFlow, TestML, TMTP, Touch, V, VSXu, Wing // Type your code here, or load an example. // Your function name should start with a capital letter. package main func Square(x int) int { return x * x } func main() {} package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, world!") } package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } // Hello world in Go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Printf("Hello World\n") } // Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (1.0.0-dev) // DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING package linguist import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" ) // (needed to ensure safety because of naive import list construction.) var _ = thrift.ZERO var _ = fmt.Printf var _ = bytes.Equal func init() { } package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func readword(ch chan string) { fmt.Println("Type a word, then hit Enter.") var word string fmt.Scanf("%s", &word) ch <- word } func timeout(t chan bool) { time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) t <- true } func main() { t := make(chan bool) go timeout(t) ch := make(chan string) go readword(ch) select { case word := <-ch: fmt.Println("Received", word) case <-t: fmt.Println("Timeout.") } } break case chan const continue default defer else fallthrough for func go goto if import interface map package range return select struct switch type var Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example fmt.Println("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // \d+(\.\d+[eE][+\-]?\d+|\.\d*|[eE][+\-]?\d+) Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[0-7]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token fmt.Println row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Variadic Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasVariadicFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example // This variadic function takes an arbitrary number of ints as arguments. func sum(nums { fmt.Print("The sum of ", nums) // Also a variadic function. total := 0 for _, num := range nums { total += num } fmt.Println(" is", total) // Also a variadic function. } Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example myList := []int{1, 2, 3} Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import ( "fmt" "math" ) import . "fmt" import _ "io" import log "" import m "math" Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example i := 0 i++ i-- Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example i, j := 42, 2701 Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example c := true Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example package main import "fmt" func main() { i, j := 42, 2701 p := &i // point to i fmt.Println(*p) // read i through the pointer *p = 21 // set i through the pointer fmt.Println(i) // see the new value of i p = &j // point to j *p = *p / 37 // divide j through the pointer fmt.Println(j) // see the new value of j } Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1304 6.5
Goal - Programming language Goal ==== Goal is a programming language created in 2022 by Yon Fernández de Retana. 2022 Yon Fernández de Retana #1691 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Goal is a K-like language that brings in ideas from Perl and BQN and is written in Go. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of Goal happened in - APL and J and K influenced the design of Goal - Goal is written in Go, Markdown, CSV, HTML, CSS - Read more about Goal on the web: 1. 1. / Handle command-line arguments: script name + optional file. (2<#ARGS)and:error"USAGE: goal wordstats.goal [file]" / Read STDIN or filename given by last argument; lowercase everything. src:_ 'read?[1=#ARGS;STDIN;*|ARGS] / Get all words (Unicode letters + dashes). words:rx/[\p{L}-]+/[src;-1] / Print number of words; number of distinct words; five most frequent words. say(#words;#dw:?words;5@!>dw!=%words) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
goby - Programming language goby ==== goby is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2728 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of goby happened in - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of goby ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Goby - Golang + Ruby inspired language for developing microservices||08/30/2017|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Gödel (Goedel) - Programming language Gödel (Goedel) ============== Gödel (Goedel) is a programming language created in 1992 by John Lloyd and Patricia Hill. 1992 John Lloyd Patricia Hill #1579 on PLDB 32 Years Old Gödel is a declarative, general-purpose programming language that adheres to the logic programming paradigm. It is a strongly typed language, the type system being based on many-sorted logic with parametric polymorphism. It is named after logician Kurt Gödel.. Read more on Wikipedia...ödel_(programming_language) Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gödel (Goedel) happened in University of Bristol - Gödel (Goedel) on HOPL Gödel (Goedel) on HOPL - Read more about Gödel (Goedel) on the web: 1. 1. MODULE GCD. IMPORT Integers. PREDICATE Gcd : Integer * Integer * Integer. Gcd(i,j,d) <- CommonDivisor(i,j,d) & ~ SOME [e] (CommonDivisor(i,j,e) & e > d). PREDICATE CommonDivisor : Integer * Integer * Integer. CommonDivisor(i,j,d) <- IF (i = 0 \/ j = 0) THEN d = Max(Abs(i),Abs(j)) ELSE 1 =< d =< Min(Abs(i),Abs(j)) & i Mod d = 0 & j Mod d = 0. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 296 1.5
Godot - Library Godot ===== Godot is an open source library created in 2014. 2014 #966 on PLDB 10 Years Old Godot is a 2D and 3D cross-platform compatible game engine released as open source software under the MIT license. It was initially developed for several companies in Latin America before its public release. The development environment runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD and Haiku (both 32 and 64-bit) and can create games targeting PC, console, mobile and web platforms.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of Godot happened in - was registered in 2008 - See also: (11 related languages) C, Linux, FreeBSD, iOS, Android, C#, Python, Lua, Squirrel, WebAssembly, WebGL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
Gofer - Programming language Gofer ===== Gofer is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2215 on PLDB 30 Years Old The Gofer system is a functional programming environment for a small, Haskell-like language. Supporting a wide range of different machines, including home computers, the system is widely used, both for teaching and research. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gofer happened in Yale University - Read more about Gofer on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. 2 * (3+4) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
gogs-editor - Editor gogs-editor =========== gogs-editor is an editor created in 2014 by Joe Chen. 2014 Joe Chen #273 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service - Tags: editor - gogs-editor is developed on GitHub and has 44,623 stars - Early development of gogs-editor happened in - gogs-editor is written in Go, JavaScript, HTML, Ini, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, Less, SVG, CSS, JSON, Dockerfile, XML, TOML, SQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
GOLD - Grammar language GOLD ==== GOLD is a grammar language created in 2012. 2012 #1598 on PLDB 12 Years Old GOLD is a free parsing system that is designed to support multiple programming languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of GOLD happened in California State University, Sacramento - was registered in 2011 - See also: (10 related languages) ANTLR, Visual Basic, Assembly language, C#, D, Java, Pascal, Python, Visual Basic .NET, Regular Expressions <Statement> ::= if <Expression> then <Statements> end | while <Expression> do <Statements> end | for Id = <Range> do <Statements> end <Statements> ::= <Statements> <Statement> | <Statement> <Statement> ::= display <Expression> | display <Expression> read ID | assign ID '=' <Expression> | while <Expression> do <Statements> end | if <Expression> then <Statements> end | if <Expression> then <Statements> else <Statements> end <Expression> ::= <Expression> '>' <Add Exp> | <Expression> '<' <Add Exp> | <Expression> '<=' <Add Exp> | <Expression> '>=' <Add Exp> | <Expression> '==' <Add Exp> | <Expression> '<>' <Add Exp> | <Add Exp> <Add Exp> ::= <Add Exp> '+' <Mult Exp> | <Add Exp> '-' <Mult Exp> | <Add Exp> '&' <Mult Exp> | <Mult Exp> <Mult Exp> ::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Negate Exp> | <Mult Exp> '/' <Negate Exp> | <Negate Exp> <Negate Exp> ::= '-' <Value> | <Value> <Value> ::= Identifier | StringLiteral | NumberLiteral | '(' <Expression> ')' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 397 2
GolfScript - Esoteric programming language GolfScript ========== GolfScript is an esoteric programming language created in 2007. 2007 #2467 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of GolfScript happened in 'Hello, world!' "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Golo - Programming language Golo ==== Golo is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Webmaster. 2012 Webmaster #348 on PLDB 12 Years Old 46 Repos git clone Golo is computer software, a programming language for the Java virtual machine (JVM). It is simple, with dynamic, weak typing. It was created in 2012 as part of the research activities of the DynaMid group of the Centre of Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of service (CITI) Laboratory at Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (INSA). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Golo is developed on GitHub and has 475 stars - There are at least 46 Golo repos on GitHub - Early development of Golo happened in - Golo is written in Java, AsciiDoc, Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML, CSS, Gradle, Ruby, Dockerfile, Tex, HTML, JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23 users using Golo in 29 repos on GitHub - Explore Golo snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Golo - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Golo - was registered in 2012 - See also: (2 related languages) JVM, Java module function main = |args| { println("Hello World") } # Copyright 2012-2014 Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA-Lyon) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module hello.World function main = |args| { println("Hello world!") } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # -?\d[\d_]* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # -?[\d_]*\.[\d_]*([eE][+-]?\d[\d_]*)?F? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0[0-7]+j? Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 522 2.6
Golog - Programming language Golog ===== Golog is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4070 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Golog happened in University of Cluj Napoca and McGill University - Golog on HOPL Golog on HOPL - Read more about Golog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Google Apps Script - Programming language Google Apps Script ================== Google Apps Script is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #1084 on PLDB 15 Years Old Apps Script is a scripting language for light-weight application development in the G Suite platform. It is based on JavaScript 1.6 with some portions of 1.7 and 1.8 and provides subset of ECMAScript 5 API, however instead of running on the client, it gets executed in the Google Cloud. According to Google, Apps Script "provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services." Apps Script is also the tool that powers the add-ons for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Google Apps Script happened in Google - See also: (1 related languages) JavaScript function helloWorld() { Logger.log("Hello World"); } function doGet() { var app = UiApp.createApplication(); app.add(app.createHTML("<b>Hello World!</b>")); return app; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Logger.log Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 258 1.3
Google Cloud SQL - Database Google Cloud SQL ================ Google Cloud SQL is a database created in 2011. 2011 #4811 on PLDB 13 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) as a service - Tags: database - Early development of Google Cloud SQL happened in Google Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
Google Cloud Platform - Cloud service Google Cloud Platform ===================== Google Cloud Platform is an open source cloud service created in 2011. 2011 #828 on PLDB 13 Years Old Google Cloud Platform, offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search and YouTube. Alongside a set of management tools, it provides a series of modular cloud services including computing, data storage, data analytics and machine learning.. Registration requires a credit card or bank account details.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: cloud service - Early development of Google Cloud Platform happened in Google - Check out the 157 Google Cloud Platform meetup groups on - See also: (6 related languages) Java, Python, Go, Ruby, AWS, Microsoft Azure Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
google-data-studio-app - Application google-data-studio-app ====================== google-data-studio-app is an application created in 2016. 2016 #3024 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of google-data-studio-app happened in Google - Read more about google-data-studio-app on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
goose - Programming language goose ===== goose is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #3688 on PLDB 6 Years Old Goose is a programming language in development that aims at being (yet another) c++ alternative. - Tags: programming language - Read more about goose on the web: 1. 1. uint(32) lomarf( uint(32) a, uint(32) b ) requires [ a>b ] ensures [ @result>0 ] { return a - b } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Gopher - Protocol Gopher ====== Gopher is a protocol created in 1991 by Mark P. McCahill and Farhad Anklesaria and Paul Lindner and Daniel Torrey and Bob Alberti. 1991 Mark P. McCahill Farhad Anklesaria Paul Lindner Daniel Torrey Bob Alberti #1334 on PLDB 33 Years Old The Gopher protocol is a TCP/IP application layer protocol designed for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents over the Internet. The Gopher protocol was strongly oriented towards a menu-document design and presented an alternative to the World Wide Web in its early stages, but ultimately Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) became the dominant protocol. The Gopher ecosystem is often regarded as the effective predecessor of the World Wide Web.The protocol was invented by a team led by Mark P. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Gopher happened in University of Minnesota - Read more about Gopher on the web: 1. 1. - 2 PLDB concepts link to Gopher: Gemini, NCSA Mosaic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
GOQL - Programming language GOQL ==== GOQL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3410 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GOQL happened in Intercollege - GOQL on HOPL GOQL on HOPL - Read more about GOQL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
GorillaScript - Programming language GorillaScript ============= GorillaScript is a programming language created in 2013 by Cameron Knight. 2013 Cameron Knight #1015 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone GorillaScript is a compile-to-JavaScript language designed to empower the user while attempting to prevent some common errors. - Tags: programming language - GorillaScript is developed on GitHub and has 300 stars - Early development of GorillaScript happened in - GorillaScript compiles to JavaScript - GorillaScript is written in JavaScript assert and bitand bitlshift bitnot bitor bitrshift biturshift bitxor by const delete else false haskey if in instanceof instanceofsome is isnt is-array! is-object! max min new not null or ownskey ownsor post-dec! post-inc! return then til to true typeof! throw? throw var xor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
GOSPEL - Programming language GOSPEL ====== GOSPEL is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3411 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GOSPEL happened in Church of the Nazarene - GOSPEL on HOPL GOSPEL on HOPL - Read more about GOSPEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Gosu - Programming language Gosu ==== Gosu is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #438 on PLDB 22 Years Old 701 Repos Gosu is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine released under the Apache 2. This general-purpose programming language is used in several open-source software projects including SparkGS and Ragnar DB among several others, and is widely used in the insurance industry via Guidewire Software's commercial products. The language borrows from several existing languages including Java, C#, and ECMAScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 701 Gosu repos on GitHub - Early development of Gosu happened in Guidewire Software, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 486 users using Gosu in 539 repos on GitHub - Explore Gosu snippets on Rosetta Code - Gosu appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Gosu - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Gosu - was registered in 2009 - See also: (7 related languages) Java Bytecode, Java, C#, Kotlin, JavaScript, Pascal, Go print("Hello World") function hello() { print("hello") } var list = {1, 2, 3} var result = list.where(\ elem -> elem >= 2) print(result) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 349 1.7
General purpose - Programming language General purpose =============== General purpose, aka General purpose, is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3025 on PLDB 9 Years Old GP is a programming language in development that will enable more advanced programming with a Scratch-like design. GP stands for "Extensible Portable General purpose Block Language for Casual Programmers". - Tags: programming language - Early development of General purpose happened in SAP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
GPDS - Programming language GPDS ==== GPDS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4071 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GPDS happened in Xerox Data Systems - GPDS on HOPL GPDS on HOPL - Read more about GPDS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
GPGS - Programming language GPGS ==== GPGS is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4072 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GPGS happened in University of Wijnegem and Brown University - GPGS on HOPL GPGS on HOPL - Read more about GPGS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
GPS - Programming language GPS === GPS is a programming language created in 1957. 1957 #3412 on PLDB 67 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GPS happened in Case Western Reserve University - GPS on HOPL GPS on HOPL - Read more about GPS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
GPSS/360 - Programming language GPSS/360 ======== GPSS/360 is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4073 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GPSS/360 happened in University of Michigan - GPSS/360 on HOPL GPSS/360 on HOPL - Read more about GPSS/360 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
GPSS/85 - Programming language GPSS/85 ======= GPSS/85 is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3413 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GPSS/85 happened in Wolverine Software Corporation - GPSS/85 on HOPL GPSS/85 on HOPL - Read more about GPSS/85 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
GPSS FORTRAN - Programming language GPSS FORTRAN ============ GPSS FORTRAN is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4074 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GPSS FORTRAN happened in University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - GPSS FORTRAN on HOPL GPSS FORTRAN on HOPL - Read more about GPSS FORTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
General Purpose Simulation System - Programming language General Purpose Simulation System ================================= General Purpose Simulation System, aka General Purpose Simulation System, is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #1512 on PLDB 64 Years Old General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS) is a discrete time simulation general-purpose programming language, where a simulation clock advances in discrete steps. A system is modelled as transactions enter the system and are passed from one service (represented by blocks) to another. It is used primarily as a process flow oriented simulation language; this is particularly well-suited for problems such as a factory.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, simulation - Early development of General Purpose Simulation System happened in IBM - General Purpose Simulation System on HOPL General Purpose Simulation System on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) APL FACILITY AVERAGE NUMBER AVERAGE SEIZING PREEMPTING UTILIZATION ENTRIES TIME/TRAN TRANS. NO. TRANS. NO. Joe .860 26 15.884 26 QUEUE MAXIMUM AVERAGE TOTAL ZERO PERCENT AVERAGE $AVERAGE TABLE CURRENT CONTENTS CONTENT ENTRIES ENTRIES ZEROS TIME/TRANS TIME/TRANS NUMBER CONTENTS Chairs 1 .160 27 12 44.4 2.851 5.133 1 $AVERAGE TIME/TRANS = AVERAGE TIME/TRANS EXCLUDING ZERO ENTITIES Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
GQL - Programming language GQL === GQL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4075 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GQL happened in Birkbeck College - GQL on HOPL GQL on HOPL - Read more about GQL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
GRAAL - Programming language GRAAL ===== GRAAL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1737 on PLDB 38 Years Old Graal may refer to: A style of glassblowing Holy Grail, or "Graal" in older forms Graal-Müritz, a health resort by the Baltic Sea in Germany Graal Radio - internet streaming radio GraalVM, a Java virtual machine extension aiming to support more languages and execution modes Graal (album), an album by Polish rapper Tau (AKA Medium) Graal Online, an MMORPG for Windows, Linux, OS X, and iOS. The German Wikipedia has an article here.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GRAAL happened in Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie and IBM - GRAAL on HOPL GRAAL on HOPL - Read more about GRAAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
Grace - Programming language Grace ===== Grace is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #993 on PLDB 14 Years Old 27 Repos The purpose of Grace is to allow novices to discover programming in the simplest possible way. Other famous languages such as Java or Python are widely used by professionals, but may be hard to assimilate for a beginner in programming. That is what the object-oriented Grace language is made for. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 27 Grace repos on GitHub - Early development of Grace happened in Portland State University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12 users using Grace in 15 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Grace - was registered in 2010 - Read more about Grace on the web: 1. 1. class cat { def name = "Felix" method getName { return name } } method ack (m : Number, n : Number) -> Number { print "ack {m} {n}" if (m < = 0) then {n + 1} elseif {n <= 0} then {ack((m -1), 1)} else {ack(m -1, ack(m, n-1))} } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 245 1.2
GRAD Assistant - Programming language GRAD Assistant ============== GRAD Assistant is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4076 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GRAD Assistant happened in University of California - GRAD Assistant on HOPL GRAD Assistant on HOPL - Read more about GRAD Assistant on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Gradle - Application Gradle ====== Gradle is an open source application created in 2008 by Hans Dockter. 2008 Hans Dockter #87 on PLDB 16 Years Old 4 Repos git clone Adaptable, fast automation for all - Tags: application - Gradle is developed on GitHub and has 16,485 stars - There are at least 4 Gradle repos on GitHub - Early development of Gradle happened in - Gradle is written in Java, Groovy, Gradle, Kotlin, XML, AsciiDoc, TOML, Markdown, Scala, C++, JavaScript, YAML, CSS, C, HTML, plantuml, SVG, JSON, Swift, Bourne shell, JSP, XSLT, XSD, CSV, Objective C++, Assembly language, DTD, IDL, Objective-C, Gherkin, Ruby - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Gradle - was registered in 2007 - 51 PLDB concepts link to Gradle: Avail, Ballerina, Bazel, BeBasic, Céu, Ceylon, cloc, CouchDB, Dafny, dyvil, elegance, FlatBuffers, Flix, Flow9, Golo, Gradle, Gun, Halide, HHVM, invokator, Invisible XML, JSLT, koara, Kotlin, Ladybird, lobster, LWJGL, mal, Melody, Moirai, Nextflow, Obsidian, OpenCV, partiql, Project Mentat, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, React Native, Simple Binary Encoding, Smali, SmallBASIC, TensorFlow, Uno, Wonkey, Ecstasy, Xtext, Yakou Lang, yeti, zenscript, zlang apply plugin: GreetingPlugin greeting { message = 'Hi' greeter = 'Gradle' } class GreetingPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { void apply(Project project) { project.extensions.create("greeting", GreetingPluginExtension) project.task('hello') << { println "${project.greeting.message} from ${project.greeting.greeter}" } } } class GreetingPluginExtension { String message String greeter } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 306 1.5
grain - Programming language grain ===== grain is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2729 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of grain happened in - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of grain =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Grain: A strongly-typed functional programming language for the modern web||07/30/2018|259|153 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Grammatical Framework - Grammar language Grammatical Framework ===================== Grammatical Framework is a grammar language created in 1998. 1998 #1039 on PLDB 26 Years Old 624k Repos Grammatical Framework (GF) is a programming language for writing grammars of natural languages. GF is capable of parsing and generating texts in several languages simultaneously while working from a language-independent representation of meaning. Grammars written in GF can be compiled into different formats including JavaScript and Java and can be reused as software components. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - There are at least 624,169 Grammatical Framework repos on GitHub - Early development of Grammatical Framework happened in Xerox Research Centre Europe - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 32 users using Grammatical Framework in 37 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Grammatical Framework - See also: (2 related languages) JavaScript, Java --# -path=.:present -- (c) 2009 Aarne Ranta under LGPL concrete FoodsFin of Foods = FoodsI with (Syntax = SyntaxFin), (LexFoods = LexFoodsFin) ; > parse -lang=Fre "Marie aime Jean" | align_words -lang=Fre,Dut,Lat -view="eog" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
GraphIt - Programming language GraphIt ======= GraphIt is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #704 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone GraphIt is a new DSL for graph computations that generates fast implementations for algorithms with different performance characteristics running on graphs with different sizes and structures. GraphIt separates what is computed (algorithm) from how it is computed (schedule). Programmers specify the algorithm using an algorithm language, and performance optimizations are specified using a separate scheduling language. The scheduling language enables programmers to easily search through this complicated tradeoff space by composing together a large set of edge traversal and vertex data layout optimizations. - Tags: programming language - GraphIt is developed on GitHub and has 366 stars - Early development of GraphIt happened in - GraphIt is written in C++, Python, Markdown, Lisp, Make, CMake, YAML, CSV - was registered in 2018 element Vertex end element Edge end const edges : edgeset{Edge}(Vertex,Vertex) = load (argv[1]); const vertices : vertexset{Vertex} = edges.getVertices(); const old_rank : vector{Vertex}(double) = 1.0/vertices.size(); const new_rank : vector{Vertex}(double) = 0.0; const out_degree : vector {Vertex}(int) = edges.getOutDegrees(); const contrib : vector{Vertex}(double) = 0.0; const error : vector{Vertex}(double) = 0.0; const damp : double = 0.85; const beta_score : double = (1.0 - damp) / vertices.size(); func computeContrib(v : Vertex) contrib[v] = old_rank[v] / out_degree[v]; end func updateEdge(src : Vertex, dst : Vertex) new_rank[dst] += contrib[src]; end func updateVertex(v : Vertex) var old_score : double = old_rank[v]; new_rank[v] = beta_score + damp*(new_rank[v]); error[v] = fabs(new_rank[v] - old_rank[v]); old_rank[v] = new_rank[v]; new_rank[v] = 0.0; end func printRank(v : Vertex) print old_rank[v]; end func reset(v: Vertex) old_rank[v] = 1.0/vertices.size(); new_rank[v] = 0.0; end func main() for trail in 0:10 startTimer(); vertices.apply(reset); for i in 0:20 vertices.apply(computeContrib); #s1# edges.apply(updateEdge); vertices.apply(updateVertex); end var elapsed_time : double = stopTimer(); print "elapsed time: "; print elapsed_time; end end % specify schedules here or use a separate schedule file HackerNews discussions of GraphIt ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments GraphIt: A High-Performance Domain-Specific Language for Graph Analytics||11/21/2018|34|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 439 2.2
Graph Modeling Language - Application Graph Modeling Language ======================= Graph Modeling Language is an application created in 1997. 1997 #1606 on PLDB 27 Years Old 12k Repos Graph Modeling Language (GML) is a hierarchical ASCII-based file format for describing graphs. It has been also named Graph Meta Language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - There are at least 12,488 Graph Modeling Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Graph Modeling Language happened in University of Passau - See also: (3 related languages) GraphML, ASCII, Python - Read more about Graph Modeling Language on the web: 1. 1. graph [ directed 0 node [ id 0 label "Node 1" value 100 ] node [ id 1 label "Node 2" value 200 ] edge [ source 1 target 0 ] ] graph [ comment "This is a sample graph" directed 1 id 42 label "Hello, I am a graph" node [ id 1 label "node 1" thisIsASampleAttribute 42 ] node [ id 2 label "node 2" thisIsASampleAttribute 43 ] node [ id 3 label "node 3" thisIsASampleAttribute 44 ] edge [ source 1 target 2 label "Edge from node 1 to node 2" ] edge [ source 2 target 3 label "Edge from node 2 to node 3" ] edge [ source 3 target 1 label "Edge from node 3 to node 1" ] ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 301 1.5
Grapheasy - Programming language Grapheasy ========= Grapheasy is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3414 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Grapheasy happened in Argonne National Laboratory - Grapheasy on HOPL Grapheasy on HOPL - Read more about Grapheasy on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Graphics BASIC - Programming language Graphics BASIC ============== Graphics BASIC is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3748 on PLDB 41 Years Old Graphics BASIC is a third-party extension to the Commodore BASIC V2.0 programming language of the Commodore 64 computer. It was originally written in 1983 by Ron Gilbert and Tom McFarlane. The program was licensed to Hesware, who briefly sold the program in 1984 as part of their product line before going out of business. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Graphics BASIC happened in Epyx, Inc - See also: (4 related languages) Commodore BASIC, GW-BASIC, AmigaBASIC, Unix DOT 160,100 LINE 80,50 TO 240,150 BOX 10,10 TO 20,20 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
GraphLog - Programming language GraphLog ======== GraphLog is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4077 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GraphLog happened in IBM and University of Toronto - GraphLog on HOPL GraphLog on HOPL - Read more about GraphLog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
GraphML - Xml format GraphML ======= GraphML is a xml format created in 2001. 2001 #3193 on PLDB 23 Years Old GraphML is an XML-based file format for graphs. The GraphML file format results from the joint effort of the graph drawing community to define a common format for exchanging graph structure data. It uses an XML-based syntax and supports the entire range of possible graph structure constellations including directed, undirected, mixed graphs, hypergraphs, and application-specific attributes.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of GraphML happened in - See also: (4 related languages) Graph Modeling Language, XML, DOT, Java <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <graph id="G" edgedefault="undirected"> <node id="n0"/> <node id="n1"/> <edge id="e1" source="n0" target="n1"/> </graph> </graphml> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 271 1.4
GRAPHOS - Programming language GRAPHOS ======= GRAPHOS is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4078 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GRAPHOS happened in Weizmann Institute of Science - GRAPHOS on HOPL GRAPHOS on HOPL - Read more about GRAPHOS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
GraphQL+- - Query language GraphQL+- ========= GraphQL+- is a query language created in 2017. 2017 #2930 on PLDB 7 Years Old Dgraph’s GraphQL+- is based on Facebook’s GraphQL. GraphQL wasn’t developed for Graph databases, but its graph-like query syntax, schema validation and subgraph shaped response make it a great language choice. We’ve modified the language to better support graph operations, adding and removing features to get the best fit for graph databases. We’re calling this simplified, feature rich language, “GraphQL+-”. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of GraphQL+- happened in - 1 PLDB concepts link to GraphQL+-: dgraph Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
GraphQL Schema Definition Language - Interface design language GraphQL Schema Definition Language ================================== GraphQL Schema Definition Language is an interface design language created in 2018. 2018 #2186 on PLDB 6 Years Old A type definition syntax to the GraphQL specification. - Tags: interface design language - Early development of GraphQL Schema Definition Language happened in - Read more about GraphQL Schema Definition Language on the web: 1. 1. # Enumeration type for a level of priority enum Priority { LOW MEDIUM HIGH } # Our main todo type type Todo { id: ID! name: String! description: String priority: Priority! } type Query { # Get one todo item todo(id: ID!): Todo # Get all todo items allTodos: [Todo!]! } type Mutation { addTodo(name: String!, priority: Priority = LOW): Todo! removeTodo(id: ID!): Todo! } schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example “”” A comment Token “”” row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
GraphQL - Query language GraphQL ======= GraphQL is a query language created in 2012 by Lee Byron. 2012 Lee Byron #58 on PLDB 12 Years Old 1 Repos GraphQL is a data query language developed internally by Facebook in 2012 before being publicly released in 2015. It provides an alternative to REST and ad-hoc webservice architectures.. It allows clients to define the structure of the data required, and exactly the same structure of the data is returned from the server. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - There are at least 1 GraphQL repos on GitHub - Early development of GraphQL happened in Facebook - There are 17,480 members in the GraphQL subreddit - ANTLR grammar for GraphQL - GraphQL LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting GraphQL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for GraphQL - Annual Reports for GraphQL Annual Reports for GraphQL - Events page for GraphQL Events page for GraphQL - was registered in 2015 - See also: (3 related languages) JavaScript, Ruby, Scala - 8 PLDB concepts link to GraphQL: Ace Editor, cloc, dgraph, gintonic, Noms GraphQL, Prettier, Pygments, wasmer { "Hello World" } # Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant # of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. schema { query: QueryType mutation: MutationType } type Foo implements Bar { one: Type two(argument: InputType!): Type three(argument: InputType, other: String): Int four(argument: String = "string"): String five(argument: [String] = ["string", "string"]): String six(argument: InputType = {key: "value"}): Type } interface Bar { one: Type four(argument: String = "string"): String } union Feed = Story | Article | Advert scalar CustomScalar enum Site { DESKTOP MOBILE } input InputType { key: String! answer: Int = 42 } extend type Foo { seven(argument: [String]): Type } directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT null true false query mutation subscription extend schema directive scalar type interface union enum input implements fragment on Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature hasIds FeatureLink ../features/hasIds.html Supported ✓ Example # The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as the key for a cache. The ID type is serialized in the same way as a String; however, defining it as an ID signifies that it is not intended to be human‐readable. query { hero { name } droid(id: "2000") { name } } Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Union Types FeatureLink ../features/hasUnionTypes.html Supported ✓ Example union SearchResult = Human | Droid | Starship Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Interfaces FeatureLink ../features/hasInterfaces.html Supported ✓ Example interface Character { id: ID! name: String! friends: [Character] appearsIn: [Episode]! } type Human implements Character { id: ID! name: String! friends: [Character] appearsIn: [Episode]! starships: [Starship] totalCredits: Int } type Droid implements Character { id: ID! name: String! friends: [Character] appearsIn: [Episode]! primaryFunction: String } Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported ✓ Example enum Episode { NEWHOPE EMPIRE JEDI } Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 684 3.4
Graqula - Programming language Graqula ======= Graqula is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4079 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Graqula happened in IBM and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Graqula on HOPL Graqula on HOPL - Read more about Graqula on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
GRASS - Programming language GRASS ===== GRASS is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #1506 on PLDB 47 Years Old GRASS (GRAphics Symbiosis System) is a programming language created to script 2D vector graphics animations. GRASS was similar to BASIC in syntax, but added numerous instructions for specifying 2D object animation, including scaling, translation, rotation and color changes over time. It quickly became a hit with the artistic community who were experimenting with the new medium of computer graphics, and is most famous for its use by Larry Cuba to create the original "attacking the Death Star will not be easy" animation in Star Wars (1977). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GRASS happened in Ohio State University - GRASS on HOPL GRASS on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, OpenGL, C, True BASIC wWWwwww SINCURVE=[PROMPT "WHAT IS THE OFFSET?" INPUT OFFSET x=-160 angle=0 POINT OFFSET+x,SIN(angle)*80,3 angle=angle+2 IF (x=x+1)<159,SKIP -2] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
Gravity Equation - Equation Gravity Equation ================ Gravity Equation is an equation created in 1687 by Isaac Newton. 1687 Isaac Newton #4544 on PLDB 337 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
gravity - Programming language gravity ======= gravity is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #257 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Gravity Programming Language - Tags: programming language - gravity is developed on GitHub and has 4,290 stars - Early development of gravity happened in - gravity is written in Markdown, C, XML, CMake, Objective-C, Make, CSS, YAML, C++, HTML, Bourne shell func main() { System.print("Hello World"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Greek numerals - Numeral system Greek numerals ============== Greek numerals is a numeral system created in -300. -300 #4692 on PLDB 2324 Years Old - Tags: numeralSystem Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
Green - Programming language Green ===== Green is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3415 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Green happened in Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Green on HOPL Green on HOPL - Read more about Green on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Greenplum - Database Greenplum ========= Greenplum is a database created in 2005. 2005 #4812 on PLDB 19 Years Old Massively parallel processing (MPP) database management system - Tags: database - Early development of Greenplum happened in Pivotal Software Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
Gremlin - Query language Gremlin ======= Gremlin is an open source query language created in 2009 by Marko A. Rodriguez. 2009 Marko A. Rodriguez #1408 on PLDB 15 Years Old Gremlin is a graph traversal language and virtual machine developed by Apache TinkerPop of the Apache Software Foundation. Gremlin works for both OLTP-based graph databases as well as OLAP-based graph processors. Gremlin's automata and functional language foundation enable Gremlin to naturally support imperative and declarative querying, host language agnosticism, user-defined domain specific languages, an extensible compiler/optimizer, single- and multi-machine execution models, hybrid depth- and breadth-first evaluation, as well as Turing Completeness. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Gremlin happened in - See also: (8 related languages) Regular Expressions, XPath, SPARQL, SQL, Java, JVM, Groovy, Scala g.V().hasLabel('movie').values('year').min() g.V().match( as("a").label().is("person"), as("a").out("knows").as("b"), as("a").out("created").as("c"), as("b").out("created").as("c"), as("b").values("age").as("d"), as("d").is(gt(30))). select("a","b","c") Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 312 1.6
Gren - Programming language Gren ==== Gren is a programming language created in 2012 by evancz. 2012 evancz #868 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A programming language for simple and correct applications - Tags: programming language - Gren is developed on GitHub and has 334 stars - Early development of Gren happened in - Gren is written in Haskell, Markdown, YAML module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (Html) main : Html a main = Html.text "Hello, world!" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
grep - Programming language grep ==== grep is an open source programming language created in 1974. 1974 #839 on PLDB 50 Years Old grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression. Its name comes from the ed command g/re/p (globally search a regular expression and print), which has the same effect: doing a global search with the regular expression and printing all matching lines. Grep was originally developed for the Unix operating system, but later available for all Unix-like systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of grep happened in Bell Labs - grep on HOPL grep on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Unix, Regular Expressions, Perl $ grep root /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin $ grep -n root /etc/passwd 1:root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash 12:operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin $ grep -c false /etc/passwd 7 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
grid-notation - Text data format grid-notation ============= grid-notation is a text data format created in 2013 by Cameron McEfee. 2013 Cameron McEfee #1634 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Quickly and easily create grids and manipulate guides with a consistent UI in Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, and Adobe XD. - Tags: textDataFormat - grid-notation is developed on GitHub and has 54 stars - Early development of grid-notation happened in - grid-notation is written in CoffeeScript, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, JavaScript, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
gridstudio-editor - Editor gridstudio-editor ================= gridstudio-editor is an editor created in 2018 by Rick Lamers. 2018 Rick Lamers #684 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Grid studio is a web-based application for data science with full integration of open source data science frameworks and languages. - Tags: editor - gridstudio-editor is developed on GitHub and has 8,874 stars - Early development of gridstudio-editor happened in - gridstudio-editor is written in SVG, JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, Go, HTML, CSS, Bourne shell, Python, Less, Markdown, YAML, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
GRIN - Programming language GRIN ==== GRIN is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3111 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GRIN happened in CERN - GRIN on HOPL GRIN on HOPL - Read more about GRIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. (Hello World) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
GRML - Programming language GRML ==== GRML is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #4587 on PLDB 21 Years Old GRML – an acronym for General Reuse Markup Language – is a markup language similar to HTML and XML, using tags to organize data in files and web pages. Data is organized in columns and rows. Tags are used to define forms, images, and hyper-linking. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) HTML, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Groff Mom - Library Groff Mom ========= Groff Mom is a library created in 2015 by Peter Schaffter. 2015 Peter Schaffter #3026 on PLDB 9 Years Old Quick answer: mom is a flexible typesetting and document formatting package that allows you to create high-quality Portable Document Format (.pdf) or PostScript (.ps) files for viewing and printing. Mom is a macro set that sits on top of groff. - Tags: library Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
groff - Text markup language groff ===== groff is a text markup language created in 1990. 1990 #507 on PLDB 34 Years Old git clone Groff (GNU troff) is a typesetting system that reads plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces formatted output. Output may be PostScript or PDF, html, or ASCII/UTF8 for display at the terminal. Formatting commands may be either low-level typesetting requests (“primitives”) or macros from a supplied set. Users may also write their own macros. All three may be combined. - Tags: text markup language - Early development of groff happened in GNU Project - groff is written in Bourne shell, C++, Make, C, HTML, M4, Perl, Protocol Buffers, sed, Objective C++, C#, CSS, awk, Tex, Ruby, Forth, Vim script, Diff - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 20k users using groff in 26k repos on GitHub - There are 357 members in the groff subreddit - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for groff - See also: (1 related languages) Troff - 2 PLDB concepts link to groff: Frundis, nroff .sp 1.5i My thoughts on the subject .sp Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example text text text... .ig This is part of a large block of text that has been temporarily(?) commented out. We can restore it simply by removing the .ig request and the ".." at the end of the block. .. Token .ig row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example .de P . br . sp .8v .. Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Test \" comment Test Test \# comment Test Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 324 1.6
GROOVE - Programming language GROOVE ====== GROOVE is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3416 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GROOVE happened in Bell Labs - GROOVE on HOPL GROOVE on HOPL - Read more about GROOVE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Groovy Server Pages - Template language Groovy Server Pages =================== Groovy Server Pages is a template language created in 2008. 2008 #1533 on PLDB 16 Years Old 9 Repos - Tags: template language - There are at least 9 Groovy Server Pages repos on GitHub - Early development of Groovy Server Pages happened in - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Groovy Server Pages <html> <body> <% out << "Hello GSP!" %> </body> </html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Testing with SiteMesh and ${example}</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Groovy - Programming language Groovy ====== Groovy is an open source programming language created in 2003 by James Strachan. 2003 James Strachan #64 on PLDB 21 Years Old 76k Repos Apache Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. It is a dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk. It can be used as a scripting language for the Java Platform, is dynamically compiled to Java virtual machine (JVM) bytecode, and interoperates with other Java code and libraries. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 76,001 Groovy repos on GitHub - Early development of Groovy happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 20k users using Groovy in 27k repos on GitHub - Check out the 49 Groovy meetup groups on - There are 2,900 members in the Groovy subreddit - There are 121 Project Euler users using Groovy - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Groovy programmers reported a median salary of $75,002. 3% of respondents reported using Groovy. 2,479 programmers reported using Groovy, and 1,177 said they wanted to use it - Explore Groovy snippets on Rosetta Code - Groovy ranks #29 in the TIOBE Index - Groovy Ubuntu package Groovy Ubuntu package - Groovy LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Groovy - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Groovy - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Groovy - Groovy appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Groovy on exercism. - was registered in 2011 - See also: (18 related languages) Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, Smalltalk, Objective-C, Kotlin, JVM, Regular Expressions, XML, HTML, JSON, Android, Eclipse, Emacs, TextMate, Visual Studio Code, JavaScript - 13 PLDB concepts link to Groovy: Ace Editor, Ballerina, Ceylon, cloc, CouchDB, dexvis, Gradle, Kotlin, mal, Nextflow, Pygments, Xgboost, XGBoost print "Hello, world!"; println "Hello World" // Hello World in Groovy println "Hello World" #!/usr/bin/env groovy println "Groovy!" class Bird implements FlyingAbility {} /* Adds the trait FlyingAbility to the Bird class capabilities */ def bird = new Bird() /* instantiate a new Bird */ assert == "I'm flying!" /* the Bird class automatically gets the behavior of the FlyingAbility trait */ as assert break case catch class const continue def default do else enum extends false finally for goto if implements import in instanceof interface new null package return super switch this throw throws trait true try while Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 668 3.3
GROUPLOG - Programming language GROUPLOG ======== GROUPLOG is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4080 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GROUPLOG happened in Universidade Nova de Lisboa - GROUPLOG on HOPL GROUPLOG on HOPL - Read more about GROUPLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
grunt - Library grunt ===== grunt is a library created in 2011. 2011 #2730 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: library - Early development of grunt happened in - was registered in 2012 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
GSBL - Programming language GSBL ==== GSBL is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4081 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GSBL happened in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - GSBL on HOPL GSBL on HOPL - Read more about GSBL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
GSQL - Programming language GSQL ==== GSQL is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3027 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GSQL happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for GSQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
Gene transfer format - Text data format Gene transfer format ==================== Gene transfer format is a text data format created in 2006. 2006 #2602 on PLDB 18 Years Old The Gene transfer format (GTF) is a file format used to hold information about gene structure. It is a tab-delimited text format based on the general feature format (GFF), but contains some additional conventions specific to gene information. A significant feature of the GTF that can be validated: given a sequence and a GTF file, one can check that the format is correct. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Gene transfer format happened in European Bioinformatics Institute - See also: (1 related languages) General feature format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
GUIDE - Programming language GUIDE ===== GUIDE is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3112 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GUIDE happened in Université Savoie Mont BlancAnnecy - GUIDE on HOPL GUIDE on HOPL - Read more about GUIDE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
GUIDO music notation - Text data format GUIDO music notation ==================== GUIDO music notation is a text data format created in 1998 by Holger H. Hoos and Keith Hamel. 1998 Holger H. Hoos Keith Hamel #2295 on PLDB 26 Years Old GUIDO Music Notation is a computer music notation format designed to logically represent all aspects of music in a manner that is both computer-readable and easily readable by human beings. It was named after Guido of Arezzo, who pioneered today's conventional musical notation 1,000 years ago. GUIDO was first designed by Holger H. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of GUIDO music notation happened in Technische Universität Darmstadt and University of British Columbia [ \clef<"treble"> \key<"D"> \meter<"4/4"> a1*1/2 b a/4. g/8 f#/4 g a/2 b a/4. g/8 f#/4 g a/2 a b c#2/4 d c#/2 b1 a/1 ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 257 1.3
Guile - Programming language Guile ===== Guile, aka GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions, is an open source programming language created in 1993 by Aubrey Jaffer and Tom Lord and Miles Bader. 1993 Aubrey Jaffer Tom Lord Miles Bader #635 on PLDB 31 Years Old GNU Guile is the preferred extension system for the GNU Project, which features an implementation of the Scheme programming language. Its first version was released in 1993. In addition to large parts of Scheme standards, Guile Scheme includes modularized extensions for many different programming tasks.For extending programs, Guile offers "libguile" which allows the language to be embedded in other programs, and integrated closely through the C API; similarly, new types and subroutines defined through the C API can be made available as extensions to Guile itself.Guile stands for the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Guile happened in GNU Project - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Guile - See also: (11 related languages) Linux, Scheme, LilyPond, GDB, C, S-expressions, XML, Emacs, Emacs Lisp, SCM, Tcl - 1 PLDB concepts link to Guile: GNU Poke ;;; Hello world program (define name "World") (display (string-append "Hello " name "!")) (newline) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 343 1.7
GNU Guix - Distribution GNU Guix ======== GNU Guix is a distribution created in 2013. 2013 #2980 on PLDB 11 Years Old GNU Guix () is a cross-platform package manager and a tool to instantiate and manage Unix-like operating systems, based on the Nix package manager with Guile Scheme APIs and specializes in providing exclusively free software. Differing from traditional package managers, Guix (like Nix) utilizes a purely functional deployment model where software is installed into unique directories generated through cryptographic hashes. Dependencies from each software are included within each hash, solving the problem of dependency hell. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: distribution - Early development of GNU Guix happened in GNU Project Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Gun - Protocol Gun === Gun is a protocol created in 2014 by Mark Nadal. 2014 Mark Nadal #649 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data. - Tags: protocol - Gun is developed on GitHub and has 18,092 stars - Gun is written in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, JSON, Markdown, XML, CSS, Gradle, Objective-C, YAML, Bourne shell, Java, Bash, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
gura - Programming language gura ==== gura is a programming language created in 2012 by Yutaka Saito. 2012 Yutaka Saito #1424 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Gura is an iterator-oriented programming language that focuses on iterators with improved functions for calculation and data processing. It makes you be able to write an artificial code for what used to need a lot of codes of repeat syntax. - Tags: programming language - gura is developed on GitHub and has 43 stars - Early development of gura happened in - gura is written in C++, Markdown, HTML, XML, C, CSV, CMake, Bourne shell, CSS, Perl, Lisp, Bash, YAML, JavaScript - was registered in 2013 prime() = { p = [] for (n in 2..):xiter { if (!(n % p.each() == 0).or()) { p.add(n) n } } } HackerNews discussions of gura ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Gura: Iterator-Oriented Programming Language||08/23/2014|56|8 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
Gurobi - Application Gurobi ====== Gurobi is an open source application created in 2008 by Robert Bixby. 2008 Robert Bixby #1869 on PLDB 16 Years Old Gurobi is a state-of-the-art solver for mathematical programming. It includes solvers for linear programming (LP), quadratic programming (QP), quadratically constrained programming (QCP), mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), mixed-integer quadratic programming (MIQP), and mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming (MIQCP). - Tags: application - Early development of Gurobi happened in Gurobi Optimization, LLC - Read more about Gurobi on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Gurobi: LP Format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
guru - Programming language guru ==== guru is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3417 on PLDB 15 Years Old OpTT has been implemented in the GURU verified programming language, which includes a type- and proof-checker, and a compiler to efficient C code. In addition to the core OpTT, GURU implements a number of extensions, including ones for verification of programs using mutable state and input/output. This paper gives an introduction to verified programming in GURU. - Tags: programming language - Early development of guru happened in University of Iowa and Washington University and Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya - Read more about guru on the web: 1. 1. Inductive trie : Fun(A:type).type := trie_none : Fun(A:type).<trie A> | trie_exact : Fun(A:type)(s:string)(a:A).<trie A> | trie_next : Fun(A:type)(o:<option A>) (unique l:<charvec <trie A>>). <trie A>. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
GVL - Programming language GVL === GVL is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4082 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GVL happened in Queen's University at Kingston and Universität Karlsruhe - GVL on HOPL GVL on HOPL - Read more about GVL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
GW-BASIC - Programming language GW-BASIC ======== GW-BASIC is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #1158 on PLDB 41 Years Old GW-BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language developed by Microsoft from BASICA, originally for Compaq. It is otherwise identical to Microsoft/IBM BASICA, but is a fully self-contained executable and does not need the ROM BASIC. It was bundled with MS-DOS operating systems on IBM PC compatibles by Microsoft. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GW-BASIC happened in Microsoft - Explore GW-BASIC snippets on Rosetta Code - GW-BASIC on HOPL GW-BASIC on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) IBM BASICA, QBasic, MSX BASIC, BASIC, QuickBASIC, MBASIC, Dartmouth BASIC, ASCII Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Gwion - Programming language Gwion ===== Gwion is an open source programming language created in 2016. 2016 #746 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Gwion is a strongly-timed musical programming language . - Tags: programming language - Gwion is developed on GitHub and has 531 stars - Early development of Gwion happened in - Gwion is written in C, YAML, Bourne shell, Markdown, Bash, Make, Ini, Nix - Read more about Gwion on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Guix Workflow Language - Programming language Guix Workflow Language ====================== Guix Workflow Language, aka Guix Workflow Language, is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1821 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Guix Workflow Language happened in GNU Project - was registered in 2017 - See also: (1 related languages) Scheme ;; ;; We are going to extend the workflow defined in the file ;; "example-workflow.w". define dynamic-workflow load-workflow "/tmp/examples/example-workflow.w" process: (list-file-template filename) name string-append "list-file-" basename filename packages "gzip" inputs filename outputs string-append filename ".list" run-time complexity space 20 mebibytes time 30 seconds # { gzip --list {{inputs}} > {{outputs}} } ;; Get all processes of the other workflow. define foreign-processes workflow-processes dynamic-workflow ;; Get the processes that we want to extend on. define compress-file-processes processes-filter-by-name foreign-processes "compress-file" ;; Create the new processes. define list-file-processes map list-file-template append-map process-outputs compress-file-processes workflow: extended-dynamic-workflow processes append ;; These are the process connections of the imported workflow workflow-restrictions dynamic-workflow ;; And these are the new process connections. The "zip" procedure ;; pairs up each of the processes in "list-file-processes" with ;; one of the processes in "compress-file-processes". zip list-file-processes compress-file-processes Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 341 1.7
GXL - Programming language GXL === GXL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4083 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of GXL happened in University of Waterloo and University of Koblenz-Landau and University Bw, Munchen - GXL on HOPL GXL on HOPL - Read more about GXL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Gypsy - Programming language Gypsy ===== Gypsy is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4084 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Gypsy happened in University of Texas - Gypsy on HOPL Gypsy on HOPL - Read more about Gypsy on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Gzip - Binary data format Gzip ==== Gzip is an open source binary data format created in 1992. 1992 #755 on PLDB 32 Years Old gzip is a file format and a software application used for file compression and decompression. The program was created by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler as a free software replacement for the compress program used in early Unix systems, and intended for use by GNU (the "g" is from "GNU"). Version 0.1 was first publicly released on 31 October 1992, and version 1.0 followed in February 1993.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Gzip happened in GNU Project - Gzip Ubuntu package Gzip Ubuntu package - Gzip appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (5 related languages) C, Unix, FreeBSD, HTML, RFC - 1 PLDB concepts link to Gzip: sqlar-format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
h - Esoteric programming language h = h is an esoteric programming language created in 2019 by Christine Dodrill. 2019 Christine Dodrill #1627 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The h programming language - Tags: esoteric programming language - h is developed on GitHub and has 17 stars - Early development of h happened in - h is written in Go, Dockerfile, YAML, Markdown - Read more about h on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. h Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
habit - Programming language habit ===== habit is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2731 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of habit happened in Portland State University and University of Iowa - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of habit =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Habit:A pure FP with Intersection of low-level problems and high-level paradigms||01/30/2019|2|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
hac - Programming language hac === hac is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #3689 on PLDB 17 Years Old a hardware description language. The HAC language is based on the CAST (Caltech Asynchronous Synthesis Tool) language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of hac happened in Cornell University Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
Hack - Programming language Hack ==== Hack is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Julien Verlaguet and Alok Menghrajani and Drew Paroski. 2014 Julien Verlaguet Alok Menghrajani Drew Paroski #275 on PLDB 10 Years Old 68k Repos Hack is a programming language for the HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM), created by Facebook as a dialect of PHP. The language implementation is open-source, licensed under the BSD License. Hack allows programmers to use both dynamic typing and static typing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 68,473 Hack repos on GitHub - Early development of Hack happened in Facebook - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Hack in 3k repos on GitHub - Explore Hack snippets on Rosetta Code - Hack ranks #33 in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Hack - has 19 matches for "hack developer". - was registered in 2013 - See also: (9 related languages) PHP, OCaml, Java, C#, Scala, Haskell, ActionScript, HTML, Parrot <<__EntryPoint>> function main(): void { echo "Hello, world!\n"; } <?hh echo "Hello World"; <?hh // Hello world in Hack echo 'Hello World'; <?hh // strict /** * Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * */ function startup(): void { setup_errors(); } <?hh // Hack functions are annotated with types. function negate(bool $x): bool { return !$x; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature First-Class Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFirstClassFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 456 2.3
hackage-pm - Package manager hackage-pm ========== hackage-pm is a package manager created in 2007. 2007 #2595 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of hackage-pm happened in Well-Typed LLP - 1 PLDB concepts link to hackage-pm: Scrapscript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
Hackett - Programming language Hackett ======= Hackett is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Alexis King. 2017 Alexis King #668 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Hackett is an attempt to implement a Haskell-like language with support for Racket’s macro system, built using the techniques described in the paper Type Systems as Macros. - Tags: programming language - Hackett is developed on GitHub and has 1,159 stars - Early development of Hackett happened in - Hackett is written in Racket, Markdown, YAML, CSS, Bourne shell #lang hackett (data (Maybe a) Nothing (Just a)) (def x : Integer (let ([y 3] [z 7]) {y + z})) (class (Show a) [show : {a -> String}]) (instance (forall [a] (Show a) => (Show (Maybe a))) [show (λ* [[(Just x)] {"(Just " ++ (show x) ++ ")"}] [[Nothing ] "Nothing"])]) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
hackppl - Programming language hackppl ======= hackppl is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4085 on PLDB 5 Years Old HackPPL is a probabilistic programming language (PPL) built within the Hack programming language - Tags: programming language - Early development of hackppl happened in Facebook - Read more about hackppl on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
hacspec - Programming language hacspec ======= hacspec is a programming language created in 2018 by Franziskus Kiefer. 2018 Franziskus Kiefer #871 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A specification language for crypto primitives and more in Rust. - Tags: programming language - hacspec is developed on GitHub and has 242 stars - Early development of hacspec happened in - hacspec is written in Rust, Coq, TOML, Markdown, JSON, YAML, C, Make, Tex, Bourne shell, Dockerfile, Python, SVG, Logos - First announcement of hacspec - was registered in 2020 - See also: (1 related languages) Rust pub type Res = (usize, usize); pub enum ResTyp { Ok(Res), } pub fn test_simpl_fails() -> Res { match ResTyp::Ok((42, 42)) { ResTyp::Ok(res) => res, } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MyTupleType(u16, u8); pub fn test_tuple_destructuring() { let tuple = MyTupleType(1u16, 2u8).clone(); let MyTupleType(_a, _b) = tuple; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
HAGGIS - Programming language HAGGIS ====== HAGGIS is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #1174 on PLDB 14 Years Old HAGGIS is a high-level reference programming language used primarily to examine Computing Science for Scottish pupils taking SQA courses on the subject. HAGGIS is used as a tool to bridge the gap between pseudocode and typical computer programming. HAGGIS is not based on any one language but a mixture that is intended to allow a pupil familiar with any of the many languages used in classrooms to easily understand the syntactic construct being used in an example. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HAGGIS happened in University of Glasgow and Heriot Watt University and University of Strathclyde - See also: (1 related languages) Python CONSTRUCTOR( [Data Type][Data Name], [Data Type][Data Name]...) The users' '''HAGGIS''' code will then go here. END CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION <Function Name>() RETURN <Data Type> The users' '''HAGGIS''' code will then go here. RETURN THIS <Class Property> END FUNCTION '''“THIS” is used to reference the current object invoking the method.''' PROCEDURE <Procedure Name> () The users' '''HAGGIS''' code will then go here. END PROCEDURE Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ''' A comment ''' Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ''' A comment ''' Token ''' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 332 1.7
hakaru - Programming language hakaru ====== hakaru is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #997 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Hakaru is a simply-typed probabilistic programming language, designed for easy specification of probabilistic models and inference algorithms. This type of language is useful for the development of machine learning algorithms and stochastic modeling. - Tags: programming language - hakaru is developed on GitHub and has 309 stars - Early development of hakaru happened in Indiana University and McMaster University - hakaru is written in Haskell, Markdown, XML, YAML, Bourne shell, Tex, Vim script, Perl, Make, Python, CSS, Lisp, JavaScript - Read more about hakaru on the web: 1. 1. def pulls(strength real): normal(strength, 1) def winner(a real, b real): a_pull <~ pulls(a) b_pull <~ pulls(b) return (a_pull > b_pull) alice <~ normal(0,1) bob <~ normal(0,1) carol <~ normal(0,1) match1 <~ winner(alice, bob) match2 <~ winner(bob, carol) match3 <~ winner(alice, carol) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
HAL Format - Binary data format HAL Format ========== HAL Format is an open source binary data format created in 2012. 2012 #1175 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone HAL is a graph-based structure to efficiently store and index multiple genome alignments and ancestral reconstructions. HAL files are represented in HDF5 format, an open standard for storing and indexing large, compressed scientific data sets. Genomes within HAL are organized according to the phylogenetic tree that relate them: each genome is segmented into pairwise DNA alignment blocks with respect to its parent and children (if present) in the tree. Note that if the phylogeny is unknown, a star tree can be used. The modularity provided by this tree-based decomposition allows for efficient querying of sub-alignments, as well as the ability to add, remove and update genomes within the alignment with only local modifications to the structure. Another important feature of HAL is reference independence: alignments in this format can be queried with respect to the coordinates of any genome they contain. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - HAL Format is developed on GitHub and has 156 stars - Early development of HAL Format happened in - HAL Format is written in C++, Python, Make, Markdown, C, YAML, R, Bourne shell, Lisp - Read more about HAL Format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 289 1.4
HAL/S - Assembly language HAL/S ===== HAL/S is an assembly language created in 1972. 1972 #1833 on PLDB 52 Years Old HAL/S (High-order Assembly Language/Shuttle) is a real-time aerospace programming language compiler and cross-compiler for avionics applications used by NASA and associated agencies (JPL, etc.). It has been used in many U.S. space projects since 1973 and its most significant use was in the Space Shuttle program (approximately 85% of the Shuttle software is coded in HAL/S). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of HAL/S happened in NASA - HAL/S on HOPL HAL/S on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) XPL, PL/I, Ada, Fortran, Fortress Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
Halide - Programming language Halide ====== Halide is an open source programming language created in 2010. 2010 #233 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone a language for fast, portable computation on images and tensors - Tags: programming language - Halide is developed on GitHub and has 5,798 stars - Early development of Halide happened in - Halide is written in C++, CMake, Python, Make, Bourne shell, Markdown, Java, LLVM IR, XML, YAML, C, JSON, Objective C++, JavaScript, Gradle, Bash, HTML, CSS, Jupyter Notebook, Pascal, IDL, TOML, Assembly language - was registered in 2012 - Read more about Halide on the web: 1. 1. Func blur_3x3(Func input) { Func blur_x, blur_y; Var x, y, xi, yi; // The algorithm - no storage or order blur_x(x, y) = (input(x-1, y) + input(x, y) + input(x+1, y))/3; blur_y(x, y) = (blur_x(x, y-1) + blur_x(x, y) + blur_x(x, y+1))/3; // The schedule - defines order, locality; implies storage blur_y.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 256, 32) .vectorize(xi, 8).parallel(y); blur_x.compute_at(blur_y, x).vectorize(x, 8); return blur_y; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 290 1.4
Ham - Programming language Ham === Ham is a programming language created in 2013 by James Keane. 2013 James Keane #1656 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone An altJS language for the web - Tags: programming language - Ham is developed on GitHub and has 31 stars - Early development of Ham happened in - Ham compiles to JavaScript - Ham is written in JavaScript class else extends false from if import is isnt new null number string operator or return true var Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
hamdown - Text markup language hamdown ======= hamdown is a text markup language created in 2018. 2018 #1690 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone [WIP] Next generation template language for fans of Haml and Markdown - Tags: text markup language - hamdown is developed on GitHub and has 111 stars - Early development of hamdown happened in - hamdown is written in Ruby, Markdown, Gherkin, YAML, Bash # Main Title %h2.f2.helvetica.strike Fancy title **with some bold** Some content HackerNews discussions of hamdown ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: New markup language for fans of Haml and Markdown||06/14/2018|64|58 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
HAML - Template language HAML ==== HAML, aka HTML Abstraction Markup Language, is an open source template language created in 2006 by Hampton Lintorn-Catlin. 2006 Hampton Lintorn-Catlin #76 on PLDB 18 Years Old 323 Repos git clone Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a templating system that is designed to avoid writing inline code in a web document and make the HTML easy and clean. Haml gives the flexibility to have some dynamic content in HTML. Similar to other web languages like PHP, ASP, JSP and template systems like eRuby, Haml also embeds some code that gets executed during runtime and generates HTML code in order to provide some dynamic content. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - HAML is developed on GitHub and has 3,750 stars - There are at least 323 HAML repos on GitHub - Early development of HAML happened in Unspace Interactive - HAML is written in Ruby, HAML, XHTML, ERB, Markdown, YAML, Bash, Logos, Slim - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 390 users using HAML in 465 repos on GitHub - There are 467 members in the HAML subreddit - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting HAML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for HAML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HAML - was registered in 2012 - See also: (14 related languages) Ruby, HTML, PHP, ASP, JSP, ERB, ASCII, UTF-8, Ruby on Rails, CSS, BBCode, YAML, Sass, WML - 9 PLDB concepts link to HAML: Ace Editor, cloc, CSVw, HAML, Mastodon, Particles, Scroll, Speedie, txtzyme %section.container %h1= post.title %h2= post.subtitle .content = post.content %html %title Hello World %body %h1 Hello World %p Hello, World! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html lang='en' xml:lang='en' xmlns=''> <head> <title>BoBlog</title> <meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type' /> <link href="/stylesheets/main.css" media="screen" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id='header'> <h1>BoBlog</h1> <h2>Bob's Blog</h2> </div> <div id='content'> <div class='entry'> <h3 class='title'>Halloween</h3> <p class='date'>Tuesday, October 31, 2006</p> <p class='body'> Happy Halloween, glorious readers! I'm going to a party this evening... I'm very excited. </p> </div> <div class='entry'> <h3 class='title'>New Rails Templating Engine</h3> <p class='date'>Friday, August 11, 2006</p> <p class='body'> There's a very cool new Templating Engine out for Ruby on Rails. It's called Haml. </p> </div> </div> <div id='footer'> <p> All content copyright © Bob </p> </div> </body> </html> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -# A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -# A comment Token -# row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 696 3.5
hamler - Programming language hamler ====== hamler is a programming language created in 2019 by Feng Lee. 2019 Feng Lee #573 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Hamler is a strongly-typed language with compile-time typechecking and built-in support for concurrency and distribution. - Tags: programming language - hamler is developed on GitHub and has 1,026 stars - Early development of hamler happened in - hamler is written in Erlang, Haskell, Make, Dockerfile, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, XML - was registered in 2020 - Read more about hamler on the web: 1. 1. module Main where import System.IO main = print "Hello, World!" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Hancock - Programming language Hancock ======= Hancock is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4086 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hancock happened in AT&T - Hancock on HOPL Hancock on HOPL - Read more about Hancock on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Handel-C - Programming language Handel-C ======== Handel-C is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #1558 on PLDB 28 Years Old Handel-C is a high-level programming language which targets low-level hardware, most commonly used in the programming of FPGAs. It is a rich subset of C, with non-standard extensions to control hardware instantiation with an emphasis on parallelism. Handel-C is to hardware design what the first high-level programming languages were to programming CPUs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Handel-C happened in Oxford University - See also: (4 related languages) C, CSP, Occam, FpgaC int a; void main(void) { int b; /* "a" and "b" are within scope */ { int c; /* "a", "b" and "c" are within scope */ } { int d; /* "a", "b" and "d" are within scope */ } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 259 1.3
Handlebars - Template language Handlebars ========== Handlebars is a template language created in 2010. 2010 #669 on PLDB 14 Years Old 28k Repos - Tags: template language - There are at least 28,186 Handlebars repos on GitHub - Early development of Handlebars happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 6k users using Handlebars in 8k repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Handlebars - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Handlebars - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Handlebars - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Handlebars - was registered in 2011 - 13 PLDB concepts link to Handlebars: Ace Editor, AT Protocol, Ballerina, Caramel, emberjs-framework, neut, penrose, Prettier, PRQL, Pygments, SandDance, tibet, xlwings-editor <div class="entry"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <div class="body"> {{body}} </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <div class="body"> {{body}} </div> </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
Hank - Programming language Hank ==== Hank is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4087 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hank happened in The Open University - Hank on HOPL Hank on HOPL - Read more about Hank on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Harbour - Programming language Harbour ======= Harbour is an open source programming language created in 1999 by Antonio Linares. 1999 Antonio Linares #664 on PLDB 25 Years Old 45 Repos Harbour is a modern computer programming language, primarily used to create database/business programs. It is a modernized, open sourced and cross-platform version of the older Clipper system, which in turn developed from the dBase database market of the 1980s and 90s. Harbour code using the same databases can be compiled under a wide variety of platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix variants, several BSD descendants, Mac OS X, MINIX 3, Windows CE, Pocket PC, Symbian, iOS, Android, QNX, VxWorks, OS/2/eComStation, BeOS/Haiku, AIX and MS-DOS.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 45 Harbour repos on GitHub - Early development of Harbour happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 80 users using Harbour in 86 repos on GitHub - Explore Harbour snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Harbour - See also: (16 related languages) Clipper, DBase, Linux, Unix, iOS, Android, TCP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, xBase, C, Java, Visual FoxPro, Visual Objects, XBase++ - 1 PLDB concepts link to Harbour: tibet PROCEDURE Main() ? "Hello World" RETURN #include "" PROCEDURE Main() LOCAL oPerson CLS oPerson := Person():New( "Dave" ) oPerson:Eyes := "Invalid" oPerson:Eyes := "Blue" Alert( oPerson:Describe() ) RETURN CREATE CLASS Person VAR Name INIT "" METHOD New( cName ) METHOD Describe() ACCESS Eyes INLINE ::pvtEyes ASSIGN Eyes( x ) INLINE iif( HB_ISSTRING( x ) .AND. x $ "Blue,Brown,Green", ::pvtEyes := x, Alert( "Invalid value" ) ) PROTECTED: VAR pvtEyes ENDCLASS // Sample of normal Method definition METHOD New( cName ) CLASS Person ::Name := cName RETURN Self METHOD Describe() CLASS Person LOCAL cDescription IF Empty( ::Name ) cDescription := "I have no name yet." ELSE cDescription := "My name is: " + ::Name + ";" ENDIF IF ! Empty( ::Eyes ) cDescription += "my eyes' color is: " + ::Eyes ENDIF RETURN cDescription Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 469 2.3
Hare - Programming language Hare ==== Hare is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #1054 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Hare is a systems programming language designed to be simple, stable, and robust. Hare uses a static type system, manual memory management, and a minimal runtime. It is well-suited to writing operating systems, system tools, compilers, networking software, and other low-level, high performance tasks. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hare happened in - Hare is written in Assembly language, Make, Bourne shell, Scheme, Markdown, YAML - was registered in 2020 use fmt; export fn main() void = { const greetings = [ "Hello, world!", "¡Hola Mundo!", "Γειά σου Κόσμε!", "Привет, мир!", "こんにちは世界!", ]; for (let i = 0z; i < len(greetings); i += 1) { fmt::println(greetings[i])!; }; }; use fmt; export fn main() void = { fmt::println("Hello World")!; }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token fmt::println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
harlan - Programming language harlan ====== harlan is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #1302 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone A language for GPU computing. - Tags: programming language - harlan is developed on GitHub and has 1,187 stars - Early development of harlan happened in - harlan is written in Scheme, Markdown, C++, Bourne shell, Bash, Python, Make, Haskell, Lisp, YAML - Read more about harlan on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Harlowe - Text markup language Harlowe ======= Harlowe is a text markup language created in 2020 by Leon Arnott. 2020 Leon Arnott #3113 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone The default Twine 2 story format. - Tags: text markup language - See also: (1 related languages) Twine <tw-storydata startnode=1 options=debug> <tw-passagedata pid=1 name=Start>(enchant:?Page,(background:white)+(color:black))[[Next]]</tw-passagedata> <tw-passagedata pid=2 name=Next>[[Last]]</tw-passagedata> <tw-passagedata pid=3 name=Last>**Success**</tw-passagedata> </tw-storydata> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
HARVEY - Programming language HARVEY ====== HARVEY is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3418 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HARVEY happened in Carnegie Mellon and Illinois Institute of Technology - HARVEY on HOPL HARVEY on HOPL - Read more about HARVEY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Harwell-Boeing file format - Text data format Harwell-Boeing file format ========================== Harwell-Boeing file format is a text data format created in 1989. 1989 #2210 on PLDB 35 Years Old The Harwell-Boeing file format (also known as HB format) is a file format designed to store information used to describe sparse matrices.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Harwell-Boeing file format happened in Boeing - See also: (1 related languages) Matrix Market Coordinate Format - Read more about Harwell-Boeing file format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
IBM HAScript - Programming language IBM HAScript ============ IBM HAScript is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2990 on PLDB 34 Years Old HAScript, or Host Access Script, is an IBM-developed macro language with an XML syntax designed for programmatic interaction with terminal-based applications. HAScript is based on a state machine principle. The first commercial implementation appeared in IBM's Host On-Demand in the late 1990s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBM HAScript happened in IBM - See also: (2 related languages) XML, JVM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
hashlink - Bytecode format hashlink ======== hashlink is an open source bytecode format created in 2015 by Nicolas Cannasse. 2015 Nicolas Cannasse #760 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A virtual machine for Haxe - Tags: bytecode format - hashlink is developed on GitHub and has 801 stars - Early development of hashlink happened in - hashlink is written in C, Haxe, XML, CMake, JSON, Markdown, C++, YAML, Make, Objective-C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
Haskell# - Programming language Haskell# ======== Haskell# is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4088 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Haskell# happened in Federal University of Pernambuco - Haskell# on HOPL Haskell# on HOPL - Read more about Haskell# on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Haskell - Programming language Haskell ======= Haskell is an open source programming language created in 1990 by Paul Hudak and John Hughes. 1990 Paul Hudak John Hughes #26 on PLDB 34 Years Old 127k Repos Haskell is a standardized, general-purpose purely functional programming language, with non-strict semantics and strong static typing. It is named after logician Haskell Curry. The latest standard of Haskell is Haskell 2010. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 126,924 Haskell repos on GitHub - Early development of Haskell happened in Yale University and Chalmers University and Microsoft and University of Edinburgh - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 13k users using Haskell in 30k repos on GitHub - Check out the 311 Haskell meetup groups on - There are 7,098 Project Euler users using Haskell - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Haskell programmers reported a median salary of $67,021. 2% of respondents reported using Haskell. 1,749 programmers reported using Haskell, and 3,453 said they wanted to use it - Explore Haskell snippets on Rosetta Code - Haskell on HOPL Haskell on HOPL - Haskell appears in the TIOBE Index - Haskell Ubuntu package Haskell Ubuntu package - Haskell LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Haskell - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Haskell - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Haskell - Haskell appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Haskell on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Haskell - There is a central package repository for Haskell - has 190 matches for "haskell developer". - was registered in 1996 - See also: (43 related languages) Clean, FP, HOPE, Irvine Dataflow, ISWIM, KRC, Lisp, Miranda, ML, Standard ML, Scheme, SISAL, Agda, C#, LINQ, Cayenne, Clojure, CoffeeScript, Curry, Elm, Epigram, F#, Frege, Hack, Idris, Java, LiveScript, Mercury, Raku, Python, Rust, Scala, Swift, Visual Basic .NET, C, C--, LLVM IR, OpenGL, JavaScript, Lazy ML, Pandoc, Cryptol, JVM - 87 PLDB concepts link to Haskell: Ace Editor, Aith, Astatine, asterius-compiler, atomspace, attoparsec, badlanguage, Boomerang Decompiler, Bruijn, carp, carth, Chapel, Civet, clash, cloc, Cryptol, Curly, Curry, Darcs Advanced Revision Control System, datafun, dex, Dhall, Differential Datalog, Đ, Egison, Elm, Encore, Enso, expresso, fay, Felix, Flare, forest-lang, fp, Frank, F*, Futhark, GHC, Gren, hakaru, hamler, harlan, haste, helium, Idris, JSON lambda, juvix, Kalyn, kei, keli, kima, kitlang, kitten, Koka, lambcalc, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, Lawvere, Ligo, Lucid, Luna, mal, Megaparsec, MLscript, monte, neut, Nit, Octune, oden, Pact, Pandoc, Parsec, Particles, plam, psyche-c, PureScript, Pygments, reflex-framework, Scrapscript, Simplicity, sixten, Slab, son, Topaz, UCL, Wasp, Z module Example where sumOverArray :: [Int] -> Int sumOverArray (x:xs) = x + sumOverArray xs sumOverArray [] = 0 module Main where main :: IO () main = putStrLn "Hello, world!" module Main where main = putStrLn "Hello World" -- Hello World in Haskell main = putStrLn "Hello World" import Data.Char main :: IO () main = do let hello = "hello world" putStrLn $ map toUpper hello $ ghci Prelude> import Data.Int Prelude Data.Int> fromIntegral (32767 :: Int16) :: Int8 -1 Prelude Data.Int> fromInteger (2^64 :: Integer) :: Int32 0 ! ' '' - - :: ; > ? # \* @ [|, |] \ \_ ` {, } {-, -} | ~ as case of class data family instance default deriving do forall foreign hiding if then else import infix infixl infixr let in mdo module newtype proc qualified rec type where Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[bB]_*[01](_*[01])* Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- \d(_*\d)* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[xX]_*[\da-fA-F](_*[\da-fA-F])*_*[pP][+-]?\d(_*\d)* Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[xX]_*[\da-fA-F](_*[\da-fA-F])* Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[oO]_*[0-7](_*[0-7])* Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token putStrLn row Feature Range Operator FeatureLink ../features/hasRangeOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example foo = f . g Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import Data.Maybe import Mod as Foo import Mod (x,y, (+++)) import qualified Mod import Mod hiding (x,y,(+++)) import qualified Mod hiding (x,y) Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example {-# INLINE foo #-} Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example fib 0 = 1 fib 1 = 1 fib n | n >= 2 = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) Token row Feature Zippers FeatureLink ../features/hasZippers.html Supported ✓ Example -- Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token {- -} row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- a single line comment {- A multiline comment which can continue for many lines -} Token row Feature Map Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasMapFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example class Functor f where fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b ( f b -> f a Token row Feature Monad FeatureLink ../features/hasMonads.html Supported ✓ Example -- parseExpr = parseString parseNumber parseString = do char '"' x ✓ Example -- Found hole `_' with type f (Free f b) Token row Feature Runtime Guards FeatureLink ../features/hasRunTimeGuards.html Supported ✓ Example f x | x > 0 = 1 | otherwise = 0 Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1101 5.5
hasklig - Font hasklig ======= hasklig is a font created in 2012 by Ryan Stewart. 2012 Ryan Stewart #757 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone a code font with monospaced ligatures - Tags: font - hasklig is developed on GitHub and has 5,564 stars - Early development of hasklig happened in - hasklig is written in XML, Markdown, Bourne shell, HTML, Python, CSS, Clojure Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
HASL - Programming language HASL ==== HASL is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4089 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HASL happened in University of British Columbia - HASL on HOPL HASL on HOPL - Read more about HASL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
haste - Programming language haste ===== haste is a programming language created in 2014 by Anton Ekblad. 2014 Anton Ekblad #693 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A GHC-based Haskell to JavaScript compiler - Tags: programming language - haste is developed on GitHub and has 1,446 stars - Early development of haste happened in - haste is written in Haskell, JavaScript, Make, HTML, Markdown, Bourne shell, C, YAML, Pascal, Yacc, XML, Logos, Diff - was registered in 2014 HackerNews discussions of haste =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Haste language||04/02/2014|259|73 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Haxe - Programming language Haxe ==== Haxe is an open source programming language created in 2005 by Nicolas Cannasse. 2005 Nicolas Cannasse #59 on PLDB 19 Years Old 17k Repos git clone Haxe is computer software, a high-level, cross-platform, multi-paradigm programming language and compiler that can produce applications and source code, for many different computing platforms, from one code-base. It is free and open-source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0, and the standard library under an MIT License. Haxe includes a set of common functions that are supported across all platforms, such as numeric data types, text, arrays, binary and some common file formats. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Haxe is developed on GitHub and has 6,045 stars - There are at least 16,827 Haxe repos on GitHub - Early development of Haxe happened in Haxe Foundation - Haxe is written in Haxe, OCaml, JSON, Lua, Java, YAML, Make, ActionScript, Bourne shell, Markdown, C, XML, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Diff, C++, Objective-C, Ini, HTML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Haxe in 3k repos on GitHub - Explore Haxe snippets on Rosetta Code - Haxe appears in the TIOBE Index - Haxe Ubuntu package Haxe Ubuntu package - Haxe LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Haxe - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Haxe - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Haxe - Haxe appears in the Quine Relay project - There is a central package repository for Haxe - has 1 matches for "haxe developer". - was registered in 2005 - See also: (27 related languages) Hack, OCaml, ARM, IA-32, Android, iOS, Linux, ActionScript, Java, JavaScript, C#, PHP, Python, Lua, Neko, XML, Haskell, ML, Go, Dart, Opa, Clojure, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Scala, Monkey, Vala - 12 PLDB concepts link to Haxe: Ace Editor, cloc, Flow9, GHC, hashlink, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, mal, Neko, Pygments, Reason, Star class Main { static public function main() { trace("Hello, world!"); } } class HelloWorld { static function main() { trace("Hello World"); } } // Hello world in Haxe class Hello { static public function main() { trace("Hello world!"); } } class FooBar { public var foo:Int; public var bar:String; public function new(){ foo=1; bar="2";} function anyFooBar(v:{foo:Int,bar:String}) trace(; static function test(){ var fb = new FooBar(); fb.anyFooBar(fb); fb.anyFooBar({foo:123,bar:"456"}); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 568 2.8
Haxe Library Manager - Package manager Haxe Library Manager ==================== Haxe Library Manager is a package manager created in 2013. 2013 #985 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone The Haxe library manager - Tags: packageManager - Haxe Library Manager is developed on GitHub and has 170 stars - Early development of Haxe Library Manager happened in Haxe Foundation - Haxe Library Manager is written in Haxe, JSON, HCL, HTML, Markdown, SQL, Bourne shell, YAML, CSS, SVG, XML, CMake, TOML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
HAYSTAQ - Query language HAYSTAQ ======= HAYSTAQ is a query language created in 1959. 1959 #4090 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of HAYSTAQ happened in National Institute of Standards and Technology - HAYSTAQ on HOPL HAYSTAQ on HOPL - Read more about HAYSTAQ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Hazel - Programming language Hazel ===== Hazel is an open source programming language created in 2016 by Cyrus Omar. 2016 Cyrus Omar #521 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the programming language Hazel. Hazel is a live functional programming environment organized around typed holes. Hazel is a live functional programming environment that is able to typecheck, manipulate, and even run incomplete programs, i.e. programs with holes. There are no meaningless editor states. - Tags: programming language, visual programming language - Hazel is developed on GitHub and has 724 stars - Early development of Hazel happened in University of Michigan - Hazel compiles to JavaScript - Hazel is written in Reason, Markdown, OCaml, CSS, Tex, YAML, Make, HTML, SVG - was registered in 1997 let v = {} in v : num Language features ====================================================== row Feature Typed Holes FeatureLink ../features/hasTypedHoles.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
Hbasic - Programming language Hbasic ====== Hbasic is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #3255 on PLDB 17 Years Old HBasic is an integrated development environment used to create, execute and debug programs with a Basic language. HBasic has object oriented features either in combination with precompiled C++ components (shared libraries) or class definitions (HBasic sourcecode). This also includes a version of inheritance. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hbasic happened in - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Gambas, Visual Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
HCard - Xml format HCard ===== HCard is a xml format created in 2009. 2009 #3275 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of HCard happened in CommerceNet <div class="vcard"> <div class="fn org">Wikimedia Foundation Inc.</div> <div class="adr"> <div class="street-address">149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor</div> <div> <span class="locality">San Francisco</span>, <abbr class="region" title="California">CA</abbr> <span class="postal-code">94105</span></div> <div class="country-name">USA</div> </div> <div>Phone: <span class="tel">+1-415-839-6885</span></div> <div>Email: <span class="email"></span></div> <div class="tel"> <span class="type">Fax</span>: <span class="value">+1-415-882-0495</span> </div> </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
HCCB - Bar code format HCCB ==== HCCB is a bar code format created in 2007. 2007 #4545 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: barCodeFormat - Early development of HCCB happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 87 0.4
HCL - Data notation HCL === HCL, aka HashiCorp configuration language, is an open source data notation created in 2014. 2014 #72 on PLDB 10 Years Old 180k Repos git clone HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) is a configuration language built by HashiCorp. The goal of HCL is to build a structured configuration language that is both human and machine friendly for use with command-line tools, but specifically targeted towards DevOps tools, servers, etc. HCL is also fully JSON compatible. That is, JSON can be used as completely valid input to a system expecting HCL. This helps makes systems interoperable with other systems. HCL is heavily inspired by libucl, nginx configuration, and others similar. - Tags: dataNotation - HCL is developed on GitHub and has 5,192 stars - There are at least 180,390 HCL repos on GitHub - Early development of HCL happened in HashiCorp - HCL is written in Go, HCL, Markdown, JSON, reStructuredText, Make, Bourne shell, YAML, Ruby, Python - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using HCL in 3k repos on GitHub - Monaco package for syntax highlighting HCL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HCL - 13 PLDB concepts link to HCL: Ace Editor, cloc, dgraph, edgedb, Haxe Library Manager, HCL, Hot Cocoa Lisp, ko, m3db, Mindsdb, Nomad, Semantic Patch Language, Wing variable "ami" { description = "the AMI to use" } <<FOO hello world FOO output = "Hello, world!" consul = "" // This is a comment template "foo" { bar = "zip" } var local path for_each any string number bool true false null if else endif for in endfor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 416 2.1
Hierarchical Data Format - Binary data format Hierarchical Data Format ======================== Hierarchical Data Format, aka Hierarchical Data Format, is a binary data format created in 1992. 1992 #1111 on PLDB 32 Years Old Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is a set of file formats (HDF4, HDF5) designed to store and organize large amounts of data. Originally developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, it is supported by The HDF Group, a non-profit corporation whose mission is to ensure continued development of HDF5 technologies and the continued accessibility of data stored in HDF. In keeping with this goal, the HDF libraries and associated tools are available under a liberal, BSD-like license for general use. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Hierarchical Data Format happened in National Center for Supercomputing Applications - See also: (29 related languages) Java, MATLAB, Scilab, GNU Octave, Mathematica, IDL, Python, R, Julia, SQL, UTF-8, C, Fortran, Common Lisp, D, Erlang, Elixir, LFE, GNU Data Language, Go, IGOR Pro, JSON, LabVIEW G, Lua, Perl, Pandas, Rust, Common Data Format, Protocol Buffers Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
Hadoop Distributed File System - Filesystem Hadoop Distributed File System ============================== Hadoop Distributed File System, aka Hadoop Distributed File System, is a filesystem created in 2011. 2011 #3114 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: filesystem - Early development of Hadoop Distributed File System happened in Apache Software Foundation - Hadoop Distributed File System is written in Java - Read more about Hadoop Distributed File System on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
HDMI - Standard HDMI ==== HDMI is a standard created in 2002. 2002 #2296 on PLDB 22 Years Old HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a proprietary audio/video interface for transmitting uncompressed video data and compressed or uncompressed digital audio data from an HDMI-compliant source device, such as a display controller, to a compatible computer monitor, video projector, digital television, or digital audio device. HDMI is a digital replacement for analog video standards. HDMI implements the EIA/CEA-861 standards, which define video formats and waveforms, transport of compressed and uncompressed LPCM audio, auxiliary data, and implementations of the VESA EDID. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard - Early development of HDMI happened in HDMI Founders and HDMI Forum Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Header Dictionary Triples - Binary data format Header Dictionary Triples ========================= Header Dictionary Triples, aka Header Dictionary Triples, is a binary data format created in 2012. 2012 #2468 on PLDB 12 Years Old HDT compresses big RDF datasets while maintaining search operations - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Header Dictionary Triples happened in Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - was registered in 2012 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6 - Programming language =========== is a programming language created in 2012 by Roman I. Kuzmin. 2012 Roman I. Kuzmin #1370 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Unfancy JavaScript with Manual Memory Management - Tags: programming language - is developed on GitHub and has 93 stars - Early development of happened in Mozilla delete new struct Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
hecl - Programming language hecl ==== hecl is a programming language created in 2004 by David N. Welton and Wolfgang Kechel. 2004 David N. Welton Wolfgang Kechel #1692 on PLDB 20 Years Old The Hecl Programming Language is a high-level, open source mobile scripting language inspired by the minimalism and power of tcl written in Java. - Tags: programming language - Early development of hecl happened in - See also: (2 related languages) Tcl, Java Language features ====================================================== row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasForLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasForEachLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForEachLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token puts row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
Hedy - Programming language Hedy ==== Hedy is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #1215 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Hedy is a gradual programming language to teach children programming. Gradual languages use different language levels, where each level adds new concepts and syntactic complexity. At the end of the Hedy level sequence, kids master a subset of syntactically valid Python. - Tags: programming language - Hedy is developed on GitHub and has 1,276 stars - Early development of Hedy happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
HEIC - Binary data format HEIC ==== HEIC, aka High Efficiency Image File Format, is a binary data format created in 2015. 2015 #2818 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of HEIC happened in Moving Picture Experts Group - See also: (1 related languages) JPEG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
HeLang - Programming language HeLang ====== HeLang is a programming language created in 2022 by kifuan. 2022 kifuan #1459 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone 何语言,次世代赛博编程语言。 - Tags: programming language - HeLang is developed on GitHub and has 2,071 stars - Early development of HeLang happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
helena - Programming language helena ====== helena is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3028 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of helena happened in University of Washington and University of California Berkeley - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of helena ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Helena: Web Automation for End Users||11/26/2018|5|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
helium - Programming language helium ====== helium is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3029 on PLDB 21 Years Old Helium is a functional programming language (a subset of Haskell) and a compiler designed especially for teaching. - Tags: programming language - Early development of helium happened in Utrecht University Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
hello - Programming language hello ===== hello is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #4608 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language h HackerNews discussions of hello =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: 'Hello' – new distributed programming language||10/09/2015|3|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
HELPER - Programming language HELPER ====== HELPER is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4091 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HELPER happened in Institute for Defense Analyses - HELPER on HOPL HELPER on HOPL - Read more about HELPER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
henk - Programming language henk ==== henk is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3419 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of henk happened in University of Glasgow and Utrecht University and Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology - henk on HOPL henk on HOPL - Read more about henk on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Hera - Grammar language Hera ==== Hera is a grammar language created in 2021 by Daniel X Moore. 2021 Daniel X Moore #2195 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Elegant parsing expression grammars - Tags: grammarLanguage - Hera is developed on GitHub and has 47 stars - Hera is written in JSON, TypeScript, JavaScript, Go, CoffeeScript, Markdown, YAML, Bash, Bourne shell, Make # WIP Coffee-like lang Grammar Line* Line Indent Content EOL Indent EOL Indent " "* Content Statement Expression Expression Applied # Function application: # a b # a(b) # a b, c, d # a(b, c, d) Applied Operated Application? Application "()" __ "(" ArgumentList ")" Space+ ArgumentList ArgumentList Expression (__ "," __ Expression)* Operated Assigned (__ BinaryOp __ Assigned)* UnaryOp* Assigned Assigned (Accessed __ "=" __)+ Expression Accessed Accessed Primary Access* Access "?"? "." Name "?"? "[" Expression "]" Primary "(" Expression ")" Function Literal Name This "this" "@" Function Parameters "->" Literal StringValue Numeric "true" "false" "null" "undefined" Parameters "(" Name (Comma Name)+ ")" "(" Name ")" "" Comma Space* "," Space* Name [$a-zA-Z_][$a-zA-Z0-9_]* BinaryOp "+" "-" "*" "/" "and" "&&" "or" "||" # TODO: delete, void, typeof UnaryOp [!~+-] Statement Import Export Import /import[^\r\n]*/ Export /export[^\r\n]*/ Numeric /\d+(?:\.\d*)?/ StringValue "\"" $DoubleStringCharacter* "\"" -> $2 "\'" $SingleStringCharacter* "\'" -> $2 DoubleStringCharacter [^"\\]+ EscapeSequence SingleStringCharacter [^'\\]+ EscapeSequence EscapeSequence $( "\\" . ) # Required non-newline white space Space [\t ] # Whitespace including newlines __ /\s*/ # End of line EOL /\r\n|\n|\r/ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 370 1.9
HERAKLIT - Programming language HERAKLIT ======== HERAKLIT is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4092 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HERAKLIT happened in University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - HERAKLIT on HOPL HERAKLIT on HOPL - Read more about HERAKLIT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Herbrand - Programming language Herbrand ======== Herbrand is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4813 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Herbrand on HOPL Herbrand on HOPL - Read more about Herbrand on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
Hermes - Programming language Hermes ====== Hermes is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4093 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hermes happened in University of Waterloo - Hermes on HOPL Hermes on HOPL - Read more about Hermes on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Heron - Programming language Heron ===== Heron is a programming language created in 2016 by Christopher Diggins. 2016 Christopher Diggins #1227 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A pure functional type-inferred language based on JavaScript - Tags: programming language - Heron is developed on GitHub and has 59 stars - Early development of Heron happened in - Heron is written in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, JSON, Markdown, CSS, SVG, YAML, Python, XML // Named function with statement body function sum(xs) { var result = 0; for (var x in xs) result += x; return result; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
Heron - Programming language Heron ===== Heron is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3115 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Early development of Heron happened in - Explore Heron snippets on Rosetta Code - Heron on HOPL Heron on HOPL - Read more about Heron on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Hex - Package manager Hex === Hex is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #2469 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Hex happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Hex-Rays - Decompiler Hex-Rays ======== Hex-Rays is a decompiler created in 2005 by Ilfak Guilfanov. 2005 Ilfak Guilfanov #3030 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: decompiler - Early development of Hex-Rays happened in Hex-Rays SA Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
Qualcomm Hexagon - Assembly language Qualcomm Hexagon ================ Qualcomm Hexagon is an assembly language created in 2006. 2006 #1908 on PLDB 18 Years Old Hexagon (QDSP6) is the brand for a family of 32-bit multi-threaded microarchitectures implementing the same instruction set for a digital signal processor (DSP) developed by Qualcomm. According to 2012 estimation, Qualcomm shipped 1.2 billion DSP cores inside its system on a chip (SoCs) (average 2.3 DSP core per SoC) in 2011 year, and 1.5 billion cores were planned for 2012, making the QDSP6 the most shipped architecture of DSP (CEVA had around 1 billion of DSP cores shipped in 2011 with 90% of IP-licenseable DSP market). The Hexagon architecture is designed to deliver performance with low power over a variety of applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of Qualcomm Hexagon happened in Qualcomm - See also: (2 related languages) Linux, LLVM IR { R17:16 = MEMD(R0++M1) MEMD(R6++M1) = R25:24 R20 = CMPY(R20, R8):<<1:rnd:sat R11:10 = VADDH(R11:10, R13:12) }:endloop0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 247 1.2
hexagony - Esoteric programming language hexagony ======== hexagony is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2015 by Martin Büttner. 2015 Martin Büttner #923 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A two-dimensional, hexagonal programming language. - Tags: esoteric programming language - hexagony is developed on GitHub and has 563 stars - Early development of hexagony happened in - hexagony is written in Ruby, Markdown H ; e ; l ; d ; * ; r ; o ; w l ; ; o ; * 4 3 3 ; @ . > ; 2 3 < \ 4 ; * / Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Hexcel - Visual programming language Hexcel ====== Hexcel is a visual programming language created in 2009 by Leon Bambrick. 2009 Leon Bambrick #4094 on PLDB 15 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Hexcel. Hexcel is a spreadsheet with hexagonal cells. Potential users? Bees for example, planning their hive. Settlers of Catan fans, developing game optimization macros. Or experimental musicians, planning new forms of musical notation to accompany their Jankó keyboards. - Tags: visual programming language, spreadsheet - First announcement of Hexcel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
HFS Plus - Filesystem HFS Plus ======== HFS Plus is a filesystem created in 1998. 1998 #1962 on PLDB 26 Years Old HFS Plus or HFS+ is a file system developed by Apple Inc. It replaced the Hierarchical File System (HFS) as the primary file system of Apple computers with the 1998 release of Mac OS 8.1. HFS+ continued as the primary Mac OS X file system until it was itself replaced with the release of the Apple File System (APFS) with macOS High Sierra in 2017. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of HFS Plus happened in Apple - See also: (7 related languages) Unicode, iOS, Linux, Hierarchical File System, New Technology File System, PowerPC, X86 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Hierarchical File System - Filesystem Hierarchical File System ======================== Hierarchical File System, aka Hierarchical File System, is a filesystem created in 1985. 1985 #1774 on PLDB 39 Years Old Hierarchical File System (HFS) is a proprietary file system developed by Apple Inc. for use in computer systems running Mac OS. Originally designed for use on floppy and hard disks, it can also be found on read-only media such as CD-ROMs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of Hierarchical File System happened in Apple - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, HFS Plus, FAT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
HHVM - Virtual machine HHVM ==== HHVM is an open source virtual machine created in 2011. 2011 #354 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) is an open-source virtual machine based on just-in-time (JIT) compilation that serves as an execution engine for the PHP and Hack programming languages. By using the principle of JIT compilation, executed PHP or Hack code is first transformed into intermediate HipHop bytecode (HHBC), which is then dynamically translated into x86-64 machine code, optimized, and natively executed. This contrasts with PHP's usual interpreted execution, in which the Zend Engine transforms PHP source code into opcodes that serve as a form of bytecode, and executes the opcodes directly on the Zend Engine's virtual CPU.HHVM is developed by Facebook, with the project's source code hosted on GitHub; it is licensed under the terms of the PHP License and Zend License.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: virtual machine - HHVM is developed on GitHub and has 18,084 stars - Early development of HHVM happened in Facebook - HHVM is written in PHP, C++, Expect, Markdown, JSON, Java, OCaml, Rust, Python, Cython, mustache, Thrift, CMake, HTML, YAML, Pascal, C, TOML, XML, Go, SQL, Bourne shell, Ini, Make, Protocol Buffers, JavaScript, Diff, reStructuredText, C#, Assembly language, Puppet, M4, CSS, Bash, XSLT, Objective-C, Ruby, Perl, SVG, IDL, Dockerfile, CSV, Nix, awk, XSD, CoffeeScript, XAML, Bazel, Gradle, LLVM IR, TypeScript, Lisp, Yacc, OpenCL, DTD, Vim script, SAS, sed, Lex, Cadence SKILL - was registered in 2006 - See also: (7 related languages) OCaml, PHP, Hack, C#, JVM, Java, Parrot Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 338 1.7
Hi-Visual - Programming language Hi-Visual ========= Hi-Visual is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4095 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hi-Visual happened in Hiroshima University - Hi-Visual on HOPL Hi-Visual on HOPL - Read more about Hi-Visual on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
High Tech BASIC - Programming language High Tech BASIC =============== High Tech BASIC is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4524 on PLDB 36 Years Old Rocky Mountain BASIC (also RMB or RM-BASIC) is a dialect of the BASIC programming language created by Hewlett-Packard. It was especially popular for control of automatic test equipment using GPIB. It has several features which are or were unusual in BASIC dialects, such as event-driven operation, extensive external I/O support, complex number support, and matrix manipulation functions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of High Tech BASIC happened in Hewlett-Packard - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, Assembly language, Pascal, HP Time-Shared BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
highlight.js - Library highlight.js ============ highlight.js is a library created in 2006 by Alexandre Go. 2006 Alexandre Go #196 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone Syntax highlighting for the Web - Tags: library - highlight.js is developed on GitHub and has 23,376 stars - Early development of highlight.js happened in - highlight.js is written in JavaScript, CSS, Markdown, reStructuredText, YAML, JSON, HTML, TypeScript, R, Make, Python, Dockerfile, Bash - was registered in 2012 - See also: (3 related languages) Pygments, CodeMirror, Monaco Editor - 3 PLDB concepts link to highlight.js: Ace Editor, Prism, Pygments Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
hilbert - Programming language hilbert ======= hilbert is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2732 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of hilbert happened in - was registered in 2014 HackerNews discussions of hilbert ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Hilbert: A Latex-like math-oriented programming language||11/18/2014|90|22 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Hilltop - Programming language Hilltop ======= Hilltop, aka How I’d Like (Love!) to Program, is a programming language created in 2018 by Dan Swirsky. 2018 Dan Swirsky #2470 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hilltop happened in - was registered in 2018 - Read more about Hilltop on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
hilvl - Programming language hilvl ===== hilvl is a programming language created in 2015 by Holger Ludvigsen. 2015 Holger Ludvigsen #1760 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Hilvl is a programming language that is versatile but with a very small syntax. All code in hilvl are single-argument invocations of actions that belong to services. Services are the fundamental building blocks of a hilvl program. And the name hilvl reflects how this is a higher level of abstraction than objects and functions. - Tags: programming language - hilvl is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of hilvl happened in - hilvl is written in JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, XML, YAML @ var foo = 42 @ var bar = (2 + 40) @ . foo == (@ . bar) then @ set foo = 0 @ var myList = 1 2 3 @ . myList loop @ set foo = (@ . foo + (@ . element)) @ var myMap = Map of "firstname" , "Ola" "lastname" , "Nordmann" @ var MyService := @ var myAction : @ . argument + 10 MyService myAction (@ . foo) // foo is now 6, and this returns 16 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 283 1.4
Hina - Programming language Hina ==== Hina is a programming language created in 2020 by Mark. 2020 Mark #2673 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A sane programming language that compiles to Lua - Tags: programming language - Hina is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Early development of Hina happened in - Hina is written in Lua, C, Markdown, Make, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
HiQ - Programming language HiQ === HiQ is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4096 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HiQ happened in National Instruments - HiQ on HOPL HiQ on HOPL - Read more about HiQ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
hivemind - Programming language hivemind ======== hivemind is a programming language created in 2015 by Alexander Ivanov. 2015 Alexander Ivanov #1642 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone a multi-syntax language - Tags: programming language - hivemind is developed on GitHub and has 135 stars - Early development of hivemind happened in - hivemind is written in Ruby, YAML, Markdown HackerNews discussions of hivemind ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A multi-syntax programming language with bidirectional grammars||03/13/2016|96|38 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
HiveQL - Query language HiveQL ====== HiveQL is a query language created in 2011. 2011 #958 on PLDB 13 Years Old 502 Repos SQL-like query language interface called the Hive query language. While based on SQL, HiveQL does not strictly follow the full SQL-92 standard. Internally, a compiler translates HiveQL statements into a directed acyclic graph of MapReduce, Tez, or Spark jobs, which are submitted to Hadoop for execution. - Tags: queryLanguage - There are at least 502 HiveQL repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 135 users using HiveQL in 143 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HiveQL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for HiveQL - Read more about HiveQL on the web: 1. 1. 4 CREATE TABLE word_counts AS 5 SELECT word, count(1) AS count FROM 6 (SELECT explode(split(line, '\s')) AS word FROM docs) temp 7 GROUP BY word 8 ORDER BY word; set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; -- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS create table nzhang_t1 like srcpart; create table nzhang_t2 like srcpart; FROM srcpart INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE nzhang_t1 PARTITION (ds, hr) SELECT key, value, ds, hr WHERE ds = '2008-04-08' AND hr = '11' INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE nzhang_t2 PARTITION (ds, hr) SELECT key, value, ds, hr WHERE ds = '2008-04-08' and hr = '12' GROUP BY key, value, ds, hr; show partitions nzhang_t1; show partitions nzhang_t2; select * from nzhang_t1; select * from nzhang_t2; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 354 1.8
Hjson - Data notation Hjson ===== Hjson is an open source data notation created in 2014 by Christian Zangl. 2014 Christian Zangl #274 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Hjson is a syntax extension to JSON. It's NOT a proposal to replace JSON or to incorporate it into the JSON spec itself. It's intended to be used like a user interface for humans, to read and edit before passing the JSON data to the machine. - Tags: dataNotation - Hjson is developed on GitHub and has 2,647 stars - Early development of Hjson happened in - Hjson is written in JSON, HTML, Markdown, JavaScript, CSS, XML, SVG, Bash - was registered in 2015 { # hash style comments # (because it's just one character) // line style comments // (because it's like C/JavaScript/...) /* block style comments because it allows you to comment out a block */ # Everything you do in comments, # stays in comments ;-} } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
HL7 - Programming language HL7 === HL7 is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #785 on PLDB 35 Years Old Health Level Seven or HL7 refers to a set of international standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data between software applications used by various healthcare providers. These standards focus on the application layer, which is "layer 7" in the OSI model. The HL7 standards are produced by Health Level Seven International, an international standards organization, and are adopted by other standards issuing bodies such as American National Standards Institute and International Organization for Standardization. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HL7 happened in Health Level Seven International - HL7 on HOPL HL7 on HOPL - was registered in 1996 - Read more about HL7 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
High Level Assembly - Assembly language High Level Assembly =================== High Level Assembly, aka High Level Assembly, is an open source assembly language created in 2011 by Randall Hyde. 2011 Randall Hyde #812 on PLDB 13 Years Old High Level Assembly (HLA) is an high-level assembly language developed by Randall Hyde. It allows the use of higher-level language constructs to aid both beginners and advanced assembly developers. It fully supports advanced data types and object-oriented programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of High Level Assembly happened in Plantation Productions, Inc - Pascal and Ada and Modula-2 and C++ influenced the design of High Level Assembly - Explore High Level Assembly snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (15 related languages) Assembly language, Linux, FreeBSD, IA-32, Pascal, Ada, Modula-2, Microsoft Macro Assembler, Turbo Assembler, X86, C, Netwide Assembler, GNU Assembler, Common Object File Format, Extensible Linking Format - Read more about High Level Assembly on the web: 1. 1. procedure SetFormat; static chr :w.CHARRANGE; chr2 :w.CHARRANGE; cf :w.CHARFORMAT; begin SetFormat; w.SendMessage(hwnd, w.EM_GETMODIFY,0,0); push (eax); w.SendMessage(hwnd, w.EM_EXGETSEL,0, &chr); w.SendMessage(hwnd, w.EM_HIDESELECTION, true,0); mov (0, chr2.cpMin); mov (-1,chr2.cpMax); w.SendMessage(hwnd, w.EM_EXSETSEL,0,&chr2); mov (@size(cf), cf.cbSize); mov (w.CFM_CHARSET | w.CFM_FACE | w.CFM_SIZE | w.CFM_COLOR, cf.dwMask); mov (logfont.lfCharSet, al); mov (al,cf.bCharSet); mov (logfont.lfPitchAndFamily, al); mov (al, cf.bPitchAndFamily); w.lstrcpyn(cf.szFaceName,&logfont.lfFaceName,w.LF_FACESIZE); mov (logfont.lfHeight, eax); neg (eax); mov (15,ecx); mul (ecx); mov (eax, cf.yHeight); mov (rgb, cf.crTextColor); w.SendMessage(hwnd, w.EM_SETCHARFORMAT, w.SCF_SELECTION,&cf); w.SendMessage(hREd, w.WM_SETFONT, hFont, true); w.SendMessage(hREd, w.EM_SETMARGINS, w.EC_LEFTMARGIN,5); pop (eax); w.SendMessage(hwnd, w.EM_SETMODIFY, eax,0); w.SendMessage(hwnd, w.EM_EXSETSEL,0,&chr); w.SendMessage(hwnd,w.EM_HIDESELECTION, false, 0); end SetFormat; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example // _SortCases_ // // This routine does a bubble sort on an array // of _caseRecord_ objects. It sorts in ascending // order using the "value" field as the key. // // This is a good old fashioned bubble sort which // turns out to be very efficient because: // // (1) The list of cases is usually quite small, and // (2) The data is usually already sorted (or mostly sorted). macro _SortCases_( ary, size ):i, bnd, didswap, temp; ?bnd := size - 1; ?didswap := true; #while( didswap ) ?didswap := false; ?i := 0; #while( i ary[i+1].value ) ?temp := ary[i]; ?ary[i] := ary[i+1]; ?ary[i+1] := temp; ?didswap := true; #endif ?i := i + 1; #endwhile ?bnd := bnd - 1; #endwhile; endmacro; Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // comment Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 551 2.8
HLASM - Assembly language HLASM ===== HLASM, aka IBM High Level Assembler, is an assembly language created in 1992. 1992 #4546 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of HLASM happened in IBM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
HLSL - Shading language HLSL ==== HLSL is a shading language created in 2002. 2002 #322 on PLDB 22 Years Old 2k Repos The High-Level Shader Language or High-Level Shading Language (HLSL) is a proprietary shading language developed by Microsoft for the Direct3D 9 API to augment the shader assembly language, and went on to become the required shading language for the unified shader model of Direct3D 10 and higher. HLSL is analogous to the GLSL shading language used with the OpenGL standard. It is very similar to the Nvidia Cg shading language, as it was developed alongside it. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: shadingLanguage - There are at least 2,093 HLSL repos on GitHub - Early development of HLSL happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using HLSL in 2k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for HLSL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HLSL - See also: (2 related languages) OpenGL, Cg - Read more about HLSL on the web: 1. 1. - 7 PLDB concepts link to HLSL: ELENA, Emscripten, lobster, MonkeyX, OpenCV, Pygments, SpiderBasic // The entry point and target profile are needed to compile this example: // -T ps_6_6 -E PSMain struct PSInput { float4 position : SV_Position; float4 color : COLOR0; }; float4 PSMain(PSInput input) : SV_Target0 { return input.color * input.color; } float alpha = 1.f; texture tex; sampler tex_sampler = sampler_state { Texture = (tex); MipFilter = LINEAR; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; }; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 pos : POSITION; float2 tex : TEXCOORD1; }; VS_OUTPUT vertex(float4 ipos : POSITION, float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) { VS_OUTPUT Out; Out.pos = ipos; Out.tex = tex * 2; return Out; } float4 pixel(VS_OUTPUT In) : COLOR { return tex2D(tex_sampler, In.tex) * alpha; } technique blur_ps_vs_2_0 { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 vertex(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 pixel(); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 440 2.2
High-Level Virtual Machine - Virtual machine High-Level Virtual Machine ========================== High-Level Virtual Machine, aka High-Level Virtual Machine, is a virtual machine created in 2009. 2009 #2733 on PLDB 15 Years Old HLVM is a cross-platform open-source high-level virtual machine. The virtual machine is written in OCaml and uses the excellent LLVM library for efficient high-performance native code generation. - Tags: virtual machine - Early development of High-Level Virtual Machine happened in - Read more about High-Level Virtual Machine on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
HMMM - Assembly language HMMM ==== HMMM, aka Harvey Mudd Miniature Machine, is an assembly language created in 2006. 2006 #2855 on PLDB 18 Years Old Hmmm (Harvey Mudd Miniature Machine) is a 16-bit, 23-instruction simulated assembly language with 28=256 16-bit words of memory. - Tags: assembly language - Early development of HMMM happened in Harvey Mudd College - Read more about HMMM on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. 0 setn r1, 72 1 write r1 2 setn r1, 101 3 write r1 4 setn r1, 108 5 write r1 6 setn r1, 108 7 write r1 8 setn r1, 111 9 write r1 10 setn r1, 44 11 write r1 12 setn r1, 32 13 write r1 14 setn r1, 119 15 write r1 16 setn r1, 111 17 write r1 18 setn r1, 114 19 write r1 20 setn r1, 108 21 write r1 22 setn r1, 100 23 write r1 24 setn r1, 33 25 write r1 26 setn r1, 10 27 write r1 28 halt Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
HMSL - Programming language HMSL ==== HMSL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4097 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HMSL happened in Frog Peak Music - HMSL on HOPL HMSL on HOPL - Read more about HMSL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
hobbes - Programming language hobbes ====== hobbes is a programming language created in 2017 by Kalani Thielen. 2017 Kalani Thielen #855 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A language and an embedded JIT compiler - Tags: programming language - hobbes is developed on GitHub and has 1,161 stars - Early development of hobbes happened in - hobbes is written in C++, reStructuredText, Markdown, Nix, Bourne shell, Python, YAML, CMake, Yacc, Lex, Make, Vim script, Diff, Dockerfile - Read more about hobbes on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Hocon - Data notation Hocon ===== Hocon, aka Human-Optimized Config Object Notation, is a data notation created in 2011. 2011 #974 on PLDB 13 Years Old HOCON, or Human-Optimized Config Object Notation is a format for human-readable data, and a superset of JSON and .properties. It is primarily used in conjunction with the Play framework, and is developed by Lightbend. It is also supported as a configuration format for .NET projects via Akka.NET and Puppet.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Hocon is a superset of JSON - Early development of Hocon happened in - See also: (4 related languages) JSON, Java Properties, Puppet, YAML // one array a : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] // two arrays that are concatenated a : [ 1, 2 ] [ 3, 4 ] // a later definition referring to an earlier // (see "self-referential substitutions" below) a : [ 1, 2 ] a : ${a} [ 3, 4 ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 254 1.3
Hodor - Esoteric programming language Hodor ===== Hodor is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2015 by Drew Morris. 2015 Drew Morris #711 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Using jumbled permutations of the word "hodor" over and over again we have simplified programming syntax to make it easier than ever before. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Hodor is developed on GitHub and has 327 stars - Early development of Hodor happened in - Hodor is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON - was registered in 2021 $HODOR: hhodor? Hodor!? Hodor!? oHooodorrhodor orHodor!? d = HoDoRHoDoR () { hodor.hod('Hhodor? Hodor!? Hodor!? o HODOR!? orHodor!? d!'); }; hhodor? Hodor!? Hodor!? oHooodorrhodor orHodor!? d(); hodor.hod('Hhodor? Hodor!? Hodor!? o, Hooodorrhodor orHodor!? d!'); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token hodor.hod Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
HOL - Programming language HOL === HOL is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4098 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HOL happened in University of Cambridge - HOL on HOPL HOL on HOPL - Read more about HOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
HOLCF - Programming language HOLCF ===== HOLCF is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4099 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HOLCF happened in Technische Universität Munchen - HOLCF on HOPL HOLCF on HOPL - Read more about HOLCF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Holo - Programming language Holo ==== Holo is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4100 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Holo happened in Catholic University of Pelotas and University of Santa Maria and La Salle University and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Holo on HOPL Holo on HOPL - Read more about Holo on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
holonforth - Programming language holonforth ========== holonforth is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3690 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of holonforth happened in - was registered in 1997 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
holyc - Programming language holyc ===== holyc is a programming language created in 2005 by Terry A. Davis. 2005 Terry A. Davis #1990 on PLDB 19 Years Old 137 Repos HolyC is a variation of C developed by Terry A. Davis. HolyC is the official programming language for The Temple Operating System (TempleOS). - Tags: programming language - There are at least 137 holyc repos on GitHub - Early development of holyc happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9 users using holyc in 9 repos on GitHub - Read more about holyc on the web: 1. 1. U0 Main() { I16 i1; I32 j1; j1=i1=0x12345678; //Resulting i1 is 0x5678 but j1 is 0x12345678 I64 i2=0x8000000000000000; Print("%X\n",i2>>1); //Res is 0xC000000000000000 as expected U64 u3=0x8000000000000000; Print("%X\n",u3>>1); //Res is 0x4000000000000000 as expected I32 i4=0x80000000; //const is loaded into a 64-bit reg var. Print("%X\n",i4>>1); //Res is 0x40000000 I32 i5=-0x80000000; Print("%X\n",i5>>1); //Res is 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 326 1.6
Homa - Protocol Homa ==== Homa is an open source protocol created in 2018 by John Ousterhout. 2018 John Ousterhout #772 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone TCP’s problems are too fundamental and interrelated to be fixed; the only way to harness the full performance potential of modern networks is to introduce a new transport protocol into the datacenter. - Tags: protocol - Homa is developed on GitHub and has 171 stars - Early development of Homa happened in Stanford University - TCP influenced the design of Homa - Homa is written in Python, C, C++, Markdown, Bash, Make, Bourne shell, Perl, CMake - Read more about Homa on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
Homebrew - Package manager Homebrew ======== Homebrew is a package manager created in 2009 by Max Howell. 2009 Max Howell #313 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone The Missing Package Manager for macOS. - Tags: packageManager - Homebrew is developed on GitHub and has 40,327 stars - Early development of Homebrew happened in - Homebrew is written in Ruby, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, Bash, JSON, ERB, Swift, Diff, XML, Dockerfile, CMake, Ini, SVG - was registered in 2013 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Homebrew: tea Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Homespring - Programming language Homespring ========== Homespring is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3116 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Homespring happened in - Homespring on HOPL Homespring on HOPL - Read more about Homespring on the web: 1. 1. Universe bear hatchery powers world. bear hatchery powers o. bear hatchery powers hell marshy marshy marshy a snowmelt Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
honu - Programming language honu ==== honu is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #4101 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of honu happened in University of Utah - Read more about honu on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Hook - Programming language Hook ==== Hook is a programming language created in 2021 by Fabio de Souza Villaca Medeiros. 2021 Fabio de Souza Villaca Medeiros #1540 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone The Hook Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Hook is developed on GitHub and has 98 stars - Early development of Hook happened in - Hook is written in C, Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML, CMake, Ruby, Lua, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
hoon - Programming language hoon ==== hoon is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #1966 on PLDB 13 Years Old 84 Repos Hoon is a high-level, statically typed, functional programming language, custom-designed for use with Urbit. For a functional language it has a surprisingly imperative style, and mastering it doesn't require knowing any advanced mathematics. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 84 hoon repos on GitHub - Early development of hoon happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3 users using hoon in 3 repos on GitHub - Read more about hoon on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to hoon: cloc :: A message you ping another ship with :: :::: /===/mar/ping/message/hoon :: /- ping-message !: |_ ping-message ++ grab |% += noun ping-message -- -- Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
hoot-smalltalk - Programming language hoot-smalltalk ============== hoot-smalltalk is a programming language created in 2018 by Nikolas S. Boyd. 2018 Nikolas S. Boyd #2229 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Hoot is a variation of Smalltalk that integrates the best features of Smalltalk with those of a host language and its virtual machine VM. The initial target platforms include Java (and its JVM), and C# (and its CLR). Hoot is an experimental new programming language which builds on experience and understanding gained during the development of Bistro Smalltalk. Thus, Hoot Smalltalk is the natural and conceptual successor of Bistro Smalltalk. - Tags: programming language - hoot-smalltalk on GitLab hoot-smalltalk on GitLab - Early development of hoot-smalltalk happened in - hoot-smalltalk is written in SVG, Markdown Language features ====================================================== row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
hop - Programming language hop === hop is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2574 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of hop happened in Inria and Universit ́e de Nice - hop on HOPL hop on HOPL - Read more about hop on the web: 1. 1. (define-service (hello-world) (<HTML> (<HEAD> (<TITLE> "Hello World")) (<BODY> "Hello World"))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
HOPE - Programming language HOPE ==== HOPE is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #904 on PLDB 46 Years Old Hope is a small functional programming language developed in the 1970s at Edinburgh University. It predates Miranda and Haskell and is contemporaneous with ML (also developed at Edinburgh). Hope was derived from NPL, a simple functional language developed by Rod Burstall and John Darlington in their work on program transformation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HOPE happened in - Explore HOPE snippets on Rosetta Code - HOPE on HOPL HOPE on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Haskell, ML, SNOBOL - Read more about HOPE on the web: 1. 1. dec fact : num -> num; --- fact 0 <= 1; --- fact n <= n*fact(n-1); and or not char num div mod dec X # : -> ; --- if then else > == in where data ++ lambda Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example --- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example --- A comment Token --- row Feature Single-Type Arrays FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleTypeArrays.html Supported ✓ Example [1,2,3] Token row Feature Letter-first Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/letterFirstIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Anonymous Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasAnonymousFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example lambda(x,y) => x + y Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example max(10,20) + max(1,max(2,3)); Token row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Merges Whitespace FeatureLink ../features/mergesWhitespace.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasUserDefinedOperators FeatureLink ../features/hasUserDefinedOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Hope enables us to use a function with two arguments as an infix operator. e must assign it a priority and use it as an infix operator everywhere, including the equations that define it. A bigger number in the infix declaration means a higher priority. Most of Hope's standard functions are supplied as infix operators. infix mult 8; dec mult : num # num - > num; ---xmultyX Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 449 2.2
Hopscotch - Programming language Hopscotch ========= Hopscotch is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2684 on PLDB 8 Years Old Hopscotch is a visual programming language developed by Hopscotch Technologies, designed to allow young or beginner programmers to develop simple projects. Its simple UI allows its users to drag and drop blocks to create scripts of which can be played when activated. Although the language is easy to use, to develop more advanced pieces of code is almost impossible and requires more powerful languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hopscotch happened in Hopscotch Technologies - See also: (2 related languages) Scratch, Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Horse64 - Programming language Horse64 ======= Horse64 is an open source programming language created in 2020 by Ellie Kanning-Dawn. 2020 Ellie Kanning-Dawn #1631 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Horse64 is a high-level language that combines readability, clean dynamic typing, and readiness for large projects. - Tags: programming language - Horse64 is written in Horse64, Moose64, Python, Markdown, Cython, YAML, SVG, XML, Make, Bash - 2 PLDB concepts link to Horse64: Horse64, Moose64 func main { print("Hello World") } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
Hot Cocoa Lisp - Programming language Hot Cocoa Lisp ============== Hot Cocoa Lisp is a programming language created in 2013 by Sam Auciello. 2013 Sam Auciello #1681 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Hot Cocoa Lisp - Tags: programming language - Hot Cocoa Lisp is developed on GitHub and has 34 stars - Early development of Hot Cocoa Lisp happened in - Hot Cocoa Lisp is written in JavaScript, HCL, Markdown, JSON, HTML, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Hotdog - Programming language Hotdog ====== Hotdog is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1999 on PLDB 23 Years Old HotDog is an HTML editor developed by Sausage Software in the mid-1990s. At the time of its development, there were only a small number of HTML editors available on the market (such as HoTMetaL) and HotDog gathered significant interest due to its ease of use. The program was developed by the New Zealand Internet entrepreneur Steve Outtrim. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hotdog happened in Sausage Software - Hotdog on HOPL Hotdog on HOPL - Read more about Hotdog on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
HP BASIC for OpenVMS - Programming language HP BASIC for OpenVMS ==================== HP BASIC for OpenVMS is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #2903 on PLDB 42 Years Old HP BASIC for OpenVMS is the latest name for a dialect of the BASIC programming language created by DEC (DEC) and now owned by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE). It was originally developed in the 1970s for the RSTS-11 operating system on the PDP-11 minicomputer. It was later ported to OpenVMS, first on VAX, then Alpha, and most recently Integrity. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HP BASIC for OpenVMS happened in DEC - HP BASIC for OpenVMS on HOPL HP BASIC for OpenVMS on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Dartmouth BASIC, COBOL, BASIC-PLUS, Java 10 PRINT "Enter a temperature in Celsius "; INPUT C when error in X = REAL(C) PRINT "Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is "; (X * 1.8) + 32 use PRINT "Error: Enter a valid numeric value." end when 40 END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
HP-GL - Programming language HP-GL ===== HP-GL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2550 on PLDB 38 Years Old HP-GL, short for Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language and often written as HPGL, is a printer control language created by Hewlett-Packard (HP). HP-GL was the primary printer control language used by HP plotters. It later became a standard for almost all plotters. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HP-GL happened in Hewlett-Packard - HP-GL on HOPL HP-GL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ASCII, BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
HP-PASCAL - Programming language HP-PASCAL ========= HP-PASCAL is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4102 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HP-PASCAL happened in Hewlett-Packard - HP-PASCAL on HOPL HP-PASCAL on HOPL - Read more about HP-PASCAL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
HP Time-Shared BASIC - Programming language HP Time-Shared BASIC ==================== HP Time-Shared BASIC is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #3724 on PLDB 55 Years Old HP Time-Shared BASIC (HP TSB) is an interpreter software system that was sold by the Hewlett-Packard Company in the late 1960s and 1970s, based on their HP 2100 line of minicomputers. The system implements a dialect of the BASIC programming language and a rudimentary user account and program library system. The system is historically notable as the platform that released the first public versions of the game Star Trek. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HP Time-Shared BASIC happened in Hewlett-Packard - See also: (6 related languages) Dartmouth BASIC, Integer BASIC, BASIC, Punched tape, C, Rocky Mountain BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
H++ - Programming language H++ === H++ is a programming language created in 2013 by Harold L. Marzan. 2013 Harold L. Marzan #2656 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone The H++ Programming Language - Tags: programming language - H++ is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of H++ happened in Marzan Mercado Consulting, S.R.L. - H++ is written in Assembly language, C++, XML, HTML, Pascal, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
HPRL - Programming language HPRL ==== HPRL is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4103 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HPRL happened in Hewlett-Packard - HPRL on HOPL HPRL on HOPL - Read more about HPRL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
hr-code - Bar code format hr-code ======= hr-code is a bar code format created in 2019 by Han Tuzun. 2019 Han Tuzun #1696 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Human Response Code: Designed to be recognized by humans and OCR. Encodes all valid URL characters to images. - Tags: barCodeFormat - hr-code is developed on GitHub and has 228 stars - Early development of hr-code happened in - hr-code is written in Markdown, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
hrqr - Bar code format hrqr ==== hrqr is a bar code format created in 2015 by Valentin Heun. 2015 Valentin Heun #1529 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Human Readable Quick Response - Tags: barCodeFormat - hrqr is developed on GitHub and has 83 stars - Early development of hrqr happened in - hrqr is written in SVG, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, Markdown - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
hsaml-format - Xml format hsaml-format ============ hsaml-format is a xml format created in 2013. 2013 #4609 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of hsaml-format happened in European Bioinformatics Institute Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
HScript - Programming language HScript ======= HScript is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3420 on PLDB 28 Years Old HScript is Houdini’s legacy scripting language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of HScript happened in Side Effects Software Inc - Read more about HScript on the web: 1. 1. if ( $F == 1 ) then echo Frame One else echo Not Frame One endif Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
HSL - Programming language HSL === HSL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4104 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HSL happened in University of Pittsburgh - HSL on HOPL HSL on HOPL - Read more about HSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
HSML - Programming language HSML ==== HSML is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4105 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HSML happened in Legasys Corporation - HSML on HOPL HSML on HOPL - Read more about HSML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Hspec - Programming language Hspec ===== Hspec is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2471 on PLDB 34 Years Old Hspec is a testing framework for Haskell. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hspec happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Hspec -- file Spec.hs import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Control.Exception (evaluate) main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Prelude.head" $ do it "returns the first element of a list" $ do head [23 ..] `shouldBe` (23 :: Int) it "returns the first element of an *arbitrary* list" $ property $ \x xs -> head (x:xs) == (x :: Int) it "throws an exception if used with an empty list" $ do evaluate (head []) `shouldThrow` anyException Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
HTEL - Programming language HTEL ==== HTEL is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4106 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HTEL happened in Technical University of Denmark - HTEL on HOPL HTEL on HOPL - Read more about HTEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
HTL - Template language HTL === HTL is a template language created in 2019 by Mike Bostock. 2019 Mike Bostock #1233 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Inspired by lit-html and HTM, and referencing the fantastically precise HTML5 spec, we built hypertext literal: a tagged template literal for HTML which interpolates values based on context, allowing automatic escaping and the interpolation of non-serializable values, such as event listeners, style objects, and other DOM nodes. - Tags: template language, library - HTL is developed on GitHub and has 298 stars - HTL is written in HTML, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, YAML html`<span style="background: ${"yellow; font-style: italic"};">It’s yellow (and italic).</span>` Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
HTML - Text markup language HTML ==== HTML is an open source text markup language created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee. 1991 Tim Berners-Lee #6 on PLDB 33 Years Old 13m Repos Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render them into multimedia web pages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 12,648,584 HTML repos on GitHub - Early development of HTML happened in CERN - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 492k users using HTML in 778k repos on GitHub - Check out the 2,347 HTML meetup groups on - There are 40,286 members in the HTML subreddit - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey HTML programmers reported a median salary of $52,980. 55% of respondents reported using HTML. 46,259 programmers reported using HTML, and 29,353 said they wanted to use it - HTML on HOPL HTML on HOPL - ANTLR grammar for HTML - HTML LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting HTML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for HTML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HTML - has 14,472 matches for "html developer". - See also: (11 related languages) SGML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL, DTD, RFC, XML, Unicode, UTF-8, HTTP, FAT - 490 PLDB concepts link to HTML: 11ty, Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, ActivityPub, Alma, Apache Hbase, aretext, Argdown, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, AsciiMath, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, astroml, Avail, AviSynth, awl, Ballerina, Bash, Basis Codec, Bazel, bee, beef-lang, Bicep, Bitsy, BlackCoffee, BlitzMax, blockml, blur-markup-language, Bounce, BQN, Broccoli, Bruijn, Bucardo, Bucklescript, buzz, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, cat, categorical-query-language, Ceylon, Chapel, chatterbot, chevrotain, CHICKEN, Chika, Civet, Claro, Clojure, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, Coco, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, CokeScript, ColaScript, commonmark, Conceptual,, Coq, cor, Cortex, CouchDB, Croc, Cryptol, Crystal, CSVw, curv, Cyber, Dafny, daonode, Dashrep, datascript, Dern, dex, dexvis, Dhall, Differential Datalog, djangoql, Djot, dllup, Dogescript, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, duro, eC, Embedded Crystal, ecsharp, edgelisp, eff, egel, Eiffel, EJS, ELENA, Elvish, Em, emberjs-framework, emerald-lang, Emojicode, Emscripten, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, Eve, EYG, F Prime, Factor, Fancy, Fardlang, fay, Felix, FFmpeg, fish, FlatBuffers, Flatline, fleck, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, flua, FLUX, Fold, forest-lang, Frege, Frost, fructure-editor, Frundis, GAP, GHC, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, gluon, Go, Goal, gogs-editor, Golo, Gradle, gravity, gridstudio-editor, groff, Gun, gura, Halide, hasklig, haste, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, Hazel, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, hilvl, Hjson, Hot Cocoa Lisp, H++, hrqr, HTL, htmx, hurl, HuwCode, Hyperscript, Hyperscript, IcedCoffeeScript, Idio, idyll, Imba, ImHex, infusion-framework, Insitux, invokator, Ioke, ircis, Iterm2, Invisible XML, J, JAL compiler, Java, Jedi, Jeeves, Jekyll, Jemplate, Jet, Jinja, jinx, Jison, jq, JQuery, JSFuck, jsil-compiler, JSLT, Jsonnet, k-framework, Kamby, Kami, KamilaLisp, KaTeX, Kefir, KGL, Knight, Koka, Kotlin, ktye/k, Kubernetes, Kuin, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, Latte, JSON Lines, Lean, leo-editor, lever, Ligo, Lil, Links, Linux, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, lobster, loci, Logica, Language Server Index Format, LuaJIT, Luna, m3db, mal, manhood, Manim, Mapgen, Margin, Markdown, Marko, Markwhen, Mask, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, Mech, Melody, mermaid, Mesh Spreadsheet, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, Mindsdb, MiniZinc, Mirah, MLscript, mochajs, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, Monkey, MonkeyX, monte, moya, Mu, mustache, myia, mys, mythryl, Nadesiko, Nearley, nesC, NetLogo, never, NewLisp, Nextflow, ngn/k, NGS, Nim, Nit, nlpl, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, nomnoml, noms-db, noulith, Noweb, nulan, Numba, ObjectScript, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, oden, odin, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, Om, ooc, Opa, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, p4p, packagist-pm, Pact, Pan, Pandas, Parenscript, Parsers, Particles, partiql, PCRE, pegdown, PEG.js, penrose, Pep8, PHP, pinto, Plaid, Please Build, PogoScript, polyglot-compiler, popr, Porffor, POV-Ray SDL, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche, Pug, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, Qore, Quint, Racket, rainbow, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, ramen, rant, RapidBatch, raptorjit, React Native, Readable, Reason, Red, Redis, Ren-C, Revolution, RicScript, RMarkdown, RobotFramework, Roc, Rockstar, rosie, roy, rpscript, Ruby, Rust, Rye, SandDance, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, SciPy, score, scribble, Scroll, sentient, Serious, shadama, shml, Sibilant, Simoji, Simplicity, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slashdown, Slony, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowman, Solid, Solidity, Sophia, Spatial, Speedie, SpiderBasic, spiral, spry, squiggle, stacklang, Statsplorer, Stencil, Storymatic, strat, Subleq, Sugar, Svelte, SWI Prolog, Swift, Swym, SymPy, tablam, Tabloid, taf, Taijilang, tangledown, Tao, tao3d, TensorFlow, Terra, Textadept, texti, tibet, tldraw, ToffeeScript, ToonTalk, topshell, tornado, Tosh, TreeSheets, tridash, Triton, tuplemarkup, Twig, Twine, txtzyme, Typecast.js, U, UCG, Uiua, ultralisp-pm, Umka, unseemly, UrWeb, V, v8, Vale, vega-editor-app, Vega, verona, Virgil, visdown, VLC, VSXu, Vue, vyper, Vyxal, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wasp, wats, Wax, 文言文編程語言, Wing, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xidoc, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, Ecstasy, Xtext, YAMP, YANG, YARA, YAWL, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Z, Zig, zz <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Hello World</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body> </html> <HTML> <!-- Hello World in HTML --> <HEAD> <TITLE>Hello World!</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Hello World! </BODY> </HTML> </UL> <P><A HREF="devices.html">Supported Targets</A></P> </BODY> </HEAD> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Hi Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasOperators.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1192 6
htmx - Template language htmx ==== htmx is a template language created in 2020 by Carson Gross. 2020 Carson Gross #170 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext - Tags: template language - htmx is developed on GitHub and has 35,764 stars - Early development of htmx happened in - htmx is written in Markdown, JavaScript, HTML, SVG, JSON, CSS, TOML, TypeScript, Bourne shell, YAML, XML, Ruby, CSV - There are 12,000 members in the htmx subreddit - was registered in 2020 <script src=""></script> <!-- have a button POST a click via AJAX --> <button hx-post="/clicked" hx-swap="outerHTML"> Click Me </button> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
HTTP/2 - Protocol HTTP/2 ====== HTTP/2 is a protocol created in 2015. 2015 #2384 on PLDB 9 Years Old HTTP/2 (originally named HTTP/2.0) is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web. It was derived from the earlier experimental SPDY protocol, originally developed by Google. HTTP/2 was developed by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol working group httpbis (where bis means "second") of the Internet Engineering Task Force. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of HTTP/2 happened in Google and Mozilla Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
HTTP/3 - Protocol HTTP/3 ====== HTTP/3 is a protocol created in 2018. 2018 #4580 on PLDB 6 Years Old HTTP/3 is the upcoming third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange binary information on the World Wide Web. HTTP/3 is based on previous RFC draft "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over QUIC". QUIC is an experimental transport layer network protocol initially developed by Google. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of HTTP/3 happened in Akamai Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
HTTP - Protocol HTTP ==== HTTP is a protocol created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee. 1989 Tim Berners-Lee #116 on PLDB 35 Years Old 0 Repos The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, and hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - There are at least 0 HTTP repos on GitHub - Early development of HTTP happened in W3C - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting HTTP - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for HTTP - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HTTP - has 771,996 matches for "http developer". - See also: (12 related languages) FTP, SMTP, TLS, TCP, UDP, URL, HTML, CSS, ASCII, Gzip, REST, ISBN - 1 PLDB concepts link to HTTP: NCSA Mosaic import http.server import socketserver from http import HTTPStatus class Handler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'Hello World') httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 8000), Handler) httpd.serve_forever() HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 22:38:34 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Length: 138 Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) ETag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b" Accept-Ranges: bytes Connection: close <html> <head> <title>An Example Page</title> </head> <body> Hello World, this is a very simple HTML document. </body> </html> http://http://http://@http://http://?http://#http:// is a legitimate URL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 367 1.8
httplang - Programming language httplang ======== httplang is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1475 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A scripting langauge to do HTTP routines. - Tags: programming language - httplang is developed on GitHub and has 500 stars - Early development of httplang happened in - httplang is written in Python, Markdown, JSON HackerNews discussions of httplang ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: HTTPLang – a scripting language for making HTTP requests||05/25/2015|44|8 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
huginn - Programming language huginn ====== huginn is a programming language created in 2015 by Marcin Konarski. 2015 Marcin Konarski #1564 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Programming language with no quirks, so simple every child can master it. - Tags: programming language - huginn is developed on GitHub and has 42 stars - Early development of huginn happened in - huginn is written in C++, Make, Bourne shell, YAML, Vim script, PowerShell, Python, JavaScript, Markdown, Bash, XML, CMake, PHP, SVG, Lisp, M4, CSS, JSON - Explore huginn snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of huginn ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Huginn: programming language with no quirks ;)||02/26/2018|2|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
HUGO - Programming language HUGO ==== HUGO is a programming language created in 1995 by Juhana Leinonen. 1995 Juhana Leinonen #1799 on PLDB 29 Years Old git clone Library contributions from the Hugo interactive fiction community - Tags: programming language - HUGO is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of HUGO happened in - HUGO is written in Markdown - HUGO on HOPL HUGO on HOPL - Read more about HUGO on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
HuJSON - Data notation HuJSON ====== HuJSON is a data notation created in 2019 by David Crawshaw. 2019 David Crawshaw #753 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone HuJSON: JSON for Humans (JWCC: JSON w/ comments and trailing commas) - Tags: dataNotation - HuJSON is developed on GitHub and has 588 stars - Early development of HuJSON happened in - HuJSON is written in Go, YAML, Markdown - Read more about HuJSON on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
humanhash-hash-function - Hash function humanhash-hash-function ======================= humanhash-hash-function is a hash function created in 2011 by Zachary Voase. 2011 Zachary Voase #1201 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Human-readable digests. - Tags: hashFunction - humanhash-hash-function is developed on GitHub and has 852 stars - Early development of humanhash-hash-function happened in - humanhash-hash-function is written in Python, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Hummingbird QuickScript - Programming language Hummingbird QuickScript ======================= Hummingbird QuickScript is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4525 on PLDB 34 Years Old Hummingbird Ltd. (previously NASDAQ: HUMC, TSX: HUM) is a subsidiary of OpenText and is a provider of enterprise software solutions including Exceed. Initially founded as a consulting business in 1984, Hummingbird moved into the connectivity market. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hummingbird QuickScript happened in Hummingbird Ltd Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
hurl - Application hurl ==== hurl, aka The name Hurl is a tribute to the awesome curl, with a focus on the HTTP protocol., is an open source application created in 2020 by Orange S.A. 2020 Orange S.A #177 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the application hurl. Hurl is a command line tool that runs HTTP requests defined in a simple plain text format. It can perform requests, capture values and evaluate queries on headers and body response. Hurl is very versatile: it can be used for both fetching data and testing HTTP sessions - Tags: application - hurl is developed on GitHub and has 12,390 stars - hurl is a superset of Curl - Early development of hurl happened in - Curl influenced the design of hurl - hurl is written in Bourne shell, PowerShell, Rust, Python, Markdown, JSON, HTML, YAML, CSS, SVG, TOML, JavaScript, XML, Bash, Vim script, Lisp, Dockerfile, C - See also: (1 related languages) Curl - Read more about hurl on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 258 1.3
Hush - Programming language Hush ==== Hush is a programming language created in 2021 by Gabriel Bastos. 2021 Gabriel Bastos #1090 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Hush is a unix shell based on the Lua programming language - Tags: programming language - Hush is developed on GitHub and has 633 stars - Early development of Hush happened in - Hush is written in Rust, JSON, Bourne shell, Markdown, Python, Lua, TOML, Lisp, Dockerfile, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
HuwCode - Programming language HuwCode ======= HuwCode is a programming language created in 2018 by Huw Pritchard. 2018 Huw Pritchard #2366 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Huwinterpreter - Tags: programming language - HuwCode is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of HuwCode happened in - HuwCode is written in C++, CMake, Bourne shell, JavaScript, Make, HTML, CSV, XML, Markdown, TypeScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
hvm - Intermediate representation language hvm === hvm is an intermediate representation language created in 2022 by Victor Taelin. 2022 Victor Taelin #3265 on PLDB 2 Years Old HVM is a low-level compile target for high-level languages. It provides a raw syntax for wiring interaction nets. - Tags: intermediate representation language - First announcement of hvm - See also: (1 related languages) HVM2 - 1 PLDB concepts link to hvm: HVM2 @main = a & @sum ~ (28 (0 a)) @sum = (?(((a a) @sum__C0) b) b) @sum__C0 = ({c a} ({$([*2] $([+1] d)) $([*2] $([+0] b))} f)) &! @sum ~ (a (b $([+] $(e f)))) &! @sum ~ (c (d e)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
HVM2 - Virtual machine HVM2 ==== HVM2 is a virtual machine created in 2024 by Victor Taelin. 2024 Victor Taelin #983 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone A massively parallel, optimal functional runtime in Rust - Tags: virtual machine - HVM2 is developed on GitHub and has 10,355 stars - HVM2 is written in Rust, YAML, CUDA, Markdown, JavaScript, C, TOML, Python - See also: (1 related languages) hvm - 1 PLDB concepts link to HVM2: hvm Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
HXML - Application HXML ==== HXML is an application created in 2009. 2009 #1183 on PLDB 15 Years Old 0 Repos Haxe compiler arguments can be stored in a .hxml file and can be executed with haxe . In hxml it is possible to use newlines and comments which makes it easier to maintain Haxe build configurations. It is possible to supply more arguments after the hxml file, e.g. haxe build.hxml -debug. - Tags: application - There are at least 0 HXML repos on GitHub - Early development of HXML happened in Haxe Foundation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for HXML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HXML - Read more about HXML on the web: 1. 1. -cp src -dce full --each -js bin/homepage.js -main website.HomePage --next -js bin/gallery.js -main website.GalleryPage --next -js bin/contact.js -main website.ContactPage buildGlobal.hxml -lib mcover:2.1.1 -D unittest -x TestMain --macro mcover.MCover.coverage(['checkstyle'], ['src'], ['checkstyle.reporter', 'checkstyle.Main']) --next -cmd neko run -s src -s test -p resources/static-analysis.txt -cmd neko run --default-config resources/default-config.json -cmd neko run -c resources/default-config.json Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 278 1.4
Hy - Programming language Hy == Hy is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Paul Tagliamonte. 2013 Paul Tagliamonte #147 on PLDB 11 Years Old 398 Repos git clone Hy (alternately, Hylang) is a programming language, a dialect of the language Lisp designed to interact with the language Python by translating expressions into Python's abstract syntax tree (AST). Hy was introduced at Python Conference (PyCon) 2013 by Paul Tagliamonte.Similar to Kawa's and Clojure's mapping of s-expressions onto the Java virtual machine (JVM), Hy is meant to operate as a transparent Lisp front end to Python's abstract syntax. Lisp allows operating on code as data (metaprogramming). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Hy is developed on GitHub and has 4,818 stars - There are at least 398 Hy repos on GitHub - Early development of Hy happened in - Hy is written in Python, reStructuredText, SVG, YAML, Markdown, CSS, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 154 users using Hy in 180 repos on GitHub - Explore Hy snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Hy - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Hy - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Hy:, - was registered in 2013 - See also: (5 related languages) Lisp, IA-32, Clojure, Python, JVM (+ "Hyllo " "World" "!") (print "Hello, world!") (print "Hello World") ;; Fibonacci example in Hy. (defn fib [n] (if (<= n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))) (if (= __name__ "__main__") (for [x [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]] (print (fib x)))) => (print "Hy!") Hy! => (defn salutationsnm [name] (print (+ "Hy " name "!"))) => (salutationsnm "YourName") Hy YourName! Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example ; -?\d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example ; -?\d+\.\d+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example ; 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example ; 0[0-7]+j? Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 511 2.6
Hybrid - Programming language Hybrid ====== Hybrid is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3421 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hybrid happened in Institut für Angewandte Mathematik - Hybrid on HOPL Hybrid on HOPL - Read more about Hybrid on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
HyCom - Programming language HyCom ===== HyCom is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3422 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HyCom happened in Universidad Nacional de La Plata - HyCom on HOPL HyCom on HOPL - Read more about HyCom on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
HYPAC - Programming language HYPAC ===== HYPAC is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4107 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HYPAC happened in Bell Labs - HYPAC on HOPL HYPAC on HOPL - Read more about HYPAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Hyper Basic - Programming language Hyper Basic =========== Hyper Basic is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4887 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
HyperCard - Programming language HyperCard ========= HyperCard is an open source programming language created in 1987. 1987 #1070 on PLDB 37 Years Old HyperCard was a piece of application software and a programming tool for Apple Macintosh and Apple IIGS computers. It was among the first successful hypermedia systems before the World Wide Web. HyperCard combined a flat-file database with a graphical, flexible, user-modifiable interface. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HyperCard happened in Apple - See also: (7 related languages) HyperTalk, Delphi, Visual Basic, HTML, JavaScript, LiveCode, Applescript - 3 PLDB concepts link to HyperCard: Decker, Lil, Speedie Language features ====================================================== row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Hyperflow - Programming language Hyperflow ========= Hyperflow is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4108 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hyperflow happened in Washington University - Hyperflow on HOPL Hyperflow on HOPL - Read more about Hyperflow on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
HyperFun - Programming language HyperFun ======== HyperFun is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3276 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HyperFun happened in - HyperFun on HOPL HyperFun on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
Hyperlisp - Programming language Hyperlisp ========= Hyperlisp is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4109 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hyperlisp happened in MIT - Hyperlisp on HOPL Hyperlisp on HOPL - Read more about Hyperlisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Hyperlog - Programming language Hyperlog ======== Hyperlog is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4110 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Hyperlog happened in King's College London - Hyperlog on HOPL Hyperlog on HOPL - Read more about Hyperlog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Hyperscript - Programming language Hyperscript =========== Hyperscript is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #447 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone _hyperscript is a small, open scripting language inspired by hypertalk - Tags: programming language - Hyperscript is developed on GitHub and has 2,962 stars - Early development of Hyperscript happened in - Hyperscript is written in JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, TypeScript, JSON, CSS, Python, SVG - was registered in 2020 - See also: (1 related languages) HyperTalk <script src=""></script> <button _="on click toggle .clicked"> Toggle the "clicked" class on me </button> <div hs="on mouseOver toggle mouse-over on #foo"> </div> <div data-hs="on click call aJavascriptFunction() then wait 10s then call anotherJavascriptFunction()"> Do some stuff </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
Hyperscript - Template language Hyperscript =========== Hyperscript is a template language created in 2012 by Dominic Tarr. 2012 Dominic Tarr #853 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Create HyperText with JavaScript. - Tags: template language - Hyperscript is developed on GitHub and has 2,622 stars - Early development of Hyperscript happened in - Hyperscript is written in HTML, JavaScript, YAML, Markdown, JSON var h = require('hyperscript') h('div#page', h('div#header', h('h1.classy', 'h', { style: {'background-color': '#22f'} })), h('div#menu', { style: {'background-color': '#2f2'} }, h('ul', h('li', 'one'), h('li', 'two'), h('li', 'three'))), h('h2', 'content title', { style: {'background-color': '#f22'} }), h('p', "so it's just like a templating engine,\n", "but easy to use inline with javascript\n"), h('p', "the intention is for this to be used to create\n", "reusable, interactive html widgets. ")) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
HyperTalk - Programming language HyperTalk ========= HyperTalk is a programming language created in 1987 by Dan Winkler. 1987 Dan Winkler #660 on PLDB 37 Years Old HyperTalk is a high-level, procedural programming language created in 1987 by Dan Winkler and used in conjunction with Apple Computer's HyperCard hypermedia program by Bill Atkinson. The main target audience of HyperTalk was beginning programmers, hence HyperTalk programmers were usually called authors, and the process of writing programs was called "scripting". HyperTalk scripts are fairly similar to written English, and use a logic structure similar to that of the Pascal programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HyperTalk happened in Apple - Explore HyperTalk snippets on Rosetta Code - HyperTalk on HOPL HyperTalk on HOPL - HyperTalk appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (9 related languages) Pascal, ActionScript, Applescript, JavaScript, Lingo, LiveCode, SenseTalk, SuperTalk, HyperCard - 3 PLDB concepts link to HyperTalk: Applescript, Hyperscript, SuperTalk put "Hello World" on mouseUp select the clickLine put word 2 of the clickLine into linenum do line linenum of cd fld 1 end mouseUp Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token put Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 291 1.5
HyPhy - Programming language HyPhy ===== HyPhy is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #845 on PLDB 16 Years Old 113 Repos git clone HyPhy: Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies - Tags: programming language - HyPhy is developed on GitHub and has 201 stars - There are at least 113 HyPhy repos on GitHub - Early development of HyPhy happened in University of California San Diego and North Carolina State University - HyPhy is written in C++, Brainfuck, YAML, C, CMake, Markdown, Bourne shell, Python, XML, OpenCL, JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 69 users using HyPhy in 73 repos on GitHub #profile START;s = 0;m = {5,1};for (k=0; k<250000; k=k+1){ s = s + k; t = Random (0,5); m [t] = m [t] + 1;}#profile PAUSE;s2 = 0;for (k=1; k<10000; k=k+1){ s2 = s2+1/k;}#profile _hyphy_profile_dump;stats = _hyphy_profile_dump["STATS"];_profile_summer = {1,Rows(stats)};_profile_summer = _profile_summer["1"] * stats;_instructions = _hyphy_profile_dump["INSTRUCTION"];_indices = _hyphy_profile_dump["INSTRUCTION INDEX"];fprintf (stdout, "\nTotal run time (seconds) : ", Format(_profile_summer[1]/1000000,15,6), "\nTotal number of steps : ", Format(_profile_summer[0],15,0), "\n\n"); for (k=0; k<Columns(_instructions); k=k+1){ fprintf (stdout, Format (_indices[k],6,0), " : ", _instructions[k], "\n\tCall count: ", stats[k][0], "\n\tTime (seconds): ", stats[k][1]/1000000, "\n");} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 306 1.5
HyTime - Programming language HyTime ====== HyTime is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #2671 on PLDB 33 Years Old HyTime (Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language) is a markup language that is an application of SGML. HyTime defines a set of hypertext-oriented element types that, in effect, supplement SGML and allow SGML document authors to build hypertext and multimedia presentations in a standardized way. HyTime is an international standard published by the ISO and IEC. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of HyTime happened in ISO and International Electrotechnical Commission - HyTime on HOPL HyTime on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) HTML, XML, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
HYTRAN - Programming language HYTRAN ====== HYTRAN is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4111 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of HYTRAN happened in Electronic Associates - HYTRAN on HOPL HYTRAN on HOPL - Read more about HYTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
I-expressions - Data notation I-expressions ============= I-expressions is a data notation created in 2003 by Egil Möller. 2003 Egil Möller #2594 on PLDB 21 Years Old This SRFI descibes a new syntax for Scheme, called I-expressions, whith equal descriptive power as S-expressions. The syntax uses indentation to group expressions, and has no special cases for semantic constructs of the language. It can be used both for program and data input. - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of I-expressions happened in - Read more about I-expressions on the web: 1. 1. - 5 PLDB concepts link to I-expressions: Bayer Expressions, Particles, S-expressions, Speedie, Sweet Expressions define fac x if = x 0 1 * x fac - x 1 let group foo + 1 2 bar + 3 4 + foo bar Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
I - Programming language I = I is a programming language created in 2012 by Marshall Lochbaum. 2012 Marshall Lochbaum #1729 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone An interpreter for a J-inspired language - Tags: programming language - I is developed on GitHub and has 88 stars - Early development of I happened in - I is written in C, Markdown, Tex, Bourne shell 5 - *.o + 4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
IA-32 - Instruction set architecture IA-32 ===== IA-32 is an instruction set architecture created in 1985. 1985 #1114 on PLDB 39 Years Old IA-32 (short for "Intel Architecture, 32-bit", sometimes also called i386) is the 32-bit version of the x86 instruction set architecture, first implemented in the Intel 80386 microprocessors in 1985. IA-32 is the first incarnation of x86 that supports 32-bit computing; as a result, the "IA-32" term may be used as a metonym to refer to all x86 versions that support 32-bit computing. The IA-32 instruction set was introduced in the Intel 80386 microprocessor in 1985 and, as of 2017, remains supported by contemporary PC microprocessors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of IA-32 happened in Intel Corporation - See also: (1 related languages) X86 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
IAL - Programming language IAL === IAL is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #2546 on PLDB 66 Years Old IAL may refer to: Intel Architecture Labs, a research arm of Intel Corporation during the 1990s International Algebraic Language or ALGOL 58 International auxiliary language, a language for communication between people who do not share a native language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IAL happened in University of Michigan - IAL on HOPL IAL on HOPL - Read more about IAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
IAM - Programming language IAM === IAM is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4112 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IAM happened in Applied Data Research, Inc - IAM on HOPL IAM on HOPL - Read more about IAM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
IB-Templog - Programming language IB-Templog ========== IB-Templog is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4113 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IB-Templog happened in National Taiwan University - IB-Templog on HOPL IB-Templog on HOPL - Read more about IB-Templog on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
IBEX - Programming language IBEX ==== IBEX is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3423 on PLDB 22 Years Old IBEX is a language that extends BINDEX with two new primitive datatypes (booleans and symbols) and some constructs controlled by booleans. - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBEX happened in Wellesley College - IBEX on HOPL IBEX on HOPL - Read more about IBEX on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Ibis - Library Ibis ==== Ibis is a library created in 2015 by Wes McKinney. 2015 Wes McKinney #929 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone the portable Python dataframe library - Tags: library - Ibis is developed on GitHub and has 4,671 stars - Ibis is written in SQL, Python, JSON, YAML, JavaScript, Markdown, Bourne shell, TOML, SVG, Nix, Visual Basic, CSS, Lua, Dockerfile, C++, SCSS, XML, R, CMake, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming System - Compiler IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming System ==================================== IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming System is a compiler created in 1959. 1959 #2939 on PLDB 65 Years Old The IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming System (SPS) was an assembler that was developed by Gary Mokotoff, IBM Applied Programming Department, for the IBM 1401 computer, the first of the IBM 1400 series. One source indicates that "This programming system was announced by IBM with the machine."SPS-1 could run on a low-end machine with 1.4K memory, SPS-2 required at least 4K memory. SPS-1 punched one card for each input instruction in its first pass and this deck had to be read during pass 2. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - Early development of IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming System happened in IBM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
IBM BASIC - Programming language IBM BASIC ========= IBM BASIC is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3256 on PLDB 43 Years Old The IBM Personal Computer Basic, commonly shortened to IBM BASIC, is a programming language first released by IBM with the IBM Personal Computer (model 5150) in 1981. IBM released four different versions of the Microsoft BASIC interpreter, licensed from Microsoft for the PC and PCjr. They are known as Cassette BASIC, Disk BASIC, Advanced BASIC (BASICA), and Cartridge BASIC. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBM BASIC happened in IBM - See also: (6 related languages) Microsoft BASIC, BASIC, GW-BASIC, ASCII, QBasic, QuickBASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
IBM BASICA - Programming language IBM BASICA ========== IBM BASICA is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3749 on PLDB 43 Years Old The IBM Personal Computer Basic, commonly shortened to IBM BASIC, is a programming language first released by IBM with the IBM Personal Computer (model 5150) in 1981. IBM released four different versions of the Microsoft BASIC interpreter, licensed from Microsoft for the PC and PCjr. They are known as Cassette BASIC, Disk BASIC, Advanced BASIC (BASICA), and Cartridge BASIC. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBM BASICA happened in IBM - See also: (6 related languages) Microsoft BASIC, BASIC, GW-BASIC, ASCII, QBasic, QuickBASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
IBM DB2 - Database IBM DB2 ======= IBM DB2 is a database created in 1983. 1983 #4814 on PLDB 41 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of IBM DB2 happened in IBM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
GML - Xml format GML === GML, aka IBM Generalised Markup Language, is a xml format created in 1969 by Charles Goldfarb and Edward Mosher and Raymond Lorie. 1969 Charles Goldfarb Edward Mosher Raymond Lorie #1056 on PLDB 55 Years Old Generalized Markup Language (GML) is a set of macros that implement intent-based (procedural) markup tags for the IBM text formatter, SCRIPT. SCRIPT/VS is the main component of IBM's Document Composition Facility (DCF). A starter set of tags in GML is provided with the DCF product.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of GML happened in IBM - GML on HOPL GML on HOPL - ANTLR grammar for GML - See also: (4 related languages) SCRIPT markup, SGML, XML, Information Presentation Facility draw_text(1, 1, "Hello World"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token draw_text Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 260 1.3
IBM i Control Language - Programming language IBM i Control Language ====================== IBM i Control Language is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3776 on PLDB 31 Years Old The IBM i Control Language (CL) is a scripting language for the IBM's IBM i platform (previously called OS/400 when running on AS/400 systems) bearing a resemblance to the IBM Job Control Language and consisting of an ever-expanding set of command objects (*CMD) used to invoke traditional AS/400 programs and/or get help on what those programs do. CL can also be used to create CL programs (congruent to shell scripts) where there are additional commands that provide program-like functionality (IF/ELSE, variable declaration, file input, etc.) Although CL is a scripting language for system administration, it is used mainly to create compiled programs. The use of interpreted CL scripts through the SBMDBJOB command is in fact extremely limited. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBM i Control Language happened in IBM - See also: (5 related languages) JCL, PL/I, PowerShell, Unix, C PGM (&IN &TYP) DCL &IN *CHAR 6 DCL &OUT *CHAR 8 DCL &TYP *CHAR 1 IF (&TYP = J) + DO CVTDAT DATE(&IN) TOVAR(&OUT) FROMFMT(*MDY) + TOFMT(*JUL) TOSEP(*NONE) ENDDO ELSE IF (&TYP = M) + DO CVTDAT DATE(&IN) TOVAR(&OUT) FROMFMT(*JUL) + TOFMT(*MDY) TOSEP(*NONE) ENDDO SNDPGMMSG MSG('IN=' || &IN || ' OUT=' || &OUT) + MSGTYPE(*COMP) ENDPGM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 320 1.6
IBM Logo - Programming language IBM Logo ======== IBM Logo is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4114 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBM Logo happened in IBM - IBM Logo on HOPL IBM Logo on HOPL - Read more about IBM Logo on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
IBM Rational SQABasic - Programming language IBM Rational SQABasic ===================== IBM Rational SQABasic is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3249 on PLDB 28 Years Old SQABasic is the Rational Software Corporation language for building GUI scripts. It is an integral part of IBM Rational Robot, a tool used for developing regression tests.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBM Rational SQABasic happened in Rational Software Corporation - Read more about IBM Rational SQABasic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
RPG - Programming language RPG === RPG, aka Report Program Generator, is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #466 on PLDB 65 Years Old RPG is a high-level programming language (HLL) for business applications. RPG is an IBM proprietary programming language and its later versions are available only on IBM i- or OS/400-based systems. It has a long history, having been developed by IBM in 1959 as the Report Program Generator - a tool to replicate punched card processing on the IBM 1401 then updated to RPG II for the IBM System/3 in the late 1960s, and since evolved into an HLL equivalent to COBOL and PL/I. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RPG happened in IBM - RPG on HOPL RPG on HOPL - RPG ranks #47 in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) COBOL, PL/I, Pascal, Assembly language, Algol, AUTOCODER, Java - 2 PLDB concepts link to RPG: RPG II, RPG III **free dsply 'Hello World'; return; ctl-opt main(GetCustInf); dcl-ds ARMSTF1 ext end-ds; dcl-proc GetCustInf; dcl-pi *n extpgm('CUS001'); inCusNo like(arCNum) const; outName like(arName); outAddr1 like(arAdd1); outAddr2 like(arAdd2); outCity like(arCity); outState like(arStte); outZip like(arZip); end-pi; exec sql select arName, arAdd1, arAdd2, arCity, arStte, arZip into :outName, :outAddr1, :outAddr2, :outCity, :outState, :outZip from ARMSTF1 where arCNum = :inCusNo fetch first 1 row only with CS use currently committed; return; end-proc; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 335 1.7
ibm-system-38-language - Programming language ibm-system-38-language ====================== ibm-system-38-language is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4815 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ibm-system-38-language happened in IBM - Read more about ibm-system-38-language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Ibuki CL - Programming language Ibuki CL ======== Ibuki CL is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3424 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ibuki CL happened in Kyoto University - Ibuki CL compiles to C - Ibuki CL on HOPL Ibuki CL on HOPL - Read more about Ibuki CL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
iCalendar - Text data format iCalendar ========= iCalendar is an open source text data format created in 1998. 1998 #2950 on PLDB 26 Years Old The Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) is a MIME type which allows users to store and exchange calendaring and scheduling information such as events, to-dos, journal entries, and free/busy information. Files formatted according to the specification usually have an extension of .ics. With supporting software, such as an email reader or calendar application, recipients of an iCalendar data file can respond to the sender easily or counter-propose another meeting date/time. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of iCalendar happened in Open Text Corporation BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:19970714T170000Z ORGANIZER;CN=John DTSTART:19970714T170000Z DTEND:19970715T035959Z SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party GEO:48.85299;2.36885 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
icarus - Programming language icarus ====== icarus is an open source programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1865 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Icarus is a minimum-viable type-safe imperative language designed to serve as a platform for exploring mutation and general side-effect control. - Tags: programming language - icarus is developed on GitHub and has 31 stars - Early development of icarus happened in - icarus is written in C, Markdown, Perl, Expect, Make, YAML, SVG, Vim script, JavaScript, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
ICD-10-CM diagnosis - Schema ICD-10-CM diagnosis =================== ICD-10-CM diagnosis, aka ICD-10-CM diagnosis, is a schema created in 1983. 1983 #1348 on PLDB 41 Years Old ICD-10 is the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), a medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO). It contains codes for diseases, signs and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases. Work on ICD-10 began in 1983, became endorsed by the Forty-third World Health Assembly in 1990, and was first used by member states in 1994.Whilst WHO manages and publishes the base version of the ICD, several members states have modified it to better suit their needs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: schema - Early development of ICD-10-CM diagnosis happened in World Health Organization Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
IcedCoffeeScript - Programming language IcedCoffeeScript ================ IcedCoffeeScript is a programming language created in 2009 by Max Krohn. 2009 Max Krohn #808 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone IcedCoffeeScript - Tags: programming language - IcedCoffeeScript is developed on GitHub and has 728 stars - Early development of IcedCoffeeScript happened in - IcedCoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript - IcedCoffeeScript is written in CoffeeScript, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, CSS, JSON, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Integrated Civil Engineering System - Standard Integrated Civil Engineering System =================================== Integrated Civil Engineering System, aka Integrated Civil Engineering System, is a standard created in 1961. 1961 #3425 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: standard - Early development of Integrated Civil Engineering System happened in MIT - Integrated Civil Engineering System on HOPL Integrated Civil Engineering System on HOPL - Read more about Integrated Civil Engineering System on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
ICETRAN - Programming language ICETRAN ======= ICETRAN is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3426 on PLDB 59 Years Old ENGINEERING PROGRAMS FOR ICES ARE WRITTEN IN ICETRAN AND ARE PROCESSED BY THE ICETRAN PRECOMPILER, WHICH GENERATES AN EQUIVALENT FORTRAN PROGRAM - Tags: programming language - Early development of ICETRAN happened in Computer Research Corporation - ICETRAN compiles to Fortran - ICETRAN on HOPL ICETRAN on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Interactive C Interpreter - Programming language Interactive C Interpreter ========================= Interactive C Interpreter, aka Interactive C Interpreter, is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #1515 on PLDB 44 Years Old ICI is a general purpose interpreted, computer programming language originally developed by Tim Long in the late 1980s. It has dynamic typing and flexible data types, with the basic syntax, flow control constructs and operators of C. It can be considered broadly similar to Perl, with which it is roughly contemporary. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Interactive C Interpreter happened in Canon Information Systems Research - Interactive C Interpreter on HOPL Interactive C Interpreter on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) C, Perl, Regular Expressions, Tcl printf("Hello World\n"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
ICML - Xml format ICML ==== ICML, aka InCopy Markup Language, is a xml format created in 2008. 2008 #3117 on PLDB 16 Years Old Adobe InDesign file format. - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of ICML happened in Adobe - Read more about ICML on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Icon - Programming language Icon ==== Icon is a programming language created in 1977 by Ralph Griswold. 1977 Ralph Griswold #537 on PLDB 47 Years Old Icon is a very high-level programming language featuring goal-directed execution and many facilities for managing strings and textual patterns. It is related to SNOBOL and SL5, string processing languages. Icon is not object-oriented, but an object-oriented extension called Idol was developed in 1996 which eventually became Unicon.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Icon happened in University of Arizona - Explore Icon snippets on Rosetta Code - Icon on HOPL Icon on HOPL - Icon appears in the TIOBE Index - Icon Ubuntu package Icon Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Icon - Icon appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (9 related languages) SNOBOL, Algol, Python, Unicon, C, Pascal, Java, Smalltalk, CLU - 1 PLDB concepts link to Icon: Unicon procedure main () write("Hello, world!") end procedure main() write("Hello World"); end # Hello world in Icon ( procedure main() write("Hello world") end procedure main() s := "Mon Dec 8" s ? write(Mdate() | "not a valid date") end # Define a matching function that returns # a string that matches a day month dayofmonth procedure Mdate() # Define some initial values static dates static days initial { days := ["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thr","Fri","Sat","Sun"] dates := ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"] } every suspend (retval <- tab(match(!days)) || # Match a day =" " || # Followed by a blank tab(match(!dates)) || # Followed by the month =" " || # Followed by a blank matchdigits(2) # Followed by at least 2 digits ) & (=" " | pos(0) ) & # Either a blank or the end of the string retval # And finally return the string end # Matching function that returns a string of n digits procedure matchdigits(n) suspend (v := tab(many(&digits)) & *v <= n) & v end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \b([+-]?[0-9]+[KMGTPkmgtp]?)\b Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # [+-]?[0-9]*\.([0-9]*)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]*)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # \b([+-]?([2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])[rR][0-9a-zA-Z]+)\b Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 581 2.9
ICOT - Programming language ICOT ==== ICOT is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4115 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ICOT happened in Chonbuk National University and Seoul National University - ICOT on HOPL ICOT on HOPL - Read more about ICOT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Irvine Dataflow - Programming language Irvine Dataflow =============== Irvine Dataflow, aka Irvine Dataflow, is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #1911 on PLDB 49 Years Old Irvine Dataflow (Id) is a general-purpose parallel programming language, started at the University of California at Irvine in 1975 by Arvind and K. P. Gostelow. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Irvine Dataflow happened in University of California Irvine - Irvine Dataflow on HOPL Irvine Dataflow on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Haskell False? :: bool -> bool and :: bool -> bool -> bool Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Idio - Programming language Idio ==== Idio is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Ian Fitchet. 2015 Ian Fitchet #2367 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone The Idio Shell - Tags: programming language - Idio is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Idio is written in reStructuredText, C, JSON5, Make, Bash, Markdown, Python, Scheme, Lisp, Java, YAML, Perl, HTML, basic calculator Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
IDL specification language - Interface design language IDL specification language ========================== IDL specification language is an interface design language created in 1980. 1980 #2810 on PLDB 44 Years Old IDL (Interface Description Language) is a software interface description language (also referred to as Interface Descriptor Language) created by William Wulf and John Nestor of Carnegie Mellon and David Lamb of Queen's University, Canada. Like other interface description languages, IDL defined interfaces in a language- and machine- independent way, allowing the specification of interfaces between components written in different languages, and possibly executing on different machines using remote procedure calls. The Karlsruhe Ada compilation system used IDL resp. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: interface design language - Early development of IDL specification language happened in Carnegie Mellon and Queen's University - See also: (1 related languages) IDL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
IDL - Programming language IDL === IDL, aka Interactive Data Language, is a programming language created in 1977 by David Stern. 1977 David Stern #128 on PLDB 47 Years Old 2k Repos IDL, short for Interactive Data Language, is a programming language used for data analysis. It is popular in particular areas of science, such as astronomy, atmospheric physics and medical imaging. IDL shares a common syntax with PV-Wave and originated from the same codebase, though the languages have subsequently diverged in detail. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,337 IDL repos on GitHub - Early development of IDL happened in L3Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5k users using IDL in 5k repos on GitHub - Explore IDL snippets on Rosetta Code - IDL on HOPL IDL on HOPL - IDL appears in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for IDL - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting IDL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for IDL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for IDL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for IDL - See also: (11 related languages) GNU Data Language, PV-Wave, Fortran, C, Unix, Smalltalk, MATLAB, NumPy, Python, Perl Data Language, Perl - Read more about IDL on the web: 1. 1. - 21 PLDB concepts link to IDL: cloc, Deno, Eiffel, Emscripten, FLEX, Gradle, Halide, HHVM, idyll, J, JSON-LD, Kotlin, Ladybird, MongoDB, Node.js, OpenCV, PostgreSQL, Pygments, Python, Racket, Ruby print, "Hello World" end IDL> ; Hello World in IDL (Interactive Data Language) IDL> print, "Hello World" MODULE mg_analysis DESCRIPTION Tools for analysis VERSION 1.0 SOURCE mgalloy BUILD_DATE January 18, 2011 FUNCTION MG_ARRAY_EQUAL 2 2 KEYWORDS FUNCTION MG_TOTAL 1 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 459 2.3
Idris - Programming language Idris ===== Idris is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Edwin Brady. 2014 Edwin Brady #84 on PLDB 10 Years Old 2k Repos git clone Idris is a general-purpose purely functional programming language with dependent types, strict or optional lazy evaluation and features such as a totality checker. Even before its possible usage for interactive theorem-proving, the focus of Idris is on general-purpose programming, like the purely functional Haskell, and with sufficient performance. The type system of Idris is similar to the one used by Agda and theorem-proving in it is similar to Coq, including tactics. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Idris is developed on GitHub and has 3,418 stars - There are at least 1,895 Idris repos on GitHub - Early development of Idris happened in University of St Andrews - Idris is written in Idris, Bourne shell, Haskell, reStructuredText, SVG, C, Make, Markdown, YAML, JavaScript, Perl, XML, CSS, Nix, Python, CMake, Scheme, Bash, Java - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 219 users using Idris in 301 repos on GitHub - There are 11 Project Euler users using Idris - Explore Idris snippets on Rosetta Code - Idris appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Idris - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Idris - has 1 matches for "idris developer". - was registered in 2010 - See also: (14 related languages) Agda, Coq, Epigram, Haskell, ML, Rust, Perl, C, JavaScript, Java, JVM, CIL, OCaml, LLVM IR - 3 PLDB concepts link to Idris: cloc, Idris, Pygments module Main main : IO () main = putStrLn "Hello, world!" module Main main : IO () main = putStrLn "Hello World" Hello world in Idris > main : IO () > main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" module Prelude.Char import Builtins isUpper : Char -> Bool isUpper x = x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z' isLower : Char -> Bool isLower x = x >= 'a' && x <= 'z' isAlpha : Char -> Bool isAlpha x = isUpper x || isLower x isDigit : Char -> Bool isDigit x = (x >= '0' && x <= '9') isAlphaNum : Char -> Bool isAlphaNum x = isDigit x || isAlpha x isSpace : Char -> Bool isSpace x = x == ' ' || x == '\t' || x == '\r' || x == '\n' || x == '\f' || x == '\v' || x == '\xa0' isNL : Char -> Bool isNL x = x == '\r' || x == '\n' toUpper : Char -> Char toUpper x = if (isLower x) then (prim__intToChar (prim__charToInt x - 32)) else x toLower : Char -> Char toLower x = if (isUpper x) then (prim__intToChar (prim__charToInt x + 32)) else x isHexDigit : Char -> Bool isHexDigit x = elem (toUpper x) hexChars where hexChars : List Char hexChars = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'] total pairAdd : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect n a -> Vect n a pairAdd Nil Nil = Nil pairAdd (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = x + y :: pairAdd xs ys Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- \d+[eE][+-]?\d+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[xX][\da-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token putStrLn row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Dependent types FeatureLink ../features/hasDependentTypes.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 743 3.7
Integrated Data Store - Query language Integrated Data Store ===================== Integrated Data Store, aka Integrated Data Store, is a query language created in 1964. 1964 #1649 on PLDB 60 Years Old IDS may refer to:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Integrated Data Store happened in General Electric - Integrated Data Store on HOPL Integrated Data Store on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
idyll - Programming language idyll ===== idyll is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #324 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Idyll is a markup language and toolkit for writing interactive articles. Idyll's reactive document model and standard component library decrease the amount of code needed to create high quality multimedia narratives. Idyll uses web standards to produce output that will load quickly in any web browser and is fully extensible. Idyll enables collaboration between programmers and journalists, researchers and designers. Those familiar with JavaScript can write custom components using tools like D3 or React. - Tags: programming language - idyll is developed on GitHub and has 2,001 stars - Early development of idyll happened in - idyll is written in JavaScript, IDL, JSON, Markdown, CSS, YAML, HTML, SVG, CSV, XML - was registered in 2017 [meta title:"How To: Tune a Guitar" description:"An interactive audio guide with guitars and a little music theory." twitterHandle:"mathisonian" shareImageUrl:"" shareImageWidth:"1940" shareImageHeight:"970" /] [Header title:"Tune a Guitar" authors:`[{ name: "Matthew Conlen", link: "" }, { name: "Alex Kale", link: "" }]` /] [var name:"currentFrequency" value:108 /] [var name:"guitarState" value:"default" /] [var name:"fft" value:` null ` /] [var name:"waveform" value:` null ` /] [var name:"isInTune" value:false /] [var name:"clean" value:false /] [var name:"playRiff" value:false /] [var name:"playReference" value:false /] [var name:"detuneGuitar" value:false /] [var name:"autotuneGuitar" value:false /] [var name:"playNotes" value:false /] [var name:"playBeats" value:false /] [var name:"playScale" value:false /] [var name:"beatDiff" value:5 /] [var name:"tunerVisualization" value:true /] [var name:"targetNote" value:"E2" /] [derived name:"targetString" value:`{ E2: 0, A2: 1, D3: 2, G3: 3, B3: 4, E4: 5 }[targetNote]` /] [Fixed] [Guitar src:"images/svg/guitar.svg" currentFrequency:currentFrequency state:guitarState targetNote:targetNote fft:fft waveform:waveform playRiff:playRiff isInTune:isInTune clean:clean detuneGuitar:detuneGuitar autotuneGuitar:autotuneGuitar playReference:playReference tunerVisualization:tunerVisualization playNotes:playNotes playScale:playScale playBeats:playBeats beatDiff:beatDiff /] [/Fixed] [section] # A Sad Guitar. Take a second and strum the guitar. It doesn't sound so good, does it? We've just taken it out of storage and *it's all out of tune...* [/section] [section onEnterViewFully:`guitarState = 'headstock'; playScale = false;`] # Electric Tuner to the Rescue. Tune the guitar using the tuner. Click and drag the tuning knobs on the right to tighten and loosen the strings. // Need a reward state to let them know when a string is in tune [Tuner selectedString:targetString currFreq:currentFrequency /] [conditional if:isInTune] Great work, scroll on. [/conditional] [/section] [section onEnterViewFully:`guitarState = null; playScale = false; `] [conditional if:isInTune] # A Sigh of Relief. That sounds so much better! What a difference a few hertz make. Go ahead and play a little something. // audio clip of guitar shredding [div className:"centered"] [button onClick:`playRiff = true `] Play a lick. [/button] [/div] [/conditional] [conditional if:`!isInTune `] # Keep at it. // the text in this section should depend on whether or not the guitar is in tune This doesn't sound in tune quite yet. Scroll back up and try to get all of the tuning knobs to turn green. [/conditional] [/section] [section onEnterViewFully:`guitarState = 'pickups'; playScale = true; `] # How does this thing work? Guitars generate noise through the vibration of their strings. On an electric guitar such as this one, magnetic "pick-ups" convert those vibrations into an electrical signal which can then be sent to a tuner or an amplifier. [var name:"waveInView" value:false /] [WaveVisualizer waveform:waveform inView:waveInView onEnterView:`waveInView = true ` onExitViewFully:`waveInView = false ` /] This signal can be [visualized as a raw waveform](, but often we want to visualize the frequency instead. The [fourier transform]( is a mathematical function that reveals the audio frequencies hidden in that wave. [var name:"freqInView" value:false /] [FreqViz fft:fft inView:freqInView onEnterView:`freqInView = true ` onExitViewFully:`freqInView = false ` /] Strum the guitar to see the frequency visualized. [/section] [section onEnterViewFully:`guitarState = null; playReference = false; `] # Tuning by Ear. Now that we've tuned the guitar using a tuner, let's try to tune the guitar by ear. This is more challenging, and it may take you time to master. [/section] [notification onEnterViewFully:` detuneGuitar = true; `] The guitar is out of tune again! [/notification] [section onEnterViewFully:`guitarState = 'headstock'; playReference = true; tunerVisualization = false; `] # Match the Reference. We'll start by tuning to a reference note. When you manipulate the tuners on the right the current note will be played, as will a reference note. [div className:"centered"] [button onClick:` clean = !clean `] [Display value:`clean ? "Turn distortion on." : "Turn distortion off." ` /] [/button] [/div] This will be easier with a cleaner sound. Match the two sounds to get the guitar in tune. [/section] [section onEnterView:`playReference = false; autotuneGuitar = true; ` ] # Tuning Techniques. ## Harmonic Intervals. // audio clip in text to illustrate intervals // guitar in tune here Most of the strings on a guitar are separated by an interval known as a *perfect fourth*. [div className:"centered"] [button className:"interval" onClick:` playNotes = 'E2:A2' `] ♬ E2-A2 [/button] [button className:"interval" onClick:` playNotes = 'A2:D3' `] ♬ A2-D3 [/button] [button className:"interval" onClick:` playNotes = 'D3:G3' `] ♬ D3-G3 [/button] [button className:"interval" onClick:` playNotes = 'B3:E4' `] ♬ B3-E4 [/button] [/div] The perfect fourth is beautifully resonant, but there's one pair of strings on a guitar which are not separated by a perfect fourth. The interval between the [equation]G[/equation] and [equation]B[/equation] strings is a *major third*. The major third sounds happy and uplifting. [div className:"centered"] [button className:"interval" onClick:` playNotes = 'G3:B3' `] ♬ G3-B4 [/button] [/div] These intervals show up all the time in music, for example, the major third can be found the first two notes of [The Saints]( When_the_Saints_Go_Marching_In). The first two notes of [Amazing Grace]( form a perfect fourth. Learning to hear these intervals will help you tune your guitar without a tuner. ## Find the beat. [p onEnterViewFully:` clean = true ` ] When two strings are played together, they produce a third higher frequency known as an overtone. [/p] // This overtune frequency is the least common multiple of the two component frequencies, which is amplified by the confluence of the two sound waves. // For the purpose of tuning a guitar by ear, you just need to recognize that when two strings are played together they result in a higher frequency. We can see this amplified overtone on the righthand side of the frequency visualizer. // show frequency visualizer here? trigger example? // However, when the two strings are not perfectly in tune, the overtone is amplified inconsistently over time. // This produces a rhythmic pulsing or "beats" in the overtone which you can hear if you listen carefully. When the two strings are not perfectly in tune, the overtone is inconsistent over time. This produces a wobbling, *a beat*, in the overtone which you can hear if you listen carefully. Play notes with a [Dynamic value:beatDiff min:0 max:20 step:0.05 /] Hz difference: [div className:"centered"] [button onClick:` playBeats = true; ` ] Listen for the beats! [/button] [button onClick:` clean = !clean `] [Display value:`clean ? "Turn distortion on." : "Turn distortion off." ` /] [/button] [/div] // These beats also show up in the frequency visualizer. // here, an illustrative example of beats changing with intonation would be nice // will find audio file [var name:"freq3InView" value:false /] [FreqViz fft:fft inView:freq3InView showBeats:false onEnterView:`freq3InView = true ` onExitViewFully:`freq3InView = false ` /] As you get a pair of strings closer in tune, the beats will slow down until the overtone is perfectly amplified. Listening for the slowing of these beats is a helpful cue for tuning. [/section] [section] # Practice makes perfect. Try tuning the guitar by listening for the relationships between adjacent strings and the beats in the resultant overtone. [var name:"vizMode" value:0 /] [div className:"centered"] [button onClick:` vizMode = (vizMode + 1) % 3 `] [Display value:`["Show tuner", "Show wave", "Show frequencies"][vizMode] ` /] [/button] [button onClick:` clean = !clean `] [Display value:`clean ? "Add distortion" : "Remove distortion" ` /] [/button] [button className:"tune-action" onClick:` autotuneGuitar = true `] Tune Guitar [/button] [button className:"tune-action" onClick:` detuneGuitar = true `] Detune Guitar [/button] [/div] [div className:"centered"] [/div] [var name:"freq2InView" value:false /] [div style:`{display: vizMode === 0 ? 'block' : 'none'}`] [FreqViz fft:fft inView:freq2InView onEnterView:`freq2InView = true ` onExitViewFully:`freq2InView = false ` /] [/div] [div style:`{display: vizMode === 1 ? 'block' : 'none'}`] [Tuner selectedString:targetString currFreq:currentFrequency /] [/div] [div style:`{display: vizMode === 2 ? 'block' : 'none'}`] [WaveVisualizer waveform:waveform inView:`vizMode === 2` /] [/div] [/section] [section] # About this. This page was built using [Idyll](, a markup language for interactive documents. The guitar was created using [Sketch Interactive Export](, [D3](, and a modified version of [Tone.js]( Audio samples were provided by [ user SpeedY]( This project is from the [Interactive Data Lab]( at the [University of Washington]( [/section] [analytics google:"UA-108267630-1" /] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token HackerNews discussions of idyll =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Idyll: Interactive Document Language||09/08/2017|195|18 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1814 9.1
IFO - Programming language IFO === IFO is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3427 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IFO happened in USC - IFO on HOPL IFO on HOPL - Read more about IFO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
IFPS - Programming language IFPS ==== IFPS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3739 on PLDB 54 Years Old IFPS (Interactive Financial Planning System) was a financial modeling language created by professor Gerald R. Wagner and his students of the University of Texas at Austin in the late 1970s. IFPS was marketed by Execucom, an Austin-based company started by Wagner. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IFPS happened in University of Texas at Austin Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
IGOR Pro - Programming language IGOR Pro ======== IGOR Pro is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #593 on PLDB 31 Years Old 146 Repos IGOR Pro is a scientific data analysis software, numerical computing environment and programming language that runs on Windows or Mac operating systems. It is developed by WaveMetrics Inc., and was originally aimed at time series analysis, but has since then evolved and covers other applications such as curve fitting and image processing. It comes with a fully functional programming language and compiler, but many functions are also accessible through menus. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 146 IGOR Pro repos on GitHub - Early development of IGOR Pro happened in WaveMetrics, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 48 users using IGOR Pro in 80 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for IGOR Pro - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for IGOR Pro - See also: (1 related languages) C - Read more about IGOR Pro on the web: 1.!search/igor-pro/comp.sys.mac.scitech/1QMC8N6AyLw/1Vvaa5rZPBwJ 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to IGOR Pro: cloc #pragma rtGlobals=3 StrConstant myConstString="abcd" // some comment constant myConst=123 Structure struct1 string str variable var EndStructure static Structure struct2 string str variable var EndStructure #include "someFile" #ifdef NOT_DEFINED // conditional compilation #endif override ThreadSafe MultiThread static Proc Picture Prompt DoPrompt macro window function end Structure EndStructure EndMacro Menu SubMenu Language features ====================================================== row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 360 1.8
Intuit Interchange Format - Text data format Intuit Interchange Format ========================= Intuit Interchange Format, aka Intuit Interchange Format, is a text data format created in 2004. 2004 #2800 on PLDB 20 Years Old The IIF file format, Intuit Interchange Format is a proprietary text file used by Intuit's Quickbooks software for importing and exporting lists and transactions. As of 2004, QuickBooks can also import data using the XML-based qbXML file exchange format. The MIME‑types associated with .iif files are application/qbooks, application/qbookspro, and text/iif.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Intuit Interchange Format happened in Intuit Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
iikuse - Esoteric programming language iikuse ====== iikuse is an esoteric programming language created in 2010. 2010 #3428 on PLDB 14 Years Old I find constructed languages like Lojban and Ithkuil terribly interesting, but they are a bit too complex for me to actually pick up. So, being a programmer and a fan of FORTH, I decided to make a toy constructed language combining postfix notation and predicate logic. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of iikuse happened in - Read more about iikuse on the web: 1. 1. me i kusin - I saw it vi i kuduk - s/he will make it me vi i kudun kusis - I see that s/he made it vi me vi i kudun kusis vi i kudun kudis kuses - s/he says that the fact that I saw that s/he made it means that s/he made it me vi i.i.kuse kolos kases kalas koas - s/he and I belong to the set of i.i.kuse speakers. me vi i.i.kuse kolos kasen kalas koas - s/he and I belong to the set of former i.i.kuse speakers. me vi i.i.kuse kolos kases kalas koan - s/he and I used to belong to the set of i.i.kuse speakers. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 285 1.4
IITRAN - Programming language IITRAN ====== IITRAN is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #3226 on PLDB 55 Years Old IITRAN is a discontinued programming language created in the mid-1960s. It was designed as a first language for students, and its syntax resembled that of PL/I. The name derives from Illinois Institute of Technology, where it was developed. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IITRAN happened in Illinois Institute of Technology - IITRAN on HOPL IITRAN on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) PL/I Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Ikarus Scheme implementation - Programming language Ikarus Scheme implementation ============================ Ikarus Scheme implementation is an open source programming language created in 2007 by Abdulaziz Ghuloum. 2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum #2287 on PLDB 17 Years Old Ikarus Scheme is a free software optimizing incremental compiler for R6RS Scheme that compiles directly to the x86 architecture. Ikarus is the first public implementation of a large part of the R6RS Scheme standard.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ikarus Scheme implementation happened in Indiana University - See also: (4 related languages) Scheme, C, LLVM IR, C-- Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
ILBM - Binary data format ILBM ==== ILBM is a binary data format created in 1985. 1985 #3242 on PLDB 39 Years Old Interleaved Bitmap (ILBM) is an image file format conforming to the Interchange File Format (IFF) standard. The format originated on the Amiga platform, and on IBM-compatible systems, files in this format or the related PBM (Planar Bitmap) format are typically encountered in games from late 1980s and early 1990s that were either Amiga ports or had their graphical assets designed on Amiga machines.A characteristic feature of the format is that it stores bitmaps in the form of interleaved bit planes, which gives the format its name; this reflects the way the Amiga graphics hardware natively reads graphics data from memory. A simple form of compression is supported to make ILBM files more compact.On the Amiga, these files are not associated with a particular file extension, though as they started being used on PC systems where extensions are systematically used, they employed a .lbm or occasionally a .bbm extension.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of ILBM happened in Electronic Arts Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
ILU - Programming language ILU === ILU, aka Inter-Language Unification, is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3429 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ILU happened in Xerox PARC - ILU on HOPL ILU on HOPL - Read more about ILU on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
ILX - Programming language ILX === ILX is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4116 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ILX happened in Microsoft - ILX on HOPL ILX on HOPL - Read more about ILX on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
IMac - Computing machine IMac ==== IMac is a computing machine created in 1998. 1998 #4547 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of IMac happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
IMAGE - Programming language IMAGE ===== IMAGE is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3430 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IMAGE happened in The Communications Research Centre Canada - IMAGE on HOPL IMAGE on HOPL - Read more about IMAGE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Imaginary Number Equation - Equation Imaginary Number Equation ========================= Imaginary Number Equation is an equation created in 1572. 1572 #5020 on PLDB 452 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
Imandra Protocol Language - Programming language Imandra Protocol Language ========================= Imandra Protocol Language is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3691 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Imandra Protocol Language happened in Aesthetic Integration Limited - Read more about Imandra Protocol Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
IMAP - Protocol IMAP ==== IMAP, aka Internet Message Access Protocol, is a protocol created in 1986. 1986 #1318 on PLDB 38 Years Old In computing, the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is an Internet standard protocol used by email clients to retrieve email messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection. IMAP is defined by RFC 3501. IMAP was designed with the goal of permitting complete management of an email box by multiple email clients, therefore clients generally leave messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of IMAP happened in Standford - 1 PLDB concepts link to IMAP: JMAP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Imba - Programming language Imba ==== Imba is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #228 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Imba is a Web programming language that's fast in two ways: Imba's time-saving syntax with built-in tags and styles results in less typing and switching files so you can build things fast. Imba's groundbreaking memoized DOM is an order of magnitude faster than virtual DOM libraries, so you can build fast things. - Tags: programming language - Imba is developed on GitHub and has 6,276 stars - Early development of Imba happened in - Imba compiles to JavaScript - Imba is written in Imba, JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, Markdown, HTML, CSS, YAML, SVG, XML, Bourne shell - was registered in 2013 - 2 PLDB concepts link to Imba: cloc, Imba tag app-canvas prop dpr = window.devicePixelRatio prop state = {} def draw e let path = e.#path ||= new Path2D let ctx = $canvas.getContext('2d') path.lineTo(e.x * dpr,e.y * dpr) ctx.lineWidth = state.stroke * dpr ctx.strokeStyle = state.color ctx.stroke(path) def resized e $canvas.width = offsetWidth * dpr $canvas.height = offsetHeight * dpr <self @resize=resized> <canvas$canvas[pos:abs w:100% h:100%]> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
imf - Text data format imf === imf is a text data format created in 2008. 2008 #3431 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of imf happened in Qualcomm - Read more about imf on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
ImHex - Editor ImHex ===== ImHex is an editor created in 2020. 2020 #814 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM - Tags: editor - ImHex is developed on GitHub and has 41,800 stars - ImHex is written in C++, JSON, CMake, Markdown, YAML, SVG, C#, XML, GLSL, Dockerfile, Bourne shell, Python, C, JavaScript, CSS, Objective-C, HTML, Diff Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
imp-lang - Programming language imp-lang ======== imp-lang is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2472 on PLDB 5 Years Old The vision is of an emacs-y live self-modifying environment for working with structured data across multiple devices. The big moving parts are: a versioned relational database; an extensible GUI; a pure programming language built around relations; an interpreter with fast incremental view maintenance. - Tags: programming language - Early development of imp-lang happened in let colors = "apples" x "red" | "apples" x "green" | "oranges" x "orange" in let fancy = "red" x "scarlet" | "red" x "crimson" | "green" x "emerald" in "apples" colors fancy Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
IMP - Programming language IMP === IMP is a programming language created in 1968 by Edgar T. Irons. 1968 Edgar T. Irons #2441 on PLDB 56 Years Old IMP is an early systems programming language that was developed by Edgar T. Irons in the late 1960s through early 1970s. Unlike most other systems programming languages, IMP was an extensible syntax programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IMP happened in National Security Agency - See also: (2 related languages) Edinburgh IMP, Algol <ATOM> ::= ABS ( <ATOM,A> ) ::= DEWOP(214B,AREG1(1,13),A) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
IMP72 - Programming language IMP72 ===== IMP72 is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4117 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IMP72 happened in Yale University - IMP72 on HOPL IMP72 on HOPL - Read more about IMP72 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Impala - Query language Impala ====== Impala is an open source query language created in 2012. 2012 #396 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Apache Impala is an open source massively parallel processing (MPP) SQL query engine for data stored in a computer cluster running Apache Hadoop. Impala has been described as the open-source equivalent of Google F1, which inspired its development in 2012.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Impala is developed on GitHub and has 1,110 stars - Early development of Impala happened in Apache Software Foundation - Impala is written in C++, Java, Python, XML, JSON, Bourne shell, SQL, CMake, CSS, CSV, JavaScript, Thrift, Bash, Markdown, Protocol Buffers, Dockerfile, C, YAML, reStructuredText, Diff, Ini, SVG, Cython, Make - See also: (4 related languages) Java, SQL, Pig Latin, AWS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Industrial Modeling and Programming Language - Programming language Industrial Modeling and Programming Language ============================================ Industrial Modeling and Programming Language, aka Industrial Modeling and Programming Language, is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3432 on PLDB 5 Years Old IMPL is both a structure- and semantic-based machine-coded proprietary software language (closed-source) built upon the computer programming language Fortran to model and solve large-scale discrete, nonlinear and dynamic (DND) optimization and estimation problems found in the batch and continuous process industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, specialty and bulk chemicals, pulp and paper, energy, agro-industrial, mining and minerals, food and beverage just to name a few. The structures are based on modeling the superstructure (network, routings, flowsheet, etc.) with units, operations, ports and states (UOPSS) and the semantics (extent, magnitude, capacity, concentration, etc.) are based on quantity, logic and quality phenomenological (QLQP) variables for flows, holdups, yields, startups, setups, switchovers, shutdowns, densities, components, properties and conditions. Most community- and commercial-based MILP and NLP solvers are connected to IMPL to solve design, planning, scheduling, operations and process coordinating optimization problems as well as data reconciliation and parameter estimation problems with diagnostics of observability, redundancy and variability. Examples detailed in the chapter include industrial applications of poultry production planning with batch-lines, lubes sequence-dependent grade changeover sequencing and gasoline blend scheduling optimization with a user-directed heuristic to solve MINLP problems as MILP logistics with nominal quality cuts to approximate the nonlinearities from the blending. To summarize, IMPL may be considered as a confluence with the scientific disciplines of applied engineering, management and operations, computer science, information and communication technologies, statistics and now data science where optimization is known as decision science i.e., the science of decision-making. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Industrial Modeling and Programming Language happened in Gurobi Optimization, LLC - Read more about Industrial Modeling and Programming Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 386 1.9
Ina Jo - Programming language Ina Jo ====== Ina Jo is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3433 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ina Jo happened in System Development Corporation - Ina Jo on HOPL Ina Jo on HOPL - Read more about Ina Jo on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
INC - Programming language INC === INC is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3434 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of INC happened in IBM - INC on HOPL INC on HOPL - Read more about INC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
International Chemical Identifier - Text data format International Chemical Identifier ================================= International Chemical Identifier is a text data format created in 2005. 2005 #2785 on PLDB 19 Years Old The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI IN-chee or ING-kee) is a textual identifier for chemical substances, designed to provide a standard way to encode molecular information and to facilitate the search for such information in databases and on the web. Initially developed by IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) from 2000 to 2005, the format and algorithms are non-proprietary. The continuing development of the standard has been supported since 2010 by the not-for-profit InChI Trust, of which IUPAC is a member. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of International Chemical Identifier happened in InChI Trust Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Incipit - Text markup language Incipit ======= Incipit is a text markup language created in 2021 by Lucas de Sena. 2021 Lucas de Sena #2174 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone The ‘Incipit Markup Language’ (or ‘Incipit’, for short) is a plain text markup language that uses Unicode characters and the structure of the text itself to format documents. - Tags: text markup language - Incipit is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of Incipit happened in - Incipit is written in awk, Make .Enumeration incipit. Each enumeration item can have a incipit colon, which will be explained on the “§ Incipit” section below. The incipit colon is a colon describing the topic of the item. The following is an example of enumeration. • (A) First item: This is the first item of a labeled enumeration. This item also contains an incipit colon. • (B) Second item: This is the second item of a labeled enumeration. It also contains an incipit colon. • (C) Third item. • First subitem of third item. • Second subitem of third item. • Third subitem of third item. • Fourth subitem of third item. • (D) Fourth item. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 263 1.3
Indental - Data notation Indental ======== Indental is a data notation created in 2017. 2017 #2099 on PLDB 7 Years Old This space-sensitive database format is designed to store a dictionary of elements, accessible by name. The parser is a mere 50 lines, and allows for human-readable data structures for static sites such as Oscean, also see Tablatal. In the Indental file, an unindented line declares the key to a new root node, children lines can associate either parameters or lists to their parent node, a line divided with a colon will associate a value to a parameter to the parent node, and a sequence of equally indented lines will append to a list. - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Indental happened in NAME KEY : VALUE LIST ITEM1 ITEM2 {NAME:{KEY:VALUE,LIST:[ITEM1,ITEM2])} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
INFER - Programming language INFER ===== INFER is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2363 on PLDB 32 Years Old Inferences are steps in reasoning, moving from premises to logical consequences. Charles Sanders Peirce divided inference into three kinds: deduction, induction, and abduction. Deduction is inference deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true, with the laws of valid inference being studied in logic. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of INFER happened in Indiana University - INFER on HOPL INFER on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Prolog, OWL, AXIOM - Read more about INFER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
InfiniBand - Standard InfiniBand ========== InfiniBand is a standard created in 1999. 1999 #2541 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: standard - Early development of InfiniBand happened in InfiniBand Trade Association Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 87 0.4
InfluxDB - Database InfluxDB ======== InfluxDB is a database created in 2013. 2013 #4816 on PLDB 11 Years Old Time-series database management system - Tags: database - Early development of InfluxDB happened in InfluxData Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
INFOLOG - Programming language INFOLOG ======= INFOLOG is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3435 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of INFOLOG happened in Universidade de Lisboa - INFOLOG on HOPL INFOLOG on HOPL - Read more about INFOLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Inform - Programming language Inform ====== Inform is a programming language created in 1993 by Graham Nelson. 1993 Graham Nelson #524 on PLDB 31 Years Old 1m Repos Inform is a programming language and design system for interactive fiction originally created in 1993 by Graham Nelson. Inform can generate programs designed for the Z-code or Glulx virtual machines. Versions 1 through 5 were released between 1993 and 1996. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,046,854 Inform repos on GitHub - Early development of Inform happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 56 users using Inform in 60 repos on GitHub - Inform appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Inform - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Inform - was registered in 2009 - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Z-machine, BASIC, Text Adventure Development System, ISBN "Hello World" by "I.F. Author" The world is a room. When play begins, say "Hello World" ! "Hello world" in Inform [ Main; print "Hello world^"; ]; "Test Case" by Andrew Plotkin. Include Trivial Extension by Andrew Plotkin. Volume 1 - overview Chapter - setting the scene The Kitchen is a room. [Comment: this kitchen is modelled after the one in Zork, although it lacks the detail to establish this to the player.] Section - the kitchen table The spicerack is a container in the Kitchen. Table of Spices Name Flavor "cinnamon" 5 "nutmeg" 4 "szechuan pepper" 8 The description of the spicerack is "It's mostly empty." Chapter - a character A purple cow called Gelett is in the Kitchen. [This comment spans multiple lines.. ...and this line contains [nested square[] brackets]... ...which is legal in Inform 7.] Instead of examining Gelett: say "You'd rather see than be one." Instead of examining Gelett: say "You'd rather see than be one." Check smelling Gelett: say "This text contains several lines. A blank line is displayed as a paragraph break, but a simple line break is not."; stop the action. Section - cow catching Gelett has a number called the mooness. Instead of taking Gelett: increment the mooness of Gelett; if the mooness of Gelett is one: say "Gelett moos once."; else: say "Gelett moos [mooness of Gelett in words] times."; Volume 2 - the turn cycle Every turn: say "A turn passes[one of][or] placidly[or] idly[or] tediously[at random]." "Hello Deductible" by "I.F. Author" The story headline is "An Interactive Example". The Living Room is a room. "A comfortably furnished living room." The Kitchen is north of the Living Room. The Front Door is south of the Living Room. The Front Door is a door. The Front Door is closed and locked. The insurance salesman is a man in the Living Room. The description is "An insurance salesman in a tacky polyester suit. He seems eager to speak to you." Understand "man" as the insurance salesman. A briefcase is carried by the insurance salesman. The description is "A slightly worn, black briefcase." Understand "case" as the briefcase. The insurance paperwork is in the briefcase. The description is "Page after page of small legalese." Understand "papers" or "documents" or "forms" as the paperwork. Instead of listening to the insurance salesman: say "The salesman bores you with a discussion of life insurance policies. From his briefcase he pulls some paperwork which he hands to you."; move the insurance paperwork to the player. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 732 3.7
Information Algebra - Programming language Information Algebra =================== Information Algebra is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #2442 on PLDB 62 Years Old The term "information algebra" refers to mathematical techniques of information processing. Classical information theory goes back to Claude Shannon. It is a theory of information transmission, looking at communication and storage. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Information Algebra happened in System Development Corporation and Honeywell and RAND and IBM and United States Navy and National Cash Register Corporation and General Electric - Information Algebra on HOPL Information Algebra on HOPL - Read more about Information Algebra on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Information Processing Language - Programming language Information Processing Language =============================== Information Processing Language, aka Information Processing Language, is a programming language created in 1954. 1954 #1510 on PLDB 70 Years Old Information Processing Language (IPL) is a programming language created by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert A. Simon at RAND Corporation and the Carnegie Institute of Technology at about 1956. Newell had the job of language specifier-application programmer, Shaw was the system programmer, and Simon took the job of application programmer-user. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Information Processing Language happened in RAND and Carnegie Institute of Technology - Information Processing Language on HOPL Information Processing Language on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Assembly language, Lisp - 2 PLDB concepts link to Information Processing Language: cloc, IPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Information Theory Equation - Equation Information Theory Equation =========================== Information Theory Equation is an equation created in 1948 by Claude Shannon. 1948 Claude Shannon #3277 on PLDB 76 Years Old - Tags: equation - Early development of Information Theory Equation happened in Bell Labs Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
IBM Informix-4GL - Query language IBM Informix-4GL ================ IBM Informix-4GL is a query language created in 1985. 1985 #1616 on PLDB 39 Years Old Informix-4GL is a 4GL programming language developed by Informix during the mid-1980s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of IBM Informix-4GL happened in IBM - IBM Informix-4GL on HOPL IBM Informix-4GL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Java SELECT UNIQUE city, state, zipcode, sname FROM customer, state WHERE customer.state = state.code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
infusion-framework - Framework infusion-framework ================== infusion-framework is a framework created in 2007. 2007 #1154 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Infusion is a web framework that supports inclusive design. - Tags: framework - infusion-framework is developed on GitHub and has 136 stars - Early development of infusion-framework happened in - infusion-framework is written in JavaScript, HTML, JSON, CSS, SCSS, Markdown, YAML, Dockerfile, Ini, SVG - Read more about infusion-framework on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
Ingres database - Database Ingres database =============== Ingres database is a database created in 1974. 1974 #4548 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: database - Early development of Ingres database happened in University of California Berkeley Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
Ini - Data notation Ini === Ini is an open source data notation created in 1987. 1987 #91 on PLDB 37 Years Old 13 Repos The INI file format is an informal standard for configuration files for some platforms or software. INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values. In MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows platforms up through Windows ME, the INI file served as the primary mechanism to configure operating system and installed applications features, such as device drivers, fonts, startup launchers, and things that needed to be initialized in booting Windows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 13 Ini repos on GitHub - Early development of Ini happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using Ini in 1 repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for Ini - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Ini - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Ini - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ini - See also: (8 related languages) XML, Linux, Unix, PHP, Unicode, C, JSON, YAML - 107 PLDB concepts link to Ini: Ace Editor, Aheui, ASDF, astroml, atomspace, Bazel, BlitzMax, Ceylon, Chapel, Charcoal, chatterbot, clash, cloc, CWL, Conan, CouchDB, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, docopt, duro, Embedded Crystal, Eiffel, Emscripten, Erlang, F Prime, Flow9, flua, GAP, gogs-editor, Gwion, Haxe, HHVM, Homebrew, Hook, Ibis, Impala, infusion-framework, inko, invokator, Java, Jemplate, Jinja, k-framework, kumir, Ladybird, Latte, leo-editor, Linux, mai, Manim, Mask, mathics, Matplotlib, MicroBlocks, Mindsdb, MiniZinc, MongoDB, moya, myia, NCAR Command Language, NestedText, Nim, Nit, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, Numba, Nushell, oil, OpenCV, Openverse, Pan, Particles, PgBouncer, PHP, Plaid, polyglot-compiler, Pony, POV-Ray SDL, Pycket, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, r4, Revolution, Rholang, Rita, SciPy, SDMS, SourcePawn, Spatial, Speedie, SpiderBasic, Sqlalchemy, Swift, Taichi, tao3d, TensorFlow, TestML, tornado, twtxt, Wonkey, Xgboost, XGBoost, XL, xlwings-editor, Xtext ; last modified 1 April 2001 by John Doe [owner] name = John Doe organization = Acme Widgets Inc. [database] ; use IP address in case network name resolution is not working server = port = 143 file = "payroll.dat" title=Mindstorms isbn=0465046290 author=Seymour Papert pubmonth=198001 subject=children computers powerful ideas LOGO education url= GetPrivateProfileString("owner", "name", ... , "c:\\programs\\oldprogram\\dbsettings.ini"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example [subsections "areCaseSensitive"] Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master Token row Feature hasEscapeCharacters FeatureLink ../features/hasEscapeCharacters.html Supported ✓ Example ; \" \\ \n \t \b [section "subsection with \"quotes\""] Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # a '#' or ';' character indicates ; a comment Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 558 2.8
ink-lang - Programming language ink-lang ======== ink-lang is a programming language created in 2019 by Linus Lee. 2019 Linus Lee #851 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Ink is a minimal programming language inspired by modern JavaScript and Go, with functional style. - Tags: programming language - ink-lang is developed on GitHub and has 557 stars - Early development of ink-lang happened in - ink-lang is written in Go, Markdown, Vim script, Make, YAML - was registered in 2019 std := load('std') log := std.log listen('', evt => ( evt.type :: { 'error' -> log('Error: ' + evt.message) 'req' -> (evt.end)({ status: 200 headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'} body: 'Hello, World!' }) } )) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
ink - Esoteric programming language ink === ink is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2015 by Joseph Humfrey. 2015 Joseph Humfrey #270 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Ink is inkle's scripting language for writing interactive narrative, both for text-centric games as well as more graphical games that contain highly branching stories. - Tags: esoteric programming language - ink is developed on GitHub and has 3,991 stars - Early development of ink happened in - ink is written in C#, Markdown, XML, JSON, PowerShell, Bourne shell, YAML - I looked at Monsieur Fogg * ... and I could contain myself no longer. 'What is the purpose of our journey, Monsieur?' 'A wager,' he replied. * * 'A wager!'[] I returned. He nodded. * * * 'But surely that is foolishness!' * * * 'A most serious matter then!' - - - He nodded again. * * * 'But can we win?' 'That is what we will endeavour to find out,' he answered. * * * 'A modest wager, I trust?' 'Twenty thousand pounds,' he replied, quite flatly. * * * I asked nothing further of him then[.], and after a final, polite cough, he offered nothing more to me. <> * * 'Ah[.'],' I replied, uncertain what I thought. - - After that, <> * ... but I said nothing[] and <> - we passed the day in silence. - -> END std := load('../../../opt/ink/std') str := load('../../../opt/ink/str') log := std.log log('Hello, world!') Hello World Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 326 1.6
inko - Programming language inko ==== inko is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Yorick Peterse. 2015 Yorick Peterse #628 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Inko is a gradually typed, interpreted, object-oriented programming language drawing inspiration from languages such as Smalltalk, Self, Ruby, Erlang and Rust. - Tags: programming language - inko is developed on GitHub and has 837 stars - Early development of inko happened in - inko is written in Rust, YAML, Markdown, TOML, Dockerfile, Bourne shell, JSON, CSS, Python, Make, Ruby, JavaScript, Ini - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of inko ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Inko – A safe and concurrent object-oriented programming language||08/06/2018|95|45 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
INMAGIC - Programming language INMAGIC ======= INMAGIC is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4118 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of INMAGIC happened in Inmagic, Inc - INMAGIC on HOPL INMAGIC on HOPL - Read more about INMAGIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Inno Setup - Programming language Inno Setup ========== Inno Setup is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1165 on PLDB 27 Years Old 178k Repos Inno Setup is a free software script-driven installation system created in Delphi by Jordan Russell. The first version was released in 1997.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 178,157 Inno Setup repos on GitHub - Early development of Inno Setup happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Inno Setup in 4k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Inno Setup - See also: (5 related languages) Delphi, IA-32, Ini, Pascal, Unicode ; Basic setup script for the Inno Setup installer builder. For more ; information on the free installer builder, see ; ; This script was contributed by Tim Peters. ; It was designed for Inno Setup 2.0.19 but works with later versions as well. [Setup] AppName=Expat AppId=expat AppVersion=2.1.0 AppVerName=Expat 2.1.0 AppCopyright=Copyright 1998-2012 Thai Open Source Software Center, Clark Cooper, and the Expat maintainers AppPublisher=The Expat Developers AppPublisherURL= AppSupportURL= AppUpdatesURL= UninstallDisplayName=Expat XML Parser 2.1.0 VersionInfoVersion=2.1.0 DefaultDirName={pf}\Expat 2.1.0 UninstallFilesDir={app}\Uninstall Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes SourceDir=.. OutputDir=win32 DisableStartupPrompt=yes AllowNoIcons=yes DisableProgramGroupPage=yes DisableReadyPage=yes [Files] Flags: ignoreversion; Source: win32\bin\Release\xmlwf.exe; DestDir: "{app}\Bin" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: win32\MANIFEST.txt; DestDir: "{app}" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: Changes; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: Changes.txt Flags: ignoreversion; Source: COPYING; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: COPYING.txt Flags: ignoreversion; Source: README; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: README.txt Flags: ignoreversion; Source: doc\*.html; DestDir: "{app}\Doc" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: doc\*.css; DestDir: "{app}\Doc" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: doc\*.png; DestDir: "{app}\Doc" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: win32\bin\Release\*.dll; DestDir: "{app}\Bin" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: win32\bin\Release\*.lib; DestDir: "{app}\Bin" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: expat.dsw; DestDir: "{app}\Source" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: win32\README.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Source" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: bcb5\*.bp*; DestDir: "{app}\Source\bcb5" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: bcb5\*.mak; DestDir: "{app}\Source\bcb5" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: bcb5\*.def; DestDir: "{app}\Source\bcb5" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: bcb5\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Source\bcb5" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: bcb5\*.bat; DestDir: "{app}\Source\bcb5" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: lib\*.c; DestDir: "{app}\Source\lib" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: lib\*.h; DestDir: "{app}\Source\lib" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: lib\*.def; DestDir: "{app}\Source\lib" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: lib\*.dsp; DestDir: "{app}\Source\lib" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: examples\*.c; DestDir: "{app}\Source\examples" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: examples\*.dsp; DestDir: "{app}\Source\examples" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: tests\*.c; DestDir: "{app}\Source\tests" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: tests\*.cpp; DestDir: "{app}\Source\tests" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: tests\*.h; DestDir: "{app}\Source\tests" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: tests\README.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Source\tests" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: tests\benchmark\*.c; DestDir: "{app}\Source\tests\benchmark" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: tests\benchmark\*.ds*; DestDir: "{app}\Source\tests\benchmark" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: tests\benchmark\README.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Source\tests\benchmark" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: xmlwf\*.c*; DestDir: "{app}\Source\xmlwf" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: xmlwf\*.h; DestDir: "{app}\Source\xmlwf" Flags: ignoreversion; Source: xmlwf\*.dsp; DestDir: "{app}\Source\xmlwf" [Messages] WelcomeLabel1=Welcome to the Expat XML Parser Setup Wizard WelcomeLabel2=This will install [name/ver] on your computer.%n%nExpat is an XML parser with a C-language API, and is primarily made available to allow developers to build applications which use XML using a portable API and fast implementation.%n%nIt is strongly recommended that you close all other applications you have running before continuing. This will help prevent any conflicts during the installation process. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 755 3.8
INQUIRE - Query language INQUIRE ======= INQUIRE is a query language created in 1969. 1969 #2856 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of INQUIRE happened in IBM - INQUIRE on HOPL INQUIRE on HOPL - Read more about INQUIRE on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Inscan - Programming language Inscan ====== Inscan is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4119 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Inscan happened in Auerbach Corporation - Inscan on HOPL Inscan on HOPL - Read more about Inscan on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
INSIGHT - Programming language INSIGHT ======= INSIGHT is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3436 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of INSIGHT happened in Regenstrief Institute for Health Care - INSIGHT on HOPL INSIGHT on HOPL - Read more about INSIGHT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Insitux - Programming language Insitux ======= Insitux is a programming language created in 2021 by Patrick Bowen. 2021 Patrick Bowen #1773 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone An extensible scripting language made to be situated in tough spots like Roblox games. - Tags: programming language - Insitux is developed on GitHub and has 38 stars - Early development of Insitux happened in - Insitux is written in TypeScript, Markdown, SVG, JSON, JavaScript, Python, YAML, HTML, Clojure Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Instruction list - Programming language Instruction list ================ Instruction list is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3207 on PLDB 24 Years Old Instruction List (IL) is one of the 5 languages supported by the IEC 61131-3 standard. It is designed for programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It is a low level language and resembles assembly. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Instruction list happened in International Electrotechnical Commission Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Integer BASIC - Programming language Integer BASIC ============= Integer BASIC is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3293 on PLDB 47 Years Old Integer BASIC, written by Steve Wozniak, is the BASIC interpreter of the Apple I and original Apple II computers. Originally available on cassette, then included in ROM on the original Apple II computer at release in 1977, it was the first version of BASIC used by many early home computer owners.Integer BASIC was phased out in favor of Applesoft BASIC starting with the Apple II Plus in 1979. This was a licensed but modified version of Microsoft BASIC, which included the floating point support missing in Integer BASIC.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Integer BASIC happened in Apple - See also: (6 related languages) HP Time-Shared BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Altair BASIC, Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
Integral Equation - Equation Integral Equation ================= Integral Equation is an equation created in 1888 by Isaac Newton. 1888 Isaac Newton #4549 on PLDB 136 Years Old - Tags: equation ⌡Hello World Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
intellijidea-editor - Editor intellijidea-editor =================== intellijidea-editor is an editor created in 2001. 2001 #4923 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of intellijidea-editor happened in JetBrains Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
INTERACTIVE - Programming language INTERACTIVE =========== INTERACTIVE is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3437 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of INTERACTIVE happened in Northeastern University and Oakland University - INTERACTIVE on HOPL INTERACTIVE on HOPL - Read more about INTERACTIVE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
InterBase - Database InterBase ========= InterBase is a database created in 1985. 1985 #4817 on PLDB 39 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of InterBase happened in Embarcadero Technologies Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
INTERCAL - Esoteric programming language INTERCAL ======== INTERCAL is an esoteric programming language created in 1972. 1972 #617 on PLDB 52 Years Old The Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym, abbreviated INTERCAL, is an esoteric programming language that was created as a parody by Don Woods and James M. Lyon, two Princeton University students, in 1972. It satirizes aspects of the various programming languages at the time, as well as the proliferation of proposed language constructs and notations in the 1960s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of INTERCAL happened in Princeton University - Explore INTERCAL snippets on Rosetta Code - INTERCAL on HOPL INTERCAL on HOPL - INTERCAL appears in the TIOBE Index - INTERCAL on Esolang INTERCAL on Esolang - INTERCAL Ubuntu package INTERCAL Ubuntu package - INTERCAL appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (3 related languages) ASCII, UTF-8, C DO ,1 <- #14 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #238 DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #108 DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112 DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #0 DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #64 DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #194 DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #48 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #22 DO ,1 SUB #9 <- #248 DO ,1 SUB #10 <- #168 DO ,1 SUB #11 <- #24 DO ,1 SUB #12 <- #16 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #13 <- #162 DO ,1 SUB #14 <- #52 PLEASE READ OUT ,1 PLEASE GIVE UP DO ,1 <- #13 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #238 DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #108 DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112 DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #0 DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #64 DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #194 DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #48 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #22 DO ,1 SUB #9 <- #248 DO ,1 SUB #10 <- #168 DO ,1 SUB #11 <- #24 DO ,1 SUB #12 <- #16 DO ,1 SUB #13 <- #162 PLEASE READ OUT ,1 PLEASE GIVE UP Hello World in Intercal DO ,1 <- #13 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #234 DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #112 DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112 DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #0 DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #64 DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #194 DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #48 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #22 DO ,1 SUB #9 <- #248 DO ,1 SUB #10 <- #168 DO ,1 SUB #11 <- #24 DO ,1 SUB #12 <- #16 DO ,1 SUB #13 <- #214 PLEASE READ OUT ,1 PLEASE GIVE UP DO ,1 <- #13 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #238 DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #108 DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112 DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #0 DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #64 DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #194 DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #48 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #22 DO ,1 SUB #9 <- #248 DO ,1 SUB #10 <- #168 DO ,1 SUB #11 <- #24 DO ,1 SUB #12 <- #16 DO ,1 SUB #13 <- #162 PLEASE READ OUT ,1 PLEASE GIVE UP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 601 3
INTERCELLAS - Programming language INTERCELLAS =========== INTERCELLAS is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4120 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of INTERCELLAS happened in Hungarian Academy Of Sciences - INTERCELLAS on HOPL INTERCELLAS on HOPL - Read more about INTERCELLAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Interchange File Format - Binary data format Interchange File Format ======================= Interchange File Format is a binary data format created in 1985. 1985 #2953 on PLDB 39 Years Old Interchange File Format (IFF), is a generic container file format originally introduced by the Electronic Arts company in 1985 (in cooperation with Commodore) in order to facilitate transfer of data between software produced by different companies. IFF files do not have any standard extension. On many systems that generate IFF files, file extensions are not important (the OS stores file format metadata separately from the file name). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Interchange File Format happened in Electronic Arts and Commodore International Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
InterCONS - Programming language InterCONS ========= InterCONS is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4121 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of InterCONS happened in IBM - InterCONS on HOPL InterCONS on HOPL - Read more about InterCONS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Interleaved Notation - Programming language Interleaved Notation ==================== Interleaved Notation is a programming language created in 2022 by Michael Homer. 2022 Michael Homer #2309 on PLDB 2 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the programming language Interleaved Notation. A two-dimensional notation for programs, comprising alternating rows of functions and operands with arguments and return values indicated by physical layout,and a tool for interactive live editing of programs in this notation. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Interleaved Notation happened in Victoria University of Wellington - First announcement of Interleaved Notation - See also: (2 related languages) ColorForth, Factor - Read more about Interleaved Notation on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
Interlisp-VAX - Programming language Interlisp-VAX ============= Interlisp-VAX is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #4122 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Interlisp-VAX happened in Stanford University - Interlisp-VAX on HOPL Interlisp-VAX on HOPL - Read more about Interlisp-VAX on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Interlisp - Programming language Interlisp ========= Interlisp is a programming language created in 1966 by Daniel G. Bobrow and Warren Teitelman and Ronald Kaplan. 1966 Daniel G. Bobrow Warren Teitelman Ronald Kaplan #1705 on PLDB 58 Years Old Interlisp (also seen with a variety of capitalizations) is a programming environment built around a version of the Lisp programming language. Interlisp development began in 1966 at Bolt, Beranek and Newman in Cambridge, Massachusetts with Lisp implemented for the DEC PDP-1 by Danny Bobrow and D. L. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Interlisp happened in BBN - Interlisp on HOPL Interlisp on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Common Lisp, Flavors, SPARC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Interpress - Text markup language Interpress ========== Interpress is a text markup language created in 1986. 1986 #2661 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Interpress happened in Xerox PARC - Interpress on HOPL Interpress on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) PostScript - 1 PLDB concepts link to Interpress: Interscript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Interscript - Text markup language Interscript =========== Interscript is a text markup language created in 1984. 1984 #2216 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Interscript is a superset of Interpress - Early development of Interscript happened in Xerox Data Systems - Interscript on HOPL Interscript on HOPL - Read more about Interscript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
InterSystems Caché - Database InterSystems Caché ================== InterSystems Caché is a database created in 1997. 1997 #4818 on PLDB 27 Years Old Object-oriented database management system - Tags: database - Early development of InterSystems Caché happened in InterSystems Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
IPL - Programming language IPL === IPL, aka Intuitionistic Programming Language, is a programming language created in 2013 by Johan Georg Granström. 2013 Johan Georg Granström #1548 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Automatically exported from - Tags: programming language - IPL is developed on GitHub and has 31 stars - Early development of IPL happened in Google - IPL is written in OCaml, Information Processing Language, Make - was registered in 2013 - Read more about IPL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
invokator - Programming language invokator ========= invokator is a programming language created in 2004 by Yann Orlarey. 2004 Yann Orlarey #505 on PLDB 20 Years Old git clone Functional programming language for signal processing and sound synthesis - Tags: programming language - invokator is developed on GitHub and has 2,487 stars - Early development of invokator happened in - invokator is written in C++, Bash, Standard ML, XML, Markdown, Make, Java, CMake, JavaScript, C, Bourne shell, Objective C++, Python, Julia, Objective-C, Tex, VHDL, C#, Rust, HTML, JSON, YAML, CSS, D, CSON, Tcl, reStructuredText, Gradle, Ruby, WebAssembly, Yacc, SVG, LLVM IR, Lisp, Lex, MXML, R, Vim script, MATLAB, Dockerfile, TOML, Ini, Expect - invokator on HOPL invokator on HOPL - Read more about invokator on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
Io - Programming language Io == Io is a programming language created in 2002 by Steve Dekorte. 2002 Steve Dekorte #487 on PLDB 22 Years Old 2k Repos Io is a pure object-oriented programming language inspired by Smalltalk, Self, Lua, Lisp, Act1, and NewtonScript. Io has a prototype-based object model similar to the ones in Self and NewtonScript, eliminating the distinction between instance and class. Like Smalltalk, everything is an object and it uses dynamic typing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,062 Io repos on GitHub - Early development of Io happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 594 users using Io in 624 repos on GitHub - Explore Io snippets on Rosetta Code - Io on HOPL Io on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Io - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Io - was registered in 2009 - See also: (7 related languages) Smalltalk, NewtonScript, Self, Lua, Lisp, Python, Ioke - Read more about Io on the web: 1. 1. "Hello, world!" println "Hello World\n" print factorial := method(n, if(n == 0, return 1) res := 1 Range 1 to(n) foreach(i, res = res * i) ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 403 2
Iode - Programming language Iode ==== Iode is a programming language created in 2015 by Danilo Lekovic. 2015 Danilo Lekovic #2352 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone a programming language - Tags: programming language - Iode is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of Iode happened in Simon Fraser University - Iode is written in D, Markdown, JSON, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Ioke - Programming language Ioke ==== Ioke is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Ola Bini. 2008 Ola Bini #442 on PLDB 16 Years Old 17 Repos git clone Ioke is a dynamic, strongly typed, prototype-based programming language targeting the Java Virtual Machine and the Common Language Runtime. It was designed by Ola Bini, a developer of JRuby. It has a very simple homoiconic syntax, somewhat similar to Io.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Ioke is developed on GitHub and has 164 stars - There are at least 17 Ioke repos on GitHub - Early development of Ioke happened in - Ioke is written in Java, C#, XML, HTML, Lisp, CSS, PHP, Bash, Python, Ruby - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 39 users using Ioke in 41 repos on GitHub - Explore Ioke snippets on Rosetta Code - Ioke appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Ioke - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ioke - was registered in 2008 - See also: (5 related languages) Io, Smalltalk, Lisp, Ruby, JRuby - Read more about Ioke on the web: 1. 1. "Hello, world!" println "Hello World" println #!/usr/bin/env ioke "Hello world." println Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 354 1.8
Ion Schema Language - Grammar language Ion Schema Language =================== Ion Schema Language is a grammar language created in 2018. 2018 #3118 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Ion Schema Language happened in Amazon - See also: (1 related languages) Ion - Read more about Ion Schema Language on the web: 1. 1. type::{ name: Person, type: struct, fields: { title: { type: symbol, valid_values: [Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Dr], }, firstName: { type: string, occurs: required }, middleName: string, lastName: { type: string, occurs: required }, age: { type: int, valid_values: range::[0, 130] }, }, } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Ion - Interface design language Ion === Ion is an interface design language created in 2016. 2016 #1641 on PLDB 8 Years Old Amazon Ion is a richly-typed, self-describing, hierarchical data serialization format offering interchangeable binary and text representations. The text format (a superset of JSON) is easy to read and author, supporting rapid prototyping. The binary representation is efficient to store, transmit, and skip-scan parse. - Tags: interface design language - Ion is a superset of JSON - Early development of Ion happened in Amazon - See also: (1 related languages) Protocol Buffers - Read more about Ion on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Ion: Ion Schema Language /* Ion supports comments. */ // Here is a struct, which is similar to a JSON object { // Field names don't always have to be quoted name: "Fido", // This is an integer with a 'years' annotation age: years::4, // This is a timestamp with day precision birthday: 2012-03-01T, // Here is a list, which is like a JSON array toys: [ // These are symbol values, which are like strings, // but get encoded as integers in binary ball, rope, ], // This is a decimal -- a base-10 floating point value weight: pounds::41.2, // Here is a blob -- binary data, which is // base64-encoded in Ion text encoding buzz: {{VG8gaW5maW5pdHkuLi4gYW5kIGJleW9uZCE=}}, } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature S-Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasSExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example null.sexp // A null S-expression value () // An empty expression value (cons 1 2) // S-expression of three values ([hello][there]) // S-expression containing two lists (a+-b) ( 'a' '+-' 'b' ) // Equivalent; three symbols (a.b;) ( 'a' '.' 'b' ';') // Equivalent; four symbols Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example null.list // A null list value [] // An empty list value [1, 2, 3] // List of three ints [ 1 , two ] // List of an int and a symbol [a , [b]] // Nested list [ 1.2, ] // Trailing comma is legal in Ion (unlike JSON) [ 1, , 2 ] // ERROR: missing element between commas Token row Feature Type Annotations FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeAnnotations.html Supported ✓ Example int32::12 // Suggests 32 bits as end-user type 'my.custom.type' :: { x : 12 , y : -1 } // Gives a struct a user-defined type { field: something::'another thing'::value } // Field's name must precede annotations of its value jpeg :: {{ ... }} // Indicates the blob contains jpeg data bool :: // A very misleading annotation on the integer null '' :: 1 // An empty annotation null.symbol :: 1 // ERROR: type annotation cannot be null Token row Feature hasSymbols FeatureLink ../features/hasSymbols.html Supported ✓ Example myvar2 // A different symbol 'hi ho' // Symbol requiring quotes Token row Feature Decimals FeatureLink ../features/hasDecimals.html Supported ✓ Example null.decimal // A null decimal value 0.123 // Type is decimal -0.12d4 // Type is decimal 123_456.789_012 // Decimal with underscores -0d-1 // Decimal maintains precision: -0. != -0.0 -0d0 // Negative zero decimal (distinct from positive zero) Token row Feature hasTimestamps FeatureLink ../features/hasTimestamps.html Supported ✓ Example // Timestamps represent a specific moment in time, always include a local offset, and are capable of arbitrary precision. 2007-02-23T12:14Z // Seconds are optional, but local offset is not 2007-01-01T00:00-00:00 // Happy New Year in UTC, unknown local offset Token row Feature Clobs FeatureLink ../features/hasClobs.html Supported ✓ Example // The clob type is similar to blob in that it holds uninterpreted binary data. The difference is that the content is expected to be text, so we use a text notation that’s more readable than Base64. // An Ion clob type is similar to the blob type except that the denotation in the Ion text format uses an ASCII-based string notation rather than a base64 encoding to denote its binary value. It is important to make the distinction that clob is a sequence of raw octets and string is a sequence of Unicode code points. // The string may only contain legal 7-bit ASCII character Token row Feature hasBlobs FeatureLink ../features/hasBlobs.html Supported ✓ Example // In the text format, blob values are denoted as RFC 4648-compliant Base64 text within two pairs of curly braces. // A valid blob value with one required padding character. {{ VG8gaW5maW5pdHkuLi4gYW5kIGJleW9uZCE= }} Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Null FeatureLink ../features/hasNull.html Supported ✓ Example null Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example ( '''hello ''' // Sexp with one element '''world!''' ) ("hello world!") // The exact same sexp value // This Ion value is a string containing three newlines. The serialized // form's first newline is escaped into nothingness. '''\ The first line of the string. This is the second line of the string, and this is the third line. ''' Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // // A null int value 0 // Zero. Surprise! -0 // ...the same value with a minus sign 123 // A normal int -123 // Another negative int 0xBeef // An int denoted in hexadecimal 0b0101 // An int denoted in binary 1_2_3 // An int with underscores 0xFA_CE // An int denoted in hexadecimal with underscores 0b10_10_10 // An int denoted in binary with underscores Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example // A subset of symbols called identifiers can be denoted in text without single-quotes. Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // -0.12e4 // Type is float Token row Feature Structs FeatureLink ../features/hasStructs.html Supported ✓ Example { first : "Tom" , last: "Riddle" } // Structure with two fields {"first":"Tom","last":"Riddle"} // The same value with confusing style {center:{x:1.0, y:12.5}, radius:3} // Nested struct Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example null.bool true false Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1059 5.3
iOS - Operating system iOS === iOS, aka iOS operating system, is an open source operating system created in 2007. 2007 #336 on PLDB 17 Years Old iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company's mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: operating system - Early development of iOS happened in Apple - Check out the 2,582 iOS meetup groups on - See also: (6 related languages) C, Objective-C, Swift, Android, ARM, TLS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Iota-and-jot - Esoteric programming language Iota-and-jot ============ Iota-and-jot is an esoteric programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2819 on PLDB 23 Years Old In formal language theory and computer science, Iota and Jot (from Greek iota ι, Hebrew yodh י, the smallest letters in those two alphabets) are languages, extremely minimalist formal systems, designed to be even simpler than other more popular alternatives, such as the lambda calculus and SKI combinator calculus.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Iota-and-jot happened in New York University - Read more about Iota-and-jot on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
iota - Programming language iota ==== iota is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4123 on PLDB 39 Years Old A highly interactive programming system is presented which supports hierarchical and modular program development with abstraction mechanisms. By taking advantage of abstraction mechanisms, the system provides a "truly modular" environment, in which modules are constructed, debugged, verified, and compiled in a module-by-module fashion. Such an environment naturally requires system management of the information concerning ongoing program development, in the form of module databases. As a result, further problems arise as to how to modify the information in efficient and consistent ways. This paper discusses design objectives for modular programming systems by focusing on such issues as information management, interactive construction and modification of modules, separate processing, specification and verification, and supports for cooperative program development. - Tags: programming language - Early development of iota happened in Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences - Read more about iota on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
IP Pascal - Programming language IP Pascal ========= IP Pascal is a programming language created in 1990 by Scott Moore. 1990 Scott Moore #1952 on PLDB 34 Years Old IP Pascal is an implementation of the Pascal programming language using the IP portability platform, a multiple machine, operating system and language implementation system.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IP Pascal happened in - IP Pascal on HOPL IP Pascal on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Pascal, C#, Unicode, UTF-8, Java, UCSD Pascal, Visual Basic, Turbo Pascal, Linux, ISBN program hello(input, output); uses gralib; var er: evtrec; begin bcolor(output, green); curvis(output, false); auto(output, false); page(output); fcolor(output, red); frect(output, 50, 50, maxxg(output)-50, maxyg(output)-50); fcolorg(output, maxint, maxint-(maxint div 3), maxint-maxint div 3); frect(output, 50, 50, 53, maxyg(output)-50); frect(output, 50, 50, maxxg(output)-50, 53); fcolorg(output, maxint div 2, 0, 0); frect(output, 52, maxyg(output)-53, maxxg(output)-50, maxyg(output)-50); frect(output, maxxg(output)-53, 52, maxxg(output)-50, maxyg(output)-50); font(output, font_sign); fontsiz(output, 100); binvis(output); fcolor(output, cyan); cursorg(output, maxxg(output) div 2-strsiz(output, 'hello, world') div 2+3, maxyg(output) div 2-100 div 2+3); writeln('hello, world'); fcolor(output, blue); cursorg(output, maxxg(output) div 2-strsiz(output, 'hello, world') div 2, maxyg(output) div 2-100 div 2); writeln('hello, world'); repeat event(input, er) until er.etype = etterm end. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 348 1.7
IPA - Notation IPA === IPA, aka International Phonetic Alphabet, is a notation created in 1888. 1888 #4550 on PLDB 136 Years Old The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is an alphabetic system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin script. - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
IPad - Computing machine IPad ==== IPad is a computing machine created in 2010. 2010 #4551 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of IPad happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Information Presentation Facility - Programming language Information Presentation Facility ================================= Information Presentation Facility, aka Information Presentation Facility, is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1965 on PLDB 27 Years Old Information Presentation Facility (IPF) is a system for presenting online help and hypertext on IBM OS/2 systems. IPF also refers to the markup language that is used to create IPF content. The IPF language has its origins in BookMaster and Generalized Markup Language developed by IBM. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Information Presentation Facility happened in IBM - See also: (3 related languages) GML, HTML, Free Pascal .* A comment :userdoc. :title.Endangered Mammals :h1 res=001.The Manatee :p. The manatee has a broad flat tail and two flipper like forelegs. There are no back legs. The manatee's large upper lip is split in two and can be used like fingers to place food into the mouth. Bristly hair protrudes from its lips, and almost buried in its hide are small eyes, with which it can barely see. :euserdoc. :lm margin=2.:font facename=Helv size=24x10. :p.:hp8.Welcome to PM123 !:ehp8. :font facename=Helv size=16x8. :p.:p. Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of digital music on OS/2. First we must congratulate you for choosing the best MPEG-audio player available for OS/2! PM123 has been in development since beginning of 1997 and has become the most advanced player on OS/2. Some of you may have used the earlier betas of PM123 and for your convenience, here are the new features in this release: .br :ul compact. :li. New skin options, allowing PM123 to be modified to just about anything. :li. Graphical :hp2.equalizer:ehp2., including pre-amplification and band mute. :li. Support for plugins, a :hp2.spectrum analyzer:ehp2. and :hp2.oscilloscope:ehp2. plugin. :li. :hp2.Playlist Manager:ehp2. for users, allowing easier managing of playlists. :li. Better HTTP streaming support: support for URLs in playlist, and M3Us for playlists. :li. Recursive directory adding. :li. Commandline and remote control of PM123. :li. General improvements in all parts of the player. :eul. .br .br :p. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 424 2.1
InterPlanetary File System - Protocol InterPlanetary File System ========================== InterPlanetary File System is a protocol created in 2015 by Juan Benet. 2015 Juan Benet #207 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone IPFS is an open system to manage data without a central server. - Tags: protocol, cryptoProtocol - InterPlanetary File System is developed on GitHub and has 22,610 stars - Early development of InterPlanetary File System happened in - InterPlanetary File System is written in YAML, Markdown - First announcement of InterPlanetary File System - There are 0 members in the InterPlanetary File System subreddit - 1 PLDB concepts link to InterPlanetary File System: Filecoin Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
IPhone - Computing machine IPhone ====== IPhone is a computing machine created in 2007. 2007 #4552 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of IPhone happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
IPL-V - Programming language IPL-V ===== IPL-V is a programming language created in 1957. 1957 #4124 on PLDB 67 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IPL-V happened in Carnegie Mellon and RAND - IPL-V on HOPL IPL-V on HOPL - Read more about IPL-V on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
IpTables Rope - Programming language IpTables Rope ============= IpTables Rope is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #3211 on PLDB 19 Years Old Rope is a programming language that allows developers to write extensions to the Iptables/Netfilter components of Linux using a simple scripting language based on Reverse Polish notation. It is a scriptable Iptables match module, used to identify whether IP packets passed to it match a particular set of criteria or not. Rope started life as a project to make the "string" match module of Iptables stronger and evolved fairly quickly into an open-ended scriptable packet matching mechanism.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IpTables Rope happened in Digitage Ltd - See also: (2 related languages) Linux, Reverse Polish notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
IPTSCRAE - Programming language IPTSCRAE ======== IPTSCRAE is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2667 on PLDB 30 Years Old Iptscrae is a stack-oriented scripting language used to give additional functionality to The Palace software and servers. Its name comes from the pronunciation of "script" in Pig Latin. [1] The language was created by Jim Bumgardner, who in turn was inspired by Forth, another stack-based language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of IPTSCRAE happened in Warner New Media - Explore IPTSCRAE snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (4 related languages) Forth, JavaScript, Java, HTML /""s={n++{{" "n itoa&}{" buzz"}n 5%ifelse}{" fizz"}n 3%ifelse s+=}{101n>}while s logmsg Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
IPv4 - Protocol IPv4 ==== IPv4 is a protocol created in 1984. 1984 #4553 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of IPv4 happened in DARPA Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 85 0.4
IQF - Programming language IQF === IQF is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4125 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IQF happened in IBM - IQF on HOPL IQF on HOPL - Read more about IQF on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
iqr - Bar code format iqr === iqr is a bar code format created in 1994. 1994 #4610 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: barCodeFormat - Early development of iqr happened in Denso Wave Incorporated Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
IRC chat logs - Application IRC chat logs ============= IRC chat logs is an application created in 1988. 1988 #3119 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of IRC chat logs happened in - Read more about IRC chat logs on the web: 1. 1. 12:06 Tantek: what does the datetime stamp represent? 12:07 KevinMarks: in iRC, when it was said 12:07 Tantek: is it a point in time *before* they started speaking? 12:07 Tantek: or *after*? 12:07 Tantek: or somewhere in the *middle*? 12:07 KevinMarks: usually it is quantised to seconds 12:07 KevinMarks: and it is time the msg was received 12:07 Tantek: but the second they started typing or pressed return? 12:08 KevinMarks: prssed return i think Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
ircis - Esoteric programming language ircis ===== ircis is an esoteric programming language created in 2019 by Arjun Nair. 2019 Arjun Nair #1924 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone I Run Chars I See(IRCIS) - a 2d grid based esoteric programming language. - Tags: esoteric programming language - ircis is developed on GitHub and has 107 stars - Early development of ircis happened in - ircis is written in C++, HTML, CMake, Markdown, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Isabelle-91 - Programming language Isabelle-91 =========== Isabelle-91 is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4126 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Isabelle-91 happened in University of Cambridge - Isabelle-91 on HOPL Isabelle-91 on HOPL - Read more about Isabelle-91 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Isabelle/HOL - Programming language Isabelle/HOL ============ Isabelle/HOL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4127 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Isabelle/HOL happened in University of Queensland and Technische Universit at Berlin - Isabelle/HOL on HOPL Isabelle/HOL on HOPL - Read more about Isabelle/HOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Isabelle - Programming language Isabelle ======== Isabelle is an open source programming language created in 1986. 1986 #491 on PLDB 38 Years Old 839 Repos The Isabelle theorem prover is an interactive theorem prover, a Higher Order Logic (HOL) theorem prover. It is an LCF-style theorem prover (written in Standard ML), so it is based on a small logical core to ease logical correctness. Isabelle is generic: it provides a meta-logic (a weak type theory), which is used to encode object logics like first-order logic (FOL), higher-order logic (HOL) or Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZFC). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 839 Isabelle repos on GitHub - Early development of Isabelle happened in University of Cambridge and Technische Universität München - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 115 users using Isabelle in 137 repos on GitHub - Isabelle LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Isabelle - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Isabelle - See also: (2 related languages) Standard ML, Coq - Read more about Isabelle on the web: 1. 1. theory HelloWorld imports Main begin section{*Playing around with Isabelle*} text{* creating a lemma with the name hello_world*} lemma hello_world: "True" by simp (*inspecting it*) thm hello_world text{* defining a string constant HelloWorld *} definition HelloWorld :: "string" where "HelloWorld \<equiv> ''Hello World!''" (*reversing HelloWorld twice yilds HelloWorld again*) theorem "rev (rev HelloWorld) = HelloWorld" by (fact List.rev_rev_ident) text{*now we delete the already proven List.rev_rev_ident lema and show it by hand*} declare List.rev_rev_ident[simp del] hide_fact List.rev_rev_ident (*It's trivial since we can just 'execute' it*) corollary "rev (rev HelloWorld) = HelloWorld" apply(simp add: HelloWorld_def) done text{*does it hold in general?*} theorem rev_rev_ident:"rev (rev l) = l" proof(induction l) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons l ls) assume IH: "rev (rev ls) = ls" have "rev (l#ls) = (rev ls) @ [l]" by simp hence "rev (rev (l#ls)) = rev ((rev ls) @ [l])" by simp also have "\<dots> = [l] @ rev (rev ls)" by simp finally show "rev (rev (l#ls)) = l#ls" using IH by simp qed corollary "\<forall>(l::string). rev (rev l) = l" by(fastforce intro: rev_rev_ident) end theorem sqrt2_not_rational: "sqrt (real 2) ∉ ℚ" proof let ?x = "sqrt (real 2)" assume "?x ∈ ℚ" then obtain m n :: nat where sqrt_rat: "¦?x¦ = real m / real n" and lowest_terms: "coprime m n" by (rule Rats_abs_nat_div_natE) hence "real (m^2) = ?x^2 * real (n^2)" by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square) hence eq: "m^2 = 2 * n^2" using of_nat_eq_iff power2_eq_square by fastforce hence "2 dvd m^2" by simp hence "2 dvd m" by simp have "2 dvd n" proof- from ‹2 dvd m› obtain k where "m = 2 * k" .. with eq have "2 * n^2 = 2^2 * k^2" by simp hence "2 dvd n^2" by simp thus "2 dvd n" by simp qed with ‹2 dvd m› have "2 dvd gcd m n" by (rule gcd_greatest) with lowest_terms have "2 dvd 1" by simp thus False using odd_one by blast qed Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 735 3.7
ISAC - Programming language ISAC ==== ISAC, aka ISAbelle for Calculations in applied mathematics, is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3438 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ISAC happened in Ohio State University - ISAC on HOPL ISAC on HOPL - Read more about ISAC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
ISBL - Programming language ISBL ==== ISBL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3725 on PLDB 44 Years Old ISBL (Information Systems Base Language) is the relational algebra notation that was invented for PRTV, one of the earliest database management systems to implement E.F. Codd's relational model of data.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ISBL happened in IBM OS = ORDERS * SUPPLIERS LIST OS: NAME="Brooks" % SNAME, ITEM, PRICE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
ISBN - Schema ISBN ==== ISBN is a schema created in 1970. 1970 #391 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: schema - Early development of ISBN happened in - has 53 matches for "isbn". 978-3-16-148410-0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
iScript - Programming language iScript ======= iScript is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #2144 on PLDB 16 Years Old Servertec has announced iScript, a platform independent scripting language written in Java, for creating scalable, server-side, object-oriented, n-Tier enterprise solutions. The iScript scripting language features platform independence, object-oriented architecture, web-server integration, support for Common Gateway Interface (CGI), dynamic content generator, static content preprocessor, make facility, just-in-time pcode generator and caching, Java API wrappers and open component API. Servertec will be releasing the iScript Developer Kit, which integrates the iScript scripting language, documentation and examples to the public. Web site developers can use this kit to create and maintain dynamic, data driven and static web sites. iScript preview release is available for free at The final release of iScript is scheduled to ship in the second half of 1998. Final pricing details have yet to be announced. - Tags: programming language - Early development of iScript happened in Servertec Inc - iScript on HOPL iScript on HOPL - Read more about iScript on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
ISETL - Programming language ISETL ===== ISETL is a programming language created in 1989 by Jacob T. Schwartz. 1989 Jacob T. Schwartz #1721 on PLDB 35 Years Old SETL (SET Language) is a very high-level programming language based on the mathematical theory of sets. It was originally developed by (Jack) Jacob T. Schwartz at the New York University (NYU) Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in the late 1960s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ISETL happened in Clarkson University - ISETL on HOPL ISETL on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) ALGOL 60, ABC, Ada, Python - Read more about ISETL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. procedure factorial(n); -- calculates the factorial n! return if n = 1 then 1 else n * factorial(n - 1) end if; end factorial; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 261 1.3
ISIS - Programming language ISIS ==== ISIS is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4128 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ISIS happened in MIT - ISIS on HOPL ISIS on HOPL - Read more about ISIS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ISLISP - Programming language ISLISP ====== ISLISP is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1352 on PLDB 17 Years Old ISLISP (also capitalized as ISLisp) is a programming language in the LISP family standardized by ISO working group ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 16 (commonly referred to simply as SC22/WG16 or WG16). The primary output of this working group was an International Standard, ISO/IEC 13816:1997(E), published by ISO. The standard was updated in 2007 and republished as ISO/IEC 13816:2007(E). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ISLISP happened in ISO and International Electrotechnical Commission - ISLISP on HOPL ISLISP on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) Common Lisp, EuLisp, Le-Lisp, Scheme, CLOS, OpenLisp (format (standard-output) "Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token standard-output Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
ISO 8601 - Standard ISO 8601 ======== ISO 8601 is a standard created in 1988 by ISO Technical Committee TC 154. 1988 ISO Technical Committee TC 154 #2018 on PLDB 36 Years Old ISO 8601 is an international standard covering the worldwide exchange and communication of date and time-related data - Tags: standard - Early development of ISO 8601 happened in ISO Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
ISPL - Programming language ISPL ==== ISPL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4129 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ISPL happened in RAND - ISPL on HOPL ISPL on HOPL - Read more about ISPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
International System of Quantities - Schema International System of Quantities ================================== International System of Quantities, aka International System of Quantities, is a schema created in 2009. 2009 #1785 on PLDB 15 Years Old The International System of Quantities (ISQ) is a system based on seven base quantities: length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity. Other quantities such as area, pressure, and electrical resistance are derived from these base quantities by clear, non-contradictory equations. The ISQ defines the quantities that are measured with the SI units and also includes many other quantities in modern science and technology. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: schema - Early development of International System of Quantities happened in General Conference on Weights and Measures - See also: (1 related languages) SI Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
ISWIM - Programming language ISWIM ===== ISWIM, aka If you See What I Mean, is a programming language created in 1966 by Peter Landin. 1966 Peter Landin #1214 on PLDB 58 Years Old ISWIM is an abstract computer programming language (or a family of programming languages) devised by Peter J. Landin and first described in his article The Next 700 Programming Languages, published in the Communications of the ACM in 1966. The acronym stands for "If you See What I Mean" (also said to have stood for "I See What You Mean", but ISWYM was mistyped as ISWIM). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ISWIM happened in RAND - ISWIM on HOPL ISWIM on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) ALGOL 60, Lisp, Haskell, Clean, LUCID, KRC, HOPE, Miranda Print `Hello world' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
IT - Programming language IT == IT is a programming language created in 1955 by Alan Perlis. 1955 Alan Perlis #2947 on PLDB 69 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IT happened in Purdue University - IT on HOPL IT on HOPL - Read more about IT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to IT: RUNCIBLE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Iterm2 - Application Iterm2 ====== Iterm2 is an application created in 1996. 1996 #450 on PLDB 28 Years Old git clone iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm. It works on Macs with macOS 10.14 or newer. iTerm2 brings the terminal into the modern age with features you never knew you always wanted. - Tags: application - Iterm2 is developed on GitHub and has 14,991 stars - Early development of Iterm2 happened in - Iterm2 is written in Objective-C, Swift, Python, XML, reStructuredText, CSS, Bourne shell, Metal, C, JSON, Markdown, Visual Basic, Objective C++, Bash, HTML, Make, YAML, C++, Ruby, JavaScript, C shell, Protocol Buffers, Perl, DTrace, Tex, Z shell, MATLAB, SVG - See also: (3 related languages) Git, Magit, Sourcetree Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
ITL - Programming language ITL === ITL is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #2300 on PLDB 43 Years Old ITL can refer to: Imaging Technology Laboratory, part of the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory In the Labyrinth, a role-playing system built on The Fantasy Trip Inferential theory of learning Information Technology Limited, a British computer company of the 1980s (formerly CTL) Institute of Technology Law, National Chiao Tung University a law school in Taiwan Interval Temporal Logic, a temporal logic Islamic Tools and Libraries, a subproject of Arabeyes software which provides Hijri dates, Muslim prayer times and Qibla Italian lira, the former currency of Italy that had ISO 4217 code ITL Iterative test-last, opposite of iterative test-first software development process. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ITL happened in Rutgers University - ITL on HOPL ITL on HOPL - Read more about ITL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
IVTRAN - Programming language IVTRAN ====== IVTRAN is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4130 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IVTRAN happened in Purdue University - IVTRAN on HOPL IVTRAN on HOPL - Read more about IVTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ivy - Programming language ivy === ivy is a programming language created in 2014 by Rob Pike. 2014 Rob Pike #1283 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone An APL-like calculator - Tags: programming language - ivy is developed on GitHub and has 1,313 stars - ivy is written in Go, XML, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Invisible XML - Grammar language Invisible XML ============= Invisible XML is a grammar language created in 2020 by Steven Pemberton. 2020 Steven Pemberton #1257 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Invisible XML is a language for describing the implicit structure of data, and a set of technologies for making that structure explicit as XML markup. It allows you to write a declarative description of the format of some text and then leverage that format to represent the text as structured information. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Invisible XML is developed on GitHub and has 48 stars - Early development of Invisible XML happened in - Invisible XML is written in XML, Markdown, XSLT, XQuery, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, YAML, Bourne shell, Gradle, SVG, Make, Lisp - was registered in 2020 - See also: (1 related languages) XML - Read more about Invisible XML on the web: 1. 1. url: scheme, ":", authority, path. scheme: letter+. authority: "//", host. host: sub++".". sub: letter+. path: ("/", seg)+. seg: fletter*. -letter: ["a"-"z"]; ["A"-"Z"]; ["0"-"9"]. -fletter: letter; ".". Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
Izibasic - Programming language Izibasic ======== Izibasic is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3628 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Izibasic happened in Palm, Inc - Read more about Izibasic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
J - Programming language J = J is an open source programming language created in 1990 by Kenneth E. Iverson and Roger Hui. 1990 Kenneth E. Iverson Roger Hui #107 on PLDB 34 Years Old 468 Repos git clone The J programming language, developed in the early 1990s by Kenneth E. Iverson and Roger Hui, is a synthesis of APL (also by Iverson) and the FP and FL function-level languages created by John Backus. To avoid repeating the APL special-character problem, J uses only the basic ASCII character set, resorting to the use of the dot and colon as inflections to form short words similar to digraphs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - J is developed on GitHub and has 650 stars - Watch the history of the J repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 468 J repos on GitHub - Early development of J happened in Jsoftware Inc - J is written in C, Assembly language, Bourne shell, Make, XML, Markdown, YAML, C++, IDL, HTML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 124 users using J in 151 repos on GitHub - There are 2,478 Project Euler users using J - Explore J snippets on Rosetta Code - J on HOPL J on HOPL - J appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for J - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for J - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for J - was registered in 1996 - See also: (13 related languages) Linux, APL, FP, FL, NumPy, SuperCollider, ASCII, Unix, SQL, C, Unicode, K, Q - Read more about J on the web: 1. 1. - 4 PLDB concepts link to J: Goal, Jelly, U, Uiua echo 'Hello, world!' #!/opt/local/bin/jc echo 'Hello World' exit '' NB. Hello World in J 'Hello World' 1!:2(2) #!/bin/jconsole echo 'Hello, GitHub!' exit '' 3 |. 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 NB. rotate 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example NB. _?\d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example NB. _?\d+\.(?=\d+) Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example NB. A comment Token NB. row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 534 2.7
JACAL - Programming language JACAL ===== JACAL is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #4131 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JACAL happened in MIT - JACAL on HOPL JACAL on HOPL - Read more about JACAL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
JACL - Programming language JACL ==== JACL is a programming language created in 1997 by Ioi K. Lam and Brian Smith. 1997 Ioi K. Lam Brian Smith #2857 on PLDB 27 Years Old Jacl, pronunced “Jackal”, is a Tcl interpreter written in Java. You can use it for Java the same way Tcl is used for C — a scripting language to glue together modules written in a low level language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of JACL happened in - JACL on HOPL JACL on HOPL - Read more about JACL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
JADE - Programming language JADE ==== JADE is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #608 on PLDB 28 Years Old JADE is a proprietary object-oriented software development and deployment platform product from the New Zealand-based Jade Software Corporation, first released in 1996. It consists of the JADE programming language, IDE and debugger, integrated application server and object database management system. Designed as an end-to-end development environment to allow systems to be coded in one language from the database server down to the clients, it also provides APIs for other languages, including .NET Framework, Java, C/C++ and Web services. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JADE happened in Jade Software Corporation - JADE on HOPL JADE on HOPL - JADE appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting JADE - See also: (5 related languages) Java, C, Pascal, Modula-2, LINC 4GL helloWorld(); begin write "Hello World"; end; // Hello World in JADE write "Hello World"; helloWorld(); begin write "Hello, World!"; end; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 312 1.6
JAI - Programming language JAI === JAI is a programming language created in 2014 by Jonathan Blow. 2014 Jonathan Blow #334 on PLDB 10 Years Old Jonathan Blow (born 1971) is an American video game designer and programmer, who is best known as the creator of the independent video games Braid (2008) and The Witness (2016), both of which were released to critical acclaim. From 2001 to 2004, Blow wrote the Inner Product column for Game Developer Magazine. He was the primary host of the Experimental Gameplay Workshop each March at the Game Developers Conference, which has become a premier showcase for new ideas in video games. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JAI happened in - There are 1,507 members in the JAI subreddit - Read more about JAI on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. #import "Basic"; main :: () { print("Hello, World!\n"); } #import "Print" main::(){ print("Hello World"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 340 1.7
Jakt - Programming language Jakt ==== Jakt is a programming language created in 2022 by Andreas Kling. 2022 Andreas Kling #339 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Jakt is a memory-safe systems programming language. It currently transpiles to C++. - Tags: programming language - Jakt is developed on GitHub and has 2,795 stars - Early development of Jakt happened in - Jakt compiles to C++ - Jakt is written in C++, JSON, Markdown, YAML, TypeScript, CMake, Python, Bourne shell, Vim script, JavaScript, XML, Nix, Lisp, Lua, Dockerfile function main() { let x = ("a", 2, true) println("{}", x.1) } function square(num: i32) -> i32 { return num * num } function main() { return square(num: 3) } function main() { println("Hello World") } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
JAL compiler - Compiler JAL compiler ============ JAL compiler is a compiler created in 2000. 2000 #1637 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone JAL (Just Another Language) is a Pascal-like programming language and compiler that generates executable code for PIC microcontrollers. It is a free-format language with a compiler that runs on Linux, MS-Windows and MS-DOS (OSX support). It is configurable and extendable through the use of libraries and can even be combined with PIC assembly language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - JAL compiler is developed on GitHub and has 24 stars - Early development of JAL compiler happened in Van Ooijen Technische Informatica - JAL compiler is written in HTML, XML, Python, C, Bourne shell, JSON, Perl, XSLT, Make, Tex, Assembly language, Stata, CSS, Scheme, Logos, Rexx, Markdown, YAML, Bash - See also: (1 related languages) PIC microcontroller -- JAL 2.3 include 16f877_bert--define the variables var byte resist--define the pins pin_a0_direction = input--variable resistor pin_d7_direction = input--switch pin_c2_direction = output--pwm led--enable pulse width modulation PWM_init_frequency (true, true) forever loop--convert analog on a0 to digital resist = ADC_read_low_res(0) -- run measurement through flash memory program_eeprom_write(2000,resist) program_eeprom_read(2000,resist) -- run measurement through data memory data_eeprom_write(10,resist) data_eeprom_read(10,resist) -- if the switch is pressed return random value if pin_d7 == high then resist = random_byte end if--send resistance to PC serial_sw_write(resist) delay_100ms(1) -- set actual PWM duty cycle PWM_Set_DutyCycle (resist, resist) end loop Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 313 1.6
Jammy - Programming language Jammy ===== Jammy is a programming language created in 2021 by Mark. 2021 Mark #2162 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A programming language specifically for doing game jams in Love2D - Tags: programming language - Jammy is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of Jammy happened in - Jammy compiles to Lua - Jammy is written in JavaScript, Lua, JSON, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Janet - Programming language Janet ===== Janet is a programming language created in 2018 by Calvin Rose. 2018 Calvin Rose #205 on PLDB 6 Years Old 88 Repos git clone A dynamic language and bytecode vm - Tags: programming language - Janet is developed on GitHub and has 3,396 stars - There are at least 88 Janet repos on GitHub - Early development of Janet happened in - Janet is written in C, YAML, Bourne shell, Markdown, Make, Meson, SVG, Assembly language - There are 0 members in the Janet subreddit - was registered in 2018 import joy) (defn home [request] (joy/render :text "You found joy!")) (def routes [[:get "/" home]]) (def app (joy/handler routes)) (joy/server app 8000) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token HackerNews discussions of Janet =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Janet is a Lisp for scripting, or embedding in other programs||02/15/2019|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 335 1.7
Jank - Programming language Jank ==== Jank is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1278 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A Clojure dialect hosted on LLVM with native C++ interop - Tags: programming language - Jank is developed on GitHub and has 1,542 stars - Early development of Jank happened in - Jank is written in C++, Bash, YAML, CMake, Markdown, Clojure, Nix, JSON, Bourne shell, Vim script Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Janus - Programming language Janus ===== Janus is a programming language created in 1982 by Christopher Lutz and Howard Derby and Tetsuo Yokoyama and Robert Glück. 1982 Christopher Lutz Howard Derby Tetsuo Yokoyama Robert Glück #2083 on PLDB 42 Years Old Janus is a time-reversible programming language written at Caltech in 1982. The operational semantics of the language were formally specified, together with a program inverter and an invertible self-interpreter, in 2007 by Tetsuo Yokoyama and Robert Glück. A Janus inverter and interpreter is made freely available by the TOPPS research group at DIKU. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Janus happened in California Institute of Technology - Janus on HOPL Janus on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Prolog - Read more about Janus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. procedure fib from i = 2 do i += 1 x1 <=> x2 x1 -= x2 loop until i = n Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
Janus - Programming language Janus ===== Janus is a programming language created in 1990 by Ken Kahn. 1990 Ken Kahn #2960 on PLDB 34 Years Old Janus is the two-faced Roman god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings, and endings. Janus may also refer to:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Janus happened in Xerox PARC - See also: (2 related languages) Janus, Janus Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
jaqt - Query language jaqt ==== jaqt is a query language created in 2023 by Auke van Slooten. 2023 Auke van Slooten #3625 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone GraphQL-style and Array.where() for javascript - Tags: queryLanguage, library - jaqt is developed on GitHub and has 108 stars from(data.people) .select({ metrics: { hair_color: _ }, lastName:_ }) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Jargon - Programming language Jargon ====== Jargon is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2530 on PLDB 37 Years Old Jargon is a type of language that is used in a particular context and may not be well understood outside that context. The context is usually a particular occupation (that is, a certain trade, profession, or academic field), but any in group can have jargon. The main trait that distinguishes jargon from the rest of a language is special vocabulary—including some words specific to it, and often different senses or meanings of words, that out groups would tend to take in another sense—therefore misunderstanding that communication attempt. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Jargon on HOPL Jargon on HOPL - Read more about Jargon on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Jasmin - Programming language Jasmin ====== Jasmin is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #863 on PLDB 27 Years Old 74 Repos Jasmin is an assembler for the Java Virtual Machine. It takes ASCII descriptions of Java classes, written in a simple assembler-like syntax using the Java Virtual Machine instruction set. It converts them into binary Java class files, suitable for loading by a Java runtime system. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 74 Jasmin repos on GitHub - Early development of Jasmin happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 194 users using Jasmin in 204 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Jasmin - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Jasmin .class public Main .super java/lang/Object .method public <init>()V aload_0 invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V return .end method .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V .limit stack 2 getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; ldc "Hello, world!" invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(Ljava/lang/String;)V return .end method .class public Jasmin .super java/lang/Object .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V .limit stack 2 getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; ldc "Hello World" invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(Ljava/lang/String;)V return .end method .class public op2 .super java/lang/Object ; ; standard initializer (calls java.lang.Object's initializer) ; .method public <init>()V aload_0 invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V return .end method .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V .limit locals 1 .limit stack 5 BeginGlobal: .line 2 getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; ldc 0x1 ldc 0x0 iand invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(Z)V .line 3 getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; ldc 0x1 ldc 0x0 ior invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(Z)V EndGlobal: return .end method Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 428 2.1
jasmine - Library jasmine ======= jasmine is an open source library created in 2008. 2008 #432 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js - Tags: library - jasmine is developed on GitHub and has 15,727 stars - Early development of jasmine happened in - jasmine is written in JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON, SCSS, Bash, ERB, CSS, SVG, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
jasper - Programming language jasper ====== jasper is a programming language created in 2014 by Emanuel Rylke. 2014 Emanuel Rylke #2225 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone compile to js lisp inspired by arc - Tags: programming language - jasper is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of jasper happened in - jasper is written in Markdown (+ 2 3) (map [+ 1 _] '(1 2 3)) (let a 4 (map [+ 3 a _] '(1 2 3))) (alert "Hello world!") (map str '(1 2 3) '(foo bar baz)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Just Another Scripting Syntax - Programming language Just Another Scripting Syntax ============================= Just Another Scripting Syntax, aka Just Another Scripting Syntax, is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2127 on PLDB 15 Years Old JASS and JASS2 (sometimes said to stand for Just Another Scripting Syntax) is a scripting language provided with an event-driven API created by Blizzard Entertainment. It is used extensively by their games Warcraft III (JASS2) and StarCraft (JASS) for scripting events in the game world. Map creators can use it in the Warcraft III World Editor and the Starcraft Editor to create scripts for triggers and AI (artificial intelligence) in custom maps and campaigns. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Just Another Scripting Syntax happened in Blizzard Entertainment, Inc - See also: (1 related languages) Java function Trig_JASS_testPreloadExploit_Actions takes nothing returns nothing call PreloadGenEnd(".\\redist\\miles\\Mp3enc.asi") endfunction Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Java Bytecode - Bytecode format Java Bytecode ============= Java Bytecode is a bytecode format created in 1995. 1995 #729 on PLDB 29 Years Old Java bytecode is the instruction set of the Java virtual machine (JVM).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: bytecode format - Early development of Java Bytecode happened in Oracle - See also: (19 related languages) JVM, Java, Assembly language, C, ColdFusion, JRuby, Jython, Ruby, Python, Groovy, Scala, Ada, Clojure, Lisp, JavaFX Script, Kotlin, Object Pascal, Free Pascal, CIL 0: iconst_2 1: istore_1 2: iload_1 3: sipush 1000 6: if_icmpge 44 9: iconst_2 10: istore_2 11: iload_2 12: iload_1 13: if_icmpge 31 16: iload_1 17: iload_2 18: irem 19: ifne 25 22: goto 38 25: iinc 2, 1 28: goto 11 31: getstatic #84; // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream; 34: iload_1 35: invokevirtual #85; // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V 38: iinc 1, 1 41: goto 2 44: return Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 257 1.3
Java EE version history - Programming language Java EE version history ======================= Java EE version history is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3236 on PLDB 26 Years Old Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), formerly Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), currently Jakarta EE, is a set of specifications, extending Java SE 8 (i.e. not based on latest Java 11; while can also work with later it or later than Java 8) with specifications for enterprise features such as distributed computing and web services. Java EE applications are run on reference runtimes, that can be microservices or application servers, which handle transactions, security, scalability, concurrency and management of the components it is deploying. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Java EE version history happened in Oracle - See also: (3 related languages) JSP, Facelets, Java EE version history @Entity public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY) private Integer id; @Size(min = 2, message="First name too short") private String firstName; @Size(min = 2, message="Last name too short") private String lastName; public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { = id; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 283 1.4
Java Properties - Data notation Java Properties =============== Java Properties is a data notation created in 1995. 1995 #563 on PLDB 29 Years Old 6k Repos .properties is a file extension for files mainly used in Java related technologies to store the configurable parameters of an application. They can also be used for storing strings for Internationalization and localization; these are known as Property Resource Bundles. Each parameter is stored as a pair of strings, one storing the name of the parameter (called the key), and the other storing the value.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 6,363 Java Properties repos on GitHub - Early development of Java Properties happened in Oracle - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Java Properties - See also: (10 related languages) Java, Unicode, Microsoft Notepad, Emacs, Vim, ASCII, Eclipse, Perl, XML, YAML # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may # obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # Dink:net/rptools/maptool/client/sound/dink.mp3 Clink:net/rptools/maptool/client/sound/clink.mp3 # You are reading the ".properties" entry. ! The exclamation mark can also mark text as comments. # The key characters =, and : should be written with # a preceding backslash to ensure that they are properly loaded. # However, there is no need to precede the value characters =, and : by a backslash. website = language = English # The backslash below tells the application to continue reading # the value onto the next line. message = Welcome to \ Wikipedia! # Add spaces to the key key\ with\ spaces = This is the value that could be looked up with the key "key with spaces". # Unicode tab : \u0009 # If you want your property to include a backslash, it should be escaped by another backslash path=c:\\wiki\\templates # However, some editors will handle this automatically Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 479 2.4
JSP - Template language JSP === JSP is a template language created in 1999. 1999 #326 on PLDB 25 Years Old 729 Repos JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology that helps software developers create dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML, or other document types. Released in 1999 by Sun Microsystems, JSP is similar to PHP and ASP, but it uses the Java programming language. To deploy and run JavaServer Pages, a compatible web server with a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty, is required.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - There are at least 729 JSP repos on GitHub - Early development of JSP happened in Oracle - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JSP - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSP - See also: (9 related languages) HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, Java, JVM, Velocity, Java EE version history, Thymeleaf - 7 PLDB concepts link to JSP: Ace Editor, Apache Hbase, Gradle, Java, Pygments, SmallBASIC, YAWL The value of "variable" in the object "javabean" is ${javabean.variable}. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
Java - Programming language Java ==== Java is an open source programming language created in 1995 by James Gosling. 1995 James Gosling #4 on PLDB 29 Years Old 12m Repos git clone Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Java is developed on GitHub and has 19,037 stars - There are at least 11,529,980 Java repos on GitHub - Early development of Java happened in Sun Microsystems - C and C++ influenced the design of Java - Java is written in Java, C++, XML, C, HTML, Bourne shell, XSD, Objective-C, Assembly language, XSLT, Markdown, DTD, M4, JavaScript, awk, SVG, Make, YAML, CSS, Bash, Korn shell, D, Perl, C shell, Python, SQL, sed, CSV, Metal, Ini, JSON, JSP, Expect, Diff - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 217k users using Java in 370k repos on GitHub - Check out the 2,090 Java meetup groups on - There are 266,613 members in the Java subreddit - There are 29,675 Project Euler users using Java - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Java programmers reported a median salary of $51,888. 35% of respondents reported using Java. 29,162 programmers reported using Java, and 17,222 said they wanted to use it - Explore Java snippets on Rosetta Code - Java on HOPL Java on HOPL - Java ranks #3 in the TIOBE Index - Java Ubuntu package Java Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Java - Java LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Java - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Java - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Java - Java appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Java on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Java - There are 2 central package repositories for Java: 1. 2. 1. 2. - Events page for Java Events page for Java - has 32,645 matches for "java engineer". - See also: (41 related languages) JavaScript, Pizza, Ada, C#, Eiffel, Mesa, Modula-3, Oberon, Objective-C, UCSD Pascal, Object Pascal, BeanShell, Chapel, Clojure, Fantom, Gambas, Groovy, Hack, J#, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Scala, Seed7, Vala, Java Bytecode, JVM, C, Oak, Linux, Solaris, ARM, Eclipse, HTML, HTTP, MIME, JSP, Motif, Android, XML, Java EE version history - 145 PLDB concepts link to Java: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Ace Editor, Apache Hbase, Apache Arrow, Avail, Ballerina, Bazel, BeBasic, blz, Cali-Lang, categorical-query-language, Ceylon, Chapel, Ć, Claro, clay, Click, cloc, Clojure, Closure Templates, CouchDB, Curly, Cyber, Dafny, Deesel, dexvis, Differential Datalog, DRAKON, duro, dyvil, eC, Edina, Eiffel, elegance, Enso, Erlang, Felix, Flare, FlatBuffers, Flix, Flow9, Frege, Fuzuli, GamerLanguage, Gforth, Golo, Gradle, Gun, Halide, Haxe, Hadoop Distributed File System, hecl, HHVM, Idio, Idris, Impala, invokator, Ioke, Java, JavaScript, JFlex, JSLT, Jsonnet, k-framework, KamilaLisp, koara, Koka, Kotlin, Ladybird, lift, Linotte, lobster, Luna, Lux, LWJGL, mai, mal, Melody, Minecraft, Mirah, MongoDB, MonkeyX, NCAR Command Language, nesC, NetLogo, Nextflow, nianiolang, Nit, Obsidian, Omgrofl, Opa, Opal, OpenCV, Oracle Java, P, Pan, parboiled, partiql, passambler, pegdown, pinto, Pizza, Plaid, polyglot-compiler, Pomsky, Project Mentat, PRQL, Pygments, PyTorch, Quint, rainbow, Rakudo, React Native, Rebeca Modeling Language, Red, Revolution, Roc, RustScript, Rye, Scala.js, setlx, Simple Binary Encoding, skulpt, Smali, SmallBASIC, SMC, Snowball, tamgu, TensorFlow, thjson, txtzyme, Uno, Virgil, Wax, Whiley, Wonkey, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, Ecstasy, Xtext, YAWL, yeti, zenscript, zlang // Type your code here, or load an example. class Square { static int square(int num) { return num * num; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); } } public class Java { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } // Hello World in Java class HelloWorld { static public void main( String args[] ) { System.out.println( "Hello World!" ); } } /** * Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. * The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the * Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( * which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. * By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by * the terms of this license. * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. **/ /* rich Apr 19, 2008 */ package clojure.lang; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; public class Util{ static public boolean equiv(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 == k2) return true; if(k1 != null) { if(k1 instanceof Number && k2 instanceof Number) return Numbers.equal((Number)k1, (Number)k2); else if(k1 instanceof IPersistentCollection || k2 instanceof IPersistentCollection) return pcequiv(k1,k2); return k1.equals(k2); } return false; } static public boolean equiv(long k1, long k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public boolean equiv(Object k1, long k2){ return equiv(k1, (Object)k2); } static public boolean equiv(long k1, Object k2){ return equiv((Object)k1, k2); } static public boolean equiv(double k1, double k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public boolean equiv(Object k1, double k2){ return equiv(k1, (Object)k2); } static public boolean equiv(double k1, Object k2){ return equiv((Object)k1, k2); } static public boolean equiv(boolean k1, boolean k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public boolean equiv(Object k1, boolean k2){ return equiv(k1, (Object)k2); } static public boolean equiv(boolean k1, Object k2){ return equiv((Object)k1, k2); } static public boolean equiv(char c1, char c2) { return c1 == c2; } static public boolean pcequiv(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 instanceof IPersistentCollection) return ((IPersistentCollection)k1).equiv(k2); return ((IPersistentCollection)k2).equiv(k1); } static public boolean equals(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 == k2) return true; return k1 != null && k1.equals(k2); } static public boolean identical(Object k1, Object k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public Class classOf(Object x){ if(x != null) return x.getClass(); return null; } static public int compare(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 == k2) return 0; if(k1 != null) { if(k2 == null) return 1; if(k1 instanceof Number) return k1, (Number) k2); return ((Comparable) k1).compareTo(k2); } return -1; } static public int hash(Object o){ if(o == null) return 0; return o.hashCode(); } static public int hasheq(Object o){ if(o == null) return 0; if(o instanceof Number) return Numbers.hasheq((Number)o); else if(o instanceof IHashEq) return ((IHashEq)o).hasheq(); return o.hashCode(); } static public int hashCombine(int seed, int hash){ //a la boost seed ^= hash + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2); return seed; } static public boolean isPrimitive(Class c){ return c != null && c.isPrimitive() && !(c == Void.TYPE); } static public boolean isInteger(Object x){ return x instanceof Integer || x instanceof Long || x instanceof BigInt || x instanceof BigInteger; } static public Object ret1(Object ret, Object nil){ return ret; } static public ISeq ret1(ISeq ret, Object nil){ return ret; } static public <K,V> void clearCache(ReferenceQueue rq, ConcurrentHashMap<K, Reference<V>> cache){ //cleanup any dead entries if(rq.poll() != null) { while(rq.poll() != null) ; for(Map.Entry<K, Reference<V>> e : cache.entrySet()) { Reference<V> val = e.getValue(); if(val != null && val.get() == null) cache.remove(e.getKey(), val); } } } static public RuntimeException runtimeException(String s){ return new RuntimeException(s); } static public RuntimeException runtimeException(String s, Throwable e){ return new RuntimeException(s, e); } /** * Throw even checked exceptions without being required * to declare them or catch them. Suggested idiom: * <p> * <code>throw sneakyThrow( some exception );</code> */ static public RuntimeException sneakyThrow(Throwable t) { // if (t == null) throw new NullPointerException(); Util.<RuntimeException>sneakyThrow0(t); return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static private <T extends Throwable> void sneakyThrow0(Throwable t) throws T { throw (T) t; } } // (Java SE 5) import javax.swing.*; public class Hello extends JFrame { public Hello() { super("hello"); super.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); super.add(new JLabel("Hello, world!")); super.pack(); super.setVisible(true); } public static void main(final String[] args) { new Hello(); } } abstract continue for new switch assert default goto package synchronized boolean do if private this break double implements protected throw byte else import public throws case enum instanceof return transient catch extends int short try char final interface static void class finally long strictfp volatile const float native super while _ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example System.out.println("Hello, World!"); Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01][01_]*[lL]? Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0|[1-9][0-9_]*[lL]? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9][0-9_]*\.([0-9][0-9_]*)?|\.[0-9][0-9_]*)([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]?|[0-9][eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]?|[0-9]([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]|0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\.?|([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)?\.[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)[pP][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*[lL]? Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[0-7_]+[lL]? Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.out.println row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example // Package = directory. Java classes can be grouped together in packages. A package name is the same as the directory (folder) name which contains the .java files. You declare packages when you define your Java program, and you name the packages you want to use from other libraries in an import statement. // The first statement, other than comments, in a Java source file, must be the package declaration. // Following the optional package declaration, you can have import statements, which allow you to specify classes from other packages that can be referenced without qualifying them with their package. // This source file must be in the illustration directory. package illustration; import java.awt.*; public class Drawing { // ... } Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported ✓ Example Iterator iter = list.iterator(); //Iterator iter = list.iterator(); in J2SE 5.0 while (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.print(; if (iter.hasNext()) System.out.print(", "); } Token row Feature Interfaces FeatureLink ../features/hasInterfaces.html Supported ✓ Example interface MyInterface{ /* This is a default method so we need not * to implement this method in the implementation * classes */ default void newMethod(){ System.out.println("Newly added default method"); } /* Already existing public and abstract method * We must need to implement this method in * implementation classes. */ void existingMethod(String str); } public class Example implements MyInterface{ // implementing abstract method public void existingMethod(String str){ System.out.println("String is: "+str); } public static void main(String[] args) { Example obj = new Example(); //calling the default method of interface obj.newMethod(); //calling the abstract method of interface obj.existingMethod("Java 8 is easy to learn"); } } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // use fully qualified name without import: javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hi"); // There are 166 packages containing 3279 classes and interfaces in Java 5. // import*; Input-output classes. Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Generics FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerics.html Supported ✓ Example List v = new ArrayList(); v.add("test"); Integer i = v.get(0); // (type error) compilation-time error Token row Feature Assert Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasAssertStatements.html Supported ✓ Example // By default, assertions are disabled // java –enableassertions Test int score = 10; assert score >= 10 : " Below"; System.out.println("score is "+score); Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token row Feature S-Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasSExpressions.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2437 12.2
JavaCC - Grammar language JavaCC ====== JavaCC is an open source grammar language created in 1996. 1996 #1071 on PLDB 28 Years Old JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) is an open source parser generator and lexical analyzer generator written in the Java programming language. JavaCC is similar to yacc in that it generates a parser from a formal grammar written in EBNF notation. Unlike yacc, however, JavaCC generates top-down parsers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of JavaCC happened in Sun Microsystems - was registered in 2012 - See also: (7 related languages) Java, Yacc, Lex, BeanShell, Apache Lucene, ANTLR, Coco/R Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
JavaFX Script - Programming language JavaFX Script ============= JavaFX Script is an open source programming language created in 2005. 2005 #1632 on PLDB 19 Years Old JavaFX Script is a scripting language designed by Sun Microsystems, forming part of the JavaFX family of technologies on the Java Platform. JavaFX targets the Rich Internet Application domain (competing with Adobe Flex and Microsoft Silverlight), specializing in rapid development of visually rich applications for the desktop and mobile markets. JavaFX Script works with integrated development environments such as NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JavaFX Script happened in Oracle - JavaFX Script appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 1997 - See also: (3 related languages) Eclipse, Java, Curl import javafx.ext.swing.*; var myFrame:SwingFrame = new SwingFrame(); var myLabel:Label = new Label(); myLabel.text = "Hello World!"; myFrame.width = 200; myFrame.height = 50; myFrame.visible = true; myFrame.content = myLabel; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
JavaML - Programming language JavaML ====== JavaML is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3439 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JavaML happened in University of Washington - JavaML on HOPL JavaML on HOPL - Read more about JavaML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
JavaScript - Programming language JavaScript ========== JavaScript is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Brendan Eich. 1995 Brendan Eich #1 on PLDB 29 Years Old 16m Repos JavaScript (), often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production. It is used to make webpages interactive and provide online programs, including video games. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 16,046,489 JavaScript repos on GitHub - Early development of JavaScript happened in Netscape - Java and Self and Scheme influenced the design of JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 566k users using JavaScript in 1m repos on GitHub - Check out the 5,270 JavaScript meetup groups on - There are 2,113,371 members in the JavaScript subreddit - There are 2,478 Project Euler users using JavaScript - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey JavaScript programmers reported a median salary of $54,049. 64% of respondents reported using JavaScript. 53,587 programmers reported using JavaScript, and 37,008 said they wanted to use it - Explore JavaScript snippets on Rosetta Code - JavaScript on HOPL JavaScript on HOPL - JavaScript ranks #6 in the TIOBE Index - JavaScript Ubuntu package JavaScript Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for JavaScript - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting JavaScript - Monaco package for syntax highlighting JavaScript - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JavaScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JavaScript - JavaScript appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn JavaScript on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for JavaScript - There is a central package repository for JavaScript - Annual Reports for JavaScript Annual Reports for JavaScript - has 25,726 matches for "javascript developer". - See also: (49 related languages) Java, Lua, Scheme, Perl, Self, C, Python, awk, HyperTalk, ActionScript, CoffeeScript, Dart, LiveScript, Objective-J, Opa, Raku, QML, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, Regular Expressions, PDF, Tcl, C--, VBScript, JScript, JQuery, npm, MongoDB, SQL, Max, Unity, Google Apps Script, Objective-C, Applescript, Visual Studio, Asm.js, Processing, Oberon, Smalltalk, Scala, Racket, LLVM IR, Fantom, Haxe, Clojure, Kotlin, Squeak, WebAssembly - Read more about JavaScript on the web: 1. 1. - 524 PLDB concepts link to JavaScript: 11ty, abs, Ace Editor, Ait, AL, Alumina, Amber, Apache Hbase, Argdown, Arquero, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, AsciiMath, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, AT Protocol, Avail, awl, badlanguage, Ballerina, bamboo, Basis Codec, Bazel, BeBasic, bee, Bicep, binaryen, Bitsy, Bizubee, BlackCoffee, blockml, blur-markup-language, bosque, Bounce, BQN, Bruijn, Bucklescript, Bun, Calcit, Cap'n Proto, capybara, Caramel, Carbon, cat, Catala, Ceylon, Chapel, chatterbot, chevrotain, chisel, Ć, Civet, Claro, cloc, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, Coco, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, CokeScript, ColaScript, CWL, commonmark, Conceptual,, Coq, cor, Cortex, CouchDB, Cryptol, Crystal, CSON, CSS Doodle, CSVw, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, daonode, dat-protocol, datascript, Deno, dexvis, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, djangoql, Dogescript, Dojo, DRAKON, Earl Grey, Embedded Crystal, edgedb, edgelisp, Đ, eff, Eiffel, EJS, ELENA, Elm, Elvish, emberjs-framework, EmberScript, emesh, Emojicode, Emscripten, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, Eve, exkited, EYG, Factor, Fancy, Fardlang, fay, fish, fjs, FlatBuffers, Flatline, Flix, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, FLUX, Fold, forest-lang, Frost, fructure-editor, Futhark, FutureScript, GAP, Gforth, GHC, gintonic, Git, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, Go, gogs-editor, Golo, GorillaScript, Gradle, grid-notation, gridstudio-editor, Gun, gura, hakaru, Halide, Ham, haste, Haxe, Hazel, Hera, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, hilvl, Hjson, Hodor, Hook, Hot Cocoa Lisp, hrqr, HTL, htmx, huginn, hurl, HuwCode, HVM2, Hyperscript, Hyperscript, HyPhy, Ibis, icarus, IcedCoffeeScript, Idris, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, inko, Insitux, invokator, Iterm2, Invisible XML, Jakt, Jammy, jasmine, Java, JavaScriptCore, JCOF, Jedi, jedlang, Jeeves, Jekyll, Jemplate, Jet, jinx, Jison Lex, Jison, Jisp, JLang, jq, JQuery, JSFuck, jsil-compiler, JSON-LD, JSON Schema, JSONScript, json->url, JSON, JSON5, Jsonnet, jsparagus, JS++, juvix, k-framework, Kal, Kamby, kasaya, KaTeX, Kefir, keli, Keras, Khepri, kode, Koka, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, ktye/k, kumir, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latte-js, Lawvere, JSON Lines, leo-editor, Lesma, lever, lezer, Ligo, Lil, Links, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, LiteScript, lobster, loci, Lodash, Logica, lsd, Lucid, Luna, Lux, m3db, Macchiato, mal, manhood, Manim, Mapgen, maraca-lang, Margin, Marko, Markus, Markwhen, Marp, Mask, Mastodon, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, MDX, Melody, mermaid, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, MiniZinc, Mirah, MLscript, mochajs, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, Monkey, MonkeyX, moya, Mu, mun-lang, mys, Nadesiko, Nearley, neut, never, Nextflow, ngn/k, NGS, nianiolang, NilScript, Nim, Nit, nlpl, Node.js, noisecraft, nomnoml, noms-db, noon, noulith, nulan, Numba, Nuua, ObjectScript, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, oden, odin, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, onnx, oopsilon, Opa, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, p4p, packagist-pm, Parenscript, Parsers, Particles, pasukon, PearScript, PEG.js, penrose, Pep8, PHP, pikelet, pinto, Plaid, plang, Please Build, Pod6, Podlite, PogoScript, Pomsky, Porffor, PostCSS, POV-Ray SDL, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche, Pug, PureScript, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, Quaint, QuickJS, Quint, Racket, rainbow, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, rant, React Native, Reason, Redis, Ren-C, Rescript, Revolution, RicScript, RMarkdown, RobotFramework, Roc, Rockstar, roy, RoyalScript, rpscript, ru, Ruby, runiq, Rust, Rye, SandDance, Savi, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, score, scribble, Scroll, sentient, Seq, Serious, shadama, shiv, Sibilant, sile, Simoji, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slashdown, Slim, Slony, SmallBASIC, Snowball, Snowman, Solidity, SourcePawn, Speedie, spider, SpiderMonkey, spry, SQRL, squiggle, Secure Scuttlebutt, stacklang, Statsplorer, Storymatic, strat, Subleq, Sugar, SugarSS, Superjson, SUSN, Svelte, Sweet.js, SWI Prolog, Swift, Swym, SymPy, tablam, Tabloid, taf, Taijilang, tangledown, taxa, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, tht, tibet, tiledb, Timpani, Tag Line Commands, tldr, tldraw, ToffeeScript, toki sona, ToonTalk, Topaz, topshell, tornado, Tosh, TQL, TAO, tridash, tuplemarkup, Twine, txtzyme, Typecast.js, TypeScript, U, UCG, Uiua, Umka, Uno, unseemly, UrWeb, V, v8, Vega, Veryl, Virgil, visdown, VLC, VSXu, Vue, Vyxal, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wasp, wats, Wax, 文言文編程語言, Wing, wisp, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xidoc, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, Xtext, xxl, YARA, YAWL, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Z, Zephir, Zig console.log("Hello, world!"); console.log("Hello World"); // Hello world in JavaScript console.log("Hello World"); alert("dude!") var minstake = 0.00000100; // valor base //----------------------------------------- var autorounds = 99; // n° de rolls //====================================================== // if (profit > profit_max) { // error_title = "Maximum profit exceeded"; // error_info = "Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Maximum profit exceeded - Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } // else if (amount > balance) { // error_title = "Bet amount"; // error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } var handbrake = 1.0000000; // valor lose pause game var autoruns = 1; // else if (amount > bet_max) { // error_title = "Bet amount"; // error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } // else if (amount < bet_min) { // error_title = "Bet amount"; // error_info = "Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Bet amount - Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } function playnow() { if (autoruns > autorounds ) { console.log('Limit reached'); return; } document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_hi_button').click(); setTimeout(checkresults, 1000); return;} function checkresults() { if (document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_hi_button').disabled === true) { setTimeout(checkresults, 1000); return; } var stake = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value * 1; var won = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_win').innerHTML; if (won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { won = won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { won = false; } var lost = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_lose').innerHTML; if (lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { lost = lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { lost = false; } if (won && !lost) { stake = minstake; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Won ' + won + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); } if (lost && !won) { stake = lost * 2.1; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Lost ' + lost + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); } if (!won && !lost) { console.log('Something went wrong'); return; } document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value = stake.toFixed(8); autoruns++; if (stake >= handbrake) { document.getElementById('handbrakealert').play(); console.log('Handbrake triggered! Execute playnow() to override'); return; } setTimeout(playnow, 1000); return; }playnow() The name Java in JavaScript was pure marketing: "At the time, the dot-com boom had begun and Java was the hot new language, so Eich considered the JavaScript name a marketing ploy by Netscape" abstract arguments await boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum eval export extends false final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface let long native new null package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try typeof var void volatile while with yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example console.log("Hello, World!"); Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01]+n? 0b100110100000110011110010010 Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)? 80766866.0 Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+n? 0x4D06792 Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[oO]?[0-7]+n? 0o464063622 Token row Feature Sets FeatureLink ../features/hasSets.html Supported ✓ Example set = new Set() set.add("foo") Token row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example function o(f, g) { return function(x) { return f(g(x)); } } Token row Feature Destructuring FeatureLink ../features/hasDestructuring.html Supported ✓ Example const o = {p: 42, q: true}; const {p, q} = o; Token row Feature Default Parameters Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDefaultParameters.html Supported ✓ Example function multiply(a, b = 1) { return a * b; } Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example let i = 0 i++ i-- Token row Feature Methods FeatureLink ../features/hasMethods.html Supported ✓ Example class Person { method1() {} method2() {} } Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example function helloWorld() {console.log("hi")} Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example let times = 10 while (times) {times--} console.log("done") Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example let i = true ? 1 : 0 Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example var animal = "dog" switch (animal) { case "dog": console.log("yay"); break; case "cat": console.log("oh"); break; } Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token ` row Feature Letter-first Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/letterFirstIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example class B {} class A extends B {} Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example console.log("Hi") Token console.log row Feature References FeatureLink ../features/hasReferences.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasOperators.html Supported ✓ Example 1 + 1 Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example const lines = `one two` Token row Feature Anonymous Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasAnonymousFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example (() => console.log("hello world"))() Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example const six = 2 + 2 + 2 Token row Feature Implicit Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasImplicitTypeConversions.html Supported ✓ Example console.log("hello " + 2) Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example var name = "John" Token = row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example "use strict"; "use asm"; Token row Feature Generators FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerators.html Supported ✓ Example function* fibonacci(limit) { let [prev, curr] = [0, 1]; while (!limit || curr 10000) break; } // manually iterating let fibGen = fibonacci(); console.log(; // 1 console.log(; // 1 console.log(; // 2 console.log(; // 3 console.log(; // 5 console.log(; // 8 // picks up from where you stopped for (let n of fibGen) { console.log(n); if (n > 10000) break; } Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature First-Class Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFirstClassFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example [2.0,1.1].map(Math.round) Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example try { undefinedFn() } catch (err) { console.log(err) } Token row Feature Dynamic Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example const one = 1 Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example class Person { constructor(name) { this._name = name } } new Person("Jane") Token row Feature Labels FeatureLink ../features/hasLabels.html Supported ✓ Example main: console.log("pldb") Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example if (true) console.log("hi!") Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example class Person {} Token row Feature Method Chaining FeatureLink ../features/hasMethodChaining.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world".toString().substr(0, 1).length Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Magic Getters and Setters FeatureLink ../features/hasMagicGettersAndSetters.html Supported ✓ Example // Can be implemented in ES6 using proxies: "use strict"; if (typeof Proxy == "undefined") { throw new Error("This browser doesn't support Proxy"); } let original = { "foo": "bar" }; let proxy = new Proxy(original, { get(target, name, receiver) { let rv = Reflect.get(target, name, receiver); if (typeof rv === "string") { rv = rv.toUpperCase(); } return rv; } }); console.log(` = ${}`); // " = bar" console.log(` = ${}`); // " = BAR" Token row Feature Dynamic Properties FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicProperties.html Supported ✓ Example class Person {} const person = new Person() person.age = 50 Token row Feature Source Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasSourceMaps.html Supported ✓ Example { version: 3, file: 'min.js', names: ['bar', 'baz', 'n'], sources: ['one.js', 'two.js'], sourceRoot: '', mappings: 'CAAC,IAAI,IAAM,SAAUA,GAClB,OAAOC,IAAID;CCDb,IAAI,IAAM,SAAUE,GAClB,OAAOA' }; Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example var x = 5 & 1; Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Polymorphism FeatureLink ../features/hasPolymorphism.html Supported ✓ Example "a" + "b"; 1 + 2 Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Merges Whitespace FeatureLink ../features/mergesWhitespace.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example const list = [1,2,3] Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example 80766866 Token row Feature Breakpoints FeatureLink ../features/supportsBreakpoints.html Supported ✓ Example if (false) debugger Token row Feature Partial Application FeatureLink ../features/hasPartialApplication.html Supported ✓ Example const addNumbers = (num1, num2) => num1 + num2 const add5 = num => addNumbers(10, num) Token row Feature Map Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasMapFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example [1,2.1].map(Math.round) Token row Feature Binary Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example 1 + 1 Token row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported ✓ Example async doSomething => await somethingElse() Token row Feature Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example 1 + 1 Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example console.log("Hello World".match(/\w/)) Token row Feature Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasStatements.html Supported ✓ Example let x = 3; Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import { helloWorld } from "./helloWorld.js"; Token row Feature hasExports FeatureLink ../features/hasExports.html Supported ✓ Example export function myFunction() { } Token row Feature hasSymbols FeatureLink ../features/hasSymbols.html Supported ✓ Example // A symbol is a unique and immutable primitive value, often used as a unique key for object properties pldb = Symbol() Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Processor Registers FeatureLink ../features/hasProcessorRegisters.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleDispatch.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Abstract Types FeatureLink ../features/hasAbstractTypes.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported X Example Token row Feature S-Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasSExpressions.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2871 14.4
JavaScriptCore - Virtual machine JavaScriptCore ============== JavaScriptCore is a virtual machine created in 2002. 2002 #3440 on PLDB 22 Years Old The JavaScriptCore framework provides the ability to evaluate JavaScript programs from within Swift, Objective-C, and C-based apps. You can use also use JavaScriptCore to insert custom objects into the JavaScript environment. - Tags: virtual machine - Early development of JavaScriptCore happened in Apple - Read more about JavaScriptCore on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Javelin - Application Javelin ======= Javelin is an application created in 1984. 1984 #5021 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: application, spreadsheet - Read more about Javelin on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
JAWS Scripting Language - Programming language JAWS Scripting Language ======================= JAWS Scripting Language is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #2304 on PLDB 16 Years Old JAWS Scripting Language is a proprietary programming language that facilitates the interoperability of the JAWS for Windows screen reading program with practically any application–both proprietary and off-the-shelf. The JAWS Scripting Language, or JSL is a compiled language, allowing for source code protection. "JAWS scripting" commonly also cumulatively refers to customization of JAWS through use of its built-in, user-editable utilities (called "Managers") or editing the configuration files directly, in combination with writing actual scripts. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JAWS Scripting Language happened in Freedom Scientific Inc - Read more about JAWS Scripting Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
jayfor - Programming language jayfor ====== jayfor is a programming language created in 2014 by Felix Angell. 2014 Felix Angell #955 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A compiled systems programming language written in Go using the LLVM framework - Tags: programming language - jayfor is developed on GitHub and has 676 stars - Early development of jayfor happened in - jayfor is written in TOML, Go, Markdown, Make, YAML, Bourne shell HackerNews discussions of jayfor ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: JAYFOR a compiled programming language written in C||12/14/2014|5|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
Jazz - Programming language Jazz ==== Jazz is a programming language created in 2019 by playXE. 2019 playXE #1769 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Jazz - modern and fast programming language. - Tags: programming language - Jazz is developed on GitHub and has 88 stars - Early development of Jazz happened in - Jazz is written in Markdown, Rust, TOML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
jBC - Programming language jBC === jBC is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4132 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of jBC happened in - jBC on HOPL jBC on HOPL - Read more about jBC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
jcard - Json format jcard ===== jcard is a json format created in 2014. 2014 #4133 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: jsonFormat - Early development of jcard happened in Versit Consortium - Read more about jcard on the web: 1. 1. ["vcard", [ ["version", {}, "text", "4.0"], ["n", {}, "text", ["Gump", "Forrest", "", "Mr.", ""]], ["fn", {}, "text", "Forrest Gump"], ["org", {}, "text", "Bubba Gump Shrimp Co."], ["title", {} ,"text", "Shrimp Man"], ["photo", {"mediatype":"image/gif"}, "uri", ""], ["tel", {"type":["work", "voice"]}, "uri", "tel:+1-111-555-1212"], ["tel", {"type":["home", "voice"]}, "uri", "tel:+1-404-555-1212"], ["adr", {"label":"100 Waters Edge\nBaytown, LA 30314\nUnited States of America", "type":"work", "pref":"1"}, "text", ["", "", "100 Waters Edge", "Baytown", "LA", "50505", "United States of America"] ], ["adr", {"label":"42 Plantation St.\nBaytown, LA 30314\nUnited States of America", "type":"home"}, "text", ["", "", "42 Plantation St.", "Baytown", "LA", "30314", "United States of America"] ], ["email", {}, "text", ""], ["rev", {}, "timestamp", "2008-04-24T19:52:43Z"] ] ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 364 1.8
JCL - Programming language JCL === JCL, aka Job Control Language, is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #436 on PLDB 60 Years Old Job Control Language (JCL) is a name for scripting languages used on IBM mainframe operating systems to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a subsystem. More specifically, the purpose of JCL is to say which programs to run, using which files or devices for input or output, and at times to also indicate under what conditions to skip a step. There are two distinct IBM Job Control languages: one for the operating system lineage that begins with DOS/360 and whose latest member is z/VSE; and the other for the lineage from OS/360 to z/OS, the latter now including JES extensions, Job Entry Control Language (JECL). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JCL happened in IBM - Explore JCL snippets on Rosetta Code - JCL on HOPL JCL on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JCL - See also: (3 related languages) Unix, Assembly language, CLIST - 2 PLDB concepts link to JCL: cloc, Pygments * $ JOB JNM=NAME,DISP=K,CLASS=2 [some JCL statements here] * $ EOJ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 309 1.5
JCOF - Data notation JCOF ==== JCOF, aka JSON-like Compact Object Format, is a data notation created in 2022 by Martin Dørum. 2022 Martin Dørum #1178 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone An efficient drop-in replacement for JSON. - Tags: dataNotation - JCOF is developed on GitHub and has 153 stars - Early development of JCOF happened in - JCOF is written in JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, Make - Read more about JCOF on the web: 1. 1. Programmer;"age""first-name""full-time""occupation"; {"people"[(0,iw"Bob"b"Plumber")(0,is"Alice"b,s0)(0,iA"Bernard"n,n)(0,iV"El"B,s0)]} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred - Programming language JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred ============================================== JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred, aka JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred, is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #1912 on PLDB 64 Years Old JEAN was a dialect of the JOSS programming language developed for and used on ICT 1900 series computers in the late 1960s and early 1970s; it was implemented under the MINIMOP operating system. It was used at the University of Southampton. JEAN was an acronym derived from "JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred happened in University of Southampton - JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred on HOPL JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) JOSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Jedi - Template language Jedi ==== Jedi is a template language created in 2012 by HE Shi-Jun. 2012 HE Shi-Jun #1527 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A new template language - Tags: template language - Jedi is developed on GitHub and has 124 stars - CoffeeKup influenced the design of Jedi - Jedi is written in JavaScript, Markdown, CoffeeScript, JSON, YAML, HTML, PHP, XML, Bash, Pug Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
jEdit - Editor jEdit ===== jEdit is an editor created in 1998. 1998 #4611 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of jEdit happened in jEdit project Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
jedlang - Programming language jedlang ======= jedlang is a programming language created in 2015 by James Edwards. 2015 James Edwards #1927 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone my own language written by me - Tags: programming language - jedlang is developed on GitHub and has 22 stars - Early development of jedlang happened in - jedlang is written in JavaScript, C, Markdown, JSON HackerNews discussions of jedlang ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: JedLang, my first attempt at a language||03/17/2015|59|8 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
jeebox - Programming language jeebox ====== jeebox is a programming language created in 2012 by Theodore H. Smith. 2012 Theodore H. Smith #1488 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Clean extensible language for describing code, and human-language. - Tags: programming language - jeebox is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of jeebox happened in - jeebox is written in C++, CMake, Markdown, YAML - was registered in 2012 - 1 PLDB concepts link to jeebox: Speedie You can %describe (anything, in: Jeebox) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Jeeves - Programming language Jeeves ====== Jeeves is a programming language created in 2013 by Jean Yang. 2013 Jean Yang #1347 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Python implementation of the Jeeves programming language. - Tags: programming language - Jeeves is developed on GitHub and has 339 stars - Early development of Jeeves happened in MIT - Jeeves is written in Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, reStructuredText, CSV, SVG, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Jekyll - Static site generator Jekyll ====== Jekyll is a static site generator created in 2008 by Tom Preston-Werner. 2008 Tom Preston-Werner #179 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Transforms your plain text into static websites and blogs. - Tags: static site generator - Jekyll is developed on GitHub and has 48,705 stars - Early development of Jekyll happened in - Jekyll is written in Markdown, Ruby, HTML, YAML, Gherkin, SCSS, Bash, ERB, JavaScript, JSON, SVG, CoffeeScript, CSS, XML, Dockerfile, PHP, CSV, TOML, XHTML - There are 3,212 members in the Jekyll subreddit - was registered in 2009 - See also: (1 related languages) WordPress - 1 PLDB concepts link to Jekyll: Scroll Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Jelly - Programming language Jelly ===== Jelly is a programming language created in 2015 by Dennis Mitchell. 2015 Dennis Mitchell #1373 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A recreational programming language inspired by J - Tags: programming language - Jelly is developed on GitHub and has 860 stars - Jelly is written in Python, C, Markdown, Make, Bash - See also: (1 related languages) J Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Jemplate - Template language Jemplate ======== Jemplate is a template language created in 2006 by Ingy döt Net. 2006 Ingy döt Net #1571 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone JavaScript Templating is the best way to turn AJAX/JSON data into HTML. Jemplate is the best way to do JavaScript Templating. - Tags: template language - Jemplate is developed on GitHub and has 64 stars - Jemplate is written in HTML, JavaScript, Perl, Make, YAML, Markdown, Ini, Bash, JSON, Bourne shell <style> .stretch { width: 100%; height: auto; max-height: 100%; } </style> <div class="row"> [% FOREACH kitty = items -%] [%- LAST IF loop.index==12; -%] <div class="col-md-2"> <a href="[% %]"> <div style="width: 240px; height: 240px; overflow:hidden;"> <img src="[% %]" alt="[% kitty.title.replace('#.+','') | html %]" class="img-circle stretch"> </div> </a> </div> [% END %] </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 252 1.3
Jesth - Data notation Jesth ===== Jesth, aka Just Extract Sections Then Hack !, is a data notation created in 2022. 2022 #1168 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Human-readable versatile data format - Tags: dataNotation - Jesth is developed on GitHub and has 193 stars - Early development of Jesth happened in - Jesth is written in Markdown, Python, TOML, JSON - See also: (3 related languages) TOML, JSON, YAML - Read more about Jesth on the web: 1. 1. This text actually belongs to an anonymous section, which happens to also be the first section of this document [] This text actually belongs to the second anonymous section of this document. If the very first section of a document is anonymous, it can ignore to define its header. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System - Programming language Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System ==================================================== Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3213 on PLDB 51 Years Old The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System (or JPLDIS) is a file management program written in FORTRAN. JPLDIS is important because it was the inspiration and precursor to dBASE, arguably one of the most influential DBMS programs for early microcomputers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System happened in California Institute of Technology - Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System on HOPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Fortran, FoxPRO, DBase Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Jet - Programming language Jet === Jet is a programming language created in 2023. 2023 #3655 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone Jet Language - Tags: programming language - Jet is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Jet is written in Markdown, CSS, HTML, JSON, JavaScript, FXML - Read more about Jet on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Jevko - Data notation Jevko ===== Jevko is a data notation created in 2021. 2021 #2255 on PLDB 3 Years Old - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Jevko happened in - was registered in 2021 - See also: (2 related languages) JSON, XML - Read more about Jevko on the web: 1. 1. first name [John] last name [Smith] is alive [true] age [27] address [ street address [21 2nd Street] city [New York] state [NY] postal code [10021-3100] ] phone numbers [ [ type [home] number [212 555-1234] ] [ type [office] number [646 555-4567] ] ] children [] spouse [] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
JFlex - Grammar language JFlex ===== JFlex is an open source grammar language created in 2003. 2003 #459 on PLDB 21 Years Old 2 Repos git clone JFlex is a lexical analyzer generator (also known as scanner generator) for Java, written in Java. - Tags: grammarLanguage - JFlex is developed on GitHub and has 579 stars - There are at least 2 JFlex repos on GitHub - Early development of JFlex happened in - JFlex is written in Java, starlark, Markdown, Perl, Bourne shell, Velocity Template Language, XML, Make, YAML, Tex, CSS, Bash, JSON, Vim script, Lisp, Yacc, Bazel, ActionScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 38 users using JFlex in 39 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JFlex /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Gerwin Klein <> * * All rights reserved. * * * * License: BSD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* Java 1.2 language lexer specification */ /* Use together with unicode.flex for Unicode preprocesssing */ /* and java12.cup for a Java 1.2 parser */ /* Note that this lexer specification is not tuned for speed. It is in fact quite slow on integer and floating point literals, because the input is read twice and the methods used to parse the numbers are not very fast. For a production quality application (e.g. a Java compiler) this could be optimized */ import java_cup.runtime.*; %% %public %class Scanner %implements sym %unicode %line %column %cup %cupdebug %{ StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(); private Symbol symbol(int type) { return new JavaSymbol(type, yyline+1, yycolumn+1); } private Symbol symbol(int type, Object value) { return new JavaSymbol(type, yyline+1, yycolumn+1, value); } /** * assumes correct representation of a long value for * specified radix in scanner buffer from <code>start</code> * to <code>end</code> */ private long parseLong(int start, int end, int radix) { long result = 0; long digit; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { digit = Character.digit(yycharat(i),radix); result*= radix; result+= digit; } return result; } %} /* main character classes */ LineTerminator = \r|\n|\r\n InputCharacter = [^\r\n] WhiteSpace = {LineTerminator} | [ \t\f] /* comments */ Comment = {Tradi Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 444 2.2
JFugue - Programming language JFugue ====== JFugue is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4134 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JFugue happened in - JFugue on HOPL JFugue on HOPL - Read more about JFugue on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
ji - Programming language ji == ji is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4819 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ji happened in - Read more about ji on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
Jingo - Programming language Jingo ===== Jingo is a programming language created in 2020 by Owez. 2020 Owez #2649 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A lightweight, high-level language designed for rapid prototyping - Tags: programming language - Jingo is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of Jingo happened in - Jingo is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Jinja - Template language Jinja ===== Jinja is an open source template language created in 2006 by Armin Ronacher. 2006 Armin Ronacher #199 on PLDB 18 Years Old 37k Repos git clone Jinja is a template engine for the Python programming language and is licensed under a BSD License created by Armin Ronacher. It is similar to the Django template engine but provides Python-like expressions while ensuring that the templates are evaluated in a sandbox. It is a text-based template language and thus can be used to generate any markup as well as sourcecode. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Jinja is developed on GitHub and has 10,136 stars - There are at least 37,267 Jinja repos on GitHub - Early development of Jinja happened in - Jinja is written in Python, reStructuredText, YAML, HTML, Markdown, SVG, TOML, Ini, JSON, Make, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 701 users using Jinja in 981 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Jinja - See also: (5 related languages) Python, Django, Smarty, Unix, ISBN <h1>Workers</h1> <table class="workers"> <tr> <th>Job server</th> <th>IP</th> <th>File descriptor</th> <th>Client ID</th> <th>Functions</th> </tr> {% for server_info in server_infos %} <tr {% if server_info['failed'] %} class="failure" {% endif %} > <th>{{ server_info['hostport'][0] }}:{{ server_info['hostport'][1] }}</th> <th> {%- if server_info['failed'] -%} Not responding! {%- endif -%} </th> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> {% if not server_info['failed'] %} {% for worker in server_info['workers'] %} <tr> <td class="server"></td> <td class="ip">{{ worker['ip'] }}</td> <td class="file_descriptor">{{ worker['file_descriptor'] }}</td> <td class="client_id">{{ worker['client_id'] }}</td> <td class="functions"> {{ worker['tasks']|join(', ') }} </td> </tr> {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} </table> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Value with &lt;unsafe&gt; data</title> </head> <body> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 528 2.6
jinx - Programming language jinx ==== jinx is a programming language created in 2016 by JamesBoer. 2016 JamesBoer #1060 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Embeddable scripting language for real-time applications - Tags: programming language - jinx is developed on GitHub and has 298 stars - Early development of jinx happened in - jinx is written in HTML, JavaScript, C++, C#, XAML, Bourne shell, CSS, CMake, XML, Markdown, Z shell, YAML - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of jinx ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Jinx: Simple Embeddable Scripting Language||01/03/2019|2|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
JIS X 0201 - Character encoding JIS X 0201 ========== JIS X 0201 is a character encoding created in 1969. 1969 #3295 on PLDB 55 Years Old JIS X 0201, a Japanese Industrial Standard developed in 1969 (then called JIS C 6220 until the JIS category reform), was the first Japanese electronic character set to become widely used. It is either 7-bit encoding or 8-bit encoding, although 8-bit encoding is dominant for modern use. The full name of this standard is 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets for information interchange (7ビット及び8ビットの情報交換用符号化文字集合). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: characterEncoding - Early development of JIS X 0201 happened in The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology - See also: (2 related languages) ASCII, Unicode Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
Jison Lex - Programming language Jison Lex ========= Jison Lex is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Zachary Carter. 2013 Zachary Carter #861 on PLDB 11 Years Old 0 Repos git clone generates lexical analyzers. used by jison. - Tags: programming language - Jison Lex is developed on GitHub and has 57 stars - There are at least 0 Jison Lex repos on GitHub - Early development of Jison Lex happened in - Jison Lex is written in JavaScript, Lex, JSON, Markdown - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Jison Lex %% \n+ {yy.freshLine = true;} \s+ {yy.freshLine = false;} "y{"[^}]*"}" {yytext = yytext.substr(2, yyleng - 3); return 'ACTION';} [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* {return 'NAME';} '"'([^"]|'\"')*'"' {return 'STRING_LIT';} "'"([^']|"\'")*"'" {return 'STRING_LIT';} "|" {return '|';} "["("\]"|[^\]])*"]" {return 'ANY_GROUP_REGEX';} "(" {return '(';} ")" {return ')';} "+" {return '+';} "*" {return '*';} "?" {return '?';} "^" {return '^';} "/" {return '/';} "\\"[a-zA-Z0] {return 'ESCAPE_CHAR';} "TEMPLATEquot; {return 'TEMPLATE#39;;} "<<EOF>>" {return 'TEMPLATE#39;;} "." {return '.';} "%%" {return '%%';} "{"\d+(","\s?\d+|",")?"}" {return 'RANGE_REGEX';} /"{" %{if (yy.freshLine) { this.input('{'); return '{'; } else { this.unput('y'); }%} "}" %{return '}';%} "%{"(.|\n)*?"}%" {yytext = yytext.substr(2, yyleng - 4); return 'ACTION';} . {/* ignore bad characters */} <<EOF>> {return 'EOF';} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 392 2
Jison - Programming language Jison ===== Jison is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Zachary Carter. 2009 Zachary Carter #256 on PLDB 15 Years Old 0 Repos git clone Bison in JavaScript. - Tags: programming language - Jison is developed on GitHub and has 4,338 stars - There are at least 0 Jison repos on GitHub - Early development of Jison happened in - Jison is written in JavaScript, C#, HTML, JSON, CSS, XML, Ruby, Markdown, YAML, PHP, Yacc, Make - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Jison /* description: ClassyLang grammar. Very classy. */ /* To build parser: $ ./bin/jison examples/classy.jison examples/classy.jisonlex */ /* author: Zach Carter */ %right ASSIGN %left OR %nonassoc EQUALITY GREATER %left PLUS MINUS %left TIMES %right NOT %left DOT %% pgm : cdl MAIN LBRACE vdl el RBRACE ENDOFFILE ; cdl : c cdl | ; c : CLASS id EXTENDS id LBRACE vdl mdl RBRACE ; vdl : VAR t id SEMICOLON vdl | ; mdl : t id LPAREN t id RPAREN LBRACE vdl el RBRACE mdl | ; t : NATTYPE | id ; id : ID ; el : e SEMICOLON el | e SEMICOLON ; e : NATLITERAL | NUL | id | NEW id | THIS | IF LPAREN e RPAREN LBRACE el RBRACE ELSE LBRACE el RBRACE | FOR LPAREN e SEMICOLON e SEMICOLON e RPAREN LBRACE el RBRACE | READNAT LPAREN RPAREN | PRINTNAT LPAREN e RPAREN | e PLUS e | e MINUS e | e TIMES e | e EQUALITY e | e GREATER e | NOT e | e OR e | e DOT id | id ASSIGN e | e DOT id ASSIGN e | id LPAREN e RPAREN | e DOT id LPAREN e RPAREN | LPAREN e RPAREN ; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 365 1.8
Jisp - Programming language Jisp ==== Jisp is a programming language created in 2014 by Nelo Mitranim. 2014 Nelo Mitranim #1255 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Lisp-style language that compiles to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - Jisp is developed on GitHub and has 126 stars - Early development of Jisp happened in - Jisp is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown car head cdr tail init last let isa insta any prn Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
jiyu - Programming language jiyu ==== jiyu is a programming language created in 2019 by Josh Huelsman. 2019 Josh Huelsman #1538 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A compiler and programming language for fun. - Tags: programming language - jiyu is developed on GitHub and has 44 stars - Early development of jiyu happened in - Read more about jiyu on the web: 1. 1. #clang_import """ #include <stdio.h> """; func @metaprogram main(argc: int32, argv: **uint8) { printf("Hello, Sailor!\n"); var file = fopen("myfile.txt", "wb"); fwrite("Hello, Pilot!\n".data, 1, 14, file); fclose(file); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
JLang - Programming language JLang ===== JLang is a programming language created in 2016 by Joao Marcelo Brito. 2016 Joao Marcelo Brito #2070 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Just another programming language - Tags: programming language - JLang is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of JLang happened in - JLang is written in JavaScript, XML, JSON, Markdown func test param { = 0; ret this; } var testObj = test(); i =; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
JMAP - Protocol JMAP ==== JMAP, aka JSON Meta Application Protocol, is a protocol created in 2019. 2019 #2432 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of JMAP happened in Oracle - See also: (2 related languages) JSON, IMAP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
JMESPath - Programming language JMESPath ======== JMESPath is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #3031 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JMESPath happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JMESPath - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
JMP - Application JMP === JMP is an application created in 1989. 1989 #1236 on PLDB 35 Years Old JMP (pronounced "jump") is a suite of computer programs for statistical analysis developed by the JMP business unit of SAS Institute. It was launched in 1989 to take advantage of the graphical user interface introduced by the Macintosh. It has since been significantly rewritten and made available for the Windows operating system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of JMP happened in SAS Institute Inc - There are 264 members in the JMP subreddit - See also: (1 related languages) JSL - 2 PLDB concepts link to JMP: JSL, Tea Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
JMSL - Programming language JMSL ==== JMSL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4135 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JMSL happened in Rockefeller University - JMSL on HOPL JMSL on HOPL - Read more about JMSL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Joe-E - Programming language Joe-E ===== Joe-E is a programming language created in 2004 by David A. Wagner. 2004 David A. Wagner #2977 on PLDB 20 Years Old Joe-E is a subset of the Java programming language intended to support programming according to object-capability discipline.The language is notable for being an early object-capability subset language. It has influenced later subset languages, such as ADsafe and Caja/Cajita, subsets of Javascript. It is also notable for allowing methods to be verified as functionally pure, based on their method signatures.The restrictions imposed by the Joe-E verifier include: Classes may not have mutable static fields, because these create global state. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Joe-E happened in - See also: (2 related languages) Java, E Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
Join Java - Programming language Join Java ========= Join Java is a programming language created in 2000 by G. Stewart von Itzstein. 2000 G. Stewart von Itzstein #2892 on PLDB 24 Years Old Join Java is a programming language based on the join-pattern that extends the standard Java programming language with the join semantics of the join-calculus. It was written at the University of South Australia within the Reconfigurable Computing Lab by Dr. Von Itzstein.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Join Java happened in University of South Australia - See also: (1 related languages) Java class ThreadExample { signal thread(SomeObject x) { //this code will execute in a new thread } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
joker - Programming language joker ===== joker is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #3032 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of joker happened in - was registered in 2018 HackerNews discussions of joker =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Clojure dialect written in Go (Joker)||03/28/2019|17|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Jolie - Programming language Jolie ===== Jolie, aka Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine, is a programming language created in 2006 by Claudio Guidi and Fabrizio Montesi. 2006 Claudio Guidi Fabrizio Montesi #938 on PLDB 18 Years Old 129 Repos Jolie (Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine) is an open-source programming language for developing distributed applications based on microservices. In the programming paradigm proposed with Jolie, each program is a service that can communicate with other programs by sending and receiving messages over a network. Jolie supports an abstraction layer that allows services to communicate using different mediums, ranging from TCP/IP sockets to local in-memory communications between processes.Jolie is currently supported by an interpreter implemented in the Java language, which can be run in multiple operating systems including Linux-based operating systems, OS X, and Windows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 129 Jolie repos on GitHub - Early development of Jolie happened in University of Bologna - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 15 users using Jolie in 16 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Jolie - was registered in 2008 - See also: (6 related languages) Java, Linux, BPEL, XML, C, JavaScript include "common.iol" include "ui/swing_ui.iol" include "console.iol" outputPort Exam { Location: Location_Exam Protocol: sodep Interfaces: ExamInterface } main { question.studentName = "John"; question.examName = "SPLG"; question.question = "Random question"; makeQuestion@Exam( question )( answer ); showYesNoQuestionDialog@SwingUI( "Do you want to accept answer " + answer + " ?" )( decision ); message.studentName = "John"; message.examName = "SPLG"; if ( decision == 0 ) { pass@Exam( message ) } else { fail@Exam( message ) } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 370 1.9
jonprl - Programming language jonprl ====== jonprl is a programming language created in 2015 by Jonathan Sterling. 2015 Jonathan Sterling #1374 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone An proof refinement logic for computational type theory. Inspired by Nuprl. [For up-to-date development, see JonPRL's successor, RedPRL:] - Tags: programming language - jonprl is developed on GitHub and has 109 stars - Early development of jonprl happened in - jonprl is written in Standard ML, Markdown, Make, YAML, Bourne shell - was registered in 2021 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
JOSIE - Programming language JOSIE ===== JOSIE is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4136 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JOSIE happened in Price Water house Technology Centre - JOSIE on HOPL JOSIE on HOPL - Read more about JOSIE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
JOSS II - Programming language JOSS II ======= JOSS II is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3441 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JOSS II happened in RAND - JOSS II on HOPL JOSS II on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) JOSS - Read more about JOSS II on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
JOSS - Programming language JOSS ==== JOSS, aka JOHNNIAC Open Shop System, is a programming language created in 1966 by Cliff Shaw. 1966 Cliff Shaw #1384 on PLDB 58 Years Old JOSS (an acronym for JOHNNIAC Open Shop System) was one of the very first interactive, time-sharing programming languages. JOSS I, developed by J. Clifford Shaw at RAND was first implemented, in beta form, on the JOHNNIAC computer in May 1963. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JOSS happened in RAND - JOSS on HOPL JOSS on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) ALGOL 58, BASIC, TELCOMP, Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language, MUMPS, JOSS Extended and Adapted for Nineteen-hundred - 1 PLDB concepts link to JOSS: JOSS II Form 1: " L(%.0f,%.0f) =" Form 2: " -L(%.0f,%.0f) =" Form 3: " %.0f\n" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
Joule - Programming language Joule ===== Joule is a programming language created in 1996 by E. Dean Tribble. 1996 E. Dean Tribble #2322 on PLDB 28 Years Old Joule is a concurrent dataflow programming language, designed for building distributed applications. It is so concurrent that the order of statements within a block is irrelevant to the operation of the block. Statements are executed whenever possible, based on their inputs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Joule happened in Agorics - See also: (3 related languages) E, ASCII, Unicode If amount <= balance • account withdraw: amount else • account report-bounce: end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
JOVIAL - Programming language JOVIAL ====== JOVIAL is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #1245 on PLDB 64 Years Old JOVIAL is a high-level computer programming language similar to ALGOL, but specialized for the development of embedded systems (specialized computer systems designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions, usually embedded as part of a complete device including mechanical parts).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JOVIAL happened in System Development Corporation - Explore JOVIAL snippets on Rosetta Code - JOVIAL on HOPL JOVIAL on HOPL - See also: (11 related languages) Linux, Algol, CMS-2, CORAL, SYMPL, ALGOL 58, PowerPC, SPARC, IBM System z, C, JOSS Language features ====================================================== row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Joy - Programming language Joy === Joy is a programming language created in 2001 by Manfred von Thun. 2001 Manfred von Thun #852 on PLDB 23 Years Old The Joy programming language in computer science is a purely functional programming language that was produced by Manfred von Thun of La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Joy is based on composition of functions rather than lambda calculus. It has turned out to have many similarities to Forth, due not to design but to a sort of parallel evolution and convergence. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Joy happened in La Trobe University - Explore Joy snippets on Rosetta Code - Joy on HOPL Joy on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) Scheme, FP, Factor, Forth, UNLAMBDA, C, SYMBOL - 3 PLDB concepts link to Joy: F, cK, XY DEFINE qsort == [small] [] [uncons [>] split] [enconcat] binrec. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 255 1.3
Joyce - Programming language Joyce ===== Joyce is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3442 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Joyce happened in Syracuse University - Joyce on HOPL Joyce on HOPL - Read more about Joyce on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
JOYCE+ - Programming language JOYCE+ ====== JOYCE+ is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4137 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JOYCE+ happened in University of Los Andes - JOYCE+ on HOPL JOYCE+ on HOPL - Read more about JOYCE+ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
JPEG - Binary data format JPEG ==== JPEG is a binary data format created in 1992. 1992 #3790 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of JPEG happened in Joint Photographic Experts Group and IBM and Mitsubishi Electric and AT&T and Canon - 2 PLDB concepts link to JPEG: HEIC, PNG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
JPL - Programming language JPL === JPL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4138 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JPL happened in Prolifics, Inc - JPL on HOPL JPL on HOPL - Read more about JPL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
jplace - Json format jplace ====== jplace is a json format created in 2012. 2012 #3120 on PLDB 12 Years Old We have developed a unified format for phylogenetic placements, that is, mappings of environmental sequence data (e.g., short reads) into a phylogenetic tree. We are motivated to do so by the growing number of tools for computing and post-processing phylogenetic placements, and the lack of an established standard for storing them. The format is lightweight, versatile, extensible, and is based on the JSON format, which can be parsed by most modern programming languages. - Tags: jsonFormat - Early development of jplace happened in Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington and Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies - Read more about jplace on the web: 1. 1. { “tree”: “((A:0.2{0},B:0.09{1}):0.7{2},C:0.5{3}){4};”, “placements”: [ {“p”: [[1, −2578.16, 0.777385, 0.004132, 0.0006], [0, −2580.15, 0.107065, 0.000009, 0.0153] ], “n”: [“fragment1”, “fragment2”] }, {“p”: [[2, −2576.46, 1.0, 0.003555, 0.000006]], “nm”: [[“fragment3”, 1.5], [“fragment4”, 2]]} ], “metadata”: {“invocation”: “pplacer -c tiny.refpkg frags.fasta” }, “version”: 3,“fields”: [“edge_num”, “likelihood”, “like_weight_ratio”, “distal_length”, “pendant_length”] } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
Visual J++ - Programming language Visual J++ ========== Visual J++ is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4659 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Visual J++ happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
jq - Query language jq == jq is an open source query language created in 2012 by Stephen Dolan. 2012 Stephen Dolan #136 on PLDB 12 Years Old 60 Repos git clone Command-line JSON processor - Tags: queryLanguage - jq is developed on GitHub and has 29,719 stars - There are at least 60 jq repos on GitHub - Early development of jq happened in - jq is written in C, YAML, Bourne shell, M4, Markdown, Python, C++, JSON, SVG, Yacc, Make, Lex, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Dockerfile, Bash - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 36 users using jq in 39 repos on GitHub - There are 5 Project Euler users using jq - Explore jq snippets on Rosetta Code - Learn jq on exercism. - Read more about jq on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to jq: Dasel "Hello, world!" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
JSON Query Language - Query language JSON Query Language =================== JSON Query Language is a query language created in 2019 by Jakub Martin. 2019 Jakub Martin #1043 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Easy JSON Query Processor with a Lispy syntax in Go - Tags: queryLanguage - JSON Query Language is developed on GitHub and has 897 stars - Early development of JSON Query Language happened in - JSON Query Language is written in Go, YAML, Markdown, Yacc, JSON, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
JQuery - Library JQuery ====== JQuery is an open source library created in 2006 by John Resig. 2006 John Resig #114 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It is free, open-source software using the permissive MIT License. Web analysis indicates that it is the most widely deployed JavaScript library by a large margin. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - JQuery is developed on GitHub and has 59,065 stars - Watch the history of the JQuery repo visualized with Gource - Early development of JQuery happened in - JQuery is written in JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, YAML, JSON, PHP, CSS, XML, Bourne shell, SVG - Check out the 670 JQuery meetup groups on - There are 0 members in the JQuery subreddit - has 9,286 matches for "jquery developer". - was registered in 2005 - See also: (6 related languages) JavaScript, HTML, Visual Studio, CSS, JSON, XML $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/process/submit.php', data: { name : 'John', location : 'Boston', }, }).done(function(msg) { alert('Data Saved: ' + msg); }).fail(function(xmlHttpRequest, statusText, errorThrown) { alert( 'Your form submission failed.\n\n' + 'XML Http Request: ' + JSON.stringify(xmlHttpRequest) + ',\nStatus Text: ' + statusText + ',\nError Thrown: ' + errorThrown); }); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
JR - Programming language JR == JR is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3443 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JR happened in University of California and California Polytechnic State University - JR on HOPL JR on HOPL - Read more about JR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
JRuby - Programming language JRuby ===== JRuby is an open source programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1920 on PLDB 23 Years Old JRuby is an implementation of the Ruby programming language atop the Java Virtual Machine, written largely in Java. It is free software released under a three-way EPL/GPL/LGPL license. JRuby is tightly integrated with Java to allow the embedding of the interpreter into any Java application with full two-way access between the Java and the Ruby code (similar to Jython for the Python language). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JRuby happened in - See also: (8 related languages) Java, Ruby, Jython, C, Ruby on Rails, Android, Java Bytecode, YARV //Example using JSR 233 Scripting for Java 6 ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine rbEngine = mgr.getEngineByExtension("rb"); try { rbEngine.eval("puts 'Hello World!'"); } catch (ScriptException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
JScript - Programming language JScript ======= JScript is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #590 on PLDB 28 Years Old JScript is Microsoft's dialect of the ECMAScript standard that is used in Microsoft's Internet Explorer. JScript is implemented as an Active Scripting engine. This means that it can be "plugged in" to OLE Automation applications that support Active Scripting, such as Internet Explorer, Active Server Pages, and Windows Script Host. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of JScript happened in Microsoft - JScript appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (6 related languages) JavaScript, ASP, VBScript, Visual Studio, JSON, C# WScript.Echo("Hello World"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WScript.Echo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
JSFuck - Esoteric programming language JSFuck ====== JSFuck is an esoteric programming language created in 2012 by Martin Kleppe. 2012 Martin Kleppe #350 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone JSFuck is an esoteric and educational programming style based on the atomic parts of JavaScript. It uses only six different characters to write and execute code. - Tags: esoteric programming language - JSFuck is developed on GitHub and has 8,070 stars - Early development of JSFuck happened in - JSFuck is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, HTML - was registered in 2012 [][(![]+[])[+[]]+(![]+[])[!![]+!![]]+(![]+[])[+!![]]+(!![]+[])[+[]]][([]+[][(![] +[])[+[]]+(![]+[])[!![]+!![]]+(![]+[])[+!![]]+(!![]+[])[+[]]])[!![]+!![]+!![]]+( !![]+[][(![]+[])[+[]]+(![]+[])[!![]+!![]]+(![]+[])[+!![]]+(!![]+[])[+[]]])[+!![] +[+[]]]+([][[]]+[])[+!![]]+(![]+[])[!![]+!![]+!![]]+(!![]+[])[+[]]+(!![]+[])[+!! 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JSGF - Programming language JSGF ==== JSGF is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3033 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JSGF happened in Sun Microsystems - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JSGF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
J# - Programming language J# == J# is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #717 on PLDB 22 Years Old Visual J# (pronounced "jay-sharp") is an implementation of the J# programming language that was a transitional language for programmers of Java and Visual J++ languages, so they could use their existing knowledge and applications on .NET Framework. It was introduced in 2002 and discontinued in 2007, with support for the final release of the product continuing until October, 2017. J# worked with Java bytecode as well as source so it could be used to transition applications that used third-party libraries even if their original source code was unavailable. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of J# happened in Microsoft - J# on HOPL J# on HOPL - J# appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (3 related languages) J, Java, Java Bytecode package HelloWorld; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.Console.Write("Hello World"); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.Console.Write Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 265 1.3
jsil-compiler - Compiler jsil-compiler ============= jsil-compiler is an open source compiler created in 2010 by Kevin Gadd. 2010 Kevin Gadd #492 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone JSIL is a compiler that transforms .NET applications and libraries from their native executable format - CIL bytecode - into standards-compliant, cross-browser JavaScript. - Tags: compiler - jsil-compiler is developed on GitHub and has 1,728 stars - Early development of jsil-compiler happened in - jsil-compiler is written in C#, JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS, F#, Cadence SKILL, ASP.NET, Bourne shell, TypeScript, C++, YAML, JSON, Visual Basic .NET, Markdown - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
JSL - Programming language JSL === JSL, aka JMP Scripting Language, is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #1837 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JSL happened in JMP Statistical Discovery LLC - See also: (6 related languages) JMP, R, SAS, SPSS, Stata, MATLAB - Read more about JSL on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. - 1 PLDB concepts link to JSL: JMP a="Hello"; b=" "; c="World"; a||b||c; // "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
JSLT - Programming language JSLT ==== JSLT is a programming language created in 2017 by Lars Marius Garshol. 2017 Lars Marius Garshol #661 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone JSON query and transformation language - Tags: programming language - JSLT is developed on GitHub and has 620 stars - Early development of JSLT happened in - JSLT is written in Java, Markdown, JSON, HTML, YAML, Gradle, Bourne shell, Lisp - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JSLT Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
JSML - Xml format JSML ==== JSML, aka Java Speech Markup Language, is a xml format created in 2001. 2001 #3227 on PLDB 23 Years Old Java Speech API Markup Language (JSML) is an XML-based markup language for annotating text input to speech synthesizers. JSML is used within the Java Speech API. JSML is an XML application and conforms to the requirements of well-formed XML documents. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of JSML happened in Sun Microsystems Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
json-graph-format - Json format json-graph-format ================= json-graph-format is a json format created in 2014. 2014 #934 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A proposal for representing graph structure (nodes / edges) in JSON. - Tags: jsonFormat - json-graph-format is developed on GitHub and has 446 stars - Early development of json-graph-format happened in - json-graph-format is written in JSON, Markdown, YAML, Python - was registered in 2015 { "graph": { "directed": false, "type": "graph type", "label": "graph label", "metadata": { "user-defined": "values" }, "nodes": [ { "id": "0", "type": "node type", "label": "node label(0)", "metadata": { "user-defined": "values" } }, { "id": "1", "type": "node type", "label": "node label(1)", "metadata": { "user-defined": "values" } } ], "edges": [ { "source": "0", "relation": "edge relationship", "target": "1", "directed": false, "label": "edge label", "metadata": { "user-defined": "values" } } ] } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 280 1.4
JSON Graph Spec - Json format JSON Graph Spec =============== JSON Graph Spec is a json format created in 2013 by Byron Ruth. 2013 Byron Ruth #2217 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone JSON specification for representing a graph structure - Tags: jsonFormat - JSON Graph Spec is developed on GitHub and has 12 stars - Early development of JSON Graph Spec happened in - JSON Graph Spec is written in Markdown { "nodes": [{ "labels": ["Origin"], "props": { "name": "file.csv", "uri": "csv:///path/to/file.csv" }, "match": ["uri"] }, { "labels": ["Element"], "props": { "name": "ArtistId", "uri": "csv:///path/to/file.csv/ArtistId" }, "match": ["uri"] }], "rels": [{ "start": 0, "end": 1, "type": "CONTAINS" }] } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
JSON lambda - Query language JSON lambda =========== JSON lambda is a query language created in 2017 by Chris Done. 2017 Chris Done #939 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone jl ("JSON lambda") is a tiny functional language for querying and manipulating JSON. - Tags: queryLanguage - JSON lambda is developed on GitHub and has 475 stars - Early development of JSON lambda happened in - JSON lambda is written in Haskell, YAML, Markdown map (\o -> { sha: o.sha, ps: map _.sha o.parents }) | filter (\o -> length > 1) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
JSON-LD - Data validation language JSON-LD ======= JSON-LD, aka JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is an open source data validation language created in 2010 by Dave Longley. 2010 Dave Longley #191 on PLDB 14 Years Old 0 Repos git clone JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data), is a method of encoding Linked Data using JSON. It was a goal to require as little effort as possible from developers to transform their existing JSON to JSON-LD. This allows data to be serialized in a way that is similar to traditional JSON. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataValidationLanguage - JSON-LD is developed on GitHub and has 1,652 stars - There are at least 0 JSON-LD repos on GitHub - Early development of JSON-LD happened in - JSON-LD is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, YAML, IDL, Bourne shell - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JSON-LD - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSON-LD - was registered in 2010 - 3 PLDB concepts link to JSON-LD: Microdata HTML, RDF, RDFa { "@context": { "property": "" }, "@id": "../document-relative", "@type": "#document-relative", "property": { "@context": { "@base": "" }, "@id": "../document-base-overwritten", "@type": "#document-base-overwritten", "property": [ { "@context": null, "@id": "../document-relative", "@type": "#document-relative", "property": "context completely reset, drops property" }, { "@context": { "@base": null }, "@id": "../document-relative", "@type": "#document-relative", "property": "only @base is cleared" } ] } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 383 1.9
JSON Schema - Data validation language JSON Schema =========== JSON Schema is a data validation language created in 2010 by Kris Zyp. 2010 Kris Zyp #413 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents. - Tags: dataValidationLanguage - JSON Schema is developed on GitHub and has 3,481 stars - Early development of JSON Schema happened in - JSON Schema is written in Markdown, JSON, JavaScript, YAML, XML, Make - was registered in 2007 - See also: (1 related languages) Livr { "$id": "", "$schema": "", "description": "A representation of an event", "type": "object", "required": [ "dtstart", "summary" ], "properties": { "dtstart": { "type": "string", "description": "Event starting time" }, "dtend": { "type": "string", "description": "Event ending time" }, "summary": { "type": "string" }, "location": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string" }, "duration": { "type": "string", "description": "Event duration" }, "rdate": { "type": "string", "description": "Recurrence date" }, "rrule": { "type": "string", "description": "Recurrence rule" }, "category": { "type": "string" }, "description": { "type": "string" }, "geo": { "$ref": "" } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 364 1.8
JSONScript - Programming language JSONScript ========== JSONScript is a programming language created in 2016 by Evgeny Poberezkin. 2016 Evgeny Poberezkin #1458 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Scripted processing of existing endpoints and services - Tags: programming language - JSONScript is developed on GitHub and has 56 stars - Early development of JSONScript happened in - JSONScript is written in JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, Bash, YAML - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of JSONScript ==================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: JSONScript – Asynchronous scripting language using JSON format||05/21/2016|49|47 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
JSON-stat - Json format JSON-stat ========= JSON-stat is a json format created in 2011 by Xavier Badosa. 2011 Xavier Badosa #1607 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone JSON-stat is a simple lightweight JSON dissemination format best suited for data visualization, mobile apps or open data initiatives, that has been designed for all kinds of disseminators. - Tags: jsonFormat - JSON-stat is developed on GitHub and has 22 stars - Early development of JSON-stat happened in - JSON-stat is written in Markdown - was registered in 2011 { "version" : "2.0", "class" : "dataset", "href" : "", "label" : "Unemployment rate in the OECD countries 2003-2014", "note" : [ "Most of the data in this dataset are taken from the individual contributions of national correspondents appointed by the OECD Secretariat with the approval of the authorities of Member countries. Consequently, these data have not necessarily been harmonised at international level." ], "source" : "Economic Outlook No 92 - December 2012 - OECD Annual Projections", "updated" : "2012-11-27", "extension" : { "contact" : "", "metadata" : [ { "title" : "Economic Outlook Policy and other assumptions underlying the projections Box 1.2 in General assessment", "href" : "" }, { "title" : "Economic Outlook Sources and Methods", "href" : ",3343,en_2649_34109_33702486_1_1_1_1,00.html" }, { "title" : "Database inventory (forthcoming)", "href" : "" }, { "title" : "OECD Glossary", "href" : "" } ] }, "value" : [5.943826289, 5.39663128, 5.044790587, 4.789362794, 4.379649386, 4.249093453, 5.592226603, 5.230660289, 5.099422942, 5.224336088, 5.50415003, 5.462866231, 4.278559338, 4.939707755, 5.152160612, 4.727182858, 4.399730726, 3.813933625, 4.776912506, 4.391591645, 4.143587245, 4.351345785, 4.695491708, 4.745323313, 8.158333333, 8.4, 8.483333333, 8.266666667, 7.466666667, 7.016666667, 7.891892855, 8.283171959, 7.175138783, 7.381153404, 7.689552898, 7.735442636, 7.594616751, 7.167833951, 6.748691501, 6.307841105, 6.049842626, 6.146014664, 8.284689299, 7.988900419, 7.453609598, 7.32358421, 7.169741525, 6.88122705, 9.5433848, 10.00149582, 9.224422554, 7.773166282, 7.150623348, 7.787221805, 10.80236438, 8.121579077, 7.104778251, 6.477468723, 6.78101031, 6.780198936, 7.818066527, 8.323638425, 7.922330988, 7.142271671, 5.316363283, 4.391669598, 6.675050668, 7.273107122, 6.723482523, 6.936394665, 7.242148075, 7.135151601, 5.344516646, 5.516904324, 4.793715416, 3.868296418, 3.669496447, 3.326692683, 5.821647379, 7.191696186, 7.313112408, 7.544640558, 7.357364231, 7.255659852, 10.03010116, 9.661753538, 7.899232972, 5.905173373, 4.659913473, 5.601684952, 13.87805579, 16.83438817, 12.4576855, 9.873121257, 9.116309666, 8.74566981, 9.017860131, 8.80435787, 8.368797468, 7.702632855, 6.850344695, 6.368216471, 8.269856093, 8.381534292, 7.774845319, 7.722836877, 7.962718148, 7.757742455, 8.503978378, 8.8650811, 8.882978134, 8.835277292, 8.009145174, 7.384897537, 9.129199553, 9.315864403, 9.202432489, 9.877166456, 10.66140443, 10.91985917, 9.134738857, 9.829230121, 10.69442137, 9.694756306, 8.310233377, 7.188163108, 7.429105355, 6.757338631, 5.752587233, 5.28775372, 5.524081118, 5.565600014, 9.712526535, 10.49281197, 9.849833119, 8.890878396, 8.276300402, 7.653084476, 9.460314273, 12.53058153, 17.65238747, 23.5737508, 26.6534591, 27.2364419, 5.860132523, 6.096400087, 7.185491402, 7.451740837, 7.35706148, 7.851089777, 10.0153875, 11.14448405, 10.92071597, 11.12538821, 11.09958634, 10.76358386, 3.352836045, 3.06335905, 2.590345651, 2.878830234, 2.301867378, 2.990597714, 7.241470693, 7.55861225, 7.058807671, 6.138731401, 5.393148124, 5.128315309, 4.739670964, 4.539966682, 4.341850838, 4.415526325, 4.571302023, 6.024123088, 11.81229736, 13.62078809, 14.51224844, 14.79227286, 14.73886731, 14.61076214, 13.28016732, 12.85704871, 11.29834866, 10.47596715, 9.147672881, 7.728344307, 9.476560711, 8.33683595, 7.110513831, 6.8731402, 7.359377644, 6.93094611, 8.444973801, 7.996760207, 7.708360512, 6.777043598, 6.110290905, 6.774113796, 7.800833899, 8.41234985, 8.438703909, 10.55546863, 11.42167502, 11.7584873, 5.25125, 4.717099486, 4.424423923, 4.129376275, 3.84841253, 3.979750388, 5.068375853, 5.058985674, 4.592622773, 4.399496241, 4.355894653, 4.286733019, 3.562065618, 3.67219364, 3.734708533, 3.450431799, 3.233335111, 3.15974989, 3.643064158, 3.715763348, 3.405129308, 3.378067785, 3.618601827, 3.397535556, 3.304883869, 3.710506994, 4.099797561, 4.242014975, 4.182611437, 4.14500326, 5.431987487, 5.778771292, 5.627283477, 6.078760003, 6.589474092, 6.658818611, 2.998805894, 3.695332444, 3.540173119, 3.550553518, 3.672170595, 3.949416134, 5.43621902, 5.373117407, 5.240905522, 5.036393758, 4.990182757, 4.897580596, 3.975713818, 4.894207123, 5.113659881, 4.20994586, 3.475695941, 3.018534226, 3.68444758, 4.383579198, 4.343866431, 5.163411369, 5.801548283, 6.10348765, 4.76074516, 4.018968583, 3.807106599, 3.840522581, 3.655294639, 4.160280272, 6.146341463, 6.537348623, 6.509125435, 6.938443309, 6.568824155, 6.048820957, 4.04172726, 4.186831741, 4.382939676, 3.392420144, 2.498729296, 2.565344859, 3.107969091, 3.521797592, 3.212318473, 3.098584692, 3.098584692, 3.003021166, 19.61702787, 18.97466246, 17.74593227, 13.84039072, 9.601554043, 7.117494731, 8.166610723, 9.622661542, 9.648757987, 10.05073744, 10.49463234, 10.66450371, 6.276549712, 6.666642728, 7.597516675, 7.637987286, 7.99012509, 7.607584033, 9.484363464, 10.81324061, 12.7097409, 15.52457602, 16.93137173, 16.62982306, 17.55389647, 18.22108629, 16.25634386, 13.3725907, 11.14262294, 9.507520125, 12.02516939, 14.37913326, 13.54138898, 13.69591839, 13.5763623, 12.97187212, 6.682102697, 6.291982582, 6.516689478, 5.945157013, 4.816202781, 4.368899066, 5.856004508, 7.240345922, 8.164977774, 8.529917685, 9.708595873, 9.847243093, 11.03816292, 10.54622939, 9.156961086, 8.511101588, 8.264570818, 11.33829871, 18.01195661, 20.06321219, 21.63712759, 25.04773498, 26.89014696, 26.78073067, 6.56574156, 7.373480411, 7.652096974, 7.053667613, 6.127066505, 6.183935584, 8.305635992, 8.372715009, 7.504247076, 7.651519753, 7.912693788, 7.604124855, 4.033356027, 4.31699694, 4.329724566, 3.941659077, 3.57509152, 3.341272685, 4.257833072, 4.44955058, 3.949110999, 3.863659425, 4.109877511, 3.999499419, 10.82310834, 10.58802629, 10.40296232, 10.01247258, 10.06182773, 10.74264555, 13.74762357, 11.65601928, 9.605142332, 9.014001387, 9.320782097, 8.651402638, 5.019884066, 4.768990278, 4.852538715, 5.450636437, 5.355104552, 5.708223236, 7.62507775, 7.861627732, 8.078635307, 8.027613742, 8.275155581, 8.036560522, 5.986539203, 5.523039996, 5.076780521, 4.617465075, 4.619105436, 5.800444743, 9.275245924, 9.627692959, 8.94612643, 8.091574662, 7.810715126, 7.514930043, 8.68886389, 8.942669403, 8.941482912, 8.233837469, 7.409607055, 7.436710115, 9.371745367, 9.891824566, 9.978460373, 11.11907575, 11.9135905, 11.99849464, 6.971079892, 6.859814025, 6.629153129, 6.100565063, 5.656171098, 5.982685271, 8.157564657, 8.320563893, 7.953121271, 7.970392182, 8.15379125, 8.004598637], "status" : {"10": "e", "11": "e", "22": "e", "23": "e", "34": "e", "35": "e", "46": "e", "47": "e", "58": "e", "59": "e", "70": "e", "71": "e", "82": "e", "83": "e", "94": "e", "95": "e", "106": "e", "107": "e", "118": "e", "119": "e", "130": "e", "131": "e", "142": "e", "143": "e", "154": "e", "155": "e", "166": "e", "167": "e", "178": "e", "179": "e", "190": "e", "191": "e", "202": "e", "203": "e", "214": "e", "215": "e", "226": "e", "227": "e", "238": "e", "239": "e", "250": "e", "251": "e", "262": "e", "263": "e", "274": "e", "275": "e", "286": "e", "287": "e", "298": "e", "299": "e", "310": "e", "311": "e", "322": "e", "323": "e", "334": "e", "335": "e", "346": "e", "347": "e", "358": "e", "359": "e", "370": "e", "371": "e", "382": "e", "383": "e", "394": "e", "395": "e", "406": "e", "407": "e", "418": "e", "419": "e", "430": "e", "431": "e"}, "id" : ["concept", "area", "year"], "size" : [1, 36, 12], "role" :{ "time" : ["year"], "geo" : ["area"], "metric" : ["concept"] }, "dimension" : { "concept" : { "label" : "indicator", "extension" : { "definition" : { "UNR" : "The OECD harmonised unemployment rate gives the number of unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force (the total number of people employed plus unemployed)." } }, "category" : { "label" : { "UNR" : "unemployment rate" }, "unit" : { "UNR" : { "symbol" : "%", "decimals" : 9 } } } }, "year" : { "label" : "2003-2014", "category" : { "index" : { "2003" : 0, "2004" : 1, "2005" : 2, "2006" : 3, "2007" : 4, "2008" : 5, "2009" : 6, "2010" : 7, "2011" : 8, "2012" : 9, "2013" : 10, "2014" : 11 } } }, "area" : { "label" : "OECD countries, EU15 and total", "note" : [ "Except where otherwise indicated, data refer to the actual territory of the country considered." ], "category" : { "index" : { "AU" : 0, "AT" : 1, "BE" : 2, "CA" : 3, "CL" : 4, "CZ" : 5, "DK" : 6, "EE" : 7, "FI" : 8, "FR" : 9, "DE" : 10, "GR" : 11, "HU" : 12, "IS" : 13, "IE" : 14, "IL" : 15, "IT" : 16, "JP" : 17, "KR" : 18, "LU" : 19, "MX" : 20, "NL" : 21, "NZ" : 22, "NO" : 23, "PL" : 24, "PT" : 25, "SK" : 26, "SI" : 27, "ES" : 28, "SE" : 29, "CH" : 30, "TR" : 31, "UK" : 32, "US" : 33, "EU15" : 34, "OECD" : 35 }, "label" : { "AU" : "Australia", "AT" : "Austria", "BE" : "Belgium", "CA" : "Canada", "CL" : "Chile", "CZ" : "Czech Republic", "DK" : "Denmark", "EE" : "Estonia", "FI" : "Finland", "FR" : "France", "DE" : "Germany", "GR" : "Greece", "HU" : "Hungary", "IS" : "Iceland", "IE" : "Ireland", "IL" : "Israel", "IT" : "Italy", "JP" : "Japan", "KR" : "Korea", "LU" : "Luxembourg", "MX" : "Mexico", "NL" : "Netherlands", "NZ" : "New Zealand", "NO" : "Norway", "PL" : "Poland", "PT" : "Portugal", "SK" : "Slovak Republic", "SI" : "Slovenia", "ES" : "Spain", "SE" : "Sweden", "CH" : "Switzerland", "TR" : "Turkey", "UK" : "United Kingdom", "US" : "United States", "EU15" : "Euro area (15 countries)", "OECD" : "total" }, "note" : { "DE" : [ "Germany (code DE) was created 3 October 1990 by the accession of the Democratic Republic of Germany (code DDR) to the then Federal Republic of Germany (code DEW)." ] }, "child" : { "EU15" : ["AT", "BE", "DE", "DK", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GR", "IE", "IT", "LU", "NL", "PT", "SE", "UK"], "OECD" : [ "EU15", "AU", "CA", "CL", "CZ", "DK", "EE", "HU", "IS", "IL", "JP", "KR", "MX", "NO", "NZ", "PL", "SK", "SI", "CH", "TR", "US"] } } } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2425 12.1
json->url - Json format json->url ========= json->url is an open source json format created in 2017 by Tim Bray. 2017 Tim Bray #1107 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone JSON→URL is a language-independent data interchange format for the JSON data model suitable for use within a URL/URI query string. It is defined by an open specification, though not through a standards body. - Tags: jsonFormat - json->url is developed on GitHub and has 41 stars - Early development of json->url happened in Textuality Services, Inc. - json->url is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML, TypeScript - Read more about json->url on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
JSON with Comments - Data notation JSON with Comments ================== JSON with Comments is a data notation created in 2001 by Muhammad Muzzammil. 2001 Muhammad Muzzammil #567 on PLDB 23 Years Old 0 Repos git clone JSON with comments for Go! - Tags: dataNotation - JSON with Comments is developed on GitHub and has 196 stars - There are at least 0 JSON with Comments repos on GitHub - JSON with Comments is a superset of JSON - Early development of JSON with Comments happened in - JSON with Comments is written in Markdown, Go, YAML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSON with Comments - Read more about JSON with Comments on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. /* * JSLint's implementation of JSHint * The JSLint options and makeup of this file were created based on the documentation of JSLint by * Douglas Crockford: */ { "foobar" : true, // Not checked in JSHint } [ { "command": "haxe_run_build" } ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 313 1.6
JSON - Data notation JSON ==== JSON is an open source data notation created in 2001 by Douglas Crockford. 2001 Douglas Crockford #13 on PLDB 23 Years Old 133 Repos In computing, JavaScript Object Notation or JSON ( JAY-sən), is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value). It is a very common data format used for asynchronous browser–server communication, including as a replacement for XML in some AJAX-style systems. JSON is a language-independent data format. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 133 JSON repos on GitHub - Early development of JSON happened in - JavaScript influenced the design of JSON - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 6 users using JSON in 6 repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for JSON - JSON LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JSON - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSON - has 5,872 matches for "json developer". - was registered in 2000 - See also: (16 related languages) JavaScript, XML, Java, HTTP, Unicode, UTF-8, SOAP, YAML, CSV, Protocol Buffers, Gzip, XPath, CSS, Hocon, S-expressions, GeoJSON - Read more about JSON on the web: 1. 1. - 586 PLDB concepts link to JSON: 11ty, Aardvark, abs, Ace Editor, ActivityPub, Adept, Ait, AL, Alma, Alumina, ana, Ante, aretext, Argdown, ArkScript, Arquero, arret, Apache Arrow, ASDF, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, AT Protocol, attoparsec, Austral, Avail, badlanguage, Ballerina, bamboo, Basis Codec, Bazel, BeBasic, Bend, Berry, Bicep, binaryen, Bitsy, Bizubee, BlackCoffee, Blacklight, BlazeX, Blech, blockml, blur-markup-language, blz, bosque, Bounce, bpkg-pm, Broccoli, Bucklescript, buzz, C3, Calcit, Candy, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, cat, Catala, Ceylon, chaiscript, Chapel, chatterbot, chevrotain, chisel, circle-lang, Ć, Civet, Claro, clash, cloc, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, Coco, Coconut, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, CokeScript, ColaScript, comby, CWL, commonmark, Concise Encoding,, cor, corescript, Cortex, cosh, CouchDB, crmsh, crush, Crystal, CSON, CSpydr, CSS Doodle, CSVw, Cue, Cyber, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, daonode, Dasel, dat-protocol, datafun, datascript, DDP, Deno, dexvis, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, Dixy, djangoql, Dogescript, dub-pm, Earl Grey, eco-editor, Embedded Crystal, Đ, Eiffel, EJS, Elm, Elpi, Elvish, emberjs-framework, EmberScript, emesh, Emscripten, Enso, Erlang, Esoteric Reaction, Euphoria, Eve, exkited, EYG, F Prime, Factor, Farcaster, Fardlang, fay, fetlang, firrtl, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, FLUX, Fold, fork-lang, ForthScript, Functional PHP Preprocessor, F*, Futhark, FutureScript, GN, GETlang, GHC, gintonic, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, GLMS, Go, gogs-editor, Gradle, grid-notation, gridstudio-editor, Gun, hacspec, Halide, hashlink, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, HCL, Hera, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, Hina, Hjson, Hocon, Hodor, Homebrew, Hot Cocoa Lisp, hrqr, HTL, htmx, httplang, huginn, hurl, Hush, Hyperscript, Hyperscript, Ibis, IcedCoffeeScript, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, ink, inko, Insitux, invokator, Iode, Ion, Iterm2, Jakt, JAL compiler, Jammy, Jank, jasmine, Java, JCOF, Jedi, jedlang, Jekyll, Jemplate, Jesth, Jet, Jevko, JFlex, Jinja, Jison Lex, Jison, Jisp, JLang, JMAP, jq, JSON Query Language, JQuery, JSFuck, jsil-compiler, JSLT, json-graph-format, JSON-LD, JSON Schema, JSONScript, json->url, JSON with Comments, JSON5, JSONiq, Jsonnet, jsparagus, Julia, juvix, k-framework, Kal, KamilaLisp, KAML, kasaya, KaTeX, Keras, KGL, Khepri, kima, kitlang, ko, kode, Koka, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, Kubernetes, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latte-js, Latte, Lawvere, JSON Lines, lem-editor, leo-editor, Lesma, lever, lezer, lift, Ligo, Link, Links, Linux, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, LiteScript, Livr, lobster, Lodash, Logica, lsd, Luna, LWJGL, m3db, mal, manhood, Manim, Mapgen, maraca-lang, Marko, Markus, Markwhen, Marp, Mask, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, MDX, Mech, Megaparsec, Melody, mermaid, micro-editor, MicroBlocks, microl, MicroPython, Mindsdb, MiniZinc, mirth, MLscript, mochajs, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, monte, moya, Mu, Muldis, mun-lang, mys, Nadesiko, Nearley, Neko, NestedText, neut, Nextflow, NGS, NilScript, Nim, Nit, nlpl, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, nomnoml, noms-db, noon, nulan, Nushell, Nuua, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, onnx, oopsilon, OpenCV, Openverse, orca, P, packagist-pm, Pact, Pandas, parboiled2, Parsers, Particles, pasukon, PearScript, PEG.js, penrose, Perl, Pharen, Phel, PHP, pikelet, Pipefish, Plaid, plang, Please Build, Pod6, Podlite, PogoScript, Pomsky, popr, Porffor, PostCSS, PostgreSQL, PowerShell, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche, Pug, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, Qore, Quaint, Quint, Racket, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, RAML, rant, React Native, Readable, Reason, Recursive teXt, Redis, redprl, reflex-framework, Ren-C, RetDec, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, RigC, RobotFramework, Roc, Rockstar, Roslyn compiler, roy, RoyalScript, rpscript, ru, Ruby, runiq, Rust, Rye, SandDance, Savi, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Scoop, score, Scrapscript, Scroll, Scryer Prolog, SDMS, semicolon, Semantic Versioning, sentient, Seq, Serious, shml, Sibilant, sile, Simoji, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slashdown, Slim Framework, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowman, Solidity, Sophie, Speedie, spider, spiral, spry, SQRL, squiggle, SRL, Secure Scuttlebutt, Script.NET, stacklang, Star, Statsplorer, Stencil, STON, Storymatic, strat, SugarSS, Superjson, SUSN, Svelte, Swallow, Sweet.js, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, tablam, Taichi, Taijilang, tamgu, tangledown, tao3d, Tawa, taxa, tea, TensorFlow, TestML, Textile, tht, tibet, tidyverse, tiledb, Timpani, Tag Line Commands, tldr, tldraw, TMTP, ToffeeScript, toki sona, ToonTalk, topshell, tornado, Tosh, Touch, Toy, TAO, tridash, Triton, Truth, tsquery, Twine, txtzyme, Typecast.js, typecobol, TypeScript, U, UCG, UCL, Uiua, ultralisp-pm, Umka, Uno, unseemly, V, v8, Vale, Vcpkg, vega-editor-app, Vega, Veryl, Violent ES, Virgil, visdown, VLC, Volt, Vue, Vyxal, walt, wasmer, Wasp, WDL, 文言文編程語言, Wing, winxed, wisp, WLambda, Wonkey, Worst, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, xlwings-editor, xodio, Ecstasy, Xtext, YAMP, YANG, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Zephir, Zig { "hello": "world" } { "id": 1, "name": "Foo", "price": 123, "tags": ["Bar","Eek"], "stock": { "warehouse":300, "retail":20 } } var y = {a: undefined}; var ys = JSON.stringify(y, function (k, v){return (v === undefined) ? "UNDEFINED" : v}); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example [1, 2, 3] Token row Feature Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasMaps.html Supported ✓ Example {"name": "Mary"} Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example 80766866 Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example 2.3 Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example false Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported X Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1253 6.3
JSON5 - Data notation JSON5 ===== JSON5 is an open source data notation created in 2012 by Aseem Kishore. 2012 Aseem Kishore #82 on PLDB 12 Years Old 0 Repos git clone The JSON5 Data Interchange Format (JSON5) is a superset of JSON that aims to alleviate some of the limitations of JSON by expanding its syntax to include some productions from ECMAScript 5.1. - Tags: dataNotation - JSON5 is developed on GitHub and has 6,409 stars - There are at least 0 JSON5 repos on GitHub - JSON5 is a superset of JSON - Early development of JSON5 happened in - JSON5 is written in JavaScript, Markdown, TypeScript, JSON, JSON5, YAML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSON5 - was registered in 2011 - 11 PLDB concepts link to JSON5: Ace Editor, Avail, chevrotain, cloc, Differential Datalog, Idio, JSON5, Mastodon, MDX, Openverse, Prettier { // comments unquoted: 'and you can quote me on that', singleQuotes: 'I can use "double quotes" here', lineBreaks: "Look, Mom! \ No \\n's!", hexadecimal: 0xdecaf, leadingDecimalPoint: .8675309, andTrailing: 8675309., positiveSign: +1, trailingComma: 'in objects', andIn: ['arrays',], "backwardsCompatible": "with JSON", } /* * The following is a contrived example, but it illustrates most of the features: */ { foo: 'bar', while: true, this: 'is a \ multi-line string', // this is an inline comment here: 'is another', // inline comment /* this is a block comment that continues on another line */ hex: 0xDEADbeef, half: .5, delta: +10, to: Infinity, // and beyond! finally: 'a trailing comma', oh: [ "we shouldn't forget", 'arrays can have', 'trailing commas too', ], } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 404 2
JSON Canvas - Json format JSON Canvas =========== JSON Canvas is a json format created in 2024. 2024 #1442 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone An open file format for infinite canvas data. - Tags: jsonFormat - JSON Canvas is developed on GitHub and has 2,430 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
JSONiq - Query language JSONiq ====== JSONiq is a query language created in 2011. 2011 #940 on PLDB 13 Years Old 153 Repos JSONiq is a query and functional programming language that is designed to declaratively query and transform collections of hierarchical and heterogeneous data in format of JSON, XML, as well as unstructured, textual data. JSONiq is an open specification published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. It is based on the XQuery language, with which it shares the same core expressions and operations on atomic types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - There are at least 153 JSONiq repos on GitHub - JSONiq is a superset of JSON - Early development of JSONiq happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 386 users using JSONiq in 423 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSONiq - was registered in 2011 - See also: (5 related languages) XQuery, SQL, JSON, XML, ISBN "Hello World" (: Query for returning one database entry :) import module namespace req = ""; import module namespace catalog = ""; variable $id := (req:param-values("id"), "London")[1]; variable $part := (req:param-values("part"), "main")[1]; catalog:get-data-by-key($id, $part) for $p in collection("persons") return <person> <firstName>{$p("firstName")}</firstName> <lastName>{$p("lastName")}</lastName> <age>{$p("age")}</age> </person> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 353 1.8
Jsonnet - Data notation Jsonnet ======= Jsonnet is a data notation created in 2014 by Dave Cunningham. 2014 Dave Cunningham #200 on PLDB 10 Years Old 1k Repos git clone Jsonnet - The data templating language - Tags: dataNotation - Jsonnet is developed on GitHub and has 6,861 stars - There are at least 1,430 Jsonnet repos on GitHub - Jsonnet is a superset of JSON - Early development of Jsonnet happened in Google - Jsonnet is written in JavaScript, HTML, C++, SVG, Bourne shell, Python, Markdown, Bazel, YAML, CMake, JSON, CSS, Java, C, Bash, starlark, XML, Make, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 104 users using Jsonnet in 190 repos on GitHub - was registered in 2015 // A function that returns an object. local Person(name='Alice') = { name: name, welcome: 'Hello ' + name + '!', }; { person1: Person(), person2: Person('Bob'), } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
jsparagus - Grammar language jsparagus ========= jsparagus is a grammar language created in 2018. 2018 #1500 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A JavaScript parser written in Rust - Tags: grammarLanguage - jsparagus is developed on GitHub and has 436 stars - Early development of jsparagus happened in Mozilla - jsparagus is written in Rust, Python, TOML, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, JavaScript, JSON, Make, Bash Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
JS++ - Programming language JS++ ==== JS++ is a programming language created in 2011 by Roger Poon and Anton Rapetov. 2011 Roger Poon Anton Rapetov #1272 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JS++ happened in Onux - JS++ compiles to JavaScript 1 int x = 1; // declares the variable x with an "internal type" (JS++ type) 2 var y = 2; // declares the variable y with an "external type" (JavaScript type) 3 bool z = true; // declares the variable z with an "internal type" (JS++ type) abstract auto break bool byte catch char class continue debugger delete do double else enum external false final finally float for foreach function if import in instanceof int interface long module new null override overwrite private protected property public return short signed string super switch static this true try typeid typeof undefined unsigned var virtual void while with yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.log row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 419 2.1
JSX - Template language JSX === JSX is a template language created in 2013. 2013 #756 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: template language - Early development of JSX happened in Facebook - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSX - was registered in 2013 - Read more about JSX on the web: 1. 1. - 21 PLDB concepts link to JSX: Ace Editor, Bun, Deno, Flow, Mastodon, Mathpix Markdown, MDX, Nadesiko, Node.js, packagist-pm, Prettier, PRQL, Pygments, Quint, React Native, SmallBASIC, SQRL, tibet, Wasp, Wing, xodio class App extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div> <p>Header</p> <p>Content</p> <p>Footer</p> </div> ); } } 'use strict'; const React = require('react') module.exports = React.createClass({ render: function() { let {feeds, log} = this.props;; return <div className="feed-list"> <h3>News Feed's</h3> <ul> { { return <li key={} className={feed.fetched ? 'loaded' : 'loading'}> { && > 0 ? <span>{} <span className='light'>({})</span></span> : '' } </li> })} </ul> </div>; } }); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 291 1.5
JSyn - Programming language JSyn ==== JSyn is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #4139 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of JSyn happened in - JSyn on HOPL JSyn on HOPL - Read more about JSyn on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
JSYNC - Data notation JSYNC ===== JSYNC is a data notation created in 2010 by Ingy döt Net. 2010 Ingy döt Net #3034 on PLDB 14 Years Old JSYNC is a simple data serialization language. It takes the simplicity of JSON and combines it with the completeness of YAML. - Tags: dataNotation - Read more about JSYNC on the web: 1. 1. [ "!records", { "!": "record", "game": { "!": "game", "&": "001", "date": "!!date March 2, 1962", "versus": "New York" }, "notes": ".!!! Awesome !!!", "number": 100, "player": { "!": "player", "&": "002", "name": "Wilt Chamberlain", "team": "Philadelphia" }, "record": "Most points single game" }, { "!": "record", "game": "*001", "notes": "... add note here ...", "number": 59, "player": "*002", "record": "Most points, one half" } ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 262 1.3
Judoscript - Programming language Judoscript ========== Judoscript is an open source programming language created in 2001 by James Jianbo Huang. 2001 James Jianbo Huang #1439 on PLDB 23 Years Old Judoscript is one of several general purpose programming languages designed primarily for scripting on the Java platform. Its originator and primary developer is software engineer James Jianbo Huang.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Judoscript happened in - Explore Judoscript snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (5 related languages) Python, Ruby, Perl, Smalltalk, Java . "Hello World"; // print out information found inside HTML do '' as sgml { <a>: println 'Found a hyperlink:' , $_.href; <p>: println 'Found a paragraph tag.'; TEXT: println 'Found some text:' , $_.length(); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
juicy - Programming language juicy ===== juicy is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Jonathan Avery. 2017 Jonathan Avery #2040 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Juicy is a low-level, compiled, purely functional, highly generic language with inferred types and tail recursion. - Tags: programming language - juicy is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of juicy happened in - juicy is written in Prolog, Markdown, Perl, Assembly language, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Jule - Programming language Jule ==== Jule is an open source programming language created in 2021 by Mertcan Davulcu. 2021 Mertcan Davulcu #714 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Jule is the simple, efficient, statically typed and compiled system programming language. - Tags: programming language, lisp - Jule is developed on GitHub and has 127 stars - Early development of Jule happened in - C and C++ and Rust and Go influenced the design of Jule - Jule is written in YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, Dockerfile - was registered in 2022 fn quicksort(mut s: []int) { if s.len <= 1 { ret } let mut i = -1 let last = s[s.len-1] for j in s { let mut x = &s[j] if (unsafe{ *x <= last }) { i++ let mut y = &s[i] unsafe { *x, *y = *y, *x } } } quicksort(s[:i]) quicksort(s[i+1:]) } fn main() { let mut my_slice = [1, 9, -2, 25, -24, 4623, 0, -1, 0xFD2] outln(my_slice) quicksort(my_slice) outln(my_slice) } fn main() { outln("Hello World") } use std::math::{PI} trait Shape { fn area(self): f32 } struct Rectangle { width: int height: int } impl Shape for Rectangle { fn area(self): f32 { ret self.width * self.height } } struct Circle { r: f32 } impl Shape for Circle { fn area(self): f32 { ret PI * self.r * self.r } } fn main() { let rect: Shape = Rectangle{90, 5} let circ: Shape = Circle{90.5} outln(rect.area()) outln(circ.area()) } fn pub struct enum unsafe const let mut self match if else for in impl trait break continue goto cpp i8 i16 i32 i64 u8 u16 u32 u64 f32 f64 str int uint type any true false bool ret fall nil uintptr co Language features ====================================================== row Feature hasReservedWords FeatureLink ../features/hasReservedWords.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasSelfOrThisWord FeatureLink ../features/hasSelfOrThisWord.html Supported ✓ Example self Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example use std::fs use std::sys::{self, open, O_RDWR} use std::math::* Token use row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example `Multiline strings is available in Jule with raw strings` Token row Feature hasStringConcatOperator FeatureLink ../features/hasStringConcatOperator.html Supported ✓ Example + Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example use std::fs::{open, O_WRONLY} fn main() { let (mut f, _) = open("myfile.txt", O_WRONLY, 0) let bytes = ([]byte)("Text to write") f.write(bytes) f.close() } Token row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example ++ -- Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example if BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION { outln(""Condition is true) } Token row Feature Manual Memory Management FeatureLink ../features/hasManualMemoryManagement.html Supported ✓ Example use std::mem::c::{malloc, free} fn main() { let mut ptr = malloc(8) free(ptr) ptr = nil } Token row Feature Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitTypeCasting.html Supported ✓ Example let x = (int)(3.14) Token row Feature hasArraySlicingSyntax FeatureLink ../features/hasArraySlicingSyntax.html Supported ✓ Example sliceable_expression[start_index:to_index] Token row Feature Duck Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDuckTyping.html Supported ✓ Example fn lock_object[T](obj: T) { obj.lock() } Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example match X { | Y: outln("X is Y") | Z: outln("X is Z") | A | B | C: outln("X is A, B, or C") |: outln("X is not Y, Z, A, B and C") } Token row Feature hasMemberVariables FeatureLink ../features/hasMemberVariables.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example pub Token row Feature Type Annotations FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeAnnotations.html Supported ✓ Example let x: f64 = 89 Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example let mut x = 0 x = 20 Token = row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example fn my_thread() { outln("Hello from thread") } fn main() { co my_thread() } Token row Feature Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasStatements.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasStatementTerminatorCharacter FeatureLink ../features/hasStatementTerminatorCharacter.html Supported ✓ Example ; Token row Feature hasBoundedCheckedArrays FeatureLink ../features/hasBoundedCheckedArrays.html Supported ✓ Example let arr: [5]byte = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Token row Feature hasRequiredMainFunction FeatureLink ../features/hasRequiredMainFunction.html Supported ✓ Example fn main() {} Token row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported ✓ Example goto a_label Token row Feature Labels FeatureLink ../features/hasLabels.html Supported ✓ Example a_label: Token row Feature hasDynamicSizedArrays FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicSizedArrays.html Supported ✓ Example let mut a_slice = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] a_slice = append(a_slice, 7, 8, 9, 10) Token row Feature hasIfElses FeatureLink ../features/hasIfElses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasIfs FeatureLink ../features/hasIfs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Doc comments FeatureLink ../features/hasDocComments.html Supported ✓ Example // Documentation comment for a_function fn a_function() {} Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example for my_condition { // ... } Token row Feature hasForLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForLoops.html Supported ✓ Example // Jule has for loops with while-next iterations let mut i = 0 for i ✓ Example for x, y in my_enumerable { // ... } Token row Feature canReadCommandLineArgs FeatureLink ../features/canReadCommandLineArgs.html Supported ✓ Example use std::os::{ARGS} fn main() { outln(ARGS) } Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasFnArguments FeatureLink ../features/hasFnArguments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Dependent types FeatureLink ../features/hasDependentTypes.html Supported ✓ Example int uint uintptr Token row Feature Unary Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasUnaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example * & - + ^ ! Token row Feature Variadic Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasVariadicFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example fn average(x: ...f64): f64 { // ... } Token row Feature Assert Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasAssertStatements.html Supported ✓ Example use std::debug use std::debug::assert::{assert} fn main() { std::debug::ENABLE = true let x = 200 assert(x ✓ Example & | ^ > Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasValueReturnedFunctions FeatureLink ../features/hasValueReturnedFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example fn get_pi(): f64 { ret 3.14159265359 } Token row Feature hasGlobalScope FeatureLink ../features/hasGlobalScope.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example 1E2 .12345E+6 1.e+0 0x15e-2 0x2.p10 0X.8p-0 0x1.Fp+0 0x1fffp-16 0x1p-2 Token row Feature hasVoidFunctions FeatureLink ../features/hasVoidFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example fn a_void_function() { // ... } Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example 0b0001010101 Token row Feature Decimals FeatureLink ../features/hasDecimals.html Supported ✓ Example 12345 Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example 0455 Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example 0xDFF90 Token row Feature Structs FeatureLink ../features/hasStructs.html Supported ✓ Example struct Employee { first_name: str last_name: str salary: f32 } Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example 12345 0b0001010101 0455 0xDFF90 Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example 3.14 32.60 032.60 3. 0.3 1E2 .12345E+6 1.e+0 0x1p-2 0x2.p10 0x1.Fp+0 0X.8p-0 0x1fffp-16 0x15e-2 Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported ✓ Example enum ExitCode { Success = 0, Failure = 1 } Token row Feature hasContinue FeatureLink ../features/hasContinue.html Supported ✓ Example continue continue a_label Token row Feature hasBreak FeatureLink ../features/hasBreak.html Supported ✓ Example break break a_label Token row Feature Anonymous Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasAnonymousFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example let anonymous = fn() { outln("Anonymous Function") } anonymous() Token row Feature Null FeatureLink ../features/hasNull.html Supported ✓ Example nil Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example const PI = 3.14159265359 Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example true false Token true false row Feature Generics FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerics.html Supported ✓ Example fn generic_function[T](s: []T) { // ... } Token row Feature Traits FeatureLink ../features/hasTraits.html Supported ✓ Example trait Person { fn get_full_name(self): str fn get_age(self): byte } Token row Feature Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasMaps.html Supported ✓ Example let my_map: [int:str] = { 0: "Key 0", 1: "Key 1", 2: "Key 2", } Token row Feature Methods FeatureLink ../features/hasMethods.html Supported ✓ Example impl MyStruct { fn my_method(self) {} } Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example fn a_function() { // ... } Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example let ptr: *int = nil Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token outln row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A multi line comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment /* A comment */ Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Jule String Literal" `Jule Raw String Literal` Token " row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasTryCatch FeatureLink ../features/hasTryCatch.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported X Example Token row Feature canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifier FeatureLink ../features/canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifier.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasUserDefinedOperators FeatureLink ../features/hasUserDefinedOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Polymorphism FeatureLink ../features/hasPolymorphism.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasMethodOverloading FeatureLink ../features/hasMethodOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1598 8
Julia - Programming language Julia ===== Julia is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Jeff Bezanson and Alan Edelman and Stefan Karpinski and Viral B. Shah. 2012 Jeff Bezanson Alan Edelman Stefan Karpinski Viral B. Shah #34 on PLDB 12 Years Old 54k Repos git clone Julia is a high-level dynamic programming language designed to address the needs of high-performance numerical analysis and computational science, without the typical need of separate compilation to be fast, while also being effective for general-purpose programming, web use or as a specification language. Distinctive aspects of Julia's design include a type system with parametric polymorphism and types in a fully dynamic programming language and multiple dispatch as its core programming paradigm. It allows concurrent, parallel and distributed computing, and direct calling of C and Fortran libraries without glue code. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Julia is developed on GitHub and has 45,137 stars - Watch the history of the Julia repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 53,507 Julia repos on GitHub - Early development of Julia happened in - Julia is written in Julia, Markdown, TOML, C, Make, C++, LLVM IR, Bourne shell, Diff, XML, Scheme, Lisp, Assembly language, Tex, YAML, JSON, Objective-C, Python, SVG, Pascal, Clojure, D, CSS, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Julia in 6k repos on GitHub - Check out the 36 Julia meetup groups on - There are 20,624 members in the Julia subreddit - There are 700 Project Euler users using Julia - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Julia programmers reported a median salary of $65,228. 1% of respondents reported using Julia. 1,068 programmers reported using Julia, and 2,445 said they wanted to use it - Explore Julia snippets on Rosetta Code - Julia ranks #35 in the TIOBE Index - Julia Ubuntu package Julia Ubuntu package - Julia LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Julia - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Julia - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Julia - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Julia - Julia appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Julia on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Julia - There is a central package repository for Julia - Events page for Julia Events page for Julia - has 85 matches for "julia engineer". - See also: (28 related languages) C, Scheme, LLVM IR, Fortran, IA-32, Linux, FreeBSD, Lisp, Lua, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, MATLAB, Perl, Python, R, Ruby, Regular Expressions, Unicode, UTF-8, Common Lisp, Dylan, Algol, Fortress, HTML, XML, JSON, ARM, PowerPC - 10 PLDB concepts link to Julia: Ace Editor, Chapel, cloc, dex, invokator, Julia, Links, mal, polyglot-compiler, Pygments println("Hello, world!") println("Hello World") # Hello world in Julia println("Hello, World!") #!/usr/bin/env julia # From help_screen = """ usage: fullpath *[relative-paths] [-c] Prints the fullpath of the paths If no paths are given as args, it will read them from stdin If there is only one path, the trailing newline is omitted The -c flag will copy the results into your pasteboard """ help = false copy = false dir = pwd() paths = [] for arg = ARGS if arg == "-h" || arg == "--help" help = true elseif arg == "-c" || arg == "--copy" copy = true elseif arg != "" push!(paths, arg) end end if help print(help_screen) exit() end function notempty(string) return !isempty(string) end if length(paths) == 0 paths = filter(notempty, map(chomp, readlines())) end function print_paths(stream, paths) if length(paths) == 1 path = paths[1] print(stream, "$dir/$path") else for path = paths println(stream, "$dir/$path") end end end if copy read, write, process = readandwrite(`pbcopy`) print_paths(write, paths) close(write) end print_paths(STDOUT, paths) julia> p(x) = 2x^2 + 1; f(x, y) = 1 + 2p(x)y julia> println("Hello world!", " I'm on cloud ", f(0, 4), " as Julia supports recognizable syntax!") Hello world! I'm on cloud 9 as Julia supports recognizable syntax! begin while if for try return break continue function macro quote let local global const do struct abstract typealias bitstype type immutable module baremodule using import export importall end else catch finally true false Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example println("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example # 0b[01]+((_[01]+)+)? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # (\d+((_\d+)+)?\.(?!\.)(\d+((_\d+)+)?)?|\.\d+((_\d+)+)?)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0x[a-fA-F0-9]+((_[a-fA-F0-9]+)+)? Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0o[0-7]+((_[0-7]+)+)? Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example module MyModule using Lib using BigLib: thing1, thing2 import export MyType, foo struct MyType x end bar(x) = 2x foo(a::MyType) = bar(a.x) + 1 show(io::IO, a::MyType) = print(io, "MyType $(a.x)") end Token row Feature Pipes FeatureLink ../features/hasPipes.html Supported ✓ Example [1,2,3] |> (y -> f(3, y)) Token row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example # Including the same code in different modules provides mixin-like behavior. module Normal include("mycode.jl") end module Testing include("safe_operators.jl") include("mycode.jl") end Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example # Files and file names are mostly unrelated to modules; modules are associated only with module expressions. # One can have multiple files per module, and multiple modules per file: using MyModule using MyModule: x, p import MyModule import MyModule.x, MyModule.p import MyModule: x, p module Foo include("file1.jl") include("file2.jl") end Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example print("hello world") Token println row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example 80766866 Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example #= A comment. =# Token #= =# row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Unicode Identifers FeatureLink ../features/hasUnicodeIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example δ = 0.00001 Token row Feature Multiple Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example collide_with(x::Asteroid, y::Asteroid) = ... # deal with asteroid hitting asteroid collide_with(x::Asteroid, y::Spaceship) = ... # deal with asteroid hitting spaceship collide_with(x::Spaceship, y::Asteroid) = ... # deal with spaceship hitting asteroid collide_with(x::Spaceship, y::Spaceship) = ... # deal with spaceship hitting spaceship Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example # macro show_value(variable) quote println("The ", $(string(variable)), " you passed is ", $(esc(variable))) end end @show_value(orange) @show_value(apple) Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1383 6.9
JuliaHub Packages - Package manager JuliaHub Packages ================= JuliaHub Packages is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #3035 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of JuliaHub Packages happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
juniper - Programming language juniper ======= juniper is an open source programming language created in 2016 by Caleb Helbling. 2016 Caleb Helbling #1172 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Juniper is a functional reactive programming language for the Arduino and other related platforms. - Tags: programming language - juniper is developed on GitHub and has 72 stars - Early development of juniper happened in - juniper is written in F#, Markdown, XML, Bourne shell - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
Juno - Programming language Juno ==== Juno is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4140 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Juno happened in Xerox PARC - Juno on HOPL Juno on HOPL - Read more about Juno on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Project Jupyter - Editor Project Jupyter =============== Project Jupyter is an editor created in 2014. 2014 #1229 on PLDB 10 Years Old Project Jupyter ( ( listen)) is a nonprofit organization created to "develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages." Spun-off from IPython in 2014 by Fernando Pérez, Project Jupyter supports execution environments in several dozen languages. Project Jupyter's name is a reference to the three core programming languages supported by Jupyter, which are Julia, Python and R, and also an homage to Galileo's notebooks recording the discovery of the moons of Jupiter. Project Jupyter has developed and supported the interactive computing products Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Hub, and Jupyter Lab, the next-generation version of Jupyter Notebook.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Project Jupyter happened in - was registered in 2014 - See also: (19 related languages) Julia, Python, R, Haskell, Ruby, JSON, Markdown, HTML, LaTeX, reStructuredText, JQuery, Maple, Mathematica, Sage, Wolfram Mathematica, GNU Octave, RStudio, Scilab, Spyder Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
Jupyter Notebook - Json format Jupyter Notebook ================ Jupyter Notebook is an open source json format created in 2014. 2014 #1122 on PLDB 10 Years Old 138k Repos - Tags: jsonFormat - There are at least 137,996 Jupyter Notebook repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14k users using Jupyter Notebook in 17k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Jupyter Notebook - 20 PLDB concepts link to Jupyter Notebook: Chapel, cloc, Deno, Flatline, Halide, Logica, Manim, Matplotlib, Mojo, MongoDB, myia, Natural Language Toolkit, onnx, Pandas, PyTorch, SymPy, Taichi, TensorFlow, Xgboost, XGBoost { "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Morphological image operations\n", "\n", "** Bird Counting **\n", "\n", "I've used some simple morphological image operations from scipy.morphology module.\n", "\n", "The goal was to count how many birds were in an image\n", "\n", "Here are the steps taken :\n", "\n", "1. Load the image as an ndimage matrix object\n", "2. Filter all pixels for those with a color tone less than 100/255\n", "3. Get a binary representation of the pixels that satisfy the condition in step 2\n", "4. Apply some dilation and erosion in order to get rid of noise and isolate the birds\n", "5. Count all contiguous areas" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Original image:\n" ] }, { "data": { "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAV0AAADtCAYAAAAcNaZ2AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\n0RrIbjRF6Z/BIghUB Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 410 2
Just - Programming language Just ==== Just is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #4141 on PLDB 3 Years Old Just: A language like Make except not a build system - Tags: programming language - Early development of Just happened in - Read more about Just on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
juttle - Programming language juttle ====== juttle is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #3036 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for juttle Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token HackerNews discussions of juttle ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Juttle language Playground||12/11/2014|22|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
juvix - Programming language juvix ===== juvix is a programming language created in 2017 by Christopher Goes. 2017 Christopher Goes #1014 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A language for intent-centric and declarative decentralised applications - Tags: programming language - juvix is developed on GitHub and has 446 stars - Early development of juvix happened in - juvix is written in Haskell, C, JSON, YAML, Markdown, OCaml, Bourne shell, CSS, Make, JavaScript, Dockerfile, Python, XML, SVG - was registered in 2017 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
JVM - Virtual machine JVM === JVM, aka Java Virtual Machine, is a virtual machine created in 1994. 1994 #1552 on PLDB 30 Years Old A Java virtual machine (JVM) is a virtual machine that enables a computer to run Java programs as well as programs written in other languages and compiled to Java bytecode. The JVM is detailed by a specification that formally describes what is required of a JVM implementation. Having a specification ensures interoperability of Java programs across different implementations so that program authors using the Java Development Kit (JDK) need not worry about idiosyncrasies of the underlying hardware platform. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: virtual machine - Early development of JVM happened in Sun Microsystems - See also: (10 related languages) Java Bytecode, JRuby, Jython, Ruby, Python, Clojure, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, Android - 9 PLDB concepts link to JVM: Ceylon, Clojure, Fantom, Groovy, Ioke, Kotlin, Scala, X10, Xtend Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
Jython - Programming language Jython ====== Jython is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #606 on PLDB 23 Years Old Jython is an implementation of the Python programming language designed to run on the Java platform. It is the successor of JPython.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Jython happened in - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Jython:, - See also: (4 related languages) Python, Java, C, Java Bytecode print "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
k-framework - Grammar language k-framework =========== k-framework is a grammar language created in 2013. 2013 #1025 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone K Framework Tools 7.0 - Tags: grammarLanguage - k-framework is developed on GitHub and has 430 stars - Early development of k-framework happened in Runtime Verification Inc. - k-framework is written in Make, Java, Python, Markdown, JSON, Standard ML, Scala, Bash, Bourne shell, YAML, HTML, Dockerfile, XML, Nix, TOML, C, JavaScript, CSS, reStructuredText, Ini - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
K - Programming language K = K is a programming language created in 1993 by Arthur Whitney. 1993 Arthur Whitney #337 on PLDB 31 Years Old K is a proprietary array processing language developed by Arthur Whitney and commercialized by Kx Systems. Since then, an open-source implementation known as Kona has also been developed. The language serves as the foundation for kdb+, an in-memory, column-based database, and other related financial products. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of K happened in Kx Systems - There are 2,478 Project Euler users using K - Explore K snippets on Rosetta Code - K on HOPL K on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for K - See also: (8 related languages) Scheme, Q, APL, SQL, J, SQL-92, Solaris, Linux - 11 PLDB concepts link to K: F, cK, oK, Goal, Klong, ktye/k, Lil, ngn/k, SLACK, U, XY "Hello World\n" / Hello world in K "Hello world!" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example / [01]+b Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example / [0-9]+[ihtuv] Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example / ([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+|[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*)[eE][+-]?[0-9]+[ef]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example / [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example / A comment Token / row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 362 1.8
Kaffeine - Programming language Kaffeine ======== Kaffeine is a programming language created in 2010 by Jonah Fox. 2010 Jonah Fox #1498 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Extended Javascript for Pros - Tags: programming language - Kaffeine is developed on GitHub and has 180 stars - Early development of Kaffeine happened in Studio Amplify Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Kaggle - Application Kaggle ====== Kaggle is an application created in 2010. 2010 #1489 on PLDB 14 Years Old Kaggle is an online community of data scientists and machine learners, owned by Google LLC. Kaggle allows users to find and publish data sets, explore and build models in a web-based data-science environment, work with other data scientists and machine learning engineers, and enter competitions to solve data science challenges. Kaggle got its start by offering machine learning competitions and now also offers a public data platform, a cloud-based workbench for data science, and short form AI education. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Kaggle happened in Google - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
kai - Programming language kai === kai is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #1133 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone An expressive low level programming language - Tags: programming language - kai is developed on GitHub and has 71 stars - Early development of kai happened in - kai is written in Swift, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, C /* // #test "bitcast to struct" { A :: struct { a: rawptr } x : rawptr = nil a := bitcast(A) x } */ Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
KAIL - Programming language KAIL ==== KAIL is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4142 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KAIL happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - KAIL on HOPL KAIL on HOPL - Read more about KAIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
kaitai - Interface design language kaitai ====== kaitai is an interface design language created in 2016 by Mikhail Yakshin. 2016 Mikhail Yakshin #287 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Kaitai Struct is a YAML-based declarative language used to describe various binary data structures, laid out in files or in memory: i.e. binary file formats, network stream packet formats, etc. The main idea is that a particular format is described in Kaitai Struct language (.ksy file) and then can be compiled with ksc into source files in one of the supported programming languages. These modules will include a generated code for a parser that can read described data structure from a file / stream and give access to it in a nice, easy-to-comprehend API. - Tags: interface design language - kaitai is developed on GitHub and has 3,922 stars - Early development of kaitai happened in - kaitai is written in Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML - was registered in 2016 - See also: (1 related languages) Protocol Buffers - Read more about kaitai on the web: 1. 1. meta: id: tcp_segment endian: be seq: - id: src_port type: u2 - id: dst_port type: u2 - id: seq_num type: u4 - id: ack_num type: u4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 276 1.4
Kakoune - Editor Kakoune ======= Kakoune is an editor created in 2011. 2011 #880 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone mawww's experiment for a better code editor - Tags: editor - Kakoune is developed on GitHub and has 9,763 stars - Early development of Kakoune happened in - Kakoune is written in C++, AsciiDoc, YAML, Bourne shell, Perl, Make, Python, SVG, Ruby, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Kal - Programming language Kal === Kal is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #758 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Kal is a highly readable, easy-to-use language that compiles to JavaScript. - Tags: programming language - Kal is developed on GitHub and has 395 stars - Early development of Kal happened in - Kal compiles to JavaScript - Kal is written in Markdown, JSON, YAML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Kal task getUserFriends (userName) wait for user from db.users.findOne {name:userName} wait for friends from db.friends.find {} return friends Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
Kaleidoquery - Programming language Kaleidoquery ============ Kaleidoquery is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4143 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kaleidoquery happened in University of Salford and University of Manchester and University of Central Lancashire - Kaleidoquery on HOPL Kaleidoquery on HOPL - Read more about Kaleidoquery on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Kaleidoscope - Programming language Kaleidoscope ============ Kaleidoscope is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2534 on PLDB 30 Years Old The Kaleidoscope programming language is a constraint programming language embedding constraints into an imperative object-oriented language. It adds keywords always, once, and assert..during (formerly while..assert) to make statements about relational invariants. Objects have constraint constructors, which are not methods, to enforce the meanings of user-defined datatypes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kaleidoscope happened in University of Washington - Kaleidoscope on HOPL Kaleidoscope on HOPL always: temperature = mercury.height / scale; always: white rectangle( thermometer ); always: grey rectangle( mercury ); always: display number( temperature ); while mouse.button = down do = mouse.location.y; end while; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Kaleidoscope'90 - Programming language Kaleidoscope'90 =============== Kaleidoscope'90 is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4144 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kaleidoscope'90 happened in University of Victoria and University of Washington - Kaleidoscope'90 on HOPL Kaleidoscope'90 on HOPL - Read more about Kaleidoscope'90 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Kaleidoscope'91 - Programming language Kaleidoscope'91 =============== Kaleidoscope'91 is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4145 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kaleidoscope'91 happened in University of Washington - Kaleidoscope'91 on HOPL Kaleidoscope'91 on HOPL - Read more about Kaleidoscope'91 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Kalyn - Programming language Kalyn ===== Kalyn is a programming language created in 2020 by Radon Rosborough. 2020 Radon Rosborough #1441 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone ⚗️ Self-hosting compiler from a Haskell-like Lisp directly to x86-64, from scratch. - Tags: programming language - Kalyn is developed on GitHub and has 154 stars - Early development of Kalyn happened in - Kalyn is written in Haskell, YAML, Markdown, Lisp, Python, Z shell, Make, TOML (import "/opt/kalyn/Stdlib.kalyn") (public def main (IO Empty) (print "Hello, world!\n")) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Kamby - Programming language Kamby ===== Kamby is a programming language created in 2022 by Henrique Gogó. 2022 Henrique Gogó #1285 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A small, embeddable and convenient language for who want to use and understand what is happening behind the scenes. The core is just ~400LOC and binary has just 20kb - Tags: programming language - Kamby is developed on GitHub and has 74 stars - Early development of Kamby happened in - Lisp influenced the design of Kamby - Kamby is written in C, JavaScript, HTML, Make, Markdown - Read more about Kamby on the web: 1. 1. planet = [ name := 'World' nick := 'Earth' ] 'Hello, ' + (planet :: {name}) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
Kami - Text markup language Kami ==== Kami is a text markup language created in 2022 by Katie Ampersand. 2022 Katie Ampersand #2059 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Kami tries to be a machine-first human-also-first markup language. - Tags: text markup language - Kami is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Early development of Kami happened in - Kami is written in Rust, Markdown, HTML, TOML * Main list element ** Sublist element Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
KamilaLisp - Programming language KamilaLisp ========== KamilaLisp is a programming language created in 2021 by Kamila Szewczyk. 2021 Kamila Szewczyk #1437 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A functional, flexible and concise Lisp. - Tags: programming language - KamilaLisp is developed on GitHub and has 268 stars - Early development of KamilaLisp happened in - KamilaLisp is written in Lisp, Java, Tex, HTML, XML, Bash, Markdown, YAML, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
KAML - Data notation KAML ==== KAML, aka KAML ain't markup language, is a data notation created in 2018. 2018 #2067 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone KAML ain't markup language - Tags: dataNotation - KAML is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of KAML happened in - KAML is written in Markdown, XML - Read more about KAML on the web: 1. 1. title="KAML Example" # A simple string author=Jean-Michel\ Marcastel # Alternate string representation with escaped whitespaces number=1234 # Numeric value handled as a string Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Karel - Programming language Karel ===== Karel is a programming language created in 1981 by Richard E. Pattis. 1981 Richard E. Pattis #833 on PLDB 43 Years Old Karel is an educational programming language for beginners, created by Richard E. Pattis in his book Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming. Pattis used the language in his courses at Stanford University, California. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Karel happened in University of California Irvine - Karel on HOPL Karel on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Pascal, Java, JavaScript, RoboMind PROGRAM hello_world BEGIN WRITE("Hello World", CR) END hello_world BEGINNING-OF-PROGRAM   DEFINE turnRight AS BEGIN turnLeft; turnLeft; turnLeft; END   BEGINNING-OF-EXECUTION ITERATE 3 TIMES BEGIN turnRight; move END turnoff END-OF-EXECUTION   END-OF-PROGRAM Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WRITE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language - Programming language Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language ================================================= Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language, aka Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language, is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2858 on PLDB 31 Years Old Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language - Tags: programming language - Early development of Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language happened in University of Karlsruhe and University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig - Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language on HOPL Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language on HOPL - Read more about Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
kasaya - Application kasaya ====== kasaya is an application created in 2018. 2018 #1413 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A "WYSIWYG" (kind of) scripting language and runtime for browser automation - Tags: application - kasaya is developed on GitHub and has 20 stars - Early development of kasaya happened in - kasaya is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown - Read more about kasaya on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
kate-editor - Editor kate-editor =========== kate-editor is an editor created in 2000. 2000 #3037 on PLDB 24 Years Old Kate is a multi-document editor part of KDE since release 2.2. Being a KDE application, Kate ships with network transparency, as well as integration with the outstanding features of KDE. Choose it for viewing HTML sources from konqueror, editing configuration files, writing new applications or any other text editing task. You still need just one running instance of Kate. - Tags: editor - Early development of kate-editor happened in KDE e.V. - was registered in 2005 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
KATE - Programming language KATE ==== KATE is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3444 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KATE happened in University of Kent - KATE on HOPL KATE on HOPL - Read more about KATE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
KaTeX - Text markup language KaTeX ===== KaTeX is an open source text markup language created in 2013 by Emily Eisenberg. 2013 Emily Eisenberg #130 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone The fastest math typesetting library for the web. - Tags: text markup language - KaTeX is developed on GitHub and has 18,057 stars - Early development of KaTeX happened in - KaTeX is written in JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON, SVG, HTML, Python, CSS, Bourne shell, Perl, Less, Dockerfile, XML, Make, Tex - 1 PLDB concepts link to KaTeX: MathJax % \f is defined as #1f(#2) using the macro \f\relax{x} = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \f\hat\xi\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x} \,d\xi Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 226 1.1
kaukatcr - Programming language kaukatcr ======== kaukatcr is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4146 on PLDB 6 Years Old Kaukatcr (pronounced “cowcatcher”[3]) is a stack-based language modeled loosely on Forth. It avoids tokenization by treating cell boundaries as word boundaries. Like Forth, any word that is neither a built-in nor found in the dictionary of defined functions will be treated as data and pushed onto the stack. - Tags: programming language - Early development of kaukatcr happened in - Read more about kaukatcr on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
KavaScript - Programming language KavaScript ========== KavaScript is a programming language created in 2021 by Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert. 2021 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert #1875 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Minimalistic dynamically-typed programming language for didactic purposes. - Tags: programming language - KavaScript is developed on GitHub and has 28 stars - Early development of KavaScript happened in - KavaScript is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Kawa - Programming language Kawa ==== Kawa is an open source programming language created in 1996 by Per Bothner. 1996 Per Bothner #2137 on PLDB 28 Years Old Kawa is a language framework written in the programming language Java that implements the programming language Scheme, a dialect of Lisp, and can be used to implement other languages to run on the Java virtual machine (JVM). It is a part of the GNU Project. The name Kawa comes from the Polish word for coffee; a play on words, since Java is another familiar name for coffee.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kawa happened in GNU Project - See also: (4 related languages) Lisp, Java, Scheme, JVM $ java -jar /path/to/kawa/kawa.jar [optional arguments] ... Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
kayia - Programming language kayia ===== kayia is a programming language created in 1999 by David Broderick. 1999 David Broderick #2256 on PLDB 25 Years Old Kayia is a way to construct a “declarative reactive” language based on a labeled, directed graph of edges. The excitement that I have with Kayia is that I think it has the potential to give software construction “the arch”, or that missing abstraction mechanism that has been holding it back. That’s a bold statement but I am attempting to prove that, because of its ability to start from such fine elements, simply A|B, and its capacity to manage yet not obstruct constructions of those elements, we can get higher-resolution constructions with greater control at the same time. - Tags: programming language - Early development of kayia happened in - was registered in 1999 - Read more about kayia on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
KB - Programming language KB == KB is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2859 on PLDB 34 Years Old A knowledge representation package for Common Lisp - Tags: programming language - Early development of KB happened in University of Pennsylvania - KB on HOPL KB on HOPL - Read more about KB on the web: 1. 1. (defconcept circle () (center radius)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
KCL - Cad KCL === KCL, aka KittyCAD Language, is a cad created in 2021. 2021 #3121 on PLDB 3 Years Old - Tags: cad, programming language - First announcement of KCL - Read more about KCL on the web: 1. 1. const block = startSketchOn('XY') |> startProfileAt([-width / 2, -length / 2], %) |> lineTo([width / 2, -length / 2], %) |> lineTo([width / 2, length / 2], %) |> lineTo([-width / 2, length / 2], %) |> close(%) |> hole(circle([ -(width / 2 - (padding / 2)), -(length / 2 - (padding / 2)) ], holeDia / 2, %), %) |> hole(circle([ -(width / 2 - (padding / 2)), length / 2 - (padding / 2) ], holeDia / 2, %), %) |> hole(circle([ width / 2 - (padding / 2), length / 2 - (padding / 2) ], holeDia / 2, %), %) |> hole(circle([ width / 2 - (padding / 2), -(length / 2 - (padding / 2)) ], holeDia / 2, %), %) |> hole(circle([0, 0], bearingDia / 2, %), %) |> extrude(height - cbDepth, %) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
KEE - Programming language KEE === KEE is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4147 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KEE happened in IntelliCorp - KEE on HOPL KEE on HOPL - Read more about KEE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Kefir - Compiler Kefir ===== Kefir is a compiler created in 2021. 2021 #2075 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone This repository contains implementation of C17 language compiler from scratch. No existing open source compiler infrastructure is being reused. The main priority is self-sufficiency of the project, compatibility with platform ABI and compliance with C17 language standard. - Tags: compiler - Early development of Kefir happened in - Kefir is written in C, Make, Bourne shell, YAML, Bash, SQL, Diff, Assembly language, Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, M4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
kei - Programming language kei === kei is a programming language created in 2019 by Tiago Campos. 2019 Tiago Campos #1893 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A small and expressive dependently typed language - Tags: programming language - kei is developed on GitHub and has 128 stars - Early development of kei happened in - kei is written in Haskell, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
KEK-NODAL - Programming language KEK-NODAL ========= KEK-NODAL is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4148 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KEK-NODAL happened in National Laboratory for High Energy Physics and Hitachi and Limited - KEK-NODAL on HOPL KEK-NODAL on HOPL - Read more about KEK-NODAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
keli - Programming language keli ==== keli is a programming language created in 2018 by Wong Jia Hau. 2018 Wong Jia Hau #1323 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The compiler for Keli - Tags: programming language - keli is developed on GitHub and has 171 stars - Early development of keli happened in - keli is written in Haskell, Markdown, YAML, JavaScript - Read more about keli on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Keras - Library Keras ===== Keras is an open source library created in 2015 by François Chollet. 2015 François Chollet #320 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Keras is an open source neural network library written in Python. It is capable of running on top of TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, or Theano. Designed to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks, it focuses on being user-friendly, modular, and extensible. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Keras is developed on GitHub and has 61,393 stars - Early development of Keras happened in - Keras is written in Python, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, JavaScript, TOML - was registered in 2015 - See also: (4 related languages) Python, TensorFlow, iOS, Android Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
kerf - Programming language kerf ==== kerf is a programming language created in 2015 by Kevin Lawler. 2015 Kevin Lawler #1839 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Kerf is a columnar tick database and time-series language for Linux/OSX/BSD/iOS/Android. It is written in C and natively speaks JSON and SQL. Kerf can be used for trading platforms, feedhandlers, low-latency networking, high-volume analysis of realtime and historical data, logfile processing, and more. - Tags: programming language - kerf is developed on GitHub and has 23 stars - Early development of kerf happened in - kerf is written in C++, Markdown, Bourne shell - Read more about kerf on the web: 1. 1. [100] + [0, 10, 20] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Kermeta - Programming language Kermeta ======= Kermeta is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #2603 on PLDB 12 Years Old Kermeta is a modeling and programming language for metamodel engineering.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kermeta happened in Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
kernel-e - Programming language kernel-e ======== kernel-e is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4820 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of kernel-e happened in - Read more about kernel-e on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
kernel - Programming language kernel ====== kernel is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2330 on PLDB 15 Years Old Kernel is a conservative, Scheme-like dialect of Lisp in which everything is a first-class object. - Tags: programming language - Early development of kernel happened in Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Read more about kernel on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to kernel: datev Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
kew - Programming language kew === kew is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #4149 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of kew happened in - kew on HOPL kew on HOPL - Read more about kew on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
KeyKit - Programming language KeyKit ====== KeyKit is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4150 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KeyKit happened in AT&T - KeyKit on HOPL KeyKit on HOPL - Read more about KeyKit on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Agilent VEE - Programming language Agilent VEE =========== Agilent VEE is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #1794 on PLDB 33 Years Old Keysight VEE is a graphical dataflow programming software development environment from Keysight Technologies for automated test, measurement, data analysis and reporting. VEE originally stood for Visual Engineering Environment and developed by HP designated as HP VEE; it has since been officially renamed to Keysight VEE. Keysight VEE has been widely used in various industries, serving the entire stage of a product lifecycle, from design, validation to manufacturing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Agilent VEE happened in Keysight Technologies - Agilent VEE appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (2 related languages) LabVIEW G, MATLAB Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
KGL - Query language KGL === KGL, aka Knowledge Graph Language, is a query language created in 2024. 2024 #2154 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone A query language for exploring knowledge graphs. - Tags: queryLanguage - KGL is developed on GitHub and has 131 stars - KGL is written in Python, HTML, Markdown, TOML, JSON, CSV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Khepri - Programming language Khepri ====== Khepri is a programming language created in 2012 by Matt Bierner. 2012 Matt Bierner #1654 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone ECMAScript derived programming language - Tags: programming language - Khepri is developed on GitHub and has 67 stars - Early development of Khepri happened in - Khepri is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Khi - Data notation Khi === Khi is a data notation created in 2023. 2023 #2972 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone The Khi data format - Tags: dataNotation - Khi is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Khi is written in Markdown - Read more about Khi on the web: 1. 1. # Encyclopedia article about aluminium > uuid: 0c5aacfe-d828-43c7-a530-12a802af1df4 > type: chemical-element > key: aluminium > title: Aluminium > description: The <@>:element:{chemical element} aluminium. > tags: [metal; common] > chemical-symbol: Al > atomic-number: 13 > stp-phase: <Solid> > melting-point: 933.47 > boiling-point: 2743 > density: 2.7 > electron-shells: [2; 8; 3] # External references > ext-refs: { > wikipedia: \ > snl: \ } # Internal references > refs: { > element: 740097ea-10fa-4203-b086-58632f099167 > chemsym: 6e2f634c-f180-407a-b9ce-2138b412b248 > atomnum: 1a5e1974-a78c-4820-afeb-79bef6974814 > react: ab7d8a1f-c028-4466-9bb2-41a39d153241 > aloxide: c1ff08e7-a88f-42d5-83c3-6adc4835a07b > stab: b3b13474-4fe3-4556-9568-925c066916a5 > purity: 40786551-85c4-461c-ba6e-4d54d5863820 > ion: effd5c7a-da31-4357-a94c-91343e9a05eb > metal: 84333088-cfcc-4e78-8d3f-7307dcab144b } > content: { <p> <@>:self:Aluminium is a <@>:element:{chemical element} with <@>:chemsym:{chemical symbol} <chemsym> and <@>:atomnum:{atomic number} <atomnum>. <p> In <@>:purity:pure form, it is a highly <@>:react:reactive <@>:metal:metal~, but normally a thin coat of <@>:aloxide:{aluminium oxide} forms on its surface, keeping it highly <@>:stab:stable~. <p> In nature, it occurs as the <@>:ion:ion <TEMPLATEgt;:{<Al>^{3+}}. It constitutes <TEMPLATEgt;:8.2% of the earth's crust, making it the most common <@>:metal:metal found there. ... } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 394 2
ki - Programming language ki == ki is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #3038 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ki happened in - was registered in 2014 HackerNews discussions of ki ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Ki – A lisp for your JavaScript||06/16/2014|119|40 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
KiCad Legacy Layout - Application KiCad Legacy Layout =================== KiCad Legacy Layout is an open source application created in 1992. 1992 #682 on PLDB 32 Years Old KiCad (pronounced "Key-CAD") is a free software suite for electronic design automation (EDA). It facilitates the design of schematics for electronic circuits and their conversion to PCB designs. KiCad was originally developed by Jean-Pierre Charras. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application, cad - Early development of KiCad Legacy Layout happened in Instituts Universitaires de Technologie de Grenoble - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 914 users using KiCad Legacy Layout in 1k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for KiCad Legacy Layout - See also: (7 related languages) Linux, FreeBSD, Gerber Image, Eagle, OpenGL, Java, VRML - Read more about KiCad Legacy Layout on the web: 1. 1. (kicad_pcb (version 3) (host pcbnew "(2013-02-20 BZR 3963)-testing") (general (links 2) (no_connects 0) (area 57.924999 28.924999 74.075001 42.075001) (thickness 1.6) (drawings 5) (tracks 5) (zones 0) (modules 2) (nets 3) )) PCBNEW-BOARD Version 1 date Fri Oct 19 11:53:05 2012 # Created by Pcbnew(2012-05-21 BZR 3261)-stable $GENERAL encoding utf-8 LayerCount 2 Ly 1FFF8001 EnabledLayers 1FFF8001 Links 135 NoConn 11 Di 41844 16849 73060 58324 Ndraw 54 Ntrack 512 Nzone 0 BoardThickness 630 Nmodule 51 Nnets 44 $EndGENERAL $SHEETDESCR Sheet A4 11700 8267 Title "" Date "19 oct 2012" Rev "" Comp "" Comment1 "" Comment2 "" Comment3 "" Comment4 "" $EndSHEETDESCR $SETUP InternalUnit 0.000100 INCH Layers 2 Layer[0] Back signal Layer[15] Front signal TrackWidth 80 TrackWidthList 200 TrackWidthList 500 TrackWidthList 1000 TrackClearence 80 ZoneClearence 200 TrackMinWidth 80 DrawSegmWidth 80 EdgeSegmWidth 150 ViaSize 270 ViaDrill 130 ViaMinSize 270 ViaMinDrill 130 ViaSizeList 310 160 ViaSizeList 370 200 ViaSizeList 420 250 MicroViaSize 200 MicroViaDrill 50 MicroViasAllowed 0 MicroViaMinSize 200 MicroViaMinDrill 50 TextPcbWidth 75 TextPcbSize 300 400 EdgeModWidth 80 TextModSize 600 600 TextModWidth 120 PadSize 551 551 PadDrill 150 Pad2MaskClearance 80 Pad2PasteClearanceRatio -0.12 AuxiliaryAxisOrg 0 0 PcbPlotParams (pcbplotparams (layerselection 284721153) (usegerberextensions true) (excludeedgelayer false) (linewidth 60) (plotframeref false) (viasonmask false) (mode 1) (useauxorigin false) (hpglpennumber 1) (hpglpenspeed 20) (hpglpendiameter 15) (hpglpenoverlay 0) (pscolor true) (psnegative false) (psa4output false) (plotreference false) (plotvalue false) (plotothertext true) (plotinvisibletext false) (padsonsilk false) (subtractmaskfromsilk false) (outputformat 1) (mirror false) (drillshape 1) (scaleselection 1) (outputdirectory "")) $EndSETUP $EQUIPOT Na 0 "" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 1 "/DC" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 2 "/DD" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 3 "/P0_0" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 4 "/P0_1" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 5 "/P0_2" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 6 "/P0_3" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 7 "/P0_4" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 8 "/P0_5" St ~ $EndEQUIPOT $EQUIPOT Na 9 " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 551 2.8
Kid templating language - Template language Kid templating language ======================= Kid templating language is a template language created in 1999. 1999 #2610 on PLDB 25 Years Old Kid is a simple template engine for XML-based vocabularies written in Python. Kid claims to have many of the best features of XSLT, TAL, and PHP, but "with much of the limitations and complexity stamped out". Kid initially acted as the View component of the TurboGears framework in the framework's version 1.x implementation; however, the TurboGears project team has since replaced it with Genshi, citing perceived performance advantages.Kid is used by the Fedora Project in the repoview utility which creates a set of static HTML pages within a YUM repository.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Early development of Kid templating language happened in - See also: (5 related languages) XML, Python, Template Attribute Language, PHP, Genshi <html xmlns="" xmlns:py=""> <head> <title py:content="title">title goes here</title> </head> <body> <ul> <li py:for="item in mylist" py:content="item">item goes here</li> </ul> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 300 1.5
Kiev - Programming language Kiev ==== Kiev is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4151 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kiev happened in - Kiev on HOPL Kiev on HOPL - Read more about Kiev on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Kilo LISP - Programming language Kilo LISP ========= Kilo LISP is a programming language created in 2019 by Nils M Holm. 2019 Nils M Holm #2100 on PLDB 5 Years Old Kilo LISP is a small interpreter for purely symbolic LISP. Its source consists of 25K bytes of comprehensible code (20KB C, 5KB LISP) and it runs in 64K bytes of memory. None the less it offers: lexical scoping, tail call elimination, macros, quasiquotation, variable-argument functions, constant-space garbage collection, image files, keyboard interrupt handling - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kilo LISP happened in - Read more about Kilo LISP on the web: 1. 1. ((a . b) . c) (a . (b . c)) ((a . b) . (c . d)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
kima - Programming language kima ==== kima is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2081 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A Programming Language with static types and (currently WIP) algebraic effects. - Tags: programming language - kima on GitLab kima on GitLab - Early development of kima happened in - kima is written in Haskell, YAML, Markdown, JSON - was registered in 2019 - Read more about kima on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
King Kong - Programming language King Kong ========= King Kong is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4152 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of King Kong happened in The MITRE Corporation - King Kong on HOPL King Kong on HOPL - Read more about King Kong on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Keep It Short and Simple - Programming language Keep It Short and Simple ======================== Keep It Short and Simple, aka Keep It Short and Simple, is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #3122 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Keep It Short and Simple happened in Columbia University - Keep It Short and Simple on HOPL Keep It Short and Simple on HOPL - Read more about Keep It Short and Simple on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Kit - Template language Kit === Kit is a template language created in 2012. 2012 #1089 on PLDB 12 Years Old 218 Repos HTML template language from CodeKit - Tags: template language - There are at least 218 Kit repos on GitHub - Early development of Kit happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 59 users using Kit in 67 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Kit - Read more about Kit on the web: 1. 1. <!-- @page_name: Homepage --> <!-- @body_class: home blog --> <!-- @include inc/opening.kit --> <!-- $pageTitle: The Kit Language --> <section> <h1><!-- $pageTitle --></h1> <p> <!-- @include "loremipsum" --> </p> </section> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
kitlang - Programming language kitlang ======= kitlang is a programming language created in 2018 by Ben Morris. 2018 Ben Morris #712 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A magical, high performance programming language for game development. - Tags: programming language - kitlang is developed on GitHub and has 1,016 stars - Early development of kitlang happened in - kitlang is written in Haskell, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, YAML, SVG, Yacc, XML, Logos, Vim script Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
kitten - Programming language kitten ====== kitten is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Jon Purdy. 2012 Jon Purdy #441 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Kitten is a statically typed concatenative language with effect types. - Tags: programming language - kitten is developed on GitHub and has 1,088 stars - Early development of kitten happened in - kitten is written in Haskell, Markdown, XML, Vim script, YAML, C, Make, Lisp - Explore kitten snippets on Rosetta Code "Hello, world!" say "Hello World" say Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token say Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
kivy-lang - Programming language kivy-lang ========= kivy-lang is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #2860 on PLDB 14 Years Old A meta language that look like QML in QT - Tags: programming language - Early development of kivy-lang happened in - Read more about kivy-lang on the web: 1. 1. #:kivy 1.0 Widget: Button: text: "Hello World" Button: text: "I'm another label" pos: (200, 200) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
KiXtart - Programming language KiXtart ======= KiXtart is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #1256 on PLDB 33 Years Old KiXtart is a closed source free-format scripting language for Windows. It is described as a logon script processor and enhanced batch scripting language by the official website. Its name is a portmanteau of "kick start".. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of KiXtart happened in - was registered in 1999 - See also: (3 related languages) ISBN, FastTrack Scripting Host, AutoIt ; Read value from registry $ProductID = ReadValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion","ProductId") ; Display result or error message If @ERROR = 0 ? "ProductID=$ProductID" Else ? "Error reading product ID" Endif ? ; Done Exit @ERROR Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
KL-ONE - Programming language KL-ONE ====== KL-ONE is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4153 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KL-ONE happened in University of Gothenburg - KL-ONE on HOPL KL-ONE on HOPL - Read more about KL-ONE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
KL0 - Programming language KL0 === KL0 is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #2558 on PLDB 42 Years Old Kernel Language 0 (KL0) is a sequential logic programming language based on Prolog, used in the ICOT Fifth generation computer project.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of KL0 happened in Ministry of International Trade and Industry - KL0 on HOPL KL0 on HOPL - Read more about KL0 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
KL1 - Programming language KL1 === KL1 is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3445 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KL1 happened in University of Tokyo - KL1 on HOPL KL1 on HOPL - Read more about KL1 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Klaim - Programming language Klaim ===== Klaim is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4154 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Klaim happened in Università di Firenze and Università di Pisa - Klaim on HOPL Klaim on HOPL - Read more about Klaim on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Klerer-May System - Programming language Klerer-May System ================= Klerer-May System is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3629 on PLDB 60 Years Old The Klerer–May System is a programming language developed in the mid-1960s, oriented to numerical scientific programming, whose most notable feature is its two-dimensional syntax based on traditional mathematical notation. For input and output, the Klerer–May system used a Friden Flexowriter modified to allow half-line motions for subscripts and superscripts. The character set included digits, upper-case letters, subsets of 14 lower-case Latin letters and 18 Greek letters, arithmetic operators (+ − × / |) and punctuation (. Read more on Wikipedia...–May_System Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Klerer-May System happened in Columbia University - Klerer-May System on HOPL Klerer-May System on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
KLIPA - Programming language KLIPA ===== KLIPA is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #4155 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KLIPA happened in Polish Academy of Sciences - KLIPA on HOPL KLIPA on HOPL - Read more about KLIPA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Klong - Programming language Klong ===== Klong is a programming language created in 2015 by Nils M Holm. 2015 Nils M Holm #2257 on PLDB 9 Years Old A Simple Array Language. Klong is an array language, like K, but without the ambiguity. If you know K or APL, you may be disappointed by Klong. If you don't know any array languages, it might explode your brain. Use at your own risk! Note that Klong is a mathematical notation rather than a programming language. If you try to use it like your favorite functional/procedural/OO programming language, you will only get frustrated. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of Klong happened in - K and APL influenced the design of Klong {&/x!:\2+!_x^1%2} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
KML - Xml format KML === KML, aka Keyhole Markup Language, is a xml format created in 2007. 2007 #1304 on PLDB 17 Years Old Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization within Internet-based, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers. KML was developed for use with Google Earth, which was originally named Keyhole Earth Viewer. It was created by Keyhole, Inc, which was acquired by Google in 2004. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of KML happened in Keyhole, Inc and Google - See also: (3 related languages) XML, Geography Markup Language, COLLADA <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns=""> <Document> <Placemark> <name>New York City</name> <description>New York City</description> <Point> <coordinates>-74.006393,40.714172,0</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> </Document> </kml> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
Knight - Programming language Knight ====== Knight is a programming language created in 2021 by Sam Westerman. 2021 Sam Westerman #2024 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone The Knight Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Knight is developed on GitHub and has 63 stars - Early development of Knight happened in - Knight is written in Ruby, Markdown, HTML, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Knitr - Template language Knitr ===== Knitr is an open source template language created in 2012. 2012 #1684 on PLDB 12 Years Old knitr is an engine for dynamic report generation with R. It is a package in the statistical programming language R that enables integration of R code into LaTeX, LyX, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, and reStructuredText documents. The purpose of knitr is to allow reproducible research in R through the means of Literate Programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Early development of Knitr happened in Iowa State University - Knitr compiles to LaTeX - See also: (12 related languages) R, LaTeX, LyX, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, reStructuredText, Sweave, Python, Perl, CoffeeScript, RStudio The Wilcoxon Sign test was applied as statistical comparison of the average of two dependent samples above. In this case then, the calculated P-value was 0.56 and hence greater than the significance (0.05 by default). This implies that "H0: there is no difference between the results in data1 and data2" must be accepted. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
Knowledge Interchange Format - Programming language Knowledge Interchange Format ============================ Knowledge Interchange Format is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2334 on PLDB 34 Years Old Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) is a computer language designed to enable systems to share and re-use information from knowledge-based systems. KIF is similar to frame languages such as KL-One and LOOM but unlike such language its primary role is not intended as a framework for the expression or use of knowledge but rather for the interchange of knowledge between systems. The designers of KIF likened it to PostScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Knowledge Interchange Format happened in - See also: (2 related languages) PostScript, Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
ko - Programming language ko == ko is an open source programming language created in 2018 by Petar Maymounkov. 2018 Petar Maymounkov #1231 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Ko: A generic type-safe language for concurrent, stateful, deadlock-free systems and protocol manipulations - Tags: programming language - ko is developed on GitHub and has 307 stars - Early development of ko happened in - ko is written in Go, Markdown, HCL, JSON, Assembly language, YAML, Bourne shell, Perl, Protocol Buffers, XML, SVG, TOML, Dockerfile, Make, CSON, C, CSV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
koara - Text markup language koara ===== koara is a text markup language created in 2016 by Andy Van Den Heuvel. 2016 Andy Van Den Heuvel #735 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Koara parser written in Java - Tags: text markup language - koara is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of koara happened in - koara is written in Java, Gradle, Markdown, YAML - There is a central package repository for koara HackerNews discussions of koara =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Koara – A modular lightweight markup language||01/05/2016|4|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
kode - Programming language kode ==== kode is a programming language created in 2021 by monsterkodi. 2021 monsterkodi #2212 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone programming language that transpiles to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - kode is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - CoffeeScript influenced the design of kode - kode is written in JavaScript, Markdown, SVG, JSON a = 1...3 for i in 0..5 if a ➜ X b ➜ Y ➜ Z Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Kodu Game Lab - Programming language Kodu Game Lab ============= Kodu Game Lab is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #1502 on PLDB 15 Years Old Kodu, originally named Boku, is a programming integrated development environment (IDE) by Microsoft's FUSE Labs. It runs on Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. It was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace on June 30, 2009. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kodu Game Lab happened in Microsoft's Future Social Experiences Labs - was registered in 2009 - See also: (6 related languages) Logo, Squeak, Microsoft Small Basic, Scratch, RoboMind, ToonTalk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
kogut - Programming language kogut ===== kogut is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3039 on PLDB 20 Years Old Kogut is an experimental programming language which supports impurely functional programming and a non-traditional flavor of object-oriented programming. Its semantics is most similar to Scheme or Dylan, but the syntax looks more like ML or Ruby. - Tags: programming language - Early development of kogut happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
koi - Programming language koi === koi is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #3692 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of koi happened in HackerNews discussions of koi ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Koi - a programming language that teaches language implementation.||09/29/2010|70|12 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Koka - Programming language Koka ==== Koka is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Daan Leijen. 2012 Daan Leijen #189 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A strongly typed functional-style language with effect types and handlers. - Tags: programming language - Koka is developed on GitHub and has 3,178 stars - Early development of Koka happened in Microsoft - Koka compiles to C - Koka is written in Haskell, C, XML, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, C++, C#, OCaml, CMake, Dockerfile, Swift, SVG, Java, TypeScript, Lean, Vim script, CSS, YAML, Lex, Yacc, Logos, Tex, Python, Lisp, HTML, sed, Less, CSON - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Koka - Read more about Koka on the web: 1. 1. fun hello-ten() var i := 0 while { i < 10 } println("hello") i := i + 1 infix infixr infixl type cotype rectype alias struct con fun function val var external if then else elif return match private public private module import as include inline rec try yield enum interface instance Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][\-+]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 375 1.9
komodo-editor - Editor komodo-editor ============= komodo-editor is an editor created in 2007. 2007 #4924 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of komodo-editor happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
kona - Programming language kona ==== kona is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #921 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Kona is the open-source implementation of the k3 programming language. k is a synthesis of APL and LISP. Although many of the capabilities come from APL, the fundamental data construct is quite different. In APL the construct is a multi-dimensional matrix-like array, where the dimension of the array can range from 0 to some maximum (often 9). In k, like LISP, the fundamental data construct is a list. Also, like LISP, the k language is ASCII-based, so you don't need a special keyboard. - Tags: programming language - kona is developed on GitHub and has 1,356 stars - Early development of kona happened in - kona is written in C, Bourne shell, Make, Lisp, Markdown, awk, YAML - Read more about kona on the web: 1. 1. factorial:{*/1+!:x} fib1:{(x(|+\)\1 1)[;1]} fib2:{x{x,+/-2#x}/!2} fib_rec:{:[x<2;1;_f[x-1]+_f[x-2]]} maxsubsum:{|/0(0|+)\x} primes_to_n_sieve:{2_&{:[x@y;x&@[1,-1_ z#(1_ y#1),0;y;:;1];x]}/[x#1;2_!__ceil_sqrt x;x]} primes_to_n_sieve2:{:[x<4;,2;r,1_&~|/x#'~!:'r: _f[_ _ceil _sqrt x]]} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 292 1.5
Konna - Programming language Konna ===== Konna is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #4156 on PLDB 3 Years Old Konna, my programming language - Tags: programming language - Early development of Konna happened in - Read more about Konna on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
KonsolScript - Programming language KonsolScript ============ KonsolScript is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2691 on PLDB 19 Years Old KonsolScript is a cross-platform scripting language used mostly for games. It is available for Windows and Linux Operating Systems. KonsolScript was developed during 2005 as the scripting language which is intentionally for the purpose writing games with KAGE (Alternative Game Engine). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of KonsolScript happened in - Explore KonsolScript snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (2 related languages) Linux, ActionScript Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Korn shell - Programming language Korn shell ========== Korn shell is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #183 on PLDB 41 Years Old KornShell (ksh) is a Unix shell which was developed by David Korn at Bell Labs in the early 1980s and announced at USENIX on July 14, 1983. The initial development was based on Bourne shell source code. Other early contributors were Bell Labs developers Mike Veach and Pat Sullivan, who wrote the Emacs and vi-style line editing modes' code, respectively. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Korn shell happened in - There are 1,839 members in the Korn shell subreddit - Korn shell on HOPL Korn shell on HOPL - Korn shell appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2005 - See also: (9 related languages) C, Unix, Bourne shell, Emacs, vi, Bash, Motif, Tcl, ARexx - 5 PLDB concepts link to Korn shell: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Java, NCAR Command Language, Noweb, Revolution echo "Hello, world!" #!/bin/ksh echo "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 287 1.4
Kotlin - Programming language Kotlin ====== Kotlin is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Andrey Breslav. 2011 Andrey Breslav #25 on PLDB 13 Years Old 901k Repos git clone Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. While the syntax is not compatible with Java, Kotlin is designed to interoperate with Java code and is reliant on Java code from the existing Java Class Library, such as the collections framework. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Kotlin is developed on GitHub and has 48,462 stars - Watch the history of the Kotlin repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 901,474 Kotlin repos on GitHub - Early development of Kotlin happened in JetBrains - Kotlin is written in Kotlin, Java, Gradle, XML, JavaScript, C++, JSON, Markdown, Swift, TypeScript, C, Objective-C, Bourne shell, IDL, Objective C++, Protocol Buffers, Ruby, Bash, Groovy, HTML, CSS, YAML, Dockerfile, Diff, Python, Reason, CMake, CSV, AsciiDoc, EJS, TOML, Velocity Template Language, Puppet, LLVM IR, Scala - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 6k users using Kotlin in 8k repos on GitHub - Check out the 138 Kotlin meetup groups on - There are 61,654 members in the Kotlin subreddit - There are 275 Project Euler users using Kotlin - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Kotlin programmers reported a median salary of $55,071. 8% of respondents reported using Kotlin. 6,866 programmers reported using Kotlin, and 10,691 said they wanted to use it - Explore Kotlin snippets on Rosetta Code - Kotlin ranks #48 in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for Kotlin - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Kotlin - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Kotlin - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Kotlin - Learn Kotlin on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Kotlin - Events page for Kotlin Events page for Kotlin - has 5,276 matches for "kotlin developer". - was registered in 2013 - See also: (16 related languages) JVM, Java Bytecode, JavaScript, Java, Scala, Groovy, C#, Gosu, Swift, LLVM IR, Android, Pascal, Perl, Eclipse, Apache Maven, Emacs - Read more about Kotlin on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 20 PLDB concepts link to Kotlin: Ace Editor, Avail, Céu, cloc, FlatBuffers, Gradle, Kotlin, Ladybird, LWJGL, mal, Melody, Moirai, OpenCV, partiql, Project Mentat, Pygments, Python, React Native, Ecstasy, Yakou Lang // Type your code here, or load an example. fun square(num: Int): Int = num * num println("Hello, world!") fun main() { println("Hello World") } // Hello world in Kotlin fun main(args : Array<String>) { println("Hello, world!") } package addressbook class Contact( val name : String, val emails : List<EmailAddress>, val addresses : List<PostalAddress>, val phonenums : List<PhoneNumber> ) class EmailAddress( val user : String, val host : String ) class PostalAddress( val streetAddress : String, val city : String, val zip : String, val state : USState?, val country : Country ) { assert {(state == null) xor (country == Countries["US"]) } } class PhoneNumber( val country : Country, val areaCode : Int, val number : Long ) object Countries { fun get(id : CountryID) : Country = countryTable[id] private var table : Map<String, Country>? = null private val countryTable : Map<String, Country> get() { if (table == null) { table = HashMap() for (line in TextFile("countries.txt").lines(stripWhiteSpace = true)) { table[line] = Country(line) } } return table } } class Country(val name : String) // returns null if... // - foo() returns null, // - or if foo() is non-null, but bar() returns null, // - or if foo() and bar() are non-null, but baz() returns null. // vice versa, return value is non-null if and only if foo(), bar() and baz() are non-null foo()?.bar()?.baz() as as? break class continue do else false for fun if in !in interface is !is null object package return super this throw true try typealias val var when while by catch constructor delegate dynamic field file finally get import init param property receiver set setparam where actual abstract annotation companion const crossinline data enum expect external final infix inline inner internal lateinit noinline open operator out override private protected public reified sealed suspend tailrec vararg field it + - * / % * = += -= *= /= %= ++ -- && || ! == != === !== = [ ] !! ?. ?: :: .. : ? ->; @ ; $ _ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example println("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Interfaces FeatureLink ../features/hasInterfaces.html Supported ✓ Example interface Named { val name: String } interface Person : Named { val firstName: String val lastName: String override val name: String get() = "$firstName $lastName" } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import foo.Bar // Bar is now accessible without qualification import foo.* // everything in 'foo' becomes accessible import bar.Bar as bBar // bBar stands for 'bar.Bar' Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example // Since if statements are expressions println(if (true) true else false) Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example table = HashMap() Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1155 5.8
Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language - Query language Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language ========================================= Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, aka Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, is a query language created in 1993. 1993 #2443 on PLDB 31 Years Old The Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, or KQML, is a language and protocol for communication among software agents and knowledge-based systems. It was developed in the early 1990s part of the DARPA knowledge Sharing Effort, which was aimed at developing techniques for building large-scale knowledge bases which are shareable and reusable. While originally conceived of as an interface to knowledge based systems, it was soon repurposed as an Agent communication language.Work on KQML was led by Tim Finin of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Jay Weber of EITech and involved contributions from many researchers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language happened in DARPA - See also: (1 related languages) Knowledge Interchange Format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
KRC - Programming language KRC === KRC, aka Kent Recursive Calculator, is a programming language created in 1981 by David Turner. 1981 David Turner #1686 on PLDB 43 Years Old KRC (Kent Recursive Calculator) is a lazy functional language developed by David Turner from November 1979 to October 1981 based on SASL, with pattern matching, guards and ZF expressions (now more usually called list comprehensions). Two implementations of KRC were written: David Turner's original one in BCPL running on EMAS, and Simon J. Croft's later one in C under Unix, and KRC was the main language used for teaching functional programming at the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) from 1982 to 1985. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of KRC happened in University of Kent - KRC on HOPL KRC on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) BCPL, C, Unix, ISBN - Read more about KRC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
KRIS - Programming language KRIS ==== KRIS is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3446 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KRIS happened in Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz - KRIS on HOPL KRIS on HOPL - Read more about KRIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
KRL-0 - Programming language KRL-0 ===== KRL-0 is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4157 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KRL-0 happened in Xerox PARC and Stanford University and Yale University and University of California San Diego and University of California Berkeley - KRL-0 on HOPL KRL-0 on HOPL - Read more about KRL-0 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
KRL - Programming language KRL === KRL, aka knowledge representation language, is a programming language created in 1976 by Daniel G. Bobrow and Terry Winograd. 1976 Daniel G. Bobrow Terry Winograd #1105 on PLDB 48 Years Old 440 Repos KRL is a knowledge representation language, developed by Daniel G. Bobrow and Terry Winograd while at Xerox PARC and Stanford University, respectively. It is a frame-based language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 440 KRL repos on GitHub - Early development of KRL happened in Xerox PARC and Stanford University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 18 users using KRL in 30 repos on GitHub - KRL on HOPL KRL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) KUKA Robot Language ruleset sample { meta { name "Hello World" description << Hello world >> author "Phil Windley" } // just one rule rule hello { select when web pageview notify("Hello world!", "Just a note to say hello"); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 313 1.6
KRS - Programming language KRS === KRS is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4158 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KRS happened in University of Calgary - KRS on HOPL KRS on HOPL - Read more about KRS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
KRYPTON - Programming language KRYPTON ======= KRYPTON is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4159 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of KRYPTON happened in Fairchild Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and University of Toronto - KRYPTON on HOPL KRYPTON on HOPL - Read more about KRYPTON on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
ktexteditor-editor - Editor ktexteditor-editor ================== ktexteditor-editor is an editor created in 2014 by Christoph Cullmann. 2014 Christoph Cullmann #1246 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone KTextEditor Framework - Tags: editor - ktexteditor-editor is developed on GitHub and has 72 stars - Early development of ktexteditor-editor happened in KDE e.V. - ktexteditor-editor is written in JavaScript, C++, Qt, CMake, XML, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, SVG, JSON, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
ktye/k - Programming language ktye/k ====== ktye/k is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1861 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone ktye/k is an implementation of the k programming language. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - ktye/k is developed on GitHub and has 98 stars - ktye/k is an implementation of K - ktye/k is written in Go, C, JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, Bourne shell, awk, YAML, WebAssembly, CSS, Make, XML, CSV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Kubernetes - Application Kubernetes ========== Kubernetes is an application created in 2014 by Craig McLuckie and Joe Beda and and Brendan Burns. 2014 Craig McLuckie Joe Beda and Brendan Burns #234 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management - Tags: application - Kubernetes is developed on GitHub and has 108,808 stars - Watch the history of the Kubernetes repo visualized with Gource - Early development of Kubernetes happened in Google - Kubernetes is written in Go, YAML, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, Protocol Buffers, Make, Assembly language, Dockerfile, starlark, Bash, PowerShell, Python, C, SVG, TOML, sed, CSV, HTML, Z shell - There are 0 members in the Kubernetes subreddit - There is a central package repository for Kubernetes Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
kuc - Programming language kuc === kuc is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Andrey Zholos. 2011 Andrey Zholos #1900 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone A vector programming language. - Tags: programming language - kuc is developed on GitHub and has 52 stars - kuc is written in C, Markdown, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Kuin - Programming language Kuin ==== Kuin is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #1617 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Kuin Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Kuin is developed on GitHub and has 264 stars - Early development of Kuin happened in - Kuin is written in C++, XML, C, HTML, Assembly language, Markdown - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Kuin Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
KUKA Robot Language - Programming language KUKA Robot Language =================== KUKA Robot Language is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #2044 on PLDB 14 Years Old The KUKA Robot Language, also known as KRL, is a proprietary programming language similar to Pascal and used to control KUKA robots.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of KUKA Robot Language happened in KUKA Robotics Corporation - ANTLR grammar for KUKA Robot Language - See also: (3 related languages) Pascal, ASCII, RAPID Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
kumir - Programming language kumir ===== kumir is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #1331 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone KuMir, which is used in some Russian schools for education. KuMir" is a game of words, literally “Kumir" means “Idol", but developers of this language say that this is abbreviature: “K" - Set, “u" - of Educational, “Mir" - WORLDs (КуМир - Комплект Учебных МИРов). - Tags: programming language - kumir is developed on GitHub and has 21 stars - Early development of kumir happened in - kumir is written in C++, SVG, XML, CMake, Qt, Python, JSON, C, CSS, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML, QML, YAML, Bourne shell, Objective C++, CSV, Make, TypeScript, Ini алг нач вывод "Hello World" кон Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
Kuroko - Programming language Kuroko ====== Kuroko is a programming language created in 2020 by K. Lange. 2020 K. Lange #1321 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Dialect of Python with explicit variable declaration and block scoping, with a lightweight and easy-to-embed bytecode compiler and interpreter. - Tags: programming language - Kuroko is developed on GitHub and has 422 stars - Early development of Kuroko happened in - Kuroko is written in C, Markdown, Python, YAML, CSS, JSON, Make, HTML, XML, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Kvikkalkul - Programming language Kvikkalkul ========== Kvikkalkul is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #4160 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kvikkalkul happened in Unknown - Kvikkalkul on HOPL Kvikkalkul on HOPL - Read more about Kvikkalkul on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
kvsapi - Standard kvsapi ====== kvsapi is a standard created in 2019. 2019 #3693 on PLDB 5 Years Old This document describes the Key Value Storage (KVS) Application Program Interface (API) specification for SSD storage devices with Object Drive based Key Value Storage. It provides a set of APIs that are portable across multiple vendor SSD products. - Tags: standard - Early development of kvsapi happened in Storage Networking Industry Association Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Kylix - Programming language Kylix ===== Kylix is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4161 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kylix happened in Borland Software Corporation - Kylix on HOPL Kylix on HOPL - Read more about Kylix on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Kyma - Programming language Kyma ==== Kyma is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2820 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Kyma happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Kyma on HOPL Kyma on HOPL - Read more about Kyma on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
l - Programming language l = l is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #3040 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of l happened in - was registered in 2013 HackerNews discussions of l =========================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments TDOP / Pratt parser in pictures||04/08/2018|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
l2 - Programming language l2 == l2 is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1841 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A minimalist type-inferred programming language with procedural macro support - Tags: programming language - l2 is developed on GitHub and has 135 stars - Early development of l2 happened in - l2 is written in C, Assembly language, Markdown, Bash, Tex, XML HackerNews discussions of l2 ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: L2: An experiment/programming language||06/07/2017|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
L6 - Programming language L6 == L6 is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3123 on PLDB 61 Years Old Bell Telephone Laboratories' Low-Level Linked List Language L6 (pronounced “L-six”) is a new programming language for list structure manipulations. It contains many of the facilities which underlie such list processors as IPL, LISP, COMIT and SNOBOL, but permits the user to get much closer to machine code in order to write faster-running programs, to use storage more efficiently and to build a wider variety of linked data structures. - Tags: programming language - Early development of L6 happened in Bell Labs - L6 on HOPL L6 on HOPL - Read more about L6 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
LABTRAN - Programming language LABTRAN ======= LABTRAN is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4162 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LABTRAN happened in University of Wisconsin - LABTRAN on HOPL LABTRAN on HOPL - Read more about LABTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
LabVIEW G - Programming language LabVIEW G ========= LabVIEW G is an open source programming language created in 1986. 1986 #159 on PLDB 38 Years Old 6k Repos Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) is a system-design platform and development environment for a visual programming language from National Instruments. The graphical language is named "G"; not to be confused with G-code. Originally released for the Apple Macintosh in 1986, LabVIEW is commonly used for data acquisition, instrument control, and industrial automation on a variety of operating systems (OSs), including Microsoft Windows, various versions of Unix, Linux, and macOS. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 5,849 LabVIEW G repos on GitHub - Early development of LabVIEW G happened in National Instruments Corporation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 165 users using LabVIEW G in 357 repos on GitHub - Check out the 5 LabVIEW G meetup groups on - There are 5,124 members in the LabVIEW G subreddit - There are 134 Project Euler users using LabVIEW G - Explore LabVIEW G snippets on Rosetta Code - LabVIEW G on HOPL LabVIEW G on HOPL - LabVIEW G ranks #45 in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for LabVIEW G - has 2,012 matches for "labview engineer". - See also: (8 related languages) Linux, G-code, Unix, MATLAB, Fortran, C, DRAKON, Simulink Language features ====================================================== row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 315 1.6
Ladder Logic - Programming language Ladder Logic ============ Ladder Logic is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #1055 on PLDB 30 Years Old Ladder logic was originally a written method to document the design and construction of relay racks as used in manufacturing and process control. Each device in the relay rack would be represented by a symbol on the ladder diagram with connections between those devices shown. In addition, other items external to the relay rack such as pumps, heaters, and so forth would also be shown on the ladder diagram. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ladder Logic happened in International Electrotechnical Commission - Ladder Logic on HOPL Ladder Logic on HOPL - Ladder Logic appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (3 related languages) SFC, BASIC, C +--------+ --------------------+ A + B +----------- | into C | +--------+ Adder Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Ladybird - Web browser Ladybird ======== Ladybird is a web browser created in 2018 by Andreas Kling. 2018 Andreas Kling #1280 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Truly independent web browser - Tags: webBrowser - Ladybird is developed on GitHub and has 13,386 stars - Ladybird is written in C++, HTML, JavaScript, IDL, CMake, Markdown, Bourne shell, CSS, YAML, JSON, Objective C++, Python, XML, Kotlin, SVG, Ini, Gradle, Nix, Java, Dockerfile, Bash, Diff Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
Lagoona - Programming language Lagoona ======= Lagoona is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2636 on PLDB 27 Years Old Lagoona is an experimental programming language developed by Michael Franz, a former student of Niklaus Wirth. It explores component-oriented programming with the use of stand-alone messages and message sets, message forwarding, and by de-emphasizing classes.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lagoona happened in University of California Riverside and University of California Irvine - Lagoona on HOPL Lagoona on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
lain - Programming language lain ==== lain is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1977 on PLDB 7 Years Old Lain is both an inline scripting library that allows for complex templating of the wiki pages, and a programming language that exists at the core of the engine to load and parse content for each article. - Tags: programming language - Early development of lain happened in (add (sub 5 3) 2) ; Basic Math (λ (a b c) (concat a b c)) ; Lambda (def obj {:foo "bar"}) ; Creating object (join obj:foo) ; Reading object parameters (def _sidebar (dom:create "sidebar")) ; Creating DOM elements Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
lambcalc - Programming language lambcalc ======== lambcalc is a programming language created in 2019 by William Rutherford. 2019 William Rutherford #2681 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone a Lambda Calculus Interpreter - Tags: programming language - lambcalc is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of lambcalc happened in - lambcalc is written in Haskell, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
lambda-obliv - Programming language lambda-obliv ============ lambda-obliv is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #4163 on PLDB 4 Years Old A Language for Probabilistically Oblivious Computation. An oblivious computation is one that is free of direct and indirect information leaks, e.g., due to observable differences in timing and memory access patterns. This paper presents λobliv, a core language whose type system enforces obliviousness. Prior work on type-enforced oblivious computation has focused on deterministic programs. λobliv is new in its consideration of programs that implement probabilistic algorithms, such as those involved in cryptography. λobliv employs a substructural type system and a novel notion of probability region to ensure that information is not leaked via the observed distribution of visible events. Probability regions support reasoning about probabilistic correlation and independence between values, and our use of probability regions is motivated by a source of unsoundness that we discovered in the type system of ObliVM, a language for implementing state of the art oblivious algorithms. - Tags: programming language - Early development of lambda-obliv happened in University of Vermont and University of Maryland and Citadel Securities - Read more about lambda-obliv on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
ΛProlog - Programming language ΛProlog ======= ΛProlog is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2904 on PLDB 38 Years Old λProlog, also written lambda Prolog, is a logic programming language featuring polymorphic typing, modular programming, and higher-order programming. These extensions to Prolog are derived from the higher-order hereditary Harrop formulas used to justify the foundations of λProlog. Higher-order quantification, simply typed λ-terms, and higher-order unification gives λProlog the basic supports needed to capture the λ-tree syntax approach to higher-order abstract syntax, an approach to representing syntax that maps object-level bindings to programming language bindings. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ΛProlog happened in École polytechnique - See also: (1 related languages) Prolog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
lambda-zero - Programming language lambda-zero =========== lambda-zero is a programming language created in 2018 by Chris Clark. 2018 Chris Clark #1798 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone minimalist pure lazy functional programming language (pythonic haskell) - Tags: programming language - lambda-zero is developed on GitHub and has 70 stars - Early development of lambda-zero happened in - lambda-zero is written in C, Bourne shell, Vim script, Assembly language, Markdown, YAML, Bash HackerNews discussions of lambda-zero ===================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Lambda Zero – A minimalist pure lazy functional programming language||01/31/2018|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
lambda - Minilanguage lambda ====== lambda is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #2734 on PLDB 11 Years Old untyped λ-calculus, several evaluation strategies - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of lambda happened in - Read more about lambda on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
lamderp - Programming language lamderp ======= lamderp is a programming language created in 2013 by James Keane. 2013 James Keane #2353 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Simple easy python lambda DSL - Tags: programming language - lamderp is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - Early development of lamderp happened in - lamderp is written in Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
lamdu-editor - Editor lamdu-editor ============ lamdu-editor is an editor created in 2011 by Eyal Lotem and Yair Chuchem. 2011 Eyal Lotem Yair Chuchem #580 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone This project aims to create a next-generation, live programming environment that radically improves the programming experience. - Tags: editor - lamdu-editor is developed on GitHub and has 1,852 stars - Early development of lamdu-editor happened in - lamdu-editor is written in Haskell, JSON, Markdown, Nix, Bourne shell, YAML, JavaScript, Bash, XML, Dockerfile, Dhall, HTML, Lisp - was registered in 2015 - Read more about lamdu-editor on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Lamdu - Programming language Lamdu ===== Lamdu is a programming language created in 2011 by Eyal Lotem and Yair Chuchem. 2011 Eyal Lotem Yair Chuchem #903 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone lamdu - towards the next generation IDE - Tags: programming language - Lamdu is developed on GitHub and has 1,852 stars - Early development of Lamdu happened in - Lamdu is written in Haskell, JSON, Markdown, Nix, Bourne shell, YAML, JavaScript, Bash, XML, Dockerfile, Dhall, HTML, Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
LAMINA - Programming language LAMINA ====== LAMINA is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3447 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LAMINA happened in DEC - LAMINA on HOPL LAMINA on HOPL - Read more about LAMINA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator Format - Application Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator Format ================================================================ Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator Format, aka Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator Format, is an application created in 1995. 1995 #3448 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator Format happened in Sandia National Laboratories and Temple University - Read more about Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator Format on the web: 1. 1. # 2d LJ crack simulation dimension 2 boundary s s p atom_style atomic neighbor 0.3 bin neigh_modify delay 5 # create geometry lattice hex 0.93 region box block 0 100 0 40 -0.25 0.25 create_box 5 box create_atoms 1 box mass 1 1.0 mass 2 1.0 mass 3 1.0 mass 4 1.0 mass 5 1.0 # LJ potentials pair_style lj/cut 2.5 pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 2.5 # define groups region 1 block INF INF INF 1.25 INF INF group lower region 1 region 2 block INF INF 38.75 INF INF INF group upper region 2 group boundary union lower upper group mobile subtract all boundary region leftupper block INF 20 20 INF INF INF region leftlower block INF 20 INF 20 INF INF group leftupper region leftupper group leftlower region leftlower set group leftupper type 2 set group leftlower type 3 set group lower type 4 set group upper type 5 # initial velocities compute new mobile temp velocity mobile create 0.01 887723 temp new velocity upper set 0.0 0.3 0.0 velocity mobile ramp vy 0.0 0.3 y 1.25 38.75 sum yes # fixes fix 1 all nve fix 2 boundary setforce NULL 0.0 0.0 # run timestep 0.003 thermo 200 thermo_modify temp new neigh_modify exclude type 2 3 #dump 1 all atom 500 dump.crack #dump 2 all image 250 image.*.jpg type type & # zoom 1.6 adiam 1.5 #dump_modify 2 pad 4 #dump 3 all movie 250 movie.mpg type type & # zoom 1.6 adiam 1.5 #dump_modify 3 pad 4 run 5000 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 419 2.1
Lana - Programming language Lana ==== Lana is a programming language created in 2024. 2024 #4612 on PLDB 0 Years Old A (General-Purpose) Very-High Level Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Read more about Lana on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
Lanai - Instruction set architecture Lanai ===== Lanai is an instruction set architecture created in 2016. 2016 #4613 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of Lanai happened in Google Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Language for Class Description - Programming language Language for Class Description ============================== Language for Class Description is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3449 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Language for Class Description happened in Case Western Reserve University - Language for Class Description on HOPL Language for Class Description on HOPL - Read more about Language for Class Description on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Language H - Programming language Language H ========== Language H is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #4554 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Language H happened in NCR Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
LSP - Protocol LSP === LSP is a protocol created in 2016. 2016 #3258 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of LSP happened in Microsoft - Read more about LSP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
Laning and Zierler system - Programming language Laning and Zierler system ========================= Laning and Zierler system is a programming language created in 1953. 1953 #2559 on PLDB 71 Years Old The Laning and Zierler system (sometimes called "George" by its users) was one of the first operating algebraic compilers, that is, a system capable of accepting mathematical formulae in algebraic notation and producing equivalent machine code (the term compiler had not yet been invented and the system was referred to as "an interpretive program"). It was implemented in 1952 for the MIT WHIRLWIND by J. Halcombe Laning and Neal Zierler. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Laning and Zierler system happened in MIT - Laning and Zierler system on HOPL Laning and Zierler system on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Speedcoding, Punched tape 1 x = 0, z = 1 - x2/2 + x4/2·3·4 - x6/2·3·4·5·6 + x8/2·3·4·5·6·7·8 - x10/2·3·4·5·6·7·8·9·10, Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
LAP - Programming language LAP === LAP is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3450 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LAP happened in Institut international de robotique et d'intelligence artificielle de Marseille - LAP on HOPL LAP on HOPL - Read more about LAP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Laravel - Framework Laravel ======= Laravel is a framework created in 2011. 2011 #2433 on PLDB 13 Years Old Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony. Some of the features of Laravel are a modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager, different ways for accessing relational databases, utilities that aid in application deployment and maintenance, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar.The source code of Laravel is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the terms of MIT License.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - Early development of Laravel happened in Laravel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Larceny Scheme implementation - Programming language Larceny Scheme implementation ============================= Larceny Scheme implementation is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3784 on PLDB 7 Years Old Larceny is an implementation of the Scheme programming language built around the Twobit optimizing compiler. Larceny offers several back-ends able to target native x86 and ARMv7 code. Petit Larceny is also available and emits C source code, which can then be further compiled to native code with an ordinary C compiler.Older versions (programming language - Early development of Larceny Scheme implementation happened in University of Oregon - See also: (4 related languages) Scheme, ARM, C, SPARC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
Larch - Programming language Larch ===== Larch is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4164 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Larch happened in MIT and DEC - Larch on HOPL Larch on HOPL - Read more about Larch on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
LARIS - Programming language LARIS ===== LARIS is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4165 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LARIS happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and Philips Research and Utrecht University - LARIS on HOPL LARIS on HOPL - Read more about LARIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
LARP - Programming language LARP ==== LARP is a programming language created in 2003 by Marco Lavoie. 2003 Marco Lavoie #2258 on PLDB 21 Years Old LARP is an educational software for teaching algorithmic in structured programming using pseudo code and flowcharts. LARP's main advantage over traditional programming languages is its flexible and semi natural syntax, allowing one to formulate algorithms without the impediments of cryptic languages such as C++, Pascal or Java. - Tags: programming language - Early development of LARP happened in - See also: (1 related languages) Flowgorithm \\ Simple pseudo code START WRITE "Enter a number" READ N IF N < 0 THEN WRITE "Negative number" ELSE WRITE "Positive number" ENDIF END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
lasp - Programming language lasp ==== lasp is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3041 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of lasp happened in - was registered in 2015 HackerNews discussions of lasp ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments LASP: A Language for Distributed, Eventually Consistent Computations||06/06/2015|103|27 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
LASS - Programming language LASS ==== LASS is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4166 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LASS happened in National Institute for Higher Education - LASS on HOPL LASS on HOPL - Read more about LASS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Lasso - Programming language Lasso ===== Lasso is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Kyle Jessup. 1995 Kyle Jessup #543 on PLDB 29 Years Old 464 Repos Lasso is an application server and server management interface used to develop internet applications and is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. Originally a web datasource connection tool, for Filemaker and later included in Apple Computer's FileMaker 4.0 and Claris Homepage as CDML, it has since evolved into a complex language used to develop and serve large-scale internet applications and web pages. Lasso includes a simple template system allowing code to control generation of HTML and other content types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 464 Lasso repos on GitHub - Early development of Lasso happened in LassoSoft Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 388 users using Lasso in 435 repos on GitHub - Explore Lasso snippets on Rosetta Code - Lasso appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Lasso - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Lasso - has 142 matches for "lasso engineer". - was registered in 2005 - See also: (17 related languages) C, Linux, Dylan, Smalltalk, Scala, HTML, PHP, Python, Java, SQL, Unicode, UTF-8, CFML, Applescript, MySQL, Eclipse, ASP // Hello world in Lasso Hello world! /** trait_json_serialize Objects with this trait will be assumed to convert to json data when its ->asString method is called */ define trait_json_serialize => trait { require asString() } define json_serialize(e::bytes)::string => ('"' + (string(#e)->Replace(`\`, `\\`) & Replace('\"', '\\"') & Replace('\r', '\\r') & Replace('\n', '\\n') & Replace('\t', '\\t') & Replace('\f', '\\f') & Replace('\b', '\\b') &) + '"') define json_serialize(e::string)::string => ('"' + (string(#e)->Replace(`\`, `\\`) & Replace('\"', '\\"') & Replace('\r', '\\r') & Replace('\n', '\\n') & Replace('\t', '\\t') & Replace('\f', '\\f') & Replace('\b', '\\b') &) + '"') define json_serialize(e::json_literal)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::integer)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::decimal)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::boolean)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::null)::string => ('null') define json_serialize(e::date)::string => ('"' + #e->format(#e->gmt ? '%QT%TZ' | '%Q%T') + '"') /* define json_serialize(e::array)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; } return('[' + #output + ']'); } define json_serialize(e::staticarray)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; } return('[' + #output + ']'); } */ define json_serialize(e::trait_forEach)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; } return('[' + #output + ']'); } define json_serialize(e::map)::string => { local(output = with pr in #e->eachPair select json_serialize(#pr->first->asString) + ': ' + json_serialize(#pr->second)) return '{' + #output->join(',') + '}' } define json_serialize(e::json_object)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreachpair => { #output += #delimit + #1->first + ': ' + json_serialize(#1->second); #delimit = ', '; } return('{' + #output + '}'); } define json_serialize(e::trait_json_serialize) => #e->asString define json_serialize(e::any)::string => json_serialize('<LassoNativeType>' + #e->serialize + '</LassoNativeType>') // Bil Corry fixes for decoding json define json_consume_string(ibytes::bytes) => { local(obytes) = bytes; local(temp) = 0; while((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 34); #obytes->import8bits(#temp); (#temp == 92) ? #obytes->import8bits(#ibytes->export8bits); // Escape \ /while; local(output = string(#obytes)->unescape) //Replace('\\"', '\"') & Replace('\\r', '\r') & Replace('\\n', '\n') & Replace('\\t', '\t') & Replace('\\f', '\f') & Replace('\\b', '\b') &; if(#output->BeginsWith('<LassoNativeType>') && #output->EndsWith('</LassoNativeType>')); Protect; return serialization_reader(xml(#output - '<LassoNativeType>' - '</LassoNativeType>'))->read /Protect; else( (#output->size == 16 or #output->size == 15) and regexp(`\d{8}T\d{6}Z?`, '', #output)->matches) return date(#output, -Format=#output->size == 16?`yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssZ`|`yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss`) /if return #output } // Bil Corry fix + Ke fix define json_consume_token(ibytes::bytes, temp::integer) => { local(obytes = bytes->import8bits(#temp) &, delimit = array(9, 10, 13, 32, 44, 58, 93, 125)) // \t\r\n ,:]} while(#delimit !>> (#temp := #ibytes->export8bits)) #obytes->import8bits(#temp) /while #temp == 125? // } #ibytes->marker -= 1 //============================================================================ // Is also end of token if end of array[] #temp == 93? // ] #ibytes->marker -= 1 //............................................................................ local(output = string(#obytes)) #output == 'true'? return true #output == 'false'? return false #output == 'null'? return null string_IsNumeric(#output)? return (#output >> '.')? decimal(#output) | integer(#output) return #output } // Bil Corry fix define json_consume_array(ibytes::bytes)::array => { Local(output) = array; local(delimit) = array( 9, 10, 13, 32, 44); // \t\r\n , local(temp) = 0; While((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 93); // ] If(#delimit >> #temp); // Discard whitespace Else(#temp == 34); // " #output->insert(json_consume_string(#ibytes)); Else(#temp == 91); // [ #output->insert(json_consume_array(#ibytes)); Else(#temp == 123); // { #output->insert(json_consume_object(#ibytes)); Else; #output->insert(json_consume_token(#ibytes, #temp)); (#temp == 93) ? Loop_Abort; /If; /While; Return(#output); } // Bil Corry fix define json_consume_object(ibytes::bytes)::map => { Local('output' = map, 'delimit' = array( 9, 10, 13, 32, 44), // \t\r\n , 'temp' = 0, 'key' = null, 'val' = null); While((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 125); // } If(#delimit >> #temp); // Discard whitespace Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 34)); // " #output->insert(#key = json_consume_string(#ibytes)); #key = null; Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 91)); // [ #output->insert(#key = json_consume_array(#ibytes)); #key = null; Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 123)); // { #output->insert(#key = json_consume_object(#ibytes)); #key = null; Else((#key !== null)); #output->insert(#key = json_consume_token(#ibytes, #temp)); #key = null; Else; #key = json_consume_string(#ibytes); while(#delimit >> (#temp := #ibytes->export8bits)); /while; #temp != 58 ? Loop_Abort; /If; /While; If((#output >> '__jsonclass__') && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->isa('array')) && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->size >= 2) && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->First == 'deserialize')); Return(#output->find('__jsonclass__')->Second->First); Else((#output >> 'native') && (#output >> 'comment') && (#output->find('comment') == '')); Return(#output->find('native')); /If; Return(#output); } // Bil Corry fix + Ke fix define json_deserialize(ibytes::bytes)::any => { #ibytes->removeLeading(bom_utf8); //============================================================================ // Reset marker on provided bytes #ibytes->marker = 0 //............................................................................ Local(temp) = #ibytes->export8bits; If(#temp == 91); // [ Return(json_consume_array(#ibytes)); Else(#temp == 123); // { Return(json_consume_object(#ibytes)); else(#temp == 34) // " return json_consume_string(#ibytes) /If; } define json_deserialize(s::string) => json_deserialize(bytes(#s)) /**! json_literal - This is a subclass of String used for JSON encoding. A json_literal works exactly like a string, but will be inserted directly rather than being encoded into JSON. This allows JavaScript elements like functions to be inserted into JSON objects. This is most useful when the JSON object will be used within a JavaScript on the local page. [Map: 'fn'=Literal('function(){ ...})] => {'fn': function(){ ...}} **/ define json_literal => type { parent string } /**! json_object - This is a subclass of Map used for JSON encoding. An object works exactly like a map, but when it is encoded into JSON all of the keys will be inserted literally. This makes it easy to create a JavaScript object without extraneous quote marks. Object('name'='value') => {name: "value"} **/ define json_object => type { parent map public onCreate(...) => ..onCreate(:#rest or (:)) } define json_rpccall(method::string, params=map, id='', host='') => { #id == '' ? #host = Lasso_UniqueID; #host == '' ? #host = 'http://localhost/lassoapps.8/rpc/rpc.lasso'; Return(Decode_JSON(Include_URL(#host, -PostParams=Encode_JSON(Map('method' = #method, 'params' = #params, 'id' = #id))))); } // Define type define bottles_of_beer => type { // Define internal data data private bottles = 99 // Define private methods private br => '<br/>' private s => .bottles != 1 ? 's' | '' // Generate lyrics when object represented as a string public asstring => { local(out = '') // Use Lasso query syntax to generate the lyrics with n in 99 to 1 by -1 do { .bottles = #n #out += .bottles + ' bottle' + .s + ' of beer on the wall, ' + .br #out += .bottles + ' bottle' + .s + ' of beer; ' + .br .bottles-- #out += 'Take one down, pass it around, ' + .br #out += .bottles + ' bottle' + .s + ' of beer on the wall. ' + (.br * 2) } // Return result return #out } } bottles_of_beer Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1736 8.7
LaTeX - Text markup language LaTeX ===== LaTeX is an open source text markup language created in 1985 by Leslie Lamport. 1985 Leslie Lamport #103 on PLDB 39 Years Old LaTeX (IPA: , LAH-tekh, also pronounced as , LAY-tekh, a shortening of Lamport TeX) is a document preparation system. When writing, the writer uses plain text as opposed to the formatted text found in WYSIWYG word processors like Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer and Apple Pages. The writer uses markup tagging conventions to define the general structure of a document (such as article, book, and letter), to stylise text throughout a document (such as bold and italics), and to add citations and cross-references. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of LaTeX happened in - Explore LaTeX snippets on Rosetta Code - LaTeX on HOPL LaTeX on HOPL - LaTeX LSP implementation - was registered in 1998 - See also: (14 related languages) Tex, PDF, XML, CSS, HTML, XeTeX, Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux, PostScript, LyX, Perl, Unix, BibTeX - 9 PLDB concepts link to LaTeX: AsciiMath, Desmos, eqn, Frundis, Knitr, MathJax, sile, Sweave, Typst \documentclass{article} \begin{document} Hello World \end{document} % Hello World! in LaTeX \documentclass{article} \begin{document} Hello World! \end{document} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \title{\LaTeX} \begin{document} \maketitle \LaTeX{} is a document preparation system for the \TeX{} typesetting program. It offers programmable desktop publishing features and extensive facilities for automating most aspects of typesetting and desktop publishing, including numbering and cross-referencing, tables and figures, page layout, bibliographies, and much more. \LaTeX{} was originally written in 1984 by Leslie Lamport and has become the dominant method for using \TeX; few people write in plain \TeX{} anymore. The current version is \LaTeXe. % This is a comment, not shown in final output. % The following shows typesetting power of LaTeX: \begin{align} E_0 &= mc^2 \\ E &= \frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}} \end{align} \end{document} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 474 2.4
latino - Programming language latino ====== latino is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Primitivo R. Montero. 2015 Primitivo R. Montero #1258 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Lenguaje de programación de código abierto para latinos y de habla hispana. - Tags: programming language - latino is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - Early development of latino happened in - latino is written in C, Bourne shell, Markdown, CMake, YAML, Make, SVG, Bash, Dockerfile, M4, Tex, XML, Yacc, Lex, awk, sed, PowerShell - latino is written with the native language of Spanish - was registered in 2022 escribir("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token escribir Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
latte-js - Programming language latte-js ======== latte-js is a programming language created in 2012 by Sean Micklethwaite. 2012 Sean Micklethwaite #1848 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone JavaScript + Milk & Sugar - Tags: programming language - latte-js is developed on GitHub and has 16 stars - Early development of latte-js happened in - latte-js is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON for (x in y if ('awesome'))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Latte - Template language Latte ===== Latte is an open source template language created in 2008 by David Grudl. 2008 David Grudl #444 on PLDB 16 Years Old 270 Repos git clone ☕ Latte: the safest & truly intuitive templates for PHP. Engine for those who want the most secure PHP sites. - Tags: template language - Latte is developed on GitHub and has 1,098 stars - There are at least 270 Latte repos on GitHub - Early development of Latte happened in - Latte is written in PHP, HTML, Markdown, YAML, JSON, XML, Ini - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 24 users using Latte in 26 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Latte {** * @param string $basePath web base path * @param string $robots tell robots how to index the content of a page (optional) * @param array $flashes flash messages *} <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="author" content=""> <meta name="robots" content="{$robots}" n:ifset="$robots"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>{ifset $title}{$title} › {/ifset}Translation report</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection,tv" href="{$cdnUrl}/css/style.css?v={$cssHash}"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{$cdnUrl}/favicon.png"> <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <script n:syntax="off"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-33892654-4', ''); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> {block #head}{/block} </head> <body class="amara-guest history-empty"> <script> document.documentElement.className+=' js' </script> {block #navbar} {include _navbar.latte} {/block} <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2" n:inner-foreach="$flashes as $flash"> {include _flash.latte, flash => $flash} </div> </div> {include #content} </div> <footer> </footer> <script src="{$cdnUrl}/js/compiled.js?v={$jsHash}"></script> {block #scripts}{/block} </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 627 3.1
LAURE - Programming language LAURE ===== LAURE is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4167 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LAURE happened in Bouygues S.A - LAURE on HOPL LAURE on HOPL - Read more about LAURE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
lav-format - Text data format lav-format ========== lav-format is a text data format created in 2004. 2004 #2735 on PLDB 20 Years Old LAV is a plain-text file format for alignments of two DNA sequences. It is the only output format produced by the BLASTZ alignment program (though often converted to AXT format by post-processing programs), and is the default output format for BLASTZ's successor, LASTZ. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of lav-format happened in The Pennsylvania State University #:lav d { "lastz.v0.3 malus.fa aurantium.fa C=2 W=8 T=0 A C G T 91 -114 -31 -123 -114 100 -125 -31 -31 -125 100 -114 -123 -31 -114 91 O = 400, E = 30, K = 3000, L = 3000, M = 0" } #:lav s { "malus.fa" 1 191411218 0 1 "aurantium.fa" 1 90634903 0 1 } h { "> apple" "> orange" } a { s 20643 b 46566766 2083211 e 46567353 2083795 l 46566766 2083211 46566796 2083241 61 l 46566797 2083245 46566814 2083262 78 l 46566821 2083263 46567353 2083795 65 } a { s 4233 b 47246530 10635696 e 47246660 10635826 l 47246530 10635696 47246660 10635826 63 } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 255 1.3
Lava - Programming language Lava ==== Lava is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2201 on PLDB 23 Years Old Lava is an experimental, visual object-oriented, interpreter-based programming language with an associated programming environment (Lava Programming Environment or LavaPE) that uses structure editors instead of text editors. Only comments, constants, and new identifiers may be entered as text. Declarations are represented in LavaPE as tree structures whose subtrees may be collapsed or expanded. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lava happened in Institute for Secure Telecooperation - See also: (1 related languages) Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Lawvere - Programming language Lawvere ======= Lawvere is a programming language created in 2021 by James Henri Haydon. 2021 James Henri Haydon #1290 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Lawvere - a categorical programming language with effects - Tags: programming language - Lawvere is developed on GitHub and has 265 stars - Early development of Lawvere happened in - Lawvere is written in Haskell, Nix, Markdown, YAML, JavaScript, Bourne shell, Lisp, JSON, TOML, XML - Read more about Lawvere on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Lax - Programming language Lax === Lax is a programming language created in 2023. 2023 #2543 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone A programming language where the syntax is whatever you want it to be. - Tags: programming language - Lax is developed on GitHub and has 49 stars - Lax is written in C++, C, Markdown, CMake - Read more about Lax on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
lazarus-editor - Editor lazarus-editor ============== lazarus-editor is an editor created in 2012. 2012 #3694 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone - Tags: editor - Early development of lazarus-editor happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Lazy K - Esoteric programming language Lazy K ====== Lazy K is an esoteric programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1978 on PLDB 22 Years Old Lazy K is a garbage-collected, referentially transparent functional programming language, with a simple stream-based I/O system. What distinguishes Lazy K from other such languages is its almost total lack of other features. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Lazy K happened in - Lazy K on Esolang Lazy K on Esolang - Lazy K appears in the Quine Relay project - Read more about Lazy K on the web: 1. 1. K(S(S(S(S(S(S(SI`S`K(S(S`KS(S`KK(S`KS(S(S`KS(S`K`S(SI`KK)(S`KKK)))`K`K(SI`K0)))) )`K(S`K`S(S`KS(S`K`SI(S`KK(S`K(S(S(SSS)(SS(SSI(SS0))))S(S`KSK))(SI`K(S`KSK)))))) (S`KKK)))(SII)`K(SII(SII(S(S`KSK)I))))(S`K`S(S(S(SSS)(SS0))S)(SSSS))(SS(SS0))(S( SI(SS0))(SS(SS(SS(SS`S(SSS)(SS0))))))(SS(SS(SS(SSSSSS(SS0))))))`S(S(S(SS(SS0))(S S0))S))`K(SS0))`K(SS(SS(S(SSS)(SS(SS0))))))I(SSSSSS(SS0)))I(S(SI(SS0))(SS(SS(SS( SS`S(SSS)(SS0))))))(SS(S(S(S(SSS)(SS0))S)(SSSS(SS(SS0)))))(S(SSS)(S(SSS)(SS0)))` K0) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 308 1.5
Lazy ML - Programming language Lazy ML ======= Lazy ML is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2961 on PLDB 44 Years Old Lazy ML (LML) is a functional programming language developed in the early 1980s by Lennart Augustsson and Thomas Johnsson at Chalmers University of Technology, prior to Miranda and Haskell. LML is a strongly typed, statically scoped implementation of ML, with lazy evaluation. The key innovation of LML was to demonstrate how to compile a lazy functional language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lazy ML happened in Chalmers University of Technology - See also: (2 related languages) Haskell, ML let rec fact 0 = 1 || fact n = n*fact(n-1) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
LC-3 - Programming language LC-3 ==== LC-3 is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #2286 on PLDB 21 Years Old Little Computer 3, or LC-3, is a type of computer educational programming language, an assembly language, which is a type of low-level programming language. It features a relatively simple instruction set, but can be used to write moderately complex assembly programs, and is a theoretically viable target for a C compiler. The language is less complex than x86 assembly but has many features similar to those in more complex languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LC-3 happened in University of Texas at Austin and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - See also: (4 related languages) Assembly language, C, X86, ASCII Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
LCF - Programming language LCF === LCF is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4168 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LCF happened in Stanford University and University of Edinburgh - LCF on HOPL LCF on HOPL - Read more about LCF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
LCL - Programming language LCL === LCL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4169 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LCL happened in MIT and DEC - LCL on HOPL LCL on HOPL - Read more about LCL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
JSON Lines - Data notation JSON Lines ========== JSON Lines is a data notation created in 2013 by Ian Ward. 2013 Ian Ward #842 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone JSON Lines is a convenient format for storing structured data that may be processed one record at a time. It works well with unix-style text processing tools and shell pipelines. It's a great format for log files. It's also a flexible format for passing messages between cooperating processes. - Tags: dataNotation - JSON Lines is developed on GitHub and has 127 stars - Early development of JSON Lines happened in - JSON Lines is written in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON - was registered in 2013 - See also: (1 related languages) JSON - Read more about JSON Lines on the web: 1. 1. ["Name", "Session", "Score", "Completed"] ["Gilbert", "2013", 24, true] ["Alexa", "2013", 29, true] ["May", "2012B", 14, false] ["Deloise", "2012A", 19, true] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 273 1.4
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - Protocol Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ===================================== Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a protocol created in 1997. 1997 #1702 on PLDB 27 Years Old The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP ) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. Directory services play an important role in developing intranet and Internet applications by allowing the sharing of information about users, systems, networks, services, and applications throughout the network. As examples, directory services may provide any organized set of records, often with a hierarchical structure, such as a corporate email directory. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol happened in University of Michigan and Isode Limited and Performance Systems International Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
LDL - Programming language LDL === LDL is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4170 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LDL happened in Technion - LDL on HOPL LDL on HOPL - Read more about LDL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
LDL1 - Programming language LDL1 ==== LDL1 is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4171 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LDL1 happened in MOC - LDL1 on HOPL LDL1 on HOPL - Read more about LDL1 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
ldpl - Programming language ldpl ==== ldpl is a programming language created in 2019 by Martín del Río. 2019 Martín del Río #862 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone COBOL-like programming language that compiles to C++. With serious dinosaurs with neckties and briefcases 🦕💼 - Tags: programming language - ldpl is developed on GitHub and has 156 stars - Early development of ldpl happened in - ldpl is written in Markdown, C++, YAML, Bourne shell, PHP, Make, CMake, Dockerfile # Hello There Example data: name is number procedure: display "Hello there, what's your name?" accept name display "你好, " name "!" crlf Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token HackerNews discussions of ldpl ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments LDPL – A simple programming language in the likeness of COBOL||04/24/2019|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 259 1.3
Le-Lisp - Programming language Le-Lisp ======= Le-Lisp is an open source programming language created in 1984. 1984 #2115 on PLDB 40 Years Old Le Lisp (also Le_Lisp and Le-Lisp) is a programming language, a dialect of the language Lisp.It was developed at the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA), to be an implementation language for a very large scale integration (VLSI) workstation being designed under the direction of Jean Vuillemin. Le Lisp also had to run on various incompatible platforms (mostly running Unix operating systems) that were used by the project. The main goals for the language were to be a powerful post-Maclisp version of Lisp that would be portable, compatible, extensible, and efficient.Jérôme Chailloux led the Le Lisp team, working with Emmanuel St. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Le-Lisp happened in Inria - Le-Lisp on HOPL Le-Lisp on HOPL - See also: (27 related languages) Lisp, C, X86, SPARC, PowerPC, MIPS architecture, Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, ISLISP, OpenLisp, Interlisp, Lisp Machine Lisp, Scheme, Common Lisp, T, Emacs Lisp, AutoLISP, PicoLisp, EuLisp, NewLisp, Racket, Guile, Clojure, Arc, LFE - Read more about Le-Lisp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
leaf - Programming language leaf ==== leaf is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #2060 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Early development of leaf happened in - There are 8 members in the leaf subreddit - was registered in 2020 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Lean - Programming language Lean ==== Lean is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Leonardo de Moura. 2015 Leonardo de Moura #119 on PLDB 9 Years Old 2k Repos git clone Lean Theorem Prover - Tags: programming language - Lean is developed on GitHub and has 2,145 stars - There are at least 1,807 Lean repos on GitHub - Early development of Lean happened in Microsoft - Lean is written in Lean, C++, CMake, Bourne shell, Markdown, Python, C, YAML, TOML, Tex, Perl, HTML, Bash, Lua, Lex - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 233 users using Lean in 265 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Lean - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Lean - 4 PLDB concepts link to Lean: cloc, Koka, Lean, Pygments #print "Hello World" /- Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Module: algebra.binary Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad General properties of binary operations. -/ import logic.eq open eq.ops namespace binary section variable {A : Type} variables (op₁ : A → A → A) (inv : A → A) (one : A) local notation a * b := op₁ a b local notation a ⁻¹ := inv a local notation 1 := one definition commutative := ∀a b, a * b = b * a definition associative := ∀a b c, (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) definition left_identity := ∀a, 1 * a = a definition right_identity := ∀a, a * 1 = a definition left_inverse := ∀a, a⁻¹ * a = 1 definition right_inverse := ∀a, a * a⁻¹ = 1 definition left_cancelative := ∀a b c, a * b = a * c → b = c definition right_cancelative := ∀a b c, a * b = c * b → a = c definition inv_op_cancel_left := ∀a b, a⁻¹ * (a * b) = b definition op_inv_cancel_left := ∀a b, a * (a⁻¹ * b) = b definition inv_op_cancel_right := ∀a b, a * b⁻¹ * b = a definition op_inv_cancel_right := ∀a b, a * b * b⁻¹ = a variable (op₂ : A → A → A) local notation a + b := op₂ a b definition left_distributive := ∀a b c, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c definition right_distributive := ∀a b c, (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c end context variable {A : Type} variable {f : A → A → A} variable H_comm : commutative f variable H_assoc : associative f infixl `*` := f theorem left_comm : ∀a b c, a*(b*c) = b*(a*c) := take a b c, calc a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c : H_assoc ... = (b*a)*c : H_comm ... = b*(a*c) : H_assoc theorem right_comm : ∀a b c, (a*b)*c = (a*c)*b := take a b c, calc (a*b)*c = a*(b*c) : H_assoc ... = a*(c*b) : H_comm ... = (a*c)*b : H_assoc end context variable {A : Type} variable {f : A → A → A} variable H_assoc : associative f infixl `*` := f theorem assoc4helper (a b c d) : (a*b)*(c*d) = a*((b*c)*d) := calc (a*b)*(c*d) = a*(b*(c*d)) : H_assoc ... = a*((b*c)*d) : H_assoc end end binary Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token #print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 595 3
LEAP - Programming language LEAP ==== LEAP is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #2149 on PLDB 55 Years Old LEAP is an extension to the ALGOL 60 programming language which provides an associative memory of triples. The three items in a triple denote the association that an Attribute of an Object has a specific Value. LEAP was created by Jerome Feldman (University of California Berkeley) and Paul Rovner (MIT Lincoln Lab) in 1967. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LEAP happened in University of California Berkeley and MIT - LEAP on HOPL LEAP on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ALGOL 60 - Read more about LEAP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
Leazy - Compiler Leazy ===== Leazy is a compiler created in 1990 by Jochen L. Leidner. 1990 Jochen L. Leidner #2686 on PLDB 34 Years Old git clone - Tags: compiler - Leazy is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of Leazy happened in - Leazy is written in Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Leda - Programming language Leda ==== Leda is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #1853 on PLDB 29 Years Old git clone Leda is a multiparadigm programming language whose goal is to successfully mix imperative, object-oriented, functional, and logic-based programming features into one language. It is described in the book Multiparadigm Programming in Leda written by the principal designer Dr. Timothy Budd at Oregon State University.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Leda is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of Leda happened in Oregon State University - Leda on HOPL Leda on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
LEGOL - Programming language LEGOL ===== LEGOL is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4172 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LEGOL happened in London School of Economics and Political Science - LEGOL on HOPL LEGOL on HOPL - Read more about LEGOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
lem-editor - Editor lem-editor ========== lem-editor is an editor created in 2015. 2015 #1204 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Common Lisp editor/IDE with high expansibility - Tags: editor - lem-editor is developed on GitHub and has 2,180 stars - Early development of lem-editor happened in - lem-editor is written in Lisp, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, YAML, Make, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Lemick - Programming language Lemick ====== Lemick is a programming language created in 2004 by Alexei Iliasov. 2004 Alexei Iliasov #3451 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lemick happened in - Lemick on HOPL Lemick on HOPL - Read more about Lemick on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Lemon - Programming language Lemon ===== Lemon is a programming language created in 2017 by Zhicheng Wei. 2017 Zhicheng Wei #1115 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Lemon is open source, embeddable, lightweight programming language - Tags: programming language - Lemon is developed on GitHub and has 499 stars - Early development of Lemon happened in - Lemon is written in C, Markdown, Make - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Lemon - Grammar language Lemon ===== Lemon is a grammar language created in 1989 by Dwayne Richard Hipp. 1989 Dwayne Richard Hipp #1851 on PLDB 35 Years Old The Lemon program is an LALR(1) parser generator. It takes a context free grammar and converts it into a subroutine that will parse a file using that grammar. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Bison and Yacc influenced the design of Lemon - Lemon compiles to C - Lemon is written in C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
leo-editor - Editor leo-editor ========== leo-editor is an editor created in 2013 by vivainio2. 2013 vivainio2 #789 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Leo is an Outliner, Editor, IDE and PIM written in 100% Python. - Tags: editor - leo-editor is developed on GitHub and has 1,469 stars - Early development of leo-editor happened in - leo-editor is written in Python, HTML, JavaScript, SVG, XML, CSS, Markdown, reStructuredText, Qt, Ini, Bourne shell, PHP, TypeScript, TOML, XSLT, Make, YAML, JSON, QML, Rust - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Leogo - Programming language Leogo ===== Leogo is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4173 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Leogo happened in University of Canterbury and Christchurch School of Medicine - Leogo on HOPL Leogo on HOPL - Read more about Leogo on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Leopard - Programming language Leopard ======= Leopard is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #4174 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Leopard happened in - Leopard on HOPL Leopard on HOPL - Read more about Leopard on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
LES - Grammar language LES === LES, aka Loyc Expression Syntax, is a grammar language created in 2012 by David Piepgrass. 2012 David Piepgrass #2259 on PLDB 12 Years Old LES is an interchange format for syntax trees, comparable to s-expressions but designed for languages in the Algol family such as C, C++, C#, Java, EcmaScript, Rust and Python. It can be described as “JSON for code”: just as XML/YAML/JSON are tree structures that assign no particular meaning to the data inside, likewise LES represents syntax trees without assigning any particular meaning to them. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of LES happened in - Read more about LES on the web: 1. 1. @[#static] fn factorial(x::int)::int { var result = 1; for (; x > 1; x--) { result *= x; }; return result; }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
LESK - Programming language LESK ==== LESK is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3452 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LESK happened in University of Ottawa - LESK on HOPL LESK on HOPL - Read more about LESK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Lesma - Programming language Lesma ===== Lesma is a programming language created in 2022 by Alin Ali Hassan. 2022 Alin Ali Hassan #1957 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone The Lesma Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Lesma is developed on GitHub and has 19 stars - Early development of Lesma happened in - Lesma is written in Markdown, C++, JSON, YAML, SVG, JavaScript, Bourne shell, CSS, CMake, TypeScript, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Less - Stylesheet language Less ==== Less is an open source stylesheet language created in 2009 by Alexis Sellier. 2009 Alexis Sellier #161 on PLDB 15 Years Old 12k Repos Less (sometimes stylized as LESS) is a dynamic style sheet language that can be compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and run on the client side or server side. Designed by Alexis Sellier, Less is influenced by Sass and has influenced the newer "SCSS" syntax of Sass, which adapted its CSS-like block formatting syntax. Less is open source. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: stylesheetLanguage - There are at least 12,105 Less repos on GitHub - Early development of Less happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Less in 3k repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for Less - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Less - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Less - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Less - was registered in 2009 - See also: (5 related languages) JavaScript, Sass, CSS, Ruby, Stylus - 15 PLDB concepts link to Less: Ace Editor, Bounce, gogs-editor, gridstudio-editor, KaTeX, Koka, Livr, Mu, NGS, Nit, Prettier, PROMETHEUS, PureScript, SandDance, Statsplorer body:before { content: "Hello, world!"; } body::before { content: "Hello World" } @blue: #3bbfce; @margin: 16px; .content-navigation { border-color: @blue; color: darken(@blue, 9%); } .border { padding: @margin / 2; margin: @margin / 2; border-color: @blue; } #header { color: #333333; border-left: 1px; border-right: 3px; } #footer { color: #114411; border-color: #7d2717; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 375 1.9
lever - Programming language lever ===== lever is an open source programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1157 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A dynamically typed language built to absorb features from other languages. - Tags: programming language - lever is developed on GitHub and has 132 stars - Early development of lever happened in - lever is written in Python, HTML, GLSL, JSON, JavaScript, CSS, Markdown, C, Make, Tex, SVG - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
levy - Minilanguage levy ==== levy is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #2736 on PLDB 11 Years Old call-by-push value, statically typed - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of levy happened in - Read more about levy on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Lex - Grammar language Lex === Lex is a grammar language created in 1975 by Mike Lesk and Eric Schmidt. 1975 Mike Lesk Eric Schmidt #198 on PLDB 49 Years Old 3k Repos Lex is a computer program that generates lexical analyzers ("scanners" or "lexers"). Lex is commonly used with the yacc parser generator. Lex, originally written by Mike Lesk and Eric Schmidt and described in 1975, is the standard lexical analyzer generator on many Unix systems, and an equivalent tool is specified as part of the POSIX standard. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - There are at least 2,902 Lex repos on GitHub - Early development of Lex happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 10k users using Lex in 12k repos on GitHub - Lex on HOPL Lex on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Lex - See also: (6 related languages) Yacc, Unix, C, Regular Expressions, Bison, Ragel - Read more about Lex on the web: 1. 1. - 62 PLDB concepts link to Lex: Ad-hoc, ana, Blox, Boomerang Decompiler, C3, Carbon, Chapel, Cognate, cor, Crema, duro, eC, Eiffel, ELENA, Em, Euphoria, Fancy, Filebench WML, FLEX, GAP, Gforth, HHVM, hobbes, invokator, Jison Lex, jq, Koka, latino, Lean, Linux, little, Logica, mal, mimium, mlpolyr, Mudlle, mythryl, NCAR Command Language, nesC, never, Opal, Open Shading Language, OpenComal, orca, PHP, GNU Poke, PostgreSQL, PROMETHEUS, Ragel, RamdaScript, Recfiles, redprl, RicScript, shill, Slony, solid, Streem, t2b, UrWeb, VLC, VSXu, YARA /*** Definition section ***/ %{ /* C code to be copied verbatim */ #include <stdio.h> %} %% /*** Rules section ***/ /* [0-9]+ matches a string of one or more digits */ [0-9]+ { /* yytext is a string containing the matched text. */ printf("Saw an integer: %s\n", yytext); } .|\n { /* Ignore all other characters. */ } %% /*** C Code section ***/ int main(void) { /* Call the lexer, then quit. */ yylex(); return 0; } /* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zend Engine | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies Ltd. ( | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 2.00 of the Zend license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the Zend license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Zeev Suraski <> | | Jani Taskinen <> | | Marcus Boerger <> | | Nuno Lopes <> | | Scott MacVicar <> | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* $Id$ */ #include <errno.h> #include "zend.h" #include "zend_globals.h" #include <zend_ini_parser.h> #include "zend_ini_scanner.h" #if 0 # define YYDEBUG(s, c) printf("state: %d char: %c\n", s, c) #else # define YYDEBUG(s, c) #endif #include "zend_ini_scanner_defs.h" #define YYCTYPE unsigned char /* allow the scanner to read one null byte after the end of the string (from ZEND_MMAP_AHEAD) * so that if will be able to terminate to match the current token (e.g. non-enclosed string) */ #define YYFILL(n) { if (YYCURSOR > YYLIMIT) return 0 Saw an integer: 123 Saw an integer: 2 Saw an integer: 6 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 699 3.5
Lexon - Contract language Lexon ===== Lexon is a contract language created in 2018. 2018 #1886 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: contractLanguage - Early development of Lexon happened in - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Lexon - was registered in 2018 - See also: (1 related languages) Solidity LEX Escrow. Chapter: Pay In. A Payer pays an Amount into Escrow and appoints the Payee and the Arbiter. Chapter: Pay Out. The Arbiter or the Payer may pay the Escrow to the Payee. Chapter: Pay Back. The Arbiter or the Payee may pay the Escrow to the Payer. lexon lex clause terms contracts may pay pays appoints into to Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example COMMENT A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example COMMENT A comment Token COMMENT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
LEXX - Editor LEXX ==== LEXX is an editor created in 1985. 1985 #3785 on PLDB 39 Years Old LEXX is a text editor which was possibly the first to use live parsing and colour syntax highlighting. It was written by Mike Cowlishaw of IBM around 1985. The name was chosen because he wrote it as a tool for lexicographers, during an assignment for Oxford University Press's second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of LEXX happened in IBM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
lezer - Grammar language lezer ===== lezer is a grammar language created in 2019 by Marijn Haverbeke. 2019 Marijn Haverbeke #1871 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Dev utils and issues for the Lezer core packages - Tags: grammarLanguage - lezer is developed on GitHub and has 33 stars - Early development of lezer happened in - lezer is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
LFE - Programming language LFE === LFE, aka Lisp Flavored Erlang, is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Robert Virding. 2008 Robert Virding #488 on PLDB 16 Years Old 51 Repos Lisp Flavored Erlang (LFE) is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language and Lisp dialect built on top of Core Erlang and the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM). LFE builds on top of Erlang in order to provide a Lisp syntax for writing distributed, fault-tolerant, soft real-time, non-stop applications. LFE also extends Erlang to support meta-programming with Lisp macros and an improved developer experience with a feature-rich REPL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 51 LFE repos on GitHub - Early development of LFE happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14 users using LFE in 15 repos on GitHub - Explore LFE snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for LFE - Learn LFE on exercism. - has 0 matches for "lfe developer". - See also: (6 related languages) Erlang, Common Lisp, Scheme, Elixir, Hy, Lisp - Read more about LFE on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to LFE: cloc ;; Copyright (c) 2013 Duncan McGreggor <> ;; ;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ;; You may obtain a copy of the License at ;; ;; ;; ;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ;; limitations under the License. ;; File : church.lfe ;; Author : Duncan McGreggor ;; Purpose : Demonstrating church numerals from the lambda calculus ;; The code below was used to create the section of the user guide here: ;; ;; ;; Here is some example usage: ;; ;; > (slurp '"church.lfe") ;; #(ok church) ;; > (zero) ;; #Fun<lfe_eval.10.53503600> ;; > (church->int1 (zero)) ;; 0 ;; > (church->int1 (three)) ;; 3 ;; > (church->int1 (five)) ;; 5 ;; > (church->int2 #'five/0) ;; 5 ;; > (church->int2 (lambda () (get-church 25))) ;; 25 (defmodule church (export all)) (defun zero () (lambda (s) (lambda (x) x))) (defun one () (lambda (s) (lambda (x) (funcall s x)))) (defun two () (lambda (s) (lambda (x) (funcall s (funcall s x))))) (defun three () (lambda (s) (lambda (x) (funcall s (funcall s (funcall s x)))))) (defun four () (lambda (s) (lambda (x) (funcall s (funcall s (funcall s (funcall s x))))))) (defun five () (get-church 5)) (defun int-successor (n) (+ n 1)) (defun church->int1 (church-numeral) " Converts a called church numeral to an integer, e.g.: > (church->int1 (five)) " (funcall (funcall church-numeral #'int-successor/1) 0)) (defun church->int2 (church-numeral) " Converts a non-called church numeral to an integer, e.g.: > (church->int2 #'five/0) " (funcall (funcall (funcall church-numeral) #'int-successor/1) 0)) (defun church-successor (church-numeral) (lambda (s) (lambda (x) (funcall s (funcall (funcall church-numeral s) x))))) (defun get-church (church-numeral count limit) (cond ((== count limit) church-numeral) ((/= count limit) (get-church (church-successor church-numeral) (+ 1 count) limit)))) (defun get-church (integer) (get-church (zero) 0 integer)) (defun parse-args (flag) "Given one or more command-line arguments, extract the passed values. For example, if the following was passed via the command line: $ erl -my-flag my-value-1 -my-flag my-value-2 One could then extract it in an LFE program by calling this function: (let ((args (parse-args 'my-flag))) ... ) In this example, the value assigned to the arg variable would be a list containing the values my-value-1 and my-value-2." (let ((`#(ok ,data) (init:get_argument flag))) (lists:merge data))) (defun get-pages () "With no argument, assume 'url parameter was passed via command line." (let ((urls (parse-args 'url))) (get-pages urls))) (defun get-pages (urls) "Start inets and make (potentially many) HTTP requests." (inets:start) (plists:map (lambda (x) (get-page x)) urls)) (defun get-page (url) "Make a single HTTP request." (let* ((method 'get) (headers '()) (request-data `#(,url ,headers)) (http-options ()) (request-options '(#(sync false)))) (httpc:request method request-data http-options request-options) (receive (`#(http #(,request-id #(error ,reason))) (io:format "Error: ~p~n" `(,reason))) (`#(http #(,request-id ,result)) (io:format "Result: ~p~n" `(,result)))))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 906 4.5
LG - Programming language LG == LG is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #3453 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LG happened in University of Ottawa - LG on HOPL LG on HOPL - Read more about LG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
LGDF - Programming language LGDF ==== LGDF is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4175 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LGDF happened in University of North Florida and University of Missouri-Rolla - LGDF on HOPL LGDF on HOPL - Read more about LGDF on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Li-Chen Wang - Programming language Li-Chen Wang ============ Li-Chen Wang is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #2619 on PLDB 48 Years Old Dr. Li-Chen Wang (born 1935) is an American computer engineer, best known for his Palo Alto Tiny BASIC for Intel 8080-based microcomputers. He was a member of the Homebrew Computer Club and made significant contributions to the software for early microcomputer systems from Tandy Corporation and Cromemco.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Li-Chen Wang happened in Homebrew Computer Club - See also: (2 related languages) Tiny BASIC, Processor Technology Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Liberty BASIC - Programming language Liberty BASIC ============= Liberty BASIC is an open source programming language created in 1992 by Carl Gundel. 1992 Carl Gundel #2202 on PLDB 32 Years Old Liberty BASIC (LB) is a commercial computer programming language and integrated development environment (IDE). It has an interpreter, developed in Smalltalk, which recognizes its own dialect of the BASIC programming language. It runs on 16- and 32-bit Windows and OS/2.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Liberty BASIC happened in Shoptalk Systems - See also: (6 related languages) Linux, Run BASIC, QuickBASIC, Smalltalk, BASIC, BBC BASIC [multi] for i = 1 to 10 res = 5 * i print res next i end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
Libra - Programming language Libra ===== Libra is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #4176 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Libra happened in University of Adelaide - Libra on HOPL Libra on HOPL - Read more about Libra on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
libsvm-format - Text data format libsvm-format ============= libsvm-format is a text data format created in 2011. 2011 #2737 on PLDB 13 Years Old [ :]* - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of libsvm-format happened in National Taiwan University - Read more about libsvm-format on the web: 1. 1. 1 10:3.4 123:0.5 34567:0.231 0.2 22:1 456:03 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
LIFE - Programming language LIFE ==== LIFE is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3124 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LIFE happened in DEC - LIFE on HOPL LIFE on HOPL - Read more about LIFE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
lift - Programming language lift ==== lift is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1429 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone The Lift programming language and compiler - Tags: programming language - lift is developed on GitHub and has 206 stars - Early development of lift happened in Universities of Edinburgh and University of Münster - lift is written in Scala, JSON, C++, reStructuredText, Java, Bourne shell, Python, Markdown, CMake, XML, Dockerfile, PowerShell, Z shell, Make, CSS - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Lighttpd configuration file - Config format Lighttpd configuration file =========================== Lighttpd configuration file is a config format created in 2003. 2003 #3125 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: configFormat - Early development of Lighttpd configuration file happened in University of Applied Sciences - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Lighttpd configuration file - Read more about Lighttpd configuration file on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Ligo - Contract language Ligo ==== Ligo is a contract language created in 2019. 2019 #676 on PLDB 5 Years Old 0 Repos git clone - Tags: contractLanguage - Ligo on GitLab Ligo on GitLab - There are at least 0 Ligo repos on GitHub - Early development of Ligo happened in - Ligo is written in OCaml, Markdown, JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, Haskell, Bourne shell, SVG, YAML, CSS, Ruby, SCSS, Make, Dockerfile, Coq, Vim script, Lisp, mustache, Nix, Python, HTML, XML - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Ligo - was registered in 2019 - See also: (4 related languages) Solidity, Pascal, Reason, OCaml abs assert block Bytes case Crypto Current else failwith false for fun if in let let%entry let%init List list Map map match match%nat mod not operation Operation of record Set set sender skip source String then to true type with Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 293 1.5
Little Implementation Language - Programming language Little Implementation Language ============================== Little Implementation Language, aka Little Implementation Language, is a programming language created in 1974 by P. J. Plauger. 1974 P. J. Plauger #1742 on PLDB 50 Years Old LIL, the Little Implementation Language, was a system programming language during the early days of Unix history on PDP-11 machines. It was written by P. J. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Little Implementation Language happened in Bell Labs - Little Implementation Language on HOPL Little Implementation Language on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Unix, PL360 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Lil - Programming language Lil === Lil, aka Learning In Layers, is an open source programming language created in 2022 by John Earnest. 2022 John Earnest #282 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Lil is part of the technology that powers Decker, a multimedia creative tool inspired by HyperCard. Decker uses Lil for adding custom behavior to decks and the widgets within. Lil is designed to be learned in layers, but it is a richly multi-paradigm language which incorporates ideas from imperative, functional, declarative, and vector-oriented languages. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Lil is developed on GitHub and has 949 stars - Early development of Lil happened in - K and Q and SQL and Lua and HyperCard influenced the design of Lil - Lil is written in Markdown, Bourne shell, JavaScript, C, XML, HTML, Vim script, awk, Make, YAML, Lisp, Nix - See also: (2 related languages) SQL, Lua on mode a do # line comment r:() each x in a r[x]:1+r[x] end first extract key orderby value desc from r end floor cos sin tan exp ln sqrt count first last sum min max raze prod range keys list rows cols table typeof flip mag unit heading split fuse dict take drop in join cross parse format unless limit like window each in while on do end if elseif else where by orderby asc desc select extract update from insert with into send local Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example print["Hello, World!"] Token row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example on o f g do on _ x do f[g[x]] end end Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example show["Hi"] Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example lines:"one two" Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example six: 2 + 2 + 2 Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example local name: "John" Token : row Feature First-Class Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFirstClassFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example (on f x do x,x end)@11,22,33 Token row Feature Method Chaining FeatureLink ../features/hasMethodChaining.html Supported ✓ Example image[3,4].map[0 dict 1].encoded Token row Feature Binary Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example 1 + 1 Token row Feature Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example 1 + 1 Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example myList:(1,2,3) end Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example 80766866 Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example if 1 print["true"] end Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example on myFunction do print["hello"] end Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example while 1 print["hello"] end Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello World" Token " row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Implicit Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasImplicitTypeConversions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Dynamic Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Labels FeatureLink ../features/hasLabels.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Anonymous Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasAnonymousFunctions.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Methods FeatureLink ../features/hasMethods.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Default Parameters Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDefaultParameters.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Destructuring FeatureLink ../features/hasDestructuring.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Sets FeatureLink ../features/hasSets.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 907 4.5
lila-lang - Programming language lila-lang ========= lila-lang is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2675 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone a cleaner language based on Common Lisp - Tags: programming language - lila-lang is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of lila-lang happened in - lila-lang is written in Lisp, Python, Markdown, SVG, YAML fun fib(n:Int) (Int) { if {n.< 2} n { fib {n.- 1} fib {n.- 2} $.+ $ } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Lila - Programming language Lila ==== Lila is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3126 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lila happened in Katholieke Universiteit - Lila on HOPL Lila on HOPL - Read more about Lila on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Lila on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Lily - Programming language Lily ==== Lily is an open source programming language created in 2011. 2011 #437 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone An interpreted language with a focus on expressiveness and type safety - Tags: programming language - Lily is developed on GitHub and has 1,082 stars - Lily on GitLab Lily on GitLab - Early development of Lily happened in - Lily is written in C, Lua, Ruby, Python, CMake, Markdown, YAML - Explore Lily snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2016 scoped enum Color { Black, Blue, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Red, White, Yellow } class Terminal(public var @foreground: Color, width_str: String) { public var @width = width_str.parse_i().unwrap_or(80) public define set_fg(new_color: Color) { @foreground = new_color } } var terms = [Terminal(Color.White, "A"), Terminal(Color.Red, "40")] terms.each(|e| e.width += 20 ) |> print Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
LilyPond - Programming language LilyPond ======== LilyPond is an open source programming language created in 1996. 1996 #544 on PLDB 28 Years Old 2k Repos LilyPond is a computer program and file format for music engraving. One of LilyPond's major goals is to produce scores that are engraved with traditional layout rules, reflecting the era when scores were engraved by hand. LilyPond is cross-platform, and is available for several common operating systems; released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, LilyPond is free software.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,059 LilyPond repos on GitHub - Early development of LilyPond happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 263 users using LilyPond in 298 repos on GitHub - Explore LilyPond snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for LilyPond - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for LilyPond - was registered in 1998 - See also: (17 related languages) Scheme, METAFONT, PostScript, Python, Linux, FreeBSD, MusicXML, PDF, SVG, Guile, LaTeX, Tex, UTF-8, Emacs, Org, MediaWiki, Sibelius \markup { Hello World } <score vorbis="1">\relative c' { f d f a d f e d cis a cis e a g f e }</score> Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 333 1.7
Limbo - Programming language Limbo ===== Limbo is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Rob Pike. 1995 Rob Pike #614 on PLDB 29 Years Old 529 Repos Limbo is a programming language for writing distributed systems and is the language used to write applications for the Inferno operating system. It was designed at Bell Labs by Sean Dorward, Phil Winterbottom, and Rob Pike. The Limbo compiler generates architecture-independent object code which is then interpreted by the Dis virtual machine or compiled just before runtime to improve performance. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 529 Limbo repos on GitHub - Early development of Limbo happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 360 users using Limbo in 367 repos on GitHub - Explore Limbo snippets on Rosetta Code - Limbo on HOPL Limbo on HOPL - Limbo appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Limbo - See also: (10 related languages) C, Pascal, CSP, ALEF, Newsqueak, Stackless Python, Go, Rust, Ada, ISBN Lock: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/lock.dis"; Semaphore: adt { c: chan of int; obtain: fn(nil: self ref Semaphore); release: fn(nil: self ref Semaphore); new: fn(): ref Semaphore; }; init: fn(); }; implement Cmd; include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; Cmd : module { init : fn (ctxt : ref Draw->Context, args : list of string); }; init(nil : ref Draw->Context, nil : list of string) { sys := load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->print("Hello, world!\n"); } implement Hello; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; Hello: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->print("Hello World\n"); } Hello World in Limbo. Limbo is the programming language of the Inferno OS (from Lucent Bell Labs). implement Cmd; include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; Cmd : module { init : fn (ctxt : ref Draw->Context, args : list of string); }; init(nil : ref Draw->Context, nil : list of string) { sys := load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->print("Hello World\n"); } implement Command; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; init(Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; print("Hello World!\n"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token sys->print row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 515 2.6
LIMDEP - Programming language LIMDEP ====== LIMDEP is an open source programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2063 on PLDB 44 Years Old LIMDEP is an econometric and statistical software package with a variety of estimation tools. In addition to the core econometric tools for analysis of cross sections and time series, LIMDEP supports methods for panel data analysis, frontier and efficiency estimation and discrete choice modeling. The package also provides a programming language to allow the user to specify, estimate and analyze models that are not contained in the built in menus of model forms.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LIMDEP happened in Econometric Software, Inc. - LIMDEP on HOPL LIMDEP on HOPL - Read more about LIMDEP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
LINC 4GL - Programming language LINC 4GL ======== LINC 4GL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3663 on PLDB 44 Years Old LINC ("Logic and Information Network Compiler") is a fourth-generation programming language, used mostly on Unisys computer systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LINC 4GL happened in Unisys Corporation - See also: (8 related languages) Unix, Linux, Java, ASP, COBOL, WFL, JADE, NEWP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Lincoln Reckoner - Programming language Lincoln Reckoner ================ Lincoln Reckoner is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4177 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lincoln Reckoner happened in MIT - Lincoln Reckoner on HOPL Lincoln Reckoner on HOPL - Read more about Lincoln Reckoner on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Lincos - Notation Lincos ====== Lincos is a notation created in 1961. 1961 #2821 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: notation - Early development of Lincos happened in Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Lincos on HOPL Lincos on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Linda - Programming language Linda ===== Linda is a programming language created in 1986 by David Gelernter. 1986 David Gelernter #1410 on PLDB 38 Years Old In computer science, Linda is a model of coordination and communication among several parallel processes operating upon objects stored in and retrieved from shared, virtual, associative memory. It was developed by Sudhir Ahuja at Bell Labs in collaboration with David Gelernter and Nicholas Carriero at Yale University in 1986.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Linda happened in Scientific Computing Associates - Linda on HOPL Linda on HOPL - See also: (16 related languages) Tuple space, C, Fortran, C#, Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, Prolog, Python, Ruby, Swift, Ada, DOI Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Linden Scripting Language - Programming language Linden Scripting Language ========================= Linden Scripting Language is an open source programming language created in 2003. 2003 #2203 on PLDB 21 Years Old Second Life is an online virtual world, developed and owned by the San Francisco-based firm Linden Lab and launched on June 23, 2003. By 2013, Second Life had approximately one million regular users. In many ways, Second Life is similar to massively multiplayer online role-playing games; however, Linden Lab is emphatic that their creation is not a game: "There is no manufactured conflict, no set objective".The virtual world can be accessed freely via Linden Lab's own client programs or via alternative third-party viewers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Linden Scripting Language happened in Linden Research, Inc - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Linden Scripting Language, OpenGL, MySQL, C# Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
LinearML - Programming language LinearML ======== LinearML is a programming language created in 2010 by Julien Verlaguet. 2010 Julien Verlaguet #1038 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Functional language for parallel programming - Tags: programming language - LinearML is developed on GitHub and has 430 stars - Early development of LinearML happened in Facebook - LinearML is written in OCaml, C, Make, ActionScript, Bash, Bourne shell HackerNews discussions of LinearML ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments LinearML:a programming language designed to write efficient parallel programs.||03/10/2011|69|22 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Lingo - Programming language Lingo ===== Lingo is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #969 on PLDB 36 Years Old Lingo is a verbose object-oriented (OO) scripting language developed by John H. Thompson for use in Adobe Director (formerly Macromedia Director). Lingo is used to develop desktop application software, interactive kiosks, CD-ROMs and Adobe Shockwave content. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lingo happened in MacroMind - Explore Lingo snippets on Rosetta Code - Lingo on HOPL Lingo on HOPL - Lingo appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (4 related languages) Smalltalk, HyperTalk, JavaScript, ActionScript on startmovie alert "Hello World" end Hello World in Lingo (Macromedia Director) on startmovie alert "Hello World" end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
Lingua Graphica - Programming language Lingua Graphica =============== Lingua Graphica is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4178 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lingua Graphica happened in Lockheed Artificial Intelligence Cente and Lockheed Software Technology Center - Lingua Graphica on HOPL Lingua Graphica on HOPL - Read more about Lingua Graphica on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Link - Programming language Link ==== Link is a programming language created in 2021 by Lance Pollard. 2021 Lance Pollard #2065 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A TreeCode Programming Framework - Tags: programming language - Link is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Early development of Link happened in - Link is written in Markdown, JSON, SVG, YAML, TypeScript save x, text 10 # create save y, move x # move save z, loan y # borrow save w, read z # copy Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Linked Markdown - Text markup language Linked Markdown =============== Linked Markdown is a text markup language created in 2022 by Luis Cuende. 2022 Luis Cuende #2738 on PLDB 2 Years Old The main intended use is writing legal agreements and law. A Linked Markdown file has a first sections containing definitions, and a second section containing Markdown. They are separated by three lines. - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Linked Markdown happened in Definition Name : Definition content. --- # Markdown content Any Markdown _text_. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Linker Script - Application Linker Script ============= Linker Script is an application created in 1991. 1991 #2575 on PLDB 33 Years Old ld combines a number of object and archive files, relocates their data and ties up symbol references. Usually the last step in compiling a program is to run ld. ld accepts Linker Command Language files written in a superset of AT&T’s Link Editor Command Language syntax, to provide explicit and total control over the linking process. - Tags: application - Early development of Linker Script happened in Red Hat and Free Software Foundation - Read more about Linker Script on the web: 1. 1. /* * link.ld */ OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-i386) ENTRY(start) SECTIONS { . = 0x100000; .text : { *(.text) } .data : { *(.data) } .bss : { *(.bss) } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Links - Programming language Links ===== Links is an open source programming language created in 2006. 2006 #877 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone Links: Linking Theory to Practice for the Web - Tags: programming language - Links is developed on GitHub and has 320 stars - Early development of Links happened in - Links is written in OCaml, SQL, reStructuredText, JavaScript, CSS, Bash, JSON, Bourne shell, Markdown, Python, Make, Tex, HTML, Julia, YAML, Lisp, Perl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
links - Programming language links ===== links is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2739 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of links happened in University of Edinburgh - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of links =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Links Programming Language – Linking Theory to Practice for the Web||08/14/2019|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
LinkText - Programming language LinkText ======== LinkText is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #4179 on PLDB 2 Years Old Preview of LinkText, A Data Modeling Language - Tags: programming language - Early development of LinkText happened in - Read more about LinkText on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Linoleum ( - Programming language Linoleum ( ===================== Linoleum (, aka Low-level INterfaced OverLanguage for Extremely Universal Machine-coding, is a programming language created in 1996 by Alessandro Ghignola. 1996 Alessandro Ghignola #1735 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Linoleum ( happened in AnyNowhere - Linoleum ( on HOPL Linoleum ( on HOPL - Read more about Linoleum ( on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Linotte - Programming language Linotte ======= Linotte is an open source programming language created in 2005 by cpc6128. 2005 cpc6128 #586 on PLDB 19 Years Old git clone Linotte is an interpreted 4th generation programming language. Linotte's syntax is in French. The language's goal is to allow French-speaking children and other francophones with little computer science experience to easily learn programming, with the slogan (in French) "you know how to read a book, so you can write a computer program".. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Linotte is developed on GitHub and has 37 stars - Early development of Linotte happened in - Linotte is written in Java, XML, YAML, PowerShell, Visual Basic, Markdown - Linotte is written with the native language of French - There is a central package repository for Linotte - See also: (2 related languages) PHP, JSP BonjourLeMonde: début affiche "Bonjour le monde !" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
LINQ - Query language LINQ ==== LINQ is a query language created in 2007. 2007 #1638 on PLDB 17 Years Old Language Integrated Query (LINQ, pronounced "link") is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that adds native data querying capabilities to .NET languages, although ports exist for PHP (PHPLinq), JavaScript (linq.js), TypeScript (linq.ts), and ActionScript (ActionLinq) - but none of these ports are strictly equivalent to LINQ in C# for example (where it is a part of the language, not an external library, and where it often addresses a wider range of needs). LINQ extends the language by the addition of query expressions, which are akin to SQL statements, and can be used to conveniently extract and process data from arrays, enumerable classes, XML documents, relational databases, and third-party data sources. Other uses, which utilize query expressions as a general framework for readably composing arbitrary computations, include the construction of event handlers or monadic parsers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of LINQ happened in Microsoft - See also: (11 related languages) C#, F#, SQL, Haskell, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, ActionScript, XML, Oxygene, Nemerle [Table(Name="Customers")] public class Customer { [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true)] public int CustID; [Column] public string CustName; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 269 1.3
Linux Kernel Module - Application Linux Kernel Module =================== Linux Kernel Module is an application created in 1996. 1996 #2416 on PLDB 28 Years Old As of Linux kernel version 2.6, KO files are used in place of .O files and contain additional information that the kernel uses to load modules. The Linux program modpost can be used to convert O files into KO files. - Tags: application - Early development of Linux Kernel Module happened in Linux Kernel Organization, Inc - Read more about Linux Kernel Module on the web: 1. 1. /* * hello−1.c − The simplest kernel module. */ #include <linux/module.h> /* Needed by all modules */ #include <linux/kernel.h> /* Needed for KERN_INFO */ int init_module(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "Hello world 1.\n"); /* * A non 0 return means init_module failed; module can't be loaded. */ return 0; } void cleanup_module(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "Goodbye world 1.\n"); } fs/mbcache.ko fs/mbcache.o Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
Linux - Operating system Linux ===== Linux is an open source operating system created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. 1991 Linus Torvalds #110 on PLDB 33 Years Old git clone Linux ( ( listen) LIN-əks) is a family of free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel. Typically, Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution (or distro for short) for both desktop and server use. The defining component of a Linux distribution is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: operating system - Linux is written in C, YAML, reStructuredText, Make, Assembly language, Bourne shell, JSON, Python, SVG, Perl, Bash, Rust, Clojure, XML, awk, CSV, Yacc, Lex, C++, CMake, XSLT, CSS, Umka, HTML, Ini, XSD, Gherkin, Tex, M4, MATLAB, Vim script, Ruby, Velocity Template Language, sed, TOML - Check out the 2,235 Linux meetup groups on - There are 0 members in the Linux subreddit - See also: (49 related languages) C, Assembly language, ARC processor, ARM, Qualcomm Hexagon, MIPS architecture, Nios II, PowerPC, RISC-V, SPARC, X86, Android, Unix, FreeBSD, Make, FTP, Qt, Extensible Linking Format, Ada, Go, Fortran, PHP, Perl, Java, Rust, Haskell, LLVM IR, BASIC, Visual Basic, Gambas, FreeBASIC, QuickBASIC, QB64, sed, grep, Emacs Lisp, C#, Vala, Scheme, Eclipse, Vim, GNU nano, Emacs, MariaDB, MySQL, Python, iOS, OpenGL, Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 320 1.6
Liquid - Template language Liquid ====== Liquid is an open source template language created in 2008 by Tobias Lütke. 2008 Tobias Lütke #79 on PLDB 16 Years Old 11k Repos git clone Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps. - Tags: template language - Liquid is developed on GitHub and has 10,950 stars - There are at least 11,459 Liquid repos on GitHub - Early development of Liquid happened in - Liquid is written in Ruby, Liquid, YAML, Markdown - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 947 users using Liquid in 1k repos on GitHub - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Liquid - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Liquid - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Liquid - has 325 matches for "liquid engineer". - 5 PLDB concepts link to Liquid: 11ty, Ace Editor, Liquid, mochajs, Pygments <h3>We have wonderful products!</h3> <ul id="products"> <div id="productpage"> <div id="productimages"><div id="productimages-top"><div id="productimages-bottom"> {% for image in product.images %} {% if forloop.first %} <a href="{{ image | product_img_url: 'large' }}" class="productimage" rel="lightbox"> <img src="{{ image | product_img_url: 'medium'}}" alt="{{product.title | escape }}" /> </a> {% else %} <a href="{{ image | product_img_url: 'large' }}" class="productimage-small" rel="lightbox"> <img src="{{ image | product_img_url: 'small'}}" alt="{{product.title | escape }}" /> </a> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div></div></div> <h2>{{ product.title }}</h2> <ul id="details" class="hlist"> <li>Vendor: {{ product.vendor | link_to_vendor }}</li> <li>Type: {{ product.type | link_to_type }}</li> </ul> <small>{{ product.price_min | money }}{% if product.price_varies %} - {{ product.price_max | money }}{% endif %}</small> <div id="variant-add"> <form action="/cart/add" method="post"> <select id="variant-select" name="id" class="product-info-options"> {% for variant in product.variants %} <option value="{{ }}">{{ variant.title }} - {{ variant.price | money }}</option> {% endfor %} </select> <div id="price-field" class="price"></div> <div style="text-align:center;"><input type="image" name="add" value="Add to Cart" id="add" src="{{ 'addtocart.gif' | asset_url }}" /></div> </form> </div> <div class="description textile"> {{ product.description }} </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // prototype callback for multi variants dropdown selector var selectCallback = function(variant, selector) { if (variant && variant.available == true) { // selected a valid variant $('add').removeClassName('disabled'); // remove unavailable class from add-to-cart button $('add').disabled = false; // reenable add-to-cart button $('price-field').innerHTML = Shopify.formatMoney(variant.price, "{{shop.money_with_currency_format}}"); // update price field } else { // variant doesn't exist $('add').addClassName('disabled'); // set add-to-cart button to unavailable class $('add').disabled = true; // disable add-to-cart button $('price-field').innerHTML = (variant) ? "Sold Out" : "Unavailable"; // update price-field message } }; // initialize multi selector for product Event.observe(document, 'dom:loaded', function() { new Shopify.OptionSelectors("variant-select", { product: {{ product | json }}, onVariantSelected: selectCallback }); }); --> </script> </ul> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 727 3.6
liquidity - Programming language liquidity ========= liquidity is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3042 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of liquidity happened in OCamlProSAS - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of liquidity =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Liquidity: high-level typed smart-contract language for Tezos||12/04/2017|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Langage Implementation Systeme - Programming language Langage Implementation Systeme ============================== Langage Implementation Systeme, aka Langage Implementation Systeme, is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2116 on PLDB 44 Years Old LIS (Language d'Implementation de Systèmes) was a system implementation programming language designed by Jean Ichbiah, who later designed Ada. LIS was used to implement the compiler for the Ada-0 subset of Ada at Karlsruhe on the BS2000 Siemens operating system. Later on the Karlsruhe Ada compilation system got rewritten in Ada-0 itself, which was easy, because LIS and Ada-0 are very close.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Langage Implementation Systeme happened in Groupe Bull - Langage Implementation Systeme on HOPL Langage Implementation Systeme on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Ada Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Lisaac - Programming language Lisaac ====== Lisaac is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #2101 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lisaac happened in - Explore Lisaac snippets on Rosetta Code - Read more about Lisaac on the web: 1. 1. Section Header + name := MAIN; Section Public - main <- ( "Hello, world!\n".print; ); // Hello World in Lisaac Section Header + name := HELLO_WORLD; Section Inherit - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT; Section Public - main <- ( "Hello World !\n".print; ); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token .print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
LiSEB - Programming language LiSEB ===== LiSEB is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4180 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LiSEB happened in Centre for Theoretical Medicine Studies University of Rome and University of Milan - LiSEB on HOPL LiSEB on HOPL - Read more about LiSEB on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Liso - Data notation Liso ==== Liso is a data notation created in 2014 by Olivier Breuleux. 2014 Olivier Breuleux #1979 on PLDB 10 Years Old Implemention of O-Expressions idea in Racket. - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Liso happened in - Liso compiles to S-expressions - Liso is written in Racket - Read more about Liso on the web: 1. 1. @varsrec odd?[n] = @if n == 0: #f even?[n - 1] even?[n] = @if n == 0: #t odd?[n - 1]: even?[30] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
LISP 1.5 - Programming language LISP 1.5 ======== LISP 1.5 is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #3127 on PLDB 65 Years Old The first version of LispLanguage to become popular. - Tags: programming language - Early development of LISP 1.5 happened in - LISP 1.5 on HOPL LISP 1.5 on HOPL - Read more about LISP 1.5 on the web: 1. 1. cons (a (b c d)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
LISP 2 - Programming language LISP 2 ====== LISP 2 is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #2535 on PLDB 61 Years Old For Lisp-2, Lisp systems with separate function namespaces, see Lisp-1 vs. Lisp-2LISP 2 was a programming language proposed in the 1960s as the successor to Lisp. It had largely Lisp-like semantics and Algol 60-like syntax. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LISP 2 happened in System Development Corporation and Information International, Inc - LISP 2 on HOPL LISP 2 on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Lisp, Algol - Read more about LISP 2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
LISP A - Programming language LISP A ====== LISP A is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4181 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LISP A happened in Uppsala University - LISP A on HOPL LISP A on HOPL - Read more about LISP A on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Lisp Machine Lisp - Programming language Lisp Machine Lisp ================= Lisp Machine Lisp is a programming language created in 1974 by David A. Moon and Richard Stallman and Daniel Weinreb. 1974 David A. Moon Richard Stallman Daniel Weinreb #2204 on PLDB 50 Years Old Lisp Machine Lisp is a programming language, a dialect of the language Lisp. A direct descendant of Maclisp, it was initially developed in the mid to late 1970s as the system programming language for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lisp machines. Lisp Machine Lisp was also the Lisp dialect with the most influence on the design of Common Lisp. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lisp Machine Lisp happened in MIT and Symbolics, Inc and Lisp Machines, Inc and Texas Instruments - See also: (4 related languages) Lisp, Interlisp, Common Lisp, Flavors Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
Lisp - Programming language Lisp ==== Lisp is an open source programming language created in 1958 by John McCarthy. 1958 John McCarthy #35 on PLDB 66 Years Old Lisp (historically, LISP) is a family of computer programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized prefix notation. Originally specified in 1958, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language in widespread use today. Only Fortran is older, by one year. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - Early development of Lisp happened in MIT - Check out the 232 Lisp meetup groups on - There are 34,743 members in the Lisp subreddit - There are 1,372 Project Euler users using Lisp - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Lisp programmers reported a median salary of $75,669. 1% of respondents reported using Lisp. 1,096 programmers reported using Lisp, and 1,513 said they wanted to use it - Explore Lisp snippets on Rosetta Code - Lisp on HOPL Lisp on HOPL - Lisp ranks #38 in the TIOBE Index - has 112 matches for "lisp engineer". - See also: (64 related languages) Arc, AutoLISP, Clojure, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, EuLisp, Interlisp, ISLISP, LFE, NewLisp, Portable Standard Lisp, Racket, RPL, Scheme, Cadence SKILL, Spice Lisp, T, Information Processing Language, CLIPS, CLU, COWSEL, Dylan, Elixir, Falcon, Forth, Haskell, Io, Ioke, JavaScript, Julia, Logo, Lua, ML, Nim, Nu, OPS5, Perl, POP-2, Pop-11, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, Swift, Smalltalk, Tcl, Wolfram Language, Fortran, S-expressions, Lisp Machine Lisp, OpenLisp, PicoLisp, LISP 2, Multics, ACL2, JVM, YARV, Emacs, AUTOCAD, LilyPond, Algol, Flavors, C, XML - 135 PLDB concepts link to Lisp: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Ace Editor, april, Apache Arrow, Austral, Bio, Bucklescript, candor, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, carp, Catala, Chapel, CHICKEN, chrysaLisp, Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures, clay, cloc, Coq, dedukti, Dendral, Dern, dex, edgelisp, eff, Egison, elegance, Encore, Erlang, Factor, Fancy, Felix, femtolisp, Flow9, F*, GAP, GN, Gforth, GHC, Git, GraphIt, gura, hakaru, HAL Format, harlan, HHVM, huginn, hurl, Hush, Idio, invokator, Ioke, Invisible XML, Jakt, JFlex, JSLT, Julia, Kalyn, Kamby, KamilaLisp, kitten, Koka, kona, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, Lawvere, lem-editor, Ligo, Lil, lila-lang, Links, Lux, Maclisp, Magit, mal, mgmt, mimix-stream-language, mockingbird-notation, monte, Mu, Mudlle, Nemerle, nesC, NewLisp, Ninja, Node.js, Noweb, Opa, Opal, Parenscript, Particles, penrose, Perl, Plaid, Please Build, GNU Poke, polyglot-compiler, popr, PostgreSQL, Potion, Pygments, Python, Qore, quicklisp-pm, Quint, r4, ralph, redprl, Revolution, rosie, Ruby, Savi, Scroll, Scryer Prolog, setlx, shill, Simit, skip, Slony, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, solid, Sugar, Swift, tridash, ultralisp-pm, UrWeb, Virgil, Wyvern, XL, Ecstasy, YASnippet, yeti, Z, Zephir ; LISP (DEFUN hello () (PRINT (LIST 'HELLO 'WORLD)) ) (hello) (defun -reverse (list) (let ((return-value '())) (dolist (e list) (push e return-value)) return-value)) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 592 3
LispMe - Programming language LispMe ====== LispMe is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #2357 on PLDB 16 Years Old LispMe is an interpreter for the Scheme programming language developed by Fred Bayer for Palm OS PDAs. It is free software released under the GNU General Public License. It is reasonably close to standard Scheme but is not fully R5RS compliant. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LispMe happened in - LispMe on HOPL LispMe on HOPL - Read more about LispMe on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Lisptalk - Programming language Lisptalk ======== Lisptalk is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3454 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lisptalk happened in Institute of Computing Technology Academia Sinica - Lisptalk on HOPL Lisptalk on HOPL - Read more about Lisptalk on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
LispWorks - Programming language LispWorks ========= LispWorks is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2680 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LispWorks happened in Harlequin Ltd. and Xanalys Ltd. and LispWorks Ltd Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
lispyscript - Programming language lispyscript =========== lispyscript is a programming language created in 2012 by Santosh Rajan. 2012 Santosh Rajan #568 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A javascript With Lispy Syntax And Macros! - Tags: programming language - lispyscript is developed on GitHub and has 572 stars - Early development of lispyscript happened in - lispyscript is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, CSS, HTML, Make, YAML, CoffeeScript - was registered in 2021 - Read more about lispyscript on the web: 1. 1. ;; test with and without the "./" ;;(var k (require "")) ;;(var k (require "./")) ;; or test .ls files requiring .js files: ;;(var k (require "square.js")) ;;(var k (require "./square.js")) ;; or test omitting .ls extensions: (var k (require "square")) ;;(var k (require "./square")) (console.log (k 10)) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
listdown - Text markup language listdown ======== listdown is a text markup language created in 2017. 2017 #4614 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone - Tags: text markup language - listdown is developed on GitHub HackerNews discussions of listdown ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Listdown–A simple markup language for lists||08/17/2017|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Lite-C - Programming language Lite-C ====== Lite-C is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1411 on PLDB 17 Years Old Lite-C is a programming language for multimedia applications and personal computer games, using a syntax subset of the C language with some elements of the C++ language. Its main difference to C is the native implementation of multimedia and computer game related objects like sounds, images, movies, GUI elements, 2D and 3D models, collision detection and rigid body physics. Lite-C executables are compiled instead of interpreted. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lite-C happened in Conitec Datensysteme GmbH - See also: (2 related languages) C, OpenGL void main() { level_load(""); // open an empty level. you can use NULL instead of "" ENTITY* sphere = ent_create("sphere.mdl",vector(0,0,0),NULL); // create sphere model at position (0,0,0) while(1) { sphere->pan += 1; // rotate the sphere with 1 degree per frame wait(1); // wait one frame } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
Literate Agda - Programming language Literate Agda ============= Literate Agda is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2187 on PLDB 15 Years Old 2k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,840 Literate Agda repos on GitHub - Early development of Literate Agda happened in Chalmers University - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Literate Agda - Read more about Literate Agda on the web: 1. 1. \documentclass{article} % The following packages are needed because unicode % is translated (using the next set of packages) to % latex commands. You may need more packages if you % use more unicode characters: \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{bbm} \usepackage[greek,english]{babel} % This handles the translation of unicode to latex: \usepackage{ucs} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage{autofe} % Some characters that are not automatically defined % (you figure out by the latex compilation errors you get), % and you need to define: \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{8988}{\ensuremath{\ulcorner}} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{8989}{\ensuremath{\urcorner}} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{8803}{\ensuremath{\overline{\equiv}}} % Add more as you need them (shouldn’t happen often). % Using “\newenvironment” to redefine verbatim to % be called “code” doesn’t always work properly. % You can more reliably use: \usepackage{fancyvrb} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment {code}{Verbatim} {} % Add fancy options here if you like. \begin{document} \begin{code} module NatCat where open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality -- If you can show that a relation only ever has one inhabitant -- you get the category laws for free module EasyCategory (obj : Set) (_⟶_ : obj → obj → Set) (_∘_ : ∀ {x y z} → x ⟶ y → y ⟶ z → x ⟶ z) (id : ∀ x → x ⟶ x) (single-inhabitant : (x y : obj) (r s : x ⟶ y) → r ≡ s) where idʳ : ∀ x y (r : x ⟶ y) → r ∘ id y ≡ r idʳ x y r = single-inhabitant x y (r ∘ id y) r idˡ : ∀ x y (r : x ⟶ y) → id x ∘ r ≡ r idˡ x y r = single-inhabitant x y (id x ∘ r) r ∘-assoc : ∀ w x y z (r : w ⟶ x) (s : x ⟶ y) (t : y ⟶ z) → (r ∘ s) ∘ t ≡ r ∘ (s ∘ t) ∘-assoc w x y z r s t = single-inhabitant w z ((r ∘ s) ∘ t) (r ∘ (s ∘ t)) open import Data.Nat same : (x y : ℕ) (r s : x ≤ y) → r ≡ s same .0 y z≤n z≤n = refl same .(suc m) .(suc n) (s≤s {m} {n} r) (s≤s s) = cong s≤s (same m n r s) ≤-trans : ∀ x y z → x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z ≤-trans .0 y z z≤n s = z≤n ≤-trans .(suc m) .(suc n) .(suc n₁) (s≤s {m} {n} r) (s≤s {.n} {n₁} s) = s≤s (≤-trans m n n₁ r s) ≤-refl : ∀ x → x ≤ x ≤-refl zero = z≤n ≤-refl (suc x) = s≤s (≤-refl x) module Nat-EasyCategory = EasyCategory ℕ _≤_ (λ {x}{y}{z} → ≤-trans x y z) ≤-refl same \end{code} \end{document} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 571 2.9
Literate CoffeeScript - Programming language Literate CoffeeScript ===================== Literate CoffeeScript is a programming language created in 2013 by Jeremy Ashkenas. 2013 Jeremy Ashkenas #231 on PLDB 11 Years Old 8k Repos git clone Besides being used as an ordinary programming language, CoffeeScript may also be written in “literate” mode. If you name your file with a .litcoffee extension, you can write it as a Markdown document — a document that also happens to be executable CoffeeScript code. The compiler will treat any indented blocks (Markdown’s way of indicating source code) as executable code, and ignore the rest as comments. Code blocks must also be separated from comments by at least one blank line. - Tags: programming language - Literate CoffeeScript is developed on GitHub and has 16,466 stars - There are at least 7,938 Literate CoffeeScript repos on GitHub - Early development of Literate CoffeeScript happened in - Literate CoffeeScript is written in Markdown, CoffeeScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSON, SVG, YAML, XML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Literate CoffeeScript - was registered in 2009 - Read more about Literate CoffeeScript on the web: 1. 1. The **Scope** class regulates lexical scoping within CoffeeScript. As you generate code, you create a tree of scopes in the same shape as the nested function bodies. Each scope knows about the variables declared within it, and has a reference to its parent enclosing scope. In this way, we know which variables are new and need to be declared with `var`, and which are shared with external scopes. Import the helpers we plan to use. {extend, last} = require './helpers' exports.Scope = class Scope The `root` is the top-level **Scope** object for a given file. @root: null Initialize a scope with its parent, for lookups up the chain, as well as a reference to the **Block** node it belongs to, which is where it should declare its variables, and a reference to the function that it belongs to. constructor: (@parent, @expressions, @method) -> @variables = [{name: 'arguments', type: 'arguments'}] @positions = {} Scope.root = this unless @parent Adds a new variable or overrides an existing one. add: (name, type, immediate) -> return @parent.add name, type, immediate if @shared and not immediate if @positions, name @variables[@positions[name]].type = type else @positions[name] = @variables.push({name, type}) - 1 When `super` is called, we need to find the name of the current method we're in, so that we know how to invoke the same method of the parent class. This can get complicated if super is being called from an inner function. `namedMethod` will walk up the scope tree until it either finds the first function object that has a name filled in, or bottoms out. namedMethod: -> return @method if or !@parent @parent.namedMethod() Look up a variable name in lexical scope, and declare it if it does not already exist. find: (name) -> return yes if @check name @add name, 'var' no Reserve a variable name as originating from a function parameter for this scope. No `var` required for internal references. parameter: (name) -> return if @shared and @parent.check name, yes @add name, 'param' Just check to see if a variable has already been declared, without reserving, walks up to the root scope. check: (name) -> !!(@type(name) or @parent?.check(name)) Generate a temporary variable name at the given index. temporary: (name, index) -> if name.length > 1 '_' + name + if index > 1 then index - 1 else '' else '_' + (index + parseInt name, 36).toString(36).replace /\d/g, 'a' Gets the type of a variable. type: (name) -> return v.type for v in @variables when is name null If we need to store an intermediate result, find an available name for a compiler-generated variable. `_var`, `_var2`, and so on... freeVariable: (name, reserve=true) -> index = 0 index++ while @check((temp = @temporary name, index)) @add temp, 'var', yes if reserve temp Ensure that an assignment is made at the top of this scope (or at the top-level scope, if requested). assign: (name, value) -> @add name, {value, assigned: yes}, yes @hasAssignments = yes Does this scope have any declared variables? hasDeclarations: -> !!@declaredVariables().length Return the list of variables first declared in this scope. declaredVariables: -> realVars = [] tempVars = [] for v in @variables when v.type is 'var' (if is '_' then tempVars else realVars).push realVars.sort().concat tempVars.sort() Return the list of assignments that are supposed to be made at the top of this scope. assignedVariables: -> "#{} = #{v.type.value}" for v in @variables when v.type.assigned Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 894 4.5
Literate Haskell - Programming language Literate Haskell ================ Literate Haskell is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #1387 on PLDB 33 Years Old 65k Repos Haskell is one of the few languages that provides native features to support literate programming. In haskell, a literate program is one with the suffix .lhs rather than .hs. In a literate Haskell program, there are two ways to distinguish between code and non-code portions. You can either prepend all code with a > , (bird style) or surround lines of code with \begin{code} and \end{code} pairs (latex style). For those who know, use and love latex, the latter is the suggested way to go. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 64,984 Literate Haskell repos on GitHub - Early development of Literate Haskell happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Literate Haskell - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Literate Haskell - Read more about Literate Haskell on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
LiteScript - Programming language LiteScript ========== LiteScript is a programming language created in 2013 by Lucio M. Tato. 2013 Lucio M. Tato #1326 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Compile-to-js and compile-to-c language, highly readable, keep it simple philosophy - Tags: programming language - LiteScript is developed on GitHub and has 146 stars - Early development of LiteScript happened in - LiteScript compiles to JavaScript - LiteScript is written in Markdown, JavaScript, Bourne shell, JSON, XML, Bash, C, Make, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Lithe - Programming language Lithe ===== Lithe is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #2611 on PLDB 42 Years Old Lithe is an experimental programming language created in 1982 by David Sandberg at the University of Washington which allows the programmer to freely choose their own syntax. Lithe combines the ideas of syntax-directed translation and classes in a novel manner that results in a remarkably simple yet powerful language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lithe happened in University of Washington - Lithe on HOPL Lithe on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Smalltalk rule "|" <i:int> "|" return int; {if i<0 then return -i else return i end} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
Little b - Programming language Little b ======== Little b is a programming language created in 2004 by Aneil Mallavarapu. 2004 Aneil Mallavarapu #1967 on PLDB 20 Years Old Little b is a domain-specific programming language, more specifically, a modeling language, designed to build modular mathematical models of biological systems. It was designed and authored by Aneil Mallavarapu. Little b is being developed in the Virtual Cell Program at Harvard Medical School, headed by mathematician Jeremy Gunawardena. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Little b happened in Harvard Medical School - was registered in 2021 - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Lisp, B, C, Smalltalk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Little Smalltalk - Programming language Little Smalltalk ================ Little Smalltalk is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2522 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Little Smalltalk happened in Oregon State University - Little Smalltalk on HOPL Little Smalltalk on HOPL - Read more about Little Smalltalk on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Little Smalltalk on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
little - Programming language little ====== little is a programming language created in 2016 by Larry McVoy. 2016 Larry McVoy #1192 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The Little Programming Language - Tags: programming language - little is developed on GitHub and has 216 stars - Early development of little happened in - little is written in Lex, Bourne shell, Make, Markdown, Bash - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of little ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Little: a tcl-based c-like scripting language||04/19/2016|101|57 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
LiveCode - Programming language LiveCode ======== LiveCode is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #578 on PLDB 23 Years Old LiveCode (formerly Revolution and MetaCard) is a cross-platform rapid application development runtime environment inspired by HyperCard. It features the Transcript (formerly MetaTalk) programming language which belongs to the family of xTalk scripting languages like HyperCard's HyperTalk. The environment was introduced in 2001. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LiveCode happened in LiveCode Ltd - There are 1 Project Euler users using LiveCode - Explore LiveCode snippets on Rosetta Code - LiveCode appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2012 - See also: (6 related languages) Linux, Android, iOS, HyperTalk, HyperCard, SQL - 1 PLDB concepts link to LiveCode: Revolution answer "Hello World!" -- Hello world in LiveCode (formerly called Revolution, formerly called Transcript) answer "Hello World!" put url "binfile:picture.jpg" into url "" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token answer row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
LiveScript - Programming language LiveScript ========== LiveScript is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Jeremy Ashkenas and Satoshi Murakami and George Zahariev. 2011 Jeremy Ashkenas Satoshi Murakami George Zahariev #479 on PLDB 13 Years Old 2k Repos LiveScript is a functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript. It was created by Jeremy Ashkenas—the creator of CoffeeScript—along with Satoshi Muramaki, George Zahariev, and many others. For a brief period in the 1990s, LiveScript was the name of JavaScript.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,905 LiveScript repos on GitHub - Early development of LiveScript happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using LiveScript in 2k repos on GitHub - Explore LiveScript snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for LiveScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for LiveScript - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for LiveScript - See also: (5 related languages) JavaScript, Haskell, CoffeeScript, F#, Elixir - 1 PLDB concepts link to LiveScript: Civet console.log "Hello, world!" console.log "Hello World" a = -> 1 const b = --> 2 var c = ~> 3 d = ~~> 10_000_000km * 500ms e = (a) -> (b) ~> (c) --> (d, e) ~~> 5 dashes-identifiers = -> a - a b -- c 1-1 1- -1 a- a a -a underscores_i$d = -> /regexp1/ and //regexp2//g 'strings' and "strings" and \strings ([2 til 10] or [1 to 50]) |> map (* 2) |> filter (> 5) |> fold (+) class Class extends Anc-est-or (args) -> copy = (from, to, callback) --> error, data <- read file return callback error if error? error <~ write file, data return callback error if error? callback() -> ~> ~~> --> # Comment /* Comment */ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # [0-9]+(~[0-9a-z]+)?(?:[a-zA-Z_]+)? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # [0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?(?:[a-zA-Z_]+)? Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.log row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 507 2.5
Livr - Data validation language Livr ==== Livr, aka Language Independent Validation Rules, is a data validation language created in 2012 by Viktor Turskyi. 2012 Viktor Turskyi #805 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Language Independent Validation Rules Specification - Tags: dataValidationLanguage - Livr is developed on GitHub and has 287 stars - Early development of Livr happened in - Livr is written in JSON, Markdown, SVG, Less - was registered in 2013 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Livr: JSON Schema { name: 'required', phone: {max_length: 10}, address: {nested_object: { city: 'required', zip: ['required', 'positive_integer'] }} } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
Legal Knowledge Interchange Format - Xml format Legal Knowledge Interchange Format ================================== Legal Knowledge Interchange Format is a xml format created in 2007. 2007 #3630 on PLDB 17 Years Old The Legal Knowledge Interchange Format (LKIF) was developed in the European ESTRELLA project and was designed with the goal of becoming a standard for representing and interchanging policy, legislation and cases, including their justificatory arguments, in the legal domain. LKIF builds on and uses the Web Ontology Language (OWL) for representing concepts and includes a reusable basic ontology of legal concepts. The core of LKIF consists of a combination of OWL-DL and SWRL.LKIF was designed with two main roles in mind: the translation of legal knowledge bases written in different representation formats and formalisms and to be a knowledge representation formalism which could be part of larger architectures for developing legal knowledge systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Legal Knowledge Interchange Format happened in - Read more about Legal Knowledge Interchange Format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
llhd - Hardware description language llhd ==== llhd is a hardware description language created in 2016. 2016 #2260 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: hardwareDescriptionLanguage - Early development of llhd happened in - was registered in 2016 - Read more about llhd on the web: 1. 1. proc %Accumulator.always_comb.227.0 (i1$ %0, i16$ %1, i16$ %2) -> (i16$ %3) { %4: br %body %body: %direction = prb i1$ %0 br %direction, %if_false, %if_true %check: wait %body, %0, %1, %2 %if_true: %result = prb i16$ %2 %increment = prb i16$ %1 %5 = add i16 %result, %increment %6 = const time 0s 1e drv i16$ %3, %5, %6 wait %7 for %6 %if_false: %result1 = prb i16$ %2 %increment1 = prb i16$ %1 %8 = sub i16 %result1, %increment1 %9 = const time 0s 1e drv i16$ %3, %8, %9 wait %10 for %9 %if_exit: br %check %7: br %if_exit %10: br %if_exit } proc %Accumulator.always_ff.228.0 (i1$ %0, i16$ %1) -> (i16$ %2) { %3: br %init %init: %clk = prb i1$ %0 wait %check, %0 %check: %clk1 = prb i1$ %0 %4 = const i1 0 %5 = eq i1 %clk, %4 %6 = neq i1 %clk1, %4 %posedge = and i1 %5, %6 br %posedge, %init, %event %event: %next = prb i16$ %1 %7 = const time 0s 1d drv i16$ %2, %next, %7 br %3 } entity @Accumulator (i1$ %clk, i1$ %direction, i16$ %increment) -> (i16$ %result) { %0 = const i16 0 %next = sig i16 %0 inst %Accumulator.always_comb.227.0 (i1$ %direction, i16$ %increment, i16$ %result) -> (i16$ %next) inst %Accumulator.always_ff.228.0 (i1$ %clk, i16$ %next) -> (i16$ %result) } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 337 1.7
Low Level Lisp - Programming language Low Level Lisp ============== Low Level Lisp is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #4182 on PLDB 10 Years Old LLL is one of the original Ethereum smart contract programming languages and provides a different perspective and programming discipline when compared to the ubiquitous Solidity language. Lisp Like Language (LLL) is a low level language similar to Assembly. It is meant to be very simple and minimalistic; essentially just a tiny wrapper over coding in EVM directly. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Low Level Lisp happened in - Read more about Low Level Lisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
lllpg - Library lllpg ===== lllpg is a library created in 2012 by David Piepgrass. 2012 David Piepgrass #2740 on PLDB 12 Years Old LLLPG is a recursive-decent LL(k) parser generator for C# that generates efficient code and integrates with Visual Studio. - Tags: library - Early development of lllpg happened in - ANTLR influenced the design of lllpg Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
LLVM IR - Intermediate representation language LLVM IR ======= LLVM IR is an open source intermediate representation language created in 2003. 2003 #71 on PLDB 21 Years Old 1k Repos The LLVM compiler infrastructure project is a "collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies" used to develop compiler front ends and back ends. LLVM is written in C++ and is designed for compile-time, link-time, run-time, and "idle-time" optimization of programs written in arbitrary programming languages. Originally implemented for C and C++, the language-agnostic design of LLVM has since spawned a wide variety of front ends: languages with compilers that use LLVM include ActionScript, Ada, C#, Common Lisp, Crystal, D, Delphi, Fortran, OpenGL Shading Language, Halide, Haskell, Java bytecode, Julia, Lua, Objective-C, Pony, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, CUDA, Scala, Swift, and Xojo. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: intermediate representation language - There are at least 1,351 LLVM IR repos on GitHub - Early development of LLVM IR happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using LLVM IR in 1k repos on GitHub - LLVM IR Ubuntu package LLVM IR Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for LLVM IR - LLVM IR appears in the Quine Relay project - Events page for LLVM IR Events page for LLVM IR - See also: (41 related languages) C, ActionScript, Ada, C#, Common Lisp, Crystal, D, Delphi, Fortran, GLSL, Haskell, Java Bytecode, Julia, Lua, Objective-C, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, CUDA, Scala, Swift, Xojo, iOS, Assembly language, Java, OpenGL, CIL, Standard ML, ARM, Qualcomm Hexagon, MIPS architecture, PTX, PowerPC, SPARC, X86, Extensible Linking Format, C--, Pure, OpenCL, ISBN - 23 PLDB concepts link to LLVM IR: Chapel, CIR, cloc, Emscripten, firrtl, FLEX, Halide, HHVM, invokator, Julia, Kotlin, neeilang, oopsilon, Pony, rhine, Rust MIR, Simit, sixten, souper, SIL, Swift, TensorFlow, Triton define i32 @square(i32) local_unnamed_addr #0 { %2 = mul nsw i32 %0, %0 ret i32 %2 } @.str = private unnamed_addr constant [13 x i8] c"Hello, world!" declare i32 @puts(i8* nocapture) nounwind define i32 @main() { %cast210 = getelementptr [13 x i8],[13 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0 call i32 @puts(i8* %cast210) ret i32 0 } target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:128:128" @.str = internal constant [12 x i8] c"Hello World\00" ; puts from libc declare i32 @puts(i8*) define i32 @main(...) { call i32 @puts(i8* getelementptr([12 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0)) ret i32 0 } @.str = internal constant [14 x i8] c"hello, world\0A\00" declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) nounwind { entry: %tmp1 = getelementptr [14 x i8], [14 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0 %tmp2 = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf( i8* %tmp1 ) nounwind ret i32 0 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 612 3.1
lmdb - Library lmdb ==== lmdb is a library created in 2011 by Howard Chu. 2011 Howard Chu #558 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone LMDB is a Btree-based database management library modeled loosely on the BerkeleyDB API, but much simplified. The entire database is exposed in a memory map, and all data fetches return data directly from the mapped memory, so no malloc's or memcpy's occur during data fetches. As such, the library is extremely simple because it requires no page caching layer of its own, and it is extremely high performance and memory-efficient. It is also fully transactional with full ACID semantics, and when the memory map is read-only, the database integrity cannot be corrupted by stray pointer writes from application code. - Tags: library - lmdb is developed on GitHub and has 2,512 stars - Early development of lmdb happened in - lmdb is written in C, Make - Read more about lmdb on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
LNF - Programming language LNF === LNF is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3455 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LNF happened in Syracuse University - LNF on HOPL LNF on HOPL - Read more about LNF on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
LO - Programming language LO == LO is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3456 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LO happened in Experimental and Clinical Research Center - LO on HOPL LO on HOPL - Read more about LO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
lobster - Programming language lobster ======= lobster is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Wouter Van Oortmerssen. 2011 Wouter Van Oortmerssen #632 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone The Lobster Programming Language - Tags: programming language - lobster is developed on GitHub and has 2,212 stars - Early development of lobster happened in - lobster is written in C, C++, Make, Objective-C, Bourne shell, Markdown, HTML, XML, TypeScript, JSON, CMake, Java, Perl, Python, YAML, HLSL, JavaScript, Assembly language, M4, Gradle, CSS, Diff, Bash, SVG, Metal - Explore lobster snippets on Rosetta Code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
local - Programming language local ===== local is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4183 on PLDB 5 Years Old LoCal: A Language for Programs Operating on Serialized Data - Tags: programming language - Early development of local happened in Indiana University - Read more about local on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
loci - Programming language loci ==== loci is a programming language created in 2013 by Stephen Cross. 2013 Stephen Cross #1395 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Compiler and tools for the Loci programming language. - Tags: programming language - loci is developed on GitHub and has 113 stars - Early development of loci happened in - loci is written in C++, reStructuredText, CMake, SVG, HTML, C, Python, YAML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown HackerNews discussions of loci ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Loci: A C++-like systems programming language||02/19/2015|109|61 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Locomotive BASIC - Programming language Locomotive BASIC ================ Locomotive BASIC is an open source programming language created in 1984. 1984 #1451 on PLDB 40 Years Old Locomotive Basic is a proprietary dialect of the BASIC programming language written by Locomotive Software used only on the Amstrad CPC (where it was built-in on ROM). It was the main ancestor of Mallard BASIC, the interpreter for CP/M supplied with the Amstrad PCW.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Locomotive BASIC happened in Locomotive Software - See also: (6 related languages) Mallard BASIC, BBC BASIC, Assembly language, Commodore BASIC, Sinclair BASIC, ASCII 10 print "Hello World" run Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
LOCS - Programming language LOCS ==== LOCS is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4184 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOCS happened in IBM - LOCS on HOPL LOCS on HOPL - Read more about LOCS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Lodash - Library Lodash ====== Lodash is a library created in 2009 by John-David Dalton. 2009 John-David Dalton #796 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras. - Tags: library - Lodash is developed on GitHub and has 59,352 stars - Lodash is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, YAML, Bourne shell, TOML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
LOGAL - Programming language LOGAL ===== LOGAL is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3457 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOGAL happened in Sperry Univac - LOGAL on HOPL LOGAL on HOPL - Read more about LOGAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Logica - Query language Logica ====== Logica is a query language created in 2020 by Evgeny Skvortsov. 2020 Evgeny Skvortsov #387 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Logica is an open source declarative logic programming language for data manipulation. Logica is a successor to Yedalog, a language created at Google earlier. - Tags: queryLanguage - Logica is developed on GitHub and has 1,710 stars - Early development of Logica happened in - Logica compiles to SQL - Logica is written in Lex, Python, Jupyter Notebook, Markdown, JSON, HTML, YAML, JavaScript, Vim script, Protocol Buffers, CSS, CSV - was registered in 2020 # Define natural numbers from 1 to 29. N(x) :- x in Range(30); # Define primes. Prime(prime: x) :- N(x), x > 1, ~( N(y), y > 1, y != x, Mod(x, y) == 0 ); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
Logicon - Programming language Logicon ======= Logicon is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4185 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Logicon happened in Université de Montréal - Logicon on HOPL Logicon on HOPL - Read more about Logicon on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
LOGIN - Programming language LOGIN ===== LOGIN is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3458 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOGIN happened in Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation - LOGIN on HOPL LOGIN on HOPL - Read more about LOGIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
LOGIST - Programming language LOGIST ====== LOGIST is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4186 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOGIST happened in Inserm and UER Sciences Mathématiques, Nancy - LOGIST on HOPL LOGIST on HOPL - Read more about LOGIST on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
LOGLAN - Programming language LOGLAN ====== LOGLAN is a programming language created in 1982 by Antoni Kreczmar and Andrzej Salwicki. 1982 Antoni Kreczmar Andrzej Salwicki #2861 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOGLAN happened in Institute of Informatics - LOGLAN on HOPL LOGLAN on HOPL - Read more about LOGLAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. if boolean expression then sequence of statements else sequence of statements fi Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Loglan - Constructed language Loglan ====== Loglan is a constructed language created in 1955 by James Cooke Brown. 1955 James Cooke Brown #2802 on PLDB 69 Years Old Loglan is a constructed language originally designed for linguistic research, particularly for investigating the Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis. The language was developed beginning in 1955 by Dr James Cooke Brown with the goal of making a language so different from natural languages that people learning it would think in a different way if the hypothesis were true. In 1960 Scientific American published an article introducing the language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: constructedLanguage Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
LOGLISP - Programming language LOGLISP ======= LOGLISP is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3459 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOGLISP happened in School of Computer and Information Science - LOGLISP on HOPL LOGLISP on HOPL - Read more about LOGLISP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
loglo - Programming language loglo ===== loglo is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #2741 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of loglo happened in - was registered in 2020 - Read more about loglo on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Logo - Programming language Logo ==== Logo is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #206 on PLDB 57 Years Old Logo is an educational programming language, designed in 1967 by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon. "Logo" is not an acronym. It was derived from the Greek logos meaning word or "thought" by Feurzeig, to distinguish itself from other programming languages that were primarily numbers, not graphics or logic, oriented. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, simulation - Early development of Logo happened in MIT - There are 23 Project Euler users using Logo - Explore Logo snippets on Rosetta Code - Logo on HOPL Logo on HOPL - Logo ranks #36 in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for Logo - See also: (13 related languages) StarLogo, NetLogo, Smalltalk, Etoys, Scratch, REBOL, Lisp, TRS-80 Color Computer, ObjectLOGO, Acornsoft Logo, Python, JQuery, Squeak - 1 PLDB concepts link to Logo: 3D Logo print [Hello World] ; Hello World in Logo DRUCKEZEILE [Hello World!] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
LOGOL - Programming language LOGOL ===== LOGOL is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3460 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOGOL happened in Institute of Mathematical Machines and Western University - LOGOL on HOPL LOGOL on HOPL - Read more about LOGOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Logos - Programming language Logos ===== Logos is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #607 on PLDB 14 Years Old 6k Repos Logos is a component of the Theos development suite that allows method hooking code to be written easily and clearly, using a set of special preprocessor directives. Theos is a cross-platform suite of development tools for managing, developing, and deploying iOS software without the use of Xcode. It is an important tool for people building extensions (tweaks) for jailbroken iOS; most extension developers use Theos. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 6,281 Logos repos on GitHub - Early development of Logos happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using Logos in 4k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Logos - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Logos - Read more about Logos on the web: 1. 1. - 22 PLDB concepts link to Logos: cloc, Cryptol, Eiffel, expresso, fo, Futhark, GHC, Go, hacspec, HAML, haste, JAL compiler, kitlang, Koka, nesC, Opal, Pygments, Rust, Wasp, Wyvern, Ecstasy, Yet Another Scripting Language %group iOS8 %hook IOS8_SPECIFIC_CLASS // your code here %end // end hook %end // end group ios8 %group iOS9 %hook IOS9_SPECIFIC_CLASS // your code here %end // end hook %end // end group ios9 %ctor { if (kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber > 1200) { %init(iOS9); } else { %init(iOS8); } } # APPLE LOCAL file string workaround 4943900 if { [istarget "*-*-darwin\[9123\]*"] } { set additional_flags "-framework Foundation -fconstant-cfstrings" } return 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 348 1.7
LogoWriter - Programming language LogoWriter ========== LogoWriter is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3461 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LogoWriter happened in University of Oregon - LogoWriter on HOPL LogoWriter on HOPL - Read more about LogoWriter on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Logres - Query language Logres ====== Logres is a query language created in 1990. 1990 #3462 on PLDB 34 Years Old LOGRES is a new project for the development of extended database systems which is based on the integration of the object-oriented data modelling paradigm and of the rule-based approach for the specification of queries and updates. The data model supports generalization hierarchies and object sharing, the rule-based language extends Datalog to support generalized type constructors (sets, multisets, and sequences), rule-based integrity constraints are automatically produced by analyzing schema definitions. Modularization is a fundamental feature, as modules encapsulate queries and updates, when modules are applied to a LOGRES database, their side effects can be controlled. The LOGRES project is a follow-up of the ALGRES project, and takes advantage of the ALGRES programming environment for the development of a fast prototype. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Logres happened in Politecnico di Milano - Logres on HOPL Logres on HOPL - Read more about Logres on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
LogScheme - Programming language LogScheme ========= LogScheme is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4187 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LogScheme happened in Stanford University - LogScheme on HOPL LogScheme on HOPL - Read more about LogScheme on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Logtalk - Programming language Logtalk ======= Logtalk is a programming language created in 1998 by Paulo Moura. 1998 Paulo Moura #532 on PLDB 26 Years Old 65 Repos Logtalk is an object-oriented logic programming language that extends and leverages the Prolog language with a feature set suitable for programming in the large. It provides support for encapsulation and data hiding, separation of concerns and enhanced code reuse. Logtalk uses standard Prolog syntax with the addition of a few operators and directives. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 65 Logtalk repos on GitHub - Early development of Logtalk happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 50 users using Logtalk in 52 repos on GitHub - Explore Logtalk snippets on Rosetta Code - Logtalk on HOPL Logtalk on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Logtalk - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Logtalk - was registered in 2002 - See also: (7 related languages) Prolog, Smalltalk, Objective-C, SWI Prolog, Mercury, Oz, Visual Prolog - 3 PLDB concepts link to Logtalk: Ace Editor, cloc, Pygments write('Hello World') % this is a Logtalk source file :- object(hello_world). % the initialization/1 directive argument is automatically executed % when the object is loaded into memory: :- initialization((nl, write('********** Hello World! **********'), nl)). :- end_object. ?- my_first_object::p2. ERROR: error(permission_error(access, private_predicate, p2), my_first_object::p2, user) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 402 2
LOL - Query language LOL === LOL is a query language created in 1994. 1994 #3463 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of LOL happened in University of Regina - LOL on HOPL LOL on HOPL - Read more about LOL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Lola-2 - Programming language Lola-2 ====== Lola-2 is a programming language created in 1994 by Niklaus Wirth. 1994 Niklaus Wirth #3464 on PLDB 30 Years Old Lola-2: A Logic Description Language. Lola is a notation (language) for specifying digital circuits (logic). In many ways it resembles a programming language. However, Lola texts describe static circuits rather than dynamic processes. Objects occurring in a description can be variables representing signals or registers. Their values are defined as expressions of other objects and operators representing gates. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lola-2 happened in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Read more about Lola-2 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
LOLA - Programming language LOLA ==== LOLA is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3128 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOLA happened in Technische Universität Munchen - LOLA on HOPL LOLA on HOPL - Read more about LOLA on the web: 1. 1. :H,:e,2:l,,:o,:',:_,:w,:o,:r,:l,:d,:!,:%,:\\b,\\a,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +\\\cb,ba,, *\\ba+,,\\a, :\\\a\c,c, H*+8,,8, e+d, l8+,d, o3+,l, '_+,^, w8+,o, r+^,+,e, d2%, _52, !+_, 2\\bba,, 3+2, 5+22,, 832, %*2,5, ^2*2,,3, Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
LOLCODE - Esoteric programming language LOLCODE ======= LOLCODE is an esoteric programming language created in 2007 by Adam Lindsay. 2007 Adam Lindsay #359 on PLDB 17 Years Old 235 Repos LOLCODE is an esoteric programming language inspired by lolspeak, the language expressed in examples of the lolcat Internet meme. The language was created in 2007 by Adam Lindsay, researcher at the Computing Department of Lancaster University. The language is not clearly defined in terms of operator priorities and correct syntax, but several functioning interpreters and compilers exist. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - There are at least 235 LOLCODE repos on GitHub - Early development of LOLCODE happened in Lancaster University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 106 users using LOLCODE in 109 repos on GitHub - Explore LOLCODE snippets on Rosetta Code - LOLCODE on Esolang LOLCODE on Esolang - See also: (4 related languages) C, PHP, JavaScript, Parrot HAI 1.3 OBTW Author: Logan Kelly ( Github: TLDR OBTW prev is the number used in the randin function. I had to declare it in global scope so that it would retain its value between calls to randin. TLDR I HAS A prev ITZ 0 I HAS A rand_max ITZ 104729 OBTW Equivalent to C's rand() function, except returns a number in the range of 0 to rand_max. TLDR HOW IZ I randin I HAS A a ITZ 33083 I HAS A c ITZ 67607 prev R MOD OF SUM OF PRODUKT OF prev AN a AN c AN rand_max FOUND YR prev IF U SAY SO BTW Returns a random number within the range of 0-1. HOW IZ I rand_onein I HAS A rand_num ITZ I IZ randin MKAY rand_num IS NOW A NUMBAR I HAS A rand_max_float ITZ MAEK rand_max A NUMBAR FOUND YR QUOSHUNT OF rand_num AN rand_max_float IF U SAY SO OBTW Equivalent to C ceil() function. Returns the next largest integer for the given number. TLDR HOW IZ I ceilin YR num I HAS A int_num ITZ num int_num IS NOW A NUMBR BOTH SAEM int_num AN num, O RLY? YA RLY, FOUND YR num OIC DIFFRINT num AN SMALLR OF num AN 0, O RLY? YA RLY int_num R SUM OF int_num AN 1 FOUND YR MAEK int_num A NUMBAR OIC DIFFRINT num AN BIGGR OF num AN 0, O RLY? YA RLY FOUND YR MAEK int_num A NUMBAR OIC IF U SAY SO OBTW Convert a number to hexadecimal. This is returned as a string. TLDR HOW IZ I decimal_to_hex YR num I HAS A i ITZ 0 I HAS A rem I HAS A hex_num ITZ A BUKKIT I HAS A decimal_num ITZ num IM IN YR num_loop rem R MOD OF decimal_num AN 16 I HAS A hex_digit rem, WTF? OMG 10, hex_digit R "A", GTFO OMG 1 HAI 1.2 VISIBLE "Hello, world!" KTHXBYE HAI CAN HAS STDIO? VISIBLE "Hello World" KTHXBYE HAI 1.2 CAN HAS STDIO? IM IN YR LOOP UPPIN YR VAR TIL BOTH SAEM VAR AN 10 VISIBLE SUM OF VAR AN 1 IM OUTTA YR LOOP KTHXBYE Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 624 3.1
LookML - Programming language LookML ====== LookML is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #1035 on PLDB 12 Years Old 5k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 5,427 LookML repos on GitHub - Early development of LookML happened in Looker - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 47 users using LookML in 185 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for LookML - Read more about LookML on the web: 1. 1. ###################################### # FILE: ecommercestore.model.lkml # # Define the explores and join logic # ###################################### connection: order_database include: "*.view.lkml" explore: orders { join: customers { sql_on: ${orders.customer_id} = ${} ;; } } ########################################################## # FILE: orders.view.lkml # # Define the dimensions and measures for the ORDERS view # ########################################################## view: orders { dimension: id { primary_key: yes type: number sql: ${TABLE}.id ;; } dimension: customer_id { # field: orders.customer_id sql: ${TABLE}.customer_id ;; } dimension: amount { # field: orders.amount type: number value_format: "0.00" sql: ${TABLE}.amount ;; } dimension_group: created { # generates fields: type: time # orders.created_time, orders.created_date timeframes: [time, date, week, month] # orders.created_week, orders.created_month sql: ${TABLE}.created_at ;; } measure: count { # field: orders.count type: count # creates a sql COUNT(*) drill_fields: [drill_set*] # list of fields to show when someone clicks 'ORDERS Count' } measure: total_amount { type: sum sql: ${amount} ;; } set: drill_set { fields: [id, created_time,, amount] } } ############################################################# # FILE: customers.view.lkml # # Define the dimensions and measures for the CUSTOMERS view # ############################################################# view: customers { dimension: id { primary_key: yes type: number sql: ${TABLE}.id ;; } dimension: city { # field: sql: ${TABLE}.city ;; } dimension: state { # field: customers.state sql: ${TABLE}.state ;; } dimension: name { sql: CONCAT(${TABLE}.firstname, " ", ${TABLE}.lastname) ;; } measure: count { # field: customers.count type: count # creates a sql COUNT(*) drill_fields: [drill_set*] # fields to show when someone clicks 'CUSTOMERS Count' } set: drill_set { # set: customers.drill_set fields: [id, state, orders.count] # list of fields to show when someone clicks 'CUSTOMERS Count' } } - view: comments fields: - dimension: id primary_key: true type: int sql: ${TABLE}.id - dimension: body sql: ${TABLE}.body - dimension_group: created type: time timeframes: [time, date, week, month] sql: ${TABLE}.created_at - dimension: headline_id type: int hidden: true sql: ${TABLE}.headline_id - dimension_group: updated type: time timeframes: [time, date, week, month] sql: ${TABLE}.updated_at - dimension: user_id type: int hidden: true sql: ${TABLE}.user_id - measure: count type: count detail: detail* # ----- Detail ------ sets: detail: - id - - - Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 485 2.4
Loom - Knowledge base Loom ==== Loom is a knowledge base created in 1987. 1987 #2473 on PLDB 37 Years Old Loom is a language and environment for constructing intelligent applications. The heart of Loom is a knowledge representation system that is used to provide deductive support for the declarative portion of the Loom language. Declarative knowledge in Loom consists of definitions, rules, facts, and default rules. A deductive engine called a classifier utilizes forward-chaining, semantic unification and object-oriented truth maintainance technologies in order to compile the declarative knowledge into a network designed to efficiently support on-line deductive query processing. - Tags: knowledgeBase - Early development of Loom happened in Information Sciences Institute - Loom on HOPL Loom on HOPL - Read more about Loom on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. (defconcept air-base :is-primitive (and military-installation (exactly 1 name) (at-least 1 runway-length))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
LoomScript - Programming language LoomScript ========== LoomScript is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #959 on PLDB 11 Years Old 16 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 16 LoomScript repos on GitHub - Early development of LoomScript happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4 users using LoomScript in 7 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for LoomScript - was registered in 2013 package { import loom.Application; import loom2d.display.StageScaleMode; import loom2d.ui.SimpleLabel; /** The HelloWorld app renders a label with its name on it, and traces 'hello' to the log. */ public class HelloWorld extends Application { override public function run():void { stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.LETTERBOX; centeredMessage(simpleLabel, this.getFullTypeName()); trace("hello"); } // a convenience getter that generates a label and adds it to the stage private function get simpleLabel():SimpleLabel { return stage.addChild(new SimpleLabel("assets/Curse-hd.fnt")) as SimpleLabel; } // a utility to set the label's text and then center it on the stage private function centeredMessage(label:SimpleLabel, msg:String):void { label.text = msg;; label.x = stage.stageWidth / 2; label.y = (stage.stageHeight / 2) - (label.height / 2); } } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 307 1.5
LOOPN++ - Programming language LOOPN++ ======= LOOPN++ is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3465 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOOPN++ happened in University of Tasmania - LOOPN++ on HOPL LOOPN++ on HOPL - Read more about LOOPN++ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System - Programming language Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System ======================================= Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System, aka Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System, is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #2862 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System happened in Xerox PARC - Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System on HOPL Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System on HOPL - Read more about Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
LORE - Programming language LORE ==== LORE is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3466 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LORE happened in Bell Communications - LORE on HOPL LORE on HOPL - Read more about LORE on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Lorel - Programming language Lorel ===== Lorel is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3129 on PLDB 50 Years Old A high level language for processing n-ary relations. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lorel happened in Kanagawa Institute of Technology and Science University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of Technology - Lorel on HOPL Lorel on HOPL - Read more about Lorel on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Lorel - Query language Lorel ===== Lorel is a query language created in 1996 by Serge Abiteboul and Dallan Quass and Jason McHugh and Jennifer Widom and Janet L. Wiener. 1996 Serge Abiteboul Dallan Quass Jason McHugh Jennifer Widom Janet L. Wiener #3130 on PLDB 28 Years Old Lorel Query Language for Semistructured Data - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Lorel happened in Stanford University - Read more about Lorel on the web: 1. 1. select, where grep "cheap" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
LOTIS - Programming language LOTIS ===== LOTIS is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4188 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOTIS happened in IBM - LOTIS on HOPL LOTIS on HOPL - Read more about LOTIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
LOTOS - Programming language LOTOS ===== LOTOS is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4189 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LOTOS happened in UPM Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación - LOTOS on HOPL LOTOS on HOPL - Read more about LOTOS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
LotusScript - Programming language LotusScript =========== LotusScript is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #973 on PLDB 28 Years Old LotusScript is an object oriented programming language used by Lotus Notes (since version 4.0) and other IBM Lotus Software products. LotusScript is similar to Visual Basic. Developers familiar with one can easily understand the syntax and structure of code in the other. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LotusScript happened in Lotus Development Corporation - Explore LotusScript snippets on Rosetta Code - LotusScript on HOPL LotusScript on HOPL - LotusScript appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (1 related languages) Visual Basic Sub Initialize Print "Hello World" End Sub Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
Low* - Programming language Low* ==== Low* is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #2261 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Low* happened in Microsoft and Inria - Low* compiles to C - First announcement of Low* let chacha20 (len: uint32{len ≤ blocklen}) (output: bytes{len = output.length}) (key: keyBytes) (nonce: nonceBytes{disjoint [output; key; nonce]}) (counter: uint32) : Stack unit (requires (λ m0 → output ∈ m0 ∧ key ∈ m0 ∧ nonce ∈ m0)) (ensures (λ m0 _m1 → modifies1 output m0 m1 ∧ m1.[output] == Seq.prefix len (Spec.chacha20 m0.[key] m0.[nonce]) counter))) = push_frame (); let state = Buffer.create 0ul 32ul in let block = Buffer.sub state 16ul 16ul in chacha20_init block key nonce counter; chacha20_update output state len; pop_frame () Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
LP Format - Text data format LP Format ========= LP Format is a text data format created in 1987 by Robert Bixby. 1987 Robert Bixby #2417 on PLDB 37 Years Old A format for storing linear programming problems. The LP format captures an optimization model in a way that is easier for humans to read than MPS format, and can often be more natural to produce. - Tags: textDataFormat - See also: (3 related languages) MPS Format, CPLEX, Gurobi - Read more about LP Format on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. \ LP format example Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example \ A comment Token \ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
LPC - Programming language LPC === LPC, aka Lars Pensjö C, is a programming language created in 1995 by Lars Pensjö. 1995 Lars Pensjö #843 on PLDB 29 Years Old LPC (short for Lars Pensjö C) is an object-oriented programming language derived from C and developed originally by Lars Pensjö to facilitate MUD building on LPMuds. Though designed for game development, its flexibility has led to it being used for a variety of purposes, and to its evolution into the language Pike. LPC syntax places it in the family of C-like languages, with C and C++ its strongest influences.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LPC happened in Chalmers Datorförening - LPC on HOPL LPC on HOPL - LPC appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2006 - See also: (6 related languages) C, Lisp, Perl, Pike, Java, PHP // Hello World in LPC void create() { message("info","Hello World!",this_user()); } function op = (: return sqrt($1 * $1 + $2 * $2); :); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 294 1.5
LPL - Programming language LPL === LPL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4190 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LPL happened in Virginia Tech - LPL on HOPL LPL on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
LRLTRAN - Programming language LRLTRAN ======= LRLTRAN is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4191 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of LRLTRAN happened in Lawrence Livermore - LRLTRAN on HOPL LRLTRAN on HOPL - Read more about LRLTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
lsd - Text markup language lsd === lsd is a text markup language created in 2016. 2016 #2404 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Loose Structured Data - Tags: text markup language - lsd is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of lsd happened in - lsd is written in JavaScript, JSON, YAML HackerNews discussions of lsd ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A very loose JSON-like markup language||08/01/2016|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Langage Sans Espoir - Programming language Langage Sans Espoir =================== Langage Sans Espoir, aka Langage Sans Espoir, is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #1947 on PLDB 53 Years Old LSE (French: Langage symbolique d'enseignement) is a programming language developed at Supélec in the late 1970s/early 1980s. It is similar to BASIC, except with French-language instead of English-language keywords. It was derived from an earlier language called LSD, also developed at Supélec. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Langage Sans Espoir happened in École supérieure d'électricité and Télémécanique - Langage Sans Espoir is written with the native language of French - Langage Sans Espoir on HOPL Langage Sans Espoir on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Language Server Index Format - Json format Language Server Index Format ============================ Language Server Index Format, aka Language Server Index Format, is a json format created in 2019 by Dan Adler. 2019 Dan Adler #1404 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone - Tags: jsonFormat - Language Server Index Format is developed on GitHub and has 17 stars - Early development of Language Server Index Format happened in Sourcegraph - Language Server Index Format is written in HTML, CSS, Markdown // a vertex representing the document { id: 1, type: "vertex", label: "document", uri: "file:///Users/username/sample.ts", languageId: "typescript" } // a vertex representing the range for the identifier bar { id: 4, type: "vertex", label: "range", start: { line: 0, character: 9}, end: { line: 0, character: 12 } } // an edge saying that the document with id 1 contains the range with id 4 { id: 5, type: "edge", label: "contains", outV: 1, inV: 4} // a vertex representing the actual hover result { id: 6, type: "vertex", label: "hoverResult", result: { contents: [ { language: "typescript", value: "function bar(): void" } ] } } // an edge linking the hover result to the range. { id: 7, type: "edge", label: "textDocument/hover", outV: 4, inV: 6 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 326 1.6
Linden Scripting Language - Programming language Linden Scripting Language ========================= Linden Scripting Language, aka Linden Scripting Language, is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #792 on PLDB 21 Years Old 638 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 638 Linden Scripting Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Linden Scripting Language happened in Linden Research, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 373 users using Linden Scripting Language in 397 repos on GitHub - Explore Linden Scripting Language snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Linden Scripting Language - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Linden Scripting Language - Read more about Linden Scripting Language on the web: 1. 1. default { state_entry() { llSay(0, "Hello World"); } } /* Testing syntax highlighting for the Linden Scripting Language */ integer someIntNormal = 3672; integer someIntHex = 0x00000000; integer someIntMath = PI_BY_TWO; integer event = 5673;// 'event' is invalid.illegal key someKeyTexture = TEXTURE_DEFAULT; string someStringSpecial = EOF; some_user_defined_function_without_return_type(string inputAsString) { llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, inputAsString); } string user_defined_function_returning_a_string(key inputAsKey) { return (string)inputAsKey; } default { state_entry() { key someKey = NULL_KEY; someKey = llGetOwner(); string someString = user_defined_function_returning_a_string(someKey); some_user_defined_function_without_return_type(someString); } touch_start(integer num_detected) { list agentsInRegion = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION, []); integer numOfAgents = llGetListLength(agentsInRegion); integer index; // defaults to 0 for (; index <= numOfAgents - 1; index++) // for each agent in region { llRegionSayTo(llList2Key(agentsInRegion, index), PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Hello, Avatar!"); } } touch_end(integer num_detected) { someIntNormal = 3672; someIntHex = 0x00000000; someIntMath = PI_BY_TWO; event = 5673;// 'event' is invalid.illegal someKeyTexture = TEXTURE_DEFAULT; someStringSpecial = EOF; llSetInventoryPermMask("some item", MASK_NEXT, PERM_ALL);// 'llSetInventoryPermMask' is reserved.godmode llWhisper(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Leaving \"default\" now..."); state other; } } state other { state_entry() { llWhisper(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Entered \"state other\", returning to \"default\" again..."); state default; } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d* Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 446 2.2
Lua - Programming language Lua === Lua is an open source programming language created in 1993 by Roberto Ierusalimschy. 1993 Roberto Ierusalimschy #23 on PLDB 31 Years Old 244k Repos Lua ( LOO-ə, from Portuguese: lua [ˈlu.(w)ɐ] meaning moon) is a lightweight, multi-paradigm programming language designed primarily for embedded systems and clients. Lua is cross-platform, since the interpreter is written in ANSI C, and has a relatively simple C API. Lua was originally designed in 1993 as a language for extending software applications to meet the increasing demand for customization at the time. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 243,541 Lua repos on GitHub - Early development of Lua happened in Tecgraf - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23k users using Lua in 34k repos on GitHub - Check out the 24 Lua meetup groups on - There are 20,927 members in the Lua subreddit - There are 477 Project Euler users using Lua - Explore Lua snippets on Rosetta Code - Lua on HOPL Lua on HOPL - Lua ranks #30 in the TIOBE Index - Lua Ubuntu package Lua Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Lua - Lua LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Lua - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Lua - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Lua - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Lua - Lua appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Lua on exercism. - PLDB has 3 Jupyter Kernels for Lua:,, - There is a central package repository for Lua - has 736 matches for "lua developer". - was registered in 2000 - See also: (28 related languages) CLU, Modula-2, Scheme, SNOBOL, Falcon, GameMonkey Script, Io, JavaScript, Julia, MiniD, Red, Ruby, Squirrel, Tcl, Lisp, Python, Modula, awk, Ada, Eiffel, Haskell, SQL, VHDL, Self, Raku, Parrot, Android, C - Read more about Lua on the web: 1. 1. - 65 PLDB concepts link to Lua: Ace Editor, Apache Arrow, BlitzMax, Bounce, buzz, Carbon, circle-lang, cloc, commonmark, CSpydr, Cyber, Deno, Djot, DRAKON, Emscripten, Encore, Factor, Fennel, FlatBuffers, Haxe, Hina, Hook, Hush, Ibis, Jakt, Jammy, Lean, Lil, Lily, LuaJIT, mal, Matplotlib, micro-editor, Minilang, MongoDB, MoonScript, mun-lang, mycroft, Nelua, oopsilon, PHP, Pragtical, Prism, Pygments, raptorjit, Redis, RMarkdown, rosie, Savi, sile, Speedie, tbox-lib, Terra, Textadept, titan, Typed Lua, UCL, Umka, UrWeb, VLC, WebAssembly, Wax, Wonkey, Wren, Wu print("Hello, world!") print("Hello World") # Hello World in Lua print "Hello world" -- A simple counting object that increments an internal counter whenever it receives a bang at its first inlet, or changes to whatever number it receives at its second inlet. local HelloCounter = pd.Class:new():register("h-counter") function HelloCounter:initialize(sel, atoms) self.inlets = 2 self.outlets = 1 self.num = 0 return true end function HelloCounter:in_1_bang() self:outlet(1, "float", {self.num}) self.num = self.num + 1 end function HelloCounter:in_2_float(f) self.num = f end $ cc -o example example.c -llua $ ./example Result: 8 and break do else elseif end false for function goto if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example print("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example pi = 3.14159 Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example myList = {1, 2, 3} Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example & | ~ > ~ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ (integer) -- 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*\.[0-9a-fA-F]+([pP][+-]?[0-9]+)? (float) 0x5F3759DF 0x0.1D 0xA23p-4 0X1.921FB54442D18P+1 Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example 80766866 Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? -- (decimal float) -- 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*\.[0-9a-fA-F]+([pP][+-]?[0-9]+)? -- (hex float) Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example 1E2 .12345E+6 1.e+0 0x15e-2 0x2.p10 0X.8p-0 0x1.Fp+0 0x1fffp-16 0x1p-2 Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example if true then print("true") end Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example function myFunction() print("hello") end Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example while true do print("hello") end Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example true false Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example print("hello world") Token print row Feature Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasMaps.html Supported ✓ Example myMap = { key = "value", [35] = 35, } Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example --[[ A comment. --]] Token --[[ --]] row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 986 4.9
LuaJIT - Compiler LuaJIT ====== LuaJIT is a compiler created in 2005 by Mike Pall. 2005 Mike Pall #730 on PLDB 19 Years Old git clone Mirror of the LuaJIT git repository - Tags: compiler - LuaJIT is developed on GitHub and has 4,555 stars - Early development of LuaJIT happened in - LuaJIT is written in C, Lua, HTML, Make, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
luarocks-pm - Package manager luarocks-pm =========== luarocks-pm is a package manager created in 2007. 2007 #2742 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of luarocks-pm happened in - was registered in 2007 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
luau - Programming language luau ==== luau is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #2102 on PLDB 4 Years Old Luau is a fast, small, safe, gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua. It is used by Roblox game developers to write game code, as well as by Roblox engineers to implement large parts of the user-facing application code as well as portions of the editor (Roblox Studio) as plugins. - Tags: programming language - Early development of luau happened in type Point = { x: number, y: number } local p = { x = 1, y = 2 } print(p.x, p.y) -- print(p.z) results in a type error Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
Apache Lucene - Query language Apache Lucene ============= Apache Lucene is an open source query language created in 1999. 1999 #1636 on PLDB 25 Years Old Apache Lucene is a free and open-source information retrieval software library, originally written completely in Java by Doug Cutting. It is supported by the Apache Software Foundation and is released under the Apache Software License. Lucene has been ported to other programming languages including Object Pascal, Perl, C#, C++, Python, Ruby and PHP.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Apache Lucene happened in Apache Software Foundation - See also: (10 related languages) Java, Object Pascal, Perl, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, PDF, HTML, C - Read more about Apache Lucene on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
Lucidchart - Application Lucidchart ========== Lucidchart is an application created in 2008. 2008 #1725 on PLDB 16 Years Old Lucidchart is a web-based proprietary platform that is used to allow users to collaborate on drawing, revising and sharing charts and diagrams.Lucidchart runs on browsers that support HTML5. This means it does not require updates of third party software like flash. In 2010, the firm announced they had integrated into the Google Apps Marketplace.The company raised $1 million in "angel funding" in 2011.On 17 October 2018, the firm announced it had raised an additional $72 million from Meritech Capital and ICONIQ Capital.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Lucidchart happened in Lucid Software Inc - was registered in 2008 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
Lucid - Template language Lucid ===== Lucid is a template language created in 2014 by Chris Done. 2014 Chris Done #1198 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Clear to write, read and edit DSL for writing HTML - Tags: template language - Lucid is developed on GitHub and has 279 stars - Early development of Lucid happened in - Lucid is written in Haskell, Markdown, YAML, CSS, JavaScript, Dockerfile table_ [rows_ "2"] (tr_ (do td_ [class_ "top",colspan_ "2",style_ "color:red"] (p_ "Hello, attributes!") td_ "yay!")) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Lucid representations - Programming language Lucid representations ===================== Lucid representations is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3467 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lucid representations happened in Courant Institute - Lucid representations on HOPL Lucid representations on HOPL - Read more about Lucid representations on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Lucid representations on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
LUCID - Programming language LUCID ===== LUCID is a programming language created in 1976 by Edward A. Ashcroft and William W. Wadge. 1976 Edward A. Ashcroft William W. Wadge #1421 on PLDB 48 Years Old Lucid is a dataflow programming language designed to experiment with non-von Neumann programming models. It was designed by Bill Wadge and Ed Ashcroft and described in the 1985 book Lucid, the Dataflow Programming Language. pLucid was the first interpreter for Lucid.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LUCID happened in University of Victoria and SRI - Explore LUCID snippets on Rosetta Code - LUCID on HOPL LUCID on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) ISWIM, SISAL, Lustre - Read more about LUCID on the web: 1. 1. h where h = 1 fby merge(merge(2 * h, 3 * h), 5 * h); merge(x,y) = if xx <= yy then xx else yy fi where xx = x upon xx <= yy; yy = y upon yy <= xx; end; end; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
Lucinda - Programming language Lucinda ======= Lucinda is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4192 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lucinda happened in University of York - Lucinda on HOPL Lucinda on HOPL - Read more about Lucinda on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Luna - Programming language Luna ==== Luna is a programming language created in 2011 by TJ Holowaychuk. 2011 TJ Holowaychuk #725 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Luna is an expressive, minimalistic, elegant programming language implemented in C. With cooperative thread concurrency at its core, async I/O, and influences derived from languages such as Lua, io, Rust, Ruby, and C. Luna favours unification and minimalism over minor obscure conveniences, providing the true convenience of a simple effective language. This includes omitting features which facilitate magic such as getters/setters, method_missing-style delegation etc. This project is very much a work in progress, as I explore the wonderful world of VMs! feel free to join. - Tags: programming language - Luna is developed on GitHub and has 2,452 stars - Early development of Luna happened in - Luna is written in C, Markdown, Make, YAML def greet(name:string) return "Hello " + name end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
Luna - Programming language Luna ==== Luna is a programming language created in 2015 by Wojciech Danilo. 2015 Wojciech Danilo #184 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Now called Enso. - Tags: programming language - Luna is developed on GitHub and has 7,319 stars - Early development of Luna happened in - Luna is written in Java, Scala, TypeScript, Rust, Markdown, YAML, SVG, JSON, CSV, TOML, JavaScript, Python, XML, Bourne shell, CSS, HTML, Haskell, Dockerfile, C++, Nix, Make, PowerShell, Bash - was registered in 2016 - See also: (1 related languages) Enso - 1 PLDB concepts link to Luna: Enso HackerNews discussions of Luna ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Luna – Visual and textual functional programming language||06/22/2017|944|310 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
lunar - Programming language lunar ===== lunar is a programming language created in 2017 by David A. Moon. 2017 David A. Moon #4615 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about lunar on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Lush - Programming language Lush ==== Lush, aka Lisp Universal Shell, is a programming language created in 2002 by Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun. 2002 Leon Bottou Yann Le Cun #1980 on PLDB 22 Years Old git clone Lush is an object-oriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications. Lush is designed to be used in situations where one would want to combine the flexibility of a high-level, weakly-typed interpreted language, with the efficiency of a strongly-typed, natively-compiled language - Tags: programming language - Explore Lush snippets on Rosetta Code - Lush on HOPL Lush on HOPL - Read more about Lush on the web: 1. 1. (for (i 1 100) (for (j 1 100) (if (= i j) (print (* i j)))))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 226 1.1
Lustre - Programming language Lustre ====== Lustre is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #1650 on PLDB 31 Years Old Lustre is a formally defined, declarative, and synchronous dataflow programming language for programming reactive systems. It began as a research project in the early 1980s. A formal presentation of the language can be found in the 1991 Proceedings of the IEEE. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lustre happened in Esterel Technologies - Lustre on HOPL Lustre on HOPL - Lustre appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (2 related languages) Esterel, SIGNAL node Edge (X : bool) returns (E : bool); let E = false -> X and not pre X; tel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Lux - Programming language Lux === Lux is a programming language created in 2014 by Eduardo Julián. 2014 Eduardo Julián #696 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone The Lux Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Lux is developed on GitHub and has 1,666 stars - Early development of Lux happened in - Lux compiles to JavaScript or Java or PHP or Python or R or Ruby or Scheme - Lux is written in Markdown, Clojure, YAML, SVG, Lisp, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
LWJGL - Library LWJGL ===== LWJGL, aka Lightweight Java Game Library, is a library created in 2007 by Caspian Prince. 2007 Caspian Prince #624 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is an open-source software library that provides bindings to a variety of C libraries for video game developers to Java. - Tags: library - Interview with the creator of LWJGL: 1. 1. - LWJGL is developed on GitHub and has 4,701 stars - LWJGL is written in Java, Kotlin, C, XML, C++, Markdown, YAML, GLSL, JSON, Gradle, Bourne shell, Assembly language, Objective-C, OpenCL, Objective C++ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
LYaPAS - Programming language LYaPAS ====== LYaPAS is a programming language created in 1964 by Arkady D.Zakrevskij. 1964 Arkady D.Zakrevskij #2560 on PLDB 60 Years Old Logical Language for the Representation of Synthesis Algorithms (LYaPAS, Russian: ЛЯПАС) is a programming language created in the Soviet Union in 1964, by Arkady D.Zakrevskij of the Laboratory of System Programming and Logical Synthesis, of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR, since renamed the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.LYaPAS is an extension to the programming language APL, and was initially designed especially for non-numeric programming for the Soviet designed and built line of mainframe computers named Ural-1. An interesting feature of LYaPAS is its use of octal numbers. A further refinement of LYaPAS is LYaPAS-M.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of LYaPAS happened in Siberian Physical-Technical Institute - LYaPAS on HOPL LYaPAS on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) APL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
Lygon - Programming language Lygon ===== Lygon is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3468 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lygon happened in Australian National University - Explore Lygon snippets on Rosetta Code - Lygon on HOPL Lygon on HOPL - Read more about Lygon on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Lynx - Programming language Lynx ==== Lynx is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #2408 on PLDB 40 Years Old Lynx is a programming language for large distributed networks, using remote procedure calls. It was developed by the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1984 for the Charlotte multicomputer operating system. In 1986 at the University of Rochester Lynx was ported to the Chrysalis operating system running on a BBN Butterfly multiprocessor.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Lynx happened in University of Wisconsin - Lynx on HOPL Lynx on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer - Programming language Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer ================================================ Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer, aka Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer, is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #2019 on PLDB 58 Years Old Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer happened in Education and Training Consultants Co - Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer on HOPL Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer on HOPL - Read more about Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
LyX - Editor LyX === LyX is an open source editor created in 1995. 1995 #1453 on PLDB 29 Years Old LyX (styled as L Y X {\displaystyle \mathbf {L} \!{}_{\mathbf {\displaystyle Y} }\!\mathbf {X} } ; pronounced [ˈlɪks]) is an open source document processor based on the LaTeX typesetting system. Unlike most word processors, which follow the WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") paradigm, LyX has a WYSIWYM ("what you see is what you mean") approach, where what shows up on the screen is only an approximation of what will show up on the page. Since LyX largely functions as a front-end to the LaTeX typesetting system, it has the power and flexibility of LaTeX, and can handle documents including books, notes, theses, to academic papers, letters, etc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of LyX happened in - was registered in 1998 - See also: (6 related languages) Qt, LaTeX, Linux, XeTeX, BibTeX, Subversion Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
Meta Expressions - Data notation Meta Expressions ================ Meta Expressions, aka Meta Expressions, is a data notation created in 1960. 1960 #1711 on PLDB 64 Years Old In computer programming, M-expressions (or meta-expressions) were an early proposed syntax for the Lisp programming language, inspired by contemporary languages such as Fortran and ALGOL.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Meta Expressions happened in MIT [1;2;3] f[x;y] label[square;λ[[x];product[x;x]]] [lessthan[x;0] → negative[x]; T → x] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
M-LISP - Programming language M-LISP ====== M-LISP is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4193 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of M-LISP happened in Harvard University - M-LISP on HOPL M-LISP on HOPL - Read more about M-LISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
M - Programming language M = M is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3631 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of M happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
M2001 - Programming language M2001 ===== M2001 is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2612 on PLDB 23 Years Old M2001 is a modular educational mathematical programming language for developing and presenting mathematical algorithms, from the modern discrete to the classical continuous mathematics. M2001 is built on a semantic framework that is based in category theory and has a syntax similar to that of Pascal or Modula-2. It is designed purely for pedagogic use, so efficiency and ease of implementation have been far less important in its development than generality and range of application. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of M2001 happened in Trinity University - M2001 on HOPL M2001 on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Pascal, Modula-2 matrix polynomial rationomial stack queue list powerseries series sequence tree graph digraph MATHEMATICAL CLASSES ABSTRACT CLASSES | | | | | | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | | | product sum set string exponential subdomain STRUCTURED TYPES | | | boolean character natural integer rational real complex text COMPUTATIONAL TYPES Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
m3db - Database m3db ==== m3db is a database created in 2016 by Xi Chen. 2016 Xi Chen #525 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A distributed time series database. - Tags: database - m3db is developed on GitHub and has 4,709 stars - Early development of m3db happened in - m3db is written in Go, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, SVG, Protocol Buffers, JSON, JavaScript, Dockerfile, HTML, CSS, Make, HCL, TOML, Bash, Thrift, Assembly language - was registered in 2018 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
M4 - Programming language M4 == M4 is a programming language created in 1977 by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. 1977 Brian Kernighan Dennis Ritchie #210 on PLDB 47 Years Old 2k Repos m4 is a general-purpose macro processor included in all UNIX-like operating systems, and is a component of the POSIX standard. The language was designed by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie for the original versions of UNIX. It is an extension of an earlier macro processor m3, written by Ritchie for the AP-3 minicomputer. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,405 M4 repos on GitHub - Early development of M4 happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12k users using M4 in 16k repos on GitHub - Explore M4 snippets on Rosetta Code - M4 on HOPL M4 on HOPL - M4 appears in the TIOBE Index - M4 Ubuntu package M4 Ubuntu package - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for M4 - M4 appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (6 related languages) Assembly language, RATFOR, Unix, Fortran, HTML, FreeBSD - 74 PLDB concepts link to M4: Ad-hoc, Bash, Bazel, beef-lang, Bio, Cap'n Proto, Chapel, cityhash-hash-function, Click, crmsh, curv, eC, egel, Eiffel, Emscripten, Erlang, Felix, Filebench WML, FLEX, Flow9, G-Portugol, GAP, Gforth, GHC, Git, groff, HHVM, huginn, Java, jq, Kefir, latino, Linux, lobster, MongoDB, nesC, Node.js, oil, ooc, opam-pm, orca, P*, PCRE, PgBouncer, PHP, GNU Poke, PostgreSQL, POV-Ray SDL, Python, Qore, Racket, Ragel, ramen, Recfiles, Redis, RicScript, Ruby, sile, skip, Slony, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, SWI Prolog, tridash, UCL, UrWeb, VLC, VSXu, Wonkey, Xgboost, XGBoost, YARA, Zephir, zl errprint(`Hello, world!') Hello # Hello World for the m4 macro processor Hello dnl Took from divert(-1) M4 has multiple output queues that can be manipulated with the `divert' macro. Valid queues range from 0 to 10, inclusive, with the default queue being 0. Calling the `divert' macro with an invalid queue causes text to be discarded until another call. Note that even while output is being discarded, quotes around `divert' and other macros are needed to prevent expansion. # Macros aren't expanded within comments, meaning that keywords such # as divert and other built-ins may be used without consequence. # HTML utility macro: define(`H2_COUNT', 0) # The H2_COUNT macro is redefined every time the H2 macro is used: define(`H2', `define(`H2_COUNT', incr(H2_COUNT))<h2>H2_COUNT. $1</h2>') divert(1)dnl dnl dnl The dnl macro causes m4 to discard the rest of the line, thus dnl preventing unwanted blank lines from appearing in the output. dnl H2(First Section) H2(Second Section) H2(Conclusion) dnl divert(0)dnl dnl <HTML> undivert(1)dnl One of the queues is being pushed to output. </HTML> <HTML> <h2>1. First Section</h2> <h2>2. Second Section</h2> <h2>3. Conclusion</h2> </HTML> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 653 3.3
M4Sugar - Programming language M4Sugar ======= M4Sugar is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #1549 on PLDB 21 Years Old 0 Repos M4 by itself provides only a small, but sufficient, set of all-purpose macros. M4sugar introduces additional generic macros. Its name was coined by Lars J. Aas: “Readability And Greater Understanding Stands 4 M4sugar” - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 M4Sugar repos on GitHub - Early development of M4Sugar happened in Free Software Foundation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for M4Sugar - Read more about M4Sugar on the web: 1. 1. m4_define([m4_list_declare], [m4_do( [m4_define([$1_GET], [m4_expand([m4_list_nth([$1], $][1)])])], [m4_define([$1_FOREACH], [m4_foreach([item], [m4_dquote_elt(m4_list_contents([$1]))], m4_quote($][1))])], )]) m4_define([m4_list_add], [m4_do( [m4_pushdef([_LIST_NAME], [[_LIST_$1]])], [m4_ifndef(_LIST_NAME, [m4_define(_LIST_NAME, m4_dquote(m4_escape([$2])))], [m4_define(_LIST_NAME, m4_dquote(m4_list_contents([$1]), m4_escape([$2])))], )], [m4_popdef([_LIST_NAME])], )]) m4_define([m4_list_contents], [m4_do( [m4_pushdef([_LIST_NAME], [[_LIST_$1]])], [m4_ifndef(_LIST_NAME, [], m4_quote(_LIST_NAME))], [m4_popdef([_LIST_NAME])], )]) m4_define([m4_list_nth], [m4_argn([$2], m4_list_contents([$1]))]) m4_define([m4_list_pop_front], [m4_do( [m4_pushdef([_LIST_NAME], [[_LIST_$1]])], [m4_car(m4_unquote(_LIST_NAME))], [m4_define(_LIST_NAME, m4_cdr(m4_unquote(_LIST_NAME)))], [m4_popdef([_LIST_NAME])], )]) m4_define([m4_list_pop_back], [m4_do( [m4_pushdef([_LIST_NAME], [[_LIST_$1]])], [m4_define(_LIST_NAME, m4_dquote(m4_reverse(m4_unquote(_LIST_NAME))))], [m4_list_pop_front([$1])], [m4_define(_LIST_NAME, m4_dquote(m4_reverse(m4_unquote(_LIST_NAME))))], [m4_popdef([_LIST_NAME])], )]) dnl dnl $1: List name dnl $2: What dnl $3: If contains dnl $4: If not m4_define([m4_list_contains], [m4_do( [m4_foreach([item], m4_list_contents([$1]), m4_if(item, [$2], [[$3]], [[$4]]))] )]) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 286 1.4
MIT Algebraic Compiler - Programming language MIT Algebraic Compiler ====================== MIT Algebraic Compiler, aka MIT Algebraic Compiler, is a programming language created in 1957. 1957 #3131 on PLDB 67 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MIT Algebraic Compiler happened in MIT - MIT Algebraic Compiler on HOPL MIT Algebraic Compiler on HOPL - Read more about MIT Algebraic Compiler on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
MacAims - Programming language MacAims ======= MacAims is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4194 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MacAims happened in MIT - MacAims on HOPL MacAims on HOPL - Read more about MacAims on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
MacBASIC - Programming language MacBASIC ======== MacBASIC is an open source programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3200 on PLDB 39 Years Old Macintosh Basic, or MacBASIC, was both a comprehensive programming language and a fully interactive development environment designed by Apple Inc. for the original Macintosh computer. It was developed by original Macintosh team member Donn Denman, with help from fellow Apple programmers Marianne Hsiung, Larry Kenyon, and Bryan Stearns, as part of the original Macintosh development effort starting in late 1981.MacBASIC was released as beta software in 1985, and was adopted for use in places such as the Dartmouth College computer science department, for use in an introductory programming course. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MacBASIC happened in Apple - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
MacBook Air - Computing machine MacBook Air =========== MacBook Air is a computing machine created in 2008. 2008 #4555 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of MacBook Air happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Macchiato - Programming language Macchiato ========= Macchiato is a programming language created in 2019 by Eddie aka. tamamu. 2019 Eddie aka. tamamu #1961 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone An AltJS of a dialect of Lisp - Tags: programming language - Macchiato is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of Macchiato happened in - Macchiato compiles to JavaScript - Macchiato is written in Elixir, Markdown (defn inc (x) (+ 1 x)) (defn fizzbuzz (n) (doseq (i (range 1 n#inc)) (match (list (mod i 3) (mod i 5)) (0 0) (console:log "FizzBuzz") (0 _) (console:log "Fizz") (_ 0) (console:log "Buzz") _ (console:log i)))) (fizzbuzz 20) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
MACE - Programming language MACE ==== MACE is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4195 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MACE happened in USC - MACE on HOPL MACE on HOPL - Read more about MACE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Machiavelli - Programming language Machiavelli =========== Machiavelli is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4196 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Machiavelli happened in University of Pennsylvania - Machiavelli on HOPL Machiavelli on HOPL - Read more about Machiavelli on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Macintosh Common Lisp - Programming language Macintosh Common Lisp ===================== Macintosh Common Lisp is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #2822 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Macintosh Common Lisp happened in Digitool, Inc - Read more about Macintosh Common Lisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
Macintosh - Computing machine Macintosh ========= Macintosh is a computing machine created in 1984. 1984 #4556 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of Macintosh happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Maclisp - Programming language Maclisp ======= Maclisp is a programming language created in 1966 by Richard Greenblatt and Jon L. White. 1966 Richard Greenblatt Jon L. White #4557 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
MACRO-10 - Programming language MACRO-10 ======== MACRO-10 is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #1751 on PLDB 46 Years Old MACRO-10 is an assembly language with extensive macro facilities for DEC's PDP-10-based Mainframe computer systems, the DECsystem-10 and the DECSYSTEM-20. MACRO-10 is implemented as a two-pass assembler.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MACRO-10 happened in DEC - See also: (1 related languages) Assembly language HELLO WORLD MACRO %53B(1247) 17:29 7-Apr-:9 Page 1 HELLO MAC 7-Apr-:9 17:29 TITLE HELLO WORLD ; 'Hello world' in MACRO-10 for TOPS-10 SEARCH UUOSYM ; Make UUO symbol names available 000000' 110 145 154 154 157 LAB: ASCIZ /Hello, world! 000001' 054 040 167 157 162 000002' 154 144 041 015 012 / ; NUL-terminated ASCII string with CRLF 000003' 000 000 000 000 000 000004' 047 00 0 00 000000 START: RESET ; Initialise job to clean runtime state 000005' 051 03 0 00 000000' OUTPUT: OUTSTR LAB ; Output string starting at LAB: 000006' 047 01 0 00 000012 MONRT. ; Return to monitor 000007' 254 00 0 00 000005' JRST OUTPUT ; Restart at OUTPUT: if user CONTINUEs job 000004' END START ; End assembly, set program start address NO ERRORS DETECTED PROGRAM BREAK IS 000010 CPU TIME USED 58:25.100 36P CORE USED HELLO WORLD MACRO %53B(1247) 17:29 7-Apr-:9 Page S-1 HELLO MAC 7-Apr-:9 17:29 SYMBOL TABLE LAB 000000' MONRT. 047040 000012 OUTPUT 000005' OUTSTR 051140 000000 RESET 047000 000000 START 000004' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 400 2
MACRO-11 - Programming language MACRO-11 ======== MACRO-11 is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #2940 on PLDB 50 Years Old MACRO-11 is an assembly language with macro facilities for PDP-11 minicomputers from DEC (DEC). It is the successor to PAL-11 (Program Assembler Loader), an earlier version of the PDP-11 assembly language without macro facilities. The MACRO-11 assembly language was designed for the PDP-11 minicomputer family. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MACRO-11 happened in DEC - MACRO-11 on HOPL MACRO-11 on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Assembly language, Unix .MACRO HELLO ERRORS DETECTED: 0 .LINK HELLO .R HELLO Hello, world! . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Macro SPITBOL - Programming language Macro SPITBOL ============= Macro SPITBOL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4197 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Macro SPITBOL happened in Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and University of Leeds - Macro SPITBOL on HOPL Macro SPITBOL on HOPL - Read more about Macro SPITBOL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
MACRO - Programming language MACRO ===== MACRO is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #1416 on PLDB 45 Years Old Macro (or MACRO) may refer to:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MACRO happened in UNIVAC EMCC - MACRO on HOPL MACRO on HOPL - Read more about MACRO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
MacroML - Programming language MacroML ======= MacroML is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2613 on PLDB 23 Years Old MacroML is an experimental programming language based on the ML programming language family that seeks to reconcile ML's static typing systems, and the types of macro systems more commonly found in dynamically typed languages like Scheme; this reconciliation is difficult as macro transformations are typically Turing-complete and so can break the type safety guarantees static typing is supposed to provide.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MacroML happened in Indiana University and Yale University - First announcement of MacroML - See also: (1 related languages) Scheme Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator - Programming language Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator ================================== Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #1608 on PLDB 56 Years Old Macsyma (Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator) is one of the oldest general purpose computer algebra systems which is still widely used. It was originally developed from 1968 to 1982 at MIT's Project MAC. In 1982, Macsyma was licensed to Symbolics and became a commercial product. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator happened in MIT - Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator on HOPL Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Maxima, Multics, Fortran, LaTeX, Lisp, Common Lisp, Maple, Mathematica, MATLAB, Linux print("Hello World"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
Michigan Algorithm Decoder - Programming language Michigan Algorithm Decoder ========================== Michigan Algorithm Decoder, aka Michigan Algorithm Decoder, is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #1391 on PLDB 65 Years Old MAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder) is a programming language and compiler for the IBM 704 and later the IBM 709, IBM 7090, IBM 7040, UNIVAC 1107, UNIVAC 1108, Philco 210-211, and eventually the IBM S/370 mainframe computers. Developed in 1959 at the University of Michigan by Bernard Galler, Bruce Arden and Robert M. Graham, MAD is a variant of the ALGOL language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Michigan Algorithm Decoder happened in University of Michigan - Michigan Algorithm Decoder on HOPL Michigan Algorithm Decoder on HOPL - Michigan Algorithm Decoder appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (6 related languages) ALGOL 58, Algol, Multics, ALGOL 60, PL/I, ISBN R Hello world in MAD PRINT FORMAT HELLOW VECTOR VALUES HELLOW=$13h0Hello, world*$ END OF PROGRAM PRINT FORMAT HELLOW VECTOR VALUES HELLOW=$13h0Hello, world*$ END OF PROGRAM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
MADCAP VI - Programming language MADCAP VI ========= MADCAP VI is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3132 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MADCAP VI happened in University of California Los Alamos - MADCAP VI on HOPL MADCAP VI on HOPL - Read more about MADCAP VI on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
MADCAP - Programming language MADCAP ====== MADCAP is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3469 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MADCAP happened in University of California Los Alamos - MADCAP on HOPL MADCAP on HOPL - Read more about MADCAP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
MADS - Programming language MADS ==== MADS is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #4198 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MADS happened in General Electric - MADS on HOPL MADS on HOPL - Read more about MADS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
mages - Programming language mages ===== mages is a programming language created in 2016 by Florian Rappl. 2016 Florian Rappl #1436 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone :tophat: MAGES is a very simple, yet powerful, expression parser and interpreter. - Tags: programming language - mages is developed on GitHub and has 124 stars - Early development of mages happened in - mages is written in C#, Markdown, XML, YAML, PowerShell, Bourne shell HackerNews discussions of mages =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A lightweight .NET-based scripting language||07/11/2016|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Magic Paper - Programming language Magic Paper =========== Magic Paper is a programming language created in 1963 by Jean E. Sammet. 1963 Jean E. Sammet #3133 on PLDB 61 Years Old Early interactive symbolic math system. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Magic Paper happened in IBM - Magic Paper on HOPL Magic Paper on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Magik - Programming language Magik ===== Magik is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #1842 on PLDB 35 Years Old Magik is an object-oriented programming language that supports multiple inheritance, polymorphism and is dynamically typed. It was designed implemented in 1989 by Arthur Chance, of Smallworld Systems Ltd, as part of Smallworld Geographical Information System (GIS). Following Smallworld's acquisition in 2000, Magik is now is provided by GE Energy, still as part of its Smallworld technology platform. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Magik happened in Smallworld Systems Ltd - Magik on HOPL Magik on HOPL - Magik appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) JVM, Smalltalk, Unix, Linux, C, C#, Java my_procedure << _proc @my_procedure(a, b, c) _return a + b + c _endproc x << my_procedure(1, 2, 3) # x = 6 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
Magit - Application Magit ===== Magit is an application created in 2013 by Marius Vollmer. 2013 Marius Vollmer #245 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Magit is a complete text-based user interface to Git. It fills the glaring gap between the Git command-line interface and various GUIs, letting you perform trivial as well as elaborate version control tasks with just a couple of mnemonic key presses - Tags: application - Magit is developed on GitHub and has 6,453 stars - Early development of Magit happened in - Magit is written in Lisp, YAML, Markdown, Make - See also: (3 related languages) Git, Lisp, Emacs Lisp - Read more about Magit on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Magit: Sourcetree Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
MAGMA - Programming language MAGMA ===== MAGMA is an open source programming language created in 1993. 1993 #1266 on PLDB 31 Years Old Magma is a computer algebra system designed to solve problems in algebra, number theory, geometry and combinatorics. It is named after the algebraic structure magma. It runs on Unix-like operating systems, as well as Windows.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MAGMA happened in University of Sydney - There are 32 Project Euler users using MAGMA - MAGMA on HOPL MAGMA on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Magma2 - Programming language Magma2 ====== Magma2 is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4199 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Magma2 happened in Universita di Pisa - Magma2 on HOPL Magma2 on HOPL - Read more about Magma2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
magritte - Programming language magritte ======== magritte is a programming language created in 2019 by Jeanine Adkisson. 2019 Jeanine Adkisson #3470 on PLDB 5 Years Old This work proposes Magritte, a general-purpose language that is viable as a shell scripting language - Tags: programming language - Early development of magritte happened in Tokyo Institute of Technology - Read more about magritte on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
MAI Basic Four - Programming language MAI Basic Four ============== MAI Basic Four is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3728 on PLDB 50 Years Old MAI Basic Four (sometimes written as Basic/Four Corporation or Basic 4) refers to a variety of Business Basic, the computers that ran it, and the company that sold them (its name at various times given as MAI Basic Four Inc., MAI Basic Four Information Systems, and MAI Systems Corporation). MAI Systems Corporation became a wholly owned subsidiary of Softbrands Inc. in 2006. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MAI Basic Four happened in MAI Systems - See also: (1 related languages) Business Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
mai - Programming language mai === mai is a programming language created in 2019 by Ahmed Khaled. 2019 Ahmed Khaled #2687 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone an educational programming language - Tags: programming language - mai is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of mai happened in - mai is written in Java, XML, Markdown, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Make - Programming language Make ==== Make is an open source programming language created in 1976 by Stuart Feldman. 1976 Stuart Feldman #95 on PLDB 48 Years Old 248k Repos A makefile is a file containing a set of directives used with the make build automation tool.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, application - There are at least 247,622 Make repos on GitHub - Early development of Make happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 153k users using Make in 251k repos on GitHub - Explore Make snippets on Rosetta Code - Make on HOPL Make on HOPL - Make Ubuntu package Make Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Make - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Make - Make appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (1 related languages) C - Read more about Make on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 460 PLDB concepts link to Make: Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, acorn-lang, Ad-hoc, Aheui, AIL, Aith, a Lisp Environment, Alpaca, Alumina, ana, Apache Hbase, aplette, aretext, Ark, Apache Arrow, ASDF, Astatine, astroml, AT Protocol, attoparsec, Austral, AviSynth, awl, bamboo, Bash, Battlestar, Bazel, beef-lang, Berry, Bio, BlazeX, BlitzMax, Blox, bpkg-pm, Broccoli, Bucklescript, Bython, C3, candor, Candy, Cane, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, carth, Catala, Céu, Ceylon, Chapel, checked-c, chibicc, CHICKEN, chisel, chrysaLisp, Ciel, Ć, cityhash-hash-function, clash, clay, Click, clike, cloc, Coconut, Cognate, comby, CWL, commonmark, Coq, cosh, CouchDB, Crema, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, CSpydr, CSS Doodle, curv, Cwerg, cytosol, Dafny, Dasm, datafun, DDP, dedukti, Dern, dex, dexvis, dgraph, Differential Datalog, Djot, DragonBASIC, duro, eC, Embedded Crystal, edgedb, eff, egel, Egison, Eiffel, EJS, ELENA, ELFE, Elixir, Elpi, Elvish, elymas, EmberScript, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, FaCT, Factor, Felix, femtolisp, Fennel, ferret, FFmpeg, Filebench WML, firrtl, fish, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, Flatline, fleck, FLEX, Flow, Flow9, flua, forest-lang, fork-lang, Frank, Frege, F*, funl, Futhark, G-Portugol, GAP, GN, gentee, Gforth, GHC, Git, Gleam, Go, GraphIt, gravity, groff, Gwion, hacspec, hakaru, HAL Format, Halide, hamler, Hare, harlan, hashlink, haste, Haxe, Hazel, HCL, Hera, HHVM, highlight.js, Hina, hobbes, Homa, Horse64, huginn, Hush, HuwCode, icarus, Idio, Idris, Impala, Incipit, ink-lang, inko, IPL, invokator, Iode, Iterm2, Invisible XML, J, JAL compiler, Janet, Java, jayfor, JCOF, Jeeves, Jelly, Jemplate, JFlex, Jinja, Jison, jonprl, jq, JSON Schema, Jsonnet, jsparagus, juicy, Julia, juvix, k-framework, Kakoune, Kalyn, Kamby, KaTeX, Kefir, kitten, ko, kona, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kuc, kumir, Kuroko, latino, ldpl, lem-editor, Lemon, leo-editor, lever, lift, Ligo, Lil, LinearML, Links, Linux, lispyscript, LiteScript, little, lmdb, lobster, LuaJIT, Luna, Luna, m3db, Magit, mal, Manim, manool, mathics, Matplotlib, Metalang99, MewMew, mgmt, ΜC++, micro-editor, microl, MicroPython, mimium, Mindsdb, Minilang, MiniZinc, mirth, mlpolyr, MLscript, mochi, MongoDB, MonkeyX, monte, MoonScript, Mudlle, multiaddr, mycroft, myia, mys, mythryl, NCAR Command Language, nesC, NestedText, never, newclay, NewLisp, Nextflow, ngn/k, NGS, nianiolang, Nit, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, Noweb, Not Quite C, Numba, Nymph, ObjectScript, Obsidian, oden, odin, oil, onnx, ooc, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, Open Shading Language, OpenComal, OpenCV, orca-pl, orca, Oxyl, P*, PCRE, Perl, PgBouncer, PHP, pipelines, PkgConfig, Please Build, PogoScript, pointless, GNU Poke, polyglot-compiler, Pony, popr, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, preforth, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qore, quaint-lang, quicklisp-pm, Quint, Racket, Ragel, ramen, RapidBatch, Rapira, raptorjit, Reason, Recfiles, Redis, redprl, reforth, remix, RetDec, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, Riff, Rita, RobotFramework, rosie, roy, Ruby, Rust, SATySFi, Savi, Scikit-learn, SciPy, sentient, Seq, setlx, Shen, shill, shml, sile, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, Simplicity, skip, Slash, Slony, Smali, SmallBASIC, SMC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, solid, Solidity, Sophie, Spatial, SpiderBasic, Sqlalchemy, Squire, Squirrel, stacklang, Stencil, stoneknifeforth, Streem, Subleq, Sugar, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, t-lang, Taichi, tamgu, tao3d, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, Textile, tiledb, Tiny C Compiler, Typed Lua, Toi, tornado, Toy, tridash, Triton, truck, tuplemarkup, twtxt, txtzyme, U, UCG, UCL, ultralisp-pm, Umka, Uno, UrWeb, V, v8, Vale, Vcpkg, Veryl, Virgil, VLC, Volt, VSXu, vyper, Wart, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wax, 文言文編程語言, Wing, winxed, wisp, woe, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, xsv-app, Ecstasy, YARA, YASnippet, yeti, Zephir, zl edit : main.o kbd.o command.o display.o \ insert.o search.o files.o utils.o cc -o edit main.o kbd.o command.o display.o \ insert.o search.o files.o utils.o main.o : main.c defs.h cc -c main.c kbd.o : kbd.c defs.h command.h cc -c kbd.c command.o : command.c defs.h command.h cc -c command.c display.o : display.c defs.h buffer.h cc -c display.c insert.o : insert.c defs.h buffer.h cc -c insert.c search.o : search.c defs.h buffer.h cc -c search.c files.o : files.c defs.h buffer.h command.h cc -c files.c utils.o : utils.c defs.h cc -c utils.c clean : rm edit main.o kbd.o command.o display.o \ insert.o search.o files.o utils.o .PHONY: all all: @echo "Hello, world!" $(info "Hello World") all: #!/usr/bin/make -f %: ls -l edit: main.o kbd.o command.o display.o cc -o edit main.o kbd.o command.o display.o main.o: main.c defs.h cc -c main.c kbd.o: kbd.c defs.h command.h cc -c kbd.c command.o: command.c defs.h command.h cc -c command.c display.o: display.c defs.h cc -c display.c clean: rm edit main.o kbd.o command.o display.o Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example objects = program.o foo.o utils.o Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported ✓ Example objects = program.o foo.o utils.o $(objects) Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1090 5.5
MakeDoc - Text markup language MakeDoc ======= MakeDoc is a text markup language created in 2000. 2000 #2614 on PLDB 24 Years Old MakeDoc is a lightweight markup language created in 2000 by Carl Sassenrath for creating documentation and web pages using simple text notations. The language is used extensively in the REBOL community for documentation, websites, and wikis.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of MakeDoc happened in REBOL Technologies - See also: (5 related languages) REBOL, HTML, XML, vi, Emacs *Bullet item *Another #Numbered item #Another numbered item Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Mako - Template language Mako ==== Mako is a template language created in 2006. 2006 #786 on PLDB 18 Years Old 188 Repos Mako is a template library written in Python. It provides a familiar, non-XML syntax which compiles into Python modules for maximum performance. Mako's syntax and API borrows from the best ideas of many others, including Django and Jinja2 templates, Cheetah, Myghty, and Genshi. Conceptually, Mako is an embedded Python (i.e. Python Server Page) language, which refines the familiar ideas of componentized layout and inheritance to produce one of the most straightforward and flexible models available, while also maintaining close ties to Python calling and scoping semantics. Mako is used by where it delivers over one billion page views per month. It is the default template language included with the Pylons and Pyramid web frameworks. - Tags: template language - There are at least 188 Mako repos on GitHub - Early development of Mako happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using Mako in 4k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Mako - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Mako - was registered in 2006 - 3 PLDB concepts link to Mako: cloc, Mindsdb, Pygments <%inherit file="base.html"/> <% rows = [[v for v in range(0,10)] for row in range(0,10)] %> <table> % for row in rows: ${makerow(row)} % endfor </table> <%def name="makerow(row)"> <tr> % for name in row: <td>${name}</td>\ % endfor </tr> </%def> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 355 1.8
mal - Interpreter mal === mal is an interpreter created in 2014. 2014 #1046 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Mal is a Clojure inspired Lisp interpreter. Mal is implemented in 75 languages. - Tags: interpreter - mal is developed on GitHub and has 9,938 stars - Early development of mal happened in - mal is written in Make, Dockerfile, Swift, Ada, Python, Bash, JavaScript, Lisp, Java, C, Visual Basic, SQL, Scheme, Ruby, Perl, JSON, Bourne shell, XSLT, MATLAB, Zig, C#, F#, Pascal, Elm, Smalltalk, Haxe, PHP, Scala, Elixir, Assembly language, Markdown, Forth, C++, Erlang, Lua, Lex, Standard ML, Vala, VHDL, Go, Visual Basic .NET, D, Fennel, TypeScript, Rexx, Tcl, Objective-C, Crystal, PureScript, Vim script, R, Groovy, Kotlin, Nim, Julia, Racket, CoffeeScript, awk, Rust, Dart, PowerShell, Haskell, Prolog, OCaml, CSS, YAML, SVG, HTML, Clojure, Dhall, Diff, Gradle, TOML, ClojureScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
Malbolge - Esoteric programming language Malbolge ======== Malbolge is an esoteric programming language created in 1998 by Ben Olmstead. 1998 Ben Olmstead #791 on PLDB 26 Years Old Malbolge () is a public domain esoteric programming language invented by Ben Olmstead in 1998, named after the eighth circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, the Malebolge. Malbolge was specifically designed to be almost impossible to use, via a counter-intuitive 'crazy operation', base-three arithmetic, and self-altering code. It builds on the difficulty of earlier, challenging esoteric languages (such as Brainfuck and Befunge), but takes this aspect to the extreme, playing on the entangled histories of computer science and encryption. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Malbolge happened in - Explore Malbolge snippets on Rosetta Code - Malbolge on Esolang Malbolge on Esolang - See also: (4 related languages) Brainfuck, INTERCAL, Befunge, ASCII (=<`#9]~6ZY32Vx/4Rs+0No-&Jk)"Fh}|Bcy?`=*z]Kw%oG4UUS0/@-ejc(:'8dc (=<`#9]~6ZY32Vx/4Rs+0No-&Jk)"Fh}|Bcy?,vNz]KZ%oG4UUS0/@-eMc(:'8 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9m<.TVac`uY*MK'X~xDl}REokN:#?G"i@5z]&gqtyfr$(we4{WP)H-Zn,[%\3dL+Q;>U!pJS72FhOA1CB6v^=I_0/8|jsb Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 302 1.5
Mallard BASIC - Programming language Mallard BASIC ============= Mallard BASIC is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3762 on PLDB 39 Years Old Mallard BASIC is a BASIC interpreter for CP/M written by Locomotive Software and supplied with the Amstrad PCW range of small business computers, the ZX Spectrum +3 version of CP/M Plus, and the Acorn BBC Micro Z80 second Processor. In the 1980s, it was standard industry practice to bundle a BASIC interpreter with microcomputers, and the PCW followed this practice. While it was primarily a wordprocessor for business use, it was not a dedicated WP: it also ran the CP/M operating system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mallard BASIC happened in Locomotive Software - See also: (5 related languages) BASIC, CBASIC, ZBasic, x86 Assembly, Locomotive BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
MALUS - Programming language MALUS ===== MALUS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4200 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MALUS happened in General Motors Research Laboratories - MALUS on HOPL MALUS on HOPL - Read more about MALUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Mama - Programming language Mama ==== Mama is an open source programming language created in 2010. 2010 #2402 on PLDB 14 Years Old Mama is an object-oriented educational programming language designed to help young students start programming by providing all language elements in the student mother tongue. Mama programming language is available in several languages, with both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) language direction support. A new variant of Mama was built on top of Carnegie Mellon's Alice development environment, supporting scripting of the 3D stage objects. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mama happened in Shapes Robotics Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
MML - Standard MML === MML is a standard created in 1982. 1982 #2089 on PLDB 42 Years Old A man-machine language or MML is a specification language. MML typically are defined to standardize the interfaces for managing a telecommunications or network device from a console. ITU-T Z.300 series recommendations define an MML, that has been extended by Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore) to form Transaction Language 1.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard - Early development of MML happened in International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee - Read more about MML on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Manchester syntax - Data notation Manchester syntax ================= Manchester syntax is a data notation created in 2006. 2006 #2418 on PLDB 18 Years Old The Manchester syntax is a user-friendly compact syntax for OWL 2 ontologies; it is frame-based, as opposed to the axiom-based other syntaxes for OWL 2. The Manchester Syntax is used in the OWL 2 Primer, and this document provides the language used there. It is expected that tools will extend the Manchester Syntax for their own purposes, and tool builders may collaboratively extend the common language. - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Manchester syntax happened in University of Manchester - Read more about Manchester syntax on the web: 1. 1. /** * @rdfs:comment A vegetarian pizza is a pizza that only has cheese toppings * and tomato toppings. * * @rdfs:label Pizza [en] * @rdfs:label Pizza [pt] */ Class: VegetarianPizza EquivalentTo: Pizza and not (hasTopping some FishTopping) and not (hasTopping some MeatTopping) DisjointWith: NonVegetarianPizza Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 255 1.3
Mangle - Programming language Mangle ====== Mangle is a programming language created in 2022 by Mangle Team. 2022 Mangle Team #1344 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Mangle is developed on GitHub and has 1,052 stars - Early development of Mangle happened in Google - Mangle is written in Go, Markdown, SVG, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
manhood - Programming language manhood ======= manhood is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #599 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone (Obsolete) Archive of Rant 3.x. - Tags: programming language - manhood is developed on GitHub and has 2,964 stars - Early development of manhood happened in - manhood is written in C#, Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, XML, YAML, CSS, SVG, JSON HackerNews discussions of manhood ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Manhood – a powerful templating language for random text generation||09/13/2014|22|5 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
Manim - Framework Manim ===== Manim is an open source framework created in 2015 by Grant Sanderson. 2015 Grant Sanderson #149 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone 3Blue1Brown is a math YouTube channel created and run by Grant Sanderson. The channel focuses on teaching higher mathematics from a visual perspective, and on the process of discovery and inquiry-based learning in mathematics, which Sanderson calls "inventing math". As of November 2022, the channel has 4.85 million subscribers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - Manim is developed on GitHub and has 20,183 stars - Watch the history of the Manim repo visualized with Gource - Early development of Manim happened in - Manim is written in Python, reStructuredText, SVG, GLSL, Markdown, YAML, JSON, JavaScript, Ini, TOML, awk, CSS, Dockerfile, Make, Jupyter Notebook, Bourne shell, Tex, HTML - There are 7,009 members in the Manim subreddit - There is a central package repository for Manim Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
manool - Programming language manool ====== manool is a programming language created in 2018 by Alex Protasov. 2018 Alex Protasov #1197 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Practical programming language with expressive power, in 10 KLOC in C++11 - "MAnool is Not an Object-Oriented Language!" - Tags: programming language - manool is developed on GitHub and has 61 stars - Early development of manool happened in - manool is written in C++, C, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, Make, Bash - was registered in 2018 - Read more about manool on the web: 1. 1. -- recursive version, MANOOLish "cascading" notation { {extern ""} in : let rec { Fact = -- compile-time constant binding { proc { N } as -- precondition: N.IsI48[] & (N >= 0) : if N == 0 then 1 else N * Fact[N - 1] } } in Out.WriteLine["Factorial of 10 is "; Fact[10]] } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 273 1.4
manticore - Programming language manticore ========= manticore is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3471 on PLDB 15 Years Old The Manticore project is an effort to design and implement a new functional language for parallel programming. Unlike many earlier parallel languages, Manticore is a heterogeneous language that supports parallelism at multiple levels. Specifically, the Manticore language combines Concurrent ML-style explicit concurrency with fine-grain, implicitly threaded, parallel constructs. These lectures will introduce the Manticore language and explore a variety of programs written to take advantage of heterogeneous parallelism. At the explicit-concurrency level, Manticore supports the creation distinct threads of control and the coordination of threads through first-class synchronous-message passing. Message-passing synchronization, in contrast to shared-memory synchronization, fits naturally with the functional-programming paradigm. At the implicit-parallelism level, Manticore supports a diverse collection of parallel constructs for different granularities of work. Many of these constructs are inspired by common functional-programming idioms. In addition to describing the basic mechanisms, we will present a number of useful programming techniques that are enabled by these mechanisms. Finally, we will briefly discuss some of the implementation techniques used to execute Manticore programs on commodity multicore computers. - Tags: programming language - Early development of manticore happened in University of Chicago - Read more about manticore on the web: 1. 1. fun forever (init : ’a) (f: ’a -> ’a) : unit = let fun loop s = loop (f s) val _ = spawn (loop init) in () end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
ManuScript - Programming language ManuScript ========== ManuScript is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #4201 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ManuScript happened in Avid Technology, Inc - ManuScript on HOPL ManuScript on HOPL - Read more about ManuScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
MAP - Assembly language MAP === MAP, aka Macro Assembly Program Language, is an assembly language created in 1960. 1960 #3472 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of MAP happened in IBM - MAP on HOPL MAP on HOPL - Read more about MAP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
MapBasic - Programming language MapBasic ======== MapBasic is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2962 on PLDB 27 Years Old MapBasic is a programming language for creation of additional tools and functionality for the MapInfo Professional geographical information system. MapBasic is based on the BASIC family of programming languages.MapBasic also allows programmers to develop software in popular programming languages such as C, C++ and Visual Basic and use these with the MapInfo Professional GIS to create geographically based software, such as electronic mapping.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MapBasic happened in Pitney Bowes Software and MapInfo Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Mapgen - Visual programming language Mapgen ====== Mapgen is a visual programming language created in 2017 by Amit Patel. 2017 Amit Patel #1058 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Mapgen. Procedural wilderness map generator - Tags: visual programming language - Mapgen is developed on GitHub and has 602 stars - Mapgen is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Maple - Programming language Maple ===== Maple is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #112 on PLDB 42 Years Old Maple is a symbolic and numeric computing environment, and is also a multi-paradigm programming language. Developed by Maplesoft, Maple also covers other aspects of technical computing, including visualization, data analysis, matrix computation, and connectivity. A toolbox, MapleSim, adds functionality for multidomain physical modeling and code generation.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Maple happened in Cybernet Systems Co. Ltd - There are 265 Project Euler users using Maple - Explore Maple snippets on Rosetta Code - Maple on HOPL Maple on HOPL - Maple appears in the TIOBE Index - There is a central package repository for Maple - See also: (21 related languages) C, Java, Linux, Pascal, C#, Fortran, MATLAB, Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel, Watcom, SQL, HTTP, JavaScript, Julia, Perl, Python, R, JSP, Mathcad, muPad, Sage # Hello World in Maple >> printf("Hello World!"); eqn:= f(x)-3*Int((x*y+x^2*y^2)*f(y), y=-1..1) = h(x): intsolve(eqn,f(x)); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 316 1.6
Maplesoft Application Center - Package manager Maplesoft Application Center ============================ Maplesoft Application Center is a package manager created in 2004. 2004 #2474 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Maplesoft Application Center happened in Cybernet Systems Co. Ltd - Read more about Maplesoft Application Center on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
MAPPER - Programming language MAPPER ====== MAPPER is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #2167 on PLDB 64 Years Old Sperry Univac's 'MAPPER 4GL originated in the 1970s based on some work in the 1960s, but has been kept current. It was renamed and also given an extension named ICE - Internet Commerce Enabler.Originally available on Sperry's Univac 1108, implementations now also exist for Windows NT, Sun Solaris and Linux. The GUI on Windows is the most advanced of these.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MAPPER happened in EMCC UNIVAC - Explore MAPPER snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (1 related languages) Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
MAPQUERY - Programming language MAPQUERY ======== MAPQUERY is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3473 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MAPQUERY happened in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - MAPQUERY on HOPL MAPQUERY on HOPL - Read more about MAPQUERY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
MAPS - Programming language MAPS ==== MAPS is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3134 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MAPS happened in California Institute of Technology and Argonne National Laboratory - MAPS on HOPL MAPS on HOPL - Read more about MAPS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about MAPS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
maraca-lang - Programming language maraca-lang =========== maraca-lang is a programming language created in 2018 by Jon Whitehead. 2018 Jon Whitehead #1743 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The dynamic structured data language. Maraca is a lightweight, embeddable, declarative language for defining & manipulating dynamic structured data. And when combined with Maraca-Render, it can be a powerful language for creating interactive UI, such as this site... - Tags: programming language - maraca-lang is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of maraca-lang happened in - maraca-lang is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown - was registered in 2019 - Read more about maraca-lang on the web: 1. 1. [ pad: 10, Hello, [ : panel, style: bold, World, ], ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Margin - Text markup language Margin ====== Margin is a text markup language created in 2019 by Alex Gamburg. 2019 Alex Gamburg #1144 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Margin is a lightweight markup language for hierarchically structured thought, like notes and to-do lists. - Tags: text markup language - Margin is developed on GitHub and has 190 stars - Early development of Margin happened in - Margin is written in JavaScript, Markdown, CSS, HTML - was registered in 2019 Favorite Movies Eyes Wide Shut [year: 1999] Black Narcissus [year: 1947] Adaptation [year: 2002] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
MariaDB ColumnStore - Database MariaDB ColumnStore =================== MariaDB ColumnStore is a database created in 2016. 2016 #4821 on PLDB 8 Years Old Column-oriented database management system - Tags: database - Early development of MariaDB ColumnStore happened in MariaDB Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
MARIA XML - Xml format MARIA XML ========= MARIA XML is a xml format created in 2009. 2009 #3796 on PLDB 15 Years Old MARIA (Model-based lAnguage foR Interactive Applications) is a universal, declarative, multiple abstraction level, XML-based user interface markup language for modelling interactive applications in ubiquitous environments. MARIA one of the languages that has been submitted for standardization at W3C.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of MARIA XML happened in Institute of Information Science and Technologies, National Research Council of Italy - See also: (1 related languages) XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
MARK IV - Programming language MARK IV ======= MARK IV is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #2444 on PLDB 39 Years Old MARK IV is a Fourth-generation programming language that was created by Informatics, Inc. in the 1960s. Informatics took advantage of IBM's decision to unbundle their software; MARK IV was the first "software product to have cumulative sales of $10 million". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MARK IV happened in Informatics General Corporation - MARK IV on HOPL MARK IV on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) COBOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Markaby - Template language Markaby ======= Markaby is a template language created in 2006. 2006 #1938 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone markup as ruby - Tags: template language, library - Markaby is developed on GitHub and has 159 stars - Markaby is written in Ruby, YAML require 'markaby' mab = mab.html do head { title "" } body do h1 " has great deals" ul do li "$49 for a canoe" li "$39 for a raft" li "$29 for a huge boot that floats and can fit 5 people" end end end puts mab.to_s Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Markdeep - Text markup language Markdeep ======== Markdeep is a text markup language created in 2015. 2015 #3043 on PLDB 9 Years Old Markdeep is a technology for writing plain text documents that will look good in any web browser, whether local or remote. It supports diagrams, calendars, equations, and other features as extensions of Markdown syntax. - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Markdeep happened in **Example** Welcome to Markdeep. It's the simple way to write plain text with _style_. ************************************* * _______ * * .-------. / / .-----. * * | Write +-+->/ Edit ++->| Share | * * '-------' ^ /______/ | '-----' * * | | * * '--------' * ************************************* 1. Write a text document 2. Add the Markdeep line at the end 3. Save with file extension `.md.html` 4. Double-click to view Learn more at Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Markdown - Text markup language Markdown ======== Markdown is an open source text markup language created in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz. 2004 John Gruber Aaron Swartz #40 on PLDB 20 Years Old 1k Repos Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 1,023 Markdown repos on GitHub - Early development of Markdown happened in - atx influenced the design of Markdown - Markdown compiles to HTML - Markdown is written in Perl - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8 users using Markdown in 8 repos on GitHub - There are 2,463 members in the Markdown subreddit - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Markdown - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Markdown - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Markdown - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Markdown - See also: (18 related languages) HTML, Textile, reStructuredText, Perl, Pandoc, MIME, PHP, Python, Ruby, Drupal, MediaWiki, RStudio, R, C, APL, AsciiDoc, Org, Txt2tags - 1049 PLDB concepts link to Markdown: 05AB1E, 11ty, Aardvark, Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, acorn-lang, ActivityPub, Ad-hoc, adamant, Adept, Aheui, AIL, AIML, Ait, Aith, AL, a Lisp Environment, Alma, Alpaca, Alumina, Amber, ana, Ante, Apache Hbase, API Blueprint, april, aretext, Argdown, Ark, ArkScript, Arquero, arret, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, AsciiMath, ASDF, AssemblyScript, Astatine, asterius-compiler, astro, atomspace, AT Protocol, attoparsec, Austral, Avail, AviSynth, awl, badlanguage, Ballerina, bamboo, Bash, Basis Codec, Battlestar, baysick, Bazel, BeBasic, bee, beef-lang, Bend, Berry, Bicep, binaryen, Bio, Bitsy, Bizubee, BlackCoffee, Blacklight, BlazeX, Blech, blockml, bloom, Blox, blur-markup-language, blz, bog, Boomerang Decompiler, bosque, Bounce, bpkg-pm, BQN, Brain-Flak, Breccia, Broccoli, Broccoli, Bruijn, Bucklescript, buzz, Bython, C2, C3, Calc4, Calcit, Cali-Lang, Calypso, candor, Candy, Cane, Cap'n Proto, capybara, Caramel, Carbon, carp, carth, cat, Catala, categorical-query-language, Cell, Céu, Ceylon, chaiscript, Chapel, Charcoal, chatterbot, checked-c, chevrotain, chibicc, Chika, chisel, chrysaLisp, circle-lang, Ć, Civet, clarity, Claro, clash, clay, Click, clike, cloc, Clojure, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, co-dfns, co2, Coco, Coconut, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, Cognate, CokeScript, ColaScript, comby, CWL, commonmark, Conan, Conceptual, Concise Encoding, Cone,, Coq, cor, corescript, Cortex, cosh, Cotton, CouchDB, Cranelift, Crema, crmsh, Croc, crush, Cryptol, Crystal, CSON, CSpydr, CSS Doodle, CSVw, Cue, cuneiform, Curly, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, cytosol, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, Dale, daonode, Dasel, dat-protocol, datafun, datascript, DDP, dedukti, Deno, Dern, dex, dexvis, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, Dixy, Djot, dllup, Dogescript, DOML, dplyr, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, dreamlisp, dub-pm, dyvil, Earl Grey, Easybuild, eC, eco-editor, Embedded Crystal, ecsharp, edgedb, edgelisp, Đ, Edina, EDN, eff, egel, Egison, Eiffel, EJS, elegance, ELENA, ELFE, Elixir, Elm, Elpi, Elvish, elymas, Em, emberjs-framework, EmberScript, emerald-lang, emesh, Emojicode, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, erg, Erlang, eskew, Esoteric Reaction, Euphoria, Eve, exkited, expresso, EYG, F Prime, FaCT, Factor, Fancy, Farcaster, Fardlang, fay, fe, Felix, femtolisp, Fennel, Fern, ferret, fetlang, FFmpeg, firrtl, fish, fjs, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, Flatline, fleck, FLEX, Flix, FloScript, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, flua, FLUX, fo, Fold, forest-lang, fork-lang, Forsp, ForthScript, fp, Functional PHP Preprocessor, Frank, Frege, Frost, fructure-editor, Frundis, F*, funl, Futhark, FutureScript, Fuzuli, g-fu, G-Portugol, GamerLanguage, GAP, GN, gentee, GETlang, gfoo, Gforth, GHC, gintonic, Git, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, GLMS, gluon, glush, Go, Goal, gogs-editor, Golo, Gradle, GraphIt, gravity, Gren, grid-notation, gridstudio-editor, Gun, gura, Gwion, h, Hackett, hacspec, hakaru, HAL Format, Halide, hamdown, HAML, hamler, Hare, harlan, hashlink, hasklig, haste, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, Hazel, HCL, Hera, Heron, hexagony, HHVM, highlight.js, hilvl, Hina, hivemind, Hjson, hobbes, Hodor, Homa, Homebrew, Hook, hoot-smalltalk, Horse64, Hot Cocoa Lisp, H++, hr-code, hrqr, HTL, htmx, httplang, huginn, HUGO, HuJSON, humanhash-hash-function, hurl, Hush, HuwCode, HVM2, Hy, Hyperscript, Hyperscript, HyPhy, I, Ibis, icarus, IcedCoffeeScript, Idio, Idris, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, ink-lang, ink, inko, Insitux, invokator, Iode, InterPlanetary File System, ircis, Iterm2, ivy, Invisible XML, J, Jakt, JAL compiler, Jammy, Janet, Jank, jasmine, jasper, Java, jayfor, Jazz, JCOF, Jedi, jedlang, jeebox, Jeeves, Jekyll, Jelly, Jemplate, Jesth, Jet, JFlex, Jingo, Jinja, jinx, Jison Lex, Jison, Jisp, JLang, jonprl, jq, JSON Query Language, JQuery, JSFuck, jsil-compiler, JSLT, json-graph-format, JSON Graph Spec, JSON lambda, JSON-LD, JSON Schema, JSONScript, JSON-stat, json->url, JSON with Comments, JSON5, Jsonnet, jsparagus, juicy, Jule, Julia, juniper, juvix, k-framework, kai, kaitai, Kakoune, Kal, Kalyn, Kamby, Kami, KamilaLisp, KAML, kasaya, KaTeX, KavaScript, Kefir, kei, keli, Keras, kerf, KGL, Khepri, Khi, kima, kitlang, kitten, Knight, ko, koara, kode, Koka, kona, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kuc, Kuin, kumir, Kuroko, l2, Ladybird, lambcalc, lambda-zero, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, latte-js, Latte, Lawvere, Lax, JSON Lines, ldpl, Lean, Leazy, lem-editor, Lemon, leo-editor, Lesma, lever, lezer, lift, Ligo, Lil, lila-lang, Lily, Link, Links, Linotte, Liquid, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, LiteScript, little, Livr, lobster, loci, Lodash, Logica, Language Server Index Format, Lucid, Luna, Luna, Lux, LWJGL, m3db, Macchiato, mages, Magit, mai, mal, Mangle, manhood, Manim, manool, maraca-lang, Margin, Marko, MarkovJunior, Markus, Markwhen, Marp, Mask, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, MDX, MeanscriptCLI, Mech, Megaparsec, Melody, mermaid, Mesh Spreadsheet, Metalang99, Mewl, MewMew, mgmt, micro-editor, micro-mitten, MicroBlocks, microl, MicroPython, mimium, mimix-stream-language, Mindsdb, minikanren, Minilang, MiniZinc, Mirah, mirth, mlatu, mlir, mlpolyr, MLscript, mochajs, mochi, Moirai, Mojo, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, Monkey, monte, MoonScript, mountain, moya, Mu, MUDDL, Muldis, multiaddr, multibase, multicodec, mun-lang, muon, mustache, mycroft, myia, mys, Nadesiko, NCAR Command Language, Nearley, neeilang, Neko, nesC, NetLogo, neut, neutron, never, NewLisp, NeXML format, Nextflow, NGS, nianiolang, NilScript, Nim, Ninja, Nit, nlpl, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, Nomad, nomnoml, noms-db, noon, Nostr, noulith, npm, Not Quite C, nulan, Numba, Nushell, Nuua, nydp, Nymph, ObjectScript, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, Octune, oden, odin, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, Om, Omgrofl, onnx, ooc, oopsilon, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenComal, OpenCV, OpenRC runscript, Openverse, orange, orca-pl, orca, owen-lang, P*, P, packagist-pm, Pact, Pan, Pandas, parboiled, parboiled2, parenthetic, Parsers, Particles, partiql, passambler, Passerine, pasukon, Pawn, PAWN, PCrap, PCRE, PearScript, Pegasus, pegdown, PEG.js, penrose, Perl, PgBouncer, Pharen, Phel, PHP, pie-lang, pikelet, pinto, Pipefish, pipelines, Plaid, plam, plang, Please Build, Plot, Pod6, Podlite, PogoScript, pointless, polyglot-compiler, polymath, Pomsky, Pony, popr, Porffor, PostCSS, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, preforth, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche-c, psyche, Pug, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, QOIR, Qore, quaint-lang, Quaint, Quint, r3, r4, Racket, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, RAML, rant, RapidBatch, Rapira, raptorjit, React Native, Readable, Reason, Rebeca Modeling Language, Recursive teXt, Red, Redis, redprl, reflex-framework, reforth, Reia, rel-lang, Ren-C, RetDec, Revolution, rhine, Rholang, RicScript, Riff, RigC, rio, Ripple, Rita, RMarkdown, Roc, rocket, rockstar-rkt, Rockstar, Ron, rosie, Roslyn compiler, Rouge, roy, RoyalScript, rpscript, ru, Ruby, runiq, Rust, RustScript, Rye, SandDance, SATySFi, Savi, Scala.js, Scheme 2-D, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Scoop, score, scribble, Scroll, Scryer Prolog, SDMS, semicolon, Semantic Versioning, sentient, Seq, Serious, setlx, Shen, shiv, shml, Sibilant, sile, silk, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, Simplicity, sixten, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slash, Slashdown, Slick, Slideshow, Slim Framework, Slim, Slony, Smali, SmallBASIC, SMC, Smile data interchange format, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, Snowman, Solid, solid, Solidity, son, Sophia, Sophie, souper, SourcePawn, Spatial, spider, SpiderBasic, spiral, spry, SQHTML, Sqlalchemy, SQRL, squiggle, Squire, SRL, Secure Scuttlebutt, stacklang, Star, starlark, starpial, Statsplorer, Stencil, STON, stoneknifeforth, Storymatic, strat, Streem, stringbean, Subleq, SugarSS, sugartex, Superjson, SUSN, Svelte, svgbob, Swallow, Sweet.js, SWI Prolog, Swift, swizzle, SymPy, t-lang, t2b, tablam, Tabloid, Taichi, Taijilang, tamgu, tampio, tangledown, Tao, tao3d, Tawa, taxa, tbox-lib, tea, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, Textadept, TextFrame, texti, Textile, thjson, tht, tibet, tidyverse, tiledb, Timpani, titan, Typed Lua, Tag Line Commands, tldr, tldraw, TMTP, ToffeeScript, Toi, toki sona, TOML, ToonTalk, Topaz, topshell, tornado, Tosh, Touch, Toy, TAO, TreeSheets, tridash, Triton, truck, Truth, tsar, tsquery, tuplemarkup, Twine, twtxt, txtzyme, Typecast.js, typecobol, TypeScript, Typst, U, UCG, UCL, Uiua, ulisp, ultralisp-pm, Umka, Uno, unseemly, UrWeb, V, V, v8, Vale, Vale, Vcpkg, vega-editor-app, Vega, verona, Veryl, video, Vigil, Vimwiki, Violent ES, Virgil, visdown, VLC, Volt, VSXu, Vue, vyper, Vyxal, wah, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wasp, wats, Wax, WDL, weebasic, 文言文編程語言, whack, Whiley, Wing, winxed, wisp, WLambda, woe, Wonkey, Workfl, Worst, Wren, Wu, Wyvern, [x]it!, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xidoc, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, xsv-app, Ecstasy, Xtext, xxl, y-lang, Yakou Lang, YAMP, YANG, YARA, Yet Another Scripting Language, YASnippet, YAWL, YESS, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Z, Z-flat, z2, zenscript, Zephir, Zig, zlang, zolang, Zot, zz Hello, world! Hello World Tender ====== # Heading ## Sub-heading ### Another deeper heading Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Two spaces at the end of a line leave a line break. Text attributes _italic_, *italic*, __bold__, **bold**, `monospace`. Horizontal rule: --- Bullet list: * apples * oranges * pears Numbered list: 1. apples 2. oranges 3. pears A [link]( Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example # Hello, World! Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1636 8.2
MarkLogic - Database MarkLogic ========= MarkLogic is a database created in 2001. 2001 #4822 on PLDB 23 Years Old Document-oriented database management system - Tags: database - Early development of MarkLogic happened in MarkLogic Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
Marko - Text markup language Marko ===== Marko is an open source text markup language created in 2014. 2014 #261 on PLDB 10 Years Old 101 Repos git clone A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun - Tags: text markup language - Marko is developed on GitHub and has 13,293 stars - There are at least 101 Marko repos on GitHub - Early development of Marko happened in - Marko is written in JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, TypeScript, JSON, SVG, XML, YAML, CSS - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12 users using Marko in 12 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Marko - was registered in 2015 $ var name = 'Frank'; $ var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']; <h1> Hello ${name}! </h1> <ul if(colors.length)> <li style={color: color} for(color in colors)> ${color} </li> </ul> <div else> No colors! </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
MarkovJunior - Programming language MarkovJunior ============ MarkovJunior is a programming language created in 2022 by Maxim Gumin. 2022 Maxim Gumin #1091 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Probabilistic language based on pattern matching and constraint propagation, 153 examples - Tags: programming language - MarkovJunior is developed on GitHub and has 6,930 stars - Early development of MarkovJunior happened in - MarkovJunior is written in XML, C#, Markdown, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
Markus - Query language Markus ====== Markus is a query language created in 2020. 2020 #2682 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A declarative (database) query language! - Tags: queryLanguage - Markus is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of Markus happened in - Markus is written in Rust, JSON, TOML, Markdown, JavaScript, Python, C, C++, Bourne shell, YAML type User: user { name: string; } type Task { owner: User; title: string; done: bool; } query myTasks() { is(Task), # %user is the current authenticated user. eq(.owner, %user) } action newTask($title: string) { create Task { user: %user, title: $title, done: false }; } action toggleStatus($task: Task) { validate eq($task.owner, %user); update $task { .done: not(.done) }; } action delete($task: Task) { validate eq($task.owner, %user); delete $task; } action edit($task: Task, $new_title: string) { validate eq($task.owner, %user); update $task { .title: $new_title }; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
Markwhen - Text markup language Markwhen ======== Markwhen is a text markup language created in 2022 by Rob Koch. 2022 Rob Koch #498 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Make a cascading timeline from Markdown-like text. - Tags: text markup language - Markwhen is developed on GitHub and has 3,443 stars - Early development of Markwhen happened in - Markdown influenced the design of Markwhen - Markwhen is written in TypeScript, JSON, HTML, JavaScript, Markdown, CSS, SVG, Dockerfile, YAML title: Welcome to Markwhen 👋 #Project1: #d336b1 section Welcome #welcome now: This example timeline showcases some of markwhen's features. Feel free to delete everything to start making your own timeline #welcome now: You can also view this example timeline at []( #welcome Or you can save this timeline so you can refer to it later, by going to Browser storage & files, and clicking Save current. now: For more information, view the documentation [here]( or join the [discord]( #welcome endSection section All Projects group Project 1 #Project1 // Supports ISO8601 2023-01/2023-03: Sub task #John 2023-03/2023-06: Sub task 2 #Michelle More info about sub task 2 - [ ] We need to get this done - [x] And this - [ ] This one is extra 2023-07: Yearly planning endGroup group Project 2 #Project2 2023-04/4 months: Larger sub task #Danielle // Supports American date formats 03/2023 - 1 year: Longer ongoing task #Michelle - [x] Sub task 1 - [x] Sub task 2 - [ ] Sub task 3 - [ ] Sub task 4 - [ ] so many checkboxes omg 10/2023 - 2 months: Holiday season endGroup group Project 3 01/2024: Project kickoff 02/2024-04/2024: Other stuff endGroup endSection 2023-01-03 every other week for 1 year: Biweekly meeting Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 371 1.9
Marlais - Programming language Marlais ======= Marlais is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4202 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Marlais happened in - Marlais on HOPL Marlais on HOPL - Read more about Marlais on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Marmot - Programming language Marmot ====== Marmot is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #2951 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Marmot happened in Microsoft - Marmot on HOPL Marmot on HOPL - Read more about Marmot on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Marp - Text markup language Marp ==== Marp is a text markup language created in 2018. 2018 #794 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Presentations in markdown - Tags: text markup language - Marp is developed on GitHub and has 753 stars - Marp is a superset of Markdown - Early development of Marp happened in - Marp is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, SCSS, YAML, JSON, SVG --- theme: gaia size: 4:3 --- # A traditional 4:3 slide Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
MARSYAS - Programming language MARSYAS ======= MARSYAS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4203 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MARSYAS happened in Marshall Space Flight Center and Computer Applications, Incorporated - MARSYAS on HOPL MARSYAS on HOPL - Read more about MARSYAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
marten - Visual programming language marten ====== marten is a visual programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4616 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of marten happened in Andescotia LLC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
Mary/2 - Programming language Mary/2 ====== Mary/2 is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4204 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mary/2 happened in Penobscot Research Center - Mary/2 on HOPL Mary/2 on HOPL - Read more about Mary/2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Mary - Programming language Mary ==== Mary is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #1363 on PLDB 54 Years Old Mary was a programming language designed and implemented by RUNIT at Trondheim, Norway in the 1970s. It borrowed many features from ALGOL 68 but was designed for machine-oriented programming. An unusual feature of its syntax was that expressions were constructed using the conventional infix operators, but all of them had the same precedence and evaluation went from left to right unless there were brackets. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Mary is a superset of ALGOL 68 - Early development of Mary happened in Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning - Mary on HOPL Mary on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) SPARC, ALGOL 68, C, Algol BEGIN INT i := 10; %% Variable with initial value. REF INT ri := i; %% Pointer initialized to point to i. INT j := 11; j :- REF INT =: ri; %% Type conversion and assignment %% ri now points to j. i =: (ri :- VAL REF INT); %% Assignment and type conversion %% ri points to j so j is changed. IF j > 10 %% Conditional statement with result THEN %% used inside an arithmetic expression. 1 ELSE 2 FI + j =: j; END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 323 1.6
Mascara - Programming language Mascara ======= Mascara is a programming language created in 2009 by Olav Junker Kjær. 2009 Olav Junker Kjær #3695 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mascara happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
MASIM - Programming language MASIM ===== MASIM is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4205 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MASIM happened in Johannes Kepler University - MASIM on HOPL MASIM on HOPL - Read more about MASIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Mask - Template language Mask ==== Mask is an open source template language created in 2012. 2012 #708 on PLDB 12 Years Old 306 Repos git clone Markup | Template | HMVC - Tags: template language - Mask is developed on GitHub and has 92 stars - There are at least 306 Mask repos on GitHub - Early development of Mask happened in - Mask is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, Markdown, YAML, CSS, Ini - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 576 users using Mask in 595 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Mask - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Mask - was registered in 2013 // HTML Elements header { img .logo src='/images/~[currentLogo].png' alt=logo; h4 > 'Bar View' if (currentUser) { .account > a href='/acount' > 'Hello, ~[currentUser.username]' } } .view { ul { // Iteration for ((user, index) of users) { li.user data-id='~[]' { // interpolation .name > '~[ user.username ]' // expression .count > '~[: user.level.toFixed(2) ]' // util /* Localization sample * lastActivity: "Am {0:dd. MM} war der letzte Eintrag" */ .date > '~[ L: "lastActivity",]' } } } // Component :countdownComponent { input type = text > :dualbind value='number'; button x-signal='click: countdownStart' > 'Start'; h5 { '~[bind: number]' :animation x-slot='countdownStart' { @model > 'transition | scale(0) > scale(1) | 500ms' @next > 'background-color | red > blue | 2s linear' } } } } footer > :bazCompo { 'Component generated at ~[: $u.format($, "HH-mm") ]' } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 382 1.9
MASM - Programming language MASM ==== MASM is a programming language created in 1981 by Thomas Jaeger. 1981 Thomas Jaeger #941 on PLDB 43 Years Old git clone Visual MASM - Assembly IDE for Microsoft MASM - Tags: programming language - MASM is developed on GitHub and has 1,327 stars - Early development of MASM happened in - MASM on HOPL MASM on HOPL - Read more about MASM on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
Mass Energy Equation - Equation Mass Energy Equation ==================== Mass Energy Equation is an equation created in 1905 by Albert Einstein. 1905 Albert Einstein #4493 on PLDB 119 Years Old - Tags: equation - 1 PLDB concepts link to Mass Energy Equation: Energy Momentum Equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
Mastodon - Protocol Mastodon ======== Mastodon is a protocol created in 2016 by Eugen Rochko. 2016 Eugen Rochko #996 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community - Tags: protocol, microblogging - Mastodon is developed on GitHub and has 46,477 stars - Mastodon is written in SVG, Ruby, YAML, HAML, JSX, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, ERB, SCSS, Markdown, SQL, HTML, CSV, XML, Dockerfile, Bash, CSS, JSON5, Bourne shell, Diff Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
MXF - Binary data format MXF === MXF, aka Material Exchange Format, is a binary data format created in 2004. 2004 #1422 on PLDB 20 Years Old Material Exchange Format (MXF) is a container format for professional digital video and audio media defined by a set of SMPTE standards. A typical example of its use is for delivering advertisements to TV stations and tapeless archiving of broadcast TV programs.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of MXF happened in European Broadcasting Union and Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
MATH-MATIC - Programming language MATH-MATIC ========== MATH-MATIC is a programming language created in 1957. 1957 #2064 on PLDB 67 Years Old MATH-MATIC is the marketing name for the AT-3 (Algebraic Translator 3) compiler, an early programming language for the UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II. MATH-MATIC was written beginning around 1955 by a team led by Charles Katz under the direction of Grace Hopper. A preliminary manual was produced in 1957 and a final manual the following year. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MATH-MATIC happened in Remington Rand - MATH-MATIC on HOPL MATH-MATIC on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) FLOW-MATIC, ARITH-MATIC, ALGOL 58, Fortran (2) TYPE-IN ALPHA . (2A) READ A B C SERVO 4 STORAGE A IF SENTINEL JUMP TO SENTENCE 8 . (3) READ D F SERVO 5 . (4) VARY Y 1 (0.1) 3 SENTENCE 5 THRU 6 . (5) X1 = (7*103*Y*A*SIN ALPHA)3 / (B POW D+C POW E) . (6) WRITE AND EDIT A Y D E X1 SERVO 6 . (7) JUMP TO SENTENCE 2A . (8) CLOSE-INPUT AND REWIND SENTENCE 3 . (9) CLOSE-OUTPUT SENTENCE 6 . (10) READ F G H N SERVO 4 STORAGE A IF SENTINEL JUMP TO SENTENCE 20 . (11) EXECUTE SENTENCE 3 . (12) X2 = (3 ROOT (E-G)+LOG (D+N)) / (F2.6*EXP H) . (13) WRITE EDIT F D F X2 SERVO 6 . (16) JUMP TO SENTENCE 10 . (20) STOP . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 320 1.6
Mathcad - Programming language Mathcad ======= Mathcad is an open source programming language created in 1986. 1986 #944 on PLDB 38 Years Old Mathcad is computer software primarily intended for the verification, validation, documentation and re-use of engineering calculations. First introduced in 1986 on DOS, it was the first to introduce live editing of typeset mathematical notation, combined with its automatic computations.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, cad - Early development of Mathcad happened in Mathsoft Engineering and Education, Inc and PTC Inc - Mathcad on HOPL Mathcad on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) SI, Mathematica, Maple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Wolfram Mathematica - Editor Wolfram Mathematica =================== Wolfram Mathematica is an open source editor created in 1988. 1988 #1509 on PLDB 36 Years Old Wolfram Mathematica (usually termed Mathematica) is a modern technical computing system spanning most areas of technical computing — including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations, and others. The system is used in many technical, scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields. It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Wolfram Mathematica happened in Wolfram Research - See also: (24 related languages) Wolfram Language, Linux, C, Java, Modelica, SQL, Fortran, CUDA, OpenCL, HTTP, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Haskell, Applescript, Racket, Visual Basic, Python, Clojure, Microsoft Excel, MATLAB, Sage, MongoDB, WSDL, LabVIEW G Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
mathematica-packagedata-pm - Package manager mathematica-packagedata-pm ========================== mathematica-packagedata-pm is a package manager created in 2015. 2015 #2743 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of mathematica-packagedata-pm happened in - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
Mathematica - Programming language Mathematica =========== Mathematica is an open source programming language created in 1988 by Stephen Wolfram. 1988 Stephen Wolfram #36 on PLDB 36 Years Old 22k Repos Wolfram Mathematica (usually termed Mathematica) is a modern technical computing system spanning most areas of technical computing — including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations, and others. The system is used in many technical, scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields. It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, arrayLang - There are at least 22,012 Mathematica repos on GitHub - Early development of Mathematica happened in Wolfram Research - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Mathematica in 3k repos on GitHub - Check out the 11 Mathematica meetup groups on - There are 1,757 Project Euler users using Mathematica - Explore Mathematica snippets on Rosetta Code - Mathematica on HOPL Mathematica on HOPL - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Mathematica - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Mathematica - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Mathematica - There is a central package repository for Mathematica - has 90 matches for "mathematica engineer". - See also: (24 related languages) Wolfram Language, Linux, C, Java, Modelica, SQL, Fortran, CUDA, OpenCL, HTTP, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Haskell, Applescript, Racket, Visual Basic, Python, Clojure, Microsoft Excel, MATLAB, Sage, MongoDB, WSDL, LabVIEW G - 8 PLDB concepts link to Mathematica: cloc, mathics, monte, NCAR Command Language, Particles, Pygments, Scroll, WLambda Print["Hello World"] (* Hello World in Mathematica *) Hello[] := Print["Hello, World!"] Test[1 + 2, 3, TestID -> "One plus two"] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Print["Hello, World!"] Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 466 2.3
mathics - Programming language mathics ======= mathics is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #346 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Mathics is a free, general-purpose online computer algebra system featuring Mathematica-compatible syntax and functions. It is backed by highly extensible Python code, relying on SymPy for most mathematical tasks. - Tags: programming language - mathics is developed on GitHub and has 2,075 stars - Early development of mathics happened in - mathics is written in Python, Mathematica, YAML, reStructuredText, SVG, Bourne shell, XML, Make, Tex, Markdown, CSV, MATLAB, HTML, Perl, JSON, Ini - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for mathics - Read more about mathics on the web: 1. 1. StringJoin[Riffle[Map[ToString, Table[Fibonacci[i], {i,16}]], ", "]] <> "..." Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
MathJax - Text markup language MathJax ======= MathJax is a text markup language created in 2008. 2008 #2129 on PLDB 16 Years Old Beautiful and accessible math in all browsers - Tags: text markup language - Early development of MathJax happened in NumFOCUS Foundation - was registered in 2008 - See also: (1 related languages) KaTeX - 1 PLDB concepts link to MathJax: MathML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
MathJSON - Text markup language MathJSON ======== MathJSON is a text markup language created in 2019 by Arno Gourdol. 2019 Arno Gourdol #970 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone MathJSON: a lightweight data interchange format for mathematical notation. - Tags: text markup language - MathJSON is developed on GitHub and has 346 stars - MathJSON is written in TypeScript, Markdown, JSON, JavaScript, Bourne shell, HTML, CSS, Bash, YAML - See also: (3 related languages) LaTeX, KaTeX, Tex ["Divide", "n", ["Add", 1, "n"]] ["Apply", ["Derivative", ["InverseFunction", "Sin"]], "x"] [ "Equal", [ "Add", [ "Power", "ExponentialE", ["Multiply", "ImaginaryUnit", "Pi"] ], 1 ], 0 ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
MATHLAB - Programming language MATHLAB ======= MATHLAB is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #1597 on PLDB 60 Years Old MATHLAB is a computer algebra system created in 1964 by Carl Engelman at MITRE and written in Lisp. "MATHLAB 68" was introduced in 1967 and became rather popular in university environments running on DECs PDP-6 and PDP-10 under TOPS-10 or TENEX. In 1969 this version was included in the DECUS user group's library (as 10-142) as royalty-free software. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MATHLAB happened in The MITRE Corporation - MATHLAB on HOPL MATHLAB on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) MATLAB, Lisp, DOI - Read more about MATHLAB on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
MathLingua - Programming language MathLingua ========== MathLingua is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3044 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MathLingua happened in - was registered in 2019 Result: . for: X where: . 'X \subset \reals' then: . iff: . 'X is \real.compact \set' then: . 'X is \real.closed \real.bounded \set' Metadata: . name = "Heine-Borel Theorem" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
MathML - Xml format MathML ====== MathML is a xml format created in 1998. 1998 #2823 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of MathML happened in W3C - See also: (1 related languages) MathJax <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE math PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD MathML 2.0//EN" ""> <math xmlns=""> <mrow> <mi>a</mi> <mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo> <msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup> <mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo><mi>x</mi> <mo>+</mo><mi>c</mi> </mrow> </math> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 227 1.1
Mathpix Markdown - Text markup language Mathpix Markdown ================ Mathpix Markdown is a text markup language created in 2019. 2019 #838 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Standard Markdown and extended it with key LaTeX features and chemistry support. Mathpix Markdown extends standard Markdown, for more power and control when converting your document to HTML, LaTeX, PDF, and DOCX. - Tags: text markup language - Mathpix Markdown is developed on GitHub and has 471 stars - Mathpix Markdown is a superset of Markdown - Early development of Mathpix Markdown happened in - Mathpix Markdown is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, JSX, CSS, HTML, YAML, EJS - Read more about Mathpix Markdown on the web: 1. 1. Compute \(f(x) = x^2 + 2\) if \(x=2\). Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Mathsy - Programming language Mathsy ====== Mathsy is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4206 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mathsy happened in Lawrence Livermore - Mathsy on HOPL Mathsy on HOPL - Read more about Mathsy on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
MathType - Application MathType ======== MathType is an application created in 1987. 1987 #1749 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of MathType happened in Design Science - See also: (1 related languages) Tex - 1 PLDB concepts link to MathType: Microsoft Equation Editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
MathWorks File Exchange - Package manager MathWorks File Exchange ======================= MathWorks File Exchange is a package manager created in 1997. 1997 #3045 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of MathWorks File Exchange happened in MathWorks Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
Matita - Programming language Matita ====== Matita is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2920 on PLDB 25 Years Old Matita is an experimental proof assistant under development at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bologna. It is a tool aiding the development of formal proofs by man-machine collaboration, providing a programming environment where formal specifications, executable algorithms and automatically verifiable correctness certificates naturally coexist. Matita is based on a dependent type System known as the Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions (a derivative of Calculus of Constructions), and is compatible, to some extent, with Coq. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Matita happened in University of Bologna Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
MATLAB - Programming language MATLAB ====== MATLAB is a programming language created in 1984 by Cleve Moler. 1984 Cleve Moler #24 on PLDB 40 Years Old 312k Repos MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment. A proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, Fortran and Python. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access to symbolic computing abilities. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - There are at least 311,901 MATLAB repos on GitHub - Early development of MATLAB happened in University of New Mexico - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using MATLAB in 3k repos on GitHub - Check out the 25 MATLAB meetup groups on - There are 46,296 members in the MATLAB subreddit - There are 3,252 Project Euler users using MATLAB - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey MATLAB programmers reported a median salary of $43,948. 5% of respondents reported using MATLAB. 3,846 programmers reported using MATLAB, and 1,562 said they wanted to use it - Explore MATLAB snippets on Rosetta Code - MATLAB on HOPL MATLAB on HOPL - MATLAB ranks #12 in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for MATLAB - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for MATLAB - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for MATLAB:, - There is a central package repository for MATLAB - Events page for MATLAB Events page for MATLAB - has 6,204 matches for "matlab engineer". - See also: (40 related languages) MATHLAB, C, Java, Linux, IA-32, APL, PL/0, Speakeasy, Julia, GNU Octave, Scilab, C#, Fortran, Python, muPad, Simulink, R, Perl, XML, SQL, Maple, Mathematica, IDL, Sage, S, Perl Data Language, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Lua, Ruby, JavaScript, JVM, Hierarchical Data Format, PowerPC, Solaris, SPARC, Subversion, JSON, ISBN - 16 PLDB concepts link to MATLAB: Apache Arrow, badlanguage, cloc, eff, Eiffel, Go, invokator, Iterm2, JSL, Linux, mal, mathics, NCAR Command Language, SciPy, Simit, Swift disp('Hello World') % Hello World in MATLAB. disp('Hello World'); function [ d, d_mean, d_std ] = normalize( d ) d_mean = mean(d); d = d - repmat(d_mean, size(d,1), 1); d_std = std(d); d = d./ repmat(d_std, size(d,1), 1); end [X,Y] = meshgrid(-10:0.25:10,-10:0.25:10); f = sinc(sqrt((X/pi).^2+(Y/pi).^2)); surf(X,Y,f); axis([-10 10 -10 10 -0.3 1]) xlabel('{\bfx}') ylabel('{\bfy}') zlabel('{\bfsinc} ({\bfR})') Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example disp('Hello, World!') Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token disp row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported ✓ Example % Define an array of integers myArray = [1,3,5,7,11,13]; for n = myArray % ... do something with n disp(n) % Echo integer to Command Window end Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import pkg.cls1 import pkg.pkfcn Token row Feature Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitTypeCasting.html Supported ✓ Example b = cast(a, 'like', p) Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example %{ A comment. %} Token %{ %} row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 722 3.6
Matplotlib - Data visualization grammar Matplotlib ========== Matplotlib is an open source data visualization grammar created in 2003 by John D. Hunter. 2003 John D. Hunter #232 on PLDB 21 Years Old git clone matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language and its numerical mathematics extension NumPy. It provides an object-oriented API for embedding plots into applications using general-purpose GUI toolkits like Tkinter, wxPython, Qt, or GTK+. There is also a procedural "pylab" interface based on a state machine (like OpenGL), designed to closely resemble that of MATLAB, though its use is discouraged. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: data visualization grammar, library - Matplotlib is developed on GitHub and has 19,754 stars - Early development of Matplotlib happened in - Matplotlib is written in Python, SVG, reStructuredText, C++, YAML, Meson, JSON, HTML, Markdown, CSS, JavaScript, CSV, Jupyter Notebook, Bourne shell, Tex, Objective-C, TOML, XML, Ini, Make, C, Lua - See also: (13 related languages) Python, NumPy, Qt, OpenGL, MATLAB, SciPy, Gnuplot, Julia, GNU Octave, Maxima, Microsoft Excel, Jython, Sage >>> from matplotlib import cm >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> X = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25) >>> Y = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25) >>> X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) >>> R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) >>> Z = np.sin(R) >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm) >>> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 370 1.9
MATRIX PASCAL - Programming language MATRIX PASCAL ============= MATRIX PASCAL is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4207 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MATRIX PASCAL happened in Hewlett-Packard - MATRIX PASCAL on HOPL MATRIX PASCAL on HOPL - Read more about MATRIX PASCAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Matrix protocol - Protocol Matrix protocol =============== Matrix protocol is a protocol created in 2014. 2014 #2971 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of Matrix protocol happened in Amdocs Limited Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
Matroska - Binary data format Matroska ======== Matroska is a binary data format created in 2002 by Steve Lhomme. 2002 Steve Lhomme #3259 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
Maude - Programming language Maude ===== Maude is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2419 on PLDB 34 Years Old Maude is a high-level language and high-performance system supporting both equational and rewriting logic computation for a wide range of applications. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Maude happened in Universidad de Navarra and Universidad de Málaga and Universidad Complutense and Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía and SRI - OBJ influenced the design of Maude - Explore Maude snippets on Rosetta Code - Maude on HOPL Maude on HOPL - Read more about Maude on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. fmod FACTORIAL is protecting INT . op undefined : -> Int . op _! : Int -> Int . var n : Int . eq 0 ! = 1 . eq n ! = if n < 0 then undefined else n * (sd(n, 1) !) fi . endfm red 11 ! . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
Maven Central Repository - Package manager Maven Central Repository ======================== Maven Central Repository is a package manager created in 2018. 2018 #2744 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Maven Central Repository happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Apache Maven - Application Apache Maven ============ Apache Maven is an open source application created in 2004. 2004 #598 on PLDB 20 Years Old Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. Maven addresses two aspects of building software: first, it describes how software is built, and second, it describes its dependencies. Unlike earlier tools like Apache Ant, it uses conventions for the build procedure, and only exceptions need to be written down. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Apache Maven happened in Apache Software Foundation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Apache Maven - See also: (9 related languages) Java, XML, C#, Ruby, Scala, C, Eclipse, YAML, Groovy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>renpengben</groupId> <artifactId>spring4mvc-jpa</artifactId> <packaging>war</packaging> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <name>spring4mvc-jpa Maven Webapp</name> <url></url> <description>spring4mvc-jpa</description> <properties> <>UTF-8</> <java.version>1.7</java.version> <junit.version>4.11</junit.version> <slf4j.version>1.7.7</slf4j.version> <log4j.version>1.2.17</log4j.version> <spring.version>4.0.5.RELEASE</spring.version> <>1.6.0.RELEASE</> <cglib.version>2.1_3</cglib.version> <mysql.version>5.1.31</mysql.version> <hibernate.version>4.3.5.Final</hibernate.version> <hibernate-validator.version>5.1.1.Final</hibernate-validator.version> <druid-version>1.0.6</druid-version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>${junit.version}</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId> <version>${slf4j.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-log4j12</artifactId> <version>${slf4j.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j</artifactId> <version>${log4j.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- Spring --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-core</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>commons-logging</groupId> <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-beans</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-context</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-aop</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-expression</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-tx</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-aspects</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-context-support</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-jdbc</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-orm</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-web</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-webmvc</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-test</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-jpa</artifactId> <version>${}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <artifactId>junit-dep</artifactId> <groupId>junit</groupId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>cglib</groupId> <artifactId>cglib-nodep</artifactId> <version>${cglib.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- JPA --> <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-core</artifactId> <version>${hibernate.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-entitymanager</artifactId> <version>${hibernate.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-validator</artifactId> <version>${hibernate-validator.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>${mysql.version}</version> <scope>runtime</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>druid</artifactId> <version>${druid-version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.0.2</version> <configuration> <source>1.7</source> <target>1.7</target> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project> 1 validate 2 generate-sources 3 process-sources 4 generate-resources 5 process-resources 6 compile 7 process-test-sources 8 process-test-resources 9 test-compile 10 test 11 package 12 install 13 deploy Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1372 6.9
MAVIS - Programming language MAVIS ===== MAVIS is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4208 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MAVIS happened in University of Virginia - MAVIS on HOPL MAVIS on HOPL - Read more about MAVIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
mavo - Template language mavo ==== mavo is a template language created in 2015 by Lea Verou. 2015 Lea Verou #512 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS! - Tags: template language - mavo is developed on GitHub and has 2,825 stars - Early development of mavo happened in - mavo is written in JavaScript, CSS, JSON, SCSS, Markdown, HTML, TOML - was registered in 2016 <main mv-app="todo" mv-storage="local" mv-mode="edit"> <header> <h1>My tasks</h1> <p>[count(done)] done out of [count(task)] total</p> </header> <ul> <li property="task" mv-multiple> <label> <input property="done" type="checkbox" /> <span property="taskTitle">Do stuff</span> </label> </li> <button mv-action="delete(task where done)"> Clear Completed </button> </ul> </main> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 260 1.3
mawk - Programming language mawk ==== mawk is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #2378 on PLDB 33 Years Old is a very fast AWK implementation by Mike Brennan based on a bytecode interpreter.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of mawk happened in - mawk on HOPL mawk on HOPL - Read more about mawk on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
Max - Json format Max === Max is an open source json format created in 1990. 1990 #679 on PLDB 34 Years Old 6k Repos Max, also known as Max/MSP/Jitter, is a visual programming language for music and multimedia developed and maintained by San Francisco-based software company Cycling '74. Over its more than thirty-year history, it has been used by composers, performers, software designers, researchers, and artists to create recordings, performances, and installations.The Max program is modular, with most routines existing as shared libraries. An application programming interface (API) allows third-party development of new routines (named external objects). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: jsonFormat - There are at least 5,939 Max repos on GitHub - Early development of Max happened in Cycling '74 - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 877 users using Max in 1k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Max - See also: (8 related languages) C, Linux, Pure Data, OpenGL, Csound, SuperCollider, Java, JavaScript max v2;#N vpatcher 109 76 569 534;#P toggle 31 168 21 0;#P button 360 299 15 0;#P button 322 299 15 0;#P button 284 299 15 0;#P button 246 299 15 0;#P window setfont Verdana 12.;#P window linecount 1;#P newex 246 168 43 472055820 r jojo;#B color 5;#P newex 31 386 45 472055820 s jojo;#B color 5;#P newex 246 254 162 472055820 route 0 1 2 3;#P newex 31 338 88 472055820 append toto;#P newex 31 296 35 472055820 % 4;#N counter;#X flags 0 0;#P newobj 31 251 75 472055820 counter;#P newex 31 209 75 472055820 metro 250;#P newex 164 96 32 472055820 t 0;#P message 164 55 136 472055820 Goodbye World !;#P newex 31 96 32 472055820 t 1;#P message 31 55 113 472055820 Hello World !;#P connect 0 0 1 0;#P fasten 3 0 15 0 169 146 36 146;#P connect 1 0 15 0;#P connect 15 0 4 0;#P connect 4 0 5 0;#P connect 5 0 6 0;#P connect 6 0 7 0;#P connect 7 0 9 0;#P connect 2 0 3 0;#P connect 10 0 8 0;#P connect 8 0 11 0;#P connect 8 1 12 0;#P connect 8 2 13 0;#P connect 8 3 14 0;#P pop; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 470 2.4
Maxima - Programming language Maxima ====== Maxima is an open source programming language created in 1982. 1982 #446 on PLDB 42 Years Old Maxima is a computer algebra system (CAS) based on a 1982 version of Macsyma. It is written in Common Lisp and runs on all POSIX platforms such as macOS, Unix, BSD, and Linux, as well as under Microsoft Windows and Android. It is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Maxima happened in MIT - There are 19 Project Euler users using Maxima - Explore Maxima snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Maxima - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Maxima - See also: (16 related languages) Common Lisp, Unix, Linux, Android, Algol, Lisp, Gnuplot, Fortran, Project Jupyter, Python, Qt, Sage, R, LyX, Emacs, ISBN print("Hello World")$ if then else elseif do while repeat until for from to downto step thru Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 329 1.6
MAXScript - Programming language MAXScript ========= MAXScript is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #846 on PLDB 28 Years Old 2k Repos MAXScript is the built-in scripting language in Autodesk 3ds MAX. It can be used to automate repetitive tasks as well as develop new tools and user interfaces. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,084 MAXScript repos on GitHub - Early development of MAXScript happened in Autodesk - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 321 users using MAXScript in 333 repos on GitHub - Explore MAXScript snippets on Rosetta Code - MAXScript appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for MAXScript - Read more about MAXScript on the web: 1. 1. print "Hello World" -- "Hello World" -- Note that MAXScript is expression-based, so simply writing "Hello World" is -- sufficient to echo it for the reader. Like Haskell, all MAXScript expressions -- *must* return values, even if they're unused. fn CalculateVolumeAndCentreOfMass obj = ( local Volume= 0.0 local Centre= [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] local theMesh = snapshotasmesh obj local numFaces = theMesh.numfaces for i = 1 to numFaces do ( local Face= getFace theMesh i local vert2 = getVert theMesh Face.z local vert1 = getVert theMesh Face.y local vert0 = getVert theMesh Face.x local dV = Dot (Cross (vert1 - vert0) (vert2 - vert0)) vert0 Volume+= dV Centre+= (vert0 + vert1 + vert2) * dV ) delete theMesh Volume /= 6 Centre /= 24 Centre /= Volume #(Volume,Centre) ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 349 1.7
Maya numeral system - Numeral system Maya numeral system =================== Maya numeral system is a numeral system created in -300. -300 #4660 on PLDB 2324 Years Old The Maya numeral system is a vigesimal (base-20) positional numeral system used by the Pre-Columbian Maya civilization. The numerals are made up of three symbols: zero (a shell shape), one (a dot), and five (a bar). For example, the number nineteen is written with three bars and four dots. - Tags: numeralSystem Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Maya Embedded Language - Programming language Maya Embedded Language ====================== Maya Embedded Language is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1100 on PLDB 11 Years Old The Maya Embedded Language (MEL) is a scripting language used to simplify tasks in Autodesk's 3D Graphics Software Maya. Most tasks that can be achieved through Maya's GUI can be achieved with MEL, as well as certain tasks that are not available from the GUI. MEL offers a method of speeding up complicated or repetitive tasks, as well as allowing users to redistribute a specific set of commands to others that may find it useful.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Maya Embedded Language happened in Autodesk - See also: (3 related languages) Perl, Tcl, Python // animated duplicates/instances script proc animatedDuplication (int $rangeStart, int $rangeEnd, int $numOfDuplicates, int $duplicateOrInstance) { int $range_start = $rangeStart; int $range_end = $rangeEnd; int $num_of_duplicates = $numOfDuplicates; int $step_size = ($range_end - $range_start) / $num_of_duplicates; int $i = 0; int $temp; currentTime $range_start; // set to range start string $selectedObjects[]; // to store selected objects $selectedObjects = `ls -sl`; // store selected objects select $selectedObjects; while ($i <= $num_of_duplicates) { $temp = $range_start + ($step_size * $i); currentTime ($temp); // selected the objects to duplicate or instance select $selectedObjects; if($duplicateOrInstance == 0) { duplicate; } else { instance; } $i++; } } // Usage example: // duplicate the current selection 5 times -- // evenly distributed between frame 1 and 240 animatedDuplication(1, 240, 5, 0); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 330 1.6
MBASIC - Programming language MBASIC ====== MBASIC is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #2213 on PLDB 41 Years Old MBASIC is the Microsoft BASIC implementation of BASIC for the CP/M operating system. MBASIC is a descendant of the original Altair BASIC interpreters that were among Microsoft's first products. MBASIC was one of the two versions of BASIC bundled with the Osborne 1 computer. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MBASIC happened in Microsoft - MBASIC on HOPL MBASIC on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) Microsoft BASIC, BASIC, Altair BASIC, ASCII, MSX BASIC, CBASIC, PIC microcontroller Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
EML - Text data format EML === EML is a text data format created in 1974. 1974 #933 on PLDB 50 Years Old 0 Repos Mbox is a generic term for a family of related file formats used for holding collections of email messages, first implemented for Fifth Edition Unix. All messages in an mbox mailbox are concatenated and stored as plain text in a single file. Each message starts with the four characters "From" followed by a space (the so named "From_ line") and the sender's email address. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - There are at least 0 EML repos on GitHub - Early development of EML happened in Internet Engineering Task Force - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for EML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for EML - See also: (3 related languages) RFC, Unix, MIME - Read more about EML on the web: 1. 1. From MAILER-DAEMON Fri Jul 8 12:08:34 2011 From: Author <> To: Recipient <> Subject: Sample message 1 This is the body. >From (should be escaped). There are 3 lines. From MAILER-DAEMON Fri Jul 8 12:08:34 2011 From: Author <> To: Recipient <> Subject: Sample message 2 This is the second body. Return-Path: <> To: Mario Zaizar <nobody@example.local> Subject: Testing Mario Zaizar' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class: HTML message From: nobody <> Reply-To: nobody <> Sender: X-Mailer: $Revision: 1.63 $ (mail) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="652b8c4dcb00cdcdda1e16af36781caf" Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 19:28:29 -0300 --69c1683a3ee16ef7cf16edd700694a2f Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This is an HTML message. Please use an HTML capable mail program to read this message. --69c1683a3ee16ef7cf16edd700694a2f Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html> <head> <title>Testing Mario Zaizar' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class: H= TML message</title> <style type=3D"text/css"><!-- body { color: black ; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; backgroun= d-color: #A3C5CC } A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underline } --></style> </head> <body> </body> </html> --69c1683a3ee16ef7cf16edd700694a2f-- --6a82fb459dcaacd40ab3404529e808dc Content-Type: image/gif; name="logo.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="logo.gif" Content-ID: <ae0357e57f04b8347f7621662cb63855.gif> R0lGODlhlgAjAPMJAAAAAAAA/y8vLz8/P19fX19f339/f4+Pj4+Pz7+/v/////////////////// /////yH5BAEAAAkALAAAAACWACMAQwT+MMlJq7046827/2AoHYChGAChAkBylgKgKClFyEl6xDMg qLFBj3C5uXKplVAxIOxkA8BhdFCpDlMK1urMTrZWbAV8tVS5YsxtxmZHBVOSCcW9zaXyNhslVcto RBp5NQYxLAYGLi8oSwoJBlE+BiSNj5E/PDQsmy4pAJWQLAKJY5+hXhZ2dDYldFWtNSFPiXssXnZR k5+1pjpBiDMJUXG/Jo7DI4eKfMSmxsJ9GAUB1NXW19jZ2tvc3d7f4OHi2AgZN5vom1kk6F7s6u/p m3Ab7AOIiCxOyZuBIv8AOeTJIaYQjiR/kKTr5GQNE3pYSjCJ9mUXClRUsLxaZGciC0X+OlpoOuQo ZKdNJnIoKfnxRUQh6FLG0iLxIoYnJd0JEKISJyAQDodp3EUDC48oDnUY7HFI3wEDRjzycQJVZCQT Ol7NK+G0qgtkAcOKHUu2rNmzYTVqRMt2bB49bHompSchqg6HcGeANSMxr8sEa2y2HexnSEUTuWri SSbkYh7BgGVAnhB1b2REibESYaRoBgqIMYx59tFM9AvQffVG49P5NMZkMlHKhJPJb0knmSKZ6kSX JtbeF3Am7ocok6c7cM7pU5xcXiJJETUz16qPrzEfaFgZpvzn7h86YV5r/1mxXeAUMVyEIpnVUGpN RlG2ka9b3lP3pm2l6u7P+l/YLj3+RlEHbz1C0kRxSITQaAcilVBMEzmkkEQO8oSOBNg9SN+AX6hV z1pjgJiAhwCRsY8ZIp6xj1ruqCgeGeKNGEZwLnIwzTg45qjjjjz2GEA5hAUp5JBEFmnkkSCoWEcZ X8yohZNK1pFGPQS4hx0qNSLJlk9wCQORYu5QiMd7bUzGVyNlRiOHSlpuKdGEItHQ3HZ18beRRyws YSY/waDTiHf/tWlWUBAJiMJ1/Z0XXU7N0FnREpKM4NChCgbyRDq9XYpOplaKopN9NMkDnBbG+UMC QwLWIeaiglES6AjGARcPHCWoVAiatcTnGTABZoLPaPG1phccPv366mEvWEFSLnj+2QaonECwcJt/ e1Zw3lJvVMmftBdVNQS3UngLCA85YHIQOy6JO9N4eZW7KJwtOUZmGwOMWqejwVW6RQzaikRHX3yI osKhDAq8wmnKSmdMwNidSOof9ZG2DoV0RfTVmLFtGmNk+CoZna0HQnPHS3AhRbIeDpqmR09E0bsu soeaw994z+rwQVInvqLenBftYjLOVphLFHhV9qsnez8AEUbQRgO737AxChjmyANxuEFHSGi7hFCV 4jxLst2N8sRJYU+SHiAKjlmCgz2IffbLI5aaQR71hnkxq1ZfHSfKata6YDCJDMAQwY7wOgzhjxgj VFQnKB5uX4mr9qJ79pann+VcfcSzsSCd2mw5scqRRvlQ6TgcUelYhu75iPE4JejrsJOFQAG01277 7bjnrvvuvPfu++/ABy887hfc6OPxyCevPDdAVoDA89BHL/301Fdv/fXYZ6/99tx3Pz0FEQAAOw== --6a82fb459dcaacd40ab3404529e808dc From MAILER-DAEMON Fri Jul 8 12:08:34 2011 From: Author <> To: Recipient <> Subject: Sample message 1 This is the body. >From (should be escaped). There are 3 lines. From MAILER-DAEMON Fri Jul 8 12:08:34 2011 From: Author <> To: Recipient <> Subject: Sample message 2 This is the second body. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 659 3.3
McKeeman Form - Grammar language McKeeman Form ============= McKeeman Form is a grammar language created in 2020 by Bill McKeeman. 2020 Bill McKeeman #2425 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of McKeeman Form happened in Dartmouth College - Read more about McKeeman Form on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to McKeeman Form: Misty json element value object array string number "true" "false" "null" object '{' ws '}' '{' members '}' members member member ',' members member ws string ws ':' element array '[' ws ']' '[' elements ']' elements element element ',' elements element ws value ws string '"' characters '"' characters "" character characters character '0020' . '10FFFF' - '"' - '\' '\' escape escape '"' '\' '/' 'b' 'f' 'n' 'r' 't' 'u' hex hex hex hex hex digit 'A' . 'F' 'a' . 'f' number integer fraction exponent integer digit onenine digits '-' digit '-' onenine digits digits digit digit digits digit '0' onenine onenine '1' . '9' fraction "" '.' digits exponent "" 'E' sign digits 'e' sign digits sign "" '+' '-' ws "" '0020' ws '000A' ws '000D' ws '0009' ws Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 364 1.8
McLeyvier Command Language - Programming language McLeyvier Command Language ========================== McLeyvier Command Language is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #2863 on PLDB 42 Years Old Music language - Tags: programming language - Early development of McLeyvier Command Language happened in Hazelcom Industries - McLeyvier Command Language on HOPL McLeyvier Command Language on HOPL - Read more about McLeyvier Command Language on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
MCOBOL - Programming language MCOBOL ====== MCOBOL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4209 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MCOBOL happened in University of Manchester - MCOBOL on HOPL MCOBOL on HOPL - Read more about MCOBOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
MD5 - Hash function MD5 === MD5 is a hash function created in 1991. 1991 #2331 on PLDB 33 Years Old The MD5 message-digest algorithm is a widely used hash function producing a 128-bit hash value. Although MD5 was initially designed to be used as a cryptographic hash function, it has been found to suffer from extensive vulnerabilities. It can still be used as a checksum to verify data integrity, but only against unintentional corruption. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of MD5 happened in MIT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
MDBS-QRS - Query language MDBS-QRS ======== MDBS-QRS is a query language created in 1981. 1981 #4210 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of MDBS-QRS happened in Computer Corporation of America - MDBS-QRS on HOPL MDBS-QRS on HOPL disp i dept location Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
MDL - Programming language MDL === MDL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #2239 on PLDB 53 Years Old MDL (the MIT Design Language) is a descendant of the Lisp programming language. Its initial purpose was to provide high level language support for the Dynamic Modeling Group at MIT's Project MAC. It was initially developed in 1971 on the PDP-10 computer under the Incompatible Timesharing System. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MDL happened in MIT - Explore MDL snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (6 related languages) Scheme, Common Lisp, Java, Prolog, Smalltalk, Simula <DEFINE EXIT-TO (EXITS RMS) #DECL ((EXITS) EXIT (RMS) <UVECTOR [REST ROOM]>) <MAPF <> <FUNCTION (E) #DECL ((E) <OR DIRECTION ROOM CEXIT NEXIT DOOR>) <COND (<TYPE? .E DIRECTION>) (<AND <TYPE? .E ROOM> <MEMQ .E .RMS>> <MAPLEAVE T>) (<AND <TYPE? .E CEXIT> <MEMQ <2 .E> .RMS>> <MAPLEAVE T>) (<AND <TYPE? .E DOOR> <OR <MEMQ <DROOM1 .E> .RMS> <MEMQ <DROOM2 .E> .RMS>>> <MAPLEAVE T>)>> .EXITS>> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
MultiDimensional eXpressions - Query language MultiDimensional eXpressions ============================ MultiDimensional eXpressions is a query language created in 1997 by Mosha Pasumansky. 1997 Mosha Pasumansky #1728 on PLDB 27 Years Old Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) is a query language for online analytical processing (OLAP) using a database management system. Much like SQL, it is a query language for OLAP cubes. It is also a calculation language, with syntax similar to spreadsheet formulas.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of MultiDimensional eXpressions happened in Microsoft SELECT { [Measures].[Store Sales] } ON COLUMNS, { [Date].[2002], [Date].[2003] } ON ROWS FROM Sales WHERE ( [Store].[USA].[CA] ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
MDX - Text markup language MDX === MDX is a text markup language created in 2017 by John Otander. 2017 John Otander #167 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone MDX allows you to use JSX in your markdown content. You can import components, such as interactive charts or alerts, and embed them within your content. - Tags: text markup language - MDX is developed on GitHub and has 17,208 stars - Early development of MDX happened in - MDX is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSX, JSON, YAML, TypeScript, CSS, SVG, JSON5 - was registered in 2018 - 1 PLDB concepts link to MDX: Slashdown import { Chart } from '../components/chart' # Here’s a chart The chart is rendered inside our MDX document. <Chart /> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
MeanscriptCLI - Programming language MeanscriptCLI ============= MeanscriptCLI is a programming language created in 2020 by jussehoo. 2020 jussehoo #2657 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Command line interface for Meanscript - Tags: programming language - MeanscriptCLI is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of MeanscriptCLI happened in - MeanscriptCLI is written in Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Mech - Programming language Mech ==== Mech is a programming language created in 2018 by Corey Montella. 2018 Corey Montella #924 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Mech is a language for developing data-driven, reactive systems like animations, games, and robots. It makes composing, transforming, and distributing data easy, allowing you to focus on the essential complexity of your problem. - Tags: programming language - Mech is developed on GitHub and has 201 stars - Early development of Mech happened in Lehigh University - Mech is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML, JSON, YAML, HTML, TypeScript, Dockerfile - was registered in 2018 - Read more about Mech on the web: 1. 1. # Breakout ## The Game game setup #system/timer = [resolution: 15 tick: 0 hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 0] #app/main = [root: "drawing" direction: _ contains: [#game]] game area #game = [|type class contains parameters| #paddle-control "canvas" _ [#elements] [width: 400 height: 400]] controller slider #paddle-control = [type: "slider" class: _ contains: _ parameters: [min: 0 max: 300 value: 40]] draw the game area pos = #paddle-control{1,4}{1,3} start = pos end = pos + 100 #elements = [|shape parameters| "circle" [cx: #ball.x cy: #ball.y radius: 10 fill: "#000000"] "line" [x1: start y1: 350 x2: end y2: 350 stroke: "#000000"]] ## The Ball block #ball = [x: 20 y: 20 vx: 1 vy: 3] update ball position ~ #system/timer.tick #ball.x := #ball.x + #ball.vx #ball.y := #ball.y + #ball.vy bounce the ball off the paddle ~ #ball.y pos = #paddle-control{1,4}{1,3} start = pos end = pos + 100 ix = #ball.y > 340 & #ball.x > start & #ball.x < end & #ball.y < 342 #ball.vy{ix} := -#ball.vy bounce the ball off the ceiling ~ #ball.y #ball.vy{#ball.y < 10} := -#ball.vy bounce the ball off the walls ~ #ball.x #ball.vx{#ball.x > 390 | #ball.x < 10} := -#ball.vx reset the ball if it makes it past the paddle ~ #ball.y ix = #ball.y > 390 #ball.x{ix} := 20 #ball.y{ix} := 20 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 443 2.2
MediaWiki - Wiki markup MediaWiki ========= MediaWiki is an open source wiki markup created in 2002. 2002 #118 on PLDB 22 Years Old 10 Repos MediaWiki is a free and open-source wiki software. Originally developed by Magnus Manske and improved by Lee Daniel Crocker, it runs on many websites, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wikimedia Commons. It is written in the PHP programming language and stores the contents into a database. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: wikiMarkup - There are at least 10 MediaWiki repos on GitHub - Early development of MediaWiki happened in Wikimedia Foundation, Inc - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for MediaWiki - has 30 matches for "mediawiki developer". - See also: (20 related languages) PHP, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, WordPress, Perl, MySQL, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, Python, XML, JSON, LaTeX, OCaml, JQuery, Lua, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite - Read more about MediaWiki on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 2 PLDB concepts link to MediaWiki: texti, Wikitax = Heading 1 = Indentation as used on talk pages: :Each colon at the start of a line ::causes the line to be indented by three more character positions. :::(The indentation persists * Item1 * Item2 * Item3 * Item4 ** Sub-item 4 a) *** Sub-item 4 a) 1. **** Sub-item 4 a) 1. i) **** Sub-item 4 a) 1. ii) ** Sub-item 4 b) === Ordered Lists === * Item5 # Item1 # Item2 # Item3 # Item4 ## Sub-item 1 ### Sub-sub-item #### Sub-sub-sub-item ## Sub-item 2 # Item5 Hello, world! = Overview = The GDB Tracepoint Analysis feature is an extension to the Tracing and Monitoring Framework that allows the visualization and analysis of C/C++ tracepoint data collected by GDB and stored to a log file. = Getting Started = The feature can be installed from the Eclipse update site by selecting '''Linux Tools''' > '''GDB Tracepoint Analysis'''. The feature requires GDB version 7.2 or later to be installed on the local host. The executable program 'gdb' must be found in the path. = GDB Trace Perspective = To open the perspective, select '''Window''' > '''Open Perspective''' > '''Other...''' > '''GDB Trace'''. The perspective includes the following views by default: * '''Project Explorer''': This view shows the projects in the workspace and is used to create and manage Tracing projects. * '''Debug''': This view shows the running C/C++ Postmortem Debugger instances and displays the thread and stack trace associated with a tracepoint. * '''Trace Control''': This view shows the status of the debugger and allows navigation of trace records. * '''Console''': This view displays console output of the C/C++ Postmortem Debugger. The editor area contains the '''Events''' and '''C/C++''' editors when a GDB Trace is opened. [[Image:images/GDBTracePerspective.png]] = Collecting Tracepoint Data = Collecting the C/C++ tracepoint data is outside the scope of this feature. It can be done from the GDB command line or by using the CDT debug component within Eclipse. See the CDT FAQ entry in the [[#References | References]] section. = Importing Tracepoint Data = Some information in this section is redundant with the LTTng User Guide. For further details, see the LTTng User Guide entry in the [[#References | References]] section. == Creating a Tracing Project == In the '''Project Explorer''' view, right-click and select '''New''' > '''Project...''' from the context menu. In the '''New Project''' dialog, select '''Tracing''' > '''Tracing Project''', click '''Next''', name your project and click '''Finish'''. == Importing a GDB Trace == In your tracing project, right-click on the '''Traces''' folder and select '''Import...'''. Browse to, or enter, a source directory. Select the trace file in the tree. Optionally set the trace type to '''GDB : GDB Trace'''. Click '''Finish'''. Alternatively, the trace can be drag & dropped to the '''Traces''' folder from any external file manager. == Selecting the GDB Trace Type == Right-click the imported trace in the '''Traces''' folder and choose '''Select Trace Type...''' > '''GDB''' > '''GDB Trace''' from the context menu. This step can be omitted if the trace type was selected at import. The trace will be updated with the GDB icon [[Image:images/gdb_icon16.png]]. == Selecting the Trace Executable == The executable file that created the tracepoint data must be identified so that the C/C++ Postmortem Debugger can be launched properly. Right-click the GDB trace in the '''Traces''' folder and choose '''Select Trace Executable...''' from the context menu. Browse to, or enter, the path of the executable file and press '''OK'''. The selected file must be recognized by GDB as an executable. = Visualizing Tracepoint Data = == Opening a GDB Trace == In the '''Traces''' folder, double-click the GDB trace or right-click it and select '''Open''' from the context menu. The tracepoint data will be opened in an Events editor, and a C/C++ Postmortem Debugger instance will be launched. If available in the workspace, the source code corresponding to the first trace record will also be opened in a C/C++ editor. At this point it is recommended to relocate the Events editor outside of the default editor area, so that it is not hidden by the C/C++ editor. == Viewing Trace Data == In the Events editor, a table is shown with one row for each trace record. The '''Trace Frame''' column shows the sequential trace record number. The '''Tracepoint''' column shows the number assigned by GDB at collection time for this tracepoint. The '''File''' column shows the file name, line number and method where the tracepoint was set. The '''Content''' column shows the data collected at run-time by the tracepoint. Searching and filtering can be done on any column by entering a regular expression in the column header. == Navigating the GDB Trace == Trace records can be selected in the Events editor using the keyboard or mouse. The C/C++ Postmortem Debugger in the '''Debug''' view will be updated to show the stack trace of the current trace record. The trace can also be navigated from the '''Trace Control''' view by clicking the '''Next Trace Record''' or '''Previous Trace Record''' buttons. The Events editor and '''Debug''' views will be updated. = References = * [ LTTng User Guide] * [ CDT FAQ - How can I trace my application using C/C++ Tracepoints?] = Updating This Document = This document is maintained in a collaborative wiki. If you wish to update or modify this document please visit [] <h4><span class="mw-headline" id="A_dialogue">A dialogue</span></h4> <p>"Take some more <a href="/wiki/Tea" title="Tea">tea</a>," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.</p> <p>"I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone: "so I can't take more."</p> <p>"You mean you can't take <i>less</i>," said the Hatter: "it's <b>very</b> easy to take <i>more</i> than nothing."</p> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1536 7.7
MEDIC - Programming language MEDIC ===== MEDIC is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4211 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MEDIC happened in Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori - MEDIC on HOPL MEDIC on HOPL - Read more about MEDIC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
MEDUSA - Programming language MEDUSA ====== MEDUSA is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1845 on PLDB 22 Years Old MEDUSA, (since 2004 MEDUSA4) is a CAD program used in the areas of mechanical and plant engineering by manufacturers and Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies. The system's history is closely tied to the beginnings of mainstream CAD and the research culture fostered by Cambridge University and the UK government as well as the resulting transformation of Cambridge into a world-class tech centre in the 1980s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, cad - Early development of MEDUSA happened in Cambridge University - MEDUSA on HOPL MEDUSA on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Solaris, XML, AUTOCAD, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Megalog - Programming language Megalog ======= Megalog is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4212 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Megalog happened in Experimental and Clinical Research Center - Megalog on HOPL Megalog on HOPL - Read more about Megalog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Megaparsec - Library Megaparsec ========== Megaparsec is a library created in 2015. 2015 #899 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Industrial-strength monadic parser combinator library - Tags: library - Megaparsec is developed on GitHub and has 904 stars - Early development of Megaparsec happened in - Megaparsec is written in Haskell, Markdown, JSON, CSV, Nix, YAML, XML - See also: (1 related languages) ANTLR - 1 PLDB concepts link to Megaparsec: attoparsec Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
MELD - Programming language MELD ==== MELD is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4213 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MELD happened in Columbia University - MELD on HOPL MELD on HOPL - Read more about MELD on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Melody - Programming language Melody ====== Melody is a programming language created in 2022 by Yoav Lavi. 2022 Yoav Lavi #546 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Melody - A language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable - Tags: programming language - Melody is developed on GitHub and has 4,617 stars - Early development of Melody happened in - Melody is written in Rust, Java, Markdown, JSON, TypeScript, TOML, JavaScript, YAML, Kotlin, SVG, Gradle, CSS, Bourne shell, HTML, XML - Read more about Melody on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
melpha-pm - Package manager melpha-pm ========= melpha-pm is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #2475 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of melpha-pm happened in - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
Memcached - Database Memcached ========= Memcached is a database created in 2003. 2003 #4823 on PLDB 21 Years Old Distributed memory caching system, used as a database - Tags: database - Early development of Memcached happened in Danga Interactive Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
Memex - Computing machine Memex ===== Memex is a computing machine created in 1945 by Vannevar Bush. 1945 Vannevar Bush #1611 on PLDB 79 Years Old The memex (originally coined "at random", though sometimes said to be a portmanteau of "memory" and "index") is the name of the hypothetical proto-hypertext system that Vannevar Bush described in his 1945 The Atlantic Monthly article "As We May Think". Bush envisioned the memex as a device in which individuals would compress and store all of their books, records, and communications, "mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility". The memex would provide an "enlarged intimate supplement to one's memory". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of Memex happened in Office of Scientific Research and Development - Read more about Memex on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
MENDEL - Programming language MENDEL ====== MENDEL is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3135 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MENDEL happened in Toshiba - MENDEL on HOPL MENDEL on HOPL - Read more about MENDEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about MENDEL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Mentat - Programming language Mentat ====== Mentat is a programming language created in 1987 by Andrew S. Grimshaw and Jane W.S. Liu. 1987 Andrew S. Grimshaw Jane W.S. Liu #2672 on PLDB 37 Years Old An object-oriented macro data flow system - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mentat happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Mentat on HOPL Mentat on HOPL - Read more about Mentat on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Mentat: Real-Time Mentat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Mercurial - Version control application Mercurial ========= Mercurial is an open source version control application created in 2005 by Olivia Mackall and Pierre-Yves David. 2005 Olivia Mackall Pierre-Yves David #824 on PLDB 19 Years Old Mercurial is a distributed revision-control tool for software developers. It is supported on Microsoft Windows and Unix-like systems, such as FreeBSD, macOS and Linux. Mercurial's major design goals include high performance and scalability, decentralized, fully distributed collaborative development, robust handling of both plain text and binary files, and advanced branching and merging capabilities, while remaining conceptually simple. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: versionControlApplication - Early development of Mercurial happened in - See also: (10 related languages) Python, C, FreeBSD, Linux, Subversion, HTTP, Rust, CLISP, GNU Octave, Nginx Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
Mercury Programming System - Programming language Mercury Programming System ========================== Mercury Programming System is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #4214 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mercury Programming System happened in IBM - Mercury Programming System on HOPL Mercury Programming System on HOPL - Read more about Mercury Programming System on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Mercury - Programming language Mercury ======= Mercury is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Zoltan Somogyi. 1995 Zoltan Somogyi #379 on PLDB 29 Years Old 715 Repos Mercury is a functional logic programming language made for real-world uses. The first version was developed at the University of Melbourne, Computer Science department, by Fergus Henderson, Thomas Conway, and Zoltan Somogyi, under Somogyi's supervision, and released on April 8, 1995. Mercury is a purely declarative logic programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 715 Mercury repos on GitHub - Early development of Mercury happened in University of Melbourne - Mercury compiles to C - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 594 users using Mercury in 646 repos on GitHub - There are 348 members in the Mercury subreddit - Explore Mercury snippets on Rosetta Code - Mercury on HOPL Mercury on HOPL - Mercury appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Mercury - was registered in 2011 - See also: (26 related languages) Autocode, Mercurial, IA-32, ARM, Unix, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, Android, Prolog, HOPE, Haskell, C, Java, C#, Erlang, Assembly language, CIL, Vim, Emacs, Eclipse, Curry, Alice, Standard ML, Oz, Visual Prolog :- module hello. :- interface. :- import_module io. :- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det. :- implementation. main(!IO) :- io.write_string("Hello World\n", !IO). % "Hello World" in Mercury. % This source file is hereby placed in the public domain. -fjh (the author). :- module hello. :- interface. :- import_module io. :- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det. :- implementation. main(!IO) :- io.write_string("Hello, world\n", !IO). :- module fib. :- interface. :- import_module io. :- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det. :- implementation. :- import_module int. :- func fib(int) = int. fib(N) = (if N =< 2 then 1 else fib(N - 1) + fib(N - 2)). main(!IO) :- io.write_string("fib(10) = ", !IO), io.write_int(fib(10), !IO),!IO). % Could instead use io.format("fib(10) = %d\n", [i(fib(10))], !IO). Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token io.write_string row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 482 2.4
merd - Programming language merd ==== merd is a programming language created in 2002 by Yoann Padioleau. 2002 Yoann Padioleau #2262 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of merd happened in Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires, Rennes - Read more about merd on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
mermaid - Diagram lang mermaid ======= mermaid is a diagram lang created in 2014 by Knut Sveidqvist. 2014 Knut Sveidqvist #392 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown - Tags: diagramLang - mermaid is developed on GitHub and has 69,540 stars - Early development of mermaid happened in - mermaid is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, YAML, JSON, SVG, Bash, CSS, TOML, Bourne shell, CSV, Diff, Dockerfile gitGraph: options { "nodeSpacing": 150, "nodeRadius": 10 } end commit branch newbranch checkout newbranch commit commit checkout master commit commit merge newbranch Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Meroon - Programming language Meroon ====== Meroon is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4215 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Meroon happened in Institut de recherche en informatique et en automatique,Rocquencourt and LIP6, Sorbonne University - Meroon on HOPL Meroon on HOPL - Read more about Meroon on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Mesa - Programming language Mesa ==== Mesa is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #1629 on PLDB 54 Years Old Mesa is a programming language developed in the late 1970s at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in Palo Alto, California, United States. The language name was a pun based upon the programming language catchphrases of the time, because Mesa is a "high level" programming language. Mesa is an ALGOL-like language with strong support for modular programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mesa happened in Computer Systems Laboratory - Mesa on HOPL Mesa on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Algol, Java, Modula-2, BCPL, Modula-3, Pascal, C, SPARC, Ada, Solaris - 1 PLDB concepts link to Mesa: Cedar Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
Mesh Spreadsheet - Visual programming language Mesh Spreadsheet ================ Mesh Spreadsheet is a visual programming language created in 2017 by Chris Pearson. 2017 Chris Pearson #1882 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Mesh Spreadsheet. Mesh is a data and code editor that feels like a spreadsheet. The formula language is ngn/k, and the backend logic is also written in ngn/k. - Tags: visual programming language - Mesh Spreadsheet is developed on GitHub and has 130 stars - Mesh Spreadsheet is written in ngn/k, Python, HTML, Markdown, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Meson - Programming language Meson ===== Meson is an open source programming language created in 2013. 2013 #426 on PLDB 11 Years Old 880 Repos Meson (/ˈmɛ.sɒn/) is a software tool for automating the building (compiling) of software. The overall goal for Meson is to promote programmer productivity.Meson is free and open-source software written in Python 3 and subject to the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 880 Meson repos on GitHub - Early development of Meson happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 765 users using Meson in 1k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Meson - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Meson - See also: (10 related languages) Python, Unix, C, D, Java, Rust, Vala, Visual Studio, CMake, Ninja - 17 PLDB concepts link to Meson: Apache Arrow, cloc, fetlang, Janet, Matplotlib, MongoDB, oopsilon, OpenRC runscript, Pandas, PostgreSQL, Pygments, Racket, RicScript, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Swallow, VLC option('with-something', type: 'boolean', value: true, ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
MessagePack - Binary data format MessagePack =========== MessagePack is a binary data format created in 2009. 2009 #1560 on PLDB 15 Years Old MessagePack is a computer data interchange format. It is a binary form for representing simple data structures like arrays and associative arrays. MessagePack aims to be as compact and simple as possible. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of MessagePack happened in - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Met-English - Programming language Met-English =========== Met-English is a programming language created in 1950. 1950 #3228 on PLDB 74 Years Old Met English Language (MEL) was an early computer language used by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife). It enabled MetLife to establish itself as a strong technology company in the early days of commercial computing. It has now been retired and is no longer in use.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Met-English happened in MetLife, Inc - Met-English on HOPL Met-English on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) COBOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Meta-Assembler - Assembly language Meta-Assembler ============== Meta-Assembler is an assembly language created in 1977. 1977 #3474 on PLDB 47 Years Old This manual describes the SPERRY UNIVAC 1100 Series Meta-Assembler (MASM) processor and language. This manual is directed to users with basic Assembler programming knowledge and experienc€~. Definition of the machine language which is to be assembled by MASM is not given in this document. This information is available in the relevant hardware manuals. MASM is called a meta-assembler because it is not specifically bound to generating code for a particular hardwar~ architecture. With an unaltered environment, MASM will generate code for an 1100 Serit:!s hardware architecture. However, with the directives and built-in functions provided, the user may alter the environment to generate code for any hardware architecture. This assumes the output of MASM (1100 Series Relocatable Binary Format) can be converted to an acceptable form for to the operating system on .the alternate architecture. The processor accepts both Fieldata and ASCII input and maintains character constants in either code as specified by the user. MASM uses,an internal code to store character constants which do not have to be maintained iri a specific character code. MASM performs specified tasks based on the interpretation of statements received primarily via the Source Input Routine (SIR$) and produces an output. The output produced depends upon the user's request. If a relocatable binary element is requested, it is produced by the Relocatable Output Routine (ROH). M,A,SM optionally produces a printed listing of the the input and its processed form. The structure of both the input and output forms are presented elsewhere in this manual. MASM performs its function in two scans of the input. The first scan is known as the summary pass, and the second is known as the generative pass. These two passes of the source input, that is, from the first source image encountered to the last source image, are known as the main assembly. Assemblies invoked within the main assembly are known as subassemblies. Certain initialization is done at the start of each pass - Tags: assembly language - Early development of Meta-Assembler happened in UNIVAC Sperry - Read more about Meta-Assembler on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 442 2.2
Meta II - Grammar language Meta II ======= Meta II is a grammar language created in 1962. 1962 #2790 on PLDB 62 Years Old META II is a domain-specific programming language for writing compilers. It was created in 1963-1964 by Dewey Val Schorre at UCLA. META II uses what Schorre called syntax equations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Meta II happened in University of California Los Angeles - Meta II on HOPL Meta II on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
META/LISP - Programming language META/LISP ========= META/LISP is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4216 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of META/LISP happened in IBM - META/LISP on HOPL META/LISP on HOPL - Read more about META/LISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
META/PLUS - Programming language META/PLUS ========= META/PLUS is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #3475 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of META/PLUS happened in IBM - META/PLUS on HOPL META/PLUS on HOPL - Read more about META/PLUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about META/PLUS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
MetaComCo - Programming language MetaComCo ========= MetaComCo is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #2561 on PLDB 43 Years Old MetaComCo (MCC) was a computer systems software company started in 1981 and based in Bristol, England by Peter Mackeonis and Derek Budge. A division of Tenchstar, Ltd. MetaComCo's first product was an MBASIC compatible interpreter for IBM PCs, which was licensed by Peter Mackeonis to Digital Research in 1982, and issued as the Digital Research Personal Basic, or PBASIC, running under CP/M. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MetaComCo happened in MetaComCo - See also: (3 related languages) MBASIC, PBASIC, REDUCE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
METAFONT - Application METAFONT ======== METAFONT is an open source application created in 1977. 1977 #1152 on PLDB 47 Years Old Metafont is a description language used to define raster fonts. It is also the name of the interpreter that executes Metafont code, generating the bitmap fonts that can be embedded into e.g. PostScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of METAFONT happened in Stanford University - Explore METAFONT snippets on Rosetta Code - METAFONT on HOPL METAFONT on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) PostScript, Tex, Asymptote %file name: %mode_setup; % Define a beanlike shape for the character B beginchar("B",11pt#,11pt#,0); % Setup coordinates as an equation system y1=y2=y3=0; y4=y5=y6=h; x1=x4=0; x2=x5=w; x3=x6=2*w; % Define pen pickup pencircle xscaled 0.2w yscaled 0.04w rotated 45; % Draw the character curve draw z1..z3..z6{z2-z6}..z5..{z4-z2}z4..cycle; endchar; end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
MetaH - Programming language MetaH ===== MetaH is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3476 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MetaH happened in Carnegie Mellon - MetaH on HOPL MetaH on HOPL - Read more about MetaH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
MetaL - Programming language MetaL ===== MetaL is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4888 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Metal - Library Metal ===== Metal is a library created in 2014. 2014 #520 on PLDB 10 Years Old 79 Repos Metal is a low-level, low-overhead hardware-accelerated 3D graphic and compute shader application programming interface (API) developed by Apple Inc., and which debuted in iOS 8. Metal combines functions similar to OpenGL and OpenCL under one API. It is intended to bring to iOS, macOS, and tvOS apps some of the performance benefits of similar APIs on other platforms, such as Vulkan (which debuted in mid-February 2016) and DirectX 12. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - There are at least 79 Metal repos on GitHub - Early development of Metal happened in Apple - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 232 users using Metal in 256 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Metal - See also: (7 related languages) iOS, OpenGL, OpenCL, Swift, Objective-C, LLVM IR, Unity - 6 PLDB concepts link to Metal: cloc, FFmpeg, Iterm2, Java, lobster, Wonkey // Copyright 2014 Isis Innovation Limited and the authors of InfiniTAM #include <metal_stdlib> #include "../../DeviceAgnostic/ITMSceneReconstructionEngine.h" #include "../../DeviceAgnostic/ITMVisualisationEngine.h" #include "ITMVisualisationEngine_Metal.h" using namespace metal; kernel void genericRaycastVH_device(DEVICEPTR(Vector4f) *pointsRay [[ buffer(0) ]], const CONSTPTR(ITMVoxel) *voxelData [[ buffer(1) ]], const CONSTPTR(typename ITMVoxelIndex::IndexData) *voxelIndex [[ buffer(2) ]], const CONSTPTR(Vector2f) *minmaxdata [[ buffer(3) ]], const CONSTPTR(CreateICPMaps_Params) *params [[ buffer(4) ]], uint2 threadIdx [[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ]], uint2 blockIdx [[ threadgroup_position_in_grid ]], uint2 blockDim [[ threads_per_threadgroup ]]) { int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x, y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y; if (x >= params->imgSize.x || y >= params->imgSize.y) return; int locId = x + y * params->imgSize.x; int locId2 = (int)floor((float)x / minmaximg_subsample) + (int)floor((float)y / minmaximg_subsample) * params->imgSize.x; castRay<ITMVoxel, ITMVoxelIndex>(pointsRay[locId], x, y, voxelData, voxelIndex, params->invM, params->invProjParams, params->voxelSizes.y, params->lightSource.w, minmaxdata[locId2]); } kernel void genericRaycastVGMissingPoints_device(DEVICEPTR(Vector4f) *forwardProjection [[ buffer(0) ]], const CONSTPTR(int) *fwdProjMissingPoints [[ buffer(1) ]], const CONSTPTR(ITMVoxel) *voxelData [[ buffer(2) ]], const CONSTPTR(typename ITMVoxelIndex::IndexData) *voxelIndex [[ buffer(3) ]], const CONSTPTR(Vector2f) *minmaxdata [[ buffer(4) ]], const CONSTPTR(CreateICPMaps_Params) *params [[ buffer(5) ]], uint2 threadIdx [[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ]], uint2 blockIdx [[ threadgroup_position_in_grid ]], uint2 blockDim [[ threads_per_threadgroup ]]) { int pointId = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (pointId >= params->imgSize.z) return; int locId = fwdProjMissingPoints[pointId]; int y = locId / params->imgSize.x, x = locId - y * params->imgSize.x; int locId2 = (int)floor((float)x / minmaximg_subsample) + (int)floor((float)y / minmaximg_subsample) * params->imgSize.x; castRay<ITMVoxel, ITMVoxelIndex>(forwardProjection[locId], x, y, voxelData, voxelIndex, params->invM, params->invProjParams, params->voxelSizes.y, params->lightSource.w, minmaxdata[locId2]); } kernel void renderICP_device(const CONSTPTR(Vector4f) *pointsRay [[ buffer(0) ]], DEVICEPTR(Vector4f) *pointsMap [[ buffer(1) ]], DEVICEPTR(Vector4f) *normalsMap [[ buffer(2) ]], DEVICEPTR(Vector4u) *outRendering [[ buffer(3) ]], const CONSTPTR(CreateICPMaps_Params) *params [[ buffer(4) ]], uint2 threadIdx [[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ]], uint2 blockIdx [[ threadgroup_position_in_grid ]], uint2 blockDim [[ threads_per_threadgroup ]]) { int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x, y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y; if (x >= params->imgSize.x || y >= params->imgSize.y) return; processPixelICP<false>(outRendering, pointsMap, normalsMap, pointsRay, params->imgSize.xy, x, y, params->voxelSizes.x, TO_VECTOR3(params->lightSource)); } kernel void renderForward_device(DEVICEPTR(Vector4u) *outRendering [[ buffer(0) ]], const CONSTPTR(Vector4f) *pointsRay [[ buffer(1) ]], const CONSTPTR(CreateICPMaps_Params) *params [[ buffer(2) ]], uint2 threadIdx [[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ]], uint2 blockIdx [[ threadgroup_position_in_grid ]], uint2 blockDim [[ threads_per_threadgroup ]]) { int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x, y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y; if (x >= params->imgSize.x || y >= params->imgSize.y) return; processPixelForwardRender<false>(outRendering, pointsRay, params->imgSize.xy, x, y, params->voxelSizes.x, TO_VECTOR3(params->lightSource)); } kernel void forwardProject_device(DEVICEPTR(Vector4f) *forwardProjection [[ buffer(0) ]], const CONSTPTR(Vector4f) *pointsRay [[ buffer(1) ]], const CONSTPTR(CreateICPMaps_Params) *params [[ buffer(2) ]], uint2 threadIdx [[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ]], uint2 blockIdx [[ threadgroup_position_in_grid ]], uint2 blockDim [[ threads_per_threadgroup ]]) { int x = (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x), y = (threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y); if (x >= params->imgSize.x || y >= params->imgSize.y) return; int locId = x + y * params->imgSize.x; Vector4f pixel = pointsRay[locId]; int locId_new = forwardProjectPixel(pixel * params->voxelSizes.x, params->M, params->projParams, params->imgSize.xy); if (locId_new >= 0) forwardProjection[locId_new] = pixel; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 779 3.9
metalex - Xml format metalex ======= metalex is a xml format created in 2002. 2002 #4217 on PLDB 22 Years Old This paper gives an overview of two XML standard proposals dealing with two complementary aspects of electronic legislation – the documents themselves as a carrier, and an institutional reality they represent – in a coherent way: MetaLex XML and the Legal Knowledge Interchange format (LKIF). - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of metalex happened in University of Amsterdam and University of Bologna - Read more about metalex on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
MetaML - Programming language MetaML ====== MetaML is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4218 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MetaML happened in University di Genoa and Oregon Graduate Institute - MetaML on HOPL MetaML on HOPL - Read more about MetaML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
METAPI - Programming language METAPI ====== METAPI is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4219 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of METAPI happened in RCA Laboratories - METAPI on HOPL METAPI on HOPL - Read more about METAPI on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
METAPOST - Programming language METAPOST ======== METAPOST is a programming language created in 1994 by John D. Hobby. 1994 John D. Hobby #1356 on PLDB 30 Years Old MetaPost refers to both a programming language and the interpreter of the MetaPost programming language. Both are derived from Donald Knuth's Metafont language and interpreter. MetaPost produces vector graphic diagrams from a geometric/algebraic description. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of METAPOST happened in - METAPOST on HOPL METAPOST on HOPL - Read more about METAPOST on the web: 1.,for%20creating%20and%20manipulating%20pictures. 1. beginfig(2); u=1cm; draw (2u,2u)--(0,0)--(0,3u)--(3u,0)--(0,0); pickup pencircle scaled 4pt; for i=0 upto 2: for j=0 upto 2: drawdot (i*u,j*u); endfor endfor endfig Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
METASIM - Programming language METASIM ======= METASIM is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4220 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of METASIM happened in Boston Biomedical Research Institute - METASIM on HOPL METASIM on HOPL - Read more about METASIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
METATEM - Programming language METATEM ======= METATEM is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4221 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of METATEM happened in University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University and Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and Nomura Research Institute Europe Ltd. - METATEM on HOPL METATEM on HOPL - Read more about METATEM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Metaweb Query Language - Query language Metaweb Query Language ====================== Metaweb Query Language is a query language created in 2006. 2006 #4222 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Metaweb Query Language happened in Metaweb Technologies, Inc - Read more about Metaweb Query Language on the web: 1. 1. { "name": None, "mid": None, "type": "/food/dish", "count": None, #"return": "count", "limit": 20, "sort": "name", } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
MDL - Programming language MDL === MDL is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3136 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MDL happened in National Chiao-Tung University and University of Texas at Arlington - MDL on HOPL MDL on HOPL - Read more about MDL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Mewl - Esoteric programming language Mewl ==== Mewl is an esoteric programming language created in 2022 by Palash Bauri. 2022 Palash Bauri #2140 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Mewl, program in cats' language; A just-for-fun language - Tags: esoteric programming language - Mewl is developed on GitHub and has 17 stars - Early development of Mewl happened in - Mewl is written in Rust, YAML, TOML, Markdown, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
MewMew - Esoteric programming language MewMew ====== MewMew is an esoteric programming language created in 2020 by Palash Bauri. 2020 Palash Bauri #1812 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ MewMew Programming Language - Program in Cats' Language - Tags: esoteric programming language - MewMew is developed on GitHub and has 70 stars - Early development of MewMew happened in - MewMew is written in Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML, C++, CMake, Make, Tex Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
mgmt - Programming language mgmt ==== mgmt is a programming language created in 2015 by James Shubin. 2015 James Shubin #288 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Next generation distributed, event-driven, parallel config management! - Tags: programming language - mgmt is developed on GitHub and has 3,473 stars - Early development of mgmt happened in - mgmt is written in Go, YAML, Bourne shell, Markdown, SVG, Make, Python, Bash, Dockerfile, Yacc, Lisp, Smarty, Puppet, reStructuredText - Read more about mgmt on the web: 1. 1. import "datetime" $is_friday = datetime.weekday( == "friday" file "/srv/files/" { state => $const.res.file.state.exists, mode => if $is_friday { # this updates the mode, the instant it changes! "0550" } else { "0770" }, } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
MHEG-5 - Schema MHEG-5 ====== MHEG-5 is a schema created in 1997. 1997 #1958 on PLDB 27 Years Old MHEG-5, or ISO/IEC 13522-5, is part of a set of international standards relating to the presentation of multimedia information, standardised by the Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts Group (MHEG). It is most commonly used as a language to describe interactive television services.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: schema - Early development of MHEG-5 happened in Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts Group - See also: (1 related languages) ASN.1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
michelson - Programming language michelson ========= michelson is a programming language created in 2017 by Grégoire Henry. 2017 Grégoire Henry #1045 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - michelson on GitLab michelson on GitLab - Early development of michelson happened in Dynamic Ledger Solutions Inc - was registered in 2017 - Read more about michelson on the web: 1. 1. HackerNews discussions of michelson =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments The Michelson Language||08/21/2017|92|11 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
ΜC++ - Programming language ΜC++ ==== ΜC++ is a programming language created in 1992 by pabuhr. 1992 pabuhr #1162 on PLDB 32 Years Old git clone μC++, also called uC++, is a programming language, an extension of C++ designed for concurrent programming. Among other features, it adds coroutines, tasks, and monitors, and extends existing language constructs to integrate with them. Its compiler, named u++, operates as a source-to-source translator targeting C++. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ΜC++ is developed on GitHub and has 148 stars - Early development of ΜC++ happened in University of Waterloo - ΜC++ is written in C++, Tex, Make, Assembly language, Bourne shell, Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
micro-editor - Editor micro-editor ============ micro-editor is an editor created in 2016. 2016 #644 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor - Tags: editor - micro-editor is developed on GitHub and has 24,513 stars - Early development of micro-editor happened in - micro-editor is written in YAML, Go, Markdown, Bourne shell, Lua, SVG, JSON, Make, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Micro-flowcharts - Programming language Micro-flowcharts ================ Micro-flowcharts is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4223 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Micro-flowcharts happened in University of Pennsylvania - Micro-flowcharts on HOPL Micro-flowcharts on HOPL - Read more about Micro-flowcharts on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
micro-mitten - Programming language micro-mitten ============ micro-mitten is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #1295 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone You might not need your garbage collector - Tags: programming language - micro-mitten is developed on GitHub and has 532 stars - Early development of micro-mitten happened in - micro-mitten is written in Rust, TOML, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Micro-PROLOG - Programming language Micro-PROLOG ============ Micro-PROLOG is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4581 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Micro-PROLOG happened in Logic Programming Associates Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
mdl - Instruction set architecture mdl === mdl, aka Microarchitecture Description Language, is an instruction set architecture created in 2019 by Reid Tatge. 2019 Reid Tatge #1447 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone We’ve created a DSL and compiler for modeling micro-architecture that handles a very broad class of architectures - CPU, GPUs, VLIWs, DSPs, ML accelerators, and embedded devices. This effort grew out of a need to quickly develop and experiment with high-quality compilers and tools to facilitate rapid architecture exploration. We named the DSL “MDL” for “Microarchitecture Description Language” - Tags: instruction set architecture - mdl is developed on GitHub and has 31 stars - Early development of mdl happened in - mdl is written in C++ - Read more about mdl on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
MicroBlocks - Visual programming language MicroBlocks =========== MicroBlocks is a visual programming language created in 2021 by John Maloney and Jens Mönig and Bernat Romagosa. 2021 John Maloney Jens Mönig Bernat Romagosa #1813 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone MicroBlocks is a blocks programming language for physical computing inspired by Scratch. It runs on microcontrollers such as the micro:bit, Calliope mini, AdaFruit Circuit Playground Express, and many others - Tags: visual programming language - Scratch influenced the design of MicroBlocks - MicroBlocks is written in C, Markdown, Bourne shell, C++, JavaScript, HTML, SVG, JSON, Python, Ini, XML, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
MICRODARE - Programming language MICRODARE ========= MICRODARE is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4224 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MICRODARE happened in University of Arizona Tucson - MICRODARE on HOPL MICRODARE on HOPL - Read more about MICRODARE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Microdata HTML - Schema Microdata HTML ============== Microdata HTML is a schema created in 2013. 2013 #1405 on PLDB 11 Years Old Microdata is a WHATWG HTML specification used to nest metadata within existing content on web pages. Search engines, web crawlers, and browsers can extract and process Microdata from a web page and use it to provide a richer browsing experience for users. Search engines benefit greatly from direct access to this structured data because it allows them to understand the information on web pages and provide more relevant results to users. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: schema - Early development of Microdata HTML happened in W3C - See also: (2 related languages) RDF, JSON-LD - Read more about Microdata HTML on the web: 1. 1. <div itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="reservationNumber" content="546323"/> <link itemprop="reservationStatus" href=""/> <link itemprop="url" href=""/> <div itemprop="underName" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="John Smith"/> <meta itemprop="email" content=""/> </div> <div itemprop="programMembership" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="memberNumber" content="1234567"/> <meta itemprop="program" content="AAA"/> </div> <div itemprop="bookingAgent" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Car Rentals Internationaly"/> <link itemprop="url" href=""/> </div> <meta itemprop="bookingTime" content="2027-01-14T13:05:00-05:00"/> <meta itemprop="modifiedTime" content="2027-03-14T13:05:00-05:00"/> <link itemprop="confirmReservationUrl" href=""/> <link itemprop="cancelReservationUrl" href=""/> <link itemprop="modifyReservationUrl" href=""/> <link itemprop="checkinUrl" href=""/> <div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype=""> <link itemprop="target" href=""/> </div> <div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype=""> <link itemprop="target" href=""/> </div> <div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype=""> <link itemprop="target" href=""/> </div> <div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype=""> <link itemprop="target" href=""/> </div> <div itemprop="reservationFor" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Economy Class Car"/> <meta itemprop="model" content="Civic"/> <div itemprop="brand" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Honda"/> </div> <meta itemprop="description" content="Sedan 4 Door, 5 Seatbelts, Automatic transmission"/> <div itemprop="rentalCompany" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz"/> </div> </div> <div itemprop="pickupLocation" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz San Diego Airport"/> <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="1500 Orange Avenue"/> <meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="San Diego"/> <meta itemprop="addressRegion" content="CA"/> <meta itemprop="postalCode" content="94043"/> <meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="US"/> </div> <meta itemprop="telephone" content="+1-800-123-4567"/> </div> <meta itemprop="pickupTime" content="2027-08-05T16:00:00-07:00"/> <div itemprop="dropoffLocation" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Hertz LAX"/> <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="1234 First Street"/> <meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="Los Angeles"/> <meta itemprop="addressRegion" content="CA"/> <meta itemprop="postalCode" content="94043"/> <meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="US"/> </div> <meta itemprop="telephone" content="+1-800-123-4567"/> </div> <meta itemprop="dropoffTime" content="2027-08-06T20:00:00-07:00"/> <meta itemprop="price" content="119.00"/> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD"/> </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1029 5.1
microl - Programming language microl ====== microl is a programming language created in 2021 by Mike Redko. 2021 Mike Redko #2646 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone a little minimalistic programming language :o - Tags: programming language - microl is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of microl happened in - microl is written in Markdown, C, JSON, Python, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
microPLANNER - Programming language microPLANNER ============ microPLANNER is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4225 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of microPLANNER happened in MIT - microPLANNER on HOPL microPLANNER on HOPL - Read more about microPLANNER on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
MicroPython - Programming language MicroPython =========== MicroPython is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Damien P. George. 2014 Damien P. George #174 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone MicroPython is a software implementation of the Python 3 programming language, written in C, that is optimized to run on a microcontroller. MicroPython is a full Python compiler and runtime that runs on the micro-controller hardware. The user is presented with an interactive prompt (the REPL) to execute supported commands immediately. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - MicroPython is developed on GitHub and has 18,832 stars - Early development of MicroPython happened in - MicroPython is written in Python, C, Expect, reStructuredText, CSV, Make, JSON, Markdown, CMake, YAML, JavaScript, Bourne shell, Assembly language, XML, SVG, HTML, TOML, C++, CSS, Protocol Buffers, Diff, Pascal - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for MicroPython - was registered in 2013 - See also: (4 related languages) C, Arduino Programming Language, Python, ARM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
Microsoft Access - Database Microsoft Access ================ Microsoft Access is a database created in 1992. 1992 #4824 on PLDB 32 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of Microsoft Access happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB - Database Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB ========================= Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB is a database created in 2017. 2017 #4825 on PLDB 7 Years Old Multi-model NoSQL database management system - Tags: database - Early development of Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Microsoft BASIC - Programming language Microsoft BASIC =============== Microsoft BASIC is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #1951 on PLDB 49 Years Old Microsoft BASIC is the foundation product of the Microsoft company. It first appeared in 1975 as Altair BASIC, which was the first BASIC by Microsoft and the first high level programming language available for the Altair 8800 microcomputer. During the home computer craze during the late-1970s and early-1980s, Microsoft BASIC was ported to and supplied with practically every computer design. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Microsoft BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (27 related languages) Altair BASIC, Visual Basic .NET, Commodore BASIC, Atari Microsoft BASIC, BASIC-PLUS, Punched tape, Atari BASIC, GW-BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, MBASIC, FAT, Color BASIC, TRS-80 Color Computer, MSX BASIC, QBasic, C#, Microsoft Small Basic, Visual Basic, AmigaBASIC, Galaksija BASIC, QuickBASIC, VBA, FreeBASIC, Gambas, Locomotive BASIC, Integer BASIC, Tiny BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
Microsoft Equation Editor - Application Microsoft Equation Editor ========================= Microsoft Equation Editor is an application created in 1993. 1993 #3477 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Microsoft Equation Editor happened in Microsoft - See also: (2 related languages) Tex, MathType - Read more about Microsoft Equation Editor on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Microsoft Macro Assembler - Assembly language Microsoft Macro Assembler ========================= Microsoft Macro Assembler is an assembly language created in 1981. 1981 #2118 on PLDB 43 Years Old The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) is an x86 assembler that uses the Intel syntax for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. Beginning with MASM 8.0 there are two versions of the assembler - one for 16-bit and 32-bit assembly sources, and another (ML64) for 64-bit sources only. MASM is maintained by Microsoft, but since version 6.12 has not been sold as a separate product, it is instead supplied with various Microsoft SDKs and C compilers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of Microsoft Macro Assembler happened in Microsoft - See also: (6 related languages) x86 Assembly, C, Visual Studio, MMX instruction set, Turbo Assembler, Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Microsoft SQL Server - Database Microsoft SQL Server ==================== Microsoft SQL Server is a database created in 1989. 1989 #4826 on PLDB 35 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of Microsoft SQL Server happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 96 0.5
Microsoft Small Basic - Programming language Microsoft Small Basic ===================== Microsoft Small Basic is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1497 on PLDB 16 Years Old Microsoft Small Basic is a programming language and associated IDE. It is Microsoft's simplified variant of the BASIC programming language, intended as an easy programming language for beginners. The associated IDE provides a simplified programming environment with functionality such as syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, and in-editor documentation access. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Microsoft Small Basic happened in Microsoft - was registered in 2007 - See also: (12 related languages) SmallBASIC, Logo, QBasic, Visual Basic .NET, BASIC, C#, XML, Visual Studio, Visual Basic, Visual Studio Code, RoboMind, Scratch [SmallBasicType] public static class ExampleClass { public static Primitive Add(Primitive A, Primitive B) => A + B; public static Primitive SomeProperty { get; set; } public static Primitive Pi => (Primitive)3.14159; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
microTAL - Programming language microTAL ======== microTAL is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #4226 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of microTAL happened in Tandem Computers Inc - microTAL on HOPL microTAL on HOPL - Read more about microTAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator - Programming language Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator ============================================= Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator, aka Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator, is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #2576 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator happened in Wright-Patterson Air Force Base - Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator on HOPL Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator on HOPL - Read more about Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Meditech Interpretive Information System - Programming language Meditech Interpretive Information System ======================================== Meditech Interpretive Information System, aka Meditech Interpretive Information System, is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1880 on PLDB 38 Years Old MIIS (Meditech Interpretive Information System) is a MUMPS-like programming language that was created by A.Neil Pappalardo and Curt W. Marble, on a DEC PDP at Mass General Hospital from 1964 to 1968. MUMPS evolution took two major directions: MUMPS proper and MIIS. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Meditech Interpretive Information System happened in Massachusetts General Hospital - Meditech Interpretive Information System on HOPL Meditech Interpretive Information System on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) MUMPS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
MiKe - Programming language MiKe ==== MiKe is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #3478 on PLDB 2 Years Old Introducing MiKe: Constant-time control flow, automatic serialization, and more! - Tags: programming language - Early development of MiKe happened in - Read more about MiKe on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
MIME - Text data format MIME ==== MIME, aka Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, is a text data format created in 1991 by Nathaniel Borenstein and Ned Freed. 1991 Nathaniel Borenstein Ned Freed #373 on PLDB 33 Years Old Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet standard that extends the format of email to support: Text in character sets other than ASCII Non-text attachments: audio, video, images, application programs etc. Message bodies with multiple parts Header information in non-ASCII character setsVirtually all human-written Internet email and a fairly large proportion of automated email is transmitted via SMTP in MIME format.MIME is specified in six linked RFC memoranda: RFC 2045, RFC 2046, RFC 2047, RFC 4288, RFC 4289 and RFC 2049; with the integration with SMTP email specified in detail in RFC 1521 and RFC 1522. Although MIME was designed mainly for SMTP, the content types defined by MIME standards are also of importance in communication protocols outside of email, such as HTTP for the World Wide Web. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of MIME happened in Carnegie Mellon - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for MIME - has 1 matches for "MIME developer". - See also: (9 related languages) FTP, HTTP, SMTP, TLS, TCP, UDP, ASCII, RFC, HTML MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=frontier This is a message with multiple parts in MIME format. --frontier Content-Type: text/plain This is the body of the message. --frontier Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 PGh0bWw+CiAgPGhlYWQ+CiAgPC9oZWFkPgogIDxib2R5PgogICAgPHA+VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUg Ym9keSBvZiB0aGUgbWVzc2FnZS48L3A+CiAgPC9ib2R5Pgo8L2h0bWw+Cg== --frontier-- MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=frontier This is a message with multiple parts in MIME format. --frontier Content-Type: text/plain This is the body of the message. --frontier Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 PGh0bWw+CiAgPGhlYWQ+CiAgPC9oZWFkPgogIDxib2R5PgogICAgPHA+VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUg Ym9keSBvZiB0aGUgbWVzc2FnZS48L3A+CiAgPC9ib2R5Pgo8L2h0bWw+Cg== --frontier-- Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 398 2
MIMIC - Programming language MIMIC ===== MIMIC is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #2335 on PLDB 60 Years Old MIMIC, known in capitalized form only, is a former simulation computer language developed 1964 by H. E. Petersen, F. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MIMIC happened in Wright-Patterson Air Force Base - MIMIC on HOPL MIMIC on HOPL Card columns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * A SIMPLE PREDATOR-PREY MODEL FROM MARINE BIOLOGY / (TUTORIAL 2: NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF ODE'S - 19/08/02) / ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS LAB / DEPT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERİNG / STANFORD UNIVERSITY * * LOTKA–VOLTERRA EQUATION CON(F0,S0,TMAX) CON(ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA,EPS) 1DF = ALPHA*F-BETA*F*S F = INT(1DF,F0) 1DS = EPS*BETA*F*S-GAMMA*S S = INT(1DS,S0) HDR(TIME,FISH,SHARK) OUT(T,F,S) PLO(F,S) FIN(T,TMAX) END <EOR> 600. 50. 50. 0.7 0.007 0.5 0.1 <EOF> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 245 1.2
mimium - Programming language mimium ====== mimium is a programming language created in 2019 by Tomoya Matsuura. 2019 Tomoya Matsuura #902 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone mimium (MInimal Musical medIUM) a programming language as an infrastructure for sound and music. - Tags: programming language - mimium is developed on GitHub and has 267 stars - Early development of mimium happened in Kyushu University - mimium is written in C++, CMake, Markdown, YAML, Lex, Python, Dockerfile, Make, reStructuredText, SVG - was registered in 2020 - Read more about mimium on the web: 1. 1. // A minimal example below generates a sinewave of 440Hz: // minimal.mmm twopi = 3.141595*2 sr = 48000 fn dsp(){ out = sin(now * 440 * twopi / sr) return (out,out) } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
mimix-stream-language - Programming language mimix-stream-language ===================== mimix-stream-language is a programming language created in 2018 by Rommel MARTINEZ. 2018 Rommel MARTINEZ #1793 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone MSL is built from Lisp style s-expressions. MSL differs from Lisp in the way it processes functions and arguments, so Lisp expressions cannot be directly included inside MSL nor vice-versa. MSL code can only contain other MSL. - Tags: programming language - mimix-stream-language is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of mimix-stream-language happened in - mimix-stream-language is written in Lisp, Markdown - Read more about mimix-stream-language on the web: 1. 1. (@lonely-planet Lonely Planet (@Hawaii) (@intro The goddess (@Pele) …) (@chapter 1 (@p1 When the ancient (@Hawaii Hawaiians)…) (@p2 ...)) (@chapter 2 …))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
min - Programming language min === min is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3046 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of min happened in - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of min ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Min programming language||07/30/2017|7|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
MINC - Programming language MINC ==== MINC is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4501 on PLDB 39 Years Old MINC ("MINC is not C") is a data specification language written in the mid-1980s by a Princeton University graduate student named Lars Graf. This kind of naming is known as a "recursive acronym". It contains many (though not all) of the syntactical capabilities of the C programming language, and can be used to implement simple procedural programs that can be executed by a runtime parser (that is to say, MINC does not need to be compiled in any way). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MINC happened in Princeton University - See also: (4 related languages) C, Perl, Python, Tcl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
Minecraft - Visual programming language Minecraft ========= Minecraft is an open source visual programming language created in 2011 by Markus Alexej Persson. 2011 Markus Alexej Persson #2181 on PLDB 13 Years Old Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game. - Tags: visual programming language - Minecraft is written in Java, C++ - There are 0 members in the Minecraft subreddit Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Mini-ML - Programming language Mini-ML ======= Mini-ML is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4227 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mini-ML happened in SKEMA Business School and Inria - Mini-ML on HOPL Mini-ML on HOPL - Read more about Mini-ML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
MiniD - Programming language MiniD ===== MiniD is a programming language created in 2006 by Jarrett Billingsley. 2006 Jarrett Billingsley #979 on PLDB 18 Years Old 0 Repos The MiniD (has been renamed Croc) programming language is a small, lightweight, extension language in the vein of Lua or Squirrel, but designed to be used mainly with the D programming language. It supports both object-oriented and imperative programming paradigms, as well as some simple functional aspects. Distributed under the licence of zlib/libpng, MiniD is free software.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 MiniD repos on GitHub - Early development of MiniD happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for MiniD - See also: (7 related languages) D, Lua, Squirrel, Python, Io, C, Croc - 1 PLDB concepts link to MiniD: Croc module matrix local SIZE = 30 function mkmatrix(rows, cols) { local count = 1 local m = for(i: 0 .. rows) { m[i] = for(j: 0 .. cols) { ++count m[i][j] = count } } return m } function mmult(rows, cols, m1, m2, m3) { for(i: 0 .. rows) { for(j: 0 .. cols) { local val = 0 for(k: 0 .. cols) val += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j] m3[i][j] = val } } return m3 } function main(N) { local n = 1 if(isString(N)) n = toInt(N) local m1 = mkmatrix(SIZE, SIZE) local m2 = mkmatrix(SIZE, SIZE) local mm = mkmatrix(SIZE, SIZE) for(i: 0 .. n) mmult(SIZE, SIZE, m1, m2, mm) writefln(mm[0][0], " ", mm[2][3], " ", mm[3][2], " ", mm[4][4]) } function first(x: array|string) = x[0] writeln(first([1, 2, 3])) // prints 1 writeln(first("hello")) // prints h writeln(first(45)) // error, invalid parameter type 'int' Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01][01_]* Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9][0-9_]*)(?![.eE]) Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9][0-9_]*)(?=[.eE])(\.[0-9][0-9_]*)?([eE][+\-]?[0-9_]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]* Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 503 2.5
Mindsdb - Application Mindsdb ======= Mindsdb is an application created in 2018. 2018 #408 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone MindsDB ML-SQL Server enables machine learning workflows for the most powerful databases and data warehouses using SQL. - Tags: application - Mindsdb is developed on GitHub and has 25,870 stars - Early development of Mindsdb happened in - Mindsdb is written in Python, Markdown, SVG, YAML, CSV, JSON, SQL, Dockerfile, Ini, HCL, Make, HTML, Mako, TOML - See also: (2 related languages) Python, SQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
minihaskell - Minilanguage minihaskell =========== minihaskell is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #3047 on PLDB 11 Years Old lazy, functional, integers, booleans, lists, recursion, statically typed - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of minihaskell happened in University of Ljubljana - Read more about minihaskell on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
minikanren - Programming language minikanren ========== minikanren is an open source programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1081 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Canonical miniKanren implementation - Tags: programming language - minikanren is developed on GitHub and has 349 stars - Early development of minikanren happened in - minikanren is written in Scheme, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Minilang - Interpreter Minilang ======== Minilang is an interpreter created in 2016 by Raja Mukherji. 2016 Raja Mukherji #1872 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A mini language used for the Rabs build system and within Wrapl. - Tags: interpreter - Minilang is developed on GitHub and has 29 stars - Early development of Minilang happened in - Minilang is written in XML, reStructuredText, C, Lua, XSD, Python, Make, YAML, Bourne shell, Puppet, Markdown, CSS, Assembly language, XSLT, Diff Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
miniML_error - Minilanguage miniML_error ============ miniML_error is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #1277 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone like miniml that can also abort execution - Tags: minilanguage - miniML_error is developed on GitHub and has 1,441 stars - Early development of miniML_error happened in University of Ljubljana - Read more about miniML_error on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
miniml - Minilanguage miniml ====== miniml is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #2745 on PLDB 11 Years Old eager, functional, recursive functions, statically typed, compiler, abstract machine - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of miniml happened in University of Ljubljana - Read more about miniml on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
MINION - Programming language MINION ====== MINION is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4228 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MINION happened in University of Maryland - MINION on HOPL MINION on HOPL - Read more about MINION on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
miniprolog - Minilanguage miniprolog ========== miniprolog is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #3048 on PLDB 11 Years Old logic programming, Horn clauses, unification - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of miniprolog happened in University of Ljubljana - Read more about miniprolog on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
MINIVITAL - Programming language MINIVITAL ========= MINIVITAL is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4229 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MINIVITAL happened in Palyn Associates and R.L.G. Associates - MINIVITAL on HOPL MINIVITAL on HOPL - Read more about MINIVITAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
MiniZinc - Programming language MiniZinc ======== MiniZinc is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #554 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone The MiniZinc compiler - Tags: programming language - MiniZinc is developed on GitHub and has 494 stars - Early development of MiniZinc happened in Monash University - MiniZinc is written in C++, reStructuredText, Python, CMake, JSON, SVG, HTML, Markdown, YAML, XML, C, CSS, Nix, JavaScript, Make, Tex, Bash, Ini - Explore MiniZinc snippets on Rosetta Code - MiniZinc Ubuntu package MiniZinc Ubuntu package - MiniZinc appears in the Quine Relay project solve satisfy; output ["Hello, world!\n"]; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
MINOPT - Programming language MINOPT ====== MINOPT is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4230 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MINOPT happened in Princeton University - MINOPT on HOPL MINOPT on HOPL - Read more about MINOPT on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
mint - Programming language mint ==== mint is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #1981 on PLDB 6 Years Old 19 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 19 mint repos on GitHub - Early development of mint happened in - was registered in 2018 component Main { fun render : Html { <div>"Hello World"</div> } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " HackerNews discussions of mint ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Mint-lang: a language for the front-end web||05/26/2018|112|106 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
MIPS architecture - Instruction set architecture MIPS architecture ================= MIPS architecture is an instruction set architecture created in 1985. 1985 #241 on PLDB 39 Years Old MIPS is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by MIPS Technologies (formerly MIPS Computer Systems). The early MIPS architectures were 32-bit, with 64-bit versions added later. There are multiple versions of MIPS: including MIPS I, II, III, IV, and V; as well as five releases of MIPS32/64 (for 32- and 64-bit implementations, respectively). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of MIPS architecture happened in MIPS Technologies and Imagination Technologies - Monaco package for syntax highlighting MIPS architecture - Learn MIPS architecture on exercism. - has 12 matches for "mips engineer". .text .global main main: li $v0, 5001 li $a0, 1 dla $a1, message li $a2, 14 syscall li $v0, 5058 li $a0, 0 syscall .data message: .string "Hello, world!\n" .data hello_world: .asciiz "Hello World" .text main: li $v0, 4 # Load syscommand print_string la $a0, hello_world # Load hello_world string into register $a0 syscall # Print the string jr $ra # Return .data .text syscall trap add addu addi addiu and andi div divu mult multu nor or ori sll slv sra srav srl srlv sub subu xor xori lhi lho lhi llo slt slti sltu sltiu beq bgtz blez bne j jal jalr jr lb lbu lh lhu lw li la sb sh sw mfhi mflo mthi mtlo move Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ### A comment ### Token ### row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 376 1.9
mir - Intermediate representation language mir === mir is an intermediate representation language created in 2015. 2015 #3049 on PLDB 9 Years Old MIR is a human readable serialization format that is used to represent LLVM’s machine specific intermediate representation. The MIR serialization format uses a YAML container. - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of mir happened in LLVM Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
MIRAGER - Programming language MIRAGER ======= MIRAGER is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4231 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MIRAGER happened in Argonne National Laboratory - MIRAGER on HOPL MIRAGER on HOPL - Read more about MIRAGER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Mirah - Programming language Mirah ===== Mirah is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Charles Oliver Nutter. 2009 Charles Oliver Nutter #382 on PLDB 15 Years Old 68 Repos git clone Mirah (formerly Duby) is a programming language based on Ruby language syntax, local type inference, hybrid static–dynamic type system, and a pluggable compiler toolchain. Mirah was created by Charles Oliver Nutter to be "a 'Ruby-like' language, probably a subset of Ruby syntax, that [could] compile to solid, fast, idiomatic JVM bytecode." The word mirah refers to the gemstone ruby in the Javanese language, a play on the concept of Ruby in Java.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Mirah is developed on GitHub and has 863 stars - There are at least 68 Mirah repos on GitHub - Early development of Mirah happened in - Mirah is written in HTML, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Markdown, CSS, Bash, YAML, XML, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 32 users using Mirah in 43 repos on GitHub - Explore Mirah snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Mirah - was registered in 2010 - See also: (9 related languages) JVM, Ruby, Java, Boo, Java Bytecode, JRuby, C#, Ruby on Rails, ERB def foo(a:String, b:int) def fib(a:int) if a < 2 a else fib(a - 1) + fib(a - 2) end end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 341 1.7
Miranda - Programming language Miranda ======= Miranda is a programming language created in 1985 by David Turner. 1985 David Turner #837 on PLDB 39 Years Old Miranda is a lazy, purely functional programming language designed by David Turner as a successor to his earlier programming languages SASL and KRC, using some concepts from ML and Hope. It was produced by Research Software Ltd. of England (which holds a trademark on the name Miranda) and was the first purely functional language to be commercially supported.Miranda was first released in 1985, as a fast interpreter in C for Unix-flavour operating systems, with subsequent releases in 1987 and 1989. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Miranda happened in Research Software Ltd - Miranda on HOPL Miranda on HOPL - See also: (11 related languages) KRC, ML, HOPE, Clean, Haskell, C, Unix, ISWIM, Occam, Python, Pascal main = [Stdout "Hello, world!"] main :: [sys_message] main = [Stdout "Hello World"] > || The infinite list of all prime numbers. The list of potential prime numbers starts as all integers from 2 onwards; as each prime is returned, all the following numbers that can exactly be divided by it are filtered out of the list of candidates. > primes = sieve [2..] > sieve (p:x) = p : sieve [n | n <- x; n mod p ~= 0] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Stdout row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 344 1.7
Miranim - Programming language Miranim ======= Miranim is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4232 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Miranim happened in Université de Montreal - Miranim on HOPL Miranim on HOPL - Read more about Miranim on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
MIRC scripting language - Programming language MIRC scripting language ======================= MIRC scripting language is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Khaled Mardam-Bey. 1995 Khaled Mardam-Bey #987 on PLDB 29 Years Old The mIRC scripting language, often unofficially abbreviated to "mSL", is the scripting language embedded in mIRC, an IRC client for Windows.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MIRC scripting language happened in - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting MIRC scripting language - was registered in 1997 - See also: (1 related languages) Ini echo -a Hello World ;Placed in a remote script ;When a user types Hello! in a channel, ;you answer back: Hello, [nickname]! on *:TEXT:Hello!:#:{ msg $chan Hello, $nick $+ ! } ;When a user types Hello! in a private message, ;you answer back: Hello, [nickname]! on *:TEXT:Hello!:?: { msg $nick Hello, $nick $+ ! } ;Here is a script which automatically gives voice to a user ;who joins a particular channel (The Bot or user should have HOP) on *:JOIN:#?: { mode $chan +v $nick } ;A bad word script on *:Text:die*:#: { .mode $chan +b $nick | kick $chan $nick Dont say that again } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 282 1.4
MIRFAC - Programming language MIRFAC ====== MIRFAC is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #4233 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MIRFAC happened in Royal Armament Research - MIRFAC on HOPL MIRFAC on HOPL - Read more about MIRFAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
mirth - Programming language mirth ===== mirth is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1777 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Compiler for the Mirth programming language. - Tags: programming language - mirth is developed on GitHub and has 444 stars - Early development of mirth happened in - mirth is written in Bourne shell, Markdown, JSON, Vim script, C, SVG, Make, YAML, CSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
miso-framework - Framework miso-framework ============== miso-framework is a framework created in 2016. 2016 #3696 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: framework - Early development of miso-framework happened in - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Misty - Programming language Misty ===== Misty is a programming language created in 2017 by Douglas Crockford. 2017 Douglas Crockford #2103 on PLDB 7 Years Old The Misty Programming Language is a dynamic, general-purpose, transitional, secure, distributed process language. It has a gentle syntax that is intended to benefit students, as well as advanced features such as capability security and lambdas with lexical scoping. - Tags: programming language - Misty is written in McKeeman Form { one: 1 array: [ 1 2 3 ] text: "hello" } def atan: ƒ (slope) ( math.sine( slope / (math.sqrt( slope * slope ) + 1) ) ) set progress: ( result + (radicand / result) ) / 2 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Miva - Programming language Miva ==== Miva is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #1526 on PLDB 28 Years Old Miva Script is a proprietary computer scripting language mainly used for internet applications such as e-commerce. As of 2015, it is developed, maintained and owned by Miva Merchant, Inc., based in San Diego, California. Many web hosting companies support Miva Script on their servers, but it is significantly less widespread than other popular web languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Miva happened in Miva Merchant, Inc - Miva appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2008 - See also: (6 related languages) C, Perl, Java, XML, DBase, MySQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Mizar - Programming language Mizar ===== Mizar is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4234 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mizar happened in University of Alberta - Mizar on HOPL Mizar on HOPL - Read more about Mizar on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ML - Programming language ML == ML, aka Meta Language, is a programming language created in 1973 by Robin Milner. 1973 Robin Milner #173 on PLDB 51 Years Old ML ('Meta Language') is a general-purpose functional programming language. It has roots in Lisp, and has been characterized as "Lisp with types". It is known for its use of the polymorphic Hindley–Milner type system, which automatically assigns the types of most expressions without requiring explicit type annotations, and ensures type safety – there is a formal proof that a well-typed ML program does not cause runtime type errors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ML happened in University of Edinburgh - There are 427 Project Euler users using ML - Explore ML snippets on Rosetta Code - ML on HOPL ML on HOPL - ML appears in the TIOBE Index - has 6 matches for "ml engineer". - See also: (24 related languages) Standard ML, Caml, ISWIM, Clojure, Coq, Cyclone, Elm, F#, F*, Haskell, Idris, Miranda, Nemerle, OCaml, Opa, Erlang, Rust, Scala, Lisp, ATS, Alice, DML, Lazy ML, Clean - 3 PLDB concepts link to ML: mLite, MLscript, Nemerle structure Rational : ARITH = struct datatype t = Rat of int * int; val zero = Rat(0,1); fun succ(Rat(a,b)) = Rat( a+b , b ); fun sum (Rat(a,b), Rat(c,d)) = Rat(a*d+ c*b , b*d) : t ; end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 360 1.8
MLAB - Programming language MLAB ==== MLAB is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #1950 on PLDB 49 Years Old mLab is a fully managed cloud database service that hosts MongoDB databases. mLab runs on cloud providers Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Azure, and has partnered with platform-as-a-service providers. In May 2011, mLab secured $3 million in first-round funding from Foundry Group, Baseline Ventures, Upfront Ventures, Freestyle Capital and David Cohen.In October 2012, mLab received a follow-on investment of $5 million and shortly thereafter, mLab was named by Network World as one of the 10 most useful cloud databases along with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud SQL, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace, and others. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MLAB happened in National Institutes of Health - MLAB on HOPL MLAB on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) MongoDB, Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform - Read more about MLAB on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
mlatu - Programming language mlatu ===== mlatu is a programming language created in 2021 by Caden Haustein. 2021 Caden Haustein #1572 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A declarative concatenative programming language - Tags: programming language - mlatu is developed on GitHub and has 159 stars - Early development of mlatu happened in - mlatu is written in Markdown, Rust, TOML, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
mlir - Intermediate representation language mlir ==== mlir is an intermediate representation language created in 2019 by Chris Lattner. 2019 Chris Lattner #251 on PLDB 5 Years Old 84 Repos git clone "Multi-Level Intermediate Representation" Compiler Infrastructure - Tags: intermediate representation language - mlir is developed on GitHub and has 1,728 stars - There are at least 84 mlir repos on GitHub - Early development of mlir happened in - mlir is written in Markdown - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 27 users using mlir in 30 repos on GitHub - First announcement of mlir - Read more about mlir on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to mlir: Mojo // Syntactically similar to LLVM: func @testFunction(%arg0: i32) { %x = call @thingToCall(%arg0) : (i32) -> i32 br ^bb1 ^bb1: %y = addi %x, %x : i32 return %y : i32 } // Example code of an affine reduction. // MLIR example code may not always work out of the box because the textual MLIR format is not stable. // The example tries to be compatible with the latest MLIR version, which may not work on previous versions. func @affine_parallel_with_reductions_i64(%arg0: memref<3x3xi64>, %arg1: memref<3x3xi64>) -> (i64, i64) { %0:2 = affine.parallel (%kx, %ky) = (0, 0) to (2, 2) reduce ("addi", "muli") -> (i64, i64) { %1 = affine.load %arg0[%kx, %ky] : memref<3x3xi64> %2 = affine.load %arg1[%kx, %ky] : memref<3x3xi64> %3 = arith.muli %1, %2 : i64 %4 = arith.addi %1, %2 : i64 affine.yield %3, %4 : i64, i64 } return %0#0, %0#1 : i64, i64 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 383 1.9
MLISP2 - Programming language MLISP2 ====== MLISP2 is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4235 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MLISP2 happened in Stanford University - MLISP2 on HOPL MLISP2 on HOPL - Read more about MLISP2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
mLite - Programming language mLite ===== mLite is a programming language created in 2014 by Nils M Holm. 2014 Nils M Holm #1982 on PLDB 10 Years Old a lightweight (and slightly odd) inhabitant of the ML universe. - Tags: programming language - Early development of mLite happened in - ML influenced the design of mLite - Read more about mLite on the web: 1. 1. ;; create lists of numbers fun iota (a, b) where (a = b) = [a] | (a, b) = a :: iota (a + 1, b) | a = iota (1, a) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
mlpolyr - Programming language mlpolyr ======= mlpolyr is a programming language created in 2016 by Nicolas Ojeda Bar. 2016 Nicolas Ojeda Bar #2377 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The MLPolyR programming language, revived - Tags: programming language - mlpolyr is developed on GitHub and has 23 stars - Early development of mlpolyr happened in - mlpolyr is written in Standard ML, C, Bourne shell, Make, Tex, Lex, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
mmix - Assembly language mmix ==== mmix is an assembly language created in 1999. 1999 #3137 on PLDB 25 Years Old During the 1990s I spent considerable time designing a computer that would be representative of modern machines, yet easy to learn. Several of the leading experts in the field gave me considerable help with the design. The result was MMIX — "A RISC computer for the new millennium". In 1999 I completed the preliminary software to support basic MMIX programming and the simulation of many versions of the architecture. - Tags: assembly language - Early development of mmix happened in HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences - Explore mmix snippets on Rosetta Code - Read more about mmix on the web: 1. 1. LOC Data_Segment GREG @ Text BYTE "Hello world!",10,0 LOC #100 Main LDA $255,Text TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut TRAP 0,Halt,0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
mmsearch - Programming language mmsearch ======== mmsearch is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4236 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of mmsearch happened in Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics - mmsearch on HOPL mmsearch on HOPL - Read more about mmsearch on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
MMX instruction set - Instruction set architecture MMX instruction set =================== MMX instruction set is an instruction set architecture created in 1997. 1997 #1359 on PLDB 27 Years Old MMX is a single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) instruction set designed by Intel, introduced in 1997 with its P5-based Pentium line of microprocessors, designated as "Pentium with MMX Technology". It developed out of a similar unit introduced on the Intel i860, and earlier the Intel i750 video pixel processor. MMX is a processor supplementary capability that is supported on recent IA-32 processors by Intel and other vendors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of MMX instruction set happened in Intel Corporation - See also: (4 related languages) IA-32, C, Assembly language, ARM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
Mobl - Programming language Mobl ==== Mobl is a programming language created in 2010 by Zef Hemel. 2010 Zef Hemel #1805 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Domain-specific language for mobile (web) applications. This repository contains the compiler sources and Eclipse project. - Tags: programming language - Mobl is developed on GitHub and has 110 stars - Early development of Mobl happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
MOBL - Programming language MOBL ==== MOBL is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #4237 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MOBL happened in Computer Usage Corporation - MOBL on HOPL MOBL on HOPL - Read more about MOBL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Moby - Programming language Moby ==== Moby is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3624 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Moby happened in Bell Labs Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
mochajs - Library mochajs ======= mochajs is an open source library created in 2011 by TJ Holowaychuk and Guillermo Rauch. 2011 TJ Holowaychuk Guillermo Rauch #351 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone ☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser - Tags: library - mochajs is developed on GitHub and has 22,515 stars - Early development of mochajs happened in - mochajs is written in JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON, SVG, CSS, HTML, CoffeeScript, Liquid, TOML, TypeScript - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
mochi - Programming language mochi ===== mochi is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #727 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Mochi is a dynamically typed programming language for functional programming and actor-style programming. Its interpreter is written in Python3. The interpreter translates a program written in Mochi to Python3's AST / bytecode. - Tags: programming language - mochi is developed on GitHub and has 914 stars - Early development of mochi happened in - mochi is written in Python, Markdown, reStructuredText, Make, Bourne shell, Dockerfile - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for mochi def factorial(n, m): if n == 1: m else: factorial(n - 1, n * m) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
mockingbird-notation - Notation mockingbird-notation ==================== mockingbird-notation is a notation created in 1996 by David C. Keenan. 1996 David C. Keenan #2342 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: notation - Early development of mockingbird-notation happened in - See also: (1 related languages) Lisp - 1 PLDB concepts link to mockingbird-notation: Lambda Diagrams Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Mocklisp - Programming language Mocklisp ======== Mocklisp is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3632 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mocklisp happened in Unipress - Mocklisp on HOPL Mocklisp on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
MODCAP - Programming language MODCAP ====== MODCAP is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4238 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MODCAP happened in New Mexico State University - MODCAP on HOPL MODCAP on HOPL - Read more about MODCAP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Model 204 - Programming language Model 204 ========= Model 204 is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #2653 on PLDB 52 Years Old Model 204 (M204) is a database management system for IBM and compatible mainframe computers, “born” 1965 October 13, and first deployed in 1972. It incorporates a programming language and an environment for application development. Implemented in assembly language for IBM System/360 and its successors, M204 can deal with very large databases and transaction loads of 1000 TPS.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Model 204 happened in Computer Corporation of America - See also: (2 related languages) Assembly language, SQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
MODEL-K - Programming language MODEL-K ======= MODEL-K is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4925 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - MODEL-K on HOPL MODEL-K on HOPL - Read more about MODEL-K on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Modelica - Programming language Modelica ======== Modelica is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #445 on PLDB 27 Years Old 1k Repos Modelica is an object-oriented, declarative, multi-domain modeling language for component-oriented modeling of complex systems, e.g., systems containing mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic, thermal, control, electric power or process-oriented subcomponents. The free Modelica language is developed by the non-profit Modelica Association. The Modelica Association also develops the free Modelica Standard Library that contains about 1360 generic model components and 1280 functions in various domains, as of version 3.2.1.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,208 Modelica repos on GitHub - Early development of Modelica happened in Modelica Association - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 447 users using Modelica in 542 repos on GitHub - Modelica on HOPL Modelica on HOPL - ANTLR grammar for Modelica - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Modelica - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Modelica - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Modelica - was registered in 1998 - See also: (7 related languages) Java, Unicode, AMPL, GAMS, MATLAB, Simulink, DOI - Read more about Modelica on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. within ModelicaByExample; package PackageExamples "Examples of using packages" end PackageExamples; model Circuit Capacitor C1(C=1e-4) "A Capacitor instance from the model above"; Capacitor C2(C=1e-5) "A Capacitor instance from the model above"; ... equation connect(C1.pin_p, C2.pin_n); ... end Circuit; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // \d+(\.?\d*[eE][-+]?\d+|\.\d*) Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported ✓ Example type SpecificHeatCapacity = Real ( final quantity="SpecificHeatCapacity", final unit="J/(kg.K)" ); Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 426 2.1
modl - Programming language modl ==== modl is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4239 on PLDB 37 Years Old c-based language for ExtendSim. - Tags: programming language - Early development of modl happened in Imagine That Inc - Read more about modl on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
MODLISP - Programming language MODLISP ======= MODLISP is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4240 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MODLISP happened in IBM - MODLISP on HOPL MODLISP on HOPL - Read more about MODLISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
MODSIM III - Programming language MODSIM III ========== MODSIM III is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4241 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MODSIM III happened in CACI Products Company - MODSIM III on HOPL MODSIM III on HOPL - Read more about MODSIM III on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Modula-2 - Programming language Modula-2 ======== Modula-2 is a programming language created in 1978 by Niklaus Wirth. 1978 Niklaus Wirth #296 on PLDB 46 Years Old 306 Repos Modula-2 is a computer programming language designed and developed between 1977 and 1985 by Niklaus Wirth at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) as a revision of Pascal to serve as the sole programming language for the operating system and application software for the personal workstation Lilith. The principal concepts were: The module as a compilation unit for separate compilation The coroutine as the basic building block for concurrent processes Types and procedures that allow access to machine-specific data. Modula-2 was viewed by Niklaus Wirth as a successor to his earlier programming languages Pascal and Modula. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 306 Modula-2 repos on GitHub - Early development of Modula-2 happened in ETH Zurich - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 103 users using Modula-2 in 115 repos on GitHub - Explore Modula-2 snippets on Rosetta Code - Modula-2 is supported by the GDB - Modula-2 on HOPL Modula-2 on HOPL - Modula-2 appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Modula-2 - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Modula-2 - has 0 matches for "modula-2 developer". - See also: (10 related languages) Modula, Mesa, Pascal, Modula-3, Oberon, Ada, Lua, Seed7, Zonnon, ISBN - 2 PLDB concepts link to Modula-2: High Level Assembly, Modula-2+ MODULE HelloWorld; FROM Terminal2 IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn; BEGIN WriteString("Hello World"); WriteLn; END HelloWorld. (* Hello World in Modula-2 *) MODULE HelloWorld; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString,WriteLn; BEGIN WriteString("Hello World!"); WriteLn; END HelloWorld. IMPLEMENTATION MODULE HuffChan; (* This module shows how to redefine standard IO file functions. It provides functions for reading and writing packed files opened in Raw mode. *) IMPORT IOChan, IOLink, ChanConsts, IOConsts, SYSTEM, Strings; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; CONST rbldFrq = 512; (* means: every 512 bytes rebuild table *) TYPE charTap = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..MAX(INTEGER)-1] OF CHAR; smbTp = POINTER TO smbT; smbT = RECORD (* Huffman's tree *) ch : CHAR; n : CARDINAL; (* frequncy of char ch *) left,right,next : smbTp; END; tblT = RECORD (* bit sequence for code *) vl : CARDINAL; (* bit sequence *) cnt : INTEGER; (* it length *) END; lclDataT = RECORD (* channel's local data *) tRoot : smbTp; htbl : ARRAY [0..255] OF tblT; (* code -> bit sequence table *) ftbl : ARRAY [0..255] OF CARDINAL; (* frequncey table *) wBf,rb1,rb2 : CARDINAL; wbc,rbc,smc : INTEGER; chid : IOChan.ChanId; END; lclDataTp = POINTER TO lclDataT; charp = POINTER TO CHAR; VAR did : IOLink.DeviceId; ldt : lclDataTp; PROCEDURE Shf(a:CARDINAL; b : INTEGER) : CARDINAL; (* shl a,b (or shr) *) BEGIN RETURN SYSTEM.CAST(CARDINAL,SYSTEM.SHIFT(SYSTEM.CAST(BITSET,a),b)); END Shf; PROCEDURE wrDword(a:CARDINAL); (* write 4 bytes to file *) BEGIN IOChan.RawWrite(ldt^.chid,SYSTEM.ADR(a),4); END wrDword; PROCEDURE rdDword() : CARDINAL; (* read 4 bytes from file *) VAR a,z : CARDINAL; BEGIN a:=0; IOChan.RawRead(ldt^.chid,SYSTEM.ADR(a),4,z); RETURN a; END rdDword; PROCEDURE wrSmb(ch : CHAR); (* write bit sequence for code ch *) VAR v,h : CARDINAL; b,c : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO v:=htbl[ORD(ch)].vl; c:=htbl[ORD(ch)].cnt; IF c+wbc<=32 THEN wBf:=Shf(wBf,c); wBf:=wBf+v; wbc:=wbc+c; IF wbc=32 THEN wrDword(wBf); wBf:=0; wbc:=0; END; RETURN; END; b:=c+wbc-32; h:=Shf(v,-b); wBf:=Shf(wBf,32-wbc)+h; wrDword(wBf); wBf:=v-Shf(h,b); wbc:=b; END; END wrSmb; PROCEDURE flush(); (* write data in buffer *) BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO wBf:=Shf(wBf,32-wbc); wrDword(wBf); END; END flush; PROCEDURE getSym() : CHAR; (* find code for first bit sequence in buffer *) VAR t,i : CARDINAL; b : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO IF rbc<=32 THEN rb2:=rdDword(); t:=Shf(rb2,-rbc); IF rbc=32 THEN t:=0; END; rb1:=rb1+t; rb2:=Shf(rb2,32-rbc); IF rbc=0 THEN rb2:=0; END; rbc:=rbc+32; END; FOR i:=0 TO 255 DO t:=Shf(rb1,htbl[i].cnt-32); IF t=htbl[i].vl THEN rb1:=Shf(rb1,htbl[i].cnt); b:=32-htbl[i].cnt; t:=Shf(rb2,-b); rb1:=rb1+t; rb2:=Shf(rb2,32-b); rbc:=rbc+b-32; RETURN CHR(i); END; END; END; END getSym; PROCEDURE Insert(s : smbTp); (* insert new character in Huffman's tree *) VAR cr : smbTp; BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO IF tRoot=NIL THEN cr:=tRoot; tRoot:=s; s^.next:=cr; RETURN; ELSIF tRoot^.n<=s^.n THEN cr:=tRoot; tRoot:=s; s^.next:=cr; RETURN; END; cr:=tRoot; WHILE (cr^.next<>NIL) & (cr^.next^.n>s^.n) DO cr:=cr^.next; END; s^.next:=cr^.next; cr^.next:=s; END; END Insert; PROCEDURE BuildTree(); (* build Huffman's tree *) VAR cr,ocr,ncr : smbTp; BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO LOOP ocr:=NIL; cr:=tRoot; WHILE cr^.next^.next<>NIL DO ocr:=cr; cr:=cr^.next; END; NEW(ncr); ncr^.n:=cr^.n+cr^.next^.n; ncr^.left:=cr; ncr^.right:=cr^.next; IF ocr<>NIL THEN ocr^.next:=NIL; Insert(ncr); ELSE tRoot:=NIL; Insert(ncr); EXIT; END; END; END; END BuildTree; PROCEDURE BuildTable(cr: smbTp; vl,n: CARDINAL); (* build table: code -> bit sequence *) BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO IF cr^.left=NIL THEN htbl[ORD(cr^.ch)].vl:=vl; htbl[ORD(cr^.ch)].cnt:=n; DISPOSE(cr); RETURN; END; vl:=vl*2; BuildTable(cr^.left,vl,n+1); BuildTable(cr^.right,vl+1,n+1); DISPOSE(cr); END; END BuildTable; PROCEDURE clcTab(); (* build code/bitseq. table from frequency table *) VAR i : CARDINAL; s : smbTp; BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO tRoot:=NIL; FOR i:=0 TO 255 DO NEW(s); s^.ch:=CHR(i); s^.n:=ftbl[i]; s^.left:=NIL; s^.right:=NIL; s^.next:=NIL; Insert(s); END; BuildTree(); BuildTable(tRoot,0,0); END; END clcTab; PROCEDURE iniHuf(); VAR i : CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH ldt^ DO FOR i:=0 TO 255 DO ftbl[i]:=1; END; wBf:=0; wbc:=0; rb1:=0; rb2:=0; rbc:=0; smc:=0; clcTab(); END; END iniHuf; PROCEDURE RawWrite(x: IOLink.DeviceTablePtr; buf: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; len: CARDINAL); VAR i : CARDINAL; ch : CHAR; cht : charTap; BEGIN IF len = 0 THEN RETURN; END; ldt:=SYSTEM.CAST(lclDataTp,x^.cd); cht:=SYSTEM.CAST(charTap,buf); WITH ldt^ DO FOR i:=0 TO len-1 DO ch:=cht^[i]; wrSmb(ch); IF ch = 377C THEN wrSmb(ch); END; ftbl[ORD(ch)]:=ftbl[ORD(ch)]+1; smc:=smc+1; IF smc=rbldFrq THEN clcTab(); smc:=0; END; END; END; x^.result:=IOChan.ReadResult(ldt^.chid); END RawWrite; PROCEDURE RawRead(x: IOLink.DeviceTablePtr; buf: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; blen: CARDINAL; VAR len: CARDINAL); VAR i : CARDINAL; cht : charTap; ch : CHAR; BEGIN ldt:=SYSTEM.CAST(lclDataTp,x^.cd); cht:=SYSTEM.CAST(charTap,buf); IF (blen=0) OR (x^.result<>IOConsts.allRight) THEN len:=0; RETURN; END; WITH ldt^ DO FOR i:=0 TO blen-1 DO ch:=getSym(); IF ch = 377C THEN ch:=getSym(); IF ch = 0C THEN x^.result:=IOConsts.endOfInput; len:=i; cht^[i]:=0C; RETURN; END; END; cht^[i]:=ch; ftbl[ORD(ch)]:=ftbl[ORD(ch)]+1; smc:=smc+1; IF smc=rbldFrq THEN clcTab(); smc:=0; END; END; len:=blen; END; END RawRead; PROCEDURE CreateAlias(VAR cid: ChanId; io: ChanId; VAR res: OpenResults); VAR x : IOLink.DeviceTablePtr; BEGIN IOLink.MakeChan(did,cid); IF cid = IOChan.InvalidChan() THEN res:=ChanConsts.outOfChans ELSE NEW(ldt); IF ldt=NIL THEN IOLink.UnMakeChan(did,cid); res:=ChanConsts.outOfChans; RETURN; END; x:=IOLink.DeviceTablePtrValue(cid,did,IOChan.notAvailable,""); ldt^.chid:=io; x^.cd:=ldt; x^.doRawWrite:=RawWrite; x^.doRawRead:=RawRead; res:=ChanConsts.opened; iniHuf(); x^.result:=IOConsts.allRight; END; END CreateAlias; PROCEDURE DeleteAlias(VAR cid: ChanId); VAR x : IOLink.DeviceTablePtr; BEGIN x:=IOLink.DeviceTablePtrValue(cid,did,IOChan.notAvailable,""); ldt:=x^.cd; IF ldt^.rbc=0 THEN wrSmb(377C); wrSmb(0C); flush(); END; DISPOSE(ldt); IOLink.UnMakeChan(did,cid); END DeleteAlias; BEGIN IOLink.AllocateDeviceId(did); END HuffChan. ABS EXCL LONGINT REAL BITSET FALSE LONGREAL SIZE BOOLEAN FLOAT MAX TRUE CAP HALT MIN TRUNC CARDINAL HIGH NIL VAL CHAR INC ODD CHR INCL ORD DEC INTEGER PROC Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token WriteString row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1584 7.9
Modula-2+ - Programming language Modula-2+ ========= Modula-2+ is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3479 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Modula-2+ is a superset of Modula-2 - Early development of Modula-2+ happened in University of Toronto - Modula-2+ on HOPL Modula-2+ on HOPL - Read more about Modula-2+ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Modula-3* - Programming language Modula-3* ========= Modula-3* is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3480 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Modula-3* happened in University of Karlsruhe - Modula-3* on HOPL Modula-3* on HOPL - Read more about Modula-3* on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Modula-3* on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Modula-3 - Programming language Modula-3 ======== Modula-3 is an open source programming language created in 1986 by Luca Cardelli and James Donahue and Lucille Glassman and Mick Jordan and Bill Kalsow and Greg Nelson. 1986 Luca Cardelli James Donahue Lucille Glassman Mick Jordan Bill Kalsow Greg Nelson #420 on PLDB 38 Years Old 137 Repos Modula-3 is a programming language conceived as a successor to an upgraded version of Modula-2 known as Modula-2+. While it has been influential in research circles (influencing the designs of languages such as Java, C#, and Python) it has not been adopted widely in industry. It was designed by Luca Cardelli, James Donahue, Lucille Glassman, Mick Jordan (before at the Olivetti Software Technology Laboratory), Bill Kalsow and Greg Nelson at the DEC (DEC) Systems Research Center (SRC) and the Olivetti Research Center (ORC) in the late 1980s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 137 Modula-3 repos on GitHub - Early development of Modula-3 happened in DEC and elego Software Solutions GmbH - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 18 users using Modula-3 in 19 repos on GitHub - Explore Modula-3 snippets on Rosetta Code - Modula-3 on HOPL Modula-3 on HOPL - Modula-3 appears in the TIOBE Index - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Modula-3 - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Modula-3 - was registered in 2007 - See also: (17 related languages) Modula-2, Pascal, Algol, Oberon, Java, Python, Caml, C#, Nim, ARM, Mesa, Object Pascal, Euclid, C, Delphi, Scala, Obliq - Read more about Modula-3 on the web: 1. 1. MODULE HelloWorld; IMPORT Io; BEGIN IO.Put ("Hello World\n") END HelloWorld. (* Hello World in Modula-3 *) MODULE Hello EXPORTS Main; IMPORT IO; BEGIN IO.Put("Hello World!\n"); END Hello. (* Copyright (C) 1989, DEC *) (* All rights reserved. *) (* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. *) (* Last modified on Fri Jun 18 16:18:48 PDT 1993 by wobber *) (* modified on Tue Jun 15 10:07:07 1993 by gnelson *) (* modified on Fri May 21 09:50:56 PDT 1993 by swart *) (* modified on Mon Apr 26 17:22:23 PDT 1993 by mcjones *) (* modified on Wed Nov 6 10:45:09 PST 1991 by kalsow *) (* modified on Fri Sep 28 23:12:34 1990 by muller *) (* The RdClass interface is analogous to the WrClass interface. It reveals that every reader contains a buffer of characters together with methods for managing the buffer. New reader classes are created by importing RdClass (to gain access to the buffer and the methods) and then defining a subclass of Rd.T whose methods provide the new class's behavior. The opaque type Private hides irrelevant details of the class-independent code. *) INTERFACE RdClass; IMPORT Rd; FROM Thread IMPORT Alerted; FROM Rd IMPORT Failure; TYPE Private <: ROOT; SeekResult = {Ready, WouldBlock, Eof}; REVEAL Rd.T = Private BRANDED OBJECT buff : REF ARRAY OF CHAR := NIL; Ungetbuff : REF ARRAY OF CHAR := NIL; Waitingbuff : REF ARRAY OF CHAR := NIL; st : CARDINAL; (* index into buff *) Ungetst : CARDINAL; (* index into Ungetbuff *) Waitingst : CARDINAL; (* index into WaitingBuff *) cur : CARDINAL := 0; (* index into src(rd) *) lo, hi : CARDINAL := 0; (* indexes into src(rd) *) Ungetlo, Ungethi : CARDINAL := 0; (* indexes into src(rd) *) Waitinglo, Waitinghi : CARDINAL := 0; (* indexes into src(rd) *) closed: BOOLEAN := TRUE; (* init method of the subtype should set this to FALSE *) seekable, intermittent: BOOLEAN; METHODS seek (n: CARDINAL; dontBlock: BOOLEAN): SeekResult RAISES {Failure, Alerted}; (* ^rd is locked and not closed. *) getSub (VAR a: ARRAY OF CHAR): CARDINAL RAISES {Failure, Alerted} := GetSubDefault; (* ^rd is locked and not closed. *) length (): INTEGER RAISES {Failure, Alerted} := LengthDefault; (* ^rd is locked and not closed. *) close () RAISES {Failure, Alerted} := CloseDefault; END; (* Let rd be a reader, abstractly given by len(rd), src(rd), cur(rd), avail(rd), closed(rd), seekable(rd), and intermittent(rd). The data fields cur, closed, seekable, and intermittent in the object represent the corresponding abstract attributes of rd. The buff, st, lo, and hi fields represent a buffer that contains part of src(rd), the rest of which is represented in some class-specific way. More precisely, we say that the state of the representation is valid if conditions V1 through V4 hold: V1. the characters of buff in the range [st .. st+(hi-lo)] accurately reflect src. That is, for all i in [rd.lo .. rd.hi-1], rd.buff[ + i - rd.lo] = src(rd)[i] V2. the cur field is in or just past the end of the occupied part of the buffer, that is: rd.lo <= rd.cur <= rd.hi V3. the reader does not claim to be both intermittent and seekable: NOT (rd.intermittent AND rd.seekable) It is possible that buff = NIL in a valid state, since the range of i's in V1 may be empty; for example, in case lo = hi. V4. if closed(rd) then rd.buff = NIL AND rd.lo = rd.hi If rd is valid and cur(rd) is less than rd.hi, we say the reader is ready. More precisely, rd is ready if: NOT rd.closed AND rd.buff # NIL AND rd.lo <= rd.cur < rd.hi If the state is ready, then Rd.GetChar can be implemented by fetching from the buffer. Together V1, V2, and V4 imply that if rd.cur # rd.hi then rd.buff # NIL and NOT rd.closed. Therefore a valid reader is ready if "rd.cur # rd.hi". The class-independent code modifies rd.cur, but no other variables revealed in this interface (except that "Rd.Close" modifies "rd.lo" and "rd.cur" and sets "rd.buff" to NIL in order to maintain invariant V4). The class-independent code locks the reader before calling any methods. Here are the specifications for the methods: The basic purpose of the seek method is to make the reader ready. To seek to a position n, the class-independent code checks whether the reader would be ready with rd.cur = n and if so, simply sets rd.cur to n. If not, it calls supplying the position n as argument. As in the case of writers, the seek method can be called even for an unseekable reader in the special case of advancing to the next buffer. The fields with names beginning with "Unget" describe a buffer of characters retained in case they need to be reused by UngetChar. The fields with names beginning with "Waiting" are a buffer once supplied by class-dependent code but temporarily suspended while characters originally saved in the unget and then ungotten are being returned. If NIL#Ungetbuff=buff, we are accessing previously ungotten characters from Ungetbuff^, and Waitingbuff is the buffer most recently provided by seek. Otherwise, buff is the buffer most recently provided by seek. Either way, the fast path in class-independent code for getting characters works the same, using buff, st, lo, and hi, as in the earlier implementation, and ignoring the other buffer fields. Similarly, (class-dependent) seek method bodies use only these same fields. Only UngetChar and class-independent code surrounding seek method calls need be aware of the additional two buffer pointers and their subscripts. There is a wrinkle to support the implementation of CharsReady. If rd is ready, the class-independent code can handle the call to CharsReady(rd) without calling any methods (since there is at least one character ready in the buffer), but if rd.cur = rd.hi, then the class independent code needs to find out from the class implementation whether any characters are ready in the next buffer. Using the seek method to advance to the next buffer won't do, since this could block, and CharsReady isn't supposed to block. Therefore, the seek method takes a boolean argument saying whether blocking is allowed. If blocking is forbidden and the next buffer isn't ready, the method returns the special value WouldBlock; this allows the class-independent code to return zero from CharsReady. The "dontBlock" boolean should be "TRUE" only if the seek method is being used to advance to the next buffer. More precisely, given a valid state where (n # rd.hi) => rd.seekable AND (dontBlock => n = rd.hi) the call res :=, dontBlock) establishes a valid state. Furthermore, if res = Ready then rd is ready and rd.cur = n; while if res = Eof, then rd.cur = len(rd); and finally if res = WouldBlock then dontBlock was TRUE and avail(rd) = cur(rd). The getSub method is used to implement Rd.GetSub and is called with the reader lock held and the reader not closed. Efficient implementations override this method to avoid unnecessary copying by reading directly from the reader source, bypassing the reader buffer. The default implementation is correct for any class, but always copies through the reader buffer. The length method returns the length of a non-intermittent reader. That is: Given a valid state in which rd.intermittent is FALSE, the call rd.length() returns len(rd) without changing the state of rd. An intermittent reader may return the length if it is known, or -1. The close method releases all resources associated with rd. The exact meaning of this is class-specific. "Rd.Close" sets the "buff" field to "NIL", so the method need not do this. When the method is called the state will be valid; validity is not required when the method returns (since after it returns, the class-independent code will set the closed bit in the reader, which makes the rest of the state irrelevant). The remainder of the interface is similar to the corresponding part of the WrClass interface: *) PROCEDURE Init(rd: Rd.T); (* Class-independent initialize rd, including private fields revealed herein. *) PROCEDURE Lock(rd: Rd.T) RAISES {}; (* The reader rd must be unlocked; lock it and make its state valid. *) PROCEDURE Unlock(rd: Rd.T) RAISES {}; (* The reader rd must be locked and valid; unlock it and restore the private invariant of the reader implementation. *) PROCEDURE GetSubDefault(rd: Rd.T; VAR (*OUT*) str: ARRAY OF CHAR): CARDINAL RAISES {Failure, Alerted}; (* rd is locked and not closed. *) (* Implement "getSub" by copying from the buffer, calling the "seek" method as necessary. Clients can override this in order to achieve greater efficiency; for example, by copying directly from the source of the reader into "str". *) PROCEDURE LengthDefault(rd: Rd.T): INTEGER RAISES {Failure, Alerted}; (* The procedure LengthDefault causes a checked runtime error; this represents an error in the (non-intermittent) class implementation. *) PROCEDURE CloseDefault(rd: Rd.T) RAISES {Failure, Alerted}; (* The procedure CloseDefault is a no-op. *) END RdClass. MODULE Person; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT name: TEXT; (* These two variables *) age: INTEGER; (* are private. *) OVERRIDES getAge := Age; init := Init; END; PROCEDURE Age(self: T): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN self.age; END Age; PROCEDURE Init(self: T; name: TEXT; age: INTEGER): T = BEGIN := name; self.age := age; RETURN self; END Init; BEGIN END Person. AND ANY ARRAY AS BEGIN BITS BRANDED BY CASE CONST DIV DO ELSE ELSIF END EVAL EXCEPT EXCEPTION EXIT EXPORTS FINALLY FOR FROM GENERIC IF IMPORT IN INTERFACE LOCK LOOP METHODS MOD MODULE NOT OBJECT OF OR OVERRIDES PROCEDURE RAISE RAISES READONLY RECORD REF REPEAT RETURN REVEAL SET THEN TO TRY TYPE TYPECASE UNSAFE UNTIL UNTRACED VALUE VAR WHILE WITH Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2146 10.7
Modula-P - Programming language Modula-P ======== Modula-P is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4242 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Modula-P happened in University of Karlsruhe - Modula-P on HOPL Modula-P on HOPL - Read more about Modula-P on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Modula/R - Programming language Modula/R ======== Modula/R is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4243 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Modula/R happened in ETH Zurich - Modula/R on HOPL Modula/R on HOPL - Read more about Modula/R on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Modula - Programming language Modula ====== Modula is a programming language created in 1975 by Niklaus Wirth. 1975 Niklaus Wirth #1083 on PLDB 49 Years Old The Modula programming language is a descendant of the Pascal programming language. It was developed in Switzerland in the 1970s by Niklaus Wirth, the same person who designed Pascal. The main innovation of Modula over Pascal is a module system, used for grouping sets of related declarations into program units; hence the name Modula. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Modula happened in ETH Zurich - ALGOL 60 influenced the design of Modula - Modula on HOPL Modula on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Pascal, Alma-0, Go, Modula-2 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Modular Prolog - Programming language Modular Prolog ============== Modular Prolog is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4244 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Modular Prolog happened in University of Oxford - Modular Prolog on HOPL Modular Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Modular Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Module Management System - Programming language Module Management System ======================== Module Management System is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2122 on PLDB 19 Years Old 223k Repos MMK is similar in functionality to Digital's DEC/Module Management System (MMS), and understands a syntax in its description files which is a superset of that which is understood by MMS. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 222,790 Module Management System repos on GitHub - Early development of Module Management System happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using Module Management System in 1k repos on GitHub - Read more about Module Management System on the web: 1. 1. ! ! $Id: descrip.mms 35 2008-01-08 21:37:42Z tmr $ ! ! Project: LISP -- The LISP Interpreter ! Created: 22-DEC-2008 18:35 ! Author: tmr cc = cc cflags = /define="_VMS_=1" - /WARN=DISABLE=(ZERODIV,FLOATOVERFL,NOMAINUFLO) - /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO/FLOAT=IEEE core = LISP_CORE main = LISP_MAIN exec = [.bin]LISP clib = SYS$LIBRARY:VAXCRTL head = LISP_CORE objs = $(core).obj, $(main).obj $(exec) : $(objs) DEFINE/NOLOG LNK$LIBRARY $(clib) LINK/EXEC=$(exec) $(objs) DEASSIGN LNK$LIBRARY $(core).obj : $(core).c, $(head).h $(main).obj : $(main).c, $(head).h clean : del *.obj;* del *.exe;* Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token ! row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 306 1.5
Moescript - Programming language Moescript ========= Moescript is a programming language created in 2012 by Renzhi Li aka. Belleve Invis. 2012 Renzhi Li aka. Belleve Invis #2621 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A not-very-but-still-light Javascript-targeted language. (and its runtime and libraries.) - Tags: programming language - Moescript is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of Moescript happened in University of Science and Technology of China Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
moinmoin - Text markup language moinmoin ======== moinmoin is a text markup language created in 2000. 2000 #3619 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of moinmoin happened in - 1 PLDB concepts link to moinmoin: Txt2tags Table of contents: <<TableOfContents()>> Table of contents (up to 2nd level headings only): <<TableOfContents(2)>> = heading 1st level = == heading 2nd level == === heading 3rd level === ==== heading 4th level ==== ===== heading 5th level ===== ====== no heading 6th level ====== Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Moirai - Programming language Moirai ====== Moirai is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #3240 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A scripting language that calculates the worst-case execution time (WCET) before executing each script. Ideal for multi-tenant microservices, serverless functions, and computed columns in databases. - Tags: programming language - Moirai is developed on GitHub and has 26 stars - Moirai is written in Kotlin, Gradle, Bourne shell, Markdown - Read more about Moirai on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Mojo - Programming language Mojo ==== Mojo is an open source programming language created in 2022 by Chris Lattner. 2022 Chris Lattner #115 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Mojo combines the usability of Python with the performance of C, unlocking unparalleled programmability of AI hardware and extensibility of AI models. - Tags: programming language - Mojo is developed on GitHub and has 22,444 stars - Mojo is a superset of Python - Early development of Mojo happened in Modular Inc - Python and C and mlir influenced the design of Mojo - Mojo is written in Markdown, Jupyter Notebook, YAML, Python, Bourne shell, CMake, Dockerfile - 1 PLDB concepts link to Mojo: cloc def softmax(lst): norm = np.exp(lst - np.max(lst)) return norm / norm.sum() struct NDArray: def max(self) -> NDArray: return self.pmap(SIMD.max) struct SIMD[type: DType, width: Int]: def max(self, rhs: Self) -> Self: return (self >= rhs).select(self, rhs) Language features ====================================================== row Feature hasGradualTypes FeatureLink ../features/hasGradualTypes.html Supported ✓ Example v: ArraySlice[Int] Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
Molecular Query Language - Query language Molecular Query Language ======================== Molecular Query Language is a query language created in 2007. 2007 #2824 on PLDB 17 Years Old We have developed a Java library for substructure matching that features easy-to-read syntax and extensibility. This molecular query language (MQL) is grounded on a context-free grammar, which allows for straightforward modification and extension. The formal description of MQL is provided in this paper. Molecule primitives are atoms, bonds, properties, branching, and rings. User-defined features can be added via a Java interface. In MQL, molecules are represented as graphs. Substructure matching was implemented using the Ullmann algorithm because of favorable run-time performance. The Ullmann algorithm carries out a fast subgraph isomorphism search by combining backtracking with effective forward checking. MQL software design was driven by the aim to facilitate the use of various cheminformatics toolkits. Two Java interfaces provide a bridge from our MQL package to an external toolkit: the first one provides the matching rules for every feature of a particular toolkit; the second one converts the found match from the internal format of MQL to the format of the external toolkit. We already implemented these interfaces for the Chemistry Development Toolkit. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Molecular Query Language happened in Goethe University Frankfurt - Read more about Molecular Query Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 291 1.5
Molfile - Text data format Molfile ======= Molfile is a text data format created in 1979. 1979 #3138 on PLDB 45 Years Old An MDL Molfile is a file format for holding information about the atoms, bonds, connectivity and coordinates of a molecule. The molfile consists of some header information, the Connection Table (CT) containing atom info, then bond connections and types, followed by sections for more complex information. The molfile is sufficiently common that most, if not all, cheminformatics software systems/applications are able to read the format, though not always to the same degree. It is also supported by some computational software such as Mathematica. The current de facto standard version is molfile V2000; although, more recently, the V3000 format has been circulating widely enough to present a potential compatibility issue for those applications that are not yet V3000-capable. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Molfile happened in MDL Information Systems, Inc - Read more about Molfile on the web: 1. 1. C8H10N4O2 APtclcactv11291901553D 0 0.00000 0.00000 24 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 1.3120 -1.0479 0.0025 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2465 -2.1762 0.0031 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7906 0.2081 0.0010 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.9938 0.3838 0.0002 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9714 1.2767 -0.0001 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5339 2.6294 -0.0017 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.4026 1.0989 -0.0001 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.4446 1.9342 -0.0010 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.5608 1.2510 -0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.2862 -0.0680 0.0015 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.2614 -1.1612 0.0029 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.9114 -0.1939 0.0014 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.0163 -1.2853 -0.0022 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.4380 -2.4279 -0.0068 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.2697 -1.8004 0.0022 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0830 -2.7828 0.8938 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0821 -2.7846 -0.8862 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6223 2.5703 -0.0019 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1987 3.1611 -0.8923 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1990 3.1632 0.8877 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.5520 1.6797 -0.0001 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.5037 -1.4333 -1.0244 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.8389 -2.0244 0.5173 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.1672 -0.8395 0.5168 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 5 6 1 0 0 0 0 5 7 1 0 0 0 0 7 8 1 0 0 0 0 8 9 2 0 0 0 0 9 10 1 0 0 0 0 10 11 1 0 0 0 0 10 12 1 0 0 0 0 7 12 2 0 0 0 0 12 13 1 0 0 0 0 1 13 1 0 0 0 0 13 14 2 0 0 0 0 2 15 1 0 0 0 0 2 16 1 0 0 0 0 2 17 1 0 0 0 0 6 18 1 0 0 0 0 6 19 1 0 0 0 0 6 20 1 0 0 0 0 9 21 1 0 0 0 0 11 22 1 0 0 0 0 11 23 1 0 0 0 0 11 24 1 0 0 0 0 M END $$ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 875 4.4
Molog - Programming language Molog ===== Molog is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4245 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Molog happened in Université Paul Sabatier - Molog on HOPL Molog on HOPL - Read more about Molog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Monaco Editor - Editor Monaco Editor ============= Monaco Editor is an open source editor created in 2016. 2016 #171 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. - Tags: editor - Monaco Editor is developed on GitHub and has 39,317 stars - Early development of Monaco Editor happened in Microsoft - Monaco Editor is written in TypeScript, JSON, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, YAML, CSS, SVG, SCSS, Bourne shell - See also: (1 related languages) CodeMirror - 5 PLDB concepts link to Monaco Editor: Ace Editor, CodeMirror, highlight.js, Prism, Pygments Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
Mond - Programming language Mond ==== Mond is a programming language created in 2014 by Rohan Singh. 2014 Rohan Singh #917 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A scripting language for C# which can be embedded in Lua-like manner. - Tags: programming language - Mond is developed on GitHub and has 357 stars - Early development of Mond happened in - Mond is written in C#, JSON, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, YAML, Razor, Markdown, HTML, XML // documentation can be found here: seq range(start, end) { for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) yield i; } seq where(list, filter) { foreach (var x in list) { if (filter(x)) yield x; } } seq select(list, transform) { foreach (var x in list) yield transform(x); } fun toArray(list) { var array = []; foreach (var value in list) { array.add(value); } return array; } return range(0, 1000) |> where(x -> x % 2 == 0) |> select(x -> x / 2) |> toArray(); Infinity NaN break case const continue debugger default do else false for foreach fun global if in null return seq switch true undefined var while yield Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 260 1.3
Monesa - Programming language Monesa ====== Monesa is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4889 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
MongoDB - Application MongoDB ======= MongoDB is an open source application created in 2009 by Eliot Horowitz and Dwight Merriman. 2009 Eliot Horowitz Dwight Merriman #105 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone MongoDB (from humongous) is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc., and is published under a combination of the GNU Affero General Public License and the Apache License.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - MongoDB is developed on GitHub and has 25,860 stars - Early development of MongoDB happened in - MongoDB is written in C++, JavaScript, C, Python, YAML, IDL, Bourne shell, Markdown, Protocol Buffers, JSON, starlark, Assembly language, CMake, Bazel, Make, XML, Bash, Tex, Dockerfile, M4, reStructuredText, HTML, Pascal, Diff, Perl, Ini, Ruby, Meson, Lua, CSS, Tcl, TOML, PHP, Java, Objective C++, Reason, Swift, CSV, Jupyter Notebook, PowerShell, SVG, Rust, awk, R, D, Objective-C - There are 17,286 members in the MongoDB subreddit - has 1,243 matches for "mongodb developer and dba". - was registered in 2008 - See also: (8 related languages) C, JavaScript, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, JSON, Nginx, SQL db.collection.find() find findOne drop createIndex Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example $comment: "A comment" Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 341 1.7
Monkey - Programming language Monkey ====== Monkey is a programming language created in 2011 by Anthony Diamond. 2011 Anthony Diamond #618 on PLDB 13 Years Old 254 Repos git clone Monkey X is a high-level programming language designed for video game development for many different platforms, including desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones, tablets, and video game consoles. The language itself is an object-oriented dialect of BASIC, which the compiler translates into native source code for several target platforms. The resulting code is then compiled normally. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Monkey is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - There are at least 254 Monkey repos on GitHub - Early development of Monkey happened in - Monkey is written in JavaScript, HTML, Markdown - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 53 users using Monkey in 116 repos on GitHub - Explore Monkey snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Monkey - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Monkey - See also: (15 related languages) Linux, BlitzBasic, C, C#, JavaScript, Java, BASIC, Android, iOS, Python, OpenGL, WebGL, Objective-C, LLVM IR, Haxe puts("Hello World") 'Showcases use of Lambda functions and Generics. #Import "<std>" Using std.. Function Main() Local testStack := New Stack< MyObject > For Local n := 1 To 20 Local newItem := New MyObject newItem.depth = Rnd( 0, 100 ) testStack.Push( newItem ) Next testStack.Sort( Lambda:Int( x:MyObject,y:MyObject ) Return x.depth<=>y.depth End ) For Local n := Eachin testStack Print( n.depth ) Next End Struct MyObject Field depth := 0 End ' The 'Player' class, as referenced previously (Placement does not matter): Class Player ' Declare all of our fields (Class-local variables): ' These two variables will act as our position on the screen. ' (Alternatively, an 'Array or third-party class could be used) Field x:Float, y:Float ' This will be a reference to an 'Image' object we'll specify. Field image:Image ' Constructor(s): ' Overloading 'New' mainly works the same way as constructors in other languages. ' Returning is generally not recommended for constructors. Method New(img:Image, x:Float=100, y:Float=100) ' Due to the arguments using the same names, 'Self' ' is required to resolve our fields' names: Self.image = img Self.x = x Self.y = y End ' Methods: ' This will be our main render-method for this object: Method Draw:Void() ' Draw the 'image' object to the screen using our 'x' and 'y' fields. DrawImage(image, x, y) ' Returning in a 'Void' function is not required. (Some still recommend it) Return End End Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example ' \%[10]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example ' [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example ' [0-9]+\.[0-9]*(?!\.) Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example ' \$[0-9a-fA-Z]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token puts row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 678 3.4
MonkeyX - Programming language MonkeyX ======= MonkeyX is a programming language created in 2013 by Mark Sibly. 2013 Mark Sibly #1556 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Blitz Research Monkey Source - Tags: programming language - MonkeyX is developed on GitHub and has 224 stars - MonkeyX is written in XML, C, C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, Objective-C, ActionScript, HTML, Make, GLSL, XAML, Qt, HLSL, D, Objective C++, CSS, CMake, Bash, PHP, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
MonoDevelop - Editor MonoDevelop =========== MonoDevelop is an editor created in 2003. 2003 #4661 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 78 0.4
monte - Programming language monte ===== monte is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #931 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Monte is a dynamic programming language inspired by Python and E. - Tags: programming language - monte is developed on GitHub and has 78 stars - Early development of monte happened in - monte is written in reStructuredText, Mathematica, Python, JSON, Haskell, XML, Make, Lisp, CSS, YAML, Markdown, Nix, HTML - Explore monte snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for monte traceln("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token traceln row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
MOO - Programming language MOO === MOO, aka MUD, object-oriented, is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #1124 on PLDB 31 Years Old 83 Repos The MOO programming language is a relatively simple programming language used to support the MOO Server. It is dynamically typed and uses a prototype-based object-oriented system, with syntax roughly derived from the Algol school of programming languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 83 MOO repos on GitHub - Early development of MOO happened in University of Waterloo - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23 users using MOO in 23 repos on GitHub - Explore MOO snippets on Rosetta Code - MOO appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (9 related languages) Scheme, Smalltalk, Self, C, Ada, Multi-User Forth, LPC, Pike, Linden Scripting Language @program toy:wind this.wound = this.wound + 2; player:tell("You wind up the ",,"."); player.location:announce(, " winds up the ",,"."); . @program hello:run player:tell("Hello World"); . "Hello World in MOO"; player.location:announce_all("Hello, world!"); @program toy:wind if (this.location == player) if (this.wound < this.maximum) this.wound = this.wound + 2; player:tell("You wind up the ",,"."); player.location:announce(, " winds up the ",,"."); if (this.wound >= this.maximum) player:tell("The knob comes to a stop while winding."); endif else player:tell("The ",," is already fully wound."); endif else player:tell("You have to be holding the ",,"."); endif . Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token player:tell row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 404 2
MINI OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGE - Programming language MINI OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGE ============================= MINI OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGE is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #2746 on PLDB 14 Years Old Mool is a mini object-oriented language in a Java-like style with support for concurrency, that allows programmers to specify class usage protocols as types. - Tags: programming language - Early development of MINI OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGE happened in Universidade de Lisboa - Read more about MINI OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGE on the web: 1. 1. class File { usage lin{open; Read} where Read = lin{eof; <lin{close; end} + lin{read; Read}>}; ... } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Moonrock Basic Compiler - Programming language Moonrock Basic Compiler ======================= Moonrock Basic Compiler is a programming language created in 1994 by Rowan Crowe. 1994 Rowan Crowe #3633 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Moonrock Basic Compiler happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
MoonScript - Programming language MoonScript ========== MoonScript is an open source programming language created in 2011. 2011 #181 on PLDB 13 Years Old 818 Repos git clone :crescent_moon: A language that compiles to Lua - Tags: programming language - MoonScript is developed on GitHub and has 3,166 stars - There are at least 818 MoonScript repos on GitHub - Early development of MoonScript happened in - MoonScript compiles to Lua - MoonScript is written in Lua, Markdown, YAML, Make, Bourne shell, C - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 276 users using MoonScript in 359 repos on GitHub - Explore MoonScript snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for MoonScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for MoonScript class Thing name: "unknown" class Person extends Thing say_name: => print "Hello, I am #{@name}!" with Person! .name = "MoonScript" \say_name! print 'Hello World' types = require "moonscript.types" util = require "moonscript.util" data = require "" import reversed, unpack from util import ntype, mtype, build, smart_node, is_slice, value_is_singular from types import insert from table import NameProxy, LocalName from require "moonscript.transform.names" destructure = require "moonscript.transform.destructure" local implicitly_return class Run new: (@fn) => self[1] = "run" call: (state) => self.fn state -- transform the last stm is a list of stms -- will puke on group apply_to_last = (stms, fn) -> -- find last (real) exp last_exp_id = 0 for i = #stms, 1, -1 stm = stms[i] if stm and mtype(stm) != Run last_exp_id = i break return for i, stm in ipairs stms if i == last_exp_id fn stm else stm -- is a body a sindle expression/statement is_singular = (body) -> return false if #body != 1 if "group" == ntype body is_singular body[2] else true find_assigns = (body, out={}) -> for thing in *body switch thing[1] when "group" find_assigns thing[2], out when "assign" table.insert out, thing[2] -- extract names out hoist_declarations = (body) -> assigns = {} -- hoist the plain old assigns for names in *find_assigns body for name in *names table.insert assigns, name if type(name) == "string" -- insert after runs idx = 1 while mtype(body[idx]) == Run do idx += 1 table.insert body, idx, {"declare", assigns} expand_elseif_assign = (ifstm) -> for i = 4, #ifstm case = ifstm[i] if ntype(case) == "elseif" and ntype(case[2]) == "assign" split = { unpack ifstm, 1, i - 1 } insert split, { "else", { {"if", case[2], case[3], unpack ifstm, i + 1} } } return split ifstm constructor_name = "new" with_continue_listener = (body) -> continue_name = nil { Run => @listen "continue", -> unless continue_name Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 582 2.9
MOOSE - Programming language MOOSE ===== MOOSE is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3139 on PLDB 30 Years Old MOOSE is a Maisie-based Object-Oriented Simulation Environment that uses inheritance to support iterative design of efficient simulation models. The novel features of MOOSE include its ability to describe complex guards that may be used by an object to specify dynamic enabling conditions for its methods and may also be inherited selectively by a derived object. MOOSE is the first simulation environment to suggest the use of inheritance in driving parallel implementations of an object that may exploit specific knowledge about the application, architecture, or simulation algorithm to improve its efficiency. The paper introduces object-oriented design of simulation models, gives an overview of MOOSE, and illustrates its use in the design of parallel simulation models. Experimental results are provided on the speedup achieved by a parallel simulation of a simple stochastic benchmark. - Tags: programming language - Early development of MOOSE happened in University of California Los Angeles - MOOSE on HOPL MOOSE on HOPL - Read more about MOOSE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about MOOSE on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
Moose64 - Programming language Moose64 ======= Moose64 is an open source programming language created in 2024 by Ellie Kanning-Dawn. 2024 Ellie Kanning-Dawn #2052 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone Moose64 is like C but with pretty Horse64 syntax and basic plain OOP, for maintainable high-performance code. - Tags: programming language - Moose64 is written in Horse64, Moose64 - 2 PLDB concepts link to Moose64: Horse64, Moose64 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
morfa - Programming language morfa ===== morfa is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2476 on PLDB 9 Years Old new programming language – general purpose and DSL-friendly - Tags: programming language - Early development of morfa happened in - Read more about morfa on the web: 1. 1. HackerNews discussions of morfa =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Morfa – new programming language – general purpose and DSL-friendly||12/22/2015|32|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Morfik - Programming language Morfik ====== Morfik is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3300 on PLDB 24 Years Old Morfik Technology Pty Ltd. is an Australian software company that was acquired by Altium in 2010. The company is known for developing a set of visual designers, compilers and a Framework combined in an Integrated development environment (IDE) aimed at developing Ajax applications in a high-level language such as Java, C#, BASIC or Object Pascal. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Morfik happened in Morfik Technology Pty Ltd - See also: (7 related languages) Java, C#, BASIC, Object Pascal, JavaScript, Linux, Free Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Morphe - Programming language Morphe ====== Morphe is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3481 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Morphe happened in Sony - Morphe on HOPL Morphe on HOPL - Read more about Morphe on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Morphe on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
MORPHISM - Programming language MORPHISM ======== MORPHISM is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4246 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MORPHISM happened in Laboratoire de Calcul Automatique - MORPHISM on HOPL MORPHISM on HOPL - Read more about MORPHISM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Morse code - Notation Morse code ========== Morse code is a notation created in 1837 by Samuel Morse. 1837 Samuel Morse #836 on PLDB 187 Years Old Morse code is a character encoding scheme used in telecommunication that encodes text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations called dots and dashes or dits and dahs. Morse code is named for Samuel F. B. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - See also: (2 related languages) NATO phonetic alphabet, Tap code −− −−− ·−· ··· · −·−· −−− −·· · .... . .-.. .-.. --- .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. M O R S E C O D E −− −−− ·−· ··· · (space) −·−· −−− −·· · Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Mortran - Programming language Mortran ======= Mortran is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3763 on PLDB 51 Years Old Mortran (More Fortran) is an extension of the Fortran programming language used for scientific computation. It introduces syntax changes, including the use of semicolons to end statements, in order to improve readability and flexibility. Mortran code is macro-processed into Fortran code for compilation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mortran happened in Stanford University - See also: (1 related languages) Fortran I = SQRT(X/2.0) A(I,K) = SQRT(X/2.0) J = SQRT(X/2.0) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
NCSA Mosaic - Web browser NCSA Mosaic =========== NCSA Mosaic is a web browser created in 1993 by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina. 1993 Marc Andreessen Eric Bina #2523 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: webBrowser - NCSA Mosaic is written in Objective-C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Motif - Programming language Motif ===== Motif is an open source programming language created in 1989. 1989 #1806 on PLDB 35 Years Old In computing, Motif refers to both a graphical user interface (GUI) specification and the widget toolkit for building applications that follow that specification under the X Window System on Unix and Unix-like operating systems. Motif is the toolkit for the Common Desktop Environment and IRIX Interactive Desktop, thus it was the standard widget toolkit for Unix. Closely related to Motif is the Motif Window Manager (MWM). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Motif happened in Open Software Foundation - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Unix, Unicode Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
mountain - Programming language mountain ======== mountain is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2650 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A (hopefully) fast, C compatible, language designed to enable greatness - Tags: programming language - mountain is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of mountain happened in - mountain is written in C, Markdown, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Mouse - Programming language Mouse ===== Mouse is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #1181 on PLDB 54 Years Old The Mouse programming language is a small computer programming language developed by Dr. Peter Grogono in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was developed as an extension of an earlier language called MUSYS, which was used to control digital and analog devices in an electronic music studio. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mouse happened in - Mouse on HOPL Mouse on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Reverse Polish notation, Assembly language, Pascal, ISBN "Hello World" '! !' $ 1 N: ~ initialize N to 1 ( N. N. * ! " " ~ begin loop; print squares of numbers N. 10 - 0 < ^ ~ exit loop if N >= 10 N. 1 + N: ) $ ~ increment N and repeat loop Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ~ A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ~ A comment Token ~ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 271 1.4
MOUSE4 - Programming language MOUSE4 ====== MOUSE4 is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4247 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MOUSE4 happened in Purdue University - MOUSE4 on HOPL MOUSE4 on HOPL - Read more about MOUSE4 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Moxie - Programming language Moxie ===== Moxie is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4248 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Moxie happened in Purdue University - Moxie on HOPL Moxie on HOPL - Read more about Moxie on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
moya - Programming language moya ==== moya is a programming language created in 2015 by Will McGugan. 2015 Will McGugan #1252 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Web development platform - Tags: programming language - moya is developed on GitHub and has 111 stars - Early development of moya happened in - moya is written in HTML, JSON, Python, XML, Ini, JavaScript, CSS, SVG, C#, Bourne shell, CSV, Markdown - was registered in 2011 HackerNews discussions of moya ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Moya, a web framework and integrated language||03/07/2015|26|15 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
MP3 - Binary data format MP3 === MP3 is a binary data format created in 1993. 1993 #4558 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of MP3 happened in Fraunhofer Society Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
MP3 - Binary data format MP3 === MP3 is a binary data format created in 1991. 1991 #4662 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat, audio Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 81 0.4
MP4 - Binary data format MP4 === MP4 is a binary data format created in 2001. 2001 #4663 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat, video Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 81 0.4
MPGS - Programming language MPGS ==== MPGS is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4249 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MPGS happened in Nippon Electric Co., Ltd - MPGS on HOPL MPGS on HOPL - Read more about MPGS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
mpl - Programming language mpl === mpl is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2478 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of mpl happened in Maximal Software, Inc. - See also: (2 related languages) GAMS, AMPL - Read more about mpl on the web: 1. 1. { Planning.mpl } { Aggregate production planning for 12 months } TITLE Production_Planning; INDEX product = 1..3; month = (January,February,March,April,May,June,July, August,September,October,November,December); DATA price[product] := (105.09, 234.00, 800.00); Demand[month,product] := 1000 DATAFILE(demand.dat); ProductionCapacity[product] := 1000 (10, 42, 14); ProductionCost[product] := (64.30, 188.10, 653.20); InventoryCost := 8.8 ; DECISION VARIABLES Inventory[product,month] -> Invt Production[product,month] -> Prod Sales[product,month] -> Sale MACRO Revenues := SUM(product,month: price * Sales); TotalCost := SUM(product,month: InventoryCost * Inventory + ProductionCost * Production); MODEL MAX Profit = Revenues - TotalCost ; SUBJECT TO InventoryBalance[product,month] -> IBal : Inventory = Inventory[month-1] + Production - Sales ; BOUNDS Sales < ProductionCapacity ; Inventory[month="January..November]" < 90000 ; Inventory[month="December]" ; END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
MPS Format - Text data format MPS Format ========== MPS Format, aka Mathematical Programming System, is a text data format created in 1974. 1974 #1732 on PLDB 50 Years Old A format for storing linear programming problems. Column oriented. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of MPS Format happened in IBM - See also: (2 related languages) AMPL, GAMS - 2 PLDB concepts link to MPS Format: LP Format, OPB Format NAME EXAMPLE ROWS N COST L LIM1 G LIM2 E MYEQN COLUMNS XONE COST 1 XONE LIM1 1 YTWO COST 4 YTWO LIM2 1 ZTHREE COST 9 ZTHREE MYEQN 1 RHS RHS1 LIM1 5 RHS1 LIM2 10 RHS1 MYEQN 7 BOUNDS UP BND1 XONE 4 LO BND1 YTWO -1 UP BND1 YTWO 1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
MPS - Grammar language MPS === MPS, aka Meta programming System, is an open source grammar language created in 2010. 2010 #378 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone JetBrains MPS is a metaprogramming system which is being developed by JetBrains. MPS is a tool to design Domain-specific languages (DSL). It uses projectional editing which allows users to overcome the limits of language parsers, and build DSL editors, such as ones with tables and diagrams. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - MPS is developed on GitHub and has 1,528 stars - Early development of MPS happened in JetBrains - See also: (1 related languages) Java - 1 PLDB concepts link to MPS: datev Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
MPSX - Programming language MPSX ==== MPSX is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3482 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MPSX happened in IBM - MPSX on HOPL MPSX on HOPL - Read more about MPSX on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about MPSX on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
MQL5 - Programming language MQL5 ==== MQL5 is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #705 on PLDB 19 Years Old 1k Repos MQL4 (MetaQuotes Language 4) and MQL5 (MetaQuotes Language 5) are integrated programming languages designed for developing trading robots, technical market indicators, scripts and function libraries within the MetaTrader software. The primary objective of MQL4 and MQL5 is automation of trading and facilitation of operational analysis. MQL4 and MQL5 comprises an extensive codebase source code library used for developing trading robots.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,273 MQL5 repos on GitHub - Early development of MQL5 happened in MetaQuotes Software - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 34 users using MQL5 in 38 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for MQL5 - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for MQL5 - Read more about MQL5 on the web: 1. 1. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| script-sample.mq5 | //| Copyright 2016, Andrey Osorgin | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| The MIT License (MIT) | //| | //| Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person | //| obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation | //| files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without | //| restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, | //| copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell| //| copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | //| Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following | //| conditions: | //| | //| The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be | //| included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | //| | //| THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, | //| EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES | //| OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND | //| NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT | //| HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, | //| WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING | //| FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR | //| OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | //| | //| A copy of the MIT License (MIT) is available at | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property version "1.00" #property script_show_inputs #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> input int StopLoss=100; // Stop Loss input int TakeProfit=100; // Take Profit //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Script program start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnStart() { CTrade trade; //--- long stoplevel=SymbolInfoInteger(Symbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL); Print("Minimum stop level is: ",stoplevel); double ask=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_ASK); double bid=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_BID); double sl = NormalizeDouble(bid - StopLoss*Point(),Digits()); double tp = NormalizeDouble(ask + TakeProfit*Point(),Digits()); //--- bool result=trade.Buy(0.01,Symbol(),ask,sl,tp,"test"); //--- Print("Success? ",result); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 540 2.7
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport - Protocol Message Queuing Telemetry Transport =================================== Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, aka Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, is a protocol created in 1999. 1999 #1125 on PLDB 25 Years Old MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is an ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) publish-subscribe-based messaging protocol. It works on top of the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed for connections with remote locations where a "small code footprint" is required or the network bandwidth is limited. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Message Queuing Telemetry Transport happened in Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards - was registered in 2004 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
MRDB - Programming language MRDB ==== MRDB is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4250 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MRDB happened in Washington University - MRDB on HOPL MRDB on HOPL - Read more about MRDB on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
MS2 - Programming language MS2 === MS2 is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4251 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MS2 happened in Washington University - MS2 on HOPL MS2 on HOPL - Read more about MS2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Mscgen - Text markup language Mscgen ====== Mscgen is a text markup language created in 2016. 2016 #2263 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Mscgen happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Mscgen - See also: (1 related languages) DOT # MSC for some fictional process msc { hscale = "2"; a,b,c; a->b [ label = "ab()" ] ; b->c [ label = "bc(TRUE)"]; c=>c [ label = "process(1)" ]; c=>c [ label = "process(2)" ]; ...; c=>c [ label = "process(n)" ]; c=>c [ label = "process(END)" ]; a<<=c [ label = "callback()"]; --- [ label = "If more to run", ID="*" ]; a->a [ label = "next()"]; a->c [ label = "ac1()\nac2()"]; b<-c [ label = "cb(TRUE)"]; b->b [ label = "stalled(...)"]; a<-b [ label = "ab() = FALSE"]; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
MSG.84 - Programming language MSG.84 ====== MSG.84 is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4252 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MSG.84 happened in University of Minnesota - MSG.84 on HOPL MSG.84 on HOPL - Read more about MSG.84 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
MSL - Programming language MSL === MSL is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3483 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MSL happened in University of South Carolina - MSL on HOPL MSL on HOPL - Read more about MSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
TI MSP430 - Instruction set architecture TI MSP430 ========= TI MSP430 is an instruction set architecture created in 2009. 2009 #1975 on PLDB 15 Years Old The MSP430 is a mixed-signal microcontroller family from Texas Instruments. Built around a 16-bit CPU, the MSP430 is designed for low cost and, specifically, low power consumption embedded applications.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of TI MSP430 happened in Texas Instruments - See also: (5 related languages) Assembly language, Eclipse, Arduino Programming Language, LLVM IR, VisSim Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
MSX BASIC - Programming language MSX BASIC ========= MSX BASIC is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3644 on PLDB 40 Years Old MSX BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language. It is an extended version of Microsoft Standard BASIC Version 4.5, and includes support for graphic, music, and various peripherals attached to MSX Personal Computers. Generally, MSX-BASIC is designed to follow GW-BASIC, which is one of the standard BASICs running on 16-bit computers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MSX BASIC happened in Microsoft - See also: (4 related languages) GW-BASIC, Vilnius BASIC, MBASIC, Dartmouth BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Marine Trading Markup Language - Xml format Marine Trading Markup Language ============================== Marine Trading Markup Language is a xml format created in 2000. 2000 #2264 on PLDB 24 Years Old 85 Repos The Marine Trading Markup Language (MTML), formalized in the MTML Document Type Definition, "is a standard to help a broad base of small, medium and large buyers and suppliers in the marine trading industry conduct their fundamental trading transactions electronically via the Internet." - Tags: xmlFormat - There are at least 85 Marine Trading Markup Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Marine Trading Markup Language happened in shipserv - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7 users using Marine Trading Markup Language in 12 repos on GitHub - Read more about Marine Trading Markup Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
Mu - Programming language Mu == Mu is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Kartik K. Agaram. 2014 Kartik K. Agaram #401 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Soul of a tiny new machine. More thorough tests → More comprehensible and rewrite-friendly software → More resilient society. - Tags: programming language - Interview with the creator of Mu: 1. 1. - Mu is developed on GitHub and has 1,355 stars - Early development of Mu happened in - Mu is written in HTML, C++, Bourne shell, Markdown, Vim script, Racket, Bash, JSON, C, XML, CSS, Z shell, JavaScript, Python, Less, Lisp - Read more about Mu on the web: 1. 1. # dump stack from bottom to top fn emit-stack-from-bottom _self: (addr grapheme-stack), out: (addr stream byte) { var self/esi: (addr grapheme-stack) <- copy _self var data-ah/edi: (addr handle array code-point-utf8) <- get self, data var _data/eax: (addr array code-point-utf8) <- lookup *data-ah var data/edi: (addr array code-point-utf8) <- copy _data var top-addr/ecx: (addr int) <- get self, top var i/eax: int <- copy 0 { compare i, *top-addr break-if->= var g/edx: (addr code-point-utf8) <- index data, i write-code-point-utf8 out, *g i <- increment loop } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 349 1.7
MUDDL - Programming language MUDDL ===== MUDDL is a programming language created in 1988 by Lars Brinkhoff. 1988 Lars Brinkhoff #1714 on PLDB 36 Years Old git clone Multi-User Dungeon, or MUD (referred to as MUD1, to distinguish it from its successor, MUD2, and the MUD genre in general) is an early MUD and one of the oldest examples of a virtual world in existence.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - MUDDL is developed on GitHub and has 56 stars - Early development of MUDDL happened in University of Essex - MUDDL is written in Markdown - See also: (1 related languages) BCPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Mudlle - Programming language Mudlle ====== Mudlle is a programming language created in 1998 by MUME user. 1998 MUME user #1738 on PLDB 26 Years Old git clone Numerous computer and video games have been inspired by J. R. R. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Mudlle is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of Mudlle happened in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Mudlle is written in C, Assembly language, Make, Perl, Bourne shell, Lisp, Yacc, Lex - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, iOS, Android - Read more about Mudlle on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Multi-User Forth - Programming language Multi-User Forth ================ Multi-User Forth, aka Multi-User Forth, is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #1542 on PLDB 29 Years Old 0 Repos TinyMUCK or, more broadly, a MUCK, is a type of user-extendable online text-based role-playing game, designed for role playing and social interaction. Backronyms like "Multi-User Chat/Created/Computer/Character/Carnal Kingdom" and "Multi-User Construction Kit" are sometimes cited, but are not the actual origin of the term; "muck" is simply a play on the term MUD.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 Multi-User Forth repos on GitHub - Early development of Multi-User Forth happened in University of California Berkeley - Explore Multi-User Forth snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (2 related languages) Multi-User Forth, Forth $include $lib/strings $include $lib/match lvar check-obj-addr : check-next-loop (d -- ) dup not if pop exit then dup exit? over thing? or me @ 3 pick .controls and if dup check-obj-addr @ execute then next check-next-loop ; : check-contents (d -- ) contents check-next-loop ; : check-exits (d -- ) exits check-next-loop ; : exec-err (d mtypestr warnstr -- ) "On " 4 rotate unparseobj strcat ", in it's " strcat rot strcat ", " strcat swap strcat .tell ; : can-linkto? (player object -- i) dup "link_ok" flag? if pop pop 1 exit then .controls ; : check-exec (d mtype execstr -- ) dup "@" 1 strncmp if pop pop pop exit then 1 strcut swap pop " " .split pop dup "TEMPLATEquot; 1 strncmp not if dup match ok? not if " is not a known registered program." strcat exec-err exit then dup match program? not if " is not a program." strcat exec-err exit then 3 pick owner over match can-linkto? not if " is not Link_OK." strcat exec-err exit then else dup number? not if " is not a program dbref." strcat "@" swap strcat exec-err exit then dup atoi dbref ok? not if " is not a valid program reference." strcat "@" swap strcat exec-err exit then dup atoi dbref program? not if " is not a valid program reference." strcat "@" swap strcat exec-err exit then 3 pick owner over atoi dbref can-linkto? not if " is not Link_OK." strcat "@" swap strcat exec-err exit then then pop pop pop ; : missing-err ( d s -- ) swap unparseobj " is missing an " strcat swap strcat " message." strcat .tell ; : colon-err ( d s -- ) swap unparseobj " has an unnecesary ':' at the start of its " strcat swap strcat " message." strcat .tell ; : check-desc (d -- ) dup desc not if "@description" missing-err else "@description" over desc check-exec then ; : check-succ (d -- ) dup succ not if "@success" missing-err else "@success" over succ check-exec then ; : check-fail (d -- ) dup fail not if "@fail" missing-err else "@fail" over fail check-exec then ; : check-drop (d -- ) dup drop not if "@drop" missing-err else "@drop" over drop check-exec then ; : check-osucc (d -- ) dup osucc not if "@osuccess" missing-err else dup osucc ":" 1 strncmp not if "@osuccess" colon-err else pop then then ; : check-ofail (d -- ) dup ofail not if "@ofail" missing-err else dup ofail ":" 1 strncmp not if "@ofail" colon-err else pop then then ; : check-odrop (d -- ) dup odrop not if "@odrop" missing-err else dup odrop ":" 1 strncmp not if "@odrop" colon-err else pop then then ; $define islocked? (d -- i) getlockstr "*UNLOCKED*" stringcmp $enddef : islocked_always? (d -- i) getlockstr dup "#0" stringcmp not if pop 1 exit then dup "#" STRsplit swap pop atoi "#" swap intostr strcat (lockstr "#dbref") dup "&!" over strcat strcat 3 pick stringcmp not if pop pop 1 exit then "&" over strcat strcat "!" swap strcat stringcmp not if 1 exit then 0 ; : check-link ( d -- ) dup getlink not if dup unparseobj " is unlinked." strcat .tell else dup getlink over location dbcmp if dup islocked? not if dup unparseobj " is linked to it's location, but is unlocked." strcat .tell then else (is not linked to it's location) dup getlink program? if dup dup owner swap getlink can-linkto? not if dup unparseobj " is linked to a program which is not Link_OK." strcat .tell then then then then pop ; : check-room (d -- ) dup check-desc dup islocked? if dup islocked_always? not if dup check-succ then dup check-fail then dup getlink if dup check-drop dup check-odrop then dup check-contents check-exits ; : check-exit ( d -- ) dup check-link dup check-desc dup getlink dup ok? if program? not if dup islocked_always? not if dup check-succ dup check-osucc dup check-odrop then dup islocked? if dup check-fail dup check-ofail then then else pop then pop ; : check-thing ( d -- ) dup check-desc dup islocked_always? not if dup check-succ dup check-osucc then dup islocked? if dup check-fail dup check-ofail then dup check-drop dup check-odrop check-exits ; : check-player ( d -- ) dup check-desc dup islocked_always? not if dup check-succ dup check-osucc then dup islocked? if dup check-fail dup check-ofail then dup check-contents check-exits ; : check-program ( d -- ) check-desc ; : check-obj (d -- ) dup room? if check-room exit then dup exit? if check-exit exit then dup thing? if check-thing exit then dup player? if check-player exit then check-program ; : main 'check-obj check-obj-addr ! .strip dup not if pop "here" then .match_controlled dup #-3 dbcmp if pop me @ getlink then dup ok? not if pop exit then check-obj me @ "Check done." notify ; : main me @ "Hello World" notify ; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1111 5.6
muFP - Programming language muFP ==== muFP is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4253 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of muFP happened in Oxford University - muFP on HOPL muFP on HOPL - Read more about muFP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Mul-T - Programming language Mul-T ===== Mul-T is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4254 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Mul-T happened in MIT and DEC and Yale University - Mul-T on HOPL Mul-T on HOPL - Read more about Mul-T on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Muldis - Query language Muldis ====== Muldis is a query language created in 2007 by Darren Duncan. 2007 Darren Duncan #2345 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Muldis Data Language is an industrial-strength computationally complete high-level application programming language with fully integrated database functionality; you can use it to define, query, and update ("object") relational databases, as well as write general purpose applications. The language's paradigm is a mixture of declarative, homoiconic, functional, imperative, and object-oriented. Muldis Data Language is currently under development. - Tags: queryLanguage - Muldis is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Muldis is written in Markdown, Raku, JSON if ?people then ( people map \(( group : args:.\0 %= \$(age,ctry), member : args:.\0 )) pipe group map \( args:.\0:.\group %+ ( count_by_age_ctry : #args:.\0:.\members, )) ) else \?%( age, ctry, count_by_age_ctry ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Multi-user BASIC - Programming language Multi-user BASIC ================ Multi-user BASIC is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4526 on PLDB 44 Years Old Multi-user BASIC was a dialect of the BASIC language for the DEC PDP-11 running the RT-11 operating system. One or more users were supported in separate address spaces sharing the same language interpreter. The syntax of the language was similar to but not identical to BASIC-11. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Multi-user BASIC happened in DEC - See also: (3 related languages) BASIC, BASIC-11, BASIC-PLUS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
multiaddr - Schema multiaddr ========= multiaddr is a schema created in 2014 by Juan Batiz-Benet. 2014 Juan Batiz-Benet #1086 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Composable and future-proof network addresses - Tags: schema - multiaddr is developed on GitHub and has 419 stars - Early development of multiaddr happened in - multiaddr is written in Markdown, Go, YAML, Clojure, CSV, Gherkin, Make - See also: (1 related languages) URL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
multibase - Standard multibase ========= multibase is a standard created in 2016 by Juan Benet. 2016 Juan Benet #1305 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Self identifying base encodings - Tags: standard - multibase is developed on GitHub and has 273 stars - Early development of multibase happened in - multibase is written in Markdown, CSV, YAML - See also: (1 related languages) Base64 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
multicodec - Standard multicodec ========== multicodec is a standard created in 2015 by Juan Batiz-Benet. 2015 Juan Batiz-Benet #1369 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Compact self-describing codecs. Save space by using predefined multicodec tables. - Tags: standard - multicodec is developed on GitHub and has 334 stars - Early development of multicodec happened in - multicodec is written in CSV, Markdown, Python, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Multics - Programming language Multics ======= Multics is an open source programming language created in 1967. 1967 #1202 on PLDB 57 Years Old Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) is an influential early time-sharing operating system, based around the concept of a single-level memory. Virtually all modern operating systems were heavily influenced by Multics – often through Unix, which was created by some of the people who had worked on Multics – either directly (Linux, macOS) or indirectly (Windows NT).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Multics happened in University of Calgary - Multics on HOPL Multics on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) PL/I, Assembly language, Unix, Linux, Algol - Read more about Multics on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
Multigame - Programming language Multigame ========= Multigame is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4255 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Multigame happened in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Multigame on HOPL Multigame on HOPL - Read more about Multigame on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Multihash - Hash function Multihash ========= Multihash is a hash function created in 2017. 2017 #3697 on PLDB 7 Years Old Multihash is a protocol for differentiating outputs from various well-established hash functions, addressing size + encoding considerations. It is useful to write applications that future-proof their use of hashes, and allow multiple hash functions to coexist. - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of Multihash happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
muMath - Programming language muMath ====== muMath is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #2170 on PLDB 46 Years Old muMATH is a computer algebra system (CAS), which was developed in the late 1970s and early eighties by Albert D. Rich and David Stoutemyer of Soft Warehouse in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was implemented in the muSIMP programming language which was built on top of a LISP dialect called muLISP. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of muMath happened in University of Hawaii - muMath on HOPL muMath on HOPL - See also: (11 related languages) Maxima, PARI/GP, Sage, XCAS, Yacas, MAGMA, Maple, Mathcad, Wolfram Mathematica, muPad, Cambridge Algebra System - Read more about muMath on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
MUMPS - Programming language MUMPS ===== MUMPS is a programming language created in 1966 by Neil Pappalardo. 1966 Neil Pappalardo #182 on PLDB 58 Years Old 2k Repos MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System), or M, is a general-purpose computer programming language that provides ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable) transaction processing. Its differentiating feature is its "built-in" database, enabling high-level access to disk storage using simple symbolic program variables and subscripted arrays, similar to the variables used by most languages to access main memory. The M database is a key-value database engine optimized for high-throughput transaction processing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,448 MUMPS repos on GitHub - Early development of MUMPS happened in MUMPS Development Committee - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using MUMPS in 5k repos on GitHub - There are 38 Project Euler users using MUMPS - Explore MUMPS snippets on Rosetta Code - MUMPS on HOPL MUMPS on HOPL - MUMPS appears in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for MUMPS - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting MUMPS - See also: (8 related languages) JOSS, Unix, TELCOMP, Meditech Interpretive Information System, Linux, Tiny BASIC, ASCII, CSV - 4 PLDB concepts link to MUMPS: Caché ObjectScript, cloc, NCAR Command Language, proto-GNOSIS label1 ; This is a label write "Hello World !",! quit main() write "Hello, world!",! quit w "Hello World",! ; Hello World in Mumps-M w !,"Hello World" GTM>S n="" GTM>S n=$order(^nodex(n)) GTM>zwr n n=" building" GTM>S n=$order(^nodex(n)) GTM>zwr n n=" name:gd" GTM>S n=$order(^nodex(n)) GTM>zwr n n="%kml:guid" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token w row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 447 2.2
MUMS - Programming language MUMS ==== MUMS is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4256 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MUMS happened in Johannes Kepler University - MUMS on HOPL MUMS on HOPL - Read more about MUMS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
mun-lang - Programming language mun-lang ======== mun-lang is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #443 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Source code for the Mun language and runtime. - Tags: programming language - mun-lang is developed on GitHub and has 1,813 stars - Early development of mun-lang happened in - mun-lang is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, YAML, SVG, C++, JavaScript, CMake, Bourne shell, JSON, Bash, Lua, CSS - was registered in 2019 - Read more about mun-lang on the web: 1. 1. fn main() { let sum = add(a, b); // Comments: Mun natively supports bool, float, and int let is_true = true; let var: float = 0.5; } // The order of function definitions doesn't matter fn add(a: int, b: int): int { a + b } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
MUNIN - Programming language MUNIN ===== MUNIN is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4257 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MUNIN happened in Aalborg University and Judex Datasystemer and Nordjysk Udviklingscenter and Turku University Hospital - MUNIN on HOPL MUNIN on HOPL - Read more about MUNIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
muon - Programming language muon ==== muon is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #701 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Modern low-level programming language - Tags: programming language - muon is developed on GitHub and has 772 stars - Early development of muon happened in - muon is written in C#, Markdown, C, XML printf(fmt cstring) int #Foreign("printf") #VarArgs main() { printf("Hello World") } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf HackerNews discussions of muon ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Muon, a low-level programming language inspired by C, C# and Go||04/07/2019|175|114 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
muPad - Programming language muPad ===== muPad is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #749 on PLDB 27 Years Old 39 Repos MuPAD is a computer algebra system (CAS). Originally developed by the MuPAD research group at the University of Paderborn, Germany, development was taken over by the company SciFace Software GmbH & Co. KG in cooperation with the MuPAD research group and partners from some other universities starting in 1997. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 39 muPad repos on GitHub - Early development of muPad happened in University of Paderborn - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 69 users using muPad in 71 repos on GitHub - muPad on HOPL muPad on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for muPad - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for muPad - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, MATLAB, Java Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
MurmurHash - Hash function MurmurHash ========== MurmurHash is a hash function created in 2008. 2008 #2626 on PLDB 16 Years Old MurmurHash is a non-cryptographic hash function suitable for general hash-based lookup. It was created by Austin Appleby in 2008 and is currently hosted on GitHub along with its test suite named 'SMHasher'. It also exists in a number of variants, all of which have been released into the public domain. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of MurmurHash happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
Mushroom - Programming language Mushroom ======== Mushroom is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4827 on PLDB 36 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Mushroom on GitLab Mushroom on GitLab - Early development of Mushroom happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
MUSIC/SP - Programming language MUSIC/SP ======== MUSIC/SP is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #2515 on PLDB 52 Years Old MUSIC/SP (Multi-User System for Interactive Computing/System Product; originally "McGill University System for Interactive Computing") was developed at McGill University in the 1970s from an early IBM time-sharing system called RAX (Remote Access Computing System). The system ran on IBM S/360, S/370, and 4300-series mainframe hardware, and offered novel features (for the time) such as file access control and data compression. It was designed to allow academics and students to create and run their programs interactively on terminals, in an era when most mainframe computing was still being done from punched cards. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MUSIC/SP happened in McGill University - See also: (11 related languages) Unix, WATFIV, Pascal, PL/I, BASIC, APL, Algol, RPG, General Purpose Simulation System, Rexx, Multics Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
MusicXML - Programming language MusicXML ======== MusicXML is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #2315 on PLDB 20 Years Old MusicXML is an XML-based file format for representing Western musical notation. The format is open, fully documented, and can be freely used under the W3C Community Final Specification Agreement.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MusicXML happened in W3C - MusicXML on HOPL MusicXML on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) XML, DTD, Sibelius, JavaScript <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.1 Partwise//EN" ""> <score-partwise version="3.1"> <part-list> <score-part id="P1"> <part-name>Music</part-name> </score-part> </part-list> <part id="P1"> <measure number="1"> <attributes> <divisions>1</divisions> <key> <fifths>0</fifths> </key> <time> <beats>4</beats> <beat-type>4</beat-type> </time> <clef> <sign>G</sign> <line>2</line> </clef> </attributes> <note> <pitch> <step>C</step> <octave>4</octave> </pitch> <duration>4</duration> <type>whole</type> </note> </measure> </part> </score-partwise> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 364 1.8
MuSimp - Programming language MuSimp ====== MuSimp is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4258 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MuSimp happened in University of Hawaii - MuSimp on HOPL MuSimp on HOPL - Read more about MuSimp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
MUSP - Programming language MUSP ==== MUSP is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #2622 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MUSP happened in Harvard University - MUSP on HOPL MUSP on HOPL - Read more about MUSP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
mustache - Template language mustache ======== mustache is an open source template language created in 2009 by Chris Wanstrath. 2009 Chris Wanstrath #168 on PLDB 15 Years Old 6k Repos git clone Logic-less Ruby templates. - Tags: template language - mustache is developed on GitHub and has 3,027 stars - There are at least 6,085 mustache repos on GitHub - Early development of mustache happened in - mustache is written in Ruby, mustache, YAML, Markdown, HTML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 535 users using mustache in 616 repos on GitHub - 8 PLDB concepts link to mustache: Ballerina, cloc, codecept, HHVM, Ligo, mustache, NetLogo, Obsidian Hello {{name}} You have just won {{value}} dollars! {{#in_ca}} Well, {{taxed_value}} dollars, after taxes. {{/in_ca}} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
MUSYS - Programming language MUSYS ===== MUSYS is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #3484 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MUSYS happened in Alcock Shearing and Partners - MUSYS on HOPL MUSYS on HOPL - Read more about MUSYS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
MVEL - Programming language MVEL ==== MVEL is an open source programming language created in 2003. 2003 #1339 on PLDB 21 Years Old MVFLEX Expression Language (MVEL) is a hybrid dynamic/statically typed, embeddable Expression Language and runtime for the Java Platform. Originally started as a utility language for an application framework, the project is now developed completely independently. MVEL is typically used for exposing basic logic to end-users and programmers through configuration such as XML files or annotations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MVEL happened in - See also: (4 related languages) Java, XML, Lisp, OGNL import java.util.*; // the main quicksort algorithm def quicksort(list) { if (list.size() <= 1) { list; } else { pivot = list[0]; concat(quicksort(($ in list if $ < pivot)), pivot, quicksort(($ in list if $ > pivot))); } } // define method to concatenate lists. def concat(list1, pivot, list2) { concatList = new ArrayList(list1); concatList.add(pivot); concatList.addAll(list2); concatList; } // create a list to sort list = [5,2,4,1,18,10,15,1,0]; // sort it! quicksort(list); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 285 1.4
MVL - Programming language MVL === MVL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4259 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of MVL happened in Stanford University - MVL on HOPL MVL on HOPL - Read more about MVL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
MXML - Xml format MXML ==== MXML is a xml format created in 2004. 2004 #1284 on PLDB 20 Years Old MXML is an XML-based user interface markup language first introduced by Macromedia in March 2004. Application developers use MXML in combination with ActionScript to develop rich Internet applications, with products such as Apache Flex. Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in December 2005, gives no official meaning for the acronym MXML. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of MXML happened in Adobe - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for MXML - See also: (7 related languages) MusicXML, XML, ActionScript, PHP, XAML, UIML, SVG - 2 PLDB concepts link to MXML: cloc, invokator <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""> <mx:Label text="Hello World"/> </mx:Application> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" backgroundGradientColors="[#000011, #333333]"> <mx:Label text="Hello World!" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0" fontSize="48" letterSpacing="1"> <mx:filters> <mx:GlowFilter color="#ffffdd"/> </mx:filters> </mx:Label> </mx:Application> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 316 1.6
MyBB - Programming language MyBB ==== MyBB is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1969 on PLDB 22 Years Old MyBB, formerly MyBBoard and originally MyBulletinBoard, is a free and open-source forum software developed by the MyBB Group. It is written in PHP, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite as database systems and, in addition, has database failover support. It is available in multiple languages and is licensed under the LGPL.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of MyBB happened in - MyBB on HOPL MyBB on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Subversion, JavaScript, JQuery, Twig, WordPress, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
mycroft - Programming language mycroft ======= mycroft is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1789 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone A prolog-like language with compound truth value logic - Tags: programming language - mycroft is developed on GitHub and has 69 stars - Early development of mycroft happened in - mycroft is written in Lua, Markdown, Bourne shell, Python, Vim script, Make, Z shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Myghty - Programming language Myghty ====== Myghty is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2577 on PLDB 18 Years Old 1 Repos A Python-based template and view-controller framework derived from HTML::Mason. Supports the full featureset of Mason, allowing component-based web development with Python-embedded HTML, and includes many new concepts and features not found in Mason. Myghty is a legacy library. New projects should use Mako templates. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1 Myghty repos on GitHub - Early development of Myghty happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 59 users using Myghty in 59 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Myghty - Read more about Myghty on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
myia - Programming language myia ==== myia is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1470 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Myia prototyping - Tags: programming language - myia is developed on GitHub and has 454 stars - Early development of myia happened in Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute - myia is written in Python, Bourne shell, YAML, TOML, Markdown, reStructuredText, CSS, HTML, Make, Ini, Jupyter Notebook Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
mypy - Programming language mypy ==== mypy is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #2747 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of mypy happened in University of Cambridge - was registered in 2012 HackerNews discussions of mypy ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Mypy - An experimental Python variant with dynamic and static typing||09/23/2012|108|39 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
myrddin - Programming language myrddin ======= myrddin is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2265 on PLDB 8 Years Old Myrddin is a systems programming language. Myrddin emphasizes control, simplicity, a clear mental model and predictable, transparent behavior. It features strong type checking, generics, type inference, closures, and traits. It aims to fit a similar niche as C, but with fewer bullets in your feet. - Tags: programming language - Early development of myrddin happened in - Explore myrddin snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2016 use std const main = { std.put("Hello World\n") } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
mys - Programming language mys === mys is a programming language created in 2020 by Erik Moqvist. 2020 Erik Moqvist #1473 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone The Mys programming language - an attempt to create a statically typed Python-like language that produces fast binaries. See for more information. - Tags: programming language - mys is developed on GitHub and has 132 stars - Early development of mys happened in - mys is written in Python, C, reStructuredText, TOML, C++, JavaScript, Make, Markdown, CSS, YAML, HTML, SVG, SCSS, JSON, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
MySQL - Query language MySQL ===== MySQL is an open source query language created in 1995 by David Axmark and Michael Widenius. 1995 David Axmark Michael Widenius #54 on PLDB 29 Years Old MySQL (officially pronounced as "My S-Q-L",) is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is a combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, and "SQL", the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of MySQL happened in Oracle - Check out the 644 MySQL meetup groups on - Explore MySQL snippets on Rosetta Code - ANTLR grammar for MySQL - Monaco package for syntax highlighting MySQL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for MySQL - has 21,490 matches for "MySQL developer". - was registered in 1999 - See also: (21 related languages) C, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, SQL, Perl, PHP, Python, WordPress, MyBB, Drupal, Yacc, MariaDB, SQL/PSM, Unicode, CSV, PostgreSQL, C#, Visual Basic, ASP, UTF-8 - 1 PLDB concepts link to MySQL: Amazon Redshift SELECT 'Hello, world!'; SELECT "Hello World"; ACCESSIBLE ADD ALL ALTER ANALYZE AND AS ASC ASENSITIVE BEFORE BETWEEN BIGINT BINARY BLOB BOTH BY CALL CASCADE CASE CHANGE CHAR CHARACTER CHECK COLLATE COLUMN CONDITION CONSTRAINT CONTINUE CONVERT CREATE CROSS CUBE CUME_DIST CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURSOR DATABASE DATABASES DAY_HOUR DAY_MICROSECOND DAY_MINUTE DAY_SECOND DEC DECIMAL DECLARE DEFAULT DELAYED DELETE DENSE_RANK DESC DESCRIBE DETERMINISTIC DISTINCT DISTINCTROW DIV DOUBLE DROP DUAL EACH ELSE ELSEIF EMPTY ENCLOSED ESCAPED EXCEPT EXISTS EXIT EXPLAIN FALSE FETCH FIRST_VALUE FLOAT FLOAT4 FLOAT8 FOR FORCE FOREIGN FROM FULLTEXT FUNCTION GENERATED GET GRANT GROUP GROUPING GROUPS HAVING HIGH_PRIORITY HOUR_MICROSECOND HOUR_MINUTE HOUR_SECOND IF IGNORE IN INDEX INFILE INNER INOUT INSENSITIVE INSERT INT INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 INT8 INTEGER INTERVAL INTO IO_AFTER_GTIDS IO_BEFORE_GTIDS IS ITERATE JOIN JSON_TABLE KEY KEYS KILL LAG LAST_VALUE LATERAL LEAD LEADING LEAVE LEFT LIKE LIMIT LINEAR LINES LOAD LOCALTIME LOCALTIMESTAMP LOCK LONG LONGBLOB LONGTEXT LOOP LOW_PRIORITY MASTER_BIND MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT MATCH MAXVALUE MEDIUMBLOB MEDIUMINT MEDIUMTEXT MIDDLEINT MINUTE_MICROSECOND MINUTE_SECOND MOD MODIFIES NATURAL NOT NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG NTH_VALUE NTILE NULL NUMERIC OF ON OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZER_COSTS OPTION OPTIONALLY OR ORDER OUT OUTER OUTFILE OVER PARTITION PERCENT_RANK PRECISION PRIMARY PROCEDURE PURGE RANGE RANK READ READS READ_WRITE REAL RECURSIVE REFERENCES REGEXP RELEASE RENAME REPEAT REPLACE REQUIRE RESIGNAL RESTRICT RETURN REVOKE RIGHT RLIKE ROW ROWS ROW_NUMBER SCHEMA SCHEMAS SECOND_MICROSECOND SELECT SENSITIVE SEPARATOR SET SHOW SIGNAL SMALLINT SPATIAL SPECIFIC SQL SQLEXCEPTION SQLSTATE SQLWARNING SQL_BIG_RESULT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS SQL_SMALL_RESULT SSL STARTING STORED STRAIGHT_JOIN SYSTEM TABLE TERMINATED THEN TINYBLOB TINYINT TINYTEXT TO TRAILING TRIGGER TRUE UNDO UNION UNIQUE UNLOCK UNSIGNED UPDATE USAGE USE USING UTC_DATE UTC_TIME UTC_TIMESTAMP VALUES VARBINARY VARCHAR VARCHARACTER VARYING VIRTUAL WHEN WHERE WHILE WINDOW WITH WRITE XOR YEAR_MONTH ZEROFILL Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example -- b'[01]+' Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9]+(?=[^0-9a-z$_\u0080-\uffff]) Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9]+\.[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- x'([0-9a-f]{2})+' Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 705 3.5
mythryl - Programming language mythryl ======= mythryl is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #1468 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone The Mythryl programming language - Tags: programming language - mythryl is developed on GitHub and has 116 stars - Early development of mythryl happened in - mythryl is written in Tex, C, Bourne shell, Perl, Standard ML, Lex, Pascal, HTML, Make, CSS, Vim script, DTD - was registered in 2006 fun qsort [] => []; qsort (x!xs) => qsort (filter {. #a < x; } xs) @ [x] @ qsort (filter {. #a >= x; } xs); end; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
N-Prolog - Programming language N-Prolog ======== N-Prolog is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4260 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of N-Prolog happened in Imperial College and Universität Stuttgart - N-Prolog on HOPL N-Prolog on HOPL - Read more about N-Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
N-Triples - Data notation N-Triples ========= N-Triples is a data notation created in 2014. 2014 #1790 on PLDB 10 Years Old N-Triples is a format for storing and transmitting data. It is a line-based, plain text serialisation format for RDF (Resource Description Framework) graphs, and a subset of the Turtle (Terse RDF Triple Language) format. N-Triples should not be confused with Notation3 which is a superset of Turtle. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of N-Triples happened in W3C <> <> ↵ <> . <> <> "N-Triples"@en-US . <> <> _:art . <> <> _:dave . _:art <> <> . _:art <> "Art Barstow". _:dave <> <> . _:dave <> "Dave Beckett". Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 330 1.6
N - Programming language N = N is a programming language created in 1990 by Gael de La Croix Vaubois and Catherine Moulinoux and BenoIt Derot. 1990 Gael de La Croix Vaubois Catherine Moulinoux BenoIt Derot #4261 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of N happened in Thomson-CSF - Read more about N on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Nadesiko - Programming language Nadesiko ======== Nadesiko is a programming language created in 2008 by kujirahand. 2008 kujirahand #1000 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Japanese Programming Language Nadesiko v3 (JavaScript/TypeScript) - Tags: programming language - Nadesiko is developed on GitHub and has 231 stars - Early development of Nadesiko happened in - Nadesiko compiles to JavaScript - Nadesiko is written in JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, JSON, CSS, YAML, Bourne shell, JSX, PHP, Python, Bash, Dockerfile # 取り込みテスト ●(AとBの)加算処理とは A+Bを戻す。 ここまで。 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
Nail - Programming language Nail ==== Nail is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3485 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nail happened in Stanford University - Nail on HOPL Nail on HOPL - Read more about Nail on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
NAKL - Programming language NAKL ==== NAKL, aka Not Another Keypunch Language, is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3486 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NAKL happened in University of Arkansas - NAKL on HOPL NAKL on HOPL - Read more about NAKL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
GNU nano - Editor GNU nano ======== GNU nano is an open source editor created in 2000. 2000 #1279 on PLDB 24 Years Old GNU nano is a text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface. It emulates the Pico text editor, part of the Pine email client, and also provides additional functionality. Unlike Pico, nano is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of GNU nano happened in - was registered in 2000 - See also: (2 related languages) C, Regular Expressions Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Napier88 - Programming language Napier88 ======== Napier88 is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3786 on PLDB 35 Years Old Napier88 is an orthogonally persistent programming language that was designed and implemented at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. The primary designer was Ron Morrison, whose initial designs were extended and implemented by Fred Brown, Richard Connor, and Al Dearle. Napier88 was ahead of its time in many ways, and was the first robustly implemented language to combine a polymorphic type system with orthogonal persistence. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Napier88 happened in University of St Andrews - See also: (4 related languages) Java, S-algol, PS-algol, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
NAPSS - Programming language NAPSS ===== NAPSS is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4262 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NAPSS happened in Purdue University - NAPSS on HOPL NAPSS on HOPL - Read more about NAPSS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
NARPL - Programming language NARPL ===== NARPL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4263 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NARPL happened in Drexel University - NARPL on HOPL NARPL on HOPL - Read more about NARPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Nasal - Programming language Nasal ===== Nasal is a programming language created in 2002 by Andy Ross. 2002 Andy Ross #2104 on PLDB 22 Years Old 32 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 32 Nasal repos on GitHub - Early development of Nasal happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12 users using Nasal in 12 repos on GitHub - Nasal on HOPL Nasal on HOPL - Read more about Nasal on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Netwide Assembler - Assembly language Netwide Assembler ================= Netwide Assembler is an open source assembly language created in 1996. 1996 #769 on PLDB 28 Years Old The Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an assembler and disassembler for the Intel x86 architecture. It can be used to write 16-bit, 32-bit (IA-32) and 64-bit (x86-64) programs. NASM is considered to be one of the most popular assemblers for Linux. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of Netwide Assembler happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Netwide Assembler - was registered in 2007 - See also: (9 related languages) x86 Assembly, Assembly language, X86, IA-32, Linux, Common Object File Format, Extensible Linking Format, PowerPC, SPARC global _start section .data query_string: db "Enter a character: " query_string_len: equ $ - query_string out_string: db "You have input: " out_string_len: equ $ - out_string section .bss in_char: resw 4 section .text _start: mov rax, 0x2000004 ; put the write-system-call-code into register rax mov rdi, 1 ; tell kernel to use stdout mov rsi, query_string ; rsi is where the kernel expects to find the address of the message mov rdx, query_string_len ; and rdx is where the kernel expects to find the length of the message syscall ; read in the character mov rax, 0x2000003 ; read system call mov rdi, 0 ; stdin mov rsi, in_char ; address for storage, declared in section .bss mov rdx, 2 ; get 2 bytes from the kernel's buffer (one for the carriage return) syscall ; show user the output mov rax, 0x2000004 ; write system call mov rdi, 1 ; stdout mov rsi, out_string mov rdx, out_string_len syscall mov rax, 0x2000004 ; write system call mov rdi, 1 ; stdout mov rsi, in_char mov rdx, 2 ; the second byte is to apply the carriage return expected in the string syscall ; exit system call mov rax, 0x2000001 ; exit system call xor rdi, rdi syscall Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 421 2.1
Nassi-Shneiderman charts - Programming language Nassi-Shneiderman charts ======================== Nassi-Shneiderman charts is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4264 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nassi-Shneiderman charts happened in IBM - Nassi-Shneiderman charts on HOPL Nassi-Shneiderman charts on HOPL - Read more about Nassi-Shneiderman charts on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
NSS - Binary data format NSS === NSS, aka Native Structured Storage, is a binary data format created in 1999. 1999 #3487 on PLDB 25 Years Old Native Structured Storage (NSS) was a method to transparently store ActiveX document files in a multi-stream format on NTFS volumes - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of NSS happened in Microsoft - Read more about NSS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
NATO phonetic alphabet - Notation NATO phonetic alphabet ====================== NATO phonetic alphabet is a notation created in 1956. 1956 #2192 on PLDB 68 Years Old The NATO phonetic alphabet, officially denoted as the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, and also commonly known as the ICAO phonetic alphabet, and in a variation also known officially as the ITU phonetic alphabet and figure code, is the most widely used radiotelephone spelling alphabet. Although often called "phonetic alphabets", spelling alphabets are unrelated to phonetic transcription systems such as the International Phonetic Alphabet. Instead, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) alphabet assigned codewords acrophonically to the letters of the English alphabet, so that critical combinations of letters and numbers are most likely to be pronounced and understood by those who exchange voice messages by radio or telephone, regardless of language differences or the quality of the communication channel.The 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order as follows: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.Strict adherence to the prescribed spelling words is required in order to avoid the problems of confusion that the spelling alphabet is designed to overcome. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of NATO phonetic alphabet happened in International Civil Aviation Organization - See also: (2 related languages) Morse code, Unicode Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
NATURAL - Programming language NATURAL ======= NATURAL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #2668 on PLDB 53 Years Old ADABAS, a contraction of “adaptable database system", is a database package that was developed by Software AG to run on IBM mainframes. Launched in 1971 as a non-relational software package, earnings reports for the package's vendor were being followed by The New York Times in the early 1980s.As of 2017, ADABAS is marketed for use on a wider range of platforms, including Linux, UNIX and Windows.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NATURAL happened in Software AG - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Unix, Model 204, SQL, COBOL 0010 * These two lines (0010 and 0020) 0020 ** are comments. 0030 FORMAT LS = 80 / * As well as this part of the line (0030) 0040 * NOTE: The "/ *" form has a space between the SLASH and ASTERISK. . . 0200 END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
Navier-Stokes Equation - Equation Navier-Stokes Equation ====================== Navier-Stokes Equation is an equation created in 1821. 1821 #4693 on PLDB 203 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
New AWK - Programming language New AWK ======= New AWK is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2748 on PLDB 31 Years Old Brian Kernighan's nawk (New AWK) source was first released in 1993 unpublicized, and publicly since the late 1990s; many BSD systems use it to avoid the GPL license. - Tags: programming language - Early development of New AWK happened in Bell Labs - New AWK on HOPL New AWK on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
NCAR Command Language - Programming language NCAR Command Language ===================== NCAR Command Language, aka NCAR Command Language, is an open source programming language created in 1994. 1994 #494 on PLDB 30 Years Old 654 Repos git clone (The NCAR Command Language (NCL), a product of the Computational & Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization. - Tags: programming language, weather - NCAR Command Language is developed on GitHub and has 258 stars - There are at least 654 NCAR Command Language repos on GitHub - Early development of NCAR Command Language happened in University Corporation for Atmospheric Research - NCAR Command Language is written in FORTRAN 77, C, Objective-C, MATLAB, MUMPS, C shell, Rescript, sed, Mathematica, Bourne shell, Fortran 90, Python, XML, Perl, Make, Markdown, Lex, Java, YAML, Korn shell, Yacc, CSV, XSLT, Ini, Diff, Visual Basic - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 61 users using NCAR Command Language in 64 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for NCAR Command Language - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for NCAR Command Language ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; NCL User Guide Example: NUG_bar_chart.ncl ; ; KMF 30.10.14 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; These load commands are not required in NCL versions 6.2.0 and later. load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" begin low = 0.0 high = 1.0 n = 12 x = fspan(1.0, 12.0, n) y = random_uniform(low, high, n) wks = gsn_open_wks("png","NUG_bar_chart") res = True res@gsnXYBarChart = True res@gsnXYBarChartBarWidth = 0.3 res@gsnXYBarChartColors = "blue" res@trXMinF = 0.0 ;-- x-axis min value res@trXMaxF = 13.0 ;-- x-axis max value res@trYMinF = 0.0 ;-- y-axis min value res@trYMaxF = 1.0 ;-- y-axis max value res@tmXBMode = "Explicit" ;-- explicit labels res@tmXBValues = ispan(1,12,1) res@tmXBLabels = (/"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep", \ "Oct","Nov","Dec"/) res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 res@tiMainString = "NCL Doc Example: bar chart" plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks, x, y, res) end val=102 a=val/4. print(a) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 486 2.4
NDL - Programming language NDL === NDL is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #4265 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NDL happened in Oregon Health & Science University - NDL on HOPL NDL on HOPL - Read more about NDL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
NEAR - Crypto protocol NEAR ==== NEAR is a crypto protocol created in 2017 by Illia Polosukhin and Alexander Skidanov. 2017 Illia Polosukhin Alexander Skidanov #4528 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
Nearley - Grammar language Nearley ======= Nearley is an open source grammar language created in 2014 by Kartik Chandra. 2014 Kartik Chandra #222 on PLDB 10 Years Old 53 Repos git clone 📜🔜🌲 Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Nearley is developed on GitHub and has 3,578 stars - There are at least 53 Nearley repos on GitHub - Early development of Nearley happened in - Nearley is written in JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, JSON, SVG, CSS, YAML, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 32 users using Nearley in 33 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nearley # nearley grammar @builtin "" @{% function insensitive(sl) { var s = sl.literal; result = []; for (var i=0; i<s.length; i++) { var c = s.charAt(i); if (c.toUpperCase() !== c || c.toLowerCase() !== c) { result.push(new RegExp("[" + c.toLowerCase() + c.toUpperCase() + "]")); } else { result.push({literal: c}); } } return {subexpression: [{tokens: result, postprocess: function(d) {return d.join(""); }}]}; } %} final -> whit? prog whit? {% function(d) { return d[1]; } %} prog -> prod {% function(d) { return [d[0]]; } %} | prod whit prog {% function(d) { return [d[0]].concat(d[2]); } %} prod -> word whit? ("-"|"="):+ ">" whit? expression+ {% function(d) { return {name: d[0], rules: d[5]}; } %} | word "[" wordlist "]" whit? ("-"|"="):+ ">" whit? expression+ {% function(d) {return {macro: d[0], args: d[2], exprs: d[8]}} %} | "@" whit? js {% function(d) { return {body: d[2]}; } %} | "@" word whit word {% function(d) { return {config: d[1], value: d[3]}; } %} | "@include" whit? string {% function(d) {return {include: d[2].literal, builtin: false}} %} | "@builtin" whit? string {% function(d) {return {include: d[2].literal, builtin: true }} %} expression+ -> completeexpression | expression+ whit? "|" whit? completeexpression {% function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[4]]); } %} expressionlist -> completeexpression | expressionlist whit? "," whit? completeexpression {% function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[4]]); } %} wordlist -> word | wordlist whit? "," whit? word {% function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[4]]); } %} completeexpression -> expr {% function(d) { return {tokens: d[0]}; } %} | expr whit? js {% function(d) { return {tokens: d[0], postprocess: d[2]}; } %} expr_member -> word {% id %} | "TEMPLATEquot; word {% function(d) {return {mixin: d[1]}} %} | word "[" expressionlist "]" {% function(d) {return {macrocall: d[0], args: d[2]}} %} | string "i":? {% function(d) { if (d[1]) {return insensitive(d[0]); } else {return d[0]; } } %} | "%" word {% function(d) {return {token: d[1]}} %} | charclass {% id %} | "(" whit? expression+ whit? ")" {% function(d) {return {'subexpression': d[2]} ;} %} | expr_member whit? ebnf_modifier {% function(d) {return {'ebnf': d[0], 'modifier': d[2]}; } %} ebnf_modifier -> ":+" {% id %} | ":*" {% id %} | ":?" {% id %} expr -> expr_member | expr whit expr_member {% function(d){ return d[0].concat([d[2]]); } %} word -> [\w\?\+] {% function(d){ return d[0]; } %} | word [\w\?\+] {% function(d){ return d[0]+d[1]; } %} string -> dqstring {% function(d) {return { literal: d[0] }; } %} #string -> "\"" charset "\"" {% function(d) { return { literal: d[1].join("") }; } %} # #charset -> null # | charset char {% function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[1]]); } %} # #char -> [^\\"] {% function(d) { return d[0]; } %} # | "\\" . {% function(d) { return JSON.parse("\""+"\\"+d[1]+"\""); } %} charclass -> "." {% function(d) { return new RegExp("."); } %} | "[" charclassmembers "]" {% function(d) { return new RegExp("[" + d[1].join('') + "]"); } %} charclassmembers -> null | charclassmembers charclassmember {% function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[1]]); } %} charclassmember -> [^\\\]] {% function(d) { return d[0]; } %} | "\\" . {% function(d) { return d[0] + d[1]; } %} js -> "{" "%" jscode "%" "}" {% function(d) { return d[2]; } %} jscode -> null {% function() {return "";} %} | jscode [^%] {% function(d) {return d[0] + d[1];} %} | jscode "%" [^}] {% function(d) {return d[0] + d[1] + d[2]; } %} # Whitespace with a comment whit -> whitraw | whitraw? comment whit? # Optional whitespace with a comment whit? -> null | whit # Literally a string of whitespace whitraw -> [\s] | whitraw [\s] # A string of whitespace OR the empty string whitraw? -> null | whitraw comment -> "#" commentchars "\n" commentchars -> null | commentchars [^\n] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 848 4.2
NEATER 2 - Linter NEATER 2 ======== NEATER 2 is a linter created in 1968. 1968 #4266 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: linter - Early development of NEATER 2 happened in Kansas State University - NEATER 2 on HOPL NEATER 2 on HOPL - Read more about NEATER 2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
NEBULA - Programming language NEBULA ====== NEBULA is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #4828 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NEBULA happened in Ferranti International plc - NEBULA on HOPL NEBULA on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
nectar - Programming language nectar ====== nectar is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2749 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of nectar happened in - was registered in 2016 - Read more about nectar on the web: 1. 1. HackerNews discussions of nectar ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Compile JavaScript to WebAssembly (wasm) or Arduino firmware in your browser||03/24/2017|6|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
neeilang - Programming language neeilang ======== neeilang is a programming language created in 2019 by Neeilan Selvalingam. 2019 Neeilan Selvalingam #1377 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Fast, type-safe, object-oriented language by yours truly - Tags: programming language - neeilang is developed on GitHub and has 47 stars - Early development of neeilang happened in - neeilang is written in C++, LLVM IR, CMake, Bourne shell, Markdown - Read more about neeilang on the web: 1. 1. fn main() : Int { var a : Int = 5; var b : Int = 3; print a + b; // 8 print a - b; // 2 print b - a; // -2 if (a >= 5) { print "a >= 5"; // a >= 5 } if (a > 5) { print "a > 5"; // Not executed } if (a < 5) { print "a < 5"; // Not executed } if (5 <= a) { print "5 <= a"; // 5 <= a } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 273 1.4
Neko - Programming language Neko ==== Neko is an open source programming language created in 2005 by Nicolas Cannasse. 2005 Nicolas Cannasse #448 on PLDB 19 Years Old git clone Neko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language developed by Nicolas Cannasse as part of research and development (R&D) efforts at two indie video game firms in Bordeaux, France: first at Motion Twin and then at Shiro Games.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Neko is developed on GitHub and has 550 stars - Early development of Neko happened in Haxe Foundation - Neko is written in C, CMake, OCaml, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, PowerShell, JSON, Haxe, XML, TOML - Explore Neko snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2005 - See also: (7 related languages) C, OCaml, IA-32, Linux, Haxe, JVM, Groovy $print("Hello, world!\n"); $print("Hello World\n"); get_params = $loader.loadprim("mod_neko@get_params",0); $print("PARAMS = "+get_params()); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token $print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 278 1.4
NELIAC - Programming language NELIAC ====== NELIAC, aka Navy Electronics Laboratory International ALGOL Compiler, is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #2036 on PLDB 66 Years Old The Navy Electronics Laboratory International ALGOL Compiler or NELIAC is a dialect and compiler implementation of the ALGOL 58 programming language developed by the Naval Electronics Laboratory in 1958. It was designed for numeric and logical computations and was the first language to provide a bootstrap implementation.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NELIAC happened in U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory - NELIAC on HOPL NELIAC on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 58, JOVIAL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
Nelua - Programming language Nelua ===== Nelua is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3488 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nelua happened in - Nelua compiles to C - See also: (1 related languages) Lua print 'Hello, world!' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
Nemerle - Programming language Nemerle ======= Nemerle is a programming language created in 2003 by Krzysztof Czarnecki. 2003 Krzysztof Czarnecki #366 on PLDB 21 Years Old 177 Repos Nemerle is a general-purpose high-level statically typed programming language designed for platforms using the Common Language Infrastructure (.NET/Mono). It offers functional, object-oriented (OO) and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful metaprogramming system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 177 Nemerle repos on GitHub - Early development of Nemerle happened in JetBrains - C# and ML and Lisp influenced the design of Nemerle - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 257 users using Nemerle in 286 repos on GitHub - There are 10 Project Euler users using Nemerle - Explore Nemerle snippets on Rosetta Code - Nemerle on HOPL Nemerle on HOPL - Nemerle appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Nemerle - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nemerle - was registered in 2003 - See also: (7 related languages) C#, ML, Lisp, Java, OCaml, Haskell, SQL - 3 PLDB concepts link to Nemerle: Eiffel, Nymph, Pygments class Hello { static Main () : void { System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello World"); } } // Hello World in Nemerle (a functional programming language for .NET) System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); using System.Console; module Program { Main() : void { WriteLine("Hello world"); } } using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; class PlatformInvokeTest { [DllImport("msvcrt.dll")] public extern static puts(c : string) : int; [DllImport("msvcrt.dll")] internal extern static _flushall() : int; public static Main() : void { _ = puts("Test"); _ = _flushall(); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.Console.WriteLine row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported ✓ Example def m3 = 1 g; def m4 = Si.Mass(m1); WriteLine($"Mass in SI: $m4, in CGS: $m3"); def x1 = Si.Area(1 cm * 10 m); WriteLine($"Area of 1 cm * 10 m = $x1 m"); Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example // def title = "Programming language authors"; def authors = ["Anders Hejlsberg", "Simon Peyton-Jones"]; // 'xml' - macro from Nemerle.Xml.Macro library which alows to inline XML literals into the nemerle-code def html = xml $title $author #> Trace.Assert(html.GetType().Equals(typeof(XElement))); WriteLine(html.GetType()); Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 527 2.6
Neo4j - Database Neo4j ===== Neo4j is a database created in 2007. 2007 #4267 on PLDB 17 Years Old Graph database management system - Tags: database - Early development of Neo4j happened in Neo4j, Inc. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
neovim - Editor neovim ====== neovim is an editor created in 2015. 2015 #3050 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of neovim happened in - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
neralie-format - Time format neralie-format ============== neralie-format is a time format created in 2017. 2017 #2750 on PLDB 7 Years Old This decimal clock has two groups of 3 digits, called the beat & the pulse. A beat contains 1000 pulses, and equivalent to 86.4 seconds. - Tags: timeFormat - Early development of neralie-format happened in 6:00 250:000 12:00 500:000 16:00 750:000 Now 384:908 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
nesC - Programming language nesC ==== nesC, aka network embedded systems C, is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #648 on PLDB 22 Years Old 2k Repos git clone nesC (pronounced "NES-see") is a component-based, event-driven programming language used to build applications for the TinyOS platform. TinyOS is an operating environment designed to run on embedded devices used in distributed wireless sensor networks. nesC is built as an extension to the C programming language with components "wired" together to run applications on TinyOS. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - nesC is developed on GitHub and has 100 stars - There are at least 1,669 nesC repos on GitHub - Early development of nesC happened in University of California Berkeley and Harvard University - nesC is written in C, Java, M4, Perl, Make, Lisp, Bourne shell, HTML, Tex, Yacc, Logos, XML, Markdown, Vim script, SQL, Lex - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 416 users using nesC in 468 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for nesC - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for nesC - See also: (1 related languages) C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 256 1.3
NESL - Programming language NESL ==== NESL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #1687 on PLDB 31 Years Old NESL is a parallel programming language developed at Carnegie Mellon by the SCandAL project and released in 1993. It integrates various ideas from parallel algorithms, and functional programming and array programming languages. The most important new ideas behind NESL are Nested data parallelism: this feature offers the benefits of data parallelism, concise code that is easy to understand and debug, while being well suited for irregular algorithms, such as algorithms on trees, graphs or sparse matrices. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NESL happened in Carnegie Mellon - Explore NESL snippets on Rosetta Code - NESL on HOPL NESL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Haskell, CIL Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
Ness - Programming language Ness ==== Ness is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4268 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ness happened in Carnegie Mellon - Ness on HOPL Ness on HOPL - Read more about Ness on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Nested Context Language - Xml format Nested Context Language ======================= Nested Context Language is a xml format created in 2000. 2000 #3201 on PLDB 24 Years Old In the field of digital and interactive television, Nested Context Language (NCL) is a declarative authoring language for hypermedia documents. NCL documents do not contain multimedia elements such as audio or video content; rather they function as a "glue" language that specifies how multimedia components are related. In particular, NCL documents specify how these components are synchronized relative to each other and how the components are composed together into a unified document. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Nested Context Language happened in Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital - See also: (2 related languages) XML, SMIL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
NestedText - Data notation NestedText ========== NestedText is a data notation created in 2020 by Ken Kundert. 2020 Ken Kundert #766 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Human readable and writable data interchange format - Tags: dataNotation - NestedText is developed on GitHub and has 343 stars - Early development of NestedText happened in - NestedText is written in Python, reStructuredText, YAML, Ini, TOML, JSON, Make, XML, Bourne shell, CSV, CSS - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for NestedText - See also: (1 related languages) YAML # Contact information for our officers Katheryn McDaniel: position: president address: > 138 Almond Street > Topeka, Kansas 20697 phone: cell: 1-210-555-5297 home: 1-210-555-8470 # Katheryn prefers that we always call her on her cell phone. email: additional roles: - board member Margaret Hodge: position: vice president address: > 2586 Marigold Lane > Topeka, Kansas 20682 phone: 1-470-555-0398 email: additional roles: - new membership task force - accounting task force Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 274 1.4
net-format - Text data format net-format ========== net-format is a text data format created in 2006. 2006 #2864 on PLDB 18 Years Old The net file format is used to describe the axtNet data that underlie the net alignment annotations in the Genome Browser. In 2016 it was revised so that line indentation level represents the parent/child relationship between records and is a necessary part of the net file format. Child records are indented one space from the parent, as shown in the example net file below. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of net-format happened in University of California Santa Cruz - Read more about net-format on the web: 1. 1. net chr2L 23011544 fill 6004 3278 chrXR_group3a - 1396397 2164 id 25606 score 23114 ali 782 qDup 576 type top tN 0 qN 0 tR 36 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6065 2 chrXR_group3a - 1398498 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6096 1485 chrXR_group3a - 1397572 897 tN 0 qN 0 tR 36 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 fill 6096 513 chrU - 5570675 533 id 48675 score 4435 ali 465 qDup 533 type nonSyn tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 13 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6116 8 chrU - 5571188 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6156 5 chrU - 5571156 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6184 3 chrU - 5571133 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6212 18 chrU - 5571106 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6244 9 chrU - 5571092 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6340 2 chrU - 5570996 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 6515 3 chrU - 5570771 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 7623 1 chrXR_group3a - 1397530 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 7664 1007 chrXR_group3a - 1397008 482 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 fill 7664 382 chrXL_group1e - 8262003 506 id 25608 score 10609 ali 364 qDup 506 type nonSyn tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 7784 4 chrXL_group1e - 8262361 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 7792 3 chrXL_group1e - 8262357 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 7921 2 chrXL_group1e - 8262126 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 7949 9 chrXL_group1e - 8262092 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 8693 1 chrXR_group3a - 1396985 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 fill 9833 1251 chrU - 5562980 1239 id 48675 score 10720 ali 1124 qDup 1094 type top tN 0 qN 0 tR 22 qR 88 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 9966 7 chrU - 5564075 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 10015 3 chrU - 5564030 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 10088 2 chrU - 5563957 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 gap 10101 8 chrU - 5563946 0 tN 0 qN 0 tR 0 qR 0 tTrf 0 qTrf 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 665 3.3
NetBasic - Programming language NetBasic ======== NetBasic is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3489 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NetBasic happened in Novell - NetBasic on HOPL NetBasic on HOPL - Read more about NetBasic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
netbeans-editor - Editor netbeans-editor =============== netbeans-editor is an open source editor created in 2013 by pgebauer. 2013 pgebauer #771 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Apache NetBeans - Tags: editor - netbeans-editor is developed on GitHub and has 2,609 stars - Early development of netbeans-editor happened in Apache Software Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Netform - Programming language Netform ======= Netform is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4269 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Netform happened in Twente University of Technology - Netform on HOPL Netform on HOPL - Read more about Netform on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Netlib - Library Netlib ====== Netlib is a library created in 1985. 1985 #2233 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: library - Early development of Netlib happened in Bell Labs and University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory - was registered in 1994 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
NetLinx - Programming language NetLinx ======= NetLinx is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #848 on PLDB 17 Years Old 122 Repos NetLinx is both a range of controllers manufactured by AMX and the name of the proprietary programming language (loosely based on C) used to program the devices. The NetLinx controllers are rack mountable devices which run a version of VxWorks and integrate both a processor and device controllers and are typically utilized for audio-visual control systems. An example is the mid-range NetLinx Integrated NI-2100 controller which has 3 RS-232/RS-485 serial ports, 4 relays, 4 infrared/serial ports and 4 input/outputs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 122 NetLinx repos on GitHub - Early development of NetLinx happened in AMX, LLC - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 21 users using NetLinx in 25 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for NetLinx - See also: (2 related languages) C, ASCII - Read more about NetLinx on the web: 1. 1. (*********************************************************** Mock Projector For testing syntax highlighting ************************************************************) #if_not_defined MOCK_PROJECTOR #define MOCK_PROJECTOR 1 (***********************************************************) (* System Type : NetLinx *) (***********************************************************) (* DEVICE NUMBER DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_DEVICE dvPROJECTOR = 5001:1:0; (***********************************************************) (* CONSTANT DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_CONSTANT // Power States POWER_STATE_ON = 0; POWER_STATE_OFF = 1; POWER_STATE_WARMING = 2; POWER_STATE_COOLING = 3; // Inputs INPUT_HDMI = 0; INPUT_VGA = 1; INPUT_COMPOSITE = 2; INPUT_SVIDEO = 3; (***********************************************************) (* INCLUDES GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) #include 'amx-lib-log' (***********************************************************) (* DATA TYPE DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_TYPE struct projector_t { integer power_state; integer input; integer lamp_hours; } (***********************************************************) (* VARIABLE DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_VARIABLE volatile projector_t proj_1; (***********************************************************) (* SUBROUTINE/FUNCTION DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) define_function initialize(projector_t self) { self.power_state = POWER_STATE_OFF; self.input = INPUT_HDMI; self.lamp_hours = 0; } define_function switch_input(projector_t self, integer input) { self.input = input; print(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "'Projector set to input: ', itoa(input)"); } (***********************************************************) (* STARTUP CODE GOES BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_START initialize(proj_1); (***********************************************************) (* THE EVENTS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_EVENT data_event[dvPROJECTOR] { string: { parse_message(data.text); } command: {} online: {} offline: {} } button_event[dvTP, BTN_HDMI] button_event[dvTP, BTN_VGA] button_event[dvTP, BTN_COMPOSITE] button_event[dvTP, BTN_SVIDEO] { push: { switch ( { case BTN_HDMI: switch_input(proj_1, INPUT_HDMI); case BTN_VGA: switch_input(proj_1, INPUT_VGA); case BTN_COMPOSITE: switch_input(proj_1, INPUT_COMPOSITE); case BTN_SVIDEO: switch_input(proj_1, INPUT_SVIDEO); } } release: {} } (***********************************************************) (* THE MAINLINE GOES BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_PROGRAM [dvTP, BTN_POWER_ON] = (proj_1.power_state == POWER_STATE_ON); [dvTP, BTN_POWER_OFF] = (proj_1.power_state == POWER_STATE_OFF); (***********************************************************) (* END OF PROGRAM *) (* DO NOT PUT ANY CODE BELOW THIS COMMENT *) (***********************************************************) #end_if Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 507 2.5
NetLogo - Programming language NetLogo ======= NetLogo is an open source programming language created in 1999 by Uri Wilensky. 1999 Uri Wilensky #187 on PLDB 25 Years Old 4k Repos git clone NetLogo is an agent-based programming language and integrated modeling environment.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, simulation - NetLogo is developed on GitHub and has 1,001 stars - There are at least 3,859 NetLogo repos on GitHub - Early development of NetLogo happened in Northwestern University - NetLogo is written in Scala, Java, CSV, mustache, XML, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, HTML, XSLT, CSS, Bash, DTD - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 138 users using NetLogo in 154 repos on GitHub - Explore NetLogo snippets on Rosetta Code - NetLogo on HOPL NetLogo on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for NetLogo - See also: (5 related languages) StarLogo, Logo, ISBN, Scala, Java - 1 PLDB concepts link to NetLogo: xTAO Modeling Language patches-own [ living? ;; indicates if the cell is living live-neighbors ;; counts how many neighboring cells are alive ] to setup-blank clear-all ask patches [ cell-death ] reset-ticks end to setup-random clear-all ask patches [ ifelse random-float 100.0 < initial-density [ cell-birth ] [ cell-death ] ] reset-ticks end to cell-birth set living? true set pcolor fgcolor end to cell-death set living? false set pcolor bgcolor end to go ask patches [ set live-neighbors count neighbors with [living?] ] ;; Starting a new "ask patches" here ensures that all the patches ;; finish executing the first ask before any of them start executing ;; the second ask. This keeps all the patches in synch with each other, ;; so the births and deaths at each generation all happen in lockstep. ask patches [ ifelse live-neighbors = 3 [ cell-birth ] [ if live-neighbors != 2 [ cell-death ] ] ] tick end to draw-cells let erasing? [living?] of patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor while [mouse-down?] [ ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [ ifelse erasing? [ cell-death ] [ cell-birth ] ] display ] end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 467 2.3
NetRexx - Programming language NetRexx ======= NetRexx is a programming language created in 1996 by Mike Cowlishaw. 1996 Mike Cowlishaw #1247 on PLDB 28 Years Old NetRexx is an open source, originally IBM's, variant of the REXX programming language to run on the Java virtual machine. It supports a classic REXX syntax, with no reserved keywords, along with considerable additions to support object-oriented programming in a manner compatible with Java's object model, yet can be used as both a compiled and an interpreted language, with an option of using only data types native to the JVM or the NetRexx runtime package. The latter offers the standard Rexx data type that combines string processing with unlimited precision decimal arithmetic. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NetRexx happened in IBM - Explore NetRexx snippets on Rosetta Code - NetRexx on HOPL NetRexx on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) PL/I, Rexx, Object Rexx, Java, JVM say 'Hello World' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token say row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 295 1.5
Netscript - Programming language Netscript ========= Netscript is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #3490 on PLDB 8 Years Old A programming language for packet-stream processing - Tags: programming language - Early development of Netscript happened in Columbia University - Netscript on HOPL Netscript on HOPL - Read more about Netscript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Network Control Language - Programming language Network Control Language ======================== Network Control Language is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4270 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Network Control Language happened in Computer Systems Engineers Ltd - Network Control Language on HOPL Network Control Language on HOPL - Read more about Network Control Language on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
NeuronC - Programming language NeuronC ======= NeuronC is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4271 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NeuronC happened in University of Pennsylvania - NeuronC on HOPL NeuronC on HOPL - Read more about NeuronC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
neut - Programming language neut ==== neut is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #697 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A dependently-typed programming language with static memory management - Tags: programming language - neut is developed on GitHub and has 831 stars - Early development of neut happened in - neut is written in Haskell, Markdown, JSON, YAML, Bourne shell, JavaScript, CSS, TypeScript, Handlebars, Dockerfile, SVG, TOML, C - Read more about neut on the web: 1. 1. ; download the core library (ensure core/ "") (include "core/") (with identity.bind (let str "a") (let _ (string.print str)) (let _ (string.print str)) (string.print str)) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 250 1.3
neutron - Programming language neutron ======= neutron is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1752 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A simple, extensible and efficient programming language based on C and Python - Tags: programming language - neutron is developed on GitHub and has 32 stars - Early development of neutron happened in - neutron is written in Python, Markdown, YAML - Read more about neutron on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
never - Programming language never ===== never is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #982 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Never: statically typed, embeddable functional programming language. - Tags: programming language - never is developed on GitHub and has 431 stars - Early development of never happened in - never is written in C, YAML, CMake, Markdown, Yacc, Lex, XML, HTML, Python, Make, JavaScript, Bourne shell func main() -> float { 100.0 * 1.8 + 32.0 } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
newclay - Programming language newclay ======= newclay is a programming language created in 2011 by Joe Groff. 2011 Joe Groff #2401 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Newclay is an experimental offshoot of the Clay programming language. The Newclay compiler requires Clay to compile. - Tags: programming language - newclay is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of newclay happened in - newclay is written in Python, Vim script, Bourne shell, Make, Perl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Newick format - Text data format Newick format ============= Newick format is a text data format created in 1986. 1986 #1840 on PLDB 38 Years Old In mathematics, Newick tree format (or Newick notation or New Hampshire tree format) is a way of representing graph-theoretical trees with edge lengths using parentheses and commas. It was adopted by James Archie, William H. E. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Newick format happened in University of Washington and University of British Columbia - See also: (1 related languages) PhyloXML (A:0.1,B:0.2,(C:0.3,D:0.4):0.5); Tree → RootLeaf ";" | RootInternal ";" | Branch ";" RootLeaf → Name | "(" Branch ")" Name RootInternal → "(" Branch "," BranchSet ")" Name Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
NewLisp - Programming language NewLisp ======= NewLisp is an open source programming language created in 1991 by Lutz Mueller. 1991 Lutz Mueller #467 on PLDB 33 Years Old 476 Repos git clone newLISP is an open source scripting language in the Lisp family of programming languages developed by Lutz Mueller and released under the GNU General Public License.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - NewLisp is developed on GitHub and has 94 stars - There are at least 476 NewLisp repos on GitHub - Early development of NewLisp happened in - NewLisp is written in Lisp, C, HTML, Bourne shell, Make, YAML, Vim script, CSS, Markdown, XML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 774 users using NewLisp in 812 repos on GitHub - There are 1 Project Euler users using NewLisp - Explore NewLisp snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for NewLisp - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for NewLisp - was registered in 1999 - See also: (17 related languages) Lisp, Common Lisp, Scheme, Pascal, C, Tcl, S-expressions, XML, UTF-8, TCP, UDP, Linux, Solaris, SQLite, SMTP, FTP, OpenGL #!/usr/bin/newlisp (print "Hello World\n") (exit) #!/usr/bin/env newlisp (constant 'NUM 8) (define (intersects? q1 q2) (or (= (q1 0) (q2 0)) (= (q1 1) (q2 1)) (= (abs (- (q1 0) (q2 0))) (abs (- (q1 1) (q2 1)))))) (define (variant? alist) (set 'logic nil) (cond ((= (length alist) 1) true) ((> (length alist) 1) (while (> (length alist) 1) (set 'q (pop alist -1)) (dolist (el alist) (push (intersects? (list q (inc (length alist))) (list el (+ 1 $idx))) logic -1))) (not (apply or logic))))) (define (fork-by-line alist) (let (res '()) (dolist (i (sequence 1 NUM)) (set 'tmp alist) (push i tmp -1) (setf res (push tmp res -1))) res)) (define (find-variants num) (let (res '()) (cond ((< num 1) (begin (println "num < 1") (exit))) ((= num 1) (dolist (i (sequence 1 NUM)) (push (list i) res -1))) ((> num 1) (dolist (v (find-variants (dec num))) (set 'passed (filter variant? (fork-by-line v))) (if (not (empty? passed)) (extend res passed))))) res)) (set 'solutions (find-variants NUM)) (println (length solutions)) ;;(exit) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 494 2.5
NEWP - Programming language NEWP ==== NEWP is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3726 on PLDB 39 Years Old NEWP (or the New Executive Programming Language) is a high-level programming language used on the Unisys MCP systems. The language is used to write the operating system and other system utilities, although it can also be used to write user software as well. Several constructs separate it from extended ALGOL on which it is based. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NEWP happened in Burroughs Corporation and Unisys Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Newspeak - Programming language Newspeak ======== Newspeak is an open source programming language created in 2006 by Gilad Bracha. 2006 Gilad Bracha #1445 on PLDB 18 Years Old Newspeak is a programming language and platform in the tradition of Smalltalk and Self being developed by a team led by Gilad Bracha. The platform includes an IDE, a GUI library, and standard libraries. Starting in 2006, Cadence Design Systems funded its development and employed the main contributors, but ceased funding in January 2009. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Newspeak happened in Cadence Design Systems - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Newspeak - was registered in 2008 - See also: (3 related languages) Smalltalk, Self, BETA HelloBraveNewWorld usingPlatform: platform = ( platform Transcript open show: 'Hello, Oh Brave new world'. ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Newsqueak - Programming language Newsqueak ========= Newsqueak is a programming language created in 1990 by Rob Pike. 1990 Rob Pike #2240 on PLDB 34 Years Old Newsqueak is a concurrent programming language for writing application software with interactive graphical user interfaces. Newsqueak's syntax and semantics are influenced by the C language, but its approach to concurrency was inspired by C. A. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Newsqueak happened in Bell Labs - Newsqueak on HOPL Newsqueak on HOPL - See also: (9 related languages) Squeak, Newspeak, C, CSP, ALEF, Go, Limbo, Rust, Smalltalk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
Newton - Programming language Newton ====== Newton is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3140 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Newton happened in École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne - Newton on HOPL Newton on HOPL - Read more about Newton on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
NewtonScript - Programming language NewtonScript ============ NewtonScript is a programming language created in 1993 by Walter Smith. 1993 Walter Smith #1293 on PLDB 31 Years Old NewtonScript is a prototype-based programming language created to write programs for the Newton platform. It is heavily influenced by the Self programming language, but modified to be more suited to needs of mobile and embedded devices.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NewtonScript happened in Apple - Explore NewtonScript snippets on Rosetta Code - NewtonScript on HOPL NewtonScript on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) Self, Dylan, Smalltalk, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, Io baseview := {viewBounds: {left: -3, top: 71, right: 138, bottom: 137}, viewFlags: 581, declareSelf: 'base, _proto: protoFloatNGo, debug: "baseview" }; textview := * child of baseview * {text: "Hello World", viewBounds: {left: 33, top: 24, right: 113, bottom: 46}, viewFlags: 579, _proto: protoStaticText, debug: "textview" }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 245 1.2
NeXML format - Xml format NeXML format ============ NeXML format is an open source xml format created in 2007. 2007 #1420 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone NeXML is an exchange standard for representing phyloinformatic data. It was inspired by the widely used Nexus file format but uses XML to produce a more robust format for rich phylogenetic data. Advantages include syntax validation, semantic annotation, and web services. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - NeXML format is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Early development of NeXML format happened in Naturalis Biodiversity Center and National Evolutionary Synthesis Center and University of North Carolina and Wayne State University and University of Kansas and University of British Columbia and Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and University of Ottawa and National Institute of Standards and Technology - NeXML format is written in XML, XSD, XSLT, Markdown - was registered in 2007 - See also: (2 related languages) Nexus file, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
Nextflow - Programming language Nextflow ======== Nextflow is an open source programming language created in 2013. 2013 #235 on PLDB 11 Years Old 3k Repos git clone A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines - Tags: programming language - Nextflow is developed on GitHub and has 2,638 stars - There are at least 3,132 Nextflow repos on GitHub - Early development of Nextflow happened in - Nextflow is written in Groovy, Java, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, Gradle, JavaScript, YAML, HTML, Dockerfile, XML, Bash, CSS, Make, Perl, Python, SVG, TOML, CSV - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 46 users using Nextflow in 62 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nextflow - was registered in 2014 #!/usr/bin/env nextflow /* * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * For more information, please refer to <> */ /* * Author Paolo Di Tommaso <> */ params.query = "$HOME/sample.fa" params.db = "$HOME/tools/blast-db/pdb/pdb" process blast { output: file top_hits """ blastp -query ${params.query} -db ${params.db} -outfmt 6 \ | head -n 10 \ | cut -f 2 > top_hits """ } process extract { input: file top_hits output: file sequences """ blastdbcmd -db ${params.db} -entry_batch $top_hits > sequences """ } process align { input: file sequences echo true """ t_coffee $sequences 2>&- | tee align_result """ } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 527 2.6
Nexus file - Text data format Nexus file ========== Nexus file is a text data format created in 1997. 1997 #1574 on PLDB 27 Years Old The NEXUS file format (usually .nex or .nxs) is widely used in bioinformatics. Several popular phylogenetic programs such as PAUP*, MrBayes, Mesquite,, MacClade and SplitsTree use this format.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Nexus file happened in University of Arizona and Smithsonian Institution - See also: (3 related languages) Newick format, NeXML format, PhyloXML - Read more about Nexus file on the web: 1. 1. #NEXUS BEGIN TAXA; TAXLABELS A B C; END; BEGIN TREES; TREE tree1 = ((A,B),C); END; #NEXUS BEGIN TAXA; TAXLABELS A B C; END; BEGIN TREES; TREE tree1 = ((A,B),C); END; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
NFQL - Programming language NFQL ==== NFQL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4272 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NFQL happened in Kansas State University and Brigham Young University - NFQL on HOPL NFQL on HOPL - Read more about NFQL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Nginx - Config format Nginx ===== Nginx is an open source config format created in 2004. 2004 #219 on PLDB 20 Years Old 6k Repos Nginx ( EN-jin-EKS) (stylized as NGINX, NGiИX or nginx) is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. The software was created by Igor Sysoev and first publicly released in 2004. A company of the same name was founded in 2011 to provide support and Nginx plus paid software.Nginx is free and open-source software, released under the terms of a BSD-like license. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: configFormat - There are at least 5,905 Nginx repos on GitHub - Early development of Nginx happened in F5, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8k users using Nginx in 9k repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Nginx - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Nginx - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nginx - has 2,884 matches for "nginx engineer". - See also: (5 related languages) C, Linux, Solaris, TLS, WordPress #user nobody; worker_processes 1; #error_log logs/error.log; #pid /run/; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include /etc/nginx/mime.types; gzip on; gzip_http_version 1.1; gzip_comp_level 2; gzip_types text/plain text/html text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript; server { listen 80; server_name localhost; access_log logs/localhost.access.log main; location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; } include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; } } # Move the www people to no-www server { listen 80; server_name; return 301 $scheme://$request_uri; } server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; server_name; # Certs sent to the client in SERVER HELLO are concatenated in ssl_certificate ssl_certificate /srv/www/; ssl_certificate_key /srv/www/; # Allow multiple connections to use the same key data ssl_session_timeout 5m; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:50m; # Diffie-Hellman parameter for DHE ciphersuites, recommended 2048 bits ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem; # Intermediate configuration. tweak to your needs ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; include snippets/ssl_ciphers_intermediate.conf; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; # HSTS (ngx_http_headers_module is required) (15768000 seconds = 6 months) #add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; # OCSP Stapling - fetch OCSP records from URL in ssl_certificate and cache them ssl_stapling on; ssl_stapling_verify on; # Verify chain of trust of OCSP response using Root CA and Intermediate certs ssl_trusted_certificate /srv/www/; resolver; resolver_timeout 10s; root /srv/www/; index index.php index.html index.htm; charset UTF-8; autoindex off; # Deny access based on HTTP method (set in HTTP level) if ($bad_method = 1) { return 444; } # Show "Not Found" 404 errors in place of "Forbidden" 403 errors, because # forbidden errors allow attackers potential insight into your server's # layout and contents error_page 403 = 404; # It's always good to set logs, note however you cannot turn off the error log # setting error_log off; will simply create a file called 'off'. access_log /var/log/nginx/; error_log /var/log/nginx/; # Add trailing slash to */wp-admin requests. rewrite /wp-admin$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent; location / { # This try_files directive is used to enable pretty, SEO-friendly URLs # and permalinks for Wordpress. Leave it *off* to start with, and then # turn it on once you've gotten Wordpress configured! try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } # Option to create password protected directory # # location /admin { # auth_basic "Administrator Login"; # auth_basic_user_file /var/www/; # } # Do not log access to these to keep the logs cleaner location = /favicon.ico { log_not_found off; access_log off; } location = /apple-touch-icon.png { log_not_found off; access_log off; } location = /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png { log_not_found off; access_log off; } # This block will catch static file requests, such as images, css, js # The ?: prefix is a 'non-capturing' mark, meaning we do not require # the pattern to be captured into $1 which should help improve performance location ~* \.(?:3gp|gif|jpg|jpe?g|png|ico|wmv|avi|asf|asx|mpg|mpeg|mp4|pls|mp3|mid|wav|swf|flv|html|htm|txt|js|css|exe|zip|tar|rar|gz|tgz|bz2|uha|7z|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|pdf|iso|woff)$ { # Some basic cache-control for static files to be sent to the browser expires max; add_header Pragma public; add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate"; } # Deny all attempts to access hidden files such as .htaccess, .htpasswd, .DS_Store (Mac). # Keep logging the requests to parse later (or to pass to firewall utilities such as fail2ban) location ~ /\. { access_log off; log_not_found off; deny all; } location ~ ~$ { access_log off; log_not_found off; deny all; } # Common deny or internal locations, to help prevent access to areas of # the site that should not be public location ~* wp-admin/includes { deny all; } location ~* wp-includes/theme-compat/ { deny all; } location ~* wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/.*\.php { deny all; } location /wp-content/ { internal; } # Deny access to any files with a .php extension in the uploads directory # Works in sub-directory installs and also in multisite network # Keep logging the requests to parse later (or to pass to firewall utilities such as fail2ban) location ~* /(?:uploads|files)/.*\.php$ { deny all; } # Make sure these get through, esp with dynamic WP sitmap plugin location = /robots.txt { try_files $uri /index.php; } location = /sitemap.xml { try_files $uri /index.php; } location = /sitemap.xml.gz { try_files $uri /index.php; } # Fix for Firefox issue with cross site font icons location ~* \.(eot|otf|ttf|woff)$ { add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; } # Redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html # Make sure 50x.html exists at that location error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; } # Cache everything by default set $skip_cache 0; # POST requests and urls with a query string should always go to PHP if ($request_method = POST) { set $skip_cache 1; } if ($query_string != "") { set $skip_cache 1; } # Don't cache uris containing the following segments if ($request_uri ~* "/wp-admin/|/xmlrpc.php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml") { set $skip_cache 1; } # Don't use the cache for logged in users or recent commenters if ($http_cookie ~* "comment_author|wordpress_[a-f0-9]+|wp-postpass|wordpress_no_cache|wordpress_logged_in") { set $skip_cache 1; } # Pass all .php files onto a php-fpm/php-fcgi server. location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) { # regex to split $uri to $fastcgi_script_name and $fastcgi_path fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; # Check that the PHP script exists before passing it try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404; # Bypass the fact that try_files resets $fastcgi_path_info # see: set $path_info $fastcgi_path_info; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $path_info; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/; fastcgi_index index.php; # Uncomment if site is HTTPS #fastcgi_param HTTPS on; include fastcgi.conf; fastcgi_cache_bypass $skip_cache; fastcgi_no_cache $skip_cache; fastcgi_cache WORDPRESS; fastcgi_cache_valid 60m; } location ~ /purge(/.*) { fastcgi_cache_purge WORDPRESS "$scheme$request_method$host$1"; } # Use this block if PHPMyAdmin is enabled for this domain location /phpmyadmin { root /usr/share/; index index.php index.html index.htm; location ~ ^/phpmyadmin/(.+\.php)$ { try_files $uri =404; root /usr/share/; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/; fastcgi_index index.php; include fastcgi.conf; } location ~* ^/phpmyadmin/(.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|html|xml|txt))$ { root /usr/share/; } } location /phpMyAdmin { rewrite ^/* /phpmyadmin last; } # End PHPMyAdmin block } # End of server block. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1353 6.8
NGL - Programming language NGL === NGL is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2623 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NGL happened in - Read more about NGL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about NGL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
ngn/k - Programming language ngn/k ===== ngn/k is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2191 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone ngn/k is an implementation of K6 created by ngn. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - ngn/k is an implementation of K - ngn/k is written in C, Vim script, Make, JavaScript, Python, HTML, Dockerfile - 1 PLDB concepts link to ngn/k: Mesh Spreadsheet Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Noms GraphQL - Query language Noms GraphQL ============ Noms GraphQL is a query language created in 2017. 2017 #4273 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Noms GraphQL happened in - See also: (1 related languages) GraphQL - Read more about Noms GraphQL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
NGS - Programming language NGS === NGS, aka Next Generation Shell, is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Ilya Sher. 2013 Ilya Sher #490 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone NGS - Next Generation Shell, a language (and a shell in the future) for ops tasks. NGS aims to be an alternative for both bash/Python/Ruby/Perl/Go and configuration management tools. It has syntax for the common operations and libraries (currently only AWS) for idempotent resources manipulation. NGS unique features include built in exit code handling and syntax for run-a-command-and-parse-output. - Tags: programming language - NGS is developed on GitHub and has 1,417 stars - Early development of NGS happened in - NGS is written in C, Markdown, CSS, SCSS, Less, Bourne shell, YAML, JavaScript, Make, HTML, JSON, Dockerfile, sed, SVG, CMake, Vim script, awk - Explore NGS snippets on Rosetta Code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
The New Hampshire X Format - Text data format The New Hampshire X Format ========================== The New Hampshire X Format, aka New Hampshire X, is a text data format created in 1999. 1999 #2105 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of The New Hampshire X Format happened in Washington University in St. Louis - Read more about The New Hampshire X Format on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. (((ADH2:0.1[&&NHX:S=human:E=],ADH1:0.11[&&NHX:S=human:E=]):0 .05[&&NHX:S=Primates:E=],ADHY:0.1[&&NHX:S=nematode:E=1.1. 1.1],ADHX:0.12[&&NHX:S=insect:E=]):0.1[&&NHX:S=Metazoa:E= N],(ADH4:0.09[&&NHX:S=yeast:E=],ADH3:0.13[&&NHX:S=yeast:E=], ADH2:0.12[&&NHX:S=yeast:E=],ADH1:0.11[&&NHX:S=yeast:E=]):0.1 [&&NHX:S=Fungi])[&&NHX:E=]; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 296 1.5
Nial - Programming language Nial ==== Nial, aka Nested Interactive Array Language, is a programming language created in 1981 by Mike Jenkins. 1981 Mike Jenkins #976 on PLDB 43 Years Old Nial (from "Nested Interactive Array Language") is a high-level array programming language developed from about 1981 by Mike Jenkins of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Jenkins co-created the Jenkins–Traub algorithm. Nial combines a functional programming notation for arrays based on an array theory developed by Trenchard More with structured programming concepts for numeric, character and symbolic data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of Nial happened in Queen's University - Explore Nial snippets on Rosetta Code - Nial on HOPL Nial on HOPL - 1 PLDB concepts link to Nial: U write 'Hello World'; bye quicksort is fork [ >= [1 first,tally], pass, link [ quicksort sublist [ < [pass, first], pass ], sublist [ match [pass,first],pass ], quicksort sublist [ > [pass,first], pass ] ] ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 269 1.3
nianiolang - Programming language nianiolang ========== nianiolang is a programming language created in 2015 by Andrzej Gasienica-Samek. 2015 Andrzej Gasienica-Samek #1716 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Procedural programming language without pointers - Tags: programming language - nianiolang is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of nianiolang happened in - nianiolang is written in Perl, C, Java, Bourne shell, JavaScript, Make, Bash, Markdown - was registered in 2015 - Read more about nianiolang on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Nice - Programming language Nice ==== Nice is a programming language created in 2006 by Daniel Bonniot. 2006 Daniel Bonniot #1210 on PLDB 18 Years Old Nice is an object-oriented programming language released under the GNU General Public License. It features a powerful type system which can help eliminate many common bugs, such as null pointer dereferences and invalid casts, by detecting potential runtime errors at compile-time; the goal of the designers was to provide safety features comparable to those found in languages such as ML and Haskell, but using a more conventional syntax. Nice aims to be feature-rich, and as such, in addition to the common features of modern object-oriented programming languages, it implements contracts in the style of Eiffel, class extensibility through multimethods, and many concepts drawn from functional programming such as anonymous functions, tuples, pattern matching (“value dispatch”), and parametric polymorphism. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nice happened in Inria - Explore Nice snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (4 related languages) Haskell, Eiffel, Java Bytecode, Java - Read more about Nice on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. void main(String[] args){ println("Hello World"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 319 1.6
Nickle - Programming language Nickle ====== Nickle is an open source programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1463 on PLDB 23 Years Old Nickle is a numeric oriented programming language by Keith Packard and Bart Massey. Originally used for desktop calculation, it has since expanded for prototyping of complicated algorithms.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nickle happened in - Explore Nickle snippets on Rosetta Code - Nickle on HOPL Nickle on HOPL - was registered in 2000 - See also: (5 related languages) C, Lisp, Modula-3, ML, Java - Read more about Nickle on the web: 1. 1. printf("Hello, world!\n"); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
NIKL - Programming language NIKL ==== NIKL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4274 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NIKL happened in USC - NIKL on HOPL NIKL on HOPL - Read more about NIKL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
NIL - Programming language NIL === NIL is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3491 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NIL happened in IBM - NIL on HOPL NIL on HOPL - Read more about NIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
NilScript - Programming language NilScript ========= NilScript is a programming language created in 2013 by Ricci Adams. 2013 Ricci Adams #1577 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Objective-C-style language superset of JavaScript with a tiny, simple runtime - Tags: programming language - NilScript is developed on GitHub and has 50 stars - Early development of NilScript happened in, LLC - NilScript is written in JavaScript, Markdown, TypeScript, JSON @implementation TheClass { String _myStringInstanceVariable; } @end @implementation TheSubClass : TheSuperClass { String _myStringInstanceVariable; } @end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Nim - Programming language Nim === Nim is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Andreas Rumpf. 2008 Andreas Rumpf #47 on PLDB 16 Years Old 8k Repos git clone Nim (formerly named Nimrod) is an imperative, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language designed and developed by Andreas Rumpf. It is designed to be "efficient, expressive, and elegant", supporting metaprogramming, functional, message passing, procedural, and object-oriented programming styles by providing several features such as compile time code generation, algebraic data types, a foreign function interface (FFI) with C and compiling to JavaScript, C and C++.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Nim is developed on GitHub and has 16,308 stars - There are at least 8,018 Nim repos on GitHub - Early development of Nim happened in - Nim compiles to C or C++ or Objective-C or JavaScript - Nim is written in Nim, Markdown, HTML, YAML, C, Bourne shell, JSON, reStructuredText, Python, CSS, Assembly language, CSV, SQL, Tex, Ini, XML, Bash - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 299 users using Nim in 472 repos on GitHub - There are 36 Project Euler users using Nim - Explore Nim snippets on Rosetta Code - Nim appears in the TIOBE Index - Nim Ubuntu package Nim Ubuntu package - Nim LSP implementation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nim - Nim appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Nim on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Nim - was registered in 2014 - See also: (25 related languages) Ada, Modula-3, Lisp, Object Pascal, Python, Oberon, C, JavaScript, Pascal, Delphi, C#, Go, Objective-C, iOS, Android, Git, JSON, OpenGL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Lua, Scala, D, Rust - Read more about Nim on the web: 1. 1. - 13 PLDB concepts link to Nim: Ace Editor, cloc, FlatBuffers, Flow9, mal, Nim, Nimskull, pipelines, Pygments, shiv, spry, Star, Xidoc # Type your code here, or load an example. proc square(num: int): int {.exportc.} = num * num echo "Hello, world!" echo("Hello World") # Hello world in Nim echo "Hello World" # from: # Special configuration file for the Nim project # gc:markAndSweep hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]:off path:"$projectPath/.." path:"$lib/packages/docutils" path:"$nim" define:useStdoutAsStdmsg symbol:nimfix define:nimfix cs:partial #define:useNodeIds define:booting define:noDocgen proc printf(formatstr: cstring) {.header: "<stdio.h>", varargs.} printf("%s %d\n", "foo", 5) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Unicode Identifers FeatureLink ../features/hasUnicodeIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example let δ = 0.00001 Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example let res = true Token true false on off row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example #[ A comment ]# Token #[ ]# row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example # Though they may be phased out: # Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example # import macros dumpTree: result = 10 Token row Feature Templates FeatureLink ../features/hasTemplates.html Supported ✓ Example # template debug*(args: varargs[string, `importOnly ]) = if logLevel ✓ Example Token row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 722 3.6
nimble-pm - Package manager nimble-pm ========= nimble-pm is a package manager created in 2016. 2016 #2751 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of nimble-pm happened in - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
nimrod - Programming language nimrod ====== nimrod is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1719 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 375 users using nimrod in 601 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for nimrod - was registered in 2013 addr and as asm bind block break case cast concept const continue converter defer discard distinct div do elif else end enum except export finally for func if in yield interface is isnot iterator let macro method mixin mod not notin object of or out proc ptr raise ref return shl shr static template try tuple type using when while xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token HackerNews discussions of nimrod ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Nimrod: A new approach to metaprogramming||11/29/2013|218|57 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 282 1.4
Nimskull - Programming language Nimskull ======== Nimskull is a programming language created in 2021 by Andreas Rumpf. 2021 Andreas Rumpf #986 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone An in development statically typed systems programming language; with sustainability at its core. We, the community of users, maintain it. - Tags: programming language - Nimskull is developed on GitHub and has 267 stars - Early development of Nimskull happened in - Read more about Nimskull on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Ninja - Template language Ninja ===== Ninja is an open source template language created in 2012 by Evan Martin. 2012 Evan Martin #220 on PLDB 12 Years Old 0 Repos git clone Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. It differs from other build systems in two major respects: it is designed to have its input files generated by a higher-level build system, and it is designed to run builds as fast as possible. In essence, Ninja is meant to replace Make, which is slow when performing incremental (or no-op) builds. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Ninja is developed on GitHub and has 10,866 stars - There are at least 0 Ninja repos on GitHub - Early development of Ninja happened in Google - Ninja is written in C++, Python, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, XSLT, AsciiDoc, C, CMake, Lisp, CSS, Vim script, XML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ninja - was registered in 2014 - See also: (3 related languages) Python, CMake, Meson Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
Nios II - Instruction set architecture Nios II ======= Nios II is an instruction set architecture created in 2000. 2000 #2932 on PLDB 24 Years Old Nios II is a 32-bit embedded-processor architecture designed specifically for the Altera family of FPGAs. Nios II incorporates many enhancements over the original Nios architecture, making it more suitable for a wider range of embedded computing applications, from DSP to system-control. Nios II is comparable to MicroBlaze, a competing softcore CPU for the Xilinx family of FPGA. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of Nios II happened in Altera - See also: (3 related languages) C, Eclipse, Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
nirvana - Programming language nirvana ======= nirvana is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4520 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone [stalled] A language that aims to be conducive to writing beautiful, effective, maintainable code - Tags: programming language - nirvana is developed on GitHub and has 25 stars HackerNews discussions of nirvana ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Nirvana, a WIP programming language||11/03/2018|8|18 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Nit - Programming language Nit === Nit is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Jean Privat. 2008 Jean Privat #435 on PLDB 16 Years Old 29 Repos git clone Nit language - Tags: programming language - Nit is developed on GitHub and has 237 stars - There are at least 29 Nit repos on GitHub - Early development of Nit happened in - Nit is written in Rescript, C, Ini, Markdown, Make, HTML, Bourne shell, XML, SVG, Java, JavaScript, CSS, Dockerfile, Vim script, Diff, YAML, Perl, Tex, Brainfuck, Python, Ruby, Bash, Go, Less, Haskell, R, Pug, JSON - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 26 users using Nit in 26 repos on GitHub - Explore Nit snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Nit - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nit - was registered in 2008 - Read more about Nit on the web: 1. 1. print "Hello, World!" print "Hello World" print "hello world" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 317 1.6
Nix - Package manager Nix === Nix is an open source package manager created in 2003. 2003 #553 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Nix happened in NixOS Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Nix in 3k repos on GitHub - Explore Nix snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Nix - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nix - Read more about Nix on the web: 1. 1. - 75 PLDB concepts link to Nix: Ace Editor, Ante, AsciiDots, asterius-compiler, Austral, Candy, carp, Catala, Chapel, chisel, clash, cloc, Coq, Crystal, dex, Dhall, Differential Datalog, Embedded Crystal, Emscripten, Enso, erg, expresso, Factor, Fardlang, Felix, forest-lang, fp, F*, Futhark, GHC, Gwion, HHVM, hobbes, Ibis, Idris, Jakt, Jank, k-framework, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, Lawvere, Ligo, Lil, Luna, Megaparsec, MiniZinc, MLscript, monte, odin, oil, Pact, GNU Poke, popr, PRQL, Pygments, Quint, ramen, raptorjit, Reason, reflex-framework, Rholang, Roc, Savi, sile, Simplicity, Slab, Slick, Terra, UCG, Uiua, UrWeb, Vcpkg, wasmer, Worst { boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda"; fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/sda1"; services.sshd.enable = true; } { stdenv, fetchurl, fetchgit, openssl, zlib, pcre, libxml2, libxslt, expat , rtmp ? false , fullWebDAV ? false , syslog ? false , moreheaders ? false, ...}: let version = "1.4.4"; mainSrc = fetchurl { url = "${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1f82845mpgmhvm151fhn2cnqjggw9w7cvsqbva9rb320wmc9m63w"; }; rtmp-ext = fetchgit { url = git://; rev = "1cfb7aeb582789f3b15a03da5b662d1811e2a3f1"; sha256 = "03ikfd2l8mzsjwx896l07rdrw5jn7jjfdiyl572yb9jfrnk48fwi"; }; dav-ext = fetchgit { url = git://; rev = "54cebc1f21fc13391aae692c6cce672fa7986f9d"; sha256 = "1dvpq1fg5rslnl05z8jc39sgnvh3akam9qxfl033akpczq1bh8nq"; }; syslog-ext = fetchgit { url =; rev = "165affd9741f0e30c4c8225da5e487d33832aca3"; sha256 = "14dkkafjnbapp6jnvrjg9ip46j00cr8pqc2g7374z9aj7hrvdvhs"; }; moreheaders-ext = fetchgit { url =; rev = "refs/tags/v0.23"; sha256 = "12pbjgsxnvcf2ff2i2qdn39q4cm5czlgrng96j8ml4cgxvnbdh39"; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "nginx-${version}"; src = mainSrc; buildInputs = [ openssl zlib pcre libxml2 libxslt ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional fullWebDAV expat; patches = if syslog then [ "${syslog-ext}/syslog_1.4.0.patch" ] else []; configureFlags = [ "--with-http_ssl_module" "--with-http_spdy_module" "--with-http_xslt_module" "--with-http_sub_module" "--with-http_dav_module" "--with-http_gzip_static_module" "--with-http_secure_link_module" "--with-ipv6" # Install destination problems # "--with-http_perl_module" ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional rtmp "--add-module=${rtmp-ext}" ++ stdenv.lib.optional fullWebDAV "--add-module=${dav-ext}" ++ stdenv.lib.optional syslog "--add-module=${syslog-ext}" ++ stdenv.lib.optional moreheaders "--add-module=${moreheaders-ext}"; preConfigure = '' export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="$NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE -I${libxml2 }/include/libxml2" ''; # escape example postInstall = '' mv $out/sbin $out/bin ''' ''${ ${ if true then ${ "" } else false } ''; meta = { description = "A reverse proxy and lightweight webserver"; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.raskin]; platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.all; inherit version; }; } rec with let in inherit assert if else then ... Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 588 2.9
NixOS - Operating system NixOS ===== NixOS is an operating system created in 2003. 2003 #2815 on PLDB 21 Years Old NixOS is a Linux distribution built on top of the Nix package manager. It uses declarative configuration and allows reliable system upgrades. Two main branches are offered: current Stable release and Unstable following latest development. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: operating system - Early development of NixOS happened in NixOS Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
NJCL - Programming language NJCL ==== NJCL is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4829 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - NJCL on HOPL NJCL on HOPL - Read more about NJCL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
NL - Application NL == NL is an application created in 1993. 1993 #1546 on PLDB 31 Years Old nl is a file format for presenting and archiving mathematical programming problems. Initially this format has been invented for connecting solvers to AMPL. It has also been adopted by other systems such as COIN-OR (as one of the input formats), FortSP (for interacting with external solvers), and Coopr (as one of its output formats). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of NL happened in Sandia National Laboratories - NL on HOPL NL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) AMPL, Netlib - Read more about NL on the web: 1. 1. g3 0 1 0 # problem assign0 9 6 1 0 6 # vars, constraints, objectives, ranges, eqns 0 0 # nonlinear constraints, objectives 0 0 # network constraints: nonlinear, linear 0 0 0 # nonlinear vars in constraints, objectives, both 0 0 0 1 # linear network variables; functions; arith, flags 9 0 0 0 0 # discrete variables: binary, integer, nonlinear (b,c,o) 18 9 # nonzeros in Jacobian, gradients 0 0 # max name lengths: constraints, variables 0 0 0 0 0 # common exprs: b,c,o,c1,o1 C0 n0 C1 n0 C2 n0 C3 n0 C4 n0 C5 n0 O0 0 n0 r 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 b 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 k8 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 J0 3 0 1 1 1 2 1 J1 3 3 1 4 1 5 1 J2 3 6 1 7 1 8 1 J3 3 0 1 3 1 6 1 J4 3 1 1 4 1 7 1 J5 3 2 1 5 1 8 1 G0 9 0 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 418 2.1
nlpl - Programming language nlpl ==== nlpl is a programming language created in 2018 by Daniel Garcia. 2018 Daniel Garcia #2145 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A notebook like programming environment with code written in plain English - Tags: programming language - nlpl is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of nlpl happened in - nlpl is written in JavaScript, CSS, Markdown, HTML, JSON Draw a red circle Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Natural Language Toolkit - Library Natural Language Toolkit ======================== Natural Language Toolkit is an open source library created in 2001. 2001 #307 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone The Natural Language Toolkit, or more commonly NLTK, is a suite of libraries and programs for symbolic and statistical natural language processing (NLP) for English written in the Python programming language. It was developed by Steven Bird and Edward Loper in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. NLTK includes graphical demonstrations and sample data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Natural Language Toolkit is developed on GitHub and has 13,289 stars - Early development of Natural Language Toolkit happened in - Natural Language Toolkit is written in Python, reStructuredText, YAML, Markdown, HTML, Make, Ini, JSON, Jupyter Notebook, Bourne shell, CSS, XML - was registered in 2007 - See also: (1 related languages) Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
nML - Programming language nML === nML is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #2865 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of nML happened in Forschungsberichte Des Fachbereichs Informatik - nML on HOPL nML on HOPL - Read more about nML on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about nML on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
NNTP - Protocol NNTP ==== NNTP, aka Network News Transfer Protocol, is a protocol created in 1984 by Brian Kantor and Phil Lapsley. 1984 Brian Kantor Phil Lapsley #2091 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Interview with the creators of NNTP: 1. 1. - SMTP influenced the design of NNTP - First announcement of NNTP - See also: (1 related languages) Usenet - 1 PLDB concepts link to NNTP: NCSA Mosaic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
NOAH - Programming language NOAH ==== NOAH is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4275 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NOAH happened in University of Hagen - NOAH on HOPL NOAH on HOPL - Read more about NOAH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
NODAL - Programming language NODAL ===== NODAL is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #3141 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NODAL happened in CERN - NODAL on HOPL NODAL on HOPL - Read more about NODAL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Node.js - Programming language Node.js ======= Node.js is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Ryan Dahl. 2009 Ryan Dahl #83 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Typically, JavaScript is used primarily for client-side scripting, in which scripts written in JavaScript are embedded in a webpage's HTML and run client-side by a JavaScript engine in the user's web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write Command Line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Node.js is developed on GitHub and has 105,706 stars - Watch the history of the Node.js repo visualized with Gource - Early development of Node.js happened in OpenJS Foundation - Node.js is written in JavaScript, C++, C, Python, HTML, JSON, Perl, Markdown, Assembly language, TypeScript, Bourne shell, YAML, CMake, starlark, reStructuredText, M4, Make, Pascal, Diff, WebAssembly, XML, CSS, PowerShell, IDL, Bash, SVG, Rust, CSV, R, XHTML, Lisp, TOML, SQL, Vim script, Fortran 90, Bazel, Scheme, C#, PHP, awk, Ruby, CoffeeScript, Ini, JSX, Dockerfile, sed - Check out the 1,560 Node.js meetup groups on - There are 213,404 members in the Node.js subreddit - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Node.js programmers reported a median salary of $54,672. 34% of respondents reported using Node.js. 27,975 programmers reported using Node.js, and 24,100 said they wanted to use it - There is a central package repository for Node.js - has 6,864 matches for "nodejs developer". - was registered in 2009 - See also: (20 related languages) C, JavaScript, Linux, FreeBSD, npm, TCP, TLS, UDP, Unix, CoffeeScript, Dart, TypeScript, PHP, MPS, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, JSON #!/usr/bin/env node console.log('Hello World'); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.log row Feature Streams FeatureLink ../features/hasStreams.html Supported ✓ Example const stream = require('stream'); Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example const fs = require("fs") Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example require("fs").writeFileSync("foo.txt", "foo", "utf8") Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 509 2.5
noisecraft - Programming language noisecraft ========== noisecraft is a programming language created in 2021 by Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert. 2021 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert #882 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Browser-based visual programming language and platform for sound synthesis. - Tags: programming language - noisecraft is developed on GitHub and has 1,044 stars - Early development of noisecraft happened in - noisecraft is written in JavaScript, HTML, Bourne shell, JSON, YAML, CSS, Markdown, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Nomad software - Programming language Nomad software ============== Nomad software is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #2685 on PLDB 48 Years Old Nomad Software is a relational database and fourth-generation language (4GL), originally developed in the 1970s by time-sharing vendor National CSS. While it is still in use today, its widest use was in the 1970s and 1980s. Nomad provides both interactive and batch environments for data management and application development, including commands for database definition, data manipulation, and reporting. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nomad software happened in National CSS, Inc - Nomad software on HOPL Nomad software on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) SQL, Ramis software, Assembly language, FOCUS, COBOL, Unix, Microsoft Excel CHANGE ALL SALARY=SALARY*1.06 WHERE POSITION='ENG' AND AVG(INSTANCE(RATING)) GE 7 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Nomad - Esoteric programming language Nomad ===== Nomad is an esoteric programming language created in 2021 by Samuel Kelemen. 2021 Samuel Kelemen #2226 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Nomad is a multi-paradigm language created from 2018 to 2021 with the goal of simplifying modern programming to as few concepts as possible, in order to facilitate complexity in other areas; Specifically, probabilistic programming. - Tags: esoteric programming language, programming language - Nomad is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Nomad is written in Go, HCL, Markdown - Nomad on Esolang Nomad on Esolang Direction: type = North | East | South | West Suite: type = Diamond | Spade | Club | Heart directionHeading: (direction: #Direction) -> Nat directionHeading= direction ? | North => 0 | East => 90 | South => 180 | West => 270 sum: (numbers :List[Int]) -> Int = numbers ? | [] => 0 | head :: tail => head + sum tail Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
nomnoml - Diagram lang nomnoml ======= nomnoml is a diagram lang created in 2014 by Daniel Kallin. 2014 Daniel Kallin #375 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone The sassy UML diagram renderer. - Tags: diagramLang - nomnoml is developed on GitHub and has 2,676 stars - nomnoml is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, CSS, HTML, Markdown, SVG [<frame>Decorator pattern| [<abstract>Component||+ operation()] [Client] depends --> [Component] [Decorator|- next: Component] [Decorator] decorates -- [ConcreteComponent] [Component] <:- [Decorator] [Component] <:- [ConcreteComponent] ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example #import: filename Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example #title: filename #zoom: 1 #acyclicer: greedy Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
noms-db - Database noms-db ======= noms-db is a database created in 2015 by Aaron Boodman and Erik Arvidsson. 2015 Aaron Boodman Erik Arvidsson #722 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Noms is a decentralized database philosophically descendant from the Git version control system. - Tags: database - noms-db is developed on GitHub and has 7,444 stars - Early development of noms-db happened in - noms-db is written in Go, Markdown, Python, JavaScript, HTML, YAML, Bourne shell, JSON, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
none - Programming language none ==== none is a programming language created in 2015 by Leonard Ritter. 2015 Leonard Ritter #2266 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone None (a backronym for None's Only Nested Expressions), also called Nonelang for clarity, is a young, powerful, convenient, extensible and performant programming language and infrastructure. It is developed alongside our game in production, NOWHERE (we have a Patreon going if you would like to support us). - Tags: programming language - Early development of none happened in Duangle GbR Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Noodle - Programming language Noodle ====== Noodle is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4276 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Noodle happened in Bell Labs and Columbia University - Noodle on HOPL Noodle on HOPL - Read more about Noodle on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
noon - Data notation noon ==== noon, aka no ordinary object notation, is a data notation created in 2015 by monsterkodi. 2015 monsterkodi #2006 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone no ordinary object notation - Tags: dataNotation - noon is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - noon is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown - Read more about noon on the web: 1. 1. name noon version 4.6.1 description no ordinary object notation keywords noon object notation author monsterkodi license Unlicense scripts build ./node_modules/.bin/kode -Ho js kode/*.kode test ./node_modules/.bin/kode -t kode/*.kode test/test.kode watch ./node_modules/.bin/kode -wt test/test.kode kode/*.kode files bin/noon js/*.js main js/main.js bin noon ./bin/noon repository github:monsterkodi/noon dependencies karg github:monsterkodi/karg klor github:monsterkodi/klor devDependencies kode github:monsterkodi/kode Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
NOP-2 - Programming language NOP-2 ===== NOP-2 is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4277 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NOP-2 happened in Universität Wien - NOP-2 on HOPL NOP-2 on HOPL - Read more about NOP-2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Nord Programming Language - Programming language Nord Programming Language ========================= Nord Programming Language is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #2669 on PLDB 50 Years Old Nord Programming Language, commonly abbreviated NPL, was a programming language by the Norwegian minicomputer manufacturer Norsk Data. It shipped as a standard component of the operating system SINTRAN III. The language was also used to implement SINTRAN III. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nord Programming Language happened in Norsk Data - Read more about Nord Programming Language on the web: 1. 1. FUNC FUN1, FUN2 FUN1: T := 1 FUN2: code here END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Normal Distribution Equation - Equation Normal Distribution Equation ============================ Normal Distribution Equation is an equation created in 1823 by Carl Gauss. 1823 Carl Gauss #4664 on PLDB 201 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
NorthStar BASIC - Programming language NorthStar BASIC =============== NorthStar BASIC is a programming language created in 1977 by Charles A. Grant and Mark Greenberg. 1977 Charles A. Grant Mark Greenberg #3250 on PLDB 47 Years Old NorthStar BASIC was a dialect of the programming language BASIC originally provided for use on the NorthStar Horizon and NorthStar Advantage. The interpreter was written using only Intel 8080 instructions so that it could run also on custom systems. One notable difference with other dialects of BASIC of the time was the array-like way in which strings were addressed. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NorthStar BASIC happened in North Star Computers Inc - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, Fortran, Atari BASIC, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Nosica - Programming language Nosica ====== Nosica is a programming language created in 2002 by David Jobet. 2002 David Jobet #2606 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nosica happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Nostr - Protocol Nostr ===== Nostr, aka Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays, is a protocol created in 2020 by Giovanni Torres Parra. 2020 Giovanni Torres Parra #702 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Nostr is a simple, open protocol that enables global, decentralized, and censorship-resistant social media. - Tags: protocol, microblogging - Nostr is developed on GitHub and has 9,793 stars - Nostr is written in Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
Notation3 - Data notation Notation3 ========= Notation3 is a data notation created in 1998 by Tim Berners-Lee. 1998 Tim Berners-Lee #1116 on PLDB 26 Years Old Notation3, or N3 as it is more commonly known, is a shorthand non-XML serialization of Resource Description Framework models, designed with human-readability in mind: N3 is much more compact and readable than XML RDF notation. The format is being developed by Tim Berners-Lee and others from the Semantic Web community. A formalization of the logic underlying N3 was published by Berners-Lee and others in 2008.N3 has several features that go beyond a serialization for RDF models, such as support for RDF-based rules. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Notation3 is a superset of Turtle - Early development of Notation3 happened in W3C - See also: (3 related languages) Turtle, RDF, RDFa - Read more about Notation3 on the web: 1. 1. @prefix dc: <>. <> dc:title "Tony Benn"; dc:publisher "Wikipedia". Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 265 1.3
Note - Data notation Note ==== Note is an open source data notation created in 2012 by Breck Yunits. 2012 Breck Yunits #1644 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Note is a structured, human readable, concise language for encoding data. - Tags: dataNotation - Note is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of Note happened in Nudgepad - Read more about Note on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Note: Space settings title Note Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example settings title Note Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Microsoft Notepad - Editor Microsoft Notepad ================= Microsoft Notepad is an editor created in 1983. 1983 #1670 on PLDB 41 Years Old Notepad is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows and a basic text-editing program which enables computer users to create documents. It was first released as a mouse-based MS-DOS program in 1983, and has been included in all versions of Microsoft Windows since Windows 1.0 in 1985.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Microsoft Notepad happened in Microsoft - See also: (4 related languages) Unix, Unicode, UTF-8, ASCII Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Notepad++ - Editor Notepad++ ========= Notepad++ is an open source editor created in 2003. 2003 #1426 on PLDB 21 Years Old Notepad++ is a text editor and source code editor for use with Microsoft Windows. It supports tabbed editing, which allows working with multiple open files in a single window. The project's name comes from the C increment operator. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Notepad++ happened in - See also: (58 related languages) MediaWiki, IA-32, C, Java, Unix, JavaScript, ActionScript, Ada, ASP, Assembly language, AutoIt, Bash, Batchfile, C#, Caml, CMake, CoffeeScript, Csound, D, Erlang, Forth, Fortran, FreeBASIC, Haskell, HTML, Ini, Inno Setup, JSON, KiXtart, LaTeX, Lua, Make, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, PowerShell, PureBasic, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scheme, Smalltalk, SQL, Swift, Tcl, Tex, Txt2tags, Visual Basic, VHDL, Verilog, XML, YAML, ASCII, UTF-8, Regular Expressions Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
noulith - Programming language noulith ======= noulith is an open source programming language created in 2022 by Brian Chen. 2022 Brian Chen #783 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone *slaps roof of [programming language]* this bad boy can fit so much [syntax sugar] into it - Tags: programming language - noulith is developed on GitHub and has 1,132 stars - Early development of noulith happened in - noulith is written in Rust, Vim script, Markdown, HTML, TOML, JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Nova - Editor Nova ==== Nova is an editor created in 2019. 2019 #4617 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of Nova happened in Panic Inc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Noweb - Text markup language Noweb ===== Noweb is a text markup language created in 1989 by Norman Ramsey. 1989 Norman Ramsey #1053 on PLDB 35 Years Old git clone The noweb tool for literate programming - Tags: text markup language - Noweb is developed on GitHub and has 247 stars - Early development of Noweb happened in Tufts University - Noweb is written in Bourne shell, Make, Tex, C, Perl, awk, Korn shell, C shell, Lisp, HTML - See also: (1 related languages) CWEB \section{Hello world} Today I awoke and decided to write some code, so I started to write Hello World in \textsf C. <<hello.c>>= /* <<license>> */ #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Hello World!\n"); return 0; } @ \noindent \ldots then I did the same in PHP. <<hello.php>>= <?php /* <<license>> */ echo "Hello world!\n"; ?> @ \section{License} Later the same day some lawyer reminded me about licenses. So, here it is: <<license>>= This work is placed in the public domain. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 260 1.3
np - Programming language np == np is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #2752 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of np happened in - was registered in 2013 HackerNews discussions of np ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: a lexer, parser, interpreter and web runtime (np, a 5-weekend project)||03/17/2013|122|44 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
NPL - Programming language NPL === NPL is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #2921 on PLDB 47 Years Old NPL is a functional programming language with pattern matching designed by Rod Burstall and John Darlington in 1977. The language allows certain sets and logic constructs to appear on the right hand side of definitions, e.g. setofeven(X) The NPL interpreter evaluates the list of generators from left to right so conditions can mention any bound variables that occur to their left. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NPL happened in University of Edinburgh and Imperial College Language features ====================================================== row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
NPL - Programming language NPL === NPL is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4278 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NPL happened in IBM - NPL on HOPL NPL on HOPL - Read more about NPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
npm - Package manager npm === npm is an open source package manager created in 2010 by Isaac Z. Schlueter. 2010 Isaac Z. Schlueter #202 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. It is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. It consists of a command line client, also called npm, and an online database of public and paid-for private packages, called the npm registry. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: packageManager - npm is developed on GitHub and has 17,531 stars - Early development of npm happened in npm, Inc - npm is written in Markdown - was registered in 2010 - See also: (4 related languages) JavaScript, PHP, Perl, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
npy - Binary data format npy === npy is a binary data format created in 2008. 2008 #3492 on PLDB 16 Years Old A simple format for saving numpy arrays to disk with the full information about them. The .npy format is the standard binary file format in NumPy for persisting a single arbitrary NumPy array on disk. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of npy happened in - Read more about npy on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Not Quite C - Programming language Not Quite C =========== Not Quite C, aka Not Quite C, is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Nora Sandler. 2017 Nora Sandler #761 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Not Quite C (NQC) is a programming language, application programming interface (API), and native bytecode compiler toolkit for the Lego Mindstorms, Cybermaster and LEGO Spybotics systems. It is based primarily on the C language but has specific limitations, such as the maximum number of subroutines and variables allowed, which differ depending on the version of firmware the RCX has. The language was invented by David Baum. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Not Quite C is developed on GitHub and has 271 stars - Early development of Not Quite C happened in - Not Quite C is written in C, OCaml, Bourne shell, Markdown, Bash, Make - See also: (2 related languages) C, Linux task main () // Main program { SetPower(OUT_A, OUT_FULL); // Turn on motor A at 100% power. OnFor(OUT_A, 200); // Let the motor run for two seconds, and then turn it off. } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 305 1.5
Namespace Routing Language - Xml format Namespace Routing Language ========================== Namespace Routing Language is a xml format created in 2003. 2003 #2524 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Namespace Routing Language happened in Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd - Read more about Namespace Routing Language on the web: 1. 1. <rules xmlns=""> <namespace ns=""> <validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/> </namespace> <namespace ns=""> <validate schema="xhtml.rng"/> <validate schema="xhtml.sch"/> </namespace> </rules> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
nroff - Text markup language nroff ===== nroff is a text markup language created in 1972 by Joe Ossanna. 1972 Joe Ossanna #3278 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of nroff happened in Bell Labs - See also: (3 related languages) Troff, groff, ROFF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
NS Basic - Programming language NS Basic ======== NS Basic is an open source programming language created in 1994. 1994 #1353 on PLDB 30 Years Old NS Basic is a family of development tools for the mobile devices developed and commercially marketed by NS BASIC Corporation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS, WebOS, Newton OS, Palm OS, Windows CE, Windows Mobile and Microsoft Windows.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NS Basic happened in NSB Corporation - See also: (5 related languages) iOS, Android, Visual Basic, JavaScript, HyperCard // in JavaScript OKButton.onclick = function() { NSB.MsgBox("Hello World"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
NSIS - Programming language NSIS ==== NSIS, aka Nullsoft Software Install Script, is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #499 on PLDB 23 Years Old 5k Repos Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) is a script-driven installer authoring tool for Microsoft Windows with minimal overhead backed by Nullsoft, the creators of Winamp. NSIS is released under a combination of free software licenses, primarily the zlib license. It has become a widely used alternative to commercial proprietary products like InstallShield, with users including, Dropbox, Ubisoft, FL Studio, BitTorrent, and McAfee.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 4,747 NSIS repos on GitHub - Early development of NSIS happened in Nullsoft, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7k users using NSIS in 8k repos on GitHub - Explore NSIS snippets on Rosetta Code - NSIS appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting NSIS - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for NSIS - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for NSIS - See also: (5 related languages) C, Eclipse, Delphi, Visual Studio, Python ; Hello World in Nullsoft Software Install Script (NSIS) Caption "Hello World!" OutFile ".\HelloWorld.exe" SilentInstall silent Section "" MessageBox MB_OK "Hello World!" SectionEnd ; --------------------- ; x64.nsh ; --------------------- ; ; A few simple macros to handle installations on x64 machines. ; ; RunningX64 checks if the installer is running on x64. ; ; ${If} ${RunningX64} ; MessageBox MB_OK "running on x64" ; ${EndIf} ; ; DisableX64FSRedirection disables file system redirection. ; EnableX64FSRedirection enables file system redirection. ; ; SetOutPath $SYSDIR ; ${DisableX64FSRedirection} ; File some.dll # extracts to C:\Windows\System32 ; ${EnableX64FSRedirection} ; File some.dll # extracts to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 ; !ifndef ___X64__NSH___ !define ___X64__NSH___ !include LogicLib.nsh !macro _RunningX64 _a _b _t _f !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP System::Call kernel32::GetCurrentProcess()i.s System::Call kernel32::IsWow64Process(is,*i.s) Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}` !macroend !define RunningX64 `"" RunningX64 ""` !macro DisableX64FSRedirection System::Call kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i0) !macroend !define DisableX64FSRedirection "!insertmacro DisableX64FSRedirection" !macro EnableX64FSRedirection System::Call kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i1) !macroend !define EnableX64FSRedirection "!insertmacro EnableX64FSRedirection" !endif # !___X64__NSH___ # Modern UI example script !include MUI.nsh Name "Example 2" OutFile "Example2.exe" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "license.rtf" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French" Section "Extract makensis" SetOutPath $INSTDIR File ..\makensis.exe SectionEnd Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 502 2.5
NSL - Programming language NSL === NSL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3493 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NSL happened in University of South Florida - NSL on HOPL NSL on HOPL - Read more about NSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
New Technology File System - Filesystem New Technology File System ========================== New Technology File System, aka New Technology File System, is a filesystem created in 1993. 1993 #1380 on PLDB 31 Years Old NTFS (New Technology File System) is a proprietary file system developed by Microsoft. Starting with Windows NT 3.1, it is the default file system of the Windows NT family.NTFS has several technical improvements over the file systems that it superseded – File Allocation Table (FAT) and High Performance File System (HPFS) – such as improved support for metadata and advanced data structures to improve performance, reliability, and disk space use. Additional extensions are a more elaborate security system based on access control lists (ACLs) and file system journaling. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem - Early development of New Technology File System happened in Microsoft - See also: (4 related languages) FAT, Linux, PowerShell, FreeBSD Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Network Time Protocol - Protocol Network Time Protocol ===================== Network Time Protocol, aka Network Time Protocol, is a protocol created in 1981. 1981 #1698 on PLDB 43 Years Old The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks. In operation since before 1985, NTP is one of the oldest Internet protocols in current use. NTP was designed by David L. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Network Time Protocol happened in University of Delaware Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
NU-Prolog - Programming language NU-Prolog ========= NU-Prolog is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2479 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NU-Prolog happened in University of Melbourne - NU-Prolog on HOPL NU-Prolog on HOPL - Read more about NU-Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about NU-Prolog on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Nu - Programming language Nu == Nu is an open source programming language created in 2007 by Tim Burks. 2007 Tim Burks #849 on PLDB 17 Years Old 215 Repos Nu is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, with a Lisp-like syntax, created by Tim Burks as an alternative scripting language to program OS X through its Cocoa application programming interface (API). Implementations also exist for iPhone and Linux. The language was first announced at C4, a conference for indie Mac developers held in August 2007.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 215 Nu repos on GitHub - Early development of Nu happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 331 users using Nu in 375 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nu - See also: (6 related languages) X86, Lisp, Objective-C, Ruby, Linux, F-Script (puts "Hello World") #!/usr/bin/env nush (puts "Hello") (unless @prefix (set @prefix "#{((((NSProcessInfo processInfo) arguments) 0) dirName)}..")) (unless @icon_files (set @icon_files (array "#{@prefix}/share/nu/resources/nu.icns"))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token puts Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 290 1.4
NUA-Prolog - Programming language NUA-Prolog ========== NUA-Prolog is a programming language created in 1991 by Douglas Frank Palmer. 1991 Douglas Frank Palmer #3494 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NUA-Prolog happened in University of Melbourne - NUA-Prolog on HOPL NUA-Prolog on HOPL - Read more about NUA-Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
NuGet - Package manager NuGet ===== NuGet is a package manager created in 2010. 2010 #1004 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of NuGet happened in Outercurve Foundation - was registered in 2010 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
Navigational User's Language - Programming language Navigational User's Language ============================ Navigational User's Language is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4279 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Navigational User's Language happened in institut d'Informatique - Read more about Navigational User's Language on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
nulan - Programming language nulan ===== nulan is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #2011 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Purely functional statically typed Lisp which compiles to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - nulan is developed on GitHub and has 46 stars - Early development of nulan happened in - nulan is written in JavaScript, reStructuredText, TypeScript, SVG, HTML, PureScript, JSON, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Numba - Compiler Numba ===== Numba is a compiler created in 2012 by Travis E. Oliphant. 2012 Travis E. Oliphant #376 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Numba is an open source JIT compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code. - Tags: compiler - Numba is developed on GitHub and has 9,676 stars - Early development of Numba happened in - Numba is written in Python, reStructuredText, C, YAML, C++, Bourne shell, Markdown, CUDA, SVG, JavaScript, HTML, Make, TOML, Ini, CSS - 1 PLDB concepts link to Numba: Triton from numba import njit import random @njit def monte_carlo_pi(nsamples): acc = 0 for i in range(nsamples): x = random.random() y = random.random() if (x ** 2 + y ** 2) < 1.0: acc += 1 return 4.0 * acc / nsamples Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
Numbers - Application Numbers ======= Numbers is an application created in 2007. 2007 #2881 on PLDB 17 Years Old Numbers is a spreadsheet application developed by Apple Inc. as part of the iWork productivity suite alongside Keynote and Pages. Numbers is available for iOS, and macOS High Sierra or newer. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application, spreadsheet - Early development of Numbers happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Numerica - Programming language Numerica ======== Numerica is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4280 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Numerica happened in Brown University and University of Connecticut - Numerica on HOPL Numerica on HOPL - Read more about Numerica on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
NumPad - Editor NumPad ====== NumPad is an editor created in 2022. 2022 #2753 on PLDB 2 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of NumPad happened in - See also: (1 related languages) Soulver - Read more about NumPad on the web: 1. 1. 3 × 3 120 + 30 100 EUR in USD 30% of 700 $30/day is what per year Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
NumPy - Library NumPy ===== NumPy is an open source library created in 1995 by Travis Oliphant. 1995 Travis Oliphant #298 on PLDB 29 Years Old NumPy (pronounced (NUM-py) or sometimes (NUM-pee)) is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. The ancestor of NumPy, Numeric, was originally created by Jim Hugunin with contributions from several other developers. In 2005, Travis Oliphant created NumPy by incorporating features of the competing Numarray into Numeric, with extensive modifications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of NumPy happened in - NumPy is written in Python, C - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for NumPy - was registered in 2000 - See also: (8 related languages) Python, C, Jython, SciPy, MATLAB, Simulink, Matplotlib, Cython >>> # # # Pure iterative Python # # # >>> points = [[9,2,8],[4,7,2],[3,4,4],[5,6,9],[5,0,7],[8,2,7],[0,3,2],[7,3,0],[6,1,1],[2,9,6]] >>> qPoint = [4,5,3] >>> minIdx = -1 >>> minDist = -1 >>> for idx, point in enumerate(points): # iterate over all points dist = sum([(dp-dq)**2 for dp,dq in zip(point,qPoint)])**0.5 # compute the euclidean distance for each point to q if dist < minDist or minDist < 0: # if necessary, update minimum distance and index of the corresponding point minDist = dist minIdx = idx >>> print 'Nearest point to q: ', points[minIdx] Nearest point to q: [3, 4, 4] >>> # # # Equivalent NumPy vectorization # # # >>> import numpy as np >>> points = np.array([[9,2,8],[4,7,2],[3,4,4],[5,6,9],[5,0,7],[8,2,7],[0,3,2],[7,3,0],[6,1,1],[2,9,6]]) >>> qPoint = np.array([4,5,3]) >>> minIdx = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(points-qPoint,axis=1)) # compute all euclidean distances at once and return the index of the smallest one >>> print 'Nearest point to q: ', points[minIdx] Nearest point to q: [3 4 4] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 528 2.6
Nuprl - Programming language Nuprl ===== Nuprl is a programming language created in 1984 by Robert Lee. 1984 Robert Lee #2562 on PLDB 40 Years Old Nuprl is a proof development system, providing computer-mediated analysis and proofs of formal mathematical statements, and tools for software verification and optimization. Originally developed in the 1980s by Robert Lee Constable and others, the system is now maintained by the PRL Project at Cornell University. The currently supported version, Nuprl 5, is also known as FDL (Formal Digital Library). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nuprl happened in Cornell University Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
Nushell - Programming language Nushell ======= Nushell is a programming language created in 2019 by Yehuda Katz. 2019 Yehuda Katz #630 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A new type of shell - Tags: programming language - Nushell is developed on GitHub and has 31,107 stars - Early development of Nushell happened in - Nushell is written in Rust, JSON, TOML, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, CSV, Python, PowerShell, Dockerfile, XML, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
NUT - Programming language NUT === NUT is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3495 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of NUT happened in Royal Institute of Technology - NUT on HOPL NUT on HOPL - Read more about NUT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Nuua - Programming language Nuua ==== Nuua is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #1712 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The Nuua Programming Language - A zero dependencies, high level strong typed, interpreted language built on the top of modern C++17. - Tags: programming language - Nuua is developed on GitHub and has 54 stars - Early development of Nuua happened in - Nuua is written in C++, CMake, Python, JavaScript, Markdown, PHP, JSON class Triangle { b: float h: float fun area(): float -> (self.b * self.h) / 2.0 } fun main(argv: [string]) { t := Triangle!{b: 10.0, h: 5.0} print "The area is: " + t.area() as string } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language - Xml format Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language =============================================== Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language, aka Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language, is a xml format created in 2006. 2006 #2615 on PLDB 18 Years Old Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language (NVDL) is an XML schema language for validating XML documents that integrate with multiple namespaces. It is an ISO/IEC standard, and it is Part 4 of the DSDL schema specification. Much of the work on NVDL is based on the older Namespace Routing Language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language happened in National Security Complex and Crane Softwrights Ltd <rules xmlns=""> <namespace ns=""> <validate schema="xhtml.rng"/> </namespace> <namespace ns=""> <validate schema="svg.sch"/> </namespace> <anyNamespace> <reject/> </anyNamespace> </rules> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
NWScript - Programming language NWScript ======== NWScript is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #1668 on PLDB 20 Years Old 78 Repos NWScript is the scripting language developed by BioWare for the role-playing video game Neverwinter Nights. It is based on the C programming language and is implemented in the Aurora toolset. Neverscript, an open source 3rd party editor, has been created for the Mac OS X and Linux versions of NWN because the Aurora toolset has not been ported to those platforms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 78 NWScript repos on GitHub - Early development of NWScript happened in BioWare - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using NWScript in 1 repos on GitHub - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, C, Java // Place in the OnClientEnter event of the module's properties { SendMessageToPC(GetEnteringObject(), "Hello World"); } void main() { SendMessageToPC(GetEnteringObject(), "Hello world"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
Not eXactly C - Programming language Not eXactly C ============= Not eXactly C is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #1093 on PLDB 18 Years Old Not eXactly C, or NXC, is a high-level programming language for the Lego Mindstorms NXT designed by John Hansen in 2006. NXC, which is short for Not eXactly C, is based on Next Byte Codes, an assembly language. NXC has a syntax like C. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Not eXactly C happened in - See also: (3 related languages) Assembly language, C, Not Quite C - Read more about Not eXactly C on the web: 1. 1. task main() { TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "Hello World"); } task main() //sets a new task. main() is compulsory { OnFwd(OUT_BC,75); //ask the motors connected to ports B and C to move forward at a power of 75. Wait(5000); //wait for 5 seconds [the value is in milliseconds](note that 1000 = 1 second) Off(OUT_BC); //off the motors connected to ports B and C } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token TextOut row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 318 1.6
NXT-G - Programming language NXT-G ===== NXT-G is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2358 on PLDB 18 Years Old LEGO Mindstorms NXT is a programmable robotics kit released by Lego in late July 2006. It replaced the first-generation Lego Mindstorms kit, which was called the Robotics Invention System. The base kit ships in two versions: the Retail Version (set #8527) and the Education Base Set (set #9797). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of NXT-G happened in The Lego Group - NXT-G appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (19 related languages) Atmel AVR, LabVIEW G, C#, Not eXactly C, Not Quite C, Assembly language, C, RoboMind, Java, MATLAB, Simulink, Ravenscar profile, Ruby, Haskell, Python, Ch computer programming, Perl, Ada, Arduino Programming Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
nydp - Programming language nydp ==== nydp is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2651 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone nydp - a modern, more dangerous kind of lisp - Tags: programming language - nydp is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of nydp happened in - nydp is written in Ruby, Markdown, YAML (def pre-compile (expr) (map pre-compile (if (mac-names (car expr)) (pre-compile (mac-expand (car expr) (cdr expr))) expr))) (mac yoyo (thing) `(do-yoyo ,thing)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
nylo - Programming language nylo ==== nylo is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1741 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Nylo: any task in one line of code - Tags: programming language - nylo is developed on GitHub and has 22 stars - Early development of nylo happened in - nylo is written in Python, reStructuredText Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Nymph - Programming language Nymph ===== Nymph is a programming language created in 2017 by Brandon Barber. 2017 Brandon Barber #948 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone 🧚 A slightly different version of C. - Tags: programming language - Nymph is developed on GitHub and has 181 stars - Early development of Nymph happened in - Nymph is written in C, Make, Nemerle, Markdown #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> class Mammal { + int population = 0; // Class Variable (+) - int height = 0, weight = 100; // Object Variable (-) + Mammal *init(int height, int weight) { // Class Method (+) Constructor this->height = height; this->weight = weight; Mammal->population++; return this; } - void print() { // Object Method (-) printf("print instance properties...\n"); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 245 1.2
Nyquist - Programming language Nyquist ======= Nyquist is a programming language created in 1997 by Roger Dannenberg. 1997 Roger Dannenberg #2218 on PLDB 27 Years Old Nyquist is a programming language for sound synthesis and analysis based on the Lisp programming language. It is an extension of the XLISP dialect of Lisp, and is named after Harry Nyquist.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Nyquist happened in Carnegie Mellon - Explore Nyquist snippets on Rosetta Code - Nyquist on HOPL Nyquist on HOPL - Read more about Nyquist on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
O-Matrix - Programming language O-Matrix ======== O-Matrix is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2547 on PLDB 30 Years Old O-Matrix is a matrix programming language for mathematics, engineering, science, and financial analysis, marketed by Harmonic Software. The language is designed for use in high-performance computing. O-Matrix provides an integrated development environment and a matrix-based scripting language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of O-Matrix happened in Harmonic Software Inc - See also: (1 related languages) MATLAB Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
o:XML - Programming language o:XML ===== o:XML is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2637 on PLDB 22 Years Old o:XML is an open source, dynamically typed, general-purpose object-oriented programming language based on XML-syntax. It has threads, exception handling, regular expressions and namespaces. Additionally o:XML has an expression language very similar to XPath that allows functions to be invoked on nodes and node sets.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of o:XML happened in - o:XML on HOPL o:XML on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
O - Programming language O = O is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3496 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of O happened in GIP Altair group and Université de Paris-Sud and Brown University - O on HOPL O on HOPL - Read more about O on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
o2 - Programming language o2 == o2 is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3497 on PLDB 35 Years Old Database programming language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of o2 happened in GIP Altair Group - Read more about o2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
o42a - Programming language o42a ==== o42a is a programming language created in 2010 by Ruslan Lopatin. 2010 Ruslan Lopatin #2106 on PLDB 14 Years Old o42a is a high-level general purpose programming language. It is: compiled, statically-typed, prototype-based, logic-driven, and primarily declarative, while the imperative programming style is also supported. A program written in o42a is closer to natural English text than one written in any C-like programming language. The language is designed with programming productivity and code maintainability as main priorities. This achieved by powerful, yet restrained, semantics, and expressive and natural syntax. - Tags: programming language - Read more about o42a on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Use namespace 'Console' @Main ( Print "Hello, World!" nl ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
Oak - Programming language Oak === Oak is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #1622 on PLDB 33 Years Old Oak is a discontinued programming language created by James Gosling in 1991, initially for Sun Microsystems' set-top box project. The language later evolved to become Java. The name Oak was used by Gosling after an oak tree that stood outside his office.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Oak happened in Sun Microsystems - Oak on HOPL Oak on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Java Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Oaklisp - Programming language Oaklisp ======= Oaklisp is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4281 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Oaklisp happened in Carnegie Mellon - Oaklisp on HOPL Oaklisp on HOPL - Read more about Oaklisp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
oasis-operating-system - Operating system oasis-operating-system ====================== oasis-operating-system is an operating system created in 1977. 1977 #4282 on PLDB 47 Years Old The OASIS operating system was originally developed and distributed in 1977 by Phase One Systems of Oakland, California (President Howard Sidorsky). OASIS was developed for the Z80 processor and was the first multi-user operating system for 8-bit microprocessor based computers (Z-80 from Zilog). "OASIS" was a backronym for "Online Application System Interactive Software". - Tags: operating system - Early development of oasis-operating-system happened in Phase One Systems - Read more about oasis-operating-system on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
OASIS - Programming language OASIS ===== OASIS is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2866 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OASIS happened in Aarhus University - OASIS on HOPL OASIS on HOPL - Read more about OASIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Oberon-2 - Programming language Oberon-2 ======== Oberon-2 is a programming language created in 1991 by Niklaus Wirth and Hanspeter Mössenböck. 1991 Niklaus Wirth Hanspeter Mössenböck #885 on PLDB 33 Years Old Oberon-2 is an extension of the original Oberon programming language that adds limited reflection and object-oriented programming facilities, open arrays as pointer base types, read-only field export and reintroduces the FOR loop from Modula-2. It was developed in 1991 at ETH Zurich by Niklaus Wirth and Hanspeter Mössenböck, who is now at Institut für Systemsoftware (SSW) of the University of Linz, Austria. Oberon-2 is a superset of Oberon, and is fully compatible with it. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Oberon-2 is a superset of Oberon - Early development of Oberon-2 happened in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Explore Oberon-2 snippets on Rosetta Code - Oberon-2 on HOPL Oberon-2 on HOPL - See also: (12 related languages) Oberon, Modula-2, Pascal, Go, Object Oberon, Smalltalk, Python, Java, Algol, Yacc, JavaScript, PowerPC - Read more about Oberon-2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Oberon-2 on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Oberon-2: COMPONENT PASCAL MODULE HelloWorld; IMPORT Out; BEGIN Out.String( "Hello World" ); Out.Ln; END HelloWorld. Module = MODULE ident ";" [ImportList] DeclSeq [BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident ".". ImportList = IMPORT [ident ":="] ident {"," [ident ":="] ident} ";". DeclSeq = { CONST {ConstDecl ";" } | TYPE {TypeDecl ";"} | VAR {VarDecl ";"}} {ProcDecl ";" | ForwardDecl ";"}. ConstDecl = IdentDef "=" ConstExpr. TypeDecl = IdentDef "=" Type. VarDecl = IdentList ":" Type. ProcDecl = PROCEDURE [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalPars] ";" DeclSeq [BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident. ForwardDecl = PROCEDURE "^" [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalPars]. FormalPars = "(" [FPSection {";" FPSection}] ")" [":" Qualident]. FPSection = [VAR] ident {"," ident} ":" Type. Receiver = "(" [VAR] ident ":" ident ")". Type = Qualident | ARRAY [ConstExpr {"," ConstExpr}] OF Type | RECORD ["("Qualident")"] FieldList {";" FieldList} END | POINTER TO Type | PROCEDURE [FormalPars]. FieldList = [IdentList ":" Type]. StatementSeq = Statement {";" Statement}. Statement = [ Designator ":=" Expr | Designator ["(" [ExprList] ")"] | IF Expr THEN StatementSeq {ELSIF Expr THEN StatementSeq} [ELSE StatementSeq] END | CASE Expr OF Case {"|" Case} [ELSE StatementSeq] END | WHILE Expr DO StatementSeq END | REPEAT StatementSeq UNTIL Expr | FOR ident ":=" Expr TO Expr [BY ConstExpr] DO StatementSeq END | LOOP StatementSeq END | WITH Guard DO StatementSeq {"|" Guard DO StatementSeq} [ELSE StatementSeq] END | EXIT | RETURN [Expr] ]. Case = [CaseLabels {"," CaseLabels} ":" StatementSeq]. CaseLabels = ConstExpr [".." ConstExpr]. Guard = Qualident ":" Qualident. ConstExpr = Expr. Expr = SimpleExpr [Relation SimpleExpr]. SimpleExpr = ["+" | "-"] Term {AddOp Term}. Term = Factor {MulOp Factor}. Factor = Designator ["(" [ExprList] ")"] | number | character | string | NIL | Set | "(" Expr ")" | " ~ " Factor. Set = "{" [Element {"," Element}] "}". Element = Expr [".." Expr]. Relation = "=" | "#" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | IN | IS. AddOp = "+" | "-" | OR. MulOp = "*" | "/" | DIV | MOD | "&". Designator = Qualident {"." ident | "[" ExprList "]" | " ^ " | "(" Qualident ")"}. ExprList = Expr {"," Expr}. IdentList = IdentDef {"," IdentDef}. Qualident = [ident "."] ident. IdentDef = ident [" * " | " - "]. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Out.String row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 746 3.7
Oberon - Programming language Oberon ====== Oberon is a programming language created in 1986 by Niklaus Wirth. 1986 Niklaus Wirth #312 on PLDB 38 Years Old Oberon is a general-purpose programming language created in 1986 by Niklaus Wirth and the latest member of the Wirthian family of ALGOL-like languages (Euler, Algol-W, Pascal, Modula, and Modula-2). Oberon was the result of a concentrated effort to increase the power of Modula-2, the direct successor of Pascal, and simultaneously to reduce its complexity. Its principal new feature is the concept of type extension of record types: It permits the construction of new data types on the basis of existing ones and to relate them, deviating from the dogma of strictly static data typing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Interview with the creator of Oberon: 1. 1. - Early development of Oberon happened in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - ALGOL 60 influenced the design of Oberon - There are 289 members in the Oberon subreddit - There are 3 Project Euler users using Oberon - Oberon on HOPL Oberon on HOPL - Oberon appears in the TIOBE Index - has 0 matches for "applescript engineer". - was registered in 2011 - See also: (17 related languages) Modula-2, Oberon-2, Zonnon, Go, Nim, Algol, Euler, Pascal, Modula, Ada, Linux, Solaris, Lex, Yacc, X86, Obliq, Visual Studio - 1 PLDB concepts link to Oberon: Oberon-2 MODULE Main; IMPORT Out; BEGIN Out.String("Hello, world!"); Out.Ln; END Main. MODULE HelloWorld; IMPORT Out; BEGIN Out.Open; Out.String('Hello World'); END HelloWorld. MODULE Rectangles; IMPORT Figures; TYPE Rectangle* = POINTER TO RectangleDesc; RectangleDesc* = RECORD (Figures.FigureDesc) x, y, w, h : INTEGER; END; PROCEDURE Draw* (r : Rectangle); BEGIN (* ... *) END Draw; (* Other procedures here *) PROCEDURE Handle* (f: Figure; VAR msg: Figures.Message); VAR r : Rectangle; BEGIN r := f(Rectangle); IF msg IS Figures.DrawMsg THEN Draw(r) ELSIF msg IS Figures.MarkMsg THEN Mark(r) ELSIF msg IS Figures.MoveMsg THEN Move(r, msg(Figures.MoveMsg).dx, msg(Figures.MoveMsg).dy) ELSE (* ignore *) END END Handle; PROCEDURE New* (VAR r : Rectangle); BEGIN NEW(r); Figures.Init(r, Handle); END New; END Rectangles. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Out.String row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 535 2.7
OBJ - Programming language OBJ === OBJ is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #2340 on PLDB 48 Years Old OBJ is a programming language family introduced by Joseph Goguen in 1976. It is a family of declarative "ultra high-level" languages. It features abstract types, generic modules, subsorts (subtypes with multiple inheritance), pattern-matching modulo equations, E-strategies (user control over laziness), module expressions (for combining modules), theories and views (for describing module interfaces) for the massively parallel RRM (rewrite rule machine). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OBJ happened in University of California Los Angeles - OBJ on HOPL OBJ on HOPL - 1 PLDB concepts link to OBJ: Maude Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
OBJ2 - Programming language OBJ2 ==== OBJ2 is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4283 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OBJ2 happened in SRI Intternational - OBJ2 on HOPL OBJ2 on HOPL - Read more about OBJ2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
ObjDump - Application ObjDump ======= ObjDump is an application created in 1991. 1991 #1524 on PLDB 33 Years Old objdump is a program for displaying various information about object files on Unix-like systems. For instance, it can be used as a disassembler to view an executable in assembly form. It is part of the GNU Binutils for fine-grained control over executables and other binary data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of ObjDump happened in Cygnus Solutions - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ObjDump - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ObjDump - See also: (1 related languages) Unix 4004ed: 55 push rbp 4004ee: 48 89 e5 mov rbp,rsp 4004f1: c7 45 ec 00 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x14],0x0 4004f8: c7 45 f0 01 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x10],0x1 4004ff: c7 45 f4 02 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc],0x2 400506: c7 45 f8 03 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],0x3 40050d: c7 45 fc 04 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x4 400514: c7 45 ec 00 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x14],0x0 40051b: eb 13 jmp 400530 <main+0x43> 40051d: 8b 05 15 0b 20 00 mov eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x200b15] # 601038 <globalA> 400523: 83 e8 01 sub eax,0x1 400526: 89 05 0c 0b 20 00 mov DWORD PTR [rip+0x200b0c],eax # 601038 <globalA> 40052c: 83 45 ec 01 add DWORD PTR [rbp-0x14],0x1 400530: 8b 05 02 0b 20 00 mov eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x200b02] # 601038 <globalA> 400536: 39 45 ec cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-0x14],eax 400539: 7c e2 jl 40051d <main+0x30> 40053b: 5d pop rbp 40053c: c3 ret 40053d: 0f 1f 00 nop DWORD PTR [rax] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 373 1.9
Object Definition Language - Programming language Object Definition Language ========================== Object Definition Language is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3279 on PLDB 33 Years Old Object Definition Language (ODL) is the specification language defining the interface to object types conforming to the ODMG Object Model. Often abbreviated by the acronym ODL. This language's purpose is to define the structure of an Entity-relationship diagram.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Object Definition Language happened in - Read more about Object Definition Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Object Oberon - Programming language Object Oberon ============= Object Oberon is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3229 on PLDB 34 Years Old Object Oberon is a programming language which is based on the Oberon programming language with features for object-oriented programming. Oberon-2 was essentially a redesign of Object Oberon.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Object Oberon happened in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Object Oberon on HOPL Object Oberon on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Oberon, Oberon-2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Object Pascal - Programming language Object Pascal ============= Object Pascal is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #516 on PLDB 38 Years Old Object Pascal refers to a branch of object-oriented derivatives of Pascal, mostly known as the primary programming language of Embarcadero Delphi.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Object Pascal happened in - Object Pascal on HOPL Object Pascal on HOPL - See also: (24 related languages) X86, ARM, Free Pascal, PowerPC, SPARC, MIPS architecture, Oxygene, Java, JavaScript, Turbo Pascal, Pascal, Simula, Smalltalk, C#, Genie, Nim, iOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Morfik, Visual Studio, Android, Delphi program ObjectPascalExample; type THelloWorld = class procedure Put; end; procedure THelloWorld.Put; begin Writeln('Hello World'); end; var HelloWorld: THelloWorld; begin HelloWorld := THelloWorld.Create; HelloWorld.Put; HelloWorld.Free; end. type THelloWorld = class procedure Put; begin PrintLn('Hello, World!'); end end; var HelloWorld := THelloWorld.Create; HelloWorld.Put; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token { } row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* This is a multi-line comments and it will span multiple lines. *) { This is a single line comment in pascal } Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 332 1.7
OQL - Query language OQL === OQL is a query language created in 1986. 1986 #1496 on PLDB 38 Years Old Object Query Language (OQL) is a query language standard for object-oriented databases modeled after SQL. OQL was developed by the Object Data Management Group (ODMG). Because of its overall complexity nobody has ever fully implemented the complete OQL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of OQL happened in - OQL on HOPL OQL on HOPL - Read more about OQL on the web: 1. 1. select c.address from Persons p, p.children c where p.address.street = "Main Street" and count(p.children) >= 2 and != Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Object Rexx - Programming language Object Rexx =========== Object Rexx is a programming language created in 1988 by Simon C. Nash. 1988 Simon C. Nash #1268 on PLDB 36 Years Old The Object REXX programming language is an object-oriented scripting language initially produced by IBM for OS/2. It is a follow-on to and a significant extension of the "Classic Rexx" language originally created for the CMS component of VM/SP and later ported to MVS, OS/2 and PC DOS. OS/2 version of IBM Object REXX is deeply integrated with SOM. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Object Rexx happened in IBM - Object Rexx on HOPL Object Rexx on HOPL - Object Rexx appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2004 - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Rexx, Smalltalk, NetRexx, Solaris Language features ====================================================== row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
Object-Z - Programming language Object-Z ======== Object-Z is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #2991 on PLDB 33 Years Old Object-Z is an object-oriented extension to the Z notation developed at the University of Queensland, Australia. Object-Z extends Z by the addition of language constructs resembling the object-oriented paradigm, most notably, classes. Other object-oriented notions such as polymorphism and inheritance are also supported. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Object-Z happened in University of Queensland - Object-Z on HOPL Object-Z on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Z notation, Z++ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Objectcharts - Programming language Objectcharts ============ Objectcharts is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4284 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Objectcharts happened in FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik - Objectcharts on HOPL Objectcharts on HOPL - Read more about Objectcharts on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Objective-C - Programming language Objective-C =========== Objective-C is a programming language created in 1984 by Brad Cox. 1984 Brad Cox #32 on PLDB 40 Years Old 536k Repos Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. It was the main programming language used by Apple for the OS X and iOS operating systems, and their respective application programming interfaces (APIs) Cocoa and Cocoa Touch prior to the introduction of Swift. The programming language Objective-C was originally developed in the early 1980s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 535,667 Objective-C repos on GitHub - Objective-C is a superset of C - Early development of Objective-C happened in Apple - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 97k users using Objective-C in 167k repos on GitHub - Check out the 445 Objective-C meetup groups on - There are 6,609 members in the Objective-C subreddit - There are 60 Project Euler users using Objective-C - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Objective-C programmers reported a median salary of $64,859. 3% of respondents reported using Objective-C. 2,310 programmers reported using Objective-C, and 1,400 said they wanted to use it - Explore Objective-C snippets on Rosetta Code - Objective-C is supported by the GDB - Objective-C on HOPL Objective-C on HOPL - Objective-C ranks #19 in the TIOBE Index - Objective-C Ubuntu package Objective-C Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Objective-C - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Objective-C - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Objective-C - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Objective-C - Objective-C appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Objective-C on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Objective-C - has 4,276 matches for "objective-c engineer". - See also: (16 related languages) C, Smalltalk, Groovy, Java, Nu, Objective-J, TOM object-oriented, Swift, iOS, Simula, Ada, Self, Ruby, LLVM IR, Linux, Vala - 57 PLDB concepts link to Objective-C: Ace Editor, Bazel, BlitzMax, blockml, Chapel, cloc, cooC, DRAKON, dreamlisp, eC, Eiffel, F-Script, Felix, FFmpeg, fish, Flow9, GCC, GHC, Go, Gradle, gravity, Gun, hashlink, Haxe, HHVM, ImHex, invokator, Iterm2, Java, Julia, Kotlin, lobster, LWJGL, mal, Matplotlib, MongoDB, MonkeyX, NCSA Mosaic, NCAR Command Language, Nim, OpenCV, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, React Native, Revolution, score, sile, Swift, tamgu, tbox-lib, TensorFlow, V, VLC, Wonkey, WorldWideWeb Browser, Zig #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main() { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSLog(@"Hello, world!"); [pool drain]; return 0; } /* Build on OS X: clang -framework Foundation -fobjc-arc objc.m -o objc Build on Linux with GNUstep: clang `gnustep-config --objc-flags` `gnustep-config --base-libs` -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fobjc-arc objc.m -o objc */ #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(void) { NSLog(@"Hello World"); } /* Hello World in Objective-C. ** Since the standard implementation is identical to K&R C, ** a version that says hello to a set of people passed on ** the command line is shown here. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <objpak.h> int main(int argc,char **argv) { id set = [Set new]; argv++;while (--argc) [set add:[String str:*argv++]]; [set do:{ :each | printf("hello, %s!\n",[each str]); }]; return 0; } #import "Foo.h" @implementation Foo @end -(void) firstLabel: (int)param1 secondLabel: (int)param2; auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if inline int long register restrict return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while _Bool _Complex _Imaginary BOOL Class bycopy byref id IMP in inout nil NO NULL oneway out Protocol SEL self Super YES @ @interface @end @implementation @protocol @class @public @protected @private @property @try @throw @catch() @finally @synthesize @dynamic @selector atomic nonatomic retain Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example NSLog(@"Hello, World!"); Token row Feature Explicit Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example #include Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Interfaces FeatureLink ../features/hasInterfaces.html Supported ✓ Example @protocol Printing -(void) print; @end Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example // #import ensures that a file is only ever included once so that you never have a problem with recursive includes. #import #include #include Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1008 5
Objective C++ - Programming language Objective C++ ============= Objective C++ is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #560 on PLDB 31 Years Old 536k Repos Objective-C++ is simply source code that mixes Objective-C classes and C++ classes. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 535,669 Objective C++ repos on GitHub - Early development of Objective C++ happened in Apple - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 15k users using Objective C++ in 18k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Objective C++ - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Objective C++ - Read more about Objective C++ on the web: 1. 1. - 31 PLDB concepts link to Objective C++: Apache Arrow, Bazel, BlitzMax, Factor, Flow9, GCC, GN, GHC, Gradle, groff, Halide, invokator, Iterm2, Kotlin, kumir, Ladybird, LWJGL, MongoDB, MonkeyX, OpenCV, PyTorch, React Native, Revolution, score, Swift, Taichi, tao3d, TensorFlow, Uno, Wonkey, Xtext #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main() { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSLog(@"Hello, world!"); [pool drain]; return 0; } // grabbed from /* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "AXObjectCache.h" #include "BlockExceptions.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "ClipboardMac.h" #include "DragController.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "MouseEventWithHitTestResults.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h" #include "Pl Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 585 2.9
Objective-J - Programming language Objective-J =========== Objective-J is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #651 on PLDB 16 Years Old 1k Repos Objective-J is a programming language developed as part of the Cappuccino web development framework. Its syntax is nearly identical to the Objective-C syntax and it shares with JavaScript the same relationship that Objective-C has with the C programming language: that of being a strict, but small, superset; adding traditional inheritance and Smalltalk/Objective-C style dynamic dispatch. Pure JavaScript, being a prototype-based language, already has a notion of object orientation and inheritance, but Objective-J adds the use of class-based programming to JavaScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,058 Objective-J repos on GitHub - Early development of Objective-J happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 298 users using Objective-J in 340 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Objective-J - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Objective-J - was registered in 2011 - See also: (4 related languages) Objective-C, JavaScript, C, Smalltalk document.write("Hello World"); @import <Foundation/CPObject.j> @implementation AppController : CPObject { } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(CPNotification)aNotification { // The end result of this layout will be the kind of master/detail/auxilliary view // found in iTunes, Mail, and many other apps. var theWindow = [[CPWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:CGRectMakeZero() styleMask:CPBorderlessBridgeWindowMask], contentView = [theWindow contentView]; var navigationArea = [[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 150.0, CGRectGetHeight([contentView bounds]) - 150.0)]; [navigationArea setBackgroundColor:[CPColor redColor]]; // This view will grow in height, but stay fixed width attached to the left side of the screen. [navigationArea setAutoresizingMask:CPViewHeightSizable | CPViewMaxXMargin]; [contentView addSubview:navigationArea]; var metaDataArea = [[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, CGRectGetMaxY([navigationArea frame]), 150.0, 150.0)]; [metaDataArea setBackgroundColor:[CPColor greenColor]]; // This view will stay the same size in both directions, and fixed to the lower left corner. [metaDataArea setAutoresizingMask:CPViewMinYMargin | CPViewMaxXMargin]; [contentView addSubview:metaDataArea]; var contentArea = [[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(150.0, 0.0, CGRectGetWidth([contentView bounds]) - 150.0, CGRectGetHeight([contentView bounds]))]; [contentArea setBackgroundColor:[CPColor blueColor]]; // This view will grow in both height an width. [contentArea setAutoresizingMask:CPViewWidthSizable | CPViewHeightSizable]; [contentView addSubview:contentArea]; [theWindow orderFront:self]; } @end @implementation Address : CPObject { CPString name; CPString city; } - (id)initWithName:(CPString)aName city:(CPString)aCity { self = [super init]; name = aName; city = aCity; return self; } - (void)setName:(CPString)aName { name = aName; } - (CPString)name { return name; } + (id)newAddressWithName:(CPString)aName city:(CPString)aCity { return [[self alloc] initWithName:aName city:aCity]; } @end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token document.write row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 556 2.8
objective-modula-2 - Programming language objective-modula-2 ================== objective-modula-2 is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3698 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of objective-modula-2 happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Objective-S - Programming language Objective-S =========== Objective-S is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3051 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Objective-S happened in - Read more about Objective-S on the web: 1. 1. -<void>deleteFile:filename { thumbs := self thumbsView subviews. viewsToRemove := thumbs selectWhereValueForKey:'filename' isEqual:filename. aView := viewsToRemove firstObject. UIView animateWithDuration:0.4 animations: { aView setAlpha: 0.0. } completion: { aView removeFromSuperview. UIView animateWithDuration: 0.2 animations: { self thumbsView layoutSubviews. } completion: { 3 }. }. url := self urlForFile:aFilename. NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtURL:url error:nil. self thumbsView afterDelay:0.4 | setNeedsLayout. } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
ObjectLOGO - Programming language ObjectLOGO ========== ObjectLOGO is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2563 on PLDB 31 Years Old ObjectLOGO is a variant of the programming language Logo with object-oriented programming extensions and lexical scoping. Version 2.7 is sold by Digitool, Inc. It is no longer being developed or supported, and does not run on versions of the Mac operating system after version 7.5.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ObjectLOGO happened in BBN - ObjectLOGO on HOPL ObjectLOGO on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Logo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
ObjectPAL - Programming language ObjectPAL ========= ObjectPAL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3230 on PLDB 31 Years Old ObjectPAL is short for Object-Oriented Paradox Application Language, which is the programming language used by the Borland Paradox database application (now owned by Corel). Paradox, now in its 11th version, is a constituent of Corel's Word Perfect X3 office suite, for 32-bit Microsoft Windows. The language is tightly-bound to the application's forms, and provides a very rapid and robust development environment for creating database applications for Windows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ObjectPAL happened in Corel Corporation - ObjectPAL on HOPL ObjectPAL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Smalltalk, Visual Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
ObjectScript - Programming language ObjectScript ============ ObjectScript is a programming language created in 2012 by unitpoint. 2012 unitpoint #1206 on PLDB 12 Years Old 1k Repos git clone ObjectScript, OS for short, is a new programming language. It's free, cross-platform, lightweight, embeddable and open-source. It combines the benefits of multiple languages, including: JavaScript, Lua, Ruby, Python and PHP. OS features the syntax of Javascripts, the "multiple results" feature from lua, syntactic shugar from Ruby as well as magic methods from PHP and Ruby - and even more! - Tags: programming language - ObjectScript is developed on GitHub and has 70 stars - There are at least 1,054 ObjectScript repos on GitHub - Early development of ObjectScript happened in - ObjectScript is written in C++, HTML, CMake, C, Bourne shell, XML, JavaScript, Make, CSS, XSLT, Markdown, Vim script, Perl, Puppet - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 11 users using ObjectScript in 13 repos on GitHub - ObjectScript on HOPL ObjectScript on HOPL - Read more about ObjectScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 265 1.3
ObjectWorld - Programming language ObjectWorld =========== ObjectWorld is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4285 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ObjectWorld happened in University of Vienna - ObjectWorld on HOPL ObjectWorld on HOPL - Read more about ObjectWorld on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
ObjVlisp - Programming language ObjVlisp ======== ObjVlisp is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3280 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ObjVlisp happened in University of Vincennes - ObjVlisp on HOPL ObjVlisp on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
ObjVProlog - Programming language ObjVProlog ========== ObjVProlog is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4286 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ObjVProlog happened in Sorbonne Université and Université de Montréal - ObjVProlog on HOPL ObjVProlog on HOPL - Read more about ObjVProlog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Obliq - Programming language Obliq ===== Obliq is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2445 on PLDB 31 Years Old Obliq is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language designed to make distributed, and locally multi-threaded, computation simple and easy for the programmer, while providing program safety and implicit type system. The interpreter is written in Modula-3, and provides Obliq with full access to Modula-3's network objects capabilities. A type inference algorithm for record concatenation, subtyping and recursive types has been developed for Obliq, more important it has been proved to be NP-complete and its lowest complexity to be Ο(n3) or if under other modeling up to certain conditions down to Ο(n2) and its best known implementation runs in Ο(n5). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Obliq happened in DEC - Obliq on HOPL Obliq on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Modula-3, Self, Oberon, Smalltalk Language features ====================================================== row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
OBSCURE - Programming language OBSCURE ======= OBSCURE is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4287 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OBSCURE happened in Universität des Saarlandes - OBSCURE on HOPL OBSCURE on HOPL - Read more about OBSCURE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Observable Framework - Static site generator Observable Framework ==================== Observable Framework is a static site generator created in 2023 by Mike Bostock. 2023 Mike Bostock #1220 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone A static site generator for data apps, dashboards, reports, and more. Observable Framework combines JavaScript on the front-end for interactive graphics with any language on the back-end for data analysis. - Tags: static site generator - Observable Framework is developed on GitHub and has 2,231 stars - Observable Framework is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, CSV, Bourne shell, Python, YAML, Go, Rust, R Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Observable - Programming language Observable ========== Observable is a programming language created in 2017 by Mike Bostock. 2017 Mike Bostock #340 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A partially open source derivative of Javascript modified for dataflow that powers the Observable data science web app. - Tags: programming language - Observable is developed on GitHub and has 978 stars - Early development of Observable happened in Observable - Observable is written in JavaScript, HTML, JSON, Markdown, YAML - was registered in 2017 - See also: (1 related languages) JavaScript - Read more about Observable on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Observable: D3.js { let x = 0; for (let i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { x += i; } return x; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
Observable Plot - Data visualization grammar Observable Plot =============== Observable Plot is a data visualization grammar created in 2020 by Mike Bostock. 2020 Mike Bostock #1139 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics - Tags: data visualization grammar, library - Observable Plot is developed on GitHub and has 4,160 stars - Observable Plot is written in SVG, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSV, Markdown, HTML, JSON, YAML, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Obsidian - Programming language Obsidian ======== Obsidian is a programming language created in 2018 by Michael Coblenz. 2018 Michael Coblenz #1217 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Obsidian: A safer blockchain programming language - Tags: programming language - Obsidian is developed on GitHub and has 76 stars - Early development of Obsidian happened in University of California San Diego - Obsidian is written in Solidity, Java, Scala, Bourne shell, HTML, reStructuredText, Tex, JSON, YAML, XML, Agda, Markdown, Bash, Python, Gradle, CSV, TypeScript, CSS, mustache, Make, JavaScript, SVG, Perl, Protocol Buffers - was registered in 2018 HackerNews discussions of Obsidian ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Obsidian: A safer blockchain programming language||05/31/2019|67|31 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Obsidian - Editor Obsidian ======== Obsidian is an editor created in 2020 by Shida Li and Erica Xu. 2020 Shida Li Erica Xu #374 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian. - Tags: editor - Obsidian is developed on GitHub and has 8,939 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
OCaml - Programming language OCaml ===== OCaml is an open source programming language created in 1996 by Xavier Leroy. 1996 Xavier Leroy #69 on PLDB 28 Years Old 27k Repos OCaml ( oh-KAM-əl), originally named Objective Caml, is the main implementation of the programming language Caml, created by Xavier Leroy, Jérôme Vouillon, Damien Doligez, Didier Rémy, Ascánder Suárez and others in 1996. A member of the ML language family, OCaml extends the core Caml language with object-oriented programming constructs. OCaml's toolset includes an interactive top-level interpreter, a bytecode compiler, a reversible debugger, a package manager (OPAM), and an optimizing native code compiler. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 27,376 OCaml repos on GitHub - Early development of OCaml happened in Inria - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using OCaml in 6k repos on GitHub - Check out the 87 OCaml meetup groups on - There are 219 Project Euler users using OCaml - Explore OCaml snippets on Rosetta Code - OCaml on HOPL OCaml on HOPL - OCaml appears in the TIOBE Index - OCaml Ubuntu package OCaml Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for OCaml - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OCaml - OCaml appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn OCaml on exercism. - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for OCaml:, - There is a central package repository for OCaml - was registered in 2000 - See also: (36 related languages) Occam, C, IA-32, SPARC, ARM, Unix, F#, Caml, Classroom Object Oriented Language, Standard ML, ATS, Elm, F*, Haxe, Opa, Rust, Scala, ML, Python, Perl, Java, C#, Fortran, JavaScript, JVM, PIC microcontroller, Emacs, Vim, OpenGL, Hack, PHP, iOS, Android, Coq, WebAssembly, Haskell - 51 PLDB concepts link to OCaml: Ace Editor, atomspace, Austral, bamboo, Bucklescript, Caml, Caramel, Catala, Chapel, cloc, comby, Coq, datafun, dedukti, eff, Elpi, FaCT, Felix, Flow, Flow9, F*, gintonic, Haxe, Hazel, HHVM, IPL, juvix, Koka, Ligo, LinearML, Links, mal, MLscript, Neko, Not Quite C, Opa, opam-pm, psyche, Pygments, Ragel, ramen, Reason, SATySFi, silk, sill, skip, Slick, Semantic Patch Language, Umka, Vale, xs let square x = x * x ;; print_string "Hello, world!\n" print_string "Hello World\n" (* Hello World in OCaml *) print_string "Hello World!\n";; (* * Copyright (c) 2013 Jeremy Yallop. * * This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * See the file LICENSE for details. *) let string_of format v = let buf = Buffer.create 100 in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in begin format fmt v; Format.pp_print_flush fmt (); Buffer.contents buf end fun x_1 -> (x_1 * let y_3 = let y_2 = (x_1 * 1) in (y_2 * y_2) in (y_3 * y_3)) as assert begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external false for fun function functor if in include inherit initializer lazy let match method module mutable new object of open private raise rec sig struct then to true try type value val virtual when while with Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print_string row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example (* In OCaml, every piece of code is wrapped into a module. *) (* *) let hello () = print_endline "Hello" (* *) Amodule.hello () Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* This is a single-line comment. *) (* This is a * multi-line * comment. *) Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 825 4.1
Occam 2 - Programming language Occam 2 ======= Occam 2 is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4288 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Occam 2 happened in City Univerisy, London - Occam 2 on HOPL Occam 2 on HOPL - Read more about Occam 2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Occam π - Programming language Occam π ======= Occam π is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #1913 on PLDB 19 Years Old In computer science, occam-π (or occam-pi) is the name of a variant of the programming language occam developed by the Kent Retargetable occam Compiler (KRoC) team at the University of Kent. The name reflects the introduction of elements of π-calculus (pi-calculus) into occam, especially concepts involving mobile agents (processes) and data. The language contains several extensions to occam 2.1, including: Nested protocols Run-time process creation Mobile channels, data, and processes Recursion Protocol inheritance Array constructors Extended rendezvous. Read more on Wikipedia...π Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Occam π happened in University of Kent - See also: (3 related languages) IA-32, Arduino Programming Language, Occam - Read more about Occam π on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
Occam - Programming language Occam ===== Occam is a programming language created in 1983 by David May. 1983 David May #723 on PLDB 41 Years Old occam is a concurrent programming language that builds on the communicating sequential processes (CSP) process algebra, and shares many of its features. It is named after William of Ockham of Occam's Razor fame. occam is an imperative procedural language (such as Pascal). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Occam happened in Inmos International plc - Explore Occam snippets on Rosetta Code - Occam on HOPL Occam on HOPL - Occam appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) OCaml, Ease, Go, CSP, Pascal, Haskell, Python PROGRAM Hello #USE ioconv SEQ write.full.string(screen,"Hello World") PROGRAM Hello -- Hello world in Occam #USE ioconv SEQ write.full.string(screen,"Hello World!") ALT count1 < 100 & c1 ? data SEQ count1 := count1 + 1 merged ! data count2 < 100 & c2 ? data SEQ count2 := count2 + 1 merged ! data status ? request SEQ out ! count1 out ! count2 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write.full.string row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 300 1.5
OCL - Programming language OCL === OCL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #754 on PLDB 27 Years Old The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language describing rules applying to Unified Modeling Language (UML) models developed at IBM and is now part of the UML standard. Initially, OCL was merely a formal specification language extension for UML. OCL may now be used with any Meta-Object Facility (MOF) Object Management Group (OMG) meta-model, including UML. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OCL happened in IBM - Read more about OCL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. context Person inv: self.age >=0 context Person inv: self.age<18 implies>isEmpty() Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
GNU Octave - Programming language GNU Octave ========== GNU Octave is an open source programming language created in 1988 by John W. Eaton. 1988 John W. Eaton #226 on PLDB 36 Years Old GNU Octave is software featuring a high-level programming language, primarily intended for numerical computations. Octave helps in solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of GNU Octave happened in University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Texas - There are 150 Project Euler users using GNU Octave - Explore GNU Octave snippets on Rosetta Code - GNU Octave on HOPL GNU Octave on HOPL - GNU Octave appears in the TIOBE Index - GNU Octave Ubuntu package GNU Octave Ubuntu package - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting GNU Octave - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for GNU Octave - GNU Octave appears in the Quine Relay project - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for GNU Octave - See also: (10 related languages) Linux, C, Fortran, Scilab, OpenGL, Gnuplot, Unix, Bash, Lisp, Qt disp("Hello, world!") printf("Hello World"); #Hello World in Octave ( printf("Hello World\n"); % create figure and panel on it f = figure; % create a button group gp = uibuttongroup (f, "Position", [ 0 0.5 1 1]) % create a buttons in the group b1 = uicontrol (gp, "style", "radiobutton", "string", "Choice 1", "Position", [ 10 150 100 50 ]); b2 = uicontrol (gp, "style", "radiobutton", "string", "Choice 2", "Position", [ 10 50 100 30 ]); % create a button not in the group b3 = uicontrol (f, "style", "radiobutton","string", "Not in the group","Position", [ 10 50 100 50 ]); Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example % \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example % (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 508 2.5
Octopus - Programming language Octopus ======= Octopus is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4289 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Octopus happened in University of Adelaide - Octopus on HOPL Octopus on HOPL - Read more about Octopus on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Octune - Programming language Octune ====== Octune is a programming language created in 2021 by Gary Feng. 2021 Gary Feng #2155 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A DSL for creating 8-bit style music - Tags: programming language - Octune is developed on GitHub and has 22 stars - Early development of Octune happened in University of Waterloo - Octune is written in Haskell, Markdown, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Open Data Protcol - Protocol Open Data Protcol ================= Open Data Protcol is a protocol created in 2007. 2007 #1335 on PLDB 17 Years Old In computing, Open Data Protocol (OData) is an open protocol which allows the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way. Microsoft initiated OData in 2007. Versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 are released under the Microsoft Open Specification Promise. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Open Data Protcol happened in Microsoft - was registered in 2009 { "@odata.context": "$metadata#Products", "value": [ { "ID": 0, "Name": "Meat", "Description": "Red Meat", "ReleaseDate": "1992-01-01T00:00:00Z", "DiscontinuedDate": null, "Rating": 14, "Price": 2.5 }, { "ID": 1, "Name": "Milk", "Description": "Low fat milk", "ReleaseDate": "1995-10-01T00:00:00Z", "DiscontinuedDate": null, "Rating": 3, "Price": 3.5 } ] } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 260 1.3
Open Database Connectivity - Protocol Open Database Connectivity ========================== Open Database Connectivity is a protocol created in 1990. 1990 #2553 on PLDB 34 Years Old In computing, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS). The designers of ODBC aimed to make it independent of database systems and operating systems. An application written using ODBC can be ported to other platforms, both on the client and server side, with few changes to the data access code. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Open Database Connectivity happened in Microsoft and Simba Technologies Inc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
oden - Programming language oden ==== oden is a programming language created in 2016 by Oskar Wickström. 2016 Oskar Wickström #867 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The Oden Programming Language (NO LONGER IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT) - Tags: programming language - oden is developed on GitHub and has 726 stars - Early development of oden happened in - oden is written in Haskell, HTML, Markdown, CSS, JavaScript, Bourne shell, YAML, SVG, Go, Tex, Make, Dockerfile - Read more about oden on the web: 1. 1. HackerNews discussions of oden ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Oden: experimental, statically-typed functional language, built for Go ecosystem||02/26/2016|127|80 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
odin - Programming language odin ==== odin is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #98 on PLDB 8 Years Old 417 Repos git clone Odin Programming Language - Tags: programming language - odin is developed on GitHub and has 6,235 stars - There are at least 417 odin repos on GitHub - Early development of odin happened in - odin is written in odin, C, C++, Markdown, Make, Python, YAML, Bourne shell, XML, Assembly language, GLSL, HTML, JavaScript, Nix - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5 users using odin in 6 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for odin - was registered in 2017 - 4 PLDB concepts link to odin: Ace Editor, cloc, odin, Pygments package main import "core:fmt" main :: proc() { program := "+ + * 😃 - /"; accumulator := 0; for token in program { switch token { case '+': accumulator += 1; case '-': accumulator -= 1; case '*': accumulator *= 2; case '/': accumulator /= 2; case '😃': accumulator *= accumulator; case: // Ignore everything else } } fmt.printf("The program \"%s\" calculates the value %d\n", program, accumulator); } package main import "core:fmt" main :: proc() { fmt.printf("Hello, world!\n"); } package main import "core:fmt" main :: proc() { fmt.println("Hello World"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token fmt.println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 344 1.7
ODRL - Programming language ODRL ==== ODRL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #2893 on PLDB 24 Years Old The Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) is a policy expression language that provides a flexible and interoperable information model, vocabulary, and encoding mechanisms for representing statements about the usage of content and services. An example of ODRL policy follows, which can be intepreted as "John can play mysong.mp3".. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ODRL happened in { "@context": "", "uid": "", "permission": [{ "target": "", "assignee": "John", "action": "play" }] } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
OEM - Schema OEM === OEM, aka Object Exchange Model, is a schema created in 1995. 1995 #1567 on PLDB 29 Years Old The Object Exchange Model (OEM) is a model for exchanging semi-structured data between object-oriented databases. It serves as the basic data model in numerous projects of the Stanford University Database Group, including Tsimmis, Lore, and C3. Slight variations of OEM have evolved across different Stanford projects. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: schema - Early development of OEM happened in Stanford University - See also: (1 related languages) RDF <DB:: Eats { // A Sample Database <Restaurant { <Name "Darbar"> <Entree { <Name str "Masala Dosa"> <_895: Price 8.95> }> <Entree { <Name "Mushroom Bhajee"> <Opinion "This entree is excellent, " # "though it is a bit spicy"> <&_895> }> <"Credit Card" "Visa"> }> }> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
OFL - Programming language OFL === OFL is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4290 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OFL happened in Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin and Inria and EDS International (France) SA - OFL on HOPL OFL on HOPL - Read more about OFL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
oforth - Programming language oforth ====== oforth is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2754 on PLDB 15 Years Old Oforth is an imperative, dynamic typed, stack-based language. Oforth is a Forth dialect (Oforth is for Object + Forth). It keeps Forth mecanisms while implementing a full object model. - Tags: programming language - Early development of oforth happened in - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Open Financial Exchange - Xml format Open Financial Exchange ======================= Open Financial Exchange is a xml format created in 1997. 1997 #4494 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Open Financial Exchange happened in Microsoft and Intuit and Fiserv Inc - 1 PLDB concepts link to Open Financial Exchange: QFX file format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
Ordered graph data language - Text data format Ordered graph data language =========================== Ordered graph data language, aka Ordered graph data language, is a text data format created in 2002. 2002 #2755 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Ordered graph data language happened in - was registered in 2002 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
OGNL - Programming language OGNL ==== OGNL is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #2138 on PLDB 17 Years Old Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) is an open-source Expression Language (EL) for Java, which, while using simpler expressions than the full range of those supported by the Java language, allows getting and setting properties (through defined setProperty and getProperty methods, found in JavaBeans), and execution of methods of Java classes. It also allows for simpler array manipulation. It is aimed to be used in Java EE applications with taglibs as expression language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OGNL happened in OGNL Technology, Inc - See also: (5 related languages) Java, ANTLR, JavaCC, Thymeleaf, MVEL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
O'Haskell - Programming language O'Haskell ========= O'Haskell is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4291 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of O'Haskell happened in Oregon Graduate Institute - O'Haskell on HOPL O'Haskell on HOPL - Read more about O'Haskell on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Ohayo - Programming language Ohayo ===== Ohayo is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Breck Yunits. 2017 Breck Yunits #1031 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Ohayo is a fast and free tool for data science. Ohayo consists of a very high level programming language and a visual web studio for that language. The goal of Ohayo is to enable people to do data science at the speed of voice. - Tags: programming language, dataflow grammar, data visualization grammar - Ohayo is developed on GitHub and has 132 stars - Early development of Ohayo happened in Breck's Lab - Ohayo is written in JavaScript, JSON, CSV, SVG, Markdown, CSS, TypeScript, HTML - See also: (1 related languages) R web.get ohayo/packages/samples/ parser text hidden markdown.toHtml templates.list challenge.list Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
ohm - Grammar language ohm === ohm is an open source grammar language created in 2014. 2014 #641 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc. - Tags: grammarLanguage - ohm is developed on GitHub and has 4,937 stars - Early development of ohm happened in - ohm is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, TypeScript, Bash, HTML, YAML, CSS, Python, Bourne shell, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
oil - Programming language oil === oil is an open source programming language created in 2016. 2016 #390 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Oil is a new Unix shell. - Tags: programming language - oil is developed on GitHub and has 2,797 stars - Early development of oil happened in - oil is written in Python, Bourne shell, C, Markdown, C++, Assembly language, CSS, M4, Dockerfile, YAML, Make, Bash, R, XML, HTML, Expect, JavaScript, Diff, Tex, Ini, Nix, JSON, Z shell - There are 436 members in the oil subreddit - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
OK - Programming language OK == OK is a programming language created in 2021 by Jesse Duffield. 2021 Jesse Duffield #1027 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Welcome to the future of programming languages: OK? - Tags: programming language - OK is developed on GitHub and has 519 stars - Early development of OK happened in - OK is written in Go, JSON, TypeScript, YAML, CSS, Bourne shell, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML - Read more about OK on the web: 1. 1. let divide = fn(a, b) { return switch b { case 0: [NO!, "cannot divide by zero"]; default: [a / b, ""]; }; }; result = divide(5, 0) switch result[1] { case "": puts(result[0]) default: puts(result[1]) // prints "cannot divide by zero" } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
OLDAS - Programming language OLDAS ===== OLDAS is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3498 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OLDAS happened in U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory - OLDAS on HOPL OLDAS on HOPL - Read more about OLDAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Object Linking and Embedding - Protocol Object Linking and Embedding ============================ Object Linking and Embedding is a protocol created in 1990. 1990 #2648 on PLDB 34 Years Old Object Linking & Embedding (OLE) is a proprietary technology developed by Microsoft that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. For developers, it brought OLE Control Extension (OCX), a way to develop and use custom thing of users using interface elements. On a technical level, an OLE object is any object that implements the IOleObject interface, possibly along with a wide range of other interfaces, depending on the object's needs.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Object Linking and Embedding happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
OLGA - Programming language OLGA ==== OLGA is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4292 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OLGA happened in University of Toronto - OLGA on HOPL OLGA on HOPL - Read more about OLGA on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
OLI - Programming language OLI === OLI is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4293 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OLI happened in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Manchester - OLI on HOPL OLI on HOPL - Read more about OLI on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
OLIVER - Programming language OLIVER ====== OLIVER is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3499 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OLIVER happened in On-Line Systems, Inc - OLIVER on HOPL OLIVER on HOPL - Read more about OLIVER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
olog - Programming language olog ==== olog is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4294 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of olog happened in University of Regina - olog on HOPL olog on HOPL - Read more about olog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Om - Programming language Om == Om is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Jason Erb. 2012 Jason Erb #1219 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone The Om programming language. - Tags: programming language - Om is developed on GitHub and has 166 stars - Early development of Om happened in - Om is written in C++, CMake, Markdown, HTML, CSS, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
OMAR - Programming language OMAR ==== OMAR, aka Object Modelling And Rendering, is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3500 on PLDB 25 Years Old Hypercosm produced a specialized programming language called OMAR (Object Modelling And Rendering) suitable for describing 3-D content. Hypercosm made available a web browser plugin for displaying this 3-D content. Unlike many other plugins, the Hypercosm plugin was available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems. - Tags: programming language - Early development of OMAR happened in University of Wisconsin - Read more about OMAR on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
omega - Programming language omega ===== omega is a programming language created in 2005 by Tim Sheard. 2005 Tim Sheard #1720 on PLDB 19 Years Old The Ωmega interpreter is styled after the Hugs Haskell Interpreter. The Ωmega syntax is based upon the syntax of Haskell. If you’re unsure of what syntax to use, a best first approximation is to use Haskell syntax. It works most of the time. While clearly descended from Haskell, Ωmega has several important syntactic and semantic differences. - Tags: programming language - Early development of omega happened in Portland State University - Read more about omega on the web: 1. 1. -- -- This code written by James Hook -- This file should work with Omega version 1.1 -- released May 23, 2005 -- See {-- These are predefined by the compiler kind Nat = Z | S Nat data Nat' n = Z where n = Z | forall m . S (Nat' m) where n = S m -} data LE a b = LeBase where a = b | ex c . LeStep (LE a c) where b = S c reflLE :: LE a a reflLE = LeBase transLE :: (LE a b) -> (LE b c) -> (LE a c) transLE p LeBase = p transLE p (LeStep q) = LeStep (transLE p q) compare :: Nat' a -> Nat' b -> ((LE a b)+(LE b a)) compare Z Z = L LeBase compare Z (S x) = case compare Z x of L w -> L (LeStep w) compare (S x) Z = case compare Z x of L w -> R (LeStep w) compare (S x) (S y) = mapP g g (compare x y ) where mapP f g (L x) = L(f x) mapP f g (R x) = R(g x) g :: LE x y -> LE (S x) (S y) g LeBase = LeBase g (LeStep x) = LeStep (g x) data MonoList min max = MonoNil (LE min max) | forall n a . MonoCons (Nat' n) (LE a n) (LE n max) (MonoList min a) appMonoList :: MonoList b c -> MonoList a b -> MonoList a c appMonoList (MonoNil bc) (MonoNil ab) = MonoNil (transLE ab bc) appMonoList (MonoNil bc) (MonoCons n an nb xs) = MonoCons n an (transLE nb bc) xs appMonoList (MonoCons m dm mc ys) xs = MonoCons m dm mc (appMonoList ys xs) singletonMonoList :: Nat' n -> MonoList n n singletonMonoList n = MonoCons n reflLE reflLE (MonoNil reflLE) data IntervalList min max = ILNil (LE min max) | forall x . ILCons (Nat' x) (LE min x) (LE x max) (IntervalList min max) partition :: Nat' n -> LE a n -> LE n b -> IntervalList a b -> (IntervalList a n, IntervalList n b) partition x an nb xs = partitionAcc (ILNil an) (ILNil nb) xs where partitionAcc ls gs (ILNil ab) = (ls,gs) partitionAcc ls gs (ILCons y ay yb ys) = case compare y x of L yx -> partitionAcc (ILCons y ay yx ls) gs ys R xy -> partitionAcc ls (ILCons y xy yb gs) ys qsort :: IntervalList a b -> MonoList a b qsort (ILNil ab) = MonoNil ab qsort (ILCons x ax xb (ILNil ab)) = MonoCons x ax xb (MonoNil reflLE) qsort (ILCons x ax xb xs) = let (less,greater) = partition x ax xb xs sortedLess = qsort less sortedGreater = qsort greater in appMonoList sortedGreater (appMonoList (singletonMonoList x) sortedLess) -- Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example {- A comment -} Token {- -} row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 675 3.4
OMeta - Grammar language OMeta ===== OMeta is a grammar language created in 2007. 2007 #3740 on PLDB 17 Years Old OMeta is a specialized object-oriented programming language for pattern matching, developed by Alessandro Warth and Ian Piumarta in 2007 under the Viewpoints Research Institute. The language is based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) rather than Context-Free Grammars with the intent of providing “a natural and convenient way for programmers to implement tokenizers, parsers, visitors, and tree-transformers”.OMeta's main goal is to allow a broader audience to use techniques generally available only to language programmers, such as parsing. It is also known for its use in quickly creating prototypes, though programs written in OMeta are noted to be generally less efficient than those written in vanilla (base language) implementations, such as JavaScript.OMeta is noted for its use in creating domain-specific languages, and especially for the maintainability of its implementations (Newcome). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of OMeta happened in Viewpoints Research Institute Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
OMG IDL - Interface design language OMG IDL ======= OMG IDL, aka OMG Interface Definition Language, is an interface design language created in 2018. 2018 #2756 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: interface design language - Early development of OMG IDL happened in Object Management Group - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for OMG IDL interface A { typedef long L1; short opA (in L1 l_1); }; interface B { typedef short L1; L1 opB (in long l); }; interface C: B, A { typedef L1 L2; // Error: L1 ambiguous typedef A::L1 L3; // A::L1 is OK B::L1 opC (in L3 l_3); // All OK no ambiguities }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Omgrofl - Esoteric programming language Omgrofl ======= Omgrofl is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2006. 2006 #1446 on PLDB 18 Years Old 3 Repos git clone Omgrofl interpreter - Tags: esoteric programming language - Omgrofl is developed on GitHub and has 16 stars - There are at least 3 Omgrofl repos on GitHub - Early development of Omgrofl happened in - Omgrofl is written in Java, XML, Markdown, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8 users using Omgrofl in 8 repos on GitHub lol iz 71 wtf lol iz liek 71 lmao lol brb w00t Hello, World! rofl lol lol iz 101 rofl lol lol iz 108 rofl lol rofl lol lool iz 111 rofl lool loool iz 44 rofl loool loool iz 32 rofl loool loool iz 87 rofl loool rofl lool lool iz 114 rofl lool rofl lol lol iz 100 rofl lol lol iz 33 rofl lol stfu lol iz 72 rofl lol lol iz 101 rofl lol lol iz 108 rofl lol rofl lol lool iz 111 rofl lool loool iz 44 rofl loool loool iz 32 rofl loool loool iz 119 rofl loool rofl lool lool iz 114 rofl lool rofl lol lol iz 100 rofl lol lol iz 33 rofl lol lol iz 10 rofl lol lol iz 72 rofl lol lol iz 101 rofl lol lol iz 108 rofl lol rofl lol lool iz 111 rofl lool loool iz 44 rofl loool loool iz 32 rofl loool loool iz 87 rofl loool rofl lool lool iz 114 rofl lool rofl lol lol iz 100 rofl lol lol iz 33 rofl lol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 337 1.7
Omikron BASIC - Programming language Omikron BASIC ============= Omikron BASIC is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3634 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Omikron BASIC happened in Omikron.Soft + Hardware GmbH Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
OMNIMARK - Programming language OMNIMARK ======== OMNIMARK is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4295 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OMNIMARK happened in Exoterica Corporation - OMNIMARK on HOPL OMNIMARK on HOPL - Read more about OMNIMARK on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Omnis Studio - Programming language Omnis Studio ============ Omnis Studio is an open source programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3778 on PLDB 42 Years Old Omnis Studio is a rapid application development (RAD) tool that allows programmers and application developers to create enterprise, web, and mobile applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS personal computers and servers across all business sectors. The Omnis JavaScript Client allows developers to build all types of web applications and mobile applications by presenting a highly functional interface in the user's desktop web browser, or on tablet and mobile devices. The business logic and database access in such web and mobile applications is handled by the Omnis server. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, Android, Java, UCSD Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
OMNITAB 80 - Programming language OMNITAB 80 ========== OMNITAB 80 is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3501 on PLDB 44 Years Old OMNITAB 80 is a high-level statistical analysis program. OMNITAB, the precursor of Minitab(TM), was developed in the Statistical Engineering Division and is maintained by the Statistical Engineering Division. OMNITAB performs many different statistical analyses including: arithmetic and trigonometric calculations, and matrix and array operations. The software responds to simple instructions and uses reliable computational algorithms. - Tags: programming language - Early development of OMNITAB 80 happened in National Institute of Standards and Technology - OMNITAB 80 on HOPL OMNITAB 80 on HOPL - Read more about OMNITAB 80 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
OMNITAB II - Programming language OMNITAB II ========== OMNITAB II is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4296 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OMNITAB II happened in National Institute of Standards and Technology - OMNITAB II on HOPL OMNITAB II on HOPL - Read more about OMNITAB II on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
OMNITAB - Programming language OMNITAB ======= OMNITAB is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4297 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OMNITAB happened in National Bureau of Standards - OMNITAB on HOPL OMNITAB on HOPL - Read more about OMNITAB on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
One-man-language - Programming language One-man-language ================ One-man-language is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3502 on PLDB 47 Years Old A language for a dissertation. Miceli, James J. Some Experiences with a One-man Language. Diss. University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science, 1977. - Tags: programming language - Early development of One-man-language happened in University of Toronto - One-man-language on HOPL One-man-language on HOPL - Read more about One-man-language on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
onex - Application onex ==== onex is an application created in 2014. 2014 #2480 on PLDB 10 Years Old This is the vision of the "Object Network" and its app and programming system called "Onex". Onex is a mobile app that will enable you to build your own programs and manage your own data, directly on your phone or tablet. It's as easy as spreadsheets, but can scale up over the network. - Tags: application - Early development of onex happened in - was registered in 2014 - Read more about onex on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
oniguruma - Query language oniguruma ========= oniguruma is a query language created in 2002. 2002 #4830 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of oniguruma happened in MacroMates Ltd - Read more about oniguruma on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
onnx - Binary data format onnx ==== onnx is an open source binary data format created in 2017 by Junjie Bai. 2017 Junjie Bai #300 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Open standard for machine learning interoperability - Tags: binaryDataFormat - onnx is developed on GitHub and has 17,369 stars - Early development of onnx happened in - onnx is written in Python, Markdown, C++, YAML, JSON, Protocol Buffers, CMake, Jupyter Notebook, TOML, Bourne shell, SVG, CSS, PowerShell, Make, JavaScript - was registered in 2017 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Onyx - Programming language Onyx ==== Onyx is a programming language created in 1989 by Jason Evans. 1989 Jason Evans #1715 on PLDB 35 Years Old Onyx is a stack-oriented, multi-threaded, interpreted, general purpose programming language .. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Onyx happened in - Explore Onyx snippets on Rosetta Code - Read more about Onyx on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
ooc - Programming language ooc === ooc is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Amos Wenger. 2009 Amos Wenger #416 on PLDB 15 Years Old 227 Repos git clone :ocean: self-hosted ooc compiler that generates c99 - Tags: programming language - ooc is developed on GitHub and has 401 stars - There are at least 227 ooc repos on GitHub - Early development of ooc happened in - ooc is written in C, Bourne shell, Make, Markdown, M4, Assembly language, HTML, C++, CMake, Bash, YAML, reStructuredText - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 69 users using ooc in 126 repos on GitHub - Explore ooc snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for ooc - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ooc - was registered in 2009 main: func { "Hello World" println() } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 299 1.5
Ook - Esoteric programming language Ook === Ook is an esoteric programming language created in 2005 by David Morgan-Mar. 2005 David Morgan-Mar #2481 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Ook happened in - Ook on Esolang! Ook on Esolang - Read more about Ook on the web: 1.! 1. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 417 2.1
OOLP - Programming language OOLP ==== OOLP is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3503 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OOLP happened in Rutgers University and IBM - OOLP on HOPL OOLP on HOPL - Read more about OOLP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
OOPAL - Programming language OOPAL ===== OOPAL is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4298 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OOPAL happened in University of Bern - OOPAL on HOPL OOPAL on HOPL - Read more about OOPAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
OOPS - Programming language OOPS ==== OOPS is a programming language created in 1986 by Els Laenens and Dirk Vermeir. 1986 Els Laenens Dirk Vermeir #3142 on PLDB 38 Years Old OOPS: A Knowledge Representation Language - Tags: programming language - Early development of OOPS happened in Philips International and University of Antwerp - OOPS on HOPL OOPS on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
oopsilon - Esoteric programming language oopsilon ======== oopsilon is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2230 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Oopsilon is an object-oriented language in the Kayian tradition which is (perhaps uniquely) founded on a negativist philosophy drawing on critical theory and stressing the importance of hermeneutics in understanding the problems programmers experience. - Tags: esoteric programming language - oopsilon is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of oopsilon happened in - oopsilon is written in Smalltalk, C++, CMake, Markdown, SVG, C, YAML, LLVM IR, JSON, Lua, JavaScript, Python, Meson Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
OOPS+ - Programming language OOPS+ ===== OOPS+ is a programming language created in 1988 by Els Laenens and Dirk Vermeir. 1988 Els Laenens Dirk Vermeir #3143 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OOPS+ happened in Philips International and University of Antwerp - OOPS+ on HOPL OOPS+ on HOPL - Read more about OOPS+ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about OOPS+ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Office Open XML - Xml format Office Open XML =============== Office Open XML is a xml format created in 2006. 2006 #1203 on PLDB 18 Years Old Office Open XML (also informally known as OOXML or Microsoft Open XML (MOX)) is a zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents. The format was initially standardized by Ecma (as ECMA-376), and by the ISO and IEC (as ISO/IEC 29500) in later versions. Starting with Microsoft Office 2007, the Office Open XML file formats have become the default target file format of Microsoft Office. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Office Open XML happened in Microsoft - See also: (2 related languages) XML, Microsoft Excel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Opa - Programming language Opa === Opa is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #227 on PLDB 13 Years Old 76 Repos git clone Opa is an open-source programming language for developing scalable web applications. It can be used for both client-side and server-side scripting, where complete programs are written in Opa and subsequently compiled to Nodejs on the server and JavaScript on the client, with the compiler automating all communication between the two. Opa implements strong, static typing, which can be helpful in protecting against security issues such as SQL injections and cross-site scripting attacks. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Opa is developed on GitHub and has 1,242 stars - There are at least 76 Opa repos on GitHub - Early development of Opa happened in - Opa is written in OCaml, JavaScript, CSS, Bourne shell, C, Diff, Lisp, Make, Bash, XML, HTML, SVG, Vim script, Markdown, Perl, QML, Java, Python, Z shell, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 50 users using Opa in 58 repos on GitHub - Explore Opa snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Opa - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Opa - was registered in 2010 - See also: (12 related languages) Linux, OCaml, Erlang, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL, Dart, Haxe, CoffeeScript jlog("Hello World") /** * To compile & run on port 8080: * opa hello_syntax1.opa -- */ server = Server.one_page_server( "Hello, world", -> (<h1>Hello, world</h1>) ) Server.start(Server.http, { title: "Hello" , page: function() { <h1>Hello, web!</h1> } } ) and as begin case client css database db do else end external forall function if import match module or package parser rec server then type val with xml_parser Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token jlog row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 516 2.6
Opal - Programming language Opal ==== Opal is an open source programming language created in 1994. 1994 #793 on PLDB 30 Years Old 14 Repos git clone OPAL (OPtimized Applicative Language) is a functional programming language first developed at the Technical University of Berlin.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Opal is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - There are at least 14 Opal repos on GitHub - Early development of Opal happened in - Opal is written in C, Tex, Tcl, Bourne shell, Lisp, Clojure, Perl, Bash, CMake, Vim script, Make, Lex, Java, Logos, Markdown - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9 users using Opal in 10 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Opal - Read more about Opal on the web: 1. 1. -- Deepak Chopra nonsense text generator -- see starts = ["Experiential truth ", "The physical world ", "Non-judgment ", "Quantum physics "] middles = ["nurtures an ", "projects onto ", "imparts reality to ", "constructs with "] qualifiers = ["abundance of ", "the barrier of ", "self-righteous ", "potential "] finishes = ["marvel.", "choices.", "creativity.", "actions."] alert starts.sample + middles.sample + qualifiers.sample + finishes.sample IMPLEMENTATION GCD IMPORT Nat COMPLETELY DEF GCD(a,b) == IF a % b = 0 THEN b ELSE IF a-b < b THEN GCD(b,a-b) ELSE GCD(a-b,b) FI FI Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 375 1.9
opam-pm - Package manager opam-pm ======= opam-pm is a package manager created in 2012 by Fabrice Le Fessant. 2012 Fabrice Le Fessant #493 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone opam is a source-based package manager. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow. - Tags: packageManager - opam-pm is developed on GitHub and has 1,218 stars - Early development of opam-pm happened in - opam-pm is written in OCaml, Bourne shell, Markdown, Make, C, M4, YAML, Bash, Z shell, XML, HTML, Dockerfile, sed, C shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
OPB Format - Text data format OPB Format ========== OPB Format is a text data format created in 2009 by Olivier Roussel and Vasco Manquinho. 2009 Olivier Roussel Vasco Manquinho #2867 on PLDB 15 Years Old A format for encoding pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. It is used to represent linear pseudo-Boolean constraints and objective functions. - Tags: textDataFormat - See also: (1 related languages) MPS Format - Read more about OPB Format on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. * #variable= 3 #constraint= 2 min: 3 x1 + 2 x2 + x3; 2 x1 - 3 x2 + x3 >= 5; x1 + x2 + x3 = 1; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
OpenNN - Library OpenNN ====== OpenNN is a library created in 2003. 2003 #767 on PLDB 21 Years Old git clone OpenNN (Open Neural Networks Library) is a software library written in the C++ programming language which implements neural networks, a main area of deep learning research.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - OpenNN is developed on GitHub and has 1,136 stars - Early development of OpenNN happened in - OpenNN is written in C++, CMake, FORTRAN 77, CSV, XML, C, CUDA, Bourne shell, Python, Markdown, YAML, HTML, Bash, JavaScript, CSS, XSLT, DTD Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
Open Shading Language - Shading language Open Shading Language ===================== Open Shading Language is a shading language created in 2008. 2008 #710 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Open Shading Language (OSL) is a shading language developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks for use in its Arnold Renderer. It is also supported by Otoy's Octane Render, V-Ray 3, and by the Cycles render engine in Blender (starting with Blender 2.65). OSL's surface and volume shaders define how surfaces or volumes scatter light in a way that allows for importance sampling; thus, it is well suited for physically-based renderers that support ray tracing and global illumination.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: shadingLanguage - Open Shading Language is developed on GitHub and has 2,052 stars - Early development of Open Shading Language happened in Sony - Open Shading Language is written in Python, C++, XML, Markdown, CMake, Bash, CUDA, YAML, Tex, Yacc, HTML, Lex, Make, D, CSS, GLSL, reStructuredText, JavaScript - was registered in 2012 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
OpenAda - Programming language OpenAda ======= OpenAda is a programming language created in 2000 by Patrick Rogers and Andy Wellings. 2000 Patrick Rogers Andy Wellings #3504 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OpenAda happened in Ada Core Technologies and University of York - OpenAda on HOPL OpenAda on HOPL - Read more about OpenAda on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
OpenCL - Programming language OpenCL ====== OpenCL is an open source programming language created in 2009. 2009 #101 on PLDB 15 Years Old 0 Repos Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is a framework for writing programs that execute across heterogeneous platforms consisting of central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and other processors or hardware accelerators. OpenCL specifies programming languages (based on C99 and C++11) for programming these devices and application programming interfaces (APIs) to control the platform and execute programs on the compute devices. OpenCL provides a standard interface for parallel computing using task- and data-based parallelism. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 OpenCL repos on GitHub - Early development of OpenCL happened in Khronos Group - Check out the 37 OpenCL meetup groups on - OpenCL is supported by the GDB - OpenCL appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OpenCL - has 266 matches for "opencl engineer". - See also: (17 related languages) OpenGL, Android, FreeBSD, Linux, IA-32, CUDA, C, Python, Java, LLVM IR, Mathematica, JavaScript, ARM, X86, PTX, Metal, SequenceL - 9 PLDB concepts link to OpenCL: Basis Codec, Charcoal, Emscripten, FFmpeg, Futhark, HHVM, HyPhy, LWJGL, OpenCV /* Old-style comment. */ // New-style comment. typedef float foo_t; #ifndef ZERO #define ZERO (0.0) #endif #define FOO(x) ((x) + \ ZERO) __kernel void foo(__global const foo_t * x, __local foo_t y, const uint n) { barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); if (n > 42) { *x += y; } } // This kernel computes FFT of length 1024. The 1024 length FFT is decomposed into // calls to a radix 16 function, another radix 16 function and then a radix 4 function __kernel void fft1D_1024 (__global float2 *in, __global float2 *out, __local float *sMemx, __local float *sMemy) { int tid = get_local_id(0); int blockIdx = get_group_id(0) * 1024 + tid; float2 data[16]; // starting index of data to/from global memory in = in + blockIdx; out = out + blockIdx; globalLoads(data, in, 64); // coalesced global reads fftRadix16Pass(data); // in-place radix-16 pass twiddleFactorMul(data, tid, 1024, 0); // local shuffle using local memory localShuffle(data, sMemx, sMemy, tid, (((tid & 15) * 65) + (tid >> 4))); fftRadix16Pass(data); // in-place radix-16 pass twiddleFactorMul(data, tid, 64, 4); // twiddle factor multiplication localShuffle(data, sMemx, sMemy, tid, (((tid >> 4) * 64) + (tid & 15))); // four radix-4 function calls fftRadix4Pass(data); // radix-4 function number 1 fftRadix4Pass(data + 4); // radix-4 function number 2 fftRadix4Pass(data + 8); // radix-4 function number 3 fftRadix4Pass(data + 12); // radix-4 function number 4 // coalesced global writes globalStores(data, out, 64); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 549 2.7
OpenComal - Programming language OpenComal ========= OpenComal is a programming language created in 2006 by Christian Pietsch. 2006 Christian Pietsch #1621 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone OpenCOMAL aims to be a compliant Common COMAL interpreter. It has been tested on Linux and macOS. - Tags: programming language - OpenComal is developed on GitHub and has 21 stars - Early development of OpenComal happened in - OpenComal is written in C, Markdown, Bourne shell, Make, Yacc, Lex, Bazel - OpenComal on HOPL OpenComal on HOPL - Read more about OpenComal on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
OpenCV - Library OpenCV ====== OpenCV is a library created in 2000. 2000 #977 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone OpenCV is a library of programming functions mainly for real-time computer vision. Originally developed by Intel, it was later supported by Willow Garage, then Itseez. The library is cross-platform and licensed as free and open-source software under Apache License 2. - Tags: library - OpenCV is developed on GitHub and has 77,208 stars - OpenCV is written in C++, C, Python, Markdown, CMake, Java, XML, OpenCL, HTML, Assembly language, Objective C++, JavaScript, CUDA, Swift, JSON, Diff, YAML, XAML, Bourne shell, C#, Protocol Buffers, GLSL, Tex, Scala, SVG, CSS, Bash, Gradle, Kotlin, Clojure, Prolog, Pascal, Perl, Objective-C, HLSL, PowerShell, Ini, Dockerfile, IDL, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
OpenDoc - Protocol OpenDoc ======= OpenDoc is a protocol created in 1993. 1993 #4559 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of OpenDoc happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 85 0.4
OpenEdge ABL - Programming language OpenEdge ABL ============ OpenEdge ABL is an open source programming language created in 2006. 2006 #621 on PLDB 18 Years Old 72 Repos OpenEdge Advanced Business Language, or OpenEdge ABL for short, is a business application development language created and maintained by Progress Software Corporation (PSC). The language, typically classified as a fourth-generation programming language, uses an English-like syntax to simplify software development. The language was called PROGRESS or Progress 4GL up until version 9, but in 2006 PSC changed the name to OpenEdge Advanced Business Language (OpenEdge ABL) in order to overcome a presumed industry perception that 4GLs were less capable than other languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 72 OpenEdge ABL repos on GitHub - Early development of OpenEdge ABL happened in Progress Software Corporation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using OpenEdge ABL in 3k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for OpenEdge ABL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OpenEdge ABL - See also: (2 related languages) SQL, ISBN MESSAGE "Hello, world!". FOR EACH customer WHERE customer.custno = 14 EXCLUSIVE-LOCK: ASSIGN customer.salesman = 'Fred'. END. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 317 1.6
OpenEXR - Binary data format OpenEXR ======= OpenEXR is a binary data format created in 1999. 1999 #2913 on PLDB 25 Years Old OpenEXR is a high dynamic range raster file format, released as an open standard along with a set of software tools created by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), under a free software license similar to the BSD license.It is notable for supporting multiple channels of potentially different pixel sizes, including 64-, 32- and 16-bit floating point values, as well as various compression techniques which include lossless and lossy compression algorithms. It also has arbitrary channels and encodes multiple points of view such as left- and right-camera images.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of OpenEXR happened in Industrial Light & Magic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
OpenFlow - Protocol OpenFlow ======== OpenFlow is a protocol created in 2011 by Martìn Casado. 2011 Martìn Casado #4665 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: protocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
OpenGL - Library OpenGL ====== OpenGL is a library created in 1992. 1992 #856 on PLDB 32 Years Old Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) is a cross-language, cross-platform application programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. The API is typically used to interact with a graphics processing unit (GPU), to achieve hardware-accelerated rendering. Silicon Graphics Inc., (SGI) started developing OpenGL in 1991 and released it in January 1992; applications use it extensively in the fields of computer-aided design (CAD), virtual reality, scientific visualization, information visualization, flight simulation, and video games. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of OpenGL happened in Khronos Group - was registered in 1997 - See also: (12 related languages) OpenCL, C, JavaScript, WebGL, iOS, Java, Android, ISBN, Qt, Linux, GLSL, Metal - 1 PLDB concepts link to OpenGL: PHIGS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
opengraph - Xml format opengraph ========= opengraph is a xml format created in 2010. 2010 #2482 on PLDB 14 Years Old The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook. - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of opengraph happened in Facebook - was registered in 2010 <html prefix="og:"> <head> <title>The Rock (1996)</title> <meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" /> <meta property="og:type" content="" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> ... </head> ... </html> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example true false 1 0 Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 239 1.2
OpenLisp - Programming language OpenLisp ======== OpenLisp is an open source programming language created in 1988 by Christian Jullien. 1988 Christian Jullien #2013 on PLDB 36 Years Old OpenLisp is a programming language in the Lisp family developed by Christian Jullien. It conforms to the international standard for ISLISP published jointly by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO/IEC 13816:1997(E), revised to ISO/IEC 13816:2007(E).Written in the programming languages C and Lisp, it runs on most common operating systems. OpenLisp is designated an ISLISP implementation, but also contains many Common Lisp-compatible extensions (hashtable, readtable, package, defstruct, sequences, rational numbers) and other libraries (network socket, regular expression, XML, Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), SQL, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)).OpenLisp includes an interpreter associated to a read–eval–print loop (REPL), a Lisp Assembly Program (LAP) and a backend compiler for the language C.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OpenLisp happened in Eligis (one person company) - Explore OpenLisp snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (40 related languages) Emacs, Lisp, C, X86, SPARC, PowerPC, MIPS architecture, ARM, Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, ISLISP, Common Lisp, Regular Expressions, XML, SQL, Java, Unicode, Interlisp, Lisp Machine Lisp, Scheme, Le-Lisp, T, Emacs Lisp, AutoLISP, PicoLisp, EuLisp, NewLisp, Racket, Guile, Clojure, Arc, LFE, HTTP, SMTP, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, CSV static POINTER OLDEFCOMPILED1(olfib_00, p1) { POINTER a1; POINTER VOLATILE a2; ollapenter(SN_OLFIB_00); a1 = p1; if (eq(a1, olmakefix(1))) goto _l004; if (!eq(a1, olmakefix(2))) goto _l003; ollapleave(SN_OLFIB_00); return olmakefix(1); _l003: a1 = ollapgsub(a1, olmakefix(1)); a2 = olfib_00(a1); a1 = ollapgsub(p1, olmakefix(2)); a1 = olfib_00(a1); a1 = ollapgadd(a2, a1); _l004: ollapleave(SN_OLFIB_00); return a1; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 365 1.8
OpenMusic - Programming language OpenMusic ========= OpenMusic is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4299 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OpenMusic happened in Inria - OpenMusic on HOPL OpenMusic on HOPL - Read more about OpenMusic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
OpenRC runscript - Application OpenRC runscript ================ OpenRC runscript is an application created in 2007 by Roy Marples. 2007 Roy Marples #439 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone OpenRC is basically an interpreter for shell scripts which provides an easy interface to the often complex system commands and daemons. When a service runs a command it first loads its multiplexed configuration file, then its master configuration file, then /etc/rc.conf and finally the script itself. At this point then runs the command given. - Tags: application - OpenRC runscript is developed on GitHub and has 1,416 stars - Early development of OpenRC runscript happened in - OpenRC runscript is written in Meson, C, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, Perl - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OpenRC runscript - Read more about OpenRC runscript on the web: 1. 1. #!/sbin/openrc-run command=/usr/bin/foo command_args="${foo_args} --bar" pidfile=/var/run/ name="FooBar Daemon" description="FooBar is a daemon that eats and drinks" extra_commands="show" extra_started_commands="drink eat" description_drink="Opens mouth and reflexively swallows" description_eat="Chews food in mouth" description_show="Shows what's in the tummy" _need_dbus() { grep -q dbus /etc/foo/plugins } depend() { # We write a pidfile and to /var/cache, so we need localmount. need localmount # We can optionally use the network, but it's not essential. use net # We should be after bootmisc so that /var/run is cleaned before # we put our pidfile there. after bootmisc # Foo may use a dbus plugin. # However, if we add the dbus plugin whilst foo is running and # stop dbus, we don't need to stop foo as foo didn't use dbus. config /etc/foo/plugins local _need= if service_started; then _need=`service_get_value need` else if _need_dbus; then _need="${_need} dbus" fi fi need ${_need} } # This function does any pre-start setup. If it fails, the service will # not be started. # If you need this function to behave differently for a restart command, # you should check the value of RC_CMD for "restart". # This also applies to start_post, stop_pre and stop_post. start_pre() { if [ "$RC_CMD" = restart ]; then # This block will only execute for a restart command. Use a # structure like this if you need special processing for a # restart which you do not need for a normal start. # The function can also fail from here, which will mean that a # restart can fail. # This logic can also be used in start_post, stop_pre and # stop_post. fi # Ensure that our dirs are correct checkpath --directory --owner foo:foo --mode 0775 \ /var/run/foo /var/cache/foo } start_post() { # Save our need if _need_dbus; then service_set_value need dbus fi } stop_post() { # Clean any spills rm -rf /var/cache/foo/* } drink() { ebegin "Starting to drink" ${command} --drink beer eend $? "Failed to drink any beer :(" } eat() { local result=0 retval= ate= food= ebegin "Starting to eat" if yesno "${foo_diet}"; then eend 1 "We are on a diet!" return 1 fi for food in /usr/share/food/*; do veinfo "Eating `basename ${food}`" ${command} --eat ${food} retval=$? : $(( result += retval )) [ ${retval} = 0 ] && ate="${ate} `basename ${food}`" done if eend ${result} "Failed to eat all the food"; then service_set_value ate "${ate}" fi } show() { einfo "Foo has eaten: `service_get_value ate`" } #!/sbin/openrc-run description="Daemon for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface" extra_started_commands="reload" command="/usr/sbin/acpid" command_args="$ACPID_ARGS" start_stop_daemon_args="--quiet" depend() { need localmount use logger } reload() { ebegin "Reloading acpid configuration" start-stop-daemon --exec $command --signal HUP eend $? } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 709 3.5
OpenROAD - Programming language OpenROAD ======== OpenROAD is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3648 on PLDB 34 Years Old OpenROAD stands for "Open Rapid Object Application Development". It is a software product of Actian Corporation. OpenROAD is a fourth-generation programming language (4GL) which include a suite of development tools, with built-in Integrated development environment (IDE) (Written in OpenROAD), Code Repository, allowing applications to be developed and deployed on Microsoft and UNIX/LINUX platforms.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OpenROAD happened in Actian Corporation - See also: (1 related languages) SQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
OpenSCAD - Programming language OpenSCAD ======== OpenSCAD is an open source programming language created in 2010. 2010 #527 on PLDB 14 Years Old 11k Repos OpenSCAD is a free software application for creating solid 3D CAD (computer-aided design) objects. It is a script-only based modeller that uses its own description language; parts can be previewed, but it cannot be interactively selected or modified by mouse in the 3D view. An OpenSCAD script specifies geometric primitives (such as spheres, boxes, cylinders, etc.) and defines how they are modified and combined (for instance by intersection, difference, envelope combination and Minkowski sums) to render a 3D model. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, cad - There are at least 10,989 OpenSCAD repos on GitHub - Early development of OpenSCAD happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using OpenSCAD in 2k repos on GitHub - Explore OpenSCAD snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OpenSCAD - See also: (5 related languages) OpenGL, Linux, FreeBSD, IA-32, AutoCAD DXF - Read more about OpenSCAD on the web: 1. 1. cube(5); x = 4+y; rotate(40) square(5,10); translate([10,5]) { circle(5); square(4); } rotate(60) color("red") { circle(5); square(4); } color("blue") { translate([5,3,0]) sphere(5); rotate([45,0,45]) { cylinder(10); cube([5,6,7]); } } echo("Hello, world!"); // Simple sphere in OpenSCAD sphere( r=10 ); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 352 1.8
OpenSpice - Programming language OpenSpice ========= OpenSpice is a programming language created in 2005 by Stephen Leach. 2005 Stephen Leach #2483 on PLDB 19 Years Old OpenSpice is an openly available specification of the Spice language - a modern programming language with some nice XML processing features. It is designed with the needs of part-time or occasional programmers in mind. The language features are properly separated and their corner cases have been eliminated. This design means that if you only use Spice occasionally, you're likely to find it easy to come back to despite the breaks. The most similar well-known language is probably Common LISP together with CLOS. But Spice has a rich Algol-like external syntax, an XML transport form, and makes multiple values a key feature. The way Spice deals with multiple values is, we think, the feature that will strike most programmers as special. - Tags: programming language - Early development of OpenSpice happened in The OpenSpice Group - OpenSpice on HOPL OpenSpice on HOPL - Read more about OpenSpice on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 256 1.3
OpenType Feature File - Application OpenType Feature File ===================== OpenType Feature File is an application created in 1996. 1996 #1388 on PLDB 28 Years Old An OpenType feature file is a text file that contains the typographic layout feature specifications for an OpenType font in an easy-to-read format. It may also contain override values for certain fields in the font tables. It is read in during the creation or editing of an OpenType font. - Tags: application - Early development of OpenType Feature File happened in Microsoft and Adobe - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OpenType Feature File - Read more about OpenType Feature File on the web: 1. 1. # Script and language coverage languagesystem DFLT dflt; languagesystem latn dflt; # Ligature formation feature liga { substitute f i by f_i; substitute f l by f_l; } liga; # Kerning feature kern { position A Y -100; position a y -80; position s f' <0 0 10 0> t; } kern; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
OpenVera - Programming language OpenVera ======== OpenVera is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1271 on PLDB 23 Years Old OpenVera is a hardware verification language developed and managed by Synopsys. OpenVera is an interoperable, open hardware verification language for testbench creation. The OpenVera language was used as the basis for the advanced verification features in the IEEE Std. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OpenVera happened in Systems Science Inc - See also: (1 related languages) SystemVerilog - Read more about OpenVera on the web: 1. 1. // This Examples shows how random // Test vectors is generated // This is base object class m_base_o { rand bit [7:0] addr ; rand bit [7:0] data ; rand bit rd_wr; constraint c1 { addr > 0; data > 0; } task print() { printf ("-------------------------\n"); printf ("Address : %x\n",addr); printf ("Data : %x\n",data); printf ("Write : %x\n",rd_wr); } } // This is transcation generator class txgen { m_base_o base_ob; integer num_cmds; integer i,s; // Method to generate commands task gen_tx () { base_ob = new(); // Generate num_cmds commands for ( i = 0; i < num_cmds; i ++) { s = base_ob.randomize(); base_ob.print(); } } } // Top level for any vera testbench program memory { txgen tx; tx = new(); tx.num_cmds = 5; tx.gen_tx(); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 317 1.6
Openverse - Search engine Openverse ========= Openverse is a search engine created in 2016 by Liza Daly. 2016 Liza Daly #1582 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Openverse is a search engine for openly-licensed media. This monorepo includes all application code. - Tags: searchEngine - Openverse is developed on GitHub and has 232 stars - Openverse is written in Python, Markdown, JSON5, TypeScript, JSON, JavaScript, SVG, YAML, SQL, Bourne shell, HTML, Dockerfile, TOML, XML, CSS, Bash, Ini, CSV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Operational Control Language - Programming language Operational Control Language ============================ Operational Control Language is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1873 on PLDB 38 Years Old Operational Control Language (OCL) is the control language of the IBM System/34 and System/36 minicomputer family. Other control languages include CL (System/38 and AS/400), JCL (System/370), and REXX (AS/400). The facility of DOS to use batch files is also control language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Operational Control Language happened in IBM - Operational Control Language on HOPL Operational Control Language on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) JCL ** Procedure PROC1 ** ** Written by Joe User 2006-05-29 ** ** // * 'PROC1 procedure is running' // * ' ' // IFF ACTIVE-'PROC2,PROC3' GOTO OKAY ** IFF means 'if false' ** ACTIVE-'nnn,nnn2' means at least one of the listed programs is currently running ** GOTO xxx means skip to the statement that says TAG xxx and resume processing // PAUSE ' Cannot continue because other Payroll is running' // CANCEL stops execution of this procedure // TAG OKAY // IFF DATAF1-PFILE1 IFF DATAF1-PFILE2 GOTO NODELT // * ' Caution, Pay Data Exists' displays info on CRT // * ' ' // * ' Press 1 to continue and DELETE existing files' // IFF '1'=?1R? CANCEL A parameter is indicated by question marks surrounding a number ** Using 1R between question marks indicates that the parameter is required and processing ** waits for user input. CANCEL means immediately go to end of job. // LOAD $DELET $DELET is used to delete files // RUN // IF DATAF1-PFILE1 SCRATCH UNIT-F1,LABEL-PFILE1 deletes a disk file // IF DATAF1-PFILE2 SCRATCH UNIT-F1,LABEL-PFILE2 // END END returns control from a system program // LOAD PR101 PR101 is the sample RPG program // FILE NAME-PAYMAST,DISP-SHR PAYMAST is the payroll master file // FILE NAME-PFILE1,DISP-NEW,RECORDS-100,EXTEND-100 A new file PFILE1 is created ** 100 records are assigned to PFILE1 - if full, the system tries to extend it by another 100 ** each time it fills. // RUN ** It's not necessary or valid to put an END statement after most user programs // SWITCH 1XXXXXXX Causes U1 to be SETON in the RPG program // LOCAL OFFSET-1,DATA-'PROC1' Places PROC1 in the Local Data Area // LOCAL OFFSET-101,DATA-'?USER?' Substitutes the operator's User ID ** LDA becomes the external data structure (UDS) in an RPG program // LOAD PR102 // FILE NAME-PAYMAST,DISP-SHR DISP-SHR means the file is shared ** Other programs can use PAYMAST at the same time // FILE NAME-PFILE,LABEL-PFILE1 ** NAME/LABEL is used when the RPG disk file and the actual disk file names are different. // RUN // RETURN Return means go to end-of-job Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 579 2.9
operon - Query language operon ====== operon is a query language created in 2018. 2018 #2484 on PLDB 6 Years Old is a powerful language to query, transform and integrate JSON-data. You can use it for example to build a small microservice for your backend services. All code is run on the powerful and battle tested Java Virtual Machine (JVM). - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of operon happened in Operon Consulting From json:true Function mySum($a, $b): $a + $b End Select [1 ... 5] => array:Reduce(mySum($a, $b)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
OPL - Programming language OPL === OPL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3635 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OPL happened in Psion PLC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
OPL - Programming language OPL === OPL, aka Open Programming Language, is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #1260 on PLDB 40 Years Old Open Programming Language (OPL) is an embedded programming language for portable devices that run the Symbian Operating System.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OPL happened in Psion PLC - Explore OPL snippets on Rosetta Code - OPL appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, Visual Basic, Python, Python for S60 PROC test: dINIT "Your Challenge" dTEXT "","Will your answer to this question be no?" dBUTTONS "Yes",%y,"No",%n IF DIALOG=%y PRINT "No it wasn't!" ELSE PRINT "Yes it was!" ENDIF GET ENDP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
O++ - Programming language O++ === O++ is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3505 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of O++ happened in Bell Labs - O++ on HOPL O++ on HOPL - Read more about O++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
OPS-3 - Programming language OPS-3 ===== OPS-3 is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4300 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OPS-3 happened in MIT - OPS-3 on HOPL OPS-3 on HOPL - Read more about OPS-3 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
OPS - Programming language OPS === OPS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4301 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OPS happened in Carnegie Mellon - OPS on HOPL OPS on HOPL - Read more about OPS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
OPS5 - Programming language OPS5 ==== OPS5, aka Official Production System version 5, is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #1474 on PLDB 47 Years Old OPS5 is a rule-based or production system computer language, notable as the first such language to be used in a successful expert system, the R1/XCON system used to configure VAX computers. The OPS (said to be short for "Official Production System") family was developed in the late 1970s by Charles Forgy while at Carnegie Mellon. Allen Newell's research group in artificial intelligence had been working on production systems for some time, but Forgy's implementation, based on his Rete algorithm, was especially efficient, sufficiently so that it was possible to scale up to larger problems involving hundreds or thousands of rules. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OPS5 happened in Carnegie Mellon - OPS5 on HOPL OPS5 on HOPL (compute 2 + (3 * 4) + 5) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
Optimization Programming Language - Programming language Optimization Programming Language ================================= Optimization Programming Language is a programming language created in 1999 by Pascal Van Hentenryck. 1999 Pascal Van Hentenryck #2219 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Optimization Programming Language happened in Brown University - See also: (1 related languages) GAMS - Read more about Optimization Programming Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Optimized Systems Software - Programming language Optimized Systems Software ========================== Optimized Systems Software is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3741 on PLDB 43 Years Old Optimized Systems Software (OSS) was a company that produced disk operating systems, programming languages, and applications primarily for the Atari 8-bit family of home computers, but some products were also sold for the Apple II. OSS was best known for their enhanced versions of Atari BASIC and the MAC/65 assembler (both of which are much faster than Atari's products) and the Action! programming language. OSS transitioned to other platforms with Personal Pascal for the Atari ST and Personal Prolog for Macintosh (which was also advertised for the Atari ST, but may not have been released). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Optimized Systems Software happened in Shepardson Microsystems - See also: (7 related languages) Atari BASIC, Action!, FAT, BASIC A+, Algol, C, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
OptimJ - Programming language OptimJ ====== OptimJ is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2117 on PLDB 18 Years Old OptimJ is an extension of the Java with language support for writing optimization models and abstractions for bulk data processing. The extensions and the proprietary product implementing the extensions were developed by Ateji which went out of business in September 2011. OptimJ aims at providing a clear and concise algebraic notation for optimization modeling, removing compatibility barriers between optimization modeling and application programming tools, and bringing software engineering techniques such as object-orientation and modern IDE support to optimization experts. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OptimJ happened in Ateji - See also: (2 related languages) Java, Algebraic modeling language // select name from persons where age > 18 `multiSet(){ | Person p : persons, :p.age > 18 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 247 1.2
Oracle Java - Programming language Oracle Java =========== Oracle Java is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #1993 on PLDB 14 Years Old A commercial implementation of Java provided by Oracle Corporation. - Tags: programming language - Oracle Java is an implementation of Java - Early development of Oracle Java happened in Sun Microsystems Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Oracle - Database Oracle ====== Oracle is a database created in 1979. 1979 #4831 on PLDB 45 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of Oracle happened in Oracle Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
orange - Programming language orange ====== orange is a programming language created in 2014 by Robert Fratto. 2014 Robert Fratto #1234 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Orange is a systems programming language made to be as powerful as C++ with none of the headache. It aims to be very productive by baking the most important low- and high-level features directly into the language, instead of dealing with them through obtuse function calls. - Tags: programming language - orange is developed on GitHub and has 74 stars - Early development of orange happened in - orange is written in Go, YAML, Markdown, Dockerfile extern printf(char* s, ...) -> int32 class Person public char* name public Person(char* name) @name = name end end Person john = Person("Johnny") printf("Hello, %s!\n", alias bool break catch char class const continue data def delete do double elif else enum extend extern false final finally float fro get if import int int16 int32 int64 int8 interface new of package private property protected public return set static string super this throw true try uint uint16 uint362 uint64 uint8 var virtual void where while HackerNews discussions of orange ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Orange: A simple systems programming language||06/26/2015|55|38 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 296 1.5
Optimized Row Columnar - Binary data format Optimized Row Columnar ====================== Optimized Row Columnar is a binary data format created in 2016. 2016 #3052 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Optimized Row Columnar happened in Apache Software Foundation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
Orc - Programming language Orc === Orc is an open source programming language created in 2004 by Jayadev Misra. 2004 Jayadev Misra #1120 on PLDB 20 Years Old Orc is a concurrent, nondeterministic computer programming language created by Jayadev Misra at the University of Texas at Austin. Orc provides uniform access to computational services, including distributed communication and data manipulation, through sites. Using four simple concurrency primitives, the programmer orchestrates the invocation of sites to achieve a goal, while managing timeouts, priorities, and failures.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Orc happened in University of Texas at Austin - See also: (4 related languages) Haskell, ML, Oz, Smalltalk {- HelloWorld.orc -- Orc program HelloWorld - - $Id$ - - Created by xbony2 on Nov 8, 2014 8:30:25 PM - Licensed under public domain. -} Println("Hello World") >> stop Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example {- A comment -} Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example {- A comment -} Token {- -} row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Println row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 280 1.4
orca-lang - Programming language orca-lang ========= orca-lang is a programming language created in 2014 by Karl Robillard. 2014 Karl Robillard #2485 on PLDB 10 Years Old Orca is a REBOL-like interpreter which can be used under the terms of either the GPL or LGPL. The interpreter is a C library so that C/C++ applications can use Orca as an embedded scripting system. - Tags: programming language - Early development of orca-lang happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
orca-pl - Esoteric programming language orca-pl ======= orca-pl is an esoteric programming language created in 2018. 2018 #1112 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Each letter of the alphabet is an operation, lowercase letters typically operate on bang(*), uppercase letters operate on each frame. Bangs can be generated by various operations, such as E colliding with a 0, see the bang.orca example. Watch a music video of ORCΛ in action. C Port for the ORCΛ programming environment, with a commandline interpreter. - Tags: esoteric programming language - orca-pl is developed on GitHub and has 473 stars - Early development of orca-pl happened in - orca-pl is written in C, Markdown, Bourne shell, Make, YAML - Read more about orca-pl on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
orca - Programming language orca ==== orca is a programming language created in 1985 by Lee Ki-Yeul. 1985 Lee Ki-Yeul #1689 on PLDB 39 Years Old git clone orca is yet another script language which supports OO & distribute processing & functional programming aspects. And It's useful in string processing with decode statements & regular expression in it. - Tags: programming language - orca is developed on GitHub and has 24 stars - Early development of orca happened in - orca is written in C++, Markdown, Make, Bourne shell, XML, Dockerfile, Yacc, Lex, M4, JSON - orca on HOPL orca on HOPL - Read more about orca on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
order - Programming language order ===== order is a programming language created in 2003 by Vesa Karvonen. 2003 Vesa Karvonen #3144 on PLDB 21 Years Old Metalanguage for C Preprocessor Metaprogramming - Tags: programming language - Early development of order happened in - Read more about order on the web: 1. 1. #define ORDER_PP_DEF_8fib \ ORDER_PP_FN(8fn(8N, \ 8fib_iter(8N, 0, 1))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
OREGANO - Programming language OREGANO ======= OREGANO is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4302 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OREGANO happened in General Electric Research and Development - OREGANO on HOPL OREGANO on HOPL - Read more about OREGANO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Org - Text markup language Org === Org is an open source text markup language created in 2003 by Carsten Dominik. 2003 Carsten Dominik #522 on PLDB 21 Years Old 18 Repos Org-mode (also: Org mode; ) is a document editing, formatting, and organizing mode, designed for notes, planning, and authoring within the free software text editor Emacs. The name is used to encompass plain text files ("org files") that include simple marks to indicate levels of a hierarchy (such as the outline of an essay, a topic list with subtopics, nested computer code, etc.), and an editor with functions that can read the markup and manipulate hierarchy elements (expand/hide elements, move blocks of elements, check off to-do list items, etc.). Org-mode was created by Carsten Dominik in 2003, originally to organize his own life and work, and since the first release numerous other users and developers have contributed to this free software package. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 18 Org repos on GitHub - Early development of Org happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using Org in 1 repos on GitHub - was registered in 2007 - See also: (11 related languages) Emacs, HTML, LaTeX, Markdown, reStructuredText, Textile, Git, MediaWiki, Pandoc, Vim, Sublime Text - Read more about Org on the web: 1. 1. * Top level headline ** Second level *** 3rd level some text *** 3rd level more text * Another top level headline #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:(HIDE) tags:not-in-toc #+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate #+SEQ_TODO: TODO(t) INPROGRESS(i) WAITING(w@) | DONE(d) CANCELED(c@) #+TAGS: Write(w) Update(u) Fix(f) Check(c) #+TITLE: org-ruby #+AUTHOR: Brian Dewey #+EMAIL: #+LANGUAGE: en #+PRIORITIES: A C B #+CATEGORY: worg {Back to Worg's index} * Motivation The dominant simple plain-text markup languages for the web are Textile and Markdown. A factor for the popularity of those markup formats is the widespread availability of simple, free packages for converting the formats to HTML. For example, the world of Ruby-powered websites has settled on RedCloth for converting Textile to HTML. The default way to convert org-mode files to HTML is the powerful publishing functionality provided by =emacs=. However, =emacs= does not easiliy integrate into many existing website frameworks. =Org-ruby= tries to make it easier to use org-mode files in both dyanmic and static website generation tools written in Ruby. =Org-ruby= is a simple Ruby gem to convert org-mode files to HTML. * Using Org-ruby =Org-ruby= follows the same model as other Ruby markup libraries. You install the gem: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE sudo gem install org-ruby #+END_EXAMPLE Then, to convert an org-file to HTML in your Ruby code: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE require 'rubygems' require 'org-ruby' data = puts #+END_EXAMPLE * Walkthrough: Using org-ruby with Webby Here is an example of how to integrate =org-ruby= into Webby, a static website generation tool written in Ruby. Webby follows a similar pattern to other static site generation tools (like nanoc, Jekyll, and webgen): - You author website content in text with simple markup - Each page is fed through one or more /filters/ to produce HTML - The HTML is mixed in with layouts to produce the final pages For a Webby site, a the source for a page may look like this: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE --- title: Special Directories created_at: 2009-12-17 status: Complete filter: - erb - maruku tags: - powershell --- <%= @page.title %> ================== Special Directories are a set of directories, each of which has a function that will navigate you to the appropriate directory using the push-location cmdlet. For example, the function `home` might navigate to `c:\users\bdewey.` Install ------- Copy the module to somewhere in `ENV:PSModulePath`. Then, InstallModule SpecialDirectories #+END_EXAMPLE In the above example, the text is written in Markdown. At the top of the file, metadata informs Webby to pass the text through two /filters/ to produce HTML. The first filter, =erb=, handles embedded Ruby. In this case, it will replace ~<%= @page.title %>~ with the page title (=Special Directories=). The second filter uses Maruku to translate Markdown into HTML. You can use the exact same pattern to include org-mode files in a Webby site. For this walkthrough, I assume you already have Webby installed, and that you've already created a site. 1. Make sure you have =org-ruby= installed: =sudo gem install org-ruby=. 2. You need to register a new Webby filter to handle org-mode content. Webby makes this easy. In the =lib/= folder of your site, create a file =orgmode.rb=: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE require 'org-ruby' Webby::Filters.register :org do |input| end #+END_EXAMPLE This code creates a new filter, =org=, that will use the =org-ruby= parser to translate org-mode input into HTML. 3. Create your content. For example: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE --- title: Orgmode Parser created_at: 2009-12-21 status: Under development filter: - erb - org tags: - orgmode - ruby --- <%= @page.title %> Status: <%= @page.status %> * Description Helpful Ruby routines for parsing orgmode files. The most significant thing this library does today is convert orgmode files to textile. Currently, you cannot do much to customize the conversion. The supplied textile conversion is optimized for extracting "content" from the orgfile as opposed to "metadata." * History ** 2009-12-29: Version 0.4 - The first thing output in HTML gets the class "title" - HTML output is now indented - Proper support for multi-paragraph list items. See? This paragraph is part of the last bullet. - Fixed bugs: - "rake spec" wouldn't work on Linux. Needed "require 'rubygems'". #+END_EXAMPLE This file will go through the =erb= and =org= filters; as defined in the previous step, the =org= filter will use =org-ruby= to generate HTML. That's all there is to it! Hello, world! Hello World Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1124 5.6
OrientDB - Database OrientDB ======== OrientDB is a database created in 2010. 2010 #4832 on PLDB 14 Years Old Multi-model NoSQL database management system - Tags: database - Early development of OrientDB happened in OrientDB LTD Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
Orient84/K - Programming language Orient84/K ========== Orient84/K is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3506 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Orient84/K happened in Keio University - Orient84/K on HOPL Orient84/K on HOPL - Read more about Orient84/K on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Orient84/K on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Orlog - Programming language Orlog ===== Orlog is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4303 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Orlog happened in University of Idaho and University of British Columbia - Vancouver - Orlog on HOPL Orlog on HOPL - Read more about Orlog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
OSIRIS - Programming language OSIRIS ====== OSIRIS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4304 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OSIRIS happened in University of Michigan - OSIRIS on HOPL OSIRIS on HOPL - Read more about OSIRIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
OSL/2 - Programming language OSL/2 ===== OSL/2 is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4305 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of OSL/2 happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - OSL/2 on HOPL OSL/2 on HOPL - Read more about OSL/2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Object-oriented Structured Query Language - Query language Object-oriented Structured Query Language ========================================= Object-oriented Structured Query Language, aka Object-oriented Structured Query Language, is a query language created in 1990. 1990 #3507 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Object-oriented Structured Query Language happened in University of Michigan - Object-oriented Structured Query Language on HOPL Object-oriented Structured Query Language on HOPL - Read more about Object-oriented Structured Query Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
Ottawa Euclid - Programming language Ottawa Euclid ============= Ottawa Euclid is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4306 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ottawa Euclid happened in I.P. Sharp Associates - Ottawa Euclid on HOPL Ottawa Euclid on HOPL - Read more about Ottawa Euclid on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Otter - Programming language Otter ===== Otter is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4307 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Otter happened in University of Chicago - Otter on HOPL Otter on HOPL - Read more about Otter on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
OWBasic - Programming language OWBasic ======= OWBasic is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4502 on PLDB 24 Years Old OWBasic is an interpreted language environment that can be downloaded to Personal digital assistants like the Casio's Pocket viewer.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of OWBasic happened in University of Heidelberg - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
owen-lang - Programming language owen-lang ========= owen-lang is a programming language created in 2019 by Paw Møller. 2019 Paw Møller #1464 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone An imperative, statically but weakly typed systems programming language with manual memory management. - Tags: programming language - owen-lang is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Early development of owen-lang happened in - owen-lang is written in C, Markdown - was registered in 2019 // An imperative, statically but weakly typed systems programming // language with manual memory management. namespace Hello.Owen function main output i32 print("Hello World\n") return 0 end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 238 1.2
OWL DL - Xml format OWL DL ====== OWL DL is a xml format created in 2007. 2007 #3508 on PLDB 17 Years Old A subset of OWL. - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of OWL DL happened in Bell Labs Research - See also: (1 related languages) OWL - Read more about OWL DL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
OWL - Xml format OWL === OWL, aka One World Language, is a xml format created in 2004. 2004 #304 on PLDB 20 Years Old 199 Repos The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a family of knowledge representation languages for authoring ontologies. Ontologies are a formal way to describe taxonomies and classification networks, essentially defining the structure of knowledge for various domains: the nouns representing classes of objects and the verbs representing relations between the objects. Ontologies resemble class hierarchies in object-oriented programming but there are several critical differences. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - There are at least 199 OWL repos on GitHub - Early development of OWL happened in W3C - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 524 users using OWL in 642 repos on GitHub - OWL on HOPL OWL on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OWL - See also: (8 related languages) RDF, XML, HTML, AXIOM, Turtle, SQL, Prolog, UML - 2 PLDB concepts link to OWL: Bossam Rule Language, OWL DL <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [ <!ENTITY owl "" > <!ENTITY xsd "" > <!ENTITY rdfs "" > <!ENTITY rdf "" > ]> <rdf:RDF xmlns="" xml:base="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:owl=""> <owl:Ontology rdf:about=""> <owl:versionInfo xml:lang="en" >v.1.4. Added Food class (used in domain/range of hasIngredient), Added several hasCountryOfOrigin restrictions on pizzas, Made hasTopping invers functional</owl:versionInfo> <owl:versionInfo rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">version 1.5</owl:versionInfo> <owl:versionInfo xml:lang="en" >v.1.5. Removed protege.owl import and references. Made ontology URI date-independent</owl:versionInfo> <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en" >An example ontology that contains all constructs required for the various versions of the Pizza Tutorial run by Manchester University (see</rdfs:comment> </owl:Ontology> <!-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // OWL Classes // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --> <!-- Class: --> <owl:Class rdf:about="#American"> <rdfs:label xml:lang="pt">Americana</rdfs:label> <rdfs:subClassOf> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasTopping"/> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#TomatoTopping"/> </owl:Re <> rdf:type owl:Ontology . :Tea rdf:type owl:Class . Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 614 3.1
OX - Programming language OX == OX is an open source programming language created in 1996 by Jurgen A. Doornik. 1996 Jurgen A. Doornik #733 on PLDB 28 Years Old 58 Repos Ox is an object-oriented matrix programming language with a mathematical and statistical function library, developed by Jurgen Doornik. It has been designed for econometric programming. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 58 OX repos on GitHub - Early development of OX happened in OxMetrics Technologies - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12 users using OX in 19 repos on GitHub - OX on HOPL OX on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for OX - was registered in 2002 - See also: (2 related languages) Linux, R {Show 'Hello World'} nldge::ParticleLogLikeli() { decl it, ip, mss, mbas, ms, my, mx, vw, vwi, dws, mhi, mhdet, loglikeli, mData, vxm, vxs, mxm=<>, mxsu=<>, mxsl=<>, time, timeall, timeran=0, timelik=0, timefun=0, timeint=0, timeres=0; mData = GetData(m_asY); mhdet = sqrt((2*M_PI)^m_cY * determinant(m_mMSbE.^2)); // covariance determinant mhi = invert(m_mMSbE.^2); // invert covariance of measurement shocks ms = m_vSss + zeros(m_cPar, m_cS); // start particles mx = m_vXss + zeros(m_cPar, m_cX); // steady state of state and policy loglikeli = 0; // init likelihood //timeall=timer(); for(it = 0; it < sizer(mData); it++) { mss = rann(m_cPar, m_cSS) * m_mSSbE; // state noise fg(&ms, ms, mx, mss); // transition prior as proposal mx = m_oApprox.FastInterpolate(ms); // interpolate fy(&my, ms, mx, zeros(m_cPar, m_cMS)); // evaluate importance weights my -= mData[it][]; // observation error vw = exp(-0.5 * outer(my,mhi,'d')' )/mhdet; // vw = exp(-0.5 * sumr(my*mhi .*my ) )/mhdet; vw = vw .== .NaN .? 0 .: vw; // no policy can happen for extrem particles dws = sumc(vw); if(dws==0) return -.Inf; // or extremely wrong parameters loglikeli += log(dws/m_cPar) ; // loglikelihood contribution //timelik += (timer()-time)/100; //time=timer(); vwi = resample(vw/dws)-1; // selection step in c++ ms = ms[vwi][]; // on normalized weights mx = mx[vwi][]; } return loglikeli; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Show row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 497 2.5
Oxide - Programming language Oxide ===== Oxide is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #4308 on PLDB 3 Years Old Oxide, scripting language with Rust-influenced syntax - Tags: programming language - Early development of Oxide happened in - Read more about Oxide on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Oxygene - Programming language Oxygene ======= Oxygene is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #813 on PLDB 22 Years Old 65 Repos Oxygene (formerly known as Chrome) is a programming language developed by RemObjects Software for Microsoft's Common Language Infrastructure, the Java Platform and Cocoa. Oxygene is Object Pascal-based, but also has influences from C#, Eiffel, Java, F# and other languages. Compared to the now deprecated Delphi.NET, Oxygene does not emphasize total backward compatibility, but is designed to be a "reinvention" of the language, be a good citizen on the managed development platforms, and leverage all the features and technologies provided by the .NET and Java runtimes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 65 Oxygene repos on GitHub - Early development of Oxygene happened in RemObjects Software - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 32 users using Oxygene in 35 repos on GitHub - Explore Oxygene snippets on Rosetta Code - Oxygene appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2014 - See also: (8 related languages) Object Pascal, C#, Eiffel, Java, F#, Delphi, Swift, Free Pascal implementation class method ConsoleApp.Main; begin Console.WriteLine('Hello World'); end; end. Type: System.Int32 -> a = 23, b = 15 -> a = 15, b = 23 Type: System.String -> a = abc, b = def -> a = def, b = abc Type: System.Double -> a = 1,1, b = 1,2 -> a = 1,2, b = 1,1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Console.WriteLine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 336 1.7
Oxyl - Programming language Oxyl ==== Oxyl is a programming language created in 2019 by J Rain De Jager. 2019 J Rain De Jager #737 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Oxyl is a functional programming language focused on being explicit and safe but not clunky or verbose - Tags: programming language - Oxyl on GitLab Oxyl on GitLab - Early development of Oxyl happened in - Oxyl is written in Bourne shell, Assembly language, C, Vim script, AsciiDoc, YAML, Make, Python, Dockerfile, Bash - There is a central package repository for Oxyl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Oz - Programming language Oz == Oz is an open source programming language created in 1991 by Gert Smolka. 1991 Gert Smolka #430 on PLDB 33 Years Old 371 Repos Oz is a multiparadigm programming language, developed in the Programming Systems Lab at Université catholique de Louvain, for programming language education. It has a canonical textbook: Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming. Oz was first designed by Gert Smolka and his students in 1991. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 371 Oz repos on GitHub - Early development of Oz happened in Universität des Saarlandes - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 70 users using Oz in 72 repos on GitHub - There are 4 Project Euler users using Oz - Explore Oz snippets on Rosetta Code - Oz on HOPL Oz on HOPL - Oz appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Oz - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Oz - has 0 matches for "oz engineer". - See also: (11 related languages) Erlang, Lisp, Prolog, Alice, Scala, Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, Curry, Mercury, Visual Prolog functor import Application System define {System.showInfo 'Hello, world!'} {Application.exit 0} end % Hello World in Oz functor import System Application define {System.showInfo "Hello World!"} {Application.exit 0} end % You can get a lot of information about Oz by following theses links : % - % - % There is also a well known book that uses Oz for pedagogical reason : % - % And there are two courses on edX about 'Paradigms of Computer Programming' that also uses Oz for pedagogical reason : % - % - % % Here is an example of some code written with Oz. declare % Computes the sum of square of the N first integers. fun {Sum N} local SumAux in fun {SumAux N Acc} if N==0 then Acc else {Sum N-1 Acc} end end {SumAux N 0} end end % Returns true if N is a prime and false otherwize fun {Prime N} local PrimeAcc in fun {PrimeAcc N Acc} if(N == 1) then false elseif(Acc == 1) then true else if (N mod Acc) == 0 then false else {PrimeAcc N Acc-1} end end end {PrimeAcc N (N div 2)} end end % Reverse a list using cells and for loop (instead of recursivity) fun {Reverse L} local RevList in RevList = {NewCell nil} for E in L do RevList := E|@RevList end @RevList end end class Counter attr val meth init(Value) val:=Value end meth browse {Browse @val} end meth inc(Value) val :=@val+Value end end local C in C = {New Counter init(0)} {C inc(6)} {C browse} end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 601 3
P/CL - Programming language P/CL ==== P/CL is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3509 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of P/CL happened in Universiteit Utrecht - P/CL on HOPL P/CL on HOPL - Read more about P/CL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
P-Prolog - Programming language P-Prolog ======== P-Prolog is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4309 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of P-Prolog happened in Keio University - P-Prolog on HOPL P-Prolog on HOPL - Read more about P-Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
P* - Programming language P* == P* is a programming language created in 2013 by Atle Solbakken. 2013 Atle Solbakken #1731 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone P* (pronounced P-star) is a programming language specifically designed for web development. P* provides easy in-language support for common tasks in this field. - Tags: programming language - P* is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Early development of P* happened in - P* is written in C++, Bourne shell, M4, Make, XML, SVG, CSS, Markdown, XSLT #!/usr/bin/wpl -f SCENE main { /* Create a variable named 'env' of special type 'ENV' */ ENV env; /* Create a variable named 'path' of type 'string' */ string path; /* Tell the env variable to retrieve the environment variable PATH and put the result into our 'path' variable */ path = env->PATH; /* Put the variable 'path' into a text string and then print it out */ echo "My shell looks for programs in these directories: $path\n"; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 250 1.3
P-TAC - Programming language P-TAC ===== P-TAC is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4310 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of P-TAC happened in Harvard University and MIT - P-TAC on HOPL P-TAC on HOPL - Read more about P-TAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
P - Programming language P = P is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #822 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone P is a state machine based programming language for modeling and specifying complex distributed systems. - Tags: programming language - P is developed on GitHub and has 2,967 stars - Early development of P happened in - P is written in Pascal, C#, Java, Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML, C, XML, Python, CMake, JSON, SVG, PowerShell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
P3L - Programming language P3L === P3L is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4311 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of P3L happened in Universita di Catania and Universita di Pisa - P3L on HOPL P3L on HOPL - Read more about P3L on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
P4 - Programming language P4 == P4 is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #556 on PLDB 10 Years Old 574 Repos P4 is a programming language designed to allow programming of packet forwarding planes. In contrast to a general purpose language such as C or Python, P4 is a domain-specific language with a number of constructs optimized around network data forwarding. P4 is an open-source, permissively licensed language and is maintained by a non-profit organization called the P4 Language Consortium. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 574 P4 repos on GitHub - Early development of P4 happened in Barefoot Networks and Intel and Stanford University and Princeton University and Google and Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 29 users using P4 in 38 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for P4 - was registered in 2002 - See also: (2 related languages) C, Python // Copyright 2015, Barefoot Networks, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. action set_mirror_id(session_id) { clone_ingress_pkt_to_egress(session_id); } table mirror_acl { reads { ingress_metadata.if_label : ternary; ingress_metadata.bd_label : ternary; /* ip acl */ ingress_metadata.lkp_ipv4_sa : ternary; ingress_metadata.lkp_ipv4_da : ternary; ingress_metadata.lkp_ip_proto : ternary; /* mac acl */ ingress_metadata.lkp_mac_sa : ternary; ingress_metadata.lkp_mac_da : ternary; ingress_metadata.lkp_mac_type : ternary; } actions { nop; set_mirror_id; } size : INGRESS_MIRROR_ACL_TABLE_SIZE; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 414 2.1
p4p - Programming language p4p === p4p is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #1722 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone an alternate syntax for Racket. - Tags: programming language - p4p is developed on GitHub and has 12 stars - Early development of p4p happened in Brown University - p4p is written in Racket, CSS, JavaScript, HTML - Read more about p4p on the web: 1. 1. defvar: m = 10 defvar: this-better-be-6 = add(1, 2, 3) defvar: this-better-be-0 = add() deffun: five() = 5 deffun: trpl(x) = add(x, x, x) deffun: g(a, b, c) = add(a, b, c) deffun: d/dx(f) = defvar: delta = 0.001 fun: (x) in: div(sub(f(add(x, delta)), f(x)), delta) deffun: fib(n) = if: numeq(n, 0) 1 elseif: numeq(n, 1) 1 else: add(fib(sub1(n)), fib(sub(n, 2))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
package-control-pm - Package manager package-control-pm ================== package-control-pm is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #2267 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of package-control-pm happened in - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 103 0.5
packagist-pm - Package manager packagist-pm ============ packagist-pm is a package manager created in 2011 by Jordi Boggiano. 2011 Jordi Boggiano #456 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Package Repository Website - try if you need your own - - Tags: packageManager - packagist-pm is developed on GitHub and has 1,726 stars - Early development of packagist-pm happened in - packagist-pm is written in PHP, Twig, YAML, JSON, JavaScript, SVG, HTML, CSS, XML, SCSS, Markdown, JSX - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
PacmanConf - Config format PacmanConf ========== PacmanConf is a config format created in 2019. 2019 #2486 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: configFormat - Early development of PacmanConf happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PacmanConf Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
PACOL - Programming language PACOL ===== PACOL is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4312 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PACOL happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - PACOL on HOPL PACOL on HOPL - Read more about PACOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
PACT I - Programming language PACT I ====== PACT I is a programming language created in 1955. 1955 #3231 on PLDB 69 Years Old PACT was a series of compilers for the IBM 701 and IBM 704 scientific computers. Their development was conducted jointly by IBM and a committee of customers starting in 1954. PACT I was developed for the 701, and PACT IA for the 704. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PACT I happened in IBM - PACT I on HOPL PACT I on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Speedcoding Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
PACT IA - Programming language PACT IA ======= PACT IA is a programming language created in 1957. 1957 #4313 on PLDB 67 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PACT IA happened in RAND - PACT IA on HOPL PACT IA on HOPL - Read more about PACT IA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Pact - Contract language Pact ==== Pact is an open source contract language created in 2016 by Stuart Popejoy. 2016 Stuart Popejoy #596 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The Pact Smart Contract Language - Tags: contractLanguage - Pact is developed on GitHub and has 580 stars - Early development of Pact happened in Kadena LLC - Pact is written in Haskell, YAML, Markdown, C, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, Nix, JSON, CSV, Python, CSS, HTML, XML (map (+ 1) [1 2 3]) HackerNews discussions of Pact ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Pact – a safe smart contract language (web editor)||11/13/2016|18|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
PACTOLUS - Programming language PACTOLUS ======== PACTOLUS is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3510 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PACTOLUS happened in IBM - PACTOLUS on HOPL PACTOLUS on HOPL - Read more about PACTOLUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
PADL-1 - Programming language PADL-1 ====== PADL-1 is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4314 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PADL-1 happened in University of Rochester - PADL-1 on HOPL PADL-1 on HOPL - Read more about PADL-1 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
PaiLisp - Programming language PaiLisp ======= PaiLisp is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4315 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PaiLisp happened in Tohoku University - PaiLisp on HOPL PaiLisp on HOPL - Read more about PaiLisp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
PAISley - Programming language PAISley ======= PAISley is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #3511 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PAISley happened in Bell Labs - PAISley on HOPL PAISley on HOPL - Read more about PAISley on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
PALASM - Programming language PALASM ====== PALASM is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3657 on PLDB 44 Years Old PALASM is an early hardware description language, used to translate Boolean functions and state transition tables into a fuse map for use with Programmable Array Logic (PAL) devices introduced by Monolithic Memories, Inc. (MMI). The language was developed by John Birkner in the early 1980s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PALASM happened in Monolithic Memories, Inc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
PALcode - Instruction set architecture PALcode ======= PALcode is an instruction set architecture created in 1996. 1996 #2536 on PLDB 28 Years Old In computing, in the Alpha instruction set architecture, PALcode (Privileged Architecture Library code) is the name used by DEC for a set of functions in the SRM or AlphaBIOS firmware, providing a hardware abstraction layer for system software, covering features such as cache management, translation lookaside buffer (TLB) miss handling, interrupt handling and exception handling. PALcode is Alpha machine code, running in a special mode that also allows access to internal registers specific to the particular Alpha processor implementation. It is thus somewhere between the role of microcode and of a hardware emulator. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of PALcode happened in DEC - See also: (2 related languages) FreeBSD, Linux - Read more about PALcode on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
Palingol - Programming language Palingol ======== Palingol is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4316 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Palingol happened in Institut Curie - Palingol on HOPL Palingol on HOPL - Read more about Palingol on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
PAMELA - Programming language PAMELA ====== PAMELA is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2578 on PLDB 32 Years Old In this report we present a new methodology for the performance prediction of parallel programs on parallel platforms ranging from shared-memory to distributed-memory (vector) machines. The complete methodology comprises the concurrent language Pamela (PerformAnce ModEling LAnguage), the program and machine modeling paradigm, and a novel performance analysis method, called "serialization analysis". While Pamela models can be directly executed (i.e., simulated), prior to this ultimate evaluation step, serialization analysis allows for (symbolic) model reduction, which often renders simulation superuous. This analysis method extends conventional parallel program analysis technology by explicitly accounting for the performance degrading e ects of resource contention, yet at the low evaluation cost, typical for conventional techniques. It is shown that, where application of conventional techniques may yield serious errors, predictions from serialization analysis remain accurate. Apart from the modeling methodology itself, this low-cost/high-reliability analysis potential makes Pamela a particularly suitable candidate for compile-time application in terms of the performance prediction hierarchy often found in parallel programming environments. - Tags: programming language - Early development of PAMELA happened in Delft University of Technology - PAMELA on HOPL PAMELA on HOPL - Read more about PAMELA on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 307 1.5
Pan - Programming language Pan === Pan is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Charles Loomis. 2011 Charles Loomis #688 on PLDB 13 Years Old 41 Repos git clone The pan configuration language allows the definition of machine configuration information and an associated schema with a simple, human-accessible syntax. A pan language compiler transforms the configuration information contained within a set of pan templates to a machine-friendly XML or JSON format. The pan language is used within the Quattor toolkit to define the desired configuration for one or more machines. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Pan is developed on GitHub and has 12 stars - There are at least 41 Pan repos on GitHub - Early development of Pan happened in - Pan is written in Java, XML, HTML, reStructuredText, Ini, Clojure, Perl, Vim script, YAML, SVG, Python, Markdown, Bash - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 119 users using Pan in 150 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Pan - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pan - was registered in 2003 - See also: (1 related languages) Java unique template site/one/onevm; include 'components/chkconfig/config'; # set opennebula map include 'quattor/aii/opennebula/schema'; bind "/system/opennebula" = opennebula_vmtemplate; include 'site/config-vm'; include 'quattor/aii/opennebula/default'; "/software/packages/{acpid}" = dict(); "/software/components/chkconfig/service/acpid" = dict('on', '', 'startstop', true); [ object | declaration | unique | structure ] template template-name; [ statement … ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 381 1.9
PANCODE - Programming language PANCODE ======= PANCODE is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4317 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PANCODE happened in Concordia Universily - PANCODE on HOPL PANCODE on HOPL - Read more about PANCODE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Pandas - Library Pandas ====== Pandas is an open source library created in 2008 by Wes McKinney. 2008 Wes McKinney #140 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone In computer programming, pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. It is free software released under the three-clause BSD license. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Pandas is developed on GitHub and has 42,838 stars - Early development of Pandas happened in - Pandas is written in Python, reStructuredText, HTML, Cython, SVG, YAML, CSV, Markdown, C, JSON, Bourne shell, Meson, CSS, XML, Dockerfile, TOML, XSLT, Jupyter Notebook, Bash - has 341 matches for "pandas engineer". - See also: (8 related languages) Python, Cython, C, Matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy, R, Scikit-learn >>>import pandas as pd Series >>>s = pd.Series([1, 3, 5, np.nan, 6, 8]) DataFrame >>> import pandas as pd >>>df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 4), index=dates, columns=list("ABCD")) >>> df.head() >>>df.tail() Quick Statistics summary of data >>> df.describe() Indexing Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 332 1.7
Pandoc - Application Pandoc ====== Pandoc is an open source application created in 2006. 2006 #1113 on PLDB 18 Years Old Pandoc is a free and open-source software document converter, widely used as a writing tool (especially by scholars) and as a basis for publishing workflows. It was created by John MacFarlane, a philosophy professor at the University of California Berkeley.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Pandoc happened in - Pandoc is written in Haskell - was registered in 2014 - See also: (10 related languages) Haskell, Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, Org, Office Open XML, Tex, Lua, BibTeX Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Pandora - Programming language Pandora ======= Pandora is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3512 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pandora happened in Imperial College - Pandora on HOPL Pandora on HOPL - Read more about Pandora on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
PANON-1 - Programming language PANON-1 ======= PANON-1 is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4318 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PANON-1 happened in Università di Pisa - PANON-1 on HOPL PANON-1 on HOPL - Read more about PANON-1 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
PANON-1B - Programming language PANON-1B ======== PANON-1B is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4319 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PANON-1B happened in Università di Pisa - PANON-1B on HOPL PANON-1B on HOPL - Read more about PANON-1B on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
panther-lang - Programming language panther-lang ============ panther-lang is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #2757 on PLDB 14 Years Old Panther is a programming language aimed at young users with only a small knowledge of programming. Panther offers you a more advanced version of Scratch, a simple programming language developed at MIT. - Tags: programming language - Early development of panther-lang happened in - Read more about panther-lang on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
paperalgo - Notation paperalgo ========= paperalgo is a notation created in 2014 by Kragen Javier Sitaker. 2014 Kragen Javier Sitaker #3699 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: notation - Early development of paperalgo happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Papyrus - Programming language Papyrus ======= Papyrus is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #551 on PLDB 9 Years Old 4k Repos Papyrus is a material similar to thick paper that was used in ancient times as a writing surface. It was made from the pith of the papyrus plant, Cyperus papyrus, a wetland sedge. Papyrus (plural: papyri) can also refer to a document written on sheets of such material, joined together side by side and rolled up into a scroll, an early form of a book. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,518 Papyrus repos on GitHub - Early development of Papyrus happened in Bethesda Softworks LLC - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 58 users using Papyrus in 79 repos on GitHub - Papyrus LSP implementation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Papyrus - See also: (2 related languages) ISBN, DOI - Read more about Papyrus on the web: 1. 1. Scriptname vMFX_FXPlugin extends Quest Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
par - Programming language par === par is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #3053 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of par happened in - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of par ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Par, a statically-typed, functional language focused on usability||06/18/2018|5|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Paragon - Programming language Paragon ======= Paragon is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3513 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Paragon happened in Carnegie Mellon - Paragon on HOPL Paragon on HOPL - Read more about Paragon on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Paragon on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Parallax Propeller - Instruction set architecture Parallax Propeller ================== Parallax Propeller is an instruction set architecture created in 2006. 2006 #2341 on PLDB 18 Years Old The Parallax P8X32A Propeller is a multi-core processor parallel computer architecture microcontroller chip with eight 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) central processing unit (CPU) cores. Introduced in 2006, it is designed and sold by Parallax, Inc. The Propeller microcontroller, Propeller assembly language, and Spin interpreter were designed by one person, Parallax's cofounder and president, Chip Gracey. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of Parallax Propeller happened in Parallax Inc - See also: (11 related languages) Assembly language, Verilog, Python, BASIC Stamp, PBASIC, C, BASIC, Forth, JVM, Pascal, Ladder Logic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Parallel ELLPACK - Programming language Parallel ELLPACK ================ Parallel ELLPACK is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4320 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Parallel ELLPACK happened in Purdue University - Parallel ELLPACK on HOPL Parallel ELLPACK on HOPL - Read more about Parallel ELLPACK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Parallel Pascal - Programming language Parallel Pascal =============== Parallel Pascal is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4321 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Parallel Pascal happened in Cornell University - Parallel Pascal on HOPL Parallel Pascal on HOPL - Read more about Parallel Pascal on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
ParaLog_e - Programming language ParaLog_e ========= ParaLog_e is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4322 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ParaLog_e happened in Pontifical Catholic University of Parana and Paulista University - ParaLog_e on HOPL ParaLog_e on HOPL - Read more about ParaLog_e on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
parasail - Programming language parasail ======== parasail is a programming language created in 2009 by Seth Tucker Taft. 2009 Seth Tucker Taft #1342 on PLDB 15 Years Old Parallel Specification and Implementation Language (ParaSail) is an object-oriented parallel programming language. Its design and ongoing implementation is described in a blog and on its official website.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of parasail happened in Ada Core Technologies - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for parasail - was registered in 2012 func Hello_World(var IO) is IO.Println("Hello World"); end func Hello_World; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token IO.Println HackerNews discussions of parasail ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments ParaSail Programming Language: parallel programming language||02/09/2019|97|19 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 293 1.5
Parasolid - Application Parasolid ========= Parasolid is an application created in 2000. 2000 #2825 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Parasolid happened in Siemens - Parasolid on HOPL Parasolid on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
parboiled - Grammar language parboiled ========= parboiled is a grammar language created in 2009 by Mathias Sirthias. 2009 Mathias Sirthias #1186 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone parboiled is a mixed Java/Scala library providing for lightweight and easy-to-use, yet powerful and elegant parsing of arbitrary input text based on Parsing expression grammars (PEGs). PEGs are an alternative to context free grammars (CFGs) for formally specifying syntax, they make a good replacement for regular expressions and generally have quite a few advantages over the "traditional" way of building parsers via CFGs. - Tags: grammarLanguage, library - parboiled is developed on GitHub and has 1,270 stars - parboiled is written in Java, Scala, YAML, Markdown - 1 PLDB concepts link to parboiled: parboiled2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
parboiled2 - Grammar language parboiled2 ========== parboiled2 is a grammar language created in 2009 by Mathias Sirthias. 2009 Mathias Sirthias #1375 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone A macro-based PEG parser generator for Scala 2.10+ - Tags: grammarLanguage, library - parboiled2 is developed on GitHub and has 715 stars - parboiled2 is written in Scala, Markdown, YAML, JSON, reStructuredText Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Parenscript - Programming language Parenscript =========== Parenscript is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Manuel Odendahl and Edward Marco Baringer. 2009 Manuel Odendahl Edward Marco Baringer #951 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone MOVED TO - Tags: programming language, lisp - Parenscript is developed on GitHub and has 244 stars - Parenscript on GitLab Parenscript on GitLab - Early development of Parenscript happened in - Parenscript compiles to JavaScript - Parenscript is written in Lisp, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
parenthetic - Esoteric programming language parenthetic =========== parenthetic is an esoteric programming language created in 2012 by Cameron McKinnon. 2012 Cameron McKinnon #1589 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A Lisp-style language whose programs consist entirely of parentheses. - Tags: esoteric programming language - parenthetic is developed on GitHub and has 70 stars - Early development of parenthetic happened in - parenthetic is written in Python, Markdown Parenthetic - ((()()())(()(()()))((()(()))((())()()()()()()())((()()(()))((())()()()()()()()()()) ((())()()()()()()()()()()))))((()()())(()(()()()))((()(())(())())((())()()()()()()( )()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()())))((()(()))((()(())(())())((()( ()))(()(()()))((())()()()()()()())))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()))((())()()()() )))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()))((())()()()()()()()()()()())))((()(())(())())( (()(()))(()(()()))((())()()()()()()()()()()())))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()))( (())()()()()()()()()()()()()()())))(()(()()()))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()))(( ())()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()())))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()) )((())()()()()()()()()()()()()()())))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()))((())()()()( )()()()()()()()()()()()()())))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()))((())()()()()()()() ()()()())))((()(())(())())((()(()))(()(()()))((())()()())))) HackerNews discussions of parenthetic ===================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A programming language that uses only parentheses||04/26/2012|55|31 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
PARI/GP - Programming language PARI/GP ======= PARI/GP is an open source programming language created in 1985. 1985 #819 on PLDB 39 Years Old PARI/GP is a computer algebra system with the main aim of facilitating number theory computations. Versions 2.1.0 and higher are distributed under the GNU General Public License. It runs on most common operating systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PARI/GP happened in Université Bordeaux - There are 123 Project Euler users using PARI/GP - PARI/GP Ubuntu package PARI/GP Ubuntu package - PARI/GP appears in the Quine Relay project - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for PARI/GP - See also: (6 related languages) C, Pascal, Fortran, Perl, Python, Sage print("Hello, world!") ? \p 212 realprecision = 221 significant digits (212 digits displayed) ? (1.378-0.09143*I)^(14.87+0.3721*I) time = 0 ms. %1 = 80.817082637557070449383034933010288336925078193546211741027496566803185 11092579265743992920628314516739962724446042667886245322716456966120413965187 3272488827365261487845201056199035423784093096984005713791800191 - 94.8384618 89186304973351271821601500916571303364865064205039706592481303045713982306764 33264430511752515705768858710051382035377195497482934017239179757538824688799 0680136241031895212412150770309289450962931402933*I ? 123456! + 0. time = 1,656 ms. %2 = 2.6040699049291378729513930560926568818273270409503019584610185579952057 37967683415793560716617127908735520017061666000857261271456698589373086528293 4317244121152865814030204645985573419251305342231135573491050756 E574964 ? sin(x) time = 0 ms. %3 = x - 1/6*x^3 + 1/120*x^5 - 1/5040*x^7 + 1/362880*x^9 - 1/39916800*x^11 + 1/6227020800*x^13 - 1/1307674368000*x^15 + O(x^17) ? for(z=25,30, print (factor(2^z-1))) [31, 1; 601, 1; 1801, 1] [3, 1; 2731, 1; 8191, 1] [7, 1; 73, 1; 262657, 1] [3, 1; 5, 1; 29, 1; 43, 1; 113, 1; 127, 1] [233, 1; 1103, 1; 2089, 1] [3, 2; 7, 1; 11, 1; 31, 1; 151, 1; 331, 1] time = 5 ms. ? K = bnfinit(x^2 + 23); K.cyc time = 1ms. %4 = [3] /* This number field has class number 3. */ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 401 2
Parlog - Programming language Parlog ====== Parlog is a programming language created in 1983 by Steve Gregory and Keith L. Clark. 1983 Steve Gregory Keith L. Clark #1810 on PLDB 41 Years Old Parlog is a logic programming language designed for efficient utilization of parallel computer architectures. Its semantics is based on first order predicate logic. It expresses concurrency, interprocess communication, indeterminacy and synchronization within the declarative language framework.It was designed at Imperial College, London by Steve Gregory and Keith L. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Parlog happened in Imperial College - Parlog on HOPL Parlog on HOPL mode qsort(list?,sorted_list^). qsort([N|Rest],Sorted) <- partition(N,Rest,LessN,MoreN), qsort(LessN,SortedLess), qsort(MoreN,SortedMore), append(SortedLess,[N|SortedMore],Sorted). qsort([],[]). Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
ParMod - Programming language ParMod ====== ParMod is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4323 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ParMod happened in Technische Universität München - ParMod on HOPL ParMod on HOPL - Read more about ParMod on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
parquet - Binary data format parquet ======= parquet is a binary data format created in 2014 by Doug Cutting and Julien Le Dem. 2014 Doug Cutting Julien Le Dem #1994 on PLDB 10 Years Old Apache Parquet is a free and open-source column-oriented data storage format in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. It is similar to RCFile and ORC, the other columnar-storage file formats in Hadoop, and is compatible with most of the data processing frameworks around Hadoop. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of parquet happened in Twitter and Cloudera Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Parrot Assembly - Assembly language Parrot Assembly =============== Parrot Assembly is an assembly language created in 2003. 2003 #2305 on PLDB 21 Years Old 1 Repos The Parrot assembly language (PASM) is the basic assembly language used by the Parrot virtual machine. PASM is the lowest level assembly language in the Parrot stack. The Parrot intermediate representation (PIR) is PASM extended to simplify development of compilers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - There are at least 1 Parrot Assembly repos on GitHub - Early development of Parrot Assembly happened in - See also: (3 related languages) Assembly language, Parrot, PIR #!/usr/bin/env parrot .pcc_sub :main main: say "Hello!" end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
Parrot BASIC - Programming language Parrot BASIC ============ Parrot BASIC is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2168 on PLDB 15 Years Old Parrot is a register-based process virtual machine designed to run dynamic languages efficiently. It is possible to compile Parrot assembly language and PIR (an intermediate language) to Parrot bytecode and execute it. Parrot is free and open source software.Parrot was started by the Perl community and is developed with help from the open source and free software communities. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Parrot BASIC happened in - See also: (30 related languages) C, Parrot Assembly, PIR, Perl, Raku, Python, JVM, LLVM IR, Java, Java Bytecode, Joy, Lua, PHP, Ruby, Scheme, Tcl, WMLScript, Arc, APL, Common Lisp, Lisp, Forth, QuickBASIC, Smalltalk, CIL, Befunge, Brainfuck, LOLCODE, UNLAMBDA, Unicode .sub 'main' :main $I1 = 4 inc $I1 # $I1 is now 5 $I1 += 2 # $I1 is now 7 $N1 = 42.0 dec $N1 # $N1 is now 41.0 $N1 -= 2.0 # $N1 now 39.0 print $I1 print ', ' print $N1 print "\n" .end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 293 1.5
PIR - Programming language PIR === PIR is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #1673 on PLDB 18 Years Old 0 Repos The Parrot intermediate representation (PIR), previously called Intermediate code (IMC), is one of the two assembly languages for the Parrot virtual machine. The other is Parrot assembly language or PASM. Compared to PASM, PIR exists at a slightly higher abstraction layer, and provides temporary registers and named registers, simplifying code generation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 PIR repos on GitHub - Early development of PIR happened in - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PIR - See also: (3 related languages) Assembly language, Parrot, Parrot Assembly #!/usr/bin/env parrot .sub 'main' :main say "Hello!" .end .sub foo .param int a .param int b .local int tmp tmp = a + b .return (tmp) .end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Parrot - Virtual machine Parrot ====== Parrot is a virtual machine created in 2002. 2002 #1297 on PLDB 22 Years Old Parrot is a register-based process virtual machine designed to run dynamic languages efficiently. It is possible to compile Parrot assembly language and PIR (an intermediate language) to Parrot bytecode and execute it. Parrot is free and open source software.Parrot was started by the Perl community and is developed with help from the open source and free software communities. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: virtual machine - Early development of Parrot happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 88 users using Parrot in 121 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Parrot - See also: (30 related languages) C, Parrot Assembly, PIR, Perl, Raku, Python, JVM, LLVM IR, Java, Java Bytecode, Joy, Lua, PHP, Ruby, Scheme, Tcl, WMLScript, Arc, APL, Common Lisp, Lisp, Forth, QuickBASIC, Smalltalk, CIL, Befunge, Brainfuck, LOLCODE, UNLAMBDA, Unicode .sub 'main' :main $I1 = 4 inc $I1 # $I1 is now 5 $I1 += 2 # $I1 is now 7 $N1 = 42.0 dec $N1 # $N1 is now 41.0 $N1 -= 2.0 # $N1 now 39.0 print $I1 print ', ' print $N1 print "\n" .end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 274 1.4
Parse Tree Notation - Grammar language Parse Tree Notation =================== Parse Tree Notation is a grammar language created in 1994. 1994 #4324 on PLDB 30 Years Old An important aspect of Parse Tree Notation (PTN) is that the data structure being manipulated is the parse tree for the program, not its token list. Pattern matching in PTN is on subtrees of the program's parse tree, using DCG rules to identify the subtrees of interest - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Parse Tree Notation happened in University of Melbourne - Read more about Parse Tree Notation on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Parsec - Grammar language Parsec ====== Parsec is a grammar language created in 2006 by Daan Leijen and Paolo Martini and Antoine Latter. 2006 Daan Leijen Paolo Martini Antoine Latter #4560 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage, library - Parsec is written in Haskell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Parser 3 - Programming language Parser 3 ======== Parser 3 is an open source programming language created in 1997 by Konstantin Morshnev. 1997 Konstantin Morshnev #1141 on PLDB 27 Years Old Parser is a free server-side CGI web scripting language developed by Art. Lebedev Studio and released under the GPL. Originally, Parser was merely a simple macro processing language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Parser 3 happened in Art. Lebedev Studio - Parser 3 Ubuntu package Parser 3 Ubuntu package - Parser 3 appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (2 related languages) XML, PCRE $console:line[Hello, world!] @main[] ^rem{Will print "Hello World" when run as CGI script} $hello[Hello World] $result[$hello] # Hello World in Parser Hello world! Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token $console:line row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 275 1.4
Parsers - Grammar language Parsers ======= Parsers is an open source grammar language created in 2017 by Breck Yunits. 2017 Breck Yunits #380 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Parsers is a language for building languages on top of Particle Notation. A compiler compiler. By creating a parsers file you get a parser, a type checker, syntax highlighting, autocomplete, a compiler, and interpreter for executing your new language. Parsers uses both postfix and prefix language features. - Tags: grammarLanguage, compiler - Parsers is developed on GitHub and has 379 stars - Early development of Parsers happened in Breck's Lab - ANTLR and Yacc and EBNF and BNF influenced the design of Parsers - Parsers is written in Particles, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, JSON, SVG, CSS, YAML, Markdown - There are 0 members in the Parsers subreddit - See also: (2 related languages) Particles, ANTLR - 4 PLDB concepts link to Parsers: Particles, Scroll, Speedie, TQL latinNode root catchAllParser anyNode anyNode baseParser blobNode Language features ====================================================== row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported ✓ Example boolCell enum true false Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 255 1.3
Particles - Data notation Particles ========= Particles is an open source data notation created in 2017 by Breck Yunits. 2017 Breck Yunits #360 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A minimalist notation consisting of just the word break rule, line break rule, and the off-side rule. - Tags: dataNotation - Particles is developed on GitHub and has 379 stars - Early development of Particles happened in Breck's Lab - HAML and TreeSheets and Racket and Lisp and Haskell and ANTLR and TypeScript and Mathematica and Scheme and Python and C# and Red and COBOL and REBOL and APL and R and HTML and CSS and XML and JSON and C++ and Forth and Fortran and SQL influenced the design of Particles - Particles is written in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, JSON, SVG, CSS, YAML, XML, Markdown - There are 0 members in the Particles subreddit - was registered in 2019 - See also: (8 related languages) I-expressions, JSON, YAML, TOML, XML, HAML, Ini, Parsers - 4 PLDB concepts link to Particles: Parsers, Scroll, Speedie, TQL title Particle Notation type dataNotation example title Particle Notation type dataNotation Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example example title Particle Notation Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasEscapeCharacters FeatureLink ../features/hasEscapeCharacters.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 292 1.5
partiql - Query language partiql ======= partiql is a query language created in 2019 by James Siri. 2019 James Siri #883 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone PartiQL libraries and tools in Kotlin. - Tags: queryLanguage - partiql is developed on GitHub and has 538 stars - Early development of partiql happened in Amazon Web Services - partiql is written in Kotlin, SQL, Markdown, Gradle, CSV, YAML, Java, AsciiDoc, Bourne shell, XML, HTML - was registered in 2019 - Read more about partiql on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
PascalABC.NET - Programming language PascalABC.NET ============= PascalABC.NET is a programming language created in 2002 by S.S. Mikhalkovich and Ivan Bondarev and A.V. Tkachuk and S.O. Ivanov. 2002 S.S. Mikhalkovich Ivan Bondarev A.V. Tkachuk S.O. Ivanov #1894 on PLDB 22 Years Old PascalABC.NET is a Pascal programming language that implements classic Pascal, most Delphi language features, as well as a number of their own extensions. It is implemented on the .NET Framework platform and contains all the modern language features: classes, operator overloading, interfaces, exception handling, generic classes and routines, garbage collection, lambda expressions, parallel programming tools (OpenMP only as of 2016). PascalABC.NET is also a simple and powerful integrated development environment with integrated debugger, IntelliSense system, form designer, code templates and code auto-formatting. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PascalABC.NET happened in - was registered in 2006 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
Pascal-FC - Programming language Pascal-FC ========= Pascal-FC is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3514 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pascal-FC happened in University of Bradford - Pascal-FC on HOPL Pascal-FC on HOPL - Read more about Pascal-FC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
PASCAL-I - Programming language PASCAL-I ======== PASCAL-I is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3515 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PASCAL-I happened in Software Consulting Services, LLC - PASCAL-I on HOPL PASCAL-I on HOPL - Read more about PASCAL-I on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about PASCAL-I on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
PASCAL/MT+ - Programming language PASCAL/MT+ ========== PASCAL/MT+ is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2894 on PLDB 36 Years Old Pascal/MT+ was an ISO 7185 compatible Pascal compiler written in 1980 by Michael Lehman, founder of MT MicroSYSTEMS of Solana Beach, California. The company was acquired by Digital Research in 1981 which subsequently distributed versions that ran on the 8080/Z80 processor under the CP/M operating system. Later versions ran on the 68000 CPU under CP/M-68K, and the 8086 CPU under CP/M-86 and MS-DOS. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PASCAL/MT+ happened in MT MicroSYSTEMS - PASCAL/MT+ on HOPL PASCAL/MT+ on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Pascal Plus - Programming language Pascal Plus =========== Pascal Plus is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4325 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pascal Plus happened in Queen's University - Pascal Plus on HOPL Pascal Plus on HOPL - Read more about Pascal Plus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Pascal-S - Programming language Pascal-S ======== Pascal-S is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4326 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pascal-S happened in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Pascal-S on HOPL Pascal-S on HOPL - Read more about Pascal-S on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
Pascal-SC - Programming language Pascal-SC ========= Pascal-SC is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4327 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pascal-SC happened in Universitat Karlsruhe - Pascal-SC on HOPL Pascal-SC on HOPL - Read more about Pascal-SC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Pascal Script - Programming language Pascal Script ============= Pascal Script is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #1953 on PLDB 24 Years Old Pascal Script is a scripting language based on the programming language Pascal that facilitates automated runtime control over scriptable applications and server software. It is implemented by a free scripting engine that includes a compiler and an interpreter for byte code. Pascal Script supports the majority of Object Pascal constructs, making it partly compatible to Delphi, Free Pascal and GNU Pascal. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pascal Script happened in RemObjects Software Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Pascal-XSC - Programming language Pascal-XSC ========== Pascal-XSC is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3145 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pascal-XSC happened in Universitat Karlsruhe - Pascal-XSC on HOPL Pascal-XSC on HOPL - Read more about Pascal-XSC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Pascal-XSC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Pascal - Programming language Pascal ====== Pascal is a programming language created in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth. 1970 Niklaus Wirth #48 on PLDB 54 Years Old 49k Repos Pascal is an imperative and procedural programming language, which Niklaus Wirth designed in 1968–69 and published in 1970, as a small, efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring. It is named in honor of the French mathematician, philosopher and physicist Blaise Pascal. Pascal was developed on the pattern of the ALGOL 60 language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Interview with the creator of Pascal: 1. 1. - There are at least 49,346 Pascal repos on GitHub - Early development of Pascal happened in ETH Zürich - ALGOL 60 influenced the design of Pascal - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8k users using Pascal in 10k repos on GitHub - There are 1,858 members in the Pascal subreddit - There are 710 Project Euler users using Pascal - Explore Pascal snippets on Rosetta Code - Pascal is supported by the GDB - Pascal on HOPL Pascal on HOPL - Pascal appears in the TIOBE Index - Pascal Ubuntu package Pascal Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Pascal - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Pascal - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Pascal - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pascal - Pascal appears in the Quine Relay project - has 102 matches for "pascal developer". - See also: (35 related languages) Delphi, Free Pascal, Turbo Pascal, UCSD Pascal, ALGOL W, Ada, Go, Java, Modula, Modula-2, Modula-3, Oberon, Object Pascal, Oxygene, Seed7, ALGOL 60, Euler, Lisp, ALGOL 68, Assembly language, Tex, Simula, Fortran, Watcom, C, X86, IP Pascal, C#, Algol, PL/I, iOS, Android, Unicode, Linux, FreeBSD - 58 PLDB concepts link to Pascal: Ace Editor, ADLIB, Bazel, binaryen, C2, chaiscript, Chapel, chrysaLisp, cloc, egel, Eiffel, Emscripten, Extended Pascal, Fardlang, Felix, GAP, Gforth, GHC, Halide, haste, HHVM, High Level Assembly, H++, Julia, Ligo, mal, MicroPython, MongoDB, mythryl, Node.js, OpenCV, P, Pawn, PAWN, Perl, PHP, PLZ, GNU Poke, polymath, POV-Ray SDL, psyche-c, Pygments, Racket, raptorjit, Revolution, RicScript, SciPy, skip, Snowball, SourcePawn, stacklang, Swift, TensorFlow, typecobol, v8, Virt, Wren, Zig unit output; interface function Square(const num: Integer): Integer; implementation // Type your code here, or load an example. function Square(const num: Integer): Integer; begin Square := num * num; end; end. program Main; begin writeln('Hello, world!'); end. program HelloWorld(output); begin writeln('Hello World'); end. {Hello World in Pascal} program HelloWorld(output); begin WriteLn('Hello World!'); end. uses uw27294; var p : procedure; procedure test; begin p:=@test; writeln('OK'); end; procedure global; begin p:=nil; test; p(); end; begin global;; end. program Printing; var i : integer; procedure Print(j : integer); begin ... end; begin { main program } ... Print(i); end. * + - / := = > >= and begin boolean break byte continue div do double else end false if integer longint mod not or repeat shl shortint shr single then true until while word xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token ' row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example s := (A + a + A); Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token writeln row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example program Adhoc; function Add(x, y : Integer) : Integer; begin Add := x + y end; function Add(s, t : String) : String; begin Add := Concat(s, t) end; begin Writeln(Add(1, 2)); (* Prints "3" *) Writeln(Add('Hello, ', 'World!')); (* Prints "Hello, World!" *) end. Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token { } row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example { This is a single line comment in pascal. But needs to be closed. } Token row Feature Polymorphism FeatureLink ../features/hasPolymorphism.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 818 4.1
Pascal's calculator - Computing machine Pascal's calculator =================== Pascal's calculator is a computing machine created in 1642. 1642 #4694 on PLDB 382 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 83 0.4
PASION - Programming language PASION ====== PASION is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4328 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PASION happened in Universidad Panamericana - PASION on HOPL PASION on HOPL - Read more about PASION on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
PASRO - Programming language PASRO ===== PASRO is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4329 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PASRO happened in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - PASRO on HOPL PASRO on HOPL - Read more about PASRO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
passambler - Programming language passambler ========== passambler is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2676 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone The Passambler programming language - Tags: programming language - passambler is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of passambler happened in - passambler is written in Java, Markdown HackerNews discussions of passambler ==================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Passambler: A toy language I made in Java over the course of 4 months||06/07/2015|5|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
Passerine - Programming language Passerine ========= Passerine is a programming language created in 2021 by Isaac Cayton (slightknack). 2021 Isaac Cayton (slightknack) #1005 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A small extensible programming language designed for concise expression with little code. - Tags: programming language - Passerine is developed on GitHub and has 1,036 stars - Early development of Passerine happened in - Passerine is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, SVG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
pasukon - Grammar language pasukon ======= pasukon is a grammar language created in 2020 by Federico Ramirez. 2020 Federico Ramirez #1180 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone JavaScript practical parser generator library using combinators - Tags: grammarLanguage - pasukon is developed on GitHub and has 110 stars - Early development of pasukon happened in - pasukon is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown - Read more about pasukon on the web: 1. 1. lex match NUMBER /[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?/ match PLUS '+' match MINUS '-' match TIMES '*' match DIV '/' match POPEN '(' match PCLOSE ')' ignore WHITESPACE /^\s+/ /lex addition | (subtraction as :lhs) then :PLUS then (subtraction as :rhs) |> 'return $.lhs + $.rhs' | subtraction ; subtraction | (multiplication as :lhs) then :MINUS then (multiplication as :rhs) |> 'return $.lhs - $.rhs' | multiplication ; multiplication | (division as :lhs) then :TIMES then (division as :rhs) |> 'return $.lhs * $.rhs' | division ; division | (expression as :lhs) then :DIV then (expression as :rhs) |> 'return $.lhs / $.rhs' | expression ; expression | :POPEN then (addition as :expr) then :PCLOSE |> 'return $.expr' | number ; number | :NUMBER 'return +$1' ; start | addition ; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
patch - Unix application patch ===== patch is a unix application created in 1985 by Larry Wall. 1985 Larry Wall #4495 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: unixApplication - Early development of patch happened in mod.sources - 1 PLDB concepts link to patch: Diff Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
Patchwork - Programming language Patchwork ========= Patchwork is a programming language created in 1996 by Ronen Barzel and David Salesin. 1996 Ronen Barzel David Salesin #3146 on PLDB 28 Years Old We have built a system, Patchwork, that allows programs to be organized according to a dataflow model. In our implementation, application programs use Patchwork to assemble complex microcode programs for a graphics processor from a library of microcode modules. We describe a simple and efficient implementation, in which the only overhead incurred is a single extra level of indirection when invoking a module or when a module accesses inputs, outputs, or local storage. The implementation depends on being able to describe a distinct execution tree for the network, which obviates the need both for run-time monitoring of the execution and for movement of data. Thus, neither dataflow hardware nor a dataflow language is needed for the implementation. Patchwork supports flow-of-control constructs such as looping and branching, the assembly of complex modules from simpler ones, modules written in a variety of languages for a variety of different devices, the interleaved execution of several programs on a single processor, and the execution of a single program on a set of processors in parallel. An analysis showed that Patchwork contributed between 2 and 5% to the total running time of sample microcode programs. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Patchwork happened in Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Group - Patchwork on HOPL Patchwork on HOPL - Read more about Patchwork on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 353 1.8
Path Pascal - Programming language Path Pascal =========== Path Pascal is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4330 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Path Pascal happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Path Pascal on HOPL Path Pascal on HOPL - Read more about Path Pascal on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Pawn - Programming language Pawn ==== Pawn is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #1514 on PLDB 26 Years Old 3k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,270 Pawn repos on GitHub - Early development of Pawn happened in Informatie-Technologisch Bureau CompuPhase - Pawn is written in Pascal, C, Assembly language, Tex, CMake, Rexx, XSLT, CSS, Markdown, C++ - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 304 users using Pawn in 330 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Pawn #include <core> main(){ print("Hello World"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
PAWN - Programming language PAWN ==== PAWN is an open source programming language created in 2006. 2006 #502 on PLDB 18 Years Old 3k Repos git clone Pawn is a quick and small scripting language that requires few resources. - Tags: programming language - PAWN is developed on GitHub and has 477 stars - There are at least 3,270 PAWN repos on GitHub - Early development of PAWN happened in Informatie-Technologisch Bureau CompuPhase - PAWN is written in Pascal, C, Assembly language, Tex, CMake, Rexx, XSLT, CSS, Markdown, C++ - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 434 users using PAWN in 502 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PAWN #include <core> main() { print("Hello, world!\n"); } #include <a_samp> forward OneSecTimer(); new lasttick = 0; main() { print("\n----------------------------------"); print(" This is a blank GameModeScript"); print("----------------------------------\n"); } public OnGameModeInit() { // Set timer of 1 second. SetTimer("OneSecTimer", 1000, 1); print("GameModeInit()"); SetGameModeText("Timer Test"); AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); return 1; } public OneSecTimer() { if(lasttick == 0) { lasttick = GetTickCount(); return; } new sText[256]; format(sText,sizeof(sText),"GetTickCountOffset = %d",GetTickCount() - lasttick); print(sText); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000, sText); lasttick = GetTickCount(); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 314 1.6
paxScript - Programming language paxScript ========= paxScript is a programming language created in 2011 by Alexander Baranovsky. 2011 Alexander Baranovsky #2268 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of paxScript happened in VIRT Laboratory - paxScript on HOPL paxScript on HOPL - Read more about paxScript on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
PBASIC - Programming language PBASIC ====== PBASIC is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2895 on PLDB 36 Years Old PBASIC is a microcontroller-based version of BASIC created by Parallax, Inc. in 1992.PBASIC was created to bring ease of use to the microcontroller and embedded processor world. It is used for writing code for the BASIC Stamp microcontrollers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PBASIC happened in Parallax Inc - PBASIC on HOPL PBASIC on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, BASIC Stamp HIGH 1 'turn on LED on pin 1 PAUSE 1000 'pause for one second LOW 1 'turn off LED on pin 1 END 'end program Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Portable Bit Map Format - Text data format Portable Bit Map Format ======================= Portable Bit Map Format is a text data format created in 1986. 1986 #2420 on PLDB 38 Years Old The PBM format is a lowest common denominator monochrome file format. It serves as the common language of a large family of bitmap image conversion filters. Because the format pays no heed to efficiency, it is simple and general enough that one can easily develop programs to convert to and from just about any other graphics format, or to manipulate the image. The name "PBM" is an acronym derived from "Portable Bit Map." - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Portable Bit Map Format happened in - Read more about Portable Bit Map Format on the web: 1. 1. P1 # This is an example bitmap of the letter "J" 6 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 306 1.5
Omega - Programming language Omega ===== Omega is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2758 on PLDB 5 Years Old Omega is a general purpose problem solving language with an informal conversational interface. Like pure functional programming languages, It is declarative and side-effect free. It is a pure calculus of types where each type characterizes a category of things. Omega expands the range of applications of automated systems by validly characterizing and answering questions about anything that can be imagined including infinite, incompletely knowable and nonexistent things. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Omega happened in Reasoning Technology, LLC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
PCLOS - Programming language PCLOS ===== PCLOS is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4926 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - PCLOS on HOPL PCLOS on HOPL - Read more about PCLOS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
PCN - Programming language PCN === PCN is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4331 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PCN happened in Argonne National Laboratory - PCN on HOPL PCN on HOPL - Read more about PCN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
PCOL - Programming language PCOL ==== PCOL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4332 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PCOL happened in University of Leiden - PCOL on HOPL PCOL on HOPL - Read more about PCOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
pC++ - Programming language pC++ ==== pC++ is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4333 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of pC++ happened in University of Renne and Indiana University - pC++ on HOPL pC++ on HOPL - Read more about pC++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
PCrap - Programming language PCrap ===== PCrap is a programming language created in 2021 by valkarias. 2021 valkarias #2160 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A Small & Interesting Programming Language. - Tags: programming language - PCrap is developed on GitHub and has 18 stars - Early development of PCrap happened in - PCrap is written in C, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
PCRE - Query language PCRE ==== PCRE, aka Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, is a query language created in 1997 by Philip Hazel. 1997 Philip Hazel #595 on PLDB 27 Years Old git clone Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) is a regular expression C library inspired by the regular expression capabilities in the Perl programming language. Philip Hazel started writing PCRE in summer 1997. PCRE's syntax is much more powerful and flexible than either of the POSIX regular expression flavors and than that of many other regular-expression libraries. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - PCRE is developed on GitHub and has 858 stars - Early development of PCRE happened in - PCRE is written in HTML, C, CMake, Bourne shell, Python, YAML, Perl, M4, starlark, Make, Zig, Markdown - was registered in 2000 - See also: (10 related languages) Regular Expressions, C, Perl, PHP, R, CMake, Unicode, ASCII, UTF-8, Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
Partial Differential Equation Language - Programming language Partial Differential Equation Language ====================================== Partial Differential Equation Language, aka Partial Differential Equation Language, is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3516 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Partial Differential Equation Language happened in University of California Los Angeles - Partial Differential Equation Language on HOPL Partial Differential Equation Language on HOPL - Read more about Partial Differential Equation Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
PDF - Binary data format PDF === PDF, aka Portable Document Format, is a binary data format created in 1993. 1993 #709 on PLDB 31 Years Old The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of PDF happened in Adobe - See also: (10 related languages) PostScript, HTML, JavaScript, ASCII, Gzip, CSV, XML, Linux, Ghostscript, LaTeX - Read more about PDF on the web: 1. 1. %Hello World in Portable Document Format (PDF) %PDF-1.2 1 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources 3 0 R /Contents 2 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Length 51 >> stream BT /F1 24 Tf 1 0 0 1 260 600 Tm (Hello World)Tj ET endstream endobj 3 0 obj << /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Font <</F1 4 0 R >> >> endobj 4 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Arial >> endobj 5 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [ 1 0 R ] /Count 1 /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 5 0 R >> endobj trailer << /Root 6 0 R >> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 330 1.6
PDL/Ada - Programming language PDL/Ada ======= PDL/Ada is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #4334 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PDL/Ada happened in IBM - PDL/Ada on HOPL PDL/Ada on HOPL - Read more about PDL/Ada on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
PDL - Programming language PDL === PDL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4335 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PDL happened in Caine, Farber & Gordon, Inc - PDL on HOPL PDL on HOPL - Read more about PDL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
PDP-11 - Computing machine PDP-11 ====== PDP-11 is a computing machine created in 1970. 1970 #2592 on PLDB 54 Years Old The PDP-11 is a series of 16-bit minicomputers sold by DEC (DEC) from 1970 into the 1990s, one of a succession of products in the PDP series. In total, around 600,000 PDP-11s of all models were sold, making it one of DEC's most successful product lines. The PDP-11 is considered by some experts to be the most popular minicomputer ever. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of PDP-11 happened in DEC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
PEAR - Package manager PEAR ==== PEAR is a package manager created in 1999. 1999 #1329 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of PEAR happened in - Read more about PEAR on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 103 0.5
PEARL - Programming language PEARL ===== PEARL, aka Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language, is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #1360 on PLDB 47 Years Old PEARL, or Process and experiment automation realtime language, is a computer programming language designed for multitasking and real-time programming. Being a high-level language, it is fairly cross-platform. Since 1977, the language has been going under several standardization steps by the Deutsches Institut für Normung. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PEARL happened in Deutsches Institut für Normung - PEARL on HOPL PEARL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Perl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
PearScript - Programming language PearScript ========== PearScript is a programming language created in 2016 by Ondřej Kocián. 2016 Ondřej Kocián #2033 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Little language that compiles into Javascript - Tags: programming language - PearScript is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of PearScript happened in - PearScript compiles to JavaScript - PearScript is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Pearson correlation coefficient equation - Equation Pearson correlation coefficient equation ======================================== Pearson correlation coefficient equation is an equation created in 1880 by Karl Pearson. 1880 Karl Pearson #4927 on PLDB 144 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
Pebble - Programming language Pebble ====== Pebble is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4336 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pebble happened in DEC and University of Edinburgh - Pebble on HOPL Pebble on HOPL - Read more about Pebble on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
PEG - Grammar language PEG === PEG, aka parsing expression grammar, is a grammar language created in 2002. 2002 #1047 on PLDB 22 Years Old In computer science, a parsing expression grammar, or PEG, is a type of analytic formal grammar, i.e. it describes a formal language in terms of a set of rules for recognizing strings in the language. The formalism was introduced by Bryan Ford in 2004 and is closely related to the family of top-down parsing languages introduced in the early 1970s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PEG - See also: (1 related languages) Regular Expressions Expr ← Sum Sum ← Product (('+' / '-') Product)* Product ← Value (('*' / '/') Value)* Value ← [0-9]+ / '(' Expr ')' Value ← [0-9.]+ / '(' Expr ')' Product ← Expr (('*' / '/') Expr)* Sum ← Expr (('+' / '-') Expr)* Expr ← Product / Sum / Value Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 245 1.2
Pegasus AUTOCODE - Programming language Pegasus AUTOCODE ================ Pegasus AUTOCODE is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4337 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pegasus AUTOCODE happened in Ferranti Ltd - Pegasus AUTOCODE on HOPL Pegasus AUTOCODE on HOPL - Read more about Pegasus AUTOCODE on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Pegasus - Grammar language Pegasus ======= Pegasus is a grammar language created in 2018 by Daniel Fedorin. 2018 Daniel Fedorin #1874 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A parser generator for C and Crystal. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Pegasus is developed on GitHub and has 61 stars - Pegasus compiles to C or Crystal - Pegasus is written in Crystal, Embedded Crystal, C, YAML, Markdown token space = / +/ [ skip ]; token digit = /[0-9]/; token list_start = /\[/; token list_end = /\]/; token comma = /,/; rule list = list_start list_recursive list_end; rule list_recursive = digit | digit comma list_recursive; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
pegdown - Text markup language pegdown ======= pegdown is a text markup language created in 2010 by Mathias Sirthias. 2010 Mathias Sirthias #1072 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone A pure-Java Markdown processor based on a parboiled PEG parser supporting a number of extensions - Tags: text markup language - pegdown is developed on GitHub and has 1,290 stars - pegdown is written in Markdown, HTML, Java, Scala, XHTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
PEG.js - Grammar language PEG.js ====== PEG.js is an open source grammar language created in 2010 by David Majda. 2010 David Majda #178 on PLDB 14 Years Old 72 Repos git clone PEG.js is a simple parser generator for JavaScript that produces fast parsers with excellent error reporting. You can use it to process complex data or computer languages and build transformers, interpreters, compilers and other tools easily. - Tags: grammarLanguage - PEG.js is developed on GitHub and has 4,802 stars - There are at least 72 PEG.js repos on GitHub - Early development of PEG.js happened in - PEG.js compiles to JavaScript - PEG.js is written in JavaScript, Markdown, CSS, JSON, TypeScript, HTML, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 63 users using PEG.js in 63 repos on GitHub start = additive additive = left:multiplicative "+" right:additive { return left + right; } / multiplicative multiplicative = left:primary "*" right:multiplicative { return left * right; } / primary primary = integer / "(" additive:additive ")" { return additive; } integer "integer" = digits:[0-9]+ { return parseInt(digits.join(""), 10); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 311 1.6
PEI - Programming language PEI === PEI is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4338 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PEI happened in Université Louis Pasteur - PEI on HOPL PEI on HOPL - Read more about PEI on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
penguor - Programming language penguor ======= penguor is a programming language created in 2020 by Carl Schierig. 2020 Carl Schierig #2640 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone The compiler for the Pave Language - Tags: programming language - penguor is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of penguor happened in - Read more about penguor on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
penrose - Programming language penrose ======= penrose is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #504 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Create beautiful diagrams just by typing notation in plain text. - Tags: programming language - penrose is developed on GitHub and has 6,734 stars - Early development of penrose happened in Carnegie Mellon - penrose is written in JSON, TypeScript, Markdown, SVG, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, YAML, Vim script, Python, Lisp, Handlebars, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
PeopleCode - Programming language PeopleCode ========== PeopleCode is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1262 on PLDB 16 Years Old PeopleCode is a proprietary object-oriented programming language used to express business logic for PeopleSoft applications. Syntactically, PeopleCode is similar to other programming languages, and can be found in both loosely-typed and strongly-typed forms. PeopleCode and its run-time environment is part of the larger PeopleTools framework. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PeopleCode happened in Oracle - Explore PeopleCode snippets on Rosetta Code - ANTLR grammar for PeopleCode - See also: (1 related languages) Java MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Hello World"); /* Hello World in PeopleCode 8.45 &MsgText = MsgGetText(66666666, 999999999, "Hello World!"); &SQL = CreateSQL("SQL Statement"); &SQL.Execute([bind_values]); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
PEP - Programming language PEP === PEP is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4339 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PEP happened in Eindhoven University of Technology - PEP on HOPL PEP on HOPL - Read more about PEP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Pep8 - Assembly language Pep8 ==== Pep8 is an open source assembly language created in 2009. 2009 #998 on PLDB 15 Years Old 165 Repos git clone Pep/8 assembler and simulator for the textbook Computer Systems, J. Stanley Warford, Fourth edition - Tags: assembly language - Pep8 is developed on GitHub and has 23 stars - There are at least 165 Pep8 repos on GitHub - Early development of Pep8 happened in Pepperdine University - Pep8 is written in C++, Qt, HTML, XML, JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 32 users using Pep8 in 33 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pep8 - Read more about Pep8 on the web: 1. 1. BR main num: .EQUATE 0 main: SUBSP 2,i DECI num,s if: LDA num,s ANDA 0x0001,i BRNE else STRO even_msg,d BR endIf else: STRO odd_msg,d endIf: ADDSP 2,i STOP odd_msg: .ASCII "The number is: Odd\x00" even_msg: .ASCII "The number is: Even\x00" .END _start: LDA 0,i LDX 0,i LDA 20, i ADDA 51, i CPA 0,i BRLT s3 BR s4 s1: LDBYTEA s3, x NOTA STBYTEA s3, x ADDX 1,i CPX 12, i BRNE s1 s2: STOP s4: LDA 31, d LDX 50, d RET0 STOP s3: CPX -27746, d ANDX -8241, i SUBA -12337, sxf LDX -12289, sx .END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 294 1.5
Perfectscript - Programming language Perfectscript ============= Perfectscript is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3147 on PLDB 29 Years Old A programming language for the office suite. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Perfectscript happened in Novell - Read more about Perfectscript on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Declare Test[10] Test[1] := 5 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Peridot - Programming language Peridot ======= Peridot is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #4340 on PLDB 2 Years Old Peridot MVP - Tags: programming language - Early development of Peridot happened in - Read more about Peridot on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Perl Data Language - Programming language Perl Data Language ================== Perl Data Language is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #2654 on PLDB 28 Years Old Perl Data Language (abbreviated PDL) is a set of free software array programming extensions to the Perl programming language. PDL extends the data structures built into Perl, to include large multidimensional arrays, and adds functionality to manipulate those arrays as vector objects. It also provides tools for image processing, computer modeling of physical systems, and graphical plotting and presentation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Perl Data Language happened in - See also: (11 related languages) APL, IDL, Perl, MATLAB, NumPy, Raku, Gnuplot, OpenGL, C, XS, Fortran perldl> $x = pdl [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; perldl> $y = pdl [[5, 6, 7],[8, 9, 0]]; perldl> $z = $x x $y; perldl> p $z; [ [21 24 7] [47 54 21] ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Perl - Programming language Perl ==== Perl is an open source programming language created in 1987 by Larry Wall. 1987 Larry Wall #8 on PLDB 37 Years Old 170k Repos git clone Perl is a family of high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages. The languages in this family include Perl 5 and Perl 6. Though Perl is not officially an acronym, there are various backronyms in use, including "Practical Extraction and Reporting Language". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Perl is developed on GitHub and has 1,886 stars - There are at least 169,830 Perl repos on GitHub - Early development of Perl happened in Unisys - Perl is written in Perl, C, Bourne shell, XML, YAML, JSON, Markdown, Tex, Pascal, Make, Diff, Lisp, Prolog, SQL, Yacc, D - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 69k users using Perl in 102k repos on GitHub - Check out the 83 Perl meetup groups on - There are 15,510 members in the Perl subreddit - There are 2,433 Project Euler users using Perl - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Perl programmers reported a median salary of $80,000. 2% of respondents reported using Perl. 2,028 programmers reported using Perl, and 1,175 said they wanted to use it - Explore Perl snippets on Rosetta Code - Perl on HOPL Perl on HOPL - Perl ranks #15 in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Perl - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Perl - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Perl - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Perl - Learn Perl on exercism. - PLDB has 4 Jupyter Kernels for Perl:,,, - There is a central package repository for Perl - Annual Reports for Perl Annual Reports for Perl - Events page for Perl Events page for Perl - has 8,795 matches for "perl engineer". - was registered in 1995 - See also: (37 related languages) PEARL, C, Lisp, Pascal, sed, CoffeeScript, Falcon, Groovy, JavaScript, Julia, LPC, Raku, PHP, Python, Ruby, PowerShell, Unix, Bourne shell, Regular Expressions, Unicode, Haskell, Parrot, DTrace, JSON, awk, Fortran, S-expressions, Yacc, Bison, SQL, HTML, XS, RFC, JVM, APL, Perl Data Language, Pod - 112 PLDB concepts link to Perl: Ace Editor, AL, Apache Hbase, Bash, Bazel, beef-lang, BlitzMax, Bucardo, Ceylon, Chapel, Ć, Civet, Click, clike, cloc, cosh, Cryptol, Cyber, Dale, Dashrep, eC, Eiffel, elymas, Erlang, Factor, Felix, FFmpeg, Flare, FLEX, Flow9, Frege, Frundis, GAP, GHC, Git, Go, groff, gura, hakaru, HHVM, Homa, icarus, Idio, Idris, Iterm2, JAL compiler, Java, Jemplate, JFlex, juicy, Kakoune, KaTeX, ko, Lean, Links, Linux, lobster, mal, Markdown, mathics, MongoDB, Mudlle, mythryl, NCAR Command Language, nesC, newclay, Nextflow, nianiolang, Nit, Node.js, Noweb, ObjectScript, Obsidian, Opa, Opal, OpenCV, OpenRC runscript, Pan, PCRE, Perl, polyglot-compiler, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, Pygments, Racket, Rakudo, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, Roc, Ruby, skip, Slash, Slony, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, souper, SWI Prolog, SymPy, tao3d, TensorFlow, TestML, TextFrame, Tiny C Compiler, txtzyme, Vcpkg, VLC, VSXu, Wonkey, zl print("Hello, world!\n"); #!/usr/bin/perl print "Hello World\n"; # Hello world in perl print "Hello World!\n"; #!/usr/local/bin/perl print "Perl\n" #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use IO::Handle; my ( $remaining, $total ); $remaining = $total = shift(@ARGV); STDOUT->autoflush(1); while ( $remaining ) { printf ( "Remaining %s/%s \r", $remaining--, $total ); sleep 1; } print "\n"; __DATA__ else lock qw __END__ elsif lt qx __FILE__ eq m s __LINE__ exp ne sub __PACKAGE__ for no tr and foreach or unless cmp ge package until continue gt q while CORE if qq xor do le qr y Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example print "Hello, World!\n"; Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example # 0b[01]+(_[01]+)* Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \d+(_\d+)* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # (?i)(\d*(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*|\d+(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*)(e[+-]?\d+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)* Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0_?[0-7]+(_[0-7]+)* Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Range Operator FeatureLink ../features/hasRangeOperators.html Supported ✓ Example # @array = (1..10); Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex'; Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example # In Perl, the keyword "use", which imports modules, can also be used to specify directives, such as use strict; or use utf8; use utf8; Token row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example =begin comment This is all part of multiline comment. You can use as many lines as you like These comments will be ignored by the compiler until the next =cut is encountered. =cut Token =begin =cut row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example print "Hello World" =~ /(\w)/; Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1088 5.4
Petr - Programming language Petr ==== Petr is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2868 on PLDB 25 Years Old Czech visual language for kids, created in 1999, written by developer who was cheated by author of Baltik and Baltazar. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Petr happened in Gemtree Software, s.r.o - Petr is written with the native language of Czech - Read more about Petr on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
PFORT - Programming language PFORT ===== PFORT is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4341 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PFORT happened in Bell Labs - PFORT on HOPL PFORT on HOPL - Read more about PFORT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Pfortran - Programming language Pfortran ======== Pfortran is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4342 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pfortran happened in Pennsylvania State University and University of Houston - Pfortran on HOPL Pfortran on HOPL - Read more about Pfortran on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
PgBouncer - Application PgBouncer ========= PgBouncer is an open source application created in 2007 by Frank McGeough. 2007 Frank McGeough #384 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone PgBouncer is an open-source, lightweight, single-binary connection pooler for PostgreSQL. It can pool connections to one or more databases (on possibly different servers) and serve clients over TCP and Unix domain socket. - Tags: application - PgBouncer is developed on GitHub and has 2,811 stars - Early development of PgBouncer happened in - PgBouncer is written in C, Python, Bourne shell, Markdown, Ini, Make, YAML, M4, TOML - See also: (4 related languages) C, PostgreSQL, SQL, PL/pgSQL - Read more about PgBouncer on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
PGen - Grammar language PGen ==== PGen is a grammar language created in 2015. 2015 #4833 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of PGen happened in - Read more about PGen on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Netpbm grayscale image format - Text data format Netpbm grayscale image format ============================= Netpbm grayscale image format is a text data format created in 1988. 1988 #2421 on PLDB 36 Years Old The PGM format is a lowest common denominator grayscale file format. It is designed to be extremely easy to learn and write programs for. (It's so simple that most people will simply reverse engineer it because it's easier than reading this specification). - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Netpbm grayscale image format happened in - Read more about Netpbm grayscale image format on the web: 1. 1. P2 # feep.pgm 24 7 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 11 11 11 11 0 0 15 15 15 15 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 11 11 11 0 0 0 15 15 15 15 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 11 11 11 11 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 376 1.9
pGOLOG - Programming language pGOLOG ====== pGOLOG is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4343 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of pGOLOG happened in Aachen University of Technology - pGOLOG on HOPL pGOLOG on HOPL - Read more about pGOLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
pgql - Programming language pgql ==== pgql is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #3054 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of pgql happened in Oracle - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of pgql ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Property Graph Query Language||08/24/2016|4|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Pharen - Programming language Pharen ====== Pharen is a programming language created in 2009 by Tamreen Khan. 2009 Tamreen Khan #1159 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Lisp to PHP Compiler - Tags: programming language - Pharen is developed on GitHub and has 217 stars - Early development of Pharen happened in - Pharen compiles to PHP - Pharen is written in PHP, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Pharo - Programming language Pharo ===== Pharo is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #636 on PLDB 16 Years Old Pharo is an open source dynamic and reflective language inspired from the programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) Smalltalk. Pharo offers strong live programming features such as immediate object manipulation, live update and hot recompiling. The live programming environment is at the heart of the system.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pharo happened in - Learn Pharo on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Pharo - was registered in 2008 - See also: (5 related languages) Smalltalk, Linux, Squeak, Newspeak, VisualWorks - Read more about Pharo on the web: 1. 1. Object subclass: #Counter instanceVariableNames: ’count initialValue’ classVariableNames: ’’ package: ’MyCounter’ 'Hello World' crLog Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token crLog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
Phel - Programming language Phel ==== Phel is a programming language created in 2020 by Jens Haase. 2020 Jens Haase #765 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Phel is a functional programming language that transpiles to PHP. A Lisp dialect inspired by Clojure and Janet. - Tags: programming language - Phel is developed on GitHub and has 413 stars - Early development of Phel happened in - Phel compiles to PHP - Phel is written in PHP, Markdown, JSON, YAML, SVG, XML, Bourne shell, Dockerfile - was registered in 2020 (ns hello-world\boot) (println "Hello, World!") Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
PHIGS - Library PHIGS ===== PHIGS is a library created in 1988. 1988 #3281 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: library - Early development of PHIGS happened in American National Standards Institute and Federal Information Processing Standards and ISO and International Electrotechnical Commission - See also: (1 related languages) OpenGL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
PHOCUS - Programming language PHOCUS ====== PHOCUS is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3517 on PLDB 37 Years Old An object-oriented Prolog-like language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of PHOCUS happened in Experimental and Clinical Research Center - PHOCUS on HOPL PHOCUS on HOPL - Read more about PHOCUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Phoenix Object Basic - Programming language Phoenix Object Basic ==================== Phoenix Object Basic is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4503 on PLDB 23 Years Old Phoenix Object Basic is an object-oriented rapid application development tool for Linux. It has object-oriented features such as inheritance and polymorphism as found in languages such as Python and Perl. It also features a similar design environment and compatible syntax to Visual Basic reducing the learning curve for those making a transition from that language to Linux programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Phoenix Object Basic happened in CIMLINC, Inc and Janus Software - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, Python, Perl, Visual Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
phorth - Programming language phorth ====== phorth is a programming language created in 2016 by Joe Jevnik. 2016 Joe Jevnik #1914 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A small forth-like language that targets the CPython VM. - Tags: programming language - phorth is developed on GitHub and has 51 stars - Early development of phorth happened in - phorth is written in Python, C++, reStructuredText, Forth, YAML HackerNews discussions of phorth ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Phorth – A Forth-like language on the Python VM||01/20/2017|62|14 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
PHP - Programming language PHP === PHP, aka Personal Home Page, is a programming language created in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. 1995 Rasmus Lerdorf #10 on PLDB 29 Years Old 3m Repos git clone PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Development Team. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it now stands for the recursive acronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - PHP is developed on GitHub and has 37,688 stars - Watch the history of the PHP repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 3,479,326 PHP repos on GitHub - Early development of PHP happened in Zend - PHP is written in PHP, C, Pascal, M4, JSON, XML, Assembly language, YAML, Markdown, C++, Bourne shell, GLSL, HTML, XSLT, XSD, reStructuredText, Ini, Lua, Diff, Reason, CSV, DTD, Yacc, awk, Lex, JavaScript, Python, D, Make, Bash, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 202k users using PHP in 340k repos on GitHub - Check out the 2,012 PHP meetup groups on - There are 150,168 members in the PHP subreddit - There are 3,210 Project Euler users using PHP - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey PHP programmers reported a median salary of $38,916. 22% of respondents reported using PHP. 18,130 programmers reported using PHP, and 8,852 said they wanted to use it - Explore PHP snippets on Rosetta Code - PHP on HOPL PHP on HOPL - PHP ranks #10 in the TIOBE Index - PHP Ubuntu package PHP Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for PHP - PHP LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting PHP - Monaco package for syntax highlighting PHP - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PHP - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PHP - PHP appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn PHP on exercism. - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for PHP:, - There is a central package repository for PHP - Annual Reports for PHP Annual Reports for PHP - Events page for PHP Events page for PHP - has 9,017 matches for "php developer". - was registered in 1997 - See also: (28 related languages) C, HHVM, Parrot, Java, Perl, Tcl, Falcon, Hack, HTML, X86, Unicode, WordPress, JSON, MySQL, MIME, JavaScript, XML, PIR, CIL, FTP, PostgreSQL, SQLite, AWS, JSP, Linux, Python, MediaWiki, Drupal - Read more about PHP on the web: 1. 1. - 57 PLDB concepts link to PHP: Ace Editor, Apache Hbase, AsciiMath, chaiscript, Chapel, chrysaLisp, cloc, codecept, Cyber, dexvis, Eiffel, FlatBuffers, Flow9, Functional PHP Preprocessor, Haxe, HHVM, Hook, huginn, Ioke, Jedi, Jekyll, Jison, JQuery, Latte, ldpl, leo-editor, Lux, mal, MongoDB, MonkeyX, Nadesiko, Node.js, Nuua, packagist-pm, Pharen, Phel, PHP, POV-Ray SDL, PRQL, Pygments, ramen, SDMS, Slim Framework, SmallBASIC, SourcePawn, SQHTML, SRL, Swym, Textile, tht, ToonTalk, Twig, Typoscript, wasmer, WordPress, Yes It Is, Zephir <?php echo "Hello, world!\n"; <?php echo 'Hello World'; <?php // Hello world in PHP echo 'Hello World!'; ?> #!/usr/bin/php <?php echo "PHP\n"; class Person { public $firstName; public $lastName; public function __construct(string $firstName, string $lastName = '') { // optional second argument $this->firstName = $firstName; $this->lastName = $lastName; } public function greet(): string { return 'Hello, my name is ' . $this->firstName . (($this->lastName != '') ? (' ' . $this->lastName) : '') . '.'; } public static function staticGreet(string $firstName, string $lastName) { return 'Hello, my name is ' . $firstName . ' ' . $lastName . '.'; } } $he = new Person('John', 'Smith'); $she = new Person('Sally', 'Davis'); $other = new Person('iAmine'); echo $he->greet(); // prints "Hello, my name is John Smith." echo '<br />'; echo $she->greet(); // prints "Hello, my name is Sally Davis." echo '<br />'; echo $other->greet(); // prints "Hello, my name is iAmine." echo '<br />'; echo Person::staticGreet('Jane', 'Doe'); // prints "Hello, my name is Jane Doe." __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__ __halt_compiler() __LINE__ __METHOD__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__ abstract and array() as break callable case catch class clone const continue declare default die() do echo else elseif empty() enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval() exit() extends final finally for foreach function global goto if implements include include_once instanceof insteadof interface isset() list() namespace new or print private protected public require require_once return static switch throw trait try unset() use var while xor yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Variadic Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasVariadicFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example function sum(...$nums) { return array_sum($nums); } echo sum(1, 2, 3); // 6 Token row Feature Traits FeatureLink ../features/hasTraits.html Supported ✓ Example // The template trait TSingleton { private static $_instance = null; private function __construct(){} // Must have private default constructor and be aware not to open it in the class public static function getInstance() { if (null === self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } } class FrontController { use TSingleton; } // Can also be used in already extended classes class WebSite extends SomeClass { use TSingleton; } Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example $xml = ✓ Example ✓ Example $name = "John" Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example ✓ Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Magic Getters and Setters FeatureLink ../features/hasMagicGettersAndSetters.html Supported ✓ Example public function __set($name, $value) { echo "Setting '$name' to '$value'\n"; $this->data[$name] = $value; } public function __get($name) { echo "Getting '$name'\n"; if (array_key_exists($name, $this->data)) { return $this->data[$name]; } $trace = debug_backtrace(); trigger_error( 'Undefined property via __get(): ' . $name . ' in ' . $trace[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[0]['line'], E_USER_NOTICE); return null; } Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token ' row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1313 6.6
PhpStorm - Editor PhpStorm ======== PhpStorm is an editor created in 2011. 2011 #4618 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of PhpStorm happened in JetBrains Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 85 0.4
phylip - Text data format phylip ====== phylip is a text data format created in 1991. 1991 #2869 on PLDB 33 Years Old The PHYLIP file format stores a multiple sequence alignment. The format was originally defined and used in Joe Felsenstein’s PHYLIP package [R165], and has since been supported by several other bioinformatics tools - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of phylip happened in University of Washington - Read more about phylip on the web: 1. 1. 3 30 Taxon1 ACCGTTTCCACAGCATTATGG GCTCGATGA Taxon2 CACTTCACAAATCAATATTGA GCTAGTGCA Taxon3 TAAGGTATTGGGCTTGGTTCG CAGGGGACT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
PhyloXML - Xml format PhyloXML ======== PhyloXML is a xml format created in 2009. 2009 #1801 on PLDB 15 Years Old PhyloXML is an XML language for the analysis, exchange, and storage of phylogenetic trees (or networks) and associated data. The structure of phyloXML is described by XML Schema Definition (XSD) language. A shortcoming of current formats for describing phylogenetic trees (such as Nexus and Newick/New Hampshire) is a lack of a standardized means to annotate tree nodes and branches with distinct data fields (which in the case of a basic species tree might be: species names, branch lengths, and possibly multiple support values). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of PhyloXML happened in W3C - was registered in 2005 - See also: (3 related languages) XML, Nexus file, Newick format <phyloxml xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""> <phylogeny rooted="true"> <name>example from Prof. Joe Felsenstein's book "Inferring Phylogenies"</name> <description>MrBayes based on MAFFT alignment</description> <clade> <clade branch_length="0.06"> <confidence type="probability">0.88</confidence> <clade branch_length="0.102"> <name>A</name> </clade> <clade branch_length="0.23"> <name>B</name> </clade> </clade> <clade branch_length="0.4"> <name>C</name> </clade> </clade> </phylogeny> </phyloxml> <phyloxml xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""> <phylogeny rooted="true"> <name>example from Prof. Joe Felsenstein's book "Inferring Phylogenies"</name> <description>MrBayes based on MAFFT alignment</description> <clade> <clade branch_length="0.06"> <confidence type="probability">0.88</confidence> <clade branch_length="0.102"> <name>A</name> </clade> <clade branch_length="0.23"> <name>B</name> </clade> </clade> <clade branch_length="0.4"> <name>C</name> </clade> </clade> </phylogeny> </phyloxml> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 524 2.6
PHYSICTRAN - Programming language PHYSICTRAN ========== PHYSICTRAN is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4344 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PHYSICTRAN happened in French Ministry of Defence Computing Center - PHYSICTRAN on HOPL PHYSICTRAN on HOPL - Read more about PHYSICTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Pi Calculus - Programming language Pi Calculus =========== Pi Calculus is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4345 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pi Calculus happened in Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme - Pi Calculus on HOPL Pi Calculus on HOPL - Read more about Pi Calculus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
PIC microcontroller - Programming language PIC microcontroller =================== PIC microcontroller is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #2882 on PLDB 49 Years Old PIC (usually pronounced as "pick") is a family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology, derived from the PIC1650 originally developed by General Instrument's Microelectronics Division. The name PIC initially referred to Peripheral Interface Controller, then it was corrected as Programmable Intelligent Computer. The first parts of the family were available in 1976; by 2013 the company had shipped more than twelve billion individual parts, used in a wide variety of embedded systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PIC microcontroller happened in Microchip Technology, Inc - See also: (7 related languages) C, MIPS architecture, Flowcode, BASIC Stamp, Atmel AVR, Arduino Programming Language, TI MSP430 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
PIC - Text markup language PIC === PIC is a text markup language created in 1988 by Brian Kernighan. 1988 Brian Kernighan #844 on PLDB 36 Years Old 0 Repos In computing, Pic is a domain-specific programming language by Brian Kernighan for specifying diagrams in terms of objects such as boxes with arrows between them. The pic compiler translates this description into concrete drawing commands. Pic is a procedural programming language, with variable assignment, macros, conditionals, and looping. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 0 PIC repos on GitHub - Early development of PIC happened in Bell labs - PIC on HOPL PIC on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PIC - See also: (4 related languages) DIAGRAM, Troff, Tex, Linux - 1 PLDB concepts link to PIC: Pikchr # Dextroamphetamine molecule .cstart .ps 26 size 28 R1: ring double 1,2 3,4 5,6 bond 60 from R1.V2 bond 120 A1: front bond down ; CH3 bond 60 from A1 ; NH2 .ps .cend Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 289 1.4
PICASSO - Programming language PICASSO ======= PICASSO is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4346 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PICASSO happened in University of Texas at Austin - PICASSO on HOPL PICASSO on HOPL - Read more about PICASSO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Picat - Programming language Picat ===== Picat is a programming language created in 2012 by Neng-Fa Zhou and Jonathan Fruhman. 2012 Neng-Fa Zhou Jonathan Fruhman #1887 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2012 - See also: (1 related languages) Prolog - Read more about Picat on the web: 1. 1. import util. input_data(Tri) => Lines = read_file_lines("triangle.txt"), Tri = new_array(Lines.length), I = 1, foreach(Line in Lines) Tri[I] = Line.split().map(to_integer).to_array(), I := I+1 end. main => println("Hello World"). Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
piccola - Programming language piccola ======= piccola is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #3055 on PLDB 22 Years Old Piccola is a small, pure language for building applications from software components. Piccola is small in the sense that its syntax is tiny, and it is pure in the sense that it provides only compositional features — computation is performed entirely by components of the host programming language. The semantics of Piccola is defined in terms of a process calculus, an extension of Milner’s pi calculus in which values communicated are forms, rather than tuples. A "form" is essentially an extensible nested record which also serves as a namespace in which expressions may be evaluated. This simple mechanism is responsible for much of the expressive power of Piccola. - Tags: programming language - Early development of piccola happened in RUniversitat ̈at Bern Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Pick operating system - Operating system Pick operating system ===================== Pick operating system is an open source operating system created in 1970. 1970 #1726 on PLDB 54 Years Old The Pick operating system (often called just "the Pick system" or simply "Pick") is a demand-paged, multiuser, virtual memory, time-sharing computer operating system based around a unique MultiValue database. Pick is used primarily for business data processing. It is named after one of its developers, Dick Pick. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: operating system - Early development of Pick operating system happened in TRW - Pick operating system on HOPL Pick operating system on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) Assembly language, Solaris, Linux, SQL, BASIC, Dartmouth BASIC, Unix, MUMPS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
PickCode - Visual programming language PickCode ======== PickCode is a visual programming language created in 2021. 2021 #2487 on PLDB 3 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language PickCode. - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of PickCode happened in Pickcode Technologies, LLC - was registered in 2021 - See also: (1 related languages) Scratch - Read more about PickCode on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Pickle - Binary data format Pickle ====== Pickle is a binary data format created in 1995. 1995 #2488 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Pickle happened in The Python Software Foundation - Read more about Pickle on the web: 1. 1. \x80\x03cpandas.core.frame\nDataFrame\nq\x00)\x81q\x01}q\x02(X\x05\x00\x00\x00_dataq\x03cpandas.core.internals\nBlockManager\nq\x04)\x81q\x05(]q\x06(cpandas.core.indexes.base\n_new_Index\nq\x07cpandas.core.indexes.base\nIndex\nq\x08}q\t(X\x04\x00\x00\x00dataq\ncnumpy.core.multiarray\n_reconstruct\nq\x0bcnumpy\nndarray\nq\x0cK\x00\x85q\rC\x01bq\x0e\x87q\x0fRq\x10(K\x01K\x02\x85q\x11cnumpy\ndtype\nq\x12X\x02\x00\x00\x00O8q\x13K\x00K\x01\x87q\x14Rq\x15(K\x03X\x01\x00\x00\x00|q\x16NNNJ\xff\xff\xff\xffJ\xff\xff\xff\xffK?tq\x17b\x89]q\x18(X\x03\x00\x00\x00Catq\x19X\x03\x00\x00\x00Dogq\x1aetq\x1bbX\x04\x00\x00\x00nameq\x1cNu\x86q\x1dRq\x1eh\x07cpandas.core.indexes.range\nRangeIndex\nq\x1f}q (h\x1cNX\x05\x00\x00\x00startq!K\x00X\x04\x00\x00\x00stopq"K\x02X\x04\x00\x00\x00stepq#K\x01u\x86q$Rq%e]q&h\x0bh\x0cK\x00\x85q\'h\x0e\x87q(Rq)(K\x01K\x02K\x02\x86q*h\x12X\x02\x00\x00\x00f8q+K\x00K\x01\x87q,Rq-(K\x03X\x01\x00\x00\x00<q.NNNJ\xff\xff\xff\xffJ\xff\xff\xff\xffK\x00tq/b\x88C HE\xe2\xc96\xaf\xd6?-\xccrn\xf7\xe4\xf7\xbfo\x02g\x03x\x8e\xea\xbf\xbb~o\xef}\xe6\xff?q0tq1ba]q2h\x07h\x08}q3(h\nh\x0bh\x0cK\x00\x85q4h\x0e\x87q5Rq6(K\x01K\x02\x85q7h\x15\x89]q8(h\x19h\x1aetq9bh\x1cNu\x86q:Rq;a}q<X\x06\x00\x00\x000.14.1q=}q>(X\x04\x00\x00\x00axesq?h\x06X\x06\x00\x00\x00blocksq@]qA}qB(X\x06\x00\x00\x00valuesqCh)X\x08\x00\x00\x00mgr_locsqDcbuiltins\nslice\nqEK\x00K\x02K\x01\x87qFRqGuaustqHbX\x04\x00\x00\x00_typqIX\t\x00\x00\x00dataframeqJX\t\x00\x00\x00_metadataqK]qLub. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 413 2.1
PICO - Programming language PICO ==== PICO is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1795 on PLDB 27 Years Old See also Pico (disambiguation).Pico is a programming language developed at the Software Languages Lab at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The language was created to introduce the essentials of programming to non-computer science students. Pico can be seen as an effort to generate a palatable and enjoyable language for people who do not want to study hard for the elegance and power of a language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PICO happened in Vrije Universiteit Brussel - PICO on HOPL PICO on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Scheme `` foo(n): fun(i): n := n+i Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
PicoLisp - Programming language PicoLisp ======== PicoLisp is a programming language created in 1988 by Alexander Burger. 1988 Alexander Burger #732 on PLDB 36 Years Old 114 Repos PicoLisp is an open source Lisp dialect. It runs on Linux and other POSIX-compliant systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - There are at least 114 PicoLisp repos on GitHub - Early development of PicoLisp happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 85 users using PicoLisp in 99 repos on GitHub - Explore PicoLisp snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PicoLisp - was registered in 2007 - See also: (9 related languages) Lisp, Linux, S-expressions, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Prolog, C, Assembly language, Java # 11dec13abu # (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger (de permute (Lst) (ifn (cdr Lst) (cons Lst) (mapcan '((X) (mapcar '((Y) (cons X Y)) (permute (delete X Lst)) ) ) Lst ) ) ) (de subsets (N Lst) (cond ((=0 N) '(NIL)) ((not Lst)) (T (conc (mapcar '((X) (cons (car Lst) X)) (subsets (dec N) (cdr Lst)) ) (subsets N (cdr Lst)) ) ) ) ) (de shuffle (Lst) (by '(NIL (rand)) sort Lst) ) (de samples (Cnt Lst) (make (until (=0 Cnt) (when (>= Cnt (rand 1 (length Lst))) (link (car Lst)) (dec 'Cnt) ) (pop 'Lst) ) ) ) # Genetic Algorithm (de gen ("Pop" "Cond" "Re" "Mu" "Se") (until ("Cond" "Pop") (for ("P" "Pop" "P" (cdr "P")) (set "P" (maxi "Se" # Selection (make (for ("P" "Pop" "P") (rot "P" (rand 1 (length "P"))) (link # Recombination + Mutation ("Mu" ("Re" (pop '"P") (pop '"P"))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (maxi "Se" "Pop") ) # Alpha-Beta tree search (de game ("Flg" "Cnt" "Moves" "Move" "Cost") (let ("Alpha" '(1000000) "Beta" -1000000) (recur ("Flg" "Cnt" "Alpha" "Beta") (let? "Lst" ("Moves" "Flg") (if (=0 (dec '"Cnt")) (loop ("Move" (caar "Lst")) (setq "*Val" (list ("Cost" "Flg") (car "Lst"))) ("Move" (cdar "Lst")) (T (>= "Beta" (car "*Val")) (cons "Beta" (car "Lst") (cdr "Alpha")) ) (when (> (car "Alpha") (car "*Val")) (setq "Alpha" "*Val") ) (NIL (setq "Lst" (cdr "Lst")) "Alpha") ) (setq "Lst" (sort (mapcar '(("Mov") (prog2 ("Move" (car "Mov")) (cons ("Cost" "Flg") "Mov") ("Move" (cdr "Mov")) ) ) "Lst" ) ) ) (loop ("Move" (cadar "Lst")) (setq "*Val" (if (recurse (not "Flg") "Cnt" (cons (- "Beta")) (- (car "Alpha"))) (cons (- (car @)) (cdar "Lst") (cdr @)) (list (caar "Lst") (cdar "Lst")) ) ) ("Move" (cddar "Lst")) (T (>= "Beta" (car "*Val")) (cons "Beta" (cdar "Lst") (cdr "Alpha")) ) (when (> (car "Alpha") (car "*Val")) (setq "Alpha" "*Val") ) (NIL (setq "Lst" (cdr "Lst")) "Alpha") ) ) ) ) ) ) ### Grids ### (de grid (DX DY FX FY) (let Grid (make (for X DX (link (make (for Y DY (set (link (if (> DX 26) (box) (intern (pack (char (+ X 96)) Y)) ) ) (cons (cons) (cons)) ) ) ) ) ) ) (let West (and FX (last Grid)) (for (Lst Grid Lst) (let (Col (pop 'Lst) East (or (car Lst) (and FX (car Grid))) South (and FY (last Col)) ) (for (L Col L) (with (pop 'L) (set (: 0 1) (pop 'West)) # west (con (: 0 1) (pop 'East)) # east (set (: 0 -1) South) # south (con (: 0 -1) # north (or (car L) (and FY (car Col))) ) (setq South This) ) ) (setq West Col) ) ) ) Grid ) ) (de west (This) (: 0 1 1) ) (de east (This) (: 0 1 -1) ) (de south (This) (: 0 -1 1) ) (de north (This) (: 0 -1 -1) ) (de disp ("Grid" "How" "Fun" "X" "Y" "DX" "DY") (setq "Grid" (if "X" (mapcar '((L) (flip (head "DY" (nth L "Y")))) (head "DX" (nth "Grid" "X")) ) (mapcar reverse "Grid") ) ) (let (N (+ (length (cdar "Grid")) (or "Y" 1)) Sp (length N)) ("border" north) (while (caar "Grid") (prin " " (align Sp N) " " (and "How" (if (and (nT "How") (west (caar "Grid"))) " " '|)) ) (for L "Grid" (prin ("Fun" (car L)) (and "How" (if (and (nT "How") (east (car L))) " " '|)) ) ) (prinl) ("border" south) (map pop "Grid") (dec 'N) ) (unless (> (default "X" 1) 26) (space (inc Sp)) (for @ "Grid" (prin " " (and "How" " ") (char (+ 96 "X"))) (T (> (inc '"X") 26)) ) (prinl) ) ) ) (de "border" (Dir) (when "How" (space Sp) (prin " +") (for L "Grid" (prin (if (and (nT "How") (Dir (car L))) " +" "---+")) ) (prinl) ) ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1062 5.3
PICT - Programming language PICT ==== PICT is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2171 on PLDB 32 Years Old Pict is a statically typed programming language, one of the very few based on the π-calculus. Work on the language began at the University of Edinburgh in 1992, and development has been more or less dormant since 1998. The language is still at an experimental stage.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PICT happened in University of Edinburgh - Explore PICT snippets on Rosetta Code - PICT on HOPL PICT on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
PICTOL - Programming language PICTOL ====== PICTOL is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4347 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PICTOL happened in Georgetown University Medical Center - PICTOL on HOPL PICTOL on HOPL - Read more about PICTOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
PICTUREBALM - Programming language PICTUREBALM =========== PICTUREBALM is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4348 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PICTUREBALM happened in University of Utah - PICTUREBALM on HOPL PICTUREBALM on HOPL - Read more about PICTUREBALM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
pie-lang - Programming language pie-lang ======== pie-lang is an open source programming language created in 2018 by David Christiansen. 2018 David Christiansen #857 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Pie: A Little Language with Dependent Types. Pie is a Racket language, requiring Racket version 6.5 or newer. - Tags: programming language - pie-lang is developed on GitHub and has 685 stars - Early development of pie-lang happened in - pie-lang is written in Racket, YAML, Markdown - was registered in 2017 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
PIE - Programming language PIE === PIE is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3518 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PIE happened in Carnegie Mellon - PIE on HOPL PIE on HOPL - Read more about PIE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Piet - Esoteric programming language Piet ==== Piet is an esoteric programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3620 on PLDB 34 Years Old An esoteric programming language (sometimes shortened to esolang) is a programming language designed to test the boundaries of computer programming language design, as a proof of concept, as software art, as a hacking interface to another language (particularly functional programming or procedural programming languages), or as a joke. The use of esoteric distinguishes these languages from programming languages that working developers use to write software. Usually, an esolang's creators do not intend the language to be used for mainstream programming, although some esoteric features, such as visuospatial syntax, have inspired practical applications in the arts. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Piet happened in - See also: (13 related languages) INTERCAL, Fortran, COBOL, Assembly language, Unix, Brainfuck, Befunge, FRACTRAN, GRASS, LOLCODE, Malbolge, UNLAMBDA, Whitespace ~ATH(THIS) { // ADDITIONAL GRAVES... } EXECUTE(NULL); THIS.DIE(); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
Pig Latin - Query language Pig Latin ========= Pig Latin is an open source query language created in 2008. 2008 #209 on PLDB 16 Years Old 1k Repos Apache Pig is a high-level platform for creating programs that run on Apache Hadoop. The language for this platform is called Pig Latin. Pig can execute its Hadoop jobs in MapReduce, Apache Tez, or Apache Spark. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - There are at least 1,347 Pig Latin repos on GitHub - Early development of Pig Latin happened in Apache Software Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 535 users using Pig Latin in 606 repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Pig Latin - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Pig Latin - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pig Latin - See also: (8 related languages) Linux, Java, SQL, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Groovy, Sawzall - 3 PLDB concepts link to Pig Latin: Ace Editor, cloc, Pygments input_lines = LOAD '/tmp/word.txt' AS (line:chararray); words = FOREACH input_lines GENERATE FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line)) AS word; filtered_words = FILTER words BY word MATCHES '\\w+'; word_groups = GROUP filtered_words BY word; word_count = FOREACH word_groups GENERATE COUNT(filtered_words) AS count, group AS word; ordered_word_count = ORDER word_count BY count DESC; STORE ordered_word_count INTO '/tmp/results.txt'; Hello WorldPIGHello World /** * sample.pig */ REGISTER $SOME_JAR; A = LOAD 'person' USING PigStorage() AS (name:chararray, age:int); -- Load person B = FOREACH A generate name; DUMP B; input_lines = LOAD '/tmp/my-copy-of-all-pages-on-internet' AS (line:chararray); -- Extract words from each line and put them into a pig bag -- datatype, then flatten the bag to get one word on each row words = FOREACH input_lines GENERATE FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line)) AS word; -- filter out any words that are just white spaces filtered_words = FILTER words BY word MATCHES '\\w+'; -- create a group for each word word_groups = GROUP filtered_words BY word; -- count the entries in each group word_count = FOREACH word_groups GENERATE COUNT(filtered_words) AS count, group AS word; -- order the records by count ordered_word_count = ORDER word_count BY count DESC; STORE ordered_word_count INTO '/tmp/number-of-words-on-internet'; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9]+L? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9]*\.[0-9]+(e[0-9]+)?[fd]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- 0x[0-9a-f]+ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 519 2.6
pikachu - Esoteric programming language pikachu ======= pikachu is an esoteric programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3056 on PLDB 7 Years Old It is an eso language designed specifically to be usable by Pikachus. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of pikachu happened in pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pika pipi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pipi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pipi pi pi pi pipi pi pichu pichu pichu pichu ka chu pipi pi pi pikachu pipi pi pikachu pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pikachu pikachu pi pi pi pikachu pipi pi pi pikachu pichu pichu pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pikachu pipi pikachu pi pi pi pikachu ka ka ka ka ka ka pikachu ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka pikachu pipi pi pikachu pipi pikachu Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Pikchr - Diagram lang Pikchr ====== Pikchr is an open source diagram lang created in 2020 by Dwayne Richard Hipp. 2020 Dwayne Richard Hipp #1651 on PLDB 4 Years Old Pikchr (pronounced "picture") is a PIC-like markup language for diagrams in technical documentation. Pikchr is designed to be embedded in fenced code blocks of Markdown or similar mechanisms of other documentation markup languages. - Tags: diagramLang, text markup language - Early development of Pikchr happened in - Pikchr is written in C - See also: (1 related languages) PIC ``` pikchr arrow right 200% "Markdown" "Source" box rad 10px "Markdown" "Formatter" "(markdown.c)" fit arrow right 200% "HTML+SVG" "Output" arrow <-> down 70% from last box.s box same "Pikchr" "Formatter" "(pikchr.c)" fit ``` ; : [ ] \ above aligned arc arrow below big bold box center circle color cylinder diameter diamond dot down ellipse file fill fit from height ht invisible italic left line ljust mono monospace move oval rad radius right rjust small spline text then thick thickness thin to up wid width Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 283 1.4
Pike - Programming language Pike ==== Pike is an open source programming language created in 1994 by Fredrik Hübinette. 1994 Fredrik Hübinette #500 on PLDB 30 Years Old 145 Repos Pike is an interpreted, general-purpose, high-level, cross-platform, dynamic programming language, with a syntax similar to that of C. Unlike many other dynamic languages, Pike is both statically and dynamically typed, and requires explicit type definitions. It features a flexible type system that allows the rapid development and flexible code of dynamically typed languages, while still providing some of the benefits of a statically typed language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 145 Pike repos on GitHub - Early development of Pike happened in Chalmers Datorförening - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 94 users using Pike in 105 repos on GitHub - There are 6 Project Euler users using Pike - Explore Pike snippets on Rosetta Code - Pike on HOPL Pike on HOPL - Pike appears in the TIOBE Index - Pike Ubuntu package Pike Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Pike - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pike - Pike appears in the Quine Relay project - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Pike - See also: (2 related languages) LPC, C int main() { write("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; } int main() { write("Hello World\n"); return 0; } // Hello world in Pike ( int main(){ write("Hello World!\n"); } #!/usr/bin/env pike int main(int argc, array argv) { return 0; } mixed anything; anything = (int)5.5; // anything is now the integer value 5 anything = (string)anything; // anything is now the string value "5" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example #define CYCLES 20 Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 434 2.2
pikelet - Programming language pikelet ======= pikelet is a programming language created in 2017 by Brendan Zabarauskas. 2017 Brendan Zabarauskas #1095 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Pikelet is a small, functional, dependently typed programming language. - Tags: programming language - pikelet is developed on GitHub and has 610 stars - Early development of pikelet happened in - pikelet is written in Markdown, Rust, TOML, JSON, YAML, JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
PIKT - Programming language PIKT ==== PIKT is an open source programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2922 on PLDB 26 Years Old PIKT is cross-categorical, multi-purpose software for global-view, site-at-a-time system and network administration. Applicability includes system monitoring, configuration management, server and network administration, system security, and many other uses. PIKT consists of a feature-rich file preprocessor; a scripting language; a flexible, centrally directed process scheduler; a customizing file installer; a collection of command-line extensions; and other useful tools. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PIKT happened in University of Chicago - See also: (4 related languages) Unix, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
PiLib - Programming language PiLib ===== PiLib is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4349 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PiLib happened in Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - PiLib on HOPL PiLib on HOPL - Read more about PiLib on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
PILOT - Programming language PILOT ===== PILOT, aka Programmed Instruction, Learning, or Teaching, is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #1235 on PLDB 62 Years Old Programmed Instruction, Learning, or Teaching (PILOT) is a simple programming language developed in the 1960s. Like its younger sibling LOGO, it was an early foray into the technology of computer-assisted instruction. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PILOT happened in University of California San Francisco - Explore PILOT snippets on Rosetta Code - PILOT on HOPL PILOT on HOPL - PILOT appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC R:Hello world in PILOT T:Hello World! R:Call subroutine starting at label *INITIALIZE U:*INITIALIZE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
PIN - Programming language PIN === PIN is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3519 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PIN happened in University of California Los Angeles - PIN on HOPL PIN on HOPL - Read more about PIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
pinto - Programming language pinto ===== pinto is a programming language created in 2016 by Peter Graf. 2016 Peter Graf #1776 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Pinto is a domain-specific programming language for time series - Tags: programming language - pinto is developed on GitHub and has 10 stars - Early development of pinto happened in - pinto is written in Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, XML HackerNews discussions of pinto =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Pinto is a stack-based functional language for time series||10/04/2016|7|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
Pipefish - Programming language Pipefish ======== Pipefish is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #2593 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Source code for the Pipefish programming language - Tags: programming language - Pipefish is developed on GitHub and has 147 stars - Pipefish is written in Go, Markdown, JSON - Read more about Pipefish on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
pipelines - Programming language pipelines ========= pipelines is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #1378 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone An experimental programming language for data flow - Tags: programming language - pipelines is developed on GitHub and has 373 stars - Early development of pipelines happened in - pipelines is written in Python, Nim, Markdown, CSV, Make HackerNews discussions of pipelines =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Pipelines: framework and language for crafting data pipelines||01/14/2019|5|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
pisc - Programming language pisc ==== pisc is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2489 on PLDB 7 Years Old PISC attempts to make concatenative programming less mind-bendy via pervasive use of locals, closures, the smallest set of syntax hacks to make code look nice. PISC is a stack-based programming language that is primarily inspired by factor, TCL, bash and a little bit of python, written in go. - Tags: programming language - Early development of pisc happened in - Read more about pisc on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
PIT - Programming language PIT === PIT is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #3520 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PIT happened in University of North Dakota - PIT on HOPL PIT on HOPL - Read more about PIT on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
PIXIN - Programming language PIXIN ===== PIXIN is a programming language created in 1974 by Malcolm Phillip Atkinson. 1974 Malcolm Phillip Atkinson #3521 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PIXIN happened in University of Edinburgh - PIXIN on HOPL PIXIN on HOPL - Read more about PIXIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Pizza - Programming language Pizza ===== Pizza is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #919 on PLDB 23 Years Old Pizza is an open-source superset of Java 1.4, prior to the introduction of generics for the Java programming language. In addition to its own solution for adding generics to the language, Pizza also added function pointers and algebraic types with case classes and pattern matching. In August 2001, the developers made a compiler capable of working with Java. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Pizza is a superset of Java - Early development of Pizza happened in - Pizza on HOPL Pizza on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Java class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } public final class Main { public int main(String args[]) { System.out.println( new Lines(new DataInputStream( .takeWhile(nonEmpty) .map(fun(String s) -> int { return Integer.parseInt(s); }) .reduceLeft(0, fun(int x, int y) -> int { return x + y; })); while(x == 0) { map.create.newInstance() } } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.out.println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
PkgConfig - Config format PkgConfig ========= PkgConfig is a config format created in 2000. 2000 #2490 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: configFormat - Early development of PkgConfig happened in X.Org Foundation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PkgConfig - See also: (2 related languages) Make, Autoconf Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
PL/0 - Programming language PL/0 ==== PL/0 is a programming language created in 1976 by Niklaus Wirth. 1976 Niklaus Wirth #1517 on PLDB 48 Years Old PL/0 is a programming language, intended as an educational programming language, that is similar to but much simpler than Pascal, a general-purpose programming language. It serves as an example of how to construct a compiler. It was originally introduced in the book, Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs, by Niklaus Wirth in 1976. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/0 happened in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - PL/0 on HOPL PL/0 on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) PL/I, Pascal, Lex, Yacc, Python, Modula-2, CSP, ISBN - Read more about PL/0 on the web: 1. 1. VAR x, y, z, q, r, n, f; PROCEDURE multiply; VAR a, b; BEGIN a := x; b := Y; z := 0; WHILE b > 0 DO BEGIN IF ODD b THEN z := z + a; a := 2 * a; b := b / 2 END END; PROCEDURE divide; VAR w; BEGIN r := x; q := 0; w := y; WHILE w <= r DO w := 2 * w; WHILE w > y DO BEGIN q := 2 * q; w := w / 2; IF w <= r THEN BEGIN r := r - w; q := q + 1 END END END; PROCEDURE gcd; VAR f, g; BEGIN f := x; g := y; WHILE f # g DO BEGIN IF f < g THEN g := g - f; IF g < f THEN f := f - g END; z := f END; PROCEDURE fact; BEGIN IF n > 1 THEN BEGIN f := n * f; n := n - 1; CALL fact END END; BEGIN ?x; ?y; CALL multiply; !z; ?x; ?y; CALL divide; !q; !r; ?x; ?y; CALL gcd; !z; ?n; f := 1; CALL fact; !f END. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 399 2
PL-11 - Programming language PL-11 ===== PL-11 is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #2564 on PLDB 53 Years Old PL-11 is a high-level machine-oriented programming language for the PDP-11, developed by R.D. Russell of CERN in 1971. Written in Fortran IV, it is similar to PL360 and is cross-compiled on other machines. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL-11 happened in CERN - PL-11 on HOPL PL-11 on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) PL360 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
IBM Programming Language/Advanced Systems - Programming language IBM Programming Language/Advanced Systems ========================================= IBM Programming Language/Advanced Systems is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4834 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of IBM Programming Language/Advanced Systems happened in IBM - Read more about IBM Programming Language/Advanced Systems on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
PL/C - Programming language PL/C ==== PL/C is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #2409 on PLDB 51 Years Old PL/C is a computer programming language developed at Cornell University with the specific goal of being used for teaching programming. It is based on IBM's PL/I language, and was designed in the early 1970s. Cornell also developed a compiler for the language that was based on its earlier CUPL compiler, and it was widely used in college-level programming courses. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/C happened in Cornell University - PL/C on HOPL PL/C on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) PL/I, Cornell University Programming Language, SP/k, WATFIV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
PL/EXUS - Programming language PL/EXUS ======= PL/EXUS is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4350 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/EXUS happened in Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Research and Baylor College of Medicine and Four-Phase Systems,-Inc - PL/EXUS on HOPL PL/EXUS on HOPL - Read more about PL/EXUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
PL/I-FORMAC - Programming language PL/I-FORMAC =========== PL/I-FORMAC is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3522 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - PL/I-FORMAC is a superset of PL/I - Early development of PL/I-FORMAC happened in IBM - PL/I-FORMAC on HOPL PL/I-FORMAC on HOPL - Read more about PL/I-FORMAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
PL/I - Programming language PL/I ==== PL/I is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #4561 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/I happened in IBM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
PL/I - Programming language PL/I ==== PL/I, aka Programming Language One, is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #263 on PLDB 60 Years Old PL/I (Programming Language One, pronounced ) is a procedural, imperative computer programming language designed for scientific, engineering, business and system programming uses. It has been used by various academic, commercial and industrial organizations since it was introduced in the 1960s, and continues to be actively used. PL/I's main domains are data processing, numerical computation, scientific computing, and system programming; it supports recursion, structured programming, linked data structure handling, fixed-point, floating-point, complex, character string handling, and bit string handling. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/I happened in IBM - There are 1 Project Euler users using PL/I - PL/I on HOPL PL/I on HOPL - PL/I appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (25 related languages) PL/M, XPL, PL/P, PL/C, COBOL, Fortran, Algol, CMS-2, SP/k, B, Rexx, AUTOCODER, COMTRAN, GEORGE, Multics, BASIC, Pascal, Daisy Systems, Linux, HAL/S, Unix, Java, C, ISBN, DOI - 2 PLDB concepts link to PL/I: cloc, PL/I-FORMAC /* Read in a line, which contains a string, /* and then print every subsequent line that contains that string. */ find_strings: procedure options (main); declare pattern character (100) varying; declare line character (100) varying; declare line_no fixed binary; on endfile (sysin) stop; get edit (pattern) (L); line_no = 1; do forever; get edit (line) (L); if index(line, pattern) > 0 then put skip list (line_no, line); line_no = line_no + 1; end; end find_strings; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 421 2.1
PL/LL - Programming language PL/LL ===== PL/LL is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3523 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/LL happened in KTH Royal Institute of Technology - PL/LL on HOPL PL/LL on HOPL - Read more about PL/LL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
PL/M - Programming language PL/M ==== PL/M, aka Programming Language for Microcomputers, is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #747 on PLDB 51 Years Old The PL/M programming language (an acronym of Programming Language for Microcomputers) is a high-level language conceived and developed by Gary Kildall in 1973 for Hank Smith at Intel for its microprocessors. The language incorporated ideas from PL/I, ALGOL and XPL, and had an integrated macro processor. Unlike other contemporary languages such as Pascal, C or BASIC, PL/M had no standard input or output routines. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/M happened in Microcomputer Applications Associates - PL/M on HOPL PL/M on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Algol, PL/I, XPL, C - 1 PLDB concepts link to PL/M: cloc FIND: PROCEDURE(PA,PB) BYTE; DECLARE (PA,PB) BYTE; /* FIND THE STRING IN SCRATCH STARTING AT PA AND ENDING AT PB */ DECLARE J ADDRESS, (K, MATCH) BYTE; J = BACK ; MATCH = FALSE; DO WHILE NOT MATCH AND (MAXM > J); LAST,J = J + 1; /* START SCAN AT J */ K = PA ; /* ATTEMPT STRING MATCH AT K */ DO WHILE SCRATCH(K) = MEMORY(LAST) AND NOT (MATCH := K = PB); /* MATCHED ONE MORE CHARACTER */ K = K + 1; LAST = LAST + 1; END; END; IF MATCH THEN /* MOVE STORAGE */ DO; LAST = LAST - 1; CALL MOVER; END; RETURN MATCH; END FIND; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 355 1.8
PL/P - Programming language PL/P ==== PL/P is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #2627 on PLDB 46 Years Old The PL/P programming language (an acronym of Programming Language for Prime (computers)) is a mid-level programming language developed by Prime Computer to serve as their second primary system programming language after Fortran IV. PL/P was a subset of PL/I. Additions to the PRIMOS operating system for Prime 50 Series computers were written mostly in PL/P in later years. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/P happened in Prime Computer, Inc - PL/P on HOPL PL/P on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) PL/I, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
PL/S-II - Programming language PL/S-II ======= PL/S-II is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4351 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/S-II happened in IBM - PL/S-II on HOPL PL/S-II on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
PL/S - Programming language PL/S ==== PL/S is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4352 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL/S happened in IBM - PL/S on HOPL PL/S on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
PL/SQL - Programming language PL/SQL ====== PL/SQL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #218 on PLDB 33 Years Old 20k Repos PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is Oracle Corporation's procedural extension for SQL and the Oracle relational database. PL/SQL is available in Oracle Database (since version 6 - stored pl/sql procedures/functions/packages/triggers since version 7), TimesTen in-memory database (since version 11.2.1), and IBM DB2 (since version 9.7). Oracle Corporation usually extends PL/SQL functionality with each successive release of the Oracle Database. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 20,365 PL/SQL repos on GitHub - Early development of PL/SQL happened in Oracle - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 6k users using PL/SQL in 7k repos on GitHub - Check out the 276 PL/SQL meetup groups on - PL/SQL on HOPL PL/SQL on HOPL - PL/SQL ranks #18 in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for PL/SQL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PL/SQL - Learn PL/SQL on exercism. - has 2,972 matches for "pl/sql developer". - See also: (10 related languages) SQL, Transact-SQL, PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL, SQL/PSM, Object Pascal, Free Pascal, Java, SQLite, SQLPL BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Hello World'); END; / -- Hello World in Oracle PL/SQL (sqlplus) set serveroutput on begin dbms_output.enable(10000); dbms_output.put_line('Hello World'); end; / create or replace procedure print_bool( p_bool in BOOLEAN, p_true_value in varchar2 default 'TRUE', p_false_value in varchar2 := 'FALSE' ) as begin dbms_output.put_line(case when p_bool then p_true_value else p_false_value end); end print_bool; / DECLARE CURSOR cursor_person IS SELECT person_code FROM people_table; BEGIN FOR RecordIndex IN cursor_person LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(recordIndex.person_code); END LOOP; END; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token dbms_output.put_line row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 449 2.2
PL-X - Programming language PL-X ==== PL-X is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4353 on PLDB 30 Years Old IBM internal systems programming language (Programming Language/Cross Systems). There has been a progression from the original PL/S to the current PL/X. The language looks like and was originally based on PL/1 but it has picked up modern features along the way as well as features specifically for writing system software. AFAIK code exists written in all of the PL/* dialects and that the current PL/X compiler can handle all of them. Mark knows a lot better and may feel like commenting. - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL-X happened in IBM - Read more about PL-X on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
PL360 - Programming language PL360 ===== PL360 is a programming language created in 1967 by Niklaus Wirth. 1967 Niklaus Wirth #1948 on PLDB 57 Years Old PL360 (or PL/360) is a programming language designed by Niklaus Wirth and written by Niklaus Wirth, Joseph W. Wells, Jr., and Edwin Satterthwaite, Jr. for the IBM System/360 computer at Stanford University. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL360 happened in Stanford University - PL360 on HOPL PL360 on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Algol, Assembly language, Euler BEGIN INTEGER BUCKET; IF FLAG THEN BEGIN BUCKET := R0; R0 := R1; R1 := R2; R2 := BUCKET; END ELSE BEGIN BUCKET := R2; R2 := R1; R1 := R0; R0 := BUCKET; END RESET(FLAG); END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
PL4 - Programming language PL4 === PL4 is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3524 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PL4 happened in Université de Montréal - PL4 on HOPL PL4 on HOPL - Read more about PL4 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about PL4 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
PLACA - Programming language PLACA ===== PLACA is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4354 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLACA happened in University of Northern Iowa - PLACA on HOPL PLACA on HOPL - Read more about PLACA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Plaid - Programming language Plaid ===== Plaid is a programming language created in 2009 by Jonathan Aldrich. 2009 Jonathan Aldrich #1559 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone The Plaid Programming Language Tools - Tags: programming language - Plaid is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of Plaid happened in Carnegie Mellon - Plaid is written in Java, XML, JSON, JavaScript, HTML, Ruby, Tex, Bourne shell, Ini, CSS, XSD, Lisp, ERB, Markdown, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Plain English - Programming language Plain English ============= Plain English is a programming language created in 2018 by Gerry Rzeppa and Dan Rzeppa. 2018 Gerry Rzeppa Dan Rzeppa #2269 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Plain English happened in - was registered in 2005 - Read more about Plain English on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. The background is a picture. A button has a box and a name. To clear the status: Clear the status' string. Show everything. To create the background: Draw the screen's box with the white color. Loop. Pick a spot anywhere in the screen's box. Pick a color between the lightest gray color and the white color. Dab the color on the spot. If a counter is past 80000, break. If the counter is evenly divisible by 1000, refresh the screen. Repeat. Extract the background given the screen's box. \or Create the background from the screen. Or something. To create a work given a URL: Allocate memory for the work. Put the URL into the work's URL. To create some works given a buffer: Destroy the works. Put nil into the current work. Slap a rider on the buffer. Loop. Move the rider (Googley image rules). If the rider's token is blank, exit. Create a work given the rider's token. Append the work to the works. Repeat. The current work is a work. To dab a color on a spot: Pick an ellipse's left-top within 1/16 inch of the spot. Pick the ellipse's right-bottom within 1/16 inch of the spot. Draw the ellipse with the color. To decide if a spot is in a button: If the spot is in the button's box, say yes. Say no. To decide if a work is finished: If the work is nil, say yes. If the work's painting is not nil, say yes. Say no. To draw a button: Draw the button's name in the button's box. To draw the status: Draw the status' string in the center of the status' box. To draw a string in a box in the center: \ needed in sausage draw the string in the box with "center". To draw the text: Put the text's string then "_" into a string. Draw the string in the text's box. To draw a work: If the work is nil, exit. If the work is not finished, exit. Draw the work's painting. To finalize our stuff: Destroy the background. Destroy the works. To finish a work: If the work is nil, exit. If the work is finished, exit. Create a picture given the work's URL. If the picture is nil, exit. Resize the picture to 5-1/2 inches by 5-1/2 inches. Center the picture in the screen's box. Draw the background. Draw the picture. Loop. Pick a spot anywhere near the picture's box. Mix a color given the spot. Dab the color on the spot. If a counter is past 20000, break. Repeat. Extract the work's painting given the picture's box. Destroy the picture. To go to a work: If the work is nil, exit. Show "Working..." in the status. Put the work into the current work. Finish the current work. Clear the status. Show everything. To handle any events: Deque an event. If the event is nil, exit. Handle the event. Repeat. To handle an event: If the event's kind is "set cursor", handle the event (set cursor); exit. If the event's kind is "refresh", handle the event (refresh); exit. If the event's kind is "left click", handle the event (left click); exit. If the event's kind is "key down", handle the event (key down); exit. To handle an event (backspace): If the text's string is blank, cluck; exit. Remove the last byte from the text's string. Show everything. To handle an event (end): If the current work is nil, cluck; exit. If the current work is the works' last, cluck; exit. Go to the works' last. To handle an event (enter): If the text's string is blank, cluck; exit. Show "Working..." in the status. Put "" into a URL. \ Put "" into a URL. Convert the text's string to a query string. Append the query string to the URL. Read the URL into a buffer. If the i/o error is not blank, show the i/o error in the status; exit. Create the works given the buffer. If the works are empty, show "Huh?" in the status; exit. Go to the works' first. To handle an event (escape): Clear the text's string. Show everything. To handle an event (home): If the current work is nil, cluck; exit. If the current work is the works' first, cluck; exit. Go to the works' first. To handle an event (key down): Clear the status. If the event is modified, handle the event (shortcut); exit. If the event's byte is printable, handle the event (printable); exit. Put the event's key into a key. If the key is the escape key, handle the event (escape); exit. If the key is the backspace key, handle the event (backspace); exit. If the key is the enter key, handle the event (enter); exit. If the key is the home key, handle the event (home); exit. If the key is the end key, handle the event (end); exit. If the key is the page-up key, handle the event (page-up); exit. If the key is the page-down key, handle the event (page-down); exit. To handle an event (left click): Clear the status. If the event's spot is in the print button, print. If the event's spot is in the quit button, quit. To handle an event (page-down): If the current work is nil, cluck; exit. If the current work's next is nil, cluck; exit. Go to the current work's next. To handle an event (page-up): If the current work is nil, cluck; exit. If the current work's previous is nil, cluck; exit. Go to the current work's previous. To handle an event (printable): Append the event's byte to the text's string. Show everything. To handle an event (refresh): Show everything. To handle an event (set cursor): Show the arrow cursor. To handle an event (shortcut): If the event's key is the q-key, quit; exit. If the event's key is the p-key, print; exit. To initialize the buttons: Put the screen's bottom minus 1/2 inch into a spot's y. Put the screen's right minus 1/2 inch into the spot's x. Make the quit button given the spot and "Quit". Put the quit button's left minus 1/2 inch into the spot's x. Make the print button given the spot and "Print". To initialize our stuff: Create the background. Initialize the status. Initialize the buttons. Initialize the text. Show "Hello, World!" in the status. To initialize the status: Put the screen's center into a spot. Put the spot's x minus 1 inch into the status' left. Put the spot's x plus 1 inch into the status' right. Put the screen's bottom minus 3/4 inch into the status' top. Put the screen's bottom minus 1/2 inch into the status' bottom. To initialize the text: Put the screen's left plus 1/2 inch into the text's left. Put the text's left plus 2 inches into the text's right. Put the screen's bottom minus 3/4 inch into the text's top. Put the screen's bottom minus 1/2 inch into the text's bottom. To make a button given a spot and a name: Put the spot's x minus the name's width into the button's left. Put the spot's y minus 1/4 inch into the button's top. Put the spot into the button's right-bottom. Put the name into the button's name. To mix a color given a spot: Get the color given the spot. If the color is not very very light, exit. Pick the color between the lightest gray color and the white color. To move a rider (Googley image rules): Clear the rider's token. Loop. If the rider's source is blank, exit. If the rider's source starts with "src=""http://t", break. Add 1 to the rider's source's first. Repeat. Add "src="""'s length to the rider's source's first. Position the rider's token on the rider's source. Move the rider (HTML attribute rules). To move a rider (HTML attribute rules): If the rider's source is blank, exit. If the rider's source's first's target is the right-alligator byte, exit. If the rider's source's first's target is the double-quote byte, exit. Bump the rider. Repeat. A painting is a picture. To pick a spot anywhere near a box: Privatize the box. Outdent the box given 1/8 inch. Pick the spot anywhere in the box. To print: If the current work is nil, cluck; exit. Show "Printing..." in the status. Begin printing. Begin a sheet. Center the current work's painting in the sheet. Draw the current work's painting. Center the current work's painting in the screen's box. End the sheet. End printing. Show "Printed" in the status. The print button is a button. To quit: Relinquish control. The quit button is a button. To run: Start up. Initialize our stuff. Handle any events. Finalize our stuff. Shut down. To show everything: Hide the cursor. Draw the background. Draw the status. Draw the print button. Draw the quit button. Draw the text. Draw the current work. Refresh the screen. To show a string in the status: Put the string into the status' string. Show everything. The status has a box and a string. The text has a box and a string. A work is a thing with a URL and a painting. The works are some works. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1962 9.8
PLAIN - Programming language PLAIN ===== PLAIN is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3148 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLAIN happened in Vrije Universiteit and University of California San Francisco - PLAIN on HOPL PLAIN on HOPL - Read more about PLAIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
plam - Programming language plam ==== plam is a programming language created in 2017 by Sandro Lovnički. 2017 Sandro Lovnički #1156 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone An interpreter for learning and exploring pure λ-calculus - Tags: programming language - plam is developed on GitHub and has 446 stars - Early development of plam happened in - plam is written in Haskell, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
PLAN2D - Programming language PLAN2D ====== PLAN2D is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3525 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLAN2D happened in Technical University of Berlin - PLAN2D on HOPL PLAN2D on HOPL - Read more about PLAN2D on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
plang - Programming language plang ===== plang is a programming language created in 2023 by Ingi Gauti. 2023 Ingi Gauti #1601 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone Plang is a programming language written in natural language. - Tags: programming language - plang is developed on GitHub and has 35 stars - plang is written in C#, Markdown, JSON, XML, Python, CSV, JavaScript, CSS Start - write out "Hello PLang world" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example - set %name% as "Dwight Shrewd" Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example - if %products.Count% > 0 then - go through %products% call !ProcessProduct Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example - call !FooBar %name% Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Planguage - Data notation Planguage ========= Planguage is a data notation created in 2001. 2001 #2759 on PLDB 23 Years Old Planguage is a keyword-driven language whose name is derived from a contraction of the words planning and language1. Planguage can be used in requirements specifications, design documents, plans, and other places where qualitative statements are common. Its primary benefits are quantifying the qualitative and improving communication about complex ideas - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Planguage happened in Gilb International - Read more about Planguage on the web: 1. 1. PLAN [01-Sep 2012]: Full product release GIST : Develop XYZ product ready for product release STAKEHOLDER [planning, final signoff]: Product Quality Manager AUTHORITY [final signoff]: Marketing Manager METER [Product]: Signed off acceptance by <those with final signoff> MUST [01-Sep 2012]: Partial product release WISH [01-Aug 2012]: Full product release Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
PLANIT - Programming language PLANIT ====== PLANIT is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4355 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLANIT happened in Purdue University - PLANIT on HOPL PLANIT on HOPL - Read more about PLANIT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Plankalkul - Programming language Plankalkul ========== Plankalkul is a programming language created in 1948 by Konrad Zuse. 1948 Konrad Zuse #1419 on PLDB 76 Years Old Plankalkül (German pronunciation: [ˈplaːnkalkyːl], "Plan Calculus") is a programming language designed for engineering purposes by Konrad Zuse between 1942 and 1945. It was the first high-level (non-von Neumann) programming language to be designed for a computer. "Kalkül" means formal system – the Hilbert-style deduction system is for example originally called "Hilbert-Kalkül", so Plankalkül means "formal system for planning".. Read more on Wikipedia...ül Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Plankalkul happened in Zuse-Ingenieurbüro Hopferau - Plankalkul on HOPL Plankalkul on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ALGOL 58, Algol P1 max3 (V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0],V2[:8.0]) → R0[:8.0] max(V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0]) → Z1[:8.0] max(Z1[:8.0],V2[:8.0]) → R0[:8.0] END P2 max (V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0]) → R0[:8.0] V0[:8.0] → Z1[:8.0] (Z1[:8.0] < V1[:8.0]) → V1[:8.0] → Z1[:8.0] Z1[:8.0] → R0[:8.0] END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 280 1.4
PLANNER-73 - Programming language PLANNER-73 ========== PLANNER-73 is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4356 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLANNER-73 happened in MIT - PLANNER-73 on HOPL PLANNER-73 on HOPL - Read more about PLANNER-73 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
PLANNER - Programming language PLANNER ======= PLANNER is a programming language created in 1969 by Carl Hewitt. 1969 Carl Hewitt #1462 on PLDB 55 Years Old Planner (often seen in publications as "PLANNER" although it is not an acronym) is a programming language designed by Carl Hewitt at MIT, and first published in 1969. First, subsets such as Micro-Planner and Pico-Planner were implemented, and then essentially the whole language was implemented as Popler by Julian Davies at the University of Edinburgh in the POP-2 programming language. Derivations such as QA4, Conniver, QLISP and Ether (see Scientific Community Metaphor) were important tools in Artificial Intelligence research in the 1970s, which influenced commercial developments such as KEE and ART.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLANNER happened in MIT - PLANNER on HOPL PLANNER on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) POP-2, Lisp, Prolog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
plantuml - Text markup language plantuml ======== plantuml is a text markup language created in 2010. 2010 #2001 on PLDB 14 Years Old 5 Repos - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 5 plantuml repos on GitHub - Early development of plantuml happened in Ezoic Inc - was registered in 2010 - 5 PLDB concepts link to plantuml: cloc, Erlang, F Prime, Gradle, PowerShell Bob->Alice : hello Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
plasma - Programming language plasma ====== plasma is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2270 on PLDB 9 Years Old Plasma, which aims to strike a balance between functional and imperative programming, include state-of-the-art concurrent programming features and feature automatic parallelisation. Boney previously worked on Mercury a logic language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of plasma happened in - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Playground - Programming language Playground ========== Playground is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4357 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Playground happened in Apple - Playground on HOPL Playground on HOPL - Read more about Playground on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Programming Language for Business - Programming language Programming Language for Business ================================= Programming Language for Business, aka Programming Language for Business, is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #1940 on PLDB 52 Years Old Programming Language for Business or PL/B is a business-oriented programming language originally called DATABUS and designed by Datapoint in 1972 as an alternative to COBOL because Datapoint's 8-bit computers could not fit COBOL into their limited memory, and because COBOL did not at the time have facilities to deal with Datapoint's built-in keyboard and screen. A version of DATABUS became an ANSI standard, and the name PL/B came about when Datapoint chose not to release its trademark on the DATABUS name.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Programming Language for Business happened in Datapoint Corporation - See also: (7 related languages) COBOL, Java, Unix, Linux, Visual Basic, SQL, XML IF (DF_EDIT[ITEM] = "PHYS") STATESAVE MYSTATE IF (C_F07B != 2) DISPLAY *SETSWALL 1:1:1:80: *BGCOLOR=2,*COLOR=15: *P49:1," 7-Find " ELSE DISPLAY *SETSWALL 1:1:1:80: *BGCOLOR=7,*COLOR=0: *P49:1," 7-Find " ENDIF STATEREST MYSTATE TRAP GET_PRO NORESET IF F7 ENDIF IF (SHOW_FILTER AND THIS_FILTER AND C_CUSTNO <> "MAG") LOADMOD "filter" PACK PASS_ID WITH "QED ",QED_ID1,BLANKS MOVE " FILTER DISPLAY (F6) " TO PASS_DESC SET C_BIGFLT CALL RUN_FILT USING PASS_ID,PASS_DESC,"432" UNLOAD "filter" CLEAR THIS_FILTER ENDIF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 318 1.6
Please Build - Programming language Please Build ============ Please Build is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #460 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Language for the cross-language build system. The Please build language is a full programming language. - Tags: programming language - Please Build is developed on GitHub and has 2,436 stars - Early development of Please Build happened in Thought Machine Group - Python influenced the design of Please Build - Please Build is written in Go, Bazel, Bourne shell, Markdown, HTML, Python, XML, YAML, Dockerfile, JSON, CSS, C, JavaScript, Diff, C++, SVG, Lisp, Protocol Buffers - See also: (1 related languages) Make - Read more about Please Build on the web: 1. 1. # Taken from //src/core/BUILD in the Please repo go_library( name = "core", srcs = glob(["*.go"], exclude=["*_test.go", "version.go"]) + [":version"], visibility = ["PUBLIC"], deps = [ "//third_party/go:gcfg", "//third_party/go:logging", "//third_party/go:queue", ] ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
PLEASE - Programming language PLEASE ====== PLEASE is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #2870 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLEASE happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - PLEASE on HOPL PLEASE on HOPL - Read more about PLEASE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
PLEX - Programming language PLEX ==== PLEX is an open source programming language created in 1975. 1975 #1918 on PLDB 49 Years Old PLEX (Programming Language for EXchanges) is a special-purpose, concurrent, real-time programming language. The PLEX language is closely tied to the architecture of Ericsson's AXE telephone exchanges which it was designed to control. PLEX was developed by Göran Hemdahl at Ericsson in the 1970s, and it has been continuously evolving since then. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLEX happened in Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - See also: (2 related languages) Fortran, Erlang - Read more about PLEX on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
PLEXIL - Programming language PLEXIL ====== PLEXIL is an open source programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2301 on PLDB 19 Years Old PLEXIL (Plan Execution Interchange Language) is an open source technology for automation, created and currently in development by NASA.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLEXIL happened in NASA - See also: (1 related languages) Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
pliant - Programming language pliant ====== pliant is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2491 on PLDB 25 Years Old At the beginning, Pliant is a computing language. It's target is: enable to keep better control on the computing system and better adaptation capabilities thanks to reduced complexity. This has been achieved mostly through enabling to develop everything in a single language that combines high expression power with execution efficiency. - Tags: programming language - Early development of pliant happened in Copliant Société à responsabilité limitée - was registered in 2001 - Read more about pliant on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
plink-bed-format - Binary data format plink-bed-format ================ plink-bed-format is a binary data format created in 2007. 2007 #2271 on PLDB 17 Years Old Primary representation of genotype calls at biallelic variants. Do not confuse this with the UCSC Genome Browser's BED format, which is totally different. Used in plink. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of plink-bed-format happened in - Read more about plink-bed-format on the web: 1. 1. 0x6c 0x1b 0x01 0xdc 0x0f 0xe7 0x0f 0x6b 0x01 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
plink-bim-format - Text data format plink-bim-format ================ plink-bim-format is a text data format created in 2007. 2007 #2492 on PLDB 17 Years Old Extended variant information file accompanying a .bed binary genotype table. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of plink-bim-format happened in - Read more about plink-bim-format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
plink-fam-format - Text data format plink-fam-format ================ plink-fam-format is a text data format created in 2007. 2007 #2493 on PLDB 17 Years Old Sample information file accompanying a .bed binary genotype table. The FAM file is just the first six columns of the PED file. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of plink-fam-format happened in Harvard University - Read more about plink-fam-format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
plink-map-format - Text data format plink-map-format ================ plink-map-format is a text data format created in 2007. 2007 #2272 on PLDB 17 Years Old Variant information file accompanying a .ped text pedigree + genotype table. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of plink-map-format happened in Harvard University - Read more about plink-map-format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
plink-ped-format - Text data format plink-ped-format ================ plink-ped-format is a text data format created in 2007. 2007 #1847 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone The "ped" file is a commonly used format for holding pedigree and genotype data. Files in this format usually end in ".ped". There are several variants of the format. Used by plink. - Tags: textDataFormat - plink-ped-format is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of plink-ped-format happened in Kyung Hee University - Read more about plink-ped-format on the web: 1. 1. 1 1 0 0 1 0 G G 2 2 C C 1 2 0 0 2 0 A A 0 0 A C 1 3 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 2 A C 2 1 0 0 1 0 A A 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 A A 2 2 0 0 2 3 1 2 1 2 A A 2 2 A A Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
Property list - Text markup language Property list ============= Property list is a text markup language created in 2012. 2012 #1759 on PLDB 12 Years Old In the macOS, iOS, NeXTSTEP, and GNUstep programming frameworks, property list files are files that store serialized objects. Property list files use the filename extension .plist, and thus are often referred to as p-list files. Property list files are often used to store a user's settings. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Property list happened in Apple and NeXT - See also: (4 related languages) ASCII, XML, JSON, Applescript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Plot - Programming language Plot ==== Plot, aka Programming Language for Old Timers, is a programming language created in 2006 by David A. Moon. 2006 David A. Moon #1888 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Plot happened in Association of Lisp Users - Read more about Plot on the web: 1. 1. ;; A silly toy program def response(threat) if threat = #severe run-in-circles() scream-and-shout() elseif threat = #moderate print("Danger Will Robinson") else sleep(1) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
Plot - Template language Plot ==== Plot is a template language created in 2019 by John Sundell. 2019 John Sundell #875 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A DSL for writing type-safe HTML, XML and RSS in Swift. - Tags: template language - Plot is developed on GitHub and has 1,972 stars - Early development of Plot happened in - Plot is written in Swift, Markdown let html = HTML( .head( .title("My website"), .stylesheet("styles.css") ), .body( .div( .h1("My website"), .p("Writing HTML in Swift is pretty great!") ) ) ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
PL/pgSQL - Programming language PL/pgSQL ======== PL/pgSQL is a programming language created in 1998 by Jan Wieck. 1998 Jan Wieck #531 on PLDB 26 Years Old 25k Repos PL/pgSQL (Procedural Language/PostgreSQL) is a procedural programming language supported by the PostgreSQL ORDBMS. It closely resembles Oracle's PL/SQL language. Implemented by Jan Wieck, PL/pgSQL first appeared with PostgreSQL 6.4, released on October 30, 1998. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 24,919 PL/pgSQL repos on GitHub - Early development of PL/pgSQL happened in The PostgreSQL Global Development Group - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8k users using PL/pgSQL in 9k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PL/pgSQL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PL/pgSQL - See also: (6 related languages) PL/SQL, Ada, PostgreSQL, SQL/PSM, SQL, Bison - 2 PLDB concepts link to PL/pgSQL: Bucardo, PgBouncer load 'plpgsql'; load 'plpgsql_lint'; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS list_sites(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION list_sites() RETURNS TABLE (fc json) AS $func$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT row_to_json(feat_col) FROM ( SELECT 'FeatureCollection' AS type, array_to_json(array_agg(feat)) AS features FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (new_id) 'Feature' AS type, ST_ASGeoJSON(loc.geom)::json AS geometry, row_to_json( (SELECT prop FROM (SELECT new_id) AS prop)) AS properties FROM location loc) AS feat) AS feat_col; END; $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS get_observations(character varying, integer); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_observations(kind varchar, site_id integer) RETURNS TABLE (fc json) AS $func$ BEGIN IF kind = 'o2_abs' THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(obs))) FROM ( SELECT observation_date AS date, o2_abs AS value FROM oxygen WHERE new_id = site_id) AS obs; ELSIF kind = 'o2_rel' THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(obs))) FROM ( SELECT observation_date AS date, o2_rel AS value FROM oxygen WHERE new_id = site_id) AS obs; ELSIF kind = 'temp' THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(obs))) FROM ( SELECT observation_date AS date, temp AS value FROM oxygen WHERE new_id = site_id) AS obs; END IF; END; $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 478 2.4
Pluk - Programming language Pluk ==== Pluk is a programming language created in 1995 by Bart van der Werf. 1995 Bart van der Werf #2871 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pluk happened in - Pluk on HOPL Pluk on HOPL - Read more about Pluk on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Programming Language for the University of Maryland - Programming language Programming Language for the University of Maryland =================================================== Programming Language for the University of Maryland is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #2525 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Programming Language for the University of Maryland happened in University of Maryland - Programming Language for the University of Maryland on HOPL Programming Language for the University of Maryland on HOPL - Read more about Programming Language for the University of Maryland on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
plumb - Programming language plumb ===== plumb is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2273 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of plumb happened in - Read more about plumb on the web: 1. 1. HackerNews discussions of plumb =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Plumb, a functional language embedded in PHP, JS and Python||08/22/2014|7|6 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Pλ⍵NK - Programming language Pλ⍵NK ===== Pλ⍵NK is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #4358 on PLDB 4 Years Old This work presents Pλ⍵NK, a functional probabilistic network programming language that extends Probabilistic NetKAT (PNK). Like PNK, it enables probabilistic modelling of network behaviour, by providing probabilistic choice and infinite iteration (to simulate looping network packets). Yet, unlike PNK, it also offers abstraction and higher-order functions to make programming much more convenient. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pλ⍵NK happened in Katholieke Universiteit - Read more about Pλ⍵NK on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Plus - Programming language Plus ==== Plus is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #1382 on PLDB 48 Years Old Plus is a "Pascal-like" system implementation language from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, based on the SUE system language developed at the University of Toronto, c. 1971.There is another programming language named PLUS, developed at Sperry Univac in Roseville, Minnesota, but the Univac PLUS is not the subject of this article.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Plus happened in University of British Columbia - Explore Plus snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (2 related languages) Pascal, C %Title := "Hello world"; %Include(Pluslist); %Subtitle := "Definitions"; %Lower_Case := True; /* Definitions that everyone needs */ %Include(Boolean, Numeric_Types, More_Numeric_Types, String_Types, More_String_Types); /* A tasteful subset of procedure definitions */ %Include(Main); /* Message routine definitions */ %Include(Message_Initialize, Message, Message_Terminate); %Subtitle := "Local Procedure Definitions"; %Eject(); definition Main variable Mcb is pointer to Stream_Type; Mcb := Message_Initialize(); Message(Mcb, "Hello, world!"); Message_Terminate(Mcb); Mcb := Null; end Main; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 291 1.5
Plush - Programming language Plush ===== Plush is a programming language created in 2017 by Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert. 2017 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert #4619 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
PLZ - Programming language PLZ === PLZ is a programming language created in 1978 by Charlie Bass. 1978 Charlie Bass #2057 on PLDB 46 Years Old PLZ/SYS is intended to aid the implementation of system programs for microcomputers. PLZ/SYS is a synthesis of concepts from contemporary programming languages and compilers--the language Pascal has had the most notable influence on the overall design and implementation of PLZ/SYS. - Tags: programming language - Early development of PLZ happened in Zilog, Inc - Pascal influenced the design of PLZ - PLZ on HOPL PLZ on HOPL - Read more about PLZ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about PLZ on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. bubble sort MODULE CONSTANT false : .. 0 true := 1 EXTERNAL printarray PROCEDURE (first tWORD count BYTE) INTERNAL a ARRAY [10 WORD] := [33 10 2000 400 410 3 3 33 500 1999] sort PROCEDURE (n BYTE) LOCAL i j limit BYTE temp WORD switched BYTE ENTRY DO switched := false i := 0 limit := n-2 DO IF i > limit THEN EXIT FI j := i + 1 IF a[i] > a[j] THEN switched := true temp :'" a [i) a[i] := a[j] a [j] : .. temp FI i +- 1 OD IF switched .. false THEN RETURN FI END sort GLOBAL main PROCEDURE ENTRY sort (10) printarray(ta[O] 10) END main END bubble sort Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 355 1.8
PM2 - Programming language PM2 === PM2 is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2826 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PM2 happened in Inria and Centre national de la recherche scientifique and University of Bordeaux - PM2 on HOPL PM2 on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
PML - Text markup language PML === PML, aka Practical Markup Language, is a text markup language created in 1986 by Christian Neumanns. 1986 Christian Neumanns #2494 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of PML happened in - Read more about PML on the web: 1. 1. [doc [title PML Demo] [ch [title Introduction] This is a [i simple] example. You can add images, audio, and videos: [image ( source = images/strawberries.jpg width = 300 align = center )] ] [ch [title Source Code] You can show highlighted source code: [code (lang=java) // Simple Java example public static void sayHello ( String name ) { System.out.println ( "Hello " + name ); } code] ] ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
PNG - Binary data format PNG === PNG, aka Portable Network Graphics, is a binary data format created in 1996. 1996 #2827 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of PNG happened in - See also: (1 related languages) JPEG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
Pnuts - Programming language Pnuts ===== Pnuts is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1747 on PLDB 27 Years Old Pnuts is a dynamic scripting language for the Java platform. It is designed to be used in a dual language system with the Java programming language. The goals of the Pnuts project are to provide a small, fast scripting language that has tight integration with the Java language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pnuts happened in Sun Japan - See also: (1 related languages) Java use("pnuts.lib") // Standard module that makes sort, println and other functions available. countries = ["Canada", "Austria", "Brazil"] sort(countries) for (country : countries) println("Hello " + country) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
PO - Programming language PO == PO is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3149 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PO happened in Universita' di Bologna - PO on HOPL PO on HOPL - Read more about PO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Pocket Smalltalk - Programming language Pocket Smalltalk ================ Pocket Smalltalk is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4359 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pocket Smalltalk happened in Tucows Inc - Pocket Smalltalk on HOPL Pocket Smalltalk on HOPL - Read more about Pocket Smalltalk on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Pod - Text markup language Pod === Pod, aka Plain Old Documentation, is a text markup language created in 1997. 1997 #1130 on PLDB 27 Years Old 0 Repos Plain Old Documentation (pod) is a lightweight markup language used to document the Perl programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 0 Pod repos on GitHub - Early development of Pod happened in - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pod - See also: (10 related languages) Perl, XML, Tex, Markdown, Parrot, Bash, TiddlyWiki, MediaWiki, ASCII, UTF-8 - Read more about Pod on the web: 1.!search/%22Plain$20Old$20Documentation%22/comp.lang.perl.misc/A9zVCf4UrIs/1hSITu_f4ckJ 1. use strict; use warnings; package DZT::Sample; sub return_arrayref_of_values_passed { my $invocant = shift; return \@_; } 1; =head1 NAME My::Module - An example module =head1 SYNOPSIS use My::Module; my $object = My::Module->new(); print $object->as_string; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module does not really exist, it was made for the sole purpose of demonstrating how POD works. =head2 Methods =over 12 =item C<new> Returns a new My::Module object. =item C<as_string> Returns a stringified representation of the object. This is mainly for debugging purposes. =back =head1 LICENSE This is released under the Artistic License. See L<perlartistic>. =head1 AUTHOR Juerd - L<> =head1 SEE ALSO L<perlpod>, L<perlpodspec> =cut Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
Pod6 - Text markup language Pod6 ==== Pod6 is a text markup language created in 2019 by Aliaksandr Zahatski. 2019 Aliaksandr Zahatski #1921 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Pod6 is an easy-to-use markup language. It can be used for writing language documentation, for documenting programs and modules, as well as for other types of document composition - Tags: text markup language - Pod6 is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of Pod6 happened in - Pod6 is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, YAML - was registered in 2012 =begin pod This is an ordinary paragraph While this is not This is a code block =head1 Mumble mumble Suprisingly, this is not a code block (with fancy indentation too) But this is just a text. Again =end pod Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
Podlite - Text markup language Podlite ======= Podlite is an open source text markup language created in 2020 by Alexandr Zahatski. 2020 Alexandr Zahatski #1448 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Podlite, a lightweight block-oriented markup language that's all about flexibility and ease of use. - Tags: text markup language - Podlite is developed on GitHub and has 40 stars - Podlite is written in TypeScript, JSON, Markdown, JavaScript, YAML, CSS, Prolog - See also: (2 related languages) Markdown, Scroll =begin pod =head1 A heading This is Podlite too. Specifically, this is a simple C<para> block $this = pod('also'); # Specifically, a code block =end pod Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
POGOL - Programming language POGOL ===== POGOL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4360 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of POGOL happened in Dept. of Defense - POGOL on HOPL POGOL on HOPL - Read more about POGOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
PogoScript - Programming language PogoScript ========== PogoScript is an open source programming language created in 2011. 2011 #827 on PLDB 13 Years Old 51 Repos git clone A readable, DSL friendly programming language with excellent concurrency primitives - Tags: programming language - PogoScript is developed on GitHub and has 129 stars - There are at least 51 PogoScript repos on GitHub - Early development of PogoScript happened in - PogoScript is written in JavaScript, Markdown, Make, Ruby, JSON, Diff, HTML, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4 users using PogoScript in 12 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PogoScript - was registered in 2011 httpism = require 'httpism' async = require 'async' resolve = require 'url'.resolve exports.squash (url) ! = html = httpism.get ! (url).body squash html ! (html, url) squash html (html, url, callback) = replacements = sort (links in (html).concat(scripts in (html))) for each @(r) in (replacements) @{ r.url = resolve(url, r.href) } (replacements, get) @(err, requested) callback (err, replace (requested) in (html)) sort (replacements) = replacements.sort @(a, b) @{ a.index - b.index } get (replacement) = replacement.body = httpism.get ! (replacement.url).body replacement replace (replacements) in (html) = i = 0 parts = "" for each @(rep) in (replacements) parts := "#(parts)#(html.substring(i, rep.index))<#(rep.tag)>#(rep.body)</#(rep.tag)>" i := rep.index + rep.length parts + html.substr(i) links in (html) = link reg = r/<link\s[^>]*href=["']?([^"']+)["'][^\>]*(\/\>|\>\s*\<\/link\>)/gi elements in (html) matching (link reg) as 'style' scripts in (html) = script reg = r/<script\s[^>]*src=["']?([^"']+)["'][^\>]*(\/\>|\>\s*\<\/script\>)/gi elements in (html) matching (script reg) as 'script' elements in (html) matching (reg) as (tag) = elements = [] while (m = reg.exec (html)) elements.push { tag = tag, index = m.index, length = m.0.length, href = m.1 } elements Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 395 2
pointless - Programming language pointless ========= pointless is a programming language created in 2020 by Avery N. Nortonsmith. 2020 Avery N. Nortonsmith #1017 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Pointless: a scripting language for learning and fun - Tags: programming language - pointless is developed on GitHub and has 122 stars - Early development of pointless happened in - pointless is written in Dart, Markdown, Make, YAML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for pointless - Read more about pointless on the web: 1. 1. import "chart.ptls" as chart output = iterate(collatzStep, 175) |> takeWhile(greaterThan(1)) |> chart.scale(8) |> println collatzStep(n) = if n % 2 == 0 then n / 2 else n * 3 + 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
GNU Poke - Programming language GNU Poke ======== GNU Poke is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Jose E. Marchesi. 2017 Jose E. Marchesi #1333 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone GNU poke is a new interactive editor for binary data. Not limited to editing basic entities such as bits and bytes, it provides a full-fledged procedural, interactive programming language designed to describe data structures and to operate on them. - Tags: programming language, editor - Guile influenced the design of GNU Poke - GNU Poke is written in C, Make, Expect, M4, Bourne shell, Lex, Yacc, Vim script, CSS, Lisp, sed, awk, Scheme, Nix, Pascal # The following two lines are dot commands .load .set obase 16 # The following line is a Poke statement dump :size 0x100#B :from 0x10#B # The following line is a Poke expression statement without any side effect. # Consequently it is valid, but rather useless. 4 == 4 Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example #!/usr/bin/poke -L !# Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
POLAC - Programming language POLAC ===== POLAC is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4361 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of POLAC happened in University of Wisconsin - POLAC on HOPL POLAC on HOPL - Read more about POLAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Polkadot - Crypto protocol Polkadot ======== Polkadot is a crypto protocol created in 2020 by Gavin Wood. 2020 Gavin Wood #3260 on PLDB 4 Years Old Polkadot is a blockchain network of networks designed to challenge our assumptions, directed and governed by those who hold the DOT token. By holding DOT, you are part of the largest and most decentralized decision-making group in the world. - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
polly - Template language polly ===== polly is a template language created in 2016. 2016 #3700 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: template language - Early development of polly happened in HackerNews discussions of polly =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Polly: A templating language for Rust||02/24/2016|47|21 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
poly - Minilanguage poly ==== poly is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #2760 on PLDB 11 Years Old lazy, functional, statically typed, parametric polymorphism, type inference - Tags: minilanguage - Early development of poly happened in - Read more about poly on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
polyglot-compiler - Compiler polyglot-compiler ================= polyglot-compiler is a compiler created in 2003 by Nick Mathewson. 2003 Nick Mathewson #1522 on PLDB 21 Years Old git clone Polyglot Extensible Compiler Framework for Java - Tags: compiler - polyglot-compiler is developed on GitHub and has 106 stars - Early development of polyglot-compiler happened in DARPA and US Air Force - polyglot-compiler is written in Java, Julia, HTML, Bourne shell, Ini, Lisp, Tex, Perl, YAML, CSS, Make, Diff, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Polylith - Programming language Polylith ======== Polylith is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4362 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Polylith happened in University of Maryland - Polylith on HOPL Polylith on HOPL - Read more about Polylith on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
polymath - Text markup language polymath ======== polymath is a text markup language created in 2020 by JL. 2020 JL #2134 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Polymath is a markup language (like Markdown, LaTeX, or HTML) and a static site generator specialized in aesthetically presenting a wide variety of information: text, mathematics, code, photos, videos, you name it. - Tags: text markup language - polymath is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - Early development of polymath happened in - polymath is written in Markdown, SVG, Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Polymorphic Programming Language - Programming language Polymorphic Programming Language ================================ Polymorphic Programming Language is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #2941 on PLDB 55 Years Old The Polymorphic Programming Language (PPL) was developed in 1969 at Harvard University by Thomas A. Standish. It is an interactive, extensible language with a base language similar to the language APL.The assignment operator programming language - Early development of Polymorphic Programming Language happened in Harvard University - Polymorphic Programming Language on HOPL Polymorphic Programming Language on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) APL, S Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
PolyP - Programming language PolyP ===== PolyP is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4363 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PolyP happened in Chalmers University of Technology and University of Göteborg - PolyP on HOPL PolyP on HOPL - Read more about PolyP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
PolyTOIL - Programming language PolyTOIL ======== PolyTOIL is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4364 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PolyTOIL happened in Williams College and Memorial University of Newfoundland - PolyTOIL on HOPL PolyTOIL on HOPL - Read more about PolyTOIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Pomsky - Programming language Pomsky ====== Pomsky is a programming language created in 2022 by Ludwig Stecher. 2022 Ludwig Stecher #759 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A new, portable, regular expression language - Tags: programming language - Pomsky is developed on GitHub and has 1,270 stars - Early development of Pomsky happened in - Pomsky is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML, JavaScript, YAML, Java, C#, Python, Z shell, Bash, SVG, JSON 'Hello' ' '+ ('world' | 'pomsky') Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Pony - Programming language Pony ==== Pony is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Sylvan Clebsch. 2012 Sylvan Clebsch #143 on PLDB 12 Years Old 549 Repos git clone Pony is an open-source, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language - Tags: programming language - Pony is developed on GitHub and has 5,654 stars - There are at least 549 Pony repos on GitHub - Early development of Pony happened in - Pony is written in C, Markdown, C++, YAML, Bash, Dockerfile, CMake, DTrace, PowerShell, Make, D, LLVM IR, Ini - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 59 users using Pony in 78 repos on GitHub - There are 672 members in the Pony subreddit - Explore Pony snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Pony - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pony - was registered in 2015 actor Main new create(env: Env) => env.out.print("Hello, world!") actor Main var _env: Env new create(env: Env) => _env = env square(3) fun square(num: I32): I32 => num * num actor Main new create(env: Env) => env.out.print("Hello World") actor Main new create(env: Env) => env.out.print("Hello, world.") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token env.out.print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 369 1.8
Pop-11 - Programming language Pop-11 ====== Pop-11 is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #1955 on PLDB 25 Years Old POP-11 is a reflective, incrementally compiled programming language with many of the features of an interpreted language. It is the core language of the Poplog programming environment developed originally by the University of Sussex, and recently in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham which hosts the Poplog website. POP-11 is an evolution of the language POP-2, developed in Edinburgh University and features an open stack model (like Forth, among others). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pop-11 happened in University of Sussex - Pop-11 on HOPL Pop-11 on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) POPLOG, POP-2, Forth, Prolog, Common Lisp, Standard ML, COWSEL define RemoveElementsMatching(Element, Source) -> Result; lvars Index; [[% for Index in Source do unless Index = Element or Index matches Element then Index; endunless; endfor; %]] -> Result; enddefine; RemoveElementsMatching("the", [[the cat sat on the mat]]) => ;;; outputs [[cat sat on mat]] RemoveElementsMatching("the", [[the cat] [sat on] the mat]) => ;;; outputs [[the cat] [sat on] mat] RemoveElementsMatching([[= cat]], [[the cat]] is a [[big cat]]) => ;;; outputs [[is a]] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 299 1.5
POP-2 - Programming language POP-2 ===== POP-2 is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #2336 on PLDB 57 Years Old POP-2 (also referred to as POP2) is a programming language developed around 1970 from the earlier language POP-1 (developed by Robin Popplestone in 1968, originally named COWSEL) by Robin Popplestone and Rod Burstall at the University of Edinburgh. It drew roots from many sources: the languages LISP and ALGOL 60, and theoretical ideas from Peter J. Landin. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of POP-2 happened in University of Edinburgh - POP-2 on HOPL POP-2 on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) COWSEL, ALGOL 60, Pop-11, Unix, Prolog, POPLOG, Common Lisp, Standard ML vars operation 3 +*; lambda x y; x * x + y * y end -> nonop +* Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
Patient-Oriented Prescription Programming Language - Programming language Patient-Oriented Prescription Programming Language ================================================== Patient-Oriented Prescription Programming Language is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2761 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Patient-Oriented Prescription Programming Language happened in Northwestern University - Read more about Patient-Oriented Prescription Programming Language on the web: 1. 1. #lang pop-pl used by JessieBrownVA initially giveBolus 80 units/kg of: HEParin by: iv infusion: whenever new aPTTResult aPTT < 45 | giveBolus 80 units/kg of: HEParin by: iv Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Post Office Protocol - Protocol Post Office Protocol ==================== Post Office Protocol is a protocol created in 1957. 1957 #2540 on PLDB 67 Years Old In computing, the Post Office Protocol (POP) is an application-layer Internet standard protocol used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail from a mail server.POP version 3 (POP3) is the version in common use.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Post Office Protocol happened in USC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
PopAsm - Programming language PopAsm ====== PopAsm is a programming language created in 2003 by Helcio Bezerra de Mello. 2003 Helcio Bezerra de Mello #3150 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PopAsm happened in - PopAsm on HOPL PopAsm on HOPL - Read more about PopAsm on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
popcorn-linux - Operating system popcorn-linux ============= popcorn-linux is an operating system created in 1994. 1994 #3057 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: operating system - Early development of popcorn-linux happened in Virginia Tech - was registered in 2012 - Read more about popcorn-linux on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
POPLOG - Programming language POPLOG ====== POPLOG is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #1824 on PLDB 32 Years Old Poplog is a reflective, incrementally compiled software development environment for the programming languages POP-11, Common Lisp, Prolog, and Standard ML, originally created in the UK for teaching and research in artificial intelligence at the University of Sussex.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of POPLOG happened in University of Sussex - POPLOG on HOPL POPLOG on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Pop-11, Common Lisp, Prolog, Standard ML, SPSS, Scheme, SPARC, Solaris, PowerPC, POP-2 - Read more about POPLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
popr - Programming language popr ==== popr is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #742 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Popr applies concatenative programming to types as well as values, striving for purity and correctness, and efficient execution. - Tags: programming language - popr is developed on GitHub and has 240 stars - Early development of popr happened in - popr compiles to C - popr is written in C, SVG, Bourne shell, Make, Python, Nix, Lisp, Markdown, YAML, Tex, HTML, CSS, Bash, JSON - First announcement of popr - was registered in 2019 1 2 | 3 + Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example __ A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example __ A comment Token __ row Feature Lazy Evaluation FeatureLink ../features/hasLazyEvaluation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
POPSY - Programming language POPSY ===== POPSY is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4365 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of POPSY happened in Rogowski-Institut fuer Elektrotechnik - POPSY on HOPL POPSY on HOPL - Read more about POPSY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Porffor - Compiler Porffor ======= Porffor is a compiler created in 2023 by Oliver Medhurst. 2023 Oliver Medhurst #700 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone Porffor is a unique JS engine/compiler/runtime, compiling JS code to WebAssembly or native ahead-of-time. - Tags: compiler - Porffor is developed on GitHub and has 1,704 stars - Porffor compiles to WebAssembly - Porffor is written in JavaScript, TypeScript, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, Brainfuck, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
PORT-ALG - Programming language PORT-ALG ======== PORT-ALG is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4366 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PORT-ALG happened in University of Alabama - PORT-ALG on HOPL PORT-ALG on HOPL - Read more about PORT-ALG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Portable Standard Lisp - Programming language Portable Standard Lisp ====================== Portable Standard Lisp is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3750 on PLDB 44 Years Old Portable Standard Lisp (PSL) is a tail-recursive dynamically bound dialect of Lisp inspired by its predecessor, Standard Lisp and the Portable Lisp Compiler. It was developed by researchers at the University of Utah in 1980, which released PSL 3.1; development was handed over to developers at Hewlett-Packard in 1982 who released PSL 3.3 and up. Portable Standard Lisp was available as a kit containing a screen editor, a compiler, and an interpreter for the 68000 processor architecture, DEC-20s, CRAY-1s, and the VAX architecture (among many others). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Portable Standard Lisp happened in University of Utah - See also: (2 related languages) C, Common Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Portal langage - Programming language Portal langage ============== Portal langage is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3636 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Portal langage happened in LGZ LANDIS & GYR ZUG AG - Portal langage on HOPL Portal langage on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
POSE - Programming language POSE ==== POSE is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3526 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of POSE happened in Aerospace Corporation - POSE on HOPL POSE on HOPL - Read more about POSE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Post production - Grammar language Post production =============== Post production is a grammar language created in 1941 by Emil Post. 1941 Emil Post #2092 on PLDB 83 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Post production happened in Stanford University - Post production on HOPL Post production on HOPL - Read more about Post production on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Post production: Semi-Thue Alphabet: {[, ]} Initial word: [] Production rules: (1) $ → [$] (2) $ → $ (3) $1$2 → $1[]$2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Post-X - Grammar language Post-X ====== Post-X is a grammar language created in 1980 by P.A.C. Bailes and L.H. Reeker. 1980 P.A.C. Bailes L.H. Reeker #2872 on PLDB 44 Years Old The Post-X language is designed to provide facilities for pattern-directed processing of strings, sequences and trees in an integrated applicative format. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Post-X happened in University of Queensland - Post-X on HOPL Post-X on HOPL - Read more about Post-X on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. REPLACE GRAM := "<"^BREAK">"^"> '' {TEMPLATElt;^((REPLACE GRAM)< SELECT RHS (ALT LTST< (LHS--FIND $2 <GRAM))) %>} INULL{$}; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
PostCSS - Text markup language PostCSS ======= PostCSS is an open source text markup language created in 2013 by Andrey Sitnik. 2013 Andrey Sitnik #137 on PLDB 11 Years Old 0 Repos git clone Transforming styles with JS plugins - Tags: text markup language - PostCSS is developed on GitHub and has 28,357 stars - There are at least 0 PostCSS repos on GitHub - Early development of PostCSS happened in - PostCSS is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PostCSS - was registered in 2015 body::before { content: "Hello World"; } @define-mixin size $size { width: $size; } $big: 100px; /* Main block */ .block { &_logo { background: inline("./logo.png"); @mixin size $big; } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
PostScript - Text markup language PostScript ========== PostScript is a text markup language created in 1982 by John Warnock and Chuck Geschke and Doug Brotz and Ed Taft and Bill Paxton. 1982 John Warnock Chuck Geschke Doug Brotz Ed Taft Bill Paxton #160 on PLDB 42 Years Old 8k Repos PostScript (PS) is a page description language in the electronic publishing and desktop publishing business. It is a dynamically typed, concatenative programming language and was created at Adobe Systems by John Warnock, Charles Geschke, Doug Brotz, Ed Taft and Bill Paxton from 1982 to 1984.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 8,053 PostScript repos on GitHub - Early development of PostScript happened in Adobe - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using PostScript in 4k repos on GitHub - Explore PostScript snippets on Rosetta Code - PostScript on HOPL PostScript on HOPL - PostScript appears in the TIOBE Index - PostScript Ubuntu package PostScript Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PostScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PostScript - PostScript appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (8 related languages) Ghostscript, Lisp, PDF, ASCII, Tex, Forth, Reverse Polish notation, LaTeX - 1 PLDB concepts link to PostScript: Interpress (Hello, world!) = % run> gs -q -sDEVICE=nullpage (Hello World\n) print quit % Hello World in Postscript %!PS /Palatino-Roman findfont 100 scalefont setfont 100 100 moveto (Hello World!) show showpage %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%Creator: Aaron Puchert %%Title: The Sierpinski triangle %%Pages: 1 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%BeginProlog % PAGE SETTINGS /pageset { 28.3464566 28.3464566 scale % set cm = 1 0.5 0.5 translate 0 setlinewidth } def % sierpinski(n) draws a sierpinski triangle of order n /sierpinski { dup 0 gt { [0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0] concat dup 1 sub sierpinski [1 0 0 1 1 0] concat dup 1 sub sierpinski [1 0 0 1 -1 1] concat dup 1 sub sierpinski [2 0 0 2 0 -1] concat } { newpath 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 0 1 lineto closepath fill } ifelse pop} def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup << /PageSize [596 843] >> setpagedevice % A4 %%EndSetup %%Page: Test 1 pageset [20 0 10 300 sqrt 0 0] concat 9 sierpinski showpage %%EOF /mm {360 mul 127 div} def 0 0 moveto 0 40 mm lineto stroke Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example % (\-|\+)?[0-9]+(?=[()\[\]{}/%\s]) Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example % (\-|\+)?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)((e|E)[0-9]+)?(?=[()\[\]{}/%\s]) Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example % (?=[()\[\]{}/%\s]) Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example % [0-9]+\#(\-|\+)?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)((e|E)[0-9]+)?(?=[()\[\]{}/%\s]) Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Postfix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPostfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 657 3.3
potential - Programming language potential ========= potential is a programming language created in 2010 by Tim Carstens. 2010 Tim Carstens #2762 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of potential happened in HackerNews discussions of potential =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Monads in Potential: a type-safe x86-64 assembly language||06/10/2010|17|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Potion - Programming language Potion ====== Potion is a programming language created in 2007 by Jonathan Gillette. 2007 Jonathan Gillette #745 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Potion is an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language. - Tags: programming language - Potion is developed on GitHub and has 659 stars - Early development of Potion happened in - Potion is written in C, Bourne shell, Markdown, Make, YAML, Yacc, Perl, CSS, Lisp, Ruby - Read more about Potion on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
POV-Ray SDL - Programming language POV-Ray SDL =========== POV-Ray SDL is a programming language created in 1991 by Chris Cason. 1991 Chris Cason #272 on PLDB 33 Years Old 3 Repos git clone The Persistence of Vision Raytracer: - Tags: programming language - POV-Ray SDL is developed on GitHub and has 1,334 stars - There are at least 3 POV-Ray SDL repos on GitHub - Early development of POV-Ray SDL happened in Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd - POV-Ray SDL is written in C++, C, HTML, XML, Ini, Bourne shell, Make, M4, Markdown, Pascal, YAML, Ada, Assembly language, CMake, C#, CSS, Perl, Smalltalk, SAS, awk, Python, WebAssembly, PowerShell, JavaScript, Diff, PHP - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 482 users using POV-Ray SDL in 493 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for POV-Ray SDL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for POV-Ray SDL - Read more about POV-Ray SDL on the web: 1. 1. // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit or send a // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. // Persistence Of Vision Ray Tracer Include File // File: // Desc: water for 'balcony.pov' demonstration scene // Date: July/August 2001 // Auth: Christoph Hormann // Updated: 09Aug2008 (jh) for v3.7 distribution /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #if (version < 3.7) #version 3.5; #end #include "" #declare RMF=function{ f_ridged_mf(x, y, z, 0.07, 2.2, 7, 0.6, 0.9, 1)} #declare M_Watx4 = material { texture { pigment { color rgbt <0.2, 0.22, 0.21, 0.94> } finish { diffuse 0.0 ambient -0.2 reflection { 0.0, 0.95 fresnel on } conserve_energy specular 0.4 roughness 0.007 } normal{ function { RMF(x, y, z) } 0.8 scale 0.3 } } interior { ior 1.31 fade_distance 5 fade_power 1001.0 fade_color <0.02, 0.20, 0.06> } } plane { z, -1 material { M_Watx4 } hollow on } plane { z, -12.0 texture { pigment { color rgb 0 } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.0 } } hollow on } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]*\.[0-9]+ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 526 2.6
Power BI - Application Power BI ======== Power BI is an application created in 2011. 2011 #1723 on PLDB 13 Years Old Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Power BI happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
PowerQuery M - Query language PowerQuery M ============ PowerQuery M is a query language created in 2015. 2015 #1554 on PLDB 9 Years Old The Power Query M formula language is optimized for building highly flexible data mashup queries. It's a functional, case sensitive language similar to F#. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of PowerQuery M happened in Microsoft - Monaco package for syntax highlighting PowerQuery M - Read more about PowerQuery M on the web: 1. 1. "Hello World" // a text value 123 // a number 1 + 2 // sum of two numbers {1, 2, 3} // a list of three numbers [ x = 1, y = 2 + 3 ] // a record containing two fields: // x and y (x, y) => x + y // a function that computes a sum if 2 > 1 then 2 else 1 // a conditional expression let x = 1 + 1 in x * 2 // a let expression error "A" // error with message "A" let Orders = Table.FromRecords({ [OrderID = 1, CustomerID = 1, Item = "fishing rod", Price = 100.0], [OrderID = 2, CustomerID = 1, Item = "1 lb. worms", Price = 5.0], [OrderID = 3, CustomerID = 2, Item = "fishing net", Price = 25.0]}), #"Capitalized Each Word" = Table.TransformColumns(Orders, {"Item", Text.Proper}) in #"Capitalized Each Word" as each else error false if in is let meta otherwise section shared then true try type Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 384 1.9
PowerBASIC - Programming language PowerBASIC ========== PowerBASIC is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #1340 on PLDB 35 Years Old PowerBASIC, formerly Turbo Basic, is the brand of several commercial compilers by PowerBASIC Inc. that compile a dialect of the BASIC programming language. There are both MS-DOS and Windows versions, and two kinds of the latter: Console and Windows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PowerBASIC happened in PowerBASIC Inc - Explore PowerBASIC snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (9 related languages) Turbo-Basic XL, Turbo Basic, BASIC, QBasic, QuickBASIC, Algol, Assembly language, X86, MMX instruction set #Compile Exe ' using either PBCC6 or PBWIN10 compiler #Dim All Function PBMain Local GW As Dword ' start a GRAPHIC WINDOW Graphic Window New "graphic window", 100, 100, 200, 200 to GW ' show a coloured disc Graphic Ellipse (10, 10)-(190, 190), %rgb_Red, %rgb_SeaGreen, 0 ' wait for a keypress Graphic Waitkey$ End Function Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 265 1.3
PowerBuilder - Programming language PowerBuilder ============ PowerBuilder is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #315 on PLDB 14 Years Old 747 Repos PowerBuilder is an integrated development environment owned by SAP since the acquisition of Sybase in 2010. On July 5, 2016, SAP and Appeon entered into an agreement whereby Appeon would be responsible for developing, selling, and supporting PowerBuilder.PowerBuilder has been in use since 1991, peaking around 1998 with around 100,000 users. While PowerBuilder's market share has declined over the years, many applications created with it are still in use today. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 747 PowerBuilder repos on GitHub - Early development of PowerBuilder happened in SAP - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14 users using PowerBuilder in 17 repos on GitHub - Explore PowerBuilder snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (4 related languages) C#, JSON, XML, SQL - 2 PLDB concepts link to PowerBuilder: Gforth, Serious // The MIT License (MIT) // Copyright (c) 2016 dario ureña // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // Source: Save Format v3.0(19990112) @begin Projects 0 "myproject\\myprojectlib.pbl"; @end; appname "myproject"; applib "myproject\\myproject.pbl"; LibList "myproject\\myproject.pbl;myproject\\lib\\logger\\logger.pbl;myproject\\lib\\payroll\\payroll.pbl;myproject\\lib\\contract\\contract.pbl;myproject\\lib\\common\\common.pbl;"; type "pb"; MessageBox("Hello World") UPDATE my_employee SET STATUS = 'A'; IF sqlca.sqlcode<>0 THEN ... Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token MessageBox row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 550 2.8
PowerHouse - Programming language PowerHouse ========== PowerHouse is an open source programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2388 on PLDB 36 Years Old PowerHouse is a trademarked name for a byte-compiled fourth-generation programming language (or 4GL) originally produced by Quasar Corporation (later renamed Cognos Incorporated) for the Hewlett-Packard HP3000 mini-computer. It was initially composed of five components: QDD, or Quasar Data Dictionary: for building a central data dictionary used by all other components QDesign: a character-based screen generator Quick: an interactive, character-based screen processor (running screens generated by QDesign) Quiz: a report writer QTP: a batch transaction processor.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PowerHouse happened in UNICOM Systems - PowerHouse on HOPL PowerHouse on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) COBOL, SQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
IBM POWER Instruction Set Architecture - Instruction set architecture IBM POWER Instruction Set Architecture ====================================== IBM POWER Instruction Set Architecture is an instruction set architecture created in 1998. 1998 #2396 on PLDB 26 Years Old The IBM POWER ISA is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by IBM. The name is an acronym for Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC. The ISA is used as base for high end microprocessors from IBM during the 1990s and were used in many of IBM's servers, minicomputers, workstations, and supercomputers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of IBM POWER Instruction Set Architecture happened in IBM - See also: (1 related languages) PowerPC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
PowerLanguage - Programming language PowerLanguage ============= PowerLanguage is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2952 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PowerLanguage happened in MultiCharts, LLC - Read more about PowerLanguage on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
powerloom-knowledgeBase - Knowledge base powerloom-knowledgeBase ======================= powerloom-knowledgeBase is a knowledge base created in 1999. 1999 #4620 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: knowledgeBase - Early development of powerloom-knowledgeBase happened in USC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
PowerPC - Instruction set architecture PowerPC ======= PowerPC is an instruction set architecture created in 1992. 1992 #699 on PLDB 32 Years Old PowerPC (a backronym for Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC – Performance Computing, sometimes abbreviated as PPC) is a reduced instruction set computer instruction set architecture created by the 1991 Apple–IBM–Motorola alliance, known as AIM. PowerPC, as an evolving instruction set, has since 2006 been named Power ISA, while the old name lives on as a trademark for some implementations of Power Architecture-based processors. PowerPC was the cornerstone of AIM's PReP and Common Hardware Reference Platform initiatives in the 1990s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of PowerPC happened in Apple and IBM and Motorola - See also: (6 related languages) IBM POWER Instruction Set Architecture, Solaris, Unix, Linux, X86, FreeBSD Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
powershell-gallery-pm - Package manager powershell-gallery-pm ===================== powershell-gallery-pm is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #2495 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of powershell-gallery-pm happened in Microsoft - was registered in 2014 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
PowerShell - Programming language PowerShell ========== PowerShell is an open source programming language created in 2006 by Jeffrey Snover. 2006 Jeffrey Snover #18 on PLDB 18 Years Old 161k Repos git clone PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language. Initially a Windows component only, known as Windows PowerShell, it was made open-source and cross-platform on 18 August 2016 with the introduction of PowerShell Core. The former is built on .NET Framework while the latter on .NET Core. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - PowerShell is developed on GitHub and has 44,220 stars - There are at least 161,144 PowerShell repos on GitHub - Early development of PowerShell happened in Microsoft - PowerShell is written in C#, PowerShell, XML, YAML, Markdown, XSD, JSON, XAML, Bourne shell, SVG, CSV, Razor, Dockerfile, XSLT, plantuml, Python - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 25k users using PowerShell in 33k repos on GitHub - There are 201,622 members in the PowerShell subreddit - There are 159 Project Euler users using PowerShell - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey PowerShell programmers reported a median salary of $68,824. 11% of respondents reported using PowerShell. 8,871 programmers reported using PowerShell, and 4,896 said they wanted to use it - Explore PowerShell snippets on Rosetta Code - PowerShell appears in the TIOBE Index - PowerShell LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting PowerShell - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PowerShell - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PowerShell - Learn PowerShell on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for PowerShell - There is a central package repository for PowerShell - has 19,576 matches for "powershell developer". - See also: (17 related languages) Perl, C#, DIGITAL Command Language, SQL, Tcl, Puppet, JScript, VBScript, Linux, ASCII, awk, grep, sed, XML, Assembly CLI, Office Open XML, Bash - 67 PLDB concepts link to PowerShell: Aardvark, Ace Editor, AL, Argdown, AviSynth, Bazel, Bicep, Blacklight, Boomerang Decompiler, carp, chrysaLisp, clash, ClojureScript, CouchDB, crush, Cryptol, Crystal, curv, Deno, Embedded Crystal, Elixir, Emscripten, Enso, Flow, Gleam, huginn, hurl, ink, Kubernetes, latino, lift, Linotte, Luna, mages, mal, MongoDB, Neko, Node.js, Nushell, onnx, OpenCV, P, Pony, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Racket, Rakudo, Roslyn compiler, Rust, Scoop, score, Solidity, spiral, Star, Swift, Taichi, tiledb, typecobol, Vale, Vcpkg, Wasp, Xgboost, XGBoost, Zig Write-Host "Hello, world!" 'Hello World' # Hello World in Microsoft Powershell 'Hello World!' #!/usr/bin/env pwsh # source: param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Clean")][switch]$Clean, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Test")][switch]$Test ) import-module $PSScriptRoot/PowerShellStandard.psm1 -force if ( $Clean ) { Start-Clean return } Start-Build if ( $Test ) { Invoke-Test } name value1 value2 name -Param1 value1 -Param2 value2 begin break catch class continue data define do dynamicparam else elseif end exit filter finally for foreach from function if in param process return switch throw trap try until using var while workflow parallel sequence inlinescript configuration Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Write-Host "Hello, World!" Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token ' row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 734 3.7
ppm-format - Text data format ppm-format ========== ppm-format is a text data format created in 1988. 1988 #2422 on PLDB 36 Years Old The PPM format is a lowest common denominator color image file format. It should be noted that this format is egregiously inefficient. It is highly redundant, while containing a lot of information that the human eye can't even discern. Furthermore, the format allows very little information about the image besides basic color, which means you may have to couple a file in this format with other independent information to get any decent use out of it. However, it is very easy to write and analyze programs to process this format, and that is the point. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of ppm-format happened in - Read more about ppm-format on the web: 1. 1. P3 # feep.ppm 4 4 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 302 1.5
P′′ - Programming language P′′ === P′′ is a programming language created in 1964 by Corrado Böhm. 1964 Corrado Böhm #2087 on PLDB 60 Years Old P′′ is a primitive computer programming language created by Corrado Böhm in 1964 to describe a family of Turing machines.. Read more on Wikipedia...′′ Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of P′′ happened in University of Rome - See also: (1 related languages) Brainfuck Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
Praat Script - Programming language Praat Script ============ Praat Script is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #572 on PLDB 27 Years Old git clone The language is bundled with Praat, a speech analysis tool, to execute menu and action commands. - Tags: programming language - Praat Script is developed on GitHub and has 1,434 stars - Early development of Praat Script happened in Universiteit van Amsterdam clearinfo # print fizzbuzz result procedure fizzbuzz: .i if .i mod 15 == 0 appendInfoLine: "fizzbuzz" elsif .i mod 3 == 0 appendInfoLine: "fizz" elsif .i mod 5 == 0 appendInfoLine: "buzz" else appendInfoLine: .i endif endproc for i from 1 to 100 @fizzbuzz: i endfor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Pragtical - Editor Pragtical ========= Pragtical is an editor created in 2019. 2019 #1770 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Pragtical is a lightweight, powerful, and hyperextensible text editor. - Tags: editor - Pragtical is developed on GitHub and has 368 stars - Pragtical is written in Lua, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
praxis-lang - Programming language praxis-lang =========== praxis-lang is a programming language created in 2011 by Richard Evans. 2011 Richard Evans #2434 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of praxis-lang happened in Imperial College - Read more about praxis-lang on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. - 1 PLDB concepts link to praxis-lang: prompter insert data.scene_data.linus_wakes_up { noun!”Linus wakes up” set_location.jordan_fischer!anonymous_room set_location.linus_bergstrom!anonymous_room establish_relationship.linus_bergstrom.jordan_fischer! friends!”{A}We get along really well” movement_restricted timeout_conclusion.null_scene!”The story has ended due to inactivity.”!10000 setup!stocker_for_linus_wakes_up } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
PRAXIS - Programming language PRAXIS ====== PRAXIS is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3527 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PRAXIS happened in BBN - PRAXIS on HOPL PRAXIS on HOPL - Read more about PRAXIS on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Preferred Executable Format - Programming language Preferred Executable Format =========================== Preferred Executable Format is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2788 on PLDB 30 Years Old The Preferred Executable Format is a file format that specifies the format of executable files and other object code. PEF executables are also called Code Fragment Manager files (CFM). PEF was developed by Apple Computer for use in its classic Mac OS operating system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Preferred Executable Format happened in Apple - See also: (2 related languages) PowerPC, X86 - Read more about Preferred Executable Format on the web: 1.!search/preferred-executable-format/comp.sys.powerpc/FmjbgTCFSkE/-5xj762g-v4J 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
preforth - Programming language preforth ======== preforth is a programming language created in 2018 by Ulrich Hoffmann. 2018 Ulrich Hoffmann #1566 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone a minimalistic Forth kernel that can bootstrap - Tags: programming language - preforth is developed on GitHub and has 73 stars - Early development of preforth happened in - preforth is written in Forth, Make, Markdown, Dockerfile, F#, Bash - Read more about preforth on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
Pre-Scheme - Programming language Pre-Scheme ========== Pre-Scheme is a programming language created in 1986 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. 1986 Richard Kelsey Jonathan Rees #2763 on PLDB 38 Years Old git clone Pre-Scheme is a statically typed dialect of the Scheme programming language, combining the flexibility of Scheme with the efficiency and low-level machine access of C. - Tags: programming language - Read more about Pre-Scheme on the web: 1. 1. ;;; hello: an example Pre-Scheme program (define (main argc argv) (if (= argc 2) (let ((out (current-output-port))) (write-string "Hello, world, " out) (write-string (vector-ref argv 1) out) (write-char #\! out) (newline out) 0) (let ((out (current-error-port))) (write-string "Usage: " out) (write-string (vector-ref argv 0) out) (write-string " <user>" out) (newline out) (write-string " Greets the world & <user>." out) (newline out) 1))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
PRESTO - Programming language PRESTO ====== PRESTO is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4367 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PRESTO happened in University of Washington - PRESTO on HOPL PRESTO on HOPL - Read more about PRESTO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Prettier - Library Prettier ======== Prettier is a library created in 2016 by James Long. 2016 James Long #616 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. - Tags: library - Prettier is developed on GitHub and has 49,208 stars - Prettier is written in JavaScript, Markdown, TypeScript, YAML, HTML, CSS, JSON, Handlebars, SVG, SCSS, GraphQL, Less, JSON5, TOML, XML, JSX, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Price Equation - Equation Price Equation ============== Price Equation is an equation created in 1967. 1967 #4562 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: equation - Early development of Price Equation happened in University College London Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
Principle of sufficient reason - Programming language Principle of sufficient reason ============================== Principle of sufficient reason is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4368 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Principle of sufficient reason happened in Binghamton University - Principle of sufficient reason on HOPL Principle of sufficient reason on HOPL - Read more about Principle of sufficient reason on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
PRISM - Programming language PRISM ===== PRISM is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4369 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PRISM happened in University of Maryland - PRISM on HOPL PRISM on HOPL - Read more about PRISM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Prisma Schema Language - Interface design language Prisma Schema Language ====================== Prisma Schema Language is an interface design language created in 2019. 2019 #4370 on PLDB 5 Years Old The Prisma schema file (short: schema file, Prisma schema or schema) is the main configuration file for your Prisma setup. It is typically called schema.prisma and consists of the following parts: - Tags: interface design language - Early development of Prisma Schema Language happened in Prisma Data,Inc - Read more about Prisma Schema Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Prism - Library Prism ===== Prism is a library created in 2012 by Lea Verou. 2012 Lea Verou #383 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s used in millions of websites, including some of those you visit daily. - Tags: library - Prism is developed on GitHub and has 12,155 stars - Early development of Prism happened in - Prism is written in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SVG, Markdown, JSON, YAML, XML, Lua, Bash, awk - was registered in 2012 - See also: (5 related languages) CodeMirror, Monaco Editor, highlight.js, Ace Editor, Pygments Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
PRIZ - Programming language PRIZ ==== PRIZ is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3528 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PRIZ happened in Estonian Academy of Sciences - PRIZ on HOPL PRIZ on HOPL - Read more about PRIZ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Pro*C - Programming language Pro*C ===== Pro*C is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #1970 on PLDB 28 Years Old Pro*C (also known as Pro*C/C++) is an embedded SQL programming language used by Oracle Database database management systems. Pro*C uses either C or C++ as its host language. During compilation, the embedded SQL statements are interpreted by a precompiler and replaced by C or C++ function calls to their respective SQL library. Read more on Wikipedia...*C Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pro*C happened in Oracle - See also: (1 related languages) SQL - Read more about Pro*C on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
ProbeVue - Programming language ProbeVue ======== ProbeVue is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1767 on PLDB 16 Years Old ProbeVue is IBM's implementation of a lightweight dynamic tracing environment introduced in AIX version 6.1. ProbeVue provides the ability to probe running processes in order to provide statistical analysis as well as retrieve data from the probed process. The dynamic nature of ProbeVue allows it to be used as a global system performance tool while retaining the ability to drill into very specific events on a single process or thread. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ProbeVue happened in @@syscall:*:read:entry when ( __pid == 123456) { /* This is a comment: The process with a PID of 123456 has called read(); */ printf("read() system call entered.\n"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
PROC procedure language - Programming language PROC procedure language ======================= PROC procedure language is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3637 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROC procedure language happened in TRW - PROC procedure language on HOPL PROC procedure language on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Processing - Programming language Processing ========== Processing is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #247 on PLDB 23 Years Old 78k Repos Processing is an open source computer programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities with the purpose of teaching the fundamentals of computer programming in a visual context, and to serve as the foundation for electronic sketchbooks. The project was initiated in 2001 by Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry, both formerly of the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the MIT Media Lab. In 2012, they started the Processing Foundation along with Daniel Shiffman, who joined as a third project lead. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 78,037 Processing repos on GitHub - Early development of Processing happened in MIT - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5k users using Processing in 7k repos on GitHub - There are 53 Project Euler users using Processing - Explore Processing snippets on Rosetta Code - Processing appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Processing - was registered in 2003 - See also: (11 related languages) Java, Logo, OpenGL, PostScript, C, JavaScript, Arduino Programming Language, Scala, Clojure, Lisp, Max size(128, 128); background(0); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(255); text("Hello World", width / 2, height / 2); // Hello world in Processing println( "Hello world!" ); /** * Shape Primitives. * * The basic shape primitive functions are triangle(), * rect(), quad(), ellipse(), and arc(). Squares are made * with rect() and circles are made with ellipse(). Each * of these functions requires a number of parameters to * determine the shape's position and size. */ void setup() { size(640, 360); background(0); noStroke(); } void draw() { fill(204); triangle(18, 18, 18, 360, 81, 360); fill(102); rect(81, 81, 63, 63); fill(204); quad(189, 18, 216, 18, 216, 360, 144, 360); fill(255); ellipse(252, 144, 72, 72); fill(204); triangle(288, 18, 351, 360, 288, 360); fill(255); arc(479, 300, 280, 280, PI, TWO_PI); } PShape usa; PShape state; String [] Obama = { "HI", "RI", "CT", "MA", "ME", "NH", "VT", "NY", "NJ", "FL", "NC", "OH", "IN", "IA", "CO", "NV", "PA", "DE", "MD", "MI", "WA", "CA", "OR", "IL", "MN", "WI", "DC", "NM", "VA" }; String [] McCain = { "AK", "GA", "AL", "TN", "WV", "KY", "SC", "WY", "MT", "ID", "TX", "AZ", "UT", "ND", "SD", "NE", "MS", "MO", "AR", "OK", "KS", "LA" }; void setup() { size(950, 600); // The file "Blank US Map (states only).svg" can be found at Wikimedia Commons usa = loadShape("!Blank_US_Map_(states_only).svg"); smooth(); // Improves the drawing quality of the SVG noLoop(); } void draw() { background(255); // Draw the full map shape(usa, 0, 0); // Blue denotes states won by Obama statesColoring(Obama , color(0, 0, 255)); // Red denotes states won by McCain statesColoring(McCain, color(255, 0, 0)); // Save the map as image saveFrame("map output.png"); } void statesColoring(String[] states, int c){ for (int i = 0; i < states.length; ++i) { PShape state = usa.getChild(states[i]); // Disable the colors found in the SVG file state.disableStyle(); // Set our own coloring fill(c); noStroke(); // Draw a single state shape(state, 0, 0); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 768 3.8
Processor Technology - Programming language Processor Technology ==================== Processor Technology is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3639 on PLDB 49 Years Old Processor Technology Corporation was a personal computer company founded in April 1975 by Gary Ingram and Bob Marsh in Berkeley, California. Their first product was a 4K byte RAM board that was compatible with the MITS Altair 8800 computer but more reliable than the MITS board. This was followed by a series of memory and I/O boards including a video display module.Popular Electronics magazine wanted a feature article on an intelligent computer terminal and Technical Editor Les Solomon asked Marsh and Lee Felsenstein to design one. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Processor Technology happened in Processor Technology Corporation - See also: (1 related languages) ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
Procfile - Programming language Procfile ======== Procfile is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #2274 on PLDB 12 Years Old 536 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 536 Procfile repos on GitHub - Early development of Procfile happened in Heroku, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 904 users using Procfile in 1k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Procfile web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
PROCOL - Programming language PROCOL ====== PROCOL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4371 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROCOL happened in University of Leiden - PROCOL on HOPL PROCOL on HOPL - Read more about PROCOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
prodel - Programming language prodel ====== prodel is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #2496 on PLDB 10 Years Old Another Japanese programming language - Tags: programming language - Early development of prodel happened in - prodel is written with the native language of Japanese Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
ProFIT - Programming language ProFIT ====== ProFIT is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3529 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ProFIT happened in Universität des Saarlandes - ProFIT on HOPL ProFIT on HOPL - Read more about ProFIT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Progol - Programming language Progol ====== Progol is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3530 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Progol is a superset of Prolog - Early development of Progol happened in Universität des Saarlandes - Progol on HOPL Progol on HOPL - Read more about Progol on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Prograph - Programming language Prograph ======== Prograph is an open source programming language created in 1983. 1983 #1392 on PLDB 41 Years Old Prograph is a visual, object-oriented, dataflow, multiparadigm programming language that uses iconic symbols to represent actions to be taken on data. Commercial Prograph software development environments such as Prograph Classic and Prograph CPX were available for the Apple Macintosh and Windows platforms for many years but were eventually withdrawn from the market in the late 1990s. Support for the Prograph language on macOS has recently reappeared with the release of the Marten software development environment.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Prograph happened in Acadia University - Prograph on HOPL Prograph on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) DIAGRAM, Prolog, LabVIEW G, DOI, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
PROGRES - Programming language PROGRES ======= PROGRES is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4372 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROGRES happened in Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen University - PROGRES on HOPL PROGRES on HOPL - Read more about PROGRES on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
progsbase - Programming language progsbase ========= progsbase is a programming language created in 2018 by Martin F. Johansen. 2018 Martin F. Johansen #305 on PLDB 6 Years Old A programming language and tooling for timeless programming. Programs written in progsbase can be reused across time and space. Code written in progsbase can currently be translated to 13 other languages, but many more can be supported. - Tags: programming language - Early development of progsbase happened in Inductive AS - There is a central package repository for progsbase - was registered in 2017 - Read more about progsbase on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Structs FeatureLink ../features/hasStructs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Manual Memory Management FeatureLink ../features/hasManualMemoryManagement.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported X Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Interfaces FeatureLink ../features/hasInterfaces.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Generics FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerics.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Assert Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasAssertStatements.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 767 3.8
PROIV - Programming language PROIV ===== PROIV is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #2836 on PLDB 48 Years Old PROIV is a low code development platform, developed and sold by NorthgateArinso, part of the Northgate Information Solutions Group. It has an active community of around 2500 developers and end-users worldwide, ranging from consultants to large multinationals, finance institutions, tax authorities, retailers, engineering companies, media operators and software houses. PROIV's usual application domain is database-centric business applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROIV happened in McDonnell Information Systems - See also: (8 related languages) ABAP, FOCUS, Pick operating system, JVM, Linux, Solaris, PostgreSQL, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Project Mentat - Query language Project Mentat ============== Project Mentat is a query language created in 2016 by Richard Newman. 2016 Richard Newman #1117 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Project Mentat is a persistent, embedded knowledge base. It draws heavily on DataScript and Datomic. This project was started by Mozilla, but is no longer being developed or actively maintained by them. - Tags: queryLanguage - Project Mentat is developed on GitHub and has 52 stars - Early development of Project Mentat happened in Mozilla - Project Mentat is written in HTML, Rust, JavaScript, Java, TOML, XML, Swift, Markdown, YAML, CSS, JSON, Gradle, Bourne shell, Python, Dockerfile, SVG, Kotlin, Make - See also: (3 related languages) datascript, Datomic, SQLite - Read more about Project Mentat on the web: 1. 1. {:db/id :person/email :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many ; People can have multiple email addresses. :db/unique :db.unique/identity ; For our purposes, each email identifies one person. :db/index true} ; We want fast lookups by email. {:db/id :person/friend :db/valueType :db.type/ref :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many} ; People can have many friends. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 300 1.5
Prolog-D-Linda - Programming language Prolog-D-Linda ============== Prolog-D-Linda is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4373 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Prolog-D-Linda happened in James Cook University - Prolog-D-Linda on HOPL Prolog-D-Linda on HOPL - Read more about Prolog-D-Linda on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Prolog-ELF - Programming language Prolog-ELF ========== Prolog-ELF is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4374 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Prolog-ELF happened in University of Tokyo - Prolog-ELF on HOPL Prolog-ELF on HOPL - Read more about Prolog-ELF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Prolog III - Programming language Prolog III ========== Prolog III is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4375 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Prolog III happened in Aix-Marseille Université - Prolog III on HOPL Prolog III on HOPL - Read more about Prolog III on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Prolog/KR - Programming language Prolog/KR ========= Prolog/KR is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4376 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Prolog/KR happened in University of Tokyo - Prolog/KR on HOPL Prolog/KR on HOPL - Read more about Prolog/KR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Prolog-Linda - Programming language Prolog-Linda ============ Prolog-Linda is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4377 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Prolog-Linda happened in University of Western Australia - Prolog-Linda on HOPL Prolog-Linda on HOPL - Read more about Prolog-Linda on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Prolog Pack - Package manager Prolog Pack =========== Prolog Pack is a package manager created in 2012. 2012 #2579 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Prolog Pack happened in - Read more about Prolog Pack on the web: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Prolog - Programming language Prolog ====== Prolog is a programming language created in 1972 by Alain Colmerauer. 1972 Alain Colmerauer #33 on PLDB 52 Years Old 23k Repos Prolog is a general-purpose logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. Prolog has its roots in first-order logic, a formal logic, and unlike many other programming languages, Prolog is intended as primarily a declarative programming language: the program logic is expressed in terms of relations, represented as facts and rules. A computation is initiated by running a query over these relations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 22,512 Prolog repos on GitHub - Early development of Prolog happened in University of Edinburgh and Aix-Marseille University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9k users using Prolog in 11k repos on GitHub - Check out the 8 Prolog meetup groups on - There are 7,884 members in the Prolog subreddit - There are 156 Project Euler users using Prolog - Explore Prolog snippets on Rosetta Code - Prolog on HOPL Prolog on HOPL - Prolog ranks #41 in the TIOBE Index - Prolog Ubuntu package Prolog Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Prolog - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Prolog - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Prolog - Prolog appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Prolog on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Prolog - There is a central package repository for Prolog - has 79 matches for "prolog developer". - See also: (17 related languages) POPLOG, SWI Prolog, Visual Prolog, Mercury, Oz, Erlang, Datalog, Unicode, ΛProlog, HTML, XML, RDF, OWL, ActionScript, Lisp, PLANNER, AgentSpeak - 16 PLDB concepts link to Prolog: cloc, CLPR, Euphoria, Fern, GAEA, juicy, mal, OpenCV, Perl, Picat, Podlite, Progol, proto-GNOSIS, Pygments, Scryer Prolog, SWI Prolog :- initialization main. main :- write("Hello, world!"), nl. helloWorld :- write('Hello World'). :- helloWorld. % Hello World in Prolog hello :- display('Hello World!') , nl . %6.8 subset(Set, Subset) :- append(L1, Subset, Set). powerset(Set, Subset) :- bagof(Subset, subset(Set, Subset), Subset). rule(q0, 1, q0, 1, right). rule(q0, b, qf, 1, stay). Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example write('Hello, World!'), nl. Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example % 0b[01]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example % \d\d?\'[a-zA-Z0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example % (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example % 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example % 0o[0-7]+ Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example term_expansion(parent_child(Parent, Child), child_parent(Child, Parent)). parent_child(trevor, simon). % With the above definitions, we can query (even though the predicate child_parent/2 is nowhere explicitly defined in the code above): ?- child_parent(Child, Parent). Child = simon, Parent = trevor. Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 685 3.4
Prolog++ - Programming language Prolog++ ======== Prolog++ is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2828 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Prolog++ happened in Logic Programming Associates - Prolog++ on HOPL Prolog++ on HOPL - Read more about Prolog++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
PROMAL - Programming language PROMAL ====== PROMAL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1547 on PLDB 38 Years Old PROMAL (PROgrammer's Microapplication Language) is a structured programming language from Systems Management Associates for MS-DOS, Commodore 64, and Apple II. PROMAL features simple syntax, no line numbers, long variable names, functions and procedures with argument passing, real number type, arrays, strings, pointer, and a built-in I/O library. Like ABC and Python, indentation is part of the language syntax. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROMAL happened in Systems Management Associates - PROMAL on HOPL PROMAL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) ABC, Python PROGRAM SIEVE ; Sieve of Eratosthenes Benchmark ; test (BYTE magazine) ; 10 iterations, 1800 element array. INCLUDE LIBRARY CON SIZE=1800 WORD I WORD J WORD PRIME WORD K WORD COUNT BYTE FLAGS[SIZE] BEGIN OUTPUT "10 ITERATIONS" FOR J= 1 TO 10 COUNT=0 FILL FLAGS, SIZE, TRUE FOR I= 0 TO SIZE IF FLAGS[I] PRIME=I+I+3 K=I+PRIME WHILE K <= SIZE FLAGS[K]=FALSE K=K+PRIME COUNT=COUNT+1 OUTPUT "#C#I PRIMES", COUNT END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 320 1.6
Promela - Programming language Promela ======= Promela is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1674 on PLDB 27 Years Old 109 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 109 Promela repos on GitHub - Early development of Promela happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 21 users using Promela in 21 repos on GitHub active proctype main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } active proctype main(){ printf("Hello World") } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
PROMETHEUS - Programming language PROMETHEUS ========== PROMETHEUS is a programming language created in 2012 by Matt T. Proud. 2012 Matt T. Proud #325 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database. - Tags: programming language - PROMETHEUS is developed on GitHub and has 54,059 stars - Early development of PROMETHEUS happened in SoundCloud Limited - PROMETHEUS is written in Go, YAML, TypeScript, Markdown, JSON, JavaScript, CSS, Bourne shell, SVG, HTML, SCSS, Make, Protocol Buffers, Lex, Dockerfile, XML, Less, Yacc - PROMETHEUS on HOPL PROMETHEUS on HOPL - Read more about PROMETHEUS on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
prompter - Programming language prompter ======== prompter is a programming language created in 2011 by Graham Nelson. 2011 Graham Nelson #2873 on PLDB 13 Years Old “Blood and Laurels”, “Bramble House” and other Versu titles are instead written in a language called Prompter which compiles down to Praxis. Besides making it feasible to write large-scale narratives for Versu, Prompter has two other goals: to enable faster development, and to make Versu content more human-readable. Readability matters. It matters for all soware, in fact, but especially here. In Prompter, the basic unit for grouping code together is the “scene”. - Tags: programming language - Early development of prompter happened in Little Text People - prompter compiles to praxis-lang - Read more about prompter on the web: 1.!c%20Language%20for%20Versu.pdf 1. A poor young straight Ancient Roman man. By reputation he is attractive - “[He] is widely accounted tremendously handsome”, intelligent - “[He] is known for his poetry, and cannot be supposed a fool”, but not proper - “[His] misbehaviour, with various ladies, is the talk of the town”. He is open, unconscientious, extroverted and &irtatious. He is concerned with attractiveness, intelligence and friendship Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
PromQL - Query language PromQL ====== PromQL is a query language created in 2014. 2014 #1889 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of PromQL happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for PromQL - Read more about PromQL on the web: 1. 1. topk(3, sum by (app, proc) (rate(instance_cpu_time_ns[5m]))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Property Specification Language - Programming language Property Specification Language =============================== Property Specification Language is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3296 on PLDB 20 Years Old Property Specification Language (PSL) is a temporal logic extending Linear temporal logic with a range of operators for both ease of expression and enhancement of expressive power. PSL makes an extensive use of regular expressions and syntactic sugaring. It is widely used in the hardware design and verification industry, where formal verification tools (such as model checking) and/or logic simulation tools are used to prove or refute that a given PSL formula holds on a given design. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Property Specification Language happened in Accellera Systems Initiative - See also: (3 related languages) VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog ((true[*]; req; ack) |=> (start; data[*3]; end) @ clk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
PROPHET - Programming language PROPHET ======= PROPHET is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #3531 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROPHET happened in BBN - PROPHET on HOPL PROPHET on HOPL - Read more about PROPHET on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
PROPLAN - Programming language PROPLAN ======= PROPLAN is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4378 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROPLAN happened in Procter & Gamble Company - PROPLAN on HOPL PROPLAN on HOPL - Read more about PROPLAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ProSet - Programming language ProSet ====== ProSet is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2692 on PLDB 34 Years Old ProSet is a set theoretic programming language that is being developed at the University of Essen as a successor to SETL. It is a very-high level language that supports prototyping. ProSet provides the following first-class data types: atom, integer, real, string, boolean, tuple, set. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ProSet happened in University of Essen - ProSet on HOPL ProSet on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) SETL - Read more about ProSet on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
PROSPER - Programming language PROSPER ======= PROSPER is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3532 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROSPER happened in Polish Academy of Sciences and Iowa State University - PROSPER on HOPL PROSPER on HOPL - Read more about PROSPER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Protel - Programming language Protel ====== Protel is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #2791 on PLDB 49 Years Old Protel stands for "Procedure Oriented Type Enforcing Language". It is a programming language created by Nortel Networks and used on telecommunications switching systems such as the DMS-100. Protel-2 is the object-oriented version of Protel.PROTEL languages were designed to meet the needs of digital telephony and is the basis of the DMS-100 line of switching systems PROTEL is a strongly typed, block-structured language which is based heavily on PASCAL and ALGOL 68 with left-to-right style of variable assignment, variable-sized arrays, and extensible structures. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Protel happened in Nortel Networks Corporation - Protel on HOPL Protel on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Pascal, ALGOL 68 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
Proteus - Programming language Proteus ======= Proteus is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2923 on PLDB 26 Years Old Proteus (PROcessor for TExt Easy to USe) is a fully functional, procedural programming language created in 1998 by Simone Zanella. Proteus incorporates many functions derived from several other languages: C, BASIC, Assembly, Clipper/dBase; it is especially versatile in dealing with strings, having hundreds of dedicated functions; this makes it one of the richest languages for text manipulation. Proteus owes its name to a Greek god of the sea (Proteus), who took care of Neptune's crowd and gave responses; he was renowned for being able to transform himself, assuming different shapes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Proteus happened in - See also: (7 related languages) C, BASIC, Clipper, Unix, Linux, Regular Expressions, CSV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
protium - Programming language protium ======= protium is a programming language created in 2007 by Diarmuid Pigott. 2007 Diarmuid Pigott #2275 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of protium happened in Strapper - was registered in 2019 - Read more about protium on the web: 1. 1. <@ DEFAREFLE>pleac</@> <@ DEFFLELIT>pleac|C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Projects\PLEAC\</@> <@ ITEENUFLELIT>pleac| <@ LETVARELTFLE>aLine|...</@> <@ TSTRXPVARLIT>aLine|# \^\^PLEAC\^\^_(\d+\.\d+)</@> <@ IFF><@ LETVARKEY>number|__Reg1</@> <@ ACTSNKLIT>__Off</@> <@ ACTSNKEMMLIT>pleac_perl_&number;.p</@> </@> <@ SAYVAR>aLine</@> </@> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
proto-GNOSIS - Programming language proto-GNOSIS ============ proto-GNOSIS is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3533 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of proto-GNOSIS happened in University of Cologne - MUMPS and Prolog influenced the design of proto-GNOSIS - proto-GNOSIS on HOPL proto-GNOSIS on HOPL - Read more about proto-GNOSIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Protocol Buffers - Interface design language Protocol Buffers ================ Protocol Buffers is an open source interface design language created in 2008. 2008 #89 on PLDB 16 Years Old 24k Repos Protocol Buffers is a method of serializing structured data. It is useful in developing programs to communicate with each other over a wire or for storing data. The method involves an interface description language that describes the structure of some data and a program that generates source code from that description for generating or parsing a stream of bytes that represents the structured data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: interface design language - There are at least 23,747 Protocol Buffers repos on GitHub - Early development of Protocol Buffers happened in Google - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 10k users using Protocol Buffers in 12k repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for Protocol Buffers - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Protocol Buffers - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Protocol Buffers - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Protocol Buffers - has 94 matches for "protocol buffers developer". - See also: (12 related languages) XML, Thrift, Java, C#, Python, Go, Ruby, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Scala, Julia - 48 PLDB concepts link to Protocol Buffers: Ace Editor, Apache Hbase, Apache Arrow, AT Protocol, avro, Bazel, Cap'n Proto, Carbon, Chapel, Claro, Closure Templates, crush, Cue, dgraph, egel, EverParse3D, firrtl, FlatBuffers, groff, HHVM, Impala, Ion, Iterm2, kaitai, ko, Kotlin, Kubernetes, Logica, m3db, MicroPython, MongoDB, Obsidian, onnx, OpenCV, Please Build, PROMETHEUS, Pygments, PyTorch, Quint, Rholang, Solidity, tao3d, TensorFlow, VLC, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, YARA message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; } package tutorial; option java_package = "com.example.tutorial"; option java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos"; message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; enum PhoneType { MOBILE = 0; HOME = 1; WORK = 2; } message PhoneNumber { required string number = 1; optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME]; } repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4; } message AddressBook { repeated Person person = 1; } // polyline.cpp #include "polyline.pb.h" // generated by calling "protoc polyline.proto" Line* createNewLine(const std::string& name) { // create a line from (10, 20) to (30, 40) Line* line = new Line; line->mutable_start()->set_x(10); line->mutable_start()->set_y(20); line->mutable_end()->set_x(30); line->mutable_end()->set_y(40); line->set_label(name); return line; } Polyline* createNewPolyline() { // create a polyline with points at (10,10) and (20,20) Polyline* polyline = new Polyline; Point* point1 = polyline->add_point(); point1->set_x(10); point1->set_y(10); Point* point2 = polyline->add_point(); point2->set_x(20); point2->set_y(20); return polyline; } syntax import weak public package option repeated oneof map reserved to max enum message service rpc stream returns package optional true false Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d+[LlUu]* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[LlUu]* Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[LlUu]* Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[0-7]+[LlUu]* Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 668 3.3
PROTOS-L - Programming language PROTOS-L ======== PROTOS-L is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4379 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROTOS-L happened in IBM - PROTOS-L on HOPL PROTOS-L on HOPL - Read more about PROTOS-L on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Protosynthex - Programming language Protosynthex ============ Protosynthex is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #4380 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Protosynthex happened in University of Illinois - Protosynthex on HOPL Protosynthex on HOPL - Read more about Protosynthex on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
ProVerif - Programming language ProVerif ======== ProVerif is a programming language created in 2014 by Bruno Blanchet. 2014 Bruno Blanchet #3151 on PLDB 10 Years Old ProVerif is an automatic cryptographic protocol verifier, in the formal model (so called Dolev-Yao model). - Tags: programming language - Early development of ProVerif happened in Inria - Read more about ProVerif on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
ProvideX - Programming language ProvideX ======== ProvideX is a programming language created in 1992 by Michael F. King. 1992 Michael F. King #1343 on PLDB 32 Years Old ProvideX is a computer language and development environment derived from Business Basic (a business oriented derivative of BASIC) in the mid-1980s. ProvideX is available on several operating systems (Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac OS X) and includes not only the programming language but also file system, presentation layer interface, and other components. The language is primarily designed for use in the development of business applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ProvideX happened in Sage Software Canada - See also: (3 related languages) Unix, Linux, Business Basic begin print "Hello World" end ! This example code shows some ways to do the traditional hello world. ! begin print 'CS', ! Clear Screen ! Plain Text print "Hello World!" ! Fonted Text (Error branch moves to next line if fonted text not available) print (0,err=*next)'Font'("Arial,-16,B"), ! Use Bold 16pt Arial Font print (0,err=*next)'Text'(@x(20),@y(2),"Hello World"), ! Move to the 2nd to last line on screen print @(3,mxl(0)-2),"Press Enter: ", input a$ ! Message Box msgbox "Hello World"+sep+sep+"This is a test message box.","Message Box" end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 341 1.7
PROW - Programming language PROW ==== PROW is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4381 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PROW happened in Carnegie Mellon and National Institute of Health - PROW on HOPL PROW on HOPL - Read more about PROW on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Proxy - Programming language Proxy ===== Proxy is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3534 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Proxy happened in EDL Software Design - Proxy on HOPL Proxy on HOPL - Read more about Proxy on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
PRQL - Query language PRQL ==== PRQL, aka Pipelined Relational Query Language, is a query language created in 2022 by Maximilian Roos. 2022 Maximilian Roos #146 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement - Tags: queryLanguage - PRQL is developed on GitHub and has 9,667 stars - Early development of PRQL happened in - PRQL compiles to SQL - PRQL is written in Rust, Markdown, YAML, TOML, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, CSS, CSV, C#, PHP, Elixir, TypeScript, JSX, Bourne shell, Python, Java, Zig, Make, Dockerfile, XML, SQL, Nix, C, C++, Handlebars, SVG - was registered in 2022 - Read more about PRQL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. from employees filter country == "USA" # Each line transforms the previous result. aggregate [ # `aggregate` reduces column to a value. max salary, min salary, count, # Closing commas are allowed :) ] from employees filter start_date > @2021-01-01 # Clear date syntax. derive [ # `derive` adds columns / variables. gross_salary = salary + (tax ?? 0), # Terse coalesce gross_cost = gross_salary + benefits_cost, # Variables can use other variables. ] filter gross_cost > 0 group [title, country] ( # `group` runs a pipeline over each group. aggregate [ # `aggregate` reduces each group to a row. average gross_salary, sum_gross_cost = sum gross_cost, # `=` sets a column name. ] ) filter sum_gross_cost > 100000 # Identical syntax for SQL's `WHERE` & `HAVING`. derive id = f"{title}_{country}" # F-strings like python. sort [sum_gross_cost, -country] # `-country` means descending order. take 1..20 # Range expressions (also valid here as `take 20`). Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 380 1.9
PS-algol - Programming language PS-algol ======== PS-algol is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3251 on PLDB 43 Years Old PS-algol is an orthogonally persistent programming language. PS-algol was an extension of the language S-algol implemented by the University of St Andrews and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. S-algol was designed by Ron Morrison, and extended and by Pete Bailey, Fred Brown, Paul Cockshott, Ken Chisholm and Al Dearle. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PS-algol happened in University of St Andrews and University of Edinburgh - PS-algol on HOPL PS-algol on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) S-algol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
pSather - Programming language pSather ======= pSather is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4382 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of pSather happened in University of California Berkeley and Universität Saarbrücken - pSather on HOPL pSather on HOPL - Read more about pSather on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
PSeInt - Programming language PSeInt ====== PSeInt is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3058 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PSeInt happened in - PSeInt is written with the native language of Spanish Proceso Main Escribir "¡Hola, mundo!"; FinProceso Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
PSG - Programming language PSG === PSG is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4383 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PSG happened in American Academy of Sleep Medicine - PSG on HOPL PSG on HOPL - Read more about PSG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
PSI - Programming language PSI === PSI is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #3152 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PSI happened in - PSI on HOPL PSI on HOPL - Read more about PSI on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
PSL - Programming language PSL === PSL is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4384 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PSL happened in University of Utah - PSL on HOPL PSL on HOPL - Read more about PSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
PSVG - Programming language PSVG ==== PSVG is a programming language created in 2020 by Lingdong Huang. 2020 Lingdong Huang #1251 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Programmable SVG format - Tags: programming language - PSVG is developed on GitHub and has 297 stars - PSVG compiles to SVG <!-- koch.psvg --> <!-- draws a koch snowflake --> <psvg width="400" height="400"> <def-snowflake x1="" y1="" x2="" y2="" d=""> <if true="{d==0}"> <line x1="{x1}" y1="{y1}" x2="{x2}" y2="{y2}" /> <return/> </if> <var x3="{(x1*2+x2)/3}"/> <var x4="{(x2*2+x1)/3}"/> <var y3="{(y1*2+y2)/3}"/> <var y4="{(y2*2+y1)/3}"/> <var dx="{(x2-x1)/3}"/> <var dy="{(y2-y1)/3}"/> <var x5="{(dx-dy*SQRT(3))/2+x3}"/> <var y5="{(dy+dx*SQRT(3))/2+y3}"/> <snowflake x1="{x1}" y1="{y1}" x2="{x3}" y2="{y3}" d="{d-1}"/> <snowflake x1="{x3}" y1="{y3}" x2="{x5}" y2="{y5}" d="{d-1}"/> <snowflake x1="{x5}" y1="{y5}" x2="{x4}" y2="{y4}" d="{d-1}"/> <snowflake x1="{x4}" y1="{y4}" x2="{x2}" y2="{y2}" d="{d-1}"/> </def-snowflake> <stroke color="black" cap="round"/> <snowflake x1="200" y1="10" x2="50" y2="310" d="5"/> <snowflake x1="350" y1="310" x2="200" y2="10" d="5"/> <snowflake x1="50" y1="310" x2="350" y2="310" d="5"/> </psvg> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 456 2.3
psyche-c - Compiler psyche-c ======== psyche-c is an open source compiler created in 2016 by Leandro T. C. Melo. 2016 Leandro T. C. Melo #1010 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Psyche-c is a compiler for incomplete C code. It features a Hindley/Milner-inspired type inference engine for C. - Tags: compiler - psyche-c is developed on GitHub and has 526 stars - Early development of psyche-c happened in - psyche-c is written in C++, C, Python, CMake, Markdown, YAML, Haskell, Bourne shell, Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
psyche - Programming language psyche ====== psyche is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2983 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A WASM friendly lightweight programming language implemented in OCaml - Tags: programming language - psyche is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of psyche happened in - psyche is written in OCaml, WebAssembly, JSON, Markdown, JavaScript, Make, HTML, C, Bourne shell, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
PSYCO - Grammar language PSYCO ===== PSYCO is a grammar language created in 2007. 2007 #2806 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of PSYCO happened in - PSYCO on HOPL PSYCO on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
PT - Programming language PT == PT is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4835 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - PT on HOPL PT on HOPL - Read more about PT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
PTX - Assembly language PTX === PTX is an assembly language created in 2009. 2009 #1717 on PLDB 15 Years Old Parallel Thread Execution (PTX, or NVPTX) is a pseudo-assembly language used in Nvidia's CUDA programming environment. The nvcc compiler translates code written in CUDA, a C++-like language, into PTX, and the graphics driver contains a compiler which translates the PTX into a binary code which can be run on the processing cores.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of PTX happened in Nvidia - See also: (2 related languages) Assembly language, CUDA - Read more about PTX on the web: 1. 1. .shared .align 8 .b8 pbatch_cache[15744]; // define 15744 bytes, aligned to an 8-byte boundary Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Public Key File - Application Public Key File =============== Public Key File is an application created in 1995. 1995 #3153 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Public Key File happened in Internet Engineering Task Force - Read more about Public Key File on the web: 1. 1. ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQCw3QQtYgRViVH8ZpkQ2A7BuCeyPYC4hB9kKNhxwUfJ2hFgW8soGMBhsLN+vOeAJ2IXDMsezJO2/qhoZFQMvHoWpWTRTLPeNtBsKD+nhOZX28A4D+QRzVZ6hdWoh9W+mIP69MIT3aX35oLb86IycbNdRJlEK4FAUt7tjezNkU7boQ== Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
PUFFT - Programming language PUFFT ===== PUFFT is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3154 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PUFFT happened in Purdue University - PUFFT on HOPL PUFFT on HOPL - Read more about PUFFT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Pug - Template language Pug === Pug is an open source template language created in 2010 by Tj Holowaychuk. 2010 Tj Holowaychuk #62 on PLDB 14 Years Old 12k Repos git clone Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js - Tags: template language - Pug is developed on GitHub and has 21,601 stars - There are at least 11,560 Pug repos on GitHub - Early development of Pug happened in - Pug is written in Pug, JSON, HTML, JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, TypeScript, Stylus, CSS, CoffeeScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 528 users using Pug in 575 repos on GitHub - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Pug - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Pug - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Pug - 4 PLDB concepts link to Pug: Ace Editor, Jedi, Nit, Pug html body p Hello, world! doctype html html head title Hello World body h1 Hello World p. Hello, World! append block case default doctype each else extends for if in include mixin typeof unless var when Language features ====================================================== row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example - var title = "On Dogs: Man's Best Friend"; h1= title Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example mixin article(title) .article .article-wrapper h1= title if block block else p No content provided +article('Hello world') +article('Hello world') p This is my p Amazing article Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example - var friends = 10 case friends when 0 p you have no friends when 1 p you have a friend default p you have #{friends} friends Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example - var user = {description: 'foo bar baz'} - var authorised = false #user if user.description Description p.description= user.description else if authorised Description p.description. User has no description, why not add one... else Description p.description User has no description Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example //- index.pug doctype html html include includes/head.pug body h1 My Site p Welcome to my super lame site. include includes/foot.pug Token row Feature hasForEachLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForEachLoops.html Supported ✓ Example ul each val in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] li= val Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 507 2.5
PUMPKIN - Programming language PUMPKIN ======= PUMPKIN is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4385 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of PUMPKIN happened in Brown University - PUMPKIN on HOPL PUMPKIN on HOPL - Read more about PUMPKIN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Punched tape - Notation Punched tape ============ Punched tape is a notation created in 1943. 1943 #1620 on PLDB 81 Years Old Punched tape or perforated paper tape is a form of data storage, consisting of a long strip of paper in which holes are punched to store data. Now effectively obsolete, it was widely used during much of the twentieth century for teleprinter communication, for input to computers of the 1950s and 1960s, and later as a storage medium for minicomputers and CNC machine tools.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of Punched tape happened in silk center - See also: (1 related languages) ASCII Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Punycode - Character encoding Punycode ======== Punycode is a character encoding created in 2003. 2003 #1922 on PLDB 21 Years Old Punycode is a representation of Unicode with the limited ASCII character subset used for Internet hostnames. Using Punycode, host names containing Unicode characters are transcoded to a subset of ASCII consisting of letters, digits, and hyphens, which is called the Letter-Digit-Hyphen (LDH) subset. For example, München (German name for Munich) is encoded as Mnchen-3ya. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: characterEncoding - Early development of Punycode happened in University of California Berkeley - Read more about Punycode on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
Puppet - Programming language Puppet ====== Puppet is an open source programming language created in 2005. 2005 #153 on PLDB 19 Years Old 23k Repos In computing, Puppet is an open-source software configuration management tool. It runs on many Unix-like systems as well as on Microsoft Windows, and includes its own declarative language to describe system configuration. Puppet is produced by Puppet, founded by Luke Kanies in 2005. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 23,445 Puppet repos on GitHub - Early development of Puppet happened in Puppet, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8k users using Puppet in 15k repos on GitHub - Puppet LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Puppet - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Puppet - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Puppet - See also: (5 related languages) Clojure, Ruby, Linux, REST, Solaris - 9 PLDB concepts link to Puppet: Apache Hbase, cloc, HHVM, Kotlin, mgmt, Minilang, ObjectScript, Pygments, Rust hiera_include('classes') user { 'harry': ensure => present, uid => '1000', shell => '/bin/bash', home => '/var/tmp' } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 296 1.5
Pure - Programming language Pure ==== Pure is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Albert Gräf. 2008 Albert Gräf #1151 on PLDB 16 Years Old Pure, successor to the equational language Q, is a dynamically typed, functional programming language based on term rewriting. It has facilities for user-defined operator syntax, macros, arbitrary-precision arithmetic (multiple-precision numbers), and compiling to native code through the LLVM. Pure is free and open-source software distributed (mostly) under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 or later. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pure happened in - Explore Pure snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (14 related languages) FreeBSD, Linux, Haskell, Lisp, Alice, MATLAB, LLVM IR, C, Miranda, Pure Data, GNU Octave, OpenGL, FAUST, SuperCollider extern int puts(char*); hello = puts "Hello, world!"; hello; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
PureBasic - Programming language PureBasic ========= PureBasic is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #565 on PLDB 26 Years Old 6k Repos PureBasic is a commercially distributed procedural computer programming language and integrated development environment based on BASIC and developed by Fantaisie Software for Windows 32/64-bit, Linux 32/64-bit, and macOS. An Amiga version is available, although it has been discontinued and some parts of it are released as open source. The first public release of PureBasic for Windows was on December 17, 2000. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 6,366 PureBasic repos on GitHub - Early development of PureBasic happened in Fantaisie Software - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 556 users using PureBasic in 647 repos on GitHub - Explore PureBasic snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PureBasic - has 0 matches for "purebasic developer". - was registered in 2000 - See also: (5 related languages) BASIC, Linux, X86, PowerPC, ISBN If OpenConsole() PrintN("Hello World") EndIf EnableExplicit ; ##################################################### Includes #################################################### XIncludeFile "Includes/AudioOut.pbi" ; ##################################################### Prototypes ################################################## ; ##################################################### Structures ################################################## ; ##################################################### Constants ################################################### #Samplerate = 44100 ; ##################################################### Structures ################################################## Structure Main *AudioOut Quit.i EndStructure Global Main.Main Structure Main_Window ID.i TrackBar.i [10] EndStructure Global Main_Window.Main_Window ; ##################################################### Variables ################################################### Global Frequency.d = 1000 Global Amplitude.d = 0.25 ; ##################################################### Procedures ################################################## Procedure Main_Window_Open() Main_Window\ID = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 0, 0, 800, 100, "AudioOut Example", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) If Main_Window\ID Main_Window\TrackBar[0] = TrackBarGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 10, 780, 30, 0, 20000) SetGadgetState(Main_Window\TrackBar[0], Frequency) Main_Window\TrackBar[1] = TrackBarGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 40, 780, 30, 0, 1000) SetGadgetState(Main_Window\TrackBar[1], Amplitude*1000) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Notifier_CallBack(*AudioOut) Protected *Temp, Temp_Size.i Static Rotation.d While AudioOut::GetQueuedBlocks(*AudioOut) <= 3 Temp_Size = AudioOut::GetBufferBlocksize(*AudioOut) If Temp_Size > 0 *Temp = AllocateMemory(Temp_Size) Define Left.d, Right.d, i For i = 0 To Temp_Size / 4 - 1 Left = Sin(Rotation) * Amplitude Right = Sin(Rotation) * Amplitude PokeW(*Temp + i*4 , Left*32767) PokeW(*Temp + i*4 + 2, Right*32767) Rotation + 2.0*#PI / #Samplerate * Frequency Next AudioOut::Write_Data(Main\AudioOut, *Temp, Temp_Size) FreeMemory(*Temp) EndIf Wend EndProcedure ; ##################################################### Initialisation ############################################## Main_Window_Open() AudioOut::GetDevices() ForEach AudioOut::Device() Debug PeekS(AudioOut::@Device()\szPname) Next Main\AudioOut = AudioOut::Initialize(#WAVE_MAPPER, #Samplerate, 2, 16, @Notifier_CallBack()) If Not Main\AudioOut Debug AudioOut::GetError() End EndIf Notifier_CallBack(Main\AudioOut) ; ##################################################### Main ######################################################## Repeat Repeat Select WaitWindowEvent(100) Case #PB_Event_Gadget Select EventGadget() Case Main_Window\TrackBar[0] Frequency = GetGadgetState(Main_Window\TrackBar[0]) Debug Frequency Case Main_Window\TrackBar[1] Amplitude = GetGadgetState(Main_Window\TrackBar[1]) / 1000 EndSelect Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow Main\Quit = #True Case 0 Break EndSelect ForEver Until Main\Quit ; ##################################################### End ######################################################### AudioOut::Deinitialize(Main\AudioOut) ; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.30 Beta 2 (Windows - x64) ; CursorPosition = 109 ; FirstLine = 79 ; Folding = - ; EnableUnicode ; EnableThread ; EnableXP Structure type_name field_name.type ; Single field. Perhaps the structures attachment. field_name[count].type ; Static arrays. ; ... ; Optional construction StructureUnion .. EndStructureUnion allows you ; to combine multiple fields into one area of memory ; that is sometimes required for the conversion types. StructureUnion type_name.type ; ... EndStructureUnion EndStructure Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PrintN row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 624 3.1
Pure Data - Programming language Pure Data ========= Pure Data is an open source programming language created in 1996. 1996 #685 on PLDB 28 Years Old 3m Repos Pure Data (Pd) is a visual programming language developed by Miller Puckette in the 1990s for creating interactive computer music and multimedia works. While Puckette is the main author of the program, Pd is an open source project with a large developer base working on new extensions. It is released under a license similar to the BSD license. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,084,650 Pure Data repos on GitHub - Early development of Pure Data happened in University of California San Diego - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 696 users using Pure Data in 914 repos on GitHub - Pure Data on HOPL Pure Data on HOPL - Pure Data appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (11 related languages) Linux, iOS, Android, FreeBSD, Max, OpenGL, C, Python, Scheme, Lua, Tcl #N canvas 1029 457 450 300 10; #X obj 127 132 print; #X msg 127 86 Hello World; #X connect 1 0 0 0; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 262 1.3
PureScript - Programming language PureScript ========== PureScript is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Phil Freeman. 2013 Phil Freeman #75 on PLDB 11 Years Old 5k Repos git clone A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - PureScript is developed on GitHub and has 8,515 stars - There are at least 5,443 PureScript repos on GitHub - PureScript compiles to JavaScript - PureScript is written in PureScript, Haskell, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, YAML, CSS, Less, Yacc, Make, Dhall, XML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 382 users using PureScript in 826 repos on GitHub - There are 4 Project Euler users using PureScript - PureScript LSP implementation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for PureScript - Learn PureScript on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for PureScript - There is a central package repository for PureScript - 4 PLDB concepts link to PureScript: mal, nulan, PureScript, Reason import Prelude import Effect.Console (log) greet :: String -> String greet name = "Hello, " <> name <> "!" main = log (greet "World") module Main where import Debug.Trace main = trace "Hello World" module Control.Arrow where import Data.Tuple class Arrow a where arr :: forall b c. (b -> c) -> a b c first :: forall b c d. a b c -> a (Tuple b d) (Tuple c d) instance arrowFunction :: Arrow (->) where arr f = f first f (Tuple b d) = Tuple (f b) d second :: forall a b c d. (Category a, Arrow a) => a b c -> a (Tuple d b) (Tuple d c) second f = arr swap >>> first f >>> arr swap swap :: forall a b. Tuple a b -> Tuple b a swap (Tuple x y) = Tuple y x infixr 3 *** infixr 3 &&& (***) :: forall a b b' c c'. (Category a, Arrow a) => a b c -> a b' c' -> a (Tuple b b') (Tuple c c') (***) f g = first f >>> second g (&&&) :: forall a b b' c c'. (Category a, Arrow a) => a b c -> a b c' -> a b (Tuple c c') (&&&) f g = arr (\b -> Tuple b b) >>> (f *** g) class ArrowZero a where zeroArrow :: forall b c. a b c infixr 5 <+> class ArrowPlus a where (<+>) :: forall b c. a b c -> a b c -> a b c Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example {- A comment -} Token {- -} row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example -- -- Syntax is whitespace sensitive. The general rule of thumb is that declarations which span multiple lines should be indented past the column on which they were first defined on their subsequent lines. foo = bar + baz Token row Feature Doc comments FeatureLink ../features/hasDocComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- -- | `bool` performs case analysis for the `Boolean` data type, like an `if` statement. bool :: forall a. Boolean -> a -> a -> a bool true x _ = x bool false _ x = x Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token HackerNews discussions of PureScript ==================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: PureScript - a functional language which compiles to Javascript||10/31/2013|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 686 3.4
Pursuit PureScript Package Repository - Package manager Pursuit PureScript Package Repository ===================================== Pursuit PureScript Package Repository is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #2764 on PLDB 10 Years Old Pursuit hosts API documentation for PureScript packages. - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Pursuit PureScript Package Repository happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 105 0.5
Push - Programming language Push ==== Push is a programming language created in 2001 by Lee Spector and Alan Robinson. 2001 Lee Spector Alan Robinson #2874 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Push happened in Hampshire College - First announcement of Push - Read more about Push on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. TIMES2 CODE.QUOTE ( 2 INTEGER.* ) CODE.DEFINE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
PV-Wave - Programming language PV-Wave ======= PV-Wave is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4568 on PLDB 36 Years Old PV-WAVE (Precision Visuals - Workstation Analysis and Visualization Environment) is an array oriented fourth-generation programming language used by engineers, scientists, researchers, business analysts and software developers to build and deploy visual data analysis applications.. PV-WAVE was originally developed by a company called Precision Visuals, based in Boulder, CO. In 1992, the IMSL Numerical Libraries and Precision Visuals merged and the new company was renamed Visual Numerics. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PV-Wave happened in Precision Visuals - See also: (1 related languages) IDL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
PVS - Programming language PVS === PVS, aka Prototype Verification System, is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2146 on PLDB 32 Years Old The Prototype Verification System (PVS) is a specification language integrated with support tools and an automated theorem prover, developed at the Computer Science Laboratory of SRI International in Menlo Park, California. PVS is based on a kernel consisting of an extension of Church's theory of types with dependent types, and is fundamentally a classical typed higher-order logic. The base types include uninterpreted types that may be introduced by the user, and built-in types such as the booleans, integers, reals, and the ordinals. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of PVS happened in SRI - PVS on HOPL PVS on HOPL - Read more about PVS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Py - Programming language Py == Py is a programming language created in 1991 by David Cuny. 1991 David Cuny #3535 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Py happened in - Py on HOPL Py on HOPL - Read more about Py on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
pycharm-editor - Editor pycharm-editor ============== pycharm-editor is an editor created in 2016. 2016 #4928 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of pycharm-editor happened in JetBrains Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
Pycket - Programming language Pycket ====== Pycket is a programming language created in 2022 by Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. 2022 Sam Tobin-Hochstadt #1146 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Pycket: a Racket/Scheme implementation that is generated using the RPython framework - Tags: programming language - Pycket is developed on GitHub and has 255 stars - Early development of Pycket happened in - Pycket is written in Python, Racket, Scheme, Bourne shell, Markdown, Make, Ini, JSON, YAML, C - Read more about Pycket on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Pygmalion - Visual programming language Pygmalion ========= Pygmalion is a visual programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4386 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of Pygmalion happened in Stanford University - Pygmalion on HOPL Pygmalion on HOPL - Read more about Pygmalion on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Pygments - Library Pygments ======== Pygments is a library created in 2006 by Georg Brandl. 2006 Georg Brandl #289 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter suitable for use in code hosting, forums, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. - Tags: library - Pygments is developed on GitHub and has 1,767 stars - Early development of Pygments happened in - Pygments is written in Python, HTML, reStructuredText, Scala, GraphQL, Prolog, Ruby, JavaScript, Lisp, C, C++, Haskell, YAML, XML, DTD, Make, Bash, sed, Bourne shell, Scheme, Standard ML, Java, Clojure, XQuery, PHP, Ada, Raku, ActionScript, CSS, Groovy, Assembly language, JSON, Pascal, Tex, Nim, Haxe, Fortran 90, CoffeeScript, Lean, TOML, Clean, Nemerle, Perl, PowerShell, Erlang, D, Ini, IDL, Agda, odin, SQL, Handlebars, GDScript, Gherkin, Visual Basic, GLSL, Go, Mathematica, Smalltalk, COBOL, Crystal, OCaml, Racket, C shell, F#, Rust, Vim script, Logtalk, XHTML, Julia, C#, Visual Basic .NET, Zig, Brainfuck, Fennel, Lua, Elixir, AutoHotkey, R, Chapel, FORTRAN 77, VHDL, HLSL, Objective-C, xBase, awk, Solidity, Pig Latin, Idris, Nix, QML, SaltStack, Reason, Mako, CMake, ClojureScript, Meson, Markdown, ColdFusion, Kotlin, Swift, Elm, Rexx, JSX, Liquid, WebAssembly, Xtend, Slim, JCL, Logos, CUDA, Protocol Buffers, JSP, XSLT, APL, Dart, ASP.NET, Gradle, Thrift, Dockerfile, Puppet, Coq, Forth - was registered in 2007 - See also: (6 related languages) CodeMirror, Monaco Editor, highlight.js, Ace Editor, Sublime Syntax, TextMate Language - 3 PLDB concepts link to Pygments: Ace Editor, highlight.js, Prism Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 317 1.6
pyke - Knowledge base pyke ==== pyke is a knowledge base created in 2008 by Paul Haesler and Bruce Frederiksen. 2008 Paul Haesler Bruce Frederiksen #2765 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: knowledgeBase - Early development of pyke happened in - Read more about pyke on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
PyPI - Package manager PyPI ==== PyPI, aka Python Package Index, is a package manager created in 2015. 2015 #2497 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of PyPI happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
Pyret - Programming language Pyret ===== Pyret is a programming language created in 2012 by Ben Lerner and Joe Gibbs Politz. 2012 Ben Lerner Joe Gibbs Politz #1299 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone The Pyret language. - Tags: programming language - Pyret is developed on GitHub and has 1,061 stars - Early development of Pyret happened in Brown University Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
pyret - Programming language pyret ===== pyret is a programming language created in 2011 by Joe Gibbs Politz. 2011 Joe Gibbs Politz #473 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Pyret is a programming language designed to serve as an outstanding choice for programming education while exploring the confluence of scripting and functional programming. It's under active design and development, and free to use or modify. - Tags: programming language - pyret is developed on GitHub and has 1,061 stars - Early development of pyret happened in Brown University - Learn pyret on exercism. - was registered in 2011 data BinTree: | leaf | node(value, left, right) end fun tree-sum(t): doc: "Calculate the sum of node values" cases (BinTree) t: | leaf => 0 | node(v, l, r) => v + tree-sum(l) + tree-sum(r) end where: tree-sum(leaf) is 0 node4 = node(4, leaf, leaf) tree-sum(node(5, node4, leaf)) is 9 end print('Hello World') Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 262 1.3
Pyrex - Programming language Pyrex ===== Pyrex is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1672 on PLDB 22 Years Old git clone Pyrex is a programming language developed to aid in creating Python modules. Its syntax is very close to Python. The goal is to make it easy for Python programmers to write the non-Python supporting code usually required for interfacing modules in a language which is as close to Python as possible.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Pyrex happened in University of Canterbury - Pyrex on HOPL Pyrex on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Python, C, Cython Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Pyth - Esoteric programming language Pyth ==== Pyth is an esoteric programming language created in 2014 by Isaac Grosof. 2014 Isaac Grosof #1177 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Pyth, an extremely concise language. Try it here: - Tags: esoteric programming language - Pyth is developed on GitHub and has 263 stars - Early development of Pyth happened in - Pyth is written in HTML, reStructuredText, Python, JavaScript, CSS, SVG, Make, Markdown - Pyth on Esolang Pyth on Esolang Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
Pythagorean Equation - Equation Pythagorean Equation ==================== Pythagorean Equation is an equation created in -570. -570 #4666 on PLDB 2594 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 81 0.4
python-cl-compiler - Compiler python-cl-compiler ================== python-cl-compiler is a compiler created in 1991. 1991 #3536 on PLDB 33 Years Old The Python compiler for CMU Common Lisp has been under development for over five years, and now forms the core of a production quality public domain Lisp implementation. Python synthesizes the good ideas from Lisp compilers and source transformation systems with mainstream optimization and retargetability techniques. Novel features include strict type checking and source-level debugging of compiled code. Unusual attention has been paid to the compiler's user interface. - Tags: compiler - Early development of python-cl-compiler happened in Carnegie Mellon - Read more about python-cl-compiler on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Python for S60 - Programming language Python for S60 ============== Python for S60 is a programming language created in 2006 by Guido van Rossum. 2006 Guido van Rossum #2792 on PLDB 18 Years Old The Python for S60 also called PyS60 (Unix name), was Nokia’s port of the general Python programming language to its S60 software platform, originally based on Python 2.2.2 from 2002. The latest final version, PyS60-2.0.0, released on 11 February 2010 updated the python core to version 2.5.4.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Python for S60 happened in Python Software Foundation - See also: (3 related languages) Python, Unix, OPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
Python Format Specification - Template language Python Format Specification =========================== Python Format Specification is a template language created in 2008. 2008 #3059 on PLDB 16 Years Old Python minilang introduced in Python 2.6 in 2008. - Tags: template language - Early development of Python Format Specification happened in Python Software Foundation '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format('a', 'b', 'c') Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Python - Programming language Python ====== Python is an open source programming language created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. 1991 Guido van Rossum #3 on PLDB 33 Years Old 9m Repos git clone Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. An interpreted language, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability (notably using whitespace indentation to delimit code blocks rather than curly brackets or keywords), and a syntax that allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than might be used in languages such as C++ or Java. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Python is developed on GitHub and has 61,378 stars - Watch the history of the Python repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 9,300,725 Python repos on GitHub - Early development of Python happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica - Python is written in Python, reStructuredText, C, XML, TOML, YAML, Bourne shell, JSON, Markdown, HTML, Objective-C, Ini, SVG, C++, PowerShell, Diff, D, Make, Gradle, M4, JavaScript, Bash, Assembly language, XSLT, Lisp, CSS, Kotlin, IDL, Dockerfile, C shell, CMake, DTD - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 297k users using Python in 550k repos on GitHub - Check out the 1,964 Python meetup groups on - There are 979,629 members in the Python subreddit - There are 60,791 Project Euler users using Python - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Python programmers reported a median salary of $59,454. 48% of respondents reported using Python. 39,792 programmers reported using Python, and 34,929 said they wanted to use it - Explore Python snippets on Rosetta Code - Python on HOPL Python on HOPL - Python ranks #1 in the TIOBE Index - Python Ubuntu package Python Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Python - Python LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Python - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Python - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Python - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Python - Python appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Python on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Python - Annual Reports for Python Annual Reports for Python - Events page for Python Events page for Python - has 28,965 matches for "python engineer". - was registered in 1995 - See also: (59 related languages) Jython, MicroPython, Stackless Python, Cython, ABC, ALGOL 68, C, Dylan, Haskell, Icon, Java, Lisp, Modula-3, Perl, Boo, Cobra, CoffeeScript, D, F#, Falcon, Genie, Go, Groovy, JavaScript, Julia, Nim, Ruby, Swift, SETL, Unix, Unicode, Standard ML, Pascal, Regular Expressions, C#, Common Lisp, Scheme, Objective-C, NumPy, MIME, HTTP, Sage, LLVM IR, JVM, Java Bytecode, CIL, Pyrex, Mercurial, Python for S60, Qt, Django, SciPy, Matplotlib, GDB, FreeBSD, OCaml, Tcl, Erlang, Pandas - Read more about Python on the web: 1. 1. - 398 PLDB concepts link to Python: Aardvark, Ace Editor, Adept, Aheui, AIL, Aith, Alumina, ana, Apache Hbase, aretext, ArkScript, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, ASDF, asterius-compiler, astroml, atomspace, Austral, AviSynth, Basis Codec, Battlestar, Bazel, beef-lang, Berry, binaryen, blz, Boomerang Decompiler, Bruijn, Bucklescript, Bython, C3, Calypso, candor, Candy, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, carp, Catala, Chapel, Charcoal, chatterbot, chisel, Civet, clash, clay, clike, cloc, Closure Templates, co2, Coconut, CWL, commonmark, Conan, Coq, CouchDB, crmsh, Croc, Cryptol, Crystal, CSVw, Curly, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, Cython, Dafny, Dasel, Dasm, datafun, dedukti, Dern, dex, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, djangoql, dllup, docopt, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, Easybuild, eC, eco-editor, Embedded Crystal, edgedb, Đ, eff, egel, Egison, Eiffel, ELENA, Elm, Elpi, Elvish, Emojicode, Emscripten, Enso, erg, Erlang, Esoteric Reaction, F Prime, Fardlang, Felix, Fern, fetlang, FFmpeg, firrtl, fish, flame-ir, Flare, FlatBuffers, Flatline, FloScript, Flow, Flow9, flua, ForthScript, Frank, F*, Futhark, g-fu, GAP, GN, Gforth, GHC, Git, glush, Go, GraphIt, gridstudio-editor, hacspec, hakaru, HAL Format, Halide, harlan, hasklig, Haxe, HCL, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, hobbes, Homa, Hook, Horse64, httplang, huginn, humanhash-hash-function, hurl, Hush, HVM2, Hy, Hyperscript, HyPhy, Ibis, Idio, Idris, ImHex, Impala, inko, Insitux, invokator, Ioke, Iterm2, Jakt, JAL compiler, Java, Jeeves, Jelly, Jesth, Jinja, jq, json-graph-format, Jsonnet, jsparagus, Julia, juvix, k-framework, Kakoune, Kalyn, KaTeX, Keras, KGL, Koka, Kotlin, Kubernetes, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, lamderp, Lean, leo-editor, lever, lift, Ligo, lila-lang, Lily, Links, Linux, lobster, loci, Logica, Luna, Lux, mal, Manim, Markus, mathics, Matplotlib, Mesh Spreadsheet, Metalang99, mgmt, ΜC++, MicroBlocks, microl, MicroPython, mimium, Mindsdb, Minilang, MiniZinc, mochi, Mojo, MongoDB, monte, moya, Mu, multicodec, mycroft, myia, mys, Nadesiko, NCAR Command Language, NestedText, neutron, never, newclay, Nextflow, ngn/k, Nim, Ninja, Nit, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noms-db, Numba, NumPy, Nushell, Nuua, nylo, Observable Framework, Obsidian, odin, ohm, oil, onnx, oopsilon, Opa, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, Oxyl, P, Pact, Pan, Pandas, parenthetic, Particles, PCRE, penrose, PgBouncer, phorth, PHP, pipelines, plang, Please Build, Pomsky, popr, PostgreSQL, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, Project Mentat, PRQL, psyche-c, Pycket, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Quint, Racket, Recfiles, Redis, redprl, RetDec, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, Rita, RobotFramework, Roc, Rockstar, rosie, roy, Ruby, Rust, Rye, SandDance, Savi, Scikit-learn, SciPy, score, Scroll, Seq, setlx, shiv, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, skip, skulpt, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, Solidity, Sophia, Sophie, souper, SourcePawn, Spatial, Speedie, spiral, spry, Sqlalchemy, SQRL, Squirrel, stacklang, starlark, Stencil, stoneknifeforth, Subleq, Sugar, sugartex, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, Taichi, tamgu, tampio, tangledown, Tea, TensorFlow, TestML, tiledb, tldr, Toi, TOML, tornado, Triton, truck, tuplemarkup, twtxt, UCL, Umka, Uno, UrWeb, Uniform eXchange Format, V, V, v8, Vale, Vale, Vcpkg, Vigil, Virgil, VLC, VSXu, vyper, Vyxal, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wax, 文言文編程語言, whack, Wing, WLambda, Wonkey, Workfl, Wren, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, XL, xlwings-editor, YAMP, YANG, YARA, Yet Another Scripting Language, Zig def square(num): return num * num print("Hello, world!") #!/usr/bin/env python2.4 print "Python" and as assert break class continue def del elif else except False finally for from global if import in is lambda None nonlocal not or pass raise return True try while with yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example print("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example # 0[bB](?:_?[01])+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # (\d(?:_?\d)*\.(?:\d(?:_?\d)*)?|(?:\d(?:_?\d)*)?\.\d(?:_?\d)*)([eE][+-]?\d(?:_?\d)*)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0[xX](?:_?[a-fA-F0-9])+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0[oO](?:_?[0-7])+ Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Dispose Blocks Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDisposeBlocks.html Supported ✓ Example with resource_context_manager() as resource: # Perform actions with the resource. # Perform other actions where the resource is guaranteed to be deallocated. Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example class SumComputer(object): def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b def transform(self, x): raise NotImplementedError def inputs(self): return range(self.a, self.b) def compute(self): return sum(self.transform(value) for value in self.inputs()) class SquareSumComputer(SumComputer): def transform(self, x): return x * x class CubeSumComputer(SumComputer): def transform(self, x): return x * x * x Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example class Person (object): def __init__(self, name): = name Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example # Python Program illustrate how # to overload an binary + operator class A: def __init__(self, a): self.a = a # adding two objects def __add__(self, o): return self.a + o.a ob1 = A(1) ob2 = A(2) ob3 = A("Geeks") ob4 = A("For") print(ob1 + ob2) print(ob3 + ob4) Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example class Base1: pass class Base2: pass class MultiDerived(Base1, Base2): pass # Or multilevel inheritance: class Base: pass class Derived1(Base): pass class Derived2(Derived1): pass Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example pldb = 80766866 Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example template = """This is the first line. This is the second line. This is the third line.""" Token row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example # class EssentialFunctioner(LoggerMixin, object): Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example seven = 3 + 4 Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import datetime oTime = from my_pkg import my_funcs Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example name = "John" Token = row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example from __future__ import feature # coding= Token row Feature Generators FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ''' A comment. ''' Token ''' row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example if True: print("Hello world") Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example class Person (object): def __init__(self, name): = name Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Dynamic Properties FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicProperties.html Supported ✓ Example class Person (object): def __init__(self, name): = name person = Person("John") person.age = 50 Token row Feature Symbol Tables FeatureLink ../features/hasSymbolTables.html Supported ✓ Example # Token row Feature Shebang FeatureLink ../features/canDoShebang.html Supported ✓ Example #!/usr/bin/env python Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example x ✓ Example print(1 if 1 else 0) Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Duck Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDuckTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example with open('helloworld.txt', 'w') as filehandle: filehandle.write('Hello, world!\n') Token row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported X Example # Though there is an Enum class in stdlib Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2002 10
PyTorch - Library PyTorch ======= PyTorch is an open source library created in 2016 by Ronan Collobert. 2016 Ronan Collobert #238 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library for Python, based on Torch, used for applications such as natural language processing. It is primarily developed by Facebook's artificial-intelligence research group, and Uber's "Pyro" software for probabilistic programming is built on it.PyTorch provides two high-level features: Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration Deep Neural Networks built on a tape-based autodiff system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - PyTorch is developed on GitHub and has 80,826 stars - Early development of PyTorch happened in - PyTorch is written in Python, C++, CUDA, reStructuredText, C, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, CMake, GLSL, Objective C++, starlark, Assembly language, Java, Bazel, XML, CSV, JSON, Jupyter Notebook, Dockerfile, Gradle, Protocol Buffers, CSS, Make, HTML, JavaScript, SVG, Ini, TOML, PowerShell, Ruby, Diff, Objective-C, Bash, Vim script - There are 0 members in the PyTorch subreddit - was registered in 2016 - See also: (4 related languages) Python, CUDA, Linux, NumPy Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 273 1.4
Q - Programming language Q = Q is an open source programming language created in 1991 by Albert Gräf. 1991 Albert Gräf #1739 on PLDB 33 Years Old Pure, successor to the equational language Q, is a dynamically typed, functional programming language based on term rewriting. It has facilities for user-defined operator syntax, macros, arbitrary-precision arithmetic (multiple-precision numbers), and compiling to native code through the LLVM. Pure is free and open-source software distributed (mostly) under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 or later. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Q happened in - See also: (14 related languages) FreeBSD, Linux, Haskell, Lisp, Alice, MATLAB, LLVM IR, C, Miranda, Pure Data, GNU Octave, OpenGL, FAUST, SuperCollider extern int puts(char*); hello = puts "Hello, world!"; hello; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
Q-GERT - Programming language Q-GERT ====== Q-GERT is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4387 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Q-GERT happened in Virginia Tech - Q-GERT on HOPL Q-GERT on HOPL - Read more about Q-GERT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Q# - Programming language Q# == Q# is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1591 on PLDB 7 Years Old 768 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 768 Q# repos on GitHub - Early development of Q# happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4 users using Q# in 4 repos on GitHub - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Q# namespace main { open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon; open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic; @EntryPoint() operation Main() : Unit { Message("Hello, world!"); } } namespace Quantum.HelloWorld { open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon; open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic; operation HelloWorld() : Unit { Message("Hello World"); } } namespace open as operation function body adjoint newtype controlled if elif else repeat until fixup for in while return fail within apply Adjoint Controlled Adj Ctl is self auto distribute invert intrinsic let set w/ new not and or use borrow using borrowing mutable Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 271 1.4
Q - Programming language Q = Q is a programming language created in 2003 by Arthur Whitney. 2003 Arthur Whitney #362 on PLDB 21 Years Old 768 Repos Q is a proprietary array processing language developed by Arthur Whitney and commercialized by Kx Systems. The language serves as the query language for kdb+, a disk based and in-memory, column-based database. kdb+ is based upon K, a terse variant of APL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - There are at least 768 Q repos on GitHub - Early development of Q happened in Kx Systems - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 157 users using Q in 170 repos on GitHub - There are 152 Project Euler users using Q - Explore Q snippets on Rosetta Code - Q appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Q - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Q - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Q - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Q:, - See also: (5 related languages) Q, Scheme, K, APL, SQL - 2 PLDB concepts link to Q: Lil, xs "Hello World" /* Hello world in Q */ hello = writes "Hello, world!\n"; dst:`:tq src:`:tqsrc F:key src / trade fields (types;widths) trf after 200609 tf:`time`ex`sym`s`cond`size`price`stop`corr`seq`cts`trf tt:("TCSS*IFBIJCC ";9 1 6 10 4 9 11 1 2 16 1 1,1+20060930<"I"$-8#string first F) / quote fields (types;widths) qf:`time`ex`sym`s`bid`bsize`ask`asize`cond`mmid`bex`aex`seq`bbo`qbbo`corr`cqs qt:("TCSSFIFIC*CCJCCCC ";9 1 6 10 11 7 11 7 1 4 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 2) / sym[.s] "e"$pricebidask g:{[f;x]`sym`time xcols delete s from @[;`sym;{$[null y;x;` sv x,y]}';x`s]@[x;f;"e"$%;1e4]} foo:{[d;f;t;g;x]@[;`sym;`p#].Q.dsftg[(dst;"D"$-8#string x;d);(` sv src,x;sum t 1;0);f;t;g]} \t foo[`trade;tf;tt;g[`price] ]each F where F like"taqtrade*[0-9]"; \t foo[`quote;qf;qt;g[`bid`ask]]each F where F like"taqquote*[0-9]"; \ q)select from t where name like "ja*",age>50 name age -------- jack 60 q)select rows:count i by age from t age| rows ---| ---- 20 | 1 50 | 2 60 | 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 522 2.6
QA4 - Programming language QA4 === QA4 is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4388 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of QA4 happened in SRI - QA4 on HOPL QA4 on HOPL - Read more about QA4 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Qalb - Programming language Qalb ==== Qalb is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Ramsey Nasser. 2012 Ramsey Nasser #489 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone قلب (Levantine Arabic: [ʔalb]), transliterated Qalb, Qlb and Alb, is a functional programming language allowing a programmer to write programs completely in Arabic. Its name means heart and is a recursive acronym in Arabic meaning Qlb: a programming language (قلب: لغة برمجة, Qlb: Lughat Barmajah). It was developed in 2012 by Ramsey Nasser, a computer scientist at the Eyebeam Art + Technology Center in New York City, as both an artistic endeavor and as a response to the Anglophone bias in the vast majority of programming languages, which express their fundamental concepts using English words. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Qalb is developed on GitHub and has 755 stars - Early development of Qalb happened in - Qalb is written in JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Markdown, JSON, Ruby - Qalb is written with the native language of Arabic - See also: (2 related languages) Scheme, Lisp (قول "مرحبا يا عالم") (قول "Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 274 1.4
QAS - Programming language QAS === QAS is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3537 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of QAS happened in Georgia Institute of Technology - QAS on HOPL QAS on HOPL - Read more about QAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
QB64 - Programming language QB64 ==== QB64 is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1176 on PLDB 17 Years Old QB64 (originally QB32) is a self-hosting BASIC compiler for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, designed to be compatible with Microsoft QBasic and QuickBASIC. QB64 is a C++ emitter, which is integrated with a C++ compiler to provide compilation via C++ code and GCC optimization.QB64 implements most QBasic statements, and can run many QBasic programs, including Microsoft's QBasic Gorillas and Nibbles games. Furthermore, QB64 has been designed to contain an IDE resembling the QBASIC IDE. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of QB64 happened in - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, QuickBASIC, BASIC, QBasic t1 = _FREETIMER t2 = _FREETIMER ON TIMER(t1, 1) GOSUB Timer.Trap 'the code following the Timer.Trap label will be run every 1 second ON TIMER(t2, .5) mySub 'QB64 can also trigger a SUB procedure with TIMER; ' in this case mySUB will be triggered every 500 milliseconds 'activate timers: TIMER(t1) ON TIMER(t2) ON DO 'go into an infinite loop until the window is closed _LIMIT 1 'run the main loop at 1 cycle per second, to show how timers are independent from main program flow LOOP Timer.Trap: PRINT "1s; "; RETURN SUB mySub PRINT "500ms; "; END SUB Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 343 1.7
QBasic - Programming language QBasic ====== QBasic, aka Quick Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, is an open source programming language created in 1991. 1991 #295 on PLDB 33 Years Old QBasic (Quick Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is an IDE and interpreter for a variety of the BASIC programming language which is based on QuickBASIC. Code entered into the IDE is compiled to an intermediate representation, and this IR is immediately interpreted on demand within the IDE. It can run under nearly all versions of DOS and 32-bit versions of Windows, or through emulation via DOSBox/DOSEMU on Linux, FreeBSD, and 64-bit versions of Windows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of QBasic happened in Microsoft - Explore QBasic snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for QBasic - See also: (6 related languages) QuickBASIC, GW-BASIC, QB64, Microsoft Small Basic, Linux, FreeBSD PRINT "Hello World" ACCESS ALIAS ANY APPEND AS BASE BINARY BYVAL CASE CDECL DOUBLE ELSE ELSEIF ENDIF INTEGER IS LIST LOCAL LONG LOOP MOD NEXT OFF ON OUTPUT RANDOM SIGNAL SINGLE STEP STRING THEN TO UNTIL USING WEND Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 322 1.6
qbe - Programming language qbe === qbe is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3701 on PLDB 9 Years Old QBE aims to be a pure C embeddable backend that provides 70% of the performance of advanced compilers in 10% of the code. Its small size serves both its aspirations of correctness and our ability to understand, fix, and improve it. It also serves its users by providing trivial integration and great flexibility. - Tags: programming language - Early development of qbe happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
QCL - Programming language QCL === QCL is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2310 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of QCL happened in Technischen Universität Wien - QCL on HOPL QCL on HOPL - Read more about QCL on the web: 1. 1. print "Hello World"; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
QED - Editor QED === QED is an editor created in 1967 by Butler Lampson and L. Peter Deutsch and Dana Angluin. 1967 Butler Lampson L. Peter Deutsch Dana Angluin #3221 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of QED happened in University of California Berkeley - 1 PLDB concepts link to QED: ed Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
qed-lang - Programming language qed-lang ======== qed-lang is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2766 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of qed-lang happened in University of Washington void Button(string text) { int col = 0xC0C0C0; @out(" " + text + " ") } @out(rect()) @bgcol(col) @onpress(col = 0x808080) @onrelease([col = 0xC0C0C0, return()]) Button("Form 1"); println("Form 1 clicked"); Button("Form 2"); println("Form 2 clicked"); Button("Quit"); return(0); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
QFX file format - Text data format QFX file format =============== QFX file format is a text data format created in 1997. 1997 #3282 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of QFX file format happened in Intuit - See also: (1 related languages) Open Financial Exchange Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Quicken Interchange Format - Text data format Quicken Interchange Format ========================== Quicken Interchange Format, aka Quicken Interchange Format, is a text data format created in 2000. 2000 #2228 on PLDB 24 Years Old Quicken Interchange Format (QIF) is an open specification for reading and writing financial data to media (i.e. files).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Quicken Interchange Format happened in Intuit Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
QLISP - Programming language QLISP ===== QLISP is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4389 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of QLISP happened in Lucid, Inc - QLISP on HOPL QLISP on HOPL - Read more about QLISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
QMake - Programming language QMake ===== QMake is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1036 on PLDB 22 Years Old 4k Repos qmake is an utility that automates the generation of makefiles. Makefiles are used by the program make to build executable programs from source code; therefore qmake is a make-makefile tool, or makemake for short. The makefiles that qmake produces are tailored to the particular platform where it is run from based on qmake project files. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,624 QMake repos on GitHub - Early development of QMake happened in Qt Group plc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14k users using QMake in 18k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for QMake - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, FreeBSD, Make, Qt, CMake - Read more about QMake on the web: 1. 1. CONFIG += qt debug HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp win32 { SOURCES += hellowin.cpp } unix { SOURCES += hellounix.cpp } !exists( main.cpp ) { error( "No main.cpp file found" ) } win32:debug { CONFIG += console } #!/usr/bin/qmake message(This is QMake.) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
QML - Programming language QML === QML, aka Qt Modeling Language, is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #225 on PLDB 15 Years Old 15k Repos QML (Qt Modeling Language) is a user interface markup language. It is a declarative language (similar to CSS and JSON) for designing user interface–centric applications. Inline JavaScript code handles imperative aspects. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 14,755 QML repos on GitHub - Early development of QML happened in Qt Group plc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4k users using QML in 5k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for QML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for QML - See also: (3 related languages) JSON, JavaScript, Ring - 7 PLDB concepts link to QML: Ace Editor, kumir, leo-editor, Opa, Pygments, score, VLC Item { Rectangle { id: myRect width: 120 height: 100 } Rectangle { width: myRect.width height: 200 } } /**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: ** ** This file is part of the Qt Build Suite. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see For further information ** use the contact form at ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: and ** ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ import qbs 1.0 import qbs.FileInfo import qbs.ModUtils Module { property string buildVariant: "debug" property bool enableDebugCode: buildVariant == "debug" property bool debugInformation: (buildVariant == "debug") property string optimization: (buildVariant == "debug" ? "none" : "fast") readonly property stringList hostOS: undefined // set internally property string hostOSVersion: { if (hostOS && hostOS.contains("osx")) { return getNativeSetting("/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist", "ProductVersion") || getNativeSetting("/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist", "ProductVersion"); } else if (hostOS && hostOS.contains("windows")) { var version = getNativeSetting("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", "CurrentVersion"); return version + "." + hostOSBuildVersion; } } property string hostOSBuildVersion: { if (hostOS.contains("osx")) { return getNativeSetting("/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist", "ProductBuildVersion") || getNativeSetting("/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist", "ProductBuildVersion"); } else if (hostOS.contains("windows")) { return getNativeSetting("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", "CurrentBuildNumber"); } } readonly property var hostOSVersionParts: hostOSVersion ? hostOSVersion.split('.').map(function(item) { return parseInt(item, 10); }) : [] readonly property int hostOSVersionMajor: hostOSVersionParts[0] || 0 readonly property int hostOSVersionMinor: hostOSVersionParts[1] || 0 readonly property int hostOSVersionPatch: hostOSVersionParts[2] || 0 property stringList targetOS: hostOS property string pathListSeparator: hostOS.contains("windows") ? ";" : ":" property string pathSeparator: hostOS.contains("windows") ? "\\" : "/" property string profile property stringList toolchain property string architecture property bool install: false property string installSourceBase readonly property string installRoot: undefined property string installDir property string installPrefix: "" property path sysroot PropertyOptions { name: "buildVariant" allowedValues: ['debug', 'release'] description: "name of the build variant" } PropertyOptions { name: "optimization" allowedValues: ['none', 'fast', 'small'] description: "optimization level" } validate: { var validator = new ModUtils.PropertyValidator("qbs"); validator.setRequiredProperty("architecture", architecture, "you might want to re-run 'qbs-setup-toolchains'"); validator.setRequiredProperty("hostOS", hostOS); validator.setRequiredProperty("targetOS", targetOS); if (hostOS && (hostOS.contains("windows") || hostOS.contains("osx"))) { validator.setRequiredProperty("hostOSVersion", hostOSVersion, "could not detect host operating system version; " + "verify that system files and registry keys have not " + "been modified."); if (hostOSVersion) validator.addVersionValidator("hostOSVersion", hostOSVersion, 2, 4); validator.setRequiredProperty("hostOSBuildVersion", hostOSBuildVersion, "could not detect host operating system build version; " + "verify that system files or registry have not been " + "tampered with."); } validator.addCustomValidator("architecture", architecture, function (value) { return architecture === canonicalArchitecture(architecture); }, "'" + architecture + "' is invalid. You must use the canonical name '" + canonicalArchitecture(architecture) + "'"); validator.validate(); } // private properties property var commonRunEnvironment: { var env = {}; if (targetOS.contains("windows")) { env["PATH"] = [ FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix) ]; } else if (hostOS.contains("darwin") && targetOS.contains("darwin")) { env["DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH"] = [ FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix, "Library", "Frameworks"), FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix, "lib"), FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix) ].join(pathListSeparator); env["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = [ FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix, "lib"), FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix, "Library", "Frameworks"), FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix) ].join(pathListSeparator); if (targetOS.contains("ios-simulator") && sysroot) { env["DYLD_ROOT_PATH"] = [sysroot]; } } else if (hostOS.contains("unix") && targetOS.contains("unix")) { env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = [ FileInfo.joinPaths(installRoot, installPrefix, "lib") ]; } return env; } // internal properties readonly property string version: [versionMajor, versionMinor, versionPatch].join(".") readonly property int versionMajor: undefined // set internally readonly property int versionMinor: undefined // set internally readonly property int versionPatch: undefined // set internally } MouseArea { onPressed: console.log("mouse button pressed") } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1167 5.8
QOIR - Binary data format QOIR ==== QOIR is an open source binary data format created in 2022 by Nigel Tao. 2022 Nigel Tao #1145 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A Fast, Simple, Lossless Image File Format based on QOI ( ) - Tags: binaryDataFormat - QOIR is developed on GitHub and has 97 stars - Early development of QOIR happened in - QOIR is written in C, C++, Bourne shell, Go, Markdown, YAML - Read more about QOIR on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Qore - Programming language Qore ==== Qore is a programming language created in 2006 by David Nichols. 2006 David Nichols #975 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone Qore is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose, garbage collected dynamic programming language, featuring support for code embedding and sandboxing with optional strong typing and a focus on fundamental support for multithreading and SMP scalability. Qore is unique because it is an interpreted scripting language with fundamental support for multithreading (meaning more than one part of the same code can run at the same time), and additionally because it features automatic memory management (meaning programmers do not have to allocate and free memory explicitly) while also supporting the RAII idiom with destructors for scope-based resource management and exception-safe programming. This is due to Qore's unique prompt collection implementation for garbage collection.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Qore is developed on GitHub and has 58 stars - Early development of Qore happened in - Qore is written in C++, CMake, Bourne shell, Make, M4, YAML, Vim script, SVG, Assembly language, XML, HTML, Markdown, JSON, Lisp, CSS - was registered in 2008 #!/usr/bin/env qore %exec-class HelloWorld class HelloWorld { constructor() { background $.say("Hello World"); } private say($arg) { printf("%s\n", $arg); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 329 1.6
QR code - Bar code format QR code ======= QR code is a bar code format created in 1994 by Denso Wave. 1994 Denso Wave #1596 on PLDB 30 Years Old QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. In practice, QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier, or tracker that points to a website or application. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: barCodeFormat - Early development of QR code happened in DENSO Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
Qt - Framework Qt == Qt is a framework created in 1995. 1995 #223 on PLDB 29 Years Old Qt ( "cute") is a cross-platform application framework that is used for developing application software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the underlying codebase, while still being a native application with native capabilities and speed. Qt is currently being developed both by The Qt Company, a publicly listed company, and the Qt Project under open-source governance, involving individual developers and firms working to advance Qt. Qt is available with both proprietary and open source GPL 2.0, GPL 3.0, and LGPL 3.0 licenses.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - Early development of Qt happened in Qt Group plc - Qt is written in C++ - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Qt - was registered in 2013 - See also: (18 related languages) Android, iOS, Linux, SQL, XML, JSON, Visual Studio, QML, JavaScript, Sibelius, QMake, Solaris, OpenGL, QtScript, XPath, XQuery, Unix, Emacs - 13 PLDB concepts link to Qt: Boomerang Decompiler, eco-editor, Emscripten, Flow9, flua, ktexteditor-editor, kumir, leo-editor, MonkeyX, Pep8, tao3d, Textadept, VLC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 262 1.3
QtScript - Programming language QtScript ======== QtScript is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3753 on PLDB 16 Years Old QtScript is a scripting engine that has been part of the Qt cross-platform application framework since version 4.3.0. The scripting language is based on the ECMAScript standard with a few extensions, such as QObject-style signal and slot connections. The library contains the engine, and a C++ API for evaluating QtScript code and exposing custom QObject-derived C++ classes to QtScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
QUADRIL - Programming language QUADRIL ======= QUADRIL is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3538 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of QUADRIL happened in Boeing Computer Services Co - QUADRIL on HOPL QUADRIL on HOPL - Read more about QUADRIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
quaint-lang - Programming language quaint-lang =========== quaint-lang is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2159 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone An experimental statically typed procedural language with first-class resumable functions. - Tags: programming language - quaint-lang is developed on GitHub and has 58 stars - Early development of quaint-lang happened in - quaint-lang is written in C, Markdown, XML, Make HackerNews discussions of quaint-lang ===================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Quaint – a statically typed language with seamless resumable functions||04/15/2016|4|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Quaint - Text markup language Quaint ====== Quaint is a text markup language created in 2014 by Olivier Breuleux. 2014 Olivier Breuleux #1367 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Quaint is a markup language that you can use to write documents. It is similar to Markdown, but it is more powerful and more extensible. - Tags: text markup language - Quaint is developed on GitHub and has 33 stars - Early development of Quaint happened in - Quaint is written in JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, CSS - See also: (2 related languages) Markdown, Scroll ;; Edit me! meta :: title = My Resume author = My Name = meta::title Hello, my name is __meta::author and this is meta::title~! I have many skills: * Pirate skills * Eye patch * Peg leg * _Ninja skills css :: .invisible { color: transparent; } # span.invisible % Stealth! # Nunchakus * Robot skills * Beep! Boop! * I can also cook! + Meal + Can I cook it? + How good? | Potatoes | Yes | Delicious | Steak | Yes | Rare | Egg salad | You bet! | Decadent | Cheesecake | Yes!!! | Oh my god My website is @@{web}. Find me on Google@@! It's easy as 2 + 2 = {2 + 2}! web => Please embed my `code on your website: javascript & function virus() { alert("AAAAAAAAHHH"); } @@image:assets/quaint-small.png Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ;; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ;; A comment Token ;; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 323 1.6
Quake - Programming language Quake ===== Quake is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1274 on PLDB 23 Years Old 1 Repos Quake is a simple, specialized language and its interpreter drawing on elements of the C language, the Bourne shell, and the C pre-processor. The cm3 compiler includes a quake interpreter as its extension language. In fact, the configuration file, cm3.cfg, and m3makefiles are quake scripts. Quake was designed to be a simple extension language for the builder. Building a complete, general-purpose language was not one of the goals. Cm3 calls out to quake every time it needs to do something that needs to be specialized such as compiling C files or linking. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1 Quake repos on GitHub - Early development of Quake happened in DEC - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Quake - Read more about Quake on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. proc simple(prefix, suffix) is q = prefix & "." & suffix end include(ROOT & "/m3overrides") M3_FRONT_FLAGS += "-vsdebug" _M3BUNDLE_OVERRIDE = "T" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 257 1.3
QuakeC - Programming language QuakeC ====== QuakeC is a programming language created in 1996 by John Carmack. 1996 John Carmack #1240 on PLDB 28 Years Old QuakeC is an interpreted language developed in 1996 by John Carmack of id Software to program parts of the video game Quake. Using QuakeC, a programmer is able to customize Quake to great extents by adding weapons, changing game logic and physics, and programming complex scenarios. It can be used to control many aspects of the game itself, such as parts of the AI, triggers, or changes in the level. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of QuakeC happened in id Software LLC - Explore QuakeC snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (2 related languages) C, Linux bprint("Hello World\n"); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token bprint Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 221 1.1
Quanta - Programming language Quanta ====== Quanta is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #4390 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Quanta happened in University of Westminster - Quanta on HOPL Quanta on HOPL - Read more about Quanta on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
QUEL - Query language QUEL ==== QUEL is a query language created in 1976 by Michael Stonebraker. 1976 Michael Stonebraker #1808 on PLDB 48 Years Old QUEL is a relational database query language, based on tuple relational calculus, with some similarities to SQL. It was created as a part of the Ingres DBMS effort at University of California Berkeley, based on Codd's earlier suggested but not implemented Data Sub-Language ALPHA. QUEL was used for a short time in most products based on the freely available Ingres source code, most notably in an implementation called POSTQUEL supported by POSTGRES. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of QUEL happened in University of California Berkeley - See also: (1 related languages) SQL range of E is EMPLOYEE retrieve into W (COMP = E.Salary / (E.Age - 18)) where E.Name = "Jones" retrieve (a=count(y.i by y.d where y.str = "ii*" or y.str = "foo"),b=max(count(y.i by y.d))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
Query by Example - Programming language Query by Example ================ Query by Example is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #1592 on PLDB 55 Years Old Query by Example (QBE) is a database query language for relational databases. It was devised by Moshé M. Zloof at IBM Research during the mid-1970s, in parallel to the development of SQL. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Query by Example happened in IBM - Query by Example on HOPL Query by Example on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) SQL, GraphQL - Read more about Query by Example on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Query by Example: SBA SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE City='Sampleton' AND Zipcode='12345'; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Queue - Programming language Queue ===== Queue is a programming language created in 2019 by John W. Cowan. 2019 John W. Cowan #4391 on PLDB 5 Years Old A small programming language related to Joy, but based on queues rather than a stack. The implementation is also in Chicken Scheme. - Tags: programming language - Queue is written in CHICKEN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
quexal - Esoteric programming language quexal ====== quexal is an esoteric programming language created in 2007. 2007 #3539 on PLDB 17 Years Old Quetzal (pronounced ket-sal) is a tangible programming language designed for children and novice programmers to control LEGO MINDSTORMS robots. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of quexal happened in Tufts University - First announcement of quexal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Quick Macros - Programming language Quick Macros ============ Quick Macros is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4392 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Quick Macros happened in - Quick Macros on HOPL Quick Macros on HOPL - Read more about Quick Macros on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
QuickBASIC - Programming language QuickBASIC ========== QuickBASIC is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #1791 on PLDB 39 Years Old Microsoft QuickBASIC (also QB) is an Integrated Development Environment (or IDE) and compiler for the BASIC programming language that was developed by Microsoft. QuickBASIC runs mainly on DOS, though there was a short-lived version for the classic Mac OS. It is loosely based on GW-BASIC but adds user-defined types, improved programming structures, better graphics and disk support and a compiler in addition to the interpreter. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of QuickBASIC happened in Microsoft - QuickBASIC on HOPL QuickBASIC on HOPL - See also: (9 related languages) QBasic, BASIC, GW-BASIC, Visual Basic, Linux, FreeBASIC, QB64, PowerBASIC, Turbo Basic REM sample of bubble sort N = 10 DIM A(N) AS INTEGER FOR L = 1 TO N A(L) = INT(RND * 10 + 1) NEXT FOR X = 1 TO N FOR Y = 1 TO N - 1 IF A(X) < A(Y) THEN SWAP A(X), A(Y) NEXT NEXT FOR L = 1 TO N PRINT A(L) NEXT END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 258 1.3
QuickJS - Virtual machine QuickJS ======= QuickJS is a virtual machine created in 2019 by Fabrice Bellard. 2019 Fabrice Bellard #575 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone QuickJS is a small and embeddable Javascript engine. It supports the ES2023 specification including modules, asynchronous generators, proxies and BigInt. It optionally supports mathematical extensions such as big decimal floating point numbers (BigDecimal), big binary floating point numbers (BigFloat) and operator overloading. - Tags: virtual machine - QuickJS is developed on GitHub and has 8,270 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
quicklisp-pm - Package manager quicklisp-pm ============ quicklisp-pm is a package manager created in 2010 by Zach Beane. 2010 Zach Beane #945 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Quicklisp client. - Tags: packageManager - quicklisp-pm is developed on GitHub and has 291 stars - Early development of quicklisp-pm happened in - quicklisp-pm is written in Lisp, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
quicksight-app - Application quicksight-app ============== quicksight-app is an application created in 2015. 2015 #3702 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of quicksight-app happened in Amazon Web Services - Read more about quicksight-app on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
QUIKSCRIPT - Programming language QUIKSCRIPT ========== QUIKSCRIPT is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #2670 on PLDB 59 Years Old QUIKSCRIPT is a simulation language derived from SIMSCRIPT, based on 20-GATE.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - First announcement of QUIKSCRIPT - QUIKSCRIPT on HOPL QUIKSCRIPT on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) SIMSCRIPT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
QUIKTRAN - Programming language QUIKTRAN ======== QUIKTRAN is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #4393 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of QUIKTRAN happened in IBM - QUIKTRAN on HOPL QUIKTRAN on HOPL - Read more about QUIKTRAN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
QUILT - Programming language QUILT ===== QUILT is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3540 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of QUILT happened in San Diego State University - QUILT on HOPL QUILT on HOPL - Read more about QUILT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Quint - Programming language Quint ===== Quint is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #960 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A modern and executable specification language. - Tags: programming language - Quint is developed on GitHub and has 732 stars - TLA+ influenced the design of Quint - Quint is written in TypeScript, JSON, Markdown, SVG, Bourne shell, XML, JavaScript, Make, YAML, Nix, Java, Lisp, Tex, Python, JSX, HTML, CSS, Protocol Buffers, Vim script /// A state variable to store the balance of each account var balances: str -> int pure val ADDRESSES = Set("alice", "bob", "charlie") action withdraw(account, amount) = { // Decrement balance of account by amount // Whoops, we forgot to check for enough balance balances' = balances.setBy(account, curr => curr - amount) } // ... /// Invariant: Account balances should never be negative val no_negatives = ADDRESSES.forall(addr => balances.get(addr) >= 0 ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
Qunity - Programming language Qunity ====== Qunity is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #3541 on PLDB 2 Years Old Qunity: A Unified Language for Quantum and Classical Computing - Tags: programming language - Early development of Qunity happened in University of Maryland and University of Chicago and Amazon - Read more about Qunity on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
quorum - Programming language quorum ====== quorum is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1983 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of quorum happened in University of Washington - Read more about quorum on the web: 1. 1. output "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token output Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
QUTE - Programming language QUTE ==== QUTE is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #2565 on PLDB 38 Years Old Qute is a Japanese video game company created in 1999. Apart from game development, they offer technology consultancy in other areas such as health care or graphic design.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of QUTE happened in University of Tokyo - QUTE on HOPL QUTE on HOPL - Read more about QUTE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Quty - Programming language Quty ==== Quty is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4394 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Quty happened in Tohoku University - Quty on HOPL Quty on HOPL - Read more about Quty on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
R - Programming language R = R is an open source programming language created in 1993 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman. 1993 Ross Ihaka Robert Gentleman #17 on PLDB 31 Years Old 690k Repos R is an open source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics that is supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis. Polls, surveys of data miners, and studies of scholarly literature databases show that R's popularity has increased substantially in recent years. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - There are at least 689,533 R repos on GitHub - Early development of R happened in University of Auckland - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 20k users using R in 29k repos on GitHub - Check out the 84 R meetup groups on - There are 29,980 members in the R subreddit - There are 1,329 Project Euler users using R - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey R programmers reported a median salary of $59,454. 5% of respondents reported using R. 4,185 programmers reported using R, and 4,015 said they wanted to use it - Explore R snippets on Rosetta Code - R on HOPL R on HOPL - R ranks #11 in the TIOBE Index - R Ubuntu package R Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for R - R LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting R - Monaco package for syntax highlighting R - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for R - R appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn R on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for R - There are 2 central package repositories for R: 1. 2. 1. 2. - has 3,912 matches for "r data scientist". - was registered in 1999 - See also: (25 related languages) Common Lisp, S, Scheme, Julia, C, Fortran, Java, Python, LaTeX, APL, MATLAB, GNU Octave, Knitr, Sweave, UTF-8, RStudio, Eclipse, Emacs, LyX, Perl, Ruby, F#, SPSS, Stata, Mathematica - 38 PLDB concepts link to R: Ace Editor, Apache Arrow, Catala, checked-c, cloc, dexvis, dplyr, Eiffel, HAL Format, highlight.js, Ibis, invokator, JSL, Lux, mal, MongoDB, Nit, Node.js, Observable Framework, Ohayo, oil, Particles, Pygments, Racket, raptorjit, Red, Ren-C, Revolution, RMarkdown, Rye, SciPy, spry, Statsplorer, Tea, tidyverse, v8, Xgboost, XGBoost print("Hello, world!") cat("Hello World") # Hello World in R cat("Hello world\n") hello <- function() { print("hello, world!") } hello() install.packages("caTools") # install external package library(caTools) # external package providing write.gif function jet.colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")) dx <- 400 # define width dy <- 400 # define height C <- complex( real=rep(seq(-2.2, 1.0, length.out=dx), each=dy ), imag=rep(seq(-1.2, 1.2, length.out=dy), dx ) ) C <- matrix(C,dy,dx) # reshape as square matrix of complex numbers Z <- 0 # initialize Z to zero X <- array(0, c(dy,dx,20)) # initialize output 3D array for (k in 1:20) { # loop with 20 iterations Z <- Z^2+C # the central difference equation X[,,k] <- exp(-abs(Z)) # capture results } write.gif(X, "Mandelbrot.gif", col=jet.colors, delay=100) if else repeat while function for in next break TRUE FALSE NULL Inf NaN NA NA_integer_ NA_real_ NA_complex_ NA_character_ ... Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example print("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Pipes FeatureLink ../features/hasPipes.html Supported ✓ Example # R has pipes via a library like dplyr starwars %>% filter(species == "Droid") Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Lazy Evaluation FeatureLink ../features/hasLazyEvaluation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example source("filename.r") Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example ! x x & y x && y x | y x || y xor(x, y) Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 950 4.8
R2ML - Xml format R2ML ==== R2ML is a xml format created in 2003. 2003 #2663 on PLDB 21 Years Old The REWERSE Rule Markup Language (R2ML) is developed by the REWERSE Working Group I1 for the purpose of rules interchange between different systems and tools.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of R2ML happened in Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - was registered in 2003 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
r3 - Programming language r3 == r3 is a programming language created in 2021 by Pablo H. Reda. 2021 Pablo H. Reda #1734 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone r3 programing language - ColorForth inspired - Tags: programming language - r3 is developed on GitHub and has 50 stars - Early development of r3 happened in - r3 is written in F#, GLSL, XML, Assembly language, CSV, Markdown - See also: (1 related languages) Forth Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
r4 - Programming language r4 == r4 is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #1633 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone :r4 concatenative programming language with ideas from ColorForth. - Tags: programming language - r4 is developed on GitHub and has 122 stars - Early development of r4 happened in - r4 is written in Assembly language, SVG, Markdown, XML, Lisp, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
ra - Programming language ra == ra is a programming language created in 2015 by Omar Ahmad. 2015 Omar Ahmad #3703 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of ra ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Ra||02/21/2015|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
RACK - Programming language RACK ==== RACK is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3542 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RACK happened in RAND - RACK on HOPL RACK on HOPL - Read more about RACK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Racket - Programming language Racket ====== Racket is an open source programming language created in 1994 by Matthias Felleisen and Matthew Flatt and Robert Bruce Findler and Shriram Krishnamurthi. 1994 Matthias Felleisen Matthew Flatt Robert Bruce Findler Shriram Krishnamurthi #41 on PLDB 30 Years Old 18k Repos git clone Racket is a general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp-Scheme family. One of its design goals is to serve as a platform for language creation, design, and implementation. The language is used in a variety of contexts such as scripting, general-purpose programming, computer science education, and research. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - Racket is developed on GitHub and has 4,741 stars - There are at least 17,790 Racket repos on GitHub - Early development of Racket happened in PLT Inc. - Racket is written in Racket, C, Scheme, M4, Assembly language, Bourne shell, JSON, Tex, XML, Make, Markdown, Diff, YAML, Pascal, C++, Expect, Ada, HTML, C#, Meson, Python, CSS, JavaScript, C shell, Perl, SaltStack, Bash, IDL, R, CMake, SAS, Dockerfile, PowerShell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Racket in 4k repos on GitHub - Check out the 6 Racket meetup groups on - There are 316 Project Euler users using Racket - Explore Racket snippets on Rosetta Code - Racket appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Racket - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Racket - Learn Racket on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Racket - There is a central package repository for Racket - has 1 matches for "racket engineer". - was registered in 2010 - See also: (16 related languages) X86, PowerPC, SPARC, MIPS architecture, ARM, Scheme, Eiffel, Rust, Clojure, Lisp, Java, Unicode, JSON, Unix, Linux, Arc - 25 PLDB concepts link to Racket: cloc, datafun, eskew, fructure-editor, GHC, Hackett, Liso, mal, Mu, p4p, Particles, pie-lang, Pycket, Pygments, Racket, remix, rockstar-rkt, scribble, sham, shill, Slideshow, t-lang, turnstile-plus, video, Zuo #lang racket/base (display "Hello, world!\n") #lang racket "Hello World" ;; Hello world in Racket #lang racket/base "Hello, World!" ; Clean, simple and efficient code -- that's the power of Racket! ; (define (bottles n more) (printf "~a bottle~a of beer~a" (case n [(0) "no more"] [(1) "1"] [else n]) (if (= n 1) "" "s") more)) (for ([n (in-range 99 0 -1)]) (bottles n " on the wall, ") (bottles n ".\n") (printf "Take one down and pass it around, ") (bottles (sub1 n) " on the wall.\n\n")) (displayln "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.") (displayln "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.") #lang typed/racket (: fact (Integer -> Integer)) (define (fact n) (cond [(zero? n) 1] [else (* n (fact (- n 1)))])) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token display row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example (module nest racket (provide (for-syntax meta-eggs) (for-meta 1 meta-chicks) num-eggs) (define-for-syntax meta-eggs 2) (define-for-syntax meta-chicks 3) (define num-eggs 2)) Token row Feature Prefix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPrefixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example (+ 1 2 3) Token row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example (mixin (interface-expr ...) (interface-expr ...) class-clause ...) Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example ; (define-syntax-rule (swap x y) (let ([tmp x]) (set! x y) (set! y tmp))) Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example (require (prefix-in tcp: racket/tcp)) Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Symbol Tables FeatureLink ../features/hasSymbolTables.html Supported ✓ Example ;; Some programming languages allow the symbol table to be manipulated at run-time, so that symbols can be added at any time. Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 849 4.2
raco-pm - Package manager raco-pm ======= raco-pm is a package manager created in 2012. 2012 #2767 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of raco-pm happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
Radish - Programming language Radish ====== Radish is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #3060 on PLDB 2 Years Old Radish Programming Language - Tags: programming language - Early development of Radish happened in - Read more about Radish on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Ragel - Programming language Ragel ===== Ragel is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #671 on PLDB 17 Years Old 66 Repos git clone Ragel is a finite-state machine compiler and a parser generator. Initially Ragel supported output for C, C++ and Assembly source code,. Although subsequently extended to support several other languages (said to be Objective C, D, Go, Ruby, and Java) this support of other languages was withdrawn . Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Ragel is developed on GitHub and has 156 stars - There are at least 66 Ragel repos on GitHub - Early development of Ragel happened in - Ragel is written in C++, Make, Bourne shell, Vim script, awk, M4, OCaml, Tex, Ruby, Lex - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 295 users using Ragel in 317 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Ragel - See also: (9 related languages) C, D, Go, Ruby, Java, Regular Expressions, ASCII, XUML, Umple =begin %%{ machine simple_scanner; action Emit { emit data[(ts+8)..(te-7)].pack('c*') } foo = 'STARTFOO' any+ :>> 'ENDFOO'; main := |* foo => Emit; any; *|; }%% =end # Scans a file for "STARTFOO[...]ENDFOO" blocks and outputs their contents. # # ENV['CHUNK_SIZE'] determines how much of the file to read in at a time, allowing you to control memory usage. # # Uses ragel's scanner functionality even though it's not strictly necessary. class SimpleScanner attr_reader :path def initialize(path) @path = path %% write data; # % (this fixes syntax highlighting) end def emit(foo) $stdout.puts foo end def perform # So that ragel doesn't try to get it from data.length pe = :ignored eof = :ignored %% write init; # % (this fixes syntax highlighting) leftover = [] do |f| while chunk =['CHUNK_SIZE'].to_i) data = leftover + chunk.unpack('c*') p ||= 0 pe = data.length %% write exec; # % (this fixes syntax highlighting) if ts leftover = data[] p = p - ts ts = 0 else leftover = [] p = 0 end end end end end s = ARGV[0] s.perform Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # [+-]?[0-9]+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 490 2.5
Ruby on Rails - Framework Ruby on Rails ============= Ruby on Rails is an open source framework created in 2005 by David Heinemeier Hansson. 2005 David Heinemeier Hansson #163 on PLDB 19 Years Old Ruby on Rails, or Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. It encourages and facilitates the use of web standards such as JSON or XML for data transfer, and HTML, CSS and JavaScript for display and user interfacing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - Early development of Ruby on Rails happened in - has 4,423 matches for "rails engineer". - was registered in 2004 - See also: (16 related languages) Ruby, JSON, XML, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CoffeeScript, Sass, REST, Nginx, SOAP, ERB, JRuby, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Scala class HelloWorld < app print "Hello World" end end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
rainbow - Programming language rainbow ======= rainbow is an open source programming language created in 2009. 2009 #1664 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Rainbow is an implementation of Arc in Java. It is fairly complete, providing continuations and tail-call optimization. - Tags: programming language - rainbow is developed on GitHub and has 58 stars - Early development of rainbow happened in - rainbow is written in Java, Scheme, XML, Bourne shell, JavaScript, HTML, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Raku - Programming language Raku ==== Raku is a programming language created in 2015 by Larry Wall. 2015 Larry Wall #428 on PLDB 9 Years Old 3k Repos Raku is a member of the Perl family of programming languages. Formerly known as Perl 6, it was renamed in October 2019.While historically several interpreter and compiler implementations were being written, today only the Rakudo implementation is in active development. Raku introduces elements of many modern and historical languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,521 Raku repos on GitHub - Early development of Raku happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Raku in 2k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Raku - Learn Raku on exercism. - was registered in 1999 - 8 PLDB concepts link to Raku: Ace Editor, Alma, cloc, Muldis, Pygments, Rakudo, Star, TestML grammar Parser { rule TOP { I <love> <lang> } token love { '♥' | love } token lang { < Raku Perl Rust Go Python Ruby > } } say Parser.parse: 'I ♥ Raku'; # OUTPUT: 「I ♥ Raku」 love => 「♥」 lang => 「Raku」 say Parser.parse: 'I love Perl'; # OUTPUT: 「I love Perl」 love => 「love」 lang => 「Perl」 start { sleep 1.5; print "hi" } await Supply.from-list(<A B C D E F>).throttle: 2, { sleep 0.5; .print } # OUTPUT: ABCDhiEF # No floating point noise: say 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3; # OUTPUT: True say (1/13 + 3/7 + 3/8).perl; # OUTPUT: <641/728> # Infinite list of primes: my @primes = ^∞ .grep: *.is-prime; say "1001ˢᵗ prime is @primes[1000]"; # Lazily read words from a file .say for '50TB.file.txt'.IO.words; say "Hello World"; # used in t/spec/S11-modules/nested.t BEGIN { @*INC.push('t/spec/packages') }; module A::A { use A::B; } # vim: ft=perl6 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" 'Hello world' Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token say row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Function Composition FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionComposition.html Supported ✓ Example my &foo = &f ∘ &g; Token row Feature Refinement Types FeatureLink ../features/hasRefinementTypes.html Supported ✓ Example subset Color of Any where Color | CMYK_Color; Token row Feature hasGradualTypes FeatureLink ../features/hasGradualTypes.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 573 2.9
Rakudo - Programming language Rakudo ====== Rakudo is a programming language created in 2006 by Patrick Michaud. 2006 Patrick Michaud #715 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone 🦋 Rakudo – Raku on MoarVM, JVM, and JS - Tags: programming language, compiler - Rakudo is developed on GitHub and has 1,719 stars - Rakudo is an implementation of Raku - Rakudo is written in Raku, Markdown, C, Perl, Java, PowerShell, Bourne shell, JavaScript, JSON, YAML, C++, CSV, SVG, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
ralph - Programming language ralph ===== ralph is a programming language created in 2010 by Bastian Müller. 2010 Bastian Müller #1593 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Ralph is a Lisp-1 dialect that compiles to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - ralph is developed on GitHub and has 73 stars - Early development of ralph happened in - ralph is written in JavaScript, Bourne shell, HTML, C, Lisp, Markdown, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
RamdaScript - Programming language RamdaScript =========== RamdaScript is a programming language created in 2016 by Yosbel Marín. 2016 Yosbel Marín #1457 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone :ram: Lisp that compiles to JavaScript in the Ramda way - Tags: programming language - RamdaScript is developed on GitHub and has 133 stars - RamdaScript compiles to JavaScript - RamdaScript is written in JavaScript, Markdown, HTML, Yacc, JSON, Lex, YAML, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
ramen - Programming language ramen ===== ramen is a programming language created in 2017 by Cedric Cellier. 2017 Cedric Cellier #1923 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A stream processing language and compiler for small-scale monitoring - Tags: programming language - ramen is developed on GitHub and has 14 stars - Early development of ramen happened in - ramen is written in OCaml, PHP, Gherkin, Bourne shell, CSV, C, M4, SVG, Ruby, AsciiDoc, Make, CSS, Bash, C++, YAML, Nix, HTML HackerNews discussions of ramen =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: A stream processing language and compiler for small-scale monitoring||04/06/2018|4|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
Ramis software - Programming language Ramis software ============== Ramis software is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3232 on PLDB 64 Years Old RAMIS (Random Access Management Information System) is a fourth-generation programming language (4GL) capable of creating and maintaining databases consisting of named files containing both numeric and alphabetic fields and subsequently producing detailed simple or complex reports using a very simple English like language. As such it is easily mastered by non-programmers. A typical program - either to create or maintain a database or to create quite complex reports - would normally consist of a handful of lines of code which could be written or understood by non-professional programmers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ramis software happened in Mathtech, Inc - Ramis software on HOPL Ramis software on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) FOCUS, COBOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
RAML - Yaml format RAML ==== RAML, aka RESTful API Modeling Language, is an open source yaml format created in 2013. 2013 #176 on PLDB 11 Years Old 4k Repos git clone RAML Specification - Tags: yamlFormat - RAML is developed on GitHub and has 3,867 stars - There are at least 4,190 RAML repos on GitHub - Early development of RAML happened in - RAML is written in Markdown, JSON, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 416 users using RAML in 472 repos on GitHub - RAML LSP implementation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for RAML - 1 PLDB concepts link to RAML: cloc #%RAML 0.8 title: World Music API baseUri:{version} version: v1 traits: - paged: queryParameters: pages: description: The number of pages to return type: number - secured: !include /songs: is: [ paged, secured ] get: queryParameters: genre: description: filter the songs by genre post: /{songId}: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: schema: | { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "description": "A canonical song", "properties": { "title": { "type": "string" }, "artist": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "title", "artist" ] } application/xml: delete: description: | This method will *delete* an **individual song** Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 293 1.5
RAND-ABEL - Programming language RAND-ABEL ========= RAND-ABEL is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4929 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - RAND-ABEL on HOPL RAND-ABEL on HOPL - Read more about RAND-ABEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
rant - Programming language rant ==== rant is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #831 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone (Obsolete) Archive of Rant 3.x. - Tags: programming language - rant is developed on GitHub and has 2,964 stars - Early development of rant happened in - rant is written in C#, Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, XML, YAML, CSS, SVG, JSON HackerNews discussions of rant ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Rant, a procedural text generation language||12/07/2014|155|36 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
RAPID - Programming language RAPID ===== RAPID is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2403 on PLDB 30 Years Old RAPID is a high-level programming language used to control ABB industrial robots. RAPID was introduced along with S4 Control System in 1994 by ABB, superseding the ARLA programming language. Features in the language include: Routine parameters: Procedures - used as a subprogram. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RAPID happened in ABB Group - RAPID on HOPL RAPID on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
RapidBatch - Programming language RapidBatch ========== RapidBatch is a programming language created in 2017 by Jan Max Meyer. 2017 Jan Max Meyer #2005 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Scripting language; compiler and virtual machine - Tags: programming language - RapidBatch is developed on GitHub and has 10 stars - Early development of RapidBatch happened in Phorward Software Technologies - RapidBatch is written in HTML, Ruby, C, C++, CSS, Bourne shell, XML, Markdown, Make, Ring - RapidBatch on HOPL RapidBatch on HOPL - Read more about RapidBatch on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
rapidgen-rpl - Programming language rapidgen-rpl ============ rapidgen-rpl is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4395 on PLDB 41 Years Old RapidGen translates the XML into a concise and transparent format of decision tables for decision logic programming —RPL— a rich, purpose-built language developed by the company. Supports high speed execution of decision models. Is capable of processing large data volumes. Preserves traceability to the original DMN model. - Tags: programming language - Early development of rapidgen-rpl happened in RapidGen Software Ltd Days_leave <- 22 AGE < 18 Y N N N N ELSE AGE >= 60 N Y - N N - SERVICE >= 30 N - Y N N - SERVICE >= 15 N - - Y N - AGE >= 45 N - - - Y - Days_leave + 5 X X X . . . Days_leave + 2 . . . X X . Days_leave + 3 . X X . . . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
RapidQ - Programming language RapidQ ====== RapidQ is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #2905 on PLDB 24 Years Old RapidQ (also known as Rapid-Q) is a free, cross-platform, semi-object-oriented dialect of the BASIC programming language. It can create console, graphical user interface, and Common Gateway Interface applications. The integrated development environment includes a drag-and-drop form designer, syntax highlighting, and single-button compilation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RapidQ happened in - Explore RapidQ snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, Unix, Solaris, MySQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
RAPIDWRITE - Programming language RAPIDWRITE ========== RAPIDWRITE is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #4396 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RAPIDWRITE happened in International Computers and Tabulators Ltd - RAPIDWRITE on HOPL RAPIDWRITE on HOPL - Read more about RAPIDWRITE on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Rapira - Programming language Rapira ====== Rapira is an open source programming language created in 1987 by Andrey Ershov. 1987 Andrey Ershov #909 on PLDB 37 Years Old git clone Rapira is also a name for the T-12 antitank gun. Rapira (Russian: Рапира, rapier) is an educational procedural programming language developed in the Soviet Union and implemented on Agat computer, PDP-11 clones (Electronika, DVK, BK series) and Intel-8080/Z80 clones (Korvet). It was an interpreted language with dynamic type system and high level constructions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Rapira is developed on GitHub and has 31 stars - Rapira is written in C++, Make, Markdown - Explore Rapira snippets on Rosetta Code - Rapira is written with the native language of Russian - Rapira on HOPL Rapira on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) POP-2, SETL, Algol - Read more about Rapira on the web: 1. 1. вывод: "Hello, world!" output: "Hello World"; proc start() output: 'Hello, world!!!'; end proc Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token output: Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
raptor - Visual programming language raptor ====== raptor is a visual programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2498 on PLDB 9 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language raptor. RAPTOR is a flowchart-based programming environment, designed specifically to help students visualize their algorithms and avoid syntactic baggage. - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of raptor happened in US Air Force Academy Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
raptorjit - Programming language raptorjit ========= raptorjit is a programming language created in 2009 by Mike Pall. 2009 Mike Pall #1200 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone RaptorJIT: A dynamic language for system programming (LuaJIT fork) - Tags: programming language - raptorjit is developed on GitHub and has 834 stars - Early development of raptorjit happened in - raptorjit is written in Lua, C, HTML, Nix, Markdown, CSS, Make, R, Assembly language, C++, Pascal, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Rascal - Grammar language Rascal ====== Rascal is an open source grammar language created in 2013. 2013 #579 on PLDB 11 Years Old 722 Repos git clone Rascal is an experimental domain specific language for metaprogramming, such as static code analysis, program transformation and implementation of domain specific languages. It is a general meta language in the sense that it does not have a bias for any particular software language. It includes primitives from relational calculus and term rewriting. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Rascal is developed on GitHub and has 398 stars - There are at least 722 Rascal repos on GitHub - Early development of Rascal happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 99 users using Rascal in 107 repos on GitHub - Explore Rascal snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Rascal - was registered in 2010 - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Unix, ANTLR module Syntax extend lang::std::Layout; extend lang::std::Id; start syntax Machine = machine: State+ states; syntax State = @Foldable state: "state" Id name Trans* out; syntax Trans = trans: Id event ":" Id to; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
RascalMPL - Programming language RascalMPL ========= RascalMPL is an open source programming language created in 2010. 2010 #1968 on PLDB 14 Years Old Rascal is an experimental domain specific language for metaprogramming, such as static code analysis, program transformation and implementation of domain specific languages. It is a general meta language in the sense that it does not have a bias for any particular software language. It includes primitives from relational calculus and term rewriting. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RascalMPL happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica - was registered in 2010 - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Unix, ANTLR Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
rason - Programming language rason ===== rason is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2596 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of rason happened in Frontline Systems Inc - was registered in 2003 - See also: (3 related languages) AMPL, GAMS, SIMAN - 1 PLDB concepts link to rason: GNU Linear Programming Kit { data : { "price" : { value: 200 }, "capacity" : { value: 100 }, "sold" : { value: 110 }, "refund_no_shows" : { value: 0.5 }, "refund_overbook" : { value: 1.25 } }, uncertainVariables : { "no_shows" : { formula: "PsiLogNormal(0.1*sold, 0.06*sold)" } }, formulas : { "show_ups" : { formula: "sold - Round(no_shows, 0)" }, "overbook" : { formula: "Max(0, show_ups - capacity)" } }, uncertainFunctions : { "revenue" : { formula: "price*(sold - refund_no_shows * Round(no_shows, 0) - refund_overbook * overbook)", mean : [], stdev: [], max : [], min : [] } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
RASP - Programming language RASP ==== RASP is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2693 on PLDB 36 Years Old A rasp is a tool used for shaping wood or other material. Rasp or RASP may also refer to: Ranger Assessment and Selection Program, the United States Army Rangers selection and training RASP computing model, random-access stored-program machine The Rasp, a book by Philip MacDonald Residents Against SARP Pollution Runtime application self-protection. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RASP happened in University of Belgrade - RASP on HOPL RASP on HOPL - Read more about RASP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Ratfiv - Programming language Ratfiv ====== Ratfiv is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2963 on PLDB 44 Years Old Ratfiv is an enhanced version of the Ratfor programming language, a preprocessor for Fortran designed to give it C-like capabilities. Fortran was widely used for scientific programming but had very basic control-flow primitives ("do" and "goto") and no "macro" facility which limited its expressiveness. The name of the language is a pun (Ratfor (RATional FORtran) -> "Rat Four" -> "Rat Five" -> RatFiv). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ratfiv happened in Institute for Cancer Research - See also: (3 related languages) Fortran, C, RATFOR Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
RATFOR - Programming language RATFOR ====== RATFOR is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #1009 on PLDB 48 Years Old Ratfor (short for Rational Fortran) is a programming language implemented as a preprocessor for Fortran 66. It provided modern control structures, unavailable in Fortran 66, to replace GOTOs and statement numbers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RATFOR happened in Stanford University - RATFOR on HOPL RATFOR on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Fortran, C, Unix, Ratfiv - 1 PLDB concepts link to RATFOR: EFL PRINT *, 'Hello, world!' END print *, 'Hello World' end IF (A .GT. B) THEN MAX = A ELSE MAX = B ENDIF Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
RATSNO - Programming language RATSNO ====== RATSNO is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3155 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RATSNO happened in Yale University - RATSNO on HOPL RATSNO on HOPL - Read more about RATSNO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about RATSNO on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
Ravenscar profile - Programming language Ravenscar profile ================= Ravenscar profile is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3658 on PLDB 27 Years Old The Ravenscar profile is a subset of the Ada tasking features designed for safety-critical hard real-time computing. It was defined by a separate technical report in Ada 95; it is now part of the Ada 2012 Standard. It has been named after the English village of Ravenscar, the location of the 8th International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW 8).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ravenscar profile happened in University of York - See also: (2 related languages) Ada, Apache Spark pragma Task_Dispatching_Policy (FIFO_Within_Priorities); pragma Locking_Policy (Ceiling_Locking); pragma Detect_Blocking; pragma Restrictions ( No_Abort_Statements, No_Dynamic_Attachment, No_Dynamic_Priorities, No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations, No_Local_Protected_Objects, No_Local_Timing_Events, No_Protected_Type_Allocators, No_Relative_Delay, No_Requeue_Statements, No_Select_Statements, No_Specific_Termination_Handlers, No_Task_Allocators, No_Task_Hierarchy, No_Task_Termination, Simple_Barriers, Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 1, Max_Protected_Entries => 1, Max_Task_Entries => 0, No_Dependence => Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control, No_Dependence => Ada.Calendar, No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Group_Budget, No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Timers, No_Dependence => Ada.Task_Attributes); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
Razor - Template language Razor ===== Razor is a template language created in 2010. 2010 #2552 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: template language - Early development of Razor happened in Microsoft - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Razor - 4 PLDB concepts link to Razor: Ace Editor, cloc, Mond, PowerShell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 104 0.5
rbasic - Programming language rbasic ====== rbasic is a programming language created in 1985 by Mike Welch. 1985 Mike Welch #3543 on PLDB 39 Years Old RBASIC was an in-house language, written by Mike Welch of Hemet, California, in 1985, for Diversified Data Design (DDD), currently in Culver City, California, for use at DDD's customer Medi-Sec, formerly of Santa Monica, CA. DDD was run by Horace Clark at the time, Medi-Sec was run by Neal Green. RBASIC was a dialect of BASIC with an included relational database. - Tags: programming language - Early development of rbasic happened in Diversified Data Design - Read more about rbasic on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
rbs - Header lang rbs === rbs is a header lang created in 2020. 2020 #2188 on PLDB 4 Years Old We defined a new language called RBS for type signatures for Ruby 3. The signatures are written in .rbs files which is different from Ruby code. You can consider the .rbs files are similar to .d.ts files in TypeScript or .h files in C/C++/ObjC. The benefit of having different files is it doesn't require changing Ruby code to start type checking. You can opt-in type checking safely without changing any part of your workflow. - Tags: headerLang - Early development of rbs happened in Square Capital, LLC - See also: (1 related languages) Ruby - Read more about rbs on the web: 1. 1. # sig/merchant.rbs class Merchant attr_reader token: String attr_reader name: String attr_reader employees: Array[Employee] def initialize(token: String, name: String) -> void def each_employee: () { (Employee) -> void } -> void | () -> Enumerator[Employee, void] end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
rbscript - Programming language rbscript ======== rbscript is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3156 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about rbscript on the web: 1. 1. Dim years, days As Integer years = Val(Input("")) // Prompt the user to enter a value days = years * 365 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
Rc - Programming language Rc == Rc is a programming language created in 1989 by Tom Duff. 1989 Tom Duff #978 on PLDB 35 Years Old rc (for "run commands") is the command line interpreter for Version 10 Unix and Plan 9 from Bell Labs operating systems. It resembles the Bourne shell, but its syntax is somewhat simpler. It was created by Tom Duff, who is better known for an unusual C programming language construct ("Duff's device"). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rc happened in Bell Labs - See also: (4 related languages) Bourne shell, C, Algol, Bash echo Hello, world! a |[2] b # pipe only standard error of a to b — in Bourne shell as a 3>&2 2>&1 >&3 | b a <>b # opens b as a's standard input and standard output a <{b} <{c} # becomes a {standard output of b} {standard output of c} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
RC++ - Programming language RC++ ==== RC++ is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3544 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RC++ happened in IKuni Inc and Imperial College - RC++ on HOPL RC++ on HOPL - Read more about RC++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about RC++ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
rdata-format - Binary data format rdata-format ============ rdata-format is a binary data format created in 2000. 2000 #3545 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of rdata-format happened in - Read more about rdata-format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
RDF Schema - Grammar language RDF Schema ========== RDF Schema is a grammar language created in 1998. 1998 #2072 on PLDB 26 Years Old RDF Schema (Resource Description Framework Schema, variously abbreviated as RDFS, RDF(S), RDF-S, or RDF/S) is a set of classes with certain properties using the RDF extensible knowledge representation data model, providing basic elements for the description of ontologies, otherwise called RDF vocabularies, intended to structure RDF resources. These resources can be saved in a triplestore to reach them with the query language SPARQL. The first version was published by the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in April 1998, and the final W3C recommendation was released in February 2004. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of RDF Schema happened in W3C @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix ex: <> . @prefix zoo: <> . ex:dog1 rdf:type ex:animal . ex:cat1 rdf:type ex:cat . ex:cat rdfs:subClassOf ex:animal . zoo:host rdfs:range ex:animal . ex:zoo1 zoo:host ex:cat2 . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 265 1.3
RDF - Data notation RDF === RDF, aka Resource Description Framework, is a data notation created in 1997. 1997 #248 on PLDB 27 Years Old The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. It has come to be used as a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in web resources, using a variety of syntax notations and data serialization formats. It is also used in knowledge management applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of RDF happened in W3C - See also: (9 related languages) OWL, XML, Turtle, JSON, Unicode, SPARQL, SQL, Python, JSON-LD - 8 PLDB concepts link to RDF: Bossam Rule Language, Microdata HTML, Notation3, OEM, SHACL, SUSN, TriG syntax, underlay @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix dc: <> . <> dc:publisher "Wikipedia" ; dc:title "Tony Benn" ; foaf:primaryTopic [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Tony Benn" ] . Language features ====================================================== row Feature Triples FeatureLink ../features/hasTriples.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
RDFa - Xml format RDFa ==== RDFa is a xml format created in 2004. 2004 #826 on PLDB 20 Years Old RDFa (or Resource Description Framework in Attributes) is a W3C Recommendation that adds a set of attribute-level extensions to HTML, XHTML and various XML-based document types for embedding rich metadata within Web documents. The RDF data-model mapping enables its use for embedding RDF subject-predicate-object expressions within XHTML documents. It also enables the extraction of RDF model triples by compliant user agents. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of RDFa happened in W3C - was registered in 2006 - See also: (1 related languages) JSON-LD - 1 PLDB concepts link to RDFa: Notation3 <div xmlns:dc="" about=""> <span property="dc:title">Wikinomics</span> <span property="dc:creator">Don Tapscott</span> <span property="dc:date">2006-10-01</span> </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
Rapid Development and Maintenance Language - Programming language Rapid Development and Maintenance Language ========================================== Rapid Development and Maintenance Language, aka Rapid Development and Maintenance Language, is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #3157 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rapid Development and Maintenance Language happened in IBM - Read more about Rapid Development and Maintenance Language on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
RDoc - Text markup language RDoc ==== RDoc is an open source text markup language created in 2004. 2004 #1298 on PLDB 20 Years Old 0 Repos RDoc, designed by Dave Thomas, is an embedded documentation generator for the Ruby programming language. It analyzes Ruby source code, generating a structured collection of pages for Ruby objects and methods. Code comments can be added in a natural style. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 0 RDoc repos on GitHub - Early development of RDoc happened in - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for RDoc - See also: (1 related languages) Ruby Document format = \RDoc - Ruby Documentation System home :: rdoc :: bugs :: code quality :: {<img src="" alt="code climate">}[] == Description RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the +rdoc+ and +ri+ tools for generating and displaying documentation from the command-line. == Generating Documentation Once installed, you can create documentation using the +rdoc+ command $ rdoc [options] [names...] For an up-to-date option summary, type $ rdoc --help A typical use might be to generate documentation for a package of Ruby source (such as RDoc itself). $ rdoc This command generates documentation for all the Ruby and C source files in and below the current directory. These will be stored in a documentation tree starting in the subdirectory +doc+. You can make this slightly more useful for your readers by having the index page contain the documentation for the primary file. In our case, we could type % rdoc --main README.rdoc You'll find information on the various formatting tricks you can use in comment blocks in the documentation this generates. RDoc uses file extensions to determine how to process each file. File names ending +.rb+ and +.rbw+ are assumed to be Ruby source. Files ending +.c+ are parsed as C files. All other files are assumed to contain just Markup-style markup (with or without leading '#' comment markers). If directory names are passed to RDoc, they are scanned recursively for C and Ruby source files only. To generate documentation using +rake+ see RDoc::Task. To generate documentation programmatically: gem 'rdoc' require 'rdoc/rdoc' options = # see RDoc::Options rdoc = rdoc.document options # see RDoc::RDoc == Writing Documentation To write documentation for RDoc place a comment above the class, module, method, constant, or attribute you want documented: ## # This class represents an arbitrary shape by a series of points. class Shape ## # Creates a new shape described by a +polyline+. # # If the +polyline+ does not end at the same point it started at the # first pointed is copied and placed at the end of the line. # # An ArgumentError is raised if the line crosses itself, but shapes may # be concave. def initialize polyline # ... end end The default comment markup format is the RDoc::Markup format. TomDoc[rdoc-ref:RDoc::TomDoc], Markdown[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Markdown] and RD[rdoc-ref:RDoc::RD] format comments are also supported. You can set the default comment format for your entire project by creating a <tt>.rdoc_options</tt> file. See RDoc::Options@Saved+Options for instructions on creating one. You can also set the comment format for a single file through the +:markup:+ directive, but this is only recommended if you wish to switch markup formats. See RDoc::Markup@Other+directives. Comments can contain directives that tell RDoc information that it cannot otherwise discover through parsing. See RDoc::Markup@Directives to control what is or is not documented, to define method arguments or to break up methods in a class by topic. See RDoc::Parser::Ruby for directives used to teach RDoc about metaprogrammed methods. See RDoc::Parser::C for documenting C extensions with RDoc. To determine how well your project is documented run <tt>rdoc -C lib</tt> to get a documentation coverage report. <tt>rdoc -C1 lib</tt> includes parameter names in the documentation coverage report. == Bugs See CONTRIBUTING@Bugs for information on filing a bug report. It's OK to file a bug report for anything you're having a problem with. If you can't figure out how to make RDoc produce the output you like that is probably a documentation bug. == License RDoc is Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers. Portions (c) 2007-2011 Eric Hodel. Portions copyright others, see individual files and LEGAL.rdoc for details. RDoc is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE.rdoc. == Warranty This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 893 4.5
rds-format - Binary data format rds-format ========== rds-format is a binary data format created in 2011. 2011 #3158 on PLDB 13 Years Old Can also be an ASCII data format. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of rds-format happened in - Read more about rds-format on the web: 1.!search/saveRDS%7Csort:date/r-help-archive/0FDc1dogqIk/60BvIxO2LHoJ 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
React Native - Framework React Native ============ React Native is an open source framework created in 2015 by Jordan Walke and Christopher Chedeau. 2015 Jordan Walke Christopher Chedeau #215 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A framework for building native applications using React - Tags: framework - React Native is developed on GitHub and has 117,381 stars - Early development of React Native happened in Facebook - React Native is written in JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, C++, Objective C++, SVG, XML, Markdown, Objective-C, TypeScript, Ruby, CMake, JSON, YAML, Bourne shell, Gradle, Assembly language, HTML, TOML, JSX, Swift - was registered in 2015 import React from "react"; import { Text, View } from "react-native"; export default function HelloWorld() { return ( <View> <Text>Hello World</Text> </View> ); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 216 1.1
ReactJS - Framework ReactJS ======= ReactJS is a framework created in 2013 by Jordan Walke. 2013 Jordan Walke #1454 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone The library for web and native user interfaces. - Tags: framework - ReactJS is developed on GitHub and has 225,732 stars - 1 PLDB concepts link to ReactJS: Scroll Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
readable-lisp - Programming language readable-lisp ============= readable-lisp is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #3061 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of readable-lisp happened in - Read more about readable-lisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Readable - Text markup language Readable ======== Readable is a text markup language created in 2018 by Lépine Kong. 2018 Lépine Kong #1709 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The ReAdABLE Human Format aims at Agile Documentation by making WRITING and READING document easier for End User and Developer alike, while allowing a high degree of flexibility. Its primary goal is to generate Markdown (and conversion to other formats in the future) while being even simpler (less code to memorize) and richer (adding meta-data is straightforward and creating new semantics is easy). - Tags: text markup language - Readable is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of Readable happened in - Readable is written in Markdown, HTML, JSON, YAML - Read more about Readable on the web: 1. 1. Red [ Title: "How to Write Good Article" Build: Credits: ["Sibeesh Venu"] Owners: ["Lépine Kong"] References: [ ] File: Output-files: [] Categories: [Blogging] Tags: [Markdown Blogging Writing Documentation Templating Scaffolding] Dates: [ Creation: 2018-05-12 19:13:42 Update: 2018-05-15 19:09:59 ] Languages: ["english"] ] Article: [ Title: {How To Write Good Articles} Source: [ .title: {ReAdABLE Source (version 1.0)} .text: {[]( } .Published-Url: ] Credit: [ .title: {Credit} .text: { ["How To Write Good Articles" by *Sibeesh Venu*]( } ] Point-1: [ .title: {Point 1: Introduction} .text: { Replace this paragraph with your own content, guidance and example are kept available in .guidance and .example fields (metadata) within the ReAdABLE source if you need to remember. *Guidance:* >An introduction is very important when you write an article. A good introduction can make the reader want to read further. Trust me, it is very useful too. In this part you can describe what exactly you are going to say/do in the rest of the article. It must be brief. And please never use any code blocks in your introduction, that is never meant to be there. This is the part which lets your readers understand where/what exactly you are intending to do. *Example:* >I am neither an expert nor a guru. But still I suppose I have improved by writing articles for the past two years. I still remember my first article, there were so many mistakes. Remember one thing: “Mistakes are the key to success.” Here I will point out a few things which I follow while writing articles. Please feel free to add your own points to this article. I hope you will like this. } .image: .guidance: { An introduction is very important when you write an article. A good introduction can make the reader want to read further. Trust me, it is very useful too. In this part you can describe what exactly you are going to say/do in the rest of the article. It must be brief. And please never use any code blocks in your introduction, that is never meant to be there. This is the part which lets your readers understand where/what exactly you are intending to do. } .example: { I am neither an expert nor a guru. But still I suppose I have improved by writing articles for the past two years. I still remember my first article, there were so many mistakes. Remember one thing: “Mistakes are the key to success.” Here I will point out a few things which I follow while writing articles. Please feel free to add your own points to this article. I hope you will like this. } ] Point-2: [ .title: {Point 2: Background} .text: { In this part, you can explain what made you write this article. You can explain the problems you faced here, or when you had this problem. This should be brief too, here you can also include source code. Please do remember that this is just the background, so it is not advisable to include full source code and explain it here. } .guidance: { In this part, you can explain what made you write this article. You can explain the problems you faced here, or when you had this problem. This should be brief too, here you can also include source code. Please do remember that this is just the background, so it is not advisable to include full source code and explain it here. } .example: { Example: Last week one of my friends asked this question: "How do you write good articles?" I am dedicating this article to him. I hope he will like this. } ] Point-3: [ .title: {Point 3: What are you going to do?} .text: { Here you can explain the things which you are going to do in this article. You can list them for better readability. You can explain these points one by one. You can also add some code snippets. But whenever you add any code, please try to explain even if it is basic. That will help some beginners to understand things more easily. You may feel that this basic explanation is not necessary as you have so much experience and you may be good at it. But what about the beginners? I always believe they are the real beneficiaries of your articles. We must concentrate on both kinds of users; i.e., beginners and experienced. } .image: .guidance: { Here you can explain the things which you are going to do in this article. You can list them for better readability. You can explain these points one by one. You can also add some code snippets. But whenever you add any code, please try to explain even if it is basic. That will help some beginners to understand things more easily. You may feel that this basic explanation is not necessary as you have so much experience and you may be good at it. But what about the beginners? I always believe they are the real beneficiaries of your articles. We must concentrate on both kinds of users; i.e., beginners and experienced. } ] Point-4: [ .title: {Point 4: How are you going to do it?} .text: { This can be the continuation of point three. This is where you can explain the possible ways that you can fix your problem, or the possible ways to achieve the same tasks. Any tasks can be achieved in different ways right? So when you write any article, you must think from all perspectives. This will make your article rich in content. And this is where you must concentrate more on the coding part. When you write code in your article, it must be formatted well. If you use WordPress as a CMS (Content Management System) for your blog, you can go for any syntax highlighter plugins, or you can customize your own. If you post the article in any of the social communities, please use their formatting options. If you have any images which explain the workflow for any tasks, it is always advisable to include those. An image is more understandable than reading the content, but always limit yourself to not include more than 10 images per article. When you include the images, please try to convert them to a particular size (example: width: 650 PX), this will make your article look good. But no worries if you have a low resolution image, and if you think enlarging that will cause any clarity issues, you can always use the same without conversion. One thing you must remember is that you can always include all the things you have tried and what the output was that you got from it. If you do so, your reader will see that if he or she does that, they will get the same output. So it is not only about the the scenario which works fine, but also about the errors/problems. } .guidance: { This can be the continuation of point three. This is where you can explain the possible ways that you can fix your problem, or the possible ways to achieve the same tasks. Any tasks can be achieved in different ways right? So when you write any article, you must think from all perspectives. This will make your article rich in content. And this is where you must concentrate more on the coding part. When you write code in your article, it must be formatted well. If you use WordPress as a CMS (Content Management System) for your blog, you can go for any syntax highlighter plugins, or you can customize your own. If you post the article in any of the social communities, please use their formatting options. If you have any images which explain the workflow for any tasks, it is always advisable to include those. An image is more understandable than reading the content, but always limit yourself to not include more than 10 images per article. When you include the images, please try to convert them to a particular size (example: width: 650 PX), this will make your article look good. But no worries if you have a low resolution image, and if you think enlarging that will cause any clarity issues, you can always use the same without conversion. One thing you must remember is that you can always include all the things you have tried and what the output was that you got from it. If you do so, your reader will see that if he or she does that, they will get the same output. So it is not only about the the scenario which works fine, but also about the errors/problems. } ] Point-5: [ .title: {Point 5: Always include output} .text: { An output is the outcome of what we tried, right? So what if you don't include that? Isn’t that bad? You can include the output as an image or any content. It can be any result set too. } .guidance: { An output is the outcome of what we tried, right? So what if you don't include that? Isn’t that bad? You can include the output as an image or any content. It can be any result set too. } ] Point-6: [ .title: {Point 6: Include source code as a downloadable format} .text: { Please add source code as a downloadable format whenever possible. This will definitely help your reader, so that he/she doesn’t need to worry about the initial set up. We all are a community, guys, and we love helping each other. Am I right? } .guidance: { Please add source code as a downloadable format whenever possible. This will definitely help your reader, so that he/she doesn’t need to worry about the initial set up. We all are a community, guys, and we love helping each other. Am I right? } ] Point-7: [ .title: {Point 7: Format the entire content} .text: { There are so many things you must concentrate on when it comes to formatting. I am listing a few of them here. - Use the same font for the entire article - Use bold for the headings - Highlight the lines, if it is very important (Example: Notes) - Use code formatter when you write codes - Resize and align images properly - Make sure that that headings start with a capital letter (CamelCasing) } .guidance: { There are so many things you must concentrate on when it comes to formatting. I am listing a few of them here. - Use the same font for the entire article - Use bold for the headings - Highlight the lines, if it is very important (Example: Notes) - Use code formatter when you write codes - Resize and align images properly - Make sure that that headings start with a capital letter (CamelCasing) } ] Point-8: [ .title: {Point 8: Give credit} .text: { This is very important. Whenever you take something from any site, please try to give credit to the content owner by providing the links/name. For example, if you are taking an image from any site, you can include the site name just below the image. Trust me, this will make you genuine. And in the end, it is all about being genuine right? } .guidance: { This is very important. Whenever you take something from any site, please try to give credit to the content owner by providing the links/name. For example, if you are taking an image from any site, you can include the site name just below the image. Trust me, this will make you genuine. And in the end, it is all about being genuine right? } ] Point-9: [ .title: {Point 9: Write a conclusion} .text: { The conclusion is the last part of your article; you can summarize the things you have written here. And also if you want, you can always ask some questions to your readers so that the bond between you and your readers will be in multibind format (Yes, like we have in Angular JS. LOL). You can always ask for feedback; feedback is something that we all are looking for. Each and every piece of feedback is valuable whether it is negative or positive. If you get any negative feedback, be happy and try to improve on the things that are being suggested. In a speech in South Africa in 1890 Mahatma Gandhi said this: * * “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider of our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so.” } .guidance: { The conclusion is the last part of your article; you can summarize the things you have written here. And also if you want, you can always ask some questions to your readers so that the bond between you and your readers will be in multibind format (Yes, like we have in Angular JS. LOL). You can always ask for feedback; feedback is something that we all are looking for. Each and every piece of feedback is valuable whether it is negative or positive. If you get any negative feedback, be happy and try to improve on the things that are being suggested. In a speech in South Africa in 1890 Mahatma Gandhi said this: * * “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider of our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so.” } ] ] unless exists? lib: %lib/ [ lib: ] do read lib do read .to-file "C:\rebol\.system.user\.code\.domains\.apps\Authoring\libraries\" markdown-gen ; deploy to .github local workspace try [ .copy-file .copy-file ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2652 13.3
Real-time Cmix - Programming language Real-time Cmix ============== Real-time Cmix is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3751 on PLDB 32 Years Old Real-Time Cmix (RTcmix) is one of the MUSIC-N family of computer music programming languages. RTcmix is descended from the MIX program developed by Paul Lansky at Princeton University in 1978 to perform algorithmic composition using digital audio soundfiles on a IBM 3031 mainframe computer. After synthesis functions were added, the program was renamed Cmix in the 1980s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Real-time Cmix happened in Princeton University and Columbia University and University of Virginia - See also: (5 related languages) TCP, Linux, MINC, C, SuperCollider Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Real-Time Concurrent C - Programming language Real-Time Concurrent C ====================== Real-Time Concurrent C is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3159 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Real-Time Concurrent C is a superset of C++ - Early development of Real-Time Concurrent C happened in AT&T - Real-Time Concurrent C on HOPL Real-Time Concurrent C on HOPL - Read more about Real-Time Concurrent C on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Real-Time Concurrent C on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Real-Time Euclid - Programming language Real-Time Euclid ================ Real-Time Euclid is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3546 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Real-Time Euclid happened in New Jersey Institute of Technology - Real-Time Euclid on HOPL Real-Time Euclid on HOPL - Read more about Real-Time Euclid on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Real-Time Euclid on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
Real-Time Mentat - Programming language Real-Time Mentat ================ Real-Time Mentat is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3160 on PLDB 35 Years Old Real-time Mentat, a programming environment designed to simplify the task of programming real-time applications in distributed and parallel environments, is described. It is based on the same data-driven computation model and object-oriented programming paradigm as Mentat. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Real-Time Mentat happened in University of Virginia - Real-Time Mentat on HOPL Real-Time Mentat on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Mentat - Read more about Real-Time Mentat on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
REALBasic (now Xojo) - Programming language REALBasic (now Xojo) ==================== REALBasic (now Xojo) is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #2875 on PLDB 28 Years Old 99 Repos REALBasic is now known as Xojo. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 99 REALBasic (now Xojo) repos on GitHub - Early development of REALBasic (now Xojo) happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5 users using REALBasic (now Xojo) in 17 repos on GitHub - Explore REALBasic (now Xojo) snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (1 related languages) Xojo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Reason - Programming language Reason ====== Reason is an open source programming language created in 2016. 2016 #55 on PLDB 8 Years Old 2k Repos git clone Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems - Tags: programming language - Reason is developed on GitHub and has 10,087 stars - There are at least 1,924 Reason repos on GitHub - Early development of Reason happened in Facebook - Reason compiles to OCaml - Reason is written in OCaml, Reason, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, Diff, Make, JavaScript, YAML, Nix, HTML, Bash - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23 users using Reason in 24 repos on GitHub - Check out the 11 Reason meetup groups on - Explore Reason snippets on Rosetta Code - Reason LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Reason - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Reason - Learn Reason on exercism. - See also: (7 related languages) Rust, Elm, PureScript, Fable, ClojureScript, Swift, Haxe - 12 PLDB concepts link to Reason: Caramel, cloc, Hazel, Kotlin, Ligo, MongoDB, PHP, Pygments, Reason, Reia, Sophia, xodio type schoolPerson = Teacher | Director | Student(string); let greeting = person => switch (person) { | Teacher => "Hey Professor!" | Director => "Hello Director." | Student("Richard") => "Still here Ricky?" | Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey, " ++ anyOtherName ++ "." }; print_string("Hello, world!\n"); print_string "Hello World" type component = {displayName: string}; let module Bar = { let createElement c::c=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Nesting = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Much = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Foo = { let createElement a::a=? b::b=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module One = { let createElement test::test=? foo::foo=? children => { displayName: "test" }; let createElementobvioustypo test::test children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Two = { let createElement foo::foo=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Sibling = { let createElement foo::foo=? (children: list component) => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Test = { let createElement yo::yo=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module So = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Foo2 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Text = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Exp = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Pun = { let createElement intended::intended=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Namespace = { let module Foo = { let createElement intended::intended=? anotherOptional::x=100 children => { displayName: "test" }; }; }; let module LotsOfArguments = { let createElement argument1::argument1=? argument2::argument2=? argument3::argument3=? argument4::argument4=? argument5::argument5=? argument6::argument6=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let div argument1::argument1=? children => { displayName: "test" }; let module List1 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module List2 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module List3 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let (/><) a b => a + b; let (><) a b => a + b; let (/>) a b => a + b; let (><\/) a b => a + b; let tag1 = 5 />< 6; let tag2 = 5 >< 7; let tag3 = 5 /> 7; let tag4 = 5 ><\/ 7; let b = 2; let selfClosing = <Foo />; let selfClosing2 = <Foo a=1 b=true />; let selfClosing3 = <Foo a="really long values that should" b="cause the entire thing to wrap" />; let a = <Foo> <Bar c=(fun a => a + 2) /> </Foo>; let a3 = <So> <Much> <Nesting /> </Much> </So>; let a4 = <Sibling> <One test=true foo=b /> <Two foo=b /> </Sibling>; let a5 = <Foo> "testing a string here" </Foo>; let a6 = <Foo2> <Text> "testing a string here" </Text> <Test yo=1 /> <Text> "another string" </Text> <Bar /> <Exp> (2 + 4) </Exp> </Foo2>; let intended = true; let punning = <Pun intended />; let namespace = <Namespace.Foo />; let c = <Foo />; let d = <Foo />; let spaceBefore = <So> <Much> <Nesting /> </Much> </So>; let spaceBefore2 = <So> <Much /> </So>; let siblingNotSpaced = <So> <Much /> <Much /> </So>; let jsxInList = [<Foo />]; let jsxInList2 = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListA = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListB = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListC = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListD = [<Foo />]; let jsxInList3 = [<Foo />, <Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList4 = [<Foo />, <Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList5 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList6 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList7 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList8 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let testFunc b => b; let jsxInFnCall = testFunc <Foo />; let lotsOfArguments = <LotsOfArguments argument1=1 argument2=2 argument3=3 argument4=4 argument5=5 argument6="test"> <Namespace.Foo /> </LotsOfArguments>; let lowerCase = <div argument1=1 />; let b = 0; let d = 0; /* * Should pun the first example: */ let a = <Foo a> 5 </Foo>; let a = <Foo a=b> 5 </Foo>; let a = <Foo a=b b=d> 5 </Foo>; let a = <Foo a> 0.55 </Foo>; let a = Foo.createElement "" [@JSX]; let ident = <Foo> a </Foo>; let fragment1 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment2 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment3 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment4 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment5 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment6 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment7 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment8 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment9 = <> 2 2 2 2 </>; let fragment10 = <> 2.2 3.2 4.6 1.2 </>; let fragment11 = <> "str" </>; let fragment12 = <> (6 + 2) (6 + 2) (6 + 2) </>; let fragment13 = <> fragment11 fragment11 </>; let listOfItems1 = <List1> 1 2 3 4 5 </List1>; let listOfItems2 = <List2> 1.0 2.8 3.8 4.0 5.1 </List2>; let listOfItems3 = <List3> fragment11 fragment11 </List3>; /* * Several sequential simple jsx expressions must be separated with a space. */ let thisIsRight a b => (); let tagOne children => (); let tagTwo children => (); /* thisIsWrong <tagOne /><tagTwo />; */ thisIsRight <tagOne /> <tagTwo />; /* thisIsWrong <tagOne> </tagOne><tagTwo> </tagTwo>; */ thisIsRight <tagOne /> <tagTwo />; let a children => (); let b children => (); let thisIsOkay = <List1> <a /> <b /> <a /> <b /> </List1>; let thisIsAlsoOkay = <List1> <a /> <b /> </List1>; /* Doesn't make any sense, but suppose you defined an infix operator to compare jsx */ <a /> < <b />; <a /> > <b />; <a /> < <b />; <a /> > <b />; let listOfListOfJsx = [<> </>]; let listOfListOfJsx = [<> <Foo /> </>]; let listOfListOfJsx = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </> ]; let listOfListOfJsx = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </>, ...listOfListOfJsx ]; let sameButWithSpaces = [<> </>]; let sameButWithSpaces = [<> <Foo /> </>]; let sameButWithSpaces = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </> ]; let sameButWithSpaces = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </>, ...sameButWithSpaces ]; /* * Test named tag right next to an open bracket. */ let listOfJsx = []; let listOfJsx = [<Foo />]; let listOfJsx = [<Foo />, <Bar />]; let listOfJsx = [<Foo />, <Bar />, ...listOfJsx]; let sameButWithSpaces = []; let sameButWithSpaces = [<Foo />]; let sameButWithSpaces = [<Foo />, <Bar />]; let sameButWithSpaces = [ <Foo />, <Bar />, ...sameButWithSpaces ]; /** * Test no conflict with polymorphic variant types. */ type thisType = [ | `Foo | `Bar]; type t 'a = [< thisType] as 'a; let asd = <One test=true foo=2> "a" "b" </One> [@foo]; let asd2 = One.createElementobvioustypo test::false ["a", "b"] [@JSX] [@foo]; let span test::(test: bool) foo::(foo: int) children => 1; let asd = <span test=true foo=2> "a" "b" </span> [@foo]; /* "video" call doesn't end with a list, so the expression isn't converted to JSX */ let video test::(test: bool) children => children; let asd2 = video test::false 10 [@JSX] [@foo]; let div children => 1; ((fun () => div) ()) [] [@JSX]; let myFun () => <> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> </Namespace.Foo> </>; let myFun () => <> </>; let myFun () => <> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> </Namespace.Foo> </>; /** * Children should wrap without forcing attributes to. */ <Foo a=10 b=0> <Bar /> <Bar /> <Bar /> <Bar /> </Foo>; /** * Failing test cases: */ /* let res = <Foo a=10 b=(<Foo a=200 />) > */ /* <Bar /> */ /* </Foo>; */ /* let res = <Foo a=10 b=(<Foo a=200 />) />; */ as assert begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external false for fun esfun function functor if in include inherit initializer lazy let switch module pub mutable new nonrec object of open pri rec sig struct then to true try type val virtual when while with Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[bB][01][01_]* Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d[\d_]* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // -?\d[\d_]*(.[\d_]*)?([eE][+\-]?\d[\d_]*) Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[xX][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]* Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0[oO][0-7][0-7_]* Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print_string row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Destructuring FeatureLink ../features/hasDestructuring.html Supported ✓ Example type person = {name: string, age: int}; let somePerson = {name: "Guy", age: 30}; let {name, age} = somePerson; Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2124 10.6
Rebeca Modeling Language - Programming language Rebeca Modeling Language ======================== Rebeca Modeling Language is a programming language created in 2004 by Marjan Sirjani. 2004 Marjan Sirjani #1434 on PLDB 20 Years Old git clone Rebeca (acronym for Reactive Objects Language) is an actor-based modeling language with a formal foundation, designed in an effort to bridge the gap between formal verification approaches and real applications. It can be considered as a reference model for concurrent computation, based on an operational interpretation of the actor model. It is also a platform for developing object-based concurrent systems in practice. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Rebeca Modeling Language is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of Rebeca Modeling Language happened in Sharif University of Technology - Rebeca Modeling Language is written in Java, XSD, XML, YAML, Markdown - Read more about Rebeca Modeling Language on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
REBOL - Programming language REBOL ===== REBOL, aka Relative Expression-Based Object Language, is an open source programming language created in 1997 by Carl Sassenrath. 1997 Carl Sassenrath #421 on PLDB 27 Years Old 30k Repos Rebol ( REB-əl; historically REBOL) is a cross-platform data exchange language and a multi-paradigm dynamic programming language designed by Carl Sassenrath for network communications and distributed computing. It introduces the concept of dialecting: small, optimized, domain-specific languages for code and data, which is also the most notable property of the language according to its designer Carl Sassenrath: Although it can be used for programming, writing functions, and performing processes, its greatest strength is the ability to easily create domain-specific languages or dialects Douglas Crockford, known for his involvement in the development of JavaScript, has described Rebol as "a more modern language, but with some very similar ideas to Lisp, in that it's all built upon a representation of data which is then executable as programs" and as one of JSON's influences. Originally, the language and its official implementation were proprietary and closed source, developed by REBOL Technologies. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 30,469 REBOL repos on GitHub - Early development of REBOL happened in REBOL Technologies - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using REBOL in 2k repos on GitHub - There are 15 Project Euler users using REBOL - Explore REBOL snippets on Rosetta Code - REBOL on HOPL REBOL on HOPL - REBOL appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for REBOL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for REBOL - has 0 matches for "rebol developer". - was registered in 1997 - See also: (11 related languages) Self, Forth, Lisp, Logo, JSON, Red, JavaScript, C, Algol, S-expressions, PEG - 3 PLDB concepts link to REBOL: Boron, Particles, Ren-C REBOL [Title: "Main"] print "Hello, world!" print "Hello World" ; Hello World in REBOL print "Hello World!" Rebol [] hello: func [] [ print "hello, world!" ] hello Digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"] Value: [some Digit | "(" Expr ")"] Product: [Value any [["*"| "/"] Value]] Sum: [Product any [["+"| "-"] Product]] Expr: Sum parse/all "12+13" Expr Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" {He said "That looks good!"} Token " { } row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print probe row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example my-list: [1 two 3.0 "four"] Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example catch [throw 22 print "You'll never see this."] try/except [read %does_not_exist] [print "File not found"] Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example write %helloworld.txt "Hello, world!^/" Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 615 3.1
Rebus - Programming language Rebus ===== Rebus is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4397 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rebus happened in University of Arizona - Rebus on HOPL Rebus on HOPL - Read more about Rebus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
REC/SM - Programming language REC/SM ====== REC/SM is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4398 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of REC/SM happened in Florida International University - REC/SM on HOPL REC/SM on HOPL - Read more about REC/SM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
REC Studio - Decompiler REC Studio ========== REC Studio is a decompiler created in 2010. 2010 #4701 on PLDB 14 Years Old REC Studio is an interactive decompiler. It reads a Windows, Linux, Mac OS X or raw executable file, and attempts to produce a C-like representation of the code and data used to build the executable file. It has been designed to read files produced for many different targets, and it has been compiled on several host systems. - Tags: decompiler Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Recfiles - Data notation Recfiles ======== Recfiles is a data notation created in 2009 by Jose E. Marchesi. 2009 Jose E. Marchesi #1244 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone recfiles is a file format for human-editable, plain text databases. Databases using this file format can be edited using any text editor. recfiles allow for basic relational database operations, typing, auto-incrementing, as well as a simple join operation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Recfiles happened in Free Software Foundation - Recfiles is written in C, Bourne shell, Make, sed, Tex, CSS, Lex, M4, Yacc, Python - Read more about Recfiles on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Recfiles: SUSN %rec: Book %mandatory: Title %type: Location enum loaned home unknown %doc: + A book in my personal collection. Title: GNU Emacs Manual Author: Richard M. Stallman Publisher: FSF Location: home Title: The Colour of Magic Author: Terry Pratchett Location: loaned Title: Mio Cid Author: Anonymous Location: home Title: administration guide Author: Nacho Gonzalez Author: Jose E. Marchesi Location: unknown Title: Yeelong User Manual Location: home Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # Blah blah… # Unlike some file formats, comments in recfiles must be complete lines. You cannot start a comment in the middle of a line. Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 335 1.7
RECOL - Programming language RECOL ===== RECOL is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #4399 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RECOL happened in Radio Corporation of America - RECOL on HOPL RECOL on HOPL - Read more about RECOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Recursive teXt - Data notation Recursive teXt ============== Recursive teXt is a data notation created in 2024 by Steven Obua. 2024 Steven Obua #2436 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone A general-purpose text format. - Tags: dataNotation - Recursive teXt is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Recursive teXt is written in JSON, TypeScript, Markdown RX = Block+ Block = Line (Line | Block)* Line = Character* Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Red - Programming language Red === Red is a programming language created in 1972 by John Backus. 1972 John Backus #2580 on PLDB 52 Years Old interested in pure functional programming, with no side-effects on storage or the external world. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Red happened in IBM - Read more about Red on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Red - Programming language Red === Red is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Nenad Rakocevic. 2011 Nenad Rakocevic #106 on PLDB 13 Years Old 453 Repos git clone Red is a computer programming language. Red was made to overcome the limitations of the programming language Rebol. Introduced in 2011 by Nenad Rakocevic, Red is both an imperative and functional programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Red is developed on GitHub and has 5,479 stars - There are at least 453 Red repos on GitHub - Early development of Red happened in - Red is written in R, Java, Markdown, XML, YAML, C, HTML, Bourne shell, CSS, Dockerfile, Visual Basic, CSV - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 92 users using Red in 98 repos on GitHub - Explore Red snippets on Rosetta Code - Red appears in the TIOBE Index - Red LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Red - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Red - Learn Red on exercism. - was registered in 2010 - See also: (7 related languages) Linux, Scala, Lua, X86, ARM, FreeBSD, Android - 1 PLDB concepts link to Red: Particles Red [Title: "Main"] print "Hello, world!" Red [Needs: 'View] view [text "Hello World"] Red/System [ Title: "Red/System example file" Purpose: "Just some code for testing Pygments colorizer" Language: ] #include %../common/FPU-configuration.reds ; C types #define time! long! #define clock! long! date!: alias struct! [ second [integer!] ; 0-61 (60?) minute [integer!] ; 0-59 hour [integer!] ; 0-23 day [integer!] ; 1-31 month [integer!] ; 0-11 year [integer!] ; Since 1900 weekday [integer!] ; 0-6 since Sunday yearday [integer!] ; 0-365 daylight-saving-time? [integer!] ; Negative: unknown ] #either OS = 'Windows [ #define clocks-per-second 1000 ][ ; CLOCKS_PER_SEC value for Syllable, Linux (XSI-conformant systems) ; TODO: check for other systems #define clocks-per-second 1000'000 ] #import [LIBC-file cdecl [ ; Error handling form-error: "strerror" [ ; Return error description. code [integer!] return: [c-string!] ] print-error: "perror" [ ; Print error to standard error output. string [c-string!] ] ; Memory management make: "calloc" [ ; Allocate zero-filled memory. chunks [size!] size [size!] return: [binary!] ] resize: "realloc" [ ; Resize memory allocation. memory [binary!] size [size!] return: [binary!] ] ] JVM!: alias struct! [ reserved0 [int-ptr!] reserved1 [int-ptr!] reserved2 [int-ptr!] DestroyJavaVM [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] return: [jint!]]] AttachCurrentThread [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] penv [struct! [p [int-ptr!]]] args [byte-ptr!] return: [jint!]]] DetachCurrentThread [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] return: [jint!]]] GetEnv [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] penv [struct! [p [int-ptr!]]] version [integer!] return: [jint!]]] AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] penv [struct! [p [int-ptr!]]] args [byte-ptr!] return: [jint!]]] ] ;just some datatypes for testing: #some-hash 10-1-2013 quit ;binary: #{00FF0000} #{00FF0000 FF000000} #{00FF0000 FF000000} ;with tab instead of space 2#{00001111} 64#{/wAAAA==} 64#{/wAAA A==} ;with space inside 64#{/wAAA A==} ;with tab inside ;string with char {bla ^(ff) foo} {bla ^(( foo} ;some numbers: 12 1'000 1.2 FF00FF00h ;some tests of hexa number notation with not common ending [ff00h ff00h] ff00h{} FFh"foo" 00h(1 + 2) (AEh) ;normal words: foo char ;get-word :foo ;lit-word: 'foo 'foo to-integer foo foo/(a + 1)/b call/output reform ['which interpreter] path: copy "" version-1.1: 00010001h #if type = 'exe [ push system/stack/frame ;-- save previous frame pointer system/stack/frame: system/stack/top ;-- @@ reposition frame pointer just after the catch flag ] push CATCH_ALL ;-- exceptions root barrier push 0 ;-- keep stack aligned on 64-bit Red/System [Title: "A factorial script"] factorial: func [ x [integer!] ; This is compulsory in Red/System return: [integer!] ; This is compulsory in Red/System ][ either x = 0 [1][x * factorial x - 1] ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 777 3.9
Redcode - Programming language Redcode ======= Redcode is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #932 on PLDB 40 Years Old 36 Repos Core War is a 1984 programming game created by D. G. Jones and A. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 36 Redcode repos on GitHub - Early development of Redcode happened in BBN - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 104 users using Redcode in 109 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Redcode - See also: (1 related languages) Assembly language 0000: ADD.AB # 4, $ 3 0001: MOV.F $ 2, @ 2 0002: JMP.B $ -2, $ 0 0003: DAT.F # 0, # 0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Redis - Application Redis ===== Redis is an open source application created in 2009 by Salvatore Sanfilippo. 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo #120 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Redis is an open-source in-memory database project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value store with optional durability. Redis supports different kinds of abstract data structures, such as strings, lists, maps, sets, sorted sets, hyperloglogs, bitmaps and spatial indexes. The project is mainly developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo and is currently sponsored by Redis Labs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Redis is developed on GitHub and has 65,816 stars - Early development of Redis happened in Redis Ltd - Redis is written in C, JSON, Tcl, Bourne shell, Markdown, Lua, YAML, Make, Ruby, XML, Python, C++, HTML, CMake, M4, CSS, Bash, JavaScript, XSLT, SVG - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Redis - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Redis - was registered in 2010 - See also: (30 related languages) ActionScript, C, C#, Clojure, Common Lisp, D, Dart, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Haxe, Io, Java, Julia, Lua, Objective-C, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Pure Data, Python, R, Racket, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Smalltalk, Tcl, AWS, Microsoft Azure ECHO "Hello, world!" set Hello World APPEND AUTH BGREWRITEAOF BGSAVE BITCOUNT BITFIELD BITOP BITPOS BLPOP BRPOP BRPOPLPUSH CLIENT KILL LIST GETNAME PAUSE REPLY SETNAME CLUSTER ADDSLOTS COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS COUNTKEYSINSLOT DELSLOTS FAILOVER FORGET GETKEYSINSLOT INFO KEYSLOT MEET NODES REPLICATE RESET SAVECONFIG SET-CONFIG-EPOCH SETSLOT SLAVES SLOTS COMMAND COUNT GETKEYS CONFIG GET REWRITE SET RESETSTAT DBSIZE DEBUG OBJECT SEGFAULT DECR DECRBY DEL DISCARD DUMP ECHO EVAL EVALSHA EXEC EXISTS EXPIRE EXPIREAT FLUSHALL FLUSHDB GEOADD GEOHASH GEOPOS GEODIST GEORADIUS GEORADIUSBYMEMBER GETBIT GETRANGE GETSET HDEL HEXISTS HGET HGETALL HINCRBY HINCRBYFLOAT HKEYS HLEN HMGET HMSET HSET HSETNX HSTRLEN HVALS INCR INCRBY INCRBYFLOAT KEYS LASTSAVE LINDEX LINSERT LLEN LPOP LPUSH LPUSHX LRANGE LREM LSET LTRIM MGET MIGRATE MONITOR MOVE MSET MSETNX MULTI PERSIST PEXPIRE PEXPIREAT PFADD PFCOUNT PFMERGE PING PSETEX PSUBSCRIBE PUBSUB PTTL PUBLISH PUNSUBSCRIBE QUIT RANDOMKEY READONLY READWRITE RENAME RENAMENX RESTORE ROLE RPOP RPOPLPUSH RPUSH RPUSHX SADD SAVE SCARD SCRIPT FLUSH LOAD SDIFF SDIFFSTORE SELECT SETBIT SETEX SETNX SETRANGE SHUTDOWN SINTER SINTERSTORE SISMEMBER SLAVEOF SLOWLOG SMEMBERS SMOVE SORT SPOP SRANDMEMBER SREM STRLEN SUBSCRIBE SUNION SUNIONSTORE SWAPDB SYNC TIME TOUCH TTL TYPE UNSUBSCRIBE UNLINK UNWATCH WAIT WATCH ZADD ZCARD ZCOUNT ZINCRBY ZINTERSTORE ZLEXCOUNT ZRANGE ZRANGEBYLEX ZREVRANGEBYLEX ZRANGEBYSCORE ZRANK ZREM ZREMRANGEBYLEX ZREMRANGEBYRANK ZREMRANGEBYSCORE ZREVRANGE ZREVRANGEBYSCORE ZREVRANK ZSCORE ZUNIONSTORE SCAN SSCAN HSCAN ZSCAN Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 494 2.5
redpanda-app - Application redpanda-app ============ redpanda-app is an application created in 2009. 2009 #3062 on PLDB 15 Years Old Redpanda is a queue for people who deal with massive data streams. - Tags: application - Early development of redpanda-app happened in Redpanda Data Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
redprl - Programming language redprl ====== redprl is a programming language created in 2016 by Jonathan Sterling. 2016 Jonathan Sterling #1080 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The People's Refinement Logic - Tags: programming language - redprl is developed on GitHub and has 227 stars - Early development of redprl happened in - redprl is written in Standard ML, Bourne shell, reStructuredText, Markdown, Vim script, Python, Tex, Lisp, Lex, CSS, YAML, Make, JSON - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
redscript - Programming language redscript ========= redscript is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #4621 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2021 HackerNews discussions of redscript =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: RedScript, a Ruby flavored compile to JS language||04/02/2013|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Amazon Redshift - Query language Amazon Redshift =============== Amazon Redshift is a query language created in 2012. 2012 #1521 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Amazon Redshift happened in Amazon - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Amazon Redshift - See also: (3 related languages) PostgreSQL, SQL, MySQL - Read more about Amazon Redshift on the web: 1. 1. AES128 AES256 ALL ALLOWOVERWRITE ANALYSE ANALYZE AND ANY ARRAY AS ASC AUTHORIZATION AZ64 BACKUP BETWEEN BINARY BLANKSASNULL BOTH BYTEDICT BZIP2 CASE CAST CHECK COLLATE COLUMN CONSTRAINT CREATE CREDENTIALS CROSS CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURRENT_USER_ID DEFAULT DEFERRABLE DEFLATE DEFRAG DELTA DELTA32K DESC DISABLE DISTINCT DO ELSE EMPTYASNULL ENABLE ENCODE ENCRYPT ENCRYPTION END EXCEPT EXPLICIT FALSE FOR FOREIGN FREEZE FROM FULL GLOBALDICT256 GLOBALDICT64K GRANT GROUP GZIP HAVING IDENTITY IGNORE ILIKE IN INITIALLY INNER INTERSECT INTO IS ISNULL JOIN LANGUAGE LEADING LEFT LIKE LIMIT LOCALTIME LOCALTIMESTAMP LUN LUNS LZO LZOP MINUS MOSTLY16 MOSTLY32 MOSTLY8 NATURAL NEW NOT NOTNULL NULL NULLS OFF OFFLINE OFFSET OID OLD ON ONLY OPEN OR ORDER OUTER OVERLAPS PARALLEL PARTITION PERCENT PERMISSIONS PLACING PRIMARY RAW READRATIO RECOVER REFERENCES RESPECT REJECTLOG RESORT RESTORE RIGHT SELECT SESSION_USER SIMILAR SNAPSHOT SOME SYSDATE SYSTEM TABLE TAG TDES TEXT255 TEXT32K THEN TIMESTAMP TO TOP TRAILING TRUE TRUNCATECOLUMNS UNION UNIQUE USER USING VERBOSE WALLET WHEN WHERE WITH WITHOUT Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 340 1.7
REDUCE - Programming language REDUCE ====== REDUCE is an open source programming language created in 2011. 2011 #1534 on PLDB 13 Years Old Reduce is a general-purpose computer algebra system geared towards applications in physics. The development of the Reduce computer algebra system was started in the 1960s by Anthony C. Hearn. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of REDUCE happened in - Explore REDUCE snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (6 related languages) Portable Standard Lisp, Lisp, Algol, Unix, Linux, Cambridge Algebra System - Read more about REDUCE on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
REF-ARF - Programming language REF-ARF ======= REF-ARF is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4400 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of REF-ARF happened in Carnegie Mellon - REF-ARF on HOPL REF-ARF on HOPL - Read more about REF-ARF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Refal - Programming language Refal ===== Refal is a programming language created in 1968 by Valentin Turchin. 1968 Valentin Turchin #1050 on PLDB 56 Years Old Refal (Recursive functions algorithmic language) "is functional programming language oriented toward symbol manipulation", including "string processing, translation, [and] artificial intelligence". It is one of the oldest members of this family, first conceived in 1966 as a theoretical tool with the first implementation appearing in 1968. Refal was intended to combine mathematical simplicity with practicality for writing large and sophisticated programs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Refal happened in - Explore Refal snippets on Rosetta Code - Refal on HOPL Refal on HOPL - was registered in 1999 - See also: (2 related languages) Prolog, Lisp $ENTRY Go { = <Hello>;} Hello { = <Prout 'Hello World'>; } * Hello world in Refal $ENTRY Go { = <Hello>;} Hello { = <Prout 'Hello world'>; } Squeeze { '__'e.1 = <Squeeze '_'e.1>; s.A e.1 = s.A <Squeeze e.1>; = ; }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token ✓ Example * A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment Token * row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 323 1.6
Refer - Text markup language Refer ===== Refer is a text markup language created in 1978. 1978 #2884 on PLDB 46 Years Old refer is a program for managing bibliographic references, and citing them in troff documents. It is implemented as a troff preprocessor. refer was written by Mike Lesk at Bell Laboratories in or before 1978, and is now available as part of most Unix-like operating systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Refer happened in Bell Labs %A Brian W. Kernighan %A Lorinda L. Cherry %T A System for Typesetting Mathematics %J J. Comm. ACM %V 18 %N 3 %D March 1978 %P 151-157 %K eqn .[ kernighan cherry eqn .] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Refined C - Programming language Refined C ========= Refined C is a programming language created in 1984 by Henry G. Dietz. 1984 Henry G. Dietz #3547 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Refined C happened in Polytechnic University - Refined C on HOPL Refined C on HOPL - Read more about Refined C on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
reflex-framework - Framework reflex-framework ================ reflex-framework is a framework created in 2015. 2015 #943 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Interactive programs without callbacks or side-effects. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) uses composable events and time-varying values to describe interactive systems as pure functions. Just like other pure functional code, functional reactive code is easier to get right on the first try, maintain, and reuse. - Tags: framework - reflex-framework is developed on GitHub and has 1,061 stars - Early development of reflex-framework happened in - reflex-framework is written in Haskell, Nix, Markdown, YAML, JSON, C, Bash, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
RefLisp - Programming language RefLisp ======= RefLisp is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4401 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RefLisp happened in - RefLisp on HOPL RefLisp on HOPL - Read more about RefLisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
reforth - Programming language reforth ======= reforth is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1685 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Reforth tries to solve my gripes without fundamentally changing Forth's elegance and simplicity. - Tags: programming language - reforth is developed on GitHub and has 91 stars - Early development of reforth happened in - reforth is written in Forth, C, Markdown, Make, F#, Bourne shell begin condition if operation next end condition1 if operation1 leave end end 10 for condition if operation leave end end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
REGENT - Programming language REGENT ====== REGENT is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4402 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of REGENT happened in Karlsruher Institut of Technology - REGENT on HOPL REGENT on HOPL - Read more about REGENT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Regular Expressions - Query language Regular Expressions =================== Regular Expressions is a query language created in 1951 by Stephen Kleene. 1951 Stephen Kleene #267 on PLDB 73 Years Old 59k Repos A regular expression, regex or regexp (sometimes called a rational expression) is, in theoretical computer science and formal language theory, a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually this pattern is then used by string searching algorithms for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings. The concept arose in the 1950s when the American mathematician Stephen Cole Kleene formalized the description of a regular language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - There are at least 58,614 Regular Expressions repos on GitHub - Early development of Regular Expressions happened in University of Wisconsin-Madison - There are 5,278 members in the Regular Expressions subreddit - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Regular Expressions - See also: (27 related languages) Unix, Perl, sed, awk, ASCII, SNOBOL, grep, vi, Emacs, Tcl, PostgreSQL, Unicode, Raku, PEG, SGML, PCRE, PHP, Java, Python, Linux, Vim, JavaScript, Ruby, C, Lisp, UTF-8, ISBN \b(\d*1[1-3]th|\d*0th|(?:(?!11st)\d)*1st|\d*2nd|(?:(?!13rd)\d*)3rd|\d*[4-9]th)\b Hello World contains a character other than a, b, and c. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 321 1.6
Regina - Programming language Regina ====== Regina is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3548 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Regina happened in - Regina on HOPL Regina on HOPL - Read more about Regina on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
REGULUS - Programming language REGULUS ======= REGULUS is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3549 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of REGULUS happened in University of British Columbia - REGULUS on HOPL REGULUS on HOPL - Read more about REGULUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Reia - Programming language Reia ==== Reia is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #534 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Ruby-like hybrid OOP/functional programming language for BEAM, the Erlang VM - Tags: programming language - Reia is developed on GitHub and has 777 stars - Early development of Reia happened in - Reia is written in Reason, Erlang, Bourne shell, Ruby, Markdown - was registered in 2008 - Read more about Reia on the web: 1. 1. # Hello, world! "Hello, world!".puts() # Assignment number = 42 opposite = true # Conditions number = -42 if opposite # Lists (stored as immutable singly-linked lists) list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Tuples (think of them as immutable arrays) tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # Atoms (known as symbols to Ruby people) # Think of them as an open-ended enumeration atom = :up_and_atom # Dicts (also known as hashes to Ruby people) dict = {:foo => 1, :bar => 2, :baz => 3} # Strings (unlike Erlang, Reia has a real String type!) string = "I'm a string! Woohoo I'm a string! #{'And I interpolate too!'}" # Ranges range = 0..42 # Funs (anonymous functions, a.k.a. lambdas, procs, closures, etc.) # Calling me with plustwo(40) would return 42 plustwo = fun(n) { n + 2 } # Modules (collections of functions) # Calling Plusser.addtwo(40) would return 42 module Plusser def addtwo(n) n + 2 end end # Classes (of immutable objects. Once created objects can't be changed!) class Adder # Reia supports binding instance variables directly when they're passed # as arguments to initialize def initialize(@n); end def plus(n) @n + n end end # Instantiate classes by calling Classname(arg1, arg2, ...) # For you Ruby people who want this is coming soon! fortytwo = Adder(40).plus(2) # Function references can be obtained by omitting parens from a function call, # like JavaScript or Python numbers = [1,2,3] reverser = [1,2,3].reverse # Function references can be invoked just like lambdas reversed = reverser() # reversed is now [3,2,1] # You can add a ! to the end of any method to rebind the method receiver to # the return value of the given method minus the bang. numbers.reverse!() # numbers is now [3,2,1] # List comprehensions doubled = [n * 2 for n in numbers] # doubled is [6,4,2] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = HackerNews discussions of Reia ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Reia - Ruby's powerful syntax with Erlang concurrency and fault-tolerance||11/10/2010|2|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 535 2.7
Reko - Decompiler Reko ==== Reko is a decompiler created in 2007 by John Källén. 2007 John Källén #1435 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Reko is a binary decompiler. - Tags: decompiler - Reko is developed on GitHub and has 2,098 stars - Early development of Reko happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
REL English - Programming language REL English =========== REL English is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3550 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of REL English happened in RAND - REL English on HOPL REL English on HOPL - Read more about REL English on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about REL English on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
rel-lang - Programming language rel-lang ======== rel-lang is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2095 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Documentation on REL, the fancy JSON syntax for building cards for the relevant iOS app - Tags: programming language - rel-lang is developed on GitHub and has 24 stars - Early development of rel-lang happened in - rel-lang is written in Markdown HackerNews discussions of rel-lang ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: REL – A JSON-based programming language||06/17/2015|2|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
REL - Programming language REL === REL is a programming language created in 1968 by Peter C. Lockemann and Frederick B. Thompson. 1968 Peter C. Lockemann Frederick B. Thompson #3551 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of REL happened in California Institute of Technology - REL on HOPL REL on HOPL - Read more about REL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Relational Data File - Query language Relational Data File ==================== Relational Data File is a query language created in 1965. 1965 #3161 on PLDB 59 Years Old A tool for mechanized inference execution and data retrieval. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Relational Data File happened in RAND - Read more about Relational Data File on the web: 1. 1. IF (x AUTHORED PAPER y) AND (y SUBJECT INDEXED UNDER pattern recognition) THEN (x CONDUCTS RESEARCH ON pattern recognition) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
RPL - Query language RPL === RPL is a query language created in 1988. 1988 #3162 on PLDB 36 Years Old The Relational Production Language (RPL) solves the paradigm mismatch between expert systems and database systems by relying on the relational data model as the underlying formalism for an expert system. The result is a formally-defined production system language with immediate access to conventional databases. Working memory is modeled as a relational database and rules consist of a relational query on the left hand side (LHS) and database updates on the right hand side (RHS). - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of RPL happened in University of Southwestern Louisiana - Read more about RPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
Relationlog - Programming language Relationlog =========== Relationlog is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4403 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Relationlog happened in University of Regina - Relationlog on HOPL Relationlog on HOPL - Read more about Relationlog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
relax - Grammar language relax ===== relax is a grammar language created in 2000 by Makoto Murata. 2000 Makoto Murata #2499 on PLDB 24 Years Old RELAX (REgular LAnguage description for XML) is a specification for describing XML-based languages. XHTML 1.0, for example, can be described in RELAX. A description written in RELAX is called a RELAX grammar. An XML document can be verified against a RELAX grammar. Compared with DTD(Document Type Definition), RELAX has new features: RELAX grammars are represented in the XML instance syntax. RELAX borrows rich datatypes of XML Schema Part 2. RELAX is namespace-aware - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of relax happened in - See also: (1 related languages) DTD <module moduleVersion="1.2" relaxCoreVersion="1.0" targetNamespace="" xmlns=""> <interface> <export label="doc"/> </interface> <elementRule role="doc"> <sequence> <ref label="title"/> <ref label="para" occurs="*"/> </sequence> </elementRule> <elementRule role="para"> <mixed> <ref label="em" occurs="*"/> </mixed> </elementRule> <elementRule role="title"> <mixed> <ref label="em" occurs="*"/> </mixed> </elementRule> <elementRule role="em" type="string"/> <tag name="doc"/> <tag name="para"> <attribute name="class" type="NMTOKEN"/> </tag> <tag name="title"> <attribute name="class" type="NMTOKEN"/> <attribute name="number" required="true" type="integer"/> </tag> <tag name="em"/> </module> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 395 2
RELAX NG - Grammar language RELAX NG ======== RELAX NG is a grammar language created in 2001. 2001 #874 on PLDB 23 Years Old In computing, RELAX NG (REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation) is a schema language for XML - a RELAX NG schema specifies a pattern for the structure and content of an XML document. A RELAX NG schema is itself an XML document but RELAX NG also offers a popular compact, non-XML syntax. Compared to other XML schema languages RELAX NG is considered relatively simple. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of RELAX NG happened in - was registered in 2001 # A RELAX NG compact syntax pattern # for an address book. element addressBook { # an entry in the address book element card { element name { text }, element email { text } # an email address }* } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # Comments start with a # and continue to the end of the line: Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
RELFUN - Programming language RELFUN ====== RELFUN is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4404 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RELFUN happened in Universitaet Kaiserslautern - RELFUN on HOPL RELFUN on HOPL - Read more about RELFUN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Relix - Programming language Relix ===== Relix is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3552 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Relix happened in McGill University - Relix on HOPL Relix on HOPL - Read more about Relix on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
remix - Programming language remix ===== remix is a programming language created in 2016 by Jay McCarthy. 2016 Jay McCarthy #1830 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone remix - a revised version of Racket - Tags: programming language - remix is developed on GitHub and has 33 stars - Early development of remix happened in - remix is written in Racket, Make - Read more about remix on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Ren-C - Programming language Ren-C ===== Ren-C is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #1309 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Ren-C is a deeply redesigned LGPL 3.0-licensed derivative of the Rebol 3 codebase. It explores solutions to some of the Rebol language's longstanding open questions, adding fundamental new evaluation abilities and API embeddings. - Tags: programming language - Ren-C is developed on GitHub and has 126 stars - Early development of Ren-C happened in - Ren-C is written in C, R, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, JavaScript, HTML, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Ren - Data notation Ren === Ren is a data notation created in 2013. 2013 #1693 on PLDB 11 Years Old Ren is a lightweight data-exchange text format. It is programming language independent with familiar conventions. Whitespace separates values, but is not significant beyond that. Ren has two main data structures: An ordered group of values, called a list; A collection of name/value pairs, called a map - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of Ren happened in Pointillistic Software - was registered in 2014 - Read more about Ren on the web: 1. 1. [] ; empty list #() ; empty map [a 1 true #three] ; non-empty list #(a: 1 b: "two") ; non-empty map "Ren Example 1" ; string -42 ; number 98.6 ; another number true ; literal true false ; literal false none ; literal nil/null/nada #( ; a bigger map quote: "禅 saying: ^"仁 rocks!^"" utf-8: "^(CE91) to ^(cf89)" sci-phi: 0.1618e1 tax-rate: 3.9% price: $79.99 url: email: hashtag: #ren date: 2013-04-17/18:37:39-06:00 warning: 00:02 ; = 00:00:120.0 ip-addr: geo-pos: 43.6x116.7x817 hex: 16#{DECAFBAD CAFE 00FF} base-64: 64#{UmVuIGlzIGRhdGE=} ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 324 1.6
RenderMan Shading Language - Shading language RenderMan Shading Language ========================== RenderMan Shading Language is a shading language created in 1989. 1989 #2906 on PLDB 35 Years Old Renderman Shading Language (abbreviated RSL) is a component of the RenderMan Interface Specification, and is used to define shaders. The language syntax is C-like. A shader written in RSL can be used without changes on any RenderMan-compliant renderer, such as Pixar's PhotoRealistic RenderMan, DNA Research's 3Delight, Sitexgraphics' Air or an open source solution such as Pixie or Aqsis. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: shadingLanguage - Early development of RenderMan Shading Language happened in Pixar - RenderMan Shading Language on HOPL RenderMan Shading Language on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ISBN float length(vector v) { return sqrt(v . v); /* . is a dot product */ } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
RenderScript - Programming language RenderScript ============ RenderScript is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #1051 on PLDB 13 Years Old 696 Repos RenderScript is a component of the Android operating system for mobile devices that offers an API for acceleration that takes advantage of heterogeneous hardware. It allows developers to increase the performance of their applications at the cost of writing more complex (lower-level) code. It provides the developer three primary tools: A simple 3D rendering API, a compute API similar to CUDA, and a C99-derived language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 696 RenderScript repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 379 users using RenderScript in 407 repos on GitHub - See also: (2 related languages) Android, CUDA - Read more about RenderScript on the web: 1. 1. /* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma version(1) #pragma rs java_package_name( #pragma rs_fp_relaxed int32_t gWidth; int32_t gHeight; const uchar4 *gPixels; rs_allocation gIn; float gCoeffs[9]; void root(const uchar4 *in, uchar4 *out, const void *usrData, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { uint32_t x1 = min((int32_t)x+1, gWidth-1); uint32_t x2 = max((int32_t)x-1, 0); uint32_t y1 = min((int32_t)y+1, gHeight-1); uint32_t y2 = max((int32_t)y-1, 0); float4 p00 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x1 + gWidth * y1]); float4 p01 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x + gWidth * y1]); float4 p02 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x2 + gWidth * y1]); float4 p10 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x1 + gWidth * y]); float4 p11 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x + gWidth * y]); float4 p12 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x2 + gWidth * y]); float4 p20 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x1 + gWidth * y2]); float4 p21 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x + gWidth * y2]); float4 p22 = rsUnpackColor8888(gPixels[x2 + gWidth * y2]); p00 *= gCoeffs[0]; p01 *= gCoeffs[1]; p02 *= gCoeffs[2]; p10 *= gCoeffs[3]; p11 *= gCoeffs[4]; p12 *= gCoeffs[5]; p20 *= gCoeffs[6]; p21 *= gCoeffs[7]; p22 *= gCoeffs[8]; p00 += p01; p02 += p10; p11 += p12; p20 += p21; p22 += p00; p02 += p11; p20 += p22; p20 += p02; p20 = clamp(p20, 0.f, 1.f); *out = rsPackColorTo8888(p20.r, p20.g, p20.b); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 540 2.7
Ren'Py - Programming language Ren'Py ====== Ren'Py is an open source programming language created in 2004. 2004 #694 on PLDB 20 Years Old 3k Repos The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine is a free software engine which facilitates the creation of visual novels, a form of computer-mediated storytelling. Ren'Py is a portmanteau of ren'ai (恋愛), the Japanese word for 'romantic love', a common element of games made using Ren'Py; and Python, the programming language that Ren'Py runs on. Ren'Py has proved attractive to English-language hobbyists; over 1000 games use the Ren'Py engine, nearly all in English.. Read more on Wikipedia...'Py Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,124 Ren'Py repos on GitHub - Early development of Ren'Py happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 47 users using Ren'Py in 49 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ren'Py - See also: (7 related languages) Python, Cython, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, iOS, UTF-8 ### Demo Script Example ### # This script, but not the artwork associated with it, is in the # public domain. Feel free to use it as the basis for your own # game. # If you're trying to understand this script, I recommend skipping # down to the line beginning with 'label start:', at least on your # first read-through. # This init block runs first, and sets up all sorts of things that # are used by the rest of the game. Variables that are set in init # blocks are _not_ saved, unless they are changed later on in the # program. init: # Set up the size of the screen, and the window title. $ config.screen_width = 800 $ config.screen_height = 600 $ config.window_title = "The Ren'Py Demo Game" # Declare the images that are used in the program. # Backgrounds. image bg carillon = "carillon.jpg" image bg whitehouse = "whitehouse.jpg" image bg washington = "washington.jpg" image bg onememorial = "1memorial.jpg" image black = Solid((0, 0, 0, 255)) # Character pictures. image eileen happy = "9a_happy.png" image eileen vhappy = "9a_vhappy.png" image eileen concerned = "9a_concerned.png" # A character object. This object lets us have the character say # dialogue without us having to repeatedly type her name. It also # lets us change the color of her name. $ e = Character('Eileen', color=(200, 255, 200, 255)) # The start label marks the place where the main menu jumps to to # begin the actual game. label start: # The save_name variable sets the name of the save game. Like all # variables declared outside of init blocks, this variable is # saved and restored with a save file. $ save_name = "Introduction" # This variable is only used by our game. If it's true, it means # that we won the date. $ date = False # Clear the game runtime timer, so it doesn't reflect time spent # sitting at the main menu. $ renpy.clear_game_runtime() # Start some m Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 608 3
RPT - Programming language RPT === RPT, aka Report Writer Language, is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #3163 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RPT happened in Micro Focus International plc - RPT on HOPL RPT on HOPL - Read more about RPT on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
Rescript - Programming language Rescript ======== Rescript is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #1358 on PLDB 4 Years Old 2k Repos ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript. It comes with a lightning fast compiler toolchain that scales to any codebase size. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,604 Rescript repos on GitHub - Rescript compiles to JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 52 users using Rescript in 54 repos on GitHub - was registered in 2020 - 10 PLDB concepts link to Rescript: Bucklescript, Catala, cloc, fay, Git, NCAR Command Language, Nit, Semantic Patch Language, UCL, zl module Button = { @react.component let make = (~count: int) => { let times = switch count { | 1 => "once" | 2 => "twice" | n => Belt.Int.toString(n) ++ " times" } let msg = "Click me " ++ times <button> {msg->React.string} </button> } } Js.log("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Js.log row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 287 1.4
resharper-editor - Editor resharper-editor ================ resharper-editor is an editor created in 2004. 2004 #4622 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of resharper-editor happened in JetBrains Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
REST - Protocol REST ==== REST is a protocol created in 1996 by Roy Fielding. 1996 Roy Fielding #385 on PLDB 28 Years Old Representational state transfer (REST) or RESTful web services are a way of providing interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. REST-compliant Web services allow requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of Web resources using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations. Other forms of Web services exist, which expose their own arbitrary sets of operations such as WSDL and SOAP. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of REST happened in University of California Irvine - has 26,215 matches for "rest developer". - See also: (8 related languages) WSDL, SOAP, URL, XML, HTML, JSON, HTTP, JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
reStructuredText - Text markup language reStructuredText ================ reStructuredText is an open source text markup language created in 2002 by David Goodger. 2002 David Goodger #211 on PLDB 22 Years Old 31 Repos reStructuredText (sometimes abbreviated as RST, ReST, or reST) is a file format for textual data used primarily in the Python programming language community for technical documentation. It is part of the Docutils project of the Python Doc-SIG (Documentation Special Interest Group), aimed at creating a set of tools for Python similar to Javadoc for Java or POD for Perl. Docutils can extract comments and information from Python programs, and format them into various forms of program documentation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 31 reStructuredText repos on GitHub - Early development of reStructuredText happened in - Monaco package for syntax highlighting reStructuredText - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for reStructuredText - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for reStructuredText - See also: (12 related languages) REST, Java, Pod, Perl, Python, CMake, Markdown, Org, Textile, HTML, AsciiDoc, Txt2tags - Read more about reStructuredText on the web: 1. 1. - 118 PLDB concepts link to reStructuredText: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Ace Editor, AIL, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, ASDF, astroml, AviSynth, Bazel, Berry, Chapel, chatterbot, clash, cloc, Coconut, CWL, Coq, CouchDB, Cryptol, curv, Differential Datalog, djangoql, docopt, Easybuild, edgedb, Egison, Elpi, Emscripten, F Prime, Factor, Fardlang, Felix, fish, Flatline, Futhark, GHC, HCL, HHVM, highlight.js, hobbes, Hy, Idio, Idris, Impala, invokator, Iterm2, Jeeves, Jinja, k-framework, leo-editor, lift, Links, Linux, loci, Manim, mathics, Matplotlib, Metalang99, mgmt, MicroPython, mimium, Minilang, MiniZinc, mochi, MongoDB, monte, myia, mys, NestedText, Nim, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, nulan, Numba, nylo, Obsidian, ooc, Open Shading Language, Pact, Pan, Pandas, parboiled2, phorth, PHP, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, redprl, RicScript, Rita, RobotFramework, roy, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Seq, skulpt, Snowball, Solidity, Sophie, Sqlalchemy, Squirrel, Stencil, Swift, SymPy, tiledb, tornado, Triton, twtxt, ultralisp-pm, Vale, Volt, vyper, Xgboost, XGBoost, xlwings-editor, YARA, yeti Hello, world! ============ Hello World ============ Contributing to SciPy ===================== This document aims to give an overview of how to contribute to SciPy. It tries to answer commonly asked questions, and provide some insight into how the community process works in practice. Readers who are familiar with the SciPy community and are experienced Python coders may want to jump straight to the `git workflow`_ documentation. Contributing new code --------------------- If you have been working with the scientific Python toolstack for a while, you probably have some code lying around of which you think "this could be useful for others too". Perhaps it's a good idea then to contribute it to SciPy or another open source project. The first question to ask is then, where does this code belong? That question is hard to answer here, so we start with a more specific one: *what code is suitable for putting into SciPy?* Almost all of the new code added to scipy has in common that it's potentially useful in multiple scientific domains and it fits in the scope of existing scipy submodules. In principle new submodules can be added too, but this is far less common. For code that is specific to a single application, there may be an existing project that can use the code. Some scikits (`scikit-learn`_, `scikits-image`_, `statsmodels`_, etc.) are good examples here; they have a narrower focus and because of that more domain-specific code than SciPy. Now if you have code that you would like to see included in SciPy, how do you go about it? After checking that your code can be distributed in SciPy under a compatible license (see FAQ for details), the first step is to discuss on the scipy-dev mailing list. All new features, as well as changes to existing code, are discussed and decided on there. You can, and probably should, already start this discussion before your code is finished. Assuming the outcome of the discussion on the mailing list is positive and you have a function or piece of code that does what you nee :: some literal text This may also be used inline at the end of a paragraph, like so:: some more literal text .. code:: python print("A literal block directive explicitly marked as python code") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 809 4
RetDec - Decompiler RetDec ====== RetDec is a decompiler created in 2017. 2017 #891 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone RetDec is a retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM. - Tags: decompiler - RetDec is developed on GitHub and has 7,893 stars - Early development of RetDec happened in Avast Software s.r.o. - RetDec is written in C++, CMake, Python, Bourne shell, Markdown, JSON, C, YAML, Dockerfile, Make - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
retroforth - Programming language retroforth ========== retroforth is a programming language created in 2000 by Charles Childers. 2000 Charles Childers #3063 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of retroforth happened in - was registered in 2004 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Reuse Description Language - Programming language Reuse Description Language ========================== Reuse Description Language is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #3553 on PLDB 19 Years Old RDL: A Language for Framework Instantiation Representation - Tags: programming language - Early development of Reuse Description Language happened in Pontifical University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul and Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro and University of Waterloo - Read more about Reuse Description Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Reverse Polish notation - Notation Reverse Polish notation ======================= Reverse Polish notation is a notation created in 1953. 1953 #1394 on PLDB 71 Years Old Reverse Polish notation (RPN), also known as Polish postfix notation or simply postfix notation, is a mathematical notation in which operators follow their operands, in contrast to Polish notation (PN), in which operators precede their operands. It does not need any parentheses as long as each operator has a fixed number of operands. The description "Polish" refers to the nationality of logician Jan Łukasiewicz, who invented Polish notation in 1924.The reverse Polish scheme was proposed in 1954 by Arthur Burks, Don Warren, and Jesse Wright and was independently reinvented by Friedrich L. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of Reverse Polish notation happened in Zuse-Ingenieurbüro Hopferau - See also: (11 related languages) Forth, PostScript, RPL, Factor, BibTeX, Befunge, Joy, IPTSCRAE, Android, Unix, Dc 15 7 1 1 + − ÷ 3 × 2 1 1 + + − = 15 7 1 1 + − ÷ 3 × 2 2 + − = 15 7 1 1 + − ÷ 3 × 4 − = 15 7 2 − ÷ 3 × 4 − = 15 5 ÷ 3 × 4 − = 3 3 × 4 − = 9 4 − = 5 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
Autodesk Revit - Application Autodesk Revit ============== Autodesk Revit is an open source application created in 1997. 1997 #1849 on PLDB 27 Years Old Autodesk Revit is building information modelling software for architects, landscape architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, designers and contractors. The original software was developed by Charles River Software, founded in 1997, renamed Revit Technology Corporation in 2000, and acquired by Autodesk in 2002. The software allows users to design a building and structure and its components in 3D, annotate the model with 2D drafting elements, and access building information from the building model's database. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Early development of Autodesk Revit happened in Autodesk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Revolution - Programming language Revolution ========== Revolution is a programming language created in 1993 by Mark Waddingham. 1993 Mark Waddingham #763 on PLDB 31 Years Old git clone LiveCode (formerly Revolution and MetaCard) is a cross-platform rapid application development runtime environment inspired by HyperCard. It features the Transcript (formerly MetaTalk) programming language which belongs to the family of xTalk scripting languages like HyperCard's HyperTalk.The environment was introduced in 2001. The "Revolution" development system was based on the MetaCard engine technology which Runtime Revolution later acquired from MetaCard Corporation in 2003. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Revolution is developed on GitHub and has 475 stars - Early development of Revolution happened in LiveCode Ltd - Revolution is written in Markdown, C++, JSON, Python, Objective C++, Java, XML, Bourne shell, C, Diff, Perl, JavaScript, Make, HTML, awk, Pascal, SQL, Lisp, YAML, Objective-C, Korn shell, R, SVG, Bash, Ini - See also: (7 related languages) Linux, Unix, Android, iOS, HyperTalk, HyperCard, SQL put url "binfile:picture.jpg" into url "" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
Rexon - Programming language Rexon ===== Rexon is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3775 on PLDB 46 Years Old Rexon Business Machines, later Rexon, Inc., was a manufacturer of small business computer systems founded by Ben C. Wang in 1978 in Culver City, California. It also became a major manufacturer of tape drives and related products. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rexon happened in Rexon Business Machines - See also: (1 related languages) Business Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Rexx - Programming language Rexx ==== Rexx is a programming language created in 1979 by Mike Cowlishaw. 1979 Mike Cowlishaw #303 on PLDB 45 Years Old 263 Repos Rexx (Restructured Extended Executor) is an interpreted programming language developed at IBM by Mike Cowlishaw. It is a structured, high-level programming language designed for ease of learning and reading. Proprietary and open source REXX interpreters exist for a wide range of computing platforms; compilers exist for IBM mainframe computers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Interview with the creator of Rexx: 1. 1. - There are at least 263 Rexx repos on GitHub - Early development of Rexx happened in IBM - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 69 users using Rexx in 71 repos on GitHub - There are 11 Project Euler users using Rexx - Explore Rexx snippets on Rosetta Code - Rexx on HOPL Rexx on HOPL - Rexx appears in the TIOBE Index - Rexx Ubuntu package Rexx Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Rexx - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Rexx - Rexx appears in the Quine Relay project - has 40 matches for "rexx engineer". - See also: (17 related languages) ARexx, NetRexx, Object Rexx, PL/I, Algol, EXEC, EXEC 2, Perl, Assembly language, Tcl, Python, Java, Linux, Unix, Solaris, Visual Basic, JScript - 5 PLDB concepts link to Rexx: JAL compiler, mal, Pawn, PAWN, Pygments say "Hello, world!" <<hello.rexx>>= Say "Hello World" /* rexx */ PARSE ARG filnamn IF filnamn='' THEN DO filnamn='raw' filnamn='font.shapes' end IF ~open(fil,filnamn,r) THEN EXIT 10 pixwidth=48 ebwidth=pixwidth/8 pixheight=48 depth=4 SAY "Skriver utfil..." CALL open utfil,"RAM:utfil",W CALL skriv pixwidth,2 CALL skriv pixheight,2 CALL skriv depth,2 CALL skriv ebwidth,2 bltsize=Right(C2B(D2C(pixheight)),10,"00") bltsize=bltsize || Right(C2B(D2C(ebwidth)),6,"00") /* SAY bltsize */ CALL skriv C2D(B2C(bltsize)),2 CALL skriv 0,4 /* xhandle, yhandle*/ CALL skriv 0,4 /* datapekare */ CALL skriv 0,4 /* cookiepekare */ CALL skriv ebwidth*pixheight,2 /* onebpmem */ CALL skriv ebwidth*pixheight+pixheight*2,2 /* onebpmemx */ CALL skriv ebwidth*pixheight*depth,2 /* allbpmem */ CALL skriv ebwidth*pixheight*depth+pixheight*2*depth,2 /* allbpmemx */ CALL skriv 0,2 /* padding */ CALL Close utfil EXIT skriv: say "Skriver TEMPLATEquot;D2X(arg(1)) "("arg(2) "byte)" call writech utfil,right(D2C(ARG(1)),ARG(2),"00"x) return visacookie: rad=copies('00'x,pixheight*ebwidth) say "Initierar bitmap till" pixheight*ebwidth*depth say "Ett bitplan =" pixheight*ebwidth bmap.='' say "laser in" do bitplan=1 to depth say "laser plan" bitplan rad=bitor(rad,readch(fil,pixheight*ebwidth)) end ln=1 say "skriver ut" do for pixheight say c2b(substr(rad,ln,bredd/8)) ln=ln+bredd/8 end return ChangeCodePage: procedure /* protect SIGNAL settings */ signal on syntax name ChangeCodePage.Trap return SysQueryProcessCodePage() ChangeCodePage.Trap: return 1004 /* windows-1252 on OS/2 */ Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token say row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example * => 1000000000 */ Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 686 3.4
RF-Maple - Programming language RF-Maple ======== RF-Maple is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4405 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RF-Maple happened in University of British Columbia - RF-Maple on HOPL RF-Maple on HOPL - Read more about RF-Maple on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
RFC - Notation RFC === RFC, aka Request for Comments, is a notation created in 1969 by Steve Crocker. 1969 Steve Crocker #584 on PLDB 55 Years Old A Request for Comments (RFC) is a type of publication from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Society (ISOC), the principal technical development and standards-setting bodies for the Internet. An RFC is authored by engineers and computer scientists in the form of a memorandum describing methods, behaviors, research, or innovations applicable to the working of the Internet and Internet-connected systems. It is submitted either for peer review or simply to convey new concepts, information, or (occasionally) engineering humor. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of RFC happened in University of California Los Angeles - See also: (1 related languages) ASCII RFC 2046 Media Types November 1996 A. Collected Grammar .................................... 43 1. Introduction The first document in this set, RFC 2045, defines a number of header fields, including Content-Type. The Content-Type field is used to specify the nature of the data in the body of a MIME entity, by giving media type and subtype identifiers, and by providing auxiliary information that may be required for certain media types. After the Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 282 1.4
Silicon Graphics Image - Binary data format Silicon Graphics Image ====================== Silicon Graphics Image is a binary data format created in 1996. 1996 #2446 on PLDB 28 Years Old Silicon Graphics Image (SGI) or the RGB file format is the native raster graphics file format for Silicon Graphics workstations. The format was invented by Paul Haeberli. It can be run-length encoded (RLE). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Silicon Graphics Image happened in Silicon Graphics, Inc - Read more about Silicon Graphics Image on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
RHET - Programming language RHET ==== RHET is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4406 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RHET happened in University of Rochester - RHET on HOPL RHET on HOPL - Read more about RHET on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
rhine - Programming language rhine ===== rhine is a programming language created in 2014 by Ramkumar Ramachandra. 2014 Ramkumar Ramachandra #1581 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone 🔬 a C++ compiler middle-end, using an LLVM backend - Tags: programming language - rhine is developed on GitHub and has 164 stars - Early development of rhine happened in - rhine is written in C++, CMake, Bourne shell, YAML, Markdown, LLVM IR HackerNews discussions of rhine =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Rhine – A typed Elixir-inspired language on LLVM||03/20/2016|81|16 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Rholang - Contract language Rholang ======= Rholang is an open source contract language created in 2016. 2016 #403 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Rholang is an open and scalable blockchain language designed for speed, reliability and formal process orchestration build on latest research in the reflective high order process calculus. - Tags: contractLanguage - Rholang is developed on GitHub and has 691 stars - Early development of Rholang happened in - Rholang is written in Scala, C++, Markdown, C, Python, Make, Bourne shell, XML, Protocol Buffers, YAML, Bash, JSON, CMake, Nix, Perl, Ini, Dockerfile, TypeScript, TOML, sed - There are 1,000 members in the Rholang subreddit - has 13 matches for "couchdb developer". new helloworld, stdout(`rho:io:stdout`) in { contract helloworld( world ) = { for( @msg <- world ) { stdout!(msg) } } | new world, world2 in { helloworld!(*world) | world!("Hello World") | helloworld!(*world2) | world2!("Hello World again") } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
rhoscript - Programming language rhoscript ========= rhoscript is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #4623 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of rhoscript =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: I designed a language for code golf, compiling to Common Lisp||08/25/2013|102|40 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
RHTML - Template language RHTML ===== RHTML is a template language created in 2004. 2004 #1184 on PLDB 20 Years Old 0 Repos RHTML is HTML mixed with Ruby, using HTML tags. All of Ruby is available for programming along with HTML. - Tags: template language - There are at least 0 RHTML repos on GitHub - Early development of RHTML happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for RHTML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for RHTML - Read more about RHTML on the web: 1. 1. <ul> <% @products.each do |p| %> <li><%= %></li> <% end %> </ul> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
RicScript - Programming language RicScript ========= RicScript is a programming language created in 2019 by Rickard. 2019 Rickard #2616 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A modern scripting language; implemented in old school C, yacc & flex - Tags: programming language - RicScript is developed on GitHub and has 31 stars - RicScript is written in C, HTML, Python, Bourne shell, Markdown, Meson, C++, CMake, JavaScript, Make, YAML, reStructuredText, Perl, XML, M4, JSON, Vim script, CSS, Yacc, Pascal, Lex, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
rider-editor - Editor rider-editor ============ rider-editor is an editor created in 2017. 2017 #4624 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of rider-editor happened in JetBrains Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 88 0.4
Riff - Programming language Riff ==== Riff is a programming language created in 2020 by Darryl Abbate. 2020 Darryl Abbate #1832 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone The Riff programming language - Tags: programming language - Riff is developed on GitHub and has 23 stars - Early development of Riff happened in - Riff is written in Markdown, C, YAML, XML, Make, Bash Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
RIGAL - Programming language RIGAL ===== RIGAL is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4407 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RIGAL happened in Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Latvia University - RIGAL on HOPL RIGAL on HOPL - Read more about RIGAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
RigC - Programming language RigC ==== RigC is a programming language created in 2021 by Poeta Kodu. 2021 Poeta Kodu #1694 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A prototype of the RigC programming language. - Tags: programming language - RigC is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - Early development of RigC happened in - RigC is written in C++, Markdown, YAML, JSON as break class const continue do else enum export false for from func if import of override ret template true type_name union var while Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Ring - Programming language Ring ==== Ring is an open source programming language created in 2016 by Mahmoud Fayed. 2016 Mahmoud Fayed #365 on PLDB 8 Years Old 195 Repos Ring is a dynamic and general-purpose programming language. It can be embedded in C/C++ projects, extended using C/C++ code and/or used as a standalone language. The supported programming paradigms are imperative, procedural, object-oriented, functional, Meta programming, declarative programming using nested structures, and natural programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 195 Ring repos on GitHub - Early development of Ring happened in King Saud University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3 users using Ring in 3 repos on GitHub - Explore Ring snippets on Rosetta Code - Ring appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ring - was registered in 2016 - See also: (9 related languages) C, Linux, Lua, Python, Ruby, C#, BASIC, QML, xBase - 5 PLDB concepts link to Ring: Adept, cloc, Eiffel, RapidBatch, Zig see "Hello World" New App { I want window The window title = "hello world" } Class App func geti if nIwantwindow = 0 nIwantwindow++ ok func getwant if nIwantwindow = 1 nIwantwindow++ ok func getwindow if nIwantwindow = 2 nIwantwindow= 0 see "Instruction : I want window" + nl ok if nWindowTitle = 0 nWindowTitle++ ok func settitle cValue if nWindowTitle = 1 nWindowTitle=0 see "Instruction : Window Title = " + cValue + nl ok private # Attributes for the instruction I want window i want window nIwantwindow = 0 # Attributes for the instruction Window title # Here we don't define the window attribute again title nWindowTitle = 0 # Keywords to ignore, just give them any value the=0 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 410 2
rio - Programming language rio === rio is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2008 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Goal: A safe, tiny, flexible, fast compiling, semi-fast running, data-friendly, functional-first language - Tags: programming language - rio is developed on GitHub and has 95 stars - Early development of rio happened in University of Oklahoma - rio is written in Rust, WebAssembly, SVG, TOML, Markdown - Read more about rio on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
Ripple - Programming language Ripple ====== Ripple is a programming language created in 2014 by Yuya Watari. 2014 Yuya Watari #1943 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Ripple is a programming language which is well designed for numerical simulations. - Tags: programming language - Ripple is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of Ripple happened in Tokyo Institute of Technology - Ripple is written in C#, XAML, XML, C++, Markdown - Read more about Ripple on the web: 1. 1. // Stage // - A target object of this simulation stage n as long; // the number of mice // Parameter param c as int; // the number of mice which one mouse gives birth to // Initialization init { n<0> = 2; // n<0> means the value of n when time is 0 } // Operation // - Code which is executed every time (like recurrence formula) operation { n<next> = n<now> * c; // "now" and "next" are keywords in Ripple. next == now + 1. } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
RISC-V - Instruction set architecture RISC-V ====== RISC-V is an instruction set architecture created in 2010. 2010 #781 on PLDB 14 Years Old RISC-V (pronounced "risk-five") is an open instruction set architecture (ISA) based on established reduced instruction set computing (RISC) principles. In contrast to most ISAs, the RISC-V ISA can be freely used for any purpose, permitting anyone to design, manufacture and sell RISC-V chips and software. While not the first open ISA, it is significant because it is designed to be useful in modern computerized devices such as warehouse-scale cloud computers, high-end mobile phones and the smallest embedded systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of RISC-V happened in University of California Berkeley - See also: (12 related languages) Linux, Verilog, LLVM IR, FreeBSD, JavaScript, Assembly language, MIPS architecture, PowerPC, SPARC, X86, ARM, MMX instruction set .text .global main main: addi a7, x0, 64 addi a0, x0, 1 la a1, message addi a2, x0, 14 ecall addi a7, x0, 93 addi a0, x0, 0 ecall .data message: .string "Hello, world!\n" .data hello_world: .asciiz "Hello World" .text main: la a1, hello_world li a0, 4 ecall li a0, 10 ecall Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 287 1.4
rise - Programming language rise ==== rise is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #3164 on PLDB 4 Years Old Rise is a functional pattern-based language in the style of Lift. Rise provides a set of data-parallel high-level patterns that are used to describe computations over higher dimensional arrays (aka tensors) in an abstract way. For example, the map pattern applies a given function to every element of the input array. The zip pattern combines two input arrays pairwise to produce an output array of pairs. The reduce pattern is customized with a binary reduction operator (such as addition), a matching neutral element (such as zero), and an input array that is reduced to a single value (such as the sum of all elements). - Tags: programming language - Early development of rise happened in University of Glasgow - Read more about rise on the web: 1. 1. fun(A : N.K.float => fun(B : K.M.float => A |> map(fun(arow => B |> map(fun(bcol => zip(arow, bcol) |> map(*) |> reduce(+, 0) )) )))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
Rita - Programming language Rita ==== Rita is a programming language created in 2019 by Šarūnas Navickas. 2019 Šarūnas Navickas #1418 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A Domain Specific Language (DSL) for building language patterns. These can be later compiled into spaCy patterns, pure regex, or any other format - Tags: programming language - Rita is developed on GitHub and has 65 stars - Early development of Rita happened in - Rita is written in Python, Markdown, YAML, reStructuredText, Ini, SVG, TOML, Make - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Rita Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
RLaB - Programming language RLaB ==== RLaB is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #1425 on PLDB 26 Years Old Rlab is an interactive, interpreted numerical computation program and its core programming language, written by Ian Searle. Rlab (the language) is very high level and is intended to provide fast prototyping and program development, as well as easy data-visualization, and processing. Rlab was not designed as a clone of MATLAB. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RLaB happened in - Explore RLaB snippets on Rosetta Code - RLaB on HOPL RLaB on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) MATLAB, Linux - Read more about RLaB on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
RLISP - Programming language RLISP ===== RLISP is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3554 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RLISP happened in Moscow State University - RLISP on HOPL RLISP on HOPL - Read more about RLISP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
rlmeta - Grammar language rlmeta ====== rlmeta is a grammar language created in 2018 by Rickard Lindberg. 2018 Rickard Lindberg #3704 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of rlmeta happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
rlox - Programming language rlox ==== rlox is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3668 on PLDB 20 Years Old git clone Crafting Interpreters (clox) - Tags: programming language - rlox is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of rlox happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
RMarkdown - Text markup language RMarkdown ========= RMarkdown is an open source text markup language created in 2014 by Joseph J. Allaire. 2014 Joseph J. Allaire #254 on PLDB 10 Years Old 198 Repos git clone Dynamic Documents for R - Tags: text markup language - RMarkdown is developed on GitHub and has 2,841 stars - There are at least 198 RMarkdown repos on GitHub - Early development of RMarkdown happened in - RMarkdown is written in R, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, HTML, Lua, SVG, Tex, Bourne shell, XML, SCSS, CSV - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for RMarkdown # An example RMarkdown Some text. ## A graphic in R ```{r} plot(1:10) hist(rnorm(10000)) ``` Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Robic - Programming language Robic ===== Robic is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4504 on PLDB 49 Years Old Robic (Russian: Робик) —a programming language created in the USSR for primary school education (8–11 years old children). The language was developed in 1975 and after changes was included in the Agat software system as "schoolgirl". The language uses syntax based on the Russian vocabulary. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Robic happened in USSR Ministry of Radio Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
RoboMind - Programming language RoboMind ======== RoboMind is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #1745 on PLDB 19 Years Old RoboMind is a simple educational programming environment with its own scripting language that allows beginners to learn the basics of computer science by programming a simulated robot. In addition to introducing common programming techniques, it also aims at offering insights in robotics and artificial intelligence. RoboMind is available as stand-alone application for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RoboMind happened in University of Amsterdam and Research Kitchen - was registered in 2005 - See also: (9 related languages) Java, Linux, Karel, Pascal, Logo, JavaScript, Scratch, Microsoft Small Basic, Kodu Game Lab paintWhite repeat(4) { forward(2) right } follow procedure follow{ if(frontIsWhite){ forward(1) } else if(rightIsWhite){ right } else if(leftIsWhite){ left } else{ end } follow } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Robot Battle - Programming language Robot Battle ============ Robot Battle is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3727 on PLDB 30 Years Old Robot Battle is a programming game for Microsoft Windows where players design and code adaptable battling robots. Robot Battle takes strategy rather than reflexes, accuracy, or timing to succeed. What differentiates one robot from the next is its programming, for which the player is responsible. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Robot Battle happened in GarageGames LLC - See also: (2 related languages) C, JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
RoboTalk - Programming language RoboTalk ======== RoboTalk is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3555 on PLDB 39 Years Old Robotalk: A New Language To Control The Rhino Robot. - Tags: programming language - Early development of RoboTalk happened in Rhino Robotics Ltd - Read more about RoboTalk on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
robotc - Programming language robotc ====== robotc is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2768 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of robotc happened in Robomatter, Inc. - was registered in 2007 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
RobotFramework - Programming language RobotFramework ============== RobotFramework is an open source programming language created in 2013. 2013 #121 on PLDB 11 Years Old 8k Repos git clone Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and RPA - Tags: programming language - RobotFramework is developed on GitHub and has 9,459 stars - There are at least 7,602 RobotFramework repos on GitHub - Early development of RobotFramework happened in Robot Framework ry - RobotFramework is written in RobotFramework, Python, reStructuredText, JavaScript, XML, JSON, YAML, HTML, CSS, XSD, SVG, Make - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 447 users using RobotFramework in 515 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for RobotFramework - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for RobotFramework - was registered in 2007 - 3 PLDB concepts link to RobotFramework: Ace Editor, cloc, RobotFramework *** Settings *** Documentation Example test case using the gherkin syntax. ... ... This test has a workflow similar to the keyword-driven ... examples. The difference is that the keywords use higher ... abstraction level and their arguments are embedded into ... the keyword names. ... ... This kind of _gherkin_ syntax has been made popular by ... [|Cucumber]. It works well especially when ... tests act as examples that need to be easily understood also ... by the business people. Library CalculatorLibrary *** Test Cases *** Addition Given calculator has been cleared When user types "1 + 1" and user pushes equals Then result is "2" *** Keywords *** Calculator has been cleared Push button C User types "${expression}" Push buttons ${expression} User pushes equals Push button = Result is "${result}" Result should be ${result} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 319 1.6
Robots.txt - Config format Robots.txt ========== Robots.txt is a config format created in 1994 by Martijn Koster. 1994 Martijn Koster #2311 on PLDB 30 Years Old A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site. - Tags: configFormat - Early development of Robots.txt happened in - Read more about Robots.txt on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. User-agent: googlebot # all Google services Disallow: /private/ # disallow this directory User-agent: googlebot-news # only the news service Disallow: / # disallow everything User-agent: * # any robot Disallow: /something/ # disallow this directory Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Roc - Programming language Roc === Roc is a programming language created in 2020 by Richard Feldman. 2020 Richard Feldman #666 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A fast, friendly, functional language. - Tags: programming language - Roc is developed on GitHub and has 3,930 stars - Early development of Roc happened in - Roc is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, YAML, Zig, TypeScript, Bourne shell, C, Nix, JSON, JavaScript, HTML, Dockerfile, SVG, CSS, Swift, Python, Java, Perl, Ruby - Learn Roc on exercism. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Roc: Scrapscript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
rocket - Programming language rocket ====== rocket is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2658 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Programming language for implementing business logic and state management - Tags: programming language - rocket is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of rocket happened in - rocket is written in Markdown HackerNews discussions of rocket ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Rocket – a language that lets you focus on your business logic||08/07/2018|7|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
rockstar-rkt - Programming language rockstar-rkt ============ rockstar-rkt is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2428 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Implementation of Rockstar in Racket. - Tags: programming language - rockstar-rkt is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of rockstar-rkt happened in - rockstar-rkt is written in Racket, Markdown - See also: (1 related languages) Rockstar Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Rockstar - Esoteric programming language Rockstar ======== Rockstar is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2018 by Dylan Beattie. 2018 Dylan Beattie #829 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Rockstar is a dynamically typed Turing-complete programming language. Rockstar is designed for creating computer programs that are also song lyrics, and is heavily influenced by the lyrical conventions of 1980s hard rock and power ballads. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Rockstar is developed on GitHub and has 79 stars - Early development of Rockstar happened in - Rockstar is written in JavaScript, CSS, Markdown, HTML, JSON, YAML, Python - Explore Rockstar snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2018 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Rockstar: rockstar-rkt Midnight takes your heart and your soul While your heart is as high as your soul Put your heart without your soul into your heart Give back your heart Desire is a lovestruck ladykiller My world is nothing Fire is ice Hate is water Until my world is Desire, Build my world up If Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothing and Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothing Shout "FizzBuzz!" Take it to the top If Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothing Shout "Fizz!" Take it to the top If Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothing Say "Buzz!" Take it to the top Whisper my world Scream "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Scream Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 338 1.7
Rocky Mountain BASIC - Programming language Rocky Mountain BASIC ==================== Rocky Mountain BASIC is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3649 on PLDB 36 Years Old Rocky Mountain BASIC (also RMB or RM-BASIC) is a dialect of the BASIC programming language created by Hewlett-Packard. It was especially popular for control of automatic test equipment using GPIB. It has several features which are or were unusual in BASIC dialects, such as event-driven operation, extensive external I/O support, complex number support, and matrix manipulation functions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rocky Mountain BASIC happened in Hewlett-Packard - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, Assembly language, Pascal, HP Time-Shared BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
ROFF - Text markup language ROFF ==== ROFF is a text markup language created in 1971 by Joe Ossanna and Ken Thompson. 1971 Joe Ossanna Ken Thompson #991 on PLDB 53 Years Old 37k Repos - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 36,672 ROFF repos on GitHub - Early development of ROFF happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 11k users using ROFF in 12k repos on GitHub - ROFF on HOPL ROFF on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ROFF - See also: (1 related languages) Troff - 1 PLDB concepts link to ROFF: nroff .PP Hello, world! .TH FOO 1 .SH NAME foo \- bar .SH SYNOPSIS .B foo .I bar .SH DESCRIPTION Foo bar .BR baz quux. .PP .B Foo bar baz. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Brightscript - Programming language Brightscript ============ Brightscript is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #1079 on PLDB 14 Years Old 832 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 832 Brightscript repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 86 users using Brightscript in 98 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Brightscript - Read more about Brightscript on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Brightscript: cloc ' ********************************************************* ' ** Simple Grid Screen Demonstration App ' ** Jun 2010 ' ** Copyright (c) 2010 Roku Inc. All Rights Reserved. ' ********************************************************* '************************************************************ '** Application startup '************************************************************ Sub Main() 'initialize theme attributes like titles, logos and overhang color initTheme() gridstyle = "Flat-Movie" 'set to go, time to get started while gridstyle <> "" print "starting grid style= ";gridstyle screen=preShowGridScreen(gridstyle) gridstyle = showGridScreen(screen, gridstyle) end while End Sub '************************************************************* '** Set the configurable theme attributes for the application '** '** Configure the custom overhang and Logo attributes '** These attributes affect the branding of the application '** and are artwork, colors and offsets specific to the app '************************************************************* Sub initTheme() app = CreateObject("roAppManager") app.SetTheme(CreateDefaultTheme()) End Sub '****************************************************** '** @return The default application theme. '** Screens can make slight adjustments to the default '** theme by getting it from here and then overriding '** individual theme attributes. '****************************************************** Function CreateDefaultTheme() as Object theme = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray") theme.ThemeType = "generic-dark" ' All these are greyscales theme.GridScreenBackgroundColor = "#363636" theme.GridScreenMessageColor = "#808080" theme.GridScreenRetrievingColor = "#CCCCCC" theme.GridScreenListNameColor = "#FFFFFF" ' Color values work here theme.GridScreenDescriptionTitleColor = "#001090" theme.GridScreenDescriptionDateColor = " Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 395 2
ROL - Programming language ROL === ROL is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4408 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ROL happened in University of Regina - ROL on HOPL ROL on HOPL - Read more about ROL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
ROL2 - Programming language ROL2 ==== ROL2 is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4409 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ROL2 happened in University of Regina - ROL2 on HOPL ROL2 on HOPL - Read more about ROL2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Roman abacus - Computing machine Roman abacus ============ Roman abacus is a computing machine created in -2700. -2700 #4695 on PLDB 4724 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
Roman numerals - Numeral system Roman numerals ============== Roman numerals is a numeral system created in -900. -900 #4696 on PLDB 2924 Years Old - Tags: numeralSystem Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
Ron - Data notation Ron === Ron, aka Rusty Object Notation, is a data notation created in 2015 by Juniper Tyree. 2015 Juniper Tyree #308 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone RON is a simple readable data serialization format that looks similar to Rust syntax. It's designed to support all of Serde's data model, so structs, enums, tuples, arrays, generic maps, and primitive values. - Tags: dataNotation - Ron is developed on GitHub and has 3,238 stars - Early development of Ron happened in - Ron is written in Rust, Markdown, YAML, TOML GameConfig( // optional struct name window_size: (800, 600), window_title: "PAC-MAN", fullscreen: false, mouse_sensitivity: 1.4, key_bindings: { "up": Up, "down": Down, "left": Left, "right": Right, // Uncomment to enable WASD controls /* "W": Up, "A": Down, "S": Left, "D": Right, */ }, difficulty_options: ( start_difficulty: Easy, adaptive: false, ), ) Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 282 1.4
ROOP - Programming language ROOP ==== ROOP is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #2288 on PLDB 29 Years Old ROOP is a multiparadigm programming language targeted at AI applications created at the Chengdu University of China. It combines rule-based, procedural, logical and object-oriented programming techniques.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ROOP happened in Chengdu University Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
root-format - Binary data format root-format =========== root-format is a binary data format created in 1994. 1994 #2807 on PLDB 30 Years Old ROOT provides a file format that is a machine-independent compressed binary format, including both the data and its description, and provides an open-source automated tool to generate the data description (or "dictionary") when saving data, and to generate C++ classes corresponding to this description when reading back the data. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of root-format happened in CERN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
ROOT - Library ROOT ==== ROOT is an open source library created in 1994. 1994 #972 on PLDB 30 Years Old ROOT is an object-oriented program and library developed by CERN. It was originally designed for particle physics data analysis and contains several features specific to this field, but it is also used in other applications such as astronomy and data mining. Release 6.14.04 as of 2018-08-23. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of ROOT happened in CERN - ROOT is written in C++ - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for ROOT - See also: (15 related languages) Linux, Solaris, IA-32, PostScript, SVG, LaTeX, Python, MATLAB, Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, Perl Data Language, Perl, R, IGOR Pro #include "Riostream.h" void basic() { // read file $ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree/basic.dat // this file has 3 columns of float data TString dir = gROOT->GetTutorialDir(); dir.Append("/tree/"); dir.ReplaceAll("/./","/"); ifstream in;"%sbasic.dat",dir.Data())); Float_t x,y,z; Int_t nlines = 0; auto f = TFile::Open("basic.root","RECREATE"); TH1F h1("h1","x distribution",100,-4,4); TNtuple ntuple("ntuple","data from ascii file","x:y:z"); while (1) { in >> x >> y >> z; if (!in.good()) break; if (nlines < 5) printf("x=%8f, y=%8f, z=%8f\n",x,y,z); h1.Fill(x); ntuple.Fill(x,y,z); nlines++; } printf(" found %d points\n",nlines); in.close(); f->Write(); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 338 1.7
ROS Message - Interface design language ROS Message =========== ROS Message is an interface design language created in 2010. 2010 #3165 on PLDB 14 Years Old The format of this language is simple: a message description is a list of data field descriptions and constant definitions on separate lines. - Tags: interface design language - Early development of ROS Message happened in - Read more about ROS Message on the web: 1. 1. int32 x int32 y Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
ROSCOE - Programming language ROSCOE ====== ROSCOE, aka Remote OS Conversational Operating Environment, is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #3556 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ROSCOE happened in Applied Data Research, Inc - ROSCOE on HOPL ROSCOE on HOPL - Read more about ROSCOE on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
Rosetta-2 - Programming language Rosetta-2 ========= Rosetta-2 is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2526 on PLDB 18 Years Old Rosetta is a dynamic binary translator developed by Apple Inc. for macOS, an application compatibility layer between different instruction set architectures. It enables a transition to newer hardware, by automatically translating software. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rosetta-2 happened in Apple - Read more about Rosetta-2 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
Rosetta SMALLTALK - Programming language Rosetta SMALLTALK ================= Rosetta SMALLTALK is a programming language created in 1979 by Scott Warren. 1979 Scott Warren #3166 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rosetta SMALLTALK happened in Rosetta - Rosetta SMALLTALK on HOPL Rosetta SMALLTALK on HOPL - Read more about Rosetta SMALLTALK on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Rosetta SMALLTALK on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
rosette-lang - Programming language rosette-lang ============ rosette-lang is a programming language created in 2013 by Emina Torlak and Rastislav Bodik. 2013 Emina Torlak Rastislav Bodik #1890 on PLDB 11 Years Old Rosette is a solver-aided programming language that extends Racket with language constructs for program synthesis, verification, and more. To verify or synthesize code, Rosette compiles it to logical constraints solved with off-the-shelf SMT solvers. By combining virtualized access to solvers with Racket’s metaprogramming, Rosette makes it easy to develop synthesis and verification tools for new languages. - Tags: programming language - Early development of rosette-lang happened in University of California Berkeley - Read more about rosette-lang on the web: 1. 1. #lang rosette (define (interpret formula) (match formula [`(∧ ,expr ...) (apply && (map interpret expr))] [`(∨ ,expr ...) (apply || (map interpret expr))] [`(¬ ,expr) (! (interpret expr))] [lit (constant lit boolean?)])) ; This implements a SAT solver. (define (SAT formula) (solve (assert (interpret formula)))) (SAT `(∧ r o (∨ s e (¬ t)) t (¬ e))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
Rosette - Programming language Rosette ======= Rosette is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4410 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Rosette happened in Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation or MCC - Rosette on HOPL Rosette on HOPL - Read more about Rosette on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
rosie - Query language rosie ===== rosie is an open source query language created in 2015. 2015 #1568 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone RPL is a variant of modern Regular Expressions (regex) that is designed to scale to big data, many developers, and large collections of patterns. If you use regex, you already know a lot of RPL. - Tags: queryLanguage - rosie on GitLab rosie on GitLab - Early development of rosie happened in - rosie is written in Lua, C, Markdown, Bourne shell, Make, HTML, Bash, CSV, Vim script, Python, Lisp, CSS, YAML - was registered in 2016 rosie --rpl 'd = [:digit:]' -o json match d Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Roslyn compiler - Compiler Roslyn compiler =============== Roslyn compiler is a compiler created in 2009. 2009 #640 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone .NET Compiler Platform, also known by its nickname Roslyn, is a set of open-source compilers and code analysis APIs for C# and Visual Basic .NET languages from Microsoft.The project notably includes self-hosting versions of the C# and VB.NET compilers – compilers written in the languages themselves. The compilers are available via the traditional command-line programs but also as APIs available natively from within .NET code. Roslyn exposes modules for syntactic (lexical) analysis of code, semantic analysis, dynamic compilation to CIL, and code emission.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - Roslyn compiler is developed on GitHub and has 18,765 stars - Early development of Roslyn compiler happened in - Roslyn compiler is written in C#, Visual Basic .NET, XML, Markdown, YAML, PowerShell, XAML, Cadence SKILL, Bourne shell, JSON, Diff, XSD, C++, F#, CMake, CSV, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
Rouge - Programming language Rouge ===== Rouge is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Arlen Cuss. 2012 Arlen Cuss #971 on PLDB 12 Years Old 78 Repos git clone Ruby + Clojure = Rouge - Tags: programming language - Rouge is developed on GitHub and has 10 stars - There are at least 78 Rouge repos on GitHub - Early development of Rouge happened in - Rouge is written in Ruby, Markdown, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 11 users using Rouge in 12 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Rouge Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
roy - Programming language roy === roy is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Brian McKenna. 2011 Brian McKenna #418 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Small functional language that compiles to JavaScript. - Tags: programming language - roy is developed on GitHub and has 834 stars - Early development of roy happened in - roy is written in JavaScript, CSS, HTML, reStructuredText, Markdown, Make, JSON, Python, YAML, Bourne shell console.log "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token console.log Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
RoyalScript - Programming language RoyalScript =========== RoyalScript is a programming language created in 2016 by Josh Weinstein. 2016 Josh Weinstein #2354 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A functional programming language that's Royal. - Tags: programming language - RoyalScript is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - RoyalScript is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
RPG II - Programming language RPG II ====== RPG II is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #2527 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RPG II happened in IBM - RPG II on HOPL RPG II on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) RPG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
RPG III - Programming language RPG III ======= RPG III is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #2528 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RPG III happened in IBM - RPG III on HOPL RPG III on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) RPG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Reactive Plan Language - Programming language Reactive Plan Language ====================== Reactive Plan Language is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2189 on PLDB 31 Years Old RPL (Reactive Plan Language) belongs to the family of notations for writing reactive plans for agents (e.g., robots) (Davis 1984, Ingrand and George 1990, Lyons 1990a,b, Gat 1991). Its immediate ancestor is Firby's (1987, 1989) RAP notation. Many of Firby's concepts have been carried over, but there are some differences - Tags: programming language - Early development of Reactive Plan Language happened in Yale University - Read more about Reactive Plan Language on the web: 1. 1. (DEF-INTERP-PROC LOOK-FOR (PL) (LOOK-FOR-PROPS PL) (WAIT-FOR VISUAL-INPUT*) (SEEN-OB-DESIGS PL) ) ; Returns a list of desigs (Section 1.7), one for every object seen. (DEFFUNC SEEN-OB-DESIGS - (LST desig) (PL - (LST (LRCD symbol obj))) (FOR (I IN OB-POSITIONS*) (SAVE (CREATE-DESIG "Perceived object" ;Desig wil l print like: !:|Perceived object203| (CONS (LIST 'LOC I) (<# ( (X) (LIST (CAR X) (CADR X))) PL)) ;Design property list )))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
RPL - Programming language RPL === RPL, aka Reverse Polish Lisp, is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #1023 on PLDB 40 Years Old RPL (derived from Reverse Polish Lisp according to its original developers, whilst for a short while in 1987 HP marketing attempted to coin the backronym ROM-based Procedural Language for it) is a handheld calculator operating system and application programming language used on Hewlett-Packard's scientific graphing RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculators of the HP 28, 48, 49 and 50 series, but it is also usable on non-RPN calculators, such as the 38, 39 and 40 series. RPL is a structured programming language based on RPN, but equally capable of processing algebraic expressions and formulae, implemented as a threaded interpreter. RPL has many similarities to Forth, both languages being stack-based, as well as the list-based LISP. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RPL happened in Hewlett-Packard - There are 11 Project Euler users using RPL - Explore RPL snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (3 related languages) Forth, Lisp, Assembly language Hello World in RPL for the HP-28, HP-48, HP-49 and HP-50 series pocket calculators. No comments possible. << "HELLO WORLD" 1 DISP 60 FREEZE >> «  0 @ Start with zero on the stack 1 10 @ Loop from 1 to 10 FOR I @ "I" is the local variable I + @ Add "I" to the running total NEXT @ Repeat... » Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 331 1.7
Rpm - Package manager Rpm === Rpm is an open source package manager created in 1997. 1997 #1073 on PLDB 27 Years Old RPM Package Manager (RPM) (originally Red Hat Package Manager; now a recursive acronym) is a package management system. The name RPM refers to the following: the .rpm file format, files in the .rpm file format, software packaged in such files, and the package manager program itself. RPM was intended primarily for Linux distributions; the file format is the baseline package format of the Linux Standard Base. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Rpm happened in Red Hat - was registered in 1996 - See also: (5 related languages) C, Perl, Linux, FAT, Gzip Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
RPM Spec - Application RPM Spec ======== RPM Spec is an application created in 1997. 1997 #1765 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of RPM Spec happened in Red Hat - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for RPM Spec - Read more about RPM Spec on the web: 1. 1. # # spec file for package manos # # Copyright (c) 2010 Jackson Harper ( # # Name: manos-devel Version: 0.1.1 Release: 1 License: MIT/X11 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/manos-%{version}-build BuildRequires: mono-devel >= 2.6 BuildRequires: mono-nunit >= 2.6 Source0: manos-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: rpmlintrc Summary: The Manos Web Application Framework Group: Development/Web/Servers BuildArch: noarch %description Manos is an easy to use, easy to test, high performance web application framework that stays out of your way and makes your life ridiculously simple. %files %defattr(-, root, root) %{_prefix}/lib/manos %{_bindir}/manos %{_datadir}/manos %{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/manos.pc %{_datadir}/man/man1/manos.1.gz %prep %setup -q -n manos-%{version} %build ./configure --prefix=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} --install-prefix=%{_prefix} make %install make install %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %changelog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 249 1.2
R++ - Programming language R++ === R++ is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3640 on PLDB 34 Years Old R++ is a rule-based programming language based on C++. The United States patent describes R++ as follows: The R++ extension permits rules to be defined as members of C++ classes. The programming system of the invention takes the classes with rules defined using R++ and generates C++ code from them in which the machinery required for the rules is implemented completely as C++ data members and functions of the classes involved in the rules. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of R++ happened in Bell Labs Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
rpscript - Programming language rpscript ======== rpscript is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2130 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A scripting language for process automation - Tags: programming language - rpscript is developed on GitHub and has 12 stars - rpscript is written in TypeScript, JSON, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, Dockerfile - was registered in 2021 HackerNews discussions of rpscript ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: RPScript – Scripting language for process automation||08/18/2018|3|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Restricted Python - Programming language Restricted Python ================= Restricted Python is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #2769 on PLDB 17 Years Old RPython is a restricted subset of Python that is amenable to static analysis. RPython is a proper subset of Python, is statically typed, and does not allow dynamic modification of class or method definitions; however, it can still take advantage of Python features such as mixins and first-class methods and classes. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Restricted Python happened in - Read more about Restricted Python on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
RQL - Programming language RQL === RQL is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1984 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Early development of RQL happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for RQL - Read more about RQL on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
rsharp - Programming language rsharp ====== rsharp is a programming language created in 2003 by Nenad Rakocevic. 2003 Nenad Rakocevic #2770 on PLDB 21 Years Old R# is a free programming language based on REBOL. - Tags: programming language - Early development of rsharp happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
RAISE Specification Language - Programming language RAISE Specification Language ============================ RAISE Specification Language, aka Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering Specification Language, is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2581 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RAISE Specification Language happened in United Nations University and Technical University of Denmark - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for RAISE Specification Language - Read more about RAISE Specification Language on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
RSS - Protocol RSS === RSS, aka Really Simple Syndication, is a protocol created in 1999 by Dan Libby and Ramanathan V. Guha. 1999 Dan Libby Ramanathan V. Guha #1859 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of RSS happened in - 2 PLDB concepts link to RSS: Scroll, YESS <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title></title> <link></link> <description>PLDB: a Programming Language Database. Build the next great programming language.</description> <lastBuildDate>Wed, 22 Feb 2023 13:36:44 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-us</language> <item> <title>A brief interview with Tcl creator John Ousterhout</title> <link></link> <pubDate>Wed, 08 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate> </item> <item> <title>Data entry Livestream</title> <link></link> <pubDate>Wed, 08 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate> </item> </channel> </rss> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 305 1.5
RStudio - Editor RStudio ======= RStudio is an open source editor created in 2011 by Joseph J. Allaire. 2011 Joseph J. Allaire #672 on PLDB 13 Years Old RStudio is a free and open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. RStudio was founded by Joseph J. Allaire, creator of the programming language ColdFusion. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of RStudio happened in RStudio, Inc - was registered in 1998 - See also: (8 related languages) Java, JavaScript, IA-32, R, CFML, Linux, Qt, Knitr Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
RT-ASLAN - Programming language RT-ASLAN ======== RT-ASLAN is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4411 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RT-ASLAN happened in University of California Santa Barbara - RT-ASLAN on HOPL RT-ASLAN on HOPL - Read more about RT-ASLAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
RT-CDL - Programming language RT-CDL ====== RT-CDL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4412 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RT-CDL happened in IBM and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - RT-CDL on HOPL RT-CDL on HOPL - Read more about RT-CDL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
RT-Z - Programming language RT-Z ==== RT-Z is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4413 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RT-Z happened in - RT-Z on HOPL RT-Z on HOPL - Read more about RT-Z on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
RTF - Text markup language RTF === RTF, aka Rich Text Format, is a text markup language created in 1987 by Richard Brodie and Charles Simonyi and David Luebbert. 1987 Richard Brodie Charles Simonyi David Luebbert #2020 on PLDB 37 Years Old 9k Repos - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 9,429 RTF repos on GitHub - Early development of RTF happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 924 users using RTF in 966 repos on GitHub {\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard This is some {\b bold} text.\par } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
RTL/2 - Programming language RTL/2 ===== RTL/2 is a programming language created in 1972 by John Barnes. 1972 John Barnes #2617 on PLDB 52 Years Old RTL/2 was a high-level programming language developed at Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd by J.G.P. Barnes. It was originally used internally within ICI but was distributed by SPL International in 1974 It was designed for use in real-time computing (hence the initials RTL = real-time language). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RTL/2 happened in Imperial Chemical Industries plc - RTL/2 on HOPL RTL/2 on HOPL RTL/2 Ref 1 - Language Specification RTL/2 Ref 2 - Introduction to RTL/2 RTL/2 Ref 3 - RTL/2 Training Manual RTL/2 Ref 4 - System Standards RTL/2 Ref 5 - Stream I/O RTL/2 Ref 18 - Hints on writing RTL/2 Programs RTL/2 Ref 26 - Language Reference Card RTL/2 Ref 39 - Run time environment on the PDP-11 RTL/2 Ref 63 - User Manual for the PDP-11 under RSX-11M RTL/2 Ref 107- VAX/VMS RTL/2 User Manual RTL/2 REF 130- The RTL/2 32 bit run time environment on the VAX Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 289 1.4
Real-time Transport Protocol - Protocol Real-time Transport Protocol ============================ Real-time Transport Protocol is a protocol created in 1996. 1996 #2439 on PLDB 28 Years Old The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a network protocol for delivering audio and video over IP networks. RTP is used in communication and entertainment systems that involve streaming media, such as telephony, video teleconference applications including WebRTC, television services and web-based push-to-talk features. RTP typically runs over User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of Real-time Transport Protocol happened in Audio-Video Transport Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
ru - Programming language ru == ru is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1710 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone clojurize javascript - Tags: programming language - ru is developed on GitHub and has 34 stars - Early development of ru happened in - ru is written in JavaScript, Bourne shell, JSON, Markdown, YAML - was registered in 2021 HackerNews discussions of ru ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: 入(rù-lang) – Clojurized JavaScript||06/20/2015|51|8 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Ruby Document format - Text markup language Ruby Document format ==================== Ruby Document format is a text markup language created in 1995. 1995 #2992 on PLDB 29 Years Old RD (Ruby Document) is a lightweight markup language for writing Ruby-related documents. It can be embedded in Ruby source code. RD is a traditional format. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Ruby Document format happened in - See also: (3 related languages) Ruby, RDoc, Pod here.is_a?(Piece::Of::Code) print <<"END" This indented block will not be scanned for formatting codes or directives, and spacing will be preserved. END Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
ruby-mine-editor - Editor ruby-mine-editor ================ ruby-mine-editor is an editor created in 2008. 2008 #3705 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of ruby-mine-editor happened in JetBrains Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
Ruby - Programming language Ruby ==== Ruby is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto. 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto #9 on PLDB 29 Years Old 3m Repos git clone Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. According to its creator, Ruby was influenced by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Ruby is developed on GitHub and has 21,790 stars - Watch the history of the Ruby repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 2,659,551 Ruby repos on GitHub - Early development of Ruby happened in fj.sources - Ruby is written in Ruby, C, YAML, Markdown, Rust, ERB, M4, JSON, Python, Bourne shell, Assembly language, Make, Perl, Bash, Scheme, C++, JavaScript, TOML, Yacc, CSS, Lisp, awk, XML, CSV, Diff, D, IDL, sed, Z shell, HTML, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 186k users using Ruby in 374k repos on GitHub - Check out the 932 Ruby meetup groups on - There are 75,926 members in the Ruby subreddit - There are 5,435 Project Euler users using Ruby - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Ruby programmers reported a median salary of $80,000. 7% of respondents reported using Ruby. 5,569 programmers reported using Ruby, and 4,942 said they wanted to use it - Explore Ruby snippets on Rosetta Code - Ruby on HOPL Ruby on HOPL - Ruby ranks #13 in the TIOBE Index - Ruby Ubuntu package Ruby Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Ruby - Ruby LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Ruby - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Ruby - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Ruby - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Ruby - Ruby appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Ruby on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Ruby - There is a central package repository for Ruby - has 8,719 matches for "ruby engineer". - See also: (40 related languages) Ruby on Rails, C, YARV, JRuby, Ada, CLU, Dylan, Eiffel, Lisp, Lua, Perl, Python, Smalltalk, Clojure, CoffeeScript, Crystal, D, Elixir, Falcon, Groovy, Ioke, Julia, Mirah, Nu, Rust, Swift, Unicode, Regular Expressions, YAML, JSON, XML, Java, C#, JVM, LLVM IR, JavaScript, Objective-C, Parrot, Linux, Solaris - Read more about Ruby on the web: 1. 1. - 94 PLDB concepts link to Ruby: Ace Editor, Ante, Apache Hbase, Apache Arrow, Bato, bloom, Brain-Flak, capybara, chaiscript, Chapel, Civet, cloc,, CouchDB, CSVw, Cyber, dexvis, dgraph, EmberScript, Factor, Fancy, FFmpeg, FlatBuffers, Flow9, forest-lang, GamerLanguage, GAP, Git, glush, Golo, Gradle, groff, hamdown, HAML, HCL, hexagony, HHVM, hivemind, Homebrew, Hook, htmx, inko, invokator, Ioke, Iterm2, Jekyll, Jison, Kakoune, Knight, Kotlin, Ligo, Lily, Linux, Liquid, Lux, mal, Markaby, Mastodon, Mirah, MongoDB, mustache, Nit, Node.js, nydp, Plaid, PogoScript, Potion, Pygments, PyTorch, Qalb, Ragel, ramen, RapidBatch, rbs, React Native, Redis, Reia, Roc, Rouge, Ruby, Savi, Slash, Slim, squiggle, Statsplorer, Stencil, Swift, TensorFlow, TestML, ToffeeScript, txtzyme, V, 文言文編程語言, Wren # Type your code here, or load an example. def square(num) num * num end puts "Hello, world!" #!/usr/bin/env ruby print "Hello World" # Hello World in Ruby puts "Hello World!" module Foo end "Hello, World!".in_blue => "<span style=\"color: #00f\">Hello, World!</span>" __ENCODING__ __FILE__ __LINE__ alias and BEGIN begin break case class def defined do else elsif END end ensure false for if in module next nil not or redo rescue retry return self super then true undef unless until when while yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example puts "Hello, World!" Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Range Operator FeatureLink ../features/hasRangeOperators.html Supported ✓ Example (3...6) Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example puts "Hi" Token puts row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example module A def a1 end def a2 end end module B def b1 end def b2 end end class Sample include A include B def s1 end end samp = samp.a1 samp.a2 samp.b1 Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported ✓ Example (0...42).each do |n| puts n end Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example load 'filename.rb' require 'filename' require 'trig.rb' Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example coding: UTF-8 Token row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Generators FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerators.html Supported ✓ Example # Generator from an Enumerator object chars =['A', 'B', 'C', 'Z']) 4.times { puts } # Generator from a block count = do |yielder| i = 0 loop { yielder.yield i += 1 } end 100.times { puts } Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example =begin A comment. =end Token =begin =end row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example # A tiny Person class in Ruby: class Person attr_accessor :name, :age, : # getter and setter methods def initialize(name, age) @name = name @age = age end end # Create a new Person object: person ="John", 30) puts puts person.age # Change the age of the person: person.age = 35 puts person.age Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example # Constants in Ruby being with a capital letter. Will throw a warning or error, depending on runtime settings. Name = "John" # Not a constant name = "John" Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example def hello puts "Hello, World!" # start an exception handler begin raise "This is an exception" rescue => e puts "Exception caught: #{e}" end end hello Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example pldb = 80766866 Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example pldb = 80766866 Token row Feature Duck Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDuckTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported ✓ Example puts "Hello World".match(/\w/) Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Function Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctionOverloading.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Dispose Blocks Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDisposeBlocks.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Dependent types FeatureLink ../features/hasDependentTypes.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1326 6.6
RubyGems - Package manager RubyGems ======== RubyGems is a package manager created in 2018 by Nick Quaranto. 2018 Nick Quaranto #1022 on PLDB 6 Years Old RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries (in a self-contained format called a "gem"), a tool designed to easily manage the installation of gems, and a server for distributing them. It was created by Chad Fowler and Richard Kilmer during RubyConf 2004.The interface for RubyGems is a command-line tool called gem which can install and manage libraries (the gems). RubyGems integrates with Ruby run-time loader to help find and load installed gems from standardized library folders. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: packageManager - Early development of RubyGems happened in - was registered in 2004 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
RuleML - Programming language RuleML ====== RuleML is a programming language created in 2002 by Harold Boley and Benjamin Grosof and Said Tabet. 2002 Harold Boley Benjamin Grosof Said Tabet #2337 on PLDB 22 Years Old RuleML is a global initiative, led by a non-profit organization RuleML Inc., that is devoted to advancing research and industry standards design activities in the technical area of rules that are semantic and highly inter-operable. The standards design takes the form primarily of a markup language, also known as RuleML. The research activities include an annual research conference, the RuleML Symposium, also known as RuleML for short. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RuleML happened in RuleML Inc - RuleML on HOPL RuleML on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
Run BASIC - Programming language Run BASIC ========= Run BASIC is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3742 on PLDB 16 Years Old Run BASIC is a web application server, based on the Liberty BASIC version of the BASIC programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Run BASIC happened in Shoptalk Systems - See also: (9 related languages) Liberty BASIC, BASIC, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQLite, Perl, PHP, Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 138 0.7
RUNCIBLE - Programming language RUNCIBLE ======== RUNCIBLE is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #3557 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - RUNCIBLE is a superset of IT - Early development of RUNCIBLE happened in Case Institute of Technology - RUNCIBLE on HOPL RUNCIBLE on HOPL - Read more about RUNCIBLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
runescript - Programming language runescript ========== runescript is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4930 on PLDB 23 Years Old RuneScript is a scripting language that Jagex uses to create content for RuneScape. The game engine is not written in RuneScript, but instead Java. - Tags: programming language - Read more about runescript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
runic - Template language runic ===== runic is a template language created in 2017. 2017 #2771 on PLDB 7 Years Old Runic is a first order templating language operating on arrays of strings. - Tags: template language - Early development of runic happened in * Header & Paragraph - List Element 1 - List Element 2 | table | row1 | table | row2 # -- CODE BLOCK > -- HTML BLOCK λ -- LAIN BLOCK Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
runiq - Programming language runiq ===== runiq is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1935 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone :aquarius: A Lisp-esque, JS-interpreted scripting language - Tags: programming language - runiq is developed on GitHub and has 25 stars - Early development of runiq happened in - runiq is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON HackerNews discussions of runiq =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Runiq, a little Lisp-inspired language that runs on JavaScript||12/27/2015|24|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
RUNOFF - Text markup language RUNOFF ====== RUNOFF is a text markup language created in 1965 by J. E. Saltzer. 1965 J. E. Saltzer #1389 on PLDB 59 Years Old 5 Repos - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 5 RUNOFF repos on GitHub - Early development of RUNOFF happened in MIT - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7 users using RUNOFF in 7 repos on GitHub - RUNOFF on HOPL RUNOFF on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for RUNOFF .na .ll 72 .pl 90 .m1 4 .m2 4 .m3 6 .m4 6 .sp 8 .ds .ce CONTRIBUTING TO LINGUIST .sp .ce by .ce GITHUB .sp .ce and the .sp .ce OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY .sp .bp .sp 5 .ce _I_N_T_R_O_D_U_C_T_I_O_N: .sp Hi there! We're thrilled that you'd like to contribute to this project. Your help is essential for keeping it great. This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. .br The majority of contributions won't need to touch any Ruby code at all. .sp 5 .ce _A_d_d_i_n_g _a_n _e_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n _t_o _a _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e .sp We try only to add new extensions once they have some usage on GitHub. In most cases we prefer that extensions be in use in hundreds of repositories before supporting them in Linguist. .sp To add support for a new extension: .sp .in 5 .un 5 1. Add your extension to the language entry in _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e_s_._y_m_l, keeping the extensions in alphabetical order. .br .un 5 2. Add at least one sample for your extension to the samples directory in the correct subdirectory. .br .un 5 3. Open a pull request, linking to a GitHub search result showing in-the-wild usage. .in 0 .sp In addition, if this extension is already listed in _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e_s_._y_m_l then sometimes a few more steps will need to be taken: .sp .in 5 .un 5 1. Make sure that example .yourextension files are present in the samples directory for each language that uses .yourextension. .br .un 5 2. Test the performance of the Bayesian classifier with a relatively large number (1000s) of sample .yourextension files. (ping @arfon or @bkeepers to help with this) to ensure we're not misclassifying files. .br .un 5 3. If the Bayesian classifier does a bad job with the sample files then a heuristic may need to be written to help. .in 0 .sp 5 .ce _A_d_d_i_n_g _a _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e .sp We try only to add languages once they have some usage on GitHub. In most cases we prefer that each new extension be in use in hundreds of repositories before supporting them in Linguist. .sp To add support for a new language: .in 5 .un 5 1. Add an entry for your language to _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e_s_._y_m_l. .br .un 5 2. Add a grammar for your language. Please only add grammars that have a license that permits redistribution. .br .in +5 .un 5 i. Add your grammar as a submodule: .br .in +4 git submodule add vendor/grammars/language-roff .in -4 .un 5 ii. Add your grammar to grammars.yml: .br .in +4 script/convert-grammars --add vendor/grammars/MyGrammar .in -4 .un 5 iii. Download the license for the grammar by running script/licensed. Be careful to only commit the file for the new grammar, as this script may update licenses for other grammars as well. .br .in -5 .un 5 3. Add samples for your language to the samples directory in the correct subdirectory. .br .un 5 4. Open a pull request, linking to a GitHub search result showing in-the-wild usage. .br .in 0 .sp In addition, if your new language defines an extension that's already listed in _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e_s_._y_m_l (such as `.foo`) then sometimes a few more steps will need to be taken: .sp .in +5 .un 5 1. Make sure that example .foo files are present in the samples directory for each language that uses .foo. .br .un 5 2. Test the performance of the Bayesian classifier with a relatively large number (1000s) of sample `.foo` files. (ping @arfon or @bkeepers to help with this) to ensure we're not misclassifying files. .br .un 5 3. If the Bayesian classifier does a bad job with the sample .foo files then a heuristic may need to be written to help. .br .in 0 .sp Remember, the goal here is to try and avoid false positives! .sp 2 .ce _F_i_x_i_n_g _a _m_i_s_c_l_a_s_s_i_f_i_e_d _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e .br Most languages are detected by their file extension defined in _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e_s_._y_m_l. For disambiguating between files with common extensions, linguist applies some heuristics and a statistical classifier. This process can help differentiate between, for example, .h files which could be either C, C++, or Obj-C. .sp Misclassifications can often be solved by either adding a new filename or extension for the language or adding more samples to make the classifier smarter. .sp .m4 -2 .ce _F_i_x_i_n_g _s_y_n_t_a_x _h_i_g_h_l_i_g_h_t_i_n_g .br Syntax highlighting in GitHub is performed using TextMate-compatible grammars. These are the same grammars that TextMate, Sublime Text and Atom use. Every language in languages.yml is mapped to its corresponding TM `scope`. This scope will be used when picking up a grammar for highlighting. .sp Assuming your code is being detected as the right language, in most cases this is due to a bug in the language grammar rather than a bug in Linguist. _g_r_a_m_m_a_r_s_._y_m_l lists all the grammars we use for syntax highlighting on Find the one corresponding to your code's programming language and submit a bug report upstream. .sp If you can, try to reproduce the highlighting problem in the text editor that the grammar is designed for (TextMate, Sublime Text, or Atom) and include that information in your bug report. .sp You can also try to fix the bug yourself and submit a Pull Request. TextMate's documentation offers a good introduction on how to work with TextMate-compatible grammars. You can test grammars using Lightshow. .sp Once the bug has been fixed upstream, we'll pick it up for GitHub in the next release of Linguist. .sp 2 .ce _T_e_s_t_i_n_g .br For development you are going to want to checkout out the source. To get it, clone the repo and run Bundler to install its dependencies. .sp .in 4 git clone .br cd linguist/ .br script/bootstrap .br .in 0 .sp To run the tests: .sp .in 4 bundle exec rake test .in 0 .sp Sometimes getting the tests running can be too much work, especially if you don't have much Ruby experience. It's okay: be lazy and let our build bot Travis run the tests for you. Just open a pull request and the bot will start cranking away. .sp .ce _M_a_i_n_t_a_i_n_e_r_s .br Linguist is maintained with love by: .sp .in -2 - @arfon (GitHub Staff) .br - @larsbrinkhoff .br - @pchaigno .in 0 .br .sp As Linguist is a production dependency for GitHub we have a couple of workflow restrictions: .sp .in -2 - Anyone with commit rights can merge Pull Requests provided that there is a :+1: from a GitHub member of staff .br - Releases are performed by GitHub staff so we can ensure always stays up to date with the latest release of Linguist and there are no regressions in production. .in 0 .sp .ce _R_e_l_e_a_s_i_n_g .sp If you are the current maintainer of this gem: .sp .in 5 .ul 5 1. Create a branch for the release: .sp .in +2 git checkout -b cut-release-vxx.xx.xx .in -2 .sp .ul 5 2. Make sure your local dependencies are up to date: .sp .in +2 script/bootstrap .in -2 .sp .ul 5 3. If grammar submodules have not been updated recently, update them: .sp .in +2 git submodule update --remote _&_& git commit -a .in -2 .sp .ul 5 4. Ensure that samples are updated: .sp .in +2 bundle exec rake samples .in -2 .sp 5. Ensure that tests are green: .sp .in +2 bundle exec rake test .in -2 .sp .ul 5 6. Bump gem version in lib/linguist/version.rb .br .ul 5 7. Make a PR to github/linguist .br .ul 5 8. Build a local gem: `bundle exec rake build_gem` .br .ul 5 9. Test the gem: .sp .in +5 .un 5 i. Bump the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock versions for an app which relies on this gem .un 5 ii. Install the new gem locally .un 5 iii. Test behaviour locally, branch deploy, whatever needs to happen. .br .in -5 .sp .ul 5 10. Merge github/linguist PR .sp .ul 5 11. Tag and push: .sp .in +2 git tag vx.xx.xx; .br git push --tags .in -2 .sp 12. Push to .br .in +2 gem push github-linguist-3.0.0.gem .in -2 .sp 2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1784 8.9
RunRev - Programming language RunRev ====== RunRev is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #4514 on PLDB 21 Years Old LiveCode Ltd. (formerly Runtime Revolution and Cross Worlds Computing makes the LiveCode cross-platform development environment (formerly called Revolution) for creating applications that run on iOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and Browsers. It is similar to Apple's discontinued HyperCard.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of RunRev happened in LiveCode Ltd - See also: (5 related languages) LiveCode, iOS, Linux, Android, HyperCard Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Ruri - Programming language Ruri ==== Ruri is a programming language created in 2000 by Tom Rothamel. 2000 Tom Rothamel #2423 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Early development of Ruri happened in - Ruri on HOPL Ruri on HOPL - Read more about Ruri on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
RUSSELL - Programming language RUSSELL ======= RUSSELL is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3558 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RUSSELL happened in Cornell University - RUSSELL on HOPL RUSSELL on HOPL - Read more about RUSSELL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Rust HIR - Intermediate representation language Rust HIR ======== Rust HIR, aka Rust High-level Intermediate Representation, is an intermediate representation language created in 2015. 2015 #2582 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of Rust HIR happened in - First announcement of Rust HIR - See also: (2 related languages) Rust MIR, SIL #[prelude_import] use ::std::prelude::rust_2015::*; #[macro_use] extern crate std; fn main() { let mut vec = Vec::new(); vec.push(1); vec.push(2); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Rust MIR - Intermediate representation language Rust MIR ======== Rust MIR, aka Rust Mid-level Intermediate Representation, is an open source intermediate representation language created in 2016. 2016 #1481 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of Rust MIR happened in - Rust MIR compiles to LLVM IR - was registered in 2010 - See also: (1 related languages) SIL - Read more about Rust MIR on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Rust MIR: Rust HIR // WARNING: This output format is intended for human consumers only // and is subject to change without notice. Knock yourself out. fn main() -> () { let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at src/ 1:11 let mut _1: std::vec::Vec<i32>; // in scope 0 at src/ 2:16 let _2: (); // in scope 0 at src/ 3:16 let mut _3: &mut std::vec::Vec<i32>; // in scope 0 at src/ 3:16 let _4: (); // in scope 0 at src/ 4:16 let mut _5: &mut std::vec::Vec<i32>; // in scope 0 at src/ 4:16 scope 1 { debug vec => _1; // in scope 1 at src/ 2:16 } bb0: { _1 = Vec::<i32>::new() -> bb1; // scope 0 at src/ 2:29 // mir::Constant // + span: src/ 2:27 // + user_ty: UserType(0) // + literal: Const { ty: fn() -> Vec<i32> {Vec::<i32>::new}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) } } bb1: { _3 = &mut _1; // scope 1 at src/ 3:16 _2 = Vec::<i32>::push(move _3, const 1_i32) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]; // scope 1 at src/ 3:16 // mir::Constant // + span: src/ 3:13 // + literal: Const { ty: for<'r> fn(&'r mut Vec<i32>, i32) {Vec::<i32>::push}, val: Value( Scalar(<ZST>)) } } bb2: { _5 = &mut _1; // scope 1 at src/ 4:16 _4 = Vec::<i32>::push(move _5, const 2_i32) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]; // scope 1 at src/ 4:16 // mir::Constant // + span: src/ 4:13 // + literal: Const { ty: for<'r> fn(&'r mut Vec<i32>, i32) {Vec::<i32>::push}, val: Value( Scalar(<ZST>)) } } bb3: { drop(_1) -> bb4; // scope 0 at src/ 5:2 } bb4: { return; // scope 0 at src/ 5:2 } bb5 (cleanup): { drop(_1) -> bb6; // scope 0 at src/ 5:2 } bb6 (cleanup): { resume; // scope 0 at src/ 5:2 } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 626 3.1
Rust - Programming language Rust ==== Rust is an open source programming language created in 2010 by Graydon Hoare. 2010 Graydon Hoare #20 on PLDB 14 Years Old 357k Repos git clone Rust is a systems programming language sponsored by Mozilla Research, which describes it as a "safe, concurrent, practical language," supporting functional and imperative-procedural paradigms. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but its designers intend it to provide better memory safety while maintaining performance. Rust is an open source programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Rust is developed on GitHub and has 95,455 stars - Watch the history of the Rust repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 356,891 Rust repos on GitHub - Early development of Rust happened in Mozilla - Rust is written in Rust, Markdown, Diff, TOML, Make, YAML, JavaScript, Bourne shell, HTML, C, Dockerfile, JSON, Python, TypeScript, Puppet, XML, C++, SVG, CSS, Assembly language, AsciiDoc, PowerShell, XSLT, Z shell, CMake, WebAssembly, Logos, Bash, D - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9k users using Rust in 16k repos on GitHub - Check out the 122 Rust meetup groups on - There are 186,942 members in the Rust subreddit - There are 1,227 Project Euler users using Rust - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Rust programmers reported a median salary of $77,530. 7% of respondents reported using Rust. 5,799 programmers reported using Rust, and 15,865 said they wanted to use it - Explore Rust snippets on Rosetta Code - Rust is supported by the GDB - Rust ranks #31 in the TIOBE Index - Rust Ubuntu package Rust Ubuntu package - Rust LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Rust - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Rust - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Rust - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Rust - Rust appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Rust on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Rust - There is a central package repository for Rust - has 141 matches for "rust engineer". - was registered in 2010 - See also: (28 related languages) Linux, FreeBSD, Android, iOS, ALEF, C#, Cyclone, Erlang, Haskell, Haxe, Limbo, Newsqueak, Ruby, Scheme, Standard ML, Swift, Crystal, Elm, Idris, C, ML, Go, Java, OCaml, LLVM IR, D, Nim, Emacs - Read more about Rust on the web: 1. 1. - 100 PLDB concepts link to Rust: Ace Editor, Alumina, Amber, Ante, Ante, aretext, arret, astro, Bend, BlazeX, Calcit, Calypso, Candy, carth, Chapel, cosh, Cotton, crush, Curly, Cyber, cytosol, Dafny, datafun, Deno, Differential Datalog, edgedb, Enso, erg, Esoteric Reaction, Factor, fish, FlatBuffers, Gleam, Glicol, gluon, hacspec, HHVM, hurl, Hush, HVM2, inko, invokator, Jazz, Jingo, jsparagus, Jule, Kami, KavaScript, leo-editor, Linux, Luna, mal, Markus, Mech, Melody, Mewl, micro-mitten, mlatu, MLscript, MongoDB, mun-lang, Node.js, noulith, Nushell, Observable Framework, Passerine, pikelet, Pomsky, Project Mentat, PRQL, Pygments, Reason, rio, Roc, Ron, Ruby, Rust, Scryer Prolog, Serious, Simple Binary Encoding, Snowball, svgbob, tablam, Tao, tsar, UCG, Uiua, unseemly, Uniform eXchange Format, Veryl, VLC, wasmer, weebasic, Wing, WLambda, Worst, Wu, xlwings-editor, xsv-app, zz // Type your code here, or load an example. pub fn square(num: i32) -> i32 { num * num } // If you use `main()`, declare it as `pub` to see it in the output: // pub fn main() { ... } fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } fn main() { println!("Hello World"); } // Hello world in Rust fn main() { println!("Hello World!"); } extern crate foo; extern crate bar; use foo::{self, quix}; use bar::car::*; use bar; fn main() { println!("Hello {}", "World"); panic!("Goodbye") } abstract alignof as become box break const continue crate do else enum extern false final fn for if impl in let loop macro match mod move mut offsetof override priv proc pub pure ref return Self self sizeof static struct super trait true type typeof unsafe unsized use virtual where while yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example println!("Hello, World!"); Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example println!("Hi"); Token println! row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example // #[macro_export] macro_rules! vec { ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => { { let mut temp_vec = Vec::new(); $( temp_vec.push($x); )* temp_vec } }; } Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported ✓ Example for n in 0..42 { println!("{}", n); } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example use ::std::fs; // Imports from the `std` crate, not the module below. use self::std::fs as self_fs; // Imports the module below. mod my; use self::foo::Zoo as _; #[path = ""] mod c; Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example // A conditionally-compiled module #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] mod bar { /* ... */ } // General metadata applied to the enclosing module or crate. #![crate_type = "lib"] // A function marked as a unit test #[test] fn test_foo() { /* ... */ } // A lint attribute used to suppress a warning/error #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] type int8_t = i8; // Inner attribute applies to the entire function. fn some_unused_variables() { #![allow(unused_variables)] let x = (); let y = (); let z = (); } Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // // a comment Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1100 5.5
RustScript - Programming language RustScript ========== RustScript is a programming language created in 2021 by Mikail Khan. 2021 Mikail Khan #2324 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone RustScript: A simple functional based programming language with as much relation to Rust as JavaScript has to Java - Tags: programming language - RustScript is developed on GitHub and has 28 stars - RustScript is written in Java, Markdown - Read more about RustScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
RUTH - Programming language RUTH ==== RUTH is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3559 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of RUTH happened in University of Stirling - RUTH on HOPL RUTH on HOPL - Read more about RUTH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Rye - Programming language Rye === Rye is a programming language created in 2019 by Janko Metelko. 2019 Janko Metelko #1075 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone homoiconic dynamic programming language with some new ideas - Tags: programming language - Rye is developed on GitHub and has 392 stars - Early development of Rye happened in - Rye is written in Go, Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, YAML, JSON, Bash, SVG, CSS, XML, R, CSV, Java, Python, C, Dockerfile - There are 0 members in the Rye subreddit Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
S-algol - Programming language S-algol ======= S-algol is a programming language created in 1979 by Ron Morrison and Tony Davie. 1979 Ron Morrison Tony Davie #1216 on PLDB 45 Years Old S-algol (St Andrews Algol) is a computer programming language derivative of ALGOL 60 developed at the University of St Andrews in 1979 by Ron Morrison and Tony Davie. The language is a modification of ALGOL to contain orthogonal data types that Morrison created for his PhD thesis. Morrison would go on to become professor at the university and head of the department of computer science. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of S-algol happened in University of St Andrews - S-algol on HOPL S-algol on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) ALGOL 60, PS-algol, Unix, Pascal, C, Napier88, Algol write "Hello World" ? ! Comments are introduced by an exclamation point and continue until end of line. ! The let keyword introduces declarations of constants and variables ! Identifiers start with an alphabetic character followed by alphanumeric characters or the full stop (.) ! An initial value must be given, and this determines the data type of declaration let width := 10 ! := sets the value of a variable, this is an int let animal := "dog" ! type string let x := -7 ; let y := x + x ! ; separates clauses, needed only if there are two or more clauses on a line let n.a = 6.022e+23 ! = is used to set the value of a constant, this is a cfloat (constant float) ! if and case can have values and be used in expressions let no.of.lives := if animal = "cat" then 9 else 1 ! Sieve of Eratosthenes write "Find primes up to n = ?" let n = readi ! constant values can be set during the program run let p = vector 2::n of true ! vector of bool with bounds 2 to n for i = 2 to truncate(sqrt(n)) do ! for indexes are constants so they use = rather than := if p(i) do ! vector dereference uses parens like a procedure call for j = 2 * i to n by i do p(j) := false for i = 2 to n do if p(i) do write i, "'n" ! 'n in a literal string is a newline ! structure (record) type for a binary tree of cstrings ! the pntr data type can point to a structure of any type, type checking is done at runtime structure tree.node(cstring name ; pntr left, right) ! inserts a new string into the binary tree head procedure insert.tree(cpntr head ; cstring new -> pntr) ! the case clause ends with a mandatory default option, use default : {} if it is not needed case true of head = nil : tree.node(new, nil, nil) new < head(name) : { head(left) := insert.tree(head(left), new) ; head } new > head(name) : { head(right) := insert.tree(head(right), new) ; head } default : head procedure print.tree(cpntr head) if head ~= nil do ! ~= is the not equals operator begin print.tree(head(left)) write head(name), "'n" print.tree(head(right)) end let fruit := nil fruit := insert.tree(fruit, "banana") fruit := insert.tree(fruit, "kiwi") fruit := insert.tree(fruit, "apple") fruit := insert.tree(fruit, "peach") print.tree(fruit) ! print in sorted order ! The end of the S-algol program is indicated by ? ? Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token ! row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 737 3.7
S-expressions - Data notation S-expressions ============= S-expressions is a data notation created in 1960. 1960 #667 on PLDB 64 Years Old In computing, s-expressions, sexprs or sexps (for "symbolic expression") are a notation for nested list (tree-structured) data, invented for and popularized by the programming language Lisp, which uses them for source code as well as data. In the usual parenthesized syntax of Lisp, an s-expression is classically defined as an atom, or an expression of the form (x . y) where x and y are s-expressions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - Early development of S-expressions happened in MIT - ANTLR grammar for S-expressions - See also: (10 related languages) Lisp, Scheme, C, Common Lisp, XML, Python, ISLISP, RFC, I-expressions, Bayer Expressions - Read more about S-expressions on the web: 1. 1. - 4 PLDB concepts link to S-expressions: Bayer Expressions, Liso, SUSN, Sweet Expressions (x . y) def parse_sexp(string): """ >>> parse_sexp("(+ 5 (+ 3 5))") [['+', '5', ['+', '3', '5']]] """ sexp = [[]] word = '' in_str = False for char in string: if char is '(' and not in_str: sexp.append([]) elif char is ')' and not in_str: if word: sexp[-1].append(word) word = '' temp = sexp.pop() sexp[-1].append(temp) elif char in (' ', '\n', '\t') and not in_str: if word: sexp[-1].append(word) word = '' elif char is '\"': in_str = not in_str else: word += char return sexp[0] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 342 1.7
s-lang - Programming language s-lang ====== s-lang is a programming language created in 1992 by John E. Davis. 1992 John E. Davis #2772 on PLDB 32 Years Old S-Lang is an interpreted language that was designed from the start to be easily embedded into a program to provide it with a powerful extension language. Examples of programs that use S-Lang as an extension language include the jed text editor and the slrn newsreader. Although S-Lang does not exist as a separate application, it is distributed with a quite capable program called slsh (``slang-shell'') that embeds the interpreter and allows one to execute S-Lang scripts, or simply experiment with S-Lang at an interactive prompt. Many of the the examples in this document are presented in the context of one of the above applications. S-Lang was originally a stack language that supported a postscript-like syntax. For that reason, I named it S-Lang, where the S was supposed to emphasize its stack-based nature. About a year later, I began to work on a preparser that would allow one unfamiliar with stack based languages to make use of a more traditional infix syntax. Currently, the syntax of the language resembles C, nevertheless some postscript-like features still remain, e.g., the `%' character is still used as a comment delimiter. - Tags: programming language - Early development of s-lang happened in define init_array (a) { variable i, imax; imax = length (a); for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) { a[i] = 7; } } variable A = Int_Type [10]; init_array (A); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 336 1.7
S-PLUS - Programming language S-PLUS ====== S-PLUS is an open source programming language created in 1988. 1988 #886 on PLDB 36 Years Old S-PLUS is a commercial implementation of the S programming language sold by TIBCO Software Inc.. It features object-oriented programming capabilities and advanced analytical algorithms.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of S-PLUS happened in TIBCO Software Inc - S-PLUS appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (8 related languages) Unix, Linux, S, Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Solaris, Eclipse, R # Hello World for S-Plus cat("Hello world\n") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
S/SL - Programming language S/SL ==== S/SL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2364 on PLDB 44 Years Old The Syntax/Semantic Language (S/SL) is an executable high level specification language for recursive descent parsers, semantic analyzers and code generators developed by James Cordy, Ric Holt and David Wortman at the University of Toronto in 1980.S/SL is a small programming language that supports cheap recursion and defines input, output, and error token names (& values), semantic mechanisms (class interfaces whose methods are really escapes to routines in a host programming language but allow good abstraction in the pseudocode) and a pseudocode program that defines the syntax of the input language by the token stream the program accepts. Alternation, control flow and one-symbol look-ahead constructs are part of the language. The S/SL processor compiles this pseudocode into a table (byte-codes) that is interpreted by the S/SL table-walker (interpreter). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of S/SL happened in University of Toronto - S/SL on HOPL S/SL on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) Yacc, PL/I, Euclid, Turing, Ada, COBOL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
S-Snobol - Programming language S-Snobol ======== S-Snobol is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3560 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - S-Snobol is a superset of SNOBOL4 - Early development of S-Snobol happened in Heriot-Watt University - S-Snobol on HOPL S-Snobol on HOPL - Read more about S-Snobol on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
S - Programming language S = S is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #583 on PLDB 48 Years Old S is a statistical programming language developed primarily by John Chambers and (in earlier versions) Rick Becker and Allan Wilks of Bell Laboratories. The aim of the language, as expressed by John Chambers, is "to turn ideas into software, quickly and faithfully". The modern implementations of S is R, a part of the GNU free software project. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of S happened in Bell Labs - S on HOPL S on HOPL - S appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for S - See also: (8 related languages) R, S-PLUS, C, APL, Polymorphic Programming Language, Fortran, Unix, PostScript Language features ====================================================== row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
System 2 - Programming language System 2 ======== System 2, aka System 2, is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #2302 on PLDB 16 Years Old S2 (Style System 2) is an object-oriented programming language developed in the late 1990s by Brad Fitzpatrick, Martin "Mart" Atkins, and others for the online journaling service LiveJournal in order to allow users full control over the appearance of their pages. S2 source code is compiled into Perl, which the webserver can then execute directly for individual web page requests. The S2 system is, at its heart, completely general and can be used for almost any web application; however there exists no documentation for the implementation of S2 within other applications, which ties it relatively closely to LiveJournal. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of System 2 happened in Danga Interactive - See also: (2 related languages) Perl, HTTP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 215 1.1
S3 - Programming language S3 == S3 is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1748 on PLDB 38 Years Old S3 is a structured, imperative high-level computer programming language. It was developed by the UK company International Computers Limited (ICL) for its 2900 Series mainframes. It is a system programming language with syntax influenced by ALGOL 68 but with data types and operators aligned to those offered by the 2900 Series. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of S3 happened in International Computers Limited - S3 on HOPL S3 on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ALGOL 68 GLOBAL STATIC (<STATUS 5;PSPACE 10001; TEMPLATE>) PROC KERMIT_THE_FROG IS ((<LIT "COMMAND">) REF()BYTE OPTION, (<LIT "" >) REF()BYTE VME_FILE, (<LIT "" >) REF()BYTE REM_FILE, (<KEY RESPONSE;DEF N'RESULT>) RESPONSE RESULT): BEGIN ()BYTE JSV_NAME := "ASG"; @ obtain value for ASG_ROUTE bool @ CTM_JS_READ(JSV_NAME,NIL,NIL,ASG_ROUTE,RC_IGNORED); IF RC_IGNORED NE 0 THEN ASG_ROUTE := FALSE FI; @ verify parameter references (parameter values validated later): @ @ OPTION must be of mode REF () BYTE, may not be ZLR or NIL @ @ VME_FILE must be of mode REF () BYTE, may be ZLR, must not be NIL @ @ REM_FILE must be of mode REF () BYTE, may be ZLR, must not be NIL @ UNLESS (VERIFY OPTION AND VALIDR OPTION) AND (VERIFY VME_FILE AND (VALIDR VME_FILE OR NOT(VME_FILE IS NIL))) AND (VERIFY REM_FILE AND (VALIDR REM_FILE OR NOT(REM_FILE IS NIL))) THEN @ invalid parameter reference @ RESULT := 10002 @ ARCH_INACCESSIBLE_PARAMETER @ ELSF @ create resource block @ CTM_JS_BEGIN(RESULT); RESULT <= 0 THEN @ resource block created @ LONG LONG WORD KERMIT_RESULT; ANY((3)LONG WORD AS_LW,(6) WORD AS_W) PARAMS; PARAMS.AS_LW := (BDESC OPTION,BDESC VME_FILE,BDESC REM_FILE); @ set up program error handler @ IF KMT_EH_INFORM_PE_CONTINGENCY(RESULT); RESULT > 0 THEN @ failed to set error handler @ SKIP ELSF CTM_JS_CALL(NIL,PDESC KERMIT_SUPPORT,PARAMS.AS_W,KERMIT_RESULT, RESULT); @ create firewall @ RESULT <= 0 THEN @ either exited normally or via CTM_STOP @ RESULT := IF (S'S'KERMIT_RESULT) <= 0 THEN 0 @ ignore warnings @ ELSE 52000 @ error return common resultcode @ FI FI; CTM_JS_END(RC_IGNORED) @ end resource block @ FI END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example @ a comment @ Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 S3 == S3 is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #1748 on PLDB 38 Years Old S3 is a structured, imperative high-level computer programming language. It was developed by the UK company International Computers Limited (ICL) for its 2900 Series mainframes. It is a system programming language with syntax influenced by ALGOL 68 but with data types and operators aligned to those offered by the 2900 Series. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of S3 happened in International Computers Limited - S3 on HOPL S3 on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ALGOL 68 GLOBAL STATIC (<STATUS 5;PSPACE 10001; TEMPLATE>) PROC KERMIT_THE_FROG IS ((<LIT "COMMAND">) REF()BYTE OPTION, (<LIT "" >) REF()BYTE VME_FILE, (<LIT "" >) REF()BYTE REM_FILE, (<KEY RESPONSE;DEF N'RESULT>) RESPONSE RESULT): BEGIN ()BYTE JSV_NAME := "ASG"; @ obtain value for ASG_ROUTE bool @ CTM_JS_READ(JSV_NAME,NIL,NIL,ASG_ROUTE,RC_IGNORED); IF RC_IGNORED NE 0 THEN ASG_ROUTE := FALSE FI; @ verify parameter references (parameter values validated later): @ @ OPTION must be of mode REF () BYTE, may not be ZLR or NIL @ @ VME_FILE must be of mode REF () BYTE, may be ZLR, must not be NIL @ @ REM_FILE must be of mode REF () BYTE, may be ZLR, must not be NIL @ UNLESS (VERIFY OPTION AND VALIDR OPTION) AND (VERIFY VME_FILE AND (VALIDR VME_FILE OR NOT(VME_FILE IS NIL))) AND (VERIFY REM_FILE AND (VALIDR REM_FILE OR NOT(REM_FILE IS NIL))) THEN @ invalid parameter reference @ RESULT := 10002 @ ARCH_INACCESSIBLE_PARAMETER @ ELSF @ create resource block @ CTM_JS_BEGIN(RESULT); RESULT <= 0 THEN @ resource block created @ LONG LONG WORD KERMIT_RESULT; ANY((3)LONG WORD AS_LW,(6) WORD AS_W) PARAMS; PARAMS.AS_LW := (BDESC OPTION,BDESC VME_FILE,BDESC REM_FILE); @ set up program error handler @ IF KMT_EH_INFORM_PE_CONTINGENCY(RESULT); RESULT > 0 THEN @ failed to set error handler @ SKIP ELSF CTM_JS_CALL(NIL,PDESC KERMIT_SUPPORT,PARAMS.AS_W,KERMIT_RESULT, RESULT); @ create firewall @ RESULT <= 0 THEN @ either exited normally or via CTM_STOP @ RESULT := IF (S'S'KERMIT_RESULT) <= 0 THEN 0 @ ignore warnings @ ELSE 52000 @ error return common resultcode @ FI FI; CTM_JS_END(RC_IGNORED) @ end resource block @ FI END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example @ a comment @ Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token >) PROC KERMIT_THE_FROG IS (() REF()BYTE OPTION, () REF()BYTE VME_FILE, () REF()BYTE REM_FILE, () RESPONSE RESULT): BEGIN ()BYTE JSV_NAME := "ASG"; @ obtain value for ASG_ROUTE bool @ CTM_JS_READ(JSV_NAME,NIL,NIL,ASG_ROUTE,RC_IGNORED); IF RC_IGNORED NE 0 THEN ASG_ROUTE := FALSE FI; @ verify parameter references (parameter values validated later): @ @ OPTION must be of mode REF () BYTE, may not be ZLR or NIL @ @ VME_FILE must be of mode REF () BYTE, may be ZLR, must not be NIL @ @ REM_FILE must be of mode REF () BYTE, may be ZLR, must not be NIL @ UNLESS (VERIFY OPTION AND VALIDR OPTION) AND (VERIFY VME_FILE AND (VALIDR VME_FILE OR NOT(VME_FILE IS NIL))) AND (VERIFY REM_FILE AND (VALIDR REM_FILE OR NOT(REM_FILE IS NIL))) THEN @ invalid parameter reference @ RESULT := 10002 @ ARCH_INACCESSIBLE_PARAMETER @ ELSF @ create resource block @ CTM_JS_BEGIN(RESULT); RESULT 0 THEN @ failed to set error handler @ SKIP ELSF CTM_JS_CALL(NIL,PDESC KERMIT_SUPPORT,PARAMS.AS_W,KERMIT_RESULT, RESULT); @ create firewall @ RESULT <= 0 THEN @ either exited normally or via CTM_STOP @ RESULT := IF (S'S'KERMIT_RESULT) <= 0 THEN 0 @ ignore warnings @ ELSE 52000 @ error return common resultcode @ FI FI; CTM_JS_END(RC_IGNORED) @ end resource block @ FI END related algol-68 summary S3 is a structured, imperative high-level computer programming language. It was developed by the UK company International Computers Limited (ICL) for its 2900 Series mainframes. It is a system programming language with syntax influenced by ALGOL 68 but with data types and operators aligned to those offered by the 2900 Series. It was the implementation language of the operating system VME. pageId 11484588 created 2007 backlinksCount 33 revisionCount 30 dailyPageViews 8 appeared 1986 10/15/2024 1168 5.8
SA-C - Programming language SA-C ==== SA-C is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2978 on PLDB 26 Years Old Single Assignment C (SA-C) (pronounced "sassy") is a member of the C programming language family designed to be directly and intuitively translatable into circuits, including FPGAs. To ease translation, SA-C does not include pointers and arithmetics thereon. To retain most of the expressiveness of C, SA-C instead features true n-dimensional arrays as first-class objects of the language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SA-C happened in Colorado State University and University of California Riverside - SA-C on HOPL SA-C on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) SAC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
SA - Programming language SA == SA is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3561 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SA happened in SofTech, Inc. - SA on HOPL SA on HOPL - Read more about SA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
SAAL - Assembly language SAAL ==== SAAL, aka Single Address Assembly Language, is an assembly language created in 1966. 1966 #3562 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of SAAL happened in Sperry Rand Corporation - SAAL on HOPL SAAL on HOPL - Read more about SAAL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
SAC-1 - Programming language SAC-1 ===== SAC-1 is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4414 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SAC-1 happened in University of Wisconsin - SAC-1 on HOPL SAC-1 on HOPL - Read more about SAC-1 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
SAC-2 - Programming language SAC-2 ===== SAC-2 is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4415 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SAC-2 happened in University of Wisconsin-Madison - SAC-2 on HOPL SAC-2 on HOPL - Read more about SAC-2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
SAC - Programming language SAC === SAC is an open source programming language created in 1994 by Sven-Bodo Scholz and Clemens Grelck. 1994 Sven-Bodo Scholz Clemens Grelck #1854 on PLDB 30 Years Old SAC (Single Assignment C) is a strict purely functional programming language whose design is focused on the needs of numerical applications. Emphasis is laid on efficient support for array processing. Efficiency concerns are essentially twofold. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SAC happened in University of Kiel - SAC on HOPL SAC on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) SISAL, C, Haskell, NESL, Nial, Fortran Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Safari - Web browser Safari ====== Safari is a web browser created in 2003. 2003 #4563 on PLDB 21 Years Old - Tags: webBrowser - Early development of Safari happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Sage - Programming language Sage ==== Sage is an open source programming language created in 2005. 2005 #368 on PLDB 19 Years Old 499 Repos SageMath (previously Sage or SAGE, "System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation") is a mathematical software with features covering many aspects of mathematics, including algebra, combinatorics, numerical mathematics, number theory, and calculus. The first version of SageMath was released on 24 February 2005 as free and open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, with the initial goals of creating an "open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB". The originator and leader of the SageMath project, William Stein, is a mathematician at the University of Washington. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 499 Sage repos on GitHub - Early development of Sage happened in University of Washington - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 83 users using Sage in 84 repos on GitHub - There are 312 Project Euler users using Sage - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Sage - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Sage - was registered in 2007 - See also: (24 related languages) Python, Cython, Linux, Solaris, Android, iOS, IA-32, ARM, SPARC, Maple, Mathematica, MATLAB, Maxima, SciPy, NumPy, R, LaTeX, SQL, Fortran, C, Common Lisp, PARI/GP, SQLite, Matplotlib print("Hello, world!") # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Funciones en Python/Sage para el trabajo con polinomios con una # incógnita (x). # # Copyright (C) 2014-2015, David Abián <davidabian [at]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see <>. def pols (grado=-1, K=GF(2), mostrar=False): """Devuelve la lista de polinomios constantes y no constantes de coeficientes mónicos y grado igual o menor que el especificado. Si el grado indicado no es válido, devuelve una lista vacía. """ lpols = [] if not grado.is_integer(): grado = grado.round() if grado >= 0: var('x') xs = vector([(x^i) for i in range(grado+1)]) V = VectorSpace(K,grado+1) lpols = [cs*xs for cs in V] if mostrar: for pol in lpols: print pol return lpols def polsNoCtes (grado=-1, K=GF(2), mostrar=False): """Devuelve la lista de polinomios no constantes de coeficientes mónicos y grado igual o menor que el especificado. Si el grado indicado no es válido, devuelve una lista vacía. """ lpols = [] if not grado.is_integer(): grado = grado.round() if grado >= 0: var('x') xs = vector([(x^i) for i in range(grado+1)]) for cs in K^(grado+1): if cs[:grado] != vector(grado*[0]): # no constantes lpols += [cs*xs] if mostrar: for pol in lpols: print pol return lpols def polsMismoGrado (grado=-1, K=GF(2), mostrar=False): """Devuelve la lista de polinomios de coeficientes mónicos del grado especificado. Si el grado indicado no es válido, devuelve una lista vacía. """ lpols = [] if not grado.is_integer(): grado = grado.round() if grado >= 0: var('x') xs = vector([(x^(grado-i)) for i in [0..grado]]) for cs in K^(grado+1): if cs[0] != 0: # polinomios del mismo grado lpols += [cs*xs] if mostrar: for pol in lpols: print pol return lpols def excluirReducibles (lpols=[], mostrar=False): """Filtra una lista dada de polinomios de coeficientes mónicos y devuelve aquellos irreducibles. """ var('x') irreds = [] for p in lpols: fp = (p.factor_list()) if len(fp) == 1 and fp[0][1] == 1: irreds += [p] if mostrar: for pol in irreds: print pol return irreds def vecPol (vec=random_vector(GF(2),0)): """Transforma los coeficientes dados en forma de vector en el polinomio que representan. Por ejemplo, con vecPol(vector([1,0,3,1])) se obtiene x³ + 3*x + 1. Para la función opuesta, véase polVec(). """ var('x') xs = vector([x^(len(vec)-1-i) for i in range(len(vec))]) return vec*xs def polVec (p=None): """Devuelve el vector de coeficientes del polinomio dado que acompañan a la incógnita x, de mayor a menor grado. Por ejemplo, con polVec(x^3 + 3*x + 1) se obtiene el vector (1, 0, 3, 1). Para la función opuesta, véase vecPol(). """ cs = [] if p != None: var('x') p(x) = p for i in [0..p(x).degree(x)]: cs.append(p(x).coefficient(x,i)) cs = list(reversed(cs)) return vector(cs) def completar2 (p=0): """Aplica el método de completar cuadrados en parábolas al polinomio dado de grado 2 y lo devuelve en su nueva forma. Si el polinomio dado no es válido, devuelve 0. Por ejemplo, con complCuad(3*x^2 + 12*x + 5) se obtiene 3*(x + 2)^2 - 7. """ var('x') p(x) = p.expand() if p(x).degree(x) != 2: p(x) = 0 else: cs = polVec(p(x)) p(x) = cs[0]*(x+(cs[1]/(2*cs[0])))^2+(4*cs[0]*cs[2]-cs[1]^2)/(4*cs[0]) return p(x) sage: E2 = EllipticCurve(CC, [0,0,-2,1,1]) sage: E2 Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + (-2.00000000000000)*y = x^3 + 1.00000000000000*x + 1.00000000000000 over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision sage: E2.j_invariant() 61.7142857142857 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1131 5.7
SAKO - Programming language SAKO ==== SAKO, aka System Automatycznego Kodowania, is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #1185 on PLDB 64 Years Old SAKO (PL: System Automatycznego Kodowania - EN: An Automatic Coding System) is a non-English-based programming language written for Polish computers XYZ, ZAM-2, ZAM-21 and ZAM-41.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SAKO happened in Polish Academy of Sciences - SAKO is written with the native language of Polish - SAKO on HOPL SAKO on HOPL - Read more about SAKO on the web: 1. 1. TEKST: HELLO WORLD LINIA STOP NASTEPNY KONIEC Language features ====================================================== row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example I = 3 + 4 Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example TABLICA(4): B 1 2.0 3.4 4.1 5.6 * Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example TEKST: HI Token row Feature Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasOperators.html Supported ✓ Example 1 + 1 - 1 × 1 * 1 / 1 Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token = row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example K) A comment Token K) row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example CALKOWITE: I I = 80766866 Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example A = 2.3 Token row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Gotos FeatureLink ../features/hasGotos.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example K) A comment : Also a comment (although, rarer and newer) K) Comments must start at the beginning of a line Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token K) row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example PISZ NA BEBEN OD 10: A Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported X Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 493 2.5
SALE - Programming language SALE ==== SALE is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4836 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SALE on HOPL SALE on HOPL - Read more about SALE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
SALEM - Programming language SALEM ===== SALEM is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3563 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SALEM happened in Lehigh University - SALEM on HOPL SALEM on HOPL - Read more about SALEM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Simple Actor Language System and Architecture - Programming language Simple Actor Language System and Architecture ============================================= Simple Actor Language System and Architecture, aka Simple Actor Language System and Architecture, is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1397 on PLDB 23 Years Old The SALSA programming language (Simple Actor Language System and Architecture) is an actor-oriented programming language that uses concurrency primitives beyond asynchronous message passing, including token-passing, join, and first-class continuations. It also supports distributed computing over the Internet with universal naming, remote communication, and migration linguistic abstractions and associated middleware. For portability, it produces Java code.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Simple Actor Language System and Architecture happened in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - See also: (1 related languages) Java module demo; /* This behavior simply prints out a string, reads a line from the Standard Input, combines the return value of the Standard Input with other strings, and then prints out the combined string. */ behavior StandardInputTest{ public StandardInputTest() {} String mergeString(String str1, String str2, String str3) { return str1+str2+str3; } void act(String[] args) { standardOutput<-println("What's your name?")@ standardInput<-readLine()@ self<-mergeString("Hi, ",token, ". Nice to meet you!" )@ standardOutput<-println(token); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 319 1.6
SaltStack - Programming language SaltStack ========= SaltStack is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Thomas S Hatch. 2011 Thomas S Hatch #126 on PLDB 13 Years Old 4k Repos git clone Software to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale. Get access to the Salt software package repository here: - Tags: programming language - SaltStack is developed on GitHub and has 14,029 stars - There are at least 4,398 SaltStack repos on GitHub - Early development of SaltStack happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using SaltStack in 2k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SaltStack - 3 PLDB concepts link to SaltStack: cloc, Pygments, Racket base: '*': - packages - coffeestats Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
Sam Coupé - Programming language Sam Coupé ========= Sam Coupé is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3238 on PLDB 35 Years Old The SAM Coupé (pronounced /sæm ku:peɪ/ from its original British English branding) is an 8-bit British home computer that was first released in late 1989. It is commonly considered a clone of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, since it features a compatible screen mode and emulated compatibility, and it was marketed as a logical upgrade from the Spectrum. It was originally manufactured by Miles Gordon Technology (MGT), based in Swansea in the United Kingdom.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sam Coupé happened in Miles Gordon Technology - See also: (5 related languages) BASIC, Beta BASIC, FAT, Linux, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
SAM file format - Text data format SAM file format =============== SAM file format is a text data format created in 2009. 2009 #1661 on PLDB 15 Years Old Sequence Alignment Map (SAM) is a text-based format for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence developed by Heng Li and Bob Handsaker et al. It is widely used for storing data, such as nucleotide sequences, generated by next generation sequencing technologies. The format supports short and long reads (up to 128Mbp) produced by different sequencing platforms and is used to hold mapped data within the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) and across the Broad Institute, the Wellcome Sanger Institute, and throughout the 1000 Genomes Project. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of SAM file format happened in Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and MIT and Harvard University and University of California Los Angeles and Boston College and University of Michigan and Chinese Academy of Science - See also: (3 related languages) TSV, Binary Alignment Map, FASTQ - Read more about SAM file format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 254 1.3
SAM76 - Programming language SAM76 ===== SAM76 is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #2618 on PLDB 54 Years Old SAM76 is a macro programming language used from the late 1970s to the present 2007 initially ran on CP/M. The SAM76 language is a list and string processor designed for interactive and user-directed applications, including artificial intelligence programming, and permits high portability from machine to machine. The language shares certain features in common with LISP, Forth, and shell programming languages of the UNIX operating system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SAM76 happened in Western Electric Laboratories - SAM76 on HOPL SAM76 on HOPL - See also: (9 related languages) Forth, C, Unix, Linux, BASIC, Pascal, Lisp, Logo, TRAC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
Security Assertion Markup Language - Xml format Security Assertion Markup Language ================================== Security Assertion Markup Language, aka Security Assertion Markup Language, is a xml format created in 2001. 2001 #1366 on PLDB 23 Years Old Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML, pronounced sam-el) is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. As its name implies, SAML is an XML-based markup language for security assertions (statements that service providers use to make access-control decisions). SAML is also: A set of XML-based protocol messages A set of protocol message bindings A set of profiles (utilizing all of the above)The single most important use case that SAML addresses is web browser single sign-on (SSO). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Security Assertion Markup Language happened in Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards <saml:Assertion ...> .. </saml:Assertion> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
Sampletalk - Programming language Sampletalk ========== Sampletalk is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3564 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sampletalk happened in - Sampletalk on HOPL Sampletalk on HOPL - Read more about Sampletalk on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
SAMSON - Visual programming language SAMSON ====== SAMSON, aka Software for Adaptive Modeling and Simulation of Nanosystems, is an open source visual programming language created in 2018 by Stephane Redon. 2018 Stephane Redon #2500 on PLDB 6 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language SAMSON. - Tags: visual programming language, application - Early development of SAMSON happened in Inria Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
SandDance - Visual programming language SandDance ========= SandDance is a visual programming language created in 2018 by Steven M. Drucker. 2018 Steven M. Drucker #501 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language SandDance. Visually explore, understand, and present your data. - Tags: visual programming language, data visualization grammar - SandDance is developed on GitHub and has 6,355 stars - Early development of SandDance happened in Microsoft - SandDance is written in HTML, TypeScript, JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, SCSS, CSS, Python, Handlebars, YAML, SVG, Less, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
SAOL - Programming language SAOL ==== SAOL, aka Structured Audio Orchestra Language, is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2023 on PLDB 25 Years Old Structured Audio Orchestra Language (SAOL) is an imperative, MUSIC-N programming language designed for describing virtual instruments, processing digital audio, and applying sound effects. It was published as subpart 5 of MPEG-4 Part 3 (ISO/IEC 14496-3:1999) in 1999.As part of the MPEG-4 international standard, SAOL is one of the key components of the MPEG-4 Structured Audio toolset, along with: Structured Audio Score Language (SASL) Structured Audio Sample Bank Format (SASBF) The MPEG-4 SA scheduler MIDI support. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SAOL happened in Moving Picture Experts Group - SAOL on HOPL SAOL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Csound - Read more about SAOL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
SAP HANA - Database SAP HANA ======== SAP HANA is a database created in 2010. 2010 #4837 on PLDB 14 Years Old In-memory relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of SAP HANA happened in SAP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
Sapphire - Programming language Sapphire ======== Sapphire is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #2583 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sapphire happened in - Sapphire on HOPL Sapphire on HOPL - Read more about Sapphire on the web: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
SARL - Programming language SARL ==== SARL is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1985 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SARL happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SARL - was registered in 2013 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
SARTEX - Programming language SARTEX ====== SARTEX is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4416 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SARTEX happened in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - SARTEX on HOPL SARTEX on HOPL - Read more about SARTEX on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
SAS - Programming language SAS === SAS, aka Statistical Analysis System, is a programming language created in 1976 by Anthony James Barr. 1976 Anthony James Barr #31 on PLDB 48 Years Old 8k Repos The SAS language is a computer programming language used for statistical analysis, created by Anthony James Barr at North Carolina State University. It can read in data from common spreadsheets and databases and output the results of statistical analyses in tables, graphs, and as RTF, HTML and PDF documents. The SAS language runs under compilers that can be used on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and various other UNIX and mainframe computers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 8,407 SAS repos on GitHub - Early development of SAS happened in North Carolina State University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using SAS in 1k repos on GitHub - There are 7,963 members in the SAS subreddit - There are 54 Project Euler users using SAS - Explore SAS snippets on Rosetta Code - SAS on HOPL SAS on HOPL - SAS ranks #21 in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SAS - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SAS - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for SAS - has 1,160 matches for "sas programmer". - was registered in 1990 - See also: (2 related languages) HTML, Linux - 10 PLDB concepts link to SAS: Bazel, beef-lang, Eiffel, Flow9, GAP, HHVM, JSL, POV-Ray SDL, Racket, Tea %macro putit( string= ); %put &string; %mend; %putit(string=Hello World) /* Hello world in SAS */ * Writes as output title; TITLE "Hello World!"; * writes to the log; data _null_; PUT "Hello world!"; run; /* Example DATA step code for linguist */ libname source 'C:\path\to\file' data work.working_copy; set source.original_file.sas7bdat; run; data work.working_copy; set work.working_copy; if Purge = 1 then delete; run; data work.working_copy; set work.working_copy; if ImportantVariable = . then MissingFlag = 1; run; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment Token * row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 472 2.4
SASL - Programming language SASL ==== SASL is a programming language created in 1972 by David Turner. 1972 David Turner #2291 on PLDB 52 Years Old SASL (from St Andrews Static Language, alternatively St Andrews Standard Language) is a purely functional programming language developed by David Turner at the University of St Andrews in 1972, based on the applicative subset of ISWIM. In 1976 Turner redesigned and reimplemented it as a non-strict (lazy) language. In this form it was the foundation of Turner's later languages KRC and Miranda, but SASL appears to be untyped whereas Miranda has polymorphic types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SASL happened in University of St Andrews - SASL on HOPL SASL on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) ISWIM, KRC, Haskell, Miranda - 1 PLDB concepts link to SASL: SLACK Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
Sass - Stylesheet language Sass ==== Sass, aka syntactically awesome stylesheets, is an open source stylesheet language created in 2006 by Hampton Lintorn-Catlin. 2006 Hampton Lintorn-Catlin #139 on PLDB 18 Years Old 9k Repos Sass (syntactically awesome stylesheets) is a style sheet language initially designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum. After its initial versions, Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein continued to extend Sass with SassScript, a simple scripting language used in Sass files. Sass is a scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: stylesheetLanguage - There are at least 8,972 Sass repos on GitHub - Early development of Sass happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 439 users using Sass in 466 repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Sass - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Sass - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Sass - was registered in 2009 - See also: (15 related languages) Ruby, YAML, HAML, Less, Stylus, CSS, PHP, C, Java, Go, Eclipse, Emacs, Visual Studio, Vim, Visual Studio Code - 2 PLDB concepts link to Sass: Ace Editor, txtzyme body:before content: "Hello, world!" body::before content: "Hello World" $blue: #3bbfce $margin: 16px .content-navigation border-color: $blue color: darken($blue, 9%) .border padding: $margin / 2 margin: $margin / 2 border-color: $blue .error, .badError { border: 1px #f00; background: #fdd; } .error.intrusion, .badError.intrusion { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; } .badError { border-width: 3px; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example @mixin reset-list margin: 0 padding: 0 list-style: none @mixin horizontal-list @include reset-list li display: inline-block margin: left: -2px right: 2em nav ul @include horizontal-list Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 394 2
Sassy - Programming language Sassy ===== Sassy is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4417 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sassy happened in Colorado State University - Sassy on HOPL Sassy on HOPL - Read more about Sassy on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Sather-K - Programming language Sather-K ======== Sather-K is a programming language created in 1995 by David Stoutamire and Wolf Zimmermann and Martin Trapp. 1995 David Stoutamire Wolf Zimmermann Martin Trapp #2773 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sather-K happened in University of California Berkeley and Karlsruher Institut of Technology - Sather-K on HOPL Sather-K on HOPL - Read more about Sather-K on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Sather - Programming language Sather ====== Sather is a programming language created in 1990 by Steve Omohundro. 1990 Steve Omohundro #964 on PLDB 34 Years Old Sather is an object-oriented programming language. It originated circa 1990 at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at the University of California Berkeley, developed by an international team led by Steve Omohundro. It supports garbage collection and generics by subtypes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sather happened in University of California Berkeley and University of Waikato and GNU project - Explore Sather snippets on Rosetta Code - Sather on HOPL Sather on HOPL - Sather appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) Eiffel, CLU, Common Lisp, Scheme, Classroom Object Oriented Language, Rust, C class MAIN is main is loop #OUT + "Hello World\n" end end end -- Hello World in Sather class HELLO is main is #OUT + "Hello World!\n" end end upto!(once m:INT):SAME is i: INT := self; -- initialise i to the value of self, -- that is the integer of which this method is called loop if i>m then quit; -- leave the loop when i goes beyond m end; yield i; -- else use i as return value and stay in the loop i := i + 1; -- and increment end; end; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token #OUT row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 351 1.8
SATySFi - Text markup language SATySFi ======= SATySFi is a text markup language created in 2015 by Takashi Suwa. 2015 Takashi Suwa #1123 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A statically-typed, functional typesetting system - Tags: text markup language - SATySFi is developed on GitHub and has 1,162 stars - Early development of SATySFi happened in - SATySFi is written in OCaml, Make, Markdown, CSS, Bourne shell, SVG, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
SAUSTALL - Programming language SAUSTALL ======== SAUSTALL is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4838 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SAUSTALL on HOPL SAUSTALL on HOPL - Read more about SAUSTALL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Savi - Programming language Savi ==== Savi is a programming language created in 2018 by Joe Eli McIlvain. 2018 Joe Eli McIlvain #1033 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A fast language for programmers who are passionate about their craft. - Tags: programming language - Savi is developed on GitHub and has 154 stars - Early development of Savi happened in - Savi is written in Crystal, Markdown, YAML, JSON, C++, Bourne shell, Make, TypeScript, Ruby, Python, C, XML, Lua, Lisp, Dockerfile, JavaScript, Nix - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Savi Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Sawzall - Programming language Sawzall ======= Sawzall is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #2793 on PLDB 21 Years Old Sawzall is a procedural domain-specific programming language, used by Google to process large numbers of individual log records. Sawzall was first described in 2003, and the szl runtime was open-sourced in August 2010. However, since the MapReduce table aggregators have not been released, the open-sourced runtime is not useful for large-scale data analysis of multiple log files off the shelf. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sawzall happened in Google - See also: (4 related languages) Go, Protocol Buffers, Google File System, X86 count: table sum of int; total: table sum of float; sum_of_squares: table sum of float; x: float = input; emit count <- 1; emit total <- x; emit sum_of_squares <- x * x; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
SB-ONE - Programming language SB-ONE ====== SB-ONE is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4418 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SB-ONE happened in University of Saarbrucken - SB-ONE on HOPL SB-ONE on HOPL - Read more about SB-ONE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
SBA - Programming language SBA === SBA is a programming language created in 1977 by Moshe M. Zloof and S. Peter de Jong. 1977 Moshe M. Zloof S. Peter de Jong #2584 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SBA is a superset of Query by Example - Early development of SBA happened in IBM - SBA on HOPL SBA on HOPL - Read more about SBA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
SBASIC - Programming language SBASIC ====== SBASIC is a programming language created in 1983 by Gilbert Ohnysty. 1983 Gilbert Ohnysty #2379 on PLDB 41 Years Old S-BASIC (for Structured Basic) was a "structured" BASIC variant, distributed with Kaypro CP/M systems. It was made by Topaz Programming is distributed by Micro-Ap (San Ramon, CA).SBasic was compatible with the syntax of Basic, a programming language commonly used in the 1970s through the 1980s, as well as Fortran77. However, the language relaxed many of the requirements of Basic and had more flexibility than Fortran. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SBASIC happened in Topaz Programming - SBASIC on HOPL SBASIC on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) SmallBASIC, BASIC, MBASIC - Read more about SBASIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
Steel Bank Common Lisp - Programming language Steel Bank Common Lisp ====================== Steel Bank Common Lisp, aka Steel Bank Common Lisp, is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #1829 on PLDB 25 Years Old Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a free Common Lisp implementation that features a high-performance native compiler, Unicode support and threading. The name "Steel Bank Common Lisp" is a reference to Carnegie Mellon Common Lisp from which SBCL forked: Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in the steel industry and Andrew Mellon was a successful banker.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Steel Bank Common Lisp happened in Carnegie Mellon - was registered in 2003 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
Systems Biology Markup Language - Xml format Systems Biology Markup Language =============================== Systems Biology Markup Language, aka Systems Biology Markup Language, is a xml format created in 2006. 2006 #3650 on PLDB 18 Years Old The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is a representation format, based on XML, for communicating and storing computational models of biological processes. It is a free and open standard with widespread software support and a community of users and developers. SBML can represent many different classes of biological phenomena, including metabolic networks, cell signaling pathways, regulatory networks, infectious diseases, and many others. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - See also: (7 related languages) XML, RDF, Java, Python, Mathematica, MATLAB, MIME Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
The Synthetic Biology Open Language - Xml format The Synthetic Biology Open Language =================================== The Synthetic Biology Open Language is a xml format created in 2010. 2010 #3064 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of The Synthetic Biology Open Language happened in - was registered in 2010 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Scala.js - Programming language Scala.js ======== Scala.js is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Martin Odersky. 2013 Martin Odersky #250 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Scala ( SKAH-lah) is a general-purpose programming language providing support for functional programming and a strong static type system. Designed to be concise, many of Scala's design decisions aimed to address criticisms of Java.Scala source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode, so that the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine. Scala provides language interoperability with Java, so that libraries written in both languages may be referenced directly in Scala or Java code. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Scala.js is developed on GitHub and has 4,557 stars - Early development of Scala.js happened in - Scala.js compiles to JavaScript - Scala.js is written in Scala, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML, XML, JSON, CSS, Java, Bourne shell, YAML - There are 181 members in the Scala.js subreddit - was registered in 2013 - See also: (37 related languages) JVM, JavaScript, LLVM IR, Eiffel, Erlang, Haskell, Java, Lisp, Pizza, Standard ML, OCaml, Scheme, Smalltalk, Oz, Ceylon, Fantom, F#, Kotlin, Lasso, Red, Java Bytecode, C, Android, Pascal, C#, Python, ML, CSP, Groovy, Clojure, Swift, Perl, Go, PowerShell, Objective-C, R, Ruby class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) { def fullName(): String = s"$firstName $lastName" } val urls = List("", "") def fromURL(url: String) = .getLines().mkString("\n") val t = System.currentTimeMillis() println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis - t) + "ms") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 390 1.9
Scala - Programming language Scala ===== Scala is an open source programming language created in 2004 by Martin Odersky. 2004 Martin Odersky #22 on PLDB 20 Years Old 219k Repos Scala ( SKAH-lah) is a general-purpose programming language providing support for functional programming and a strong static type system. Designed to be concise, many of Scala's design decisions aimed to address criticisms of Java. Scala source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode, so that the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 219,084 Scala repos on GitHub - Early development of Scala happened in École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 21k users using Scala in 35k repos on GitHub - Check out the 624 Scala meetup groups on - There are 46,218 members in the Scala subreddit - There are 1,985 Project Euler users using Scala - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Scala programmers reported a median salary of $77,832. 3% of respondents reported using Scala. 2,148 programmers reported using Scala, and 3,165 said they wanted to use it - Explore Scala snippets on Rosetta Code - Scala on HOPL Scala on HOPL - Scala ranks #39 in the TIOBE Index - Scala Ubuntu package Scala Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Scala - Scala LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Scala - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Scala - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Scala - Scala appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Scala on exercism. - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Scala:, - There is a central package repository for Scala - Events page for Scala Events page for Scala - has 3,679 matches for "scala engineer". - was registered in 2007 - See also: (32 related languages) JVM, JavaScript, LLVM IR, Eiffel, Erlang, Haskell, Java, Lisp, Pizza, Standard ML, OCaml, Scheme, Smalltalk, Oz, Ceylon, Fantom, F#, Kotlin, Lasso, Red, Java Bytecode, C, Android, Pascal, C#, Python, ML, CSP, Groovy, Clojure, PHP, Ruby - 32 PLDB concepts link to Scala: Ace Editor, baysick, chisel, cloc, Effekt, Enso, Felix, firrtl, Flix, Gradle, k-framework, Kotlin, lift, Luna, mal, MLscript, NetLogo, Obsidian, OpenCV, parboiled, parboiled2, pegdown, Pygments, Rholang, Scala.js, Apache Spark, Spatial, topshell, Vale, Vyxal, Xgboost, XGBoost // Type your code here, or load an example. object Square { def square(num: Int): Int = num * num } println("Hello, world!") object HelloWorld extends App { println("Hello World") } // Hello world in Scala object HelloWorld extends App { println("Hello world!") } #!/bin/sh exec scala "$0" "$@" !# object HelloWorld { def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hello, world!") } } val urls = List("", "") def fromURL(url: String) = .getLines().mkString("\n") val t = System.currentTimeMillis() println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis - t) + "ms") abstract case catch class def do else extends false final finally for forSome if implicit import lazy match new null object override package private protected return sealed super this throw trait try true type val var while with yield Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example println("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Implicit Arguments FeatureLink ../features/hasImplicitArguments.html Supported ✓ Example // abstract class Monoid[A] { def add(x: A, y: A): A def unit: A } object ImplicitTest { implicit val stringMonoid: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] { def add(x: String, y: String): String = x concat y def unit: String = "" } implicit val intMonoid: Monoid[Int] = new Monoid[Int] { def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y def unit: Int = 0 } def sum[A](xs: List[A])(implicit m: Monoid[A]): A = if (xs.isEmpty) m.unit else m.add(xs.head, sum(xs.tail)) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(sum(List(1, 2, 3))) // uses intMonoid implicitly println(sum(List("a", "b", "c"))) // uses stringMonoid implicitly } } Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example // import scala.quoted.* // imports Quotes, Expr def inspectCode(x: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Expr[Any] = println( x Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Partial Application FeatureLink ../features/hasPartialApplication.html Supported ✓ Example def add(x: Int, y: Int) = {x+y}; add(1, _: Int) Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1029 5.1
Scale - Programming language Scale ===== Scale is a programming language created in 2024. 2024 #3065 on PLDB 0 Years Old SCALE is a GPGPU programming toolkit that allows CUDA applications to be natively compiled for AMD GPUs. - Tags: programming language #include <vector> #include <iostream> // The kernel we are going to launch __global__ void basicSum(const int * a, const int * b, size_t n, int * out) { int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if(idx < n) { out[idx] = a[idx] + b[idx]; } } // A generic helper function to simplify error handling. void check(cudaError_t error, const char * file, size_t line) { if (error != cudaSuccess) { std::cout << "cuda error: " << cudaGetErrorString(error) << " at " << file << ":" << line << std::endl; exit(1); } } // A wrapper for the helper function above to include the filename and line number // where the error occurs into the output. #define CHECK(error) check(error, __FILE__, __LINE__) int main(int argc, char ** argv) { const size_t N = 4096; const size_t BYTES = N * sizeof(int); std::vector<int> a(N); std::vector<int> b(N); std::vector<int> out(N); // Generate input data for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { a[i] = i * 2; b[i] = N - i; } int * devA; int * devB; int * devOut; // Allocate memory for the inputs and the output CHECK(cudaMalloc(&devA, BYTES)); CHECK(cudaMalloc(&devB, BYTES)); CHECK(cudaMalloc(&devOut, BYTES)); // Copy the input data to the device CHECK(cudaMemcpy(devA,, BYTES, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); CHECK(cudaMemcpy(devB,, BYTES, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); // Launch the kernel basicSum<<<N / 256 + 1, 256>>>(devA, devB, N, devOut); CHECK(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); CHECK(cudaGetLastError()); // Copy the output data back to host CHECK(cudaMemcpy(, devOut, BYTES, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); // Free up the memory we allocated for the inputs and the output CHECK(cudaFree(devA)); CHECK(cudaFree(devB)); CHECK(cudaFree(devOut)); // Test that the output matches our expectations for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (a[i] + b[i] != out[i]) { std::cout << "Incorrect sum: " << a[i] << " + " << b[i] << " = " << out[i] << " ?\n"; } } std::cout << "Example finished" << std::endl; return 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 456 2.3
SCALPEL - Programming language SCALPEL ======= SCALPEL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4419 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCALPEL happened in The Medical College of Wisconsin - SCALPEL on HOPL SCALPEL on HOPL - Read more about SCALPEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Scala Markup Language - Template language Scala Markup Language ===================== Scala Markup Language is a template language created in 2010. 2010 #1371 on PLDB 14 Years Old 0 Repos - Tags: template language - There are at least 0 Scala Markup Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Scala Markup Language happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7 users using Scala Markup Language in 7 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Scala Markup Language - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Scala Markup Language %p Hello, World! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
SCAN - Programming language SCAN ==== SCAN is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3167 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCAN happened in Goethe University Frankfurt - SCAN on HOPL SCAN on HOPL - Read more about SCAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SCAT - Assembly language SCAT ==== SCAT, aka SHARE Compiler-Assembler-Translator, is an assembly language created in 1957. 1957 #4839 on PLDB 67 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - SCAT on HOPL SCAT on HOPL - Read more about SCAT on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Scenic - Programming language Scenic ====== Scenic is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3168 on PLDB 5 Years Old A Language for Scenario Specification and Scene Generation. We propose a new probabilistic programming language for the design and analysis of perception systems, especially those based on machine learning. Specifically, we consider the problems of training a perception system to handle rare events, testing its performance under different conditions, and debugging failures. We show how a probabilistic programming language can help address these problems by specifying distributions encoding interesting types of inputs and sampling these to generate specialized training and test sets. More generally, such languages can be used for cyber-physical systems and robotics to write environment models, an essential prerequisite to any formal analysis. In this paper, we focus on systems like autonomous cars and robots, whose environment is a scene, a configuration of physical objects and agents. We design a domain-specific language, Scenic, for describing scenarios that are distributions over scenes. As a probabilistic programming language, Scenic allows assigning distributions to features of the scene, as well as declaratively imposing hard and soft constraints over the scene. We develop specialized techniques for sampling from the resulting distribution, taking advantage of the structure provided by Scenic's domain-specific syntax. Finally, we apply Scenic in a case study on a convolutional neural network designed to detect cars in road images, improving its performance beyond that achieved by state-of-the-art synthetic data generation methods. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scenic happened in University of California Berkeley - Read more about Scenic on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 357 1.8
SCHEMAL - Programming language SCHEMAL ======= SCHEMAL is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4420 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCHEMAL happened in University of Strathclyde - SCHEMAL on HOPL SCHEMAL on HOPL - Read more about SCHEMAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6 - Data validation language ========== is a data validation language created in 2011. 2011 #1417 on PLDB 13 Years Old is an initiative launched on 2 June 2011 by Bing, Google and Yahoo! (then operators of the world's largest search engines) to “create and support a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages.” In November 2011 Yandex (whose search engine is the largest one in Russia) joined the initiative. They propose using the vocabulary along with the Microdata, RDFa, or JSON-LD formats to mark up website content with metadata about itself. Such markup can be recognized by search engine spiders and other parsers, thus gaining access to the meaning of the sites (see Semantic Web). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataValidationLanguage - Early development of happened in - was registered in 2005 - See also: (6 related languages) RDF, OWL, Turtle, JSON, CSV, URL <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Movie", "name": "Avatar", "director": { "@type": "Person", "name": "James Cameron", "birthDate": "1954-08-16" }, "genre": "Science fiction", "trailer": "../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html" } </script> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 307 1.5
Schematron - Xml format Schematron ========== Schematron is a xml format created in 1999. 1999 #2447 on PLDB 25 Years Old Schematron is a rule-based validation language for making assertions about the presence or absence of patterns in XML trees. It is a structural schema language expressed in XML using a small number of elements and XPath. In a typical implementation, the Schematron schema XML is processed into normal XSLT code for deployment anywhere that XSLT can be used. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Schematron happened in Academia Sinica <schema xmlns=""> <pattern> <title>Date rules</title> <rule context="Contract"> <assert test="ContractDate &lt; current-date()">ContractDate should be in the past because future contracts are not allowed.</assert> </rule> </pattern> </schema> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
Scheme 2-D - Programming language Scheme 2-D ========== Scheme 2-D is a programming language created in 2021 by elucent. 2021 elucent #1659 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Introducing the future of Scheme...take your S-expressions to the next level with Scheme 2-D! - Tags: programming language - Scheme 2-D is developed on GitHub and has 69 stars - Early development of Scheme 2-D happened in - Scheme 2-D is written in Markdown - Read more about Scheme 2-D on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Scheme - Programming language Scheme ====== Scheme is a programming language created in 1975 by Guy Steele and Gerald Jay Sussman. 1975 Guy Steele Gerald Jay Sussman #60 on PLDB 49 Years Old 17k Repos Scheme is a functional programming language and one of the two main dialects of the programming language Lisp. Unlike Common Lisp, the other main dialect, Scheme follows a minimalist design philosophy specifying a small standard core with powerful tools for language extension. Scheme was created during the 1970s at the MIT AI Lab and released by its developers, Guy L. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, lisp - There are at least 16,742 Scheme repos on GitHub - Early development of Scheme happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5k users using Scheme in 7k repos on GitHub - There are 817 Project Euler users using Scheme - Explore Scheme snippets on Rosetta Code - Scheme on HOPL Scheme on HOPL - Scheme appears in the TIOBE Index - Scheme Ubuntu package Scheme Ubuntu package - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Scheme - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Scheme - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Scheme - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Scheme - Scheme appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Scheme on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Scheme - Events page for Scheme Events page for Scheme - has 1,174 matches for "scheme engineer". - was registered in 2009 - See also: (27 related languages) T, Lisp, Algol, Clojure, Common Lisp, Dylan, EuLisp, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia, Lua, R, S, Racket, Ruby, Rust, Scala, PLANNER, Ikarus Scheme implementation, Larceny Scheme implementation, Unicode, S-expressions, Fortran, C, Guile, Emacs Lisp, Android - 42 PLDB concepts link to Scheme: Ace Editor, atomspace, Bio, Carbon, carth, CHICKEN, chisel, cloc, co2, Eiffel, femtolisp, firrtl, Flare, Gforth, Guix Workflow Language, Hare, harlan, Idio, Idris, JAL compiler, JavaScript, Julia, Lux, mal, minikanren, Node.js, Particles, GNU Poke, Pycket, Pygments, Racket, rainbow, Ruby, Scheme 48, Slideshow, Slope, Spatial, SymPy, Uniform eXchange Format, v8, Vyxal, Wing (display "Hello, world!") (newline) (display "Hello World") (newline) ; Hello World in Scheme (display "Hello, world!") (newline) (define-library (libs basic) (export list2 x) (begin (define (list2 . objs) objs) (define x 'libs-basic) (define not-exported 'should-not-be-exported) )) (set! + (let ((original+ +)) (lambda args (if (and (not (null? args)) (string? (car args))) (apply string-append args) (apply original+ args))))) (+ 1 2 3) ===> 6 (+ "1" "2" "3") ===> "123" case do let loop if else when cons car cdr cond lambda lambda* syntax-rules format set! quote eval append list list? member? load Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example #| A comment |# Token #| |# row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token display row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Prefix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPrefixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example (+ 1 2 3) Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example (define-syntax backwards (syntax-rules () ((_) (syntax-error "(backwards) not allowed")) ((_ e) e) ((_ e1 ... e2) (begin e2 (backwards e1 ...))))) Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 702 3.5
Scheme 48 - Programming language Scheme 48 ========= Scheme 48 is a programming language created in 1986 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. 1986 Richard Kelsey Jonathan Rees #2501 on PLDB 38 Years Old Scheme 48 is an implementation of Scheme written by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. The name ‘Scheme 48’ commemorates our having written the original version in forty-eight hours, on August 6th and 7th, 1986. - Tags: programming language - Scheme 48 is an implementation of Scheme (define (make-counter) (let ((value (make-cell 0))) (lambda () (ensure-atomicity (lambda () (let ((v (+ (provisional-cell-ref value) 1))) (provisional-cell-set! value v) v)))))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
School - Programming language School ====== School is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3169 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of School happened in Universidade Federal Fluminense, Valonguinho and Pontificia Universidade CatSlica - School on HOPL School on HOPL - Read more about School on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Schoonschip - Programming language Schoonschip =========== Schoonschip is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3283 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Schoonschip happened in Utrecht University - Schoonschip on HOPL Schoonschip on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Schrödinger's Equation - Equation Schrödinger's Equation ====================== Schrödinger's Equation is an equation created in 1925. 1925 #5030 on PLDB 99 Years Old - Tags: equation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 84 0.4
Scieneer Common Lisp - Programming language Scieneer Common Lisp ==================== Scieneer Common Lisp is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4582 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scieneer Common Lisp happened in Scieneer Pty Ltd Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
Scikit-learn - Library Scikit-learn ============ Scikit-learn is an open source library created in 2007 by David Cournapeau. 2007 David Cournapeau #318 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Scikit-learn (formerly scikits.learn) is a free software machine learning library for the Python programming language. It features various classification, regression and clustering algorithms including support vector machines, random forests, gradient boosting, k-means and DBSCAN, and is designed to interoperate with the Python numerical and scientific libraries NumPy and SciPy.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Scikit-learn is developed on GitHub and has 59,038 stars - Early development of Scikit-learn happened in - Scikit-learn is written in Python, reStructuredText, Cython, YAML, Bourne shell, Meson, CSV, HTML, SVG, Markdown, C++, JSON, JavaScript, CSS, C, Make, TOML, Bash - See also: (10 related languages) Python, Cython, C, Linux, NumPy, SciPy, Natural Language Toolkit, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, Pandas Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
SCIL-VP - Programming language SCIL-VP ======= SCIL-VP is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4421 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCIL-VP happened in University of Amsterdam - SCIL-VP on HOPL SCIL-VP on HOPL - Read more about SCIL-VP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Scilab - Programming language Scilab ====== Scilab is an open source programming language created in 1990. 1990 #321 on PLDB 34 Years Old 4k Repos Scilab is an open source, cross-platform numerical computational package and a high-level, numerically oriented programming language. It can be used for signal processing, statistical analysis, image enhancement, fluid dynamics simulations, numerical optimization, and modeling, simulation of explicit and implicit dynamical systems and (if the corresponding toolbox is installed) symbolic manipulations. Scilab is one of the two major open-source alternatives to MATLAB, the other one being GNU Octave. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,986 Scilab repos on GitHub - Early development of Scilab happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7k users using Scilab in 13k repos on GitHub - Explore Scilab snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Scilab - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Scilab - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Scilab - See also: (10 related languages) C, Java, Fortran, FreeBSD, Linux, MATLAB, GNU Octave, Modelica, Simulink, Sage disp("Hello, world!") disp("Hello World") disp(%pi); // A simple plot of z = f(x,y) t=[0:0.3:2*%pi]'; z=sin(t)*cos(t'); plot3d(t,t,z) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Scientific Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasScientificNotation.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // \d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token disp row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 385 1.9
SciPy - Library SciPy ===== SciPy is an open source library created in 2001 by Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson and Eric Jones. 2001 Travis Oliphant Pearu Peterson Eric Jones #297 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is an open source Python library used for scientific computing and technical computing. SciPy contains modules for optimization, linear algebra, integration, interpolation, special functions, FFT, signal and image processing, ODE solvers and other tasks common in science and engineering. SciPy builds on the NumPy array object and is part of the NumPy stack which includes tools like Matplotlib, pandas and SymPy, and an expanding set of scientific computing libraries. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - SciPy is developed on GitHub and has 12,770 stars - Early development of SciPy happened in - SciPy is written in Python, reStructuredText, FORTRAN 77, C, Cython, Meson, C++, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, SVG, JSON, MATLAB, Tex, Make, Ini, Pascal, Diff, TOML, R, CSS, Fortran 90, HTML - See also: (10 related languages) Python, Fortran, C, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, MATLAB, GNU Octave, Scilab, Sage Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 285 1.4
Structured Control Language - Programming language Structured Control Language =========================== Structured Control Language, aka Structured Control Language, is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3170 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Structured Control Language happened in Siemens - Read more about Structured Control Language on the web: 1. 1. CASE TW OF 1: DISPLAY := OVEN_TEMP; 2: DISPLAY := MOTOR_SPEED; 3: DISPLAY := GROSS_TARE; QW4 := 16#0003; 4..10:DISPLAY := INT_TO_DINT (TW); QW4 := 16#0004; 11,13,19:DISPLAY:= 99; QW4 := 16#0005; ELSE: DISPLAY := 0; TW_ERROR := 1; END_CASE; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Sclipting - Esoteric programming language Sclipting ========= Sclipting is an esoteric programming language created in 2011. 2011 #4422 on PLDB 13 Years Old Sclipting is a stack-based golf language, inspired by GolfScript, that uses Chinese characters for instructions and Hangul syllables for data (strings and integers). The basic idea is that to minimise the number of characters in a program, the language should provide as many single-character instructions as possible. It was invented by Timwi in 2011. Sclipting is not considered finished as it can trivially be extended with more and more instructions assigned to new Chinese characters. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Sclipting happened in Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
SCM - Programming language SCM === SCM is an open source programming language created in 1990 by Aubrey Jaffer. 1990 Aubrey Jaffer #2389 on PLDB 34 Years Old SCM is a programming language, a dialect of the language Scheme. It is written in the language C, by Aubrey Jaffer, the author of the SLIB Scheme library and the JACAL interactive computer algebra (symbolic mathematics) program. It conforms to the standards R4RS, R5RS, and IEEE P1178. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCM happened in MIT - See also: (9 related languages) Lisp, C, IA-32, Scheme, Guile, Linux, Unix, Emacs, Bash Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Scoop - Package manager Scoop ===== Scoop is a package manager created in 2013 by Luke Sampson. 2013 Luke Sampson #424 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone A command-line installer for Windows - Tags: packageManager - Scoop is developed on GitHub and has 20,522 stars - Early development of Scoop happened in - Scoop is written in PowerShell, JSON, Markdown, YAML, C#, XML - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
SCOOP - Programming language SCOOP ===== SCOOP is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3565 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCOOP happened in Université de Montréal - SCOOP on HOPL SCOOP on HOPL - Read more about SCOOP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
scopes - Programming language scopes ====== scopes is a programming language created in 2016 by Leonard Ritter. 2016 Leonard Ritter #2774 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of scopes happened in - Read more about scopes on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
score - Programming language score ===== score is a programming language created in 2013 by Jean-Michaël Celerier. 2013 Jean-Michaël Celerier #612 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone ossia score, an interactive sequencer for the intermedia arts - Tags: programming language - score is developed on GitHub and has 1,469 stars - Early development of score happened in - score is written in C++, SVG, CMake, Bourne shell, C, YAML, XML, Objective C++, Markdown, QML, Bash, HTML, Python, JSON, JavaScript, Objective-C, Dockerfile, PowerShell, Z shell - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of score =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Ossia score, a visual programming language for time||09/13/2018|5|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Scrapscript - Programming language Scrapscript =========== Scrapscript is a programming language created in 2023 by Taylor Troesh. 2023 Taylor Troesh #2502 on PLDB 1 Years Old All programs are data, expressions are content-addressable "scraps".Scrapscript rejects traditional package-management. Instead, “scrapyards” combine features from Smalltalk, Hackage, IPFS, GitHub, and StackOverflow. - Tags: programming language - Haskell and JSON and Elm and Roc and hackage-pm influenced the design of Scrapscript - Read more about Scrapscript on the web: 1. 1. greet <| person:ron 3 . greet :: person -> text = | :cowboy -> "howdy" | :ron n -> "hi " ++ a ++ "ron" , a = text/repeat n "a" | :parent :m -> "hey mom" | :parent :f -> "greetings father" | :friend n -> "yo" |> list/repeat n |> string/join " " | :stranger "felicia" -> "bye" | :stranger name -> "hello " ++ name . person = : cowboy : ron int : parent s , s = (: m : f) : friend int : stranger text Language features ====================================================== row Feature Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
Scratch - Visual programming language Scratch ======= Scratch is an open source visual programming language created in 2002 by John Maloney and Leo Burd and Yasmin B. Kafai and Natalie Rusk and Brian Silverman and Mitchel Resnick. 2002 John Maloney Leo Burd Yasmin B. Kafai Natalie Rusk Brian Silverman Mitchel Resnick #102 on PLDB 22 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Scratch. Scratch is a free visual programming language developed by the MIT Media Lab. Scratch was created to help young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively. It is used by students, teachers and parents to easily create interactive stories, animations, games, etc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of Scratch happened in MIT - Check out the 47 Scratch meetup groups on - There are 10,081 members in the Scratch subreddit - There are 98 Project Euler users using Scratch - Explore Scratch snippets on Rosetta Code - Scratch ranks #16 in the TIOBE Index - Annual Reports for Scratch Annual Reports for Scratch - See also: (18 related languages) Squeak, ActionScript, Linux, Logo, Smalltalk, HyperCard, StarLogo, Etoys, Snap!, Android, Python, Java, BASIC, Arduino Programming Language, JavaScript, Blockly, Kodu Game Lab, Microsoft Small Basic - 3 PLDB concepts link to Scratch: Flowgorithm, MicroBlocks, PickCode Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 346 1.7
Scratchpad II - Programming language Scratchpad II ============= Scratchpad II is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4423 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scratchpad II happened in IBM - Scratchpad II on HOPL Scratchpad II on HOPL - Read more about Scratchpad II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Scratchpad - Programming language Scratchpad ========== Scratchpad is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #2152 on PLDB 53 Years Old Scratchpad may refer to: A pad of paper, such as a notebook, for preliminary notes, sketches, or writings Scratchpad memory, also known as scratchpad, scratchpad RAM or local store. is a high-speed internal memory used for temporary storage of calculations, data, and other work in progress Scratchpad, the former name of Axiom, a free, general-purpose computer algebra system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scratchpad happened in IBM - Scratchpad on HOPL Scratchpad on HOPL - Read more about Scratchpad on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
SCREAMER - Programming language SCREAMER ======== SCREAMER is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3566 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCREAMER happened in University of Pennsylvania and MIT - SCREAMER on HOPL SCREAMER on HOPL - Read more about SCREAMER on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
scribble - Programming language scribble ======== scribble is a programming language created in 1997 by Matthew Flatt. 1997 Matthew Flatt #1134 on PLDB 27 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - scribble is developed on GitHub and has 196 stars - Early development of scribble happened in - scribble is written in Racket, Tex, CSS, YAML, JavaScript, Markdown, HTML #lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual "utils.rkt" (for-syntax racket/base) (for-label scribble/manual-struct version/utils syntax/quote)) @(define lit-ellipses (racket ...)) @(define lit-ellipses+ (racket ...+)) @title[#:tag "manual" #:style 'toc]{Manual Forms} @defmodulelang[scribble/manual]{The @racketmodname[scribble/manual] language provides all of @racketmodname[scribble/base] plus many additional functions that are specific to writing Racket documentation. It also associates @tech{style properties} with the generated @racket[doc] export to select the default Racket manual style for rendering; see @secref["manual-render-style"] for more information. The @racketmodname[scribble/manual] name can also be used as a library with @racket[require], in which case it provides all of the same bindings, but without setting the reader or setting the default rendering format to the Racket manual format.} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 270 1.4
Scribe - Programming language Scribe ====== Scribe is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #1665 on PLDB 44 Years Old Scribe is a markup language and word processing system which pioneered the use of descriptive markup. Scribe was revolutionary when it was proposed, because it involved for the first time a clean separation of presentation and content.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scribe happened in Carnegie Mellon - Scribe on HOPL Scribe on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) GML, HTML, LaTeX, CSS, JavaScript, Emacs, Tex - Read more about Scribe on the web: 1. 1. @MakeSection(tag=beginning, title="The Beginning") @Heading(The Beginning) @Begin(Quotation) Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start @End(Quotation) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
Scrimshaw - Programming language Scrimshaw ========= Scrimshaw is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4424 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scrimshaw happened in Xerox PARC - Scrimshaw on HOPL Scrimshaw on HOPL - Read more about Scrimshaw on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
SCRIPT markup - Programming language SCRIPT markup ============= SCRIPT markup is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2794 on PLDB 25 Years Old SCRIPT, any of a series of text markup languages starting with Script under Control Program-67/Cambridge Monitor System (CP-67/CMS) and Script/370 under Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370); the current version, SCRIPT/VS, is part of IBM's Document Composition Facility (DCF) for IBM z/VM and z/OS systems. SCRIPT was developed for CP-67/CMS by Stuart Madnick at MIT, succeeding CTSS RUNOFF. SCRIPT is a procedural markup language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) GML, SGML, Scribe .ez on &P.This is a paragraph. &N1.First item &N2.First subitem &N2.Second subitem &N1.Second item .ez on &P.This is a paragraph. &N1.First item &N2.First subitem &N2.Second subitem &N1.Second item Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
ScriptBasic - Programming language ScriptBasic =========== ScriptBasic is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #2942 on PLDB 25 Years Old ScriptBasic is a scripting language variant of BASIC. The source of the interpreter is available as a C program under the LGPL license. ScriptBasic generates intermediary code which is then interpreted by a runtime environment. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of ScriptBasic happened in - Explore ScriptBasic snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (9 related languages) C, Unix, Linux, HTML, Tex, PDF, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Regular Expressions Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
ScriptEase - Programming language ScriptEase ========== ScriptEase is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2276 on PLDB 23 Years Old ScriptEase provides the most powerful and advanced form of JavaScript available today. Whereas other flavors of JavaScipt are embedded in web browsers and restricted to scripts that have been transmitted along with HTML documents, the ScriptEase processor allows you to run scripts locally, so you can use ScriptEase to write full fledged programs. In addition, ScriptEase has added commands and directives that increase and extend its power without interfering with the operation of standard JavaScript. These enhancements include preprocessor directives such as #include and #define, the switch/case statement, and the built-in Buffer object. - Tags: programming language - Early development of ScriptEase happened in Nombas, Inc - ScriptEase on HOPL ScriptEase on HOPL - Read more about ScriptEase on the web: 1. 1. while( ThereAreUncalledNamesOnTheList() == true){ name=GetNameFromTheList(); CallthePerson(name); LeaveTheMessage(); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 239 1.2
Scriptol - Programming language Scriptol ======== Scriptol is a programming language created in 2001 by Denis Sureau. 2001 Denis Sureau #2069 on PLDB 23 Years Old Scriptol is an object-oriented programming language that allows users to declare an XML document as a class. The language is universal and allows users to create dynamic web pages, as well as create scripts and binary applications.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scriptol happened in - See also: (1 related languages) XML - Read more about Scriptol on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
ScriptX - Programming language ScriptX ======= ScriptX is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4425 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ScriptX happened in Kaleida Labs - ScriptX on HOPL ScriptX on HOPL - Read more about ScriptX on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SCROLL - Programming language SCROLL ====== SCROLL is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #2585 on PLDB 54 Years Old A pattern recording language. - Tags: programming language - Early development of SCROLL happened in University of Arizona - SCROLL on HOPL SCROLL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Troff - Read more about SCROLL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. A$/BCD$IEF$ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Scroll - Static site generator Scroll ====== Scroll is an open source static site generator created in 2019 by Breck Yunits. 2019 Breck Yunits #372 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Scroll is a language for scientists of all ages. Scroll has an unusually simple syntax, an extensive set of features needed by researchers, bloggers, knowledge bases and sites of all sizes, is highly expandable, and is familiar to anyone who knows Markdown. - Tags: static site generator, text markup language, command line application, dataNotation, dataValidationLanguage, wikiMarkup - Scroll is developed on GitHub and has 414 stars - Early development of Scroll happened in Breck's Lab - Markdown and Lisp and JavaScript and HAML and HTML and Python and TSV and CSV and YAML and Jekyll and WordPress and Tex and Mathematica and dplyr and ANTLR and ReactJS influenced the design of Scroll - Scroll compiles to HTML or CSV or TSV or JSON or RSS or Plain text - Scroll is written in Parsers, Particles, JavaScript, YAML, CSS, JSON - There are 0 members in the Scroll subreddit - was registered in 2021 - See also: (3 related languages) Markdown, Particles, Parsers - 2 PLDB concepts link to Scroll: Podlite, Quaint title This is Scroll. The keyword for title is title. paragraph Scroll is an extensible alternative to Markdown. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example plainText This is a multiline string Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A multiline comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example * A link to PLDB Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import settings.scroll Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 374 1.9
Scryer Prolog - Programming language Scryer Prolog ============= Scryer Prolog is a programming language created in 2016 by Mark Thom. 2016 Mark Thom #887 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Scryer Prolog aims to become to ISO Prolog what GHC is to Haskell: an open source industrial strength production environment that is also a testbed for bleeding edge research in logic and constraint programming, which is itself written in a high-level language. - Tags: programming language - Scryer Prolog is developed on GitHub and has 1,969 stars - Scryer Prolog is an implementation of Prolog - Scryer Prolog is written in Prolog, Rust, TOML, JSON, Markdown, YAML, SVG, Lisp, Dockerfile, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Scsh - Programming language Scsh ==== Scsh is an open source programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2029 on PLDB 31 Years Old Scsh (a Scheme shell) is computer software, a type of shell for an operating system. It is a Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) application programming interface (API) layered on the programming language Scheme, in a manner to make the most of Scheme's ability for scripting. Scsh is limited to 32-bit platforms but there is a development version against the latest Scheme 48 that works in 64-bit mode. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Scsh happened in MIT - Scsh on HOPL Scsh on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) IA-32, Scheme, Regular Expressions - Read more about Scsh on the web: 1. 1. #!/usr/local/bin/scsh -s !# (define (executables dir) (with-cwd dir (filter file-executable? (directory-files dir #t)))) (define (writeln x) (display x) (newline)) (for-each writeln (append-map executables ((infix-splitter ":") (getenv "PATH")))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 252 1.3
SCSS - Stylesheet language SCSS ==== SCSS is a stylesheet language created in 2006 by Hampton Lintorn-Catlin. 2006 Hampton Lintorn-Catlin #412 on PLDB 18 Years Old 335k Repos - Tags: stylesheetLanguage - There are at least 335,325 SCSS repos on GitHub - Early development of SCSS happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8k users using SCSS in 9k repos on GitHub - ANTLR grammar for SCSS - Monaco package for syntax highlighting SCSS - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SCSS - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SCSS - was registered in 2009 - Read more about SCSS on the web: 1. 1. - 35 PLDB concepts link to SCSS: 11ty, Ace Editor, AsciiDots, blockml, Bounce, cloc, dllup, Eiffel, flownote, Ibis, infusion-framework, jasmine, Jekyll, Ligo, Marp, Mastodon, mavo, Monaco Editor, mys, NGS, packagist-pm, Prettier, PROMETHEUS, RMarkdown, SandDance, Sibilant, SQRL, Statsplorer, Tao, tiledb, ToonTalk, UCG, verona, walt, xodio body:before { content: "Hello, world!"; } body::before { content: "Hello World"; } $blue: #3bbfce; $margin: 16px; .content-navigation { border-color: $blue; color: darken($blue, 9%); } .border { padding: $margin / 2; margin: $margin / 2; border-color: $blue; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example @mixin reset-list { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } @mixin horizontal-list { @include reset-list; li { display: inline-block; margin: { left: -2px; right: 2em; } } } nav ul { @include horizontal-list; } Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 366 1.8
sdf-format - Xml format sdf-format ========== sdf-format is a xml format created in 2012. 2012 #2775 on PLDB 12 Years Old SDF is an XML format that describes objects and environments for robot simulators, visualization, and control. Originally developed as part of the Gazebo robot simulator, SDF was designed with scientific robot applications in mind. Over the years, SDF has become a stable, robust, and extensible format capable of describing all aspects of robots, static and dynamic objects, lighting, terrain, and even physics. - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of sdf-format happened in - was registered in 2013 - Read more about sdf-format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
SDF - Grammar language SDF === SDF is a grammar language created in 1989. 1989 #2829 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of SDF happened in Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science and University of Amsterdam - SDF on HOPL SDF on HOPL - Read more about SDF on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Shared Dataspace Language - Programming language Shared Dataspace Language ========================= Shared Dataspace Language, aka Shared Dataspace Language, is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2220 on PLDB 36 Years Old The authors are currently evaluating the use of shared dataspace paradigm as the basis for a novel programming language, called SDL (Shared Dataspace Language), that supports large-scale concurrency. Their goal is to develop the software support needed for the design, analysis, understanding, and testing of programs involving many thousands of concurrent processes running on a highly parallel multiprocessor. The authors provide an overview of the key SDL features, using small examples to illustrate its power and flexibility - Tags: programming language - Early development of Shared Dataspace Language happened in Washington University - Shared Dataspace Language on HOPL Shared Dataspace Language on HOPL - Read more about Shared Dataspace Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
SdlBasic - Programming language SdlBasic ======== SdlBasic is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2638 on PLDB 22 Years Old SdlBasic is a multiplatform interpreter for BASIC, using the SDL libraries. Its interpreter core is based on wxBasic. The interpreter can be very useful for people who are familiar with ANSI-BASIC interpreters and are curious or needing SDL library features on their coding development. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SdlBasic happened in - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, WxBasic Function swap( a, b ) tmp = a a = b b = tmp End Function v1=10 v2=20 print v1, v2 swap( v1, v2 ) print v1, v2 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
SDMS - Programming language SDMS ==== SDMS is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2231 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone Run the EMU-SDMS on your server using Docker - Tags: programming language - SDMS is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Early development of SDMS happened in Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - SDMS is written in Dockerfile, JSON, Markdown, SQL, YAML, TypeScript, PHP, Ini - SDMS on HOPL SDMS on HOPL - Read more about SDMS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
SDTM - Standard SDTM ==== SDTM is a standard created in 2004. 2004 #2986 on PLDB 20 Years Old SDTM (Study Data Tabulation Model) defines a standard structure for human clinical trial (study) data tabulations and for nonclinical study data tabulations that are to be submitted as part of a product application to a regulatory authority such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Submission Data Standards team of Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) defines SDTM. On July 21, 2004, SDTM was selected as the standard specification for submitting tabulation data to the FDA for clinical trials and on July 5, 2011 for nonclinical studies. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard - Early development of SDTM happened in Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
SEARCH - Programming language SEARCH ====== SEARCH is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #3567 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SEARCH happened in The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research - SEARCH on HOPL SEARCH on HOPL - Read more about SEARCH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
SectorC - Compiler SectorC ======= SectorC is a compiler created in 2023. 2023 #3568 on PLDB 1 Years Old - Tags: compiler - Early development of SectorC happened in - SectorC is written in x86 Assembly - Read more about SectorC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Secure Operations Language - Programming language Secure Operations Language ========================== Secure Operations Language is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #2390 on PLDB 54 Years Old The Secure Operations Language (SOL) was developed jointly by the United States Naval Research Laboratory and Utah State University in the United States. SOL is a domain-specific synchronous programming language for developing distributed applications and is based on software engineering principles developed in the Software Cost Reduction project at the Naval Research Laboratory in the late 1970s and early 1980s. SOL is intended to be a domain-specific language for developing service-based systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Secure Operations Language happened in United States Naval Research Laboratory and Utah State University - See also: (1 related languages) Solidity Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
sed - Programming language sed === sed is a programming language created in 1974 by Lee E. McMahon. 1974 Lee E. McMahon #123 on PLDB 50 Years Old 322 Repos sed (stream editor) is a Unix utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language. sed was developed from 1973 to 1974 by Lee E. McMahon of Bell Labs, and is available today for most operating systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 322 sed repos on GitHub - Early development of sed happened in Bell Labs - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 998 users using sed in 1k repos on GitHub - Explore sed snippets on Rosetta Code - sed on HOPL sed on HOPL - sed appears in the TIOBE Index - sed Ubuntu package sed Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for sed - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for sed - sed appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (9 related languages) C, Chomski, Perl, awk, Unix, Regular Expressions, grep, vi, Vim - 25 PLDB concepts link to sed: Apache Arrow, Bash, Boomerang Decompiler, Chapel, Eiffel, Erlang, Gforth, groff, HHVM, Java, Koka, Kubernetes, latino, Linux, NCAR Command Language, NGS, Node.js, opam-pm, GNU Poke, PostgreSQL, Pygments, Recfiles, Rholang, Ruby, tao3d s/.*/Hello, world!/ #!/usr/bin/sed -f sed.sed c\ Hello World q # Towers of Hanoi in sed. # # @(#)hanoi.sed 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93 # $FreeBSD$ # # # Ex: # Run "sed -f hanoi.sed", and enter: # # :abcd: : :<CR> # # note -- TWO carriage returns were once required, this will output the # sequence of states involved in moving 4 rings, the largest called "a" and # the smallest called "d", from the first to the second of three towers, so # that the rings on any tower at any time are in descending order of size. # You can start with a different arrangement and a different number of rings, # say :ce:b:ax: and it will give the shortest procedure for moving them all # to the middle tower. The rules are: the names of the rings must all be # lower-case letters, they must be input within 3 fields (representing the # towers) and delimited by 4 colons, such that the letters within each field # are in alphabetical order (i.e. rings are in descending order of size). # # For the benefit of anyone who wants to figure out the script, an "internal" # line of the form # b:0abx:1a2b3 :2 :3x2 # has the following meaning: the material after the three markers :1, :2, # and :3 represents the three towers; in this case the current set-up is # ":ab : :x :". The numbers after a, b and x in these fields indicate # that the next time it gets a chance, it will move a to tower 2, move b # to tower 3, and move x to tower 2. The string after :0 just keeps track # of the alphabetical order of the names of the rings. The b at the # beginning means that it is now dealing with ring b (either about to move # it, or re-evaluating where it should next be moved to). # # Although this version is "limited" to 26 rings because of the size of the # alphabet, one could write a script using the same idea in which the rings # were represented by arbitrary [strings][within][brackets], and in place of # the built-in line of the script giving the order of the letters of the # alphabet, it would accept from the user a line giving the ordering to be # assumed, e.g. [ucbvax][decvax][hplabs][foo][bar]. # # George Bergman # Math, UC Berkeley 94720 USA # cleaning, diagnostics s/ *//g /^$/d /[^a-z:]/{a\ Illegal characters: use only a-z and ":". Try again. d } /^:[a-z]*:[a-z]*:[a-z]*:$/!{a\ Incorrect format: use\ \ : string1 : string2 : string3 :<CR>\ Try again. d } /\([a-z]\).*\1/{a\ Repeated letters not allowed. Try again. d } # initial formatting h s/[a-z]/ /g G s/^:\( *\):\( *\):\( *\):\n:\([a-z]*\):\([a-z]*\):\([a-z]*\):$/:1\4\2\3:2\5\1\3:3\6\1\2:0/ s/[a-z]/&2/g s/^/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ :a s/^\(.\).*\1.*/&\1/ s/.// /^[^:]/ba s/\([^0]*\)\(:0.*\)/\2\1:/ s/^[^0]*0\(.\)/\1&/ :b # outputting current state without markers h s/.*:1/:/ s/[123]//gp g :c # establishing destinations /^\(.\).*\1:1/td /^\(.\).*:1[^:]*\11/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\31/ /^\(.\).*:1[^:]*\12/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\33/ /^\(.\).*:1[^:]*\13/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\32/ /^\(.\).*:2[^:]*\11/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\33/ /^\(.\).*:2[^:]*\12/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\32/ /^\(.\).*:2[^:]*\13/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\31/ /^\(.\).*:3[^:]*\11/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\32/ /^\(.\).*:3[^:]*\12/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\31/ /^\(.\).*:3[^:]*\13/s/^\(.\)\(.*\1\([a-z]\).*\)\3./\3\2\33/ bc # iterate back to find smallest out-of-place ring :d s/^\(.\)\(:0[^:]*\([^:]\)\1.*:\([123]\)[^:]*\1\)\4/\3\2\4/ td # move said ring (right, resp. left) s/^\(.\)\(.*\)\1\([23]\)\(.*:\3[^ ]*\) /\1\2 \4\1\3/ s/^\(.\)\(.*:\([12]\)[^ ]*\) \(.*\)\1\3/\1\2\1\3\4 / tb s/.*/Done! Try another, or end with ^D./p d This is my dog, whose name is Frank. This is my fish, whose name is George. This is my goat, whose name is Adam. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1025 5.1
Seed7 - Programming language Seed7 ===== Seed7 is a programming language created in 2005 by Thomas Mertes. 2005 Thomas Mertes #750 on PLDB 19 Years Old Seed7 is an extensible general-purpose programming language designed by Thomas Mertes. It is syntactically similar to Pascal and Ada. Along with many other features, it provides an extension mechanism. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Seed7 happened in - Explore Seed7 snippets on Rosetta Code - Seed7 appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (18 related languages) Linux, Unix, Pascal, Modula-2, Ada, ALGOL 68, C, Java, Unicode, TLS, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, XML - Read more about Seed7 on the web: 1. 1. $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; const proc: main is func begin writeln("Hello World"); end func; # Hello World in Seed7 $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; const proc: main is func begin writeln("Hello World!"); end func; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token writeln row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 330 1.6
SEGRAS - Programming language SEGRAS ====== SEGRAS is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4426 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SEGRAS happened in Naval Postgraduate School - SEGRAS on HOPL SEGRAS on HOPL - Read more about SEGRAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Seif - Protocol Seif ==== Seif is a protocol created in 2017 by Aashish Sheshadri and Rohit Harchandani and Douglas Crockford. 2017 Aashish Sheshadri Rohit Harchandani Douglas Crockford #2196 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone The Seif Protocol is a message delivery system using secure JSON over TCP/IP. The Seif Handshake is the part of the protocol that establishes a secure session between two parties. - Tags: protocol - Seif is developed on GitHub and has 20 stars - Early development of Seif happened in PayPal - First announcement of Seif Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Self - Programming language Self ==== Self is an open source programming language created in 1987 by David Ungar. 1987 David Ungar #455 on PLDB 37 Years Old 36 Repos Self is an object-oriented programming language based on the concept of prototypes. Self began as a dialect of Smalltalk, being dynamically typed and using just-in-time compilation (JIT) as well as the prototype-based approach to objects: it was first used as an experimental test system for language design in the 1980s and 1990s. In 2006, Self was still being developed as part of the Klein project, which was a Self virtual machine written fully in Self. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 36 Self repos on GitHub - Early development of Self happened in Sun Microsystems - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 24 users using Self in 26 repos on GitHub - Explore Self snippets on Rosetta Code - Self on HOPL Self on HOPL - was registered in 2009 - See also: (16 related languages) Smalltalk, NewtonScript, JavaScript, Io, Agora, Squeak, Lisaac, Lua, Factor, REBOL, Java, Solaris, Linux, C, CECIL, Ioke - Read more about Self on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Self: JavaScript 'Hello World' printLine (| "Hello World in Self" hello = (| | 'Hello World!' print) |) _AddSlots: (| porsche911 <- sportsCar copy |). porsche911 name:'Bobs Porsche'. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printLine row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 373 1.9
SEMANOL - Programming language SEMANOL ======= SEMANOL is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #4427 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SEMANOL happened in TRW and USC - SEMANOL on HOPL SEMANOL on HOPL - Read more about SEMANOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Semi-Thue - Grammar language Semi-Thue ========= Semi-Thue is a grammar language created in 1914 by Axel Thue. 1914 Axel Thue #2221 on PLDB 110 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Semi-Thue happened in Oslo University - See also: (1 related languages) Post production Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
semicolon - Esoteric programming language semicolon ========= semicolon is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2012 by Pavan Kumar Sunkara. 2012 Pavan Kumar Sunkara #1069 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone An esoteric language made up of only semicolons. You can't escape the semicolon monster! - Tags: esoteric programming language - semicolon is developed on GitHub and has 130 stars - Early development of semicolon happened in - Brainfuck influenced the design of semicolon - semicolon is written in JSON, Markdown - See also: (1 related languages) Brainfuck Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Semantic Versioning - Schema Semantic Versioning =================== Semantic Versioning is an open source schema created in 2011 by Tom Preston-Werner. 2011 Tom Preston-Werner #260 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone Semantic versioning (aka SemVer)[1], currently the best known and most widely adopted version scheme in this category, uses a sequence of three digits (Major.Minor.Patch), an optional prerelease tag and optional build meta tag. In this scheme, risk and functionality are the measures of significance. Breaking changes are indicated by increasing the major number (high risk), new non-breaking features increment the minor number (medium risk) and all other non-breaking changes increment the patch number (lowest risk). The presence of a prerelease tag (-alpha, -beta) indicates substantial risk, as does a major number of zero (0.y.z), which is used to indicate a work-in-progress that may contain any level of potentially breaking changes (highest risk). - Tags: schema - Semantic Versioning is developed on GitHub and has 7,126 stars - Early development of Semantic Versioning happened in - Semantic Versioning is written in Markdown, JSON, SVG, YAML - was registered in 2009 1.5.12 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
Standard for Exchange of Non-clinical Data - Standard Standard for Exchange of Non-clinical Data ========================================== Standard for Exchange of Non-clinical Data is a standard created in 2002. 2002 #2885 on PLDB 22 Years Old The Standard for Exchange of Nonclinical Data (SEND) is an implementation of the CDISC Standard Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) for nonclinical studies, which specifies a way to present nonclinical data in a consistent format. These types of studies are related to animal testing conducted during drug development. Raw data of toxicology animal studies started after December 18, 2016 to support submission of new drugs to the US Food and Drug Administration will be submitted to the agency using SEND. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard - Early development of Standard for Exchange of Non-clinical Data happened in Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
SenseTalk - Programming language SenseTalk ========= SenseTalk is an open source programming language created in 2001 by Douglas Simons. 2001 Douglas Simons #1855 on PLDB 23 Years Old SenseTalk is an English-like scripting language derived from the HyperTalk language used in HyperCard. SenseTalk was originally developed as the scripting language within the HyperSense multimedia authoring application on the NeXTStep and OpenStep platforms. SenseTalk resurfaced in 2002 as the scripting language in eggPlant, the first commercial Mac OS X and cross-platform GUI testing application.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SenseTalk happened in Eggplant Software, Inc - was registered in 2001 - See also: (3 related languages) HyperTalk, HyperCard, Property list Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
sentient - Programming language sentient ======== sentient is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #1487 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The Sentient Programming Language. - Tags: programming language - sentient is developed on GitHub and has 77 stars - Early development of sentient happened in - sentient is written in JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Markdown, JSON, Make, YAML, Bash - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of sentient ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Sentient: a declarative language that lets you describe what your problem is||09/05/2016|4|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Seph - Programming language Seph ==== Seph is a programming language created in 2010. 2010 #2808 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Seph happened in HackerNews discussions of Seph ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Seph programming language||10/16/2013|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
sepi - Programming language sepi ==== sepi is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #3066 on PLDB 12 Years Old SePi is a concurrent, message-passing programming language based on the pi-calculus. The language features synchronous, bi-directional channel-based communication. - Tags: programming language - Early development of sepi happened in Universidade de Lisboa Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
Seq - Programming language Seq === Seq is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #768 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A High-Performance Language for Bioinformatics. Here, we introduce Seq, the first language tailored specifically to bioinformatics, which marries the ease and productivity of Python with C-like performance. Seq is a subset of Python—and in many cases a drop-in replacement—yet also incorporates novel bioinformatics- and computational genomics-oriented data types, language constructs and optimizations. Seq enables users to write high-level, Pythonic code without having to worry about low-level or domain-specific optimizations, and allows for seamless expression of the algorithms, idioms and patterns found in many genomics or bioinformatics applications. On equivalent CPython code, Seq attains a performance improvement of up to two orders of magnitude, and a 175× improvement once domain-specific language features and optimizations are used. With parallelism, we demonstrate up to a 650× improvement. Compared to optimized C++ code, which is already difficult for most biologists to produce, Seq frequently attains up to a 2× improvement, and with shorter, cleaner code. Thus, Seq opens the door to an age of democratization of highly-optimized bioinformatics software. - Tags: programming language - Seq is developed on GitHub and has 698 stars - Early development of Seq happened in MIT - Seq is written in C++, Python, reStructuredText, JSON, CMake, Markdown, TypeScript, YAML, Bourne shell, JavaScript, Make, Dockerfile - Read more about Seq on the web: 1. 1. from sys import argv from genomeindex import * # index and process 20-mers def process(kmer: k20, index: GenomeIndex[k20]): prefetch index[kmer], index[~kmer] hits_fwd = index[kmer] hits_rev = index[~kmer] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 346 1.7
Seque - Programming language Seque ===== Seque is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4428 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Seque happened in University of Arizona - Seque on HOPL Seque on HOPL - Read more about Seque on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SEQUEL 2 - Programming language SEQUEL 2 ======== SEQUEL 2 is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4429 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SEQUEL 2 happened in IBM - SEQUEL 2 on HOPL SEQUEL 2 on HOPL - Read more about SEQUEL 2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
SequenceL - Programming language SequenceL ========= SequenceL is an open source programming language created in 1989. 1989 #1905 on PLDB 35 Years Old SequenceL is a general purpose functional programming language and auto-parallelizing (Parallel computing) compiler and tool set, whose primary design objectives are performance on multi-core processor hardware, ease of programming, platform portability/optimization, and code clarity and readability. Its main advantage is that it can be used to write straightforward code that automatically takes full advantage of all the processing power available, without programmers needing to be concerned with identifying parallelisms, specifying vectorization, avoiding race conditions, and other challenges of manual directive-based programming approaches such as OpenMP. Programs written in SequenceL can be compiled to multithreaded code that runs in parallel, with no explicit indications from a programmer of how or what to parallelize. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SequenceL happened in Texas Tech University and Texas Multicore Technologies - Explore SequenceL snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (13 related languages) X86, ARM, Linux, OpenCL, C, C#, Fortran, Java, Python, Lisp, Haskell, Pascal, Eclipse cmd:>prime(100...200) [101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 275 1.4
SFC - Programming language SFC === SFC is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #1561 on PLDB 31 Years Old Sequential function chart (SFC) is a graphical programming language used for programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It is one of the five languages defined by IEC 61131-3 standard. The SFC standard is defined as, Preparation of function charts for control systems, and was based on GRAFCET (itself based on binary Petri nets). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SFC happened in International Electrotechnical Commission - See also: (1 related languages) DRAKON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Sequential Pascal - Programming language Sequential Pascal ================= Sequential Pascal is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4430 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sequential Pascal happened in Newcastle University - Sequential Pascal on HOPL Sequential Pascal on HOPL - Read more about Sequential Pascal on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Serious - Programming language Serious ======= Serious is a programming language created in 2021 by lorentzj. 2021 lorentzj #1860 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone The Sirius programming langauge - Tags: programming language - Serious is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of Serious happened in - Serious is written in Rust, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, PowerBuilder, JSON, CSS, TOML, Bourne shell, Markdown - Read more about Serious on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. let x = 3; let y = 4; print (x^2 + y^2)^0.5; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
Service Modeling Language - Programming language Service Modeling Language ========================= Service Modeling Language is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3769 on PLDB 15 Years Old Service Modeling Language (SML) and Service Modeling Language Interchange Format (SML-IF) are a pair of XML-based specifications created by leading information technology companies that define a set of XML instance document extensions for expressing links between elements, a set of XML Schema extensions for constraining those links, and a way to associate Schematron rules with global element declarations, global complex type definitions, and/or model documents. The SML specification defines model concepts, and the SML-IF specification describes a packaging format for exchanging SML-based models. SML and SML-IF were standardized in a W3C working group chartered to produce W3C Recommendations for the Service Modeling Language by refining the “Service Modeling Language” (SML) Member Submission, addressing implementation experience and feedback on the specifications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Service Modeling Language happened in W3C - See also: (2 related languages) XML, XPath Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
SESPATH - Programming language SESPATH ======= SESPATH is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3569 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SESPATH happened in IBM - SESPATH on HOPL SESPATH on HOPL - Read more about SESPATH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about SESPATH on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
SESPOOL - Programming language SESPOOL ======= SESPOOL is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4431 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SESPOOL happened in Washington State University - SESPOOL on HOPL SESPOOL on HOPL - Read more about SESPOOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Set-builder notation - Notation Set-builder notation ==================== Set-builder notation is a notation created in 1942. 1942 #4667 on PLDB 82 Years Old - Tags: notation \{l\ |\ l\in L\} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Setext - Text markup language Setext ====== Setext is a text markup language created in 1991 by Ian Feldman. 1991 Ian Feldman #4432 on PLDB 33 Years Old Setext allows viewing of marked-up documents without special viewing software. When appropriate software is used, however, a rich text-style experience is available to the user. - Tags: text markup language This is a long title ==================== This is **very important**... This is an ~italic~ word. This is _underlined_text_. > This is quoted text... > ...more... ^.. _Wikipedia_home_page Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
SETL - Programming language SETL ==== SETL is a programming language created in 1969 by Jacob T. Schwartz. 1969 Jacob T. Schwartz #896 on PLDB 55 Years Old SETL (SET Language) is a very high-level programming language based on the mathematical theory of sets. It was originally developed by (Jack) Jacob T. Schwartz at the New York University (NYU) Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in the late 1960s.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SETL happened in Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - Explore SETL snippets on Rosetta Code - SETL on HOPL SETL on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) ALGOL 60, ABC, Ada, Python print("Hello, world!"); procedure factorial(n); -- calculates the factorial n! return if n = 1 then 1 else n * factorial(n - 1) end if; end factorial; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 269 1.3
SetLog - Programming language SetLog ====== SetLog is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4433 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SetLog happened in Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - SetLog on HOPL SetLog on HOPL - Read more about SetLog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
setlx - Programming language setlx ===== setlx is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #1594 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone setlX is an interpreter for the high level programming language SetlX (set language extended). The most distinguishing feature of this language is the support it offers for sets and lists. As set theory is the language of mathematics, many mathematical algorithms that are formulated in terms of set theory have very straightforward implementations in SetlX. Designed mostly by Karl Stroetmann, the SetlX language is an evolution of Setl by Jack Schwartz. It was specifically conceived to make the unique features of Setl more accessible to today's computer science students. This interpreter is currently the SetlX reference implementation. - Tags: programming language - setlx is developed on GitHub and has 26 stars - Early development of setlx happened in - setlx is written in Java, Python, Tex, CSV, Bash, Make, XML, Bourne shell, Lisp, Markdown, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
Setun - Computing machine Setun ===== Setun is a computing machine created in 1958. 1958 #3284 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: computingMachine - Early development of Setun happened in Moscow State University - Setun on HOPL Setun on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
SEVAL - Programming language SEVAL ===== SEVAL is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #4434 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SEVAL happened in Twente University of Technology - SEVAL on HOPL SEVAL on HOPL - Read more about SEVAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Seymour - Programming language Seymour ======= Seymour is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3570 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Seymour happened in State University of New York at Buffalo and University of Michigan - Seymour on HOPL Seymour on HOPL - Read more about Seymour on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Seymour on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
SGML - Text markup language SGML ==== SGML, aka Standard Generalized Markup Language, is a text markup language created in 1986. 1986 #799 on PLDB 38 Years Old The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML; ISO 8879:1986) is a standard for defining generalized markup languages for documents. ISO 8879 Annex A.1 defines generalized markup: Generalized markup is based on two postulates: Markup should be declarative: it should describe a document's structure and other attributes, rather than specify the processing to be performed on it. Declarative markup is less likely to conflict with unforeseen future processing needs and techniques. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Early development of SGML happened in IBM - SGML on HOPL SGML on HOPL - See also: (14 related languages) GML, HTML, XML, Scheme, Linux, HyTime, Regular Expressions, Unicode, XQuery, JSP, Scala, DTD, S-expressions, LaTeX <lines> <line>first line</line> <line>second line</line> </lines> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
sh - Programming language sh == sh is a programming language created in 1971 by Stephen Richard Bourne. 1971 Stephen Richard Bourne #2586 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of sh happened in Bell Labs - sh on HOPL sh on HOPL - Read more about sh on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about sh on the web: 1. 1. echo "Hello, world!" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
SHA-1 - Hash function SHA-1 ===== SHA-1 is a hash function created in 1993. 1993 #2344 on PLDB 31 Years Old In cryptography, SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a cryptographic hash function which takes an input and produces a 160-bit (20-byte) hash value known as a message digest – typically rendered as a hexadecimal number, 40 digits long. It was designed by the United States National Security Agency, and is a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard.Since 2005 SHA-1 has not been considered secure against well-funded opponents, as of 2010 many organizations have recommended its replacement. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of SHA-1 happened in National Security Agency Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
SHA-2 - Hash function SHA-2 ===== SHA-2 is a hash function created in 2001. 2001 #2339 on PLDB 23 Years Old SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) is a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA). They are built using the Merkle–Damgård structure, from a one-way compression function itself built using the Davies–Meyer structure from a (classified) specialized block cipher. SHA-2 includes significant changes from its predecessor, SHA-1. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of SHA-2 happened in National Security Agency Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
SHA-3 - Hash function SHA-3 ===== SHA-3 is a hash function created in 2015. 2015 #2406 on PLDB 9 Years Old SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) is the latest member of the Secure Hash Algorithm family of standards, released by NIST on August 5, 2015. Although part of the same series of standards, SHA-3 is internally different from the MD5-like structure of SHA-1 and SHA-2. SHA-3 is a subset of the broader cryptographic primitive family Keccak (), designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Michaël Peeters, and Gilles Van Assche, building upon RadioGatún. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of SHA-3 happened in National Institute of Standards and Technology Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
SHACL - Programming language SHACL ===== SHACL, aka Shapes Constraint Language, is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2021 on PLDB 9 Years Old A standard language for describing Resource Description Framework (RDF) graphs. - Tags: programming language - Early development of SHACL happened in W3C - See also: (1 related languages) RDF - Read more about SHACL on the web: 1. 1. ex:PersonShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:Person ; # Applies to all persons sh:property [ # _:b1 sh:path ex:ssn ; # constrains the values of ex:ssn sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:pattern "^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}TEMPLATEquot; ; ] ; sh:property [ # _:b2 sh:path ex:worksFor ; sh:class ex:Company ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; ] ; sh:closed true ; sh:ignoredProperties ( rdf:type ) . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 189 0.9
shadama - Programming language shadama ======= shadama is a programming language created in 2017 by Yoshiki Ohshima and Dan Amelang and Bert Freudenberg. 2017 Yoshiki Ohshima Dan Amelang Bert Freudenberg #1862 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Shadama is the prototype of a programming language for writing programs that create, control and visualize large numbers of objects. The Shadama environment supports liveness, yet Shadama programs are run on the GPU, which enables high performance. The primary goal of the language is to facilitate the writing of scientific simulations by students at the high school level. - Tags: programming language - shadama is developed on GitHub and has 27 stars - Early development of shadama happened in - shadama is written in JavaScript, HTML, CSS - Read more about shadama on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
shade - Programming language shade ===== shade is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #3706 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - shade is developed on GitHub - Early development of shade happened in HackerNews discussions of shade =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Shade, a language based on C, Go, and Haskell||12/27/2012|15|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
ShaderLab - Programming language ShaderLab ========= ShaderLab is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #1103 on PLDB 24 Years Old 59k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 59,455 ShaderLab repos on GitHub - Early development of ShaderLab happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1k users using ShaderLab in 1k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for ShaderLab - Read more about ShaderLab on the web: 1. 1. // From, // licensed under MIT licence. Shader "Hidden/Post FX/Depth Of Field" { Properties { _MainTex ("", 2D) = "black" } CGINCLUDE #pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x #pragma target 3.0 ENDCG SubShader { Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always // (0) Downsampling, prefiltering & CoC Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile __ UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA #pragma vertex VertDOF #pragma fragment FragPrefilter #include "DepthOfField.cginc" ENDCG } // (1) Pass 0 + temporal antialiasing Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex VertDOF #pragma fragment FragPrefilter #define PREFILTER_TAA #include "DepthOfField.cginc" ENDCG } // (2-5) Bokeh filter with disk-shaped kernels Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex VertDOF #pragma fragment FragBlur #define KERNEL_SMALL #include "DepthOfField.cginc" ENDCG } Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex VertDOF #pragma fragment FragBlur #define KERNEL_MEDIUM #include "DepthOfField.cginc" ENDCG } Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex VertDOF #pragma fragment FragBlur #define KERNEL_LARGE #include "DepthOfField.cginc" ENDCG } Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex VertDOF #pragma fragment FragBlur #define KERNEL_VERYLARGE #include "DepthOfField.cginc" ENDCG } // (6) Postfilter blur Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex VertDOF #pragma fragment FragPostBlur #include "DepthOfField.cginc" ENDCG } } FallBack Off } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 363 1.8
SHADOW - Programming language SHADOW ====== SHADOW is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #2876 on PLDB 66 Years Old This paper provides an account of the Shadow language that is used to describe syntax and of a corresponding subroutine that enables a computer to perform syntactic analysis. The input to this subroutine consists of a string to be analyzed and a description of the syntax that is to be used. The syntax is expressed in the Shadow language. The output consists of a trace table that expresses the results of the syntactic analysis in a tabular form. Several versions of the subroutine and some associated programs have been in use now for over three years. The present account of the language and the subroutine contains a summary of material that has been described previously in unpublished reports and also some additional discussion of the work in relation to the more general questions of problem-oriented languages and string transformations. - Tags: programming language - Early development of SHADOW happened in MIT - SHADOW on HOPL SHADOW on HOPL - Read more about SHADOW on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 258 1.3
Shakespeare - Esoteric programming language Shakespeare =========== Shakespeare is an esoteric programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2079 on PLDB 23 Years Old The Shakespeare Programming Language (SPL) is an esoteric programming language designed by Jon Åslund and Karl Hasselström. Like the Chef programming language, it is designed to make programs appear to be something other than programs; in this case, Shakespearean plays. A character list in the beginning of the program declares a number of stacks, naturally with names like "Romeo" and "Juliet". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Early development of Shakespeare happened in - Shakespeare on Esolang Shakespeare on Esolang - See also: (1 related languages) Assembly language Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience. Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace. Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet. Hamlet, the flatterer of Andersen Insulting A/S. Act I: Hamlet's insults and flattery. Scene I: The insulting of Romeo. [Enter Hamlet and Romeo] Hamlet: You lying stupid fatherless big smelly half-witted coward! You are as stupid as the difference between a handsome rich brave hero and thyself! Speak your mind! You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! Speak your mind! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind. Speak your mind! [Exit Romeo] Scene II: The praising of Juliet. [Enter Juliet] Hamlet: Thou art as sweet as the sum of the sum of Romeo and his horse and his black cat! Speak thy mind! [Exit Juliet] Scene III: The praising of Ophelia. [Enter Ophelia] Hamlet: Thou art as lovely as the product of a large rural town and my amazing bottomless embroidered purse. Speak thy mind! Thou art as loving as the product of the bluest clearest sweetest sky and the sum of a squirrel and a white horse. Thou art as beautiful as the difference between Juliet and thyself. Speak thy mind! [Exeunt Ophelia and Hamlet] Act II: Behind Hamlet's back. Scene I: Romeo and Juliet's conversation. [Enter Romeo and Juliet] Romeo: Speak your mind. You are as worried as the sum of yourself and the difference between my small smooth hamster and my nose. Speak your mind! Juliet: Speak YOUR mind! You are as bad as Hamlet! You are as small as the difference between the square of the difference between my little pony and your big hairy hound and the cube of your sorry little codpiece. Speak your mind! [Exit Romeo] Scene II: Juliet and Ophelia's conversation. [Enter Ophelia] Juliet: Thou art as good as the quotient between Romeo and the sum of a small furry animal and a leech. Speak your mind! Ophelia: Thou art as disgusting as the quotient between Romeo and twice the difference between a mistletoe and an oozing infected blister! Speak your mind! [Exeunt] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 607 3
shakti - Programming language shakti ====== shakti is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2503 on PLDB 5 Years Old the latest iteration of k, Shakti k. The language is capable of managing streaming, in-memory, historical, relational, and time-series data. The distributed model extends out to multiple machines whether on-premise or in the cloud. Shakti k provides connectivity via Python, HTTP, SSL/TLS, and json. Shakti k supports compression and encryption for data, whether in-memory, in-flight or on disk. Shakti k also has primitives for blockchain operations. - Tags: programming language - Early development of shakti happened in - was registered in 2002 b + 1 2 3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
sham - Grammar language sham ==== sham is a grammar language created in 2016. 2016 #2025 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A DSL for runtime code generation in racket - Tags: grammarLanguage - sham is developed on GitHub and has 66 stars - Early development of sham happened in Indiana University - sham is written in Racket, C++, YAML - Read more about sham on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Shapefile - Binary data format Shapefile ========= Shapefile is a binary data format created in 1995. 1995 #1843 on PLDB 29 Years Old The shapefile format is a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software. It is developed and regulated by Esri as a (mostly) open specification for data interoperability among Esri and other GIS software products. The shapefile format can spatially describe vector features: points, lines, and polygons, representing, for example, water wells, rivers, and lakes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of Shapefile happened in Esri - See also: (4 related languages) DBase, AUTOCAD, xBase, Unicode Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
ShapeUp - Programming language ShapeUp ======= ShapeUp is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4435 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of ShapeUp happened in NEC Corporation - ShapeUp on HOPL ShapeUp on HOPL - Read more about ShapeUp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Shared Prolog - Programming language Shared Prolog ============= Shared Prolog is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4436 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Shared Prolog happened in Universitci di Pisa and Universitci di Udine - Shared Prolog on HOPL Shared Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Shared Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
sharpscript - Programming language sharpscript =========== sharpscript is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4702 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2019 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
Sheep - Programming language Sheep ===== Sheep is a programming language created in 2000 by Wouter Van Oortmerssen. 2000 Wouter Van Oortmerssen #2107 on PLDB 24 Years Old New scripting/querying/ipc/programming language I created for Amiga Inc. There is no publicly available material right now, except for an introductory article at Amiga World, an interview at, and this released screenshot of an early sheep beta in action: SHEEP was planned to have familiar beginner friendly syntax and semantics coupled with multimethods, automatic memory management without garbage collection (linearity), powerful datatypes, pattern matching, strong and dynamic typing living together in harmony, integrated access to all the new Amiga OS features, and optional compiled output comparable to C in speed and size. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sheep happened in - Read more about Sheep on the web: 1. 1. — Tree of Pythagoras — based on an old E example by Raymond Hoving import “ave” define pythtree ax:real ay:real bx:real by:real depth:int do cx = ax-ay+by cy = ax+ay-bx dx = bx+by-ay dy = ax-bx+by ex = 0.5*(cx-cy+dx+dy) ey = 0.5*(cx+cy-dx+dy) c = -1-depth*$100020 ave_line cx cy ax ay c ave_line ax ay bx by c ave_line bx by dx dy c ave_line dx dy cx cy c ave_line cx cy ex ey c ave_line ex ey dx dy c if depth < 12 then pythtree cx cy ex ey depth+1 pythtree ex ey dx dy depth+1 end end width = 640 height = 480 ave_openwindow "Pythagoras Tree" width height 0 pythtree width/2-width/12 height-20 width/2+width/12 height-20 0 ave_update repeat until ave_getmessage = 'Q' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example define pythtree ax:real ay:real bx:real by:real depth:int do cx = ax-ay+by end Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 408 2
SHEEP - Programming language SHEEP ===== SHEEP is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #3171 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SHEEP happened in University of Stockholm and Queen Mary College - SHEEP on HOPL SHEEP on HOPL - Read more about SHEEP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
SheerPower4GL - Programming language SheerPower4GL ============= SheerPower4GL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4505 on PLDB 24 Years Old SheerPower 4GL is a Fourth-generation programming language developed by Touch Technologies, Inc [1]. SheerPower 4GL is the result of porting Touch Technologies' Intouch 4GL programming language that runs on OpenVMS (for DEC Alpha and VAX computers) to Windows, launching in 2000. Downloads are free from the official SheerPower 4GL website.[2] SheerPower 4GL is similar to the BASIC programming language, and is easy to learn.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SheerPower4GL happened in Touch Technologies, Inc - See also: (1 related languages) MySQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Shen - Programming language Shen ==== Shen is a programming language created in 2011 by Mark Tarver. 2011 Mark Tarver #457 on PLDB 13 Years Old 50 Repos git clone Shen language kernel sources for porters - Tags: programming language - Shen is developed on GitHub and has 348 stars - There are at least 50 Shen repos on GitHub - Early development of Shen happened in - Shen is written in Markdown, SVG, Make - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14 users using Shen in 16 repos on GitHub - Explore Shen snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Shen - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Shen - was registered in 2011 (pr "Hello World") \\ Hello world in Shen (0-) (pr "hello world") (load "grammar.shen") \* JSON Lexer 1. Read a stream of characters 2. Whitespace characters not in strings should be discarded. 3. Whitespace characters in strings should be preserved 4. Strings can contain escaped double quotes. e.g. "\"" *\ (define whitespacep \* e.g. ASCII 32 == #\Space. *\ \* All the others are whitespace characters from an ASCII table. *\ Char -> (member Char ["c#9;" "c#10;" "c#11;" "c#12;" "c#13;" "c#32;"])) (define replace-whitespace "" -> "" (@s Whitespace Suffix) -> (@s "" (replace-whitespace Suffix)) where (whitespacep Whitespace) (@s Prefix Suffix) -> (@s Prefix (replace-whitespace Suffix))) (define fetch-until-unescaped-doublequote [] -> [] ["\" "c#34;" | Chars] -> ["\" "c#34;" | (fetch-until-unescaped-doublequote Chars)] ["c#34;" | Chars] -> [] [Char | Chars] -> [Char | (fetch-until-unescaped-doublequote Chars)]) \* (define strip-whitespace-chars *\ \* [] -> [] *\ \* ["c#34;" | Chars] -> ["c#34;" | ( *\ \* [WhitespaceChar | Chars] -> (strip-whitespace-chars Chars) where (whitespace? WhitespaceChar) *\ \* [Char | Chars] -> [Char | (strip-whitespace-chars Chars)]) *\ (define tokenise JSONString -> (let CharList (explode JSONString) CharList)) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token pr Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 481 2.4
ShEx - Grammar language ShEx ==== ShEx is a grammar language created in 2012. 2012 #3202 on PLDB 12 Years Old Shape Expressions (ShEx) is a language for validating and describing RDF. It was proposed at the 2012 RDF Validation Workshop as a high-level, concise language for RDF validation. The shapes can be defined in a human-friendly compact syntax called ShExC or using any Resource Description Framework (RDF) serialization formats like JSON-LD or Turtle. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of ShEx happened in W3C PREFIX : <> PREFIX schema: <> :Person { schema:name xsd:string ; schema:knows @:Person * ; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
SHIFT - Programming language SHIFT ===== SHIFT is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3172 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SHIFT happened in University of California Berkeley - SHIFT on HOPL SHIFT on HOPL - Read more about SHIFT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
shill - Programming language shill ===== shill is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #1530 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Scripting with Least Privilege - Tags: programming language - shill is developed on GitHub and has 106 stars - Early development of shill happened in Harvard University - shill is written in C, Racket, Bourne shell, Make, Yacc, Lex, Lisp - was registered in 2014 HackerNews discussions of shill =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Shill: A Secure Shell Scripting Language||09/25/2014|85|43 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
shiv - Programming language shiv ==== shiv is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2776 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The Shiv programming language is a language designed around extending the langauge itself. Its main features include: Simple, light-weight yet expressive syntax; Powerful metaprogramming capabilities. - Tags: programming language - shiv on GitLab shiv on GitLab - Early development of shiv happened in - shiv is written in Nim, Bourne shell, Markdown, JavaScript, Python, YAML, C, XML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
shml - Text markup language shml ==== shml is a text markup language created in 2015. 2015 #1163 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone SHell Markup Language | Style Framework for The Terminal - Tags: text markup language - shml is developed on GitHub and has 441 stars - Early development of shml happened in - shml is written in Bourne shell, HTML, Markdown, CSS, YAML, SVG, Make, JSON, XML HackerNews discussions of shml ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: SHML (shell markup language)||11/06/2015|71|12 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
SHOE - Programming language SHOE ==== SHOE is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3571 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SHOE happened in University of Maryland - SHOE on HOPL SHOE on HOPL - Read more about SHOE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Short Code computer language - Programming language Short Code computer language ============================ Short Code computer language is a programming language created in 1949. 1949 #2567 on PLDB 75 Years Old Short Code was one of the first higher-level languages ever developed for an electronic computer. Unlike machine code, Short Code statements represented mathematic expressions rather than a machine instruction. Also known as an automatic programming, the source code was not compiled but executed through an interpreter to simplify the programming process; the execution time was much slower though.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Short Code computer language happened in University of Pennsylvania - Short Code computer language on HOPL Short Code computer language on HOPL X3 = ( X1 + Y1 ) / X1 * Y1 substitute variables X3 03 09 X1 07 Y1 02 04 X1 Y1 substitute operators and parentheses. Note multiplication is represented by juxtaposition. 07Y10204X1Y1 group into 12-byte words. 0000X30309X1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
SHRDLU - Application SHRDLU ====== SHRDLU is an application created in 1968 by Terry Winograd. 1968 Terry Winograd #2830 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of SHRDLU happened in MIT - SHRDLU on HOPL SHRDLU on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
SI Library - Programming language SI Library ========== SI Library is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4437 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SI Library happened in Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - SI Library on HOPL SI Library on HOPL - Read more about SI Library on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
SI - Notation SI == SI, aka Système international, is a notation created in 1960. 1960 #870 on PLDB 64 Years Old The International System of Units (abbreviated as SI, from the French Système international (d'unités)) is the modern form of the metric system, and is the most widely used system of measurement. It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement built on seven base units and a set of twenty prefixes to the unit names and unit symbols that may be used when specifying multiples and fractions of the units. The system also specifies lowercase names for 22 derived units. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of SI happened in General Conference on Weights and Measures - See also: (3 related languages) International System of Quantities, SYMBOL, Unicode Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
sia - Crypto protocol sia === sia is a crypto protocol created in 2015 by David Vorick and Luke Champine. 2015 David Vorick Luke Champine #4625 on PLDB 9 Years Old Sia create a trustless cloud storage marketplace, allowing buyers and sellers to transact directly. - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Sibelius - Programming language Sibelius ======== Sibelius is an open source programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2551 on PLDB 26 Years Old Sibelius is a scorewriter program developed and released by Sibelius Software Limited (now part of Avid Technology). It is the world's largest selling music notation program. Beyond creating, editing and printing music scores, Sibelius can also play the music back using sampled or synthesised sounds. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sibelius happened in Sibelius Software Limited - See also: (4 related languages) Assembly language, MusicXML, Qt, PowerPC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Sibilant - Programming language Sibilant ======== Sibilant is a programming language created in 2010 by Jacob Rothstein. 2010 Jacob Rothstein #942 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Just another compile-to-js LISP-like language - Tags: programming language - Sibilant is developed on GitHub and has 384 stars - Early development of Sibilant happened in - Sibilant is written in JavaScript, Markdown, YAML, JSON, HTML, SCSS, CSS assign def do each if lambda pipe set this var when Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
SIDOPS+ - Programming language SIDOPS+ ======= SIDOPS+ is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3572 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIDOPS+ happened in University of Twente - SIDOPS+ on HOPL SIDOPS+ on HOPL - Read more about SIDOPS+ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about SIDOPS+ on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
sierra - Programming language sierra ====== sierra is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4626 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of sierra ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Sierra – A SIMD Extension for C++||10/30/2018|35|4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Sieve mail filtering language - Application Sieve mail filtering language ============================= Sieve mail filtering language is an application created in 2008. 2008 #989 on PLDB 16 Years Old 10 Repos Sieve is a programming language that can be used for email filtering. It owes its creation to the CMU Cyrus Project, creators of Cyrus IMAP server. The language is not tied to any particular operating system or mail architecture. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - There are at least 10 Sieve mail filtering language repos on GitHub - Early development of Sieve mail filtering language happened in University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9 users using Sieve mail filtering language in 9 repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Sieve mail filtering language - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Sieve mail filtering language - See also: (4 related languages) sed, awk, Unicode, SMTP # Sieve filter # Declare the extensions used by this script. # require ["fileinto", "reject"]; # Messages bigger than 100K will be rejected with an error message # if size :over 100K { reject "I'm sorry, I do not accept mail over 100kb in size. Please upload larger files to a server and send me a link. Thanks."; } # Mails from a mailing list will be put into the folder "mailinglist" # elsif address :is ["From", "To"] "mailinglist@blafasel.invalid" { fileinto "INBOX.mailinglist"; } # Spam Rule: Message does not contain my address in To, CC or Bcc # header, or subject is something with "money" or "Viagra". # elsif anyof (not address :all :contains ["To", "Cc", "Bcc"] "me@blafasel.invalid", header :matches "Subject" ["*money*","*Viagra*"]) { fileinto "INBOX.spam"; } # Keep the rest. # This is not necessary because there is a "implicit keep" Rule # else { keep; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 411 2.1
SIGMA 76 - Programming language SIGMA 76 ======== SIGMA 76 is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3573 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIGMA 76 happened in CERN - SIGMA 76 on HOPL SIGMA 76 on HOPL - Read more about SIGMA 76 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about SIGMA 76 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
SIGNAL - Programming language SIGNAL ====== SIGNAL is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #1825 on PLDB 42 Years Old SIGNAL is a programming language based on synchronized data-flow (flows + synchronization): a process is a set of equations on elementary flows describing both data and control. The SIGNAL formal model provides the capability to describe systems with several clocks (polychronous systems) as relational specifications. Relations are useful as partial specifications and as specifications of non-deterministic devices (for instance a non-deterministic bus) or external processes (for instance an unsafe car driver). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIGNAL happened in Inria - SIGNAL on HOPL SIGNAL on HOPL - SIGNAL appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (4 related languages) Esterel, Lustre, Simulink, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
SIL - Programming language SIL === SIL is a programming language created in 1990 by Niels Houbak. 1990 Niels Houbak #3173 on PLDB 34 Years Old A Simulation Language - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIL happened in Technical University of Denmark - SIL on HOPL SIL on HOPL - Read more about SIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
sile - Text markup language sile ==== sile is a text markup language created in 2012. 2012 #529 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone SILE is a typesetting system. Its job is to produce beautiful printed documents from raw content. - Tags: text markup language - sile is developed on GitHub and has 1,624 stars - Early development of sile happened in Worldview Center for Intercultural Studies - sile is written in Lua, YAML, XML, C, M4, Bourne shell, Diff, Nix, SVG, Markdown, Make, CMake, JSON, C++, Tex, Objective-C, Dockerfile, JavaScript - was registered in 2014 - See also: (1 related languages) LaTeX - Read more about sile on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 190 0.9
silk - Programming language silk ==== silk is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1194 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The Silk Programming Language - Tags: programming language - silk is developed on GitHub and has 81 stars - Early development of silk happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - silk is written in OCaml, Bourne shell, Markdown - Read more about silk on the web: 1. 1. // A comment extern func printf(s *i8) void; func main(argc i32, argv **i8) i32 { printf("hello, world\n"); if argc > 1 { val arg = @(argv + 1); printf(arg); } return 0; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
sill - Programming language sill ==== sill is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Dennis Griffith. 2015 Dennis Griffith #1628 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A programming language based on the intuitionistic linear logic view of session types. - Tags: programming language - sill is developed on GitHub and has 28 stars - Early development of sill happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - sill is written in OCaml, Bourne shell, YAML - Read more about sill on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
SIMAN IV - Programming language SIMAN IV ======== SIMAN IV is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4438 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMAN IV happened in Systems Modeling Corporation - SIMAN IV on HOPL SIMAN IV on HOPL - Read more about SIMAN IV on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
SIMAN - Programming language SIMAN ===== SIMAN is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3266 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMAN happened in Purdue University Indiana's Land Grant University - SIMAN on HOPL SIMAN on HOPL - Read more about SIMAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to SIMAN: rason Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
SIMCAL - Programming language SIMCAL ====== SIMCAL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4439 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMCAL happened in Duquesne University and University of Pittsburgh - SIMCAL on HOPL SIMCAL on HOPL - Read more about SIMCAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
SimCode - Programming language SimCode ======= SimCode is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1630 on PLDB 27 Years Old CircuitMaker is electronic design automation software for printed circuit board designs targeted at the hobby, hacker, and maker community. CircuitMaker is available as freeware, and the hardware designed with it may be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes without limitations. It is currently available publicly as version 1.3 by Altium Limited, with the first non-beta release on January 17, 2016.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SimCode happened in Altium Limited - See also: (6 related languages) C#, Arduino Programming Language, Eagle, KiCad Legacy Layout, Subversion, Gerber Image - Read more about SimCode on the web: 1. 1. //============================================================ //Section 1 # ls74 source //1/2- 74LS74 D flip-flop Digital SimCode Model //typical prop delay values from TI 1981 2nd edition data book //============================================================ //Section 2 INPUTS VCC, GND, PRE, DATA, CLK, CLR; OUTPUTS VCC_LD, PRE_LD, DATA_LD, CLK_LD, CLR_LD, QN, Q; INTEGERS tblIndex; REALS tplh_val, tphl_val, ts_val, th_val, trec_val, tt_val, temp_tp,       clk_twl, clk_twh, pre_clr_twl, ril_val, rih_val, ricc_val; PWR_GND_PINS(VCC,GND);     //set pwr_param and gnd_param values SUPPLY_MIN_MAX(4.75,5.25); //test for min supply=4.75 and max supply=5.25 VOL_VOH_MIN(0.2,-0.4,0.1); //vol_param=gnd_param+0.2,voh_param=pwr_param-0.4 VIL_VIH_VALUE(1.25,1.35);  //set input threshold values: vil and vih IO_PAIRS(PRE:PRE_LD, DATA:DATA_LD, CLK:CLK_LD, CLR:CLR_LD); //Section 3 IF (init_sim) THEN  BEGIN        //select prop delay, setup, hold, and width times   //NOTE: both ttlh and tthl are the same value   tt_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(tt_param: NULL, 5n,  NULL));   temp_tp= (PWL_TABLE(sim_temp: -75, -5n, 125, 5n)); //tp temperature affect   tplh_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(tp_param: NULL, 14n, 25n) + temp_tp);   tphl_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(tp_param: NULL, 20n, 40n) + temp_tp);   ts_val= (20n);   th_val= (5n);   trec_val= (5n);   clk_twl= (25n);      //not specified - derived from fmax   clk_twh= (25n);   pre_clr_twl= (20n);   //LS stdout drive IOL max=8mA @ VOL typ=0.35V:rol_param=0.35V/8mA=43.75   //LS stdout drive IOL max=8mA @ VOL max=0.5V: rol_param=0.5V/8mA=62.5   rol_param= (MIN_TYP_MAX(drv_param: 62.5, 43.75,  NULL));   //LS stdout drive IOS min=20mA @ VCC max=5.25V: roh_param=5.25V/20mA=262.5   //LS stdout drive IOS max=100mA @ VCC max=5.25V:roh_param=5.25V/100mA=52.5   roh_param= (MIN_TYP_MAX(drv_param: 262.5, NULL, 52.5));   //LS input load IIH max=20uA @ Vin=2.7V: ril= (2.7-vol_param)/20uA=125k   ril_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(ld_param: NULL, NULL, 125k));   //LS input load IIL max=-0.4mA @ Vin=0.4V:rih= (voh_param-0.4)/0.4mA=10.5k   rih_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(ld_param: NULL, NULL, 10.5k));   //Icc @ 5V: 2500= 4mA/2 typical, 1250= 8mA/2 max   ricc_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(i_param: NULL, 2500, 1250));   STATE Q = ONE;            // initialize output states   STATE QN = ZERO;   EXIT;  END; //Section 4 DRIVE Q QN = (v0=vol_param,v1=voh_param,ttlh=tt_val,tthl=tt_val); LOAD PRE_LD DATA_LD CLK_LD CLR_LD = (v0=vol_param,r0=ril_val,v1=voh_param,r1=rih_val,io=1e9,t=1p); //Section 5 EXT_TABLE tblIndex PRE CLR CLK DATA    Q     QN 0   1   X   X       H     L 1   0   X   X       L     H 0   0   X   X       H     H 1   1   ^   X       DATA  ~DATA 1   1   X   X       Q     ~Q; LOAD VCC_LD = (v0=gnd_param,r0=ricc_val,t=1p); //Section 6 IF (warn_param) THEN   BEGIN     IF (PRE && CLR) THEN       BEGIN         SETUP_HOLD(CLK=LH DATA Ts=ts_val Th=th_val "CLK->DATA");         RECOVER(CLK=LH PRE CLR Trec=trec_val "CLK->PRE or CLR");         WIDTH(CLK Twl=clk_twl Twh=clk_twh "CLK");         WIDTH(PRE CLR Twl= pre_clr_twl "PRE or CLR");       END;   END; //Section 7 DELAY Q QN =   CASE (TRAN_LH) : tplh_val   CASE (TRAN_HL) : tphl_val END; EXIT; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 728 3.6
SIMDIS - Programming language SIMDIS ====== SIMDIS is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4440 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMDIS happened in Technische Universität Magdeburg - SIMDIS on HOPL SIMDIS on HOPL - Read more about SIMDIS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
SIMFACTORY - Programming language SIMFACTORY ========== SIMFACTORY is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4441 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMFACTORY happened in CACI International Inc - SIMFACTORY on HOPL SIMFACTORY on HOPL - Read more about SIMFACTORY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Simit - Programming language Simit ===== Simit is a programming language created in 2014 by Fredrik Kjolstad. 2014 Fredrik Kjolstad #713 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Simit is an imperative language with statements, control flow and linear algebra expressions. - Tags: programming language - Simit is developed on GitHub and has 452 stars - Early development of Simit happened in MIT - MATLAB influenced the design of Simit - Simit is written in C++, CMake, Markdown, Vim script, C, Lisp, Python, Make, Bourne shell, LLVM IR - was registered in 2016 func minMax(a : float, b : float) -> (c : float, d : float) if a < b c = a; d = b; else c = b; d = a; end end HackerNews discussions of Simit =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Simit: A language for computing on sparse systems||08/01/2016|37|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Simkin - Programming language Simkin ====== Simkin is a programming language created in 1995 by Simon Whiteside. 1995 Simon Whiteside #2277 on PLDB 29 Years Old git clone - Tags: programming language - Early development of Simkin happened in Simkin Solutions Ltd - Read more about Simkin on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
SIML/I - Programming language SIML/I ====== SIML/I is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4442 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIML/I happened in Amdahl Corporation - SIML/I on HOPL SIML/I on HOPL - Read more about SIML/I on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
SIMNET - Programming language SIMNET ====== SIMNET is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4443 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMNET happened in University of Arkansas - SIMNET on HOPL SIMNET on HOPL - Read more about SIMNET on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SIMODULA - Programming language SIMODULA ======== SIMODULA is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3574 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMODULA happened in University of Georgia - SIMODULA on HOPL SIMODULA on HOPL - Read more about SIMODULA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Simoji - Programming language Simoji ====== Simoji is a programming language created in 2021 by Breck Yunits. 2021 Breck Yunits #1844 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the programming language Simoji. Create back-of-the-envelope multi-agent simulations using emojis. - Tags: programming language, simulation, visual programming language - Simoji is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Early development of Simoji happened in Breck's Lab - Simoji is written in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSON, SVG - Simoji on Esolang Simoji on Esolang Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Simons' BASIC - Programming language Simons' BASIC ============= Simons' BASIC is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #3659 on PLDB 41 Years Old This product is widely, but incorrectly, called "Simon's BASIC", because of confusion between the first name "Simon" and the surname "Simons".Simons' BASIC was an extension to BASIC 2.0 for the Commodore 64 home computer. Written by 16-year-old British programmer David Simons in 1983, it was distributed by Commodore in cartridge format.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Simons' BASIC happened in D. S. Software - See also: (1 related languages) Commodore BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
SIMPAS - Programming language SIMPAS ====== SIMPAS is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4444 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMPAS happened in University of Wisconsin-Madison - SIMPAS on HOPL SIMPAS on HOPL - Read more about SIMPAS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
SIMPL - Programming language SIMPL ===== SIMPL is an open source programming language created in 1990. 1990 #1199 on PLDB 34 Years Old git clone Synchronous Interprocess Messaging Project for LINUX (SIMPL) is a free and open-source project that allows QNX-style synchronous message passing by adding a Linux library using user space techniques like shared memory and Unix pipes to implement SendMssg/ReceiveMssg/ReplyMssg inter-process messaging mechanisms.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMPL happened in iCanProgram Inc - SIMPL on HOPL SIMPL on HOPL - Read more about SIMPL on the web: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
Simple Binary Encoding - Programming language Simple Binary Encoding ====================== Simple Binary Encoding is a programming language created in 2013 by Scott Logic. 2013 Scott Logic #367 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone SBE is an OSI layer 6 presentation for encoding and decoding binary application messages for low-latency financial applications. This repository contains the reference implementations in Java, C++, Golang, C#, and Rust - Tags: programming language - Simple Binary Encoding is developed on GitHub and has 3,055 stars - Early development of Simple Binary Encoding happened in - Simple Binary Encoding is written in Java, XML, Go, C#, C++, Rust, CMake, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, Gradle, Bash, XSD, Make, TOML, C - See also: (3 related languages) Python, Java, Rust - Read more about Simple Binary Encoding on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Simple Stackless Lisp - Programming language Simple Stackless Lisp ===================== Simple Stackless Lisp is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #4445 on PLDB 2 Years Old I wrote a simple stackless lisp - Tags: programming language - Early development of Simple Stackless Lisp happened in - Read more about Simple Stackless Lisp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
SIMPLE - Programming language SIMPLE ====== SIMPLE is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2172 on PLDB 44 Years Old SIMPLE may refer to:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMPLE happened in Istituto di Electtrotecnica ed Elettronica and University of North Carolina - SIMPLE on HOPL SIMPLE on HOPL - Read more about SIMPLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
SimpleScript - Programming language SimpleScript ============ SimpleScript is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #4931 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SimpleScript on HOPL SimpleScript on HOPL - Read more about SimpleScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Simplicity - Programming language Simplicity ========== Simplicity is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1355 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Simplicity is a work-in-progress low-level programming language with greater flexibility and expressiveness than Bitcoin Script. Simplicity is a typed, combinator-based, functional language without loops and recursion, designed to be used for crypto-currencies and blockchain applications. - Tags: programming language - Simplicity is developed on GitHub and has 301 stars - Early development of Simplicity happened in - Simplicity is written in Haskell, C, Coq, Nix, Markdown, Diff, Tex, Make, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Sim++ - Programming language Sim++ ===== Sim++ is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4446 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sim++ happened in Jade Simulations International Corporation - Sim++ on HOPL Sim++ on HOPL - Read more about Sim++ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
SIMSCRIPT - Programming language SIMSCRIPT ========= SIMSCRIPT is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #1754 on PLDB 61 Years Old SIMSCRIPT is a free-form, English-like general-purpose simulation language conceived by Harry Markowitz and Bernard Hausner at the RAND Corporation in 1963. It was implemented as a Fortran preprocessor on the IBM 7090 and was designed for large discrete event simulations. It influenced Simula. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMSCRIPT happened in RAND - SIMSCRIPT on HOPL SIMSCRIPT on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Fortran, Simula, QUIKSCRIPT, General Purpose Simulation System Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
SIMUL - Programming language SIMUL ===== SIMUL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4447 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SIMUL happened in Federal Reserve System - SIMUL on HOPL SIMUL on HOPL - Read more about SIMUL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Simula 67 - Programming language Simula 67 ========= Simula 67 is a programming language created in 1967 by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard. 1967 Ole-Johan Dahl Kristen Nygaard #2587 on PLDB 57 Years Old First programming language to introduce OO? - Tags: programming language - Simula 67 on HOPL Simula 67 on HOPL - Read more about Simula 67 on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
Simula - Programming language Simula ====== Simula is a programming language created in 1965 by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard. 1965 Ole-Johan Dahl Kristen Nygaard #344 on PLDB 59 Years Old Simula is the name of two simulation programming languages, Simula I and Simula 67, developed in the 1960s at the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo, by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard. Syntactically, it is a fairly faithful superset of ALGOL 60. Simula 67 introduced objects, classes, inheritance and subclasses, virtual procedures, coroutines, and discrete event simulation, and features garbage collection. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Simula happened in Norwegian Computing Center - ALGOL 60 influenced the design of Simula - Explore Simula snippets on Rosetta Code - Simula on HOPL Simula on HOPL - Simula appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (9 related languages) ALGOL 60, Object Pascal, Java, C#, Algol, Smalltalk, BETA, DOI, ISBN - Read more about Simula on the web: 1. 1. Begin OutText ("Hello World"); Outimage; End; ! Hello World in Simula; BEGIN OutText("Hello World!"); OutImage; END Simulation Begin Class FittingRoom; Begin Ref (Head) door; Boolean inUse; Procedure request; Begin If inUse Then Begin Wait (door); door.First.Out; End; inUse:= True; End; Procedure leave; Begin inUse:= False; Activate door.First; End; door:- New Head; End; Procedure report (message); Text message; Begin OutFix (Time, 2, 0); OutText (": " & message); OutImage; End; Process Class Person (pname); Text pname; Begin While True Do Begin Hold (Normal (12, 4, u)); report (pname & " is requesting the fitting room"); fittingroom1.request; report (pname & " has entered the fitting room"); Hold (Normal (3, 1, u)); fittingroom1.leave; report (pname & " has left the fitting room"); End; End; Integer u; Ref (FittingRoom) fittingRoom1; fittingRoom1:- New FittingRoom; Activate New Person ("Sam"); Activate New Person ("Sally"); Activate New Person ("Andy"); Hold (100); End; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token OutText row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token ! row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 520 2.6
Simulink - Programming language Simulink ======== Simulink is an open source programming language created in 1984. 1984 #850 on PLDB 40 Years Old Simulink, developed by MathWorks, is a graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multidomain dynamical systems. Its primary interface is a graphical block diagramming tool and a customizable set of block libraries. It offers tight integration with the rest of the MATLAB environment and can either drive MATLAB or be scripted from it. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Simulink happened in MathWorks - Simulink appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) Linux, MATLAB, C, VHDL, Verilog, Modelica, LabVIEW G Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
sina - Programming language sina ==== sina is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3174 on PLDB 35 Years Old SINA is an object-oriented language for distributed and concurrent programming. - Tags: programming language - Early development of sina happened in University of Minnesota and University of Twente - sina on HOPL sina on HOPL - Read more about sina on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Sinclair BASIC - Programming language Sinclair BASIC ============== Sinclair BASIC is an open source programming language created in 1979 by Steve Vickers. 1979 Steve Vickers #2003 on PLDB 45 Years Old Sinclair BASIC is a dialect of the programming language BASIC used in the 8-bit home computers from Sinclair Research and Timex Sinclair. The Sinclair BASIC interpreter was made by Nine Tiles Networks Ltd.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sinclair BASIC happened in Sinclair Research and Timex Sinclair - See also: (8 related languages) BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Beta BASIC, SuperBASIC, Sam Coupé, Unix, Groovy, Linux 10 PRINT "Hello world!" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Sing Sharp - Programming language Sing Sharp ========== Sing Sharp is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2896 on PLDB 19 Years Old Spec# is a programming language with specification language features that extends the capabilities of the C# programming language with Eiffel-like contracts, including object invariants, preconditions and postconditions. Like ESC/Java, it includes a static checking tool based on a theorem prover that is able to statically verify many of these invariants. It also includes a variety of other minor extensions to the language, such as non-null reference types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Sing Sharp is a superset of Spec Sharp - Early development of Sing Sharp happened in Microsoft - See also: (3 related languages) C#, Eiffel, Java static int Main(string![] args) requires args.Length > 0; ensures return == 0; { foreach(string arg in args) { Console.WriteLine(arg); } return 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
singular - Programming language singular ======== singular is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2278 on PLDB 37 Years Old Singular is a computer algebra system for polynomial computations, with special emphasis on commutative and non-commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory. - Tags: programming language - Early development of singular happened in Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for singular - Read more about singular on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
SipHash - Hash function SipHash ======= SipHash is a hash function created in 2011. 2011 #2316 on PLDB 13 Years Old SipHash is an add–rotate–xor (ARX) based family of pseudorandom functions created by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein in 2012, in response to a spate of "hash flooding" denial-of-service attacks in late 2011.Although designed for use as a hash function in the computer science sense, SipHash is fundamentally different from cryptographic hash functions like SHA in that it is only suitable as a message authentication code: a keyed hash function like HMAC. That is, SHA is designed so that it is difficult for an attacker to find two messages X and Y such that SHA(X) = SHA(Y), even though anyone may compute SHA(X). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hashFunction - Early development of SipHash happened in Nagravision SA and University of Illinois - Read more about SipHash on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
Siprol - Programming language Siprol ====== Siprol is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #3575 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Siprol happened in University of Colorado - Siprol on HOPL Siprol on HOPL - Read more about Siprol on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Siri - Programming language Siri ==== Siri is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4448 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Siri happened in Carnegie Mellon - Siri on HOPL Siri on HOPL - Read more about Siri on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
SISAL - Programming language SISAL ===== SISAL is a programming language created in 1983 by James McGraw. 1983 James McGraw #1372 on PLDB 41 Years Old SISAL ("Streams and Iteration in a Single Assignment Language") is a general-purpose single assignment functional programming language with strict semantics, implicit parallelism, and efficient array handling. SISAL outputs a dataflow graph in Intermediary Form 1 (IF1). It was derived from VAL (Value-oriented Algorithmic Language, designed by Jack Dennis), and adds recursion and finite streams. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SISAL happened in University of Manchester and Lawrence Livermore and Colorado State University and DEC - Explore SISAL snippets on Rosetta Code - SISAL on HOPL SISAL on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) Pascal, C, Fortran, Haskell, SAC, grep Language features ====================================================== row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 226 1.1
SISC - Programming language SISC ==== SISC is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #2391 on PLDB 17 Years Old SISC is an R5RS Scheme implementation, which includes a full number tower, hygienic macros, proper tail recursion, and first class continuations. SISC is short for Second Interpreter of Scheme Code, in reference to its predecessor LISC, the Lightweight Interpreter of Scheme Code.SISC is free software, dual-licensed under the Mozilla Public License and the GNU General Public License, Version 2. It was developed by Scott G. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SISC happened in Indiana University - SISC on HOPL SISC on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Java, Guile, C - Read more about SISC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Sitemap - Xml format Sitemap ======= Sitemap is a xml format created in 2001. 2001 #2504 on PLDB 23 Years Old Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site. - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Sitemap happened in Google - was registered in 2001 - Read more about Sitemap on the web: 1. 1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns=""> <url> <loc></loc> <lastmod>2005-01-01</lastmod> <changefreq>monthly</changefreq> <priority>0.8</priority> </url> </urlset> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
sixten - Programming language sixten ====== sixten is a programming language created in 2014 by Olle Fredriksson. 2014 Olle Fredriksson #1230 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Functional programming with fewer indirections - Tags: programming language - sixten is developed on GitHub and has 757 stars - Early development of sixten happened in - sixten is written in Haskell, Markdown, Vim script, YAML, LLVM IR - Read more about sixten on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
sizzle - Query language sizzle ====== sizzle is an open source query language created in 2008. 2008 #355 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone A sizzlin' hot selector engine. - Tags: queryLanguage - sizzle is developed on GitHub and has 6,279 stars - Early development of sizzle happened in - sizzle is written in JavaScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, Markdown, YAML - was registered in 2008 - Read more about sizzle on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
SK8 - Programming language SK8 === SK8 is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4564 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SK8 happened in Apple Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 87 0.4
Sketchpad III - Programming language Sketchpad III ============= Sketchpad III is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4449 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sketchpad III happened in MIT - Sketchpad III on HOPL Sketchpad III on HOPL - Read more about Sketchpad III on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Sketchpad - Programming language Sketchpad ========= Sketchpad is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #2142 on PLDB 62 Years Old Sketchpad (a.k.a. Robot Draftsman) was a computer program written by Ivan Sutherland in 1963 in the course of his PhD thesis, for which he received the Turing Award in 1988, and the Kyoto Prize in 2012. It pioneered the way for human–computer interaction (HCI). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, cad - Early development of Sketchpad happened in Carnegie Institute of Technology - Sketchpad on HOPL Sketchpad on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
skew - Programming language skew ==== skew is a programming language created in 2015 by Evan Wallace. 2015 Evan Wallace #2505 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of skew happened in - was registered in 2014 HackerNews discussions of skew ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Skew: A programming language for developing cross platform applications||04/14/2016|8|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
SKIL - Programming language SKIL ==== SKIL is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4450 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SKIL happened in RWTH Aachen University of Technology - SKIL on HOPL SKIL on HOPL - Read more about SKIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
skip - Programming language skip ==== skip is an open source programming language created in 2018. 2018 #400 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A programming language to skip the things you have already computed - Tags: programming language - skip is developed on GitHub and has 1,969 stars - Early development of skip happened in Facebook - skip is written in Expect, Markdown, C, JSON, HTML, JavaScript, C++, CMake, Python, Bourne shell, Bash, M4, CSS, Perl, Lisp, YAML, SVG, Vim script, Make, Pascal, Dockerfile, OCaml, Forth - was registered in 2017 fun main(): void { print_string("Hello World") } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print_string Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
skookumscript - Programming language skookumscript ============= skookumscript is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #4627 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2009 - Read more about skookumscript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
skulpt - Programming language skulpt ====== skulpt is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Scott Graham. 2009 Scott Graham #452 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Skulpt is an entirely in-browser implementation of Python. - Tags: programming language - skulpt is developed on GitHub and has 3,322 stars - skulpt is written in Python, JavaScript, HTML, JSON, C, Markdown, CSS, Bourne shell, EJS, XML, YAML, Java, reStructuredText, Bash - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for skulpt - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
SKY - Programming language SKY === SKY is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3576 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SKY happened in Universit`a della Calabria - SKY on HOPL SKY on HOPL - Read more about SKY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
SL - Programming language SL == SL is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3577 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SL happened in Queen's University - SL on HOPL SL on HOPL - Read more about SL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SL5 - Programming language SL5 === SL5 is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4451 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SL5 happened in Yale University - SL5 on HOPL SL5 on HOPL - Read more about SL5 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Slab - Text markup language Slab ==== Slab is a text markup language created in 2024 by Võ Minh Thu. 2024 Võ Minh Thu #1432 on PLDB 0 Years Old git clone Slab is a programmable markup language that simplifies the creation of HTML. It combines concise notation with standard programming constructs to create reusable web content more efficiently. - Tags: text markup language - Slab is developed on GitHub and has 38 stars - Slab compiles to HTML - Slab is written in HTML, Haskell, Nix, Bourne shell, JSON, YAML, CSS, Markdown, Dockerfile frag page(titl) doctype html html head title= titl body h1= titl content let t = "My first Slab page" page(t) .main-content p Welcome to Slab! This is a simple example of how Slab works. Language features ====================================================== row Feature hasForLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForLoops.html Supported ✓ Example ul for val, index in [1, 2] li val: #(val), index: #(index) Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example if true p A. else p B. Token row Feature Expressions FeatureLink ../features/hasExpressions.html Supported ✓ Example let a = 1 p= a + 2 * 3 Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 259 1.3
SLACK - Programming language SLACK ===== SLACK is a programming language created in 2006 by Stevan Apter. 2006 Stevan Apter #2108 on PLDB 18 Years Old SLACK is a compiler for a lazy functional K, modelled on David Turner's SASL language, the precursor of Haskell and Miranda. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of SLACK happened in - K and SASL influenced the design of SLACK gcd a b is if b=0 then a else gcd b(a!b) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
SLAM II - Programming language SLAM II ======= SLAM II is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4452 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SLAM II happened in Arizona State University - SLAM II on HOPL SLAM II on HOPL - Read more about SLAM II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
SLANG - Programming language SLANG ===== SLANG is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3578 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SLANG happened in IBM - SLANG on HOPL SLANG on HOPL - Read more about SLANG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. message("Hello, world!"); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Slash - Programming language Slash ===== Slash is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #698 on PLDB 12 Years Old 572 Repos git clone A new language for the web - Tags: programming language - Slash is developed on GitHub and has 389 stars - There are at least 572 Slash repos on GitHub - Early development of Slash happened in - Slash is written in C, Perl, Make, Ruby, Markdown, Bash, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 388 users using Slash in 427 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Slash - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Slash <% class Env { def init { @memory = []; @ptr = 0; } def ptr { @ptr } def ptr=(ptr) { @ptr = ptr } def current_value { @memory[@ptr] || 0 } def current_value=(value) { @memory[@ptr] = value } } class AST { class Next { def eval(env) { env.ptr++; } } class Prev { def eval(env) { env.ptr--; } } class Inc { def eval(env) { env.current_value++; } } class Dec { def eval(env) { env.current_value--; } } class Output { def eval(env) { print(env.current_value.char); } } class Input { def eval(env) { ... } } class Sequence { def init(nodes) { @nodes = nodes; } def eval(env) { for node in @nodes { node.eval(env); } } } class Loop { def init(seq) { @seq = seq; } def eval(env) { while env.current_value != 0 { @seq.eval(env); } } } } class Parser { def init(str) { @chars = str.split(""); } def parse { @stack = [[]]; for char in @chars { _parse_char(char); } if @stack.length != 1 { throw"unexpected end of input"); }; } def _parse_char(char) { switch char { ">" { _add(; } "<" { _add(; } "+" { _add(; } "-" { _add(; } "." { _add(; } "," { _add(; } "[" { _open_loop(); } "]" { _close_loop(); } } } def _add(node) { @stack.last.push(node); } def _open_loop { @stack.push([]); } def _close_loop { if @stack.length == 1 { throw"unexpected ']'"); } nodes = @stack.pop; _add(; } } src =; ast =; ast.eval(; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 409 2
Slashdown - Text markup language Slashdown ========= Slashdown is a text markup language created in 2021 by Nick Noble. 2021 Nick Noble #2227 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone For when MDX is too much, but Markdown is too little. - Tags: text markup language - Slashdown is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Markdown and MDX influenced the design of Slashdown - Slashdown is written in TypeScript, JSON, YAML, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML / .h-full.p-4.prose /header .flex.justify-between **Slashdown** /nav .space-x-2 [JS](#) [Ruby](#) /section #hero # For when MDX is too much and Markdown is too little *(Or you just don't like closing tags)* /article ## Slashdown is a superset of markdown. Using indentation and some simple syntax, you can hand write markup with more customizability and *dare I say* OOOMPH! It was designed for [HTMX](), [Tailwind](), and joy. In fact, this page has Tailwind's PlayCDN enabled – go to town experimenting! ## The basics ### Any line that starts with a `/` is a tag. By default, it will render a div, but you can name it anything you want: `/section`, `/MyComponent`, `/x-thing`. ### Attributes can follow: `/button hx-post="/clicked" hx-swap="outerHTML"` #### Common shorthands for classes and IDs: `/section #hero` #### Stacking, for organization ### Text at the end At the end of a tag, you can add ` = ` followed by anything except line breaks. This will be treated as innerText for that tag. `/section #hero` Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 336 1.7
SLEUTH - Assembly language SLEUTH ====== SLEUTH is an assembly language created in 1962. 1962 #3579 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of SLEUTH happened in Sperry Rand Corporation - SLEUTH on HOPL SLEUTH on HOPL - Read more about SLEUTH on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Slice - Programming language Slice ===== Slice is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #937 on PLDB 13 Years Old 40 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 40 Slice repos on GitHub - Early development of Slice happened in ZeroC, Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 13 users using Slice in 20 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Slice - Read more about Slice on the web: 1. 1. // module YellowPages { class PersonDetails { string phoneNumber; optional(1) string address; } interface PhoneBook { PersonDetails find(string name); } } #pragma once #ifndef SOME_TEST [["java:package:linguist"]] #endif module Linguist { enum MyEnum { One, Two, Three } struct MyStruct { // An int int a; /* string */ string b; MyEnum e; } exception MyException { string e; } dictionary<string, string> MyDict; sequence<MyEnum> MyEnumSeq; class BaseClass { int value = -1; } class MyClass extends BaseClass { MyDict info; optional(1) string op; } interface MyInterface { void operationA(out bool valid); idempotent void operationB(int a); MyEnumseq getEnum(); ["cpp:const", "cpp:noexcept"] string getName(); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 288 1.4
Slick - Programming language Slick ===== Slick is a programming language created in 2020 by Kye W. Shi. 2020 Kye W. Shi #2175 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone (toy) typed functional programming language - Tags: programming language - Slick is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Early development of Slick happened in - Slick is written in OCaml, Markdown, Tex, Nix def main: print "Hello, world!" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Slideshow - Text markup language Slideshow ========= Slideshow is an open source text markup language created in 2000 by Matthew Flatt and Robert Bruce Findler. 2000 Matthew Flatt Robert Bruce Findler #1171 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone Slideshow is a library for creating presentation slides. Unlike Powerpoint, Slideshow provides no WYSIWYG interface for constructing slides. Instead, like Beamer, a presentation is generated by a program - Tags: text markup language - Slideshow is developed on GitHub and has 33 stars - Early development of Slideshow happened in University of Utah and Northwestern University - Slideshow is written in Racket, Scheme, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
Slim Framework - Framework Slim Framework ============== Slim Framework is a framework created in 2013. 2013 #545 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. - Tags: framework - Slim Framework is developed on GitHub and has 11,884 stars - Early development of Slim Framework happened in - Slim Framework is written in PHP, Markdown, YAML, XML, JSON <?php use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; use Slim\Factory\AppFactory; require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $app = AppFactory::create(); $app->get('/hello/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) { $name = $args['name']; $response->getBody()->write("Hello, $name"); return $response; }); $app->run(); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
slim-pl - Programming language slim-pl ======= slim-pl is a programming language created in 1999 by Herman Venter. 1999 Herman Venter #2777 on PLDB 25 Years Old Slim is a general-purpose programming language resembling SETL. It is more like a cousin to SETL than a child, since it shares a common heritage with SETL, but was independently designed. - Tags: programming language - Early development of slim-pl happened in Microsoft Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
Slim - Template language Slim ==== Slim is an open source template language created in 2010 by Andy Stone. 2010 Andy Stone #104 on PLDB 14 Years Old 305 Repos git clone A lightweight templating engine - Tags: template language - Slim is developed on GitHub and has 5,292 stars - There are at least 305 Slim repos on GitHub - Early development of Slim happened in - Slim is written in Ruby, Slim, Markdown, YAML, ERB, JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 176 users using Slim in 206 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Slim - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Slim - was registered in 2010 - Read more about Slim on the web: 1. 1. - 5 PLDB concepts link to Slim: Ace Editor, cloc, HAML, Pygments, Slim doctype html html head title Slim Examples meta name="keywords" content="template language" meta name="author" content=author javascript: alert('Slim supports embedded javascript!') body h1 Markup examples doctype html head title Hello World body h1 Hello World doctype html html head title Slim Examples meta name="keywords" content="template language" meta name="author" content=author javascript: alert('Slim supports embedded javascript!') body h1 Markup examples #content p This example shows you how a basic Slim file looks like. == yield - unless items.empty? table - for item in items do tr = td.price = item.price - else p | No items found. Please add some inventory. Thank you! div id="footer" = render 'footer' | Copyright © #{year} #{author} HackerNews discussions of Slim ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Slim - A Fast, Lightweight Template Engine for Ruby||07/29/2011|5|7 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 384 1.9
SLIP - Programming language SLIP ==== SLIP is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #2030 on PLDB 64 Years Old SLIP is a list processing computer programming language, invented by Joseph Weizenbaum in the 1960s. The name SLIP stands for Symmetric LIst Processor. It was first implemented as an extension to the Fortran programming language, and later embedded into MAD and ALGOL.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SLIP happened in MIT - SLIP on HOPL SLIP on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Fortran, Algol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
SLIPS - Programming language SLIPS ===== SLIPS is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4453 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SLIPS happened in University of Pennsylvania and Indian Institute of Science - SLIPS on HOPL SLIPS on HOPL - Read more about SLIPS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
SLOG - Programming language SLOG ==== SLOG is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3580 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SLOG happened in Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 - SLOG on HOPL SLOG on HOPL - Read more about SLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Slony - Application Slony ===== Slony is an open source application created in 2004 by Steve Singer. 2004 Steve Singer #1131 on PLDB 20 Years Old git clone Slony-I is an asynchronous master-slave replication system for the PostgreSQL DBMS, providing support for cascading and failover. Asynchronous means that when a database transaction has been committed to the master server, it is not yet guaranteed to be available in slaves. Cascading means that replicas can be created (and updated) via other replicas, i.e. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Slony is developed on GitHub and has 38 stars - Early development of Slony happened in - Slony is written in Bourne shell, SQL, JavaScript, Perl, C, Diff, Make, M4, Lex, HTML, Yacc, XSLT, Bash, SVG, CSS, awk, Lisp, Markdown - See also: (8 related languages) C, PostgreSQL, Linux, SQL, PL/pgSQL, PL/SQL, Perl, JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
Slope - Programming language Slope ===== Slope, aka SLOum's Programming Environment, is a programming language created in 2021 by Sloum. 2021 Sloum #332 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A small s-expression based programming language - Tags: programming language, lisp - Early development of Slope happened in - Scheme influenced the design of Slope - Slope is written in Go - There is a central package repository for Slope ; hello world (define greeting "Hello") (display greeting ", world!\n") define set! lambda cond case if for load load-mod load-mod-file usage macro eval apply and or begin begin0 exists coeval Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example (if positive? 1 -1) Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example (case my-num (5 (display "Five!")) (0 (display "Zero!")) (else (display "Not an option"))) Token row Feature Variadic Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasVariadicFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example (lambda (...) (apply + ...)) Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example (load-mod my-module) (load "examples/test.slo") Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" `hello wold` Token " row Feature canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifier FeatureLink ../features/canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifier.html Supported ✓ Example (define yes? #t) Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported ✓ Example (ns-create 'hello-world) (ns-define 'hello-world 'print (lambda () (display "hello world!\n"))) (hello-world::print) Token row Feature hasBuiltInRegex FeatureLink ../features/hasBuiltInRegex.html Supported ✓ Example (regex-match? `[0-9]+` "Hello 12345") (regex-replace `Hello, (\w+)!importOnly Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 360 1.8
SLPL - Programming language SLPL ==== SLPL is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4454 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SLPL happened in University of Sheffield - SLPL on HOPL SLPL on HOPL - Read more about SLPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SMALGOL - Programming language SMALGOL ======= SMALGOL is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #4455 on PLDB 63 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMALGOL happened in Computer Sciences Corporation - SMALGOL on HOPL SMALGOL on HOPL - Read more about SMALGOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Smali - Assembly language Smali ===== Smali is an open source assembly language created in 2010. 2010 #169 on PLDB 14 Years Old 2k Repos git clone smali/baksmali - Tags: assembly language - Smali is developed on GitHub and has 6,269 stars - There are at least 2,479 Smali repos on GitHub - Early development of Smali happened in - Smali is written in Java, Gradle, XML, Bash, Markdown, Bourne shell, C, Make - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 195 users using Smali in 212 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Smali - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Smali .method public getTokens(I)I .locals 2 .param p1, "amt" # I .prologue const/4 v0, 0x0 .line 512 iget-boolean v1, p0, Lcom/limbenjamin/Example;->isPaid:Z if-nez v1, :cond_1 .line 514 :cond_0 :goto_0 return v0 .line 513 :cond_1 iget-object v1, p0, Lcom/limbenjamin/Example;->handler:Lcom/limbenjamin/ExampleHandler; if-eqz v1, :cond_0 .line 514 move v3, p1 iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/limbenjamin/Example;->handler:Lcom/limbenjamin/ExampleHandler; invoke-interface {v0, v3}, Lcom/limbenjamin/ExampleHandler;->creditTokens(I)V move-result v0 goto :goto_0 .end method .class public LHelloWorld; .super Ljava/lang/Object; .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V .registers 2 sget-object v0, Ljava/lang/System;->out:Ljava/io/PrintStream; const-string v1, "Hello World" invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/io/PrintStream;->println(Ljava/lang/String;)V return-void .end method .class public Lcom/tdq/game/shootbubble/sprite/PenguinSprite; .super Lcom/tdq/game/shootbubble/sprite/Sprite; .source "" # static fields .field public static final LOST_SEQUENCE:[[I .field public static final STATE_FIRE:I = 0x2 .field public static final STATE_GAME_LOST:I = 0x5 .field public static final STATE_GAME_WON:I = 0x4 .field public static final STATE_TURN_LEFT:I = 0x0 .field public static final STATE_TURN_RIGHT:I = 0x1 .field public static final STATE_VOID:I = 0x3 .field public static final WON_SEQUENCE:[[I # instance fields .field private count:I .field private currentPenguin:I .field private finalState:I .field private nextPosition:I .field private rand:Ljava/util/Random; .field private spritesImage:Lcom/tdq/game/shootbubble/sprite/BmpWrap; # direct methods .method static constructor <clinit>()V .locals 8 .prologue const/4 v7, 0x4 const/4 v6, 0x3 const/4 v5, 0x1 const/4 v4, 0x0 const/4 v3, 0x2 .line 67 const/16 v0, 0x8 new-array v0, v0, [[I new-array v1, v3, [I fill-array-data v1, :array_0 aput-object v1, v0, v4 new-array v1, v3, [I fill-array-data v1, :array_1 aput-object v1, v0, v5 new-array v1, v3, [I fill-array-data v1, :array_2 aput-object v1, v0, v3 new-array v1, v3, [I fill-array-data v1, :array_3 aput-object v1, v0, v6 new-array v1, v3, [I fill-array-data v1, :array_4 aput-object v1, v0, v7 const/4 v1, 0x5 new-array v2, v3, [I fill-array-data v2, :array_5 aput-object v2, v0, v1 const/4 v1, 0x6 new-array v2, v3, [I fill-array-data v2, :array_6 aput-object v2, v0, v1 const/4 v1, 0x7 new-array v2, v3, [I fill-array-data v2, :array_7 aput-object v2, v0, v1 sput-object v0, Lcom/tdq/game/shootbubble/sprite/PenguinSprite;->LOST_SEQUENCE:[[I .line 69 const/16 v0, 0x8 new-array v0, v0, [[I new-array v1, v3, [I fil Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 677 3.4
Small-C - Programming language Small-C ======= Small-C is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2090 on PLDB 44 Years Old Small-C is both a subset of the C programming language, suitable for resource-limited microcomputers and embedded systems, and an implementation of that subset. Originally valuable as an early compiler for microcomputer systems available during the late 1970s and early 1980s, the implementation has also been useful as an example simple enough for teaching purposes. The original compiler, written in Small-C for the Intel 8080 by Ron Cain, appeared in the May 1980 issue of Dr. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Small-C happened in University of St Andrews - Small-C on HOPL Small-C on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) C, Unix, Assembly language, Tiny C Compiler - Read more about Small-C on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
Small Euclid - Programming language Small Euclid ============ Small Euclid is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4456 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Small Euclid happened in Computer Technology Institute and University of Patras and EGL-Western Greece Paper-Mills - Small Euclid on HOPL Small Euclid on HOPL - Read more about Small Euclid on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
SMALL-X - Programming language SMALL-X ======= SMALL-X is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4457 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMALL-X happened in Villanova University - SMALL-X on HOPL SMALL-X on HOPL - Read more about SMALL-X on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Small - Programming language Small ===== Small, aka Small Machine Algol Like Language, is a programming language created in 1980 by Nevil Brownlee. 1980 Nevil Brownlee #1655 on PLDB 44 Years Old SMALL, Small Machine Algol Like Language, is a programming language developed by Dr. Nevil Brownlee of Auckland University.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Small happened in University of Auckland - Small on HOPL Small on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Algol, Fortran, Lua, Squirrel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
SmallBASIC - Programming language SmallBASIC ========== SmallBASIC is an open source programming language created in 2001. 2001 #815 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone SmallBASIC is a BASIC programming language dialect with interpreters released as free software under the GNU General Public License version 2.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - SmallBASIC is developed on GitHub and has 210 stars - Early development of SmallBASIC happened in - SmallBASIC is written in Visual Basic, C, C++, Tex, Make, XML, Java, HTML, CSS, Gradle, M4, JSX, CSV, Bourne shell, Perl, Lisp, PHP, DTD, XSLT, Markdown, JSON, JSP, JavaScript - See also: (8 related languages) Microsoft Small Basic, BASIC, QBasic, C, GW-BASIC, Brainfuck, Linux, Android - Read more about SmallBASIC on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Smalltalk-76 - Programming language Smalltalk-76 ============ Smalltalk-76 is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4458 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Smalltalk-76 happened in Xerox PARC - Smalltalk-76 on HOPL Smalltalk-76 on HOPL - Read more about Smalltalk-76 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Smalltalk-80 - Programming language Smalltalk-80 ============ Smalltalk-80 is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4459 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Smalltalk-80 happened in Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität - Smalltalk-80 on HOPL Smalltalk-80 on HOPL - Read more about Smalltalk-80 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Smalltalk MT - Programming language Smalltalk MT ============ Smalltalk MT is a programming language created in 1994 by Tarik Kerroum. 1994 Tarik Kerroum #3233 on PLDB 30 Years Old Smalltalk MT is an implementation of the Smalltalk programming language created in 1994 by Tarik Kerroum to deal with some of the shortcomings of Smalltalk-80 style of implementations. Smalltalk MT adopts a different approach in that the Smalltalk source is compiled to machine code before being executed. This allows the developer the freedom of working with compiled code without the need for the traditional compile-link-run cycle. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Smalltalk MT happened in Corporation - See also: (2 related languages) Smalltalk, C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Smalltalk/V - Programming language Smalltalk/V =========== Smalltalk/V is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3581 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Smalltalk/V happened in Xerox PARC - Smalltalk/V on HOPL Smalltalk/V on HOPL - Read more about Smalltalk/V on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Smalltalk YX - Programming language Smalltalk YX ============ Smalltalk YX is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #3175 on PLDB 17 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Smalltalk YX happened in - Read more about Smalltalk YX on the web: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Smalltalk - Programming language Smalltalk ========= Smalltalk is a programming language created in 1972 by Alan Kay and Dan Ingalls and Adele Goldberg. 1972 Alan Kay Dan Ingalls Adele Goldberg #74 on PLDB 52 Years Old 9k Repos Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language. Smalltalk was created as the language to underpin the "new world" of computing exemplified by "human–computer symbiosis." It was designed and created in part for educational use, more so for constructionist learning, at the Learning Research Group (LRG) of Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg, Ted Kaehler, Scott Wallace, and others during the 1970s. The language was first generally released as Smalltalk-80. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 9,336 Smalltalk repos on GitHub - Early development of Smalltalk happened in Xerox PARC - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5k users using Smalltalk in 6k repos on GitHub - There are 111 Project Euler users using Smalltalk - Explore Smalltalk snippets on Rosetta Code - Smalltalk on HOPL Smalltalk on HOPL - Smalltalk appears in the TIOBE Index - Smalltalk Ubuntu package Smalltalk Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Smalltalk - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Smalltalk - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Smalltalk - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Smalltalk - Smalltalk appears in the Quine Relay project - There is a central package repository for Smalltalk - See also: (42 related languages) Pharo, Squeak, VisualWorks, Lisp, Simula, Euler, IMP, PLANNER, Logo, Applescript, Dart, Dylan, Erlang, Etoys, Falcon, Go, Groovy, Io, Ioke, Java, Lasso, Lisaac, NewtonScript, Object Rexx, Objective-C, PHP, Raku, Python, Ruby, Scala, Scratch, Self, SQL, Flavors, CLOS, Prolog, ASCII, JavaScript, Visual Smalltalk Enterprise, Smalltalk MT, JVM, Strongtalk - 10 PLDB concepts link to Smalltalk: beef-lang, cloc, Factor, Flow9, mal, oopsilon, POV-Ray SDL, Pygments, STON, strat 'Hello, world!' displayNl ! Transcript show: 'Hello World'. ChartJs dataFunction ^ 'bars' quadMultiply: i1 and: i2 "This method multiplies the given numbers by each other and the result by 4." | mul | mul := i1 * i2. ^mul * 4 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token := row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example " A comment " Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token displayNl row Feature Message Passing FeatureLink ../features/hasMessagePassing.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Multiple Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 600 3
smalltalkhub-pm - Package manager smalltalkhub-pm =============== smalltalkhub-pm is a package manager created in 2011 by Nicolas Petton. 2011 Nicolas Petton #2109 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of smalltalkhub-pm happened in - was registered in 2011 - Read more about smalltalkhub-pm on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
SmallVDM - Programming language SmallVDM ======== SmallVDM is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #3582 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SmallVDM happened in Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - SmallVDM on HOPL SmallVDM on HOPL - Read more about SmallVDM on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
SMART - Programming language SMART ===== SMART is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #3583 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMART happened in Harvard University - SMART on HOPL SMART on HOPL - Read more about SMART on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
SmartGameFormat - Programming language SmartGameFormat =============== SmartGameFormat is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #3707 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SmartGameFormat happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SmartGameFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
SMILES arbitrary target specification - Text data format SMILES arbitrary target specification ===================================== SMILES arbitrary target specification is a text data format created in 1987 by David Weininger. 1987 David Weininger #2624 on PLDB 37 Years Old SMILES arbitrary target specification (SMARTS) is a language for specifying substructural patterns in molecules. The SMARTS line notation is expressive and allows extremely precise and transparent substructural specification and atom typing. SMARTS is related to the SMILES line notation that is used to encode molecular structures and like SMILES was originally developed by David Weininger and colleagues at Daylight Chemical Information Systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of SMILES arbitrary target specification happened in Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc - Read more about SMILES arbitrary target specification on the web: 1. 1. [$([NH2][CX4]),$([NH]([CX4])[CX4]),$([NX3]([CX4])([CX4])[CX4])] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
Smartsheet - Application Smartsheet ========== Smartsheet is an application created in 2006. 2006 #2639 on PLDB 18 Years Old Smartsheet is a software as a service (SaaS) application for collaboration and work management that is developed and marketed by Smartsheet Inc. It is used to assign tasks, track project progress, manage calendars, share documents, and manage other work, using a spreadsheet-like user interface.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application, spreadsheet - Early development of Smartsheet happened in Smartsheet Inc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Smarty - Template language Smarty ====== Smarty is an open source template language created in 2006 by Monte Ohrt and Messju Mohr and Uwe Tews. 2006 Monte Ohrt Messju Mohr Uwe Tews #409 on PLDB 18 Years Old 31k Repos Smarty is a web template system written in PHP. Smarty is primarily promoted as a tool for separation of concerns. Smarty is intended to simplify compartmentalization, allowing the front-end of a web page to change separately from its back-end. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - There are at least 31,402 Smarty repos on GitHub - Early development of Smarty happened in - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14k users using Smarty in 17k repos on GitHub - Smarty appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Smarty - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Smarty - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Smarty - was registered in 2002 - See also: (3 related languages) PHP, ISBN, Twig - 4 PLDB concepts link to Smarty: Ace Editor, cloc, Eiffel, mgmt <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>{$title_text|escape}</title> </head> <body> {* This is a little comment that won't be visible in the HTML source *} {$body_html} </body> <!-- this is a little comment that will be seen in the HTML source --> </html> define('SMARTY_DIR', 'smarty-2.6.22/'); require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php'); $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = './templates/'; $smarty->compile_dir = './templates/compile/'; $smarty->assign('title_text', 'TITLE: This is the Smarty basic example ...'); $smarty->assign('body_html', '<p>BODY: This is the message set using assign()</p>'); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 424 2.1
SMC - Programming language SMC === SMC, aka State Machine Compiler, is a programming language created in 2014 by Robert C. Martin. 2014 Robert C. Martin #1303 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone State Machine Compiler for Clean Code video series. - Tags: programming language - SMC is developed on GitHub and has 125 stars - SMC is written in Java, Make, XML, Go, Dart, YAML, Markdown, C, C++ Initial: Locked FSM: Turnstile { Locked Coin Unlocked unlock Locked Pass Locked alarm Unlocked Coin Unlocked thankyou Unlocked Pass Locked lock } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
SMDL - Programming language SMDL ==== SMDL is a programming language created in 1991 by Steven R Newcomb. 1991 Steven R Newcomb #2877 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMDL happened in Techno Teacher, Inc - SMDL on HOPL SMDL on HOPL - Read more about SMDL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about SMDL on the web: 1.;jsessionid=BA8E3AA8FED210F845D0D675036629CC?doi= 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Smile data interchange format - Binary data format Smile data interchange format ============================= Smile data interchange format is a binary data format created in 2010 by Tatu Saloranta. 2010 Tatu Saloranta #1381 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Smile is a computer data interchange format based on JSON. It can also be considered a binary serialization of the generic JSON data model, which means tools that operate on JSON may be used with Smile as well, as long as a proper encoder/decoder exists for the tool. The name comes from first 2 bytes of the 4 byte header, which consist of Smiley ":)" followed by a linefeed: choice made to make it easier to recognize Smile-encoded data files using textual command-line tools.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Smile data interchange format is developed on GitHub and has 91 stars - Early development of Smile data interchange format happened in FasterXML, LLC - Smile data interchange format is written in Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
Smiles - Text data format Smiles ====== Smiles, aka Simplified molecular-input line-entry system, is a text data format created in 1988 by David Weininger. 1988 David Weininger #1065 on PLDB 36 Years Old The simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) is a specification in the form of a line notation for describing the structure of chemical species using short ASCII strings. SMILES strings can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into two-dimensional drawings or three-dimensional models of the molecules. The original SMILES specification was initiated in the 1980s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat, chemistry - Early development of Smiles happened in United States Environmental Protection Agency CC(=O)NCCC1=CNc2c1cc(OC)cc2 CC(=O)NCCc1c[nH]c2ccc(OC)cc12 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
Smithy - Programming language Smithy ====== Smithy is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2778 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Smithy happened in Amazon Web Services - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Smithy Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
SMOKE - Programming language SMOKE ===== SMOKE is a programming language created in 1992 by Stephen Travis Pope. 1992 Stephen Travis Pope #3176 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMOKE happened in Stanford University - SMOKE on HOPL SMOKE on HOPL - Read more about SMOKE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
SMoLCS - Programming language SMoLCS ====== SMoLCS is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4460 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMoLCS happened in IBM - SMoLCS on HOPL SMoLCS on HOPL - Read more about SMoLCS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Semantic Patch Language - Grammar language Semantic Patch Language ======================= Semantic Patch Language is a grammar language created in 2006 by Yoann Padioleau. 2006 Yoann Padioleau #589 on PLDB 18 Years Old 15 Repos git clone Coccinelle (French for ladybug) is an open-source utility for matching and transforming the source code of programs written in the C programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Semantic Patch Language is developed on GitHub and has 602 stars - There are at least 15 Semantic Patch Language repos on GitHub - Early development of Semantic Patch Language happened in Inria - Semantic Patch Language is written in OCaml, C, Rescript, C++, Make, Tex, Bourne shell, Markdown, Python, Perl, M4, Dockerfile, YAML, Lisp, Bash, HCL, Vim script, Diff, C shell, awk, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 114 users using Semantic Patch Language in 120 repos on GitHub Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
SMSL - Programming language SMSL ==== SMSL is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3584 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMSL happened in Fujitsu - SMSL on HOPL SMSL on HOPL - Read more about SMSL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
SMT - Programming language SMT === SMT, aka Satisfiability Modulo Theories, is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #926 on PLDB 21 Years Old 582 Repos Common input and output languages for SMT solvers. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 582 SMT repos on GitHub - Early development of SMT happened in University of Iowa - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 130 users using SMT in 149 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SMT ; Getting assertions (set-option :produce-assertions true) (set-logic QF_UF) (declare-const p Bool) (declare-const q Bool) (push 1) (assert (or p q)) (push 1) (assert (not q)) (get-assertions) ; ((or p q) ; (not q) ; ) (pop 1) (get-assertions) ; ((or p q)) (pop 1) (get-assertions) ; () (exit) (set-logic QF_LIA) (set-info :source | SMT-COMP'06 organizers |) (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.0) (set-info :category "check") (set-info :status unsat) (set-info :notes |This benchmark is designed to check if the DP supports bignumbers.|) (declare-fun x1 () Int) (declare-fun x2 () Int) (declare-fun x3 () Int) (declare-fun x4 () Int) (declare-fun x5 () Int) (declare-fun x6 () Int) (assert (and (or (>= x1 1000) (>= x1 1002)) (or (>= x2 (* 1230 x1)) (>= x2 (* 1003 x1))) (or (>= x3 (* 1310 x2)) (>= x3 (* 1999 x2))) (or (>= x4 (* 4000 x3)) (>= x4 (* 8000 x3))) (or (<= x5 (* (- 4000) x4)) (<= x5 (* (- 8000) x4))) (or (>= x6 (* (- 3) x5)) (>= x6 (* (- 2) x5))) (< x6 0))) (check-sat) (exit) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 348 1.7
SMTP - Protocol SMTP ==== SMTP, aka Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a protocol created in 1982 by Jon Postel. 1982 Jon Postel #279 on PLDB 42 Years Old Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic mail (email) transmission. First defined by RFC 821 in 1982, it was last updated in 2008 with Extended SMTP additions by RFC 5321, which is the protocol in widespread use today. Although electronic mail servers and other mail transfer agents use SMTP to send and receive mail messages, user-level client mail applications typically use SMTP only for sending messages to a mail server for relaying. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - Early development of SMTP happened in USC Viterbi School of Engineering - First announcement of SMTP - See also: (10 related languages) FTP, HTTP, TLS, TCP, UDP, ASCII, MIME, UTF-8, EML, DOI - 2 PLDB concepts link to SMTP: NNTP, TMTP S: 220 ESMTP Postfix C: EHLO S: Hello [] S: 250-SIZE 14680064 S: 250-PIPELINING S: 250 HELP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 263 1.3
SMX - Programming language SMX === SMX is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2924 on PLDB 26 Years Old SMX (from Server Macro Expansion) is a macro processing language designed to embed macros in web pages. Originally shipped with the popular Internet Factory's Commerce Builder software, it has been ported as an Apache module.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SMX happened in The Internet Factory, Inc - See also: (3 related languages) Perl, PHP, SQL - Read more about SMX on the web: 1. 1. %expand% %if(%not(%exists(/tmp/gbook.sq3)) ,%sql(sqlite:/tmp/gbook.sq3,CREATE TABLE guests (name text, comment text)) ) %if(%and(%form(name),%form(comment)) ,%sql(sqlite:/tmp/gbook.sq3,"INSERT INTO guests (name, comment) VALUES (%sqlq(%form(name)),%sqlq(%form(comment)))") ) %sql(sqlite:/tmp/gbook.sq3,SELECT * FROM guests ,<p>%html-quote(%col(name)) said %html-quote(%col(comment))<hr> <p> <form action="%client-url%" method=post> <br>Name: <input name=name> <br>Comment: <input name=comment> <br><input type=submit> </form> ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 283 1.4
snakemake - Programming language snakemake ========= snakemake is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #3177 on PLDB 12 Years Old A workflow is defined in a ‘Snakefile’ through a domain-specific language that is close to standard Python syntax. It consists of rules that denote how to create output files from input files. The workflow is implied by dependencies between the rules that arise from one rule needing an output file of another as an input file. - Tags: programming language - Early development of snakemake happened in University of Duisburg-Essen - Read more about snakemake on the web: 1. 1. SAMPLES = "100 101 102 103".split() REF = "hg19.fa" rule all:  input: "{sample}.coverage.pdf".format(sample = sample)     for sample in SAMPLES rule fastq_to_sai:   input: ref = REF, reads = "{sample}.{group}.fastq"   output: temp("{sample}.{group}.sai")   shell: "bwa aln {input.ref} {input.reads} > {output}" rule sai_to_bam:   input: REF, "{sample}.1.sai", "{sample}.2.sai",      "{sample}.1.fastq", "{sample}.2.fastq"   output: protected("{sample}.bam")   shell: "bwa sampe {input} | samtools view -Sbh - > {output}" rule remove_duplicates:   input: "{sample}.bam"   output: "{sample}.nodup.bam"   shell: "samtools rmdup {input} {output}" rule plot_coverage_histogram:   input: "{sample}.nodup.bam"   output: hist = "{sample}.coverage.pdf"   run:     from matplotlib.pyplot import hist, savefig     hist(list(map(int,       shell("samtools mpileup {input} | cut -f4",       iterable = True))))     savefig(output.hist) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 323 1.6
Snap! - Programming language Snap! ===== Snap! is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Brian Harvey. 2011 Brian Harvey #1379 on PLDB 13 Years Old Snap! is a free, blocks- and browser-based educational graphical programming language that allows students to create interactive animations, games, stories, and more, while learning about mathematical and computational ideas. Snap! was inspired by Scratch, but also targets both novice and more advanced students by including and expanding Scratch's features. Since version 4.0, it is entirely browser-based, with no software that needs to be installed on the local device, much like Scratch.. Read more on Wikipedia...!_(programming_language) Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Snap! happened in University of California Berkeley - See also: (10 related languages) JavaScript, Squeak, Scratch, Scheme, Logo, Smalltalk, Python, C, Linux, iOS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
SnapTag - Bar code format SnapTag ======= SnapTag is a bar code format created in 2011. 2011 #3298 on PLDB 13 Years Old SnapTag, invented by SpyderLynk, is a 2D mobile barcode alternative similar to a QR code, but that uses an icon or company logo and code ring rather than a square pattern of black dots.Similar to a QR code, SnapTags can be used to take consumers to a brand’s website, but can also facilitate mobile purchases, coupon downloads, free sample requests, video views, promotional entries, Facebook Likes, Pinterest Pins, Twitter Follows, Posts and Tweets. SnapTags offer back-end data mining capabilities.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: barCodeFormat - Early development of SnapTag happened in SpyderLynk LLC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
SNBT - Programming language SNBT ==== SNBT is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #3708 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SNBT happened in Mojang AB - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SNBT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
Snit - Programming language Snit ==== Snit is a programming language created in 2002 by William H. Duquette. 2002 William H. Duquette #3585 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Snit happened in California Institute of Technology - Read more about Snit on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
SNOBAT - Programming language SNOBAT ====== SNOBAT is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4461 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SNOBAT happened in Iowa State University - SNOBAT on HOPL SNOBAT on HOPL - Read more about SNOBAT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SNOBOL - Programming language SNOBOL ====== SNOBOL is a programming language created in 1962 by David J. Farber and Ralph E. Griswold. 1962 David J. Farber Ralph E. Griswold #639 on PLDB 62 Years Old SNOBOL (StriNg Oriented and symBOlic Language) is a series of computer programming languages developed between 1962 and 1967 at Bell Labs by David J. Farber, Ralph E. Griswold and Ivan P. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SNOBOL happened in Bell Labs - Explore SNOBOL snippets on Rosetta Code - SNOBOL on HOPL SNOBOL on HOPL - ANTLR grammar for SNOBOL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SNOBOL - See also: (18 related languages) SPITBOL, Icon, Lua, COMIT, TRAC, JavaScript, awk, Perl, Regular Expressions, Algol, COBOL, Prolog, APL, BASIC, Fortran, C, Ada, Unicon - Read more about SNOBOL on the web: 1. 1. OUTPUT = "Hello, world!" END OUTPUT = "Hello World" END * Hello World in Snobol OUTPUT = "Hello World!" OUTPUT = "This program will ask you for personal names" OUTPUT = "until you press return without giving it one" NameCount = 0 :(GETINPUT) AGAIN NameCount = NameCount + 1 OUTPUT = "Name " NameCount ": " PersonalName GETINPUT OUTPUT = "Please give me name " NameCount + 1 PersonalName = INPUT PersonalName LEN(1) :S(AGAIN) OUTPUT = "Finished. " NameCount " names requested." END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token OUTPUT row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment Token * row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 388 1.9
SNOBOL3 - Programming language SNOBOL3 ======= SNOBOL3 is a programming language created in 1966 by David J. Farber and Ralph E. Griswold. 1966 David J. Farber Ralph E. Griswold #2948 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SNOBOL3 happened in Bell Labs - Read more about SNOBOL3 on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. - 1 PLDB concepts link to SNOBOL3: SNOBOL4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
SNOBOL4 - Programming language SNOBOL4 ======= SNOBOL4 is a programming language created in 1967 by David J. Farber and Ralph E. Griswold. 1967 David J. Farber Ralph E. Griswold #1780 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SNOBOL4 is a superset of SNOBOL3 - Early development of SNOBOL4 happened in Bell Labs - Explore SNOBOL4 snippets on Rosetta Code - SNOBOL4 on HOPL SNOBOL4 on HOPL - Read more about SNOBOL4 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to SNOBOL4: S-Snobol Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
SNOOP - Programming language SNOOP ===== SNOOP is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4462 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SNOOP happened in University of Florida and Teknekron Communications Systems - SNOOP on HOPL SNOOP on HOPL - Read more about SNOOP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Snostorm - Programming language Snostorm ======== Snostorm is a programming language created in 1984 by Fred Swartz. 1984 Fred Swartz #3586 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Snostorm happened in University of Michigan - Snostorm on HOPL Snostorm on HOPL - Read more about Snostorm on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
Snowball - Programming language Snowball ======== Snowball is a programming language created in 2001 by Martin Porter. 2001 Martin Porter #655 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone Snowball is a small string processing programming language designed for creating stemming algorithms for use in information retrieval.The Snowball compiler translates a Snowball script (a .sbl file) into either a thread-safe ANSI C program or a Java program. For ANSI C, each Snowball script produces a program file and corresponding header file (with .c and .h extensions). The Snowball compiler checks the consistency of its script, and this check was used to discover a typo in a seminal academic paper by Lovins which had remained undetected for 30 years.The basic datatypes handled by Snowball are strings of characters, signed integers, and boolean truth values, or more simply strings, integers and booleans. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Snowball is developed on GitHub and has 736 stars - Early development of Snowball happened in - Snowball is written in C, Python, Rust, Go, Ada, C#, Java, Perl, Pascal, JavaScript, reStructuredText, Markdown, Make, YAML, Diff, XML, TOML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Snowball - See also: (4 related languages) SNOBOL, Java, ASCII, C - Read more about Snowball on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 303 1.5
Snowman - Decompiler Snowman ======= Snowman is a decompiler created in 2015. 2015 #1189 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Snowman decompiler - Tags: decompiler - Snowman is developed on GitHub and has 2,265 stars - Early development of Snowman happened in SmartDec - Snowman is written in JavaScript, JSON, YAML, HTML, Markdown, CSS, SVG, EJS ~"Hello World"sPvG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Snowman - Text markup language Snowman ======= Snowman is a text markup language created in 2014 by Chris Klimas and led by Dan Cox. 2014 Chris Klimas Dan Cox #1332 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Snowman is an advanced Twine 2 story format designed for people who already know JavaScript and CSS. - Tags: text markup language - Snowman is developed on GitHub and has 127 stars - See also: (1 related languages) Twine <>This is large and green</span> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
SNQL: A Social Network Query and Transformation Language - Query language SNQL: A Social Network Query and Transformation Language ======================================================== SNQL: A Social Network Query and Transformation Language is a query language created in 2011. 2011 #4463 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of SNQL: A Social Network Query and Transformation Language happened in Universidad de Chile and University of London - Read more about SNQL: A Social Network Query and Transformation Language on the web: 1. 1. CONSTRUCT CP1 WHERE EP2 FILTER ((A3 != A4) AND (A3 = A1 OR A3 = A2) AND (A4 = A1 OR A4 = A5)) AND (TC(A1, A2, EP1) WITH L1=’John’) AND (TC(A1, A5, EP3) WITH L1=’John’) FROM FriendshipNetwork Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
SOAP - Xml format SOAP ==== SOAP, aka Simple Object Access Protocol, is a xml format created in 1998 by Dave Winer and Don Box and Bob Atkinson and Mohsen Al-Ghosein. 1998 Dave Winer Don Box Bob Atkinson Mohsen Al-Ghosein #364 on PLDB 26 Years Old SOAP (originally Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks. Its purpose is to induce extensibility, neutrality and independence. It uses XML Information Set for its message format, and relies on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of SOAP happened in Microsoft - has 7,493 matches for "soap language". - See also: (11 related languages) HTTP, SMTP, Linux, XML, TCP, WDDX, RFC, WSDL, TLS, JSON, REST POST /InStock HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 299 SOAPAction: "" <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:m=""> <soap:Header> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <m:GetStockPrice> <m:StockName>GOOGLE</m:StockName> </m:GetStockPrice> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 359 1.8
Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program - Assembly language Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program ================================= Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program is an assembly language created in 1955. 1955 #3587 on PLDB 69 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - Early development of Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program happened in Columbia University - Read more about Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Soar Markup Language - Xml format Soar Markup Language ==================== Soar Markup Language is a xml format created in 2014 by Nate Derbinsky and Rico Angell. 2014 Nate Derbinsky Rico Angell #3178 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Soar Markup Language happened in University of Michigan - Read more about Soar Markup Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
SoQL - Query language SoQL ==== SoQL, aka Social Networks Query language, is a query language created in 2009 by Royi Ronen and Oded Shmueli. 2009 Royi Ronen Oded Shmueli #2878 on PLDB 15 Years Old language for querying and creating data in social networks. The language is designed to meet the growing need of social networks participants to efficiently manage the large, and quickly growing, amounts of data available to them, as well as automate processes of creating new data. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of SoQL happened in Technion - Read more about SoQL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
socialite - Programming language socialite ========= socialite is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3067 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of socialite happened in Stanford University HackerNews discussions of socialite =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Query Language for Large-Scale Graph Analysis||04/03/2015|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Solana - Crypto protocol Solana ====== Solana is a crypto protocol created in 2020 by Anatoly Yakovenko and Raj Gokal. 2020 Anatoly Yakovenko Raj Gokal #4668 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
solaris-pm - Package manager solaris-pm ========== solaris-pm is a package manager created in 2004. 2004 #2779 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of solaris-pm happened in Sun Microsystems - Read more about solaris-pm on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Solaris - Operating system Solaris ======= Solaris is an operating system created in 1992. 1992 #1718 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: operating system - Early development of Solaris happened in Sun Microsystems - There is a central package repository for Solaris Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 96 0.5
Solid - Network Solid ===== Solid is a network created in 2016 by Tim Berners-Lee. 2016 Tim Berners-Lee #1012 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Solid is an open standard for structuring data, digital identities, and applications on the Web. - Tags: network, protocol - Solid is developed on GitHub and has 476 stars - Solid is written in Markdown, HTML, SVG, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
solid - Programming language solid ===== solid is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1423 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone A minimalist interpreted language, with a clean object model and a tiny VM. - Tags: programming language - solid is developed on GitHub and has 273 stars - Early development of solid happened in - solid is written in C, Solidity, Markdown, Yacc, Make, Lex, Lisp, YAML HackerNews discussions of solid =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Solid, a scripting language with a tiny VM||09/22/2013|63|15 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Solidity - Contract language Solidity ======== Solidity is an open source contract language created in 2014 by Christian Reitwiessner and Alex Beregszaszi. 2014 Christian Reitwiessner Alex Beregszaszi #42 on PLDB 10 Years Old 87k Repos git clone Solidity is a contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. It is used for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms. It was developed by Gavin Wood, Christian Reitwiessner, Alex Beregszaszi, Liana Husikyan, Yoichi Hirai and several former Ethereum core contributors to enable writing smart contracts on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: contractLanguage - Solidity is developed on GitHub and has 22,794 stars - Watch the history of the Solidity repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 87,183 Solidity repos on GitHub - Early development of Solidity happened in Ethereum Foundation - Solidity is written in Solidity, JSON, C++, Bourne shell, Python, reStructuredText, CMake, Markdown, YAML, JavaScript, SVG, Dockerfile, CSS, PowerShell, Protocol Buffers, HTML, C, Make - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 76 users using Solidity in 78 repos on GitHub - Solidity appears in the TIOBE Index - Solidity LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Solidity - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Solidity - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Solidity - has 937 matches for "solidity developer". - See also: (4 related languages) JavaScript, Visual Studio, Microsoft Azure, AWS - 8 PLDB concepts link to Solidity: cloc, Lexon, Ligo, Obsidian, Pygments, solid, Solidity, Sophia // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.9.0; contract HelloWorld { function helloWorld() external pure returns (string memory) { return "Hello, World!"; } } // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity >=0.4.0; contract Square { function square(uint32 num) public pure returns (uint32) { return num * num; } } pragma solidity ^0.8.9; contract HelloWorld { function render () public pure returns (string memory) { return 'Hello World'; } } contract GavCoin { mapping(address=>uint) balances; uint constant totalCoins = 100000000000; /// Endows creator of contract with 1m GAV. function GavCoin(){ balances[msg.sender] = totalCoins; } /// Send $((valueInmGAV / 1000).fixed(0,3)) GAV from the account of $(message.caller.address()), to an account accessible only by $(to.address()). function send(address to, uint256 valueInmGAV) { if (balances[msg.sender] >= valueInmGAV) { balances[to] += valueInmGAV; balances[msg.sender] -= valueInmGAV; } } /// getter function for the balance function balance(address who) constant returns (uint256 balanceInmGAV) { balanceInmGAV = balances[who]; } } pragma solidity contract library using struct function modifier constructor address string bool Int Uint Byte Fixed Ufixed int int8 int16 int24 int32 int40 int48 int56 int64 int72 int80 int88 int96 int104 int112 int120 int128 int136 int144 int152 int160 int168 int176 int184 int192 int200 int208 int216 int224 int232 int240 int248 int256 uint uint8 uint16 uint24 uint32 uint40 uint48 uint56 uint64 uint72 uint80 uint88 uint96 uint104 uint112 uint120 uint128 uint136 uint144 uint152 uint160 uint168 uint176 uint184 uint192 uint200 uint208 uint216 uint224 uint232 uint240 uint248 uint256 byte bytes bytes1 bytes2 bytes3 bytes4 bytes5 bytes6 bytes7 bytes8 bytes9 bytes10 bytes11 bytes12 bytes13 bytes14 bytes15 bytes16 bytes17 bytes18 bytes19 bytes20 bytes21 bytes22 bytes23 bytes24 bytes25 bytes26 bytes27 bytes28 bytes29 bytes30 bytes31 bytes32 fixed fixed0x8 fixed0x16 fixed0x24 fixed0x32 fixed0x40 fixed0x48 fixed0x56 fixed0x64 fixed0x72 fixed0x80 fixed0x88 fixed0x96 fixed0x104 fixed0x112 fixed0x120 fixed0x128 fixed0x136 fixed0x144 fixed0x152 fixed0x160 fixed0x168 fixed0x176 fixed0x184 fixed0x192 fixed0x200 fixed0x208 fixed0x216 fixed0x224 fixed0x232 fixed0x240 fixed0x248 fixed0x256 fixed8x8 fixed8x16 fixed8x24 fixed8x32 fixed8x40 fixed8x48 fixed8x56 fixed8x64 fixed8x72 fixed8x80 fixed8x88 fixed8x96 fixed8x104 fixed8x112 fixed8x120 fixed8x128 fixed8x136 fixed8x144 fixed8x152 fixed8x160 fixed8x168 fixed8x176 fixed8x184 fixed8x192 fixed8x200 fixed8x208 fixed8x216 fixed8x224 fixed8x232 fixed8x240 fixed8x248 fixed16x8 fixed16x16 fixed16x24 fixed16x32 fixed16x40 fixed16x48 fixed16x56 fixed16x64 fixed16x72 fixed16x80 fixed16x88 fixed16x96 fixed16x104 fixed16x112 fixed16x120 fixed16x128 fixed16x136 fixed16x144 fixed16x152 fixed16x160 fixed16x168 fixed16x176 fixed16x184 fixed16x192 fixed16x200 fixed16x208 fixed16x216 fixed16x224 fixed16x232 fixed16x240 fixed24x8 fixed24x16 fixed24x24 fixed24x32 fixed24x40 fixed24x48 fixed24x56 fixed24x64 fixed24x72 fixed24x80 fixed24x88 fixed24x96 fixed24x104 fixed24x112 fixed24x120 fixed24x128 fixed24x136 fixed24x144 fixed24x152 fixed24x160 fixed24x168 fixed24x176 fixed24x184 fixed24x192 fixed24x200 fixed24x208 fixed24x216 fixed24x224 fixed24x232 fixed32x8 fixed32x16 fixed32x24 fixed32x32 fixed32x40 fixed32x48 fixed32x56 fixed32x64 fixed32x72 fixed32x80 fixed32x88 fixed32x96 fixed32x104 fixed32x112 fixed32x120 fixed32x128 fixed32x136 fixed32x144 fixed32x152 fixed32x160 fixed32x168 fixed32x176 fixed32x184 fixed32x192 fixed32x200 fixed32x208 fixed32x216 fixed32x224 fixed40x8 fixed40x16 fixed40x24 fixed40x32 fixed40x40 fixed40x48 fixed40x56 fixed40x64 fixed40x72 fixed40x80 fixed40x88 fixed40x96 fixed40x104 fixed40x112 fixed40x120 fixed40x128 fixed40x136 fixed40x144 fixed40x152 fixed40x160 fixed40x168 fixed40x176 fixed40x184 fixed40x192 fixed40x200 fixed40x208 fixed40x216 fixed48x8 fixed48x16 fixed48x24 fixed48x32 fixed48x40 fixed48x48 fixed48x56 fixed48x64 fixed48x72 fixed48x80 fixed48x88 fixed48x96 fixed48x104 fixed48x112 fixed48x120 fixed48x128 fixed48x136 fixed48x144 fixed48x152 fixed48x160 fixed48x168 fixed48x176 fixed48x184 fixed48x192 fixed48x200 fixed48x208 fixed56x8 fixed56x16 fixed56x24 fixed56x32 fixed56x40 fixed56x48 fixed56x56 fixed56x64 fixed56x72 fixed56x80 fixed56x88 fixed56x96 fixed56x104 fixed56x112 fixed56x120 fixed56x128 fixed56x136 fixed56x144 fixed56x152 fixed56x160 fixed56x168 fixed56x176 fixed56x184 fixed56x192 fixed56x200 fixed64x8 fixed64x16 fixed64x24 fixed64x32 fixed64x40 fixed64x48 fixed64x56 fixed64x64 fixed64x72 fixed64x80 fixed64x88 fixed64x96 fixed64x104 fixed64x112 fixed64x120 fixed64x128 fixed64x136 fixed64x144 fixed64x152 fixed64x160 fixed64x168 fixed64x176 fixed64x184 fixed64x192 fixed72x8 fixed72x16 fixed72x24 fixed72x32 fixed72x40 fixed72x48 fixed72x56 fixed72x64 fixed72x72 fixed72x80 fixed72x88 fixed72x96 fixed72x104 fixed72x112 fixed72x120 fixed72x128 fixed72x136 fixed72x144 fixed72x152 fixed72x160 fixed72x168 fixed72x176 fixed72x184 fixed80x8 fixed80x16 fixed80x24 fixed80x32 fixed80x40 fixed80x48 fixed80x56 fixed80x64 fixed80x72 fixed80x80 fixed80x88 fixed80x96 fixed80x104 fixed80x112 fixed80x120 fixed80x128 fixed80x136 fixed80x144 fixed80x152 fixed80x160 fixed80x168 fixed80x176 fixed88x8 fixed88x16 fixed88x24 fixed88x32 fixed88x40 fixed88x48 fixed88x56 fixed88x64 fixed88x72 fixed88x80 fixed88x88 fixed88x96 fixed88x104 fixed88x112 fixed88x120 fixed88x128 fixed88x136 fixed88x144 fixed88x152 fixed88x160 fixed88x168 fixed96x8 fixed96x16 fixed96x24 fixed96x32 fixed96x40 fixed96x48 fixed96x56 fixed96x64 fixed96x72 fixed96x80 fixed96x88 fixed96x96 fixed96x104 fixed96x112 fixed96x120 fixed96x128 fixed96x136 fixed96x144 fixed96x152 fixed96x160 fixed104x8 fixed104x16 fixed104x24 fixed104x32 fixed104x40 fixed104x48 fixed104x56 fixed104x64 fixed104x72 fixed104x80 fixed104x88 fixed104x96 fixed104x104 fixed104x112 fixed104x120 fixed104x128 fixed104x136 fixed104x144 fixed104x152 fixed112x8 fixed112x16 fixed112x24 fixed112x32 fixed112x40 fixed112x48 fixed112x56 fixed112x64 fixed112x72 fixed112x80 fixed112x88 fixed112x96 fixed112x104 fixed112x112 fixed112x120 fixed112x128 fixed112x136 fixed112x144 fixed120x8 fixed120x16 fixed120x24 fixed120x32 fixed120x40 fixed120x48 fixed120x56 fixed120x64 fixed120x72 fixed120x80 fixed120x88 fixed120x96 fixed120x104 fixed120x112 fixed120x120 fixed120x128 fixed120x136 fixed128x8 fixed128x16 fixed128x24 fixed128x32 fixed128x40 fixed128x48 fixed128x56 fixed128x64 fixed128x72 fixed128x80 fixed128x88 fixed128x96 fixed128x104 fixed128x112 fixed128x120 fixed128x128 fixed136x8 fixed136x16 fixed136x24 fixed136x32 fixed136x40 fixed136x48 fixed136x56 fixed136x64 fixed136x72 fixed136x80 fixed136x88 fixed136x96 fixed136x104 fixed136x112 fixed136x120 fixed144x8 fixed144x16 fixed144x24 fixed144x32 fixed144x40 fixed144x48 fixed144x56 fixed144x64 fixed144x72 fixed144x80 fixed144x88 fixed144x96 fixed144x104 fixed144x112 fixed152x8 fixed152x16 fixed152x24 fixed152x32 fixed152x40 fixed152x48 fixed152x56 fixed152x64 fixed152x72 fixed152x80 fixed152x88 fixed152x96 fixed152x104 fixed160x8 fixed160x16 fixed160x24 fixed160x32 fixed160x40 fixed160x48 fixed160x56 fixed160x64 fixed160x72 fixed160x80 fixed160x88 fixed160x96 fixed168x8 fixed168x16 fixed168x24 fixed168x32 fixed168x40 fixed168x48 fixed168x56 fixed168x64 fixed168x72 fixed168x80 fixed168x88 fixed176x8 fixed176x16 fixed176x24 fixed176x32 fixed176x40 fixed176x48 fixed176x56 fixed176x64 fixed176x72 fixed176x80 fixed184x8 fixed184x16 fixed184x24 fixed184x32 fixed184x40 fixed184x48 fixed184x56 fixed184x64 fixed184x72 fixed192x8 fixed192x16 fixed192x24 fixed192x32 fixed192x40 fixed192x48 fixed192x56 fixed192x64 fixed200x8 fixed200x16 fixed200x24 fixed200x32 fixed200x40 fixed200x48 fixed200x56 fixed208x8 fixed208x16 fixed208x24 fixed208x32 fixed208x40 fixed208x48 fixed216x8 fixed216x16 fixed216x24 fixed216x32 fixed216x40 fixed224x8 fixed224x16 fixed224x24 fixed224x32 fixed232x8 fixed232x16 fixed232x24 fixed240x8 fixed240x16 fixed248x8 ufixed ufixed0x8 ufixed0x16 ufixed0x24 ufixed0x32 ufixed0x40 ufixed0x48 ufixed0x56 ufixed0x64 ufixed0x72 ufixed0x80 ufixed0x88 ufixed0x96 ufixed0x104 ufixed0x112 ufixed0x120 ufixed0x128 ufixed0x136 ufixed0x144 ufixed0x152 ufixed0x160 ufixed0x168 ufixed0x176 ufixed0x184 ufixed0x192 ufixed0x200 ufixed0x208 ufixed0x216 ufixed0x224 ufixed0x232 ufixed0x240 ufixed0x248 ufixed0x256 ufixed8x8 ufixed8x16 ufixed8x24 ufixed8x32 ufixed8x40 ufixed8x48 ufixed8x56 ufixed8x64 ufixed8x72 ufixed8x80 ufixed8x88 ufixed8x96 ufixed8x104 ufixed8x112 ufixed8x120 ufixed8x128 ufixed8x136 ufixed8x144 ufixed8x152 ufixed8x160 ufixed8x168 ufixed8x176 ufixed8x184 ufixed8x192 ufixed8x200 ufixed8x208 ufixed8x216 ufixed8x224 ufixed8x232 ufixed8x240 ufixed8x248 ufixed16x8 ufixed16x16 ufixed16x24 ufixed16x32 ufixed16x40 ufixed16x48 ufixed16x56 ufixed16x64 ufixed16x72 ufixed16x80 ufixed16x88 ufixed16x96 ufixed16x104 ufixed16x112 ufixed16x120 ufixed16x128 ufixed16x136 ufixed16x144 ufixed16x152 ufixed16x160 ufixed16x168 ufixed16x176 ufixed16x184 ufixed16x192 ufixed16x200 ufixed16x208 ufixed16x216 ufixed16x224 ufixed16x232 ufixed16x240 ufixed24x8 ufixed24x16 ufixed24x24 ufixed24x32 ufixed24x40 ufixed24x48 ufixed24x56 ufixed24x64 ufixed24x72 ufixed24x80 ufixed24x88 ufixed24x96 ufixed24x104 ufixed24x112 ufixed24x120 ufixed24x128 ufixed24x136 ufixed24x144 ufixed24x152 ufixed24x160 ufixed24x168 ufixed24x176 ufixed24x184 ufixed24x192 ufixed24x200 ufixed24x208 ufixed24x216 ufixed24x224 ufixed24x232 ufixed32x8 ufixed32x16 ufixed32x24 ufixed32x32 ufixed32x40 ufixed32x48 ufixed32x56 ufixed32x64 ufixed32x72 ufixed32x80 ufixed32x88 ufixed32x96 ufixed32x104 ufixed32x112 ufixed32x120 ufixed32x128 ufixed32x136 ufixed32x144 ufixed32x152 ufixed32x160 ufixed32x168 ufixed32x176 ufixed32x184 ufixed32x192 ufixed32x200 ufixed32x208 ufixed32x216 ufixed32x224 ufixed40x8 ufixed40x16 ufixed40x24 ufixed40x32 ufixed40x40 ufixed40x48 ufixed40x56 ufixed40x64 ufixed40x72 ufixed40x80 ufixed40x88 ufixed40x96 ufixed40x104 ufixed40x112 ufixed40x120 ufixed40x128 ufixed40x136 ufixed40x144 ufixed40x152 ufixed40x160 ufixed40x168 ufixed40x176 ufixed40x184 ufixed40x192 ufixed40x200 ufixed40x208 ufixed40x216 ufixed48x8 ufixed48x16 ufixed48x24 ufixed48x32 ufixed48x40 ufixed48x48 ufixed48x56 ufixed48x64 ufixed48x72 ufixed48x80 ufixed48x88 ufixed48x96 ufixed48x104 ufixed48x112 ufixed48x120 ufixed48x128 ufixed48x136 ufixed48x144 ufixed48x152 ufixed48x160 ufixed48x168 ufixed48x176 ufixed48x184 ufixed48x192 ufixed48x200 ufixed48x208 ufixed56x8 ufixed56x16 ufixed56x24 ufixed56x32 ufixed56x40 ufixed56x48 ufixed56x56 ufixed56x64 ufixed56x72 ufixed56x80 ufixed56x88 ufixed56x96 ufixed56x104 ufixed56x112 ufixed56x120 ufixed56x128 ufixed56x136 ufixed56x144 ufixed56x152 ufixed56x160 ufixed56x168 ufixed56x176 ufixed56x184 ufixed56x192 ufixed56x200 ufixed64x8 ufixed64x16 ufixed64x24 ufixed64x32 ufixed64x40 ufixed64x48 ufixed64x56 ufixed64x64 ufixed64x72 ufixed64x80 ufixed64x88 ufixed64x96 ufixed64x104 ufixed64x112 ufixed64x120 ufixed64x128 ufixed64x136 ufixed64x144 ufixed64x152 ufixed64x160 ufixed64x168 ufixed64x176 ufixed64x184 ufixed64x192 ufixed72x8 ufixed72x16 ufixed72x24 ufixed72x32 ufixed72x40 ufixed72x48 ufixed72x56 ufixed72x64 ufixed72x72 ufixed72x80 ufixed72x88 ufixed72x96 ufixed72x104 ufixed72x112 ufixed72x120 ufixed72x128 ufixed72x136 ufixed72x144 ufixed72x152 ufixed72x160 ufixed72x168 ufixed72x176 ufixed72x184 ufixed80x8 ufixed80x16 ufixed80x24 ufixed80x32 ufixed80x40 ufixed80x48 ufixed80x56 ufixed80x64 ufixed80x72 ufixed80x80 ufixed80x88 ufixed80x96 ufixed80x104 ufixed80x112 ufixed80x120 ufixed80x128 ufixed80x136 ufixed80x144 ufixed80x152 ufixed80x160 ufixed80x168 ufixed80x176 ufixed88x8 ufixed88x16 ufixed88x24 ufixed88x32 ufixed88x40 ufixed88x48 ufixed88x56 ufixed88x64 ufixed88x72 ufixed88x80 ufixed88x88 ufixed88x96 ufixed88x104 ufixed88x112 ufixed88x120 ufixed88x128 ufixed88x136 ufixed88x144 ufixed88x152 ufixed88x160 ufixed88x168 ufixed96x8 ufixed96x16 ufixed96x24 ufixed96x32 ufixed96x40 ufixed96x48 ufixed96x56 ufixed96x64 ufixed96x72 ufixed96x80 ufixed96x88 ufixed96x96 ufixed96x104 ufixed96x112 ufixed96x120 ufixed96x128 ufixed96x136 ufixed96x144 ufixed96x152 ufixed96x160 ufixed104x8 ufixed104x16 ufixed104x24 ufixed104x32 ufixed104x40 ufixed104x48 ufixed104x56 ufixed104x64 ufixed104x72 ufixed104x80 ufixed104x88 ufixed104x96 ufixed104x104 ufixed104x112 ufixed104x120 ufixed104x128 ufixed104x136 ufixed104x144 ufixed104x152 ufixed112x8 ufixed112x16 ufixed112x24 ufixed112x32 ufixed112x40 ufixed112x48 ufixed112x56 ufixed112x64 ufixed112x72 ufixed112x80 ufixed112x88 ufixed112x96 ufixed112x104 ufixed112x112 ufixed112x120 ufixed112x128 ufixed112x136 ufixed112x144 ufixed120x8 ufixed120x16 ufixed120x24 ufixed120x32 ufixed120x40 ufixed120x48 ufixed120x56 ufixed120x64 ufixed120x72 ufixed120x80 ufixed120x88 ufixed120x96 ufixed120x104 ufixed120x112 ufixed120x120 ufixed120x128 ufixed120x136 ufixed128x8 ufixed128x16 ufixed128x24 ufixed128x32 ufixed128x40 ufixed128x48 ufixed128x56 ufixed128x64 ufixed128x72 ufixed128x80 ufixed128x88 ufixed128x96 ufixed128x104 ufixed128x112 ufixed128x120 ufixed128x128 ufixed136x8 ufixed136x16 ufixed136x24 ufixed136x32 ufixed136x40 ufixed136x48 ufixed136x56 ufixed136x64 ufixed136x72 ufixed136x80 ufixed136x88 ufixed136x96 ufixed136x104 ufixed136x112 ufixed136x120 ufixed144x8 ufixed144x16 ufixed144x24 ufixed144x32 ufixed144x40 ufixed144x48 ufixed144x56 ufixed144x64 ufixed144x72 ufixed144x80 ufixed144x88 ufixed144x96 ufixed144x104 ufixed144x112 ufixed152x8 ufixed152x16 ufixed152x24 ufixed152x32 ufixed152x40 ufixed152x48 ufixed152x56 ufixed152x64 ufixed152x72 ufixed152x80 ufixed152x88 ufixed152x96 ufixed152x104 ufixed160x8 ufixed160x16 ufixed160x24 ufixed160x32 ufixed160x40 ufixed160x48 ufixed160x56 ufixed160x64 ufixed160x72 ufixed160x80 ufixed160x88 ufixed160x96 ufixed168x8 ufixed168x16 ufixed168x24 ufixed168x32 ufixed168x40 ufixed168x48 ufixed168x56 ufixed168x64 ufixed168x72 ufixed168x80 ufixed168x88 ufixed176x8 ufixed176x16 ufixed176x24 ufixed176x32 ufixed176x40 ufixed176x48 ufixed176x56 ufixed176x64 ufixed176x72 ufixed176x80 ufixed184x8 ufixed184x16 ufixed184x24 ufixed184x32 ufixed184x40 ufixed184x48 ufixed184x56 ufixed184x64 ufixed184x72 ufixed192x8 ufixed192x16 ufixed192x24 ufixed192x32 ufixed192x40 ufixed192x48 ufixed192x56 ufixed192x64 ufixed200x8 ufixed200x16 ufixed200x24 ufixed200x32 ufixed200x40 ufixed200x48 ufixed200x56 ufixed208x8 ufixed208x16 ufixed208x24 ufixed208x32 ufixed208x40 ufixed208x48 ufixed216x8 ufixed216x16 ufixed216x24 ufixed216x32 ufixed216x40 ufixed224x8 ufixed224x16 ufixed224x24 ufixed224x32 ufixed232x8 ufixed232x16 ufixed232x24 ufixed240x8 ufixed240x16 ufixed248x8 event enum let mapping private public external inherited payable true false var import constant if else for else for while do break continue throw returns return suicide new is this super Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token ' row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1809 9
SOLMAR - Programming language SOLMAR ====== SOLMAR is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4464 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SOLMAR happened in Fachhochschule Düsseldorf - SOLMAR on HOPL SOLMAR on HOPL - Read more about SOLMAR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
son - Text markup language son === son is an open source text markup language created in 2017 by Ian Grant Jeffries. 2017 Ian Grant Jeffries #950 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A minimal subset of JSON for machine-to-machine communication - Tags: text markup language - son is developed on GitHub and has 358 stars - Early development of son happened in - son is written in SVG, Haskell, Markdown, YAML - Read more about son on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
Sophia - Contract language Sophia ====== Sophia is a contract language created in 2018 by Robert Virding. 2018 Robert Virding #906 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Stand alone compiler for the Sophia smart contract language - Tags: contractLanguage - Sophia is developed on GitHub and has 51 stars - Early development of Sophia happened in - Sophia is written in Erlang, Markdown, YAML, Reason, HTML, Python - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Sophia - See also: (1 related languages) Solidity contract library entrypoint function stateful state hash signature tuple list address string bool int record datatype type option oracle oracle_query Call Bits Bytes Oracle String Crypto Address Auth Chain None Some bits bytes event let map private public true false var if else throw Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 298 1.5
Sophie - Programming language Sophie ====== Sophie is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #2359 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A call-by-need statically-duck-typed language named for French mathematician Sophie Germain - Tags: programming language - Sophie is developed on GitHub and has 29 stars - Sophie is written in reStructuredText, Python, C, Markdown, JSON, YAML, CMake, Make - Read more about Sophie on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Socrata Query Language - Query language Socrata Query Language ====================== Socrata Query Language is a query language created in 2012. 2012 #4840 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Socrata Query Language happened in Socrata, Inc - Read more about Socrata Query Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
SOQL - Query language SOQL ==== SOQL, aka Salesforce Object Query Language, is a query language created in 2006. 2006 #3068 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of SOQL happened in Salesforce - Read more about SOQL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
sora - Programming language sora ==== sora is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #3179 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about sora on the web: 1. 1. func get(node: &mut Foo, k: usize) -> maybe &mut Foo { if k == 0 { return node // no semicolons, only newlines } else if let next = node->next { // node->next is a maybe &mut Foo, this accesses the value of the maybe type. return get(next, k-1) } else { return null } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
SORCA - Programming language SORCA ===== SORCA is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4465 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SORCA happened in Universitaet Heidelberg - SORCA on HOPL SORCA on HOPL - Read more about SORCA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Sort Merge Generator - Programming language Sort Merge Generator ==================== Sort Merge Generator is a programming language created in 1951. 1951 #3797 on PLDB 73 Years Old The Sort Merge Generator was an application developed by Betty Holberton in 1951 for the Univac I and is one of the first examples of using a computer to create a computer program. The input to the application was a specification of files and the kind of sort and merge operations to use, and the output would be machine code for performing the specification.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Sort Merge Generator happened in Remington Rand and National Bureau of Standards Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
SOSL - Query language SOSL ==== SOSL, aka Salesforce Object Search Language, is a query language created in 2006. 2006 #2780 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of SOSL happened in Salesforce - Read more about SOSL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
souffle - Programming language souffle ======= souffle is a programming language created in 2019 by Bernhard Scholz. 2019 Bernhard Scholz #2506 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of souffle happened in University of Sydney - Read more about souffle on the web: 1. 1. HackerNews discussions of souffle ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments A Specialized B-Tree for Concurrent Datalog Evaluation||04/15/2019|174|4 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
soul - Query language soul ==== soul is a query language created in 2000. 2000 #2279 on PLDB 24 Years Old Program queries can answer important software engineering questions ranging from “is my code bug free?” over “does my code follow the prescribed design?” to “how can my code be refactored?”. SOUL is a Prolog-like language with specialized features for querying programs. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of soul happened in Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Read more about soul on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Soulver - Editor Soulver ======= Soulver is an editor created in 2005. 2005 #2931 on PLDB 19 Years Old It's a notepad that gives instant answers to calculations in your text. - Tags: editor - Early development of Soulver happened in Acqualia Software OÜ - 1 PLDB concepts link to Soulver: NumPad 3 × 3 120 + 30 June 12 + 3 weeks 100 EUR in USD 30% of 700 $30/day is what per year Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
souper - Optimizing compiler souper ====== souper is an optimizing compiler created in 2014. 2014 #1211 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A superoptimizer for LLVM IR - Tags: optimizingCompiler - souper is developed on GitHub and has 2,097 stars - Early development of souper happened in Google - souper is written in LLVM IR, C++, C, Markdown, Bourne shell, CMake, Dockerfile, YAML, Python, Perl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
sourcelair-editor - Editor sourcelair-editor ================= sourcelair-editor is an editor created in 2011. 2011 #4841 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: editor - Early development of sourcelair-editor happened in SourceLair, Private Company - Read more about sourcelair-editor on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 104 0.5
SourcePawn - Programming language SourcePawn ========== SourcePawn is an open source programming language created in 2014. 2014 #485 on PLDB 10 Years Old 8k Repos git clone A small, statically typed scripting language. - Tags: programming language - SourcePawn is developed on GitHub and has 358 stars - There are at least 7,547 SourcePawn repos on GitHub - Early development of SourcePawn happened in AlliedModders LLC - SourcePawn is written in C++, Pascal, PHP, C#, C, Python, Markdown, YAML, XML, Ini, Bourne shell, SQL, CSS, JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7k users using SourcePawn in 9k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SourcePawn - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SourcePawn /* Fixed point arithmetic * * (c) Copyright 1998-2011, ITB CompuPhase * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #pragma library Fixed const fround_method: { fround_round = 0, fround_floor, fround_ceil, fround_tozero, fround_unbiased } native Fixed:fixed(value); native Fixed:strfixed(const string[]); native Fixed:fmul(Fixed:oper1, Fixed:oper2); native Fixed:fdiv(Fixed:dividend, Fixed:divisor); native Fixed:ffract(Fixed:value); native fround(Fixed:value, fround_method:method=fround_round); native Fixed:fpower(Fixed:value, exponent); native Fixed:fsqroot(Fixed:value); native Fixed:fabs(Fixed:value); #pragma rational Fixed(3) /* user defined operators */ native Fixed:operator*(Fixed:oper1, Fixed:oper2) = fmul; native Fixed:operator/(Fixed:oper1, Fixed:oper2) = fdiv; native Fixed:operator=(oper) = fixed; stock Fixed:operator++(Fixed:oper) return oper + fixed(1); stock Fixed:operator--(Fixed:oper) return oper - fixed(1); stock Fixed:operator*(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return Fixed: (_:oper1 * oper2); /* "*" is commutative */ stock Fixed:operator/(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 / fixed(oper2); stock Fixed:operator/(oper1, Fixed:oper2) return fdiv(fixed(oper1), oper2); stock Fixed:operator+(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 + fixed(oper2); /* "+" is commutative */ stock Fixed:operator-(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 - fixed(oper2); stock Fixed:operator-(oper1, Fixed:oper2) return fixed(oper1) - oper2; stock bool:operator>(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 > fixed(oper2); stock bool:operator>(oper1, Fixed:oper2) return fixed(oper1) > oper2; stock bool:operator>=(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 >= fixed(oper2); stock bool:operator>=(oper1, Fixed:oper2) return fixed(oper1) >= oper2; stock bool:operator<(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 < fixed(oper2); stock bool:operator<(oper1, Fixed:oper2) return fixed(oper1) < oper2; stock bool:operator<=(Fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 <= fixed(oper2); stock bool:operator<=(oper1, Fixed:oper2) return fixed(oper1) <= oper2; stock bool:operator==(Fixed:oper1, oper2) /* "==" is commutative */ return oper1 == fixed(oper2); stock bool:operator!=(Fixed:oper1, oper2) /* "!=" is commutative */ return oper1 != fixed(oper2); /* forbidden operations */ forward operator%(Fixed:oper1, Fixed:oper2); forward operator%(Fixed:oper1, oper2); forward operator%(oper1, Fixed:oper2); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 599 3
Sourcetree - Application Sourcetree ========== Sourcetree is an application created in 2010 by Atlassian. 2010 Atlassian #2110 on PLDB 14 Years Old Sourcetree is a free graphical user interface (GUI) desktop client that simplifies how you interact with Git repositories so that you can fully concentrate on coding - Tags: application - Early development of Sourcetree happened in - See also: (2 related languages) Git, Magit - Read more about Sourcetree on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Southampton BASIC System - Programming language Southampton BASIC System ======================== Southampton BASIC System is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #3787 on PLDB 64 Years Old Southampton BASIC System (SOBS) was a dialect of the BASIC programming language developed for and used on ICT 1900 series computers in the late 1960s and early 1970s; it was implemented under the MINIMOP operating system at the University of Southampton and also ran under MAXIMOP. It was operated from a Teletype terminal, though CRT terminals could also be used.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Southampton BASIC System happened in University of Southampton - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC 2 2 1 1 -1 0 4 -3 -2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Schema for Object-Oriented XML - Xml format Schema for Object-Oriented XML ============================== Schema for Object-Oriented XML is a xml format created in 1998. 1998 #3203 on PLDB 26 Years Old Schema for Object-Oriented XML, or SOX, is an XML schema language developed by Commerce One. In 1998 a SOX specification was submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium and published as a W3C Note. A revised version, SOX 2.0, was published as a W3C Note in 1999. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Schema for Object-Oriented XML happened in Commerce One, Inc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Soy - Template language Soy === Soy is a template language created in 2008. 2008 #2123 on PLDB 16 Years Old - Tags: template language - Early development of Soy happened in Google - Read more about Soy on the web: 1. 1. /** * Greets a person and optionally a list of other people. * @param name The name of the person. * @param additionalNames The additional names to greet. May be an empty list. */ {template .helloNames} // Greet the person. {call .helloName data="all" /}<br> // Greet the additional people. {foreach $additionalName in $additionalNames} {call .helloName} {param name: $additionalName /} {/call} {if not isLast($additionalName)} <br> // break after every line except the last {/if} {ifempty} No additional people to greet. {/foreach} {/template} Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 235 1.2
SP/k - Programming language SP/k ==== SP/k is a programming language created in 1974 by Ric Holt and D.B. Wortman and D.T. Barnard and James Cordy. 1974 Ric Holt D.B. Wortman D.T. Barnard James Cordy #2289 on PLDB 50 Years Old SP/k is a programming language developed circa 1974 by R.C. Holt, D.B. Wortman, D.T. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SP/k happened in University of Toronto - SP/k on HOPL SP/k on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) PL/I, Turing, PL/C, WATFIV Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Space - Data notation Space ===== Space is an open source data notation created in 2013 by Breck Yunits. 2013 Breck Yunits #1757 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Space is a lightweight language for objects. Space is like XML or JSON, with less punctuation and more power. - Tags: dataNotation - Space is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Early development of Space happened in Nudgepad settings title Note Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example settings title Note Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
SPARC - Instruction set architecture SPARC ===== SPARC is an instruction set architecture created in 1987. 1987 #1057 on PLDB 37 Years Old SPARC, for Scalable Processor Architecture, is a reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) originally developed by Sun Microsystems. Its design was strongly influenced by the experimental Berkeley RISC system developed in the early 1980s. First released in 1987, SPARC was one of the most successful early commercial RISC systems, and its success led to the introduction of similar RISC designs from a number of vendors through the 1980s and 90s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of SPARC happened in Sun Microsystems - See also: (8 related languages) MIPS architecture, ML, Lisp, Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux, Verilog, SystemVerilog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
Spark - Programming language Spark ===== Spark is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #1876 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Spark happened in Altran Technologies and Ada Core Technologies - Ada influenced the design of Spark - Explore Spark snippets on Rosetta Code - Spark on HOPL Spark on HOPL - Spark appears in the TIOBE Index procedure Increment (X : in out Counter_Type) with Global => null, Depends => (X => X), Pre => X < Counter_Type'Last, Post => X = X'Old + 1; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
spark-pm - Package manager spark-pm ======== spark-pm is a package manager created in 2014. 2014 #2507 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of spark-pm happened in University of California Berkeley - was registered in 2014 - Read more about spark-pm on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
Apache Spark - Application Apache Spark ============ Apache Spark is an open source application created in 2012 by Matei Zaharia. 2012 Matei Zaharia #922 on PLDB 12 Years Old Apache Spark is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It provides high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python, and R, and an optimized engine that supports general execution graphs. It also supports a rich set of higher-level tools including Spark SQL for SQL and structured data processing, pandas API on Spark for pandas workloads, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX for graph processing, and Structured Streaming for incremental computation and stream processing. - Tags: application - Early development of Apache Spark happened in University of California Berkeley - Apache Spark is written in Scala - There is a central package repository for Apache Spark Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
SPARQCode - Bar code format SPARQCode ========= SPARQCode is a bar code format created in 2010. 2010 #3285 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: barCodeFormat - Early development of SPARQCode happened in MSKYNET, Inc - Read more about SPARQCode on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
SPARQL - Query language SPARQL ====== SPARQL, aka SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language, is a query language created in 2008. 2008 #249 on PLDB 16 Years Old 0 Repos SPARQL (pronounced "sparkle", a recursive acronym for SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) is an RDF query language, that is, a semantic query language for databases, able to retrieve and manipulate data stored in Resource Description Framework (RDF) format. It was made a standard by the RDF Data Access Working Group (DAWG) of the World Wide Web Consortium, and is recognized as one of the key technologies of the semantic web. On 15 January 2008, SPARQL 1.0 became an official W3C Recommendation, and SPARQL 1.1 in March, 2013. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - There are at least 0 SPARQL repos on GitHub - Early development of SPARQL happened in W3C - ANTLR grammar for SPARQL - SPARQL LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting SPARQL - Monaco package for syntax highlighting SPARQL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SPARQL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SPARQL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for SPARQL - See also: (5 related languages) RDF, SQL, XQuery, Turtle, Geography Markup Language - Read more about SPARQL on the web: 1. 1. SELECT ?h WHERE { VALUES ?h { "Hello World" } } PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?name ?email WHERE { ?person a foaf:Person. ?person foaf:name ?name. ?person foaf:mbox ?email. } PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?capital ?country WHERE { ?x ex:cityname ?capital ; ex:isCapitalOf ?y . ?y ex:countryname ?country ; ex:isInContinent ex:Africa . } add as asc ask base by clear construct copy create data delete desc describe distinct drop false filter from graph group having in insert limit load minus move named not offset optional order prefix reduced select service silent to true undef union using values where with Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # [+\-]?\d+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # [+\-]?(\d+\.\d*[eE][+-]?\d+|\.?\d+[eE][+-]?\d+) Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 462 2.3
Spatial - Programming language Spatial ======= Spatial, aka Specify Parameterized Accelerators Through Inordinately Abstract Language, is an open source programming language created in 2018 by David Koeplinger. 2018 David Koeplinger #662 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Spatial: A High Level Programming Language for FPGAs - Tags: programming language - Spatial is developed on GitHub and has 271 stars - Early development of Spatial happened in Stanford University - Spatial is written in Scala, XML, Tcl, VHDL, HTML, Make, Bourne shell, C++, Scheme, Python, Ini, C, CSV, Bash, Markdown, Tex, Diff, YAML - was registered in 2018 import spatial.dsl._ @spatial object HelloSpatial extends SpatialApp { def main(args: Array[String]): Void = { // Create ArgIn val x = ArgIn[Int] // Set `x` to the value of the first command line argument setArg(x, args(0).to[Int]) Accel { // Create 16x32 SRAM and a Register val s = SRAM[Int](16,32) val r = Reg[Int] // Loop over each element in SRAM Foreach(16 by 1, 32 by 1){(i,j) => s(i,j) = i + j } // Store element into the register, based on the input arg r := s(x,x) // Print value of register (only shows in Scala simulation) println(r"Value of SRAM at (${x.value},${x.value}) is ${r.value}") } } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 321 1.6
Speakeasy - Programming language Speakeasy ========= Speakeasy is a programming language created in 2006 by Stanley Cohen. 2006 Stanley Cohen #1478 on PLDB 18 Years Old Speakeasy is a numerical computing interactive environment also featuring an interpreted programming language. It was initially developed for internal use at the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory by the theoretical physicist Stanley Cohen. He eventually founded Speakeasy Computing Corporation to make the program available commercially. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Speakeasy happened in Argonne National Laboratory - Speakeasy on HOPL Speakeasy on HOPL - was registered in 1998 - See also: (7 related languages) Mortran, C, Solaris, APL, MATLAB, Linux, Fortran $ In the following statement $ selector must be >= 1 and <= N GO TO label1, label2, ..., labelN : selector ... label1: ... label2: ... ... labelN: ... Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Spec Sharp - Programming language Spec Sharp ========== Spec Sharp is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3304 on PLDB 20 Years Old Spec# is a programming language with specification language features that extends the capabilities of the C# programming language with Eiffel-like contracts, including object invariants, preconditions and postconditions. Like ESC/Java, it includes a static checking tool based on a theorem prover that is able to statically verify many of these invariants. It also includes a variety of other minor extensions to the language, such as non-null reference types. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Spec Sharp happened in Microsoft - See also: (3 related languages) C#, Eiffel, Java - 1 PLDB concepts link to Spec Sharp: Sing Sharp static int Main(string![] args) requires args.Length > 0; ensures return == 0; { foreach(string arg in args) { Console.WriteLine(arg); } return 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
Spec - Programming language Spec ==== Spec is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #3588 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Spec happened in Naval Postgraduate School - Spec on HOPL Spec on HOPL - Read more about Spec on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SPECL - Programming language SPECL ===== SPECL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4466 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPECL happened in Harvard University - SPECL on HOPL SPECL on HOPL - Read more about SPECL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
SPECOL - Programming language SPECOL ====== SPECOL is a programming language created in 1968 by Bernard Smith. 1968 Bernard Smith #3589 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPECOL happened in United Kingdom Governments Civil Service - SPECOL on HOPL SPECOL on HOPL - Read more about SPECOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
specrtl - Programming language specrtl ======= specrtl is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #3590 on PLDB 13 Years Old specRTL (Spec Register Transfer Language) is a language designed to replace the existing RTL form machine descriptions which along with C Code forms the backend of GCC. - Tags: programming language - Early development of specrtl happened in Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay - Read more about specrtl on the web: 1. 1. concrete *cmp_ccno_1.insn instantiates set_compare { root(reg(NULL:FLAGS_REG),0=nonimmediate_operand:SWI:",?m", 1=const0_operand:SWI:""); } {: "ix86_match_ccmode (insn, CCNOmode)" "@ test{}\t%0, %0 cmp{}\t{%1, %0|%0,%1}" [(set_attr "type" "test,icmp") (set_attr "length_immediate" "0,1") (set_attr "mode" "")] :} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Speedcoding - Programming language Speedcoding =========== Speedcoding is a programming language created in 1953 by John Backus. 1953 John Backus #1613 on PLDB 71 Years Old Speedcoding or Speedcode was the first high-level programming language created for an IBM computer. The language was developed by John Backus in 1953 for the IBM 701 to support computation with floating point numbers. Here high level means symbolic and aiming for natural language expressivity as a goal as opposed to machine or hardware instruction oriented coding. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Speedcoding happened in IBM - Speedcoding on HOPL Speedcoding on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Assembly language, Fortran, ALGOL 58, BASIC, C, PL/I, PACT I, MUMPS, RATFOR, Short Code computer language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Speedie - Programming language Speedie ======= Speedie is a programming language created in 2022 by Theodore H Smith. 2022 Theodore H Smith #1306 on PLDB 2 Years Old "General-purpose modern and clean object-oriented programming language." - Tags: programming language - Speedie is a superset of jeebox - Early development of Speedie happened in - JavaScript and Python and C and Lua and C++ and Visual Basic and HyperCard and HTML and CSS and XML and JSON influenced the design of Speedie - Speedie is written in Speedie, C++ - Speedie is supported by the GDB - was registered in 2023 - See also: (9 related languages) I-expressions, JSON, YAML, TOML, XML, HAML, Ini, Parsers, Particles - 1 PLDB concepts link to Speedie: Speedie main "Hello World!" #require #expect #error and asm break class continue else elseif false for if is in import module or return require expect error virtual behaviour function syntax syx self true with yield while xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature hasSelfOrThisWord FeatureLink ../features/hasSelfOrThisWord.html Supported ✓ Example self.Remove .remove Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Zero-based numbering FeatureLink ../features/hasZeroBasedNumbering.html Supported ✓ Example printline ["a", "b", "c"][0] // prints "a" Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example "error 1 here" Token print row Feature Dispose Blocks Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDisposeBlocks.html Supported ✓ Example using SomeObject for 10 Someobject.dosomework if (random[]>0.5) return // someobject.SyntaxUsingComplete called here // someobject.SyntaxUsingComplete called here too Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example class Person |int| age setter age expect (value >= 0) ("bad age $value set!") .age = value main || p = person() p.age = -1 // calls a function rather than the property || n = p.age // reads the property directly! Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example class Person (Animal) Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example class Person |string| name Token row Feature Null FeatureLink ../features/hasNull.html Supported ✓ Example || msg = message() while if msg != nil "msg exists" else "empty" return msg = nil Token row Feature Unary Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasUnaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example || x = !0 Token row Feature hasUserDefinedOperators FeatureLink ../features/hasUserDefinedOperators.html Supported ✓ Example class myclass |int| Num operator add (|int| x, |myclass|) return myclass(.num + x) render fs ✓ Example str = "a" + "b" array ✓ Example function volume (|float| a, |float|) return a*a*a function volume (|float| r, |float| h, |float|) // volume of a cylinder return math.pi*r*r*h Token row Feature Single-Type Arrays FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleTypeArrays.html Supported ✓ Example |array of string| s s ✓ Example || items = [5,6,7,8] for i in items printline i Token row Feature Iterators FeatureLink ../features/hasIterators.html Supported ✓ Example || items = [5,6,7,8] for i in items printline i Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example class Foobar |float| x |float| y constructor (|float| r=1, |float| alpha=0) .x = r * alpha.cos .y = r * alpha.sin || a = foobar() || b = foobar(3) || c = foobar(5, M_PI/4) Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example || num = 0b010101 Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example || num = 0.0 Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example || num = 0xBEEF Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example function Example (|string| data) file ✓ Example myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Token row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported ✓ Example || time = 1day - 10s || size = 10.2MB Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example pldb = 80766866 Token row Feature Pointers FeatureLink ../features/hasPointers.html Supported ✓ Example || i = 0 || p = &i *p = 1 if (i == 1) "success" Token row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example The~entire~Language is (%written in:@Jeebox) Token row Feature Multiline Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasMultilineStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello you beauty" Token row Feature Infix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasInfixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example seven = 3 + 4 Token row Feature Breakpoints FeatureLink ../features/supportsBreakpoints.html Supported ✓ Example debugger Token row Feature Source Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasSourceMaps.html Supported ✓ Example linkage bannedclasses (file, process, shellstream, archive) // using these classes... even indirectly, will create an error // the error message will show the entire call-chain that reached these classes Token row Feature Virtual function FeatureLink ../features/hasVirtualFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example class abc virtual DoSomething (|string| name) behaviour DoSomething printline "hello: $name" Token row Feature Static Methods FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticMethods.html Supported ✓ Example class abc module function Print "abc" main abc.print Token row Feature Type Parameters FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeParameters.html Supported ✓ Example function ABC (|string| name) Token row Feature hasTimestamps FeatureLink ../features/hasTimestamps.html Supported ✓ Example printline __time_id__ Token row Feature hasMethodOverloading FeatureLink ../features/hasMethodOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature hasVoidFunctions FeatureLink ../features/hasVoidFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example || x = 123 function abc x = 10 Token row Feature hasGlobalScope FeatureLink ../features/hasGlobalScope.html Supported ✓ Example || x = 123 function abc x = 10 Token row Feature hasFnArguments FeatureLink ../features/hasFnArguments.html Supported ✓ Example function ABC (|string| name) Token row Feature canReadCommandLineArgs FeatureLink ../features/canReadCommandLineArgs.html Supported ✓ Example printline app[0] Token row Feature hasDynamicSizedArrays FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicSizedArrays.html Supported ✓ Example || arr = [] arr ✓ Example main "hello world" Token row Feature hasStatementTerminatorCharacter FeatureLink ../features/hasStatementTerminatorCharacter.html Supported ✓ Example if x: x++, x*=2, return Token row Feature hasMemberVariables FeatureLink ../features/hasMemberVariables.html Supported ✓ Example class abc |int| def Token row Feature hasStringConcatOperator FeatureLink ../features/hasStringConcatOperator.html Supported ✓ Example || ab = "a" + "b" Token row Feature Characters FeatureLink ../features/hasCharacters.html Supported ✓ Example || char = 'b' if b > 32 "good" Token row Feature hasEscapeCharacters FeatureLink ../features/hasEscapeCharacters.html Supported ✓ Example || str = "\01\02\03" Token row Feature hasForLoops FeatureLink ../features/hasForLoops.html Supported ✓ Example while i in 10 "hello: $i" Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example while true "hello" Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example name = "John" Token = row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import Proj Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* multiline comments */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // comment Token row Feature Garbage Collection FeatureLink ../features/hasGarbageCollection.html Supported ✓ Example || msg = message() DoSomethingWith(msg) // msg now gets disposed Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example constants Opened = 1 Closed = 2 Token row Feature hasBreak FeatureLink ../features/hasBreak.html Supported ✓ Example for i in 10 if i > 3: exit printline i // 1,2,3 Token row Feature hasContinue FeatureLink ../features/hasContinue.html Supported ✓ Example for i in 10 if i ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Symbol Tables FeatureLink ../features/hasSymbolTables.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Shebang FeatureLink ../features/canDoShebang.html Supported ✓ Example #!/usr/local/bin/spd Token row Feature Bitwise Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasBitWiseOperators.html Supported ✓ Example x ✓ Example || chld = app.fork("ipc_identifier_123", app.rawargs) chld ✓ Example while printline (1,0)(random[]>0.5) Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example if "abc".LeNgTh == 3 "cool length" Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example || Same = "x" == "X" // same = false Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported ✓ Example "helloworld.txt" ✓ Example flags A B C D // A=1, B=2, C=4, D=8 constants X Y Z W // X=0, Y=1, Z=3, W=4 Token row Feature Structs FeatureLink ../features/hasStructs.html Supported ✓ Example struct Fuel |int| A |byte| B Token row Feature Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitTypeCasting.html Supported ✓ Example || x = message() || y = x|object| // lose type info || z = y|message| // regain it Token row Feature Module Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasModules.html Supported ✓ Example module App function Path (|string|) // return the app's path here Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example || x = "str" || i = x.find("t") Token row Feature Increment and decrement operators FeatureLink ../features/hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators.html Supported ✓ Example || x = 1 x++ x-- Token row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example || x = "Hello" x = 1 // fails to compile... because x is a string Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example || x = "Hello" || y = FunctionThatReturnsAString() // is now a string x = 1 // fails to compile y = 2 // fails to compile Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Magic Getters and Setters FeatureLink ../features/hasMagicGettersAndSetters.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Default Parameters Pattern FeatureLink ../features/hasDefaultParameters.html Supported ✓ Example function Find (|string| pattern, |int| pos=0, |int|) Token row Feature Unicode Identifers FeatureLink ../features/hasUnicodeIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example class é©© constructor printline // "é©©" Token row Feature Doc comments FeatureLink ../features/hasDocComments.html Supported ✓ Example function Find (|string| pattern, |int| pos=0, |int|) description "Returns the position of pattern in self, starting from 'pos'. If not found, we return -1." Token row Feature Assert Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasAssertStatements.html Supported ✓ Example class Person |int| age setter age // "expect" will actually add an Error to a list of errors expect (value >= 0) ("bad age $value set!") .age = value main || p = person() p.age = -10 if !stderr.ok "Oof we got some errors" Token row Feature Polymorphism FeatureLink ../features/hasPolymorphism.html Supported ✓ Example |object| x = somefunction() || y = x.render // returns a string by calling the virtual func "render" Token row Feature Pipes FeatureLink ../features/hasPipes.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasMaps.html Supported ✓ Example || x = ["a":"Apple", "b":"Bird", "c":"Cat"] printline x["b"] // Bird Token row Feature Partial Application FeatureLink ../features/hasPartialApplication.html Supported ✓ Example main "hello world ${app.args[0]}" Token row Feature hasReservedWords FeatureLink ../features/hasReservedWords.html Supported X Example || return = 123 || if = 456 if if == 456 return return Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Threads FeatureLink ../features/hasThreads.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Templates FeatureLink ../features/hasTemplates.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleInheritance.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature hasTryCatch FeatureLink ../features/hasTryCatch.html Supported X Example || data = "somefile".file.readall if !data stderr.printerrors // prints any file-system error that occurred during .readall Token row Feature Dynamic Properties FeatureLink ../features/hasDynamicProperties.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Regular Expression Syntax Sugar FeatureLink ../features/hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Duck Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasDuckTyping.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Manual Memory Management FeatureLink ../features/hasManualMemoryManagement.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Multiple Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasMultipleDispatch.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1860 9.3
Sender Policy Framework - Standard Sender Policy Framework ======================= Sender Policy Framework is a standard created in 2000. 2000 #4565 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: standard - Early development of Sender Policy Framework happened in Internet Engineering Task Force Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
Spice Lisp - Programming language Spice Lisp ========== Spice Lisp is a programming language created in 1980 by Scott Fahlman. 1980 Scott Fahlman #2548 on PLDB 44 Years Old Spice Lisp is a Lisp dialect and its implementation originally written by CMU's Spice Lisp Group which targeted the microcode of the 16-bit PERQ workstation and its Accent operating system; it used that workstation's microcode abilities (it provided microcodes for Pascal, C, and Ada besides) to implement a stack architecture to store its data structures as 32-bit objects and to enable runtime type-checking. It would later be popular on other workstations. Spice Lisp evolved into CMUCL, a Common Lisp implementation.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Spice Lisp happened in Carnegie Mellon - Spice Lisp on HOPL Spice Lisp on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Pascal, C, Ada, Common Lisp Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
Spice - Programming language Spice ===== Spice is a programming language created in 2021 by Marc Auberer. 2021 Marc Auberer #1891 on PLDB 3 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Spice happened in - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Spice - was registered in 2021 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
spider - Programming language spider ====== spider is a programming language created in 2014 by Alon Gubkin. 2014 Alon Gubkin #645 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Unsurprising JavaScript - No longer active - Tags: programming language - spider is developed on GitHub and has 1,340 stars - Early development of spider happened in - spider compiles to JavaScript - spider is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, YAML Language features ====================================================== row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
SpiderBasic - Programming language SpiderBasic =========== SpiderBasic is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1147 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone PureBasic OpenSource Projects - Tags: programming language - SpiderBasic is developed on GitHub and has 113 stars - Early development of SpiderBasic happened in Fantaisie Software - SpiderBasic is written in HTML, XML, Make, GLSL, Markdown, HLSL, AsciiDoc, Bourne shell, Ini, CSS, YAML And Array Bool Break CallDebugger Case ClearStructure CompilerCase CompilerElse CompilerElseIf CompilerEndIf CompilerEndSelect CompilerIf CompilerSelect Continue CopyStructure Data DataSection Debug DebugLevel Declare DeclareModule Default Define Defined Dim DisableExplicit DisableDebugger DisableJS Else ElseIf EnableASM EnableExplicit EnableDebugger EnableJS End EndDataSection EndDeclareModule EndEnumeration EndIf EndImport EndInterface EndMacro EndModule EndProcedure EndSelect EndStructure EndWith Enumeration Extends For ForEach Forever Global Import IncludeFile IncludePath Interface List Macro MacroExpandedCount Map Module NewList NewMap Next Not OffsetOf Or Procedure ProcedureReturn Protected Prototype Read ReDim Repeat Restore Runtime Select Shared SizeOf Static Step Structure Subsystem Swap To TypeOf UndefineMacro Until UnuseModule UseModule Wend With While XIncludeFile XOr Language features ====================================================== row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
SpiderMonkey - Virtual machine SpiderMonkey ============ SpiderMonkey is an open source virtual machine created in 1996 by Brendan Eich. 1996 Brendan Eich #1852 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: virtual machine - Early development of SpiderMonkey happened in Netscape Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 104 0.5
SPIL - Programming language SPIL ==== SPIL is a programming language created in 1973 by Barbara H. Liskov and Leroy A. Smith. 1973 Barbara H. Liskov Leroy A. Smith #3591 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPIL happened in MIT and The MITRE Corporation - SPIL on HOPL SPIL on HOPL - Read more about SPIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Spill - Programming language Spill ===== Spill is a programming language created in 1997 by Feliks Kluhiak and Mirodawa Milkowska. 1997 Feliks Kluhiak Mirodawa Milkowska #2588 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Spill happened in Warsaw University - Spill on HOPL Spill on HOPL - Read more about Spill on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about Spill on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Spin - Programming language Spin ==== Spin is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #908 on PLDB 18 Years Old 38k Repos The multicore Propeller microcontroller opens up a new level of invention possibilities for students. Programming it in its native high-level language, Spin, makes optimal use of this unique and powerful multicore microcontroller. Spin's design was inspired by great attributes of three other languages, Delphi, C, and Python, and by envisioning new solutions to common programming problems. Like Python, Spin uses indentation whitespace, rather than curly braces or keywords, to delimit blocks. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 38,264 Spin repos on GitHub - Early development of Spin happened in Parallax Inc - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 101 users using Spin in 129 repos on GitHub - Explore Spin snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Spin - Read more about Spin on the web: 1. 1. ''**************************************** ''* Debug_Lcd v1.2 * ''* Authors: Jon Williams, Jeff Martin * ''* Copyright (c) 2006 Parallax, Inc. * ''* See end of file for terms of use. * ''**************************************** '' '' Debugging wrapper for Serial_Lcd object '' '' v1.2 - March 26, 2008 - Updated by Jeff Martin to conform to Propeller object initialization standards. '' v1.1 - April 29, 2006 - Updated by Jon Williams for consistency. '' OBJ lcd : "serial_lcd" ' driver for Parallax Serial LCD num : "simple_numbers" ' number to string conversion PUB init(pin, baud, lines) : okay '' Initializes serial LCD object '' -- returns true if all parameters okay okay := lcd.init(pin, baud, lines) PUB finalize '' Finalizes lcd object -- frees the pin (floats) lcd.finalize PUB putc(txbyte) '' Send a byte to the terminal lcd.putc(txbyte) PUB str(strAddr) '' Print a zero-terminated string lcd.str(strAddr) PUB dec(value) '' Print a signed decimal number lcd.str(num.dec(value)) PUB decf(value, width) '' Prints signed decimal value in space-padded, fixed-width field lcd.str(num.decf(value, width)) PUB decx(value, digits) '' Prints zero-padded, signed-decimal string '' -- if value is negative, field width is digits+1 lcd.str(num.decx(value, digits)) PUB hex(value, digits) '' Print a hexadecimal number lcd.str(num.hex(value, digits)) PUB ihex(value, digits) '' Print an indicated hexadecimal number lcd.str(num.ihex(value, digits)) PUB bin(value, digits) '' Print a binary number lcd.str(num.bin(value, digits)) PUB ibin(value, digits) '' Print an indicated (%) binary number lcd.str(num.ibin(value, digits)) PUB cls '' Clears LCD and moves cursor to home (0, 0) position lcd.cls PUB home '' Moves cursor to 0, 0 lcd.home PUB gotoxy(col, line) '' Moves cursor to col/line lcd.gotoxy(col, line) PUB clrln(line) '' Clears line lcd.clrln(line) PUB cursor(type) '' Selects cursor type '' 0 : cursor off, blink off '' 1 : cursor off, blink on '' 2 : cursor on, blink off '' 3 : cursor on, blink on lcd.cursor(type) PUB display(status) '' Controls display visibility; use display(false) to hide contents without clearing if status lcd.displayOn else lcd.displayOff PUB custom(char, chrDataAddr) '' Installs custom character map '' -- chrDataAddr is address of 8-byte character definition array lcd.custom(char, chrDataAddr) PUB backLight(status) '' Enable (true) or disable (false) LCD backlight '' -- affects only backlit models lcd.backLight(status) {{ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, │ │modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software│ │is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: │ │ │ │The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.│ │ │ │THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE │ │WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR │ │COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, │ │ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ }} Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 898 4.5
SPIP - Programming language SPIP ==== SPIP is an open source programming language created in 1977. 1977 #1941 on PLDB 47 Years Old SPIP (Système de Publication pour l'Internet) is a free software content management system designed for web site publishing, oriented towards online collaborative editing. The software is designed for easy setup, use and maintenance, and is used in public and private institutions. The last P in the word SPIP stands for both Partagé (shared) and Participatif (participative), in the sense that the software is designed for collective online editing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPIP happened in - SPIP on HOPL SPIP on HOPL - See also: (9 related languages) PHP, SQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, HTML, XML, CSV, YAML, URL - Read more about SPIP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
spir-v - Intermediate representation language spir-v ====== spir-v is an intermediate representation language created in 2015. 2015 #3592 on PLDB 9 Years Old Abstract. SPIR-V is a new platform-independent intermediate language. It is a self-contained, fully specified, binary format for representing graphical-shader stages and compute kernels for multiple APIs. Physically, it is a stream of 32-bit words. Logically, it is a header and a linear stream of instructions. These encode, first, a set of annotations and decorations, and second a collection of functions. Each function encodes a control-flow graph (CFG) of basic blocks, with additional instructions to preserve source-code structured flow control. Load/store instructions are used to access declared variables, which includes all input/output (IO). Intermediate results bypassing load/store use single static-assignment (SSA) representation. Data objects are represented logically, with hierarchical type information: There is no flattening of aggregates or assignment to physical register banks, etc. Selectable addressing models establish whether general pointers may be used, or if memory access is purely logical. - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of spir-v happened in LunarG, Inc - See also: (1 related languages) Standard Portable Intermediate Representation - Read more about spir-v on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 273 1.4
Standard Portable Intermediate Representation - Intermediate representation language Standard Portable Intermediate Representation ============================================= Standard Portable Intermediate Representation is an intermediate representation language created in 2014. 2014 #2297 on PLDB 10 Years Old Standard Portable Intermediate Representation (SPIR) is an intermediate language for parallel compute and graphics by Khronos Group, originally developed for use with OpenCL. SPIR was rewritten into SPIR-V in March 2015.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of Standard Portable Intermediate Representation happened in The Khronos Group, Inc - 1 PLDB concepts link to Standard Portable Intermediate Representation: spir-v Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
spiral - Programming language spiral ====== spiral is a programming language created in 2017 by Marko Grdinić. 2017 Marko Grdinić #734 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Functional language with intensional polymorphism and first-class staging. - Tags: programming language - spiral is developed on GitHub and has 916 stars - Early development of spiral happened in - spiral is written in Python, C, F#, JSON, C++, TypeScript, HTML, CUDA, Markdown, XML, PowerShell, TOML inl x = 2 // Define a 64-bit integer in Spiral. inl mult a b = a * b inl f g = g 1 2, g 3.0 4.0 // Would give a type error in F#. f mult Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
SPITBOL - Programming language SPITBOL ======= SPITBOL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #2211 on PLDB 53 Years Old SPITBOL (Speedy Implementation of SNOBOL) is a compiled implementation of the SNOBOL4 programming language. Originally targeted for the IBM System/360 and System/370 family of computers, it has now been ported to most major microprocessors including the SPARC. It was created by Robert Dewar and Ken Belcher, who were then at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPITBOL happened in Illinois Institute of Technology - SPITBOL on HOPL SPITBOL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) SNOBOL, SPARC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
Structured Product Labeling - Xml format Structured Product Labeling =========================== Structured Product Labeling is a xml format created in 2004. 2004 #2837 on PLDB 20 Years Old Structured Product Labeling (SPL) is a Health Level Seven International (HL7) standard which defines the content of human prescription drug labeling in an XML format. The "drug label" includes all published material accompanying a drug, such as the actual label on a prescribed dose as well as the package insert which contains a great deal of detailed information about the drug. As of Release 4 of the SPL standard, 22,000 FDA informational product inserts have been encoded according to the standard.SPL documents contain both the content of labeling (all text, tables and figures) for a product along with additional machine readable information (drug listing data elements). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Structured Product Labeling happened in Health Level Seven International Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
SPLAW - Programming language SPLAW ===== SPLAW is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3593 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPLAW happened in Nanjing University - SPLAW on HOPL SPLAW on HOPL - Read more about SPLAW on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about SPLAW on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Spline Font Database - Application Spline Font Database ==================== Spline Font Database is an application created in 2004. 2004 #1275 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: application - Early development of Spline Font Database happened in - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Spline Font Database - Read more about Spline Font Database on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. SplineFontDB: 3.0 FontName: Ambrosia FullName: Ambrosia FamilyName: Ambrosia DefaultBaseFilename: Ambrosia-1.0 Weight: Medium Copyright: Copyright (C) 1995-2000 by George Williams Comments: This is a funny font. UComments: "This is a funny font." FontLog: "Create Jan 2008" Version: 001.000 ItalicAngle: 0 UnderlinePosition: -133 UnderlineWidth: 20 Ascent: 800 Descent: 200 sfntRevision: 0x00078106 WidthSeparation: 140 LayerCount: 4 Layer: 0 0 "Back" 1 Layer: 1 1 "Fore" 0 Layer: 2 0 "Cubic_Fore" 0 Layer: 3 0 "Test" 1 DisplaySize: -24 DisplayLayer: 1 AntiAlias: 1 WinInfo: 64 16 4 FitToEm: 1 UseUniqueID: 0 UseXUID: 1 XUID: 3 18 21 Encoding: unicode Order2: 1 OnlyBitmaps: 0 MacStyle: 0 TeXData: 1 10485760 0 269484 134742 89828 526385 1048576 89828 CreationTime: 1151539072 ModificationTime: 11516487392 GaspTable 3 8 2 16 1 65535 3 0 DEI: 91125 ExtremaBound: 30 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 274 1.4
Split-C - Programming language Split-C ======= Split-C is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #2907 on PLDB 29 Years Old Split-C is a parallel extension of the C programming language. The Split-C project website describes Split-C as: a parallel extension of the C programming language that supports efficient access to a global address space on current distributed memory multiprocessors. It retains the "small language" character of C and supports careful engineering and optimization of programs by providing a simple, predictable cost model. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Split-C happened in University of California Berkeley - See also: (2 related languages) C, CIL - Read more about Split-C on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
sporth - Programming language sporth ====== sporth is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2381 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A small stack-based audio language. - Tags: programming language - sporth is developed on GitHub and has 12 stars - Early development of sporth happened in - Read more about sporth on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
SPRINT - Programming language SPRINT ====== SPRINT is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3594 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPRINT happened in University of Pennsylvania - SPRINT on HOPL SPRINT on HOPL - Read more about SPRINT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Sprite Operating System - Operating system Sprite Operating System ======================= Sprite Operating System is an operating system created in 1984. 1984 #4566 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: operating system - Early development of Sprite Operating System happened in University of California Berkeley - Sprite Operating System is written in C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 103 0.5
spry - Programming language spry ==== spry is a programming language created in 2015 by Göran Krampe. 2015 Göran Krampe #643 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Spry borrows homoiconicity from Rebol and Lisp, free form syntax from Forth and Rebol, the word of different types from Rebol, good data structure literal support from JavaScript and the general coding experience and style from Smalltalk. It also has a few ideas of its own, like an interesting argument passing mechanism and a relatively novel take on OO. - Tags: programming language - spry is developed on GitHub and has 389 stars - Early development of spry happened in - spry is written in Bourne shell, Nim, JavaScript, Markdown, Python, HTML, R, YAML, JSON # Let's add a method to:do: that works as in Smalltalk. # Methods take the first argument, the "receiver", from the left # and binds it to "self". to:do: = method [:to :block n = self [n <= to] whileTrue: [ do block n ..n = (n + 1)]] # Then we can loop in Smalltalk style echoing 1 to 5! 1 to: 5 do: [echo :x] # We can similarly implement select: from Smalltalk select: = method [:pred result = ([] clone) self reset [self end?] whileFalse: [ n = (self next) do pred n then: [result add: n]] ^result] # Then use it to produce [3 4] echo ([1 2 3 4] select: [:x > 2]) #48!#65!#6c!#6c!#6f!#20!#57!#6f!#72!#6c!#64! Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 371 1.9
Symbolic Programming System - Programming language Symbolic Programming System =========================== Symbolic Programming System, aka Symbolic Programming System, is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #3595 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Symbolic Programming System happened in IBM - Symbolic Programming System on HOPL Symbolic Programming System on HOPL - Read more about Symbolic Programming System on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
SPSS - Programming language SPSS ==== SPSS is a programming language created in 1968 by Norman H. Nie and C. Hadlai Hull and Dale H. Bent. 1968 Norman H. Nie C. Hadlai Hull Dale H. Bent #65 on PLDB 56 Years Old SPSS Statistics is a software package used for logical batched and non-batched statistical analysis. Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. The current versions (2015) are officially named IBM SPSS Statistics. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SPSS happened in SPSS Inc - SPSS on HOPL SPSS on HOPL - SPSS appears in the TIOBE Index - has 25 matches for "spss developer". - See also: (10 related languages) Linux, Java, Python, Visual Basic, R, ASCII, SQL, HTML, XML, Unix - 2 PLDB concepts link to SPSS: JSL, Tea BEGIN PROGRAM. print "Hello World" END PROGRAM. * SPSS Syntax * "Hello World" title in the Output Window of SPSS via SPSS Syntax. TITLE 'Hello World'. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example * A comment where first character must be *. Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 353 1.8
Spyder - Editor Spyder ====== Spyder is an open source editor created in 2009. 2009 #1539 on PLDB 15 Years Old Spyder is an open source cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) for scientific programming in the Python language. Spyder integrates with a number of prominent packages in the scientific Python stack, including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, pandas, IPython, SymPy and Cython, as well as other open source software. It is released under the MIT license.Initially created and developed by Pierre Raybaut in 2009, since 2012 Spyder has been maintained and continuously improved by a team of scientific Python developers and the community. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - Early development of Spyder happened in - See also: (10 related languages) Python, Qt, Linux, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Cython, Regular Expressions, Vim Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
SQHTML - Programming language SQHTML ====== SQHTML is a programming language created in 2022 by Katrina Grace. 2022 Katrina Grace #2411 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone The worst way to build a website - Tags: programming language - SQHTML is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Early development of SQHTML happened in - SQHTML is written in SQL, PHP, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
SQL-92 - Programming language SQL-92 ====== SQL-92 is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #2166 on PLDB 32 Years Old SQL-92 was the third revision of the SQL database query language. Unlike SQL-89, it was a major revision of the standard. Aside from a few minor incompatibilities, the SQL-89 standard is forward-compatible with SQL-92. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SQL-92 happened in IBM - SQL-92 on HOPL SQL-92 on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) SQL, C, Ada, MUMPS, SQL/PSM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
SQL/PSM - Programming language SQL/PSM ======= SQL/PSM is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3239 on PLDB 28 Years Old SQL/PSM (SQL/Persistent Stored Modules) is an ISO standard mainly defining an extension of SQL with a procedural language for use in stored procedures. Initially published in 1996 as an extension of SQL-92 (ISO/IEC 9075-4:1996, a version sometimes called PSM-96 or even SQL-92/PSM), SQL/PSM was later incorporated into the multi-part SQL:1999 standard, and has been part 4 of that standard since then, most recently in SQL:2016. The SQL:1999 part 4 covered less than the original PSM-96 because the SQL statements for defining, managing, and invoking routines were actually incorporated into part 2 SQL/Foundation, leaving only the procedural language itself as SQL/PSM. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SQL/PSM happened in ISO - See also: (10 related languages) MySQL, MariaDB, SQLPL, Ada, SQL, SQL-92, PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL, PostgreSQL, Transact-SQL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
SQL - Query language SQL === SQL, aka Structured Query Language, is a query language created in 1974 by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. 1974 Donald D. Chamberlin Raymond F. Boyce #15 on PLDB 50 Years Old 1k Repos SQL ( ( listen) ESS-kew-EL or ( listen) SEE-kwəl or SKWEEL, Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). In comparison to older read/write APIs like ISAM or VSAM, SQL offers two main advantages: first, it introduced the concept of accessing many records with one single command; and second, it eliminates the need to specify how to reach a record, e.g. with or without an index. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - There are at least 1,222 SQL repos on GitHub - Early development of SQL happened in IBM - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 602 users using SQL in 641 repos on GitHub - There are 124 Project Euler users using SQL - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey SQL programmers reported a median salary of $56,228. 47% of respondents reported using SQL. 38,835 programmers reported using SQL, and 26,631 said they wanted to use it - Explore SQL snippets on Rosetta Code - SQL on HOPL SQL on HOPL - SQL ranks #9 in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting SQL - Monaco package for syntax highlighting SQL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SQL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SQL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for SQL - has 147,983 matches for "sql developer". - See also: (26 related languages) SQL-92, Datalog, LINQ, PowerShell, C, SQL/PSM, SQLPL, Transact-SQL, MySQL, PL/SQL, Ada, PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL, Java, Perl, Python, Tcl, JavaScript, XML, XQuery, .QL, ISBL, QUEL, MUMPS, ISBN, DOI - 52 PLDB concepts link to SQL: Ace Editor, Apache Arrow, atomspace, Ballerina, Bucardo, categorical-query-language, cloc, dexvis, Differential Datalog, DRAKON, Eiffel, Erlang, Factor, gogs-editor, Haxe Library Manager, HHVM, Ibis, Impala, Java, Kefir, Lil, Links, Logica, mal, Mastodon, Mindsdb, nesC, Nim, Node.js, Openverse, Particles, partiql, Perl, PgBouncer, PostgreSQL, PRQL, Pygments, Amazon Redshift, Revolution, SDMS, Slony, SourcePawn, SQHTML, tornado, TQL, ultralisp-pm, UrWeb, V, wasmer, Wasp, YAWL, Yes It Is SELECT 'Hello World'; # Hello World in SQL SELECT 'Hello World'; --this is the most basic oracle sql command select * from dual; ADD ALL ALLOCATE ALTER AND ANY ARE AS ASC ASSERTION AT AUTHORIZATION AVG BEGIN BETWEEN BIT BOOLEAN BOTH BY CALL CASCADE CASCADED CASE CAST CHAR CHARACTER CHECK CLOSE COLLATE COLLATION COLUMN COMMIT CONNECT CONNECTION CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINTS CONTINUE CONVERT CORRESPONDING COUNT CREATE CURRENT CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURSOR DEALLOCATE DEC DECIMAL DECLARE DEFERRABLE DEFERRED DELETE DESC DESCRIBE DIAGNOSTICS DISCONNECT DISTINCT DOUBLE DROP ELSE END ENDEXEC ESCAPE EXCEPT EXCEPTION EXEC EXECUTE EXISTS EXPLAIN EXTERNAL FALSE FETCH FIRST FLOAT FOR FOREIGN FOUND FROM FULL FUNCTION GET GET_CURRENT_CONNECTION GLOBAL GO GOTO GRANT GROUP HAVING HOUR IDENTITY IMMEDIATE IN INDICATOR INITIALLY INNER INOUT INPUT INSENSITIVE INSERT INT INTEGER INTERSECT INTO IS ISOLATION JOIN KEY LAST LEFT LIKE LONGINT LOWER LTRIM MATCH MAX MIN MINUTE NATIONAL NATURAL NCHAR NVARCHAR NEXT NO NOT NULL NULLIF NUMERIC OF ON ONLY OPEN OPTION OR ORDER OUT OUTER OUTPUT OVERLAPS PAD PARTIAL PREPARE PRESERVE PRIMARY PRIOR PRIVILEGES PROCEDURE PUBLIC READ REAL REFERENCES RELATIVE RESTRICT REVOKE RIGHT ROLLBACK ROWS RTRIM SCHEMA SCROLL SECOND SELECT SESSION_USER SET SMALLINT SOME SPACE SQL SQLCODE SQLERROR SQLSTATE SUBSTR SUBSTRING SUM SYSTEM_USER TABLE TEMPORARY TIMEZONE_HOUR TIMEZONE_MINUTE TO TRAILING TRANSACTION TRANSLATE TRANSLATION TRUE UNION UNIQUE UNKNOWN UPDATE UPPER USER USING VALUES VARCHAR VARYING VIEW WHENEVER WHERE WITH WORK WRITE XML XMLEXISTS XMLPARSE XMLSERIALIZE YEAR Language features ====================================================== row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- [0-9]+ Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token ' row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 835 4.2
Sqlalchemy - Query language Sqlalchemy ========== Sqlalchemy is a query language created in 2006 by Michael Bayer. 2006 Michael Bayer #331 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone The Database Toolkit for Python - Tags: queryLanguage - Sqlalchemy is developed on GitHub and has 9,224 stars - Early development of Sqlalchemy happened in - Sqlalchemy is written in Python, reStructuredText, YAML, Markdown, Ini, Make, Tex, TOML, Cython SELECT, movies.title, movies.year, movies.directed_by,, FROM movies LEFT OUTER JOIN directors ON = movies.directed_by Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
sqlar-format - Binary data format sqlar-format ============ sqlar-format is a binary data format created in 2014. 2014 #3596 on PLDB 10 Years Old This program (named "sqlar") operates much like "zip", except that the compressed archive it builds is stored in an SQLite database instead of a ZIP archive. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of sqlar-format happened in Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc - See also: (2 related languages) Gzip, Zip file format - Read more about sqlar-format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
sqlite-storage-format - Binary data format sqlite-storage-format ===================== sqlite-storage-format is a binary data format created in 2000. 2000 #4467 on PLDB 24 Years Old The complete state of an SQLite database is usually contained in a single file on disk called the "main database file". During a transaction, SQLite stores additional information in a second file called the "rollback journal", or if SQLite is in WAL mode, a write-ahead log file. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of sqlite-storage-format happened in Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc - Read more about sqlite-storage-format on the web: 1.,a%20write%2Dahead%20log%20file. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
SQLite - Query language SQLite ====== SQLite is an open source query language created in 2000 by Dwayne Richard Hipp. 2000 Dwayne Richard Hipp #113 on PLDB 24 Years Old SQLite ( or ) is a relational database management system contained in a C programming library. In contrast to many other database management systems, SQLite is not a client–server database engine. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Watch the history of the SQLite repo visualized with Gource - Early development of SQLite happened in Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc - SQLite is written in C - There are 2,744 members in the SQLite subreddit - ANTLR grammar for SQLite - Learn SQLite on exercism. - has 561 matches for "sqlite developer". - was registered in 2002 - See also: (61 related languages) C, SQL, PostgreSQL, Tcl, JSON, SQL-92, Perl, Unicode, JScript, VBScript, Django, Drupal, Ruby on Rails, Solaris, Android, FreeBSD, iOS, AutoIt, BASIC, FreeBASIC, PureBasic, Visual Basic .NET, Xojo, C#, Clipper, Curl, D, Elixir, Emacs Lisp, F#, Go, Haskell, Haxe, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Lisp, Common Lisp, OpenLisp, LiveCode, LabVIEW G, Lua, MATLAB, Nim, Objective-C, OCaml, Pascal, Free Pascal, Delphi, PHP, Pike, Python, R, Racket, REBOL, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, Swift, ISBN, DOI - Read more about SQLite on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to SQLite: Project Mentat SELECT 'Hello, world!'; ABORT ACTION ADD AFTER ALL ALTER ANALYZE AND AS ASC ATTACH AUTOINCREMENT BEFORE BEGIN BETWEEN BY CASCADE CASE CAST CHECK COLLATE COLUMN COMMIT CONFLICT CONSTRAINT CREATE CROSS CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DATABASE DEFAULT DEFERRABLE DEFERRED DELETE DESC DETACH DISTINCT DROP EACH ELSE END ESCAPE EXCEPT EXCLUSIVE EXISTS EXPLAIN FAIL FOR FOREIGN FROM FULL GLOB GROUP HAVING IF IGNORE IMMEDIATE IN INDEX INDEXED INITIALLY INNER INSERT INSTEAD INTERSECT INTO IS ISNULL JOIN KEY LEFT LIKE LIMIT MATCH NATURAL NO NOT NOTNULL NULL OF OFFSET ON OR ORDER OUTER PLAN PRAGMA PRIMARY QUERY RAISE RECURSIVE REFERENCES REGEXP REINDEX RELEASE RENAME REPLACE RESTRICT RIGHT ROLLBACK ROW SAVEPOINT SELECT SET TABLE TEMP TEMPORARY THEN TO TRANSACTION TRIGGER UNION UNIQUE UPDATE USING VACUUM VALUES VIEW VIRTUAL WHEN WHERE WITH WITHOUT Language features ====================================================== row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 464 2.3
SQLMP - Programming language SQLMP ===== SQLMP is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3180 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SQLMP happened in Texas A&M University - SQLMP on HOPL SQLMP on HOPL - Read more about SQLMP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - Read more about SQLMP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
SQLPL - Programming language SQLPL ===== SQLPL is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #1403 on PLDB 15 Years Old 8k Repos SQL PL stands for Structured Query Language Procedural Language and was developed by IBM as a set of commands that extend the use of SQL in the IBM DB2 (DB2 UDB Version 7) database system. It provides procedural programmability in addition to the querying commands of SQL. It is a subset of the SQL Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM) language standard. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 7,609 SQLPL repos on GitHub - Early development of SQLPL happened in IBM - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5k users using SQLPL in 5k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SQLPL - See also: (3 related languages) SQL, SQL/PSM, PL/SQL create procedure sleep (in sleeptime integer) begin declare wait_until timestamp; set wait_until = (current timestamp + sleeptime seconds); while (wait_until > current timestamp) do end while; end! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 232 1.2
Structured Query Reporter - Programming language Structured Query Reporter ========================= Structured Query Reporter, aka Structured Query Reporter, is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #927 on PLDB 44 Years Old SQR (Hyperion SQR Production Reporting, Part of OBIEE) is a programming language designed for generating reports from database management systems. The name is an acronym of Structured Query Reporter, which suggests its relationship to SQL (Structured Query Language). Any SQL statement can be embedded in an SQR program.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Structured Query Reporter happened in Gupta Technologies, LLC - Structured Query Reporter appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (3 related languages) SQL, C, COBOL ! Hello World in SQR begin-program print 'Hello, World.' (1,1) end-program Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token ! row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
SQRL - Query language SQRL ==== SQRL, aka Smyte Query and Rules Language, is a query language created in 2018 by Josh Yudaken and Pete Hunt and Julian Tempelsman and Paul Mou and Yunjing Xu and David Newman. 2018 Josh Yudaken Pete Hunt Julian Tempelsman Paul Mou Yunjing Xu David Newman #1119 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone SQRL was the language designed by Smyte, and later acquired by Twitter in 2018. It is a safe, stateful language for event streams, designed to make it easy to enforce anti-abuse rules. - Tags: queryLanguage - SQRL is developed on GitHub and has 113 stars - Early development of SQRL happened in Smyte - SQRL is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, EJS, SCSS, YAML, JSX, Bash, SVG, CSS, Python, Dockerfile - Read more about SQRL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. LET Username := input(); LET Message := concat("Hello, ", Username, "!"); EOF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 285 1.4
SQUARE - Programming language SQUARE ====== SQUARE is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #3597 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SQUARE happened in IBM and Massachusettes Institute of Technology - SQUARE on HOPL SQUARE on HOPL - Read more about SQUARE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Squeak - Programming language Squeak ====== Squeak is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #728 on PLDB 28 Years Old The Squeak programming language is a dialect of Smalltalk. It is object-oriented, class-based, and reflective. It was derived directly from Smalltalk-80 by a group at Apple Computer that included some of the original Smalltalk-80 developers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Squeak happened in Apple and Disney - Squeak appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 1999 - See also: (11 related languages) Smalltalk, Newsqueak, iOS, Pharo, Lisp, Logo, Simula, Self, Etoys, Scratch, Linux "Hello world in Squeak" Transcript show: 'Hello World' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
SquidConf - Config format SquidConf ========= SquidConf is a config format created in 1996. 1996 #2589 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: configFormat - Early development of SquidConf happened in Internet Research Task Force - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SquidConf - Read more about SquidConf on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. access_log acl always_direct announce_host announce_period announce_port announce_to anonymize_headers append_domain as_whois_server auth_param_basic authenticate_children authenticate_program authenticate_ttl broken_posts buffered_logs cache_access_log cache_announce cache_dir cache_dns_program cache_effective_group cache_effective_user cache_host cache_host_acl cache_host_domain cache_log cache_mem cache_mem_high cache_mem_low cache_mgr cachemgr_passwd cache_peer cache_peer_access cache_replacement_policy cache_stoplist cache_stoplist_pattern cache_store_log cache_swap cache_swap_high cache_swap_log cache_swap_low client_db client_lifetime client_netmask connect_timeout coredump_dir dead_peer_timeout debug_options delay_access delay_class delay_initial_bucket_level delay_parameters delay_pools deny_info dns_children dns_defnames dns_nameservers dns_testnames emulate_httpd_log err_html_text fake_user_agent firewall_ip forwarded_for forward_snmpd_port fqdncache_size ftpget_options ftpget_program ftp_list_width ftp_passive ftp_user half_closed_clients header_access header_replace hierarchy_stoplist high_response_time_warning high_page_fault_warning hosts_file htcp_port http_access http_anonymizer httpd_accel httpd_accel_host httpd_accel_port httpd_accel_uses_host_header httpd_accel_with_proxy http_port http_reply_access icp_access icp_hit_stale icp_port icp_query_timeout ident_lookup ident_lookup_access ident_timeout incoming_http_average incoming_icp_average inside_firewall ipcache_high ipcache_low ipcache_size local_domain local_ip logfile_rotate log_fqdn log_icp_queries log_mime_hdrs maximum_object_size maximum_single_addr_tries mcast_groups mcast_icp_query_timeout mcast_miss_addr mcast_miss_encode_key mcast_miss_port memory_pools memory_pools_limit memory_replacement_policy mime_table min_http_poll_cnt min_icp_poll_cnt minimum_direct_hops minimum_object_size minimum_retry_timeout miss_access negative_dns_ttl negative_ttl neighbor_timeout neighbor_type_domain netdb_high netdb_low netdb_ping_period netdb_ping_rate never_direct no_cache passthrough_proxy pconn_timeout pid_filename pinger_program positive_dns_ttl prefer_direct proxy_auth proxy_auth_realm query_icmp quick_abort quick_abort_max quick_abort_min quick_abort_pct range_offset_limit read_timeout redirect_children redirect_program redirect_rewrites_host_header reference_age refresh_pattern reload_into_ims request_body_max_size request_size request_timeout shutdown_lifetime single_parent_bypass siteselect_timeout snmp_access snmp_incoming_address snmp_port source_ping ssl_proxy store_avg_object_size store_objects_per_bucket strip_query_terms swap_level1_dirs swap_level2_dirs tcp_incoming_address tcp_outgoing_address tcp_recv_bufsize test_reachability udp_hit_obj udp_hit_obj_size udp_incoming_address udp_outgoing_address unique_hostname unlinkd_program uri_whitespace useragent_log visible_hostname wais_relay wais_relay_host wais_relay_port Language features ====================================================== row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 326 1.6
squiggle - Programming language squiggle ======== squiggle is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1652 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone NO LONGER IN DEVELOPMENT - Tags: programming language - squiggle is developed on GitHub and has 27 stars - Early development of squiggle happened in - squiggle is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, HTML, Bourne shell, YAML, Ruby - was registered in 2015 HackerNews discussions of squiggle ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Squiggle||11/07/2015|2|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Squire - Programming language Squire ====== Squire is a programming language created in 2021 by Sam Westerman. 2021 Sam Westerman #2053 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone The medieval language held together by twine. - Tags: programming language - Squire is developed on GitHub and has 60 stars - Early development of Squire happened in - Squire is written in C, Markdown, Make, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Squirrel - Programming language Squirrel ======== Squirrel is an open source programming language created in 2003 by Alberto Demichelis. 2003 Alberto Demichelis #152 on PLDB 21 Years Old 2k Repos git clone Squirrel is a high level imperative, object-oriented programming language, designed to be a light-weight scripting language that fits in the size, memory bandwidth, and real-time requirements of applications like video games and hardware such as Electric Imp. MirthKit, a simple toolkit for making and distributing open source, cross-platform 2D games, uses Squirrel for its platform. It is used extensively by Code::Blocks for scripting and was also used in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Squirrel is developed on GitHub and has 895 stars - There are at least 1,513 Squirrel repos on GitHub - Early development of Squirrel happened in - Squirrel is written in reStructuredText, C++, Squirrel, Make, CMake, C, YAML, Python - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 284 users using Squirrel in 433 repos on GitHub - There are 42 Project Euler users using Squirrel - Explore Squirrel snippets on Rosetta Code - Squirrel appears in the TIOBE Index - Squirrel Ubuntu package Squirrel Ubuntu package - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Squirrel - Squirrel appears in the Quine Relay project - was registered in 2005 - See also: (5 related languages) JavaScript, Lua, Python, MiniD, Ruby - 2 PLDB concepts link to Squirrel: cloc, Squirrel print("Hello, world!\n") print("Hello World"); #!/usr/bin/squirrelsh // Hello world in Squirrel printl("Hello, world!"); //example from local table = { a = "10" subtable = { array = [1,2,3] }, [10 + 123] = "expression index" } local array=[ 1, 2, 3, { a = 10, b = "string" } ]; foreach (i,val in array) { ::print("the type of val is"+typeof val); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// class Entity { constructor(etype,entityname) { name = entityname; type = etype; } x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; name = null; type = null; } function Entity::MoveTo(newx,newy,newz) { x = newx; y = newy; z = newz; } class Player extends Entity { constructor(entityname) { base.constructor("Player",entityname) } function DoDomething() { ::print("something"); } } local newplayer = Player("da playar"); newplayer.MoveTo(100,200,300); class BaseVector { constructor(...) { if(vargv.len() >= 3) { x = vargv[0]; y = vargv[1]; z = vargv[2]; } } x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; } class Vector3 extends BaseVector { function _add(other) { if(other instanceof ::Vector3) return ::Vector3(x+other.x,y+other.y,z+other.z); else throw "wrong parameter"; } function Print() { ::print(x+","+y+","+z+"\n"); } } local v0 = Vector3(1,2,3) local v1 = Vector3(11,12,13) local v2 = v0 + v1; v2.Print(); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 611 3.1
SQUOZE - Binary data format SQUOZE ====== SQUOZE is a binary data format created in 1958. 1958 #3286 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of SQUOZE happened in IBM - SQUOZE on HOPL SQUOZE on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
SQURL - Programming language SQURL ===== SQURL is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #4468 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SQURL happened in Texas Christian University - SQURL on HOPL SQURL on HOPL - Read more about SQURL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
SR - Programming language SR == SR is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3743 on PLDB 36 Years Old SR (short for Synchronizing Resources) is a programming language designed for concurrent programming. Resources encapsulate processes and the variables they share, and can be separately compiled. Operations provide the primary mechanism for process interaction. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of SR happened in University of Arizona - See also: (1 related languages) Occam Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
SR - Programming language SR == SR is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3598 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of SR happened in Vrije Universiteit - SR on HOPL SR on HOPL - Read more about SR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
SRecode Template - Text markup language SRecode Template ================ SRecode Template is a text markup language created in 2000. 2000 #1048 on PLDB 24 Years Old 705k Repos Semantic Recoder (or SRecode) is a template manager and code generator that is a part of CEDET. - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 705,466 SRecode Template repos on GitHub - Early development of SRecode Template happened in Free Software Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 160 users using SRecode Template in 163 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SRecode Template - Read more about SRecode Template on the web: 1. 1. ;;; --- Template for linguist-example-mode ;; Not copyrighted whatsoever. ;; ;; GPL can bite my shiny metal ass. ;; ;; GitHub: 1 ;; Stallman: 0 set mode "default" set comment_start ";" set LICENSE "It's public domain, baby. This was written for the sole purpose of the format's inclusion and recognition by GitHub Linguist. This block of multiline text was added because every other .srt file I could find was GPL-licensed and had long-winded copyright blobs in the file's header. Also, check out my sick line-wrapping abilities." set DOLLAR "TEMPLATEquot; context file template license ---- {{LICENSE:srecode-comment-prefix}} ---- template filecomment :file :user :time ---- {{comment_start}} {{FILENAME}} --- {{^}} {{comment_prefix}} YUO WAN GPL? {{comment_prefix}} {{comment_prefix}} Copyright (C) {{YEAR}} {{?AUTHOR}} {{comment_prefix}} {{comment_prefix}} TUO BAD {{comment_prefix}} WE EXPAT PEOPLE {{comment_prefix}} {{EXPLETIVE}} YOU! {{>:copyright}} {{comment_end}} ---- ;; end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 348 1.7
SRL - Query language SRL === SRL, aka Simple Regex Language, is an open source query language created in 2016 by Karim Geiger. 2016 Karim Geiger #518 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Simple Regex Language - Tags: queryLanguage - SRL is developed on GitHub and has 1,800 stars - Early development of SRL happened in - SRL is written in PHP, Markdown, JSON, XML, YAML - was registered in 2016 begin with any of (digit, letter, one of "._%+-") once or more, literally "@", any of (digit, letter, one of ".-") once or more, literally ".", letter at least 2 times, must end, case insensitive Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
srv - Interface design language srv === srv is an interface design language created in 2010. 2010 #3069 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: interface design language - Early development of srv happened in Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc #request constants int8 FOO=1 int8 BAR=2 #request fields int8 foobar another_pkg/AnotherMessage msg --- #response constants uint32 SECRET=123456 #response fields another_pkg/YetAnotherMessage val CustomMessageDefinedInThisPackage value uint32 an_integer Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Secure Scuttlebutt - Protocol Secure Scuttlebutt ================== Secure Scuttlebutt is a protocol created in 2014. 2014 #657 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone The gossip and replication server for Secure Scuttlebutt - a distributed social network - Tags: protocol - Secure Scuttlebutt is developed on GitHub and has 1,687 stars - Early development of Secure Scuttlebutt happened in - Secure Scuttlebutt is written in JavaScript, JSON, YAML, Markdown - 1 PLDB concepts link to Secure Scuttlebutt: Farcaster Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Boston College Statistical Software Components - Package manager Boston College Statistical Software Components ============================================== Boston College Statistical Software Components is a package manager created in 1996. 1996 #2508 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Boston College Statistical Software Components happened in UK Higher Education Funding Councils - Read more about Boston College Statistical Software Components on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Script.NET - Programming language Script.NET ========== Script.NET is an open source programming language created in 2007. 2007 #779 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Script.NET or S# is a metaprogramming language that provides scripting functionality in Microsoft .NET applications, allowing runtime execution of custom functionality, similar to VBA in Microsoft Office applications. The syntax of Script.NET is similar to JavaScript. It is designed to be simple and efficient scripting language allowing to customize .NET applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Script.NET is developed on GitHub and has 124 stars - Early development of Script.NET happened in - Script.NET is written in C#, XML, YAML, JSON - See also: (5 related languages) JavaScript, VBA, Boo, Jython, Nemerle function Push(item) [ //Limit to 10 items pre(me{{Not a typo|.}}Count < 10 ); post(); invariant(); ] { //me is mutated object, //stack in this case me.Push(item); } function Pop() [//Check emptiness hardik pre(me{{Not a typo|.}}Count > 0); post(); invariant(); ] { return me.Pop(); } stack = new Stack<|int|>(); //Create Mutant hardik //1. Set Functions, override stack{{Not a typo|.}}Push mObject=[Push->Push,PopCheck->Pop]; //2. Capture object mObject.Mutate(stack); for (i=0; i<5; i++) mObject.Push(i); Console.WriteLine((string)mObject.PopCheck()); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 332 1.7
SSI - Template language SSI === SSI, aka Server Side Includes, is a template language created in 2004. 2004 #1695 on PLDB 20 Years Old Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple interpreted server-side scripting language used almost exclusively for the Web. Code is processed by web servers. The most frequent use of SSI is to include the contents of one or more files into a web page on a web server. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Early development of SSI happened in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - See also: (3 related languages) HTML, Nginx, Edge Side Includes Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
ssl-lang - Programming language ssl-lang ======== ssl-lang is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #3181 on PLDB 48 Years Old SSL (Software Specification Language) is a new formalism for the definition of specifications for software systems. The language provides a linear format for the representation of the information normally displayed in a two-dimensional module inter-dependency diagram. In comparing SSL to FORTRAN or ALGOL, it is found to be largely complementary to the algorithmic (procedural) languages. SSL is capable of representing explicitly module interconnections and global data flow, information which is deeply imbedded in the algorithmic languages. On the other hand, SSL is not designed to depict the control flow within modules. The SSL level of software design explicitly depicts intermodule data flow as a functional specification. - Tags: programming language - Early development of ssl-lang happened in Science Applications, Inc - Read more about ssl-lang on the web: 1. 1. a+b* 3.0 * sin ( r + 1.0) 2 * (ifix(c) + blank_coinmon.icount) name. feldl name set + [oe, fred) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
SSL - Protocol SSL === SSL, aka Secure Sockets Layer, is a protocol created in 1994. 1994 #3182 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Early development of SSL happened in Netscape - Read more about SSL on the web: 1.,_2.0_and_3.0 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
Speech Synthesis Markup Language - Xml format Speech Synthesis Markup Language ================================ Speech Synthesis Markup Language is a xml format created in 2010. 2010 #2831 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Early development of Speech Synthesis Markup Language happened in W3C - Read more about Speech Synthesis Markup Language on the web: 1. 1. <?xml version="1.0"?> <speak xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" version="1.0"> <metadata> <dc:title xml:lang="en">Telephone Menu: Level 1</dc:title> </metadata> <p> <s xml:lang="en-US"> <voice name="David" gender="male" age="25"> For English, press <emphasis>one</emphasis>. </voice> </s> <s xml:lang="es-MX"> <voice name="Miguel" gender="male" age="25"> Para español, oprima el <emphasis>dos</emphasis>. </voice> </s> </p> </speak> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 265 1.3
stacklang - Programming language stacklang ========= stacklang is a programming language created in 2018 by Justin Hu. 2018 Justin Hu #2392 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Stack-based interpreted programming language inspired by Racket - Tags: programming language - stacklang is developed on GitHub and has 4 stars - Early development of stacklang happened in University of British Columbia - stacklang is written in C++, HTML, Pascal, Markdown, Python, Make, JSON, JavaScript, CSS, XML, YAML, SVG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Stackless Python - Interpreter Stackless Python ================ Stackless Python is an interpreter created in 1998. 1998 #2323 on PLDB 26 Years Old Stackless Python, or Stackless, is a Python programming language interpreter, so named because it avoids depending on the C call stack for its own stack. In practice, Stackless Python uses the C stack, but the stack is cleared between function calls . The most prominent feature of Stackless is microthreads, which avoid much of the overhead associated with usual operating system threads. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: interpreter - Early development of Stackless Python happened in - See also: (6 related languages) C, Python, Linux, Erlang, Limbo, Go Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
STAGE2 - Programming language STAGE2 ====== STAGE2 is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4469 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STAGE2 happened in University of Colorado - STAGE2 on HOPL STAGE2 on HOPL - Read more about STAGE2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Stalin - Compiler Stalin ====== Stalin is an open source compiler created in 2006 by Jeffrey Mark Siskind. 2006 Jeffrey Mark Siskind #2338 on PLDB 18 Years Old Stalin (STAtic Language ImplementatioN) is an aggressive optimizing batch whole-program Scheme compiler written by Jeffrey Mark Siskind. It uses advanced flow analysis and type inference and a variety of other optimization techniques to produce code. Stalin is intended for production use in generating an optimized executable. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - Early development of Stalin happened in Purdue University - See also: (2 related languages) Scheme, CHICKEN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Stan - Programming language Stan ==== Stan is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #597 on PLDB 12 Years Old 774 Repos Stan is a probabilistic programming language for statistical inference written in C++. The Stan language is used to specify a (Bayesian) statistical model with an imperative program calculating the log probability density function. Stan is licensed under the New BSD License. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 774 Stan repos on GitHub - Early development of Stan happened in - Stan is written in C++ - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 134 users using Stan in 154 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Stan - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Stan - See also: (4 related languages) IA-32, R, MATLAB, Stata data { int<lower=0> N; vector[N] incumbency_88; vector[N] vote_86; vector[N] vote_88; } parameters { vector[3] beta; real<lower=0> sigma; } model { vote_88 ~ normal(beta[1] + beta[2] * vote_86 + beta[3] * incumbency_88,sigma); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 275 1.4
Standard Lisp - Programming language Standard Lisp ============= Standard Lisp is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4470 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Standard Lisp happened in University of Utah - Standard Lisp on HOPL Standard Lisp on HOPL - Read more about Standard Lisp on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Standard ML - Programming language Standard ML =========== Standard ML is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #132 on PLDB 34 Years Old 392k Repos Standard ML (SML; Standard Meta Language) is a general-purpose, modular, functional programming language with compile-time type checking and type inference. It is popular among compiler writers and programming language researchers, as well as in the development of theorem provers. SML is a modern dialect of ML, the programming language used in the Logic for Computable Functions (LCF) theorem-proving project. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 392,047 Standard ML repos on GitHub - Early development of Standard ML happened in Bell Labs and Princeton University - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Standard ML in 2k repos on GitHub - Standard ML appears in the TIOBE Index - Standard ML Ubuntu package Standard ML Ubuntu package - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Standard ML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Standard ML - Standard ML appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Standard ML on exercism. - was registered in 2014 - See also: (19 related languages) Alice, DML, HOPE, Elm, F*, OCaml, Rust, Scala, ML, Caml, C, POPLOG, Pop-11, Common Lisp, Prolog, Emacs, Isabelle, Extended ML, F# - Read more about Standard ML on the web: 1. 1. - 11 PLDB concepts link to Standard ML: Elpi, invokator, jonprl, k-framework, mal, mlpolyr, MLscript, mythryl, Pygments, redprl, UrWeb print "Hello, world!\n"; fun hello() = print("Hello World\n"); hello() signature LAZY_BASE = sig type 'a lazy exception Undefined val force: 'a lazy -> 'a val delay: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a lazy val undefined: 'a lazy end signature LAZY' = sig include LAZY_BASE val isUndefined: 'a lazy -> bool val inject : 'a -> 'a lazy val toString: ('a -> string) -> 'a lazy -> string val eq: ''a lazy * ''a lazy -> bool val eqBy: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a lazy * 'a lazy -> bool val compare: ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a lazy * 'a lazy -> order val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a lazy -> 'b lazy structure Ops: sig val ! : 'a lazy -> 'a (* force *) val ? : 'a -> 'a lazy (* inject *) end end - haar [1, 2, 3, 4, ~4, ~3, ~2, ~1]; val it = [0,20,4,4,~1,~1,~1,~1] : int list Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 551 2.8
STAPLE - Programming language STAPLE ====== STAPLE is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4471 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STAPLE happened in National Bureau of Standards - STAPLE on HOPL STAPLE on HOPL - Read more about STAPLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
*Prolog - Programming language *Prolog ======= *Prolog is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4472 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of *Prolog happened in Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and University of Amsterdam - *Prolog on HOPL *Prolog on HOPL - Read more about *Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
Star - Programming language Star ==== Star is a programming language created in 2021 by ALANVF. 2021 ALANVF #1919 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone An experimental programming language that's made to be powerful, productive, and predictable - Tags: programming language - Star is developed on GitHub and has 118 stars - Early development of Star happened in - Star is written in Haxe, Nim, JSON, Markdown, Vim script, Raku, PowerShell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
starlark - Programming language starlark ======== starlark is a programming language created in 2018 by Laurent Le Brun. 2018 Laurent Le Brun #117 on PLDB 6 Years Old 3k Repos git clone The language used in Bazel. Starlark is designed to be small, simple, and thread-safe. Although it is inspired from Python, it is not a general-purpose language and most Python features are not included. Starlark is syntactically a subset of Python 3 - Tags: programming language - starlark is developed on GitHub and has 2,392 stars - There are at least 3,423 starlark repos on GitHub - Early development of starlark happened in - starlark is written in Markdown, Python, Bazel, YAML, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 562 users using starlark in 1k repos on GitHub - Read more about starlark on the web: 1. 1. - 18 PLDB concepts link to starlark: asterius-compiler, Bazel, Cap'n Proto, Carbon, Claro, cloc, Closure Templates, FlatBuffers, JFlex, Jsonnet, Kubernetes, MongoDB, Node.js, PCRE, PyTorch, TensorFlow, v8, YARA # Define a number number = 18 # Define a dictionary people = { "Alice": 22, "Bob": 40, "Charlie": 55, "Dave": 14, } names = ", ".join(people.keys()) # Alice, Bob, Charlie, Dave # Define a function def greet(name): """Return a greeting.""" return "Hello {}!".format(name) greeting = greet(names) above30 = [name for name, age in people.items() if age >= 30] print("{} people are above 30.".format(len(above30))) def fizz_buzz(n): """Print Fizz Buzz numbers from 1 to n.""" for i in range(1, n + 1): s = "" if i % 3 == 0: s += "Fizz" if i % 5 == 0: s += "Buzz" print(s if s else i) fizz_buzz(20) print("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 450 2.3
StarLogo - Programming language StarLogo ======== StarLogo is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3301 on PLDB 16 Years Old StarLogo is an agent-based simulation language developed by Mitchel Resnick, Eric Klopfer, and others at MIT Media Lab and MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program in Massachusetts. It is an extension of the Logo programming language, a dialect of Lisp. Designed for education, StarLogo can be used by students to model the behavior of decentralized systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language, simulation - Early development of StarLogo happened in MIT - See also: (9 related languages) Logo, NetLogo, Etoys, Lisp, Connection Machine, Java, Squeak, Smalltalk, Scratch Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
StarOffice Basic - Programming language StarOffice Basic ================ StarOffice Basic is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #2037 on PLDB 24 Years Old OpenOffice Basic (formerly known as StarOffice Basic or StarBasic or OOoBasic) is a dialect of the programming language BASIC that originated with the StarOffice office suite and spread through and derivatives such as LibreOffice (where it is known as LibreOffice Basic). The language is a domain-specific programming language which specifically serves the OpenOffice application suite.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of StarOffice Basic happened in Star Division - See also: (3 related languages) BASIC, VBA, ISBN Sub ParaCount ' ' Count number of paragraphs in a text document ' Dim Doc As Object, Enum As Object, TextEl As Object, Count As Long Doc = ThisComponent ' Is this a text document? If Not Doc.SupportsService("") Then MsgBox "This macro must be run from a text document", 64, "Error" Exit Sub End If Count = 0 ' Examine each component - paragraph or table? Enum = Doc.Text.CreateEnumeration While Enum.HasMoreElements TextEl = Enum.NextElement ' Is the component a paragraph? If TextEl.SupportsService("") Then Count = Count + 1 End If Wend 'Display result MsgBox Count, 0, "Paragraph Count" End Sub Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 330 1.6
starpial - Programming language starpial ======== starpial is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #1936 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Starpial is a stack-oriented functional logic programming language with OOP, recursive regex, dependent types, refinement types, and automatic parallelization based on transactions. - Tags: programming language - starpial is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Early development of starpial happened in - starpial is written in Markdown Language features ====================================================== row Feature Dependent types FeatureLink ../features/hasDependentTypes.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Stata - Programming language Stata ===== Stata is an open source programming language created in 1985 by William Gould. 1985 William Gould #134 on PLDB 39 Years Old 8k Repos Stata is a general-purpose statistical software package created in 1985 by StataCorp. Most of its users work in research, especially in the fields of economics, sociology, political science, biomedicine and epidemiology. Stata's capabilities include data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, regression, and custom programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 8,344 Stata repos on GitHub - Early development of Stata happened in StataCorp - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 867 users using Stata in 1k repos on GitHub - There are 16 Project Euler users using Stata - Explore Stata snippets on Rosetta Code - Stata appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Stata - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Stata - PLDB has 2 Jupyter Kernels for Stata:, - There is a central package repository for Stata - was registered in 1994 - See also: (4 related languages) C, Linux, ASCII, Microsoft Excel - Read more about Stata on the web: 1. 1. - 3 PLDB concepts link to Stata: cloc, JAL compiler, JSL /* Hello world in Stata */ .program hello 1. display "Hello, World!" 2. end .hello local MAXDIM 800 program define fizzbuzz args x forvalues i = 1(1)`x' { if mod(`i',15) == 0 { display "fizzbuzz" } else if mod(`i',5) == 0 { display "buzz" } else if mod(`i',3) == 0 { display "fizz" } else { display `i' } } end Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 406 2
statebox - Visual programming language statebox ======== statebox is a visual programming language created in 2008. 2008 #2509 on PLDB 16 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language statebox. - Tags: visual programming language - Early development of statebox happened in - was registered in 2008 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
Statemate - Programming language Statemate ========= Statemate is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3599 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Statemate happened in University of Colorado - Statemate on HOPL Statemate on HOPL - Read more about Statemate on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Static Typescript - Programming language Static Typescript ================= Static Typescript is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4473 on PLDB 5 Years Old We present Static TypeScript (STS), a subset of TypeScript (itself, a gradually typed superset of JavaScript), and its compiler/linker toolchain, which is implemented fully in TypeScript and runs in the web browser. - Tags: programming language - Static Typescript is a superset of TypeScript - Read more about Static Typescript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Statsplorer - Visual programming language Statsplorer =========== Statsplorer is a visual programming language created in 2014 by Krishna Subramanian and Chat Wacharamanotham. 2014 Krishna Subramanian Chat Wacharamanotham #1528 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone An application that allows users to do basic statistical analysis on-the-fly. - Tags: visual programming language - Statsplorer is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of Statsplorer happened in RWTH Aachen University - Statsplorer is written in JavaScript, R, HTML, CSS, SVG, CoffeeScript, Less, JSON, Markdown, CSV, XML, SCSS, Ruby - See also: (1 related languages) R - 1 PLDB concepts link to Statsplorer: Tea Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
SQF - Programming language SQF === SQF is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1276 on PLDB 22 Years Old 6k Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 5,963 SQF repos on GitHub - Early development of SQF happened in Bohemia Interactive a.s - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 405 users using SQF in 609 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SQF - Read more about SQF on the web: 1. 1. _num = 10; _num = _num + 20; systemChat str _num; #include <version.hqf> #define SET(VAR,VALUE) private #VAR; VAR = VALUE; #define CONV(VAR,ARRAY,POOL) VAR = ARRAY select (POOL find VAR); #define ALL_HITPOINTS_MAN [ \ "HitHead", "HitBody", \ "HitLeftArm", "HitRightArm", \ "HitLeftLeg","HitRightLeg" \ ] #define ALL_HITPOINTS_VEH [ \ "HitBody", "HitHull", "HitEngine", "HitFuel", \ "HitTurret", "HitGun", \ "HitLTrack", "HitRTrack", \ "HitLFWheel", "HitRFWheel", "HitLF2Wheel", "HitRF2Wheel", "HitLMWheel", "HitRMWheel", "HitLBWheel", "HitRBWheel", \ "HitAvionics", "HitHRotor", "HitVRotor", \ "HitRGlass", "HitLGlass", "HitGlass1", "HitGlass2", "HitGlass3", "HitGlass4", "HitGlass5", "HitGlass6" \ ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 275 1.4
status-quo-script - Programming language status-quo-script ================= status-quo-script is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4932 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about status-quo-script on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
Steinhaus-Moser notation - Notation Steinhaus-Moser notation ======================== Steinhaus-Moser notation is a notation created in 1969. 1969 #3291 on PLDB 55 Years Old In mathematics, Steinhaus–Moser notation is a notation for expressing certain large numbers. It is an extension of Hugo Steinhaus's polygon notation, devised by Leo Moser.. Read more on Wikipedia...–Moser_notation Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of Steinhaus-Moser notation happened in Wrocław University and University of Alberta Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
stella - Programming language stella ====== stella is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #1986 on PLDB 25 Years Old STELLA is a strongly typed, object-oriented, Lisp-like language, designed to facilitate symbolic programming tasks in artificial intelligence applications. STELLA preserves those features of Common Lisp deemed essential for symbolic programming such as built-in support for dynamic data structures, heterogeneous collections, first-class symbols, powerful iteration constructs, name spaces, an object-oriented type system with a meta-object protocol, exception handling, and language extensibility through macros, but without compromising execution speed, interoperability with non-STELLA programs, and platform independence. STELLA programs are translated into a target language such as C++, Common Lisp, or Java, and then compiled with the native target language compiler to generate executable code. The language constructs of STELLA are restricted to those that can be translated directly into native constructs of the intended target languages, thus enabling the generation of highly efficient as well as readable code. As of Fall 2000, we have programmed approximately 100,000 lines of STELLA code - about 50% for the STELLA kernel itself and the other 50% for the PowerLoom knowledge representation system and related systems. Our subjective experience has been that it is only slightly more difficult to write and debug a STELLA program than a Lisp program, and that the inconvenience of having to supply some type information is much outweighed by the benefits such as catching many errors during compile time instead of at run time. The biggest benefit, however, seems to be that we can still leverage all the incremental code development benefits of Lisp, since we use the Common Lisp-based version of STELLA for prototyping. This allows us to incrementally define and redefine functions, methods and classes and to inspect, debug and fix incorrect code on the fly. Even the most sophisticated C++ or Java IDE's don't yet seem to support this fully incremental development style, i.e., a change in a class (every change in Java is a change to a class) still requires recompilation and restart of the application, and it is the restart that can be the most time consuming if one debugs a complex application that takes a significant time to reach a certain state. - Tags: programming language - Early development of stella happened in USC (defun (lisp-null-array-symbol-string STRING) ((rank INTEGER)) ;; Used in the lisp translation code, insdie a verbatim ;; to return Lisp-specific-code. (CASE rank (1 (return "STELLA::NULL-1D-ARRAY")) (2 (return "STELLA::NULL-2D-ARRAY")) (3 (return "STELLA::NULL-3D-ARRAY")) (4 (return "STELLA::NULL-4D-ARRAY")) (5 (return "STELLA::NULL-5D-ARRAY")) (otherwise (return "STELLA::NULL")))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 555 2.8
Stencil - Template language Stencil ======= Stencil is an open source template language created in 2018 by Kyle Fuller. 2018 Kyle Fuller #411 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift. It provides a syntax similar to Django and Mustache. - Tags: template language - Stencil is developed on GitHub and has 2,336 stars - Early development of Stencil happened in - Stencil is written in Swift, HTML, Ruby, YAML, reStructuredText, Markdown, Make, Python, JSON, Bourne shell There are {{ articles.count }} articles. <ul> {% for article in articles %} <li>{{ article.title }} by {{ }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Statement List - Assembly language Statement List ============== Statement List, aka Statement List, is an assembly language created in 1993. 1993 #3183 on PLDB 31 Years Old 0 Repos STL corresponds to the "Instruction List" language defined in the International Electrotechnical Commission's standard IEC 1131-3, although there are substantial differences with regard to the operations. STL corresponds to the Instruction List language defined in the IEC 61131-3 specification. - Tags: assembly language - There are at least 0 Statement List repos on GitHub - Early development of Statement List happened in Siemens - Read more about Statement List on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 162 0.8
Stockholm format - Text data format Stockholm format ================ Stockholm format is a text data format created in 1997. 1997 #2886 on PLDB 27 Years Old Stockholm format is a multiple sequence alignment format used by Pfam and Rfam to disseminate protein and RNA sequence alignments. The alignment editors Ralee and Belvu support Stockholm format as do the probabilistic database search tools, Infernal and HMMER, and the phylogenetic analysis tool Xrate. A simple example of an Rfam alignment (UPSK RNA) with a pseudoknot in Stockholm format is shown below: # STOCKHOLM 1.0 #=GF ID UPSK #=GF SE Predicted; Infernal #=GF SS Published; PMID 9223489 #=GF RN [1] #=GF RM 9223489 #=GF RT The role of the pseudoknot at the 3' end of turnip yellow mosaic #=GF RT virus RNA in minus-strand synthesis by the viral RNA-dependent RNA #=GF RT polymerase. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of Stockholm format happened in Stockholm University - See also: (1 related languages) FASTA Feature Description Description ------- ----------- -------------- RF ReFerence annotation Often the consensus RNA or protein sequence is used as a reference Any non-gap character (e.g. x's) can indicate consensus/conserved/match columns .'s or -'s indicate insert columns ~'s indicate unaligned insertions Upper and lower case can be used to discriminate strong and weakly conserved residues respectively MM Model Mask Indicates which columns in an alignment should be masked, such that the emission probabilities for match states corresponding to those columns will be the background distribution. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 317 1.6
STOICAL - Programming language STOICAL ======= STOICAL is a programming language created in 2000 by Jonathan Moore Liles. 2000 Jonathan Moore Liles #3184 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STOICAL happened in MIT - STOICAL on HOPL STOICAL on HOPL - Read more about STOICAL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
STON - Application STON ==== STON is an open source application created in 2012 by Sven Van Caekenberghe. 2012 Sven Van Caekenberghe #994 on PLDB 12 Years Old 0 Repos git clone STON - Smalltalk Object Notation - A lightweight text-based, human-readable data interchange format for class-based object-oriented languages like Smalltalk. - Tags: application - STON is developed on GitHub and has 135 stars - There are at least 0 STON repos on GitHub - Early development of STON happened in - STON is written in Smalltalk, JSON, Markdown, YAML, XML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for STON [1, 2, 3] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
StoneCutter - Grammar language StoneCutter =========== StoneCutter is a grammar language created in 2020 by John D. Leidel and David Donofrio and Frank Conlon. 2020 John D. Leidel David Donofrio Frank Conlon #3600 on PLDB 4 Years Old In this work we introduce the StoneCutter instruction set design language and tool infrastructure. StoneCutter provides a familiar, C-like language construct by which to develop the implementation for individual, programmable instructions. The LLVM-based StoneCutter compiler performs individual instruction and whole-ISA optimizations in order to generate a high performance, Chisel HDL representation of the target design. Utilizing the existing Chisel tools, users can also generate C++ cycle accurate simulation models as well as Verilog representations of the target design. As a result, StoneCutter provides a very rapid design environment for development and experimentation. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of StoneCutter happened in Tactical Computing Laboratories LLC - Read more about StoneCutter on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 250 1.3
stoneknifeforth - Programming language stoneknifeforth =============== stoneknifeforth is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1519 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone This is StoneKnifeForth, a very simple language inspired by Forth. It is not expected to be useful; instead, its purpose is to show how simple a compiler can be. The compiler is a bit under two pages of code when the comments are removed. This package includes a “metacircular compiler” which is written in StoneKnifeForth and compiles StoneKnifeForth to an x86 Linux ELF executable. - Tags: programming language - stoneknifeforth is developed on GitHub and has 410 stars - Early development of stoneknifeforth happened in - stoneknifeforth is written in Python, Markdown, Assembly language, C, Bourne shell, Bash, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
Storymatic - Programming language Storymatic ========== Storymatic is a programming language created in 2022 by Zachary Sakowitz. 2022 Zachary Sakowitz #1864 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A simple programming language packed with features that compiles straight to JavaScript for perfect in-browser portability. - Tags: programming language - Storymatic is developed on GitHub and has 14 stars - Early development of Storymatic happened in zSnout - Storymatic is written in TypeScript, JSON, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML macro Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
storyscript - Programming language storyscript =========== storyscript is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #936 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Storyscript is a language, editor, database, infra and community all-in-one. Create holistic apps, tools and workflows blazing fast that power your business. - Tags: programming language - storyscript is developed on GitHub and has 303 stars - was registered in 2010 ### Storyscript is a language, editor, database, infra and community all-in-one. Create holistic apps, tools and workflows blazing fast that power your business. ### # Pull data from a microservice output = service action key:value output = team/service action key:value # Discover and create services in the Storyscript Hub # Call a function output = function_name(key:value) # A Storyscript function # or another programming language # Call type methods output = variable.mutation(key:value) # Event streaming microservice when service action event key:value as output ... # run this block for every event # Types string = "Hello" integer = 1 number = 1.3 bool = true list = ["a", "b", "c"] map = {"apple": "red", "banana": "yellow"} regexp = /^foobar/ empty = null time = 1d35m # Destructuring { apple, banana } = map # apple = "red", banana = "yellow" # Conditions if one > 1 # ... else if one == 1 # ... else # ... # Loops foreach list as item # ... while true # ... # Functions function name input:int returns int # ... return input name(input:1) # >>> 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 338 1.7
STOS BASIC - Programming language STOS BASIC ========== STOS BASIC is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3311 on PLDB 36 Years Old STOS BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language implemented on the Atari ST computer. STOS BASIC was originally developed by Jawx, François Lionet, and Constantin Sotiropoulos and published by Mandarin Software (now known as Europress Software). STOS Basic was a version of BASIC that was designed for creating games, but the set of powerful high-level graphics and sound commands it offered made it suitable for developing multimedia-intense software without any knowledge of the internals of the Atari ST.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of STOS BASIC happened in Mandarin Software - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, AMOS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
Strand - Programming language Strand ====== Strand is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2147 on PLDB 35 Years Old Strand is a high-level symbolic language for parallel computing, similar in syntax to Prolog. Artificial Intelligence Ltd were awarded the British Computer Society Award for Technical Innovation 1989 for Strand88. The language was created by computer scientists Ian Foster and Stephen Taylor.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Strand happened in Artificial Intelligence Ltd - See also: (1 related languages) Prolog - Read more about Strand on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
strat - Programming language strat ===== strat is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #1877 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A language to represent and deploy portable cloud systems -> - Tags: programming language - strat is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Early development of strat happened in - strat is written in JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, Smalltalk, CSS, JSON - was registered in 2022 service HelloWorld { include "Birth" Birth -> "Hello World!" } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
Stratego/XT - Grammar language Stratego/XT =========== Stratego/XT is a grammar language created in 1998. 1998 #2964 on PLDB 26 Years Old Stratego/XT is a language and toolset for constructing stand-alone program transformation systems. It combines the Stratego transformation language with the XT toolset of transformation components, providing a framework for constructing stand-alone program transformation systems. The Stratego language is based on a programming paradigm called strategic term rewriting. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Early development of Stratego/XT happened in Oregon Graduate Institute - Read more about Stratego/XT on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
STRCMACS - Programming language STRCMACS ======== STRCMACS is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4474 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STRCMACS happened in Goddard Space Flight Center - STRCMACS on HOPL STRCMACS on HOPL - Read more about STRCMACS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
StreamIt - Programming language StreamIt ======== StreamIt is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #3601 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of StreamIt happened in MIT - Explore StreamIt snippets on Rosetta Code - StreamIt on HOPL StreamIt on HOPL - Read more about StreamIt on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
Streem - Programming language Streem ====== Streem is a programming language created in 2014 by Yukihiro Matsumoto. 2014 Yukihiro Matsumoto #542 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Streem is a stream based concurrent scripting language. It is based on a programming model similar to the shell, with influences from Ruby, Erlang, and other functional programming languages. - Tags: programming language - Streem is developed on GitHub and has 4,601 stars - Early development of Streem happened in Ruby Association,NaCl - Streem is written in C, Markdown, YAML, Make, Bourne shell, Yacc, Lex, Dockerfile # channel to broadcast to all clients broadcast = chan() tcp_server(8008) | {s -> broadcast | s # connect to broadcast channel s | broadcast # broadcast incoming message } case class def else emit false if import method namespace new nil return skip true Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
STREMA - Programming language STREMA ====== STREMA is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4475 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STREMA happened in IBM - STREMA on HOPL STREMA on HOPL - Read more about STREMA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
STRESS - Programming language STRESS ====== STRESS is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #3602 on PLDB 61 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STRESS happened in MIT - STRESS on HOPL STRESS on HOPL - Read more about STRESS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
String diagram - Notation String diagram ============== String diagram is a notation created in 1971. 1971 #3660 on PLDB 53 Years Old In category theory, string diagrams are a way of representing morphisms in monoidal categories, or more generally 2-cells in 2-categories.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - Early development of String diagram happened in Birkbeck College Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
stringbean - Programming language stringbean ========== stringbean is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #1625 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Featherweight Responsive CSS Framework for Mobile to 4k Screens - Tags: programming language - stringbean is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - Early development of stringbean happened in - stringbean is written in CSS, Markdown - Read more about stringbean on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. HackerNews discussions of stringbean ==================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: StringBean – 4K Featherweight Framework||03/16/2016|28|12 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
STRINGCOMP - Programming language STRINGCOMP ========== STRINGCOMP is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #3287 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STRINGCOMP happened in BBN - STRINGCOMP on HOPL STRINGCOMP on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
Stripe company - Web api Stripe company ============== Stripe company is a web api created in 2011. 2011 #2393 on PLDB 13 Years Old Stripe is a US technology company operating in over 25 countries that allows both private individuals and businesses to accept payments over the Internet. Stripe focuses on providing the technical, fraud prevention, and banking infrastructure required to operate on-line payment systems.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: webApi - Early development of Stripe company happened in Stripe Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Strips - Programming language Strips ====== Strips is a programming language created in 1969. 1969 #915 on PLDB 55 Years Old In artificial intelligence, STRIPS (Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver) is an automated planner developed by Richard Fikes and Nils Nilsson in 1971 at SRI International. The same name was later used to refer to the formal language of the inputs to this planner. This language is the base for most of the languages for expressing automated planning problem instances in use today; such languages are commonly known as action languages. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Strips happened in Stanford University - Strips on HOPL Strips on HOPL - Read more about Strips on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Actions: // move from X to Y _Move(X, Y)_ Preconditions: At(X), Level(low) Postconditions: not At(X), At(Y) // climb up on the box _ClimbUp(Location)_ Preconditions: At(Location), BoxAt(Location), Level(low) Postconditions: Level(high), not Level(low) // climb down from the box _ClimbDown(Location)_ Preconditions: At(Location), BoxAt(Location), Level(high) Postconditions: Level(low), not Level(high) // move monkey and box from X to Y _MoveBox(X, Y)_ Preconditions: At(X), BoxAt(X), Level(low) Postconditions: BoxAt(Y), not BoxAt(X), At(Y), not At(X) // take the bananas _TakeBananas(Location)_ Preconditions: At(Location), BananasAt(Location), Level(high) Postconditions: Have(bananas) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 347 1.7
Strongtalk - Programming language Strongtalk ========== Strongtalk is an open source programming language created in 1994. 1994 #1300 on PLDB 30 Years Old Strongtalk is a Smalltalk environment with optional static typing support. Strongtalk can make some compile time checks, and offer "stronger" type safety guarantees; this is the source of its name. It is non-commercial, though it was originally a commercial project developed by a small start-up company called LongView Technologies (trading as Animorphic Systems).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Strongtalk happened in Horizon Technologies of New York, Inc. - Strongtalk on HOPL Strongtalk on HOPL - was registered in 2006 - See also: (4 related languages) Smalltalk, Self, Java, JavaScript - Read more about Strongtalk on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
COM Structured Storage - Binary data format COM Structured Storage ====================== COM Structured Storage is a binary data format created in 2010. 2010 #2832 on PLDB 14 Years Old The Compound File Binary File Format, a general-purpose file format that provides a file-system-like structure within a file for the storage of arbitrary, application-specific streams of data. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Early development of COM Structured Storage happened in Microsoft - Read more about COM Structured Storage on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Structured text - Programming language Structured text =============== Structured text is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #2888 on PLDB 5 Years Old Structured text, abbreviated as ST or STX, is one of the five languages supported by the IEC 61131-3 standard, designed for programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It is a high level language that is block structured and syntactically resembles Pascal, on which it is based. All of the languages share IEC61131 Common Elements. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Structured text happened in International Electrotechnical Commission Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
strudel - Text data format strudel ======= strudel is a text data format created in 2011. 2011 #3603 on PLDB 13 Years Old Strudel is our graphical tool for visualizing genetic and physical maps of genomes for comparative purposes. The Strudel data format is tab delimited text with all features, homologs and potential reference URLs included in the same file. - Tags: textDataFormat - Early development of strudel happened in The James Hutton Institute - Read more about strudel on the web: 1. 1. feature Rice 1 LOC_Os05g01020 gene 1903 "TBC domain containing protein, expressed" feature Rice 1 LOC_Os09g20010 gene 10218 expressed protein feature Barley 1H 12_30969 SNP 15 feature Barley 1H 11_11223 SNP 78 feature Barley 1H 11_11224 SNP 100 homolog Barley 12_30969 Rice LOC_Os05g01020 7.00E-91 #00FF00 homolog Barley 11_11223 Rice LOC_Os09g20010 6.00E-50 chromosome Barley 1H #593423 URL Rice Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
STRUDL - Programming language STRUDL ====== STRUDL is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #3185 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of STRUDL happened in MIT - STRUDL on HOPL STRUDL on HOPL - Read more about STRUDL on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
StruQL - Query language StruQL ====== StruQL is a query language created in 1999 by Mary Fernández and Dan Suciu and and Igor Tatarinov. 1999 Mary Fernández Dan Suciu and Igor Tatarinov #2312 on PLDB 25 Years Old A StruQL query is a function from a set of input graphs to an output graph. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of StruQL happened in AT&T and North Dakota State University - Read more about StruQL on the web: 1. 1. // Link root page to page of all accounts link Root() -> "Accounts" -> AccountsPage() // AccountsPage refers to each account in account database and its associated page { where (acct, name, street, city, state, zip) in SQL.query("AccountDB", "select acct ...") link AccountsPage() -> "Info" -> Info(acct), Info(acct) -> { "Acct" acct, "Name" name, "Street" street, "City" city, "State" state, "Zip" zip, "AcctPage" AcctPage(acct) }, AcctPage(acct) -> "Info" -> Info(acct) // AcctPage refers to non-zero usage records in the usage database. { where (date, dom is int, intl is int) in SQL.query("UsageDB", "select date ...", acct) dom + intl > 0 link AcctPage(acct) -> "UsageData" -> UsageData(acct), UsageData(acct) -> "Entry" -> UsageEntry(acct, date), UsageEntry(acct, date) -> { "Date" date, "Total" (dom + intl) } } // Query postal database to determine possible aliases for account { where XMLRoot{root}, root -> "addresses"."entry" -> addr, addr -> { "name" alias, "address"."street" street1, "address"."zip" zip }, street1 = street link Info(acct) -> "Alias" -> alias } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 434 2.2
Stutter - Esoteric programming language Stutter ======= Stutter is an esoteric programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2970 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The design goals of the Stutter Programming Language focus on the underlying idea that Stutter Code is a speakable language that contains no special syntax characters that are unpronounciable. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Stutter is developed on GitHub and has 6 stars - Read more about Stutter on the web: 1. 1. let ratio be a Number and set it to 0.37 let variable be a Number set variable to 5 comment add is a method on the Number data type add 12.0 to variable comment all methods accept multiple parameters via the and conjunction multiply variable with ratio and 1.5 comment results of methods can be redirected with the to preposition print variable to standard output comment generic calls can be done with the call verb call log on console with variable and ratio if variable is greater than 2 then if variable is greater than 2.5 then call log on console with this is an example else if variable is lower than 2.5 then call alert on console with this is another example else call log on console with foo bar end end let examples be a Number Array set examples to 1, 3, 7 and 9 set index 0 on examples to 4 push 3 to examples comment whatever is the string representation of examples let whatever be a String join examples to whatever comment copy is the string copy of examples let copy be a String Array split whatever to copy for each examples as key and value do let temp be value add 5 to value divide value by 1.76 if temp is greater than 5 then break else call log on console with temp end end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 384 1.9
stx - Programming language stx === stx is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4703 on PLDB 25 Years Old STx implements a powerful scripting language. This document will try to give you the necessary information to program your own applications. Scripts can be used to implement: simple processing lists, calling standard STx signal processing applications, signal processing application (like the Spectrogram & Parameters Viewer), complex database operations on the STx DataSet, in fact, everything you see in STx can be programmed in the macro language. The term STx script is a synonym for an application implemented using one or more STx macros, classes and SPU's, and executed by the script controller application BScript. - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Stylus - Stylesheet language Stylus ====== Stylus is an open source stylesheet language created in 2010 by TJ Holowaychuk. 2010 TJ Holowaychuk #511 on PLDB 14 Years Old 5k Repos Stylus is a dynamic stylesheet language that is compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Its design is influenced by Sass and LESS. It's regarded as the fourth most used CSS preprocessor syntax. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: stylesheetLanguage - There are at least 5,041 Stylus repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 315 users using Stylus in 344 repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Stylus - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Stylus - was registered in 2015 - See also: (4 related languages) Sass, CSS, JADE, Python - 5 PLDB concepts link to Stylus: abs, Ace Editor, Argdown, Glisp, Pug body::before content: "Hello World" border-radius() -webkit-border-radius arguments -moz-border-radius arguments border-radius arguments a.button border-radius 5px fonts = helvetica, arial, sans-serif body { padding: 50px; font: 14px/1.4 fonts; } form input[type=text] padding: 5px border: 1px solid #eee color: #ddd textarea @extends form input[type=text] padding: 10px $foo color: #FFF .bar background: #000 @extends $foo div.rectangle { -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 317 1.6
sub - Minilanguage sub === sub is a minilanguage created in 2013. 2013 #3709 on PLDB 11 Years Old eager, mutable records, statically typed, subtyping - Tags: minilanguage - Read more about sub on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 98 0.5
SubL - Programming language SubL ==== SubL is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #4476 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: programming language, lisp - Early development of SubL happened in Cycorp - SubL is written in Allegro Common Lisp - Read more about SubL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Subleq - Instruction set architecture Subleq ====== Subleq is an instruction set architecture created in 2009 by David Roberts. 2009 David Roberts #1623 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone CPU design and toolchain for a simple computer architecture - Tags: instruction set architecture - Subleq is developed on GitHub and has 109 stars - Subleq is written in JavaScript, Make, C++, Python, C, XML, Markdown, CSS, HTML 12 12 3 36 37 6 37 12 9 37 37 12 0 -1 15 38 36 18 12 12 21 53 37 24 37 12 27 37 37 30 36 12 -1 37 37 0 39 0 -1 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 33 10 53 loop: hello (-1) minusOne loop minusOne checkEnd+1 checkEnd: Z hello (-1) Z Z loop . minusOne: -1 . hello: "Hello World\n" Z: 0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Sublime Text - Editor Sublime Text ============ Sublime Text is an open source editor created in 2008 by Jon Skinner. 2008 Jon Skinner #990 on PLDB 16 Years Old Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface (API). It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users with plugins, typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - There is a central package repository for Sublime Text - was registered in 2007 - See also: (8 related languages) Python, Linux, TextMate, Regular Expressions, WordPress, Emacs, Vim, Visual Studio Code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Sublime Merge - Application Sublime Merge ============= Sublime Merge is an open source application created in 2018 by Jon Skinner. 2018 Jon Skinner #3070 on PLDB 6 Years Old A GUI for Git. - Tags: application, editor - First announcement of Sublime Merge Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Sublime Syntax Test Lang - Grammar language Sublime Syntax Test Lang ======================== Sublime Syntax Test Lang is a grammar language created in 2008. 2008 #3710 on PLDB 16 Years Old A language for testing sublime syntax files. - Tags: grammarLanguage - See also: (1 related languages) Sublime Syntax // SYNTAX TEST "Packages/C/C.sublime-syntax" #pragma once // <- source.c meta.preprocessor.c++ // <- keyword.control.import // foo // ^ source.c comment.line // <- punctuation.definition.comment /* foo */ // ^ source.c comment.block // <- punctuation.definition.comment.begin // ^ punctuation.definition.comment.end #include "stdio.h" // <- meta.preprocessor.include.c++ // ^ meta string punctuation.definition.string.begin // ^ meta string punctuation.definition.string.end int square(int x) // <- storage.type // ^ meta.function // ^ storage.type { return x * x; // ^^^^^^ keyword.control } "Hello, World! // not a comment"; // ^ string.quoted.double // ^ string.quoted.double - comment Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
Sublime Syntax - Grammar language Sublime Syntax ============== Sublime Syntax is a grammar language created in 2008. 2008 #2900 on PLDB 16 Years Old Sublime Syntax files are YAML files with a small header, followed by a list of contexts. Each context has a list of patterns that describe how to highlight text in that context, and how to change the current text. - Tags: grammarLanguage - See also: (2 related languages) YAML, TextMate Language - 3 PLDB concepts link to Sublime Syntax: Pygments, Sublime Syntax Test Lang, TextMate Language %YAML 1.2 --- name: C file_extensions: [c, h] scope: source.c contexts: main: - match: \b(if|else|for|while)\b scope: keyword.control.c Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
SubRip Text - Application SubRip Text =========== SubRip Text is an application created in 2005. 2005 #2045 on PLDB 19 Years Old 522k Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 521,758 SubRip Text repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SubRip Text - Read more about SubRip Text on the web: 1. 1. 168 00:20:41,150 --> 00:20:45,109 - How did he do that? - Made him an offer he couldn't refuse. 1 00:00:01,250 --> 00:00:03,740 Adding NCL language. 2 00:00:04,600 --> 00:00:08,730 Thanks for the pull request! Do you know if these files are NCL too? 3 00:00:09,800 --> 00:00:13,700 Those are poorly-named documentation files for NCL functions. 4 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:17,200 - What's better? - This is better. 5 00:00:18,500 --> 00:00:23,000 - Would it be correct to recognise these files as text? - Yes. 6 00:00:23,890 --> 00:00:30,000 In that case, could you add "NCL" to the text entry in languages.yml too? 7 00:00:30,540 --> 00:00:35,250 I added the example to "Text" and updated the license in the grammar submodule. 8 00:00:38,500 --> 00:00:42,360 Cloning the submodule fails for me in local with this URL. 9 00:00:42,360 --> 00:00:45,250 Could you use Git or HTTPS...? 10 00:00:46,810 --> 00:00:50,000 I updated the grammar submodule link to HTTPS. 11 00:00:51,100 --> 00:00:57,000 It's still failing locally. I don't think you can just update the .gitmodules file. 12 00:00:57,750 --> 00:01:03,000 You'll probably have to remove the submodule and add it again to be sure. 13 00:01:04,336 --> 00:01:11,800 - I'll see first if it's not an issue on my side... - I removed the submodule and added it back with HTTPS. 14 00:01:13,670 --> 00:01:18,000 I tested the detection of NCL files with 2000 samples. 15 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:25,000 The Bayesian classifier doesn't seem to be very good at distinguishing text from NCL. 16 00:01:25,000 --> 00:01:30,740 We could try to improve it by adding more samples, or we can define a new heuristic rule. 17 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:36,200 - Do you want me to send you the sample files? - Yes, please do. 18 00:01:37,500 --> 00:01:39,500 In your inbox. 19 00:01:41,285 --> 00:01:48,216 - So if I manually go through these and sort out the errors, would that help? - Not really. 20 00:01:48,540 --> 00:01:55,145 It's a matter of keywords so there's not much to do there except for adding new samples. 21 00:01:55,447 --> 00:02:02,000 If adding a few more samples doesn't improve things, we'll see how to define a new heuristic rule. 22 00:02:04,740 --> 00:02:09,600 - I added quite a few NCL samples. - That's a bit over the top, isn't it? 23 00:02:10,250 --> 00:02:16,000 We currently can't add too many samples because of #2117. 24 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:20,830 (sigh) I decreased the number of added samples. 25 00:02:21,630 --> 00:02:25,300 Could you test the detection results in local with the samples I gave you? 26 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:28,670 - What is the command to run that test? - Here... 27 00:02:28,716 --> 00:02:38,650 [Coding intensifies] 28 00:02:38,650 --> 00:02:43,330 It is getting hung up on a false detection of Frege in one of the Text samples. 29 00:02:43,540 --> 00:02:46,115 Do you have any suggestions for implementing a heuristic? 30 00:02:47,640 --> 00:02:55,200 #2441 should fix this. In the meantime, you can change this in "test_heuristics.rb" 31 00:02:55,165 --> 00:02:57,240 Why did you have to change this? 32 00:02:57,777 --> 00:03:04,480 - It doesn't work for me unless I do that. - Hum, same for me. Arfon, does it work for you? 33 00:03:04,920 --> 00:03:08,830 Requiring linguist/language doesn't work for me either. 34 00:03:09,300 --> 00:03:13,885 We restructured some of the requires a while ago and I think this is just out-of-date code. 35 00:03:14,065 --> 00:03:20,950 From a large sample of known NCL files taken from Github, it's now predicting with about 98% accuracy. 36 00:03:21,183 --> 00:03:28,000 For a large sample of other files with the NCL extension, it is around 92%. 37 00:03:27,880 --> 00:03:30,950 From those, nearly all of the errors come from one GitHub repository, 38 00:03:30,950 --> 00:03:34,160 and they all contain the text strings, "The URL" and "The Title". 39 00:03:35,660 --> 00:03:43,260 - Do you mean 92% files correctly identified as text? - Yes, it correctly identifies 92% as text. 40 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:46,150 I'd really like to see this dramatically reduced. 41 00:03:46,150 --> 00:03:51,150 What happens if we reduce to around 5 NCL sample files? 42 00:03:51,150 --> 00:03:52,600 Does Linguist still do a reasonable job? 43 00:03:53,470 --> 00:03:58,190 I reduced it to 16 NCL samples and 8 text samples. 44 00:03:58,190 --> 00:04:01,720 It correctly classifies my whole set of known NCL files. 45 00:04:01,870 --> 00:04:05,730 I tried with 5 samples but could not get the same level of accuracy. 46 00:04:06,670 --> 00:04:10,400 It incorrectly classifies all of the NCL files in this GitHub repository. 47 00:04:11,130 --> 00:04:14,660 All of these files contain the text strings, "THE_URL:" and "THE_TITLE:". 48 00:04:14,660 --> 00:04:19,500 It did not misclassify any other text-files with the extension NCL. 49 00:04:19,970 --> 00:04:25,188 With 100% accuracy? Does that mean it that the results are better with less samples?? 50 00:04:25,610 --> 00:04:31,190 I also removed a sample text-file which should have been classified as an NCL file. 51 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:35,895 I think that probably made most of the difference, although I didn't test it atomically. 52 00:04:35,895 --> 00:04:38,370 Okay, that makes more sense. 53 00:04:39,515 --> 00:04:43,450 I don't get the same results for the text files. Full results here. 54 00:04:44,650 --> 00:04:50,000 They all look correctly classified to me, except for the ones in Fanghuan's repository. 55 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:55,920 I manually went through all of the ones where I didn't already know based on the filename or the repository owner. 56 00:04:56,526 --> 00:05:00,000 [Presses button] It now correctly classifies all of my test files. 57 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:05,970 R. Pavlick, thanks for this. These changes will be live in the next release of Linguist. In the next couple of weeks. 58 00:05:05,970 --> 00:05:07,450 Great! Thanks. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1487 7.4
subscript - Programming language subscript ========= subscript is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #4628 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2012 HackerNews discussions of subscript =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments SubScript: Programming with event driven math & concurrent fun||12/30/2012|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Subtext - Programming language Subtext ======= Subtext is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2933 on PLDB 19 Years Old Subtext is a moderately visual programming language and environment, for writing application software. It is an experimental, research attempt to develop a new programming model, called Example Centric Programming, by treating copied blocks as first class prototypes, for program structure. It uses live text, similar to what occurs in spreadsheets as users update cells, for frequent feedback. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2009 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
Subversion - Version control application Subversion ========== Subversion is an open source version control application created in 2000. 2000 #1222 on PLDB 24 Years Old Apache Subversion (often abbreviated SVN, after its command name svn) is a software versioning and revision control system distributed as open source under the Apache License. Software developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: versionControlApplication - Early development of Subversion happened in Apache Software Foundation - See also: (12 related languages) C, Free Pascal, FreeBSD, XML, C#, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Java, MIME, Unix componentfoo/ /trunk/ /tags/ /1.1/ componentbar/ /trunk/ /tags/ /1.1/ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
SubX - Assembly language SubX ==== SubX is an assembly language created in 2019 by Kartik K. Agaram. 2019 Kartik K. Agaram #2313 on PLDB 5 Years Old Author of Mu decided this year to switch implementation from C++ to his own x86 assembler subset named SubX. - Tags: assembly language - Read more about SubX on the web: 1. 1. # 0x20-0x7e: basic latin # 0x20 = space 08/size 00/is-combine 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Sue - Programming language Sue === Sue is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4842 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Sue on HOPL Sue on HOPL - Read more about Sue on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Sugar - Programming language Sugar ===== Sugar is a programming language created in 2006 by Sébastien Pierre. 2006 Sébastien Pierre #1585 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone Makes JavaScript development sweeter ! - Tags: programming language - Sugar is developed on GitHub and has 45 stars - Sugar is written in C, XML, Python, JavaScript, HTML, Make, C shell, Lisp, Bourne shell, SVG, Vim script @module helloworld @class HelloWorld | This is a docstring for my hello world @property message @constructor message = "Hello, World !" @end @method say alert ( message ) @end @end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
sugarj - Grammar language sugarj ====== sugarj is a grammar language created in 2012. 2012 #4933 on PLDB 12 Years Old SugarJ, a language on top of Java, SDF and Stratego, which supports syntactic extensibility. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Read more about sugarj on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
SugarSS - Text markup language SugarSS ======= SugarSS is an open source text markup language created in 2016 by Andrey Sitnik. 2016 Andrey Sitnik #415 on PLDB 8 Years Old 0 Repos git clone Indent-based CSS syntax for PostCSS - Tags: text markup language - SugarSS is developed on GitHub and has 708 stars - There are at least 0 SugarSS repos on GitHub - SugarSS is written in JavaScript, JSON, CSS, SugarSS, YAML, Markdown, SVG - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SugarSS - 2 PLDB concepts link to SugarSS: cloc, SugarSS @define-mixin size $size width: $size $big: 100px // Main block .block &_logo background: inline("./logo.png") @mixin size $big Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
sugartex - Text markup language sugartex ======== sugartex is a text markup language created in 2018. 2018 #2076 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone SugarTeX is a more readable LaTeX language extension and transcompiler to LaTeX. Fast Unicode autocomplete in Atom editor via - Tags: text markup language - sugartex is developed on GitHub and has 75 stars - sugartex is written in Python, Markdown, YAML, Bash HackerNews discussions of sugartex ================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: SugarTeX – readable LaTeX language extension and transcompiler to LaTeX||05/28/2018|53|49 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Sugi - Programming language Sugi ==== Sugi is a programming language created in 2021 by sugi-lang. 2021 sugi-lang #4593 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A sequential and minimalistic programming language seeking the ultimate syntax. - Tags: programming language - Sugi is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
SUMMER - Programming language SUMMER ====== SUMMER is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4843 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SUMMER on HOPL SUMMER on HOPL - Read more about SUMMER on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Sun Raster - Binary data format Sun Raster ========== Sun Raster is a binary data format created in 1989. 1989 #3756 on PLDB 35 Years Old Sun Raster was a raster graphics file format used on SunOS by Sun Microsystems. The format has no MIME type, it is specified in @(#)rasterfile.h 1.11 89/08/21 SMI. The format was used for some research papers.ACDSee, FFmpeg, GIMP, ImageMagick, IrfanView, LibreOffice, Netpbm, PaintShop Pro, and XnView among others support Sun Raster image files. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Suneido - Programming language Suneido ======= Suneido is a programming language created in 2000 by Andrew McKinlay. 2000 Andrew McKinlay #2280 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of Suneido happened in Suneido Software Corp - Explore Suneido snippets on Rosetta Code - Suneido appears in the TIOBE Index - was registered in 2000 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
SuperBASIC - Programming language SuperBASIC ========== SuperBASIC is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3752 on PLDB 40 Years Old SuperBASIC is an advanced variant of the BASIC programming language with many structured programming additions. It was developed at Sinclair Research by Jan Jones during the early 1980s. Originally SuperBASIC was intended for a home computer, code-named SuperSpectrum, then under development. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - SuperBASIC on HOPL SuperBASIC on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Tymshare SuperBasic, ISBN 100 DIM month$(12,9) 110 RESTORE 120 REMark QL User Guide's "Data Read Restore" example ii 130 REMark (appropriately amended relative to example i) 140 FOR count=1 TO 12 : READ month$(count) 150 DATA "January", "February", "March" 160 DATA "April","May","June" 170 DATA "July","August","September" 180 DATA "October","November","December" 190 DATA "SUN","MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI","SAT" 199 END DEFine Iso Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 266 1.3
SuperCollider - Programming language SuperCollider ============= SuperCollider is an open source programming language created in 1996. 1996 #397 on PLDB 28 Years Old 4k Repos SuperCollider is an environment and programming language originally released in 1996 by James McCartney for real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. Since then it has been evolving into a system used and further developed by both scientists and artists working with sound. It is an efficient and expressive dynamic programming language providing a framework for acoustic research, algorithmic music, interactive programming and live coding. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,782 SuperCollider repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using SuperCollider in 4k repos on GitHub - Explore SuperCollider snippets on Rosetta Code - SuperCollider on HOPL SuperCollider on HOPL - SuperCollider appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SuperCollider - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SuperCollider - See also: (14 related languages) FreeBSD, Linux, Smalltalk, C, Lisp, Pure Data, Scheme, Haskell, Scala, Clojure, Android, iOS, Emacs, Vim "Hello World".postln; // Hello World in SuperCollider "Hello, world!".postln; WarpPreset { *new {|path| if(path.notNil) { ^Object.readArchive(path); }; ^; } init { } save { Dialog.savePanel({|path| this.writeArchive(path); }); } } // Factorial function f = { |x| if(x == 0) { 1 } { f.(x-1) * x } }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token postln row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 403 2
SuperForth - Programming language SuperForth ========== SuperForth is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #4477 on PLDB 2 Years Old SuperForth v1.1 - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) Cish - Read more about SuperForth on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
Superjson - Data notation Superjson ========= Superjson is a data notation created in 2014 by Matthew Mueller. 2014 Matthew Mueller #797 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A superset of JSON adding: undefined bigint Date RegExp Set Map Error - Tags: dataNotation - Superjson is developed on GitHub and has 3,901 stars - Superjson is a superset of JSON - Superjson is written in TypeScript, JSON, Markdown, JavaScript, YAML, Bourne shell const object = { normal: 'string', timestamp: new Date(), test: /superjson/, }; const { json, meta } = serialize(object); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
SUPERMAC - Programming language SUPERMAC ======== SUPERMAC is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4844 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SUPERMAC on HOPL SUPERMAC on HOPL - Read more about SUPERMAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Superplan - Programming language Superplan ========= Superplan is a programming language created in 1951 by Heinz Rutishauser. 1951 Heinz Rutishauser #3288 on PLDB 73 Years Old - Tags: programming language Language features ====================================================== row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
SuperTalk - Programming language SuperTalk ========= SuperTalk is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3204 on PLDB 35 Years Old SuperTalk is the scripting language used in SuperCard. SuperTalk is a descendant of HyperTalk.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - SuperTalk is a superset of HyperTalk - Explore SuperTalk snippets on Rosetta Code - SuperTalk on HOPL SuperTalk on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) HyperTalk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Superx++ - Programming language Superx++ ======== Superx++ is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #4890 on PLDB 23 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
SURGE - Programming language SURGE ===== SURGE is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #4845 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SURGE on HOPL SURGE on HOPL - Read more about SURGE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
SUSN - Data notation SUSN ==== SUSN, aka Simple Uniform Semantic Notation, is a data notation created in 2023 by Nate Cull. 2023 Nate Cull #2111 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone A hand-editable data format for small personal knowledge bases - Tags: dataNotation - SUSN on GitLab SUSN on GitLab - JSON and RDF and Markdown and Gemini and Recfiles and XML and S-expressions influenced the design of SUSN - SUSN is written in Markdown, JavaScript [module 0 title Tomorrow novas 0 timeline 1982 year 2014 book It's 1982. One of the 1982s, at least. This one is a little faster... [track Singing In The 80s [by The Monitors country Australia ] year 1980 [cast Jack tag debut ] book Jack is a soldier with shadows. tag coldopen tag memory [lyrics . I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry . The night that disco died . The laser lights were kicking off my dancing shoes . But there was nobody dancing inside . Got high with the song of doom . The moon was listening in . . What will we be singing in the '80s? . What should we be singing now? . What will we be singing in the '80s? . What should we be singing now? ] ] ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
Svelte - Programming language Svelte ====== Svelte is a programming language created in 2019 by Rich Harris. 2019 Rich Harris #264 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. Instead of using techniques like virtual DOM diffing, Svelte writes code that surgically updates the DOM when the state of your app changes. - Tags: programming language - Svelte is developed on GitHub and has 77,710 stars - Svelte is written in Svelte, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, CSS, HTML, TypeScript, SVG, YAML - was registered in 2019 - 2 PLDB concepts link to Svelte: cloc, Svelte <script> let name = 'world'; </script> <h1>Hello {name}!</h1> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 222 1.1
SVG - Text markup language SVG === SVG, aka Scalable Vector Graphics, is an open source text markup language created in 2001. 2001 #78 on PLDB 23 Years Old 27 Repos Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - There are at least 27 SVG repos on GitHub - Early development of SVG happened in W3C - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SVG - has 0 matches for "svg developer". - See also: (12 related languages) XML, CSS, JavaScript, PDF, SMIL, Gzip, URL, HTML, Android, AutoCAD DXF, Gnuplot, VML - 316 PLDB concepts link to SVG: abs, Ace Editor, ActivityPub, Alumina, Apache Hbase, Argdown, ArkScript, Arquero, Apache Arrow, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, atomspace, Avail, AviSynth, Ballerina, Bazel, bee, Bicep, Bitsy, blockml, bosque, Bounce, BQN, Bucklescript, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, carp, cat, Catala, chaiscript, Chapel, chatterbot, Chika, chisel, chrysaLisp, Ć, Civet, clash, clay, cloc, ClojureScript, CoffeeScript, Conan, Concise Encoding, cor, CouchDB, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, CSpydr, CSVw, Cwerg, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, datascript, Deno, dexvis, Dhall, djangoql, dplyr, eC, Embedded Crystal, edgedb, eff, egel, Eiffel, Elvish, elymas, Emscripten, Enso, erg, Erlang, F Prime, Factor, Felix, firrtl, fleck, Flix, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, FLUX, forest-lang, Frege, F*, Futhark, g-fu, GHC, gintonic, gogs-editor, Gradle, gridstudio-editor, hacspec, Haxe Library Manager, Hazel, Heron, HHVM, Hjson, Homebrew, hoot-smalltalk, Horse64, hrqr, htmx, huginn, hurl, Hy, Hyperscript, Ibis, icarus, Idris, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, Insitux, invokator, Iterm2, Invisible XML, Janet, jasmine, Java, Jeeves, Jekyll, Jinja, jq, JQuery, Jsonnet, Julia, juvix, Kakoune, KaTeX, kitlang, ko, kode, Koka, ktexteditor-editor, Kubernetes, kumir, Ladybird, latino, leo-editor, Lesma, lever, Ligo, lila-lang, Link, Linux, Literate CoffeeScript, Livr, lobster, loci, Luna, Lux, m3db, mal, Mangle, manhood, Manim, Marko, Markwhen, Marp, Mastodon, mathics, Matplotlib, MDX, Melody, mermaid, mgmt, micro-editor, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, mimium, Mindsdb, MiniZinc, mirth, mochajs, Monaco Editor, MongoDB, moya, mun-lang, mys, Nearley, neut, Nextflow, NGS, Nit, Node.js, nomnoml, nulan, Numba, Observable Plot, Obsidian, oden, Ohayo, onnx, oopsilon, Opa, OpenCV, Openverse, P*, P, packagist-pm, Pan, Pandas, Parsers, Particles, Passerine, penrose, Phel, Please Build, polymath, Pomsky, popr, PostgreSQL, PowerShell, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, PSVG, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qore, Quint, r4, Rakudo, ramen, rant, React Native, Redis, Revolution, rio, Rita, RMarkdown, RobotFramework, Roc, Rust, Rye, SandDance, SATySFi, Scikit-learn, SciPy, score, Scryer Prolog, Semantic Versioning, Shen, shml, sile, Simoji, skip, Slony, Snowman, Solid, Solidity, son, SQRL, stacklang, Statsplorer, Sugar, SugarSS, Svelte, svgbob, Swallow, SymPy, tablam, tangledown, Tao, tao3d, TensorFlow, Textadept, tibet, tiledb, tldr, tldraw, TOML, ToonTalk, Tosh, TreeSheets, Triton, Twine, twtxt, Uiua, ultralisp-pm, Umka, V, v8, Vega, Vimwiki, visdown, VLC, VSXu, vyper, wasmer, Wasp, Wax, 文言文編程語言, Wing, WLambda, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xidoc, xlwings-editor, xodio, Xtext, YANG, YARA, YESS, Yes It Is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <svg width="240" height="100" viewBox="0 0 240 100" zoomAndPan="disable" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>Hello World</title> <g> <text x="10" y="50">Hello World</text> <animate attributeName='opacity' values='0;1' dur='4s' fill='freeze' begin="0s"/> </g> </svg> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <!-- Hello World in SVG --> <svg width="240" height="100" viewBox="0 0 240 100" zoomAndPan="disable" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>Hello World</title> <g> <text x="10" y="50">Hello World</text> <animate attributeName='opacity' values='0;1' dur='4s' fill='freeze' begin="0s"/> </g> </svg> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1"> <rect x="25" y="25" width="200" height="200" fill="lime" stroke-width="4" stroke="pink" /> <circle cx="125" cy="125" r="75" fill="orange" /> <polyline points="50,150 50,200 200,200 200,100" stroke="red" stroke-width="4" fill="none" /> <line x1="50" y1="50" x2="200" y2="200" stroke="blue" stroke-width="4" /> </svg> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 982 4.9
svgbob - Text markup language svgbob ====== svgbob is a text markup language created in 2016 by Jovansonlee Cesar. 2016 Jovansonlee Cesar #801 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Svgbob is a diagramming model which uses a set of typing characters to approximate the intended shape. - Tags: text markup language - svgbob is developed on GitHub and has 3,801 stars - svgbob is written in Rust, Bourne shell, Markdown, SVG, TOML, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
SVL - Programming language SVL === SVL is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4934 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SVL on HOPL SVL on HOPL - Read more about SVL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
SW2 - Programming language SW2 === SW2 is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4935 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SW2 on HOPL SW2 on HOPL - Read more about SW2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Swagger - Framework Swagger ======= Swagger is an open source framework created in 2011. 2011 #1565 on PLDB 13 Years Old Swagger is an open source software framework backed by a large ecosystem of tools that helps developers design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services. While most users identify Swagger by the Swagger UI tool, the Swagger toolset includes support for automated documentation, code generation, and test case generation. Sponsored by SmartBear Software, Swagger has been a strong supporter of Open Source Software and has widespread adoption.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - See also: (1 related languages) REST Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Swallow - Programming language Swallow ======= Swallow is a programming language created in 2021 by Saptak. 2021 Saptak #1901 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A blazing fast language for the blazing fast world(WIP) - Tags: programming language - Swallow is developed on GitHub and has 1,462 stars - Swallow is written in C++, Markdown, SVG, Meson, JSON, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Sweave - Template language Sweave ====== Sweave is a template language created in 2002. 2002 #2628 on PLDB 22 Years Old Sweave is a function in the statistical programming language R that enables integration of R code into LaTeX or LyX documents. The purpose is "to create dynamic reports, which can be updated automatically if data or analysis change".The data analysis is performed at the moment of writing the report, or more exactly, at the moment of compiling the Sweave code with Sweave (i.e., essentially with R) and subsequently with LaTeX. This can facilitate the creation of up-to-date reports for the author. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Sweave compiles to LaTeX - See also: (4 related languages) R, LaTeX, LyX, Knitr %------------------------------------------- \section{Introduction} %-------------------------------------------- Just a simple introduction to Sweave. <<test1>>= a=1 b=4 a+b print("hello") @ We can call R commands from the text. For example a+b= \Sexpr{a+b} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
Sweet Expressions - Data notation Sweet Expressions ================= Sweet Expressions is a data notation created in 2013 by David A. Wheeler and Alan Manuel K. Gloria. 2013 David A. Wheeler Alan Manuel K. Gloria #1987 on PLDB 11 Years Old This SRFI describes a set of syntax extensions for Scheme, called sweet-expressions (t-expressions), that has the same descriptive power as s-expressions but is designed to be easier for humans to read. - Tags: dataNotation - See also: (2 related languages) I-expressions, S-expressions - Read more about Sweet Expressions on the web: 1. 1. define fibfast(n) ; Typical function notation if {n < 2} ; Indentation, infix {...} n ; Single expr = no new list fibup n 2 1 0 ; Simple function calls Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 246 1.2
Sweet.js - Programming language Sweet.js ======== Sweet.js is a programming language created in 2012 by Tim Disney. 2012 Tim Disney #770 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Sweeten your JavaScript. - Tags: programming language - Sweet.js is developed on GitHub and has 4,584 stars - Early development of Sweet.js happened in Facebook - Sweet.js is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
SWI Prolog - Programming language SWI Prolog ========== SWI Prolog is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #914 on PLDB 37 Years Old git clone SWI-Prolog is a free implementation of the programming language Prolog, commonly used for teaching and semantic web applications. It has a rich set of features, libraries for constraint logic programming, multithreading, unit testing, GUI, interfacing to Java, ODBC and others, literate programming, a web server, SGML, RDF, RDFS, developer tools (including an IDE with a GUI debugger and GUI profiler), and extensive documentation. SWI-Prolog runs on Unix, Windows, Macintosh and Linux platforms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - SWI Prolog is developed on GitHub and has 933 stars - SWI Prolog is written in Prolog, C, CMake, Markdown, Bourne shell, Bash, Tex, HTML, YAML, CSV, JSON, JavaScript, Perl, Make, M4, XML, Python - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for SWI Prolog - was registered in 2001 - See also: (8 related languages) C, Prolog, Java, RDF, Unix, Linux, Lisp, Emacs Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
SIL - Intermediate representation language SIL === SIL, aka Swift Intermediate Language, is an intermediate representation language created in 2012. 2012 #1551 on PLDB 12 Years Old SIL is an SSA-form IR with high-level semantic information designed to implement the Swift programming language. In contrast to LLVM IR, SIL is a generally target-independent format representation that can be used for code distribution, but it can also express target-specific concepts as well as LLVM can. - Tags: intermediate representation language - Early development of SIL happened in Apple - See also: (2 related languages) CIR, LLVM IR - 2 PLDB concepts link to SIL: Rust HIR, Rust MIR // SIL is reliant on Swift's type system and declarations, so SIL syntax is an extension of Swift's. A .sil file is a Swift source file with added SIL definitions. The Swift source is parsed only for its declarations; Swift func bodies (except for nested declarations) and top-level code are ignored by the SIL parser. In a .sil file, there are no implicit imports; the swift and/or Builtin standard modules must be imported explicitly if used. sil_stage canonical import Swift // Define types used by the SIL function. struct Point { var x : Double var y : Double } class Button { func onClick() func onMouseDown() func onMouseUp() } // Declare a Swift function. The body is ignored by SIL. func taxicabNorm(_ a:Point) -> Double { return a.x + a.y } // Define a SIL function. // The name @_T5norms11taxicabNormfT1aV5norms5Point_Sd is the mangled name // of the taxicabNorm Swift function. sil @_T5norms11taxicabNormfT1aV5norms5Point_Sd : $(Point) -> Double { bb0(%0 : $Point): // func Swift.+(Double, Double) -> Double %1 = function_ref @_Tsoi1pfTSdSd_Sd %2 = struct_extract %0 : $Point, #Point.x %3 = struct_extract %0 : $Point, #Point.y %4 = apply %1(%2, %3) : $(Double, Double) -> Double return %4 : Double } // Define a SIL vtable. This matches dynamically-dispatched method // identifiers to their implementations for a known static class type. sil_vtable Button { #Button.onClick: @_TC5norms6Button7onClickfS0_FT_T_ #Button.onMouseDown: @_TC5norms6Button11onMouseDownfS0_FT_T_ #Button.onMouseUp: @_TC5norms6Button9onMouseUpfS0_FT_T_ } print Hello World Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 433 2.2
Swift - Programming language Swift ===== Swift is an open source programming language created in 2014 by Chris Lattner. 2014 Chris Lattner #21 on PLDB 10 Years Old 1m Repos git clone Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux. Swift is designed to work with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C (ObjC) code written for Apple products. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Swift is developed on GitHub and has 67,064 stars - Watch the history of the Swift repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 1,044,892 Swift repos on GitHub - Early development of Swift happened in Apple - Swift is written in Swift, C++, CMake, Python, Markdown, JSON, Objective-C, reStructuredText, YAML, Tex, C, Objective C++, Bash, LLVM IR, Bourne shell, XML, Vim script, Make, Lisp, HTML, Pascal, D, CSS, Assembly language, Ini, PowerShell, JavaScript, Ruby, awk, MATLAB - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 25k users using Swift in 43k repos on GitHub - Check out the 375 Swift meetup groups on - There are 93,491 members in the Swift subreddit - There are 690 Project Euler users using Swift - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Swift programmers reported a median salary of $58,911. 5% of respondents reported using Swift. 4,204 programmers reported using Swift, and 6,353 said they wanted to use it - Explore Swift snippets on Rosetta Code - Swift ranks #20 in the TIOBE Index - Swift LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Swift - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Swift - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Swift - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Swift - Learn Swift on exercism. - There is a central package repository for Swift - has 2,043 matches for "swift developer". - See also: (18 related languages) Linux, FreeBSD, C#, CLU, D, Haskell, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, Rust, iOS, LLVM IR, C, Smalltalk, Java, Unicode, Android, Kotlin - 30 PLDB concepts link to Swift: Ace Editor, Ante, Apache Arrow, cloc, Dixy, FlatBuffers, Flow9, Gradle, Homebrew, Iterm2, kai, Koka, Kotlin, mal, MongoDB, OpenCV, Plot, Project Mentat, Pygments, React Native, Reason, Roc, Stencil, Swift, TensorFlow, Uno, wasmer, Wax, Wing, zolang // Type your code here, or load an example. func square(n: Int) -> Int { return n * n } print("Hello, world!") print("Hello World") // Hello world in Swift println("Hello, world!") println("Hello, world") var someSortOfPrintableObject: SupportsToString ... print(someSortOfPrintableObject.toString()) associatedtype class deinit enum extension func import init inout internal let operator private protocol public static struct subscript typealias var break case continue default defer do else fallthrough for guard if in repeat return switch where while as catch dynamicType false is nil rethrows super self Self throw throws true try #column #file #function #line #available #column #else#elseif #endif #file #function #if #line #selector associativity convenience dynamic didSet final get infix indirect lazy left mutating none nonmutating optional override postfix precedence prefix Protocol required right set Type unowned weak willSet Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example print("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // 0b[01_]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9][0-9_]* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9][0-9_]*(\.[0-9_]+[eE][+\-]?[0-9_]+|\.[0-9_]*|[eE][+\-]?[0-9_]+) Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0o[0-7_]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Interfaces FeatureLink ../features/hasInterfaces.html Supported ✓ Example protocol MyProtocol { init(parameter: Int) var myVariable: Int { get set } var myReadOnlyProperty: Int { get } func myMethod() func myMethodWithBody() } extension MyProtocol { func myMethodWithBody() { // implementation goes here } } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import UIKit import UIKit.UITableViewController let tvc = UITableViewController() let vc = UIViewController() let label = UILabel() Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Single Dispatch FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleDispatch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example let label = UILabel() Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Variable Substitution Syntax FeatureLink ../features/hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 976 4.9
swizzle - Esoteric programming language swizzle ======= swizzle is an esoteric programming language created in 2018 by Robert Swierczek. 2018 Robert Swierczek #2652 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone An esoteric programming language - Tags: esoteric programming language - swizzle is developed on GitHub and has 26 stars - swizzle is written in Bourne shell, C, Markdown {M 1=i (i 100 <=? (i 15 % 0 ==? "FizzBuzz" P; :(i 3 % 0 ==? "Fizz" P; :(i 5 % 0 ==? "Buzz" P; : i "%d" P;; ))) 10 "%c" P;; i++; @) } M Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Semantic Web Rule Language - Xml format Semantic Web Rule Language ========================== Semantic Web Rule Language, aka Semantic Web Rule Language, is a xml format created in 2004. 2004 #2318 on PLDB 20 Years Old The Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) is a proposed language for the Semantic Web that can be used to express rules as well as logic, combining OWL DL or OWL Lite with a subset of the Rule Markup Language (itself a subset of Datalog).The specification was submitted in May 2004 to the W3C by the National Research Council of Canada, Network Inference (since acquired by webMethods), and Stanford University in association with the Joint US/EU ad hoc Agent Markup Language Committee. The specification was based on an earlier proposal for an OWL rules language.SWRL has the full power of OWL DL, but at the price of decidability and practical implementations. However, decidability can be regained by restricting the form of admissible rules, typically by imposing a suitable safety condition.Rules are of the form of an implication between an antecedent (body) and consequent (head). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - Semantic Web Rule Language on HOPL Semantic Web Rule Language on HOPL <ruleml:imp> <ruleml:_rlab ruleml:href="#example1"/> <ruleml:_body> <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasParent"> <ruleml:var>x1</ruleml:var> <ruleml:var>x2</ruleml:var> </swrlx:individualPropertyAtom> <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasBrother"> <ruleml:var>x2</ruleml:var> <ruleml:var>x3</ruleml:var> </swrlx:individualPropertyAtom> </ruleml:_body> <ruleml:_head> <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasUncle"> <ruleml:var>x1</ruleml:var> <ruleml:var>x3</ruleml:var> </swrlx:individualPropertyAtom> </ruleml:_head> </ruleml:imp> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 396 2
Swym - Programming language Swym ==== Swym is a programming language created in 2012 by Laurie Cheers. 2012 Laurie Cheers #2176 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone The Swym programming language - Tags: programming language - Swym is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - Early development of Swym happened in Cheers Games - Swym is written in JavaScript, HTML, PHP, CSS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
SYBYL line notation - Text data format SYBYL line notation =================== SYBYL line notation is a text data format created in 1997. 1997 #4669 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat C[1]H:CH:CH:CH:CH:CH:@1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
SYMBAL - Programming language SYMBAL ====== SYMBAL is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4478 on PLDB 52 Years Old Formula Manipulation Language - Tags: programming language - SYMBAL on HOPL SYMBAL on HOPL - Read more about SYMBAL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
SymbMath - Programming language SymbMath ======== SymbMath is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4846 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SymbMath on HOPL SymbMath on HOPL - Read more about SymbMath on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
SYMBOL - Programming language SYMBOL ====== SYMBOL is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #1121 on PLDB 53 Years Old A symbol is a mark, sign or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences. All communication (and data processing) is achieved through the use of symbols. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - SYMBOL on HOPL SYMBOL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) ISBN - Read more about SYMBOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY - Assembly language SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY ================= SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY is an assembly language created in 1956. 1956 #3234 on PLDB 68 Years Old The Symbolic Assembly Program (SAP) is an assembler program for the IBM 704 computer. It was written by Roy Nutt at United Aircraft Corporation, and was distributed by the SHARE user's group beginning in 1956 as the Share Assembly Program. SAP succeeded an earlier program called NYAP1 (New York Assembly Program 1), which it closely resembled, and became the standard assembler for 704 users. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - Early development of SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY happened in IBM - SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY on HOPL SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY on HOPL - Read more about SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
SYMPL - Programming language SYMPL ===== SYMPL is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #2993 on PLDB 54 Years Old SYMPL is an obsolete programming language developed by the Control Data Corporation (CDC) for use on the CDC 6000 series computer systems in the 1970s and 1980s. It was based on a subset of CDCs version of JOVIAL, as an alternative to assembly language. A number of important CDC software products were implemented in SYMPL, including compilers, libraries, a full-screen editor, and major subsystems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - SYMPL on HOPL SYMPL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) JOVIAL, Fortran Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
SymPy - Library SymPy ===== SymPy is a library created in 2007. 2007 #1032 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone A computer algebra system written in pure Python - Tags: library - SymPy is developed on GitHub and has 12,652 stars - SymPy is written in Python, reStructuredText, SVG, Markdown, Jupyter Notebook, Perl, YAML, Bourne shell, XSLT, JSON, Tex, XML, Make, TOML, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Dockerfile, Scheme - was registered in 2007 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
SYNAPSE - Programming language SYNAPSE ======= SYNAPSE is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2308 on PLDB 34 Years Old SyNAPSE is a DARPA program that aims to develop electronic neuromorphic machine technology, an attempt to build a new kind of cognitive computer with form, function, and architecture similar to the mammalian brain. Such artificial brains would be used in robots whose intelligence would scale with the size of the neural system in terms of total number of neurons and synapses and their connectivity. SyNAPSE is a backronym standing for Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - SYNAPSE on HOPL SYNAPSE on HOPL - Read more about SYNAPSE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
SMIL - Programming language SMIL ==== SMIL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3309 on PLDB 27 Years Old Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL ()) is a World Wide Web Consortium recommended Extensible Markup Language (XML) markup language to describe multimedia presentations. It defines markup for timing, layout, animations, visual transitions, and media embedding, among other things. SMIL allows presenting media items such as text, images, video, audio, links to other SMIL presentations, and files from multiple web servers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (5 related languages) HTML, SVG, JavaScript, MusicXML, Nested Context Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
syndicate - Programming language syndicate ========= syndicate is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #4629 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of syndicate =================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Syn·di·cate: actor-based concurrent language implemented in Racket/JavaScript||01/12/2017|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
synergist - Programming language synergist ========= synergist is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #5022 on PLDB 38 Years Old The Synergist language was created by a crew out of Michigan (USA) somewhere around 1986 or 1987. A guy named Kingsbury (can't remember his first name, but he's the brother of DEC guru Dan Kingsbury at, was one of the principals in the group. Work on the project stopped by 1990. - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
SYNGLISH - Programming language SYNGLISH ======== SYNGLISH is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4936 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SYNGLISH on HOPL SYNGLISH on HOPL - Read more about SYNGLISH on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Synon - Programming language Synon ===== Synon is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #3754 on PLDB 38 Years Old Synon was a software company which, at its height, dominated the worldwide market for third-party application development tools for the IBM System i (formerly AS/400) platform. Its products continue to be widely used in that sector today, distributed and supported by CA Inc.. Synon pioneered what is now sometimes called Architected Rapid Application Development (ARAD).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Synon on HOPL Synon on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) COBOL, C#, Java, RPG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
SYNPROC - Programming language SYNPROC ======= SYNPROC is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4937 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SYNPROC on HOPL SYNPROC on HOPL - Read more about SYNPROC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
SYNTEX - Programming language SYNTEX ====== SYNTEX is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4847 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SYNTEX on HOPL SYNTEX on HOPL - Read more about SYNTEX on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
SYNTOL - Programming language SYNTOL ====== SYNTOL is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #4938 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - SYNTOL on HOPL SYNTOL on HOPL - Read more about SYNTOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
SysML - Programming language SysML ===== SysML, aka Systems Modeling Language, is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #1648 on PLDB 24 Years Old The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose modeling language for systems engineering applications. It supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems and systems-of-systems. SysML was originally developed by an open source specification project, and includes an open source license for distribution and use. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) UML, Energy Systems Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
System V ABI - Binary executable format System V ABI ============ System V ABI is a binary executable format created in 1983. 1983 #4479 on PLDB 41 Years Old An example of a symbol table can be found in the SysV Application Binary Interface (ABI) specification, which mandates how symbols are to be laid out in a binary file, so that different compilers, linkers and loaders can all consistently find and work with the symbols in a compiled object. - Tags: binary executable format - Read more about System V ABI on the web: 1. 1. Address Type Name 00000020 a T_BIT 00000040 a F_BIT 00000080 a I_BIT 20000004 t irqvec 20000008 t fiqvec 2000000c t InitReset Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
SystemVerilog - Programming language SystemVerilog ============= SystemVerilog is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #292 on PLDB 22 Years Old 10k Repos SystemVerilog, standardized as IEEE 1800, is a hardware description and hardware verification language used to model, design, simulate, test and implement electronic systems. SystemVerilog is based on Verilog and some extensions, and since 2008 Verilog is now part of the same IEEE standard. It is commonly used in the semiconductor and electronic design industry as an evolution of Verilog.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 9,972 SystemVerilog repos on GitHub - Early development of SystemVerilog happened in Synopsys - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 872 users using SystemVerilog in 1k repos on GitHub - Explore SystemVerilog snippets on Rosetta Code - Monaco package for syntax highlighting SystemVerilog - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for SystemVerilog - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for SystemVerilog - See also: (7 related languages) Verilog, VHDL, OpenVera, Java, C, Property Specification Language, AXIOM function integer log2; input integer x; begin x = x-1; for (log2 = 0; x > 0; log2 = log2 + 1) x = x >> 1; end endfunction class eth_frame; // Definitions as above covergroup cov; coverpoint dest { bins bcast[1] = {48'hFFFFFFFFFFFF}; bins ucast[1] = default; } coverpoint f_type { bins length[16] = { [0:1535] }; bins typed[16] = { [1536:32767] }; bins other[1] = default; } psize: coverpoint payload.size { bins size[] = { 46, [47:63], 64, [65:511], [512:1023], [1024:1499], 1500 }; } sz_x_t: cross f_type, psize; endgroup endclass accept_on alias always always_comb always_ff always_latch and assert assign assume automatic before begin bind bins binsof bit break buf bufif0 bufif1 byte case casex casez cell chandle checker class clocking cmos config const constraint context continue cover covergroup coverpoint cross deassign default defparam design disable dist do edge else end endcase endchecker endclass endclocking endconfig endfunction endgenerate endgroup endinterface endmodule endpackage endprimitive endprogram endproperty endspecify endsequence endtable endtask enum event eventually expect export extends extern final first_match for force foreach forever fork forkjoin function generate genvar global highz0 highz1 if iff ifnone ignore_bins illegal_bins implements implies import incdir include initial inout input inside instance int integer interconnect interface intersect join join_any join_none large let liblist library local localparam logic longint macromodule matches medium modport module nand negedge nettype new nexttime nmos nor noshowcancelled not notif0 notif1 null or output package packed parameter pmos posedge primitive priority program property protected pull0 pull1 pulldown pullup pulsestyle_ondetect pulsestyle_onevent pure rand randc randcase randsequence rcmos real realtime ref reg reject_on release repeat restrict return rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 s_always s_eventually s_nexttime s_until s_until_with scalared sequence shortint shortreal showcancelled signed small soft solve specify specparam static string strong strong0 strong1 struct super supply0 supply1 sync_accept_on sync_reject_on table tagged task this throughout time timeprecision timeunit tran tranif0 tranif1 tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg type typedef union unique unique0 unsigned until until_with untyped use uwire var vectored virtual void wait wait_order wand weak weak0 weak1 while wildcard wire with within wor xnor xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // ([1-9][_0-9]*)?\s*\'[sS]?[bB]\s*[xXzZ?01][_xXzZ?01]* Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // ([1-9][_0-9]*)?\s*\'[sS]?[dD]\s*[xXzZ?0-9][_xXzZ?0-9]* Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[lL]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // ([1-9][_0-9]*)?\s*\'[sS]?[hH]\s*[xXzZ?0-9a-fA-F][_xXzZ?0-9a-fA-F]* Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // ([1-9][_0-9]*)?\s*\'[sS]?[oO]\s*[xXzZ?0-7][_xXzZ?0-7]* Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 798 4
IBM System z - Computing machine IBM System z ============ IBM System z is a computing machine created in 2000. 2000 #2968 on PLDB 24 Years Old IBM System z (officially "IBM z Systems") is a family name used by IBM for all of its mainframe computers. In 2000, IBM renamed the existing System/390 to IBM eServer zSeries with the e depicted in IBM's red trademarked symbol, but because no specific machine names were changed for System/390, the zSeries name in common use refers only to the z900 and z990 generations of mainframes. In April 2006, with another generation of products, the official family was changed to IBM System z, which now includes both older IBM eServer zSeries models, the IBM System z9 models, the IBM System z10 models, and the newer IBM zEnterprise models. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: computingMachine - See also: (1 related languages) Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
t-lang - Programming language t-lang ====== t-lang is a programming language created in 2019 by Justin Hu. 2019 Justin Hu #2376 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone T is a C-like, module based programming language - Tags: programming language - t-lang is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - t-lang is written in C, Markdown, YAML, Tex, Make, Racket - Read more about t-lang on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
T - Programming language T = T is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2205 on PLDB 44 Years Old The T programming language is a dialect of the Scheme programming language developed in the early 1980s by Jonathan A. Rees, Kent M. Pitman, and Norman I. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - T on HOPL T on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) Scheme, EuLisp, Joule, C, Common Lisp (define-predicate pair?) (define-settable-operation (car pair)) (define-settable-operation (cdr pair)) (define (cons the-car the-cdr) (object nil ((pair? self) t) ((car self) the-car) ((cdr self) the-cdr) (((setter car) self new-car) (set the-car new-car)) (((setter cdr) self new-cdr) (set the-cdr new-cdr)))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
t2b - Programming language t2b === t2b is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #1563 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A wicked-powerful text macro language for building binary files. - Tags: programming language - t2b is developed on GitHub and has 375 stars - t2b is written in XML, C++, Markdown, CMake, Yacc, Lex, YAML HackerNews discussions of t2b ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: T2b – A wicked-powerful text macro language for building binary files||06/12/2018|117|52 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
T3X - Programming language T3X === T3X is a programming language created in 1995 by Nils M Holm. 1995 Nils M Holm #1988 on PLDB 29 Years Old T3X is a small, portable, procedural, block-structured, recursive, almost typeless, and to some degree object-oriented programming language. Its syntax is similar to Pascal, its semantics resembles BCPL's. - Tags: programming language - T3X on HOPL T3X on HOPL - was registered in 2000 - Read more about T3X on the web: 1. 1. USE t3x: t; DO t.write(T3X.SYSOUT, "Hello, World!\n", 14); END Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example DO END ! Do nothing Token ! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
tab - Programming language tab === tab is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #4705 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of tab ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: The Tab programming language||02/16/2015|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
tablam - Query language tablam ====== tablam is a query language created in 2020 by Mario Montoya. 2020 Mario Montoya #1368 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone The practical relational programing language for data-oriented applications - Tags: queryLanguage - tablam is developed on GitHub and has 185 stars - tablam is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML, Bourne shell, JSON, YAML, HTML, SVG, CSS, JavaScript, XML - was registered in 2014 city ?where .population > 100_000 ?select .name, .country points ?sort .x Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
tablatal - Programming language tablatal ======== tablatal is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3071 on PLDB 7 Years Old This space-sensitive database format is designed to store a list of elements of the same length, accessible by id. The parser is 30 lines long, and allows for human-readable data structures for static sites such as Oscean, also see Indental. In the Tablatal file, the first line declares the key, the spacing between each key defines the length of the parameters for all subsequent lines. - Tags: programming language - Read more about tablatal on the web: 1. 1. NAME AGE COLOR Erica 12 Opal Alex 23 Cyan Nike 34 Red Ruca 45 Grey Or, [{name:Erica,Age:12,Color:Blue},{name:Alex,Age..} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
Tableau Software - Application Tableau Software ================ Tableau Software is an application created in 2003. 2003 #1724 on PLDB 21 Years Old Tableau Software ( tab-LOH) is an interactive data visualization software company founded on January 2003 by Christian Chabot, Pat Hanrahan and Chris Stolte, in Mountain View, California. The company is currently headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States focused on business intelligence. On June 10, 2019, announced it would be acquiring Tableau.Chabot, Hanrahan and Stolte were researchers at the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University who specialized in visualization techniques for exploring and analyzing relational databases and data cubes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - was registered in 1996 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
TABLOG - Programming language TABLOG ====== TABLOG is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #4939 on PLDB 40 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TABLOG on HOPL TABLOG on HOPL - Read more about TABLOG on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Tabloid - Esoteric programming language Tabloid ======= Tabloid is an esoteric programming language created in 2020 by Linus Lee. 2020 Linus Lee #1327 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A minimal programming language inspired by clickbait headlines - Tags: esoteric programming language - Tabloid is developed on GitHub and has 458 stars - Tabloid is written in JavaScript, CSS, Markdown, HTML YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS "Hello, world" PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
TABSOL - Programming language TABSOL ====== TABSOL is a programming language created in 1960. 1960 #4940 on PLDB 64 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TABSOL on HOPL TABSOL on HOPL - Read more about TABSOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TABTRAN - Programming language TABTRAN ======= TABTRAN is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4941 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TABTRAN on HOPL TABTRAN on HOPL - Read more about TABTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TAC - Programming language TAC === TAC is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4942 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TAC on HOPL TAC on HOPL - Read more about TAC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Tandem Advanced Command Language - Programming language Tandem Advanced Command Language ================================ Tandem Advanced Command Language, aka Tandem Advanced Command Language, is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #1956 on PLDB 25 Years Old TACL (the Tandem Advanced Command Language) is the scripting programming language used in Tandem Computers. TACL is the shell.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Tandem Advanced Command Language on HOPL Tandem Advanced Command Language on HOPL - Tandem Advanced Command Language appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (1 related languages) TAL Comment -- Hello World for TACL (Tandem Advanced Command Language) ?tacl macro #OUTPUT Hello world ?Section HELLO_BERNARD ROUTINE #OUTPUT Hello BERNARD Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
TACPOL - Programming language TACPOL ====== TACPOL is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #4584 on PLDB 48 Years Old TACPOL (Tactical Procedure Oriented Language) is a block structured programming language developed by the United States Army for the TACFIRE Tactical Fire Direction command and control application. TACPOL is similar to PL/I.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TACPOL on HOPL TACPOL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) PL/I Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
TACTICS - Programming language TACTICS ======= TACTICS is a programming language created in 1972. 1972 #4848 on PLDB 52 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TACTICS on HOPL TACTICS on HOPL - Read more about TACTICS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Text Adventure Development System - Application Text Adventure Development System ================================= Text Adventure Development System, aka Text Adventure Development System, is an open source application created in 1988 by Michael J. Roberts. 1988 Michael J. Roberts #1615 on PLDB 36 Years Old Text Adventure Development System (TADS) is a prototype-based domain-specific programming language and set of standard libraries for creating interactive fiction (IF) games.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - was registered in 2001 - See also: (9 related languages) Unix, Linux, Inform, C, Pascal, Java, UTF-8, Z-machine, C# Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
taf - Programming language taf === taf is a programming language created in 2012 by Manuel Simoni. 2012 Manuel Simoni #1431 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A Lisp with row polymorphism, delimited continuations, and hygienic macros. [vaporware] - Tags: programming language - taf is developed on GitHub and has 56 stars - taf is written in HTML, JavaScript, CSS - Read more about taf on the web: 1. 1. (define (make-person name email) #(person :name name :email email)) ; creates a person record with name and email fields (define-generic (to-string obj)) (define-method (to-string (obj #(person :name :email))) ; matches persons and binds name and email field to local variables (concat (list name " <" email ">"))) (to-string (make-person "Manuel" "")) ; ==> "Manuel <>" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 259 1.3
Tahoe-LAFS - Filesystem Tahoe-LAFS ========== Tahoe-LAFS is a filesystem created in 2007. 2007 #3731 on PLDB 17 Years Old Tahoe-LAFS (Tahoe Least-Authority File Store) is a free and open, secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant, distributed data store and distributed file system. It can be used as an online backup system, or to serve as a file or Web host similar to Freenet, depending on the front-end used to insert and access files in the Tahoe system. Tahoe can also be used in a RAID-like fashion using multiple disks to make a single large Redundant Array of Inexpensive Nodes (RAIN) pool of reliable data storage. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: filesystem Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
Taichi - Programming language Taichi ====== Taichi is a programming language created in 2019 by Yuanming Hu. 2019 Yuanming Hu #259 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Taichi Lang is an open-source, imperative, parallel programming language for high-performance numerical computation. It is embedded in Python and uses just-in-time (JIT) compiler frameworks, for example LLVM, to offload the compute-intensive Python code to the native GPU or CPU instructions. - Tags: programming language - Taichi is developed on GitHub and has 25,152 stars - Taichi is written in Python, C++, Markdown, CMake, JSON, GLSL, YAML, CUDA, Bourne shell, Objective C++, PowerShell, TOML, C, Jupyter Notebook, Make, Ini - Read more about Taichi on the web: 1. 1. // For CPU Parallelize(int num_threads) // Multi-threading Vectorize(int width) // Loop vectorization // For GPU BlockDim(int blockDim) // Specify GPU block size // For scratchpad optimization AssumeInRange(Expr base, int lower, int upper) Cache(Expr) // Cache data into GPU L1 cache CacheL1(Expr) More discussions on h Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
Taijilang - Programming language Taijilang ========= Taijilang is a programming language created in 2014 by Simeon Chaos. 2014 Simeon Chaos #1814 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone a customizable and extensible language with dynamic parser and meta compilation. - Tags: programming language - Taijilang is developed on GitHub and has 65 stars - Taijilang is written in JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Markdown, JSON, HTML, CSS, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
taktentus - Esoteric programming language taktentus ========= taktentus is an esoteric programming language created in 2015. 2015 #4849 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - Read more about taktentus on the web: 1. 1. a := 15 a += -2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 100 0.5
TAL - Programming language TAL === TAL, aka Transaction Application Language, is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1452 on PLDB 16 Years Old Transaction Application Language or TAL (originally "Tandem Application Language") is a block-structured, procedural language optimized for use on Tandem hardware. TAL resembles a cross between C and Pascal. It was the original system programming language for the Tandem CISC machines, which had no assembler. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore TAL snippets on Rosetta Code - TAL on HOPL TAL on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for TAL - See also: (3 related languages) C, Algol, Pascal Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
TALE - Programming language TALE ==== TALE is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4850 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TALE on HOPL TALE on HOPL - Read more about TALE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TALL - Programming language TALL ==== TALL is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #4851 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TALL on HOPL TALL on HOPL - Read more about TALL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
tamgu - Programming language tamgu ===== tamgu is a programming language created in 2019 by Claude Roux. 2019 Claude Roux #2430 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Tamgu (탐구), a FIL programming language: Functional, Imperative, Logical all in one for annotation and data augmentation - Tags: programming language - tamgu is developed on GitHub and has 191 stars - tamgu is written in Markdown, C++, XML, C, Make, Objective-C, Java, Python, CMake, JSON, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
tampio - Programming language tampio ====== tampio is a programming language created in 2017 by Iikka Hauhio. 2017 Iikka Hauhio #1701 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Tampio: An object-oriented programming language made to resemble Finnish - Tags: programming language - tampio is developed on GitHub and has 226 stars - tampio is written in Python, Markdown, CSS - tampio is written with the native language of Finnish Pienen luvun kertoma on riippuen siitä, onko se pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin yksi, joko yksi tai pieni luku kerrottuna pienen luvun edeltäjän kertomalla. Luvun edeltäjä on se vähennettynä yhdellä. Olkoon pieni muuttuja uusi muuttuja, jonka arvo on nolla. Kun nykyinen sivu avautuu, pieneen muuttujaan luetaan luku ja nykyinen sivu näyttää pienen muuttujan arvon kertoman. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
tangledown - Template language tangledown ========== tangledown is a template language created in 2011 by Nicholas Bollweg. 2011 Nicholas Bollweg #2088 on PLDB 13 Years Old git clone tangledown combines the simplicity of Markdown syntax with the sexiness of Tangle.js reactive documents and the loveliness of Rickshaw plots - Tags: template language - tangledown is developed on GitHub and has 30 stars - tangledown is written in HTML, JavaScript, Python, CSS, SVG, Markdown, JSON If you eat t[number](cookies ' cookies'), you consume t[](calories ' calories'). This constitutes t[](dailypercent percent) of a daily intake of t[number](100<dailycalories..100 ' calories'). t[if](overninek) ~ # It's over 9000! ~~~~.initialize #cookies: 3 #calories: 150 #dailypercent: 1 #dailycalories: 2100 #overninek: 0 ~~~~ ~~~~.update #calories: #cookies * 50 #dailypercent: (#cookies * 50) / #dailycalories #overninek: #calories > 9000 ~~~~ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Tao - Programming language Tao === Tao is a programming language created in 2020 by Joshua Barretto. 2020 Joshua Barretto #1167 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A statically-typed functional language with polymorphism, typeclasses, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, good diagnostics, and much more! - Tags: programming language - Tao is developed on GitHub and has 1,086 stars - Tao is written in Rust, TOML, Markdown, SVG, SCSS, HTML, Bourne shell fn factorial = | 0 => 1 \ y ~ x + 1 => y * factorial(x) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
TAO - Programming language TAO === TAO is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4852 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TAO on HOPL TAO on HOPL - Read more about TAO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
tao3d - Programming language tao3d ===== tao3d is a programming language created in 2003 by Christophe de Dinechin. 2003 Christophe de Dinechin #1149 on PLDB 21 Years Old git clone Tao3D is a programming language for interactive 3D. - Tags: programming language - tao3d is developed on GitHub and has 172 stars - tao3d is written in C++, Ini, JSON, Bourne shell, Qt, SVG, HTML, XML, Bash, Assembly language, Perl, YAML, sed, C, F#, Make, Markdown, Objective C++, CSV, Protocol Buffers, TypeScript - See also: (1 related languages) XL import SeasonsGreetingsTheme theme "SeasonsGreetings" main_title_slide "The main title slide", title "Seasons Greetings theme" subtitle "A theme for the holidays" section_slide "A section slide", title "Section title" subtitle "Section subtitle" slide "Bullet points", * "Bullet points" ** "More bullet points" *** "Deeper" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
Tap code - Notation Tap code ======== Tap code is a notation created in 1941. 1941 #2984 on PLDB 83 Years Old The tap code, sometimes called the knock code, is a way to encode text messages on a letter-by-letter basis in a very simple way. The message is transmitted using a series of tap sounds, hence its name. The tap code has been commonly used by prisoners to communicate with each other. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - See also: (1 related languages) Morse code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
TAP - Protocol TAP === TAP, aka Test Anything Protocol, is an open source protocol created in 1988. 1988 #800 on PLDB 36 Years Old git clone The Test Anything Protocol (TAP) is a protocol to allow communication between unit tests and a test harness. It allows individual tests (TAP producers) to communicate test results to the testing harness in a language-agnostic way. Originally developed for unit testing of the Perl interpreter in 1987, producers and parsers are now available for many development platforms.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - TAP is developed on GitHub and has 43 stars - TAP is written in XML - There are 81 members in the TAP subreddit - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for TAP - was registered in 2007 - See also: (1 related languages) Perl 1..4 ok 1 - Input file opened not ok 2 - First line of the input valid. More output from test 2. There can be arbitrary number of lines for any output so long as there is at least some kind of whitespace at beginning of line. ok 3 - Read the rest of the file #TAP meta information not ok 4 - Summarized correctly # TODO: not written yet Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 271 1.4
Table Query Language - Query language Table Query Language ==================== Table Query Language is a query language created in 1997. 1997 #2781 on PLDB 27 Years Old The Table Query Language (TaQL) is an SQL-like high level language to do operations like selection, sort, and update on a casacore table. It is a very versatile language with full support for table columns containing array data. It has inherent support for masked arrays, units, and astronomical coordinates. It has a very rich set of functions (like cone search and array reduction) making it very suitable for astronomical applications. User defined functions can be added easily. It also has full support of grouping/aggregation and nested queries. An operation that can be expressed in a single function is the matching of two sky catalogues. It can be used from C++, Python, and the Casacore program taql. - Tags: queryLanguage - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Table Query Language - Read more about Table Query Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
Tarmac - Programming language Tarmac ====== Tarmac is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4943 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Tarmac on HOPL Tarmac on HOPL - Read more about Tarmac on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
tarot - Compiler tarot ===== tarot is a compiler created in 2017. 2017 #4630 on PLDB 7 Years Old Tarot A self-hosted scheme compiler (to qcode) and virtual machine. - Tags: compiler Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 89 0.4
TASM - Programming language TASM ==== TASM is a programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2811 on PLDB 35 Years Old TASM may refer to: Turbo Assembler, Borland's x86 assembler Turbo Assembler, Omikron's Commodore 64-based 6502 assembler Table Assembler, a table driven cross-assembler for small microprocessors Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium The Amazing Spider-Man. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TASM on HOPL TASM on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for TASM - Read more about TASM on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
Tawa - Programming language Tawa ==== Tawa is a programming language created in 2021 by Jan Blackquill. 2021 Jan Blackquill #3652 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Einfache funktionale Programmiersprache. - Tags: programming language - Tawa is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Tawa is written in Go, JSON, YAML, TypeScript, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
taxa - Programming language taxa ==== taxa is a programming language created in 2014 by Dan Motzenbecker. 2014 Dan Motzenbecker #2641 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone 📐 A tiny language inside JavaScript to enforce type signatures. - Tags: programming language - taxa is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - taxa is written in CoffeeScript, Markdown, JavaScript, JSON HackerNews discussions of taxa ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Taxa – A tiny language inside JavaScript to enforce type signatures||09/07/2014|3|3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
Taxis - Programming language Taxis ===== Taxis is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4944 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Taxis on HOPL Taxis on HOPL - Read more about Taxis on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
tbox-lib - Library tbox-lib ======== tbox-lib is a library created in 2010. 2010 #1106 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone 🎁 A glib-like multi-platform c library - Tags: library - tbox-lib is developed on GitHub and has 4,797 stars - tbox-lib is written in C, Assembly language, YAML, Markdown, Lua, Bourne shell, Objective-C, C++ - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
tcc - Programming language tcc === tcc is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4945 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - tcc on HOPL tcc on HOPL - Read more about tcc on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Tcl - Programming language Tcl === Tcl, aka Tool Command Language, is an open source programming language created in 1988 by John Ousterhout. 1988 John Ousterhout #81 on PLDB 36 Years Old 14k Repos Tcl (pronounced "tickle" or tee cee ell, ) is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. It was designed with the goal of being very simple but powerful. Tcl casts everything into the mold of a command, even programming constructs like variable assignment and procedure definition. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Interview with the creator of Tcl: 1. 1. - There are at least 13,969 Tcl repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 7k users using Tcl in 8k repos on GitHub - There are 0 members in the Tcl subreddit - There are 71 Project Euler users using Tcl - Explore Tcl snippets on Rosetta Code - Tcl appears in the TIOBE Index - Tcl Ubuntu package Tcl Ubuntu package - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Tcl - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Tcl - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Tcl - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Tcl - Tcl appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Tcl on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Tcl - See also: (23 related languages) awk, Lisp, PHP, Tea, PowerShell, C, Python, Expect, Unicode, Regular Expressions, Java, Unix, Linux, Bourne shell, XOTcl, Snit, Verilog, VHDL, UDP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Tk - Read more about Tcl on the web: 1. 1. - 17 PLDB concepts link to Tcl: Ace Editor, CHICKEN, clash, cloc, Dern, DRAKON, duro, Git, hecl, invokator, mal, MongoDB, Opal, Redis, Spatial, Tk, V puts {Hello, world!} puts "Hello World" #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh # Hello World in Tcl puts "Hello World!" # XDG Base Directory Specification handling # # Copyright (C) 2013 Lawrence Woodman # # Licensed under an MIT licence. Please see for details. # # For XDG Base Directory Specification # # package require Tcl 8.5 namespace eval XDG { variable DEFAULTS "" namespace export DATA_HOME CONFIG_HOME CACHE_HOME namespace export RUNTIME_DIR DATA_DIRS CONFIG_DIRS } proc XDG::SetDefaults {} { variable DEFAULTS if {$DEFAULTS ne ""} return set DEFAULTS [list \ DATA_HOME [file join $::env(HOME) .local share] \ CONFIG_HOME [file join $::env(HOME) .config] \ CACHE_HOME [file join $::env(HOME) .cache] \ DATA_DIRS [list [file join /usr local share] [file join /usr share]] \ CONFIG_DIRS [list [file join /etc xdg ]] ] } proc XDG::XDGVarSet {var} { expr {[info exists ::env(XDG_$var)] && $::env(XDG_$var) ne ""} } proc XDG::Dir {var {subdir ""} } { variable DEFAULTS SetDefaults set dir [dict get $DEFAULTS $var] if {[XDGVarSet $var]} { set dir $::env(XDG_$var) } return [file join $dir $subdir] } proc XDG::Dirs {var {subdir ""} } { variable DEFAULTS SetDefaults set rawDirs [dict get $DEFAULTS $var] if {[XDGVarSet $var]} { set rawDirs [split $::env(XDG_$var) ":"] } set outDirs {} foreach dir $rawDirs { lappend outDirs [file join $dir $subdir] } return $outDirs } # The remaining procs reference the environmental variables XDG_ # followed by the proc name. proc XDG::DATA_HOME {{subdir ""}} {Dir DATA_HOME $subdir} proc XDG::CONFIG_HOME {{subdir ""}} {Dir CONFIG_HOME $subdir} proc XDG::CACHE_HOME {{subdir ""}} {Dir CACHE_HOME $subdir} proc XDG::RUNTIME_DIR {{subdir ""}} { if {![XDGVarSet RUNTIME_DIR]} { return {} } return [file join $::env(XDG_RUNTIME_DIR) $subdir] } # The following procs returning the directories as a list with the most # important first. proc XDG::DATA_DIRS {{subdir ""}} {Dirs DATA_DIRS $subdir} proc XDG::CONFIG_DIRS {{subdir ""}} {Dirs CONFIG_DIRS $subdir} oo::class create fruit { method eat {} { puts "yummy!" } } oo::class create banana { superclass fruit constructor {} { my variable peeled set peeled 0 } method peel {} { my variable peeled set peeled 1 puts "skin now off" } method edible? {} { my variable peeled return $peeled } method eat {} { if {![my edible?]} { my peel } next } } set b [banana new] $b eat → prints "skin now off" and "yummy!" fruit destroy $b eat → error "unknown command" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token puts row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 824 4.1
TCOZ - Programming language TCOZ ==== TCOZ is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4946 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TCOZ on HOPL TCOZ on HOPL - Read more about TCOZ on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TCP - Protocol TCP === TCP, aka Transmission Control Protocol, is a protocol created in 1974 by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. 1974 Vint Cerf Bob Kahn #464 on PLDB 50 Years Old The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol suite. It originated in the initial network implementation in which it complemented the Internet Protocol (IP). Therefore, the entire suite is commonly referred to as TCP/IP. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - See also: (6 related languages) UDP, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, TLS, Linux - 1 PLDB concepts link to TCP: Homa Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 186 0.9
tcsh - Programming language tcsh ==== tcsh is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #968 on PLDB 41 Years Old 0 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 0 tcsh repos on GitHub - tcsh on HOPL tcsh on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for tcsh - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for tcsh echo "Hello, world!" #!/bin/tcsh echo "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
TCSP - Programming language TCSP ==== TCSP is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4947 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TCSP on HOPL TCSP on HOPL - Read more about TCSP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TDFL - Programming language TDFL ==== TDFL is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4948 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TDFL on HOPL TDFL on HOPL - Read more about TDFL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TDMS - Programming language TDMS ==== TDMS is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4949 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TDMS on HOPL TDMS on HOPL - Read more about TDMS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Tea - Library Tea === Tea is a library created in 2019 by Eunice Jun and Maureen Daum and Jared Roesch and Sarah E. Chasins and Emery D. Berger and Rene Just and Katharina Reinecke. 2019 Eunice Jun Maureen Daum Jared Roesch Sarah E. Chasins Emery D. Berger Rene Just Katharina Reinecke #2510 on PLDB 5 Years Old A High-level Language and Runtime System for Automating Statistical Analysis. Tea is implemented as an open-source Python library, so programmers can use Tea wherever they use Python, including within Python notebooks. - Tags: library - Tea is written in Python - was registered in 2018 - See also: (5 related languages) SAS, SPSS, JMP, R, Statsplorer - Read more about Tea on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 259 1.3
tea - Package manager tea === tea is an open source package manager created in 2021 by Max Howell. 2021 Max Howell #294 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone From the creator of brew, tea is a standalone, binary download for all platforms that puts the entire open source ecosystem at your fingertips. Casually and effortlessly use the latest and greatest or the oldest and most mature from any layer of any stack. Break down the silos between programming communities, throw together scripts that use entirely separate tools and languages and share them with the world with a simple one-liner.All you need is tea. - Tags: packageManager - tea is developed on GitHub and has 8,817 stars - Early development of tea happened in tea inc - Homebrew influenced the design of tea - tea is written in TypeScript, YAML, Markdown, JSON, TOML, Bourne shell, Dockerfile - Read more about tea on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
Tea - Programming language Tea === Tea is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #751 on PLDB 27 Years Old 17 Repos Tea is a high level scripting language for the Java environment. It combines features of Scheme, Tcl, and Java. Integrated support for all major programming paradigms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 17 Tea repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 14 users using Tea in 15 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Tea - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Tea - See also: (5 related languages) Tcl, Java, Scheme, XML, JVM echo "Hello, world!" class Square Rectangle ( ) method Square constructor ( size ) { $super constructor $size $size } echo "Hello World" <% template foo() %> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 259 1.3
teal - Programming language teal ==== teal is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4631 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for teal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
TeaSharp - Programming language TeaSharp ======== TeaSharp is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #4950 on PLDB 2 Years Old My new programming language, TeaSharp - Tags: programming language - Read more about TeaSharp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 102 0.5
TECO - Programming language TECO ==== TECO, aka Text editor character oriented, is a programming language created in 1963. 1963 #1237 on PLDB 61 Years Old TECO (; originally an acronym for [paper] Tape editor and corrector, but later Text editor and corrector, then Text editor character oriented) is a text editor originally developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1960s, after which it was modified by many other people. TECO was a direct ancestor of Emacs, which was originally implemented in TECO macros.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are 8 Project Euler users using TECO - Explore TECO snippets on Rosetta Code - TECO on HOPL TECO on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Emacs, Unix, ISBN IHello, world! $HT$ !Hello World in TECO !The $ symbol below wouldn't actually be a printing character - !it's the [escape] character, \u001b! FTHello World$ 0uz  ! clear repeat flag ! <j 0aua l  ! load 1st char into register A ! <0aub  ! load 1st char of next line into B ! qa-qb"g xa k -l ga -1uz '  ! if A>B, switch lines and set flag ! qbua  ! load B into A ! l .-z;>  ! loop back if another line in buffer ! qz;>  ! repeat if a switch was made last pass ! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 290 1.4
Tefkat - Programming language Tefkat ====== Tefkat is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3241 on PLDB 20 Years Old Tefkat is a Model Transformation Language and a model transformation engine. The language is based on F-logic and the theory of stratified logic programs. The engine is an Eclipse plug-in for the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language RULE ClassToTable FORALL Class c { name: n; } MAKE Table t { name: n; } ; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
Tektronix 4050 - Programming language Tektronix 4050 ============== Tektronix 4050 is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4579 on PLDB 44 Years Old The Tektronix 4050 was a series of three computer graphics microcomputers produced by Tektronix in the late 1970s through the early 1980s. The display technology was similar to the Tektronix 4010 terminal, using a storage tube display to avoid the need for video RAM. They were all-in-one designs with the display, keyboard, CPU and DC300 tape drive in a single desktop case. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
TeLa - Programming language TeLa ==== TeLa is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4853 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Explore TeLa snippets on Rosetta Code - TeLa on HOPL TeLa on HOPL - Read more about TeLa on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
TELCOMP - Programming language TELCOMP ======= TELCOMP is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4575 on PLDB 58 Years Old TELCOMP was a programming language developed at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) in about 1964 and in use until at least 1974. BBN offered TELCOMP as a paid service, with first revenue in October 1965. The service was sold to a company called On-Line Systems in 1972. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TELCOMP on HOPL TELCOMP on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) JOSS, MUMPS, Logo 1.04 TYPE #,"ENTER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:-";MENU 1.05 TYPE FORM X FOR X=1:1:4 FOR END=10^15 1.06 READ GRNO IN FORM 15 1.065 DONE IF GRNO=END 1.07 TO STEP 1.06 IF GRNO>4 1.08 TO PART GRNO+1 2.01 DO PART 50 2.02 READ N,K 2.03 DO PART 51 2.04 TO PART 15 .. 15.01 LINE FOR X=1:1:3 15.02 TYPE MINPL,MAXPL IN FORM 17 15.03 TYPE FORM 17 15.04 DO PART GRNO+15 FOR X=MNPL:STPL:MXPL 16.01 Y=(X^N)+K 16.02 Y1[X]=(((Y-MNPL)/(MXPL-MNPL))*2)-1 .. FORM 15 ITEM NUMBER? ##### FORM 17 MINIMUM ##### MAXIMUM ###### Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 293 1.5
telefile-assembly - Assembly language telefile-assembly ================= telefile-assembly is an assembly language created in 1952. 1952 #4951 on PLDB 72 Years Old Assembly language for Teleregister Telefile. - Tags: assembly language - Read more about telefile-assembly on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
Telehash - Protocol Telehash ======== Telehash is a protocol created in 2010 by Jeremie Miller. 2010 Jeremie Miller #3289 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: protocol - Read more about Telehash on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Telnet - Protocol Telnet ====== Telnet is a protocol created in 1969. 1969 #2659 on PLDB 55 Years Old Telnet is a protocol used on the Internet or local area network to provide a bidirectional interactive text-oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection. User data is interspersed in-band with Telnet control information in an 8-bit byte oriented data connection over the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Telnet was developed in 1969 beginning with RFC 15, extended in RFC 855, and standardized as Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet Standard STD 8, one of the first Internet standards. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
TELOS - Programming language TELOS ===== TELOS is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #2796 on PLDB 34 Years Old A telos (from the Greek τέλος for "end", "purpose", or "goal") is an end or purpose, in a fairly constrained sense used by philosophers such as Aristotle. It is the root of the term "teleology", roughly the study of purposiveness, or the study of objects with a view to their aims, purposes, or intentions. Teleology figures centrally in Aristotle's biology and in his theory of causes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TELOS on HOPL TELOS on HOPL - Read more about TELOS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
TELSIM - Programming language TELSIM ====== TELSIM is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4952 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TELSIM on HOPL TELSIM on HOPL - Read more about TELSIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Templar - Programming language Templar ======= Templar is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4953 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Templar on HOPL Templar on HOPL - Read more about Templar on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Template Attribute Language - Template language Template Attribute Language =========================== Template Attribute Language is a template language created in 2007. 2007 #3645 on PLDB 17 Years Old The Template Attribute Language (TAL) is a templating language used to generate dynamic HTML and XML pages. Its main goal is to simplify the collaboration between programmers and designers. This is achieved by embedding TAL statements inside valid HTML (or XML) tags which can then be worked on using common design tools. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - See also: (8 related languages) HTML, XML, Python, Java, Perl, Raku, Common Lisp, Thymeleaf <tal:if condition="context/itemlist"> </tal> <html metal:define-macro="icing"> ... <metal:myslot define-slot="optional-form"> ... </html> <html metal:use-macro="templates/page/macros/icing"> <form metal:fill-slot="optional-form" action="." tal:attributes="action context/designator"> ... </form> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
TEMPO - Programming language TEMPO ===== TEMPO is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4954 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TEMPO on HOPL TEMPO on HOPL - Read more about TEMPO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Temporal Prolog - Programming language Temporal Prolog =============== Temporal Prolog is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4955 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Temporal Prolog on HOPL Temporal Prolog on HOPL - Read more about Temporal Prolog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
ten - Programming language ten === ten is a programming language created in 2019 by Ray Stubbs. 2019 Ray Stubbs #2017 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A minimal, consistent, embeddable scripting language. - Tags: programming language - ten is developed on GitHub and has 36 stars each( irange( 1, 101 ) [ num ] if num % 15 = 0: show"FizzBuzz " num % 3 = 0: show"Fizz " num % 5 = 0: show"Buzz " else show( num, " " ) ) show( N ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
tengo - Programming language tengo ===== tengo is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4632 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of tengo =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Tengo lang – A fast script language for Go||01/18/2019|6|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
TensorFlow - Library TensorFlow ========== TensorFlow is an open source library created in 2015 by Manjunath Kudlur. 2015 Manjunath Kudlur #185 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone TensorFlow is an open-source software library for dataflow programming across a range of tasks. It is a symbolic math library, and also used for machine learning applications such as neural networks. It is used for both research and production at Google,‍   often replacing its closed-source predecessor, DistBelief. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - TensorFlow is developed on GitHub and has 184,333 stars - TensorFlow is written in C++, Python, Bazel, Markdown, Protocol Buffers, Bourne shell, starlark, Java, CMake, XML, Objective C++, Diff, Go, Dockerfile, YAML, Jupyter Notebook, JSON, C, Objective-C, Swift, SVG, Gradle, Bash, Ruby, HTML, CSV, JavaScript, C#, Perl, Make, Ini, Pascal, LLVM IR, Cython - Check out the 112 TensorFlow meetup groups on - has 721 matches for "tensorflow engineer". - was registered in 2015 - See also: (5 related languages) Python, CUDA, Linux, Android, iOS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
Teradata Aster - Database Teradata Aster ============== Teradata Aster is a database created in 2005. 2005 #4854 on PLDB 19 Years Old Massively parallel processing (MPP) database management system - Tags: database - Early development of Teradata Aster happened in Teradata Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 96 0.5
Teradata - Database Teradata ======== Teradata is a database created in 1979. 1979 #4855 on PLDB 45 Years Old Relational database management system (RDBMS) - Tags: database - Early development of Teradata happened in Teradata Corporation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
tern - Programming language tern ==== tern is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4633 on PLDB 5 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2019 HackerNews discussions of tern ============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Tern Programming Language||05/04/2019|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
Ternary numeral system - Notation Ternary numeral system ====================== Ternary numeral system is a notation created in 2001. 2001 #3079 on PLDB 23 Years Old The ternary numeral system (also called base 3) has three as its base. Analogous to a bit, a ternary digit is a trit (trinary digit). One trit is equivalent to log2 3 (about 1.58496) bits of information. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 134 0.7
Terra - Programming language Terra ===== Terra is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #224 on PLDB 12 Years Old 410 Repos git clone Terra is a low-level system programming language that is embedded in and meta-programmed by the Lua programming language: - Tags: programming language - Terra is developed on GitHub and has 2,692 stars - There are at least 410 Terra repos on GitHub - Terra is written in C++, Lua, Markdown, C, CMake, Bourne shell, YAML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Dockerfile, Make, Nix, Diff - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 195 users using Terra in 206 repos on GitHub - Explore Terra snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Terra -- This top-level code is plain Lua code. function printhello() -- This is a plain Lua function print("Hello, Lua!") end printhello() -- Terra is backwards compatible with C, we'll use C's io library in our example. C = terralib.includec("stdio.h") -- The keyword 'terra' introduces a new Terra function. terra hello(argc : int, argv : &rawstring) -- Here we call a C function from Terra C.printf("Hello, Terra!\n") return 0 end -- You can call Terra functions directly from Lua, they are JIT compiled -- using LLVM to create machine code hello(0,nil) -- Terra functions are first-class values in Lua, and can be introspected -- and meta-programmed using it hello:disas() --[[ output: assembly for function at address 0x60e6010 0x60e6010(+0): push rax 0x60e6011(+1): movabs rdi, 102129664 0x60e601b(+11): movabs rax, 140735712154681 0x60e6025(+21): call rax 0x60e6027(+23): xor eax, eax 0x60e6029(+25): pop rdx 0x60e602a(+26): ret ]] -- You can save Terra code as executables, object files, or shared libraries -- and link them into existing programs terralib.saveobj("helloterra",{ main = hello }) print("Hello World") C = terralib.includecstring [[ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> ]] local arraytypes = {} function Array(T) local struct ArrayImpl { data : &T; N : int; } function ArrayImpl.metamethods.__typename(self) return "Array("..tostring(T)..")" end arraytypes[ArrayImpl] = true terra ArrayImpl:init(N : int) = [&T](C.malloc(N*sizeof(T))) self.N = N end terra ArrayImpl:free() end ArrayImpl.metamethods.__apply = macro(function(self,idx) return `[idx] end) ArrayImpl.metamethods.__methodmissing = macro(function(methodname,selfexp,...) local args = terralib.newlist {...} local i = symbol(int) local promotedargs = args:map(function(a) if arraytypes[a:gettype()] then return `a(i) else return a end end) return quote var self = selfexp var r : ArrayImpl r:init(self.N) for [i] = 0,r.N do[i] =[i]:[methodname](promotedargs) end in r end end) return ArrayImpl end struct Complex { real : float; imag : float; } terra Complex:add(c : Complex) return Complex { self.real + c.real, self.imag + c.imag } end ComplexArray = Array(Complex) N = 10 terra testit() var ca : ComplexArray ca:init(N) for i = 0,N do ca(i) = Complex { i, i + 1 } end var ra = ca:add(ca) return ra end local r = testit() assert(r.N == N) for i = 0,N-1 do assert([i].real == 2*i) assert([i].imag == 2*(i+1)) end assert(tostring(Array(int)) == "Array(int32)") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 672 3.4
terse - Assembly language terse ===== terse is an assembly language created in 1986. 1986 #3711 on PLDB 38 Years Old TERSE is an x86 specific programming language compatible with the entire processor family from the 8088 through the Pentium 4 and beyond. It is a machine-level language that gives you all of the control available in assembly language with the ease-of-use and the look-and-feel of a high-level language like C. - Tags: assembly language - was registered in 1996 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
TestML - Programming language TestML ====== TestML is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2031 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone TestML is data driven software testing language that works with all popular programming languages and their favorite test frameworks. You write up your inputs and expected outputs and a simple assertion statement of how to get from one to the other. TestML takes care of the rest, giving you lots of testing functionality for the minimum input. - Tags: programming language - TestML is developed on GitHub and has 12 stars - TestML is written in XML, Make, Bash, Perl, CoffeeScript, Markdown, Python, Go, Raku, Ruby, C++, Ini, JSON, Dockerfile, JavaScript, YAML #!/usr/bin/env testml "+ - {*a} + {*a} == {*c}": *a.add(*a) == *c "+ - {*c} - {*a} == {*a}": *c.sub(*a) == *a "+ - {*a} * 2 == {*c}": *a.mul(2) == *c "+ - {*c} / 2 == {*a}": *c.div(2) == *a "+ - {*a} * {*b} == {*d}": mul(*a, *b) == *d === Test Block 1 --- a: 3 --- c: 6 === Test Block 2 --- a: -5 --- b: 7 --- c: -10 --- d: -35 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 241 1.2
tetra - Programming language tetra ===== tetra is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #4634 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of tetra =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Tetra: A Language For Learning Parallel Programming||10/19/2017|4|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
tetruss-app - Application tetruss-app =========== tetruss-app is an application created in 1996. 1996 #4635 on PLDB 28 Years Old a suite of computer programs used for fluid dynamics and aerodynamics analysis and design. - Tags: application Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
Tex - Programming language Tex === Tex is an open source programming language created in 1978 by Donald Knuth. 1978 Donald Knuth #63 on PLDB 46 Years Old 249k Repos TeX ( or , see below), stylized within the system as TeX, is a typesetting system (or "formatting system") designed and mostly written by Donald Knuth and released in 1978. Together with the Metafont language for font description and the Computer Modern family of typefaces, TeX was designed with two main goals in mind: to allow anybody to produce high-quality books using minimal effort, and to provide a system that would give exactly the same results on all computers, at any point in time. TeX is free software, which made it accessible to a wide range of users. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 248,842 Tex repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 24k users using Tex in 32k repos on GitHub - Tex on HOPL Tex on HOPL - Tex appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Tex - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Tex - There is a central package repository for Tex - Events page for Tex Events page for Tex - has 3 matches for "tex engineer". - was registered in 1993 - See also: (17 related languages) Pascal, METAFONT, Troff, Unix, LaTeX, M4, C, Linux, XeTeX, Unicode, BibTeX, PDF, Emacs, LyX, Vim, MediaWiki, ISBN - 118 PLDB concepts link to Tex: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Ace Editor, Aith, atomspace, bamboo, Bash, beef-lang, Caramel, Catala, Chapel, checked-c, CHICKEN, Click, clike, cloc, Conceptual, Coq, Cryptol, Dafny, Dasm, datafun, dgraph, Differential Datalog, dllup, eC, egel, Eiffel, Elpi, Emscripten, eqn, Euphoria, Felix, Flow9, Frege, Frundis, Futhark, GAP, Gforth, GHC, Golo, groff, hacspec, hakaru, Hazel, I, invokator, Iterm2, JAL compiler, JFlex, Julia, KamilaLisp, KaTeX, Koka, l2, latino, Lean, lever, Links, Linux, Manim, mathics, MathJax, MathType, Matplotlib, Metalang99, MewMew, ΜC++, Microsoft Equation Editor, MiniZinc, mlpolyr, MongoDB, mythryl, nesC, Nim, Nit, Noweb, Obsidian, oden, oil, Opal, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Pawn, PAWN, Perl, Plaid, polyglot-compiler, popr, Pygments, Quint, Racket, Ragel, Recfiles, redprl, RMarkdown, SciPy, scribble, Scroll, setlx, sile, Simplicity, Slick, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Spatial, Sqlalchemy, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, t-lang, tidyverse, Typst, UrWeb, Wasp, Xgboost, XGBoost, yeti, zl Hello World \bye % Hello World in plain \TeX \immediate\write16{Hello World!} \end \ProvidesFile{verbose.bbx} [\abx@bbxid] \RequireBibliographyStyle{authortitle} \endinput The quadratic formula is $-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} \over 2a$ \bye Language features ====================================================== row Feature Fixed Point Numbers FeatureLink ../features/hasFixedPoint.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 563 2.8
texpr - Programming language texpr ===== texpr is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #4636 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2021 HackerNews discussions of texpr =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Time expressions - micro language for time management||05/29/2013|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Text Executive Programming Language - Programming language Text Executive Programming Language =================================== Text Executive Programming Language is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #2812 on PLDB 45 Years Old In 1979, Honeywell Information Systems announced a new programming language for their time-sharing service named TEX, an acronym for the Text Executive text processing system. TEX was a first generation scripting language, developed around the time of AWK and used by Honeywell initially as an in-house system test automation tool. TEX extended the Honeywell Time-Sharing service (TSS) line editor with programmable capabilities which allowed the user greater latitude in developing ease-of-use editing extensions as well as write scripts to automate many other time-sharing tasks formerly done by more complex TSS FORTRAN programs.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) awk, Tex, ASCII \message{Hello, world!} _ lastly we subs in x,y,z and then evaluate the goto mypgm_1_2!label_3 which does an interfile goto goto mycat/mypgm_?x?_?y?!label_?z? Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 237 1.2
Textadept - Editor Textadept ========= Textadept is an editor created in 2007. 2007 #1683 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers. - Tags: editor - Textadept is developed on GitHub and has 628 stars - Textadept is written in Lua, Markdown, Diff, C, Bourne shell, YAML, HTML, XML, C++, CMake, SVG, Qt, CSS, Bash Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
TextFrame - Text markup language TextFrame ========= TextFrame is a text markup language created in 2008 by Mark Norman Francis. 2008 Mark Norman Francis #2967 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Yet another lightweight markup language - Tags: text markup language - TextFrame is developed on GitHub and has 10 stars - TextFrame is written in Perl, XML, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
texti - Text markup language texti ===== texti is a text markup language created in 2017 by Gerald Bauer. 2017 Gerald Bauer #2041 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone The Best of Markdown, Wikipedia Markup, LaTeX & Friends - All Together Now - Tags: text markup language - texti is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - texti is written in Markdown, HTML, YAML - See also: (2 related languages) Markdown, MediaWiki = Markup language = A '''markup language''' is a system for [[annotation|annotating]] a [[document]] in a way that is [[Syntax (logic)|syntactically distinguishable]] from the text.[^] The idea and terminology evolved from the "marking up" of paper manuscripts, i.e., the revision instructions by editors, traditionally written with a [[blue pencil (editing)|blue pencil]] on authors' [[manuscript]]s. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
Textile - Text markup language Textile ======= Textile is an open source text markup language created in 2002 by netcarver. 2002 netcarver #550 on PLDB 22 Years Old 0 Repos git clone Textile is a lightweight markup language that uses a text formatting syntax to convert plain text into structured HTML markup. Textile is used for writing articles, forum posts, readme documentation, and any other type of written content published online.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Textile is developed on GitHub and has 213 stars - There are at least 0 Textile repos on GitHub - Textile is written in YAML, PHP, Markdown, Dockerfile, XML, Make, JSON - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Textile - See also: (11 related languages) Markdown, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, C#, HTML, Qt, iOS, Android """ _This_ is a *test.* * One * Two * Three Link to "Slashdot": """ Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
TextMate - Editor TextMate ======== TextMate is an editor created in 2004. 2004 #2232 on PLDB 20 Years Old TextMate is a general-purpose GUI text editor for Mac OS X created by Allan Odgaard. TextMate features declarative customizations, tabs for open documents, recordable macros, folding sections, snippets, shell integration, and an extensible bundle system.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - was registered in 2003 - See also: (11 related languages) FTP, Property list, Regular Expressions, Bash, PHP, Ruby, Markdown, MIPS architecture, Emacs, Emacs Lisp, Ruby on Rails text.html.mediawiki markup.list.mediawiki Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Texy! - Text markup language Texy! ===== Texy! is a text markup language created in 2004. 2004 #3194 on PLDB 20 Years Old Texy is a lightweight markup language as well as converter of this format to XHTML, in a form of a library written in the PHP scripting language. It allows the user to write structured documents without knowledge or using of HTML language. Users write documents in human-readable text format and Texy converts it to structurally valid and well-formed XHTML code. Read more on Wikipedia...! Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - was registered in 2004 - See also: (4 related languages) PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
TFL - Programming language TFL === TFL is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4956 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TFL on HOPL TFL on HOPL - Read more about TFL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
The Message System - Programming language The Message System ================== The Message System is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4957 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - The Message System on HOPL The Message System on HOPL - Read more about The Message System on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
THEOS - Programming language THEOS ===== THEOS is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #3755 on PLDB 47 Years Old THEOS, which translates from Greek as "God", is an operating system which started out as OASIS, a microcomputer operating system for small computers that use the Z80 processor. Originally written in the late 1970s by Timothy S. Williams as a low-cost alternative to the more expensive mini- and mainframe- computers that were popular in the day, OASIS provided time-sharing multiuser facilities to allow several users to utilise the resources of one computer. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (4 related languages) C, Linux, Unix, Pick operating system Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
ThinBasic - Programming language ThinBasic ========= ThinBasic is an open source programming language created in 2004. 2004 #2014 on PLDB 20 Years Old thinBasic is a BASIC-like computer programming language interpreter with a central core engine architecture surrounded by many specialized modules. Although originally designed mainly for computer automation, thanks to its modular structure it can be used for wide range of tasks.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (9 related languages) BASIC, C, Visual Basic, PowerBASIC, OpenGL, OpenCL, XML, FreeBASIC, Microsoft Macro Assembler ' Specifies program will use functions from console module uses "Console" ' TBMain represents main body of the program function TBMain() ' Creates variable to hold user name local UserName as string ' Asks user for the name Console_Print("What is your name?: ") ' Stores it to variable UserName = Console_ReadLine ' If length of username is 0 then no name is specified, else program will say hello if len(UserName) = 0 then Console_PrintLine("No user name specified...") else Console_PrintLine("Hello " + UserName + "!") end if ' Waits for any key from user before program ends Console_WaitKey end function Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 299 1.5
ThingLab - Programming language ThingLab ======== ThingLab is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4588 on PLDB 45 Years Old ThingLab is a visual programming environment implemented in Smalltalk and designed at Xerox PARC by Alan Borning. A conventional system allows a user to provide inputs that produce outputs. A constraint-oriented system, such as ThingLab, allows the user to provide arbitrary inputs or outputs, then solves for whatever is unknown. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ThingLab on HOPL ThingLab on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Smalltalk Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
THINK C - Programming language THINK C ======= THINK C is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4516 on PLDB 38 Years Old THINK C was an extension of ANSI C for the classic Mac OS developed by THINK Technologies; although named Lightspeed C in the original mid-1986 release, it was later renamed THINK C. THINK Technologies was later acquired by Symantec Corporation and the product continued to be developed by the original author, Michael Kahl. Version 3 and subsequent versions were essentially a subset of C++ and supported basic object oriented programming concepts such as single inheritance as well as extensions to the C standard that conformed more closely to the requirements of Mac OS programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) PowerPC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
thjson - Data notation thjson ====== thjson, aka Tagged Human JSON, is a data notation created in 2017 by Caspian Prince. 2017 Caspian Prince #2346 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone THJSON looks almost exactly like HJSON - it is in fact a superset of HJSON, which itself is a superset of JSON. The extra bit is the addition of a class name in round brackets before a map (maps are objects that are enclosed in {} parentheses). - Tags: dataNotation - thjson is developed on GitHub and has 15 stars - thjson is written in Java, Markdown, XML left_hand: (sword) { damage: 3 weight: 1kg } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
thorn - Programming language thorn ===== thorn is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #4637 on PLDB 10 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of thorn =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Thorn: A dynamically-typed concurrent language||08/29/2014|4|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
THREADED LISTS - Programming language THREADED LISTS ============== THREADED LISTS is a programming language created in 1959. 1959 #4958 on PLDB 65 Years Old - Tags: programming language - THREADED LISTS on HOPL THREADED LISTS on HOPL - Read more about THREADED LISTS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Thrift - Interface design language Thrift ====== Thrift is an open source interface design language created in 2007. 2007 #239 on PLDB 17 Years Old 447 Repos Thrift is an interface definition language and binary communication protocol that is used to define and create services for numerous languages. It is used as a remote procedure call (RPC) framework and was developed at Facebook for "scalable cross-language services development". It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build cross-platform services that can connect applications written in a variety of languages and frameworks, including ActionScript, C, C++, C#, Cappuccino, Cocoa, Delphi, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, Node.js, Objective-C, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: interface design language - There are at least 447 Thrift repos on GitHub - Early development of Thrift happened in Apache Software Foundation - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3k users using Thrift in 4k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Thrift - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Thrift - See also: (19 related languages) ActionScript, C, C#, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, Objective-C, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, JSON, SOAP, XML, ASN.1, Protocol Buffers - 8 PLDB concepts link to Thrift: Apache Hbase, Apache Arrow, avro, cloc, HHVM, Impala, m3db, Pygments enum PhoneType { HOME, WORK, MOBILE, OTHER } struct Phone { 1: i32 id, 2: string number, 3: PhoneType type } service PhoneSvc { Phone findById(1: i32 id), list<Phone> findAll() } struct PullRequest { 1: string title } enum PhoneType { HOME, WORK, MOBILE, OTHER } struct Phone { 1: i32 id, 2: string number, 3: PhoneType type } service PhoneSvc { Phone findById(1: i32 id), list<Phone> findAll() } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 377 1.9
tht - Programming language tht === tht is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1109 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone THT Programming Language - Tags: programming language - tht is developed on GitHub and has 137 stars - tht is written in PHP, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON // Familiar variable and List syntax. $colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green']; // New JSON-style syntax for Maps $colorHex = { red: '#FF0000', green: '#00FF00', blue: '#0000FF', }; // Built-in types have methods using // the mainstream 'dot' syntax. $colors.push('purple'); // Extra parens aren't needed. if $colors.length() > 3 { $colors.pop(); } // The standard library is organized // into modules. Response.sendPage({ title: 'Colors', body: bodyHtml($colors), }); // Template Functions let you organize // your output (views) however you like. // (e.g. by component, module, file, etc.) template bodyHtml($colors) { <h1>Colors</> <ul> -- foreach $colors as $c { <li>{{ $c.toUpperCaseFirst() }}</> -- } </> } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token HackerNews discussions of tht ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: THT – a cleaner, safer language that compiles to PHP||09/03/2017|3|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 304 1.5
Thue - Esoteric programming language Thue ==== Thue is an esoteric programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3305 on PLDB 20 Years Old Thue ( TOO-ay) is an esoteric programming language invented by John Colagioia in early 2000. It is a meta-language that can be used to define or recognize Type-0 languages from the Chomsky hierarchy. Because it is able to define languages of such complexity, it is also Turing-complete itself. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language a::=~Hello, world! ::= a a::=~Hello World ::= a 1_::=1++ 0_::=1 01++::=10 11++::=1++0 _0::=_ _1++::=10 ::= _1111111111_ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
thune - Programming language thune ===== thune is a programming language created in 2014. 2014 #4706 on PLDB 10 Years Old A Forth inspired language using a datatype and context system derived from Orca. - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
Thymeleaf - Template language Thymeleaf ========= Thymeleaf is an open source template language created in 2011. 2011 #2954 on PLDB 13 Years Old Thymeleaf is a Java XML/XHTML/HTML5 template engine that can work both in web (servlet-based) and non-web environments. It is better suited for serving XHTML/HTML5 at the view layer of MVC-based web applications, but it can process any XML file even in offline environments. It provides full Spring Framework integration. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - See also: (5 related languages) Java, XML, JSP, Velocity, Template Attribute Language <table> <thead> <tr> <th th:text="#{}">Name</th> <th th:text="#{msgs.headers.price}">Price</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr th:each="prod : ${allProducts}"> <td th:text="${}">Oranges</td> <td th:text="${#numbers.formatDecimal(prod.price,1,2)}">0.99</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 258 1.3
TI-89 series - Programming language TI-89 series ============ TI-89 series is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #2222 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) TI-BASIC - Read more about TI-89 series on the web: 1. 1. fib(n) Func Local a,b,c,i 0→a 1→b For i,1,n a→c b→a c+b→b EndFor a EndFunc Language features ====================================================== row Feature Units of Measure FeatureLink ../features/hasUnitsOfMeasure.html Supported ✓ Example 54_kg * (_c^2) Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
TI Program - Assembly language TI Program ========== TI Program is an assembly language created in 1970. 1970 #3604 on PLDB 54 Years Old 2m Repos - Tags: assembly language - There are at least 1,586,478 TI Program repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4 users using TI Program in 7 repos on GitHub - Read more about TI Program on the web: 1. 1. .AlphaCS #ExprOff If getKey(41) sub(ADM) End Lbl START "appv alpha "->Str1 "appvAlphaCS"->Str2 .ALPHA CS [7EFFFFE7FFFFE7E7]->Pic11 [E0E0E0E0E0FFFF7F]->Pic12 [FEFFE7FFFEE0E0E0]->Pic13 [E7E7E7FFFFE7E7E7]->Pic14 [7EFFFFE7FFFFE7E7]->Pic15 [7FFFFFE0E0FFFF7F]->Pic16 [7FFFFF781EFFFFFE]->Pic17 .arch [0038447C44440000]->Pic21 .hide [0054004400540000]->Pic22 .lock [0038447C7C7C0000]->Pic23 .(c) Scott Mangiapane Data(72,8)->GDB0 [42600A360008000100994DDF2A6C61B1B28091294A22AAAAAAAB005A6DCA226A69B9A9800000000000202000000000000000C0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000] .icon unknown Data(16,16)->GDB11 [EFFEA803EB8308032BFB28032BFB0803EBFBA803EBFB08032B8328032FFF07FF] .icon SRC Data(16,16)->GDB12 [01801A583E7C3FFC3FFC3E7C1A580A500240FFFFC471BDAFCC6FF5AF8DB1FFFF] .icon ASM Data(16,16)->GDB13 [FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCE6BB5D586D5B75DB4DDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] .icon shell Data(16,16)->GDB14 [FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF97B5B155D5359595FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] Goto SET prgmSRCFUNC prgmSRCGUI prgmSRCSORT Lbl SET .start, set up ClrDraw StoreGDB DiagnosticOff Fix 5 Full !If GetCalc(Str1,[Y1]) sub(NEW) StoreGDB End GetCalc(Str1,[Y1]) If {[Y1]+0} !If sub(CODE) Goto END End End Asm(FDCB249E) If {[Y1]+6} Asm(FDCB24DE) End Goto DLIST Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 275 1.4
TI-BASIC - Programming language TI-BASIC ======== TI-BASIC is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #3208 on PLDB 54 Years Old TI-BASIC is the official name of a BASIC-like language built into Texas Instruments (TI)'s graphing calculators, including the TI-83 series, TI-84 Plus series, TI-89 series, TI-92 series (including Voyage 200), TI-73, and TI-Nspire. TI rarely refers to the language by name, but the name TI-BASIC has been used in some developer documentation. For many applications, it is the most convenient way to program any TI calculator, since the capability to write programs in TI-BASIC is built-in. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (8 related languages) BASIC, Assembly language, C, BBCode, XML, Tcl, Perl, RPL - 1 PLDB concepts link to TI-BASIC: TI-89 series fact(x) :Func : If x=0 : Return 1 : If x<0 : Return undef : x*fact(x-1) :End Func Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
Tibbo BASIC - Programming language Tibbo BASIC =========== Tibbo BASIC is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4891 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
tibet - Framework tibet ===== tibet is a framework created in 1997. 1997 #1959 on PLDB 27 Years Old git clone The very, very first Javascript framework ever designed. “ awe of what you’ve done with JS.” — Brendan Eich, JavaScript’s creator. - Tags: framework - tibet is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - tibet is written in JavaScript, XHTML, CSS, SVG, XML, HTML, XSLT, JSON, Markdown, Handlebars, XSD, YAML, Harbour, Dockerfile, JSX, Bash, Bourne shell, Z shell - was registered in 1999 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Tick C - Programming language Tick C ====== Tick C is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2879 on PLDB 27 Years Old A superset of ANSI C that allows high-level, efficient, and machine-independent specification of dynamically generated code. - Tags: programming language - Tick C is a superset of C - Tick C on HOPL Tick C on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) C - Read more about Tick C on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
TICS - Programming language TICS ==== TICS is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4959 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TICS on HOPL TICS on HOPL - Read more about TICS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TiDB - Database TiDB ==== TiDB is a database created in 2015. 2015 #4856 on PLDB 9 Years Old Distributed SQL database management system - Tags: database - Early development of TiDB happened in PingCAP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 90 0.5
tiddler - Programming language tiddler ======= tiddler is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #3712 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for tiddler - was registered in 2004 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
TiddlyWiki - Wiki markup TiddlyWiki ========== TiddlyWiki is an open source wiki markup created in 2004. 2004 #2084 on PLDB 20 Years Old TiddlyWiki is an open-source single page application wiki in the form of a single HTML file that includes CSS, JavaScript, and the content. It is designed to be easy to customize and re-shape depending on application. It facilitates re-use of content by dividing it into small pieces called Tiddlers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: wikiMarkup - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting TiddlyWiki - See also: (3 related languages) HTML, CSS, JavaScript <div title="Tiddlers" modifier="John Smith" created="200811132220" modified="200811132225" changecount="3" tags="wikipedia section example code"> <pre>TiddlyWiki introduces the division of... Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
tidyverse - Dataflow grammar tidyverse ========= tidyverse is an open source dataflow grammar created in 2016 by Hadley Wickham. 2016 Hadley Wickham #461 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures. - Tags: dataflow grammar, library - tidyverse is developed on GitHub and has 1,622 stars - tidyverse is written in Markdown, R, YAML, JSON, Tex - was registered in 2016 - See also: (1 related languages) dplyr - 1 PLDB concepts link to tidyverse: dplyr Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Tierra - Simulation Tierra ====== Tierra is an open source simulation created in 1991 by Thomas S. Ray. 1991 Thomas S. Ray #1995 on PLDB 33 Years Old The Tierra C source code creates a virtual computer and its Darwinian operating system, whose architecture has been designed in such a way that the executable machine codes are evolvable. This means that the machine code can be mutated (by flipping bits at random) or recombined (by swapping segments of code between algorithms), and the resulting code remains functional enough of the time for natural (or presumably artificial) selection to be able to improve the code over time. - Tags: simulation, application - Tierra is written in C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Tagged Image File Format - Binary data format Tagged Image File Format ======================== Tagged Image File Format, aka Tagged Image File Format, is a binary data format created in 1986. 1986 #2674 on PLDB 38 Years Old Tagged Image File Format, abbreviated TIFF or TIF, is a computer file format for storing raster graphics images, popular among graphic artists, the publishing industry, and photographers. TIFF is widely supported by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition, image manipulation, desktop publishing, and page-layout applications. The format was created by Aldus Corporation for use in desktop publishing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Tiger-BASIC - Programming language Tiger-BASIC =========== Tiger-BASIC is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4595 on PLDB 38 Years Old Tiger-BASIC is a high speed multitasking BASIC dialect (List of BASIC dialects) to program microcontrollers of the BASIC-Tiger family. Tiger-BASIC and the integrated development environment which goes with it, were developed by Wilke-Technology (Aachen, Germany).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC - Read more about Tiger-BASIC on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
Tiki Wiki Markup - Wiki markup Tiki Wiki Markup ================ Tiki Wiki Markup is a wiki markup created in 2002. 2002 #3605 on PLDB 22 Years Old Tiki Wiki's Wiki Syntax. - Tags: wikiMarkup - Read more about Tiki Wiki Markup on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
tiledb - Database tiledb ====== tiledb is a database created in 2017. 2017 #1040 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone The Universal Storage Engine - Tags: database - tiledb is developed on GitHub and has 1,817 stars - tiledb is written in C++, CMake, Markdown, C, YAML, Bourne shell, Diff, Python, JSON, SVG, PowerShell, reStructuredText, Dockerfile, CSS, Make, Bash, JavaScript, SCSS - was registered in 2010 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
tilton - Programming language tilton ====== tilton is a programming language created in 2000 by Douglas Crockford. 2000 Douglas Crockford #3713 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about tilton on the web: 1. 1. <~set~year~2000~> <~get~year~> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Timber - Programming language Timber ====== Timber is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4892 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Timed CSP - Programming language Timed CSP ========= Timed CSP is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4960 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Timed CSP on HOPL Timed CSP on HOPL - Read more about Timed CSP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Timpani - Text markup language Timpani ======= Timpani is a text markup language created in 2017 by Pouya Kary. 2017 Pouya Kary #2688 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A very small markup language for inline styling supporting: - Tags: text markup language - Timpani is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - Timpani is written in JSON, TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Tinkertoy - Programming language Tinkertoy ========= Tinkertoy is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4961 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Tinkertoy on HOPL Tinkertoy on HOPL - Read more about Tinkertoy on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Tiny BASIC - Programming language Tiny BASIC ========== Tiny BASIC is a programming language created in 1975 by Dennis Allison. 1975 Dennis Allison #3215 on PLDB 49 Years Old Tiny BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language that can fit into as little as 2 or 3 KB of memory. This small size made it invaluable in the early days of microcomputers in the mid-1970s, when typical memory size was only 4 to 8 KB. To meet these strict size limits, math was purely integer based and it lacked arrays. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) Dartmouth BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Li-Chen Wang line ::= number statement CR | statement CR statement ::= PRINT expr-list IF expression relop expression THEN statement GOTO expression INPUT var-list LET var = expression GOSUB expression RETURN CLEAR LIST RUN END expr-list ::= (string|expression) (, (string|expression) )* var-list ::= var (, var)* expression ::= (+|-|ε) term ((+|-) term)* term ::= factor ((*|/) factor)* factor ::= var | number | (expression) var ::= A | B | C ... | Y | Z number ::= digit digit* digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 8 | 9 relop ::= < (>|=|ε) | > (<|=|ε) | = string ::= " (a|b|c ... |x|y|z|A|B|C ... |X|Y|Z|digit)* " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 275 1.4
Tiny C Compiler - Compiler Tiny C Compiler =============== Tiny C Compiler is an open source compiler created in 2001 by Fabrice Bellard. 2001 Fabrice Bellard #576 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone The Tiny C Compiler (a.k.a. TCC, tCc, or TinyCC) is an x86, X86-64 and ARM processor C compiler created by Fabrice Bellard. It is designed to work for slow computers with little disk space (e.g. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - Tiny C Compiler is developed on GitHub and has 1,902 stars - Tiny C Compiler is written in C, Assembly language, Make, Bourne shell, Perl, YAML - ANTLR grammar for Tiny C Compiler - See also: (6 related languages) C, Assembly language, Linux, Unix, X86, Small-C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
tinygo-compiler - Compiler tinygo-compiler =============== tinygo-compiler is a compiler created in 2018. 2018 #4707 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: compiler - was registered in 2018 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 86 0.4
TIScript - Programming language TIScript ======== TIScript is a programming language created in 2007 by Andrew Fedoniouk. 2007 Andrew Fedoniouk #1024 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Sciter is an embeddable HTML/CSS/scripting engine - Tags: programming language - TIScript is developed on GitHub and has 2,104 stars - Early development of TIScript happened in Terra Informatica Software catch class const else false finally for function get if in instanceof namespace new null property return set super this throw true try typeof undefined var Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
titan - Programming language titan ===== titan is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1800 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone The Titan programming language - Tags: programming language - titan is developed on GitHub and has 406 stars - titan is written in Lua, Markdown, C, YAML - was registered in 2021 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
Titanium - Programming language Titanium ======== Titanium is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4480 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Titanium on HOPL Titanium on HOPL - Read more about Titanium on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Tk - Library Tk == Tk is a library created in 1991 by John Ousterhout. 1991 John Ousterhout #2325 on PLDB 33 Years Old Tk is a cross-platform widget toolkit that provides a library of basic elements of GUI widgets for building a graphical user interface (GUI) in many programming languages. It is free and open-source software released under a BSD-style software license. - Tags: library, programming language - Interview with the creator of Tk: 1. 1. - See also: (1 related languages) Tcl - 1 PLDB concepts link to Tk: Tcl Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Timeless Instruction Set (TL ISA) - Instruction set architecture Timeless Instruction Set (TL ISA) ================================= Timeless Instruction Set (TL ISA) is an instruction set architecture created in 2022. 2022 #2590 on PLDB 2 Years Old An ISA for timeless programs. It aims to be simple, concise and powerful. It is easy to read and write by humans. In addition to supporting computations, it also natively supports multiple CPUs, disks, clocks, screens, audio, keyboards and virtual devices. It is a compilation target for the progsbase programming language. - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of Timeless Instruction Set (TL ISA) happened in Inductive AS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
Typed Lua - Programming language Typed Lua ========= Typed Lua is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1228 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua - Tags: programming language - Typed Lua is developed on GitHub and has 2,052 stars - Typed Lua is written in Lua, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, Make - See also: (1 related languages) Lua - Read more about Typed Lua on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
TLA+ - Programming language TLA+ ==== TLA+ is an open source programming language created in 1999 by Leslie Lamport. 1999 Leslie Lamport #330 on PLDB 25 Years Old 680 Repos TLA+ (pronounced as tee ell a plus, ) is a formal specification language developed by Leslie Lamport. It is used to design, model, document, and verify concurrent systems. TLA+ has been described as exhaustively-testable pseudocode, and its use likened to drawing blueprints for software systems; TLA is an acronym for Temporal Logic of Actions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 680 TLA+ repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 85 users using TLA+ in 89 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for TLA+ - See also: (9 related languages) Java, LaTeX, ASCII, Eclipse, Isabelle, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Alloy, Z notation - Read more about TLA+ on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to TLA+: Quint --------------------------- MODULE AsyncInterface --------------------------- EXTENDS Naturals CONSTANT Data VARIABLE chan Values == <<"foo", "bar", "baz">> TypeInvariant == chan \in [val: Data, rdy: {0,1}, ack: {0,1}] Init == /\ TypeInvariant /\ chan.ack = chan.rdy Send(d) == /\ chan.rdy = chan.ack /\ chan' = [chan EXCEPT !.val = d, !.rdy = 1 - @] Rcv == /\ chan.rdy # chan.ack /\ chan' = [chan EXCEPT !.ack = 1 - @] Next == (\E d \in Data : Send(d)) \/ Rcv Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_chan THEOREM Spec => []TypeInvariant ============================================================================= ------------------------------ MODULE Elevator ------------------------------ (***************************************************************************) (* This spec describes a simple multi-car elevator system. The actions in *) (* this spec are unsurprising and common to all such systems except for *) (* DispatchElevator, which contains the logic to determine which elevator *) (* ought to service which call. The algorithm used is very simple and does *) (* not optimize for global throughput or average wait time. The *) (* TemporalInvariant definition ensures this specification provides *) (* capabilities expected of any elevator system, such as people eventually *) (* reaching their destination floor. *) (***************************************************************************) EXTENDS Integers CONSTANTS Person, \* The set of all people using the elevator system Elevator, \* The set of all elevators FloorCount \* The number of floors serviced by the elevator system VARIABLES PersonState, \* The state of each person ActiveElevatorCalls, \* The set of all active elevator calls ElevatorState \* The state of each elevator Vars == \* Tuple of all specification variables <<PersonState, ActiveElevatorCalls, ElevatorState>> Floor == \* The set of all floors 1 .. FloorCount Direction == \* Directions available to this elevator system {"Up", "Down"} ElevatorCall == \* The set of all elevator calls [floor : Floor, direction : Direction] ElevatorDirectionState == \* Elevator movement state; it is either moving in a direction or stationary Direction \cup {"Stationary"} GetDistance[f1, f2 \in Floor] == \* The distance between two floors IF f1 > f2 THEN f1 - f2 ELSE f2 - f1 GetDirection[current, destination \in Floor] == \* Direction of travel required to move between current and destination floors IF destination > current THEN "Up" ELSE "Down" CanServiceCall[e \in Elevator, c \in ElevatorCall] == \* Whether elevator is in position to immediately service call LET eState == ElevatorState[e] IN /\ c.floor = eState.floor /\ c.direction = eState.direction PeopleWaiting[f \in Floor, d \in Direction] == \* The set of all people waiting on an elevator call {p \in Person : /\ PersonState[p].location = f /\ PersonState[p].waiting /\ GetDirection[PersonState[p].location, PersonState[p].destination] = d} TypeInvariant == \* Statements about the variables which we expect to hold in every system state /\ PersonState \in [Person -> [location : Floor \cup Elevator, destination : Floor, waiting : BOOLEAN]] /\ ActiveElevatorCalls \subseteq ElevatorCall /\ ElevatorState \in [Elevator -> [floor : Floor, direction : ElevatorDirectionState, doorsOpen : BOOLEAN, buttonsPressed : SUBSET Floor]] SafetyInvariant == \* Some more comprehensive checks beyond the type invariant /\ \A e \in Elevator : \* An elevator has a floor button pressed only if a person in that elevator is going to that floor /\ \A f \in ElevatorState[e].buttonsPressed : /\ \E p \in Person : /\ PersonState[p].location = e /\ PersonState[p].destination = f /\ \A p \in Person : \* A person is in an elevator only if the elevator is moving toward their destination floor /\ \A e \in Elevator : /\ (PersonState[p].location = e /\ ElevatorState[e].floor /= PersonState[p].destination) => /\ ElevatorState[e].direction = GetDirection[ElevatorState[e].floor, PersonState[p].destination] /\ \A c \in ActiveElevatorCalls : PeopleWaiting[c.floor, c.direction] /= {} \* No ghost calls TemporalInvariant == \* Expectations about elevator system capabilities /\ \A c \in ElevatorCall : \* Every call is eventually serviced by an elevator /\ c \in ActiveElevatorCalls ~> \E e \in Elevator : CanServiceCall[e, c] /\ \A p \in Person : \* If a person waits for their elevator, they'll eventually arrive at their floor /\ PersonState[p].waiting ~> PersonState[p].location = PersonState[p].destination PickNewDestination(p) == \* Person decides they need to go to a different floor LET pState == PersonState[p] IN /\ ~pState.waiting /\ pState.location \in Floor /\ \E f \in Floor : /\ f /= pState.location /\ PersonState' = [PersonState EXCEPT ![p] = [@ EXCEPT !.destination = f]] /\ UNCHANGED <<ActiveElevatorCalls, ElevatorState>> CallElevator(p) == \* Person calls the elevator to go in a certain direction from their floor LET pState == PersonState[p] IN LET call == [floor |-> pState.location, direction |-> GetDirection[pState.location, pState.destination]] IN /\ ~pState.waiting /\ pState.location /= pState.destination /\ ActiveElevatorCalls' = IF \E e \in Elevator : /\ CanServiceCall[e, call] /\ ElevatorState[e].doorsOpen THEN ActiveElevatorCalls ELSE ActiveElevatorCalls \cup {call} /\ PersonState' = [PersonState EXCEPT ![p] = [@ EXCEPT !.waiting = TRUE]] /\ UNCHANGED <<ElevatorState>> OpenElevatorDoors(e) == \* Open the elevator doors if there is a call on this floor or the button for this floor was pressed. LET eState == ElevatorState[e] IN /\ ~eState.doorsOpen /\ \/ \E call \in ActiveElevatorCalls : CanServiceCall[e, call] \/ eState.floor \in eState.buttonsPressed /\ ElevatorState' = [ElevatorState EXCEPT ![e] = [@ EXCEPT !.doorsOpen = TRUE, !.buttonsPressed = @ \ {eState.floor}]] /\ ActiveElevatorCalls' = ActiveElevatorCalls \ {[floor |-> eState.floor, direction |-> eState.direction]} /\ UNCHANGED <<PersonState>> EnterElevator(e) == \* All people on this floor who are waiting for the elevator and travelling the same direction enter the elevator. LET eState == ElevatorState[e] IN LET gettingOn == PeopleWaiting[eState.floor, eState.direction] IN LET destinations == {PersonState[p].destination : p \in gettingOn} IN /\ eState.doorsOpen /\ eState.direction /= "Stationary" /\ gettingOn /= {} /\ PersonState' = [p \in Person |-> IF p \in gettingOn THEN [PersonState[p] EXCEPT !.location = e] ELSE PersonState[p]] /\ ElevatorState' = [ElevatorState EXCEPT ![e] = [@ EXCEPT !.buttonsPressed = @ \cup destinations]] /\ UNCHANGED <<ActiveElevatorCalls>> ExitElevator(e) == \* All people whose destination is this floor exit the elevator. LET eState == ElevatorState[e] IN LET gettingOff == {p \in Person : PersonState[p].location = e /\ PersonState[p].destination = eState.floor} IN /\ eState.doorsOpen /\ gettingOff /= {} /\ PersonState' = [p \in Person |-> IF p \in gettingOff THEN [PersonState[p] EXCEPT !.location = eState.floor, !.waiting = FALSE] ELSE PersonState[p]] /\ UNCHANGED <<ActiveElevatorCalls, ElevatorState>> CloseElevatorDoors(e) == \* Close the elevator doors once all people have entered and exited the elevator on this floor. LET eState == ElevatorState[e] IN /\ ~ENABLED EnterElevator(e) /\ ~ENABLED ExitElevator(e) /\ eState.doorsOpen /\ ElevatorState' = [ElevatorState EXCEPT ![e] = [@ EXCEPT !.doorsOpen = FALSE]] /\ UNCHANGED <<PersonState, ActiveElevatorCalls>> MoveElevator(e) == \* Move the elevator to the next floor unless we have to open the doors here. LET eState == ElevatorState[e] IN LET nextFloor == IF eState.direction = "Up" THEN eState.floor + 1 ELSE eState.floor - 1 IN /\ eState.direction /= "Stationary" /\ ~eState.doorsOpen /\ eState.floor \notin eState.buttonsPressed /\ \A call \in ActiveElevatorCalls : \* Can move only if other elevator servicing call /\ CanServiceCall[e, call] => /\ \E e2 \in Elevator : /\ e /= e2 /\ CanServiceCall[e2, call] /\ nextFloor \in Floor /\ ElevatorState' = [ElevatorState EXCEPT ![e] = [@ EXCEPT !.floor = nextFloor]] /\ UNCHANGED <<PersonState, ActiveElevatorCalls>> StopElevator(e) == \* Stops the elevator if it's moved as far as it can in one direction LET eState == ElevatorState[e] IN LET nextFloor == IF eState.direction = "Up" THEN eState.floor + 1 ELSE eState.floor - 1 IN /\ ~ENABLED OpenElevatorDoors(e) /\ ~eState.doorsOpen /\ nextFloor \notin Floor /\ ElevatorState' = [ElevatorState EXCEPT ![e] = [@ EXCEPT !.direction = "Stationary"]] /\ UNCHANGED <<PersonState, ActiveElevatorCalls>> (***************************************************************************) (* This action chooses an elevator to service the call. The simple *) (* algorithm picks the closest elevator which is either stationary or *) (* already moving toward the call floor in the same direction as the call. *) (* The system keeps no record of assigning an elevator to service a call. *) (* It is possible no elevator is able to service a call, but we are *) (* guaranteed an elevator will eventually become available. *) (***************************************************************************) DispatchElevator(c) == LET stationary == {e \in Elevator : ElevatorState[e].direction = "Stationary"} IN LET approaching == {e \in Elevator : /\ ElevatorState[e].direction = c.direction /\ \/ ElevatorState[e].floor = c.floor \/ GetDirection[ElevatorState[e].floor, c.floor] = c.direction } IN /\ c \in ActiveElevatorCalls /\ stationary \cup approaching /= {} /\ ElevatorState' = LET closest == CHOOSE e \in stationary \cup approaching : /\ \A e2 \in stationary \cup approaching : /\ GetDistance[ElevatorState[e].floor, c.floor] <= GetDistance[ElevatorState[e2].floor, c.floor] IN IF closest \in stationary THEN [ElevatorState EXCEPT ![closest] = [@ EXCEPT !.floor = c.floor, !.direction = c.direction]] ELSE ElevatorState /\ UNCHANGED <<PersonState, ActiveElevatorCalls>> Init == \* Initializes people and elevators to arbitrary floors /\ PersonState \in [Person -> [location : Floor, destination : Floor, waiting : {FALSE}]] /\ ActiveElevatorCalls = {} /\ ElevatorState \in [Elevator -> [floor : Floor, direction : {"Stationary"}, doorsOpen : {FALSE}, buttonsPressed : {{}}]] Next == \* The next-state relation \/ \E p \in Person : PickNewDestination(p) \/ \E p \in Person : CallElevator(p) \/ \E e \in Elevator : OpenElevatorDoors(e) \/ \E e \in Elevator : EnterElevator(e) \/ \E e \in Elevator : ExitElevator(e) \/ \E e \in Elevator : CloseElevatorDoors(e) \/ \E e \in Elevator : MoveElevator(e) \/ \E e \in Elevator : StopElevator(e) \/ \E c \in ElevatorCall : DispatchElevator(c) TemporalAssumptions == \* Assumptions about how elevators and people will behave /\ \A p \in Person : WF_Vars(CallElevator(p)) /\ \A e \in Elevator : WF_Vars(OpenElevatorDoors(e)) /\ \A e \in Elevator : WF_Vars(EnterElevator(e)) /\ \A e \in Elevator : WF_Vars(ExitElevator(e)) /\ \A e \in Elevator : SF_Vars(CloseElevatorDoors(e)) /\ \A e \in Elevator : SF_Vars(MoveElevator(e)) /\ \A e \in Elevator : WF_Vars(StopElevator(e)) /\ \A c \in ElevatorCall : SF_Vars(DispatchElevator(c)) Spec == \* Initialize state with Init and transition with Next, subject to TemporalAssumptions /\ Init /\ [][Next]_Vars /\ TemporalAssumptions THEOREM Spec => [](TypeInvariant /\ SafetyInvariant /\ TemporalInvariant) ============================================================================= Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token TRUE FALSE row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example \* A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example \* A comment Token \* row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1777 8.9
Tag Line Commands - Programming language Tag Line Commands ================= Tag Line Commands is a programming language created in 2015 by Michael Chance. 2015 Michael Chance #2085 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Tag Line Commands - Tags: programming language - Tag Line Commands is developed on GitHub and has 8 stars - Tag Line Commands is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON - has 579 matches for "tlc developer". Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
tldr - Application tldr ==== tldr is an application created in 2013 by Romain Prieto. 2013 Romain Prieto #615 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands - Tags: application - tldr is developed on GitHub and has 49,571 stars - tldr is written in Markdown, YAML, Python, Bourne shell, JSON, CSS, SVG, JavaScript - was registered in 2016 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
tldraw - Visual programming language tldraw ====== tldraw is a visual programming language created in 2021 by Steve Ruiz. 2021 Steve Ruiz #1242 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone SDK for creating whiteboards and canvas experiences on the web. - Tags: visual programming language, application - tldraw is developed on GitHub and has 34,649 stars - tldraw is written in TypeScript, SVG, Markdown, JSON, CSS, JavaScript, YAML, Bourne shell, TOML, Diff, HTML, Dockerfile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
TLS - Protocol TLS === TLS, aka Transport Layer Security, is a protocol created in 1999. 1999 #1034 on PLDB 25 Years Old Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols that provide communications security over a computer network. Several versions of the protocols find widespread use in applications such as web browsing, email, Internet faxing, instant messaging, and Voice over IP (VoIP). Websites are able to use TLS to secure all communications between their servers and web browsers. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - See also: (12 related languages) HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, Linux, Android, iOS, Solaris, Delphi, Java, JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
TMG - Grammar language TMG === TMG is a grammar language created in 1968 by Robert M. McClure. 1968 Robert M. McClure #2965 on PLDB 56 Years Old TMG (TransMoGrifier) is a compiler-compiler created by Robert M. McClure and presented in 1968, and implemented by Douglas McIlroy. TMG ran on systems like OS360 and early Unix. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - TMG on HOPL TMG on HOPL - See also: (6 related languages) Unix, PL/I, Fortran, B, BCPL, Yacc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
TextMate Language - Grammar language TextMate Language ================= TextMate Language is a grammar language created in 2004. 2004 #2910 on PLDB 20 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - See also: (1 related languages) Sublime Syntax - 2 PLDB concepts link to TextMate Language: Pygments, Sublime Syntax scopeName = 'source.untitled'; fileTypes = ( ); foldingStartMarker = '\{\s*TEMPLATE#39;; foldingStopMarker = '^\s*\}'; patterns = ( { name = 'keyword.control.untitled'; match = '\b(if|while|for|return)\b'; }, { name = 'string.quoted.double.untitled'; begin = '"'; end = '"'; patterns = ( { name = 'constant.character.escape.untitled'; match = '\\.'; } ); }, ); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
TMTP - Protocol TMTP ==== TMTP is a protocol created in 2017. 2017 #1312 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Site-specific Internet messaging - Tags: protocol - TMTP is developed on GitHub and has 227 stars - TMTP is written in Go, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell - See also: (1 related languages) SMTP - Read more about TMTP on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
toadskin - Esoteric programming language toadskin ======== toadskin is an esoteric programming language created in 2003. 2003 #3072 on PLDB 21 Years Old Toadskin is a tarpit programming language influenced by BrainF**k and Forth. It is stack-based and supports definition of Forth-like words. All instructions and words are one character in length and should be familiar to anyone who has played with BrainF**k. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Read more about toadskin on the web: 1.!search/toadskin/fm.announce/V5bF5TIUNUc/KwBjXnENGCsJ 1. :V+++++; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Todotxt - Data notation Todotxt ======= Todotxt is a data notation created in 2006. 2006 #2597 on PLDB 18 Years Old - Tags: dataNotation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Todotxt - was registered in 2006 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Todotxt: [x]it! (A) Thank Mom for the meatballs @phone (B) Schedule Goodwill pickup +GarageSale @phone Post signs around the neighborhood +GarageSale @GroceryStore Eskimo pies Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
ToffeeScript - Programming language ToffeeScript ============ ToffeeScript is a programming language created in 2013 by Miao Jiang. 2013 Miao Jiang #1289 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone CoffeeScript with async syntax and some additional features - Tags: programming language - ToffeeScript is developed on GitHub and has 128 stars - ToffeeScript is written in CoffeeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Markdown, ERB, Ruby, JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Toi - Programming language Toi === Toi is an open source programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1949 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Toi is an imperative, type-sensitive language that provides the basic functionality of a programming language. The language was designed and developed from the ground-up by Paul Longtine. Written in C, Toi was created with the intent to be an educational experience and serves as a learning tool (or toy, hence the name) for those looking to familiarize themselves with the inner-workings of a programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Toi is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Toi is written in C, Python, Make, Bourne shell, Markdown def /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ int set /\ /\ / \ / \ null 'x' 'x' null /\ / \ null 3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
toki sona - Programming language toki sona ========= toki sona is a programming language created in 2021 by Dylan Madisetti. 2021 Dylan Madisetti #1639 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone `toki pona` is a constructed human language with 140 words: Introducing`toki sona` a toki pona inspired programming language with 14 tokens and a 1000 character interpreter - Tags: programming language - toki sona is developed on GitHub and has 76 stars - toki sona is written in JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, YAML - Read more about toki sona on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 169 0.8
TOM object-oriented - Programming language TOM object-oriented =================== TOM object-oriented is an open source programming language created in 1999. 1999 #3764 on PLDB 25 Years Old TOM was an object-oriented programming language developed in the 1990s that built on the lessons learned from Objective-C. The main purpose of TOM was to allow for "unplanned reuse" of code via a well-developed extension mechanism. This concept was introduced seemingly by accident in Objective-C and later proved to be of wide use, and was applied aggressively in TOM. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) Objective-C, C, Ruby implementation class HelloWorld int main Array argv { [[[stdio out] print "Hello, world!"] nl]; } end; implementation instance HelloWorld end; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
TOM - Programming language TOM === TOM is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #2113 on PLDB 23 Years Old Tom is a programming language particularly well-suited for programming various transformations on tree structures and XML based documents. Tom is a language extension which adds new matching primitives to C and Java as well as support for rewrite rules systems. The rules can be controlled using a strategy language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TOM appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (3 related languages) XML, C, Java Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
TOMAL - Programming language TOMAL ===== TOMAL is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4962 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TOMAL on HOPL TOMAL on HOPL - Read more about TOMAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TOML - Data notation TOML ==== TOML, aka Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language, is an open source data notation created in 2013 by Tom Preston-Werner. 2013 Tom Preston-Werner #51 on PLDB 11 Years Old 8 Repos git clone Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language - Tags: dataNotation - TOML is developed on GitHub and has 19,332 stars - There are at least 8 TOML repos on GitHub - TOML is written in Markdown, Python, SVG, YAML, TOML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for TOML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for TOML - was registered in 2015 - 190 PLDB concepts link to TOML: Aardvark, Ace Editor, AIL, Alumina, Amber, Ante, Ark, arret, Apache Arrow, ASDF, asterius-compiler, astro, astroml, Ballerina, beef-lang, Bend, BlazeX, Bun, Calcit, Calypso, Candy, Caramel, Carbon, carth, Catala, Chapel, Civet, Claro, cloc, Coconut, comby, CWL, Conan, cosh, Cotton, crush, Cryptol, CSpydr, Curly, cytosol, Dafny, Dak, datafun, Deno, dex, Differential Datalog, edgedb, Elvish, Enso, erg, Esoteric Reaction, EYG, Fardlang, fish, FlatBuffers, Flix, fp, Futhark, Gleam, Glicol, gluon, gogs-editor, Gradle, hacspec, Halide, Haxe Library Manager, HHVM, htmx, hurl, Hush, HVM2, Ibis, inko, invokator, jayfor, Jazz, Jekyll, Jesth, Jingo, Jinja, jsparagus, Julia, k-framework, Kalyn, Kami, KavaScript, Keras, KGL, ko, Kotlin, Kubernetes, Lawvere, Lean, leo-editor, Linux, Lodash, Luna, m3db, mal, Manim, Markus, Matplotlib, mavo, Mech, Melody, mermaid, Mewl, micro-mitten, MicroPython, Mindsdb, mlatu, mochajs, MongoDB, mun-lang, myia, mys, Neko, NestedText, neut, Nextflow, Node.js, noulith, Numba, Nushell, onnx, Openverse, Pandas, Particles, Passerine, PgBouncer, pikelet, Pomsky, Prettier, Project Mentat, PRQL, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, React Native, Rholang, rio, Rita, Roc, Ron, Ruby, Rust, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Scryer Prolog, Serious, Simple Binary Encoding, Snowball, Speedie, spiral, Sqlalchemy, svgbob, SymPy, tablam, Taichi, Tao, tea, tldraw, TOML, tornado, Triton, tsar, Twine, UCG, Uiua, unseemly, V, Veryl, Vimwiki, Virgil, VLC, Volt, vyper, wasmer, Wasp, 文言文編程語言, Wing, WLambda, Worst, Wu, Xgboost, XGBoost, xlwings-editor, xsv-app, Ecstasy, zz output = "Hello, world!" Hello = "World" # This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'. [[projects]] branch = "master" name = "" packages = ["context"] revision = "2491c5de3490fced2f6cff376127c667efeed857" [[projects]] branch = "v2" name = "" packages = ["."] revision = "d5d1b5820637886def9eef33e03a27a9f166942c" [solve-meta] analyzer-name = "dep" analyzer-version = 1 inputs-digest = "841a246fc6ac2a2ccb2ae3907a0ff3432f13e3fc44bb3c09388b0c931ef7d641" solver-name = "gps-cdcl" solver-version = 1 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(?:T| )\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:Z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2}) Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # (\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?j? Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 558 2.8
TOOLBUS - Programming language TOOLBUS ======= TOOLBUS is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4963 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TOOLBUS on HOPL TOOLBUS on HOPL - Read more about TOOLBUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
ToonTalk - Programming language ToonTalk ======== ToonTalk is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Ken Kahn. 1995 Ken Kahn #1376 on PLDB 29 Years Old git clone ToonTalk is a computer programming system intended to be programmed by children. The "Toon" part stands for cartoon. The system's presentation is in the form of animated characters, including robots that can be trained by example. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ToonTalk is developed on GitHub and has 54 stars - ToonTalk is written in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Markdown, XML, SVG, JSON, SCSS, PHP - ToonTalk on HOPL ToonTalk on HOPL - was registered in 1996 - See also: (1 related languages) Janus Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
Topaz - Programming language Topaz ===== Topaz is a programming language created in 2021 by m-schm. 2021 m-schm #2197 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Dependently typed language that compiles to JavaScript - Tags: programming language - Topaz is developed on GitHub and has 1 stars - Topaz compiles to JavaScript - Topaz is written in Haskell, YAML, Markdown ;; A comment ;; `Ven n a` represents lists that are `n` long, that contain `a`s ;; A Vec is either: type Vec (n: Uint) (a: Type) = ;; empty, with length 0... Nil: {a} -> Vec 0 a ;; or 1 item longer than a Vec of length n. `::`: {n a} -> a -> Vec n a -> Vec (n+1) a ;; `zip` should take two lists and return a list of pairs. ;; The two lists are required to be the same length because `n` is the same for ;; both parameters. let zip {n a b} (left: Vec n a) (right: Vec n b): Vec n (a, b) = match left, right in ;; Either both lists are empty... Nil, Nil => Nil ;; or they both contain at least one item. x :: xs, y :: ys => (x, y) :: zip xs ys ;; No other cases are needed, because the lists are the same length! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 277 1.4
topaz - Programming language topaz ===== topaz is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #4481 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about topaz on the web: 1. 1. [i: 0 while [i < 10] [i: i + 1]] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
topshell - Programming language topshell ======== topshell is a programming language created in 2018 by Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne. 2018 Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne #1319 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone TopShell - a purely functional, reactive scripting language - Tags: programming language - topshell is developed on GitHub and has 479 stars - topshell is written in JavaScript, Scala, Markdown, HTML, JSON, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
torchscript - Programming language torchscript =========== torchscript is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4857 on PLDB 6 Years Old The PyTorch 1.0 release candidate introduces Torch Script, a Python subset that can be JIT-compiled into C++ or other high-speed code. - Tags: programming language - Read more about torchscript on the web: 1. 1. import torch def foo(x, y): return 2*x + y traced_foo = torch.jit.trace(foo, (torch.rand(3), torch.rand(3))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
tornado - Template language tornado ======= tornado is an open source template language created in 2009 by Ben Darnell and Brett Taylor. 2009 Ben Darnell Brett Taylor #252 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. - Tags: template language - tornado is developed on GitHub and has 21,634 stars - Early development of tornado happened in Facebook - tornado is written in Python, reStructuredText, HTML, Ini, Bourne shell, YAML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, XML, Markdown, C, Make, Cython, SQL, TOML, Dockerfile, CSV - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting tornado <html> <head> <title>{{ title }}</title> </head> <body> <ul> {% for item in items %} <li>{{ escape(item) }}</li> {% end %} </ul> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
Tosh - Programming language Tosh ==== Tosh is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #1916 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone text-based Scratch project editor, Take Two. - Tags: programming language - Tosh is developed on GitHub and has 72 stars - Tosh is written in JavaScript, SVG, HTML, CSS, JSON, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
Touch - Text markup language Touch ===== Touch is a text markup language created in 2020. 2020 #1963 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone 📜 Touch Lightweight Markup Language; Familiar, Extendable, Auto-Formattable - Tags: text markup language - Touch is developed on GitHub and has 18 stars - Touch is written in Go, JSON, Markdown - See also: (1 related languages) Markdown / this is a block comment = Title _ Subtitle == h2 === h3 / numbered headings (prefixed with 1 and 1.1) ## h2 ### h3 > blockquote * note - list 1. numbered list / code block `js function num() { return 1 } ` / preformatted block ' ___________________________ < I'm an expert in my field. > --------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ' / art from // an inline comment // __emphasis__ // italics // **strong** // bold // ``code`` ((link)) [[link text]]((link URL)) a \ // line break // b / autolinks www.example.test http://example.test https://example.test Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
TouchDesigner - Visual programming language TouchDesigner ============= TouchDesigner is an open source visual programming language created in 2000 by Greg Hermanovic. 2000 Greg Hermanovic #1736 on PLDB 24 Years Old TouchDesigner is a node-based visual programming language for real-time interactive multimedia content. - Tags: visual programming language - There are 0 members in the TouchDesigner subreddit Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
TouchDevelop - Programming language TouchDevelop ============ TouchDevelop is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #4893 on PLDB 12 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Toy - Programming language Toy === Toy is a programming language created in 2018 by Kayne Ruse. 2018 Kayne Ruse #1118 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A toy programming language. - Tags: programming language - Toy is developed on GitHub and has 219 stars - Toy is written in C, Markdown, Make, JSON, C++, XML, YAML - was registered in 2019 if (1 < 2) { print "this will print to the console"; } else { print "this will not"; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
TPDL* - Programming language TPDL* ===== TPDL* is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4964 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TPDL* on HOPL TPDL* on HOPL - Read more about TPDL* on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TQL - Query language TQL === TQL, aka TrueBase Query Language, is an open source query language created in 2023 by Breck Yunits. 2023 Breck Yunits #1586 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone A language for querying TrueBases. - Tags: queryLanguage - TQL is developed on GitHub and has 9 stars - Early development of TQL happened in Breck's Lab - SQL influenced the design of TQL - TQL is written in Parsers, JavaScript where appeared > 2009 where appeared < 2020 notMissing githubRepo_stars where type = pl sortBy githubRepo_stars select githubRepo_stars reverse Language features ====================================================== row Feature hasBuiltInRegex FeatureLink ../features/hasBuiltInRegex.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
TRAC - Programming language TRAC ==== TRAC, aka Text Reckoning And Compiling, is a programming language created in 1964 by Calvin Mooers. 1964 Calvin Mooers #1618 on PLDB 60 Years Old TRAC (for Text Reckoning And Compiling) Language is a programming language developed between 1959-1964 by Calvin Mooers and implemented on a PDP-10 in 1964 by L. Peter Deutsch. It was one of three "first languages" recommended by Ted Nelson in Computer Lib. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TRAC on HOPL TRAC on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) SAM76, Emacs, TTM Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
TRACE - Programming language TRACE ===== TRACE is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4858 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TRACE on HOPL TRACE on HOPL - Read more about TRACE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Trafola-H - Programming language Trafola-H ========= Trafola-H is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #4965 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Trafola-H on HOPL Trafola-H on HOPL - Read more about Trafola-H on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Traits - Programming language Traits ====== Traits is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4966 on PLDB 42 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Traits on HOPL Traits on HOPL - Read more about Traits on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TRAMP - Programming language TRAMP ===== TRAMP is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4967 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TRAMP on HOPL TRAMP on HOPL - Read more about TRAMP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TRANQUIL - Programming language TRANQUIL ======== TRANQUIL is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4968 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TRANQUIL on HOPL TRANQUIL on HOPL - Read more about TRANQUIL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Transaction Language 1 - Programming language Transaction Language 1 ====================== Transaction Language 1 is a programming language created in 1984. 1984 #3779 on PLDB 40 Years Old Transaction Language 1 (TL1) is a widely used management protocol in telecommunications. It is a cross-vendor, cross-technology man-machine language, and is widely used to manage optical (SONET) and broadband access infrastructure in North America. TL1 is used in the input and output messages that pass between Operations Support Systems (OSSs) and Network Elements (NEs). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) ASCII Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
TRANSCODE - Programming language TRANSCODE ========= TRANSCODE is a programming language created in 1953. 1953 #4859 on PLDB 71 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TRANSCODE on HOPL TRANSCODE on HOPL - Read more about TRANSCODE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Transforma - Programming language Transforma ========== Transforma is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4969 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Transforma on HOPL Transforma on HOPL - Read more about Transforma on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TRANSLANG - Programming language TRANSLANG ========= TRANSLANG is a programming language created in 1970. 1970 #4860 on PLDB 54 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TRANSLANG on HOPL TRANSLANG on HOPL - Read more about TRANSLANG on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
TAO - Data notation TAO === TAO, aka Tree Annotation Operator, is a data notation created in 2020. 2020 #2135 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Reference parser for TAO - Tags: dataNotation - TAO is developed on GitHub and has 11 stars - TAO is written in JavaScript, Markdown - was registered in 2020 - See also: (1 related languages) JSON Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Treelang - Programming language Treelang ======== Treelang is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #2380 on PLDB 36 Years Old Treelang is a "toy" programming language distributed with the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to demonstrate the features of its code-generation backend. It was developed by Tim Josling, based on a language called Toy created by Richard Kenner. During the GCC 4.3 release cycle, a patch was committed to remove the language, because of high maintenance costs outweighing its benefits and also because it was no longer considered a good front-end example by GCC developers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) C - Read more about Treelang on the web: 1. 1. // function prototypes // function 'add' taking two ints and returning an int external_definition int add(int arg1, int arg2); external_definition int subtract(int arg3, int arg4); external_definition int first_nonzero(int arg5, int arg6); external_definition int double_plus_one(int arg7); external_definition int main(); // function definition add { // return the sum of arg1 and arg2 return arg1 + arg2; } subtract { return arg3 - arg4; } double_plus_one { // aaa is a variable, of type integer and allocated at the start of the function automatic int aaa; // set aaa to the value returned from add, when passed arg7 and arg7 as the two parameters aaa=add(arg7, arg7); aaa=add(aaa, aaa); aaa=subtract(subtract(aaa, arg7), arg7) + 1; return aaa; } first_nonzero { // C-like if statement if (arg5) { return arg5; } else { } return arg6; } // Like C, 'gtreelang' needs the main to be defined to create an executable. main { return double_plus_one(5); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 382 1.9
TreeSheets - Visual programming language TreeSheets ========== TreeSheets is a visual programming language created in 2019 by Wouter Van Oortmerssen. 2019 Wouter Van Oortmerssen #889 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language TreeSheets. TreeSheets : Free Form Data Organizer (see - Tags: visual programming language - TreeSheets is developed on GitHub and has 2,514 stars - TreeSheets is written in C++, C, SVG, XML, HTML, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, CMake - 2 PLDB concepts link to TreeSheets: Explorer, Particles Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
TREET - Programming language TREET ===== TREET is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #4970 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TREET on HOPL TREET on HOPL - Read more about TREET on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Trellis - Programming language Trellis ======= Trellis is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3297 on PLDB 39 Years Old Trellis may refer to:. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Trellis on HOPL Trellis on HOPL - Read more about Trellis on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
tremor-query - Query language tremor-query ============ tremor-query is a query language created in 2019. 2019 #2880 on PLDB 5 Years Old The tremor query language, tremor-query or trickle is an interpreted statement-oriented language designed for continuous online structured queries with support filtering, extraction, transformation and streaming of structured data in a stream or event-based processing system. - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about tremor-query on the web: 1. 1. define grouper::bucket operator kfc; define script categorize script let $rate = 1; let $class = event.`group`; { "event": event, "rate": $rate, "class": $class }; end; create script categorize; # Stream ingested data into categorize script select event from in into categorize; create operator kfc; # Stream scripted events into kfc bucket operator select event from categorize into kfc; # Stream bucketed events into out stream select event from kfc into out; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 250 1.3
Trex - Grammar language Trex ==== Trex, aka Tree Regular Expressions for XML, is a grammar language created in 2001 by James Clark. 2001 James Clark #2782 on PLDB 23 Years Old TREX is a new language for validating XML documents. A TREX pattern specifies a pattern for the structure and content of an XML document. A TREX pattern thus identifies a class of XML documents consisting of those documents that match the pattern. A TREX pattern is itself an XML document. - Tags: grammarLanguage - See also: (1 related languages) DTD <element name="addressBook"> <zeroOrMore> <element name="card"> <element name="name"> <anyString/> </element> <element name="email"> <anyString/> </element> </element> </zeroOrMore> </element> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
tridash - Programming language tridash ======= tridash is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #2642 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A programming language based on bindings. - Tags: programming language - tridash is developed on GitHub and has 10 stars - tridash is written in JavaScript, Lisp, HTML, C, YAML, AsciiDoc, Make, JSON, Markdown, M4, WebAssembly - Read more about tridash on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 137 0.7
TriG syntax - Data notation TriG syntax =========== TriG syntax is a data notation created in 2007. 2007 #3209 on PLDB 17 Years Old TriG is a serialization format for RDF (Resource Description Framework) graphs. It is a plain text format for serializing named graphs and RDF Datasets which offers a compact and readable alternative to the XML-based TriX syntax.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - See also: (2 related languages) RDF, Turtle @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix swp: <> . @prefix dc: <> . @prefix ex: <> . @prefix : <> . :G1 { :Monica ex:name "Monica Murphy" . :Monica ex:homepage <> . :Monica ex:email <> . :Monica ex:hasSkill ex:Management } :G2 { :Monica rdf:type ex:Person . :Monica ex:hasSkill ex:Programming } :G3 { :G1 swp:assertedBy _:w1 . _:w1 swp:authority :Chris . _:w1 dc:date "2003-10-02"^^xsd:date . :G2 swp:quotedBy _:w2 . :G3 swp:assertedBy _:w2 . _:w2 dc:date "2003-09-03"^^xsd:date . _:w2 swp:authority :Chris . :Chris rdf:type ex:Person . :Chris ex:email <> } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 309 1.5
TRIO - Programming language TRIO ==== TRIO is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4861 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TRIO on HOPL TRIO on HOPL - Read more about TRIO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TRIPLE - Programming language TRIPLE ====== TRIPLE is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #4862 on PLDB 22 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TRIPLE on HOPL TRIPLE on HOPL - Read more about TRIPLE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
triroff - Programming language triroff ======= triroff is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4971 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - triroff on HOPL triroff on HOPL - Read more about triroff on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Triton - Programming language Triton ====== Triton is a programming language created in 2021 by Philippe Tillet. 2021 Philippe Tillet #377 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Triton is a language and compiler for parallel programming. It aims to provide a Python-based programming environment for productively writing custom DNN compute kernels capable of running at maximal throughput on modern GPU hardware. - Tags: programming language - Triton is developed on GitHub and has 12,112 stars - Early development of Triton happened in OpenAI - Triton is written in C++, Python, CMake, Markdown, YAML, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, C, Dockerfile, SVG, TOML, JSON, HTML, LLVM IR, Make - See also: (1 related languages) Numba - Read more about Triton on the web: 1. 1. # This is a GPU kernel in Triton. # Different instances of this # function may run in parallel. @jit def add(X, Y, Z, N): # In Triton, each kernel instance # executes block operations on a # single thread: there is no construct # analogous to threadIdx pid = program_id(0) # block of indices idx = pid * BLOCK + arange(BLOCK) mask = idx < N # Triton uses pointer arithmetics # rather than indexing operators x = load(X + idx, mask=mask) y = load(Y + idx, mask=mask) store(Z + idx, x + y, mask=mask) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 279 1.4
Troff - Text markup language Troff ===== Troff is a text markup language created in 1973. 1973 #691 on PLDB 51 Years Old troff is the major component of a document processing system developed by AT&T Corporation for the Unix operating system. troff features commands to designate fonts, spacing, paragraphs, margins, footnotes and more. Unlike many other text formatters, troff can position characters arbitrarily on a page, even overlapping them, and has a fully programmable input language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - Troff on HOPL Troff on HOPL - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Troff - See also: (9 related languages) Unix, BCPL, Assembly language, C, LaTeX, Scheme, Unicode, Tex, Scribe - 5 PLDB concepts link to Troff: eqn, groff, nroff, ROFF, SCROLL \" "Hello, world!" in troff Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
Lambda Diagrams - Notation Lambda Diagrams =============== Lambda Diagrams is a notation created in 2014 by John Tromp. 2014 John Tromp #3073 on PLDB 10 Years Old Lambda Diagrams are a graphical notation for closed lambda terms, in which abstractions (lambdas) are represented by horizontal lines, variables by vertical lines emanating down from their binding lambda, and applications by horizontal links connecting the leftmost variables. In the alternative style, applications link the nearest deepest variables, for a more stylistic, if less uniform, look. - Tags: notation - See also: (1 related languages) mockingbird-notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
TRS-80 Color Computer - Computing machine TRS-80 Color Computer ===================== TRS-80 Color Computer is a computing machine created in 1980. 1980 #3216 on PLDB 44 Years Old The RadioShack TRS-80 Color Computer (later marketed as the Tandy Color Computer and sometimes nicknamed the CoCo) is a line of home computers based on the Motorola 6809 processor. The Tandy Color Computer line started in 1980 with what is now called the CoCo 1 and ended in 1991 with the more powerful CoCo 3. All three CoCo models maintained a high level of software and hardware compatibility, with few programs written for the older model not running on the newer ones. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: computingMachine - See also: (5 related languages) Color BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, BASIC09, C, Pascal Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
truck - Programming language truck ===== truck is a programming language created in 2019 by Anmol Gautam. 2019 Anmol Gautam #3217 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone :truck: A dynamic object oriented programming language with a focus on simplicity - Tags: programming language - truck is developed on GitHub and has 30 stars - truck is written in Python, YAML, Vim script, Markdown, Bourne shell, Make Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 135 0.7
True BASIC - Programming language True BASIC ========== True BASIC is a programming language created in 1983 by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz. 1983 John George Kemeny Thomas Eugene Kurtz #1677 on PLDB 41 Years Old True BASIC is a variant of the BASIC programming language descended from Dartmouth BASIC — the original BASIC — invented by college professors John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - True BASIC on HOPL True BASIC on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) BASIC, Dartmouth BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, GW-BASIC, TRS-80 Color Computer, Assembly language, CBASIC, ISBN !Draw the Car SET WINDOW 0,20,0,20 SET COLOR 5 BOX AREA 2,6,2,3 BOX AREA 9,13,2,3 BOX AREA 16,20,2,3 SET COLOR 249 PLOT LINES :0,5;20,5 FLOOD 10,1 BOX KEEP 0,20,0,5 IN road$ BOX CIRCLE 2,3,5,6 FLOOD 2.5,5.5 BOX CIRCLE 5,6,5,6 FLOOD 5.5,5.5 SET COLOR 35 PLOT LINES :2.5,6;5.5,6 PLOT LINES :5,6;8,6;8,8;6,8;6,10;2,10;2,8;0,8;0,6;3,6 FLOOD 4,8 SET COLOR 248 BOX AREA 4,5,8,9 BOX KEEP 0,8,5,10 IN car$ !Save the car in 'carTEMPLATE#39; FOR x=1 TO 20 STEP 1 !Create a 'for' loop BOX SHOW road$ AT 0,0 BOX SHOW car$ AT x,5 PAUSE .1 CLEAR NEXT x !End the 'for' loop END !End the programs Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ! A comment Token ! row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 406 2
Truth - Data notation Truth ===== Truth is a data notation created in 2019 by Paul Gordon. 2019 Paul Gordon #1838 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone A Domain Representation Language - Tags: dataNotation - Truth is developed on GitHub and has 25 stars - Truth is written in TypeScript, JSON, Markdown, Bourne shell String Number Language Employee Name : String Engineer : Employee Specialization : Language Salesman : Employee Commission Rate : Number Sales Engineer : Engineer, Salesman Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
TS - Programming language TS == TS is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4863 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TS on HOPL TS on HOPL - Read more about TS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
tsar - Programming language tsar ==== tsar is a programming language created in 2019 by adam-mcdaniel. 2019 adam-mcdaniel #3617 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Tsar programming language - Tags: programming language - tsar is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - tsar is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
TScript - Programming language TScript ======= TScript is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #4573 on PLDB 12 Years Old TScript is an object-oriented embeddable scripting language for C++ that supports hierarchical transient typed variables (TVariable). Its main design criterion is to create a scripting language that can interface with C++, transforming data and returning the result. This enables C++ applications to change their functionality after installation.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, XML, PHP, SOAP, Visual Basic function(){return error = -1;} public main(){ if(!function()){ if(error != -1) return error; } System::MessageBox(L"function executed correctly"); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
TSL - Programming language TSL === TSL is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4972 on PLDB 39 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TSL on HOPL TSL on HOPL - Read more about TSL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
TSQL2 - Programming language TSQL2 ===== TSQL2 is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4973 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TSQL2 on HOPL TSQL2 on HOPL - Read more about TSQL2 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
tsquery - Query language tsquery ======= tsquery is a query language created in 2018. 2018 #1604 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone TypeScript AST query library - Tags: queryLanguage - tsquery is developed on GitHub and has 978 stars - tsquery is written in TypeScript, JSON, Markdown Identifier[name="Animal"] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
TSV - Data notation TSV === TSV, aka tab-separated values, is a data notation created in 1993. 1993 #1881 on PLDB 31 Years Old 0 Repos A tab-separated values (TSV) file is a simple text format for storing data in a tabular structure, e.g., database table or spreadsheet data, and a way of exchanging information between databases. Each record in the table is one line of the text file. Each field value of a record is separated from the next by a tab character. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 0 TSV repos on GitHub - See also: (2 related languages) MIME, CSV - 1 PLDB concepts link to TSV: Scroll Sepal length Sepal width Petal length Petal width Species 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 I. setosa 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 I. setosa 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 I. setosa 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 I. setosa 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 I. setosa Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 242 1.2
Tree and Tabular Combined Notation - Programming language Tree and Tabular Combined Notation ================================== Tree and Tabular Combined Notation, aka Tree and Tabular Combined Notation, is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #1996 on PLDB 32 Years Old TTCN is a programming language used for testing of communication protocols and web services. A TTCN test suite consists of many test cases written in the TTCN programming language. Until version 2 the language was written in tables and called Tree and Tabular Combined Notation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Tree and Tabular Combined Notation - 1 PLDB concepts link to Tree and Tabular Combined Notation: cloc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
TTM - Programming language TTM === TTM is an open source programming language created in 1968 by Steven M. Caine and E. Kent Gordon. 1968 Steven M. Caine E. Kent Gordon #2943 on PLDB 56 Years Old TTM is a string oriented, general purpose macro processing programming language developed in 1968 by Steven Caine and E. Kent Gordon at the California Institute of Technology.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language #<def;n!;N;<#<lt;N;2;1;<#<mu;N;#<n!;#<su;N;1>>>>>>> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
ttsneo - Programming language ttsneo ====== ttsneo is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #2281 on PLDB 18 Years Old The Japanese programming language "TTSneo" is a scripting language that makes it easy to program in Japanese. - Tags: programming language - ttsneo is written with the native language of Japanese 「Hello World」と出力する Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
Tuple space - Programming language Tuple space =========== Tuple space is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #1643 on PLDB 36 Years Old A tuple space is an implementation of the associative memory paradigm for parallel/distributed computing. It provides a repository of tuples that can be accessed concurrently. As an illustrative example, consider that there are a group of processors that produce pieces of data and a group of processors that use the data. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Tuple space on HOPL Tuple space on HOPL - See also: (10 related languages) Linda, Java, Lisp, Lua, Prolog, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, Tcl, ISBN // Client public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JavaSpace space = (JavaSpace) space(); SpaceEntry e = space.take(new SpaceEntry(), null, Long.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(e.service()); space.write(e, null, Lease.FOREVER); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
tuplemarkup - Text markup language tuplemarkup =========== tuplemarkup is a text markup language created in 2012 by John Judnich. 2012 John Judnich #2347 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A minimalist all-purpose markup language: nested lists with bracket-minimizing syntax. It enables XML-like and YAML-like semantics within the same clean and consistent language. - Tags: text markup language - tuplemarkup is developed on GitHub and has 31 stars - tuplemarkup is written in C, Markdown, Make, JavaScript, HTML, Python, C++ [html | Hello. This is an example [b|language] test. [ div [class testc] | And this text is enclosed in a div. ] [ a [href] | Click this link [i|now] ] ] HackerNews discussions of tuplemarkup ===================================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Tuple Markup Language – An all-purpose (Lisp-inspired) markup language||01/03/2013|2|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 213 1.1
Turbo Assembler - Programming language Turbo Assembler =============== Turbo Assembler is an open source programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3299 on PLDB 35 Years Old Turbo Assembler (TASM) is a computer assembler (software for program development) developed by Borland which runs on and produces code for 16- or 32-bit x86 DOS or Microsoft Windows. It can be used with Borland's high-level language compilers, such as Turbo Pascal, Turbo Basic, Turbo C and Turbo C++. The Turbo Assembler package is bundled with the Turbo Linker, and is interoperable with the Turbo Debugger. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (4 related languages) X86, Turbo Pascal, Turbo Basic, Microsoft Macro Assembler .model small .stack 100h .data msg db "Merry Christmas!",'TEMPLATE#39; .code main proc mov ds, ax mov dx, offset msg mov ah, 9 int 21h mov ax, 4c00h int 21h main endp end main Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 218 1.1
Turbo-Basic XL - Programming language Turbo-Basic XL ============== Turbo-Basic XL is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4506 on PLDB 39 Years Old This article is about the language for Atari 8-bit computers. Not to be confused with Borland's unrelated Turbo Basic.Turbo-Basic XL is an advanced version of BASIC for the Atari 8-bit family of home computers. It is a compatible superset of the Atari BASIC that was built-in to most Atari machines of the era. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Turbo-Basic XL is a superset of Atari BASIC - See also: (3 related languages) Turbo Basic, Atari BASIC, Optimized Systems Software Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
Turbo Basic - Programming language Turbo Basic =========== Turbo Basic is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #2374 on PLDB 37 Years Old PowerBASIC, formerly Turbo Basic, is the brand of several commercial compilers by PowerBASIC Inc. that compile a dialect of the BASIC programming language. There are both MS-DOS and Windows versions, and two kinds of the latter: Console and Windows. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (9 related languages) Turbo-Basic XL, Turbo Basic, BASIC, QBasic, QuickBASIC, Algol, Assembly language, X86, MMX instruction set #Compile Exe ' using either PBCC6 or PBWIN10 compiler #Dim All Function PBMain Local GW As Dword ' start a GRAPHIC WINDOW Graphic Window New "graphic window", 100, 100, 200, 200 to GW ' show a coloured disc Graphic Ellipse (10, 10)-(190, 190), %rgb_Red, %rgb_SeaGreen, 0 ' wait for a keypress Graphic Waitkey$ End Function Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 253 1.3
Turbo Pascal - Compiler Turbo Pascal ============ Turbo Pascal is a compiler created in 1983. 1983 #1341 on PLDB 41 Years Old Turbo Pascal is a software development system that includes a compiler and an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Pascal programming language running on CP/M, CP/M-86, and MS-DOS, developed by Borland under Philippe Kahn's leadership. For versions 6 and 7 (last), both a lower-priced Turbo Pascal and more expensive Borland Pascal were produced; Borland Pascal was more oriented towards professional software development, with more libraries and standard library source code. The name Borland Pascal is also used more generically for Borland's dialect of the Pascal programming language, significantly different from Standard Pascal. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: compiler - Turbo Pascal on HOPL Turbo Pascal on HOPL - See also: (13 related languages) X86, Pascal, Assembly language, UCSD Pascal, Turbo Assembler, Microsoft Macro Assembler, Java, Modula-2, Object Pascal, Free Pascal, C, Visual Studio, Delphi program WriteName; var i : Integer; {variable to be used for looping} Name : String; {declares the variable Name as a string} begin Write('Please tell me your name: '); ReadLn(Name); {ReadLn returns the string entered by the user} for i := 1 to 100 do begin WriteLn('Hello ', Name) end; readln; end. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example // In Turbo Pascal, directives are called significant comments, because in the language grammar they follow the same syntax as comments. // In Turbo Pascal, a significant comment is a comment whose first character is a dollar sign and whose second character is a letter; // for example, the equivalent of C's #include "file" directive is the significant comment: {$I "file"} Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example { within pairs of braces } (* left parenthesis/asterisk and asterisk/right parenthesis pairs *) // preceded by two forward slashes Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 387 1.9
Turing Plus - Programming language Turing Plus =========== Turing Plus is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4974 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Turing Plus on HOPL Turing Plus on HOPL - Read more about Turing Plus on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Turing - Programming language Turing ====== Turing is a programming language created in 1982 by Ric Holt. 1982 Ric Holt #536 on PLDB 42 Years Old 524 Repos Turing is a Pascal-like programming language developed in 1982 by Ric Holt and James Cordy, then of University of Toronto, Canada. Turing is a descendant of Euclid, Pascal and SP/k that features a clean syntax and precise machine-independent semantics. Turing 4.1.0 is the latest stable version of Turing. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 524 Turing repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 153 users using Turing in 167 repos on GitHub - Explore Turing snippets on Rosetta Code - Turing on HOPL Turing on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Turing - See also: (5 related languages) Euclid, Pascal, SP/k, MIPS architecture, TXL % Accepts a number and calculates its factorial function factorial (n: int) : real if n = 0 then result 1 else result n * factorial (n - 1) end if end factorial var n: int loop put "Please input an integer: " .. get n exit when n >= 0 put "Input must be a non-negative integer." end loop put "The factorial of ", n, " is ", factorial (n) put "Hello World" % Accepts a number and calculates its factorial function factorial (n: int) : real if n = 0 then result 1 else result n * factorial (n - 1) end if end factorial var n: int loop put "Please input an integer: " .. get n exit when n >= 0 put "Input must be a non-negative integer." end loop put "The factorial of ", n, " is ", factorial (n) % Accepts a number and calculates its factorial function factorial (n: int) : real if n = 0 then result 1 else result n * factorial (n - 1) end if end factorial var n: int loop put "Please input an integer: " .. get n exit when n >= 0 put "Input must be a non-negative integer." end loop put "The factorial of ", n, " is ", factorial (n) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token put row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example % A comment Token % row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 506 2.5
turnstile-plus - Grammar language turnstile-plus ============== turnstile-plus is a grammar language created in 2020. 2020 #4864 on PLDB 4 Years Old We present Turnstile+, a metalanguage for implementing typed—particularly dependently typed—languages. - Tags: grammarLanguage - turnstile-plus is written in Racket - Read more about turnstile-plus on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
turnstile - Grammar language turnstile ========= turnstile is a grammar language created in 2017 by Stephen Chang and Alex Knauth and Ben Greenman and Milo Turner and Michael Ballantyne. 2017 Stephen Chang Alex Knauth Ben Greenman Milo Turner Michael Ballantyne #2591 on PLDB 7 Years Old Turnstile aims to help Racket programmers create typed languages. It does so with extensions of Racket’s macro-definition forms that facilitate implementation of type rules alongside normal macro code. As a result, the macros implementing a new language directly type check the program during expansion, obviating the need to create and call out to a separate type checker. Thus, a complete typed language implementation remains a series of macro definitions that may be imported and exported in the standard way that Racket programmers are accustomed to. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Read more about turnstile on the web: 1. 1. #lang turnstile (provide → Int λ #%app #%datum + ann) (define-base-type Int) (define-type-constructor → #:arity > 0) (define-primop + : (→ Int Int Int)) ; [APP] (define-typed-syntax (#%app e_fn e_arg ...) ≫ [⊢ e_fn ≫ e_fn- ⇒ (~→ τ_in ... τ_out)] #:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) (format "arity mismatch, expected ~a args, given ~a" (stx-length #'[τ_in ...]) #'[e_arg ...]) [⊢ e_arg ≫ e_arg- ⇐ τ_in] ... -------- [⊢ (#%app- e_fn- e_arg- ...) ⇒ τ_out]) ; [LAM] (define-typed-syntax λ #:datum-literals (:) [(_ ([x:id : τ_in:type] ...) e) ≫ [[x ≫ x- : τ_in.norm] ... ⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ_out] ------- [⊢ (λ- (x- ...) e-) ⇒ (→ τ_in.norm ... τ_out)]] [(_ (x:id ...) e) ⇐ (~→ τ_in ... τ_out) ≫ [[x ≫ x- : τ_in] ... ⊢ e ≫ e- ⇐ τ_out] --------- [⊢ (λ- (x- ...) e-)]]) ; [ANN] (define-typed-syntax (ann e (~datum :) τ:type) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇐ τ.norm] -------- [⊢ e- ⇒ τ.norm]) ; [DATUM] (define-typed-syntax #%datum [(_ . n:integer) ≫ -------- [⊢ (#%datum- . n) ⇒ Int]] [(_ . x) ≫ -------- [#:error (type-error #:src #'x #:msg "Unsupported literal: ~v" #'x)]]) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 439 2.2
Turtle - Data notation Turtle ====== Turtle is a data notation created in 2011. 2011 #333 on PLDB 13 Years Old 137 Repos Terse RDF Triple Language (Turtle) is a syntax and file format for expressing data in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. Turtle syntax is similar to that of SPARQL, an RDF query language. RDF represents information using semantic triples, which comprise a subject, predicate, and object. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 137 Turtle repos on GitHub - Turtle LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Turtle - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Turtle - See also: (4 related languages) RDF, SPARQL, XML, UTF-8 - 3 PLDB concepts link to Turtle: N-Triples, Notation3, TriG syntax @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix dc: <> . @prefix ex: <> . <> dc:title "RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)" ; ex:editor [ ex:fullname "Dave Beckett"; ex:homePage <> ] . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix dc: <> . @prefix ex: <> . <> dc:title "RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)" ; ex:editor [ ex:fullname "Dave Beckett"; ex:homePage <> ] . <> <> "RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)" . <> <> _:bnode . _:bnode <> "Dave Beckett" . _:bnode <> <> . Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 433 2.2
TUTOR - Programming language TUTOR ===== TUTOR is a programming language created in 1969 by Paul Tenczar and Richard Blomme. 1969 Paul Tenczar Richard Blomme #2795 on PLDB 55 Years Old TUTOR (also known as PLATO Author Language) is a programming language developed for use on the PLATO system at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign around 1965. TUTOR was initially designed by Paul Tenczar for use in computer assisted instruction (CAI) and computer managed instruction (CMI) (in computer programs called "lessons") and has many features for that purpose. For example, TUTOR has powerful answer-parsing and answer-judging commands, graphics, and features to simplify handling student records and statistics by instructors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TUTOR on HOPL TUTOR on HOPL - See also: (5 related languages) COBOL, Python, C, Pascal, ASCII unit someu NAME1,NAME2,NAME3(SIZE) NAME4=CONSTANT floating:NAME5,NAME6,NAME7(SIZE) integer, NUM BITS:NAME8,NAME9 integer, NUM BITS,signed:NAME10 integer:NAME11 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 254 1.3
Tutorial D - Query language Tutorial D ========== Tutorial D is a query language created in 1994. 1994 #4865 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about Tutorial D on the web: 1. 1. INSERT myVariable RELATION { TUPLE {x 1, y 2.3, z 'zap'}, TUPLE {x 2, y 3.4, z 'zot'}, TUPLE {x 3, y 4.2, z 'zaz'} }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
Twelf - Programming language Twelf ===== Twelf is a programming language created in 2006 by Frank Pfenning and Carsten Schürmann. 2006 Frank Pfenning Carsten Schürmann #3664 on PLDB 18 Years Old Twelf is an implementation of the logical framework LF developed by Frank Pfenning and Carsten Schürmann at Carnegie Mellon . It is used for logic programming and for the formalization of programming language theory.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore Twelf snippets on Rosetta Code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
Twig - Template language Twig ==== Twig is an open source template language created in 2009. 2009 #338 on PLDB 15 Years Old 6k Repos git clone Twig is a template engine for the PHP programming language. Its syntax originates from Jinja and Django templates. It's an open source product licensed under a BSD License and maintained by Fabien Potencier. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Twig is developed on GitHub and has 37 stars - There are at least 5,791 Twig repos on GitHub - Twig is written in PHP, HTML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 626 users using Twig in 811 repos on GitHub - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Twig - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Twig - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Twig - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Twig - See also: (9 related languages) PHP, Jinja, Django, Eclipse, Emacs, Sublime Text, TextMate, Vim, Smarty - 2 PLDB concepts link to Twig: Ace Editor, packagist-pm {% extends "base.html" %} {% block navigation %} <ul id="navigation"> {% for item in navigation %} <li> <a href="{{ item.href }}"> {% if item.level == 2 %}&nbsp;&nbsp;{% endif %} {{ item.caption|upper }} </a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endblock navigation %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block navigation %} <ul id="navigation"> {% for item in navigation %} <li> <a href="{{ item.href }}"> {% if item.level == 2 %}&nbsp;&nbsp;{% endif %} {{ item.caption|upper }} </a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endblock navigation %} apply autoescape block deprecated do embed extends flush for from if import include macro sandbox set use verbatim with endapply endautoescape endblock endembed endfor endif endmacro endsandbox endset endwith true false Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example {# A comment #} Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example {# A comment #} Token {# #} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 427 2.1
TWiki - Wiki markup TWiki ===== TWiki is a wiki markup created in 1998. 1998 #4638 on PLDB 26 Years Old TWiki's Wiki Syntax. - Tags: wikiMarkup Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 85 0.4
Twine - Application Twine ===== Twine is an application created in 2013 by Chris Klimas. 2013 Chris Klimas #879 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Twine, a tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. - Tags: application - Twine is developed on GitHub and has 1,883 stars - Twine is written in TypeScript, Markdown, CSS, JSON, JavaScript, SVG, YAML, HTML, TOML - 4 PLDB concepts link to Twine: Bitsy, Decker, Harlowe, Snowman Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
TWO-D - Programming language TWO-D ===== TWO-D is a programming language created in 1971. 1971 #4975 on PLDB 53 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TWO-D on HOPL TWO-D on HOPL - Read more about TWO-D on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
twoducks - Esoteric programming language twoducks ======== twoducks is an esoteric programming language created in 2006. 2006 #4866 on PLDB 18 Years Old TwoDucks is an esoteric programming language by User:Zzo38 which allows you to go back in time and change things. It is uncomputable on a Turing machine; it even allows you to solve the halting problem. - Tags: esoteric programming language - twoducks on Esolang twoducks on Esolang Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
twtxt - Protocol twtxt ===== twtxt is a protocol created in 2016. 2016 #1476 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone twtxt is a decentralised, minimalist microblogging service. - Tags: protocol, microblogging - twtxt is developed on GitHub and has 1,911 stars - twtxt is written in Python, reStructuredText, Make, YAML, Markdown, CSS, SVG, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
TXL - Programming language TXL === TXL is a programming language created in 1985 by James Cordy. 1985 James Cordy #1479 on PLDB 39 Years Old 69 Repos TXL is a special-purpose programming language originally designed by Charles Halpern-Hamu and James Cordy at the University of Toronto in 1985. The acronym "TXL" originally stood for "Turing eXtender Language" after the language's original purpose, the specification and rapid prototyping of variants and extensions of the Turing programming language, but no longer has any meaningful interpretation. Modern TXL is specifically designed for creating, manipulating and rapidly prototyping language-based descriptions, tools and applications using source transformation. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 69 TXL repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 22 users using TXL in 22 repos on GitHub - TXL on HOPL TXL on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for TXL - See also: (3 related languages) Turing, Yacc, Refal % Calculator.Txl - simple numerical expression evaluator % Part I. Syntax specification define program [expression] end define define expression [term] | [expression] [addop] [term] end define define term [primary] | [term] [mulop] [primary] end define define primary [number] | ( [expression] ) end define define addop '+ | '- end define define mulop '* | '/ end define % Part 2. Transformation rules rule main replace [expression] E [expression] construct NewE [expression] E [resolveAddition] [resolveSubtraction] [resolveMultiplication] [resolveDivision] [resolveParentheses] where not NewE [= E] by NewE end rule rule resolveAddition replace [expression] N1 [number] + N2 [number] by N1 [+ N2] end rule rule resolveSubtraction replace [expression] N1 [number] - N2 [number] by N1 [- N2] end rule rule resolveMultiplication replace [term] N1 [number] * N2 [number] by N1 [* N2] end rule rule resolveDivision replace [term] N1 [number] / N2 [number] by N1 [/ N2] end rule rule resolveParentheses replace [primary] ( N [number] ) by N end rule function fact replace [number] n [number] construct nMinusOne [number] n [- 1] where n [> 1] construct factMinusOne [number] nMinusOne [fact] by n [* factMinusOne] end function function fact0 replace [number] 0 by 1 end function Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 416 2.1
txr - Programming language txr === txr is a programming language created in 2009 by Kaz Kylheku. 2009 Kaz Kylheku #2511 on PLDB 15 Years Old Programming Language for Convenient Data Munging - Tags: programming language - Explore txr snippets on Rosetta Code @(bind special-words ("arch." "var." "ver." "anci." "fam.")) @(bind ahash @(hash :equal-based)) @(repeat) @id @@ @alpha @@ @animal @@ @words @ (rebind words @(split-str words " ")) @ (bind record (id alpha animal words)) @ (do (push record [ahash alpha])) @(end) @(bind sorted-rec-groups nil) @(do (defun popularity-sort (recs) (let ((histogram [group-reduce (hash) third (do inc @1) recs 0])) [sort recs > [chain third histogram]])) (dohash (key records ahash) (let (contains does-not combined) (each* ((r records) (w [mapcar fourth r])) (if (isec w special-words) (push r contains) (push r does-not))) (push (append (popularity-sort does-not) (popularity-sort contains)) sorted-rec-groups))) (set sorted-rec-groups [sort sorted-rec-groups : [chain first second]])) @(output) @ (repeat) @ (repeat) @(rep)@{sorted-rec-groups} @@ @(last)@{sorted-rec-groups " "}@(end) @ (end) @ (end) @(end) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 273 1.4
Plain text - Text markup language Plain text ========== Plain text is an open source text markup language created in 1963. 1963 #2093 on PLDB 61 Years Old Plain txt files. - Tags: text markup language, dataNotation - See also: (2 related languages) ASCII, UTF-8 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Plain text: Scroll A plain text file. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 110 0.6
Txt2tags - Text markup language Txt2tags ======== Txt2tags is an open source text markup language created in 2001 by Aurelio Jargas and Florent Gallaire and Jendrik Seipp. 2001 Aurelio Jargas Florent Gallaire Jendrik Seipp #1740 on PLDB 23 Years Old txt2tags is a document generator software that uses a lightweight markup language. txt2tags is free software under GNU General Public License. Written in Python, it can export documents to several formats including: HTML, XHTML, SGML, LaTeX, Lout, roff, MediaWiki, Google Code Wiki, DokuWiki, MoinMoin, MagicPoint, PageMaker and plain text.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - was registered in 2010 - See also: (7 related languages) Python, HTML, LaTeX, MediaWiki, AsciiDoc, DokuWiki, moinmoin **bold text** //italic text// ``monospace text`` __underlined__ --strike-through-- = Level 1 Header = == Level 2 Header == === Level 3 Header === Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
txtzyme - Programming language txtzyme ======= txtzyme is an open source programming language created in 2010 by Ward Cunningham. 2010 Ward Cunningham #1484 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone Txtzyme was created around 2010-2012 by Ward Cunningham. Txtzyme has the advantage that it is specifically oriented to I/O control and interaction - yet surprisingly simple. - Tags: programming language - txtzyme is developed on GitHub and has 72 stars - txtzyme is written in Perl, JavaScript, HTML, Bourne shell, CSS, JSON, Markdown, C, HAML, Make, C++, Ruby, Java, Sass - Read more about txtzyme on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 182 0.9
Tyco - Programming language Tyco ==== Tyco is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4976 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Tyco on HOPL Tyco on HOPL - Read more about Tyco on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Tymshare SuperBasic - Programming language Tymshare SuperBasic =================== Tymshare SuperBasic is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #4646 on PLDB 56 Years Old Tymshare, Inc. was a time-sharing service and third-party hardware maintenance company competing with companies such as Four-Phase Systems, CompuServe, and DEC (DEC, Digital). Tymshare developed or acquired innovative technologies, including data networking (Tymnet), electronic data interchange (EDI), credit card and payment processing (Transaction Tracking System, Western29), telecommunications provisioning (COEES), office automation (August, Augment) and database technology (Magnum). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) SPARC, Solaris, BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Tynker - Visual programming language Tynker ====== Tynker is a visual programming language created in 2012. 2012 #2077 on PLDB 12 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language Tynker. Tynker is an educational programming platform aimed at teaching children how to make games and programs. Instead of typing the source code, you visually drag blocks of code and snap them together. The visual design and principles are based on the free Scratch, just like Hopscotch and Snap!. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: visual programming language - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
Type Language - Programming language Type Language ============= Type Language is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #1049 on PLDB 11 Years Old 405k Repos TL (Type Language) serves to describe the used system of types, constructors, and existing functions. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 404,774 Type Language repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Type Language - Read more about Type Language on the web: 1. 1. // built-in types int#a8509bda ? = Int; long ? = Long; double ? = Double; string ? = String; null = Null; vector {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; coupleInt {alpha:Type} int alpha = CoupleInt<alpha>; coupleStr {gamma:Type} string gamma = CoupleStr gamma; /* The name of the type variable is irrelevant: "gamma" could be replaced with "alpha" However, the combinator number will depend on the specific choice. */ intHash {alpha:Type} vector<coupleInt<alpha>> = IntHash<alpha>; strHash {alpha:Type} (vector (coupleStr alpha)) = StrHash alpha; intSortedHash {alpha:Type} intHash<alpha> = IntSortedHash<alpha>; strSortedHash {alpha:Type} (strHash alpha) = StrSortedHash alpha; // custom types pair x:Object y:Object = Pair; triple x:Object y:Object z:Object = Triple; user#d23c81a3 id:int first_name:string last_name:string = User; no_user#c67599d1 id:int = User; group id:int title:string last_name:string = Group; no_group = Group; ---functions--- // Maybe some built-in arithmetic functions; inverse quotes make "identifiers" out of arbitrary non-alphanumeric strings `+` Int Int = Int; `-` Int Int = Int; `+` Double Double = Double; // ... // API functions (aka RPC functions) getUser#b0f732d5 int = User; getUsers#2d84d5f5 (Vector int) = Vector User; Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 372 1.9
Typecast.js - Programming language Typecast.js =========== Typecast.js is a programming language created in 2013 by Bishop Zareh. 2013 Bishop Zareh #2066 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone No Longer Maintained - Typecast.js :: typing for Javascript - Tags: programming language - Typecast.js is developed on GitHub and has 30 stars - Typecast.js is written in JavaScript, JSON, HTML, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
typecobol - Programming language typecobol ========= typecobol is a programming language created in 2015 by Laurent Prud'hon. 2015'hon Laurent Prud'hon #1531 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone TypeCobol is an Incremental Cobol parser for IBM Enterprise Cobol 6 for zOS syntax. TypeCobol is also an extension of Cobol 85 language which can then be converted to Cobol85. - Tags: programming language - typecobol is developed on GitHub and has 77 stars - typecobol is written in COBOL, C#, XML, CSV, Markdown, YAML, JSON, Pascal, PowerShell, XSD - typecobol LSP implementation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
typedefs - Grammar language typedefs ======== typedefs is a grammar language created in 2017. 2017 #4639 on PLDB 7 Years Old Typedefs is a programming language agnostic, algebraic data type definition language, written in Idris. - Tags: grammarLanguage - was registered in 2017 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 99 0.5
TypeScript - Programming language TypeScript ========== TypeScript is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Anders Hejlsberg. 2012 Anders Hejlsberg #14 on PLDB 12 Years Old 3m Repos git clone TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing to the language. Anders Hejlsberg, lead architect of C# and creator of Delphi and Turbo Pascal, has worked on the development of TypeScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - TypeScript is developed on GitHub and has 99,410 stars - Watch the history of the TypeScript repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 3,281,749 TypeScript repos on GitHub - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript - Early development of TypeScript happened in Microsoft - TypeScript is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, YAML, Diff, XML, Bourne shell, Dockerfile - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 36k users using TypeScript in 48k repos on GitHub - There are 87,839 members in the TypeScript subreddit - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey TypeScript programmers reported a median salary of $59,172. 30% of respondents reported using TypeScript. 24,909 programmers reported using TypeScript, and 26,905 said they wanted to use it - Explore TypeScript snippets on Rosetta Code - TypeScript appears in the TIOBE Index - TypeScript Ubuntu package TypeScript Ubuntu package - TypeScript LSP implementation - Monaco package for syntax highlighting TypeScript - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for TypeScript - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for TypeScript - TypeScript appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn TypeScript on exercism. - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for TypeScript - There is a central package repository for TypeScript - has 1,542 matches for "typescript developer". - was registered in 2012 - See also: (18 related languages) JavaScript, Java, C#, Delphi, Turbo Pascal, JQuery, MongoDB, D3.js, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Emacs, Vim, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Apache Maven, Dart, CoffeeScript, Elm - 159 PLDB concepts link to TypeScript: 11ty, Ace Editor, Argdown, arret, Apache Arrow, AssemblyScript, AT Protocol, Austral, Bicep, Bitsy, blur-markup-language, bosque, Broccoli, Bucklescript, Bun, buzz, Candy, Caramel, cat, Chapel, chevrotain, Ć, Civet, Claro, cloc, Closure Templates, codecept, CodeMirror, Cortex, D3.js, Deno, dex, Differential Datalog, TypeScript Type Declarations, Elpi, Elvish, emberjs-framework, Emscripten, Enso, erg, Eve, Fardlang, FlatBuffers, Flow9, FlowchartFun, GETlang, GHC, Gleam, Glisp, gridstudio-editor, Gun, Hera, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, htmx, HuwCode, Hyperscript, Imba, Insitux, Jakt, jsil-compiler, json->url, JSON5, Koka, Kotlin, kumir, leo-editor, Lesma, Ligo, Link, lobster, Lodash, Luna, mal, Mapgen, Marko, Markwhen, Marp, Mask, Mastodon, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, MDX, Mech, Melody, mermaid, MLscript, mochajs, Monaco Editor, Mond, neut, NilScript, Node.js, nomnoml, nulan, Observable Framework, Observable Plot, Obsidian, Ohayo, ohm, OK, Openverse, Parsers, Particles, PEG.js, penrose, Pod6, Podlite, Porffor, PostCSS, Prettier, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, Pug, Quint, React Native, Recursive teXt, Rholang, Roc, rpscript, Rust, SandDance, Savi, SDMS, Seq, Serious, Slashdown, spiral, SQRL, Static Typescript, Storymatic, Superjson, Svelte, tao3d, Tawa, tea, Timpani, tldraw, Truth, tsquery, Twine, TypeScript, Uno, V, v8, vega-editor-app, Vega, Veryl, Virgil, Vue, Wasp, Wax, 文言文編程語言, Wing, Wonkey, xlwings-editor, Xtext, YoptaScript console.log("Hello, world!"); console.log("Hello World"); // Hello world in TypeScript alert('Hello world!'); console.log("Hello, World!"); class Person { private name: string; private age: number; private salary: number; constructor(name: string, age: number, salary: number) { = name; this.age = age; this.salary = salary; } toString(): string { return `${} (${this.age}) (${this.salary})`; // As of version 1.4 } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example console.log("Hello, World!"); Token row Feature Type Aliases FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeAliases.html Supported ✓ Example type Second = number; Token row Feature hasGradualTypes FeatureLink ../features/hasGradualTypes.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Algebraic Data Type FeatureLink ../features/hasAlgebraicTypes.html Supported ✓ Example declare type numOrString = string | number Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Union Types FeatureLink ../features/hasUnionTypes.html Supported ✓ Example declare type numOrString = string | number Token row Feature Single-Type Arrays FeatureLink ../features/hasSingleTypeArrays.html Supported ✓ Example const scores: int[] Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Type Parameters FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeParameters.html Supported ✓ Example function identity(arg: T): T { return arg; } Token row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Inheritance FeatureLink ../features/hasInheritance.html Supported ✓ Example class B {} class A extends B {} Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example console.log("Hi") Token console.log row Feature Namespaces FeatureLink ../features/hasNamespaces.html Supported ✓ Example // Typescript even supports splitting namespaces across multiple files: // Validation.ts namespace Validation { export interface StringValidator { isAcceptable(s: string): boolean; } } // LettersOnlyValidator.ts /// namespace Validation { const lettersRegexp = /^[A-Za-z]+$/; export class LettersOnlyValidator implements StringValidator { isAcceptable(s: string) { return lettersRegexp.test(s); } } } Token row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example // class SmartObject implements Disposable, Activatable { } // Note: still need to do some runtime ops to make that work. Token row Feature Interfaces FeatureLink ../features/hasInterfaces.html Supported ✓ Example // interface SquareConfig { color?: string; width?: number; } Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import { ZipCodeValidator } from "./ZipCodeValidator"; /// /// import moo = module('moo'); /// Token row Feature Type Casting FeatureLink ../features/hasExplicitTypeCasting.html Supported ✓ Example something; Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example class Person {} Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example const result = true Token row Feature Generics FeatureLink ../features/hasGenerics.html Supported ✓ Example function identity(arg: T): T { return arg; } Token row Feature Abstract Types FeatureLink ../features/hasAbstractTypes.html Supported ✓ Example abstract class Animal {} class Dog extends Animal Token row Feature Access Modifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasAccessModifiers.html Supported ✓ Example class Person { private _age = 2 public get age() { return _age } protected year = 1990 } Token row Feature Static Methods FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticMethods.html Supported ✓ Example class Person { static sayHi() { console.log("Hello world") } } Token row Feature Enums FeatureLink ../features/hasEnums.html Supported ✓ Example enum Direction { Up, Down } Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1171 5.9
Typographical Number Theory - Notation Typographical Number Theory =========================== Typographical Number Theory is a notation created in 1979 by Douglas Hofstadter. 1979 Douglas Hofstadter #4509 on PLDB 45 Years Old Typographical Number Theory (TNT) is a formal axiomatic system describing the natural numbers that appears in Douglas Hofstadter's book Gödel, Escher, Bach. It is an implementation of Peano arithmetic that Hofstadter uses to help explain Gödel's incompleteness theorems. Like any system implementing the Peano axioms, TNT is capable of referring to itself (it is self-referential).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Typoscript - Data notation Typoscript ========== Typoscript is a data notation created in 1998. 1998 #2783 on PLDB 26 Years Old TypoScript is a syntax for defining information in a hierarchical structure using simple ASCII text content. - Tags: dataNotation - Typoscript is written in PHP - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Typoscript - Read more about Typoscript on the web: 1. 1. asdf { zxcvbnm = uiop backgroundColor = blue backgroundColor.transparency = 95% } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Typst - Text markup language Typst ===== Typst is a text markup language created in 2022 by Laurenz Mädje. 2022 Laurenz Mädje #2112 on PLDB 2 Years Old - Tags: text markup language - Early development of Typst happened in Technical University of Berlin - Markdown and Tex and LaTeX influenced the design of Typst - Read more about Typst on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
TyRuBa - Programming language TyRuBa ====== TyRuBa is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4977 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - TyRuBa on HOPL TyRuBa on HOPL - Read more about TyRuBa on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
U-Datalog - Programming language U-Datalog ========= U-Datalog is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4978 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - U-Datalog on HOPL U-Datalog on HOPL - Read more about U-Datalog on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
U - Programming language U = U is a programming language created in 2013 by Yassen Bantchev. 2013 Yassen Bantchev #1954 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone U is a small functional programming language, designed mainly for explorational and educational uses. Both its syntax and its operational rules are very simple and regular. U can be considered a functional-style calculator for several useful types of data, preloaded with a large number of built-in operators and extensible through defining new ones. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - U is developed on GitHub and has 2 stars - APL and J and K and Nial influenced the design of U - U is written in CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Make, CSS, HTML, JSON, Bash, Markdown ?{x<0::-1;x>0::1;0} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 200 1
UAN - Programming language UAN === UAN is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4979 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UAN on HOPL UAN on HOPL - Read more about UAN on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
UBASIC - Programming language UBASIC ====== UBASIC is an open source programming language created in 1991. 1991 #2925 on PLDB 33 Years Old UBASIC is a freeware (public domain software without source code) BASIC interpreter written by Yuji Kida at Rikkyo University in Japan, specialized for mathematical computing.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - UBASIC on HOPL UBASIC on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) BASIC 10 CONSOLE:CONSOLE 1,24,0:LOCATE 1,0 20 PRINT CHR(2);"N","P(N)","PARTITION COUNT" 30 WORD -19:POINT -8:H%=11:'FOR N UP TO ~1200 40 'PRINT=PRINT+"PARTN5.TXT":'output redirect 50 N=0:'INPUT N 60 CLR TIME 70 Mu=PI(SQRT(24*N-1)/6) 80 CLR S 90 FOR K=1 TO H% 100 '110 to 160 is selberg formula 110 CLR C 120 FOR L=0 TO 2*K-1 130 IF ((3*L^2+L)\2)@K=(-N)@K 140 :C+=(-1)^L*COS(PI((6*L+1)/(6*K))) 150 NEXT 160 'to get A(K,N), multiply C by SQRT(K/3) 170 U=EXP(Mu/K) 180 R=(Mu+K)/U:'Rademacher's convergence term 190 S+=((Mu-K)*U+R)*C 200 NEXT 210 S=ROUND(ABS(S*2/(MU*(24*N-1)))) 220 PRINT CUTSPC(STR(N)); 230 LOCATE 38-ALEN(S):PRINT S 240 IF N<1000:INC N:GOTO 70 250 Tt=TIME1000:PRINT=PRINT:PRINT Tt/1000 260 '~1.7% faster if N,K,L changed to N%,K%,L% Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 347 1.7
Ubercode - Programming language Ubercode ======== Ubercode is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #2944 on PLDB 19 Years Old Ubercode is a high level programming language designed by Ubercode Software and released in 2005 for Microsoft Windows. Ubercode is influenced by Eiffel and BASIC. It is commercial software and can be tried out for free for 30 days. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) Eiffel, BASIC Ubercode 1 class HelloWorld public function Main() code call Msgbox("Hello World", "My first program", "OK") end function end class Ubercode 1 class PrePost function IntToStr(in mystr:string[*] out value:integer) precond IsDigitStr(mystr) code call Val(mystr, value) end function public function main() code call Msgbox("OOP example", "IntToStr(10) = " + IntToStr("10")) end function end class Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 224 1.1
UberScript - Programming language UberScript ========== UberScript is a programming language created in 2011 by James Strachan. 2011 James Strachan #4867 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about UberScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Ubik - Programming language Ubik ==== Ubik is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4980 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Ubik on HOPL Ubik on HOPL - Read more about Ubik on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
UBJSON - Binary data format UBJSON ====== UBJSON is a binary data format created in 2017. 2017 #3294 on PLDB 7 Years Old Universal Binary JSON (UBJSON) is a computer data interchange format. It is a binary form directly imitating JSON, but requiring fewer bytes of data. It aims to achieve the generality of JSON, combined with being much easier to process than JSON.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - was registered in 2011 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 141 0.7
UC - Programming language UC == UC is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #4868 on PLDB 29 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UC on HOPL UC on HOPL - Read more about UC on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
UCG - Data notation UCG === UCG, aka Universal Configuration Grammar, is a data notation created in 2017 by Jeremy Wall. 2017 Jeremy Wall #1427 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone UCG is a universal grammar for configuration. UCG's goal is not to define a configuration format like JSON, YAML, or TOML. It is not intended to replace the other serialization formats. Instead it is intended to provide a common grammar for generating those formats. - Tags: dataNotation - UCG is developed on GitHub and has 36 stars - UCG compiles to JSON or YAML or TOML or XML - UCG is written in Rust, Markdown, SCSS, TOML, HTML, YAML, Nix, Make, JSON, Bourne shell, JavaScript let db_confs = import "db/mysql/hosts.ucg"; let consul_hosts = import "services/consul/hosts.ucg".host_pool; let conf = { port = 8888, addr = "", db = { host = db_confs.host_pool.addr, port = db_confs.host_pool.port, database = "myservicedb", }, config_svc = consul_hosts.url, }; out json conf; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
UCL - Data notation UCL === UCL, aka Universal Configuration Language, is an open source data notation created in 2013. 2013 #905 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Universal configuration library parser - Tags: dataNotation - UCL is developed on GitHub and has 1,603 stars - UCL is written in JSON, C, Rescript, Bourne shell, Python, Make, Markdown, M4, CMake, YAML, Haskell, Lua, C++ param = value; section { param = value; param1 = value1; flag = true; number = 10k; time = 0.2s; string = "something"; subsection { host = { host = "hostname"; port = 900; } host = { host = "hostname"; port = 901; } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
UCSD Pascal - Programming language UCSD Pascal =========== UCSD Pascal is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #2370 on PLDB 46 Years Old UCSD Pascal is a Pascal programming language system that runs on the UCSD p-System, a portable, highly machine-independent operating system. UCSD Pascal was first released in 1978. It was developed at the University of California San Diego (UCSD).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - UCSD Pascal on HOPL UCSD Pascal on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) Ada, Smalltalk, Java, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, DOI, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
UDP - Protocol UDP === UDP, aka User Datagram Protocol, is a protocol created in 1980. 1980 #892 on PLDB 44 Years Old In computer networking, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core members of the Internet protocol suite. The protocol was designed by David P. Reed in 1980 and formally defined in RFC 768. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol - has 35 matches for "UDP engineer". - See also: (7 related languages) FTP, HTTP, SMTP, TLS, TCP, Unix, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
UFL - Programming language UFL === UFL is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4981 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UFL on HOPL UFL on HOPL - Read more about UFL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
UFO - Programming language UFO === UFO is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4982 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UFO on HOPL UFO on HOPL - Read more about UFO on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
ugBASIC - Programming language ugBASIC ======= ugBASIC is a programming language created in 2021 by Marco Spedaletti. 2021 Marco Spedaletti #1085 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A photo of ugBASIC. ugBASIC is an isomorphic and open source language, fully documented and designed to develop portable programs, without sacrificing efficiency. With a single source it is therefore possible to create games for numerous 8 bit platforms. - Tags: programming language - ugBASIC is developed on GitHub and has 84 stars - Early development of ugBASIC happened in - ugBASIC is written in C, Assembly language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
ugnis - Programming language ugnis ===== ugnis is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #3714 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2012 HackerNews discussions of ugnis =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Ugnis – visual programming language for web apps||05/03/2017|1|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 116 0.6
UIML - Xml format UIML ==== UIML is a xml format created in 2005. 2005 #4507 on PLDB 19 Years Old UIML (User Interface Markup Language) is an XML-based user interface markup language for defining user interfaces on computers. Basically UIML tries to reduce the work needed to develop user interfaces. It allows you to describe the user interface in declarative terms (i.e. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - See also: (3 related languages) XML, XAML, Java Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
Uiua - Programming language Uiua ==== Uiua is a programming language created in 2023 by Kai Schmidt. 2023 Kai Schmidt #538 on PLDB 1 Years Old git clone A stack-based array programming language - Tags: programming language - Uiua is developed on GitHub and has 1,485 stars - Uiua is written in Rust, SVG, Markdown, TOML, YAML, JSON, HTML, CSS, Nix, JavaScript - See also: (1 related languages) J - Read more about Uiua on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
UJML - Programming language UJML ==== UJML is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4894 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
ulisp - Programming language ulisp ===== ulisp is a programming language created in 2016 by David Johnson-Davies. 2016 David Johnson-Davies #1320 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone uLisp® is a version of the Lisp programming language specifically designed to run on microcontrollers with a limited amount of RAM. - Tags: programming language - ulisp is developed on GitHub and has 369 stars - ulisp is written in Markdown (defun b (x) (pinmode 13 t) (digitalwrite 13 x) (delay 500) (b (not x))) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
ultralisp-pm - Package manager ultralisp-pm ============ ultralisp-pm is a package manager created in 2018. 2018 #1296 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The software behind a Common Lisp repository - Tags: packageManager - ultralisp-pm is developed on GitHub and has 225 stars - ultralisp-pm is written in Lisp, SQL, Bourne shell, YAML, Bash, reStructuredText, SVG, Markdown, JSON, Dockerfile, HTML, Make - was registered in 2018 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Umka - Programming language Umka ==== Umka is a programming language created in 2020 by Vasiliy Tereshkov. 2020 Vasiliy Tereshkov #1001 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Umka is a statically typed embeddable scripting language. - Tags: programming language - Umka is developed on GitHub and has 1,010 stars - Umka is written in Umka, C, Bourne shell, Markdown, Python, YAML, XML, HTML, Make, SVG, Lua, OCaml, JSON, JavaScript - 3 PLDB concepts link to Umka: cloc, Linux, Umka Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
UML - Xml format UML === UML, aka Unified Modeling Language, is a xml format created in 1996. 1996 #265 on PLDB 28 Years Old The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field of software engineering, that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system. UML was originally motivated by the desire to standardize the disparate notational systems and approaches to software design developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh at Rational Software in 1994–1995, with further development led by them through 1996. In 1997 UML was adopted as a standard by the Object Management Group (OMG), and has been managed by this organization ever since. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - UML on HOPL UML on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) BPMN, SysML - 1 PLDB concepts link to UML: XUML <?xml version="1.0"?> <XMI xmi.version="1.2" xmlns:UML="org.omg/UML/1.4"> <XMI.header> <XMI.documentation> <XMI.exporter> stylesheet</XMI.exporter> </XMI.documentation> <XMI.metamodel"UML" xmi.version="1.4"/> </XMI.header> <XMI.content> <UML:Model"M.1" name="address" visibility="public" isSpecification="false" isRoot="false" isLeaf="false" isAbstract="false"> <UML:Namespace.ownedElement> <UML:Class"C.1" name="address" visibility="public" isSpecification="false" namespace="M.1" isRoot="true" isLeaf="true" isAbstract="false" isActive="false"> <UML:Classifier.feature> <UML:Attribute"A.1" name="name" visibility="private" isSpecification="false" ownerScope="instance"/> <UML:Attribute"A.2" name="street" visibility="private" isSpecification="false" ownerScope="instance"/> <UML:Attribute"A.3" name="zip" visibility="private" isSpecification="false" ownerScope="instance"/> <UML:Attribute"A.4" name="region" visibility="private" isSpecification="false" ownerScope="instance"/> <UML:Attribute"A.5" name="city" visibility="private" isSpecification="false" ownerScope="instance"/> <UML:Attribute"A.6" name="country" visibility="private" isSpecification="false" ownerScope="instance"/> </UML:Classifier.feature> </UML:Class> </UML:Namespace.ownedElement> </UML:Model> </XMI.content> </XMI> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 575 2.9
uml2-sp - Programming language uml2-sp ======= uml2-sp is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4708 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of uml2-sp ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: UML2 SP: Object-oriented simulation language||03/06/2018|17|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Umple - Programming language Umple ===== Umple is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #1400 on PLDB 16 Years Old Umple is a language for both object-oriented programming and modelling with class diagrams and state diagrams. The name Umple is a portmanteau of "UML", "ample" and "programming language", indicating that it is designed to provide ample features to extend programming languages with UML capabilities.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2011 - See also: (6 related languages) Java, UML, Ruby, PHP, Eclipse, XUML class GarageDoor { status { Open { buttonOrObstacle -> Closing; } Closing { buttonOrObstacle -> Opening; reachBottom -> Closed; } Closed { buttonOrObstacle -> Opening; } Opening { buttonOrObstacle -> HalfOpen; reachTop -> Open; } HalfOpen { buttonOrObstacle -> Opening; } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
UMTA - Programming language UMTA ==== UMTA is a programming language created in 1974. 1974 #4983 on PLDB 50 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UMTA on HOPL UMTA on HOPL - Read more about UMTA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
UNCOL - Intermediate representation language UNCOL ===== UNCOL is an intermediate representation language created in 1958. 1958 #3735 on PLDB 66 Years Old UNCOL (Universal Computer Oriented Language) was a proposed universal intermediate language for compilers introduced by Melvin E. Conway in 1958. It was never fully specified or implemented; in many ways it was more a concept than a language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: intermediate representation language - UNCOL on HOPL UNCOL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Compiler-Compiler, LLVM IR Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
underlay - Protocol underlay ======== underlay is a protocol created in 2018. 2018 #4640 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: protocol - See also: (1 related languages) RDF Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 84 0.4
Unicode - Programming language Unicode ======= Unicode is a programming language created in 1955. 1955 #3606 on PLDB 69 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Unicode on HOPL Unicode on HOPL - Read more about Unicode on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
Unicode - Character encoding Unicode ======= Unicode is a character encoding created in 1987. 1987 #1645 on PLDB 37 Years Old Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. The latest version contains a repertoire of 136,755 characters covering 139 modern and historic scripts, as well as multiple symbol sets. The Unicode Standard is maintained in conjunction with ISO/IEC 10646, and both are code-for-code identical. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: characterEncoding - ANTLR grammar for Unicode - See also: (12 related languages) XML, Java, UTF-8, ISBN, RFC, ASCII, FreeBSD, Seed7, Python, JVM, HTML, MIME Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 179 0.9
unicon-adl - Programming language unicon-adl ========== unicon-adl is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4709 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
Unicon - Programming language Unicon ====== Unicon is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Clint Jeffery. 2008 Clint Jeffery #930 on PLDB 16 Years Old Unicon is a programming language designed by American computer scientist Clint Jeffery with collaborators including Shamim Mohamed, Jafar Al Gharaibeh, Robert Parlett and others. Unicon descended from Icon and a preprocessor for Icon called IDOL. Compared with Icon, Unicon offers better access to the operating system as well as support for object-oriented programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are 20 Project Euler users using Unicon - Explore Unicon snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Unicon - was registered in 2004 - See also: (6 related languages) Unix, UML, Unicode, REBOL, Curl, Icon procedure main() w := open("test UNICON window", "g") write(w, "Hello, World!") read(w) close(w) end procedure main() write("Hello World") end procedure main() w := open("test UNICON window", "g") write(w, "Hello, World!") read(w) close(w) end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example # \b([+-]?[0-9]+[KMGTPkmgtp]?)\b Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example # [+-]?[0-9]*\.([0-9]*)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]*)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example # \b([+-]?([2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])[rR][0-9a-zA-Z]+)\b Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token write row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 377 1.9
UNICORN - Programming language UNICORN ======= UNICORN is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4984 on PLDB 38 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UNICORN on HOPL UNICORN on HOPL - Read more about UNICORN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Uniface - Programming language Uniface ======= Uniface is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #1074 on PLDB 30 Years Old Uniface is a development and deployment platform for enterprise applications that can run in a large range of runtime environments, including mobile, mainframe, web, Service-oriented architecture (SOA), Windows, Java EE and .NET. Uniface is a model-driven, Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment used to create mission-critical applications. Uniface applications are database- and platform-independent. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore Uniface snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 1998 - See also: (8 related languages) MySQL, SMTP, C, Java, Unix, Linux, SQL, PostgreSQL message "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token message Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 207 1
Unified Diff - Diff format Unified Diff ============ Unified Diff is a diff format created in 1990 by Wayne Davison. 1990 Wayne Davison #3267 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: diffFormat - Early development of Unified Diff happened in comp.sources.misc - Read more about Unified Diff on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Unified Diff: Diff --- /path/to/original timestamp +++ /path/to/new timestamp @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +This is an important +notice! It should +therefore be located at +the beginning of this +document! + This part of the document has stayed the same from version to @@ -8,13 +14,8 @@ compress the size of the changes. -This paragraph contains -text that is outdated. -It will be deleted in the -near future. - It is important to spell -check this dokument. On +check this document. On the other hand, a misspelled word isn't the end of the world. @@ -22,3 +23,7 @@ this paragraph needs to be changed. Things can be added after it. + +This paragraph contains +important new additions +to this document. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
UPC - Programming language UPC === UPC is a programming language created in 2003. 2003 #1099 on PLDB 21 Years Old 17k Repos Unified Parallel C (UPC) is an extension of the C programming language designed for high-performance computing on large-scale parallel machines, including those with a common global address space (SMP and NUMA) and those with distributed memory (e.g. clusters). The programmer is presented with a single shared, partitioned address space, where variables may be directly read and written by any processor, but each variable is physically associated with a single processor. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 16,668 UPC repos on GitHub - Early development of UPC happened in UPC Consortium - UPC on HOPL UPC on HOPL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for UPC - See also: (5 related languages) C, Split-C, CIL, Chapel, X10 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
UNISIM - Programming language UNISIM ====== UNISIM is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #4985 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UNISIM on HOPL UNISIM on HOPL - Read more about UNISIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
unison - Programming language unison ====== unison is an open source programming language created in 2015. 2015 #280 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone A friendly programming language from the future - Tags: programming language - unison is developed on GitHub and has 5,688 stars - Learn unison on exercism. - was registered in 2014 - Read more about unison on the web: 1. 1. -- comments start with `--` -- alice : Node, bob : Node x = factorial 6 Remote.transfer alice y = foo x -- happens on `alice` node Remote.transfer bob bar x y -- happens on `bob` node use io runProg: '{IO, Exception} a -> '{IO} () runProg f = 'let printErr err = match err with Failure _ errMsg _ -> handle putBytes (stdHandle StdErr) (toUtf8 errMsg) with cases {raise _ -> _} -> () {_} -> () match catch f with Left err -> printErr err Right _ -> () main: '{IO} () main = runProg 'let printLine "Hello, world!" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
Uniswap - Crypto protocol Uniswap ======= Uniswap is a crypto protocol created in 2018 by Hayden Adams. 2018 Hayden Adams #4670 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: cryptoProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 94 0.5
Unity - Library Unity ===== Unity is an open source library created in 2005. 2005 #900 on PLDB 19 Years Old Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as an OS X-exclusive game engine. As of 2018, the engine has been extended to support 27 platforms. The engine can be used to create both three-dimensional and two-dimensional games as well as simulations for its many platforms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Check out the 565 Unity meetup groups on - was registered in 2005 - See also: (13 related languages) C#, Linux, IA-32, ARM, Boo, JavaScript, OpenGL, WebGL, Metal, Cg, HLSL, iOS, Android Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
UNITY - Programming language UNITY ===== UNITY is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #1730 on PLDB 36 Years Old UNITY is a programming language constructed by K. Mani Chandy and Jayadev Misra for their book Parallel Program Design: A Foundation. It is a theoretical language which focuses on what, instead of where, when or how. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - UNITY on HOPL UNITY on HOPL Program bubblesort declare n: integer, A: array [0..n-1] of integer initially n = 20 # <|| i : 0 <= i and i < n :: A[i] = rand() % 100 > assign <# k : 0 <= k < 2 :: <|| i : i % 2 = k and 0 <= i < n - 1 :: A[i], A[i+1] := A[i+1], A[i] if A[i] > A[i+1] > > end Program shortestpath2 declare n: integer, D: array [0..n-1, 0..n-1] of integer initially n = 10 # <|| i,j : 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n :: D[i,j] = rand() % 10 > assign <|| i,j : 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n :: D[i,j] := min(D[i,j], <min k : 0 <= k < n :: D[i,k] + D[k,j] >) > end Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 290 1.4
Unity3D Asset - Application Unity3D Asset ============= Unity3D Asset is an application created in 2005. 2005 #3257 on PLDB 19 Years Old 81k Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 81,061 Unity3D Asset repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Unity3D Asset fileFormatVersion: 2 guid: 9e5c401e9d1d5415fbf2854b29c004c4 folderAsset: yes DefaultImporter: userData: Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 108 0.5
UniVerse - Programming language UniVerse ======== UniVerse is an open source programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4515 on PLDB 27 Years Old Rocket U2 is a suite of database management (DBMS) and supporting software now owned by Rocket Software. It includes two MultiValue database platforms: UniData and UniVerse. Both of these products are operating environments which run on current Unix, Linux and Windows operating systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (5 related languages) Unix, Linux, Pick operating system, XML, ASCII 123-45-6789^JOHN JONES^]^432100^... Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Unix - Operating system Unix ==== Unix is an operating system created in 1969 by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan and Douglas McIlroy and Joe Ossanna. 1969 Ken Thompson Dennis Ritchie Brian Kernighan Douglas McIlroy Joe Ossanna #2625 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: operating system Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
UNLAMBDA - Esoteric programming language UNLAMBDA ======== UNLAMBDA is an open source esoteric programming language created in 1999 by David Madore. 1999 David Madore #774 on PLDB 25 Years Old Unlambda is a minimal, "nearly pure" functional programming language invented by David Madore. It is based on combinatory logic, a version of the lambda calculus that omits the lambda operator. It relies mainly on two built-in functions (s and k) and an apply operator (written `, the backquote character). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Explore UNLAMBDA snippets on Rosetta Code - UNLAMBDA on HOPL UNLAMBDA on HOPL - UNLAMBDA on Esolang UNLAMBDA on Esolang - UNLAMBDA appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (3 related languages) Scheme, C, Java `. `.!`.d`.l`.r`.o`.w`. `.,`.o`.l`.l`.e`.Hi `r```````````.H.e.l.l.o. .w.o.r.l.di # Hello World in unlambda `r```````````.H.e.l.l.o. .w.o.r.l.di Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 280 1.4
unlws - Notation unlws ===== unlws is a notation created in 2010. 2010 #4898 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: notation Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 78 0.4
Uno - Programming language Uno === Uno is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #798 on PLDB 22 Years Old 232 Repos git clone The Uno langauge is a dialect of C#, designed for cross-compilation to C++ and other languages. Uno does not require the .NET Framework, but has instead a more lightweight library called UnoCore. The syntax of Uno is more or less identical to C#, with deviations documented here. - Tags: programming language - Uno is developed on GitHub and has 89 stars - There are at least 232 Uno repos on GitHub - Uno is written in C#, XML, Java, C++, Bourne shell, Objective C++, Markdown, JSON, JavaScript, Python, Gradle, CMake, XAML, Bash, YAML, Make, Swift, TypeScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 24 users using Uno in 37 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Uno - was registered in 2017 - Read more about Uno on the web: 1. 1. using Uno; using Uno.Collections; using Uno.Graphics; using Uno.Scenes; using Uno.Designer; using Uno.Content; using Uno.Content.Models; using Uno.UI; namespace PONG2D { public class PlayerPads : Node { Image _player1Image; Image _player2Image; [Inline] public Image Player1 { get { return _player1Image; } set { if (_player1Image != value) { _player1Image = value; } } } [Inline] public Image Player2 { get { return _player2Image; } set { if (_player2Image != value) { _player2Image = value; } } } [Hide] public float2 Player1Pos { get { return (Player1.ActualPosition); } set { if (Player1 != null) Player1.Position = value; } } [Hide] public float2 Player2Pos { get { return (Player2.ActualPosition); } set { if (Player2 != null) Player2.Position = value; } } public Rect Player1Rect { get { return new Rect(Player1Pos, float2(Player1.Width, Player2.Height)); } set { Player1Pos = value.Position; if (Player1 != null) { Player1.Width = value.Size.X; Player1.Height = value.Size.Y; } } } public Rect Player2Rect { get { return new Rect(Player2Pos, float2(Player2.Width, Player2.Height)); } set { Player2Pos = value.Position; if (Player2 != null) { Player2.Width = value.Size.X; Player2.Height = value.Size.Y; } } } public Ball Ball { get; set; } public float PadVelocity { get; set; } public PlayerPads() { } void UpdatePositions() { } protected override void OnUpdate() { base.OnUpdate(); if (Input.IsKeyDown(Uno.Platform.Key.W)) { Player1Pos = float2(0, Player1Pos.Y - PadVelocity); } if (Input.IsKeyDown(Uno.Platform.Key.S)) { Player1Pos = float2(0, Player1Pos.Y + PadVelocity); } if (Input.IsKeyDown(Uno.Platform.Key.Up)) { Player2Pos = float2(0, Player2Pos.Y - PadVelocity); } if (Input.IsKeyDown(Uno.Platform.Key.Down)) { Player2Pos = float2(0, Player2Pos.Y + PadVelocity); } if (Ball != null) { if (Ball.BallRectangle.Intersects(Player1Rect) || Ball.BallRectangle.Intersects(Player2Rect)) { Ball.BallVelocity = float2(Ball.BallVelocity.X * -1f, Ball.BallVelocity.Y); } } } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 472 2.4
UnQL - Query language UnQL ==== UnQL, aka Unstructured Query Language, is a query language created in 2011 by Richard Hipp and Damien Katz. 2011 Richard Hipp Damien Katz #3186 on PLDB 13 Years Old UnQL is a database query language, akin to SQL, but designed for modern document-oriented databases. SQL assumes a rigidly defined data schema. Each table has a fixed number of columns and each column has a defined datatype. UnQL assumes a more flexible approach to storing data. Instead of "tables", UnQL uses "collections". (The concept is the same, but the name is changed since "tables" are square whereas "collections" can be of varying shape.) Each collection consists of zero or more documents represented as JSON strings. A document in UnQL corresponds to a row in SQL - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about UnQL on the web: 1. 1. SELECT {articleout:cool_nosql_collection.docNumber} FROM cool_nosql_collection Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 233 1.2
UnQL - Query language UnQL ==== UnQL is a query language created in 2000 by Peter Buneman and Mary Fernandez and Dan Suciu. 2000 Peter Buneman Mary Fernandez Dan Suciu #3607 on PLDB 24 Years Old A Query Language and Algebra for Semistructured Data Based on Structural Recursion - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about UnQL on the web: 1. 1. query Q1 := select {result: E} where {country: {name: "France", people: {ethnicGroup: E}}} in db Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
UNRAVEL - Programming language UNRAVEL ======= UNRAVEL is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4986 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - UNRAVEL on HOPL UNRAVEL on HOPL - Read more about UNRAVEL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
UnrealScript - Programming language UnrealScript ============ UnrealScript is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #1658 on PLDB 26 Years Old 1k Repos The Unreal Engine is a game engine developed by Epic Games, first showcased in the 1998 first-person shooter game Unreal. Although primarily developed for first-person shooters, it has been successfully used in a variety of other genres, including stealth, fighting games, MMORPGs, and other RPGs. With its code written in C++, the Unreal Engine features a high degree of portability and is a tool used by many game developers today, with it being source-available. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,335 UnrealScript repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 5k users using UnrealScript in 10k repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for UnrealScript - See also: (7 related languages) Linux, Asm.js, JavaScript, WebGL, Android, iOS, Java class US3HelloWorld extends GameInfo; event InitGame( string Options, out string Error ) { `log( "Hello, world!" ); } defaultproperties { } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 236 1.2
unseemly - Programming language unseemly ======== unseemly is a programming language created in 2016 by Paul Stansifer. 2016 Paul Stansifer #1365 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Macros have types! - Tags: programming language - unseemly is developed on GitHub and has 131 stars - unseemly is written in Rust, Markdown, TOML, YAML, JavaScript, HTML, JSON, Dockerfile - Read more about unseemly on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
Up-arrow notation - Notation Up-arrow notation ================= Up-arrow notation is a notation created in 1976 by Donald Knuth. 1976 Donald Knuth #1796 on PLDB 48 Years Old In mathematics, Knuth's up-arrow notation is a method of notation for very large integers, introduced by Donald Knuth in 1976. In his 1947 paper, R. L. Read more on Wikipedia...'s_up-arrow_notation Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - 1 PLDB concepts link to Up-arrow notation: Conway chained arrow notation 2↑4 = 2 ^ 4 = 16 2↑↑4 = 2 ^ (2 ^ 4) = 65536 2↑↑↑4 = 2 ^ (2 ^ (2 ^ 4)) = 2 ^ 65536 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
UPIC - Programming language UPIC ==== UPIC is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #3757 on PLDB 6 Years Old UPIC (Unité Polyagogique Informatique CEMAMu) is a computerised musical composition tool, devised by the composer Iannis Xenakis. It was developed at the Centre d'Etudes de Mathématique et Automatique Musicales (CEMAMu) in Paris, and was completed in 1977. Xenakis used it on his subsequent piece Mycènes Alpha (1978), and it has been used by composers such as Jean-Claude Risset (on Saxatile (1992)), François-Bernard Mâche (Hypérion (1981), Nocturne (1981), Tithon (1989), Moires (1994), Canopée (2003)), Takehito Shimazu (Illusions in Desolate Fields (1994)), Mari King, and Curtis Roads. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - UPIC on HOPL UPIC on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Pure Data, SuperCollider, Csound Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Urbiscript - Programming language Urbiscript ========== Urbiscript is an open source programming language created in 2003 by Jean-Christophe Baillie. 2003 Jean-Christophe Baillie #1602 on PLDB 21 Years Old urbiscript is a programming language for robotics. It features syntactic support for concurrency and event-based programming. It is a prototype-based object-oriented scripting language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Urbiscript - See also: (3 related languages) Self, Io, C at (x + y == z) echo("%s + %s == %s" % [x, y, z]); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
URI - Standard URI === URI, aka Uniform Resource Identifier, is a standard created in 2005 by Tim Berners-Lee and Roy Thomas Fielding and Larry Masinter. 2005 Tim Berners-Lee Roy Thomas Fielding Larry Masinter #2094 on PLDB 19 Years Old A URI is a unique sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource, such as resources on a webpage, mail address, phone number, books, real-world objects such as people and places, concepts. - Tags: standard, schema - URI is a superset of URL - First announcement of URI - See also: (1 related languages) UUID - 1 PLDB concepts link to URI: Utopia 84 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
URL - Standard URL === URL, aka Uniform Resource Locator, is a standard created in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee. 1994 Tim Berners-Lee #721 on PLDB 30 Years Old A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. A URL is a specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), although many people use the two terms interchangeably. URLs occur most commonly to reference web pages (http), but are also used for file transfer (ftp), email (mailto), database access (JDBC), and many other applications. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: standard, schema - See also: (4 related languages) FTP, HTTP, HTML, UTF-8 - 2 PLDB concepts link to URL: multiaddr, URI scheme:[//[user[:password]@]host[:port]][/path][?query][#fragment] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 217 1.1
urn - Programming language urn === urn is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #4641 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2017 HackerNews discussions of urn ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Urn: A Lisp implementation for Lua||03/12/2018|156|47 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 114 0.6
UrWeb - Programming language UrWeb ===== UrWeb is an open source programming language created in 2008. 2008 #557 on PLDB 16 Years Old 83 Repos git clone The Ur/Web programming language - Tags: programming language - UrWeb is developed on GitHub and has 806 stars - There are at least 83 UrWeb repos on GitHub - UrWeb is written in Standard ML, Python, C, Lisp, Make, Bourne shell, M4, Coq, JavaScript, Nix, CSS, HTML, Tex, Lex, Markdown, Lua, YAML, SQL - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 62 users using UrWeb in 64 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for UrWeb open Parse.String val digit = satisfy isdigit val decimal_of_len n = ds <- count n digit; return (List.foldl (fn d acc => 10*acc + ((ord d)-(ord #"0"))) 0 ds) val date = y <- decimal_of_len 4; char' #"-"; m <- decimal_of_len 2; char' #"-"; d <- decimal_of_len 2; if m > 0 && m <= 12 then return {Year=y, Month=(Datetime.intToMonth (m-1)), Day=d} else fail (* We parse fractions of a second, but ignore them since Datetime doesn't permit representing them. *) val time = h <- decimal_of_len 2; char' #":"; m <- decimal_of_len 2; s <- maybe (char' #":"; s <- decimal_of_len 2; maybe' (char' #"."; skipWhile isdigit); return s); return {Hour=h, Minute=m, Second=Option.get 0 s} val timezone_offset = let val zulu = char' #"Z"; return 0 val digits = decimal_of_len 2 val sign = or (char' #"+"; return 1) (char' #"-"; return (-1)) in zulu `or` (s <- sign; h <- digits; m <- (maybe' (char' #":"); or digits (return 0)); return (s*(h*60+m))) end val datetime_with_tz = d <- date; char' #"T"; t <- time; tz <- timezone_offset; return (d ++ t ++ {TZOffsetMinutes=tz}) val datetime = d <- datetime_with_tz; return (d -- #TZOffsetMinutes) fun process v = case parse (d <- datetime_with_tz; eof; return d) v of Some r => let val {Year=year,Month=month,Day=day, Hour=hour,Minute=minute,Second=second} = Datetime.addMinutes (r.TZOffsetMinutes) (r -- #TZOffsetMinutes) fun pad x = if x < 10 then "0" `strcat` show x else show x in <xml>{[pad hour]}:{[pad minute]}:{[pad second]} {[month]} {[day]}, {[year]}</xml> end | None => <xml>none</xml> fun main () : transaction page = input <- source "2012-01-01T01:10:42Z"; return <xml> <body> <label> Enter an <a href="">ISO 8601</a> datetime here: <ctextbox source={input} /> </label> <ul><dyn signal={v <- signal input; return (process v)} /></ul> </body> </xml> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 580 2.9
USB - Standard USB === USB is a standard created in 1996 by Compaq and DEC and IBM and Intel and Microsoft and NEC and Nortel. 1996 Compaq DEC IBM Intel Microsoft NEC Nortel #2290 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: standard - Early development of USB happened in Compaq and DEC and IBM and Intel and Microsoft and NEC and Nortel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
uscript - Notation uscript ======= uscript is a notation created in 2016. 2016 #5023 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: notation - Read more about uscript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
uscript2 - Notation uscript2 ======== uscript2 is a notation created in 2018. 2018 #5024 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: notation - Read more about uscript2 on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 93 0.5
USD - Programming language USD === USD, aka Universal Scene Description, is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #2512 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Early development of USD happened in Pixar - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for USD #usda 1.0 def Xform "hello" { def Sphere "world" { } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 133 0.7
Usenet - Network Usenet ====== Usenet is a network created in 1979 by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis. 1979 Tom Truscott Jim Ellis #2351 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: network, protocol - Interview with the creators of Usenet: 1. 1. - Early development of Usenet happened in Duke University - There are 0 members in the Usenet subreddit - 1 PLDB concepts link to Usenet: nML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
USSA - Programming language USSA ==== USSA is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4987 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - USSA on HOPL USSA on HOPL - Read more about USSA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
UTC - Time format UTC === UTC is a time format created in 1960. 1960 #2789 on PLDB 64 Years Old Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated to UTC) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time at 0° longitude, and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. In some countries where English is spoken, the term Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is often used as a synonym for UTC and predates UTC by nearly 300 years.The first Coordinated Universal Time was informally adopted on 1 January 1960 and was first officially adopted as CCIR Recommendation 374, Standard-Frequency and Time-Signal Emissions, in 1963, but the official abbreviation of UTC and the official English name of Coordinated Universal Time (along with the French equivalent) were not adopted until 1967.The system has been adjusted several times, including a brief period where time coordination radio signals broadcast both UTC and "Stepped Atomic Time (SAT)" before a new UTC was adopted in 1970 and implemented in 1972. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: timeFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 251 1.3
UTF-8 - Character encoding UTF-8 ===== UTF-8 is a character encoding created in 1993 by Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. 1993 Rob Pike Ken Thompson #1544 on PLDB 31 Years Old UTF-8 is a variable width character encoding capable of encoding all 1,112,064 valid code points in Unicode using one to four 8-bit bytes. The encoding is defined by the Unicode standard, and was originally designed by Ken Thompson and Rob Pike. The name is derived from Unicode (or Universal Coded Character Set) Transformation Format – 8-bit. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: characterEncoding - See also: (9 related languages) Unicode, ASCII, XML, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Java, Tcl, Unix - Read more about UTF-8 on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to UTF-8: Plain text Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 226 1.1
Utopia 84 - Programming language Utopia 84 ========= Utopia 84 is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #4869 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Utopia 84 on HOPL Utopia 84 on HOPL - Read more about Utopia 84 on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
UUID - Standard UUID ==== UUID, aka Universally Unique IDentifiers, is a standard created in 2005 by Paul J. Leach. 2005 Paul J. Leach #1771 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: standard, schema - First announcement of UUID - See also: (1 related languages) URI - Read more about UUID on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to UUID: Urbiscript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
Uniform eXchange Format - Data notation Uniform eXchange Format ======================= Uniform eXchange Format is a data notation created in 2022 by Mark Summerfield. 2022 Mark Summerfield #1241 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Uniform eXchange Format (uxf) is a plain text human readable optionally typed storage format that supports custom types. It may serve as a convenient alternative to csv, ini, json, sqlite, toml, xml, or yaml - Tags: dataNotation - Uniform eXchange Format is developed on GitHub and has 45 stars - Early development of Uniform eXchange Format happened in Qtrac Ltd - See also: (3 related languages) Python, Rust, Scheme - Read more about Uniform eXchange Format on the web: 1. 1. uxf 1 [ {<Point> [1.4 9.8 -0.7 3.0 2.1 -6.3]} <TrafficLightGreen> <TrafficLightAmber> <TrafficLightRed> ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example 80766866 Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example [1 2] Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 282 1.4
V - Esoteric programming language V = V is an esoteric programming language created in 2016 by DJMcMayhem. 2016 DJMcMayhem #1930 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone A golfing language inspired by everybody's favorite text editor, vim. - Tags: esoteric programming language - V is developed on GitHub and has 77 stars - V is written in Vim script, Bash, Python, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
V-Promela - Programming language V-Promela ========= V-Promela is a programming language created in 1999. 1999 #4988 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: programming language - V-Promela on HOPL V-Promela on HOPL - Read more about V-Promela on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
V - Programming language V = V is a programming language created in 1997 by Mikhail Auguston and Alfredo Delgado. 1997 Mikhail Auguston Alfredo Delgado #3608 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about V on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 126 0.6
V - Programming language V = V is a programming language created in 2019 by Alexander Medvednikov. 2019 Alexander Medvednikov #124 on PLDB 5 Years Old 1k Repos git clone Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in V translation. - Tags: programming language - V is developed on GitHub and has 35,595 stars - Watch the history of the V repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 1,382 V repos on GitHub - V is written in Coq, Markdown, C, HTML, YAML, XML, GLSL, JSON, TOML, SVG, Bourne shell, CSS, Dockerfile, JavaScript, Objective-C, Make, Python, awk, C++, C#, TypeScript, Go, SQL, Ruby, Tcl, Assembly language - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 44 users using V in 45 repos on GitHub - There are 1,547 members in the V subreddit - Learn V on exercism. - was registered in 2019 import json struct User { name string age int mut: is_registered bool } fn main() { s := '[{"name":"Frodo", "age":25}, {"name":"Bobby", "age":10}]' mut users := json.decode([]User, s) or { eprintln('Failed to parse json') return } for user in users { println('$ $user.age') } println('') for i, mut user in users { println('$i) $') if !user.can_register() { println('Cannot register $, they are too young') continue } // `user` is declared as `mut` in the for loop, // modifying it will modify the array user.register() } // Let's encode users again just for fun println('') println(json.encode(users)) } fn (u User) can_register() bool { return u.age >= 16 } fn (mut u User) register() { u.is_registered = true } fn main() { println('Hello, world!') } println("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 438 2.2
v8 - Virtual machine v8 == v8 is an open source virtual machine created in 2008 by Lars Bak. 2008 Lars Bak #193 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone The official mirror of the V8 Git repository - Tags: virtual machine - v8 is developed on GitHub and has 23,018 stars - Watch the history of the v8 repo visualized with Gource - Early development of v8 happened in Google - v8 is written in JavaScript, C++, Python, JSON, TypeScript, HTML, Bourne shell, Markdown, C, WebAssembly, Pascal, CSS, starlark, YAML, Vim script, XML, Assembly language, Bash, SVG, Scheme, R, Bazel, Make - 1 PLDB concepts link to v8: Bun Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
v8torque - Programming language v8torque ======== v8torque is a programming language created in 2018. 2018 #4482 on PLDB 6 Years Old - Tags: programming language - v8torque compiles to CodeStudAssembler - Read more about v8torque on the web: 1. 1. macro LoadDataViewUint32(buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: intptr, requested_little_endian: bool, signed: constexpr bool): Number { let data_pointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store; let b0: uint32 = LoadUint8(data_pointer, offset); let b1: uint32 = LoadUint8(data_pointer, offset + 1); let b2: uint32 = LoadUint8(data_pointer, offset + 2); let b3: uint32 = LoadUint8(data_pointer, offset + 3); let result: uint32; if (requested_little_endian) { result = (b3 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0; } else { result = (b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3; } return convert<Number>(result); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 185 0.9
VAL II - Programming language VAL II ====== VAL II is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4989 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VAL II on HOPL VAL II on HOPL - Read more about VAL II on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
VAL - Programming language VAL === VAL is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2887 on PLDB 44 Years Old VAL may stand for: Variable Assembly Language, a computer-based control system and language designed specifically for use with Unimation Inc. industrial robots Vatican lira, the currency of the Vatican City between 1929 and 2002 Véhicule Automatique Léger, a type of automatic rubber-tired people mover technology Vieques Air Link, an airline. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - VAL on HOPL VAL on HOPL - Read more about VAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Vala - Programming language Vala ==== Vala is an open source programming language created in 2006. 2006 #197 on PLDB 18 Years Old 3k Repos Vala is an object-oriented programming language with a self-hosting compiler that generates C code and uses the GObject system. Vala is syntactically similar to C# and includes several features such as: anonymous functions, signals, properties, generics, assisted memory management, exception handling, type inference, and foreach statements. Its developers Jürg Billeter and Raffaele Sandrini aim to bring these features to the plain C runtime with little overhead and no special runtime support by targeting the GObject object system. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,465 Vala repos on GitHub - Vala compiles to C - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Vala in 2k repos on GitHub - Explore Vala snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Vala - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Vala - See also: (13 related languages) C, C#, D, Java, Boo, Emacs, Sublime Text, TextMate, Eclipse, Vim, Visual Studio Code, Genie, Python - Read more about Vala on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 4 PLDB concepts link to Vala: Ace Editor, Apache Arrow, cloc, mal int main (string[] args) { var app = new Gtk.Application( "com.example.App", ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE ); app.activate.connect(() => { var win = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow(app); var btn = new Gtk.Button.with_label("Hello World");; win.child = btn; win.present(); }) return; } void main () { print("Hello, world!\n"); } static void main (string[] args) { stdout.printf ("Hello World\n"); } void main () { print("Hello, world!\n"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token stdout.printf row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 424 2.1
Vale - Assembly language Vale ==== Vale, aka Verified Assembly Language for Everest, is an assembly language created in 2017 by Chris Hawblitzel. 2017 Chris Hawblitzel #865 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Vale is a tool for constructing formally verified high-performance assembly language code, with an emphasis on cryptographic code. It uses existing verification frameworks, such as Dafny and F*, for formal verification. It supports multiple architectures, such as x86, x64, and ARM, and multiple platforms, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. Additional architectures and platforms can be supported with no changes to the Vale tool. - Tags: assembly language - Vale is developed on GitHub and has 261 stars - Vale is written in reStructuredText, F#, XML, Python, Bourne shell, Markdown, C#, Dockerfile, C, Bash, PowerShell, JSON, OCaml, Make - See also: (1 related languages) F* procedure ReadA(ghost a:seq(uint32),inline b:bool) reads r0; mem; modifies r1; requires length(a) >= 3; a[0] <= 100; a[1] <= 100; forall i :: 0 <= i < length(a) ==> InMem(r0 + 4 * i, mem) && mem[r0 + 4 * i] == a[i]; ensures b ==> r1 == a[0] + 1; !b ==> r1 == a[1] + 1; { inline if (b) { LDR(r1, r0, 0); //load memory [r0+0] into r1 AddOne(r1); } else { LDR(r1, r0, 4); //load memory [r0+4] into r1 AddOne(r1); } } procedure{:recursive} AddNToR7(inline n:nat) modifies r7; requires r7 + n <= 0xffffffff; ensures r7 == old(r7) + n; { inline if (n > 0) { AddOne(r7); AddNToR7(n - 1); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 365 1.8
Vale - Programming language Vale ==== Vale is a programming language created in 2020. 2020 #683 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone Compiler for the Vale programming language - - Tags: programming language - Vale is developed on GitHub and has 1,752 stars - Vale is written in Scala, Markdown, C++, C, XML, HTML, Bourne shell, Python, YAML, CMake, Dockerfile - was registered in 2019 exported func main() { println("Hello world!"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token println Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
VARLIST - Programming language VARLIST ======= VARLIST is a programming language created in 1975. 1975 #4990 on PLDB 49 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VARLIST on HOPL VARLIST on HOPL - Read more about VARLIST on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
VBA - Programming language VBA === VBA, aka Visual Basic for Applications, is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #262 on PLDB 31 Years Old 29k Repos Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is an implementation of Microsoft's event-driven programming language Visual Basic 6, which was discontinued in 2008, and its associated integrated development environment (IDE). Although Visual Basic is no longer supported or updated by Microsoft, VBA itself got upgraded in 2010 with the introduction of Visual Basic for Applications 7 in Microsoft Office applications. Visual Basic for Applications enables building user-defined functions (UDFs), automating processes and accessing Windows API and other low-level functionality through dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 28,503 VBA repos on GitHub - Early development of VBA happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 194 users using VBA in 200 repos on GitHub - In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey VBA programmers reported a median salary of $53,825. 5% of respondents reported using VBA. 3,847 programmers reported using VBA, and 1,069 said they wanted to use it - Explore VBA snippets on Rosetta Code - ANTLR grammar for VBA - has 511 matches for "vba engineer". - See also: (11 related languages) QuickBASIC, Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel, AUTOCAD, BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, Visual Basic .NET, VBScript, JScript, C#, Visual Studio Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 322 1.6
VBScript - Programming language VBScript ======== VBScript is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #203 on PLDB 28 Years Old 6k Repos VBScript ("Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition") is an Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic. It allows Microsoft Windows system administrators to generate powerful tools for managing computers with error handling, subroutines, and other advanced programming constructs. It can give the user complete control over many aspects of their computing environment. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 6,076 VBScript repos on GitHub - Early development of VBScript happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 327 users using VBScript in 339 repos on GitHub - There are 916 members in the VBScript subreddit - Explore VBScript snippets on Rosetta Code - VBScript on HOPL VBScript on HOPL - VBScript ranks #34 in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting VBScript - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for VBScript - has 142 matches for "vbscript developer". - See also: (10 related languages) ASP, Visual Basic, PowerShell, JScript, Batchfile, Regular Expressions, JavaScript, MUMPS, Applescript, FastTrack Scripting Host ' Hello World in VBScript (Windows Scripting Host) msgbox "Hello, World!" <% Option Explicit %><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>VBScript Example</title> </head> <body> <div><% ' Grab current time from Now() function. ' An '=' sign occurring after a context switch (<%) is shorthand ' for a call to the Write() method of the Response object. Dim timeValue = Now %> The time, in 24-hour format, is <%=Hour(timeValue)%>:<%=Minute(timeValue)%>:<%=Second(timeValue)%>. </div> </body> </html> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example ' [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example ' [0-9]+\.[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example ' &h[0-9a-f]+ Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 468 2.3
vCard - Text data format vCard ===== vCard is a text data format created in 1998. 1998 #4671 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:4.0 N:Gump;Forrest;;Mr.; FN:Forrest Gump ORG:Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. TITLE:Shrimp Man PHOTO;MEDIATYPE=image/gif: TEL;TYPE=work,voice;VALUE=uri:tel:+1-111-555-1212 TEL;TYPE=home,voice;VALUE=uri:tel:+1-404-555-1212 ADR;TYPE=WORK;PREF=1;LABEL="100 Waters Edge\nBaytown\, LA 30314\nUnited States of America":;;100 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America ADR;TYPE=HOME;LABEL="42 Plantation St.\nBaytown\, LA 30314\nUnited States of America":;;42 Plantation St.;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America REV:20080424T195243Z x-qq:21588891 END:VCARD Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 198 1
VCF - Text data format VCF === VCF is a text data format created in 2011. 2011 #2890 on PLDB 13 Years Old The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations. The format has been developed with the advent of large-scale genotyping and DNA sequencing projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project. Existing formats for genetic data such as General feature format (GFF) stored all of the genetic data, much of which is redundant because it will be shared across the genomes. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat - See also: (1 related languages) General feature format - Read more about VCF on the web: 1. 1. ##fileformat=VCFv4.3 ##fileDate=20090805 ##source=myImputationProgramV3.1 ##reference=file:///seq/references/1000GenomesPilot-NCBI36.fasta ##contig=<ID=20,length=62435964,assembly=B36,md5=f126cdf8a6e0c7f379d618ff66beb2da,species="Homo sapiens",taxonomy=x> ##phasing=partial ##INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of Samples With Data"> ##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth"> ##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency"> ##INFO=<ID=AA,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Ancestral Allele"> ##INFO=<ID=DB,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="dbSNP membership, build 129"> ##INFO=<ID=H2,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="HapMap2 membership"> ##FILTER=<ID=q10,Description="Quality below 10"> ##FILTER=<ID=s50,Description="Less than 50% of samples have data"> ##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype"> ##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype Quality"> ##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read Depth"> ##FORMAT=<ID=HQ,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Haplotype Quality"> #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT NA00001 NA00002 NA00003 20 14370 rs6054257 G A 29 PASS NS=3;DP=14;AF=0.5;DB;H2 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:48:1:51,51 1|0:48:8:51,51 1/1:43:5:.,. 20 17330 . T A 3 q10 NS=3;DP=11;AF=0.017 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:49:3:58,50 0|1:3:5:65,3 0/0:41:3 20 1110696 rs6040355 A G,T 67 PASS NS=2;DP=10;AF=0.333,0.667;AA=T;DB GT:GQ:DP:HQ 1|2:21:6:23,27 2|1:2:0:18,2 2/2:35:4 20 1230237 . T . 47 PASS NS=3;DP=13;AA=T GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:54:7:56,60 0|0:48:4:51,51 0/0:61:2 20 1234567 microsat1 GTC G,GTCT 50 PASS NS=3;DP=9;AA=G GT:GQ:DP 0/1:35:4 0/2:17:2 1/1:40:3 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 579 2.9
Varnish Configuration Language - Application Varnish Configuration Language ============================== Varnish Configuration Language is an application created in 2006. 2006 #1550 on PLDB 18 Years Old 594 Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 594 Varnish Configuration Language repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 404 users using Varnish Configuration Language in 428 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Varnish Configuration Language - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Varnish Configuration Language - Read more about Varnish Configuration Language on the web: 1. 1. acl local { "localhost"; // myself ""/24; // and everyone on the local network ! ""; // except for the dialin router } /*- * Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Varnish Software AS * All rights reserved. * * Author: Poul-Henning Kamp <> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The default VCL code. * * NB! You do NOT need to copy & paste all of these functions into your * own vcl code, if you do not provide a definition of one of these * functions, the compiler will automatically fall back to the default * code from this file. * * This code will be prefixed with a backend declaration built from the * -b argument. */ sub vcl_recv { if (req.restarts == 0) { if (req.http.x-forwarded-for) { set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip; } else { set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip; } } if (req.request != "GET" && req.request != "HEAD" && req.request != "PUT" && req.request != "POST" && req.request != "TRACE" && req.request != "OPTIONS" && req.request != "DELETE") { /* Non-RFC2616 or CONNECT which is weird. */ return (pipe); } if (req.request != "GET" && req.request != "HEAD") { /* We only deal with GET and HEAD by default */ return (pass); } if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie) { /* Not cacheable by default */ return (pass); } return (lookup); } sub vcl_pipe { # Note that only the first request to the backend will have # X-Forwarded-For set. If you use X-Forwarded-For and want to # have it set for all requests, make sure to have: # set bereq.http.connection = "close"; # here. It is not set by default as it might break some broken web # applications, like IIS with NTLM authentication. return (pipe); } sub vcl_pass { return (pass); } sub vcl_hash { hash_data(req.url); if ( { hash_data(; } else { hash_data(server.ip); } return (hash); } sub vcl_hit { return (deliver); } sub vcl_miss { return (fetch); } sub vcl_fetch { if (beresp.ttl <= 0s || beresp.http.Set-Cookie || beresp.http.Vary == "*") { /* * Mark as "Hit-For-Pass" for the next 2 minutes */ set beresp.ttl = 120 s; return (hit_for_pass); } return (deliver); } sub vcl_deliver { return (deliver); } sub vcl_error { set obj.http.Content-Type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; set obj.http.Retry-After = "5"; synthetic {" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>"} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</title> </head> <body> <h1>Error "} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</h1> <p>"} + obj.response + {"</p> <h3>Guru Meditation:</h3> <p>XID: "} + req.xid + {"</p> <hr> <p>Varnish cache server</p> </body> </html> "}; return (deliver); } sub vcl_init { return (ok); } sub vcl_fini { return (ok); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 881 4.4
Vcpkg - Package manager Vcpkg ===== Vcpkg is a package manager created in 2016. 2016 #1239 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Vcpkg helps you manage C and C++ libraries on Windows, Linux and MacOS. This tool and ecosystem are constantly evolving; your involvement is vital to its success! - Tags: packageManager - Vcpkg is developed on GitHub and has 22,468 stars - Vcpkg is written in JSON, CMake, Diff, PowerShell, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, Python, XML, Bash, C++, Make, C, Perl, Nix, Dockerfile, Z shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 146 0.7
Vienna Development Method Specification Language - Programming language Vienna Development Method Specification Language ================================================ Vienna Development Method Specification Language is a programming language created in 1996. 1996 #4672 on PLDB 28 Years Old - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) Vienna Definition Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 96 0.5
vdscript - Programming language vdscript ======== vdscript is an open source programming language created in 2000 by Avery Lee. 2000 Avery Lee #497 on PLDB 24 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the programming language vdscript. VirtualDub is a free and open-source video capture and video processing utility for Microsoft Windows written by Avery Lee. It is designed to process linear video streams, including filtering and recompression. It uses AVI container format to store captured video.The first version of VirtualDub, written for Windows 95, to be released on SourceForge was uploaded on August 20, 2000.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of vdscript happened in - vdscript is written in C++ - There is a central package repository for vdscript - Read more about vdscript on the web: 1. 1. declare foo; foo =; foo.Add("bar"); declare Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 231 1.2
Vector PASCAL - Programming language Vector PASCAL ============= Vector PASCAL is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4991 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Vector PASCAL on HOPL Vector PASCAL on HOPL - Read more about Vector PASCAL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
vega-editor-app - Application vega-editor-app =============== vega-editor-app is an application created in 2015. 2015 #1786 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Editor/IDE for Vega and Vega-Lite - Tags: application - vega-editor-app is developed on GitHub and has 161 stars - vega-editor-app is written in TypeScript, CSS, JSON, YAML, Bourne shell, Markdown, HTML, Diff Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 122 0.6
Vega - Data visualization grammar Vega ==== Vega is a data visualization grammar created in 2013 by Jeffrey Heer. 2013 Jeffrey Heer #675 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative language for creating, saving, and sharing interactive visualization designs. With Vega, you can describe the visual appearance and interactive behavior of a visualization in a JSON format, and generate web-based views using Canvas or SVG. - Tags: data visualization grammar, library - Vega is developed on GitHub and has 11,005 stars - Vega compiles to SVG - Vega is written in JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, TypeScript, SVG, CSV, HTML, YAML, CSS, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
Velato - Esoteric programming language Velato ====== Velato is an esoteric programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3609 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: esoteric programming language - Velato on Esolang Velato on Esolang format=1 tracks=2 division=2880 BA 1 CR 0 TR 0 CH 16 Tempo 100 BA 1 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT C-- 4/5 von=101 voff=0 BA 1 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT A 4/5 voff=0 BA 1 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 4/5 voff=0 BA 1 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT E- 4/5 voff=0 BA 2 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 4/5 voff=0 BA 2 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT A- 4/5 voff=0 BA 2 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Eb 4/5 voff=0 BA 3 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 3+7/20 voff=0 BA 3 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 3+7/20 voff=0 BA 5 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 1/5 voff=0 BA 5 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 1/5 voff=0 BA 5 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 1/5 voff=0 BA 5 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F-- 2/5 voff=0 BA 5 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 2/5 voff=0 BA 5 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 2/5 voff=0 BA 5 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT A- 2/5 voff=0 BA 6 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 4/5 voff=0 BA 6 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G-- 4/5 voff=0 BA 6 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F#- 4/5 voff=0 BA 7 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 3+7/20 voff=0 BA 7 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 3+7/20 voff=0 BA 9 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 1/5 voff=0 BA 9 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 1/5 voff=0 BA 9 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 1/5 voff=0 BA 10 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb-- 2/5 voff=0 BA 10 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 2/5 voff=0 BA 10 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 2/5 voff=0 BA 10 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT D- 2/5 voff=0 BA 10 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT Eb 4/5 voff=0 BA 10 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 4/5 voff=0 BA 10 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT B- 4/5 voff=0 BA 11 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G# 2/5 voff=0 BA 12 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 4/5 voff=0 BA 12 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 4/5 voff=0 BA 13 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 2/5 voff=0 BA 13 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb-- 1/5 voff=0 BA 13 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 1/5 voff=0 BA 14 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 1/5 voff=0 BA 14 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D- 1/5 voff=0 BA 14 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT Eb 4/5 voff=0 BA 14 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 4/5 voff=0 BA 14 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT B- 4/5 voff=0 BA 15 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G# 2/5 voff=0 BA 16 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 4/5 voff=0 BA 16 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 4/5 voff=0 BA 17 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 4/5 voff=0 BA 18 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 2/5 voff=0 BA 18 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 4/5 voff=0 BA 18 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 4/5 voff=0 BA 19 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C-- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 19 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT A 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 19 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 19 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT E- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 21 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 4/5 voff=0 BA 21 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 4/5 voff=0 BA 22 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 2/5 voff=0 BA 22 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 2/5 voff=0 BA 22 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 2/5 voff=0 BA 22 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 2/5 voff=0 BA 23 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT C-- 2/5 voff=0 BA 23 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT A 1+3/5 voff=0 BA 23 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 1+3/5 voff=0 BA 25 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT E 2/5 voff=0 BA 25 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 2+7/10 voff=0 BA 25 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F-- 2+7/10 voff=0 BA 27 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 3+7/10 voff=0 BA 27 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 5+9/20 voff=0 BA 27 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 5+9/20 voff=0 BA 30 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 1/5 voff=0 BA 30 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 1/5 voff=0 BA 30 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 1/5 voff=0 BA 30 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 4/5 voff=0 BA 31 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 2/5 voff=0 BA 32 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F-- 2/5 voff=0 BA 32 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 2/5 voff=0 BA 32 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 2/5 voff=0 BA 32 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT A- 2/5 voff=0 BA 32 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 4/5 voff=0 BA 33 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT A 2/5 voff=0 BA 34 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G#- 3+7/20 voff=0 BA 34 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 3+7/20 voff=0 BA 35 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 1/5 voff=0 BA 36 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 1/5 voff=0 BA 36 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 1/5 voff=0 BA 36 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb-- 2/5 voff=0 BA 36 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 2/5 voff=0 BA 36 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 2/5 voff=0 BA 36 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT D- 2/5 voff=0 BA 37 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Eb 4/5 voff=0 BA 37 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT G# 4/5 voff=0 BA 38 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 2/5 voff=0 BA 38 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 4/5 voff=0 BA 38 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 4/5 voff=0 BA 39 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 2/5 voff=0 BA 40 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 2/5 voff=0 BA 40 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 4/5 voff=0 BA 40 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 4/5 voff=0 BA 41 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C-- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 41 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT A 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 41 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 41 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT E- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 43 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 4/5 voff=0 BA 43 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 4/5 voff=0 BA 44 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 2/5 voff=0 BA 44 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 4/5 voff=0 BA 44 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 2/5 voff=0 BA 44 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 4/5 voff=0 BA 45 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C-- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 45 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT A 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 45 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 45 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT E- 3+2/5 voff=0 BA 47 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 4/5 voff=0 BA 47 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 4/5 voff=0 BA 48 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 2/5 voff=0 BA 48 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 4/5 voff=0 BA 48 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 4/5 voff=0 BA 48 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 4/5 voff=0 BA 49 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 1/5 voff=0 BA 49 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D 1/5 voff=0 BA 50 CR 0 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 1/5 voff=0 BA 50 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 2/5 voff=0 BA 50 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 4/5 voff=0 BA 51 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 4/5 voff=0 BA 52 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb-- 2/5 voff=0 BA 52 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 2/5 voff=0 BA 52 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 2/5 voff=0 BA 52 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D- 2/5 voff=0 BA 53 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Eb 2/5 voff=0 BA 53 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 2/5 voff=0 BA 53 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT B 2/5 voff=0 BA 53 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G#- 4/5 voff=0 BA 54 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 4/5 voff=0 BA 54 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 4/5 voff=0 BA 55 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 2/5 voff=0 BA 56 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 4/5 voff=0 BA 57 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb-- 2/5 voff=0 BA 57 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G 2/5 voff=0 BA 57 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 2/5 voff=0 BA 57 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT D- 2/5 voff=0 BA 57 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Eb 2/5 voff=0 BA 57 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 2/5 voff=0 BA 57 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT B- 2/5 voff=0 BA 58 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT B 2/5 voff=0 BA 58 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT F 4/5 voff=0 BA 58 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb 4/5 voff=0 BA 59 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 2/5 voff=0 BA 60 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT Bb- 2/5 voff=0 BA 60 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C- 4/5 voff=0 BA 60 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 4/5 voff=0 BA 61 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT C-- 3+19/20 voff=0 BA 61 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT A 3+19/20 voff=0 BA 61 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 3+19/20 voff=0 BA 63 CR 1/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT E- 1/5 voff=0 BA 63 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT F- 1/5 voff=0 BA 63 CR 3/4 TR 1 CH 1 NT E- 1+11/20 voff=0 BA 64 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT E 3+1/5 voff=0 BA 64 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT G- 1+1/5 voff=0 BA 64 CR 1/2 TR 1 CH 1 NT C 3+1/5 voff=0 BA 67 CR 7/10 TR 1 CH 16 End of track on "2.19.64" \header{ title = "Hello World" } \language "english" \paper { top-margin = 1.5\in left-margin = 2.0\in right-margin = 2.0\in } \score { \transpose c c' { % H <c a>4 g8( e8 f8 gs8 d8 g8) | % e a8 <g e>4. <f cs>4 c16( cs16 g8 | % l a8) <g e>8 <f cs>4 <c a>4 g4( | % l a16 g16 e16 f8 cs8.) <c a g>2 | % o a8( g8 e8) f8. cs16( cs8 cs8 g8 | % , a8 g4 e8 f8 e e g8) | % space a8 <g e>4. f8( ds d g8 | % W a8 g4 e8 f8 a8 gs8 g8) | % o a8( g8 e8 f8 cs8 cs8) <cs g>4 | % r a8( g8 e8 f8 cs8 cs8 e8. g16 | % l c16 a16) <g e>8 <f cs>4 <c a>4 g4( | % d a8 g4 e16 f16 cs8 c8 c8 g8 | % ! a16) <g e>4 f16( ds16 ds16) <g c>2 | } \layout { indent = 0\cm } \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 2699 13.5
Vely - Programming language Vely ==== Vely is a programming language created in 2022. 2022 #3074 on PLDB 2 Years Old Vely is an embedded programming language with C as a host language. It's precompiled into C, creating a native executable. - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2022 - Read more about Vely on the web: 1. 1. void list_employees() { out-header default @<html><body> char *header = make_header(); // write any C code p-out header // Create report in outmsg string and fill it with database query result write-string define outmsg // Get data from the database run-query#get_emp@db="select name, salary from employees order by name" output name, salary @Name: <<query-result#get_emp, name>> @<br/> @Salary: <<query-result#get_emp, salary>> @<br/><br/> end-query end-write-string // Write report to a file and then to the client write-file "employees" from outmsg status define st if (st<0) { @Error in writing file (<<pf-out "%lld", st>>) exit-request } else { p-out outmsg } @</body></html> } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
VENUS - Programming language VENUS ===== VENUS is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #4992 on PLDB 57 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VENUS on HOPL VENUS on HOPL - Read more about VENUS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
verifpal - Programming language verifpal ======== verifpal is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1989 on PLDB 5 Years Old Verifpal is new software for verifying the security of cryptographic protocols. The Verifpal language is meant to illustrate protocols close to how one may describe them in an informal conversation, while still being precise and expressive enough for formal modeling. Verifpal reasons about the protocol model with explicit principals: Alice and Bob exist and have independent states. - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2019 // All lines that start with "//" are treated as comments and ignored by Verifpal // A principal block looks like the following principal SmartphoneA[ // In the line below we state that Alice knows the public BroadcastKey knows public BroadcastKey // SK is going to be a secret random value // To define it we use the "generates" keyword // We will use the following template for SK variable names // SK[day number][principal initial] generates SK0A // We will use the following template for EphID variable names // EphID[day number][value number][principal initial] EphID00A, EphID01A, EphID02A = HKDF(nil, SK0A, BroadcastKey) ] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 281 1.4
Verilog - Hardware description language Verilog ======= Verilog is a hardware description language created in 1984 by Phil Moorby and Prabhu Goel. 1984 Phil Moorby Prabhu Goel #141 on PLDB 40 Years Old 48k Repos Verilog, standardized as IEEE 1364, is a hardware description language (HDL) used to model electronic systems. It is most commonly used in the design and verification of digital circuits at the register-transfer level of abstraction. It is also used in the verification of analog circuits and mixed-signal circuits, as well as in the design of genetic circuits.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hardwareDescriptionLanguage - There are at least 48,035 Verilog repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using Verilog in 3k repos on GitHub - There are 2,421 members in the Verilog subreddit - Explore Verilog snippets on Rosetta Code - Verilog on HOPL Verilog on HOPL - Verilog ranks #50 in the TIOBE Index - Verilog Ubuntu package Verilog Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Verilog - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Verilog - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Verilog - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Verilog - Verilog appears in the Quine Relay project - has 246 matches for "verilog developer". - See also: (5 related languages) SystemVerilog, C, VHDL, OpenVera, Property Specification Language module main; initial begin $display("Hello, world!"); end endmodule module main; initial begin $display("Hello World"); $finish; end endmodule /* Hello World in Verilog. */ module main; initial begin $display("Hello, World"); $finish ; end endmodule `timescale 1ns / 1ps // Copyright (C) 2008 Schuyler Eldridge, Boston University // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. module mux(opA,opB,sum,dsp_sel,out); input [3:0] opA,opB; input [4:0] sum; input [1:0] dsp_sel; output [3:0] out; reg cout; always @ (sum) begin if (sum[4] == 1) cout <= 4'b0001; else cout <= 4'b0000; end reg out; always @(dsp_sel,sum,cout,opB,opA) begin if (dsp_sel == 2'b00) out <= sum[3:0]; else if (dsp_sel == 2'b01) out <= cout; else if (dsp_sel == 2'b10) out <= opB; else if (dsp_sel == 2'b11) out <= opA; end endmodule initial a = 0; initial b = a; initial begin #1; $display("Value a=%d Value of b=%d",a,b); end always assign automatic begin case casex casez cell config deassign default defparam design disable edge else end endcase endconfig endfunction endgenerate endmodule endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask event for force forever fork function generate genvar if ifnone incdir include initial inout input instance join liblist library localparam macromodule module negedge noshowcancelled output parameter posedge primitive pulsestyle_ondetect pulsestyle_onevent reg release repeat scalared showcancelled signed specify specparam strength table task tri tri0 tri1 triand wand trior wor trireg unsigned use vectored wait while wire Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9]+)|(\'b)[01]+ Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9]+)|(\'d)[0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // (\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[lL]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9]+)|(\'h)[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example // ([0-9]+)|(\'o)[0-7]+ Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Case Sensitivity FeatureLink ../features/isCaseSensitive.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token $display row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 847 4.2
verona - Programming language verona ====== verona is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1396 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Research programming language for concurrent ownership - Tags: programming language - verona is developed on GitHub and has 3,563 stars - verona is written in C++, Markdown, CMake, YAML, HTML, SCSS - Read more about verona on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 129 0.6
Verse - Programming language Verse ===== Verse is a programming language created in 2022 by Simon Peyton Jones and Tim Sweeney and Lennart Augustsson and Koen Claess. 2022 Simon Peyton Jones Tim Sweeney Lennart Augustsson Koen Claess #3610 on PLDB 2 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Read more about Verse on the web: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. f(p:int,q:int):int := if (x=0) then { p=3; q=4 } else { p=232; q=913 }; y:int; z:int; f(y,z); y+z Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 220 1.1
versioned-text-markup-language - Text markup language versioned-text-markup-language ============================== versioned-text-markup-language is a text markup language created in 1999. 1999 #3715 on PLDB 25 Years Old VTML (Versioned Text Markup Language), a markup language for storing document version information. VTML can easily be implemented within a text editor, and provides a notation and semantics for tracking successive revisions to a document. The main purpose of VTML is to allow asynchronous collaboration in the creation and editing of text documents. - Tags: text markup language <!--{ATTR ID=1 vers=1 author="fabio" date="Jul 16, 1995"}--> <!--{ATTR ID=2 vers=CURRENT author="david" date=NOW}--> <!--{INS ATT=1}--> This is <!--{DEL ATT=2}--> your<!--{/DEL}--> <!--{INS ATT=2}--> my <!--{/DEL}--> document. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
verve - Programming language verve ===== verve is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2282 on PLDB 7 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2020 print("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print HackerNews discussions of verve =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Verve – a functional language for the working hacker||11/29/2017|2|0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
Veryl - Programming language Veryl ===== Veryl is an open source programming language created in 2022 by Naoya Hatta. 2022 Naoya Hatta #462 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Veryl: A Modern Hardware Description Language - Tags: programming language - Veryl is developed on GitHub and has 448 stars - Veryl is written in Rust, JSON, TOML, JavaScript, YAML, Markdown, TypeScript, Make, Bourne shell - Veryl LSP implementation - was registered in 2024 // Hello world in Veryl module ModuleA { initial { $display("Hello, world!"); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constants FeatureLink ../features/hasConstants.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example $display("Hi"); Token $display row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example // file scope import import $sv::SvPackage::*; module ModuleA { import PackageA::*; import PackageA::paramA; } package PackageA { local paramA: u32 = 1; } Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example #[test(test1)] embed (inline) sv{{{ module test1; initial begin assert (0) else $error("error"); end endmodule }}} Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // // a comment Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token " row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Pattern Matching FeatureLink ../features/hasPatternMatching.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 391 2
VEX - Notation VEX === VEX is a notation created in 1995 by Wayne Citrin and Richard Hall and Benjamin Zorn. 1995 Wayne Citrin Richard Hall Benjamin Zorn #4483 on PLDB 29 Years Old The lambda calculus is a formal symbolic term rewrite system that has been used for many years both as a mechanism for defining the semantics of programming languages, and as the basis for functional programming languages. In this paper, we describe a completely visual representation for lambda expressions, VEX, that has several advantages over traditional textual lambda calculus. Although VEX is designed as an expression-oriented component of VIPR [3, 4], it can also be used in teaching the concepts of lambda calculus as a replacement for or augmentation to the teaching of traditional textual rewrite rules. Many semantic issues in lambda calculus that are confusing to students, including substitution, free variables, and binding, become apparent and explicit in VEX. - Tags: notation - Read more about VEX on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
Video Graphics Array - Standard Video Graphics Array ==================== Video Graphics Array is a standard created in 1987. 1987 #2969 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: standard Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 82 0.4
VHDL-AMS - Programming language VHDL-AMS ======== VHDL-AMS is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #1587 on PLDB 31 Years Old VHDL-AMS is a derivative of the hardware description language VHDL (IEEE standard 1076-1993). It includes analog and mixed-signal extensions (AMS) in order to define the behavior of analog and mixed-signal systems (IEEE 1076.1-1999). The VHDL-AMS standard was created with the intent of enabling designers of analog and mixed signal systems and integrated circuits to create and use modules that encapsulate high-level behavioral descriptions as well as structural descriptions of systems and components.VHDL-AMS is an industry standard modeling language for mixed signal circuits. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) VHDL - Read more about VHDL-AMS on the web: 1. 1. library IEEE; use IEEE.math_real.all; use IEEE.electrical_systems.all; -- this is the entity entity DIODE is generic (iss : current := 1.0e-14; af : real := 1.0; kf : real := 0.0); port (terminal anode, cathode : electrical); end entity DIODE; architecture IDEAL of DIODE is quantity v across i through anode to cathode; constant vt : voltage := 0.0258; begin i == iss * (exp(v/vt) - 1.0); end architecture IDEAL; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 318 1.6
VHDL - Hardware description language VHDL ==== VHDL, aka VHSIC Hardware Description Language, is a hardware description language created in 1983. 1983 #80 on PLDB 41 Years Old 34k Repos VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits. VHDL can also be used as a general purpose parallel programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: hardwareDescriptionLanguage - There are at least 34,211 VHDL repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using VHDL in 2k repos on GitHub - There are 2,320 members in the VHDL subreddit - Explore VHDL snippets on Rosetta Code - VHDL on HOPL VHDL on HOPL - VHDL ranks #44 in the TIOBE Index - ANTLR grammar for VHDL - VHDL LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting VHDL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for VHDL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for VHDL - See also: (6 related languages) Verilog, Ada, Pascal, VHDL-AMS, Property Specification Language, ISBN - 5 PLDB concepts link to VHDL: Ace Editor, invokator, mal, Pygments, Spatial use std.textio.all; entity hello_world is end hello_world; architecture behaviour of hello_world is begin process begin write (output, String'("Hello World")); wait; end process; end behaviour; --Hello World in VHDL ENTITY helloworld IS END helloworld; ARCHITECTURE hw OF helloworld IS BEGIN ASSERT FALSE REPORT "HELLO, WORLD!" SEVERITY NOTE; END hw; -- VHDL example file library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity inverter is port(a : in std_logic; b : out std_logic); end entity; architecture rtl of inverter is begin b <= not a; end architecture; process begin wait until START = '1'; -- wait until START is high for i in 1 to 10 loop -- then wait for a few clock periods... wait until rising_edge(CLK); end loop; for i in 1 to 10 loop -- write numbers 1 to 10 to DATA, 1 every cycle DATA <= to_unsigned(i, 8); wait until rising_edge(CLK); end loop; -- wait until the output changes wait on RESULT; -- now raise ACK for clock period ACK <= '1'; wait until rising_edge(CLK); ACK <= '0'; -- and so on... end process; abs access after alias all and architecture array assert attribute begin block body buffer bus case component configuration constant disconnect downto else elsif end entity exit file for function generate generic group guarded if impure in inertial inout is label library linkage literal loop map mod nand new next nor not null of on open or others out package port postponed procedure process pure range record register reject rem report return rol ror select severity signal shared sla sll sra srl subtype then to transport type unaffected units until use variable wait when while with xnor xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example -- B"[01_]+" Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example -- \d{1,2}#[0-9a-f_]+#? Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example -- (\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)E[+-]?\d+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example -- X"[0-9a-f_]+" Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example -- O"[0-7_]+" Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example signals some_signal : integer ; signal some_other_signal : integer ; signal result : integer ; ReSULT ✓ Example Token write row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 725 3.6
vi - Editor vi == vi is an open source editor created in 1976 by Bill Joy. 1976 Bill Joy #1108 on PLDB 48 Years Old vi is a screen-oriented text editor originally created for the Unix operating system. The portable subset of the behavior of vi and programs based on it, and the ex editor language supported within these programs, is described by (and thus standardized by) the Single Unix Specification and POSIX.The original code for vi was written by Bill Joy in 1976, as the visual mode for a line editor called ex that Joy had written with Chuck Haley. Bill Joy's ex 1.1 was released as part of the first Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Unix release in March 1978. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - ex influenced the design of vi - See also: (8 related languages) C, Unix, Emacs, Ruby, Solaris, FreeBSD, Vim, UTF-8 - 1 PLDB concepts link to vi: Vim The following tab indented lines will cause a true vi with modelines activated to infinitely loop putting "Hello World" in the buffer. Hit to abort the loop and see the output. None of the vi clones support modelines this powerful, and modelines are disabled by default. Set the environment variable EXINIT to "set ml" to activate modelines. vi: $ y a : vi: $-1y b : vi: @b : put a |@b Hello World Whitespace is largely insignificant, but these must be the last five lines in the file to work properly. Unless it is in "vi: ... :" or "ex: ... :" format, any preceding text will be ignored. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 346 1.7
video - Programming language video ===== video is an open source programming language created in 2016 by Leif Andersen. 2016 Leif Andersen #1028 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Video is a language for making movies. It combines the power of a traditional video editor with the capabilities of a full programming language. Video integrates with the Racket ecosystem and extensions for DrRacket to transform it into a non-linear video editor. - Tags: programming language - video is developed on GitHub and has 126 stars - Early development of video happened in - video is written in Racket, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
Vienna Definition Language - Programming language Vienna Definition Language ========================== Vienna Definition Language is a programming language created in 1965. 1965 #4900 on PLDB 59 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Vienna Definition Language on HOPL Vienna Definition Language on HOPL - Read more about Vienna Definition Language on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Vienna Definition Language: Vienna Development Method Specification Language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
Vienna Fortran - Programming language Vienna Fortran ============== Vienna Fortran is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4993 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Vienna Fortran on HOPL Vienna Fortran on HOPL - Read more about Vienna Fortran on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Vigil - Esoteric programming language Vigil ===== Vigil is an esoteric programming language created in 2013 by Bob Nystrom. 2013 Bob Nystrom #720 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Vigil, the eternal morally vigilant programming language - Tags: esoteric programming language - Vigil is developed on GitHub and has 2,861 stars - Vigil is written in Python, Markdown def fib(n): if n < 2: result = n else: result = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) # fib() never returns negative number. swear result >= 0 return result Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
Vilnius BASIC - Programming language Vilnius BASIC ============= Vilnius BASIC is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #4591 on PLDB 38 Years Old Vilnius BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language running on the Elektronika BK-0010-01/BK-0011M and UKNC computers.It was a quite advanced BASIC and featured a runtime threaded code compiler that compiled the program when one entered the RUN command. The dialect was very close to MSX BASIC. The major differences were the lack of the PLAY, SOUND, VPOKE and PUT SPRITE operators, the inability to open several files at the same time, and the inability to use more than one operator on one line. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) BASIC, MSX BASIC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
Vim script - Programming language Vim script ========== Vim script is an open source programming language created in 1991. 1991 #440 on PLDB 33 Years Old 4k Repos Vim (; a contraction of Vi IMproved) is a clone, with additions, of Bill Joy's vi text editor program for Unix. It was written by Bram Moolenaar based on source for a port of the Stevie editor to the Amiga and first released publicly in 1991. Vim is designed for use both from a command-line interface and as a standalone application in a graphical user interface. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 3,544 Vim script repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 10k users using Vim script in 11k repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Vim script - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Vim script - Learn Vim script on exercism. - See also: (17 related languages) C, Unix, Linux, iOS, Android, vi, Tcl, Lua, Perl, Python, Racket, Ruby, Regular Expressions, Gzip, FTP, HTTP, Unicode - 104 PLDB concepts link to Vim script: Ad-hoc, ana, Austral, BQN, Bruijn, Bucklescript, C2, Caramel, Carbon, Catala, Céu, Chapel, Ć, Claro, clay, Click, crmsh, Croc, Cryptol, CSpydr, Cyber, Dale, dedukti, Dern, Differential Datalog, Djot, dllup, egel, elymas, Factor, Felix, Flow9, Frundis, GAP, GN, gentee, Gforth, groff, hakaru, HHVM, hobbes, huginn, hurl, icarus, ink-lang, invokator, Jakt, Jank, JFlex, kitlang, kitten, Koka, lambda-zero, Ligo, Lil, Linux, Logica, mal, mirth, Mu, mycroft, mythryl, nesC, newclay, NewLisp, ngn/k, NGS, Ninja, Nit, Node.js, noulith, ObjectScript, Opa, Opal, Oxyl, Pan, penrose, GNU Poke, Pygments, PyTorch, Qore, Quint, Ragel, redprl, RicScript, rosie, Simit, sixten, skip, Semantic Patch Language, Star, Sugar, Swift, truck, V, v8, Vimwiki, Virgil, VLC, Wart, WLambda, xsv-app, xxl, yeti :echo "Hello, world!" echo "Hello World" " Name: Solarized vim colorscheme " Author: Ethan Schoonover <> " URL: " (see this url for latest release & screenshots) " License: OSI approved MIT license (see end of this file) " Created: In the middle of the night " Modified: 2011 May 05 " " Usage "{{{ " " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " ABOUT: " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Solarized is a carefully designed selective contrast colorscheme with dual " light and dark modes that runs in both GUI, 256 and 16 color modes. " " See the homepage above for screenshots and details. " " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " OPTIONS: " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " See the "solarized.txt" help file included with this colorscheme (in the " "doc" subdirectory) for information on options, usage, the Toggle Background " function and more. If you have already installed Solarized, this is available " from the Solarized menu and command line as ":help solarized" " " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " INSTALLATION: " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Two options for installation: manual or pathogen " " MANUAL INSTALLATION OPTION: " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " 1. Download the solarized distribution (available on the homepage above) " and unarchive the file. " 2. Move `solarized.vim` to your `.vim/colors` directory. " 3. Move each of the files in each subdirectories to the corresponding .vim " subdirectory (e.g. autoload/togglebg.vim goes into your .vim/autoload " directory as .vim/autoload/togglebg.vim). " " RECOMMENDED PATHOGEN INSTALLATION OPTION: " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " 1. Download and install Tim Pope's " This is the Hello World program in Vim script. echo "Hello, world!" " This is a simple while loop in Vim script. let i = 1 while i < 5 echo "count is" i let i += 1 endwhile Language features ====================================================== row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 700 3.5
Vim Scripts - Package manager Vim Scripts =========== Vim Scripts is a package manager created in 2001. 2001 #3716 on PLDB 23 Years Old Vim Scripts allows users to upload scripts that help enhance vim. - Tags: packageManager Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 92 0.5
Vim - Editor Vim === Vim is an open source editor created in 1991 by Bram Moolenaar. 1991 Bram Moolenaar #389 on PLDB 33 Years Old Vim (; a contraction of Vi IMproved) is a clone, with additions, of Bill Joy's vi text editor program for Unix. It was written by Bram Moolenaar based on source for a port of the Stevie editor to the Amiga and first released publicly in 1991. Vim is designed for use both from a command-line interface and as a standalone application in a graphical user interface. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - vi influenced the design of Vim - There are 147,766 members in the Vim subreddit - There is a central package repository for Vim - was registered in 1997 - See also: (17 related languages) C, Unix, Linux, iOS, Android, vi, Tcl, Lua, Perl, Python, Racket, Ruby, Regular Expressions, Gzip, FTP, HTTP, Unicode " This is the Hello World program in Vim script. echo "Hello, world!" " This is a simple while loop in Vim script. let i = 1 while i < 5 echo "count is" i let i += 1 endwhile Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 271 1.4
Vimwiki - Wiki markup Vimwiki ======= Vimwiki is a wiki markup created in 2008 by Maxim Kim. 2008 Maxim Kim #703 on PLDB 16 Years Old git clone Personal Wiki for Vim - Tags: wikiMarkup - Vimwiki is developed on GitHub and has 8,674 stars - Vimwiki is written in Vim script, Markdown, Bourne shell, SVG, YAML, CSS, Dockerfile, TOML Hello, world! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Violent ES - Programming language Violent ES ========== Violent ES is a programming language created in 2022 by Matheus Dias de Souza. 2022 Matheus Dias de Souza #1937 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone Robust dialect of the EcmaScript scripting language. Not available yet, work in progress. - Tags: programming language - Violent ES is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Early development of Violent ES happened in - Violent ES is written in C#, Markdown, JSON enum Product { // ['smartphone', 0] const SMARTPHONE; // ['aUtOmObIlE', 1] const AUTOMOBILE = 'aUtOmObIlE'; // ['kxxx', 65] const KEYBOARD = [65, 'kxxx']; function customMethod():void { } } var p:Produle = 'kxxx'; var p = Product.KEYBOARD; p.valueOf(); // 65 p.toString(); // 'kxxx' p = 65 as! Product; p = 'kxxx' as! Product; [Flags] enum Permissions { // ['fooBlah', 1] const FOO_BLAH; // ['qux', 2] const QUX; // ['baz', 4] const BAZ; } var p:Permissions = ['fooBlah', 'qux']; p = {fooBlah: true, baz: false}; p = p.toggle('fooBlah'); p = p.filter('qux'); p = p.include('qux'); p = p.exclude('qux'); 'qux' in p; // empty p = undefined; p = {}; p = []; as await break case catch class const continue default delete do each else embed enum extends false final finally for from function get if implements import in include interface internal is meta namespace native new null override package private protected proxy public resource return set static switch this throw throws true try type typeof undefined use var void where while with yield Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 346 1.7
VIPTRAN - Programming language VIPTRAN ======= VIPTRAN is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #4994 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VIPTRAN on HOPL VIPTRAN on HOPL - Read more about VIPTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Virgil - Programming language Virgil ====== Virgil is a programming language created in 2006 by Ben L. Titzer. 2006 Ben L. Titzer #866 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone A fast and lightweight native programming language - Tags: programming language - Virgil is developed on GitHub and has 1,182 stars - Virgil is written in Bash, Markdown, C, JSON, Assembly language, Java, TypeScript, Bourne shell, JavaScript, Make, Vim script, WebAssembly, C++, HTML, YAML, Lisp, TOML, Python - Read more about Virgil on the web: 1. 1. def main() { System.puts("Hello World!\n"); } def main() { System.puts("Hello World\n"); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token System.puts Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Viron - Programming language Viron ===== Viron is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4995 on PLDB 41 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Viron on HOPL Viron on HOPL - Read more about Viron on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Virt - Programming language Virt ==== Virt is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3611 on PLDB 26 Years Old A universal programming language - Tags: programming language - Pascal influenced the design of Virt - Virt on HOPL Virt on HOPL - Read more about Virt on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
VisaVis - Programming language VisaVis ======= VisaVis is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #4996 on PLDB 30 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VisaVis on HOPL VisaVis on HOPL - Read more about VisaVis on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
visdown - Text markup language visdown ======= visdown is an open source text markup language created in 2016 by Amit Kapoor. 2016 Amit Kapoor #790 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Write visualisation using a simple declarative markup like you would write code. Just wrap it in fenced block (three backticks) and mark the language as `vis`. - Tags: text markup language - visdown is developed on GitHub and has 663 stars - visdown is written in JavaScript, Markdown, SVG, CSV, JSON, CSS, HTML - was registered in 2017 ```vis data: url: data/cars.csv mark: point encoding: x: field: kmpl type: quantitative y: field: price type: quantitative ``` Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
VisiCalc - Spreadsheet VisiCalc ======== VisiCalc is a spreadsheet created in 1979 by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston. 1979 Dan Bricklin Bob Frankston #4567 on PLDB 45 Years Old - Tags: spreadsheet, application - Read more about VisiCalc on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 125 0.6
VisSim - Programming language VisSim ====== VisSim is an open source programming language created in 1989. 1989 #3730 on PLDB 35 Years Old VisSim is a visual block diagram program for simulation of dynamical systems and model based design of embedded systems, with its own visual language. It is developed by Visual Solutions of Westford, Massachusetts. Visual Solutions, has been acquired by Altair in August 2015 and its products have been rebranded as solidThinking Embed as a part of solidThinking's Model Based Development Suite. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (4 related languages) C, UDP, MATLAB, Simulink Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Visual Basic .NET - Programming language Visual Basic .NET ================= Visual Basic .NET is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #88 on PLDB 23 Years Old 935k Repos Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented programming language, implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft launched VB.NET in 2002 as the successor to its original Visual Basic language. Although the ".NET" portion of the name was dropped in 2005, this article uses "Visual Basic [.NET]" to refer to all Visual Basic languages released since 2002, in order to distinguish between them and the classic Visual Basic. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 935,363 Visual Basic .NET repos on GitHub - Early development of Visual Basic .NET happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 285 users using Visual Basic .NET in 322 repos on GitHub - Visual Basic .NET on HOPL Visual Basic .NET on HOPL - Visual Basic .NET ranks #7 in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Visual Basic .NET - There is a central package repository for Visual Basic .NET - has 3,447 matches for "visual basic.NET developer". - See also: (10 related languages) Android, Linux, Solaris, Unix, Microsoft Small Basic, Visual Basic, F#, C#, LINQ, VBA - 4 PLDB concepts link to Visual Basic .NET: jsil-compiler, mal, Pygments, Roslyn compiler Imports System.Console Module Program Sub Main() Dim rows As Integer ' Input validation. Do Until Integer.TryParse(ReadLine("Enter a value for how many rows to be displayed: " & vbcrlf), rows) AndAlso rows >= 1 WriteLine("Allowed range is 1 and {0}", Integer.MaxValue) Loop ' Output of Floyd's Triangle Dim current As Integer = 1 Dim row As Integer Dim column As Integer For row = 1 To rows For column = 1 To row Write("{0,-2} ", current) current += 1 Next WriteLine() Next End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Like Console.ReadLine but takes a prompt string. ''' </summary> Function ReadLine(Optional prompt As String = Nothing) As String If prompt IsNot Nothing Then Write(prompt) End If Return Console.ReadLine() End Function End Module Module Module1 Sub Main() Console.Out.WriteLine("Hello, I am a little sample application to test GitHub's Linguist module.") Console.Out.WriteLine("I also include a Razor MVC file just to prove it handles cshtml files now.") End Sub End Module System.WindowsApplication1.Forms.Form2.text = " MainForm " AddHandler AddressOf Alias And AndAlso As Boolean ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case Catch CBool CByte CChar CDate CDbl CDec Char CInt Class Class CLng CObj Const Continue CSByte CShort CSng CStr CType CUInt CULng CUShort Date Decimal Declare Default Delegate Dim DirectCast Do Double Each Else ElseIf End End EndIf Enum Erase Error Event Exit False Finally For For Friend Function Get GetType GetXMLNamespace Global GoSub GoTo Handles If Implements Implements Imports In Inherits Integer Interface Is IsNot Let Lib Like Long Loop Me Mod Module Module MustInherit MustOverride MyBase MyClass Namespace Narrowing New New Operator Next Not Nothing NotInheritable NotOverridable Object Of On Operator Option Optional Or OrElse Out Overloads Overridable Overrides ParamArray Partial Private Property Protected Public RaiseEvent ReadOnly ReDim REM RemoveHandler Resume Return SByte Select Set Shadows Shared Short Single Static Step Stop String Structure Structure Sub SyncLock Then Throw To True Try TryCast TypeOf UInteger ULong UShort Using Variant Wend When While Widening With WithEvents WriteOnly Xor #Const #Else #ElseIf #End #If = & &= * *= / /= \ \= ^ ^= + += - -= >> >>= features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Constructors FeatureLink ../features/hasConstructors.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 744 3.7
Visual Basic - Programming language Visual Basic ============ Visual Basic is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #44 on PLDB 33 Years Old Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its Component Object Model (COM) programming model first released in 1991 and declared legacy during 2008. Microsoft intended Visual Basic to be relatively easy to learn and use. Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Visual Basic happened in Microsoft - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 9k users using Visual Basic in 11k repos on GitHub - Check out the 21 Visual Basic meetup groups on - There are 7,807 members in the Visual Basic subreddit - Visual Basic on HOPL Visual Basic on HOPL - Visual Basic ranks #6 in the TIOBE Index - Visual Basic Ubuntu package Visual Basic Ubuntu package - ANTLR grammar for Visual Basic - Monaco package for syntax highlighting Visual Basic - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Visual Basic - Visual Basic appears in the Quine Relay project - Learn Visual Basic on exercism. - has 3,294 matches for "visual basic engineer". - See also: (18 related languages) Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, BASIC, Gambas, Xojo, Basic4ppc, NS Basic, VBA, Perl, Pascal, Fortran, VBScript, Ruby, QuickBASIC, AUTOCAD, ASP, WinWrap Basic, LotusScript - 14 PLDB concepts link to Visual Basic: cloc, Emscripten, Ibis, Iterm2, Linotte, mal, NCAR Command Language, Pygments, Red, SmallBASIC, Speedie, VLC, weebasic, xlwings-editor Module Program Function Square(num As Integer) As Integer Return num * num End Function End Module Module Main Sub Main(args As String()) Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!") End Sub End Module Module HelloWorld Sub Main() MsgBox("Hello World") End Sub End Module Option Explicit Dim Count As Integer Private Sub Form_Load() Count = 0 Timer1.Interval = 1000 ' units of milliseconds End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Count = Count + 1 Label1.Caption = Count End Sub AddHandler AddressOf Alias And AndAlso As Async Boolean ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case Catch CBool CByte CChar CDate CDbl CDec Char CInt Class CLng CObj Const Continue CSByte CShort CSng CStr CType CUInt CULng CUShort Date Decimal Declare Default Delegate Dim DirectCast Do Double Each Else ElseIf End EndIf Enum Erase Error Event Exit False Finally For Friend Function Get GetType GetXMLNamespace Global GoSub GoTo Handles If Implements Imports In Inherits Integer Interface Is IsNot Let Lib Like Long Loop Me Mod Module MustInherit MustOverride MyBase MyClass NameOf Namespace Narrowing New Next Not Nothing NotInheritable NotOverridable Object Of On Operator Option Optional Or OrElse Out Overloads Overridable Overrides ParamArray Partial Private Property Protected Public RaiseEvent ReadOnly ReDim RemoveHandler Resume Return SByte Select Set Shadows Shared Short Single Static Step Stop String Structure Sub SyncLock Then Throw To True Try TryCast TypeOf UInteger ULong UShort Using Variant Wend When While Widening With WithEvents WriteOnly Xor Language features ====================================================== row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported ✓ Example Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!") Token row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token " row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Console.WriteLine row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Directives FeatureLink ../features/hasDirectives.html Supported ✓ Example Option Explicit On|Off Option Compare Binary Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 732 3.7
Visual DataFlex - Programming language Visual DataFlex =============== Visual DataFlex is a programming language created in 1982. 1982 #4596 on PLDB 42 Years Old DataFlex (formerly known as Visual DataFlex) is a visual tool for developing Windows, web and mobile software applications on one framework-based platform.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (6 related languages) Unix, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Linux, Visual DataFlex, Visual Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Visual DialogScript - Programming language Visual DialogScript =================== Visual DialogScript is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #3788 on PLDB 24 Years Old Visual DialogScript (VDS) is an interpreted programming language for Microsoft Windows. It can be used to create small, fast programs. VDS has a large number of dialog and graphical elements available to create professional looking programs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) Visual Basic, Delphi Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Visual Eiffel - Programming language Visual Eiffel ============= Visual Eiffel is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4997 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Visual Eiffel on HOPL Visual Eiffel on HOPL - Read more about Visual Eiffel on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
Visual FoxPro - Programming language Visual FoxPro ============= Visual FoxPro is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #1301 on PLDB 29 Years Old Visual FoxPro is a discontinued data-centric, object-oriented, procedural, programming language produced by Microsoft. It was derived from FoxPro (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. It contained the fastest PC-based database engine available at the time. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Visual FoxPro happened in Microsoft - Visual FoxPro ranks #46 in the TIOBE Index - See also: (7 related languages) IA-32, FoxPRO, Unix, DBase, xBase, SQL, Linux PRIVATE cAuthorID, cAuthorName && Private variables supplant any previous global or private variable of the same name LOCAL nHnd, nResult && Local variables are visible only here * Connect to an ODBC data source nHnd = SQLCONNECT ("ODBCDSN", "user", "pwd") * Enter a loop so we can exit to the close connection code if there's an error DO WHILE .T. * Execute a SQL command nResult = SQLEXEC (nHnd, "USE master") IF nResult < 0 MESSAGEBOX ("MASTER database does not exist!") EXIT && To close the connection ENDIF * Retrieve data from the remote server and stores it in a local data cursor nResult = SQLEXEC (nHnd, "SELECT * FROM authors", "QAUTHORS") IF nResult < 0 MESSAGEBOX ("Unable to execute remote SQL SELECT command!") EXIT && To close the connection ENDIF * Update a record in a remote table using parameters cAuthorID = "1001" cAuthorName = "New name" nResult = SQLEXEC (nHnd, "UPDATE authors SET auth_name = ?cAuthorName WHERE auth_id = ?cAuthorID") IF nResult < 0 MESSAGEBOX ("Unable to execute remote SQL UPDATE command!") EXIT && To close the connection ENDIF * If we get here, we have retrieved everything successfully EXIT && Exit unconditionally ENDDO * Close the connection SQLDISCONNECT(nHnd) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 388 1.9
Visual Logic - Visual programming language Visual Logic ============ Visual Logic is a visual programming language created in 2005. 2005 #3717 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: visual programming language - was registered in 2005 - See also: (1 related languages) Flowgorithm Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 96 0.5
Visual Objects - Programming language Visual Objects ============== Visual Objects is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #3773 on PLDB 30 Years Old Visual Objects is an object-oriented computer programming language that is used to create computer programs that operate primarily under Windows. Although it can be used as a general-purpose programming tool, it is almost exclusively used to create database programs. The original Visual Objects project (code-named Aspen) was started as part of Nantucket's attempts to bring the Clipper language to Windows, and move from the procedural to the object-oriented style. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) Clipper, C, xBase - Read more about Visual Objects on the web: 1.!search/$20ca$20%22visual$20objects%22/comp.lang.basic.visual/nZWXZwqt3Lw/TIKnJWhYikgJ 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
Visual Occam - Programming language Visual Occam ============ Visual Occam is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4998 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Visual Occam on HOPL Visual Occam on HOPL - Read more about Visual Occam on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
Visual Paradigm - Application Visual Paradigm =============== Visual Paradigm is an application created in 2002. 2002 #3662 on PLDB 22 Years Old Visual Paradigm (VP-UML) is a UML CASE Tool supporting UML 2, SysML and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) from the Object Management Group (OMG). In addition to modeling support, it provides report generation and code engineering capabilities including code generation. It can reverse engineer diagrams from code, and provide round-trip engineering for various programming languages.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Visual Prolog - Programming language Visual Prolog ============= Visual Prolog is an open source programming language created in 1996. 1996 #3252 on PLDB 28 Years Old Visual Prolog, also formerly known as PDC Prolog and Turbo Prolog, is a strongly typed object-oriented extension of Prolog. As Turbo Prolog, it was marketed by Borland but it is now developed and marketed by the Danish firm Prolog Development Center (PDC) that originally developed it. Visual Prolog can build Microsoft Windows GUI-applications, console applications, DLLs (dynamic link libraries), and CGI-programs. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Visual Prolog on HOPL Visual Prolog on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) Prolog, ISBN, Mercury class hanoi predicates hanoi : (unsigned N). end class hanoi implement hanoi domains pole = string. clauses hanoi(N) :- move(N, "left", "centre", "right"). class predicates move : (unsigned N, pole A, pole B, pole C). clauses move(0, _, _, _) :- !. move(N, A, B, C) :- move(N-1, A, C, B), stdio::writef("move a disc from % pole to the % pole\n", A, C), move(N-1, B, A, C). end implement hanoi goal console::init(), hanoi::hanoi(4). Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 271 1.4
Visual Smalltalk Enterprise - Programming language Visual Smalltalk Enterprise =========================== Visual Smalltalk Enterprise is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4585 on PLDB 32 Years Old Visual Smalltalk Enterprise (VSE) is a Smalltalk dialect that runs only on Microsoft Windows, and is the last in a long line of Smalltalk implementations first produced by Digitalk and now available through Cincom. Active development has stopped since late 1997 and VSE is now only available as a version called VSE 2000, and only to licensed users of previous VSE versions.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) Smalltalk, Squeak Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Visual Studio Code - Editor Visual Studio Code ================== Visual Studio Code is an editor created in 2015. 2015 #1678 on PLDB 9 Years Old Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring. It is also customizable, so users can change the editor's theme, keyboard shortcuts, and preferences. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - There is a central package repository for Visual Studio Code - See also: (35 related languages) Visual Studio, TypeScript, JavaScript, Linux, IA-32, Git, JSON, C, C#, Clojure, CoffeeScript, CSS, F#, Go, Groovy, HTML, Ini, Java, Less, Lua, Make, Markdown, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, PowerShell, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, SQL, Swift, Visual Basic, XML, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
Visual Studio - Editor Visual Studio ============= Visual Studio is an open source editor created in 1997. 1997 #2320 on PLDB 27 Years Old Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: editor - See also: (33 related languages) Visual Studio Code, C#, Git, C, Visual Basic .NET, F#, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, MUMPS, Java, J#, Regular Expressions, UML, LINQ, Assembly CLI, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, SQL, ASP, JVM, CIL, Linux, VBA, ML, Solidity, XAML, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Small Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 195 1
Visual Studio Marketplace - Package manager Visual Studio Marketplace ========================= Visual Studio Marketplace is a package manager created in 2015. 2015 #3718 on PLDB 9 Years Old - Tags: packageManager Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 83 0.4
Visual Test - Programming language Visual Test =========== Visual Test is an open source programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4508 on PLDB 32 Years Old Visual Test, originally known as MS-Test, was an automated testing tool for Windows applications developed by Microsoft and later sold to Rational Software.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (4 related languages) BASIC, Visual Basic, HTML, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Visual - Programming language Visual ====== Visual is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4870 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Visual on HOPL Visual on HOPL - Read more about Visual on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
VisualWorks - Programming language VisualWorks =========== VisualWorks is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #3665 on PLDB 39 Years Old VisualWorks is a cross-platform implementation of the Smalltalk language. It is implemented as a development system based on "images", which are dynamic collections of software objects, each contained in a system image. The lineage of VisualWorks goes back to the first Smalltalk-80 implementation by Xerox PARC. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - VisualWorks on HOPL VisualWorks on HOPL - See also: (8 related languages) Smalltalk, Linux, Unix, Fortran, Pascal, Ada, Squeak, New Technology File System Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
VIVA - Programming language VIVA ==== VIVA is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4999 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VIVA on HOPL VIVA on HOPL - Read more about VIVA on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
vivaldi - Programming language vivaldi ======= vivaldi is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3308 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Interpreted language inspired by Python, Ruby, Lisp, and so forth - Tags: programming language - vivaldi is developed on GitHub and has 115 stars HackerNews discussions of vivaldi ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Vivaldi programming language||02/15/2015|52|25 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
viz - Programming language viz === viz is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #5000 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language - viz on HOPL viz on HOPL - Read more about viz on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
VLC - Application VLC === VLC, aka VideoLAN Client, is an application created in 1996 by Jean-Baptiste Kempf. 1996 Jean-Baptiste Kempf #834 on PLDB 28 Years Old git clone VLC media player - All pull requests are ignored, please use MRs on - Tags: application, video - VLC is developed on GitHub and has 13,674 stars - VLC is written in C, C++, Diff, QML, Objective-C, SVG, XML, Make, Lua, Meson, Bourne shell, Qt, M4, Assembly language, Python, HTML, Rust, Markdown, JSON, GLSL, TOML, JavaScript, Visual Basic, YAML, CSS, Yacc, Lex, DTD, XSD, Perl, Vim script, Protocol Buffers, CMake Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
VlibTemplate - Template language VlibTemplate ============ VlibTemplate is a template language created in 2003. 2003 #4589 on PLDB 21 Years Old vlibTemplate is a template engine written in PHP. Programmers and web developers may use it for web development. vlibTemplate is a PHP class that is intended to make splitting PHP from HTML a simple and natural task, using markup tags. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - See also: (4 related languages) PHP, HTML, MySQL, PostgreSQL require_once 'vlib/vlibTemplate.php'; $tmpl = new vlibTemplate('tmpl/basic.htm'); $tmpl->setvar('title_text', 'TITLE: This is the vLIB basic example ...'); $tmpl->setvar('body_text', 'BODY: This is the message set using setvar()'); $tmpl->setvar('div_cont' , 'DIV : This is div paragraph'); $tmpl->pparse(); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
VML - Xml format VML === VML, aka Vector Markup Language, is a xml format created in 1998. 1998 #2797 on PLDB 26 Years Old Vector Markup Language (VML) was an XML-based file format for two-dimensional vector graphics. VML was specified in Part 4 of the Office Open XML standards ISO/IEC 29500 and ECMA-376. According to the specification, VML is a deprecated format included in Office Open XML for legacy reasons only. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - See also: (6 related languages) XML, Office Open XML, SVG, JavaScript, Microsoft Excel, HTML <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"> <head> <style> v:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); display: inline-block; } </style> </head> <body> <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <tr> <td style="width: 300px; height: 80px; background-image: url('');"> <!--[if gte mso 9]> <v:image xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" id="theImage" style='behavior: url(#default#VML); display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 300px; height: 80px; top: 0; left: 0; border: 0; z-index: 1;' src="" /> <v:shape xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" id="theText" style='behavior: url(#default#VML); display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 300px; height: 80px; top: -5; left: -10; border: 0; z-index: 2;'> <div> <![endif]--> <table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <tr> <td height="80" align="center" valign="top" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:20px;"><span>Text</span></td> </tr> </table> <!--[if gte mso 9]> </div> </v:shape> <![endif]--> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 449 2.2
Volt - Programming language Volt ==== Volt is an open source programming language created in 2011. 2011 #670 on PLDB 13 Years Old 158 Repos git clone Volt is a C-inspired programming language that toes the line between expressiveness and control. - Tags: programming language - Volt is developed on GitHub and has 153 stars - There are at least 158 Volt repos on GitHub - Volt is written in D, Markdown, C, Assembly language, TOML, Make, JSON, XML, reStructuredText - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 298 users using Volt in 351 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Volt - was registered in 2013 // Copyright © 2012-2013, Jakob Bornecrantz. All rights reserved. // See copyright notice in src/volt/license.d (BOOST ver. 1.0). module main; import core.stdc.stdio; import core.stdc.stdlib; import watt.process; import watt.path; import results; import list; import cmd; int main() { auto cmdGroup = new CmdGroup(); bool printOk = true; bool printImprovments = true; bool printFailing = true; bool printRegressions = true; string compiler = getEnv("VOLT"); if (compiler is null) { printf("compiler envar not set\n".ptr); return -1; } /// @todo Scan for files auto tests = testList; int total; int passed; int failed; int improved; int regressed; auto rets = new Result[] (tests.length); for (size_t i; i < tests.length; i++) { rets[i] = new Result(); rets[i].runTest(cmdGroup, tests[i], compiler); } cmdGroup.waitAll(); for (size_t i; i < tests.length; i++) { auto ret = rets[i]; total++; if (ret.ok) { passed++; improved += cast(int)!ret.hasPassed; if (!ret.hasPassed && printImprovments) { printf("%s: %s, improved!\n".ptr, ret.test.ptr, ret.msg.ptr); } else if (printOk) { printf("%s: %s\n".ptr, ret.test.ptr, ret.msg.ptr); } } else { failed++; regressed += cast(int)ret.hasPassed; if (ret.hasPassed && printRegressions) { printf("%s: %s, regressed!\n".ptr, ret.test.ptr, ret.msg.ptr); } else if (printFailing) { printf("%s: %s\n".ptr, ret.test.ptr, ret.msg.ptr); } } fflush(stdout); } auto xml = fopen("results.xml".ptr, "w+".ptr); if (xml !is null) { fprintf(xml, "<testsuites errors=\"%u\" failures=\"%u\" tests=\"%u\">\n".ptr, regressed, failed - regressed, total); for (size_t i; i < rets.length; i++) { rets[i].xmlLog(xml); } fprintf(xml, "</testsuites>\n".ptr); fflush(xml); fclose(xml); xml = null; } auto rate = cast(float)passed / cast(float)total * 100.f; printf("Summary: %i tests, %i pass%s, %i failure%s, %.2f%% pass rate, %i regressions, %i improvements.\n".ptr, total, passed, (passed == 1 ? "".ptr : "es".ptr), failed, (failed == 1 ? "".ptr : "s".ptr), cast(double)rate, regressed, improved); return regressed ? -1 : 0; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 576 2.9
Vortex - Programming language Vortex ====== Vortex is a programming language created in 2020 by Christopher Lewis. 2020 Christopher Lewis #4642 on PLDB 4 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 95 0.5
VoxML - Programming language VoxML ===== VoxML is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4484 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VoxML on HOPL VoxML on HOPL - Read more about VoxML on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
VPL - Programming language VPL === VPL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #5001 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VPL on HOPL VPL on HOPL - Read more about VPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
VRML - Programming language VRML ==== VRML is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #1223 on PLDB 30 Years Old VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language, pronounced vermal or by its initials, originally—before 1995—known as the Virtual Reality Markup Language) is a standard file format for representing 3-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics, designed particularly with the World Wide Web in mind. It has been superseded by X3D.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore VRML snippets on Rosetta Code - VRML on HOPL VRML on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Java, Gzip, COLLADA, WebGL #VRML V2.0 utf8 Shape { geometry Text { string "Hello World" } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
VSPL - Programming language VSPL ==== VSPL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #5002 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VSPL on HOPL VSPL on HOPL - Read more about VSPL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
VSXu - Visual programming language VSXu ==== VSXu is an open source visual programming language created in 2004. 2004 #1002 on PLDB 20 Years Old git clone VSXu (VSX Ultra) is an OpenGL-based (hardware-accelerated), modular programming environment with its main purpose to visualize music/audio data and create 3D effects in real-time. Available for Windows and GNU/Linux. It is currently released as free software under terms of the GNU General Public License v2 and maintained by Vovoid Media Technologies AB. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: visual programming language - VSXu is developed on GitHub and has 367 stars - VSXu is written in C++, HTML, CMake, C, Bourne shell, XML, GLSL, Make, M4, CSS, Markdown, SVG, Go, Python, JavaScript, Yacc, Perl, Lex, YAML - was registered in 2003 - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Pure Data, OpenGL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
Velocity Template Language - Template language Velocity Template Language ========================== Velocity Template Language, aka Velocity Template Language, is a template language created in 2000. 2000 #1758 on PLDB 24 Years Old 0 Repos Velocity is a Java-based template engine. It permits web page designers to reference methods defined in Java code. - Tags: template language - There are at least 0 Velocity Template Language repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 4 users using Velocity Template Language in 4 repos on GitHub - Read more about Velocity Template Language on the web: 1. 1. - 7 PLDB concepts link to Velocity Template Language: Ace Editor, Apache Hbase, Bazel, cloc, JFlex, Kotlin, Linux <html> <body> Hello $customer.Name! <table> #foreach( $mud in $mudsOnSpecial ) #if ( $customer.hasPurchased($mud) ) <tr> <td> $flogger.getPromo( $mud ) </td> </tr> #end #end </table> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 226 1.1
Very Tiny Language - Programming language Very Tiny Language ================== Very Tiny Language is a programming language created in 1976 by Garry Shannon and Frank McCoy. 1976 Garry Shannon Frank McCoy #4485 on PLDB 48 Years Old VTL-2 is the second Very Tiny Language developed for the Altair 680 Computer system. VTL-2 represents an enormous improvement over the earlier VTL-1 language, and incorporates some thirty additional features. In spite of these enhancements, it still requires only 768 bytes of Read-Only-Memory, and still fits into the three empty PROM sockets already on the 680 CPU board. - Tags: programming language - Read more about Very Tiny Language on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 201 1
Visual Tool Markup Language - Programming language Visual Tool Markup Language =========================== Visual Tool Markup Language is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #3214 on PLDB 27 Years Old Visual Tool Markup Language, a user interface markup language used by Macromedia HomeSite, ColdFusion Studio and JRun Studio. VTML is used for tag editors and custom dialogs shipped with these applications and can be used to extend the user interface and to support additional tag-based languages. It is documented in help files included with these applications or available online, notably in the "VTML Reference" and "Customizing the Development Environment" sections. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Read more about Visual Tool Markup Language on the web: 1. 1. <TAG> <ATTRIBUTES> ... Defines tag attribute properties and behavior </ATTRIBUTES> <ATTRIBCATEGORIES> ... Defines logical grouping for tag attributes </ATTRIBCATEGORIES> <EDITORLAYOUT> ... Defines the layout of a tag editor </EDITORLAYOUT> <TAGLAYOUT> ... Defines the tag generation template </TAGLAYOUT> <TAGDESCRIPTION> ... HTML-based documentation for the tag </TAGDESCRIPTION> </TAG> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 255 1.3
Vue - Framework Vue === Vue is an open source framework created in 2014 by Evan You. 2014 Evan You #156 on PLDB 10 Years Old 876k Repos git clone Vue.js (commonly referred to as Vue; pronounced , like view) is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Integration into projects that use other JavaScript libraries is simplified with Vue because it is designed to be incrementally adoptable. Vue can also function as a web application framework capable of powering advanced single-page applications.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - Vue is developed on GitHub and has 207,463 stars - There are at least 875,562 Vue repos on GitHub - Vue is written in TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, JSON, Markdown, CSS, YAML, Bash - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8k users using Vue in 9k repos on GitHub - Vue LSP implementation - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Vue - was registered in 2013 - See also: (4 related languages) JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Elm <div id="app"> <p>{{ message }}</p> </div> <script> new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { message: 'Hello World' } }) </script> <style> .red { color: #f00; } </style> <template> <div> <h2 v-class="red">{{msg}}</h2> </div> </template> <script> module.exports = { data: function () { return { msg: 'Hello from Vue!' } } } </script> <div id="app"> <div> <div>User 1</div> </div> </div> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 357 1.8
VULCAN - Programming language VULCAN ====== VULCAN is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #5003 on PLDB 37 Years Old - Tags: programming language - VULCAN on HOPL VULCAN on HOPL - Read more about VULCAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Vvvv - Application Vvvv ==== Vvvv is an open source application created in 1998. 1998 #1261 on PLDB 26 Years Old vvvv (German pronunciation: [faʊfiːɐ̯ ] = "v4") is a general purpose toolkit with a special focus on real-time video synthesis and programming large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video. vvvv uses a dataflow approach and a visual programming interface for rapid prototyping and developing. Applications written in vvvv are commonly called patches. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - was registered in 2003 - See also: (4 related languages) APL, Pure Data, XML, C# - Read more about Vvvv on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
vyper - Programming language vyper ===== vyper is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #912 on PLDB 8 Years Old 117 Repos git clone Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM - Tags: programming language - vyper is developed on GitHub and has 4,828 stars - There are at least 117 vyper repos on GitHub - vyper is written in Python, reStructuredText, Markdown, YAML, Make, HTML, Dockerfile, TOML, Bash, SVG, Bourne shell - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using vyper in 1 repos on GitHub Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Vyxal - Esoteric programming language Vyxal ===== Vyxal is an open source esoteric programming language created in 2020 by lyxal. 2020 lyxal #738 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A code-golfing language experience that has aspects of traditional programming languages - terse, elegant, readable. - Tags: esoteric programming language - Vyxal is developed on GitHub and has 265 stars - Early development of Vyxal happened in Code Golf - Vyxal is written in Scala, Markdown, YAML, Python, JavaScript, Scheme, CSS, HTML, Bourne shell, JSON - There are 3 members in the Vyxal subreddit ₁ƛ₍₃₅kF½*∑∴, Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
w - Programming language w = w is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #4679 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone 🏗️ Epic language construction going on. Stay Tuned!!!!1 WIP - Tags: programming language - w is developed on GitHub and has 14 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
wah - Programming language wah === wah is an open source programming language created in 2017 by Tom MacWright. 2017 Tom MacWright #1225 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone a slightly higher-level language superset of webassembly - Tags: programming language - wah is developed on GitHub and has 158 stars - wah is a superset of WebAssembly - wah compiles to WebAssembly - wah is written in Markdown, WebAssembly, Clojure (0 = 1) (%$a + %$b) (0 + 1) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 144 0.7
walt - Programming language walt ==== walt is an open source programming language created in 2017. 2017 #402 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Walt is a JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly text format - Tags: programming language - walt is developed on GitHub and has 4,641 stars - walt compiles to WebAssembly - walt is written in JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, HTML, SCSS, Bourne shell, YAML export function fibonacci(n: i32): i32 { if (n <= 0) return 0; if (n == 1) return 1; return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 149 0.7
Wart - Programming language Wart ==== Wart is a programming language created in 2010 by Kartik K. Agaram. 2010 Kartik K. Agaram #1148 on PLDB 14 Years Old git clone An experimental, small, readable Lisp with thorough unit tests and extensible functions/macros. - Tags: programming language - Wart is developed on GitHub and has 139 stars - Wart is written in C++, Make, Vim script, Bash, Z shell def (foo (a | (b c))) # 'b' and 'c' name parts of list 'a' (list a b c) (foo '(1 2)) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 204 1
WebAssembly - Bytecode format WebAssembly =========== WebAssembly is an open source bytecode format created in 2015 by Alon Zakai. 2015 Alon Zakai #43 on PLDB 9 Years Old 2k Repos git clone WebAssembly (Wasm, WA) is a web standard that defines a binary format and a corresponding assembly-like text format for executable code in Web pages. It is meant to enable executing code nearly as fast as running native machine code. It was envisioned to complement JavaScript to speed up performance-critical parts of web applications and later on to enable web development in languages other than JavaScript. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: bytecode format - WebAssembly is developed on GitHub and has 6,621 stars - There are at least 1,641 WebAssembly repos on GitHub - Early development of WebAssembly happened in W3C - WebAssembly is written in C++, HTML, C, JavaScript, Python, WebAssembly, Markdown, YAML, Bourne shell, Make, CMake, CSS, Lua - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 148 users using WebAssembly in 160 repos on GitHub - There are 12,000 members in the WebAssembly subreddit - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for WebAssembly - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for WebAssembly - Learn WebAssembly on exercism. - has 5 matches for "webassembly engineer". - was registered in 2015 - See also: (12 related languages) Asm.js, Assembly language, JavaScript, Unity, LLVM IR, C, Rust, Java, C#, Go, S-expressions, DOI - 29 PLDB concepts link to WebAssembly: AssemblyScript, beef-lang, binaryen, BlitzMax, cloc, Cwerg, Cyber, Emscripten, Euphoria, Flow9, invokator, ktye/k, Node.js, Porffor, POV-Ray SDL, psyche, Pygments, rio, Rust, SpiderMonkey, tridash, v8, Virgil, wah, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, wats, Wax 20 00 50 04 7E 42 01 05 20 00 20 00 42 01 7D 10 00 7E 0B (module (import "wasi_unstable" "fd_write" (func $fd_write (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)) ) (memory 1) (export "memory" (memory 0)) (data (i32.const 0) "\08\00\00\00\0c\00\00\00Hello World\n") (func $main (export "_start") i32.const 1 i32.const 0 i32.const 1 i32.const 20 call $fd_write drop ) ) (module (import "env" "printInt" (func $printInt (param i32))) (func $add (param $lhs i32) (param $rhs i32) (result i32) get_local $lhs get_local $rhs i32.add ) (func $main (call $printInt (call $add (i32.const 9) (i32.const 8)))) (export "main" (func $main)) ) (module (import "math" "exp" (func $exp (param f64) (result f64))) (func (export "doubleExp") (param $0 f64) (result f64) (f64.mul (call $exp (get_local $0)) (f64.const 2)))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 573 2.9
wasmer - Virtual machine wasmer ====== wasmer is a virtual machine created in 2018 by Syrus Akbary. 2018 Syrus Akbary #654 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone 🚀 The leading Wasm Runtime supporting WASIX, WASI and Emscripten - Tags: virtual machine - wasmer is developed on GitHub and has 18,285 stars - wasmer is written in Rust, WebAssembly, Markdown, TOML, SVG, C, C++, GraphQL, YAML, Bourne shell, XML, Python, SQL, JSON, Dockerfile, Swift, Make, HTML, Nix, JavaScript, Diff, PHP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 148 0.7
Wasp - Programming language Wasp ==== Wasp, aka Web App Specification Language, is a programming language created in 2019 by Martin Šošić. 2019 Martin Šošić #552 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js. - Tags: programming language - Wasp is developed on GitHub and has 12,925 stars - Wasp is written in TypeScript, Haskell, Markdown, JavaScript, JSON, JSX, SQL, CSS, SVG, TOML, HTML, YAML, Dockerfile, Bourne shell, Tex, XML, Bash, Logos, PowerShell - Read more about Wasp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
WebAssembly Text Format - Programming language WebAssembly Text Format ======================= WebAssembly Text Format is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3612 on PLDB 9 Years Old WebAssembly has an S-expression-based textual representation, an intermediate form designed to be exposed in text editors, browser developer tools, etc. - Tags: programming language - Read more about WebAssembly Text Format on the web: 1. 1. (module (import "math" "exp" (func $exp (param f64) (result f64))) (func (export "doubleExp") (param $0 f64) (result f64) (f64.mul (call $exp (get_local $0)) (f64.const 2)))) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
WATBOL - Compiler WATBOL ====== WATBOL is a compiler created in 1969. 1969 #4673 on PLDB 55 Years Old - Tags: compiler - WATBOL on HOPL WATBOL on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
Watcom - Programming language Watcom ====== Watcom is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #3789 on PLDB 36 Years Old Watcom International Corporation was founded in 1981 by three former employees of the Computer Systems Group (Fred Crigger, Ian McPhee, and Jack Schueler) at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Watcom produced a variety of tools, including the well-known Watcom C/C++ compiler introduced in 1988.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (6 related languages) APL, COBOL, Pascal, SQL, PowerBuilder, FoxPRO Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Water - Template language Water ===== Water is a template language created in 2002. 2002 #4871 on PLDB 22 Years Old Water is a new native Web service programming language with a ConciseXML syntax. Data, logic, and presentation have a uniform XML representation in Water. Read how Water simplifies the creation of new Web services and programs. - Tags: template language - Read more about Water on the web: 1. 1. <set the_date= <HTML> Today is <> </HTML> /> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
WATFIV - Programming language WATFIV ====== WATFIV is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #3312 on PLDB 56 Years Old WATFIV, or WATerloo FORTRAN IV, developed at the University of Waterloo, Canada is an implementation of the Fortran computer programming language. It is the successor of WATFOR. WATFIV was used from the late 1960s into the mid-1980s. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - WATFIV on HOPL WATFIV on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Fortran, IBM 1620, COBOL, Watcom Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
WATFOR - Programming language WATFOR ====== WATFOR is a programming language created in 1966. 1966 #4872 on PLDB 58 Years Old - Tags: programming language - WATFOR on HOPL WATFOR on HOPL - Read more about WATFOR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
wats - Programming language wats ==== wats is a programming language created in 2017 by Pierre Rossouw. 2017 Pierre Rossouw #2934 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A simple WebAssembly compiler - Tags: programming language - wats is developed on GitHub and has 14 stars - wats is written in WebAssembly, Markdown, JavaScript, HTML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
Wavefront Material - Application Wavefront Material ================== Wavefront Material is an application created in 1988. 1988 #2046 on PLDB 36 Years Old 216k Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 216,089 Wavefront Material repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Wavefront Material - Read more about Wavefront Material on the web: 1. 1. newmtl flat_green Ka 0.0000 0.2000 0.0000 Kd 0.0000 0.8000 0.0000 illum 1 # 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware # File Created: 27.05.2016 16:27:25 newmtl wire_088177027 Ns 32 d 1 Tr 0 Tf 1 1 1 illum 2 Ka 0.34509805 0.69411767 0.10588236 Kd 0.34509805 0.69411767 0.10588236 Ks 0.34999999 0.34999999 0.34999999 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
Wavefront Object - Application Wavefront Object ================ Wavefront Object is an application created in 1988. 1988 #1428 on PLDB 36 Years Old 331k Repos OBJ (or .OBJ) is a geometry definition file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies for its Advanced Visualizer animation package. The file format is open and has been adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors. The OBJ file format is a simple data-format that represents 3D geometry alone — namely, the position of each vertex, the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex, vertex normals, and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices, and texture vertices. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - There are at least 331,144 Wavefront Object repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Wavefront Object - See also: (1 related languages) ASCII - Read more about Wavefront Object on the web: 1. 1. cstype bmatrix deg 3 3 step 3 3 bmat u 1 -3 3 -1 \ 0 3 -6 3 \ 0 0 3 -3 \ 0 0 0 1 bmat v 1 -3 -3 2 \ 2 2 2 3 \ 0 0 0 -2 \ 0 0 0 2 # Special point and space curve data vp 0.500 vp 0.700 vp 1.100 vp 0.200 0.950 v 0.300 1.500 0.100 v 0.000 0.000 0.000 v 1.000 1.000 0.000 v 2.000 1.000 0.000 v 3.000 0.000 0.000 cstype bezier deg 3 curv 0.2 0.9 -4 -3 -2 -1 sp 1 parm u 0.00 1.00 end # Trimming curve vp -0.675 1.850 3.000 vp 0.915 1.930 vp 2.485 0.470 2.000 vp 2.485 -1.030 vp 1.605 -1.890 10.700 vp -0.745 -0.654 0.500 cstype rat bezier curv2 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -6 parm u 0.00 1.00 2.00 sp 2 3 end # Surface v -1.350 -1.030 0.000 v 0.130 -1.030 0.432 7.600 v 1.480 -1.030 0.000 2.300 v -1.460 0.060 0.201 v 0.120 0.060 0.915 0.500 v 1.380 0.060 0.454 1.500 v -1.480 1.030 0.000 2.300 v 0.120 1.030 0.394 6.100 v 1.170 1.030 0.000 3.300 cstype rat bspline deg 2 2 surf -1.0 2.5 -2.0 2.0 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 parm u -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 parm v -2.00 -2.00 -2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 trim 0.0 2.0 1 2.2 2.2 3 sp 4 con 1 2.0 2.0 1 2 4.0 3.0 1 end Pr/map_Pr # roughness Pm/map_Pm # metallic Ps/map_Ps # sheen Pc # clearcoat thickness Pcr # clearcoat roughness Ke/map_Ke # emissive aniso # anisotropy anisor # anisotropy rotation norm # normal map, same format as "bump" parameter Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 604 3
Wax - Programming language Wax === Wax is a programming language created in 2020 by Lingdong Huang. 2020 Lingdong Huang #429 on PLDB 4 Years Old git clone A tiny programming language that transpiles to C, C++, Java, TypeScript, Python, C#, Swift, Lua and WebAssembly - Tags: programming language - Wax is developed on GitHub and has 770 stars - Wax compiles to C or C++ or Java or TypeScript or Python or C# or Swift or Lua or WebAssembly - Wax is written in C, WebAssembly, JavaScript, Python, Markdown, HTML, C++, SVG, Swift, Java, Make, Bourne shell, C#, Lua, TypeScript Language features ====================================================== row Feature Operators FeatureLink ../features/hasOperators.html Supported ✓ Example ;; > = && || >= ;; + - * / ^ % & | ! ~ Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; a comment Token ; row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example (@define MY_CONSTANT 5) (@if MY_CONSTANT 5 (print "yes, it's") (print @MY_CONSTANT) ) Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported ✓ Example (set y (? (= x 0) 1 2)) Token row Feature Prefix Notation FeatureLink ../features/hasPrefixNotation.html Supported ✓ Example (+ 1 1) Token row Feature Structs FeatureLink ../features/hasStructs.html Supported ✓ Example (struct point (let x float) (let y float) ) Token row Feature Lists FeatureLink ../features/hasLists.html Supported ✓ Example (let x (arr (vec 3 float))) Token row Feature Maps FeatureLink ../features/hasMaps.html Supported ✓ Example (let m (map str int) (alloc (map str int))) (set m "xyz" 123) (insert m "abc" 456) ; exactly same as 'set' (print (get m "xyz")) (remove m "xyz") (print (get m "xyz")) ;^ if a value is not there, the "zero" value of the element type is returned ; for numbers, 0; for compound types, null. Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Assignment FeatureLink ../features/hasAssignment.html Supported ✓ Example (set x 42) Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example (let x int 42) Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 390 1.9
WCL - Programming language WCL === WCL is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #5004 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - WCL on HOPL WCL on HOPL - Read more about WCL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
WCPS - Programming language WCPS ==== WCPS, aka Web Coverage Processing Service, is a programming language created in 2008. 2008 #3205 on PLDB 16 Years Old The Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) defines a language for filtering and processing of multi-dimensional raster coverages, such as sensor, simulation, image, and statistics data. The Web Coverage Processing Service is maintained by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This raster query language allows clients to obtain original coverage data, or derived information, in a platform-neutral manner over the Web.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language for $c in ( M1, M2, M3 ), $r in ( R ) where some( $c.nir > 127 and $r ) return encode( abs( $ - $c.nir ), "hdf5" ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
WDDX - Programming language WDDX ==== WDDX is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #4571 on PLDB 26 Years Old WDDX (Web Distributed Data eXchange) is a programming language-, platform- and transport-neutral data interchange mechanism designed to pass data between different environments and different computers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (11 related languages) ColdFusion, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, Haskell, Perl, XML, FTP, JavaScript, JSON <wddxPacket version='1.0'> <header comment='PHP'/> <data> <struct> <var name='pi'> <number>3.1415926</number> </var> <var name='cities'> <array length='3'> <string>Austin</string> <string>Novato</string> <string>Seattle</string> </array> </var> </struct> </data> </wddxPacket> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 225 1.1
Wolfram Data Framework - Data notation Wolfram Data Framework ====================== Wolfram Data Framework, aka Wolfram Data Framework, is a data notation created in 2014. 2014 #3075 on PLDB 10 Years Old WDF is a human-readable plaintext format that can be rendered in JSON, XML and other forms. - Tags: dataNotation - Read more about Wolfram Data Framework on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
WDL - Programming language WDL === WDL, aka Workflow Description Language, is an open source programming language created in 2012. 2012 #327 on PLDB 12 Years Old 888 Repos git clone The Workflow Description Language (WDL) is a way to specify data processing workflows with a human-readable and -writeable syntax. WDL makes it straightforward to define analysis tasks, chain them together in workflows, and parallelize their execution. The language makes common patterns simple to express, while also admitting uncommon or complicated behavior; and strives to achieve portability not only across execution platforms, but also different types of users. Whether one is an analyst, a programmer, an operator of a production system, or any other sort of user, WDL should be accessible and understandable. - Tags: programming language - WDL is developed on GitHub and has 756 stars - There are at least 888 WDL repos on GitHub - WDL is written in Markdown, YAML, JSON - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 23 users using WDL in 30 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for WDL - was registered in 2017 - Read more about WDL on the web: 1. 1. # Sample originally from task hello { String addressee command { echo "Hello ${addressee}!" } output { String salutation = read_string(stdout()) } runtime { docker: "ubuntu@sha256:71cd81252a3563a03ad8daee81047b62ab5d892ebbfbf71cf53415f29c130950" } } workflow wf_hello { call hello output { hello.salutation } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 332 1.7
WebIDL - Interface design language WebIDL ====== WebIDL is an interface design language created in 2012. 2012 #995 on PLDB 12 Years Old 17 Repos Web IDL is an interface description language (IDL) format for describing application programming interfaces (APIs) that are intended to be implemented in web browsers.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: interface design language - There are at least 17 WebIDL repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 117 users using WebIDL in 120 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for WebIDL - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for WebIDL - See also: (2 related languages) IDL specification language, JavaScript /* -*- Mode: linguist-disable-strategy-modeline-IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at * * The origin of this IDL file is * * * * Copyright © 2012 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C * liability, trademark and document use rules apply. */ [Constructor(DOMString type, optional AnimationEventInit eventInitDict)] interface AnimationEvent : Event { readonly attribute DOMString animationName; readonly attribute float elapsedTime; readonly attribute DOMString pseudoElement; }; dictionary AnimationEventInit : EventInit { DOMString animationName = ""; float elapsedTime = 0; DOMString pseudoElement = ""; }; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 342 1.7
Web3.js - Library Web3.js ======= Web3.js is a library created in 2014 by Fabian Vogelsteller. 2014 Fabian Vogelsteller #1588 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions. - Tags: library - Web3.js is developed on GitHub and has 19,182 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
WebDNA - Programming language WebDNA ====== WebDNA is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #3646 on PLDB 29 Years Old WebDNA is a server-side scripting, interpreted language with an embedded database system, specifically designed for the World Wide Web. Its primary use is in creating database-driven dynamic web page applications. Released in 1995, the name was registered as a trademark in 1998. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - WebDNA appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (2 related languages) PHP, MySQL <!--HAS_WEBDNA_TAGS--> <html> [text]info=[tcpconnect] [tcpsend][unurl]%0D%0A[/unurl][/tcpsend] [/tcpconnect][/text] [append db=base.db][info] [/append] </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
WebGL - Library WebGL ===== WebGL is a library created in 2011. 2011 #1433 on PLDB 13 Years Old WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. WebGL is integrated completely into all the web standards of the browser allowing GPU accelerated usage of physics and image processing and effects as part of the web page canvas. WebGL elements can be mixed with other HTML elements and composited with other parts of the page or page background. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: library - Early development of WebGL happened in Khronos Group - See also: (11 related languages) HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GLSL, C, iOS, Unity, TypeScript, Asm.js, ActionScript, VRML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
WebKit - Browser engine WebKit ====== WebKit is a browser engine created in 1998. 1998 #4648 on PLDB 26 Years Old - Tags: browserEngine Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 79 0.4
WebL - Programming language WebL ==== WebL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #5005 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - WebL on HOPL WebL on HOPL - Read more about WebL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
WebM - Binary data format WebM ==== WebM is a binary data format created in 2010. 2010 #4529 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: binaryDataFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
WebP - Binary data format WebP ==== WebP is a binary data format created in 2010. 2010 #2538 on PLDB 14 Years Old WebP is an image format employing both lossy and lossless compression. It is currently developed by Google, based on technology acquired with the purchase of On2 Technologies.As a derivative of the VP8 video format, it is a sister project to the WebM multimedia container format. WebP-related software is released under a BSD license.The format was first announced on 30 September 2010 as a new open standard for lossy compressed true-color graphics on the web, producing smaller files of comparable image quality to the older JPEG scheme. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
webql - Query language webql ===== webql is a query language created in 2001. 2001 #3613 on PLDB 23 Years Old WebQL was developed by QL2 Softaware in 2006. It is used for data integration and collection of unstructured and structured sources including the Web, PDF and Word documents, spreadsheets, email repositories, corporate data stores and more. It is also capable of Optical Character Recognition that enables it to retrive text within images. WebQL also support XML data of arbitrary size, and APIs for embedding WebQL in C, Java or .NET programs. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of webql happened in QL2 Software - Read more about webql on the web: 1. 1. select URL, clean(CONTENT) as TITLE from links within submitting values 'wikipedia' for 'q' where url_host(URL) not matching 'google' Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
WebStorm - Editor WebStorm ======== WebStorm is an editor created in 2010. 2010 #4899 on PLDB 14 Years Old - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 78 0.4
weebasic - Programming language weebasic ======== weebasic is a programming language created in 2021 by Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert. 2021 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert #2399 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone weebasic - Tags: programming language - weebasic is developed on GitHub and has 12 stars - weebasic is written in Visual Basic, Rust, Markdown Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 123 0.6
文言文編程語言 - Programming language 文言文編程語言 ======= 文言文編程語言 is a programming language created in 2019 by Lingdong Huang. 2019 Lingdong Huang #269 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone 文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese. - Tags: programming language - 文言文編程語言 is developed on GitHub and has 19,514 stars - 文言文編程語言 compiles to JavaScript or Python or Ruby - 文言文編程語言 is written in TypeScript, Markdown, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, YAML, SVG, CSS, Make, TOML - 文言文編程語言 is written with the native language of Chinese 吾有一數。曰三。名之曰「甲」。 為是「甲」遍。 吾有一言。曰「「問天地好在。」」。書之。 云云。 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 145 0.7
wescheme - Programming language wescheme ======== wescheme is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #2513 on PLDB 15 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2009 ;; The world is a number ;; tick: world -> world (define (tick world) (add1 world)) (big-bang 0 (on-tick tick 2)) ;; tick every two seconds Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 150 0.8
WebGPU Shading Language - Shading language WebGPU Shading Language ======================= WebGPU Shading Language is a shading language created in 2020. 2020 #2283 on PLDB 4 Years Old WebGPU Shading Language (WGSL) is the shader language for [WebGPU]. That is, an application using the WebGPU API uses WGSL to express the programs, known as shaders, that run on the GPU. - Tags: shadingLanguage - Read more about WebGPU Shading Language on the web: 1. 1. [[location 0]] var<out> gl_FragColor : vec4<f32>; fn main() -> void { gl_FragColor = vec4<f32>(0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0); return; } entry_point fragment = main; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 165 0.8
whack - Programming language whack ===== whack is a programming language created in 2018 by Onchere Bironga. 2018 Onchere Bironga #2400 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone The Whack Programming Language - Tags: programming language - whack is developed on GitHub and has 61 stars - whack is written in Markdown, Python, YAML, C, C++, CMake HackerNews discussions of whack =============================== title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Whack – A simply-designed compiled programming language||10/28/2018|57|45 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
whalecalf - Grammar language whalecalf ========= whalecalf is a grammar language created in 2000 by Alexander Okhotin. 2000 Alexander Okhotin #3076 on PLDB 24 Years Old Whale Calf is a research-level parser generator for Boolean grammars, which are context-free grammars augmented with Boolean operations. It is written by Alexander Okhotin in C++, and is mainly aimed at demonstrating different parsing algorithms, of which the most practically useful is the Generalized LR (GLR). The main development took place in 2000-2004, though (as of April 2017) some occasional corrections are still being made. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Read more about whalecalf on the web: 1. 1. algorithm=trellis; terminal a, b, c; S -> C & D; C -> a C a | a C b | b C a | b C b | c; D -> a A & a D | b B & b D | c E; A -> a A a | a A b | b A a | b A b | c E a; B -> a B a | a B b | b B a | b B b | c E b; E -> a E | b E | e; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 263 1.3
Whiley - Programming language Whiley ====== Whiley is a programming language created in 2009 by David J. Pearce. 2009 David J. Pearce #540 on PLDB 15 Years Old 2 Repos git clone Whiley is an experimental programming language that combines features from the functional and imperative paradigms, and supports formal specification through function preconditions, postconditions and loop invariants. The language uses flow-sensitive typing also known as "flow typing." The Whiley project began in 2009 in response to the "Verifying Compiler Grand Challenge" put forward by Tony Hoare in 2003. The first public release of Whiley was in June, 2010.Primarily developed by David Pearce, Whiley is an open source project with contributions from a small community. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Whiley is developed on GitHub and has 216 stars - There are at least 2 Whiley repos on GitHub - Whiley is written in Java, Markdown, YAML - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 1 users using Whiley in 1 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Whiley - was registered in 2009 // Define the type of natural numbers type nat is (int x) where x >= 0 public function indexOf(int[] items, int item) -> (int|null index) // If int returned, element at this position matches item ensures index is int ==> items[index] == item // If int returned, element at this position is first match ensures index is int ==> no { i in 0 .. index | items[i] == item } // If null returned, no element in items matches item ensures index is null ==> no { i in 0 .. |items| | items[i] == item }: // nat i = 0 // while i < |items| // No element seen so far matches item where no { j in 0 .. i | items[j] == item }: // if items[i] == item: return i i = i + 1 // return null import std::ascii import std::io method main(ascii::string[] args): io::println("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example // [01]+b Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+\.[0-9]+ Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token io::println row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 529 2.6
WHIRL - Programming language WHIRL ===== WHIRL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4486 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - WHIRL on HOPL WHIRL on HOPL - Read more about WHIRL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. 110001100111000111110000010001111100011000000000110000011100000110000010000 011000111100000111110000011100001111100100011001110000111111100001001111100 011000000000110000011000111110001000000000000000000001001111110000111111000 100000000000000000000000000011111000100100000000111111000100000000000001001 000011111000001110000111110010001100011000000100010000011000000000000000001 100000111001111100111111000100111001111000011100010011111110000111000110000 000000000000000000000000000001000100001111100000111000011111001100011100000 111000000010001111100000111110001000000000111000110000000000000000000000000 000000100100001111100000111000011100010000000000000100010000111110001110001 111100111111000011100001100111000111000000000001111100000111000110000110110 001000000000010000001111100000111000011111000000010001110000000000000000000 000000000000100000011111000001100 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
Whirlwind - Programming language Whirlwind ========= Whirlwind is a programming language created in 1951. 1951 #5006 on PLDB 73 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Whirlwind on HOPL Whirlwind on HOPL - Read more about Whirlwind on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Whitespace - Esoteric programming language Whitespace ========== Whitespace is an esoteric programming language created in 2003. 2003 #627 on PLDB 21 Years Old Whitespace is an esoteric programming language developed by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris at the University of Durham (also developers of the Kaya and Idris programming languages). It was released on 1 April 2003 (April Fool's Day). Its name is a reference to whitespace characters. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: esoteric programming language - Explore Whitespace snippets on Rosetta Code - Whitespace appears in the TIOBE Index - Whitespace appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (6 related languages) Idris, Python, Brainfuck, INTERCAL, LOLCODE, Malbolge Hello, world Hello #World #in #Whitespace * # # * # # # + *[Space] + #is #marked #with"#" # #[tab] #with"*" *line-feed #with #"+" * # *so +it #would +be #easier #to #write #again... #All *the *non-whitespace-characters #are *ignored... * # # + * + # # # # # * * # * * # # + * + # # # # # * * # * * * * + * + # # # # # * # # # # # + * + # # # # # * # * # * * * + * + # # # # # * * # * * * * + * + # # # # # * * * # # * # + * + # # # # # * * # * * # # + * + # # # # # * * # # * # # + * + # # # # # * # # # # * + * + # # # # # * # * # + * + # # + + + S S S T S S T S S S L T L S S S S S T T S S T S T L T L S S S S S T T S T T S S L T L S S S S S T T S T T S S L T L S S S S S T T S T T T T L T L S S S S S T S T T S S L T L S S S S S T S S S S S L T L S S S S S T T T S T T T L T L S S S S S T T S T T T T L T L S S S S S T T T S S T S L T L S S S S S T T S T T S S L T L S S S S S T T S S T S S L T L S S S S S T S S S S T L T L S S L L L Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 404 2
WHOIS - Protocol WHOIS ===== WHOIS is a protocol created in 1970. 1970 #2985 on PLDB 54 Years Old WHOIS (pronounced as the phrase "who is") is a query and response protocol that is widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, such as a domain name, an IP address block or an autonomous system, but is also used for a wider range of other information. The protocol stores and delivers database content in a human-readable format. The WHOIS protocol is documented in RFC 3912.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: protocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 167 0.8
Wikitax - Wiki markup Wikitax ======= Wikitax is a wiki markup created in 2002. 2002 #4487 on PLDB 22 Years Old Wikitax: a plaintext markup syntax to indicate semantical, display, and formatting information for text in CMSes, wikies, and blogs. - Tags: wikiMarkup - See also: (1 related languages) MediaWiki - Read more about Wikitax on the web: 1. 1. [* This paragraph. And this paragraph, too. Are bold. *] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 127 0.6
Winbatch - Programming language Winbatch ======== Winbatch is an open source programming language created in 1989. 1989 #2292 on PLDB 35 Years Old Winbatch is a Microsoft Windows scripting language originally developed by Wilson WindowWare and currently supported, maintained and enhanced by Island Lake Consulting LLC. Its environment includes an interpreter and a code editor along with a dialog designer and optional compiler to create self-contained executables. Its language structure and syntax is a cross between DOS batch command, Basic, Fortran, and C. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - was registered in 1996 - See also: (2 related languages) AutoIt, KiXtart Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 170 0.8
WinDev - Programming language WinDev ====== WinDev is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4895 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
Windows Registry Entries - Application Windows Registry Entries ======================== Windows Registry Entries is an application created in 1992. 1992 #2537 on PLDB 32 Years Old 139 Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 139 Windows Registry Entries repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Windows Registry Entries - Read more about Windows Registry Entries on the web: 1. 1. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Comment Comment Comment [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Fake_Key\Fake_SubKey_1] ; Comment Comment Comment [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Fake_Key\Fake_SubKey_1\Fake_SubKey_2] @=- ; Comment Comment Comment [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Fake_SubKey\Fake_SubKey_1\Fake_SubKey_2\Fake_SubKey_3] @="Default Value" ; Comment Comment Comment "String Value"="My String Value" ; Comment Comment Comment "String Value With Escaped Chars"="C:\\Blah\\Blah\\Blee" ; Comment Comment Comment "Binary Value"=hexadecimal "DWORD Value"=dword:00000005 "Bit Value"=0 "Binary Value"=hex:25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,00 "Value D"=hex(0):<REG_NONE (as comma-delimited list of hexadecimal values)> ; Comment Comment Comment "Value E"=hex(1):<REG_SZ (as comma-delimited list of hexadecimal values representing a UTF-16LE NUL-terminated string)> "Expandable String Value"=hex(2):25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,00 "Value G"=hex(3):<Binary data (as comma-delimited list of hexadecimal values)> ; equal to "Value B" "Value H"=hex(4):<DWORD value (as comma-delimited list of 4 hexadecimal values, in little endian byte order)> "Value I"=hex(5):<DWORD value (as comma-delimited list of 4 hexadecimal values, in big endian byte order)> "Multi String Value"=hex(7):25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,00\ 25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,00\ 25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,00\ 25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,00\ "Value K"=hex(8):<REG_RESOURCE_LIST (as comma-delimited list of hexadecimal values)> "Value L"=hex(a):<REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST (as comma-delimited list of hexadecimal values)> "Value M"=hex(b):<QWORD value (as comma-delimited list of 8 hexadecimal values, in little endian byte order)> "Deleted Value"=- ; Comment Comment Comment [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] [HKLM] [HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG] [HKCC] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] [HKCR] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] [HKCU] [HKEY_USERS] [HKU] [HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA] [HKEY_DYN_DATA] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 483 2.4
Wing - Programming language Wing ==== Wing is a programming language created in 2022 by Elad Ben-Israel. 2022 Elad Ben-Israel #463 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A programming language for the cloud ☁️ A unified programming model, combining infrastructure and runtime code into one language ⚡ - Tags: programming language - Wing is developed on GitHub and has 4,806 stars - Wing is written in Markdown, TypeScript, JSON, Rust, YAML, JavaScript, TOML, HTML, CSS, Python, Diff, SVG, JSX, Bourne shell, Scheme, Dockerfile, C, Go, Make, HCL, Swift, C++ bring cloud; let queue = new cloud.Queue(timeout: 2m); let bucket = new cloud.Bucket(); let counter = new cloud.Counter(initial: 100); queue.on_message(inflight (body: str): str => { let next =; let key = "myfile-${next}.txt"; bucket.put(key, body); }); Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
WinWrap Basic - Programming language WinWrap Basic ============= WinWrap Basic is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #4517 on PLDB 31 Years Old WinWrap Basic (WWB) by Polar Engineering, Inc. is a third-party macro language based on Visual Basic used with programmes of various types which its vendor touts as an alternative to ActiveX (e.g. VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, Rexx-based WSH engines and others), Visual Basic for Applications, and VSTA for this purpose. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (5 related languages) Visual Basic, VBScript, JScript, VBA, Hummingbird QuickScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
winxed - Programming language winxed ====== winxed is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #1357 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone The winxed programming language - Tags: programming language - winxed is developed on GitHub and has 29 stars - winxed is written in C++, JSON, Make, Markdown - was registered in 2013 #! winxed # (C) 2010 Julián Albo /* = head1 NAME setup.winxed - Python distutils style =head1 DESCRIPTION Just some testing, not intended for real usage yet. =head1 USAGE Handle with care. See DESCRIPTION. =cut */ $load 'Getopt/Obj.pbc'; //********************************************************************** // Json file read. function loadData(string filename) { var json = load_language('data_json'); var file = open(filename); if (file == null || file.is_closed()) throw Error("Can't open " + filename); file.encoding('utf8'); string jsondata = file.readall(); file.close(); var code = json.compile(jsondata); return code(); } //********************************************************************** function main(argv) { // Parse command line. var getopts = new ['Getopt','Obj']; getopts.notOptStop(1); getopts.push_string('file=s'); getopts.push_string('v'); string progname = argv.shift(); var opts = getopts.get_options(argv); int verbose = opts['v'] != null; var file = opts['file']; // Get setup data from json file specified in command line // or default value. string filename = 'setup.json'; if (file != null) filename = file; var data = loadData(filename); if (verbose) { string description = data['description']; say("\tFile: ", filename); say("\tName: ", data['name']); say("\tDescription: ", description); say("\t(C) ", data['copyright_holder']); say(); } using extern distutils; setup(argv:[flat], data:[flat,named]); } // End Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 378 1.9
WML - Xml format WML === WML is a xml format created in 1998. 1998 #3307 on PLDB 26 Years Old Wireless Markup Language (WML), based on XML, is a now-obsolete markup language intended for devices that implement the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) specification, such as mobile phones. It provides navigational support, data input, hyperlinks, text and image presentation, and forms, much like HTML (HyperText Markup Language). It preceded the use of other markup languages now used with WAP, such as HTML itself, and XHTML (which are gaining in popularity as processing power in mobile devices increases).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - See also: (4 related languages) WML, XML, HTML, WMLScript <card id="cM" title=""> <p> Call A Taxi: <a href="wtai://wp/mc;%2B19035551212">903-555-1212</a> </p> </card> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Wirth syntax notation - Grammar language Wirth syntax notation ===================== Wirth syntax notation is a grammar language created in 1977. 1977 #2813 on PLDB 47 Years Old Wirth syntax notation (WSN) is a metasyntax, that is, a formal way to describe formal languages. Originally proposed by Niklaus Wirth in 1977 as an alternative to Backus–Naur form (BNF). It has several advantages over BNF in that it contains an explicit iteration construct, and it avoids the use of an explicit symbol for the empty string (such as or ε).WSN has been used in several international standards, starting with ISO 10303-21. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Read more about Wirth syntax notation on the web: 1. 1. SYNTAX = { PRODUCTION } . PRODUCTION = IDENTIFIER "=" EXPRESSION "." . EXPRESSION = TERM { "|" TERM } . TERM = FACTOR { FACTOR } . FACTOR = IDENTIFIER | LITERAL | "[" EXPRESSION "]" | "(" EXPRESSION ")" | "{" EXPRESSION "}" . IDENTIFIER = letter { letter } . LITERAL = """" character { character } """" . Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 240 1.2
wisp - Programming language wisp ==== wisp is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Santosh Rajan and Irakli Gozalishvili and LeXofLeviafan and Chris McCormick. 2012 Santosh Rajan Irakli Gozalishvili LeXofLeviafan Chris McCormick #343 on PLDB 12 Years Old 30 Repos git clone A little Clojure-like LISP in JavaScript - Tags: programming language - wisp is developed on GitHub and has 983 stars - There are at least 30 wisp repos on GitHub - wisp is written in Markdown, JSON, Make, YAML, JavaScript - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 17 users using wisp in 23 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for wisp (alert "Hello world!") ;; # wisp ; Wisp is homoiconic JS dialect with a clojure syntax, s-expressions and ; macros. Wisp code compiles to a human readable javascript, which is one ; of they key differences from clojurescript. ;; ## wisp data structures ;; 1. nil - is just like js undefined with a differenc that it's ;; not something can be defined. In fact it's just a shortcut for ;; void(0) in JS. nil ;; => void(0) ;; 2. Booleans - Wisp booleans true / false are JS booleans true ;; => true ;; 3. Numbers - Wisp numbers are JS numbers 1 ;; => 1 ;; 4. Strings - Wisp strings are JS Strings "Hello world" ;; Wisp strings can be multiline "Hello, My name is wisp!" ;; 5. Characters - Characters are sugar for JS single char strings \a ;; => "a" ;; 6. Keywords - Keywords are symbolic identifiers that evaluate to ;; themselves. :keyword ;; => "keyword" ;; Since in JS string constats fulfill this purpose of symbolic ;; identifiers, keywords compile to equivalent JS strings. (window.addEventListener :load handler false) ;; Keywords can be invoked as functions, that desugars to plain ;; associated value access in JS (:bar foo) ;; => foo["bar"] ;; 7. Vectors - Wisp vectors are JS arrays. [ 1 2 3 4 ] ;; Note: Commas are white space & can be used if desired [ 1, 2, 3, 4] ;; 8. Maps - Maps are hash maps, plain JS objects. Note that unlike ;; in clojure keys can not be of arbitary types. { "foo" bar :beep-bop "bop" 1 2 } ;; Commas are optional but can come handy for separating key value ;; pairs. { a 1, b 2 } ;; In a future JSONs syntax may be made compatible with map syntax. ;; 9. Lists - You can't have a lisp without lists! Wisp has lists too. ;; Wisp is homoiconic and it's code is made up of lists representing ;; expressions. The first item in the expression is a function, being ;; invoked with rest items as arguments. (foo bar baz) ; => foo(bar, baz); ;; # Conventions ;; Wisp puts a lot of effort in making naming conventions tra Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token true false row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 612 3.1
Wiswesser line notation - Text data format Wiswesser line notation ======================= Wiswesser line notation is a text data format created in 1949. 1949 #4674 on PLDB 75 Years Old - Tags: textDataFormat L66J BMR& DSWQ IN1&1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
wizml - Programming language wizml ===== wizml is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #4873 on PLDB 27 Years Old WIZML is a sublanguage of VTML. It is a tag-based programming language which is used to define the logic of writing out the code to one or more documents based on user input in a Tag Editor or a Wizard. - Tags: programming language - Read more about wizml on the web: 1. 1. <WIZSET VertSpacingGap = Chr(13) & Chr(10) & RepeatString(Chr(9),numIndent)> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
WIZOR - Programming language WIZOR ===== WIZOR is a programming language created in 1962. 1962 #4874 on PLDB 62 Years Old - Tags: programming language - WIZOR on HOPL WIZOR on HOPL - Read more about WIZOR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
WLambda - Programming language WLambda ======= WLambda is a programming language created in 2019 by Weird Constructor. 2019 Weird Constructor #2531 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone WLambda - Embeddable Scripting Language for Rust - Tags: programming language - WLambda is developed on GitHub and has 49 stars - WLambda is written in Rust, Mathematica, Markdown, Bourne shell, JSON, TOML, Python, Vim script, SVG Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 132 0.7
Wlanguage - Programming language Wlanguage ========= Wlanguage is a programming language created in 1992. 1992 #4896 on PLDB 32 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
WML - Template language WML === WML, aka Website Meta Language, is an open source template language created in 2006. 2006 #1412 on PLDB 18 Years Old Website Meta Language (WML) and its associated command wmk are together a free and extensible web designer's off-line HTML generation toolkit for Unix, distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v2). It works as an off-line content management system. It is written in ANSI C and Perl 5, built via a GNU Autoconf based source tree and runs out-of-the-box on all major Unix derivates. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: template language - Explore WML snippets on Rosetta Code - was registered in 2002 - See also: (6 related languages) WML, C, Perl, Unix, HTML, HAML #define HELLOWORLD [message] speaker="narrator" message=_"Hello World" [/message] #enddef Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 223 1.1
WMLScript - Programming language WMLScript ========= WMLScript, aka Wireless Markup Language Script, is a programming language created in 1998. 1998 #3641 on PLDB 26 Years Old WMLScript is a procedural programming language and dialect of JavaScript used for WML pages and is part of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). WMLScript is a client-side scripting language and is similar to JavaScript. Just like JavaScript WMLScript is used for tasks such as user input validation, generation of error message and other Dialog boxes etc. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) JavaScript, WML - Read more about WMLScript on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 180 0.9
woe - Programming language woe === woe is a programming language created in 2009. 2009 #3638 on PLDB 15 Years Old git clone A concatenative language inspired by Joy - Tags: programming language - woe is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - woe is written in C, Make, Markdown HackerNews discussions of woe ============================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: Woe – A concatenative language inspired by Joy||02/20/2018|3|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
WOL - Programming language WOL === WOL is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #2801 on PLDB 27 Years Old Wol, WoL or WOL may refer to: ComputingWake-on-LAN, (/wɒl/) an Ethernet standard that allows computers to be powered on by a network message An unofficial initialism for Web Ontology Language .wol, file extension for the WOLF eBook file format World Online, a defunct European internet service provider Write-only language, a programming which facilitates hard to read codeComputer gamesWar of Legends, (/wɒl/) a fantasy real-time strategy game published by Jagex Games Studio Warhammer Online, abbreviation used internally by Games Workshop staff StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Westwood Online, multi-player game mode by Westwood Studios, superseded by XWISPublishingEditorial language, (/wɒl/) acronym for write on line, a dotted or solid line in an exercise book for students to write in an answer.OtherOwl (Winnie the Pooh), character in the Winnie the Pooh stories, who spells his name "Wol" Wide outside lane, in bicycle transportation engineering WOL (AM), a radio station in Washington, D.C. WOL World Loud TV Wol Books, the first independent academic bookshop (opened 1981) at Royal Holloway College, now Royal Holloway University of London, later taken over in 1987 by Pentos Illawarra Regional Airport. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - WOL on HOPL WOL on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) OWL - Read more about WOL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 319 1.6
Wolfram Language - Programming language Wolfram Language ================ Wolfram Language is an open source programming language created in 1988 by Stephen Wolfram. 1988 Stephen Wolfram #277 on PLDB 36 Years Old The Wolfram Language, a general multi-paradigm programming language developed by Wolfram Research, is the programming language of mathematical symbolic computation program Mathematica and the Wolfram Programming Cloud. It emphasizes symbolic computation, functional programming, and rule-based programming and can employ arbitrary structures and data. It includes built-in functions for generating and running Turing machines, creating graphics and audio, analyzing 3D models, matrix manipulations, and solving differential equations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Wolfram Language happened in Wolfram Research - Check out the 4 Wolfram Language meetup groups on - There are 610 members in the Wolfram Language subreddit - Wolfram Language appears in the TIOBE Index - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Wolfram Language - See also: (11 related languages) Wolfram Mathematica, APL, C, Lisp, Pascal, Prolog, Simula, Smalltalk, Julia, Mathematica, Unity Print["Hello, world!"] Print["Hello World"]; (* Hello world in Wolfram Language *) CloudDeploy["Hello World"] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Operator Overloading FeatureLink ../features/hasOperatorOverloading.html Supported ✓ Example f[x_Integer] := x^2; f[x_String] := "not a number"; f[x_Symbol] := x^2; Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Switch[expr, pattern1, code1, pattern2, code2, pattern3, code3 ] Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token (* *) row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (* A comment *) Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 381 1.9
Wolontis-Bell Interpreter - Programming language Wolontis-Bell Interpreter ========================= Wolontis-Bell Interpreter is a programming language created in 1955. 1955 #4875 on PLDB 69 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Wolontis-Bell Interpreter on HOPL Wolontis-Bell Interpreter on HOPL - Read more about Wolontis-Bell Interpreter on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Wonkey - Programming language Wonkey ====== Wonkey is a programming language created in 2021. 2021 #1614 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Wonkey is an open-source cross-platform programming language. - Tags: programming language - Wonkey is developed on GitHub and has 121 stars - Wonkey is written in C, C++, Markdown, Assembly language, JSON, F#, XML, Make, Python, Objective-C, CMake, HTML, GLSL, Bourne shell, Java, SVG, CSS, Objective C++, YAML, M4, JavaScript, Perl, Bash, Expect, Lua, Gradle, awk, C#, Metal, TypeScript, Ini - Read more about Wonkey on the web: 1. 1. Function Add( a:Int, b:Int ) Return a + b End Function Add( a:Float, b:Float ) Return a + b End Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 181 0.9
woofjs - Programming language woofjs ====== woofjs is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #3719 on PLDB 8 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2016 HackerNews discussions of woofjs ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: WoofJS, a programming language I built for my students based on Scratch||11/06/2016|2|1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
WordPress - Application WordPress ========= WordPress is an open source application created in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. 2003 Matt Mullenweg Mike Little #99 on PLDB 21 Years Old WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. To function, WordPress has to be installed on a web server, which would either be part of an Internet hosting service or a network host in its own right. An example of the first scenario may be a service like, for example, and the second case could be a computer running the software package Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - Watch the history of the WordPress repo visualized with Gource - WordPress is written in PHP - Check out the 1,319 WordPress meetup groups on - There are 223,123 members in the WordPress subreddit - has 1,596 matches for "wordpress developer". - was registered in 2003 - See also: (7 related languages) PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, FTP, Android, iOS - 2 PLDB concepts link to WordPress: Jekyll, Scroll Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
WFL - Programming language WFL === WFL is a programming language created in 1961. 1961 #4519 on PLDB 63 Years Old Work Flow Language, or WFL ("wiffle") is the process control language for the Burroughs large systems, including the Unisys ClearPath/MCP series, and their operating system Master Control Program. Developed soon after the B5000 in 1961, WFL is the ClearPath equivalent of the Job Control Language (JCL) on IBM mainframes and the shell scripts of Unix-like operating systems. Unlike JCL, WFL is a high-level structured language complete with subroutines (procedures and functions) with arguments and high-level program control flow instructions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - WFL on HOPL WFL on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) JCL, Algol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 197 1
Workfl - Text markup language Workfl ====== Workfl, aka Workflow Markup Language, is a text markup language created in 2019 by Adam Dullage. 2019 Adam Dullage #2405 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone workfl is a lightweight markup language for simple workflow diagrams. - Tags: text markup language - Workfl is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - Workfl is written in Python, Markdown - See also: (2 related languages) DOT, FlowchartFun Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
World of Warcraft Addon Data - Application World of Warcraft Addon Data ============================ World of Warcraft Addon Data is an application created in 2012. 2012 #2047 on PLDB 12 Years Old 38 Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 38 World of Warcraft Addon Data repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for World of Warcraft Addon Data - Read more about World of Warcraft Addon Data on the web: 1. 1. ## Interface: 70300 ## Title: Waiting for Bob ## Notes: Nothing to be done. ## Version: 1.0 Bob.xml Bob.lua # comment ## Interface: 60200 ## Title: Vahevian Lotus Vane ## Notes: "Critical Threat Range" ## Version: 4.2 Vahevia.xml Lotus_Vane.lua Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 168 0.8
world - Programming language world ===== world is a programming language created in 2011. 2011 #4643 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2011 timeval: struct [ slong sec sint32 usec ] none timezone: struct [ sint minuteswest sint dsttime ] none gettimeofday: routine [ [typecheck] libc "gettimeofday" [ tp [struct!] pointer tzp [struct!] pointer ] sint ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 115 0.6
WorldWideWeb Browser - Web browser WorldWideWeb Browser ==================== WorldWideWeb Browser is a web browser created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. 1990 Tim Berners-Lee #2022 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: webBrowser - WorldWideWeb Browser is written in Objective-C - Read more about WorldWideWeb Browser on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
Worst - Programming language Worst ===== Worst is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #1971 on PLDB 23 Years Old git clone Worst is a simple, malleable programming language built for extensibility and creativity. Its syntax system allows you to redefine the entire language as you wish. - Tags: programming language - Worst on GitLab Worst on GitLab - Worst is written in Rust, Bourne shell, TOML, JSON, Nix, Markdown import syntax/attributes import doc define cool [ @[documentation [ title "Be cool" description "Use this function to be really cool." usage "how cool" example "600 cool" tags [very cool] ]] 1337 add ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
Wren - Programming language Wren ==== Wren is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Bob Nystrom. 2013 Bob Nystrom #155 on PLDB 11 Years Old 8 Repos git clone Wren is a small, fast, class-based concurrent scripting language. - Tags: programming language - Wren is developed on GitHub and has 6,832 stars - There are at least 8 Wren repos on GitHub - Wren is written in Markdown, C, Python, HTML, XML, Lua, Ruby, JavaScript, Dart, CSS, Pascal, Make, YAML, Bourne shell, SVG - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 3 users using Wren in 3 repos on GitHub - Explore Wren snippets on Rosetta Code - Learn Wren on exercism. - Read more about Wren on the web: 1. 1. System.print("Hello, world!") class Wren { flyTo(city) { System.print("Flying to %(city)") } } var adjectives = { ["small", "clean", "fast"].each {|word| Fiber.yield(word) } } while (!adjectives.isDone) System.print( IO.print("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token IO.print row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 310 1.6
WRITEACOURSE - Programming language WRITEACOURSE ============ WRITEACOURSE is a programming language created in 1968. 1968 #5007 on PLDB 56 Years Old - Tags: programming language - WRITEACOURSE on HOPL WRITEACOURSE on HOPL - Read more about WRITEACOURSE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
WriterDuet - Editor WriterDuet ========== WriterDuet is an open source editor created in 2013. 2013 #4644 on PLDB 11 Years Old Effortless Screenwriting. Plan, write, and share with the industry-standard software used by over 1 million screenwriters, TV shows, and blockbusters. - Tags: editor Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 101 0.5
WSDL - Xml format WSDL ==== WSDL, aka Web Services Description Language, is a xml format created in 2000. 2000 #1052 on PLDB 24 Years Old The Web Services Description Language (WSDL ) is an XML-based interface definition language that is used for describing the functionality offered by a web service. The acronym is also used for any specific WSDL description of a web service (also referred to as a WSDL file), which provides a machine-readable description of how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what data structures it returns. Therefore, its purpose is roughly similar to that of a method signature in a programming language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - See also: (3 related languages) XML, SOAP, BPEL <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <description xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:whttp="" xmlns:wsoap="" targetNamespace=""> <documentation> This is a sample WSDL 2.0 document. </documentation> <!-- Abstract type --> <types> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" targetNamespace=""> <xs:element name="request"> ... </xs:element> <xs:element name="response"> ... </xs:element> </xs:schema> </types> <!-- Abstract interfaces --> <interface name="Interface1"> <fault name="Error1" element="tns:response"/> <operation name="Get" pattern=""> <input messageLabel="In" element="tns:request"/> <output messageLabel="Out" element="tns:response"/> </operation> </interface> <!-- Concrete Binding Over HTTP --> <binding name="HttpBinding" interface="tns:Interface1" type=""> <operation ref="tns:Get" whttp:method="GET"/> </binding> <!-- Concrete Binding with SOAP--> <binding name="SoapBinding" interface="tns:Interface1" type="" wsoap:protocol="" wsoap:mepDefault=""> <operation ref="tns:Get" /> </binding> <!-- Web Service offering endpoints for both bindings--> <service name="Service1" interface="tns:Interface1"> <endpoint name="HttpEndpoint" binding="tns:HttpBinding" address=""/> <endpoint name="SoapEndpoint" binding="tns:SoapBinding" address=""/> </service> </description> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 583 2.9
WSFN - Programming language WSFN ==== WSFN is a programming language created in 1983. 1983 #4590 on PLDB 41 Years Old WSFN (Which Stands for Nothing) is an interpreted programming language for controlling robots created by Li-Chen Wang. It was designed to be as small as possible, a "tiny" language, similar to Wang's earlier effort, Palo Alto Tiny BASIC. WSFN was first published in Dr. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - WSFN on HOPL WSFN on HOPL - See also: (2 related languages) Li-Chen Wang, Tiny BASIC DIT(-I2FI5RG5RI2FI+)2R DG4F DY (HN63F2R61FRC4 (2FI)) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 172 0.9
Wu - Programming language Wu == Wu is a programming language created in 2018 by niql. 2018 niql #1755 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone 🐉 A practical game and data language - Tags: programming language - Wu is developed on GitHub and has 469 stars - Wu is written in Rust, YAML, Markdown, Lua, TOML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 124 0.6
World Wide Web - Protocol World Wide Web ============== World Wide Web is a protocol created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee. 1989 Tim Berners-Lee #2662 on PLDB 35 Years Old - Tags: protocol, network - Early development of World Wide Web happened in CERN - 1 PLDB concepts link to World Wide Web: NCSA Mosaic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 120 0.6
WxBasic - Programming language WxBasic ======= WxBasic is an open source programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2306 on PLDB 22 Years Old wxBasic is a free software / open-source software, cross-platform BASIC interpreter. As it is based on syntax of the BASIC language, it is designed to be simple to learn and understand, and allow novice programmers to write applications for graphical environments like Windows and Linux with minimal effort. wxBasic is a bytecode based language, like Perl or Java. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Perl, Java, Visual Basic, C ' from ' Simple Text Viewer written in wxBasic dim AppName = "Text Viewer" fileName = "" ' Main window dim frame = new wxFrame( Nothing, -1, AppName & " - Untitled Document" ) ' Text edit control dim control = new wxTextCtrl( frame, -1, "", wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( 100, 100 ), wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_RICH) ' Status bar - The one at the bottom of the window dim status = frame.CreateStatusBar( 1 ) frame.SetStatusText("Ready") ' ' Dialog used for Open dim fileDialog = new wxFileDialog( frame ) ' ' add menubar to the frame dim mBar = new wxMenuBar() frame.SetMenuBar(mBar) ' ' build the "File" dropdown menu dim mFile = new wxMenu() mBar.Append(mFile, "&File") ' make it ' mFile.Append( wxID_OPEN, "&Open...", "Loads an existing file from disk" ) ' mFile.AppendSeparator() mFile.Append( wxID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Exit Application" ) Sub onFileOpen( event ) fileDialog.SetMessage("Open File") fileDialog.SetStyle( wxOPEN ) If fileDialog.ShowModal() = wxID_OK Then fileName = fileDialog.GetPath() Ext = fileDialog.GetFilename() control.Clear() control.LoadFile( fileName ) frame.SetTitle( AppName & " - " & fileName ) frame.SetStatusText(Ext) End If End Sub ' Connect( frame, wxID_OPEN, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, "onFileOpen" ) Sub onFileExit( event ) frame.Close(True) End Sub ' Connect( frame, wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, "onFileExit" ) ' build the "Help" dropdown menu dim mHelp = new wxMenu() mBar.Append(mHelp, "&Help") mHelp.Append( wxID_HELP, "&About\tF1", "About this program" ) ' Sub onHelpAbout( event ) Dim msg = "Text View allows any text file\n" & "to be viewed regardless of its extension.\n" & "If the file being opened isn't a text file\n" & "then it won't be displayed. There will be a\n" & "little garbage shown and that's all." wxMessageBox( msg, "About Text View", wxOK + wxICON_INFORMATION, frame ) End Sub Connect( frame, wxID_HELP, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, "onHelpAbout" ) frame.Show(True) Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 558 2.8
WYLBUR - Programming language WYLBUR ====== WYLBUR is a programming language created in 1973. 1973 #5008 on PLDB 51 Years Old - Tags: programming language - WYLBUR on HOPL WYLBUR on HOPL - Read more about WYLBUR on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Wyvern - Programming language Wyvern ====== Wyvern is a programming language created in 2012. 2012 #764 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone Wyvern is a computer programming language created by Jonathan Aldrich and Alex Potanin for the development of web and mobile applications with security and assurance being number one priority. Wyvern supports object capabilities, it is structurally typed, and aims to make secure way of programming easier than insecure - as described in the Wyvern Manifesto. One of the early available features that make Wyvern special is a way to safely use multiple programming languages within the same program so programmers can use the language most appropriate for each function while at the same time increasing the program's security. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Wyvern is developed on GitHub and has 551 stars - Wyvern is written in Java, JavaScript, Bash, JSON, Markdown, Bourne shell, Logos, EJS, Python, XML, HTML, Protocol Buffers, Lisp, CSS, YAML, SVG, Make require stdout stdout.print("Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token stdout.print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
X-BASIC - Programming language X-BASIC ======= X-BASIC is a programming language created in 1987. 1987 #4677 on PLDB 37 Years Old The X68000 (Japanese: エックス ろくまんはっせん, Hepburn: Ekkusu Rokuman Hassen) is a home computer created by Sharp Corporation, first released in 1987, sold only in Japan. The first model features a 10 MHz Motorola 68000 CPU (hence the name), 1 MB of RAM, and no hard drive; the last model was released in 1993 with a 25 MHz Motorola 68030 CPU, 4 MB of RAM, and optional 80 MB SCSI hard drive. RAM in these systems is expandable to 12 MB, though most games and applications do not require more than 2 MB.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) Motif Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
X BitMap - Text data format X BitMap ======== X BitMap is a text data format created in 1989. 1989 #2982 on PLDB 35 Years Old In computer graphics, the X Window System used X BitMap (XBM), a plain text binary image format, for storing cursor and icon bitmaps used in the X GUI. The XBM format is superseded by XPM, which first appeared for X11 in 1989.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: textDataFormat #define test_width 16 #define test_height 7 static char test_bits[] = { 0x13, 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x93, 0xcd, 0x55, 0xa5, 0x93, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x60 }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 161 0.8
X BitMap - Application X BitMap ======== X BitMap is an application created in 1989. 1989 #2156 on PLDB 35 Years Old 8k Repos In computer graphics, the X Window System used X BitMap (XBM), a plain text binary image format, for storing cursor and icon bitmaps used in the X GUI. The XBM format is superseded by XPM, which first appeared for X11 in 1989.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - There are at least 8,276 X BitMap repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for X BitMap - See also: (2 related languages) C, X PixMap #define image_width 32 #define image_height 32 static unsigned char image_bits[] = { 0x00, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x07, 0xF0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x38, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0x38, 0x3E, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0x78, 0xFE, 0xF9, 0x1F, 0x70, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x1C, 0x70, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0x07, 0x9E, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0x07, 0x1E, 0xFE, 0xE0, 0x07, 0x3E, 0xF8, 0xE3, 0x0F, 0x7E, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x0E, 0xFC, 0x9C, 0xFF, 0x0E, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x7E, 0x1E, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0x78, 0x1C, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0x38, 0x38, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x3C, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x07, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x03, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0x00, }; #define test_width 16 #define test_height 7 static char test_bits[] = { 0x13, 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x93, 0xcd, 0x55, 0xa5, 0x93, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x60 }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 325 1.6
X Font Directory Index - Application X Font Directory Index ====================== X Font Directory Index is an application created in 1991. 1991 #2048 on PLDB 33 Years Old 14 Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 14 X Font Directory Index repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for X Font Directory Index - Read more about X Font Directory Index on the web: 1.!search/mkfontdir/ 1. 2 sutonnymj.pfa -altsys-SutonnyMJ-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific rinkymj.pfa -altsys-RinkyMJ-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific ! This is Alhadis's `fonts.alias' file, taken from his OpenBSD ! install's `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/' directory. FONT_NAME_ALIASES lucidasans-bolditalic-8 -b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-11-80-100-100-p-69-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bolditalic-10 -b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-14-100-100-100-p-90-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bolditalic-12 -b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-17-120-100-100-p-108-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bolditalic-14 -b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-p-127-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bolditalic-18 -b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-p-159-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bolditalic-24 -b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-p-215-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bold-8 -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-11-80-100-100-p-70-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bold-10 -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-14-100-100-100-p-89-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bold-12 -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-17-120-100-100-p-108-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bold-14 -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-p-127-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bold-18 -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-p-158-iso8859-1 lucidasans-bold-24 -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-p-216-iso8859-1 lucidasans-italic-8 -b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-11-80-100-100-p-62-iso8859-1 lucidasans-italic-10 -b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-14-100-100-100-p-80-iso8859-1 lucidasans-italic-12 -b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-17-120-100-100-p-97-iso8859-1 lucidasans-italic-14 -b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-p-114-iso8859-1 lucidasans-italic-18 -b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-p-141-iso8859-1 lucidasans-italic-24 -b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-p-192-iso8859-1 "lucidasans-8 with spaces attached" "-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-11-80-100-100-p-63-iso8859-1" "lucidasans-10 with spaces attached too" "-b&h-\"lucida-medium\"-r-normal-sans-14-100-100-100-p-80-iso8859-1" lucidasans-12 -b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-17-120-100-100-p-96-iso8859-1 lucidasans-14 -b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-p-114-iso8859-1 lucidasans-18 -b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-p-142-iso8859-1 lucidasans-24 -b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-p-191-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-bold-8 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-11-80-100-100-m-70-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-bold-10 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-14-100-100-100-m-80-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-17-120-100-100-m-100-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-bold-14 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-m-120-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-bold-18 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-m-150-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-bold-24 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-m-200-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-8 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-11-80-100-100-m-70-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-10 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-14-100-100-100-m-80-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-12 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-17-120-100-100-m-100-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-14 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-m-120-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-18 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-m-150-iso8859-1 lucidasanstypewriter-24 -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-m-200-iso8859-1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 876 4.4
[x]it! - Data notation [x]it! ====== [x]it! is a data notation created in 2022 by Jan Heuermann. 2022 Jan Heuermann #1021 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone A plain-text file format for todos and check lists - Tags: dataNotation - [x]it! is developed on GitHub and has 1,035 stars - [x]it! is written in Markdown - See also: (1 related languages) Todotxt - Read more about [x]it! on the web: 1. 1. [ ] This is an open item [x] This is a checked item [@] This is an ongoing item [~] This is an obsolete item Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
X-KLAIM - Programming language X-KLAIM ======= X-KLAIM is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #5009 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - X-KLAIM on HOPL X-KLAIM on HOPL - Read more about X-KLAIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 112 0.6
X PixMap - Application X PixMap ======== X PixMap is an application created in 1989. 1989 #2158 on PLDB 35 Years Old 170 Repos X PixMap (XPM) is an image file format used by the X Window System, created in 1989 by Daniel Dardailler and Colas Nahaboo working at Bull Research Center at Sophia Antipolis, France, and later enhanced by Arnaud Le Hors.It is intended primarily for creating icon pixmaps, and supports transparent pixels. Derived from the earlier XBM syntax, it is a plain text file in the XPM2 format or of a C programming language syntax, which can be included in a C program file.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - There are at least 170 X PixMap repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for X PixMap - See also: (3 related languages) X BitMap, C, ASCII /* XPM */ static char * stick_unfocus_xpm[] = { "20 17 20 1", " c None", ". c #EBEBEB", "+ c #E9E9E9", "@ c #E6E6E6", "# c #E5E5E5", "$ c #E2E2E2", "% c #DFDFDF", "& c #DEDEDE", "* c #FEFEFE", "= c #C4C4C4", "- c #898989", "; c #B7B7B7", "> c #6A6A6A", ", c #B9B9B9", "' c #E4E4E4", ") c #686868", "! c #E0E0E0", "~ c #666666", "{ c #E8E8E8", "] c #E1E1E1", "....................", "....................", ".....+@#$%&%$#@+....", "....+*********=&+...", "....@*********-=#...", "....#**;;;;;**>,'...", "....$**;**;;**);$...", "....%**;;;;;**>;&...", "....&**;***;**>;&...", "....&**;;;;;**>;&...", "....!*********~;!...", "....!*********>,&...", "....@=->)>>>)>-=#...", "....+&=,;;;;;,=&+...", ".....{]%%&&&&%@+....", "....................", "...................."}; P1 16 7 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 472 2.4
X10 - Programming language X10 === X10 is an open source programming language created in 2004 by Kemal Ebcioğlu and Saravanan Arumugam and Vijay Saraswat and Vivek Sarkar. 2004 Kemal Ebcioğlu Saravanan Arumugam Vijay Saraswat Vivek Sarkar #528 on PLDB 20 Years Old 45 Repos X10 is a programming language being developed by IBM at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center as part of the Productive, Easy-to-use, Reliable Computing System (PERCS) project funded by DARPA's High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program. Its primary authors are Kemal Ebcioğlu, Vijay Saraswat, Saravanan Arumugam, and Vivek Sarkar. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 45 X10 repos on GitHub - Early development of X10 happened in IBM - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 18 users using X10 in 19 repos on GitHub - Explore X10 snippets on Rosetta Code - X10 on HOPL X10 on HOPL - X10 appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for X10 - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for X10 - was registered in 2008 - See also: (5 related languages) Linux, Java, Chapel, Fortress, UPC /* * This file is part of the X10 project ( * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006-2016. */ import; public class HelloWorld { public static def main(Rail[String]) { Console.OUT.println("Hello World"); } } /* * This file is part of the X10 project ( * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006-2014. */ import; /** * The classic hello world program, shows how to output to the console. */ class HelloWorld { public static def main(Rail[String]) { Console.OUT.println("Hello World!" ); } } as assert async at athome ateach atomic break case catch class clocked continue def default do else final finally finish for goto haszero here if import in instanceof interface isref new offer operator package return struct switch throw try type val var when while Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Async Await FeatureLink ../features/hasAsyncAwait.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Switch Statements FeatureLink ../features/hasSwitch.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Functions FeatureLink ../features/hasFunctions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Exceptions FeatureLink ../features/hasExceptions.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Classes FeatureLink ../features/hasClasses.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature While Loops FeatureLink ../features/hasWhileLoops.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import; Token import row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Console.OUT.println row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 683 3.4
X11-Basic - Programming language X11-Basic ========= X11-Basic is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #5010 on PLDB 33 Years Old - Tags: programming language - X11-Basic on HOPL X11-Basic on HOPL Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 97 0.5
x86-64 - Instruction set architecture x86-64 ====== x86-64 is an instruction set architecture created in 2000. 2000 #1460 on PLDB 24 Years Old x86-64 (also known as x64, x86_64, AMD64 and Intel 64) is the 64-bit version of the x86 instruction set. It introduces two new modes of operation, 64-bit mode and compatibility mode, along with a new 4-level paging mode. With 64-bit mode and the new paging mode, it supports vastly larger amounts of virtual memory and physical memory than is possible on its 32-bit predecessors, allowing programs to store larger amounts of data in memory. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - See also: (10 related languages) X86, MIPS architecture, SPARC, IA-32, FreeBSD, Linux, OpenGL, PowerPC, Solaris, Visual Studio - 1 PLDB concepts link to x86-64: B3 IR Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 206 1
x86 Assembly - Assembly language x86 Assembly ============ x86 Assembly is an assembly language created in 1972. 1972 #302 on PLDB 52 Years Old 61k Repos x86 assembly language is a family of backward-compatible assembly languages, which provide some level of compatibility all the way back to the Intel 8008 introduced in April 1972. x86 assembly languages are used to produce object code for the x86 class of processors. Like all assembly languages, it uses short mnemonics to represent the fundamental instructions that the CPU in a computer can understand and follow. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: assembly language - There are at least 61,156 x86 Assembly repos on GitHub - x86 Assembly is supported by the GDB - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for x86 Assembly - Learn x86 Assembly on exercism. - See also: (6 related languages) Assembly language, X86, MMX instruction set, Unix, Netwide Assembler, GNU Assembler - 1 PLDB concepts link to x86 Assembly: SectorC .text .globl main main: movq $1, %rax movq $1, %rdi leaq message(%rip), %rsi movq $14, %rdx syscall movq $60, %rax movq $0, %rdi syscall .data message: .string "Hello, world!\n" .cstring LC0: .ascii "Hello World\0" .text .globl _main _main: LFB3: pushq %rbp LCFI0: movq %rsp, %rbp LCFI1: leaq LC0(%rip), %rdi call _puts movl $0, %eax leave ret LFE3: .section __TEXT,__eh_frame,coalesced,no_toc+strip_static_syms+live_support EH_frame1: .set L$set$0,LECIE1-LSCIE1 .long L$set$0 LSCIE1: .long 0x0 .byte 0x1 .ascii "zR\0" .byte 0x1 .byte 0x78 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x10 .byte 0xc .byte 0x7 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x90 .byte 0x1 .align 3 LECIE1: .globl LSFDE1: .set L$set$1,LEFDE1-LASFDE1 .long L$set$1 LASFDE1: .long LASFDE1-EH_frame1 .quad LFB3-. .set L$set$2,LFE3-LFB3 .quad L$set$2 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x4 .set L$set$3,LCFI0-LFB3 .long L$set$3 .byte 0xe .byte 0x10 .byte 0x86 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x4 .set L$set$4,LCFI1-LCFI0 .long L$set$4 .byte 0xd .byte 0x6 .align 3 LEFDE1: .subsections_via_symbols cmp eax, ebx jne do_something ; ... do_something: ; do something here Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Processor Registers FeatureLink ../features/hasProcessorRegisters.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 468 2.3
X86 - Instruction set architecture X86 === X86 is an instruction set architecture created in 1978. 1978 #1097 on PLDB 46 Years Old x86 is a family of backward-compatible instruction set architectures based on the Intel 8086 CPU and its Intel 8088 variant. The 8086 was introduced in 1978 as a fully 16-bit extension of Intel's 8-bit-based 8080 microprocessor, with memory segmentation as a solution for addressing more memory than can be covered by a plain 16-bit address. The term "x86" came into being because the names of several successors to Intel's 8086 processor end in "86", including the 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 processors. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - Early development of X86 happened in Intel and Advanced Micro Devices - See also: (9 related languages) IA-32, MMX instruction set, ARM, OpenCL, x86 Assembly, Linux, Solaris, SPARC, PowerPC Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
xADL - Programming language xADL ==== xADL is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #5011 on PLDB 24 Years Old - Tags: programming language - xADL on HOPL xADL on HOPL - Read more about xADL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
XAML - Xml format XAML ==== XAML is a xml format created in 2008. 2008 #743 on PLDB 16 Years Old Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML (listen)) is a declarative XML-based language developed by Microsoft that is used for initializing structured values and objects. It is available under Microsoft's Open Specification Promise. The acronym originally stood for Extensible Avalon Markup Language, Avalon being the code-name for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).XAML is used extensively in .NET Framework 3.0 & .NET Framework 4.0 technologies, particularly Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Runtime XAML Framework and Windows Store apps. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - There are 202,070 members in the XAML subreddit - See also: (8 related languages) XML, Visual Studio, C#, Visual Basic .NET, XML Binding Language, HTML, JavaScript, Linux - 9 PLDB concepts link to XAML: Flow9, HHVM, jinx, MonkeyX, OpenCV, PowerShell, Ripple, Roslyn compiler, Uno <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>XAML Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="MySilverlight.js" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="Silver.js" /> </head> <body> <div id="MySilverlight" > </div> <script type="text/javascript"> createMySilverlight(); </script> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 303 1.5
Xarray - Library Xarray ====== Xarray is a library created in 2013 by Maximilian Roos. 2013 Maximilian Roos #422 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone Xarray is an open source project and Python package that introduces labels in the form of dimensions, coordinates, and attributes on top of raw NumPy-like arrays, which allows for more intuitive, more concise, and less error-prone user experience. - Tags: library, data visualization grammar - Xarray is developed on GitHub and has 3,528 stars Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 153 0.8
xBase - Programming language xBase ===== xBase is a programming language created in 1986. 1986 #449 on PLDB 38 Years Old 3k Repos xBase is the generic term for all programming languages that derive from the original dBASE (Ashton-Tate) programming language and database formats. These are sometimes informally known as dBASE "clones". While there was a non-commercial predecessor to the Ashton-Tate product (Vulcan written by Wayne Ratliff), most clones are based on Ashton-Tate's 1986 dBASE III+ release — scripts written in the dBASE III+ dialect are most likely to run on all the clones.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 2,564 xBase repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 313 users using xBase in 350 repos on GitHub - Explore xBase snippets on Rosetta Code - xBase on HOPL xBase on HOPL - xBase appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for xBase - See also: (1 related languages) Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System - 2 PLDB concepts link to xBase: cloc, Pygments do while .t. ? 'Hello World' enddo #ifndef __HARBOUR__ #ifndef __XPP__ #ifndef __CLIP__ #ifndef FlagShip #define __CLIPPER__ #endif #endif #endif #endif /* File create flags */ #define FC_NORMAL 0 /* No file attributes are set */ #define FC_READONLY 1 #define FC_HIDDEN 2 #define FC_SYSTEM 4 // New-style comment #command SET DELETED <x:ON,OFF,&> => Set( _SET_DELETED, <(x)> ) #command SET DELETED (<x>) => Set( _SET_DELETED, <x> ) #command @ <row>, <col> SAY <exp> [PICTURE <pic>] [COLOR <clr>] => ; DevPos( <row>, <col> ) ; DevOutPict( <exp>, <pic> [, <clr>] ) #command ENDIF <*x*> => endif #ifdef __CLIPPER__ #xtranslate hb_MemoWrit( [<x,...>] ) => MemoWrit( <x> ) #xtranslate hb_dbExists( <t> ) => File( <t> ) #xtranslate hb_dbPack() => __dbPack() #xtranslate hb_default( @<v>, <x> ) => iif( StrTran( ValType( <v> ), "M", "C" ) == StrTran( ValType( <x> ), "M", "C" ),, <v> := <x>, ) #endif Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example 'Hello world' Token ' row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 493 2.5
XBase++ - Programming language XBase++ ======= XBase++ is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #1328 on PLDB 27 Years Old Xbase++ is an object oriented programming language which has multiple inheritance and polymorphism. It is based on the XBase language dialect and conventions. It is 100% Clipper compatible language supporting multiple inheritance, polymorphism, object oriented programming. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (4 related languages) xBase, Clipper, Visual FoxPro, Visual Objects func Main() Qout("Hello World") return 1 #include "" // // This program prints: // // Missy Meow! // Mr. Bojangles Meow! // Lassie Bark! // Press any key to continue... // ///////////////////////////// // PROCEDURE Main() // ///////////////////////////// LOCAL aAnimals := Array(3) LOCAL i aAnimals[1] := Cat():New("Missy") aAnimals[2] := Cat():New("Mr. Bojangles") aAnimals[3] := Dog():New("Lassie") FOR i:=1 TO LEN(aAnimals) ? aAnimals[i]:Name + " " + aAnimals[i]:Talk() NEXT i WAIT RETURN ///////////////////////////// // CLASS Animal // ///////////////////////////// EXPORTED: VAR Name READONLY METHOD Init DEFERRED CLASS METHOD Talk ENDCLASS METHOD Animal:Init( cName ) ::Name := cName RETURN Self ///////////////////////////// // CLASS Dog FROM Animal // ///////////////////////////// EXPORTED: METHOD Talk ENDCLASS METHOD Dog:Talk() RETURN "Bark!" ///////////////////////////// // CLASS Cat FROM Animal // ///////////////////////////// EXPORTED: METHOD Talk ENDCLASS METHOD Cat:Talk() RETURN "Meow!" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Qout row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 334 1.7
Xbasic - Programming language Xbasic ====== Xbasic is an open source programming language created in 1988 by Max Reason. 1988 Max Reason #1520 on PLDB 36 Years Old XBasic is a variant of the BASIC programming language that was developed in the late 1980s for the Motorola 88000 CPU and Unix by Max Reason. In the early 1990s it was ported to Windows and Linux, and since 1999 it has been available as open source software with its runtime library under the LGPL license. It should not be confused with TI Extended BASIC, which is sometimes called XBasic or X Basic. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore Xbasic snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (6 related languages) BASIC, C, Unix, Linux, Assembly language, XBLite IMPORT "xst" DECLARE FUNCTION Hello () FUNCTION Hello () XstDisplayConsole () PRINT "Hello World" END FUNCTION END PROGRAM ' Programs contain: ' 1. A PROLOG with type/function/constant declarations. ' 2. This Entry() function where execution begins. ' 3. Zero or more additional functions. ' FUNCTION Entry() PRINT "Hello World" PRINT 2+2 PRINT 44/12 PRINT 33*3 END FUNCTION Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token PRINT row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 330 1.6
XBEL - Programming language XBEL ==== XBEL is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #3770 on PLDB 18 Years Old The XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XBEL), is an open XML standard for sharing Internet URIs, also known as bookmarks (or favorites in Internet Explorer). An example of XBEL use is the XBELicious application, which stores bookmarks in XBEL format. The Galeon, Konqueror, Arora and Midori web browsers use XBEL as the format for storing user bookmarks. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) XML, Python Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
XML Binding Language - Xml format XML Binding Language ==================== XML Binding Language, aka XML Binding Language, is a xml format created in 2000. 2000 #2898 on PLDB 24 Years Old XBL (XML Binding Language) is an XML-based markup language used to declare the behavior and look of XUL-widgets and XML elements. Development of the XBL specification was abandoned by the W3C in 2012. XBL was developed by the Mozilla project for use in the Mozilla Application Suite; the language is not currently described by any formal standard and is thus proprietary to Mozilla, with the only implementation being the Gecko layout engine. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - See also: (3 related languages) XML, CSS, SVG scrollbar { -moz-binding: url('somefile.xml#binding1'); } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 192 1
XBLite - Programming language XBLite ====== XBLite is a programming language created in 2001 by David Szafranski. 2001 David Szafranski #2173 on PLDB 23 Years Old XBLite is a free Open Source BASIC programming language compiler and development system. It was started in 2001 by David Szafranski in order to provide a Windows exclusive version of the XBasic dialect. XBLite is released under the GNU GPL licensing scheme, Standard libraries are released under the GNU LGPL licensing scheme. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) QuickBASIC, BASIC, M4 PROGRAM "sayhello" ' interfaces to system DLLs IMPORT "gdi32" ' importing interface to gdi32.dll IMPORT "user32" ' importing interface to user32.dll DECLARE FUNCTION Entry () ' declare function Entry() FUNCTION Entry () ' define (instantiate) function Entry() ' display a message box and wait until the user clicks the 'OK!' button MessageBoxA (0, &"Hello world!", &"Windows GUI Version", $MB_OK) END FUNCTION END PROGRAM Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ' A comment Token ' row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 285 1.4
XBRL - Xml format XBRL ==== XBRL is a xml format created in 2003. 2003 #3235 on PLDB 21 Years Old XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a freely available and global framework for exchanging business information. XBRL allows the expression of semantic meaning commonly required in business reporting. The language is XML-based and uses the XML syntax and related XML technologies such as XML Schema, XLink, XPath, and Namespaces. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 143 0.7
XC - Programming language XC == XC, aka XMOS community, is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #1580 on PLDB 19 Years Old 342 Repos In computers, XC is a programming language for real-time embedded parallel processors, targeted at the XMOS XCore processor architecture.XC is an imperative language, based on the features for parallelism and communication in occam, and the syntax and sequential features of C. It provides primitive features that correspond to the various architectural resources provided, namely: channel ends, locks, ports and timers. In combination with XCore processors, XC is used to build embedded systems with levels of I/O, real-time performance and computational ability usually attributed to field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) devices.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 342 XC repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 301 users using XC in 444 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XC - See also: (2 related languages) C, Occam int main() { int x; chan c; par { c <: 0; c :> x; } return x; } #include <stdio.h> #include <platform.h> void hello(int id, chanend cin, chanend cout){ if (id > 0) cin :> int; printf("Hello from core %d!", id); if (id < 3) cout <: 1; } int main(void) { chan c[3]; par (int i=0; i<4; i++) on tile[i] : hello(i, c[i], c[(i+1)%4]); return 0; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 321 1.6
xCard - Xml format xCard ===== xCard is a xml format created in 2011. 2011 #4876 on PLDB 13 Years Old - Tags: xmlFormat - Read more about xCard on the web: 1. 1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vcards xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0"> <vcard> <n> <surname>Gump</surname> <given>Forrest</given> <additional/> <prefix>Mr.</prefix> <suffix/> </n> <fn> <text>Forrest Gump</text> </fn> <org> <text>Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.</text> </org> <title> <text>Shrimp Man</text> </title> <photo> <parameters> <mediatype> <text>image/gif</text> </mediatype> </parameters> <uri></uri> </photo> <tel> <parameters> <type> <text>work</text> <text>voice</text> </type> </parameters> <uri>tel:+1-111-555-1212</uri> </tel> <tel> <parameters> <type> <text>home</text> <text>voice</text> </type> </parameters> <uri>tel:+1-404-555-1212</uri> </tel> <adr> <parameters> <label> <text>100 Waters Edge Baytown, LA 30314 United States of America</text> </label> <type> <text>work</text> </type> <pref> <integer>1</integer> </pref> </parameters> <pobox/> <ext/> <street>100 Waters Edge</street> <locality>Baytown</locality> <region>LA</region> <code>30314</code> <country>United States of America</country> </adr> <adr> <parameters> <label> <text>42 Plantation St. Baytown, LA 30314 United States of America</text> </label> <type> <text>home</text> </type> </parameters> <pobox/> <ext/> <street>42 Plantation St.</street> <locality>Baytown</locality> <region>LA</region> <code>30314</code> <country>United States of America</country> </adr> <email> <text></text> </email> <rev> <timestamp>20080424T195243Z</timestamp> </rev> </vcard> </vcards> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 559 2.8
XCAS - Programming language XCAS ==== XCAS is a programming language created in 2001. 2001 #3302 on PLDB 23 Years Old Xcas is a user interface to Giac, a free, basic Computer Algebra System (CAS) for Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Linux/Unix. Giac can be used directly inside software written in C++. Giac has a compatibility mode with Maple and MuPAD and Qcas and ExpressionsinBar software and TI-89, TI-92, Voyage 200 and TI-Nspire calculators. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - XCAS on HOPL XCAS on HOPL - See also: (4 related languages) Linux, Unix, Maple, muPad - Read more about XCAS on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 191 1
XCompose - Application XCompose ======== XCompose is an application created in 2006. 2006 #2049 on PLDB 18 Years Old 0 Repos - Tags: application - There are at least 0 XCompose repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XCompose - Read more about XCompose on the web: 1. 1. include "%L" <Multi_key> <g> <a> : "α" <Multi_key> <g> <b> : "β" <Multi_key> <g> <g> : "γ" # for Emacs: -*- coding: utf-8 -*- include "%L" # def emit(keys, codepoint, word): # print ('<Multi_key> %s <period>\t: "%s"\tU%04X\t\t# CIRCLED DIGIT %s' % # (keys, unichr(codepoint), codepoint, word)).encode('utf8') # numbers = 'one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty' # words = numbers.upper().split() # emit('<0>', 0x24EA, "ZERO") # for num, word in zip(range(1, 21), words): # emit(' '.join("<%s>" % char for char in str(num)), 0x245f + num, word) # Custom additions: Typography <Multi_key> <period> <period> : "…" U2026 # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS <Multi_key> <v> <period> <period> : "⋮" U22EE # VERTICAL ELLIPSIS <Multi_key> <c> <period> <period> : "⋯" U22EF # MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS <Multi_key> <slash> <period> <period> : "⋰" U22F0 # UP RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS # To avoid conflict with \. for combining dot above. #<Multi_key> <backslash> <period> <period> : "⋱" U22F1 # DOWN RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS <Multi_key> <period> <backslash> <period> : "⋱" U22F1 # DOWN RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS # Will we someday regret this, wanting 2. for ⒉ ? <Multi_key> <2> <period> : "‥" U2025 # TWO DOT LEADER # This should not be needed. #<Multi_key> <1> <period> : "․" U2024 # ONE DOT LEADER <Multi_key> <c> <1> <period> : "·" U00B7 # MIDDLE DOT (maybe I can remember the keystroke better? <Multi_key> <period> <slash> <period> : "⁒" U2052 # COMMERCIAL MINUS SIGN # Printable sign for space. But is \<space> too useful a key combo to use # for this? <Multi_key> <backslash> <space> : "␣" U2423 # OPEN BOX # These two are already present for me: # <Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <minus> : "—" U2014 # EM DASH # <Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <period> : "–" U2013 # EN DASH <Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <space> : "– " # EN DASH (followed by space) <Multi_key> <minus> <asciitilde> <minus> : "―" U2015 # HORIZONTAL BAR <Multi_key> <minus> <2> <M> : "⸺" U2E3A # TWO-EM DASH <M Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 585 2.9
XCore Architecture - Instruction set architecture XCore Architecture ================== XCore Architecture is an instruction set architecture created in 2007. 2007 #4569 on PLDB 17 Years Old The XCore Architecture is a 32-bit RISC microprocessor architecture designed by XMOS. The architecture is designed to be used in multi-core processors for embedded systems. Each XCore executes up to eight concurrent threads, each thread having its own register set, and the architecture directly supports inter-thread and inter-core communication and various forms of thread scheduling. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: instruction set architecture - See also: (1 related languages) CSP Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
XCY - Programming language XCY === XCY is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #5012 on PLDB 44 Years Old - Tags: programming language - XCY on HOPL XCY on HOPL - Read more about XCY on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
XDR Schema - Xml format XDR Schema ========== XDR Schema is a xml format created in 1998. 1998 #4647 on PLDB 26 Years Old XML-Data Reduced (XDR) was a schema language for specifying and validating XML documents. In January 1998, Microsoft, the University of Edinburgh and others submitted a proposal for an XML schema language called XML-Data to the World Wide Web Consortium. XML-Data Reduced was a subset of XML-Data, with some corrections and amendments submitted in July 1998.The XML Schema (W3C) effort in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) received several other proposals, and while the final result has some similarities to the XML-Data proposal, it is significantly different. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
xduce - Programming language xduce ===== xduce is a programming language created in 2003 by Haruo Hosoya and Benjamin C. Pierce. 2003 Haruo Hosoya Benjamin C. Pierce #3614 on PLDB 21 Years Old XDuce is a statically typed programming language for XML processing. Its basic data values are XML documents, and its types (so-called regular expression types) directly correspond to document schemas. XDuce also provides a flexible form of regular expression pattern matching, integrating conditional branching, tag checking, and subtree extraction, as well as dynamic typechecking. We survey the principles of XDuce’s design, develop examples illustrating its key features, describe its foundations in the theory of regular tree automata, and present a complete formal definition of its core, along with a proof of type safety. - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) DTD - Read more about xduce on the web: 1. 1. addrbook[ person[name["Haruo Hosoya"], email["hahosoya@kyoto-u"], email["hahosoya@upenn"]], person[name["Benjamin Pierce"], email["bcpierce@upenn"], tel["123-456-789"]]] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 267 1.3
XE - Programming language XE == XE is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4877 on PLDB 36 Years Old - Tags: programming language - XE on HOPL XE on HOPL - Read more about XE on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
XeTeX - Text markup language XeTeX ===== XeTeX is an open source text markup language created in 2004. 2004 #1477 on PLDB 20 Years Old XeTeX ( ZEE-tekh or ; see also Pronouncing and writing "TeX") is a TeX typesetting engine using Unicode and supporting modern font technologies such as OpenType, Graphite and Apple Advanced Typography (AAT). It was originally written by Jonathan Kew and is distributed under the X11 free software license. Initially developed for Mac OS X only, it is now available for all major platforms. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: text markup language - See also: (8 related languages) Pascal, C, Tex, Unicode, UTF-8, LaTeX, Linux, PostScript \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O} \begin{document} \section{Unicode support} \subsection{English} All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. \subsection{Íslenska} Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum. % Encoding: UTF8 @ARTICLE(Ekstrom, AUTHOR = "Author w", TITLE = "{Ekstrøm title}", JOURNAL = "Ekstr{\o}m Journal", YEAR = 1965, note = {Working with pdflatex} ) @ARTICLE(Ekstrøm, AUTHOR = "Author Ekstr{\o}m", TITLE = "{Ekstrøm title}", JOURNAL = "Ekstrøm Journal", YEAR = "1965", note = {Not working with pdflatex but with xelatex} ) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 284 1.4
Xgboost - Binary data format Xgboost ======= Xgboost is an open source binary data format created in 2014. 2014 #1265 on PLDB 10 Years Old XGBoost is an open-source software library which provides a gradient boosting framework for C++, Java, Python,R, and Julia. It works on Linux, Windows, and macOS. From the project description, it aims to provide a "Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBM, GBRT, GBDT) Library". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - Xgboost is written in C++, Python, CUDA, Scala, R, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, Java, Markdown, YAML, CMake, Dockerfile, C, CSV, XML, Make, PowerShell, CSS, SVG, Protocol Buffers, JSON, TOML, M4, Tex, Groovy, JavaScript, Jupyter Notebook, Ini - See also: (7 related languages) Linux, Java, Python, R, Julia, Scala, Scikit-learn - Read more about Xgboost on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
XGBoost - Library XGBoost ======= XGBoost is a library created in 2014 by Tianqi Chen. 2014 Tianqi Chen #810 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow - Tags: library - XGBoost is developed on GitHub and has 25,893 stars - XGBoost is written in C++, Python, CUDA, Scala, R, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, Java, Markdown, YAML, CMake, Dockerfile, C, CSV, XML, Make, PowerShell, CSS, SVG, Protocol Buffers, JSON, TOML, M4, Tex, Groovy, JavaScript, Jupyter Notebook, Ini Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
XGMML - Programming language XGMML ===== XGMML is a programming language created in 2006. 2006 #4592 on PLDB 18 Years Old XGMML (the eXtensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language) is an XML application based on GML which is used for graph description. Technically, while GML is not related to XML nor SGML, XGMML is an XML application that is so designed that there's a 1:1 relation towards GML for trivial conversion between the two formats.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) XML, Graph Modeling Language, SGML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 160 0.8
XHTML - Data notation XHTML ===== XHTML is a data notation created in 2000. 2000 #2190 on PLDB 24 Years Old eXtensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) is part of the family of XML markup languages. It mirrors or extends versions of the widely used HyperText Markup Language (HTML), the language in which Web pages are formulated. While HTML, prior to HTML5, was defined as an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), a flexible markup language framework, XHTML is an application of XML, a more restrictive subset of SGML. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - 10 PLDB concepts link to XHTML: Eiffel, Felix, Frundis, FutureScript, HAML, Jekyll, Node.js, pegdown, Pygments, tibet <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Hello World</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <p>Hello World</p> </body> </html> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 264 1.3
Xidoc - Text markup language Xidoc ===== Xidoc is an open source text markup language created in 2021 by Adam Blažek. 2021 Adam Blažek #1409 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone A consistent markup language - Tags: text markup language - Xidoc is developed on GitHub and has 44 stars - Early development of Xidoc happened in Adam Blažek - Xidoc is written in JavaScript, Nim, HTML, C, CSS, SVG, Markdown, YAML, Bash [section HTML; [p HTML is such an [it ugly] language! Each [code html; <tag>] has to be repeated twice. ] ] [section [LaTeX]; [p [LaTeX] is great for writing math formulas like [$ e^{\tau i} = 1], but it's painful to write with all those [code latex; \begin], [code latex; \end] and different syntaxes for different things. ] ] Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
XL - Programming language XL == XL is an open source programming language created in 2000 by Christophe de Dinechin. 2000 Christophe de Dinechin #476 on PLDB 24 Years Old git clone XL ("eXtensible Language") is the first and so far the only computer programming language designed to support concept programming.XL features programmer-reconfigurable syntax and semantics. Compiler plug-ins can be used to add new features to the language. A base set of plug-ins implements a relatively standard imperative language. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - XL is developed on GitHub and has 269 stars - XL is written in CSS, C++, Make, YAML, Bash, Markdown, Lisp, awk, HTML, AsciiDoc, Python, Ini, JavaScript - See also: (10 related languages) Ada, BASIC, C, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Prolog, Visual Basic, Smalltalk, Forth - Read more about XL on the web: 1. 1. - 1 PLDB concepts link to XL: tao3d 0! is 1 N! is N * (N-1)! for I in 1..5 loop print "The factorial of ", I, " is ", I! // XL programming language: writeln "Hello World" if true then TrueBody else FalseBody -> TrueBody if false then TrueBody else FalseBody -> FalseBody Language features ====================================================== row Feature Booleans FeatureLink ../features/hasBooleans.html Supported ✓ Example Token True False row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token writeln row Feature Templates FeatureLink ../features/hasTemplates.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 350 1.8
xl - Programming language xl == xl is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #4488 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Explore xl snippets on Rosetta Code - xl on HOPL xl on HOPL - Read more about xl on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
xlwings-editor - Library xlwings-editor ============== xlwings-editor is a library created in 2013 by Felix Zumstein. 2013 Felix Zumstein #965 on PLDB 11 Years Old git clone xlwings is a Python library that makes it easy to call Python from Excel and vice versa. It works with Excel on Windows and macOS as well as with Google Sheets and Excel on the web. - Tags: library - xlwings-editor is developed on GitHub and has 2,908 stars - xlwings-editor is written in Python, reStructuredText, YAML, Visual Basic, TypeScript, HTML, JSON, JavaScript, Markdown, C++, XML, TOML, SVG, Rust, Make, Handlebars, Ini - was registered in 2013 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
XML Metadata Interchange - Xml format XML Metadata Interchange ======================== XML Metadata Interchange, aka XML Metadata Interchange, is a xml format created in 2015. 2015 #1944 on PLDB 9 Years Old The XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard for exchanging metadata information via Extensible Markup Language (XML). It can be used for any metadata whose metamodel can be expressed in Meta-Object Facility (MOF). The most common use of XMI is as an interchange format for UML models, although it can also be used for serialization of models of other languages (metamodels).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: xmlFormat - 1 PLDB concepts link to XML Metadata Interchange: Eiffel Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
Xmind Format - Xml format Xmind Format ============ Xmind Format is a xml format created in 2007. 2007 #4489 on PLDB 17 Years Old The .xmind file format implementing XMind Workbooks consists of a ZIP compressed archive containing an XML document for contents, an XML document for styles, a .png image file for thumbnails, and some directories for attachments. The file format is open and based on some principles of OpenDocument/Office Open XML. - Tags: xmlFormat - Read more about Xmind Format on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
XML-GL - Query language XML-GL ====== XML-GL is a query language created in 1998 by Stefano Ceri and Sara Comai and Ernesto Damiani and Piero Fraternali and Stefano Paraboschi and Letizia Tanca. 1998 Stefano Ceri Sara Comai Ernesto Damiani Piero Fraternali Stefano Paraboschi Letizia Tanca #4878 on PLDB 26 Years Old A Graphical Language for Querying and Reshaping XML Documents. XML-GL is not a visual interface over a conventional, textual query language, but a graph-based query language with both its syntax and semantics defined in terms of graph structures and operations. - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about XML-GL on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 234 1.2
XML Query Language - Query language XML Query Language ================== XML Query Language is a query language created in 1998. 1998 #4879 on PLDB 26 Years Old We propose a query language for XML, called XML-QL, as one possible answer to these questions. The language has a SELECT-WHERE construct, like SQL, and borrows features of query languages recently developed by the database research community for semistructured data. - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about XML Query Language on the web: 1. 1. WHERE <book> <publisher><name>Addison-Wesley</></> <title> $t</> <author> $a</> </> IN "www.a.b.c/bib.xml" CONSTRUCT <result> <author> $a</> <title> $t</> </> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 203 1
The Algebra - Grammar language The Algebra =========== The Algebra is a grammar language created in 2001. 2001 #4880 on PLDB 23 Years Old This document introduces the XML Query Algebra (``the Algebra'') as a formal basis for an XML query language. - Tags: grammarLanguage - Read more about The Algebra on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 119 0.6
XML - Data notation XML === XML, aka Extensible Markup Language, is an open source data notation created in 1996 by Tim Bray and Jean Paoli and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Eve Maler and François Yergeau and John W. Cowan. 1996 Tim Bray Jean Paoli C. M. Sperberg-McQueen Eve Maler François Yergeau John W. Cowan #12 on PLDB 28 Years Old 3k Repos In computing, Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. The W3C's XML 1.0 Specification and several other related specifications—all of them free open standards—define XML. The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 3,258 XML repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using XML in 3k repos on GitHub - XML on HOPL XML on HOPL - ANTLR grammar for XML - XML LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting XML - Monaco package for syntax highlighting XML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for XML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XML - has 23,248 matches for "xml developer". - See also: (21 related languages) SGML, Unicode, SOAP, Office Open XML, UTF-8, ASCII, HTML, Regular Expressions, XPath, XQuery, Scala, Java, Smalltalk, PHP, Python, RDF, JavaScript, HyTime, JSON, YAML, S-expressions - 389 PLDB concepts link to XML: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Ace Editor, acorn-lang, adamant, Aith, AL, Alumina, Apache Hbase, aretext, Argdown, ArkScript, Apache Arrow, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, atomspace, Avail, Ballerina, Basis Codec, Bazel, bee, beef-lang, Berry, Bicep, Bitsy, Blech, BlitzMax, blockml, blz, Bounce, BQN, Broccoli, Bruijn, Cali-Lang, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, cat, Catala, categorical-query-language, Ceylon, Chapel, chisel, Ć, clash, clay, Click, cloc, Clojure, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, CoffeeScript, CokeScript, Conan, Cone, Coq, corescript, cosh, crmsh, Croc, Cryptol, Crystal, CSVw, curv, Cyber, Dafny, Dasel, Dashrep, dedukti, Deno, dex, dexvis, dgraph, Dixy, DRAKON, dreamlisp, dub-pm, duro, eC, Embedded Crystal, ecsharp, eff, Eiffel, elegance, ELENA, Elm, Elvish, elymas, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, F Prime, F-Script, Factor, fay, Felix, FFmpeg, firrtl, fish, flame-ir, Flare, FlatBuffers, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, fork-lang, Frundis, F*, Futhark, FutureScript, GamerLanguage, GAP, GN, Gforth, GHC, Git, gogs-editor, Gradle, gravity, Gun, gura, hakaru, Halide, hamler, hashlink, hasklig, haste, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, Heron, HHVM, hilvl, Hjson, Homebrew, Horse64, H++, hrqr, htmx, huginn, hurl, HuwCode, HyPhy, Ibis, IcedCoffeeScript, Idris, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, ink, invokator, Ioke, Iterm2, ivy, Invisible XML, J, Jakt, JAL compiler, Java, Jedi, Jekyll, Jevko, JFlex, jinx, Jison, JLang, JQuery, jsil-compiler, JSON Schema, Jsonnet, Julia, juniper, juvix, k-framework, KamilaLisp, KAML, KaTeX, kitlang, kitten, ko, Koka, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, ktye/k, Kuin, kumir, Kuroko, l2, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, Latte, Lawvere, leo-editor, lift, Ligo, Lil, Linotte, Linux, Literate CoffeeScript, LiteScript, lobster, Luna, LWJGL, mages, mai, manhood, Marko, MarkovJunior, Mastodon, mathics, Matplotlib, Megaparsec, Melody, micro-editor, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, Minilang, MiniZinc, Mirah, Mond, MongoDB, MonkeyX, monte, moya, Mu, muon, NCAR Command Language, Neko, nesC, NestedText, NetLogo, never, NewLisp, NeXML format, Nextflow, Nim, Ninja, Nit, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, Nushell, ObjectScript, Obsidian, odin, ohm, oil, Omgrofl, Opa, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, orca, P*, P, packagist-pm, Pact, Pan, Pandas, Particles, partiql, Pep8, Perl, Phel, PHP, pinto, Plaid, plang, Please Build, PostgreSQL, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, PureScript, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Qore, quaint-lang, Quint, r3, r4, Racket, rainbow, rant, RapidBatch, React Native, Rebeca Modeling Language, Red, Redis, reflex-framework, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, Riff, Ripple, RMarkdown, RobotFramework, Roslyn compiler, Ruby, Rust, Rye, Savi, Scala.js, Scoop, score, setlx, shiv, shml, sile, Simple Binary Encoding, skulpt, Slim Framework, Smali, SmallBASIC, SMC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, SourcePawn, Spatial, Speedie, SpiderBasic, spiral, SRL, Script.NET, stacklang, Statsplorer, STON, Subleq, Sugar, SUSN, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, t2b, tablam, tamgu, tao3d, TAP, TensorFlow, TestML, Textadept, TextFrame, Textile, thjson, tibet, ToonTalk, tornado, Toy, TreeSheets, typecobol, TypeScript, UCG, Umka, Uno, V, v8, Vale, Vale, Vcpkg, VLC, Volt, VSXu, wasmer, Wasp, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, xlwings-editor, Ecstasy, Xtext, YANG, YARA, YAWL, yeti, Yes It Is, z2, Zephir, zlang <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <text><![CDATA[Hello World]]></text> <?xml version="1.0"?> <gml:Point xmlns:gml="" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" gml:id="uuid.12b3c8bb-bc8a-4f83-9085-1a5f3280b8ba"> <gml:pos>52.56 13.29</gml:pos> </gml:Point> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""></xs:schema> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Standard Library FeatureLink ../features/hasStandardLibrary.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Ternary operators FeatureLink ../features/hasTernaryOperators.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Conditionals FeatureLink ../features/hasConditionals.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Disk Output FeatureLink ../features/canWriteToDisk.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1069 5.3
XMPP - Messaging protocol XMPP ==== XMPP, aka Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, is a messaging protocol created in 1999 by Jeremie Miller. 1999 Jeremie Miller #2182 on PLDB 25 Years Old - Tags: messagingProtocol - was registered in 2003 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 106 0.5
XMTC - Programming language XMTC ==== XMTC is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4676 on PLDB 34 Years Old XMTC (for explicit multi-threading C) is a shared-memory parallel programming language. It is an extension of the C programming language which strives to enable easy PRAM-like programming based on the explicit multi-threading paradigm. It is developed as part of the XMT PRAM-On-Chip vision by a research team at the University of Maryland, College Park, led by Dr. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (1 related languages) C Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
XMTP - Messaging protocol XMTP ==== XMTP is a messaging protocol created in 2022. 2022 #3720 on PLDB 2 Years Old The open protocol for web3 messaging. - Tags: messagingProtocol Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 85 0.4
Xoc - Compiler Xoc === Xoc is a compiler created in 2008 by Russ Cox and Tom Bergan† and Austin T. Clements and Frans Kaashoek and Eddie Kohler. 2008 Russ Cox Tom Bergan† Austin T. Clements Frans Kaashoek Eddie Kohler #2514 on PLDB 16 Years Old Today’s system programmers go to great lengths to extend the languages in which they program. For instance, system-specific compilers find errors in Linux and other systems, and add support for specialized control flow to Qt and event-based programs. These compilers are difficult to build and cannot always understand each other’s language changes. However, they can greatly improve code understandability and correctness, advantages that should be accessible to all programmers. We describe an extension-oriented compiler for C called xoc. An extension-oriented compiler, unlike a conventional extensible compiler, implements new features via many small extensions that are loaded together as needed. Xoc gives extension writers full control over program syntax and semantics while hiding many compiler internals. Xoc programmers concisely define powerful compiler extensions that, by construction, can be combined; even some parts of the base compiler, such as GNU C compatibility, are structured as extensions. - Tags: compiler - Early development of Xoc happened in MIT and UCLA - Xoc is written in Zeta - Read more about Xoc on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 340 1.7
xodio - Visual programming language xodio ===== xodio is a visual programming language created in 2015 by Victor Nakoryakov. 2015 Victor Nakoryakov #876 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the visual programming language xodio. XOD IDE - Tags: visual programming language - xodio is developed on GitHub and has 884 stars - xodio is written in JavaScript, C++, JSX, Reason, SCSS, Markdown, JSON, SVG, Bourne shell, YAML, AsciiDoc, Dockerfile, HTML, C, Make - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
Xojo - Programming language Xojo ==== Xojo is an open source programming language created in 1996. 1996 #410 on PLDB 28 Years Old 570 Repos The Xojo programming environment is developed and commercially marketed by Xojo, Inc. of Austin, Texas for software development targeting macOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, iOS, the Web and Raspberry Pi. Xojo uses a proprietary object-oriented BASIC dialect, also known as Xojo.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 570 Xojo repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 43 users using Xojo in 68 repos on GitHub - Explore Xojo snippets on Rosetta Code - Xojo appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Xojo - See also: (8 related languages) Linux, iOS, BASIC, JVM, X86, XML, Visual Basic, Gambas - 1 PLDB concepts link to Xojo: REALBasic (now Xojo) Function Run(args() as String) As Integer Print "Hello World" Quit End Function #tag Toolbar Begin Toolbar MyToolbar Begin ToolButton FirstItem Caption = "First Item" HelpTag = "" Style = 0 End Begin ToolButton SecondItem Caption = "Second Item" HelpTag = "" Style = 0 End End #tag EndToolbar Dim names() As String = Array("Red Sox", "Yankees", "Orioles", "Blue Jays", "Rays") For i As Integer = 0 To names.UBound ListBox1.AddRow(names(i)) Next Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Print row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 353 1.8
XOTcl - Programming language XOTcl ===== XOTcl is a programming language created in 2000 by Gustaf Neumann and Uwe Zdun. 2000 Gustaf Neumann Uwe Zdun #1783 on PLDB 24 Years Old XOTcl is an object-oriented extension for the Tool Command Language created by Gustaf Neumann and Uwe Zdun. It is a derivative of MIT OTcl. XOTcl is based on a dynamic object system with metaclasses which as influenced by CLOS. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) Tcl, CLOS puts "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token puts Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 202 1
XPages - Application XPages ====== XPages is an application created in 2008. 2008 #1267 on PLDB 16 Years Old 22 Repos XPages is an IBM extension of Java Server Faces with a server side JavaScript runtime and the built-in NoSQL database IBM Domino. It allows data from IBM Notes and Relational Databases to be displayed to browser clients on all platforms. The programming model is based on web development languages and standards including JavaScript, Ajax, Java, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript and JavaServer Faces. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - There are at least 22 XPages repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 22 users using XPages in 33 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XPages - was registered in 2010 - See also: (3 related languages) JavaScript, HTML, Java <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <faces-config> <faces-config-extension> <namespace-uri></namespace-uri> <default-prefix>xc</default-prefix> </faces-config-extension> <composite-component> <component-type>navbar</component-type> <composite-name>navbar</composite-name> <composite-file>/navbar.xsp</composite-file> <composite-extension> <designer-extension> <in-palette>true</in-palette> </designer-extension> </composite-extension> </composite-component> </faces-config> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 320 1.6
XPath - Query language XPath ===== XPath is a query language created in 1999. 1999 #881 on PLDB 25 Years Old XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document. In addition, XPath may be used to compute values (e.g., strings, numbers, or Boolean values) from the content of an XML document. XPath was defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of XPath happened in W3C - ANTLR grammar for XPath - See also: (20 related languages) XML, CSS, Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, XProc, XQuery, JSON, Unicode, C, Free Pascal, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Scheme, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Tcl /Wikimedia/projects/project[@name='Wikipedia']/editions/edition/text() Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
XPL - Programming language XPL === XPL, aka XPL Programming Language, is a programming language created in 1967. 1967 #2206 on PLDB 57 Years Old XPL is a programming language based on PL/I, a portable one-pass compiler written in its own language, and a parser generator tool for easily implementing similar compilers for other languages. XPL was designed in 1967 as a way to teach compiler design principles and as starting point for students to build compilers for their own languages. XPL was designed and implemented by William McKeeman and David B. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - XPL on HOPL XPL on HOPL - XPL appears in the TIOBE Index - See also: (14 related languages) PL/I, Fortran, COBOL, Algol, IBM System z, C, Java, BCPL, PL360, Yacc, HAL/S, FreeBSD, Linux, PL/M Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 210 1.1
XPL0 - Programming language XPL0 ==== XPL0 is a programming language created in 1976. 1976 #1753 on PLDB 48 Years Old XPL0 is a computer programming language that is essentially a cross between Pascal and C. It was created in 1976 by Peter J. R. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore XPL0 snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (6 related languages) Pascal, C, BASIC, PL/0, Algol, Assembly language code Text=12; Text(0, "Hello World") Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token Text row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 194 1
X PixMap - Text data format X PixMap ======== X PixMap is a text data format created in 1989. 1989 #3290 on PLDB 35 Years Old 170 Repos - Tags: textDataFormat - There are at least 170 X PixMap repos on GitHub static char* <variable_name>[] = { <Values> <Colors> <Pixels> <Extensions> }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 111 0.6
XPOP - Programming language XPOP ==== XPOP is a programming language created in 1964. 1964 #5013 on PLDB 60 Years Old - Tags: programming language - XPOP on HOPL XPOP on HOPL - Read more about XPOP on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
XProc - Programming language XProc ===== XProc is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #1325 on PLDB 34 Years Old 93 Repos XProc is a W3C Recommendation to define an XML transformation language to define XML Pipelines. Below is an example abbreviated XProc file: This is a pipeline that consists of two atomic steps, XInclude and Validate. The pipeline itself has three inputs, “source” (a source document), “schemas” (a list of W3C XML Schemas) and “parameters” (for passing parameters). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 93 XProc repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 174 users using XProc in 223 repos on GitHub - Explore XProc snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XProc - See also: (4 related languages) XML, Java, XQuery, XPath <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <p:declare-step xmlns:p="" xmlns:c="" version="1.0"> <p:input port="source"> <p:inline> <doc>Hello world!</doc> </p:inline> </p:input> <p:output port="result"/> <p:identity/> </p:declare-step> <p:pipeline name="pipeline" xmlns:p="" version="1.0"> <p:input port="schemas" sequence="true"/> <p:xinclude name="included"> <p:input port="source"> <p:pipe step="pipeline" port="source"/> </p:input> </p:xinclude> <p:validate-with-xml-schema name="validated"> <p:input port="source"> <p:pipe step="included" port="result"/> </p:input> <p:input port="schema"> <p:pipe step="pipeline" port="schemas"/> </p:input> </p:validate-with-xml-schema> </p:pipeline> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 430 2.1
XProfan - Programming language XProfan ======= XProfan is a programming language created in 1990. 1990 #4897 on PLDB 34 Years Old - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 80 0.4
XQL - Query language XQL === XQL is a query language created in 1998 by Hiroshi Ishikawa and Kazumi Kubota and Yasuhiko Kanemasa. 1998 Hiroshi Ishikawa Kazumi Kubota Yasuhiko Kanemasa #3615 on PLDB 26 Years Old XQL: A Query Language for XML Data - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about XQL on the web: 1. 1. select result:<$book.title, $> from bib:URL "www.a.b.c/bib.xml", book:$ where $ ="Addison-Wesley" groupby $book.title Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 183 0.9
XQL - Query language XQL === XQL is a query language created in 1999 by Jonathan Robie. 1999 Jonathan Robie #4490 on PLDB 25 Years Old XQL is a query language designed specifically for XML. In the same sense that SQL is a query language for relational tables and OQL is a query language for objects stored in an object database, XQL is a query language for XML documents. - Tags: queryLanguage - Read more about XQL on the web: 1. 1. //(editor contains "Leksh*") Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 159 0.8
XQuery - Programming language XQuery ====== XQuery is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #165 on PLDB 17 Years Old 2k Repos XQuery (XML Query) is a query and functional programming language that queries and transforms collections of structured and unstructured data, usually in the form of XML, text and with vendor-specific extensions for other data formats (JSON, binary, etc.). The language is developed by the XML Query working group of the W3C. The work is closely coordinated with the development of XSLT by the XSL Working Group; the two groups share responsibility for XPath, which is a subset of XQuery. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,753 XQuery repos on GitHub - Early development of XQuery happened in W3C - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 983 users using XQuery in 1k repos on GitHub - Explore XQuery snippets on Rosetta Code - XQuery appears in the TIOBE Index - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting XQuery - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for XQuery - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XQuery - has 125 matches for "XQuery developer". - See also: (10 related languages) XPath, SQL, Lisp, Prolog, XML, Java, C#, JSONiq, JSON, ISBN - 4 PLDB concepts link to XQuery: Ace Editor, cloc, Invisible XML, Pygments let $hello := "Hello World" return $hello (: Hello World with XQuery :) let $i := "Hello World" return $i (: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xproc.xqm - core xqm contains entry points, primary eval-step function and control functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) xquery version "3.0" encoding "UTF-8"; module namespace xproc = ""; (: declare namespaces :) declare namespace p=""; declare namespace c=""; declare namespace err=""; (: module imports :) (: import module namespace util = "" at "util1.xqm"; :) import module namespace const = "" at "const.xqm"; import module namespace parse = "" at "parse.xqm"; import module namespace u = "" at "util.xqm"; (: declare options :) declare boundary-space preserve; declare option saxon:output "indent=yes"; (: declare functions :) declare variable $xproc:run-step := xproc:run#6; declare variable $xproc:parse-and-eval := (); declare variable $xproc:declare-step := (); declare variable $xproc:choose := (); declare variable $xproc:try := (); declare variable $xproc:catch := (); declare variable $xproc:group := (); declare variable $xproc:for-each := (); declare variable $xproc:viewport := (); declare variable $xproc:library := (); declare variable $xproc:pipeline := (); declare variable $xproc:variable := (); (: list all declared namespaces :) (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) declare function xproc:enum-namespaces($pipeline){ (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) <namespace name="{$pipeline/@name}">{u:enum-ns(<dummy>{$pipeline}</dummy>)}</namespace> }; (: entry point :) (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) declare function xproc:run($pipeline,$stdin,$dflag,$tflag,$bindings,$options){ (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) (: STEP I: preprocess :) let $validate := () let $namespaces := xproc:enum-namespaces($pipeline) let $parse := parse:explicit-bindings( parse:AST(parse:explicit-name(parse:explicit-type($pipeline)))) let $ast := element p:declare-step {$parse/@*, parse:pipeline-step-sort( $parse/*, () ) } (: STEP II: eval AST :) let $eval_result := () (: STEP III: serialize and return results :) let $serialized_result := $pipeline return $serialized_result }; <html><body> { for $act in doc("hamlet.xml")//ACT let $speakers := distinct-values($act//SPEAKER) return <div> <h1>{ string($act/TITLE) }</h1> <ul> { for $speaker in $speakers return <li>{ $speaker }</li> } </ul> </div> } </body></html> Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example (: Hello World with XQuery :) Token row Feature Case Insensitive Identifiers FeatureLink ../features/hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 747 3.7
xs - Programming language xs == xs is a programming language created in 2019 by Sturm Mabie. 2019 Sturm Mabie #3187 on PLDB 5 Years Old xs is a dynamically typed, dynamically scoped, concatenative array language inspired by kdb+/q and released into the public domain. The interpreter and builtin functions are written in OCaml. The name “xs” either stands for: eXtra Small or The plural of “x”. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Q influenced the design of xs - xs is written in OCaml - Read more about xs on the web: 1. 1. gcd:{([`x`y]):..;if y==0(x)(y gcd x mod y)}; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 174 0.9
XS - Programming language XS == XS is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #1019 on PLDB 22 Years Old 532 Repos XS is a Perl foreign function interface through which a program can call a C or C++ subroutine. XS or xsub is an abbreviation of "eXternal Subroutine", where external refers to programming languages external to Perl. XS also refers to a glue language for specifying calling interfaces supporting such interfaces (see below).. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 532 XS repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 2k users using XS in 2k repos on GitHub - Explore XS snippets on Rosetta Code - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XS - See also: (3 related languages) Perl, C, Pod /* * This software is copyright (C) by Nick Wellnhofer <>. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. * * Terms of the Perl programming language system itself * * a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any * later version, or * b) the "Artistic License" */ /* * Notes on memory management * * - A pointer to the Perl SV representing a node is stored in the * user data slot of `struct cmark_node`, so there's a 1:1 mapping * between Perl and C objects. * - Every node SV keeps a reference to the parent SV. This is done * indirectly by looking up the parent SV and increasing its refcount. * - This makes sure that a document isn't freed if the last reference * from Perl to the root node is dropped, as references to child nodes * might still exist. * - As a consequence, as long as a node is referenced from Perl, all its * ancestor nodes will also be associated with a Perl object. */ #define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <cmark.h> #if CMARK_VERSION < 0x001000 #error libcmark 0.16.0 is required. #endif /* Fix prefixes of render functions. */ #define cmark_node_render_html cmark_render_html #define cmark_node_render_xml cmark_render_xml #define cmark_node_render_man cmark_render_man static SV* S_create_or_incref_node_sv(pTHX_ cmark_node *node) { SV *new_obj = NULL; while (node) { SV *obj; HV *stash; /* Look for existing object. */ obj = (SV*)cmark_node_get_user_data(node); if (obj) { /* Incref if found. */ SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN(obj); if (!new_obj) { new_obj = obj; } break; } /* Create a new SV. */ o Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 516 2.6
XSD - Data validation language XSD === XSD, aka XML Schema Definition, is a data validation language created in 2001. 2001 #1640 on PLDB 23 Years Old XSD (XML Schema Definition), a recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), specifies how to formally describe the elements in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document. It can be used by programmers to verify each piece of item content in a document. They can check if it adheres to the description of the element it is placed in.Like all XML schema languages, XSD can be used to express a set of rules to which an XML document must conform in order to be considered "valid" according to that schema. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataValidationLanguage - 22 PLDB concepts link to XSD: Apache Hbase, ecsharp, Eiffel, Erlang, FFmpeg, Gradle, HHVM, Java, Linux, Minilang, NeXML format, PHP, Plaid, PowerShell, Rebeca Modeling Language, RobotFramework, Roslyn compiler, Simple Binary Encoding, tibet, typecobol, VLC, YAWL <xs:element name="PurchaseOrder" type="PurchaseOrderType"/> <xs:element name="gift"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="birthday" type="xs:date"/> <xs:element ref="PurchaseOrder"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 286 1.4
xsharp - Programming language xsharp ====== xsharp is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #3721 on PLDB 9 Years Old X# is an open source development language for .NET, based on the xBase language. - Tags: programming language - was registered in 2015 FUNCTION start AS VOID LOCAL oErr AS OBJECT LOCAL nI AS LONG LOCAL f AS FLOAT oErr := Error{} f := Seconds() nI := 0 FOR VAR nX := 1 TO 10_000_000 IF IsInstanceOf(oErr, #Error) nI++ ENDIF NEXT ? Seconds() - f, nI f := Seconds() FOR VAR nX := 1 TO 10_000_000 IF oErr IS Error nI++ ENDIF NEXT ? Seconds() - f, nI WAIT Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
XSIM - Programming language XSIM ==== XSIM is a programming language created in 1977. 1977 #5014 on PLDB 47 Years Old - Tags: programming language - XSIM on HOPL XSIM on HOPL - Read more about XSIM on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
XSLT - Xml format XSLT ==== XSLT is a xml format created in 1998. 1998 #626 on PLDB 26 Years Old 25k Repos - Tags: xmlFormat - There are at least 25,274 XSLT repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 26k users using XSLT in 32k repos on GitHub - Explore XSLT snippets on Rosetta Code - XSLT on HOPL XSLT on HOPL - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for XSLT - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for XSLT - 42 PLDB concepts link to XSLT: Apache Hbase, Bucklescript, Ceylon, Chapel, Click, cloc, Eiffel, Erlang, F Prime, Frost, Git, Gradle, HHVM, Invisible XML, JAL compiler, Java, leo-editor, Linux, mal, Minilang, NCAR Command Language, NetLogo, NeXML format, Ninja, ObjectScript, OpenNN, P*, Pandas, Pawn, PAWN, PHP, PostgreSQL, PowerShell, Pygments, Python, Redis, Rust, Slony, SmallBASIC, SymPy, tibet, xt3d <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="#style"?> <main> <xsl:stylesheet xml:id="style" xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"> <xsl:template match="main"> <xsl:value-of select="data"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> <data>Hello, world!</data> </main> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:text>Hello World</xsl:text> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="/"> <html> <body> <h2>My CD Collection</h2> <table border="1"> <tr bgcolor="#9acd32"> <th>Title</th> <th>Artist</th> </tr> <xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd"> <tr> <td><xsl:value-of select="title"/></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="artist"/></td> </tr> </xsl:for-each> </table> </body> </html> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Homoiconicity FeatureLink ../features/hasHomoiconicity.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 524 2.6
xsv-app - Application xsv-app ======= xsv-app is an application created in 2014. 2014 #1660 on PLDB 10 Years Old git clone A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust. - Tags: application - xsv-app is developed on GitHub and has 10,237 stars - xsv-app is written in Rust, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, TOML, Make, Vim script Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 121 0.6
xt3d - Grammar language xt3d ==== xt3d is a grammar language created in 2000 by Shriram Krishnamurthi and Kathryn E. Gray and Paul T. Graunke. 2000 Shriram Krishnamurthi Kathryn E. Gray Paul T. Graunke #3616 on PLDB 24 Years Old We have designed and implemented xt3d, a highly declarative xml specification language. It demands little more from users than a knowledge of the expected input and desired output. We illustrate the power of xt3d with several examples, including one reminiscent of polytypic programming that greatly simplifies the import of xml values into general-purpose languages. . xt3d is itself an xml language, so users do not need to learn a new surface syntax. The principal advantage of xt3d over xslt is that it provides an extremely simple, declarative language for describing transformations over xml elements. - Tags: grammarLanguage - See also: (1 related languages) XSLT - Read more about xt3d on the web: 1. 1. <xt3d-output> <ul> <li><xt3d-use name="name"/></li> <li><b><xt3d-use name="num"/></b> <xt3d-.../></li> <li><i><xt3d-use name="fmt"/></i> <xt3d-.../></li> </ul> </xt3d-output> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 326 1.6
xTAO Modeling Language - Xml format xTAO Modeling Language ====================== xTAO Modeling Language is a xml format created in 2005. 2005 #3188 on PLDB 19 Years Old Enabling a declarative approach to the specification of multi-agent systems - Tags: xmlFormat - See also: (1 related languages) NetLogo - Read more about xTAO Modeling Language on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. <Goal> <Name>table_comparison</Name> <DesiredState> <Description> <Name>compareOK</Name> <LanguageName>TAOLanguage</LanguageName> <Data>srcTable EQ destTable | srcTable NEQ destTable | NO</Data> </Description> </DesiredState> <Params> <Description> <Name>srcTable</Name> <LanguageName/> <Data/> </Description> <Description> <Name>destTable</Name> <LanguageName/> <Data/> </Description> </Params> </Goal> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 226 1.1
Ecstasy - Programming language Ecstasy ======= Ecstasy is a programming language created in 2015 by Cameron Purdy. 2015 Cameron Purdy #1466 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Ecstasy and XVM - Tags: programming language - Ecstasy is developed on GitHub and has 196 stars - Ecstasy is written in Java, Logos, Gradle, Markdown, Bourne shell, Kotlin, XML, C, JSON, Lisp, Make, YAML, TOML, HTML, Dockerfile - was registered in 2015 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 140 0.7
Xtend - Programming language Xtend ===== Xtend is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Sven Efftinge and Sebastian Zarnekow. 2011 Sven Efftinge Sebastian Zarnekow #481 on PLDB 13 Years Old 1k Repos Xtend is a general-purpose high-level programming language for the Java Virtual Machine. Syntactically and semantically Xtend has its roots in the Java programming language but focuses on a more concise syntax and some additional functionality such as type inference, extension methods, and operator overloading. Being primarily an object-oriented language, it also integrates features known from functional programming, e.g. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,438 Xtend repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 623 users using Xtend in 834 repos on GitHub - Xtend appears in the TIOBE Index - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Xtend - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Xtend - was registered in 2011 - See also: (5 related languages) Java, Scala, Groovy, Smalltalk, Eclipse - 3 PLDB concepts link to Xtend: cloc, Pygments, Xtext /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 itemis AG ( and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Author - Sven Efftinge *******************************************************************************/ package example6 import org.junit.Test import static org.junit.Assert.* import import java.util.Set import static extension* class Movies { /** * @return the total number of action movies */ @Test def void numberOfActionMovies() { assertEquals(828, movies.filter[categories.contains('Action')].size) } /** * @return the year the best rated movie of 80ies (1980-1989) was released. */ @Test def void yearOfBestMovieFrom80ies() { assertEquals(1989, movies.filter[(1980..1989).contains(year)].sortBy[rating].last.year) } /** * @return the sum of the number of votes of the two top rated movies. */ @Test def void sumOfVotesOfTop2() { val long movies = movies.sortBy[-rating].take(2).map[numberOfVotes].reduce[a, b| a + b] assertEquals(47_229, movies) } val movies = new FileReader('data.csv')[ line | val segments = line.split(' ').iterator return new Movie(, Integer::parseInt(, Double::parseDouble(, Long::parseLong(, segments.toSet ) ] } @Data class Movie { String title int year double rating long numberOfVotes Set<String> categories } def sayHello(String name) ''' Hello «name» ! ''' Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Type Inference FeatureLink ../features/hasTypeInference.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Static Typing FeatureLink ../features/hasStaticTyping.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 584 2.9
Xtext - Grammar language Xtext ===== Xtext is a grammar language created in 2006. 2006 #478 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone Xtext is an open-source software framework for developing programming languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs). Unlike standard parser generators, Xtext generates not only a parser, but also a class model for the abstract syntax tree, as well as providing a fully featured, customizable Eclipse-based IDE.Xtext is being developed in the Eclipse Project as part of the Eclipse Modeling Framework Project and is licensed under the Eclipse Public License.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage - Xtext is developed on GitHub and has 758 stars - Xtext is written in Java, XML, Xtend, Ini, HTML, JavaScript, Gradle, Bourne shell, CSS, Markdown, JSON, TypeScript, YAML, Dockerfile, CSV, Objective C++, SVG - Read more about Xtext on the web: 1. 1. grammar org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals hidden(WS, ML_COMMENT, SL_COMMENT) import "" as ecore terminal ID: '^'?('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*; terminal INT returns ecore::EInt: ('0'..'9')+; terminal STRING: '"' ( '\\'('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|'"') )* '"' | "'" ( '\\'('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|"'") )* "'"; terminal ML_COMMENT: '/*' -> '*/'; terminal SL_COMMENT: '//' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?; terminal WS: (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+; terminal ANY_OTHER: .; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Mixins FeatureLink ../features/hasMixins.html Supported ✓ Example grammar org.example.domainmodel.Domainmodel with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals Token row Feature File Imports FeatureLink ../features/hasImports.html Supported ✓ Example import "" import "" as dmodel Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 461 2.3
XTRAN - Programming language XTRAN ===== XTRAN is a programming language created in 1958. 1958 #5015 on PLDB 66 Years Old - Tags: programming language - XTRAN on HOPL XTRAN on HOPL - Read more about XTRAN on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
XUML - Programming language XUML ==== XUML is a programming language created in 2002. 2002 #2328 on PLDB 22 Years Old Executable UML (xtUML or xUML) is both a software development method and a highly abstract software language. It was described for the first time in 2002 in the book "Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture". The language "combines a subset of the UML (Unified Modeling Language) graphical notation with executable semantics and timing rules." The Executable UML method is the successor to the Shlaer–Mellor method. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (4 related languages) UML, MySQL, ISBN, UML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
Xupdate - Programming language Xupdate ======= Xupdate is a programming language created in 2000. 2000 #4678 on PLDB 24 Years Old XUpdate is a lightweight XML query language for modifying XML data. After some early enthusiastic development by a small team, the development of the standard faltered around the end of 2000 and it has never found widespread adoption. However, it has found a niche market of users not content to wait for the XQuery Update Facility extension of the W3C standard, XQuery.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (2 related languages) XML, XQuery Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
xxl - Programming language xxl === xxl is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #1354 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone a minimal vector programming language - Tags: programming language - xxl is developed on GitHub and has 180 stars - xxl is written in JavaScript, C, Markdown, Bourne shell, Vim script, Bash // enclose (c)urly(b)races, (s)quare(b)brackets, (q)uotes: 'ecb is {"{",x,"}"}; 'esb is {"[",x,"]"}; 'eq is {"\"",x,"\""}; 'jc is {join ","}; 'jac is {each y jc}; // join x with commas; apply y to each of x then join with commas 'pair is {encode,":",(y encode)}; // key:val pair for dict 'dict is {key as 'k; x val as 'v; [k],v >: pair jc ecb}; // get keys/vals, pair merge, commas, braces // wrap non-scalar values in appropriate way: 'many is {as 'el type case ('char, {el str eq}, 'dict, {el dict}, {el jac encode esb})}; 'encode is {ravel[many,str]}; // ravel calls x y[0] for arrays (len > 1), x y[1] for scalars Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 302 1.5
XY - Programming language XY == XY is a programming language created in 2004 by Stevan Apter. 2004 Stevan Apter #2284 on PLDB 20 Years Old XY is a family of array-oriented, concatenative programming languages with first-class continuations. XY 1 has quotations, lists, functions, and patterns. XY 2 is flat. XY 0 has quotations and shuffle-symbols but dispenses with lists and patterns. - Tags: programming language, arrayLang - Early development of XY happened in - K and Joy influenced the design of XY 10 ) #: [20 30] 40 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 156 0.8
y-lang - Programming language y-lang ====== y-lang is a programming language created in 2019 by Sander Mertens. 2019 Sander Mertens #2327 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Simple, introspective language for creating the best software. Inspired by - Tags: programming language - y-lang is developed on GitHub and has 87 stars - y-lang is written in Markdown HackerNews discussions of y-lang ================================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: I just created a new language called Y||07/02/2019|2|2 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 164 0.8
Y - Programming language Y = Y is a programming language created in 1981. 1981 #3189 on PLDB 43 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Y on HOPL Y on HOPL - Read more about Y on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. module helloworld define(EOF,(-1)) import printf from "ylib.d" main() printf("Hello World\n") end end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 142 0.7
Yabasic - Programming language Yabasic ======= Yabasic is an open source programming language created in 1995. 1995 #2644 on PLDB 29 Years Old Yabasic (Yet Another BASIC) is a free and open-source BASIC interpreter for Windows and Unix platforms. Yabasic was originally developed by Marc-Oliver Ihm, who released the last stable version 2.77.3 in 2016. From version 2.77.1, the project has adopted the MIT Licence as well as the source code being moved to GitHub to encourage others to participate in its development.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore Yabasic snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (2 related languages) Unix, Linux Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Yacas - Programming language Yacas ===== Yacas, aka Yet Another Computer Algebra System, is an open source programming language created in 1999. 1999 #1287 on PLDB 25 Years Old Yacas is a general-purpose computer algebra system. The name is an acronym for Yet Another Computer Algebra System. Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Yacas is free software. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Yacas is written in C++ - Explore Yacas snippets on Rosetta Code - Yacas on HOPL Yacas on HOPL - There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Yacas - was registered in 2015 - See also: (1 related languages) ASCII record["name"]:="Isaia"; record["occupation"]:="prophet"; record["is alive"]:=False; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 196 1
Yacc - Grammar language Yacc ==== Yacc, aka Yet Another Compiler-Compiler, is a grammar language created in 1975 by Stephen C. Johnson. 1975 Stephen C. Johnson #94 on PLDB 49 Years Old 11k Repos Yacc (Yet Another Compiler-Compiler) is a computer program for the Unix operating system. It is a Look Ahead Left-to-Right (LALR) parser generator, generating a parser, the part of a compiler that tries to make syntactic sense of the source code, specifically a LALR parser, based on an analytic grammar written in a notation similar to Backus–Naur Form (BNF). Yacc itself used to be available as the default parser generator on most Unix systems, though it has since been supplanted as the default by more recent, largely compatible, programs.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: grammarLanguage, compiler - There are at least 11,041 Yacc repos on GitHub - Yacc is written in C - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 10k users using Yacc in 14k repos on GitHub - Yacc on HOPL Yacc on HOPL - Yacc appears in the TIOBE Index - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Yacc - See also: (13 related languages) Unix, B, C, Bison, OCaml, RATFOR, Ada, Pascal, Java, Python, Ruby, Go, Common Lisp - Read more about Yacc on the web: 1. 1. - 67 PLDB concepts link to Yacc: Ad-hoc, ana, aplette, Bash, beef-lang, Blox, Boomerang Decompiler, C3, Carbon, Chapel, Click, Cognate, cor, Crema, Cryptol, duro, eC, Eiffel, Fancy, Filebench WML, FLEX, Frege, Futhark, GAP, Gforth, GHC, haste, HHVM, hobbes, invokator, JFlex, Jison, jq, JSON Query Language, kitlang, Koka, latino, Lemon, Linux, mgmt, Mudlle, NCAR Command Language, nesC, never, Open Shading Language, OpenComal, orca, Parsers, Perl, PHP, GNU Poke, PostgreSQL, Potion, PROMETHEUS, PureScript, RamdaScript, Recfiles, RicScript, Ruby, shill, Slony, solid, Streem, t2b, VLC, VSXu, YARA %{ /* * Test program: Advanced Calculator * by Zhao Cheng 5/20/2012 */ %} %union { double val; /* For returning numbers. */ symrec *tptr; /* For returning symbol-table pointers. */ } %token <val> NUMBER %token <tptr> VAR FNCT %right '=' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %right '^' %left NEG %type <val> expression %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "calc.h" /* Contains definition of `symrec'. */ %} %% statement : /* empty */ { exit(0); } | expression { printf("= %f\n", $1); } ; expression : NUMBER { $ = $1; } | VAR { $ = $1->value.var; } | VAR '=' expression { $ = $3; $1->value.var = $3; } | FNCT '(' expression ')' { $ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); } | expression '*' expression { $ = $1 * $3; } | expression '/' expression { $ = $1 / $3; } | expression '+' expression { $ = $1 + $3; } | expression '-' expression { $ = $1 - $3; } | expression '^' expression { $ = pow($1, $3); } | '-' expression %prec NEG { $ = -$2; } | '(' expression ')' { $ = $2; } ; %% struct init { char const *fname; double (*fnct) (double); }; struct init const arith_fncts[] = { "sin" , sin , "asin" , asin , "cos" , cos , "acos" , acos , "tan" , tan , "atan" , atan , "ceil" , ceil , "floor" , floor , "abs" , fabs , "ln" , log , "log" , log10 , "lg" , log2 , "exp" , exp , "sqrt" , sqrt , 0 , 0 }; /* The symbol table: a chain of `struct symrec'. */ symrec *sym_table; /* Put arithmetic functions in table. */ void init_table (void) { int i; symrec *ptr; for (i = 0; arith_fncts[i].fname != 0; i++) { ptr = putsym (arith_fncts[i].fname, FNCT); ptr->value.fnctptr = arith_fncts[i].fnct; } } int main() { init_table(); while (yyparse() == 0) ; return 0; } void yyerror(const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", msg); } symrec * putsym (char const *sym_name, int sym_type) { symrec *ptr; ptr = (symrec *) malloc (sizeof (symrec)); ptr->name = (char *) malloc (strlen (sym_name) + 1); strcpy (ptr->name,sym_name); ptr->type = sym_type; ptr->value.var = 0; /* Set value to 0 even if fctn. */ ptr->next = (struct symrec *)sym_table; sym_table = ptr; return ptr; } symrec * getsym (char const *sym_name) { symrec *ptr; for (ptr = sym_table; ptr != (symrec *) 0; ptr = (symrec *)ptr->next) if (strcmp (ptr->name,sym_name) == 0) return ptr; return 0; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 824 4.1
Yakou Lang - Programming language Yakou Lang ========== Yakou Lang is a programming language created in 2021 by KyleLin921021. 2021 KyleLin921021 #2555 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone An experimental JVM Language inspired by Rust. - Tags: programming language - Yakou Lang is developed on GitHub and has 38 stars - Yakou Lang is written in Kotlin, Gradle, Markdown, Bourne shell, YAML Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 130 0.7
YAML - Data notation YAML ==== YAML, aka YAML Ain't Markup Language, is an open source data notation created in 2001 by Clark Evans and Oren Ben-Kiki and Ingy döt Net. 2001 Clark Evans Oren Ben-Kiki Ingy döt Net #46 on PLDB 23 Years Old 525 Repos YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files, but could be used in many applications where data is being stored (e.g. debugging output) or transmitted (e.g. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: dataNotation - There are at least 525 YAML repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 12 users using YAML in 13 repos on GitHub - YAML LSP implementation - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting YAML - Monaco package for syntax highlighting YAML - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for YAML - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for YAML - See also: (11 related languages) JSON, Perl, Python, MIME, C, HTML, SOAP, Emacs, UTF-8, AsciiDoc, S-expressions - 742 PLDB concepts link to YAML: 05AB1E, 11ty, Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, Adept, Aheui, AIL, AL, a Lisp Environment, Alma, Alpaca, Alumina, Amber, ana, Ante, Apache Hbase, aretext, Ark, ArkScript, Arquero, arret, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, ASDF, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, astroml, atomspace, AT Protocol, attoparsec, Austral, AviSynth, badlanguage, Ballerina, bamboo, Basis Codec, Bazel, BeBasic, bee, beef-lang, Bend, Berry, Bicep, binaryen, Bio, Bitsy, Blacklight, BlazeX, Blech, bloom, blur-markup-language, blz, bog, Boomerang Decompiler, bosque, Bounce, bpkg-pm, Broccoli, Bruijn, Bucardo, Bucklescript, buzz, C2, C3, Calc4, Calcit, Calypso, candor, Candy, Cane, Cap'n Proto, capybara, Caramel, Carbon, carp, carth, cat, Catala, categorical-query-language, Ceylon, chaiscript, Chapel, Charcoal, chatterbot, chevrotain, chisel, Ć, Civet, Claro, clash, Click, cloc, Clojure, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, co-dfns, Coconut, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeScript, Cognate, comby, CWL, commonmark, Conan,, Coq, cor, Cortex, cosh, Cotton, CouchDB, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, CSON, CSS Doodle, CSVw, Cue, cuneiform, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, cytosol, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, Dale, daonode, Dasel, Dashrep, Dasm, dat-protocol, datascript, DDP, dedukti, Deno, Dern, dex, dexvis, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, djangoql, Djot, docopt, Dogescript, dplyr, dreamlisp, dub-pm, dyvil, Easybuild, eC, eco-editor, Embedded Crystal, ecsharp, edgedb, Đ, Edina, eff, egel, Egison, Eiffel, EJS, ELENA, ELFE, Elixir, Elm, Elpi, Elvish, elymas, emberjs-framework, EmberScript, Emojicode, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, erg, Erlang, Euphoria, Eve, expresso, EYG, F Prime, Factor, Fancy, Farcaster, Fardlang, fay, Felix, Fennel, ferret, fetlang, firrtl, fish, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, fleck, FLEX, Flix, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, FLUX, forest-lang, ForthScript, fp, Functional PHP Preprocessor, Frank, Frege, F*, Futhark, Fuzuli, g-fu, GAP, GN, gentee, GETlang, Gforth, GHC, gintonic, Git, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, gluon, Go, gogs-editor, Golo, Gradle, GraphIt, gravity, Gren, grid-notation, gridstudio-editor, Gun, gura, Gwion, h, Hackett, hacspec, hakaru, HAL Format, Halide, hamdown, HAML, hamler, Hare, harlan, hashlink, haste, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, Hazel, HCL, Hera, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, hilvl, hivemind, hobbes, Homebrew, Hook, Horse64, Hot Cocoa Lisp, HTL, htmx, huginn, HuJSON, hurl, HVM2, Hy, Hyperscript, HyPhy, Ibis, icarus, Idio, Idris, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, ink-lang, ink, inko, Insitux, invokator, InterPlanetary File System, Iterm2, Invisible XML, J, Jakt, JAL compiler, Janet, Jank, jasmine, Java, jayfor, Jedi, jeebox, Jekyll, Jemplate, Jesth, JFlex, Jingo, Jinja, jinx, Jison, jonprl, jq, JSON Query Language, JQuery, jsil-compiler, JSLT, json-graph-format, JSON lambda, JSON-LD, JSON Schema, JSONScript, json->url, JSON with Comments, JSON5, Jsonnet, jsparagus, Jule, Julia, juvix, k-framework, kai, kaitai, Kakoune, Kal, Kalyn, KamilaLisp, KAML, KaTeX, Kefir, keli, Keras, kima, kitlang, kitten, ko, koara, Koka, kona, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, lambda-zero, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, Latte, Lawvere, ldpl, Lean, lem-editor, leo-editor, Lesma, Ligo, Lil, lila-lang, Lily, Link, Links, Linotte, Linux, Liquid, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, LiteScript, lobster, loci, Lodash, Logica, lsd, Lucid, Luna, Luna, Lux, LWJGL, m3db, mages, Magit, mal, manhood, Manim, manool, Markaby, Marko, MarkovJunior, Markus, Markwhen, Marp, Mask, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, MDX, Mech, Megaparsec, Melody, mermaid, Metalang99, Mewl, MewMew, mgmt, micro-editor, micro-mitten, MicroPython, mimium, Mindsdb, Minilang, MiniZinc, Mirah, mirth, mlatu, MLscript, mochajs, Mojo, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, monte, MoonScript, multiaddr, multibase, multicodec, mun-lang, mustache, myia, mys, Nadesiko, NCAR Command Language, Nearley, Neko, NestedText, NetLogo, neut, neutron, never, NewLisp, Nextflow, NGS, Nim, Ninja, Nit, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, noms-db, Numba, Nushell, nydp, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, Octune, oden, odin, ohm, oil, OK, Omgrofl, onnx, ooc, oopsilon, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, OpenRC runscript, Openverse, orange, orca-pl, Oxyl, P, packagist-pm, Pact, Pan, Pandas, parboiled, parboiled2, Parsers, Particles, partiql, PCRE, Pegasus, PEG.js, penrose, Perl, PgBouncer, Phel, phorth, PHP, pie-lang, pikelet, Plaid, plam, Please Build, Pod6, Podlite, PogoScript, pointless, polyglot-compiler, Pomsky, Pony, popr, PostCSS, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche-c, psyche, Pug, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, QOIR, Qore, Quint, Racket, Rakudo, RamdaScript, ramen, RAML, rant, raptorjit, React Native, Readable, Reason, Rebeca Modeling Language, Red, Redis, redprl, reflex-framework, Ren-C, RetDec, Revolution, rhine, Rholang, RicScript, Riff, RigC, Rita, RMarkdown, RobotFramework, Roc, Rockstar, Ron, rosie, Roslyn compiler, roy, ru, Ruby, Rust, Rye, SandDance, SATySFi, Savi, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Scoop, score, scribble, Scroll, Scryer Prolog, SDMS, Semantic Versioning, sentient, Seq, sham, shiv, shml, Sibilant, sile, sill, Simple Binary Encoding, sixten, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slash, Slashdown, Slim Framework, Slim, SMC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, Snowman, solid, Solidity, son, Sophia, Sophie, souper, SourcePawn, Spatial, Speedie, spider, SpiderBasic, spry, Sqlalchemy, SQRL, squiggle, Squirrel, SRL, Secure Scuttlebutt, Script.NET, stacklang, starlark, Stencil, STON, Streem, Sublime Syntax, SugarSS, sugartex, Superjson, Svelte, svgbob, Swallow, Sweet.js, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, t-lang, t2b, tablam, Taichi, Taijilang, tao3d, Tawa, tbox-lib, tea, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, Textadept, texti, Textile, tibet, tidyverse, tiledb, Tiny C Compiler, titan, Typed Lua, tldr, tldraw, toki sona, TOML, Topaz, tornado, Toy, TreeSheets, tridash, Triton, truck, Twine, twtxt, typecobol, TypeScript, UCG, UCL, Uiua, ultralisp-pm, Umka, Uno, unseemly, UrWeb, V, v8, Vale, Vcpkg, vega-editor-app, Vega, verona, Veryl, video, Vimwiki, Virgil, VLC, VSXu, Vue, vyper, Vyxal, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wasp, WDL, 文言文編程語言, whack, Whiley, Wing, wisp, Wonkey, Wren, Wu, Wyvern, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xidoc, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, xsv-app, Ecstasy, Xtext, Yakou Lang, YAMP, YANG, YARA, Yet Another Scripting Language, YASnippet, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Z-flat, Zephir, Zig, zz output: "Hello, world!" hello: world --- name: R Console fileTypes: [] scopeName: source.r-console uuid: F629C7F3-823B-4A4C-8EEE-9971490C5710 patterns: - name: source.r.embedded.r-console begin: "^> " beginCaptures: "0": name: punctuation.section.embedded.r-console end: \n|\z patterns: - include: source.r keyEquivalent: ^~R --- example: > HTML goes into YAML without modification message: | <blockquote style="font: italic 12pt Times"> <p>"Three is always greater than two, even for large values of two"</p> <p>--Author Unknown</p> </blockquote> date: 2007-06-01 Language features ====================================================== row Feature Sets FeatureLink ../features/hasSets.html Supported ✓ Example # Explicitly typed set. baseball players: !!set ? Mark McGwire ? Sammy Sosa ? Ken Griffey # Flow style baseball teams: !!set { Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, New York Yankees } Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 1327 6.6
YAMP - Data notation YAMP ==== YAMP, aka Yet Another Macro Processor, is a data notation created in 2019. 2019 #2161 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone Yet Another Macro Processor - for YAML - Superseded by Goyamp - Tags: dataNotation - YAMP is developed on GitHub and has 13 stars - YAMP is a superset of YAML - YAMP is written in YAML, Python, JSON, Bourne shell, HTML, AsciiDoc, Dockerfile, Markdown Language features ====================================================== row Feature Macros FeatureLink ../features/hasMacros.html Supported ✓ Example - defmacro: name: foo args: [who] value: Hello: who - foo: who: World Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 151 0.8
YANG - Application YANG ==== YANG is an open source application created in 2014 by Tom Nadeau. 2014 Tom Nadeau #328 on PLDB 10 Years Old 0 Repos git clone YANG modules from standards organizations such as the IETF, The IEEE, The Metro Ethernet Forum, open source such as Open Daylight or vendor specific modules - Tags: application - YANG is developed on GitHub and has 1,483 stars - There are at least 0 YANG repos on GitHub - YANG is written in HTML, XML, Markdown, JSON, Bourne shell, YAML, CSV, Python, SVG - YANG LSP implementation - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for YANG - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for YANG - Read more about YANG on the web: 1. 1. module sfc-lisp-impl { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config:sfc-lisp:impl"; prefix "sfc-lisp-impl"; import config { prefix config; revision-date 2013-04-05; } import rpc-context { prefix rpcx; revision-date 2013-06-17; } import opendaylight-md-sal-binding { prefix mdsal; revision-date 2013-10-28; } description "This module contains the base YANG definitions for sfc-lisp implementation."; revision "2015-04-27" { description "Initial revision."; } // This is the definition of the service implementation as a module identity identity sfc-lisp-impl { base config:module-type; // Specifies the prefix for generated java classes. config:java-name-prefix SfcLisp; } // Augments the 'configuration' choice node under modules/module. augment "/config:modules/config:module/config:configuration" { case sfc-lisp-impl { when "/config:modules/config:module/config:type = 'sfc-lisp-impl'"; //wires in the data-broker service container data-broker { uses config:service-ref { refine type { mandatory false; config:required-identity mdsal:binding-async-data-broker; } } } container rpc-registry { uses config:service-ref { refine type { mandatory true; config:required-identity mdsal:binding-rpc-registry; } } } } } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 409 2
YAP - Programming language YAP === YAP is a programming language created in 1985. 1985 #4570 on PLDB 39 Years Old YAP is an open-source, high-performance implementation of the Prolog programming language developed at LIACC/Universidade do Porto and at COPPE Sistemas/UFRJ. Its Prolog engine is based in the WAM (Warren Abstract Machine), with several optimizations for better performance. YAP follows the Edinburgh tradition, and is largely compatible with the ISO-Prolog standard and with Quintus Prolog and SICStus Prolog. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) Linux, Solaris, Prolog Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 166 0.8
YARA - Programming language YARA ==== YARA, aka Yet Another Recursive Acronym, is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Victor M. Alvarez. 2008 Victor M. Alvarez #229 on PLDB 16 Years Old 812 Repos git clone YARA is the name of a tool primarily used in malware research and detection. It provides a rule-based approach to create descriptions of malware families based on textual or binary patterns. A description is essentially a Yara rule name, where these rules consist of sets of strings and a boolean expression. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - YARA is developed on GitHub and has 7,981 stars - There are at least 812 YARA repos on GitHub - YARA is written in C, reStructuredText, XML, C++, starlark, YAML, Markdown, Bourne shell, Yacc, Lex, Bazel, Protocol Buffers, M4, Make, JavaScript, SVG, HTML, Python - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 43 users using YARA in 46 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for YARA - See also: (3 related languages) Perl, Regular Expressions, Extensible Linking Format rule silent_banker : banker { meta: description = "This is just an example" threat_level = 3 in_the_wild = true strings: $a = {6A 40 68 00 30 00 00 6A 14 8D 91} $b = {8D 4D B0 2B C1 83 C0 27 99 6A 4E 59 F7 F9} $c = "UVODFRYSIHLNWPEJXQZAKCBGMT" condition: $a or $b or $c } rule test { condition: true } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 315 1.6
YARV - Virtual machine YARV ==== YARV is a virtual machine created in 2007. 2007 #3791 on PLDB 17 Years Old YARV (Yet another Ruby VM) is a bytecode interpreter that was developed for the Ruby programming language by Koichi Sasada. The goal of the project was to greatly reduce the execution time of Ruby programs. Since YARV has become the official Ruby interpreter for Ruby 1.9, it is also named KRI (Koichi's Ruby Interpreter), in the same vein as the original Ruby MRI, named for Ruby's creator Yukihiro Matsumoto.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: virtual machine - See also: (4 related languages) C, Ruby, Subversion, Parrot Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 175 0.9
Yet Another Scripting Language - Programming language Yet Another Scripting Language ============================== Yet Another Scripting Language, aka Yet Another Scripting Language, is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #1248 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone Bytecode Interpreter for Yet Another Scripting Language (YASL). - Tags: programming language - Yet Another Scripting Language is developed on GitHub and has 63 stars - Yet Another Scripting Language is written in C, C++, Logos, Bourne shell, Markdown, Python, YAML, CMake - Read more about Yet Another Scripting Language on the web: 1. 1. # simple program that iteratively calculates factorials fn range(a, b) { tmp := [] for i := a; i < b; i += 1 { tmp->push(i) } return tmp } fn fact(n) { tmp := 1 while n > 0 { tmp *= n n -= 1 } return tmp } for i <- range(0, 7) { echo "fact(#{i}): #{fact(i)}" } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 248 1.2
YASnippet - Text markup language YASnippet ========= YASnippet is an open source text markup language created in 2008 by Zhang Chiyuan. 2008 Zhang Chiyuan #283 on PLDB 16 Years Old 403 Repos git clone A template system for Emacs - Tags: text markup language - YASnippet is developed on GitHub and has 2,767 stars - There are at least 403 YASnippet repos on GitHub - YASnippet is written in Lisp, Markdown, CSS, YAML, Make - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 261 users using YASnippet in 264 repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for YASnippet # -*- mode: snippet -*- # name: fun # key: fun # expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed)) # -- ${1:function-name} :: ${2:type} $1 ${3:arguments} $0 # name: Read stdin # key: stdin # group: es6 # -- new Promise(resolve => { let input = ""; process.stdin.setEncoding("UTF8"); process.stdin.on("readable", () => { const chunk =; null !== chunk ? input += chunk : resolve(input); }) }).then(data => { $1 }); Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 268 1.3
YAWL - Programming language YAWL ==== YAWL, aka Yet Another Workflow Language, is an open source programming language created in 2006 by Dean Mao. 2006 Dean Mao #918 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) is a workflow language based on workflow patterns. The language is supported by a software system that includes an execution engine, a graphical editor and a worklist handler. The system is available as Open source software under the LGPL license. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - YAWL is developed on GitHub and has 87 stars - YAWL is written in Java, XML, JSP, XSD, SQL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Markdown, Bourne shell - was registered in 2006 - See also: (2 related languages) XPath, XQuery Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 205 1
ycp - Programming language ycp === ycp is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #4881 on PLDB 19 Years Old The YaST-language YCP is a scripting language to be interpreted by the YCP-engine (YCP interpreter) specially designed for manipulation with a system configuration. Its syntax is very similar to C programming language. Because YCP can make use of the whole infrastructure that YaST provides, the actions that can be accomplished with YCP are very powerful. - Tags: programming language - Read more about ycp on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 157 0.8
Yedalog - Query language Yedalog ======= Yedalog is a query language created in 2015 by Brian Chin and Daniel von Dincklage and Vuk Ercegovac and Peter Hawkins and Mark S. Miller and Franz Och and Chris Olston and Fernando Pereira. 2015 Brian Chin Daniel von Dincklage Vuk Ercegovac Peter Hawkins Mark S. Miller Franz Och Chris Olston Fernando Pereira #2314 on PLDB 9 Years Old We introduce Yedalog, a declarative programming language that allows programmers to mix data-parallel pipelines and computation seamlessly in a single language. By contrast, most existing tools for data-parallel computation embed a sublanguage of data-parallel pipelines in a general-purpose language, or vice versa. Yedalog extends Datalog, incorporating not only computational features from logic programming, but also features for working with data structured as nested records. Yedalog programs can run both on a single machine, and distributed across a cluster in batch and interactive modes, allowing programmers to mix different modes of execution easily. - Tags: queryLanguage - Early development of Yedalog happened in Google - See also: (1 related languages) Datalog - Read more about Yedalog on the web: 1. 1. Documents = Load{path: "document-parse-trees"}; # Code to execute for each document: module PerDocument{tokens: T} = { # Computes parent-child relationships Child{p} = c :- T[c] == {parent: p, .._}; # Computes nodes that transitively descend from "influenced" Descendants{t: c} :- T[p] == {text: "influenced", .._}, c == Child{p}; Descendants{t: c} :- Descendants{t: p}, c == Child{p}; # Counts nodes in which each entity appears under the verb "influenced". Influence{mid} += 1 :- Descendants{t}, T[t] == {entity: mid, .._}; }; # Each entity’s influence from each hostname Influential{mid, hostname} += count :- Documents{tokens, hostname, .._}, PerDocument{tokens}.Influence{mid} == count; # Persists Influential as protocol buffer data ? Store{data: Influential, path: "influential-entities"}; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 485 2.4
YESS - Protocol YESS ==== YESS, aka You Easily Syndicate Scenes, is a protocol created in 2022 by Paul Gordon. 2022 Paul Gordon #2198 on PLDB 2 Years Old git clone YESS: A Reboot Of RSS. The protocol is a subset of HTML and CSS. It's central design idea is to split static HTML files up into small single-screen components, called Scenes. - Tags: protocol - YESS is developed on GitHub and has 5 stars - RSS influenced the design of YESS - YESS is written in SVG, Markdown <section> HTML for section 1 </section> <embed src="section-2-and-3.html"> <section> HTML for section 4 </section> <section> HTML for section 5 </section> <embed src="section-6.html"> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 211 1.1
yeti - Programming language yeti ==== yeti is a programming language created in 2007. 2007 #1443 on PLDB 17 Years Old git clone Functional programming language for JVM. - Tags: programming language - yeti is developed on GitHub and has 242 stars - yeti is written in Java, reStructuredText, Bourne shell, XML, Vim script, Gradle, Make, Lisp, CSS, C, Tex, Diff ack m n = if m == 0 then n + 1 elif n == 0 then ack (m - 1) 1 else ack (m - 1) (ack m (n - 1)) fi; println "ack 3 8 = \(ack 3 8)" Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 154 0.8
Yewslip - Programming language Yewslip ======= Yewslip is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Andrey Zholos. 2008 Andrey Zholos #2784 on PLDB 16 Years Old Yewslip is an interpreted general-purpose programming language. It is designed both as a language that is simple to understand and to use for standalone software, and as an extension language for C++ programs. - Tags: programming language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 131 0.7
Yes It Is - Framework Yes It Is ========= Yes It Is, aka Yes It Is, is an open source framework created in 2006 by Qiang Xue. 2006 Qiang Xue #285 on PLDB 18 Years Old git clone Yii is an open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework. Yii is pronounced as "Yee" or [ji:] and in Chinese it means "simple and evolutionary" and it can be an acronym for "Yes It Is!".. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: framework - Yes It Is is developed on GitHub and has 14,225 stars - Yes It Is is written in PHP, Markdown, XML, SQL, JSON, YAML, JavaScript, HTML, Dockerfile, Bourne shell, SVG, CSS - was registered in 2008 - See also: (3 related languages) PHP, WSDL, ISBN Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 208 1
yinyang - Programming language yinyang ======= yinyang is a programming language created in 2013. 2013 #4710 on PLDB 11 Years Old - Tags: programming language HackerNews discussions of yinyang ================================= title|titleLink|date|score|comments Show HN: YinYang, a usable live programming language||10/20/2013|134|55 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 109 0.5
yoga - Programming language yoga ==== yoga is a programming language created in 2020 by Trevor Blackwell. 2020 Trevor Blackwell #4882 on PLDB 4 Years Old Yoga is purely functional, meaning that every function takes inputs and returns outputs, without any side effects. Yoga programs have an implicit main loop, which is run every time a hardware sensor reports new values. It then propagates updates through the program like a spreadsheet. Yoga’s lexical syntax is close enough to JavaScript that you can use JavaScript syntax highlighting in your editor. - Tags: programming language - Read more about yoga on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 173 0.9
Yoix - Programming language Yoix ==== Yoix is an open source programming language created in 2000 by Rich Drechsler and John Mocenigo. 2000 Rich Drechsler John Mocenigo #1350 on PLDB 24 Years Old In computer programming, Yoix is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. The Yoix interpreter is implemented using standard Java technology without any add-on packages and requires only a Sun-compliant JVM to operate. Initially developed by AT&T Labs researchers for internal use, it has been available as free and open source software since late 2000.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (7 related languages) C, Java, PostScript, Perl, Unix, Linux, HTML import yoix.stdio.*; printf("Hello World"); import yoix.*.*; BuildYoixLogoImage(double height, Color color, int addshadow) { // create the basic image, without shadow GenImage(double height, Color color, Font imagefont, double scale) { Image yoixlogo = { int type = TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; Color imgcolor = color; double scale = scale; Font imagefont = imagefont; Font regfont = imagefont.scalefont(0.5, 0.5); Graphics graphics = { Font font = imagefont; int textantialiasing = TRUE; }; double ywd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "Y"); Dimension size = { double height = height; double width = ywd * 5.25; }; double owd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "o"); double iwd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "i"); double xwd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "x"); ywd += iwd; ywd /= 2.0; paint(Rectangle r) { double alpha = 1.0; double alpha2 = 0.3333; int limit = 12; graphics { gsave(); erasedrawable(0.0); // for transparent PNG rectclip(r); setrgbcolor(,,; translate(48 * this.scale, 44 * this.scale); for(n=0; n<limit; n++) { moveto(0.0, 0.0); setfont(this.imagefont); // "handmade" kerning show("Y", alpha); if (n == 0) { moveto(ywd, 0.0); show("o", alpha); moveto(ywd + owd - 0.3 * iwd, 0.0); show("i", alpha); moveto(ywd + owd + 0.8 * iwd, 0.0); show("x", alpha); moveto(ywd + owd + 0.8 * iwd + xwd, -this.imagefont.height * 0.33); setfont(this.regfont); show("\xAE", alpha); alpha = alpha2; } alpha *= 0.75; rotate(30); } grestore(); } } }; return(yoixlogo); } Font basefont = { String name = "ClearviewATT-plain-48"; }; double scale = height / 90.0; Font imagefont = basefont.scalefont(scale, scale); if (addshadow) { Image logo = GenImage(height, color, imagefont, scale); image = new Image { int type = TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; Image source = logo; Image img = logo; // convolve image to make a (lightened) shadow Image shadow = new Image { int type = TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; Image source = img; Array kernel = new Array[100]; Pointer ptr; for(ptr in kernel) *ptr = 0.0055; paint() { convolve(kernel); } }; // combine the image and shadow into one image paint(Rectangle r) { graphics { gsave(); moveto(0, 0); showimage(this.img); moveto(this.img.size.height * 0.005, this.img.size.height * 0.02); showimage(this.shadow); grestore(); } } }; } else { image = GenImage(height, color, imagefont, scale); } return(image); } // rudimentary argument processing (getopt is also available) // first argument is height of image double sz = (argc > 1) ? atof(argv[1]) : 270; int shdw = 1; int print = 0; // second argument: if 0/1 turn shadow off/on, otherwise // assume it is a filename for printing. if (argc > 2) { if (argv[2] =~ "^[01]TEMPLATEquot;) { shdw = atoi(argv[2]); } else { print = 1; } } Image yoixlogo = BuildYoixLogoImage(sz,, (sz >= 72) && shdw); if (print) { Stream output; if ((output = open(argv[2], "w")) != NULL) { encodeImage(yoixlogo, "png", output); close(output); } } else { JFrame jf = { int visible = TRUE; Dimension size = NULL; Array layout = { new JPanel { Dimension preferredsize = { double width = yoixlogo.size.width; double height = yoixlogo.size.height; }; Color background = Color.white; Image backgroundimage = yoixlogo; int backgroundhints = SCALE_NONE; }, }; }; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 750 3.8
YoptaScript - Programming language YoptaScript =========== YoptaScript is a programming language created in 2016 by Sam Gozman. 2016 Sam Gozman #388 on PLDB 8 Years Old git clone Joke programming language for 'gopniks' in Russia. Back from 2016! - Tags: programming language - YoptaScript is developed on GitHub and has 2,101 stars - YoptaScript compiles to JavaScript - YoptaScript is written in JavaScript, TypeScript, YAML, JSON, HTML, Markdown, CSS - YoptaScript is written with the native language of Russian красноглазое.чмо("Привет мир!") нах ксива.малява("Hello World") нах Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token ксива.малява Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 177 0.9
Yorick - Programming language Yorick ====== Yorick is an open source programming language created in 1996 by David H. Munro. 1996 David H. Munro #1037 on PLDB 28 Years Old Yorick is an interpreted programming language designed for numerics, graph plotting, and steering large scientific simulation codes. It is quite fast due to array syntax, and extensible via C or Fortran routines. It was created in 1996 by David H. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Yorick happened in Lawrence Livermore - Explore Yorick snippets on Rosetta Code - Yorick on HOPL Yorick on HOPL - Yorick appears in the TIOBE Index - Yorick Ubuntu package Yorick Ubuntu package - Yorick appears in the Quine Relay project - See also: (3 related languages) C, Fortran, Perl Data Language write, "Hello, world!" #!/usr/bin/yorick -batch print, "Hello World"; > x=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] > x [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] > y=[[7,8],[9,10],[11,12]] > x(,+)*y(+,) [[39,54,69],[49,68,87],[59,82,105]] > x(+,)*y(,+) [[58,139],[64,154]] Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 300 1.5
YugabyteDB - Database YugabyteDB ========== YugabyteDB is a database created in 2018. 2018 #4883 on PLDB 6 Years Old Distributed SQL database management system - Tags: database - Early development of YugabyteDB happened in Yugabyte Inc. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 91 0.5
Yul - Programming language Yul === Yul is a programming language created in 2016. 2016 #3190 on PLDB 8 Years Old JULIA is an intermediate language that can compile to various different backends (EVM 1.0, EVM 1.5 and eWASM are planned). Because of that, it is designed to be a usable common denominator of all three platforms. It can already be used for “inline assembly” inside Solidity and future versions of the Solidity compiler will even use JULIA as intermediate language. It should also be easy to build high-level optimizer stages for JULIA. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Yul happened in - Read more about Yul on the web: 1. 1. { function power(base:u256, exponent:u256) -> result:u256 { switch exponent case 0:u256 { result := 1:u256 } case 1:u256 { result := base } default: { result := power(mul(base, base), div(exponent, 2:u256)) switch mod(exponent, 2:u256) case 1:u256 { result := mul(base, result) } } } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 228 1.1
Yum - Package manager Yum === Yum is an open source package manager created in 1999 by Seth Vidal and Michael Stenner. 1999 Seth Vidal Michael Stenner #1662 on PLDB 25 Years Old The Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) is a libre and open-source command-line package-management utility for computers running the Linux operating system using the RPM Package Manager. Though YUM has a command-line interface, several other tools provide graphical user interfaces to YUM functionality. YUM allows for automatic updates and package and dependency management on RPM-based distributions. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: packageManager - Early development of Yum happened in Duke University - Read more about Yum on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 214 1.1
Z - Programming language Z = Z is a programming language created in 2012 by Chris Done. 2012 Chris Done #898 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A strict, impure, curried, partially applied programming language with rather peculiar syntax. - Tags: programming language - Z is developed on GitHub and has 278 stars - Z is written in Haskell, Lisp, HTML, Markdown - Read more about Z on the web: 1. 1. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "hello world" Token row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported ✓ Example defun message msg do print : Here's a message print msg print : End of message. Token row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A simple function, that is used inside the macro below. defun ap x y ++ x y defmacro : input z:string input -- Example with print: print : Hello, World! What's going on in here? Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 243 1.2
Z-flat - Programming language Z-flat ====== Z-flat is a programming language created in 2021 by Adam Hutchings. 2021 Adam Hutchings #2183 on PLDB 3 Years Old git clone Z-flat is a compiled, statically-typed programming language. Its design goals are intuitive syntax, type-safety, and easy library management. - Tags: programming language - Z-flat is developed on GitHub and has 7 stars - Z-flat is written in C++, C, Markdown, CMake, YAML, Bourne shell ~/ factorial /~ ~ recursive implementation ~ factorial_r(x: int): int { if (x < 2) { return 1; } else { return x * factorial_r(x - 1); } } ~ iterative implementation ~ factorial_i(x: int): int { ret: int = 1; loop(x): i: int { ret *= (i + 1); } return ret; } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 184 0.9
Z-machine - Programming language Z-machine ========= Z-machine is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #2329 on PLDB 44 Years Old The Z-machine is a virtual machine that was developed by Joel Berez and Marc Blank in 1979 and used by Infocom for its text adventure games. Infocom compiled game code to files containing Z-machine instructions (called story files or Z-code files) and could therefore port its text adventures to a new platform simply by writing a Z-machine implementation for that platform. With the large number of incompatible home computer systems in use at the time, this was an important advantage over using native code or developing a compiler for each system.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Z-machine happened in Infocom - Z-machine on HOPL Z-machine on HOPL - See also: (7 related languages) Lisp, Inform, Linux, C, Unix, iOS, Text Adventure Development System Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 230 1.1
Z notation - Notation Z notation ========== Z notation is a notation created in 1974. 1974 #1513 on PLDB 50 Years Old The Z notation is a formal specification language used for describing and modelling computing systems. It is targeted at the clear specification of computer programs and computer-based systems in general.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: notation - See also: (7 related languages) APL, ASCII, LaTeX, Unicode, Z++, Object-Z, Alloy - Read more about Z notation on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
Z shell - Programming language Z shell ======= Z shell is an open source programming language created in 1990 by Paul Falstad. 1990 Paul Falstad #138 on PLDB 34 Years Old [Image Omitted] A screenshot of the programming language Z shell. The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a powerful command interpreter for shell scripting. Zsh is an extended Bourne shell with a large number of improvements, including some features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh.. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Early development of Z shell happened in Princeton University - Z shell on HOPL Z shell on HOPL - Z shell appears in the TIOBE Index - Z shell Ubuntu package Z shell Ubuntu package - Z shell appears in the Quine Relay project - was registered in 1998 - See also: (6 related languages) C, Bourne shell, Bash, Korn shell, TCP, FTP - Read more about Z shell on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 20 PLDB concepts link to Z shell: Crystal, Embedded Crystal, Git, Iterm2, jinx, Kalyn, Kubernetes, lift, Mu, mycroft, oil, Opa, opam-pm, Pomsky, Ruby, Rust, score, tibet, Vcpkg, Wart echo "Hello, world!" #!/bin/zsh echo "Hello World" Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token echo row Feature Here Document FeatureLink ../features/hasHereDocs.html Supported ✓ Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 344 1.7
Z - Programming language Z = Z is a programming language created in 2019. 2019 #1907 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone The compiler for the Z programming language - a procedural and functional language that transpiles to JavaScript. It integrates syntactic sugar like pattern matching, operator overloading, and macros while still remaining compatible with the existing JavaScript ecosystem. - Tags: programming language - Z is developed on GitHub and has 54 stars - Z compiles to JavaScript Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
z2 - Programming language z2 == z2 is a programming language created in 2015. 2015 #2689 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Z2 is a statically-typed pure-OOP general-use performance-centric systems-programming language. - Tags: programming language - z2 is developed on GitHub and has 0 stars - z2 is written in C++, XML, Markdown - Read more about z2 on the web: 1. 1. namespace org.z2legacy.samples.ut; class HelloWorld { def @main() { System.Out << "Hello World!\n"; } } Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 155 0.8
z80 - Assembly language z80 === z80 is an assembly language created in 1976. 1976 #1811 on PLDB 48 Years Old - Tags: assembly language - CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting z80 - Read more about z80 on the web: 1. 1. ; memcpy -- ; Copy a block of memory from one location to another. ; ; Entry registers ; BC - Number of bytes to copy ; DE - Address of source data block ; HL - Address of target data block ; ; Return registers ; BC - Zero org 1000h ;Origin at 1000h memcpy public loop ld a,b ;Test BC, or c ;If BC = 0, ret z ;Return ld a,(de) ;Load A from (DE) ld (hl),a ;Store A into (HL) inc de ;Increment DE inc hl ;Increment HL dec bc ;Decrement BC jp loop ;Repeat the loop end Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example ; A comment Token ; row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 229 1.1
ZBasic - Programming language ZBasic ====== ZBasic is a programming language created in 1980. 1980 #4576 on PLDB 44 Years Old ZBasic is a compiler which was first released by Simutek (Tucson, Arizona) in 1980. The combined efforts of Andrew Gariepy, Scott Terry, David Overton, Greg Branche, and Halbert Laing led to versions for MS-DOS, Apple II, Macintosh, CP/M, and TRS-80 computers. ZBasic is a very fast, efficient and quite advanced BASIC compiler with an integrated development environment. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ZBasic on HOPL ZBasic on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) BASIC, FutureBASIC, Visual Basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 176 0.9
ZCCS - Programming language ZCCS ==== ZCCS is a programming language created in 1997. 1997 #5016 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ZCCS on HOPL ZCCS on HOPL - Read more about ZCCS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Zed - Programming language Zed === Zed is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #4884 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Explore Zed snippets on Rosetta Code - Zed on HOPL Zed on HOPL - Read more about Zed on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 113 0.6
Zeek - Programming language Zeek ==== Zeek is a programming language created in 1994. 1994 #2343 on PLDB 30 Years Old 1k Repos Zeek's domain-specific scripting language enables site-specific monitoring policies. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 1,383 Zeek repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 17 users using Zeek in 17 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Zeek - was registered in 2017 - 1 PLDB concepts link to Zeek: Bro Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 139 0.7
ZENO - Programming language ZENO ==== ZENO is a programming language created in 1995. 1995 #2979 on PLDB 29 Years Old Zeno (after pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea) is an imperative procedural programming language designed to be easy to learn and user friendly. Zeno is generic in the sense that it contains most of the essential elements used in other languages to develop real applications. The Zeno Interpreter was designed for use in Windows 95 and later Microsoft operating systems. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ZENO on HOPL ZENO on HOPL 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 199 1
zenscript - Programming language zenscript ========= zenscript is a programming language created in 2014 by Stan Hebben. 2014 Stan Hebben #1254 on PLDB 10 Years Old 1k Repos git clone - Tags: programming language - zenscript is developed on GitHub and has 76 stars - There are at least 1,390 zenscript repos on GitHub - zenscript is written in Java, Gradle, Markdown - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8 users using zenscript in 8 repos on GitHub var x = 5; print(x+5); for i in 0 to 10 { print(10 - i); } for i in 10 .. 20 { if i %2 == 0{ print(i); } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 187 0.9
Zephir - Programming language Zephir ====== Zephir is an open source programming language created in 2013 by Andres Gutierrez. 2013 Andres Gutierrez #192 on PLDB 11 Years Old 91 Repos git clone Zephir is a compiled high-level language aimed to ease the creation of C-extensions for PHP - Tags: programming language - Zephir is developed on GitHub and has 3,281 stars - There are at least 91 Zephir repos on GitHub - Zephir is written in PHP, C, JSON, Bourne shell, YAML, Markdown, M4, XML, Dockerfile, JavaScript, Bash, CSS, Make, Lisp - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 127 users using Zephir in 140 repos on GitHub - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Zephir - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Zephir - was registered in 2013 /** * CBLOCK tests * asfas */ %{ // top statement before namespace, add to after headers #define MAX_FACTOR 40 }% namespace Test; %{ // top statement before class, add to after headers // test include .h #include "kernel/require.h" }% %{ // c implement fibonacci static long fibonacci(long n) { if (n < 2) return n; else return fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1); } }% class Cblock { public function testCblock1() { int a = 0; %{ a = MAX_FACTOR; }% return a; } public function testCblock2() { long a = 0; %{ a = fibonacci(MAX_FACTOR); }% return a; } } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9]+ Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example // [0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]? Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example // 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ Token row Feature MultiLine Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasMultiLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example /* A comment */ Token /* */ row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example // A comment Token // row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 374 1.9
zephyr-asdl - Grammar language zephyr-asdl =========== zephyr-asdl is a grammar language created in 1997. 1997 #3191 on PLDB 27 Years Old - Tags: grammarLanguage - Read more about zephyr-asdl on the web: 1. 1. -- ASDL's 5 builtin types are: -- identifier, int, string, object, constant module Python { mod = Module(stmt* body, type_ignore *type_ignores) | Interactive(stmt* body) | Expression(expr body) | FunctionType(expr* argtypes, expr returns) -- not really an actual node but useful in Jython's typesystem. | Suite(stmt* body) stmt = FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment) | AsyncFunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment) | ClassDef(identifier name, expr* bases, keyword* keywords, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list) | Return(expr? value) | Delete(expr* targets) | Assign(expr* targets, expr value, string? type_comment) | AugAssign(expr target, operator op, expr value) -- 'simple' indicates that we annotate simple name without parens | AnnAssign(expr target, expr annotation, expr? value, int simple) -- use 'orelse' because else is a keyword in target languages | For(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment) | AsyncFor(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment) | While(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse) | If(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse) | With(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment) | AsyncWith(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment) | Raise(expr? exc, expr? cause) | Try(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody) | Assert(expr test, expr? msg) | Import(alias* names) | ImportFrom(identifier? module, alias* names, int? level) | Global(identifier* names) | Nonlocal(identifier* names) | Expr(expr value) | Pass | Break | Continue -- XXX Jython will be different -- col_offset is the byte offset in the utf8 string the parser uses attributes (int lineno, int col_offset, int? end_lineno, int? end_col_offset) -- BoolOp() can use left & right? expr = BoolOp(boolop op, expr* values) | NamedExpr(expr target, expr value) | BinOp(expr left, operator op, expr right) | UnaryOp(unaryop op, expr operand) | Lambda(arguments args, expr body) | IfExp(expr test, expr body, expr orelse) | Dict(expr* keys, expr* values) | Set(expr* elts) | ListComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) | SetComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) | DictComp(expr key, expr value, comprehension* generators) | GeneratorExp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) -- the grammar constrains where yield expressions can occur | Await(expr value) | Yield(expr? value) | YieldFrom(expr value) -- need sequences for compare to distinguish between -- x < 4 < 3 and (x < 4) < 3 | Compare(expr left, cmpop* ops, expr* comparators) | Call(expr func, expr* args, keyword* keywords) | FormattedValue(expr value, int? conversion, expr? format_spec) | JoinedStr(expr* values) | Constant(constant value, string? kind) -- the following expression can appear in assignment context | Attribute(expr value, identifier attr, expr_context ctx) | Subscript(expr value, slice slice, expr_context ctx) | Starred(expr value, expr_context ctx) | Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx) | List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx) | Tuple(expr* elts, expr_context ctx) -- col_offset is the byte offset in the utf8 string the parser uses attributes (int lineno, int col_offset, int? end_lineno, int? end_col_offset) expr_context = Load | Store | Del | AugLoad | AugStore | Param slice = Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step) | ExtSlice(slice* dims) | Index(expr value) boolop = And | Or operator = Add | Sub | Mult | MatMult | Div | Mod | Pow | LShift | RShift | BitOr | BitXor | BitAnd | FloorDiv unaryop = Invert | Not | UAdd | USub cmpop = Eq | NotEq | Lt | LtE | Gt | GtE | Is | IsNot | In | NotIn comprehension = (expr target, expr iter, expr* ifs, int is_async) excepthandler = ExceptHandler(expr? type, identifier? name, stmt* body) attributes (int lineno, int col_offset, int? end_lineno, int? end_col_offset) arguments = (arg* posonlyargs, arg* args, arg? vararg, arg* kwonlyargs, expr* kw_defaults, arg? kwarg, expr* defaults) arg = (identifier arg, expr? annotation, string? type_comment) attributes (int lineno, int col_offset, int? end_lineno, int? end_col_offset) -- keyword arguments supplied to call (NULL identifier for **kwargs) keyword = (identifier? arg, expr value) -- import name with optional 'as' alias. alias = (identifier name, identifier? asname) withitem = (expr context_expr, expr? optional_vars) type_ignore = TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag) } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example -- A comment Token -- row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 740 3.7
Zeta - Programming language Zeta ==== Zeta is a programming language created in 2008 by Russ Cox and Tom Bergan† and Austin T. Clements and Frans Kaashoek and Eddie Kohler. 2008 Russ Cox Tom Bergan† Austin T. Clements Frans Kaashoek Eddie Kohler #2928 on PLDB 16 Years Old A prototype implementation of xoc in zeta, a C-like interpreted procedural language with first-class functions. Zeta makes writing extensions easier than standard C, although extension writers must adjust to a slightly different language. Our implementation runs zeta using a bytecode interpreter and is therefore limited in its performance; we plan to replace the bytecode interpreter with compilation to machine code, which should reduce the compilation time for a large program from tens of seconds to a fraction of a second. - Tags: programming language - Early development of Zeta happened in MIT and UCLA - Zeta is written in C++ - Read more about Zeta on the web: 1. 2. 1. 2. - 1 PLDB concepts link to Zeta: Xoc Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 290 1.4
ZGRASS - Programming language ZGRASS ====== ZGRASS is a programming language created in 1978. 1978 #5017 on PLDB 46 Years Old - Tags: programming language - ZGRASS on HOPL ZGRASS on HOPL - Read more about ZGRASS on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 107 0.5
Zig - Programming language Zig === Zig is an open source programming language created in 2015 by Andrew Kelley. 2015 Andrew Kelley #45 on PLDB 9 Years Old 4k Repos git clone A programming language designed for robustness, optimality, and clarity. - Tags: programming language - Zig is developed on GitHub and has 32,864 stars - Watch the history of the Zig repo visualized with Gource - There are at least 3,909 Zig repos on GitHub - Zig is written in Zig, C, Assembly language, C++, Pascal, Bourne shell, Markdown, CMake, Python, YAML, Ring, PowerShell, JSON, JavaScript, HTML, Objective-C - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 20 users using Zig in 21 repos on GitHub - There are 5,511 members in the Zig subreddit - Explore Zig snippets on Rosetta Code - Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Zig - Learn Zig on exercism. - 12 PLDB concepts link to Zig: Ace Editor, Bio, bog, buzz, cloc, Cyber, mal, PCRE, PRQL, Pygments, Roc, Zig // Type your code here, or load an example. export fn square(num: i32) i32 { return num * num; } const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() anyerror!void {"Hello, world!", .{}); } const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { const stdout =; try stdout.print("Hello World", .{}); } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Binary Literals FeatureLink ../features/hasBinaryNumbers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Integers FeatureLink ../features/hasIntegers.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Floats FeatureLink ../features/hasFloats.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Hexadecimals FeatureLink ../features/hasHexadecimals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Octals FeatureLink ../features/hasOctals.html Supported ✓ Example Token row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token std.debug.print Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 387 1.9
ZigZag - Knowledge base ZigZag ====== ZigZag is a knowledge base created in 1965. 1965 #4577 on PLDB 59 Years Old ZigZag is Ted Nelson's trademark on a data model he has designed for computer interaction, both for users and between programs. Nelson's stated goal is on one hand a platform for the Project Xanadu hypertext and on the other a complete computing system built on new conventions. The design is centered on an information structure called a zzstructure and its interactive visualizations. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: knowledgeBase Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 158 0.8
Zork Implementation Language - Programming language Zork Implementation Language ============================ Zork Implementation Language, aka Zork Implementation Language, is a programming language created in 1988. 1988 #4491 on PLDB 36 Years Old 177 Repos - Tags: programming language - There are at least 177 Zork Implementation Language repos on GitHub - Read more about Zork Implementation Language on the web: 1. 1. <ROUTINE VILLAIN-STRENGTH (OO "AUX" (VILLAIN <GET .OO ,V-VILLAIN>) OD TMP) <SET OD <GETP .VILLAIN ,P?STRENGTH>> <COND (<NOT <L? .OD 0>> <COND (<AND <EQUAL? .VILLAIN ,THIEF> ,THIEF-ENGROSSED> <COND (<G? .OD 2> <SET OD 2>)> <SETG THIEF-ENGROSSED <>>)> <COND (<AND ,PRSI <FSET? ,PRSI ,WEAPONBIT> <EQUAL? <GET .OO ,V-BEST> ,PRSI>> <SET TMP <- .OD <GET .OO ,V-BEST-ADV>>> <COND (<L? .TMP 1> <SET TMP 1>)> <SET OD .TMP>)>)> .OD> Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 244 1.2
ZIM Format - Binary data format ZIM Format ========== ZIM Format is a binary data format created in 2009. 2009 #2809 on PLDB 15 Years Old The openZIM project proposes offline storage solutions for content coming from the Web. - Tags: binaryDataFormat - was registered in 2009 - Read more about ZIM Format on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 117 0.6
Zimbu - Programming language Zimbu ===== Zimbu is a programming language created in 2009 by Bram Moolenaar. 2009 Bram Moolenaar #1960 on PLDB 15 Years Old Bram Moolenaar (born 1961, in Lisse) is a Dutch computer programmer and an active member of the open-source software community. He is the original author, maintainer, release manager, and benevolent dictator for life of Vim, a text editor that is very popular among programmers and power users. Since July 2006, Moolenaar has been employed by Google, working in the Zürich office. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - See also: (3 related languages) Vim, vi, Python FUNC Main() int IO.write("Hello, World!\n") RETURN 0 } FUNC Main() int IO.write("Hello World\n") RETURN 0 } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token IO.write Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 219 1.1
Zimpl - Programming language Zimpl ===== Zimpl is a programming language created in 2004. 2004 #1892 on PLDB 20 Years Old 60 Repos Zimpl is a little language to translate the mathematical model of a problem into a linear or nonlinear (mixed-) integer mathematical program expressed in .lp or .mps file format which can be read and (hopefully) solved by a LP or MIP solver. - Tags: programming language - There are at least 60 Zimpl repos on GitHub - The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 34 users using Zimpl in 37 repos on GitHub # $Id: queens3.zpl,v 1.3 2009/09/13 16:15:53 bzfkocht Exp $ # # This is a formulation of the n queens problem using binary variables. # variables. Since the number of queens is maximized, the size of the # board can be set arbitrarily. # param columns := 8; set I := { 1 .. columns }; set IxI := I * I; set TABU[<i,j> in IxI] := { <m,n> in IxI with (m != i or n != j) and (m == i or n == j or abs(m - i) == abs(n - j)) }; var x[IxI] binary; maximize queens: sum <i,j> in IxI : x[i,j]; subto c1: forall <i,j> in IxI do card(TABU[i,j]) - card(TABU[i,j]) * x[i,j] >= sum <m,n> in TABU[i,j] : x[m,n]; Language features ====================================================== row Feature Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token row Feature Line Comments FeatureLink ../features/hasLineComments.html Supported ✓ Example # A comment Token # row Feature Semantic Indentation FeatureLink ../features/hasSemanticIndentation.html Supported X Example Token Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 326 1.6
Zip file format - Binary data format Zip file format =============== Zip file format is a binary data format created in 1989. 1989 #2599 on PLDB 35 Years Old ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed. The ZIP file format permits a number of compression algorithms, though DEFLATE is the most common. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: binaryDataFormat - 1 PLDB concepts link to Zip file format: sqlar-format Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 152 0.8
zish - Data notation zish ==== zish is a data notation created in 2017 by Tony Locke. 2017 Tony Locke #4492 on PLDB 7 Years Old A data serialization format, designed to be an improvement on JSON. It adds timestamp, bytes and decimal types, as well as multi-line strings. - Tags: dataNotation - Read more about zish on the web: 1. 1. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 136 0.7
zl - Programming language zl == zl is a programming language created in 2012 by Kevin Atkinson. 2012 Kevin Atkinson #2012 on PLDB 12 Years Old git clone A C compatible and C++ like programming language that focuses on extensiblilty and giving the programmer control over how high-level constructs (such as classes) are implemented. - Tags: programming language - zl is developed on GitHub and has 30 stars - zl is written in C, Rescript, C++, Tex, Bourne shell, Make, Perl, M4 - was registered in 2012 HackerNews discussions of zl ============================ title|titleLink|date|score|comments ZL: A C/C++ Compatible Language with Hygienic Macros||01/31/2016|42|7 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 188 0.9
zlang - Programming language zlang ===== zlang is a programming language created in 2017. 2017 #2549 on PLDB 7 Years Old git clone A flexible dynamically-typed programming language running on the JVM and supporting access to Java objects and interaction with Java at runtime. - Tags: programming language - zlang is developed on GitHub and has 40 stars - zlang is written in Java, Markdown, XML, Gradle, Bash Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 128 0.6
Zoem - Programming language Zoem ==== Zoem is a programming language created in 2005. 2005 #4645 on PLDB 19 Years Old - Tags: programming language \inform{Hello, world!} Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 83 0.4
zolang - Programming language zolang ====== zolang is an open source programming language created in 2018 by Þorvaldur Rúnarsson. 2018 Þorvaldur Rúnarsson #1324 on PLDB 6 Years Old git clone A programming language to generate code for multiple platforms - Tags: programming language - zolang is developed on GitHub and has 145 stars - zolang is written in Swift, Markdown, Bourne shell describe Person { name as text street as text number as number friendNames as list of text } let john as Person be Person("John", "Wall Street", 15, [ "Alice", "Bob" ]) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 171 0.9
DNS Zone - Application DNS Zone ======== DNS Zone is an application created in 2001. 2001 #1516 on PLDB 23 Years Old 30k Repos A Domain Name System (DNS) zone file is a text file that describes a DNS zone. A DNS zone is a subset, often a single domain, of the hierarchical domain name structure of the DNS. The zone file contains mappings between domain names and IP addresses and other resources, organized in the form of text representations of resource records (RR). Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application - There are at least 29,634 DNS Zone repos on GitHub - GitHub supports syntax highlighting for DNS Zone - See also: (1 related languages) SMTP $ORIGIN $TTL 60 @ IN SOA ns root ( 2002042901 ; SERIAL 7200 ; REFRESH 600 ; RETRY 36000000 ; EXPIRE 120 ; MINIMUM ) NS c.a.7.e.d.7.e.f.f.f. PTR zone "" IN { type master; file "r.local"; }; Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 256 1.3
Zonnon - Programming language Zonnon ====== Zonnon is a programming language created in 2003 by Jürg Gutknecht. 2003 Jürg Gutknecht #1784 on PLDB 21 Years Old Zonnon is a programming language along the Oberon, Modula, and Pascal language line. Jürg Gutknecht is the author of the programming language.Zonnon is a general purpose programming language in the Pascal, Modula-2 and Oberon family. Its conceptual model is based on objects, definitions, implementations and modules. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Explore Zonnon snippets on Rosetta Code - See also: (3 related languages) Oberon, Pascal, Modula module HelloWorld; begin writeln("Hello World"); end HelloWorld. Language features ====================================================== row Feature Strings FeatureLink ../features/hasStrings.html Supported ✓ Example "Hello world" Token " row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token writeln Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 212 1.1
Zope - Application Zope ==== Zope is an application created in 1999. 1999 #3306 on PLDB 25 Years Old Zope is a family of free and open-source web application servers written in Python, and their associated online community. Zope stands for "Z Object Publishing Environment", and was the first system using the now common object publishing methodology for the Web. Zope has been recognized as a Python killer app, an application that helped put Python in the spotlight.Over the last few years, the Zope community has spawned several additional web frameworks with disparate aims and principles, but sharing philosophy, people, and source code. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: application Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 178 0.9
ZOPL - Programming language ZOPL ==== ZOPL, aka Version Z, Our Programming Language, is a programming language created in 1979. 1979 #2566 on PLDB 45 Years Old ZOPL is a programming language created by Geac Computer Corporation in the early 1970s for use on their mainframe computer systems used in libraries and banking institutions. It had similarities to C and Pascal. ZOPL stood for "Version Z, Our Programming Language". Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - ZOPL on HOPL ZOPL on HOPL - See also: (3 related languages) C, Pascal, Unix Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 163 0.8
Zot - Programming language Zot === Zot is a programming language created in 2015 by Adam Treat. 2015 Adam Treat #2973 on PLDB 9 Years Old git clone Zot language interpreter written in c++ - Tags: programming language - Zot is developed on GitHub and has 3 stars - Zot is written in C++, Bourne shell, Markdown 111101010100111010101001001101010010010011101010100111010101 001101010010101010011101010100110101001101010100110101001010 101001110101010011101010100110101001010101001110101010011010 100110101010011010100101010100111010101001101010011010101001 101010011010101001110101010011101010100111010101001110101010 010011010100100110101001001101010010011010100101010011101010 100110101001101010100110101001101010100110101001010100111010 101001110101010011010100101010100111010101001101010011010101 001101010010101010011101010100110101001101010100111010101001 101010010101010010101001110101010011010100101010011101010100 111010101001101010010101010011101010100110101001010100111010 101001101010010101010010101001101010011101010100110101001101 010100100101010011010100101010011101010100110101001101010100 110101001101010100110101001010100111010101001110101010011010 100101010100111010101001101010011010101001101010010101010011 101010100110101001101010100111010101001101010010101010010101 001110101010011010100101010011101010100111010101001101010010 101010011101010100110101001010100111010101001101010010101010 010101001101010011101010100110101001101010100100101010011010 100101010011101010100110101001010100101010001010000100001000 010011000110110010011101111011011101110000001000011010011110 11000110110001101101010011000010010 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 147 0.7
ZPL - Programming language ZPL === ZPL is a programming language created in 1993. 1993 #2833 on PLDB 31 Years Old - Tags: programming language - Explore ZPL snippets on Rosetta Code - ZPL on HOPL ZPL on HOPL - Read more about ZPL on Semantic Scholar: 1. 1. ^XA^FDHello World^XZ~PS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 118 0.6
Z++ - Programming language Z++ === Z++ is a programming language created in 1991. 1991 #3744 on PLDB 33 Years Old Z++ is also a version of the C++ programming language (not to be confused with Z++ that this article is about).Z++ (pronounced zee plus plus) was an object-oriented extension to the Z specification language. Z++ is an object-oriented extension to the Z specification language, allowing for the definition of classes, and the relation of classes through inheritance, association or aggregation. The primary construct of Z++ is a class. Read more on Wikipedia... Read more on Wikipedia... - Tags: programming language - Z++ on HOPL Z++ on HOPL - See also: (1 related languages) Z notation CLASS ClassName [OWNS List_of_attributes] [FUNCTIONS constant_definitions] [TYPE type_declaration] [ENTENDS list_of_super_classes] [OPERATIONS list_of_state_change_operations_definitions] [RETURNS list_of_query_operations_definitions] [ACTIONS all_operations_declarations] [INVARIANT predicates] [HISTORY RTL_predicates] END CLASS Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 209 1
Zuo - Programming language Zuo === Zuo, aka derived from the Chinese word for “make.”, is an open source programming language created in 2022 by Matthew Flatt. 2022 Matthew Flatt #2124 on PLDB 2 Years Old A Tiny Racket for Scripting - Tags: programming language - Racket influenced the design of Zuo - Zuo is written in C - See also: (1 related languages) Racket - Read more about Zuo on the web: 1. 1. #lang zuo/datum ;; The classic toy benchmark (provide fib) (define input (let ([args (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)]) (if (null? args) 30 (string->integer (car args))))) (define (fib n) (cond [(= n 0) 1] [(= n 1) 1] [else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))])) (fib input) Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
zz - Programming language zz == zz is a programming language created in 2019 by Arvid E. Picciani. 2019 Arvid E. Picciani #928 on PLDB 5 Years Old git clone 🍺🐙 ZetZ a zymbolic verifier and tranzpiler to bare metal C - Tags: programming language - zz is developed on GitHub and has 1,600 stars - zz is written in TOML, Rust, Bourne shell, Markdown, YAML, HTML, C using <stdio.h>::{printf} export fn main() -> int { let r = Random{ num: 42, }; printf("your lucky number: %u\n", r.gen()); return 0; } struct Random { u32 num; } fn gen(Random *self) -> u32 { return self->num; } Language features ====================================================== row Feature Print() Debugging FeatureLink ../features/hasPrintDebugging.html Supported ✓ Example Token printf Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/15/2024 193 1
Where does software innovation happen? A zoomable map Where does software innovation happen? A zoomable map ===================================================== September 11, 2024 Thank you to the volunteer contributions of many people over many years (especially Hari!) which has made this visualization possible. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 09/11/2024 37 0.2
A brief interview with Microsoft SandDance creator Steven Drucker A brief interview with Microsoft SandDance creator Steven Drucker ================================================================= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits August 15, 2024 Steven Drucker's SandDance (⌨️) is both twenty years in the future and timeless. SandDance allows humans to see and interact with data the way you interact with particles in the real world. Steven sat down with us to talk about the origins of SandDance and his 29 years at Microsoft Research. Thank you for your time Steven! ⌨️ Steven Drucker's SandDance [Image Omitted] Visualizing PLDB using SandDance. * What led you to create SandDance? ================================= SandDance really comes from a convergence of a lot of different ideas. My background originally was neuroscience, then robotics, then computer graphics. I had built particle systems. Karl Sims is a good friend of mine doing brilliant animated evolutionary creatures. I've always been fascinated by lots of individual collective things, creating some structure out of that. animated evolutionary creatures Karl Sims I was doing a bunch visualization stuff and finding people often were misunderstanding aggregations. Simpson's paradox. Bayes rule. One of the misunderstandings I was having when I was telling stories with data, people would kind of get confused when you show percentages and absolutes. It would be better if you showed them something that was physically realizable. If you could actually say, let's stack these individual particles so that you actually show sums. When you see these quantities in absolute numbers of things, it's like "oh my god, that's so clear, why didn't anybody ever show that to me before?" I have a colleague who's built something very similar: MorphCharts. MorphCharts The impetus was always the same: let's help people understand the information better. It's great to take those raw rows of a dataset and say each point represents a row. It really matched well for people's understanding of "what happens when I in different ways...highlight." A grammar of interactions. * You've shown a million points, what would happen if you showed a billion points? ================================================================================ You're limited by the number of pixels. When you get to that many particles, you need a metaphor. * How can SandDance help people trust AI generated data visualizations? ===================================================================== By giving people alternate ways of looking at the data to validate the results. If you're doing a pivot, let's see that. If you're doing a filter, let's see that. And that way you can actually see that the operations are happening the way you want. So it's a visual explanation of the thing. * You've been at Microsoft Research for 29 years. What's kept you there? ====================================================================== Part of it is a chance to meet with new and different people with different perspectives and constantly be re-energized by interns and projects. * What's the biggest difference between a developer and a researcher? =================================================================== A developer, when they hear a problem the first thing they think is "how do I solve this architecturally?" The first thing a researcher tends to look at is "what was done before?" Both things need to be done to a certain extent. You have to start building things to see what's going to happen. But it's helpful to see what was done before and what was the context. * How do you choose what to focus on? =================================== I am driven by "oh my god that's going to fundamentally change the way I do things." ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Thank you for your time Steven! Image source * Longer interviews with Steven: ============================== - Visualizing Data and Other Big Ideas with Dr. Steven Drucker (2017) Visualizing Data and Other Big Ideas with Dr. Steven Drucker (2017) * This interview lightly edited for clarity and length. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 08/15/2024 676 3.4
A brief interview with JSON creator Douglas Crockford A brief interview with JSON creator Douglas Crockford ===================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits August 7, 2024 Douglas Crockford is well known for creating JSON, which serves billions everyday, but less known is his deep understanding of language design and how much insight he shares with the world. Douglas was generous enough to take a small break from his own projects to chat with us about language design. Thank you for your time Douglas! JSON Douglas Crockford shares with the world * Can you tell us more about your new language Misty? =================================================== *Douglas*: Misty is vaporware in its finest form. Misty * You've been designing languages for a long time. What languages have influenced you? ==================================================================================== *Douglas:* Fortran (1957), C (1972), PLZ (1978) [See Doug's notes on PLZ]. Important patterns in those languages, but also a lot of crap. Fortran C PLZ See Doug's notes on PLZ Over 50 years I've learned to take things out. Eiffel (1986) by Bertrand Meyer. I thought I understand Object Oriented programming, but didn't. Eiffel Bertrand Meyer Another big influence was E (1997). E Lisp (1958). Lisp More recently Javascript (1995). Javascript Carl Hewitt's work at MIT in the 1970's contains elements of the next paradigm. Carl Hewitt's * What habits do you have that you think are helpful for programming language design? =================================================================================== *Douglas:* I do a lot of this stuff in my head. I'm thinking about it when I go to sleep. I got writer's block during COVID lockdowns. I got a Remarkable Tablet. That helped. Remarkable Tablet * What would be your advice to young people today who are interested in creating their own programming language? ============================================================================================================== Definitely go for it. It's definitely going to make you smarter. Understand the layers, layers and layers. ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Thank you for your time Douglas! Image source * Longer interviews with Douglas Crockford: ========================================= - Corecursive (2023) Corecursive (2023) * This interview was edited for length. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 08/07/2024 436 2.2
A brief interview with nomnoml creator Daniel Kallin A brief interview with nomnoml creator Daniel Kallin ==================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits July 25, 2024 Daniel Kallin's brilliant homepage shows technical chops and design passion. Therefore it's not surprising that Daniel created nomnoml: a fast language and tool for generating beautiful diagrams. Daniel sat down with us to talk about nomnoml, which he designed for users to "feel like you're drawing with Ascii". Thank you for your time Daniel! nomnoml brilliant homepage nomnoml [Image Omitted] width 300 Diagram made with nomnoml. Diagram made with nomnoml. * What motivated you to make your own diagramming language? ========================================================= *Daniel*: I was motivated by my own needs and my curiosity. Existing diagramming tools were labor intensive to use and generated diagrams that weren’t very visually pleasing. I felt I could do better. A domain specific language was a natural choice. Less work than building a full WYSIWYG editor. A huge benefit is that you can generate the code externally, work on it with your favourite editor and save the code locally. * What have you enjoyed most about running an open source project for ten years? ============================================================================== *Daniel:* Hearing that people like the tool is a big driving force for me. Most people say really nice things and that is great. The occasional code contribution is also nice. * What would be your advice for someone just getting into language design? ======================================================================== *Daniel:* Just dive straight in. Create lots of examples and see what it takes to parse them. Then both the language and the parser will evolve in tandem. And please do consider other human languages than just English that your parser should support. There is plenty of Nomnoml diagrams with labels in Chinese or Korean, and those characters have to be supported in a good way. ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Thank you for your time Daniel! Image source Built with Scroll v144.0.0 07/25/2024 377 1.9
Introducing a new term: Leet Sheets Introducing a new term: Leet Sheets =================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits July 15, 2024 Today PLDB introduces a new term to the English Language: "Leet Sheet". * A Leet Sheet is a single page densely packed with intelligent information about key concepts in a topic. What makes a great Leet Sheet? ============================== 1. *One page*. Ideally single sided. 2. *Concise Writing and Visuals*. No extraneous words or strokes. 3. *Printable*. A PDF, PNG or other easily printable format should be provided or easy to generate. 4. *Open source*. The source code should be viewable and improvable by everyone. An Example ========== [Image Omitted] Posit make some of the best Leet Sheets in the world, like the one above for ggplot2. make some of the best Leet Sheets ggplot2 Posit * Links to Leet Sheets on PLDB ============================ [Image Omitted] A Leet Sheet link now appears in the quick links button for every language with one. Help us add Leet Sheets! ======================== PLDB currently has links to Leet Sheets for over 70 active languages. But that means we need to add Leet Sheets for _hundreds_ more. Also, some of the Leet Sheets we currently link to don't meet all the guidelines above, and we'd love to swap those links for ones that do. If you could take a moment and add a `leetSheets [url]` to your favorite programming language's source file on PLDB and send a pull request, together we can build the world's biggest dataset of Leet Sheet links in no time at all! Leet Sheets for over 70 active languages ⁂ Notes ===== Why not use the term Cheat Sheet? ================================= A Leet Sheet is perhaps the most honest form of documentation one can make. To associate it with "Cheating", is not only inaccurate, but harmful because it discourages the creation and use of Leet Sheets. We need a great term for a great concept. Why not use the term Reference Sheet? ===================================== Reference Sheet is a nice neutral term. But it has been around for a long time and has not displaced "Cheat Sheet". Maybe to displace a rhyme it takes a rhyme. Can you generate Leet Sheets automatically from source code? ============================================================ Yes. Scroll is the language PLDB is written in and the Leet Sheet for Scroll currently is below and is autogenerated from the Scroll source code: Scroll autogenerated from the Scroll source code Built with Scroll v144.0.0 07/15/2024 447 2.2
Video: Adding a language to PLDB Video: Adding a language to PLDB ================================ by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits June 22, 2024 How often do you pair program? For me the answer is *not enough*. * Much of my programming knowledge I got sitting behind coders at work in Redmond, San Francisco, Mountain View, et cetera. I learned from programmers older than me, younger than me, and the same age. All groups used brilliant tools, commands, and DSLs I had never seen before. * PLDB is a remote, decentralized open source project, so it is very rare that any of us contributors get to "pair program" with each other. Luckily, screencasts with video overlays turn out to be a good substitute for in person pair programming. With that introduction, I present the video below. * ⁂ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 06/22/2024 134 0.7
Every top 10 programming language has a single creator Every top 10 programming language has a single creator ====================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits May 29, 2024 Janet's Swift post sparked me to add a computed measure to PLDB calculating the number of creators a language has. The results are below. You can also explore the data yourself. Janet's Swift post explore the data yourself [Image Omitted] Interactive Version Interactive Version undefined Built with Scroll v144.0.0 05/29/2024 118 0.6
At What Age Do Programmers Write Languages? At What Age Do Programmers Write Languages? =========================================== May 29, 2024 A new post from Janet Swift. A new post from Janet Swift. [Image Omitted] undefined Built with Scroll v144.0.0 05/29/2024 65 0.3
What languages do the people who build languages use? What languages do the people who build languages use? ===================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits May 28, 2024 PLDB now has _foundationScore_, which measures how often a language is used in the main implementations of other languages. To calculate foundationScore, we download the git repos for all open source languages in PLDB (which is >98% of them), run cloc on each, and sum the output. cloc The results are below. Click the image for the interactive version. You can also see all the foundationScore data in the PLDB Explorer. see all the foundationScore data in the PLDB Explorer [Image Omitted] Interactive Version Interactive Version undefined Built with Scroll v144.0.0 05/28/2024 151 0.8
What can we learn from programming language version numbers? What can we learn from programming language version numbers? ============================================================ May 27, 2024 [Image Omitted] What can we learn from programming language version numbers? What can we learn from programming language version numbers? undefined Built with Scroll v144.0.0 05/27/2024 49 0.2
Exploration of the ages of programming language creators Exploration of the ages of programming language creators ======================================================== May 25, 2024 Anton Antonov posted an analysis of PLDB's age data. Anton Antonov Click the image below to view his *_interactive_* notebook. his *_interactive_* notebook [Image Omitted] From Anton Antonov's Computational exploration for the ages of programming language creators dataset. Computational exploration for the ages of programming language creators dataset undefined Built with Scroll v144.0.0 05/25/2024 96 0.5
The Ages of Programming Language Creators The Ages of Programming Language Creators ========================================= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits May 19, 2024 Dennis Ritchie created C when he was 31. Douglas Crockford created JSON when he was 46. Ken Iverson created J at age 70. Here is a new dataset with "ageAtCreation" for 185 programming languages. C JSON Ken Iverson created J 36 median age 37.5 avg age 16 min age 70 max age [Image Omitted] undefined Interactive Version. Interactive Version. No one under 20 has ever created a popular programming language =============================================================== Aaron Swartz created atx at 16, which hinted at his later work with John Gruber on Markdown. Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP at age 27. Stallman created Emacs at 23. atx Markdown PHP Emacs But no one under 20 ever created a top language. I find that mildly interesting. Programming Language Creation Peaks In Your 30's ================================================ [Image Omitted] Programmers create the most languages in their 30's. Programmers in their 40's create the second most. After that it drops off. Keep on Creating ================ TypeScript, Go, JSON, and Clojure are a handful of very popular Top 100 languages that were created by people in their 40's and 50's. TypeScript Go JSON Clojure Creating your own languages is fun (most of the time), regardless of whether it catches on. But it can be even more fun to build one that catches on, and it's never too late to start something new. ⁂ Notes ===== - Download the data Download the data - A reddit user shared some related work ;) from 2012: The Secret of a Successful Programming Language? A Really Great Beard. shared The Secret of a Successful Programming Language? A Really Great Beard html.h1 The Ages of Programming Language Creators web.get vega.histogram xColumn ageAtCreation columns.describe tables.basic filter.where ageAtCreation > 50 columns.describe tables.basic filter.where ageAtCreation > 40 columns.describe tables.basic tables.basic vega.scatter xColumn ageAtCreation yColumn pldbScore Built with Scroll v144.0.0 05/19/2024 445 2.2
A brief interview with Rexx creator Mike Cowlishaw A brief interview with Rexx creator Mike Cowlishaw ================================================== by Hassam Alhajaji Hassam Alhajaji February 27, 2023 Mike Cowlishaw is a distinguished computer scientist and creator of Rexx and NetRexx. He has worked on many other programming languages, including PL/I, C, and Java. Dr. Cowlishaw is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, elected for his contributions to the field of engineering, and is a retired IBM Fellow. His relentless spirit has catapulted too many contributions to count yet he remains humble and accessible :) Mike Cowlishaw Rexx NetRexx PL/I C, Java * I've read some of your early papers on Rexx. If you were to edit them now knowing what you know, what would you change? I want to know what worked for Rexx, as well as what didn't. ==================================================================================================================================================================================== *Dr. Cowlishaw:* I don't think I'd change anything in them except to emphasise more that a programming language is a Human-Computer-Interface and the language designer should design for the users of the language, not just for himself or herself. As for what I'd change in Rexx: there are some limitations because of the slowness of computers at that time (e.g., I wanted all comparisons to be, by default, caseless). Many of these sorts of things I fixed in NetRexx (see). see * Rexx has been battle tested at IBM and has given birth to many implementations. To what do you attribute the early success of Rexx? =================================================================================================================================== *Dr. Cowlishaw:* It was (and still is) very easy for people who were not programmers to learn and to get results with Rexx, due it it having few specials codes and so on (the one that caused most trouble was '*' meaning 'multiply'. That was (and is) completely non-intuitive to someone seeing a Rexx program for the first time. * Do you predict the next paradigm shift in programming languages will be? ======================================================================== *Dr. Cowlishaw:* Hopefully a much higher-level interface, where the programmer describes what's wanted and then refines it with the help of (perhaps) some real AI. ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Mahalo for your time, Dr Cowlishaw! Image source Built with Scroll v144.0.0 02/27/2023 440 2.2
A brief interview with Tcl creator John Ousterhout A brief interview with Tcl creator John Ousterhout ================================================== by Hassam Alhajaji Hassam Alhajaji February 8, 2023 Dr. John Ousterhout is a computer science luminary who has made significant contributions to the field of computer science, particularly in the areas of operating systems and file systems. He is the creator of the Tcl scripting language, and has also worked on several major software projects, including the Log-Structured file system and the Sprite operating system. John Ousterhout's creation of Tcl has had a lasting impact on the technology industry, transforming the way developers think about scripting and automation. Dr. John Ousterhout Tcl Sprite operating system Log-Structured file system * What is unique about Tcl? ========================= *Dr. Ousterhout:* I would highlight 2 things: The first thing is its embeddable nature: I designed Tcl so that the library could be embedded in applications, with Tcl providing generic scripting features and the application adding its own commands to the built-in command set. The boundary between Tcl and the application is extremely fluid, and applications can extend Tcl in very powerful ways, such as adding new control structures to the language. I don't think any other scripting language has achieved embeddability to the degree that Tcl did. The second thing is Tcl's "everything is a string" philosophy. This played a big role in Tcl's embeddability and made it easy to extend Tcl in a variety of ways. But, it also carried a performance penalty; even with a lot of work, Tcl has never become as efficient as other languages with more traditional types, such as Python. The string focus is also responsible for Tcl's unusual command syntax, which some people love and some people hate. Python * How different would Tcl be had you stayed on with the development team? :) ========================================================================== *Dr. Ousterhout:* I don't think it would have been very different. Tcl was quite mature by the time I passed off development responsibility. Tcl had its heyday in the 1990's, due in large part to the power of the Tk toolkit and the awfulness of the other X Window GUI toolkits; Tcl/Tk was the easiest and most powerful way to create GUI apps. Unfortunately, Tcl didn't make the jump to the Web, and most of the applications for which people would have used Tcl in the 1990s became Web applications. Tk toolkit Interesting footnote: the founding of Netscape occurred at the same time I was deciding where to go in industry when I left Berkeley in 1994. Jim Clarke and Marc Andreessen approached me about the possibility of my joining Netscape as a founder, but I eventually decided against it (they hadn't yet decided to do Web stuff when I talked with them). This is one of the biggest "what if" moments of my career. If I had gone to Netscape, I think there's a good chance that Tcl would have become the browser language instead of JavaScript and the world would be a different place! However, in retrospect I'm not sure that Tcl would actually be a better language for the Web than JavaScript, so maybe the right thing happened. JavaScript * As a long time educator, what do you predict the next paradigm shift in programming languages will be? ====================================================================================================== *Dr. Ousterhout:* I don't really know. It used to be that every 5-10 years a major new language came along, but it's been almost 20 or years since the last interesting new language I can think of (Go). Maybe others would count Rust, in which case maybe the 5-10 year interval is still holding. Go Rust One interesting note on this. Historically, I think the most widely used programming linkages have come not from the programming language research committee, but rather from people who build systems and wanted a language to help themselves. PL researchers tend to create languages that are useful for PL researchers: they have interesting theoretical and conceptual properties (e.g., ML) but aren't usually useful for real systems. Systems people create languages that are useful for systems builders, so they get widely adopted. Examples are C, C++ (I think?), Perl, Java, and Go. I would put Tcl in this category as well, and perhaps Python also? C C++ Perl ML Java Tcl Go Python ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Thank you for your time Dr. Ousterhout! Image source Built with Scroll v144.0.0 02/08/2023 868 4.3
A brief interview with Janet contributor Josef Pospíšil A brief interview with Janet contributor Josef Pospíšil ======================================================= by Hassam Alhajaji Hassam Alhajaji January 24, 2023 Josef Pospíšil (Pepe) is a programming enthusiast, first with Basic in 1986, then the first Rubyist in the Czech Republic, and now a contributor to the language Janet. Josef Pospíšil Basic Rubyist Janet * What language features do you think are underrated and why? =========================================================== *Pepe:* For me, as a former Rubyist and current Janet, it is the joy and comfort of the programmer. And not only for the seasoned professional but mainly for those new to the language or programming. * What can you tell us about the inception and evolution of Janet so far? ======================================================================= *Pepe:* I was not at the inception, but I know the story well enough to convey it. Bakpakin (Calvin Rose) created the Fennel language as the test bed for the ideas of the new LISP-like language on top of Lua. It was brilliant as it enabled a fast feedback cycle on top of the proven language and its virtual machine. As proof, it is still alive in excellent hands and evolving in its regard. When this prototype cleared the picture enough, Janet was started as a fresh take on the language design, wholly written in the C with custom code for every aspect of it. From parsing thru the bytecode and virtual machine to the mutable and immutable data types. This meant that the first couple of cycles of life, it was mostly making sure it did not segfault. Yet the approach brought sweet fruits: Bakpakin Fennel Lua C - 1. the code is compact and consistent. One can read and understand it broadly in one day if one knows the C programming language. - 2. the code is optimized yet hackable. - 3. all the products compiled or interpreted are performant in boot time and processing the data. I came to the language in the endless search for my last language. I was in the ClojureScript world at the time, but not happy. And here was the language which combined all the best I always valued in programming language design. From that point, the core stays mostly static, but the inner and outer circles spread outside. We added an event loop and ffi inside the language and a spork utility library outside it. And so much more. We are at the point of releasing the mythical 2.0 version in the coming time. ClojureScript * What are the underlying mechanisms in the future of programming language creation? What does that future look like? =================================================================================================================== *Pepe:* This is very similar to the mystery of the evolution of the human race. This is one of the reasons I am so into programming language design. Mechanisms are mixed and hidden even for the creators at the inception. The future of the programming language landscape will stay the same: evolving all the time. ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Thank you for your time Pepe and best of luck on the upcoming release! Image source Built with Scroll v144.0.0 01/24/2023 589 2.9
A brief interview with Mu creator Dr. Kartik Agaram A brief interview with Mu creator Dr. Kartik Agaram =================================================== by Hassam Alhajaji Hassam Alhajaji November 22, 2022 Dr. Kartik Agaram is a professional programmer by day and the author of several open source projects that try to demystify computers. His projects all show a great love for programming and empathy for readers grappling with a strange codebase. Dr. Kartik Agaram * What problem is Mu attempting to solve? Mu ==================================================================================== *Dr. Agaram:* Can we encourage people to modify the programs on their computers without impeding their ability to work with others? The world currently creates software with certain unquestioned assumptions: - A few people build the program, a lot of people use it. - Everybody who uses a program tries to stick together and use the same version. - Don't move anybody's cheese! We can add things to programs. However, once a thing in a program works one way, we don't change it or remove it. These assumptions lead to many problems: - Since everyone uses the same version, any mistakes that creep into it affect everyone. - Since a small number of people build the program, they can sneak in things most people don't want, maybe even malicious things. - Since we can't ever take things out, programs grow ever larger and more complex, never simpler. Mistakes become more inevitable over time, and it becomes easier and easier for a single person to sneak in malicious things even past other builders. This way of working has been transplanted from the way humans have built artifacts before the time of computers. However, software is different: - It's very easy to copy. Things made of atoms have to be shared in our world, but each of our computers can live in its own solipsistic universe. If I want a road to move a little to the left or right I'm out of luck, but most software doesn't fundamentally forbid such changes. - Small changes can have huge effects. In the real world I can't destroy my house by bringing a pen into it. But on my computer these sorts of things happen all the time. You can press _your_ mouse somewhere on _your_ screen.. and catastrophically lose all your money. The way to fix this, I think, is to start with what makes computers different from anything else in human experience. - Keep programs really small to minimize vectors for catastrophe. - Use this knowledge to allow anyone to modify their own programs. The more people change programs on their own computers, the more natural barriers we will have to keep mistakes and malicious changes from infecting everyone all at once. - Spread the knowledge and understanding of what's inside a computer to lots of people so that we can police each other on the programs that enter our computers. * Doesn't this approach risk destabilizing people's computers? ============================================================ *Dr. Agaram:* You're absolutely right. I'm asking people to make changes to programs they're not very familiar with, and that increases the odds of breaking something. I have 3 defenses. 1. Mistakes can be protected against. We can detect them quickly, and we can support undoing them quickly. Guardrails like formal analysis (types and so on) and tests help with the former. Version control helps with the latter. Both are fairly mature and reliable. We should all lean on them more to avoid bigger problems elsewhere. 2. Philosophically I think mistakes can often be very desirable. If you make lots of small mistakes, that can help you avoid big mistakes. This is the idea of hormesis that Nassim Taleb popularized. Avoiding large forest fires by having annual controlled burns, for example. In software I think mistakes can be very desirable because they allow the design rationale for programs to spread through a wider audience of programmers, and to not be forgotten over time. 3. I'd argue software today is already fairly unstable. We find vulnerabilities constantly. We find apps exfiltrating behavioral data on a regular basis. And even our cheese gets moved fairly often when we upgrade. So it's not clear to me how much we're giving up. So yes, breakage will be a little more visible where it's normally happening in areas that are easy to ignore. Perhaps this is a good thing? Software is in the stone ages. I think we all would benefit from reminders of this fact. We might be annoyed more but suffer fewer catastrophes. * This is a big, ambitious project. How did you get motivated to start working on it? =================================================================================== *Dr. Agaram:* When I started Mu I'd been working in tech companies for a while, and I was disillusioned. Large companies are slow, bureaucratic and permit all kinds of shoddy work and weighty-seeming over-engineering. It seemed to me that they should be getting at least technically out-competed by smaller companies, even if they still often win from a business perspective. (I was very influenced early on by Tracy Kidder's book, _"The soul of a new machine"_ about how Data General went out of business in spite of building a technically superior computer.) But when I looked around, the smaller companies didn't seem that much better. They were all trying furiously to grow, not just in adoption but also in the population of their programmers. They didn't seem more capital-efficient. Software is supposed to be scalable. Why are we having such trouble keeping our programs running without constant attention? I think there's a rot in the foundations that we keep trying to paper over and forget about. We should instead keep exposing it, reminding ourselves of it, trying new ways to rid ourselves of it. Tracy Kidder's ⁂ [Image Omitted] You have my heartfelt gratitude Dr. Agaram! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/22/2022 991 5
A brief interview with Pascal and Oberon creator Dr. Niklaus Wirth A brief interview with Pascal and Oberon creator Dr. Niklaus Wirth ================================================================== by Hassam Alhajaji Hassam Alhajaji November 18, 2022 Niklaus Wirth(🙏🏽) has designed programming languages all over the world that have had immense impact. And yet, he still maintains great humility and somehow finds time for mentoring the next crop of programming language designers. Thank you for your time Dr. Wirth! Niklaus Wirth 🙏🏽 * Are there any novel ideas from your languages that have yet to be adopted by others? ==================================================================================== *Dr. Wirth:* Mostly the "philosophy" of simplicity and regularity of the concepts. I always focused on the "teachability" of a language. After all, one should not teach a language, but programming. One must focus on programming concepts, and not on language features. * When you were making programming languages what references did you use? ======================================================================= *Dr. Wirth:* The starting point of my work was the language Algol 60. All my languages (Algol W, Pascal, Modula, Oberon) follow the "philosophy" of Algol 60. Algol 60 Algol W Pascal Modula Oberon * What would be your advice to young people today who want to get into the field of designing programming languages? ================================================================================================================== *Dr. Wirth:* I would not recommend the design of a new language, except perhaps for special applications. The common languages, as poor and complex as they are, are too much entrenched all over the world. I would tell them to look at my "Oberon". Oberon ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Thank you for your time Dr. Wirth! Image source Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/18/2022 323 1.6
A brief interview with AWK creator Dr. Brian Kernighan A brief interview with AWK creator Dr. Brian Kernighan ====================================================== by Hassam Alhajaji Hassam Alhajaji November 15, 2022 Dr. Brian Kernighan is a Canadian computer scientist who contributed to the development of UNIX at Bell Labs. Along with Dennis Richie, he co-authored a fundamental book on C, The C Programming Language. He has been training the next generation of programmers at Princeton University since 2000 and has been monumental in his contribution to the computer science community at large. He wrote the first documented “Hello World!” program and to that we say, “Hello, Brian!”. Dr. Brian Kernighan UNIX The C Programming Language * Are there any novel ideas from Awk that have yet to be adopted by others? Awk ======================================================================================================================== *Dr. Kernighan:* The main idea in Awk was associative arrays, which were newish at the time, but which now show up in most languages either as library functions (hashmaps in Java or C++) or directly in the language (dictionaries in Perl and Python). Associative arrays are a very powerful construct, and can be used to simulate lots of other data structures. associative arrays Java C++ Perl Python I guess the pattern-action paradigm was also not novel but not widely used at the time. It's an effective way to organize some kinds of computations. pattern-action * When you were making programming languages what references did you use? ======================================================================= *Dr. Kernighan:* None? This was a long time ago (think 1970s), and the languages that I have been involved with have all been new and special-purpose so there wasn't much available prior art. Of course one vital tool was Yacc, which made it really easy to create and experiment with grammars and have them converted into highly efficient parsers. Lex did the same thing for the lexical level, again replacing a lot of tedious code with a set of rules. Lex is certainly an example of a pattern-action language; arguably Yacc is as well, so it's kind of a virtuous cycle. Lex Yacc * What would be your advice to young people today who want to get into the field of designing programming languages? ================================================================================================================== *Dr. Kernighan:* Try designing and implementing small and special purpose languages. They are lots of fun, often very useful, and a great deal easier than trying to create a replacement for Rust or C++. Look for things that could be automated if you had the right kind of language to spell out the steps, then create a simple compiler and runtime. Jon Bentley wrote a couple of articles on this long ago that are still relevant. articles Rust C++ ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image from Wikimedia Commons. Thank you for your time Dr. Kernighan! Wikimedia Commons Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/15/2022 571 2.9
A brief interview with Common Lisp creator Dr. Scott Fahlman A brief interview with Common Lisp creator Dr. Scott Fahlman ============================================================ by Hassam Alhajaji Hassam Alhajaji November 11, 2022 Dr. Scott Fahlman is a Professor Emeritus in the Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science. He is a computer programming language connoisseur and the original neural network jedi master. He was one of the core developers of the Common Lisp Language and his current work includes Artificial Intelligence. Dr Fahlman is as notably kind as he is a humble scientist. Befittingly, he is the originator of the internet's first emoticon, sideway smile :-) Dr. Scott Fahlman Common Lisp Language * Are there any neat ideas from Lisp that have yet to go mainstream? ================================================================== *Dr. Fahlman:* It took a long time for Lisp's automatic storage allocation and garbage collection to go mainstream. This is more than "neat", it eliminates a whole class of bugs that are among the most subtle and difficult to find and fix. But people resisted this as being too inefficient until Java came along and made the idea more mainstream. Java garbage collection The other "neat" idea -- still not "mainstream", as far as I know -- is to represent programs as the same kind of objects that the system is good at manipulating: linked lists, in the case of Lisp. The transformation from text to list-structured representations is trivial (that's why Lisp programs have some many parentheses), and you can run that code directly in an interpreter, or compile it on the fly into fast, efficient machine code. represent programs as the same kind of objects that the system is good at manipulating This makes it possible for Lisp to have a very powerful and flexible macro system, in which programs can easily transform expressions from some surface form to a different internal form. That, in turn, makes Lisp an excellent tool for implementing more specialized languages, with user interfaces that make sense in that domain. Most of the major packages in Common Lisp started out as macro packages, and then the popular ones made it into the language spec: the complex version of LOOP, the complex FORMAT statement, even the Common Lisp Object System. macro Common Lisp Object System * When you were making programming languages what references did you use? ======================================================================= *Dr. Fahlman:* I used Maclisp for my grad-school years at the MIT-AI lab (1969-1977), and we had some nice documentation for that. And also the code for the system itself. Or I could go down the hall and talk to the people who had built that system. I briefly used a Symbolics Lisp Machine, and it had good documentation as well. The Sussman and Abelson book, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, came along later, and was a good intro to the kind of thinking that went into Lisp and the simplified Scheme dialect of Lisp. Maclisp Scheme I was part of the core design team for Common Lisp (the so-called "Gang of Five") that designed Common Lisp, drawing from all the existing Lisp dialects, trying to find a combination of features that some of us liked and that we all could live with. (DARPA had decreed that they were no longer going to fund the development of many Lisp dialects, so we all had to settle on a "common" one to use going forward.) We had a long design process within the various branches of the Lisp community of the day, and we had access to the code and documents of most of those existing systems. Guy Steele moderated that discussion for a while, and then I took over as moderator. Guy Steele The resulting specification was written down by Guy Steele, with help from me and a lot of others, and that defined the language: Common Lisp, The Language (Second Edition), known as "CLtL". There was also a formal specification, formulated by the X3J15 committee under the ANSI standards body. But neither of those documents were meant to be a tutorial or to be very user-friendly. For people wanting to learn Common Lisp, I recommend "Practical Common Lisp" by Peter Seibel, and also keep the Common Lisp Hyperspec handy for specific questions. There are open-source implementations of CMU Common Lisp and Steel Bank Common Lisp out on the web. CMU Common Lisp Steel Bank Common Lisp Hyperspec In designing Common Lisp, it was all politics. A lot of fairly ugly compromises were required to keep one group or another from walking away. So, while I am overall proud of the result, and it is still the language I use when I have a choice, it lacks the elegance of a language designed by a single person with a single vision. We teamed with a group from Apple to design Dylan as a worthy Common Lisp successor, but that was during the time in the 1990's when Jobs was gone and Apple was struggling to survive. So first they ruined the initially-beautiful design, and then they shut down the project and the Apple lab in Cambridge MA that was working on this. Dylan * What would be your advice to young people today who want to get into the field of designing programming languages? ================================================================================================================== *Dr. Fahlman:* Don't! Unless you like to do this as a hobby. What I came to understand, after years of work on Common Lisp and the death of Dylan, the ongoing popularity of the hideous C++, and the rise of Java, is that programming languages don't become mainstream based on their elegance or their deep utility. For any given project, the best programming language to use is the one everyone else is using for that kind of programming at that time. It doesn't have to be the language that is best or most beautiful, and it hardly ever is. As long as the currently-dominant language is adequate to the task without TOO many infuriating shortcomings, just use it. You'll be able to hire programmers, get support, have the latest libraries, and so on. C++ So the best languages very rarely take over, if ever. Some language starts being used because it has the backing of some big company or project, people doing similar things use it as well, positive feedback sets in, and soon it is the language everyone is using. Java is an example -- not nearly as good as Lisp on many dimensions, but it appeared at the right time for a language with some good properties for creating downloadable Internet apps. And it had the backing of Sun Microsystems, at a time when Sun was powerful. So Java became mainstream, while Common Lisp and Dylan faded away. The programming language formalists at CMU, who prefer languages like ML, are constantly disappointed that nobody ever chooses to write programs in them. ML So, in the mid-1990s, I decided that I was not longer going to put effort into building programming languages and tools, when the choice of which languages became popular was essentially a lottery. Since then, my focus has been on AI research, and part of that involves the design of planning systems that (maybe) can eliminate the need for most programming. You tell them what you want, as you might describe it to a smart grad student, they maybe ask some clarification questions, and then they go do it. That only works if they know enough about the world and have enough "common sense" to avoid blunders. I still use Common Lisp for developing my AI implementations, but if there is commercial interest I can translate the code into Python or whatever, or hire someone to do this. Python ⁂ [Image Omitted] Image source. Thank you for your time Dr. Fahlman! :-) Image source Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/11/2022 1441 7.2
Where are the most programming languages created? Where are the most programming languages created? ================================================= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits November 3, 2022 [Image Omitted] The above SVG is also available as a png. png The code for the visualization above was written in the Explorer language. code Explorer language You can export the data using this Ohayo script: html.h1 Which countries produce the most programming languages? web.get hidden filter.where country > show.rowCount country hidden Previous posts in this series ============================= September 3, 2022 September 3, 2022 October 31, 2018 October 31, 2018 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/03/2022 147 0.7
What is the growth in programming languages over time? What is the growth in programming languages over time? ====================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits September 2, 2022 [Image Omitted] The above SVG is also available as a png. png The code for the visualization above was written in the Explorer language. code Explorer language Built with Scroll v144.0.0 09/02/2022 78 0.4
Languages of the year: 1972 - 2022 Languages of the year: 1972 - 2022 ================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits [Image Omitted] July 21, 2022 1995 was an exceptional year for programming languages: Java, Javascript, PHP and Ruby were all created in 1995. I was curious what the top language was for each of the past 50 years. Java Javascript PHP Ruby Data used in this post: ======================= id,title,appeared,rank,also c,C⁺²,1972,3,Prolog Smalltalk ml,ML,1973,156, sql,SQL,1974,8, yacc,Yacc,1975,137, sas,SAS,1976,31, awk,awk,1977,72, tex,Tex,1978,88, rexx,Rexx,1979,101, ada,Ada,1980,44, nial,Nial,1981,389, postscript,PostScript,1982,75, vhdl,VHDL,1983,96, matlab,MATLAB⁺¹,1984,15,Objective-C cpp,C++⁺¹,1985,7,ARM postgresql,PostgreSQL⁺¹,1986,33,Erlang perl,Perl,1987,13, mathematica,Mathematica⁺¹,1988,39,Tcl bash,Bash,1989,56, haskell,Haskell,1990,23, python,Python⁺²,1991,5,HTML Visual Basic dylan,Dylan,1992,104, r,R⁺¹,1993,12,Lua racket,Racket,1994,60, java,Java⁺⁴,1995,1,JavaScript PHP Ruby MySQL xml,XML⁺²,1996,10,CSS OCaml rebol,REBOL,1997,106, actionscript,ActionScript,1998,151, tls,TLS,1999,112, csharp,C#,2000,16, json,JSON,2001,22, scratch,Scratch,2002,141, groovy,Groovy,2003,51, scala,Scala,2004,18, f-sharp,F#,2005,55, powershell,PowerShell,2006,41, clojure,Clojure,2007,32, nim,Nim,2008,70, go,Go,2009,14, rust,Rust,2010,27, kotlin,Kotlin⁺¹,2011,43,Elixir typescript,TypeScript⁺¹,2012,34,Julia purescript,PureScript,2013,132, swift,Swift,2014,19, zig,Zig,2015,138, reason,Reason,2016,103, mdx,MDX,2017,360, deno,Deno,2018,272, v,V,2019,165, bicep,Bicep,2020,616, nimskull,Nimskull,2021,2034, Built with Scroll v144.0.0 07/21/2022 321 1.6
The One Letter Programming Languages The One Letter Programming Languages ==================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits [Image Omitted] July 16, 2022 C and R are two famous programming languages whose name is a single letter. In an effort to retire this practice (😉), I've made an infographic to show that all the letters are taken. C R Data used in this post: ======================= title,id,appeared,rank,titleLink A+,aplus,1988,876,../concepts/aplus.html B,b,1969,242,../concepts/b.html C,c,1972,2,../concepts/c.html D,d,2001,48,../concepts/d.html E,e,1997,229,../concepts/e.html F#,f-sharp,2005,53,../concepts/f-sharp.html G,labview,1986,92,../concepts/labview.html H,h-lang,2019,3232,../concepts/h-lang.html I,i,2012,2097,../concepts/i.html J,j,1990,131,../concepts/j.html K,k,1993,214,../concepts/k.html L,l,2013,3404,../concepts/l.html M,mumps,1966,96,../concepts/mumps.html N,n,1990,3636,../concepts/n.html O,o,1986,1952,../concepts/o.html P,p,2013,786,../concepts/p.html Q,q,2003,268,../concepts/q.html R,r,1993,10,../concepts/r.html S,s,1976,344,../concepts/s.html T,t,1980,567,../concepts/t.html U,u,2013,3307,../concepts/u.html V,v,2019,161,../concepts/v.html W,w,2019,3233,../concepts/w.html X,x,2021,3124,../concepts/x.html Y,y,1981,1344,../concepts/y.html Z,z,2019,3105,../concepts/z.html I made the viz in Keynote and by hacking on this repo. this repo html.h1 The Single Letter Programming Languages web.get tables.basic columns.keep title id aka appeared type rank filter.where aka != text.length aka columns.setType akaLength number filter.where akaLength < 2 tables.basic text.length title columns.setType titleLength number filter.where titleLength < 2 tables.basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 07/16/2022 342 1.7
print() debugging in over 300 languages print() debugging in over 300 languages ======================================= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits [Image Omitted] July 15, 2022 Paul Graham—creator of Arc and Bel—started an interesting thread last month about print("debugging"). interesting thread Arc Bel * Both experts and beginners frequently use print("debugging"). Support for print("debugging") is near-universal in high level programming languages. But implementations vary. Different languages use different function names. * What are the common names? ========================== - Many languages have a simple global keyword like `print` or `echo` or `puts`. - Many don't use the global namespace and you print("debugging") via a call like `console.log`. - Many provide multiple keywords, such as `print` and `println`—the latter a shortcut for printing a string followed by a `\n`. - Then there's the long tail. Some have special syntactic sugar, such as the code golf esolang 05AB1E which does `"debugging`. 05AB1E * The Data ======== Below is a table of over 100 token(s) used for print("debugging") in over 300 languages. You can see the latest data in the PLDB Explorer.!null%22%2C%22data%22%3A%22printToken%22%2C%22origData%22%3A%22printToken%22%2C%22type%22%3A%22string%22%2C%22value%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%5D%2C%22logic%22%3A%22AND%22%7D latest data in the PLDB Explorer You may notice there is a lack of representation of assembly languages in this list. It is often _much_ harder for print("debugging") in low level languages than simply writing `print`. [Image Omitted] Keyword,Languages,Count print,Python R Perl Swift Fortran Lua Dart awk PostScript SPSS Emacs Lisp Standard ML REBOL Logo Boo Io IDL Hy NewLisp Squirrel Ceylon Factor MoonScript Maxima SETL Dafny Coconut Terra Genie ALGOL 68 RATFOR Gosu Ante Jython SIL Cobra Yorick BeanShell Nit starlark Fennel Angelscript F MAXScript pyret GDScript ArkScript dyvil ProvideX Project MAC’s SYmbolic MAnipulator Locomotive BASIC Bython zenscript owen-lang A++ toy-lang Pawn SdlBasic Action Code Script QCL Battlestar Claro verve,63 println,Scala Clojure Julia Kotlin Groovy V ClojureScript Ioke E Koka Scala.js carp ooc Fancy Felix Golo Frink clay Jakt Nice Vale Picat Caché Basic Afnix,24 printf,C Objective-C D Maple GNU Octave CUDA Cyclone DTrace Volt zz Interactive C Interpreter muon Qore Yoix Algae Y Nymph silk Promela,19 echo,PHP PowerShell Bash Nim fish J Hack Fantom Batchfile Korn shell Z shell Tea tcsh Vim script C shell MIRC scripting language,16 PRINT,Lisp BASIC Common Lisp QBasic GFA BASIC BBC BASIC Applesoft BASIC BlooP Xbasic baysick ALGO Cesil,12 write,Prolog VHDL Icon Pike Unicon JADE Nial ALGOL W S-algol Logtalk GAML,11 Print,Mathematica Xojo Wolfram Language ISWIM LotusScript JAI AMOS Basic-256 Blitz3D holyc,10 console.log,JavaScript TypeScript CoffeeScript Node.js Deno LiveScript roy cor,8 puts,Ruby Tcl Crystal Monkey Euphoria Nu XOTcl,7 writeln,Pascal Chapel Seed7 XL Zonnon Draco,6 System.out.println,Java AspectJ Pizza concurnas,4 Console.WriteLine,C# Visual Basic Oxygene BEEF,4 say,Rexx NetRexx kitten Raku,4 putStrLn,Haskell Idris Agda,3 print_string,OCaml Reason skip,3 WRITE,ALGOL 60 ABC Karel,3 disp,MATLAB Scilab,2 DISPLAY,COBOL CobolScript,2 display,Scheme Racket,2 printfn,F# Fable,2 stdout.print,Zig Wyvern,2 Out.String,Oberon Oberon-2,2 put,HyperTalk Turing,2 std::cout,C++,1 fmt.Println,Go,1 println!,Rust,1 io:format,Erlang,1 Text_IO.Put_Line,Ada,1 displayNl,Smalltalk,1 IO.puts,Elixir,1 WriteLn,Delphi,1 $display,Verilog,1 WriteString,Modula-2,1 w,MUMPS,1 WRITES,BCPL,1 OutText,Simula,1 dbms_output.put_line,PL/SQL,1 printLine,Self,1 display dialog,Applescript,1 Serial.println,Arduino,1 stdout.printf,Vala,1 trace,ActionScript,1 Response.Write,ASP,1 IO.print,Wren,1 OUTPUT,SNOBOL,1 MsgBox,AutoIt,1 call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine,CIL,1 sys->print,Limbo,1 write.full.string,Occam,1 io:println,Ballerina,1 prn,Arc,1 System.Console.WriteLine,Nemerle,1 postln,SuperCollider,1 jlog,Opa,1 io.write_string,Mercury,1 PrintN,PureBasic,1 cfoutput,ColdFusion,1 Console.OUT.println,X10,1 FStar.IO.print_string,F*,1 print_endline,Caml,1 putchar,B,1 WScript.Echo,JScript,1 stream$putl,CLU,1 answer,LiveCode,1 #OUT,Sather,1 #print,Lean,1 draw_text,GML,1 Stdout,Miranda,1 crLog,Pharo,1 console.loge,Dogescript,1 System.Console.Write,J#,1 env.out.print,Pony,1 MessageBox,PowerBuilder,1 standard-output,ISLISP,1 document.write,Objective-J,1 out_string,Classroom Object Oriented Language,1 Scream,Rockstar,1 System.print,gravity,1 write-line,CLISP,1 Refal,1 fmt.println,odin,1 .print,Lisaac,1 $print,Neko,1 WriteF,Amiga E,1 PrintLn,eC,1 output:,Rapira,1 $console:line,Parser 3,1 PRINTF,Action!,1 hodor.hod,Hodor,1 player:tell,MOO,1 bprint,QuakeC,1 Show,OX,1 io::println,Whiley,1 pr,Shen,1 SysLib.writeStdout,EGL,1 traceln,monte,1 message,Uniface,1 Logger.log,Google Apps Script,1 ксива.малява,YoptaScript,1 Message,1C Enterprise Script,1 Write,Caché ObjectScript,1 escribir,latino,1 Qout,XBase++,1 TextOut,Not eXactly C,1 writeLine,elena,1 Println,Orc,1 Text,XPL0,1 IO.write,Zimbu,1 Console.println,Ferite,1 stdout.putString,Emerald,1 System.puts,Virgil,1 Console.printLine,Frost,1 _printf,ceu,1 IO.Println,parasail,1 Js.log,Rescript,1 fmt::println,Hare,1 output,quorum,1 Built with Scroll v144.0.0 07/15/2022 958 4.8
A Language Without Comments A Language Without Comments =========================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits [Image Omitted] July 14, 2022 JSON is the _only_ popular language in PLDB without comments. JSON supports neither line comments nor multiline comments. JSON line comments multiline comments JSON originally had comments ============================ Douglas Crockford explained his unique design decision in 2012. He had comments originally but removed them to prevent ecosystem fragmentation: I removed comments from JSON because I saw people were using them to hold parsing directives, a practice which would have destroyed interoperability. I know that the lack of comments makes some people sad, but it shouldn't. Suppose you are using JSON to keep configuration files, which you would like to annotate. Go ahead and insert all the comments you like. Then pipe it through JSMin before handing it to your JSON parser. - Douglas Crockford - April 30, 2012 - Source Some Supersets of JSON have comments ==================================== A number of JSON derivatives added comments back, such as JSON5, Hjson and JSON with Comments. JSON5 Hjson JSON with Comments Built with Scroll v144.0.0 07/14/2022 222 1.1
Does every programming language have line comments? Does every programming language have line comments? =================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits [Image Omitted] July 13, 2022 About 85% of the languages in PLDB have line comments. line comments A language supports line comments if it defines a special token (nowadays usually `//` or `#`) where everything after that token until the end of the line becomes a comment. Example: print "Hello world" # this is a comment These are different from multiline comments which are delimited by a pair of tokens (such as `%{` and `}%`). multiline comments The majority of languages use // or # to start a line comment ============================================================= *38%* of programming languages follow C and use `//`. C (1972) follows B (1969) which follows BCPL (1966). C B BCPL *22%* use `#`, which has become very popular thanks to languages like Python, Perl, and Ruby. Python Perl Ruby The SQL languages all generally use `--`. The era of experimentation with line comment tokens appears to be over: the last time a new line comment token appeared in the top 250 was 1993. 15% of languages don't have line comments ========================================= About 15% of the languages in PLDB don't support line comments. These include some of the key markups for the web like HTML, CSS and SVG. HTML CSS SVG JSON famously does not support comments. But a number of its derivatives do, such as JSON with Comments. JSON JSON with Comments A few general purpose languages don't support line comments including Mathematica and OCaml. Mathematica OCaml A few exceptions ================ Like everything, there are exceptions to the common cases. A few languages, such as SPSS, have a more restrictive form of line comment where the line comment token has to be the first token on the line. SPSS A few languages also support multiple line comment tokens. The Ini config format supports both `;` and `#`. Ini config format html.h1 Line comments web.get filter.where rank < 300 columns.keep appeared title rank features.hasLineComments lineCommentToken columns.rename features.hasLineComments hasLineComments filter.where hasLineComments != tables.basic hasLineComments tables.basic filter.where hasLineComments = false tables.basic filter.where lineCommentToken != lineCommentToken reduce appeared min firstAppeared roughjs.pie Line comment token usage label lineCommentToken value count rows.sortByReverse count tables.basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 07/13/2022 502 2.5
The New PLDB The New PLDB ============ by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits June 23, 2022 I started PLDB 1,681 days ago(~4.5 years). After a big lull, I am excited to announce the new release! started - all source code for the site and database is now on GitHub. - the database went from 3,800 to 4,266 entries. - there are now pages listing the top 100 languages, top 250 languages, and languages by origin community. - each language page now lists all fields. - the site now runs on Scroll instead of Jekyll. I am excited to have this release behind me and hope to get more data, more crawling scripts, and more analysis up over the next few months. Thanks for reading! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 06/23/2022 136 0.7
Hello, world...year 3! Hello, world...year 3! ====================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits November 18, 2019 I started PLDB 2 year ago today! Since that time: - In the past year, PLDB has gone from less than 1,400 languages to over 3,800! Almost a 3x increase! - In the past year, I added the programming language features page which now lists 90 features! features page - I also added the file extensions page which lists over 1,300 file extensions! file extensions page - The programming language design conference page has 6 conferences listed for 2020. conference page Unfortunately the number of articles on PLDB is 14 (counting this one). Just like last year, limited time and resources has meant building up the dataset took priority. Hopefully the next year will see a lot of growth in number of posts! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/18/2019 165 0.8
How many major global programming competitions are there? How many major global programming competitions are there? ========================================================= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits September 7, 2019 I have done many problems on Project Euler but I've never participated in competitive programming. The other day I got curious, what does the competitive programming landscape look like? Project Euler competitive programming I started my quest by watching a great interview with a competitive programmer. Then I did some searching. Below are my results. interview competitive programmer * There are 16 major programming competitions =========================================== The first one started in 1970. A few of the newer ones are online only. Most of them started or are hosted in the USA ============================================= [Image Omitted] * The List ======== Below is the up-to-date list. You can contribute to it on the GitHub. list series seriesLink type started wikipedia wikipediaLink firstHostCountry IMO Mathematics 1959 International_Mathematical_Olympiad Romania ICPC Programming 1970 International_Collegiate_Programming_Contest USA ACSL Programming 1978 American_Computer_Science_League USA IOI Programming 1989 International_Olympiad_in_Informatics Bulgaria ICFPProgrammingContest Programming 1998 ICFP_Programming_Contest USA TopCoder Programming 2001 Topcoder USA TopCoderOpen Programming 2001 Topcoder_Open USA GoogleCodeJam Programming 2003 Google_Code_Jam USA IEEEExtreme Programming 2006 IEEEXtreme Online CodeChef Programming 2009 CodeChef India CodeForces Programming 2010 Codeforces Russia AtCoder Programming 2010 Japan Kaggle DataScience 2010 Kaggle USA FacebookHackerCup Programming 2011 Facebook_Hacker_Cup USA HackerEarth Programming 2012 HackerEarth USA HackerRank Programming 2012 HackerRank USA Advent of Code Programming 2015 Advent_of_Code Online * Gennady Korotkevich =================== I came across one interesting stat in my research. Gennady Korotkevich is a programmer who is currently the highest rated programmer on _all_ 5 of the major competitive programming sites! Gennady Korotkevich * Future work =========== It would be interesting to see trends in the number of participants and prize amounts in these competitions over time. I'm curious if eSports with prizes in the millions, will sap people away from programming competitions. eSports ⁂ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 09/07/2019 506 2.5
How many programmers are there in the world? How many programmers are there in the world? ============================================ by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits May 29, 2019 There are around 7.574 billion people in the world. How many of them are programmers? 7.574 The answer, of course, depends on how you define "programmer". But before I define "programmer" and share my estimates, let's look at what some other sources say. * GitHub - 36 million developer accounts ====================================== As of May 2019 GitHub had 36 million developer accounts. Now, some of these are inactive, some are duplicates, and some are owned by people who signed up for GitHub but aren't programmers. I myself have at least 2 GitHub accounts. Some programmers aren't on GitHub--though I'm finding that to be increasingly rare. 36 If we guess that 30% of GitHub accounts are for non-programmers and 20% are duplicates, and that 90% of programmers have a GitHub account, we get an estimate of *20 million programmers in the world*. Evans Data Corporation ====================== Evans Data Corporation estimated there were 23 million developers in 2018. 23 International Data Corporation ============================== IDC says "there were 22.30 million software developers in the world at the outset of 2018". 22.30 Daxx created some nice visualizations of both the IDC and Evans data. visualizations * What do I say? ============== I will define a programmer as someone who edits a text document in a programming language at least once a week, on average, in an IDE or text editor. programming language My early guess: *there were between 10 and 30 million programmers in 2018*. ⁂ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 05/29/2019 323 1.6
Does every programming language have a central package repository? Does every programming language have a central package repository? ================================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits February 7, 2019 Like millions of other programmers, every day I depend on central package repositories (CR) like npm, PyPI and CRAN. npm PyPI CRAN The other day I was curious: does every programming language have one of these? I decided to find out. I pointed my crawler and trained a model to check for a package repository for every one of the 3,006 languages I am tracking. The results surprised me. * ★ Only 1% have them =================== My model found only 39 languages with central package repositories. (For comparison, Wikipedia lists ~20). That's just ~1% of languages. I thought it would be higher. ★ ~30% of the Top 100 have them =============================== Given that a programming language is very popular and appears in my top 100 list, it is about 15 - 30x more likely to have a CR. Given a language is not in the top 100, Objective-C, and Nuget => F# and other .Net langs. In this post I collapsed things so each repo only has 1 language. Update: 8/26/2019. Multiple readers pointed out that my stat for Ruby was off by 10x. I used the # I found on this page, which turned out to be just the gems beginning with the letter A. I apologize for the mistake and am very grateful for the corrections. page Thanks to PallHaraldsson for reviewing this post and encouraging it to get updated. PallHaraldsson html.h1 Does every programming language have a central package repository? web.get filter.where appeared > 1950 columns.keep appeared packageRepository title columns.setType appeared year columns.rename packageRepository cpr cpr tables.basic filter.where cpr != tables.basic appeared yColumn count Built with Scroll v144.0.0 02/07/2019 329 1.6
Which programming languages use indentation? Which programming languages use indentation? ============================================ by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits January 24, 2019 Python, as one of the top 10 programming languages in the world, is the most popular programming language that treats indentation as significant. In these offside languages, programmers indent their code blocks instead of using braces, brackets, or other visible characters. Python offside I was curious about how common these languages were so I did some brief analysis to answer these questions: 1. How common is this type of language? 2. How many languages use significant indentation? 3. Are new indentation languages on the rise? * 1) Fewer than 2% of programming languages have significant indentation ====================================================================== [Image Omitted] * 2) Only 36 out of 2,500 programming languages in my database use indentation ============================================================================ These languages use indentation: abc, aldor, boo, buddyscript, cobra, coffeescript, csl, curry, elixir, f-sharp, genie, haml, haskell, inform, iswim, literate-coffeescript, livescript, madcap, madcap-vi, makefile, markdown, miranda, nemerle, net-format, nim, occam, org, promal, python, restructuredtext, sass, scss, spin, stylus, xl-programming-language and yaml. abc aldor boo buddyscript cobra coffeescript csl curry elixir f-sharp genie haml haskell inform iswim literate-coffeescript livescript madcap-vi madcap makefile markdown miranda nemerle net-format nim occam org promal python restructuredtext sass scss spin stylus xl-programming-language yaml According to my present database, languages that strip indentation are about *70x* more common than languages that employ it. My methods and models are not yet perfect and may have missed some indentation languages. If my models missed ~80% of the languages, that would still be a 10x difference between the two classes of languages. If you know of a missing language send a pull request or let me know on Twitter. Twitter pull request * 3) The creation of indentation sensitive languages has ticked up, but not by much ================================================================================= [Image Omitted] While there have been some notable new languages using significant indentation in the 2000's, some of the biggest new languages don't, including Go, Swift, Rust, TypeScript, Julia and Kotlin. Takeaway: According to my current data, there has not been a significant increase in new languages using significant indentation. ⁂ Future Work =========== I would like to expand upon this to help language designers answer the question: will adding significant indentation increase the odds of my language becoming successful? I will continue to invest in my data collection and mining efforts to ensure I am not missing accurate information about the lesser documented languages. * UPDATE: masonic on HackerNews pointed out that COBOL should be included on this list. The column position of tokens is indeed significant in COBOL (and FORTRAN too), so perhaps in the next update I'll clarify this categorization to adhere more closely to the offside rule, or will include a broader definition of significant indentation that includes some of these additional languages COBOL FORTRAN html.h1 Which programming languages use indentation? web.get filter.where appeared > 1950 columns.keep appeared title features.hasSemanticIndentation columns.setType appeared year columns.rename features.hasSemanticIndentation indents fill.missing indents false tables.basic indents tables.basic Languages and Semantic Indentation indents appeared tables.basic Proportion of Languages Created With Semantic Indentation by Year xColumn appeared yColumn count colorColumn indents filter.where indents = true appeared How many Languages with Semantic Indentation Created By Year yColumn count Built with Scroll v144.0.0 01/24/2019 869 4.3
Hello, world...year 2! Hello, world...year 2! ====================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits November 18, 2018 I started PLDB 1 year ago today! Since that time: - PLDB has gone from less than 400 languages to over 1,300! A 3x+ increase! - PLDB has gone from less than 1GB to over 140GB of raw data! A 100x+ increase! - PLDB has gone from tracking a few dozen dimensions to over 1,350! A 30x+ increase! Unfortunately the number of articles on PLDB is 9 (counting this one). Limited time and resources has meant building up the dataset took priority. Hopefully the next year will see a lot of growth in number of posts! Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/18/2018 117 0.6
When did GitHub become the place to host new programming language projects? When did GitHub become the place to host new programming language projects? =========================================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits November 9, 2018 Before GitHub started in 2008, the source code for nascent programming languages was stored in a variety of places. In the early days it was physical media; later on it was publicly accessible servers; and even later it started moving to online source control systems like self-hosted SVN servers or Sourceforce. But nowadays new language creation happens on GitHub more than anywhere else. Of the 44 languages created in 2008 that I track, 7% were put on GitHub that same year. Last year it was over 50%. [Image Omitted] This does not include languages that were created and then moved their source control to GitHub a year or more after their creation. I wanted to know, if you are starting a language, should you create the GitHub project right away? According to the data that is the popular thing to do. In the future I hope to refine this list to include factors such as whether the language has an origin community and how that affects things. I also hope to add more missing languages to the database, as always. Data used for this chart: appeared,newLangs,repoOnGitHubSameYear,percent 1950,2,0,0 1951,2,0,0 1952,1,0,0 1953,1,0,0 1955,4,0,0 1956,3,0,0 1957,4,0,0 1958,5,0,0 1959,6,0,0 1960,10,0,0 1961,2,0,0 1962,2,0,0 1963,8,0,0 1964,9,0,0 1965,5,0,0 1966,9,0,0 1967,6,0,0 1968,9,0,0 1969,8,0,0 1970,17,0,0 1971,6,0,0 1972,10,0,0 1973,6,0,0 1974,10,0,0 1975,6,0,0 1976,14,0,0 1977,13,0,0 1978,8,0,0 1979,5,0,0 1980,18,0,0 1981,4,0,0 1982,9,0,0 1983,13,0,0 1984,11,0,0 1985,24,0,0 1986,23,0,0 1987,14,0,0 1988,18,0,0 1989,13,0,0 1990,18,0,0 1991,16,0,0 1992,16,0,0 1993,32,0,0 1994,19,0,0 1995,27,0,0 1996,37,0,0 1997,29,0,0 1998,17,0,0 1999,20,0,0 2000,26,0,0 2001,32,0,0 2002,20,0,0 2003,25,0,0 2004,33,0,0 2005,30,0,0 2006,33,0,0 2007,30,0,0 2008,44,3,7 2009,30,7,23 2010,19,3,16 2011,45,9,20 2012,28,10,36 2013,26,16,62 2014,38,19,50 2015,26,12,46 2016,27,10,37 2017,26,15,58 2018,7,4,57 html.h1 When did GitHub become the place to host new programming language projects? web.get filter.where appeared > 1950 columns.setType githubRepo boolean columns.setType appeared year rows.sortBy appeared appeared githubRepo colorColumn githubRepo yColumn count Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/09/2018 538 2.7
What letters do programming languages start with? What letters do programming languages start with? ================================================= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits October 28, 2018 As the chart below shows, the number of programming languages beginning with a certain letter varies as much as 10x by letter. [Image Omitted] Below is the same list, sorted by popularity. [Image Omitted] A curious observation: why are A and C both ~3x more popular than B? Data used for these charts: firstLetter,count a,59 b,22 c,75 d,20 e,28 f,38 g,30 h,15 i,23 j,27 k,15 l,45 m,57 n,31 o,30 p,69 q,10 r,33 s,76 t,24 u,13 v,13 w,9 x,10 y,4 z,6 html.h1 What letters do programming languages start with? web.get hidden columns.keep title type hidden text.firstLetter title hidden text.toLowerCase firstLetter hidden firstLetter hidden How many programming language names begin with each letter? rows.sortByReverse count hidden tables.basic Built with Scroll v144.0.0 10/28/2018 183 0.9
What is the growth in programming languages over time? What is the growth in programming languages over time? ====================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits December 12, 2017 As I build up my database of programming languages I hope to be able to answer questions like: - is the rate of new language creation accelerating, slowing down, or constant? - what spurs the creation of new programming languages? - can we predict how many new languages will be released next year? in 5 years? in 10 years? At the moment I am tracking 533 computer languages and I currently have creation years for more than half of those, including for 271 of the most popular ones. Here is a simple line graph of the cumulative number of languages I have by year. [Image Omitted] I will wait until I have more data to do more serious analysis (for example: the dip in the growth rate toward the end is likely due to my incomplete dataset and not indicative of a trend change). But until I can provide a more comprehensive analysis, I thought I'd share my first look. Update (12/10/2017): a number of readers have pointed out that some of the languages on this list are not programming languages. Future posts like this will be sure to exclude those. Data used in this article as csv: language,releaseYear plankalkul,1948 g-code,1950 flow-matic,1955 regex,1956 fortran,1957 lisp,1958 algol,1958 cobol,1959 ibm-rpg,1959 mad,1959 jovial,1960 sako,1960 si,1960 teco,1963 ascii,1963 apl,1964 basic,1964 pl-i,1964 simula,1965 bcpl,1966 mumps,1966 logo,1967 spss,1968 b,1969 gml,1969 pascal,1970 forth,1970 scheme,1970 isbn,1970 lse,1971 c,1972 prolog,1972 smalltalk,1972 intercal,1972 ml,1973 sql,1974 diff,1974 sed,1974 tcp,1974 z-notation,1974 lex,1975 yacc,1975 sas,1976 s,1976 awk,1977 bourne-shell,1977 idl,1977 m4,1977 datalog,1977 pearl,1977 modula-2,1978 tex,1978 x86,1978 dbase,1979 ada,1980 scribe,1980 udp,1980 karel,1981 maple,1982 postscript,1982 turing,1982 abap,1983 vhdl,1983 turbo-pascal,1983 matlab,1984 objective-c,1984 transact-sql,1984 verilog,1984 common-lisp,1984 rpl,1984 asn-1,1984 simulink,1984 cpp,1985 clipper,1985 stata,1985 ampl,1985 arm,1985 bibtex,1985 bison,1985 ia-32,1985 latex,1985 mips,1985 erlang,1986 labview,1986 oberon,1986 eiffel,1986 fjolnir,1986 gas,1986 gdb,1986 gnuplot,1986 mathcad,1986 object-pascal,1986 sgml,1986 perl,1987 sparc,1987 unicode,1987 wolfram,1988 mathematica,1988 octave,1988 tcl,1988 picolisp,1988 bash,1989 coq,1989 http,1989 z-shell,1990 haskell,1990 j,1990 scilab,1990 pl-sql,1991 python,1991 visualbasic,1991 qbasic,1991 antlr,1992 gzip,1992 opengl,1992 powerpc,1992 lua,1993 r,1993 k,1993 applescript,1993 brainfuck,1993 html,1993 pdf,1993 utf-8,1993 vba,1993 cilk,1994 racket,1994 delphi,1995 java,1995 javascript,1995 php,1995 ruby,1995 visual-foxpro,1995 cfml,1995 mysql,1995 qt,1995 vbscript,1996 ocaml,1996 asp,1996 css,1996 drakon,1996 jscript,1996 lilypond,1996 postgresql,1996 puredata,1996 rest,1996 squeak,1996 supercollider,1996 uml,1996 xml,1996 c--,1997 mmx,1997 modelica,1997 rdf,1997 rpm,1997 curl,1998 actionscript,1998 soap,1998 vml,1998 vvvv,1998 autoit,1999 asterisk,1999 netlogo,1999 tom-oopl,1999 unlambda,1999 xpath,1999 alice,2000 csharp,2000 cmake,2000 drupal,2000 geo-ml,2000 sqlite,2000 subversion,2000 wsdl,2000 xbl,2000 d,2001 visualbasicnet,2001 processing,2001 json,2001 nsis,2001 protobuf,2001 svg,2001 tinyc,2001 yaml,2001 scratch,2002 gosu,2002 jsharp,2002 restructuredtext,2002 textile,2002 groovy,2003 boo,2003 autohotkey,2003 q,2003 amqp,2003 llvmir,2003 sawzall,2003 whitespace,2003 wordpress,2003 scala,2004 asymptote,2004 markdown,2004 nginx,2004 owl,2004 solr,2004 tiddlywiki,2004 fsharp,2005 sagemath,2005 django,2005 git,2005 haxe,2005 linotte,2005 mercurial,2005 mql,2005 puppet,2005 rails,2005 powershell,2006 aws,2006 hexagon,2006 jquery,2006 ooxml,2006 sass,2006 scss,2006 vala,2006 wml,2006 yii,2006 apex,2007 clojure,2007 cuda,2007 cython,2007 linq,2007 lolcode,2007 thrift,2007 xcore,2007 xquery,2007 nim,2008 geojson,2008 pandas,2008 pig,2008 pure,2008 sparql,2008 umple,2008 go,2009 coffeescript,2009 less,2009 mongodb,2009 opencl,2009 redis,2009 rust,2010 azure,2010 risc-v,2010 dart,2011 kotlin,2011 elixir,2011 google-cloud,2011 schemaorg,2011 stripe,2011 swagger,2011 webgl,2011 julia,2012 elm,2012 qalb,2012 typescript,2012 asmjs,2013 ats,2013 crystal,2014 hack,2014 swift,2014 idris,2014 solidity,2014 graphql,2015 webassembly,2015 Reproducibility Notes ===================== The data in this post comes from the PLDB database. It is possible to build a continually updating version of this article that updates as more data comes in. html.h1 What is the growth in programming languages over time? web.get filter.where appeared > 1940 appeared rows.sortBy appeared rows.runningTotal count columns.setType appeared year Number of Languages Created Each Year xColumn appeared yColumn count vega.line Cumulative Number of Languages xColumn appeared yColumn total Built with Scroll v144.0.0 12/12/2017 879 4.4
What are the best programming language visualizations? What are the best programming language visualizations? ====================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits December 11, 2017 I was looking to spruce up the walls with some interesting posters and found a few well designed visuals. [Image Omitted] This poster by O'Reilly is well colored and looks great printed. It's big though. Visualizes 66 languages. Data stops at 2004. poster [Image Omitted] GitHut's interactive visualization is fun to explore and contains relatively up to date information on language popularity. I printed a screenshot. Visualizes 49 languages. Data ends in 2014. GitHut's [Image Omitted] Exploring Data's D3 interactive visualization shows related languages and prints are available for purchase. Visualizes 1220 languages. Data up to 2014. visualization [Image Omitted] Sammet's chart is one of the first visualizations of the programming language landscape on record. I printed the image. Visualizes 167 languages. Published in 1972. chart [Image Omitted] Sammet's book cover is a nice artistic visualization from the early days of programming. I printed the image. Visualizes 117 languages. Published in 1969. cover Is there a great visualization I am missing? Submit a pull request. pull request Reproducibility Notes ===================== This post currently has low reproducibility. I do not have an objective measure of "best". The data collection procedure employed consisted of ad hoc searches through programming books as well as web searches. Data used in this article as csv: title,url,directLink,howToPrint,dataFrom,languages,preview The History of Programming Languages,,,PDF,2004,66,images/vis1.png GitHut's visualization of Languages on GitHub,,,Screenshot,2014,49,images/vis2.png Exploring Data's D3 Language Visualization,,,Purchase Screenshot,2014,1220,images/vis3.png Jean Sammet's Language History Chart,,,PNG,1972,167,images/vis4.png Jean Sammet's Book Cover of Programming Languages,,,JPG,1969,117,images/vis5.png Built with Scroll v144.0.0 12/11/2017 429 2.1
How Many Web APIs are there in the World? How Many Web APIs are there in the World? ========================================= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits November 25, 2017 Last week I explored the question "how many programming languages are there in the world?" question My current estimate is between 5,000 and 25,000 active computer languages. But perhaps the number is higher, if you include all active external web APIs. First, what do other people say? * Programmable Web - 18,409 ========================= The site Programmable Web lists 18,409 web APIs. But figuring out which ones are used most is a work in progress. 18,409 most RapidAPI - 7,500 ================ RapidAPI lists over 500 APIs, but that should expand as it completes its acquisition of the Mashape Marketplace, which listed over 7,500 APIs. 500 APIs acquisition 7,500 APIs Zapier - 750+ ============= Zapier lists over 750 APIs. 750 APIs Other Lists =========== On GitHub user abhishekbanthia maintains a popular list of about 300 apis. Wikipedia has a small list of about 30 APIs. 300 apis 30 APIs * What do I say? ============== My estimate is: *between 2,000 and 25,000 active public facing web APIs*. ⁂ Reproducibility Notes: ====================== My ad hoc estimates are based on checking the PLDB database, the datasets listed above, and additional web sources. Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/25/2017 286 1.4
How Many Programming Languages are there in the World? How Many Programming Languages are there in the World? ====================================================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits November 20, 2017 ~7,099 spoken languages exist. But how many programming languages exist? ~7,099 This is one of the questions I aim to answer with PLDB. I am building a comprehensive database of programming languages. Spoken languages vary widely in popularity. For example. English has 1.5 billion total speakers and 375 million native speakers. Hawaiian, an endangered language, has only ~26,000 native speakers. 1.5 endangered ~26,000 Similarly, some programming languages are very popular, others are used moderately, and many are completely abandoned. Javascript may be the most popular programming language, with approximately ~5.3 million LinkedIn users claiming it as a skill. ~5.3 The number of programming languages in the world depends on the rules you establish for deciding whether or not a language counts. First, what do other people say? * TIOBE - 250 =========== The TIOBE index is one of the best lists of popular programming languages and monitors ~250 popular programming languages. TIOBE tracks a programming language if it passes 3 tests: it must have its own Wikipedia page, it must be Turing complete, and a Google search for it must return over 5,000 search results. index ~250 Wikipedia - 700 =============== Wikipedia has a list whose goal is to include "all notable programming languages in existence", that currently lists over 700 programming languages. Wikipedia's list excludes certain types of languages such as markup languages. 700 FOLDOC - 1,000 ============== FOLDOC, a 90's era online dictionary of computing, lists over 1,000 programming languages, though that includes aliases. 1,000 The Language List - 2,500 ========================= The Language List--started in 1991--tracks ~2,500 computer languages. The Language List includes popular languages as well as many "published languages". If a language was published in a journal it may be on the list, regardless of its implementation history or popularity. ~2,500 HOPL - 8,945 ============ HOPL is a collection curated by Diarmuid Pigott. It lists 8,945 programming languages! 8,945 J.E. Sammet - ~165 (In 1971) ============================ Jean Sammet was an early computer pioneer, helping developer the COBOL language. She also was one of the first to start tracking programming languages and as early as 1971 tracked ~165 languages. Sammet ~165 * What do I say? ============== At the moment I am closely tracking hundreds of programming languages with thousands more in my periphery. Until I have a more comprehensive database across all the languages I track, I'll have to make some estimates. programming languages My current estimate for *active general purpose programming languages is between 500 and 2,000*. My current estimate for *all active computer languages is between 5,000 and 25,000*. As my database improves I will refine my definitions and estimates accordingly. ⁂ Reproducibility notes ===================== A hard count of programming languages was made by querying the PLDB database, which consists of thousands of human-checked facts about programming languages. Confidence intervals were added ad hoc through spot checking with the reference lists above. html.h1 How Many Programming Languages are there in the World? web.get filter.where type = pl show.rowCount Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/20/2017 638 3.2
Hello, world! Hello, world! ============= by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits November 18, 2017 Welcome to PLDB: a Programming Language Database! The goal of this site is to build a comprehensive database of programming languages and their common features. This site is for two types of people: 1. *Programming language creators.* PLDB is organized big data to help you create great new languages, and improve existing ones. When making design decisions, quickly look up what features other languages have tried. Benefit from the experiences of thousands that have built languages before you. If you are researching something and can't find what you need here, you can add it and send a pull request, or share your request on Twitter. share your request on Twitter 2. *Programming language users.* PLDB provides a data-driven view of the programming language universe, to demystify the world of programming languages for you, and provide sound strategic and tactical advice to help you in your projects and your career. If you have a question not answered by the data here, you can add it and send a pull request, or share your request on Twitter. share your request on Twitter ⁂ Built with Scroll v144.0.0 11/18/2017 210 1.1

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